diff --git "a/testing_dataset.csv" "b/testing_dataset.csv" --- "a/testing_dataset.csv" +++ "b/testing_dataset.csv" @@ -1,3501 +1,5001 @@ -,source,reference -0,他们的生计非常依赖于森林产品。,Their livelihood is totally dependent on the forest. -1,伊拉克研究小组于格林尼治时间 (GMT) 今天 12 点提交了报告。,The Iraq Study Group presented its report at 12.00 GMT today. -2,"这样做会扰乱整个世界,为了阻止此事,众神去求投山仙人帮忙。","Therefore, anyone who is concerned enough to give assistance to the gods should throw these pieces away." -3,"这 福音 从 哲学 的 前言 开始 , 最后 是 复活 的 耶稣 的 出现 .",this gospel begins with a philosophical prologue and ends with appearances of the resurrected Jesus . -4,在过去,我们还记得另一位Maran,一位来自1964年DHEIVA THAAI的着名印度情报官员。,"In the past , we remember the other Maran , a famous Indian intelligence officer from DHEIVA THAAI of 1964 ." -5,你认识他吗?,Do you know him? -6,行长随后得到了指派为银行业务经理的Kemal Sogancilar先生的协助。,"The Governor was later supported by Mr. Kemal Sogancilar, who was appointed Banking Manager." -7,"1989年至1990年,他生活在文莱以研究猪笼草属植物的生态问题。","In 1989 and 1990 he lived in Brunei, studying the ecology of Nepenthes." -8,鸟儿在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a bird flying through the air -9,火山 包括 石灰岩 角砾岩 和 与 厚 450 米 的 油管 有关 的 角质 安得石 熔岩 的 少量 残留物 。,volcanics include dacite breccia and small remnants of hornblende andesite lava flows associated with tuffs that reach 450 m thick . -10,也有含少量非金属元素(例如碳)的合金。,You can also have alloys that include small amounts of non-metallic elements like carbon. -11,"汤姆森引入了一种深海探测方法,用钢琴丝代替普通的手线。","Thomson introduced a method of deep-sea depth sounding, in which a steel piano wire replaces the ordinary hand line." -12,我覺得她知道真相。,I think that she knows the truth. -13,蓝色和白色的小精灵的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a blue and white pokemon -14,"克里克人方面,他们同意把被(美方)指控犯罪的克里克人移交给美国法院。","For their part, the Creeks agreed to turn over Creek people accused of crimes to the U.S. courts." -15,"TRW开发了美国很多的航天器,包括:先驱者1号、先驱者10号、空间望远镜。","TRW built many spacecraft, including Pioneer 1, Pioneer 10, and several space-based observatories." -16,多 梳子 基因 在 不 活跃 的 构象 中 保持 染色质 , 而 三 胸 基因 在 活跃 的 构象 中 保持 染色质 。,Polycomb genes maintain the chromatin in an inactive conformation while Trithorax genes maintain chromatin in an active conformation . -17,"1999 年 , 他 在 私人 选手 本田 的 比赛 中 赢得 了 AMA 苏 珀斯 波特 冠军 .","in 1999 , he won the AMA Supersport championship on board a privateer Honda ." -18,Zac Posen于2004年投资高端品牌Sean John。,Zac Posen invested in 2004 in the high-end label Sean John . -19,在某些航线上,大型公司有自己的飞机,但对于其他航线和小公司来说,就有问题了。,"On some routes, the larger companies have their own planes, but for other routes and smaller firms there was a problem." -20,他们发现,太阳和其他恒星的运行原理是一样的:星系中所有恒星的活跃度都完全决定于它们的光度和自转。,"They found the Sun operated on the same basic principles as other stars: The activity of all stars in the system was found to be driven by their luminosity, their rotation, and nothing else." -21,因为地壳更薄,所以近的一面可能会有更多的阴暗部,熔岩更容易上升到地表。,There may be more maria on the near side because the crust is thinner. It was easier for lava to rise up to the surface. -22,GW170104是激光干涉引力波天文台(LIGO)于2017年1月4日探测到的引力波信号。,GW170104 was a gravitational wave signal detected by the LIGO observatory on 4 January 2017. -23,怎么会有这么多的人同意呢?,How could so many people go along with this? -24,例如 , 考 伊特 和 灰 狐狸 和 蝙蝠 竞争 , 有时 甚至 会 杀死 它们 。,"for example , coyotes compete with and sometimes kill gray foxes and bobcats ." -25,图中 描述 了 两名 美国 人 - - 普利策 和 拉扎 鲁斯 - - 和 三名 法国人 - - 巴索 迪 、 艾菲尔 和 拉布 莱耶 。,"two Americans — Pulitzer and Lazarus — and three Frenchmen — Bartholdi , Eiffel , and Laboulaye — are depicted ." -26,布莱恩·帕克汉姆也出现在加冕街作为彼得。,Brian Packham has also appeared in Coronation Street as Peter . -27,我在哪裡可以搭到計程車?,Where can I get a taxi? -28,蓬 图斯 在 安纳托 利亚 面对 广泛 的 反抗 , 为 和平 而 起诉 。,"Pontus sued for peace , faced with widespread revolts in Anatolia ." -29,雷切尔饰演德克尔泳装模特,而她的丈夫���得雅各布森艾伦扮演。,"Rachel played Decker swimwear model , while Peter Jacobson Alan , her nebbish husband , played ." -30,他拾起了書。,He picked up the book. -31,"卡林顿同时质疑韦伯斯特说他沿着明亮的街道步行到斯托克顿半岛的另一边再洗去手上血迹的说法,因为他完全可以直接在距现场不到100米的沙滩上洗手,那里伸手不见五指,谁也不会发现他。","Carrington also questioned Webster's statement that he walked along lit streets to the other side of the Stockton peninsula to wash his bloodstained hands, when he could have washed his hands in total darkness at the beach less than 100 metres (330 ft) away." -32,流行 文学 中 对 大男子主义 的 负面 描述,negative depictions of machismo in popular literature -33,漫画人物在空中飞行的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character flying through the air -34,自杀率在不同国家和不同时间段的表现也大相径庭。,Suicide rates differ significantly between countries and over time. -35,1964年,他在从勃列日涅夫到赫鲁晓夫的苏联领导层过渡中幸存下来。,"In 1964 , he survived the Soviet leadership transition from Brezhnev to Khrushchev ." -36,植物在自然环境中状态最好。因此要抵住诱惑,不去摘掉植物,哪怕“只是一株”。,"Plants look their best when in a natural environment, so resist the temptation to remove even ""just one"" specimen." -37,拉普拉塔 国立大学 荣誉 博士 。,honorary Doctorate from the National University of La Plata . -38,"成员身份向个人开放,而公司做为赞助者参与。","Membership was opened to individuals, with corporate membership being in the form of sponsorship." -39,尽管政治谈判失败,但摩尔多瓦这两个地区的经济联系得以重建。,Economic links have been re-established between these two parts of Moldova despite the failure in political negotiations. -40,红绿小精灵图画,a drawing of a green and red pokemon -41,在 东部 , YEO 和 AUS MTD DIVs 从 Kustine 到 Beit Jibrin 都 是 土耳其 的 防御工事 。,"in the east the YEO and AUS MTD DIVs located Turkish defences from Kustine , to Beit Jibrin ." -42,"斯克尔顿把让人们欢笑当成自己终身的事业,希望自己能够以小丑的身份为人所知,因为他觉得小丑无所不能。",Skelton believed that his life's work was to make people laugh; he wanted to be known as a clown because he defined it as being able to do everything. -43,这些人脉之后也在他保护犹太工人免遭驱逐和处死的努力中发挥了重要作用。,These connections also later helped him protect his Jewish workers from deportation and death. -44,"当被问到西墙在哪个国家时,国务院发言人希瑟·奈特说:“我们在整体边界上没有采取任何立场。","When asked what country the Western Wall is in, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said ""We're not taking any position on the overall boundaries." -45,我们很早就知道,不同类型的脑损伤、创伤、病变和肿瘤会对人的行为产生影响,并导致某些心智功能发生变化。,"It has been known for a long time that different types of brain damage, traumas, lesions, and tumours affect behaviour and cause changes in some mental functions." -46,一个看起来非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵角色,a very cute looking pokemon character with big eyes -47,已出新的故事。,A new history. -48,"如果能以其类型是同它的参数一样的类型的方式定义对(导致一个类型齐平有序对),则关系或函数有只比它的域的成员的类型高1的类型。","If one can define a pair in such a way that its type is the same type as that of its arguments (resulting in a type-level ordered pair), then a relation or function is merely one type higher than the type of the members of its field." -49,小精灵毛绒玩具的图画,a drawing of a pokemon stuffed animal -50,一个戴着大帽子的非常可爱的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with a big hat on -51,"自此之后,景太郎从未获得女孩青睐。",Soo-ho has never had a girlfriend. -52,因此,这种格式的宽高比(除以 12 得到最简单的整数比)便是 3:2。,The aspect ratio of this format (dividing by twelve to obtain the simplest whole-number ratio) is therefore said to be 3:2. -53,BaKoMa字体 – 另一个由Basil K. Malyshev自动生成的Computer Modern的Type1版本。,"BaKoMa fonts – another automatically generated Type1 version of Computer Modern by Basil K. Malyshev, dating to 1994." -54,"9月初,华盛顿开始计划两步走:首先,从波士顿派遣1,000人并侵入魁北克,然后,发起对波士顿的攻击。","In early September, Washington began drawing up plans for two moves: first, to dispatch 1,000 men from Boston and invade Quebec, and second, to launch an attack on Boston." -55,他 的 绰号 是 由于 他 习惯 穿 黑色 和 黄色 的 毛衣 , 带 条纹 的 凤凰 。,he gained his nickname after his habit of wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes with the Phoenix Jazzmen . -56,且曰:“今而后知卿之爱朕也。,He said: I shall ask forgiveness for you of My Lord ... -57,不丹及 关岛没有派队参加2014年世界杯外围赛。,Bhutan and Guam did not participate in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. -58,在 Hydra Helicarrier 号 上 , Emma Frost 、 Beast 和 Sebastian Shaw 与 Hydra 最高层 会面 , Emma 在 那里 宣布 New Tian 不会 向 Hydra 屈服 。,"on the Hydra Helicarrier , Emma Frost , Beast , and Sebastian Shaw meet with Hydra Supreme where Emma declares that New Tian will not bow to Hydra ." -59,有些人认为他是对的,但也有很多人持相反意见;他们认为太阳系是围绕着地球运转的,太阳也是(甚至其他恒星也是)。,"Some people thought he was right but many people believed the opposite; that the Solar System moved around the Earth, including the Sun (and even the other stars)." -60,该声明称,土耳其还将接管对被捕的伊斯兰国武装分子的看守任务;欧洲国家拒绝将他们遣送回国。,"Turkey would also take over guarding captured ISIS fighters which, the statement said, European nations have refused to repatriate." -61,“传教士的位置”是美国警察程序剧“NCIS”第九季的第206集,以及整个第20集。,""" The Missionary Position "" is the 206th episode of the ninth season of the American police procedural drama "" NCIS "" , and the 20th episode overall ." -62,戴着帽子和眼镜的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a hat and glasses -63,"我發現了我辦公桌上有張字條, 但是我不知道是誰寫的。","I noticed a note on my desk, but I don't know who wrote it." -64,你提供任何全日遊嗎?,Do you offer any all-day tours? -65,卡通人物踢腿的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character doing a kick -66,也许下一次吧。,Maybe next time. -67,迪顿出生在俄克拉荷马州的克莱顿,他的家人在新墨西哥州的一个帐篷里住了两年。,"Deaton was born in Clayton , Oklahoma , and his family lived for two years in a tent on the plain of New Mexico ." -68,"然后,核心可以膨胀并继续稳定的燃烧剩余的氦。",The core can then expand and cool down and a stable burning of helium will continue. -69,北部,或者说森蒂纳尔岭,拥有南极洲最高的山脉文森山脉,最高峰是 4892 米的文森峰。,"The northern part or Sentinel Range has Antarctica's highest mountains, the Vinson Massif, peaking at 4892 m Mount Vinson." -70,研究发现,女性患多发性硬化症 (MS) 的几率是男性的两倍。,Research has found that females are two times more likely to have MS then males. -71,"他开始心灵崩溃并试图抵抗控制他动作的隐形力量时,观众会有多种选项借由他的1984年电脑萤幕对巴特勒解释是谁在控制他。","As he begins to mentally break down and tries to fight against an unseen agent controlling his actions, the viewer has multiple options to explain to Butler, from his 1984 computer screen, who has been controlling him, one of which being that they are making these decisions for him via Netflix service in the 21st century." -72,"利用量子穿隧模型的理论计算支持合成293,292Lv的实验数据。",Theoretical calculation in a quantum tunneling model supports the experimental data relating to the synthesis of 293Lv and 292Lv. -73,最 明显 和 最 严重 的 影响 - - - - 致残 的 守门人 、 信奉者 和 矮 人 - - - - 影响 到 极少数人 , 通常 是 在 山村 。,"the most visible and severe effects — disabling goiters , cretinism and dwarfism — affect a tiny minority , usually in mountain villages ." -74,20 世纪 50 年代 , 伊斯兰教 的 穆扎 鲁尔 开创 了 南亚 现代主义 的 建筑风格 。,"in the 1950s , Muzharul Islam pioneered the modernist terracotta style of architecture in South Asia ." -75,"左手边的墙上有安葬奥地利大公弗朗西斯·弗雷德里克(Francis Frederick, Archduke of Austria)(1847年去世)心脏的陵墓。","The left hand wall has funerary monument with the heart of Francis Frederick, Archduke of Austria (died 1847)." -76,他1589年绘制的东弗里西亚的地图仍保存着。,Copies of a map he made of Frisia in 1589 are also still extant. -77,1992 年 , Aleksander Wolszczan 和 Dale Frail 利用 这一 方法 发现 脉冲星 PSR 1257 + 12 周围 的 行星 。,"in 1992 , Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail used this method to discover planets around the pulsar PSR 1257 + 12 ." -78,"“文明”一词来自拉丁语“civilis”(意为“公民的”),与拉丁语""civis""(意为“公民”)及""civitas""(意为“城市”或“城邦”)都有关,这也以某种方式定义了社会的规模。","The word civilization comes from the Latin civilis, meaning civil, related to the Latin civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city or city-state, and that also somehow defines the size of the society." -79,你对复合碳水化合物有什么了解吗?,Do you know anything about complex carbohydrates? -80,6 月 28 日至 8 月 4 日 , 在 新墨西哥州 圣菲 的 Bellas Artes Gallery 由 Robert Kushner 主持 。,"beauty Without Regret , curated by Robert Kushner , Bellas Artes Gallery , Santa Fe , New Mexico , June 28 to August 4 ." -81,"戈尔 戈塔 身受 重伤 , 从 空中 坠落 下来 , 被 打 在 下面 的 尖顶 上 .","mortally wounded , Golgotha plummets from a flyover and is impaled on a spire below ." -82,每个国家,无论贫富,都有其长,都有其短。,"Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses." -83,该系列剧由GeorgePérez撰写,由Kurt Busiek创作。,"The series was written by George Pérez , with the art by Kurt Busiek ." -84,巴厘岛会议议程中的其他议题还包括拯救世界上现存的森林,分享技术以帮助发展中国家以污染较少的方式发展。,"Other subjects on the agenda in Bali include saving the world's remaining forests, and sharing technologies to help developing nations grow in less-polluting ways." -85,模式9于1975年6月14日出生,是他父母在奥孙州的第三个孩子,但声称(伦敦)是他的起源。,"Mode 9 was born on 14 June 1975 as the third child of his parents in the state of Osun , but claims ( London ) as his origin ." -86,如果 他 不 专心 , 他 几乎 可以 看到 剧院 几乎 所有 的 夏季 大 震荡 , 并 享受 其中 的 大部分 。,he sees almost every major summer blockbuster in theaters if not preoccupied and enjoys most of them . -87,Lindstrom为TuTo Turku和TPS效力。他还在奥地利为Klagenfurter AC打了一个赛季,并在德甲联赛中为Berliner SC打了四个赛季。,Lindstrom played for TuTo Turku and TPS . He also played a season in Austria for Klagenfurter AC and four seasons in the Bundesliga for Berliner SC . -88,该公司当时是圣路易斯和开罗铁路,它收购了窄轨。,"The company then was the St. Louis and Cairo Railroad , which acquired narrow gauge ." -89,粉红色的鸟,橙色的眼睛和粉红色的尾巴,a pink bird with orange eyes and a pink tail -90,大眼睛的黑白卡通人物,a black and white cartoon character with big eyes -91,哈维 替换 了 受伤 的 巴恩斯 , 而萨 格斯 替换 了 塔隆 。,"Harvey replaced the injured Barnes , while Saggers replaced Tallon behind the stumps ." -92,"抽烟虽非巴哈伊律法所禁止,但并不鼓励。","In the Bahá'í Faith, smoking tobacco is discouraged though not forbidden." -93,"地位仅次于萨帕·印卡的是总祭司(Willaq-Umu),也被称为“太阳大祭司”。","Next to the Sapa Inca in terms of power may have been the Willaq Umu, literally the ""priest who recounts"", who was the High Priest of the Sun." -94,"Doing It Right 做法( DIR )是一种整体的 水肺潜水方法 ,其中包括几项基本要素,包括基本的潜水技能(fundamental),团队合作,身体素质,装备流线型和极简的设备配置。","Doing It Right (DIR) is a holistic approach to scuba diving that encompasses several essential elements, including fundamental diving skills, teamwork, physical fitness, and streamlined and minimalistic equipment configurations." -95,6 月 2 日 , 洛迪 在 芬兰 Finnvox 制片厂 与 制片人 Mikko Karmila 一起 开始 制作 他们 的 第七 张 工作室 专辑 。,Lordi started the recordings for their seventh studio album on June 2 in Finnish Finnvox studios with the producer Mikko Karmila . -96,"它可能在青春期复发,并持续到成年。",It tends to recur in adolescence and persists into adulthood. -97,他 操纵 印都 和 她 父亲 相信 他 .,he manipulates Indu and her father into trusting him . -98,任何计划前往可能被认为战区国家之人,都应该接受专业训练。,Anyone planning a visit to a country that could be considered a war zone should get professional training. -99,这 两辆 机车 都 没有 重新 油漆 , 而且 都 保留 了 过时 的 城际 机车 。,"neither of these locomotives were repainted , and they both retained obsolete InterCity livery ." -100,"博物馆雇佣了一个艺术家组织,底特律天堂树木工店,来把木材做成建筑周围的长凳、雕塑和其他设施。","The museum hired the Detroit Tree of Heaven Woodshop, an artists' collective, to use the wood to make benches, sculptures and other amenities in and around the building." -101,,"There is a National Highway connecting Washim , Kanergaon , Nanded , Amrawati , Hingoli and Akola ." -102,第二个雄性腹足动物的阑尾男性大约强壮,但略长于阑尾内侧;它以一些细长的刚毛结束。,"The second male pleopod has the appendix masculina about as strong , but slightly longer than the appendix interna ; it ends in a number of slender setae ." -103,纳米比亚(Namibian)总统和议会选举的最后结果表明,现任总统希菲克普耶·波汉巴(Hifikepunye Pohamba)以巨大的优势再次当选���,"Final results from Namibian presidential and parliamentary elections have indicated that the incumbent president, Hifikepunye Pohamba, has been reelected by a large margin." -104,只有生殖细胞的突变才会遗传给孩子,而其他细胞的突变则会导致细胞死亡或癌症。,"Only mutations in germ-line cells can be passed on to children, while mutations elsewhere can cause cell-death or cancer." -105,戴帽子的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a hat on its head -106,恐怕你误解我了。,I'm afraid that you misunderstood me. -107,"他 的 母亲 确实 目瞪口呆 , 看到 了 这些 奇特 的 东西 后 , 便 昏倒 了 .","his mother gets does stare and , after seeing the peculiars , faints ." -108,在 22 日 , 雷斯特 郡 和 华沙 也 遭到 了 暴风雪 的 袭击 。,"also on the 22nd , snowstorms hit Leicestershire and Warsaw ." -109,"黑鬼 在 "" 无能 ! "" 的 插曲 中 做 了 个 卡梅片 。","Darkseid makes a cameo in the episode "" Powerless ! """ -110,蓝白相间的红嘴鸟,a blue and white bird with a red beak -111,第2部分由Yasunori Ide管理,由Manabu Nakamura编写。,Part 2 was managed by Yasunori Ide and written by Manabu Nakamura . -112,张嘴的大乌龟的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a giant turtle with its mouth open -113,一个黄色和蓝色的玩具在空中飞行,a yellow and blue toy flying through the air -114,起初,他被送往位于大雅茅斯的詹姆斯·佩吉特医院进行救治。,He was initially hospitalised in the James Paget Hospital in Great Yarmouth. -115,有个传统是在复活节之夜在户外某处醒着看日出。,There's a tradition to pass the Easter night awake at some exposed point to see the sunrise. -116,漫画人物在空中飞行的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character flying through the air -117,"2005年7月7日,欧洲议会发布了一项官方声明,建议俄罗斯归还争议领土;后者立刻予以拒绝。","On July 7, 2005, the European Parliament issued an official statement recommending the return of the territories in dispute, which Russia immediately protested." -118,"1993年回到华盛顿之后,他担任高级协调员和大使以及新独立国家国务秘书的特别顾问,后来于1997年被比尔·克林顿总统任命为驻俄大使。","Following his return to Washington in 1993, he then served as Senior Coordinator and Ambassador at Large and Special Advisor to the Secretary of State for the New Independent States, before being named Ambassador to Russia by President Bill Clinton in 1997." -119,与奖牌无缘的运动员包括荷兰的安娜·乔彻姆森,她在昨天的女子站姿超级大回转比赛中获得第九名,芬兰的卡特娅·萨里宁则在同一比赛中获得第十名。,"They include the Netherlands, with Anna Jochemsen finishing ninth in the women's standing class in the Super-G yesterday, and Finland with Katja Saarinen finishing tenth in the same event." -120,"奥弗曼委员会的最终调查报告发布后不久,纽约州议会建立了拉斯克委员会,该委员会的持续时间为1919年6月至1920年1月, 由阿奇柏德·E·史蒂芬孙担任首席顾问,他同时也是听证会证人之一。","In the aftermath of the Overman Committee's report, the New York State Legislature established the Lusk Committee, which operated from June 1919 to January 1920, Archibald E. Stevenson was its chief counsel and one of its witnesses." -121,这会使元素褪色但在效果完成80%时停止(不透明度为20%)。,This would fade the element but stop when the effect is completed 80 % ( with an opacity of 20 % ) . -122,在 击败 本斯 和 摩根 之后 , 他 又 回到 了 1970 年 2 月 7 日 与 巴伦 德 击落 北美 重量级 锦标赛 的 争斗 中 。,"after defeating both Bence and Morgan , he returned to his feud with Barend dropping the North American Heavyweight Championship on February 7 , 1970 ." -123,"在 1830 年 的 KHunzakh 战役 中 , 他 指挥 着 一支 纵队 , 另 一支 纵队 指挥 着 Kazi Mulla .",at the Battle of Khunzakh in 1830 he commanded one column and Kazi Mulla the other . -124,湯姆在監獄裡待了三年。,Tom has spent the past three years in prison. -125,我们 还 在 一个 被 认为 是伍 利撒 特人 的 画家 并 保存 在 纽约 的 一个 大 克拉特 人 的 脖子 上 发现 了 这 一 运动 。,we also find this motif on the neck of a volute krater attributed to the painter of the Woolly Satyrs and preserved in New York . -126,木板 和 石棉 水泥板 的 内衬 , 带有 蝙蝠 。,"internal linings of timber boarding and asbestos cement sheeting , with battens ." -127,章鱼 医生 和 幽灵 争斗 直到 电子 到达 并 击出 幽灵 。,doctor Octopus and Spectro fight until Electro arrives and knocks out Spectro . -128,"然而 , 托勒密 王后 的 大理石 头领 将 阿尔西 诺 二世 神化 为 赫拉 .","however , the Marble head of a Ptolemaic queen deified Arsinoe II as Hera ." -129,公元前 447 年 和 435 年 的 领事 Gaius Julius C . f . C . n . Iulus .,"Gaius Julius C. f . C. n . Iulus , consul in 447 and 435 BC ." -130,我能问一下您的姓名和住址吗?,May I ask you for your name and address? -131,一幅有角的卡通人物的图画。,a drawing of a cartoon character with horns and horns -132,粉蓝尾巴的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a pink and blue tail -133,虽然项目学习法应该使学习变得更容易、更有趣,但支架式学习法却更进一步。,"While project based learning should make learning easier and more interesting, scaffolding goes a step beyond." -134,外来者 桑武 和 保兴 带来 了 狮子 、 胰腺 、 乌鸦 和 狐狸 .,"foreigners Sangwu and Baoheding brought lions , panthers , crows and falcons ." -135,如果有人看見我們怎麼辦?,What if someone sees us? -136,"允公允能,日新月异。",Still faster/Subito Allegro. -137,布拉迪湖位于波蒂奇县​​中西部,仅与富兰克林镇接壤,完全环绕着村庄。,"Located in west-central Portage County , Brady Lake only physically borders Franklin Township , which completely surrounds the village ." -138,马镫悬挂在马鞍两侧,用来支撑骑手的双脚。,Stirrups are supports for the rider's feet that hang down on either side of the saddle. -139,"除了演艺事业外,浅野忠信亦要负责他前妻Chara主持的商业电视节目的导演工作。","In addition to his acting career, Asano directed commercial TV spots for his then-wife, Chara." -140,该节目播放时间也调整到了传统的星期六晚上。,The show also returned to its traditional Saturday evening slot. -141,一根顶着蓝色火焰的蜡烛,a candle with a blue flame on top of it -142,"然而,CSIRAC只是用于演奏标准曲目,并未用于延伸音乐思想或作曲实践。","However, CSIRAC played standard repertoire and was not used to extend musical thinking or composition practice." -143,一幅戴着绿帽子的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a green hat -144,"1778年,格林接待莫扎特和他的母亲达五个月。",Grimm hosted Mozart and his mother for five months in 1778. -145,早些时候的报道称,这架飞机被拒绝在乌鲁木齐紧急降落后,已返回阿富汗。,The early reports say the plane was diverted back to Afghanistan after being denied an emergency landing in Ürümqi. -146,"""适当使用博客,""可以使学生变得更善于分析和进行思辨;通过积极回应网络材料,学生们可以在他人文章的上下文语境中找到自己的立场,并能够针对特定问题提出自己的观点(Oravec, 2002)。""","Appropriate use of blogs ""can empower students to become more analytical and critical; through actively responding to Internet materials, students can define their positions in the context of others' writings as well as outline their own perspectives on particular issues (Oravec, 2002)." -147,"它 是 一种 狂欢节 , 主要 捕食 羚羊 .",it is a carnivore and preys mainly upon antelopes . -148,灰白色的动物卡通,a cartoon of a white and gray animal -149,他有能力教授西班牙文。,He is capable of teaching Spanish. -150,在 一些 爬行动物 中 , 环卡 的 中 腹壁 可能 会 变成 尿囊 , 但 不是 所有 的 。,"in some reptiles , a midventral wall in the cloaca may open into a urinary bladder , but not all ." -151,自动进样装置能将样品自动引入到进样口中。,The autosampler provides the means to introduce a sample automatically into the inlets. -152,62%的地方监狱囚犯在等待审判。,62% of local jail inmates are awaiting trial. -153,该电影的两首歌曲《追梦痴子心》和《星光之城》获得了最佳原创歌曲的提名。狮门影业获得了 26 项提名,比其他任何一家工作室都要多。,"Two songs from the movie, Audition (The Fools Who Dream) and City of Stars, received nominations for best original song. Lionsgate studio received 26 nominations — more than any other studio." -154,盒子裡有任何東西嗎?,Is there anything in the box? -155,"许多国家主要将甲砜霉素用于兽药,但在中国及意大利该抗生素还可以用于人类疾病的治疗。","It is used in many countries as a veterinary antibiotic, but is available in China, Morocco and Italy for use in humans." -156,"1947年5月10日;格拉斯哥,咸普顿公园: 大不列颠 6-1 欧洲精英 1955年8月13日;贝尔法斯特,温莎公园球场: 大不列颠 1-4 欧洲精英 1947年的比赛被称为“世纪之战”,为庆祝本土球队重返国际足协(本土球队于1920年退会)而举行。","10 May 1947; Hampden Park, Glasgow: Great Britain 6–1 Rest of Europe 13 August 1955; Windsor Park, Belfast: Great Britain 1–4 Rest of Europe The 1947 game, dubbed the 'Match of the Century', was played to celebrate the return of the Home Nations to FIFA, which they had left in 1920." -157,David Turner使用它的组合子实现了SASL编程语言。,David Turner used his combinators to implement the SASL programming language. -158,“他在 2000 年制作的第 1000 张邮票取材自大卫·克洛克·埃伦斯特拉尔的名画《瑞典国王的伟大功绩》,并因此入选《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。”,"His 1,000th stamp was the magnificent ""Great Deeds by Swedish Kings"" by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl in 2000, which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records." -159,拉布拉多 猎人 的 网床 脚趾 使 他们 成为 优秀 的 游泳 运动员 .,the webbed toes of the Labrador Retriever make them excellent swimmers . -160,在 找到 鞋 的 时候 , Tack 撞 到 Zigzag , 他 注意 到 鞋 是 固定 的 , Tack 被关 在 地牢 里 。,"upon retrieving the shoe , Tack bumps into Zigzag , who notices the shoe is fixed and imprisons Tack in a dungeon ." -161,17 Rufus Shoffner & Joyce Songer 每 一个 小 滴滴 / 它 总是 附着 给 我 1962 年,17 Rufus Shoffner & Joyce Songer Every Little Teardrop / It Always Happens To Me 1962 -162,你从昨天开始就忙吗?,Have you been busy since yesterday? -163,"由于不会造成抗胆碱剂、心血管、认知与精神运动损伤,吗氯贝胺在老年人以及心血管疾病患者中是有利的。","Due to the lack of anticholinergic, cardiovascular, cognitive and psychomotor impairments moclobemide is advantageous in the elderly as well as those with cardiovascular disease." -164,Chuck Robb连任第三任,但输给了共和党人乔治·艾伦。,"Chuck Robb was ran as incumbent for a third term , but lost to Republican George Allen ." -165,而拉沙姆 · 伊胡德 在 装上 泰 菲林 之前 的 祷告 引证 了,and the leshem yihud prayer before putting on tefillin quotes the commandment of -166,"与霍布斯不同,他相信这种压力使具备某种生理和智力性状的个体常胜于其他个体;随着时间推移,这些特征在种群中的积累会导致新物种出现。","Darwin, unlike Hobbes, believed that this struggle for natural resources allowed individuals with certain physical and mental traits to succeed more frequently than others, and that these traits accumulated in the population over time, which under certain conditions could lead to the descendants being so different that they would be defined as a new species." -167,塔 的 突袭 在 西贡 人 中间 引起 了 广泛 的 不安 .,the pagoda raids provoked widespread disquiet among the Saigonese . -168,"在伏龙芝(今比什凯克),示威者要求吉尔吉斯苏维埃社会主义共和国的总统辞职。","In Frunze (now Bishkek), protesters demanded that the leaders of Kirghizia resign." -169,"交换 , 例如 用 睡衣 做 面粉 或用 饲养 兔子 做好 鞋子 .",exchanges such as a nightgown for flour or a breeding rabbit for good shoes . -170,灰黑龙图,a drawing of a gray and black dragon -171,维斯塔 拉用 他 来 对抗 矮人 和 复仇 降雨 死亡 , 把 他 带到 一群 绝望 的 勇士 中 。,Wistala plays him against the dwarves and avenges Rainfalls death by taking him and dropping him among a group of desperate warrior dwarves . -172,阿拉伯人也把伊斯兰教带到了这片土地,这一教义在科摩罗和马约特国家盛行。,"The Arabs also brought Islam to the lands, and it took in a big way in the Comoros and Mayotte." -173,壳中的卡通人物形象,an image of a cartoon character in a shell -174,"Midland House , West way , Botley , 牛津 / 纽约 , Osprey Publish , 2012 .","Midland House , West Way , Botley , Oxford / New York , Osprey Publishing , 2012 . ." -175,汤姆在哪儿?,Where is Tom? -176,这些理论表明,当人们成熟到一定程度进入成年时,某些需求和/或欲望就被内化了。,These theories suggest that people have certain needs and/or desires which have been internalized as they mature to adulthood. -177,"1871 年 3 月 14 日 , 密苏里州 巴顿 县 对 他 和 他 的 担保 提起 诉讼 .","on March 14 , 1871 , Barton County , Missouri filed a lawsuit against him and his sureties ." -178,"他挣脱了马镫,但是正躺在地上的时候,“北方雄狮”头部中枪,当场毙命。","He managed to free himself from the stirrup, but while lying on the ground ""The Lion of the North"" was killed by another shot through his head." -179,日本 人用 步枪 、 长矛 和 剑 联合 击败 了 连续 几支 韩国 军队 .,"the Japanese defeated successive Korean armies with a combination of muskets , spears , and swords ." -180,上新世 化石 表明 , 法国 南部 、 意大利 和 地中海 盆地 的 其他 海岸 也 居住 着 巨大 的 鳕鱼 。,"Pleistocene fossils indicate the great auk also inhabited Southern France , Italy , and other coasts of the Mediterranean basin ." -181,在 被 十字军 的 胜利 所 压抑 的 情况 下 , 一些 普鲁士 土地 也 投降 了 。,"impressed by the crusaders ' victory , some Prussian lands also capitulated ." -182,大多数对技术决定论的解释都包括这两个总体思路:一是技术本身的发展在很大程度上超越了��化或政治影响,二是技术反过来会对社会产生不受社会条件制约的内在“影响”。,"Most interpretations of technological determinism share two general ideas: that the development of technology itself follows a path largely beyond cultural or political influence, and that technology in turn has ""effects"" on societies that are inherent, rather than socially conditioned." -183,"在850nm波长下,OM1的最小带宽为200​​MHz/千米,OM2为500MHz/千米,OM3为2000MHz/千米,OM4为4700MHz/千米。","At 850 nm the minimum modal bandwidth of OM1 is 200 MHz·km, of OM2 500 MHz·km, of OM3 2000 MHz·km and of OM4 4700 MHz·km." -184,满脸笑容的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a big smile on his face -185,许多 旅行者 在 岩石 上 留下 了 自己 的 名字 , 或是 雕刻 的 , 或是 用轴 油画 的 。,"many of the travelers left their names on the rock , either carved or painted on with axle grease ." -186,后来 , 他 遇见 了 Erg 和 Avalanche , 他们 袭击 了 Ares 。,later on he encounters Erg and Avalanche who attacks Ares . -187,英国委内瑞拉诗人罗威娜希尔教授将47首诗歌翻译成西班牙语和英语。,"Prof.Rowena Hill , a British Venezuelan poet , has translated 47 selected poems into Spanish and English ." -188,"它们所看到的水都是脓汁,食物都是烧红的铁块,火焰从它们的关节中喷出。","They were allegedly made to drink gasoline, and then driven to Cayey, where they were shot and their bodies set on fire." -189,"埃德加 伪装成 疯子 , 在 健康 的 时候 遇见 了 他 失明 的 父亲 .","Edgar , in his madman 's disguise , meets his blinded father on the heath ." -190,努力游往你不会再次被困住的地方,或者等待救援(取决于你的技能以及你是否已被发现)。,"Try aiming somewhere where you are not caught again or, depending on your skills and on whether you have been noticed, you might want to wait for rescue." -191,此症状降低了身体抵抗感染的能力。,This condition reduces the body's resistance to many infections. -192,""" 全 苏格兰 早餐 "" 倾向 于 省略 猪肉 香肠 , 而 只 吃 牛肉 香肠 或 羊肉 。","the "" full Scottish breakfast "" tends to omit pork sausages and have beef sausages or lamb haggis instead ." -193,巴塞罗那的官方语言为加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语。大约一半的当地人更愿意说加泰罗尼亚语,绝大多数人都听懂加泰罗尼亚语,至于西班牙语,几乎每个人都能听懂。,"Barcelona's official languages are Catalan and Spanish. About a half prefer to speak Catalan, a vast majority understands it, and virtually everyone knows Spanish." -194,而在亚历山大和赛德港也有冲突和动乱。,There were also clashes in Alexandria and unrest in Port Said. -195,这是我的错。,It was my fault. -196,1908 年 布朗利 开会 时 , 他 偷偷地 和 一个 女同学 伊莎贝拉 · 戈 文洛克 在 亨伯 河里 划船 。,"during Brownlee 's convocation in 1908 , he sneaked off to go canoeing in the Humber River with a female classmate , Isabella Govenlock ." -197,其中 包括 Cline 的 手表 、 南方 联盟 旗下 的 打火机 、 带子 的 带子 和 三双 金色 的 拖鞋 。,"among them were Cline 's wristwatch , Confederate flag cigarette lighter , studded belt and three pairs of gold lamé slippers ." -198,一脸邪恶的卡通人物,a cartoon character with an evil look on his face -199,滑雪这个想法由来已久——绘有滑雪者的洞穴壁画,年份可以追溯到公元前 5000 年!,The idea of skiing is very old — cave paintings depicting skiers date back as far as 5000 BC! -200,"经历生死之后的裕之豁然开朗了许多,也对自己杀妻的行为从内心的自责。",Many were there struck by their own depravity and horrified at the probable punishment after death. -201,我祝你生日快乐。,I wish you a happy birthday. -202,很晚了。,It's late. -203,// 接受NP完全语言的一个算法子集和。,It correctly accepts the NP-complete language SUBSET-SUM. -204,"哥德堡还拥有不少顶级主厨,在过去的几十年里一共有7位哥德堡的主厨夺得了瑞典年度主厨大奖。","The city has a number of star chefs – over the past decade, seven of the Swedish Chef of the Year awards have been won by people from Gothenburg." -205,这是一部基于原始文学故事的自传作品。,"This is an autobiographical work , based on the original literary story ." -206,"可是事实胜于雄辩,E65在2002、2003两年的销售成绩比2001年成长60%,甚至成为史上最畅销的7系列车款。","While the sales for the 2002 and 2003 models years were off 60% from the 2001, the E65 7 series became the best-selling 7 Series of all time." -207,如下看起来它是真的。,The latter appears to be true. -208,"珀耳修斯情绪节制,控制着自己的情感。",Dev realizes he is losing control of his emotions. -209,包装 商 打破 了 Jon Ryan 的 下 一次 打��� , 距 包装 商 48 码 的 线 只有 31 码 , 但 RW 。,"packers punter Jon Ryan 's next punt went only 31 yards to the Packers 's 48 yard line , but R.W ." -210,城市 间 的 时速 一般 为 每 小时 55 米 至 65 米 , 而 州际 的 部分 时间 则 为 24 米 、 40 米 和 65 米 。,"urban interstates are generally posted at 55 to 65 mph , however , portions of Interstates 24 , 40 , and 65 and S.R ." -211,"在 1955 年 的 颁奖仪式 上 , 利斯顿 大主教 在 教堂 前 "" 主持 了 一个 装饰 阳台 "" 。","at the 1955 prizegiving , Archbishop Liston "" presided on a decorated balcony "" in front of the chapel ." -212,特别 是 在 南部非洲 这样 的 冬季 地区 , 普通 鼠疫 往往 被 聚集 的 蝗虫 和 其他 矫形 动物所 吸引 。,"especially in winter quarters such as southern Africa , common buzzards are often attracted to swarming locusts and other Orthopterans ." -213,一个蓝色的物体,有两个黄色的眼睛,a blue object with two yellow eyes -214,"第三章描述星图的如何分析被划分的预测类型属于: 必不可少的,先于诞生之前遗传素质的成立(其家族与父母的影响), 那些在诞生时成为已知的(例如孩子的性别和出生的缺陷),还有 那些只能在出生之后的成长才可得知的(例如生命的长度、心灵的素质、疾病、婚姻、子女,以及物质财富)。","Chapter 3 describes how the analysis of the chart is divided into predictions of: essential, genetic qualities established prior to birth (such family and parental influences), those that become known at the birth (such as the sex of the child and birth defects), and those that can only be known post-natally (such as length of life, the quality of the mind, illnesses, marriage, children, and material fortunes)." -215,蒙得维的亚位于亚热带地区;在夏季月份,气温常常超过 30°C 。,"Montevideo is in the subtropics; in the summer months, temperatures above +30°C are common." -216,被告的姓名分别是 Baba Kanjar、Bhutha Kanjar、Rampro Kanjar、Gaza Kanjar 和 Vishnu Kanjar。,"The accused are named as Baba Kanjar, Bhutha Kanjar, Rampro Kanjar, Gaza Kanjar and Vishnu Kanjar." -217,"星芭儿 被 内疚 蒙住 了 眼睛 , 把 所有 的 飞行员 都 擦掉 了 , 以 弥补 相对 较 小 的 缺陷 .","Starbuck , blinded by guilt , washes all the pilots out for relatively minor flaws ." -218,官员核实投票者的身份后,投票者将信封投入投票箱,并在投票册上签名。,"After officials verify the voter's identity, the voter drops the envelope into the ballot box and signs the voting roll." -219,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -220,站在星星旁边的黑白斑马,a black and white zebra standing next to a star -221,狼孩如果完全由非人类的动物抚养长大,其行为(在身体条件允许的范围内)会与该动物非常雷同,比如会对人类表现出恐惧或冷漠。,"When completely brought up by non-human animals, the feral child exhibits behaviors (within physical limits) almost entirely like those of the particular care-animal, such as its fear of or indifference to humans." -222,"在法兰西共和国的鼓励下,瑞士各州的共和民主起义推翻了瑞士邦联,建立了赫尔维蒂共和国。","Encouraged by the French Republic, a republican uprising in the Swiss cantons led to the overthrow of the Swiss Confederation and the establishment of the Helvetic Republic." -223,当你刚出国时,人们可能会很有耐心,很体谅你,因为他们知道旅行者来到新国家需要适应。,"When you went abroad at first, people were probably patient and understanding, knowing that travellers in a new country need to adapt." -224,26-玛丽亚莎拉波娃击败安娜伊万诺维奇赢得2008年澳网女子单打冠军。,26 -- Maria Sharapova defeats Ana Ivanovic to win the 2008 Australian Open women 's singles title . -225,随后的报道称,这架飞机受到炸弹威胁,被迫返回阿富汗,降落在坎大哈。,"Later reports then stated the plane received a bomb threat and was diverted back to Afghanistan, landing in Kandahar." -226,她愚弄了他。,She fooled him. -227,他從收音機聽到了這個消息。,He heard the news on the radio. -228,小教堂还献给了圣约翰,施洗者和克里斯蒂娜,圣詹姆斯,以及维斯康蒂之家的所有保护者。,"The chapel was also dedicated to Saint John , the Baptist and Christina , Saint James , all the protectors of the House of Visconti ." -229,"到2009年12月,霍格华兹城堡的顶部也已经完成建设。","By September 2009, the top shell of Hogwarts Castle was completed." -230,一张粉红色眼睛的蘑菇图片,a picture of a mushroom with pink eyes -231,这 导致 森林 小组 授权 举重 者 在 没有 得到 协助 的 情况 下 将 膝盖 袖子 戴上 。,this led to the IPF mandating that lifters put on their knee sleeves unassisted . -232,"他的第一部电影是2002年的《变身一团糟���(Hilfe, ich bin ein Junge)。","His career started with a small appearance in the 2002 film Hilfe, ich bin ein Junge (English: Help, I'm a Boy!)." -233,印第安纳州 的 蝙蝠 被 发现 更 喜欢 甲虫 、 苍蝇 、 蚊子 、 中叶 、 寄生虫 和 黄蜂 .,"bats in Indiana were found to prefer beetles , moths , mosquitoes , midges , leafhoppers , and wasps ." -234,由于靠近首都台北市,中央政府的许多机构都位于新北市。,Many agencies of the central government are located in New Taipei City due to its proximity to the capital Taipei City . -235,床单在床上。,The sheet is on the bed. -236,两只鸟站在一起的漫画,a cartoon of two birds standing next to each other -237,卡通鸟,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,a cartoon bird with a big smile on its face -238,她也有使用艺名 Karen Malhotra。,She has also used the stage name Karen Malhotra. -239,"游客设施包括游客中心,观鸟塔和自然徒步小径。","Facilities for visitors include a visitors' centre, towers for bird watching and nature trails." -240,我咳嗽。,I have a cough. -241,蓝色头发和蓝色帽子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with blue hair and a blue hat -242,巴克拉 瓦是 科索沃 美食 的 传统 糕点 之一 。,baklava is one of the traditional pastries of the Kosovar cuisine . -243,北卡罗来纳州 Iredell 县 旅游景点,"tourist attractions in Iredell County , North Carolina" -244,他们乘坐马车回到了巴黎,一群人包围了他们,大喊大叫地威胁国王和王后。,"In a carriage, they traveled back to Paris surrounded by a mob of people screaming and shouting threats against the King and Queen." -245,神秘 在 马 维尔 僵尸 宇宙 中 出现 了 两次 僵尸 .,Mystique appears as a zombie twice in the Marvel Zombies universe . -246,女性在参观修道院时必须穿裙子,裙子必须及膝,肩膀也要覆盖住。,"While visiting the monasteries, women are required to wear skirts covering the knees and have their shoulders covered, too." -247,沧龙是那个时代的顶级掠食者,除了同类它什么都不怕。,"Mosasaurus was the apex predator of its time, so it feared nothing, except other mosasaurs." -248,密封 扭曲 了 大约 十分之一 的 毫米 计 。,the seal distorts approximately 1 / 10 of a millimeter . -249,海斯 , 玛丽安 , 帝国 和 民族 纽约 , 1997 年 , 玛丽安 。,"Heiss , Mary Ann , Empire and Nationhood New York , 1997 Heiss , Mary Ann ." -250,17 岁 时 , 他 生病 了 , 抱怨 失去 食欲 、 失眠 、 疲倦 、 晕倒 的 咒语 和 偏头痛 。,"at 17 , he fell ill , complaining of loss of appetite , insomnia , exhaustion , fainting spells , and migraines ." -251,"大多数普尔比亚人是雇佣军,并为他们的服务付出了代价,但有些则是较小的土邦的实际国王。",Most Purbiyas were mercenaries and were paid for their services but some were actual kings of smaller principalities. -252,不幸的是,谭有能力分析和熟练操纵人和情况。,"Unfortunately , Tam has the ability to analyze and expertly manipulate people and situations ." -253,"然后,他描述这些关系,然而,以相互连锁的人际角色为其典型。","He then described these relationships, however, as typified by interlocking interpersonal roles." -254,"如果负责供水的是城市的行政部门,那么很有可能税收会用于其它目的。","If water supply is the responsibility of a department that is integrated in the administration of a city, town or municipality, there is a risk that tariff revenues are diverted for other purposes." -255,早期 的 气化 机器 由于 过度 使用 而 经常 崩溃 , 迫使 党卫军 向 聚集 在 一起 窒息 的 犹太人 开枪 。,"the early gassing machinery frequently broke down due to overuse , forcing the SS to shoot Jews assembled for suffocation ." -256,"但是,我们知道相继式演算关于自然演绎是完备的,所以在自然演绎中证明这中不可证明性就足够了。","However, we know that the sequent calculus is complete with respect to natural deduction, so it is enough to show this unprovability in the sequent calculus." -257,红色和黑色的龙站在白色的背景前,a red and black dragon standing in front of a white background -258,Leach的副本 - 皇家工程师在当地制造的弹射器用于加利波利战役。,Copies of the Leach - catapult made by the Royal Engineers locally were used in the Gallipoli campaign . -259,这个子系统包括win32k.sys(内核模式)、winsrv.dll(用户模式)以及csrss.exe(用户模式)。,"This subsystem includes win32k.sys (kernel-mode), winsrv.dll (user-mode), and csrss.exe (user-mode)." -260,以下是多种语言的尊重人的主格表格表,包括单数和复数的第二种变体(如果有的话):,"The following is a table of the nominative case of the respectful person in many languages , including their singular and plural second variants ( if any ) :" -261,他最初在2010年 - 11年的Kontinental Hockey League赛季期间在KHL与HC Spartak Moscow一起比赛。,He originally played with HC Spartak Moscow in the KHL during the 2010 -- 11 Kontinental Hockey League season . -262,我将给儿子买块手表。,I'll buy a watch for my son. -263,一个背着蝙蝠的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a bat on his back -264,尚存的 25 份当列普单面印刷版( Dunlap broadsides)是该文件现存最早的版本。手写原稿未能保留下来。,The 25 Dunlap broadsides still known to exist are the oldest surviving copies of the document. The original handwritten copy has not survived. -265,下车 的 士兵 在 等待 进一步 的 命令 时 , 用 胸部 吊起 了 圆木 。,the dismounted troopers threw up log breastworks while waiting for further orders . -266,我对你的厚颜无耻感到惊讶。,I am amazed at your audacity. -267,幸运的是,司机的行为往往在一个合理的一致性范围内;因此,交通流量往往具有一定的合理一致性,可以粗略地用数学方式表示。,"Fortunately, drivers tend to behave within a reasonably consistent range; thus, traffic streams tend to have some reasonable consistency and can be roughly represented mathematically." -268,悉尼 很快 就 发现 了 这 一点 , 并 最终 敲诈 迈克尔 结婚 。,Sydney soon discovers this and eventually blackmails Michael into marriage . -269,這是你的筆記本嗎?,Is this your notebook? -270,它是什么?,What is it? -271,NDA赢得了206个席位,而RJD获得了22个席位。,"NDA won 206 seats , while RJD 22 seats won ." -272,一个卡通人物拿着两个绿球的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding two green balls -273,然而,由于文化交流迟缓,西方的时尚可能落后 25 到 30 年。,"However, due to the slow communication channels, styles in the west could lag behind by 25 to 30 year." -274,粉红色的鸟儿坐在白色的表面之上,a pink bird sitting on top of a white surface -275,我請我的鄰居來吃早飯。,I invited my neighbor to breakfast. -276,从 1887 年 开始 , 无政府主义 者 开始 超过 社会主义 联盟 的 社会主义者 。,"from 1887 , anarchists began to outnumber socialists in the Socialist League ." -277,"越南是尼日利亚人新的移民点,他们家乡的经济状况不佳,包括缺电和公共安全,作为他们移民的主要动机。","They refer to poor economic conditions in their homeland, including lack of electricity and public safety, as their primary motivations for emigration." -278,"不满情绪在俄国百姓中蔓延,尤其是农民,在共产党对谷物征收中陷入不利(余粮收集制(英语:Prodrazvyorstka),强制夺取了农民大部分粮食用来供养城市居民)。","Discontent grew among the Russian populace, particularly the peasantry, who felt disadvantaged by Communist grain requisitioning (prodrazvyorstka, forced seizure of large portions of the peasants' grain crop used to feed urban dwellers)." -279,张嘴的蓝橙鱼,a blue and orange fish with its mouth open -280,"阿尔凡德 把 这些 小 公园 称为 "" 绿色 和 开花 的 沙龙 "" .","Alphand termed these small parks "" Green and flowering salons . """ -281,除了清澈美丽的天空和周围的群山,什么也看不见。在洞穴中,几乎看不到也听不到外界的景象和声音。,"Nothing can be seen other than the clear, beautiful sky above and the many surrounding mountains. Very little of this world can be seen or heard from inside the cave." -282,"1950年,希克斯开始和其他美国东海岸的女性聚会,她们形成了一个组织,以帮助工程行业的女性,并增强女性在行业的参与度。","In 1950 Hicks and other women based on the East coast of the United States began meeting in an organization, the goal of which was to advance female engineers and increase female participation in engineering." -283,"影片的导演贾森·罗素,他也是Invisible Children的创建者,向雅克布承诺他将帮助阻止科尼。","In response, director and founder of Invisible Children, Jason Russell, promises Jacob that he will help ""stop Kony""." -284,而议会和参议院的少数党却同意此事。,"The minority of the Parliament, and of the Senate, were content." -285,红白相间的龙的纸模型,a red and white paper model of a dragon -286,红眼睛和红手臂的卡通人物,a cartoon character with red eyes and arms -287,"除了两个信号SIGKILL与SIGSTOP不能被捕获(caught)、阻塞(blocked)或者忽略,其它的信号都可以指定处理函数(handler)。","Signal handlers can be specified for all but two signals (SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked or ignored)." -288,"艾米莉继续行进至多米尼加以南近海,本已脆弱的环流在附近垂直风切变增多及山区地形的共同影响下变得越来越混乱。","Emily proceeded to track just south of the Dominican Republic, where its weak circulation became increasingly disrupted due to the adjacent high terrain and increasing vertical wind shear." -289,拒绝男人时要坚定,别害怕坚持自己的立场(不管文化有无差异,都要果断回绝!)。,"Be firm in turning down men, and don't be afraid to stand your ground (cultural differences or not, it doesn't make it ok!)." -290,这个定理在1933年由曾炯智(也被称为Chiungtze C. Tsen,英文)证明。,The theorem was proved by Zeng Jiongzhi ( also rendered as Chiungtze C. Tsen in English ) in 1933 . -291,穿着裙子的恐龙图画,a drawing of a dinosaur in a dress -292,"2005 年 圣诞节 时 , 她 曾 在 白金汉 郡 担任 皇家 拉丁 学校 校长 , 接替 威尔 弗雷德 · 穆林 .","former headmistress of the Royal Latin School , Buckinghamshire , she succeeded Wilfred Mulryne at Christmas 2005 ." -293,毛毛虫 , 俗称 跳跃者 , 跳跃者 , 跳跃 蚂蚁 , 或 跳跃 蚂蚁 , 是 澳大利亚 本土 的 一种 毒蚁 。,"Myrmecia pilosula , commonly known as the jack jumper , jumping jack , hopper ant , or jumper ant , is a species of venomous ant native to Australia ." -294,"1960年代早期希腊移民来到盐湖城时带来了用一种烟熏肉制作的芝士汉堡,自此的烟熏肉汉堡就成为了犹他州特产。",Greek immigrants to Salt Lake City in the early 1960s introduced a cheeseburger topped with pastrami and a special sauce. -295,"许多专家都被请来会诊,虽然起初有些医生还抱持麦金莱能够挺过来的希望,但到了下午他们都知道总统已经没有希望生还了。","Specialists were summoned; although at first some doctors hoped that McKinley might survive with a weakened heart, by afternoon they knew the case was hopeless." -296,巨大的蜘蛛从岩石中爬出来的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a giant spider crawling out of a rock -297,由于缺乏资金,且与其他疾病相比优先级较低,今年向历史上疫情最严重的地区提供疫苗的计划被推迟了。,Plans for vaccines to be delivered to the historically most affected areas this year were delayed due to lack of funds and low prioritisation relative to other diseases. -298,"从1970年到1976年,克努森在休斯敦得克萨斯大学健康科学中心生物医学科学研究生院担任院长。","From 1970 to 1976, Knudson served as the Dean of Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in the Texas Medical Center." -299,1958 年 9 月 , 埃文斯 在 美术师 专辑 《 现代 艺术 》 中 录制 了 一个 侧面 人物 , 也 以 本尼 · 高尔森为 主角 。,"in September 1958 , Evans recorded as a sideman in Art Farmer 's album Modern Art , also featuring Benny Golson ." -300,瓦迪姆·伊万诺夫:在生物有机化学发展上的杰出贡献。,Vadim Tikhonovich Ivanov: for outstanding contributions in the development of bioorganic chemistry. -301,他的孙子格伦维尔当选爱德华参加上加拿大第11届议会。,"His grandson , Grenville , was elected for Edward to the 11th Parliament of Upper Canada ." -302,一把黄色顶端的牙刷图纸,a drawing of a toothbrush with a yellow top -303,红眼蓝龙图,a drawing of a blue dragon with red eyes -304,SSSI面积为190.3公顷,而SAC面积为168.3公顷。,The SSSI has an area of 190.3 hectares while the SAC covers 168.3 hectares . -305,"婚后,这对夫妇搬到汉普斯特德居住,直到菲利普斯去世。","The couple moved to Hampstead, where they lived until Philipps' death." -306,ProxmapSearch使用先前创建的ProxmapSort创建的proxMap数组,在常量时间内查找已排序的A2数组中的键。,ProxmapSearch uses the proxMap array created by a previously created ProxmapSort to find keys in the sorted A2 array in constant time . -307,特殊 罩 与 大 圆顶 清除 巨大 的 摄入量 .,special hood with large dome to clear the huge intake . -308,在 菲律宾 , 一棵 山于 2007 年 3 月 7 日 在 RPN 上 首演 。,"in Philippines , One Tree Hill premiered on RPN on March 7 , 2007 ." -309,例如,世界上最常见的静态图像摄影格式是 35mm 格式,这是胶片电影时代末期占主导地位的电影尺寸。,"For example, the most common still image photography format in the world is 35mm, which was the dominant film size at the close of the analog film era." -310,一般来说,从 A 地直飞 B 地,压根没必要去找商务舱或头等舱的打折机票。,"Generally speaking, there is no point in even looking for discounts for business or first-class seats on direct flights from A to B." -311,又因为相对偏僻,“廷巴克图”被用来比喻遥远的异国他乡。,"Combined with its relative inaccessibility, ""Timbuktu"" has come to be used as a metaphor for exotic, distant lands." -312,伪树干和花茎通常都覆盖着红棕色到深紫色斑点。,Both the pseudo trunk and the scape are often covered with reddish brown to dark violet spots . -313,蓝色和白色的小精灵的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a blue and white pokemon -314,买一张万能卡(Wild Card)也有不少好处。带着这张卡,你可以进���南非的一些公园或全部的国家公园。,"It may also be beneficial for one to buy a Wild Card, which provides entry to either selections of parks in South Africa or all of the South African National Parks." -315,"詹姆斯 米勒 以前 在 这里 耕种 , 1813 年 4 月 3 日 死亡 .","James Miller farmed here previously , dying on 3 April 1813 ." -316,它于2007年5月8日由Blu在北美授权并发布。该漫画由Sharp Point Press在台湾授权。,"It is licensed and published in North America by Blu on May 8 , 2007 . The manga is licensed in Taiwan by Sharp Point Press ." -317,"Thomas Rainforth上尉所率领的第1/第24步兵团(1st/24th Foot)G连在增强守军的接替部队抵达后,奉命前往东南面16公里处的海尔普默卡尔(Helpmekaar)。","Captain Thomas Rainforth's G Company of the 1st/24th Foot was ordered to move up from its station at Helpmekaar, 10 miles (16 km) to the southeast, after its own relief arrived, to further reinforce the position." -318,他用John Mabry替换了Derrek Lee作为1st Base的替补。,He replaced Derrek Lee with John Mabry as a backup at 1st Base . -319,如果冬季去北极或南极地区旅游,你就能体验到极夜,即一段时间内太阳不会从地平线上升起。,"If you visit the Arctic or Antarctic areas in the winter you will experience the polar night, which means that the sun doesn't rise above the horizon." -320,"PLY格式发展于90年代中期,在史丹佛大学图学实验室的Marc Levoy教授指导下,由Greg Turk(英语:Greg Turk)及其他成员开发出来。",The PLY format was developed in the mid-90s by Greg Turk and others in the Stanford graphics lab under the direction of Marc Levoy. -321,"以下的估计资讯常用在预后的描述中: 无恶化存活期(英语:Progression-free survival) - 在疾病(一般用在癌症)治疗或是给药之后,疾病没有恶化的时期长度。",Estimators that are commonly used to describe prognoses include: Progression-free survival - the length of time during and after medication or treatment during which the disease being treated (usually cancer) does not get worse. -322,澳大利亚选手米切尔·古尔力获得男子站姿超级大回转比赛第十一名。捷克选手奥德里奇·耶利内克获得男子坐姿超级大回转比赛第十六名。,Australia's Mitchell Gourley finished eleventh in the men's standing Super-G. Czech competitor Oldrich Jelinek finished sixteenth in the men's sitting Super-G. -323,她于2017年获得Sobey艺术奖(大草原和北方提名)的提名。,She was nominated for a Sobey Art Award ( nominated for the Prairies and the North ) in 2017 . -324,"阿宽 把 这幅 画 送到 林德曼 先生 的 库房 , 库房 管理员 在 那里 接受 .","Hiro delivers the painting to Mr. Linderman 's vault , where the vault curator accepts it ." -325,球队会被分成南区(智利、乌拉圭、巴拉圭、玻利维亚)和北区(哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、委内瑞拉)。,"The teams were divided into South Zone (Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia) and North Zone (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela)." -326,"经过广泛的世界巡回演出,乐队终于回到了工作室,以纪录野蛮娱乐。","After their extensive world tours, the band finally returned to the studio to record Savage Amusement." -327,"在一本由前通用汽车安全研究员列奥那多.伊凡斯(Leonard Evans)2004年出版的书中提到,官方资料显示在达成安全目标上,其他国家较美国的表现优异: 在大型汽车使用的趋势研究指出,美国在小货车和SUV的使用上和其他国家有显著差异。","In a 2004 book by former General Motors safety researcher Leonard Evans, government data (FARS for the U.S.) showed other countries having achieved safety performance levels over time comparative to those achieved by the United States: Research on the trends in use of heavy vehicles indicate that a significant difference between the U.S. and other countries is the relatively high prevalence of pickup trucks and SUVs in the U.S. A 2003 study by the U.S. Transportation Research Board found that SUVs and pickup trucks are significantly less safe than passenger cars." -328,这些 妇女 , 特别 是 来自 印度 南部 的 妇女 , 传统 上 都 穿着 裸体 的 莎莉丝 。,"these women , especially those from Southern India , have traditionally worn saris that bare the midriff ." -329,哈 加大 引用 以色列 人向 神 哀求 的 命题 .,the Haggadah quotes for the proposition that the Israelites cried to God . -330,大眼猫的画,a drawing of a cat with big eyes -331,一张粉红色的绿眼睛怪物的照片,a picture of a pink monster with green eyes -332,蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon -333,"Diana Elles , Elles 男爵夫人 , 88 岁 , 英国 外交官 和 政治家 .","Diana Elles , Baroness Elles , 88 , British diplomat and politician ." -334,军团也有一个专们的大概有60人的炮手队。,Legions also contained a dedicated group of artillery crew of perhaps 60 men. -335,"1609年,在新教徒影响下,鲁道夫二世这个虔诚的天主教徒颁布了“皇帝帝国宪章”,立法规定了欧洲前所未有的广泛的宗教自由。","In 1609, under the influence of the Protestant Estates, Rudolf II (a devout Catholic), issued an ""Imperial Charter of the Emperor"" in which he legalised extensive religious freedoms unparalleled in the Europe of that period." -336,气氛较类似钢琴酒吧。,Her legs resemble a bar stool. -337,一个有眼睛的巨大岩石的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a giant rock with eyes -338,所有人都喝醉了。,Everyone was drunk. -339,5 月 12 日 , 它 轰炸 了 布鲁塞尔 以北 Het Zoute 的 机场 。,on 12 May it bombed the airfield at Het Zoute north of Brussels . -340,这些地区人口稀少,一般不存在光污染的问题,你也能欣赏到璀璨星空。,"As the areas are sparsely populated, and light pollution therefore often not a problem, you will also be able to enjoy the stars." -341,"该 乐队 在 2002 年 和 2003 年 因 偷偷地 参加 "" 扭曲 之旅 "" 而 臭名昭著 .",the band gained notoriety in 2002 and 2003 for sneaking onto the Warped Tour . -342,弹簧 场 碳素 萃取 机构 失灵,malfunction of the Springfield carbine extractor mechanism -343,Jalari是印度Nadaun的Hamirpur村庄之一。,"Jalari is one of the villages of Hamirpur , Nadaun , India ." -344,米高梅或迪士尼的电影片段大多出现在另一迪士尼动画之前。,An MGM or Disney movie was almost certain to be preceded by another Disney animation. -345,"朴素的迷宫探索让游戏主持人比复杂冒险管理更容易管理,而“砍杀”风格的游戏更获得专注于动作和战斗的玩家之青睐。","Because of its simplicity, a dungeon crawl can be easier for a gamemaster to run than more complex adventures, and the ""hack and slash"" style of play is appreciated by players who focus on action and combat." -346,这 最终 意味着 玛丽 · 德 · 梅迪奇 ( Marie de ' Medi ) 的 这 一 寓言 是 一种 道歉 。,these ultimately imply that this allegory of Marie de ' Medici is an apotheosis . -347,到 了 1890 年 , 饼干 和 丁香 被 完全 抛弃 了 , 裙子 自然 地 从 穿衣 者 的 小 腰部 散开 了 。,"by 1890 , the crinoline and bustle was fully abandoned , and skirts flared away naturally from the wearer 's tiny waist ." -348,"在那里Adobe从他们的标准删除了PDF的某些特性,那些没被包含在ISO 32000-1。","Where Adobe removed certain features of PDF from their standard, they are not contained in ISO 32000-1 either." -349,从1931年到1939年在上海爆发第二次世界大战,他在欧洲工作。,"From 1931 until the outbreak of World War II in Shanghai in 1939 , he worked in Europe ." -350,一个卡通人物抓住了杆子,a cartoon character holding onto a pole -351,"捕鲸 纪念碑 , 旋转 的 青铜 纪念碑 是 为 纪念 先锋 捕鲸 者 而 树立 的 .","Whaler 's Monument , rotating bronze monument erected in honor of pioneering whalers ." -352,黄绿相间的动物,头上有一个黄色的蝴蝶结,a green and yellow animal with a yellow bow on its head -353,"它 是 一首 标准 的 摇滚乐 , 它 以 吉他 独奏 和 吉他 独奏 为 特色 .","a standard rock song , it features a guitar riff throughout the verses and a guitar solo ." -354,秘密 和 不 显眼 的 需要 深深地 玷污 了 黑手党 的 传统 和 风度 。,the need for secrecy and inconspicuousness deeply colors the traditions and mannerisms of mafiosi . -355,共享资源管理员亚当·库尔登 (Adam Cuerden) 上个月在接受维基新闻 (Wikinews) 采访时表达了他对删除相关内容的不满。,Commons Administrator Adam Cuerden expressed his frustration over the deletions when he spoke to Wikinews last month. -356,这 两个 组织 在 最终 于 1964 年 作为 英国 自然 中央委员会 ( CCBN ) 再次 聚集一堂 之前 互相 争斗 。,the two organisations rivalled each other before eventually coming together again in 1964 as the Central Council for British Naturism or CCBN . -357,只有 修道院 与 加莱 池塘 之间 的 部分 仍然 被 阻塞 。,only the part between the parterre of the orangery and the pond of Chalais remains blocked . -358,請讓我試試這個遊戲吧。,Please let me try the game. -359,在贝斯手Pat Schick,键盘手Guy Daniel和鼓手Camus Celli的帮助下,Ponti在专辑中演奏吉他和键盘。,"With the help of bassist Pat Schick , keyboarder Guy Daniel and the drummer Camus Celli , Ponti played guitars and keyboards on the album ." -360,令公式4的需求遵循公式19和公式20之间的连续分布(均匀)。,"Let demand , formula 4 , follow a continuous distribution ( uniform ) between formula 19 and formula 20 ." -361,该洞穴本身,不仅经受住时间考验而保留下来,还为穆罕默德的灵性意向带来极其生动的形象。,"he cave itself, which survived the times, gives a very vivid image of Muhammad’s spiritual inclinations." -362,一只白色的熊,脖子上有一条蓝丝带,a white bear with a blue ribbon around its neck -363,我喜歡短詩。,I like short poems. -364,“看不见的团队”是指每个成员都要向其汇报的管理团队。它为所有成员制定标准。,The “invisible team” is the management team to which each of the members report. The invisible team sets the standards for each member. -365,"津巴布韦 球员 安迪 · 花卉 和 快速 保龄球 手 亨利 · 奥隆加 身穿 黑色 手铐 , 为 津巴布韦 的 "" 民主 之死 而 哀伤 "" 。","Zimbabwean players Andy Flower and fast bowler Henry Olonga wore black armbands , for "" mourning the death of democracy "" in Zimbabwe ." -366,弗里茨 还 充当 家庭 的 主妇 和 管家 。,Fritz also acts as the household 's majordomo and butler . -367,红白相间,有黄色尖刺的小精灵,a red and white pokemon with yellow spikes -368,"对于环绕太阳的半径为1天文单位的戴森壳来说,运动速度10倍于轨道速度(297.9千米/秒)的质量将产生99倍其自身重量附加于壳体结构上。","For a Dyson shell of 1-AU radius around a star with the same mass as the Sun, a mass travelling ten times the orbital velocity (297.9 km/s) would support 99 (a=v2/r) times its own mass in additional shell structure." -369,北部与萨赫勒地区接壤;南部和西部临大西洋。,"In the north the region is bounded by the Sahel, and in the south and west by the Atlantic Ocean." -370,马铃薯 、 西红柿 、 洋葱 、 茄子 、 南瓜 、 菠菜 和 祖 基尼 也 是 委内瑞拉 饮食 中 的 常见 方面 。,"potatoes , tomatoes , onions , eggplants , squashes , spinach and zucchini are also common sides in the Venezuelan diet ." -371,"1925年,舒曼·费尔切特(Sherman Fairchild)购入了墨西哥航空20%的股份,这促使墨西哥航空在1928年引入FC2型飞机。","In 1925 Sherman Fairchild purchased a 20% stake in the Mexican airline, introducing Fairchild FC2 airplanes in 1928." -372,对于模糊公式_135,有限集公式_33的熵由下式给出,For fuzzy formula _ 135 the entropy of a finite set formula _ 33 is given by -373,Urechioiu河是罗马尼亚Burduja河的支流。,The Urechioiu River is a tributary of the River Burduja in Romania . -374,幸存者在事故发生两天后才被救出。,The survivors were rescued two days later. -375,他着凉了。,He caught a cold. -376,"CBS相信以此为本的故事系列可以成功,于是CBS再次开始与瑟林讨论制作《迷离境界》的可行性。","Convinced that a series based on such stories could succeed, CBS again began talks with Serling about the possibilities of producing The Twilight Zone." -377,"更高级的伊斯兰学校相当于大学级别,那里的毕业生可以成为伊玛目(领拜人)或教师。","Higher medreses provided education of university status, whose graduates became imams (امام) or teachers." -378,"2006年7月,德国科学与人文委员会批准了其医科课程概念。",In July 2006 the German Council of Science and Humanities approves the revised concept of the medical curriculum. -379,一只张着嘴的卡通蓝鸟,a cartoon blue bird with its mouth open -380,Angolemi是位于尼科西亚西南部Morphou的一个村庄。,"Angolemi is a village in Morphou , southwest of the district of Nicosia ." -381,候选人可以派代表现场察看选举过程的每一个环节。晚上,志愿者在严密监督之下按照特定程序计票。,"Candidates can send representatives to witness every part of the process. In the evening, votes are counted by volunteers under heavy supervision, following specific procedures." -382,在英格兰为埃弗顿效力之前,她曾在都柏林与斯特拉马里斯一起比赛。,She played with Stella Maris in Dublin before playing for Everton in England . -383,"除了休息,沛凯必须要睡眠才能补充能源。",Shaw also can forgo sleep if he receives enough energy. -384,B是两个前提(中间术语)之间的通常术语,但从未分发,因此这种三段论无效。,"B is the usual term between the two premises ( the center term ) , but is never distributed , so this syllogism is invalid ." -385,"二战期间,建筑因遭到轰炸以及在最后的柏林战役中严重受损。",In World War II the building was severely damaged by Allied bombing and during the final Battle of Berlin. -386,他于1942年7月23日在布里奇顿的家中去世,被埋葬在特伦顿的旧宽街长老教堂和墓地。,"He died on July 23 , 1942 at his home in Bridgeton and is buried at the Old Broad Street Presbyterian Church and Cemetery in Trenton ." -387,弗朗索瓦 · 维隆 的 诗 《 魔鬼 的 狂欢 》 。,"François Villon 's poem "" The Romance of the Devil 's Fart . """ -388,他 在 硬币 上 的 肖像 也 有 一个 圆环 、 一把 剑 和 一个 怀疑论者 , 他 的 献身精神 是 赫尔 克莱斯 · 德 斯波特 · 帕特里斯 · 帕特里 亚 。,"his portrait on coinage also had a circlet , a sword , and a scepter , and carried his dedication as Herclis Despote Patris Patriae ." -389,漂浮在空中的粉红色小精灵球的图画,a drawing of a pink pokemon ball floating in the air -390,它的教育学院和艺术与人文学院为他们提供额外的教育教师双语培训,以提高他们的学术西班牙语。,Its College of Education and College of Arts and Humanities offer additional education teachers bilingual training for them to improve their academic Spanish . -391,我必须指正他:‘芬兰是欧盟的成员’。,I must correct him on that: Finland is a member of the EU. -392,"因为在结构域组成和结构上的相似性,外切体和这两个复合物被认为在进化上有联系,可能具有共同祖先。","Because of this high similarity in both protein domains and structure, these complexes are thought to be evolutionarily related and have a common ancestor." -393,Hector Crawford是3DB经理和管理员Dorothy Crawford的兄弟,也是Curteis Crawford的兄弟。,"Hector Crawford was the brother of 3DB manager and administrator Dorothy Crawford , and brother of Curteis Crawford ." -394,"五个 连成 一团 的 圣殿 , 一个 用 雕刻 精美 的 狮子 装饰 .","five aligned sanctuaries , one decorated with finely sculpted lions ." -395,"马塞里亚现在成为莫雷洛家族的领导人,而朱塞佩·莫雷洛成为他的顾问(英语:Consigliere)或咨询员。","Masseria now became head of the Morello family, with Giuseppe Morello as his consigliere, or counselor." -396,家山羊通常被成群放牧在山上或其他牧区,它们通常由牧山羊人(大多为儿童或青少年)照管,牧山羊人与更广为人知的牧羊人类似。这些放牧方法至今仍在使用。,"Domestic goats were generally kept in herds that wandered on hills or other grazing areas, often tended by goatherds who were frequently children or adolescents, similar to the more widely known shepherd. These methods of herding are still used today." -397,"1845年,首批桑蚕疾病开始出现,并引起了一次流行。","The first silkworm diseases began to appear in 1845, creating an epidemic." -398,"欧盟外长凯瑟琳·阿什顿说: ""我敦促各方采取充分有效的措施迅速地回到民主程序的做法上,包括举办自由与公正的总统和议会选举、通过一部新宪法,以利于国家恢复新生和实现民主变革。","Following debate on 5 July, the PSC made a decision to suspend Egypt over the coup and added that it was sending a team of ""high-level personalities"" in order work toward restoring constitutional order. European Union – High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton said: ""I urge all sides to rapidly return to the democratic process, including the holding of free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections and the approval of a constitution, to be done in a fully inclusive manner, so as to permit the country to resume and complete its democratic transition." -399,"2004年6月Ecma组织发表了ECMA-357标准,它是ECMAScript的一个扩延,也被称为E4X(ECMAScript for XML)。","In June 2004, Ecma International published ECMA-357 standard, defining an extension to ECMAScript, known as ECMAScript for XML (E4X)." -400,鸟儿 包括 雄鸟 、 鹅 、 鸭子 和 金鱼 .,"birds include herons , geese , ducks and kingfishers ." -401,这一决定导致了不列颠和爱尔兰在刑法上的缓慢改革。,This act updated and streamlined the criminal law of Great Britain and Ireland. -402,"火鸡原本在野外很常见,整年都可以吃得到,因此被视为日常菜肴,但猪肋排几乎只有在感恩节至新年期间才吃得到。","Turkeys were once so abundant in the wild that they were eaten throughout the year, the food considered commonplace, whereas pork ribs were rarely available outside of the Thanksgiving-New Year season." -403,Janolino 向 Luna 挥舞 螺栓 , 头部 受伤 。,"Janolino swung his bolo at Luna , wounding him in the head ." -404,不要從右邊咬。,Don't bite on the right side. -405,一个躺在地上的红色卡通人物,a red cartoon character laying on the ground -406,该航天器是Astrium的“Flexbus”平台的第一个应用,第二个是GRACE。,"The spacecraft is the first application of the "" Flexbus "" platform of Astrium , the second was GRACE ." -407,"尽管部分报道表明毛特组织经常被见到带着印有伊斯兰国标志的黑旗,但布蒂镇长易卜拉欣·马卡达托(Ibrahim Macadato)认为组织和伊斯兰国没有关联,只不过是武装的居民。","Although some reports indicate that the Maute group is regularly seen carrying black flags bearing the insignia of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Butig town mayor Ibrahim Macadato has stated that the group is not affiliated with ISIS, but are merely armed residents." -408,1624 年,荷兰东印度公司在台湾地区西南部建立基地,开始改变原住民的粮食生产方式,并雇佣华工在其水稻和蔗糖种植园工���。,"In 1624,Dutch East India Company establishes a base in southwestern Taiwan, initiating a transformation in aboriginal grain production practices and employing Chinese laborers to work on its rice and sugar plantations." -409,无论如何说不通。,It makes no sense whatsoever. -410,"你 必须 戴上 头盔 , 即使 是 在 300 瓦 以下 的 摩托车 上 .",you must wear a helmet even on a scooter or bike under 300W . -411,张嘴的紫色海洋生物的漫画,a cartoon of a purple sea creature with its mouth open -412,猫咪的画作,它的手臂在空中晃动,a drawing of a cat with its arms in the air -413,其中 一些 稀有 的 物种 将 丰富 美丽 的 花园 , 如 黎巴嫩 的 雪松 、 郁金香 树 或 大花 。,"some of these rare species will enrich the Beauregard gardens like a cedar of Lebanon , the tulip tree magnolia grandiflora or ." -414,在收养过程中,亲生父母终止了自己作为父母的权利,这样另一对夫妇才能抚养孩子。,"In an adoption, the birth parents terminate their parental rights so that another couple may parent the child." -415,两种流行的内容理论,分别是马斯洛的需求层次理论和赫茨贝格的双因素理论。,Two popular content theories are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Hertzberg's Two Factor Theory. -416,它 提供 了 一个 媒体 , 可以 在 普遍 的 麻烦 中 讽刺 地方 政治 。,"it offers a medium in which to satirise local politics , amidst the general bacchanal ." -417,一个背着黑猫的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a black cat on it's back -418,电视报道显示,有白烟从工厂里冒出。,Television reports show white smoke coming from the plant. -419,真菌 由 两个 小 木箱 组成 , 每个 小 木箱 在 空 的 时候 重量 为 13 吨 , 在 平行 的 齿条 轨道 上 循环 。,"the funicular consisted of two cabins each weighing 13 tons when empty , circulating on parallel cogged tracks ." -420,内部 装修 包括 木地板 、 雪松 修饰 和 模具 。,"internal finishes included timber floors , cedar trims and mouldings ." -421,他 承认 并 为 自己 最初 的 不 真实 而 道歉 , 但 坚持 自己 是 无辜 的 。,"he admits to and apologizes for his initial untruths , but maintains his innocence ." -422,一个背着火的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a fire on his back -423,"其中包括在加拿大历史上最大的一场屠杀,印度航空182号班机空难;1989年的蒙特利尔工程学院大屠杀;还有在1990年的奥卡危机(英语:Oka Crisis),加拿大政府第一次与原住民团体发生冲突的事件。","These included the explosion of Air India Flight 182 in 1985, the largest mass murder in Canadian history; the École Polytechnique massacre in 1989, a university shooting targeting female students; and the Oka Crisis of 1990, the first of a number of violent confrontations between the government and indigenous groups." -424,艾克斯 港 是 西班牙 远征 中 纪念 法国 胜利 的 一座 胜利 拱门 .,"the Porte d 'Aix , a triumphal arch commemorating French victories in the Spanish Expedition ." -425,"这主要是因为这一新法案使数以百万计的人们现在有了机会获得医疗救助,正因为需要医疗救助的人们增加了这么多,所以对医疗人员的需求也增加了。","This is mainly because this new Act drew millions of people the opportunity at medical attention that did not have it before, and because there are so many new people in need of medical attention, the need for medical professionals also grows." -426,这些关系式以19世纪物理学家詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦命名。,These relations are named for the nineteenth-century physicist James Clerk Maxwell. -427,"为了饰演该角,霍华于2007年3月16日参访奈利斯空军基地,与飞行员共进餐点及观察西科斯基HH-60铺路鹰(英语:Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk)直升机和F-22猛禽战斗机。","Howard prepared for the role by visiting Nellis Air Force Base on March 16, 2007, where he ate with the pilots and observed HH-60 Pave Hawk rescue helicopters and F-22 Raptors." -428,他穿着衣服冲进房间。,He rushed into the room with his coat on. -429,这一类型的经理很难做出不得人心的决定,在执行纪律措施、绩效评估、分配责任和追究责任方面也存在困难。,"This type of manager has difficulty making unpopular decisions, performing disciplinary action, performance evaluations, assigning responsibility, and holding people accountable." -430,虾 、 龙虾 、 牡蛎 和 蟹 等 海产 食品 很 常见 , 烤肉 、 牛排 或 鸡肉 、 鼓 和 翅膀 也 很 常见 。,"seafood such as prawns , lobster , oysters and crayfish are common , as are barbecued cuts of steak or chicken breasts , drumsticks and wings ." -431,一只卡通猫正抓着一根绳子,a cartoon cat is holding onto a leash -432,"共有47个UEFA国家参赛(包含安道尔这是她们在女性成人队首次参赛),荷兰作为主办国自动晋级,其他46���透过外围赛争取15个名额。","A total of 47 UEFA nations entered the competition (including Andorra which entered for the first time at senior women's level), and with the hosts Netherlands qualifying automatically, the other 46 teams competed in the qualifying competition to determine the remaining 15 spots in the final tournament." -433,它们是继戴高乐将军的“区域化”计划(于1969年公投中失败)之后的第二次尝试。,These laws followed the first failed attempt at decentralisation (referendum to reform the senaet and regionalisation) in 1969 by General De Gaulle. -434,"此外氨还能将它转化成米隆碱(Millon's base),后者的化学式为OH(H2O)x。","Addition of base converts it into ""Millon's base,"" which has the formula OH(H2O)x." -435,合金基本上由两种或以上金属混合而成。不要忘记一点,元素周期表上有很多元素。,Alloys are basically a mixture of two or more metals. Don't forget that there are many elements on the periodic table. -436,在那里,他们发现了 53 岁的萨罗贾·巴拉苏布拉曼尼亚的尸体,盖着血迹斑斑的毯子。,"There, they found the body of Saroja Balasubramanian, 53, covered with blood-stained blankets." -437,研究人员认为,尽管这是一只年轻恐龙的尾巴,但样本显示的是成年羽毛,而非雏龙的绒毛。,"The researchers suggested that, even though this is the tail of a young dinosaur, the sample shows adult plumage and not a chick's down." -438,他們往小鎮方向去了。,They made their way toward the town. -439,"它 由 七个 海湾 组成 , 窗子 是 粉碎 的 , 一个 栏杆 上 有 巨大 的 硬化 的 尿池 .",it is of seven bays with sash windows and a parapet with big gadrooned urns . -440,克里斯汀希望她的儿子戈登·斯图尔特·诺斯科特在第一次接受沃尔特采访后仍然活着。,Christine became hopeful that her son Gordon Stewart Northcott might still be alive after her first interview with Walter . -441,一旦 进入 食道 , 甲壳虫 就 会 通过 有 节奏 的 收缩 和 肌肉 的 松弛 - - 被 称为 蠕动 - - 进入 胃 。,"once in the esophagus , the bolus travels down to the stomach via rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles known as peristalsis ." -442,互联网结合了大众传播和人际传播的要素。,The Internet combines elements of both mass and interpersonal communication. -443,周一,法国东部里昂附近的沼泽内发现了一只死野鸭。经证实,这只野鸭感染了对人类致命的 H5N1 型禽流感病毒。,"The strain of bird flu lethal to humans, H5N1, has been confirmed to have infected a dead wild duck, found on Monday, in marshland near Lyon in the east of France." -444,狐狸背上有翅膀的图画,a drawing of a fox with wings on it's back -445,""" 康德 公主 "" 反映 了 维多利亚 女王 的 丈夫 阿尔贝 · 康德 王子 的 风格 。",""" Princess Consort "" mirrors the style of Albert , Prince Consort , husband of Queen Victoria ." -446,选票问题是该提案的名称。,The ballot question was the name of the proposal. -447,有时 他 把 自己 描绘成 苏格兰 种植者 的 后代 , 是 商人 、 贵族 、 知识分子 和 士兵 。,"at times he portrayed himself as the descendant of a Scottish crofter , as a businessman , aristocrat , intellectual and soldier ." -448,西里西亚号于1933年1月成为战列分舰队的旗舰。,Schlesien was made the flagship of the battleship squadron in January 1933. -449,一张卡通人物手持冲浪板的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding a surfboard -450,应予支持。,"However, they are supported." -451,"雅各布 人 迅速 转身 逃走 , 先 往 埃尔金 , 然后 到 奈尔 恩 .","the Jacobites quickly turned and fled , first towards Elgin and then to Nairn ." -452,在 行政 方面 , 第十 船队 在 亚历山大港 的 第一 潜艇 船队 下 作业 , 该 船队 本身 在 Cunningham 下 作业 。,"administratively , the Tenth Flotilla operated under the First Submarine Flotilla at Alexandria , itself under Cunningham ." -453,当 战士 们 互相 骑马 经过 的 时候 , 科尔特斯 在 伊万 的 狂暴 挥杆 下 鸭子 , 把 他 的 剑 推向 前方 , 刺破 伊万 的 脖子 。,"as the warriors ride past each other , Cortés ducks under Ivan 's wild swing and thrusts his sword forward , puncturing Ivan 's neck ." -454,"城堡遗址位于城堡街东边的一个私人花园内,民众无法进入。",The site is on the east side of Castle Street in a private garden to which there is no public access. -455,绿白相间的小精灵图画,a drawing of a green and white pokemon -456,"麦当劳 还 将 催化 DNA 聚合酶 α 链 起来 , 并 帮助 在 复制 叉子 上 稳定 聚合酶 .",Mcm10 also chaperones the catalytic DNA polymerase α and helps stabilize the polymerase at replication forks . -457,Thakurgaon体育场位于孟加拉国Thakurgaon的``Thakurgaon Inter District Bus Terminal'。,"The Thakurgaon Stadium is located at "" Thakurgaon Inter District Bus Terminal "" , Thakurgaon , Bangladesh ." -458,诸此种种都让安大略省成为了外来人士所想的加拿大典型模样。,All these things and more highlight Ontario as what is considered quintessentially Canadian by outsiders. -459,1889年威廉·沃尔特·史密斯(William Walter Smith)首次使用乔治·哈德森(George Hudson)的标本描述了它,It was first described by William Walter Smith in 1889 using specimens obtained from George Hudson . -460,"此外,他还重审了自己1841年的决定,因杰克逊入侵导致财物受损的居民可以得到补偿,但这些补偿不包括利息。","Further, he reiterated his 1841 decision that no interest could be paid on claims arising from damages resulting from Jackson's invasion." -461,它开发了一个开放且经过全面评估的可信执行环境(TEE)生态系统,其中包含经过认证的实验室和评估产品。,It has developed an open and thoroughly evaluated trusted execution environment ( TEE ) ecosystem with accredited laboratories and evaluated products . -462,Jan Hambourg出生于俄罗斯的沃罗涅日,是着名钢琴家马克汉堡之间的中间兄弟。,"Jan Hambourg was born in Voronezh , Russia , the intermediate brother between the famous pianist Mark Hambourg ." -463,"印度尼西亚有 17,000 个岛屿,因此印尼菜只是一个统称,它涵盖了全国各种各样的地方菜系。","With 17,000 islands to choose from, Indonesian food is an umbrella term covering a vast variety of regional cuisines found across the nation." -464,"除此之外 , 还有 钟声 的 尖叫声 、 枪声 和 从 船上 发出 的 炮声 "" 。","added to this was the clangor of the bells , the volleys of the muskets , and the cannonading from the ship . """ -465,一张带有两个箭头的卡通人物图片,a picture of a cartoon character with two arrows -466,他死前累積了龐大的財富。,He amassed a large fortune before he died. -467,我抓到他偷相機。,I caught him stealing the camera. -468,"大象 与 各种 声音 进行 社交 交流 , 包括 呼呼 、 尖叫 、 喇叭 、 咆哮 和 隆隆 .","elephants communicate socially with a variety of sounds including snorting , screaming , trumpeting , roaring and rumbling ." -469,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes -470,我的报纸在哪里?,Where is my newspaper? -471,"锦标赛包括6场大奖赛,每场都在欧洲举办并对一级方程式赛车开放,此外还包括在美国汽车协会国家锦标赛(英语:American Automobile Association)规则下进行的印第安纳波利斯500。","The championship consisted of six Grand Prix races, each held in Europe and open to Formula One cars, plus the Indianapolis 500, which was run to AAA National Championship regulations." -472,称号仅为西班牙国王。,Its name is a tribute to the King of Spain. -473,一只坐在白色表面上的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird sitting on top of a white surface -474,调兵工数百。,100 soldiers fell. -475,一个坐在绿叶上的卡通人物,a cartoon character sitting on top of a green leaf -476,"1999 年 , 节奏 吉他 演奏家 保罗 · "" 金头 "" 阿尔塞 斯 退出 乐队 , 保罗 · 麦克 吉根 紧随其后 。","in 1999 , rhythm guitarist Paul "" Bonehead "" Arthurs quit the band , with bassist Paul McGuigan following soon afterwards ." -477,"ChereMisinoff , Nicholas P . 流体力学 百科全书 。","Cheremisinoff , Nicholas P. Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics ." -478,他們把他埋葬在教堂旁的墓園。,They buried him in the graveyard by the church. -479,发射大约 3 分钟后,箭载摄像机显示大量绝缘泡沫碎片从燃料箱脱落。,"Around 3 minutes into the launch, an on-board camera showed numerous pieces of insulation foam break away from the fuel tank." -480,"他将这些元素开创性地集合在他发明的印刷机里成为一套非常实用的系统,可以大批量的印刷书籍,并且十分经济适用。",His truly epochal invention was the combination of these elements into a practical system that allowed the mass production of printed books and was economically viable for printers and readers alike. -481,一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵的特写,a close up of a very cute looking pokemon -482,安迪 · 威廉姆斯 唱 的 《 共和国 的 战斗 体操 》 的 赞歌 是 安迪 · 威廉姆斯 的 终点 。,"the requiem mass concluded with the hymn "" The Battle Hymn of the Republic "" , sung by Andy Williams ." -483,"此外,许多人声称,来自撞击的布部分材料在月球都有耗尽的可能,这意味着同位素的比例将会不同,但它们并非如此。","Also, many claim that much of the material from the impactor would have ended up in the Moon, meaning that the isotope levels would be different, but they are not." -484,"玛丽安所唱第一首歌“Weep You No More Sad Fountains”的旋律于电影开场字幕时首次出现,而第二首歌��旋律则在片尾字幕时再度响起,并改由戏剧女高音简·依格伦(Jane Eaglen)演唱。","The melody of ""Weep You No More Sad Fountains"", Marianne's first song, appears in the opening credits, while her second song's melody features again during the ending credits, this time sung by dramatic soprano Jane Eaglen." -485,蝴蝶 中 的 贝特 斯 仿真 学 和 血管 动物 中 的 异形 仿真 学 就是 很 好 的 例子 .,Batesian mimicry in butterflies and heterostyly in angiosperms are good examples . -486,當她看到媽媽沒在生她的氣,她的雙眼因為幸福而閃爍了。,Her eyes shone with joy when she saw that her mother was not mad at her. -487,"然后背太山,左济,右天唐,军重踵高宛,使轻车锐骑冲雍门。","Their charge broke the lancers and Hays detachment then pursued the lancers back across the plain and up a steep slope toward the mountains, from which they had originally come." -488,"随后 Rybolovlev 的家族信托(英语:Family trust)又提出了一项刑事诉讼,指控 Bouvier 在长达 10 年的时间里一直对其过度收费来收购画作。",The charges followed a criminal complaint made by Rybolovlev's family trust alleging that Bouvier had systematically overcharged it over a period of 10 years to acquire paintings. -489,蓝黑色物体,有两只眼睛,a blue and black object with two eyes -490,后来回到CBS并继续担任艺术总监。,A year later Scher returned to CBS as an art director for the cover department. -491,"蠢矣二寇,扰我扬楚。","Fool me twice, shame on me." -492,"它们通常是由低沸点的材料(气体或冰)组成,而不是岩石或其它固体,但是大质量固体行星也可以存在。","They are usually primarily composed of low-boiling-point materials (gases or ices), rather than rock or other solid matter, but massive solid planets can also exist." -493,"不过根据哈定的主治医生表示,总统死亡前的症状都指向心衰竭。","According to the physicians attending Harding, however, the symptoms in the days prior to his death all pointed to congestive heart failure." -494,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -495,在1900年至1915年之间,保留了用于本地交通的额外轨道,现有轨道用于运输列车。,"Between 1900 and 1915 , additional tracks for local traffic were reserved , with the existing tracks being built for transit trains ." -496,参与者包括TJ Trinidad,Joem Bascon,Rico Robles,Rico Barrera,Jordan Hererra,Biboy Ramirez,Eric Fructuoso和Michael Roy Jornales。,"The participants included TJ Trinidad , Joem Bascon , Rico Robles , Rico Barrera , Jordan Hererra , Biboy Ramirez , Eric Fructuoso , and Michael Roy Jornales ." -497,绿叶的小动物图画,a drawing of a small animal with green leaves -498,摄入毒物的最有力指示物可能是现场被打开的容器,里面装有药物或家用有毒化学品。,The best indication of internal poisoning may be the presence of an open container of medication or toxic household chemicals. -499,这部 电影 也 是 用 Cinemaview 镜头 拍摄 的 , 主演 兰开斯特 , 托尼 柯蒂斯 和 意大利 的 性感 标志 吉娜洛 洛夫 里 吉达 。,"also filmed in Technicolor with CinemaScope lenses , the film starred Lancaster , Tony Curtis and Italian sex symbol Gina Lollobrigida ." -500,"还有决定性的难题是G2流形在存在性、唯一性和性质上都有不少的未决问题,而且数学家还没有一套对这种流形的系统性搜寻方式。","Finally, there are many open questions about the existence, uniqueness, and other mathematical properties of G2 manifolds, and mathematicians lack a systematic way of searching for these manifolds." -501,另外,需要确保对 r 和 rr 采取不同的发音: “caro“ 的意思是”亲爱的“,而 “carro” 的意思则是“双轮战车”。,"Also, make sure to pronounce r and rr differently: caro means dear, whereas carro means chariot." -502,蓝色和红色小精灵角色的图画,a drawing of a blue and red pokemon character -503,"它是开放的网状茧,有巨大、不规则的网孔。",It is an open network cocoon with large and irregular mesh. -504,她之所以得出这个结论,是因为有许多男女个人发给她积极评价和鼓励,竭力主张将避孕药视为医疗必需品。,She came to this conclusion due to the multitude of positive comments and encouragement sent to her by both female and male individuals urging that contraception medication be considered a medical necessity. -505,"研究显示,对于躁郁症患者,抗抑郁药引发狂躁的发病率可达到20至40%。",Studies have shown that antidepressant-induced mania can occur in 20–40% of bipolar patients. -506,"在 匹兹堡 的 喜 剧团 演出 时 , 米勒 和 杰瑞 · 西因 菲尔德 结了婚 .","during performances at comedy clubs in Pittsburgh , Miller befriended Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld ." -507,"UnZip网页阐述道,UnZip是“世界上第三大可移植程序”,第一名是Hello World,第二名可能是C-Kermit(英语:C-Kermit),第三名也可能是Linux内核。","The UnZip web page describes UnZip as ""The Third Most Portable Program in the World"", surpassed by Hello World, C-Kermit, and possibly the Linux kernel." -508,"113 年 , 他 游行 到 亚美尼亚 , 推翻 了 当地 国王 .",in 113 he marched to Armenia and deposed the local king . -509,紫色和黄色的花的图画,a drawing of a purple and yellow flower -510,"在八分钟时间里,无敌号便对吕措号取得了8次命中;这些打击大多集中在舰艏,是导致其水浸并最终沉没的主要原因。","In the span of eight minutes, the battlecruiser Invincible scored eight hits on Lützow; these hits were mainly concentrated in the ship's bow and were the primary cause of the flooding that would eventually cause her to sink." -511,卡通动物,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,a cartoon animal with a big smile on its face -512,鲨鱼确实存在,但它们很少攻击人类。多数鲨鱼害怕人类,会游走。,"Sharks do exist, however they rarely attack humans. Most sharks are scared of humans and would swim away." -513,过滤器的效果各不相同,如果对此有所顾虑,那么您应该考虑购买信誉好的公司生产的密封瓶装水。,"Filters vary in effectiveness, and should you have a concern, then you should consider buying your water in a sealed bottle from a reputable company." -514,18:30摄取胶囊,效果后保护金属等待信号掩膜')。,"18 : 30 ingest capsules , after the effect protect metals await signal mask ' ) ." -515,"詹姆斯男爵收购大量艺术品和雕像,用于装饰城堡的众多房间。","Baron James acquired a vast collection of works of art, and statues adorned a number of the château's rooms." -516,汤姆放下他的铅笔。,Tom put down his pencil. -517,七月 君主制 第五 众议员,members of the 5th Chamber of Deputies of the July Monarchy -518,在夜間發生了火災。,A fire broke out during the night. -519,"1897年,威廉·海德威(英语:William Hadaway)取得了美国专利#574537,名为“自动控制电焗炉”(英语:Automatically Controlled Electric Oven)。","In 1897, William Hadaway was granted US patent # 574537 for an ""Automatically Controlled Electric Oven""." -520,在Dagorlad发生了一场伟大的战斗,其中Sauron的部队被摧毁,黑门被冲进去。,A great battle took place on the Dagorlad in which Sauron 's forces were destroyed and the Black Gate was stormed . -521,"她记录了纳萨尔在脸书上联系和“性诱”她的方式,并保存了他数次赞美她外表的内容。","She documented the ways he ""groomed"" her by connecting with her on Facebook and complimenting her appearance on numerous occasions." -522,如果骑手从马上被甩下来,但有一只脚卡在马镫上,那么马在奔跑时可能会拖着他走。为了将这种风险降至最低,可以采取一些预防措施。,"If a rider is thrown from a horse but has a foot caught in the stirrup, they could be dragged if the horse runs away. To minimize this risk, a number of safety precautions can be taken." -523,如果必要的话,我不反对付特别费用。,I have no objection to paying a special fee if it is necessary. -524,Rockox House酒店是Rockox家族的故居,也是比利时安特卫普KBC银行的比利时私人博物馆。,"The Rockox House is a former residence of the Rockox family and the Belgian private museum of KBC Bank , Antwerp , Belgium ." -525,Aimer是一名日本女歌手。,Tarako is a Japanese singer. -526,問題是下一步要做什麼。,What to do next is the question. -527,如果没有熨斗,或者你不喜欢穿熨烫过的袜子,那你可以用吹风机试试(如果有的话)。,"If an iron isn't available, or if you don't fancy wearing ironed socks, then you can try using a hairdryer, if available." -528,炮廓也获得了100毫米厚的装甲保护。,The casemate guns were also given 100 mm worth of armor protection. -529,紫色帽子和紫色头发的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a purple hat and purple hair -530,一个非常可爱的有大耳朵的小精灵角色,a very cute looking pokemon character with big ears -531,"最后,维特尔的成绩被取消,对于“不可抗力”的变化则被提了出来。","As a result, Vettel was excluded from the results, and the changes to force majeure were put forward." -532,Facades系列于2014年在纽约历史协会举办了一次完整的展览。,The Facades series received a full exhibition at the New-York Historical Society in 2014. -533,湯姆在戰鬥中死了。,Tom died in the battle. -534,你有汤姆的住址吗?,Do you have Tom's address? -535,一张白兔的画,拿着一张纸,a drawing of a white rabbit holding a piece of paper -536,然而,仅为少数汽车架设全国公路网,这在经济上并不可行,因此新的生产方式应运而生,以求降低汽车的拥有成本。,"However, a nationwide road network is not economically viable for just a handful of cars, so new methods of production are developed to reduce the cost of car ownership." -537,Elpidio V á zquez , Bub ú 的 儿子 , 以 违禁品 取代 了 他 。,"Elpidio Vázquez , a son of Bubú , replaced him on contrabass ." -538,由非洲人发起的教会组成了最大的基督宗教团体。,African initiated churches formed the largest of the Christian groups. -539,"于是,杀人夺财之冤案得以大白,罪者判处极刑诛凌示众,妻儿拏发充军。","They ""destroyed whatever they encountered"" and captured and enslaved women." -540,那男人偷了我的钱包。,That man stole my wallet. -541,亚文化让志同道合的个人团结起来,这些人感到自己被社会标准所忽视,亚文化在他们之间培养出一种认同感。,Subcultures bring together like-minded individuals who feel neglected by societal standards and allow them to develop a sense of identity. -542,"1931 年 , 阿 泽斯 和尚 巴 报告 了 82 只 来自 瓦埃诺 的 恒星 .",in the 1931 Azais and CHAMBARD reported 82 stelae from Waheno . -543,自 1966 年以来,孙德尔本斯一直是野生动物保护区。据估计,目前该区生活着 400 只皇家孟加拉虎和大约 3 万只梅花鹿。,"Since 1966 the Sundarbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are now 400 Royal Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area." -544,"墨西哥湾的气压连续多天低于正常水平后,“切斯特·斯旺号”(Chester O. Swain)汽船于6月28日在德克萨斯州近海遇到“可能有中等强度”的扰动天气。","After barometric pressures in the western Gulf of Mexico had been low for several days, the steamship Chester O. Swain encountered a disturbance of ""probably moderate intensity"" offshore Texas on June 28." -545,棕黑色的动物,白色的背景,a brown and black animal with a white background -546,Prosser在达勒姆的建筑师Ignatius Bonomi(1787-1870)办公室开始接受培训。,Prosser began his training in the office of the architect Ignatius Bonomi ( 1787-1870 ) in Durham . -547,我們六點鐘到了車站。,We got to the station at six. -548,Merzbach在二十年代末期在德国工作,然后返回瑞典。,Merzbach worked in Germany during the late twenties before returning to Sweden . -549,黄白相间的红眼睛卡通人物,a yellow and white cartoon character with a red eye -550,这 不仅 激怒 了 库 马里 , 而且 在 他们 已经 紧张 的 关系 中 起到 了 最后 的 作用 。,this not only enraged Kumari but also acted as the final straw in their already strained relationship . -551,从 先知 那里 经常 引用 的 段落 似乎 更 像是 没有 激情 的 谚语 , 而 不是 灵感 的 诗歌 。,the frequent citation of passages from the prophets seem more like unimpassioned paraphrases than like inspired poetry . -552,"2014年9月,该赞助协议升级,IG集团成为球队三大赞助商之一。","In September 2014, the deal was updated to make IG one of three major sponsors for the team." -553,"虽然当时保守的个性和他在公众生活中的谨慎,豪斯曼在他的诗歌中放浪形骸,特别是在《一个什罗普郡少年》中,沉积着他深沉的同情心。","Despite the conservative nature of the times and his own caution in public life, Housman was quite open in his poetry, and especially in A Shropshire Lad, about his deeper sympathies." -554,一个蓝色和橙色的卡通人物抱着一个毛绒玩具,a blue and orange cartoon character holding a stuffed animal -555,黑白相间的蓝眼睛猫,a black and white cat with blue eyes -556,我们需要买新电视机。,We need to buy a new TV. -557,白色背景上显示出一只色彩斑斓的蝴蝶,a colorful butterfly is shown on a white background -558,闪电的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a lightning bolt -559,里根 总统 主持 了 这次 重新 奉献 , 法国 总统 弗朗索瓦 · 密特朗 出席 了 会议 。,"President Reagan presided over the rededication , with French President François Mitterrand in attendance ." -560,”印发全党。,"""All Party Parliamentary Group""." -561,"相反 , 氧化 血红蛋白 表现 出 抗磁性 , 这是 一种 来自 磁场 的 微弱 排斥 .","in contrast , oxygenated hemoglobin exhibits diamagnetism , a weak repulsion from a magnetic field ." -562,请注意,这个奇数支架是反换向器,而不是换向器,因为两个发电机都是最后一个。,"Note that this odd bracket is an anti-commutator , not a commutator , because both generators are last ." -563,佩顿 / 科恩 赛车 从 古德年 换 到 费雷斯通 轮胎 。,Payton / Coyne Racing switched from Goodyear to Firestone tires . -564,虚拟支持内化在软件中,用来质疑、提示和解释那些可能对学生来说难以独自处理的程序。,"Virtual Scaffolds are internalized in the software and are meant to question, prompt, and explain procedures that may have been to challenging for the student to handle alone." -565,他的表现被形容为“令人印象深刻”。,"The film has been called ""impressive""." -566,"但是双原子气体摩热比热容的典型实验结果约为5 cal/(mol·K),并于非常低温时跌至3 cal/(mol·K)。","However, the experimental values for molar heat capacities of diatomic gases are typically about 5 cal/(mol·K) and fall to 3 cal/(mol·K) at very low temperatures." -567,一只头上有绿叶的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a green leaf on its head -568,蓝眼睛的皮卡丘的图画,a drawing of a pikachu with blue eyes -569,当 他 的 朋友 离开 时 , 亚瑟 公开 为 他 的 准军事 人员 松树 , 并 嘲弄 他 的 妻子 , 但 不会 同意 她 离婚 。,"when his friends depart , Arthur pines openly for his paramour and derides his wife , but will not grant her a divorce ." -570,她于1973年7月19日被废弃并出售。,She was scrapped and sold on 19 July 1973 . -571,"地震后虽然结构幸存下来,但内部遭到大火的严重损坏,推迟直到1907年开放。","Although the structure survived, the interior was heavily damaged by fire, and opening was delayed until 1907." -572,老虎的咆哮不像狮子的咆哮那样深沉,而更像一句生气嘶吼的话语。,"The tiger's roar is not like the full-voiced roar of a lion, but more like a sentence of snarly, shouted words." -573,他坐在地上。,He was sitting on the floor. -574,"GamesRadar为第一次世界大战评了7分(10分满分),并强调其广阔的欧洲战场游戏地图,以及游戏多元的外交、经济和政治因素,影响战局。","GamesRadar awarded World War One 7 out of 10, highlighting the vast game map of Europe, and the depth of diplomatic, economic and political options." -575,教唆 士兵 、 水手 或 飞行员 不 服从命令 的 行为,"abetment of act of insubordination by a soldier , sailor or airman" -576,它 包括 米 勒斯 堡 和 上 帕克斯 顿镇 。,it encompasses the borough of Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township . -577,听说这部电影也已被翻译成泰语在泰国上映。,The film would be released in Tamil language as well. -578,"W . Chen , M . A . , "" 地震 激发 油罐 中 的 大 振幅 液体 滑动 """,""" large Amplitude Liquid Sloshing in seismically Excited Tanks , "" W. Chen , M.A ." -579,一张画着帽子的小精灵的图纸,a drawing of a pokemon with a hat on top of it -580,"截至 2017 年 12 月 , Namma Metro 的 每日 客运 平均 在 360 , 000 至 370 , 000 人 之间 。","as of December 2017 , daily ridership on Namma Metro averaged between 360,000 and 370,000 passengers ." -581,在 2001 年 9 月 11 日之后的时代,安全检查站的搜查也变得更烦扰。,"Searches at security checkpoints have also become far more intrusive in the post-September 11, 2001 era." -582,"这缓解了一些地区的持续干旱情况,但也于8月2日在马丁县引发严重的洪灾,共有约300套房屋受到洪水的破坏。","The rain helped relieve persistent drought conditions; however, it caused significant flooding in Martin County on August 2, where a total of 300 homes received water damage." -583,埃 德里克 打 了 四到 长时间 , 然后 从托沙克 的 保龄球 比赛 中 高高在上 地 驾驶 了 六 人马 , 形成 了 对 他们 有利 的 势头 。,"Edrich hit a four to long on , followed by a lofted off drive for six from the bowling of Toshack , generating momentum in their favour ." -584,和 室友 凯文 和 斯科特 · 格兰格 搬进 了 阁楼 公寓 。,moved into the loft apartment with roommates Kevin and Scott Grainger . -585,2014年12月的月销售额比过去两年下降了12%。,Monthly sales figures for December 2014 were down 12% on the previous two years. -586,与 拉丁人 的 战争 和 占领 塞萨洛 尼察,wars with the Latins and the capture of Thessalonica -587,Tom和Mary是親密的朋友。,Tom and Mary are close friends. -588,"因而,按照此类准则接受监控的医疗保健服务提供方的一种强烈动机就是,剔除(排除或拒绝接收)那些结局指标低于品质标准,从而影响该服务提供方评估成绩的病人。",Healthcare providers who are monitored by such limited criteria have a powerful incentive to deselect (dismiss or refuse to accept) patients whose outcome measures fall below the quality standard and therefore worsen the provider's assessment. -589,其他基于生物节律的选择包括睡前大量饮用液体(尤其是水或茶——众所周知有利尿作用),强迫自己起来小便。,"Other biorhythm-based options involve drinking lots of fluid (particularly water or tea, a known diuretic) prior to sleep, forcing one to get up to urinate." -590,它建于17世纪,始建于14世纪。,It was built in the 17th century and had in the 14th century . -591,Yuman - Cochimí语言是亚利桑那州,南加州,索诺拉州北部和下加利福尼亚州西部的一种语言。,"The Yuman -- Cochimí languages are a family of languages spoken in Arizona , southern California , northern Sonora and western Baja California ." -592,除了设计中使用的���态数组,SystemVerilog还提供动态数组,关联数组和队列:,"In addition to the static array used in design , SystemVerilog offers dynamic arrays , associative arrays and queues :" -593,白底红眼的蓝铃铛,a blue bell with red eyes on a white background -594,有些音乐节会为带小孩的家庭设立特别的露营区。,Some festivals have special camping areas for families with young children. -595,适应性的方法集中在快速适应现实的变化。,Adaptive methods focus on adapting quickly to changing realities. -596,您最好在外衣里穿一件套衫。,You'd better wear a sweater under your jacket. -597,把蠟燭點燃。,Light the candle. -598,一辆黄色车顶的卡通车,a cartoon car with a yellow top on it -599,还有 一些 击伤 了 战舰 , 还有 。,"other hits slightly damaged the battleships , , and ." -600,这些 基本 氨基酸 残留物 的 化学 改性 包括 甲基化 、 磷化 和 乙酰化 .,"chemical modifications of these basic amino acid residues include methylation , phosphorylation , and acetylation ." -601,"蚂蚁 和 它 的 亲属 一样 , 拥有 强大 的 刺 和 巨大 的 下颌骨 .","like its relatives , the ant possesses a powerful sting and large mandibles ." -602,我觉得这毫无道理;显然不公平。,That didn't seem to make sense to me; it certainly wasn't fair. -603,因此,铅笔一问世,就成了许多人的心头好。,"Thus, the pencil was a good friend to many people when it came out." -604,绿色和黄色的卡通人物,a green and yellow cartoon character -605,居住在波斯湾沿岸平原的阿拉伯人主要是牧民。,The Arabs living along the Persian Gulf coastal plains are mostly pastoral nomads. -606,"2016年11月,获得经营许可证。","In November 2016, the company obtained a business license." -607,现在 , 这 提供 了 一条 流行 的 , 即使 有时 也 是 巧妙 的 行道 , 车手 可以 从 这条 路上 向 火车 挥手 。,"this now provides a popular , if occasionally tricky , footpath from which wayfarers wave at the train ." -608,哲学家亚里士多德提出一种理论,即任何事物都是由土、水、空气和火四种元素中的一种或多种组成的。,"Aristotle, a philosopher, theorised that everything is made up of a mixture of one or more of four elements. They were earth, water, air, and fire." -609,李在 9 月 18 日 撤离 了 夏 普斯堡 , 撤退 到 弗吉尼亚州 。,"Lee evacuated Sharpsburg on September 18 , retreating towards Virginia ." -610,愤怒的动物图画,有红色和紫色的条纹,a drawing of an angry looking animal with red and purple stripes -611,法布里奇奥恳求他的父亲和他的兄弟朱塞佩帮助他为克拉拉穿得更漂亮。,Fabrizio begs his father and his brother Giuseppe to help him dress more presentably for Clara . -612,头戴头盔的卡通乌龟,a cartoon turtle with a helmet on its head -613,Bridie Morton于1986年与Timothy Torlot结婚。,Bridie Morton married Timothy Torlot in 1986 . -614,"公园拥有两个著名的景观地貌:国家公园名字的由来——桌山,以及非洲最靠西南端的好望角。","The park contains two well-known landmarks: Table Mountain, for which the park is named; and the Cape of Good Hope, the most southwestern extremity of Africa." -615,"劳雷尔 攻击 萨利 , 把 她 吊 在 公寓 阳台 上 .",laurel attacks Sally and dangles her over the flat balcony . -616,尽管罗马人的大部分食物是我们所常见的,但他们确实有一些奇怪或不寻常的宴会菜肴,包括野猪、孔雀、蜗牛和一种叫做榛睡鼠的啮齿动物,"While most of their food would be familiar to us, Romans did have their share of strange or unusual feast items, including wild boar, peacock, snails, and a type of rodent called a dormouse" -617,1843 年 8 月 , 斯梅 塔纳 带 着 20 个 海湾 离开 布拉格 , 没有 眼前 的 前景 。,"in August 1843 Smetana departed for Prague with twenty gulden , and no immediate prospects ." -618,玛琳 · 迪 特里 奇 在 《 小 皇后 》 中 描绘 了 凯瑟琳 伟大 的 形象 .,Marlene Dietrich portrayed Catherine the Great in The Scarlet Empress . -619,当 他 和 乐队 一起 巡回演出 时 , 他 使用 了 护栏 放大器 来 发出 干净 的 声音 , 并 使用 了 梅萨布 吉安 普 的 音调 。,"when on tour with his band , he used Fender Amplifiers for a clean sound and Mesa Boogie amps for his overdriven tones ." -620,OLM,Dentsu和TV Tokyo作为制作人,而OLM Digital接管动画制作。,"OLM , Dentsu and TV Tokyo serve as producers , while OLM Digital takes over the animation production ." -621,"在文献中,有不同的术语指适应法的概念,包括“剪裁法”、“片段适应法”和“情景方法工程”。","In the literature, different terms refer to the notion of method adaptation, including 'method tailoring', 'method fragment adaptation' and 'situational method engineering'." -622,"为了完成这个证明,我们需要使用第二个定义。","To perform this proof, the second definition will be used." -623,你知道显微镜和望远镜的差别吗?,Do you know the difference between a microscope and a telescope? -624,"这是他们第一个硬地大满贯的决赛对碰,但费达拿在硬地八次大满贯决赛都未尝败绩(五个美国公开赛,三个澳洲公开赛)。","This was the first hard-court Grand Slam final for Nadal, but Federer was undefeated in eight hard-court finals (five US Open, three Australian)." -625,“Chuck与家庭Volkoff”是第四季“Chuck”的第20集,也是该系列的第74个整体序列。,""" Chuck versus the Family Volkoff "" is the 20th episode of the fourth season of "" Chuck "" , and the 74th overall sequence of the series ." -626,他在CW上的“秘密圈”中出演并出现在Hallmark - 系列剧中“当心灵呼唤”时。,"He played in "" The Secret Circle "" on The CW and appeared in Hallmark - Series "" When the Heart calls "" ." -627,一只戴着帽子的蓝白相间的卡通狗,a blue and white cartoon dog with a hat on -628,"比如说美国司法部的安珀警报项目(AMBER Alert),其中的AMBER被解释为America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response(意为“美国失踪人口:广播紧急回应”);但这个词最初的来源是1996年在美国德克萨斯州被绑架后杀害的女童安珀·海格曼(Amber Hagerman)的名字——她的死亡直接促成了这个项目的启动。","For example, the United States Department of Justice assigns to its Amber Alert program the meaning ""America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response,"" but the term originally referred to Amber Hagerman, a 9-year-old abducted and murdered in Texas in 1996." -629,"这候,风暴距该离州可能受影响的地区还有数天,结果只有很少居民立即准备。","Initially, the storm was several days away from potentially affecting the state, and as a result, few residents rushed to prepare." -630,"1987年6月12日,列根和夫人抵达柏林后去到国会大厦,从阳台观看围墙。","Arriving in Berlin on Friday, June 12, 1987, President and Mrs. Reagan were taken to the Reichstag, where they viewed the wall from a balcony." -631,在他的印第安战役期间或之后,Eucratides遭到了Parthe King Mithridates I的攻击和击败,可能与Euthdemids的游击队联盟:,"During or after his Indian campaigns , Eucratides was attacked and defeated by the Parther King Mithridates I , possibly in alliance with partisans of the Euthydemids :" -632,化学分析显示的物质包括:6.3% 镍(Ni)、0.5%磷(P)、53.9ppm的镓、141ppm的锗(Ge)和0.02 ppm的铱(Ir)。,"Chemical analysis showed that the material contained 6.3% nickel (Ni), 0.5% Phosphorus (P), 53.9 parts per million (ppm) Gallium (Ga), 141 ppm Germanium (Ge), and 0.02 ppm Iridium (Ir)." -633,一个粉红色的小精灵球,上面有一片绿叶。,a pink pokemon ball with a green leaf on top of it -634,"无论如何,希特勒的政权是在民主制度被废止后才开始进行大规模的人权侵犯。","However, his regime's large-scale human rights violations took place after the democratic system had been abolished." -635,埃德加·贝吉利亚 (Edgar Veguilla) 的手臂和下巴受伤,而克里斯托弗· 施耐德 (Kristoffer Schneider) 则需要做脸部重建手术。,Edgar Veguilla received arm and jaw wounds while Kristoffer Schneider was left requiring reconstructive surgery for his face. -636,"尽管受到这些批评,罗黑莱年博士仍持续为他的成果辩护。","Despite the criticisms, Louhelainen continued to defend his work." -637,天日渐回暖。,It's getting warmer day by day. -638,卡通鱼,脸上带着灿烂的笑容,a cartoon fish with a big smile on it's face -639,每天早上,人们驾车离开小乡镇上班,路上和他们擦肩而过的人的工作地点正是他们离开的地方。,"Every morning, people leave small country towns in cars to go their workplace and are passed by others whose work destination is the place they have just left." -640,全国各地的著名歌手都唱祈祷歌献给 Shri Shyam。,"Famous singers across the country presented bhajans, or devotional songs, to Shri Shyam's feet." -641,我還沒讀完這本書。,I haven't finished reading this book yet. -642,一个胸前有心的飞天蝙蝠的卡通形象,a cartoon of a flying bat with a heart on it's chest -643,802.11n 标准在 2.4Ghz 和 5.0Ghz 频率上都可运行。,The 802.11n standard operates on both the 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz frequencies. -644,"2005年在喀布尔接受以色列报纸新消息报(英语:Yediot Ahronoth)记者采访时,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊暗示希望与以色列建立正式关系。","In a 2005 interview in Kabul with a reporter from the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth, Afghan President Hamid Karzai hinted at a desire to establish formal ties with Israel." -645,1945年维多利亚州选举于1945年11月10日星期六在澳大利亚维多利亚州举行,选出65名州议会议员。,The 1945 Victorian state election was held in the Australian state of Victoria on Saturday 10 November 1945 to elect 65 members of the state 's Legislative Assembly . -646,我認識他。,I know him. -647,Shaffer Creek是美国宾夕法尼亚州贝德福德县Brush Creek(Raystown Branch Juniata River)的支流。,"Shaffer Creek is an tributary of Brush Creek ( Raystown Branch Juniata River ) in Bedford County , Pennsylvania in the United States ." -648,一个粉红色和黑色的卡通人物在空中飞行,a pink and black cartoon character flying through the air -649,智利首选登山目的地科茶莫山谷 (Cochamó Valley) 被称为南美洲的优胜美地 (Yosemite),这里有各式各样的花岗岩大石壁和峭壁。,"Cochamó Valley - Chile's premier climbing destination, known as the Yosemite of South America, with a variety of granite big walls and crags." -650,如果你看过电影《国家宝藏》,你可能会以为《独立宣言》背面会画着一份藏宝图。,"If you have watched the movie National Treasure, you may think a treasure map was written on the back of the Declaration of Independence." -651,胡锦涛鼓励发展中国家“不要重走先污染后治理的老路”。,"Hu encouraged developing countries ""to avoid the old path of polluting first and cleaning up later.""" -652,在冰雪覆盖的路面上,摩擦力很小,你不能像在光洁的柏油路上一样开车。,"On icy and snowy roadways, friction is low and you cannot drive as if you were on bare asphalt." -653,1928年1月30日出生于德克萨斯州埃尔帕索,Cheetham在新墨西哥州陶斯长大,获得了B.S.,"Born in El Paso , Texas , January 30 , 1928 , Cheetham grew up in Taos , New Mexico , received B.S ." -654,对于各个年龄和背景的人来说,乘飞机旅行都可能成为恐怖的经历,尤其是在以前从未乘坐过飞机或有过痛苦经历的情况下。,"Travelling by plane can be a scary experience for people of all ages and backgrounds, particularly if they've not flown before or have experienced a traumatic event." -655,这是亨利·路易斯·盖茨 (Henry Louis Gates) 在美国公共广播公司的《非洲世界的奇迹》特别节目中的重要一站。,It was one of the major stops during Henry Louis Gates' PBS special Wonders of the African World. -656,這輛公車會載你去博物館。,This bus will take you to the museum. -657,这一关键步骤使得研究者得以克服至今为止克隆灵长目动物的主要障碍。,This crucial reprogramming step allowed the researchers to overcome the main obstacle that had precluded the successful cloning of primates until now. -658,"自然史与自然科学博物馆,通常是对于自然世界的展示。",Museums of natural history and natural science typically exhibit work of the natural world. -659,大眼睛的蓝黑色卡通人物,a blue and black cartoon character with big eyes -660,Irfon定义了Builth-Wells的北部边界 - Llanwrtyd-Wells和Mynydd-Epynt之间的区域。,The Irfon defines the northern border of Builth - Wells - area between Llanwrtyd - Wells and Mynydd - Epynt . -661,一幅蓝白相间的物体漂浮在水中的图画,a drawing of a blue and white object floating in water -662,伤员被送往医院后,打斗平息下来,剩下的约 40 名囚犯留在院子里,拒绝回牢房。,"When the fighting ceased after the wounded were transported to the hospital, about 40 of the other remaining inmates stayed in the yard and refused to return to their cells." -663,"MGM 营销 人员 用 "" Garbo 会谈 "" 的 标语 引诱 公众 !","MGM marketers enticed the public with the tagline "" Garbo talks ! """ -664,它位于南岸,形成梅尔维尔水的西端。,It is located on the southern shore and forms the west end of Melville Water . -665,请在三天内回来。,Please come again in three days time. -666,"大卫·阿兹里利(希伯来语:דוד עזריאלי‎‎),92岁,波兰裔加拿大 - 以色列亿万富翁房地产和金融高管。","David Azrieli, 92, Polish-born Canadian-Israeli billionaire real estate and finance executive." -667,"他毕业于剑桥大学,目前在ARM控股公司工作。","He attended University of Cambridge, and currently works at ARM Holdings." -668,一个卡通人物拿着一个大物体,a cartoon character is holding a large object -669,"艾薇儿曾有过两段婚姻:第一段从2006年至2010年期间,与德里克·惠布利;第二段从2013年至2015年期间,与查德·克罗格。","Lavigne has been married twice: to Deryck Whibley from 2006 to 2010, and Chad Kroeger from 2013 to 2015." -670,一个粉红色和白色的带翅膀的卡通人物,a pink and white cartoon character with wings -671,1988年,Emmis Broadcasting获得了WNBC的许可,并将WFAN从1050上午移至660上午。,"In 1988 , Emmis Broadcasting acquired the license of WNBC and moved WFAN from 1050 to 660 AM ." -672,"资料来源是选择性的,如果某些字典没有出现在资料来源栏中并不表示该字典没有那个字。","The sources given are selective, and the absence of a reference to a particular dictionary does not necessarily mean that the word does not appear in that dictionary." -673,9 月 7 日 , 内克 禁止 粮食 出口 。,on 7 September Necker forbade the export of grain . -674,这些通常是零售空间,如商店和餐馆,还有图书馆,住宅楼,宗教建筑等。,"These are generally retail spaces such as shops and restaurants , but also libraries , residential buildings , religious buildings and so on ." -675,头戴皇冠的焦糖画,a drawing of a chamelon with a crown on it's head -676,这项活动与阿尔卑斯式滑雪旅行或登山运动相关,但通常不会进行这两项活动。这两项活动要在陡峭的地形上进行,而且需要更硬的滑雪板和靴子。,"It is related to but usually not involving alpine style ski touring or mountaineering, the latter ones done in steep terrain and requiring much stiffer skis and boots." -677,1759年他写了《Eloge de Gournay》。,In 1759 appeared his work Eloge de Gournay. -678,温泉 变成 了 欧洲人 以 极大 的 轻率 游行 的 舞台 .,the spas became stages on which Europeans paraded with great pageantry . -679,"在英国,华威大学于1980年成立了一个专门的系——华威制造集团(英语:Warwick Manufacturing Group),它提供了一套工程商业管理理学硕士研究生课程。","In UK the University of Warwick has a specialised department WMG (previously known as Warwick Manufacturing Group) established in 1980, which offers a graduate programme in MSc Engineering Business Management." -680,"游戏中的一些据点对玩家友好,与此同时,消灭敌对据点可获得额外的任务与奖励。","Some of the game's strongholds are friendly, and eliminating hostile strongholds gives Max additional quests and rewards." -681,"广义上讲,其研究的是信息输入上的差别对输出结果变化的影响。","In the broadest sense, it is the study of how differences in information input can affect the resultant difference at the output." -682,由议长约翰·汉考克和秘书长查尔斯·汤姆逊签署的手写草案在7月4日得到大陆议会批准,之后被送到几个街区以外的约翰·邓拉普印刷厂付印。,"After its adoption by Congress on July 4, a handwritten draft signed by the President of Congress John Hancock and the Secretary Charles Thomson was then sent a few blocks away to the printing shop of John Dunlap." -683,"最通常是红色在最上面,与自然界的彩虹颜色相同。","It is most commonly flown with the red stripe on top, as the colors appear in a natural rainbow." -684,一个有翅膀的绿色和紫色的卡通人物,a green and purple cartoon character with wings -685,"每 一个 二次方程 中 , 并 决定 一个 独特 的 锥形 , 其 消失 的 位置 .","every quadratic equation in , , and determines a unique conic , its vanishing locus ." -686,2005年,训练师Jorge TorresNiloJesúsRamírez选择参加2005年在Culiacán举行的CONCACAF U17锦标赛。,"In 2005 , Trainer Jorge Torres Nilo Jesús Ramírez selected to participate in the CONCACAF U17 Tournament 2005 in Culiacán ." -687,“降落伞”在英国伦敦的Metropolis Studios和美国佐治亚州亚特兰大的Warehouse Studios录制。,""" Parachute "" was recorded at the Metropolis Studios , London , UK and at Warehouse Studios , Atlanta , Georgia , USA ." -688,"但是在卢森堡,挪威和马耳他等国,第一门外语教学开始于6周岁,在比利时的佛兰德人社区为10周岁。","In Luxembourg, Norway and Malta, however, the first foreign language is studied at age six, and in Flanders at age 10." -689,蓝白小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型,a blue and white pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type -690,她看不起他。,She despised him. -691,我想要这部电话。,I want this phone. -692,她给我泡了茶。,She made tea for me. -693,虽然 这位 君主 越来越 成为 一个 雕像 ,,"although the monarch increasingly became a figurehead ," -694,一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型小精灵类型,a very cute looking pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type -695,"他 变成 了 射手 , 戴着 披肩 , 戴着 头罩 , 自称为 "" 胡德 "" .",he becomes an archer and wears a cape with a hood thus calling himself Hood . -696,"现在,假定P的第一位为0或1的可能性相同,但是之后每一位跟前一位相等的概率为90%。","Now, suppose that the first bit of P is equally likely to be 0 or 1, but each bit thereafter is equal to the previous one with 90% probability." -697,斐济 人 首先 通过 在 汤加 与 他们 见面 的 库克群岛 探险队 成员 的 著作 , 对 欧洲 的 意识 留下 了 深刻 的 印象 。,Fijians first impressed themselves on European consciousness through the writings of the members of the expeditions of Cook who met them in Tonga . -698,由于上一轮结果,Gianni Morbidelli获得+ 30公斤,Pepe Oriola + 20公斤和Kevin Gleason + 10公斤。,"Due to the results in the last round , Gianni Morbidelli received + 30 kg , Pepe Oriola + 20 kg and Kevin Gleason + 10 kg ." -699,武士 圣殿 有 图像 画 , 描述 羽毛 的 蛇类 与 奎茨库 阿特 或 库库 坎 有关 。,the Temple of the Warriors bears iconography depicting feathered serpents associated with Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan . -700,"在西班牙,当地的贵族维持了一段时间的独立管治,养蓄了自己的军队以对抗汪达尔人。","In Spain, local aristocrats maintained independent rule for some time, raising their own armies against the Vandals." -701,"列支敦士登公国议会(德语:Landtag des Fürstentums Liechtenstein),通称列支敦士登议会,是列支敦士登的国家立法机关。","The Landtag of the Principality of Liechtenstein (German: Landtag des Fürstentums Liechtenstein), commonly referred to as the Landtag of Liechtenstein (German: Liechtensteinischer Landtag), is the legislative branch of the government of Liechtenstein." -702,黄绿相间的大眼鸟,a green and yellow bird with big eyes -703,"无疑,它们是由上帝亲自制定为法律的。",Instead their communities are based on the laws of God. -704,"目前,该剧场有785个座位。",Currently the theater has 785 seats. -705,"但是,约翰打心底并不喜欢学医。",John would like to invite any student. -706,一幅蓝绿相间的恐龙图,背上有一朵粉红色的花,a drawing of a blue and green dinosaur with a pink flower on its back -707,Võhma是爱沙尼亚西部Pärnu县西海岸教区的一个村庄。,"Võhma is a village in Lääneranna Parish , Pärnu County , in western Estonia ." -708,在另一种极端情况下,这个人会变成一个与之前迥然不同的个体,觉得他/她必须改变团队所做的一切,并把成果据为己有。,"At the other end of the spectrum, one morphs into an unrecognizable individual that feels he or she must change everything the team has been doing and make it their own." -709,Margaret Foote Hawley的侄女Kate Foote Coe是一位专注于肖像微缩模型的艺术家。,"Kate Foote Coe , the niece of Margaret Foote Hawley , was an artist who specialized in portrait miniatures ." -710,他们与以色列,罗马尼亚和东道主马其顿在一起。,"They were in a group with Israel , Romania and host Macedonia ." -711,"在最后的测试中,抑制的效果仍然存在,且先前被抑制的竞争项目变得更难以记住。","At final test, the consequences of the suppression persist, and previously competitive items that were inhibited become more difficult to remember." -712,此时弗莱彻决定把克雷斯的巡洋舰和驱逐舰(此时已改称TF17.3)派去封锁乔马德海峡。,"At this time, Fletcher sent Crace's cruiser force, now designated Task Group 17.3 (TG 17.3), to block the Jomard Passage." -713,"缅甸人说缅甸有两种野狗,一种大的一种小的。","The Burmans say there are two kinds of wild dog in Myanmar, the large and small." -714,他们的孩子来自他的妻子Jean,Duncan Campbell爵士,Baronet和Jean Stewart的女儿:,"Their children were from his wife , Jean , daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell , Baronet , and Jean Stewart :" -715,他目前居住在纽约市,是MJ12的成员,MJ12是一个总部设在纽约的乐器组织。,"He currently lives in NYC and is a member of MJ12 , an instrumental group based in New York ." -716,"1994年的欧洲议会选举,社会主义团体维持其议会第一大党的地位。",The 1994 European elections were held resulting in the Socialist group maintaining their position as the largest party in Parliament. -717,他 把 她 送到 草原 上 某个 地方 的 庄园 , 而 马卡尔 则 用 酒精 减轻 了 他 的 痛苦 。,"he sends her to a manor somewhere on a steppe , while Makar alleviates his misery and pain with alcohol ." -718,Mahone Bay是一个位于Mahone Bay西北海岸的城市,位于新斯科舍省Lunenburg县的南岸。,"Mahone Bay is a city located on the northwest coast of Mahone Bay , along the South Shore of Lunenburg County in Nova Scotia ." -719,一张卡通鸟的画,脸上带着惊讶的表情,a drawing of a cartoon bird with a surprised look on its face -720,一个蓝白相间的卡通人物,头上戴着皇冠,a blue and white cartoon character with a crown on his head -721,Suruga-Tokuyama Station是一个小型木制车站,拥有单岛平台和载人火车站建筑。,Suruga-Tokuyama Station is a small wooden station with a single island platform and a manned railway station building . -722,"在 拍摄 《 谈话 》 的 过程 中 , 科波 拉为 《 大 盖茨 比 》 写 了 剧本 .","during the filming of The Conversation , Coppola wrote the screenplay for The Great Gatsby ." -723,伟大 的 奥克 以前 是 安大略省 桑 德福 德 弗莱明 爵士 学院 林赛 冰冻 校园 的 吉祥物 。,the great auk was formerly the mascot of the Lindsay Frost campus of Sir Sandford Fleming College in Ontario . -724,"2006年,意大利博物学家马尔切洛·卡塔拉诺观察到了这个标本,并认为这可能是一个未知的物种。",Italian naturalist Marcello Catalano came across this plant material in 2006 and recognised it as a previously unknown taxon. -725,此外,使用codice 6属性将元素codice 13标记为不可翻译。,"Also , use the codice 6 attribute to mark the elements codice 13 as non-translatable ." -726,系统中的HD 98800 A和HD 98800 B各为联星。,The system consists of HD 98800 A and HD 98800 B each of which contains two stars. -727,一个大鼻子的卡通人物和一个大鼻子。,a cartoon character with a big nose and a big nose -728,破坏 或 移动 灯塔 或 使 灯塔 或 水手 变得 不 那么 有用 , 或 展示 假灯 , 从而 造成 恶行,"mischief by destroying or moving or rendering less useful a lighthouse or seamark , or by exhibiting false lights" -729,一个昂贵的未爆炸弹药恢复行动正在进行当中。,A costly UXO recovery effort is under way. -730,她 在 佛罗里达州 彭萨科拉 的 第一个 教堂 于 1902 年 授予 她 勋章 .,"her first church in Pensacola , Florida ordained her in 1902 ." -731,"在 NLL,尺寸稍为大一点而成为4英尺9英寸(1.45米)宽、4英尺(1.2米)高。","In the NLL, the dimensions are slightly larger at 4 feet 9 inches (1.45 m) wide by 4 feet (1.2 m) tall." -732,"如加上金属反射器(厚30 cm的钢铁),则奇数同位素的临界质量大约为3至4 kg。","With a metal reflector (30 cm of steel), the critical masses of the odd isotopes are about 3–4 kg." -733,张嘴的龙的图画,a drawing of a dragon with its mouth open -734,狮群由一到三只有亲属关系的成年雄性,以及可多达三十只的雌性和幼崽组成。,"Prides are made up of one to three related adult males, along with as many as thirty females and cubs." -735,Ken Royce(1920年 - 1997年)是一位英国惊悚作家,也以Kenneth Royce Gandley和化名Oliver Jacks的名义撰写。,Ken Royce ( 1920 -- 1997 ) was an English thriller writer who also wrote under the name of Kenneth Royce Gandley and the pseudonym Oliver Jacks . -736,"它们 象征 着 地球 的 五大洲 和 "" 五大 种族 "" 。","they symbolised the Earth 's five continents and "" five races . """ -737,"另一个限制来自测量遥远恒星的W0非常富有挑战性,需要大望远镜长期的观测。","Another limitation comes from the fact that the measurement of W0 in distant stars is very challenging, requires long observations at big telescopes." -738,我們的隊伍輸了所有的比賽。,Our team lost all of its games. -739,探险队 在 主 装甲 皮带 上 或 水线 以下 没有 发现 任何 穿透 物 。,"the expedition found no penetrations in the main armoured belt , above or below the waterline ." -740,"如果谓语的中心不是动作行为的话,那么主语就没有所谓施事、受事之分了。",If the body language is the same then the intervention has not been successful. -741,"作为俄罗斯正教会在美国的首领,他重组了教区,1900年,教区的名称由“阿留申和阿拉斯加教区”改为“阿留申和北美教区”。","As head of the ROC diocese in North America, in 1900 he reorganized the diocese and changed its name from the ""Of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska"" to ""Diocese of the Aleutian Islands and North America""." -742,"IPv6地址空间未用完,因此使用IPv6提供的网站不受此问题的影响。","IPv6 address space is not exhausted, so websites served using IPv6 are unaffected by this issue." -743,"全世界中,胃癌是癌症致病原因第五名,并且在癌症致死率排名中为第三名,分别占7%与9%的个案数。","Globally, stomach cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer and the third leading cause of death from cancer, making up 7% of cases and 9% of deaths." -744,康提,最初被称为Senkadagala,几个世纪以来一直是斯里兰卡文化的堡垒及其精神中心。,"Kandy , originally known as Senkadagala , has been the bastion of Sri Lankan culture and its spiritual centre for centuries ." -745,大约半个小时后他通过紧急出口返回。,He returned 10 months later after the emergency was lifted. -746,D.天主教学生的智力和道德生活,通过宗教教育,社会活动和文化参与来促进和发展。,"D. The intellectual and moral life of Catholic students through religious education , social activities and cultural participation to promote and develop ." -747,年轻 的 浪漫主义 从 出版商 , 如 及时 , 福塞特 , 质量 和 狐狸 特徵 辛迪加 培养 了 数十名 仿真 者 。,"young Romance spawned dozens of imitators from publishers such as Timely , Fawcett , Quality , and Fox Feature Syndicate ." -748,该曲目仍然是布兰特共同创作的两首曲目之一,另一曲也来自同一张专辑,名为“This Time Around”。,"The track remains one of two tracks that Brant ever co-wrote , the other track was also from the same album , titled "" This Time Around "" ." -749,自由派人士对重建工作的批判主���集中在把重建合同授予了视为华盛顿内部人士的这一做法。,Liberal criticism of the reconstruction effort has focused on the awarding of reconstruction contracts to perceived Washington insiders. -750,它指出,对主体来说最有效的位置是将图像垂直和水平分为三部分的线的交叉点(见示例)。,It states that the most effective place for the main subject is at the intersection of lines dividing the image into thirds vertically and horizontally (see example). -751,之后加入的候选人包括霍普金斯县法官克利夫顿·J·普拉特(Clifton J. Pratt)及在任州审计员山姆·H·斯通(Sam H. Stone)。,Later candidates included Hopkins County judge Clifton J. Pratt and sitting state Auditor Sam H. Stone. -752,侏罗纪 发生 了 主要 的 白云石 侵入 .,a major intrusion of dolerite occurred in the Jurassic . -753,红黄龙图,a drawing of a red and yellow dragon -754,土著学生占学生总数的10.5%。,Aboriginal students made up 10.5 percent of the student body. -755,"第三次的月全食那一天,食甚的时间又比第二次再延后约8小时,成为12:43UT,因此最佳的观测地点是西太平洋、亚洲东部、澳洲和新西兰。","The third total eclipse occurred about 8 hours later in the day than the second eclipse with mid-eclipse at 12:43 UT, and had its best visibility for viewers in the Western Pacific, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand." -756,主餐 通常 是 烤羊肉 或 海鲜 , 如 鳕鱼 或 贝类 。,"the main meal will commonly consist of roast lamb , or seafood , such as cod or shellfish ." -757,贡献者包括Thurston Moore,Cave,Harry,Lanegan,Race,Iggy Pop和Primal Scream。,"Contributors include Thurston Moore , Cave , Harry , Lanegan , Race , Iggy Pop and Primal Scream ." -758,"因此 , 在我看来 , 雪白 的 继母 似乎 是 男性 嫉妒 的 投影 .",snow White 's stepmother therefore seems to me a projection of male jealousies . -759,斯图尔特于1985年成为Otonabee镇的副手,并于1992年至1994年担任彼得伯勒县的监狱长。,"Stewart became deputy reeve of the Township of Otonabee in 1985 , and was a warden of Peterborough County from 1992 to 1994 ." -760,科学家们可以得出结论,暗物质对其他暗物质的影响方式与普通物质相同。,The scientists were able to conclude that the dark matter affect other dark matter in the same way regular matter does. -761,蓝眼黄翅的卡通蝴蝶,a cartoon butterfly with blue eyes and yellow wings -762,汤姆说他觉得那可能永远不会发生了。,Tom said he thought that would probably never happen. -763,其他的包括利文斯顿岛和欺骗岛。在那里,一个仍然活跃的火山口被洪水淹没,提供了一个壮观的天然港口。,"Others include Livingston Island, and Deception where the flooded caldera of a still-active volcano provides a spectacular natural harbour." -764,"马加回国竞选,并赢得大选。",Ward went on to win the general election. -765,一个非常可爱的动物,有一个大鼻子,a very cute looking animal with a big nose -766,Windows同其他操作系统一样可以禁止特定的用户关闭计算机。,"Just like other operating systems, Windows has the option to prohibit selected users from shutting down a computer." -767,一个非常可爱的绿色小精灵,有一双大眼睛。,a very cute looking green pokemon with big eyes -768,通过 使用 弯曲 的 桥 和 弯曲 的 指板 , 球杆 可以 使 弓形 与 四个 弦 中 的 任何 一个 对齐 并 单独 演奏 。,"by using a curved bridge and a curved fingerboard , the bassist can align the bow with any of the four strings and play them individually ." -769,我不是独裁者。,I'm not a dictator. -770,该车站于1915年由康涅狄格州谷铁路,纽黑文和哈特福德铁路沿着前纽约线建成。,"The station was built in 1915 by the Connecticut Valley Railroad , New Haven and Hartford Railroad along the former New York line ." -771,满脸笑容的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a big smile on his face -772,假如同盟国当时失败了,德国原本很可能像征服欧洲其他国家一样征服英国。,"Had the Allies failed, Germany probably would have been able to conquer Britain as it had the rest of Europe." -773,他们工作的很辛苦。,They work really hard. -774,伸舌头的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a tongue sticking out -775,蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon -776,它 看起来 类似 于 薄饼 , 但 食谱 需要 深色 的 糖浆 或 深色 的 糖浆 , 上面 有 几块 元 切片 和 熏肉 条 。,"it looks similar to a pancake , but the recipe calls for either dark molasses or dark syrup , topped with a few mettwurst slices and bacon strips ." -777,"目前我们没有从事相关工作,我们有开发大地的裂变、星海争霸II:自由之翼、暗黑破坏神III的团队,当他们的项目结束后他们会立即讨论接下来该做什么。","It's nothing that we're working on right now, we have development teams working on Cataclysm, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, Diablo III, and when those teams are all off the projects they're working on, they'll be intimately involved in the discussions about what's next""." -778,是的,我有一個好主意。,"Yes, I have a good idea." -779,谋杀案 发生 后 , 维克 内斯 和 布莱克 桑 开车 返回 卑尔根 。,"after the murder , Vikernes and Blackthorn drove back to Bergen ." -780,前者驿站。,LAST MAN STANDING. -781,"这幅壁画是一种对光线的研究:天然的的月光,人工的火炬光,以及上帝提供的天使光。","The fresco is a study in light: natural moonlight, man-made torchlight, and God-provided angel light." -782,西塞罗 把 希腊语 译成 拉丁语 .,Cicero transliterated the Greek word into the Latin átheos . -783,1904年芝加哥CC与纽约CC比赛,1909年布鲁克林CC对阵Rice CC双城比赛。,In matches Chicago CC vs. New York CC in 1904 and Brooklyn CC vs. Rice CC Twin Cities in 1909 . -784,"2012年8月28日,玛宏宣布,他已正式与环球共和唱片签约。","On August 28, 2012, Mahone announced that he had been officially signed to Chase/Universal Republic Records." -785,Oshin 在 她 的 物品 中 发现 了 Kayo 的 一封信 。,Oshin finds a letter from Kayo among her belongings . -786,这一阶段导致了死亡率的下降和人口的增加。,This stage leads to a fall in death rates and an increase in population. -787,"在1939年10月6日,大战已经爆发虽然弹射器持续的进行测试,但是120架的Ju 87Tr(C)s的生产计划已经被迫取消。","On 6 October 1939, with the war already underway, 120 of the planned Ju 87 Tr(C)s on order at that point were cancelled." -788,中国森林资源,China Resources -789,杰森 · 马斯登 ( Jason Marsden ) 在 DC 民族 短篇小说 《 原子 之剑 》 中 扮演 了 原子 角色 。,"Jason Marsden reprises his role of the Atom in the DC Nation Short titled "" Sword of the Atom . """ -790,他 在 西非 海岸 巡逻 , 保卫 奴隶 。,he served patrolling the coast of West Africa guarding against slavers . -791,"砂拉越旅游发展局的首席执行官还指出,内地的货运航班时常中断,造成游客须自行携带食物前往内地旅游,无法仰赖透过空运供应的食品和燃料。","The CEO of Sarawak Tourism Board also stated that disruptions to cargo supply flights to the interior, caused tourists to take their own food rations, rather than rely upon the air cargo supplies of food and fuel." -792,"乔蒂纳表示,自己与尼克松20年来的合作让他得以在无须任何事情都区细无遗地同总统商议后再采取行动。",Chotiner stated that his twenty-year association with Nixon made it possible for him to move on matters without needing to consult the President on every detail. -793,昨晚下了一場大雨。,We had a heavy rain last night. -794,"菲利普 皮里 普 , 绰号 皮普 , 孤儿 , 伟大 期望 的 主角 和 叙述者 .","Philip Pirrip , nicknamed Pip , an orphan and the protagonist and narrator of Great Expectations ." -795,黄黑相间的大翅膀昆虫,a yellow and black insect with large wings -796,"1973 年 , 国家 兰普恩 的 《 林敏斯 》 ( Lemmings ) 在 舞台 上 展示 了 "" 伍德 恰克 "" ( Woodchuck ) 节 , 展示 了 许多 伍德斯 托克 表演者 的 模范 。","in 1973 , the stage show National Lampoon 's Lemmings portrayed the "" Woodchuck "" festival , featuring parodies of many Woodstock performers ." -797,直到战争的最后几天,阿根廷政府保持中立,但却悄悄地容忍1945年逃离德国,比利时和维希法国的纳粹领导人入境。,"The Argentine government remained neutral until the last days of the war but quietly tolerated entry of Nazi leaders fleeing Germany , Belgium and Vichy France in 1945 ." -798,"二者虽然密切相关,但文学批评家未必总是理论家。","Though the two activities are closely related, literary critics are not always, and have not always been, theorists." -799,熨烫潮湿的衣服可以帮助其变干。即便房间并没有熨斗和熨衣板,但是许多酒店提供出借服务。,"Ironing damp clothes can help them dry. Many hotels have an iron and ironing board available for loan, even if one is not present in the room." -800,葛西氏也就此灭亡。,Graciela left as well. -801,10月1日,军队包括第140步枪师,第8步枪师,第29步枪师和第2步枪师。,"On 1st October , the army included the 140th Rifle Division , 8th Rifle Division , 29th Rifle Division and the 2nd Rifle Division ." -802,但是 , 仪式 结束 后 , 这 对 新婚夫妇 和 道格 皇后 一起 退伍 到 了 阿尼奇 科夫 宫 。,"however , after the ceremony the newlywed couple retired to the Anichkov Palace , along with the Dowager Empress ." -803,阿扎 伦卡于 2003 年 11 月 在 以色列 首次 参加 了 ITF 的 初级 巡回演出 , 与 农村妇女 Olga Govortsova 获��� 了 一次 双打 冠军 。,"Azarenka debuted on the ITF junior tour in November 2003 in Israel , winning one doubles title with countrywoman Olga Govortsova ." -804,古依的能力与卡比类似。,Kamui's ability was similar to that of Kageo's. -805,在埃及阿拉伯语中,象形文字剧本“被称为鸟类字母”。,"In Egyptian Arabic , the hieroglyphic script "" is called the alphabet of birds "" ." -806,他 击败 了 雅尔 科 · 尼米 宁 和 澳大利亚 预选 选手 马修 · 埃布 登 , 但 在 四分之一 决赛 中 他 输给 了 罗迪克 。,"he defeated Jarkko Nieminen and Australian qualifier Matthew Ebden , but he lost to Andy Roddick in the quarterfinals ." -807,卵巢 卵泡 成熟 后 分泌 出 越来越 多 的 雌激素 和 雌激素 .,"as they mature , the ovarian follicles secrete increasing amounts of estradiol , and estrogen ." -808,这些同位素的原子量介乎206 u(206Ac)和236 u(236Ac)。,The isotopes of actinium range in atomic weight from 206 u (206 Ac) to 236 u (236 Ac). -809,橙色和粉色条纹的紫蝴蝶,a purple butterfly with orange and pink stripes -810,一只头上戴着绿帽子的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a green hat on its head -811,他正在学怎么开车。,He is learning how to drive a car. -812,此后,阿德克雅被控谋杀她的儿子,于爱丁堡治安法庭受审。,Adekoya has since been in Edinburgh Sheriff Court charged with murdering her son. -813,凯瑟琳·麦克纳马拉(Katherine McNamara)在电影改编的电影改编中饰演了她和莉莉柯林斯(Lily Collins)的电视剧。,She is portrayed by Katherine McNamara in the film adaptation of the book and Lily Collins in the television series . -814,报告警告称,没有人能保证目前在伊拉克采取的任何行动能够阻止宗派战争、不断增长的暴力或走向混乱。,"It warns No one can guarantee that any course of action in Iraq at this point will stop sectarian warfare, growing violence, or a slide toward chaos." -815,穿白衣服的女人的图画,a drawing of a woman in a white dress -816,这个计划的最初想法由保罗·麦哲伦提出。,The concept was first introduced by Paul Milgram. -817,警察还威胁莱斯的母亲如果她不冷静下来就要将她逮捕。,He threatens the mother with arrest unless she pays him. -818,Karai 试图 与 Shinigami 并肩作战 , 但 Shredder 很 容易 打倒 Shinigami , 他 与 Karai 一起 逃走 。,Karai tries to fight the Shredder along with Shinigami but Shredder easily knocks Shinigami unconscious and he escapes with Karai . -819,"次年,约翰逊在1991年NBA选秀中于第一轮第一顺位被夏洛特黄蜂队选中,在新秀赛季,他获得了NBA最佳新秀奖。","Johnson was selected first overall in the 1991 NBA draft by the Charlotte Hornets, and won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award in his first season." -820,"宪法中并没有规定议员必须是其所代表的具体选区的公民,不过实际情况上除一些少数例外情况外通常如此。","There is no requirement that a Representative reside within the district in which he or she represents; although this is usually the case, there have been occasional exceptions." -821,"为了向这些成就致敬,他提议以法国的名义建造一件礼物送给美国。","In order to honor these achievements, Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France." -822,钱伯斯曾起诉上帝,称其应对“地球上数十亿居民中到处可见的死亡、破坏和恐怖”负责。,"Chambers had sued God for ""widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants.""" -823,"举个例:如果一只小船向下游航行,而船闸已经注满水: 入口闸开启,小船驶入。","For instance, if a boat travelling downstream finds the lock already full of water: The entrance gates are opened and the boat moves in." -824,与所有南非国家公园一样,该公园每天都收取养护费和门票费。,"As with all South African National Parks, there are daily conservation and entry fees for the park." -825,人们现在在电脑屏幕上写信息,永远不必接触卷笔刀了。,"People now write messages on computer screens, never having to come close to a sharpener." -826,"刚好他背包里有一份美国独立宣言,该宣言也就成了古腾堡工程的的第一份电子文本。","He used a copy of the United States Declaration of Independence in his backpack, and this became the first Project Gutenberg e-text." -827,合作的国家气象站报告说,西方的冬季凉爽潮湿,夏季炎热干燥。,"The cooperative national weather station reports that Occidental has cool , wet winters and warm , dry summers ." -828,"获释后,他一直旅行、演讲、布道、与巴哈伊信徒交流,传播巴哈伊信仰。","Following his release he led a life of travelling, speaking, teaching, and maintaining correspondence with communities of believers and individuals, expounding the principles of the Bahá'í Faith." -829,一幅戴着帽子的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a hat on -830,围攻 前 的 片刻 , 观察者 已经 用 拍打 铃声 的 方式 向 村民 示意 即将 发生 的 攻击 。,"moments before the siege , the watcher already signaled the villagers of the impending attack by pealing the bell ." -831,汤姆大多一个人独处。,Tom mostly kept to himself. -832,"尽管一直存在小规模持续抵抗,大部分阿塞拜疆居民转向伊斯兰教。","Despite pockets of continued resistance, the majority of the inhabitants of Azerbaijan converted to Islam." -833,他与来自克罗地亚俱乐部ASTrenčín的球队同事HarisHajradinović一起于2013年夏天来到NKInterZaprešić。,Together with his team colleague Haris Hajradinović from the Croatian club AS Trenčín he came to NK Inter Zaprešić in summer 2013 . -834,门慢慢地开了。,The door opened slowly. -835,一个女人站在一个巨大的动物旁边的图画,a drawing of a woman standing next to a giant animal -836,"该镇的名字源自于一个当地的杂货铺,在1832年由约翰和伊莉莎来波斯特(John & Eliza Webster)夫妇经营,当时的位置就在现今的新镇火车站附近。","The area took its name from a grocery store opened there by John and Margaret Webster in 1832, at a site close to where the Newtown railway station stands today." -837,漫画人物在空中飞行的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character flying through the air -838,下午 两点 后 , 维多利亚 和 他 的 阿帕奇 慢慢 地 接近 泉水 。,"a little after two o 'clock in the afternoon , Victorio and his Apaches slowly approached the springs ." -839,警察局长钱德拉·谢卡尔·索兰基说,被告人出庭时都蒙住了脸。,Police superintendent Chandra Shekhar Solanki said the accused appeared in court with covered faces. -840,"所有成年公民都是其所在乡村议会的成员,这个议会中将选出执行委员会成员。","All adult resident citizens are members of their local cell council, from which an executive committee is elected." -841,白色背景上的黄色和黑色的蝴蝶,a yellow and black butterfly on a white background -842,我昨天看了部很棒的電影。,I watched a great movie yesterday. -843,布朗 德 把 它 命名 为 第 80 位 最 伟大 的 美国 专辑 。,blender named it the 80th Greatest American Album . -844,骨骼 成熟 和 / 或 迁移 到 离散 的 骨骼 表面 。,osteoclasts mature and / or migrate to discrete bone surfaces . -845,然而在这方面,申根区有点像一个国家。,"The Schengen zone, however, works somewhat like one country in this respect." -846,脸谱化的植物图画,a drawing of a plant with a face on it -847,你手上的水分会与外层发生反应,这样会形成一层类似外壳的东西,感觉十分有趣。,"The moisture on your hands will react with the outer layers, which will feel funny and form a sort of shell." -848,第二脊柱翅片小于第一脊柱翅片,并且其与第一翅片之间的距离小于其基部的长度。,The second spine fin is smaller than the first and the distance between it and the first fin is less than the length of its base . -849,"落败的新教徒一部分被法军带走并囚禁在法国,剩下的包括诺克斯在内的人则被关在船上做苦工。","The defeated Protestants were taken away: some were imprisoned in France while others, including Knox, were condemned to the galleys." -850,"《从伦贝格到波尔多(英语:From Lemberg to Bordeaux)》(Von Lemberg bis Bordeaux),纳粹战地记者里奥·莱赫纳(英语:Leo Leixner)著,是波兰战役和法国战役的第一手记述。","From Lemberg to Bordeaux ('Von Lemberg bis Bordeaux'), written by Leo Leixner, a journalist and war correspondent, is a first-hand account of the battles that led to the fall of Poland, the low countries, and France." -851,纽约州东部的Lewiston村,沿着里奇路穿过尼亚加拉县人烟稀少的地区。,"East of Lewiston village , NY 104 follows Ridge Road through a sparsely populated area of Niagara County ." -852,这部作品目前(2007年)下落不明。,Its present whereabouts (2007) is unknown. -853,大眼睛、大鼻子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with big eyes and a big nose -854,汉密尔顿(Hamilton)确认,霍华德大学医院收治的病人情况稳定。,Hamilton confirmed Howard University Hospital admitted the patient in stable condition. -855,如果你发现自己会在睡觉时重置闹钟,可以将闹钟放到房间的另一边,逼迫自己下床去关闹钟。,"If you find yourself resetting the clock in your sleep, it can be placed on the other side of the room, forcing you to get out of bed to turn it off." -856,这个版本是在JSR 176底下被开发。,This version was developed under JSR 176. -857,捷克斯洛伐克 的 巴尔干 化解 体 苏联 塞尔维亚 史学 的 解体 - - 我 的 这场 战争,balkanization Dissolution of Czechoslovakia Dissolution of the Soviet Union Serbian historiography This War of Mine -858,萨 布雷 托斯 回 下水道 去 宰杀 剩下 的 莫 洛克人 .,Sabretooth returns to the sewers to slaughter leftover Morlocks . -859,"煤炭 从 驳船 转运 到 货车 , 从 货车 转运 到 驳船 .",the coal was transhipped from barge to waggon and from waggon to barge . -860,在 PALM 实验中,ZMapp 用作参照。也就是科学家将其作为基线,把其他三种治疗方法与之作比较。,"In the PALM trial, ZMapp served as a control, meaning scientists used it as a baseline and compared the three other treatments to it." -861,今天下午我會再見到你。,I'll see you again this afternoon. -862,"喷雾 处 的 深河 达到 了 创纪录 的 高度 , 位于 6.57 英尺 处 .","deep Creek at Spuds reached a record height , cresting at 6.57 ft ." -863,"科维理基金会永久地支持若干个5年高级研究奖金,剑桥大学则提供一栋研究所大楼。","The Kavli Foundation will support several 5-year senior research fellowships in perpetuity, and the University committed to provide a building to house the Institute." -864,一个胸前有十字架的蓝色机器人,a blue robot with a cross on it's chest -865,"双胞胎 投球 使红 袜队 在 关门 时 只 打 了 两个 球 , 击出 了 11 个 击球手 .","twins pitching held the Red Sox to only two hits in the shutout , striking out 11 batters ." -866,在这里见到您真是太好了。,It was nice meeting you here. -867,1974 年 , 印度 也 在 他 的 任职期间 扮演 了 第一个 ODI 的 角色 。,"India played its first ODI in 1974 , also under his captaincy ." -868,"他 1941 年 7 月 和 8 月 的 三次 强有力 的 布道 为 他 赢得 了 "" 蒙斯特 狮子 "" 的 绰号 。","his three powerful sermons of July and August 1941 earned him the nickname of the "" Lion of Munster "" ." -869,巴黎人是出了名的以自我中心、粗鲁和傲慢。,"Parisians have a reputation for being egocentric, rude and arrogant." -870,您必须排队。,You have to wait in line. -871,在我前面走。,Walk ahead of me. -872,然后 教皇 提议 把 查理斯 和 王国 合并 起来 .,then the pope proposed to enfeoff Charles with the kingdom . -873,"虽然这场比赛Shimizu做出了可疑的下法,Akara继续取胜。","Shimizu made a questionable move partway though the game, and Akara went on to win." -874,他开始重新审视人生。,He begins to put his life back together. -875,一幅蓝黄相间的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a blue and yellow outfit -876,周一晚 10:08,蒙大拿州西部发生中强地震。,A moderate earthquake shook western Montana at 10:08 p.m. on Monday. -877,表情・气氛总是非常的相似。,"Otherwise, the atmosphere is remarkably similar." -878,当地 动物 包括 纳特 杰克 玩具 和 沙子 蜥蜴 。,local fauna include the Natterjack toad and the Sand lizard . -879,"在他作为未成年的国王期间,他批准了一项与哈卡姆二世哈里发的和平条约,并且他还对抗入侵加利西亚的维京人。","Among the acts of his regents during his minority, was their ratification of a peace treaty with Caliph al-Hakam II, and he confronted Vikings who had invaded Galicia." -880,魁北克 的 风吹 来 了 电线杆 和 树木 .,wind gusts of in Quebec snapped electrical poles and trees . -881,"国家水路网络(包括运河及河道在内)在2002年时则有1,477公里长。","The national inland waterways network comprised 1,477 km (918 mi) of navigable rivers and channels in 2002." -882,请联系我们。,Please contact us. -883,"然而,多布金及法洛在8月离开了电影。","However, by August Dobkin and Ferrell had left the project." -884,"1618年,英国国王詹姆士一世给予一英格兰公司从事冈比亚和黄金海岸(今加纳)贸易的特许状。","In 1618, King James I of England granted a charter to an English company for trade with the Gambia and the Gold Coast (now Ghana)." -885,你能用圆珠笔写吗?,Would you please write with a ballpoint pen? -886,""" 库达 里 灯笼 "" 也 叫 "" 降落 灯草 "" .",the Kudari Lamp Grasper is also called the Descending Lamp Grasper . -887,"其中直接因风暴丧生的两人都是被倒塌的树木砸死,一位是哈利法克斯的医务人员,另一位是恩菲尔德的机动车驾驭员。",Both of the direct deaths were due to fallen trees; one was a Halifax paramedic and the other was a motorist in Enfield. -888,划船是芬兰的一项全国性消遣活动,每七八个人里就有一艘船。,"Boating is a national pastime in Finland, with a boat to every seven or eight people." -889,水果点心很常见,苹果全年都能用来做点心,夏天还能吃到樱桃和李子。,"Fruit pastries are common, with apples cooked into pastries year round, and cherries and plums making their appearances during the summer." -890,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -891,鸟儿在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a bird flying through the air -892,这提供了一个可以看到北极光的绝佳机会,因为天空将或多或少连续一整天都是暗的。,"This offers a good opportunity to see the Aurora borealis, as the sky will be dark more or less around the clock." -893,有角的动物的图画,有角的动物的图画。,a drawing of a horned animal with horns -894,"重复这个想法,她接着坦白道:“我不可以说谎。","Echoing this thought, Lo further confessed that: ""I can't lie." -895,"她 立即 呕吐 出 一股 黑 的 、 刺骨 的 液体 , 匆忙 离开 了 .","she immediately vomits a trail of black , spiny fluid and leaves in a hurry ." -896,"过了一段时间,从家里偷跑出来参加聚会的雷切尔在海滩上发现特雷西遍体鳞伤的尸体。","Later that night Rachel, who has snuck out of home to attend the party, finds Tracy's beaten corpse on the beach." -897,一个坐在蓝球上的卡通人物,a cartoon character sitting on top of a blue ball -898,天主教 圣诞 、 圣周 和 圣诞节 等 节日 有时 与 美洲 印第安人 的 传统 融合 在 一起 。,"Catholic festivities like Corpus Christi , Holy Week and Christmas sometimes blend with Amerindian traditions ." -899,粉色和蓝色小精灵的图画,a drawing of a pink and blue pokemon -900,"因此在尼克松担任总统期间,美国对中东地区的军售额度有大幅度增长,特别是以色列、伊朗和沙特阿拉伯。","As part of the Nixon Doctrine, the U.S. greatly increased arms sales to the Middle East—particularly Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia." -901,威廉 · 马兹林 与 伊莎贝拉 · 帕斯 利 结婚 , 1883 年 3 月 成为 离赫伯顿 不远 的 伊夫 林 · 塔布 兰 的 第一名 候选人 。,"William Mazlin married Isabella Pasley and in March 1883 became the first selector on the Evelyn Tableland , not far from Herberton ." -902,我的背還在痛。,My back still hurts. -903,双眼的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with two eyes -904,Tordenskoldeika Osg å rdstrand , 海洋 边 度假胜地 镇 。,"Tordenskioldeika Åsgårdstrand , oceanside resort town ." -905,"12 月 15 日 , 英雄 在 他 的 "" 粉碎 摔跤 "" 首场 比赛 中 击败 了 兰斯 风暴 .","on December 15 , Hero defeated Lance Storm in his Smash Wrestling debut ." -906,"我开始的时候不想在人工墙上训练,这不是我真正想要全时做的工作。","I didn't start out training on artificial walls, and that's not really ever something that I wanted to do as a full-time profession""." -907,"1904 年 , 森在 舍尔 特河 淹死 了 .",Sien drowned herself in the River Scheldt in 1904 . -908,1 月 19 日 , 在 圣凯瑟琳 点 , Finucane 是 在 17000 英尺 处 截获 1 辆 Junker Ju 88 的 两起 斯皮特 大火 之一 。,"off St. Catherine 's Point on 19 January , Finucane was one of two Spitfires that intercepted a Junkers Ju 88 at 17000 ft ." -909,许多 苏格兰人 在 洛斯 特点 的 移民 聚居区 定居 .,many Scots settled in the immigrant neighborhood of Locust Point . -910,她在伦敦学习新闻三年,并在纽约大学获得大众传媒硕士学位。,She studied journalism in London for three years and has an MA in Mass Media from a university in New York City . -911,全年都有很多人到大堡礁旅游,而且在大堡礁很少发生由于参加上述任何活动而受伤的情况。,"Many trips to the reef are made all year around, and injuries due to any of these causes on the reef are rare." -912,政府还承诺提供数百万剂脑炎疫苗,这将有助于医疗机构为明年做好准备。,"Several million vials of encephalitis vaccine have also been promised by the government, which will help prepare health agencies for next year." -913,"它明显是法院的范围这一点被接受,表明法律什是么,或意味着什么。","It has been accepted that it is emphatically the province of the court(s) to say what the law is, or means." -914,全黑队在两周前已经赢得了奖杯,而这场比赛是他们打的最后一场。,"It was the final match for the All Blacks, who had already won the trophy two weeks ago." -915,"1957 年 7 月 20 日 , 福音 派 教徒 比利 · 格雷厄姆 ( Billy Graham ) 在 洋基 体育场 吸引 了 10 万人 观看 电视转播 的 "" 十字军 "" 。","on July 20 , 1957 , evangelist Billy Graham attracted a crowd of 100,000 to a televised "" crusade "" at Yankee Stadium ." -916,"这 两段 文字 都 讨论 了 "" 门 诺拉 "" .",both the parashah and the haftarah discuss the Menorah . -917,白色背景上的卡通人物特写,a close up of a cartoon character on a white background -918,Kirkby 还 在 联合王国 销售 匈牙利 Ikarus 公共汽车 。,Kirkby also marketed the Hungarian Ikarus buses in the United Kingdom . -919,在 这里 , 它 转向 北方 , 穿过 罗切斯特 的 北滩 , 然后 加入 泰晤士河 的 河口 , 作为 其 在 谢尔 内斯 附近 的 最后 支流 。,"here it turns north and breaks through the North Downs at Rochester , then joins the estuary of the River Thames as its final tributary near Sheerness ." -920,最早 的 欧洲 探险家 是 西班牙 征服者 胡安 · 庞塞 · 德 莱昂 。,the earliest known European explorers came with the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León . -921,"建议逐渐缓慢减少剂量,以尽量减少停药综合征。",A gradual and slow reduction in dose is recommended to minimize discontinuation symptoms. -922,鸟儿在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a bird flying through the air -923,波美 朗 迅速 跳回 纽瓦克 , 醒来 在 他 的 藏身处 发现 了 一枚 炸弹 。,"with a quick jump back to Newark , Boomerang awakens to discover a bomb in his safehouse ." -924,现代 拳击 姿势 与 19 世纪 和 20 世纪 初 的 典型 拳击 姿势 大不相同 。,the modern boxing stance differs substantially from the typical boxing stances of the 19th and early 20th centuries . -925,"在 米老鼠 俱乐部 , 黛西用 紫弓 和 鞋子 重新 获得 了 她 的 紫色 上衣 .","in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse , Daisy regained her purple blouse with a purple bow and shoes ." -926,坐在树叶上的绿色小精灵,a green pokemon sitting on top of a leaf -927,格利希奇每个星期天都回到萨格勒布,每个周末都去Šabac。,Glišić returned to Zagreb every Sunday and went to Šabac every weekend . -928,"60 岁 的 约翰 · 马丁 , 英国 歌手 兼 作曲家 , 肺炎 .","John Martyn , 60 , British singer and songwriter , pneumonia ." -929,黄色和黑色的蜜蜂图,a drawing of a yellow and black bee -930,"2009 年 6 月 18 日 , 美国 日落 在 加拿大 新不伦瑞克 .","after American Sunset wrapped in New Brunswick , Canada on June 18 , 2009 ." -931,一只头上戴着粉红色帽子的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a pink hat on its head -932,"这有时导致与已发表的研究不相容的放置,但在分类可以改变之前需要进一步研究。","This has sometimes resulted in placements that are not compatible with published studies, but where further research is needed before the classification can be changed." -933,老 君主 和 圣 露西 的 教堂 只 对 它们 的 装饰性 作 了 改动 。,the chapels of the Old Monarchs and of Saint Lucy remain with alterations only to their ornamentation . -934,"4号大楼(Terminal 4),前名1号国内大楼(Inrikes 1),起初设计为瑞典国内航空公司Linjeflyg使用,于1983年开始运作。","Terminal 4 – Domestic (Arlanda South) Terminal 4, formerly Inrikes 1 (gates 30–44) was originally designed for the Swedish domestic carrier Linjeflyg, and initiated in 1983." -935,她的女兒已經變成一個漂亮的女人。,Her daughter has become a beautiful woman. -936,"I like badminton, that's why go play every weekend.— 我喜欢羽毛球,所以(我)每个周末都去打。","I like badminton, dat's why I every weekend go play. – I play badminton every weekend because I like it." -937,"圣安德鲁斯州立公园的一个渔业码头也受到重创,墨西哥海滩的一个木质码头和巴拿巴城海滩的M·B·米勒码头也有同样情况,码头的末端部分在风暴中被毁。","A fishing pier at St. Andrews State Park also suffered vast damage, along with another wooden pier at Mexico Beach and the M.B. Miller Pier at Panama City Beach, which lost its end section to the storm." -938,自 1988 年以来,投票箱就必须是透明的,这样选民和观察员才能看到投票开始时箱内没有信封,还能看到除了那些及时统计过、有权投票的选民以外,没有其他人向箱内投入信封。,"Since 1988, ballot boxes must be transparent so that voters and observers can witness that no envelopes are present at the start of the vote and that no envelopes are added except those of the duly counted and authorized voters." -939,继詹宁斯·B·惠特沃斯辞职和1954年12月聘请德鲁之后,克里斯普被保留为一名教练。,"Following the resignation of Jennings B. Whitworth and the hiring of Drew in December 1954 , Crisp was retained as a line coach ." -940,2012年,Solanco School District Homestead获得了居民批准的79美元。,"In 2012 , Solanco School District Homestead received residents approved $ 79 ." -941,怒目圆睁的卡通小鸟,a cartoon bird with an angry look on its face -942,"Meteorite:陨石,在地球表面发现,但不是在地球形成的物体。",Meteorite – a rock found on the Earth's surface that did not form on Earth. -943,风格化的眼睛与镜子的联系是如此强烈,以至于在特奥蒂瓦坎的艺术中,人类的眼睛经常被用作镜子面部的替代品。,"The association of the stylized eye with mirrors was so strong that in the art of Teotihuacan , human eyes were often used as a substitute for the face of a mirror ." -944,青黄不接的蛇,脸上带着微笑,a green and yellow snake with a smile on its face -945,"在关开始打击犯罪后不久,她的其中一个同学彼���·帕克试图报复在高中上欺负他的人,注射自制的血清后,成为该宇宙的蜥蜴人。","Shortly after she begins fighting crime, one of her classmates, Peter Parker, attempts to exact revenge on those who bullied him in Midtown High School, becoming Earth-65's version of the Lizard." -946,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的动物,a very cute looking animal with big eyes -947,一条黄黑领带和一条紫白领带,a yellow and black tie and a purple and white tie -948,意大利语也是大部分在该国工作的人日常使用的语言,拉丁语则常使用于宗教仪式。,Italian is also the everyday language used by most of those who work in the state while Latin is often used in religious ceremonies. -949,后来 所有 的 人 都 乘坐 黑色 奔驰 轿车 。,all succeeding ones drove in black Mercedes Benz limousines . -950,我無法彎曲我的右手臂。,I can't bend my right arm. -951,3 月 19 日 , 该 公司 最终 在 旧金山 停靠 , 并 在 国际 旅馆 被 掩埋 。,"on March 19 the company finally docked in San Francisco , and bunkered at the International Hotel ." -952,美国地质调查局 (USGS) 及美国国家地震信息中心目前还没有收到有关地震破坏的即时报告。,No immediate reports of damage have been received by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and its National Earthquake Information Center. -953,"朱利叶 斯 · 塞翁 杜斯 · 弗洛 卢斯是 昆蒂 兰州 的 演说家 和 朋友 , 也 是 美术馆 演说家 的 侄子 .","Julius Secundus Florus , an orator and friend of Quintilian , and nephew of the Gallic orator ." -954,"她说自己跟团队认为屈臣的角色性格很有趣,因为她是个年轻且有时尚意识的女孩。","She said she and her team had fun with Watson's character, as she is a young and fashion-conscious girl." -955,"于是 撒旦 举起 尾巴 , 露出 所有 的 修士 都 住 在 他 的 肛门 里 .",then Satan lifts his tail to reveal that all of the friars live inside his anus . -956,"突变 2099 建议 改造 复仇者 或 "" 奇特 九 "" 。","mutant 2099 suggests reforming the Avengers or the "" Fantastic Nine "" ." -957,"清政府声称拥有整个帕米尔地区,但其军队仅仅控制了塔什库尔干城东面的关口。","The Qing rulers of China claimed control of the entire Pamir Mountains, but Qing military units only controlled the passes just east of Tashkurgan." -958,"他们支持对恐怖主义、伊斯兰和冷战历史的研究补助金,以及增加国防预算。","It supports grants for specific research into terrorism, Islamism, and cold-war history, as well as increased defense spending." -959,这很容易做到,使用相对安静的闹钟,让你在不被完全吵醒的情况下苏醒。,This can be easily done by using a relatively quiet alarm clock to bring you to consciousness without fully waking you. -960,我看了日出。,I saw the sunrise. -961,"和菲律宾的其他地区一样,马尼拉全境位于热带,四季如夏。","Together with the rest of the Philippines, Manila lies entirely within the tropics." -962,尽管警报已解除,坐落于夏威夷海岸线或附近的 14 所学校在整个周三都关闭了。,Fourteen schools in Hawaii located on or near coastlines were closed all of Wednesday despite the warnings being lifted. -963,至于愿不愿意签发没有注明性别 (X) 的护照,或愿不愿为了符合想要的姓名和性别而更改文件,各国政府的意愿各不相同。,The willingness of governments to issue passports with gender not stated (X) or documents updated to match a desired name and gender varies. -964,"不同于滑板车,自行车有座椅和传动系统,这使得自行车更快、更贵、更重、更大。","Unlike a kick scooter, a bicycle has a seat and drive train, which add speed, cost, weight and bulk." -965,露修斯 · 朱利叶 斯 · 凯撒 , 公元前 64 年 领事 。,"Lucius Julius L. f . L. n . Caesar , consul in 64 BC ." -966,"路德维希一世于1830年去世,他的死留下了许多传闻。",Ludwig's death in 1830 led to many rumors. -967,"癸酉五月初五日生,行一,曾祖李林;祖李进;父李嘉辅,赠文林郎岳州府推官;母孔氏(赠孺人)。","On the day guiwei (July 5), the Lord of Wenxuan of Wuyang, Sima Yi, was posthumously enfeoffed as Prince Xuan of Jin, and the Lord of Zhongwu (of Wuyang), Sima Shi as Prince Jing of Jin." -968,它继续作为圣地亚哥市和县的电影,电视,非营利和印刷/静态摄影人才的商业发展机构。,"It continues to work as a commercial development agency for film , television , nonprofit and print/still photography talent in the city and county of San Diego ." -969,他一嗅到风声不对,就逃之夭夭了。,"Sensing danger, he ran away." -970,2 月 25 日 , 她 在 J 布朗 船长 的 带领 下 前往 新加坡 。,she sailed for Singapore on 25 February under Captain J Brown . -971,"与 阿斯匹林 、 白 云杉 、 桃木 和 麻松 一样 , 都 很 明显 .","along with aspen , white spruce , tamarack and jack pine are evident ." -972,我不知道该和谁商量好。,I don't know who to consult with. -973,每年规模最大的锦标赛于 12 月份在拉斯卡尼塔斯 (Las Cañitas) 的马球场举行。,The largest tournament of the year takes place in December at the polo fields in Las Cañitas. -974,减数分裂的细胞繁殖过程由Walther Flemming于1876年发现。几年后,Oscar Hertwig在1882年发现了有丝分裂。,The cellular reproduction process of meiosis was discovered by Walther Flemming in 1876 . Mitosis was discovered several years later in 1882 by Oscar Hertwig . -975,这一概念来自中国,梅花是中国人喜闻乐见的一种花卉。,The concept came from China where plum blossoms were the flower of choice. -976,"在同盟国未能得到立陶宛的同意之后,他们把问题归咎于国际联盟。","After the Allies failed to reach an agreement with Lithuania, they referred the matter to the League of Nations." -977,起初 , 他 在 前厅 增加 了 两个 翅膀 , 一个 用于 仆人 宿舍 和 厨房 , 另 一个 用于 马厩 。,"initially he added two wings to the forecourt , one for servants quarters and kitchens , the other for stables ." -978,红白相间的黄嘴鸟,a red and white bird with a yellow beak -979,"规则动词的限定形式变位如下(使用 गर्नु garnu“to do”作为例子): 此外,有在起源上是不定式和分词的两种形式,但是却经常像它们就是限定动词一样使用。","The finite forms of regular verbs are conjugated as follows (using गर्नु garnu 'to do' as an example): As well as these, there are two forms which are infinitival and participial in origin, but are frequently used as if they were finite verbs." -980,这 最后 分散 了 娜塔莉 的 注意力 , 使 她 的 另 一个 守卫 足以 打倒 她 的 无意识 。,this ends up distracting Natalia long enough for one of the other guards to knock her unconscious . -981,我爱听有关动物的笑话。,I love jokes about animals. -982,巴比伦人为他们每位神祇都建造了一座主殿,将其视为该神居所。,The Babylonians built each of their gods a primary temple that was considered the home of the god. -983,美国联邦航空局 (FAA) 称,新一代航空运输系统 (NextGen) 可以使飞机缩短飞行航线,每年节省数百万加仑的燃料,并减少碳排放。,NextGen is a system the FAA claims would allow aircraft to fly shorter routes and save millions of gallons of fuel each year and cut carbon emissions. -984,SVremena Na Vreme 于 1981 年 解散 , 但于 1993 年 重新 统一 , 1997 年 再次 解散 。,"s Vremena Na Vreme disbanded in 1981 , but reunited in 1993 , and disbanded once again in 1997 ." -985,人们可能想不到,旅行者在回程中也需要耐心和理解。,People may not anticipate that patience and understanding are also necessary for travellers returning home. -986,我纳闷我为什么不该那样做。,I wonder why I shouldn't do that. -987,托尼·莫尔博士在南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省发现了这种广泛耐药结核病 (XDR-TB)。,Dr. Tony Moll discovered the Extremely Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in the South African region KwaZulu-Natal. -988,"当时在铜的出口上能与瑞典匹敌的只有日本,但欧洲很少进口日本的铜。","The only other country with a comparable copper output was Japan, but European imports from Japan were insignificant." -989,"为响应美国穆斯林组织的呼吁,数百名穆斯林参加了白宫外的星期五祈祷 。","Hundreds of Muslims attended the Friday prayers outside the White House, in response to calls by American Muslim organizations." -990,然而,民族主义政党和其他自由派团体表示他们将抵制7月份的选举。,"However , nationalist parties , together with other liberal groups said they would boycott the July elections ." -991,Harlem Consolidated关闭时成立的学校包括Harlem Township的Lovejoy学校(49区)。,Schools that were formed when Harlem Consolidated was closed include Lovejoy School ( District No . 49 ) in Harlem Township . -992,"在有组织的体育运动中,通常会有对于优秀表现的记录,一些热门项目中,这样的信息可能会在体育新闻中广泛报道。","Records of performance are often kept, and for popular sports, this information may be widely announced or reported in sport news." -993,1990 年,由于沙漠的威胁,它被列入了濒危世界遗产名录。,"In 1990, it was added to the list of world heritage sites in danger, due to the threat of desert sands." -994,"他是真主所派遣的最后的先知,即封印先知。",He is also the former owner of the Messenger Group. -995,"和 所有 糖类 化合物 一样 , 蜂蜜 如果 加热 足够 , 就 会 碳化 , 颜色 变暗 , 最终 会 燃烧 .","like all sugar compounds , honey caramelizes if heated sufficiently , becoming darker in color , and eventually burns ." -996,"大多数受害者���确定为乌克兰人,但也有28人是波兰人。","Most were identified as Ukrainians, but there were also 28 ethnic Poles." -997,"1803年至1806年期间,利相斯基作为俄美公司贸易帆船Neva号的指挥官,参加俄罗斯历史上第一次环球旅行(英语:First Russian circumnavigation)。",In 1803-1806 Lisyanski as the commanding officer of the Russian-American Company's merchant sloop Neva took part in the first Russian circumnavigation of the Earth. -998,"在西班牙内战的不同时期,国民党和共和党人都曾在那里被对手处决。","On different occasions during the Spanish Civil War, both Nationalists and Republicans were executed there, each at the time when the site was held by their opponents." -999,"德国少年团是1928年由科特·格鲁伯建立的,当时的名称是“少年队伍”(德语:Jungmannschaften),后多次更名直至1931年3月更名为“希特勒青年团下属德国少年团”(德语:Deutsches Jungvolk in der Hitler Jugend)。","The Deutsches Jungvolk was founded in 1928 by Kurt Gruber under the title Jungmannschaften (""Youth Teams""), but it was renamed Knabenschaft and finally Deutsches Jungvolk in der Hitler Jugend in March 1931." -1000,Mier y Teran 进一步 命令 在 Bexar 的 驻军 放弃 他们 的 堡垒 , 并 创建 一个 新 的 主席台 。,Mier y Teran further ordered the garrison at Bexar to abandon their fort and create a new presidio . -1001,"在劳工总联合会(CGT)和PSI拒绝正式承认反法西斯民兵,而意大利共产党命令其成员退出该组织。","The General Confederation of Labour (CGT) and the PSI refused to officially recognize the anti-fascist militia, while the Italian Communist Party (PCI) ordered its members to quit the organization." -1002,古尔冈位于德里的古尔冈和Dhaula Kuan - Farrukhnagar路的Sultanpur。,Gurgaon is located from Gurgaon in Delhi and Sultanpur on the Dhaula Kuan - Farrukhnagar Road . -1003,我會請你吃壽司。,I'll treat you to sushi. -1004,右图是一例子。,The diagram on the right shows an example. -1005,蓝眼睛的鸟画,a drawing of a bird with blue eyes -1006,猫头鹰头冠的图画,a drawing of an owl with a crown on its head -1007,"然而,对于盐税历史大部分的时期里,价格变化,并导致不同省份之间的巨大差距。","However, for the greater part of its history, the prices varied and resulted in large disparities between the different provinces." -1008,以上这两家企业为民族医疗器械业的肇始。,"In response, these three formed the National Medical Society." -1009,然而 , 其他 的 司法 法庭 却 阻止 了 外来者 的 介入 。,"however , other plebeian tribunes prevented the outsiders from getting in ." -1010,为什么你不等等我就开始了?,Why did you begin without me? -1011,"最后,他提出为何同一形象在一个文化圈中的不同阶段会带来不同的观感的社会学原因,藉以尝试解释中国的龙一般象征美好事物及政权的代表,而西方大部分的龙却是邪恶以及常代表为混乱的原因。","Finally he suggests sociological reasons for why such images may be perceived differently at different stages of a culture to try to explain why Chinese dragons are considered basically good and representative of government, but the great majority (although not all) European dragons are evil and often represent chaos." -1012,离开 中央区 后 , 冲锋队 向 西冲 去 , 与 连接 中央区 和 环区 与 公平 岸 的 Steese 公路 平行 。,"after leaving Central , mushers head west , paralleling the Steese Highway , which connects Central and Circle with Fairbanks ." -1013,南设得兰群岛(South Shetland Islands)发现于 1819 年。有几个国家声称拥有该群岛的主权,而且群岛拥有最多的基地,在 2020 年岛上有十六个基地处于使用状态。,"South Shetland Islands, discovered in 1819, are claimed by several nations and have the most bases, with sixteen active in 2020." -1014,2005年8月11日,在Iwanaga辞职后,Yoshinobu Shimamura成为农业部长。,"On August 11 , 2005 , Yoshinobu Shimamura became Minister of Agriculture following the resignation of Iwanaga ." -1015,"斯帕克斯 还 主演 了 "" 大 热闹 "" 的 "" 尼克 洛登 "" 演出 .","sparks also guest starred on the hit Nickelodeon show , Big Time Rush ." -1016,捧着花的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding a flower -1017,好天气能持续到明天吗?,Will the fine weather keep up till tomorrow? -1018,2007年,他作为丰田试车手驾驶,并继续参加GP2 - Team Trident Racing。,In 2007 he drove as a Toyota test driver and also continued the GP2 - Team Trident Racing . -1019,"在以往的作品,玩家需要选择一位历史人物作为其文明的领导者,而这些历史人物均基于历史数据而前设了其个人性格。","In previous Civilization titles, players selected from historical empires led by historical figures, each with preset personalities." -1020,于是气绝遂���命终。,Right up to the bitter end. -1021,"早在1841年威廉·亨利·哈里森总统去世时,宪法对总统继任程序语焉不详的问题就已出现,但此后多年却未能通过宪法修正案来解决问题。","The constitutional flaws in the process of presidential succession had been known since the death of President William Henry Harrison in 1841, but little progress had been made passing a constitutional amendment to remedy the problem." -1022,老虎与狮、豹和美洲虎属于同一类型(豹属)。这四种大猫是仅有的会吼叫的猫科动物。,"The tiger is in the same group (Genus Panthera) as lions, leopards, and jaguars. These four cats are the only ones who can roar." -1023,一条头上有角的鱼的图画,a drawing of a fish with a horn on it's head -1024,他们 与 石庙 飞行员 和 布什 一起 表演 了 三个 头条新闻 中 的 一个 .,"they performed as one of the three headliners , along with Stone Temple Pilots and Bush ." -1025,在 1789 年 10 月 6 日,受到惊吓的国王路易十六、王后玛丽·安托瓦内特和他们的两个孩子(11 岁的玛丽·特蕾莎和 4 岁的路易斯·查尔斯),以及国王的妹妹伊丽莎白夫人,被一群集市妇女从凡尔赛赶回了巴黎。,"The terrified King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette their two young children (11 year old Marie Therese and four year old Louis-Charles) and the King's sister, Madam Elizabeth, on the 6th October 1789 were forced back to Paris from Versailles by a mob of market women." -1026,她的丈夫因此非常嫉妒。,Her husband becomes envious. -1027,"一位 天主教 神父 和 一位 拉比 在 一块 10ST , 8 英尺 的 三角形 石块 上 祷告 .","a Catholic priest and a rabbi prayed over the keystone , a 10 ST , 8 ft triangular section ." -1028,"拜仁迅速进入状态,由莱万多夫斯基在第3和第9分钟各入一球。","Bayern began quickly, with Lewandowski completing a brace with goals in the 3rd and 9th minute." -1029,印第安人 用装 在 岸上 大炮 中 的 子弹 向 水手 开火 。,the Indians fired back at the sailors with musket balls loaded in one of the cannons on shore . -1030,"除了LGBT社区的重要符号,还有一些不太流行的符号被用来代表成员的团结,骄傲和共同的价值观。","In addition to major symbols of the LGBT community, symbols have been used to represent members' unity, pride, shared values, and allegiance to one another." -1031,"这 条 公路 从 东边 的 布里奇 维尔 绕道 , 把 美国 的 13 号 公路 从 该镇 的 主街 改道 .","the highway bypassed Bridgeville to the east , rerouting US 13 off Main Street in that town ." -1032,"他 安排 了 一次 "" 意外 "" 碰撞 她 的 小巷 和 他 的 一名 队长 。","he arranged an "" accidental "" collision between her galley and one of his captains ." -1033,然后 , 它 的 后部 快速 移动 , 夸大 了 它 的 末端 深度 跳水 的 拱形 。,"it then arches its back in a quick motion , exaggerating this arch during its terminal deep dive ." -1034,一个顶着蓝色帽子的球,a ball with a blue cap on top of it -1035,1287 年 , 威尼斯人 和 Genoese 人 再次 爆发 战争 , 1289 年 的黎波里 沦落 到 Qalawun 。,"war broke out between the Venetians and Genoese again in 1287 , and Tripoli fell to Qalawun in 1289 ." -1036,9 月 下旬 , 950 只 馅饼 从 查尔斯 · 布莱尔 运来 。,"in late September , the 950 pikes arrived from Charles Blair ." -1037,探测器是一个41.4米高和直径39.3米的圆柱形容器。,The detector is a cylindrical structure 41.4 m tall and 39.3 m in diameter. -1038,"对应上面的例子,红方选择动作1的概率为4/7和行动2的概率为3/7,而蓝方选择动作的概率为0、4/7和3/7,对应A、B和C三个行动。","For the example given above, it turns out that Red should choose action 1 with probability 4/7 and action 2 with probability 3/7, and Blue should assign the probabilities 0, 4/7, and 3/7 to the three actions A, B, and C. Red will then win 20/7 points on average per game." -1039,菲律宾一名前警察在首都马尼拉劫持旅游大巴,将车上的香港游客作为人质。,"A former Filipino policeman has kept Hong Kong tourists hostage by hijacking their bus in Manila, the capital of the Philippines." -1040,我會立刻開始。,I'll get started right away. -1041,请确认你打算乘坐的公交车将会进入希伯伦,而不仅仅是去附近的基亚特·阿巴 (Kiryat Arba) 犹太定居点。,Check that the bus you are thinking of taking goes into Hebron and not just to the nearby Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba. -1042,他不适合当老师。,He is unfit to be a teacher. -1043,全国 议员 确认 穆勒 是 里奇 的 主教 。,the national synod confirmed Müller as Reich 's Bishop . -1044,"无处稠密的闭集的补集是一个稠密的开集,因此无处稠密集的补集是内部为稠密的集合。","The complement of a closed nowhere dense set is a dense open set, and thus the complement of a nowhere dense set is a set with dense interior." -1045,1784 年 5 月 , 当地 的 Aleuts 反抗 Amchitka , 反对 俄罗斯 商人 。,"in May 1784 , local Aleuts revolted on Amchitka against the Russian traders ." -1046,她 在 巴黎 学了 壁画 、 陶瓷 和 蜡烛 .,"she learnt fresco painting , ceramics and batik in Paris ." -1047,一个服从的人是指一个自愿或寻求去臣服于他人的人。,"Whoever in Arabia wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with Muhammad can do so, and whoever wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with the Quraysh can do so." -1048,"主持人菲尔在次日凌晨4点将他们叫醒,并告知各队需要按照帐篷完成顺序选择交换同伴的队伍。","They were then woken up by Phil Keoghan at 4:00 am, who explained that for the remainder of this leg, they would choose another team to switch partners with, in the same order their tents were approved." -1049,最受欢迎的旅游资源仍然来自本地LGBT媒体组织和在线LGBT新闻和生活方式网站。,The most popular travel resources are still ones from local LGBT media organizations and online LGBT news and lifestyle websites . -1050,斯坦利 · 鲍德温 接替 霍恩 进入 贸易 委员会 .,Stanley Baldwin succeeds Horne at the Board of Trade . -1051,2033年问题是关于2033年置闰出错所引发的问题。,These problems lead to what is called the Year 2033 Problem. -1052,"在 露天 的 夜里 , 里斯 用 伏特加 喝 了 乔什 的 橙汁 .","during a night out at the loft , Rhys spikes Josh 's orange juice with vodka ." -1053,紫色和白色的动物画,a drawing of a purple and white animal -1054,在1905年才改名为TGM。,Since 1905 it has been known as the TGM. -1055,不过这些Scoloderus属蜘蛛似乎与流星锤蜘蛛的亲缘关系并不接近。,"However, these spiders do not seem to be closely related to bolas spiders." -1056,"古代遗物包括位于霍伊海口西入口的,由最后一任奥克尼主教于1633年修建的Breckness House;以及位于Breckness House和斯特罗姆内斯镇之间的一处古代公墓,包括已毁弃的教堂和残存下来的修道院遗址。","Antiquities include Breckness House, erected in 1633 by George Graham, Bishop of Orkney, at the west entrance of Hoy Sound; and an ancient cemetery, with a ruined church, and the remains of a monastery, between Breckness House and Stromness town." -1057,胼call体在癫痫中的作用是半球间放电的癫痫样传播。,The role of corpus callosum in the epilepsy is the epileptiform transmission of interhemispheric discharges . -1058,这成了普遍做法,但铁片会使木制的马车轮子磨损更严重。,"This became common practice, but the iron caused more wear on the wooden wheels of the wagons." -1059,罗斯贝数越小,恒星在磁场倒转方面就越不活跃。,"The smaller the Rossby number, the less active the star with respect to magnetic reversals." -1060,由 Philip Glass 主演 的 歌剧 Satyagraha 使用 了 用 梵语 唱 的 Bhagavad Gita 的 文字 。,"Satyagraha , an opera by Philip Glass , uses texts from the Bhagavad Gita , sung in Sanskrit ." -1061,青云直上的鸟儿在空中飞翔,a blue bird flying through the air with clouds -1062,"71 岁 的 杰瑞 · 约克 , 美国 商人 , 苹果公司 执行 董事 , 脑出血 .","Jerry York , 71 , American businessman , Executive Director of Apple Inc . , cerebral hemorrhage ." -1063,塔顶是上帝的特殊圣地。,The top of the tower was special sanctuary for the god. -1064,然而,懂一点西班牙语的人可能会急着得出这样的结论:葡萄牙语与西班牙语非常接近,不需要单独学习。,"However, people who know a little Spanish may hastily conclude that Portuguese is close enough that it need not be studied separately." -1065,"在《编年史》(约公元116年)中,塔西提斯描述了尼禄对基督徒的迫害,并且提到(《编年史》15.44)彼拉多命令处决了耶稣: 尼禄急于找出纵火者,极端地迫害民众称为基督徒的让人厌恶的团体。","116 AD), Tacitus described the persecution of Christians by Nero and stated (Annals 15.44) that Pilate ordered the execution of Jesus: Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace." -1066,在一年中的其他日子,这里也能看到比较小型的锦标赛和比赛。,Smaller tournaments and matches can also be seen here at other times of the year. -1067,"保加利亚官员说逮捕过程中移民拘捕,于是一名警察开枪示警,该男子被反弹的子弹击中,后来死亡。",Bulgarian officials said a warning shot was fired after the migrants resisted arrest and that the man was killed by the ricochet. -1068,AleksandraPiłsudska(Suwałki,1882年12月12日 - 伦敦,1963年3月31日),néeSzczerbińska,是JózefPiłsudski的第二任妻子。,"Aleksandra Piłsudska ( Suwałki , 12 December 1882 -- London , 31 March 1963 ) , née Szczerbińska , was the second wife of Józef Piłsudski ." -1069,我困了。,I'm sleepy. -1070,Balikli是土耳其阿马西亚市的一个村庄。,"Balıklı is a village in the Gumushacıköy district , province of Amasya , Turkey ." -1071,你們想要吃些什麼嗎?,Do you guys want something to eat? -1072,即使我知道答案,我也不会告诉你。,"Even if I knew the answer, I wouldn't tell you." -1073,"根据这部影片的描述,使用这种方法复活了数只狗,其中一只是被复活的双亲的后代。","According to the film, several dogs were brought back to life using this method, including one which is an offspring of parents who were both also resuscitated." -1074,"麦基尔大学的Victoria Kaspi(英语:Victoria Kaspi)估计在整个天空每天可以发生多达10,000次的快速电波爆发。","Victoria Kaspi of McGill University estimated that as many as 10,000 fast radio bursts may occur per day over the entire sky." -1075,"今年 7 月 , 古德雷姆 开始 了 她 的 首个 头条新闻 的 澳大利亚 演唱会 - - 《 观光 之旅 》 .","in July , Goodrem embarked on her first headline concert tour of Australia , The Visualise Tour ." -1076,红外图像显示,昼夜温度的变化表示这些地方很可能是洞穴。,Infrared images show that the temperature variations from night and day show that they are likely caves. -1077,"1980年,他们决定将这份想法带到华特迪士尼影业集团,迪士尼在当时有兴趣制作大胆题材的作品。","In 1980, they decided to take the idea to the Walt Disney Studios, which was interested in producing more daring productions at the time." -1078,"水手服是仿照当时英国皇家海军的制服为范本,因为李院长曾于英国担任交换学生时接触到。","It was modeled after the uniform used by the British Royal Navy at the time, which Lee had experienced as an exchange student in the United Kingdom." -1079,"萤火虫/雪曼Vc-大约2,000辆M4A4被英国重新武装,使用英国的QF 17磅炮 (76.2毫米)。","Sherman Firefly/Sherman Vc - About 2,000 were re-armed by the British with their 17-pounder (76.2 mm) guns as the Sherman Firefly." -1080,首先,大多数骑马人会穿带跟马靴,而且鞋底光滑及相当狭窄。,"First, most riders wear riding boots with a heel and a smooth, quite narrow, sole." -1081,这一发现也有助于深入了解鸟类羽毛的进化。,The find also grants insight into the evolution of feathers in birds. -1082,“比周围的表面相比,它们白天更凉,晚上更暖。,"""They are cooler than the surrounding surface in the day and warmer at night." -1083,"在他的亲属关系比较研究,摩根回应来自世界各地的学者、传教士、美国印地安人代表、殖民地官员与军官。","In his quest to do comparative kinship studies, Morgan also corresponded with scholars, missionaries, US Indian agents, colonial agents, and military officers around the world." -1084,科学家希望了解自从彗星很久以前与地球相撞以来,行星是如何形成的,尤其是地球的形成方式。,"Scientists hope to understand how planets form, especially how the Earth formed, since comets collided with the Earth long ago." -1085,当 她 和 阿尔特 米斯 混为一谈 时 , 她 变成 了 月亮 女神 , 取代 了 以前 的 泰坦 女神 卢娜 。,"as she became conflated with Artemis , she became a moon goddess , supplanting the earlier Titan goddess Luna ." -1086,在 8 月 23 日 抵达 时 , 它 只 发现 了 两辆 打火机 , 没有 拖船 。,"on arrival on 23 August , it found only two lighters and no tugboats ." -1087,在印度北部和巴基斯坦的内陆地区,咖喱中常常使用酸奶;而在印度南部和次大陆其他一些沿海地区,则常常使用椰奶。,"In inland regions of Northern India and Pakistan, yogurt is commonly used in curries; in Southern India and some other coastal regions of the subcontinent, coconut milk is commonly used." -1088,调用sleep时,调用者将被阻塞,直到另一个进程使用警报例程将其唤醒。,"When sleep is called , the caller is blocked until another process wakes it up using the alarm routine ." -1089,"范阿赫特作为天主教人民党成员进入政坛,1980年天主教人民党与其他两大基督教民主党派合并组成基督教民主党。","Van Agt entered politics as a member of the Catholic People's Party, which merged with the other two major Christian Democratic parties in 1980 to form the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA)." -1090,氢离子是失去了电子的质子(因为氢原子由一个质子和一个电子组成)。,Hydrogen ions are protons that had their electrons stripped off them (since Hydrogen atoms consist of one proton and one electron). -1091,它于1910年从Laura扩展到Booleroo中心,最后于1915年扩展到Wilmington。,It was expanded in 1910 from Laura to the Booleroo Centre and finally to Wilmington in 1915 . -1092,艾莫 艺术家 列表 替代 摇滚乐 子 文化 场景 子 文化 年表,list of emo artists Timeline of alternative rock Goth subculture Scene subculture -1093,"同时 , 里德 赶上 了 捐赠者 , 和 他 的 队友 之一 沃尔特 · 赫伦 走 了 过来 .","meanwhile , Reed caught up with the Donners and proceeded with one of his teamsters , Walter Herron ." -1094,作为他的许多其他人的后代,他的父亲在战争中战斗,决定在巴拉圭结束时留在巴拉圭,就像当时的巴西士兵一样。,"His descendant of many other people , his father fought at war and decided to stay in Paraguay when it ended , like the Brazilian soldiers at the time ." -1095,Jennica Garcia是Jean Garcia和Jigo Garcia的唯一女儿。,Jennica Garcia is the sole daughter of Jean Garcia and Jigo Garcia . -1096,S . Schwarzfuchs , 《 拉 比特 简史 》 , 牛津 , 1993 年 。,"S. Schwarzfuchs , A Concise History of the Rabbinate , Oxford , 1993 ." -1097,可操作的VMS系统可以访问一个或多个在线磁盘,每个磁盘包含一个完整的独立文件系统。,"An operational VMS system has access to one or more online disks , each of which contains a complete , independent file system ." -1098,Jason Jamie Syme是橄榄球联盟和橄榄球联盟 - 足球运动员的老Borther。,Jason Jamie Syme is the older Borther of the Rugby - League and Rugby - Union - Footballers . -1099,吉斯 兄弟 们 热衷于 迫害 新教徒 .,the Guise brothers set about persecuting the Protestants with zeal . -1100,罗斯堡的胜利使他成为过去九年来的第九位西班牙大奖赛分站冠军得主。,Rosberg's victory made him the ninth different winner of the Spanish Grand Prix in as many years. -1101,悉尼 终点站 的 美学 和 技术 意义,; Sydney Terminus aesthetic and technical significance -1102,"在 1904 年 罗马 担任 天主教 牧师 后 , 弗吉尼亚州 .","after his ordination as a Catholic priest at Rome in 1904 , Fr ." -1103,里弗顿是新西兰南部地区的议会选民。,Riverton was a parliamentary electorate in the New Zealand region of Southland . -1104,"这些 蚂蚁 是 杂种 动物 和 清除 者 , 通常 在 较 暖和 的 温度 下 饲养 .","these ants are omnivores and scavengers , typically foraging in warmer temperatures ." -1105,"据曼森自己的描述,他第一次遇见丹尼斯·威尔森是在旧金山一个朋友家里,他去那获取大麻。",The account given in Manson in His Own Words is that Manson first met Wilson at a friend's San Francisco house where Manson had gone to obtain cannabis. -1106,全天候 技术 赛车 锦标赛 成果,complete WeatherTech SportsCar Championship results -1107,我感覺不太好,我該回家。,I don't feel very well. I should go home. -1108,"安格尔 不经意 地撞 到 裁判员 , 把 他 击倒 在 故事情节 中 .","angle then accidentally hit the referee , knocking him out in the storyline ." -1109,长尾鸟的图画,a drawing of a bird with a long tail -1110,蓝白相间的鸟儿张开翅膀,a blue and white bird with its wings spread -1111,"而在二十世纪,针对这两个问题,产生了两个主要的物理理论:针对前者产生了相对论;针对后者产生了量子力学。","Two major physical theories were developed during the twentieth century starting from these issues: for the former, the theory of relativity; for the second, quantum mechanics." -1112,空中的皮卡丘的图画,a drawing of a pikachu in the air -1113,它是由党的全国代表大会定期选举产生的。,It is periodically elected by the party's National Congress. -1114,裁判 主要 在 当地 慕尼黑 联盟 主持 业余比赛 .,the referees mainly officiate amateur games in the local Munich leagues . -1115,不要冒险。,Don't run risks. -1116,在独立战争期间,十三个州最初根据《联邦条例》组成了弱小的中央政府(国会是其唯一的组成部分)。,"During the Revolutionary War, the thirteen states first formed a weak central government—with the Congress being its only component—under the Articles of Confederation." -1117,它目前是加尔维斯顿县和加尔维斯顿的记录报纸。,"It is currently serving as the newspaper of record for Galveston County , as well as Galveston ." -1118,"正如 学者 罗斯 · 亨弗勒 ( Ross Haenfer ) 所 指出 的 , 许多 拳击手 粉丝 "" 鄙视 公司 的 拳击手 "" , 典型 的 乐队 是 "" Sum 41 和 Blink 182 "" 。","as observed by scholar Ross Haenfler , many punk fans "" ' despise corporate punk rock ' , typified by bands such as Sum 41 and Blink 182 "" ." -1119,"这个段阶,神与佛是同一信仰体系的中心,使两者其完全地认识别的存在,两者大约也可视为同一存在。","In illustrations, the god and the mortal man resemble each other; this has created some confusion over which entity is being portrayed." -1120,红黄相间的昆虫在空中飞舞,a red and yellow insect flying through the air -1121,那 尖刻 的 、 凄凉 的 、 凄凉 的 哨声 , 伴随 着 滚滚 的 松树 的 呼唤 ��� 在 山谷 里 回荡 了 很 长时间 。,"the shrill , desolate , plaintive whistle , accompanied by the soughing of the billowing pines , reverberated for a long time in the mountain valleys ." -1122,两者都追溯了威廉姆斯及其继承者对文化唯物主义的文学和文化研究的持续影响。,Both traced the continuing influence on literary and cultural studies of the kinds of cultural materialism developed by Williams and his successors . -1123,"在2005年,八通线开始使用青岛四方制造的SFX01和SFX02列车。","In 2005, Line Batong began using SFX01 and SFX02 trains made by Qingdao Sifang." -1124,"2014年6月25日 - Google 宣布了 Drive for Work,这是一种新的 Google Apps 产品,具有无限文件存储空间、高级审计报告和新安全控制功能,而每位用户每个月的使用费用为 $10。","Google, on June 25, 2014, announced Drive for Work, a new Google Apps offering featuring unlimited file storage, advanced audit reporting, and new security controls for $10 per user per month." -1125,迄今为止,船运是跨洋运输大量人员和货物的最有效方式。,Using ships to transport goods is by far the most efficient way to move large amounts of people and goods across oceans. -1126,提前预订可以让旅行者安心,知道到达目的地后就有地方过夜。,Booking in advance gives the traveller peace of mind that they will have somewhere to sleep once they arrive at their destination. -1127,龟背云的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a tortoise with a cloud on its back -1128,蓝白相间的黄嘴鸟,a white and blue bird with a yellow beak -1129,这样 一个 牧师 就 可以 每天 在 圣彼得 教堂 为 他 唱 弥撒 。,so that a chaplain might sing Mass for him daily in St Peter 's . -1130,雷·伯格曼(Ray Bergman) - 曾是斯蒂芬斯(Stephens)青年合唱团之一,也对斯蒂芬的同性恋主张提出异议。,Ray Bergman -- who was in one of the youth choirs of Stephens -- also disputes any claims that Stephen 's was homosexual . -1131,其中主要的应用是芯片实验室及生物光子产品。,One of the primary applications of the field is for lab-on-a-chip and biophotonic products. -1132,然后应用于句子结构和对典型边界的理解。,Then it is applied to sentence structure and the understanding of typical clause boundaries. -1133,我在吃午饭前洗手。,I wash my hands before eating lunch. -1134,"MBR 04,意大利。",MBR 04 Italy. -1135,它用于培训Bayero大学(住院医师培训)的医学生和医生。,It is used for the training of medical students and doctors at Bayero University ( Residency Training ) . -1136,"官方上,宰相作为一人内阁,对国家的所有事务负责;而在现实操作中,国务官员(掌管财政、战争、外交等事务的官僚)则行使非正式的权力。","Officially, the chancellor functioned as a one-man cabinet and was responsible for the conduct of all state affairs; in practice, the State Secretaries (bureaucratic top officials in charge of such fields as finance, war, foreign affairs, etc.) acted as unofficial portfolio ministers." -1137,容器玻璃具有比平板玻璃更低的氧化镁和氧化钠含量,以及更高的二氧化硅,氧化钙和氧化铝含量。,"Container glass has a lower magnesium oxide and sodium oxide content than flat glass , and a higher Silica , Calcium oxide , and Aluminum oxide content ." -1138,白球上有尖刺的图画,a drawing of a white ball with spikes on it -1139,手稿由Imbro主教Eduard Reuss转移到Nicephorus Glykas。,"The manuscript was transferred to Nicephorus Glykas by Eduard Reuss , Bishop of Imbro ." -1140,一个绿色的卡通人物,头上戴着一片叶子,a green cartoon character with a leaf on its head -1141,她再次弄壞了烤麵包機。,She has broken the toaster again. -1142,但是 , 马特 甚至 无法 理解 阿宽 , 更 不用说 修复 了 他 了 , 而是 争取 阿宽 帮助 寻找 达芙妮 , 漫画 也 描述 了 这 一点 。,"matt , however , cannot even understand Hiro , much less fix him , and instead enlists Hiro 's help in finding Daphne , which the comic also depicts ." -1143,"首舰约克代舰是三艘舰中唯一起造的,不过其建造作业被废弃时距离完工尚有两年的时间。","The lead ship, Ersatz Yorck, was the only vessel of the three to have construction begin, though she was over two years from completion by the time work was abandoned." -1144,那个药的话没有处方是买不到的。,You cannot purchase this medicine without a prescription. -1145,"和平广场站是布拉格地铁以及欧盟中最深的地铁车站,深达53米。",Náměstí Míru is the deepest station of the Prague Metro and the European Union. -1146,1975年,Georgi Daneliya主演了由Leonid Kuravlyov执导的他最着名的喜剧之一“Afonya”。,"In 1975 , Georgi Daneliya starred in one of his most famous comedies "" Afonya "" , directed by Leonid Kuravlyov ." -1147,"在欧洲,氨基葡萄糖被批准为药物,以硫酸盐的形式销售。","In most of Europe, glucosamine is approved as a medical drug and is sold in the form of glucosamine sulfate." -1148,保罗 麦 卡特 尼 出现 在 毕拉 穆斯 , 约翰 列农 出现 在 Thisbe , 乔治 哈里森 出现 在 月光 下 , 林戈 · 斯塔尔 出现 在 狮子座 上 。,"Paul McCartney appeared as Pyramus , John Lennon as Thisbe , George Harrison as Moonshine , and Ringo Starr as Lion ." -1149,我好像丢了我的钥匙。,It seems that I've lost my keys. -1150,该书被认为是研究美国人性格的里程碑。,The book is considered a landmark study of American character. -1151,被 雅克 · 保罗 · 米尼 ( Jacques Paul Migne ) 错误 地 重新 出版 。,; republished with many errors by Jacques Paul Migne as Vols . -1152,"排位赛第三阶段保持不变,最快的十辆赛车晋级至最后十分钟的排位赛。",The third qualifying period remains unchanged with the ten fastest drivers all advancing to the final ten minutes of qualifying. -1153,一只蓝色的蝴蝶,翅膀上有白色的小点。,a blue butterfly with white dots on it's wings -1154,"电影节是由一名保荐人的数量,包括俄亥俄州艺术委员会(Ohio Arts Council)和哥伦布设计与艺术学院( Columbus College of Art & Design)。",The Festival is supported by a number of sponsors including the Ohio Arts Council and the Columbus College of Art & Design. -1155,1930年,它被AVCO收购成为美国航空公司。,"In 1930 , it was acquired by AVCO to become American Airlines ." -1156,它 由 吉他 、 小提琴 和 自传 歌词 组成 .,"it consists of acoustic guitar and violins , with autobiographical lyrics ." -1157,"克隆艾米莉是在七年工作期间跟西蒙长期相处的情况下爱上他的,但是她非常想念地球,想念一种在她生命里更深刻、更本质的东西。","The clone Emily and Simon had gradually fallen in love over the course of seven years, but she missed Earth and longed for something deeper and more substantial with her life." -1158,"融入基督教教义,并按照《圣经》十诫,免学童入塾跪拜偶像。","Into the Christian doctrine, and in accordance with the "" Bible "" Ten Commandments, bow down to idols Free children into private school." -1159,"在四处求助朋友无果后,他为巴克买了一张前往喀土穆的巴士票。","When he could not find a friend to provide passage to Khartoum, Abdah bought a bus ticket to Khartoum for Bok." -1160,向北可轻松抵达浪漫迷人的辛特拉镇;它是拜伦勋爵笔下为人称道的乐土,并因此为外国人所熟知。,To the north and within easy reach is the romantic and fascinating town of Sintra and which was made famous to foreigners after a glowing account of its splendours recorded by Lord Byron. -1161,他 为 发生 在 她 身上 的 事 道歉 并 开枪 打死 了 她 。,he apologizes for what happened to her and shoots her . -1162,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -1163,"很少 有 球迷 参观 东方 公园 , 露丝 和 他 的 队友 在 那里 相当 隐秘 .","few fans visited Oriole Park , where Ruth and his teammates labored in relative obscurity ." -1164,2006 年 启用 的 巴斯克 浮游生物 综合体 是 为 Jai alai 建造 的 , 这是 一个 度量 器 、 一个 三叉 车 和 一个 开放 的 前沿 地方 。,"the Basque pelota Complex , inaugurated in 2006 , is for Jai alai , a mur à gauche , a trinquet and an open place fronton ." -1165,一切僧当忍听灭是事。,"To Saikia, repentance is everything." -1166,娱乐新闻网站TMZ了解到,该名摄影师在Sepulveda大道的另一侧停车,开始拍摄警察的拦截,并在横穿马路后继续拍照,促使进行交通拦截的加州公路巡警两次停下手中工作,命令他回到对面。,"Entertainment news website TMZ understands the photographer stopped his vehicle on the other side of Sepulveda Boulevard and attempted to take pictures of the police stop before crossing the road and continuing, prompting the California Highway Patrol police officer conducting the traffic stop to order him back across, twice." -1167,现任参议员、阿根廷第一夫人克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德·柯克纳 (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) 昨晚在距离布宜诺斯艾利斯 50 公里(31英里)的拉普拉塔市 (La Plata) 宣布了其总统竞选资格。,"Current senator and Argentine First Lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced her presidential candidacy yesterday evening in La Plata, a city 50 kilometers (31 miles) away from Buenos Aires." -1168,阿巴拉契亚 山脉 将 东海岸 与 大湖 和 中西部 草原 分割 开来 。,the Appalachian Mountains divide the eastern seaboard from the Great Lakes and the grasslands of the Midwest . -1169,该处公示的限速比之前和之后的路段明显要低,常见的限速是 35-40 英里/小时(56-64 公里/小时),而严格遵守限速要求的重要性也甚于其他路段。,Posted speed limits are noticeably lower than in previous and subsequent sections — commonly 35-40 mph (56-64 km/h) — and strict obedience to them is even more important than otherwise. -1170,"在环境智能世界里,设备一起协作来支持人来完成他们的日常活动,任务,仪式等,让他们在使用这些信息以及隐藏在这些设备后面的网络中的智能时变得更容易、更自然。","In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices (for example: The Internet of Things)." -1171,杜比 在 鲁滨逊 的 葬礼 上 扮演 了 举报人 的 角色 .,doby served as one of the pallbearers at Robinson 's funeral . -1172,约翰 · 卡尔文 、 菲利普 · 梅兰 奇顿 和 其他 新教 神学家 谴责 罗马 天主教会 内部 色彩鲜艳 的 装饰 。,"John Calvin , Philip Melanchthon and other Protestant theologians denounced the richly colored and decorated interiors of Roman Catholic churches ." -1173,"原来 的 五个 女神 , 加上 赫姆斯 , 联合 在 一起 , 化身 , 祝福 这个 最后 的 灵魂 .","the original five goddesses , plus Hermes , united to incarnate and bless this final soul ." -1174,几乎不可能在岛外兑换福克兰群岛的货币,所以要在离岛之前兑换。,"It is nearly impossible to exchange Falklands currency outside of the islands, so exchange money prior to leaving the islands." -1175,一个白色的物体,上面有一条黄线,a white object with a yellow line on it -1176,戈洛依 和 伊格 莱恩 的 三个 女儿 都 恨 亚瑟 , 但 最小 的 摩根 最恨 他 。,"all of Gorlois and Igraine 's three daughters hated Arthur , but Morgan , the youngest , hated him the most ." -1177,EmiliaSchüle(1992年11月28日出生于布拉戈维申斯克)是一位俄罗斯血统的德国女演员。,"Emilia Schüle ( born November 28 , 1992 in Blagoveshchensk ) is a German actress of Russian descent ." -1178,基于超文本传输协议(HTTP)的Webmail:邮件被以服务器定义的格式提供给用户浏览器。,Webmail over HTTP: messages are served to a user's browser in a server-defined format. -1179,红蓝相间的龙,张着嘴,a red and blue dragon with its mouth open -1180,"她编纂了一部关于蒙特瑞半岛(英语:Monterey peninsula)海藻的专著,后来,这部专著后来又将加州海岸海藻研究包括进去。","She compiled a book on marine algae of the Monterey peninsula, which later was expanded to include all of the California coast." -1181,科林麦克杜格尔与理查森结婚。,Colin MacDougall is married to Richardson . -1182,英格兰 的 亨利 二世 继续 煽动 英国 对 科南 四世 的 反抗 和 反抗 .,Henry II of England continued to stoke revolts and rebellions in Brittany against Conan IV . -1183,他们 在 这里 和 科克雷尔 的 西法卡 一起 旋转 。,where they are rotated with the Coquerel 's sifakas . -1184,你认为动物有灵魂吗?,Do you think animals have souls? -1185,Archie 说 , Fritz 试图 在 花园里 种 一些 草药 , 例如 菜 。,Archie says that Fritz tries to grow herbs such as chives in the garden . -1186,一个表情怪异的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a strange look on his face -1187,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -1188,消防救援人员最终在晚上 11 点 35 分扑灭了大火。,Fire rescue crews eventually doused the fire by 11:35 pm. -1189,建筑师是Milton J. Kramer,他是原主人Herbert J. Krapp。,"The architect was Milton J. Kramer , who was the original owner Herbert J. Krapp ." -1190,"2014 年 2 月 20 日 , 布卡尼人 揭开 了 一个 略作 改动 的 标志 和 头盔 .","the Buccaneers unveiled a slightly altered logo and helmet on February 20 , 2014 ." -1191,来自 拉贾斯坦邦 的 妇女 戴上 Ghagra Cholis 时 暴露 在 中锋 身上 。,women from Rajasthan leave the midriff exposed while wearing Ghagra Cholis . -1192,卡通豪猪张嘴就跑,a cartoon porcupine running with its mouth open -1193,罗马各地安装了数个大型电视屏幕,供人们观看仪式。,Several large television screens were installed in various places in Rome to let the people watch the ceremony. -1194,"7月25日,甲午战争开打。","On 25 July, fighting continued." -1195,相当的有用。,Especially useful. -1196,"他说,每一个与执行同性婚姻有关的人士,都应该反对它,即使这意味着失去工作。","He said every profession linked with implementing same-sex marriages should oppose it, even if it meant losing their jobs." -1197,"1965年英国大奖赛(英语:1965 British Grand Prix)中有七辆布拉汉姆赛车在场上竞争,其中只有两辆属于MRD车队,且在此赛季中的大奖赛时常可以看到四到五辆的布拉汉姆同时在场上。","The 1965 British Grand Prix saw seven Brabhams compete, only two of them from the works team, and there were usually four or five at championship Grands Prix throughout that season." -1198,"当代 修辞 师利巴 纽斯 在 363 年 举行 了 朱利安 的 葬礼 , 其 文字 得以 保留 .","the contemporary rhetorician Libanius delivered Julian 's funeral oration in 363 , whose text survives ." -1199,例如2007年公共机构成员已经可以合法地购买电脑。,"For example, in 2007, it became possible for members of the public to legally buy a computer." -1200,也有人种来观赏。,Many saw action too. -1201,"在国内,里根总统试图推行一系列的私有化和涓滴经济来刺激经济。","Domestically, Reagan attempted to bring in a package of privatization and regulation to stimulate the economy." -1202,一对粉红色翅膀的猫头鹰的图画,a drawing of a pair of owls with pink wings -1203,我相信那个故事。,I believe that story. -1204,作为斯普利特大主教的秘书,他去了威尼斯,并于1503年通过萨格勒布前往匈牙利。,"As Secretary of the Archbishop of Split , he went to Venice and in 1503 to Hungary through Zagreb ." -1205,"拿单告诉大卫有两个人,一个是富户,一个是穷人。","Two Lazaruses, he—the rich one, me the poor." -1206,与工厂池塘的狭窄水域相比,大电流快速而强大。,"Compared to the narrow waters of a mill pond , the broad current is fast and powerful ." -1207,"2011年1月6日晚,斯沃茨在哈佛大学校园附近被MIT警察和一名美国特勤局特工逮捕。","On the night of January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested near the Harvard campus by MIT police and a United States Secret Service agent." -1208,麦金侬注意到马克思的批评的理论认为处理分类作为一个自发的事件发生自然。,MacKinnon notes Marx's criticism of theory that treated class division as a spontaneous event that occurred naturally. -1209,谁选你来做这个任务?,Who picked you for this mission? -1210,1989 年,他与布鲁克斯和格罗宁一起创作了《辛普森一家》,并负责聘请了该剧的首支编剧团队。,"In 1989 he helped create The Simpsons with Brooks and Groening, and was responsible for hiring the show's first writing team." -1211,“我姐姐和她的朋友不见了,路上有两个残疾人坐着轮椅,有人跳过去帮他们推轮椅”,阿尔芒·范思哲说道。,"I lost my sister and her friend, and on my way there were two disabled people in wheelchairs, people just jumping over and pushing them,"" Armand Versace said." -1212,平民 保护 团在 Pfeiffer Sur 州 公园 建造 了 营地 、 建筑物 、 篱笆 、 一座 行人 桥 和 小径 。,"the Civilian Conservation Corps built campgrounds , buildings , fences , a footbridge , and trails in Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park ." -1213,地热能是通过开发地球内部产生和储存的热能而生产的。,Geothermal energy is produced by tapping into the thermal energy created and stored within the earth. -1214,长尾巴的动物画,a drawing of an animal with a long tail -1215,延庆监禁是中国延庆县北京监狱。,"Yanqing imprisonment is a prison in Beijing in the municipality of Yanqing County , China ." -1216,他于1963年7月23日在波尔多去世,被埋葬在里昂的Chartreuse墓地。,He died in Bordeaux on 23 July 1963 and was buried at the Chartreuse cemetery in Lyon . -1217,您会使用计算机吗?,Can you use a computer? -1218,我比以前吃得少了。,I don't eat as much as I used to. -1219,Pa amb Oli 是一种在夏天尤为流行的简单晚餐:面包搭配橄榄油、番茄,手头上任何佐料都可加入,比如奶酪、金枪鱼等。,"A simple popular dinner, especially during the summer, is the Pa amb Oli: Bread with olive oil, tomato, and any available condiments such as cheese, tunafish, etc." -1220,"有很多国家乙型肝炎感染的几率较高,新生儿接种乙型肝炎疫苗不只可以降低感染的风险,也显著的减少了肝癌的病例。","Many countries now routinely vaccinate infants against hepatitis B. In countries with high rates of hepatitis B infection, vaccination of newborns has not only reduced the risk of infection, but has also led to marked reduction in liver cancer." -1221,这些阿斯特尔人定居德国,18世纪在北美首次与历史上最富有的人之一约翰·雅各布·阿斯特尔合作。,"The astors settled in Germany , appearing for the first time in the 18th century in North America with John Jacob Astor , one of the richest people in history ." -1222,与天齐驱之人。,One of them is Zigra Wisata. -1223,一只长着大翅膀的可爱的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big wings -1224,一个蓝色的卡通人物,手里拿着一个目标,a blue cartoon character with a target in his hand -1225,诺瓦 港 可能 纪念 马库斯 · 奥雷利 乌斯 在 公元前 167 年 战胜 德国人 的 胜利 .,the Porte Noire may commemorate the victories of Marcus Aurelius over the Germans in 167 CE . -1226,湯姆不知所措。,Tom doesn't know what he should do. -1227,红绿相间的昆虫在空中飞舞,a green and red insect flying through the air -1228,"在纳什维尔,艾尔本成为了一个可卡因的频繁使用者。","While living in Nashville, Urban became a frequent user of cocaine." -1229,"每个任务的环境都会被该地的状况影响,而地图都是以随机形式生成的,且有不同的地形和建筑物。","Each mission's environment is influenced by the world's state, while maps are procedurally-generated to create a wide variety of levels, in which every map features different terrain and buildings in each play-through." -1230,另一方面,戴高乐将军的印象较少,拒绝了她的建议,只阅读了她的大部分报告。,"On the other hand , General De Gaulle was less impressed , rejected her recommendations and read only half most of her reports ." -1231,"他也对土星环进行量测,并发现(和其他科学家同时进行)土星环的暗区。",He also measured the rings of Saturn and discovered (in parallel with other researchers) the dark inner ring of Saturn. -1232,在 第二场 比赛 中 , 北方 队 投手 泰洛森 向 福伊 投下 了 两球 , 然后 用 击球 头盔 击倒 了 福伊 。,"in the second game , Yankees pitcher Thad Tillotson threw two brushback pitches at Foy before beaning him in the batting helmet ." -1233,要把卫星或望远镜送入太空,需要一枚超过 100 英尺高的巨型火箭。,It takes a giant rocket over a 100 feet high to put a satellite or telescope in space. -1234,1994 年,这场冲突导致摩尔多瓦东部自诩为德涅斯特河沿岸共和国的成立。该共和国有自己的政府和货币,但没有得到任何联合国成员国的认可。,"In 1994, this conflict led to the creation of the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic in eastern Moldova, which has its own government and currency but is not recognised by any UN member country." -1235,一个头上有绿叶的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a green leaf on his head -1236,"2005年,他曾在TED大会上发表演说,谈论如何重建像是阿富汗这种已经几乎被摧毁的国家。","In 2005 he gave a TED talk, in which he discussed how to rebuild a broken state such as Afghanistan." -1237,西弗吉尼亚州 与 东北 的 宾夕法尼亚州 和 马里兰州 、 东南 的 弗吉尼亚州 、 西北 的 俄亥俄州 和 西南 的 肯塔基州 接壤 。,"West Virginia borders Pennsylvania and Maryland in the northeast , Virginia in the southeast , Ohio in the northwest , and Kentucky in the southwest ." -1238,为 lambda 演算找到模型的一个重要步骤是只考虑保证有最小不动点的那些函数(在这种偏序集合上)。,The important step to find a model for the lambda calculus is to consider only those functions (on such a partially ordered set) which are guaranteed to have least fixed points. -1239,张嘴的卡通老鼠,它的嘴张得很大,a cartoon rat with its mouth open and it's mouth wide open -1240,"两队士兵在他富有魅力的调停下和解了,皇室得救了,脆弱的和平在王宫里得以建立。","To the relief of the royals, the two sets of soldiers were reconciled by his charismatic mediation and a tenuous peace was established within the palace." -1241,坐在地上的蓝色卡通人物,a blue cartoon character sitting on the ground -1242,红斗篷女人的图画,a drawing of a woman in a red cape -1243,早些时候,中国通讯社新华社报道了一架飞机已被劫持的新闻。,Earlier the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported a plane to be hijacked. -1244,1971 年 毕业 于 迈阿密 大学 , 1972 年 毕业 于 富兰克林 皮尔斯 学院 。,"from Miami University in 1971 , and Doctorate of Humanities from Franklin Pierce College in 1972 ." -1245,"在获得博士学位后,菲特接受了在康乃尔大学的讲师职位,但在获得印第安纳大学提供的教授职位后便很快离开了康乃尔大学。","After earning his doctoral degree, Fetter accepted an instructorship at Cornell, but quickly left after being offered a position as a professor at Indiana University." -1246,奥克兰横跨两个港口,因此当地有很多海滩。其中最有人气的海滩分布在三个地区。,"There are many beaches, due to Auckland's straddling of two harbours. The most popular ones are in three areas." -1247,一条头上有角的鱼,a fish with a horn on it's head -1248,在 第七 局 , 落基 投手 克里斯蒂安 · 弗里德里希 ( Christian Friedrich ) 打中 了 黄科腾 。,"in the seventh inning , Rockies pitcher Christian Friedrich hit Kolten Wong ." -1249,他们因其严格防守、控球技术和出色的团队合作脱颖而出。很显然,这是一支无往不胜的球队。,"Their disciplined defence, ball handling skills and excellent team work made them stand out and it was clear that this was the team to beat." -1250,青黑龙图,a drawing of a green and black dragon -1251,"Haelan 实验室 , Inc . 诉 Topps Cheing Gum Co . , 112 F . Supp .","Haelan Laboratories , Inc. v. Topps Chewing Gum Co . , 112 F.Supp ." -1252,粉色大眼睛的猫的图画,a drawing of a pink cat with big blue eyes -1253,大眼睛的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with big eyes -1254,“A. frondiculus”是西印度洋或红海中唯一没有发现的属。,""" A. frondiculus "" is the only member of the genus not found in the Western Indian Ocean or the Red Sea ." -1255,神经生物学数据为认知研究的理论方法提供了物理证据。因此,它缩小了研究范围,并使研究更加精确。,Neurobiological data provide physical evidence for a theoretical approach to the investigation of cognition. Therefore it narrows the research area and makes it much more exact. -1256,Decasyllable被用于南斯拉夫人的塞尔维亚史诗中,例如史诗诗歌对gusle乐器的演唱:,"Decasyllable was used in Serbian epic poetry of the Southern Slavs , for example epic poetry sung to the gusle instrument :" -1257,"戈 巴特 渴望 佛罗多 的 米 特里尔 衬衣 , 并 为 之 与 Shagrat 争斗 .",Gorbag coveted Frodo 's mithril shirt and fought Shagrat for it . -1258,证据是英国凯尔特人的传奇关于伟大的女王和战士女孩。,The evidence was British Celtic sagas about great queens and warrior girls . -1259,"在整个时期,几百个塞米诺尔黑人一直留在印第安准州(现在的俄克拉荷马州)。","Throughout the period, several hundred Black Seminoles remained in the Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma)." -1260,参与者 装扮成 恶魔 、 魔鬼 、 天使 、 印加人 和 西班牙 征服者 .,"participants dress up as demons , devils , angels , Incas , and Spanish conquistadors ." -1261,"2013年,刘作虎与裴宇联合宣布万普拉斯正式成立,一加与Cyanogen Inc.公司达成独家许可协议,将其产品的Android发行版基于流行的定制ROM-CyanogenMod的变体,并在中国境外使用其商标。","Less than two months later, ZUK Mobile entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Cyanogen Inc. to base its products' Android distribution upon a variant of the popular custom ROM CyanogenMod and use its trademarks outside of China." -1262,朱古 尔塔 无耻 地 贿赂 罗马 人 接受 他 的 篡夺 .,Jugurtha impudently bribed the Romans into accepting his usurpation . -1263,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes -1264,平时你总能在这里听到游客和小摊贩的声音。声光交织,就像在讲述一个动人的故事。,Usually you always here the sound of tourists and vendors. The story of the sound and light is just like a story book. -1265,面对 亚特兰大 猎鹰 , 麦克 纳布 投入 了 180 码 和 两次 打击 , 同时 也 冲进 了 32 码 。,"facing the Atlanta Falcons , McNabb threw for 180 yards and two touchdowns , while also rushing for 32 yards ." -1266,8 月 , 驱逐舰 向北飞 向 阿拉斯加 的 朱诺 , 前往 朱诺 鲑鱼 德比 号 。,"in August , the destroyer sailed north to Juneau , Alaska , for the Juneau Salmon Derby ." -1267,天文台早期的工作包括气象观测、地磁观测、根据天文观测报导时间和发出热带气旋警告。,"Early operations included meteorological and magnetic observations, a time service based on astronomical observations and a tropical cyclone warning service." -1268,Simeon P.于1890年6月11日出生在北卡罗来纳州的Winton,周围是泰勒和凯特(泰勒)沃德。,"Simeon P. was born on 11 June 1890 in Winton , North Carolina , around Taylor and Kate ( Taylor ) Ward ." -1269,一个看起来非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵皮卡丘,a very cute looking pokemon pikachu with big eyes -1270,巴克斯 后来 会 把 斯 克鲁奇 培养 成 一个 有 经验 的 飞行员 .,barks would later establish Scrooge as an experienced aviator . -1271,Yıkılgan是土耳其阿马西亚省阿马西亚区的一个村庄。,"Yıkılgan is a village in the district of Amasya in the province Amasya , Turkey ." -1272,卡通人物的服装图片,a picture of a cartoon character in a costume -1273,这种 不 服从命令 的 态度 使 他 赢得 了 国王 现在 著名 的 训斥 .,this insubordination earned him a now famous reprimand from the King . -1274,蓝白相间的带角卡通人物,a blue and white cartoon character with horns -1275,"在温度高于500 °C时,它与空气中的水分反应,水解成ThOF2。","At temperatures above 500 °C, it reacts with atmospheric moisture to produce ThOF2." -1276,他的儿子乔治是温尼伯的杰出建筑师,他的儿子约翰詹姆斯也活跃在蒙特利尔。,"His son , George , was a prominent architect in Winnipeg , and his son , John James , was also active in Montreal ." -1277,"它 是 一个 腹部 十二指肠 , 也许 是 一个 温足 或 一些 不 确定 的 掠夺性 的 猎物 .","it is a nomen dubium , perhaps a theropod or some indeterminate predatory archosaur ." -1278,吉尔伯 提亚仿 真菌 发生 在 巴西 植物 属 .,Gilbertian mimicry occurs in the genus Passiflora . -1279,捧着一块大木头的卡通人物,a cartoon character holding a large piece of wood -1280,石龙的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a stone dragon -1281,出于类似的原因,“Futurama”2007年也被喜剧中心复活:辛迪加的观众数量令人印象深刻以及DVD销售额也很高。,"For similar reasons , "" Futurama "" 2007 was also revived by Comedy Central : impressive spectator numbers in syndication as well as high DVD sales ." -1282,作为 回报 , 爵士乐 指挥 太阳 流星 、 西德 威佩 和 庞珀 为 地球 防卫 指挥部 调查 昆虫 。,"in return , Jazz commanded Sunstreaker , Sideswipe and Bumper in investigating the Insecticons for the Earth Defense Command ." -1283,跳跳蛙的设计、开发和市场技术都是基于从婴儿期到学校的学习和教育相关的产品。,"LeapFrog designs, develops, and markets technology-based learning products and related content for the education of children from infancy through grade school." -1284,"配备岛式月台的第二座火车总站大楼是自1887年起根据铁路官员爱德华多·凯尔(德语:Eduard Keil)和政府建筑师奥托·艾尔兰德森(德语:Otto Erlandsen)的蓝图建造,并于1893年投入运营。",The second station building was built as an island station from 1887 to the plans of the railway construction inspector (Eisenbahnbauinspektor) Eduard Keil and the government architect Otto Erlandsen and put into operation in 1893. -1285,1919 年 , 他 建造 了 大 教堂 , 这是 柏林 一家 巨大 的 剧院 , 有 五千名 观众 观看 剧场 , 给 马克斯 · 莱因哈特 留下 了 深刻印象 。,"in 1919 he built the Großes Schauspielhaus , an immense theater in Berlin , seating five thousand spectators for theater impresario Max Reinhardt ." -1286,卫星是由火箭发射到太空的。科学家在太空中使用望远镜是因为地球的大气层让某些光线和视野产生扭曲。,The satellite was sent into space by a rocket. Scientists use telescopes in space because the Earth’s atmosphere distorts some of our light and view. -1287,"1158年后,在新的条件之下,拜占廷政策的目标开始转变了。","After 1158, under the new conditions, the aims of the Byzantine policy changed." -1288,蓝色头发的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with blue hair -1289,24号:米斯坦盖(Mistinguett)从1905年到1956年居住在这里。,"At No. 24, Mistinguett lived from 1905 to 1956." -1290,美帝国主义在征服菲律宾时的战争开支是由菲律宾人民自己支付的。,The war expenditures of U.S. imperialism in the conquest of the Philippines were paid for by the Filipino people themselves. -1291,他 父亲 最初 是 为 歌剧 和 Zarzuela 管弦乐队 演奏 的 小提琴手 .,his father began as a violinist performing for opera and zarzuela orchestras . -1292,852 年 , Sanjaya 统治者 Pikatan 击败 了 Sailendra 君主 Samaratunga 和 Tara 公主 的 后代 Balapbrua 。,"in 852 , the Sanjaya ruler , Pikatan , defeated Balaputra , the offspring of the Sailendra monarch Samaratunga and the princess Tara ." -1293,"示威受欢迎的潜在原因,包括青民盟的财政紧缩政策,向电信、能源、银行等部门开征新税,解散私营养老金制度,通过仅由本党起草的新版宪法,认可新版《媒体法》,同意贷款给俄罗斯支持波克什核电站新增两台核反应堆以及营烟草店涉嫌腐败。","Possible reasons for the demonstrations’ popularity include Fidesz’s austerity measures and new taxes affecting the telecommunications, energy, and banking sectors, the dissolution of the private pension system, the adoption of a new constitution crafted solely by Fidesz, the approval of the new “Media Law”, the decision to agree with Russia about a loan to support the two-reactor expansion of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, and the allegedly corrupt nationalization of tobacco shops." -1294,"以库班地区为例,当地居民分别认为自己是乌克兰族、俄罗斯族(在苏维埃时期曾被支持)或是哥萨克人。","The inhabitants of the Kuban, for example, have vacillated among three identities: Ukrainian, Russian (an identity supported by the Soviet regime), and ""Cossack""." -1295,它由Awesome Glitch开发,由Beautiful Guys出版。,It is developed by Awesome Glitch and published by Beautiful Guys . -1296,大多数修道院都会为没有准备的女性提供裹身衣,但如果你自己带,尤其是颜色鲜艳的,门口的修道士会向你投来抿嘴一笑。,"Most of the monasteries do provide wraps for women who come unprepared, but if you bring your own, especially one with bright colors, you'll get a smile from the monk or nun at the entrance." -1297,在夏季 - 2000年残奥会上,共有12名男运动员和31名女运动员代表该国。,There were 12 male and 31 female athletes representing the country at the summer - Paralympics 2000 . -1298,"第一首法国歌剧应为Akébar roi du Mogol,于1646年的卡庞特拉中���行首演。","The first French opera may be Akébar roi du Mogol, first performed in Carpentras in 1646." -1299,"斯科特·霍姆斯(Scott Holmes)饰演麦可,米歇尔的男友。","Scott Holmes as Mike, Michelle's boyfriend." -1300,一个拿着放大镜的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a magnifying glass -1301,"但由于种种原因,它们可能再次出现在锥体系统功能丧失的成人或儿童身上。",They may reappear in adults or children with loss of function of the pyramidal system due to a variety of reasons. -1302,除了一艘英国巡航舰外,其余船只悉数沉没。近 200 名美国人和德国人丧失生命。,"All the ships were sunk, except for one British cruiser. Nearly 200 American and German lives were lost." -1303,著名 的 登山 运动员 乔治 · 马洛 里 在 1896 年 至 1900 年 期间 在 切斯特 菲尔德 路 的 格朗 戈尔斯 预备 学校 就读 。,"George Mallory , the noted mountaineer , attended Glengorse Preparatory School in Chesterfield Road between 1896 and 1900 ." -1304,他们讲的是一种叫做巴巴马来语的克里奥尔语,这是一种与福建话混合的马来语口语。,"They speak a creole called Baba Malay , which is a colloquial form of Malay words mixed with Hokkien ." -1305,他们要求参观者在 3 月 20 日(春季第一天)舍去他们吃肉的习惯。,Visitors are asked to pledge that they will kick the meat habit on March 20 (first day of spring). -1306,"在1398年为针对金帐汗国的十字军入侵做准备的过程中,维陶塔斯与条顿骑士团签署萨利纳斯条约,并将萨莫吉希亚割让给他们。","In preparation for the crusade against the Golden Horde in 1398, Vytautas had signed the Treaty of Salynas with the Teutonic Knights and transferred Žemaitija Samogitia to them." -1307,很多情况下这和症状疗法很相似。但是,如果我们不仅仅想要一个临时的解决方案的话,那么我们就应该找到问题的根源,并把它彻底根除。,"This is just like symptomatic treatment in many cases. However, if we do not only want a temporary solution, then we should find the root of the problems, and we should deactivate them." -1308,一旦 被 揭露 , 他 的 克莱 普托 马尼亚 就 会 在 随后 的 事件 中 显露出来 或 隐含 出来 。,"once revealed , his kleptomania returns in subsequent episodes , either explicitly or implicitly ." -1309,"这个星系,最早被注意到是在同一年稍早时的帕洛马巡天调查(英语:National Geographic Society – Palomar Observatory Sky Survey)的干板上,但是没有得到确认。","The galaxy was, however, first noted as an unremarkable feature on Palomar Sky Survey plates earlier in the same year, but was not recognized as such." -1310,喷火龙的动画片,a cartoon of a fire breathing dragon -1311,"在 双打比赛 中 , 她 和 单打 冠军 卡捷琳娜 · 西 尼亚 科娃 搭档 .","in doubles , she paired with singles champion Katerina Siniaková ." -1312,许多地区都没有防备。,There are no protected areas. -1313,一个戴着星星帽子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a star hat on -1314,恶劣天气是任何危险天气现象的总称;这种天气会造成破坏、严重社会混乱或人员伤亡。,"Severe weather is the generic term for any dangerous weather phenomenon with the potential to cause damage, serious social disruption, or loss of human life." -1315,"他在1965年9月以10-5的比分恢复,但后来右臂肌肉严重受伤。","He recovered somewhat to post a 10–5 in September 1965, but then suffered a serious injury to a muscle in his right arm." -1316,它们 的 轨道 偏心 和 倾角 仍然 很小 。,their orbital eccentricities and inclinations remain small . -1317,这意味着该建筑比其他建筑形式更为耐火。,This makes the threshold nearly identical to that in other forms of works. -1318,在 曾经 售价 超过 100 美元 的 地方 , 现在 它们 每 只 卖 8 美元 到 15 美元 。,"where pelts once sold for more than $ 100 , they now fetch $ 8 to $ 15 each ." -1319,伯恩 赛德 在 隆街 被 围困 的 城市 周围 安顿下来 .,"Burnside settled into entrenchments around the city , which Longstreet besieged ." -1320,他们 赢得 了 第五届 全国 西部 联赛 冠军 , 并 在 三场 比赛 中 击败 了 亚利桑那州 的 钻石 队 。,they won their fifth straight National League West championship and swept the Arizona Diamondbacks in three games in the Division Series . -1321,"卧龙迪利郡的社区媒体是《Wollondilly Advertiser》;电台有2MCR与C91.3FM,居民常订阅的报纸有《Macarthur Chronicle》与《District Reporter》,社区快报为《Wollondilly Trumpeter》。","Other regional media which serve the area are radio stations, 2MCR and C91.3FM, the District Reporter newspaper, and the Wollondilly Trumpeter, a newsletter." -1322,"抗体 然后 将 乌托邦 改装 为 X 要塞 , 并 插入 莫里亚 和 超级计算机 X 。",the antibody then reshaped Utopia into Fortress X and inserted itself as Moria and the supercomputer X . -1323,橙色和绿色的机器人,脸上挂着笑容,an orange and green robot with a smile on it's face -1324,"尽管 他 傲慢 、 鲁莽 、 任性 和 自私 , 但 他 最终 还是 总算 成功 了 .","despite his cockiness , recklessness , willfulness , and selfishness , he still always manages to come through in the end ." -1325,所有的牛奶都灑出去了。,All of the milk was spilled. -1326,然后,拉卡·辛格带头唱了拜赞歌。,"Then, Lakkha Singh took the lead in singing the bhajans." -1327,"有一项为发现体重和大脑功能间的联系而对2,000多名法国中年人进行的长达五年的研究,其成果被戏称为“霍默·辛普森综合症”。","Homer has been cited as a bad influence on children; for example, a five-year study of more than 2,000 middle-aged people in France found a possible link between weight and brain function, the findings of which were dubbed the ""Homer Simpson syndrome""." -1328,"普约尔给自己伪造了一个身份,把自己打造成一个狂热拥护纳粹的西班牙政府官员,并声称自己可以经常以公务理由出访伦敦,同时他还成功地让一家印刷厂相信自己是西班牙驻葡萄牙大使馆的官员,从而给自己伪造了一本西班牙公务护照。",Pujol created an identity as a fanatically pro-Nazi Spanish government official who could travel to London on official business; he also obtained a fake Spanish diplomatic passport by fooling a printer into thinking Pujol worked for the Spanish embassy in Lisbon. -1329,"实际上,给某本书或某首诗以终极决断的想法符合使它可供消费的观点,使它成为在资本主义市场中可以用尽并替换之物。","Indeed, the idea of giving a book or poem an ultimate end coincides with the notion of making it consumable, something that can be used up and replaced in a capitalist market." -1330,一头鹿的画,头上有五彩的羽毛,a drawing of a deer with colorful feathers on it's head -1331,她從來不穿綠色的衣服。,She never wears green. -1332,请随意用铅笔作上你自己的标记,但要记住,印出来的音符是具有音乐意义的,所以它们通常应该被尊重。,"Feel free to pencil in your own marks, but remember the printed bowing marks are there for a musical reason, so they should usually be respected." -1333,"妇女团结网络是一个柬埔寨性工作者组织,成立于2000年。",The Women’s Network for Unity is a Cambodian sex worker organization which was established in 2000. -1334,狼群 在 同一 地区 繁殖 , 远至 爱沙尼亚 以东 。,"lyres propagated through the same areas , as far east as Estonia ." -1335,"德国人还是俘获了该舰,并将其重新浮起,但于10月23日又被盟军的轰炸机击沉。","The Germans captured the ship and re-floated her, though she was sunk by Allied bombers on 23 October." -1336,沿运河的大部分建筑都兴建于联合省的荷兰黄金时代。,Most of the canal houses along it were built during the Dutch Golden Age of the United Provinces. -1337,很难说明天的天气将会怎样。,It's hard to predict what the weather will be like tomorrow. -1338,"米雪·威廉丝是监制试镜中见面的女演员,而导演说她是唯一他为此角色寻找的女演员。",Michelle Wiliams was the only actress that producers met with during casting and Curtis said she was the only actress he had sought for the role. -1339,基础在1779年进行加固。,The base was strengthened in 1779. -1340,这 很快 就 驱散 了 人们 对 王子 的 到来 的 热情 .,this soon dispelled popular enthusiasm over the prince regent 's arrival . -1341,莱拉的兄弟塔布勒兹不愿让莱拉嫁给玛吉努以使家庭蒙羞。,"Layla's brother, Tabrez, would not let her shame the family name by marrying Majnun." -1342,意第绪语名称在括号中链接(如果不同),则当前名称相关联。,"Yiddish names are linked in parentheses ( if different ) , current names are associated ." -1343,在肯塔基州的路易斯维尔,他在布朗斯敦画廊和密歇根州伯明翰的艺术空间附近展出。,"In Louisville , Kentucky , he exhibited at the Brownstown Gallery and in Birmingham , Michigan , near Art Space ." -1344,在他的回忆录中,像VicenteFidelLópez这样的流行历史学家,他声称这完全是自由主义倡议的产物。,"In his memoirs , like popular historians such as Vicente Fidel López , he claims that it was exclusively a product of the liberal initiative ." -1345,我们谈论了各种各样的话题。,We discussed a wide range of topics. -1346,再找時間吧。,Let's do it another time. -1347,它从主要支流的交汇处排出很长时间,是一个分水岭,It drains long from the confluence of its principal tributaries and is a watershed of -1348,该理论认为,一个星系周围的大多数暗物质都处在星系周围的某种光环中,由许多小粒子组成。,"This theory says that most dark matter around a galaxy is located around a galaxy in a kind of halo, and is made of lots of small particles." -1349,"LCD 有一个恒定的(背光)影像,在此明暗度取决于阻拦发光通过面板的程度。","LCDs have a constant (backlit) image, where the intensity is varied by blocking the light shining through the panel." -1350,卢修斯 · 波斯 图米 尤斯 · 梅格 卢斯 在 提弗农 和 米 努修斯 · 奥古 里 努斯 在 博 维亚 努姆上 行进 .,Lucius Postumius Megellus marched on Tifernum and Titus Minucius Augurinus on Bovianum . -1351,BIM5指挥官Carlos Robacio被授予阿根廷国家战斗奖章,该营本身于2002年被阿根廷国会授予。,"Carlos Robacio , BIM5 - Commander , was awarded the Argentine nation to the Valour in Combat Medal and the Battalion itself was awarded by the Argentine Congress in 2002 ." -1352,"2016年7月29日,Rexha和荷兰DJ以及唱片制作人Martin Garrix发行了他们的单曲“ In the Name of Love ”。","On July 29, 2016, Rexha and Dutch DJ and record producer Martin Garrix released their single, ""In the Name of Love""." -1353,你到底为什么在这里?,Why on earth are you here? -1354,"NTFS提供的加密和压缩功能是互相排斥的——如果同时希望加密和压缩,则NTFS文件系统级别只能打开其中一种功能,另一种功能需要使用其它第三方工具完成。","NTFS-provided encryption and NTFS-provided compression are mutually exclusive; however, NTFS can be used for one and a third-party tool for the other." -1355,"然而由于资金短缺,凯恩推迟了这次旅行,而鲍曼因为在出发前不久结婚,而不愿意离开家庭,因此这次旅行就搁浅了。","But Kane had to postpone the trip, as he was short of money to pay for the passage to Europe and Bowman had married shortly before and was not inclined to leave his family." -1356,TG 52.2 随后 飞往 吉尔伯特 群岛 , 以便 在 目前 袭击 他们 的 事件 中 增加 火力 。,TG 52.2 then voyaged to the Gilbert Islands to add additional firepower to the strikes currently hitting them . -1357,一幅粉红色和灰色的卡通人物画,a drawing of a cartoon character in pink and grey -1358,对于图中所示的简单镜像,公式_8的典型值将产生1%或更好的当前匹配。,"For the simple mirror shown in the diagram , typical values of formula _ 8 will yield a current match of 1 % or better ." -1359,Google Flights、Google Hotel Finder以及Google Shopping是Google采用付费收录的实现方式。,"Google Flights, Google Hotel Finder, and Google Shopping all have new forms of paid inclusion programs." -1360,把平底鍋從火上拿開。,Take the pan off the fire. -1361,紫色和白色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a purple and white pokemon -1362,"根据美丽华船舶指数,“Baie St. Paul”的总吨位为24,430吨,产能为37,690吨。",""" Baie St. Paul "" has a gross tonnage capacity of 24,430 tons and a capacity of 37,690 tons according to the Miramar Ship Index ." -1363,这种类型的脱轨器可以通过外部控制面板远程控制或手动控制。,This type of derailer can be controlled remotely from an external control panel or manually. -1364,"在2005年,这名单重命名为TR35,并缩减为年龄在35岁以下的35个人士。","In 2005, this list was renamed the TR35 and shortened to 35 individuals under the age of 35." -1365,约书亚奉派作摩西的继承人。,Moses is ordered to appoint Joshua as his successor. -1366,"Heart FM Network,一个发展于2009年的一个英国电台网络,那时越来越多的电台重命名为“Heart""。","Heart FM Network A radio network in the UK that grew throughout 2009 as more stations were rebranded as ""Heart"" (later Gem 106)." -1367,学院里的其它活动包括定期的宴会、博普爵士音乐会和舞会。,"Other events in the college include regular feasts, 'bops' and balls." -1368,张嘴的蓝黄鲨,a blue and yellow shark with its mouth open -1369,他有一個很好的性格。,He has a wonderful personality. -1370,马耳他当局和联合国难民署确认了该船失踪。,Maltese authorities and the UNHCR confirmed the missing status of the boat. -1371,该群岛位于南极半岛以北 120 公里处。最大的岛屿是乔治国王岛,这里是“繁星村(Villa Las Estrellas)”的定居点。,The archipelago lies 120 km north of the Peninsula. The largest is King George Island with the settlement of Villa Las Estrellas. -1372,開車時打字是危險的。,Texting while driving is dangerous. -1373,这里是英国殖民者占领的地方,所以如果你想寻找这片领土殖民历史的证据,这里是一个很好的起点。,"This is the place the British colonisers took as their own and so if you are looking for evidence of the territory's colonial past, this is a good place to start." -1374,蓝眼睛的猫的画,a drawing of a cat with blue eyes -1375,Yonker 的 河岸 经常 排满 轮胎 、 购物车 、 塑料瓶 和 其他 垃圾 。,"the riverbanks in Yonkers are often lined with tires , shopping carts , plastic bottles , and other trash ." -1376,利金斯 (Liggins) 在医院工作时,开始在业余时间研究早产。,While he was working at the hospital Liggins began to investigate premature labor during his spare time. -1377,一个蓝色物体的纸质模型,a paper model of a blue object -1378,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -1379,"SPDY协议类似于HTTP,但旨在缩短网页的加载时间和提高安全性。","HTTP Speed+Mobility was similar to HTTP, with particular goals to reduce web page load latency and improve web security." -1380,该大学的研究人员表示,这两种化合物相互作用形成的晶体可能会造成肾脏功能障碍。,"The two compounds react with one another to form crystals that may block kidney function, researchers at the university said." -1381,之后的观测发现凌日的时间变化并不符合预测的行星模式。,The weather changes each day and does not seem to follow predictable patterns. -1382,"和 法比奥 · 麦克纳马拉 一起 , 阿尔莫 多 瓦尔 在 一个 充满 激情 的 摇滚乐 乐曲 中 歌唱 .","alongside Fabio McNamara , Almodóvar sang in a glam rock parody duo ." -1383,希望不是一种策略。,Hope is not a strategy. -1384,"到第5周的早期,细胞形成两个称为泄殖腔褶皱的膨胀物。",Early in the fifth week the cells form two swellings called the cloacal folds. -1385,这次地震的震中位于狄龙(Dillon)东北偏北 20 公里(15英里),比尤特(Butte)以南 65 公里处(40英里)。,"The earthquake was centered about 20 km (15 miles) north-northeast of Dillon, and about 65 km (40 miles) south of Butte." -1386,"此外,他质疑了一系列基督徒的做法,如星期日休息。","In addition, he questioned a number of Christian practices, such as Sunday Sabbath." -1387,狂轰滥炸 只会 在 落山 前 从 海滩 上 升起 .,the barrage would lift from the beach only moments before touchdown for the LCAs . -1388,在 他 传统 的 教职人员 组成 中 , 许多 人 反抗 了 来自 安理会 的 新 的 复兴 精神 - - - - aggiornmento 。,"much in his traditional clerical formation rebelled against the new spirit of renewal , aggiornamento , emanating from the Council ." -1389,"它 位于 北纬 4 度至 9 度 之间 , 经度 为 7 度至 12 度 。","it lies between latitudes 4 ° and 9 ° N , and longitudes 7 ° and 12 ° W ." -1390,在这个迷人的村庄漫步半小时是值得的。,It's worth half an hour to stroll about the intriguing village. -1391,飓风间接杀死了一个人并在该州直接杀死了两人。,The hurricane indirectly killed a person and killed two directly in the state . -1392,Mukti Bahini 海军 突击队 在 1971 年 8 月 的 杰克 布 行动 中 淹死 了 几艘 巴基斯坦 军舰 。,mukti Bahini naval commandos drowned several Pakistani warships during Operation Jackpot in August 1971 . -1393,"Objective-C允许对一个对象发送消息,不管它是否能够响应之。",Objective-C permits the sending of a message to an object that may not respond. -1394,该区域的每个方格都受到雕刻砂岩的低墙的限制,这些砂岩也有小型的铁路交叉拱形。,"Each of the squares of the area is limited by low walls of carved sandstone , which also have small formed rail-crossed arches ." -1395,"现代演化生物学综合了多个学科的思想,比如分子遗传学甚至计算机科学。","Current research in evolutionary biology covers diverse topics and incorporates ideas from diverse areas, such as molecular genetics and computer science." -1396,他 的 肖像画 有时 包括 女仆 , 他们 的 头发 或 脖子 周围 都 戴 着 象牙 和 蛇纹 花圈 。,"his iconography sometimes include maenads , who wear wreaths of ivy and serpents around their hair or neck ." -1397,"由于法律中明确说到共产主义致力于扰乱种族之间的和谐,因此常以此为由钳制对种族隔离的反对之声。","Since the law specifically stated that Communism aimed to disrupt racial harmony, it was frequently used to gag opposition to apartheid." -1398,脖子上挂着粉色丝带的鸟儿的图画,a drawing of a bird with a pink ribbon around its neck -1399,一个卡通人物在空中飞行的图像,an image of a cartoon character flying through the air -1400,产量 最高 的 是 弗雷德里克 县 , 位于 从 新 伦敦 到 利伯特敦 的 石灰岩 和 石灰岩 岩矿 带 。,"the most productive was in Frederick County , in a belt of chalcopyrite ore in schist and limestone stretching from New London to Libertytown ." -1401,他的研究表明,施用激素可加速宝宝胎肺的成熟。,His research showed that if a hormone was administered it would speed up the baby's foetal lung maturation. -1402,"由于被持续谴责,为了战后新的运动,虎克领导人在1950年采用了新名字,“人民解放军”(Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan)。","The continuing condemnation and new post-war causes of the movement prompted the Huk leaders to adopt a new name, the 'Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan' or the 'People's Liberation Army' in 1950." -1403,1923年,雅各布布劳斯坦和他的儿子路易斯布劳斯坦将其美国石油公司的一半股份出售给泛美,以换取有保障的石油供应。,"In 1923 , Jacob Blaustein and his son , Louis Blaustein , sold half a share of their American Oil Company to Pan American in exchange for a guaranteed oil supply ." -1404,"1962 年 7 月 12 日 , 琼斯 、 贾格尔 、 理查兹 、 斯图尔特 和 泰勒 在 伦敦 的 马基 俱乐部 ( Marquee Club ) 演奏 了 一场 题为 "" 罗林 石头 "" ( Rollin ' Stones ) 的 演出 。","Jones , Jagger , Richards , Stewart , and Taylor played a gig billed as "" the Rollin ' Stones "" on 12 July 1962 , at the Marquee Club in London ." -1405,Bharri是Katihar东北比哈尔地区的一个村庄。,Bharri is a village in the northeastern Bihar district of Katihar . -1406,石象象征着对舍利塔的守护。,The hard shell provides protection from predation. -1407,"随后的一连串事件经常被解释为两大对立派系之间的斗争,“宫廷党”,由鲍德温的母亲,阿马尔里克的的第一任妻子库特奈的阿格尼丝(英语:Agnes of Courtenay)(Agnes of Courtenay),她的直系亲属,以及对王国的事务缺乏经验,赞成对萨拉丁开战的从欧洲新来的人组成;而“贵族党”,由的黎波里的雷蒙德和王国的小贵族领导,赞成与穆斯林和平共处。","The subsequent events have often been interpreted as a struggle between two opposing factions, the ""court party"", made up of Baldwin's mother, Amalric's first wife Agnes of Courtenay, her immediate family, and recent arrivals from Europe who were inexperienced in the affairs of the kingdom and who were in favour of war with Saladin; and the ""noble party"", led by Raymond of Tripoli and the lesser nobility of the kingdom, who favoured peaceful co-existence with the Muslims." -1408,苹果公司 于 2010 年 1 月 向 国贸 中心 提起 诉讼 , 予以 反击 。,Apple countersued by filing a complaint with the ITC in January 2010 . -1409,"在稀溶液中,Cr(III)的水合离子的pKa约为4.3: 3+ ⇌ 2+ + H+ 因此,这个水合离子是弱酸,酸性和醋酸(pKa约为4.8)相当。","In dilute solution chromium(III) aquo complex has a pKa of about 4.3: 3+ ⇌ 2+ + H+ Thus, the aquo ion is a weak acid, of comparable strength to acetic acid (pKa of about 4.8)." -1410,黑白相间的粉色眼睛的鱼,a black and white fish with pink eyes -1411,把你的袜子脱了。,Take off your socks. -1412,"离开 哈特利 镇时 , 小溪 进入 刘易斯 镇 , 向东 蜿蜒 , 在 琼斯 山 以南 .","upon leaving Hartley Township , the creek enters Lewis Township and meanders eastward , south of Jones Mountain ." -1413,长期服用会导致成瘾。,Prolonged use can lead to dependency. -1414,"他 去 了 正义 联盟 的 守望 塔 , 与 赛堡 对峙 .",he proceeds to the Justice League 's Watchtower and confronts Cyborg . -1415,"李和保罗跑了,当他们差点儿被其中一个警察抓住时,李打了警察一拳。","Lee and Paul run and when they are almost caught by one of the Bullers, Lee punches him." -1416,蓝白相间的鲸鱼漂浮在水面上,a blue and white whale floating on top of a body of water -1417,汗在他父亲Ustad Ayat Ali Khan的监护下开始了他的职业生涯。他从他的哥哥Ustad Bahadur Hossain Khan那里学习了一名小提琴手。,Khan began his career under the guardianship of his father Ustad Ayat Ali Khan . He took lessons as a violinist from his elder brother Ustad Bahadur Hossain Khan . -1418,这张 专辑 的 特色 是 吉他手 乔 · 沃尔什 和 里克 · 德林 格 .,the album featured guitarists Joe Walsh and Rick Derringer . -1419,"虽然她和姊妹船及前任皇家邮轮奥林匹克号相似,但泰坦尼克号还提供了额外的头等舱,增广了公共房间,并进行了无数微小的改进,以提高她的豪华与舒适程度。","Although closely similar to her sister ship and predecessor the RMS Olympic, Titanic featured additional First-Class staterooms, augmented public rooms, and myriad minor improvements to enhance her luxury and comfort." -1420,黄绿相间的龙图,a drawing of a green and yellow dragon -1421,亚马逊河有很多支流。,The Amazon is fed by a large number of tributaries. -1422,"札西南嘉在位期间,致力于土地改革和自由选举。","During his reign, he is known for land reform and free elections." -1423,"现举一例子说明这个,设用反射回来的光去量度粒子的位置──但要准确地量度位置需要波长短的光。","To see how, note that we can measure the position of a particle by bouncing light off it – but measuring the position accurately requires light of short wavelength." -1424,卡通猴子,两手高举,a cartoon monkey with two hands up in the air -1425,"上述的证券可以是任何资产,例如债券,股票或衍生品。","The security could be any asset, such as stocks, bonds, or derivatives." -1426,洞察号的任务团队还包括项目经理汤姆·霍夫曼和项目副经理亨利·斯通。,The InSight mission team also includes project manager Tom Hoffman and deputy project manager Henry Stone. -1427,1935年由加拿大科学家邓史达(英语:Arthur Jeffrey Dempster)发现。,It was discovered in 1935 by Arthur Jeffrey Dempster. -1428,这 引起 了 贝拉 · 威尔 费尔 的 同情 , 当博芬 先生 因为 他 想 娶 她 而 解雇 他时 , 她 站 出来 支持 罗克 斯密 思 。,"this arouses the sympathy of Bella Wilfer , and she stands up for Rokesmith when Mr Boffin dismisses him for aspiring to marry her ." -1429,黄绿相间的龙图,a drawing of a green and yellow dragon -1430,现在巴黎的街道规划和在市中心呈现的特色很大程度上还是归功于奥斯曼的整修。,The street plan and distinctive appearance of the center of Paris today is largely the result of Haussmann's renovation. -1431,Android和iOS平台的重新编辑版本则在2015年5月5日发行。,"Mobile versions for Android and iOS devices were released on May 5, 2015." -1432,11 月 , 布列 滕 意识 到 他 不能 再 作曲 了 。,"in November , Britten realised that he could no longer compose ." -1433,在 佛罗里达州 中部 和 潘 波特 的 北面 , 风暴 还 引发 了 另外 四场 龙卷风 。,"further north in Central Florida and the Panhandle , the storm spawned four other tornadoes ." -1434,"第八届世界社会论坛并未在同一个地方举行,而是由全球上千个地方团体在世界各地举行,举行的时间在2008年1月26日前后几天,本届世界社会论坛也被称为“Global Call for Action”。","The eighth World Social Forum in 2008 was not organized at a particular place, but globally, which means by thousands of autonomous local organizations, on or around January 26." -1435,卡通人物持枪的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding a gun -1436,喷火龙的图画,a drawing of a fire breathing dragon -1437,無論你去哪裡我都會跟著你。,"Wherever you go, I will follow you." -1438,红白喙的蓝鸟,a blue bird with a red and white beak -1439,斯 利夫 库诺 、 机头 和 塞 普尔 图拉 也 受到 科恩 首张 专辑 的 启发 .,"Slipknot , Machine Head , and Sepultura were also inspired by Korn 's debut album ." -1440,彩虹橋有多長?,How long is the Rainbow Bridge? -1441,印度东西航空(East-West Airlines)曾是印度政府于1991年放开航空业管制主张“开放天空政策后(Open Skies policy)”第一家印度私营航空公司。,East-West Airlines was the first scheduled private airline in India to take off the ground after the Open Skies policy was announced in 1991. -1442,血小板 、 血红蛋白 和 球蛋白 ) 和 循环 的 抗 血红素 增加 .,"platelets , prothrombin , and globulin ) and an increase in circulating antithrombin ." -1443,在 1840 年代 后期 , 她 从 伦敦 航行 到 孟买 。,in the later 1840s she sailed from London to Bombay . -1444,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes -1445,在这些动乱时期,各路诸侯为争夺王位而发生激烈战争。,During these periods fierce warfare took place between many nobles fighting for the throne. -1446,"这个理论提出了探测器和感知特征之间的关系越来越复杂探测器最基本的特征,对刺激的简单属性做出反应。",The theory proposes an increasing complexity in the relationship between detectors and the perceptual feature. -1447,一个粉红色头发的卡通人物,上面有一个绒球,a cartoon character with pink hair and a pom pom on top of it -1448,你认识他吗?,Do you know him? -1449,然而事实并非如此。虽然这份文件的背面写了一些东西,但并是不一份藏宝图。,"However, that is not true. Although there is something written on the back of the document, it is not a treasure map." -1450,它浸透了他的所有艺术,并以其建设性的创造力和非凡的品格使其充满活力。,"It impregnates all his art , and it impregnates it with constructive creativity and extraordinary character ." -1451,"Nigel Godrich被选为了制作人助理,乐队还将前Screaming Trees乐队成员Barrett Martin以及Beck的巡演鼓手Joey Waronker招入髦下。","Nigel Godrich was taken on as assistant producer, and drafted in Screaming Trees member Barrett Martin and Beck's touring drummer Joey Waronker." -1452,"经过一段时间的监禁后,他在自杀小队的服役中抹去了他的犯罪纪录。","After some time in prison, he wiped his record with service in the Suicide Squad." -1453,也可以从入口处的存衣柜借到,但衣服并不是每次有人穿过后都会洗,所以这些裙子穿起来可能会有点不舒服。全部都是均码哦!,This too can be borrowed from the stock at the entrance but that clothing isn't washed after every user so you may not feel comfortable wearing these skirts. One size fits all for men! -1454,我给你再��一个吧。,Let me buy you another one. -1455,律师都是骗子。,Lawyers are all liars. -1456,这些理论研究为什么某些人想要做他们所做的事情,以及他们所处的环境中哪些事情会让他们做或不做某些事情。,These theories look at what it is about certain people that make them want the things that they do and what things in their environment will make them do or not do certain things. -1457,在宽阔的林荫大道、玻璃外墙的建筑和现代化的购物中心之间,散布着传统的红瓦屋顶、18 世纪的市场以及古老的清真寺和教堂,不过这座城市比传统的土耳其更有地中海欧洲的氛围。,"The broad boulevards, glass-fronted buildings and modern shopping centers are dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs, the 18th century market, and old mosques and churches, although the city has an atmosphere more of Mediterranean Europe than traditional Turkey." -1458,Elmwood Charter Township是密歇根州Leelanau县的一个特许乡镇。,Elmwood Charter Township is a charter township of Leelanau County in the state of Michigan . -1459,黄眼蓝鱼图,a drawing of a blue fish with yellow eyes -1460,这 条 运河 的 其余部分 主要 是 来自 菲罗 斯特拉 图斯 的 阿波罗 尼于 斯 的 生活 的 比喻 和 引言 。,the rest of the canto consists mainly of paraphrases and quotations from Philostratus ' Life of Apollonius . -1461,索乌人 在 这场 比赛 中 又 取得 了 很大 的 成绩 .,"the Sooners , again , accomplished much in this game ." -1462,"赵构下诏说胡铨的上疏是“肆为凶悖”,“导倡凌犯之风”,不许其他人效法。",His famous fatwa: “not to consider the Shiites astray of Islam”. -1463,调查下这个。,Examine this. -1464,"耶稣长大了且开始向纽约市民宣讲并教导基督教的原则,宣传去爱自己的敌人和照顾彼此。","Jesus grows up and begins to preach and teach the principles of Christianity to the people of New York City, teaching people to love their enemies and care for each other." -1465,山羊似乎是 1 万年前左右在伊朗的扎格罗斯山脉首次被驯养的。,"Goats seem to have been first domesticated roughly 10,000 years ago in the Zagros Mountains of Iran." -1466,"Fredriksen认为,只有在耶稣死后,耶稣才比施洗约翰更有影响力。",Fredriksen suggests that it was only after Jesus' death that Jesus emerged as more influential than John. -1467,自给农业,是为了生产仅能满足农业者及其家人所需的食物而进行的农业活动。,Subsistence agriculture is agriculture carried out for the production of enough food to meet just the needs of the agriculturalist and his/her family. -1468,大多数现代科研望远镜都是巨型设施,位于大气条件优良的偏远地区。,Most modern research telescopes are enormous facilities in remote areas with favorable atmospheric conditions. -1469,"1839 年 , 她 在 威廉 · 布莱克 船长 的 领导 下 航行 到 新西兰 .",she sailed for New Zealand in 1839 under Captain William Black . -1470,里卡多·雷耶斯被何塞·马利亚·西松认为对“Kampanyang Ahos”负有刑事责任。,"Ricardo Reyes was accused of culpability for ""Kampanyang Ahos"" by Jose Maria Sison." -1471,一个卡通人物躺在地上的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character laying on the ground -1472,迈阿密 的 兄弟姐妹 们 举办 了 许多 慈善 活动 和 社区 募捐 活动 。,Miami 's fraternities and sororities hold many philanthropy events and community fundraisers . -1473,我们可以开始更环保地生活,加入环保运动,甚至可以成为环保积极分子,在一定程度上减少将来的灾难。,"We can start living more friendly to the environment, we can join to the environmental movement, and we can even be activists in order to reduce the future suffering in some degree." -1474,战斗机Escadrille在第二次世界大战开始时是Łódź军队的一个部队,隶属于波兰空军。,"The Fighter Escadrille was at the beginning of the Second World War a unit of the Łódź army , which was attached to the Polish air force ." -1475,Perigea bahamica是Noctuidae科的一种飞蛾它在巴哈马发现该物种于2012年在佛罗里达州门罗县收集。,"Perigea bahamica is a moth in the family Noctuidae It is found in the Bahamas The species was collected in Monroe County , Florida , in 2012 ." -1476,"今天的反应堆燃料的再加工的乏燃料需要很高纯度的钚,以形成一个稳定的颗粒。",Today’s reactors that are fuelled by reprocessed spent fuel need very-high-purity plutonium to form a stable pellet. -1477,"这 可以 调谐 电路 的 电感 , 使 之 在 更 高 的 频率 上 共振 .",this tunes the circuit inductances to resonate at a much higher frequency . -1478,每个人都是社会的一份子,都会使用交通系统。而几乎每个人都对交通系统有怨言。,Everyone participates in society and uses transportation systems. Almost everyone complains about transportation systems. -1479,"现���的广场形成于1884年,当时拆除了分隔胜利广场和强大广场(Plaza del Fuerte)的柱廊。",The modern plaza took form in 1884 when the colonnade separating the Plaza de la Victoria and the Plaza del Fuerte was demolished. -1480,突然,我听到了一声喊叫。,"Suddenly, I heard shouting." -1481,圣科伦丁 穿着 主教 的 正式 服饰 出现 在 第二张 柳叶刀 里 .,Saint Corentin appears in the second lancet dressed in the full attire of a bishop . -1482,F ë anor 的 三个 儿子 - - Celegorm 、 Curufin 和 Caranthir - - 死 于 试图 夺回 宝石 。,"three sons of Fëanor — Celegorm , Curufin , and Caranthir — died trying to retake the jewel ." -1483,"佩格 坚持 说 , 他 从不 投球 或 "" 非法 投球 "" 。","Paige insisted he never threw a spitball or "" an illegal pitch ." -1484,,"He developed players like Nedko Nedev , Ivan Derventski , Spas Kirov , Stefan Bogomilov , Bozhil Kolev , Stefan Yanev , Damyan Georgiev ." -1485,"他 的 雕刻师 修好 了 盘子 , 奥 杜邦 使 订户 放心 , 但 也 有 几个 人 乞求 离开 .","his engraver fixed the plates and Audubon reassured subscribers , but a few begged off ." -1486,鸟儿在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a bird flying through the air -1487,由于 这些 旗舰 的 特点 , 沃尔夫 野马 比 他们 的 虎 野马 表兄弟 们 的 肤色 稍暗 一些 。,"as a result of these Flan characteristics , Wolf Nomads have slightly darker complexions than their Tiger Nomad cousins ." -1488,阿尔 朗斯 河 附近 的 红岩 峡谷 中 出现 了 睾丸 岩 堤坝 .,a dyke of teschenite occurs in the Red Rocks Gorge near Allens Creek . -1489,"2005年Yury Shar、Brendon McQueen和Michael Doubinski共同建立了饭店比价网站,让使用者可以在一个平台上搜寻热门旅游网站所提供的订房价格。","In 2005, Yury Shar, Brendon McQueen and Michael Doubinski partnered to create an all-encompassing hotel site where users could access the best rates from a variety of top travel sites all in the same place." -1490,他自己编写、导演、表演和发行他自己的电影。,"They write, produce and direct their films together." -1491,联合国维和人员在 2010 年地震后抵达海地,他们因疫情蔓延而受到指责。疫情是从部队营地附近开始扩散的。,"UN peacekeepers, whom arrived in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, are being blamed for the spread of the disease which started near the troop's encampment." -1492,"受害者早在战前就已被第三帝国官员列在专门编写的待处决人员名单上(即《特别检察手册——波兰(英语:Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen)》),或是在战争期间被盖世太保列在另一份处决名单上。","Victims, mainly Polish intelligentsia: teachers, priests, office workers, were listed on so called Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen (a list of people destined to be executed, made by Third Reich officials before World War II) and another list made by Gestapo during the war." -1493,1903年,她在劳工代表委员会(后来的英国工党)年会上发言,并且是第一位这样做的女性。,In 1903 she spoke at the annual conference of the Labour Representation Committee ( later to the British Labour Party ) and was the first woman to do so . -1494,"西耶娜 在 屋顶 上 和 尼科 对峙 , 要求 她 交出 塞巴斯蒂安 .",Sienna confronts Nico on the rooftop and demands that she hands over Sebastian . -1495,"最终,时任般尼茅夫领队奇云·邦德(英语:Kevin Bond)告诉格拉度,他可以自己决定哪时才返回英格兰。","As a result, he was told by Bournemouth manager Kevin Bond that he could take all the time he needed to return to England." -1496,他的第二任妻子是安娜威廉姆斯,他的第一任妻子的妹妹。,"His second wife was Anna Williams , sister of his first wife ." -1497,"在 夺得 金牌 方面 , 他 以 12.04 分 的 成绩 超过 银牌 得主 伊万 · 利 萨克 .",he outscored silver medalist Evan Lysacek by 12.04 points to win the gold medal . -1498,它现在被面向城市面包,一个当地的社会服务组织使用,门上面写着“尊严,尊重,服务”。 “”,"It is now used by Bread for the City , a local social service organization , and above the door is written "" Dignity , Respect , Service . """ -1499,"空军和陆军互相争夺核武器的控制权,双方又往往和政党相关联。","These two branches of the service fought for control of nuclear weapons, often allied with different political parties." -1500,尽管大多数移民返回日本,但GHCH估计1946年表明仍有65万韩国人留在韩国。,"Though most migrants returned to Japan , GHQ estimates in 1946 indicated that 650,000 Koreans remained in Korea ." -1501,他 还 起草 了 鼓手 布拉德 · 威尔 克 ( Brad Wilk ) , 他 从 锁链 上 认识 他 , 威尔 克 在 那里 没有 成功 地 试射 了 一个 鼓点 。,"he also drafted drummer Brad Wilk , who he knew from Lock Up , where Wilk unsuccessfully auditioned for a drumming spot ." -1502,美国总统乔治·沃克·布什对这一公告表示支持。,U.S. President George W. Bush welcomed the announcement. -1503,华盛顿乡比莱康明县年长。,Washington Township older than Lycoming County . -1504,一张有角的卡通人物的照片,a picture of a cartoon character with horns -1505,"即使在被告知优于常人效应后,人们也认为自己受此偏差之影响少于他人。",Even when informed about the above average effect people rate themselves as less susceptible to such biases than others. -1506,很早就显露出音乐天赋。,He showed early musical ability. -1507,植物通过光合作用从阳光中获取养分。它们还能提供荫凉。,Plants make their food from the sun by photosynthesis. They also provide shade. -1508,女性应该意识到文化差异可能会导致她们所认为的骚扰行为;而且被人尾随、抓胳膊等情况并不少见。,"Women should realize that cultural differences may result in what they would consider harassment and it is not uncommon to be followed, grabbed by the arm, etc." -1509,"这些 结构 通常 居住 在 胸部 , 靠近 前厅 .","these structures usually reside in the thorax , adjacent to the foregut ." -1510,苏格兰物理学家大卫·布儒斯特爵士被看作是促使英国在灯塔中使用这种透镜的推动者。,Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster is credited with convincing the United Kingdom to adopt these lenses in their lighthouses. -1511,日本拥有近 7000 个岛屿(最大的是本州岛),这让日本成为了世界第七大岛国!,"Japans holds nearly 7,000 islands (the biggest being Honshu), making Japan the 7th largest island in the world!" -1512,"2000 年 6 月 15 日 , 布朗 荣获 纽约 作曲家 名人堂 颁奖 .","on June 15 , 2000 , Brown was honored as an inductee to the New York Songwriters Hall of Fame ." -1513,黄黑相间的大耳朵卡通人物,a yellow and black cartoon character with big ears -1514,一个卡通人物拿着一根香蕉,a cartoon character is holding a banana -1515,1884 年,特斯拉搬到了美国,接受了纽约市爱迪生公司的一份工作。,"In 1884, Tesla moved to the United States of America to accept a job with the Edison Company in New York City." -1516,“罗金厄姆”于5月23日抵达黄埔,并于9月21日抵达孟买。,""" Rockingham "" reached Whampoa on May 23 and arrived in Bombay on September 21 ." -1517,粉白相间的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a pink and white outfit -1518,Danielle,Nadine和Mark在学校陈列柜中可以看到他们的照片。,"Danielle , Nadine , and Mark have their pictures visible in the school display case ." -1519,"这些方块的相对位置位置可以透过转动各层90°、180°或270°来改变,但是由于在整体边块或角块的分配是固定的,因此有些颜色组合状态是无法就由转动来完成。","The location of these cubes relative to one another can be altered by twisting the layers of the Cube 90°, 180° or 270°, but the location of the colored sides relative to one another in the completed state of the puzzle cannot be altered: it is fixed by the distribution of color combinations on edge and corner pieces." -1520,"本科物种的亲缘关系相当混乱,布雷克认为许多物种在全球分布,代表可能存在复合种,可能还有一些物种是目前未被描述。",There is considerable confusion as to the phylogenetic relationships in the family and Blake suggests that many species with global distributions will be found to represent species complexes within which some species are presently undescribed. -1521,Hargrove 在 年度 CAW 会议 上 断绝 了 与 全国 民主党 的 联系 , 从而 进行 报复 。,Hargrove retaliated by severing ties with the NDP at the annual CAW convention . -1522,波斯 石灰石 的 结壳 在 贝 里耶尔 河 的 边缘 有 一个 石块 。,the crust of limestone of Beauce ends with a ledge at the edge of the Bois de Verrières . -1523,地壳近侧厚约 70 公里,远侧厚约 100 公里。,The crust is about 70 km thick on the near side and 100 km thick on the far side. -1524,该 出版物 的 许多 撰稿人 、 出版商 和 董事会 支持 学术 遗传 主义 。,"many of the publication 's contributors , publishers , and Board of Directors espouse academic hereditarianism ." -1525,两小时内,政府大楼附近又发生了三起炸弹爆炸事件。,Three more bombs exploded near government buildings in a period of two hours. -1526,汗在他父亲Ustad Ayat Ali Khan的监护下开始了他的职业生涯。他从他的哥哥Ustad Bahadur Hossain Khan那里学习了一名小提琴手。,Khan began his career under the guardianship of his father Ustad Ayat Ali Khan . He took lessons as a violinist from his elder brother Ustad Bahadur Hossain Khan . -1527,1956 年 , 他 在 格拉斯哥 SauchieHall Street 的 McLellan 画廊 展出 了 斯图尔特 · 麦克 车臣 的 肖像 。,"in 1956 he exhibited a portrait of Stewart McKechnie in McLellan Galleries in Sauchiehall Street , Glasgow ." -1528,TULF的领导人阿帕皮莱‧阿米塔林(Appapillai Amirthalingam)甚至写推荐信给泰米尔猛虎解放组织以及其他泰米尔叛乱团体以募得资金。,TULF leader Appapillai Amirthalingam even provided letters of reference to the LTTE and to other Tamil insurgent groups to raise funds. -1529,肯塔基州需负责提供五千兵源。,Kentucky was assigned the task of providing five thousand men. -1530,639 至 641 年间 , 拉希 顿 哈里发 帝国 的 穆斯林 阿拉伯人 征服 了 埃及 拜占庭 。,between 639 and 641 the Muslim Arabs of the Rashidun Caliphate conquered Byzantine Egypt . -1531,除了他的离岸经验,Foxall还与小艇,奥运会和美洲杯帆船赛有关。,"In addition to his offshore experience , Foxall has also been associated with dinghy , Olympic and America 's Cup sailing ." -1532,黄雀在后,a yellow bird flying through the air -1533,你為甚麼不跟他講?,Why don't you talk to him? -1534,一幅红黑相间的带翅膀的机器人图画,a drawing of a red and black robot with wings -1535,"同年,北方电影(英语:Nordisk Film)将该公司收购。","In the same year, the company Norwegian Mobile Cinema (Norsk Bygdekino) was founded." -1536,"风暴发展成热带气旋后产生的影响很小,主要只是停电和道路湿滑,纽芬兰岛有一人在风暴相关的交通事故中丧生。","The tropical cyclone that formed late in the storm's duration caused little impact, limited to power outages and slick roads; one person was killed in Newfoundland from a traffic accident related to the storm." -1537,钉子球的图画,a drawing of a ball with spikes on it -1538,研讨会 的 防御 工作 积累 了 六袋 武器 , 两箱 武器 被 截获 , 两箱 武器 被 强行 击落 。,"the Seminoles defense accumulated six sacks , two interceptions , and two forced fumbles ." -1539,"假合取(英语:False conjunction),又称捆包谬误(英语:Package-deal fallacy),指的是假定在传统或文化上常常会分类在一起的事物必然会一起出现的谬误。",The logical fallacy of the package deal (also known as false conjunction) consists of assuming that things often grouped together by tradition or culture must always be grouped that way. -1540,每一个单元测试案例均可以视为一项类、方法和待观察行为等设计元素。,"Each unit test can be seen as a design element specifying classes, methods, and observable behaviour." -1541,一张蓝色小精灵的卡通图片,头上有一朵粉红色的小花,a cartoon picture of a blue pokemon with a pink flower on its head -1542,在 这个 故事 的 里 德勒 一边 , 里 德勒 派 她 从 植物园 得到 一些 变异 的 藤籽 。,"in the Riddler 's side of the story , the Riddler assigns her to get some mutated vine seeds from the Botanic Gardens ." -1543,"大多数基于非关系存储引擎的图数据库还添加了标记或属性的概念,这些标记或属性本质上是具有指向另一个文档的指针的关系。","Most graph databases based on non-relational storage engines also add the concept of tags or properties, which are essentially relationships having a pointer to another document." -1544,"攻击者 弯曲 对手 的 胳膊 , 用 自己 的 一只 手 伸过去 .",the attacker bends his opponent 's arm and reaches through with one of his own . -1545,一条狗拿着棍子的画,a drawing of a dog holding a stick -1546,"在 密西西比州 , 小壳 和 其他 化石 生物 造就 了 巨大 的 生物 草药 .","into the Mississippian , crinoids and other fossil life built huge bioherms ." -1547,在 越狱 后 , Bullseye 袭击 了 Elektra , 并 对 她 自己 的 Sai 进行 了 鞭打 。,"after escaping prison , Bullseye attacks and impales Elektra on her own sai ." -1548,"《 悉尼 晨报 》 的 迈克尔 ? 爱达托 ( Michael Idato ) 将 夏日 打上 了 "" 先入为主 "" 的 烙印 。","Michael Idato of The Sydney Morning Herald branded Summer "" precociously slappable "" ." -1549,一个表情古怪的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a weird look on his face -1550,吉蒂 剧院 的 约翰 霍林谢 阿德 向 广大 热心 的 观众 展示 了 奥芬巴 赫 的 作品 .,John Hollingshead of the Gaiety Theatre presented Offenbach 's operettas to large and enthusiastic audiences . -1551,另 一种 蓝草 方法 , 学习 玩蓝草 低音 , 由厄尔 · 格里 教授 蓝草 低音 技术 。,"another bluegrass method , Learn to Play Bluegrass Bass , by Earl Gately , also teaches bluegrass slap bass technique ." -1552,超声波 还 可以 消除 现有 的 晶体 , 并 抑制 蜂蜜 中 的 进一步 结晶 。,ultrasonication also eliminates existing crystals and inhibits further crystallization in honey . -1553,"CD79是一种跨膜蛋白,可与B细胞受体(BCR)结合为复合体,并在BCR识别抗原后产生一个信号。",CD79 (Cluster of Differentiation 79) is a transmembrane protein that forms a complex with the B-cell receptor (BCR) and generates a signal following recognition of antigen by the BCR. -1554,"此次与美国的合作成为印度和美国之间在理解核武器扩散的定义上的分水岭,而该反应堆也将只用于和平目的。",The acquisition of CIRUS was a watershed event in nuclear proliferation with the understanding between India and the United States that the reactor would be used for peaceful purposes only. -1555,的图画,并在此基础上绘制了一个Pokemon类型的Pokemon类型的Pokemon类型的Pokemon类型的Pokemon类型。,a drawing of a pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type pokemon type -1556,"在这期间,根据罗马法律,在意大利以外的地区种植葡萄是被禁止的。","During this time, viticulture outside of Italy was prohibited under Roman law." -1557,驯鹿饲养是萨米人的一项重要生计。围绕该行业的文化对许多以其他职业为生的人也很重要。,Reindeer husbandry is an important livelihood among the Sámi and the culture surrounding the trade is important also for many with other professions. -1558,虽然北卡罗来纳州历来是一个保守的州,但威克县通常是一个摇摆区。,"While North Carolina is historically a conservative state , Wake County is typically a swing area ." -1559,"在圣路易斯举办的冠军赛上,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马在2011年——2014年每年都会转发一则预先录制好的演讲信息。","At the Championship in St. Louis, President of the United States Barack Obama has spoken via a pre-recorded message every year from 2011-2014." -1560,在 《 大西洋 记录 》 的 支持 下 , 大胡 斯特尔 的 标签 印上 了 印记 。,"'s label imprint Grand Hustle , under the aegis of Atlantic Records ." -1561,他有两个儿子:年长的Maharana Mahendra Singh和年轻的Arvind Singh。,He has two sons : elder Maharana Mahendra Singh and younger Arvind Singh . -1562,诉讼材料显示,联合国营地未能对废弃物进行适当的消毒处理,因而导致细菌进入阿蒂博尼特河的支流,这是海地最大河流之一。,"According to the lawsuit, waste from the UN camp was not properly sanitized, causing bacteria to enter the tributary of the Artibonite River, one of Haiti's largest." -1563,一幅有叶子的绿树漫画,a cartoon of a green tree with leaves -1564,1892年,Coahoma县分为两个辖区,一个到Friars Point,另一个到Clarksdale。,"In 1892 , Coahoma County was divided into two jurisdictions , one going to Friars Point and the other to Clarksdale ." -1565,"其后,基尼森写信给联邦调查局、美国特勤局和县警长,声称威弗曾威胁要杀死教皇、总统与爱达荷州州长约翰·V·埃文斯(英语:John V. Evans)。","Kinnison wrote letters to the FBI, Secret Service, and county sheriff alleging Weaver had threatened to kill the Pope, the President, and John V. Evans, governor of Idaho." -1566,Harana植根于西班牙 - 墨西哥传统,并以Habanera的节奏模式为基础。,The Harana is rooted in the Spanish-Mexican tradition and is based on the rhythmic patterns of the Habanera . -1567,着名的亚美尼亚作家和诗人Khachik Dashtents写了一首关于他的老师的诗,其中有Christophor Araratov:,"Famous Armenian writer and poet Khachik Dashtents wrote a poem about his teachers , among whom was Christophor Araratov :" -1568,他有着奇妙的想法。,He has strange ideas. -1569,"MQTT-SN是针对非 TCP/IP 网络上的嵌入式设备主要协议的变种,与此类似的还有 ZigBee 协议。","MQTT-SN is a variation of the main protocol aimed at embedded devices on non-TCP/IP networks, such as Zigbee." -1570,"聆讯公开进行,程序简单而且不拘泥于形式。",Hearings are conducted in public and procedures are simple and informal. -1571,白色背景上的几个卡通风格的项目,a couple of cartoon style items on a white background -1572,"这样 彼得 就 可以 用 镇静剂 给 西拉 注射 , 把 他 打倒 了 .","this allows Peter to inject Sylar with a tranquilizer , knocking him out ." -1573,一个粉色和一个蓝色的小精灵挨着坐在一起,a pink and a blue pokemon sitting next to each other -1574,它离主要支流的交汇处很长,排水沟的分水岭。,It is long from the confluence of its principal tributaries and drains a watershed of . -1575,从温哥华到温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,华盛顿特区,可以听到车站信号。,"The station signal could be heard from Vancouver to Vancouver , British Columbia , Washington , DC ." -1576,"机上人员包括6名机员(其中3名备份),7名客舱服务员,1名日航雇员以及62名乘客,乘客中有52名日本人。","On board were 6 flight crew (3 of them backup crew), 7 cabin crew, 1 employee of Japan Airlines, and 62 passengers (of whom 52 were Japanese)." -1577,她浑身酸痛。,She was aching from head to foot. -1578,她 穿 了 一套 类似 机器人 警察 的 粉红色 金属 西装 .,she wears a pink metal suit which resembles RoboCop . -1579,"在这个故事中揭露了他的真实姓名,以及童年时对风筝的迷恋。","His real name is revealed, as well as a childhood fascination with kites." -1580,许多 历史学家 强调 约翰逊 的 省际 主义 .,many historians emphasize Johnson 's provincialism . -1581,"娱乐媒体称赞了亨利·卡维尔,展开了他的成功之路。",Entertainment media applauded Henry Cavill on his road to success. -1582,这是他们第三次与第一个“桃子”,Linda Greene。,"It was their third hit with the first "" Peaches "" , Linda Greene ." -1583,"元大都城始建于1267年,1276年建成。",The city wall was constructed in 1267 and finished in 1276. -1584,一年内,一个感染者可能会感染 10 至 15 名密切接触者。,"In one year's time, an infected person may infect 10 to 15 close contacts." -1585,"同年,麻省理工学院的弗兰克·萨洛韦和加利福尼亚大学的迈克尔·舍默进行研究显示,高学历的美国成年人(调查样本中12%持有博士学位,62%是大学毕业生)之中有64%相信上帝,而宗教信念与教育水平有负相关性。","Frank Sulloway of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Michael Shermer of the California State University conducted a study that found in their polling sample of ""credentialed"" U.S. adults (12% had Ph.Ds and 62% were college graduates) 64% believed in God, and there was a correlation indicating that religious conviction diminished with education level." -1586,黑绿相间的鸟,翅膀上有斑点,a green and black bird with spots on it's wings -1587,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的动物,a very cute looking animal with big eyes -1588,流行的运动项目包括足球、篮球、排球、水球、击剑、橄榄球、自行车、冰球、轮滑曲棍球和一级方程式赛车。,"Popular sports include football, basketball, volleyball, water-polo, fencing, rugby, cycling, ice hockey, roller hockey and F1 motor racing." -1589,一个紫色的球,上面有一个骷髅头和交叉的骨头,a purple ball with a skull and cross bones on it -1590,绿白相间的尾巴的龙的图画,a drawing of a dragon with a green and white tail -1591,这激发了指挥官马克·哈蒙(由JoséJiménez饰演)背诵Wally Schirra的一些线条,让所有人都感到非常愉快。,This inspires Commander Mark Harmon ( played by José Jiménez ) to recite some of the lines of Wally Schirra to the great amusement of all at the table . -1592,迈阿密 高级 后卫 凯尔 ? 赖特 ( Kyle Wright ) 投 下 275 码 和 2 次 冲撞 , 完成 了 26 次 出入证 中 的 21 次 。,"Miami senior quarterback Kyle Wright threw for 275 yards and two touchdowns , and completed 21 of 26 passes ." -1593,"1923年至1928年期间,德韦基出任意属索马里兰总督,远离意大利政坛,并获得瓦尔奇斯蒙伯爵的头衔。","From 1923 to 1928, De Vecchi was governor of Italian Somaliland, a role which took him away from the centre of the Italian political scene." -1594,就 在 与 奥斯本 路 西端 交汇处 之前 , 他们 向 西北 弯曲 。,"just before an intersection with the western terminus of Osburn Road , they curve back to the northwest ." -1595,一块岩石从上面落下。,A rock fell from above. -1596,一张带剑的卡通人物图片,a picture of a cartoon character with a sword -1597,在他和怀特黑德出版总理后,他立即写了他的1912年“哲学问题”。,"Immediately after he and Whitehead published PM he wrote his 1912 "" The Problems of Philosophy "" ." -1598,IR . I . F . 的 日程安排 不良 和 管理 不善,the poor scheduling and mismanagement of both the I.R.I.F.F . -1599,CAAS由总干事Lee Hsien Yang先生领导,Kevin Shum先生担任董事会主席。,"CAAS is led by Director-General Mr Lee Hsien Yang , with Mr Kevin Shum serving as the board 's Chairman ." -1600,一只长着大翅膀的可爱的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big wings -1601,古代文明和部落开始驯养它们,食用和使用它们的奶、肉、毛和皮。,"Ancient cultures and tribes began to keep them for easy access to milk, hair, meat, and skins." -1602,由于民愤,目前正在针对该网站的性内容起草相关政策。该网站拥有数百万个获得公共传播许可的媒体。,The community irritation led to current efforts to draft a policy regarding sexual content for the site which hosts millions of openly-licensed media. -1603,"它允许拥有一个通信服务提供商帐户的用户与不同服务提供商的用户进行网络聊天,IP语音和视频电话。","It is designed to allow users with accounts at one communications service provider to communicate with users of a different service provider via online chat, Voice over IP, and Videotelephony." -1604,这是个没有柄的平锅。,Here is a pan without handles. -1605,"当这个白俄开始吹嘘他们的部队时,斯文赫定认定俄国人在撒谎,谎言之一是白俄夸大了他们使用的卡车的数目。","When the White Russian started to brag about what their army had done, Sven Hedin concluded that the Russian was lying, giving as one example of these lies the White Russian's exaggerated number of lorries they used." -1606,那场比赛,我从头看到尾。,I watched the game from beginning to end. -1607,"于是 , 皮克特 从曼 塞尔 、 普罗斯特 、 伯杰 、 布森 和 佩 特雷斯 那里 获胜 .","thus , Piquet won from Mansell , Prost , Berger , Boutsen and Patrese ." -1608,它目前从戴维斯维尔大道,永格街以南,艾伦路西北和埃格林顿大道西。,"It currently runs from Davisville Avenue , to the south of Yonge Street , northwest of Allen Road and Eglinton Avenue West ." -1609,他第一登场是在半条命中。,His first appearance is in Half-Life. -1610,"这些建筑物有很多包含了新艺术运动的影响,混合了传统的萨丁尼亚花卉装饰的风格:例如邻近港口白色大理石建成的市政厅。",Many of these buildings combined influences from Art Nouveau together with the traditional Sardinian taste for floral decoration; an example is the white marble City Hall near the port. -1611,温莎被列入奥古斯塔,缅因州的新英格兰城市和城镇区。,"Windsor is included in the Augusta , Maine micropolitan New England City and Town Area ." -1612,Felipe Francisco Molina和Bedoya是来自危地马拉的外交官,出生于哥斯达黎加市。他成为中美洲联邦共和国总理。,"Felipe Francisco Molina y Bedoya was a diplomat from Guatemala , born in the city of Costa Rica . He became Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Central America ." -1613,"1778年2月6日, 法美两国同盟条约 (1778) 在此签订。","On February 6, 1778 two treaties were signed." -1614,"他没有观测或列出在南天更远处可见的天体,例如大和小麦哲伦云。","He did not observe or list objects visible only from farther south, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds." -1615,1 份 在 广告牌 上 的 R & B 专辑 和 Vinyl 专辑 图表 上 。,1 on both the Billboard R & B Albums and Vinyl Albums charts . -1616,"10月8日,美国最高法院大法官安东尼·肯尼迪发出命令搁置同性婚姻在美国内华达州和爱达荷州的实施。",8 October: United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy issued an order staying the implementation of same-sex marriage in Nevada and Idaho. -1617,Debbi Benn是“希伯来和犹太研究的教师和计划”,Debbie Posner是“希伯来和犹太研究小学的协调员”。,"Debbi Benn is the "" teacher and program for Hebrew and Jewish studies "" and Debbie Posner is the "" coordinator of the elementary school for Hebrew and Jewish studies "" ." -1618,"这种风格强调了佛像的精神形态,从而忽略了解剖学上必要的细节。","This style emphasized the spiritual aspect of the Buddha, by omitting many small anatomical details." -1619,"在过去几十年,美国所有人口组别的肥胖率一直上升。",Obesity rates have increased for all population groups in the United States over the last several decades. -1620,这场辩论是因为对卡特里娜飓风后的救济和重建支出有争议而开始的;一些财政保守派幽默地将其称为“布什的新(奥尔良)政”。,"The debate was sparked by controversy over spending on relief and reconstruction in the wake Hurricane Katrina; which some fiscal conservatives have humorously labeled ""Bush's New Orleans Deal.""" -1621,Denco是加利福尼亚州Colusa县北部Colusa的一个前定居点,位于南太平洋铁路。,"Denco is a former settlement in Colusa , north of Colusa County , California on the Southern Pacific Railroad ." -1622,叼着树叶的卡通熊猫,a cartoon panda with a leaf in its mouth -1623,戴帽子的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a hat on its head -1624,,"There is a national motorway connecting Washim , Kanergaon , Nanded , Amrawati , Hingoli and Akola ." -1625,参见拟合条目。,See the summary. -1626,1938 年 11 月 16 日 , 托马斯 · 默顿 在 科尔 珀斯 基督教堂 再次 举行 洗礼 仪式 , 并 接受 了 圣礼 。,"on November 16 , 1938 , Thomas Merton underwent the rite of baptism once again at Corpus Christi Church and received Holy Communion ." -1627,她年轻时很美丽。,She was beautiful when she was young. -1628,自1927年第59次播出以来,英国广播公司电台还首次提供现场比赛评论。,"BBC Radio also presented a live race commentary for the first time , since its 59th broadcast in 1927 ." -1629,罗马 的 史诗 大多 是 碑文 或 涂鸦 .,most of the Roman epigrams were inscriptions or graffiti . -1630,我有大量的书在我的书架上。,I have numerous books on my bookshelf. -1631,你脸红了。,You're blushing. -1632,狮群的行为与狼群或狗群非常类似。这些动物与狮子的行为惊人地相似(但与其他大型猫科动物不同),而且这些行为对它们的猎物来说也是非常致命的。,"Lion prides act much like packs of wolves or dogs, animals surprisingly similar to lions (but not other big cats) in behavior, and also very deadly to their prey." -1633,"抗逆转录病毒药物的联用为HIV的复制制造的多重的障碍,可以使子代数量保持在较低的水平,并能降低产生优势突变的可能性。",Combinations of antiretrovirals create multiple obstacles to HIV replication to keep the number of offspring low and reduce the possibility of a superior mutation. -1634,会说布琉努语。,Hablemos de Bronce. -1635,"祂被赋予作为罗马最高办事处、内部组织,以及外部关系的神圣权威。","He personified the divine authority of Rome's highest offices, internal organization, and external relations." -1636,钱伯斯是个不可知论者,他认为自己的诉讼是“随意的”,“任何人都可以起诉任何人”。,"Chambers, an agnostic, argues that his lawsuit is ""frivolous"" and ""anybody can sue anybody.""" -1637,"他 喝 得 太 多 , 经常 去 当地 的 酒馆 而 不是 学习 .","he drank to excess , frequenting local pubs instead of studying ." -1638,盖利斯 赢得 了 杰克 帕 克特 洛菲 作为 西方 分部 的 顶级 新秀 .,Gallis won the Jackie Parker Trophy as the West Division 's top rookie . -1639,他 喜欢 流行 的 小说 、 经典著作 、 戏剧 和 传记 .,"he devoured popular novels , classics , plays , and biographies ." -1640,这块石头也将德姆尼希卷入了当时关于从南斯拉夫逃亡到德国的罗姆人居留权的讨论中。,"Demnig also intended to contribute to the debate, ongoing at that time, about granting the right of residence in Germany to Roma people who had fled from former Yugoslavia." -1641,"此举产生两点重大的负面影响:其阵地因此成为突出部,易招致多面攻击;他也因此被迫防御以其军团辖下两师兵力不足以坚守的绵长防线。","This had two significant negative consequences: his position now took the form of a salient, which could be attacked from multiple sides; and he was forced to occupy lines that were much longer than his two-division corps could defend." -1642,我買了一支手錶給她。,I bought her a watch. -1643,一个女人站在岩石上的图画,a drawing of a woman standing on top of a rock -1644,"它成立于2010年,作为许多硬件制造商,开源操作系统供应商和电子公司之间的合作,为嵌入式Linux开发的混乱带来了一些秩序。","It was founded in 2010 as a collaboration among many hardware manufacturers, open-source operating systems vendors, and electronics companies to bring some order to the chaos of embedded Linux development." -1645,"这个 节日 于 7 月 11 日 星期三 在 水晶 剧院 以 "" 向 伍迪 · 古斯里 致敬 "" 的 方式 开幕 。","the festival kicked off on Wednesday , July 11 with a "" Tribute to Woody Guthrie "" fundraiser at the Crystal Theater ." -1646,Fons Rademakers导演。,Guido Radermacher. -1647,碗里的小精灵皮卡丘的图画,a drawing of a pokemon pikachu in a bowl -1648,数据定义工具为XQuery或JSONiq程序中的语义工件(如集合和索引)提供持久性函数。,The Data Definition Facility provides a persistent function for semantic artifacts such as collections and indices in XQuery or JSONiq programs . -1649,那就是你,不是么?,"That was you, wasn't it?" -1650,循环 超音速 喷气机 也 能 产生 屏蔽 音调 .,circular supersonic jets also generate screech tones . -1651,这位 女演员 在 2007 年 9 月 拍摄 了 她 的 最后 一幕 .,the actress filmed her final scenes in September 2007 . -1652,"这样,dd也可以用在备份硬件的引导扇区、取得一定数量的随机数据等任务中。","As a result, dd can be used for tasks such as backing up the boot sector of a hard drive, and obtaining a fixed amount of random data." -1653,克莱奥 和 乔尔 协调 并 完善 了 他们 的 关系 .,Cleo and Joel reconcile and consummate their relationship . -1654,剎車出了問題。,Something is wrong with the brakes. -1655,碘化 伤寒 被 切割 , 形成 甲状腺 激素 T4 、 T3 、 DIT 、 MIT 和 反向 三 碘 甲状腺素 的 痕迹 。,"the iodinated tyrosines are cleaved , forming the thyroid hormones T4 , T3 , DIT , MIT , and traces of reverse triiodothyronine ." -1656,前 59 年 、 48 年 、 46 年 、 45 年 和 44 年 的 领事 盖尤斯 · 朱利叶 斯 · 凯撒 , 前 49 年 和 47 年 至 44 年 的 独裁者 。,"Gaius Julius C. f . C. n . Caesar , consul in 59 , 48 , 46 , 45 , and 44 BC , dictator in 49 , and from 47 to 44 BC ." -1657,"The simExchange之前曾预测该时期的销量为328,000。","The simExchange had previously forecast 328,000 sales for the period." -1658,几个比什凯克居民将这种违法状态归咎于来自南方的抗议者。,Several Bishkek residents blamed protesters from the south for the lawlessness. -1659,他 不 穿 盔甲 , 但 双手 拿 着 一把 斧头 , 另一只 手拿着 一把 好心 的 面团 。,he wears no armour but bears an axe in one hand and a holly bough in the other . -1660,"后者 留下 了 他们 第一次 遇见 的 腐蚀性 记录 , 将 Ralea 视为 "" 贵族 狂人 "" 的 "" 小丑 "" 。","the latter left a corrosive record of their first encounter , dismissing Ralea as a "" clown "" with "" aristocratic manias "" ." -1661,事件发生的时代通常被称为欧洲史的中世纪盛时,即的 11、12 和 13世纪时期(公元 1000-1300 年)。,"The age where the events took place is commonly referred as the High Middle Ages the period of European history in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries (AD 1000–1300)." -1662,她是个倔强的女孩。,She's a stubborn girl. -1663,"这些镶嵌画经常需要修复和更换,许多伟大的画家,例如保罗·乌切洛、卡斯塔尼奥(Andrea del Castagno)、保罗·委罗内塞、丁托列托和他的儿子多梅尼科·丁托列托(Domenico Tintoretto)都参加过镶嵌画的绘制工作。","As mentioned above, restorations and replacements were often necessary thereafter, or done even when not necessary, and great painters such as Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno, Paolo Veronese, Jacopo Tintoretto and his son Domenico were among those who produced the designs for the mosaicists." -1664,"由于公司取得了巨大成功,诺曼重新获得了在童年时失去的财富。","The company was hugely successful, and Norman re-gained the wealth that he had lost during his childhood." -1665,"作为坦志麦特改革的一部分,安纳托利亚省在1841年前后被撤销了,建立了几个小点的省份,而对于撤省的时间,学者们给出了早到1832年,晚到1864年的不同时间。","As part of the Tanzimat reforms, the Anatolia Eyalet was dissolved c. 1841 and divided into smaller provinces, although various scholars give conflicting dates for the dissolution, from as early as 1832 to as late as 1864." -1666,但由于处在赤道以北几度的“高热带”,你将需要同时应对高温(终年)和强烈的阳光(天气晴朗时,这种情况相对较少)。,"But being placed in the ""high tropics"" just a few degrees north of equator you will need to deal with both heat (always) and strong sun (when the sky is clear, more rarely)." -1667,"1999年,在日本政府的请托下,YOSHIKI为日本皇室创作歌曲,并在“庆祝天皇陛下即位十周年国民庆典(日语:天皇陛下御即位十年をお祝いする国民祭典)”上弹奏了奉祝曲〈Anniversary〉。","In 1999, at the request of the Japanese government, Yoshiki composed and performed a classical song for Japan's Emperor Akihito at a celebration in honor of the tenth anniversary of his enthronement." -1668,这座城市与该国其他城市形成了鲜明对比,因为它更多的是阿拉伯风格,而不是非洲风格。,"The city is in stark contrast to the rest of the country's cities, because it has more of an Arabic flair than of an African." -1669,1915 年 7 月 , 在 Yosemite 调查 期间 , Charles Lewis 营地 捕捉 了 两只 狼 , 一只 是 男性 , 另一只 是 女性 。,"in July 1915 , during the Yosemite survey , Charles Lewis Camp trapped two wolverines , a male and female ." -1670,一个戴着黄色头盔,有着绿色腿的机器人,a robot with a yellow helmet and green legs -1671,紫色的大眼睛怪物的图画,a drawing of a purple monster with big eyes -1672,一幅白色带翅膀的小精灵的图画,a drawing of a white pokemon with wings -1673,他的建立的繁荣刺激了该地区其他牧场的创建和增长,创造了一个定义早期城市的人口。,"The prosperity of his establishment stimulated the creation of other ranches and growth in the region , creating a population that would define the early city ." -1674,"神父约翰再次来到红灯区,他从一位名叫米利安(Miriam,葛丽泰·奥格尔斯比饰)的妓女处得知,詹姆斯·圣克莱尔是个很有势力的皮条客,可能知道神父要找的女人是谁。","Father John returns to the red-light district and speaks to a prostitute named Miriam (Greta Oglesby), who suggests a powerful pimp named James St. Clair (Ansa Akyea) might know about the woman." -1675,有了它,我们才有了火车、汽车和许多其他交通工具。,"It has brought us the train, the car, and many other transportation devices." -1676,旅行者 注意 到 苹果 饺子 几乎 每天 都 是 特拉华河 谷 的 盘子 , 还有 专门 制作 布丁 和 饺子 的 食谱 。,travelers noted apple dumplings as an almost daily dish in the Delaware Valley and cookbooks specialized in puddings and dumplings . -1677,我在海边捡了个漂亮贝壳。,I picked up a pretty shell at the seaside. -1678,脑电图 疹常 被 误诊 为 蜘蛛 咬伤 、 纤维素 炎 或 带状疱疹 .,"em rashes are often misdiagnosed as spider bites , cellulitis , or shingles ." -1679,蓝红龙图,a drawing of a blue and red dragon -1680,Barrallier Island是一个非常小的无人居住的岛屿,位于澳大利亚维多利亚州法国岛的西北部。,"Barrallier Island is a very small uninhabited island located northwest of French Island in Victoria , Australia ." -1681,"来自密歇根州的参议员刘易斯·卡斯支持立即中止共同占领协议,称美国和英国将不可避免地因此事开战。","Lewis Cass, a senator from Michigan, supported an immediate termination of the joint occupation agreement and maintained that a war with the British over the matter was inevitable." -1682,"E级电车是由维多利亚公共交通(PTV)提出的电车采购项目(Tram Procurement Program)的一部分,项目通过引进新电车、创造新的电车停放空间并升级现有的基础设施,旨在提高电车网络的载客能力和可靠性。","The E-class is part of the Tram Procurement Program, a Public Transport Victoria project aimed at increasing capacity and reliability of the tram network through the introduction of new trams, creation of new depot space, and upgrades to existing infrastructure." -1683,她和她的姐妹们还在咖啡馆里唱歌,并伴随着无声电影表演音乐。,She and her sisters also sang in cafes and performed music to accompany silent films . -1684,美国国防部战略司令部正在追踪残骸。,The United States Strategic Command of the U.S. Department of Defense office is tracking the debris. -1685,"范雷回到死亡天使的身份,并试图重拾蝙蝠侠的信任。",Valley returned to the Azrael identity and attempted to regain Batman's trust. -1686,她全身赤裸。,I'm naked. -1687,"1682年的冬天芭蕉庵被焚毁,他的母亲于1683年早些时候去世。","In the winter of 1682 his hut burned down, and shortly afterwards, in early 1683, his mother died." -1688,"多柔(本名Dorothee Pesch,1964年6月3日-,出生于德国杜塞尔多夫),常被称作Doro Pesch或者Doro,德国硬式摇滚女艺人、歌曲作家,早期因是重金属音乐乐队Warlock的主唱而在欧美知名。","Dorothee Pesch (born 3 June 1964), popularly known as Doro Pesch or Doro, is a German heavy metal singer-songwriter, formerly front-woman of the heavy metal band Warlock." -1689,"第二天,俱乐部主席萨姆·朗森向球迷道歉并表示他和克拉夫的指责无关。","The following day, board chairman Sam Longson apologised to the fans and dissociated himself from Clough's remarks." -1690,Dethman 随后 摇摇晃晃 , 鲍勃 · 沃特 菲尔德 恢复 了 健康 。,"Dethman subsequently fumbled , and Bob Waterfield recovered ." -1691,1989年,该杂志收到了现在的名字,次年,世界犹太圣经协会成为犹太圣经协会。,"In 1989 , the magazine received its present name , and the following year the World Jewish Bible Society became the Jewish Bible Association ." -1692,粉红色的蝴蝶,黑色的翅膀,白色的背景,a pink butterfly with black wings and a white background -1693,蓝白相间的红眼睛卡通人物,a blue and white cartoon character with red eyes -1694,南非meridionalis是一种生活在坦桑尼亚的小型潜水蜘蛛。,South Africa meridionalis is a small diving spider that lives in Tanzania . -1695,黄绿色的蜥蜴图,a drawing of a green and yellow lizard -1696,曾为电视节目AD。,Television ad. -1697,试试吧。,Try some. -1698,黄色和黑色的小精灵pokemon角色,a yellow and black pokemon pokemon character -1699,他甚至提出,这种理解人类行为的能力可能是家犬等动物共有的本领。,He even suggests that such abilities in interpreting human behavior may be shared by animals such as domestic dogs. -1700,暴民强迫国王和王后把马车的窗户完全打开。,The mob of people forced the King And Queen to have their carriage windows wide open. -1701,"在这种组织模式中,应用程序建立在三个部分:客户端,应用程序和数据库。","In three-tier organization, applications are structured around three physical tiers: client, application, and database." -1702,我希望能够戒烟。,I wish I could give up smoking. -1703,"它的聚焦阵列由4只212GHz桁条和2只405GHz组成,因此可以在瞬间找到发射源的位置 。","It has a focal array composed by 4 beams at 212 GHz and 2 at 405 GHz, therefore it can instantaneously locate the position of the emitting source SST is the only solar submillimeter telescope currently in operation." -1704,小心不要让衣服变得太热(这可能会产生收缩现象,在极端情况下会把衣服烤焦)。,"Be careful not to allow fabric to become too hot (which can cause shrinkage, or in extreme cases, scorch)." -1705,梵蒂冈城的所有公民均为罗马天主教徒。,All citizens of Vatican City are Roman Catholic. -1706,没有增设额外的交通工具,地上火车在温布利 (Wembley) 也不停站,地上也没有停车场和停车换乘设施。,"No extra transport is being put on and overground trains will not stop at Wembley, and car parking and park-and-ride facilities are unavailable at the ground." -1707,"这些和其他的现代表述通常都绕过作用力的概念,而使用其他物理量,例如能量、拉格朗日量或哈密顿量,来描述力学系统。","These, and other modern formulations, usually bypass the concept of ""force"", instead referring to other physical quantities, such as energy, speed and momentum, for describing mechanical systems in generalized coordinates." -1708,这些教规在692年被特鲁洛东部委员会拒绝,但得到了教皇康斯坦丁的批准。,"These canons were rejected later in 692 by the Eastern Council in Trullo , but approved by Pope Constantine ." -1709,为国子祭酒。,The national drink. -1710,一个顶着绿叶的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a green leaf on top of it -1711,张嘴的蓝黄龙,a blue and yellow dragon with its mouth open -1712,有些场地免费提供酒精饮料。然而,醉酒会削弱人的判断能力,所有优秀的赌徒都知道保持清醒的重要性。,"Some venues offer alcoholic beverages on the house. However, drunkenness impairs judgement, and all good gamblers know the importance of staying sober." -1713,"1784年,17岁的戈多伊前往马德里,加入王家近卫军。","In 1784, at the age of 17, Godoy moved to Madrid where he entered the royal bodyguard." -1714,蓝白相间的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and white pokemon -1715,这位 64 岁的卡车司机在车祸中没有受伤。,"The truck driver, who is aged 64, was not injured in the crash." -1716,孙德本尔斯的面积为 3850 平方公里,其中约三分之一为水域/沼泽区。,"The Sundarbans cover an area of 3,850 km², of which about one-third is covered in water/marsh areas." -1717,它在日本市场被命名为“Toyota Belta”。,"It is named ""Toyota Belta"" in the Japanese market." -1718,注意这是良定义的。,Hence the above is a suitable definition. -1719,意大利语的发音相对容易,因为大多数单词的发音与拼写完全相同,Pronunciation is relatively easy in Italian since most words are pronounced exactly how they are written -1720,Balikli是土耳其阿马西亚省Gumushacikoy的一个村庄。,"Balıklı is a village in the District of Gümüşhacıköy , Turkey , Amasya Province ." -1721,"当西班牙殖民者于18世纪抵达时,他们称此处为""Los Pechos de la Chola""(印第安少女的酥胸),并将此处规划为放牧用途。","When the Spanish conquistadors and settlers arrived at the beginning of the 18th century, they called the area ""Los Pechos de la Chola"" or ""Breasts of the Indian Maiden"" and devoted the area to ranching." -1722,当地的自来水完全可以达到安全饮用标准,但如果你还是担心,也可以很容易地买到瓶装水。,"The local tap water is perfectly safe to drink, but bottled water is easy to find if you are fearful." -1723,站舍位于地下4楼。,Take Me to the Alley 4. -1724,2015年5月5日,裕廊东被选为吉隆坡 - 新加坡高速铁路的新加坡终点站。,Jurong East was chosen as the Singapore terminus of the Kuala Lumpur -- Singapore High Speed Rail on 5 May 2015 . -1725,打印机 本地人 加入 了 CWA , 邮递 本地人 加入 了 IBT 。,the printer locals joined the CWA and the mailer locals joined the IBT . -1726,坠机发生在高海拔山区,据称是敌方火力所致。,"The crash occurred high up in mountainous terrain, and is believed to have been the result of hostile fire." -1727,威廉姆斯通过攻击埃里克杨和奥兰多乔丹队,改变了英格兰队对马格努斯的入侵。,""" , Williams turned heel and reformed the British Invasion with Magnus by attacking the team of Eric Young and Orlando Jordan ." -1728,"联邦调查局在红宝石山脊的人质谈判专家,Fred Lanceley对ROE感到“惊讶和震惊”并且认为ROE使他在300余次人质谈判情况下最苛刻的交战规则,他把ROE归为与标准政策严重不一致。","Fred Lanceley, the FBI Hostage Negotiator at Ruby Ridge, was ""surprised and shocked"" at the ROE, the most severe rules he had ever heard in his over 300 hostage situations, and characterized the ROE as being inconsistent with standard policy." -1729,我刚从邮局回来。,I've just returned from the post office. -1730,"自大约1074年起,因拜占庭帝国在1071年的曼齐刻尔特战役惨败于塞尔柱突厥,阿尔茨鲁尼作为独立的领主统治该地,直到1090年左右被突厥人征服。","1074, following the Byzantine defeat against the Seljuk Turks at Manzikert in 1071, the Ardzruni ruled the territory as independent lords, until it was conquered by the Turks around 1090." -1731,一个脸上带着微笑的生物的图画,a drawing of a creature with a big smile on its face -1732,这个数字不包括那些居住在马来西亚但不持有马来西亚公民身份的泰国人。,This number excludes those Thais living in Malaysia who do not hold Malaysian citizenship. -1733,一个IRC服务器可以连接其他的IRC服务器以扩展为一个IRC网络。,An IRC server can connect to other IRC servers to expand the IRC network. -1734,埃莉诺私下告诉杜,她已经读过她给朱丽叶的信了。,Elinor had also told Do privately that she had read her letters to Juliet . -1735,第 4 、 8 、 15 、 16 、 23 和 42 号 分别 对应 洛克 、 雷耶斯 、 福特 、 贾 拉赫 、 谢普 哈德 和 权敖昆 的 姓氏 。,"the Numbers 4 , 8 , 15 , 16 , 23 , and 42 correspond to a surname , for Locke , Reyes , Ford , Jarrah , Shephard and Kwon , respectively ." -1736,社会民主及劳工党成立于1970年代。,The Center for Faith and Life was conceived in the 1970s. -1737,为 校长 的 小屋 重建 一个 序列,reconstructing a sequence for the schoolmaster 's cottage -1738,"就在坍塌之后,急救医疗医生和受训过的德州A&M紧急护理团(TAMECT)(学生运作,志愿参加的德州农工大学第一反应人服务,篝火搭建的每个步骤都提供人员)的第一反应人立马验伤分类病人和执行急救措施。","Immediately after the collapse, Emergency Medical Technicians and trained First Responders of the Texas A&M Emergency Care Team (TAMECT), a student-run, volunteer service, who staffed each stage of construction, administered first aid." -1739,长舌鱼图,a drawing of a fish with a long tongue -1740,母乳中含有0.8%至0.9%的蛋白质、4.5%的脂质、7.1%的糖类、0.2%矿物质。,"Human milk contains 0.8% to 0.9% protein, 4.5% fat, 7.1% carbohydrates, and 0.2% ash (minerals)." -1741,2008年1月8日,Cumbers从Grays借到吉林汉姆,但于2008年2月8日被召回AFC温布尔登,以获得第一队的进一步经验。,"On 8 January 2008 , Cumbers was borrowed from Grays to Gillingham , but was recalled to AFC Wimbledon on 8 February 2008 to gain further experience in the first team ." -1742,你是老师吗?,Are you a teacher? -1743,"许多临床医师执行不当,或完全忘记这一步,引入可以避免的诊断错误和误诊。","Many clinicians improperly perform, or entirely miss this step, introducing avoidable diagnostic error and misdiagnosis." -1744,从历史上看,大部分农民从事的都是自给自足的农业生产。如今在很多发展中国家,情况依然如此。,Historically most farmers were engaged in subsistence agriculture and this is still the case in many developing nations. -1745,普拉 聊天 、 伊丽莎白 · 弗吕 克斯 、 本 · 麦肯齐 、 斯普 伦德 · 查普斯 制作 公司 .,"Pratchat , Elizabeth Flux , Ben McKenzie , Splendid Chaps Productions ." -1746,如今,科学表明,这种大规模的碳经济,再也无法让过去 200 万年来支持人类进化发展的生物圈保持稳定状态。,Science now indicates that this massive carbon economy has dislodged the biosphere from one of its stable states that has supported human evolution for the past two million years. -1747,粉红色的鸟儿在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a pink bird flying through the air -1748,我不需要任何帮助。,I won't need any help. -1749,岩石 上 有 方解石 、 浅绿色 表皮 和 深红色 的 赤铁矿 .,"the rock is veined with calcite , light green epidote , and deep red hematite ." -1750,绿龟头戴黄花,a green turtle with a yellow flower on its head -1751,长嘴鸟在空中飞翔,a bird with a long beak flying through the air -1752,乾杯!,Cheers! -1753,"就像后来的象形茧一样,它包含了一个王室的名称。","Like the later cartouche, it contained a royal name." -1754,"尽管该纪念日并不是由卢卡斯影业所创办且也没有得到卢卡斯影业的证实,但世界各地的《星际大战》影迷多选在这天庆祝该节日。","Even though the holiday was not created or declared by Lucasfilm, many Star Wars fans across the world have chosen to celebrate the holiday." -1755,向上指的是从顶端开始推弓,向下指的是从弓根处(也就是手握弓的地方)开始拉弓。,"Up means you should start at the tip and push the bow, and down means you should start at the frog (which is where your hand is holding the bow) and pull the bow." -1756,博物馆在拉斯维加斯和整个美国的历史背景内献身于有组织犯罪和执法之间有争议的关系。,The museum is dedicated to the contentious relationship between organized crime and law enforcement within the historical context of Las Vegas and the entire United States. -1757,"1934年,在韦莫克(Vemork),挪威海德鲁公司建成第一所能生产重水,作为生产化肥副产品的商业工厂,它的年产量为12吨(13短吨)。","In 1934, Norsk Hydro built the first commercial heavy water plant at Vemork, Tinn, with a capacity of 12 tonnes per year." -1758,"一般而言,一个芯片在大的组合中能够实行某些全部功能或子功能,像是手机的射频子系统,或者是DVD播放机中读取资料路径和激光读取头悬臂控制逻辑。","Typically, mixed-signal chips perform some whole function or sub-function in a larger assembly such as the radio subsystem of a cell phone, or the read data path and laser sled control logic of a DVD player." -1759,绝对不是!,Certainly no! -1760,"这个庞大的石块建筑物需要引进上百个德裔石砖匠,他们后来在运河完工后也兴建了纽约市许多的著名大楼。","The stonework required hundreds of German masons, who later built many of New York's buildings." -1761,越南的邻国禁止同性婚姻。,Vietnam's neighbors forbid same-sex marriages. -1762,泽 佩林 号 来到 大 伯斯特 德 的 蜗牛 厅 农场 .,"the Zeppelin came down at Snail 's Hall Farm , Great Burstead ." -1763,巴尔多 在 打 了 几次 球 , 用 木头 和 刀子 砍 了 一刀 , 使 罗慕洛 浑身 流血 之后 , 占上风 。,"Baldo gained the upper hand after a few hits and slashes with a wood and a knife , bloodying Romulo ." -1764,在影响之后,Jesse Neal,Hall和Nash在4月12日的街头大战中击败了Team 3D和Waltman。,"In the aftermath of Impact , Jesse Neal , Hall and Nash defeated Team 3D and Waltman in a Street Fight on April 12 ." -1765,2001年开设了两个新的大型体育场馆:Alerus中心和Ralph Engelstad竞技场。,"Two new , large sports venues opened in 2001 : the Alerus Center and the Ralph Engelstad Arena ." -1766,96 岁 的 大卫 · 加曼 , 英国 发明家 和 商人 。,"David Garman , 96 , British inventor and businessman ." -1767,1960年代和1970年代南非和英国还存在全国锦标赛。,National championships existed in South Africa and the United Kingdom in the 1960s and 1970s. -1768,原来的种群根本没有改变,它们仍需要和以前一样适应环境。,"The original population hasn't changed at all, they still need the same adaptations as before." -1769,"1987年10月22日,《尼克松在中国》在休斯顿新落成的沃瑟姆剧院中心中的布朗舞台首演,约翰·德曼(John DeMain)指挥休斯顿大剧院演出。","Nixon in China formally premiered on the Brown Stage at the new Wortham Theater Center in Houston on October 22, 1987, with John DeMain conducting the Houston Grand Opera." -1770,"在 拍摄 超人 三世 的 影片 时 , 他 在 空闲 的 时间 里 驾驶 了 他 的 帆 飞机 .","during the filming of Superman III , he raced his sailplane in his free time ." -1771,无视汤姆和我。,Ignore Tom and me. -1772,"在 1673 年 , 惠更斯 出版 了 霍洛格 奥 西拉普利 德莫杜 钟摆 , 他 的 主要 作品 的 钟摆 和 角色 学 .","in 1673 Huygens published Horologium Oscillatorium sive de motu pendulorum , his major work on pendulums and horology ." -1773,Margarites giganteus,俗称巨型玛格丽特,是一种海洋蜗牛,是Margaritidae家族的海洋腹足类软体动物。,"Margarites giganteus , common name the giant margarite , is a species of sea snail , a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Margaritidae ." -1774,一只长着大翅膀的可爱的鸟,a very cute looking bird with big wings -1775,一个蓝莓,头上有一片绿叶,a blueberry with a green leaf on it's head -1776,笑容满面的卡通球,a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face -1777,计划在国外做变性手术的旅行者务必在返程时携带有效证件。,Voyagers planning sex reassignment surgery abroad must ensure they're carrying valid documents for the return trip. -1778,然而 卡拉 却 设法 解开 了 束缚 , 逃走 了 , 尽管 托尼 走进 了 地狱 , 自杀 了 。,"however Carla manages to untie herself and escapes , although Tony walks into the inferno and kills himself ." -1779,"2001年中,伏尔加格勒公司对外表示其已研发2S25长达七年。","In mid-2001, it was stated that the Volgograd tractor plant had been working on the 2S25 for about seven years." -1780,以 利亚 说 , 我以 耶和华 的 名义 诅咒 你 。,"Elijah pronounced his malediction , "" I curse you in the Name of the Lord ." -1781,漫画人物在空中飞行的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character flying through the air -1782,一个蓝白相间的卡通人物在空中飞行,a blue and white cartoon character flying through the air -1783,取消政策各不相同,但截至三月末,大多数由于新冠病毒而出台的取消政策并没有延长到 2020 年 7 月——原定奥运会举办时间。,"Cancellation policies vary, but as of late March most coronavirus-based cancellation policies don't extend to July 2020, when the Olympics had been scheduled." -1784,我们同意美国奥委会的声明,与其吊销执照,不如在我们组织内部继续推进有意义的变革,可能更有利于维护运动员和俱乐部的利益及其运动。,"We agree with the USOC's statement that the interests of our athletes and clubs, and their sport, may be better served by moving forward with meaningful change within our organization, rather than decertification." -1785,这是她自2006年1月10日中风之前的第一张录音室录音“I Wan na Love Somebody”和第十张录音室专辑。,"It was her first studio recording since "" I Wan na Love Somebody "" and the tenth studio album before her stroke on January 10 , 2006 ." -1786,"联合国大会第68/262号决议(英语:United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262)是该会在2014年3月27日第68届会议上通过的决议,标名为〈乌克兰的领土完整〉。","United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled ""Territorial integrity of Ukraine""." -1787,国家飓风中心 (NHC) 表示,目前“杰瑞”对陆地没有威胁。,The National Hurricane Center (NHC) says that at this point Jerry poses no threat to land. -1788,6 月 14 日 , 威尔 · 维利 签署 了 自由 代理人 协议 , 并 将 C / IF Austin Barnes 选入 俄克拉荷马州 AAA 市 。,"on June 14 , signed free agent OF Will Venable and optioned C / IF Austin Barnes to AAA Oklahoma City ." -1789,其中 , 她 背诵 了 罗密欧 和 朱丽叶 的 几行 。,"in it , she recites some lines from Romeo and Juliet ." -1790,"苏珊 告诉 保罗 发表 一篇 撤回 文章 , 否则 她 将 写 一篇 说明书 .",Susan tells Paul to publish a retraction or she will write an exposé . -1791,五彩缤纷的鸟儿在空中飞翔,a colorful bird flying through the air -1792,“卡特里娜”飓风来袭时,第九区洪水水位一度高达 20 英尺,由于附近的防洪堤已经被淹没,目前水位已达齐腰深度。,"The Ninth Ward, which saw flooding as high as 20 feet during Hurricane Katrina, is currently in waist-high water as the nearby levee was overtopped." -1793,你有时间再做吧。,Do it when you have time. -1794,他 是 个 有 才华 的 击球手 , 曾 在 本赛季 的 平均 击球 成绩 上 领先 于 澳大利亚 前 队长 鲍勃 · 辛普森 ( Bob Simpson ) 。,"a talented batsman , he once topped the season 's batting averages ahead of former Australian captain Bob Simpson ." -1795,特克萨卡纳是大都会统计区TX-AR米勒县的一部分。,"Texarkana is a part of the Miller County , TX-AR , Metropolitan Statistical Area ." -1796,绿色和白色的小精灵,背上有叶子,a green and white pokemon with leaves on its back -1797,你有機會下箇月去澳大利亞嗎?,Is there any chance you'll go to Australia next month? -1798,紫色大眼睛的蝴蝶画,a drawing of a purple butterfly with big eyes -1799,绿眼睛和帽子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with green eyes and a hat -1800,理论得联系实际。,Theory and practice should go hand in hand. -1801,躺在地上张着嘴的卡通恐龙,a cartoon dinosaur laying on the ground with its mouth open -1802,正如巴黎被称为当代世界的时尚之都一样,君士坦丁堡被认为是欧洲封建时代的时尚之都。,"In the manner that Paris is known as the fashion capital of the contemporary world, Constantinople was regarded as the fashion capital of feudal Europe." -1803,这本字典是我的。,This dictionary is mine. -1804,一个戴着绿色帽子的绿色和白色的填充动物,a green and white stuffed animal wearing a green hat -1805,Zrinski和Frankopan的骨头于1907年在奥地利被发现并于1919年被带到萨格勒布,在那里他们在萨格勒布大教堂重建。,"The bones of Zrinski and Frankopan were found in 1907 in Austria and brought to Zagreb in 1919 , where they were rebuilt in the Zagreb Cathedral ." -1806,"低气压继续向西移动,穿越佛罗里达州后最终于11月5日在美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区上空消散。","The low continued westward, crossed Florida, and ultimately dissipated over the Gulf Coast of the United States on November 5." -1807,一组三个棕色的石头坐在一堆土上面,a group of three brown rocks sitting on top of a pile of dirt -1808,费米的音乐生涯始于他父亲的乐队埃及80开始演奏。,"Femi 's musical career started when he began playing in his father 's band , Egypt 80 ." -1809,随着 2008 年 的 结束 , 民主党 初选 和 核心 小组 转变 为 克林顿 和 奥巴马 参议员 之间 的 历史性 战斗 。,"as 2008 unwound , the Democratic primaries and caucuses turned into a historic battle between Clinton and Senator Barack Obama ." -1810,他 在 学校 任职期间 以 足球队 后卫 的 身份 写信 , 赢得 了 数项 运动员 荣誉 。,while attending the academy he lettered in football as a fullback and earned several athletic honors . -1811,海洋 研究所 和斯 基德 韦 海洋学 研究所,marine Institute and Skidaway Institute of Oceanography -1812,女人们在院子里做饭;商店其实就是面向街道的开放柜台。他们用石头来建造房屋。,Women did the cooking in the yard; stores were just open counters looking into the street. Stone was used for building houses. -1813,此服务仅限Shield Portable、Shield Tablet和SHIELD TV设备的用户使用。,"The service is available exclusively on the company's Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, and Shield Console devices." -1814,"这场丑闻很快蔓延到了南京会试,揭露了官僚制的腐败和以权谋私,许多坚持正统观念的北人官员将之归因为南方文人小团体的存在和经典学问的衰落。","The scandal, which soon spread to Nanjing examination circles, uncovered the corruption and influence-peddling that was rife in the bureaucracy, and that many moralistic officials from the north attributed to the existence of southern literary clubs and to the decline of classical scholarship." -1815,"今年 4 月 , 特维斯 多尔 在 希腊 沃洛斯 的 欧洲 锦标赛 上 参加 了 比赛 .","in April , Tweddle competed at the European Championships in Volos , Greece ." -1816,尽管石制金字塔的建造一直持续到古王国末期,但吉萨金字塔的宏大的规模和高超的建造技术从未被超越。,"Although pyramid-building in stone continued until the end of the Old Kingdom, the pyramids of Giza were never surpassed in their size and the technical excellence of their construction." -1817,"很可能因为这些原因,他在学校没有朋友。","As a result of her personality, she does not have many friends at school." -1818,我因為門關著進不去。,I couldn't enter because the door was closed. -1819,他 主张 把 所有 的 贾提 斯人 融合 到 瓦尔纳 斯 更 全球化 的 分裂 中去 .,he advocated to fuse all the jatis into a more global division of Varnas . -1820,一幅植物的图画,上面有叶子,a drawing of a plant with leaves on it -1821,乐队由Peter Forbes,Roger Capello,Claes Bure,PeterBjörk,Anders Hector和Chino Mariano组成。,"The band consisted of Peter Forbes , Roger Capello , Claes Bure , Peter Björk , Anders Hector and Chino Mariano ." -1822,例如,他们没有玉米、西红柿、土豆和可可,也没有哪个古罗马人吃过火鸡。,"For instance, they didn't have corn, nor tomatoes, nor potatoes, nor cocoa, and no ancient Roman ever tasted a turkey." -1823,1942 年 至 1946 年 , 圣路易 卡迪纳尔队 由 超级 明星 斯坦 · 穆西 亚尔 、 红色 学校 和 埃 诺斯 · 斯 洛特 领导 。,"St. Louis Cardinals from 1942 to 1946 , led by superstars Stan Musial , Red Schoendienst , and Enos Slaughter ." -1824,"与许多其他类似于Notebook的接口不同,在Jupyter中,内核并不知道它们被附加到特定的文档,并且可以同时从多个客户机连接到它们。","Unlike many other Notebook-like interfaces, in Jupyter, kernels are not aware that they are attached to a specific document, and can be connected to many clients at once." -1825,"因为Diplopedia旨在成为表达本部各种观点的平台,所以不强制执行纯粹的中立观点政策。","Since Diplopedia is intended to be a platform for expressing the various points of view of the Department, Diplopedia does not enforce a pure neutral point of view policy." -1826,本作故事开始前已到美国留学。,U.S. training program began after that. -1827,如今很多萨米人投身于现代行业。旅游业是萨普米,也就是萨米地区的一大收入来源。,"Today many Sámi work in modern trades. Tourism is an important income in Sápmi, the Sámi area." -1828,"诺里斯 然后 用 胶带 堵住 霍尔 , 把 她 的 手腕 和 脚踝 绑起来 .",Norris then gagged Hall with adhesive tape and bound her wrists and ankles . -1829,还剩一点水。,There's some water left. -1830,"莉莉 亚在 看 婚礼 游行 时 , 玛丽娅 把 花束 扔给 了 她 , 莉莉 亚 抓住 了 花束 .","as Lilia watches the wedding parade , Maria tosses her the bouquet , and Lilia catches it ." -1831,2010年:丰田/日野FCHV巴士服务往返东京国际机场和市中心区间之日常商务路线。,2010: A Toyota/Hino FCHV Bus services daily commercial routes between Tokyo’s Haneda Airport and the city center. -1832,粉黑鸟,粉红色的尾巴,a pink and black bird with a pink tail -1833,我希望我能知道如何刪除我的Facebook帳號。,I wish I could figure out how to delete my Facebook account. -1834,他从中国回来了。,He came back from China. -1835,妇女 将 穿 棉衣 、 凉鞋 或 高 棉鞋 。,women would wear cotton dresses and sandals or high moccasin boots . -1836,"在 激烈 的 战斗 之后 , 狼 伤害 了 Mystique , 但 否认 她 的 政变 .","after a heated fight , Wolverine wounds Mystique , but denies her the Coup de grâce ." -1837,例如,“学习”和“交际”被认为是使用互联网的重要动机(詹姆斯等,1995)。,"For example, “learning” and “socialization” are suggested as important motivations for Internet use (James et al., 1995)." -1838,昆虫学家们用“虫子 (bug)”一词来正式称呼这一类的昆虫。,The term bug is used by entomologists in a formal sense for this group of insects. -1839,阿皮亚始建于 19 世纪 50 年代,自 1959 年以来一直是萨摩亚的首都。,Apia was founded in the 1850s and has been the official capital of Samoa since 1959. -1840,这部 纪录片 记录 了 她 的 《 跳舞 永远 的 世界 巡回赛 》 .,the documentary chronicled her Dancing Forever World Tour . -1841,"在1996年12月,当局选择了部署于吕贝克、运营状态特别好的12台218型机车(218 430-434号以及218 456-462号)进行改造。",In 1996 the machines for this task were created from locomotives 218 430 to 434 and 218 456 to 462 which were stationed in Lübeck and were in particularly good condition. -1842,Fantasy 可能包含符号或其他装饰属性但仍表示指定字符的字体。,"Fantasy Fonts that may contain symbols or other decorative properties, but still represent the specified character." -1843,对更加普遍和一致的系统(基于更合理的基础单位)的偏好只会随着科学的发展而逐渐扩散。,The preference for a more universal and consistent system (based on more rational base units) only gradually spread with the growth of science. -1844,"1999年年初,顿内次克州境内共有2108处农场。",At the beginning of 1999 there was 2108 farms within the oblast. -1845,红白相间的龙图,a drawing of a white and red dragon -1846,他似乎不是美國人。,He doesn't seem to be an American. -1847,多年 来 , 雷克斯 把 他 的 街头 智慧 和 阴暗 的 联系 比作 业余 私人 调查员 的 副业 。,"over the years , Rex parlays his street smarts and shady connections into a sideline career as an amateur private investigator ." -1848,麦 卡特 尼 把 小 理查德 称为 偶像 , 他 的 虚假 歌唱 激发 了 麦 卡特 尼 自己 的 声乐 技巧 。,"McCartney called Little Richard an idol , whose falsetto vocalisations inspired McCartney 's own vocal technique ." -1849,"在远距离发射了两枚不出意外打飞了的鱼雷后,西里奥报告有七艘敌舰正在向东面开去。","After launching two torpedoes from long range, which missed their target, Sirio reported seven enemy warships heading to the east." -1850,"接到关系疏远的母亲去世的消息后,玛丽琳回到童年的家中处理母亲的后事,在意识到她成为了她母亲希望她做的家庭主妇后,她做了一个决定。","Upon receiving news of her estranged mother's death, Marilyn returned to her childhood home in Virginia to deal with her mother's possessions only to realize that she has become the homemaker her mother always desired." -1851,一张戴着女巫帽子的猫的黑白照片,a black and white picture of a cat wearing a witches hat -1852,主要 的 保龄球 运动员 是 阿莱克 · 贝德瑟 、 吉姆 · 洛克 和 退役 的 阿尔夫 · 格沃夫 , 他们 在 最后 一个 赛季 拿走 了 121 把 篮子 。,"the main bowlers were Alec Bedser , Jim Laker and the retiring Alf Gover , who took 121 wickets in his final season ." -1853,不过 , 2010 年 , 克莱斯勒 ( Chrysler ) 由于 销售 不佳 , 将 道奇 ( Dodge ) 品牌 从 英国 排行榜 上 撤出 。,"however , in 2010 Chrysler pulled the Dodge marque from the UK lineup due to poor sales ." -1854,Gunston Hall种植园最初是列克星敦种植园的一部分。,Gunston Hall Plantation was originally a part of the Lexington Plantation . -1855,2002 年,戈马被尼拉贡戈火山的熔岩所摧毁。火山熔岩掩埋了该镇的大部分街道,尤其是镇中心。,"In 2002 Goma was destroyed by lava from the Nyiragongo volcano which buried most of the town’s streets, particularly the town centre." -1856,篮子里装满了草莓。,The basket was full of strawberries. -1857,我常常在放學後踢足球。,I often play soccer after school. -1858,你會開車送我回家嗎?,Will you drive me home? -1859,在原始IBM PC中,如果在系统内存中检测到奇偶校验错误或由外部设备报告,则会触发NMI。,"In the original IBM PC , an NMI was triggered if a parity error was detected in system memory , or reported by an external device ." -1860,圆顶 被 支撑 在 横跨 洞穴 、 合唱团 、 断面 和 通道 的 8 个 拱门 之间 的 吊杆 上 。,"the dome is supported on pendentives rising between eight arches spanning the nave , choir , transepts , and aisles ." -1861,作为 Rana Bahadur Shah 的 保镖 和 顾问 , Sardar Bhimsen Thapa 也 陪同 他 去 了 Varanasi 。,"as Rana Bahadur Shah 's bodyguard and advisor , Sardar Bhimsen Thapa also accompanied him to Varanasi ." -1862,"2006年8月,世贸中心纪念基金会和纽约与新泽西港口事务管理局开始大规模建设纪念馆和博物馆。","In August 2006, the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began heavy construction on the memorial and museum." -1863,我們才剛搬進來。,We just moved in. -1864,"Aqa `Abdu'llah-i-Bihbihani为此给塔荷蕾的父亲写信,要求她的家人将其带离克尔曼沙赫。","Aqa `Abdu'llah-i-Bihbihani, at this point, wrote to Táhirih's father asking his relatives to remove her from Kermanshah." -1865,在 Rajasuya Yagna 号 期间 , Bima 完全 征服 了 东部 的 王国 。,"during the Rajasuya Yagna , Bhima subjugated the kingdoms of the eastern direction completely ." -1866,贵族 、 绅士 、 斯基雷斯 和 塞 尼奥 尔 · 杜陶 齐亚 、 迪平 、 德拉 普拉德 和 德马蒂内 , 这个 部门 属于 加斯科 尼 贵族 。,"nobles , Gentlemen , Squires and Seigneurs du Tauzia , du Pin , de la Prade and de Martiné , this branch belongs to the nobility of Gascony ." -1867,"克拉伦斯似乎并不知道联军军力有多大,他立刻发动了突击。",It seems that Clarence did not realise how big the Franco-Scottish army was as he decided to rely on the element of surprise and attack immediately. -1868,虚拟团队成员经常担任所对应的线下团队的接洽点。,Virtual team members often function as the point of contact for their immediate physical group. -1869,一个头上有叶子的皮卡丘的卡通形象,a cartoon of a pikachu with a leaf on its head -1870,大桥预计将于 2017 年 9 月全面投入使用,届时巴西海关检查站预计也将完工。,"The bridge is scheduled to be fully operational in September 2017, when the Brazilian customs checkpoints are expected to be finished." -1871,"细菌随后会暴露在超量的杀灭性物质之中,并于几分钟后死亡。",The bacterium is then subjected to an overwhelming array of killing mechanisms and is dead a few minutes later. -1872,贝尔法斯特 南部 的 博物馆 医院 专攻 矫形 、 风湿 学 、 运动 医学 和 康复 。,"Musgrave Park Hospital in south Belfast specialises in orthopaedics , rheumatology , sports medicine and rehabilitation ." -1873,"德布罗意激励了国际量子分子科学院的创立,并成为其早期会员。",He inspired the formation of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science and was an early member. -1874,请保密。,Please keep this a secret. -1875,穿着绿色和白色衣服的女人的图画,a drawing of a woman in a green and white dress -1876,1855 年 5 月 21 日 , 炮艇 和 武装 轮船 袭击 了 Taganrog 海港 , 这是 Don 上 Rostov 附近 最 重要 的 枢纽 。,"on 21 May 1855 , the gunboats and armed steamers attacked the seaport of Taganrog , the most important hub near Rostov on Don ." -1877,一幅花鸟画,a drawing of a flower with a bird on it -1878,一个粉红色的物体,上面有一片绿叶,a pink object with a green leaf on top of it -1879,"因该栽培种名称发表时未包含描述,违反《国际栽培植物命名规则》第24.1条,并具有一个拉丁种加词,违反第19.13条,所以该名称是非正式的。","This cultivar name is not established as it was published without a description, violating Article 24.1 of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, and has a Latin epithet, violating Article 19.13." -1880,你有兄弟姐妹吗?,Do you have siblings? -1881,一幅戴着帽子的人的画,a drawing of a person with a hat on -1882,香港岛大部分的城市发展都集中在北岸的填海土地上。,The great majority of Hong Kong Island's urban development is densely packed on reclaimed land along the northern shore. -1883,乌克兰 基辅 哥萨克 起义 和 国家 觉醒,Kiev Cossack revolt and national awakening in Ukraine -1884,在 旱季 , 水 逐渐 退入 河流 、 溪谷 和 孤立 的 水洞 或 比拉 巴河 。,"during the dry season the water recedes into rivers , creeks , and isolated waterholes or billabongs ." -1885,"2009 年 , 他 与 他 的 # 11 山 犹太人 雪佛兰 一起 出现 在 复兴 汽车 的 广告 中 .","in 2009 , he appeared in commercials for Rejuvenate Auto with his # 11 Mountain Dew Chevrolet ." -1886,大眼睛的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with big eyes -1887,麦克劳林将法律适用于英国臣民,与当地人保持和平,并与美国商人和后来的殖民者保持友好关系。,"McLoughlin applied the law to British subjects , kept the peace with the natives and maintained friendly relations with American merchants and later colonists ." -1888,2012年8月,这对夫妇生了他们的第一个孩子Shalk Jr。 2014年3月,他们的第二个儿子Nicol出生。,"In August 2012 , the couple had their first child , Shalk Jr . In March 2014 , their second son Nicol was born ." -1889,"国际天文学联合会定义棕矮星的质量要足够引发氘融合,它们的质量大于13木星质量(13 M J {\displaystyle M_{J}} ,2.5 × 1028Kg,或0.0125太阳质量)。","The International Astronomical Union defines brown dwarfs as stars massive enough to fuse deuterium at some point in their lives (13 Jupiter masses (MJ), 2.5 × 1028 kg, or 0.0125 M☉)." -1890,苏美尔 军队 使用 的 是 车厢 .,the Sumerian military used carts harnessed to onagers . -1891,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -1892,"当使用 TrueType 字体的时候,不支持可变长度描述符以及连续块参数。","When TrueType font is used, variable length descriptors, continuation blocks are not supported." -1893,Victor 和 Nikki Newman 肥皂剧 恶棍 列表,Victor and Nikki Newman List of soap opera villains -1894,在这份报告的 78 项建议中,第一条建议是在今年年底之前采取新的外交行动,目的在于保护伊拉克的边界免受敌对势力的侵害,并与邻国重建外交关系。,First among its 78 recommendations is that a new diplomatic initiative should be taken before the end of this year to secure Iraq’s borders against hostile interventions and to re-establish diplomatic relations with its neighbors. -1895,"从 "" 2013 年 Chuseok 特别节目 之前 从未见过 的 高 歌剧 中 回忆起 "" 爱情 艺术家 "" 。",remake of ' Love Artistestes ' from ' The Gag Concert You 've Never Seen Before ' 2013 's Chuseok Special . -1896,"她的拉丁名称为米瑟那(Miseria),英语单词misery(意为痛苦,悲惨,不幸,穷困)即是从中引申出来的。","Her Latin name is Miseria, from which the English word 'misery' is derived." -1897,在 《 死亡 之海 》 中 , 它 成为 哈利 、 罗恩 和 赫敏 的 庇护所 , 同时 躲开 伏地 魔 。,"in Deathly Hallows , it becomes a sanctuary for Harry , Ron , and Hermione while hiding from Voldemort ." -1898,其中包括耶路撒冷的Ramat Shlomo和以色列的Kfar Chabad的复制品。,These include replicas in Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem and Kfar Chabad in Israel . -1899,硬 木地板 的 特点 是 基板 上 的 动画 古董 和 皇冠 成型 的 镀金 的 石膏 在 天花板 周围 。,"the hardwood floor featured a baseboard of verd antique , and a crown molding of gilt plaster acanthus leaves surrounds the ceiling ." -1900,"在北部,哈德逊湾公司积极与美洲原住民交易毛皮,并与法国、原住民和梅蒂人的毛皮贸易商竞争。","In the north, the Hudson's Bay Company actively traded for fur with the indigenous peoples, and had competed with French, Aboriginal, and Métis fur traders." -1901,然后他从亚利桑那响尾蛇队交易到马特·德鲁斯和乔·兰达到特拉维斯弗莱曼的底特律老虎队。,He was then traded from the Arizona Diamondbacks to Matt Drews and Joe Randa to the Detroit Tigers for Travis Fryman . -1902,对于第一批300名学生,从1969年6月2日开始举办讲座。那时,学术人员由28名当地讲师组成。,"For the first batch of 300 students , lectures were held beginning from 2 June 1969 . At that time , the academic workforce consisted of 28 local lecturers ." -1903,但鸟类还是有很多地方跟恐龙相似。,But there are a lot of things about birds that still look like a dinosaur. -1904,从1965年到2000年,它由汤姆森报纸和媒体新闻集团等报纸连锁店所有。,"From 1965 to 2000 , it was owned by newspaper chains including Thomson Newspapers and the MediaNews Group ." -1905,你應該道歉。,You should apologize. -1906,教堂的钟声标志着佛罗伦萨一天的主要部分。,The church bell marked the main divisions of the Florentine day. -1907,最近一次喷发发生在1918年。,The last eruption took place in 1918. -1908,"甲虫 和 白蚁 有 相同 的 角质 碳氢化合物 , 甚至 与 它们 进行 生物 合成 .",the beetles share the same cuticle hydrocarbons as the termites and even biosynthesize them . -1909,它会攻击任何进入水中的东西;即使像霸王龙之类的巨型恐龙也不是它的对手。,It also attacked anything that entered the water; even a giant dinosaur such as T. rex would be no match for it. -1910,"当他前往巴西时,葡萄牙王室授予他今天被称为博塔弗戈的土地。","When he went to live in Brazil, the Portuguese Crown granted him the land known today as Botafogo." -1911,夏天过去了。,Summer is over. -1912,在热带草原上,灵长类动物拥有类似人类的消化系统,现有的植物资源很难满足灵长类动物对氨基酸的需求。,"Out on the savanna, it is hard for a primate with a digestive system like that of humans to satisfy its amino-acid requirements from available plant resources." -1913,"似乎是个美少女,所以村内有许多男孩子都很喜欢她。",He is a very good looking boy with whom all the girls of the village would love to have an affair. -1914,该系列由John Misto创作,由Misto,Graeme Koetsveld和Ray Kolle编写。,"The series was created by John Misto and is written by Misto , Graeme Koetsveld and Ray Kolle ." -1915,Obrovac(位于克罗地亚扎达尔县达尔马提亚北部的一个小镇。,"Obrovac ( is a town located in northern Dalmatia , in the Zadar County of Croatia ." -1916,紫青鸟,长尾巴,a purple and green bird with a long tail -1917,"绘画的小精灵角色,有一个新的 ""小精灵""。",a drawing of a pokemon character with re -1918,一个非常可爱的动物,有一个大鼻子,a very cute looking animal with a big nose -1919,青橙龙,长尾巴,a green and orange dragon with a long tail -1920,这种 淡红色 的 玫瑰 砖 是 专门 为 反映 原作 的 颜色 和 质地 而 制作 的 , 形成 了 墙壁 、 地板 、 枕头 和尼奇 。,"the pale rose bricks , specially fabricated to reflect the hue and texture of the original , form the walls , floor , pilasters , and niches ." -1921,该 美术馆 还 拥有 巴黎 圣殿 的 筹备 作品 。,the gallery also owns the preparatory works for the Panthéon of Paris pediment . -1922,录像的使用为阐释微表情(持续几毫秒的面部运动)带来了重大发现。,"The use of video recording has led to important discoveries in the interpretation of micro-expressions, facial movements which last a few milliseconds." -1923,1960年,Ardley与Vivian Wilson结婚,这对夫妇生了一个女儿,他于2003年与Bridget Gantley结婚,并在德比郡的米尔福德去世。,"In 1960 , Ardley married Vivian Wilson , and the couple had a daughter , he married Bridget Gantley in 2003 and died in Milford , Derbyshire ." -1924,一幅南瓜图,上面有一只鸟。,a drawing of a pumpkin with a bird on top of it -1925,尽管天气很冷,孩子却没有大衣穿。,The child had no overcoat on although it was very cold. -1926,普利特维茨湖国家公园森林茂密,主要树种有山毛榉、云杉和冷杉,并以高山和地中海植被混合为特色。,"The Plitvice Lakes national park is heavily forested, mainly with beech, spruce, and fir trees, and features a mixture of Alpine and Mediterranean vegetation." -1927,转弯 以南 的 联盟 卫士 仅 由 两个 旅 组成 , 由 科尔 指挥 。,"the Union defenders south of the turnpike consisted of only two brigades , commanded by Cols ." -1928,"这群人 和 客人 Lupe Fiasco 重唱 了 芝加哥 公牛 的 歌词 "" 只有 公牛 "" 。","the group remade the Chicago Bulls 's anthem "" Only the Bulls "" with guest Lupe Fiasco ." -1929,我可以看看你的護照嗎?,May I see your passport? -1930,圣灵是神组的第三位成员。,The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. -1931,Finsch的显示器仅在新英国的布兰奇湾,拉鲁姆和马萨瓦有名。,"Finsch 's monitor was only known from Blanche Bay , Ralum , and Massawa in New Britain ." -1932,他是IEEE,ACM,AAAS和EATCS的成员。,"He is a fellow of the IEEE , the ACM , the AAAS , and EATCS ." -1933,叼着骨头飞的卡通猴子,a cartoon monkey flying with a bone in its mouth -1934,這是你的書。,Here is your book. -1935,她 被 描绘成 一个半 女郎 、 巴德 布 的 女儿 和 一个 凡人 .,"she is portrayed as a demigoddess , the daughter of Badb and a mortal ." -1936,2015年,理查德布兰森为斯蒂芬霍金在维珍银河太空船上免费提供座位。,"In 2015 , Richard Branson offered Stephen Hawking a seat for free in the spaceship Virgin Galactic ." -1937,把滑雪路线想象成类似的徒步路线。,Think of the skiing route as of a similar hiking route. -1938,"对于游戏的PC版本,未经审查的游戏版本在澳大利亚被评为MA15+。","For the PC release, the uncensored version of the game was awarded MA15+ in Australia." -1939,"2014年3月,慑魂史诗获得瑞士音乐大奖(英语:Swiss Music Awards)“全国最佳现场演出奖”。","In March 2014, Eluveitie won the Swiss Music Awards' Best Live Act National award." -1940,后来,在里约热内卢市议会安装了一名市议员(议会调查委员会)。,"Later , a city councillor ( Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry ) was installed in the City Council of Rio de Janeiro ." -1941,10 月 21 日 , D 连 和 我 带 着 116 名 非战斗 人员 返回 Concho 堡 , 他们 被 关押 在 军需官 的 后部 。,"companies D and I returned to Fort Concho on 21 October with 116 of the noncombatants , who were interned in the quartermaster 's corral ." -1942,它根本不是夢。,It's not a dream at all. -1943,它们成功的秘诀是利基概念,每只猫都负责一项特殊的工作,防止它们与其他猫竞争。,"The secret to their success is the concept of the niche, a special job each cat holds that keeps it from competing with others." -1944,我昨晚沒睡。,I didn't sleep a wink last night. -1945,大主教 是 Samson 、 Magloire 、 St Budoc 、 St Leucher 、 St Thuriau 和 St Gen é v é , 每个 人 都 带 着 一双 手套 和 一个 光环 。,"the Archbishops are Samson , Magloire , Saint Budoc , Saint Leucher , Saint Thuriau and Saint Genévé , each wearing a pallium a mitre and with a halo ." -1946,长期以来,中国航空公司政治存在的扩张受到台湾国际地位的限制。,The expansion of China Airlines political presence has long been limited by the international status of Taiwan . -1947,红眼珠子的图画,a drawing of a red creature with yellow eyes -1948,铸造清单显示泰勒于1619年春天加入公司之后和1623年6月托利伊去世之后的第一个表现日期。,The casting list indicates a first performance date after Taylor joined the company in the spring of 1619 and before the death of Tooley in June 1623 . -1949,辛迪加 主义者 严厉 地 批评 布尔什维克 政权 , 将 其 定性 为 国家 资本主义 。,"the syndicalists criticized the Bolshevik regime bitterly , characterizing it as state capitalist ." -1950,当塞缪尔·赫里克到达现场时,阿诺德已经被派往斯基内斯伯勒和阿萨道格拉斯,前往潘顿,他们需要分队安全船。,"When Samuel Herrick arrived on the scene , Arnold had already been sent to Skenesboro and Asa Douglas to Panton with detachments to secure boats ." -1951,我不想問他。,I have no intention of asking him. -1952,我们准备去做。,We're preparing to do so. -1953,甲虫 作为 海滩 公车 和 沙丘 公车 在 美国 西海岸 普及 .,beetles were popularized on the USA West Coast as beach buggies and dune buggies . -1954,遗憾的是,研究车流很困难,因为不能对驾驶员的行为进行百分之百确定的预测。,"Unfortunately, studying traffic flow is difficult because driver behavior cannot be predicted with one-hundred percent certainty." -1955,"1973由Kagan第一次发现了亚胺的不对称还原反应:底物Ph(Me)C=NBn与PhSiH2,在手性配体DIOP和铑催化剂(RhCl(CH2CH2)2)2条件下发生氢化硅烷化反应。",The first asymmetric imine reduction was reported in 1973 by Kagan using Ph(Me)C=NBn and PhSiH2 in a hydrosilylation with chiral ligand DIOP and rhodium catalyst (RhCl(CH2CH2)2)2. -1956,他是個很討人煩的男人。,He's a very disagreeable man. -1957,棕色的泰迪熊拿着一个白色的东西,a brown teddy bear holding a white object -1958,雷纳在2012年2月29日入选美国足球名人堂(英语:National Soccer Hall of Fame)。,"Claudio was elected to the National Soccer Hall of Fame on February 29, 2012." -1959,在日本,最早的樱花派对是由天皇为他自己和皇室其他贵族成员在皇家御所举办的。,"In Japan, the first cherry blossom parties were hosted by the emperor only for himself and other members of the aristocracy around the Imperial Court." -1960,"这 给 他 赢得 了 绰号 "" 克里米亚 鞑靼 曼德拉 "" 。","this earned him the nicknamed the "" Crimean Tatar Mandela . """ -1961,征服 后 , 西班牙人 围绕 各种 守护神 重新 组织 了 西班牙 裔 以前 的 社区 或 议会 。,"after the Conquest , the Spanish reorganized the pre Hispanic neighborhoods or capullis around various patron saints ." -1962,"在波兰—布尔什维克战争以后,到了1923年,波兰军队展开了一款新型的制式轻机枪的竞标,旨在取代过去所使用的所有的轻机枪型号。","After the Polish-Bolshevik War, in 1923 a competition was opened for a new, standard light machine gun for the Polish army that was to replace all previously used types of LMG." -1963,剧作家 大卫 ? 鲁 德金 ( David Rudkin ) , 1960 年代 初 在 北 布罗 姆斯 格罗夫 中学 任教 。,"David Rudkin , playwright , taught at North Bromsgrove High School in the early 1960s ." -1964,"同时,威廉在王国内继续步步高升。","Meanwhile, William continued his advancement in the kingdom." -1965,在 亲眼目睹 了 圣徒 的 苦难 之后 , 马永 警告 国王 不要 压迫 他们 。,"having witnessed the woes of the Santror , Mayon admonished the king to desist from oppressing them ." -1966,战略轰炸及地面战事导致许多城市及文化遗产被摧毁。,Strategic bombing and land warfare destroyed many cities and cultural heritage sites. -1967,在 加拿大 北极 中部 , 他们 主要 用 弓箭 猎杀 肌肉 和 驯鹿 , 并用 带刺 装置 捕鱼 。,"in the central Canadian Arctic , they mainly hunted muskoxen and caribou with bow and arrow , and fished with barbed devices ." -1968,OurBus 还 连接 伊萨卡 到 宾夕法尼亚州 的 阿连顿 、 费城 和 华盛顿 特区 .,"OurBus also connects Ithaca to Allentown , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , and Washington , DC ." -1969,"在国家层面上,环境保护任务主要交给州郡或地方。","At a state level, the bulk of environmental protection issues are left to the responsibility of the state or territory." -1970,他描述了住在这所房子里的牧师“H先生”和他的家人是如何被鬼魂诱惑的。,"He describes how a clergyman, ""The Rev. Mr H."" and his family, who resided in the house, were tempted by the ghost." -1971,"庭审于1854年8月开始并持续了一周,克里滕登以目击证人的自相矛盾之处为突破口,并传唤包括路易斯维尔市长詹姆斯·斯蒂芬·斯皮德(James Stephens Speed)、联邦众议员威廉·普雷斯顿(William Preston)、以及《路易斯维尔信使日报》(Louisville Courier-Journal)主编乔治·普伦蒂斯(George D. Prentice)作为品格证人出庭。","During the week-long trial, which began in April 1854, Crittenden emphasized inconsistencies in the accounts of eyewitnesses and called prominent character witnesses such as Louisville mayor James Stephens Speed, Congressman William Preston, and Courier-Journal editor George D. Prentice." -1972,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -1973,男孩子 穿 得 很 像 年纪 较大 的 男孩子 , 穿着 腿 、 背带 、 蒙卡松 , 偶尔 穿 一件 未 装饰 的 衬衣 。,"boys dressed much like the older males , wearing leggings , loincloths , moccasins , and occasionally an undecorated shirt ." -1974,背景幕布上是狮身人面像,它也是长篇故事的讲述者。,The Sphinx is set as the backdrop and the narrator of a long story. -1975,你必须把桌子清理干净。,You must clear the table. -1976,一幅南瓜图,上面有一只鸟。,a drawing of a pumpkin with a bird on top of it -1977,它 漂流到 西南部 , 然后 回流 到 西北地区 , 在 8 月 18 日 变成 热带风暴 。,"it drifted to the southwest , then looped back to the northwest , becoming a tropical storm on August 18 ." -1978,五彩缤纷的翅膀和黑色的喙的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with multicolored wings and a black beak -1979,"日本 人 第一次 进攻 , 7 月 在 布纳 登陆 , 8 月 在 米兰 湾 登陆 .","the Japanese struck first , landing at Buna in July , and at Milne Bay in August ." -1980,一匹红发小马的图画,a drawing of a pony with red hair -1981,"并且,在1940年代末,费曼图向人们展示了所有相互作用的图景。","Also, in the late 1940s Feynman's diagrams depicted all possible interactions pertaining to a given event." -1982,Eupithecia yunnani是Geometridae家族中的一种飞蛾。它在中国(云南)发现。,Eupithecia yunnani is a moth within the family Geometridae It is found in China ( Yunnan ) . -1983,一个粉红色鼻子的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a pink nose -1984,一个卡通人物坐在一朵花上,a cartoon character is sitting on a flower -1985,毛绒绒的动物坐着的图画,a drawing of a furry animal sitting down -1986,他们 写 了 斯科 利亚 和 宾达 等 作品 .,they wrote about such works as Scholia and Pindar . -1987,"后被潘所追求而让河神将自己变为芦苇,并以此衍生出一个令人难以忘怀的声音。","He was then taken to a river to bathe, and was given a skirt to wear." -1988,从 1803 年 到 1805 年 , 图斯 坎 新古典主义 的 比 尔德 加里 里 ( Bildergalerie ) 进行 了 修复 , 增加 了 伊索 比 ( Isopi ) 的 壁炉 和 阿波罗 ( Apollo ) 雕像 。,"Thouret renovated the Bildergalerie in Tuscan Neoclassicism from 1803 to 1805 , adding a fireplace by Isopi and a statue of Apollo opposite it ." -1989,这样的孩子被称为“野孩”,意思是野孩子。 有些野孩子被人们(通常是他们自己的父母)所幽禁; 在某些情况下,孩子被遗弃是由于父母拒绝接受孩子有智力或身体上的严重缺陷。,"Such children are called ""feral"" or wild. Some feral children have been confined by people (usually their own parents); in some cases this child abandonment was due to the parents' rejection of a child's severe intellectual or physical impairment." -1990,"根据Clar's规则,两个外侧的萘环单元是有芳香性的,但两个中心双键却一点也不具有芳香性。","According to Clar's rule, the two exterior naphthalene units are truly aromatic and the two central double bonds are not aromatic at all." -1991,八月曾在埃姆斯模拟民意调查中胜出的巴赫曼决定退出竞选。,"Bachmann, who won the Ames Straw Poll in August, decided to end her campaign." -1992,黄色和灰色小精灵角色的图画,a drawing of a yellow and gray pokemon character -1993,"在 寓言 中 , 英雄 可以 使用 行会 印章 进行 远程 传送 .","in Fable , the Hero can teleport using the Guild Seal ." -1994,我现在进来方便么?,Is it OK for me to come in now? -1995,"多立克柱的带状装饰装饰着525个图案,包括蛇,航海标志,代表艺术和科学的徽记,以及共济会符号。","The frieze of the Doric entablature is decorated with alternating triglyphs and 525 pictorial emblems, including serpents, nautical symbols, devices representing the arts and sciences, and masonic symbols." -1996,"科学家曾认为超新星会产生锎,因为超新星物质的衰变符合254Cf的60天半衰期。","Californium was once believed to be produced in supernovas, as their decay matches the 60-day half-life of 254Cf." -1997,"从歌词上来说,这首歌是关于一场分手,而佩芮并不想开始新一段恋情但这并没有选择,当与现在的恋人在一起时却回想起从前的恋人。","According to Perry, the lyrics of the song are about a break-up after which she doesn't want to move on but has no choice, and is thinking about her ex-boyfriend while she is with her current lover." -1998,蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon -1999,"BioWare于2010年1月19日发布了主原声专辑,《质量效应2:原创电子游戏配乐》(Mass Effect 2: Original Videogame Score)。","BioWare released the main soundtrack album, Mass Effect 2: Original Videogame Score, on January 19, 2010." -2000,老虎是全能运动员,它会攀爬(虽然攀爬能力不是很强)、游泳、跳远,拉力能达到人类大力士的五倍。,"A well rounded athlete, the tiger can climb (though not well), swim, leap great distances and pull with five times the force of a strong human." -2001,在群岛和湖泊之中,游艇并不是必需的。,In the archipelagos and lakes you do not necessarily need a yacht. -2002,"社交焦虑症是一种常见的焦虑症,有高达10%的人在其生命的某个阶段受到其影响。",It is the most common anxiety disorder with up to 10% of people being affected at some point in their life. -2003,"从 "" 2013 年 Chuseok 特别节目 之前 你 从未见过 的 Gag 音乐会 中 回忆起 "" 不同 的 "" 。",remake of ' Differently ' from ' The Gag Concert You 've Never Seen Before ' 2013 's Chuseok Special . -2004,匈牙利的车辆登记牌通常由黑色背景上的六个字符组成,带有白色字母。,Vehicle registration plates in Hungary usually consist of six characters on black background with white letters . -2005,"丹尼斯 然后 抓住 了 球衣 , 并 说 它 感觉 是 对 的 !",Dennis then grabs the jersey and puts it on remarking it ' feels right somehow ! -2006,Quetzalcoatl的父亲Zolton被谋杀,Quzzalcoatl被Cozcaquauhtli告知,“杀死他父亲的叔叔,Apanecatl,Mixcoatl和Cuilton都是''。,"Quetzalcoatl 's father Zolton was murdered , Quetzalcoatl was informed by Cozcaquauhtli that "" the uncles who had killed his father , Apanecatl , Mixcoatl and Cuilton were "" ." -2007,绿色的昆虫,有两个绿色的眼睛,a green insect with two green eyes -2008,郑众成为中国第一次宦官时代的始作俑者。,Smith also focuses on the cultural importance of the Yukon First Nations. -2009,"波士顿 环球 "" 大 图片 "" 博客 2008 年 希腊 骚乱 图片 报道","Boston Globe "" The Big Picture "" blog 's 2008 Greek riots photo reportage" -2010,铃声 (Ring) 公司还与竞争对手 ADT 安保公司在一起官司中达成了庭外和解。,"Ring also settled a lawsuit with competing security company, the ADT Corporation." -2011,安圭拉以其重要的生态壮观的珊瑚礁和海滩而闻名。,Anguilla is noted for its important and ecologically spectacular coral reefs and beaches . -2012,可以递归地或迭代地编程根据特定密钥搜索二叉搜索树。,Searching for a binary search tree according to a specific key can be programmed recursively or iteratively . -2013,我六點左右起床。,I got up at about six. -2014,卡通龟背上有一棵树,a cartoon turtle with a tree on its back -2015,香港岛是香港地区的代名词,也是众多游客心目中的焦点所在。,Hong Kong Island gives the territory of Hong Kong its name and is the place that many tourists regard as the main focus. -2016,伊朗的西南部地区是新月沃土的一部分。,The south-western part of Iran was part of the Fertile Crescent. -2017,它能向后兼容 802.11a、802.11b 和 802.11g,前提是基站要有双无线电。,"This will allow it to be backwards compatible with 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g, provided that the base station has dual radios." -2018,"不过时间上虽有所延长,但扮演肯尼斯·帕塞尔的杰克·麦克布瑞尔并没有出演《杰克托尔》,只是在简娜表演《Muffin Top》的末尾有出现在人群中。","Despite the increased length of the episode, Jack McBrayer, who plays Kenneth Parcell, received credits but did not appear in the show, except for a brief non-speaking cameo at the very end when Jenna is singing ""Muffin Top""." -2019,居住 在 流域 的 植物 包括 针叶树 和 硬木 树 、 草药 、 豆类 和 草 。,"plants inhabiting the watershed include conifer and hardwood trees , herbs , legumes , and grasses ." -2020,虽然 他们 对 乔希 透露 堕胎 的 秘密 感到 愤怒 , 但 他们 却 重新 聚在一起 , 而 一个 被 堵住 的 石块 炸毁 了 他 的 公寓 。,"although angry with Josh for revealing her secret about the abortion , they get back together while a gutted Ste demolishes his flat ." -2021,第一版和第五版几乎同等地重印,并经常进行选集。,The first and fifth editions are reprinted almost equally and anthologized as often . -2022,来自庐江各地的人们来到中国看看周瑜的敬畏。,People from all over Lujiang came to China to look at the reverence of Zhou Yu . -2023,格陵兰政府说这是“向独立前进了一大步”。,"The Greenlandic government has stated that this is a ""major step towards independence""." -2024,张嘴的卡通蝙蝠,a cartoon bat with its mouth wide open -2025,灰黄龙,有大角,a gray and yellow dragon with large horns -2026,绿白相间的云,两只橙色的眼睛,a green and white cloud with two orange eyes -2027,白翼蓝鸟的图片,a picture of a blue bird with white wings -2028,当被要求发表看法时,米勒说:“迈克在听证会上说了很多……我当时正在做准备,所以没听清他在说什么。”,"When asked for comment, Miller said, ""Mike talks a lot during the hearing...I was getting ready so I wasn't really hearing what he was saying.""" -2029,帕默 投下 272 码 和 另外 2 次 过路 碰撞 .,Palmer threw for 272 passing yards and 2 more passing touchdowns . -2030,湯姆告訴瑪麗她不能做那件事。,Tom told Mary she couldn't do that. -2031,"当 1784 年 1 月 30 日 英国人 投降 时 , 他 终于 把 曼格 洛尔 堡垒 交到 了 提普 .",he finally delivered the Mangalore fort to Tipu when the British capitulated on 30 January 1784 . -2032,这些头盔中没有一种能够为脸部或眼部提供防护。,"None of these standard helmets could protect the face or eyes, however." -2033,"全年只有飓风英格丽德和温贝托达到飓风强度,是继1982年以来最少的。","Throughout the year, only two storms—Humberto and Ingrid—reached hurricane intensity; this was the lowest seasonal total since 1982." -2034,一幅卡通人物手持扳手的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding a wrench -2035,"四十三年,遐龄以病乞休。",The union of 43 years proved childless. -2036,一幅黑白相间的动物角的图画,a drawing of a black and white animal with horns -2037,弓鹿图,a drawing of a deer with a bow on its head -2038,一个绿色的卡通人物,笑容可掬,a green cartoon character with a big smile -2039,蓝眼睛的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with blue eyes -2040,一个非常可爱的坐在石头上的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon sitting on top of a rock -2041,"1978 年 11 月 "" 摩托罗拉 微机 部件 "" 列表","list from "" Motorola Microcomputer Components "" , November 1978" -2042,托马斯凯恩与伊丽莎白伍德的第一次难忘的遭遇是六岁,当时他二十岁。,"Thomas Kane 's first memorable encounter with Elizabeth Wood was at six years old , when he was twenty ." -2043,没有人可以共侍二主。,No man can serve two masters. -2044,查尔斯莱尔上校的长子是亨利莱尔爵士和凯瑟琳默里莱尔的侄子,他是地质学家,第一男爵。,"Colonel Charles Lyell 's eldest son was a nephew of Sir Henry Lyell and Katharine Murray Lyell , 1st Baronet , the geologist ." -2045,笑容满面的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a smile on his face -2046,在国家公园野生动物管理局(NPWS)和澳大利亚射击运动员协会(NSW)的合作中,射击运动员协会为狩猎计划招募了合格的志愿者。,"In a partnership of NPWS and the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Inc, qualified volunteers were recruited, under the Sporting Shooters Association's hunting program." -2047,"和往常一样,财政困难削弱了军队的实力,以及国库发放军饷的能力。","As usual, fiscal difficulties impaired the effectiveness of the military, and the treasury's ability to pay the soldiers." -2048,中世纪盛期之前是中世纪早期,之后是中世纪晚期,约定俗成认为中世纪晚期大约在 1500 年前后结束。,"The High Middle Ages were preceded by the Early Middle Ages and followed by the Late Middle Ages, which by convention ends around 1500." -2049,"孩子们被大炮从空中打落,而由于小仙子叮叮(Tinker Bell)的陷害,温蒂差点被一个遗失男孩杀死。",The children are blown out of the air by a cannon and Wendy is nearly killed by the Lost Boy Tootles. -2050,2001年10月,他为自己的博士学位辩护。布鲁塞尔自由大学心理学研究人类超文本导航的认知模型。,"In October 2001 , he defended his Ph.D. in Psychology from the Free University of Brussels on cognitive models of human hypertext navigation ." -2051,"与约翰·阿非利加一样,追随者也改姓氏为阿非利加,以表示他们崇敬非洲这片他们心中的母亲大陆。","As John Africa had done, his followers changed their surnames to Africa to show reverence to what they regarded as their mother continent." -2052,"1995年,他在巴塞罗那世界室内田径锦标赛上协助指导美国队。","In 1995, he helped coach the US team at the World Indoor Championships at Barcelona." -2053,爱德华比德尔是美国金融家尼古拉斯比德尔的兄弟,国会议员查尔斯约翰比德尔的侄子,以及国会议员理查德比德尔的叔叔。,"Edward Biddle was the brother of the American financier Nicholas Biddle , Congressman Charles John Biddle 's nephew , and the uncle of Congressman Richard Biddle ." -2054,這匹馬停下來不動了。,The horse stopped and wouldn't move. -2055,你会接受这份工作吗?,Will you accept this job? -2056,"总统 宣布 世 行为 "" 苏格兰 银行 , 没有 死亡 "" 。","the President declared the Bank "" scotched , not dead . """ -2057,电子游戏In the Groove和Pump It Up Pro/Jump 使用StepMania作为游戏引擎。,"Several video game series, including In the Groove and Pump It Up Pro use StepMania as their game engine." -2058,粗体字代表现役球员。,Names in bold denote current players. -2059,该平台对全世界各地的捐助者开放以及对美国和英国的创设者开放。,The platform is open to backers from anywhere in the world and to creators from the US or the UK. -2060,"后来 , 她 开始 和 彼得 约会 , 这 让 女方 和 汤姆 很 不 高兴 .","later , she begins dating Peter which displeases Femke and Tom ." -2061,流行 的 电影 和 小说 证明 了 舞会 主题 、 舞会 日期 和 舞会 女王 的 重要性 .,"popular movies and novels attest to the importance of prom themes , prom dates , and prom queens ." -2062,B-47A B-47A为首批10架做为飞行评估用的B-47型机。,"B-47A The first 10 aircraft were designated ""B-47A"", and were strictly evaluation aircraft." -2063,你最喜歡哪一個科目?,What subject do you like best? -2064,在下一站換火車。,Change trains at the next station. -2065,这些夫妇可能会为他们的孩子制定收养计划。,These couples may choose to make an adoption plan for their baby. -2066,长尾巴的绿色生物图画,a drawing of a green creature with a long tail -2067,从1913年到1962年,洛马琳达大学教授基础科学,但是将学生送到洛杉矶进行临床经验。,"From 1913 to 1962 , the University of Loma Linda taught basic sciences , but sent its students to Los Angeles for clinical experience ." -2068,在 Eshkol 、 Sderot 、 Hof Ashkelon 、 Ashdod 、 Kiryat Malachi 和 Sha ' ar Hanegev 发出 空袭警报 声 。,"air raid sirens sounded in Eshkol , Sderot , Hof Ashkelon , Ashdod , Kiryat Malachi and Sha 'ar HaNegev ." -2069,"为防止攻击者检索或修改信息,芯片被设计为不能从外部访问信息,只能由内部的嵌入式软件访问。","To prevent an attacker from retrieving or modifying the information, the chips are designed so that the information is not accessible through external means and can be accessed only by the embedded software, which should contain the appropriate security measures." -2070,"最外边的纹饰来自美国参议院纹饰的一个版本,代表着力量来自全体舰员的团结。","The outer border, taken from one version of a U.S. Senate crest, represents the strength through unity of the ship's crew." -2071,吉大港 大学 吉大港 船舶 防波堤 公园,Chittagong University Chittagong Ship Breaking Yard Jamboree Park -2072,由于分离和重组,变异在每一代的两个库之间来回变动。,Segregation and recombination shuffle variation back and forth between the two pools with each generation. -2073,与此同时,Klaus遇见了Elena和Stefan并要求Elena和他一起去,这样他们就可以开始打破诅咒的仪式。,"At the same time , Klaus meets Elena and Stefan and asks Elena to go with him so that they can start the ritual that will break the curse ." -2074,"第三列被解释为“质数表”, 但这更有可能只是一个巧合。","The third column has been interpreted as a ""table of prime numbers"", but it is more likely to be a coincidence." -2075,桥处于修理中。,The bridge is being repaired. -2076,他 与 布尔什维克 人 结盟 , 开始 憎恶 许多 格鲁吉亚 孟什维克 人 。,"he aligned himself with the Bolsheviks , growing to detest many of the Georgian Mensheviks ." -2077,"这使得粘土像爆米花一样膨胀,变得多孔。","This causes the clay to expand, like popcorn, and become porous." -2078,戴帽子的卡通鸟,a cartoon bird with a hat on its head -2079,那是一個好主意。,That's a good idea. -2080,那是他家。,That's his house. -2081,"不过现代地球物理学组织使用更广泛的定义,包括了冰和水在内的水循环; 海洋和大气的流体动力学; 电离层和磁层中的电磁特性与日地关系; 以及月球和其他行星相关的类似问题。","However, modern geophysics organizations use a broader definition that includes the water cycle including snow and ice; fluid dynamics of the oceans and the atmosphere; electricity and magnetism in the ionosphere and magnetosphere and solar-terrestrial relations; and analogous problems associated with the Moon and other planets." -2082,这里的人习惯了寒冷。,The people here are used to the cold. -2083,"«O»,一份在德国出版的国际恋物杂志。",O was an international fetish magazine published in Germany. -2084,灰色和白色的物体,有红光,a gray and white object with a red light -2085,我担心我的体重。,I'm worried about my weight. -2086,"很多品种于夏末会开第二次花,耐寒性的种类则在春天开花,但却不会有第二次的开花。","Hardy types show profuse flowering in the spring, but they do not get a second flush of flowers." -2087,该市的其他主要零售商包括Menards,Meijer,Walgreens和Tractor Supply Company。,"The other major retailers in the city include Menards , Meijer , Walgreens and Tractor Supply Company ." -2088,"这个自然杂交种仅发现于一个开阔的乱石区,其可能超出了硬叶猪笼草模式产地的范围(2007年斯图尔特·麦克弗森考察得到)。","This cross, which is only known from a single open rocky outcrop, may now outnumber N. rigidifolia at the type locality (as observed by Stewart McPherson in 2007)." -2089,您隶属哪家俱乐部吗?,Do you belong to any clubs? -2090,然后 他 增加 了 洗衣房 和 大 教堂 天花板 的 额外 费用 .,he then adds in extra expenses for soffits and cathedral ceilings . -2091,随着希腊知识的衰落,西方脱离了其希腊哲学和科学根源。,"As knowledge of Greek declined, the West found itself cut off from its Greek philosophical and scientific roots." -2092,玩家控制一名刚刚被扔进矿山的无名囚犯。,The player takes control of an unnamed prisoner who has just been thrown inside the mining colony. -2093,苏珊的丈夫说:“斯坦顿搅动了布丁,苏珊触动了苏珊,然后伊丽莎白激起了世界! !,"Susan 's husband said : "" Stanton stirred the puddings , Susan touched Susan , and then Elizabeth stirs up the world ! !" -2094,"一种 新 搭建 的 牛舍 和 稳定 的 , 有花板 屋顶 和 密闭 的 院子 .","a newly erected cowhouse and stable with slated roof , and enclosed yard ." -2095,红黄两色小精灵的画像,a drawing of a red and yellow pokemon character -2096,他 还 在 战争 之前 和 战争 期间 贿赂 了 几名 罗马 指挥官 和 至少 两个 法庭 。,"he also bribed several Roman commanders , and at least two tribunes , before and during the war ." -2097,"卡尔·乌斯于1987年建立这个群组,非正式的称这是“紫细菌及其亲属”。","Carl Woese established this grouping in 1987, calling it informally the ""purple bacteria and their relatives""." -2098,国务院安全人员提醒她在任职期间这会带来安全风险 。,State Department security personnel suggested this would pose a security risk during her tenure. -2099,美国学校基金会是墨西哥城最令人印象深刻的机构之一,拥有高学术,独家的IB和AP分数。,"The American School Foundation is one of the most impressive institutions in Mexico City with highly academic , exclusive IB and AP scores ." -2100,"贼围太康,都指挥尚允绍与战鄢陵,败绩。",In this way they did all manner of foul and evil deeds. -2101,"在Python 3中,开发人员应该导入标准版本,该版本会尝试导入加速版本并返回纯Python版本。","In Python 3, users should always import the standard version, which attempts to import the accelerated version and falls back to the pure Python version." -2102,一个背着背包的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a backpack on his back -2103,战斗可以使用三名角色——两名主角和一个怪物。,Three characters are used in combat—the two main characters and a monster. -2104,阿尔沃斯在1962年由旧金山49人队的NFL选秀第一轮(第八顺位)当选。,Alworth was elected in the first round ( eighth overall ) of the NFL - draft in 1962 by the San Francisco 49ers . -2105,"经过三年成功的野战测试,1994年LLRP被正式定型为“远程巡逻口粮改进型(Food Packet, Long Range Patrol (Improved),LRP-I)”。","In 1994, a new version of the LRP ration called the LRP-I (Food Packet, Long-Range Patrol - Improved) was created." -2106,技术决定论是一个在实践中涵盖许多种思想的术语,包括技术推动论,技术必要论,以及一个严格的定义——人类命运是由与科学定律相关的背后逻辑及其在技术中的表现驱动的。,"Technological determinism is a term that encompasses a wide range of ideas in practice, from technology-push or the technological imperative to a strict sense that human destiny is driven by an underlying logic associated with scientific laws and their manifestation in technology." -2107,"双指 动词 的 重构 , 例如 "" 我 解结 "" 。","Reformation of geminate verbs , e.g. , ' I untied ' → ." -2108,粉蓝大眼鸟,a pink and blue bird with big eyes -2109,克莱 欧 选择 不 直接 告诉 乔尔 , 而是 在 迈拉 和 娜娜 供认 。,Cleo chooses not to tell Joel straight away and she confides in Myra and Nana instead . -2110,柬埔寨 的 菜肴 含有 热带 水果 、 汤 和 面条 。,"the cuisine of Cambodia contains tropical fruits , soups and noodles ." -2111,一个白色和紫色的绿色眼睛的卡通人物,a white and purple cartoon character with green eyes -2112,”根据该电台的网站描述,这档节目是一档“带有全新震撼极客风格的老式广播剧!”,"The station's web site describes the show as ""old school radio theater with a new and outrageous geeky spin!""" -2113,"这个新物种的图画经已被出版,但仍有待正式的命名及描述。","Pictures of this new species have been published, but it still awaits a name and full description in print." -2114,张嘴的鲨鱼的图画,a drawing of a shark with its mouth open -2115,具有已知weiferich的第一个基数 - 阶数为3的素数是9,其中2是wieferich - 素数到基数9,阶数为3。,"The first base with known weiferich - prime number with order 3 is 9 , where 2 is a wieferich - prime number to base 9 with order 3 ." -2116,"有很长的一段时间,荷兰移民居住在荷兰共和国统治下的殖民地里,而这些殖民地便是后来十三殖民地的一部分。","For a long time the Dutch lived in Dutch colonies, owned and regulated by the Dutch Republic, which later became part of the Thirteen Colonies." -2117,你們得快點。,You guys have to hurry. -2118,一只蓝鸟,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,a blue bird with a big smile on it's face -2119,"此外 , 字幕 ( 通常 表示 音符 ) , 它 不是 音符 .","additionally , the digraph ie generally represents the phoneme , which is not a diphthong ." -2120,"他们只关注政客是否投票反对禁酒,而不在乎他们本身是否饮酒。","It concentrated on legislation, and cared about how legislators voted, not whether they drank or not." -2121,"受困货船被迫搁浅(英语:Ship grounding)并点火燃烧,但德国人打捞起了其大部分物资,并在后来用于东非战线。","The trapped ship was forced aground and set on fire, but the Germans salvaged much of her cargo and put it to use later in the East Africa Campaign." -2122,一幅张着嘴的紫猫的画,a drawing of a purple cat with its mouth open -2123,"在New Game+中,团队可以探索数个次元扭曲点,和黑暗版本的克罗诺、玛尔和露卡战斗,并和称在帕莱波利起兵消灭加尔帝亚王国的达尔顿对战。","In a New Game +, the group can explore several temporal distortions to combat shadow versions of Crono, Marle, and Lucca, and to fight Dalton, who promises in defeat to raise an army in the town of Porre to destroy the Kingdom of Guardia." -2124,E3 系列服务器芯片包含了 System Bus 9GT/s、34.1GB/s 最大双通道内存宽频。,"E3 series server chips all consist of System Bus 9 GT/s, max. memory bandwidth of 34.1 GB/s dual channel memory." -2125,"据人权组织伊朗国际人权运动(International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran)的报导,他在监狱里遭到刑求,当局要求他对迈赫迪·卡鲁比做出不利的证词。","According to the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI), he was then tortured in an attempt to make him testify against Karroubi." -2126,"六个受捐款的贫穷学生,被称为Bennett Boys,也被通俗地,因为他们的衣着而被称为Gown Boys。","The six poor scholars, known as Bennett Boys, or colloquially as the Gown Boys due to their dress, were financed by another Old Abingdonian, William Bennett." -2127,"最高级别表明用户精通Wikidot语法并活跃在社群,是一个“Wikidot大师”。","The highest karma level indicates that a user is experienced with the Wikidot syntax and is active in the community, and is considered to be a Wikidot Guru." -2128,變得更有精神了,I feel more energetic now. -2129,然而 , 旁遮普省 刑事 调查局 在 最后 一刻 通过 名为 Kirpal Singh 的 密室 成功 地 渗入 了 这 一 阴谋 。,"however , Punjab CID successfully infiltrated the conspiracy at the last moment through a sepoy named Kirpal Singh ." -2130,连续功率密度由来自电机的连续转矩密度和恒定转矩转速范围的乘积确定。,The continuous power density is determined by the product from the continuous torque density and the constant torque revolution range of the electric machine . -2131,"最长时间的树坐者是茱莉亚·希尔,她坐在加利福尼亚州红杉树上待了738天,拯救了三英亩地的树林。","Julia Butterfly Hill is a particularly well known tree sitter who occupied a Californian Redwood for 738 days, saving the tree and others in the immediate area." -2132,一张笑着的猫的画,a drawing of a cat that is smiling -2133,"此外,考虑到自己并非一个主权国家,又为与德国国家足球队区分,该球队没有使用国家队的称谓,而是更普遍的使用“代表队(德语:Auswahl)”或相关类似术语。","Also, considering themselves not an independent nation different from Germany, the football team was not designated as a ""national team"", and was more generally referred to as a ""selection"" (German: Auswahl) or some similar term." -2134,在布法罗-匹兹堡高速公路上,行车条件最具挑战性的是波特马里恩 (Point Marion) 到费尔蒙特 (Fairmont) 之间的路段,这段路频繁地途径多处偏僻的边远地区。,"The stretch between Point Marion and Fairmont presents the most challenging driving conditions on the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Highway, passing frequently through isolated backwoods terrain." -2135,一场 F2 龙卷风 在 莱克 兰 附近 击落 , 击碎 了 七个 电线杆 。,"an EF2 tornado touched down near Lakeland , snapping seven electrical poles ." -2136,奥利弗·萨克斯 (Oliver Sacks) 在他的论文《总统的演讲》中指出,那些因为脑损伤而无法理解语言的人仍然能够准确地判断说话人是否有诚意。,"Oliver Sacks, in his paper The President's Speech, indicated how people who are unable to understand speech because of brain damage are nevertheless able to assess sincerity accurately." -2137,前 311 年 救世主 的 勇士 大戰 救世主 的 比 卢姆戰役,"warriors of the Samnite Wars The Samnite pilum The Battles of Bovianum , 311 BC" -2138,"之后塞维鲁返回叙利亚,开始谋划一个更加雄心勃勃的计划。",Afterwards Severus returned to Syria to plan a more ambitious campaign. -2139,她被拘留,等待起诉和审判;但是任何目击者的证据都可能受到负面影响,因为她的形象已被广��发布。,"She is in custody pending indictment and trial, but any eyewitness evidence may be tainted because her image has been widely published." -2140,对澳大利亚人来说,“馥芮白”咖啡的概念还比较陌生。小杯黑咖啡是“浓缩咖啡”,卡布奇诺的奶油(不是泡沫)堆得很高,而茶是不搭配牛奶的。,"For Australians, the idea of 'flat white' coffee is foreign. A short black is 'espresso', cappuccino comes heaped high with cream (not froth), and tea is served without milk." -2141,航空公司非常清楚,有一些核心乘客愿花高价获得快速、舒适出行的特权,因此航空公司会相应地收取费用。,"Airlines know well that there is a certain core group of flyers who are willing to pay top dollar for the privilege of getting somewhere fast and in comfort, and charge accordingly." -2142,塔有點向西邊傾斜。,The tower leaned slightly to the west. -2143,嘴里含着刀子的绿鸟图,a drawing of a green bird with a knife in its mouth -2144,紫色和绿色的龙的图画,a drawing of a purple and green dragon -2145,10 月 12 日 , 佩塔 前往 海法 , 护送 巡洋舰 前往 亚历山大 。,on 12 October Petard and moved to Haifa to escort the cruiser to Alexandria . -2146,"在吉贝利软件破产后,吉贝利放了一段长假环游世界。","After Gebelli Software went bankrupt, Gebelli went on a long vacation traveling the world." -2147,第五 季 第一 部分 于 2014 年 12 月 7 日 首演 。,"part 1 of the fifth season premiered on December 7 , 2014 ." -2148,一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵,有着灿烂的笑容,a very cute looking pokemon with a big smile -2149,在 公园 内 , 老 克罗 顿 水渠 的 小径 与 莫舒卢 高尔夫球 中心 和 驾驶 山脉 以及 艾伦 山德勒 娱乐区 接壤 。,"within the park , the Old Croton Aqueduct trail borders Mosholu Golf Center and Driving Range , as well as the Allen Shandler Recreation Area ." -2150,这会使元素褪色但在效果完成80%时停止(不透明度为20%)。,This would fade the element but stop when the effect is completed 80 % ( with an opacity of 20 % ) . -2151,"然而,她的母亲和祖母都曾劝过她不要从事科学研究,因为她们觉得女性对复杂科学概念的理解能力天生不如男性。","However, her mother and grandmother both dissuaded her from pursuing science, since they believed that women's brains were not physically capable of understanding complex scientific concepts in the way that men's brains could." -2152,其次 是 隆德 里 亚纳 后裔 , 然后 是 平民 , 然后 是 奴隶 。,"next came the Raondriana descendents , then commoners and then slaves ." -2153,您的東西在哪裡?,Where are your things? -2154,"Microsoft Windows、Xbox 360、OS X和PlayStation 3平台版几乎是在一周内同时发布,而iOS和PlayStation Vita版的发布大约要等一个月或以上。","Episodic releases for the Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, OS X and PlayStation 3 platforms were released near-simultaneously within the same week; the iOS and PlayStation Vita episodic releases are expected to trail these by about a month or so." -2155,"不管他是个黑鬼还是个犹太佬,只要他能尽职尽责,找我要啥都行。","He can be a Nigger or a Jew, but if he has the stuff and does his duty, he can have anything I've got." -2156,"麦金利参观了其他西半球国家的展馆,所到之处总会吸引到人群和掌声。","McKinley toured the pavilions of other Western Hemisphere nations, attracting crowds and applause wherever he went." -2157,据报道,由于执法人员不在场,比什凯克街道上的大规模抢劫持续了一夜。,"Widespread looting reportedly continued overnight, as law enforcement officers were not present on Bishkek's streets." -2158,堡垒 和 贵族 反对 , 但 主教 终于 在 1771 年 保留 了 权力 。,"the burghers and nobles opposed , but the bishop finally retained power in 1771 ." -2159,他们的祖先南方古猿没有直立行走的习惯。,"Their predecessors, the Australopithecus did not walk upright as habitually." -2160,然后,类别理论的系统研究使我们能够从一个类别的公理证明关于这些类型的数学结构中的每一种的一般结果。,A systematic study of category theory then allows us to prove general results about each of these types of mathematical structures from the axioms of a category . -2161,拿着手机、打着领结的皮卡丘,a pikachu holding a cell phone and wearing a bow tie -2162,一个头上有三个绿球的卡通人物,a cartoon character with three green balls on his head -2163,黄尾巴的蓝绿鸟,a blue and green bird with a yellow tail -2164,蓝海龟抱石图,a drawing of a blue sea turtle holding a rock -2165,4 月 4 日 , 拿破仑 在 无可避免 的 情况 下 鞠躬 , 向 儿子 投降 , 玛丽 · 路易丝 则 退却 。,"bowing to the inevitable , on 4 April Napoleon abdicated in favour of his son , with Marie Louise as regent ." -2166,该团队是男子USL Premier Development League团队的姐妹组织,该团队在洛杉矶传奇中扮演角色。,"The team was a sister organization of the men 's USL Premier Development League team , which plays in the Los Angeles Legends ." -2167,绿黄相间的大眼睛卡通人物,a green and yellow cartoon character with big eyes -2168,第五场比赛是Gerry Cheevers的最后一场比赛,作为Flyers的主教练,Fred Shero在没有与任何传单握手的情况下离开冰面。,Game five was Gerry Cheevers 's last game as head coach of the Flyers and Fred Shero left the ice without shaking hands with any of the Flyers . -2169,吐舌的黄绿蜘蛛,a green and yellow spider with its tongue out -2170,"英国 击球手 大卫 · 塞 吉恩 特 爵士 说 , 威尔斯 是 他 唯一 害怕 的 投手 .",English batsman Sir David Serjeant said that Wills was the only bowler he ever feared . -2171,忧郁的章鱼图,a drawing of an octopus with a sad face -2172,大眼睛的动物形象,an image of an animal with big eyes -2173,他們通常在這個房間裡睡覺。,They usually sleep in this room. -2174,"在 负数 方面 , 黑色 和 琥珀色 有 13 宽 .","on the minus side , the black and amber had 13 wides ." -2175,"斯坦顿 国务卿 给 罗斯 兰斯 发了 电报 : "" 李军 被 推翻 , 格兰特 获胜 。","Secretary Stanton telegraphed Rosecrans , "" Lee 's Army overthrown ; Grant victorious ." -2176,围巾鸟,a bird with a scarf around its neck -2177,"而由于星云的距离,这颗超新星的光在1,000年至2,000年前就已经抵达地球。","Due to the distance of the nebula, the light from the supernova would have reached Earth between 1,000 and 2,000 years ago." -2178,为了让游客更好地了解建筑群的原貌,该建筑群边缘的大部分建筑都经过重建。,Most of the buildings on the edges of the complex have been rebuilt in order to give tourists a better idea of how they originally appeared. -2179,沒人知道為什麼。,No one knows why. -2180,"2012年,该航空公司每月向15个国内目的地运送57,500名乘客,在国际航线上运送90,000名乘客(每年约177万名乘客)。","In 2012 , the airline carried 57,500 passengers to 15 domestic destinations and 90,000 passengers on international routes per month ( apx . 1.77 million passengers per year ) ." -2181,1934年,Chan Chanwilai在国歌首次由Khun Wichitmatra撰写两年后写下了泰国国歌的文本。,"In 1934 , Chan Chanwilai wrote the texts of the Thai national anthem , two years after the anthem was first written by Khun Wichitmatra ." -2182,古兰经 通过 诗歌 的 内在 节奏 激发 了 诗歌 的 音乐性 .,the Quran inspired musicality in poetry through the internal rhythm of the verses . -2183,例如,有人可能会说,汽车必然会促进道路的发展。,"For example, one might say that the motor car necessarily leads to the development of roads." -2184,海龟 、 鳄鱼 、 蛇 和 鱼 等 水生动物 在 树苗 中 生长 ; 它们 通常 以 水生 无 脊椎动物 为 食物 。,"aquatic animals such as turtles , alligators , snakes , and fish thrive in sloughs ; they usually feed on aquatic invertebrates ." -2185,圣诞节是基督教最重要的节日之一,是为了庆祝基督诞辰而设立的。,"Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christianity, and is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus." -2186,一张戴着帽子的卡通人物的照片,a picture of a cartoon character with a hat on -2187,性相关联的事。,Why sex matters. -2188,在 1986 年 的 亚马逊 电影 中 , 亚马逊 人 占有 显著地位 。,"in the 1986 Amazons movie , Amazons feature prominently ." -2189,"然而广泛的认知是他的尸体被移动过,第一现场是他在家中被50个人联手谋杀。","However, it was widely claimed that his body had been moved after his death and that he had actually been murdered at his home along with fifteen other people." -2190,双翅鸟的图画,a drawing of a bird with two wings -2191,会怕光。,Fearful Light. -2192,电影并不假设费罗莎有着与麦克斯和战童一样的肌肉力量。,The film doesn't pretend that Furiosa has the same muscle power as Max and the boys. -2193,Giorgio Sobr à , 《 对 菲利波 马西 诺 希拉 波利斯 剧院 支架 边缘 碎片 的 分析 》 。,"Giorgio Sobrà , The analysis of the fragments from the scaenae frons of the Theatre at Hierapolis , in Filippo Masino ." -2194,梅耶是“纽约时报”题为“现场作曲家,死亡观众”的挑衅故事片的作者。,"Mayer was the author of a provocative feature film for the "" New York Times "" entitled "" Live Composers , Dead Audiences "" ." -2195,"在新加坡,8月9日是该国国庆日。",Singapore's National Day is celebrated on 9 August. -2196,"他们的每位成员都有创作过多首的热门单曲,并且在2003年四名乐团成员都入选了歌曲作者名人堂(英语:Songwriters Hall of Fame)。","Each member has composed hit singles, and all four were inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2003." -2197,当 阿波罗 通过 帮助 巴黎 用箭 击打 阿 基尔 斯 的 时候 , 这种 亵渎 会 导致 阿 基尔 斯 自己 的 死亡 。,"this sacrilege leads to Achilles ’ own death , when Apollo avenges himself by helping Paris strike Achilles with the arrow that pierces his heel ." -2198,他补充道:“我们现在有 4 个月大没有糖尿病的老鼠,但它们曾经得过该病。”,"""We now have 4-month-old mice that are non-diabetic that used to be diabetic,"" he added." -2199,从国王到平民,它遍布十方的力量影响着每一个人。,Its all-pervading power affected everyone from king to commoner. -2200,"关于童军整体而言是否有表达反对同性恋的政策,法院对于该组织自身表达性质的主张,以及足以削弱它们的主张,都给予尊重。","Regarding whether the Boy Scouts as a whole had an expressive policy against homosexuality, the Court gave deference to the organization's own assertions of the nature of its expressions, as well as what would impair them." -2201,超过5种的Rhizophoraceae生长在澳大拉西亚,澳大利亚岛和新几内亚北部的生物多样性特别高。,More than 5 species of Rhizophoraceae grow in Australasia with particularly high biodiversity on the island of Australia and northern New Guinea . -2202,"莱皮 多 普特 拉 的 物种 经历 了 全 美化 或 "" 完全 变质 "" 。","species of Lepidoptera undergo holometabolism or "" complete metamorphosis "" ." -2203,"第一个抵达塞舌尔的华人是在1886年从毛里求斯来的,直到1940年毛里求斯华人将他的亲戚从中国带到毛里求斯,经历了一段时间的学徒生涯,在他们对殖民地社会的商业行为和生活充分熟悉之后,将向他们发送介绍信,借给他们自己的资金,在邻近地区开展业务,包括塞舌尔。","Until around 1940, it was common for a Sino-Mauritian to bring his relatives over from China to Mauritius for a period of apprenticeship in his business; after they had gained sufficient familiarity with commercial practises and life in a colonial society, he would send them onwards with letters of introduction, lending them his own capital to start up businesses in neighbouring regions, including Seychelles." -2204,月球的表面由岩石和灰尘组成。月球的外层叫做地壳。,The surface of the Moon is made of rocks and dust. The outer layer of the Moon is called the crust. -2205,1415 年 , 弗雷德里克 一世 成为 勃兰登堡 的 Margraviate 的 选举人 , 1440 年前 他 一直 统治 着 勃兰登堡 。,"in 1415 , Frederick I became the elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg , which he ruled until 1440 ." -2206,我的頭要炸了。,My head is exploding. -2207,"美国的金融机构危机处于高峰,黄衫军仍占领政府办公大楼,妨碍政府运作。","In the US the financial crisis reached its peak while the Yellow Shirts were still in Government House, impeding government operations." -2208,埃舍尔出生于地质学家和矿物学家贝伦德乔治埃舍尔和瑞士艾玛布罗西的儿子。,Escher was born the son of the geologist and mineralogist Berend George Escher and the Swiss Emma Brosy . -2209,为了更好地表示交通流量,在以下三个主要特征之间建立了关系:(1) 流量、(2) 密度和 (3) 速度。,"To better represent traffic flow, relationships have been established between the three main characteristics: (1) flow, (2) density, and (3) velocity." -2210,"爱沙尼亚国内的酒类征税要比芬兰低,因此,通常芬兰访客在回国时都会携带大量酒类:2014年的一份研究指出爱沙尼亚国内34%的酒类皆由芬兰人购买。","The excise tax on alcohol is lower in Estonia than in Finland, thus it is common to buy large volumes of alcohol when returning from Estonia: a study in 2014 indicated that 34% of alcohol sold in Estonia is bought by Finns." -2211,她独自一人去了墨西哥。,She went to Mexico by herself. -2212,20 世纪 60 年代 , 公牛 骑手 Myrtis Dighman 争夺 国家 荣誉 , 并 有 资格 参加 全国 决赛 。,"in the 1960s , bull rider Myrtis Dightman vied for national honors and qualified for the National Finals Rodeo ." -2213,本课程将于2013年提供给年轻的Dunghutti成人,并将在2014年为测试运行设计证书2课程。,"This course will be offered to younger Dunghutti adults in 2013 , and a certificate 2 course will be designed for a test run in 2014 ." -2214,"德国空军于1969年订购了一批侦察型的RF-4E,首架飞机于1971年1月交付,共接收了88架。","The German Air Force (Luftwaffe) initially ordered the reconnaissance RF-4E in 1969, receiving a total of 88 aircraft from January 1971." -2215,"布罗迪 吻 了 齐吉 , 告诉 她 他 吸毒 成瘾 的 情况 .",Brody kisses Ziggy and tells her about his addiction . -2216,区域性和季节性的恶劣天气现象包括暴风雪、雪暴、冰暴和沙尘暴等。,"Regional and seasonal severe weather phenomena include blizzards, snowstorms, ice storms, and dust storms." -2217,一个黄色和橙色的物体,有大的尖刺,a yellow and orange object with large spikes -2218,《 音乐 实验室 》 的 最后 一集 于 2015 年 12 月 播出 。,the last episode of The Music Lab aired in December 2015 . -2219,一张蓝色和黄色头发的卡通人物图片,a picture of a cartoon character with blue and yellow hair -2220,"从Mac OS X 10.4与Darwin8.0开始,XNU如较新版本的Linux与FreeBSD一样使用一种折中的互斥模型来获得在多处理器系统上的高性能表现。","Like recent versions of Linux and FreeBSD, XNU, as of Mac OS X 10.4 and Darwin 8.0, employs a fine-grained mutex model to achieve higher performance on multiprocessor systems." -2221,我嫉妒你的幸運。,I envy you your luck. -2222,蓝色水母,红眼红鼻子,a blue jellyfish with red eyes and a red nose -2223,坐在石头堆里的粉红色鼻子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a pink nose sitting in a pile of rocks -2224,"在这篇基础性的论文中,他使用了诺伯特·维纳发展的概率论工具,而这些概率论工具用于通信理论在当时还尚处萌芽阶段。","In this fundamental work he used tools in probability theory, developed by Norbert Wiener, which were in their nascent stages of being applied to communication theory at that time." -2225,"保加利亚议会决定继续在与土耳其边界修建围墙,但由于需要维护国家安全,因此没有启动公共采购程序。",Bulgarian Parliament has decided to continue construction of the fence at the border with Turkey without launching a public procurement procedure because of the need to safeguard national security. -2226,"他 还 挑出 了 共和党 的 "" 狂热 主义 "" 。","he also singled out the "" fanaticism "" of the Republican Party ." -2227,只要你在此区域居留,通常可以直接通过边境,无需再次接受护照检查点的检查。,"As long as you stay in this zone, you can generally cross borders without going through passport control checkpoints again." -2228,Luke Salopek是卡尔洛瓦茨县的一个村庄,位于克罗地亚的Slunj市。,"Luke Salopek is a village in Karlovac County , under the municipality Slunj , in Croatia ." -2229,蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon -2230,"她 醒来 了 , 但 又 因 脱水 而 昏倒 了 .","she awakens , but passes out again from dehydration ." -2231,上弓通常会发出更加柔和的声音,而下弓则会发出更强烈、更为坚定的声响。,"An up-bow usually generates a softer sound, while a down-bow is stronger and more assertive." -2232,一个红色和蓝色的玩具在空中飞行,a red and blue toy flying through the air -2233,1941 年 , Ritter 在 纽约市 现代 美术馆 和 Newhouse 美术馆 展出 。,Ritter exhibited at both the Gallery of Modern Art and the Newhouse Galleries in New York City during 1941 . -2234,我去和朋友喝了杯啤酒。,I went to drink a beer with friends. -2235,自从 1537 年亚松森(Asunción)建成以来,巴拉圭一直设法保留了这座城的许多本土特色和特性。,"Since the foundation of Asunción in 1537, Paraguay has managed to keep a lot of its indigenous character and identity." -2236,"它 可以 淡化 盐水 , 其 盐度 是 海洋 盐度 的 七倍 .",it can desalinate extremely salty brine up to seven times as salty as the ocean . -2237,一幅戴着蓝帽子的小精灵的图画,a drawing of a pokemon with a blue hat -2238,"弗朗西斯科·洛佩斯赫雷斯(西班牙语:Francisco López de Jerez)于1534记下: 他们全都分队由他们的队长和旗帜指挥,好像土耳其人般有序。","Francisco López de Jerez wrote in 1534: They all came divided up in squads with their flags and commanding captains, with as much order as the Turks. (todos venían repartidos en sus escuadras con sus banderas y capitanes que los mandan, con tanto concierto como turcos)." -2239,这部由瑞恩·高斯林 (Ryan Gosling) 和艾玛·斯通 (Emma Stone) 主演的电影获得了各大奖项的提名。,"The movie, featuring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, received nominations in all major categories." -2240,在 牛群 里 有 一个 无线 中继 通信 器 .,there 's a wireless relay communicator in the cowl . -2241,"投机主义也是一个关键因素——有组织犯罪或群体常常从组他们的组织、犯罪行为、或在公共场合(人员收编、声誉等)下的功能,以便行动更加有效、并将收益和保护最大化。","Opportunism is also a key factor – the organized criminal or criminal group is likely to frequently reorder the criminal associations they maintain, the types of crimes they perpetrate, and how they function in the public arena (recruitment, reputation, etc.) in order to ensure efficiency, capitalization and protection of their interests." -2242,每个月从星期日开始到星期六结束;因此每年都从星期日开始。,"Each month begins on a Sunday, and ends on a Saturday; consequently, every year begins on Sunday." -2243,蓝白相间的大眼睛卡通人物,a blue and white cartoon character with big eyes -2244,"怀利的曝光引发了大西洋两岸政府的调查,以及长期以来对个人隐私保护的担忧。",Wylie's revelations triggered government investigations on both sides of the Atlantic and raised wider privacy concerns. -2245,1683 年,清朝(1644年 - 1912年)军队控制了台湾西部和北部沿海地区,1885 年,大清帝国宣布在台湾建省。,"In 1683, Qing dynasty (1644-1912) forces take control of Taiwan’s western and northern coastal areas and declared Taiwan as a province of the Qing Empire in 1885." -2246,里克 和 格伦 发现 了 军械库 , 格伦 偷偷地 进来 了 。,"Rick and Glenn find the armory , and Glenn sneaks in ." -2247,BAPS 的 信奉者 也 相信 斯瓦 米纳 拉延 通过 他 建造 的 修道院 宣扬 同样 的 教义 .,BAPS devotees also believe that Swaminarayan propagated the same doctrine through the Mandirs he built . -2248,她搭計程車去博物館了。,She went to the museum by taxi. -2249,蓝白相间的长尾鸟,a blue and white bird with a long tail -2250,"这是奥斯曼帝国结束的开始,它是哈希姆王国的开端,其首都是麦加。",It was the beginning of the end of the Ottoman Empire and it was the beginning of a Hashemite kingdom whose capital was Mecca. -2251,虽然旅行社可能会帮你预订露营 等其他形式的住宿,但他们通常会与特定的酒店合作。,"Travel agents often have deals with specific hotels, although you may find it possible to book other forms of accommodation, like camping grounds, through a travel agent." -2252,湯姆不在床上。,Tom wasn't in bed. -2253,一个最值得注意的现代的例子就是二战期间的北大西洋战役。美国人尝试横跨大西洋运送人员和物资来帮助英国。,One of the most noteworthy recent examples of this was the North Atlantic campaign of WWII. The Americans were trying to move men and materials across the Atlantic Ocean to help Britain. -2254,请给予此地应得的尊严、庄严和尊重。不要用大屠杀或纳粹开玩笑。,"Please treat the site with all of the dignity, solemnity and respect it deserves. Do not make jokes about the Holocaust or Nazis." -2255,1946 年 8 月 13 日 , 《 1946 年 印度 索赔 委员会 法 》 , 普布 。,"on August 13 , 1946 the Indian Claims Commission Act of 1946 , Pub ." -2256,"1999年发布的PlayStation热门游戏《捉猴啦》是第一个强制需要DualShock控制器进行游玩的游戏,其游戏玩法需要同时使用两个摇杆。","Released in 1999, the PlayStation hit Ape Escape became the first game to explicitly require DualShock/Dual-Analog-type controllers, with its gameplay requiring the use of both analog sticks." -2257,每個人都在等湯姆。,Everyone is waiting for Tom. -2258,1660 年 5 月 29 日 , 伦敦 民众 称赞 他 为 国王 。,"on 29 May 1660 , the populace in London acclaimed him as king ." -2259,来自凯克天文台的发射光谱以及帕洛马瞬变工厂的资料指出这颗II型超新星的光谱是带有天鹅座P型星巴耳末系光谱的相对偏蓝连续谱。,"Emission spectra from W. M. Keck Observatory, obtained by Palomar Transient Factory indicate that this is a type II supernova with a relatively blue continuum with P Cygni profiles in the Balmer series." -2260,一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵的图画,a drawing of a very cute looking pokemon -2261,萨蒂 里 孔 、 达克斯 特龙 、 纳 奇特 米斯 蒂 乌姆 、 尼丁尔 、 卡夫 和 萨克 等 乐队 也 试验 了 这种 类型 。,"bands such as Satyricon , Darkthrone , Nachtmystium , Nidingr , Craft , and Sarke also experimented with the genre ." -2262,乔安娜位于巴克的选举部门,麦克基洛普州的联邦区,以及Naracoorte Lucindale委员会的当地政府区域。,"Joanna is located within the electoral Division of Barker , the state federal district of MacKillop , and the local government area of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council ." -2263,她 在 拍摄 过程 中 与 导演 Joseph L . Mankiewicz 发生冲突 , 导致 她 厌恶 地 对 他 吐痰 。,"she clashed with director Joseph L. Mankiewicz during filming , which culminated with her spitting at him in disgust ." -2264,一个黄色的生物,有一个黑色的鼻子的图画。,a drawing of a yellow creature with a black nose -2265,"在此期间,艾米莉寄给博尔斯三十几封信件和将近50篇的诗歌。",During this time Emily sent him over three dozen letters and nearly fifty poems. -2266,黄绿相间的龙图,a drawing of a green and yellow dragon -2267,红鼻子和红耳朵的蓝色卡通人物,a blue cartoon character with a red nose and ears -2268,头戴皇冠的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a crown on his head -2269,"它是非存在,即相当于无。",It is therefore not an equivalent of sin. -2270,ULAN中的艺术家通常表示参与了视觉艺术和建筑学概念或���作的创作者。,Artists in the ULAN generally represent creators involved in the conception or production of visual arts and architecture. -2271,"2009年,系统的线性安排单独发布; APG IV文件包括这样的安排,与2009年的版本相互交叉引用。","In 2009, a linear arrangement of the system was published separately; the APG IV paper includes such an arrangement, cross-referenced to the 2009 one." -2272,一只卡通狗正站在一个姿势中,a cartoon dog is standing in a pose -2273,公园占地 19500 平方公里,分为 14 个不同的生态区,为不同的野生动植物提供支持。,"The park covers 19,500 km² and is divided in 14 different ecozones, each supporting different wildlife." -2274,灰色和白色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a gray and white pokemon -2275,渥太华是加拿大的首都,富有魅力且采用使用双语制,亮点是一系列展示着加拿大过去和现在的艺术画廊和博物馆。,"Ottawa is Canada's charming, bilingual capital and features an array of art galleries and museums that showcase Canada's past and present." -2276,同时其生活习性(漫长的生命及低生育率) 使得其特别容易受到威胁。,The life history characteristics of the common box turtle (long lifespan and slow reproductive rate) make it particularly vulnerable to such threats. -2277,"他们说所有政策都是地方性的,但并不完全是这样。","They say all politics is local, but that's not always the case." -2278,他于1878年8月24日在堪萨斯城的怀恩多特(现为堪萨斯州的一部分)去世。,"He died in Wyandotte ( now a part of Kansas ) , Kansas City , August 24 , 1878 ." -2279,德国是二战中各国的共同敌人,这促进了苏联和美国之间的合作。随着战争的结束,制度、程序和文化上的冲突又使得两国分道扬镳。,"Germany was a common enemy in World War 2, leading to cooperation between the USSR and USA. With the end of the war the clashes of system, process and culture led to the countries falling out." -2280,你在哪里学习?,Where did you study? -2281,新技术的兴起让我们能够看到和研究大脑的结构和工作过程,这些是以前从未见过的。,The rise of new technologies allows us to see and investigate brain structures and processes never seen before. -2282,北陆电力株式会社报道称,志贺核能发电厂 1 号和 2 号反应堆已经关闭,地震并未造成影响。,Hokuriku Electric Power Co. reported no effects from the earthquake and that the Number 1 and 2 reactors at its Shika nuclear power plant were shut down. -2283,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -2284,"纽约 IT 公司 赞助 了 "" 孩子 的 3D Spaghetti Utensil 设计 大赛 "" 。",NYIT sponsors the Kids ’ 3D Spaghetti Utensil Design Competition . -2285,香肠 通常 作为 香蕉 和 马铃薯 、 香肠 卷 或 土豆 在 洞里 吃 。,"sausages are commonly eaten as bangers and mash , in sausage rolls or as toad in the hole ." -2286,绿鸟红尾黑鼻,a green bird with a red tail and a black nose -2287,"踏板 开始 的 时候 , 在 码头 上 有 一个 交叉 的 主题 , 这 在 整个 作文 中 都 会 出现 .","the pedal starts off with a cross motif in quavers , which recurs throughout the composition ." -2288,会众 的 反应 是 拆除 教堂 的 圣殿 、 图像 和 祭坛 , 然后 抢劫 了 当地 的 修道士 和 卡萨斯 人 的 房子 。,"the congregation responded by stripping the shrines , images and altars of the church and then sacked the local friaries and Carthusian house ." -2289,"在 1990 年 下半年 , 皮尔斯 的 新乐队 《 精神 化 》 巡视 了 英国 各地 .","in the latter half of 1990 , Pierce 's new band , Spiritualized , toured around the UK ." -2290,他 暂时 指定 奥多 索为 腹部 双胞胎 。,he provisionally designated P. ordosensis a nomen dubium . -2291,他在19世纪40年代及以后编写的1933年版的许多诗集都经过修订或删除。,Many of the poems in the 1933 edition for the collections and selections that he prepared in the 1940s and after have been revised or dropped . -2292,它 由 两个 嗅觉 叶 、 两个 大脑 半球 、 一个 松动 体 、 两个 视觉 叶 、 一个 小脑 和 一个 扁桃体 组成 。,"it consists of two olfactory lobes , two cerebral hemispheres , a pineal body , two optic lobes , a cerebellum and a medulla oblongata ." -2293,"神话 家 对 所有 这些 都 说 了 话 , 他们 得到 了 大量 忠诚 的 追随者 .","to all this the mythologists spoke , and they acquired large and loyal followings ." -2294,"与其它森林相比,莱斯特森林的合法居民得到了相当慷慨的补偿。",Compensation made to the legal residents of the forest was reasonably generous by comparison with other forests. -2295,一般来说,促进较低温度和较高压力形成海绵状焦炭。,"In general , promote lower temperatures and higher pressures the formation of sponge coke ." -2296,"他和海军上将布林迪西的马加里托成功守住了这座古城,迫使亨利解围。","Together, he and the ammiratus ammiratorum Margaritus of Brindisi successfully defended the ancient city and forced Henry to lift the siege." -2297,然而,不久,李龙基在中宗姊妹太平公主和他的侄女临淄(魏太后)领导的政变中被推翻。,"Soon , however , Li Longji was overthrown in a coup led by Emperor Zhongzong 's sister , Princess Taiping , and his nephew Linzi , the prince of Empress Wei ." -2298,他后来加入了第25军团,第8轻骑兵团,并在1865年结束了他的军事生涯,在第11次Hu骑兵中获得了军衔。,"He later joined the 25th Regiment of Foot , 8th Hussars and ended his military career , in 1865 , with the rank of major in the 11th Hussars ." -2299,夹骨 骨折 的 愈伤 可 推向 邻近 的 倾斜 韧带 , 导致 继发性 倾斜 肌 脱落 的 悲哀 。,"the callus of a splint bone fracture can push on the adjacent suspensory ligament , leading to lameness from secondary suspensory desmitis ." -2300,阿姆斯特丹市政府和安妮·弗兰克博物馆 (Anne Frank Museum) 的官员表示,这棵树感染了一种真菌,并会对公众健康造成威胁,因为据称它随时都有倒下的危险。,Officials for the city of Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Museum state that the tree is infected with a fungus and poses a public health hazard as they argue that it was in imminent danger of falling over. -2301,两侧 由 三根 水平 梁 组成 , 上面 有 直立 的 平板 , 而 不是 四 英寸 的 隔板 , 两侧 都 是 腐朽 的 。,"the sides consist of three horizontal beams , with upright planks , not four inches asunder , mortised into them ." -2302,一个黄色和黑色的卡通人物在飞翔,a yellow and black cartoon character is flying -2303,在 巴塞罗那 公开赛 的 四分之一 决赛 中 , 默雷以 直截了当 的 方式 出现 。,4 Murray in straight sets in the quarterfinals at the Barcelona Open . -2304,粉眼粉鼻的白云,a white cloud with pink eyes and a pink nose -2305,相对较小的它有一个圆形的木墙和一个强大的门楼以及了望塔。,Relatively small it had a circular wooden wall and a strong gate house as well as watchtowers . -2306,"次日,风暴袭击了佛罗里达州的马丁县,其登陆位置与数星期前的飓风弗朗西丝几乎完全相同。","The next day, it struck Martin County, Florida in nearly the same location as Hurricane Frances just weeks before." -2307,2006年,车队为RichardGöransson增加了第二辆车,并于2009年被ThedBjörk取代。,"In 2006 , the team added a second car for Richard Göransson and was replaced by Thed Björk in 2009 ." -2308,"Darija Jurak和Anastasia Rodionova在总决赛中以6比3,6比2击败冠军,VerónicaCepedeRoyg和MarianaDuqueMariño。","Darija Jurak and Anastasia Rodionova won the title , Verónica Cepede Royg and Mariana Duque Mariño in the finals , 6 -- 3 , 6 -- 2 defeated ." -2309,一个小女孩的画,她的头发上有一朵花。,a drawing of a little girl with a flower in her hair -2310,狂风、冰雹、过量降水、山火,还有雷雨、龙卷风、水龙卷、气旋,都是极端天气的表现和影响。,"High winds, hail, excessive precipitation, and wildfires are forms and effects of severe weather, as are thunderstorms, tornadoes, waterspouts, and cyclones." -2311,它们的下方是更多中等大小的猫科动物,它们吃的是中等大小的猎物,从兔子、羚羊到鹿都会吃。,Under them are more medium sized cats that eat medium sized prey ranging from rabbits to antelopes and deer. -2312,"在1980年代,才清楚这些抑制剂是包括蛋白酶抑制剂(例如α1-抗胰蛋白酶)和非抑制性成员(例如卵白蛋白(英语:Ovalbumin))的相关的蛋白超家族的一部分。","In the 1980s, it became clear that these inhibitors were part of superfamily of related proteins that included both protease inhibitors (e.g. alpha 1-antitrypsin) and non-inhibitory members (e.g. ovalbumin)." -2313,里贾纳 库加尔 大学 的 教练 游泳 运动员 在 加拿大 大学 间 体育比赛 .,the University of Regina Cougars coach swimmers who compete in Canadian Interuniversity Sport . -2314,"威廉发出禁止令,他说,他之所以做出这个决定是由于担心国家堕胎联合会领导团队的人身安全。",He said that he reached his decision due to concerns over the physical safety of the executive leadership of the National Abortion Federation. -2315,这位奥运会金牌得主本应参加 100 米和 200 米自由泳和英联邦运动会的三项接力赛,但由于他的抱怨,他的健康状况一直受到质疑。,"The Olympic gold medalist was due to swim in the 100m and 200m freestyle and in three relays at the Commonwealth Games, but due to his complaints his fitness has been in doubt." -2316,它 拥有 丹麦 皇冠 首饰 和 皇冠 , 加冕 王位 和 显示 基督教 V 在 斯堪尼亚 战争 中 胜利 的 磁带 。,"it houses the Danish crown jewels and crown regalia , the coronation throne and tapestries illustrating Christian V 's victories in the Scanian War ." -2317,"那些反映对象之上的逻辑关系的分组在编辑那些对象的时候有意义,但不是图像模型的一部分。","Those groupings reflect logical relationships among objects that are meaningful when editing those objects, but they are not part of the imaging model." -2318,安倍 于 1987 年 嫁给 了 一位 社会名流 、 曾 是 电台 曲棍球 手 的 秋明 .,"Abe married Akie Matsuzaki , a socialite and former radio disc jockey , in 1987 ." -2319,"与美国反托拉斯法不同,欧盟法从来没有被用来处罚这些具支配地位的公司,而是赋予这些公司特别的义务,以适当导正其行为。","Unlike U.S. Antitrust, EC law has never been used to punish the existence of dominant firms, but merely imposes a special responsibility to conduct oneself appropriately." -2320,"抑制剂会阻扰受质和酵素的交互作用,进而降低反应速率。","Inhibitors disrupt the interaction between enzyme and substrate, slowing down the rate of a reaction." -2321,高温 和 水分 不足 导致 一些 蜗牛 的 矮化 和 畸形 。,high summer temperatures and insufficient moisture cause dwarfing and malformations of some snails . -2322,RamónJiménez于1881年12月23日出生在安达卢西亚Huelva附近的Moguer。,"Ramón Jiménez was born on 23 December 1881 in Moguer , near Huelva , in Andalucia ." -2323,"为了 建立 棺材 坝 , 布赖 森在 水沙 上 进行 了 挖掘 .","to create the cofferdam , Bryson excavated to the watery sand ." -2324,绿猫白裙图,a drawing of a green cat with a white dress -2325,沃伦 反击 并 恢复 了 失去 的 土地 .,Warren counterattacked and regained his lost ground . -2326,"汤姆 · 布雷 迪 三次 摔倒 , 跑 了 四分之一 .",Tom Brady threw for three touchdowns and ran in a fourth . -2327,"Cynologique Internationale以三种标准品种的名称使用Laika这个名词:俄罗斯欧洲莱卡(FCI标准304号)、西伯利亚莱卡(FCI 306)和东西伯利亚莱卡(FCI 305),它们从俄罗斯北部和西伯利亚的原住民犬中培育出来。","Fédération Cynologique Internationale uses the word Laika in the names of three standard breeds: Russian European Laika (FCI standard No. 304), West Siberian Laika (FCI 306), and East Siberian Laika (FCI 305), which had been bred from the aboriginal dogs of northern Russia and Siberia." -2328,犀牛 捕捉到 了 小 赫拉克 雷亚 、 艾氏菌 、 艾氏菌 和 松鼠 .,"Pyrrhus captures Heraclea Minoa , Azones , Eryx and Panormus ." -2329,一个头上有星星的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a star on his head -2330,我从没见过你这么高兴。,I've never seen you so happy. -2331,"奥拉夫 的 浅层 残留物 逐渐 减弱 , 回到 西南部 , 然后 在 10 月 28 日 消散 .","OLAF 's shallow remnants gradually weakened and turned back to the southwest , before dissipating on October 28 ." -2332,来自 Les bijoux 的 温度计 岛 , 由 Denis Diderot 主编 , 居民 们 对 该 岛 的 生殖器 产生 了 迷恋 。,"thermometer Island , from Les bijoux indiscrets , by Denis Diderot , in which the inhabitants have enchanted genitalia ." -2333,红鸟黑翼飞翔在空中,a red bird with black wings flying through the air -2334,2019 年 赛季 , 洛加诺 在 代托纳 和 拉斯维加斯 的 甘德 RV Duel 2 中 获胜 。,"for the 2019 season , Logano scored wins at the Gander RV Duel 2 at Daytona and at Las Vegas ." -2335,"动物 形成 了 一个 大 的 下巴 , 它 的 刺激物 随着 刺骨 的 囊 消失 了 .","the animal develops a large jaw , and its gills disappear along with its gill sac ." -2336,我想Tom已经醒了。,I think Tom is awake. -2337,左梦庚降清。,Bal Hitkari Samiti. -2338,"该试剂是以Piotr Chomczyński与Sacchi, N在1987年提出的一步分离RNA法为基础发明的。","The solution was initially used and published by Piotr Chomczyński and Sacchi, N. in 1987." -2339,把蛋放入沸水中。,Put the eggs into the boiling water. -2340,查看毒药上的标签,获得具体急救指引。,Check the label for specific first aid instructions for that specific poison. -2341,"小说主要有两套情节:第一情节是设定在出版时的现实时空 (维多利亚时期),另一套情节发生在名为Fairyland的奇幻世界。","The novel has two main plots: one set in the real world at the time the book was published (the Victorian era), the other in the fantasy world of Fairyland." -2342,菠萝 通常 被 猎取 它们 的 肉 和 脂肪 .,pinnipeds are typically hunted for their meat and blubber . -2343,她在里约热内卢航行,于9月14日抵达悉尼。,She sailed over Rio de Janeiro and arrived in Sydney on 14 September . -2344,请说得更清楚些。,Please speak more clearly. -2345,普通 哨状 燃料 含有 苯 并 酸 酯 或 水杨酸 酯 化合物 和 适当 的 氧化剂 , 如 高氯酸钾 。,common whistle fuels contain Benzoate or Salicylate compounds and a suitable oxidizer such as Potassium Perchlorate . -2346,它 与 弗拉特 布什 大街 上 原来 的 机库 平行 运行 .,it runs parallel to the original hangars along Flatbush Avenue . -2347,"1595 年 , 他 包围 了 Ahmednagar 要塞 , 迫使 Chand Bibi 放弃 Berar .","he besieged Ahmednagar Fort in 1595 , forcing Chand Bibi to cede Berar ." -2348,欧洲的GALEN项目首次对通用术语服务器本身进行了一般性的描述。,The first generic description of general terminology servers per se was produced by the European GALEN Project. -2349,"在 后来 的 船只 上 , 跳绳 被 长期 固定 在 与 龙骨 大致 平行 的 臀部 .",in later ships spruce stringers were fastened lengthwise to the futtocks roughly parallel to the keel . -2350,粉色和蓝色身体的折纸狗,an origami dog with a pink and blue body -2351,"某些 种类 的 沙兰 如果 受到 攻击 , 会 发出 安静 的 吱吱声 或 叫声 .",some species of salamander emit a quiet squeak or yelp if attacked . -2352,一幅粉红色的黑眼睛的鸟的画,a drawing of a pink bird with black eyes -2353,在 霍尔特 以西 一 平方公里 的 沃克 火山 沉积物 中 , 一种 粗糙 的 绿色 灰色 韵律 侵入 性 的 露头 。,a coarse green grey rhyodacitic intrusive outcrops over one square kilometre west of Holt in the Walker Volcanic sediments . -2354,卡通鸟在空中飞翔,a cartoon bird flying through the air -2355,他 穿着 一件 像 幻影 漫画 一样 的 红色 服装 .,he wears a red costume in like in the Mirage comics . -2356,"该研究总结指出,非层级性的传统栅格通常有较低的车流高峰速度和比较短暂但是更频繁的十字路口停留。","The study concluded that the non-hierarchical, traditional layout generally shows lower peak speeds and shorter, but more frequent intersection delays than the hierarchical pattern." -2357,一名 共和国 卫队 副官 撕掉 了 他 的 徽章 、 薄薄的 金条 、 条纹 、 袖子 和 夹克 袖子 。,"a Republican Guard adjutant tore off his badges , thin strips of gold , his stripes , cuffs and sleeves of his jacket ." -2358,"由于舰只的舰艏并非设计用于北极环境,因此船员们只得不断地将木板固定在船体上,以保护其免受冰雪侵害。","The ship's bow was not designed to operate in an Arctic environment, and so the crew had to continually fix wood planks to the hull to protect it from the ice." -2359,"要达到科学家们理想的结果,需要是绕月球极地轨道运行一个月的任务,在那里可观测到整个月球表面。","Ideally for scientists, a mission would be placed in a polar orbit for a month, from where it could observe the entire lunar surface." -2360,这些资金可以用于建造防洪房屋、改善水资源管理以及促进农作物多样化。,"The money could go toward flood-proof houses, better water management, and crop diversification." -2361,霍奇森 对 乔尔 · 鲁滨逊 的 角色 进行 了 报复 , 并 在 这些 节目 中 与 雷 和 鲍茨 一起 撕毁 了 电影 。,Hodgson reprised the role of Joel Robinson and riffed movies alongside Ray and the bots during these shows . -2362,"在 哈 马尔马 尔比 , 林内 恩 私人 收藏 物 受到 潮湿 和 老鼠 和 昆虫 的 严重破坏 。",in Hammarby the Linnean private collections suffered seriously from damp and the depredations by mice and insects . -2363,一只粉红色和黄色的鹿,头上有一个黄色的蝴蝶结,a pink and yellow deer with a yellow bow on its head -2364,叫警察。,Please call the police. -2365,他没有设定削减数额,只是表示将根据中国的经济产出来决定数额。,"He did not set a figure for the cuts, saying they will be made based on China's economic output." -2366,一件衣服上面有一条围巾的照片,a picture of a piece of clothing with a scarf on top of it -2367,"然而由于纹理流送的限制,高分辨率纹理可能并非总有效果。","However, due to limitations on texture streaming, use of high resolution textures may not always be the case." -2368,一个绿色和橙色的卡通人物,a green and orange cartoon character -2369,"1572年,索利瓦尔(普雷绍夫附近的一个城镇,现在属于普雷绍夫的一部分)开始了采盐活动。","In 1572, salt mining began in Solivar (at that time a nearby town, now part of Prešov)." -2370,"福勒农场石油公司用于募股的招股说明书出现了知名演员的名人身份“J.威尔克斯·布斯先生,一位成功的智慧油田操作手”。","The Fuller Farm Oil company was selling shares with a prospectus featuring the well-known actor's celebrity status as ""Mr. J. Wilkes Booth, a successful and intelligent operator in oil lands""." -2371,"该协议内容规范与Windows Media Player相容的便携式装置制造商,禁止他们使用非微软的音讯编码格式。",The license prohibited makers of portable devices compatible with Windows Media Player from using non-Microsoft audio encoding formats. -2372,1973 年 至 1977 年 期间 , 黄铜 部分 由 六个 不同 的 喇叭 组成 。,"between 1973 and 1977 , the brass section comprised six different trumpeters ." -2373,"比赛 结束 后 , 维多利亚 攻击 斯特拉 图斯 , 直到 裁判 阻止 她 .","after the match , Victoria assaulted Stratus until the referee stopped her ." -2374,隆街 的 侧翼 攻击 , 加上 杰克逊 的 反攻 , 迫使 北方 人 回到 华盛顿 特区 。 。,"Longstreet 's flank assault , combined with Jackson 's counterattacks , drove the northerners back in a rout to Washington , D.C .." -2375,"这一杂志从1997年1月到1998年1月一共出版了52期,之后就开始出版“威利的世界历史”(""Wally's History of the World""),新的杂志相对更注重历史方面的知识。","52 issues were published from January 1997 to January 1998, when Wally's History of the World began, focusing more on history than geography." -2376,"1543年,西班牙人米格尔·洛佩斯·德莱加斯皮(Miguel López de Legazpi)首次发现,将它命名为“Parece Vela”(意思是“看起来像帆”)。","It was possibly first sighted by the Spanish sailor Bernardo de la Torre in 1543, certainly by Miguel López de Legazpi in 1565, and its first recorded name was Parece Vela (""looks like a sail"" in Spanish)." -2377,"它总是出现在说话者的声调范围底部,除了在/HLH/序列上,在此语音序列上它的声调会往上提升、但是最后的/H/语音仍然维持着低声调。","It is always at bottom of the speaker's pitch range, except in the sequence /HLH/, in which case it is raised in pitch but the final /H/ is still lowered." -2378,脖子上戴着围巾的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a scarf around his neck -2379,该地区现在向Algonquian Ojibwa(也称为Mississauga)开放,后者搬进来。,"The region was now open to the Algonquian Ojibwa ( also known as Mississauga ) , who moved in ." -2380,周日晚些时候,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普通过新闻秘书发表声明,宣布美军将撤离叙利亚。,"Late on Sunday, the United States President Donald Trump, in a statement delivered via the press secretary, announced US troops would be leaving Syria." -2381,此手术大约在婚前、分娩后、离婚和丧偶时执行。,"This might be performed before marriage, and after childbirth, divorce and widowhood." -2382,在 大腿 和 下 臀部 的 肌肉 不足 往往 会 放大 蜂窝 .,rafter hips are often amplified by poor muscling along thighs and lower hips . -2383,一个像猫一样的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a cat like body -2384,不久 , Iceman 就 参与 了 对 掠夺者 、 Acolytes 和 捕食者 X 的 决战 。,"soon , Iceman participated in the final battle against the Marauders , the Acolytes , and Predator X ." -2385,黑白相间的龙的图画,a drawing of a dragon with black and white spots -2386,亚马孙河干流长 6387 公里(3980 英里)。河水来自数千条较小的支流。,"The main Amazon River is 6,387 km (3,980 miles). It collects water from thousands of smaller rivers." -2387,"肖恩 越来越 嫉妒 德 克兰 , 因为 他们 的 相似之处 , 古斯 称之为 "" 肖恩 2.0 "" 。","Shawn becomes increasingly jealous of Declan , whom Gus dubs "" Shawn 2.0 "" because of their similarities ." -2388,2011年12月晚些时候宣布,U-Dip也将返回加入一系列在新年前夜午夜时分掉落的物品。,It was announced later in December 2011 that a U-Dip would also make a return to join a long list of objects that were dropped at midnight on New Year 's Eve . -2389,British Standards Institute 在1981年出版了一个 EBNF 标准: BS 6154。,The British Standards Institution published a standard for an EBNF: BS 6154 in 1981. -2390,其中 包括 查 塔拉 、 乔蒂 、 苏丹 、 查塔 格拉姆 · 达尔 潘等 周刊 , 以及 Sanshodhani 、 Purobi 、 Mukulika 和 Simanto 等 月刊 。,"these include weeklies such as Chattala , Jyoti , Sultan , Chattagram Darpan and the monthlies such as Sanshodhani , Purobi , Mukulika and Simanto ." -2391,Coalesced - Hashing,也称为Coalesced Chaining,在哈希表中形成冲突解决策略,表示单独链接和开放寻址的混合。,"Coalesced - Hashing , also called Coalesced Chaining , forms a strategy of collision resolution in a hash table that represents a hybrid of separate chaining and open addressing ." -2392,粉红色眼睛的黑白动物,a black and white animal with pink eyes -2393,蒂安 紫色 成为 地中海 各地 国王 、 贵族 、 牧师 和 治安 法官 的 颜色 .,"Tyrian purple became the color of kings , nobles , priests and magistrates all around the Mediterranean ." -2394,他们 通常 坐在 船 的 船尾 , 除了 在 保龄 人 , 考斯温 躺 在 船头 。,"they usually sit in the stern of the boat , except in bowloaders where the coxswain lies in the bow ." -2395,他于2012年当选为Zilla Parishad候选人,当选为Kolhapur印度国民大会(Pnachayat��)主席。,He was elected as a Chairman of Indian National Congress ( District Pnachayat ) of Kolhapur in 2012 as a Zilla Parishad candidate . -2396,相对概念是双重维度。,The relative concept is the dual dimension . -2397,她是Tania Cagnotto的妻子,也是Giorgio Cagnotto的母亲。,She is the wife of Tania Cagnotto and mother of Giorgio Cagnotto . -2398,尽管他在 1993 年离开了节目,但他保留了执行制片人的头衔,并持续获得每季数千万美元的版税。,"Despite leaving the show in 1993 he kept the title of executive producer, and continued to receive tens of millions of dollars every season in royalties." -2399,湯姆帶他的狗出去走。,Tom went out for a walk with his dog. -2400,精巧 的 保龄球 加上 精彩 的 击球 和 野外 比赛 使 东道主 能够 在 参观者 面前 漫步 。,clever bowling coupled with wonderful batting and fielding allowed the hosts to stroll past the visitors . -2401,"从表格中可看出,过去十年间工商业厨余不断上升。","In the service industry, for example, she explains that products have become more uniform over the past few decades." -2402,黄黑相间的卡通人物,笑容可掬,a yellow and black cartoon character with a big smile -2403,我讀了一篇精彩的故事。,I read an exciting story. -2404,"由于经过许多灾难,该市在1945年以后发展停滞。","As a result of all these events, the growth of the city in the years after 1945 was stunted." -2405,"新的中华人民共和国政府并不承认领馆官员的外交地位,1950年4月25日,总领事马康卫降下美国国旗,并关闭领馆。","The new Communist government did not recognize the diplomatic status of the Consulate staff, and on April 25, 1950, Consul General Walter McConaughy lowered the American flag and closed the Consulate." -2406,一幅绿叶花的图画,a drawing of a flower with green leaves -2407,一只黄蓝相间的蝴蝶坐在白色的表面上,a yellow and blue butterfly sitting on top of a white surface -2408,"1939年夏季,该市建设部门的负责人Joseph Schlippe按当时的风格进行改建。","In summer 1939 Joseph Schlippe, the head of the city’s building department, redesigned the auditorium completely in the style of the time." -2409,弗里 曼在 皇宫 的 院子 里 传道 福音 .,Freeman preached the Gospel in the palace courtyard . -2410,"寄生 寄生 寄生 寄生 寄生虫 , 寄生 寄生 在 寄生 寄生 寄生 寄生 寄生虫 上 .",Parasetigana silvestris and Exorista larvarum lays an egg on the gypsy moth larva . -2411,收音机的声音有点响。,The radio is a bit loud. -2412,"就 颜料 而言 , 他们 使用 的 是 电影院 , 它 生产 了 中国 漆器 中 著名 的 万千 或者 "" 中国 红 "" 。","for pigments , they used cinnabar , which produced the famous vermillion or "" Chinese red "" of Chinese lacquerware ." -2413,第 5 届 美国 有色 骑士团 的 组建,formation of the 5th United States Colored Cavalry -2414,"许多红军指挥官对德意志国防军的反击有太深刻的印象,及没有采取适当行动,即使他们自己的军队人数是远超过德意志国防军。","Many Red Army commanders were too impressed by Wehrmacht counterattacks and failed to act properly, even if their own troops outnumbered those of the Wehrmacht." -2415,红蓝尾巴的白色小精灵,a white pokemon with a red and blue tail -2416,黄白相间的皮卡丘图纸,a drawing of a yellow and white pikachu -2417,"但乍得的公路网络仍然十分有限,一些公路在一年中有数月不能使用。","Nevertheless, the road network is limited; roads are often unusable for several months of the year." -2418,历史人物是历史上着名的人物,如凯瑟琳大帝,亚伯拉罕林肯,华盛顿或拿破仑。,"A historical figure is a famous person in history , such as Catherine the Great , Abraham Lincoln , Washington , or Napoleon ." -2419,安格 最终 袭击 了 纳什 , 纳什 在 戒指 中间 遭到 杰克 刀 威力 轰炸 安格 的 报复 。,"angle eventually attacked Nash , who retaliated by Jackknife Powerbombing Angle in the middle of the ring ." -2420,"从某种意义上讲,我是幸运的。","And yet, we were lucky in a way." -2421,他將他的成功歸於好運。,He owes his success to good luck. -2422,"而后他把精力转向了演戏,1975至1979年在莱比锡汉斯·奥托戏剧学院学习。","He then turned to acting, and studied at the Theaterhochschule ""Hans Otto"" Leipzig from 1975 to 1979." -2423,"托 马什 是 首任 丹瑟 , 埃莉诺 拉 是 独角兽 .","Tomasz was premier danseur , and Eleanora a soloist ." -2424,牛津英语词典引用Hoccleve作为现代意义上的“荡妇”一词的最初用户之一,尽管不是现代拼写。,"The Oxford English Dictionary cites Hoccleve as one of the initial users of the term "" slut "" in its modern sense , though not in its modern spelling ." -2425,黑色和黄色的小精灵类型的动物,a black and yellow pokemon type animal -2426,"塞恩 离开 了 莫伊 ��� , 后来 在伍 尔克 和 慈善 分享 了 一个 吻 .",Cain leaves Moira and later shares a kiss with Charity at The Woolpack . -2427,"而在高峰时段,部分列车则仅停靠慕尼黑总站、慕尼黑东站、格拉芬和罗森海姆。","During the peak hour, some trains stopped only at Munich Hauptbahnhof, Munich East, Grafing and Rosenheim." -2428,它们脚上有鳞片和爪子,会产卵,还像霸王龙一样用两条后腿走路。,"They have feet with scales and claws, they lay eggs, and they walk on their two back legs like a T-Rex." -2429,他们往往比传统的团队成员拥有更多的自主权,因为他们的团队可能会针对不同的时区安排开会时间,而本地管理层可能不理解这一点。,They often have more autonomy than conventional team members as their teams may meet according to varying time zones which may not be understood by their local management. -2430,口含目标的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a target in his mouth -2431,加利福尼亚州 圣克拉拉 县 旅游景点,"tourist attractions in Santa Clara County , California" -2432,东京将成为唯一举办过两届夏季奥运会的亚洲城市,第一次是在1964 年。,"Tokyo will be the only Asian city to have hosted two summer Olympics, having hosted the games in 1964." -2433,从 老 荷兰语 继承 下来 的 一些 普通 名词 在 单数 元音 中有 一个 短元音 , 在 复数 元音 中有 一个 长 元音 。,a number of common nouns inherited from Old Dutch have a short vowel in the singular but a long vowel in the plural . -2434,1921年6月,底特律老虎队将Perritt卖给了巨人队。,"In June of 1921 , the Detroit Tigers sold Perritt to the Giants ." -2435,古埃及、波斯和中国也有厕所。在罗马文明中,厕所有时是男女混合的公共浴室的一部分。,"There were also toilets in ancient Egypt, Persia and China. In Roman civilization, toilets were sometimes part of public bath houses where men and women were together in mixed company." -2436,它们为骑手提供了更好的稳定性,但也有安全隐患,因为骑手的脚可能会卡住。,They provide greater stability for the rider but can have safety concerns due to the potential for a rider's feet to get stuck in them. -2437,2010年,新实施的公交网络进行了修订和扩展。,"In 2010 , the new implemented bus network was revised and extended ." -2438,粉红色尾巴的卡通猪和粉红色尾巴的卡通猪,a cartoon pig with a pink tail and a pink tail -2439,"然而,10月23日珍·西摩突然病况加剧,出现一连串产后并发症,翌夜即过世。","The Queen, however, fell ill on 23 October from presumed postnatal complications, and died the following night." -2440,第10装甲师B战斗大队共有大约500人伤亡。,The 10th Armored Division's CCB incurred approximately 500 casualties. -2441,花猫的图画,a drawing of a cat with a flower on its back -2442,我丢了我的灵感。,I lost my inspiration. -2443,"规则13 – 以球之球位所处之状态击打 13-1 通则: 除了规则另有规定之外,(比赛中之)球必须依其球位所处之状态击打。",Rule 13 – Ball played as it lies 13-1 – The ball must be played as it lies except as otherwise provided in the rules. -2444,"萨拉热窝暗杀事件引起一系列强烈反应,最终演变成全面战争。",The assassination in Sarajevo set into motion a series of fast-moving events that eventually escalated into full-scale war. -2445,您为什么想买这本书?,Why do you want to buy this book? -2446,11 月 22 日 , 波 莱斯 瓦夫 最终 征服 了 西 波美拉 尼亚 , 波美拉 尼亚 成为 波兰 的 战火 。,"in 1122 Bolesław finally conquered Western Pomerania , which became a Polish fief ." -2447,"蓝色的弧是恒星形成中的星系,有中度的红移(=1-2.5)。",The blue arcs are star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshift (z=1-2.5). -2448,突变会添加新的基因变异,而选择则会从表达的基因变异池中把变异移除。,"Mutation adds new genetic variation, and selection removes it from the pool of expressed variation." -2449,"最近,史托克豪森改在他位于屈尔滕的私人录音室制作电子音乐,他的最新作品在传媒中叫做《宇宙脉动(英语:Cosmic Pulses)》(2007年)。","More recently, Stockhausen turned to producing electronic music in his own studio in Kürten, his last work in the medium being Cosmic Pulses (2007)." -2450,"这张 专辑 里 有 风扇 最 喜欢 的 "" 月亮 的 树皮 "" .","the album contains the fan favourite "" Bark at the Moon "" ." -2451,"当 这个 圆圈 解散 时 , 多 斯托 耶夫斯基 和 阿 波伦 · 梅 科夫 和 他 的 兄弟 瓦莱里 安 亲密无间 .","when the circle dissolved , Dostoevsky befriended Apollon Maykov and his brother Valerian ." -2452,"当 他 的 果子 Chand Baliddika 告诫 他时 , 国王 把 果子 和 牧师 都 解雇 了 .","when his bard Chand Baliddika admonished him , the king dismissed both the bard and the minister ." -2453,"乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯(英语:Jonathan Taylor Thomas,1981年9月8日-)是美国的一位演员、配音演员。","Jonathan Taylor Thomas (born Jonathan Taylor Weiss; September 8, 1981) is an American actor, voice actor, and director." -2454,"他是一名基督徒,曾在一座浸信会教堂做执事。",One was held at a Baptist church. -2455,爱让世界转动。,Love makes the world go round. -2456,挪威、瑞典和新西兰也有类似的情况,但在其他方面很是独特(例如,在荷兰,这个数字是一比四十)。,"This is matched by Norway, Sweden and New Zealand, but otherwise quite unique (e.g. in the Netherlands the figure is one to forty)." -2457,蓝白相间的卡通人物手持靶子,a blue and white cartoon character holding a target -2458,青鸟飞翔在云端的天空,a blue bird flying through the sky with clouds -2459,我們每年都慶祝聖誕節。,We celebrate Christmas every year. -2460,2007 年 , Penske 摩托 运动 公司 在 美国 勒曼 系列 中 投放 了 两台 LMP2 保时捷 RS Spyder Evo 。,"in 2007 , Penske Motorsports fielded two LMP2 Porsche RS Spyder Evo in the American Le Mans Series ." -2461,亚伦 和 罗伯特 将 陷入 爆炸性 和 令人 心碎 的 扭曲 之中 .,Aaron and Robert will caught in explosive and heartstopping twist . -2462,"到了6月24日晚间,德军已经有368名士兵阵亡,并俘虏了4,000至5,000名红军士兵。","In the evening of June 24, 1941, some 368 Germans has been killed and 4,000–5,000 Red Army soldiers in captivity." -2463,他的父亲也因酗酒掉到沟里淹死。,He also abstains from drinking alcohol because of his father's alcoholism. -2464,如今,唯一不能向后折叠翅膀的昆虫是蜻蜓和蜉蝣。,"Today, the only insects that cannot fold back their wings are dragon flies and mayflies." -2465,"为其妻家劳作两年,妻家送丰厚嫁妆。","Upon divorce, a husband was required to pay back his wife's dowry." -2466,他们切断了生死攸关的军事和民用物资供应。事实证明这一战略是有效的,尽管这样的封锁违反了在过去的两个世纪里,根据几项国际协定制定的已为大家普遍接受的国际法。,"The strategy proved effective, cutting off vital military and civilian supplies, although this blockade violated generally accepted international law codified by several international agreements of the past two centuries." -2467,"如果知道恒星的距离,例如通过视差的测量,就可以推导出恒星的光度。","If the distance of the star is found, such as by measuring the parallax, then the luminosity of the star can be derived." -2468,一个卡通人物拿着一个大物体的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character holding a large object -2469,你想做什麼?,What do you want to do? -2470,蓝黄相间的龙图,a drawing of a blue and yellow dragon -2471,龙卷风 还 摧毁 了 一个 谷仓 , 并 撕毁 了 玉米 茎 。,the tornado also destroyed a barn and ripped out corn stalks . -2472,完成你的工作。,Finish your work. -2473,他曾担任总部设在荷兰的OmegaWiki非营利法律机构Stichting Open Progress的首席技术官。,"He had been chief technology officer of Stichting Open Progress, the not-for-profit legal arm of OmegaWiki, based in the Netherlands." -2474,"Mary Ann Skweres , 《 前线 》 , 2016 年 1 月 6 日 , 《 Carol 的 女同性恋 目光 》 。","Mary Ann Skweres , Below The Line , January 6 , 2016 The Lesbian Gaze Of ' Carol ' ." -2475,那是我说过的最愚蠢的话了。,That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. -2476,"OTG或嵌入式主机可以使USB链路断电,直到外设(可以是OTG或标准USB设备)需要电源。",The OTG or embedded host can leave the USB link unpowered until the peripheral (which can be an OTG or standard USB device) requires power. -2477,"对列支敦士登一场他列入后备名单,未有上阵 ,但对北爱尔兰一场没有列入大名单内。",His interests clearly lay in eastern Galicia; and not a single document places him in Portugal. -2478,罗兰多·门多萨 (Rolando Mendoza) 架起他的 M16 步枪对游客扫射。,Rolando Mendoza fired his M16 rifle at the tourists. -2479,这是一款益智游戏。,It's a silly game. -2480,"2007年3月,美国空军为了遵守国际军控与裁军条约,决定让AGM-129退役,并使用AGM-86代替。","In March 2007, the USAF decided to retire its AGM-129 complement in order to help comply with international arms-control treaties and to replace them with AGM-86 missiles." -2481,二楼的两个展览厅用于陈列工具及艺术品。,Two galleries on the second floor were used to display artifacts and art. -2482,"McNab , Chris , Armies of the 拿破仑 战争 , Osprey Publish Ltd . , 牛津 , 2009 年 。","McNab , Chris , Armies of the Napoleonic Wars , Osprey Publishing Ltd . , Oxford , 2009 ." -2483,"给定一个解析函数,我们将其写为两部分,一部分比较简单且比增长要快于(从而控制)另一部分��","Given an analytic function, we write it as the sum of two parts, one of which is simpler and grows faster than (thus dominates) the other part." -2484,如要了解锦标赛新闻和如何购买马球比赛门票,请查看阿根廷马球协会网站。,"For news on tournaments and where to buy tickets for polo matches, check Asociacion Argentina de Polo." -2485,这在当时引起了很大的轰动。,This caused quite a sensation at the time. -2486,"据估算,可用土地只要有一半已经用于耕作,而对现存保留地大大高估令人不安。","By most estimates, at least half of cultivable land is already being farmed, and there are concerns that the remaining reserves are greatly overestimated." -2487,她 的 职业生涯 是 通过 在 日本 的 两个 签约 开始 的 , 其中 一个 是 日本 美学 和 拉 六 中心 的 签约人 。,she jumpstarted her career via two endorsement deals in Japan and one of them as an endorser of a Japanese Aesthetic and Lasix Center . -2488,上 中西部 包括 以 斯堪的纳维亚 人 为主 的 菜肴 , 如卢特 菲克 和 红 豆腐 或 萝卜 。,the Upper Midwest includes dishes from predominantly Scandinavian backgrounds such as lutefisk and mashed rutabaga or turnip . -2489,"然而,该建筑内一条直线也没有。","However, there is not a single straight line in the building." -2490,澳大利亚新州国家公园和野生动物服务中心(NPWS)保护和遗产管理处代理主任米克·奥弗林(Mick O’flynn)表示:选中参与第一次射击行动的四名枪手均已接受全面的安全及培训指导。,"According to Mick O'Flynn, the Acting Director Park Conservation and Heritage with the NPWS, the four shooters selected for the first shooting operation received comprehensive safety and training instruction." -2491,"砷能被所有的植物吸收,但更容易在叶用蔬菜、稻米、苹果和葡萄汁以及海产品中富集。","Arsenic is absorbed by all plants, but is more concentrated in leafy vegetables, rice, apple and grape juice, and seafood." -2492,通常来讲,新加坡是一个非常安全的地方,导航也很容易。到达后你几乎可以买到任何东西。,"Singapore is generally an extremely safe place to be and very easy to navigate, and you can buy almost anything after arriving." -2493,残留物 向 北转 , 于 9 月 10 日 在 下加利福尼亚 半岛 近海 消散 。,the remnant turned north and dissipated on September 10 offshore of the Baja California peninsula . -2494,"然而,持续64位内存总线的带宽限制,S3保证这款显卡来说从来都不是32位色下的性能部分。","However, by continuing with a bandwidth-constraining 64-bit memory bus, S3 guaranteed this graphics card would never be a performance part under 32-bit color." -2495,一个卡通人物漂浮在一个蓝色物体之上,a cartoon character floating on top of a blue object -2496,总检察长兼王室法律顾问凯尔·斯塔莫 (Kier Starmer) 今天上午发表声明,宣布对胡纳和普莱斯提起公诉。,"The Director of Public Prosecutions, Kier Starmer QC, gave a statement this morning announcing the prosecution of both Huhne and Pryce." -2497,本周早些时候,一架警用直升机坠毁,事件造成 3 人死亡,3 人受伤。,"Earlier this week, a police helicopter crash killed three people and wounded three more." -2498,"里面有四个部分: A. 你对自我的责任:将自我描述为宇宙的中心,以及一个对于学习自己内在本质的呼唤。","There are four sections: A. Your Duty to Self: describes the self as the center of the universe, with a call to learn about one's inner nature." -2499,"编剧为了影集内容而调查了加州当地的政治环境,并向都市规划师和公职人员咨询。","The writers researched local California politics for the series, and consulted with urban planners and elected officials." -2500,黄眼白衫的蓝色小精灵角色,a blue pokemon character with yellow eyes and a white shirt -2501,你在高中的时候胖吗?,Were you fat when you were in high school? -2502,它的舌头有可能是分叉的,对此我们尚不确定。它的食物包括海龟、大型鱼类、其他沧龙,甚至会吃人。,"We don't know for sure, but it may have had a forked tongue. Its diet included turtles, large fish, other mosasaurs, and it may even have been a cannibal." -2503,论 孟菲斯 神学 古埃及 . org 孟菲斯 照片 , 芝加哥大学 数字 埃及 分校 孟菲斯 照片 , EgipTomania . com,"on the Memphis Theology Ancient Egypt.org Photos of Memphis , University of Chicago Digital Egypt for Universities Photos of Memphis , Egiptomania.com" -2504,我决定告诉汤姆发生了什么事情。,I've decided to tell Tom about what happened. -2505,一张坐在地上的黄色小精灵的图画,a drawing of a yellow pokemon sitting on the ground -2506,这个屋子里满是烟雾。,The room was full of smoke. -2507,萨伊于1997年5月更名为刚果民主共和国。,Zaire was renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo in May 1997. -2508,一张坐在球上的猫的图画,a drawing of a cat sitting on top of a ball -2509,"史柯斯嘉表示,他最初并不熟悉索尔的漫画书。",Skarsgård stated that he was not initially familiar with the comic book version of Thor. -2510,"随后,来自各地的民兵在英军返回波士顿的途中袭击了他们,最终展开波士顿之围,并引发了这场战役。","Subsequently, militia arriving from across the region harried the British troops on their return to Boston, culminating in the Siege of Boston and the outbreak of the war." -2511,"该条约激怒了法国,也使美国人痛苦地陷于分裂。",It angered France and bitterly divided Americans. -2512,"1609年,詹姆士一世向东印度公司发出了一张不设期限的特许状,特许状只会在公司连续三年没有盈利的情况下才会被取消。","But in 1609 he renewed the charter given to the company for an indefinite period, including a clause that specified that the charter would cease to be in force if the trade turned unprofitable for three consecutive years." -2513,她透過傳譯員發言。,She spoke through an interpreter. -2514,"大约 1820 年 , 科尔曼 的 邻居 威廉 格雷 在 欧几里德 河口 竖起 了 一个 石器 制造厂 .","Coleman 's neighbor , William Gray , erected a stoneware manufactory at the mouth of Euclid Creek about 1820 ." -2515,"类似状况,现代的分类学将马勃目(Lycoperdales)划分在伞菌目和鬼笔目(Phallales)之间。","Similarly, modern classifications divide the gasteroid order Lycoperdales between Agaricales and Phallales." -2516,"之前各个酒庄各自都有出产“名品香槟”,但以最高标准酿造并以高价销售却是新构思。","Until then, Champagne houses produced different cuvées of varying quality, but a top-of-the-range wine produced to the highest standards (and priced accordingly) was a new idea." -2517,逾越节 纪念 以色列 奴隶 从 埃及 解放 .,Passover commemorates the liberation of the Israelite slaves from Egypt . -2518,灰狼 并 不 容易 与 幼狼 杂交 .,the gray wolf does not readily interbreed with coyotes . -2519,"在 复活节 宫廷 期间 , 军团 正式 授予 威廉 勋章 .",the legates ceremonially crowned William during the Easter court . -2520,具体说来,据说可以通过正确解读微表情来判断一个人是否在撒谎。,"In particular, it is claimed that one can detect whether a person is lying by interpreting micro-expressions correctly." -2521,"爱尔巴桑被几个不同的军事集团占领,包括塞尔维亚人、保加利亚人、奥地利人及意大利人。","Elbasan has been occupied by several different groups, including the Serbs, Bulgarians, Austrians and Italians." -2522,一张戴着头盔的猫的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a cat with a helmet on -2523,驱逐舰于1922年退役,并于4月12日进入费城海军造船厂,并于1922年7月17日被命令停用。,"The destroyer was decommissioned in 1922 , and on 12 April , entered the Philadelphia Navy Yard where she was ordered inactivated on 17 July 1922 ." -2524,珍妮特 · 范迪恩 在 勒戈 · 马 维尔 的 《 复仇者 》 中 扮演着 一个 可玩 的 角色 .,Janet van Dyne appears as a playable character in Lego Marvel 's Avengers . -2525,多发性硬化是一种影响中枢神经系统(由脑、脊髓和视神经组成)的疾病。,"MS is a disease that affects the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain, the spinal cord and the optic nerve." -2526,"因此,海关对进口货征收进口税,没有对本地生产的产品收取同等的税,并不是违反了国民待遇。","Therefore, charging customs duty on an import is not a violation of national treatment even if locally produced products are not charged an equivalent tax." -2527,名为黑兹尔·克罗斯比(Hazel Crosby)的女孩死于这场事故。,A girl named Hazel Crosby was killed in the accident. -2528,我们尽力而为。,We're doing the best we can. -2529,你有喜欢的颜色吗?,Do you have a favorite color? -2530,"2012年10月,马来西亚政府除了放宽限制,提高前往以色列朝圣旅游的限额,也允许入境逗留期从10天延长至21天。","In October 2012, the Malaysian government lifted the quota on pilgrimage tourism to Israel and allowed stays to be extended from 10 to 21 days." -2531,他 在 第一场 比赛 中 击败 了 贝利 , 然后 为 他 的 一只 鸭子 在 格里 米特 前面 踢球 。,he beat Bailey with two outswingers in his first over before bowling him for a duck to move ahead of Grimmett . -2532,大眼睛的卡通人物特写,a close up of a cartoon character with big eyes -2533,黄色和白色的小精灵小精灵角色,a yellow and white pokemon pokemon character -2534,"2005年5月,丹尼尔·克雷格宣布米高梅、制片人迈克尔·G·威尔和芭芭拉·布罗科利都已保证他将出演邦德一角,马修·沃恩告诉记者,米高梅曾有意请他担任导演,但当时Eon还没有就本片联系过他或米高梅公司。","In May 2005, English actor Daniel Craig stated MGM and producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli had assured him he would get the role of Bond, and Matthew Vaughn told reporters MGM offered him the opportunity to direct the new film, but Eon Productions at that point had not approached either of them." -2535,另一个对鲍德温影响重大的是黑人画家博福·德里尼(Beauford Delaney)。,A great influence on Baldwin was the painter Beauford Delaney. -2536,他的队友费尔南多·阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)在比赛中的绝大多数时间里都处于领先地位,但却在进站后就退出了比赛,大概是因为其右前轮实在塞得厉害。,"His teammate Fernando Alonso was in the lead for most of the race, but ended it right after his pit-stop, probably because a badly tucked right front wheel." -2537,Ringwood位于第五届国会区,是新泽西州第39州立法区的一部分。,Ringwood is located in the 5th Congressional District and is part of the 39th State Legislative District in New Jersey . -2538,我们无法接近敌人。,We can't get close to the enemy. -2539,虽然在洪水过后,水位只会上升几英尺,但官员们希望这足以恢复下游被侵蚀的沙洲。,"Although the water level will only rise a few feet after the flood, officials are hoping it will be enough to restore eroded sandbars downstream." -2540,最后结果是一分险胜,比分为 21 比 20,结束了全黑队连胜 15 场的局面。,"The final score was a one-point victory, 21 to 20, ending the All Blacks' 15 game winning streak." -2541,当一小群生物(一个小种群)与它们本来的主要种群分离时(比如它们跨过山脉和河流,或者它们到了一个新的岛屿以至于不可能轻易回去),它们通常会发现自己所处的环境与之前不同。,"When a small group of living things (a small population) gets separated from the main population that they came from (like if they move over a mountain range or a river, or if they move to a new island so that they can't easily move back) they will often find themselves in a different environment than they were in before." -2542,填料有很多种类:燕麦、栗子、鼠尾草和洋葱(调味面包)、玉米面包及香肠都是最传统的。,"The many varieties include oatmeal, chestnut, sage and onion (flavored bread), cornbread, and sausage are the most traditional." -2543,他 从 垫子 底下 挖出 一个 旧 的 尘埃 烟盒 .,"from under the cushion , he digs out an old , dusty cigarette carton ." -2544,Batten Kill的嘴巴位于纽约的伊斯顿,河源位于佛蒙特州的东多塞特。,"The mouth of the Batten Kill is in Easton , New York , and the source of the river is in East Dorset , Vermont ." -2545,直到20世纪30年代,美国 - 欧洲定居者用火来清理土地进行定居和放牧。,"Until the 1930s , the American-European settlers used the fire to clear land for settlement and grazing ." -2546,"2011年人口普查的人口为1,697人。它是南非Kgalagadi区的一个村庄。它位于博茨瓦纳边境附近。","The population was 1,697 in the 2011 census . It is a village in Kgalagadi District of South Africa It is located near the border with Botswana ." -2547,他一直无法用药物来缓解疼痛,因为比赛禁止参赛者服用这些药物。,He has been unable to take the drugs needed to overcome his pain as they are banned from the Games. -2548,"成人会教导儿童字汇与字汇之间的关系以及如何它们互相联结,例如“...是...的一部分”、“...是...的一种”、“...属于...”、以及“...被用来...”。","Adults present young children with information about how words are related to each other through connections, such as ""is a part of"", ""is a kind of"", ""belongs to"", or ""is used for""." -2549,他还涉嫌抓捕一名年轻舞者Anya Sosoyeva,以及袭击幸存下来的俄罗斯女演员迪莉娅博加德。,"He was also suspected of having caught a young dancer , Anya Sosoyeva , to death , as well as attacking the Russian actress Delia Bogard , who survived ." -2550,卡斯特罗 的 反应 是 没收 炼油厂 并 将 其 国有化 。,Castro responded by expropriating and nationalizing the refineries . -2551,粉红色卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a pink cartoon character -2552,"我并不是不能去死,我是想扶立赵氏的后代继承家业。","Not only do I support Israel, I am also willing to sacrifice my family for the existence of this state." -2553,历史学家批判了联邦调查局的过往政策,这种政策会把资源集中到容易破获的案件上,尤以偷车案件居多,目的只在于提高该机构的成功破案率。,"Historians have criticized past FBI policies for focusing resources on cases which are easy to solve, especially stolen car cases, with the intent of boosting the agency's success rate." -2554,维京 袭击 布列塔尼 和 诺曼底 的 编年史 者 说 圣 奥拉夫 袭击 了 多尔 镇 地区 的 布列塔尼 北部 海岸 。,the chroniclers of Viking raids in Brittany and Normandy recounted that St Olaf raided the northern coast of Brittany in the area of the town of Dol . -2555,默弗里斯伯勒是TN大都会统计区 - 戴维森 - 希克曼县 - 纳什维尔富兰克林的一部分。,"Murfreesboro is part of the TN Metropolitan Statistical Area -- Davidson -- Hickman County -- Franklin , Nashville ." -2556,一个有眼睛和鼻子的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with eyes and a nose -2557,聽起來像是我戀愛了嗎?,Do I sound in love? -2558,"在领先集团中,汉米尔顿与维泰尔逐渐追近罗斯堡,而双方间的差距也持续越小。","At the front, Hamilton and Vettel slowly closed on Rosberg, with the gap between the two also coming down." -2559,狮子是群居属性最明显的猫科动物,生活在称为狮群的大型群体中。,"Lions are the most social cats, living in large groups called prides." -2560,大眼睛的粉绿色卡通人物,a pink and green cartoon character with large eyes -2561,"在拿破仑军队完败,从心痛处回来后,波尼亚托夫斯基很快承担了重建波军的任务,当时的波军已在莫斯科战役全军覆没。","After the disastrous retreat of Napoleon's army, and while recovering from his injuries, Poniatowski quickly undertook the rebuilding of the Polish army in order to replace the forces devastated by the Moscow campaign." -2562,一枚炸弹在总督办公室外爆炸。,One bomb exploded outside the governor general's office. -2563,"而一项对4000名美国女性进行的长期研究发现,在12岁至45岁的受害者中,每一次的强奸有5.0%的几率会造成其怀孕,全美国每年女性因为强奸而怀孕的案例达32000件。","A longitudinal study in the United States of over 4000 women followed for 3 years found that the national rape related pregnancy rate was 5.0% per rape among victims aged 12–45 years, producing over 32,000 pregnancies nationally among women from rape each year." -2564,第一批定居者是Henry Clay Fish博士,Richard Dobbs博士和James G. Christian,他们都来自密苏里州和伊利诺伊州。,"The first settlers were Dr. Henry Clay Fish , Richard Dobbs and James G. Christian , all of whom came from Missouri to Illinois ." -2565,上个月,伊朗一架飞往亚美尼亚的客机坠毁,机上 168 人遇难,这是伊朗多年来最惨烈的一起空难。,"Last month Iran saw its worst air disaster in years when an airliner heading to Armenia crashed, killing the 168 on board." -2566,一个蓝色和棕色机器人的风格化图像,a stylized image of a blue and brown robot -2567,张嘴的鲨鱼的图画,a drawing of a shark with its mouth open -2568,棕白相间的动物,黑色的鼻子,a brown and white animal with a black nose -2569,"他们被法院控制,必须以学徒的身份劳动到某一特定年龄。",They were under the control of courts and were bound out to work as an apprentice until a certain age. -2570,"又一天后正吃午饭时,丽兹意识到和丹尼斯的关系已经让自己变得很失意,于是冲进杰克的办公室寻求帮助,杰克鼓动丽兹和丹尼斯分手。","At lunch the next day, Liz realizes she is frustrated with her relationship with Dennis, then she storms off to Jack's office to ask for help." -2571,"身为艺术家、艺术评论家和老师,拜沃特赋予了美术馆独特的个性和文化。","Artist, art critic, and teacher, Bywaters gave a sense of identity and community to the museum." -2572,尼日利亚最初被宣布为十六支球队之一,但在球队退出橄榄球比赛后被巴巴多斯取代后不久。,"Nigeria was originally announced as one of the sixteen teams , but shortly after the team were withdrawn from the rugby competition and replaced by Barbados ." -2573,"根据历史数据绘制图表,罗伯特·福格尔发现,铁路对于钢铁工业的影响是最小的:在1840年到1860年间,铁路产品使用了不到5%的当时所生产的生铁(pig iron)。","Drawing upon historical data, Robert Fogel found that the impact of railroads on the iron and steel industries was minimal: from 1840 to 1860, railroad production used less than five percent of the total pig iron produced." -2574,这 在 观众 中 引起 了 极大 的 激动 .,this aroused considerable excitement among the spectators . -2575,白色背景上的一只绿色和棕色的蝴蝶,a green and brown butterfly on a white background -2576,勇士 们 穿着 亚特兰大 黑色 十字架 的 制服 , 而 巨 人们 则 穿着 旧金山 海狮 的 制服 。,"the Braves wore the uniforms of the Atlanta Black Crackers , while the Giants wore uniforms of the San Francisco Sea Lions ." -2577,德国空军的兵力包括突击比利时与荷兰时使用的运输机和滑翔机。,Luftwaffe strength included gliders and transports used in the assaults on the Netherlands and Belgium. -2578,这种对于低层次组件的依赖限制了高层次组件被重用的可行性。,This dependency upon lower-level components limits the reuse opportunities of the higher-level components. -2579,曼努埃尔就是这项工���的赞助人之一。,Manuel was one of the patrons of the work. -2580,环绕皇宫亦兴建了一座堡垒al-Mudaina。,"Around this palace a small citadel, al-Mudaina, was built." -2581,"在 《 纽约时报 》 上 写道 , 文森特 · 坎比 把 它 称为 "" 滚动式 音乐 回忆录 "" 。","writing in The New York Times , Vincent Canby called it "" a rollicking musical memoir ." -2582,"在《暮光之城》,《柯克斯评论》指,“贝拉的吸引力是基于魔法而非性格”,但她和爱德华的“当下描绘了这对危险恋人”。","During Twilight, Kirkus Reviews stated that ""Bella's appeal is based on magic rather than character"", but that her and Edward's ""portrayal of dangerous lovers hits the spot""." -2583,二战 后 , 少数 意大利 定居者 住 在 葡萄牙 殖民地 的 非洲 。,a few Italian settlers stayed in Portuguese colonies in Africa after World War II . -2584,"他同情亚历山大·克伦斯基政府,在公司内正式废除了不允许贷款给俄国的禁令。",He formally repealed the impediments within his firm against lending to Russia. -2585,"最简单情况的是两条自由的边界(即瑞利男爵在1916年解出的情况),得到的瑞利数 Ra = 27⁄4 π4 ≈ 657.51。","The simplest case is that of two free boundaries, which Lord Rayleigh solved in 1916, obtaining Ra = ​27⁄4 π4 ≈ 657.51." -2586,"荒尾主张中国和日本是亚洲最强大的两个国家,应在日本的霸权领导下建立紧密的贸易和商业伙伴关系、共同对抗西方国家的帝国主义,此一思想融入了松井的世界观中。","Arao believed that China and Japan, as the two strongest powers in Asia, had to forge a close trading and commercial partnership under Japanese hegemony to resist Western imperialism, an idea which Matsui incorporated into his own worldview." -2587,来自德国东方学会由罗伯特·考德威率领的团队在巴比伦进行了第一次科学考古发掘。,A team from the German Oriental Society led by Robert Koldewey conducted the first scientific archaeological excavations at Babylon. -2588,它的地位在十二世纪下降,主要是因为十字军返回时带的礼物,如丝绸和香料等,比拜占庭市场提供的更有价值。,Its status declined during the twelfth century mainly due to the fact that Crusaders had returned bearing gifts such as silks and spices that were valued more than what Byzantine markets offered. -2589,"更昂贵的汽车音响将提供TMC,RT和/或PTY。","More expensive car stereos will offer TMC, RT and / or PTY, perhaps with ""NEWS"" override." -2590,也可以到北部参观法蒂玛圣母院(圣地),它是举世闻名的圣母玛丽亚显现之地。,"Also to the north visit the great Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima (Shrine), a place of worldwide famous Marian apparitions." -2591,"他将总长36英里的建设工地分为三个部分,并在每一部分设立一所医院和一系列的急救站。","He organised the first comprehensive accident service in the world, dividing the 36-mile site into 3 sections, and establishing a hospital and a string of first aid posts in each section." -2592,在 一个 未败 的 赛季 里 , 突击队 取得 了 19 次 的 首败 。,"clinching an undefeated season , the Commodores achieved 19 first downs to the Tigers ' two ." -2593,我今天早上不想散步。,I don't feel like taking a walk this morning. -2594,红黑相间的小精灵图画,a drawing of a red and black pokemon -2595,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -2596,劳埃德于1917年11月28日接管了第6野战炮兵大队,并于1918年2月7日接管了第12野战炮兵大队。,Lloyd took over command of the 6th Field Artillery Brigade on 28 November 1917 and then the 12th Field Artillery Brigade on 7 February 1918 . -2597,无国界医生组织的发言人理查德·维尔曼 (Richard Veerman) 说:“安哥拉正面临有史以来最严重的疫情,当地的局势仍然非常糟糕。”,"Spokesman for Medecines Sans Frontiere Richard Veerman said: ""Angola is heading for its worst ever outbreak and the situation remains very bad in Angola,"" he said." -2598,据成年男女报告显示对胸部的性刺激可用于初期性唤起及或更进阶的调情。,Adult women and men report that breast stimulation may be used to both initiate and enhance sexual arousal. -2599,毕 尔德 加 莱里 的 前臂 壁画 是 1730 年 由 斯科蒂 或 卡洛卡龙画 的 。,the frescoes in the Bildergalerie 's antechambers were painted in 1730 by either Scotti or Carlo Carlone . -2600,"刚果民族运动的最大敌人是约瑟夫·卡萨武布领导的阿巴科联盟(英语:ABAKO),该党倡导比民族运动更激进的意识形态,呼吁立刻独立并推广区域特征。","The MNC's main rival was the Alliance des Bakongo (ABAKO), led by Joseph Kasa-Vubu, who advocated a more radical ideology than the MNC, based around calls for immediate independence and the promotion of regional identity." -2601,"该党的创始人兼��袖是Preben Møller Hansen,他于1979年被丹麦共产党开除出党。","The party's leader was Preben Møller Hansen, writer, cook, and leader of the Danish sailors' union, who was expelled from the Communist Party of Denmark in 1979." -2602,"宪法要求总统以以下誓言宣誓(可以加上有宗教内容语句): “我宣誓将精力用于造福德国人民的事业,使它更为繁盛,预防毁坏,维持国家宪法和法律,自觉尊重职务,并公正对待各人。","The constitution required that on taking office the president swore the following oath (the inclusion of additional religious language was permitted): I swear to devote my energy to the welfare of the German people, to increase its prosperity, to prevent damage, to hold up the Reich constitution and its laws, to consciously honour my duties and to exercise justice to every individual." -2603,"1906年,他与 Tarbell和Baker一起离开 McClure杂志,并创办美国杂志。","In 1906, he left McClure's, along with Tarbell and Baker, to form The American Magazine." -2604,"2011年11月,洛杉矶借助一名iPhone失主的查找我的iPhone服务寻获一名持枪抢劫犯罪嫌疑人。","In November 2011, police in Los Angeles, California were able to find an armed robbery suspect by using Find My iPhone on the victim's stolen iPhone." -2605,美國在1492年被哥倫布發現。,America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. -2606,"玛丽皮尔斯在决赛中以6比4,6比4的比分战胜伊娃马约利赢得冠军。","Mary Pierce won the title by victory against Iva Majoli 6 -- 4 , 6 -- 4 in the final ." -2607,会议地点在在理事会部长办公室。,The talks were held in the Council of Ministers Office. -2608,橙色和蓝色生物的图画,a drawing of an orange and blue creature -2609,粉红色的猫在空中飞翔的图画,a drawing of a pink cat flying through the air -2610,一张蓝鸟的画,头上有一个黄色的皇冠,a drawing of a blue bird with a yellow crown on its head -2611,4 月 25 日 , RHP Louis Coleman 从 遗孀 名单 中 被 召回 , 并 将 LHP Luis Avilan 选入 AAA Oklahoma City 。,"on April 25 , recalled RHP Louis Coleman from the bereavement list and optioned LHP Luis Avilán to AAA Oklahoma City ." -2612,在抵达阿德莱德并参加阿德莱德港教会协会之前,Waye在Willunga和Renmark踢了他最早的足球。,Waye played his earliest football in Willunga and Renmark before arriving in Adelaide and participating in the Port Adelaide Church Association . -2613,马丘比丘古城由三座主要建筑物组成,分别是拴日石 (Intihuatana)、太阳神庙和三窗之屋。,"Machu Picchu consist of three main structures, namely Intihuatana, the Temple of the Sun, and the Room of the Three Windows." -2614,这是一个从建立保加利亚公国到现代保加利亚国家的政府首脑列表。,"This is a list of the heads of state of the modern Bulgarian state, from the establishment of the Principality of Bulgaria to the present day." -2615,``Intuite''(Favored Nations,2001)是他的第一张民谣吉他专辑。它包括了他献给Michael Hedges的一首歌。,""" Intuite "" ( Favored Nations , 2001 ) was his first instrumental , solo acoustic guitar album . It included a song he dedicated to Michael Hedges ." -2616,湯姆和瑪麗都生在波士頓。,Tom and Mary were both born in Boston. -2617,"肖万机理背后的实验证据为,四氯氧化钨和四丁基锡的均相混合物催化下,环戊烯与2-戊烯的反应: 反应的三个主要产物C9、C10和C11比例为1:2:1。","Chauvin's experimental evidence was based on the reaction of cyclopentene and 2-pentene with the homogeneous catalyst tungsten(VI) oxytetrachloride and tetrabutyltin: The three principal products C9, C10 and C11 are found in a 1:2:1 regardless of conversion." -2618,奥斯曼帝国 统治 下 的 南方 基督教 和 伊斯兰教,Christianity and Islam in the South under Ottoman Rule -2619,在 测试 中 , 艾伦 在 三局 中 获得 27 分 , 在 16.50 分 获得 20 分 。,"in the Tests , Allen scored 27 runs in three innings , and took 20 wickets at 16.50 ." -2620,更多的细节参看AdS/CFT。,See AdS/CFT for more details. -2621,"表演主持人给梅里克取名“象人”,并宣传他是“半人半象”( Half-a-Man and Half-an-Elephant)。","The showmen named Merrick the Elephant Man, and advertised him as ""Half-a-Man and Half-an-Elephant""." -2622,卡通牛仰面躺在地上,a cartoon cow laying on its back on the ground -2623,"维辛 在 战斗 中 死亡 , 查理曼 在 厄尔 比河 上 刺杀 了 伊斯特 法兰 人 , 为 他 报仇 .",Witzin died in battle and Charlemagne avenged him by harrying the Eastphalians on the Elbe . -2624,"他是英国广播公司第一台的DJ中服役时间最长的,从1967年开始,直到2004年去世。","He was the longest serving of the original BBC Radio 1 DJs, broadcasting regularly from 1967 until his death in 2004." -2625,动力学补偿:前指数因子的增加往往会补偿活化能的增加:,Kinetic Compensation : An increase in the preexponential factors tends to compensate for the increase in activation energy : -2626,"在 那里 , 他 参观 了 科洛丰 附近 的 特洛伊 和 阿波罗 克拉 罗斯 的 神坛 .",there he visited the site of Troy and the oracle of Apollo Claros near Colophon . -2627,"康沃利斯 不 信任 印度人 , 用 英语 取代 印度人 .",Cornwallis distrusted Indians and replaced Indians with English . -2628,"1915年,英国的国际牧羊犬协会(International Sheep Dog Society(英语:International Sheep Dog Society))干事詹姆斯‧里德(James Reid)率先开始使用“边境牧羊犬”这个名称以和其他育犬协会中已由ISDS注册的柯利牧羊犬(即苏格兰牧羊犬,包含长毛(粗毛)牧羊犬(Rough Collie(英语:Rough Collie))及短毛(顺毛)牧羊犬(Smooth Collie(英语:Smooth Collie)))做出区别;它们虽然源自同一血统,但在1860年被引入展示场后就开始与其他品种交配而发展出了不同的标准外型。","In 1915, James Reid, Secretary of the International Sheep Dog Society (ISDS) in the United Kingdom first used the term ""Border Collie"" to distinguish those dogs registered by the ISDS from the Kennel Club's Collie (or Scotch Collie, including the Rough Collie and Smooth Collie) which originally came from the same working stock but had developed a different, standardised appearance following introduction to the show ring in 1860 and mixture with different breeds." -2629,Fagerum是厄兰岛上的一个小村庄。它属于Borgholm市。,Fagerum is a small village on Öland . It belongs to the municipality of Borgholm . -2630,請您稍後再來好嗎?,Would you please come again later? -2631,他们 在 Medjez 平原 战役 和 Banana 嶺 战役 以及 Djebel bou Aoukaz 战役 中 作战 。,they fought at the Battle of Medjez Plain and the Battle of Banana Ridge and in the Battle of Djebel bou Aoukaz . -2632,它是由一位12岁的美国人汤姆·沙尔于2012年3月26日首次成功完成的。,"It was first successfully completed on 26 March 2012 by a twelve-year-old American , Tom Schaar ." -2633,HBP1与SIN3A和视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白存在相互作用。,HBP1 has been shown to interact with SIN3A and Retinoblastoma protein. -2634,一只头上戴着黄色蝴蝶结的卡通鹿,a cartoon deer with a yellow bow on its head -2635,"1995年10月,伊夫·拉丰加入团队一年,协助HTML表格和样式表开发。","In October 1995, Yves Lafon joined the team for a year to provide support for HTML form and style sheet development." -2636,但是 , 大多数 民主党 州长 主持 农村 和 人口 较少 的 县 的 工作 。,"however , most of the Democratic sheriffs preside over rural and less populated counties ." -2637,"2015年9月13日,女演员柔伊·莎达娜和麦迪逊·沃尔夫(英语:Madison Wolfe)签约以在片中分别饰演莫利女士(Ms. Molle)及芭芭拉。","In September 13, 2015, actresses Zoe Saldana and Madison Wolfe signed on to play Ms. Molle and Barbara in the film." -2638,一些 爱好者 使用 藻类 洗涤器 自然 过滤 水 .,some hobbyists use an algae scrubber to filter the water naturally . -2639,当 他 长大 时 , 他 渴望 模仿 莱斯 的 犯罪活动 。,as he grows up he aspires to emulate Les ' criminal dealings . -2640,在发达国家,你甚少会听到关于水质或桥梁倒塌类似程度的投诉。,In developed countries you seldom hear similar levels of complaints about water quality or bridges falling down. -2641,"在英国,公制是多数受监管的计重交易,或以计量目的使用的官方计量单位制度,但一些英制单位仍然是主要的官方计量单位。","In the United Kingdom the metric system is the official system for most regulated trading by weight or measure purposes, but some imperial units remain the primary official unit of measurement." -2642,阴暗面下面的地壳薄一些,高地下的地壳厚一些。,It is thinner under the maria and thicker under the highlands. -2643,那只狮子被称作尼塔尼狮子。,The team is nicknamed The Lions. -2644,2015 年年末, TogiNet 创建了 AstroNet 广播作为子电台。,"In late 2015, TogiNet established AstroNet Radio as a subsidiary station." -2645,亚瑟 · 奥斯本 , 《 山路 》 杂志 的 第一任 编辑 。,"Arthur Osborne , the first editor of the ashram journal , The Mountain Path ." -2646,"截止2015年,公制计量体系在多数国家占据支配地位;一些传统单位仍然在许多地方的特定行业使用。","As of 2015, the metric system officially predominates in most countries of the world; some traditional units, however, are still used in many places in specific industries." -2647,"2012年:9月1日、9月30日,发生在UTC+10:30以东的时区。","2012: September 1 and 30, only in time zones east of UTC+10:30." -2648,"虽然斯瓦希里文化占主导地位,许多不同文化共存于巴加莫约,其中包括阿拉伯后裔。","Although Swahili culture dominates, many different cultures coexist in Bagamoyo, including people of Arab descent." -2649,赫 伦斯 和 伊雷帽 在 布鲁克斯 岛 的 保护区 里 筑巢 .,herons and egrets nest in protected areas on Brooks Island . -2650,"他们也可能会变得过度敏感,胡乱揣测他人的举动和决定背后的意图。","They may also become hypersensitive, internalizing others’ actions and decisions." -2651,"相反 , 老鹰 妈妈 来 抚育 那 只 幼虫 .",instead the mother eagle comes to brood the young buzzard . -2652,有 400 多万人前往罗马参加葬礼。,Over four million people went to Rome to attend the funeral. -2653,以色列要求协议签订后,在山谷中部署十年的军事力量,而巴勒斯坦民族权力机构只同意保留五年。,Israel demands an ongoing military presence in the valley for ten years once an agreement is signed while the PA agrees to leave such presence only for five years. -2654,"2008年10月,伊拉克政府接管了原来由美国军方资助的拥有54,000名成员的觉醒委员会。","In October 2008, the Iraqi government took over from the American military the responsibility for paying 54,000 members of the Awakening councils." -2655,"许多 传统 主义者 认为 , 大多数 斯威士兰 人 把 特殊 的 精神 角色 赋予 了 君主 .",many traditionalists believe that most Swazi ascribe a special spiritual role to the monarch . -2656,他们把当地的其它村庄也全部烧毁。,They even burned entire villages. -2657,一个张着嘴的小精灵的图画,a drawing of a pokemon with its mouth open -2658,"一名12岁的女童当场死亡,另有九人受伤。","A twelve-year-old girl was killed instantly, and nine others were injured." -2659,一个头上戴着盆栽的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a potted plant on his head -2660,"1847年4月13日,伯内特与出身加的斯显赫商人家族的玛丽·A·特里(Mary A. Terry)成婚。","On April 13, 1847, Burnett married Mary A. Terry, the daughter of a prominent Cadiz merchant." -2661,意大利 裔 美国 人 的 故事 、 回忆录 、 诗歌 .,"stories , memoirs , poems by and about Italian Americans ." -2662,跳跳蛙公司在1998年收购了了Explore Technologies公司。,LeapFrog acquired Explore Technologies in August 1998. -2663,他也出演过喜剧电影,后来出演音乐角色。,"He also appeared in comedic films and later in life , in musical roles ." -2664,这样的分配降低了信号干扰的风险 。,This allocation of bands minimizes the risk of signal interference. -2665,穆加尔 帝国 在 16 世纪 征服 了 孟加拉 。,the Mughal Empire conquered Bengal in the 16th century . -2666,"1840 年 , 她 被 新西兰 公司 包租 , 在 桑 特里 船长 的 领导 下 飞往 惠灵顿 .","chartered by the New Zealand Company , she sailed for Wellington in 1840 under Captain Santry ." -2667,大众汽车保有量较高还会导致更高的道路交通事故发生率,而这将推动发明用于修复伤者伤处的全新医疗技术。,"Mass car ownership also leads to a higher incidence of accidents on the roads, which leads to the invention of new techniques in healthcare for repairing damaged bodies." -2668,拉卡·辛格 (Lakkha Singh) 还介绍了 chhappan bhog bhajan。歌手 Raju Khandelwal 陪同他身边。,"Lakkha Singh presented the chhappan bhog bhajan as well. Singer, Raju Khandelwal was accompanying him." -2669,"德国的果酒通常叫做苹果酒,当地著名的果酒是Ebbelwoi, Apfelmost (未发酵苹果), Viez (来自拉丁语,是葡萄酒的替代品), 或者 Saurer Most(酸性未发酵果酒),这些酒的酒精度含量在5.5%–7%之间,微酸。","German cider, usually called Apfelwein (apple wine), and regionally known as Ebbelwoi, Apfelmost (apple must), Viez (from Latin vice, the second or substitute wine), or Saurer Most (sour must), has an alcohol content of 5.5%–7% and a tart, sour taste." -2670,红色和黄色的小精灵小精灵角色,a red and yellow pokemon pokemon character -2671,"但是,这种攻击似乎没有比蛮力攻击更好。","However, this attack does not seem to be competitive with the brute force attack." -2672,"其建造于天然温泉之上,甚至可以看到蒸汽从清真寺墙壁附近的地面通风口升起。",The most outstanding feature of the mosque is that it was actually built over natural thermal spas; one can even see the steam rising from vents in the ground near the mosque walls. -2673,"他们像是错过了班车,在一个遥远的视角观察生活。",They decide to travel along together and see a house in the distance. -2674,广告 上 有 免费 的 自来水 、 充足 的 洗手间 和 帐篷 .,"advertisements boasted free water fountains , ample restrooms , and misting tents ." -2675,他在哥斯达黎加担任翻译和教师四年,大部分时间都在那里上学,然后在欧洲工作了一年。,"He worked as a translator and teacher in Costa Rica for most of the four years he was in school there , and then worked in Europe for one year ." -2676,当 感到 震惊 的 时候 , 通常 平静 的 黄色 Tang 可�� 在 尾巴 上 竖起 脊柱 , 用 快速 的 侧向 动作 向 对手 猛击 。,"when alarmed , the usually placid yellow tang can erect spines in its tail and slash at its opponent with rapid sideways movements ." -2677,最新 的 毕业班 2017 年 , 2013 年 招收 了 1 200 名 助产士 , 2017 年 招收 了 1 053 名 。,"the most recent graduating class , that of 2017 , inducted exactly 1,200 midshipmen in 2013 and graduated 1,053 in 2017 ." -2678,你現在滿意了嗎?,Are you satisfied now? -2679,蛋黄 为 面团 提供 蛋白质 、 脂肪 和 乳化剂 .,"the egg yolk contributes proteins , fats , and emulsifiers to the dough ." -2680,2017年10月,Outwood Grange Academies学校成为信任并加入Outwood学院Redcar。,"In October 2017 , the Outwood Grange Academies school became trust and joined the Outwood Academy Redcar ." -2681,支援.NetFramework 2.0。,Web 2.0 Support. -2682,她 向 哈 努曼 祝福 说 了 许多 好话 和 好话 .,she blesses Hanuman with many kind words and boons . -2683,一幅戴着绿帽子的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character wearing a green hat -2684,"在全世界,宗教被形塑为神圣、超自然的。","All over the world, religion is formed around a divine, supernatural figure." -2685,我們可以信賴他的判斷。,We can rely on his judgement. -2686,乘坐头等舱或商务舱最明显的方式是花一大笔钱来享受这种特权(或者,更好的方式是让你的公司给你出钱乘坐)。,"The obvious way of flying in first or business class is to fork out a thick wad of money for the privilege (or, better yet, get your company to do it for you)." -2687,Pennypacker出生于纽约南安普敦,在二十世纪之后不久搬到宾夕法尼亚州,然后搬到长岛的纽约市。,"Pennypacker , born in Southampton , New York , moved shortly after the turn of the twentieth century to Pennsylvania before moving to New York City on Long Island ." -2688,"在2015年西南偏南名为《探索虚拟现实的未来》的工作小组里,首次公布该原型机使用了两个萤幕,而非之前所认为的一个。","During a panel at SXSW 2015, titled ""Explore the Future of VR"", it was publicly announced for the first time that the prototype uses two screens instead of one as previously thought." -2689,,"On June 9 , 1970 , Birender Singh married the PremLata Singh ." -2690,五彩缤纷的鸟儿站在它的后腿上,a colorful bird is standing on its hind legs -2691,土耳其人,唐人,穆斯林阿拉伯人和藏人争夺中亚的控制权,直到唐朝在10世纪崩溃。,"The Turks , Tang , Muslim Arabs , and the Tibetans competed for control of Central Asia until the tang ’ s collapse in the 10th century ." -2692,"在 死者 的 家里 , 他 娶 了 厄尔 维拉 的 尸体 , 就 死 了 .","in the house of the dead , he marries the corpse of Elvira , and dies ." -2693,1993年,在库班州立大学,他毕业于语言学家和同一语言的教师,并于1995年毕业于俄罗斯大学,担任律师。,"In 1993 , at Kuban State University , he graduated as a philologist and teacher of the same language , and in 1995 he graduated from the Russian University as a lawyer ." -2694,以下是多种语言的尊重人的主格表,包括单数和复数 - 第二种变体(如果有的话):,"The following is a table of the nominative case of the respectful person in many languages , including their singular and plural - second variants ( if present ) :" -2695,二进制数只能占两个值里的其中一个,即0或者1,而这样的数被称为二进制数字,即计算机术语中的“位”。,"A binary number can have only one of two values, i.e. 0 or 1, and these numbers are referred to as binary digits - or bits, to use computer jargon." -2696,"在133天的谈判之后,(这个天数比拿破仑复辟时间还要长33天),第二次巴黎协议在11月20日签署了。","After 133 days of negotiations, longer than the turmoil itself, the second Treaty of Paris was concluded on 20 November." -2697,請安靜地關門。,Please close the door quietly. -2698,它可以拉成细丝,用于缠绕和编结。也可以捶打或碾成片状。,"It can be pulled into thin wire, which can be twisted and plaited. It can be hammered or rolled into sheets." -2699,"28 岁 的 埃德温 ? 瓦莱 罗 ( Edwin Valero ) , 委内瑞拉 前 WBA 超级 羽重 冠军 和 WBC 轻量级 拳击手 , 死 于 绞刑 .","Edwin Valero , 28 , Venezuelan undefeated former WBA super featherweight and WBC lightweight champion boxer , suicide by hanging ." -2700,随后 , 该船 驶往 直布罗陀 , 于 10 月 18 日 抵达 , 迎来 驻军 的 欢呼 。,"it then sailed to Gibraltar , arriving on 18 October to the cheers of the garrison ." -2701,那里面有许多爱好清洁者;真主是喜爱清洁者的。,In it are men who love to be purified; and God loves those who make themselves pure. -2702,净水的方法有很多,有些对特定的污染更有效。,"There are different ways of purifying water, some more effective against specific threats." -2703,"因应付社会污名和跨性别恐惧者的批评指责而生的情绪压力会促使跨性别者寻求精神健康方面的治疗,为的是改善生活质量,正如一位跨性别女性所反映的那样:“跨性别人士会去找一位治疗师协助,但是他们的大部分问题治疗师都束手无策,尤其在变性后。","The emotional strain of dealing with stigma and experiencing transphobia pushes many transgender people to seek treatment to improve their quality of life, as one trans woman reflected: ""Transgendered individuals are going to come to a therapist and most of their issues have nothing to do, specifically, with being transgendered." -2704,如果你想来点风味浓郁的小点心,可以试试果酱包,这种甜点在不同地区有不同的称呼,如 Berliner、Pfannkuchen、Krapfen。,"If you want some small though rich pastries, try what depending on region are called Berliner, Pfannkuchen or Krapfen." -2705,与此同时,以 U 型潜艇为主力的德国海军试图拦截这场运输。,"At the same time, the German navy, using mainly U-boats, was trying to stop this traffic." -2706,那 就 在 直立 的 轴 上 驱动 了 暖气 , 然后 一个 直径 6 英尺 的 铸铁 大刺 轮 驱动 了 四 对 磨石 。,"that drove the wallower on the upright shaft , then a 6 ft diameter cast iron great spur wheel drove four pairs of millstones ." -2707,对面街区也开设了Tesco Express店铺以及一家黎巴嫩餐厅。,A Tesco Express store is also open along with a Lebanese restaurant in the opposite block. -2708,2007年,他作为丰田试车手驾驶,并继续参加GP2车队的Trident Racing。,"In 2007 , he drove as a Toyota test driver and also continued for GP2 team Trident Racing ." -2709,502 . Mahaamunayae , 是 最 伟大 的 冥想 者 、 瑜伽 者 或 Muni 的 主,"502.Mahaamunayae , The Lord who is the greatest contemplator , yogi or Muni" -2710,记住,虽然主舞台上的音乐可能已经结束,但节日的其他部分可能会一直演奏音乐到深夜。,"Remember that even though music on the main stages may have finished, there may be sections of the festival that will keep playing music until late into the night." -2711,你穿點東西。,Put on some clothes. -2712,"这将有效地为游戏产业价值链增加一个新的组成部分,并且如果继续走向成熟,它将融入整个行业。","This effectively added a new component to the game industry value chain and if it continues to mature, it will integrate itself into the overall industry." -2713,Halifax C.VI Halifax B.VI型轰炸机转为军事运输机使用。,Halifax C.VI Halifax B.VI bombers converted into military transport aircraft. -2714,蓝白相间的黄嘴鸟,a blue and white bird with a yellow beak -2715,一颗红眼的星星的图画,a drawing of a star with a red eye -2716,他把谣言称为“政治碎碎念和愚蠢行为”。,"He referred to the rumors as ""political chatter and silliness""." -2717,我们的寄养系统应该提供安全的家、有爱心的看护者、稳定的教育和可靠的医疗。,"Our foster care system is supposed to provide safe homes, loving caregivers, stable education, and reliable health care." -2718,"乌云 笼罩着 我们 最 伟大 的 奥林匹克 运动员 之一 . ""","a cloud now hangs over one of our greatest Olympians . """ -2719,1970年,同性恋解放阵线赞助了芝加哥宿舍中首批公开宣布的同性混音器之一。,In 1970 the Gay Liberation Front sponsored one of the first openly announced same-sex mixers in Chicago at the dormitory . -2720,精子 受精 时 , 通常 发生 在 输卵管 最 广泛 的 部分 - - - - 肺泡 中 。,"fertilization by a spermatozoon , when it occurs , usually takes place in the ampulla , the widest section of the fallopian tubes ." -2721,"澳大利亚的皇室颂歌为《天佑女王》,在王室成员访问澳大利亚时演奏。","Australia portal Oceania portal Commonwealth realms portal Outline of Australia Index of Australia-related articles Australia's royal anthem is ""God Save the Queen"", played in the presence of a member of the Royal family when they are in Australia." -2722,滑雪自由行:这项活动也叫越野滑雪、滑雪旅游或滑雪远足。,"Backpacking by ski: This activity is also called backcountry ski, ski touring or ski hiking." -2723,当然,这个传统有其基督教神学的解释,但它很可能是基督诞生以前就存在的一种庆祝春天、祈求丰收的仪式。,"There are of course Christian theological explanations for this tradition, but it may well be a pre-Christian Spring and Fertility ritual." -2724,塔德出生于萨尔拉省的多尔多涅省,并在图卢兹和巴黎学习法律。,"Tarde was born in Dordogne in the province of Sarlat , and he studied law at Toulouse and Paris ." -2725,"他说这个组织拥有“用来训练伊玛目”的学校,“伪装成一家在英国注册的慈善机构”,并���有穆斯林裁决委员会以迫使意识形态的一致性。","He said the group has schools ""to train imams,"" has funded a ""mechanism in the guise of a UK-registered charity,"" and has a fatwa council to enforce ideological conformity." -2726,"SM3比SM2有数个改进:支援标准FP32(32-bit 浮点)精度、动态分支、增加效率和更长的指令长度,这些都是主要的改良项目。","SM3 extends SM2 in a number of ways: standard FP32 (32-bit floating-point) precision, dynamic branching, increased efficiency and longer shader lengths are the main additions." -2727,"不久 之后 , 雷塞 在 尾部 喷气式 飞机 , "" 滑倒 在 这里 , 旋转 在 那里 "" , 坠落 了 45 码 。","soon after , Reese jetted around the end , "" slipping here , twirling there "" , for a 45 yard touchdown ." -2728,盟军登陆促使轴心国占领了维希法国(安东行动)。,The Allied landings prompted the Axis occupation of Vichy France (Case Anton). -2729,"此外,也有建议含阿司匹林的复方制剂用于预防心血管疾病。",Aspirin has also been suggested as a component of a polypill for prevention of cardiovascular disease. -2730,"理查回到Sagorsky的家,帮助与他结婚的Julia。","Richard returns to the Sagorsky's home to help Julia, whom he marries." -2731,1915 年 11 月 18 日 下午 , 栋 加里 人 从 诺比 游 到 格林 山 , 下午 晚些时候 抵达 , 在 艺术 学院 露营 。,"the Dungarees marched from Nobby to Greenmount on the afternoon of 18 November 1915 , arriving late afternoon , and camping at the School of Arts ." -2732,有時候,我還是會想起她。,I sometimes still think about her. -2733,"某些公理化集合论的做法是不做这个假定:有的不把上述陈述作为公理,而是作为对等号的定义。","Some treatments of axiomatic set theory prefer to do without this, and instead treat the above statement not as an axiom but as a definition of equality." -2734,"西邻喀麦隆,南邻中非共和国。","Smellekamp, Mijn wedervaren in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek." -2735,罗马天主教会也在葡萄牙统治吉大港期间在孟加拉成立。,The Roman Catholic Church was established in Bengal during Portuguese rule in Chittagong. -2736,"Chrome OS 是由Google设计基于Linux内核的操作系统,并使用Google Chrome浏览器作为其主要用户界面。",Chrome OS is an operating system designed by Google that is based on the Linux kernel and uses the Google Chrome web browser as its principal user interface. -2737,""" 2010 年 4 月 20 日 在 新 共和国 Vaslav Nijinsky 的 尸检 中 ""","Bridget Lowe , ″ At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinsky ″ , New Republic , 20 April 2010" -2738,"其他神经递质如多巴胺能从靶细胞扩散掉并被身体的其他部位如肾排泄,或被肝脏分解掉。","Other neurotransmitters such as dopamine are able to diffuse away from their targeted synaptic junctions and are eliminated from the body via the kidneys, or destroyed in the liver." -2739,加利福尼亚州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格签署了一项法案,禁止向未成年人出售或出租暴力电子游戏。,California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a bill that bans the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. -2740,1995 年 夏天 , 北美 素食主义者 协会 把 他 带进 了 素食主义者 名人堂 。,"in the summer of 1995 , the North American Vegetarian Society inducted him posthumously into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame ." -2741,"在 《 A ' Stole 圣诞 如何 "" 》 一书中 , 塞塞 回到 了 罗西 伍德 , 在 她 没有 杰西卡 的 第一个 圣诞 安慰 阿里 。","in "" How the ' A ' Stole Christmas "" , CeCe returns to Rosewood to comfort Ali on her first Christmas without Jessica ." -2742,松鼠的黄金肤色提高它的胜利方面。,The gold colouring on the squirrel enhances the winning aspect. -2743,马达加斯加是目前为止最大的岛屿,对野生动物来说还是一片独立的大陆。,"Madagascar is by far the biggest, and a continent on its own when it comes to wildlife." -2744,普鲁士人 在 抓获 大炮 后 , 用 炮火 从 他们 自己 的 碎片 中 扫射 撤退 的 俄罗斯 人 。,"after capturing the cannons , the Prussians raked the retreating Russians with fire from their own pieces ." -2745,"所有 的 型号 都 收到 了 新 的 后 组合 灯具 , 如果 安装 , 新 风格 的 后 搅拌器 .","all models received new rear combination lamps , and if fitted , the new style rear spoiler ." -2746,"有些 人 把 纳粹主义 比作 基督教 , 因为 它 是 专制 的 、 集体主义 的 , 而且 是 一种 "" 群体 主义 "" 。","some liken Nazism to Christianity in that it is authoritarian , collectivist , and a "" herd mentality "" ." -2747,1895 年,在甲午战争 (1894-1895 年) 中战败后,清政府签署了《马关条约》,将台湾的主权割让给日本,日本统治台湾直至 1945 年。,"In 1895, after defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), the Qing government signs the Treaty of Shimonoseki, by which it cedes sovereignty over Taiwan to Japan, which rules the island until 1945." -2748,这个码对我来说太大了。,This size is too large for me. -2749,"在 马斯特里赫特 的 许多 寄生虫 和 虔诚 的 物体 中 , 有 十几个 寄生虫 .",amongst the many reliquaries and devotional objects in Maastricht are a dozen reliquary busts . -2750,由此产生的作品质量通常天真,并且在重建历史场景时不准确。,"The resulting works are generally naïve in quality , and inaccurate in their reconstruction of historical scenes ." -2751,场景在金字塔上展示,不同的金字塔被点亮。,The scenes are displayed on the pyramids and the different pyramids are lit up. -2752,"在JCL中所运行的程序并不一定要通过使用这个文件,来达到创建或删除文件的目的,因为DD DISP=...声明完成了这一系列工作。",The program used in the JCL does not actually need to use the files to cause their creation or deletion — the DD DISP=... specification does all the work. -2753,"钩子 击倒 了 Liam , 使 他 失去知觉 , 设法 逃走 了 .",hook knocks Liam unconscious and manages to escape . -2754,阿波罗 8 号 于 12 月 27 日 在 美国 航天局 的 第一个 黎明 时 安全 降落 在 太平洋 。,"Apollo 8 safely landed in the Pacific Ocean on December 27 , in NASA 's first dawn splashdown and recovery ." -2755,"乌阿图 看着 , 索尔 恳求 胡德 投降 , 以免 他 自杀 .","as Uatu watches on , Thor implores Hood to surrender , lest he kill himself ." -2756,所有的洞穴入口(这些洞被称为”七姊妹“)直径至少为 100 至 250 米(328 至 820 英尺)。,"All of the cave entrances, which were named ""The Seven Sisters"", are at least 100 to 250 meters (328 to 820 feet) in diameter." -2757,1956 年 5 月 , PIA 订购 了 五台 维克斯 客座 815 台 。,"in May 1956 , PIA ordered five Vickers Viscount 815S ." -2758,"当 Mooney 释放 副手 Marv 对付 Ivy 时 , 她 试图 逃走 .","when Mooney unleashes the minion Marv on Ivy , she tries to get away ." -2759,阿皮亚是萨摩亚的首都。该城镇位于乌波卢(Upolu)岛上,人口数量不足 4 万。,"Apia is the capital of Samoa. The town is on the island of Upolu and has a population of just under 40,000." -2760,Neustadtl an der Donau是奥地利下奥地利州Amstetten区的一座城市。,Neustadtl an der Donau is a city in the Amstetten district of Lower Austria in Austria . -2761,一个蓝白相间的卡通人物在奔跑,a blue and white cartoon character running -2762,"然而,车队在听证会上提供了充分的证据,即便他们违反了宵禁,国际汽联仍接受他们将无法派出车辆上场。","However, the hearing provided sufficient evidence to the FIA's satisfaction that the team would have been unable to field their cars, even if they had violated curfew." -2763,头顶帽子的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a hat on top of his head -2764,建立绿色养老城市将是避免像1995年芝加哥热浪这样的悲剧的好方法。,Establishing a green retirement city would be a good approach to avoid tragedies like the 1995 Chicago heat wave. -2765,"马可和克劳斯的残留另外还造成多人死亡,其中马可一共导致12人遇难。","Several more fatalities were caused by the remnants of Marco and Klaus, and the system caused 12 deaths." -2766,"两个 被 俘虏 的 战士 , 他们 的 红色 和 黑色 的 特拉 胡兹 特利 和 锥形 帽 可以 认出 .","two captive warriors , recognizable by their red and black tlahuiztli and conical hats ." -2767,代表意大利的实力派选手。,Active players in italics. -2768,"在 第 31 圈 , 迪 格拉西 在 第 4 轮 的 比赛 中 战胜 了 权力 .","on the 31st lap , di Grassi overtook Power at turn four for eighth ." -2769,突变会产生各种各样不同的影响,这取决于突变的类型、受影响遗传物质的重要性以及受影响的细胞是否为生殖系细胞。,"Mutations can have a variety of different effects depending on the type of mutation, the significance of the piece of genetic material affected and whether the cells affected are germ-line cells." -2770,"他和一些Sophia的家人以她的名字建立了一个基金,为有需要的学生提供乐器。",He and his wife Judie endowed a scholarship fund in his name to be awarded to minority students. -2771,阿拉伯 军团 还 占领 了 拉 特伦 修道院 。,the Arab Legion also occupied the Latrun Monastery . -2772,派克,怀俄明州,纽约是纽约两个村庄的名称:,"Pike , Wyoming County , New York is the name of two villages in New York :" -2773,那些椅子擋住了去路。,Those chairs are in the way. -2774,"据伊朗历史学家拉什杜丁·法德鲁拉(Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah)的叙述,这十二个省的省长,其中有8个是穆斯林;其他地区的副省长也都是穆斯林。","According to Iranian historian Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah, of these 12 governors, 8 were Muslims; in the remaining districts, Muslims were vice-governors." -2775,这张专辑是用原声乐器录制的,而不是前作专辑“Hot Tuna”中使用的电子乐器。,"The album was recorded live with acoustic instruments instead of the electric instruments used on the predecessor album "" Hot Tuna "" ." -2776,有些特殊的塔呈金字塔形状,被称为金字形神塔,是作为庙宇的一部分而建造的。,"Sometimes special pyramid shaped towers, called ziggurats, were built to be a part of the temples." -2777,"2001 年底 , 米克 · 贾格 发行 了 他 的 第四张 独唱 专辑 《 道旁 的 女神 》 .","in late 2001 , Mick Jagger released his fourth solo album , Goddess in the Doorway ." -2778,"1214年威廉一世过世,其子亚历山大二世即位。","Late in 1214, William died and was succeeded by his son, Alexander II." -2779,"游戏媒体Destructoid的Cory Arnold批评该作缺乏真正的单人模式,甚至认为小游戏质量比Wii Sports要差,表明他们没有任何进步。","Cory Arnold of Destructoid criticized the lack of a true single-player mode, and went as far as to say that the minigames were worse than what was included in Wii Sports, arguing that they lacked any sort of progression." -2780,施耐德 (Schneider) 在其祖国的美国空军 (USAF) 基地通过视频连线进行作证。,Schneider testified via videolink from a USAF base in his homeland. -2781,有关部门推测,这表明现场储存铀燃料的容器可能已经破裂,并且正在泄漏。,Authorities speculate that this indicates that containers holding uranium fuel at the site may have ruptured and are leaking. -2782,根据美国体操协会支持的一项独立调查,我们也许能够得知,幸存者勇敢曝光的、拉里·纳萨尔的大规模性侵行为,为什么在这么长时间内都没有被发现。此外,协会还表示会做出必要和适当的整改。,USA Gymnastics supports an independent investigation that may shine light on how abuse of the proportion described so courageously by the survivors of Larry Nassar could have gone undetected for so long and embraces any necessary and appropriate changes. -2783,在 美国 公开赛 连续 第四个 季度 决赛 中 , 他 以 四局 击败 了 胡安 · 马丁 · 德尔 波特 罗 。,"in his fourth consecutive quarterfinal appearance at the U.S. Open , he defeated Juan Martín del Potro in four sets ." -2784,一头鹿的鹿角图,a drawing of a deer with antlers on it's head -2785,1945 年 日本 殖民 帝國 廢除,1945 disestablishments in the Japanese colonial empire -2786,"他 还 出现 在 Capcom 的 Sengoku Basara , 他 在 那里 挥舞 着 一把 巨剑 和 一把 醉汉 .","he also appears in Capcom 's Sengoku Basara , where he wields a giant sword and a drunkard ." -2787,"美国疾病预防控制中心(1994年研讨会)和美国自杀预防基金会(1999年)曾建议电视节目及新闻媒体可以用此方式来预防自杀:将自杀和自杀的结果(例如自杀的痛苦以及自杀遗族的伤痛等)相连结,让社会大众可以选择自杀以外的方式来解决他们生命中的问题,另外也建议电视节目及新闻媒体避免提到自杀流行(英语:suicide epidemic)、避免把权威人士或是有同理心的一般人成为自杀合理性(英语:reasonableness of suicide)的代言人。","The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (from a 1994 workshop) and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (1999) have suggested that TV shows and news media can help prevent suicide by linking suicide with negative outcomes such as pain for the suicide and their survivors, conveying that the majority of people choose something other than suicide in order to solve their problems, avoiding mentioning suicide epidemics, and avoiding presenting authorities or sympathetic, ordinary people as spokespersons for the reasonableness of suicide." -2788,"她是中国电影界最有影响力的女演员之一,1949年被评为香港四大女演员之一。","She was one of the most influential actresses in Chinese cinema, and was named as one of the four great actresses in Hong Kong in 1949." -2789,自给农业是一种简单且通常是有机的系统,利用该生态区内保存的本地种子,与农作物轮作或其他相对简单的技术相结合,从而最大限度地提高产量。,"Subsistence agriculture is a simple, often organic, system using saved seed native to the ecoregion combined with crop rotation or other relatively simple techniques to maximize yield." -2790,但是 , 选民 们 更 喜欢 彼得 泰勒 和尚 · 沃恩 的 测试 。,"however , the selectors preferred Peter Taylor and Shane Warne for the tests ." -2791,农庄 、 木材 和 锯木厂 企业 于 二十世纪 初 在 霍洛 韦尔 公园 经营 。,"ranches , lumber and sawmill enterprises operated in Hollowell Park into the early 1900s ." -2792,普普大饭店是拉蒂法女皇主演的2006年���影《终极假期》(Last Holiday)的主要场景。,The Grandhotel Pupp was a major location for the 2006 movie Last Holiday starring Queen Latifah. -2793,"8 月 8 日 , 蓝箭队 再次 在 坦帕 湾 比赛 .","on August 8 , the Blue Jays again played the Tampa Bay Rays ." -2794,Kalithozhan是一部1966年的印度马拉雅拉姆电影,由M. Krishnan Nair执导,由AV Subbarao制作。,"Kalithozhan is a 1966 Indian Malayalam film , directed by M. Krishnan Nair and produced by AV Subbarao ." -2795,这是Epic Records在杰克森于2009年逝世后发行的第二张遗作专辑。,It is the second such album of posthumous material to be released by Epic Records since Jackson's death in 2009. -2796,"沃夫在1844年成为柏林大学的天文学教授,1847年担任伯恩天文台的台长。",Wolf became professor of astronomy at the University of Bern in 1844 and director of the Bern Observatory in 1847. -2797,我喜欢散步。,I like taking walks. -2798,通过红外光谱 (FTIR) 进行比较后发现,这些结晶的成分与在受影响宠物的尿液中发现的结晶成分吻合。,The composition of these crystals matches those found in the urine of affected pets when compared by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). -2799,他于1917年10月14日在德梅因堡担任少尉,几周后,西梅德福与土着马德琳马布雷Kountze结婚。,"He was appointed on October 14 , 1917 in Fort Des Moines , first lieutenant , and weeks later a West Medford married native Madeline Mabray Kountze ." -2800,"汤姆 逃走 了 , 发现 南希 面对 着 每 一个 人 的 愤怒 .",Tom escapes and finds Nancy who confronts Sienna infront of everyone . -2801,蓝色眼睛的小精灵图画,a drawing of a pokemon with blue eyes -2802,"正电子 很快 就 找到 了 一个 电子 , 它们 互相 消灭 .","the positron quickly finds an electron , and they annihilate each other ." -2803,看守总理朱莉娅·吉拉德在2010年联邦大选竞选期间称,她认为在女王伊丽莎白二世退位后,澳大利亚应该成为共和国。,Caretaker Prime Minister Julia Gillard claimed during the campaign of the 2010 federal election that she believed Australia should become a republic at the end of Queen Elizabeth II's reign. -2804,"他们认为简单而优秀的工艺美术运动装饰艺术提高工业消费感受,使得个人更加理智,社会更加和谐。","They claimed that the simple but refined aesthetics of Arts and Crafts decorative arts would ennoble the new experience of industrial consumerism, making individuals more rational and society more harmonious." -2805,"在 第 114 圈 , 里奇 · 侯恩 和 斯科特 · 狄克逊 分道扬镳 , 轮流 坠毁 .","on lap 114 , Richie Hearn and Scott Dixon tangled and crashed in turn one ." -2806,"总产量为483,593辆,仅次于前身9000,其中503,000辆已建成。","The total production of 483,593 units was narrowly beaten by the predecessor , the 9000 , of which 503,000 were built ." -2807,幼虫 的 栖息地 与 北虎 燕尾 - - 加拿大 山羊 重叠 .,"the gypsy moth habitat overlaps with the northern tiger swallowtail , Papilio canadensis ." -2808,"然而,马尼阿泰斯人(英语:Maniots)继续抵抗奥斯曼人的统治,并数次挫败了帝国对其区域发起的入侵,其中尤以1770年的入侵(英语:Ottoman invasion of Mani (1770))最为著名。","However, the Maniots continually resisted Ottoman rule, and defeated several Ottoman incursions into their region, the most famous of which was the invasion of 1770." -2809,汤姆年轻的时候经常游泳。,Tom used to swim a lot when he was younger. -2810,一只紫色的鸟,头上有一个黄色的十字架,a purple bird with a yellow cross on it's head -2811,粉红色鼻子的小动物图画,a drawing of a small animal with a pink nose -2812,"少年法庭,又作儿童法庭,是专门处理未成年罪犯的法庭。",The Juvenile Court is the State Court which takes care of offences committed by minors. -2813,除德语教学计划外,墨西哥官方语言仅作为外语授课。,"In addition to the German teaching programme , the official Mexican language was only taught as a foreign language ." -2814,He 111 P-2:改装FuG 10无线电代替FuG III。,He 111 P-2 Had FuG 10 radio in place of FuG IIIaU. -2815,"这是NASA指挥的范艾伦探测任务,属于与恒星共存计划中的一部分。",NASA is conducting the Van Allen Probes mission as part of the Living With a Star program. -2816,这件事他铭记于心。,The incident was etched in his memory. -2817,"他 用 不同 的 语调 反复 说 了 这句 话 , 不久 就 死 了 .","he uttered the phrase repeatedly , in different intonations , and died soon after ." -2818,"他的妻子贾雅·巴克罕表示,沉重的戏服挫伤了他的后背和脖子。","His wife, Jaya Bachchan stated that his heavy costumes hurt his back and neck." -2819,并且猜测富兰克林的家庭可能是一个不幸的家庭。,Ludwigia of the family Onagraceae might also be a host plant. -2820,视觉颜色测量是液体颜色测��的常规和常规形式。,Visual color measurement is the conventional and usual form of liquid color measurement . -2821,佩金帕 与 詹姆斯 · 汉密尔顿 ( James Hamilton ) 和 沃尔特 · 凯利 ( Walter Kelley ) 合作 , 重写 了 这部 剧本 , 并 放映 了 许多 纳粹 纪录片 。,"working with James Hamilton and Walter Kelley , Peckinpah rewrote the screenplay and screened numerous Nazi documentaries in preparation ." -2822,加 拉克 图斯 给 了 他 一部分 能量 宇宙 , 把 他 变成 了 银色 冲击 手 。,"Galactus imbues him with a portion of the Power Cosmic , transforming him into the Silver Surfer ." -2823,黄粉色翅膀的黑猫图,a drawing of a black cat with yellow and pink wings -2824,"海人 (能) 龙宫盗走宝物“面向不背之珠”,海人前往龙宫取回。","The male then mounts the female, rearing backwards to be able to join their cloacae." -2825,在保守的势坐标系中,可以写出一个以球形“U”形式移动的自由粒子的Hamilton算子。,"In conservative potential coordinates , the Hamilton operator of a free particle moving in a spherical "" U "" can be written ." -2826,马尔科瓦茨是克罗地亚斯拉沃尼亚地区的一个村庄,位于达鲁瓦尔以东。人口是80(人口普查2011)。,"Markovac is a village in the Slavonia region of Croatia , located east of Daruvar . The population is 80 ( census 2011 ) ." -2827,县治卡特里次堡(Catlettsburg)。,Liverpool Cathedral (Anglican). -2828,"多米尼克·威尔金斯 饰 Sab Than,Zodanga的王子。","Dominic West as Sab Than, the Jeddak of Zodanga." -2829,扬科维奇是温网的第三号种子,但在第四轮输给了令人惊讶的决赛选手马里昂巴托利。,"Janković was the third seed at Wimbledon , but lost in the fourth round to the surprising finalist Marion Bartoli ." -2830,表演开始五分钟后,刮起了风,约一分钟后,风速达到了 70 公里/小时……紧接着又下起了雨,雨势如此之大,像针扎一样拍打在皮肤上,随后天上下起了冰雹,惊慌失措的人群尖叫着四散奔逃。,"Five minutes into the display a wind starts rolling in, about a minute later, the wind is reaching 70km/h... then the rain comes, but so hard and so large that it slaps your skin like a needle, then hail fell from the sky, people panicking and screaming and running over each other." -2831,這對我是很大的震撼。,It was a great shock to me. -2832,除了Diana Hubbard之外,这张专辑还包括来自Chick Corea,Stanley Clarke,John Goodsall,Michael Boddicker和Patrick Moraz的音乐贡献。,"In addition to Diana Hubbard , the album contains musical contributions from Chick Corea , Stanley Clarke , John Goodsall , Michael Boddicker and Patrick Moraz ." -2833,"他 把 它 误认为 是 成熟 的 水果 , 便 跳 起来 吃 了 .","mistaking it for a ripe fruit , he leapt up to eat it ." -2834,布朗还出演了与卡桑德拉彼得森,水貂皮托和帕特里克布里斯托的桃子基督的“关于邪恶的一切”。,"Brown also appeared in "" All about the Evil "" of Peaches Christ with Cassandra Peterson , Mink Stole and Patrick Bristow ." -2835,国会没有征税的权力,而且因为没有国家行政部门或司法部门,国会只能依赖州政府执行所有法案,而州政府又经常不配合。,"Congress lacked any power to impose taxes, and, because there was no national executive or judiciary, it relied on state authorities, who were often uncooperative, to enforce all its acts." -2836,日本從國外進口各種原料。,Japan imports various raw materials from abroad. -2837,"95 岁 的 路易 · 沃尔夫 森 , 美国 商人 , 生于 1978 年 。","Louis Wolfson , 95 , American businessman , bred and raced 1978 U.S ." -2838,"截至2012年,卡巴斯基一直致力于软件开发,以保护发电厂等关键基础设施免受网路战的损害。","As of 2012, Kaspersky was working on developing software to protect critical infrastructure, like power plants, from cyberwarfare." -2839,威尔士的Talgarth最初是Brecon的Lunatic Asylum和Radnor Joint County,是位于威尔士中部医院的精神病医院。,"The Talgarth , Wales , originally the Lunatic Asylum of the Brecon and the Radnor Joint Counties , was a psychiatric hospital in the Mid Wales Hospital ." -2840,大多数 测试 是 由 印度 板球 手 在 2012 年 、 2015 年 和 2016 年 进行 的 。,"most Test runs in 2012 , 2015 and 2016 by an Indian cricketer ." -2841,对一些人来说,如果要克服因未知事物或不可控制的状况而产生的恐惧,了解飞机的工作原理和飞行的程序可能会有帮助。,"For some, understanding something about how aircraft work and what happens during a flight may help to overcome a fear which is based on the unknown or on not being in control." -2842,第五个寄存器 PC 指向当前指令的代码区。,"The fifth register, PC, points at the current instruction in the code area." -2843,它们约���三分之二的攻击是成功的。,Some two thirds of this are acts of aggression. -2844,给我一点钱。,Give me a little money. -2845,由于担心缺乏交通工具,比赛可能会被迫在没有球队支持者的情况下闭门进行。,Fears of lack of transportation raised the possibility that the game would be forced to play behind closed doors without the team's supporters. -2846,你就是我一直要找的人。,You're the man I've been looking for. -2847,我還沒有完全吃完。,I haven't quite finished eating. -2848,它们分布在海地。,It is found on Haiti. -2849,"到 1900 年 , 约 有 100 , 000 人 移民 到 美国 , 主要 在 北达科他州 、 南达科他州 、 堪萨斯州 和 内布拉斯加 定居 。","by 1900 , about 100,000 immigrated to the U.S. , settling primarily in North Dakota , South Dakota , Kansas , and Nebraska ." -2850,11 月 18 日 , Chass é 被 命令 与 荷兰 旅 一起 过夜 , 波兰 骑兵 从 Aranjuez 到 Oca ñ a 抵达 黎明 。,"on 18 November , Chassé , ordered to march overnight with the Dutch brigade and the Polish cavalry from Aranjuez to Ocaña , arrived at daybreak ." -2851,"1979 年 1 月 , 座椅 线 突然 关闭 .","in January 1979 , Seatrain Lines suddenly closed down ." -2852,联盟TMA-16 (俄语:Союз TMA-16)是俄罗斯联盟计划的一艘载人航天飞船。,The Soyuz TMA-16 (Russian: Союз TMA-16) was a manned flight to and from the International Space Station (ISS). -2853,"TeXmacs 不是 LaTeX 的前端程序,但 TeXmacs 文档可以被自由转换成 TeX 或 LaTeX 格式。",TeXmacs is not a front-end to LaTeX but TeXmacs documents can be converted to either TeX or LaTeX. -2854,"鸟儿 是 用 多 兰花 吃 的 ; 蘑菇 也 是 用 多 兰花 吃 的 , 或者 是 用 红萝卜 吃 的 .","birds are eaten with polenta ; mushrooms also with polenta , or in a risotto ." -2855,"因为游戏市场面向年轻人口,故售价为39.99美元。","Because the game was marketed towards a younger demographic, the game sold for US$39.99." -2856,我家有四個人。,We are a family of four. -2857,鉴于成员的年龄、种族、阶级、位置以及/或性别差异,亚文化可能会各具特色。,"Subcultures can be distinctive because of the age, ethnicity, class, location, and/or gender of the members." -2858,骑士 会 反对 瑞典 关闭 不来梅 公国 的 所有 女 律师 会 , 并 试图 至少 营救 其中 的 一个 。,the Knighthood objected the Swedish closure of all damsels ' convents in the Duchy of Bremen and tried to rescue at least one of them . -2859,"最后,信息论专注在可以储存在特定媒介内的资料总量,且因此有压缩及熵等概念。","Finally, information theory is concerned with the amount of data that can be stored on a given medium, and hence deals with concepts such as compression and entropy." -2860,他们通常会提供特别的食品、饮料和娱乐活动,让客人保持愉悦,留在赌场。,"They usually have special food, drink and entertainment offers, to keep guests in a good mood, and keep them at the premise." -2861,"他在2004年接受采访时表示:“我记得自己正在去银行的路上,心里烦闷无比——不管是经济还是别的任何方面,我面对的都是个烂摊子,所经营的感情也糟糕透顶。","In a 2004 interview, he commented: ""I remember I was on the way to the bank, and I was just bummed out—everything, financially, was really a mess for me." -2862,"Geertz 说 , 也许 是因为 泰勒 的 "" 深层次 动机 "" 。","alluding perhaps to Tylor 's "" deeper motive "" , Geertz remarked that" -2863,大金字塔是埃及人在公元前三世纪的杰作,它是众多向已故法老表示敬意的大型金字塔的其中之一。,"Built by the Egyptians in the third century BCE, the Great Pyramid is one of many large pyramid structures built to honor dead Pharaoh." -2864,黑灰龙图,a drawing of a black and gray dragon -2865,"根据伊斯兰教,神是超越任何的认知,没有参照物可以比拟,无论如何也不似他的所造物。","In Islam, God is beyond all comprehension or equal and does not resemble any of his creations in any way." -2866,她的另一项比赛是大回转,在女子站姿组中以 4:41.30 分钟的总成绩名列第十,比排名第一的奥地利选手克劳迪娅·罗什慢了 2:11.60 分钟,比排名第九的匈牙利选手巩基·达尼慢了 1:09.02 分钟。,"Her other race, the Giant Slalom, saw her finish in tenth in the women's sitting group with a combined run time of 4:41.30, 2:11.60 minutes slower than first place finisher Austrian Claudia Loesch and 1:09.02 minutes slower than the ninth place finisher Gyöngyi Dani of Hungary." -2867,她被警方逮捕了。,She was arrested by the police. -2868,胜出局数较多者胜出。,"Favorites to win, there are many." -2869,阿根廷以拥有世界顶尖的马球队和球员而闻名。,Argentina is well known for having one of the best polo teams and players in the world. -2870,"家中排行第七,上面还有两个哥哥和四个姐姐,唯一一个比他小的,就是伊坦丝。",He has seven brothers and two sisters (one from his father's previous marriage). -2871,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -2872,"由于建议在机翼内安装20mm机炮,使得每侧机翼内只能安装一门机炮,这也促使G.55系列1最终形态的产生,当DB603引擎成功安装后,这架飞机就成为了G.56的原型机。","The suggestion of weapons in the wings, limited to one 20 mm gun for each wing, originated the final configuration of the Serie I, while the DB 603 engine was successfully installed in what became the G.56 prototype." -2873,罪犯没有放人质们走。,The criminal didn't let the hostages go. -2874,唐太斯的朋友费尔南德蒙德戈(西德尼布莱克默)陪他进监狱。,Dantès ' friend Fernand Mondego ( Sidney Blackmer ) accompanies him to the jail . -2875,"惟质负子窜于东吴,至秦始皇37年乃还鲁。",Baekje (or Paekche) is considered the kingdom with the greatest art among the three states. -2876,還剩座位嗎?,Are any seats still available? -2877,它也没有权力推翻各州之间的税法和关税。,It also had no authority to override tax laws and tariffs between states. -2878,"1558年,奥利维多·范诺尔特出生于乌得勒支,于1598年7月2日离开鹿特丹,带着四艘船,计划攻打西班牙在太平洋的财产,并在荷兰、西班牙之间的八十年战争期间,与中国、摩鹿加群岛进行贸易。",He left Rotterdam on 2 July 1598 with four ships and a plan to attack Spanish possessions in the Pacific and to trade with China and the Spice Islands during the Eighty Years' War between the Netherlands and Spain. -2879,粉红色肚皮的绿色卡通蜥蜴,a cartoon green lizard with a pink belly -2880,尽管那里没有海啸的威胁,当地居民却感到坐立不安,纷纷结束生意及离开家园。,"Despite there being no tsunami threat, residents started to panic and began to leave their businesses and homes." -2881,尽管欧洲各国语言和习俗各不相同,但一千多年来,基督教把它们联系在了一起。,For over a thousand years the Christian religion had bound European states together despite differences in language and customs. I -2882,后来 , 他 招募 了 第二个 邪恶 的 使徒 , 为 以前 的 失败 对 魔鬼 进行 报复 。,he later recruited the second Emissaries of Evil in a plot of revenge against Daredevil for previous defeats . -2883,"在 英语 中 , "" 古代 羽毛 "" 提供 了 一个 粗糙 的 近似 。","in English , "" ancient pinion "" offers a rough approximation ." -2884,"当卢克 抓住 本 的 手腕 威胁 他 的 时候 , 他 对 卢克 大发雷霆 .","Ben plays a prank on Luke , which backfires when Luke grabs Ben 's wrist and threatens him ." -2885,“Live:Legend 1999/1997 Apocalypse”于2014年8月16日发布,并于2014年9月11日公布了官方预告片。,""" Live : Legend 1999 / 1997 Apocalypse "" was released on August 16 , 2014 with an official trailer announced on September 11 , 2014 ." -2886,"通过WHQL测试的产品可以使用“Windows认证”标识,证明该硬件或软件已经经微软测试来确保兼容性。","Products that pass the WHQL tests get to use a ""Certified for Windows"" logotype, which certifies that the hardware or software has had some share of testing by Microsoft to ensure compatibility." -2887,和 以前 在 Brands Hatch 的 赛道 不同 的 是 , 汽车 开始 在 起跑线 上 行驶 , 然后 在 Paddock Hill Bend 的 赛道 上 右倾 下坡 。,"unlike earlier rallycross courses at Brands Hatch , cars start on the startline then veer right and downhill on the loose at Paddock Hill Bend ." -2888,"或许,它的颜色来源自隆巴德军团(Legione Lombarda)的旗帜: 它包含米兰市的颜色——红色和白色,以及米兰国卫队制服颜色——绿色。","Probably, the colors have been chosen according to Legione Lombarda flag: it summed Milan city colors (red and white) to the green of Milan Civic Guard uniforms." -2889,在美国系列中,Benjamin Michael Evans Double是。,"In the American series , Benjamin Michael Evans Double was ." -2890,一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵角色,a very cute looking pokemon character -2891,"1960年7月11日,加丹加部族联盟领袖莫伊斯·冲伯宣布刚果南部加丹加省独立为加丹加国,伊丽莎白维尔为首都,并自立为总统。","On 11 July 1960, Moïse Tshombe, the leader of CONAKAT, declared the Congo's southern province of Katanga independent as the State of Katanga, with Élisabethville as its capital and himself as President." -2892,"古巴导弹危机(英语:Cuban Missile Crisis),又称加勒比海导弹危机、加勒比海危机,是1962年冷战时期在美国、苏联与古巴之间爆发的一场严重的政治、军事危机。","Cuban Missile Crisis – The Cuban Missile Crisis, known as the October Crisis in Cuba and the Caribbean Crisis in the USSR was a thirteen-day confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba on one side and the United States on the other; the crisis occurred in October 1962, during the Cold War." -2893,"他强调说,他已经注意到格莱珉的借款人在偿还格莱珉银行的贷款时,会获得自信和自给自足。",He stressed that he has observed that Grameen's borrowers attain a sense of confidence and self-sufficiency when they pay back their loans from Grameen bank. -2894,人工智能有很强的科幻色彩,但它其实是计算机科学非常重要的一个分支,研究的是机器的行为、学习和智能适应。,"Although AI has a strong connotation of science fiction, AI forms a very important branch of computer science, dealing with behavior, learning and intelligent adaptation in a machine." -2895,在 这个 故事 中 , 拉 切特 变成 了 一个 眼镜蛇 HiSS 坦克 。,in this storyline Ratchet turned into a Cobra hiss tank . -2896,广告电子邮件。,Email Marketing. -2897,军队亦然,因为军衔的高低不再基于等级,而是基于才干。,Same goes for the military because instead of army rankings being based on class they were now based on cailaber. -2898,Towradgi位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州卧龙岗北郊的北道尔顿公园Pioneer Rd。,"Towradgi is located at Pioneer Rd , North Dalton Park , in the northern suburbs of Wollongong , New South Wales , Australia ." -2899,"圣像原来在维堡东正教主教座堂,在第二次世界大战期间转移到赫尔辛基。","Originally it was given to the Orthodox Cathedral of Vyborg, from where it was moved to Helsinki during the Second World War." -2900,今天下午汤姆和玛丽会一起出去。,Tom is going out this afternoon with Mary. -2901,卢瑟 然后 暴露 在 流星 块 克里普 顿岩 的 矿物 中 , 这 大大 削弱 了 超人 。,"Luthor then exposes him to a mineral from the meteor piece , Kryptonite , that weakens Superman greatly ." -2902,他出生在诺丁汉郡的雷特福德,当他的父亲在那里找到工作时,他小时候搬到诺森伯兰郡戈斯福斯附近的Wiseton Estate。,"Born in Retford , Nottinghamshire , he moved as a boy to Wiseton Estate , near Gosforth , Northumberland , when his father found jobs there ." -2903,"八月十六日:议会在全国范围内采用太平绅士制,以之取代由当地贵族控制的传统法庭。",August 16: The Assembly establishes positions of justices the peace around the country to replace the traditional courts held by the local nobles. -2904,它 是 用印 于希拉 加纳 的 , 用 黄花 光泽 的 坎吉 印刷 的 。,it was printed in hiragana with kanji glossed with furigana . -2905,Stenolechia squamifera是日本发现的gelechiidae(九州,对马岛)的飞蛾。,"Stenolechia squamifera is a moth from the family of gelechiidae found in Japan ( Kyushu , Tsushima Island ) ." -2906,同理,有了申根签证,你就不必分别向每个申根成员国申请签证,从而节省了时间、金钱和手续。,"Similarly, by having a Schengen visa, you do not need to apply for visas to each of the Schengen member countries separately, hence saving time, money and paperwork." -2907,"一份该年5月的盖洛普民调显示高达56%的民众认为对越南用兵是个错误;50岁以上的民众中有61%如此认为,而21至29岁的民众则有49%这么认为。","A Gallup poll in May shows that 56% of the public believed that sending troops to Vietnam was a mistake, 61% of those over 50 expressed that belief compared to 49% of those between the ages of 21–29." -2908,满脸笑容的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a big smile on his face -2909,你解开谜团了吗?,Have you worked the puzzle out? -2910,一只戴着蓝色面具的卡通猴子,a cartoon monkey with a blue mask on -2911,后来 , Goguryeo 将军 Eulji Meendok 集结 了 Goguryeo 部队 , 并 不断 用 伏击 骚扰 他们 , 假装 撤退 。,"then the Goguryeo General Eulji Meundeok rallied Goguryeo forces , and constantly harassed them with ambushes and feigned retreats ." -2912,我已經得到了一切你想要的東西。,I've got everything that you want. -2913,对于那些计划怎么度过空档年的人来说,游学成为越来越受欢迎的选择。,An increasingly more popular option for those planning a gap-year is to travel and learn. -2914,1977年,美国1号被转移到韦伯斯特大道和亚历山大汉密尔顿大桥,经过布朗克斯高速公路穿过哈莱姆河。,"In 1977 , the US 1 was transferred to Webster Avenue and Alexander Hamilton Bridge , crossing the Harlem River via the Cross Bronx Expressway ." -2915,我想找一种提升记忆力的方法。,I'd like to find a way to improve my memory. -2916,它使用卫星技术,而不是老旧的地面雷达技术,使空中交通管制员能够更精确地定位飞机,并向飞行员提供更准确的信息。,It uses satellite-based technology as opposed to older ground-radar-based technology to allow air traffic controllers to pinpoint aircraft with greater precision and give pilots more accurate information. -2917,更传统的教堂常常在复活节周末的周六晚上举行复活节守夜活动,会众通常在午夜钟声敲响之时涌入庆典,庆祝基督的复活。,"More traditional churches often hold an Easter Vigil on Saturday night during the Easter weekend, with the congregations often breaking into celebration at the stroke of midnight to celebrate Christ's resurrection." -2918,二战 中 最 成功 的 美国 潜艇 列表,list of most successful American submarines in World War II -2919,"不要丢弃我,使我离开你的面;不要从我取去你圣别的灵。",Response: And take not thy Holy Spirit from me. -2920,该报告对行政当局目前对伊拉克政策的几乎每一个方面都提出了严厉批评,并敦促立即改变方向。,The Report is highly critical of almost every aspect of the present policy of the Executive towards Iraq and it urges an immediate change of direction. -2921,"1910年肖特公司与皇家航空俱乐部一起搬到大约4公里以外的位于Eastchurch的更大的场地,在那里公司制造了由John W. Dunne设计的 Short-Dunne 5,这是世界上第一架无尾航空器(tailless aircraft)。","In 1910 both the airfield and the aircraft factory were relocated to larger quarters at Eastchurch, about 2.5 miles (4 km) away, where the Short-Dunne 5, designed by John W. Dunne, was built and became the first tailless aircraft to fly." -2922,"许多泰国人喜欢穿黄色衬衫作为对国王的非正式敬意,尤其是在他出生那天的星期一。","Many Thais like to wear yellow shirts as an informal homage to their king, especially on Mondays, the day of his birth." -2923,剑的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a sword -2924,包括 渔网 重量 、 针头 和 鱼钩 。,"including fishing net weights , needles and fishhooks ." -2925,Clara Louise Bell(1886 - 1978)(被称为Clara Louise Janowsky)是一位美国小型画家。,Clara Louise Bell ( 1886 -- 1978 ) ( known as Clara Louise Janowsky ) was an American miniature painter . -2926,"1996 年 , Salinger 允许 一家 小 出版商 Orchise Press 出版 "" Hapwor16 , 1924 "" , 这是 以前 没有 收集 到 的 小说家 。","in 1996 , Salinger gave a small publisher , Orchises Press , permission to publish "" Hapworth 16 , 1924 "" , the previously uncollected novella ." -2927,上层建筑 及其 底座 给 人 的 印象 是 压下 了 下层 建筑 .,the upper storey and its pediment give the impression of compressing the lower one . -2928,壳体由文石制成,但主要沉积物可能由角砾方解石组成。,"The shells are made of aragonite , although the primary deposits may consist of cameral calcite ." -2929,"他 将 "" 约束 "" 摔跤 运动员 , 在 暴徒 中 把 他们 砍倒 , 同时 唱 一个 传统 的 波多黎各 轰炸机 圣玛丽亚 。","he would "" discipline "" wrestlers by mugging them in a mob , while singing a traditional Puerto Rican bomba , Santa María ." -2930,这种欧洲瓷器的设计,由日本人品尝许多,用白色和蓝色的花朵制成瓦格纳。,"The design of this European porcelain , by the Japanese taste many , with white and blue flowers made Wagener ." -2931,2015年9月15日,约翰逊与罗马尼亚队SCM CSU Craiova签约,约翰逊于2016年7月17日与波兰队StalOstrówWielkopolski签约。,"On 15 September 2015 , Johnson signed with the Romanian team SCM CSU Craiova , Johnson signed with the Polish team Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski on 17 July 2016 ." -2932,我不能走。,I can't walk. -2933,满脸笑容的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a big smile on his face -2934,虚拟实地考察是高科技的解决方案。学生可以在课堂上观看博物馆的人工制品,参观水族馆,或者欣赏精美的艺术品。,"Technology offers the solution with virtual field trips. Students can look at museum artifacts, visit an aquarium, or admire beautiful art while sitting with their class." -2935,在一处 100 英尺宽的河段,水即将溢出堤坝。,Water is spilling over the levee in a section 100 feet wide. -2936,汤姆急着想知道结果。,Tom is anxious to know the result. -2937,"Publius Cornelius P . f . P . n . Slamio Nasica , 领事 , 公元前 111 年 。","Publius Cornelius P. f . P. n . Scipio Nasica , consul in 111 BC ." -2938,"到2011年年底,公司已建立起一个遍布120个国家的2000家商店组成的销售网络,这些商店中800家是公司直营店,450家是授权加盟店,850家是与其他合作伙伴共同经营的。","By the end of 2011, the company had built a network of 2,000 stores in 120 countries, of which 800 are its own stores, 450 are franchises and 850 are run with other partners." -2939,"毛虫 有 一个 腺体 , 当 蚂蚁 按摩 蜂蜜 时 分泌 蜂蜜 .",the caterpillars have a gland which secretes honeydew when the ants massage them . -2940,你想再來些醬汁嗎?,Would you like some more gravy? -2941,"��1915年10月,Jules Tinel用法语""le signe de fourmillement""同样描述了这种现象并命名为: Tinel征。","In October 1915, Jules Tinel described the same phenomenon in French ""le signe de fourmillement""." -2942,在计算机科学中,图形结构堆栈是有向非循环图,其中每个有向路径表示堆栈。,"In computer science , a graph-structured stack is a directed acyclic graph where each directed path represents a stack ." -2943,黄蜂双眼和双触角,a yellow bee with two eyes and two antennae -2944,委内瑞拉 中央大学 医学院 普通 病理学 和 生理 病理学 名誉教授 。,"Emeritus Professor of General Pathology and Physiopathology at the Faculty of Medicine , Central University of Venezuela ." -2945,等到指示燈變成綠色。,Wait till the light turns green. -2946,"压榨过的苹果肉用来作为动物在冬天的饲料,或做成肥料,或直接扔掉,或用来制成利口酒。","The pressed pulp is given to farm animals as winter feed, composted, discarded or used to make liqueurs." -2947,"中国部队绕过总部和周围的美国坦克,包围了防守者,在通往南方的道路建立了防守阵地。","They bypassed the headquarters and the American tanks nearby, surrounding the defenders and establishing blocking positions on the road to the south." -2948,他们仍在努力确定这次撞击的规模以及对地球的影响。,They are still trying to determine just how large the crash was and how the Earth will be affected. -2949,前奏 还 在 拜伦 的 《 英雄 》 中 写道 了 一个 巧合 .,Prell also wrote of a coincidence in Byron 's chartering the Hercules . -2950,他们有两个孩子:Elsie Dorothy Constant(c.1876 - ?)和Mary Eleanor Oliver Bramwell,néeBramwell(1880 - 1968)。,"They had two children : Elsie Dorothy Constant ( c.1876 - ? ) and Mary Eleanor Oliver Bramwell , née Bramwell ( 1880 -- 1968 ) ." -2951,我只想做好事。,I only wanted to do some good. -2952,一个像生物一样精致的泰迪熊,她看起来无害,但是她称为Spreens的美丽种族的神话般的才能可以提供一个秘密,"A delicate teddy bear like creature , she looks harmless , but the fabulous talents of her ursine race called Spreens can provide a secret" -2953,黄尾巴的蓝海马,a blue sea horse with a yellow tail -2954,"从工作室成立到1994年上古卷轴:竞技场发布的六年间,贝塞斯达共发行十个游戏,其中六个为体育游戏如模拟冰球联盟、NCAA篮球:四强之路('91/'92 版本)、韦恩·格雷茨基冰球,其余四个为改编游戏,主要有终结者系列等。","In the six years from its founding to Arena's 1994 release, Bethesda had released ten games, six of them sports games, with such titles as Hockey League Simulator, NCAA Basketball: Road to the Final Four ('91/'92 Edition), and Wayne Gretzky Hockey, and the remaining four adaptations from other media, primarily the Terminator series." -2955,"在警察调查过程中,她的父母惊讶地发现,莉迪亚与他们印象中的受欢迎、成绩好完全相反,她实际上是个孤独的人,几乎没有朋友,成绩也已经严重下滑。","As the police investigate, her parents discover that contrary to their belief that Lydia was popular and doing well in school, she was actually a loner with almost no friends and that her grades had severely slipped." -2956,蓝眼睛的粉红色和白色的卡通人物,a pink and white cartoon character with blue eyes -2957,欧洲的影响和殖民主义始于15世纪,当时葡萄牙探险家瓦斯科·达·伽马(Vasco da Gama)发现了从欧洲到印度的开普敦航线。,"European influence and colonialism began in the 15th century, as Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama found the Cape Route from Europe to India." -2958,国会从 2005 财年开始资助该扫黄倡议,并规定联邦调查局 (FBI) 必须指派 10 名探员专门打击成人色情。,Congress began funding the obscenity initiative in fiscal 2005 and specified that the FBI must devote 10 agents to adult pornography. -2959,鹿角上有花的图画,a drawing of a deer with flowers on its antlers -2960,一个人在一个有翅膀的球上的图画,a drawing of a person on a ball with wings -2961,"路透社在稍后发表的声明中表示道歉:路透社误认这个画面传自北极,而不是在北大西洋,随后他们重新放上了正确的报导 。","Reuters later apologized and issued a statement reading in part: ""Reuters mistakenly identified this file footage as originating from the Arctic, and not the North Atlantic where the footage was shot"", and they reposted the story with correct captions." -2962,我们为什么不离开这里?,Why don't we get out of here? -2963,蒸气 与 烟囱 气体 一起 排入 或 拖曳 烟箱 , 烟箱 中 的 压力 比烟箱 炉栅下 的 要 低 。,the steam entrains or drags the smokebox gases with it which maintains a lower pressure in the smokebox than that under the firebox grate . -2964,他曾被海盗抢劫,在西藏被疯狗袭击,在尼泊尔逃婚,还曾在印度被捕。,"He was robbed by pirates, attacked in Tibet by a rabid dog, escaped marriage in Nepal and was arrested in India." -2965,蓝黑小精灵的图画,a drawing of a blue and black pokemon -2966,凯撒 在 58 场 和 57 场 大战 中 击败 了 大批 军队 .,Caesar defeated large armies at major battles 58 and 57 . -2967,"不少伊拉克商人在叙利亚港口设立企业,从事伊拉克进口业务,使到访叙利亚的伊拉克人数在2003-4年增加。","Many Iraqi businesspeople set up ventures in Syrian ports to run import operations for Iraq, causing an increased number of Iraqis visiting Syria in 2003–4." -2968,"威廉姆斯表示魔杖是她最喜欢的性玩具,因为其具有充足的可靠性和取悦阴蒂的力量。",Williams said the Magic Wand was her favorite sex toy because of its dependability and its power at delivering pleasure to the clitoris. -2969,埃尔斯沃思地 (Ellsworth Land) 位于该半岛的南部,面朝别林斯高晋海 (Bellingshausen Sea)。,"Ellsworth Land is the region south of the Peninsula, bounded by the Bellingshausen Sea." -2970,教会中央集权制在罗马存在了一千多年,这种权力和金钱的集中让许多人开始质疑,他们是否遵守了这一信条。,The central authority of the church had been in Rome for over a thousand years and this concentration of power and money led many to question whether this tenet was being met. -2971,"在 顶部 , 一阵阵 微风 和 简单 的 松软 气息 冲过 了 这座 建筑物 .","at the top , a frieze and simple cornice surmount the building ." -2972,"参天的大树之间摆放着很多雕像,其中大部分古代大理石雕像是古斯塔夫三世从意大利购买的。",Most of the antique marble statues throughout the gardens were purchased by Gustav III from Italy. -2973,现代城市卡萨布兰卡是由柏柏尔 (Berber) 渔民在公元前 10 世纪建立的,曾被腓尼基人、罗马人和马里尼德人 (Merenid) 用作战略港口,港口曾被称为安法 (Anfa)。,"The modern city of Casablanca was founded by Berber fishermen in the 10th century BCE, and was used by the Phoenicians, Romans, and the Merenids as a strategic port called Anfa." -2974,"喜鹊试图刺激蝙蝠侠,宣称因为他们同样黑色的服装设计使他们非常相似。","Magpie attempts to goad Batman, declaring that they're very much alike due to the dark design of their costumes." -2975,我们游览了所有主要城市。,We toured all the major cities. -2976,马达加斯加的哺乳动物群主要是地方性的,非常独特。,The mammalian fauna of Madagascar is largely endemic and highly distinctive . -2977,她 在 温布尔登 的 四分之一 决赛 中 击败 了 李娜 , 但 在 半决赛 中 输给 了 利西 基 。,she beat Li Na in the quarterfinals of Wimbledon but lost her semifinal match to Sabine Lisicki . -2978,这是一所现代房屋。,It's a modern house. -2979,红眼蓝龙图,a drawing of a blue dragon with red eyes -2980,野牛角的图画,有角的野牛,有角的野牛,a drawing of a bison with horns and horns -2981,赫尔希和蔡斯利用噬菌体或病毒,将他们自己的 DNA 植入到细菌之中。,"Hershey and Chase used phages, or viruses, to implant their own DNA into a bacterium." -2982,哈塔米政府非常希望改善与美国的关系。,Singh's government has worked towards stronger ties with the United States. -2983,有人会开车吗?,Can anyone drive? -2984,珀金·沃贝克于勃艮第法庭宣称自己为英格兰国王爱德华四世之子。,"Perkin Warbeck claims to be the son of King Edward IV of England, at the court of Burgundy." -2985,"当 桑巴 鹿在 夏天 从 山上 下来 时 , 他们 捕食 它 .",they prey on sambar deer when the latter descend from the hills during summer . -2986,"在政府停摆下,具体哪些部门需要关闭等细节将由美国行政管理和预算局决定。",The exact details of which government functions stop during a shutdown is determined by the Office of Management and Budget. -2987,Stille是Schmalkalden的一条河流入德国图林根市的Schmalkalde河。,"Stille is a river of Schmalkalden It flows into the river Schmalkalde in the city of Thuringia , Germany ." -2988,1963年,Konrad Adenauer由HansJürgenKallmann绘制。,"In 1963 , Konrad Adenauer was painted by Hans Jürgen Kallmann ." -2989,"在得知RIAA的企图扩大版权法的说法后,电脑及通讯工业协会、美国互联网产业协会与电子前锋基金会提交法庭之友辩护状支持Barker女士的动议及反驳RIAA的说法。","Upon learning of the RIAA's argument, which sought to expand copyright law, the Computer & Communications Industry Association, the U.S. Internet Industry Association, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) submitted amicus curiae briefs supporting Ms. Barker's motion and rebutting the RIAA's argument." -2990,"Gotcha(发音),在计算机编程领域指在系统、或程序、程序设计语言中一个合法有效的构造但是反直觉、总是容易造成错误,易于使用��其结果是不期望的或者不合逻辑的。","In programming, a gotcha is a valid construct in a system, program or programming language that works as documented but is counter-intuitive and almost invites mistakes because it is both easy to invoke and unexpected or unreasonable in its outcome." -2991,羽毛的结构表明它们不是用来飞行的,而是用来调节温度或炫耀的。研究人员认为,尽管这是一只年轻恐龙的尾巴,但样本显示的是成熟的羽衣,而不是幼崽的羽毛。,"The feathers' structure suggests that they were not used in flight but rather for temperature regulation or display. The researchers suggested that, even though this is the tail of a young dinosaur, the sample shows adult plumage and not a chick's down." -2992,"据D'Astous称,和其它电子游戏开发工作室不同,艺夺蒙特利尔以小团队(共350人)长时间的开发周期为特色。","According to D'Astous, unlike other video game development studios, Eidos Montréal's development cycle is characterized by smaller teams (totalling 350) working over a longer period." -2993,躺着的蓝色小精灵的图画,a drawing of a blue pokemon laying down -2994,《独立宣言》背面写着“Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776(《独立宣言》原件,1776 年 7 月 4 日)”的字样。文字写在文件底部,是倒过来的。,"Written on the back of the Declaration of Independence were the words ""Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776"". The text appears on the bottom of the document, upside down." -2995,来自布里斯班的Doug和Lyn Enoch的长子Wesley Enoch在Stradbroke岛长大。他是昆士兰州政府部长Leeanne Enoch的兄弟。,"The eldest son of Doug and Lyn Enoch from Brisbane , Wesley Enoch grew up in Stradbroke Island . He is the brother of Queensland government minister Leeanne Enoch ." -2996,Contempo Magazine是德克萨斯州麦卡伦的月度美国印刷和在线杂志。,"Contempo Magazine is a monthly American print and online magazine in McAllen , Texas ." -2997,"麦卡贝 猛击 保龄球 , 无情地 钩 着 .","McCabe attacked the bowling vigorously , hooking relentlessly ." -2998,木匠 将 卡迪纳斯 的 领先 纪录 与 6RBI 联系 起来,carpenter ties Cardinals ' leadoff record with 6 RBI -2999,"一列科林斯柱直接立在第一列柱子上方,增加了建筑物的高度。","A set of Corinthian columns stands directly above the first set, adding to the height of the building." -3000,苏尔特 的 军队 和 萨 胡克 的 龙来 了 , 他们 的 炮火 开始 在 南门 轰击 普鲁士人 。,Soult 's corps and Sahuc 's dragoons arrived and their artillery began pounding the Prussians at the southern gate . -3001,2 号 种子 凯文 安德森 在 四分之一 决赛 前 输给 了 谁 。,2 seed Kevin Anderson in the quarterfinals before losing to no . -3002,据报道,大约有 60 起 iPod 发生故障、机身过热的情况,共造成 6 起火灾,4 人轻微烧伤。,"Around 60 cases of malfunctioning iPods overheating have been reported, causing a total of six fires and leaving four people with minor burns." -3003,"1948年,联合国童军总会成立,于1957年共有48名成员。","In 1957 the United Nations Scout Association, which was founded in 1948 had 48 members." -3004,双曲线情况类似,在(常数曲率公式83)双曲面中由固有半径“R”的圆盘面积给出,"The hyperbolic case is similar , with the area of a disk of the intrinsic radius "" R "" in the ( constant curvature formula 83 ) hyperbolic plane given by" -3005,托克 伍德 的 制作者 故意 将 卡迪夫 描绘成 现代 城市 中心 , 与 过去 威尔士 的 陈 规定 型 形象 形成 鲜明 对照 。,"the makers of Torchwood deliberately portray Cardiff as a modern urban centre , contrasting with past stereotypical portrayals of Wales ." -3006,巴特勒 的 詹姆斯 军队 在 P . G . T . 统治 下 与 劣等 势力 对峙 。,Butler 's Army of the James bogged down against inferior forces under P.G.T . -3007,中国、加拿大和欧盟消极应对最初的公布(没有提到豁免加拿大和墨西哥)。,"China, Canada, and the European Union responded negatively to the initial announcement (which did not mention any temporary exemptions)." -3008,"第一次中东战争期间,70,000名来自卢德和拉姆拉的巴勒斯坦人和阿拉伯人被以色列军强行驱逐。","During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, some 70,000 Palestinian Arabs from the cities of Ramle and Lydda were forcibly expelled by Israeli forces." -3009,"俭约恭谨,未尝有过。","Fate unknown, never tried." -3010,现在有票。,Tickets are available now. -3011,"他替车队参与了俄罗斯、西班牙、奥地利及马来西亚大奖赛的第一阶段自由练习赛,表现受到雷诺董事总经理西里尔·阿比特布尔(英语:Cyril Abiteboul)肯定。","He took part in the first free practice sessions during the Russian, Spanish, Austrian and Malaysian Grands Prix and received positive feedback from Renault head Cyril Abiteboul." -3012,毛绒绒的动物穿上马甲的图画,a drawing of a furry animal wearing a vest -3013,塔线 分手 了 , 1935 年 7 月 9 日 , Maheno 人 在 弗雷泽 岛 东海岸 上海滩 上 。,"the towline parted , and on 9 July 1935 the Maheno became beached on the east coast of Fraser Island ." -3014,全天都有公交车从城区间公交站(跨河)发车,但大部分车次,特别是开往东部和贾卡尔/布姆唐的公交车都在 06:30 至 07:30 之间发车。,"Buses depart the inter-district bus station (across the river) throughout the day, though most, especially those heading to the east and Jakar/Bumthang leave between 06:30 and 07:30." -3015,克利夫顿桥建于1866年,渡轮开始受到Portishead火车站用户的欢迎。,"When the Clifton Bridge was built in 1866 , the ferry became popular with the users of Portishead Railway Station ." -3016,绿色和黄色的小精灵角色,a green and yellow pokemon character -3017,"Schatzberg , Michael G . 《 扎伊尔 压迫 的 辩证法 》 。","Schatzberg , Michael G. The Dialectics of Oppression in Zaire ." -3018,"再往东就是港口的入海口,奥克兰码头。","Further east from these, and close to the harbour's entrance, lies the Port of Auckland." -3019,"多户家庭被迫撤离,州内许多水坝的蓄水量都已到达极限,许多通往曼萨尼约机场的道路封闭。",Several dams statewide reached their maximum capacity while numerous roads that led to the Manzanillo airport were closed. -3020,在 这 两种 情况 下 , 汞 从 太阳 中 分离出来 的 时间 都 在 太阳 周围 的 17.9 度至 太阳 周围 的 27.8 度 之间 。,at both of these times Mercury 's separation from the Sun ranges anywhere from 17.9 ° at perihelion to 27.8 ° at aphelion . -3021,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵,a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes -3022,"在C#中,string是object的子型别,在Java中,String是Object的子型别。","For instance, in Java String is a subtype of Object, and in C# string is a subtype of object." -3023,"在 投手 的 胸部 和 橡胶 出现 之前 , 投手 从 一个 矩形 的 "" 投手 的 箱子 "" 里 扔 了 出来 。","before the advent of the pitcher 's mound and the rubber , the pitcher threw from within a rectangular "" pitcher 's box "" ." -3024,Alfred Barton Brady是政府建筑师,Thomas Pye是政府副政府建筑师。,"Alfred Barton Brady was Government Architect and Thomas Pye , Deputy Government Architect ." -3025,体内中毒可能不会立即显现出来,呕吐等症状十分普遍,因此不能立即作出诊断。,"Internal poisoning may not be immediately apparent. Symptoms, such as vomiting are sufficiently general that an immediate diagnosis cannot be made." -3026,除了 在 滑铁卢 作战 的 英国 团 之外,beside the British regiments that fought at Waterloo -3027,仿射缩放方向可用于选择启发式以使居中参数适应:,The affine scaling direction can be used to choose a heuristic to adaptive the centering parameter as : -3028,1992 年初 , 无线电 天文学家 Aleksander Wolszczan 和 Dale Frail 宣布 发现 两个 行星 在 脉冲星 PSR 1257 + 12 轨道 上 运行 。,"in early 1992 , radio astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail announced the discovery of two planets orbiting the pulsar PSR 1257 + 12 ." -3029,"由于 臀部 受伤 , 她 错过 了 2012 年 美国 公开赛 后 的 所有 比赛 .",she missed all 2012 tournaments after the US Open due to a right hip injury . -3030,萨达特 在 1972 年 将 埃及 的 冷战 效忠 从 苏联 转移 到 美国 , 驱逐 了 苏联 顾问 。,"Sadat switched Egypt 's Cold War allegiance from the Soviet Union to the United States , expelling Soviet advisors in 1972 ." -3031,五彩缤纷的鸟儿在空中飞翔,a colorful bird flying through the air -3032,与此同时 , 随着 东印度 连 的 重组 , 阿里 的 军队 松散地 封锁 了 韦 洛尔 。,"meanwhile , Ali 's troops loosely blockaded Vellore as the East India Company regrouped ." -3033,"当每个小问题都得到解决后,大问题本体就得到了解决。","Once the smaller problems are solved, the big problem as a whole has been solved." -3034,保罗 · 欣迪米 思为 自己 的 八 重奏 使用 了 与 舒伯特 相同 的 乐器 .,Paul Hindemith used the same instrumentation as Schubert for his own Octet . -3035,来自列克星敦,普通,哈德逊,布卢明顿等地的个人和家庭都出来了。,"Individuals and families from around Lexington , Normal , Hudson , Bloomington , and elsewhere come out of it ." -3036,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -3037,德尔·波特罗(Del Potro)在第二盘刚开局时就占上风,但在比分达到 6-6 后就得进行抢七大战。,"Del Potro had the early advantage in the second set, but this too required a tie break after reaching 6-6." -3038,一幅戴着拳击手套的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with a boxing glove -3039,1969 年 12 月 20 日 英国广播公司 第 4 台 荒岛 迪士团 对 Alamein 的 采访 蒙哥马利 访客,"Viscount Montgomery of Alamein interview on BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs , 20 December 1969" -3040,作为大家庭里的姐妹和女儿,雌性之间通常彼此关系密切。,"The females are usually closely related to each other, being a large family of sisters and daughters." -3041,美国陆军的史崔克装甲车也是延伸自此型。,The American shuttle also has military uses. -3042,然而,我们百分之八十的商品在中美洲国家被征收关税。……我们对待你。,Yet eighty percent of our goods were taxed through tariffs in Central American countries. we treat you. -3043,一个紫色的卡通人物指着什么,a purple cartoon character pointing at something -3044,音乐由MS Baburaj创作,歌词由Naattika Sivaram编写。,The music was composed by MS Baburaj and lyrics was written by Naattika Sivaram . -3045,“它们的热行为不像地球上的大型洞穴那么稳定,这些大型洞穴通常会保持相当恒定的温度,但它们与地下深穴的情况很相似,”亚利桑那州旗杆镇美国地质调查局 (USGS) 太空地质团队和北亚利桑那大学的格伦·库欣说道。,"Their thermal behavior is not as steady as large caves on Earth that often maintain a fairly constant temperature, but it is consistent with these being deep holes in the ground,"" said Glen Cushing of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Astrogeology Team and of Northern Arizona University located in Flagstaff, Arizona." -3046,把手举起来!,Put your hands up! -3047,我願意幫他。,I'm willing to help him. -3048,他们 与 美国 1 号 公路 的 前 部分 旧 迪克 西 公路 的 南端 和 北端 相交 。,"they intersect the southern terminus of Crews Road and the northern terminus of Old Dixie Highway , a former portion of US 1 ." -3049,其中一封于 7 月 6 日寄给了乔治·华盛顿,华盛顿于 7 月 9 日在纽约向他的军队宣读了这封信。一份副本于 8 月 10 日抵达伦敦。,"One was sent to George Washington on July 6, who had it read to his troops in New York on July 9. A copy reached London on August 10." -3050,這封信需要用英文寫嗎?,Does the letter need to be written in English? -3051,布兹坎姆是一位应用语言学家。,Butzkamm is an applied linguist. -3052,云彩上的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character on a cloud -3053,"1987 年 11 月 1 日 , 一辆 125 城市 间 飞机 在 北 阿 莱顿 和 蒂尔 斯克 之间 时速 238 公里 。","on 1 November 1987 , an InterCity 125 travelled at 238 km / h between Northallerton and Thirsk ." -3054,5月28日 。,28 MAY. -3055,"在理想的活性系统下,假定产生活性物种的效率是100%,其中,每个引发剂只产生一种活性物质的动力学链长(活性物种单体的平均数在其寿命期间的反应),在一定时间里可以通过以下方式来计算剩余的单体浓度。","For an ideal living system, assuming efficiency for generating active species is 100%, where each initiator generates only one active species the Kinetic chain length (average number of monomers the active species reacts with during its lifetime) at a given time can be estimated by knowing the concentration of monomer remaining." -3056,北岸海滩(位于北港区内)在太平洋上,从北部的长湾 (Long Bay) 一直延伸到南部的德文波特 (Devonport)。,North Shore beaches (in North Harbour district) are on the Pacific Ocean and stretch from Long Bay in the north to Devonport in the south. -3057,前两集还在在澳大利亚的第十频道播出过。,The first two episodes also aired internationally in Australia on Channel Ten. -3058,他 在 1265 年 的 埃弗沙姆 战役 中 击败 并 杀害 了 蒙福 .,he defeated and killed Montfort at the Battle of Evesham in 1265 . -3059,"1927 年 , 帕特 · 纽雷尔 , 1935 年 , 在 RAF 斯 皮塔尔 盖特 新闻节目 上 的 飞行 展览 .","Pathe Newsreel , 1927 , of flying display at RAF Spitalgate Newsreel , 1935 ." -3060,这些 工艺品 一般 由 刺绣 的 餐巾 和 其他 纺织品 、 布娃娃 、 陶瓷 和 篮子 组成 。,"these crafts generally consist of embroidered napkins and other textiles , rag dolls , ceramics and baskets ." -3061,外交政策研究所专注的领域在于世界各地的地缘政治学、国际关系学、国际安全(英语:International security)、美国国内的种族冲突、国家安全、恐怖主义与智库本身。,"The Institute conducts research on geopolitics, international relations, and international security in the various regions of the world as well as on ethnic conflict, U.S. national security, terrorism, and on think tanks themselves." -3062,12 月 6 日 , 泰勒 进入 旱地 进行 另 一次 大修 。,"on 6 December , Taylor entered the drydock for another overhaul ." -3063,Dave Denine是加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多的前加拿大政治家。 2007年至2011年,他在省内阁担任政府间事务部长。,"Dave Denine is a former Canadian politician in Newfoundland and Labrador , Canada . He served in the provincial cabinet from 2007-2011 as Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs ." -3064,"在《These Are the Days of Our Lives》的末尾,默丘里直接说出这句歌词,就像他在《Love of My Life》的现场演唱中经常做的那样。","At the end of ""These Are the Days of Our Lives"", Mercury simply speaks those words, as he would often do in live versions of ""Love of My Life""." -3065,龙舌兰 用 藤条 、 根茎 、 松枝 和 松枝 与 乌龟 制作 手工艺品 .,"Tequisquiapan makes crafts with rattan , roots , juniper and pine branches along with ixtle ." -3066,罗马 人 在 比 德纳 的 第二次 战斗 中 迅速 击败 了 马其顿人 。,the Romans swiftly defeated the Macedonians at the Second battle of Pydna . -3067,"早期,AHTR关于石墨的研究集中在六角形石墨慢化块的插入石墨棒的形式,但如今的研究主要集中在鹅卵石式的燃料形式。","Early AHTR research focused on graphite in the form of graphite rods that would be inserted in hexagonal moderating graphite blocks, but current studies focus primarily on pebble-type fuel." -3068,"一位著名的法国人,担任马拉塔人的军事顾问Perron将军,在这个荷兰殖民地定居并在这里建造了一所大房子。","A famous Frenchman, General Perron who served as military advisor to the Mahrattas, settled in this Dutch colony and built a large house here." -3069,一幅熊抱着棒球棒的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a bear holding a baseball bat -3070,卡通猴的图画,拿着一根棍子,a drawing of a cartoon monkey holding a stick -3071,William Debenham于1794年出生于萨福克郡的Alpheton,他与Thomas Clark合作,在伦敦威格莫尔街44号经营一家布料商店。,"Born in 1794 in Alpheton in Suffolk , William Debenham joined Thomas Clark in a partnership to manage a draper 's store at 44 Wigmore Street in London ." -3072,“神奇女侠:重生”艺术家利亚姆夏普将新装甲描述为一种实用的装备,让她可以更自由地移动。,""" Wonder Woman : Rebirth "" artist Liam Sharp described the new armor as a utilitarian piece which allows her to move more freely ." -3073,"伊菲格 尼亚 跳 了 起来 , 前额 开始 漏水 , 还 爆发 了 恶性 的 呕吐 .","Iphigenia sprang her foremast and began to leak , and also suffered an outbreak of scurvy ." -3074,"西拉斯·迪恩(英语:Silas Deane)(一位在巴黎的大使),提出一个反英联盟,并认为法国应入侵汉诺威及葡萄牙(皆是英国的盟国)。","Silas Deane, an American envoy in Paris, proposed a major anti-British alliance and French invasions of Hanover and Portugal which were both British allies." -3075,"文章 杰克 · 安德森 , "" 保存 尼金斯卡 的 货架 。","; Articles Jack Anderson , "" Preserving Nijinska 's Ballets ." -3076,此外,如果做不到这一点将会带来严重的后果:生长抑制、营养不良,最终导致死亡。,"Moreover, failure to do so has serious consequences: growth depression, malnutrition, and ultimately death." -3077,长头发的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with long hair -3078,如果你要访问的国家受到旅行警告的约束,你的旅行健康保险或旅行取消保险可能会受到影响。,"If the country you will be visiting becomes subject to a travel advisory, your travel health insurance or your trip cancellation insurance may be affected." -3079,我们用植物做房子,用植物做衣服。我们吃的大部分食物都是植物。没有植物,动物就不能生存。,"We make our houses from plants and make clothes from plants. Most foods that we eat are plants. Without plants, animals could not survive." -3080,军方 人员 抵达 时 , 萨沙 从 1989 年 起 就 承认 了 同样 的 军方 警长 。,"the militsiya arrive , where Sasha recognises the same militsiya sheriff from 1989 ." -3081,他 体现 了 古巴 革命 的 希望 , 然后 又 体现 在 它 引起 的 幻灭 中 。,"he incarnated the Cuban revolution , in the hopes that it aroused , then in the disillusionments it provoked ." -3082,她 比 对手 更 准确 地 回馈 了 赞美 之词 , 因为 她 的 高射炮 击落 了 两个 冒犯 的 轰炸机 。,"she returned the compliment more accurately than her adversaries , as her antiaircraft battery splashed two of the offending bombers ." -3083,你昨天喝茶了吗?,Did you drink tea yesterday? -3084,"第二次世界大战后,战略轰炸机 的名称出现并投入使用,指飞机可以搭载航空器武装(英语:Aircraft ordnance)在远距离敌后目标执行任务。","After World War II, the name strategic bomber came into use, for aircraft that could carry aircraft ordnances over long distances behind enemy lines." -3085,這條街鋪上了柏油。,The street is paved with asphalt. -3086,"不仅仅是管理购买,销售等-ERP II利用其管理下的资源信息,以帮助企业与其他企业合作。","Rather than just manage buying, selling, etc.—ERP II leverages information in the resources under its management to help the enterprise collaborate with other enterprises." -3087,人们自古以来就知道金、银、铜等基本化学元素,因为这些元素都能以自然形态在自然界中发现,而且比较容易使用原始工具进行开采。,"People have known about basic chemical elements such as gold, silver, and copper from antiquity, as these can all be discovered in nature in native form and are relatively simple to mine with primitive tools." -3088,卡尔·荣格反对弗洛伊德的许多理论。,Carl Jung rejected many of Freud's theories. -3089,a 尽管 总 的 外向型 偏好 , 但 对 亲密 的 偏好 还是 高于 社交 方面 的 偏好 ),a preference for the Intimate over the gregarious facet despite an overall Extraversion preference ) -3090,汤姆出了桩事故。,Tom had a bad accident. -3091,“Sketch”是与贝司手Nina Souto和鼓手Arturo Garcia共同录制的最后一张专辑。,""" Sketch "" was the last album recorded with bassist Nina Souto and drummer Arturo Garcia ." -3092,自然主义者和哲学家关注古典文本,特别是拉丁文版的《圣经》。,"Naturalists and philosophers focused on classical texts and, in particular, on the Bible in Latin." -3093,10 月 21 日 , 他们 表演 了 Les Pr é cieus 的 讽刺 。,"on 21 October , they perform Les Précieuses ridicules ." -3094,据说这房子是个鬼屋。,It is said the house is haunted. -3095,旅行社通常会提供包括早餐、机场往返接送的套餐,有的甚至会提供航班和酒店住宿套餐。,"Travel agents usually offer packages that include breakfast, transportation arrangements to/from the airport or even combined flight and hotel packages." -3096,例如,要输入长度为4厘米的垂直线,绘制就足够了:,"For example , to enter a vertical line of 4 cm in length , it is sufficient to draw :" -3097,圣法兰西学院,哈斯拉斯路,是阿里格尔最好和最知名的学校之一。,"St Francis Inter College , Hathras Road , is one of the best and most renowned schools in Aligarh ." -3098,他有時看電視。,He sometimes watches TV. -3099,1984年参众两院扩大;其后众议院议员人数在148人至150人之间(参议员为76人)。,"In 1984, both the Senate and the House were enlarged; since then the House has had between 148 and 150 members (the Senate has 76)." -3100,一只卡通羊在踢足球,a cartoon sheep is kicking a soccer ball -3101,箱型水母会在每年十月到次年四月间出现在 1770 镇的海滩和河口附近。偶尔也能在其他时间点发现它们的身影。,Box jellyfish occur near beaches and near river estuaries from October to April north of 1770. They can occasionally be found outside these times. -3102,"结果,使用少量透明度的文件在旧的查看器中可能会以被接受地视图查看,但大量用透明度的文件在旧的查看器中会显示不正确而没警告。","As a result, files that use a small amount of transparency might view acceptably in older viewers, but files making extensive use of transparency could be viewed incorrectly in an older viewer without warning." -3103,"气旋强度在接下来几天里有所波动,于7月10日达到飓风标准,然后逐渐减弱,于7月11日以热带风暴强度吹袭尤卡坦半岛莫雷洛斯港(Puerto Morelos)。","Its intensity fluctuated over the subsequent days, attaining hurricane status briefly on July 10 before weakening and hitting Puerto Morelos on the Yucatán Peninsula on July 11 as a tropical storm." -3104,"四件金瓯永固杯均为三足鼎形,有两个夔龙耳和三个象首足。","A solid oak chest to contain all the prizes, possessing three locks and three different keys." -3105,Internet Explorer 7(2006年10月18日发布)之前建立的Internet Explorer所有版本仍然保留着部分Spyglass代码。,"All versions of the Internet Explorer created before Internet Explorer 7 (released October 18, 2006) acknowledged Spyglass as the licensor for the IE browser code." -3106,"另一方面,在冷马铃薯路由选择中,这个源自治系统掌握了这个分组直到它尽可能地接近目的地。","Cold-potato routing is the opposite, where the originating autonomous system holds onto the packet until it is as near to the destination as possible." -3107,上午 11 时 20 分 左右 , Dungarees 号 到达 布里斯班 南部 浴室 。,at around 11.20am the Dungarees reached the South Brisbane Baths . -3108,父子关系在米歇尔长大后有所好转。,The relationship between father and son improved as Michel grew older. -3109,这名患者曾去过尼日利亚,当地曾出现数宗埃博拉病毒的病例。,"The patient had been to Nigeria, where some cases of the Ebola virus have occurred." -3110,最近的咖啡短缺带来了许多问题。,The recent shortage of coffee has given rise to a lot of problems. -3111,11 月 11 日 , 他 在 74 码 的 地方 举行 了 八次 招待会 , 并 与 底特律 狮队 发生 了 两次 碰撞 。,"on November 11 , he had eight receptions for 74 yards and two touchdowns against the Detroit Lions ." -3112,多洛雷斯 · 奥 里奥 丹 , 《 雪莓 》 乐队 的 主唱 。,"Dolores O 'Riordan , lead singer of the band The Cranberries ." -3113,"它最初是由Louis Armstrong 在1967年作为单曲录制并发行,随即迅速登顶英国排行榜。","It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong and released in 1967 as a single, which topped the pop charts in the United Kingdom." -3114,"这歌本来打算在2003年Eurovision歌唱比赛中作为塞尔维亚和黑山的代表,但因太多国家参与,有关方面逼令一些国家退出,塞黑即为其一。",This song was due to represent Serbia and Montenegro in the Eurovision Song Contest 2003 but the EBU stated that too many countries wanted to enter in that year and so some would be forced to withdraw. -3115,你找到你的隱形眼鏡了嗎?,Did you find your contact lenses? -3116,最终,木轮被铁轮所取代。1767 年,第一条全铁轨道问世。,"Eventually, wooden wheels were replaced by iron wheels. In 1767, the first full-iron rails were introduced." -3117,适合在立足点不好的地方进行战斗。,They fight to a virtual stand still. -3118,小精灵的图画 小精灵的角色,a drawing of a pokemon pokemon character -3119,迪士尼:自1994年起。,MuchUSA: Launched in 1994. -3120,它曾经是亨利詹姆斯,威廉巴特勒叶芝和威廉詹宁斯布莱恩,田纳西威廉姆斯,皮特西格和菲尔多纳休等发言人的论坛。,"It has served as a forum for speakers ranging from Henry James , William Butler Yeats and William Jennings Bryan to Tennessee Williams , Pete Seeger and Phil Donahue ." -3121,其他的四位死刑犯则在1887年11月11日受到绞死。,"The other four were hanged on November 11, 1887." -3122,卡通向日葵的快乐表情,a cartoon sunflower with a happy face -3123,为了保持马来西亚的中立性,军刀通过泰国飞往新加坡。,"In order to preserve Malaysia 's neutrality , the Sabres were flown to Singapore via Thailand ." -3124,乘客前往梅努斯(Maynooth)转乘都柏林前往斯莱戈(Sligo)城际服务。,Passengers travel to Maynooth to transfer to Dublin to Sligo intercity service . -3125,犹他州声称利润率为60-34-4,而杨百翰同样领先犹他州57-31-4。,"Utah claims a margin of 60 -- 34 -- 4 , while BYU leads Utah claims 57 -- 31 -- 4 ." -3126,要说明社会化的重要性,最常用的方法之一是利用少数不幸儿童的案例。这些儿童由于被忽视、遭遇不幸或遭到故意虐待,在成长过程中没有在成年人的帮助下实现社会化。,"One of the most common methods used to illustrate the importance of socialization is to draw upon the few unfortunate cases of children who were, through neglect, misfortune, or wilful abuse, not socialized by adults while they were growing up." -3127,卡通人物手持棒球棒,a cartoon character is holding a baseball bat -3128,"2000 年 , 卡弗在 美国农业部 英雄 厅 担任 "" 化学 之 父 "" 的 包机 导师 。","in 2000 , Carver was a charter inductee in the USDA Hall of Heroes as the "" Father of Chemurgy "" ." -3129,最后 , 洛基 与 复仇者 和 众多 阿斯 加 迪安 战士 进行 了 最后 的 决战 , 以 阻止 恶魔 之神 征服 这 九个 领域 。,"eventually , Loki engages the Avengers and numerous Asgardian warriors in a final showdown to stop the God of Mischief from conquering the nine realms ." -3130,"他 最终 选择 他 的 朋友 的 儿子 作为 他 的 室内 门徒 , 叶为 他 的 "" 神童 "" 。","he eventually chooses his friends ' sons as his indoor disciples and Yue as his "" godchild "" ." -3131,这些因素同时影响其严重性和对治疗的反应。,These influence both its severity and its responsiveness to treatment. -3132,"用来表示税收收入的弹性(因着税率变化造成税收收入的变化),是一个思想实验下的结果。",It is used to illustrate the concept of taxable income elasticity (that taxable income will change in response to changes in the rate of taxation). -3133,一幅有手有脚的卡通人物图画,a drawing of a cartoon character with arms and legs -3134,"一般报纸会依照其主要分类分为几个部分(标示A、B、C等,其页码前也会加上其分类,例如A1-A20、B1-B20、C1-C20等)。","Usually the paper is divided into sections for each of those major groupings (labeled A, B, C, and so on, with pagination prefixes yielding page numbers A1-A20, B1-B20, C1-C20, and so on)." -3135,汤姆不会高兴。,Tom isn't going to be happy. -3136,"特蕾西 和沃 巴克 救 了 安妮 , 故事 于 10 月 12 日 结束 .","Tracy and Warbucks rescued Annie , and the storyline wrapped up on October 12 ." -3137,"灼伤的深度通常是通��体检确定,但也可以用切片检查。","The depth of a burn is usually determined via examination, although a biopsy may also be used." -3138,该银行是直布罗陀最早的银行。,This was the first bank in Djibouti. -3139,一个蓝白相间的卡通人物在奔跑,a blue and white cartoon character running -3140,"《险路勿近》于2007年11月上映,改编2005年科马克·麦卡锡同名小说。","No Country for Old Men, released in November 2007, closely follows the 2005 novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy." -3141,"在 维克多 "" 保镖 "" 纪念 杯 , 佩雷斯 击败 了 房地 美的 "" Blitz "" Lozada 。","at the Víctor "" The Bodyguard "" Memorial Cup , Pérez defeated Freddie "" Blitz "" Lozada ." -3142,"他被视为第一个印象派作曲家,尽管他极力反对这个形容词。","He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term." -3143,棕白相间的动物,粉红色的鼻子,a brown and white animal with a pink nose -3144,音乐 工作站 将 控制器 键盘 与 内部 声音 发生器 和 测序 器 结合 起来 .,music workstations combine controller keyboards with an internal sound generator and a sequencer . -3145,它 将 辐射 的 光波 段 与 描述 正常 传播 到 这些 波段 的 光束 的 常见 概念 结合 在 一起 。,it posits light radiating wavefronts with the common notion of light rays depicting propagation normal to those wavefronts . -3146,尽管如此 , 米特 里 达斯 还是 加入 了 反对 塞卢 库斯 的 安蒂奥 丘斯 · 希拉克 斯 。,despite this Mithridates joined Antiochus Hierax against Seleucus . -3147,许多常见格式(例如 APS 格式系列)都与这个长宽比相同或相当接近。,"Many common formats (APS family of formats, for example) are equal to or closely approximate this aspect ratio." -3148,一个非常可爱的脸上有火的小精灵角色,a very cute looking pokemon character with a fire on it's face -3149,1940 年 8 月 15 日,盟军攻入法国南部,这次进攻被称为“龙骑兵行动”。,"On 15 August 1940, the Allies invaded southern France, the invasion was called ""Operation Dragoon""." -3150,"为了 找回 米拉 , 莱纳 德 和 保利 分手 了 , 只是 为了 愚弄 帕特里 齐亚 和 她 结婚 .","to retrieve Mila , Leonard separates from Pauline , only to fool Patrizia and marries her ." -3151,蓝蝴蝶的翅膀上有白色的条纹,a blue butterfly with white stripes on its wings -3152,9 月 24 日 , 奈德 启航 前往 西班牙 海岸 进行 巡航 。,Naiad sailed for a cruise off the coast of Spain on 24 September . -3153,一个粉红色和棕色的动物坐在白色的表面之上,a pink and brown animal sitting on top of a white surface -3154,"汉娜 走进 里面 , 又 拿出 了 另 一部 名为 《 Arcturus 》 的 漫画 .",Hanna reaches inside and pulls out another comic titled Arcturus . -3155,一个粉红色和黄色的卡通人物拿着一根香蕉,a pink and yellow cartoon character holding a banana -3156,"最后 , Cerati 演奏 了 "" Sueles Dejarme Solo "" 的 乐曲 , 击碎 了 他 的 吉他 。","finally , Cerati played the riff of "" sueles Dejarme Solo "" and smashed his guitar ." -3157,乔治 · 华盛顿 的 兰斯 登 肖像 被 吉尔伯特 · 斯图尔特 复制 在 大厦 里 .,a replica by Gilbert Stuart of the Lansdowne portrait of George Washington hung in the mansion . -3158,"卡夫卡在生活中需要女性和色情时,自信心很低落,感到性是很污秽的,并对特别是自己的身体感到很羞涩。","While he needed women and sex in his life, he had low self-confidence, felt sex was dirty, and was shy—especially about his body." -3159,"宣言还提出改革英格兰社会护理(英语:Social care in England)将免费护理的门槛从23,250英镑提升至100,000英镑同时需经贫寒认定书(英语:Means test)认定并允许死亡后延期付款。","The manifesto also proposed reforms to social care in England that would raise the threshold for free care from £23,250 to £100,000 while including property in the means test and permitting deferred payment after death." -3160,其他R&amp;参与Bon Air发展的D官员是Andrew Talcott将军,Talcott的儿子Thomas M. Logan上校和Thomas Mann Randolph Talcott。,"Other R & amp ; D officials involved in the development of Bon Air were General Andrew Talcott , Col. Thomas M. Logan , Talcott 's son , and Thomas Mann Randolph Talcott ." -3161,一个男性化程度高、女性化程度低的人可被归类为男性。,"A person with high feminine identification and low masculine identification, would be categorized as ""feminine""." -3162,1972 年 波兰 克拉科夫 Narodowe 博物馆 国际 图形 艺术 两年 期第 4 期 。,"1972 4th International Biennale of Graphic Arts , Narodowe Museum , Krakow , Poland ." -3163,"在学历方面,绝大部分的教授都拥有博士学位。","In terms of education, the vast majority of professors hold doctorate degrees." -3164,"该要求被接受以后,ext3维护者曹子德(Theodore Ts'o)在2006年6月28日公开了ext4的开发计划。","This proposal was accepted, and on 28 June 2006, Theodore Ts'o, the ext3 maintainer, announced the new plan of development for ext4." -3165,一些 制造商 提供 竹制 自行车 、 冲浪板 、 雪板 和 滑板 .,"several manufacturers offer bamboo bicycles , surfboards , snowboards , and skateboards ." -3166,"9时38分,世越号和航管中心之间的所有通讯结束。","At 9:38 a.m., all communications were cut off between the VTS and the ferry." -3167,"盖乌斯 · 卡尔 普尔 纽斯 和 骑兵 一起 短途 跋涉 , 攻击 了 楔形 的 侧翼 .",Gaius Calpurnius made a short detour with the cavalry and attacked the flank of the wedge . -3168,"《 伯明翰 新闻 》 将 他 描述 为 "" 装扮成 格鲁吉亚 的 傻瓜 "" 。","the Birmingham News described him as "" dressed up like a Georgia gigolo . """ -3169,然而,大多数指示牌都只使用加泰罗尼亚语,因为这是法律规定的第一官方语言。,"However, most signs are indicated only in Catalan because it is established by law as the first official language." -3170,""" 非线性 轴对称 提升 圆板 "" , M . A .",""" nonlinear axisymmetric Uplift of Circular Plates , "" M.A ." -3171,Euglandina jacksoni是一种陆地呼吸空气呼吸陆地蜗牛,是一种掠食性腹足动物软体动物。,"Euglandina jacksoni is a species of terrestrial pulmonate air-breathing land snail , a predatory gastropod mollusk in the family Spiraxidae ." -3172,一个看起来非常可爱的卡通人物,笑容可掬。,a very cute looking cartoon character with a big smile -3173,一个 这样 的 民间故事 描述 了 月亮 被 她 的 情人 浸没 的 晨星 , 类似 于莱兰 的 神话 黛安娜 和 她 的 情人 路西 费尔 。,"one such folktale describes the moon being impregnated by her lover the morning star , a parallel to Leland 's mythology of Diana and her lover Lucifer ." -3174,蓝色和橙色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and orange pokemon -3175,一个看起来非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵角色,a very cute looking pokemon character with big eyes -3176,紫色的蛇坐在白色的背景上面,a purple snake sitting on top of a white background -3177,"紧接着 , 卢斯克向赛 诺德 请愿 , 要求 解除 科乔 联盟 会众 的 禁令 .","immediately following , Lusk petitioned Synod for a disjunction from the Conococheague congregation ." -3178,伯基特到庭时迟到了两个小时。,Birkett arrived in court two hours late. -3179,有时字母 'Ѕ' (dz)是和字母 'З' (z)一起使用。,"For example, the letter 'c' is often written as 'cz'." -3180,其他 北美 标签 , 如 Qbadic 和 Xenophile , 也 由 当代 古巴 乐队 发行 CD 。,other North American labels such as Qbadic and Xenophile also released CDs by contemporary Cuban bands . -3181,科学的主要目的是通过科学方法找出世界的运行方式。实际上,这种方法可为大多数科学研究提供指导。,Science’s main goal is to figure out the way the world works through the scientific method. This method in fact guides most scientific research. -3182,首个严谨的数学证明直到19世纪才出现。,"However, the first mathematically rigorous proof of this fact was obtained only in the 19th century." -3183,"在苹果手表发表会后,科技与钟表业界观察家间的最初反应分歧;部分人士赞扬手表的“设计、潜力和实用性”,而其他人则对这些项目抱持着相反的意见。","Following the announcement, initial impressions from technology and watch industry observers were varied; the watch was praised by some for its ""design, potential capabilities and eventual usefulness"", while others offered criticism of these same aspects." -3184,人们只能猜测,当更新的产品出现时,键盘的结局会是怎样。,One can only wonder what the keyboard will become when something newer comes along. -3185,"后来 , 红 颅骨 暂时 洗刷 了 三个 入侵者 的 大脑 , 让 他们 为 他 服务 .",red Skull later temporarily brainwashed three of the Invaders into serving him . -3186,"第一个 赛季 于 2015 年 5 月 18 日 在 "" 九网 "" 上 首演 。",the first season premiered on 18 May 2015 on the Nine Network . -3187,"为了因应数起导致许多人死亡的爆炸,美国环境保护署(EPA),职业健康与安全(OSHA)以及酒精,烟草和枪支管理局联合颁布了安全准则。","In response to several explosions resulting in the deaths of numerous people, U.S. agencies of Environmental Protection (EPA), Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms jointly issued safety guidelines." -3188,埃及死亡之谷的吉萨(Giza)高原(即“吉萨金字塔群”)包括多个金字塔(其中大金字塔是最大的)、几个小坟墓,几个寺庙和大狮身人面像。,"The Giza Plateau, or ""Giza Necropolis"" in the Egyptian Valley of the Dead contains several pyramids (of which the great pyramid is the largest), several small tombs, several temples, and the great Sphinx." -3189,一条蓝黄相间的鱼的图画,a drawing of a fish with a blue and yellow face -3190,"右边的一项用于描述粒子间相互碰撞产生的影响;如果此项为零,则说明粒子之间没有碰撞。",The term on the right hand side is added to describe the effect of collisions between particles; if it is zero then the particles do not collide. -3191,"爱尔兰在大西洋贸易中,以本地的牛只加上自伊比利半岛与法国西南部进口的盐,腌牛肉的制造量特别多。",Ireland produced a significant amount of the corned beef in the Atlantic trade from local cattle and salt imported from the Iberian Peninsula and southwestern France. -3192,鲍德温 四世 的 妻子 纳木尔 的 爱丽丝 给 城堡 一个 教堂 , 献给 浸礼会 的 圣约翰 。,"Alice of Namur , wife of Baldwin IV endowed the castle with a chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist ." -3193,紫色茄子与绿叶的图画,a drawing of a purple eggplant with a green leaf -3194,他從沒放棄達成那個目標的希望。,He never gave up hope that he would reach that goal. -3195,"离散变量自动电子计算机(英语:Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer,EDVAC)是一台美国早期电子计算机。",EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was one of the earliest electronic computers. -3196,蓝白相间的鱼图,a drawing of a blue and white fish -3197,这导致《色佛尔条约》中的条款未能真正执行。,This is even true when the frill shape is disregarded. -3198,一夜之间印刷了 150 到 200 份,就是现在众所周知的“邓拉普宽边”(Dunlap broadsides) 版。,"Through the night between 150 and 200 copies were made, now known as ""Dunlap broadsides""." -3199,蓝色和棕色怪物的图画,a drawing of a blue and a brown monster -3200,要是我很忙,我可能就会迟到。,If I am busy then I may arrive late. -3201,一幅张着嘴的小精灵图画,a drawing of a pokemon pokemon with its mouth open -3202,戴着太阳镜的卡通人物的图画,a drawing of a cartoon character wearing sunglasses -3203,元朝 的 蒙古人 在 1271 年 和 1273 年 再次 要求 悼念 .,"the Mongols of the Yuan dynasty demanded tribute , in 1271 and again in 1273 ." -3204,美国土著人相信大地是渡鸦制造的。,Indians knew the area as Crooked Tree. -3205,蒙得维的亚位于赤道以南,因此北半球冬天的时候,那里是夏天,反之亦然。,"Since Montevideo is south of the Equator, it is summer there when it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa." -3206,他的父母是温迪·亚伯拉罕森(Wendy Abrahamsen),他是纽约海德公园(Hyde Park)和纽约(Ernie Gordon)的洋基球迷。,"His parents are Wendy Abrahamsen , who grew up as a Yankees fan in Hyde Park , New York , and Ernie Gordon ." -3207,interogator输入了很多论文然后在四个月的压力下来到阿卜杜拉,修辞者阅读了论文并迫使阿卜杜拉写下来。,"The interogator typed a lot of papers then came to Abdulla in the four months stress , the intorgator read the papers and forced Abdulla to write it ." -3208,你真的要试着那样做吗?,Is it true you're trying to do that? -3209,爱尔兰也是欧盟的成员国。,Germany is also a member of the EU. -3210,那怎麼可能?,How can that be possible? -3211,"拉姆齐在其职业生涯中主要担任哈佛大学的物理学教授,同时还曾在美国原子能委员会等政府机构以及北约等国际组织任职。","A physics professor at Harvard University for most of his career, Ramsey also held several posts with such government and international agencies as NATO and the United States Atomic Energy Commission." -3212,天空乌云密布。,The sky is full of dark clouds. -3213,一张黑白的蝴蝶照片,a black and white photo of a butterfly -3214,“太大而不能失败” - 彼得古尔德的电视剧,基于安德鲁罗斯索尔金的“太大而失败”一书; HB; HB,""" Too Big to Fail "" -- Teleplay by Peter Gould , based on the book "" Too Big to Fail "" by Andrew Ross Sorkin ; HB ; HB" -3215,通过公路,它位于Bururi东南21公里处,Vyanda西北12.6公里处,Muyuga以南。,"By road it is located 21 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 12.6 kilometres northwest of Vyanda , and south of Muyuga ." -3216,最后 , 皮亚 暴露 了 莫哈纳 的 恶意中伤 , 然后 安什将 莫哈纳 逐出 了 他们 的 公寓 。,"finally , Piya exposes Mohana 's bad intentions to Raathods after which Ansh expels Mohana from their flat ." -3217,"历史上一般认为潘布鲁克源自于10世纪左右佛兰德纺织者引进的狗,而卡提根则是源于诺尔斯定居者带来的狗,特别是其共同祖先瑞典牧羊犬(英语:Swedish Vallhund)。","Historically, the Pembroke has been attributed to the influx of dogs alongside Flemish weavers from around the 10th century, while the Cardigan is attributed to the dogs brought with Norse settlers, in particular a common ancestor of the Swedish Vallhund." -3218,"除了高水平的特有性外,岛屿物种也常有独特的生态特征,在面对人类的干扰时特别脆弱。","As well as displaying greater levels of endemism, island species have characteristics that make them particularly vulnerable to human disturbance." -3219,"美国国家过敏症与传染病研究所所长表示,科学界了解如何治疗和预防埃博拉病毒引发的感染症状的间研究,仍处于摸索阶段。",The director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has stated that the scientific community is still in the early stages of understanding how infection with the Ebola virus can be treated and prevented. -3220,邓迪大学(University of Dundee)的 Pamela Ferguson 教授指出:“记者如果公布嫌疑人的照片等信息的话,似乎确实存在危害性。”,"Professor Pamela Ferguson of the University of Dundee notes ""journalists do seem to be walking a dangerous line if publishing photos etc of suspects.""" -3221,在研究受众对网站的反应时,艾麦和麦克德(1998 年)把“个人参与”和“持续的关系”也作为新的动机因素。,“Personal involvement” and “continuing relationships” were also identified as new motivation aspects by Eighmey and McCord (1998) when they investigated audience reactions to websites. -3222,"4月10日,伯特登上泰坦尼克号,准备返回美国。",On April 10 they embarked at Cherbourg on the RMS Titanic for their return to America. -3223,冬季运动在北部地区最受欢迎,意大利人会在那里参加国际比赛和奥运会比赛。,"Winter sports are most popular in the Northern regions, with Italians competing in international games and Olympic events." -3224,在食用受污染宠物食品后死亡的宠物的尿样中,均发现了氰尿酸和三聚氰胺。,Both cyanuric acid and melamine were found in urine samples from pets that died after consuming contaminated pet food. -3225,如果你有時間的話,請過來一趟。,Please come over if you have time. -3226,"识别国际化域名和邮件地址的应用程序,必须具有转换这些表达方式的设备。",Applications that recognize internationalized domain names and mail addresses must have facilities to convert these representations. -3227,"通常,女士被要求稳重,害羞,这样可以探知求爱人是否真心实意,但对这种方式的打破加速了戏剧进度。","Usually, a woman was required to be modest and shy to make sure that her suitor was sincere, but breaking this rule serves to speed along the plot." -3228,信号通路的每个组件(或节点)根据其相对于初始刺激所起的作用进行分类。,Each component (or node) of a signaling pathway is classified according to the role it plays with respect to the initial stimulus. -3229,林德沃尔 球手 的 凶猛 常常 促使 对方 击球员 甚至 在 投球 之前 就 退 到 后脚 。,the ferocity of Lindwall 's bouncer often prompted opposing batsmen to retreat onto the back foot even before he had released the ball . -3230,"在客户机端(或应用程序端),本地或/和远程应用程序都与 SequoiaDB 客户机库链接。","In a client terminal (or an application terminal), local or/and remote applications are linked to SequoiaDB client library." -3231,为政恵爱。,Hong's love interest. -3232,即使 在 本尼 · 莫雷 ( Benny Mor é ) , 佩雷斯 · 普拉多 ( Perez Prado ) - - 有史以来 最 伟大 的 索内罗 ( Sonero ) - - 在 1940 年代 也 在 唱 博莱罗 斯 ( Boleros ) 的 歌 。,"even when , Benny Moré , Perez Prado the greatest Sonero that ever existed , was singing Boleros with a salsa cadence in the 1940s ." -3233,一条头上有尖刺的紫龙的图画,a drawing of a purple dragon with spikes on it's head -3234,粉红色和灰色恐龙的卡通图片,a cartoon picture of a pink and gray dinosaur -3235,近年来对于人类如何在太空中延长生存和工作的时间已有越来越多的研究。,In recent years there has been an increase in research on the issue of how humans can survive and work in space for extended and possibly indefinite periods of time. -3236,"MYTH是一个Warez小组,专注于破解和Ripping PC游戏。","Myth was a warez group, focused on cracking and ripping PC games." -3237,埃胡德·乌尔博士(新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市达尔豪西大学医学教授,加拿大糖尿病协会临床与科学部门教授)提醒,这项研究仍处在早期阶段。,"Dr. Ehud Ur, professor of medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and chair of the clinical and scientific division of the Canadian Diabetes Association cautioned that the research is still in its early days." -3238,班杜拉确定了影响自我效能的四种因素。,Bandura identifies four factors affecting self-efficacy. -3239,可以刻录UDF格式以及/或者ISO-9660格式。,"ISO images can also be burnt and created via the program, along with UDF and/or ISO-9660 formats." -3240,很多活动也在更小的SMOG楼举行。,Many activities that once took place there now occur in the smaller SMOG building. -3241,"首个基于NUMA的Unix系统商业化实现是对称多处理XPS-100系列服务器,它是由VAST公司的Dan Gielen为HISI设计。","The first commercial implementation of a NUMA-based Unix system was the Symmetrical Multi Processing XPS-100 family of servers, designed by Dan Gielan of VAST Corporation for Honeywell Information Systems Italy." -3242,感謝您的回電。,Thanks for returning my call. -3243,寒春 泰文 圣巴巴拉 动物园 海岛 国家 海洋 保护区 海岛 国家 公园,cold Spring Tavern Santa Barbara Zoo Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Channel Islands National Park -3244,黄金可以加工成各种形状。可以卷曲成微小的形状。,Gold may be worked into all sorts of shapes. It can be rolled into tiny shapes. -3245,在 入口 上 救济 玉米 棚 和 木犁 .,relief corn sheaf and wooden plough over entrance . -3246,黄黑相间的小精灵图画,a drawing of a yellow and black pokemon -3247,常在工作时喝酒。,He often drinks at work. -3248,白色和蓝色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a white and blue pokemon -3249,传染性疾病本身,或那些能通过暴力杀伤人类的危险动物,通常不属于害虫之列。,"Infectious diseases themselves, or dangerous animals that can injure or kill people by force, do not usually qualify as pests." -3250,我以为你在听。,I thought you were listening. -3251,小规模和强调教育卓越的结合,使得一个学区在私立学校环境中提供“公立学校体验”。,"The combination of small size and emphasis on educational excellence , results in a district that offers a "" public school experience in a private school setting "" ." -3252,旅行者可能会遇到在家乡不常见的有害动物。,Travellers may encounter animal pests that they are not familiar with in their home regions. -3253,然而,公共交通和其他设施也广泛使用西班牙语。,"Yet, Spanish is also widely used in public transport and other facilities." -3254,和其他一些专家一样,他对糖尿病能否治愈持怀疑态度。他指出,这些发现与已患有 1 型糖尿病的人无关。,"Like some other experts, he is skeptical about whether diabetes can be cured, noting that these findings have no relevance to people who already have Type 1 diabetes." -3255,"几个小时后卡费拉塔试着要求当地乡长(mukhtar(英语:mukhtar))维持秩序,但他们告诉他,穆夫提(伊斯兰教法说明官)要他们对犹太人在耶路撒冷屠杀阿拉伯人的事件采取报复行动,不然会被罚钱。","Some hours later Cafferata attempted to get the local mukhtars to assume responsibility for law and order, but they told him that the Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husseini had told them to take action or be fined because of the 'Jewish slaughter of Arabs' in Jerusalem." -3256,事实上 , 醚 通常 由 四个 小 孢子 组成 , 一个 卵子 是 一个 整形 的 大孢子 。,"in fact , anthers typically consist of four microsporangia and an ovule is an integumented megasporangium ." -3257,黄鳍的蓝鱼卡通,a cartoon blue fish with a yellow fin -3258,该法案规定在加州销售的暴力电子游戏必须贴上“18”的标签,销售商每违法销售给未成年人一次就会被处以 1000 美元的罚款。,"The bill requires violent video games sold in the state of California to be labeled with a decal reading ""18"" and makes their sale to a minor punishable by a fine of $1000 per offense." -3259,强烈建议旅客注意所在地的恶劣天气风险,它们可能会影响旅行计划。,Travellers are strongly advised to be aware of any risk of severe weather affecting their area as they may affect any travel plans. -3260,一只长着大翅膀的可爱的鸟,a very cute looking bird with big wings -3261,"棉花 花朵 上 的 老乔唱 了 一首 "" 奥尔曼河 "" 的 歌 .","an aged Joe on the Cotton Blossom sings a reprise of "" Ol ' Man River "" ." -3262,孙德尔本斯 (Sundarbans) 已经被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产。印度境内的这部分森林被称为孙德尔本斯国家公园。,The Sundarbans has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The part of the forest within Indian territory is called Sundarbans National Park. -3263,在手机信号覆盖不到的偏远地区,卫星电话可能是你的唯一选择。,"In remote locations, without cell phone coverage, a satellite phone may be your only option." -3264,"温度、光线及水流都是主因,其生存倚赖25‰以上的盐度。","Temperature, light, and currents are major factors and survival depends on salinity above 25 ‰." -3265,湯姆有很多朋友住在波士頓。,Tom has many friends living in Boston. -3266,8分钟长。,8minutenergy. -3267,俄罗斯 潜水员 进入 沉船 并 打开 了 一个 舱门 到 9 号 隔间 .,the Russian divers entered the wreck and opened a bulkhead hatch to compartment nine . -3268,正常模式与PSE-36模式下的PDE结构如下: 页面属性表(英语:Page attribute table);自Pentium III起出现。,"PDE structures in normal mode, PSE mode, and PSE-36 mode are as follows: Page attribute table; since Pentium III, must be zero for older CPUs." -3269,太阳能推进火箭只需要装备能收集太阳能的设备如聚集器和反射镜。,"The rocket would only have to carry the means of capturing solar energy, such as concentrators and mirrors." -3270,将第二部分暴露于阳性过敏原,例如Pokeweed,以用作通用对照。,"A second portion is exposed to a positive allergen , such as Pokeweed , to serve as a universal control ." -3271,倫敦人對這座橋感到非常自豪。,The people of London are very proud of this bridge. -3272,叼着牙刷的卡通人物,a cartoon character with a toothbrush in his mouth -3273,"许多种油都可用来加热到高温,再泼到敌人头上,不过由于价值昂贵,使用次数和用量都很有限。","Oil of various kinds could be heated to high temperatures and poured over an enemy, although, since it was extremely expensive, its use was limited, both in frequency and quantity." -3274,她十幾歲時就結婚了。,She got married in her teens. -3275,"该神被以各种不同的方式反映 - 例如,在泰特里库斯一世(Tetricus)的硬币,它可能显示为一位带着标枪或只穿着斗篷的老妇人、老头,或年轻男子。","The deity was represented in a variety of ways, for example, on the coins of Tetricus, they could appear as a matron, an old man, or a young man, with a javelin or only clothed in a cape." -3276,汤姆突然戒烟了。,Tom quit smoking cold turkey. -3277,"旧 克罗 顿 水渠 , 在 165 至 173 号 主街 之间 .","old Croton Aqueduct , space between 165 and 173 Main Street ." -3278,"金帽 试图 从 他 的 狐狸 洞里 引诱 柯汀 , 答应 要 给 他 一块 金表 .",gold Hat tries to lure Curtin from his foxhole with promises of a gold watch . -3279,我有箇在波士頓的兄弟。,I have a brother in Boston. -3280,我怕狗。,I'm afraid of dogs. -3281,红黄相间的鸟儿拿着棍子的图画,a drawing of a red and yellow bird holding a stick -3282,"不幸的是,佩蒂特于1865年过世,不能活着对凡尔纳虚构的月球提出回应。","Petit died in 1865, and so was not alive to offer a response to Verne's fictional moon." -3283,要标记受限类型之间的有效转换,使用具有force属性的转换来避免Sparse发出警告。,"To mark valid conversions between restricted types , a casting with the force attribute is used to avoid Sparse giving a warning ." -3284,斗牛士 与 公牛 对抗 , 表演 一系列 传球 , 观察 公牛 的 行为 和 怪异 。,"the matador confronts the bull with the capote , performing a series of passes and observing the behavior and quirks of the bull ." -3285,"雕刻 通常 是 在 没有 公牛 的 情况 下 进行 的 , 在 四分 、 双打 或 单打 .","sculling is usually done without a coxswain , in quads , doubles or singles ." -3286,卵石 包括 石英 、 石 锌矿 、 石英砂 岩 、 粉色 粉红色 泥岩 和 晶粒 , 嵌入 沙子 基体 中 。,"the pebbles include quartz , quartzite , quartz sandstone , pale pink mudstone and chert , embedded in a matrix of sand ." -3287,海梅尔 · 亨普 斯特 德 湖人队 = 沃特福德 皇家 队 = MK 狮子 队 = 伦敦 狮子 队,Hemel Hempstead Lakers → Watford Royals → MK Lions → London Lions -3288,"梅德韦杰夫批评以前尝试现代化俄罗斯的彼得大帝和苏联,指这些计划成本过高,而这一次的现代化不需要强迫,而是要开发每个人的创造潜能。","Medvedev criticised the previous attempts to modernise Russia—those initiated by Peter I the Great and the Soviet Union—saying that the results they brought came at too high a cost, and this time modernisation must come not through coercion but via the development of the creative potential of every individual, through private entrepreneurship and initiative." -3289,他 弹奏 吉他 , 偶尔 弹奏 曼多林 , 而 鲍比 弹奏 班乔 、 吉他 、 口琴 和 博得 兰 。,"he played the guitar and occasionally the mandolin , while Bobby played the banjo , guitar , harmonica , and bodhrán ." -3290,它是加州唯一一座没有大路联通的国家森林。,It is the only national forest in the state of California without a major paved road entering it. -3291,一条绿色的卡通鱼,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,a cartoon green fish with a big smile on it's face -3292,例如Vilsmeier-Haack酰化反应在室温下就能于3位碳上发生。,Vilsmeier–Haack formylation of indole will take place at room temperature exclusively at C3. -3293,Stache 干预 并 试图用 有毒 的 水果 蛋糕 诱骗 孩子 们 , 但莫莉 认出 了 他 并 揭露 了 他 的 阴谋 。,"Stache intervenes and tries to bait the kids with poisoned fruitcake , but Molly identifies him and exposes his plot ." -3294,无机液体包括水,岩浆,无机非水溶剂和许多酸。,"Inorganic liquids include water , magma , inorganic non-aqueous solvents and many acids ." -3295,"作为对TWA的路线奖励和辩方获得过程中渎职的激烈争议的证词,休斯扭转了和主要质询者缅因州参议员欧文布鲁斯特之间的局面并获得主动,听证会被广泛解读为休斯获得胜利。","In hotly disputed testimony over TWA's route awards and malfeasance in the defense acquisition process, Hughes turned the tables on his main interlocutor, Maine Senator Owen Brewster, and the hearings were widely interpreted as a Hughes victory." -3296,它 描述 了 一只 玩具 熊在 三个 防暴警察 面前 用 莫洛托夫 鸡尾酒 说 笑 .,it depicts a teddy bear lobbing a Molotov cocktail at three riot police . -3297,如来成等正觉已。,You know that feeling when it comes. -3298,pH 值以被测化学品中的氢(pH 中的 H)离子数量表示。,The pH level is indicated by the amount of Hydrogen (the H in pH) ions in the tested chemical. -3299,这个 季节 的 新鲜 水果 包括 樱桃 、 芒果 、 李子 、 桃 和 桃子 .,"fresh fruits of the season include cherries and mangoes , plums , nectarine and peaches ." -3300,格伦斯福尔斯地区是一个重要的医疗器械生产地。,The Glens Falls region is a major producer of medical devices. -3301,一只蓝色的蝴蝶,翅膀上有白色的小圆点,a blue butterfly with white dots on its wings -3302,对美国空军的彻底否定和不屈服的态度。,One was the completely negative and unyielding attitude of the Air Force. -3303,它 出现 在 基 拉尼 频繁 潮湿 的 天气 , 在 麦片 和 树干 上 吃 地衣 。,it emerges in Killarney 's frequent wet weather to graze on lichens on rcks and tree trunks . -3304,博德出生于巴特尔斯维尔,在塔尔萨长大,她的父亲是菲利普斯石油公司的执行官。,"Bode was born in Bartlesville and grew up in Tulsa , where her father was a Phillips Petroleum Executive ." -3305,他于2012年回到加拿大,在加拿大足球联赛中与伦敦城队比赛,在那里他前往塞尔维亚与Srem Jakovo和JedinstvoSurčin一起比赛。,"He returned to Canada in 2012 to play with London City in the Canadian Soccer League , where he went to Serbia to play with Srem Jakovo and Jedinstvo Surčin ." -3306,"1901 年 , 他 与 法裔 加拿大 摔跤 运动员 路易斯 赛尔 比赛 失败 .","in 1901 , he competed against French Canadian wrestler Louis Cyr and lost ." -3307,滑雪是许多滑雪爱好者的主要旅游活动,这些爱好者有时也被称为“滑雪狂人”,他们计划整个假期都在某个地点滑雪。,"Skiing is a major travelling activity with many enthusiasts, occasionally known as ""ski bums,"" planning entire vacations around skiing at a particular location." -3308,该节目最初由业余配音演员参演,范围从当地人到东德克萨斯州人。,"The show originally featured amateur voice actors, local to East Texas." -3309,全球和平基金会提议将岛上的监狱夷为平地并在这里建一个和平中心。,The Global Peace Foundation proposed to raze the prison and build a peace center in its place. -3310,湖里 最 经常 被 发现 的 动物 有 蜥蜴 、 海鸥 和 海龟 .,"mallards , halcyons and koi carp are among the most frequently spotted animals in the lake ." -3311,,( Zhu Zhen then changed his name to Zhu Youzhen . ) -3312,对于很容易适应新文化的旅行者来说,有时很难重新适应他们的本土文化。,Travellers who had an easy time adjusting to the new culture sometimes have a particularly hard time readjusting to their native culture. -3313,水下的地形造成回流集中于几处较深的区域,那里可能会形成流向深水的急流。,"Due to the underwater topology the return flow is concentrated at a few deeper sections, and a fast current to deep water may form there." -3314,在这个系列中,威拉荷兰的角色讲述了流行音乐明星克里斯布朗在节目的第四季中扮演的角色。,"In the series , Willa Holland 's character dates a character played by the popular music star Chris Brown in the fourth season of the show ." -3315,克罗利 随后 将 希特勒 斥为 黑人 魔术师 , 并 监禁 了 逃往 美国 的 杰默 。,"and imprisoned Germer , who fled to the US , Crowley then lambasted Hitler as a black magician ." -3316,不管喜不喜歡,我們都得參加那個會議。,"Like it or not, we have to attend that meeting." -3317,在NWA Bloom和Bull Pain期间,尼克·丹斯莫尔(Nick Dinsmore)打电话给Rob Conway参加NWA OVW Southern Tag Team冠军赛。,"During his stay in NWA Bloom and Bull Pain , Nick Dinsmore called Rob Conway for the NWA OVW Southern Tag Team title challenged in a No - Contest ." -3318,在 马里 , 阿斯基 亚 · 莫迪博 与 马里 音乐 融合 在 一起 。,"in Mali , Askia Modibo fuses reggae with Malian music ." -3319,第五季于2013年9月15日��播,第六季于2014年4月10日首播。,"The fifth season was premiered on 15 September 2013 and the sixth season was premiered on April 10 , 2014 ." -3320,安纳托利亚高原比沿海地带遭受着更多的极端影响。,The Anatolian Plateau is much more subject to extremes than are the coastal areas. -3321,最快的方法就是把它作为托运行李承运。根据航空公司规定,禁止载运未登机旅客的行李,而这时就需要你在场。,"The only way to get it through faster was to send it as checked luggage. Airline regulations will not allow them to send luggage without a passenger, which is where you come in." -3322,警方说,尸体看上去在那里放了一天左右。,Police said that the body appeared to have been there for about a day. -3323,后 三种 选择 需要 拆卸 雕塑 , 修复 雕塑 , 修复 基座 , 然后 重塑 雕像 。,"the latter three options required dismounting the sculptures , repairing them , repairing the pedestals , and then remounting the statues ." -3324,他参观了川川高中,毕业于明治大学。,He visited the Kawawa High School and graduated from Meiji University . -3325,大部分死亡都是因逆流而上、体力透支造成的,逆着水流游泳不太可能成功。,"Most deaths happen as result of fatigue trying to swim back against the current, which may be impossible." -3326,"事务处理连接单个不可分割的事务中的多个单独的操作,并且确保事务中的所有操作都没有错误或是没有操作。","Transaction processing links multiple individual operations in a single, indivisible transaction, and ensures that either all operations in a transaction are completed without error, or none of them are." -3327,鉴于区间巴士经常客满,建议提前几天购票。,"As the inter-district buses are often full, it is advisable to purchase a ticket a few days in advance." -3328,"“轻度睡眠者”(light sleepers)在第2阶段的非REM睡眠时会做梦,但是“深度睡眠者”(deep sleepers)如果在这个阶段醒来,会报告说正在“思考”,而不是在“做梦”。","“Light sleepers” can experience dreaming during stage 2 non-REM sleep, whereas “deep sleepers”, upon awakening in the same stage, are more likely to report “thinking” but not “dreaming”." -3329,"换句话说,TRAC解析器(处理器)有成效地将计算机转换为具有新程序语言(TRAC 语言)的新计算机。","In other words, the TRAC translator program (the processor) effectively converts the computer into a new computer with a new program language -- the TRAC language." -3330,"敏迪 然后 放下 胳膊 , 金色 的 巴勒 的 胳膊 也 随之 掉下来 , 这 让 惩罚者 感到 兴奋 .","Mindy then drops her arm , then Blonde Baller 's arm drops , which excites Punisher ." -3331,11 月 28 日 , 他 在 佛罗里达州 Lauderdale 的 大西洋 银行 中心 演出 。,"on 28 November , he performed in the BankAtlantic Center , in Ft . Lauderdale , Florida ." -3332,西装是标准的商务着装,同事们用彼此的姓氏或职称来互相称呼。,"Suits are standard business attire, and coworkers call each other by their family names or by job titles." -3333,一只鸟在上面的小精灵球,a pokemon ball with a bird on top of it -3334,贸易扩张受到运河建设、改善的公路系统和火车运输的支持。,"Trade expansion was enabled by the introduction of canals, improved roads and railways." -3335,张着嘴的蓝黄小精灵角色,a blue and yellow pokemon character with its mouth open -3336,"此外,使用小片段判读的二代定序技术意味着许多未来的总体基因体的数据会比较容易出错。","Furthermore, the increased use of second-generation sequencing technologies with short read lengths means that much of future metagenomic data will be error-prone." -3337,"QtParted是另外一个使用Qt写成的图形前端,但此专案已经不再被维护。",QtParted was another graphical front-end based on Qt that is no longer being actively maintained. -3338,它可以做得很薄,粘在其他金属上,由于达到如此之薄,有时可以用于装饰被称为“彩饰手抄本”的书本里的手绘图画。,"It can be made very thin, and stuck onto other metal. It can be made so thin that it was sometimes used to decorate the hand-painted pictures in books called ""illuminated manuscripts""." -3339,我聽到她在她的房間裡唱歌。,I heard her singing in her room. -3340,"在战斗中荷兰铁路工人,由在伦敦的荷兰政府煽动,实施罢工,以帮助盟军进攻。","During the battle Dutch railway workers, incited by the Dutch government in London, went on strike in order to aid the Allied assault." -3341,马利赫多次批评叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德侵犯人权的行为。,Maleh wrote several times to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad criticizing the human rights violation in the country. -3342,"保加利亚已经在各个特派团部署了自己的实验,例如国际空间站的RADOM-7 剂量计和和平���间站上的Chandrayaan-1和空间温室 (保加利亚发明)。","Bulgaria has deployed its own experiments on various missions, such as the RADOM-7 dosimeters on the International Space Station and Chandrayaan-1 and the space greenhouse (a Bulgarian invention) on the Mir space station." -3343,世界上任何地方都可能发生恶劣天气。恶劣天气有各种不同类型,具体取决于地理位置、地形和大气条件。,"Severe weather can occur anywhere in the world, and there are different types of it, which can depend on geography, topography, and atmospheric conditions." -3344,后来成为画家。,He later became a painter. -3345,八月份 , 当 击球手 在 击落 的 中间 时 , 斯坦格尔弯 下腰 说 他 需要 休息 。,"in August , with the slugger in the middle of a batting slump , Stengel benched him , stating he needed a rest ." -3346,房屋、奴隶、牲畜和禽群、葡萄酒、和干草等等都要征税。,"Taxes were levied on houses, slaves, herds and flocks, wines, and hay, among other things." -3347,课程训练通常要持续 2-5 天,将涉及角色扮演、急救方式训练,有时也涉及武装训练。,"A course will normally be from 2-5 days and will involve role play, a lot of first aid and sometimes weapons training." -3348,苏格兰各地方警察及消防机关于2013年4月1日正式合并。,"These new agencies, Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, formally came into being on 1 April 2013." -3349,可以在岛上唯一的银行兑换货币,该银行位于斯坦利,在 FIC West 商店对面。,Money can be exchanged at the only bank in the islands which is located in Stanley across from the FIC West store. -3350,"在 纽伦堡 , 凯伯 参加 了 半决赛 , 但 向 罗伯塔 · 芬奇 让步 .","at Nürnberg , Kerber made it to semifinals , but conceded a walkover to Roberta Vinci ." -3351,日本经济产业省 (METI) 表示,他们已经注意到有 27 起事故与该设备有关。,"Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) said that it had been aware of 27 accidents related to the devices." -3352,你爱拿多少就拿多少。,Take as much as you like. -3353,"亨利 在 十月份 第一次 向 维罗纳 进军 , 然后 向 帕维亚 进军 .","Henry marched first to Verona , thence to Pavia in October ." -3354,查尔斯 · 伯奇 既 是 神学家 又 是 遗传学家 .,Charles Birch was both a theologian and a geneticist . -3355,一个卡通人物在空中飞翔,a cartoon character flying through the air -3356,他在自助餐廳吃午餐。,He eats lunch at a cafeteria. -3357,"1944 年 7 月 2 日 , "" Zorro 升级 一个 槽 "" , 《 西部 杂志 》 第二卷 。","2 , July 1944 "" Zorro Upsets a Plot "" , West Magazine Vol ." -3358,吉萨大金字塔是七大奇迹中唯一至今仍屹立不倒的建筑。,The Great Pyramid at Giza is the only one of the seven wonders that is still standing today. -3359,"例如90号州际公路在纽约州就有九条支线,编号即由190、290......至990。","I-90 is currently the only Interstate having a complete set of nine spur routes (190, 290, 390...890, 990) within one state, in New York." -3360,"他 问候 他 的 女朋友 黛西 , 偶尔 也 问候 别人 , "" 海亚 , 别忘了 ! ""","he greets his girlfriend Daisy , and occasionally others , with , "" Hiya , toots ! "" ." -3361,现时本属包括有约12个已描述的物种。,The genus currently consists of 12 described species. -3362,粉红色衬衫和领带的卡通老鼠,a cartoon mouse with a pink shirt and tie -3363,沃里克郡 的 比尔斯 在 埃德 巴斯 顿 击打 了 萨里 狮子 队 的 保龄球 , 这 导致 比尔斯 队 记录 了 292 次 的 8 次 第一 击球 。,"Warwickshire Bears hammered the Surrey Lions ' bowlers at Edgbaston , which resulted in the Bears recording 292 for 8 batting first ." -3364,1939年5月,“布雷西亚”中的“西拉”师改名为第一个移动炮兵团,而不是普通的步兵团 - 炮兵团。,"May 1939 the division "" Sila "" in "" Brescia "" was renamed and received a 1st mobile artillery - regiment instead of normal infantry - artillery - regiments ." -3365,福禄克写道,一些人试图压制女性对女性健康问题的呼声,但天不遂人愿。,Fluke wrote that the efforts by some to drown out women from speaking out about women’s health were unsuccessful. -3366,两名警卫受伤,四人被打死。,Two guards were wounded and four were killed . -3367,完成的工作大多是理论性的,但编写程序的目的,是为了模拟对人马座星系的观测。,"The work done was mostly theoretical, but the program was written to simulate observations made of the Sagittarius galaxy." -3368,10 月 23 日 , 她 与 赫尔 和 丹尼斯 · J · 巴克利 一起 离开 菲律宾 群岛 和 圣 贝尔纳 迪诺 海峡 。,"on 23 October she departed , along with Hull and Dennis J. Buckley steaming through the Philippine Islands and the San Bernardino Strait ." -3369,汤姆还在波士顿。,Tom is still in Boston. -3370,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -3371,你已经吃晚饭了吗?,Have you already eaten supper? -3372,我來給你沏茶。,Let me make you some tea. -3373,3 月 23 日至 8 月 19 日 , 在 美国 华盛顿 特区 纺织 博物馆 订购 博物馆 。,"sourcing the Museum , Textile Museum , Washington D.C. , USA , March 23 to August 19 ." -3374,橙色和灰色的小动物图画,a drawing of a small animal with orange and gray colors -3375,这部电影没有说明Usha喜欢然后拒绝Rajan的原因。,The movie does not clarify the reason why Usha likes and then rejects Rajan . -3376,"表2给出的曝光值是合理的常规指引,但也要谨慎使用。","Exposure values in Table 2 are reasonable general guidelines, but they should be used with caution." -3377,"2010年10月当选为影子内阁成员,并由爱德·米利班德任命为影子财政部首席秘书。",Eagle was elected to the Shadow Cabinet in October 2010 and was appointed by Ed Miliband to be Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury. -3378,这个决议是关于中东问题的。,The resolution dealt with the Middle East. -3379,"游牧民族 雅芳 在 568 年 征服 了 吉卜赛人 , 统治 了 喀尔巴阡山 盆地 , 直到 大约 800 年 .",the nomadic Avars subjugated the Gepids in 568 and dominated the Carpathian Basin up until around 800 . -3380,3 月 21 日 , 她 看到 一艘 被 识别 为 Hozen Maru 的 大型 货轮 。,"on 21 March , she sighted a large freighter identified as Hozen Maru ." -3381,他经常观看巴黎歌剧院的芭蕾舞表演,并经常参加舞蹈学校的课程。,He frequently observed ballet performances at the Paris Opera and often attended lessons at the dance school . -3382,蒙古 随后 入侵 并 击败 了 匈牙利 。,the Mongols subsequently invaded and defeated Hungary . -3383,第二 , 更 先进 的 领域 包括 化学 、 威胁 、 地质学 、 植物学 、 兽医学 、 土地 测量 和 农业 法 。,"the second , more advanced , included Chemistry , Mensuration , Geology , Botany , Veterinary Medicine ; Land Surveying and Agricultural Law ." -3384,"约旦人 进行 了 激烈 的 抵抗 , 击倒 了 两辆 坦克 .","the Jordanians mounted fierce resistance , knocking out two tanks ." -3385,音乐评论家Paul Du Noyer将本歌曲描述成列侬在披头士乐队之后“最受尊敬”的歌曲。,"Music critic Paul Du Noyer described ""Imagine"" as Lennon's ""most revered"" post-Beatles song." -3386,但如果没有更多修饰语,这个词往往指的是原产于主岛爪哇岛中部和东部地区的食物。,"But, if used without further qualifiers, the term tends to mean the food originally from the central and eastern parts of the main island Java." -3387,Fixer Uppers是一部由Laurel和Hardy主演的1935年短片,由Charles Rogers制作并由Hal Roach执导。,"The Fixer Uppers is a 1935 short film starring Laurel and Hardy , produced by Charles Rogers and directed by Hal Roach ." -3388,她太矮了,看不到围墙外面。,She was too short to see over the fence. -3389,那片报告在泰晤士报上全文登出。,It was published in full in The Times. -3390,一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物,a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes -3391,该报告开篇呼吁美国就中东政策展开公开辩论并形成共识。,The Report opens with plea for open debate and the formation of a consensus in the United States about the policy towards the Middle East. -3392,一个卡通人物在空中飞行的图像,an image of a cartoon character flying through the air -3393,黄眼黑嘴鸟,a bird with yellow eyes and a black beak -3394,通常情况下,参加这些教育类项目需要交学费。,Typically there will be a tuition fee to enroll in these educational programs. -3395,血管瘤 是 一种 捕食 吉普赛人 幼虫 和 幼虫 的 甲虫 .,Calosoma sycophanta is a beetle that preys upon the gypsy moth larvae and pupae . -3396,这个新的环境有不同的资源和不同的竞争对手,所以新的种群将需要不同的特征或适应能力来成为一个强有力的竞争对手,而不是它们之前所需要的那些。,"This new environment has different resources and different competitors, so the new population will need different features or adaptations to be a strong competitor than what they had needed before." -3397,不。 615(萨里郡)中队是英国皇家辅助空军的一个部队,后来是1937年至1957年间的辅助空军部队。,No . 615 ( County of Surrey ) Squadron was a unit of the British Royal Auxiliary Air Force and later the Auxiliary Air Force between 1937 and 1957 . -3398,布朗还出演了与卡桑德拉彼得森,水貂皮托和帕特里克布里斯托的桃子基督的“关于邪恶的一切”。,"Brown also appeared in "" All about the Evil "" of Peaches Christ with Cassandra Peterson , Mink Stole and Patrick Bristow ." -3399,"三月三十日:极左翼领导人、共产主义的先驱格拉克斯·巴贝夫组成了一个叛乱性的委员会,名曰平等会 (""Les Égaux""),旨在推翻督政府。","March 30: François-Noël Babeuf, known as ""Gracchus Babeuf"", the ultra-leftist leader and precursor of Communism, forms an insurrectional committee and movement, called Les Égaux (""the Equals""), to overthrow the government." -3400,关于野外生存的书籍和杂志很常见,但关于战区生存的出版物却很少。,"Books and magazines dealing with wilderness survival are common, but publications dealing with war zones are few." -3401,戈马是刚果民主共和国的一个旅游城市,位于刚果的最东边,靠近卢旺达。,Goma is a tourist city of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the extreme east near Rwanda. -3402,在美国的各个地区,约有 40 万例多发性硬化症 (MS) 病例,这一疾病已经成为中青年的主要神经系统疾病。,"Across the United States of America, there are approximately 400,000 known cases of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), leaving it as the leading neurological disease in younger and middle aged adults." -3403,在她的第一任丈夫去世后,Katharina Dalton再婚了1992年去世的Tom Dalton。,"After the death of her first husband , Katharina Dalton remarried Tom Dalton , who passed away in 1992 ." -3404,在 376 场 英格兰 比赛 中 , 塔隆 只 承认 了 五只 眼睛 , 并 绊倒 了 赫伯特 · 苏特 克利夫 ( Herbert Sutclffe ) , 他 被 认为 是 测试 历史 上 最好 的 击球手 之一 。,"in England 's innings of 376 , Tallon conceded only five byes and stumped Herbert Sutcliffe , regarded as one of the finest batsmen in Test history ." -3405,一只棕色耳朵的粉色猫坐下来,a pink cat with brown ears sitting down -3406,欧洲早期描绘女孩的绘画有彼得鲁斯·克里斯蒂的《Portrait of a Young Girl》(约1460年)、胡安·德·弗兰德斯(英语:Juan de Flandes)的《Portrait of a Young Girl》(约1505年)、弗兰斯·哈尔斯1620年的《Die Amme mit dem Kind》、委拉斯开兹1656年的《宫女》、扬·斯特恩在约1600年的《The Feast of St. Nicolas》以及扬·弗美尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》及《Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window》。,"In Europe, some early paintings featuring girls were Petrus Christus' Portrait of a Young Girl (about 1460), Juan de Flandes' Portrait of a Young Girl (about 1505), Frans Hals' Die Amme mit dem Kind in 1620, Diego Velázquez' Las Meninas in 1656, Jan Steen's The Feast of St. Nicolas (about 1660) and Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring along with Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window." -3407,"第二阶段火箭发动机燃尽,3枚“飞镖”子弹头被释放。","As the second stage burns out, three dart sub-munitions are released." -3408,"1848年4月8日,议会通过了普选和间接(两轮)表决制度的选举法。","On April 8, 1848, a law allowing universal suffrage and an indirect (two-stage) voting system was agreed to by the assembly." -3409,蓝银色的小精灵图画,a drawing of a blue and silver pokemon -3410,"我们希望借此机会,要向世界明确表示反省过去的历史,以及崭新的意志。",We would like to take this opportunity to clearly express our remorse for the past and a new determination to the world. -3411,战国 的 哲学家 在 《 解剖学 》 中 汇编 , 并 形成 了 古典 形而上学 , 成为 儒家 的 冲刺 。,"philosophers in the Warring States compiled in the Analects , and formulated the classical metaphysics which became the lash of Confucianism ." -3412,"主角是一位退役的刺客,其姓氏是科斯泰罗。",The main character is a retired assassin whose last name is Costello. -3413,你可以乘坐 boda-boda(出租的摩托车)游览戈马(Goma)。短途车程的正常(当地)价格是 500 刚果法郎。,You can use boda-boda (motorcycle taxi) to get around Goma. The normal (local) price is ~500 Congolese Francs for the short ride. -3414,"即使这些行动按照联合国公约可以定为种族灭绝,或按Montefiore定为“小规模种族灭绝”,对这些事件还是没有权威的法律裁定。","Although these operation might well constitute genocide as defined by the UN convention, or ""a mini-genocide"" according to Simon Sebag Montefiore, there is as yet no authoritative ruling on the legal characterization of these events." -3415,一幅带着拳击手套的女孩的图画,a drawing of a girl with a boxing glove -3416,福特 ( Gerald Ford ) 和 乔治 ?,this edged out President 's Gerald Ford and George H.W . -3417,修道院被注册为具有区域重要性的文化资产。,The abbey is registered as a cultural asset of regional importance . -3418,紫色大象,黄色长牙,a purple elephant with a yellow tusk -3419,Park Township是美国密歇根州渥太华县的一个民用乡镇。,Park Township is a civil township of Ottawa County in the U.S. state of Michigan . -3420,美国 最 广泛 的 学术 声望 大多 直接 来自 工程学院 .,much of USU 's most widespread academic renown stems directly from the College of Engineering . -3421,"登革热偶尔会影响其他身体系统,单独或伴随着典型的登革热症状。","Dengue can occasionally affect several other body systems, either in isolation or along with the classic dengue symptoms." -3422,粉色和蓝色小精灵的图画,a drawing of a pink and blue pokemon -3423,"术语即时的使用起源于仿真的早期, 如果一个系统作业的正确性不仅取决于其逻辑的正确性,还与其执行的时间有关,此系统就被称为即时系统。","A system is said to be real-time if the total correctness of an operation depends not only upon its logical correctness, but also upon the time in which it is performed." -3424,"该决定首先受到外蒙古喀尔喀贵族的抗议,然后喀尔喀人试图让他在多伦诺尔与他们保持距离。","The decision was first protested against by the Outer Mongol Khalkha nobles, and then the Khalkhas sought to have him placed at a distance from them at Dolonnor." -3425,"在没有警方的拦阻之下,凯利帮就能进入班纳拉镇并抢劫银行。","With the police out of the way, the Kelly Gang would then go into Benalla and rob the bank." -3426,接着他开始了他的人物创作。,He eventually started building his own guitars. -3427,一个红色的卡通人物在空中飞翔,a red cartoon character is flying through the air -3428,它提供了HOTP和TOTP的实现。,It provides implementations of HOTP and TOTP. -3429,这些 绅士 随后 把 她 卖 给 罗伯特 · 莫里斯 , 莫里斯 把 船 改装成 了 东 印第安人 。,these gentlemen subsequently sold her to Robert Morris who converted the vessel to an East Indiaman . -3430,乔治 · 索普金 , 94 岁 , 美国 大提琴家 , 自然 原因 。,"George Sopkin , 94 , American cellist , natural causes ." -3431,"然而,2007年11月16日,EB Games在澳大利亚打破了公众发行日期,它在先前收到了游戏的副本并将其作为开始分发的标志。","However, the street date was broken in Australia on November 16, 2007, by EB Games, which received copies of the game early and took it as a sign to begin distributing." -3432,一个粉红色的球上有一朵花的图画,a drawing of a pink ball with a flower on it -3433,"它在下一年便搬到了第49街西42号,改名为Puncheon Club,并且变得更加高档。","The following year it moved uptown to 42 West 49th Street, changed its name to the Puncheon Club, and became much more exclusive." -3434,愁眉苦脸的卡通蝴蝶,a cartoon butterfly with a sad look on its face -3435,由于小气候、土壤和海拔高度的多样性,这里的植物群落种类非常丰富,并因此闻名于世。,"It has a notably wide variety of plant communities, due to its range of microclimates, differing soils and varying levels of altitude." -3436,我不怕死。,I'm not afraid of death. -3437,“莱顿 (Layton) 在与首相会面期间要求修改保守党的环境法案,他要求‘彻底重写’保守党的环境法案。”,"Layton had asked for changes to the conservatives' environmental bill during the meeting with the PM, asking for a ""thorough and complete rewriting"" of the Conservative party's environmental bill." -3438,蓝紫龙,黑嘴,a blue and purple dragon with a black mouth -3439,他校订了若干古希腊作家的著作。,He wrote several books on ancient Greek literature. -3440,它上面有和1968年入侵捷克斯洛伐克的苏联坦克一样的白条。,"It has a white invasion stripe, the same as Soviet tanks that entered Czechoslovakia in 1968." -3441,一个图中的顺时针角度对应于另一个中的逆时针角度。,A clockwise angle in one figure would correspond to a counterclockwise angle in the other . -3442,"海拔3,966英尺(1,209米)的约塞米蒂公园总部的一月份平均温度为38.2 °F(3.4 °C),而七月份的平均气温为73.0 °F(22.8 °C),但夏天的晚上比炎热的白天要凉快地多。","At the park headquarters, with an elevation of 3,966 feet (1,209 m), January averages 38.2 °F (3.4 °C), while July averages 73.0 °F (22.8 °C), though in summer the nights are much cooler than the hot days." -3443,1998年,Mancuso与他的第三任妻子,女演员Nadia Capone结婚,并于2006年离婚。,"In 1998 , Mancuso married his third wife , the actress Nadia Capone , whom he divorced in 2006 ." -3444,黄黑猫图,a drawing of a yellow and black cat -3445,头戴鲜花的蜥蜴图画,a drawing of a lizard with a flower on its head -3446,Atenaide(RV 702)是Vivaldi的1728年歌剧,由Apostolo Zeno为Caldara修订的1709剧本。,Atenaide ( RV 702 ) is a 1728 opera by Vivaldi to a revised edition of a 1709 libretto by Apostolo Zeno for Caldara . -3447,"今天,此塔称为“法提赫(征服者)塔”,以苏丹穆罕默德二世命名。","Today, this tower is also known as Fatih (""Conqueror"") Tower after Sultan Mehmed II's cognomen." -3448,"格琳 达 把 巫师 从 奥兹 赶出 , 并 把 莫里 布尔 夫人 送 进 监狱 .","Glinda banishes the Wizard from Oz , and sends Madame Morrible to prison ." -3449,一盏蓝黑相间的吊灯,里面冒着火焰,a blue and black chandelier with flames coming out of it -3450,蝴蝶的翅膀上有一面旗帜,a butterfly with a flag on it's wings -3451,梵蒂冈城在法律法规和官方通信中使用意大利语。,Vatican City uses Italian in its legislation and official communications. -3452,"赫尔佐格和德梅隆(德语:Herzog & de Meuron Architekten,BSA/SIA/ETH (HdeM))是一家瑞士建筑事务所,1978年成立于瑞士巴塞尔,总部亦设于此。","Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd., or Herzog & de Meuron Architekten, BSA/SIA/ETH (HdM), is a Swiss architecture firm with its head office in Basel, Switzerland." -3453,我知道他会画画。,I know that he can draw. -3454,这个地点的第一个基督教堂由公爵荷丹二世建于706年。,The first Christian church at this location was built in 706 by Duke Hedan II. -3455,如果“A”和“B”是代数空间,则“A”和“B”的Banach张量积表示张量乘积,"If "" A "" and "" B "" are algebraic spaces , the Banach tensor product of "" A "" and "" B "" means the tensor product of" -3456,这些关系对道路设施的规划、设计和运营有帮助。,"These relationships help in planning, design, and operations of roadway facilities." -3457,脖子上挂着绿色围巾的有角动物的漫画,a cartoon of a horned animal with a green scarf around its neck -3458,他于1860年晋升为新墨西哥州,并于12月20日被命令担任第4步兵团的队长。,He was promoted to the New Mexico Territory in 1860 and ordered to rank as a captain on December 20 in the 4th Infantry . -3459,Nottawa河,也被称为Nottawa溪流,流经雅典。,"The Nottawa River , also known as the Nottawa Stream , flows through Athens ." -3460,"邓克利抢先于2017年6月8日提出表决要求总督解散众议院,并于2017年7月18日举行选举。",Dunkley pre-empted the vote on 8 June 2017 by asking the Governor to dissolve the House and call elections for 18 July 2017. -3461,新系列的开始在任何方面都很困难。,The new line attracted almost no business at first. -3462,"不料,科士打没有理会他。",But there's no doubt that Fétis did him a grave disservice. -3463,坐在地上的卡通人物,手里拿着一个手机,a cartoon character sitting on the ground with a cell phone in his hand -3464,他还参与了许多国家的纸币雕版制作,近期作品包括加拿大新版 5 元和 100 元纸币正面的总理肖像。,"He was also engaged in engraving banknotes for many countries, recent examples of his work including the Prime Ministerial portraits on the front of the new Canadian $5 and $100 bills." -3465,在 7 月 24 日 清晨 , 奇萨 皮克湾 上空 发生 了 一场 孤立 的 超强 雷暴 , 引发 了 一场 强烈 的 水 龙卷风 。,"during the very early morning hours of July 24 , a strong waterspout spawned by an isolated supecell thunderstorm formed over Chesapeake Bay ." -3466,1865 年 1 月 的 轰炸 拆除 了 该 堡垒 75 门 枪支 中 的 73 门 , 并 大部分 射杀 了 该 堡垒 的 宫殿 。,the January 1865 bombardment dismounted 73 of the fort 's 75 guns and mostly shot away the fort 's palisade . -3467,"高斯环形山属于""环壁平原""(walled plain)的月貌类型,这意味着它的直径至少达到110公里,且地表略凹,没有或只有很少的中央山丘。","It belongs to a category of lunar formations called a walled plain, meaning that it has a diameter of at least 110 kilometers, with a somewhat sunken floor and little or no central massif." -3468,一种 流行 的 变体 是 把 油 从 煮熟 的 焦油 变成 可乐 的 香味 , 而 不是 普通 的 猪油 , 这 给 面条 带来 了 一种 红色 的 色调 。,"a popular variant uses rendered oil from cooking char siu to flavour kolo mee instead of plain lard , which gives the noodles a reddish hue ." -3469,钙、钾等元素属于金属,银和金等元素当然也是金属。,"Elements like calcium and potassium are considered metals. Of course, there are also metals like silver and gold." -3470,马里亚纳群岛于当地时间早上 7 点 19 分(格林尼治时间周五晚上 9 点 19 分)发生地震。,The eathquake struck Mariana at 07:19 a.m. local time (09:19 p.m. GMT Friday). -3471,圣彼得堡游轮包括城内观光活动。游轮乘客可获豁免签证(详情请参阅服务条款)。,Saint Petersburg cruises include time in town. Cruise passengers are exempted from visa requirements (check the terms). -3472,"在 戈 德伯格 无法 摔跤 的 情况 下 , 纳什 转而 挑战 霍根 .","with Goldberg unable to wrestle , Nash challenged Hogan instead ." -3473,他們從我的果園偷了蘋果。,They stole apples from my orchard. -3474,他曾为瑞典和其他 28 个国家/地区制作过 1000 多版邮票。,"He produced over 1,000 stamps for Sweden and 28 other countries." -3475,在 8 … … b5 之后 , 白色 通常 通过 玩 9 . Bxf6 或 9 . Nd5 来 缓解 … … b4 的 威胁 。,"in the diagrammed position after 8 ... b5 , White usually parries the threat of ... b4 by playing 9.Bxf6 or 9.Nd5 ." -3476,"地点:德国 时间:十六世纪 场景:浮士德的书房 年老的浮士德悲叹他的学问到头来只是一场空,既未体会生命的乐趣又孤独中老(咏叹调《唉!我虚度一生》(Rien!","Place: Germany Time: 16th century Faust's cabinet Faust, an aging scholar, determines that his studies have come to nothing and have only caused him to miss out on life and love (Rien!" -3477,黄色和粉色的大眼睛小精灵皮卡丘,a yellow and pink pokemon pikachu with big eyes -3478,高山滑雪运动包括普通滑雪和雪板滑雪,是非常受欢迎的运动,在这项运动中,滑雪板或滑雪单板会固定在您的双脚上,从白雪覆盖的地形上滑下来。,"Downhill snowsports, which include skiing and snowboarding, are popular sports involving sliding down snow-covered terrain with skis or a snowboard attached to your feet." -3479,作为一项运动,高山滑雪至少可以追溯到 17 世纪,1861年,挪威人在澳大利亚开设了第一家休闲滑雪俱乐部。,"Downhill skiing as a sport goes back to at least the 17th century, and in 1861 the first recreational ski club was opened by Norwegians in Australia." -3480,一周后,布兰德离开费城,于1818年10月29日抵达瓦尔帕莱索。,"A week later , Bland left Philadelphia and arrived in Valparaíso on October 29 , 1818 ." -3481,"出身于音乐世家的他,能够弹奏钢琴、小提琴和大提琴,时常在剑桥演出。","Coming from a musical family, he was capable of playing the piano, violin and cello at a level such that he regularly played in concerts at Cambridge." -3482,藏有 各种 圣徒 遗物 的 黄金 补给品 都 在 纪念馆 两侧 。,gold reliquaries that contain relics of various saints are in nooks on either side of the reredos . -3483,"维埃诺瓦的海豚的头衔上升为他的家族直到1349年,当温伯特二世 (Humbert II)出售他的海豚庄园给腓力六世,从此法国的继承人承担了海豚(le Dauphin)的称号。","The title of Dauphin de Viennois descended in his family until 1349, when Humbert II sold his seigneury, called the Dauphiné, to King Philippe VI on condition that the heir of France assume the title of le Dauphin." -3484,一艘 和 两艘 Grisha III 护卫舰 也 为 美国 船只 蒙上 了 阴影 .,a and two Grisha III frigates also shadowed the U.S. ships . -3485,绿眼睛的猫的画,a drawing of a cat with green eyes -3486,"1960 年 11 月 , 叛变 的 伞兵 企图 除去 迪乌姆 , 包围 了 加隆宫 .","in November 1960 , mutinous paratroopers attempted to depose Diệm , and laid siege to Gia Long Palace ." -3487,它支持将元数据直接选择性地放置到闪存SSD上。,It supports selective placement of meta-data directly onto flash SSD. -3488,美国食品药物管理局建议一年内不要使用超过三次14天的疗程。,"In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has advised that no more than three 14-day treatment courses should be used in one year." -3489,"富人 , 穷人 , 从 1927 年 3 月 7 日到 1927 年 5 月 7 日 脱衣舞 .","rich Man , Poor Man , strips from March 7 , 1927 to May 7 , 1927 ." -3490,国家 历史 遗址 登记簿 上 的 船厂,shipyards on the National Register of Historic Places -3491,"几个月后,其升级为顶级项目。","A few months after, it graduated to a top-level project." -3492,"洪水和多次山崩也带来破坏,造成道路堵塞。",Flooding and multiple landslides also left damaged and caused road blockages. -3493,"6月下旬,远征队离开新皮埃尔堡,从陆路前进,在萨皮堡遇到了乌鸦印第安人。",In late June the expedition left New Fort Pierre and headed overland to Fort Sarpy where they encountered the Crow Indians. -3494,"土耳其人对波兰在俄国的影响力的不安,利索夫斯基军1619年于奥斯曼属国特兰西瓦尼亚的远征,和1619年哥萨克人对瓦尔纳城的焚毁,使奥斯曼帝国的年轻苏丹奥斯曼二世宣布对联邦宣战,意图摧毁并征服联邦。","Turkish unease about Poland's influence in Russia, the consequences of the Lisowczycy expedition against Transylvania, an Ottoman fief in 1619 and the burning of Varna by the Cossacks in 1620 caused the Empire under the young Sultan Osman II to declare a war against the Commonwealth, with the aim of breaking and conquering the Polish–Lithuanian state." -3495,De Bruijn到达塞浦路斯,并留在士麦那和君士坦丁堡的荷兰商人。,De Bruijn reached Cyprus and stayed with the Dutch merchants in Smyrna and Constantinople . -3496,"当光来自太阳(通常在低于地平线)的情况下,这种现象被称为日柱。","If the light comes from the Sun (usually when it is near or even below the horizon), the phenomenon is called a sun pillar or solar pillar." -3497,一只头上戴着黄帽子的蓝��蛛,a blue spider with a yellow hat on it's head -3498,"除了避开MD可能被使用的区域,活性炭过滤装置和防毒面具可以帮助防护MD。","Besides avoiding situations in which it might be used, an activated charcoal filter and a protective mask can help protect against MD." -3499,"在葡属澳门期间,许多穆斯林来自南亚的葡萄牙军队。","During the Portuguese rule of Macau, many Muslims came from South Asia with the Portuguese Army." +source,reference +"格罗夫斯担心标题对国防安全不利,因此印刷的时候封面上“原子弹”的字样被拿掉了。","Groves was concerned about the security implications of the title, so instead of having ""Atomic Bombs"" on the cover, it was left blank, and a rubber stamp was made." +"然而事与愿违,荷兰人全部被送往集中营,高阶和技术性职位则由日本人或印尼人代替。","Instead, they were sent to concentration camps and Japanese or Indonesian replacements were installed in senior and technical positions." +"2014年,刘宇宁与阿卓、大飞共同组建摩登兄弟乐队,并于2015年3月入驻YY直播平台。","In 2014, He formed Modern Brothers band with A Zhuo and Da Fei, and joined the YY live broadcasting platform in March 2015." +Windows同其他操作系统一样可以禁止特定的用户关闭计算机。,"Just like other operating systems, Windows has the option to prohibit selected users from shutting down a computer." +"借此,复折射率或介电性质可在相关之光谱范围取得,并依此得到相当多的基本物理性质。","By that the complex refractive index or the dielectric function tensor in the corresponding spectral region can be obtained, which gives access to a large number of fundamental physical properties." +投诉导致创建BrowserChoice.eu。,The complaint resulted in the creation of BrowserChoice.eu. +理查将年轻的王子和他的弟弟监禁在伦敦塔。,The young prince and his brother are coaxed (by Richard) into an extended stay at the Tower of London. +"长滩机场有一座现代流线风格的航站楼,作为一个历史性地标,其在2013年被翻新。",Long Beach Airport has one terminal in Streamline Moderne style that is a historical landmark and was renovated in early 2013. +"其他常见的职业包括清洁工,服务员,理发师和银行官员。","Other common professions include cleaners, waiters/waitresses, hairdressers, and bank officers." +学校图书馆亦迁至新翼。,The middle school also added a new wing. +"据报道他有财务困难,曾当过司机,在袭击发生约一年前获得货车驾驶证。","He was reported to have had financial difficulties and to have worked as a driver, acquiring a truck permit less than a year before the attack." +和解协议必须具有至少等于财产让渡的公平市价的全部对价。,The settlement agreement must have total consideration that is at least equal to the fair market value of the property being conveyed. +例如由编码27后跟随可打印的字符“[2;10H”组成的序列会使一个DEC Digital VT-102终端将光标移动到屏幕第2行的第10个位置。,"For example, the sequence of code 27, followed by the printable characters ""[2;10H"", would cause a DEC VT-102 terminal to move its cursor to the 10th cell of the 2nd line of the screen." +"很多用于工业生产的食品和饮料产品的发酵,以及家庭发酵,采用厌氧消化。","Much of the fermentation used industrially to produce food and drink products, as well as home fermentation, uses anaerobic digestion." +"2008年5月8日,两架注册号为N904FX和N905FX的 ATR 42-320型飞机,在皮德蒙特-特里亚德国际机场(英语:Piedmont Triad International Airport)遭遇 EF2级龙卷风袭击,飞机报废。","May 8, 2008 – N904FX and N905FX, two ATR-42-320s were written off after they suffered substantial damage at Piedmont Triad International Airport when the airport was hit by an EF2 tornado." +"7月7日,有多人在对阿勒颇中央监狱的炮击中丧生,不清楚是哪一方发动炮击。","A numbering of people were killed in the shelling of Aleppo Central Prison on 7 July, though who fired the shells was not immediately known." +"土著对华人的仇杀在1913年达到顶峰,托雷翁303名华人被屠。","This culminated in 1913, with 303 Chinese slaughtered in the Torreón massacre." +该名男教师解释是为了教学用途才进行拍摄。,We encourage use of this gazetteer for scholarly purposes. +"1558年–1563年 – 英格兰女王伊丽莎白一世 恢复了亨利八世的法律,包括1533年性悖轨法(英语:Buggery Act 1533)。","1558–1563 – Elizabeth I reinstates Henry VIII's old laws, including the Buggery Act 1533." +它提醒着我生活中一段非常美好的时期。,I wanted to describe a very stark moment in my life. +"不能取得空中优势以迫使日军依靠趸船、驱逐舰和潜艇增援,是非常不平衡的结果。","A failure to achieve air supremacy forced Japan to rely on reinforcement by barges, destroyers, and submarines, with very uneven results." +葡萄牙的穆斯林社群由来自葡萄牙的前非洲殖民地(即莫桑比克和几内亚比绍)、北非(主要是摩洛哥)和印度次大陆的新移民组成。,"Portugal's Muslim community consists of a small number of immigrants from Portugal's former colonies in Africa, namely Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, and small numbers of recent immigrant workers from Northern Africa, mainly Morocco." +建于17世纪的白色塔楼最为引人注目。,The baroque coffered ceiling from the 17th Century is particularly noteworthy. +"韦弗在2015年4月6日去世后,塔利成为获验证的全世界最长寿在世人物。","Upon Weaver's death on April 6, 2015, Talley was recognized as the oldest living person in the world." +他们也能站立行走很短一段路。,"However, they can also move slowly by walking." +"皮拉罕人在一整个昼夜的循环当中,分多次小睡十五分钟到两个小时,他们很少睡整晚的。","They take naps of 15 minutes to, at the most, two hours throughout the day and night, and rarely sleep through the night." +"第二次世界大战前,现代化的救护车配备了相关的医疗设备,包括有医生随员,并且可以运用无线电与派遣中心联络。","Prior to World War II, there were some areas where a modern ambulance carried advanced medical equipment, was staffed by a physician, and was dispatched by radio." +"在2002年的电影《关于施密特》中,Jack Nicholson扮演一位生活在内布拉斯加州奥马哈市的退休精算师,随着自己妻子的去世而开始对自己的人生产生疑问。","In About Schmidt (2002), Nicholson portrayed a retired Omaha, Nebraska, actuary who questions his own life following his wife's death." +"一般认为截至2010年,世界上共有6,000至7,000种语言,其中50%至90%将在2100年前灭绝。","The consensus is that there are between 6,000 and 7,000 languages spoken as of 2010, and that between 50–90% of those will have become extinct by the year 2100." +"艾沙姆出生于纽约市,是小提琴手Patricia(née Hammond)和人文学教授Howard Fuller Isham的儿子。","Isham was born in New York City, the son of Patricia (née Hammond), a violinist, and Howard Fuller Isham, a Professor of Humanities." +"弗格森以严紧的纪律管治,球员为他取了一个别名“暴怒的弗吉”。","He was still a strict disciplinarian, though, and his players nicknamed him ""Furious Fergie""." +"在此期间,提比里亚的Masoretes建立了niqqud,一种用于表示元音的或区分希伯来字母表字母的不同发音的附加符号系统。","During this period, the Masoretes of Tiberias established the niqqud, a system of diacritical signs used to represent vowels or distinguish between alternative pronunciations of letters of the Hebrew alphabet." +"导弹在火箭花园展示了许多年,直到2009年被撤下并给予一次完整的修复。",The missile had been present in the rocket garden for many years until 2009 when it was taken down and given a complete restoration. +"有几位较年老的枢机认为《沃姆斯宗教协定》是放弃额我略改革(英语:Gregorian Reform)中所提倡的原则,并倾向接受它只是一个象征式协定。","Several, particularly older, cardinals considered the compromise achieved in Worms as desertion of the principles of the Gregorian Reform, and inclined to accept it only as a tactical move." +"他增加了长打能力,连带着使他的全垒打增加。","As he developed greater strength, he increased his pace from fast-medium to genuine fast." +只有中国有更多的装机容量。,Only Canada trained more. +"建筑师是沃尔特 奥布里 托马斯(Walter Aubrey Thomas),1908年5月11日奠基,3年后的1911年7月19日开幕。","Designed by Walter Aubrey Thomas, the foundation stone for the building was laid on 11 May 1908 and just 3 years later, on 19 July 1911, the building was officially opened by Lord Sheffield." +"最近一次会议于2006年2月在巴西的阿雷格里港举办,会议主题是“上帝,在你的恩典中,改变这世界(God, in your grace, transform the world)”。","The ninth assembly took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil in February 2006, under the theme ""God, in your grace, transform the world""." +"遮蔽型的化妆舞会仪式是在Igboland最常见的艺术风格之一,与传统伊博人的音乐密切相关。",Masking is one of the most common art styles in Igboland and is linked strongly with Igbo traditional music. +"它开始于2000年的开源码发展实验室(OSDL),并与自由标准组织(FSG)合并后从而成为现在的组织。",It began in 2000 under the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and became the organization it is today when OSDL merged with the Free Standards Group (FSG). +"通常使用具有涂覆在薄玻璃板上的光敏乳剂的照相印版来代替柔性薄膜,这是因为从玻璃板到塑料薄膜的一般过渡仍在进行中并且因为玻璃提供了最佳的尺寸稳定性。","Photographic plates, which had the light-sensitive emulsion coated on a thin sheet of glass, were normally used instead of flexible film, both because a general transition from glass plates to plastic film was still in progress and because glass provided the best dimensional stability for three images intended to match up perfectly when they were later combined." +"特别委员会的主要功能为检视并研议政府施政事宜,可召开听证会并收集证据以达成目标。","The primary function of Select Committees is to scrutinise and investigate Government activities; to fulfil these aims, they are permitted to hold hearings and collect evidence." +该草案最终在10月9日以40对38票的结果通过。,The bill passed its final vote on October 9 in a 40-38 vote. +"12月1至12日之间,英国皇家空军飞行2,225架次,损失至少37架飞机。","From 1–12 December, the RAF flew 2,225 sorties and lost a minimum of 37 aircraft." +"与朗西曼的看法截然相反,根据当时犹太文献开罗贮藏室文献(英语:Cairo Geniza)和后来的一些穆斯林文献记载,塞尔柱人对巴勒斯坦地区的侵略和占领(1073年至1098年)是一场“屠杀与破坏,经济凋敝,民不聊生”。","Similarly, Moshe Gil (1997) argues against Runciman on the basis of contemporary Jewish Cairo Geniza documents, as well as later Muslim accounts, concluding that the Seljuq invasion of Anatolia and the occupation of Palestine (c. 1073–1098) was a period of ""slaughter and vandalism, of economic hardship, and the uprooting of populations""." +"以下Java范例解释""虚拟代理""模式。","The following Java example illustrates the ""virtual proxy"" pattern." +"在俄罗斯电脑和打字机键盘上,No通常在3键上。","On Russian computer keyboard layout, the No is available and often located on the 3 key." +"昂热尔认为,德勒兹的形而上学方法使其在质疑哲学系统时缺乏理性、不能适可而止,这对意义、真相及哲学本身来说是一种摧毁。","According to Pascal Engel, Deleuze's metaphilosophical approach makes it impossible to reasonably disagree with a philosophical system, and so destroys meaning, truth, and philosophy itself." +"对Gurwitsch来说,在每一行为中被察觉到的就是诺耶玛,而对象本身——也就是这棵树——就被理解为与其相关的诺耶玛构成的集合或系统。","For Gurwitsch, what is perceived in each such act is a noema, and the object itself – the tree, say – is to be understood as the collection or system of noemata associated with it." +"相应地,北卡罗来纳大学女子学院被重新命名北卡罗来纳大学Greensboro(英语:University of North Carolina at Greensboro),而北卡罗来纳大学本身成为北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校。","As a result, the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina was renamed the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the University of North Carolina itself became the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill." +"同时间,长久以来的国家经济问题,包括生活成本上涨,也激发了是次全国性示威。",Economic problems including the increased cost of living also fueled protests in the nation. +"CPU:Zilog Z80、1.789 兆赫 内存:4 KB(64 KB在扩展端口外部模块) ROM:8 KB Cart ROM:8 KB的ROM 扩展:64 KB的总 接口:4控制器,1扩展,1灯笔 3音响:声音+噪声/颤音效果(通过电视播放) 分辨率:真正的160×102 / 88 / 160×基本扩展RAM 320×204 颜色:真正的8 * 2 /基本 在巴利位图结构实际上只允许4种颜色设置。","CPU: Zilog Z80, 1.789 MHz RAM: 4 kB (up to 64 kB with external modules in the expansion port) ROM: 8 kB Cart ROM: 8 kB Expansion: 64 kB total Ports: 4 controller, 1 expansion, 1 light pen Sound: 3 voices + noise/vibrato effects (played through the TV) Resolution: True 160×102 / Basic 160×88 / Expanded RAM 320×204 Colors: True 8* / Basic 2 The bitmap structure of the Bally actually only allows for 4 color settings." +丽鱼基因组还表明在参与基因表达的微小RNA中的进化速度增加。,The cichlid genomes also showed increased evolutionary rates in microRNAs which are involved in gene expression. +"韦斯还曾有一封信在1968年7月19日的《生活杂志》上发表,信中对现代摇滚乐,特别是弗兰克·扎帕的音乐进行了较为详细的评述。","Craven had a letter published in the July 19, 1968, edition of Life, praising that periodical's coverage of contemporary rock music, in particular Frank Zappa's." +"1982年7月29日,第82-652号法案取消了视听传播方面的国家垄断。","On July 29, 1982, Law 82-652 abolished the state monopoly and created both a Council and High Authority on Audiovisual Communication to oversee the liberalisation of the French audiovisual sector." +"温尼伯詹姆斯·阿姆斯特朗·理查森国际机场是马尼托巴最大的机场,是加拿大仅有的几个24小时运营的机场之一,属于国家机场系统(英语:National Airports System)的一部分。","Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, Manitoba's largest airport, is one of only a few 24-hour unrestricted airports in Canada and is part of the National Airports System." +"中国自改革开放之后,出现了大量小额贷款业务,为4000万家中小企业提供服务。","The government introduced a series of small-scale reforms, such as allowing more small-scale private enterprises to function." +是蓑白唯一的克星。,This remains Belarus' only top ten placement. +2009年5月5日通过微软下载中心向公众发布。,"On May 5, 2009, the release candidate was made available to the general public via the Microsoft download center." +"但是西欧势力对这次瓜分漠不关心,只有埃德蒙·伯克等一小余人反对瓜分。",The European powers reacted to the partition with utmost indifference; only a few voices — like that of Edmund Burke — were raised in objection. +"搜索雷达的探测半径是 26 km(16 mi) ,最多能够同时跟踪、识别64个目标。",The search radar has a range of 26 km (16 mi) and is capable of tracking and identifying up to 64 targets at once. +2005年11月11日:成功执行第一次机动修正弹道。,11 November 2005: First trajectory correction maneuver successfully performed. +此车亮相于东京、横滨、名古屋、大阪的高尔夫球场。,"The vehicle was unveiled in golf courses in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka." +"渔民一般会将首次捕得的渔获敬献给她,捕鱼时小心遵守与她有关的各种禁忌。",Fishermen sacrificed to her the first of their catch and observed numerous taboos related to her while fishing. +则下列条件等价: X 是 T1 空间。,Then the following conditions are equivalent: X is a T1 space. +"此外,新加坡国父、内阁资政李光耀,以及前德国总理赫尔穆特·科尔和赫尔穆特·施密特,也在会议上发表了演讲。","Furthermore, Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew, the former German chancellors Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt took part." +明复图书馆是该图书馆体系的成员。,The historic Sage Library is a part of this library system. +"法国大革命引发了衡量标准体系米制(metric system),并且已经遍布全球,取代了大多数惯用的衡量单位。","The French Revolution gave rise to the metric system, and this has spread around the world, replacing most customary units of measure." +"亚林顿帮助玛丽亚·克莱姆烤了婚礼蛋糕,准备了一席婚宴。",Yarrington helped Maria Clemm bake the wedding cake and prepared a wedding meal. +郊区自治市Aker于1948年1月1日与奥斯陆合并(同时从阿克斯胡斯郡转移到了奥斯陆郡)。,The rural municipality of Aker was merged with Oslo on 1 January 1948 (and simultaneously transferred from Akershus county to Oslo county). +"若多思觉人,念息法门治。",Je nach Fettmenge können Plunder mit mind. +"我喜欢情景剧,这种流派很高贵,真的很伟大,但我清楚我不想要史诗,我要的是别的东西。","I adore melodrama, it's a noble genre, a truly great genre, but I was very clear that I didn't want anything epic, I wanted something else." +"在此之后,日本舰队的6艘巡洋舰和驱逐舰转向东北方驶去。","After this, the Japanese force of six cruisers and several destroyers turned away to the northeast." +"同日起,《最终幻想XIII》PlayStation Home个人空间还在日本免费提供至2010年1月13日,同时提供的还有服装和个人空间家具;亚洲、欧洲和北美版PlayStation Home于2010年3月11日发行。","On the same day, a Final Fantasy XIII PlayStation Home personal space was made available for free in Japan until January 13, 2010, along with a costume and personal space furnishings; they were released to the Asian, European, and North American versions of PlayStation Home on March 11, 2010." +以色列从1967年起占领该市。,The Valley is occupied by Israel since 1967. +"他们有些是主线剧情中,也有些是支线剧情中。","Some were minute differences, some to the point of grotesque." +"在联邦对哥萨克施加更多限制,瑟姆通过让大多数哥萨克沦为农奴的法令后,哥萨克在亚基夫·奥斯特拉宁和迪米特罗·胡尼亚领导下于1638年再次起义。","Upon new anti-Cossack limitations and sejm statutes imposing serfdom on most Cossacks, the Cossacks rose up again in 1638 under Jakiv Ostryanin and Dmytro Hunia." +马西森以其对自由主义事业和进步政治的支持而闻名。,Matthiessen was well known for his support of liberal causes and progressive politics. +"ISO 9:1995,由国际标准化组织制定。","ISO 9:1995, from the International Organization for Standardization." +"这种红色固体溶于氟化氢,但是会分解,释放出氟。","This red solid dissolves in hydrogen fluoride but these solutions decompose, liberating fluorine." +"根据介值定理,一定存在某个旋转角,使得d = 0,在这个角度上便有f(A) = f(B)。","Due to the intermediate value theorem there must be some intermediate rotation angle for which d = 0, and as a consequence f(A) = f(B) at this angle." +"在1538年被重建,1823年又再度修复。",It was rebuilt in 1538 and repaired in 1823. +"在美国加入了伯恩公约之后,部分著作权的既得利益者成功地游说美国国会再一次延长著作权的年限,让美国的保护年限能够跟欧洲的规范相同。","After the United States' accession to the Berne convention, a number of copyright owners successfully lobbied the U.S. Congress for another extension of the term of copyright, to provide for the same term of protection that exists in Europe." +"与类似的系统上常见的布置相反,飞弩-6A的火控系统被安装在一个不寻常的布置,即是在发射器的底下。","Contrary to common arrangement on similar systems, the FCS of FN-6A is mounted in an unusual arrangement, namely under the launchers." +"大卫星的质量取自Jacobson, 2006。","Masses of the large moons were taken from Jacobson, 2006." +"1987年,Carrie Saxon Perry当选哈特福市长,这是美国历史上第一个当选美国主要城市市长的女性非洲裔美国人。","In 1987, Carrie Saxon Perry was elected mayor of Hartford, the first female African-American mayor of a major American city." +"1933年,有66 000 000人生活在德国。","In 1933, there were 66,000,000 people living in Germany." +"大约在下午1点,33岁的Frankum来到了史卓菲的一家购物中心史卓菲广场(Strathfield Plaza)。","At around 1:00 p.m., 33-year-old Frankum went to Strathfield Plaza, a shopping mall in the Inner West of Sydney." +端到端加密并不能避免终端本身的安全风险。,The end-to-end encryption paradigm does not directly address risks at the communications endpoints themselves. +"它主要研究人们在太空极端环境中所能达到的最大存活时间和存活品质,以及返回地球后最快能够重新适应地球环境的时间。","The main objective is to discover how well and for how long people can survive the extreme conditions in space, and how fast they can adapt to the Earth's environment after returning from their voyage." +AAEA出版美国农业经济学报和应用经济展望与政策(英语:Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy)。,The AAEA publishes the American Journal of Agricultural Economics and Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. +原本是晚报。,It was an afternoon paper. +"卡曼99行动,伊朗在两伊战争期间最大的空袭,有超过140架飞机投入服役。","Iran–Iraq War Operation Kaman 99, Iran's biggest air raid during Iran–Iraq war with a strength of more than 140 aircraft." +"蓝调与拉格泰姆的关系也很密切,不过蓝调更好地保存了“原始非洲音乐的旋律结构”。","The style also was closely related to ragtime, which developed at about the same time, though the blues better preserved ""the original melodic patterns of African music""." +一期的AVN杂志可能有超过500部成人影片的评论。,An AVN issue can feature over 500 movie reviews. +"艺术奖 Marina de Tommaso、Michele Sardaro 和 Paolo Livrea,测试出观众在被强大的手持激光照射时,观看丑陋的画作与美丽的画作哪个更疼。","Art: Marina de Tommaso, Michele Sardaro, and Paolo Livrea, for measuring the relative pain people suffer while looking at an ugly painting, rather than a pretty painting, while being shot by a powerful laser beam." +"在2015年12月16日,游戏被官方命名为《家园:卡拉克沙漠》(Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak)并在Steam上预售。","On December 16, 2015, the game was officially announced as Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak." +乔姆斯基对于后结构主义和后现代主义对科学的批判持有强烈异议。,Chomsky has shown cynicism towards the credibility of postmodernism and poststructuralism. +"在JUnit 4中,使用@RunWith和@Parameters一起来实现参数化测试,而@Parameters方法必须返回List,它携带所有实际的值,这些值将作为参数被传递给专门的类构造器。","In JUnit 4, @RunWith and @Parameters are used together to facilitate parameterized tests, while the @Parameters method has to return List with all the actual values, which will be fed into a dedicated class constructor as an argument." +Atlas missile、F-102 Delta Dagger、F-106 Delta Dart三角翼截击机和三角翼的超音速洲际核弹轰炸机B-58 Hustler都是康维尔公司的产品。,"The Atlas missile, the F-102 Delta Dagger and F-106 Delta Dart delta-winged interceptors, and the delta-winged B-58 Hustler supersonic intercontinental nuclear bomber were all Convair products." +"苏西尼的工作坊使用铁而不是骨骼来支撑模型,这样就能比其他工作坊更快地生产模型,同时也节约了成本。",The use of iron supports rather than natural skeletons let the workshop produce models more quickly and economically than other workshops. +"哈里斯接着大喊命令所有人“站起来!”,声音之大连 9-1-1里的录音都能听到(在11:29:18)。","Harris yelled, ""Get up!"" so loudly that he can be heard on the 9–1–1 recording at 11:29:18 a.m." +"虽然如此,但通过地中海贸易生涯,他可能从中学到了有关重要的东方商品(例如香料和丝绸)的知识,因此与同时代的���他欧洲人比起来,他可以算是博学了。","In this Mediterranean trade, he may have acquired better knowledge of the origins of the oriental (West Asian) merchandise he would have been dealing in (such as spices and silks) than most Europeans at that time." +"其中,范数一般为欧几里得距离,不过亦可使用其他距离函数。","The norm is usually Euclidean distance, although other distance functions are also possible." +"2004年时自美国的船籍名单中除名之后移交给斯里兰卡海军,成为离岸巡逻舰海洋号(英语:SLNS Samudura (P-621))(SLNS Samudura P-621)。",She was transferred to the government of Sri Lanka on 24 June 2004 as SLNS Samudura (P-621). +"飓风过去后,国际红十字与红新月运动为古巴发出紧急呼吁。","Following the hurricane, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement launched an emergency appeal for Cuba." +"1917年,英国陆军沿雅法-耶路撒冷公路前进,接近耶路撒冷。",The British Army advanced along the Jaffa-Jerusalem Highway and approached Jerusalem. +"事实上,格雷厄姆认为OO是没有用的,因为它的方法和模式只是“好的设计”,并且他看到用于实现OO的语言特性部分存在谬误。","Further, Graham thinks that OO is not useful as its methods and patterns are just ""good design"", and he views the language features used to implement OO as partly mistaken." +"日耳曼与意大利士兵宣布独立并选出一个名为莱纳德(Rainald)的义籍新领袖,而法籍士兵也改由乔弗利·布耶尔(Geoffrey Burel)指挥。","The Germans and Italians split off and elected a new leader, an Italian named Rainald, while for the French, Geoffrey Burel took command." +"2013年5月20日,Cash Cash通过Protocol Recordings在Beatport上发布了Nicky Romero的《Symphonica》混音。","On May 20, 2013, Cash Cash released a remix of ""Symphonica"" by Nicky Romero that was released on Beatport by Protocol Recordings." +"然而,其他人把聋人俱乐部的衰落归结为二战的结束和就业市场的变化。","However, others attribute the decline of deaf clubs to the end of World War II and a change in the job market." +"暴力事件的发展造成数千名卢巴平民逃离家园,躲避战斗。",The violence of the advance caused an exodus of thousands of Baluba civilians who fled their homes to escape the fighting. +"同月30日,冯·恩格尔肯指示乔伊斯全权配合麦克尼尔的工作,还要求对方“确保巴伯先生不会当场向麦克尼尔先生表达反对意见。","On January 30, 1917, von Engelken instructed Joyce to give MacNeil full facilities, and told the Mint Superintendent, ""see that Mr. Barber keeps his objections to himself while Mr. MacNeil is there""." +"阿黛儿·艾奈尔(法语:Adèle Haenel,1989年1月1日-)是法国女演员。",Adèle Haenel (born 1 January 1989) is a French actress. +"该地于1841年由詹姆斯·克拉克·罗斯发现,并以维多利亚女王命名此地。",It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria. +"世界卫生组织估计2005年全球的失智症盛行率为0.379%,2015年会增加到0.441%,并在2030年达到0.556%;其他研究也有类似的结论。","The World Health Organization estimated that in 2005, 0.379% of people worldwide had dementia, and that the prevalence would increase to 0.441% in 2015 and to 0.556% in 2030." +地址和数据首先发送最高有效位。,The address and the data bytes are sent most significant bit first. +"一个著名的例子是篮球运动员德克·诺维茨基的URDP域名:DirkSwish.com,以及女演员伊娃·朗歌莉亚的URDP域名:EvaLongoria.org。",Prominent examples include basketball player Dirk Nowitzki's UDRP of DirkSwish.com and actress Eva Longoria's UDRP of EvaLongoria.org. +"其他的批判性教育家以他们的“反学校”或“非学校”取向而著名,如伊凡·伊利奇(英语:Ivan Illich)(奥地利人、流亡美国)、John Caldwell Holt(美国)、Ira Shor(美国)、约翰·泰勒·盖托(美国)、以及Matt Hern。","Other critical pedagogues known more for their Anti-schooling, unschooling, or deschooling perspectives include Ivan Illich, John Holt, Ira Shor, John Taylor Gatto, and Matt Hern." +"在重工业、国防工业,交通运输业的投资占总投资的74%。","In sections such as heavy industries, national defense industries, and transportation industries, the share of the Third Front region was about 74%." +楼顶为两面坡式。,The roof is two-gabled. +"2001年圣诞节前夜,一场暴风雪袭击了纽约州。",During prom night in 2001 a tornado hit the town. +"另外,哥球会又宣布加入欧杜邦(英语:Audubon International)合作保护区高尔夫计划。","Besides, the Club also announced to join the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Programme for Golf." +"由于项目提供的医疗资源,里维斯护士认为对于这些参加人员而言,好处超过了潜在的风险。","Based on the available health care resources, Rivers believed that the benefits of the study to the men outweighed the risks." +"然而更早的莫斯科工厂制造的机型,例如H21经常使用Ju编号描述,例如Ju 21。","However, earlier aircraft built in Moscow like the H 21 were often described by a Ju number, e.g. Ju 21." +"祂的区别是在宽的圆柱间距(intercolumnia)在窄侧以及窄的那些位于长侧这两者之间的不同,也是一项有影响力的特征,因为是在这内殿之中的圆柱列的定位配置,相对应于外侧那些圆柱列,其不重复著一项特征,这一直到150年之后位于巴赛神庙的兴建而有所改观。","Its differentiation between wider intercolumnia on the narrow sides and narrower ones on the long sides was also an influential feature, as was the positioning of the columns within the cella, corresponding with those on the outside, a feature not repeated until the construction of the temple at Bassae 150 years later." +"但在Windows Vista中,交互服务已被弃用,并且可能无法正常运行。","In Windows Vista, however, interactive services are deprecated and may not operate properly, as a result of Windows Service hardening." +"但实际上经过3个地球年后,火星车每天仍可获得300瓦特小时至900瓦特小时的动力。","Over three Earth years later, however, the rovers' power supplies hovered between 300 watt-hours and 900 watt-hours per day, depending on dust coverage." +"规模越来越大,参赛的队伍和选手也逐年增多,比赛水平也不断提升。",More races and venues have joined the series and the number of competitors are still growing from year to year. +"福特已经在投票中打垮了卡特的领先地位,总体上算赢得了关于国内政策的第一次辩论。","Ford had already cut into Carter's large lead in the polls, and was generally viewed as having won the first debate on domestic policy." +"不过,德累斯顿在前东德城市中算是经济发展情形最好的一个,经济基础和发展速度都远远好于前东德其它城市,人均GDP上升到31,100欧元,与西德相对不富裕的地区相似(德国50个大城市人均GDP平均为35,000欧元)。","Nevertheless, Dresden is the city that has developed the most effectively in all of East Germany and has raised its GDP per capita to 31,100 Euro, which is equal to the GDP per capita of some poor West German communities (the average of the 50 biggest cities is around 35,000 Euro)." +"尽管莱希在1948年以停止全国范围内的运作,该组织仍在耶路撒冷活动。","Although Lehi had stopped operating nationally after May 1948, the group continued to function in Jerusalem." +"这一转变带来相关法律上的修改,包括对于同性恋者和犹太人的迫害。",These revisions include provisions for the persecution of gays and Jews. +"奥卡姆的追随者,例如米尔库尔的约翰(John of Mirecourt)和奥特库尔的尼古拉(Nicholas of Autrecourt)继续扩展了这种观点。","Followers of Ockham, such as John of Mirecourt and Nicholas of Autrecourt furthered this view." +"2014年8月18日,据宣布《查理必死》的导演弗雷德里克·邦德将接替福奎阿的位置,但邦德在开机前六周前的9月18日离开剧组。","On August 18, 2014, it was announced that Charlie Countryman director Fredrik Bond would take over direction from Fuqua, but Bond left the film on September 18, six weeks before the shooting was to begin." +"有了该Windows更新,现在可以使用Alt码(Alt + 8377)获取印度卢比符号。","With the Windows update, it is now possible to use alt code text entry to obtain the Indian Rupee symbol – Alt+8377." +"1639年,赞·范里贝克加入了荷属东印度公司,他身兼多职,其中包括在东印度群岛巴达维亚出任助理医师。","Joining the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC) (Dutch East India Company) in 1639, he served in a number of posts, including that of an assistant surgeon in the Batavia in the East Indies." +但过后就会变得较细小及沉色。,This core will then begin to dry and shrink. +"16人中只有五人受审,其中两人无罪释放。",Only five of the sixteen went to trial; two of those were acquitted. +"孙桓,孙河三子,东汉末和三国时东吴武将,建武将军,丹徒侯。","The Quraysh used to circumambulate the Ka‘bah and say, By al-Lāt and al-ʻUzzā, And al-Manāt, the third idol besides." +"今天此处命名为毕加索博物馆,是世界上第一个专门献给他的博物馆。","Today the museum is known as the Picasso Museum, the first museum in the world to be dedicated to the artist." +"这是他试图寻求结盟对佛罗伦萨作战的先兆,他在中意大利扩张,并和佛罗伦萨人的宿敌卢卡领主保罗·圭尼吉结盟。","This was part of his attempts to gain allies in the upcoming war against the Republic of Florence, caused by his expansion in central Italy and his alliance with Paolo Guinigi, lord of Lucca, a traditional enemy of the Florentines." +"1984年,他的头像被印在日元1000元的纸币上。","From 1984 until 2004, his portrait appeared on the front of the Japanese 1000 yen note." +"每寸空间都是售货的地方,甚至是渡轮的地下通道都排列著商店、烤肉架,还有售卖香烟的男孩。","Every inch is retail space, even the underpasses taking people from the ferries are lined with shops, kebab grillers and boys selling cigarettes." +球会于2010年由 Leodari Sole、Cavazzale及Real Vicenza-Laghetto三次球会合并成立。,"The club was founded in 2010 after the merger of the teams Leodari Sole, Cavazzale and Real Vicenza-Laghetto." +"但是直觉逻辑的连结词不像经典逻辑那样是可互定义的,因此它们的选择是重要的。","However, intuitionistic connectives are not definable in terms of each other in the same way as in classical logic, hence their choice matters." +"特别的,他在计算1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ...为1⁄4时所采用的方法可能是(C, n)的另一种描述,但是在当时并没有对其进行证明。","In particular, he summed 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ..., to ​1⁄4 by a method that may be rephrased as (C, n) but was not justified as such at the time." +"鲁迅对青年人非常爱护,当作自己的子弟看待。",Birds are distinctive in the way they care for their young. +卡拉扬从不否认自己曾经是纳粹党成员。,Hans Dichand has always denied having been a member of the Nazi Party. +"4维表示分解为一维平凡表示(单重,标量,自旋零)和三维表示(三重,旋转1)的总和,它只不过是SO(3)的标准表示 中。","The 4 dimensional representation decomposes into the sum of a one-dimensional trivial representation (singlet, a scalar, spin zero) and a three-dimensional representation (triplet, spin 1) that is nothing more than the standard representation of SO(3) on R 3 {\displaystyle R^{3}} ." +军事分界线贯穿不归桥中心。,The Military Demarcation Line runs through the middle of the bridge. +"开发人员最终完成该标签时,编辑器会自动生成闭合标签。","When the developer finally completes the tag, the editor automatically generates the closing tag." +"事实证明他的推断是正确的,美国联邦政府与摩尔门教领导通过谈判缓和了双边的紧张关系。","His prediction proved correct, as negotiations between the federal government and Mormon leaders eased tensions between the two." +"这一时期,海德公园内发生了多场决斗,常常有皇室成员参与其中。","Several duels took place in Hyde Park during this time, often involving members of the nobility." +天然拱门和桥梁协会(The Natural Arch and Bridge Society)将科罗布拱门认定为世界上第二大的天然拱门。,The Natural Arch and Bridge Society (NABS) considers Kolob Arch to be the sixth longest natural arch in the world. +他为了宣传所作的最大成就是保存一只全羊。,His greatest success for publicity was an entire sheep. +"更年期(Menopause),又称为绝经期,是指女性生命中永远不再会有月经的时期,同时也永久失去生育能力。","Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children." +"此外,这台IBM 5100也具备了重新撰写APL及BASIC程式的能力。",The IBM 5100 runs the APL and BASIC programming languages. +"《李尔王》(King Lear)——一个困难的问题:主要基于Q1,可能参考了Q2,并根据提白版本修正。","33 King Lear – a difficult problem: probably set mainly from Q1 but with reference to Q2, and corrected against a prompt-book." +"练兵场惨案后,委员会变得更加重要。",As war loomed the Committee became increasingly important. +"有许多款产品中使用了NSS,以下是部分产品: Mozilla客户端产品,包括Firefox、Thunderbird、SeaMonkey和Firefox for mobile(Fennec)。","They and others named below use NSS in a variety of products, including the following: Mozilla client products, including Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and Firefox for mobile (Fennec)." +"学校也收取听力受损的学生,目前该学校有15名学童都是听力受损。","It also has a hearing impaired department, which currently helps up to 15 children through their school day." +鳞状细胞癌的长期预后取决于一系列原因:鳞状细胞癌子类、可能的治疗方法、位置及严重性、与病人有关的健康问题(其他并发症、年龄等等)。,"The long-term outcome of squamous cell carcinomas is dependent upon several factors: the sub-type of the carcinoma, available treatments, location(s) and severity, and various patient health-related variables (accompanying diseases, age, etc.)." +"民主力量(法语:Forces et Démocratie,法语发音: '',英语:Strength in Democracy), 是一个由两名来自魁北克省的国会议员于2014年成立的加拿大联邦政党。","Strength in Democracy (French: Forces et Démocratie, French pronunciation: ​) was a Canadian federal political party founded in 2014 by two Quebec Members of Parliament (MPs)." +"2017年6月伦敦桥袭击事件发生后,这个短语是否还是指定的短语,或者这个代码现在已经公开的事实还没有得到证实。","Whether this phrase is still the designated one, after the June 2017 London Bridge attack, or after the fact that the code word is now publicly known has not been confirmed." +"最为关键地,卡西尼预测,1676年11月16日的木卫一蚀的现踪时间会比先前计算方法得到的结果早10分钟。","Most importantly, Rømer announced the prediction that the emergence of Io on 16 November 1676 would be observed about ten minutes later than would have been calculated by the previous method." +"NDISwrapper NDISWrapper在Linux内核中实现了Windows内核的一些部件,包括NTOSKRNL API(一个基本的WDM控制器)和一系列诸如把Wireless/NDIS/USB/PnP等的Windows系统调用转向Linux系统调用的封装。","NDISWrapper consists of a NTOSKRNL API, a basic WDM controller, and a set of Windows call wrappers such as Wireless/NDIS/USB/PnP to Linux APIs." +"尽管经过数月的猜测,政府一再声称它支持选举在2019年进行,否认即将举行提前选举。","Despite months of speculation, the government repeatedly claimed that it was in favour of holding elections when they were due, denying that an early vote would take place." +"斯诺登披露的档案声称,时代计划收集的数据是和美国国家安全局共享的。",Documents Snowden acquired showed that data collected by the Tempora program is shared with the National Security Agency of the United States. +"1989年,贝克从Y-95辞职并接受了一家休斯顿(Houston)电台KRBE的工作。","In 1989, Beck resigned from Y-95 to accept a job in Houston at KRBE, known as Power 104." +"非洲分枝杆菌分布不广,但却是导致非洲结核病感染的重要因素。","M. africanum is not widespread, but it is a significant cause of tuberculosis in parts of Africa." +这首歌真优美。,This song is so good. +"这几千人在1941年10月参加了战斗,只有一半幸存。",Of the one thousand people who joined the unit in October 1941 only half survived the war. +"主动光学的名称意味着系统能保持它的镜面(通常是主镜)在最佳成像的状况下,以抵御风、下陷、热膨胀和望远镜轴变形等环境力的影响。","The name active optics means that the system keeps a mirror (usually the primary) in its optimal shape against environmental forces such as wind, sag, thermal expansion, and telescope axis deformation." +"1976年11月5日,威尔特郡波登唐(英语:Porton Dow)前微生物研究机构实验室技术人员杰弗里·普拉特,处理非洲的埃博拉病毒样本时,不慎被污染的针头扎伤。","On 5 November 1976, Geoffrey Platt, a laboratory technician at the former Microbiological Research Establishment in Porton Down, Wiltshire, contracted Ebola in an accidental needlestick injury from a contaminated needle while handling samples from Africa." +"2018年1月10日,五名男子从酒店中盗走价值数百万欧元的珠宝,最终三人在逃跑时被抓获。","During the 10th of January 2018 five men stole millions of euros of jewellery from within the hotel, three were subsequently caught before escaping." +"伍德沃思是军官团正式成立的功臣,他在1889年把海医署的医疗人员根据陆军军事架构重组,建立一支机动,可随国家和服务需要而移动的专业医疗部队。",Woodworth organized the Marine Hospital Service medical personnel along Army military structure in 1889 to facilitate a mobile force of health professionals that could be moved for the needs of the service and country. +"2016年1月15日,鉴于“寨卡与小头畸形症有关的证据不断增长”,美国疾病控制与预防中心发布旅游警示,建议孕妇推迟前往巴西及报告寨卡热的国家和地区,包括哥伦比亚、塞尔瓦多、法属圭亚那、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、马提尼克、墨西哥、巴拿马、巴拉圭、苏里南、委内瑞拉和波多黎各联邦。","On January 15, 2016, because of the ""growing evidence of a link between Zika and microcephaly"" the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) issued a travel warning advising pregnant women to consider postponing travel to Brazil as well as the following countries and territories where Zika fever had been reported: Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico." +"目前正合作编撰《中东的社交媒体》,预计于2016年出版。",Presently he is coediting Social Media in the Middle East to be published in 2016. +它被认为是斯托克斯的“第一个真正杰出的教堂设计”。,"He has been described as ""the first great Sanskrit scholar in Europe""." +"这个文件里写道,罗素是一个独裁者,精明的商人,通过出版《千禧年黎明》聚敛钱财,在收入上作假,还用一个女性假名出版了上千份此书。","It accused Russell of being a dictatorial leader, a shrewd businessman who appeared eager to collect funds from the selling of the Millennial Dawn books, of cheating one of them financially, and of issuing thousands of Millennial Dawn books under a female pseudonym." +"其后五年,陆续又出现了11例类似的病例报告,其中有些论文已经用“阿兹海默症”来称呼此疾病。","During the next five years, eleven similar cases were reported in the medical literature, some of them already using the term Alzheimer's disease." +木乃伊遗失的右臂引发了研究者的争议。,The missing right arm of the mummy was the cause of a minor controversy between researchers. +改革者引用格里历的几个问题: 它不是常年历。,Reformers cite several problems with the Gregorian calendar: It is not perennial. +"1972年,他还担任国家队的主教练一职。",He was also head coach of national team in 1972. +"还有其他动物消耗活的植物材料,其残留物被传递到土壤。","There are also other animals that consume living vegetal material, whose residues are passed to the soil." +"这项技术需要极高的信噪比才能进行,而目前只能在少数环绕体积较小且距离行星较近、亮度较高恒星旁的行星实现,例如HD 189733 b和GJ 1214 b。","This technique requires an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio, and has thus far been successfully applied to only a few planets orbiting small, nearby, relatively bright stars, such as HD 189733 b and GJ 1214 b." +有着跟母亲一样的白色头发。,She has blonde hair like her mother. +"除了因卡尔森突击队进攻遭受的损失外,热带疾病和缺乏食物令东海林损失更多的士兵。","In addition to the losses sustained from attacks by Carlson's raiders, tropical diseases and a lack of food felled many more of Shōji's men." +"两天后,兰德尔掌管的拨款委员会向众议院汇报多项有他支持的拨款法案。","Two days later, Randall's Appropriations committee reported several funding bills with his support." +"罗德·洛夫(Rod Love),61岁,加拿大的政治战略家。","Rod Love, 61, Canadian political strategist." +"5α-雄烷 5β-雄烷(本胆烷) 5α-雄烷被报导存在雄激素活性,尽管没有含氧取代基。","5α-Androstane 5β-Androstane 5α-Androstane is reported to be effective as an androgen, in spite of having no oxygen substitutions." +"义和团运动期间,这教团的损失惨重,其图书馆被摧毁。","During the Boxer Rebellion, the mission suffered greatly, including the destruction of its library." +"在整个战斗过程中,拿骚级舰只仅遭受到大舰队的少量副炮袭击;其中拿骚号被命中两次、威斯特法伦号和莱茵兰号各一次,波森号则完全没有受到伤害。","The Nassau-class ships suffered only a handful of secondary battery hits from the opposing Grand Fleet; Nassau was hit twice, Westfalen and Rheinland each once, and Posen escaped completely unscathed." +"先是骊歌不忍闻,又何况、春将暮。",She would sing all the way to the spring and back. +"2011年9月6日,在另一方面所达成的协议当中,韩国政府同意购买数量未知的长钉NLOS型导弹。","In a deal concluded on 6 September 2011, the South Korean government had agreed to purchase an unknown number of Spike NLOS missiles." +"虽然死亡蛇与蝮蛇科的蛇类十分相似,但它们确实是眼镜蛇科的成员之一,与眼镜蛇、曼巴蛇及珊瑚蛇关系较为接近。","Although the death adders resemble vipers of the family Viperidae, they are actually members of the family Elapidae, being more closely related to cobras, mambas, and coral snakes." +"1954年弗吉尼亚州议会(州立法机构)设立一个行政区,名为切萨皮克湾渡轮区,它的行政实体,切萨皮克湾渡轮委员会。","In 1954, the General Assembly of Virginia (state legislature) created a political subdivision, the Chesapeake Bay Ferry District and its governing body, the Chesapeake Bay Ferry Commission." +"因为在短时间内释放大量的能量,所以大部分的能量都是高能光子的形式,在这种情况下的X射线,理论上可说就是黑体。","Because an enormous amount of energy is released in a short period of time, much of the energy is released as high energy photons in accordance with the theory of black body radiation, in this case X-rays." +"2016年,耶鲁大学的 "" ISTF Innovation Prize "" 奖也颁发给这个计划。","In 2016, the ISTF Innovation Prize from Yale University was awarded to the project." +上午11时16分:美国航空公司证实该公司的两架飞机失事。,11:16: American Airlines confirms the loss of its two aircraft. +"银河系以每秒270公里(时速600,000英里 )的惊人速度逃离本地空洞。","The Milky Way's velocity away from the Local Void is 270 kilometres per second (600,000 mph)." +"据说共和国的货币是“米尔”,虽然没有已知的硬币或纸币,但它出现在早期发行的邮票上。","The purported currency of the republic was the ""Mill"" and this appeared on the early stamp issues, although no coins or banknotes are known to have been produced." +"1957年,在有影响力的儿童电视节目上推广培乐多的广告促进了该产品���销售。",Advertisements promoting Play-Doh on influential children's television shows in 1957 furthered the product's sales. +边际主义的支持者们认为这种说法自相矛盾。,Critics say that this statement is self-contradictory. +他是俄罗斯海军司令亚历山大·高尔察克的后裔。,"He is a descendant of Alexander Kolchak, the Russian naval commander." +"据报道,2014年的建设延迟了两年,主要原因是关键部件延误和项目管理问题。","In 2014 construction was reported to be running over two years late, mainly due to key component delays and project management issues." +"布鲁斯回击、否认这是对抗行为,并坚持:“假若我的朋友们给予资金支持执行我的计划,我不认为我不应该接受资助,......,有很多人都说第二艘船是必要的”。","Bruce replied by return, denying rivalry, and asserting: ""If my friends are prepared to give me money to carry out my plans I do not see why I should not accept it there are several who maintain that a second ship is highly desirable""." +"在他停止更新以后,Masanao Izumo和其他贡献者开始接管这个计划,并改名为TiMidity++。","After he stopped updating the program, Masanao Izumo and other contributors started to work on the program, renaming it to TiMidity++." +"其灵感来自传统欧洲的奶油圆蛋糕,但圆环蛋糕通常与任一食谱无关。","The shape is inspired by a traditional European cake known as Kugelhupf, but Bundt cakes are not generally associated with any single recipe." +"例如,在自组织映射(SOM)中,每个节点是相似的点的一个集群的代表(中心),而与它们在原始训练数据的密度无关。","For example, in a self-organizing map (SOM), each node is a representative (a center) of a cluster of similar points, regardless of their density in the original training data." +"吉恩感到自责,他来到菲尼家,告诉菲尼是自己导致坠落事故的。",Gene feels so guilty that he tells Finny that he caused Finny's fall. +"安东诺夫出生于莫斯科,在坦波夫省的小城基尔萨诺夫长大。","Born in Moscow, Antonov grew up in the much smaller town of Kirsanov." +"在莎士比亚的剧作《麦克白》中,他使用了大量叙述性元素,并创造了许多不同的母题。","In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, he uses a variety of narrative elements to create many different motifs." +"1925年夏季末,一艘双桅纵帆船福特·切斯特菲尔德进入航道,遵照当地因纽特人的建议,在图斯朱雅克(现在的福德湖)找到了一处保护优良的入口修建他们的战略要地。","In the late summer of 1925, the two-masted schooner Fort Chesterfield entered the channel, and, following the advice of local Inuit, found a well-protected inlet in Tusjujak (now Ford Lake, named after J. L. Ford, post manager in 1929) to establish their strategic station." +"即如果两个连接指向同一个数据库,在一个连接上的ROLLBACK并不影响另一个连接。","This means that if two connections are made to the same database, a ROLLBACK made in one connection will not affect any other connections." +"根据鲁道夫·拉梅尔,种族灭绝具有多重含义。","According to R. J. Rummel, genocide has multiple meanings." +"据长期编剧乔恩·维蒂透露,即使某集的片尾字幕上写着其他编剧的名字,该集其中最好的几句话一般也是迈耶写的。","According to long-time writer Jon Vitti, Meyer usually invented the best lines in a given episode, even though other writers may receive script credits." +"在杰佛逊任期之初,美国获悉西班牙想把路易斯安那还给法国,由此担心法国作祟。","Early in Jefferson's presidency, the administration learned that Spain planned to retrocede the Louisiana to France, raising fears of French encroachment on U.S. territory." +"与此同时,凯试图用安德森自己的武器处决她,但枪的DNA扫描系统发现持枪人身份不符而爆炸,凯的手臂也被炸飞。","Meanwhile, Kay tries to execute Anderson with her own weapon, but the pistol's DNA scanner does not recognise him and explodes, taking his arm off." +Mayo和Love都被提名为全Pac-10比赛第一队。,Both Mayo and Love were nominated to the All-Pac-10 tournament team. +"在一些电机控制器,H桥用于控制电机转动的方向。","In some motor controllers, an H-bridge is used to control the direction the motor turns." +上映第一年苏联全国就有三千万人观看。,Within the first year it was watched by 30 million people in the USSR alone. +"德川吉宗种植了大片樱花树,鼓励这一活动。",Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. +"第二次世界大战爆发后,该舰受命前往德国海岸外围布设雷区,并被一架撞向它的英国轰炸机炸损。","At the outbreak of war, she laid minefields off the German coast and was damaged by a British bomber that crashed into her." +它也促进瑞典电影国际化。,It also promotes Swedish cinema internationally. +"盖洛普民意调查曾做过关于 政治、社会和经济方面的民调,包含一些敏感或具争议性的问题。","Historically, the Gallup Poll has measured and tracked the public's attitudes concerning political, social, and economic issues, including sensitive or controversial subjects." +第一版(1.0.0863)的MSN Messenger Service是在1999年7月22日时发行。,"The first version of MSN Messenger Service, version 1.0 (1.0.0863), was released July 22, 1999." +"1948年到1964年官方名称为“德国马克”( “Deutsche Mark”),1964年到1967年名称为德国国家银行马克(“Mark der Deutschen Notenbank”),而1968年到1990年则为“德意志民主共和国马克”(“Mark der DDR”)。","The currency was known officially as the Deutsche Mark from 1948 to 1964, Mark der Deutschen Notenbank from 1964 to 1967, and from 1968 to 1990 as the Mark der DDR (Mark of the GDR)." +"《关于意大利的宣言》中,美英苏宣布,将彻底消灭法西斯主义及其影响,并给予意大利人民机会,在民主原则的基础上建立政府和其他机关。","In the Declaration on Italy, the foreign secretaries of the US, UK and USSR declared that fascism and its influence should be completely destroyed and that the Italian people should be given every opportunity to establish governmental and other institutions based on democratic principles." +"加密过程根据密钥而变化,它改变了算法的具体操作。","The encrypting procedure is varied depending on the key, which changes the detailed operation of the algorithm." +"在他就任的第一年(1877年),他制定了以下原则,即保留他们对所拥有矿山的权利,但矿山所有者必须保证其矿山的开采。","In his first year, he laid down the principle that in order to retain their right to the mining land that they owned, owners of mining land were obliged to see that their land was worked." +您发现的新城市会变成大城。,The town will transform into a piece of New York City. +摩洛哥刑事法第220条规定“任何煽动或动摇穆斯林去皈依其他宗教的人”将会被判3到6个月的狱刑还要缴200到500迪拉姆的罚金。,"According to Article 220 of the Moroccan Penal Code, ""anyone who employs incitements to shake the faith of a Muslim or to convert him to another religion"" incurs a sentence of 3 to 6 months' imprisonment and a fine of 200 to 500 dirhams." +"1906年,美国北卡罗莱纳州夏洛特的史都亚特·W·克拉默(Stuart W. Cramer)正找寻方法增加其南方纺织厂的空气湿度。","In 1906, Stuart W. Cramer of Charlotte was exploring ways to add moisture to the air in his textile mill." +"这一边界状况限制了贸易和旅行,直至1980年代后期共产主义政权在中欧和东欧崩溃才最终结束。",It ended only after the collapse of the Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. +"早前的6月15日阿根廷对阵波黑的比赛中,亦有20名阿根廷球迷做出类似行为。","Earlier, on 15 June, about 20 Argentinians made a similar breach during the Argentina–Bosnia and Herzegovina match at the same stadium." +它是英国第六大教师教育提供机构。,It is the UK's sixth biggest provider of Teacher Education. +"仅仅两个月后,1910年1月19日, 一场大火摧毁了这座宫殿,只留下外墙。","Only two months after, on January 19, 1910, a great fire destroyed the palace, leaving only the outer walls intact." +"尽管如此,罪行责任问题在西方世界依然饱含争议,铁幕之后也是如此。","However, the question of responsibility remained controversial in the West as well as behind the Iron Curtain." +"1866年5月16日,法案未经辩论就获得通过。","The bill passed without debate on May 16, 1866." +"金属卤化物灯经常用于植物生长的营养阶段,因为它们发射更大量的蓝色和紫外线辐射。","Metal halide lights are regularly used for the vegetative phase of plant growth, as they emit larger amounts of blue and ultraviolet radiation." +晚年他也短暂地担任过纽约大都会歌剧院和纽约爱乐乐团的总监。,Late in his life he was briefly director of New York's Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic. +"园区位置毗邻埃克森美孚炼油厂,建有高达494英尺(约151米)高的广播天线塔,为洛杉矶全新闻广播站KNX(中波频率)提供服务。","The park, located adjacent to an ExxonMobil oil refinery, includes a 494-foot (151 m) radio antenna that services the Los Angeles all-news radio station KNX (AM)." +"不同于宪法,《里斯本条约》将只有爱尔兰举行公民投票。","On the grounds that as with the Irish Referendum, this issue should have been the subject of a binding referendum." +他的夫人募资建了两座教堂、一座学校和一座图书馆。,"The monastery had two churches, it operated a school and a library." +太空作战与实地作战之间的转换被描述为“无缝”。,"The transition between space and planet surface is described as ""seamless""." +"在德国,他们的著作以詹姆斯·科里的名字出版,省略了中间名缩写。","In Germany, their books are published under the name James Corey with the middle initials omitted." +8月22日 - 台湾远东航空103号班机发生(远东航空103便坠落事故)。,22 August – The crash of Far Eastern Air Transport Flight 103 over Taipei. +"重工业衰落后,全市工业从此进入多元化服务经济,包括零售、教育和医疗保健行业。","After the decline of heavy manufacturing, the city's economy has since diversified into a service economy, including retailing, education, and healthcare sectors." +90%冰岛妇女罢工。,90 per cent of the Icelandic women went on strike. +"当物理定律的公式使用普朗克单位、无量纲化之后,具有量纲的物理常数如c、G、ħ、ε0和kB都不存在了。","When Planck units are used and such equations of physical law are expressed in this nondimensionalized form, no dimensional physical constants such as c, G, ħ, ε0, nor kB remain, only dimensionless quantities." +此后得到部分恢复。,It is then partially restored. +"人类被赋予了思想,意识在卡巴拉中被认为是由物质世界产生,而原始的无限能量就能作为有限个体,通过意识来体验和表达自身。","Since man is invested with mind, consciousness in the Kabbalah is thought of as the fruit of the physical world, through whom the original infinite energy can experience and express itself as a finite entity." +"他在土耳其共和国初期发展成著名的泛突厥主义理论家和宣传家,他的作品被广泛阅读,他也成为在伊斯坦布尔的主要大学教授之一。","He developed into a prominent ideologue and advocate of Pan-Turkism during the early republican period, whose writings became widely read and who became one of the leading university professors in Istanbul." +容易阅读。,An easy reading. +"有些字在所有奥克语方言中都有sh,是被其他方言采用的Gascon字(Aush, Arcaishon)或外语借词(shampó)。","Some words have sh in all Occitan dialects: they are Gascon words adopted in all the Occitan language (Aush ""Auch"", Arcaishon ""Arcachon"") or foreign borrowings (shampó ""shampoo"")." +"TB-3由Zalevskiy驾驶,I-5则是由Altynov、Suprun和Suzi驾驶。","The TB-3 was piloted by Zalevskiy, the I-5s were piloted by Altynov, Suprun, and Suzi." +"库珀在担任参议员期间长期支持农村电气化,东肯塔基州农村电气合作公司因此更名约翰·谢尔曼·库珀电站以示纪念。","Because of his extensive support of rural electrification as a senator, the East Kentucky RECC was renamed the John Sherman Cooper Power Station in his honor." +"1956年,卡累利阿-芬兰苏维埃社会主义共和国改为卡累利阿苏维埃社会主义自治共和国,这一调整很快反映在国徽上。","In 1956, the Karelo-Finnish SSR was transformed into the Karelo-Finnish ASSR, and soon this was reflected on the USSR state emblem." +"它强调,根据国际贸易条约的条款,法国的措施是没有歧视性的,完全有理由以公共卫生理由采取这些措施。","It stressed that the French measures were not discriminatory under the terms of international trade treaties, and were fully justified for public health reasons." +这游戏是2004年的《士兵:二战英雄》的续集。,The game is a sequel to 2004's Soldiers: Heroes of World War II. +"除了33号俱乐部餐厅以外,还可以进入新奥尔良广场内的爵士乐廊 Le Sa​​lon Nouveau 和一个迪士尼加州冒险乐园的休息室1901,这些地方均不对公众开放。","In addition to the Club 33 restaurant, access may also include Le Salon Nouveau, a jazz lounge within New Orleans Square, and 1901, a lounge in Disney California Adventure; neither are open to the public." +"奥托四世还积极成为吟游诗人;他的七首诗歌,以德语方言而写,都被保存下来。","He was also active as a minstrel; seven of his songs, written in an Upper German dialect, have been preserved." +标准模型理论几乎与至今为止观察到的所有的实验数据相符合。,The Standard Model has been found to agree with almost all the experimental tests conducted to date. +"因此,斯特恩总结,“依舒夫”(巴勒斯坦犹太人)应当对抗英国而非在战争中支持他们。","Therefore, he concluded, the Yishuv (Jews of Palestine) should fight the British rather than support them in the war." +疏散星团是这个序列中关键的一步。,Open clusters are a crucial step in this sequence. +"虽然已经做了些许准备,但诸如联邦主义和民族等问题仍未解决。","Minimal preparations had been made and many issues, such as federalism, tribalism, and ethnic nationalism, remained unresolved." +"有活跃的磁场和强烈恒星风的金牛T星被认为会有阿尔文波,意味着角动量能从恒星传送到原行星盘。",It is thought that the active magnetic fields and strong solar wind of Alfvén waves of T Tauri stars are one means by which angular momentum gets transferred from the star to the protoplanetary disc. +"除了保留大多数iChat��功能之外,讯息也加入了苹果的即时通讯服务iMessage和FaceTime整合。","While it inherits the majority of iChat's features, Messages also brings support for iMessage, Apple's messaging service for iOS, as well as FaceTime integration." +短期课程是朝向指导工程师们面对重要的新知识领域。,The Short Course is directed towards engineers facing significant new knowledge demands. +"Rudinsky和其他囚犯的显眼保护被不太友善的囚犯提出指控,并加剧了卡彭受到特殊待遇的怀疑。","The conspicuous protection of Rudensky and other prisoners drew accusations from less friendly inmates, and fueled suspicion that Capone was receiving special treatment." +"1961年,他发表核糖核酸酶可以在变性后重新进行折叠,同时保留酵素的活性,因此他认为所有造成最终构象所需的蛋白质信息都被编码于其氨基酸序列上。","In 1961, he showed that ribonuclease could be refolded after denaturation while preserving enzyme activity, thereby suggesting that all the information required by protein to adopt its final conformation is encoded in its amino-acid sequence." +"当他们见到射上天空的箭掉到地面后还在滴血时,他们备受鼓舞,因为人们认为他们可以向居住在天堂中的神们宣战了(见雅煞珥书9:12-36)。","They were encouraged in this undertaking by the notion that arrows that they shot into the sky fell back dripping with blood, so that the people really believed that they could wage war against the inhabitants of the heavens (Sefer ha-Yashar, Chapter 9:12–36)." +"1620年,查尔斯的姐夫弗雷德里希五世于布拉格附近的白山战役中被击败,其世袭领地普法尔茨亦遭到了自西属尼德兰而来的哈布斯堡家族的武力侵袭(英语:Palatinate campaign)。","In 1620, Charles's brother-in-law, Frederick V, was defeated at the Battle of White Mountain near Prague and his hereditary lands in the Electoral Palatinate were invaded by a Habsburg force from the Spanish Netherlands." +"由于当时铁路官员缺乏问责制度,导致事故发生后引发舆论反响,加剧了对中国高铁安全和管理的关注。",The Wenzhou train accident and the lack of accountability by railway officials caused a public uproar and heightened concerns about the safety and management of China's high-speed rail system. +"游戏以《最终幻想XIII》的阵式切换战斗系统为基础,并弱化了线性的整体设计。",The game builds upon the Paradigm Shift battle system used in Final Fantasy XIII and includes a less linear overall design. +"在K6-2初期,K6-2 300MHz版本是卖得最好的。",The introductory K6-2 300 was by far the best-selling variant. +"在纽约待了一个月后,玛琳娜于2013年2月宣布,已经开始为即将发行的第三张录音室专辑撰写素材。","After spending one month in New York City, Diamandis announced in February 2013 that she had begun writing material for an upcoming third studio album." +"大部分英格兰人通过支付税款来免除兵役,而这笔钱则被政府用来组建一支常备性的军队。","Thus the scutage was introduced, whereby most Englishmen paid to escape their service and this money was used to create a permanent army." +"在许多过程,它是危险的,允许热窑停滞不前,如果驱动器电源出现故障。","In many processes, it is dangerous to allow a hot kiln to stand still if the drive power fails." +露薏丝·莲恩是一个屡获殊荣的《星球日报》记者和超级英雄超人的爱好者。,"Lois is an award-winning journalist for the Metropolis newspaper, the Daily Planet, and the love interest of the superhero Superman." +"对于电影的主要拍摄地点,罗莎·李的汽车旅馆兼加油站,导演提出了一个要求,从这个地点应该再也看不到有其它建筑物或大型的人工结构。","For the primary location, Rosa Lee's home and motel/gas station business, Beresford imposed one requirement: that no other buildings or large manmade structures be visible from it." +"研究发现,ADS每年对天文学研究的贡献等价于几百万美元,这个系统有三倍于天文学期刊的用户。","Studies have found that the benefit to astronomy of the ADS is equivalent to several hundred million US dollars annually, and the system is estimated to have tripled the readership of astronomical journals." +"在起义受到镇压后,莱莱韦尔通过化妆逃到德国并于1831年来到巴黎。","On the suppression of the rebellion, Lelewel made his way in disguise to Germany and subsequently reached Paris in 1831." +"罗莎·克里布伪装成酒店女佣试图偷走加密设备并杀死邦德,但最终反被罗曼诺娃枪杀。","Rosa Klebb, disguised as a hotel maid, attempts to steal the Lektor and kill Bond, but ends up being shot by Romanova." +"明星清真寺最初是由 Mirza Ghulam Pir 建造的,它原本是一座有三个圆顶的长方形建筑物。","Star Mosque was first built by Mirza Ghulam Pir, as a three-domed oblong edifice." +"飓风宝莲是继1959年以来���击墨西哥南部的最强飓风,也是最致命的飓风,此外,这还是有纪录以来首场吹袭太平洋珊瑚礁的飓风。","The deadliest and most intense hurricane to hit southern Mexico since 1959, the hurricane was the first documented hurricane strike on Pacific coral reefs." +"通过简单包装和增税,澳大利亚政府想把吸烟率从2007年的16.6%在2018年降到10%以下。",With the plain packaging and tax increases the Australian government aimed to bring down smoking rates from 16.6% in 2007 to less than 10% by 2018. +包含所有稀疏语言的复杂度类被称作SPARSE。,The complexity class of all sparse languages is called SPARSE. +"机上四人均受重伤,但均获救出。",All four members of the crew sustained serious injuries but were rescued alive. +这种情形经常给人以深刻的“印像”。,"It is often designed to have a ""pioneer"" look." +"威廉·莎士比亚的《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》中,塔摩拉女皇在不知情的情况下吃了由她的两个儿子做的馅饼。","In William Shakespeare's late 16th century play Titus Andronicus, the character Tamora is unknowingly served a pie made from the remains of her two sons." +本县政府于1771年3月19日在阿默斯特组成。,"The county was organized at Amherst on March 19, 1771." +"冬季奥林匹克运动会通常没有主体育场,然而一些大的建筑物也会被指定为主体育场以承办冬奥会的开、闭幕式,且通常不会在该场馆举行任何比赛,至多颁奖典礼等。","The Winter Olympic Games do not usually have a central Olympic Stadium, but instead have edifices that are designated as the Olympic Stadium to host the opening and closing ceremonies." +"在此期间,海军总司令、海军大将埃里希·雷德尔曾于5月17日登舰视察。","During this period, Großadmiral (Grand Admiral) Erich Raeder visited the ship on 17 May." +"此次游行由反种族隔离组织南非妇女联合会(Federation of South African Women,缩写FEDSAW)发起,它为包括ANC妇女联盟(英语:ANC Women's League)在内的各种妇女组织发声,以加强女权运动的声音。","The organisation behind the march was Federation of South African Women, an anti-apartheid organisation for women of various groups including the ANC Women's League with the aim of strengthening female voice in the movement." +Windows API的功能主要通过使操作系统和应用程序之间的交互来实现。,The Windows API is designed mostly for the interaction between the operating system and an application. +"在登陆尼加拉瓜之后,威廉·沃克自称尼加拉瓜总统和重新恢复奴隶制。","After landing in Nicaragua, he proclaimed himself as president of Nicaragua and re-instated slavery, which had been abolished." +该组织有一个国际协调委员会。,The organization has an International Coordination Committee. +"尽管四国之间在1997年至2000年进行了磋商,但最终达成的《关于皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号沉船的协议》仅有美国和英国批准。","Although negotiations among the four countries were carried out between 1997 and 2000, the resulting ""Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel R.M.S. Titanic"" has been ratified by only the US and the UK." +"这个情况下,这表示2维环的第一贝蒂数是2。","In particular, this implies that the 1st Betti number of a 2-torus is two." +"最终,她获得能足够移动她头部的力量,并通过她的脸颊触摸开关来操作机动轮椅和电脑。","Eventually, she gained the ability to move her head enough to touch a switch with her cheek, which operated a motorized wheelchair and a computer." +普约尔的妻子和孩子也随后被转移到了英国。,Pujol's wife and child were later moved to Britain. +2015年墓地将被取消。,The 2015 edition was cancelled. +"安布罗斯(Ambrose)在1971年写到,埃普索姆行动是一场偏离计划的军事行动,德艾斯特称该行动为“一场未完成其宏大目标的行动”,并认为该行动为一场“可耻的失败”。","In 1971, Ambrose wrote of Epsom veering off-course from the plan and D'Este wrote that Epsom was ""an operation of immense intentions which were not attained"", calling it a ""dismal failure""." +"克拉克和格伦瑟拒绝参观轰炸,留在他们的总部。",Clark and Gruenther refused to be on the scene and stayed at their headquarters. +"该估计的范围如此宽广,是因为他对岩石熔化温度(他将其等同于地球内部的温度)的不确定性,以及岩石的热导率和比热的不确定性。","These wide limits were due to his uncertainty about the melting temperature of rock, to which he equated the earth's interior temperature, as well as the uncertainty in thermal conductivities and specific heats of rocks." +天才网球选手。,Perfect Tennis. +这个阶段的人格特质也驱向稳定。,Honorary males in this society are guaranteed stability as well. +"从1939到1941年间他在纽约大学里任教,之后他升任纽约市立大学系主任。","He lectured at New York University from 1939 until 1941, and later became a department chair at the City College of New York." +"这个符号由早期的巴哈伊书法家Mishkín Qalam创作并使用,后来逐渐被整个巴哈伊社群接受。","This rendering was originally drawn by the early Bahá'í calligrapher Mishkín Qalam, and later adopted by Bahá'ís everywhere." +"通常一个游戏制作需要完成两个工作:声音必须被录制或者从一个库中选出,以及必须编制一个声音引擎以便声音可以集成到游戏的交互环境中。",Typically a game project requires two jobs to be completed: sounds must be recorded or selected from a library and a sound engine must be programmed so that those sounds can be incorporated into the game's interactive environment. +"Gharb, “一部短小尖锐冲击的剧作” (《舞台》The Stage, 15-10-2004) 已经于2004年以不同语言在荷兰,法国,奥地利和英国演出。","Gharb, ""A short, sharp, blast of a play"" (The Stage, 15 October 2004) was performed in different languages in the Netherlands, France, Austria and England in 2004." +"国会也能在管理法规中明确指定某些机构为“独立的”,但功能性的不同有更多的法律重要性。","Congress can also designate certain agencies explicitly as ""independent"" in the governing statute, but the functional differences have more legal significance." +"早期基督徒作家,如俄利根和优西比乌,曾认为在耶稣死后,雅各是耶稣追随者的领袖,是耶路撒冷的第一位主教或主教之一。","James was claimed by early Christian writers as Origen and Eusebius to have been the leader of the followers of Jesus, after his brother's death, and to have been the first bishop, or bishop of bishops in Jerusalem." +1884年:德国占领喀麦隆。,1884 – Germany takes possession of Cameroon. +"由于埃文斯不满于他的经济待遇并想要出品自己名下的电影,他与派拉蒙达成了一项协议,令他可以在作为派拉蒙工作的同时作为一个独立制片人出现。","Dissatisfied with his financial compensation and desiring to produce films under his own banner, Evans struck a deal with Paramount that enabled him to stay on as studio head while also working as an independent producer." +"人们通常在某些议题上同意多数派的观点,但却可能在其他议题上同意少数派的观点。",People often agree with the majority view on some issues and agree with a minority view on other issues. +"1949年没有组织锦标赛,但一些更有声望的比赛被国际汽联认定为大赛(Grandes Épreuves)。","There was no organised championship in 1949, although several of the more prestigious races were recognised as Grandes Epreuves (great trials) by the FIA." +他大部分名作都是在这段时期绘画。,He devoted himself primarily to portrait paintin at this time. +"有多达58个法院之友递交了他们的简报,这在当时创下了新的纪录,直到1989年才被有关堕胎问题的韦伯斯特诉生殖健康服务案(Webster v. Reproductive Health Services)打破。","Fifty-eight amicus curiae briefs were filed, establishing a record for the Supreme Court that would stand until broken in the 1989 abortion case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services." +"RFC 6531 为SMTP服务器提供了一种机制,以便在传输SMTPUTF8(英语:Extended SMTP#SMTPUTF8)内容时进行沟通。",RFC 6531 provides a mechanism for SMTP servers to negotiate transmission of the SMTPUTF8 content. +"除了“大亚细亚协会”外,松井还在整个战争期间担任成立于1942年2月的极端反西方、反犹太组织——“思想国防协会”(思想国防协会)会长,支持日本继续遂行战争。","In addition to the Greater Asia Association, Matsui also served throughout the war as President of the Association for the National Defense Concept, a virulently anti-Western and anti-Semitic organization founded in February 1942 to support the Japanese war effort." +"1898年-1907年间,美国的铁路工业获得了显著的发展,1905年国内对机车的需求达到了其最高峰。","The American railroad industry expanded significantly between 1898 and 1907, with domestic demand for locomotives hitting its highest point in 1905." +武装部队据称袭击了手无寸铁的学生。,The armed forces were claimed to attack unarmed students. +"在“To Cur with Love”,像是失去手臂之前,他被载动物的货车擦撞。","In the episode ""To Cur with Love"", he is seen in a flashback losing his arm hitchhiking when he is sideswiped by an animal control van." +虽然在月经来潮时怀孕的几率很低。,"It is possible, although not very likely, to become pregnant during menstruation." +"联合政府在5月5日正式宣布成立,随即获得中国的承认。",The GRUNK was officially announced on May 5: it was immediately recognised by China. +"在1999年,《零翼战机》的序章被重新注意,最后“All your base are belong to us”在网络上爆红。","In 1999, Zero Wing's introduction was re-discovered, culminating in the wildly popular ""All your base are belong to us"" Internet meme." +"杂志《AfterElton》的专栏作家Brent Hartinger,炮轰该杂志,以他们“一般人难以想象地不负责任”来追问,并评论说泰勒只是一个17岁的孩子,而传言是来自某些博客和粉丝的猜测,是毫无根据的传言,那些“合法媒体”将闲话打印出来,这是令人失望的事 。","Brent Hartinger, a columnist for AfterElton, blasted the magazine, calling the questioning ""unimaginably irresponsible,"" commenting that Lautner was just ""a 17-year old kid"" and that while the rumors were baseless and speculation from certain blogs and fans, it was disappointing that a ""legitimate media outlet"" would print gossip." +"马格达赫的统治时间很短,因为他于1998年在巴勒斯坦当局重新开始资助营地之后又加入了法塔赫。",Maqdahhad's dominance was short-lived as he rejoined Fatah in 1998 after the Palestinian Authority began funding the camp again. +乌拉姆数列的第36项。,Atma Ram. pp. 36. +"在马来西亚39%的马来人里,有三分之一是较新的移民,就好像赛·查花·阿峇(英语:Syed Jaafar Albar),他在战前从印尼来到马来亚,当时他已年过三十了。","Of the 39% Malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like (Syed Jaafar Albar), who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty." +"名人堂入选人必需年满30岁,在英格兰球坛比赛或执教最少5年。",To be considered for induction players/managers must be 30 years of age or older and have played/managed for at least five years in England. +"1958年,由于宾夕法尼亚州当时法律对州长仅许一任的限制,利德无法继续连任。",Leader was unable to run for re-election in 1958 because the Pennsylvania Constitution that was in place at that time term limited governors to a single four-year term. +"此后,沿台伯河一带布满了建筑物,而山上几乎什么都没有,直到文艺复兴。",The urbanization followed the people: next to the river Tiber the rione was full of buildings while almost nothing was built again on the hills until the Renaissance. +这架飞机事发时机龄仅3个月。,The aircraft was four months old at the time. +"移动设备负责检测位置区码(Location Area Code,简称LAC)。",Mobiles are responsible for detecting location area codes (LAC). +"格马赫尔构想了全固态激光器的一些新设计,她的工作导致了量子级联激光器的发展进步。",Gmachl has conceived several novel designs for solid-state lasers and her work has led to advances in the development of quantum cascade lasers. +"接着,威斯玛被船上的老鼠所淹没。","In turn, Wismar is flooded with rats from the ship." +"这些研究使用不同调查方法和变数时的结果也常不同,因此遭致批评。","These studies have often found very different results depending on methodology and included variables, which has caused criticism." +"在《FFVI》的最后版本,该角色的设计最终被更改为一个18岁的半超能力女子。",The character's design was eventually changed to that of a half-esper female who is 18 years old in the final version of Final Fantasy VI. +美国空军在1945年取消了剩下的部分命令。,The USAAF cancelled the remainder of the order in 1945. +"之后,在Brandes的同意下阿明·迈韦斯将其杀害并吃掉其身体的某些部分。","After the murder, Martínez partially cooked the body and ate it with her husband." +"其他拍摄于2019年初开始,以改善某些场景和视觉效果。",Additional photography commenced in early 2019 to improve certain scenes and visual effects. +20 米 - 14.0 - 14.35 MHz - 被认为是最受欢迎的DX波段;通常在白天最受欢迎。,20 meters – 14.0–14.35 MHz – Considered the most popular DX band; usually most popular during daytime. +"东面也是太阳升起的方向,这种建筑特征往往侧重于使用阳光增强内部的照明。","Because it is also the direction of the rising sun, the architectural features of the east end often focus on enhancing interior illumination by the sun." +"因为两党一直在议会取得绝对多数(超过八成议席),没有有效的反对党存在。","Because both parties always had an absolute majority in parliament, no effective opposition could ever exist." +"党的既定目标是要教导日本青少年基本的生存技能,急救,生活技能,文化课,传统和基本武器训练。","The stated aim of the party was to teach Japanese youth basic survival skills, first aid, life skills, cultural lessons, traditions and basic weapons training." +高原全部受到马拉维的尼卡国家公园以及赞比亚面积较小的同名国家公园所保护。,"All of the plateau is protected, by Malawi's large Nyika National Park and the much smaller Nyika National Park, Zambia." +通常可以用作购物袋使用。,They are often used as reusable shopping bags. +"他没有表现出任何外在的不健康迹象,对他进行观察的大夫指出其双眼活动正常,舌头上也干净。","He showed no outward signs of ill health, and doctors observing him noted that his eyes were lively and his tongue clean." +"虽然社民党支持奥地利加入欧盟,该党在1994年10月的选举中表现不佳,但仍保住第一大党地位。","Although the SPÖ supported Austria's entry to the European Union, the party fared badly in the 1994 legislative election held in October 1994, but remained the strongest party in parliament." +"9月29日,北卡罗莱纳州不伦瑞克县和新汉诺威县官员准备好多个避难所,容留那些无法返回家园的灾民。","In Brunswick and New Hanover counties, North Carolina, officials readied shelters on September 29 to accommodate stranded residents unable to access their homes." +有这种能力的文学角色包括青年时空旅行小说《琥珀屋(英语:Amber House Trilogy)》中的主角莎拉·帕森斯(和她的几个母系祖先)。,Literary characters with the ability include the protagonist Sarah Parsons (and several of her maternal ancestors) in the young adult time travel series Amber House. +马克思主义女性主义(英语:Marxist Feminism)是一种聚焦于研究和解释妇女在哪些方面是受资本主义系统和私有制压迫的女性主义。,Marxist feminism is feminism focused on investigating and explaining the ways in which women are oppressed through systems of capitalism and private property. +"在这种情况下,部队是无法继续投入战斗的。","As it turned out, these troops also were not willing to go on fighting." +"它标志着超过二十年来很长的巅峰和多变的历史,因为最后于1990年完成的最初系统产生该线的概念。",It marked the pinnacle of a long and chequered history of over two decades since the conception of the line had taken place along with that of the original system which was eventually completed in 1990. +"在2010年大选之前不久,奥斯本曾承诺要对英国的预算赤字进行“比撒切尔更强硬”的削减,他正确地设定了减少英国赤字的目标,以至于在2015-16年财政年度,公共债务总额将下降为GDP的一小部分。","Shortly before the 2010 election, Osborne had pledged to be ""tougher than Thatcher"" on Britain's budget deficit, and he duly set himself the target of reducing the UK's deficit to the point that, in the financial year 2015–16, total public debt would be falling as a proportion of GDP." +"其主题排名如下:第202名为艺术与人文学科,第295名为工程与技术,第193名为生命科学与医学,第208名为自然科学,第240名为社会科学与管理。","Its subject rankings were: 202nd in Arts and Humanities, 295th in Engineering and Technology, 193rd in Life Sciences and Medicine, 208th in Natural Science, and 240th in Social Sciences and Management." +"另外,增你智与WEGA亦曾联系与Sony签合约以加入生产线。",The Zenith Electronics Corporation and WEGA Corporations contracted with Sony to produce VCRs for their product lines. +梶冈希望舞蹈场面更贴近他所谓的“偶像氛围”——他的解释是偶像舞技之外的某种感情魅力。,"Kujioka wanted the dance sequences to be closer to what he calls an ""idol's aura""—a certain emotional charm that is not a part of an idol's skill at dancing, according to him." +"在每一个例子中,买家对卖家具有绝对优势。","In each of these cases, the buyers have a major advantage over the sellers." +入选为Future Girls。,Future Female Leaders. +"马兰·斯考立(英语:Marlan Scully)在延迟选择量子擦除实验中将数对互相缠结的光子分成讯号光子(signal photons)和闲置光子(idler photons),两个地点的其中之一会出现讯号光子,它们的位置随后以和双狭缝实验一样的方式测量。","The delayed choice quantum eraser experiment performed by Marlan Scully involves pairs of entangled photons that are divided into ""signal photons"" and ""idler photons"", with the signal photons emerging from one of two locations and their position later measured as in the double-slit experiment." +以下列表为显示最长与最短的行车时间(取决于站与站之间的距离)。,The table shows minimum and maximum (depending on stops) travel times. +"为此目的,分块被关联到一个窗口函数,该窗口函数具有任何地方的4个重叠窗口的总和为1的特质。","For this purpose, blocks are associated with a window function that has the property that the sum of 4 overlapped windows is equal to 1 everywhere." +"政治学持续研究这两个概念的区分,不过一些政治学家、哲学家、历史学家和文化人类学家也主张在社会上的大多数政治行为都是和国家无关的,也存在着一些没有国家组织但仍有政治行为的社会。","This conceptual distinction continues to operate in political science, although some political scientists, philosophers, historians and cultural anthropologists have argued that most political action in any given society occurs outside of its state, and that there are societies that are not organized into states which nevertheless must be considered in political terms." +国家允许将比萨与国家补充测试相结合。,Countries are allowed to combine PISA with complementary national tests. +"6个月后,他被现任总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼领导的全国抵抗军推翻。","He ruled as president for six months until he was overthrown by the National Resistance Army (NRA) operating under the leadership of the current president, Yoweri Museveni." +"随着卫国战争的开始科尔皮诺市民们组成了民兵的一部分,1941年8月24日至9月4日之间,工人们组成了伊佐拉营。","With the onset of the Great Patriotic War, Kolpino factory workers formed Izhora Battalion, part of the militia, August 24 – September 4, 1941." +"尽管身为希腊正教徒,他却同情旧历法拥护者的活动,即那些反对使用罗马天主教格里高利新历法和对罗马基督教的生活和崇拜仪式持保留态度的希腊遗民。","Although a member of the official Church of Greece, he always sympathised with the Old-Calendarist movement, the adherents of which reject the Church's use of the Gregorian (New) calendar and maintain a traditionalist attitude towards Christian life and worship." +驾驶与服务车库通常有基于市电的便携式电池充电器。,Motorists and service garages often have portable battery chargers operated from AC power. +"电台的广播工程师必须确保音讯信号在类比和数位信号之间同步,不然悬崖效应仍将导致广播节目稍向前或向后的波动。","It is also important for the station's broadcast engineer to make sure that the audio signal is synchronized between analog and digital, or the cliff effect will still cause a jump slightly forward or backward in the radio program." +"在释放一颗卫星之后,他们启动服务舱引擎,开始进入返回轨道。","After releasing a subsatellite, they ignited their service propulsion system to put them on a trajectory back to Earth." +"制片人赫伯·杰夫(英语:Herb Jaffe)于1970年代早期获得改编权,但狄克不满意杰夫之子罗伯特·杰夫写的剧本,他说:“杰夫的剧本真是太糟糕了......罗伯特飞到圣安娜来和我讨论这个项目。","Producer Herb Jaffe optioned it in the early 1970s, but Dick was unimpressed with the screenplay written by Herb's son Robert: ""Jaffe's screenplay was so terribly done ..." +古兹曼有可能因为试图阻止他殴打弟弟妹妹而招致父亲的愤怒。,It is possible that Guzmán incurred his father's wrath for trying to stop him from beating them. +"海地的南部半岛所受冲击最为严重,最大城市莱凯有至少200人伤亡,第二大城市热雷米据报道称被冲进了大海,至少造成200人死伤。","Haiti's South Peninsula took the brunt of the storm: the largest town, Aux Cayes, reported at least 200 casualties, while the second-largest town of Jérémie was reported to have been washed in the sea, with at least 200 more casualties." +"成立于1947年,是由三菱化学中的黑崎工厂人员组成。",The club was formed in 1947 as part of Mitsubishi Chemical's Kurosaki factory. +岛民与拥有土地以及放牧和狩猎权修士之间经常发生冲突。,"There was often conflict between the islanders and the monks, who owned land as well as grazing and hunting rights." +"她还参与了关于自己的性模拟电子游戏《虚拟珍娜》(Virtually Jenna)的制作,其中的目标是让珍娜的3D模型达到性高潮。","She stars in her own sex simulation video game, Virtually Jenna, in which the goal is to bring a 3D model of her to orgasm." +"费尔斯是非政府组织生存国际(英语:Survival International)的长期支持者,该组织致力于保护原始部落居民的人权。","Firth has been a long-standing supporter of Survival International, a non-governmental organisation that defends the rights of tribal peoples." +美国的法学教育跟世界上大部分地区都不同。,Legal education is very different in the United States from that in many other parts of the world. +"癌症靶向治疗在被认为是比当今其他疗法更加有效,并且对正常细胞伤害更小的疗法。",Targeted cancer therapies are expected to be more effective than older forms of treatments and less harmful to normal cells. +2005年世界举重锦标赛于当年11月9日至17日在卡塔尔多哈举办。,"The 2005 World Weightlifting Championships were held in Doha, Qatar from 9 November to 17 November." +"然后格拉斯曼证明一旦几何被置入他所鼓吹的代数形式中,三就不再是空间维数的有特殊地位的数字;可能成为维数的数字是无限的。","Grassmann then showed that once geometry is put into the algebraic form he advocated, the number three has no privileged role as the number of spatial dimensions; the number of possible dimensions is in fact unbounded." +"如着色书和海报等学习材料,为该课程提供支持,及在任何幼教计划中所需的反复提点。","Materials, such as coloring books and posters, back the lessons up and provide the repetition necessary in any child-education program." +"如是净心贪等所染,名有贪等,后还解脱。","With your lips still closed, swish gently then let it ease down." +"梅蒂人被迫放弃狩猎而从事农耕,这样的社会转变总是伴随都着复杂的社会问题,比如曾在曼尼托巴发生的土地归属权问题。",The Métis were likewise obliged to give up the hunt and take up agriculture—but this transition was accompanied by complex issues surrounding land claims similar to those that had previously arisen in Manitoba. +"当分析滤波器组s和MIMO系统中,常常是有用考虑的信号矢量。","When analyzing filter banks and MIMO systems, it is often useful to consider vectors of signals." +"这一目标在2000年提高到50%,2005年则到52%。",This target was increased to 50% in 2000 and 52% in 2005. +每次死亡都会扣除1/3报酬金。,This means that at least 1/3 of the tiles will have to be repeated. +"容克斯J 22(英语:Junkers J 22), 亦称H 22,供应红军,战斗机,与J 21相同,1922。","Junkers J 22, also known as H 22, for Red Army, fighter similar to J 21, 1922." +"值得注意的是,道格拉斯被设计成一位中年侦探。",It was noted even during the concept designs that Cartland was designed as a middle-aged detective. +"11月11日,复兴党伊拉克地区领导机构书记萨迪被一些军官和温和的复兴党人流放到了马德里。","Al-Sadi, the Regional Secretary of the Iraqi Regional Branch, was eventually exiled to Madrid, Spain on 11 November by several military officers and moderate Ba'athists." +政治经济学和税收原理 (1817)是李嘉图的经济学著作。,On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (19 April 1817) is a book by David Ricardo on economics. +"这是因为本地用户密码进行了散列处理,存储在SAM文件中,并使用Syskey加密,而且Syskey的值对于无法接触Syskey口令/软盘的脱机攻击者不可用。","This is because the local user's password hashes, stored in the SAM file, are encrypted with the Syskey, and the Syskey value is not available to an offline attacker who does not possess the Syskey passphrase/floppy." +"科赫在1950年12月下旬的法院中受审,并于1951年1月11日再次受审。","Koch collapsed and had to be carried from the court in late December 1950, and again on 11 January 1951." +"他们互相通信结束于4月24日,有许多问题尚未解决。","The exchange of letters with Lehmann ended on April 24, with many questions unanswered." +这种修改有时叫做局部化假设。,This modification sometimes goes under the name of localised hypotheses. +"爱尔兰根纲领的长期效应可以在纯数学的很多方面显现出来(例如,参看相似中隐含的使用);而变换的思想和用对称群综合的思想现在当然也已成为物理学中的标准做法。","The long-term effects of the Erlangen program can be seen all over pure mathematics (see tacit use at congruence (geometry), for example); and the idea of transformations and of synthesis using groups of symmetry has become standard in physics." +"因此,确保建立一个保护个人权利的制度至关重要。","It is critically important, therefore, to ensure that a system is in place to protect the rights of the individual." +阿尔及利亚抵抗力量主要是在东部的康斯坦丁的艾哈迈德·贝伊和在西部卡比利亚地区的民族主义势力。,"Algerian resistance forces were divided between forces under Ahmed Bey at Constantine, primarily in the east, and nationalist forces in Kabylie and the west." +"DDR SDRAM 之间有很大的设计上的差异,设计不同的时钟频率,例如,PC-1600被设计运行在100 MHz,至于PC-2100被设计运行在133 MHz。","There is no architectural difference between DDR SDRAM designed for different clock frequencies, for example, PC-1600, designed to run at 100 MHz, and PC-2100, designed to run at 133 MHz." +"2016年1月21日,在申请遭到美国专利局的拒绝后,EA放弃了“Unravel”的商标。","On 21 January 2016, EA abandoned the ""Unravel"" trademark after their application was rejected by the United States Patent Office." +一年以后的效果就无法得知了。,Effects beyond one year are unknown. +曼·雷在他的艺术生涯中很少向大众透露他的早期生活或是家庭信息。,"During his career as an artist, Man Ray allowed few details of his early life or family background to be known to the public." +"由于其作为主委员会的独特职责,一些提议建议更改其名称以避免与其他议会委员会混淆,如“第二会议厅” 和“联邦会议厅”。","Due to the unique role of what was then called the Main Committee, proposals were made to rename the body to avoid confusion with other parliamentary committees, including ""Second Chamber"" and ""Federation Chamber""." +多数现代的字体编辑器处理轮廓字体。,Most modern font editors deal with the outline fonts. +在社会主义时期建造了许多公寓楼。,In Socialist times a lot of apartment blocks were built. +他们只获得了屈指可数的成功。,They received only token amounts. +飓风巴里源于8月13日离开非洲西北海岸的一股热带扰动。,Hurricane Barry originated from a tropical disturbance that left the Northwestern African coast on August 13. +"11-29跑道目前除用于滑行外暂时关闭,波音公司也借用该跑道的一部分停放部分制造完成的波音787。","Runway 11-29 is currently closed except for taxiing, and Boeing is leasing some of the runway space to park partially completed 787 aircraft." +"然而,随着该党变得越来越激进,该党的支持率下降。","As the party became increasingly radical, however, support declined." +"Mozilla之书首次出现于Netscape Navigator 1.1(1995年释出),及后在1.x、2.x、3.x和4.x版本都可找到。","The Book of Mozilla first appeared in Netscape 1.1 (released in 1995) and can be found in every subsequent 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and 4.x version." +"而三联市是唯一适用于这种运输方式的地区,因为其地形位于格但斯克湾和三联国家公园间的一个相对狭窄的南北走廊中。","The Tricity area is uniquely suited for this mode of transport, as it's shaped in a relatively narrow north-south corridor between the Gdańsk Bay and the Tricity Landscape Park." +"由于兰伯特的婚姻关系,里基纳尔家族将洛林公爵的头衔纳入名下,并在接下来的数十年中于神圣罗马帝国内部取得了巨大的影响力,使得他们随着时间发展而获得了更多伯爵头衔。","By Lambert's marriage, the Reginar counts claimed the Lorraine ducal title and over the decades acquired great influence in the Holy Roman Empire, acquiring more comital titles over time." +"严重洪灾及多起泥石流等因素共同影响,致使56个社区同外界的交通中断。","Among other consequences, severe flooding and isolated mudslides left 56 communities isolated from surrounding areas." +"传统的媒体广告人按照一个模式,将暗示消费者通过一种叫做AIDA的线性过程,即引起注意力,感兴趣,产生欲望和采取行动。","Traditional media advertisers followed a model that suggested consumers went through a linear process they called AIDA - Attention, Interest, Desire and Action." +"奥马鲁(英语:Oamaru;毛利语:Te Oha-a-Maru),北奥塔哥最大的一个城镇,位于新西兰南岛,是怀塔基区的主要城镇。","Oamaru (/ɒməˈruː/ (listen); Māori: Te Oha-a-Maru) is the largest town in North Otago, in the South Island of New Zealand, it is the main town in the Waitaki District." +"由于潘加朱姆的概念前所未有,实验在一开始十分谨慎——轮子上只安装了少量火箭,炸药负载也由等重的沙子来代替。","Since nothing remotely resembling the Panjandrum had ever been constructed before, the trials began with trepidation — only a handful of cordite rockets were attached to the wheels, and the payload was simulated by an equivalent weight of sand." +"这篇文章还为应用心理学的客观科学的地位进行强烈辩护,当时认为其地位远远低于已确立的构造主义实验心理学。","The article is also notable for its strong defense of the objective scientific status of applied psychology, which at the time was considered to be much inferior to the established structuralist experimental psychology." +"在ArcGIS中,Geodatabase可以以三种不同方式存储包括FGDB(File Geodatabase)、PGDB(Personal Geodatabase),和ArcSDE Geodatabase。","Geodatabases in ArcGIS can be stored in three different ways – as a ""file geodatabase"", a ""personal geodatabase"", or an ""ArcSDE geodatabase""." +"当哈德森的事业正发展时,他和经纪人亨利·威尔森一直保持哈德森的私生活不上新闻。","While his career developed, Hudson and his agent Henry Willson kept the actor's personal life out of the headlines." +"伊兹和朋友带两名特工来到林中,众人从远处看到穆塔托(克里斯·欧文斯饰)。",Izzy and his friends accompany the agents to a wooded area where they see Mutato (Chris Owens) from a distance. +"通常,它们在绿色或开花后不久被耕种并并入土壤中。","Typically, they are ploughed under and incorporated into the soil while green or shortly after flowering." +"它是T-80B坦克的改进型号,拥有7对车轮。","It was an improved variant of the T-80B, with seven road wheels." +"性暴力可以追溯到古希腊和古罗马时代,当时的女性被视为男人的财产,对自己的身体与性的完整并不具有丝毫权利。",Sexual violence can be traced back to the Greeks and Romans where women were seen as property without any rights over their bodies or sexual integrity. +他们乘坐马车回到了巴黎,一群人包围了他们,大喊大叫地威胁国王和王后。,"In a carriage, they traveled back to Paris surrounded by a mob of people screaming and shouting threats against the King and Queen." +"因其可以阻断凋亡并继而促进细胞存活,现已表明Akt1在多种肿瘤中起到主要作用。","Since it can block apoptosis, and thereby promote cell survival, Akt1 has been implicated as a major factor in many types of cancer." +”“我们称你们为幽灵师。,"""Called to be Hosts""." +2005年7月7日在英国伦敦地铁发生了爆炸事件。,"The 2005 London bombings occurred on 7 July 2005 in London, England." +"在ARMY-2017期间,卡拉什尼科夫集团亦展示了AK-15的缩短型,AK-15K的原型。","During ARMY-2017, Kalashnikov Concern displayed prototypes of the AK-15K, a short-barreled version of the AK-15." +"蓄电操作式的灯笼有很多生产厂商,包括科尔曼公司。",Battery-operated lanterns are produced by many manufacturers including Coleman. +这却是常有的事。,That will often be so. +亦有人猜测在月球上可能有源自地球的所谓“地球陨石”。,"There are also speculations about the possibility of finding ""Earth meteorites"" on the surface of the Moon." +"然而,在创作共用授权下应用的作品不得修改所允许的合理使用或公平交易的权利或施加限制,因为其违反版权例外。","However, application of a Creative Commons license may not modify the rights allowed by fair use or fair dealing or exert restrictions which violate copyright exceptions." +"广义相对论中,在任意足够小以致时空曲率与潮汐力可以忽略的区域内,人们可以找到一组惯性系来近似描述这个区域。","In general relativity, in any region small enough for the curvature of spacetime and tidal forces to be negligible, one can find a set of inertial frames that approximately describe that region." +"此过程通常会产生大部分双星系统的质量被黑洞甩出系统,父星应无法形成一个 15.7太阳质量的黑洞。","This process typically results in a large amount of mass being lost from the system, so much that the parent star should not have been able to form a 15.7 M☉ black hole." +神庙算的上是最普遍而且为人所知的希腊公共建筑。,The rectangular temple is the most common and best-known form of Greek public architecture. +"如果域登录成功,则会将漫游配置文件从中央文件服务器复制到本地计算机,并为该用户创建本地帐户。","If the domain login is successful, the roaming profile is copied from the central file server to the desktop computer, and a local account is created for the user." +两次大会通过《海牙公约》。,Two optional protocols were adopted by the UN General Assembly. +"时间的不实在性,是剑桥大学观念论哲学家约翰·麦克塔加特(英语:J. M. E. McTaggart)最著名的哲学作品。",The Unreality of Time – best-known philosophical work of the Cambridge idealist J. M. E. McTaggart. +"弗兰朵的姊妹机,外观是着女佣服的成人女性。","A sister machine to Flandre, her appearance is that of an adult female in a maid costume." +它只会用于开幕式和闭幕式。,They play in Apertura and Clausura. +吉布斯另一位著名的学生是无线电技术的先驱李·德富雷斯特。,"Another distinguished student was Lee De Forest, later a pioneer of radio technology." +"暖水对更喜好较低温度的鲑鱼有害,同时也冲击了其他鱼群,如虹鳟和野生加州鳟鱼。","Warm waters are harmful to salmon, which prefer colder temperatures, and also impact other fish populations such as steelhead and wild California trout." +"Sharp SX862 支援 HSDPA 3.6Mbps极速上网,并可以用横向全屏幕显示网页内容。",The Sharp SX862 supports high-speed HSDPA 3.6Mbit/s Internet connectivity and web browsing. +"和19世纪的美国相比,当代的巴西人口结构缺少明确的人种界限。","Compared to 19th-century United States, 20th-century Brazil was characterized by a relative absence of sharply defined racial groups." +因此1936年皇家空军决定研究四引擎轰炸机的可行性。,"Accordingly, in 1936, the RAF also decided to investigate the feasibility of the four-engined bomber." +部分大学已有衔接课程可供选择。,3) The school should have adequate supporting strategies. +"苏格兰诗人伯恩斯花费数年,送给她许多首诗,但是未能成功地诱惑这位美丽的已婚女子。","Burns, Scotland's national poet, sent Clarinda many verses over several years in unsuccessful (it is believed) attempts to seduce this beautiful married lady." +"因此可以说,他差点就发现了计算多项式积分的通用公式,然而他并不关心高于四次的多项式。","He thus came close to finding a general formula for the integrals of polynomials, but he was not concerned with any polynomials higher than the fourth degree." +据信康华丽堡现时的砖结构便是在他1810年任职期间就已经完成。,"The present brick structure of Fort Cornwallis in Penang, was built by convict labour in 1810 during his term as Governor of Penang." +"4月10日,科罗拉多州立大学发布针对本季的首份预报,认为飓风季可能会极其活跃,形成18场命名风暴,其中9场成为飓风,4场大型飓风,累计气旋能量指数达165。","On April 10, Colorado State University (CSU) issued its first forecast for the season, calling for a potentially hyperactive season with 18 named storms, nine hurricanes, four major hurricanes, and an ACE index of 165." +"该党的网页声称,科普特教会宣布“对伊斯兰教和穆斯林进行战争”,并且“教会教皇参与罢免了第一个当选的伊斯兰主义总统。","The Party's page claimed that the Coptic Church had declared ""war against Islam and Muslims"" and that ""The Pope of the Church is involved in the removal of the first elected Islamist president." +"为了更实际的目的,冰岛可能用氢处理进口石油来扩展它,而不是完全取代它。","For more practical purposes, Iceland might process imported oil with hydrogen to extend it, rather than to replace it altogether." +"然而,标准收藏将版权输给了StudioCanal后,碟片下架。","However, the Blu-ray Disc was discontinued after Criterion lost the rights to StudioCanal." +"有故事说她仅捐了5英镑赈灾,又在同一天给巴特西·道格斯·霍莫给了同样少的钱,不过这个故事只是19世纪末的一个传言。","The story that she donated only £5 in aid to the Irish, and on the same day gave the same amount to Battersea Dogs Home, was a myth generated towards the end of the 19th century." +"总体来说,它们被称为“Adobe Photoshop系列”。","Collectively, they are branded as ""The Adobe Photoshop Family""." +"南非桌山国家公园前身为开普半岛国家公园,地处南非开普敦,1998年5月29日成立,旨在为保护桌山生态链的自然环境,尤其是珍稀的凡波斯植被。","Table Mountain National Park, previously known as the Cape Peninsula National Park, is a national park in Cape Town, South Africa, proclaimed on 29 May 1998, for the purpose of protecting the natural environment of the Table Mountain Chain, and in particular the rare fynbos vegetation." +"政府在他居住的奥里利亚为他建了房子,直到他于95岁去世。","He was revered by the government, who built a home for him in Orillia where he lived until his death at the age of 95." +"但要让一艘完全纹理化的船靠近玩家,因技术上的考量,设计师想出了一个“重力升降”的装置,这使得船能在较远的距离将玩家送上船(因此也不需要将细节处理得太精细),且还为星盟的科技增添了“视觉上的乐趣”。","However, due to technical considerations of having a fully textured ship so close to the player, the designers came up with a ""gravity lift"", which allowed the ship to be farther away (thus not requiring as much processing power for detail) as well as adding a ""visually interesting"" component of Covenant technology." +Protectaid牌避孕海绵的研究结果指出其避孕效果约有77%至91%。,Studies of Protectaid have found effectiveness rates of 77% to 91%. +"研究涉及697个爪蟾属标本,都是于1879年至1999年在南部非洲采集。","In this study, 697 archived specimens of three species of Xenopus, previously collected from 1879 to 1999 in southern Africa, were examined." +"这股扰动向北移动,在尤卡坦半岛上空形成低气压区。","The disturbance moved north, along with a low-pressure area that formed over the Yucatán Peninsula." +"翌日,她于99.7的“Triple Ho Show”上演出。","A day after, she performed at 99.7 NOW's Triple Ho Show." +"在1974年以前,澳大利亚只有储值卡、大莱卡和美国运通卡,这些卡要么局限性强,要么只针对富人。","Before 1974, only store cards, Diners Club and American Express were available in Australia and these were either restrictive or only accessible to the wealthy." +"1846年,有英国人认为该谷地适合赛马运动,便建立于跑马地马场。","In 1846, the British felt that the valley terrain was ideal for horse-racing, and thus cleared the paddy fields and developed the Happy Valley Racecourse." +曾任六品主事。,Six owners followed. +"奥迪尔诺在新泽西州罗克韦长大,考入莫里斯山高中,之后考入西点的美国军事学院。","Odierno, who is of Italian descent, grew up in Rockaway, New Jersey, where he attended Morris Hills High School, followed by the United States Military Academy at West Point." +"布克兰被委任为八套自然神学的论据著作之一,它的主标题是“神的力量、智慧和善良,就像创造一样”。","Buckland was commissioned to contribute one of the set of eight Bridgewater Treatises, ""On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation""." +该视频后来于5月16日在YouTube上发布。,The video was later released on YouTube on May 16. +"2011年7月8日,3号、4号以及5号水轮发电机组已可进行满载运转发电,6号机已进入备载状态。","On 8 July 2011, turbines 3, 4 and 5 were working under full load and turbine 6 was in reserve." +"在美国,标题中“睡衣”的英文被修改为美式的拼法“Pahamas”。","In the United States, the ""Pyjamas"" in the title was modified to reflect the American spelling pajamas." +"它得名于基督教殉道者圣玛策林��圣伯多禄,传统认为他们埋葬于此,靠近圣谛步爵的尸体。","Their name refers to the Christian martyrs Marcellinus and Peter who, according to tradition, were buried here, near the body of St. Tiburtius." +"1841年,雨果在经历三次失败后终于入选法兰西学术院,巩固了他在法国文艺界的地位。","After three unsuccessful attempts, Hugo was finally elected to the Académie française in 1841, solidifying his position in the world of French arts and letters." +100码短跑(英语:100-yard dash)是100码或91.44米的田径项目。,The 100-yard dash is a track and field event of 100 yards or 91.44 metres. +"在书籍《艺术当下:访谈现代艺术家》(2002年)中的一个采访中,克里德解释道他曾致力于油画但从不去决定要画什么。","In an interview published in the book Art Now: Interviews with Modern Artists (2002), Creed explains that he used to 'make paintings' but never liked having to decide what to paint." +对阿堇有好感。,Coach: Ali Hoşfikirer. +"在统一的时候,阿拉伯也门共和国和也门民主人民共和国都是欠发达的经济体。","At unification, both the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen were struggling underdeveloped economies." +"2012年6月,Shroff终于在Sajid Nadiadwala签约,在Heropanti首次亮相。","In June 2012, Shroff was finally signed on by Sajid Nadiadwala to make his debut in Heropanti." +"17世纪末,英国人开始在哈得逊湾建立贸易站,并着手争夺安大略的控制权。",The British established trading posts on Hudson Bay in the late 17th century and began a struggle for domination of Ontario. +"1985年10月,理查·斯托曼建立自由软件基金会 (FSF)。","In October 1985, Stallman set up the Free Software Foundation (FSF)." +"他在场上通常在中场右路活动,但亦能在左路发挥。","He usually plays on the right wing, but can also play left-back." +"因为它是一个治疗过程,而不是一种丸剂,故对照研究的设计是具有挑战性的,像手术和其他治疗过程一样。","Because it is a procedure rather than a pill, the design of controlled studies is challenging, as with surgical and other procedures." +它是功能基因组学的重要组成部分。,It is an important component of functional genomics. +5日:美国宣布中立。,5: The United States publicly declares neutrality. +"2015年2月5日,据报导,Working Title Films买下了由《爱的万物论》编剧安东尼·麦卡腾(英语:Anthony McCarten)撰写的待售剧本《最黑暗的时刻》,该剧本描写了第二次世界大战早期的温斯顿·丘吉尔。","On 5 February 2015, it was announced that Working Title Films had acquired Darkest Hour, a speculative screenplay by The Theory of Everything screenwriter Anthony McCarten, about Winston Churchill in the early days of World War II." +"这会导致压力的增加而反复地向外推出与落回,一个循环的周期约数小时。","This results in increased pressure that pushes the layer back out again, the cycle repeating itself in a matter of hours." +"古巴人不允许自己拥有飞机,或使用机场进行私人或商业飞行,只有政府拥有的飞机才可以使用机场设施。",Cubans are not allowed to own aircraft or use the airport for either private or commercial flight. +"于是,发布了OAuth Core协议1.0a版本来解决这一问题。",Version 1.0a of the OAuth Core protocol was issued to address this issue. +"纽约时报报导“据估计,洛克菲勒先生在退休后从他标准石油托拉斯的股份及其他的投资,累积了约$1,500,000,000的财产,这可能是历史上一位平民凭个人努力曾累积的最大财富。","According to his New York Times obituary, ""it was estimated after Mr. Rockefeller retired from business that he had accumulated close to $1,500,000,000 out of the earnings of the Standard Oil trust and out of his other investments." +"在火星上没有巨大且年轻的陨石坑可已被断定是SNC陨石的来源,但最近的研究声称已经找到ALH84001的出处,并且还有辉玻无球陨石的来源。","It had been asserted that there are no large young craters on Mars that are candidates as sources for the Martian meteorites, but subsequent studies claimed to have a likely source for ALH 84001 and a possible source for other shergottites." +狮子王庆典是迪士尼动物王国中的一个表演项目。,The Festival of the Lion is the hit of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. +"该寺最初只有一座叫拜楼,较高的一座是后来由穆拉德二世所建。","The mosque had originally a single minaret, the taller one was later built by Murat II." +然而这一现象在曝光之后依然存在。,However this only occurs after expiration. +"切斯特顿基以约翰·奥康纳神父(John O'Connor,1870至1952年)为蓝本来创造布朗神父,他在布拉德福德担任神父,并参与切斯特顿于1922年皈依天主教仪式。","Chesterton loosely based him on the Rt Rev. Msgr. John O'Connor (1870–1952), a parish priest in Bradford, who was involved in Chesterton's conversion to Catholicism in 1922." +"1921年7月,美国陆军航空队(英语:United States Army Air Service)和美国海军在陆军少将威廉·米切尔的指挥下,于亨利角(英语:Cape Henry)进行了一系列的轰炸试验。","In July 1921, the Army Air Service and the US Navy conducted a series of bombing tests off Cape Henry, led by General Billy Mitchell." +"在快速长途运输开发之前,果酒消费的区域性特征一般来说与果酒生产地域性特征相符。","Before the development of rapid long distance transportation, regions of cider consumption generally coincided with those of cider production." +"1912年12月13日,罗伯茨警告铸币局工作人员,不要擅自生产1913年版5美分硬币,等待新设计到位。","On December 13, 1912, Roberts warned the Mint staff to take no action in preparation for the 1913 five-cent coinage until the new designs were ready." +佳乐麝香是于十九世纪六十年代在IFF由Heering和Beets开发的。,"Galaxolide was discovered at IFF in the 1960s, by Heering and Beets." +"由于德国保留的六艘巡洋舰都是在1899年至1902年间下水(德语:Stapellauf),其中最老旧的舰只——尼俄伯号、阿玛宗号、宁芙号、忒提斯号和美杜莎号,可以立即更换。","Since the six cruisers that German retained had been launched between 1899 and 1902, the oldest ships—Niobe, Amazone, Nymphe, Thetis, and Medusa—could be replaced immediately." +"大多数的街头报纸主要刊登露宿者和贫穷议题的相关报导,且寻求强化露宿者之间的社群网络。","Most such newspapers primarily provide coverage about homelessness and poverty-related issues, and seek to strengthen social networks within homeless communities." +"虽然宇宙的年龄还不足以让质量最低的红矮星演化到它们生命的尾端,恒星模型认为它们在耗尽核心的氢燃料前会逐渐变亮和变热,然后成为低质量的白矮星。","Although the universe is not old enough for any of the smallest red dwarfs to have reached the end of their lives, stellar models suggest they will slowly become brighter and hotter before running out of hydrogen fuel and becoming low-mass white dwarfs." +"1884年,依照意大利建筑师切勒斯提尔·萨卡尔丁(意大利语:Celestial Sacardim)设计的方案开始动工修建。","By 1884, construction was ready to begin under the Italian architect Celestial Sacardim." +当晚随即逮捕7人归案。,They are arrested for seven murders later. +"当大野耐一参观了美国的超市后,他意识到,工时制度不应该受到销售额和生产目标的束缚。","Having visited and seen supermarkets in the USA, Taiichi Ohno recognised the scheduling of work should not be driven by sales or production targets but by actual sales." +"腓尼基人和希腊人在耶稣诞生前几个世纪开始于意大利建立定居点,特别是成为欣欣向荣的希腊古典文明定居地。","Phoenicians and Greeks established settlements in Italy beginning several centuries before the birth of Christ, and the Greek settlements in particular developed into thriving classical civilizations." +父亲在1927年去了苏联。,He had gone to the Soviet Union in 1927. +有限或过多的食欲不一定是病态的。,A limited or excessive appetite is not necessarily pathological. +但并非总是如此。,However this doesn't always happen. +前三个世纪人口激增让人们忧虑地球可能养不活现有或未来的居民。,The recent rapid increase in human population over the past three centuries has raised concerns that the planet may not be able to sustain present or future numbers of inhabitants. +幽魔灾魔兵团 在幽魔地狱生存的灾魔兽亡灵们。,Believers claim ghosts of those perished in the earthquake wandering the vacant site. +"此新三角形 A C H {\displaystyle ACH} 和原本的三角形 A B C {\displaystyle ABC} 相似,因为在两个三角形中都有一个直角(这又是由于“高”的定义),而两个三角形都有 A {\displaystyle A} 这个共同角,由此可知第三只角都是相等的。","The new triangle ACH is similar to triangle ABC, because they both have a right angle (by definition of the altitude), and they share the angle at A, meaning that the third angle will be the same in both triangles as well, marked as θ in the figure." +MECD - 微软Encarta学院词典。,MECD – Microsoft Encarta College Dictionary. +"加尔维斯顿附近也有多艘船只倾覆,其中包括“尼克·希尔号”(Nick Hill)和“凯特·沃德号”(Kate Ward)。","Several vessels also capsized near Galveston, including the Nick Hill and Kate Ward." +"艾伦·萨弗瑞(Allan Savory)则给出有争议的意见,认为控制牲畜,模拟野生牧群可以逆转沙漠化。","Controversially, Allan Savory has claimed that the controlled movement of herds of livestock, mimicking herds of grazing wildlife, can reverse desertification." +布鲁克王朝以“白人拉惹(英语:White Rajahs)”的身份统治砂拉越一百年。,"The Brookes ruled Sarawak for a hundred years as ""White Rajahs""." +"该船级的四号舰——吕贝克号安装了蒸汽涡轮机,因此涡轮发动机的质量完全不亚于其它相同的船具。","The fourth ship of the class, Lübeck, was fitted with steam turbines, so the quality of turbine engines could be compared with otherwise identical vessels." +这种掠夺导致X射线和远紫外线光子的辐射。,This ripping off leads to the emission of X-rays and far ultraviolet photons. +"林达因人反抗勒皮他的暴动,寓意着爱尔兰反抗大不列颠,和大不列颠的 (指的是辉格政府)暴力的对内对外政策(参见乔纳森·斯威夫特的政治生涯)。","Lindalino's rebellion against Laputa is an allegory of Ireland's revolt against Great Britain, and Great Britain's (meaning the Whig government's) violent foreign and internal politics (see Jonathan Swift for his political career)." +"然后,开发人员遵循测试要求编写最简单的代码去满足它,直到测试得以通过。","Then, the developer writes the simplest code to make the test, along with other tests, pass." +ISO 11898-5:2007规定了道路车辆内传输速率高达1 Mbit/s的CAN网络物理层。,ISO 11898-5:2007 specifies the CAN physical layer for transmission rates up to 1 Mbit/s for use within road vehicles. +"终点区域包含多个DNA复制终结站,称为Ter站。","The terminus region contains several DNA replication terminator sites, or ""Ter"" sites." +"他起初告诉警方自己在聚会过后前往酒馆,但8天后又改变说法,称自己当时是在散步。","He originally told police he went to a pub after the party, but in an interview eight days later changed his story to state that he had gone for a walk." +同样在Jingle Ball Tour 2014(英语:Jingle Ball Tour 2014)上演唱了歌曲。,"She also performed the song during the Jingle Ball Tour on December 8, 2014." +一个平台可以符合一个或两个这些配置文件提供的所有功能包含在一个配置文件。,A platform can be compliant to one or both of these profiles by providing all features included in a profile. +"Scott的建筑风格也有所改变,减少了哥特式装饰,引进了较现代的monumental风格。","At the same time Scott modified the decorative style, losing much of the Gothic detailing and introducing a more modern, monumental style." +其枪机直到弹头离开枪管而且压力已经下降到安全水平前都不会打开。,The action will not open until the projectile has left the barrel and the pressures have dropped to safe levels. +"邪田即斜田,即一边直角一边斜的梯田。","Watkins is front right, seated on a ladder. ca." +杂志连载从1949年开始。,The magazine was started in 1949. +"福克斯最终决定把项目发展成一部原创作品,并于2010年7月请来林道夫对斯派茨的剧本进行改写。","Fox eventually pushed to develop the project into an original work, and by July 2010, Lindelof had been hired to redevelop Spaihts's screenplay." +"在印度期间他做过许多工作,包括曾供职于全印广播电台藏语节目、新德里西藏之家(Tibet House)等。","In exile in India, he worked at various jobs, including in the Tibetan language section of All India Radio, and at Tibet House in New Delhi." +"真正的牧场(dehesa)是拥有四种不同类型橡树的丰富多元的栖息地,橡树对于优质火腿的生产至关重要。",True dehesa is a richly diverse habitat with four different types of oak that are crucial in the production of prime-quality ham. +Xbox 360游戏系统允许用户下载用于扩充Dashboard功能的应用。,The Xbox 360 game system allows users to download applications that add to the functionality of the dashboard. +"王室的城堡称作红堡,坐落于伊耿高丘。","The royal castle, called the Red Keep, sits on Aegon's Hill." +"如果当时杰斐逊州真的成立的话,那么其将是美国人口最少的一州。","If Iceland were admitted to the EU, it would be the smallest member state in terms of population." +翻新工程耗时8年。,Temporary repairs took 8 days. +岩屑流的首次目击位于15日晚8:30;16日上午8:00至9:00报告了最后的岩屑流。,"The first eyewitness accounts of debris flows were from 8:30 PM on the 15th, and the final debris flows were reported between 8 and 9 AM on 16 December." +"这座城市是美国太平洋舰队大部分水面战舰,所有海军西海岸两栖舰艇以及各种海岸警卫队和军事海运指挥舰的所在地。","The city is ""home to the majority of the U.S. Pacific Fleet's surface combatants, all of the Navy's West Coast amphibious ships and a variety of Coast Guard and Military Sealift Command vessels""." +"1998年,他被选为巴林足协的副主席,并于2002年当选主席。","In 1998, he was elected vice-president of the BFA, and president in 2002." +"他平生很少旅游,1880年代只去过几次法国和两次荷兰, 1892年去过四次伦敦。","His travels were very few: three brief trips to France and two to the Netherlands in the 1880s, and a four-day trip to London in 1892." +"在1987年,公司决定直接销售产品而非继续通过代理,于是在日本东京开设了第一家国际分公司。","As part of the company's decision to begin direct sales of its products, NI opened its first international branch, in Tokyo, Japan in 1987." +"此路段全长57公里(35英里),分为五份工程合约。",The 57-kilometre-long (35 mi) project was constructed through five contracts. +"碳行星被预测其直径和硅与水的行星相似,而且质量也相近,可能会始它们难以区分。","Carbon planets are predicted to be of similar diameter to silicate and water planets of the same mass, potentially making them difficult to distinguish." +"车间工人将会投票投给需要继续生产的当地车间委员会,并代表当地和国家委员会出席其特定行业。",Workers on the shop floor would elect local shop floor committees needed to continue production and representatives to local and national councils representing their particular industry. +"如果使用较少的采样点,那么精度将会大幅度地下降。","We can use fewer samples, but then our precision will significantly worsen." +理由是因为这是祖母没有做成的职业。,That's probably why she didn't have an international career. +"而在反对意见中,布莱克法官写到: 这些上诉人并没有因为试图推翻政府而被指控,也没有因为任何明显的推翻政府的行为而被指控。","In his dissent, Black wrote: These petitioners were not charged with an attempt to overthrow the Government." +"图5示意图中的符号R3 = RC2 // RL而R11 = 1 / g11,R22 = g22。","Figure 5 shows the schematic with notation R3 = RC2 // RL and R11 = 1 / g11, R22 = g22." +"之后,探险者,贸易者和传教士收到了这一地区有火山爆发的报告。","Years later, explorers, traders, and missionaries heard reports of an erupting volcano in the area." +他饰演过一个虚构的瑞典特工卡尔·汉密尔顿(Carl Hamilton)。,"He played Carl Hamilton, a fictional Swedish secret agent." +"这些材料转变轨道的方向朝向木星,新的材料又因为碰撞影响而继续被加入。",The orbit of the material veers towards Jupiter and new material is added by additional impacts. +"不过,韦弗却在众议员选举中逆势而上,以仅67票的微弱优势战胜共和党人弗兰克·T·坎贝尔(Frank T. Campbell)当选。",Weaver's House race bucked the trend: he defeated Republican Frank T. Campbell by just 67 votes. +"起阴气,解诸毒。","Wasteland, full of poison." +"市政基础设施、 城市基础设施和 农村发展 通常表示同一概念,且无论是在大城市或 发展中国家都是受关切的问题。","Municipal infrastructure, urban infrastructure, and rural development usually represent the same concept but imply either large cities or developing nations' concerns respectively." +"这些游戏的设计者通常会很明显地标注在游戏包装盒上,所以也被称为设计者游戏(designer games)。","Because most of these games feature the name of the designer prominently on the box, they are sometimes known as designer games." +"在澳大利亚的维多利亚州,“描述或描绘一个未成年人处于或似乎处于性活动或其他不雅性行为”的图像是违法的。","In the Australian state of Victoria, it is illegal to publish imagery that ""describes or depicts a person who is, or appears to be, a minor engaging in sexual activity or depicted in an indecent sexual manner or context""." +"在语言类型学中,它具有许多与大多数欧洲语言不同的特征。","In language typology, it has many features divergent from most European languages." +"然而,伴随着新技术的出现,尤其是电子设备的利用,使得丹麦国家铁路交通的安全和效率均得到了提高。","However, this was also accompanied by the appearance of new technology, notably the utilisation of electronic equipment, improving the safety and efficiency of DSB's railway traffic." +曾被征辟为推官。,He was decorated for merit. +"除下属各个行政部门外,拥有十余个分、子公司。","The group owns either wholly or in part, seven subsidiary companies." +"它的化石十分零碎,包括了牙齿及可能是尾巴的脊骨。","The fossils are quite fragmentary, and consist of teeth and a vertebra, possibly from the tail." +"由于自认无法将小说中“激烈而精彩的对话”全部重新创作出来,因此她决定尽量对其加以保留。","While she could not reproduce the novel's ""fiercely wonderful dialogue in its entirety"", she attempted to keep much of it." +"任何连通拓扑群在拓扑意义上有惟一的万有覆叠空间,这个空间有惟一的群结构作为基本群的中心扩张。","Every connected topological group has a unique universal cover as a topological space, which has a unique group structure as a central extension by the fundamental group." +"不过,马丁认为,“正是电视已经证明了反天主教的题材是写作中最肥沃的土壤。","Father Martin suggests that ""it is television that has proven the most fertile ground for anti-Catholic writing." +"凭次入球,他已经追平了赫尔穆特·拉恩(德语:Helmut Rahn)的10个世界杯入球记录。","With the goal, he has tied Helmut Rahn with 10 World Cup goals." +"然而,墨西哥最重要的帮助,是在外交部庇护许多来自西班牙的政治难民,其中有许多共和派知识分子和孤儿家庭。","Mexico's most important contributions to the Spanish Republic was its diplomatic help, as well as the sanctuary the nation arranged for Republican refugees, including Spanish intellectuals and orphaned children from Republican families." +"这种方法要求软件设计者为软件组件定义正式的,精确的并且可验证的接口,这样,为传统的抽象数据类型又增加了先验条件、后验条件和不变式。","It prescribes that software designers should define formal, precise and verifiable interface specifications for software components, which extend the ordinary definition of abstract data types with preconditions, postconditions and invariants." +"据登山家兼作家利·奥滕伯格(Leigh N. Ortenburger)记载,这一壮举很可能在无意之间创下了北美登山运动海拔高度的新纪录,并且保持了50年之久。","According to mountaineer and author Leigh N. Ortenburger, this feat may have inadvertently set the American mountaineering altitude record for the next 50 years." +炀帝长女南阳公主亦可能是她所生。,"Maybe your revolting sister is there, too." +议程的61项确认了政府为“促进、保护及确保住房权充份且逐步的实现”所需的步骤。,"Paragraph 61 of the agenda identifies the steps required by governments to ""promote, protect and ensure the full and progressive realisation of the right to adequate housing""." +病人在手术后存活了75天才过世。,The patient died 75 days after the operation. +"然而,最近的解释指出,这种复仇方式是通过仲裁和赔偿来防止或迅速解决争端的一种手段。","However, more recent interpretations have pointed to the feud as a means of preventing and speedily resolving disputes by forcing arbitration, compensation and resolution." +Johannes Kiel中尉创下摧毁62架地面战机、9台战车与20个火炮阵地。,"Oberleutnant Johannes Kiel was credited with 62 aircraft destroyed on the ground, plus nine tanks and 20 artillery pieces." +"本书在接近尾声时,描述著20年前令德特和爱玛记忆犹新、永远忘不了的第一次道别──他们吻别、且承诺两人要保持联络,并说再见。","The book ends with a vivid and lingering memory of what happened after that stay together 20 years before: their goodbye kiss after the evening, promise to stay in touch, and goodbye." +"例如: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 四位数字 M表示 UUID 版本,数字 N的一至三个最高有效位表示 UUID 变体。","For example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx The 4 bits of digit M indicate the UUID version, and the 1–3 most significant bits of digit N indicate the UUID variant." +"但即使在拟合了第一颗行星的径向速度变化趋势以后,仍有大约3.4 m/s的速度变化,且远大于仪器误差的1.7 m/s。","Even after fitting a planet and a trend, it was noted that the residual velocities were still around 3.4 m/s, significantly larger than the instrumental errors of around 1.7 m/s." +"亨利·佐治·诺里斯爵士(Sir Henry George Norris,1865年7月23日-1934年7月30日),英格兰商人、政治家、足球球会总监,曾成为富咸和阿仙奴的主席。","Sir Henry George Norris (23 July 1865 – 30 July 1934) was an English businessman, politician and football club director, most famous for his chairmanship of both Fulham and Arsenal." +维基解密没有官方总部。,WikiLeaks does not have any official headquarters. +"俘虏贾逵,囚于壶关,封闭在土窖中,用车轮盖上,派人固守。","The condemned men were conducted from the prison and seated in the wagons, one upon each coffin." +"2011年5月15日,Flipboard被中国大陆防火长城封锁。","On May 15, 2011, Flipboard was blocked by the Great Firewall of China." +"在歌曲的结尾,还使用了一段二胡表演来强化中国气氛。","Near the end of the song, an erhu starts playing to add more Chinese atmosphere." +"哈达克(HARDAC)(出现在《蝙蝠侠:动画系列》中,由杰夫·贝内特配音)——HARDAC代表全息分析往复数字计算机。","HARDAC (appeared in Batman: The Animated Series, voiced by Jeff Bennett) - HARDAC stands for Holographic Analytical Reciprocating DigitAL Computer." +布拉赫指出尤尔根·哈贝马斯和安斯特·诺尔特“把极权主义的概念和法西斯主义的膨胀与公式视为禁忌”。,"Bracher accused both Jürgen Habermas and Ernst Nolte of both ""...tabooing the concept of totalitarianism and inflating the formula of fascism""." +"帕纳林还于2003年8月在克拉斯诺达尔的几个公共汽车站安装炸弹,���致4人死亡,17人受伤。",Panaryin was also found guilty of planting bombs on several bus stops in Krasnodar in August 2003 (four people died and 17 were injured in these attacks). +"除基础设施和公众财产受损外,该国环境也受到严重影响,当地一种本土蝙蝠因缺少食物而导致数量减少了80%之多。","In addition to infrastructural and public losses, the environment was also severely affected; a native species of bats lost roughly 80% of its population due to the lack of fruit." +"埃德威格和艾尔弗吉夫的婚姻被废除是不寻常,因为废除是违反他们的意愿,并明确的带有由邓斯坦的支持者政治动机。","The annulment of the marriage of Eadwig and Ælfgifu is unusual in that it was against their will, clearly politically motivated by the supporters of Dunstan." +这些来自非洲的人力占去那些地方20至40岁男子的超过三分之一。,This constituted more than one-third of the men of those nations from ages 20–40. +目前她是隶属于Toyota Office。,"He is from ""Toyota office"" talent agency." +船舶在台风中心通过时记录的资讯:大气压力 960.0百帕 (汞柱28.35英寸)和风速超过88公里/小时(55英里/小时)。,A ship passing through the center of the typhoon recorded a pressure of 960.0 hectopascals (28.35 inHg) and winds exceeding 55 mph (88 km/h). +"此书曾被改编两次,包括电影和音乐剧。","The novel has twice been adapted to film, and a musical." +"自我伤害(英语:Self-harm),又称自伤(self-injury),是指有意且直接地伤害身体组织的行为,当事人一般没有自杀的意图。","Self-harm, also known as self-injury, is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue, done without suicidal intentions." +"自2000年代中期以来,网际协议第6版(IPv6)(下一代互联网协议)的部署一直在进行中。","Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), the next generation of the Internet Protocol, has been in progress since the mid-2000s." +"1989年《蝙蝠侠》的大获成功令迪士尼公司决定模仿其营销活动,即基于高概念的推广方式。","Disney modeled its marketing campaign after the 1989 success of Batman, which was based on high concept promotion." +"潜在的可能有PN的星团还有阿贝尔8与比卡6,和He 2-86与NGC 4463。","A subsample of tentative cases that may potentially be cluster/PN pairs includes Abell 8 and Bica 6, and He 2-86 and NGC 4463." +Paaka shastra(简称paka)在卡纳达语的意思是“烹调流程”或“烹煮技巧”。,Paaka shastra (short paka) in Kannada means 'cooking procedure' or 'cooking techniques'. +"福山在曼哈顿长大,虽身为日裔,但没有学习日语,也很少接触日本文化。","Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese." +"当年,该报亦成为亚洲新闻联盟(英语:Asia News Network)的创会会员。",That year it also became a founding member of the Asia News Network. +它强调了美国社会中存在的极端贫困、可负担住房和经济剥削问题。,"It highlights the issues of extreme poverty, affordable housing, and economic exploitation in the United States." +"事务(Transaction) 子流程的一种形式,其所包含的全部活动必须作为一个整体对待,即它们必须完全结束以满足目标,其中任何一个失败就必须全部偿还(撤回)。","Transaction A form of sub-process in which all contained activities must be treated as a whole; i.e., they must all be completed to meet an objective, and if any one of them fails, they must all be compensated (undone)." +而马尔代夫的最低合法结婚年龄为男女都18岁。,The legal age of marriage is 18 for both males and females. +"调幅有两个频道,主要是1287kHz,另外还有1539kHz上的“活力印度(Vividh Bharati)”。","Two AM channels are broadcast, the primary channel at 1287 kHz and the Vividh Bharati channel at 1539 kHz." +第一个伽玛射线暴是在1967年由维拉号人造卫星(一系列用于探测太空中核爆的卫星)观测到的。,GRBs were first detected in 1967 by the Vela satellites (a series of spacecraft designed to detect nuclear explosions in space). +"公爵夫人塞西莉在诺曼底陪伴他,并且在鲁昂为他生下爱德华、埃德蒙和伊丽莎白。","Duchess Cecily accompanied him to Normandy, and his children Edward, Edmund and Elizabeth were all born in Rouen." +"然后蛋白质包围这些分子,并与之松散结合——是为“疏松结合”态(红色所示)。","The protein then closes up around the molecules and binds them loosely – the ""loose"" state (shown in red)." +"他于1755年出生于尼维斯,于1789年被总统乔治·华盛顿任命为该国的第一位财政部长。","Born in Nevis in 1755, Hamilton was appointed by President George Washington as the country's first Secretary of Treasury in 1789." +"这导致他被邀请在医学研究委员会的分子生物学实验室工作,这成为一项长期任命。","This resulted in an invitation to work at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Medical Research Council, which became a long-term appointment." +"1689年,在大联盟战争中,法国重新占领整个岛屿。","In 1689, during the War of the Grand Alliance, France re-occupied the entire island, and decimated the British farms." +"在克诺尔大街(德语:Knorrstraße (München))/特罗保大街(Troppauer Straße)拐角的BMW研究与创新中心对面,竖立有一个纪念雕塑,名为米贝茨霍芬犹太营(德语:Judensiedlung Milbertshofen)。","Across from the BMW Research and Innovation Center (Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum, FIZ), Knorrstraße corner Troppauer Straße, a sculpture exists in reminiscent of the so-called Judensiedlung (Jewish Quarter) Milbertshofen." +"1857年,奥西耶克县的工业就业率(11.01%)最高,而农业就业率为72.3%(波热加县为82.9%)。","In 1857 industrial employment (11.01%) was highest in the County of Osijek, while 72.3% were employed in agriculture (82.9% in the Požega County)." +"1171年迪亚马特过世,德克莱尔成为伦斯特国王。","De Clare married Diarmait's daughter, and when Diarmait died in 1171, de Clare became King of Leinster." +"虽然她容忍他的邪恶和自私的行为,但她发现他吃自己做的薯条后,最终断绝了与所有阿巴迪尔的关系。","Although she attempted to tolerate his evil and selfish antics, she eventually severed all ties with Abadeer after she discovered him eating fries that she had made for herself." +"虽然逃亡对经济的影响相当有限,但是对奴隶主的心理冲击是巨大的。","The resulting economic impact was minuscule, but the psychological influence on slave holders was immense." +"22号 - 蒙塔古府,广场西北角,1777年由詹姆斯·斯图尔特为伊丽莎白蒙塔古夫人兴建。","No. 22 – Montagu House, built in the northwest corner of the square by James Stuart between 1777 and 1781 for Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, demolished in the Blitz by an incendiary bomb." +"它位于首座车站大楼以东30米处,并涵括了地处站前广场旁、带有商店和售票处的车站前厅,以及在轨道之间的车站大楼本体。","It is located 30 metres east of the first station building and consisted of a station entrance hall on the station forecourt with shops and the ticket offices as well as the actual entrance building, which was located between the tracks." +"工业堆肥系统越来越多地被安装作为垃圾管理替代垃圾填埋场,以及其他先进的废物处理系统。","In Jundiz they use industrial composting systems that are increasingly being installed as a waste management alternative to landfills, along with other advanced waste processing systems." +"夏尔的证词引进了叠影谋杀案的电影故事,这与其他三名女被告的证词吻合,根据她的证词,莎朗·蒂-拉比安卡谋杀案是琳达·卡萨比安的主意。","Share's testimony had introduced the copycat-motive story, which the testimony of the three female defendants echoed and according to which the Tate–LaBianca murders had been Linda Kasabian's idea." +欧洲足球协会联盟资格赛于2016年9月2日至11日在意大利的耶索洛举行。,"The qualifiers for the members of UEFA took place between 2 and 11 September 2016 in Jesolo, Italy." +"由于他的继任者Feliks Ksiezarski的无能,建造工程再度延误。","The incompetence of Hlávka's successor, Feliks Ksiezarski, further delayed progress." +"1926年12月20日,在一次激烈的辩论中,波兰社会党总理事会持类似立场,指出: 波兰社会党持反对立场目的并不在于推翻毕苏斯基总理,而是通过排除其中的保皇主义者和反动势力,来重建其内阁,并改变其经济政策,而这正是工人阶级所需;此外,改变国内政策,尤其是有关于少数族裔的政策。","On 20 December 1926, after a stormy debate, the PPS General Council took a similar position, indicating that: The PPS opposition does not aim to overthrow Prime Minister Pilsudski but to reconstruct his cabinet by removing monarchist and reactionary elements and to change economic policy, which is the demand of the working class; moreover, to change internal policy, especially as far as national minorities are concerned." +卡拉派犹太人把整个希伯来圣经作为宗教权威。,Karaite Jews hold the entire Hebrew Bible to be a religious authority. +第一条伦敦方程所描述的正是如此。,This is precisely what the first London equation states. +"该机场尚拥有礼品店、行政办公室、贵宾休息室及一般乘客休息室,安检站并设有X光和炸弹侦查机器。","The soundproof terminal contains gift shops, administrative offices, a VIP lounge and general passenger waiting area, as well as X-ray and bomb-detection machines at a security checkpoint." +"这些研究将受到程式的内部审核旨在保证其研究品质, 并接纳国家资讯自由委员会(CNIL)(n°471 393)的有利建议。",It is also a part of the surveillance warning system directed by French national agency of public health (Santé publique France) (receiving the CNIL’s favorable recommendation n°471 393). +"世界上其他地区同样有着大规模的穆斯林移民社群,例如在西欧伊斯兰教是次于基督教的第二大宗教,代表了6%的总人口。","Western Europe hosts many Muslim immigrant communities where Islam is the second-largest religion after Christianity, where it represents 6% of the total population or 24 million people." +"她被诊断患有甲状腺癌,但2010年5月接受手术后完全恢复。",Uhm was diagnosed with thyroid cancer but fully recovered after surgery in May 2010. +"性工作者中性病传播感染率很高,其中30%患有梅毒。",STIs are high amongst sex workers with 30% having syphilis. +"十字军在石头上刻上了拉丁文,描述发生在耶路撒冷和伯法其的圣经事件。","The Crusaders had decorated the stone and inscribed upon it in Latin, descriptions of biblical events which occurred in the area of Jerusalem and Bethphage." +内塔尼亚胡是迄今为止最热烈支持自由市场以色列财政部长。,Netanyahu was the most ardent free-market Israeli finance minister to date. +"播放媒体 星际行星(英语:Interstellar planet),或称为流浪行星(Rogue planet)、游牧行星(nomad planet)、自由浮动行星(free-floating planet)或孤儿行星(Orphan planet),粗略地说是不绕任何恒星公转的行星,或只围绕星系公转的行星。","Play media A rogue planet (also termed an interstellar planet, nomad planet, free-floating planet, unbound planet, orphan planet, wandering planet, starless planet, or sunless planet) is a planetary-mass object that orbits a galactic center directly." +"在首映礼结束时,参加的观众给予了此电影的演员和工作人员长达十分钟的起立鼓掌。","Following the premiere, the audience in attendance gave the cast and crew a ten-minute standing ovation." +"世界杯前一周及首日,全国各地进一步爆发抗议财政支出的动乱。","The weeks preceding the 2014 World Cup, as well as the first days of the tournament, featured further unrest and protests across the country against the spending." +惩罚因子可以是间隙的大小和/或方向的函数。,The penalty factor could be a function of the size and/or direction of the gap. +"澳大利亚在许多没有官方政府关系的国家都设立领事馆,这些领事馆主要是帮助来澳大利亚旅游的游客和商务人士来访。","Australia has consulates in many countries where there are no official government ties in existence, and these serve primarily to assist Australian travellers and business people visiting those countries." +这有2个好处。,This has two benefits. +她的生命受到威胁。,Their lives were threatened. +"在1685年,加罗命令减少莫查岛的人口,以阻止那些劫掠着智利的太平洋海岸的海盗们得到资源。","In 1685, Garro decreed the depopulation of the Isla Mocha, with the goal of denying resources to pirates who were then ravaging the Pacific coast of Chile." +登记曲目为120首。,Table correct as of episode 120. +"少数的Pele型流束,通常与爆炸主导的喷发联系在一起,只有较短的寿命。","The few Pele-type plumes that have been observed are usually associated with explosion-dominated eruptions, and are short-lived." +"他的第一个行动之一是要求收紧有争议的立合的规则,或初步比赛预备,这导致了2008年9月的比赛中的许多虚假的开始。","One of his first actions was to demand a controversial tightening up of the rules for the tachi-ai, or initial charge, which led to many false starts in the September 2008 tournament." +"在场的3人中,除了库鲁斯外没人能看见。",It seems there are other people coming after us besides Trunks. +温彻斯特品牌版本被命名为温彻斯特SX-AR。,A Winchester-branded version is called the Winchester SX-AR. +一切文字语业演说。,Full text of the speeches. +"1857年5月1日,迫于中美各国军队的压力,沃克向美国海军指挥官查尔斯·亨利·戴维斯投降,并被遣返回国。","On May 1, 1857, Walker surrendered to Commander Charles Henry Davis of the United States Navy and was repatriated." +国家学院于1944年11月22日因盟军推进的原故而关闭。,The school was closed on 22 November 1944 due to the Allied advance. +"2003年地方选举后,市政府已经成为保守党和进步党的联盟。","Since the local elections of 2003, the city government has been a coalition of the Conservative Party and the Progress Party." +"然后,它向北驶至危地马拉的圣何塞港,继而去往美国俄勒冈州的波特兰,接着横渡至夏威夷。","She then steamed north to Puerto San José, Guatemala before continuing on to Portland, Oregon and then crossing over to Hawaii." +穆民(مؤمن) 遵守古兰经戒律的穆斯林。,So they persecuted the Muslims. +"一名政府官员表示:“我们进行了多次的红队演习以及其他型式的替代分析,来统整我们情资工作所得到的各种证据。","An administration official stated, ""We conducted red-team exercises and other forms of alternative analysis to check our work." +接近一只生病或受伤的狗。,They focus on the sick or injured young. +李将军于是被迫改变计划。,Lee was forced to change his plans. +"高夫表示,“不像超人,亚瑟·库瑞确实没有一个核心的故事,其版本的数量不胜枚举。","Gough stated, ""Unlike Superman, there really isn't a set core mythology for Arthur Curry." +"在伊斯梅尔治下,萨曼取得了经济、商业发展的成功,并组建了强大的军队。",Ismail was successful in establishing economic and commercial development and organized a powerful army. +"其中一例就是捷克的邦顿影业(英语:Bonton Group),其负责UIP在捷克与斯洛伐克两国市场的电影发行。","One such example is Bontonfilm in the Czech Republic, who previously distributed material from CIC & UIP in both the Czech and the Slovak markets." +"公元985年左右,塞尔柱人皈依了伊斯兰教。","There, in 985, Seljuk converted to Islam." +"在他的日记所记录的1941至1946年中,盖尔芬德描写了他对军队无情的杀戮的仇恨。","In his diaries form the years 1941 to 1946, Gelfand wrote of his relentless grapple with the hated military." +"索米在大学中是很受欢迎的教授,并且于1986年正式退休。","A very popular professor, he formally retired from teaching in 1986." +"但从神职和神学的观点分离教派仍是一个极具争议性的问题,是俄罗斯历史上最悲惨的事件之一。",From an ecclesiastic and theological point of view the Raskol remains a highly controversial question and one of the most tragic episodes of Russian history. +美国斯普劳尔天文台的长期观测说明它没有不可见的伴星对其造成扰动。,Long-term observations of this star by the Sproul Observatory show no astrometric perturbations by an unseen companion. +基纳巴卢山是世界上最年轻的非火山山脉。,Mount Kinabalu is one of the youngest non-volcanic mountains in the world. +2003年在HD 70642旁宣布发现一颗长周期系外行星。,A long period planet companion to HD 70642 was announced in 2003. +"如果“传入”接口与任何与该IP地址相关联的路由匹配,则该分组被转发。","If the incoming interface matches with any of the routes associated with the IP address, then the packet is forwarded." +"母亲与婴儿的关系是婴儿期表达规则发展的关键,母亲与婴儿的表达是同步的。","The mother-infant relationship is key in the development of display rules during infancy, it is the synchrony of mother-infant expressions." +"最佳的光周期比例取决于植物的种类和种类,因为有些喜欢长时间和短夜,而其他喜欢相反或中等的日长。","The optimum photo/dark period ratio depends on the species and variety of plant, as some prefer long days and short nights and others prefer the opposite or intermediate ""day lengths""." +推出第一套可录DVD染料旋涂辅助系统。,Introduced its first DVD recordable dye coater sub-system. +"台湾已成为起码其中一个如同本地般重要的香港电影市场;1990年代初,台湾电影工业曾一度蓬勃发展,但在香港和欧美进口电影突击猛攻之下,几近灭绝(Bordwell,2000)。","Taiwan became at least as important a market to Hong Kong film as the local one; in the early 1990s the once-robust Taiwanese film industry came close to extinction under the onslaught of Hong Kong imports (Bordwell, 2000)." +"在横跨两次世界大战的军事生涯中,凯塞林成为了纳粹德国最具指挥能力的将领之一,并跻身仅有27人的钻石橡叶带剑骑士铁十字勋章获得者之列。","In a military career that spanned both World Wars, Kesselring became one of Nazi Germany's most skilful commanders, and one of the most highly decorated, being one of 27 soldiers awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds." +蝾螈的繁殖期取决于它们栖息地的海拔和纬度。,The time of breeding depends on the elevation and latitude of the salamander's habitat. +这首《圣母颂》也是最著名的圣母颂之一。,Of these Mayombe is among the best known. +"玩家如果乱来经常会给予自动24小时的封禁,尽管不是所有粗俗语言会立即封禁。","Players who used profanity were often punished by an automatic 24-hour ban, although not all vulgar language resulted in an immediate ban." +"Daily Dot的作者评论道,该网站保持严格的质量控制标准,使得低于标准的内容往往会被迅速删除。","Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed." +首个严谨的数学证明直到19世纪才出现。,"However, the first mathematically rigorous proof of this fact was obtained only in the 19th century." +"6个月后,仙童半导体公司的罗伯特·诺伊斯也独立地开发出了具有交互连接的集成电路,也被认为是集成电路的发明人之一。","Six months later, Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor (who went on to co-found Intel) independently developed the integrated circuit with integrated interconnect, and is also considered an inventor of the integrated circuit." +机构种族主义理论包括组织、普遍观点和已有的针对社会弱势种族群体的机构(虽然这种针对不是明显的歧视性机制)。,"Institutional racism is the theory that aspects of the structure, pervasive attitudes, and established institutions of society disadvantage some racial groups, although not by an overtly discriminatory mechanism." +"日本又把风神(ふうじん)称作风之神(かぜのかみ)或风伯(ふうはく),乃是司掌风的神祇,其形象与雷神相对。","Allah will send, or will cause to send, rain which will be like dew and there will grow out of it (like wild growth) the bodies of the people." +这些观测结果让天文学家认为该恒星曾经是由两颗紧密互绕恒星与距离较远处另一颗恒星组成的三星系统。,These observations led to the explanation that it was part of a triple-star system consisting of two closely bound stars and one outer star. +"于前209年春季,伯罗奔尼撒的马其顿盟友亚该亚同盟向腓力五世迫切求援,因亚该亚同盟正遭到埃托利亚人和斯巴达的攻击。","In the spring of 209 BC, Philip received requests for help from his ally the Achaean League in the Peloponnesus who were being attacked by Sparta and the Aetolians." +"回教徒在宗教事务方面,必须遵守伊斯兰法庭的各项决定。",Muslims are obliged to follow the decisions of Syariah courts in matters concerning their religion. +唯一闭合点是排斥点。,The only closed point is the excluded point. +受奖者不需要是美国公民。,Students need not be American citizens to apply. +"他们也被允许继续使用他们自己的语言,学校,法律和风俗。","They were also allowed the continuing use of their own language, schools, laws and customs." +"在同一时间,德军第16步兵师及武装亲卫队第12装甲师从口袋里攻击美军和加拿大军,以图在盟军阵地上打开一条小空隙。","At the same time, the 16th Infantry and 12th SS Panzer Divisions attacked American and Canadian forces from within the pocket, opening small channels through Allied positions." +"这一决定是最高苏维埃无论如何都不能接受的,他们断然拒绝了这一提名。","This appointment was unacceptable to the Supreme Soviet, which emphatically rejected it." +塞马环斑海豹的繁殖生育需要有足够多的冰雪覆盖。,Breeding success of Saimaa ringed seal depends on sufficient ice and snow cover. +"与前八届议会选举相比,这是最低的水平。",This is the lowest level when compared with the eight previous parliamentary elections. +"通过这么做,你能确保没有重要的前提在错误的分支中被丢失。","By doing this, one assures that no important premises are lost in the wrong branch." +"哲学家-社会学家尤尔根·哈贝马斯对纯工具理性做了批判,认为科学思维被搞成了类似意识形态的东西。",The philosopher-sociologist Jürgen Habermas has critiqued pure instrumental rationality as meaning that scientific-thinking becomes something akin to ideology itself. +"南尼·莫莱蒂 (Giovanni ""Nanni"" Moretti,1953年8月19日-) 是一名意大利电影导演、制片人、编剧和演员。","Giovanni ""Nanni"" Moretti (Italian pronunciation: ; born 19 August 1953) is an Italian film director, producer, screenwriter and actor." +"虽然达基列夫没有立即加入这个组合,但他曾帮助班耐瓦在发展中所知的俄罗斯以及西方技术。","Although not instantly received into the group, Diaghilev was aided by Benois in developing his knowledge of Russian and Western art." +"这个职位原本是要提供给马克斯·冯·劳厄的,但劳厄拒绝出任。","The chair had been offered to Max von Laue, but he had turned it down." +"这是因为月台延长和上层向南改下造成,而不是让下层维持相同的高度继续前往曼哈顿下城。","This is a result of platform lengthening and rerouting the upper level downward toward the south, rather than letting the lower level stay at the same elevation and continue south through lower Manhattan." +"公众乐于接受金币,总统罗纳德·里根又从1985年就开始针对南非的种族隔离政策禁止克鲁格金币进口,国会为此授权发行金鹰黄金投资型硬币,这种硬币于1986年投产,并且拥有法定货币地位。","As the public was receptive to the gold coins, and President Ronald Reagan had banned the importation of Krugerrands in 1985 over South Africa's apartheid policy, Congress authorized the American Gold Eagle gold bullion coin, which entered production as legal tender in 1986." +"她开始发现自己以前的待人接物太差,决定要好好改变一下自己的态度。",He needs to overcome all his bad habits and work on changing for his own good. +"口服奥昔卡因制剂可在几个国家���得,包括印度,南非,日本和巴西,但不包括美国。","Oral oxetacaine preparations are available in several countries, including India, South Africa, Japan and Brazil, but not the United States." +"传统的init进程原本只负责在开机后将计算机带入正常运行状态,并且在正常关机前关闭服务。","The traditional init process was originally only responsible for bringing the computer into a normal running state after power-on, or gracefully shutting down services prior to shutdown." +"阿多夫在历史文献上第一次提及是在886年,时称Ahadorf。",Aadorf is first mentioned in 886 as Ahadorf. +"1913年,在与弗雷德·凯诺的喜剧组合在美国巡演时,卓别林接受了麦克·塞纳基石电影公司的公司合同。","In 1913, while on tour in the United States with Fred Karno's comedy group, he accepted a contract to work for Mack Sennett's Keystone film company." +"因此,它们也不是英联邦成员国 。","As a result, they are not member states of the Commonwealth of Nations." +"尸体的活动演变暴力,直至他们再次死去。",The play escalates to violence until they are all dead again. +然而东德政府可以毫无理由地拒绝任何入境申请。,"However, East German authorities could refuse entry permits without stating a reason." +"其容貌和个性与佑助一模一样,热于助人的个性遗传给了佑助。","He prayed and laid his hands upon them, in the same way as the other disciples did." +战术/战略同理心(Tactical/strategic empathy):有意图的使用观点采择来达到某些预期的目的。,"Tactical (or ""strategic"") empathy: the deliberate use of perspective-taking to achieve certain desired ends." +时间有长有短。,The time is brief. +"2007年4月,两个研究队伍报告通过在伏隔核插入电极以使用脑深层刺激治疗几种临床抑郁。","In April 2007, two research teams reported on having inserted electrodes into the nucleus accumbens in order to use deep brain stimulation to treat severe depression." +"NVIDIA®(英伟达TM)提供专用特斯拉首选合作伙伴(TPP)中列表,能够使用Tesla 20系列GPGPU构建和交付完全配置的GPU集群。",Vendors NVIDIA provides a list of dedicated Tesla Preferred Partners (TPP) with the capability of building and delivering a fully configured GPU cluster using the Tesla 20-series GPGPUs. +他仍然继续当主席。,He continues to serve as its president. +"作为乔治五世次子,阿尔伯特原先无望继承王位,其早年活在其长兄爱德华的阴影之下。","As the second son of King George V, he was not expected to inherit the throne and spent his early life in the shadow of his elder brother, Edward." +"BBC的萨姆·亚当斯(Sam Adams)认为斯图巴的演出犹如“将电影所呈现出的绘画放置了一个框架,且打开了一个途径是我们从来没想过探索的”,并称这是他目前“其中一个最杰出的代表”。","Sam Adams of the BBC wrote that Stuhlbarg's performance ""puts a frame around the movie's painting and opens up avenues we may not have thought to explore"", and called it ""one of his finest"" to date." +”即指此关。,"""Now I simply concede the point." +"在英国,有数座甘地的塑像,最著名的是在他学习法律的伦敦大学学院的附近的Tavistock Gardens。","In the United Kingdom, there are several prominent statues of Gandhi, most notably in Tavistock Square, London near University College London where he studied law." +保留数据的容量是一个错误。,The volume of data retained was an error. +"在1942年的7-8月间,约有170辆的黄鼠狼I是由前述的Lorraine牵引车所改造的。","Between July and August 1942, 170 Marder I's were built on the Lorraine chassis." +该集团研发了现有两个雷达敌我识别系统中的一个。,The Corporate Group has developed one of the two existing state radiolocation identification systems. +"2011年8月15日,达武特奥卢警告暴力行动必须“立即且无条件”停止,否则土耳其将采取一定“行动”。","On 15 August 2011, Davutoğlu warned that the violence must stop ""immediately and without conditions or excuses"" or Turkey would take unspecified ""steps""." +"2000年,受马友友的“丝绸之路项目”(Silk Road Project)委托,创作了《赫伦传奇》(Legend of Herlen)。","He was commissioned by Yo-Yo Ma for the Silk Road Project in 2000, for which he wrote his piece Legend of Herlen." +"2018年8月28日,浦那警方在海得拉巴以涉嫌暗杀印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪为由逮捕了拉奥。",Pune police re-arrested Varavara Rao in Hyderabad on 28 August 2018 in a case relating to alleged conspiracy to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. +"一般来说,为了被保留下来作为城市中的商业化建筑或者城市再生项目的一部分,它们可能会被用于其他用途。","Often, in order to be retained as commercially viable structures within an urban environment, or as part of an urban regeneration project, they may be repurposed for alternative activities." +演员 博伊德在《Taggart》(1996)、《士兵的跳跃》(1998)和《城市鬼故事》(1998)中开始了他的职业生涯。,"Boyd started his career appearing in Taggart (1996), The Soldier's Leap (1998), and Urban Ghost Story (1998)." +"根据古老的资料来源,克罗伊索斯(Croesus or Kroisos)是这座神庙的赞助者之一。","According to ancient sources, Kroisos was one of the sponsors." +"他死后,她便继承了玛格丽特一家人所居住的杰克逊街的房产。","After his death, she inherited property on Jackson Street where Margaret's family lived." +"由于这一状况,大雾时常出现,不过在城区北部和距离市中心较远的地区更为频繁。","Because of this, fog is very common, although more so in northern parts of the city and away from the city center." +他正迅速向首都进军。,He was advancing quickly toward the capital. +这种过程被发现在73种不同的真菌种类中。,The production of these cells has been suggested to occur in 73 different species of fungi. +"2007年9月3日,在科罗拉多州的一次音乐会后,杰洛德与Mindless Self Indulgence的贝斯手Lyn-Z结婚。","On September 3, 2007, after a concert in Colorado, Way married Lyn-Z, bassist of Mindless Self Indulgence, backstage on the final date of the Projekt Revolution tour." +"苏格拉底式提问艺术与批判性思维密切相关,因为提问艺术对卓越思想非常重要。",The art of Socratic questioning is intimately connected with critical thinking because the art of questioning is important to excellence of thought. +"有着强烈抗寒的体质,她变成思春鬼时在冬天时也穿泳衣,平常是赤脚,但也有穿鞋子出门过。","He had a strong objection to wearing an overcoat, even in winter, and used to walk with a noiseless tread, as if his shoes had felted soles." +"此外与美国不同的是,澳大利亚联邦立法机关有权制定法律,将联邦执法权置于州级法院。","Additionally, unlike in the United States, the federal legislature has the power to enact laws which vest federal jurisdiction in State courts." +"诸如图像任务、简单问卷和感知测试等方法,如 Stroop 测试,使心理学家能够充分判断一个人是否因为死亡焦虑或创伤后心理压力紧张综合症的痛苦而承受压力。",Methods such as imagery tasks to simple questionnaires and apperception tests such as the Stroop test enable psychologists to adequately determine if a person is under stress due to death anxiety or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. +"1999年至2001年间所有教学活动转移至约克,于是改名约克圣约翰学院(York St John College)。","Between 1999 and 2001, all activities were transferred to York and the college received the name York St John University." +合江革命军包围县城。,FBI HRT surrounded the cabin. +每个国家的颜色标识有所不同——但是所有国家都使用蓝色(简单)、红色(中等)以及黑色(专家)标记。,"The actual color system differs in parts for each country - in all countries blue (easy), red (intermediate) and black (expert) are used." +"具有讽刺意味的是,美国公民自由联盟,经过15年的争取工人的权利,最初反对这样的行为(它后来没有采取任何立场的立法),因为一些美国公民自由联盟领导人担心该法案会给政府增加权利。","Ironically, the ACLU, after 15 years of fighting for workers' rights, initially opposed the act (it later took no stand on the legislation) because some ACLU leaders feared the increased power the bill gave to the government." +"于是,Fucking Hell牌啤酒开始销往世界各地。","Soon, Lemp Beer was sold worldwide." +"然而,战斗刚一开始,恶棍就招来一群蝎子,轻易的把孩子们的角色杀掉了。","However, once the battle begins, the griefer summons giant scorpions and easily dispatches the kids' characters." +"在罗马法领域,多明戈对奥托·勒内尔提出的《永久法令》之重构进行了深入研究, 对有关帕累托管辖权问题提出了新的观点(De iurisdictione)。","In the field of Roman law, Domingo has carried out critical studies of Otto Lenel’s proposed reconstruction of Edictum Perpetuum, offering a new reconstruction of the first edictal title on the jurisdiction of the praetor (De iurisdictione)." +"自2014年6月以来,迪亚拉省发生了三起越狱事件。","Since June 2014, three prison breaks have occurred in Diyala." +"只有最高层的网站域名才会被记录,所有的子域名会汇总至其中。","Only the site's highest-level domain is recorded, aggregating any subdomains." +"作为战时措施,委员会—由起初的九个,后来扩增到十二个成员—被广泛赋予了军事,司法和立法工作的监管权力。","As a wartime measure, the Committee—composed at first of nine and later of twelve members—was given broad supervisory powers over military, judicial and legislative efforts." +"1983年SEGA推出另一款拳击游戏《拳击冠军(英语:Champion Boxing)》,,这是铃木��在SEGA最初的作品。","In 1983, Sega released another boxing game Champion Boxing, which was Yu Suzuki's debut title at Sega." +"它烧毁于1872年,后被重建。",It burned down in 1872 but was rebuilt. +"家人们称明茨为英雄;在10月3日的新闻发布会上,道格拉斯县治安官约翰·翰林为明茨作出的行为表示感谢。","At a press conference held on October 3, Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin thanked Mintz for his actions." +一个新的 Eurosport 频道于同月开播。,A new Eurosport channel was able to start its broadcasts the same month. +"1985年5月23日,罗纳德·里根总统授予他总统自由勋章,同时将他在退役名单中的军衔提升到了少将。","On May 23, 1985, President Ronald Reagan awarded Stewart the Presidential Medal of Freedom and promoted him to Major General on the Retired List." +"尽管防火遮蔽经受不了长时间与火焰的直接接触,但在草原大火之类的短期火灾中还是能够挽救消防员性命的。","While such a shelter cannot withstand sustained contact with flames, it can protect a firefighter's life in a short-lived grass fire." +"根西有33人死亡,67人受伤;泽西有9人死亡,多人受伤。","In Guernsey, 33 are killed and 67 injured, in Jersey, 9 are killed and many are injured." +8月9日他的辞呈获批准。,His resignation was accepted on November 9. +"搜索引擎为一组项目提供了一个接口,使用户能够指定关于感兴趣的项目的标准,并让引擎找到匹配的项目,这些标准称为搜索查询。",Search engines provide an interface to a group of items that enables users to specify criteria about an item of interest and have the engine find the matching items. +"大会因应业界需求,今年新增“电子书及数字出版”专区,汇聚约20家参展商,展示最新的电子书籍和数字阅读产品。","Large demand for light industry, this year's new ""e-books and digital publishing"" area, brought together about 20 exhibitors showcasing the latest e-books and digital reading products." +"当显示管理器运行在远程计算机时,它扮演类似telnet服务器的角色,需要用户名和密码才开始一个远程会话。","When the display manager runs on a remote computer, it acts like a telnet server, requesting username and password and starting a remote session." +来自于清奈的著名板球运动员包括前测试赛队长(Test-captains)--Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan和Kris Srikkanth。,Prominent cricketers from the city include former cricket captains S. Venkataraghavan and Kris Srikkanth. +"凯西是电视导演迈克尔·罗尔的女儿,从14岁起开始学习表演。","She is the daughter of television director Michael Rohl, and began studying acting when she was 14." +"部分制糖人选择在秋天采集树汁,但是不如春天普遍。","Some producers also tap in autumn, though this practice is less common than spring tapping." +其中的单曲也取得了成功:《Some Might Say》和《Don't Look Back in Anger》在英国登顶;《Champagne Supernova》和《Wonderwall》在美国的现代摇滚歌曲排行榜(英语:Alternative Songs)上登顶;《Wonderwall》在澳大利亚和新西兰的单曲榜上登顶。,"Singles from the album were successful in Britain, America and Australia: ""Some Might Say"" and ""Don't Look Back in Anger"" reached number one in the UK; ""Champagne Supernova"" and ""Wonderwall"" reached number one on the US Modern Rock Tracks chart, with ""Wonderwall"" also topping the Australian and New Zealand singles charts." +黎巴嫩独立。,Independence of Cyprus. +"它们不时会有旧或过时的域名和连结,在它们的数据库内,带使用者到旧的网址。",They often have the older/outdated domain names and links in their database and will send search users to these old URLs. +"美国88%的初中生父母和80%中学生父母相信,学校的性教育使他们更容易与青少年谈论性这件事。","In fact, 88% of parents of junior high school students and 80% of parents of secondary school students believe that sex education in school makes it easier for them to talk to their adolescents about sex." +目前还没有有力的证据显是干豆是哪里来的。,There is no conclusive evidence indicating where cheese-making originated. +"1967年5月,朱丽安娜女王访问加拿大。","In May 1967, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands visited Canada." +"《最终幻想XII》从2000年12月开始开发,当时由《最终幻想战略版》总监松野泰己和《最终幻想IX》总监伊藤裕之领衔开发。",Development for Final Fantasy XII began in December 2000 and was headed by Final Fantasy Tactics director Yasumi Matsuno and Final Fantasy IX director Hiroyuki Ito. +辟拉据说安葬在Tiberias的Tomb of the Matriarchs。,Bilhah is said to be buried in the Tomb of the Matriarchs in Tiberias. +"通常,钦瓦特桥被认为如同彩虹或银河系一样,正如科内利斯·蒂勒(英语:Cornelis Tiele)教授《宗教史》中所描述。","Often, the Chinvat Bridge is identified with the rainbow, or with the Milky Way galaxy, such as in Professor C.P. Tiele's ""History of Religion ""." +"因此目前没有小行星能以美国加州的帕洛马山天文台(Palomar Observatory)来命名,因为小行星命名规则规定各个名字中必须要多于一个字母的区别(Palomaa和Palomar只有一个不同的字母)。",For this reason the Palomar Mountain Observatory in California has never had an asteroid bearing its name – the rules for naming asteroids state that the names have to differ from each other with more than one letter. +"在一份2006年的研究,20%的人报告对同性有同性恋情感,然而只有2–3%认同自己是同性恋者。","In a 2006 study, 20% of respondents anonymously reported some homosexual feelings, although only 2–3% identified themselves as homosexual." +"此外,SODIS水不会在瓶子中长时间储存​​。","Furthermore, SODIS water is not stored over such extended periods in the bottles." +"该塔的高度和壮丽显示伊斯那卡在制糖工业和当地社会的地位之高,在当时,这是古巴最高的建筑物。",The height and magnificence of the tower served to display Iznaga's power over his slaves and his stature in the sugar industry and local society; at one time it was the tallest structure in Cuba. +"根据瑞典的一项调查,2.1%的女性和4.1%的男性表示他们曾经有将生殖器暴露给陌生人观看的经验。","In a Swedish survey, 2.1% of women and 4.1% of men admitted to becoming sexually aroused from the exposure of their genitals to a stranger." +第二个参数指明要刷新的字节数。,The second volume gives modern annotations. +这样他们的关系逐渐亲密起来。,"At the same time, their relationship became increasingly intimate." +"当时布拉格是一个真正的欧洲首都,拥有良好的工业基础。",At this time Prague was a true European capital with highly developed industry. +"次年,奉命授皇七子(醇亲王)书,讲习勤恳,阅十五年如一日,迁内阁学士兼礼部侍郎。","According to the Book of Exodus the Sabbath is a day of rest on the seventh day, commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of rest, as God rested from creation." +"1842年,委员会占有哈迪斯科闸,并售给了铁路开发人员塞缪尔·莫顿·皮托爵士。",The Haddiscoe Cut was taken over by the Commissioners in 1842 and sold to the railway developer Sir Samuel Morton Peto. +Windows CE 5.0建立在先前的Windows CE发行版采用的共享源之上。,Windows CE 5.0 builds on previous Windows CE releases in its adoption of shared source. +"1997年3月,达美航空正式订购了767-400ER来取代其L-1011机队。","In March 1997, Delta Air Lines launched the 767-400ER when it ordered the type to replace its L-1011 fleet." +"科罗布拱门可以从两个健行的山径到达,两个山径的长度都大约是7英里(11公里),来回全部则约14英里(22公里)。","Kolob Arch can be reached via one of two hiking trails, either of which is seven miles (11 km) long and results in a round trip of fourteen miles (22 km)." +"2014年8月21日在奥地利维也纳开拍,2015年3月12日完成。","Filming began on August 21, 2014, in Vienna, Austria, and concluded on March 12, 2015." +"她指出,轮班制的劳工,健康问题应该立法给予额外保护。",Article 12 – night and shift workers should have health protected. +卫队的成立伴随着激烈的政治辩论。,The foundation of the Guard was accompanied by sharp political debate. +"苏军第5亲卫空降旅旅长西多尔丘克,把部队撤回到森林南部,最终收编了一个旅级指挥部、一半空降兵、一半游击队,得到空中补给,并协助在切尔卡瑟附近乌克兰第2方面军渡过第聂伯河,在11月15日与方面军联系起来。","Soviet 5th Guards Airborne Brigade commander Sidorchuk, withdrawing to the forests south, eventually amassed a brigade-size command, half paratroops, half partisans; he obtained air supply, and assisted the 2nd Ukrainian Front over the Dnieper near Cherkassy to finally link up with Front forces on 15 November." +"1928年,约翰·W·诺德斯特龙退休并将他的股份卖给了他的两个儿子埃弗雷特和埃尔默。","In 1928, John W. Nordstrom retired and sold his shares to two of his sons, Everett and Elmer." +"截至2012年,有关弹性光子-光子散射截面约束最好的观测结果是由PVLAS(英语:PVLAS)得到的,其报告的上限远高于标准模型的预测。","As of 2012, the best constraint on the elastic photon–photon scattering cross section belongs to PVLAS, which reports an upper limit far above the level predicted by the Standard Model." +他们还可以监视和成员训练。,Monitors themselves are trained and supervised. +"关于他的流亡生活罗亚·巴斯托斯说道: 我不能去抱怨......流亡生活带给我的除了对暴力和人类价值失落的憎恶,还有对普遍人性的理解。","Roa Bastos said this in reference to his exile: I can't complain...Exile brought out in me, in addition to a revulsion against violence and against depreciation of the human condition, a feeling for the universality of man." +"布尔特曼认为,最早的基督教文献对特定地点没有兴趣,而且通过历史分析研究耶稣不仅不可能,而且是不必要的。","Bultmann argued that the earliest Christian literature showed little interest in specific locations and that the study of Jesus through historical analysis was not only impossible, but unnecessary." +很多种蔬菜可以拌醋吃。,A large variety of foods may be fried. +埃尔哈特和戴姆勒的设计非常相似。,The Ehrhardt and Daimler designs were very similar. +"基于这个原因,宗教怀疑论者或会相信耶稣的存在,但同时质疑他是弥赛亚或创造奇迹的说法(可参照Historicity of Jesus)。",For this reason a religious skeptic might believe that Jesus existed while questioning claims that he was the messiah or performed miracles (see historicity of Jesus). +"在乐芙正将戴克运送到一艘船上并将他带离外界进行讯问时,K拦截并杀死了乐芙,但在战斗中受重伤。","As Luv is transporting Deckard to a ship to take him off-world to be interrogated, K intercepts and kills Luv but is severely wounded in the fight." +戴奇的短剧获得了商业性的成功。,Deitch's shorts were commercial successes. +一部分的人调去逃脱和穿越Corinthian Gulf前往伯罗奔尼撒。,A number of men managed to escape and cross the Corinthian Gulf to the Peloponnese. +"同时,盟军军舰直接抵近日本海岸也让不少日本人相信他们已经战败。",The appearance of Allied warships just off the coast also convinced many Japanese that the war had been lost. +而sockets与其他网络协议要求直连总是成立。,"By contrast, sockets and other network protocols assume that direct connections always exist." +"二人定居纽约一带,育有三子:路易莎·华盛顿(1897年5月出生)、艾琳·华盛顿(1898年5月出生)、小乔治·华盛顿(1899年8月出生)。","The Washingtons settled in the New York area, where they had three children: Louisa Washington (born May 1897), Irene Washington (born May 1898), and George Washington Jr. (born August 1899)." +"当我们要比较这些结合后的区域之间孰轻孰重时,有两种方法让我们选择。","I feel that if I'm somewhere in the middle of those two sets of opinions, I must be doing something right." +"提议的改革获得中间和中左翼政党的支持,但中间偏右政党诸如自民党.自由党和瑞士人民党反对这项改革。",The proposed reforms were supported by centre and left-of-centre parties and opposed by right-of-centre parties such as the FDP.The Liberals and the Swiss People's Party. +市区的第九大街东和纽约的第42街被用作片中的高潮战斗场景。,The city's East 9th Street was chosen as a double for New York City's 42nd Street to be used in climactic battle scenes. +几乎所有生还者都是从甲板登上救生艇的人。,Nearly all those who lived did so by boarding lifeboats. +希尔的见解是“攀岩的目的在于使得我们自己适应岩石。,"Hill has argued that ""the purpose of climbing is to adapt yourself to the rock." +三名发光。,Two Lights. +货贝也曾被欧洲殖民者用来与美洲原住民交易。,It was also traded to Native Americans by European settlers. +网页游戏《Web棒球》公测。,Baseball Happenings website. +"座右铭为“坚持,是我一生不变的志愿”。",Whoso leadeth a godly life : he shall be my servant. +"有关安全事务的无效决策是有关事故因果关系的瑞士奶酪理论中,危险事件因果的第一步。","Ineffective decision making in safety matters is regarded as the first step in the sequence of hazardous flow of events in the ""Swiss cheese"" model of accident causation." +"第一个角色是Zafina,她或许具有埃及血统,来到巡回赛来阻止“两大邪恶之心”的碰撞。","The first character, Zafina, is a female of presumably Egyptian descent who enters the tournament to prevent the clash of the ""two evil stars""." +"Riese und Müller是一家位于德国达姆施塔特的自行车公司,由Markus Riese和Heiko Müller创建。","Riese and Müller is a bicycle firm in Darmstadt, Germany founded by Markus Riese and Heiko Müller." +《探险活宝》作曲蒂姆·基弗(Tim Kiefer)在此集演奏乐器。,"Adventure Time composer, Tim Kiefer, played the instruments featured in the episode himself." +2010年国际象棋奥林匹克在俄罗斯汉特-曼西斯克举行。,"The 2010 Olympiad was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia." +"尼尔·盖曼在《娱乐周刊》第1000期的客座专栏发文,将托姆斯列为他最喜欢的怪物之列,UGO网络也把托姆斯列入“最佳电视连环杀手”名单,称赞休切逊的演出“令人极其毛骨悚然”。","In a guest column for Entertainment Weekly's 1000th issue, author Neil Gaiman listed Tooms as one of his favorite monsters, while UGO Networks listed the character in a countdown of the ""Best TV Serial Killers"", and described Hutchison's acting as ""uber-creepy""." +该系统由��种口径:5.56×45、7.62×39和7.62×51所组成。,"The system consists of three calibers: 5.56×45, 7.62×39 and 7.62×51." +"企业拥有铁路专用线,与安李铁路相连。","For additional equipment, it has an anchor rail." +"葛兰西是20世纪最重要的马克思主义思想家之一,也是西方马克思主义运动的重要学者。","Gramsci was one of the most important Marxist thinkers of the 20th century, and a particularly key thinker in the development of Western Marxism." +通过当地水道的增加的水流也导致土地侵蚀速度的大幅增加。,The increased flow of water through local waterways also causes a large increase in the rate of bank erosion. +"这两个策略的结合导致了殖民权力被广泛地滥用,特别是在爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛上,结果是农民陷入凄惨的贫困与广泛的饥饿当中。","The combination of these two strategies caused widespread abuse of colonial power, especially on the islands of Java and Sumatra, resulting in abject poverty and widespread starvation of the farmers." +也用于空中救护机、农业航空。,They were also used as air ambulances and agricultural aircraft. +"4街与班能街站(4th & Brannan),地面车站,位于第4街与班能街路口。","The first stop will be at an above-ground station at 4th and Brannan streets, the 4th and Brannan Station." +"1971年,福克曼在著名的《新英格兰医学杂志》上发表文章阐述癌症肿瘤的存在依靠血管新生(angiogenesis-dependent)。","In 1971, he reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that solid tumors are angiogenesis-dependent." +"虽然有他在后方补充兵源,但北卡罗莱纳旅还是因缺少可以作战的军人而于1778年2月合并,萨姆纳的第3团并入北卡罗莱纳第5团。","Despite his recruitment efforts, in February 1778, North Carolina's regiments were consolidated because of a lack of available soldiers, and Sumner's 3rd Regiment absorbed the 5th North Carolina Regiment." +"在美国,疫苗只建议给在那些处于高风险的人,像是要去那些疫区旅游前的旅客。",In the United States the vaccine is only recommended in those at high risk such as travellers to areas of the world where the disease is common. +"他在1939年至1945年间出版三部诗集,但直到斯大林逝世后其著作方为人所熟知。","Between 1939 and 1945 he published three books of poetry, but only became better known after the death of Stalin." +"曾经在他患斑疹伤寒的时候照料他康复的那位波尔塔瓦前邻居,同意为他保管这些笔记,并在第二次世界大战之后与她的女儿一起出逃的时候,把它们最终带到了美国。",The former neighbour in Novosibirsk who had nursed him back to health after his episode of typhus agreed to take his notebooks and eventually took these to the United States when she escaped there with her daughter following World War II. +同时英国运输委员会也作出了包括恢复面向私营部门的道路运输等一系列改变。,Other changes to the British Transport Commission at the same time included the return of road haulage to the private sector. +"尤其是Leonzio Pilato,他可能是出生于Reggio Calabria附近的说希腊-卡拉布里亚方言的人。","Leonzio Pilato, in particular, was an ethnic Greek Calabrian born near Reggio Calabria." +汉尼拔—2013年5月30日官方宣布续订第二季。,"Hannibal—Renewed for a second season on May 30, 2013." +"成年雄虾每年会繁殖一次,但雌虾要在卵孵化后最少一年才能繁殖。","Adult males can reproduce every year, but females do not reproduce for at least one year after producing eggs." +之后卡尔拉里的公司Molini Adriesi在1999年给予了11个国家的面包师此食谱的使用许可。,"The recipe was subsequently licensed by Cavallari's company, Molini Adriesi, to bakers in 11 countries by 1999." +"后来在〈太空中的物体〉这集里,River破碎的角色特色终于完整,部分原因是船上其他人决定把她接受到这个“家庭”里面 。","By the last episode, ""Objects in Space"", the fractured character of River has finally become whole, partly because the others decided to accept her into their ""family"" on the ship." +CBS Records是一个由CBS于2006年成立的唱片公司 。,CBS Corporation formed a new record label named CBS Records in 2006. +"卡丽在路易斯安那州以南洋面达到第二波强度高峰,不过其风速虽与之前的最高强度相同,但气压却要略高。","The storm reached its second peak intensity while located south of Louisiana; although the wind speeds were identical to that of its initial peak, the barometric pressure was slightly higher." +"为了避免此事发生,沃波尔一直希望在政府排斥康普顿,但仍旧在1722年任命康普顿为军队主计长(Paymaster of the Forces),这是一个非常有利可图的职位。","In order to avoid this, Walpole sought to keep Compton on the margins of government, though he was appointed as Paymaster of the Forces, a very lucrative post, from 1722 until 1730." +"该举动成功转移了英国人的注意力,欧根亲王号得以悄然离去。",The action diverted British attention and permitted Prinz Eugen to slip away. +萨莎·波尔多:布鲁斯·韦恩的前保镖。,Sasha Bordeaux – Bruce Wayne's former bodyguard. +"包含一系列权利条款,一般称之为Kulm law。",The set of rights in general is known as Kulm law. +这些消极心境可能会导致社交关系方面的问题。,These negative moods may lead to problems in social relationships. +"在马修·杰布和马丁·奇克1997年的专著,及查尔斯·克拉克1997年的专著中,他们都支持第一个观点。","As in Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek's 1997 monograph and Charles Clarke's 1997 monograph, the first interpretation is followed here." +苹果机顶盒是以Macintosh Quadra 605/LC475为基础。,The Apple Set-Top Box is based upon the Macintosh Quadra 605/LC475. +"党魁柯斯高表示她“不希望丹麦成为多种族多文化社会”,多种族丹麦将会是“国家灾难”。","Former party leader Pia Kjærsgaard stated she did ""not want Denmark as a multiethnic, multicultural society"", and that a multiethnic Denmark would be a ""national disaster""." +他的作品涵盖了从深刻的爱情到厌世及刻薄的批评等范围广阔的情感世界。,"His work encompasses a wide emotional range, anything from profound love to misanthropy and biting criticism." +"人类的短散在核内(SINE)Alu元件及小鼠中同源的B1和B2元件是基因组中丰度最高的可移动性元件,分别组成了人类和小鼠基因组的约10%和约6%(Lander 2001;Waterston 2002)。","The short interspersed nuclear (SINE) Alu elements in humans and analogous B1 and B2 elements in mice have succeeded in becoming the most abundant mobile elements within the genomes, comprising ~10% of the human and ~6% of the mouse genome, respectively." +史末资的建议包括成立一个包括作为永久成员国的大国和一批非永久的被选中的小国在内的理事会。,Smuts' proposals included the creation of a Council of the great powers as permanent members and a non-permanent selection of the minor states. +"当这个个体的直径达到大约1公里的大小,就可以直接经由相互间的重力吸引,更快地形成月球尺度的原行星,成为庞然大物。","When the bodies reach sizes of approximately one kilometer, then they can attract each other directly through their mutual gravity, enormously aiding further growth into moon-sized protoplanets." +"但是,真正的锂-氧/空气电池的循环寿命和电力仍需要显著的改进后,才可以找到任何竞争的市场利基。","However, the practical power and life-cycle of Li–air batteries need significant improvements before they can find a market niche." +"而在1970至1973年间,他成为了维也纳交响乐团的首席指挥。","Between 1970 and 1973, he was the principal conductor of the Vienna Symphony." +"即使如此,于中世纪开始造就及支撑佛罗伦斯的工业,仍在整个17世纪开始衰微。","Nonetheless, industry, which had shaped and sustained Florence since the Middle Ages, began to decline throughout the 17th century." +"一般都采用重型的帆,设计时更注重安全而不是速度。",Heavy mainsails and jibs are generally used and the boat is built more for safety than for speed. +"该地图最终由他的儿子 卡西尼伯爵,让-多尼米克·卡西尼完成,并由法兰西科学院在1744年-1793年发表,这一180块的拼版图现被称为卡西尼地图(fr)。","Completed by his son Jean-Dominique, Cassini IV and published by the Académie des Sciences from 1744 to 1793, its 180 plates are known as the Cassini map (fr)." +并持续到2011年春季。,This will run until spring 2011. +目前南澳由自由党单独执政。,New South Wales is currently governed by the Liberal Party. +"索尼 Cyber-shot DSC-R1是一台高端数码相机,由索尼于2005年发布。",The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-R1 is a bridge digital camera announced by Sony in 2005 (and discontinued in 2006). +"2007年,贾伟德前往新加坡任德意志银行亚洲区信贷交易、股票可转换债券、商品和私募股权业务负责人,并兼任德意志银行国际有限公司董事会成员。","In 2007, he relocated to Singapore as head of Deutsche Bank's credit trading, equity convertibles, commodities and private equity businesses in Asia, and was appointed a board member of Deutsche Bank International Limited." +"这样的化学制品,被称作杀虫剂,我们熟知在公元前2500年前杀虫剂就被用作某些用途。","Such chemicals, known as pesticides, have been known to be used in some form since about 2500 BC." +"2006年 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 发起数位人文学倡议组织(2008年改名数位人文学办公室),使得“数位人文学”一词在美国被广泛接受。","In 2006 the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) launched the Digital Humanities Initiative (renamed Office of Digital Humanities in 2008), which made widespread adoption of the term ""digital humanities"" all but irreversible in the United States." +伽利略随后就做了一份详细的双星报告。,Galileo then produced a detailed record of the double star. +"前开双母音的实际情况,在一些文献中是不太清楚的。",The situation for the front opening diphthongs is somewhat unclear in some texts. +皇家海军还征用了客船金法恩斯堡号(Kinfauns Castle)作为卡特勒飞机的临时母舰。,The Royal Navy requisitioned the passenger ship Kinfauns Castle to serve as a makeshift tender for Cutler's aircraft. +"7月28日 — 美国空军B-25轰炸机撞向帝国大厦,造成14人死亡,其中包括飞机上所有人员。","July 28 A U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bomber crashes into the Empire State Building, killing 14 people, including all on board." +该组织的使命是运用和平手段与国际法律来需求越南下高棉人的自由、正义和民族自决的权力。,"The KKF's mission is to use of peaceful measures and international laws, to seek freedom, justice, and the right to self-determination for the Indigenous Khmer-Krom Peoples living in Vietnam." +"在此之前,他曾担任UGC-SAP项目协调员以及德里大学南校区生物化学系主任,并于2004年至2006年担任印度生物化学家协会副主席。","Prior to this he is Co-ordinator of UGC- SAP Programme and head of Department of Biochemistry at South Campus of Delhi University and was Vice President of the Society of Biological Chemists, India from the year 2004 to 2006." +另一种排序整理作曲算法的方式是检查他们作曲过程的结果。,Another way to sort compositional algorithms is to examine the results of their compositional processes. +"再生器一般工作在715 °C,2.41 bar的环境中,故其压力要比反应器高出0.7bar。","The regenerator operates at a temperature of about 715 °C and a pressure of about 2.41 bar, hence the regenerator operates at about 0.7 bar higher pressure than the reactor." +行星在印度占星术中是被称为九曜(Navagraha)或“九界”。,"The planets in Hindu astrology are known as the Navagraha or ""nine realms""." +"勒莫的实验聚焦于神经节点、或突触,从穿通纤维(英语:perforant pathway)到齿状回(英语:dentate gyrus)。","Lømo's experiments focused on connections, or synapses, from the perforant pathway to the dentate gyrus." +"在2007年11月4日,第一辆欧洲之星测试列车从巴黎北站出发到达圣潘克拉斯车站。","On 4 September 2007, the first test train ran from Paris Gare du Nord to St Pancras." +"在海神喷泉前,一块圆形大理石标志标出了1498年5月23日萨佛纳罗拉被绞死并焚烧的确切地点。","In front of the fountain of Neptune, a round marble plaque marks the exact spot where Girolamo Savonarola was hanged and burned on May 23, 1498." +"ECORD承诺使用了三艘破冰船进行北极考察(2004年),钻井船用于考察浅层大溪地(2005年),和澳大利亚水域(2010年),科学家们对珊瑚礁化石进行了抽样调查,从而调查了在最后一个冰河时代之后全球海平面上升,以及用于采样的新泽西浅层货架的浮船(2009年)。","ECORD contracted the use of three icebreakers for the Arctic Coring Expedition (2004), drilling vessels diving for use in shallow Tahitian (2005) and Australian waters (2010), where scientists sampled fossil coral reefs to investigate the rise in global sea levels since the last ice age, and a liftboat for sampling the New Jersey Shallow Shelf (2009)." +"该物体体积约有一台小汽车到一间房子大小,并有相当于广岛原子弹的能量,但并未发生任何爆炸。","The object was in the range of size from a car to a house and could have ended its life in a Hiroshima-sized blast, but there was never any explosion." +"二人定居在墨尔本的科林斯街,他们的三个孩子陆续降生于1937年至1942年间。","The family settled in Collins Street, Melbourne, and Stokes had three children between 1937 and 1942." +"他开始思考各种各样的方法,能够侦测并防止癌症生长,并在癌细胞扩散前终止其生长。",He began to think of various ways of detecting and preventing cancer growth and terminating the growth before the cancer cells become invasive. +"拉斯奇来自一个军事家庭,他的母亲是一名上校,而兄长卡德曼(Cadmon,由马克斯·卡维尔饰演)则是轨道空降突击部队(英语:Factions of Halo)(ODST)的士兵,但拉斯奇对成为一名军官却毫无兴趣。","Lasky is from a military family; his mother is a colonel and his brother Cadmon (played by Max Carver) was an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers - a special forces unit in the Halo universe), but Thomas is uninterested in becoming an officer." +"偶见于花市,由于植株娇小,甚受都市人欢喜。",The Show also features smaller gardens such as the Artisan and Urban Gardens. +"魏登菲尔德和尼科尔森(英语:Weidenfeld & Nicolson)通常缩写为W&N,是英国小说和参考书的出版商。","Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd (established 1949), often shortened to W&N or Weidenfeld, is a British publisher of fiction and reference books." +而第5届世界格斗大赛也就此揭开了序幕。,The Fifth World Fighting Tournament will reveal both. +"在十一月起义失败后,为了加速该地区的俄罗斯化,让其更为紧密地融入俄罗斯帝国,该国的独立政府机构和行政协议被废除。",Following the defeat of the November Uprising its separate institutions and administrative arrangements were abolished as part of increased Russification to be more closely integrated with the Russian Empire. +"公寓房客,雪女。","Managing director, AMS Neve." +"2008年,进入SAP执行董事会,2010年2月,他成为SAP AG的联席CEO。","He was designated to the SAP Executive Board in 2008, and in February 2010, he became the co-CEO of SAP AG." +"2011年,南苏丹独立后,朱巴大学重返朱巴。","Following the attainment of independence by South Sudan in July 2011, the university has relocated back to Juba, where it was founded." +"一段时间后,由于拉布拉多侯爵的无能及西班牙式空想议题的自然结果,西班牙被排除了,但法兰西的塔列朗被允许参加,直到会议最后的结束。","Spain was excluded after a while (a result of both the Marquis of Labrador's incompetence as well as the quixotic nature of Spain's agenda), but France (Talleyrand) was allowed to participate until the end." +"仪式以大家歌唱《希望》(Ha-tikva)结束,《希望》现在是以色列国歌。","The ceremony concluded with the singing of Hatikvah, now Israel's national anthem." +"费利佩在Colegio Santa María de los Rosales接受了从学前班到高中的教育,他女儿们目前也是在那读书。","Felipe attended school at Santa María de los Rosales, which his daughters currently attend." +"随着毛主义党意识到它一直未能获得中产阶级和知识分子的支持,它已经要求甘迪制定战略和措施以赢得这两个人群。","With the Maoist party realising that it was consistently failing in garnering support from the middle class and the intellectual sections of society, it had asked Ghandy to devise strategies and identify issues that could win over these two sections." +他一般先作出曲调才填词。,He considers himself first and foremost a story teller. +"重新开始国会选举,被更自由的媒体和出版法律,以及对言论自由减少限制而增强。",The resumption of the parliamentary election was reinforced by new laws governing the media and publishing as well as fewer restrictions on freedoms of expression. +"因为它是米兰的第二座博罗列多(Broletto),又称为新博罗列多(Broletto Nuovo)。","As it was the second broletto to be built in Milan, it is also known as the Broletto Nuovo (""new broletto"")." +乐是一种身心上的正面感受。,Success through a positive mental attitude. +"1951年,克罗尔进入奥瑞冈州立大学,成立了非营利的金属研究基金会,处理对欧洲、美国奖学金业务。","In 1951, William Kroll joined the Oregon State University, established a non-profit Metal Research Foundation awarding scholarships and grants in the USA and in Europe." +"希特勒禁止该舰冒险返回德国,因此大修工作在特隆赫姆进行。","Hitler had forbidden the ship to make the dangerous return to Germany, and so the overhaul was conducted in Trondheim." +规定公民权利、政治权利和人权。,"Specifies the civil, political, and human rights of the individual." +"有入学意愿或对该学校该兴趣的人可以进入学校,了解学校的成就和风气。",People who want to enter the school themselves or who are interested in the school may come to see what the schoolwork and atmosphere are like. +表示巴利语变音符号的这种系统已经用于某些web站点和讨论列表。,This system of representing Pali diacritical marks has been used in some websites and discussion lists. +"沙恩霍斯特号在担任分舰队旗舰时还可配备更多的船员,包括额外14名军官和62名水兵。","Scharnhorst, as the squadron flagship, had a larger crew, including an additional 14 officers and 62 men." +他的成功使他在30岁时成为一名百万富翁。,His successes made him a millionaire by age 30. +屋顶竖立着一个十字架。,The roof is topped with a cross. +捕捉&释放。,Catch & Release. +1971年Philco-Ford展示了使用16位LPC硬件的实时LPC并且卖出了四个。,In 1971 realtime LPC using 16-bit LPC hardware was demonstrated by Philco-Ford; four units were sold. +"为了颠覆泰国寺院教育在该地区的统治地位,并使用老挝化和高棉化的佛教加强殖民统治,法国设立了在远东学院(EFEO)主导的僧侣培训机构。","In order to subvert the dominance of Thai monastic education in the region, and use Lao and Khmer Buddhism for enhancing colonial control, the French set up institutes for the training of Buddhist monks under the auspices of EFEO." +"2013年9月,亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德表示,议席分配缺乏民主,“在苏格兰生活和工作的人,最容易为��格兰做出正确的选择。","Alex Salmond said in September 2013 that instances such as this amounted to a lack of democracy, and that ""the people who live and work in Scotland are the people most likely to make the right choices for Scotland""." +"2009年,W3C允许XHTML 2.0工作组章程结束过期并且决定不再续订。","In 2009, the W3C allowed the XHTML 2.0 Working Group's charter to expire and decided not to renew it." +"在1384年-1386年保加利亚与瓦拉几亚的战争中,瓦拉几人夺取了多瑙河沿岸的几个定居点,但随后被击败,总督丹一世被杀。","Between 1384 and 1386 a war broke out between Bulgaria and Wallachia, and the Vlachs seized several settlements along the Danube but were later defeated and their voivoda Dan I was killed." +Surrogate (2) – Wieringa and De Jonge (1991) 一个代理键值确定了数据库中的一个对象。,Surrogate (2) – Wieringa and De Jonge (1991) A surrogate represents an object in the database itself. +"如此,双方互补互利,才能建立良性的互动关系。","Thus, both firms and workers can be better off when they rely on stable reciprocal interactions." +"这些车辆具有底盘由有关的设备公司(AEC)和从其他英国公司推进设备,并分别装有上海建体。","These vehicles had chassis by Associated Equipment Company (AEC) and propulsion equipment from other British companies, and were fitted with Shanghai-built bodies." +这样的课程真的可行吗?,"For example, is such a world really possible?" +"尼克·海费尔德是下一个退赛的人,因为在第 25 圈引擎严重的冒烟,他走了大约半圈才把车子停在赛道。","Nick Heidfeld was the next retirement, with a blown engine on lap 25, although it took him around half a lap to pull off the track to stop." +另一个来自不同部屋的力士若麒麟(因原来是来自押尾川部屋)由于在2009年2月持有大麻而被相扑协会解雇。,"Another, Wakakirin, (who originally came from a different stable) was dismissed from the Sumo Association because of cannabis use in February 2009." +"1945年,德国居民被驱逐。",The German inhabitants were expulsed after 1945. +"在游戏结束时,本杰明依然渴望冒险,他从船长马克处借了船,他的伙伴都聚在一起来祝福他。","At the end of the game, Benjamin is seen still craving adventure, and he borrows the ship from Captain Mac as his friends gather to wish him off." +"舰队航空兵(Fleet Air Arm),简称舰航兵(FAA),为皇家海军中的海军航空兵,其历史可追溯至1912年的英国皇家飞行队。","The Fleet Air Arm (FAA) is the branch of the Royal Navy responsible for the operation of naval aircraft, it can trace its roots back to 1912 and the formation of the Royal Flying Corps." +英之国的相扑生涯很短暂。,Her career with the French was short-lived. +从二战以来也被用在海洋和航空领域。,It has been used for marine and aviation applications since WWII. +"2008年1月返回球会,辅助新上任的球员兼领队韦恩·庄逊(Wayne Johnson)。","He returned to the club yet again in January 2008, to assist new player-manager Wayne Johnson." +"类似FAST TCP(英语:FAST TCP)和TCP Vegas(英语:TCP Vegas),复合TCP采用估算排队延迟来度量拥塞;如果排队延迟小,则假设链路上没有拥塞,并迅速增加其速率。","Like FAST TCP and TCP Vegas, Compound TCP uses estimates of queuing delay as a measure of congestion; if the queuing delay is small, it assumes that no links on its path are congested, and rapidly increases its rate." +"后来日内瓦公共福利协会主席古斯塔夫·穆瓦尼埃(Gustave Moynier)注意到了这本书,1863年2月9日召开了专题会议。","His book was largely positively received, and the President of the Geneva Society for Public Welfare, jurist Gustave Moynier, made the book and its suggestions the topic of the 9 February 1863 meeting of the organization." +"阿布哈兹护照封面为深绿色,印有国徽,国徽上下方分别以阿布哈兹语和俄语写有“阿布哈兹”和“护照”。","The cover of the Abkhazian passport is dark green, it displays the coat of arms of Abkhazia with above it the short name of the country (Abkhazia) and below the word 'passport', both in Abkhaz and in Russian." +"迪特里希表示出兵任务不是(如同政府与多数党所声称的)为了重建,而是军事行动。","Dittrich stated that the mission to send troops was not a reconstruction mission (as the government and the majority of the Dutch parliament claimed), but a military operation." +"近岸设施和人工岛屿不应视为永久海港工程(第十一条),并在200海里(370公里)内隶属最近的沿海国的管辖范围(第五十六条)。","Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea treaty (UNCLOS), artificial islands are not considered harbor works (Article 11) and are under the jurisdiction of the nearest coastal state if within 200 nautical miles (370 km) (Article 56)." +"近年来,主要来自意大利南部的外国学生正在地拉那的意大���附属大学注册,希望能更好地为意大利大学的入学考试做好准备。","In recent years, foreign students mainly from Southern Italy are being enrolled at Italian-affiliated universities in Tirana in the hope of better preparing themselves for entrance exams in Italy's universities." +"而在1989年,一台CF6-6发动机的扇叶故障使得联合航空232号班机在苏城坠毁。","In 1989, a CF6-6 failed, causing United Airlines Flight 232 to crash in Sioux City, Iowa." +"在2010年的E3上,游戏名称《黄金太阳 漆黑的黎明》正式公开,并向与会者提供了游戏的试玩版。","The next year at E3 2010, the title's name was announced as Golden Sun: Dark Dawn and a playable demo was made available to attendees." +"例如从2017年5月19日开始追踪的易索普/路透社民调的采样周期是五天,因此每六个民调结果中这里只收录一个。","For example, the Ipsos/Reuters poll, which began tracking on May 19, 2017, has a sampling period of five days, so only every sixth tracking poll is included." +"事件九年后,仍有幸存者表示他们受到这次经历的影响,即使这些影响因时间而减弱。","Nine years after the event, survivors reported still being affected by their experiences, though with time some of the effects had lessened." +HondaJet HA-420是本田飞机公司(英语:Honda Aircraft Company)所研发的第一架飞机。,The Honda HA-420 HondaJet is the first aircraft developed by the Honda Aircraft Company. +詹姆斯·博伊德在1906年11月5日出生于美国新泽西州的大西洋城。,"James Boyd was born on November 5, 1906 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States." +临时队员至多可以转移三个能力。,Up to three abilities can be transferred to temporary party members. +"该赛事负方就是争夺名次,胜方将会晋级下一轮,没有平局的说法。",The host announced this round as a celebration round in which no contestants would be eliminated. +"如果BBFC拒绝分类,这实际上相当于禁令(尽管地方议会保留了在电影展示的情况下推翻它的合法权利)。",If the BBFC refuses a classification this effectively amounts to a ban (although local councils retain the legal right to overturn it in the case of cinema exhibition). +"就如何处理问题上,职业人士也可以在某种程度上做出自己的判断、解释、决定——无需使用成文规定。","Professionals may, to a great extent, make their own judgements, interpretations, and decisions about the exact approach to take—without an explicit rule that they must perform in a specific way." +"次年,他参与州议员特别选举,但以微弱劣势败北。","The following year, he ran for the state legislature in a special election, but was narrowly defeated." +"1946年8月,约翰逊从雷诺兹公司离休接受总统任命。","In August 1946, Johnson took a leave of absence from Reynolds and accepted the appointment." +"类似于此的观察被极大地推广,产生了计数几何。","This core is similar in composition to Earth, but more dense." +"在现代物理学(特别是广义相对论)中,时空是用洛伦兹流形表示的。",In modern physics (especially general relativity) spacetime is represented by a Lorentzian manifold. +Lisunov Li-2 是苏联在American Douglas DC-3上的改装轰炸机版本。,The Lisunov Li-2 was a Soviet bomber version of the American Douglas DC-3. +"接着,威尼斯电影节又在其官方网站将影片改为“美国-中国-中国台湾”电影 。","However, a few days later, the Venice Film Festival changed the film to ""USA-China-Taiwan, China"" on its official schedule." +"1776年9月24日,大陆会议通过了《模范条约》,并在第二天选出了前往法国(进行外交谈判)的专员。","On September 24, 1776, Congress accepted the Model Treaty and commissioners to France were chosen on the next day." +它在3月17日消散。,She was eliminated on March 17. +"1807年3月31日,领地议会将全州分为19个堂区,但没有废除原有的县,这些县一直存在到1845年。","On March 31, 1807, the territorial legislature created 19 parishes without abolishing the old counties (which term continued to exist until 1845)." +波士顿每年从国家健康协会得到的资金是所有美国城市中最多的。,Boston receives the highest absolute amount of annual funding from the National Institutes of Health of all cities in the United States. +"1946年8月15日,汉诺威再次成为战后首次开办、在巴黎至柏林间运行的北方快车(德语:Nord-Express)的经停点,从而被重新纳入国际长途网络的版图中。","On 15 August 1946, Hanover was again served for the first time after the war by the Nord Express running from Paris by Berlin and thus reconnected to the international long-distance network." +"在他的就职演说中,奥斯丁表扬了代表们,因为他们向政府请愿,是行使了宪法赋予的权利。","In his acceptance speech, Austin praised the delegates for exerting their constitutional rights to petition the government." +"骑士团的侵略在1236年撒罗战役的挫败后终止,在此战役后骑士团几近瓦解。","The Order's progress was halted by its defeat at the Battle of Saule in 1236, after which it almost collapsed." +日本以及其他地方运用了大量的资金对采用逻辑程式语言结构的第五代语言进行研究。,"In Japan and elsewhere, vast sums were spent investigating so-called ""fifth generation"" languages that incorporated logic programming constructs." +"为了这些,他们侵略和屠杀;为了这些,他们迫害我们,这就是为什么我们必须把他们扔回大海里......这些暴君告诉我们,他们崇拜一个和平与平等的神,但却篡夺我们的土地,奴役我们的族人。",For these they fight and kill; for these they persecute us and that is why we have to throw them into the sea... +"在城市地区,非裔秘鲁人是厨师,洗衣工,女佣,杂役和园丁。","In urban areas Afro-Peruvians were cooks, laundresses, maids, handymen, and gardeners." +"其进入市场街地铁,与其他五条旧金山轻轨路线共线。","It then enters the Market Street Subway, which it shares with the five other Muni Metro lines." +"建造工程于1880年开始,9月28日奠基。",Construction began in 1880 and the cornerstone was laid on September 28. +"人们热烈庆祝“国家的母亲”返回,此后她们的成功都被后面几年的巴黎政府所称颂。","The ""Mothers of the Nation"" were highly celebrated upon their return, and they would be praised and solicited by successive Parisian governments for years to come." +"政治经济学解释归咎于1970年代后的放松管制,用于管理机构监督的人员和资金不足。","Political-economic explanations cited post-1970s deregulation, and inadequate staff and funding for regulatory oversight." +"这些条约如下: 法国与捷克斯洛伐克的同盟及友好条约,于1924年1月25日在巴黎签订。","The mentioned treaties were signed as follows: The Treaty of Alliance and Friendship between France and Czechoslovakia, signed on January 25, 1924, in Paris." +传统认为​​这种朗姆酒最初起源于巴巴多斯岛。,Tradition suggests this type of rum first originated on the island of Barbados. +重新制定税租制度。,Implementation of a new taxation system. +"势力弱或势力虽强但接近尾声的龙卷风可能会非常细长,有时仅几英尺宽。","Weak tornadoes, or strong yet dissipating tornadoes, can be exceedingly narrow, sometimes only a few feet or couple meters across." +"SDLC在系统开发的传统模型上有优势, 更适合结构化环境。",The SDLC practice has advantages in traditional models of systems development that lends itself more to a structured environment. +"1914年3月31日,该堂成为罗马尼亚希腊天主教会的国家教堂,开始采用拜占廷礼。",On 31 March 1914 the church was made the national church for the Greek Catholics of Romania and began to be used for services in the Byzantine Rite. +"其中两人已被逮捕,还有一人投案。","Two of the defendants were acquitted, and one was convicted." +"这也促进了文化间借由进行食物间复杂的贸易进行经济交流,而不只是消费。","This also includes a complex food trade which helps the cultures to economically survive by way of food, not just by consumption." +"随着胡特在这个赛季的成功,他被获为斯托克城年度最佳球员。","After a successful season for Huth, he was named Stoke's Player of the Year." +她有一个儿子鲁(出生在2005年2月15日)和一个女儿以斯帖(生于2011年1月)。,"She has a son, Ruben, born on 15 February 2005, and a daughter Esther, born in January 2011." +"五分钟后,尤里琉斯·阿韦罗夫号越过奥斯曼舰队的另一侧,将奥斯曼人置于双方交火中的不利位置。","Five minutes later, Georgios Averof crossed over to the other side of the Ottoman fleet, placing the Ottomans in the unfavorable position of being under fire from both sides." +"1470年这里建起第一座教堂,1583年至1600年由隆吉(Martino Longhi il Vecchio)重建,建起了风格主义的立面。","A church originally was built here in 1470, but rebuilt during 1583–1600 by Martino Longhi the Elder, during which time the Mannerist façade was installed." +"Vivienne Shue写道,法轮功展现了对共产党合法性的全面挑战。",Vivienne Shue similarly writes that Falun Gong presented a comprehensive challenge to the Communist Party's legitimacy. +"俄军的桨战船由彼得一世亲自率领,两次攻击(第一次35艘、第二次80艘)都被击退。","According to Swedish sources, the Russian galleys, commanded by the Tsar, attacked twice (first with 35, second with 80 galleys) but were thrown back." +演出的制作公司是Dramatic Need。,The show was produced by Dramatic Need. +"然而,随后对视频的分析显示,设备被错误使用,读数被夸大了100倍,实际上测到的钡水平平常且安全。","A subsequent analysis of the footage showed, however, that the equipment had been misused, and the reading exaggerated by a factor of 100—the true level of barium measured was both usual and safe." +"国家队参加了8次世界杯,赢得了两次美洲杯,并且在2004年雅典奥运会上取得银牌。","The national team has participated in eight World Cups, won two Copa América tournaments, and earned a silver medal at the Olympic Games in 2004." +"虽然俾斯麦在将德意志从一个松散邦联转为一个联邦民族国家的过程中起了领导地位,他却并不能揽下全部功劳。","Although Bismarck had led the transformation of Germany from a loose confederation into a federal nation state, he had not done it alone." +"2005年,女性占48%劳动人口,专业工作的比例增加。","In 2005 women constituted 48 percent of the labor force, and held an increased share of professional jobs." +"历史学家卡罗尔·奎格利(英语:Carroll Quigley)在文明的演进 主张西方基督教文化大约诞生于公元500年,在西罗马帝国灭亡后,留下文化真空反而带来新颖思想蓬勃发展,这在古典时代是绝不可能产生。","Historians, such as Carroll Quigley in ""The Evolution of Civilizations"", contend that Western civilization was born around AD 500, after the total collapse of the Western Roman Empire, leaving a vacuum for new ideas to flourish that were impossible in Classical societies." +"汤米·卡明斯(Tommy Cummings,1928年9月12日-2009年7月12日)是一个英国足球手和经理。",Thomas Smith Cummings (12 September 1928 – 12 July 2009) was an English football player and manager. +"这个组织是根据1945年在英国医学协会出生的一个想法建立起来的,在伦敦举办的会议中上启动了一个国际医疗组织的计划,以取代因第二次世界大战而暂停活动的国际医学协会。","This organization was built from an idea born in the House of the British Medical Association in 1945, within a meeting organized in London to initiate plans for an international medical organization to replace l'Association Professionnelle Internationale des Médecins"", which had suspended its activities because of World War II." +托勒密一开始即声明他已简要回顾了重要的原则并且现在将要在适当的程序中发展占星术的内容、细节。,Ptolemy begins by stating he has briefly reviewed the important principles and will now develop the details of astrology in the appropriate order. +霍华德大学和沃尔特·里德陆军医疗中心都位于乔治亚大道。,Both Howard University and Walter Reed Army Medical Center are located on Georgia Avenue. +"联军中央战线现正遭受三个方向的攻击,加尔韦伯爵虽投入骑兵预备队后成功撤出部分部队,但仍有13个营与剩余部队失去联系。","The Allied centre was now attacked on three sides; using his remaining cavalry, Galway successfully withdrew some of his troops but 13 battalions lost contact with the rest of the army." +这种方法的危险性是不同的社会内涵可能在寻找普遍结构时被忽略。,The danger of this approach is that the different social contexts are overlooked in the search for supposed universal structures. +"史匹哲是马特洪峰计划的创始人,该计划是普林斯顿大学研究受控热核反应研究的先驱,1961年该计划改名为普林斯顿电浆物理实验室(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)。","Spitzer was the founding director of Project Matterhorn, Princeton University's pioneering program in controlled thermonuclear research, renamed in 1961 as Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory." +SIMM根据JEDEC JESD-21C标准进行了标准化。,SIMMs were standardised under the JEDEC JESD-21C standard. +"通常图上有个标记均匀分布模式,这个现象称作元音扩散。","Usually, there is a pattern of even distribution of marks on the chart, a phenomenon that is known as vowel dispersion." +"Ambrose得到了多莉的帮助,他们前往纽约州扬科斯市拜会Horace,后者是当地著名商人,拥有一家Vandergelder牲畜饲料店。","Ambrose enlists Dolly's help, and they travel to Yonkers, New York to visit Horace, who is a prominent citizen there and owns Vandergelder's Hay and Feed." +"半军事化的管理和劳动使他努力思考政治局势,并且开始消极抵抗。",The military-like regimen of the Labor Service caused her to think very hard about the political situation and to begin practicing passive resistance. +"在第二次世界大战后的几年里,DC漫画“关注于战后的社论导向,越来越不重视对社会的评论,而是倾向于轻松少年幻想的故事”。","In the years following World War II, DC Comics ""adopted a postwar editorial direction that increasingly de-emphasized social commentary in favor of lighthearted juvenile fantasy""." +"2018月10月5日,阿灵顿:与马伦·摩尔斯表演《各退一步》。","October 5, 2018 – Arlington: ""The Middle"" with Maren Morris." +"在共产党统治时期,波兰国旗也被反政府游行示威者使用。",Polish flags were also used by anti-government demonstrators under the Communist rule. +"仁慈生活运动(Movement for Compassionate Living)是一个从完全素食协会“分离”出来的团体,在1984年时由前完全素食协会的秘书凯丝琳·詹纳维(Kathleen Jannaway)。","A breakaway group from The Vegan Society, the Movement for Compassionate Living, was founded in 1984 by the former Vegan Society Secretary Kathleen Jannaway." +"1215年6月《大宪章》签署时,格雷出席了会议。",Gray was present at the signing of Magna Carta in June 1215. +"作为对这些事件的回应,科索沃的阿尔巴尼亚人矿工组织了罢工,要求恢复自治权。","As a result of these events, in February 1989 ethnic Albanian miners in Kosovo organized a strike, demanding the preservation of the now-endangered autonomy." +"Windows 8中引入的文件历史记录使用USN日志测定上次备份以来哪些文件已被更改,以便仅将已更改的文件添加到历史记录。",The USN Journal is used by the File History feature introduced in Windows 8 to determine which files have changed since the last backup so that only files that have changed are added to the history. +"这次突袭也许系明道加斯所发起,而在1259年8月7日,为寻求盟友对阵在1259年劫掠立陶宛的金帐汗国,这位立陶宛国王曾将整个萨摩吉希亚交给骑士团。","This raid might have been prompted by Mindaugas, who granted Samogitia in its entirety to the Order on 7 August 1259 while seeking allies against the Golden Horde that plundered Lithuanian lands in the winter of 1259." +"随着迈索隆吉翁于5月25日起义,革命逐步蔓延至希腊中、西部的其他城市。","Missolonghi revolted on 25 May, and the revolution soon spread to other cities of western Central Greece." +"以基督精神,办全人教育,引导学生学习耶稣基督完美的人生典范。","In the spirit of Christ, guide Students to learn a model of the perfect life of Jesus Christ." +"当时,以法兹鲁拉大毛拉为首的塔利班武装分子,接管了斯瓦特山谷,禁止电视、音乐、女生上学以及女人逛街。","At the time, Taliban militants led by Maulana Fazlullah were taking over the Swat Valley, banning television, music, girls' education, and women from going shopping." +两人也都在片中现身。,Both appeared separately. +"她在漫画中会杀死那些恶人,并将恶人的灵魂交给她的主人——撒旦。","She kills evildoers to deliver their souls to Satan, her master." +"军舰于7月5日上午到达费奥多西亚,然而该市官员也拒绝给他们提供食物以外的东西。","The ship arrived on the morning of 5 July, but the city's governor refused to give them anything other than food." +"艾里欧和奥利佛开始了一段引人入胜的求爱期:他们一起游泳、长途跋涉到城中,并随同艾里欧的父亲参加考古之旅。","Elio and Oliver swim together, go for long walks into town, and accompany Elio's father on an archaeological trip." +"第1档次包含主办国俄罗斯(将自动分配到A1)和世界排名最高的七支球队,第2档次包含下一个最好的八支球队,如此类推。","Pot 1 contained the hosts Russia (who were automatically assigned to position A1) and the best seven teams, pot 2 contained the next best eight teams, and so on for pots 3 and 4." +"有时候,同一个家庭的成员被判定为不同的种族。",Different members of the same family found themselves in different race groups. +”“现在要改变。,"""That has to change." +柏林墙被拆除。,Then the Berlin Wall came down. +"裂缝通常被发现在裂谷和裂谷带,例如冰岛和东非裂谷。","Fissures are usually found in or along rifts and rift zones, such as Iceland and the East African Rift." +"1922年将部分地球仪送往国家图书馆的地图室收藏,到1948年已转移 28 个地球仪。","In 1922, these globes were transferred to the National Library's map collection where, by 1948, there were already 28 globes." +"较不常见的那个状态的X射线较“柔和”,其能量较低。","In the less common state, the X-rays are ""soft"", with more of the X-rays having lower energy." +第三代比特侯爵约翰1848年继承头衔和城堡。,"John, 3rd Marquess of Bute, inherited the title and castle in 1848." +"采用松鼠为大会吉祥物,是为了借用它的友善和好玩的特点,为大会增添活跃气氛。","The adoption of the squirrel as the games mascot is to borrow its pleasant, friendly fun characteristics to add life to the event." +"主要合作伙伴有:佐治亚州立大学罗宾逊商学院(美国),南康涅狄格州立大学(美国),加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA,美国),诺丁汉特伦特大学(英国),敦克尔克国际高等商学院(ISCID, 法国), 行政预备与管理学院(IPAG,法国),BI挪威管理学院(挪威),里加-斯德哥尔摩经济学院(拉脱维亚),马来西亚经济研究院(马来西亚),高加索商学院(格鲁吉亚第比利斯)及许多世界不同地区的高等教育机构。","Among its leading partners are the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA, United States), Georgia State University (USA), the Robinson College of Business (USA), Southern Connecticut State University (USA), Nottingham Trent University (Great Britain), the Institut Supérieur de Commerce International de Dunkerque (ISCID, France), the Institut de Préparation à l'Administration et à la Gestion (IPAG, France), the BI Norwegian School of Management, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia), Korea Development Institute (Seoul), Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, the Caucasus Business School (Tbilisi, Georgia) and others." +"在生物素缺乏期间,HMB可以通过烯醇-CoA水合酶和未知的硫酯酶从MC-CoA合成,其分别将MC-CoA转化为HMB-CoA和HMB-CoA成为HMB。","During biotin deficiency, HMB can be synthesized from MC-CoA via enoyl-CoA hydratase and an unknown thioesterase enzyme, which convert MC-CoA into HMB-CoA and HMB-CoA into HMB respectively." +"但是,两人决定从事其他项目。",Both went to do other projects. +"在澳洲,美国和欧盟,奥利司他可以在没有处方的情况下出售。","In Australia, the United States and the European Union, orlistat is available for sale without a prescription." +"也有人意识到战列舰,巡洋舰和驱逐舰不一定能提供所有的火力支援(包括压制火力)需求。","It was soon realized that battleships, cruisers and destroyers could not necessarily provide all the fire support (including suppressive fire) that an amphibious assault might need." +"/ 成功是过程,不是结果。",Recovery is a process rather than an outcome. +"FIA在1981年赛季提出了最低6厘米(2.4英寸)的赛车驾驶高度(英语:Ride height),为的是限制在弯道时的空气动力学地面效应以降低车速。","For the 1981 season the FIA introduced a 6 cm (2.4 in) minimum ride height for the cars, intended to slow them in corners by limiting the downforce created by aerodynamic ground effect." +"四升为一豆,四豆为一釜。",One pound of bread or flour per day. +"胸部很大 被醍哉称为小桐(キリ),一辉、阳明称为心音,霞称为心心。",The King of Hearts (the husband of the Queen of Hearts) calls for the tarts and beats the Knave harshly. +"包括行李箱制造商路易威登,银器公司昆庭(Christofle),玻璃设计师René Lalique以及珠宝商卡地亚和宝诗龙在内的成立公司都开始设计更现代风格的产品。","Established firms including the luggage maker Louis Vuitton, silverware firm Christofle, glass designer René Lalique, and the jewelers Louis Cartier and Boucheron, who all began designing products in more modern styles." +"巴哈伊信仰在20世纪前半叶的信仰核心守基·阿芬第曾说过,祈祷的对象可以是巴哈欧拉、阿博都巴哈或者其它的上帝的显示者,但他更鼓励向巴哈欧拉祈祷。","Shoghi Effendi, the head of the Bahá'í Faith in the first half of the 20th century, wrote that prayers may be addressed to God, Bahá'u'lláh, or other Manifestations of God; he recommended, however, that the prayers directly or indirectly addressed to Bahá'u'lláh." +"但是当它过度的时候,任何好的品质都变成了其他的东西,我觉得这也适用于过于注重衣服。","But any good quality becomes something else when it is overdone, and I feel that this applies to being too clothes conscious." +但没有得到休息。,Let us give him no time to rest. +芬兰有两名高山滑雪运动员获得该届冬奥资格。,Forty-one athletes were selected for these Winter Games. +"氰化钠因为有剧毒,所以可用来迅速杀死或昏迷生物,如非法使用氰化物捕鱼和昆虫学家收集昆虫。","Being highly toxic, sodium cyanide is used to kill or stun rapidly such as in widely illegal cyanide fishing and in collecting jars used by entomologists." +"9月8日,埃德森的士兵在太午角附近下船后,攻占塔希姆波柯,而日本守军则退入丛林。","On 8 September, after being dropped-off near Taivu by boat, Edson's men captured Tasimboko as the Japanese defenders retreated into the jungle." +索科托河的发源地位于丰图阿附近。,The source of the Sokoto River is located near Funtua. +"19世纪,教堂再度恢复为起初的哥特式。","In the 19th century, however, the church was restored to its original Gothic design." +许多灾难事故都是它们所引起的。,Many accidents of this kind have occurred. +"2014年,她以社会活动家的身份重回公众视野,讨论丑闻的影响以及反对网络欺凌。","In 2014, she returned to public view as a social activist speaking out against cyberbullying, from which she personally suffered when publicly ridiculed on the Internet regarding the scandal." +"该国经确定有166人死亡,但也有多份报导认为海地可能有数百人丧生。","At least 166 fatalities are known as a result of the storm in Haiti; however, many reports state that several hundred people likely perished during the storm." +"他的表哥、挚友托马斯·麦迪文也住在他家附近,后来麦迪文为雪莱作传,写下《珀西·比希·雪莱的一生》。","His cousin and lifelong friend Thomas Medwin, who lived nearby, recounted his early childhood in his The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley." +"但他竭力地扮演调解人的角色,并在1530年奥格斯堡帝国会议上力主双方和解。","As a result, he sought to chart a middle course with the Reformers, supporting moderation at the 1530 Diet of Augsburg." +"1976年后,各联合会和工人在反种族隔离斗争中发挥了重要作用,弥补了反对派政党被封杀的缺口。","After 1976 unions and workers are considered to have played an important role in the struggle against apartheid, filling the gap left by the banning of political parties." +"卡拉卡尔正在启动这种自发性召回的C型手枪,因为其客户的安全至关重要。",Caracal is initiating this voluntary recall of Model C pistols because the safety of its customers is paramount. +这一年的事件显示了老挝五个战区的指挥官本质上是各自领地的军阀。,1965 began with an event that showed how the commanding generals of the five military regions of Laos were essentially warlords of their own domains. +P90生产至2010年。,The P90 was produced until 2010. +"河下(Kawashita)写到民法理论要求合约商在约定价格内“完成(建筑)工作”,且直到完成时合约商完全负担可能的额外费用。","Kawashima writes that Civil Code theory requires the independent contractor to ""complete the work"" of construction at the agreed price, and that until then the contractor bears all the expenses." +始于1966年夏天。,It opened in the summer of 1966. +两人出身地为石川县金泽市。,Both Maha Yazawin (Maha Yazawin Vol. +"劳伦·A·瑟斯顿(英语:Lorrin A. Thurston,1858年7月31日-1931年5月11日)是一名出生并成长于夏威夷王国的律师、政治家、商人。","Lorrin Andrews Thurston (July 31, 1858 – May 11, 1931) was an American lawyer, politician, and businessman born and raised in the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi." +"托洛桑尼写道,“从序言的文字中,这本书的愚蠢性受到指责。","Tolosani wrote: ""By means of these words , the foolishness of this book's author is rebuked." +"美联社报道说,一些加沙居民说,以色列最初的空袭没有任何警告,但以色列军队声称,他们空投警报传单和广播要求加沙居民离开住所,并且不要隐藏武器或武装分子。","Gazans said that most Israeli strikes came without warning, but Israeli forces said in reply that they offered general warnings by dropping leaflets and by interrupting radio broadcasts telling Gaza residents to flee their homes if they were hiding weapons or terrorists." +其蟒蛇缠身的裸照非常著名。,Organised naked rambling is very popular. +"其他人把他放在一个小帐篷里然后继续剩下的路,终于在1916年1月26号建立了最后一个补给站。",The others left him alone in a small tent and travelled the remaining few miles to lay the final depot at Mount Hope on 26 January 1916. +"然后,通过从各个几何中抽象出基础的对称群,它们之间的关系可以在群的级别重新建立。","Then, by abstracting the underlying groups of symmetries from the geometries, the relationships between them can be re-established at the group level." +"福尔曼没有被传唤作证,而辛普森则被传唤为自己作证。","Fuhrman was not called to testify, and Simpson was subpoenaed to testify on his own behalf." +"从大霹雳之后10–43秒至10–36秒 当宇宙膨胀和冷却时,各种力在温度转换的过程中逐一分离出来。","Between 10−43 seconds and 10−36 seconds after the Big Bang As the universe expanded and cooled, it crossed transition temperatures at which forces separated from each other." +"少量的塞鲸于1920年代开始被伊比利半岛的西班牙捕鲸者所猎捕,加拿大捕鲸者也在1960年代末至1970年代初于新斯科细亚猎捕塞鲸,而挪威与丹麦捕鲸业者则从1920年代到1950年代于格陵兰西部沿海猎捕这种鲸鱼。","Small numbers were taken off the Iberian Peninsula, beginning in the 1920s by Spanish whalers, off the Nova Scotian shelf in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Canadian whalers, and off the coast of West Greenland from the 1920s to the 1950s by Norwegian and Danish whalers." +Jerry Warriner(格兰特)一次旅行回来发现其妻Lucy(邓恩)不在。,"Jerry Warriner (Cary Grant) returns home from a trip, which he falsely states was to Florida, to find that his wife, Lucy (Irene Dunne), is not at home." +"然而,以史隆数位巡天光谱为基础的研究,检视4,000颗白矮星的测试,发现15对双星系统,这意味着在银河系中每隔100年就会发生双白矮星的合并。","However, a study based on SDSS spectra found 15 double systems of the 4,000 white dwarfs tested, implying a double white dwarf merger every 100 years in the Milky Way." +"奇怪的是这似乎成了一个突破性的专辑,因为在当时音乐是如此有趣。","It seems strange that this became a breakthrough album, because back at the time the music was so funny." +"罗迪·道��尔(Roddy Doyle)出生于1958年5月8日,是爱尔兰小说家,剧作家和编剧。","Roddy Doyle (born 8 May 1958) is an Irish novelist, dramatist and screenwriter." +其女为玶常在。,She is always there for the girls. +"随后,她和钟在华盛顿访问了美国证券交易委员会,并参加了一个由马萨诸塞州参议院议员,也是另一个接受钟育瀚献金的约翰·克里组织的会议。","She and Chung also paid a call on the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, a meeting arranged by Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, another recipient of Chung's illegal contributions." +"当单元素矩阵在矩阵的左侧相乘时,可以将其视为行选择器,例如: J 23 A = . {\displaystyle \mathbf {J} ^{23}\mathbf {A} =\left.} 或者,在右边乘以列选择器: A J 23 = . {\displaystyle \mathbf {A} \mathbf {J} ^{23}=\left.} 单元素矩阵这个名称并不常见,但在一些书籍中可以看到。","The single-entry matrix can be regarded a row-selector when it is multiplied on the left side of the matrix, e.g.: J 23 A = . {\displaystyle \mathbf {J} ^{23}\mathbf {A} =\left.} Alternatively, a column-selector when multiplied on the right side: A J 23 = . {\displaystyle \mathbf {A} \mathbf {J} ^{23}=\left.} The name, single-entry matrix, is not common, but seen in a few works." +"约1310年 佚名的西班牙炼金术士假贾比尔(Pseudo-Geber)出版了几本书,书中长期坚称所有金属都是由不同比例的硫和汞组成。","1310 Pseudo-Geber, an anonymous Spanish alchemist who wrote under the name of Geber, publishes several books that establish the long-held theory that all metals were composed of various proportions of sulfur and mercury." +这是专门为处理大量文本而设计的。,It is designed to handle large text sets. +"除了在不同时期继续担任泰坦队之一外,罗伊还曾在超级英雄团体中担任过七个战士胜利者,局外人,正义联盟和不法分子。","In addition to continuing to serve on occasion as one of the Titans, Roy has had leading roles in the superhero groups the Seven Soldiers of Victory, the Outsiders, the Justice League, and the Outlaws." +"关岛北部的降雨量不足250毫米,但风眼经过的南部山区雨量最高。","The rains were less than 250 mm (10 in) in northern Guam, and were highest in the mountainous southern region where the eye crossed." +"<trans-unit>元素有一个<source>元素来存储源文本,并有一个<target>元素存储最新的已翻译文本。","The <trans-unit> element holds a <source> element to store the source text, and a <target> element to store the latest translated text." +而“Finland”这个单词据信最早书面记载在三块如尼石刻上。,The earliest written appearance of the name Finland is thought to be on three runestones. +"在德国,这Tontechniker(音讯技师)术语指的是操作音讯设备的人士,还有这Tonmeister(音响师傅,英语:sound master)术语指的是创建录音或是音乐播放且都深深受过音乐训练的人士(在古典与非古典的流派之中),还有他们也有所有声音方面的详尽理论与实质面上知识的实践。","In German, the ""Tontechniker"" (audio technician) is the one who operates the audio equipment and the ""Tonmeister"" (sound master) is a person who creates recordings or broadcasts of music, who is both deeply musically trained (in classical and non-classical genres), and who also has a detailed theoretical and practical knowledge of virtually all aspects of sound." +"1915年后不久,一支新奥尔良的乐队开始采用“Jazz”或“Jass”作为其乐队名或代表其音乐风格。","Starting shortly after 1915, the first bands from New Orleans began to using the word ""jass"" or ""jazz"" in their band name, or to describe their music." +"在沙恩霍斯特号和格奈森瑙号舰长的支持下,它成功说服了攻击福克兰群岛、并摧毁英国无线电台和贮煤设施的主张。","With the support of the captains of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, he successfully argued for an attack on the Falklands to destroy the British wireless station and coal stocks there." +"在殖民地时期,西尼兰地亚广场地区的主要组织是援助修道院,在1750年左右为女性建造。","In colonial times, the main structure in the Cinelândia area was the Ajuda Convent, built for women around 1750." +"在引入USLE后的50年中,已经开发了许多其它土壤侵蚀模型。","During the 50 years since the introduction of the USLE, many other soil erosion models have been developed." +天轴是一种在工业革命至20世纪早期被广泛应用的动力传输装置。,A line shaft is a power driven rotating shaft for power transmission that was used extensively from the Industrial Revolution until the early 20th century. +"对现有栅格网络小区的修改能够改进交通安全性,这也间接表明栅格在安全方面的弱点。","Improved traffic safety has been shown to result from modifications to existing neighbourhoods laid out on a grid, indirectly suggesting its weakness with respect to safety." +"调情可以涉及非语言标志,例如:交换目光、用手触摸、触摸头发,或直接以口头的聊天、讨人喜欢的评论或交换电话号码以便进一步联系等方式。","Flirting can involve non-verbal signs, such as an exchange of glances, hand-touching, hair-touching, or verbal signs, such as chatting up, flattering comments, and exchange of telephone numbers to enable further contact." +"虽然日本向美国宣战,但仍然渴望与苏联维持友好关系。","Although the Tang had fought the Japanese, they still held cordial relations with Japan." +"ZU 23M:升级版,具有自动火控系统,由EVPU公司开发。","ZU-23M – Upgraded version with automatic fire control system, developed by the EVPU company." +在20几年前就已经是海贼团的成员。,There were members of the crew that were here 20 years ago. +"行星的形成也可以由盘面本身的引力不稳定触发,从而导致其分裂成团簇。","Planetary formation can also be triggered by gravitational instability within the disk itself, which leads to its fragmentation into clumps." +RFK必须被杀死。,RFK must be killed. +"这个中心由更高级的永恒价值组成,一些没有人胆敢置喙的价值,比如美丽、文化、内在的和外在的和平、信仰、内心的富裕...... 奥地利需要一个皇帝,一个为人民服务的皇帝。","Among the lesser-known facets of Hundertwasser's personality is his commitment to constitutional monarchy: Austria needs something to look up to, consisting of perennial higher values—of which one now hardly dares to speak—such as beauty, culture, internal and external peace, faith, richness of heart Austria needs an emperor, who is subservient to the people." +"1939年,詹金斯开始为林登·约翰逊工作,后者在两年前刚刚成为代表德克萨斯州第十国会选区(英语:Texas's 10th congressional district)的众议员。",Jenkins began working for Lyndon B. Johnson in 1939 when Johnson was serving in the U.S. House of Representatives as the member from Texas's 10th congressional district. +"这些所谓的表演数据库大多基于保罗·艾克曼的基础情绪理论,其假设了六种基础情绪的存在,即愤怒、害怕、厌恶、惊奇、愉快和哀伤,而其他情绪仅仅是前六者的组合。","Those so-called acted databases are usually based on the Basic Emotions theory (by Paul Ekman), which assumes the existence of six basic emotions (anger, fear, disgust, surprise, joy, sadness), the others simply being a mix of the former ones." +乔治亚州州长罗伊·巴恩斯(Roy Barnes)宣布塞米诺尔县、米勒县和迪凯特县为联邦灾区。,"Due to the flooding and damage, Governor Roy Barnes declared Seminole, Miller and Decatur counties federal disaster areas." +"在中间,有1960年的电影的恶搞心理,因为相同的音乐和类似的场景使用(例如:洛夫乔伊牧师在他的车上虎视眈眈荷马在该段的结尾。","During the middle, there is a spoof of the 1960 film Psycho, as the same music and similar scenes are used (E.G: Reverend Lovejoy eyeing Homer in his car." +"在近十年,在研究和国际发展社群中已经付出一些努力,以在世界范围内评价和衡量治理质量。","Since the early years of the 2000s (decade), efforts have been conducted in the research and international development community to assess and measure the quality of governance of countries all around the world." +"然后,这个回合,这张Spirit必须+3000BP。",It destroys all spirits with 3000BP or less. +"教会医院重复使用未经消毒的针头,同样造成感染扩散。",The mission hospital's reuse of unsterilized needles also contributed to the spread of infection. +"于2004年,乌西达出版了一本名为《五角大楼的死亡:秘鲁陆军墓地的秘密》(Muerte en el Pentagonito: Los cementerios secretos del Ejército Peruano)。","In 2004, he published the book Muerte en el Pentagonito: Los cementerios secretos del Ejército Peruano, which explored individual cases in the long conflict between the Shining Path and the Peruvian Army." +"他是一贯的运用双手握拍,为他较常运用的反手抽球。",He often carries dual pistols that he has grown to use skillfully. +"首个刻有美国黑人的硬币是布克·华盛顿及乔治·华盛顿·卡弗纪念五角硬币(Booker T. Washington Memorial Half Dollar),由1951年到1954年于美国铸造。",His second was the George Washington Carver/Booker T. Washington commemorative half dollar in 1951. +"LEDBAT由Stanislav Shalunov发明,并被苹果公司用于软件更新,和被BitTorrent用于大多数传输。",LEDBAT was invented by Stanislav Shalunov and is used by Apple for software updates and by BitTorrent for most of its transfers. +"之前,杜浩成曾经当任香港法律援助署法律援助计划律师。","In 1974, he was a trial attorney for the Durham Legal Aid Office." +"班内特一家都担心女儿被玷污后全家也跟着身名狼籍,之后得知加德纳先生发现两人已在伦敦成婚时才松了一口气。","Her family expects social ruin for having a disgraced daughter, but over a week later they are relieved to hear that Mr. Gardiner had discovered the pair in London and that they had married." +"采用DSM环境可以大大降低获取支持DSM语言工具的成本,因为设计良好的DSM环境将自动生成从零开始费用高昂的部分程序,如特定域的编辑器,浏览器和构件。","Using a domain-specific language environment can significantly lower the cost of obtaining tool support for a domain-specific language, since a well-designed domain-specific language environment will automate the creation of program parts that are costly to build from scratch, such as domain-specific editors, browsers and components." +生日是3月30日。,Her birthday is on March 30. +"莱大在2008年排名第二,仅次于剑桥大学,但在2009年又赢得第一名。",It was second only to Cambridge in 2008 and again joint first in 2009. +该镇的居民大都住在家庭住宅中。,The residents in the town mostly live in family houses. +"团队报道称北美任天堂的“最高层”知道它们的项目,不过没有干涉。","The team reported that ""the highest levels"" of Nintendo of America knew about their project, though they did not intervene." +增设消防学系。,Institute of Fire Safety established. +"澳大利亚的外交政策受到对多边和区域化得承诺指导,以及和其同盟国的强有力的双边关系。","Australia's foreign policy is guided by a commitment to multilateralism and regionalism, as well as to strong bilateral relations with its allies." +"捏造(frameup):对证据内容的加添等,尤其会发生于贩毒的案件中。","The ""frameup"": The planting or adding to evidence, especially in drug cases." +"二次世界大战后,美国的凯瑟琳·伊索 (Katherine Esau) 出版了 《植物解剖学》(1953)成为美国及世界各地的大学最权威的教科书,直至2006年,仍不断地再版。","Following World War II, Katherine Esau published, Plant Anatomy (1953), which became the definitive textbook on plant structure in North American universities and elsewhere, it was still in print as of 2006." +富含冰的地层可能是气候变迁的结果。,The ice-rich mantle may be the result of climate changes. +"莫兰不断有发明创造问世,主要集中在基础设施技术领域。","Moran has been involved with a number of inventions, mostly in the field of infrastructure technologies." +"此后不久,乐团的官方网站将菲尔·路德担任乐团鼓手的字样撤下,并用克里斯·斯雷德的字样取代。","Shortly thereafter, the band's web site removed Rudd as the band's drummer and replaced him with Slade." +"她于2001年回到美国接受一些治疗,死于2002年6月9日。","She returned to the United States for medical treatment in late 2001, and died on June 9, 2002." +"人们可以使用自然资源,但不应该肆意而为,否则这种对于法则的违背行为将会受到报复。","Natural resources can be used by man, but this should not be done wantonly, or the breach of the law will be avenged." +罗姆与导演奥斯丁·史米瑟德(Austin Smithard)于2000年订婚。,Röhm was engaged to director Austin Smithard in 2000. +"与新唱片公司签约后,乐队在2011年中的九个多月都在准备《Some Nights》。","After signing to a new label, the band began to work on Some Nights for over nine months throughout 2011." +"马超南投张鲁,后投四川的西南军阀刘备,在那里于221年过世,再未重返北方。","Ma Chao fled south to Zhang Lu, and later to the southwestern warlord Liu Bei in Sichuan, where he died in 221 without ever seeing the north again." +"1862年,菲尔德的一名雇员,匈牙利人伊格内修斯·保罗·波拉基Ignatius Paul Pollaky离开了他,成立了一个与之竞争的机构。","In 1862, one of his employees, the Hungarian Ignatius Paul Pollaky, left him and set up a rival agency." +"除了大学学生会之外,每位学生在所属的成员学院也拥有学院学生会: 大学生的Junior Combination Room (JCR),或是研究生的Middle Combination Room (MCR)。","In addition to university-wide representation, students can benefit from their own college student unions, which are known as JCR (Junior Combination Room) for undergraduates and MCR (Middle Combination Room) for postgraduates." +"印度的童军运动起源于1909年的英属印度,由班加罗尔的卡腾主教男书院(英语:Bishop Cotton Boys' School)成立。","Scouting was officially founded in British India in 1909, first starting at the Bishop Cotton Boys' School in Bangalore." +共150页。,Pages 150. +"随着左拉格和军队控制了中墨西哥的更多地区,胡亚雷斯和自由派政府只得撤退到了韦拉克鲁斯。","As Zuloaga and the army took over more of the central part of Mexico, Juárez and his government were forced to the city of Veracruz." +"2010年7月,被NAOKI邀请成为三代目J Soul Brothers的表演者候选人。","In July 2010, Exile announced a second audition for J Soul Brothers' third generation." +我以为再也见不她了。,I thought I would never see you again. +"条顿的侵略军队于1398年征服哥得兰,摧毁维斯比城,并把Victual兄弟驱逐出去。","An invading army of Teutonic Knights conquered Gotland in 1398, destroyed Visby and expelled the Victual Brothers." +"这座建筑将有4个入口,通往这一丘陵地区的四条街道,将是贝尔兹首任拉比沙洛姆洛基奇在贝尔兹镇所建会堂一个扩大的复制品。","The building, which would have four entrances accessible to each of the four streets of the hilly neighborhood, would be an enlarged replica of the structure that the first Rebbe of Belz, the Sar Shalom, had built in the town of Belz." +"亦配有一个皮革制成的印有文字""CAMERA GRAND PRIX 2007""字样的相机包。","A large leather camera strap is included with the words ""CAMERA GRAND PRIX 2007""." +"虽然只有少数安达信员工涉及这一丑闻,该公司依然停业;SEC不会承认被判有罪的重罪犯进行的审计。","Although only a small number of Arthur Andersen's employees were involved with the scandal, the firm was effectively put out of business; the SEC is not allowed to accept audits from convicted felons." +较擅长历史并非常感兴趣。,Its history is extremely interesting and relevant. +她在年轻时与挪威作家阿克塞尔·詹森相爱。,She fell in love with Norwegian writer Axel Jensen when they were both teenagers. +"这些波动能够破坏造成牙菌斑的细菌链,并防止牙菌斑附着于牙齿表面至牙龈线下方5毫米的深度。",These vibrations break up bacterial chains that make up dental plaque and remove their methods of attachment to the tooth surface up to 5 mm below the gum line. +TSA表示将对所有客运航班禁止重量超过16盎司(453克)的碳粉和墨盒。,The TSA said it would ban toner and ink cartridges weighing over 16 ounces (453 grams) from all passenger flights. +"东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)称,在此区域的大规模建设工程可能会破坏此地的和平、安全与稳定;而且如此大规模的开发将对当地的海洋生态与渔业带来灾难。","ASEAN – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations stated that the constructions ""may undermine peace, security and stability"" in the region as well as having strongly negative impact on the marine environment and fishery stocks." +"巴尔多一度到达缅因州试图结识史密斯,但受到警察阻止后返回。","Bardo traveled to Maine in an attempt to meet Smith, but was stopped by police and returned home." +"在美国海军研究实验室工作期间,迈克尔逊致力于基于雷达的海洋监测系统研究以及洛克希德报警星PO-1W超星座的硬件测试。","While at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Michelson worked on radar-based ocean surveillance systems and flew hardware test missions on a Lockheed Warning Star PO-1W Super Constellation." +"1995年秋天,这张专辑与 EP《Moonloop》成为乐团首次在美国发行的作品,并在大西洋两岸都获得媒体赞赏。","Together with the Moonloop EP, this album was the first Porcupine Tree music issued in America in the autumn of 1995, and attracted favourable press on both sides of the Atlantic." +"几年后,萨冈的拉多尔夫院长在1398年完成的萨冈院长目录中,以及在论文""De longævo schismate""中,都提到了他。","A few years later Abbott Ladolf of Sagan listed John of Nepomuk in the catalog of Sagan abbots, completed in 1398, as well as in the treatise ""De longævo schismate"", lib." +"方丹的职业生涯开始于卡萨布兰卡的一支球队,他在那里从1950年踢到1953年。","Fontaine began his amateur career at USM Casablanca, where he played from 1950 to 1953." +"真正的单倍咖啡 shot 很少见,咖啡店里面的单倍 shot 一般都是 doppio(双倍)shot 的一半。","True solo shots are rare, with a single shot in a café generally being half of a doppio shot." +Windows 8引入了被称为“组策略更新”的一个新功能。,Windows 8 has introduced a new feature called Group Policy Update. +"本片从文化和专业的角度来看待恋童问题,并采访了包括神经学家、心理学家、性学家和模特星探(Model-Scouts)在内的专业人士。","The documentary looks at pedophilia from a cultural and professional perspective, interviewing several experts, including neuroscientists, psychologists, sexologists and model-scouts." +"当关于爱的理论从临床基础转变为社交和人格基础时,它们的重心便转向爱的类型,而不是变得是否能去爱。","When theories about love moved from being clinically based to being socially and personality based, they became focused on types of love, as opposed to becoming able to love." +"这些措施包括: 历史功能:维基百科中的条目设有历史记录,保留了条目之前的所有版本,以便恢复文章到破坏发生之前的最后一个版本。","These include: Using Wikipedia's history functionality, which retains all prior versions of an article, restoring the article to the last version before the vandalism occurred; this is called reverting vandalism." +应否齐集。,Come Together. +"布鲁斯·威廉·斯蒂尔曼,AO,FAA​​,FRS(英语:Bruce William Stillman,1953年10月16日-),出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,澳大利亚生物化学家和癌症研究人员,自1994年以来任冷泉港实验室(CSHL)主任,2003年起任主席。","Bruce William Stillman, AO, FAA, FRS (born 16 October 1953, in Melbourne, Australia) is a biochemist and cancer researcher who has served as the Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) since 1994 and President since 2003." +"在1991年,基于电磁力旋转的不稳定性的再研究(MRI),S.A. Balbus和J.F. Hawley已经证实了环绕在一颗重且致密的中心星的弱磁性吸积盘是高度不稳定的,这提供了直接的角动量再分布的动力学。","In 1991, with the rediscovery of the magnetorotational instability (MRI), S. A. Balbus and J. F. Hawley established that a weakly magnetized disk accreting around a heavy, compact central object would be highly unstable, providing a direct mechanism for angular-momentum redistribution." +因而分到一块好地。,CHERISH IT THEREFORE IN A SAFE PLACE. +"于是,在博弈语义的基础上,产生了为各种编程语言提供了完全抽象的语义模型,以及由此产生了用软件模型检测进行软件验证的新的语义导向的方法。","Consequently, game semantics has led to fully abstract semantic models for a variety of programming languages and, to new semantic-directed methods of software verification by software model checking." +"WQL专用于WMI,旨在针对CIM存储库执行查询,以检索信息或获取事件通知。",WQL is dedicated to WMI and is designed to perform queries against the CIM repository to retrieve information or get event notifications. +杰瑞米·尔文 饰 年轻的山姆。,Jeremy Irvine as Young Sam. +"Z字采用原来的希腊语名称,即zeta。","Z was given its Greek name, zeta, when it was borrowed." +KPercentage - 帮助学生提高他们在计算百分比的技能。,KPercentage - Small math application that will help pupils to improve their skills in calculating percentages. +"但有些高等法院,尤其是是巴黎高等法院,却逐渐养成了拒绝登记他们不认同的法案的习惯,除非国王召开国王立法会或者颁布敕令书来强迫高等法院登记法案。","Some, especially the Parlement of Paris, gradually acquired the habit of refusing to register legislation with which they disagreed until the king held a lit de justice or sent a lettre de jussion to force them to act." +"作为回报,他们被定期地授予牛群和食物。","In return, they were granted periodical shipments of cattle and food." +1857年印度叛变的失败也导致了罗希拉地区的帕坦人涌入拉贾斯坦。,The failure of the 1857 Indian mutiny also led to an influx of Rohilla Rajput from the Rohilkhand region. +闲暇时会听音乐与阅读音乐杂志。,You go there and learn music. +"1994年,库兹涅佐夫设计局推出了安托诺夫An-70中程运输机。","In 1994, Antonov produced the An-70, a heavy transport aircraft." +"荒废多年后,1986年计划将其修复,改为安达卢西亚自治区议会所在地。","After being abandoned for several years, in 1986 plans were drawn up to convert it to the seat of the parliament of the autonomous community of Andalusia." +"这次撞击剥离了大量原始的地壳和地函,留下的核心就相对的成为组成中较大的部分。","The impact would have stripped away much of the original crust and mantle, leaving the core behind as a relatively major component." +"晚上,在仪式结束时,KHJ按照与学院的最初协议,在仪式场地上播出了获奖者的完整公告。","Later in the evening, at the conclusion of the ceremony, KHJ broadcast a full announcement of winners, live from the ceremony venue, as per its original agreement with the Academy." +"在周边方面,麦金莱和海和英国官员,就建筑一条横跨中美洲的运河的可能性展开了协商。","Closer to home, McKinley and Hay engaged in negotiations with Britain over the possible construction of a canal across Central America." +"但是,6个月的拍摄期使他们挤不出足够时间用于测试表现实景效果的装置。","However, the six-month filming time left them little time to plan out and test practical effects rigs for some of the shots." +小行星25593(Camillejordan)与 卡米尔·若尔当机构(Institute of Camille Jordan)以他的名字命名。,The asteroid 25593 Camillejordan and Institut Camille Jordan are named in his honour. +"法学院的首批学子一共只有三名学生,其中查尔斯·A·帕肯汉姆(Charles A. Packenham)于1886年成为首位毕业生。","The school's first entering class had three students, with Charles A. Packenham as the first graduate in 1886." +"耶稣讲述了一个邪恶的人在hades中遭受烈火的折磨,这与亚伯拉罕的怀抱形成鲜明对比,耶稣还解释,人们不能从一边到另外���边。","Jesus here depicts a wicked man suffering fiery torment in hades, which is contrasted with the bosom of Abraham, and explains that it is impossible to cross over from one to the other." +"因此,SAML 2.0实际上是SAML 1.1, Liberty ID-FF 1.2和Shibboleth 1.3三种协议的融合。","Thus SAML 2.0 represents the convergence of SAML 1.1, Liberty ID-FF 1.2, and Shibboleth 1.3." +"社交交易主要用于投机,而在道德领域中,投机行为是不被认可的, 相反,人们应该保持更为长远的目光,避免任何类型的短期投机行为。",Social trading is used to do speculation; in the moral context speculative practices are considered negatively and to be avoided by each individual.who conversely should maintain a long term horizon avoiding any types of short term speculation. +"Y轴表示外观上的显著差异,语义上差异不大;例如,繁体字“猫”(u+8c93)和简体字“猫”(u+732b)互为Y-变体。","The Y-axis represents significant differences in appearance though not in semantics; for example, the traditional Chinese character māo “cat” (U+8C93 貓) and the simplified Chinese character (U+732B 猫) are Y-variants." +"2009年7月,枫丹白露在破产法庭上获准提前中止作为员工招募中心的办公室租约,也获准取消原本已排定在2010年前半取行的活动企划。","In July 2009, the resort sought permission in bankruptcy court to cancel events that were scheduled for the first half of 2010, as well as permission to cancel a lease for office space which was to be used for Fontainebleau's employee recruitment center." +"这个地点最初的教堂建于5世纪初,位于君士坦丁大帝4世纪修建的城墙以外。","The original church on this site was built in the early 4th century, and stood outside of the 4th century walls of Constantine the Great." +"不久后严白虎又被孙策击败,两人只得投奔在余杭的许昭。",The two were attacked by a wild (later revealed to be Zinnia's) Salamence. +"函数式语言如Haskell: map :: (a -> b) -> -> map f = map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs 函数不是头等公民的程序设计语言可以使用函数指针或delegate,实现函数作为参数。",In the language Haskell: map :: (a -> b) -> -> map f = map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs Languages where functions are not first-class often still allow one to write higher-order functions through the use of features such as function pointers or delegates. +"不过,存在极高的市占率不必然意指消费者就必须付出超额的价格,因为新进入市场的业者之威胁可能会抑制高市占率公司的涨价行为。","However, the existence of a very high market share does not always mean consumers are paying excessive prices since the threat of new entrants to the market can restrain a high-market-share firm's price increases." +"不过月球火车与地球最大的不同是:各个车厢必须独自密封,并拥有各自的维生系统。","One significant difference with lunar trains, however, is that the cars would need to be individually sealed and possess their own life support systems." +"自建成以来,项目获得了超过100多名学者的支持,他们代表了来自美国和世界各地超过50多所高等院校。","Since its founding, it has supported more than 100 scholars, representing over 50 institutions of higher learning in the United States and around the world." +"皮耶鲁(Pierluigi 由Kevin Sorbo扮演)被称之为米科诺斯岛的国王,因为他一个月与43名女性发生性行为,缇密斯(Tzimis)说:""这个纪录从未并打破""。","Frank gets into a nasty bet with Pierluigi (Kevin Sorbo), who is called the King of Mykonos because he had sex with 43 women in one month, ""a record that will never be broken"" as Tzimis says." +"除此之外,它们完全自治:它们制订自己的宪法,自由组织当地政府,且拥有并管理自己的自然资源和财政资源。","Beyond this they are fully autonomous: they enact their own constitutions, freely organize their local governments, and own and manage their natural and financial resources." +"之后因有灵验事迹,信徒乃正式建庙供奉。",After their founding they wanted formal recognition. +当中包括一条免费隧道:启德隧道。,There was one tunnel planned - Eaves Tunnel. +"独立评审委员会毫不犹豫地选择了Zygmunt Gorgolewski的设计,他毕业于柏林建筑学院,任利沃夫高等艺术工业学院院长。","An independent jury chose the design by Zygmunt Gorgolewski, a graduate of the Berlin Building Academy and the director of city's Engineering Academy." +"崔光植,韩国文化体育观光部长,告诉记者《江南Style》在对世界介绍韩国文化、语言和生活方式的方面作出重大贡献。","Choe Kwang-shik, the South Korean Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, told reporters that ""Gangnam Style"" had played an important role in introducing the Korean culture, language, and lifestyle to the rest of the world." +"在一些很容易让人逃跑的边界地区,夜晚会有高强度的���光灯(英语:floodlight)照亮控制带,这些灯同样运用在穿过边界的一些河流上。","In places where the border was vulnerable to escape attempts, the control strip was illuminated at night by high-intensity floodlights (Beleuchtungsanlage), which were also used at points where rivers and streams crossed the border." +"1960年代设计的一些主机,如Burroughs B5000及其后继者,使用内存分段来执行硬件中的索引边界检查。","Some mainframes designed in the 1960s, such as the Burroughs B5000 and its successors, used memory segmentation to perform index-bounds checking in hardware." +"贝丽尔保持着良好的外流结构,其环流于8月9日进入温度较高的水域上空,有利于风暴进一步增强。","Maintaining a well-structured outflow, Beryl's circulation on August 9 moved over warm water, where conditions were favorable for further intensification." +墨菲则经常以泰迪斯科的主要住所并不在第二十国会选区内来展开进攻。,A frequent Murphy talking point was that Tedisco's primary residence was not in the Congressional district. +这个家族创立了一些香港的著名品牌。,That city somehow portrays Hong Kong. +其他可能引起相似症状的包含分离焦虑症、创伤后压力症候群与重性忧郁障碍。,"Other conditions that can produce similar symptoms include separation anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and major depressive disorder." +"此组织还扶持了印度、黎巴嫩与塞浦路斯的童军团,并与巴拿马运河区国际童军(英语:International Boy Scouts of the Canal Zone)有紧密关系。","The organization sponsored groups in India, Lebanon and Cyprus and had ties to the International Boy Scouts of the Canal Zone." +"在摩洛哥,于1940年及1975年分别有38个及15个族群,但最后在阿特拉斯山脉的族群亦于1989年消失。","In Morocco there were about 38 colonies in 1940 and 15 in 1975, but the last migratory populations in the Atlas Mountains had vanished by 1989." +"在Carmine婚礼的场景中,帕索里尼模仿了达芬奇的《最后的晚餐》的布局。","In the scene of Carmine's wedding, Pasolini recreates the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci." +这让路易十四决定入侵西属尼德兰来抗衡英军对其军事行动的干涉。,Louis XIV decided to invade the Spanish Netherlands to counter a possible English military intervention against him. +"它原先被收藏在马里兰州亚伯丁的美国陆军军备博物馆中,直到2010年11月被运送到现址为止。","It had previously been stored at the United States Army Ordnance Museum in Aberdeen, Maryland, United States, before being transferred to Fort Sill in November 2010." +扎黑丹位于俾路支地区。,Zahedan is located in Balochistan region. +"1998年5月23日,甘布里努斯号最终退役。",On 23 May 1998 the Gambrinus was withdrawn from service. +"同样地,可以通过使用交叉验证来近似来自BMC的结果,以从可能的权重的随机采样中选择最佳的集成组合。","Likewise, the results from BMC may be approximated by using cross-validation to select the best ensemble combination from a random sampling of possible weightings." +可达成优选定律中也有四个计算特征。,There are also four computation features in the law of reachable optimality. +"委员会形成了它自己的法律学说,它构成大多数被从案件中推论出的原则,但包含来源于成文法的相当多的法学理论。",The Council has shaped its own legal doctrine which consists mostly of principles deduced from cases but incorporates considerable jurisprudence derived from statutes. +"还是个孩童的时候,洛伦佐就被父亲委以重任,包括去罗马会见教皇或者其他一些重要的宗教和政治活动。","Piero sent Lorenzo on many important diplomatic missions when he was still a youth, including trips to Rome to meet the pope and other important religious and political figures." +"然而,几位记者要求艾森豪威尔将巴顿从军队除名来换取他们不予报道,艾森豪威尔拒绝了这一要求。","However, the news reporters then demanded Eisenhower fire Patton in exchange for them not reporting the story, a demand which Eisenhower refused." +他的妹妹出生于1969年;全家一年后搬家。,His sister was born in 1969; the family moved one year later. +"尽管是一个早期获得冠军头衔,但是Foxhole一直深受玩家的欢迎,以及选择进行初步评估的评论家。","Despite being an early access title, Foxhole has been generally well received by players, as well as reviewers who have opted to give preliminary reviews." +"6月7日,安东尼奥·吕迪格受伤,次日被若纳唐·塔换下。","On 7 June, Antonio Rüdiger suffered an injury and was replaced by Jonathan Tah one day later." +"上市后,三大平台的用户报告了游戏存档损坏问题。","After release, users on all three platforms reported corrupted game saves." +"贝克在1926年至1930年间担任波兰军事部长参谋,在1930年至1932年间担任副总理与副��交部长。","In 1926–1930 Beck served as chief of staff to Poland's Minister of Military Affairs, and in 1930–1932 as Vice Prime Minister and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs." +"以“ 保守基督教主义”为主的美国家庭协会(英语:American Family Association)批评《Cardcaptors》的宣传活动,指“库洛牌”与塔罗牌及东方神话太相似。","The ""conservative Christian political orientation"" American Family Association complained about the promotion as the organization felt the Clow Cards in the series were too similar to tarot cards and Eastern mythology." +强归纳: 所有观察到的乌鸦都是黑的。,Option B: All crows are black. +"1565年后,交给圣斯德望骑士团。","After 1565, it was transferred to the Holy Order of St. Stephen." +"在村里,他鼓励他的英国圣公会教友与当地的罗马天主教以及卫理公会之间的合作。","In the village, he encouraged cooperation between his Anglican parishioners and the local Roman Catholic and Methodist communities." +"除了在复分析与调和分析方面的工作外,鲁丁最为人所知的就是其编著的分析学教科书:《数学分析原理》(Principles of Mathematical Analysis)、《实分析与复分析》(Real and Complex Analysis)以及《泛函分析》(Functional Analysis),这三本书在数学圈中的昵称依序为“小鲁丁”(Baby Rudin)、“鲁丁爸爸”(Papa Rudin)、“老鲁丁”(Grandpa Rudin)。","In addition to his contributions to complex and harmonic analysis, Rudin is known for his mathematical analysis textbooks: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Real and Complex Analysis, and Functional Analysis (informally referred to by students as ""Baby Rudin"", ""Papa Rudin"", and ""Grandpa Rudin"", respectively)." +"在2月6日,庆祝的最后一日,雷蒂夫的队伍被邀请前往舞会,并要求他们将马车队留下。","On 6 February, at the end of the celebrations, Retief's party were invited to a dance, and asked to leave their weapons behind." +例如LaTeX应该排版成LaTeX。,It also transitioned to typesetting in LaTeX. +"那个小嘴位于身体下方,并且有能力咬断植物的根或死鱼,不过并没有能力追击或吃比嘴巴还大的猎物。","The tiny mouth is deep in its underbelly, and while the animal is capable of breaking up plant roots or dead fish, it is incapable of chasing down and eating prey larger than it is." +"他是一个勤劳的旅行家,远征全世界,并且在1874年及1882年从毛里求斯及智利到格陵兰的其他天文观测站观察了金星的转变。","Copeland was a frequent traveler on worldwide expeditions and observed the 1874 and 1882 transits of Venus from Mauritius and Jamaica, respectively, and undertook other astronomical observations from Greenland." +"同年,曼森和罗莎莉离婚。","The following year, Rossner and her husband divorced." +"翻案法院对维持或推翻低级上诉法院裁决有普遍司法权;如果裁决被推翻,裁决被说明为“被撤销”(casser),所以法国最高法院的法语名字是Cour de cassation,即翻案法院。","The Supreme Court reviews the appeal on the record and may affirm or set aside lower court rulings; if set aside, the ruling is said to be cassé (French for ""quashed""), hence the French name of Cour de cassation, or ""Quashing Court""." +业务逻辑可以用ABAP或者基于J2EE标准的Java来实现。,The business logic can be written either in ABAP or in Java based on the J2EE standard. +"这些发展导致合成流行乐的茁壮,之后被新浪漫主义(英语:New Romanticism)运动采用,导致合成器主宰了80年代初期的流行及摇滚音乐。","These developments led to the growth of synth-pop, which after it was adopted by the New Romantic movement, allowed synthesizers to dominate the pop and rock music of the early 80s." +"当布鲁斯需要进行气象及其他观测活动时,他只能在“小艇上”工作,而且他没有适合的设施去保存得到的标本,因而有些标本被粗心的船员们弄丢了。","He was required to work ""in the boats"" when he should have been making meteorological and other observations, and no facilities were allowed him for the preparation of specimens, many of which were lost through careless handling by the crew." +"这些声调记号与数字很少用于语言教科书与字典以外的地方,尤其当用于公共标示或公司标志等地方时通常省略不标。","The tone marks and numbers are rarely used outside of language textbooks: in particular, they are usually absent in public signs, company logos, and so forth." +"在实务上,科学怀疑论一辞通常应用于考察一些不属于主流科学的理论,而不是用来指科学家之间例行性的讨论或争论。","In practice, the term is most commonly applied to the examination of claims and theories that appear to be beyond mainstream science, rather than to the routine discussions and challenges among scientists." +"无论是对当时的美国还是全世界,罗斯福的死都是令人震惊和悲痛的。",Roosevelt's death was met with shock and grief across the U.S. and around the world. +"于1990年,美国动物园与水族馆协会(American Zoo and Aquarium Association)将岩鬣蜥定为最优先保育的动物。","In 1990, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) designated the genus Cyclura as their highest priority." +他也是《经济和政治周刊》(Economic and Political Weekly)的顾问编辑。,He is also an editorial consultant of the Economic and Political Weekly. +新政府于1919年签署《凡尔赛条约》。,Germany's new political leadership signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. +"愿上帝永远保佑你,我伟大而珍贵的同伴。","May God bless you forever, my great and precious companion." +"连同政府津贴金,共筹获接近一百万元。",This base cost the government nearly a million dollars. +2005年4月27日。,27 April 2005. +"在开发起初,游戏背景为复杂的外星人清理环境,但最终削减为“介绍病榻上的云之男孩的一段小‘诗’”。","In the early stages of development, the game had an involved backstory about an alien who attempts to clean up the environment, but this was cut down to ""a simple 'poetic' introduction to the cloud child trapped in a hospital bed""." +"派普斯的研究认为,斯大林私下希望另一场世界大战能削弱他的外国敌人并让他在国际上实现苏联的权威。","According to Pipes, Stalin privately hoped that another world war would weaken his foreign enemies and allow him to assert Soviet power internationally." +"为简化将应用程序移植到Windows的任务,早期版本的Visual C++是随在常规窗口中实现基本控制台的库QuickWin(英语:QuickWin)一起提供。","To simplify the task of porting applications to Windows, early versions of Visual C++ are supplied with QuickWin, a library that implements basic console functionality inside a regular window." +"对于选民来说,参加投票便意味着享有社会“利益”,正如南卡罗来纳议会在1716年所说,“享有本省利益的人民应当能够选举议会代表,这是必须的也是合理的。","Voters were required to hold an ""interest"" in society; as the South Carolina legislature said in 1716, ""it is necessary and reasonable, that none but such persons will have an interest in the Province should be capable to elect members of the Commons House of Assembly""." +"这个版本也包含了资料片《邪恶复苏》、一个新的单人游戏资料片《The Lost Mission》、最初的《毁灭战士》(The Ultimate Doom版,且包含额外的章节“Thy Flesh Consumed”)以及《毁灭战士II》(包含曾在Xbox 360上发行过的章节“No Rest For The Living”)。","Also included are the previous expansion pack Resurrection of Evil, a new single-player expansion called The Lost Mission, and copies of the original Doom (the Ultimate Doom edition with the add-on fourth episode, Thy Flesh Consumed) and Doom II (with the expansion No Rest for the Living, previously available for the Xbox 360)." +"教会的First Presidency在一封信中宣布支持8号提案,并打算在公众中诵读。",The First Presidency of the church announced its support for Proposition 8 in a letter intended to be read in every congregation in California. +他的小说创作可以分为三个阶段。,His poetry can be divided into three stages. +"同时,该委员会认为: 3) 对于东仪天主教会而言,其作为天主教会的一员,有权为了其属灵的需要而保持其信条。","At the same time, the Commission stated: 3) Concerning the Eastern Catholic Churches, it is clear that they, as part of the Catholic Communion, have the right to exist and to act in response to the spiritual needs of their faithful." +"他的父亲在工厂给他找了个当差的工作,但谢尔盖拒绝了。","His father got him a job as an errand boy in a factory, but Sergey refused the servant's job." +"在关押犯人和如今新兴的旅游产业之间的时代,该地区主要产业为木材业和渔业。",In the era between convict settlement and the rise of the modern tourist industry the area was mostly engaged in the timber industry and fishing. +"他也提出了代号H.R. 4379的法案,禁止最高法院作出与堕胎、生育控制、定义婚姻或是同性恋有关的各种判决,并且所有在这之前的最高法院判决先例也不再具有参考效力。","He also introduced H.R. 4379 that would prohibit the Supreme Court from ruling on issues relating to abortion, birth control, the definition of marriage and homosexuality and would cause the court's precedents in these areas to no longer be binding." +一次重性抑郁发作的表现为严重的心境抑郁且持续两周以上。,A major depressive episode is characterized by the presence of a severely depressed mood that persists for at least two weeks. +"例如,读音/ʃ/原本在英语中是以字母〈c〉来表示,而在法语中则是以字母〈x〉来表示。","For example, the sound (the sh in shoe) was originally represented with the letter ⟨c⟩ in English, but with the digraph ⟨ch⟩ in French." +"今我骨肉构祸,是其良图之日,若有奉琨以起,吾族尽矣。","It becomes mine on the day when I am able to win it by force""." +Thomas N. Scortia在1963年申请了这种推进剂的专利。,Thomas N. Scortia filed for patent on such propellant in 1963. +"狂风刮倒了电力塔、树木和交通标志,还令许多地区停电。","Strong winds knocked down electricity towers, trees, and traffic signs, leaving many without power." +"毕苏斯基命令,要称军团人员为“公民”(Obywatel),这是在法国大革命中产生的称呼,而他自己则被称为“指挥官”(“ Komendant”)。","Piłsudski decreed that Legions' personnel were to be addressed by the French Revolution-inspired ""Citizen"" (Obywatel), and he was referred to as ""the Commandant"" (""Komendant"")." +"随着英国以及诺曼底上空的天气好转,豪塞尔的反攻准备活动开始不断地受到盟军战机及火炮的袭扰,这使得反攻的开始时间推迟到下午。","With the weather improving over the United Kingdom and Normandy, Hausser's preparations for his counter stroke came under continual harassment from Allied aircraft and artillery fire, delaying the start of the attack to the afternoon." +"他发现越来越难以进行他的研究,因为受到不必要的干扰。",He was finding it increasingly difficult to conduct his research without unwanted distractions. +"虽然是地主的儿子,但在学生生活中,他被无产阶级革命运动所吸引。","Though was the son of a landlord, he was attracted to the proletarian revolutionary movement during his student life." +"此外,该国领导贯彻经济改革、自由贸易和区域融合的承诺。","Also, the leadership demonstrated a continuing commitment to economic reform, free trade, and regional integration." +"黄石国家公园拥有世界上最大的石化森林之一,树木很久以前就被火山灰埋入地下并逐渐转化成矿物材料。","Yellowstone National Park has one of the world's largest petrified forests, trees which were long ago buried by ash and soil and transformed from wood to mineral materials." +"纽霍夫在巴西受雇去探索马拉尼昂州和圣弗朗西斯科河之间的地区,他尤其在伯南布哥舰长领地(英语:Captaincy of Pernambuco)周边地区作了详细的调查。","Nieuhof was employed in Brazil to explore the regions between Maranhão and the São Francisco Rivers, made a particular study of the neighborhood of Pernambuco." +"当1942年数学部分重新出现时,选择题被投入了使用 1946年,“段落阅读”被“阅读理解”替代,双重定义也被句子填空题替代。","Paragraph reading was eliminated from the verbal portion of the SAT in 1946, and replaced with reading comprehension, and ""double definition"" questions were replaced with sentence completions." +通常IC制造业高度自动化能帮助降低暴露于这一类物品的风险。,The high degree of automation common in the IC fabrication industry helps to reduce the risks of exposure. +"米勒在布里斯班长大,并且深受同族传统文化的影响。",Miller was brought up in Brisbane and has strong ties to the traditional country of his people. +他对自我理想(英语:ego ideal)的定义是:个人想要成为的人的形象是他/她在被非常尊敬之后形成的。,"His definition of an ego ideal is this: the image of the person that one wants to become, which is patterned after those whom one holds with great respect." +"乔治亚大道开始于佛罗里达大道以北,这是老城的边界,7街的延续。","Georgia Avenue begins north of Florida Avenue, which was the boundary of the Old City, and is a continuation of 7th Street." +"PC运动控制器Razer Hydra(英语:Razer Hydra)利用二个nunchuck的Wii遥控器来追踨位置及转动,每一只手都有六个自由度。","The Razer Hydra, a motion controller for PC, tracks position and rotation of two wired nunchucks, providing six degrees of freedom on each hand." +"这些船舰可以持续加速,但无法超过光速,因而航程数以年计。","The vessels can continually accelerate, but cannot exceed the speed of light, so the voyages will last many years." +在1907年贝登堡创立了一个方案叫做“小队计划”(Boy Patrols)。,In 1907 Baden-Powell wrote a draft called Boy Patrols. +"他回到哈佛法学院待了一年,但在完成博士学位后,他意识到自己在经济学方面做得更好, 所以他离开哈佛来到MIT任教一年,在1985年成为哈佛大学的助理教授。","He returned to Harvard Law for a year but, having completed his PhD and realizing he was better at economics, he left to teach at MIT for a year and then became an assistant professor of economics at Harvard University in 1985." +赤祖德赞本人也对僧侣毕恭毕敬。,General Monger arrives to congratulate the monsters as well. +"对于血液或受伤有恐惧症的患者,昏厥是可能发生的。","With blood or injury phobia, fainting may occur." +"劳伦斯被欧力峰的研究想法折服,开始了他对铀���研究。",Lawrence was sufficiently impressed to commence his own research into uranium. +这个小镇完全依赖于附近位于迪邦山谷较低处的主要聚居点罗营(英语:Roing)来满足大部分的商业需求。,"The town is fully dependent on the nearest major settlement, Roing, which is in the Lower Dibang Valley District, for most commercial needs." +该国的海军、海岸警卫队(英语:Pakistan coast guard)、海上安全局(英语:Maritime Security Agency)和渔民组织帮助救援驻扎在海上的渔民。,"The country's navy, coast guard, Maritime Security Agency, and fishermen organizations helped rescue fishermen stationed offshore." +"在自1977年开始的旅行者1号和旅行者2号任务中,设计包括在木星和土星的科学信息中提供彩色成像。","The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions, which started in 1977, were designed to deliver color imaging amongst scientific information of Jupiter and Saturn." +"这些军火的买卖使委内瑞拉与美国逐渐产生摩擦,因此查韦斯直接结束了两国的军事合作关系。","Friction over these sales escalated, and in response Chávez ended cooperation between the militaries of the two countries." +一些物种有强烈的两性异型。,In some species both sexes signal. +电子飞行包分为三类硬件和三类软件。,Electronic Flight Bags are divided into three hardware classes and three software types. +"亚当曾访问过佛罗伦萨和威尼斯,他在那里看到老桥和里奥多桥。","Adam had visited both Florence and Venice, where he would have seen the Ponte Vecchio and the Ponte di Rialto." +方一百六十里。,See tie 160. +"霍尔在一个信仰共产主义的家庭中长大,很小就开始涉足政治。",Hall grew up in a Communist home and was involved early on in politics. +"确定质量更加困难,因为在化石记录中很少有软组织存活的证据。",Determining mass is even more difficult because little evidence of soft tissues survives in the fossil record. +"她成功地在1月26日发起攻击;尽管那天她被判定遭“击沉”了三次之多,但成功地证明了航空母舰在作战上的灵活性。","She successfully launched her strike on 26 January and, despite being ""sunk"" three times later in the day, proved the versatility of a carrier-based fast task force." +"1926年,朱巴兰被并入了意属索马里兰,之后,它被意大利人重命名为Oltre Giuba。","In 1926, the northern half of Jubaland was incorporated into Italian Somaliland, and was later re-dubbed Oltre Giuba by the Italians." +作用系统对型别系统提供更多细微的控制。,This results in a more detailed control of the separation process. +"要计算一个特定参数的平方,比如3,我们把它插入到这个定义中形式参数的位置上: 3的平方是3*3 要求值表达式3*3的结果,我们必须诉诸我们关于乘法和数3的知识。","To evaluate the square for a particular argument, say 3, we insert it into the definition in place of the formal parameter: The square of 3 is 3 ∗ 3 {\displaystyle 3*3} To evaluate the resulting expression 3 ∗ 3 {\displaystyle 3*3} , we would have to resort to our knowledge of multiplication and the number 3." +"考虑到道路的状况,这种修理是很频繁的。","Given the state of the roads, such repairs were frequent." +"对于发病时间较早的病例,病人通常在病征出现之后10年内死亡。","With early onset, death usually occurs within 10 years from the onset of symptoms." +"设计师们有3分钟的时间夺取他们设计需要的报纸,然后以一天的时间完成成品。",They had three minutes to grab the newspaper they desired to use for design and then completed the look in a day. +"一般来说,源自有许多输电来源的大型供电网络的供电,会比只有单一发电来源的封闭网络更加稳定。","In general, power supplies derived from large networks with many sources are more stable than those supplied to an isolated community with perhaps only a single generator." +"在雨季期间,东印度公司的董事会以及英国政府批准吞并包括卑谬在内的伊洛瓦底江流域的下部。","During the rainy season the approval of the East India Company's court of directors and of the British government was obtained as to the annexation of the lower portion of the Irrawaddy River Valley, including Prome." +"如果我们不悔改,不接受神的仁慈之爱而在世界的罪中死亡,这意味着我们自由选择了永远与他分离。",To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. +"史丹佛大学一群研究人员目前正分析首批由Gravity Probe B针对引力磁性的实验数据,用以检验引力磁性的实验数据是否与理论吻合。","A group at Stanford University is currently analyzing data from the first direct test of GEM, the Gravity Probe B satellite experiment, to see whether they are consistent with gravitomagnetism." +"他授权土地主随心所欲采取措施,包���处决。","He authorized landowners to take any actions they wished against their workers, including executions." +"后来、卡普空发表道歉启事,并表示“不能容忍任何拍摄过程中的不当和不尊重意见”。","Capcom later issued an apology and stated that ""any inappropriate or disrespectful comments will not be tolerated during filming""." +"社会学家莱尔·门罗(Lyle Munro)写道,史匹拉竭尽全力避免使用宣传来羞辱这些公司,仅将其用为最后的手段。","Sociologist Lyle Munro writes that Spira went to great lengths to avoid using publicity to shame companies, using it only as a last resort." +"它的主要设计目的是为了狩猎用途,而非战争或防卫用途。",It is designed mainly for hunting rather than self-defense or tactical usage. +而格洛克20和21的尺寸担忧已经可由格洛克36、21SF和30SF所有这些具有缩短了枪身尺寸的型号来解决。,"The concern with the size of the Glock 20/21 has been addressed by the Glock 36, 21SF, and 30SF, all of which featured reduced-size frames." +"加上可利用却尚未利用的水能,若将这些资源充分开发,可为冰岛每年另外产生50太瓦小时能源,并皆为可再生能源。","Combined with the unharnessed feasible hydropower, tapping these sources to their full extent would provide Iceland another 50 TWh of energy per year, all from renewable sources." +"CBS新闻的亚历杭德罗·K·布朗称赞游戏以独特方法使用了任天堂DS特性,如麦克风和无线连接。","Alejandro K. Brown of CBS News appreciated the game's unique use of Nintendo DS features, such as its microphone and wireless connectivity." +"这项服务是免费的,只是靠出售术后减轻疼痛的药物挣钱。",The service was free; the money was made from the medicines sold afterward to ease the pain. +俄罗斯将波兰看做事实上的保护国。,Russia had viewed Poland as a de facto protectorate. +"他受摩城唱片音乐家的影响很深,尤其是詹姆斯·詹默森(英语:James Jamerson),麦卡特尼称他影响了他自己的旋律风格。","He was strongly influenced by Motown artists, in particular James Jamerson, whom McCartney called a hero for his melodic style." +"他和来自少女时代的K-pop明星Sunny和来自Got7的Jackson Wang加入了第二季Roommate的演员阵容,这是一个真人秀节目,其中各个名人共享一个房子,负责所有家务和饭菜。","He and fellow K-pop stars Sunny from Girls' Generation and Jackson Wang from Got7 joined the cast for the second season of Roommate, a reality television series in which various celebrities share a house and are responsible for all household chores and meals." +"然而,萨摩亚人对新西兰的殖民统治感到不满,指责占领期间的通货膨胀和1918年流行病爆发。","However, Samoans greatly resented New Zealand's colonial rule, and blamed inflation and the catastrophic 1918 flu epidemic on its misrule." +"全市有三条高速公路通往岛内其它地区:GC-1通往南部,GC-2通往西部,GC-3通往岛的中部。","The city is linked with three highways: the GC-1 to the south, the GC-2 to the west and GC-3 to the center of the island." +二次行动是作出定点攻击的首要条件。,The second step was to devise a means to reliably implement the first step. +"在电视剧《唐宁街10号》(Number 10)中,皮特由杰里米·布雷特饰演。","In the series of prime ministerial biographies Number 10, produced by Yorkshire Television, Pitt was portrayed by Jeremy Brett." +"如果油和水混合,则小油滴形成并分散于水,最终液滴聚并以降低能量。","If oil and water are mixed and small oil droplets are formed and dispersed throughout the water, eventually the droplets will coalesce to decrease the amount of energy in the system." +"在立陶宛编年史中,罗马皇帝尼禄的亲戚帕莱蒙(应该是本都的波莱蒙二世,与尼禄有血缘关系)带领500个贵族家族逃离罗马。","In this new Lithuanian chronicle, Palemon (Could be Polemon II of Pontus), a relative of Roman Emperor Nero, escaped Rome together with 500 noble families." +"他的弟弟皮耶罗也是一位艺术家,两人经常合作。","His brother, Piero, was also an artist, and the two frequently worked together." +"登陆可以是直接的点对点电缆系统,或者使用海底分支单元(英语:Submarine branching unit)作为连向主电缆的分支。",The landing will either be direct (in the case of a point-to-point cable system) or via a branch from a main cable using a submarine branching unit. +这些包括氰化物复合物普鲁士蓝(Prussian blue)和霍夫曼包合物。,These include the cyanide complexes Prussian blue and Hofmann clathrates. +"此外约有6%的1型糖尿病患者同时患有乳糜泻,但绝大多数没有消化上的症状,或只是错误地把症状归因于糖尿病的控制不佳、糖尿病神经病变,以及胃轻瘫。","About 6 percent of people with type 1 diabetes have celiac disease, but in most cases there are no digestive symptoms or are mistakenly attributed to poor control of diabetes, gastroparesis or diabetic neuropathy." +"不同版本的命令输出格式不一,有的会给予额外的统计数据,如下面的例子: $ time host wikipedia.org wikipedia.org has address 0.000u 0.000s 0:00.17 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w $ time(1) 可以作为一个独立的程序存在(如GNU time)或作为shell内建命令(例如在tcsh或zsh中)。","The output format varies between different versions of the command, and some give additional statistics, as in this example: $ time host wikipedia.org wikipedia.org has address 0.000u 0.000s 0:00.17 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w $ time (either a standalone program, or when Bash shell is running in POSIX mode AND time is invoked as time -p) reports to standard error output." +"新里曼理论学家一般假设异名同音等价(即Ab = G#),因此二维平面上的调性网络会在两个不同的方向上循环,其在数学中同构于环面。","Neo-Riemannian theorists typically assume enharmonic equivalence (in other words, Ab = G#), and so the two-dimensional plane of the 19th-century Tonnetz cycles in on itself in two different directions, and is mathematically isomorphic to a torus." +处在后结构主义谱系中的其他哲学家和精神分析学家包括:尼采、海德格尔和弗洛伊德。,"Other like-minded philosophers and psychoanalysts in the vein of post-structuralism include Nietzsche, Heidegger and Freud." +"这些证据包括了鸟类从爬行类动物演化而来的证据,始祖鸟在欧洲的发现,以及大量原始鸟类化石在北美洲的发现。","This included evidence that birds had evolved from reptiles, including the discovery of Archaeopteryx in Europe, and a number of fossils of primitive birds with teeth found in North America." +"她已因此一而再,再而三地警告皮普,但他不愿意或是不能相信她。","She warns Pip of this repeatedly, but he will not or cannot believe her." +"拉维·香卡出生在英属印度的孟加拉家庭,并与他的兄弟乌代·香卡的舞蹈团一起度过了他的青年在印度和欧洲的巡回演出。","Shankar was born to a Bengali Brahmin family in India, and spent his youth touring India and Europe with the dance group of his brother Uday Shankar." +"面对此情况,彼特曼只得默许,继续将救生艇停在几百米外的位置,看着海面上的乘客与船员在寒冷中死亡。",Faced with this Pitman acquiesced and kept the lifeboat at its station several hundred yards off whilst the passengers and crew in the water perished swiftly in the cold. +"而在1944年10月的莱顿行动(英语:Operation Loyton)当中,再有31名被俘特种空勤团队员被德军当场处决。","In October 1944, in the aftermath of Operation Loyton another 31 captured SAS commandos were summarily executed by the Germans." +诸如Macromedia Flash之类的附加技术可以用于多媒体内容。,Additional technologies such as Macromedia Flash may be used for multimedia content. +"1990年,柯林斯接受了斯普林菲尔德的圣凯瑟琳学院校长一职,成为这所小规模天主教院校历史上首位不是道明会修女的校长。","In 1990, Collins accepted the presidency of Saint Catharine College in Springfield, Kentucky, becoming the first president of the small, Catholic college who was not a Dominican nun." +"气旋向西穿越加勒比海,最终于11月22日在大开曼西南方向洋面逐渐消散。","The system tracked westward across the Caribbean, before dissipating on November 22 to the southwest of Grand Cayman." +"经过了三轮独立的司法诉讼后,此法案依法在2009年被永久禁止。","It never took effect, as three separate rounds of litigation led to a permanent injunction against the law in 2009." +"许多时候整个系统只需要拥有一个的全局对象,这样有利于我们协调系统整体的行为。","Therefore, it is sufficient to establish it in a preferred coordinate system in order to have it hold in all coordinate systems." +本种并未列入澳洲《1999年环境与生态多样性保护法》的受威胁物种。,"As a result, it does not appear on the list of threatened Australian plants under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999." +"在此期间,柯尔施成为改良社会主义组织费边社的一个成员。","During this time, Korsch became a member of the Fabian Society, a reformist socialist organization." +"它被广泛认为是计算机世界的最高荣誉,相当于诺贝尔奖。","It is widely considered to be the computing world's highest honour, equivalent to the Nobel Prize." +"她解雇了原来的教练娜塔莎·莱泰丝,以宝拉取而代之;斯特拉斯伯格对她事业的后期有着重要的影响。","She dismissed her old drama coach, Natasha Lytess, and replaced her with Paula; the Strasbergs remained an important influence for the rest of her career." +"它们被称为“辅助细胞”是因为其中一个主要功能是将讯号送到其他免疫细胞,包括可以杀死感染细胞的CD8胞杀细胞。","They are called helper cells because one of their main roles is to send signals to other types of immune cells, including CD8 killer cells, which then destroy the infectious particle." +"在中国12,000个荧幕上映对电影制作人是强烈激励,特别是像《功夫熊猫3》那样与中国审查者协商和配合提供材料的。","Access to the 12,000 movie screens in China is a powerful incentive for film makers, especially those producing material such as Kung Fu Panda 3 to consult and cooperate with Chinese censors." +直到1569年卢布林联合之前此区域一直享受充分自治。,Until the 1569 Union of Lublin the region enjoyed a substantial autonomy. +"第二天,市政府召开紧急会议,颁布法令,禁止三K党汽车队。","The following day, the city council held an emergency session and passed an ordinance banning KKK motorcades." +"和许多Infocom的游戏一样,盒子中包含了许多“复制品”,包括“别慌”徽章、一些口袋绒毛、危机感应太阳眼镜、地球摧毁命令、及摧毁亚瑟·丹特房子的命令(由亚当斯及马瑞察克签署)。","As with many Infocom games, the box contained a number of ""feelies"" including a ""Don't panic"" badge, some ""pocket fluff"", a pair of peril-sensitive sunglasses (made of cardboard), an order for the destruction of the Earth, a small, clear plastic bag containing ""a microscopic battle fleet"" and an order for the destruction of Arthur Dent's house (signed by Adams and Meretzky)." +"在维京时期,现在斯特罗姆内斯所在的地方是一个停泊地,被称作“Hamnavoe”,意为“平和”或“安全港”。","In Viking times the anchorage where Stromness now stands was called Hamnavoe, meaning ""peaceful"" or ""safe harbour""." +"在2015年国际象棋世界杯上他在前两轮分别淘汰亚历山大·莫伊谢延科(英语:Alexander Moiseenko)和王皓,随后在第三轮的第一套快棋抢7决胜局后被维塞林·托帕洛夫淘汰。","At the Chess World Cup 2015 he knocked out Alexander Moiseenko and Wang Hao in rounds one and two respectively, then he was eliminated by Veselin Topalov in the third round after the first set of rapid tiebreaker games." +"7月4日 0600 UTC - 低压区 93W 由 PAGASA 定名为热带低气压 Emong,位于菲律宾 Samar Island Catarman 东北35海里(65公里)。",July 4 0600 UTC - PAGASA designates Invest.93W as Tropical Depression Emong 35 nautical miles (65 km) northeast of Catarman Samar Island Philippines. +"一般来说,绿光的效果与红色和蓝色波段指示的效果相反,推测绿色灯具有红色和蓝色的编排。","Generally, the effects of green light are the opposite of those directed by red and blue wavebands, and it's speculated that green light works in orchestration with red and blue." +"但是随着荷兰迅速的失利,这些人在1940年5月14日又被德国军队释放了。","Soon after the Dutch defeat, on 14 May 1940, they were set free by German troops." +这两个星团各自都有300颗以上的蓝白色超巨星。,There are more than 300 blue-white super-giant stars in each of the clusters. +"兹威基也发展一般化的形态学分析,这是有系统的结构方法和调查所有集合体的关系,包括多维、通常非量化、和复杂的问题。","Zwicky developed a generalised form of morphological analysis, which is a method for systematically structuring and investigating the total set of relationships contained in multi-dimensional, usually non-quantifiable, problem complexes." +"这届运动会很受到兴奋剂的困扰,很多冠军被剥夺,综合成绩的水平仍然受到国际质疑。",The games was seriously marred by doping – many champions were stripped of their titles and the overall level of performances remain questionable to international audiences. +首都古夫波尔(Capital City Goofball) 配音:Tom Poston(美国) 首都的吉祥物。,The Capital City Goofball (voiced by Tom Poston) is the mascot for Capital City. +"我们可以将抗真菌药物撒在小孩子食物上,以治疗孩童的头癣。",The antifungal granules can be sprinkled on a child's food to treat the infection. +"对于任何正规模态逻辑 L,我们可以构造一个 Kripke 模型(称为典范模型),它且只有它使 L 的定理有效,通过接纳使用极大一致集合作为模型的标准技术。","For any normal modal logic, L, a Kripke model (called the canonical model) can be constructed that refutes precisely the non-theorems of L, by an adaptation of the standard technique of using maximal consistent sets as models." +"2009年7月,默切特饭店获得世界最佳饭店酒吧奖。","In July 2009, Merchant Hotel won the ""World's Best Hotel Bar"" competition." +"例如,哈伯太空望远镜测量恒星的角直径,可以达到0.1”以内的大小。","For example, the Hubble Space Telescope can reach an angular size of stars down to about 0.1′′." +"《尚书》中提到宫刑,为五刑中仅次于大辟(斩首)的刑罚。",Among the claims made in the book is that the deceased must be cremated in order for the soul to be reincarnated. +"夫妇避开社交圈,避见其他美国人,只接见艺术界的朋友。",They generally avoided society and other Americans except for friends in the art world. +"我们也提案向全国各地的同志组织取得联系,请他们避免在同一天举行同性质的示威活动。",We also propose that we contact Homophile organizations throughout the country and suggest that they hold parallel demonstrations on that day. +"帕尔—瓦吉特亦有一所荷鲁斯的圣所,太阳神之子被视为法老。","Per-Wadjet also contained a sanctuary of Horus, the child of the sun deity who would be interpreted to represent the pharaoh." +"WinJS始于专用于通用Windows平台应用的一种技术,但现已发展为旨在能于任何网页浏览器中使用。","WinJS started as a technology that was specific to Windows Store apps, but has evolved to aim at working in any Web browser." +没有人能因为他令人厌恶的气味而靠近。,At first no one would agree to bury him because of his controversial reputation. +"1984年,Peter Abeles(英语:Peter Abeles)爵士与TNT集团董事长表达了对于 Paul Wild 提出的高铁建设计划感到兴趣。","Later in 1984 Peter Abeles, chairman of TNT, expressed interest in Dr Wild's proposal." +两人都对“文化上的差异〔......〕能最好地保存〔......〕差异性”该如何达成感到兴趣。,"Both are interested in how the ""cultural other can best preserve that otherness""." +"雄性在交配时会以前肢抓住雌性的身旁,并用口颔住雌性的颈。",Keep the tail closed up in the palm of the same hand until it dies and touch the woman and her private parts when you have intercourse with her. +"数星期后,瑞典让步,任由支持芬兰“白”党的德国军队占领奥兰。","Within weeks, the Swedish troops gave way to German troops who occupied Åland at the request of the ""White"" (conservative) Senate of Finland." +挖掘在科学家和犹太拉比的监督下进行。,The excavations were conducted with the supervision of scientific and rabbinic experts. +"他将哲学比作一个生物,物理是这个生物的肉和血,逻辑是将这个生物连接在一起的骨骼和腱,而道德——作为其最重要的部分——是它的灵魂。","He compared them to a living being, with physics the meat and blood, logic the bones and tendons holding the organism together, and finally ethics – the most important part – corresponding to the soul." +这说明他对核心功能有最终否决权。,This means he has final veto power on the core functionality. +"在法国的沙龙,如哈贝马斯所说,“观点从经济依赖的束缚中解脱”。","In French salons, as Habermas says, ""opinion became emancipated from the bonds of economic dependence""." +"回到德国后,柯尼斯堡号重新开始了它的火炮训练任务,同时也作为雷达样机的试验台。","After returning to Germany, Königsberg resumed her gunnery training duties, and also served as a testbed for radar prototypes." +森罗扇并诱骗小天真留在天宇。,Fred begins to fake oral sex on her. +ALSIEL的驾驶者。,Pilot of Alsiel. +在南面德意志国防军从未接近苏联首都。,"In the south, the Wehrmacht never got close to the capital." +这个分歧在很多领域是一个好处。,This simplification will help us in many areas. +"截至2010年12月,肯亚部分的加油站开始提供含硫量50 ppm的柴油。",Some filling stations in Kenya started offering 50 ppm diesel as of December 2010. +"在Fucking Machines电影里出现的模特被要求真实的演出以及简单的从机器里感受性快感,而不是演绎虚假的性快感。",Models appearing on Fucking Machines film shoots are instructed to be authentic and experience pleasure from the machines without acting. +科雷亚呼吁建立一个新的人权委员会以替代美洲人权委员会(英语:Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)(隶属于OAS的一个机构)。,Correa called for a new human rights commission to replace the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. +"维基百科研究员Sarah Stierch认为,维基百科贡献者保持性别不公开是“相当常见的”。","Wikipedia research fellow Sarah Stierch acknowledged that it is ""fairly common"" for Wikipedia contributors to remain gender-anonymous." +"尽管他有所顾虑,仍然以他一贯的能量全身心投入任务,同打击他任何可能会发现的失败主义。","Despite his misgivings, Model threw himself into the task with his usual energy, cracking down on any defeatism he might find." +"1940年秋,攻克波兰一部分地区后,纳粹德国与苏联有一条绵长的边境,通过彼此间的互不侵犯条约和贸易协定(英语:trade agreement)自然维持。","By autumn 1940, after conquering its portion of Poland, the Third Reich shared an extensive border with USSR, with whom it remained neutrally bound by their non-aggression pact and trade agreements." +巴基斯坦陆军也派出士兵与直升机展开搜索救援行动。,Pakistan Army personnel and helicopters were also sent to the area for search and rescue operations. +"在2016年春天,79头幼体被发现,其中4头已死亡。","In spring 2016, 79 pups were found, four of which were dead." +"回到小亚细亚后,提萨斐尼发动了对希腊城邦的攻击,以惩罚希腊人对小居鲁士的效忠。","After returning to Asia Minor, Tissaphernes attacked the Greek cities to punish them for their allegiance to Cyrus." +"但是这个消息,很快的就被UFC的总裁Dana White给否认。",This was denied by UFC president Dana White. +一个storage在概念上类似于文件系统的目录。,A storage is conceptually very similar to a directory on a file system. +"笼统地说,我认为有论据认为他应该被认为是澳大利亚居民,毋庸置疑他的证件可以依据旧例不时延长。","Speaking generally, I think there is some claim for him to be regarded as a resident of Australia, and I have no doubt his certificate can be extended from time to time as it has been extended in the past." +"在基督教教义中,虚荣被认为是七宗罪之一骄傲的一种表现。","In Christian teachings, vanity is an example of pride, one of the seven deadly sins." +"除了一些这样的遗漏,Brasero还是很完整的,并且远比GNOME文件管理器中内置的简陋的CD/DVD创建器更加实用。","Despite a few omissions like that, Brasero is very complete and is far more useful than the simplistic CD/DVD Creator that is built into the GNOME file manager." +事实证明他比父亲称职得多。,He is considerably taller than his father. +此行为经常发生在重大政治或宗教变动之后。,It was a time of considerable political and religious turmoil. +"香港东区的菲律宾居民人数最多,其中3.24%的人口为菲律宾血统(14,596人)。","Eastern District has the highest concentration of Filipino residents of any district in Hong Kong, with 3.24% of the district's population being of Filipino descent (14,596 people)." +该勋章制度由玛莉亚·迪金在1943年制定。,Winkie received her medal from Maria Dickin in March 1943. +这一短语常常被用来形容诸如种族、宗教、同性恋、心理疾患、自杀等的社会禁忌话题。,"The term is often used to describe an issue that involves a social taboo, such as race, religion, homosexuality, mental illness, or even suicide." +"它是颗蓝白色的超巨星,光谱类型为B5Ia,光度是太阳的176,000倍,直径约是太阳的80倍。","A blue-white supergiant of spectral type B5Ia, Aludra has a luminosity 176,000 times and a diameter around 80 times that of the Sun." +"6月3日, 墨西哥最高法院裁定该国禁止同性婚姻的法律是歧视性的。",3 June: Mexico's Supreme Court rules that state laws banning same-sex marriage are discriminatory. +"球场多次被英格兰青年队用来作赛,第一次是在1971年11月24日英格兰U23以1-1战平瑞士队的赛事。","The stadium has been used by England youth teams on a number of occasions, the first on 24 November 1971, saw the England U23 team draw 1–1 with Switzerland." +她的姐姐织江是山科老师的密友。,"In the anime, she is a friend of Professor Oak." +"为了要赢回她,Ken决定要逃出德光岛送她出国,因为他觉得她只是在试探他而已。","Determined to regain her love, Ken devises a plan to escape from Pulau Tekong and send her off, for he feels she is merely just testing him." +"但最终在1993年,两国签署了一项协议,以确保拉克的和平。","But finally in 1993, the two countries signed an agreement to ensure peace along the LAC." +"在周六复活节当天,英军抓到了一名落单的苏格兰士兵并且带到克拉伦斯公爵面前。","On Easter Saturday, one of these foraging groups captured a Scots man-at-arms whom they brought before the Duke of Clarence." +现存的脊索动物之间的关系如下图的系统发生树所示。,The current insights in these relationships are expressed in the following tree. +悠里的次子。,Yuri's Night. +它也可被用于收集公司内部数据。,It can also be used to collect internal company data. +"另一种观点是虽然他们的爱情是轰轰烈烈的,但只是在婚姻当中达到了高潮,以免失去观众对他们的同情。","Another point is that although their love is passionate, it is only consummated in marriage, which keeps them from losing the audience's sympathy." +诺丁汉议会大楼(Nottingham Council House)是英国英格兰城市诺丁汉的市政厅。,"Nottingham Council House is the city hall of Nottingham, England." +"在瀑布模型中,构建阶段之后总是有单独的测试阶段; 但是,在敏捷软件开发测试中,与编程相同的迭代完成。","In the waterfall model, there is always a separate testing phase after a build phase; however, in agile software development testing is completed in the same iteration as programming." +"2009 年 5 月 22 日,《愚昧时代》摄制队伍推出了他们的独立放映模型,以崭新形式发行本片,允许任何人在任何地方购买放映许可权,价格根据放映者���财政状况而定,然后重要的是,他们可以保留门票收益。","On 22 May 2009, The Age of Stupid team launched their Indie Screenings model, a new form of film distribution which allows anyone, anywhere to buy a license to hold a screening of the film - with the price set according to the screener's means - and then, crucially, to charge for tickets and keep any profits for themselves." +时任美国总统的奥巴马指示联邦政府提供“追求调查和支持社群”所需的任何援助。,"President Barack Obama directed the federal government to provide any assistance necessary to ""pursue the investigation and support the community""." +约10%的人会造成严重残疾。,One-third of them will have serious dysfunction. +"20世纪之后的相关事件包括1982年的广播“DPT疫苗:疫苗轮盘”(DPT: Vaccine Roulette),引发了对百白破疫苗的争议,以及在1998年由安德鲁·韦克菲尔德(英语:Andrew Wakefield)发表的欺诈性学术文章,内容是有关麻腮风三联疫苗争议。","Later 20th-century events included the 1982 broadcast of DPT: Vaccine Roulette, which sparked debate over the DPT vaccine, and the 1998 publication of a fraudulent academic article by Andrew Wakefield which sparked the MMR vaccine controversy." +"从第三季开始,该剧吸引了众多外国观众,NRK也因此接到大量为该剧增加英文字幕的请求。","Starting with season three, the show attracted an international audience, and NRK was therefore heavily asked to add English subtitles to the Skam episodes online." +"作为一名多产的前锋,格兰高被很多人认为是奥地利有史以来最伟大的球员。","A prolific striker, Krankl is regarded by many as one of Austria's greatest players." +"处于第一层的绝大多数人和社会或者环境整合得很好(Dąbrowski称其为一般人),不过也有人展现出了冲动和社会化的阴影。","The majority of people at Level I are integrated at the environmental or social level (Dąbrowski called them average people); however, many also exhibit shades of both impulse and socialization." +"自2008年开通以来,大众再次有机会重温1888年世界第一次汽车长途旅行的路线。",It opened in 2008 and follows the tracks of the world's first long distance road trip in 1888. +"在英国侧的莎士比亚悬崖,政府允许250米长直径4.5米的隧道开挖。","On the English side at Shakespeare Cliff, the government allowed 250 metres (820 ft) of 4.5-metre (15 ft) diameter tunnel to be driven." +鲍尔的许多言论都引起了重大争议。,Many of Brown's shows have generated controversy. +哥伦比亚总统桑托斯表示他希望成员国为修改有关打击毒品战争的一些规则而进行对话。,Santos stated that he would like to see dialogue within the group over whether existing counter-drug regulations should be revised. +"Yubico发布了一个检查工具,如果检查确认自己的Yubikey受到影响,可以免费更换。",Yubico publicized a tool to check if a Yubikey is affected and replaced affected tokens for free. +"不过,诸如Alexander Flor(1986)之类的一些观察家则曾经针对信息化对于传统社会的负面影响提出过警告。","However, some observers, such as Alexander Flor (1986) have cautioned about the negative impact of informatization on traditional societies." +"在状态字中,前5位元是正在响应的远程终端的地址,在这种情况下为0x3。","In the Status Word, the first 5 bits are the address of the Remote Terminal that is responding, in this case 0x3." +"合相的容许度(英语:Orb (astrology))通常被认为大约为10°,然而如果没有太阳或月亮的参与,有些人认为合相是只有0±08°的偏移植(容许度)而已。","An orb of approximately 10° is usually considered a conjunction, however if neither the Sun or Moon is involved, some consider the conjunction to have a maximum distance of only about 0±08°." +这套系统被称作“SLAMRAAM”(意指“地面发射的AMRAAM”)。,The missile itself is named SLAMRAAM (Surface Launched AMRAAM). +"2016年期间,LSAT计划将7.62毫米口径轻机枪升级为TRL 7,并且进行了范围测试。","During 2016 the LSAT program advanced the 7.62mm LMG to TRL 7, with range testing." +"RETScreen 在学术界的使用实例可在RETScreen 新闻资讯中的“出版物与报告”和“大学与学院课程”部分找到,可通过所下载软件的用户手册进行访问。","Examples of RETScreen's use in academia can be found under the “Publications and Reports” and ""University and College Courses"" sections of the RETScreen newsletter, accessible through the User manual in the downloaded software." +"在大阪和东京相扑协会之间的一系列会议之后,他的实力在1905年4月被吉田家族授予了横纲证书。","His strength was acknowledged when, after a series of meetings between the Osaka and Tokyo sumo associations, he was awarded a yokozuna license by the Yoshida family in April 1905." +"幸运儿在戏中只开过一次口,是波卓命令他为爱��特拉冈和弗拉第米尔“思考”。","Lucky speaks only once in the play and it is a result of Pozzo's order to ""think"" for Estragon and Vladimir." +全世界都是这种趋势。,"Worldwide, the trend is similar." +一些硬币被该博物馆于2011年10月22日至11月26日进行了临时的展示。,Some of the coins from the hoard have been put on temporary display at the museum from 22 October to 26 November 2011. +"同样,当a和b同时乘以w时,计算步数不变:T(a, b) = T(wa, wb)。","By the same argument, the number of steps remains the same if a and b are multiplied by a common factor w: T(a, b) = T(wa, wb)." +《华盛顿邮报》报导了该消息。,The Washington Post said. +"在卡累利阿以东,苏联最高统帅部计划利用9个师、2个工兵旅,2个坦克旅和第3突击炮团,将整体兵力提高至16个师、2个要塞区域、5个独立步兵旅、2个坦克旅、3个突击炮旅和3个坦克营。","To the east of Karelia, the Stavka planned to use 9 divisions, 2 sapper brigades, 2 tank brigades and 3 assault gun regiments, raising the whole strength to 16 divisions, 2 fortified regions, 5 separate rifle brigades, 2 tank brigades, 3 assault gun regiments and 3 tank battalions." +"在经历了严重的轰炸破坏后,接待大楼的重建工作始于1948年夏天,当中包括获得了经过内饰重新设计的外立面;而旧大堂残存的钢结构顶棚都被拆除,同时站台开始采用一种木制的临时性顶棚。","After the severe bomb damage, the reconstruction of the entrance building began in the summer of 1948, resulting in a facade with newly designed interiors and the remaining steel work of the roofs of the old halls was removed and the platforms were covered by temporary wooden canopies." +"军官们举止粗野残暴,并通过杀死他们认为不称职的长官来获得晋升。",Officers were barbaric in behavior and advanced in rank by killing superiors who they thought were incompetent. +"皮特里在提到外包石块的精确度时将其形容成“和现代光学仪器制造者们相当,但却有几英亩大“的杰作,以及“将这些石头以这种方式精确地组合起来是非常细致的工作;但是用接合剂将它们连接得如此牢固几乎不可能”。","Petrie related the precision of the casing stones as to being ""equal to opticians' work of the present day, but on a scale of acres"" and ""to place such stones in exact contact would be careful work; but to do so with cement in the joints seems almost impossible""." +史密斯家在利物浦的房子后来捐赠给了国家名胜古迹信托。,The Smiths' house in Liverpool was later donated to The National Trust. +整个曹氏家族尤其是曹操的第四子曹植与其他诗人一起协助形成了建安风骨。,"Altogether the Cao family, especially Cao Cao's fourth son, Cao Zhi, in association with other poets helped to form the Jian'an style." +八卦刀商剑鸣出于其门下。,He pokes his sword through the door. +他在罗马和博洛尼亚度过大部分童年。,He spent almost all his childhood in Rome and Bologna. +"在2004年,普林斯顿大学的数学家爱德华·贝尔布鲁诺(英语:Edward Belbruno)和天文物理学家理察·戈特(英语:J. Richard Gott)提出忒伊亚在相对地球的L4或L5拉格朗日点(在与地球相同轨道上的前方或后方60°的位置)发生撞击,类似于一颗特洛伊小行星。","In 2004, Princeton University mathematician Edward Belbruno and astrophysicist J. Richard Gott III proposed that Theia coalesced at the L4 or L5 Lagrangian point relative to Earth (in about the same orbit and about 60° ahead or behind), similar to a trojan asteroid." +"新结局中,被获救的嘉莉发誓会去帮助其他拥有相似天赋能力的人。","In the new ending, the rescued Carrie vows to help others with similar gifts to her own." +"USG在石溪具有悠久的历史,可以追溯到1959年的学生政治协会。",USG at Stony Brook has a long history going back to the founding of the Student Polity Association (Polity) in 1959. +"1866年,中文面值改称为“香港一千”,意即一元的千份之一。","Later on in 1866, the Chinese characters was altered to Hong Kong One-thousand (香港一千), indicating the value of a thousandth of a dollar." +2012年10月发售改编电子游戏《Iron Sky: Invasion(英语:Iron Sky: Invasion)》。,A video-game adaptation titled Iron Sky: Invasion was released in October 2012. +"在2012年,丹麦政府通过了一项计划,以增加风能电力生产的比例,到2020年达到50%。",The project is key in Denmark's ambitions to expand its wind-power generation to 50% by 2020. +"1938年休斯顿的威廉·P·霍比(William P. Hobby)机场被更名为“霍华德·休斯机场”,但是由于人们反对使用仍然健在的人物来命名机场,该机场的名字后来又改回了原名。","In 1938, the William P. Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas—known at the time as Houston Municipal Airport—was renamed after Hughes, but the name was changed back after people objected to naming the airport after a living person." +两院必须通过完完全全相同一致的法案版本。,This means that the both chambers had to pass exactly the same version of a bill. +一直到看到最终完成的电影时她才知道当时阿金到底说了些什么。,Only when she saw the film did she know what was being said. +"他拒绝承认教皇庇护六世,在1791年不得不放弃红衣主教的四角帽。","He was repudiated by Pope Pius VI, and in 1791 had to give up the biretta." +"在欧洲联盟委员会社群研究机构的出版著作《自由的艺术与科学研究:朝向生活的文化》一书中,汉斯·约纳斯以及拉迪斯拉夫·科瓦拉区也提出对于心智政权的几项评论。","In the European Commission Community Research publication, Art & Scientific Research are Free: Towards a Culture of Life, it states several commentaries by Hans Jonas and especially Ladislav Kovác about Noocracy." +"据李小龙称,一些华人向他下达了最后通牒,命他停止向非华裔教授武术。","According to Lee, the Chinese community issued an ultimatum to him to stop teaching non-Chinese people." +"1969年5月12日,铸币联合委员会召集听证,以期找到最合适的方法,来将财政部官员之前保留下来的卡森城铸币局银元卖出。","On May 12, 1969, the Joint Commission on Coinage held a meeting in order to determine the best way to sell the Carson City-minted dollars earlier held back by Treasury officials." +"他经此一役意识到人类的潜力,赠礼补偿失去父兄的人类首领哈丽丝(Haleth),并邀请他们移居至他力量所及之处。","The most generous of people is the one who gives to those from whom he has no hope of return. — Husain ibn Ali Generosity is sometimes used to denote charity, (the virtue of giving without expecting anything in return)." +"其中,她的一个女儿柳德米拉已经结婚并居住在另外一座城市,那个女儿没有参与劫持。","One of the daughters, Lyudmila, did not participate in the hijacking as she was married and lived separately, in another city." +"他在1936和1937年间录制的划时代意义的录音展现了他极强的歌唱、吉他技巧和作曲天赋,对之后众多音乐家产生了深远影响。","His landmark recordings in 1936 and 1937 display a combination of singing, guitar skills, and songwriting talent that has influenced later generations of musicians." +"2002年起,荷兰盾逐渐被欧元所取代。",These currencies were all replaced by the euro in 2002. +"然后,我们一开始选定的概念系统只是未定义符号系统的一种解释;但从演绎的观点来看,此一解释可以被读者所忽略,并可自由地以另一种满足未证实命题所述条件之解释取代该解释。","Then, the system of ideas that we have initially chosen is simply one interpretation of the system of undefined symbols; but from the deductive point of view this interpretation can be ignored by the reader, who is free to replace it in his mind by another interpretation that satisfies the conditions stated by the unproved propositions." +其允许有类型的数据使用用额外的信息进行注释;如一个字符串可以注释成为一个URL地址。,"It also allows typed data to be annotated with additional meaning, for example a particular string value might be annotated so that it could be understood as a URL." +"文艺复兴时期的“什拉赫塔”珍惜自己阶级的特权(“自由”),形成对公共事务的责任感,教育自己的年轻人,对当时的趋势和事务兴趣浓厚,并且游历四方。","Jealous of their class privilege (""freedoms""), the Renaissance szlachta developed a sense of public service duties, educated their youth, took keen interest in current trends and affairs and traveled widely." +"吴伟业称赞龚鼎孳为官“唯尽心于所事,庶援手乎斯民”。","On Caldor he meets Vanth, who warns him that he is the protector of the people who live there." +"在这一扩展包中,玩家可旅行至冰封之岛索瑟姆,并接受到调查当地驻守士兵不安之原因的任务。","In the expansion, the player travels to the frozen island of Solstheim and is asked to investigate the uneasiness of the soldiers stationed there." +"在最常见的说法中,如果将国旗横放,应把白条放在红条的上面。","In the most usual, horizontal alignment, this means that the white stripe is placed above the red one." +"最终鲍德温在十字军离开匈牙利后便被释放,与十字军在十一月下旬抵达了拜占庭帝国。","Baldwin and Godehilde were released soon after the crusaders left Hungary, and entered the Byzantine Empire in late November." +"道理总是,想当时亦须有来历。",Aims to be the hero whenever something happens. +"1939年6月17日,欧根讷·魏特曼于凡尔赛镇圣皮埃尔监狱外被断头台处决。","On June 17, 1939, Weidmann was beheaded outside the prison Saint-Pierre in Versailles." +"体内最常见的糖酵解类型是所谓的EMP途径,由Gustav Embden,Otto Meyerhof和Jakob Karol Parnas共同���现。","The most frequent type of glycolysis found in the body is the type that follows the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) Pathway, which was discovered by Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof, and Jakob Karol Parnas." +书名取自16世纪剧英国作家乔治·皮尔的一首诗。,The title is taken from a poem by the 16th-century English dramatist George Peele. +"除了日常的语言外,其他71.5%的人说英语,14.6%的粤语,24.0%的普通话和9.7%的日语。","With regards to additional spoken languages other than their usual language, 71.5% stated that they spoke English, 14.6% Cantonese, 24.0% Mandarin, and 9.7% Japanese." +中环码头位头贴近交易广场。,There are pay showers nearby in the picnic area. +"他的招供充满荒谬之处,也没有作为苏联的原告方证人出席纽伦堡审判。","His confession was full of absurdities, and thus he was not used as a Soviet prosecution witness during the Nuremberg trials." +"这样能透过可能发生的海啸预报制造时间,并发布警报给会受到威胁的区域,前提是得到授权。","This gives time for a possible tsunami forecast to be made and warnings to be issued to threatened areas, if warranted." +"情景计划(英语:Scenario planning),也称情景规划、情景思考或情景分析,是一些企业用来进行长期计划的战略计划方法。","Scenario planning, also called scenario thinking or scenario analysis, is a strategic planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long-term plans." +"此外,还有基于此旗的总督用旗帜。","There was also a flag for use by the Governor, based on the national flag." +"战场发生在小亚细亚中部的加拉太,今日土耳其境内。","The war was fought in Galatia in central Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey." +"部分工业团体亦认为光害是重要问题,如英国的照明工程师公会为其会员提供了光害的资讯,光害制造的问题及如何减少光害的指引。","For example, the Institution of Lighting Engineers in the United Kingdom provides its members with information about light pollution, the problems it causes, and how to reduce its impact." +他还用宿务语为一些知名民歌创作了新的革命歌词。,He also composed new revolutionary lyrics in Cebuano for some well-known folk songs. +"飓风登陆前18小时,美国国家飓风中心将所有沿海地区的飓风观察预警升级为飓风警告。","18 hours before the hurricane made landfall, the National Hurricane Center upgraded the watch to a hurricane warning for the entire coastline." +"3月25日,葡萄牙航海家约翰·达·诺瓦(João da Nova)可能在这一天发现了阿森松岛。",March 25 – Portuguese navigator João da Nova probably discovers Ascension Island. +"在二世纪早期,另一处提到耶稣被钉十字架的是由塔西佗的作品,他通常被认为是最伟大的罗马历史学家之一。","Early in the second century another reference to the crucifixion of Jesus was made by Tacitus, generally considered one of the greatest Roman historians." +这片地理区域的特殊之处在于城市政府与私营业主允许中国移民继承财产以及在城内合法拥有房产。,The area was the one geographical region deeded by the city government and private property owners which allowed Chinese persons to inherit and inhabit dwellings within the city. +本尼迪克特·安德森之所以提出他的理论是因为他感觉无论是马克思主义还是自由主义的理论都无法充分解释民族主义。,Benedict Anderson arrived at his theory because he felt that neither Marxist nor liberal theory adequately explained nationalism. +"后引擎盖有了新的形状以搭配 Roadster 形式,并有了排气口以提供高效的冷却系统。",The rear engine cover also has a new shape to adapt to the roadster form and now has now has vents for efficient cooling. +"《财富》认为推文试图“破坏她的指控”,共和党参议员苏珊·柯琳丝认为这是对卡瓦诺提名的游离票,表示对特朗普的推文感到震惊,认为这是“不恰当和错误的”。","Fortune called the tweet an attempt ""to undermine her allegation"" and Republican Senator Susan Collins—considered a key swing vote on Kavanaugh's nomination—said she is ""appalled"" by Trump's tweet, calling it ""inappropriate and wrong""." +大多数轻朗姆酒都来自波多黎各。,The majority of light rums come from Puerto Rico. +"MALDI TOF / TOF质谱仪用于揭示肽的氨基酸序列,使用源后衰变或高能碰撞诱导的解离(英语:Collision-induced dissociation)(进一步使用参见质谱法)。",MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometers are used to reveal amino acid sequence of peptides using post-source decay or high energy collision-induced dissociation (further use see mass spectrometry). +"基于它主校园的心理上和数字上的中心性,MIT社群的人通常将大穹顶指为“宇宙的中心”。","Based on its psychological and numerical centrality to the main campus of the Institute, members of the MIT community sometimes humorously refer to the Great Dome as ""The Center of the Universe""." +"整个阵地有至多300们不同规格的火炮,其中三面由战壕及栅栏保护,第四面由利多瓦河岸(River Lidoire)的高堤保护。","The park included up to 300 guns of various sizes, and was protected by a ditch and palisade on three sides and a steep bank of the River Lidoire on the fourth." +"阿尔弗雷德·雅里剧院由安托南·阿尔托和 Roger Vitrac成立,上演数部荒诞派戏剧,包括尤内斯库和阿达莫夫的作品。","The Alfred Jarry Theatre, founded by Antonin Artaud and Roger Vitrac, housed several Absurdist plays, including ones by Ionesco and Adamov." +"1924年(10月2日)引入“单兵”或“现役”分类,从K1(组长、副班长、高级步兵等)到K14(战地指挥员、军指挥员、军区指挥员、军政委等)。","In 1924 (2 October) ""personal"" or ""service"" categories were introduced, from K1 (section leader, assistant squad leader, senior rifleman, etc.) to K14 (field commander, army commander, military district commander, army commissar and equivalent)." +"然而,设计人员往往并不能很好地把握设计与功能之间的平衡,从而创造出华而不实的数据可视化形式,无法达到其主要目的,也就是传达与沟通信息。","Yet designers often fail to achieve a balance between form and function, creating gorgeous data visualizations which fail to serve their main purpose — to communicate information""." +12 在闭音节中。,12 In a closed syllable. +唯一可发动光之魔法的人。,She's the only one can do Sorcery. +"第一代于1984年巴黎车展上亮相(代号021A)并在同年4月27日开始正式在生产线上投入生产,并证明了西班牙制造的汽车是成功的,因为它总共售出了1,342,001台。","Introduced in the 1984 Paris Motor Show, the SEAT Ibiza Mk1 (codenamed 021A) entered production in the 'Zona Franca' assembly lines on 27 April 1984 and proved to be a success for the Spanish manufacturer, as it sold 1,342,001 units until the launch of its second generation in 1993." +"起初案件据报是枪击案,但尸检报告证实巴洛奇是在睡梦中被人掐死,案发时间是7月15日到16日晚上11点15分到11点30分左右,尸体被发现时距离她死亡已有15或16个小时。","It was first reported as a shooting, but an autopsy report confirmed that Baloch was murdered by asphyxiation while she was asleep, on the night of 15–16 July, around 11:15 p.m. to 11:30 p.m." +"霍尔试图逃往莫斯科,却在1951年10月8日在墨西哥城被捕。","Hall's attempt to flee to Moscow failed when he was picked up in Mexico City on October 8, 1951." +"琼斯写道,金赛的性活动影响了他的研究工作:访问了过多的囚犯和妓女,把一些单身的人归类为“已婚”,并指出他所访问的男同性恋人数不与大众人口成比例,这可能令他的研究失去真实性。","Jones wrote that Kinsey's sexual activity influenced his work, that he over-represented prisoners and prostitutes, classified some single people as ""married"", and that he included a disproportionate number of homosexual men, which may have distorted his studies." +"FAT – File Allocation Table,使用在DOS和Microsoft Windows;FAT12、FAT16和FAT32使用12、16和32位表深度。","FAT – File Allocation Table, initially used on DOS and Microsoft Windows and now widely used for portable USB storage and some other devices; FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 for 12-, 16- and 32-bit table depths." +他将他对于恐龙的兴趣归诸于一篇刊载于1953年9月7日发行之生活杂志上的文章。,"He attributes his interest in dinosaurs to his reading an article in the September 7, 1953, issue of Life magazine." +"十六世纪,葡萄牙人与日本商业贸易,葡萄牙游戏牌也传到日本。","During the mid 16th century, Portuguese traders introduced playing cards to Japan." +"其在武吉免登路和苏丹依斯迈路周边设有5个入口,使乘客可轻易抵达附近的几个购物中心如吉隆坡柏威年广场、升禧艺廊、乐天广场。","It has up to 5 entrances around the crossroads of Jalan Bukit Bintang and Jalan Sultan Ismail, allowing commuters access to several malls in the vicinity, for example Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and Lot 10." +格奥尔基·瓦西里耶夫曾于1941年和1942年两次获得斯大林奖。,Georgi Vasilyev received two Stalin Prizes in 1941 and 1942. +"纳米颗粒具有重要的科学研究价值,它搭起了大块物质和原子、分子之间的桥梁。",Nanoparticles are of great scientific interest as they are effectively a bridge between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures. +"9月14日,艾莉婕在脸书上确认说这张专辑将推迟到2013年初发行。","On 14 September, Alizée announced on Facebook that the album had been delayed until early 2013." +M80“黄蜂”的弹头具有以90度的角度贯穿300毫米的实心钢的破坏力。,The M80's warhead has the potential to penetrate 300 mm of solid steel at a 90-degree angle. +"接下来直到1000年的时期中,封建制���进一步发展,从而削弱神圣罗马帝国。","The subsequent period, ending around 1000, saw the further growth of feudalism, which weakened the Holy Roman Empire." +"目前还不确定减少群众聚集地(例如关闭学校和工作场所)是否能减少病毒的传播,因为患有流感的人可能只是从一处移到了另一处,同时此类的措施执行不易且不受欢迎。","It is uncertain if reducing public gatherings, by for example closing schools and workplaces, will reduce transmission since people with influenza may just be moved from one area to another; such measures would also be difficult to enforce and might be unpopular." +"根据2014年的报道,大卫·高耶正在筹划制作一部名为《氪星》的前传性质电视剧。","In 2014, it was reported that David S. Goyer was developing a prequel television series titled Krypton." +"2008年2月11日,欧洲广播联盟表示允许苏格兰的一家广播公司申请加入联盟,但在目前的规则限定下,仍只能由英国广播公司独家代表整个英国参加欧洲歌唱大赛。","On 11 February 2008 the EBU stated that a Scottish broadcaster could apply for EBU membership, but under the current rules could not enter the Eurovision Song Contest as the BBC currently has exclusive rights to represent the entire United Kingdom." +"它们能够存活在带硫磺的溪流旁边,而那些含硫磺的水多是由煤矿排出的。",They are able to live alongside streams which contain the sulfurous water that drains away from coal mines. +"有法官指出,议会应该就此事进行辩论和决定。",Ryti had wanted parliament to decide on the matter. +"不同于AR-15/M16,AR-18没有得到长足的发展,没有被任何军队大量采用。","Unlike the AR-15/M16, the AR-18 did not see substantial sales success, and was never officially adopted by any country as their standard service rifle." +"这次怀孕没有再碰到什么危险,而且占星家预言玛利亚将诞下一名男婴并成为继承人。",No risks were taken this time and the astrologers predicted the birth of a son and heir. +"为此,HOLMES仔细处理大量信息,并确保没有忽略任何重要的线索。","To this end, HOLMES carefully processed the mass of information it was provided with and ensured that no vital clues were overlooked." +OM-2同时也提供了如OM-1的手动曝光模式供选择。,"The camera also offered a manual-exposure mode, as in the OM-1." +工作物所有人之责任是中华民国民法在侵权行为责任中规定的一种特殊态样。,Any other kind of advertising is a serious offence under Dutch law. +前莱希成员伊扎克·沙米尔在1983年成为以色列总理。,Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983. +《质量效应3》由BioWare开发并由艺电(EA)发行。,Mass Effect 3 was developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts (EA). +"当两个资料项 a 和 b 之间的比较结果,要和数值关联时,通常惯例是如果 a < b 则结果赋值为 -1,如果 a = b 则为 0,如果 a > b 则为 1。","When it is desired to associate a numeric value with the result of a comparison between two data items, say a and b, the usual convention is to assign −1 if a < b, 0 if a = b and 1 if a > b." +男性领导则声称他们找不到有能力的女性竞选候选人。,The male leadership would also claim that they could not find capable women to run as candidates. +"故事是倒叙,从未命名的女人的传记结束开始,到她的童年结束。","The story is written backwards, beginning with the end of the biography of the unnamed woman, and ending with her early childhood." +有着悲惨的背景。,Has a complicated background. +"美国密码学家威廉·弗雷德曼设计了M-325,这是一台与恩尼格玛密码机具有相似原理的机器,但它从没有被造出来过。","In the United States, cryptologist William Friedman designed the M-325, a machine logically similar, although not in construction." +他的任务是要维护城市的治安。,Its simple mandate was to protect the city. +"在历史上艺术有许多不同的功能,因此很难将艺术的目的抽象化成一个单一的概念。","Art has had a great number of different functions throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to abstract or quantify to any single concept." +"爱德华兹最大的骗局是利用新奥尔良棉花经纪商的回信伪造信件,制造他有大量棉花待售的假象,进而骗取大额银行本票后兑现。",Edwards' largest swindle involved forged letters from cotton brokers in New Orleans which he used to secure bank drafts for large sums that he then cashed. +白川村:于2014年3月31日退出。,Rassal Ashwood: de-declared on 31 March 2014. +"这里有Francesco Baratta所绘的“狂喜的圣方济各”,以及Andrea Bolgi和Niccolò Sale所作的雕塑。",It includes Francesco Baratta's Saint Francis in Ecstasy and sculptures by Andrea Bolgi and Niccolò Sale. +一本在藏。,Hidden Below. +供电由泰米尔纳德Electricity Board经营。,Electricity is supplied by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. +"卡普尔同意为这样的辩护提供资助,这两个人联系了纽约律师Rabinowitz、Boudin、Standard、Krinsky和Lieberman,为那些来自《Harper》杂志论坛的计算机黑客和曾成为特勤局目标的人辩护。","Kapor agreed to fund any legal fees associated with such a defense and the pair contacted New York lawyers Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky and Lieberman about defending several computer hackers from a Harper's magazine forum on computers and freedom who had been the target of Secret Service raids." +"1927年,此聚居地成为京普通斯基区(Timptonsky District)的行政中心,且直到1940年代之前仍为雅库特(今萨哈共和国)南部人口最多的聚居地。","In 1927, Nagorny became the administrative center of Timptonsky District and remained the most populous inhabited locality in southern Yakutia into the 1940s." +"然而,当难以或不可能建立实时端到端路径时,路由协议必须采用“存储和转发”方法,其中数据被递增地移动并存储在整个网络中,并期望它能最终到达其目的地。","However, when instantaneous end-to-end paths are difficult or impossible to establish, routing protocols must take to a ""store and forward"" approach, where data is incrementally moved and stored throughout the network in hopes that it will eventually reach its destination." +"大部分的政党内部运作已经是秘密的性质,例如:精确数量的会员是保密的。","Much of the party's inner workings have been clandestine in nature, for instance the precise number of members is kept secret." +"盘点区能够安排提供很多好处, 但其主要动机是用来增加 ETL 处理的效率, 确保资料完整及支持资料操作的品质。","Staging areas can be designed to provide many benefits, but the primary motivations for their use are to increase efficiency of ETL processes, ensure data integrity and support data quality operations." +"同时控制点也是自我评价(英语:self-evaluations)的四个核心维度之一,此外还有神经质(英语:neuroticism)、自我效能与自尊(英语:self-esteem)。","Locus of control is one of the four dimensions of core self-evaluations – one's fundamental appraisal of oneself – along with neuroticism, self-efficacy, and self-esteem." +"布拉赫提出纳粹的行动听命于纳粹意识形态理论,商业利益只是像社会的其他任何部门那样在很大程度上服从于专政,而且自从纳粹的行动常常不和于纯粹的经济观点看法的逻辑,“政治优先”占了上风。","Bracher argued that Nazi actions were dictated by Nazi ideological theory, that business interests were just as much subordinate to the dictatorship as any other section of society, and that since Nazi actions were often irrational from a purely economic point of view, a ""primacy of politics"" prevailed." +"在新石器时代,多个史前王朝的文化在上埃及和下埃及独立发展。","During the Neolithic era, several predynastic cultures developed independently in Upper and Lower Egypt." +"在变成吸血鬼后,她形容自己对世界有一种更清晰的世界观。","After being turned into a vampire, she describes having a much clearer view of the world." +"被《法柜奇兵》弃用的一些主要场景也被应用于这部影片:一场逃跑戏使用一个巨大的圆盘作为掩体,一场用橡皮筏从飞机上坠落的戏,以及一场矿车追逐戏。","The major scenes that were dropped from Raiders of the Lost Ark were included in this film: an escape using a giant rolling gong as a shield, a fall out of a plane in a raft, and a mine cart chase." +"根据分析 A {\displaystyle A} 的特征值,以上的特性可以用下面的方式阐述:在角的点上, A {\displaystyle A} 应该要有两个""大""的特征值。","By analyzing the eigenvalues of A {\displaystyle A} , this characterization can be expressed in the following way: A {\displaystyle A} should have two ""large"" eigenvalues for an interest point." +他们亦创造了死亡与黑暗。,Shade and Darkness was also taken. +"汤姆林曾推测“‘Aurelius Ursicinus’听起来是个老派的名字;它比较合适的一个外省的地主,而非一个军官或政府官员”。","This leads Tomlin to speculate ""The name ""Aurelius Ursicinus"" might sound old-fashioned; it would certainly have been more appropriate to a provincial landowner than an army officer or government official""." +"不过该行星可能还未运行完完整的一周,其存在与否仍然存疑。",But the truth cannot be hidden for long and one day her secret is exposed. +"这次大规模的擅离职守事件即有可能是由于一名德鲁兹派民兵领导人被逮捕,导致民兵们领不到薪水,也有可能是民兵们不希望他们的地盘被政府军用来发动对东古塔地区的炮击。","The desertions were either due to the arrest of a Druze militia leader, the militiamen not receiving their salaries or the militia's unwillingness to let their area be used as a platform to shell East Ghouta." +"而在她的身后则有无数双眼睛在黑暗中正在闪烁,然而这些“眼睛”实为飞舞的萤火虫,并集合在一起形成老虎吼的影像。","Behind her in the darkness there are dozens of pairs of blinking eyes, but they are revealed to be fireflies which fly around her before forming an image of a roaring tiger in the sky." +雪松山组的早期地层含有不同的结节龙科物种。,Earlier layers within the Cedar Mountain Formation contain different nodosaur species. +"但是由于人为错误的必然性,即便经过检查单流程,仍可能出现飞机没有正确配置的情况。","However, due to the inevitability of human error, even the checklist procedure can lead to failures to properly configure the aircraft." +"沙皇政府强迫卡尔梅克汗接受一个东正教堂,同时继续要求卡尔梅克汗提供骑兵为俄国作战。","In addition, the Tsarist government imposed a council on the Kalmyk Khan, thereby diluting his authority, while continuing to expect the Kalmyk Khan to provide cavalry units to fight on behalf of Russia." +"2012年9月,拉斯穆森报导和电信公司成立了一个全国的电视节目,名为“美国如何看待斯科特拉斯穆森”。","In September 2012, Rasmussen Reports and Telco Productions launched a nationally syndicated television show called What America Thinks With Scott Rasmussen." +"1989年,波兰脱离苏维埃的共产势力,恢复原本的11月11日独立纪念日。","As Poland emerged from communism in 1989, the original holiday—on its original 11 November date—was restored." +"该工作室还首次使用基于物理的人眼模型,即使眼睛比真人更大,而且比真人更加风格化。","The studio also used physically-based human eye models for the characters for the first time, even if the eyes are larger and more stylized than in real humans." +"部分单位现已合并,店铺数目减少到约40个。","Some of the units have been combined, reducing the number of shops to around 40." +"洛韦拉的《编年史》第51章说,这场饥荒从1554年持续到了1555年,并且一些印第安人又回到了人食人的行为。","Lobera, Chronica, Capítulo LI, says the famine lasted from 1554 into 1555 and some Indians resorted to cannibalism." +"1799年开始,他定期为《爱丁堡杂志》撰文,并在20岁时成为该杂志的编辑。","He began writing in 1799 as a regular contributor to the Edinburgh Magazine, of which he acted as editor at the age of twenty." +珀蒂帕被认为是芭蕾舞历史上最具有影响力的大师和编舞者之一。,Petipa is considered to be one of the most influential ballet masters and choreographers in ballet history. +"在此期间,戈德温欠下了更多的债务,而玛丽与其继母之间的关系也日益敌对,这让戈德温家庭的气氛更趋于恶劣。","Meanwhile, the Godwin household became even more uncomfortable as Godwin sank further into debt and as relations between Mary and her stepmother became increasingly hostile." +随着接触渐渐开始喜欢真那。,I like to climb it really slowly. +主演乔纳·希尔称他的第一个拍摄日是在2012年9月4号开始的。,"Jonah Hill announced that his first day of shooting was September 4, 2012." +"城铁网络多数在1960年代及1970年代实施,目标希望建立全面的地铁系统,但到了1980年代几乎所有城市都因财政困难而放弃了这个目标。","Stadtbahn networks were mostly implemented in the 1960s and 1970s with the long-term goal of establishing a full-scale metro system, but by the 1980s virtually all cities had abandoned these plans due to the excessive costs associated with converting the tramways." +"吸血鬼随后告诉戈登,自己巢穴中的其他吸血鬼被猎人所杀,所以他打算要重建家庭。","The vampire later explains to Gordon that hunters killed his nest, and now he wants to rebuild his family." +"尼维斯的一间酒店因受损而关闭,导致800人因此失业。",A damaged hotel in Nevis left 800 people unemployed due to its closure. +"在俄罗斯帝国和苏联早期的几次普查中,明格列尔人被认为是一个单独的民族,主要是因为他们在中世纪在政治上与格鲁吉亚王国的历史政治和文化中心分开。","In several censuses under the Russian Empire and the early Soviet Union, Megrelians were considered a separate group, largely because at the time of the annexation Samegrelo was politically separate from eastern Georgia, the historical political and cultural centers of the Medieval Georgian Kingdoms." +一组病例的死亡率约为2%。,Mortality in one series of cases was about 2%. +他与兄弟之间的矛盾日益加剧。,He came into increasing conflict with his brothers. +"同源6-庚烯基自由基环化仍然是有选择性的,但是要慢得多,竞争性的副反应在当这些中间产物参与反应时是一个重要问题。","Cyclization of the homologous 6-heptenyl radical is still selective, but is much slower—as a result, competitive side reactions are an important problem when these intermediates are involved." +"场景经理罗宾·希格斯于2006年10月开始寻找拍摄地点,他探访了利物浦,并主要集中在城市的海滨。","While scouting for shooting locations in October 2006, location manager Robin Higgs visited Liverpool, concentrating mainly along the city's waterfront." +"虽然事故原因仍未查明,但军方却指事件为纵火所致。","While no official cause of the accident has been released, officials have excluded terrorism as a cause for the incident." +"另外,萝卜糕和芋头糕也会被作为贺年的年糕。",Wigs and other hairpieces are also forbidden for this age group. +"君士坦丁的祖父亚尔宾之子肯尼思(Cináed mac Ailpín,858年逝世)是其家族又载可查的第一个国王,但称号是皮克特人的国王。","Constantine's grandfather Kenneth I of Scotland (Cináed mac Ailpín, died 858) was the first of the family recorded as a king, but as king of the Picts." +"Blue Moon Rendering Tools,简写为BMRT,直译为蓝月亮渲染工具集,是最著名的符合RenderMan规范的逼真渲染系统之一,是英伟达已停止开发的Gelato渲染器的前身。","Blue Moon Rendering Tools, or BMRT, was one of the most famous RenderMan-compliant photorealistic rendering systems and was a precursor to NVIDIA's Gelato renderer." +"纽勤公司 (NASDAQ:NEOG)是一家国际食品安全公司,提供检测试剂盒和相关产品,用于检测食品中的危险物质。",Neogen Corp. (NASDAQ: NEOG) is an international food safety company that provides test kits and relevant products to detect dangerous substances in food. +"而作为同级的第二艘舰,德皇威廉二世号则被推迟至1896年初——即议会批准该舰用于1896-1897年度的预算后。","A second member of the class, Kaiser Wilhelm II, was delayed until early 1896, when the Reichstag approved the ship for the 1896–1897 budget." +"今日许多科技上的问题受限于材料能够容许的极限,也因此,在此领域的突破在未来科技具有指标性的影响。","Many of the most pressing scientific problems that are faced today are due to the limitations of the materials that are available and, as a result, breakthroughs in this field are likely to have a significant impact on the future of technology." +红茶将被按照两种方法之一进行加工:CTC方法(碾碎(Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl))或者传统方法。,"Then black teas are processed in either of two ways, CTC (Crush, Tear, Curl) or orthodox." +"到7月底,美国国家公园管理局和其他机构已经动员了全部的人力,但是火还在继续扩散。","At the end of July, the National Park Service and other agencies had fully mobilized available personnel, and yet the fires continued to expand." +"玩家以轨迹球控制弹珠的移动,但大多数家用版本使用手柄的方向键控制。","The player controls the marble's movements with a trackball, though most home versions use game controllers with directional pads." +中国其他主流搜索引擎也随之放宽了审查尺度。,One of the major Chinese search engines also blocks these words. +葬在伯利恒他父亲的坟墓里。,Asahel is buried him in his father’s tomb at Bethlehem. +"而加工过的石油带来的收益,白俄罗斯分得15%,俄罗斯则有85% 。","In exchange, the revenues from this oil processed in Belarus would be shared by 15% for Belarus and 85% for Russia." +"团队的各个成员通常相互交流,甚至在各自的漫画系列中互相帮助破案。","Various members of the group usually interact with one another and assist in each other's cases, even within their respective series." +"琉球神道是琉球(琉球群岛)的传统宗教信仰,因其崇拜龙宫(ニライカナイ)和御岳,所以又称为“龙宫信仰”、“御岳信仰”。","According to Qatada ibn al-Nu'man, the content soul (an-nafs al-mutma'inna) is, ""the soul of the believer, made calm by what Allah has promised." +"在《肉米花问题》,莉拉的姓氏陶朗加,第一次出现。","In the episode ""The Problem with Popplers"", Leela's family name, Turanga, was used for the first time." +美国铸币局局长的1924年年度报告中则称两人是“争取公民和宗教自由的领袖”。,"The 1924 Report of the Director of the Mint explained that both were ""leaders in the strife for civil and religious liberty""." +霍兰德则下令第二次向左转舵20°将他的舰只航向与俾斯麦号和欧根亲王号相平行。,"Holland then ordered a second 20° turn to port, to bring his ships on a parallel course with Bismarck and Prinz Eugen." +"1月1日, 卢森堡同性婚姻生效。",January 1 — Same-sex marriage became legal in Luxembourg. +"根据对公元前115年全面大屠杀的记载,昔兰尼加,塞浦路斯和美索不达米亚的犹太居民人数同样很多。","To judge by the accounts of wholesale massacres in 115 BCE, the number of Jewish residents in Cyrenaica, Cyprus, and Mesopotamia was also large." +"1989年到1991年,凯恩任堪萨斯城联邦储备银行��马哈支行主席。",Cain was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Omaha Branch from 1989 to 1991. +"哈比卜斡旋下的完成的停火协议要求以色列和巴解组织撤离贝鲁特,而由美国海军陆战队、法国军队和意大利军队组成的多国部队将会派往当地以确保巴解组织撤离并保护手无寸铁的当地平民。","The Habib-negotiated truce called for the withdrawal of both Israeli and PLO elements, as well as a multinational force composed of U.S. Marines along with French and Italian units that would ensure the departure of the PLO and protect defenseless civilians." +1981年4月20日:被告律师声请再审。,"20 March 1981, judgment of appeal: all defendants were acquitted." +"在描述为 “拆解” 过程的情况下, BCPL的交集和联集运算子被替换为&和|(后来变成&&和||)。","In what has been described as a ""strip-down"" process, the and and or operators of BCPL were replaced with & and | (which would later become && and ||, respectively.)." +"联合国贸易和发展会议(UNCTAD)及经济合作暨发展组织(OECD)等国际组织持续举办各场国际论坛,提倡全面适用竞争法于公营及私营企业上的新自由主义。","Increasingly active at all international conferences are the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which is prone to making neo-liberal recommendations about the total application of competition law for public and private industries." +"车长有权利对战车进行全面监控以及监测,也可以控制炮手的武器。",The commander has the ability to carry out all-round surveillance and can take full control of the weapons from the gunner. +"留异以为官军从钱塘江攻上,但侯安都却由会稽、诸暨的步道偷袭,他十分恐惧,逃离东阳郡到桃支岭,于岭口架设栅栏巩固自己安全。","He reached the Guardian's citadel, but Jordan, thinking quickly, covered him with mud (so his ring could affect him) and shattered his armor, believing this would kill him." +"在战争爆发的前一年,1972年10月24日,萨达特在一次与军方高层的会议中,透露了他发起战争的意图,即使是在苏联并不支持的情况下。","Almost a full year before the war, in an October 24, 1972, meeting with his Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Sadat declared his intention to go to war with Israel even without proper Soviet support." +"一些评论者认为双性人孩子的生殖器改变手术侵犯了儿童的人权,这些孩子一出生因为拥有双性生殖器而被医生诊断修正。","Several commentators maintain that children's rights are violated not only by FGM but also by the genital alteration of intersex children, who are born with anomalies that physicians choose to correct." +当日摩羯缓慢地向西北方移动。,The bank is moving very slowly westward. +"1984年,她旅居英国伦敦。",He moved in 1984 to London. +第52低地步兵师(英语:52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division)将于行动开始后第五日飞往已被夺取的迪伦机场(英语:Deelen Air Base)。,The 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division would be flown to the captured Deelen Airfield on D+5. +"根据1971年的宪法第139条规定,埃及总统可委任一名或多名副总统确定其管辖范围,减轻他们的岗位。","According to article 139 of the 1971 Constitution, the President ""may appoint one or more Vice-Presidents define their jurisdiction and relieve them of their posts." +"两个月后,各大区主席齐集瓦努科市,建立了大区政府国民议会(Asamblea Nacional de Gobiernos Regionales)作为替代协调机构,与中央政府相互独立。","Two months later, the regional presidents gathered in the city of Huánuco established a National Assembly of Regional Governments (Spanish: Asamblea Nacional de Gobiernos Regionales) as an alternative coordinating institution, independent from the Central Government." +获澳大利亚电影评论圈最佳外语片提名。,It was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Award by the Film Critics Circle of Australia. +壁柱装饰有八位教会博士像。,The pilasters are decorated with the eight Doctors of the Church. +此约定显然与将埃德蒙及其弟罗杰从国王监护下解放出来送到威尔士的计划相联系。,This agreement was apparently connected to a plot to free Edmund and his brother Roger from King Henry's custody and carry them into Wales. +"举起你的双手吧,新中国是我们的。",The other two chines are Ladder Chine and New Chine. +"德普·苏尔坦与其家人后来还收到恐吓信,威胁若继续进行诉讼将杀死他们,导致国际特赦组织写信呼吁国际对苏尔坦一家人进行“紧急行动”。","Sultan and his family received threats that they would be killed if they continued to pursue the case, causing Amnesty International to call for an ""Urgent Action"" letter-writing campaign on their behalf." +"第一,来自专家和亲市场改革主义者��求基于1985年崩溃之后硬改革社会主义的政治崩溃,对北越模式最终解决的强大压力。","First, there was strong pressure from technocrats and pro-market reformists for a final solution to the DRV model, based upon the political collapse of hard reform socialism after the 1985 debacle." +"2007年7月7日,她参加Live Earth在德国汉堡的演唱会。","On 7 July 2007, she performed at the German leg of Live Earth in Hamburg." +"蒙古的记载显示在由于窝阔台之死被蒙古召回之前,拔都计划完全征服所有的欧洲诸国,以对奥地利、意大利和德国的冬季攻势为起点。","Mongolian records indicate that Batu Khan was planning a complete conquest of the remaining European powers, beginning with a winter attack on Austria, Italy and Germany, when he was recalled to Mongolia upon the death of Great Khan Ögedei." +"这理论说得很多,但是并没有真的带领我们更加接近于“上帝”的秘密。","The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old one'." +"1967年3月22日,他到美国舰队对空作战训练中心报到,接受训练成为一名战争情报中心监查官。","On March 22, 1967, he reported to the U.S. Fleet Anti-Air Warfare Training Center for training as a Combat Information Center Watch Officer." +"2008-09NBA季前赛前,哈里斯再次被火箭队弃用。","During the 2008-09 NBA preseason, Harris was released once again by the Rockets." +"在布宜诺斯艾利斯大学作为一名学生,1905年他参加了一次不成功的革命。","As a student at the University of Buenos Aires, he participated in an unsuccessful revolution in 1905." +"对于一个排序理想的性能是 O ( n ) {\displaystyle O(n)} ,但平均而言不可能达到。","Ideal behavior for a serial sort is O(n), but this is not possible in the average case." +"环境经济学家提出,提高效率与保持使用成本相同(或更高)的保护政策,以避免Jevons的悖论。",Some environmental economists have proposed that efficiency gains be coupled with conservation policies that keep the cost of use the same (or higher) to avoid the Jevons paradox. +"本场决赛是海因克斯担任主教练的最后一场比赛,而尼科·科瓦奇将于2018-19赛季接掌拜仁。","The final was the last match for Heynckes as a manager, with Frankfurt's Niko Kovač taking over Bayern for the 2018–19 season." +这个计划的代号为Cairo。,This successor was codenamed Cairo. +另外两个版本是:550 MHz于1999年5月17日推出;600MHz于1999年8月2日推出。,"Two more versions were released: 550 MHz on May 17, 1999 and 600 MHz on August 2, 1999." +在大台阶的顶端有一座弗雷德里克·威廉四世的骑马雕像和建筑内部阶梯上的带状装饰是由奥托·格耶创作的从史前时代至19世纪的德国历史。,"An equestrian statue of Frederick William IV tops the stairs, and the inside stairs have a frieze by Otto Geyer depicting German history from prehistoric times to the 19th century." +"酒石酸锑钾最早的药用是在1906年用于治疗锥虫病的试验,并随即开展了用这种化合物治疗其他热带病的研究。","The first treatment application against trypanosomiasis was tested in 1906, and the compound's use to treat other tropical diseases was researched." +"其中来自金凯德最令人震惊的信号是,他们在苏里高海峡的行动后,第7舰队的战舰弹药严重不足。","One of the most alarming signals from Kinkaid reported, after their action in Surigao Strait, 7th Fleet's own battleships were critically low on ammunition." +该协议于同年的11月13日由28个成员国中的其中23个签署。,The agreement was signed on 13 November by 23 of the 28 members states. +"同年他被邀请前往瑞典斯德哥尔摩任职,但并未接受。","In the same year he received an invitation to become a professor in Stockholm, which he rejected." +蓝调摇滚始于英国和美国的摇滚音乐家表演美国蓝调歌曲。,Blues rock started with rock musicians in the United Kingdom and the United States performing American blues songs. +我曾经有机会用这种方法放弃学习而投身科学。,I had to put an end to this kind of teaching as soon as possible. +"她曾进行一项调查,吸引了6000则响应,这项调查显示,她的读者主要是:新加坡籍、女性、对时尚感兴趣的青年,以及“寻找另类声音”者。","According to a survey she conducted, which attracted 6000 responses, her readers are mainly Singaporean, female, young adults interested in fashion and ""looking for an alternative voice""." +十三个月的惨淡销售之后人们放弃它。,The system was abandoned thirteen months later after poor sales. +"作为一个跨州机构,港口事务管理局不受纽约市管理和当地法律的限制,其中包括建筑标准。","As an interstate agency, the Port Authority was not subject to local laws and regulations of the City of New York, including building codes." +"后来成为第一任以色列总理的戴维·本-古里安���第二任以色列总统的伊扎克·本-兹维,在1918年试着以意第绪语写一份论文,希望证明巴勒斯坦农业社会的生活模式,是来自于圣经时期的以色列。","David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later becoming Israel's first Prime Minister and second President, respectively, suggested in a 1918 paper written in Yiddish that Palestinian peasants and their mode of life were living historical testimonies to Israelite practices in the biblical period." +"船上大约有150名移民,船是从利比亚开往意大利。","There were about 150 migrants on board, heading from Libya to Italy." +"全球两栖动物评估报导,两栖动物在全球范围内下降比其他任何脊椎动物组快,与正在濒临灭绝所有幸存的物种超过32% 。","The Global Amphibian Assessment reports that amphibians are declining on a global scale faster than any other vertebrate group, with over 32% of all surviving species being threatened with extinction." +这张专辑还包括流行单曲《You Were Meant for Me》、《谁将拯救你的灵魂》和《Foolish Games》。,"The album spawned the Top 10 hits ""You Were Meant for Me"", ""Who Will Save Your Soul"", and ""Foolish Games""." +加拿大 加拿大谴责处决。,Canada Canada denounced the execution. +"谈论变得激烈,其中一人抽了枪,射杀了D'Aquilla。",The discussion became heated and one of the men drew a gun and shot D'Aquilla dead. +"贝内特在1935年提出了一系列类似新政的计划,但是这些计划全部都被否决、也造成他在1935年的落选。","In 1935, Bennett proposed a series of programs that resembled the New Deal; but was defeated in the elections of that year and no such programs were passed." +"在冬季,在格拉纳达会下雪,但是在热带海岸有10摄氏度。","In the winter, it can be snowing in Granada and 10 °C (50 °F) on the Costa Tropical." +"此时皮泽洛旗下有168人,当中106人是步兵,62人是骑兵。","At this point, Pizarro had 168 men under his command: 106 on foot and 62 on horses." +性格可以由特殊道具或是书籍改变。,The personalities may be changed by use of special items and books. +"在这种做法下,微积分是一组处理极限的技巧。","In this treatment, calculus is a collection of techniques for manipulating certain limits." +CNH Capital向北美、澳大利亚、巴西和西欧的经销商和客户提供金融产品和服务。,"CNH Capital offered financial products and services to dealers and customers in North America, Australia, Brazil and Western Europe." +一刹那顷。,Just a minute. +"直到今天为止,该记录也仅被猫王1956年参加的艾迪·苏利文秀(Ed Sullivan)所超越,当时的收视率是82.6%。","That record is surpassed only by Elvis Presley's first of three appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show, which aired on September 9, 1956 (82.6% rating)." +"他是美国历史上最年长、最富有、以及第一个先前没有担任过任何军职或公职的总统,他也是第五位获得普选票数少于对手但当选总统(英语:United States presidential elections in which the winner lost the popular vote)的人。","He became the oldest and wealthiest person ever to assume the presidency, the first without prior military or government service, and the fifth to have won the election while losing the popular vote." +"至此,全员终于得以到齐。",They all finally reached safety. +"PT-91E即名为SP1的首辆原型车(就是出现在2005年吉隆坡阅兵式上的那一台),PT-91Ex是第二辆原型车,原名SP2。","PT-91E is a first prototype initially named SP1 (it is the same vehicle as was shown on military parade in Kuala Lumpur in 2005), PT-91Ex is a second prototype named SP2." +"在游戏机推出很久之前,任天堂已经开发并获得了GameCube早期运动控制器原型的专利,开发商Factor 5(英语:Factor 5)曾尝试过为其开发游戏。","Long before the console's launch, Nintendo had developed and patented an early prototype of motion controls for the GameCube, with which developer Factor 5 had experimented for its launch games." +"1923年,孙中山和苏联代表越飞在上海发表联合声明,表示苏联将协助中国的国家统一。",In 1923 a joint statement by Sun and a Soviet representative in Shanghai pledged Soviet assistance for China's national unification. +"在1940年至1941年间,巴洛克风格的特征被删除,该堂恢复了原始的简单。","In the years 1940–1941, the Baroque features were removed and the Basilica was returned to a more primitive simplicity." +"在1889年1月3日,尼采开始显露出精神状况不稳的征兆。","On 3 January 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental breakdown." +"虽然在彼尔姆有其他人说在那次谋杀之后,曾经看过阿纳斯塔西娅、亚历山德拉皇后及她的姐姐们,但是现在已经被认为这是一个没有根据的谣传。","Although other witnesses in Perm later reported that they saw Anastasia, her mother and sisters in Perm after the murders, this story is now widely discredited." +"1728年他��选入法国科学院(French Academy of Sciences),2年后被选入伦敦的皇家学会。","In 1728 he was elected into the French Academy of Sciences, and two years later into the Royal Society of London." +所有的神都有一种能力。,All of the gods had a power. +"现在他是一名富有的人,盖兹比想要她回来,但Daisy嫁给了Tom Buchanan,还有生了一个女儿。","Now a wealthy man, Gatsby wants her back, but Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan and has a daughter now." +"2015年2月6日,IMAX公司和索尼宣布,这部电影将转制成IMAX格式,并于2015年3月6日在美国各大戏院放映。","On February 6, 2015, IMAX Corporation and Sony announced that the film would be digitally re-mastered into the IMAX format and released into IMAX theatres domestically on March 6, 2015." +"现代人类开始埋葬死者、制作衣服、发展复杂的狩猎技巧(如使用诱捕坑或逼使动物跳下峭壁),并从事石洞壁画。","Modern humans started burying their dead, using animal hides to make clothing, hunting with more sophisticated techniques (such as using trapping pits or driving animals off cliffs), and engaging in cave painting." +一名西方国家的外交官表示这次袭击“具有大的象征意义并呈现出新的战术策略”。,"A western diplomat said the assault was ""hugely symbolic and tactically new""." +"一级铁十字勋章共有两位女性获得,其中一位是飞行测试员汉娜·瑞奇。","Two Iron Cross 1st Class recipients were women, one of whom was test pilot Hanna Reitsch." +"在“协议条款”中,瓦迪斯瓦夫保证为军校的建设和设备提供资金,寻找方法投资建设一支海军,保持现有同盟关系,未经议会批准不会征募军队、向外国人授予公职或军衔、议和或宣战,未经上院批准不会私娶配偶,保证其兄弟对联邦效忠,将王室铸币厂的收益交给国库而非私人金库。","In the pacta conventa, Władysław pledged himself to fund a military school and equipment; to find a way to fund a naval fleet; to maintain current alliances; not to raise armies, give offices or military ranks to foreigners, negotiate peace treaties or declare war without the Sejm's approval; not to take a wife without the Senate's approval; to convince his brothers to take an oath to the Commonwealth; and to transfer the profits from the Royal Mint to the Royal Treasury rather than to a private treasury." +"它们的防御能力也得到了提高,因为它们受到了范围更广的装甲带所覆盖。","They had improved defensive capabilities, as they were protected by a more extensive armored belt." +到2005年2月以色列施行拆除自杀爆炸者的家庭房屋的政策。,"Until February 2005, Israel had in place a policy to demolish the family homes of suicide bombers after giving them a notice to evacuate." +"最后,泰瑞的尸体被现任恐惧先生霍特创造的特殊装置摧毁。",The corpses are destroyed by a unique device created by the current Mr. Terrific. +现在该校的主要竞争对手是奥罗拉高中。,The school's chief rival is Aurora High School. +乙卯荐士?,Quarterback U? +"红皮书也保留了所谓的 Q 副通 道(Q subchannel)中的控制码,来提供四声道是否存在的资讯,但并未解说在 CD 系统上如何使用四声道。","The Red Book also reserved the first bit of the so-called Q subchannel ""control field"" to signal the presence of four-channel audio, but did not specify a method for using four-channel in the CD system." +一般用来盛高球鸡尾酒或其他混合饮料。,It is used to serve highball cocktails and other mixed drinks. +"他们占据了这个接纳了他们的国家的经济领域的上端,赚取的薪水有泰国全体劳动者平均工资的六到十二倍之高。","They occupied the upper end of the economic spectrum, earning salaries ranging from six to twelve times higher than the average Thai corporate worker." +"这种意识形态的基本要旨是:种族是远古的,自然的,一成不变的,各不相同的。","According to this ideology, races are primordial, natural, enduring and distinct." +"1976年12月,徐孟加加入中国人民解放军,在59035部队当一名普通战士。","In December 1976, he joined the People's Liberation Army, serving in 59035 Army." +"但是哈罗德的军队由于供应的不足和收获季节到来导致的士气下降而减少,他于9月8日解散了他的军队。","Harold kept his forces on alert throughout the summer, but with the arrival of the harvest season he disbanded his army on 8 September." +"尽管已经停火,因为亚美尼亚与阿塞拜疆军人之间的武装冲突而死亡者仍然持续发生。","Despite the ceasefire, fatalities due to armed conflicts between Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers continued." +》的三位主角。,Three main characters. +"2005年阿不杜拉81岁生日时登基,苏尔坦立刻被升为王储。","King Abdullah ascended the throne in 2005 on his 81st birthday, whereupon Prince Sultan was automatically promoted to the position of crown prince." +进一步研究表明W(O)(CHt-Bu)(Cl)2(PEt)3之类的含氧钨络合物也有催化作用。,"In another development, certain tungsten oxo complexes of the type W(O)(CHt-Bu)(Cl)2(PEt)3 were also found to be effective." +大学成为进入公职的途径。,Universities became career pathways to public office. +"罪名经告知后,认为应变更者,应再告知。","After a case is filed against him by the anti group, and attending the court, people will come to know the truth then." +"改变理论之创新在于(1)区别想要与实际效果的差异,以及(2)在他们决定介入形式以达到那些效果之前,要求诸利害关系人先形塑其所想要的效果。",The innovation of Theory of Change lies (1) in making the distinction between desired and actual outcomes and (2) in requiring stakeholders to model their desired outcomes before they decide on forms of intervention to achieve those outcomes. +"粗略的,我们可以说一个或另一个是真;接着我们可以说一个不是真;那么我们可以推导出另一个必须是真。",If we are told that at least one of two statements is true; and also told that it is not the former that is true; we can infer that it has to be the latter that is true. +他曾在《查理和巧克力工厂》中演出。,They again worked together on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical. +"第一次巴尔干战争于1913年5月30日结束,两艘舰曾考虑撤回至德国海域。","The First Balkan War ended on 30 May 1913, and there was some consideration given to withdrawing the pair to German waters." +"在2007年前贝尔斯登经理被投资人提起民事诉讼,这些投资人中包括巴克莱银行,皆声称他们被贝尔斯登误导。","They were also named in civil lawsuits brought in 2007 by investors, including Barclays Bank, who claimed they had been misled." +"这一版的规则某些程度上被现代化了,但大体而言与第一版相当类似。","The rules were modernised to some extent, but were largely similar to those of the 1st edition." +"巴基斯坦采取中立政策,2012年,巴基斯坦要求举行“包容性”对话,通过政治途径解决争端。","Pakistan adopted a policy of neutrality, calling for a political settlement through an ""inclusive"" dialogue in 2012." +"1590年,韦达发现了西班牙密码的解,它包括500多个字符,这意味着法国手中所有的密函都可以轻易破解。","In 1590, Viète discovered the key to a Spanish cipher, consisting of more than 500 characters, and this meant that all dispatches in that language which fell into the hands of the French could be easily read." +他也拥有意大利护照。,"He has an Italian passport, too." +"它是在西部非洲的两个东西向的跨国公路之一,从内陆运行,大致平行于非洲西部沿海横贯高速公路,约900公里(559英里)的距离。","It is one of two east-west transnational links in West Africa and runs inland from and, for most of its length, roughly parallel to the Trans–West African Coastal Highway with a separation of about 900 km (559 mi)." +"Lieury认为《脑力训练2》作为游戏是可以接受的,但对任天堂称其为科学实验则认为是一种诈骗,Lieury反驳了公司《脑力训练2》是像《轻松头脑教室》一样的教育娱乐产品,以及可以改善血液流向大脑并能提高“实用智力”的主张。","Lieury finds Brain Age 2 acceptable as a game, but considers it charlatanism for Nintendo to claim it as a scientific test, countering the company's assertions that its edutainment products such as Big Brain Academy and Brain Age 2 can improve blood flow to the brain and supposedly improving ""practical intelligence""." +"2018年12月,瓜伊多被选为委内瑞拉全国代表大会议长,并在2019年1月5日宣誓就职。","Guaidó was elected President of the National Assembly of Venezuela in December 2018, and was sworn in on 5 January 2019." +"圣巴泰勒米岛的法规规定法国法律的自动应用,除了大多数这个领地内的税和移民事务,这些事务被留给这个领地。","The statute of Saint-Barthélemy provides the automatic application of French law, except mostly in the domain of taxes and immigration, which are left to the Territory." +"由劳工督察组成的八个特别视察组,负责监察雇主有否遵守各项劳工法例,以保障本地和输入劳工的权益。",Eight special enforcement teams of labour inspectors are responsible for monitoring employers' compliance with various labour legislation to safeguard the rights and benefits of local and imported workers. +"沙德里克的父亲之后称,儿子就是因为那件制服被盗而参军,还觉得自己间接导致儿子战死沙场。","Shadrick's father would later refer to the stolen school uniform as the reason Shadrick enlisted in the military, and said he felt it indirectly caused his son's death." +现时相关职能由防卫大臣负责。,"For this reason, this link is mediated by the Minister responsible for defence." +自伤者拥有相对较高的自杀风险;40–60%的自杀者���曾出现过一定程度的自伤行为。,There is also an increased risk of suicide in individuals who self-harm and self-harm is found in 40–60% of suicides. +"地球上很多的资源是脆弱的,因为它们会受到许多国家人类活动的影响。",Many of the earth's resources are especially vulnerable because they are influenced by human impacts across many countries. +"他在最著名的作品是在BBC肥皂剧东区人中饰演Joe Wicks角色,以及在ITC电视剧法律与秩序:英国中饰演Sam Casey角色。","He is best known for his roles as Joe Wicks in BBC's EastEnders, DS Sam Casey in ITV's Law & Order: UK, and Steve Bell in Channel 4's Ackley Bridge." +警方一直未能找到凶手。,Police can not find the killer. +"这趟远征活动时间较短,布鲁斯于1893年5月回到苏格兰,他没能完成它的主要任务,且只有很少的机会能够进行科研工作。","The relatively short expedition—Bruce was back in Scotland in May 1893—failed in its main purpose, and gave only limited opportunities for scientific work." +"资料流建模研究程序(由一种资料转换为另一种资料的活动)、资料储存、外部实体(会传送资料给系统,或由系统接收资料的事物)及资料流(资料流动的路径)。","Data Flow Modeling examines processes (activities that transform data from one form to another), data stores (the holding areas for data), external entities (what sends data into a system or receives data from a system), and data flows (routes by which data can flow)." +而天水围村则迁往今湿地公园和丰乐围交界。,The overflow water was then used for irrigating gardens. +"自从有选举以来,人们就想要预测选举的结果。",People have long been interested in predicting election outcomes. +"当时曾为极为平凡的人类,面对身为其救命恩人的灿的恩义,他磨练着他的“男子气概(おとこ)”。","He was admired by the people for his religious devotion, and was even called a Veli (""saint"")." +"人权团体声称,不丹政府干预公民的个人生活,要求所有居民,包括少数民族,在公共场所必须身着多数族群的传统服装。","Human rights groups initially claimed the government interfered with individual rights by requiring all citizens, including ethnic minority members, to wear the traditional dress of the ethnic majority in public places." +数学家们常常为寻求一种数学对象的完备分类(或列表)而努力。,Mathematicians often strive for a complete classification (or list) of a mathematical notion. +"强尼·戴普 饰 威尔·卡斯特博士(Dr. Will Caster),片中主角,一位人工智能的科学家。","Johnny Depp as Will Caster, a scientist researching artificial intelligence." +"一些女孩,她们不是KAMS成员,但她们目睹了萨尔瓦·朱达姆(Salwa Judum)成员对KAMS成员的暴行,也加入了毛派。","A number of girls, who were not the members of the KAMS but witnessed the atrocities upon the KAMS members by the Salwa Judum members, have also joined the Maoists." +"在英美法系的传统中,法律研究对法律的实务是很重要的,这可以被用来决定法律的现在状态。",Significant to the practice of law in the common law tradition is the legal research to determine the current state of the law. +东方蜜蜂Apis cerana 是南亚与东亚的传统养殖蜜蜂。,"Apis cerana, the eastern honey bee proper, is the traditional honey bee of southern and eastern Asia." +"该辑于2006年3月10日首播, 4月14日完结。","The series premiered on 10 March 2006, running until 14 April." +人类使用一些水生植物作为食物来源。,Some aquatic plants are used by humans as a food source. +"化学的中心地位可见于 Auguste Comte 对科学的系统化和层级化的划分,其中每个学科为其后面的学科提供更加全面的框架(数学 → 天文学 → 物理 → 化学 → 生理学和医学 → 社会科学)。",The central role of chemistry can be seen in the systematic and hierarchical classification of the sciences by Auguste Comte in which each discipline provides a more general framework for the area it precedes (mathematics → astronomy → physics → chemistry → physiology and medicine → social sciences). +"它如此地粗糙,以至于成为了动物和人旅行的一道障碍。",They are so rough that they are a barrier to travel by animals or man. +"TRIM可能需要很长时间才能完成,这取决于SSD中的固件,并还可能触发垃圾收集周期。","TRIM can take a lot of time to complete, depending on the firmware in the SSD, and may even trigger a garbage collection cycle." +雨果的童年在国家动荡中度过。,Hugo's childhood was a period of national political turmoil. +"本总科大部分的成员体型微小(小于1公分),且大部分为深棕色或黑色。","The vast majority of species are small (<1 cm), and predominantly dull brown or black." +"他为孩子们提供了开放式的教育,允许他们整天玩并目睹性魔法。","He offered a libertine education for the children, allowing them to play all day and witness acts of sex magic." +"两人依靠一笔不多的遗产和积蓄,和子女一起过简单的生活。","They lived modestly on a small inheritance and savings, living a quiet life with their children." +"1996年,RFC 2046指定了在互联网上传输JPEG图像的图形格式应使用JFIF。","In 1996, RFC 2046 specified that the image format used for transmitting JPEG images across the internet should be JFIF." +"1984年12月,All Ball从可可的笼子里逃出来,被一辆汽车撞死。","In December 1984, All Ball escaped from Koko's cage and was hit and killed by a car." +"韩尔礼在前往中国之前便已研习过中文,并且达到精通中文的程度。",Henry had studied Chinese before going to China and gained a great proficiency in the language. +1960年代初捷克斯洛伐克的经济下降。,"In the early 1960s, Czechoslovakia underwent an economic downturn." +"至2006年,东风5改进型机车由四方厂累计生产132台(1952~2083)。","By 2006, 132 locomotives of the new design had been built (numbers 1952 to 2083)." +"在科莫罗夫斯基公布日期前,一般认为最可能的日期为10月16日或10月23日。","Prior to the announcement of the election date, the most likely dates were thought to be 16 October or 23 October." +"编号为“Frey-Wyssling 13”的标本采集于巴罗斯山(Dolok ""Baros"")海拔1800米处。","A second specimen, Frey-Wyssling 13, was collected in Dolok ""Baros"", also at 1800 m." +美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)指责人民圣殿教存在技术违规并且将业余频率用于商业目的。,The FCC cited the Temple for technical violations and for using amateur frequencies for commercial purposes. +"HIV病毒在短短的1.5天里,完成了进入细胞,复制遗传物质,组装新病毒,释放感染其他细胞的过程。","The life cycle of HIV can be as short as about 1.5 days from viral entry into a cell, through replication, assembly, and release of additional viruses, to infection of other cells." +"在实践中,这一理论涵盖中央政府的激进政治发展与地方的社会创新。","In practice, the theory would involve radical developments in politics at the center, as well as social innovation in localities." +"在金融领域连续系统的研究中,随机微分方程的状态变数多半是财富或是净值,控制变数是不同时间下各资产的配置情形。","In a continuous time approach in a finance context, the state variable in the stochastic differential equation is usually wealth or net worth, and the controls are the shares placed at each time in the various assets." +"网页版界面可以允许软件发送诊断数据到一个网站,甚至能允许对应用软件进行远程控制。","A web interface could allow the software to post diagnostics data to a website, or could even allow remote control of the software application." +"N1-N2和N4-N5的键长都是1.10A,而N2-N3和N3-N4的键长都是1.30A。",The bond lengths for N1–N2 and N4–N5 are 1.10 Å and the bond lengths N2–N3 and N3–N4 are 1.30 Å. +"按照法律§ 19a违反禁令可以被处六个月监禁,再犯者可以被处一年监禁或罚款。","Violation of the ban entails, according to § 19a.b of the Law, imprisonment up to six months, repeated offenses one year or a fine." +于2015年7月26日检索。,Retrieved 26 July 2015. +"几个传说共同点是,这首歌是由当时还是公主的利留卡拉尼在1877或1878年在瓦胡岛的一个迎风面的牧场上骑马休闲的时候,被上校詹姆斯·哈博特博伊德的一个拥抱感动,在回到檀香山的途中所作。","They all have in common that the song was inspired by a notable farewell embrace given by Colonel James Harbottle Boyd during a horseback trip taken by Princess Liliʻuokalani in 1877 or 1878 to the Boyd ranch in Maunawili on the windward side of Oʻahu, and that the members of the party hummed the tune on the way back to Honolulu." +主要武器是身上大量的手枪。,And they keep a hell of a lot of weapons on hand. +"美沙酮单次剂量使用后作用迅速,但需持续使用五天才可达其最大效果。","While a single dose has a rapid effect, maximum effect can take five days of use." +公司有权组建自己的军队。,He has a power to own his army. +《孤岛惊魂3》设有一个沙盒编辑器。,Far Cry 3 features a sandbox editor. +"1850年4月4日,洛杉矶正式建市,比加州加入联邦的时间早了5个月。","Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850, five months before California achieved statehood." +"更广泛的说,显示管理器在本机电脑上执行一个或多个 X 服务器,并接受来自远端电脑上执行的 X 服务器的新连线。","More generally, a display manager runs one or more X servers on the local computer or accepts incoming connections from X servers running on remote computers." +"1962年也门革命期间,埃及从也门的基地攻击沙特阿拉伯,促使绍德寻求美国支持。","In 1962, however, Egypt attacked Saudi Arabia from bases in Yemen during the 1962 Yemeni revolution because of Saudi Arabia's Anti-revolution propaganda, which made Saud seek the U.S. support." +"维尔福表示,尽管为PlayStation 3提供了超过Xbox 360的额外支持,但是游戏的核心部分在各平台都是一样的。","Valve said that despite additional support for PlayStation 3 over Xbox 360, the core game is the same on both platforms." +"尼瓦尔灯节(尼瓦尔语:स्वन्ति)是尼泊尔的一个历时五天的传统节日,是尼瓦尔人每年最重要的节日之一。",Swanti (Devanagari: स्वन्ति) is a five-day festival of Nepal which is one of the year's greatest celebrations for the Newar people. +"然而,在望远镜于17世纪发明之前似乎从未被注意到。","However, none seem to have been noticed before the advent of the telescope in the early 17th century." +"一些基于Unix的实现,例如CLISP,可以作为脚本解释器使用;因此,系统可以像调用Perl或者Unix shell解释器一样透明地调用它。","Some Unix-based implementations (CLISP, SBCL) can be used as a scripting language; that is, invoked by the system transparently in the way that a Perl or Unix shell interpreter is." +"再者,若用户使用16位DOS驱动程序,Windows可能变得不稳定。","Further, if the user uses 16-bit DOS drivers, Windows can become unstable." +性格与姐姐相反的活泼女孩。,"A talkative girl in contrast to her sister, Kamu." +"空军炮手和飞行工程师章(德语:FliegerschützenabzeichenfürBordschützenund Bordmechaniker)是德国空军成员在空军炮手,机械师(飞行工程师)或机组气动学家完成两个月后授予的徽章,培训或参加过至少五次的作战飞行,就可以获得徽章。","The Air Gunner's and Flight Engineer's badge (German: Fliegerschützenabzeichen für Bordschützen und Bordmechaniker) was a German military decoration awarded to air gunners, mechanics (flight engineers) or aircrew meteorologists who were members of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) after they completed two months training or had taken part in at least five operational flights." +"就是在这段时间,以钢琴作为主要乐器的主意开始提出。",It was during these sessions that the idea of using a piano as lead instrument began to emerge. +"《CBS新闻》及其他媒体认为麦科特尔缺乏知名度,是个“默默无闻”的候选人。","CBS News and other outlets commented on McCotter's lack of name recognition and described him as a ""little-known"" candidate." +这座宏伟的石砌建筑与圣殿山的挡土墙一同建造。,The massive stone span was constructed along with the retaining walls of the Temple Mount. +"詹妮弗·克拉克(Jennifer A. Clack)的研究显示早期的四足类,如棘螈,是完全水中生活的,且并不适合陆地生活。","Research by Jennifer A. Clack and her colleagues showed that the very earliest tetrapods, animals similar to Acanthostega, were wholly aquatic and quite unsuited to life on land." +"在1995年所有的地区性用户组织整合成一个国际性的伞状组织PROFIBUS & PROFINET国际协会(PROFIBUS & PROFINET International, PI)。","In 1995, all the RPAs joined together under the international umbrella association PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI)." +"第一个已知有组织的裸体主义者俱乐部 'Freilichtpark' (自由光公园),于1903年,由Paul Zimmerman于德国汉堡附近开设。","The first organized club for nudists on a large scale, Freilichtpark (Free-Light Park), was opened near Hamburg in 1903 by Paul Zimmerman." +"斯科特之子小查尔斯(Charles, Jr.)曾在写给弟弟丹尼尔(Daniel)的信中称,父亲正准备于1792年参选国会议员,小查尔斯对父亲当选很有信心,但斯科特显然没有参选,或者是竞选开始后不久就决定放弃。","Scott's son, Charles, Jr., wrote to his brother Daniel that their father was planning to run for Congress in 1792; although Charles, Jr. expressed confidence that his father would be elected, his campaign apparently never materialized or faltered shortly after it began." +"第121条 从1985年5月27日至1997年6月30日期间批出的,或原没有续期权利而获得续期的,超出1997年6月30日年期而不超过2047年6月30日的一切土地契约,承租人从1997年7月1日起不补地价,但需每年缴纳相当于当日该土地应课差饷租值3%的租金。","Article 121 As regards all leases of land granted or renewed where the original leases contain no right of renewal, during the period from 27 May 1985 to 30 June 1997, which extend beyond 30 June 1997 and expire not later than 30 June 2047, the lessee is not required to pay an additional premium as from 1 July 1997, but an annual rent equivalent to 3% of the rateable value of the property at that date, adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter, shall be charged." +乌克兰国会将亚努科维奇的就职日期定为2月25日。,The Ukrainian Parliament scheduled Yanukovych's inauguration for February 25. +"约翰·马拉拉斯(John Malalas)说塞琉古一世有一个姊妹叫做狄迪墨娅,她分别有两个儿子称为尼卡诺尔和尼科美德。","John Malalas tells us Seleucus had a sister called Didymeia, who had sons called Nicanor and Nicomedes." +"在1969年6月28日的骚乱事件的数月后,石墙酒吧在1969年后半结束营业。","On the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, the Stonewall uprising occurred." +"迈克尔·J·康诺利(Michael J. Connolly)在2010年一篇有关霍巴特的文章中指出,这位之后的副总统“因塔特尔的善行受益匪浅”。","According to Michael J. Connolly in his 2010 article about Hobart, the future vice president ""benefitted greatly from Tuttle's beneficence""." +于10月13日上任。,She arrived there on 13 October. +"在岗职工年平均工资1.1万元,比上年增长7.6%;农牧民人均纯收入3904元,比上年增加382元,增长10.8%。","Average annual salary was 11000 Renminbi, an increase of 7.6%; average annual pure income per capita for agricultural workers was 3904 Renminbi, an increase of 10.8%." +"1991年,依法批准成立。",The law was enacted in 1991. +"据报道,一些已经被转移的佩什梅格士兵被再次抛弃,有指控说,前佩什梅格士兵保持了对库尔德民主党的忠诚而不效忠于伊拉克军队指挥系统。","Some peshmerga were already transferred but reportedly deserted again, and there are allegations that former peshmerga forces remain loyal to the KRG rather than their Iraqi chain of command." +"马文·哈姆利奇 (Marvin Frederick Hamlisch,1944年6月2日 – 2012年8月6日) 是一位美国作曲家和指挥家。","Marvin Frederick Hamlisch (June 2, 1944 – August 6, 2012) was an American composer and conductor." +"在50年代,该建筑被更名为比尔森哥特瓦尔德车站,以捷克斯洛伐克首任共产党总统哥特瓦尔德命名。",In 50s the building was renamed as Plzeň Gottwaldovo nádraží (English: Pilsen Gottwald station) in honor of the first Czechoslovak communist president Klement Gottwald. +"Leigh Brackett所创作的短篇小说(1940-1949),包括《Lorelei of the Red Mist》、 《The Moon That Vanished》、《Enchantress of Venus》中,金星气候温暖,潮湿,表面大部分是海洋或低洼沼泽,充满异国情调的生物。","In Leigh Brackett's short stories (1940–1949), including ""Lorelei of the Red Mist"", ""The Moon That Vanished"", and ""Enchantress of Venus"", Venus is warm, wet, and cloudy; most of its surface is ocean or low-lying swamp, both of which are filled with exotic forms of life, including a large number of alien species." +在下游的一些支流里也有油和污迹的遗迹。,There is also trash and debris along it in some reaches. +去QQ广告。,CQ Publications. +故事中第二位出现的女神。,Then the goddess appeared. +IUE 发现金星大气层内一氧化硫和二氧化硫含量在1980年代期间大幅下降。,IUE observations of Venus showed that the amount of sulfur monoxide and sulfur dioxide in its atmosphere declined by a large amount during the 1980s. +"1191年,康拉德出席他兄长神圣帝国皇帝亨利六世在罗马加冕仪式。","In 1191, Conrad was present in Rome for the coronation of his brother, Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor." +"今天,大多数的国家都将电视和广播执照合并收取费用,但也仍有少数国家分开收取,或针对仅有收音机的客户收取较低的费用。","Today most countries fund public radio broadcasting from the same licence fee that is used for television, although a few still have separate radio licences, or apply a lower or no fee at all for consumers who only have a radio." +而微软则认为Entourage是为了“满足完全不同的观众的需求”。,"Microsoft claimed that Entourage was intended ""to address an entirely different audience""." +"大多数地址实际上在西南部的梅肯郡,靠近安德森维尔东侧。","Most of the site lies in southwestern Macon County, adjacent to the east side of the town of Andersonville." +"在2001年的总统选举中,巴赫名列第三。","In the 2001 presidential election, Bah came third." +四摩尔人象征世界的四角。,The four Moors symbolise the four corners of the world. +"此外,轨道器另外有两个小型低增益天线,在紧急与特殊事件时提供低速通讯,比如说发射与进入火星轨道时。","Two smaller low-gain antennas are also present for lower-rate communication during emergencies and special events, such as launch and Mars Orbit Insertion." +布拉格的新城(捷克语:Nové Město)是捷克共和国首都布拉格的一个区。,The New Town (Czech: Nové Město) is a quarter in the city of Prague in the Czech Republic. +"这帮贵族在1213年安插自己人手当王公,之后波兰人和匈牙利人便进犯公国,表面上宣称支持丹尼尔和瓦西里科掌权,实际是将该国瓜分。","After the boyars proclaimed one of their own as prince in 1213, the Poles and Hungarians invaded the principality, ostensibly to support the claims of young Daniel and Vasylko, and divided it between themselves." +全曲约50至55分钟。,Approximately 50–55 minutes. +"2002年11月17日,Mountain翻译了英文维基百科条目Computer Science,并张贴到计算机科学这一页面来,输入实质条目内容,创建了中文维基百科实质意义上的第一条条目-“计算机科学”。","On 17 November 2002, the user Mountain translated the Computer science article into zh:计算机科学, thus creating its first real encyclopedic article." +24小时肌酸酐排泄率值出乎意料的或低或高会使测试无效。,An unexpectedly low or high 24-hour creatinine excretion rate voids the test. +"他判断,既无法抵御奥斯曼帝国,又不愿受哈布斯堡王朝统治的匈牙利很可能会与奥斯曼结盟以抵御奥地利与波希米亚。","He judged that if Hungary, unable to resist the Ottoman Empire, took action independently of Austria and Bohemia, it might well enter into an alliance with the Ottomans against its western neighbors." +"宗座宪令(拉丁语:constitutio apostolica),又称宗座宪章、宗座制诰,是天主教会领袖教宗发出最高级的诏书。",An apostolic constitution (Latin: constitutio apostolica) is the most solemn form of legislation issued by the Pope. +"在1971年,C·T·格切尔宣布制得了氟硼酸四氟铵(NF4BF4)以及另一种假定是氟化四氟铵(NF4+F-)的白色固体。",In 1971 C. T. Goetschel announced the preparation of NF4BF4 and also produced a white solid assumed to be tetrafluoroammonium fluoride (NF+ 4F−). +"然而,美国的网络司令部的成立是为了保护军队,除此之外政府和企业的网络的保护则分别交给了美国国土安全部和一些私人公司。","In the U.S. however, Cyber Command is only set up to protect the military, whereas the government and corporate infrastructures are primarily the responsibility respectively of the Department of Homeland Security and private companies." +"《秘史》记录的时间范围与《战争》的前七卷基本相同,似乎是在《战争》发表后写的。",The Secret History covers roughly the same years as the first seven books of The History of the Wars and appears to have been written after they were published. +"艾达·西格曼为第一个因穿越围墙而丧生的人,她在1961年8月22日从柏尔诺街48号的三层公寓跳下后身亡。","On 22 August 1961, Ida Siekmann was the first casualty at the Berlin Wall: she died after she jumped out of her third floor apartment at 48 Bernauer Strasse." +"在一些勇者斗恶龙作品中,史莱姆也成为友好的非玩家角色、城市的和平居民。","In some Dragon Quest titles, slimes also appear as friendly non-player characters and peaceful inhabitants of cities." +"弩尔哈齐说:“尔等勿来,恐敌知晓,待我从容自下。","Rosecrans replied, ""I need no other stimulus to make me do my duty than the knowledge of what it is." +"其制成品氧气在大气层累积,从而促成臭氧层。",The resultant oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere and gave rise to the ozone layer. +"九一一袭击事件发生后,美国政府指示所有飞往美国的飞机返航(若剩余燃料不足则在加拿大备降)。","After the September 11 attacks, a call went out for all international planes to return to their airports of origin (or if they did not have enough fuel, to land in Canadian territory)." +"史克威尔之后声明称,只是存档屏幕会崩坏,若玩家希望则仍可存档,反复进出存档屏幕将可看到正常的屏幕。","Square then released a statement that only the look of the save screen was corrupted, and saving was still possible, and if players wished, repeatedly going into and out of the save screen would make a normal screen eventually appear." +建于1992年的杜胡克大学是知名的教育和研究中心。,"The University of Duhok, founded in 1992, is a renowned center for teaching and research." +"尽管开始取得胜利,在1259年,布伦代和诺盖汗率领蒙古军队金鱼加利西亚和沃里希连,并发出最后通牒:丹尼尔需将自己的城防毁掉,要不然布伦代向他的城镇发起攻击。","Despite initial successes, in 1259 a Mongol force under Boroldai entered Galicia and Volhynia and offered an ultimatum: Danylo was to destroy his fortifications or Boroldai would assault the towns." +NetFront 3.4(像是索尼爱立信K850等设备上的)可读取或保存MHTML文件。,NetFront 3.4 (on devices such as the Sony Ericsson K850) can view and save MHTML files. +"当时,希特勒来到摩根斯坦的玻璃商店,并向他发售三幅画作。","When Hitler came to Morgenstern's glazier store for the first time, he offered Morgenstern three of his paintings." +"影片没有在全美范围发行,只在多个城市的剧院上映。",The film did not receive a national release but played at theaters in several cities. +"特别是有些使用Shift JIS编码的日文编辑者经常造成一些灾难性的后果:因为并非标准支援,所以不管地区设定为何,都无法运用于任何符合标准的软件;因为日本以外的地区几乎不支援Shift JIS,所以也无法在日本以外的地区使用;甚至连日本境内也并非通用,因为其取决于软件与设置。","In particular, some Japanese editors are known to use Shift JIS encoding, which usually has disastrous effects: it will not work with any standard-compliant software regardless of local settings (since it is not supported by the standard), will not work outside Japan (since Shift JIS has very little support outside Japan), and will not even work on all Japanese computers even with a specifically non-compliant reader (as it is software-dependent and settings-dependent)." +"这次处决在阿拉伯世界、欧盟和联合国及其他国家引起广泛的谴责 , 在伊朗、 伊拉克、 印度、 黎巴嫩、巴基斯坦以及土耳其的城市爆发了游行抗议活动。","The execution prompted widespread condemnation within the Arab World as well as other countries, the European Union and the United Nations, with protests being carried out in cities in Iran, Iraq, India, Lebanon, Pakistan and Turkey." +"该党基本架构为地方委员会,负责组织地方活动。","The basic structure of the party is the local committee, which organises local activities." +XO-1 将是廉价、小型、耐用且实用。,"The XO-1 is designed to be low-cost, small, durable, and efficient." +人工生殖是指用有机体可用的自然手段之外的方法创造新的生命体。,Artificial reproduction is the creation of new life by other than the natural means available to an organism. +许多遗留在斯洛文尼亚境内的前南斯拉夫铁路蒸汽机车目前存放于卢布尔雅那的斯洛文尼亚铁路博物馆。,Numerous ex-Yugoslav Railways steam locomotives are plinthed at stations around Slovenia and there is a railway museum at Ljubljana. +"这造成了冰岛贸易上很大的赤字,因此没有建造新的船只。","This created a dramatic deficit in Iceland's trade, and no new ships were built as a result." +"联合国天基信息平台的宣传推广活动包括了组织举办各个领域的讲习班,研讨会,和专家会议,同时,对于其合作伙伴举办的类似事件给与支持。","UN-SPIDER's outreach activities include the organization of workshops, seminars and expert meetings in all regions as well as the support to similar events organized by its partners." +"在1992年,戴尔公司不但被财富杂志评为全球500强企业,而且麦克‧戴尔成为500强企业里有史以来最年轻的首席执行官。","In 1992, Fortune magazine included Dell Computer Corporation in its list of the world's 500 largest companies, making Michael Dell the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company ever." +"据说每次上课,总要先骂一通胡适,才正式讲学。",They are therefore asked to begin their classes punctually to the minute. +"1968年,他出版了他的第一部大尺度的分类学综述,即《有花植物的进化和分类》(The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants),该书在1988年又出版了修订和扩充的第二版。","Cronquist's first overview of classification was published in 1960, followed by his The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants in 1968 with a revised and expanded second edition being released in 1988." +"JACK的API被标准化,并且存在两种可融合的实现:jack1,由简单的C实现并且已经维护了一段时间;至于jack2(原来的jackdmp),由Stéphane Letz领导的用C++重写的实现,jack2在积极开发中,目标是支持多处理器和对其它非Linux操作系统。","The JACK API is standardized by consensus, and two compatible implementations exist: jack1, which is implemented in plain C and has been in maintenance mode for a while, and jack2 (originally jackdmp), a re-implementation in C++ led by Stéphane Letz, which is under aggressive development and has introduced multi-processor scalability and support for operating systems other than Linux." +"在1898年6月12日《菲律宾独立宣言》发表后,菲律宾革命军更名为菲律宾共和军。","When Philippine independence was declared on June 12, 1898, the Philippine Revolutionary Army was renamed the Philippine Republican Army." +"根据David Godman(英语:David Godman)所述,他用的各种词汇点出了“同一个不可分割的实相”的不同面向。","According to David Godman, each term signifies a different aspect of ""the same indivisible reality""." +约60%的病例发生在后颅窝(特别是小脑)。,About 60% will be in the posterior cranial fossa (particularly the cerebellum). +非常在意如何维持素颜和研究空中飘浮。,Know how to swim and heed the advice of lifeguards. +此前6小时U-44一直在搜寻Ekatontarchos Dracoulis的位置。,U-44 had been hunting for Ekatontarchos Dracoulis for the past 6 hours. +"莱恩遵令行事,暂时停止行程,然后在旧金山与考察队汇合。","Lane did, and then rejoined his inspection party in San Francisco." +"因为这4个行向量是线性无关的,行空间是4维的。","Since these four row vectors are linearly independent, the row space is 4-dimensional." +每一个社会都来源发展自其之前社会文化(与罗马文化借鉴希腊文化相似)。,Each of these societies based the foundation of their society on that of the one which preceded it (much in the way that many aspects of Roman culture were borrowed from the Greeks). +"2015年7月,Mozilla停止支持XULrunner开发并删除了社区页面。","In July 2015, Mozilla stopped supporting the development of XULrunner, and the community page has been taken down." +"实数中包括许多简分数,无法以浮点算数精确地表示,所以需要在给定误差范围内来测试相等性。","Real numbers, including many simple fractions, cannot be represented exactly in floating-point arithmetic, and it may be necessary to test for equality within a given tolerance." +右图中展示了和 AWGN 关联的时间性错误。,The graph to the right shows an example of timing errors associated with AWGN. +"通过使用组成其身体的纱线,雅尼可以创造桥梁、拉动东西、在物体上摆动。","By using the yarn from his body, Yarny creates rope to form bridges, pull things, and swing from items." +"它计划在1944年终止犹太移民,并允许不超过75,000名的额外犹太移民。","This planned to end Jewish immigration by 1944 and to allow no more than 75,000 additional Jewish migrants." +"Andrzej Wajda的电影Man of Marble(Człowiekzmarmuru)中的一个场景是在扎科帕内拍摄的,向全世界的观众介绍了这座城市。","A scene in Andrzej Wajda's film Man of Marble (Człowiek z marmuru) was filmed in Zakopane, introducing the town to a worldwide audience." +"小娜还整合了Foursquare等服务,提供餐厅和景点的内容推荐;整合了LIFX(英语:LIFX),用于控制智能灯泡。",Cortana integrates with services such as Foursquare to provide restaurant and local attraction recommendations and LIFX to control smart light bulbs. +长椅就位于当地检察官办公室对面的街道上。,The bench was located across the street from the local public prosecutor's office. +"从1961年至1968年,他与同事发表了六卷综合性的星系和星系团目录。",From 1961 to 1968 he and his colleagues published a comprehensive six volume Catalogue of galaxies and of clusters of galaxies. +"并且 (s, t) 的一个邻域在高斯映射下映为 v 的一个邻域,保持或逆转定向取决于交叉的符号。","Also, a neighborhood of (s,t) is mapped under the Gauss map to a neighborhood of v preserving or reversing orientation depending on the sign of the crossing." +"ARC和VAX集群产品不仅支持并行计算,还支持共享文件系统和外部设备。","The ARC and VAXcluster products not only supported parallel computing, but also shared file systems and peripheral devices." +"美国海军和空军开发了AGM-154B(JSOW B),直到多服务操作测试和评估(MOT&E),但美国海军决定不采购武器当美国空军离开计划时。",The US Navy and Air Force developed the AGM-154B (JSOW B) up until Multi-Service Operational Test & Evaluation (MOT&E) but the Navy decided not to procure the weapon when the Air Force left the program. +"恒星球通常安置在架台上,它可以整体的旋转以模拟地球的周日运动,并且可以改变模拟的纬度。","The star ball is usually mounted so it can rotate as a whole to simulate the Earth's daily rotation, and to change the simulated latitude on Earth." +"目前,拉洋片已经基本绝迹。",The Icebreakers are now almost exclusively Finns. +"1776年5月,财政部长杜尔哥失去支持,被迫下台。","In May 1776, finance minister Turgot was dismissed, after failing to enact reforms." +"所有的赛道版本都有非常多的弯角,所以这条赛道上的速度从未超过80mph(128km/h)。",All of the circuit variations of the Targa had so many corners that lap speeds at the Targa never went higher than 80 mph (128 km/h). +"2000年5月22日,以色列根据联合国安理会第425号决议,完成了从南黎巴嫩的撤军行动。","On 22 May 2000, Israel completed its withdrawal from southern Lebanon in accordance with Resolution 425." +"Pavković 探究了了在退出原有国家的过程中,民族自决原则是如何位于多数决原则和平等权利原则之上的。","Pavković explores how national self-determination, in the form of creation of a new state through secession, could override the principles of majority rule and of equal rights, which are primary liberal principles." +"在成人中,脑膜炎球菌脑膜炎的死亡率(3%至7%)也比肺炎球菌脑膜炎死亡率低。","In adults, too, meningococcal meningitis has a lower mortality (3–7%) than pneumococcal disease." +"船只相信是被人贩子的船员遗弃了,并在地中海沿岸漂流了好几个星期。","The crew, believed to be people smugglers, abandoned the ship and it had been drifting in the Mediterranean for weeks." +M1A1AIM v.2/M1A1SA(形势感知):升级软件和第三代贫铀装甲组件。,M1A1AIM v.2/M1A1SA (Situational Awareness): Upgrades similar to AIM v.1 tanks + new 3rd generation depleted uranium armor components. +"秦郁彦(日语:秦 郁彦/はた いくひこ Hata Ikuhiko,1932年12月12日-)是日本的历史学者。","Ikuhiko Hata (秦 郁彦, Hata Ikuhiko, born 12 December 1932) is a Japanese historian." +"第一轮发烧通常在96小时内迅速消退,第11或12天开始第二轮发烧,并持续至少一个星期。","This first round of fever typically recedes rapidly within 96 hours, and then a second round of fever begins around the 11th or 12th day and lasts at least a week." +"10分钟后,山度士·伊利亚迪(Santos Iriarte)为主队取得入球,乌拉圭再次领先,而临完场前,卡斯度为乌拉圭锦上添花,锁定4:2胜局。","Ten minutes later a goal by Santos Iriarte gave Uruguay the lead, and just before full-time Castro made it 4–2 to seal the win." +"1990年,让-克洛德·杜瓦利埃在多米尼加共和国的班奈特提出离婚,指控她采取不道德的行为。","In 1990, Jean‐Claude Duvalier filed for divorce from Bennett in the Dominican Republic, accusing her of immoral acts." +"芮(英语:Rey)是一名《星际大战》专营权中的虚构人物,由英国女演员黛西·蕾德莉饰演。",Rey is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise portrayed by English actress Daisy Ridley. +"因此,视讯传输能获得网络优先权,以避免画面跳格;而文字应用程序则可延迟传输,因为不会明显影响到其效能。","Thus video transmissions would receive network priority to prevent picture skips, while text transmissions could be delayed without significantly affecting its application performance." +马菲1是邻近星系群的主要成员。,Maffei 1 is a principal member of a nearby group of galaxies. +"营养学是解释食物中营养素和其他物质与生物体的维持,生长,繁殖,健康和疾病相互作用的科学。","Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism." +"/k/ 在元音 e i y 前常被拼为 ""k"",但在现在威尔士语中则永远是 ""c"",例如 keivyn“第三代的堂表兄妹”等同现代威尔士语的 ceifn。","The sound /k/ is very often spelled k before the vowels e i y (in Modern Welsh, it is always spelt c, e.g. Middle Welsh keivyn = modern ceifn ""third cousin"")." +"他们由牛津附近的Folly Bridge开始,划船到五哩外一条名叫Godstow的村庄。",The journey began at Folly Bridge near Oxford and ended five miles away in the village of Godstow. +结果导致多数台湾人不知道如何为他们的姓名或住址拼注罗马拼音。,"Consequently, most Taiwanese do not know how to romanize their names or addresses." +新的设施将容括24小时协调和维护运营、客户支持和服务、培训。,"The new facilities house 24-hour coordination and maintenance operations, customer support and services, and training." +"在尼曼河战役中取胜后,达申斯基越来越与政府的其他人不和,跟外交部更是如此。","After victory in the Battle of the Niemen River, Daszyński was more and more in conflict with the rest of the government, especially with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." +"欧盟委员会批准拉脱维亚2014年加入欧元区,该国成为欧元区第18个成员国。","Latvia adopts the euro as its currency, becoming the 18th member of the euro area." +"中部和南部则有亚热带森林,有着多达146,000种植物。","Subtropical forests, which are predominate in central and southern China, support as many as 146,000 species of flora." +然后意大利军队穿越埃及和利比亚的边境。,German and Italian forces crossed the border from Libya into Egypt. +"据信,水污染正在成为世界死亡和疾病的主要黑手,每天有14,000多人因此丧生。","It has been suggested that water pollution is the leading worldwide cause of death and diseases, and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily." +"在国际劳工组织的国际计划,消除童工劳动(IPEC)于1992年开始逐步消除童工劳动,整体目标是加强各国处理问题的能力,并促进实现全球性的运动,以打击童工。","The ILO's International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) was created in 1992 with the overall goal of the progressive elimination of child labour, which was to be achieved through strengthening the capacity of countries to deal with the problem and promoting a worldwide movement to combat child labour." +"第62军团已被切成两半,及由于对其供应船只的密集轰炸而陷于崩溃。","The 62nd Army had been cut in two and, due to intensive air attack on its supply ferries, was receiving much less material support." +"尽管电穿孔和电击穿都是由施加电场引起的,但所涉及的机理基是本质不同的。","Although electroporation and dielectric breakdown both result from application of an electric field, the mechanisms involved are fundamentally different." +"约翰·洛克说过,“字眼底功用就在于能明显的标记出各种观念”,人们选择字眼“并���因为特殊的音节分明的声音和一些观念之间有一种自然的联络,因为若是如此,则一切人底语言应该只有一种。","John Locke wrote that the use of words ""is to be sensible marks of ideas"", though they are chosen ""not by any natural connexion that there is between particular articulate sounds and certain ideas, for then there would be but one language amongst all men; but by a voluntary imposition, whereby such a word is made arbitrarily the mark of such an idea""." +"2005年,《颤刺的预兆》被改编为法国电影《小手指的灵感(英语:Mon petit doigt m'a dit...)》,由Pascal Thomas(英语:Pascal Thomas)执导。","In 2005, the novel was adapted by the French director Pascal Thomas under the title Mon petit doigt m'a dit..." +"在整个19日晚上,波兰军队把自己沿着南部,西南部和东北部接近262号山头的防线部署。","Throughout the night of the 19th, Polish forces had entrenched themselves along the south, southwest and northeastern lines of approach to Hill 262." +阿迈勒运动得到了Abd al-Halim Kanj将军指挥下的、成员以什叶派为主的黎巴嫩陆军第六步兵旅以及驻扎在贝鲁特东部、以基督教为主的第87步兵团的支援。,Amal was supported by the predominantly Shia Sixth Brigade of the Lebanese Army commanded by General Abd al-Halim Kanj and by the 87th Infantry Battalion from the predominantly Christian Maronite Eighth Brigade loyal to General Michel Aoun stationed in East Beirut. +"国侦局1972年之后的任务仍然是机密,之前计划的剩余部分也不再为公众所知晓。","NRO missions since 1972 are classified, and portions of many earlier programs remain unavailable to the public." +"1945年他返回墨西哥重新回到托兰特辛特拉天文台工作,他负责操作新设立的24到31吋望远镜,其中有施密特摄星仪。","Upon his return to Mexico in 1945, Haro continued working at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Tonantzintla where he was responsible for the commissioning of the new 24-31-inch Schmidt camera and where he became involved in the study of extremely red and extremely blue stars." +"使用缅因州老农夫年历对蓝月的定义(意为一季中有四个满月中的第三个满月,季节的分隔是以分点到至点,或至点到分点),蓝月已发生或将发生在: 2010年11月21日 2013年8月20日 2016年5月21日 2019年5月18日 2021年8月22日 不同于天文季节的蓝月定义,在格历上蓝月的日期与时区有关联性。","Using the Maine Farmers' Almanac definition of blue moon (meaning the third full moon in a season of four full moons, but referenced to astronomical rather than equal seasons), blue moons have occurred or will occur on: November 21, 2010 August 20, 2013 May 21, 2016 May 18, 2019 August 22, 2021 Unlike the astronomical seasonal definition, these dates are dependent on the Gregorian calendar and time zones." +并在澳洲的ABC3电视台上播出。,It also airs on ABC3 in Australia. +"而极光几乎在所有的电磁频谱上都有发射,从无线电波到X射线(到达3KeV),最明亮的是中红外线(波长3-4μm和7-14μm)和远紫外线(波长从80-180nm)。","Whereas the auroral emissions were detected in almost all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves to X-rays (up to 3 keV), they are brightest in the mid-infrared (wavelength 3–4 μm and 7–14 μm) and deep ultraviolet spectral regions (wavelength 80–180 nm)." +占星家不常使用科学方法。,The scientific method is not consistently used by astrologers. +有一个频谱从零到由人的语言完全分离范围。,There is a spectrum ranging from zero to total separation of language by person. +冬季暴风雨能够持续数天并使道路被冰封。,Winter storms can last several days and make roads icy. +"美国联邦准备理事会中的一份有关短期汇率的支撑线和压力线的工作报告“提供了一个很强的证据显示这些线可以帮助预测单日内的趋势震荡”,尽管“这些线的预测能力会随着汇率及公司不同而不同”。","A Federal Reserve working paper regarding support and resistance levels in short-term foreign exchange rates ""offers strong evidence that the levels help to predict intraday trend interruptions"", although the ""predictive power"" of those levels was ""found to vary across the exchange rates and firms examined""." +锡卡河发出的水电是肯尼亚电力的重要组成部分。,Hydroelectric power from the Thika River supplies a significant portion of Kenya's electricity. +"最终,他们通过联姻进入加洛林王朝,并诞生了数位国王和一位法兰克帝国的皇帝。",Eventually they married into the Carolingian dynasty and produced kings and an emperor of the Frankish Empire. +"这个数目并不稳定,17世纪时只有13名穷骑士。","This number was not always maintained, and by the 17th century, there were only thirteen such knights." +"这次交火后,拜决定返回港口,同时下令驱逐舰根据一艘潜艇报告的位置攻击护航队。","Following this exchange, Bey decided to return to port, while he ordered the destroyers to attack the convoy at a position reported by a U-boat." +"1951年2月19日,阿巴库莫夫发表了秘密通知给斯大林,详细说明了发配耶和华见证人的托木斯克州和伊尔库茨克州的计划。","On February 19, 1951, Abakumov delivered a secret notice to Stalin, detailing plans for the deportations of Jehovah's Witnesses to Tomsk Oblast and Irkutsk Oblast." +今天的鲁尔区指的是Regionalverbands Ruhr(RVR)。,"The track is owned by the Ruhr Regional Association (Regionalverband Ruhr, RVR)." +"两年多后,纽约警察局局长爱德华·P·马罗尼在一次电台访谈中说,这起谋杀案发生在密室内,是一个“无法解释的谜团”。","More than two years later, Police Commissioner Mulrooney, in a radio talk, called this murder in a closed room an ""insoluble mystery""." +"在这些情况下,物质、能量和讯息都没有超光速运行。","In neither case does any matter, energy, or information travel faster than light." +工作是护士。,Works as a nurse. +"如此固体的每一个原子都能够在三个独立的方向下振荡,因此该固体可以被视为一个拥有各自独立的3N个简谐振子的系统,其中N为晶格中的原子数。","Each atom in such a solid can oscillate in three independent directions, so the solid can be viewed as a system of 3N independent simple harmonic oscillators, where N denotes the number of atoms in the lattice." +"当她的丈夫在纽约市得到一份工作后她也转学到哥伦比亚法学院,成为第一位在两大重要法律评论(《哈佛法律评论》和《哥伦比亚法律评论(英语:Columbia Law Review)》)担任编辑的女性。","When her husband took a job in New York City, Ginsburg transferred to Columbia Law School and became the first woman to be on two major law reviews: the Harvard Law Review and Columbia Law Review." +"随后,三人都被灭族。",Then they formed three couples. +在晚上的天空会呈现出红色、橙色、粉红色和黄色(特别是在接近日出和日落时)和黑色等多种的色彩。,"The sky can turn a multitude of colors such as red, orange, pink and yellow (especially near sunset or sunrise) and black at night." +这个时期祖巴拉的定居点出现和人口增长是由于这些邻近的定居点的人员被驱逐出境。,Zubarah's settlement and growth during this period is attributed to the dislodging of people from these adjacent settlements. +一般绿党的政见支持对化石燃料征税、限制基因改造生物以及保护生态区(Ecoregion)或群落。,"Green platforms generally favor tariffs on fossil fuels, restricting genetically modified organisms, and protections for ecoregions or communities." +"快速公交的第一段于2002年开始运营,代替了原有的49路公交,也代替了橙线的华盛顿大街高架(英语:Washington Street Elevated)段。","The first segment began operations in 2002, replacing the 49 bus, which in turn replaced the Washington Street Elevated section of the Orange Line." +"步兵师向内陆推进,远未达成首日目标,但仍旧成功推进了4英里(6.4公里),同第101空降师会师。","Their efforts to push inland fell far short of their targets for the first day, but they were able to advance about 4 miles (6.4 km), making contact with the 101st Airborne Division." +"6月2日,国际法院以8-4的票数裁定,南斯拉夫没有司法管辖权。","On June 2, the ICJ ruled in an 8–4 vote that Yugoslavia had no such jurisdiction." +黄文甫认为这是一个系统性的侵犯人权的行动:“这个场合仿似一个处于戒严状态的国家。,"Foon Sien considered these raids to be part of systemic human rights violations: ""The situation resembles a country under martial law." +"当鲍伯偷偷进行他的英雄使命时,荷莉怀疑他有外遇,并与他对峙。","When Bob starts to act sneakily, Helen suspects an affair and confronts him." +波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那巴尼亚卢卡,Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Banja Luka +"然而,有各种各样的资料显示,到1980年时白人生育率达到低于世代更替水平(2.1)。","However, there are varied sources showing that the white fertility rate reached below replacement (2.1) by 1980." +"因此,“道德品性”和“诚信”在紧接着的总统选举中变得分量更重。","As a result, ""moral character"" and ""honesty"" weighed heavily in the next presidential election." +"当该附件被打开,一个特洛伊木马就会安装到疑犯的电脑。","When the attachment is opened, a trojan horse is installed on the suspect's computer." +"VG247在其守望先锋英雄指南中把黑百合贴上了“经典狙击角色”和“出色的防御英雄”的标签,并指出她“最适合在有长走廊的开阔地图中行动”。","The character has received positive critical reception; she was labeled a ""classic sniper character"" and ""great defensive hero"" by VG247 in their Overwatch hero guide, noting that she ""works best in wide-open maps with long corridors""." +港口城市吉大港历史上是珍珠贸易的中心。,The port city of Chittagong is a historic center of the pearl trade. +"敏感度分析只有一个变量,一般为简单变化,情景规划让政策制定者可接触多种变量的互动。","Sensitivity analysis analyzes changes in one variable only, which is useful for simple changes, while scenario planning tries to expose policy makers to significant interactions of major variables." +整条街唯一一间花店。,The Whole World Is a Single Flower. +"标准法语与法兰克-普罗旺斯语是不同的语言,使用者之间的互相理解十分有限。","Standard French and Franco-Provençal/Arpitan, linguistically, are distinct and mutual intelligibility is limited." +"1942年4月,他写道“(苏联的军事侵略)......不但在任何道德论点上都站不住脚,而且异常愚蠢”,并且分析若然在波罗的海事件退缩,会成为波兰东部和其他地方冲突的先例。","In April 1942 he wrote that the annexation was ""...not only indefensible from every moral standpoint, but likewise extraordinarily stupid,"" interpreting any concession in the Baltic issue as a precedent that would lead to further border struggles in eastern Poland and elsewhere." +"射水鱼号在1944年3月16日离开中途岛进行第二次巡航,主要是在帕劳群岛附近,但在42天内没有遇到日本目标。","The submarine stood out of Midway on 16 March 1944 on her second war patrol but encountered no Japanese targets during her 42 days at sea, mostly near the Palau Islands." +"大犬座δ是巴西国旗上27颗星之一,代表着巴西的罗赖马州。","Sirius is one of the 27 stars on the flag of Brazil, where it represents the state of Mato Grosso." +"袁朗决定给许三多放一个月假,这期间他可以去任何他想去的地方。",Rasa will have to work there for many more months if he wishes to leave the place. +"到了万圣节,碧姬从她母亲那里得到买来的剧毒草,然后要求山姆制作解药。","On Halloween, Brigitte takes monkshood purchased by her mother for a craft project and asks Sam to make the cure." +这是一个苏里南驻外领事机构列表。,This is a list of foreign ministers of Suriname. +这些参数指定了影响随机存取存储器速度的潜伏时间(延迟时间)。,These parameters specify the latencies (time delays) that affect speed of random access memory. +"丹尼斯·威尔森在他的房里发现了12个陌生人,大部分都是女人。","Inside the house, Wilson discovered 12 strangers, mostly women." +"事实上,所有闭包算子都以这种方式引发自伽罗瓦连接。","In fact, every closure operator arises in this way from a suitable Galois connection." +"在即将离任的美国数学学会总统演讲中,菲利克斯指出,“从一组数学来源中得到的想法和技术从另一组数学来源中得到了丰富的成果”,作为bisociation (来自Arthur Koestler的一个术语)。","In his outgoing presidential address at the American Mathematical Society, Browder noted, ""ideas and techniques from one set of mathematical sources imping fruitfully on the same thing from another set of mathematical sources"" as illustration of bisociation (a term from Arthur Koestler)." +"小说中的故事发生在多个地点,大多在海伯利安。","The events of the novel take place in various locations, especially on the world Hyperion." +"自此以后MTP成为PTP的官方扩展,两者拥有相同的类代码。",Since then MTP is an official extension to PTP and shares the same class code. +"因此,太高或太低的温度都绘导致恒星不稳定的结果。","Thus, a too high or too low temperature will result in stellar instability." +"试题包括三十道单项选择题,难度渐次增加。",The scale consisted of thirty tasks of increasing difficulty. +"文献记载大约在1250年,当时法国图卢兹的一家公司Bazacle Milling Company以公司盈利能力作为股票的交易价格,在公开市场上买卖了96份公司的股票。","Around 1250 in France at Toulouse, 96 shares of the Société des Moulins du Bazacle, or Bazacle Milling Company were traded at a value that depended on the profitability of the mills the society owned, making it probably the first company of its kind in history." +"这3个城市也被分为区(arrondissement),每个区有它的区议会(conseil d'arrondissement)和它的区长。",The 3 cities are also divided into arrondissement each having its conseil d'arrondissement and its mayor. +美国小提琴家埃里克·斯坦利(英语:Eric Stanley)以小提琴重混歌曲。,"Eric Stanley, an American violinist, remixed the song on the violin." +"然而男孩和女孩的侵略性会以两种不同的方式表现:男孩较具肢体上的侵略性,而女孩较具社交上的侵略性(取绰号和忽略)。","However, aggression is manifested in two different ways: boys are more physically aggressive, while the girls are more socially aggressive (name-calling and ignoring)." +阿皮亚是萨摩亚的首都。该城镇位于乌波卢(Upolu)岛上,人口数量不足 4 万。,"Apia is the capital of Samoa. The town is on the island of Upolu and has a population of just under 40,000." +"在朝鲜战争中,土耳其在联合国的指挥下派出了大批军队援助韩国,这些部队叫土耳其旅(英语:Turkish Brigade)。","During the Korean War, Turkey sent a large number of troops to aid South Korea under the United Nations command called the Turkish Brigade." +"令人印象深刻的塞顿塔于1599年由亚历山大·塞顿竖立,几年后,塞顿还建造大楼梯。","The impressive Seton tower forms the entrance, and was erected in 1599 by Alexander Seton; Seton also commissioned the great processional staircase several years later." +"迦太基人则于大西洋沿岸的沙漠西部开发,但由于大西洋风浪险恶,当地市场也不足,所以他们的探索从未超过现在摩洛哥的范围。","The Carthaginians explored the Atlantic coast of the desert, but the turbulence of the waters and the lack of markets caused a lack of presence further south than modern Morocco." +"该食谱也出现在“纽约时报本质食谱”中,长期食品作家阿曼达。","The recipe also appears in The Essential New York Times Cookbook, whose author, longtime food writer Amanda Hesser, counts it among her favorites." +"为了应对不断增长的失业率和经济状况的恶化,邓迪市于1984年1月成立了企业园区,吸引外商投资。","To combat growing unemployment and declining economic conditions, Dundee was declared an Enterprise Zone in January 1984." +颁奖给他的是杰克·尼科尔森。,It was presented to him by Jack Nicholson. +密歇根号潜艇的改装工作则于2006年11月完成。,The converted Michigan was delivered in November 2006. +"英国国王乔治五世在1927年在访问皇家城堡期间,重新授予“皇家教堂”称号。",King George V re-granted the title Royal Chapel in 1927 during a visit to the Royal Citadel. +"上世纪九十年代,汤加政府有争议地将汤加护照出售给中国公民和香港居民,使他们能够在汤加定居,并在南太平洋国家出现一个明显的华人社区。","In the 1990s, the Tongan government controversially sold Tongan passports to Chinese nationals and residents of Hong Kong, enabling them to settle in Tonga and leading to the appearance of a visible Chinese community in the South Pacific kingdom." +"苏联占领布达佩斯前两天,罗尔·华伦堡曾与艾希曼和德军驻匈牙利的最高统帅格哈德·施密特许贝尔少将谈判。","Two days before the Soviet Army occupied Budapest, Wallenberg negotiated with Eichmann and with Major-General Gerhard Schmidthuber, the supreme commander of German forces in Hungary." +"生物素化的GHK-Cu被纳入一个胶原蛋白膜,作为伤口敷料。","Biotinylated GHK-Cu was incorporated into a collagen membrane, which was used as a wound dressing." +溶质为氯化钠的Köhler曲线是不同于溶质是硝酸钠或硫酸铵的。,The Köhler curves where the solute is sodium chloride are different from when the solute is sodium nitrate or ammonium sulfate. +由彼对治令于是处不复相应。,"In fact, he has gone there in contravention of my order." +"1939年7月,玛格达向丈夫戈培尔坦承自己自1938年10月起便与汉克有着一段婚外情。","Later in July 1939, Magda confessed to her husband that beginning in October 1938, she had an affair with Hanke." +"GameSpot打出了7.5分(满分10分),称游戏不差,但也不是特别好。",GameSpot gave the game a score of 7.5 out of ten saying it wasn't a bad game but it wasn't a great one either. +"在14岁时,卢西安诺辍学,并开始了一份递送帽子的工作,每周收入7美元。","At age 14, Luciano dropped out of school and started a job delivering hats, earning $7 per week." +"许多司法辖区都进行立法,与集体谈判权利反对,很多工作都输给了承包商。","Legislation was introduced in many jurisdictions reversing union collective bargaining rights, and many jobs were lost to contractors." +"在他退休之后,他继续在国内外各个教会和会议上讲道。","After retiring, he continued to preach at churches and conferences at home and abroad." +"在法国到达之前,休伦人已与莫霍克易洛魁联盟(Haudenosaunee )(“五族同盟”)在南方产生冲突。","Before the French arrived, the Huron had already been in conflict with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Five Nations) to the south." +"这里的拍摄于6月4日至20日进行,最后的一些镜头在洛杉矶完成。","Filming took place from June 4 to June 20 with the final scenes being shot in Los Angeles, California." +支持反射的语言提供了一些在低级语言中难以实现的运行时特性。,A language supporting reflection provides a number of features available at runtime that would otherwise be difficult to accomplish in a lower-level language. +"就在此时,拿破仑决定不再介入意大利事务。","Afterwards, Napoleon intervened in the questions of Italian independence." +"2014年1月11日,政府军��功控制了al-Naqqarin地区和Sheikh Yusuf山区,并且正在向阿勒颇市工业区推进。","On 11 January 2014, government forces secured the area of al-Naqqarin and Sheikh Yusuf hill and were advancing towards the industrial area of Aleppo city." +他也是《美国数学月刊》的助理编辑和《数学通讯者(英语:The Mathematical Intelligencer)》的主编。,He was an Associate Editor of the American Mathematical Monthly and the Editor-in-Chief of the Mathematical Intelligencer. +"最初的CUDA软件发展包(SDK)于2007年2月15日公布,支持Microsoft Windows和Linux。","The initial CUDA SDK was made public on 15 February 2007, for Microsoft Windows and Linux." +"在约翰福音中没有提到黑暗,其中,十字架事件在中午之后才发生。","There is no reference to darkness in the Gospel of John account, in which the crucifixion does not take place until after noon." +机会和自发性都是事物改变的原因。,Opportunities and threats are the external factors. +"这些建议得到三个主要政党成员的支持,虽然没有人声称在他们的候选人名单上有歧视。","These proposals are supported by members of the three major parties, though no others allow discrimination in their shortlists." +进行一次更改的最重要部分是使所有相关小组都得到通知并更新文档。,The most important part of making a change is to see that all pertinent groups are notified and all documents updated. +建造还因为1892年的石匠罢工而放慢了速度。,Construction was also slowed by a stonecutters' strike in 1892. +"但是现在,他们不再跳这舞蹈。","These days, they're not danced anymore." +"在外蒙古1919年被中华民国军队占领后,他成为伊尔库茨克大学(Irkutsk University)的教授。","After Outer Mongolia had been occupied by Chinese troops in 1919, Tseveen became a professor at the Irkutsk University." +"毕竟,协助摧毁种族灭绝机构的胜利者自身可能也将同样做法付诸实施,这似乎难以置信。","After all, it seems scarcely plausible that the victors who had helped bring about the destruction of a genocidal apparatus might themselves have put the very same methods into practice." +"如果它是被用来作为存储在车上的燃料,纯氢气必须是加压或液化,以提供足够的驱动范围。","If it is to be used as fuel stored on board the vehicle, pure hydrogen gas must be stored in an energy-dense form to provide sufficient driving range." +因此量表有11个等级。,Thus the scale totals 11 possible grades. +"早在1883年,雷曼已成为咖啡交易所成员之一,到了1887年公司还加入纽约证券交易所。",Lehman became a member of the Coffee Exchange as early as 1883 and finally the New York Stock Exchange in 1887. +"中国传统医学:起源于中国的传统医疗系统,作为一种替代医学实践,遍及世界大部分地区。",Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) – traditional medical system originating in China and practiced as an alternative medicine throughout much of the world. +"在大幅涉及场馆被Vice驱逐出场的文章出街之后,布鲁克林维根(英语:BrooklynVegan)解析了Vice媒体对于搬进新办公室的交易,这其中包括买断租户租约和支付过期租金的条款,这与一些媒体报道的关于大楼改造和Vice媒体与现有租户私下交易相矛盾。","After a series of articles covering the venues' eviction, BrooklynVegan reported on the deals that led to Vice Media moving into the new office, including terms buying out tenants and covering past overdue rent, that contradicted some press around the renovation of the building and Vice Media's dealings with the current tenants." +低地地区烹饪传统上指的是南卡罗来纳州低地地区和佐治亚州海岸地区的烹饪习惯。,Lowcountry cuisine is the cooking traditionally associated with the South Carolina Lowcountry and the Georgia coast. +"1936年,苏联准备在红场举行阅兵,斯大林下令拆除广场上的教堂。","In 1936, when Red Square was being prepared for holding the military parades of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin ordered the square cleared of churches." +在16世纪迪耶普有法国最先进的地图学校。,Dieppe housed the most advanced French school of cartography in the 16th century. +"它是中国重要的钢铁生产基地和最大的稀土研究生产基地,也是内蒙古重要的支柱企业。",It has a large production base of iron and steel and the largest scientific research and production base of rare earths in China. +卡尼出身于切尔西的青训系统。,Lita was a product of the Chelsea youth system. +它也可以指一个批发和带走水果和森林产品的地方。,It could also refer to a place where fruits and forest produce are offered wholesale and carried away. +音乐厅可容纳375人。,The building could seat 375 people. +商店 - 剪票口外。,Perpustakaan Umum - Kabupaten Pekalongan. +"第766团在最初的进攻中成功地建立了一个桥头堡,并切断了对方的通信。",The 766th Regiment had been successful in establishing a bridgehead and disrupting communications in the initial attack. +"此后的1984年,她在百老汇的剧作《推销员之死》中饰演“弗西斯小姐”,并在1985年的电影版中饰演了同一角色。","She played ""Miss Forsythe"" on Broadway in Death of a Salesman and in 1984 took the same role in the film version of 1985." +"俄国舰只已对其主炮炮塔进行过改造,以使炮口能够抬升至30°角。",The Russian ships had had their main battery turrets modified to allow elevation of the guns to 30°. +9月5日至7日美俄在日内瓦进行了第五轮谈判。,"Between 5 and 7 December , there was a general strike by Russian workers." +"2005年,他创建了利比亚国际能源与技术公司。","In 2005, El-Keib founded the Libyan International Company for Energy and Technology." +"污泥下的泥炭没有稳定压实,泥炭松动并会以相似速度释放磷。","Without stabilising the compacted peat beneath the sludge, the peat loosens and can release phosphorus at a similar rate." +较新版本的SSL/TLS基于SSL 3.0。,Newer versions of SSL/TLS are based on SSL 3.0. +"直至Windows XP,纸牌背部仍沿用苏珊·基尔最初设计的版本,而且被动画化。","Until the Windows XP version, the card backs were the original works designed by Susan Kare, and many were animated." +"此外,因为冬季风暴和反抗私掠船的出现,此城的供给变得更加困难。","To add to this, supplying the city had become increasingly difficult because of winter storms and the rise in rebel privateers." +"为了帮助哈瓦斯扩大范围,为了应对复杂的、紧张的国际局势,法国政府资助了高达47%的投资。","To help Havas extend the scope of its reporting at a time of great international tension, the French government financed up to 47% of its investments." +"罗杰在震惊中调转他附近的军队,转向除了卡普阿城防最坚固的诺切拉(Nocera)。","Roger, in shock, wheeled his army around and turned instead for Nocera, the greatest fortified city of the prince of Capua, other than Capua itself." +"天文学家认为行星的公转周期接近2,500天很可能是侦测到错误的讯息,而大熊座47c可能性最高的公转周期是7,586天,距离主星为7.73天文单位。","Analysis of a longer dataset spanning over 6,900 days suggests that while a second planet in the system is likely, periods near 2,500 days have a high false alarm probability, and the best fit model gives an orbital period of 7,586 days at a distance of 7.73 AU from the star." +"他签订了一项法令,要求停止生产和运输所有有效的化学武器。",He issued a decree halting the production and transport of all chemical weapons which remains in effect. +"此后在波兰战役中伦特又完成了五次飞行任务,击毁一门防空炮。","He flew five more missions during the Polish campaign, destroying one anti-aircraft battery." +"它还融入了标准型M16制式步枪的风格,让敌人不知道谁是机枪手。","It also blended in with standard M16-style service rifles, making it difficult for enemy forces to identify the machine gunner." +"以色列断然否定这些指控,称这些文件只是一些会议记录,并不代表已售出任何核武器。",Israel denied these allegations and claimed that the documents were minutes from a meeting which did not indicate any concrete offer for a sale of nuclear weapons. +"由于受飓风桑迪带来的雨水破坏,所有1号线列车以此站作总站,直至2013年4月4日旧的南码头循环总站重开。","Due to water damage to South Ferry caused by Hurricane Sandy, all 1 trains terminated at this station until April 4, 2013, when the former South Ferry Loop terminal station reopened." +"安地斯神鹰在很多国家都是邮票的图象,例如于1960年在阿根廷、于1985年在玻利维亚、2001年在智利、1992年在哥伦比亚、1958年在厄瓜多尔、1973年在秘鲁及2004年在委内瑞拉都有出版印有安地斯神鹰的邮票。","The Andean condor is a popular figure on stamps in many countries, appearing on one for Ecuador in 1958, Argentina in 1960, Peru in 1973, Bolivia in 1985, Colombia in 1992, Chile in 2001, and Venezuela in 2004." +"5月30日,史蒂夫·克利福德被任命为沃格尔的继任者。","On May 30, Steve Clifford was named as Vogel's replacement." +"特别顾问调查案(Special Counsel investigation),也被称为穆勒调查案(Mueller Investigation),是美国对于俄罗斯干涉2016年总统大选的执法和反情报调查。",The ongoing Special Counsel investigation (also referred to as the Mueller Probe or Mueller Investigation) is a United States law enforcement and counterintelligence investigation of the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. +"Q简语是一种标准化的三字母通信简略语,因短语开头字母均为“Q”而得名。","The Q code is a standardized collection of three-letter codes all of which start with the letter ""Q""." +"每个片段有它自己的属性,如可写或是只读、可执行(代码)或者不可执行(数据)等等。","Each section has its own set of attributes, such as being writable or read-only, executable (for code) or non-executable (for data), and so on." +"不同的作者对行星状星云会有不同的分类:恒星、盘、环、不规则、螺旋、双极、四极,和其它的类型;然而,其中大多数只属于下列三种类型:球形、椭圆和双极性。","Planetary nebulae are classified by different authors into: stellar, disk, ring, irregular, helical, bipolar, quadrupolar, and other types, although the majority of them belong to just three types: spherical, elliptical and bipolar." +盐碱化据估算影响了地球上三分之一的可耕作土地。,Salinity is estimated to affect about one third of the earth’s arable land. +"解读称这是公司以章节体例,数字发行潜在续作的举动。",This was interpreted as a move of the company towards a digitally distributed episodic format for possible sequels. +墨西哥国立自治大学研究人员在2011年提出这些不明物体很可能是10亿多吨重的彗星碎片飞过距离地球上百公里的区域。,"In 2011, researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico suggested that the unidentified objects may have been fragments of a billion-ton comet passing within a few hundred kilometers of Earth." +大约130名穆斯林非营利组织和志愿警务人员都挺身为各教堂建筑物加强保安巡逻。,Roughly 130 Muslim non-profit organisations and volunteer police officers have stepped forward to provide security for churches. +"直到2003年才替它取了一个正式的英文名伊耶拉克(Ijiraq),而伊耶拉克在因努伊特神话中的一个怪物。","It was named in 2003 after the ijiraq, a creature in Inuit mythology." +"奥斯曼的一位希腊领事馆医师Anastas(Anastasios)造访泰利纳沃斯,并被邀请品尝当地的tsipouro(英语:tsipouro)酒。","One day, the Ottoman Greek consulate physician, named Anastas (Anastasios) Bey, happened to be visiting the town of Tyrnavos and was asked to sample the local tsipouro." +"美国于2009年在《美国-东盟贸易暨投资协定》的框架下加强了工作力度,并向东盟高级官员提出一系列雄心勃勃的提议。","The United States intensified its work under the TIFA in 2009, presenting ASEAN senior officials a number of ambitious proposals to be pursued under the TIFA work plan." +这些研究结果对未来的消费目标和营销具有重要意义。,These findings are significant for future consumer targeting and marketing. +"今天宫殿有13座建筑物而花园有28个亭子,共占地110英亩(45公顷)。","Today there are 13 buildings remaining on the palace grounds and 28 pavilions in the gardens, occupying 110 acres (45 hectares) in all and the area is designated as Historical Site No. 122." +他支持其后达成的《巴黎协定》。,He signed the Treaty of Paris. +萨拉热窝的公共广播电视台是波黑的三家公共广播之一。,Cross Hands Public Hall is one of only three of its kind in Wales. +"《电视指南》的马特·韦伯·米托维奇(Matt Webb Mitovich)写道:“这并不让人意外——在我看来,至少——感觉有点太短了。","Matt Webb Mitovich of TV Guide wrote that ""it's not surprising that – in my opinion, at least – it fell juuuuuuust a bit short." +民主国家间的争议远比牵涉到一个非民主国家的争议要来的容易解决。,Disputes between democratic states are significantly shorter than disputes involving at least one undemocratic state. +"同理心在应用上有许多不同的定义,包括:广义的情绪状态、照顾与帮助他人的欲望、与另一个人的经验情感相同的情绪、辨别出另一个人的想法或感受、使自我与他人之间的差异变得不那么明显等。","Empathy definitions encompass a broad range of emotional states, including caring for other people and having a desire to help them; experiencing emotions that match another person's emotions; discerning what another person is thinking or feeling; and making less distinct the differences between the self and the other." +"除此之外,无核细胞也可能在错误的细胞分裂中产生,此时两个姊妹细胞中有一个无核,另一个则有两个核。",Anucleated cells can also arise from flawed cell division in which one daughter lacks a nucleus and the other has two nuclei. +万历三十五年 进士 。,Fuck The Millennium 35. +"然而,种子对人体有毒,含剧毒物质紫杉碱和紫杉醇。","However, the seeds are highly poisonous to humans, containing the poisons taxine and taxol." +"在电影中,它们可以使场景更加戏剧化。","In film, they can make the scene more dramatic." +"这与拉弗曲线的解释相反,拉弗曲线中税收收入增加被认为是劳动供给增加的结果。","This is contrary to the supply-side explanation of the Laffer curve, in which the increases in tax revenue are held to be the result of an increase in labor supply." +"Joel Moses认为是Landin发明���“闭包”这一术语,用来指代某些其开放绑定(自由变量)已经由其语法环境完成闭合(或者绑定)的lambda表达式,从而形成了闭合的表达式,或称闭包。","Joel Moses credits Landin with introducing the term closure to refer to a lambda expression whose open bindings (free variables) have been closed by (or bound in) the lexical environment, resulting in a closed expression, or closure." +"AMC的王牌剧集《广告狂人》(Mad Men)亦获得四个奖项,包括连续第三次夺得最佳剧集(Outstanding Drama Series)的头衔。","AMC's period piece drama Mad Men won four awards, including Outstanding Drama Series, its third consecutive victory in that category." +"他对科学的兴趣始于16岁时,当时他接触到一本名为《实验哲学的科学专题讲座》的书籍。",His interest in science was sparked at the age of sixteen by a book of lectures on scientific topics titled Popular Lectures on Experimental Philosophy. +"1814年至1905年间,瑞典和挪威形成第二次共主邦联-瑞典-挪威联合。","During the union of Sweden-Norway in 1814–1905, Sweden and Norway shared the same royal family." +以他名字命名的有月球环形山Kopff和小行星1631 Kopff。,"The lunar crater Kopff is named after him, as is the asteroid 1631 Kopff.." +"这概念受许多宗教学者所采用,其中威廉·詹姆斯是最有影响力的一位。","It was adopted by many scholars of religion, of which William James was the most influential." +他也授予魔法及防具给三位魔法骑士。,He warns and gathers heroes from all three Earths. +此外英国君王拥有英格兰教会最高领袖(Supreme Governor of the Church of England)的头衔。,The British monarch has the constitutional title of Supreme Governor of the Church of England. +一篇国际能源署 关于该软件水电部分测试版本的评论认为该软件令人“印象非常深刻”。,"An International Energy Agency review of the beta release of the hydropower part of the software described it as ""very impressive""." +"一个非常好的女孩儿,玛丽·戴尔,给了我这个好机会。","One such wealthy woman, Mary Smith, was used in this speech as an example." +冀鲁官话的主要分布范围不在东北地区境内。,The second is that the policy of great armaments has no place on the American continent. +"塞尔苏斯认为,耶稣是偷偷摸摸的反叛者的灵感来源,他们应该受到处决。","According to Celsus, Jesus was the inspiration for skulking rebels who deserve persecution." +"波斯在公元前539年征服了巴比伦之后,犹太王国(Judah希伯来语:יְהוּדָ,Yehuda)成为波斯帝国的一个省。",After the Persian conquest of Babylon in 539 BCE Judah (Hebrew: יְהוּדָה Yehuda) became a province of the Persian empire. +"系统还能被用来制造难题,让玩家想出如何利用高亮物件组合成一连串的动作,以达到目的地。",It is also used to create puzzles in which the player must figure out how to combine the highlighted set pieces into a chain of moves in order to reach the target. +制片人塞缪尔·戈尔德温首先是受到1944年8月7日《时代周刊》上的一篇描述退伍军人在适应平常人生活中的困难之处文章的启发后聘请了前战地记者MacKinlay Kantor撰写剧本。,"Samuel Goldwyn was inspired to produce a film about veterans after reading an August 7, 1944, article in Time about the difficulties experienced by men returning to civilian life." +"从1924年11月29日至1927年11月15日,根登担任该职务,并兼任蒙古工会中央理事会主席(Central Bureau of Mongolia's Trade Union)。","This made him the effective head of state of Mongolia, a position he would hold from November 29, 1924 to November 15, 1927, and served concurrently as the Chairman of the Central Bureau of Mongolia's Trade Unions." +"凯夫本人也经常用“Sylvanus Urban”的笔名,为杂志写作。",Cave himself often contributed pieces to the Magazine under the pen name of Sylvanus Urban. +主要产品为LED车灯。,Its principal products are car lights. +保罗居住这里18个月(18:1-18)。,Paul resided here for eighteen months (see Acts 18:1–18). +该行政联盟于1971年更名为巴布亚新几内亚。,That administrative union was renamed as Papua New Guinea in 1971. +"哈利法克斯户籍员约翰·亨利·巴恩斯特德(John Henry Barnstead)开发了一套详细的清单记录系统,来识别遗体并保护死者的个人财物。","The Halifax coroner, John Henry Barnstead, developed a detailed system to identify bodies and safeguard personal possessions." +"若处于太平盛世,此地会出美女;若乱世必出反民。","'Suppose there is a hereafter and there is a fruit, result, of deeds done well or ill." +"由于气旋保持热带风暴强度的时间超过预期,很可能会以热带风暴强度登陆,马萨特兰到阿特拉塔(Atlata)又收到热带风暴警告,再于保罗减弱成热带低气压后中止。","When Paul retained tropical storm status for longer than expected, and was now expected to make landfall as a tropical storm, a tropical storm warning was issued from Mazatlán to Atlata, which was later discontinued as Paul weakened to a tropical depression." +"8月10日,缅甸政府和ABSDF签署了13项初步的停火协议。","On 10 August, the Burmese government and ABSDF signed a 13-point preliminary ceasefire agreement." +"在IMDB上,电影仅获得3/10星。","On IMDb, the film's current rating is 3/10 stars." +擅长使用枪的武器。,He is highly proficient in the use of firearms. +乌拉圭中场迭戈·法贡德斯(英语:Diego Fagúndez)表示此错误对乌拉圭非常不尊重。,"Uruguayan midfielder Diego Fagúndez said the incident showed ""much disrespect""." +"例如,7的相反数是(-7),所以7 + (-7) = 0。","For example, the additive inverse of 7 is −7, since 7 + (−7) = 0." +"原定于2012年发行,最终在2013年3月25日由索尼音乐灌制发行。","Originally scheduled for release in 2012, it was finally released on 25 March 2013 by Sony Music." +"同时,规范理论的更丰富的结构简化了一些计算:例如Ward恒等式联系了不同的重整化常数。","At the same time, the richer structure of gauge theories allows simplification of some computations: for example Ward identities connect different renormalization constants." +动力博物馆收藏了很多独特的展品包括世界上最古老的操作循环蒸汽机 - 惠特布雷德引擎(英语:Whitbread Engine)。,"The Powerhouse Museum houses a number of unique exhibits including the oldest operational rotative steam engine in the world, the Whitbread Engine." +安全部门的官员向被拘留者家属索要钱财以换取被拘留者释放或者使其他人免受牢狱之灾。,Security officers demanded money from the families of detainees to free their relatives or prevent others from being arrested. +"和前两作一样,FC版《最终幻想III》的程序由纳赛尔·吉贝利编写。","As with the previous two installments of the series, Final Fantasy III was programmed for the Famicom by Nasir Gebelli." +"反过来说,全体参加者可得益或受损的情况被称为非零和博弈。",Situations where participants can all gain or suffer together are referred to as non-zero-sum. +"米切尔1971年从西印度群岛大学毕业,获得数学和化学理学士学位。",Mitchell graduated from the University of the West Indies with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics and chemistry in 1971. +"尽管在初步实验中他失去了两根手指和一只眼睛,杜隆仍然决定继续研究三氯化氮这种当时人们不甚了解的物质。","Despite losing two fingers and one eye in his initial experiments, Dulong continued to research the unknown substance." +还有几个字典如下:拉丁语、英语、法语和意大利语。,"Several more dictionaries followed: in Latin, English, French and Italian." +"李军死伤约28,000人(米德军23,000人)。","Lee's army suffered 28,000 casualties (versus Meade's 23,000)." +"Farmer and Foley指出已使用ABM发展经济体的一些细部,组合后可构成非常大的模型。","Farmer and Foley pointed to progress that has been made using ABMs to model parts of an economy, but argued for the creation of a very large model that incorporates low level models." +"魁北克省政府随后通过了短暂的禁令,阻止销毁省内已经注册的枪支资料,并继续在省内推行注册制度。","The Quebec government subsequently won a temporary injunction, preventing the destruction of the province's gun registry data, and ordering the continued registration of long guns in Quebec." +星团的半光度半径是7.1 ly(2.18 pc)。,The cluster has a half-light radius of 7.1 ly (2.18 pc). +"它可以发射各种类型的30毫米口径机炮弹药,并且能够连续击发或是在0.5秒或1秒内点射。","It fires a range of 30 mm ammunition in various types, and is capable of continuous fire or of 0.5-second or 1-second bursts." +他们唯一的立场和目标是要防卫机会的平等。,The only equality they posit and will strive their utmost to defend is the equality of opportunity. +翻译文学奖:陈潮州。,"Translated by Chen, Shixiang." +他现在效力于英乙球队考文垂。,He currently coaches Peruvian side Real Garcilaso. +"当这种情况发生时,该节点16知道自己发送了1,但在总线上看到了0,意识到有冲突发生并且自己失去仲裁。","When this happens, the node with the ID of 16 knows it transmitted a 1, but sees a 0 and realizes that there is a collision and it lost arbitration." +第二季则是设定在第一季的隔年。,Chapter two opens the first week of the new semester. +"17世纪末,再洗礼派开始批评奴制。","In the late 17th century, anabaptists began to criticize slavery." +"当t是正的偶数时,不等式对所有的实数x、y和z都成立。","When t is an even positive integer, the inequality holds for all real numbers x, y and z." +1996年1月。,No. January 1996. +每个星期六他领受圣餐。,Each year he eats his Christmas dinner by himself. +2020年将会有很多电影上映。,There are numerous films set to be released in 2020. +此站同时可以途经水晶城以外的地下购物中心和餐厅进入。,The station is also accessible from the underground network of shopping centers and restaurants extending beneath Crystal City. +"福克斯成为了皮特的终生政敌,并和诺斯勋爵结盟,企图合力推翻谢尔本政府。","Fox, who became Pitt's lifelong political rival, then joined a coalition with Lord North, with whom he collaborated to bring about the defeat of the Shelburne administration." +波隆那是欧洲第一个进行免费大众交通运输实验概念的城镇。,It was one of the first European cities to experiment with the concept of free public transport. +自 1966 年以来,孙德尔本斯一直是野生动物保护区。据估计,目前该区生活着 400 只皇家孟加拉虎和大约 3 万只梅花鹿。,"Since 1966 the Sundarbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are now 400 Royal Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area." +"二战后由美国赞助的经济援助政策鼓励下的快速私有化激励措施,如马歇尔计划和租借法案,推动了西欧经济格局中的自由市场、资本主义治理方法。","Rapid privatization incentives encouraged under the United States sponsored post-World War II economic aid policies such as the Marshall Plan and Lend-Lease program, motivated free-market, capitalist approaches to governance across the Western European economic landscape." +"一直到1627年6月,第一个正规的教区牧师干治士(Georgius Candidius)抵台后,才正式开始荷兰人在台湾的传教事业。","It was not until June 1627 that the first real minister, Rev. Georgius Candidius, arrived, upon which missionary work in Taiwan began in earnest." +"为此,他拥有一支计有1,000架飞机兵力的庞大航空舰队,约占德国空军总兵力的三分之一。","For this he had a fleet of over 1,000 aircraft, about a third of the Luftwaffe's total strength." +"在1950年代,新的“联合保守主义”—又称为“冷战保守主义”主导了美国的右翼,强调反共产主义。","In the 1950s, the new ""fusion conservatism"", also called ""Cold War conservatism"", took hold of the right-wing in the United States, stressing anti-communism." +"先天性遗传性疾病很好理解,表征遗传能够发挥作用也很清楚,例如天使人症候群和普瑞德威利症候群。","Congenital genetic disease is well understood and it is clear that epigenetics can play a role, for example, in the case of Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome." +"她的思考,尤其是对自由贸易的思考,也出现在了她在1920年代和1930年代的历史小说里。","Her thinking, especially on free trade, was also foreshadowed in her historical novels of the 1920s and 1930s." +"我们提案在每年六月的最后一个星期六于纽约市举办一场示威活动,以纪念1969年克里斯托福街的那场自发性抗争行动,而这场活动将称为‘克里斯多弗街自由日’。",We propose that a demonstration be held annually on the last Saturday in June in New York City to commemorate the 1969 spontaneous demonstrations on Christopher Street and this demonstration be called CHRISTOPHER STREET LIBERATION DAY. +"其任务是支持过渡政府结构,实施国家安全计划,训练索马里安全部队,协助建立安全的人道援助环境。","It is mandated to support transitional governmental structures, implement a national security plan, train the Somali security forces, and to assist in creating a secure environment for the delivery of humanitarian aid." +"几个报告表明,最低蓝光要求为15-30 μmol·m−2·s−1 是几种植物物种正常发育所必需的。",Several reports suggest that a minimum blue light requirement of 15-30 μmol·m−2·s−1 is necessary for normal development in several plant species. +"一般地,记录是可从外部存储装置(例如读卡器,磁带或磁盘)读取的最小单元。","Generally, a record was the smallest unit that could be read in from external storage (e.g. card reader, tape or disk)." +"在武装冲突环境下,获取关于家庭成员命运的信息、家庭重聚、澄清失踪者命运是国际法规定的权利。","In situations of armed conflicts, receiving news about the fate of family members, family reunification, and clarifying the fate of the missing is a right under international law." +"1945年初,它被转移到上艾瑟尔省,并开始推动沿荷兰和德国边界的盟国,解放德伦特省和格罗宁根省的东部地区,包括埃门,库福尔登和斯塔茨卡纳尔。","In early 1945, it was transferred to the province of Overijssel and started to push with the Allies along the Dutch-German border, liberating the eastern parts of the provinces of Drenthe and Groningen including the towns of Emmen, Coevorden and Stadskanaal." +"它们最常在Sc型的螺旋星系内被发现,但也会出现在其它螺旋星系的螺旋臂和不规则星系,特别是星暴星系。","They are most commonly found in Type Sc spirals, but also in the arms of other spiral galaxies and in irregular galaxies, especially starburst galaxies." +近几年最大型的直接行动之一于2003年伊拉克战争开始后的第二天发生在美国旧金山。,One of the largest direct actions in recent years took place in San Francisco the day after the Iraq War began in 2003. +"我步进录音室,提姆巴兰能看到我在发怒。","Cut off my tail, and plural I appear." +"不过片场的报告也指出,凯利曾在镜头设置和拍摄期间骑上摄像机的吊杆。",However set reports state that Kelly rode the camera boom between shots and during camera set-ups. +"纳贺蒙尼德在七十六岁死亡,他的遗体埋在海发,在Yechiel of Paris旁。","Nahmanides died after reaching seventy-six, and his remains were interred at Haifa, by the grave of Yechiel of Paris." +"袁绍虽败,重整军队,趁其战败而反叛者也迅速被镇压。","Although Yuan Shao was defeated, he managed to reorganize his army, and the rebellions that sought to take advantage of his defeat were quickly suppressed." +"丑角( Character ) 人物小丑采用一个古怪的角色类型,如屠夫、面包师,一个警察,一个家庭主妇或流浪汉。","The character clown adopts an eccentric character of some type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo." +"1986年密克罗尼西亚联邦独立,在这之前一直是美国依靠联合国主持下的太平洋岛屿托管地。",The Federated States of Micronesia achieved independence in 1986 after being administered by the United States under UN auspices since 1947 as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. +"经过一番激战后,福尔姆瑟下令撤退以免遭到包围。","After tough fighting, Wurmser ordered a retreat to avoid being enveloped." +这些部落中有两个经考古证据得到证实:米坦尼和加喜特人。,Two of these tribes are attested based upon archaeological evidence: the Mitanni and the Kassites. +"在其他文化上,有时姓氏会移至名字尾端如Li Leen Foo 。","In other cultures, the family name is sometimes shifted to the end of the name (for example, Li Leen Foo)." +"2005年8月9日:由于Atlas-V火箭的陀螺仪可靠度问题,8月10日的发射机会往后顺延。","August 9, 2005: the August 10 launch opportunity was postponed because of reliability concerns over the Atlas V's gyroscopes." +"于 1971 年,在他的 75 岁生日的前一星期,当他又在先锋攀登 Shawangunk Ridge (眉毛点,5.6 等级)的时候,不幸因心肌梗死而往生。","In 1971, one week before his 75th birthday, Lester Germer died of a massive heart attack while lead climbing a rock climb at the Shawangunk Ridge (Eyebrow, 5.6)." +谓眼等五根。,I Only Have Eyes for You 5. +"为确定梁力(梁内力的力量施加在横梁上的支持)的数学方法,包括“ 力矩分配法 “,武力或灵活性的方法 , 直接刚度法 。","Mathematical methods for determining the beam forces (internal forces of the beam and the forces that are imposed on the beam support) include the ""moment distribution method"", the force or flexibility method and the direct stiffness method." +"在这一时期,古典主义更明显地采用了结构整齐的色彩,几何和网格的使用,严格的纪律和教育学的重要性,以及艺术和音乐学校的形成是可预见的。","In this period, classicism took on more overtly structural overtones of orderliness, predictability, the use of geometry and grids, the importance of rigorous discipline and pedagogy, as well as the formation of schools of art and music." +"CPAWS还认为公园的发展影响了生态平衡而向联合国教科文组织施加压力,要求撤回班夫世界遗产称号。","CPAWS also put pressure on UNESCO to revoke Banff's World Heritage Site status, over concerns that developments were harming the park's ecological health." +"Hera围绕着原恒星Murphy,而Murphy则是第14个围绕着恒星Georgia的行星。","It orbits the protostar Murphy, which is the fourteenth planet orbiting the star Georgia." +但德国政府于2002年为此向同志社区发表了一份官方的道歉声明。,"In 2002, the German government issued an official apology to the gay community." +"英国土地注册处在2009年1月15 日发出了新闻稿 ,提醒消费者土地注册处就土地投资计划发表了一份指南,警告消费者提高警觉。","The UK Land Registry issued a press release on January 15, 2009 advising consumers that the Land Registry has published a guide warning against land banking investment schemes." +"此外,带有更多电影风格的临场动态角色扮演游戏可能会在游戏之前或游戏过程中提示玩家元参考特定书籍或电影,从而促使玩家体验组织者想要创造的氛围。","It can be contrasted with live action roleplaying games with a more cinematic style, where the use of metagame references to specific books and films, either before the game or during play, prompts the players as to the atmosphere the organisers are aiming to create." +"GAU-8/A不仅精度极高,还能毫无阻滞地每分钟射击2,100到4,200发炮弹。","The GAU-8/A is extremely accurate and can fire 4,200 rounds per minute without complications." +"曲颈甑被炼金术士广泛使用,蒸馏的过程也出现在了许多对实验室的绘画中。","Retorts were widely used by alchemists, and images of retorts appear in many drawings and sketches of their laboratories." +"摘要的75%的人放在前三类(显式或隐式地接受共识); 25%的处理方法或古气候,从而以目前的人为气候变化没有立场。","Seventy-five per cent of the abstracts were placed in the first three categories (either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view); 25% dealt with methods or paleoclimate, thus taking no position on current anthropogenic climate change." +MoCl5对于难被氧化的配体来说是一种优良的路易斯酸。,MoCl5 is a good Lewis acid toward non-oxidizable ligands. +Nørlund可和法是全正则、线性、稳定的。,"The Nørlund mean is regular, linear, and stable." +"圆规座X曾是一颗新星,其爆发于1926年9月3日被观察到,当时的视星等为6.5,之后就转暗,1928年时视星等在11.7至12.5之间涨落,到1929年只有13。","Nova Circini 1926, also known as X Circini, was observed at magnitude 6.5 on 3 September 1926, before fading and fluctuating between magnitudes 11.7 and 12.5, during 1928, and magnitude 13, in 1929." +法兰西斯克一直都没能从母亲过世的悲伤中走出来。,"However, Vittorio was not saddened by his mother's death." +诸子皆遵行之。,The men follow them. +"凡与世界为友的,就是“淫乱的人”而成为上帝的仇敌。","Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God""." +"贝克莱的观念论与密尔的不同之处在于对这一问题的解释:当人们没有感知到物体时,物体是如何继续存在的(亦称为“局部实在论”)。","This differs from Berkeley's idealism in its account of how objects continue to exist when no one is perceiving them (this view is also known as ""local realism"")." +"在他的领导下,哈比马剧院在后来成为了以色列的国家剧院。","A year after, Habima was declared the national theater of Israel." +"其口感较为柔和,接近于普通啤酒。",The beer is bottom fermented and is matured longer than ordinary beer. +"为了寻找“杰作”的V8引擎,麦克斯打听到汽油镇有一场竞速比赛,其获胜奖励便是一台大首领V8引擎。","Searching for a V8 engine for the Magnum Opus, Max learns about a race in Gastown with a Big Chief V8 as a prize." +"根据美国联邦调查局的估计,互联网上40,000个公共在线聊天室里,随时都有至少750,000名儿童性掠食者在线。","According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations estimate, there are 750,000 predators online at any given time in 40,000 public chat rooms." +"该书内容涵盖詹姆森早期职业生涯,从她与她的纹身艺术家男友住一起开始在演艺界的生活,到戛纳电影节上荣获热棕榈奖(Hot d'Or),还有她第二次婚姻的结婚照。","The book covers her early career from her beginning in show business living with her tattoo artist boyfriend, through receiving the Pornographic Hot d'Or award at Cannes, and wedding pictures from her second marriage." +"1999年,他成立了自己的咨询公司。","In 1999, she established her own consulting firm." +"这些公司可以利用此原则,公司可以利用的这些原则,在非营利性的Web 2.0中获利:“公司能因应客户来设计装配产品,在大多数情况下将可以因此获利”,两人认为结果将会是经济的民主。","Companies could make use of these principles in order to gain profit with the help of Web 2.0 applications: ""Companies can design and assemble products with their customers, and in some cases customers can do the majority of the value creation""." +"在基于Windows NT的操作系统中,系统文件检查器可以通过命令提示字元以如下命令调用: sfc /scannow (to repair problems) 或 sfc /verifyonly (no repair) 如果它发现一个问题,它会尝试从DLL缓存(%WinDir%\System32\Dllcache\)替换有问题的文件。","In Windows NT-based operating systems, System File Checker can be invoked via Windows Command Prompt (with Admin privilege), with the following command: sfc /scannow (to repair problems) or sfc /verifyonly (no repair) If it finds a problem, it will attempt to replace the problematic files from the DLL Cache (%WinDir%\System32\Dllcache\)." +"哌甲酯和安非他命已被研究作为可卡因成瘾治疗中的化学替代品,美沙酮也被以同样的方式用作替代药物治疗对海洛因的生理依赖。",Methylphenidate and amphetamine have been investigated as a chemical replacement for the treatment of cocaine addiction in the same way that methadone is used as a replacement drug for physical dependence upon heroin. +她同时担任世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS-HIV)的顾问。,She is currently a program development adviser for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). +"24艘威尼斯船只将医院骑士团的骑士从罗得岛经爱琴海送入马尔马拉海,部分船只深入黑海,向多瑙河上游进发。","Forty-four Venetian ships had carried the Hospitallers from Rhodes through the Aegean into the Sea of Marmara, and some continued into the Black Sea and up the Danube without engaging in battle." +"约翰·汉弗莱自由奖(英语:John Humphrey Freedom Award)是加拿大的一个人权奖,每年由加拿大人权组织“人权和民主机构(英语:International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development)”颁奖,奖给那些“在促进人权和民主的发展中取得世界非凡的成就的任何国家或地区的个人或组织”。","The John Humphrey Freedom Award, presented by the Canadian human rights group Rights & Democracy, is awarded each year to organizations and individuals around the world for exceptional achievement in the promotion of human rights and democratic development." +"一些人支持有限的性别互补概念,一般被称为“没有等级的互补”。","A limited notion of gender complementarity is held by some, known as ""complementarity without hierarchy""." +他的作品现仅存残篇。,Just their portrait will be left. +"在其契约结束后,许多华人苦力都采用了原雇主的姓氏(这也是许多秘鲁华人有西班牙语姓氏的原因之一)。","After their contracts ended, many of them adopted the last name of their patrons (one of the reasons that many Chinese Peruvians carry Spanish last names)." +金世宗乃诏命建桥。,While the prince instructed workers to build the bridge. +"伦敦计程车,负责管理著名的黑色计程车以及私人出租车。","Public Carriage Office, responsible for licensing the famous black cabs and other private hire vehicles." +"在 W {\displaystyle W} 中逻辑公式和在缺省中的所有公被初始的假定为一阶逻辑公式,但是它们潜在的可以是任意形式逻辑的公式。","The logical formulae in W and all formulae in a default were originally assumed to be first-order logic formulae, but they can potentially be formulae in an arbitrary formal logic." +"2010年5月17日,喷射实验室的工程师透露出太空船上的电脑产生乱码而导致了这个事件,并且计划在5月19日重设电脑位元。","On May 17, 2010, JPL engineers revealed that a flipped bit in an on-board computer had caused the issue, and scheduled a bit reset for May 19." +小丑鱼拥有非常结构化的社会习性。,Clownfish have a very structured society. +平时轻飘飘的浮在空中。,Moves very slowly in the air. +"智慧的伴侣于11月19日抵达环礁,而智慧则于11月22日被研究者观察到。",Her mate had arrived at the atoll on November 19 and Wisdom was first spotted by the refuge staff November 22. +"虽然在婚姻当中大多是幸福的,但由于他的婚外情,婚姻开始破裂。","Or at least, appear to be copies, because in reality the marriage is broken." +现在还不确切知道整数分解属于哪个复杂度类。,"Therefore, it is uncertain where the enormous number of fatalities can be attributed." +"关于新加坡国籍,新加坡废除了1957年的条例,并给予在1963年9月16日根据该条例是公民的人新加坡公民资格。","The constitution repealed the 1957 Ordinance, and all persons who were citizens as of 16 September 1963 by virtue of the Ordinance continued to be Singaporean citizens." +"从这方面来看,Graphite的性质与苹果电脑开发的AAT类似,但与要求应用软件提供对内建字型构建信息的OpenType又不同。","In this regard, Graphite is similar to AAT and different from OpenType which requires applications to provide built-in rendering information." +主服务器和块服务器也可使用Cygwin运行在Solaris和Windows上。,Master server and chunkservers can also run on Solaris and Windows with Cygwin. +"国际捕鲸委员会科学委员会接受 778,000 头的统计结果。","The population figure of 778,000 is accepted by the International Whaling Commission’s Scientific Committee." +D/ 标示不再回归或已经消失、分裂或失踪的彗星。,"D/ indicates a periodic comet that has disappeared, broken up, or been lost." +"他积极地参与尼斯意大利人(英语:Nizzardo Italians)共同体,并在1832年正式成为了一名商船队(英语:Merchant marine)船长。",He participated actively in the Nizzardo Italians community and was certified in 1832 as a merchant navy captain. +这些事都还没有发出。,These have not yet been published. +"在手语中,音素的替代(曾称为手语语素(英语:chereme))被定义为手势的基本元素,如手的形状、方向、位置、和运动对应于口语中的种类。","In sign languages, the equivalent to phonemes (formerly called cheremes) are defined by the basic elements of gestures, such as hand shape, orientation, location, and motion, which correspond to manners of articulation in spoken language." +"马尔杜克的��物原型并不明确,但后来与水、植物、审判和魔法这些属性产生了关联。","Marduk's original character is obscure but he was later associated with water, vegetation, judgment, and magic." +"不久后,赫斯特拒绝刊登麦凯演出所在地纽约维多利亚剧院(Victoria Theater)的付费广告。","Shortly after, Hearst refused to run paid advertisements from the Victoria Theater, where McCay performed in New York." +"影片根据1999年 Pete Collins 在《Miami New Times》上发表的文章以及2013年出版的书籍 Pain & Gain: This is a True Story 改编而成,讲述一个犯罪团伙所实施的绑架、敲诈勒索、酷刑、谋杀等犯罪故事。","The film is loosely based on a story Pete Collins published in a 1999 series of Miami New Times articles and compiled in the book Pain & Gain: This Is a True Story (2013), which details the kidnapping, extortion, torture, and murder of several victims by the Sun Gym gang." +二十余万言。,Twentieth century words. +"12月18日,由于特朗普总统和其他人非法滥用资金的指控,唐纳德·特朗普基金会(英语:Donald J. Trump Foundation)被关闭。","December 18 – The Donald J. Trump Foundation is shut down, amid allegations that President Trump and others illegally misused its funds." +"1962年的政变导致南亚人迅速从缅甸逃亡,许多穆斯林开始返回印度和巴基斯坦。","The 1962 coup led to a swift exodus of South Asians from Burma, and many Muslims began returning to India and Pakistan." +这些预先制定的战争计划是根据OPLAN 8010(以前称为单一综合作战计划(英语:Single Integrated Operational Plan))而开发。,These are preset war plans developed under OPLAN 8010 (formerly the Single Integrated Operational Plan). +"根据创刊号所述,它是月刊版本的延续;后者创立于1891年,借由使用出版社之名行推广之效,1940年12月因纳粹占领荷兰停刊。","The weekly was a continuation, as is stated in its first issue, of the monthly Elsevier, which was founded in 1891 to promote the name of the publishing house and had to stop publication in December 1940 because of the Nazi occupation." +"自独立以来,哈萨克斯坦没有举行任何被西方认为是自由或公平的选举。",No election held in Kazakhstan since independence has been judged to be free or fair by the West. +"嫡妻郭络罗氏,典簿岱经之女。",Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose. +"1986年2月,领导人签署《单一欧洲法案》。",In February 1986 he helped the Single European Act come into effect. +"由于技术进步和观测时间的增加,每年都有数以百计的超新星被国际天文学联合会发布,在2007年更有创纪录的超过500颗。","Driven by advances in technology and increases in observation time, there are hundreds of supernovae being reported every year to the IAU, with more than 500 reported In the record year of 2007." +"当法国于1829年派遣大使提出谈判时,迪伊用大炮射向了其中一艘封锁船只。","When France in 1829 sent an ambassador to the dey with a proposal for negotiations, he responded with cannon fire directed toward one of the blockading ships." +"例如,东正教将地狱看作是因为人类自由拒绝上帝的爱所带来的自然的后果或境况。","For example, the Eastern Orthodox see it as a condition brought about by, and the natural consequence of, free rejection of God's love." +"7月13日,微软在2009年全球伙伴会议上正式介绍Office 2010。","On July 13, 2009, Microsoft announced Office 2010 at its Worldwide Partner Conference 2009." +"我们没法儿把3个星期的磨合期也表现出来,他们会把那些女孩身上的某些部分烫伤。","We couldn't possibly include the three-week desensitisation period, when they burn the girls in particular places." +"中国的增长如此之快,事实上每家每户都从中获益,贫困率也随之大幅降低。","China's growth has been so rapid that virtually every household has benefited significantly, fueling the steep drop in poverty." +"对于1份食物,升糖负荷大于20被认为是高的;在11-19为中等的;低于10为低负荷。","For one serving of a food, a GL greater than 20 is considered high, a GL of 11–19 is considered medium, and a GL of 10 or less is considered low." +"皮内拉斯县及周边地区沿海连续数天都在刮南风或西南风,产生了持久的陆上气流,导致海上波涛汹涌。","Winds along and around the Pinellas County coast generally blew from the south or southwest for several days, creating persistent onshore flow that built up heavy seas." +"研究治疗对儿童和青少年患有自闭症侵略性和自我伤害行为的许多药物,只有利培酮和哌醋甲酯(methylphenidate)展示已复制的成果。","Of the many medications studied for treatment of aggressive and self-injurious behavior in children and adolescents with autism, only risperidone and methylphenidate demonstrate results that have been replicated." +"寿贵人的宝顶为第五排,最西边的第一个。",And Pingtan belongs to the first one. +"预先的分离步骤是有必要的,添加剂们会首先用高压液相色谱法(HPLC)分开,然后由紫外线或可见光检测器在线监测。",A prior separation stage is necessary and the additives are first separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then determined on-line using a UV and/or visible light detector. +"许多小说的剧情基于《深空九号》中的镜像宇宙,包括威廉·夏特纳的Shatnerverse三部曲,在此作品中,镜像宇宙的柯克(自称提贝里乌斯大帝)还活着,并计划重建地球帝国。","Various novels have been set in the Deep Space Nine version of the Mirror Universe, including a trilogy by William Shatner, which reveals the Mirror Kirk (or ""Emperor Tiberius"" as he calls himself) is still alive and plotting to reconquer the Empire." +俄罗斯计划在2018年后完全放弃通过乌克兰向欧洲供应天然气。,Russia plans to completely abandon gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine after 2018. +"整个岛上85%的建筑物在伊万途经期间受损或被毁,其中包括该国的紧急行动中心和一幢建于17世纪的监狱,许多囚犯因此得以在风暴来袭期间短暂逃离。","Ivan's passage either damaged or destroyed 85 percent of the structures on the island, including the nation's emergency operations center and a 17th-century prison, which allowed many inmates to briefly escape during the height of the storm." +"壳层能量在这种不连续性的情况下暂时下降,有效的阻碍了RGB的上升,因而在这一点上造成过多的恒星。","Shell energy production temporarily decreases at this discontinuity, effective stalling the ascent of the RGB and causing an excess of stars at that point." +"巴西萨尔瓦多前耶稣会教堂(今萨尔瓦多主教座堂)的立面,建于17世纪,灵感来自科英布拉耶稣会教堂。","The façade of the former Jesuit church of Salvador, in colonial Brazil, (now the Cathedral of Salvador), built in the 17th century, seems inspired by the Jesuit church of Coimbra." +1892年:第一次发行同类女子学校中最早的文学杂志《问号》。,"1892: First publication of The Question Mark, a literary magazine, one of the earliest of its type in an American girls school." +"65岁以后,有阻塞组塞性呼吸道疾病的大多数人都会患有哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)。","After the age of 65, most people with obstructive airway disease will have asthma and COPD." +"但许多加泰罗尼亚分离主义者对这一概念持批评态度,并回应说这种模仿不公平地贬低了加泰罗尼亚的独立运动,因为该运动部分基于加泰罗尼亚独特的文化和特征。","Numerous separatists were critical of the concept and responded that the parody unfairly trivializes Catalonia's independence movement, which is based in part on Catalonia's distinct culture and identity." +匈牙利的纯金币从此被称为达克特。,The still-pure gold coins of Hungary were henceforth called ducats. +T-Online互联网业务。,E-These Online Service. +"令人讶异的是,尽管现代的机舱内都有加压,但目前的气压性牙痛发生率与20世纪上半叶时的发生率几乎没有差异。","Surprisingly, despite cabin pressurization, the current in-flight barodontalgia incidence is similar to the incidence in the first half of the 20th century." +"斯尼夫鲁对利比亚和努比亚的征服做到了一举两得:他既获得了大量的劳动力,有获得了这些地区产出的原材料和其他产品。","Sneferu's conquests into Libya and Nubia served two purposes: the first goal was to establish an extensive labour force, and the second goal was to gain access to the raw materials and special products that were available in these countries." +"场外则发生了不幸事件,两名列斯联球迷基斯杜化·洛德(Christopher Loftus)和奇云·史匹特( Kevin Speight)在赛前遭人刺杀。","However, the result was overshadowed by the death of two Leeds United fans, Christopher Loftus and Kevin Speight, who were stabbed to death in rioting the night before the game." +圣座-韩国关系指的是圣座与大韩民国之间的关系。,Holy See–South Korea relations refers to the relations between the Holy See and the South Korea. +"于1855-1893年间担任大学校长的约翰·威廉·道森(英语:John William Dawson),常获认为是使麦基尔蜕变成一所现代型大学的最大功臣。","Sir John William Dawson, McGill's principal from 1855 to 1893, is often credited with transforming the school into a modern university." +其中洛杉矶清算所协会曾于1923年销售过门罗主义百年纪念半美元。,The latter group of banks had in 1923 distributed the Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar. +"这使得偶蹄动物传统上被定义为无效的并系群分类,因为它包括来自共同祖先的动物,但不包括其所有后代。","This makes the Artiodactyla as traditionally defined a paraphyletic taxon, since it includes animals descended from a common ancestor, but does not include all of its descendants." +请远离我。,Get away from me. +"最后,他们想要一种易于移植到各种设备上的平台。","Finally, they wanted a platform that would port easily to all types of devices." +"他的高等教育是经济学方面的,专业是业务管理和营销,尽管他没有拿到学位。","His higher education focused on Economics and he specialized in Business Management and Marketing, although he never obtained a degree." +"在2012年5月28日,蓝色巴西航空宣布收购巴西最大的区域性航空公司TRIP航空。","On May 28, 2012, Azul announced the acquisition of TRIP Linhas Aéreas, the largest regional carrier in Brazil." +德斯蒙德·巴格利于1973年撰写的惊悚小说《走钢丝的人》中写到了一门走火的平底船枪。,Desmond Bagley's 1973 thriller The Tightrope Men features a percussion-fired punt gun. +"公投以大比数通过,其影响会于2009年6月21日,即地方自治制度建立的30周年时生效。","The referendum passed and the results took effect on 21 June 2009, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of home rule." +"它是从柯达、3M和其他各大厂商的数码打样技术发展而来的,艺术家和其他印刷者努力适应这些专用的印前打样设备进行高仿真打印。","It evolved from digital proofing technology from Kodak, 3M, and other major manufacturers, with artists and other printers trying to adapt these dedicated prepress proofing machines to fine-art printing." +意大利决定退出国际联盟。,Italy withdrew from the International Labour Organization. +"2011年6月菲利普·莫里斯国际公司宣布,将根据澳大利亚-香港双边贸易协定中的条款使用投资者与国家诉讼制度,要求澳大利亚为反烟草的烟草简单包装制度作出赔偿。","In June 2011, Philip Morris International announced that it was using ISDS provisions in the Australia-Hong Kong Bilateral Investment treaty (BIT) to demand compensation for Australia's plain cigarette packaging anti-smoking legislation." +上官永清遂以副总经理身份主持工作。,Al Gore visited during his term as Vice President. +专辑制作人为Sascha Paeth和Miro。,It was produced and engineered by Sascha Paeth and Miro. +"2004年,它的愿景声明从“伦敦以外最精彩的百货公司”改为“自信独立”。","In 2004 it changed its vision statement from its goal to ""be the most exciting department store outside London"" to ""Confidently Independent""." +"他们在背景和学识方面都不相上下,但是在政治方面他们却结盟于对立的党派,因为希拉克略是库特奈的阿格尼丝的支持者。","They were fairly evenly matched in background and education, but politically they were allied with opposite parties, as Heraclius was one of Agnes of Courtenay's supporters." +"在1947年之前,印地安人绝大多数的主场比赛都在联盟球场举行,偶尔才到市立体育场打几场周末球赛。","Prior to 1947 the Indians played most of their games at League Park, and occasionally played weekend games at Cleveland Municipal Stadium." +"在2005年世界杯之后,沙滩足球继续以快速的速度在世界范围内扩展。","After the 2005 World Cup, beach soccer continued to grow and spread worldwide at a fast rate." +"在电机工程学的一个线性电路中,输入(一个应用时变电压信号)与输出(在回路中任何一处的电流或电压)通过一个线性变换相关。","In electrical engineering, in a linear circuit, the input (an applied time-varying voltage signal) is related to the output (a current or voltage anywhere in the circuit) by a linear transformation." +"但是我喜欢演反派,因为我觉得正派戏好演,反派戏才能看出演技。","I like there to be order on the show, but as the impartial host I accept disorder." +"""这是最当之无愧的奖。","""This is a most well-deserved award." +"它坐落于私人农田上,位于315号街(315th Street)和古尔大道(Gull Avenue)交汇处以西约四分之一英里处,距离明湖以北约8英里(13公里)。","It is located on private farmland, about one-quarter-mile west of the intersection of 315th Street and Gull Avenue, about 8 miles (13 km) north of Clear Lake." +该组织成立于2005年4月12日。,The organization was registered on 12 September 2005. +"一个合理和审慎的行动方式应该是唤醒就寝中的电报员,并指示他尝试以电报联系泰坦尼克号。",A reasonable and prudent course of action would have been to awaken the wireless operator and to instruct him to attempt to contact Titanic by that method. +"但kill(杀)可能会引起误解,发送的信号可能与进程杀死无关。",But kill is something of a misnomer; the signal sent may have nothing to do with process killing. +以下是《周六夜现场》的演职员列表。,The following is a list of Saturday Night Live writers. +其中没有特别的仪式参与。,There were no special ceremonies or rituals. +"1872年,他被分发到海洋测绘舰Lackawanna,驻扎在香港。","In 1872 he was assigned to the oceanographic survey ship Lackawanna"" at Hong Kong." +很多并发性编程语言更多的是被用作研究(例如:Pict)而非生产用途。,Many concurrent programming languages have been developed more as research languages (e.g. Pict) rather than as languages for production use. +Steam Controller设有两块高分辨率可点击触控板(取代了现代主机手柄上的传统摇杆)和包括脸部、肩膀和反握按钮在内的十六个按钮。,"The Steam Controller features two high-resolution clickable trackpads (replacing the typical thumbsticks on modern console controllers), and fourteen buttons, including face, shoulder, and undergrip buttons." +哈里森把一切都看在眼里。,Lorrigan keeps an eye on all. +他的财富极大地促进了他妻子的政治生涯。,His wife was a considerable support to his political career. +他是艾萨克·牛顿爵士和爱德蒙·哈雷爵士的密友。,He was a close friend of Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Edmund Halley. +"为了阻止亚齐的叛乱,哈桑·穆斯塔法发出了一个法瓦斯,在1894年告诉穆斯林,“印度尼西亚穆斯林有责任忠于荷兰东印度群岛政府”。","To stop the Aceh rebellion, Hasan Mustafa issued a fatwa, telling the Muslims there in 1894, ""It is Incumbent upon the Indonesian Muslims to be loyal to the Dutch East Indies Government""." +"因为加州的面积庞大,且地理多样化,因此加州亦能以很多其他方法划分。","Because of California's large size and diverse geography, the state can be subdivided in other ways as well." +"但是PFLP-CG政治局成员Hussam Arafat宣称贾布里勒仍在大马士革,而且只有少量武装分子叛徒。","PFLP-GC political bureau member Hussam Arafat, however, announced that Jibril was still in Damascus and that only a small number of fighters had defected." +1892年他和妻子在暴乱中几乎被杀。,During a violent riot there he and his wife were both nearly killed in 1892. +"随后,卡尔斯鲁厄号离开克里斯蒂安桑,并率三艘鱼雷艇作为护航舰。",Karlsruhe then left Kristiansand with three of the torpedo boats as escorts. +非洲爪蟾分布在撒哈拉以南非洲东南部的池塘及河流。,These frogs are plentiful in ponds and rivers within the south-eastern portion of Sub-Saharan Africa. +他正确的推论这是因为阳光在稠密的大气层中散射。,He correctly surmised this was due to scattering of sunlight in a dense atmosphere. +"2014年,布莉琪在专访中提到加拿大歌手Nelly Furtado, Joni Mitchell以及欧洲乐团Coldplay 和Little Dragon 对她第二张专辑上的影响。","In 2014, she mentioned in an interview to CKQK-FM Canadian artists Nelly Furtado, Joni Mitchell and European bands Coldplay and Little Dragon as influences in composing her second album." +社会反馈有利于更快的学习和较早产出各种进阶的词汇。,Social feedback facilitates faster learning and earlier production of a variety of advanced words. +"最高决策机构是理事会,由每个成员体的一名代表组成。",The Supply Board was on a high level and is composed of one representative from each country. +"第二,确保撤离路线,若政府军放弃大马士革,可往海岸地区撤退。","Or two, securing a withdrawal route in case government forces abandon Damascus and decide to retreat to the coast." +奥德瓦特(Oudewater)、武尔登(Woerden)和菲亚嫩(Vianen)分别于1970年、1989年、2002年从南荷兰省划入乌得勒支省。,"The towns of Oudewater, Woerden, Vianen and Leerdam were transferred from the province of South Holland to Utrecht in 1970, 1989, 2002 and 2019 respectively." +"随着1911年满族统治的结束,佛教及其僧侣提供了唯一的政治结构。","With the end of Manchu rule in 1911, the Buddhist church and its clergy provided the only political structure available." +"在1236年的苏勒战役中,立陶宛人和萨莫吉希亚人杀死了骑士团的大部分人马。",In the Battle of Saule in 1236 the Lithuanians and Semigallians decimated the Order. +"除小组“retentionists”,问题不是菲律宾是否将被授予自治,而是何时以及在什么条件下。","Except for a small group of ""retentionists"", the issue was not whether the Philippines would be granted self-rule, but when and under what conditions." +"此外,企业内使用笔记型电脑的次数增加,让防止电脑病毒、蠕虫及间谍软件渗透入企业网络变得更加困难,因为许多使用者会将笔记型电脑连上家庭宽频连线或公共场所的无线网络等较不安全的网络。","Also, an increase in the use of laptops in enterprise makes it more difficult to prevent threats such as viruses, worms, and spyware from penetrating the corporate network, as many users will connect the laptop to less-secure networks such as home broadband connections or wireless networks in public locations." +印度和菲律宾自然更年期年龄的中位数为44岁。,"In India and the Philippines, the median age of natural menopause is considerably earlier, at 44 years." +"Mac OS X v10.3是第一个Apple发布内建WebKit的操作系统,尽管它已经被内建在10.2内了。","Mac OS X v10.3 was the first major release of Apple's operating system to bundle WebKit, although it had already been bundled with a minor release of 10.2." +"为此,支援型战车(Char d'accompagnement)AMX 38的角色—该型战车20吨的总重量以及一门47毫米的主炮使之相当符合早先“20吨坦克”的概念—如今变得重要起来,并被排入计划中。","For this Char d'accompagnement role the AMX 38 — with its twenty tonne weight and 47 mm armament indeed very close to the earlier ""twenty tonne tank"" concept — was now planned." +班克丝亦与她的Brownstone Productions的合作伙伴麦斯·汉特曼(英语:Max Handelman)共同制片。,Banks would also produce the film along with her Brownstone Productions' partner Max Handelman. +"三人经常在法国、西班牙、意大利渡过夏季,而且,三人都会在旅程中为他人作画。","The trio would often spend summers in France, Spain or Italy and all three would depict one another in their paintings during their travels." +"在薯条名称回复原状后,另一位大使馆女发言人说:“我们两国之间的关系绝对比单单的马铃薯来得重要......如今,我们的关系已回复往常”。","After the name reversal, an Embassy spokeswoman said: ""our relations are definitely much more important than potatoes ... and our relations are back on track""." +"两个含有H3+的分子云温度均为大约35 K(-238 °C),柱密度约为1014/cm2。",Both sources had temperatures of H+ 3 of about 35 K (−238 °C) and column densities of about 1014/cm2. +"1950年代,美军开始大量派驻人员至台湾,以提供军事训练、支援给中华民国政府和国军。","In 1950, the United States began stationing large numbers of troops on Taiwan in order to provide training, support, and economic aid to the Republic of China." +曾为电视节目AD。,Television ad. +"一般来说,班级人数是指特定学校某一年级的平均班级人数。","Class size, generally speaking, refers to the average class size in a given grade level of a given school." +"不过,低下层的食物较为简单。",Food supply are also fairly low. +英国远征军第二次撤退在6月15日至6月25日期间的天线行动(英语:Operation Ariel)中进行。,The evacuation of the second BEF took place during Operation Ariel between 15 and 25 June. +环境哲学包括环境伦理、环境美学、生态女性主义、环境神学与生态神学。,"Environmental philosophy includes environmental ethics, environmental aesthetics, ecofeminism, environmental hermeneutics, and environmental theology." +当时飞机上共有105名乘客和9名机组人员。,There were 105 passengers and 9 crew members on board the plane. +获胜的方法常常在Kaggle的博客No Free Hunch上展示。,"The winning methods are frequently written up on the Kaggle blog, No Free Hunch." +"31号特别委员会(Special Committee 31)由RTCA成员组成,是为预测美国空中交通管制系统的未来需求。",Special Committee 31 was formed by members of the RTCA to predict the future needs of the United States' air traffic control system. +"但于2009年12月16日英格兰足总宣布锡菲联的对头锡周三的主场希尔斯堡球场,成为申办世界杯主办城市之一谢菲尔德的竞赛球场。","However, on 16 December 2009, the FA announced that Hillsborough Stadium (home of rivals Sheffield Wednesday) would be Sheffield's venue in the event that a World Cup is awarded to England and Sheffield is named a host city." +有几个重要的预防措施。,There absolutely must be a few preparatory measures. +"各区域支助办公室与联合国天基信息平台的工作人员进行定期沟通和协助,涵盖了以下三个方面: 宣传与能力建设 横向合作(实践团体,知识管理,知识门户的贡献) 技术咨询资助 据联合国大会定义,国家联络中心是一个国家机构,由相关国家政府制定,代表灾害管理和空间应用的领域。","Regional Support Offices communicate and coordinate with UN-SPIDER staff on regular basis, covering the three following realms: Outreach and Capacity Building activities Horizontal Cooperation (Communities of Practice, Knowledge Management, contributions to the Knowledge Portal) Technical Advisory Support As defined by the United Nations General Assembly, a National Focal Point is a national institution, nominated by the government of the respective country, representing the disaster management and space applications communities." +"慢生根瘤菌科(学名:Bradyrhizobiaceae)是细菌的一个科,其下包括有十个属。","The Bradyrhizobiaceae are a family of bacteria, with 10 genera." +"海尔曼也和微软一起进行研究,发现在埃博拉病毒影响最大的三个国家中,维基百科是最多人使用的疾病资讯来源。","Heilman also worked on a study with Microsoft which found that in the three countries where the Ebola outbreak had the largest impact, Wikipedia was the most popular source for information about the disease." +戈巴腾科是2015年莫斯科小姐冠军。,Voevodina won the Miss Moscow title in 2015. +"芬罗德遂愤而掷下王冠,带着尚忠于他的十位精灵与贝伦出发,最终他死于索伦(Sauron)的狼人手下。","Túrin was angered by his cruel fate, and he slew Brodda and other Easterlings in the rebellion he raised with the servants." +"白天,她不能出门,只有父亲杰克(Jack)和她最好的朋友摩根(Morgan)与其作伴。","During the day, she is housebound, having only her father, Jack and her best friend, Morgan, to keep her company." +它在1784年被出售给金斯基家族。,"In 1784, it was sold to the noble Kinsky family." +"他的野心慢慢从成立起缓冲作用的殖民地扩大到了建立一个独立的索诺拉共和国,并使其最终成为邦联的一部分,就像之前的德克萨斯共和国那样。","His plans then expanded from forming a buffer colony to establishing an independent Republic of Sonora, which might eventually take its place as a part of the American Union as the Republic of Texas had done." +卡尔·奥托·莫尔奈男爵(1781年5月22日 – 1868年8月17日)曾是一位瑞典的大臣以及议会成员。,"Baron Carl Otto Mörner (22 May 1781 – 17 August 1868) was a Swedish courtier, and member of the Diet." +"在诉讼待决期间,原告方修正诉讼为“请求法院宣布俄亥俄州的同性婚姻禁令违宪”。","As the case moved forward, the plaintiffs amended their complaint to ask the court to declare Ohio's recognition ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional." +"柔佛苏丹苏丹阿布·峇卡与维多利亚女王熟识,因此承认彼此是对等地位。",Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor and Queen Victoria were personal acquaintances who recognised each other as equals. +"在一次前往阿尔卑斯山的路途中,墨索里尼向他的随员说道:“新的欧洲.......不能有超过四个或五个大型国家;那些小型国家将没有继续存在的理由,因此必须消失。","In a tour of the Italian alpine regions he announced to his entourage that ""the New Europe ... could not have more than four or five large states; the small ones have no further raison d'être and have to disappear""." +"迪安迅速减弱,在数小时内就失去了下层环流,并于次日接触到东马德雷山脉时失去中层环流。","Dean weakened rapidly, losing its low level circulation within hours and its mid-level circulation the next day as it encountered the Sierra Madre Oriental mountain range." +他只想怎样提高他的演技。,He was looking to improve his performances. +《环欧快车》看起来表达出了一种乐观的感情——即使人们(都)视之为机械音乐”。,"Trans-Europe Express just seemed to express an optimism – even if people see it as machine music""." +"在装有语言卡的情况下,80列卡中的内存""盖过""主内存,使其相较于运行软件,更适合做为数据存储,而实际上,与Apple IIe一起推出的ProDOS操作系统会在开机时自动将该内存当做虚拟磁盘。","As with the language card, the memory in the 80-column card was bank-switched over the machine's main RAM; this made the memory better suited to data storage than to running software, and in fact the ProDOS operating system, which was introduced with the Apple IIe, would automatically configure this memory as a RAM disk upon booting." +他在1991年至1998年担任捷克卡尔斯巴德交响乐团(Carlsbad Symphony Orchestra)音乐总监和首席指挥 。,He was Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Carlsbad Symphony Orchestra in the Czech Republic from 1991 to 1998 . +"2000年印尼承认华人文化是印尼文化的组成部分之后,缩影公园为华人兴建了一座展馆和一座孔庙。","After the recognition of Indonesian Chinese culture as the integral part of Indonesian culture in 2000, the new Indonesian Chinese pavilion and a Confucian temple was built within the park." +"碰撞的结果形成壳状并产生二股震波,一股向内移动,另一股向外移动。","The result of the collision is a shell and two shock waves, one moving outward and one moving inward." +"谷风号的航海日志是这样记述这次战斗的:“6月5日,空袭造成6人死亡,船只中度受损。","The log of Tanikaze reported ""Medium damage from air attack with 6 dead on June 5"", but the ship survived." +县治白原市。,Białystok Miasto. +"这个假期还包括1月6日和1月8日,同时根据俄罗斯劳动法,1月7日是圣诞节假期。","The holiday includes January 6 and 8, with Christmas being January 7, declared as non-working days by law." +全市拥有自己的国际机场和主要港口。,The city would have its own international airport and a major seaport. +"在青少年和成人时,可能在勃起时会疼痛,但在其他时候不会疼痛。","In teenagers and adults, it may result in pain during an erection, but is otherwise not painful." +《返校日》(英语:A Separate Peace)是约翰·诺尔斯的一本小说。,A Separate Peace is a coming-of-age novel by John Knowles. +"据此, b {\displaystyle b} 或 ( 0 , b ) {\displaystyle (0,b)} 点被称之为 y {\displaystyle y} -截距。","Depending on the context, either b {\displaystyle b} or the point ( 0 , b ) {\displaystyle (0,b)} is called the y {\displaystyle y} -intercept." +绰号是尼克。,His alias is Niko. +它是英式奶油茶点不可或缺的元素。,It forms an essential part of a cream tea. +"1870年代,一场天花在这里爆发,由于中国的信仰认为更改地名能够改善风水,当地人就将地名改为Setia Kawan,即“忠实的朋友”,以此来达到天人和谐,并抚慰死去的大象。","In the 1870s, when an outbreak of smallpox struck the settlement, and in line with the Chinese belief of naming a place to enhance its feng-shui, the locals chose to name the locality Setia Kawan—the ""loyal friend"" -- to harmonise with nature and appease the dead elephants." +"这被称为“蜂群崩坏症候群”(colony collapse disorder,CCD),最初原因未明。","This has been dubbed ""colony collapse disorder"" (CCD) and was at first unexplained." +"核糖体的肽基转移酶活性中心就位于此rRNA的第五结构域(domain V),而此结构域也是许多抑制转录的抗生素的常见作用位点。","The ribosomal peptidyl transferase activity resides in domain V of this rRNA, and this domain is the most common binding site for antibiotics that inhibit translation." +第福特(Defalt) 本名马可·维奇(Marco Vichy)。,Warwolf (real name Vince Marcus): The field leader. +"乌克兰中央选举委员会所公布的统计资讯显示增加的票源多数来自其他小党与社会主义党游离票,还有一小部分来自我们的乌克兰。",Statistics published by Ukraine's Central Electoral Commission indicate that most of the swing came from minor parties with some voters turning away from the Socialist Party and to a lesser extent Our Ukraine. +"举例而言,两个互相进行了一定数量货物贸易的国家,当地的经济利益团体可能会反对发动破坏性的战争,而在民主国家这样的团体可能会持有更大的权力,也因此政治领袖可能更容易接受他们的要求。","For example, in countries exchanging a substantial amount of trade, economic interest groups may exist that oppose a reciprocal disruptive war, but in democracy such groups may have more power, and the political leaders be more likely to accept their requests." +"音乐和节奏往往非常感性,常见舞者哭着表演完整个舞蹈。",The music and rhythm is often very emotive and it is not uncommon to see dancers weep throughout the dance. +"在1998年至2003年间,乌干达军队参与了第二次刚果战争,并且支持刚果反政府武装。","Between 1998 and 2003, the Ugandan army was involved in the Second Congo War in the Democratic Republic of the Congo." +不过这部电影的评价不高。,The movie did not receive much appreciation though. +"2010年,15个人在Chesky与Gebbia位于旧金山Rausch街的阁楼式公寓内工作。","One year later, there were 15 people working from Chesky and Gebbia's loft apartment on Rausch Street in San Francisco." +"这次停留一直到了3月5号都无法起飞,随着前线战况的持续恶化,Gerstenhauer认为他们必须离开斯武普斯克,在苏联军攻进波兰前抵达格但斯克。","By 5 March the war situation had become very bad, and Gerstenhauer decided they had to leave Stolp before the Soviets arrived." +"15岁时,斯图尔特从学校中辍学,并在当地剧院登台表演。","At the age of 15, Stewart left school and increased his participation in local theatre." +"同一时间里,葡萄牙、荷兰、法国、丹麦东印度公司都在印度沿岸设立了类似的据点,不列颠东印度公司可以说是平平无奇的,时人很难会想象到,这间公司最后会在印度次大陆存在了这么长的一段时间。","Since, during this time other companies—established by the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and Danish—were similarly expanding in the region, the English Company's unremarkable beginnings on coastal India offered no clues to what would become a lengthy presence on the Indian subcontinent." +"截至2010年,HIV-2病毒已知的分组共有8组(A到H)。","As of 2010, there are 8 known HIV-2 groups (A to H)." +"1952年,他成为红十字国际委员会委员,在为红十字国际委员会执行了更多任务之后,他于1959年成为该组织的副主席直至他于1961年去世。","In 1952, he was appointed a member of the ICRC and, after many more missions for this institution, was Vice-President from 1959 until his death in 1961." +"2007年的一个调查指受访的英国16至24岁穆斯林有36%认为改信另一宗教的穆斯林应该被处死,而55岁以上的人有19%支持处死。","A similar survey of the Muslim population in the United Kingdom, in 2007, found nearly a third of 16 to 24-year-old faithfuls believed that Muslims who convert to another religion should be executed, while less than a fifth of those over 55 believed the same." +"由于德���斯顿包括许多乡村地区,成为欧洲最绿色的城市之一,63%的面积为绿地和森林。","Due to the many rural districts it has incorporated, among other things, Dresden is one of the greenest cities in Europe, with 63% of the city being green areas and forests." +"与此同时,爱德华王子和休开始和拜巴尔苏丹谈判;1272年5月,双方于凯撒里亚签订了一份有效期为10年10个月又10天的和平协议。","In parallel to the mediation, Prince Edward and King Hugh began negotiating a truce with Sultan Baibars; a 10-year-10-month-and-10-day agreement was reached in May 1272, at Caesarea." +"也就在这时,他们意识到凶手就在他们中间。",The family realises that the killer is still among them. +此所谓无妄之祸也。,They even call them disgusting. +"随后两人开始约会,列侬现在叫她“小辛”(Cyn)。","They began dating, with Lennon now referring to her as ""Cyn""." +"但不同于FAST和Vegas,它不追求维护恒定数量的数据包队列。","However, unlike FAST and Vegas, it does not seek to maintain a constant number of packets queued." +"因此,大部分的斗殴行为都发生在美国国家冰球联盟和其他北美职业联盟的比赛中。","Therefore, the vast majority of fights occur in the NHL and other North American professional leagues." +"据他介绍,瓦努阿图政府两次确认与阿布哈兹建立外交关系,并打算为发展两国之间的友好关系作出贡献。","According to him, the Government of Vanuatu twice confirmed the establishment of diplomatic relations with Abkhazia and of their intention to contribute to the development of friendly ties between the two States." +"《时空之轮》发生于一个和地球相似的世界,有原始人类和恐龙共生的史前世代,由骑士、怪兽和魔法构成的中世纪,还有贫困人类和有感情的机器人为生存而斗争的后末日未来。","Chrono Trigger takes place in a world similar to Earth, with eras such as the prehistoric age, in which primitive humans and dinosaurs share the earth; the Middle Ages, replete with knights, monsters, and magic; and the post-apocalyptic future, where destitute humans and sentient robots struggle to survive." +人口为挪威第四多。,The municipality is the fourth most populous in Norway. +"在维多利亚时代最优秀的艺术建筑师中,伯吉斯在工作时全力摆脱了19世纪时工业革命建筑和新古典主义建筑的枷锁,并重建了乌托邦式的英国中世纪(英语:medieval England)建筑和社会价值观。","Among the greatest of the Victorian art-architects, he sought in his work to escape from both nineteenth-century industrialisation and the Neoclassical architectural style and re-establish the architectural and social values of a utopian medieval England." +"二战结束后,他于1946年晋升为上尉,希腊内战中的1949年升为少校。","He was promoted to captain in 1946; and in 1949, during the Greek Civil War, to major." +"要在早期的图形用户界面中执行一个应用程序或呈现一个电脑档案,用户必须点击点击文件的实际所在位置,例如应用程序的可执行文件。","To execute an application or render a file in early graphical user interfaces, the user had to click on the representation of the actual file or executable in the location where the application or file was." +主要由塑料(聚合物)工业(英语:plastics industry)构成。,A major part is constituted by the plastics (polymer) industry. +"数家英国媒体一度指出美方希望利用肯辛顿宫作为新馆,还称英女王伊丽莎白二世以该宫为理察亲王、爱德华亲王等数位英国王室成员的住所为由,而予以拒绝。","Several British media outlets reported that the U.S. government had wished to use Kensington Palace as their embassy, which allegedly had been vetoed by Queen Elizabeth II, as several members of the British Royal Family have their residences there." +"他也因其另一本与两位研究助手 David Sawers 与 Richard Stillerman合著的《The Sources of Invention, 1958》而为人知晓。","He is also remembered for his book The Sources of Invention (1958), written with two research assistants, David Sawers and Richard Stillerman." +"他们在小组5支球队中排名第4,晋级到13-16名的排位赛。","They placed 4th in their five-team group, advancing to the 13–16 classification games." +对波兰立陶宛联邦更大的威胁来自瑞典。,More acute threat to the Polish–Lithuanian state came from Sweden. +"Jeff否认了如此的指控,说明自己是无辜的。","Jeff denies these allegations, claiming he had innocent intentions." +作者没有对时钟的来源或性质多作解释。,The author does not explain the origin or properties of the clock. +"玛丽留下了简和她的丈夫、父亲的性命,但在1554年初怀亚特叛乱被镇压后,三人都被处决:简和丈夫于2月12日,简的父亲于不久后的2月23日。","Queen Mary spared Jane's life and the lives of Jane's husband and father, but after the suppression of the Wyatt rebellion in early 1554, all three were executed, Jane and her husband on 12 February 1554, and Jane's father shortly thereafter, on 23 February." +"随后诞生了国际学生邦联(International Confederation of Students,I.C.S.),在波兰华沙举行了大会。","The following year saw the birth of the International Confederation of Students (ICS), which held a congress in Warsaw, Poland." +"在返回哈利法克斯的母港并清空库中的电缆之后,船长弗雷德里克·H·拉恩德(Frederick H. Larnder)接手了船上的日常用品。","After returning to port in Halifax, Nova Scotia and clearing out her cable stores, her captain Frederick H. Larnder took on board above her normal supplies." +"此时超时已经发生,于是原来的数据包的一个副本被重新发送,为了去代替那个“丢失”的包。",The timeout causes a second copy of the previous packet to be sent to replace the 'lost' packet. +"萨摩出生在德州的圣安东尼奥,并和她的两位妹妹(Christie和Kaitlin)在此成长。","Glau was born in San Antonio, Texas, where she grew up with her two younger sisters Kaitlin and Christie." +"在短暂地驾驶CRG制造的辛尼迪卡丁车后,维斯塔潘再度重返CRG厂队。","After a short stint with CRG-built Zanardi karts, Verstappen returned to the factory CRG team." +他也是赫罗德那亲王(1370年-1382年)和卢茨克亲王和假定的胡斯徒之王。,"He was also the Prince of Hrodna (1370–1382), Prince of Lutsk (1387–1389), and the postulated king of the Hussites." +"贤者必定形迹自远,不冒昧获得功名。",One who is searching for knowledge but never finds it is in error. +"为了感谢圣雅各的参战,传说编造了拉米罗设立了一项实际上12世纪才出现的奉献金,称为圣地亚哥之票,一项贡献给教会的税务,最后在1812年的加的斯国会被废除。","In thanks for the intervention of the Apostle, Ramiro is said to have instituted a forged grant called Voto de Santiago actually dating from the 12th century, a tax for the benefit of the Church that was finally repealed by the Cádiz Cortes in 1812." +"据媒体报道,只有少数人出现。","According to press reports, only a handful of people turned up." +"一夫多妻制在乍得十分普遍,约39%的女人生活在这样的情况下。","Polygamy is common, with 39% of women living in such unions." +"罗博在未来休眠,被露卡发现并修复,之后为表感谢而加入队伍。","Lying dormant in the future, Robo is found and repaired by Lucca, and joins the group out of gratitude." +布隆迪于1962年7月1日获得完全独立。,"Full independence was achieved on July 1, 1962." +"其为无色的抗磁性固体,而矿物由于掺有杂质而通常呈彩色。","It is a colourless, diamagnetic solid, although the mineral is often coloured owing to impurities." +"2014年5月,比奈开始寻找竞选搭档。","In May 2014, Binay began his search for a running mate." +"繁殖期是于秋天至春天间,雌蛇每两年会生一胎。",Mating occurs from autumn to spring and mature females produce a litter every two years. +1735年 瑞典化学家乔格·勃兰特(Georg Brandt)分析了一种出自铜矿的深蓝色颜料。,1735 Swedish chemist Georg Brandt analyzes a dark blue pigment found in copper ore. +次缢痕对于鉴定细胞核内单个染色体很有用。,Linkage of markers can help identify particular polymorphisms within the genome. +最后一个登录取得所有权。,The last one to log in takes ownership. +每个国家派出的运动员数目在括号中显示。,The numbers of athletes from each country is shown in brackets. +"但在美国,这张专辑没有帮助乐队夺回“Thirteen”时期丢失的市场。",In the United States however the band failed to regain the ground that Thirteen had lost them. +"2006年,它造成美国224亿美金的经济损失。","In the United States, it resulted in economic costs of US$224 billion in 2006." +"2011 UN63,也可以写成2011 UN63,是一颗小的小行星,它的轨道位置接近火星L5(在火星轨道上,位于火星后方60度)处 。","2011 UN63, also written as 2011 UN63, is a Mars trojan, an asteroid orbiting near the L5 point of Mars (60 degrees behind Mars on its orbit)." +1947年马丁·史瓦西和他的一生好友莱曼·史匹哲一起进入普林斯顿大学任职。,"In 1947, Martin Schwarzschild joined his lifelong friend, Lyman Spitzer at Princeton University." +他之后邀请她去派对。,He invites her to a party. +"优素福·伊本·塔什芬给敌人三个选择:改信伊斯兰教、缴纳吉兹亚,或者打仗。","Yusuf ibn Tashfin is reputed to have offered three choices to the Castilians: convert to Islam, to pay tribute (jizyah), or battle." +"1960年独立后,当地的经济增长速度进一步提高。","After independence in 1960, the pace of growth increased further." +"最近,保加利亚关于这一问题的观点是:第二次世界大战后,保加利亚共产党当局出于压力和报复,无视当地居民对合作的不情愿,针对皮林马其顿地区的保加利亚人制订了对保加利亚马其顿人的政策。","The recent Bulgarian view on the issue is that the Bulgarian policy after the Second World War regarding the Macedonians in Bulgaria was conducted despite the unwillingness of the local population to cooperate, in the conditions of the pressure and reprisals by the Bulgarian communists authorities against the Bulgarians in Pirin Macedonia." +"有迹象显示政府军了解反对派的突袭计划,并根据相关情报进行行动。",There were also indications that the government knew about the planned rebel raid and acted on the information. +向量值函数的输入可以是一个标量或者一个向量(定义域的维度可以是1或大于1);定义域的维度不取决于值域的维度。,"The input of a vector-valued function could be a scalar or a vector (that is, the dimension of the domain could be 1 or greater than 1); the dimension of the domain is not defined by the dimension of the range." +波兰天文学家约翰·赫维留在1690 年完成了他的Firmamentum Sobiescianum 星图集。,The Pole Johannes Hevelius finished his Firmamentum Sobiescianum star atlas in 1690. +她表示之前没有承认是因为标语不是自己写的。,She was unable to understand them since the notes were illegible. +所罗门也曾表示“酒使他肉体舒畅”。,"Lloris also ""commands his box well""." +"之后不久,“核子学术研究所”成立。",Just shortly thereafter the Medical Students' Union was formed. +Gadz'Arts也拥有一套制服(Argad'z语中称为zag)。,"Gadz'Arts also possess a uniform (nicknamed a 'Zag' in Argad'z), a nod to their military past." +"NPTF螺纹具有相同的基本形状,但顶部和根部高度调整为过盈配合,消除了螺旋形泄漏路径。","NPTF threads have the same basic shape but with crest and root heights adjusted for an interference fit, eliminating the spiral leakage path." +注射器经常与皮下注射针头连在一起用于将液体或者气体注入到身体组织或者从中抽出。,"Hypodermic syringes are used with hypodermic needles to inject liquid or gases into body tissues, or to remove from the body." +"该连锁店在美国以“结霜马克杯”而著名,在马克杯被灌入饮料前都会事先在冰箱中冰镇至结霜然后再给顾客使用。","The company became famous in the United States for its ""frosty mugs,"" where the mugs would be kept in the freezer and eventually get filled with A&W Root Beer before they were served to customers." +"但,乌拉斯可能只是安努之妻安图(Antum)的另一个名字。","However, Uras may only have been another name for Antum, Anu's wife." +"当他们到达德军的急救站后,一些被修道士带下山的重伤员被军事救护车送走。","After they arrived at a German first-aid station, some of the badly wounded who had been carried by the monks were taken away in a military ambulance." +"然而,该党与民主运动独立参与2010年法国大区选举,并希望与欧洲生态联盟(Europe Ecologie)结盟。","However, the party split from the MoDem in the runup to the 2010 regional elections and pursued an alliance with Europe Écologie." +"此外、良好的容器必须要有清晰而便利的标示,形状要有利于堆放和储存,在使用寿命将至时,必须要能便于回收。","In addition, a good container will have convenient and legible labeling locations, a shape that is conducive to efficient stacking and storing, and easy recycling at the end of its useful life." +"从码头上山,在 Valideiatik 街区是老皇太后清真寺(Atik Valide Mosque),由穆拉德三世的母亲所建,也是由希南设计。","Uphill from the dock in the Valideiatik neighborhood is the Atik Valide Mosque, built by Murat III's mother and also designed by Sinan." +"苏美尔天文学家引入了角度测量,将一个圆分割为360度。","Sumerian astronomers studied angle measure, using a division of circles into 360 degrees." +同时47与一名身穿传统中国服饰之男子相讨合作事宜。,"Meanwhile, 47 is seen at an unknown establishment engaging in conversation with a traditionally-dressed Asian man." +"每年都会在全球范围内举办年度Clojure会议,其中最著名的有Clojure/conj(美国东海岸)、 Clojure/West(美国西海岸)和EuroClojure(欧洲)。","Annual Clojure conferences are organised every year across the globe, the most famous of them being Clojure/conj (US east coast), Clojure/West (US west coast), and EuroClojure (Europe)." +第11个十进制的史密夫数。,Group Portraits 10.The History of Foolish Hope 11. +"委员会并未在1883年再获美国国会授权,其权力由海医署所接收。",The National Board was not reauthorized by Congress in 1883 and its powers reverted to the Marine Hospital Service. +"SFU在2001年颁发了一个名誉学位给泰瑞·福克斯基金会的名誉主席,也是福克斯的母亲。","In 2001, SFU conferred an honorary degree to Betty Fox, mother of Terry Fox and Honorary Chair of the Terry Fox Foundation." +发现自己的女儿��乌鸦偷走。,He tells them their horses have been stolen. +"该中心的目标是为米纳斯吉拉斯853自治市提供3日天气预测,发布严重风暴警报,并为农业、路路及铁路运输、电力、工业和旅游业提供气象预报。","Its objective is the development of weather forecasts three days in advance for the 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais, warning of severe storms and predictions for use by agriculture, road and rail transport, electricity, industry and tourism." +"如果从库存中抽出的卡是红色3的,则玩家必须立即放在牌组区,如果要进行组合,并抽另一张卡。","If the card drawn from the stock is a red three the player must table it immediately, as one would if melding, and draw another card." +"特别是晚上七点到九点钟这个时段,人非常多;修建发明家广场和神龙广场后,市民则就近选择地点。","Especially at night from seven to nine o'clock this time, so many people; build inventor and Dragon Square Plaza, the public will choose the nearest location." +非裔美国人艺术是对美国黑人社区的视觉艺术的广义描述。,African-American art is a broad term describing the visual arts of the American black community (African Americans). +较常见的为晶簇。,Snowfalls are more common. +权利平等不同于机会平等。,Equality always means equality of potentiality. +"到了7月中旬,马克西米利安与士瓦本的领导人们突然陷入了他们自己部队的压力之下。","By mid-July, Maximilian and the Swabian leaders suddenly were under pressure from their own troops." +社交媒体网站很大程度上促发了错失恐惧心理。,Thus a high involvement on social media definitely enhances self-esteem. +"BiF5可以通过BiF3与F2在500 °C下反应制备: BiF3 + F2 → BiF5 另一种合成方法是在350 °C下使用ClF3作为氟化剂: BiF3 + ClF3 → BiF5 + ClF 五氟化铋是最活泼的VA族元素五氟化物,它也是一个很强的氟化剂。","BiF5 can be prepared by treating BiF3 with F2 at 500 °C. BiF3 + F2 → BiF5 In an alternative synthesis, ClF3 is the fluorinating agent at 350 °C. BiF3 + ClF3 → BiF5 + ClF Bismuth pentafluoride is the most reactive of the pnictogen pentafluorides and is an extremely strong fluorinating agent." +"这一想法刺激了即时多维战斗系统的开发,即玩家可在战斗和探索场景无缝切换。",This desire fueled the development of the Active Dimension Battle system so players could seamlessly move from battle to exploration. +这些工作站与54-处理器的一个每小时能处理10到15个镜头的着色农场连接在一起。,The workstations were linked to a 54-processor render farm that could render 10 to 15 shots an hour. +"经过几十年的疏忽,他的作品在二十世纪中期开始受到有利的重新评估,其中许多已经上演和录制。","After a few decades of neglect, his works began to be favourably reassessed during the mid-20th century, and many of them have since been staged and recorded." +最终是在巴黎发生了最大规模的骚乱。,It was the final bombing of the Troubles in Great Britain. +"许多性状没有明显的可区分的特点(例如不同的花色),而表现为连续性的特点(如人类的身高和肤色)。",Many traits are not discrete features (e.g. purple or white flowers) but are instead continuous features (e.g. human height and skin color). +"2004年,摄影师阿德兰·卡萨诺夫(Adlan Khasanov )和迪亚·纳吉姆(Dhia Najim)分别在车臣共和国和伊拉克身亡。","During 2004, cameramen Adlan Khasanov in Chechnya and Dhia Najim in Iraq were also killed." +"第二代斯利姆子爵(英语:2nd Viscount Slim),91岁,英国贵族、上议院议员(1971年起)。","John Slim, 2nd Viscount Slim, 91, British peer, member of the House of Lords (since 1971)." +"多佛尔海峡为世界上最繁忙的国际海道之一,每天固定有超过400艘船只使用。","The strait is the busiest international seaway in the world, used by over 400 commercial vessels daily." +"不管怎样,这些人毕竟死了,那也没办法了。","Anyhow, they are dead, so nothing can be done about it." +"该党的创始人兼领袖是Preben Møller Hansen,他于1979年被丹麦共产党开除出党。","The party's leader was Preben Møller Hansen, writer, cook, and leader of the Danish sailors' union, who was expelled from the Communist Party of Denmark in 1979." +"这首合唱在罗恩格林中是由女子合唱团在典礼结束后的婚礼派对演唱,因为她们陪同女主角艾尔莎(Elsa)洞房。","The chorus is sung in Lohengrin by the women of the wedding party after the ceremony, as they accompany the heroine Elsa to her bridal chamber." +"戏院是亨利的最爱,他曾经差点成为一个专业的演员。",Joseph's first love was theater and he came close to becoming a professional actor. +"据报导,亚特兰大的N·伯顿·贝斯夫人(Mrs. N. Burton Bass)的销售业绩甚佳,曾在一个下午卖出233枚纪念币。","Mrs. N. Burton Bass of Atlanta was reported to be the leading seller, once disposing of 233 coins in an afternoon." +船上26名船员安全由英国及法国的海岸防卫队拯救。,The crew of 26 were picked up by British and French rescue services. +小数部分大约相当于十分之一天。,Each percentage point is roughly equivalent to one-tenth of one day. +该隧道于1844年因电车轨道的拆除而被废弃。,The tunnel was made redundant in 1844 when the tramway was dismantled. +中北美洲及加勒比海区 (CONCACAF) 哥斯达黎加、墨西哥和美国晋级。,"North, Central America and Caribbean (CONCACAF) Costa Rica and United States qualified." +"东北风导致地表水层离岸(Ekman转向),使冷水到达地表,而西南风将温暖的Agulhas当前地表水推向岸边,导致近岸温度升高,这将对沙丁鱼的存在有负面影响。","North-easterly winds cause the surface water layer to move away from shore (Ekman veering), allowing the cool water to reach the surface, and south-westerly winds push warm Agulhas Current surface water towards the shore causing inshore temperatures to increase, which would negatively impact upon sardine presence." +"FokI的分子量为65.4 kDA,含有587个氨基酸。","Its molecular mass is 65.4 kDa, being composed of 587 amino acids." +切球、外切快速球或卡特球是一种在进垒时球路会有稍许变化的快速球。,A cut fastball or cutter is a fastball that has lateral movement. +"一些变暖的效应起因于来自加勒比海的洋流的局部波动(可能是暂时的),它也影响了鱼类的储备。","Some of the warming was due to a local (possibly temporary) effect via ocean currents from the Caribbean, which had also affected fish stocks." +"于格·卡佩--为第一个卡佩王朝的国王--并不是一个广为人知的人物,他最大的成就是作为国王存活下去,并打败了加洛林王朝的宣称者,这使得他可以建立之后会成为欧洲最富有权势的王族之一。","Hugh Capet, the first Capetian king, is not a well documented figure, his greatest achievement being certainly to survive as king and defeating the Carolingian claimant, thus allowing him to establish what would become one of Europe's most powerful house of kings." +扁平化组织模型促进雇员在分散化决策中参与公司商业决定。,The flat organization model promotes employee involvement through a decentralized decision-making process. +死前曾经为自己的行为感到抱歉。,"Before she died, however, thanks were given to her for her actions." +"午夜时分,布斯和赫罗尔德来到距华盛顿14公里的位于布兰迪派克的苏拉特酒馆,当年早些时候他们在那存了一些枪和设备,作为绑架阴谋的一部分。","At midnight, Booth and Herold arrived at Surratt's Tavern on the Brandywine Pike, 9 miles (14 km) from Washington, where they had stored guns and equipment earlier in the year as part of the kidnap plot." +当时教堂的最大容量约为750人。,At that time the church had a maximum capacity of about 750. +"在完成任务过程中,通常学生是组成小组完成任务,尽管这是有些依赖别人的方式。","During the task phase, the students perform the task, typically in small groups, although this depends on the type of activity." +音位并不是一个实际的语音。,"Therefore, they are not true speech sounds." +在关押的第一批犯人中有参与1936年海军叛变的士兵们。,Among the first prisoners were the convicted sailors from the 1936 Naval Revolt. +德国军队牧师勒·修拉神甫在回忆起她被枪决时说:“我不相信卡维尔女士想成为一名烈士......但她已准备为国而死...卡维尔女士是一名非常勇敢的女性和虔诚的基督徒”。,"Pastor Le Seur, the German army chaplain, recalled at the time of her execution, ""I do not believe that Miss Cavell wanted to be a martyr ... but she was ready to die for her country ..." +"随后,稍显醉意的奥黛丽出现在法兰克的家中,并且试图勾引他,但法兰克机灵地将她送回家。","Later, a somewhat drunk Audrey shows up at Frank's home and tries to seduce him, but he tactfully sends her home." +"富兰克林街是许多一年一度的节日庆祝和集会场所,其中一些全国知名: 庆祝胜利:一旦北卡罗来纳大学的球队柏油脚跟获得胜利,学生和球迷们就会冲出酒吧或者宿舍。","Franklin Street is home to several yearly festivals/gatherings, some of which are nationally famous: Victory celebrations: While students previously held ""Beat Duke"" parades on Franklin Street before sporting events, today students and sports fans have been known to spill out of bars and dormitories upon the victory of one of Carolina's sports teams." +部分资料来源,Source various +其中有107架(56%)提前扔下了炸弹。,"Of these, 107 (56 percent) were forced to jettison their bombs." +"2009年10月2日,四大举办城市的国家元首出席了丹麦哥本哈根举办的第121届国际奥委会大会。","With the presence of the heads of state from all four Candidate cities, the 121st IOC Session took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 2, 2009." +"毕业后三周,她生下了儿子克莱德(Clyde),后来克莱德改名为盖伊·约翰逊(Guy Johnson)。","Three weeks after completing school, at the age of 17, she gave birth to her son, Clyde (who later changed his name to Guy Johnson)." +"2007年时,米兰妮赢得了世界比基尼小姐大赛。","In 2007, she participated in the Miss Bikini International contest." +"1974年,此校学生首次参加香港中学会考。",In 1974 the students participated in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (香港中學會考) for the first time. +它不包含callsite指令(即RPC至另一个codelet)或其他HMPP指令。,It does not contain callsite directives (i.e. RPC to another codelet) or other HMPP directives. +"十七年后,在1901年,米兰人Luigi Bezzera对espresso咖啡机进行了一系列改进。","Seventeen years later, in 1901, Luigi Bezzera, from Milan, came up with a number of improvements to the espresso machine." +"它与地球的距离大约2,800光年,估计年龄是一亿岁,成员主要是蓝色和白色的恒星。","It lies approximately 2,800 light-years away, and is thought to be just over 100 million years old, consisting mainly of white and blue stars." +"对于伴星所知不多,但他可能是个只有主星光度1%不到的F型星。","Little is known about the companion star, but it is likely an F-type star with a luminosity less than 1% of the primary." +"结果轰炸的开始让蛇头岭上的印度军队感到吃惊,而直到空袭两天后,新西兰军才能发起他们的主要突击。","As a result, Indian troops on the Snake's Head were taken by surprise, while the New Zealand Corps was two days away from being ready to launch their main assault." +"大多数的核燃料都是二氧化铀,是一种和氟化钙类似的立方固体。","Most nuclear fuel is uranium dioxide, which is a cubic solid with a structure similar to that of calcium fluoride." +"除了色情演员的身份外,敏卡还是一名网球运动员。","In spite of being team captain, Chitose is a poor tennis player." +"苏亚雷斯曾代表西班牙 U17上阵,并在对阵摩尔多瓦和北爱尔兰时各攻入1球。","Suárez has been capped by Spain U17 and has scored two goals for the team, against Moldova and Northern Ireland." +"1975年最大的度假中心Euronat (占地335公顷)开幕,位于Vendays-Montalivet北方10公里处,一直满载经营。","In 1975, Euronat, the largest holiday centre (335ha) opened 10 km north of Montalivet which was running at capacity." +"突尼斯阿拉伯语在吸收法语或英语借词,尤其是在科技领域;而在某些领域,标准阿拉伯语的词汇正在取代旧时的法语及西班牙语借词。","Within some circles, Tunisian Arabic has thereby integrated new French and English words, notably in technical fields, or replaced old French and Italian loans with standard Arabic words." +"1975年,乐团因为毒品问题和人际冲突而导致解散,尽管史莱继续以乐团的名义重组新阵容并进行演出,但他的毒品滥用问题迫使他在1987年退休。","By 1975, drug problems and interpersonal clashes led to dissolution, though Sly continued to record and tour with a new rotating lineup under the name ""Sly and the Family Stone"" until drug problems forced his effective retirement in 1987." +"在此期间,她成了一群雄心勃勃的德国动画制作者的中心,这些动画制作者包括贝特霍尔德·巴托施、汉斯·里希特(Hans Richter)、瓦尔特·鲁特曼(Walter Ruttmann)、奥斯卡·菲欣格(Oskar Fischinger)。","During this time, she found herself at the centre of a large group of ambitious German animators, including Bartosch, Hans Richter, Walter Ruttmann and Oskar Fischinger." +"QS(Quantum Spy)是一个软件跟踪系统,它能在只占用极少系统资源的前提下监视事件驱动的QP应用程序,并不会导致应用程序出线显著速度降低或者卡顿。",QS (Quantum Spy) is a software tracing system that enables live monitoring of event-driven QP applications with minimal target system resources and without stopping or significantly slowing down the code. +"国徽由Gabriel and Maxim Shamir兄弟设计,1949年10月从众多方案中脱引而出,被正式选为国徽。","The emblem was designed by the brothers Gabriel and Maxim Shamir, and was officially chosen on 10 February 1949 from among many other proposals submitted as part of a design competition held in 1948." +"就在按计划1996年完成独立的时候,1990年阿鲁巴岛提出请求终止了独立进程。",Movement toward full independence by 1996 was halted at Aruba's request in 1990. +"2001年1月,基耶列斯(Kieres)在访问纽约时说,IPN已经积累了足够的证据证实一群波兰人是耶德瓦布内大屠杀的肇事者。","In January 2001, during his visit to New York, Kieres said that IPN had accumulated enough evidence to confirm that a group of Poles were perpetrators in the Jedwabne massacre." +8月27日 - 马来亚联邦宪法正式生效。,27 August – The Federation of Malayan constitution took effect for the first time. +"总理和内阁主导着政治进程,而总统在象征性的职权之外还可以行使一些政府功能。","The prime minister and cabinet play the central role in the political process, while the president perform some executive and legislative functions in addition to ceremonial duties." +"加利纳·季姆琴科与约20名新闻记者辞去了在Lenta.ru的工作,而后创办了新的网络报纸Meduza(英语:Meduza)。","Galina Timchenko, together with a team of around 20 journalists who resigned from their jobs at Lenta.ru, started the new internet newspaper Meduza." +"在1940年代早期,他被诊断患上了癌症。",In the early 1940s he was diagnosed with cancer. +铁路部门没有直接决定任何补偿。,There was no immediate decision about any compensation from the railways. +"背风安的列斯群岛基本上不存在火山活动,它沿加勒比板块发生变形的南界分布,由该板块向南美洲板块下的消减作用形成。","Largely lacking in volcanic activity, the Leeward Antilles island arc occurs along the deformed southern edge of the Caribbean Plate and was formed by the plate's subduction under the South American Plate." +"1828年5月1日他曾负责组建德累斯顿工业大学,并且是该校的第一任校长。","He was responsible for the founding of the Technische Bildungsanstalt Dresden (Dresden Technical School) on May 1, 1828, and was the first director of that institution." +"所以这些尖牙可能只发现于成年个体,而非雄性的第二性征。","Therefore, it is possible that tusks are found only in adults, rather than being a secondary sexual characteristic of males." +"2014年9月,在德国展开了一次关于移动交通变迁的公开对话活动,会议探讨了出租车行业和汽车交通创业公司的作用。","In September 2014, Mobility in Transition, an open dialogue event in Germany, discussed the role of the taxi industry and mobility startups." +"也是在1799年,高斯提出了第一个广为人接受的代数基本定理证明,表示任一复数系数多项都有完全的复数解。","Also in 1799, Gauss provided the first generally accepted proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra, showing that every polynomial over the complex numbers has a full set of solutions in that realm." +1996年出版。,Published 1996. +基于《女神异闻录3》和《女神异闻录4》的多部小说也已经出版。,Multiple novels based on Persona 3 and 4 have also been released. +"这首乐曲于1813年12月8日于维也纳首演,这个音乐会是为了在哈瑙战役中,受伤的奥地利及巴伐利亚士兵所演,指挥为贝多芬自己。","The piece was first performed in Vienna on 8 December 1813 at a concert to benefit Austrian and Bavarian soldiers wounded at the Battle of Hanau, with Beethoven conducting." +格陵兰的史前历史是古爱斯基摩人从北美大陆北部一波又一波向格陵兰移民的历史。,The prehistory of Greenland is a story of repeated waves of Paleo-Eskimo immigration from the islands north of the North American mainland. +开始建设非洲园。,Rebranding africa forum. +"那是真实的应许,记录在《讨拉特》、《引支勒》和《古兰经》中。","It is a promise binding on the truth in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an." +"然而,迪拜当局否认对外籍劳工的不平等待遇,并表示人权观察的报告是错误的。","The Dubai government, however, denied any kind of labour injustices and stated that the watchdog's accusations were misguided." +"作为二战主要战胜国,法国成为联合国创会成员国,也是安全理事会五个常任理事国之一。","With the addition of France, this concept came to fruition as the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council." +"他曾在以色列国防军伞兵旅六年(1977-1983),以及预备役,并达到少校军衔。","Barkat served in the Paratroopers Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces for six years (1977-1983), as well as reserve duty, and reached the rank of Major." +"群体关系则是包含超过两个个体以上的关系,这个关系可能是同性社交(包含各类同性友好关系),异性社交(包含含有恋爱元素的关系以及单纯友爱的异性关系)。","In group relations involving more than two individuals, the relation can be either homosocial (involving same-sex social relations), bisocial involving social relation with both sexes or heterosocial involving only opposite sex." +"该组织的初始成员由约 5,000 名前 DSOC 会员和 1,000 名前 NAM 会员组成。","Initially, the organization consisted of approximately 5,000 ex-DSOC members and 1,000 ex-NAM members." +VICE媒体经营着一系列数字实体和线下实体、现场音乐场地等企业。,"VICE Media operates a range of digital and offline entities, a live music venue and other enterprises." +有关太阳微系统(Sun)IOMMU的信息已在Solaris Developer Connection的设备虚拟内存访问(DVMA)部分发布。,Information about the Sun IOMMU has been published in the Device Virtual Memory Access (DVMA) section of the Solaris Developer Connection. +侵略者大量投入使用的小型无人机。,The comparatively small amount of cement wer used. +"然而,媒体的大多数注意力侧重的是那些惊人的统计数字:每年因为医疗差错所造成的44,000~98,000人的可预防性死亡,且其中7,000例的可预防性死亡仅仅与用药差错有关。","The majority of media attention, however, focused on the staggering statistics: from 44,000 to 98,000 preventable deaths annually due to medical error in hospitals, 7,000 preventable deaths related to medication errors alone." +"通过引渡程序,一个主权管辖区通常向另一个主权管辖区(“被请求国”)提出正式请求。","Through the extradition process, one sovereign jurisdiction typically makes a formal request to another sovereign jurisdiction (""the requested state"")." +15岁以下及70岁以上。,Those who are younger than 15 or older than 70. +叙利亚政府军还发动了一场旨在夺回Rashidiya街区的行动。,The Syrian Army also launched an operation to recapture the Rashidiya neighbourhood. +无线电、蒸汽船和破冰船的面世令北方海路变得可行。,"The introduction of radio, steamboats, and icebreakers made running the Northern Sea Route viable." +这些症状可能会持续至数周之久。,These symptoms may last for days. +"同样, 标题可能由布局编辑器,副本编辑器或原始作者编写。","Likewise, headlines might be written by the layout editor, a copy editor, or the original author." +"据估计,曾经生活在地球上的物种99%以上已经灭绝。",More than 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. +"莫斯纳城堡(波兰语:Pałac w Mosznej,德语:Schloss Moschen)是波兰的一座历史悠久的城堡和住宅,位于波兰西南部村庄莫斯纳。","The Moszna Castle (Polish: Pałac w Mosznej, German: Schloss Moschen) is a historic castle and residence located in a small village of Moszna, in southwestern Poland." +"杜坎大坝建于1954年至1959年,是一座集蓄水、灌溉和水力发电为一体的多功能大坝。","The Dukan Dam was built between 1954 and 1959 as a multi-purpose dam to provide water storage, irrigation and hydroelectricity." +"因应公投结果,挪威与欧共体签订贸易协定,这份贸易协定直到1994年一月1日挪威加入欧洲经济区前都充分的发挥效力。",That trade agreement remained in force until Norway joined the European Economic Area on 1 January 1994. +"所有议席中有24个保留给女性,这些女性议员都是通过地方政府官员组成的联合大会选举产生;另外还有三个议席为青少年和残疾人保留,剩下的53个席位则按比例代表制经普通选举产生。","Twenty-four of these seats are reserved for women, elected through a joint assembly of local government officials; another three seats are reserved for youth and disabled members; the remaining 53 are elected by universal suffrage under a proportional representation system." +同年四月26日释出《我不是机器》并在同一个排行榜上排行第26名。,"It was followed on 26 April by ""I Am Not a Robot"", which peaked at number 26 on the same listing." +"广义的系统系为一组实体,透过它们的相互作用、关系、或依赖性而形成一个统一的整体。","A system, broadly defined, is a set of entities that, through their interactions, relationships, or dependencies, form a unified whole." +"1965年10月17日,周末深夜列车也缩短至145街至135街的接驳线。","On October 17, 1965, weekend evening service was also cut to a shuttle 145th Street to 135th Street." +"1994年法国以Modiodal为名开出处方,1998年在美国以Provigil为商品名销售。","It has been prescribed in France since 1994 under the name Modiodal, and in the US since 1998 as Provigil." +"学校位于太平洋精神区域公园(英语:Pacific Spirit Regional Park)旁,是一片森林。","The school is situated next to Pacific Spirit Regional Park, which is a forest." +"在近年的执教生涯,2015年4月,他与波兰俱乐部Cerrad Czarni Radom签约成为主教练。",In April 2015 he signed a contract with Polish club Cerrad Czarni Radom. +"此外,置标PDF可为有视觉障碍的读者重排和放大。","Moreover, tagged PDFs can be re-flowed and magnified for readers with visual impairments." +"此外,俄罗斯经常被视为是奥斯曼帝国境内包括亚美尼亚人在内的基督教徒的保护者。","Moreover, Russia was viewed as a protector of the Christian subjects in the Ottoman Empire, including the Armenians." +"他的言论立即传播开来,导致“网民”向警方报案。","His comments immediately went viral, leading to ""netizens"" lodging police reports against him." +视窗系统能让电脑使用者同时与数个程式一起工作。,A windowing system enables the computer user to work with several programs at the same time. +量子电脑理论 - 算法 - 用来解决许多问题的序列���并列的计算程序。,Algorithms – Sequential and parallel computational procedures for solving a wide range of problems. +新的工作群组管理器的配置界面显著改善。,The new Workgroup Manager interface improved configuration significantly. +"虽然电视上不再出现新的剧集,但在2003年又出了两部剧场版《Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade》和《Recess: All Growed Down》。","It was followed by two more direct-to-video Recess films in 2003: Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade, and Recess: All Growed Down." +"约有1,000家此类企业在各领域居世界领先地位,被称为隐形冠军企业。","Around 1,000 of these companies are global market leaders in their segment and are labelled hidden champions." +"然而,这种余热在使用冷气就时变成负担。","However, this waste heat becomes a liability when using air conditioning." +"州土壤:塔纳诺壤,采用年不详。","State soil: Tanana, adopted unknown." +"组织的关注重点也不是要发展更多基督徒,而是为了传达这样的理念:世界上有很多基督徒,他们不会因女性从事色情产业而抱持批判态度,并且愿意接受她们。",The group does not focus upon conversion but rather on communicating its message that Christians exist who are not judging female sex workers and are willing to accept them. +JUEL也适用于非JSP应用。,JUEL is also suitable for use in non-JSP applications. +"Matthias Kalle Dalheimer意识到成千上万的资金透过他的个人账户来运行会议,不是一个好主意,所以他希望成立一个协会。","Matthias Kalle Dalheimer realized that it wasn't a good idea to channel thousands of money through his personal account to run the meeting, so he wanted to find an association." +其软件名字“PuTTY”没有特殊含义。,"The name ""PuTTY"" has no official meaning." +"法案将使醉的酒界定为任何含有超过0.5%酒精量的饮料,并取代所有现存生效的禁酒法。",The act defined intoxicating liquor as any beverage containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume and superseded all existing prohibition laws in effect in states that had such legislation. +"她们是匿名表演,所有成员都身穿波卡来表示对于塔利班的伊斯兰服装规定表达明显的抗议。","They perform anonymously, all of the members wearing burqas in an apparent protest against the Taliban's rules regarding Islamic dress." +"至少六人在德拉附近的Al-Omari清真寺被部队杀害,包括一名医生和一名护理人员。","At least six people were killed by security forces near Al-Omari mosque in Daraa, including a doctor and a paramedic." +"对于《蒙特-尼克松法案》的问题,他的看法是这属于宣誓效忠,而国际共产主义的问题则正中他的下怀。","The questions on the Mundt-Nixon bill, his views on the loyalty oath, and the problem of international communism were just what he was waiting for." +"公元1913年出现的伊利亚·穆罗梅茨,是飞行器一种革命性的设计,他可用于商业服务,且其宽敞的机身具有乘客机舱(英语:Aircraft cabin)的和洗手间。","The Ilya Muromets aircraft as it appeared in 1913 was a revolutionary design, intended for commercial service with its spacious fuselage incorporating a passenger saloon and washroom on board." +"一些抗病毒药物,如阿昔洛韦(ATC:J05AB01)和更昔洛韦(ATC:J05AB06)与其他一些研究成功的核酸类似物一样,则是利用了对病毒胸苷激酶而非对人胸苷激酶的专属特异性。","Some antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir (ATC: J05AB01) and ganciclovir (ATC: J05AB06) as well as other nucleoside analogs make use of the substrate specificity of viral thymidine kinase, as opposed to human thymidine kinases." +5年后升格为苏联直属的塔吉克苏维埃社会主义共和国。,Five years later it was promoted to a full Union Republic as the Tajik SSR. +"有些战斗,比如加利波里的尼克山谷之战中,士兵们的尸体直到战后才被掩埋。","On some battlefields, such as at the Nek in Gallipoli, the bodies were not buried until after the war." +"当众议院在1975年废除该委员会时,委员会的职能由众议院司法委员会接任。","When the House abolished the committee in 1975, its functions were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee." +"人们被带走遭受酷刑,未经审判被监禁,被流放到该国的另一个地方,或者只是失踪。","People were taken away, tortured, imprisoned without trial, exiled to another part of the country, or simply disappeared." +而M期(有丝分裂和胞质分裂(英语:Cytokinesis))是该周期的细胞分裂部分。,While the M phase (mitosis and cytokinesis) is the cell division portion of the cycle. +"虽然一些在光合作用中的步骤仍不能被完全理解,但是整体的光合方程式自19世纪以来是已知的。","Although some of the steps in photosynthesis are still not completely understood, the overall photosynthetic equation has been known since the 19th century." +"特别顾问受到行为准则的约束,这些行为准则可以在某些方面界定特别顾问的角色,包括其与常任公务员、媒体以及执政党之间的关系,特别是: 《大臣行为准则(英语:Ministerial Code (United Kingdom))》规定了特别顾问的任命程序和与大臣关系的定位。","Advisers are governed by a code of conduct which goes some way to defining their role and delineates relations with the permanent civil service, contact with the media and relationship with the governing party, inter alia: The rules for their appointment, and status in relation to ministers, are set out in the Ministerial Code." +"至1970年,土著人拥有马来西亚1.9%的经济力量,非马来人(大多为华人)拥有37.4%,其他全为外国人拥有。","In 1970, the Bumiputra controlled only 1.9% of the Malaysian economy, while the non-Malays (mostly Chinese) held 37.4%, with the rest in foreign hands." +《Rough》MV亦成为2016年上半年Gaon Chart的首位。,"Their song ""Rough"" was also ranked first in Gaon Chart's First Half of 2016 chart rankings." +"他第二任妻子朵莉丝·克莱纳(Doris Kleiner,1960年 – 1967年)是名智利模特儿,他于1960年拍摄《豪勇七蛟龙》期间同她结婚。","His second wife, from 1960 to 1967, Doris Kleiner, was a Chilean model whom he married on the set during shooting of The Magnificent Seven in 1960." +"1957年3月,美国空军又投入了新的资金,这架飞机也被命名为“武器系统606A”(WS-606A)。","In March 1957, the Air Force added additional funding, and the aircraft became Weapons System 606A." +"他们频繁地与邻近的突厥人和鞑靼人发生冲突,并劫掠他们在黑海沿岸的定居点。",They had frequently clashed with the neighboring Turks and Tatars and raided their Black Sea coastal settlements. +"2017年,她公开自己是同性恋者及有女友,并已与丈夫分居,并表示有兴趣复出。","In 2017, she left her husband but has yet to go public as to the reason for their split." +2009年5月的第一个1 MW已经被安装了。,The first 1 MW was installed in May 2009. +"从1999年德国举办期开始,欧洲文化之城改名为欧洲文化之都。","During the German presidency of 1999, the European City of Culture programme was renamed to European Capital of Culture." +说话用文言文。,Reden gehalten im prot. +这三乃是一。,These three are one. +"雌性从5岁开始生育后代,然后以2年为一个周期。","Females produce offspring starting at age 5, and thereafter in a cycle of 2 years." +他的许多理念都纳入了《克莱顿反托拉斯法》。,Many of his ideas were incorporated into the Clayton Antitrust Act. +"NP-24A手枪是在1998年研制的NP-24手枪的衍生型,并改由高品质的铝合金所制成。",The NP-24A pistol is a variant of the NP-24 pistol developed in 1998 and is made from a high-quality aluminum alloy. +"但从来没有检查结果得到公布,而孟克也会在出院后激动几天,之后的几天开始踱步,直至最终症状消失但不再说话。","No reports or diagnoses were ever publicized, but Monk would often become excited for two or three days, then pace for days after that, after which he would withdraw and stop speaking." +"尽管一切简单化AssaultCube有几百个一直活跃的玩家,任何时候都有超过60个服务器,全都是自行架设的。","Despite its simplistic graphics and gameplay, AssaultCube maintained a consistent player base of hundreds of players, with over 60 user-run servers online at any given time around 2009." +"第一次世界大战后,他们成立了最著名的法国室内设计公司之一,为法国跨大西洋邮轮的头等客厅和船舱生产家具。","After World War I they became one of the most prominent French interior design firms, producing the furniture for the first-class salons and cabins of the French transatlantic ocean liners." +"斯皮尔伯格对辛德勒的事迹感到震惊,还开玩笑地问这是不是真事。","Spielberg, astounded by Schindler's story, jokingly asked if it was true." +"玛丽亚后来也提及霍利很热衷于学习指弹式弗拉门戈吉他,他也经常去她姨妈家弹钢琴。",Santiago later said that Holly was keen to learn fingerstyle flamenco guitar and that he would often visit her aunt's home to play the piano there. +急性支气管炎通常是由病毒或细菌感染引起。,Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viral or bacterial infections. +"一个典型的波兰陆军PT-91营装备有53辆坦克,分为4个各有13辆坦克的作战连、另有1辆营长车。",A typical Polish PT-91 tank battalion equipped with 53 tanks is composed of 4 frontline companies with 13 vehicles in each and 1 tank for the battalion commander. +地球解放阵线由地球优先!(EF!,The Fund For Wild Nature was founded as the Earth First! +"1991年,她成为了电视节目 America's Top 10 的主持人。","In 1991, she became host of the show America's Top 10." +他曾在澳洲军队工作。,He served in the Australian Army. +该课程的所有学生都以非常密集的跨学科培训开始。,The curriculum starts with an intensive period of interdisciplinary training common to all students. +这一结果意味着希尔沃宁和他的领航员莱赫蒂宁成为WRC有史以来第一个在单个赛季中每场比赛都取得积分的组合。,This result meant that Hirvonen and co-driver Lehtinen became the first WRC drivers ever to score points on every round of a season. +创作歌手蜜雪儿·夏克德(Michelle Shocked)在1992年担任西南偏南的主题演讲者。,Singer-songwriter Michelle Shocked was the keynote speaker at the 1992 South by Southwest. +"奥古斯托·马特利(意大利语:Augusto Martelli),74岁,意大利作曲家,指挥家,编曲家及电视名人。","Augusto Martelli, 74, Italian composer (Il dio serpente), conductor, arranger and television personality." +"女权主义者还致力于合法堕胎和社会融合的可及性,并保护妇女免遭强奸和家庭暴力。","Feminists have also worked to ensure access to legal abortions and social integration, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence." +"于2012年2月13日,HP另发表了关于第8代ProLiant产品的声明稿。","In February 2012, HP announced the ProLiant generation 8." +"穆罕默德逝世于632年,但他对阿拉伯人耳提面命的团结观念使得伊斯兰教快速扩张,其势力在几百年内抵达北非和亚洲。","Muhammad died in 632, but with the sense of unity that he had passed on to his Ummah (Islamic nation), Islam began a rapid expansion, and within the next few hundred years stretched from North Africa into Asia and parts of Europe." +"你想得到什么? 称自己为挚爱,感受到我自己 被世上所爱。","To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth." +"由乔治·奈尔斯(英语:George Nares)指挥的挑战者号,于1872年12月21日从英国的朴茨茅斯启程。","The expedition, led by Captain George Nares, sailed from Portsmouth, England, on 21 December 1872." +"在精神疾病方面,亲和性低可能与自恋和反社会倾向相关。","When mental illness is present, low agreeableness may be associated with narcissistic and anti-social tendencies." +下表列出曾经申办任一届夏季或冬季奥运会的城市。,What follows is a list of the cities that have bid to host any of the Summer and Winter Olympics. +"每天晚上开车回家的路上,我都会哭着思考。","Driving home every night, I would cry just thinking about it." +"后来在伊拉克入侵科威特,阿里被巴格达方面提升为上校,扶植建立一个由九名成员组成的傀儡政府——科威特共和国。","Having held a lieutenant's position in the Kuwaiti army prior to the invasion, Ali was promoted to colonel in Baghdad and placed at the head of a 9-member puppet government during the invasion." +"尽管历史上只有少数人员从事研究肢体再生的工作,但最近已经把作为基因模型生物的蝾螈(Ambystoma mexicanum)进行研究取得重大进展。","In spite of the historically few researchers studying limb regeneration, remarkable progress has been made recently in establishing the neotenous amphibian the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) as a model genetic organism." +"肝细胞癌的治疗因疾病阶段,一个人容忍手术的可能性和肝移植的可获得性而不同: 治疗意向:对于有限的疾病,当癌症被限制在肝脏内的一个或多个区域时,手术去除恶性细胞可能是治愈性的。","Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma varies by the stage of disease, a person's likelihood to tolerate surgery, and availability of liver transplant: Curative intention: for limited disease, when the cancer is limited to one or more areas of within the liver, surgically removing the malignant cells may be curative." +"他计划在伊朗84个地区建立地方议会负责地方事务,如卫生、教育和农业等。","His plan called for setting up local councils in Iran’s 84 districts to run local affairs such as health, education and agricultural programs." +"实施将使三个国家放弃他们目前的货币单位(美元、加拿大元和墨西哥比索),并采用专门为此设立的新货币。","Implementation would involve the three countries giving up their current currency units (the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso) and adopting a new one, created specifically for this purpose (some versions of the theory assume only the United States and Canada would be included)." +"因为自己的性格缺陷,全班男生都畏惧她。","Being a shrewd woman, the entire village lives in fear of her." +"在1997年,FDA的发布了一项关于麻黄(可以提取麻黄素的药草)的规定:限制一剂麻黄至8毫克(有效麻黄碱),一天的总计量不超过24毫克 。","In 1997, the FDA proposed a regulation on ephedra (the herb from which ephedrine is obtained), which limited an ephedra dose to 8 mg (of active ephedrine) with no more than 24 mg per day." +"2006年2月,一副围片颢示布兰妮驾车时将儿子放在自己腿上,而非驾驶座上。","In February 2006, pictures surfaced of Spears driving with her son, Sean, on her lap instead of in a car seat." +该师的格言是:“准备在任何地方、任何时刻进行打击。,"The new company's motto was ""We'll Fly Anything, Anywhere, Anytime""." +"该奖有17位获奖者的作品得到美国国家人文学术基金会(英语:National Endowment for the Humanities)的赞助,有16位获奖者也得到普立兹历史奖(英语:Pulitzer Prize for History)。","Seventeen winners had their work supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and 16 winners were also recipients of the Pulitzer Prize for History." +"1783至1784年的大部分时间里,他多次往返费城、纽约及东北部的其他多个城市,豪认为大陆会议还欠自己一些债务,希望能够结清。","During much of 1783 and 1784, Howe returned frequently to Philadelphia, New York, and other cities in the northeast in an attempt to settle accounts and obtain back payments he claimed he was owed by Congress." +第一届的“台湾研究世界大会”是由中央研究院在2012年4月26至28日在台北举行。,"The first World Congress of Taiwan Studies (WCTS) was hosted by Taiwan's Academia Sinica on April 26–28, 2012, in Taipei, Taiwan." +"一个典型的教室是为20—30个孩子服务,把他们加入跨年龄的组里,由一个老资格的教师和一个助手负责。","A typical classroom serves 20 to 30 children in mixed-age groups, staffed by fully trained teachers and assistants." +"抗议的标语和在墙上留下对政治社会评论涂鸦是现代涂鸦和街头艺术的先驱,并持续发展成其中一个流派。","Slogans of protest and political or social commentary graffitied onto public walls are the precursor to modern graffiti and street art, and continue as one aspect of the genre." +"MIL-STD-1553B指定对于变压器耦合的短截线,最长的stub长度为20英尺(6.1米),但可以超过。","MIL-STD-1553B specifies that the longest stub length is 20 feet (6.1 m) for transformer coupled stubs, but can be exceeded." +"例如,波特兰的栅格方案消耗了41%的总开发用地用于街道路权。","For example, the Portland grid consumes 41% of the development land in street Right-of-Ways (ROW)." +"造成11人死亡,约100人受伤。","11 people die, about 100 injured." +"埃米莉也在帮他处理文书工作,把阿勃维尔的机密文件处理好并藏在他们的公寓里。","Emilie helped him with paperwork, processing and hiding secret documents in their apartment for the Abwehr office." +莫赫达本人也没能看完整部电影。,Mochtar never viewed the film in full. +"然而,建议在测试IgM抗体后再进行PRINT测试,有助于消除其他黄病毒引发的假阳性。","However, it is suggested that a PRINT test be performed following a test for IgM antibodies to help eliminate false positives resulting from other flaviviruses." +"性身份,并不等同于性倾向,可能会经由心理治疗、支持团体和生活事件,而产生认同上的改变。","Sexual orientation identity—not sexual orientation—appears to change via psychotherapy, support groups, and life events." +"在这场比赛的几天后,乔伊斯是其中一个在草稿中的球员,其余三个则是Geoff Strickland、Jeff Howell及Matt Mercurio。","Just days after the final game, Joyce was one of four players from that team selected in the draft; the others were Geoff Strickland, Jeff Howell, and Matthew Mercurio." +"在袭击警察营地事件发生后,缅甸军队开始在若开邦北部的村庄执行武装行动。","Following the police camp incidents, the Myanmar military began a major crackdown in the villages of northern Rakhine state." +"亚当斯曾于1936年3月11日就其他纪念币事宜召开听证会,并从多人口中得知发行方为吸引收藏家购买硬币采取的手段,以及随后引发的争议。","Adams had held hearings on other commemorative coins on March 11, 1936, and had separately been told of the abuses as issuers sought to get collectors to buy their coins." +"风暴来袭时,首届伯明翰超级大奖赛赛车比赛刚刚开始,但由于天气恶劣导致能见度欠佳引发了一起交通事故,因此比赛予以暂停。","At the start of the storm, the inaugural Birmingham Super Prix motorsport race was just getting underway but poor visibility from precipitation contributed to an accident which temporarily called halt to proceedings." +决定性是提供容错支持的理想特性。,Determinism is an ideal characteristic for providing fault-tolerance. +"平衡计分卡的原始想法是,注重战略实施的信息,也许很正常的是,经过一段时间,传统的战略计划和控制活动与那些需要平衡计分卡的项目之间的界限会变得模糊。","The original thinking behind a balanced scorecard was for it to be focused on information relating to the implementation of a strategy, and over time there has been a blurring of the boundaries between conventional strategic planning and control activities and those required to design a balanced scorecard." +"其中一团有100个蒙��人,由佛罗伦斯人Guiscard Bustari率领,代表伊儿汗。","One of the groups was of 100 Mongols, led by the Florentine Guiscard Bustari, the ambassador for the Il-khan." +"布尔西科于1979年返回法国,与时佩璞失去联系。",Boursicot returned to France in 1979 and lost contact with Shi. +"但是OSGi Alliance的兼容性程序只对成员开放,目前有12个兼容的实现。",The OSGi Alliance has a compliance program that is open to members only. +"一直到第19届,原先组别改为学生组与公开组。","Even though Group B is eliminated in the 19th Music Express, it was divided into Student Group and Public Group." +"欧洲之星国际有限公司于1990年成立,和当时的欧洲客运服务一样 (EPS), 它作为英国铁路的一个子部门对经营欧洲之星(英国)负责。","Eurostar International was formed in 1990 as European Passenger Services (EPS), as the division of British Rail responsible for the UK section of the Eurostar operation." +"另外,还有397幢公共建筑受损,两套被毁。","Finally, 397 public buildings were damaged and three were destroyed." +"1917年,他加入了英属印度军(英语:British Indian Army)。",He joined the British Indian Army in 1917. +"NASA的工程师们尝试着用一个T形尾来改进它,但是这个T形尾被涡轮风扇的气流包围住了,因此没能起作用。","NASA engineers attempted to modify this with a T-tail, but this proved to sit within the airflow of the turborotor and did not help." +"该博物馆拥有丰富多样的收藏,涵盖了威尼斯的艺术和历史。","With its rich and varied collections, the Museo Correr covers both the art and history of Venice." +"1943年9月起,纳粹开始追捕丹麦籍犹太人,利瓦伊成了数千位逃往瑞典的犹太人中的一员。","When the Nazis began rounding up Danish Jews in September 1943, Levi was one of the thousands of Jews who fled to Sweden." +随后Doug Gaffka根据2006年MY2010设计选型在2006年立即成为2008-2009布利特和GT500KR的设计负责人。,"Doug Gaffka afterward, became immediately responsible for the design of the 2008–2009 Bullitt and the GT500KR, upon MY2010 design selection in 2006." +"基于ISO 32000-1的可阅读PDF国际标准PDF/UA在2012年以ISO 14289-1发布,并为可阅读PDF技术建立规范的语言。","PDF/UA, the International Standard for accessible PDF based on ISO 32000-1 was first published as ISO 14289-1 in 2012, and establishes normative language for accessible PDF technology." +"而《西欧文化》(he Culture of Western Europe,1961)的潜在主题正是极权主义对自由主义的胜利。",Reviewers noted that the sub-text in his The Culture of Western Europe (1961) was the triumph of totalitarianism over liberalism. +"他最著名的作品是《美丽的约定》(Le Grand Meaulnes)(1913年),被认为是法国文学经典。","He was the author of a single novel, Le Grand Meaulnes (1913), which has been twice filmed and is considered a classic of French literature." +"安丽(英语:Amway,全称:American way)是一家美国公司,其特点是利用多层次直销来销售健康、美容、居家护理产品。","Amway (short for ""American Way"") is an American multi-level marketing company that sells health, beauty, and home care products." +"1827年,道在缅因州议会游说,希望能改革消防队,提高工作效率。","In 1827, Dow lobbied the Maine legislature to reform the fire companies to increase their efficiency." +与其隔街相对的德克萨斯大学休斯敦健康科学中心失去了数以千计的实验动物。,"The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, across the street, lost thousands of laboratory animals." +"在过去的几十年中,从电子技术和商业的角度来看,“电子传感”技术得到了迅速发展。","Over the last decades, ""electronic sensing"" or ""e-sensing"" technologies have undergone important developments from a technical and commercial point of view." +"当他的教区被日本军队侵占时,他被迫在中国内地四处奔走。",When his episcopal area was occupied by Japanese troops he traveled extensively in inland China. +而这时暴力的主要受害者是那些和威士忌酒税并没有关联的有钱人。,"By this time, the victims of violence were often wealthy property owners who had no connection to the whiskey tax." +再令Ω是s的稳定proper函数的集合。,"Further, let Ω be a set of stable and proper functions of s." +"伦敦港曾经是世界上最大的港口,现在则是英国第二大港口,仅次于伊明汉姆港。","Once the largest port in the world, it is currently the United Kingdom's second largest port, after Grimsby & Immingham." +拉莫说他在精神科病房被诊断出患有阿斯伯格综合症。,Lamo said he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at the psychiatric ward. +"市政厅给威基基新建筑颁发许可证,要求建筑须高于海平面。",When the city was issuing permits for new buildings in Waikīkī they required builders to build above sea level. +"RSVP维护主机和路由���的软体状态(每个节点上的资源预留都需要周期性的更新),因此支持源自适应网络变化。","RSVP maintains ""soft state"" (the reservation at each node needs a periodic refresh) of the host and routers' resource reservations, hence supporting dynamic automatic adaptation to network changes." +"该片是根据在20世纪初期活跃的一名女工人玛利亚·拉森的真实事迹改编,拉森有一次中奖得到一部照相机,后来成为了一名摄影家。","It is based on the true story of Maria Larsson, a Swedish working class woman in the early 20th century, who wins a camera in a lottery and goes on to become a photographer." +"Nintendo World Report也对游戏感到遗憾,并告诉玩家“希望不可避免的《脑力训练3》能做一个大修”。","Nintendo World Report was also unhappy with the game, telling players who were ""hoping for an overhaul to wait for the inevitable Brain Age 3""." +"其他技术还可以被采用,例如TLS / SSL加密流量检查,网站过滤,QoS /带宽管理,防病毒检测和第三方身份管理(英语:Identity management)集成(即LDAP,RADIUS,Active Directory)。","Other techniques might also be employed, such as TLS/SSL encrypted traffic inspection, website filtering, QoS/bandwidth management, antivirus inspection and third-party identity management integration (i.e. LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory)." +"阿马特耶之家最初被设计为巧克力商安东尼·阿马特耶的住所,兴建于1898年至1900年。",The building was originally designed as a residence for chocolatier Antoni Amatller and was constructed between 1898 and 1900. +卡梅隆表示自己“除了接受协议外别无选择。,"Cameron replied that he ""had no choice but to agree with the settlement." +"在19世纪初,来自南非的纳焉族已经拥有一些枪支,他们进入了这片土地后,白人商人和德国传教士追随其后。","In the beginning of the 19th century, the Nama from South Africa, who already possessed some firearms, entered the land and were followed, in turn, by white merchants and German missionaries." +"比如,亚美尼亚方面最杰出的指挥官之一是前苏军将军安纳托利·兹涅维奇(Anatoly Zinevich),他留在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫五年(1992-1997),参与制定和实施了亚美尼亚军队的很多行动。","For example, one of the most prominent officers to serve on the Armenian side was former Soviet General Anatoly Zinevich, who remained in Nagorno-Karabakh for five years (1992–1997) and was involved in planning and implementation of many operations of the Armenian forces." +"一般来说,科学并不需要一个标准来区分或者判断两个同样给出可检验的预言。",Science often does not demand arbitration or selection criteria between models that make the same testable predictions. +主要生长于林下草丛中。,Grows only under larch trees. +西晋时为始平郡治所。,Times Square begins pedestrianization. +它有两个继任者。,It has two successors. +YAL-1被编入爱德华空军基地417飞行测试中队“空中激光综合测试军”。,The YAL-1 was assigned to the 417th Flight Test Squadron Airborne Laser Combined Test Force at Edwards AFB. +"门上的铭文表明,这个门框是塞纳赫特里命令建造的。",Inscriptions on the door indicate that it was built following the orders of Senakhtenre himself. +"1980年,潘德列茨基受波兰团结工会委约,为一个竖立于格但斯克船厂外,以纪念在1970年反政府骚乱中遇难人士的雕塑揭幕仪式创作音乐。","During 1980, Penderecki was commissioned by the Polish trade union Solidarity to compose a piece to accompany the unveiling of a statue at the Gdańsk shipyards to commemorate those killed in the Polish anti-government riots in 1970." +"在一次演讲中以色列国会副总理兼外交部长Yigal Allon(英语:Yigal Allon)略述了政府的观点:“不要期待我们会将这个称为巴勒斯坦解放组织的恐怖组织认定为巴勒斯坦人的代表,因为他的确不是。","In a speech to the Knesset, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Yigal Allon outlined the government's view that: ""No one can expect us to recognize the terrorist organization called the PLO as representing the Palestinians—because it does not." +他在1993年获得塔吉克斯坦大学(杜尚别)荣誉博士学位。,"He received an Honorary Doctorate from Tajikistan University, (Dushanbe) in 1993." +"她一无所知或漠不关心莫宝仇恨人类,他经常叫人类去死时就心不在焉地傻笑。","She is blissfully unaware of or indifferent to his hatred for humanity, often giggling absentmindedly when he calls for the death of humans." +"decltype(auto)的语法也可以用于返回类型推导,只需用decltype(auto)代替auto。","The decltype(auto) syntax can also be used with return type deduction, by using decltype(auto) syntax instead of auto for the function's return type deduction." +确立主权。,Establishment of sovereignty. +"索金在写剧本时与所有人进行会谈,包含丽莎(在艾萨克森撰写《乔布斯传》时并未与艾萨克森会谈)。","Sorkin had a chance to speak with all of them while developing the screenplay, including Lisa (who did not communicate with Isaacson while he was developing his book)." +"在标准温度和压力下,氡是一种单原子气体,密度为9.73 kg/m3,约为海平面地球大气密度(1.217 kg/m3)的8倍。","At standard temperature and pressure, radon forms a monatomic gas with a density of 9.73 kg/m3, about 8 times the density of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level, 1.217 kg/m3." +"她对柯南表现出的忠诚和爱意让她对柯南来说不仅是一位亲爱的同伴,她代表着他拥有“人类幸福的可能性”。","The loyalty and love she displays for Conan makes her more than a companion to him; she represents his ""possibilities of human happiness""." +"在法国殖民早期,为创造一片可以走人的开阔地带,清真寺东侧的一个池塘被泥土填平。","Early in the French colonial period, a pond located on the eastern side of the mosque was filled with earth to create the open area that is now used for the weekly market." +居民需要给学区缴纳房产税。,Residents pay property taxes to the school district. +"不仅可以从该Ability网站下载版本6,还可以下载旧版本。","Not only can version 6 be downloaded from the Ability website, older versions are also available for download." +"他惊愕的发现布里格斯收到相关报告和文档后,没有向铀委员会(S-1部门)的其他成员通报,而是将材料锁在了保险柜里。",He discovered to his dismay that the reports and other documents sent directly to Briggs had not been shared with all members of the committee; Briggs had locked them in a safe. +现代比基尼起初由棉和泽西布制成。,Modern bikinis were first made of cotton and jersey. +"虽然阿洛伊斯亲生父亲身份不详,但在其母亲玛丽亚·施克尔格鲁伯(英语:Maria Schicklgruber)与约南·吉奥·希德勒(英语:Johann Georg Hiedler)结婚后,阿洛伊斯便正式成为了希德勒的儿子。","Although Alois' biological father is unknown, after his mother, Maria Schicklgruber, married Johann Georg Hiedler, Alois was officially designated as Hiedler's son." +这样做的目的可以通过一个例子来说明。,The purpose of this can be illustrated by an example. +"酵母微生物食用在生面团中的糖,并产生乙醇和二氧化碳作为废弃产物。",Yeast organisms consume sugars in the dough and produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as waste products. +"思特里克兰德已经死了,自述者试图从他人的回忆中拼凑出他在岛上的生活。","Strickland has already died, and the narrator attempts to piece together his life there from recollections of others." +"1957年7月,在最后一次380毫米(15英寸)口径主炮射击后,让·巴尔号在8月1日转为后备役,并在土伦的海军学院担任训练舰。","After having fired the last French Navy 380 mm (15 in) gunshots in July 1957, Jean Bart was placed in reserve, on 1 August 1957, and served as a school ship for the gunnery training schools in Toulon." +"阿伦·洛克西德(英语:Allan Lockheed,1889年1月20日-1969年5月26日)原名Allan Haines Loughead,美国航空业先驱、工程师。","Allan Haines Lockheed (January 20, 1889 – May 26, 1969), born Allan Haines Loughead, was an American aviation pioneer and engineer." +"当时他不仅是队上的头号得分手,同时也是防守能力最为优秀的队员。","He was the league's top ground gainer, yet he was also one of the fiercest defensive tacklers and the best in the game at interceptions." +"百老汇成为了世界范围演出音乐剧最卓越的地点之一,产出了大量歌曲,使唐纳德·克拉克称该时期为“歌曲创作的黄金时代”。","Broadway became one of the preeminent locations for musical theater in the world, and produced a body of songs that led Donald Clarke to call the era, the golden age of songwriting." +在市区总有很多狗肉餐厅。,There are several restaurants in the town centre. +猪流感病毒偶而会直接从猪传播于人(这叫人畜互传猪流感)。,Direct transmission of an influenza virus from pigs to humans is occasionally possible (this is called zoonotic swine flu). +"这两个目的之间的区别是很重要的,但经常会被忽略。",The distinction between these three goals is important and often overlooked. +他的恶行比以前诸王更甚。,Thus it has become far more advanced than its predecessors. +"摄影师拉斐尔·马左科(Rafael Mazzocc)拍摄了一组由6个女人组成的手胸罩作为2006年《运动画刊》泳装特刊的封面,和一张玛莉莎·米勒用手遮住自己的胸部,以iPod挡住自己的女阴的照片作为2007年泳装特刊的封面。",Photographer Raphael Mazzucco created an eight-woman handbra on the cover of the 2006 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and a photo of Marisa Miller covering her breasts with her arms and her vulva with an iPod in the 2007 Swimsuit Issue. +"他将遗产中的110,000达克特送给了���尼斯的孤儿、疯癫病人以及无法出嫁的穷困女孩。","He left 110,000 ducats to the Manin Foundation for the benefit of the city's lunatics, orphans, and girls from poor families needing a dowry." +"博物馆矗立在巴尔的摩和波托马克火车站的旧址上,1881年,一位心怀不满的办公室寻求者Charles Guiteau向詹姆斯·加菲尔德总统开枪(见詹姆斯·加菲尔德遇刺)。","The museum stands on the former site of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad station, where in 1881 a disgruntled office seeker, Charles Guiteau, shot President James Garfield (see James A. Garfield assassination)." +蜜雅在华纳兄弟摄影棚场地的咖啡馆工作;查泽雷认为该摄影棚很多都是好莱坞的“名胜古迹”。,"Mia works at a coffee shop on the Warner Bros. studio lot; Chazelle considered studio lots to be ""monuments"" of Hollywood." +该县是完全城市。,The county is entirely urban. +"即使在人类学成为一门学科的1880年代之前,民族学家即已使用摄影做为一种研究工具。","Even before the emergence of anthropology as an academic discipline in the 1880s, ethnologists used photography as a tool of research." +"这个时候,对流带状特征已经开始将系统中心包裹起来,但还缺乏中心密集云层的覆盖。","At this time, convective banding features had begun wrapping around the system; however, it lacked deep, central cloud cover." +"2006年,拉特瓦拉共参加11项世界赛事。","In 2006, Latvala competed in 11 world rallies." +"1278年8月26日,波列斯瓦夫五世出现在杜恩克鲁特决战中,奥托卡二世在那里被击败并被杀。","On 26 August 1278 Bolesław V was present in the decisive Battle on the Marchfeld, where Ottokar II was defeated and killed." +他曾是欧洲脑与行为学会的会长。,He is a past president of the European Brain and Behaviour Society. +"如今,艺术摄影师使用此类改装后的格拉菲相机,拍摄景深控制与图像细节方面表现优异的图像。",These cameras are now being used by fine art photographers to make images that excel in depth of field control and image detail. +"他是我所见过最具泰勒玛的人,完全与我们自己的原则一致。",He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles. +不平衡的构图可以用来强调电影的某些导演希望给予特别注意的元素。,Unbalanced composition can be used to emphasize certain elements of a film that the director wishes to be given particular attention to. +"因为,每个字母都会在句中出现。",Because all the letters shine there. +"若是识别出一个失效模式,可以在系统中加入额外的设备或冗余设备,以缓和失效的影响。","Once a failure mode is identified, it can usually be mitigated by adding extra or redundant equipment to the system." +"有些被外人视为教派的群体则尽力反对被贴上教派的标签,他们并没有正式教派具有的结构、权威或大范围的记录存档;复原主义(Restorationism)教派中的某些派系即属此类。","Other groups that are viewed by non-adherents as denominational are highly decentralized and do not have any formal denominational structure, authority, or record-keeping beyond the local congregation; several groups within the Restoration Movement fall into this category." +"2月21日,菲普斯省长写信向英国本土报告,提及已有五十三人的嫌疑被洗清,这些人没被大陪审团起诉,或是在审判中被认定无罪,此外他还取消了已被判处死刑者的死刑判决。","February 21: Governor Phips writes to England that fifty-three people have already been cleared, failing to be indicted by grand juries or found not guilty at trial, and that he has vacated the death sentences of those who have been sentenced to be executed." +影片是一部描绘卡尼在都柏林成长经历的半自传体作品。,The film is a semi-autobiographical depiction of Carney's upbringing in Dublin. +"截至2010年5月,超过1000名学生接受了奖学金。","As of May 2010, over 1000 students have accepted the scholarship." +修复后2005年12月正式对外开放。,The refurbishment after the fire was officially opened in September 2005. +这些评委通常不喜欢高速发言。,These judges usually disapprove of speed. +第5窟是最大的毗诃罗窟。,It is the fifth longest Frontage Road. +"孟加拉语代词不同于英语代词的是没有对性的区分,就是说对“he”或“she”使用相同的代词。","Bengali pronouns, unlike their English counterparts, do not differentiate for gender; that is, the same pronoun may be used for ""he"" or ""she""." +"更重要的是,在三条路中,倘骆道没有水源的路段最长。","More importantly, it also had the longest section among the three routes with no water source." +硬件抽象层的一个“极端”例子是IBM的System/38与AS/400体系结构。,"An ""extreme"" example of a HAL can be found in the System/38 and AS/400 architecture." +"执行自杀意图的能力一���是经由情感以及身体上的痛苦以及认知障碍持续状态来形成,透过以往的企图自杀(自我暴力)、通过行为或图像排练自杀,或是利用其他方式习惯疼痛或危险的经验来达到。","The capability to carry out the suicide attempt is usually formed from emotional and physical pain and disrupted cognitive status and is acquired through previous suicide attempts (self-directed violence), rehearsing suicide through behavior or imagery, and getting used to painful or dangerous experiences in other ways." +"8月14日他在Gallinero、多洛雷斯-伊达尔戈(Dolores Hidalgo)、瓜纳华托(Guanajuato)打败他们,然后返回迎战桑塔·安纳,他正在接近普埃布拉。","He defeated them on 14 August at Gallinero, Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, and then returned to fight Santa Anna, who was nearing Puebla." +"《最终幻想VII》被视作系列在产业中影响最大的作品,并让电子RPG游戏在北美获得对大众市场的吸引力。","Final Fantasy VII is credited as having the largest industry impact of the series, and with allowing console role-playing games to gain mass-market appeal." +"乔蒂纳于20年后表示,当时是马尔坎托尼奥提议将投票纪录进行比较,因为他认为道格拉斯没有尽全力支持他的信念。","Chotiner stated 20 years later that Marcantonio suggested the comparison of voting records, as he disliked Douglas for failing to support his beliefs fully." +"DNA 行走者(DNA walkers)被用作纳米组合线来移动纳米粒子,指导化学合成。",DNA walkers have been used as nanoscale assembly lines to move nanoparticles and direct chemical synthesis. +寿命约为11年。,The life span is about 11 years. +"然而,恳求、祈祷、赞美则是最重要、最具力量的地方。","However, pleading, beseeching and praising the powerful is the most significant." +"2006年,Pile从总共有700名申请者的日本全亚洲声优面试中脱颖而出。","In 2006, Hori was chosen from a total of 700 applicants in the Japan-wide Asian Dolls Audition." +这些断裂点相互重组导致该基因与JAZF1两者发生融合。,Recombination of these breakpoints results in the fusion of this gene and JAZF1. +"奥托移民美国后于1925年和 Mary Martha Lanning 结婚,无子女。","After moving to the United States, Otto Struve married Mary Martha Lanning in 1925, but there were no children." +阴不必别名。,Neikirk is a surname. +这份由英国指挥部选定的计划为在邦克山和多彻斯特高地筑防。,The plan decided on by the British command was to fortify both Bunker Hill and Dorchester Heights. +"2008年6月,他转到纽约国民警卫队。","In June 2008, he transferred from active duty Army to the New York Army National Guard." +"SIRS标准成立于1992年,是美国胸科医师学会 / 重症监护医学协商会共同会议的一部分。",Criteria for SIRS were established in 1992 as part of the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference. +"因此,问题不在于全球治理是否会逐渐浮现,而是这些区域强权将如何相互影响。","The question then is not whether global governance is gradually emerging, but rather how will these regional powers interact with one another." +我个人也十分尊崇这样的招摇的炫耀。,I feel very lucky to be returning to such a wonderfully successful show. +1978年文革结束后被任命为助理研究员和助理教授。,Fang was successively appointed to be Assistant Researcher and Assistant Professor in 1978. +"截至2018年9月16日,Linus Tech Tips,Techquickie和Channel Super Fun三个频道分别发布了4284个视频,566个视频和158个视频,包括了产品介绍,建筑日志,VLOG和原创网络系列节目。","As of September 16, 2018, the Linus Tech Tips, Techquickie, and the Channel Super Fun channel are each home to 4284 videos, 566 videos, and 158 videos respectively, including product reviews and advice, build logs, vlogs, and original web series." +莫利托的雕像后来被竖立在南锡。,A statue of Molitor was later erected in Nancy. +"氟也被用于有机氟化物合成,但是由于其特别活泼,通常有必要先将其转化为更温和的 ClF 3 {\displaystyle {\ce {ClF3}}} , BrF 3 {\displaystyle {\ce {BrF3}}} , or IF 5 {\displaystyle {\ce {IF5}}} ,以进行更精确的氟化。","Fluorine is also used in the synthesis of organic fluorides, but its reactivity often necessitates conversion first to the gentler ClF 3, BrF 3, or IF 5, which together allow calibrated fluorination." +"但是,经济自由化给越南社会带来了一些负面影响。","However, the economic liberalization had brought some negative effects on Vietnamese society." +"可能同时他还画了《手提歌利亚头颅的大卫》,画中年轻的大卫以奇怪的悲伤神情注视巨人的带伤的头颅,这颗头颅依旧是卡拉瓦乔的头。","Perhaps at this time, he painted also a David with the Head of Goliath, showing the young David with a strangely sorrowful expression gazing on the severed head of the giant, which is again Caravaggio." +"一如不少车手,戴维森于1987年开始驾驶卡丁车,曾参加多个英国、欧洲及北美多个锦标赛。","Born in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, Davidson began kart racing in 1987, competing in various British, European and North American championships." +"特提斯洋的西部,称为西特提斯洋(Western Tethys Ocean)、阿尔卑特提斯海(Alpine Tethys Ocean)、特提斯海。","The western part of the Tethys Ocean is called Tethys Sea, Western Tethys Ocean, or Paratethys or Alpine Tethys Ocean." +格林的抨击是关于莎士比亚剧院生涯的最早记录。,Greene's attack is the earliest surviving mention of Shakespeare's work in the theatre. +"但玛格丽特开始意识到自己与安德鲁的家人已经很亲近,她心里很不开心,坐上安鲁德的汽艇一起暂时离开。","After Margaret realizes how close Andrew's family is, she becomes upset, gets on Andrew's boat, and speeds away with him." +"这将使X轴偏移到下个字形,但是下个字形的Y轴没有偏移(既字形在一条直线上出现)。","This will result in an X-axis offset to the next glyph, but no Y-axis offset to the next glyph (i.e., the glyphs appear straight across in a line)." +西班牙人于1565年彻底消灭了法国人建立的殖民地。,The French establishment was wiped out by the Spanish in 1565. +"GCL还不是完全兼容ANSI,但它仍然是一些大型项目所选择的实现,包括数学工具Maxima,AXIOM和ACL2。","Not yet fully ANSI-compliant, GCL is however the implementation of choice for several large projects including the mathematical tools Maxima, AXIOM and (historically) ACL2." +"根据美国地质调查局的资料,此镇区仅有1座墓园:隆埃尔姆墓园(Lone Elm Cemetery)。","According to the USGS, it contains one cemetery, Lone Elm." +"事实上,当时的土耳其人有一些微弱的海上舰队,但并没有阻止威尼斯人,这可以证明巴耶济德一世及他的多数军队仍然站在欧洲一方。","The fact that the Turks, who had an inferior naval presence, did not challenge the Venetians for control of the sea is seen as evidence that Bayezid and the majority of his forces were already on the European side." +格拉斯哥证券交易所(Glasgow Stock Exchange)是苏格兰格拉斯哥市中心的一个著名的建筑和金融机构。,"The Glasgow Stock Exchange is a prominent building and financial institution in the centre of the city of Glasgow, Scotland." +"预计的用途包括各种军事服务,比如发射海军的导航卫星、陆军和空军的侦查、通讯和气象卫星、支援空军载人飞行、陆军6400千米以上的物质运输。","Specific uses were forecast for each of the military services, including navigation satellites for the Navy; reconnaissance, communications, and meteorological satellites for the Army and Air Force; support for Air Force manned missions; and surface-to-surface logistics supply for the Army at distances up to 6400 km." +"在对游戏分销的热情退却后,CD Projekt的创始者们开始思考,公司接下来是应该做分销商还是游戏开发商。","Enthusiasm for game distribution ebbed, and CD Projekt's founders wondered if the company should continue as a distributor or a game developer after Dark Alliance's cancellation." +台湾主题 政治主题,Political status of Taiwan +"他对变星也特别感兴趣,纪录超过200,000万次的观测。","He also had a special interest in variable stars, recording more than 200,000 observations." +"两派仍然存在不同意见的问题是对军事活动的意见分歧,尤其是“征用”。","One issue that still separated the two groups was the divergence of their views on militant activities, and in particular, ""expropriations""." +"最古老的蟹化石发现于侏罗纪,而石炭纪的生物Imocaris也可能是一种原始蟹类,但由于只发现了其甲壳而不能确定。","The earliest unambiguous crab fossils date from the Jurassic, although Carboniferous Imocaris, known only from its carapace, may be a primitive crab." +"虽然大多数的量子领域(英语:Quantum realm)操作是小于100纳米的尺度,但是,“分子”电子过程可以在宏观尺度上集体表现。","While mostly operating in the quantum realm of less than 100 nanometers, ""molecular"" electronic processes can collectively manifest on a macro scale." +部分电脑实验室24小时开放。,Computer Lab with a 24-hour internet service. +"2010年,阿弗莱克遭两位前任同事控告性骚扰,案件最后达成庭外和解。","In 2010, two of his former co-workers from I'm Still Here filed civil lawsuits against Affleck." +"评论赞扬了游戏的互动式叙事和电影级设计,批评了其不平衡的战斗机制和糟糕的人工智能。","Critics praised the game's interactive storytelling and cinematic design, but criticized its unbalanced combat mechanics and poor artificial intelligence." +"在巡演末尾,在音乐上对披头士有重要影响的埃尔维斯·皮礼士利(猫王)邀请他们去他在比佛���山的家中会面。","Towards the end of the tour, they met with Elvis Presley, a foundational musical influence on the band, who invited them to his home in Beverly Hills." +"CPU的主要运作原理,不论其外观,都是执行储存于被称为程序里的一系列指令。","The fundamental operation of most CPUs, regardless of the physical form they take, is to execute a sequence of stored instructions that is called a program." +” 管账人气急败坏拂袖回家。,"""Rovers make disappointing start at home""." +因为这个概念的成功也使法国总统雅克·希拉克派遣专人向拉丁美洲引进此概念。,"Due to this success, the French president Jacques Chirac sent a founding member on a good will mission to Latin America to introduce the concept there." +全剧从2004年到2007年停播共有4季。,It was broadcast in four stages between 2004 and 2007. +"坎捷米尔站是莫斯科河畔线的车站,开通于1984年12月30日,但开通之后很快就因为洪水关闭。",Kantemirovskaya opened on 30 December 1984 as part of an extension but was closed the very next day because of flooding. +"清澈的瓶子优于已着色的瓶子,例如绿色柠檬/酸橙苏打瓶。","Bottles that are clear are to be preferred over bottles that have been colored, for example green lemon/lime soda pop bottles." +"它在人类的血液和脑中发现的天然物质,以及其他动物以及植物组织中。","It is a natural substance found in the blood and brain of humans and animals, as well as in plant tissues." +1991年12月30日:南港线台北车站西侧地下街开工。,30 December 1991: The Taipei Main Station western underground passageway opens. +但有时也会有中间地带。,"However, sometimes a state can exist in between." +"这些书籍是从培生的印刷厂,霍力士·柯克斯公司出来的。","They were produced by Pearson's printer, Horace Cox." +"凯文·史派西在2007年9月与委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯会面,但他从来没有向任何媒体透露这次会面。","Spacey met Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez in September 2007, but never spoke to the press about their encounter." +"非常冷僻,但十分有用。",Out of date but very useful. +"被本杰明·阿普索普·古尔德称为绘架座47的HD 42540是一颗稍冷的橘色巨星,光谱型为K2.5III,平均视星等为5.04。","HD 42540, called 47 Pictoris by American astronomer Benjamin Apthorp Gould, is a slightly cooler orange giant, with a spectral type of K2.5III and average magnitude 5.04." +"智利和怀特需对这样的买家负责,而任何已经成功赎出这些债券的买家有责任对于收到的金额作出有利于的德克萨斯州个人判断。",Chiles and White might be liable to such purchasers and any purchasers who had successfully redeemed the bonds were liable for a personal judgment in favor of the state for the amount they received. +"9月10日,罗塞塔号进入预定轨道,并离彗核只有30 km(19 mi)。","Rosetta entered orbit on 10 September, at about 30 km (19 mi) from the nucleus." +"实际上,可以只传送符号位以及用平均3.65位/采样表示的使用隐含最高位的采样值。","In fact, it is possible to transmit only the sign and implied MSB for each sample with an average of only 3.65 bits/sample." +一些奥地利人和德国人聚集在一起欢迎移民。,Some Austrians and Germans gathered to welcome the migrants. +叙政府报道说已经释放了552名“手上没有染血”的关押者。,"In Syria itself, the government reported it had released 552 detainees ""whose hands were not stained with blood""." +"在大多数村庄里,umukuka只是个简单的开放场所,用几根柱子和铁皮屋顶保护这区域,以防天气的破坏。","In most villages, the umukuka is really a simple open shed made with a few posts with an iron roof to protect the cooking area from the weather." +"恩斯特(德语:Ernst;1027年-1075年6月10日),有“勇敢的恩斯特”称号,奥地利巴本堡王朝藩侯(1055年—1075年在位)。","Ernest (German: Ernst, 1027 – 10 June 1075), known as Ernest the Brave (Ernst der Tapfere), was the Margrave of Austria from 1055 to his death in 1075." +"地磁风暴时F2层非常不稳定,会分裂甚至完全消失。","During a geomagnetic storm the F2 layer will become unstable, fragment, and may even disappear completely." +"1996年结束流亡回国,于2001年7月24日至2005年8月17日担任该国总理。","After returning to the country from exile in 1996, he later served as elected Prime Minister between 24 July 2001 and 17 August 2005." +"罗斯福与埃尔哈特有许多共同的兴趣和爱好,尤其是妇女问题。","Roosevelt shared many of Earhart's interests and passions, especially women's causes." +"通过衡量对死亡的一般态度以及与死亡态度的不一致性,参与者被按照他们对死亡的有利价值进行调整。","By measuring the general attitude towards death and also the inconsistencies with death attitudes, participants are scaled to their favorable value towards death." +"1969年,迪克西杯的标志由索尔·巴斯创作,他是一位设计电影片头而闻名的平面设计师。","In 1969, the Dixie Cup logo was created by Saul Bass, a graphic designer known for his motion picture title sequences." +创造力的摄像机-此iOS应用程序允许儿童拍摄和编辑照片。,Creativity Camera - An iOS application that allows children to take and edit pictures. +"当时看到证据的反对者认为女性太过情绪化,不能像男性那样用逻辑思考问题。",Opponents at the time saw evidence that women were too emotional and could not think as logically as men. +"现在,越南人在韩国主要为劳工和通过婚姻中介而嫁到当地的女性。",Vietnamese in South Korea consist mainly of migrant workers and women introduced to South Korean husbands through marriage agencies. +人们常常把马斯洛的自我实现的概念和Dąbrowski的再度整合的层次等而视之。,People have often equated Maslow's concept of self-actualization with Dąbrowski's level of secondary integration. +"与引力子不同的是,它所提供的可能是一种排斥力(同时也有吸引力),也就是某种意义上的反重力。","Unlike the graviton, however, it may provide a repulsive (as well as an attractive) force, and thus, in some technical sense, a type of anti-gravity." +"2008年,一项利用功能性磁振造影的研究发现,大脑的右前额皮质(orbitofrontal cortex)、右梭状皮质(right fusiform cortex)以及右下视丘会对人类性行为时飘散在空气中的汗水汽味产生反应。","In 2008, it was found using functional magnetic resonance imaging that the right orbitofrontal cortex, right fusiform cortex, and right hypothalamus respond to airborne natural human sexual sweat." +"西方社会的同性恋群体就像世界其他地方一样,直到1970年才普遍区分生理性别和性别认同,而且在此以前经常将性别多元者视为同性恋者。","Like the wider world, the gay community in Western societies did not generally distinguish between sex and gender identity until the 1970s, and often perceived gender-variant people more as homosexuals who behaved in a gender-variant way than as gender-variant people in their own right." +coverage和重叠的最小化对于R树的性能至关重要。,Minimization of both coverage and overlap is crucial to the performance of R-trees. +"2009年6月,中国宣布将在埃塞俄比亚资助建设蒂鲁内什·迪巴巴北京医院,占地约6000平方米,提供100张病床。","In June 2009, the Chinese ambassador assisted in laying the foundation stone for the Tirunesh Dibaba Beijing Hospital, planned as a modern hospital 6000 square meters in size with 100 beds." +"他在州外工作,没有接到这个电话。",He was working out of state and did not receive this call. +"基督徒主要承认,通过他的生命、死亡和复活,耶稣用新约的血液恢复了人类与上帝的交通。","Christians predominantly profess that through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, he restored humanity's communion with God with the blood of the New Covenant." +"如同一般的应用程序视窗,widgets可以被四处移动、重新配置、关闭,以及重复开启(因此能够同时开启多个相同的widget,并且针对每一个做出不同的设定)。","Like application windows, they can be moved around, rearranged, deleted, and recreated (so that more than one of the same Widget is open at the same time, possibly with different settings)." +"而另一方面,一市场为基础的解决方案,允许个人就某一信息的价值可以进行单独谈判,而不是通过控制单方面的决定。",Supporters assert that a neoliberal market-based solution allows the possibility of individual negotiation over the worth of a given message rather than a unilateral decision by a controlling party. +"通常一份报纸的收入会有70–80%是来自广告,其他才是来自订阅或是贩售。","A newspaper typically generates 70–80% of its revenue from advertising, and the remainder from sales and subscriptions." +"几分钟后,即上午10时许,一辆装甲车和两辆吉普车停在教堂前。","A few minutes later, just after 10:00, an armoured personnel carrier and two jeeps entered." +"SE看到了15英寸合金,空调,前雾灯和Flexi-Board靴子的引入,SVE有气候控制,后部隐私玻璃,16英寸合金和ESP。","The SE saw the introduction of 15-inch alloys, air conditioning, front fog lights and Flexi-Board boot and the SVE had climate control, rear privacy glass, 16-inch alloys and ESP." +"截至2015年8月,Omi和耶恩都未正式见过彼此。","As of August 2015, both Omi and Jaehn had not physically met one another." +设施栏背景色■为该设施设有智能IC。,Facility Executive - Creating Intelligent Buildings. +裸眼可见。,Eyes naked. +"皇家泵室曾经历数次翻修,1863年增加了一个土耳其浴浴室和游泳池,1875年皇家泵室公园对公众开放,1890年再次增加一个游泳池。","While retaining its assembly rooms and medical facilities, around 1863 it was extended to include a Turkish bath and swimming pool, in 1875 the Royal Pump Room Gardens were opened to the public, and in 1890 a further swimming pool was added." +"另一个有名的三难困境有时会被基督教辨惑学者用以证明耶稣的神圣,其中C·S·路易斯的版本最为常见。","One well-known trilemma is sometimes used by Christian apologists considered a proof of the divinity of Jesus, and is most commonly known in the version by C. S. Lewis." +"乳头刺激 – 刺激乳头是一种常见的人类性行为,无论是本身还是作为其他性活动的一部分。","Nipple stimulation or breast stimulation is a common human sexual practice, either by itself or as part of other sexual activities." +两姊妹后来决定逃离伊萨的寓所。,The sisters decide to run away from Iskak's home. +"当她走过来打招呼时,杰克把丽兹拉过来,说这是自己的同居女友。","When she comes over to say hello, Jack introduces Liz as his live-in girlfriend." +"不过,1917年乔治·威利斯·里奇(George Willis Ritchey)测量到仙女座星系的距离时发现它比远本预计的更为遥远。","In 1917, George W. Ritchey measured the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy and discovered it lay much farther than had previously been thought." +"这可能意味着虽然她有权力和影响力来改变别人对她的看法,但她只是为了真理而使用她的声音而不是防守并说其他人总是错的。","This could mean that although she has the power and influence to change what other people think about her, she only uses her voice for the sake of truth instead of being defensive and saying that everyone else is always wrong." +"前16个月,她继续与阿特金森一家生活;后来她称她在此期间遭受了性虐待。","For the first 16 months, she continued living with the Atkinsons; she was sexually abused during this time." +"该水域缺乏正常的洋流,潜水员可以很容易地透过散落甲板的防毒面具和深水炸弹,在甲板下发现人类遗骸的证据。","In waters devoid of normal ocean currents, divers can easily swim across decks littered with gas masks and depth charges and below deck can be found evidence of human remains." +"除了担负通用图书馆及研究图书馆的职责外,州立图书馆还藏有一系列欧洲殖民澳洲初年的历史性资料,包括11本传世的第一船队(英语:First Fleet)日记中的九本,澳洲探险家及其他开拓者的记述、油画及素描、和其他具历史记录。","As well as being a general purpose reference and research library, it contains many historically significant collections dating from the European colonisation of Australia, including nine of the eleven surviving First Fleet journals, accounts from Australian explorers and other pioneers, paintings and sketches, and many other historical records." +"虽然大多数棋局都在400手以内,甚至200手都不到,但棋局是有可能更长的。","While most games last less than 400 or even 200 moves, many more are possible." +新纪念碑在1827年6月15日落成。,The new memorial was dedicated on 15 June 1827. +"他还指出了形象的相似性并不能告诉我们这样是否意味着意识形态的影响,或者仅仅是工艺的传统。","He also pointed out that a similarity of image does not tell us whether this implies an ideological influence, or merely a tradition of craftmanship." +"由于朝鲜半岛常年战乱,尹瓘墓地位置直到18世纪才为人知晓。","Due to wars and invasions, the location of Yun Gwan's tomb was lost until the 18th century." +各氏族的领土可再细分各世系所拥有的土地范围。,The railway would consolidate France's territorial claims by linking the areas. +"不可置疑,奥地利有一个皇帝,一个从不对任何人做坏事,对自己却像对待麻风病人的皇帝。",It is outrageous that Austria has an emperor who did no evil to anyone but is still treated like a leper. +槟城也是马来西亚目前其中一个提供给市民免费互联网连接的州属。,Penang is also the first Malaysian state to provide its citizens with free internet connection. +他们的友谊一直维持到爱迪生去世。,They were friends until Edison's death. +"隔月杀手乐团来到伦敦并在接下来的星期里,在城中各个具有影响力的音乐场地中演出。",The Killers travelled to London the following month to spend a week playing at influential live music venues across the city. +尽入其中。,Come on in. +"四支球队凭借2013年的表现直接晋级了决赛,而其他参赛队则在资格赛阶段争夺剩余的四个席位。","Four teams qualified directly for the final tournament by their 2013 performance, while the other entrants competed in the qualifying stage for the remaining four spots." +"另一个问题是,个体在出现症状前就具有传染力,因此在人们生病后才将他们隔离在公卫防治上效果不佳。","Another problem is that individuals become infectious before they become symptomatic, which means that putting people in quarantine after they become ill is not an effective public health intervention." +"反对兴建者认为预算严重超支,赞成者则表示花费增加的真实原因是路线延长与修改,以及通货膨胀。","Opponents to the rail line state that it went far over-budget, but supporters of the line state that extensions of the route and other alterations, plus the impact of inflation, are the real reasons for the increased cost." +以色列因为在市区使用武装直升飞机发射导弹经常导致平民伤亡而被批评。,"Israel has been criticized for the use of helicopter gunships in urban assassinations, which often results in civilian casualties." +"一种能够理解的假象因而生成,即使处理的过程仅止于肤浅。","Thus an illusion of understanding is generated, even though the processing involved has been merely superficial." +"在盎格鲁苏格兰边界地区,人们普遍相信精灵(或妖精)住在精灵山丘(妖精山丘)上。","In the Anglo-Scottish border region it was believed that elves (or fairies) lived in ""elf hills"" (or ""fairy hills"")." +筹画未能如此其善也。,I don't think the lyrics are that good either. +"虽精麤之殊,皆同出而异名。",All the drinks are different despite sharing the name. +冬季平均温度是依据每一行的引用资料来源。,Average winter temperatures are from the references cited on each line. +"1983年,他成立了自己的公司——巴赫曼信息系统公司,开发了一些计算机辅助软件工程产品。","In 1983, he founded Bachman Information Systems, which developed a line of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) products." +下一代的 KMIP 也将可以直接用来创建 PKCS #12 文件。,The upcoming version of KMIP will also be able to create PKCS #12 files directly. +"2011年以前,市长办公室设在市政厅附近的新艺术风格建筑Turku City Office。","The Mayor used to work in an Art Nouveau building near to the City Hall, the Turku City Office until 2011." +"比如使用伪基本类的方法就可轻易证明,就是 RRA 是个准簇,也就是可用全称 Horn 理论公理化。","It is easily shown, e.g. using the method of pseudoelementary classes, that RRA is a quasivariety, that is, axiomatizable by a universal Horn theory." +以下是瑞典邮件地址的例子: Sven Nilsson(姓名) Roslagsgatan 10(街道和街号) 113 51 STOCKHOLM(邮区编号和地理位置) 首两个数字表示城市。,"A typical address would look like this: Sven Nilsson (First, and last name) Roslagsgatan 10 (Street, and number) 113 51 STOCKHOLM (Postcode, and geographic location) The two initial digits indicate city." +评论家和学者们都推测泰国军政府可能企图占据这所寺院并没收其享誉盛名的资产。,Critics and scholars have speculated that the junta may be trying to seize the temple and confiscate its famed wealth. +"树和植物的根保持土壤颗粒,防止它们被冲走。","The roots of the trees and plants hold together soil particles, preventing them from being washed away." +"克莱门汀号上的光达(Laser Image Detection And Ranging, LIDAR)是用来量测月球表面某一点和探测船的距离。",The Clementine Laser Image Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) experiment was designed to measure the distance from the spacecraft to a point on the surface of the Moon. +UGC 2885是一个拥有相对较低表面亮度的螺旋星系。,UGC 2885 is a spiral galaxy with a relatively low surface brightness (LSB). +将‘脏’钱转化为‘干净’的钱会导致腐败。,The methods they use for converting its ‘dirty’ money into ‘clean’ assets encourages corruption. +"早期的基督徒分享了法利赛人的几种信仰,如复活、下世的报应、天使、人类自由和神的天意等。","Early Christians shared several beliefs of the Pharisees, such as resurrection, retribution in the next world, angels, human freedom, and Divine Providence." +"这些罗德西亚人服役了三年后便回到了自己国家,后来他们的职位由一个新西兰中队所继承。",The Rhodesians returned home after three years service and were replaced by a New Zealand squadron. +"结果是,水星横越过太阳前方的凌日,只有在水星穿越黄道平面之际,也位于地球和太阳之间时才会发生。","As a result, transits of Mercury across the face of the Sun can only occur when the planet is crossing the plane of the ecliptic at the time it lies between Earth and the Sun." +"该编号为“G.C.G.Argent & E.M.Romero 92114”的标本于1992年3月2日被采集于海拔1700米处,并存放于伦敦皇家植物园植物标本馆(K)中。","The specimen, G.C.G.Argent & E.M.Romero 92114, was taken on March 2, 1992, at an altitude of 1700 m, and is deposited at the Kew Herbarium (K) in London." +"在2000年10月米洛舍维奇被推翻之后,Otpor成为监督DOS联盟后米洛舍维奇时期活动的政治监督组织。","Following Milošević's overthrow in October 2000, Otpor! became a political watchdog organization monitoring the activities of the post-Milošević period of the DOS coalition." +"1205年,佩德罗二世承认教皇在封建制度至高无上的地位,并在罗马被教皇诺森三世加冕,誓言捍卫天主教信仰(因此他被称为“天主教徒”)。","In 1205 he acknowledged the feudal supremacy of the papacy and was crowned in Rome by Pope Innocent III, swearing to defend the Catholic faith (hence his epithet, ""the Catholic"")." +"在北美有两个主要的组织所举办的比赛,分别是” United Skim Tour(简称UST)”与” Skim USA”。",In North America there are two centralized organizations that hold events: United Skim Tour and Skim USA. +"2003年,她被任命为哥伦比亚航天飞机事故调查委员会的一员。","In 2003, she was asked to serve on the Columbia Accident Investigation Board." +"十五世纪的欧洲,人们通常使用字母 P 和 M 作为加号和减号。","In Europe in the early 15th century the letters ""P"" and ""M"" were generally used." +"在1801年,现时大伦敦的范围居住了大约100万人。","In 1801, approximately one million people lived in the area that is now Greater London." +"一旦所有11个短语都正确匹配,他们就将得到最后的线索。","If they got all five questions right, they would receive the final clue." +它声称 映射 ρ 和 σ 是 ExtIPC 和 NExtGrz 之间的互逆格同构。,It states The mappings ρ and σ are mutually inverse lattice isomorphisms of ExtIPC and NExtGrz. +"2011年10月14日,作为国防大臣利亚姆·福克斯辞职引起的小型改组的一部分,贾伟德被提拔为财政大臣乔治·奥斯本的国会私人秘书。","On 14 October 2011, as part of a small reshuffle prompted by the resignation of Liam Fox as Defence Secretary, Javid was promoted to become Parliamentary Private Secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne." +"奥斯曼帝国海军经常在地中海遭遇西班牙的大型战舰,为了抵抗其威胁,也建造了许多自己的风帆战舰。","Due to the Ottoman navy frequently encountering the large Spanish ships in the Mediterranean, the empire's navy built a number of their own galleons to counter the Spanish threat." +"例如,莎阿南的拉惹穆达大道(Persiaran Raja Muda)的道路编号是BSA-3。","For example, Persiaran Raja Muda in Shah Alam was given route number BSA-3." +"率先活跃在基层对抗法案行动的网站Tumblr于2011年11月16日加入“审查”功能,社交媒体聚合网站Reddit同样积极参与其中。","Tumblr, one of the first websites active in grassroots activism against the bills, added a feature that ""censored"" its website on November 16, 2011, and the social media aggregator Reddit also became deeply involved." +"这样的物物交换使得这些印第安人能够得到他们不生产的货物或者他们认为很有价值的货物,比如马匹。","Such trading enabled the Mapuche to obtain those goods that they did not produce or held in high esteem, such as horses." +"虽然巴万德拉是斐族人,但他主要靠斐济印度人支持。","Although an ethnic Fijian, Bavadra had been elected mostly with the support of Indo-Fijians." +"区块元素的矩形结构经常称之为盒模型,并由几个部分所组成。","The rectangular structure of a block element is often referred to as the box model, and is made up of several parts." +非经许可不得停泊和下锚。,Guffa Wala Mandir) at Mata Gate. +1887年他派出数个团队在俄罗斯境内观测日食。,"In 1887, he sent several groups within Russia to observe the solar eclipse." +瑟琳娜和她的家人买下半个顶楼的有14间居室的顶楼公寓。,Serena and her family own half the top floor in a 14-room penthouse. +"它们生存于今日的巴西,当时连接者非洲的西北部。","It was found in the south of Brazil, which at the time was connected to northwest Africa." +科幻小说中经常提及的戴森球变体是“戴森壳”(Dyson shell):一种环绕恒星的均匀壳体。,"The variant of the Dyson sphere most often depicted in fiction is the ""Dyson shell"": a uniform solid shell of matter around the star." +"两兄弟在1956年末签约阿卡夫罗斯,在1957年被介绍给阿奇·布莱耶(英语:Archie Bleyer),后者正在为他的卡丹斯唱片(英语:Cadence Records)寻找艺人。","They signed in late 1956, and in 1957 Rose introduced them to Archie Bleyer, who was looking for artists for his Cadence Records." +"这些RFC由IETF的SIDE工作组的制作,并是基于RFC 4593记录的一份威胁分析。","These RFCs are a product of the IETF's sidr working group, and are based on a threat analysis which was documented in RFC 4593." +"在他1963年达拉斯遇刺后,他的遗孀杰奎琳·肯尼迪曾向继任总统林登·约翰逊建议将卡纳维拉尔角的所有军事设施更名以示纪念。","After Kennedy's assassination in November 1963, his widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, suggested to President Johnson that renaming the Cape Canaveral facility would be an appropriate memorial." +"附加任务 队员从起点线跑到威尔斯王子北部遗产中心,在他们的行李顶部���到他们的第一条线索。",Additional tasks Teams had to run from the starting line to the ceremonial circle of Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre to find their first clue at the top of their bags. +霍乱弧菌仅对人类造成影响。,The curse seems to only control humans. +"事件发生时,史密斯正在舰桥指挥。",Captain Smith had been on the bridge during the events. +"在之后的几年里,考恩将会花费许多时间在公园里给游客们讲述他和内兹珀斯人的冲突。",Cowan would spend a lot of time in the park in later years telling visitors about his encounter with the Nez Perce. +磁光克尔效应可以通过磁化强度矢量相对于反射表面和入射平面的方向进一步分类。,MOKE can be further categorized by the direction of the magnetization vector with respect to the reflecting surface and the plane of incidence. +"维拉戈出版社1975年公布了一连串19世纪和20世纪初期的小说列表,成为第一个参与再生计划的商业出版社之一。",Virago Press began to publish its large list of 19th and early 20th-century novels in 1975 and became one of the first commercial presses to join in the project of reclamation. +"萨伏伊一家在这里居住到了1940年,由于第二次世界大战而被迫离开。","The Savoyes continued to live in the house until 1940, leaving during World War II." +"而且,化学生物学还利用生物学系统合成由生物分子和合成装置组成的非天然杂合物,例如利用空的病毒颗粒衣壳来进行递送治疗和药品分子。","Further, chemical biology employs biological systems to create non-natural hybrids between biomolecules and synthetic devices (for example emptied viral capsids that can deliver gene therapy or drug molecules)." +"换句话说,同样性质但强度不同的刺激联系着钙振荡的不同频率,而振幅相同; AFM 编码 Ca2+ 信号:上面两种模式同时存在。","In other words, stimuli of the same nature but of different strength are associated with different frequencies of Ca2+ oscillations but the amplitudes of these oscillations are similar; AFM encoding Ca2+ signals: when both AM and FM encoding modes coexist." +"教区主教们被要求任命一位司法代理(judicial vicar),有代表主教裁判案件的教区首长权力(canon 1420 of the Code of Canon Law, canon 191 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches)。","Diocesan bishops are required to appoint a judicial vicar to whom is delegated the bishop's ordinary power to judge cases (canon 1420 of the Code of Canon Law, canon 191 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches)." +"他在接受肯塔基大学学生报纸《肯塔基内核》(The Kentucky Kernel)采访时又一次被问起前一年的争议性言论,他在自传中也讨论了此事。","In an interview with The Kentucky Kernel, the University of Kentucky's student newspaper, Chandler was asked about his controversial comments the previous year, which were addressed in the book." +"会议进行到一半,罪犯文森特·索菲尔(尼尔·麦克唐纳饰)率领手下伪装成酒店员工,暗中计划将酒店的无价艺术品偷走并用复制版换掉它们,之后真品将在拍卖会上出售。","In the midst of the convention, a criminal named Vincent Sofel (Neal McDonough) and a gang of accomplices disguised as hotel employees are secretly plotting to steal priceless works of art from the hotel and replace them with replicas, then sell the real ones at auction." +"苏联在攻势后占领了位于佩琴加的镍矿矿坑,该矿坑一直出产对德国战争相当重要的金属。","It led to the occupation of the nickel mines in Pechenga, which had been producing metal vital for the German war effort." +"当还是个孩童的时候,蒙哥马利从她的姑婆(great aunt)玛丽·罗森 (Mary Lawson)口中听到许多故事。","As a child, Montgomery learned many stories from her great aunt Mary Lawson." +"注意符号 L2(R) 通常指示柯尔莫果洛夫商,在测度零的集合上有所不同的平方可积函数的等价类的集合,而非符号所暗示的简单的是平方可积函数的向量空间。","Note that the notation L2(R) usually denotes the Kolmogorov quotient, the set of equivalence classes of square integrable functions which differ on sets of measure zero, rather than simply the vector space of square integrable functions which the notation suggests." +"玛利亚·伊丽欧诺拉的哥哥乔治·威廉因为英国王储的求婚感到受宠若惊,所以提议将他们的妹妹凯瑟琳(1602-1644)嫁给瑞典国王,但是玛利亚似乎更喜欢古斯塔夫。",Maria Eleonora's brother George William was flattered by the offer of the British Crown Prince and proposed their younger sister Catherine (1602–1644) as a more suitable wife for the Swedish king. +"《谷物法》导致面包价格大幅上涨,而政府又废除了所得税,这意味着战争时期欠下的债务必须通过对商品征税来偿还,这样物价变得更高了。","The Corn Laws led to massive increases in the price of bread, while the repeal of income tax meant that the war debt had to be recovered by taxing commodities forcing their prices even higher." +由此引发的过度供给使得燃料价格从1980年的大约每磅40美元降低到1984年的每磅低于20美元。,The resulting oversupply caused fuel prices to decline from about US$40 per pound in 1980 to less than $20 by 1984. +"对于失踪者而言,包括获得自由、个人安全和人道对待(包括免受酷刑)的权利,受到公正审判,接受法律咨询,获得同等法律保护的权利,以及无罪推定的权利等。","For the disappeared person, these include the right to liberty, the right to personal security and humane treatment (including freedom from torture), the right to a fair trial, to legal counsel and to equal protection under the law, and the right of presumption of innocence among others." +希克斯的主要著作是1939年出版的《价值与资本》。,His magnum opus is Value and Capital published in 1939. +"量子脑动力学(英语:Quantum Brain Dynamics,缩写:QBD)是神经系统科学中的一种猜想和假说,目的是在量子场论的理论框架内解释大脑的功能。","In neuroscience, quantum brain dynamics (QBD) is a hypothesis to explain the function of the brain within the framework of quantum field theory." +"肖提斯普里由白面粉经烘烤后制作,外形类似独木舟。","Pesarattu – crepe-like bread that is similar to dosa, made out of mung dal." +"2012年,XK12获采用后被命名为K12轻机枪,并且用作韩国通用直升机的制式装备。","In 2012, the XK12 was adopted as the K12 light machine gun as the standard armament of the KUH." +"波德莱尔极其推崇并翻译成法语的爱伦·坡作品对其影响重大,成为许多修辞和形象的来源。","The works of Edgar Allan Poe, which Baudelaire admired greatly and translated into French, were a significant influence and the source of many stock tropes and images." +"《Bertie the Brain》是井字棋电脑游戏,由约瑟夫·凯特为1950年加拿大国家展览会制作。","Bertie the Brain was a computer game of tic-tac-toe, built by Dr. Josef Kates for the 1950 Canadian National Exhibition." +"10月25日,尽管反对派武装一直试图阻止政府军的推进,但是政府军10天前派出的装甲部队已经接近了迈阿赖努阿曼。","On 25 October, despite rebel attempts to stop their advance, the military armored column, sent to reinforce the base 10 days before, had arrived near Maarrat al-Nu'man." +"林肯赢得选举后,他要求蔡斯担任财政部长。","After Lincoln won the election, he asked Chase to serve as Secretary of the Treasury." +"环节派(保加利亚语:Звено,Zveno),又译作“兹韦诺”、“环节集团”、“联结派”,是在1927年由保加利亚陆军军官创立的军事、政治组织。","Zveno (Bulgarian: Звено, ""link"") was a Bulgarian military and political organization, founded in 1927 by Bulgarian Army officers." +"我们知道什么时候使用新加坡式英语,什么时候不使用。",We know when to use Singlish and when not to. +"微细的物种Gyraulus crista在技术上虽然仍是一只有肺类的腹足纲物种,这些动物其实并不会在空气中呼吸,而是依靠充满了水的外套膜。","The minute species Gyraulus crista, although technically a pulmonate gastropod, does not use air for respiration, but instead has a mantle cavity which has much water." +"有两篇1978年的文章也都用了一样的句子,其中一篇刊载在《美国新闻与世界报道》之上,另一篇则由科内如‧罗摩奎师那‧劳欧(英语:Koneru Ramakrishna Rao)所撰写并刊在《超心理学期刊》(Journal of parapsychology)之上,两篇皆受之后成为《科学》期刊编辑的物理学家菲力普·艾贝尔森所引用。","Two 1978 articles, one in U.S. News & World Report and another by Koneru Ramakrishna Rao in the Journal of Parapsychology both quote Physicist Philip Abelson, then the editor of Science, using the same phrase." +"海地和多米尼加共和国受到大范围洪灾的冲击,共导致25人遇难。","Widespread flooding impacted Haiti and the Dominican Republic, leaving a total of 25 people dead." +"付费加入联盟的电子前哨基金会雇员Ren Bucholz表示,“你甚至无法提前知道否能录制或者用特定方式使用某个程序或设备。","According to Ren Bucholz of the EFF, which paid to be a member of the consortium, ""You won't even know ahead of time whether and how you will be able to record and make use of particular programs or devices""." +"ENFJ倾向于计划他们的活动,并早早地作出决定。",J – Judgment preferred to perception: ENFJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. +他被认为是奥兰多魔术队和萨克拉门托国王队的主教练候选人。,He was considered a lead candidate to become head coach of the Orlando Magic and also the Sacramento Kings. +北风。,Nordwind. +他获得了多枚菲律宾最佳主角的奖赏。,This would be the first of a number of fine performances from Fülöp. +"亚伯拉罕·林肯总统于其盖茨堡演说中表述,美国‘于自由中孕育,并致力于凡人生而平等之念。","In the formulation of President Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address, America is a nation ""conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal""." +"Iversen在当年18场赛事中射入了17球,而他在下一季更射入了30球,不过他最终未能协助球会卫冕,冠军落在利恩手下。","Iversen scored 17 goals in 18 matches that year, and would go on to score a massive 30 goals in the following season, although he alone could not prevent Rosenborg from being beaten to the title by Lyn." +"在越南语中,这个字母排在字母表的第 9 位,表示元音 /e/。",Ê is the 9th letter of the Vietnamese alphabet and represents /e/. +"根据能源情报署公布的统计数字,2005年日均原油产量为413,300桶(65,710立方米),低于2004年产量423,700桶(67,360立方米)。","According to statistics published by the Energy Information Administration, crude oil output averaged 413,300 barrels per day (65,710 m3/d) in 2005, a reduction from 423,700 bbl/d (67,360 m3/d) in 2004." +"休战得到里加商人的支持,他们希望加大与萨摩吉希亚人在蜂蜡和毛皮方面的贸易。","The truce was supported by Riga merchants, who sought to increase wax and fur trade with the Samogitians." +"除了大量的贵族、修士以及艺术或历史名人的墓葬之外,还有1870年普法战争期间阵亡普鲁士军队士兵的墓地。","Besides quantities of burials of aristocrats, members of religious orders and people of artistic or historic interest, there is also an enclosed section for soldiers of the Prussian army who fell during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870." +"2014年安汶市的经济增长率为5.96%,地区生产总值在现时市价和固定市价中均增加,与2013年相比,地区生产总值在现时市价上增长12.76%、在固定市价上增长5.96%。","The increase, if compared to 2013 GDRP at current market price equal to 12.76 percent and 5.96 percent for GDRP at constant market price." +他还提到许多人会访问沙阿寻求指导。,He also mentions that many people would visit the Shah to seek guidance. +"如同其他美国军种,公共卫生服务军官团拥有一首附带歌词的团歌。","Like most of the European warmbloods, the American Warmblood has an ""open"" book." +易洛魁印第安人是英国的重要盟友。,The Iroquois Nation were important allies of the British. +1867年成立的辛辛那提红人于1869年成为世界上第一个职业棒球队。,The Cincinnati Redstockings became the first openly professional baseball team in 1869. +"同时,一些鄂图曼帝国的希腊人在边疆筹组希腊国民义勇军,他们自行活动。","In the meantime, groups of Ottoman Greeks had formed Greek nationalist militias within Ottoman borders and were acting on their own." +最小超对称标准模型(MSSM)预测有多个希格斯玻色子。,The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) predicts several Higgs bosons. +"1900年后继续受德国统治的德属所罗门群岛(German Solomon Islands)在第一次世界大战落入澳大利亚手中,战后国际联盟正式要求德国把德属所罗门群岛和德属新几内亚(German New Guinea)委托予澳大利亚而成为澳属新几内亚(Australian New Guinea)。","The remaining German Solomon Islands, at the extreme northwest of the archipelago, were retained by Germany until they fell to Australia early on in World War I. After the war the League of Nations formally mandated those islands to Australia along with the rest of German New Guinea, becoming Australian New Guinea." +"那些能够逃离大楼的人都离开了,其他被废墟所困的人则就地等待救援人员和志愿者的协助。","Those who were able to flee the Murrah building did so, while others, stuck in the rubble, awaited the assistance of rescue workers and volunteers." +"红星勋章一般佩戴在右胸部,当存在其他苏联勋章时,应立即放置在二级卫国战争勋章之后。","The Order of the Red Star is worn on the right side of the chest and when in the presence of other orders of the USSR, placed immediately after the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd class." +"这导致荷兰政府禁止在2006年的国家选举中使用SDU制造的NewVote电子投票机器,因为他们认为投票的信息可能被人窃听。","This caused the Dutch government to ban the use of NewVote computer voting machines manufactured by SDU in the 2006 national elections, under the belief that ballot information might not be kept secret." +"李小龙告诉威克·摩尔,他会对着摩尔的脸打出一记直拳,而摩尔要做的就是试图阻挡这记直拳。","Lee allegedly told Moore that he was going to throw a straight punch to the face, and all he had to do was to try to block it." +"由于他的许多假设都是基于顿悟和存在争议的见解,因此很难从上级那里获得许可,进行自己认为必要的医疗程序,从第一到第七季,这位��级都是医院管理者兼医学院院长丽莎·卡蒂。","Because many of his hypotheses are based on epiphanies or controversial insights, he often has trouble obtaining permission for medical procedures he considers necessary from his superior, who in all but the final season is hospital administrator Dr. Lisa Cuddy." +"她是第二位赢得奥运会射击奖牌的新西兰选手,首位是1968年奥运会铜牌得主Ian Ballinger。","She was only the second New Zealand sports shooter to win an Olympic medal, the first being Ian Ballinger who won bronze in the small-bore rifle at the 1968 Summer Olympics." +波罗的海沿线苏军已预备在波罗的海国家组织共产主义政变。,Soviet troops along the Baltic borders are ready to organise communist coups in the Baltic States. +"一些用户会偏好使用基于控制台的应用程序,而一些组织仍依赖使用现有的控制台应用程序完成关键性数据处理任务。","Some users simply prefer console based applications, while some organizations still rely on existing console applications to handle key data processing tasks." +"最后决定盾牌上的白色代表‘美丽和友爱的色彩,和其他色彩非常融入的特性代表简洁、和谐与和平’,并补充:‘(...)正是这种相同的色彩,基督的红十字带给我们的强烈热情和信心,标志着地理大发现的史诗循环。","Finally, white (on the shield) represented ""a beautiful and fraternal colour, into which all other colours merge themselves, colour of simplicity, of harmony and peace"", adding that ""it is this same colour that, charged with enthusiasm and faith by the red cross of Christ, marks the Discoveries epic cycle""." +"这些物质通常可用作药物,这些物质在药用植物中的含量和已知药理活性是其使用的科学依据。","These are often useful as drugs, and the content and known pharmacological activity of these substances in medicinal plants is the scientific basis for their use." +"有人质疑,这种做法会影响评选的客观性。",These factors may damage the objectivity of the review system. +"由于现有风车高度大多超过100米,物流管理和全球生产平台成为影响竞争力的主要因素。","Because current wind turbines are often in excess of 100 meters high, logistics and a global manufacturing platform are major sources of competitive advantage." +"Michael Sandrof在1990年将CTCP协议在ircII 2.1版中实现,Troy Rollo在1991年将DCC协议在2.1.2版本中实现。","The CTCP protocol was implemented by Michael Sandrof in 1990 for ircII version 2.1, while the DCC protocol was implemented by Troy Rollo in 1991 for version 2.1.2." +该物种的模式产地在新几内亚北部海区。,This marine species occurs off the north coast of New Guinea. +"随后佩拉担任阿多内·佐利(1957 - 1958)和安东尼奥·塞尼(1959 - 1960)政府的外交部长,以及阿明托雷·范范尼(1960 - 1962)政府的平衡部长。","Later he was Minister of Foreign Affairs under Adone Zoli (1957–1958) and Antonio Segni (1959–1960), and Minister of Balance under Amintore Fanfani (1960–1962)." +"在游戏的环境移动一般会输入玩家想要移动的方向 (或者该方向的缩写),例如输入 north 或者只输入 n,会使玩家从目前区域透过该路径移动至北方。","Movement around the game environment is generally accomplished by entering the direction (or an abbreviation of it) in which the player wishes to move, for example typing north or just n would cause the player to exit the current area via the path to the north." +"同时,校长塞斯·洛(Seth Low)再一次搬迁了校园,这一次校园从49街转至现在的地址——一个更加宽阔的,位于快速发展的晨边高地的校区。","At the same time, university president Seth Low moved the campus again, from 49th Street to its present location, a more spacious (and, at the time, more rural) campus in the developing neighborhood of Morningside Heights." +时任总统奥巴马事件发生时不在飞机上。,President Barack Obama was not on board the aircraft during the incident. +该大会还将AFL-CIO的执行委员会成员数从33个扩大到54个。,The convention also expanded the AFL-CIO executive council from 33 to 54 members. +"全村有三所学校:一所幼儿园,一所小学和一所中学,所有三个在一起有大约一百个学生,该班有较少的学生。","There are three schools in the village: a kindergarten, a primary school and a secondary school, in these schools in all there are just over a hundred students." +"1204年,该地区被腓力二世征服,他的孙子路易九世(圣王路易)在13世纪初兴建了庞大的城堡。","In 1204, the region was conquered by Philip II and the new castle was constructed during the minority of his grandson, Louis IX (""Saint Louis"") in the early part of the 13th century." +"伊朗的伊斯兰化发生于八至十世纪,导致了祆教在波斯的最终衰退。","Islamization of Iran took place during the eighth to tenth centuries, leading to the eventual decline of Zoroastrianism in Iran as well as many of its dependencies." +"自由派(古典派与社会派):由于萨拉查主义者在康乃馨革命后含有右派(以及其他相关词汇如“自由”、“保守”等等)意涵,以及经济自由主义在政治不具吸引力,除了1974年天主教君主主义“自由党”与中间派自由主义“民主革新者党”外,没有任何明确的自由或保守政党在1974年后的葡萄牙成立,所以自由主义者开始在社民党内活动。","Liberals (classical and social): due to the Salazarist connotation of the term right-wing and all terms connected (liberal and conservative) after the Carnation Revolution, the little atractiveness of economic liberalism in European politics, no specific liberal or conservative party was formed in post-1974 Portugal, except the experiences of the Catholic Action-monarchist Liberal Party in 1974 and the centrist liberal Democratic Renovator Party, so they started working inside the PSD." +"1791年,因苏塞克斯县向南部和西部扩张,所以县治被迁到乔治敦。","In 1791, with the expansion of Sussex County to the south and west, the county seat was moved to Georgetown." +这结束了这场大屠杀。,This ended the massacre. +"研究任务于2004年6月开始,项目于2005年1月至2009年12月期间进行。","A study mission was started in June 2004, with the project continuing for the period January 2005- December 2009." +"在2014年九月,一罐50克的Viennese Snails品牌的蜗牛子酱,产地位于奥地利维也纳,零售价超过150欧元。","In September 2014, a 50-gram jar of Viennese Snails brand snail caviar, produced at a farm near Vienna, Austria, retailed for more than €150." +"印第安人溪的人们想要用这些黄金来为修水坝筹资,但是曼达蒂却打算借出它们,去支持加里波第将军和意大利重新统一。","People in Indian Creek wanted to use the gold to finance a dam, but Mandati plans to lend support to General Garibaldi and Italian reunification." +而南非更是南部非洲发展共同体、南大西洋和平与合作区(英语:South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone)、南部非洲关税同盟、南极条约系统、世界贸易组织、国际货币基金组织、G20、G8 + 5以及东部和南部非洲港口管理协会(英语:Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa)的成员国。,"South Africa is also a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone, Southern African Customs Union (SACU), Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), G20, G8+5, and the Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa." +"虽然环保不是政府机构的简单责任,很多人认为这些机构是建立和保持基本标准的主角,既保护环境,也保护与之互动的人类。","Although environmental protection is not simply the responsibility of government protection acts , most people view these agencies as being of prime importance in establishing and maintaining basic standards that protect both the environment and the people interacting with it." +"因此RFC 5646不建议使用语言集,除非是那些非特定的语言集,如""Multiple languages""与 ""Undetermined""。","Because of this, RFC 5646 does not recommend the use of subtags for language collections for most applications, although they are still preferred over subtags whose meaning is even less specific, such as ""Multiple languages"" and ""Undetermined""." +"当""IDMS-校准的血清肌酐""被使用(约6%低),上面的方程应乘以<175/186>或<0.94086>。","When IDMS-calibrated serum creatinine is used (which is about 6% lower), the above equations should be multiplied by 175/186 or by 0.94086." +"如果由通过此技术测试的,FEV1(英语:FEV1)在会提高超过12%的支气管扩张相应管理,摄入支气管扩张剂如沙丁胺醇后,改善超过12%,则支持哮喘的对诊断给予支持。","If the FEV1 measured by this technique improves more than 12% and increases by at least 200 milliliters following administration of a bronchodilator such as salbutamol, this is supportive of the diagnosis." +"1991年克罗地亚航空与亚德里亚航空达成协议,租用一架MD-82执行国内航线萨格勒布至斯普利特。",In 1991 Croatia Airlines signed an agreement with Adria Airways which allowed it to lease a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 to commence domestic jet services between Zagreb and Split. +"与其他研究者相较,Doyle允许世袭的君王拥有更大的权力,举例而言,他将法国的路易·菲利浦也视为是自由的政权之一。","He allows greater power to hereditary monarchs than other researchers; for example, he counts the rule of Louis-Philippe of France as a liberal regime." +"铼和锝在其氧化物的卤化反应后能够形成卤氧化物MO3Cl,所以BhO3Cl也可能会在这种反应中产生。","The chlorination of the oxide forms the oxychlorides MO3Cl, so BhO3Cl should be formed in this reaction." +特别是外汇经济商通过互联网使得外汇交易更容易进行。,"In particular, electronic trading via online portals has made it easier for retail traders to trade in the foreign exchange market." +"韦弗这时正在附近的帕尔玛酒店,接到通知后来到会场。","Weaver, who was staying at the nearby Palmer House hotel, was summoned to the convention." +"一旦有信息,将会启动级联事件,导致突触前成分的表达,如神经递质囊泡释放的概率增加。","Once there, the message presumably initiates a cascade of events that leads to a presynaptic component of expression, such as the increased probability of neurotransmitter vesicle release." +"第十四条 所有公民都有权亲身或由其代表来确定赋税的必要性,自由地加以认可注意其用途,决定税额、税率、客体、征收方式和时期。","Article XIV – Each citizen has the right to ascertain, by himself or through his representatives, the need for a public tax, to consent to it freely, to know the uses to which it is put, and of determining the proportion, basis, collection, and duration." +本片是松散地基于1965年夏天期间希薇亚·利肯斯(英语:Murder of Sylvia Likens)被Gertrude Baniszewski折磨和谋杀的真实事件。,The film is loosely based on true events surrounding the torture and murder of Sylvia Likens by Gertrude Baniszewski during the summer of 1965. +"该组织执行董事为查尔斯·布朗斯坦,它从2002年开始担任此职至今。","The Executive Director is Charles Brownstein, who has served in that capacity since 2002." +"BMW声称这项技术的使用是由于舱内隔绝路噪/风噪的效果良好,但是仍希望为驾驶者提供M动力发动机的动感声效。",BMW says this technology has been used so that the well insulated cabin can reduce road/wind noise but still provide the driver with the sporty sound of the M powered engine. +"迈克尔·波兰伊宣称对于普遍性的承诺有助于防范主观性,而不是科学领域里很多关于个人超脱的概念。",Michael Polanyi asserted that it is merely a commitment to universality that protects against subjectivity and has nothing at all to do with personal detachment as found in many conceptions of the scientific method. +曾与 CJ E&M 共同制作电视动画系列片《动感火车家族》;参与制作过荒牧伸志导演的动画电影《船长哈洛克》。,"It has co-produced TV series animation ‘Robot Trains’ with CJ E&M, and also participated in feature animation ‘Space Pirate Captain Harlock’ by director Shinji Aramaki." +"他在1999年9月宣布破产,2000年3月被赶出他的434英亩(1.76平方公里),位于新泽西州的地产。","He declared bankruptcy in September 1999, and was evicted from his 434 acres (1.76 km2) New Jersey estate in March 2000." +"加拿大另类摇滚乐队“裸体女郎”(Barenaked Ladies)为该剧演唱片头30秒的主题曲,其歌词描述宇宙的发展以及地球和人类的变迁。","The Canadian alternative rock band Barenaked Ladies wrote and recorded the show's theme song, which describes the history and formation of the universe and the Earth." +"朝鲜承诺放弃一切核武器及现有核计划,早日重返不扩散核武器条约,并回到国际原子能署保障监督。","The DPRK committed to abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs and returning, at an early date, to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to IAEA safeguards." +"作为一个海上自卫同盟的第二个雅典帝国(英语:Second Athenian Empire)于公元前377年成立,同样由雅典领导。","The Second Athenian League, a maritime self-defense league, was founded in 377 BC and was led by Athens." +"他奉命出使,以赏赐为名,带着黄金锦绣到楼兰,在宴席上刺杀楼兰王。",It earned this name on account of the glittering of the gold and gems found on its surface. +奥拉夫在1066年陪同父亲入侵英格兰。,Olaf joined his father during the invasion of England during 1066. +"虽然1994年达成停火,亚美尼亚仍然决心与阿塞拜疆争夺纳尔戈诺-卡拉巴赫。","Despite a cease-fire in place since 1994, Armenia has yet to resolve its conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh." +"六天后,再次发生同样的事故。","Six days later, another break-down occurred." +"然而,由于苏丹没能履行他在1162年承诺的约定,曼努埃尔只下令拆除了叟不莱昂的防御工事,而保留了多利留姆的。","Since the Sultan had already failed to keep his side of the earlier treaty of 1162, however, Manuel only ordered the fortifications of Sublaeum to be dismantled, but not the fortifications of Dorylaeum." +他是第一位非俄罗斯国家元首访问。,He was the first non-Russian head of state to visit Republic of Abkhazia. +主要包含了Word 2.0c、Excel 4.0a、PowerPoint 3.0和一个网络信息客户端程序Mail。,"Its main components included Word 2.0c, Excel 4.0a, PowerPoint 3.0, and Mail, a network messaging client." +卡巴拉学者相信生命之树���宇宙形成过程的图形表示。,Kabbalists believe the tree of life to be a diagrammatic representation of the process by which the universe came into being. +"一个基于多种障碍相结合的理论,可能被证明是更加有用。",A combined theory based on multiple deficits may prove to be more useful. +"1943年,他救了一名犹太妇女罗斯·杰森的命,他向这名妇女提供了从被炸地区找到的护照,这名妇女随后设法穿过中立国而抵达美国。","In 1943, he saved the life of a Jewish woman, Rose Janson, whom he provided with a passport he found on a bombsite, and who subsequently managed to escape to the United States via a neutral country." +Oxygene(前身是Chrome)是一个.NET和Mono平台上的下一代Object Pascal编译器。,Oxygene (formerly known as Chrome) is an Object Pascal compiler for the .NET and Mono platforms. +"两队2002年季后赛的比赛,也就是著名的“The Tuck Rule Game”。","The two teams met in a divisional-round playoff game in 2002, which became known as the ""Tuck Rule Game""." +"伊斯兰教中,若避孕本身不会威胁生命,是可被允许的,不过多半是不鼓励。","In Islam, contraceptives are allowed if they do not threaten health, although their use is discouraged by some." +AN/APY-7可以工作在多种模式下:广域监视、地面移动目标指示(GMTI)、固定目标指示(FTI)、合成孔径雷达(SAR)。,"The AN/APY-7 radar can operate in wide area surveillance, ground moving target indicator (GMTI), fixed target indicator (FTI) target classification, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) modes." +定向半球反射率是表面在直接照明下的反射率(没有漫射元件)。,Directional-hemispherical reflectance is the reflectance of a surface under direct illumination (with no diffuse component). +"阿诺德·赫格勘测组的成员们在1885年以此命名,以对山雷酋长经过这个公园的逃亡表示尊敬。",Named by members of the Arnold Hague survey in 1885 to honor Chief Joseph's flight through the park. +"如今,特塞尔成为北海和瓦登海之间最大的天然屏障。","Today, Texel forms the largest natural barrier between the North Sea and the Wadden Sea." +"或者,学生也可以参加文凭课程。","Alternatively, students may also enroll in Diploma courses." +"2.0引擎的.mix文件格式开发而成,并扩展到了矢量图形技术。",It developed from the Picture It! 2.0 engine's .MIX format and expanded further into vector imaging technology. +"Phrobis III刺刀的合同完成了以后,M9的版权收归美国军队所有,而且有许多来自其他公司修改的后续版本。","After the Phrobis III bayonet contract was completed, rights to the M9 reverted to the United States Army and there were many subsequent versions from other companies." +"2010年,该公司的第一轮融资由风险投资公司 Benchmark 牵头。","The company's first round of funding, in 2010, was led by the venture capital firm Benchmark." +"很多镇区委员会被推翻或击败,取而代之的是由激进的青年领导的非官方人民组织。","Numerous township councils were overthrown or collapsed, to be replaced by unofficial popular organisations, often led by militant youth." +InfiniBand也提供远程直接内存访问(RDMA)能力以降低CPU负载。,InfiniBand also provides RDMA capabilities for low CPU overhead. +"温度疗法或许可行,但同时也会使得蜂窝的蜂蜡扭曲变形。","Temperature treatments are possible, but also distorts wax of the honeycombs." +"当时西安正下小雨,但不影响飞行。","At that time, weather in Xi'an was raining, but it did not delay the flight." +第二架原型机仍然被设计上的问题所苦。,The second prototype was also beset by design problems. +"他的统治范围可能从阿拜多斯之上的希拉孔波利斯到更广泛的Thinite区域并且控制埃及至少最北控制到孟菲斯,由于西奈的岩石碑文上涉及艾拉-荷尔到这个城市的一次访问。","He probably ruled from Hierakonpolis over Abydos and the wider Thinite region and controlled Egypt at least as far north as Memphis, since the Sinai rock inscription relates a visit of Iry-Hor to this city." +派瑞是同性恋权活动家。,Leto is a gay rights activist. +"经过升降机、电动扶梯、火灾及安全系统的一系列相关延宕后,车站于2015年9月13日正式启用。","After a series of delays involving escalator, elevator, and fire and safety systems, the station finally opened on September 13, 2015." +健康取决于体内平衡。,I think it’s about living life in balance. +Opera浏览器有内建的IRC用户端软件。,"OPlayer, media player that has a built-in UPnP-client." +另外3项表决议题包括保障家庭医生制度和加强保护基础医疗体系、终身禁止被定罪的恋童癖患者从事与儿童有关的工作和采购JAS 39狮鹫战斗机。,"The other referendums included changes to primary health care, a lifetime ban on convicted pedophiles working with children, and the procurement of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft." +"它遂返回船坞,从4月27日至5月2日进行维修。",She was back in dock for repairs from 27 April to 2 May. +"克劳丝发行了十一张专辑,参与演出众多原声带,亦对美国蓝草音乐复兴贡献良多。","She has released fourteen albums, appeared on numerous soundtracks, and helped renew interest in bluegrass music in the United States." +该党起初是为了争取印度独立而成立。,At first the party was established to fight for Indian independence. +"血清(英语:Serum)旧称𧖽,是指血液中既不含血细胞(血清不含红血球和白血球)也不含凝血因子的成分;也就是除去纤维蛋白原的血浆。","In blood, the serum (/ˈsɪərəm/) is the component that is neither a blood cell (serum does not contain white blood cells- leukocytes, or red blood cells- erythrocytes), nor a clotting factor; it is the blood plasma not including the fibrinogens." +加拿大和美国则为过渡计划的成员。,Canada and the United States are transitional members. +"这种观点在三国演义里也大量体现,一定程度上反映当时民间对诸葛亮北伐的普遍看法。",This policy aligns it with views generally found on the left of New Zealand politics. +"乃散金帛以赐其众,众受之而走。",Then they leave him on his own to find his own way. +由迪伦·柯林斯和Sean Blanchfield在2003年成立。,Demonware was founded in 2003 by Dylan Collins and Sean Blanchfield. +"2013年5月15日,Google宣布将Google钱包与Gmail的整合,这使得用于用户可用通过发送Gmail附件转账。","On May 15, 2013, Google announced the integration of Google Wallet and Gmail, allowing users to send money through Gmail attachments." +"为防止托马斯爵士重新和赫尔的费尔法克斯勋爵重新联合,贝拉西斯占领了位于两人所在地之间的塞尔比镇。","To prevent Sir Thomas rejoining Lord Fairfax in Hull, Belasyse occupied the town of Selby which lay between them." +"他不受欢迎,而立陶宛贵族也对波兰在立陶宛日益增长的影响力感到愤怒。",He proved to be unpopular and Lithuanian nobility resented growing Polish influence in the state. +"西吉斯蒙德·冯·赫尔贝尔斯泰因在笔记上写道,在欧洲,有两个地方不属于俄罗斯却使用俄语,一个是立陶宛、另一个是萨莫吉希亚。","There is Sigismund von Herberstein's note left, that there were in an ocean of Ruthenian language in this part of Europe two non-Ruthenian regions: Lithuania and Samogitia." +"这个定义原来与以上的定义没有任何不同,因为群的元素总是从一个集合到它本身的双射,也就是说,“群”的意思是“置换群”。","Originally, this definition agreed with the first definition above, since members of groups were always bijections from a set into itself; i.e., group was taken to mean permutation group." +《推行法案》旨在订明英国法律在新加坡的适用程度。,The Act aims to clarify the extent of the application of English law in Singapore. +"在这一GRO中,大肠杆菌中所有已知UAG终止密码子都由UAA密码子替换,这会允许删除释放因子1并允许重新分配UAG的翻译功能。","In this GRO all known UAG stop codons in E.coli were replaced by UAA codons, which allowed for the deletion of release factor 1 and reassignment of UAG translation function." +黑凯门鳄现正濒临绝种。,Pietri seems just exhausted. +"保罗‧狄拉克为了发展量子力学的概念,研究过投影几何,并将其作为量子力学之基础,虽然他公布的成果总是以代数形式呈现。","Paul Dirac studied projective geometry and used it as a basis for developing his concepts of quantum mechanics, although his published results were always in algebraic form." +"大部分在一年半内被送回大韩民国,但有516名仍然处于失踪状态。","Most were returned to the ROK within one and a half years, but 516 remain disappeared." +快腿西恩·菲金斯(Chone Figgins)以52次盗垒成功在美国联盟排名第二。,Chone Figgins was second in the American League in stolen bases with 52. +"泰利斯防空公司是英国的主要合作伙伴和程序贡献者,让MBT LAW的研制团队当中包括的14个英国武器系统及其部件的制造的分包商成为主导。","Thales Air Defence is the major UK partner and contributor to the program, leading Team MBT LAW which includes 14 UK subcontractors for the manufacture of the weapon system and its components." +"在阿伦再次提出异议后,于2017年4月11日遭到再度驳回。","After Aalen again appealed against the decision, it was rejected once more on 11 April 2017." +"虽然约瑟夫及其他酋长都命令不能让任何人受伤,但仍然有两人被杀害,数人受伤。","Despite Joseph and other chiefs ordering that no one should be harmed, at least two people were killed and several wounded." +"LZ4是一种无损数据压缩算法,着重于压缩和解压缩速度。",LZ4 is a lossless data compression algorithm that is focused on compression and decompression speed. +这���他产生强烈支持以色列的观点。,He is well known for his vocal support of the State of Israel. +何述铉之子。,Comment connaitre votre enfant. +"马里国徽(法语:Emblème du Mali)由一个浅蓝色圆形组成,中央图案为一座清真寺,清真寺上方有一只雀鸟,而下方则是两个弓箭和一个正在上升的太阳。","The coat of arms of Mali is a national emblem consisting of a circle charged with a bird at the top, a mosque in the centre flanked by two bows and arrows, and the rising sun at the bottom." +"开普勒70b(英语:Kepler-70b),旧称KOI-55.01(有时候称为KOI-55 b),是一个环绕B型次矮星(sdB)开普勒70的类地行星。",Kepler-70b (formerly known as its Kepler Object of Interest designation KOI-55.01; sometimes listed as KOI-55 b) is an exoplanet discovered orbiting the subdwarf B star (sdB) Kepler-70. +"在加州大学伯克利分校的研究生院里,沃尔和他的妻子学习语言学,为了找一个没有文字的语言,可能是非洲语言,并给它创造一套书写系统。","While in graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley, Wall and his wife were studying linguistics with the intention of finding an unwritten language, perhaps in Africa, and creating a writing system for it." +"最初,它主要市场是针对大学生,使用口号和商标“大学服装”来反映该品牌背后的灵感。","Originally, it was heavily marketed towards university students, using the slogan and trademark ""University Outfitters"" to reflect the inspiration behind the brand." +"领地的行政中心是萨利比亚,加勒比人领地下辖的八个村庄中最大的。","The administrative centre is in Salybia, the largest of eight hamlets in the Carib Territory." +"// 每个可能的程序都可以这样产生, // 虽然多数什么也不做因为有语法错误。","Every possible program can be // generated this way, though most do nothing // because of syntax errors." +"到1944年8月,92.2%的里奇蒙造船厂员工加入了凯萨医疗机构,这是美国第一个大规模提供预付和大量医疗设施的自愿性团体医疗计划。","By August 1944, 92.2 percent of all Richmond shipyard employees had joined Kaiser Permanente, the first voluntary group plan in the country to feature group medical practice, prepayment, and substantial medical facilities on such a large scale." +"一旦体长达到大约30公分,则几乎完全以鱼类为食。","Once they achieve a length of about 30 cm, they feed almost entirely upon fish." +出现疼痛感。,Dor le Dor. +"在2000年,Jones等人则认为它们是两排成对像羽毛的结构,附着身体的位置与鸟类脊骨羽毛相似。","Jones et al. interpreted them as two paired rows of structures that are anatomically very much like feathers, and which are in positions like those of birds' spinal feather tracts." +故此以往它们被列为易危。,It ia (his which distinguishes the present from all previous outbreaks. +"此外,一些政府也释放了他们正在重新评估与该国关系的信号,并减少了对他们的援助。","Also, several governments were reassessing their relationships to the country given the findings of the report and reduced their shipments of aid." +"麦格克效应也可以通过非语言刺激实现,如播放一段篮球弹动视频,但是播放乒乓球弹动的声音。","The McGurk effect can also be achieved with nonlinguistic stimuli, such as showing someone a video of a basketball bouncing but playing the sound of a ping-pong ball bouncing." +"在他的病情加重之后,于1968年4月正式被平克·弗洛伊德排除在外。","When his condition worsened, he was officially excluded from Pink Floyd in April 1968." +"1985至1997年间,他在 The Studio Theater 中演出,而从1997年起他则定期在华沙的国家戏剧院演出。","Between 1985 and 1997, he performed at The Studio Theater, and since 1997 he has been an actor at the National Theater in Warsaw." +"杜邦又说葡萄牙已表明愿意接受罗德西亚外交官,因此罗德西亚政府在其权限内的表现已经堪称完美。","As Portugal had indicated its willingness to accept a Rhodesian diplomat, Dupont said, the Rhodesian government was acting perfectly within its rights." +"伊斯兰教 伊朗的最高领袖霍梅尼呼吁穆斯林学习世界语,他称赞世界语是不同文化背景之间的人交流的好媒介。",Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran called on Muslims to learn Esperanto and praised its use as a medium for better understanding among peoples of different religious backgrounds. +"The Futon Critic网站的评论家布莱恩·福德·苏利文(Brian Ford Sullivan)认为,该季的尾声很棒地处理了每个元素,而扣人心弦的结局精彩到足以让评论家痴痴等待一整个夏天,迎接第2季的到来。","The Futon Critic's Brian Ford Sullivan felt that the season finale gave every element the ""four-star treatment"", and that the cliffhanger ending was ""riveting"" enough to leave the reviewer in anticipation all summer long of the season two premiere." +"明���宗正当壮年,子嗣的问题在这个时候尚未显得突出。",It is important that children are not overlooked during this difficult time. +"类似的,英语并不区分辅音送气与不送气发音的区别,但许多其他语言却区分开(如 韩语和印地语):在单词spin 中的不送气音/p/和单词pin 中的送气音/p/被认为仅仅是相同音素的不同发音方式(单个音素的这种变化称为同位异音),而在官话中,同样的发音差异区别词“趴” 和“八”(á上面的变音符号表示高音调)。","Similarly, the English language does not distinguish phonemically between aspirated and non-aspirated pronunciations of consonants, as many other languages like Korean and Hindi do: the unaspirated /p/ in spin and the aspirated /p/ in pin are considered to be merely different ways of pronouncing the same phoneme (such variants of a single phoneme are called allophones), whereas in Mandarin Chinese, the same difference in pronunciation distinguishes between the words 'crouch' and 'eight' (the accent above the á means that the vowel is pronounced with a high tone)." +"死后几周内,其财产便被拍卖以偿还债务。","Within a few weeks of her death, her belongings were auctioned off to pay her debts." +"在马克思主义政治经济学领域,利润率的计算公式是: 资本家获得的剩余价值,相当于工人在生产过程中无偿劳动,或表现为资本家的利润、利息和租金(财产收入)。","In Marxian political economy, the rate of profit (r) would be measured as r = (surplus value)/(capital invested). where surplus value corresponds to unpaid labor in the production process or to profits, interest, and rent (property income)." +"艾普斯汀的第一次击落纪录发生在六日战争中的1967年6月6日,他在El Arish击落了一架埃及的Su-7战斗轰炸机。","Epstein's first kill came on June 6, 1967 during the Six-Day War, when he downed an Egyptian Sukhoi-7 at El Arish." +该城镇于1879年5月2日成立。,"The town was incorporated on May 2, 1879." +3号货舱后面是锅炉舱和机舱。,Forward is another cabin and the head. +"奥菲莉亚的风眼从未登陆,飓风完全回到海上后于9月17日转变成温带气旋并吹袭加拿大大西洋省份。",The hurricane's eye never made landfall and moved back out to sea before becoming extratropical on September 17 and striking Atlantic Canada. +飞翔力很强。,It flew very well. +他的宗派后来成为了巴哈伊信仰。,At this time he became an adherent of the Bahá'í Faith. +"这一代与前两代《真实赛车》游戏不同的是,玩家需要透过游戏金币和真实世界时间来保养及维修车辆。","Unlike in the previous Real Racing games, players are required to maintain and service their vehicles, requiring in-game cash and real-world time." +他最后的作品独奏录音室专辑“A Whole New Ballgame”于2007年6月12日被发售。,"His final solo studio album, A Whole New Ballgame, was released June 12, 2007." +"与此同时,哈洛意外地突袭Artemis Club,屠杀了许多罗赛迪的手下,并设法拯救被枪口威胁的Tommy Darmody。","Meanwhile, Harrow unexpectedly storms the Artemis Club, massacring many of Rosetti's men and managing to rescue Tommy Darmody, who is held at gunpoint." +"就这点上,这些政策显然将不能够“消除任何种族或族裔(可感知到)需要消除”的歧视,因为不同族裔之间的学历差距仍然会普遍存在。","At that point these policies will clearly have failed to ""'eliminate the need for any racial or ethnic'"" discrimination because the academic credentials gap will still be there." +"新加坡在吉隆坡设有一间高级专员公署,而其也在柔佛新山市设立一间总领事馆;而马来西亚也在新加坡设有一间高级专员公署。","Singapore has a high commission in Kuala Lumpur and a consulate general in Johor Bahru, while Malaysia has a high commission in Singapore." +"实际上,射流是从基点 x 0 {\displaystyle x_{0}} 得到它们的函数依赖关系。",It is in fact the base-point x 0 {\displaystyle x_{0}} from which jets derive their functional dependency. +"过渡金属多硫配合物的例子有(C5H5)2TiS5、2−,及 2−。","Examples of transition metal polysulfido complexes include (C5H5)2TiS5, 2−, and 2−." +大门处有一牌匾纪念1904年的立面修复。,The main entrance is marked by a plaque commemorating a restoration of the facade in 1904. +"在这个框架下,可以证明那定义为 Q={Q} 的所谓蒯因原子,是唯一存在的。","Within this framework, it can be shown that the so-called Quine atom, formally defined by Q={Q}, exists and is unique." +该小行星因1801年弗朗索瓦-勒内·德·夏多布里昂的小说《Atala》中的女英雄Atala而得名。,The asteroid is named for the eponymous heroine of the 1801 novella Atala by François-René de Chateaubriand. +在16世纪还被用于书写西班牙语。,"Until the 16th century, it was also used to write some texts in Spanish." +马斯洛的理论在他于1954年的��籍著作《动机与人格》(Motivation and Personality)当中完整阐述。,Maslow's theory was fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality. +"研究所的目标在于继续开展原有的关于班清项目和湄公河中游考古项目的国际知名的研究与出版工作,通过这些先驱项目为后世保护相关的人类历史信息。","The Institute’s objective is to continue the internationally renowned research and publication programs of the Ban Chiang Project and the Middle Mekong Archaeological Project (MMAP), in order to preserve for posterity the knowledge of the human past revealed by those pioneering research programs." +"采用了非常宽松的情节结构,由各种场景组成,主要围绕着患暴食症的由脱衣舞女变成妓女的安杰拉·阿伯丁展开。","The film follows a very loose plot structure, consisting of assorted random scenes mostly revolving around Angela Aberdeen, a bulimic stripper-turned-prostitute." +"尽管寡核苷酸不具有检测单拷贝变化的灵敏度,但是在染色体上彼此相邻的寡核苷酸的比率的平均值可以补偿降低的灵敏度。","Although oligonucleotides do not have the sensitivity to detect single copy changes, averaging of ratios from oligos that map next to each other on the chromosome can compensate for the reduced sensitivity." +"布什轻易赢得了共和党提名,他面临的对手是民主党籍的时任州长安·理查德(Ann Richards),当时理查德支持度和名声极高,使布什的选情相当不乐观。","Winning the Republican primary easily, Bush faced incumbent Governor Ann Richards, a popular Democrat who was considered the easy favorite, given Bush's lack of political credentials." +"但如果有两人或两人以上得票相等,参议院应投票选举其中一人为副总统。","But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President." +"韩国庆熙大学的一份研究表明:粗略估计有10,000名朝鲜人居住在俄罗斯远东地区。","A study by Kyung Hee University estimated that roughly 10,000 North Koreans live in the Russian Far East; many are escapees from North Korean work camps there." +"奥地利人阿尔弗雷德·里希特(Alfred Richter)曾参与屠杀,他讲过一件事,说有一个士兵在当地小酒馆给德国人唱咏叹调,他被逼着在战友被处决的时候唱歌。","Alfred Richter, an Austrian, and one of the participants in the massacre recounted how a soldier who sang arias for the Germans in the local taverns was forced to sing while his comrades were being executed." +"不过他也提醒到在互联网间仍常常会发现不正确的资讯,这也意味着学者和专家必须随时保持警觉并纠正他们的错误。","However, he also cautions that errors are frequently found on Internet sites, and that academics and experts must be vigilant in correcting them." +"采用发动机联盟GP7000引擎的A380未受影响,而运营有劳斯莱斯瑞达900引擎的A380的业者受此影响。","A380s powered by Engine Alliance GP7000 were unaffected, but operators of Rolls-Royce Trent 900-powered A380s were affected." +"伊斯兰世界和朝鲜半岛的贸易关系,从高丽帝国一直延续到15世纪。",Trading relations between the Islamic world and the Korean peninsula continued with the succeeding kingdom of Goryeo through to the 15th century. +"2007年12月12日,奥尔特加还下令尼加拉瓜军队做好与哥伦比亚战斗的准备。","On December 12, 2007 Ortega also ordered the Nicaraguan military to be prepared for conflict with Colombia." +"在地中海气候区,包括美国西海岸,意大利、希腊的地中海海岸线和土耳其的雨季都是在冬季。","Within the Mediterranean climate regime, the west coast of the United States and the Mediterranean coastline of Italy, Greece, and Turkey experience a wet season in the winter months." +"例如所有的碳原子的原子核都有六个质子,因此碳的原子序数是6。","For example, all carbon atoms contain 6 protons in their atomic nucleus; so the atomic number of carbon is 6." +"他假设太阳发射的动力(或动力个体)随着距离减弱,当行星靠近或远离太阳,运动会加快或减慢。","Kepler supposed that the motive power (or motive species) radiated by the Sun weakens with distance, causing faster or slower motion as planets move closer or farther from it." +"路易斯-德瑞弗斯曾说自己对“不怕扮丑并娱乐他人的女性”感到尊敬,而她的偶像即为露西尔·鲍尔、玛丽·泰勒·摩尔、玛德莲·卡恩(英语:Madeline Kahn)、泰瑞·卡儿(英语:Teri Garr)、薇乐莉·哈波(英语:Valerie Harper)及克萝丽丝·利奇曼等。","Louis-Dreyfus has stated that she holds much respect for ""women who are not afraid of making themselves look bad or foolish to get a laugh"", and cites her acting idols as Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, Madeline Kahn, Teri Garr, Valerie Harper, and Cloris Leachman." +"在2008年10月20日,波登在〈旅游生活频道〉里主持了一项特别节目〈At the Table with Anthony Bourdain〉。","On October 20, 2008 Bourdain hosted a special, At the Table with Anthony Bourdain, on the Travel Channel." +"此后,他又推动立法,规定俄罗斯法律效力要高于苏联法律,并扣交三分之二的财政预算。","The following month, he secured legislation giving Russian laws priority over Soviet laws and withholding two-thirds of the budget." +"此物种最初由卡尔·林奈于1753年描述为Aloe perfoliata var. vera,并在1768年由尼可拉斯·劳伦斯·伯曼于4月6日在Flora Indica一书中重新描述为Aloe vera。","The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753 as Aloe perfoliata var. vera, and was described again in 1768 by Nicolaas Laurens Burman as Aloe vera in Flora Indica on 6 April and by Philip Miller as Aloe barbadensis some ten days after Burman in the Gardener's Dictionary." +"根据盖达尔·阿利耶夫1996年颁发的总统令,8月5日被定为阿塞拜疆海军日。","According to the Presidential Decree of Heydar Aliyev from 1996, August 5 was declared the Day of Azerbaijani Navy." +"新的解决方案,允许同样的元件使用于CAN和CAN FD(详见)即将投入市场。",New solutions are coming on the market allowing to use same component for CAN as well as CAN FD (see ). +"艾琳娜和丹尼、胡安还对其它多个屏障岛构成冲击,其中艾琳娜单在格兰德艾尔就侵蚀掉了纵深34米的海滩。","The hurricane, along with Danny and Juan, also affected several other barrier islands, and Elena itself removed as much as 112 ft (34 m) of beach along the island of Grand Isle, Louisiana." +"在全世界超过20个国家雇员约10,000人。","It has about 10,000 employees in over 20 countries worldwide." +"中国使团卷入推翻匈奴单于的阴谋;事败后,他们都被捕。","The Chinese delegation became embroiled in a plot against the Xiongnu leadership; and, upon the plot's failure, they were all arrested." +"第51条 宪章的适用范围 (1) 本宪章适用于:当欧盟各机关与组织在遵守补充性原则而行动时,以及当会员国在执行欧盟法时。","Article 51(1) of the Charter addresses the Charter to the EU's institutions, bodies established under EU law and, when implementing EU laws, the EU's member states." +军医少校。,Chief Medical Officer. +穆斯林相信易卜拉欣是真主的先知。,He was also a descendant of Prophet Abraham. +杀戮空间 官方网站,Official Dead Space portal +名字的含义:寿命很短。,"Its slogan: ""Life is short." +此训练是启发于多项运动和体育锻炼中的150种运动而创作出来的。,The workouts are built from a repertoire of 150 movements inspired by a variety of sports and other physical training. +最着名的例子是意大利的比萨斜塔。,"The most famous example is the Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy." +10月21日以色列空军杀死了哈马斯的主要炸弹制造人和卡桑火箭的发明人。,"On 21 October, the Israeli Air Force killed Adnan al-Ghoul, a senior Hamas bomb maker and the inventor of the Qassam rocket." +"Feak和他的朋友Steve Mescon成立了官方的DotA社区网站dota-allstars.com,并且成立了公司——DotA-Allstars, LLC。","DotA: Allstars by Steve Feak was the most successful, and Feak, with his friend Steve Mescon, created the official Defense of the Ancients community website and the holding company DotA-Allstars, LLC." +"然而,吉米知道他被上当至死,并自愿不带武器去见努基。","However, Jimmy knows that he is being lured to his death and willingly goes unarmed to see Nucky." +目前总统公园由国家公园管理处管理。,The current President's Park is administered by the National Park Service. +GD-ROM盘片上有三个数据区域。,There are three data areas on a GD-ROM disc. +日本游戏杂志《Fami通》给予游戏《女神转生II》高分并将其列入杂志的黄金名人堂。,Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu gave Megami Tensei II a score which put it in the magazine's Gold Hall of Fame. +"她的单簧管演奏生涯始于巴伐利亚广播交响乐团,后来她被柏林爱乐乐团任命为管弦乐团的第一位女性成员,从而引起了争议。","She began her career as a member of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Berlin Philharmonic, where her appointment as one of the orchestra's first female members caused controversy." +"在1879年,山雷酋长去华盛顿哥伦比亚特区会见了拉瑟福德·伯查德·海斯总统并为他的人民的案情作辩护。","In 1879, Chief Joseph went to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Rutherford B. Hayes and plead his people's case." +内蒂向塞缪尔和科林承认自己是孩子们的姨姨。,Nettie confesses to Samuel and Corrine that she is in fact the children's biological aunt. +"非洲日(Africa Day),旧称为非洲自由日(African Freedom Day)和非洲解放日(African Liberation Day)是自1963年以来,每年5月25日纪念非洲统一组织成立的纪念日。",Africa Day (formerly African Freedom Day and African Liberation Day) is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) (now known as the African Union) on 25 May 1963. +"巴洛奇声称丈夫残暴对待她,并公开哭诉婚姻之痛。","Baloch claimed her husband had been abusive, and cried publicly about the pain of the marriage." +"它们长约18厘米,尾巴很长。","It is about 18 cm in length, with a long tail." +"DirectX媒体对象化:支援资料流物件,像是编码、解码和效果。","DirectX Media Objects: support for streaming objects such as encoders, decoders, and effects." +光少光无量光光曜。,There is a slightly reduced service on Sundays. +"基本上配方汇集了传统上昂贵或奢华的成分 — 尤其甜香料在发展其独特的浓郁香气上尤其重要,这通常使用羊油。","Essentially the recipe brings together what traditionally were expensive or luxurious ingredients — notably the sweet spices that are so important in developing its distinctive rich aroma, and usually made with suet." +1972年他作为比利时大使馆文化随员在中国呆了半年。,He returned to China in 1972 for six months as a cultural attaché for the Belgian Embassy in Beijing. +"同年9月16日,女性之赞号成为同最后一艘下水的同级舰,并在距离完工前约十三个月取消。","Another ship on September 16 reported similar winds in the same location; Thus, it was estimated to have remained nearly stationary for three days." +其也可能存在于卡劳林山(Karaurin Tepui)。,It may also occur on Karaurin Tepui. +"在内部,这与传统的反应堆设计是相同的反应,但是在快堆中,覆盖层中是不必维持链式反应的,因此是可以使用天然铀甚至是贫铀。","This is the same reaction that occurs internally in conventional designs, but in this case the blanket does not have to sustain a reaction and thus can be made of natural uranium or depleted uranium." +"占据万鸦老后,1942年1月23和24日晚,日军佐世保联合登陆部队向南突进,在肯达里以北登陆,迅速占领了肯达里机场。","After securing Manado, in the night of 23/24 January 1942 the Japanese Sasebo Combined Special Naval Landing Force moved southward and landed at north of Kendari." +"在1996年,国际自然保护联盟IUCN,将拟斗牛犬蚁列为濒危物种,并提到已知的群落数量极少。","In 1996, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed Nothomyrmecia as Critically Endangered, stating that only a few small colonies were known." +"在该时代一个人可以很容易地观察到国家宗教的仪式,成为一个或多个秘密宗教的入教者/启蒙者(initiate),并同时坚持某个哲学学派的思想。","An individual could easily observe the rites of the state religion, be an initiate in one or more mysteries, and at the same time adhere to a certain philosophical school." +"2008年7月,the Creative Assembly发布了又一个主题,《风起云涌》。","In July 2008, Creative Assembly announced Stormrise." +我也不知道为什么会这样。,I don't know why that is. +"这次运动虽然是非暴力的,但却部分使用了由怀亚特·沃克(英语:Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker)牧师(Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker)发明的“故意对抗战术”。","The campaign used nonviolent but intentionally confrontational tactics, developed in part by Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker." +"一项针对凯瑟琳和劳伦斯的法庭案件是私下解决的,在玛格丽特去世时得到和解。","A court case against Catherine and Lawrence was settled privately, and Margaret and her children were reconciled at the time of Margaret's death in 1932." +"2011年2月24日,政治黑客们成功地拿下威斯特布路浸信会的官方网站。","On February 24, 2011, hacktivists successfully took Westboro Baptist Church's websites down." +"伯莎在逼近加拿大大西洋省份期间已开始转变成温带气旋,登陆后不久就失去所有热带天气系统特征。","The storm was transitioning into an extratropical cyclone while approaching Atlantic Canada, and lost all tropical characteristics shortly after moving ashore." +"2017年3月15日,威廉斯在火箭以139-100大胜湖人的比赛中攻下30分。","On March 15, 2017, he scored 30 points in a 139–100 win over the Lakers." +"对于孩子们来说,想象力是主题。","For children, imagination is the theme." +网址 Crusades,Crustaceans portal +賸继武古泥炳焕。,He had caused the earth to produce corn for bread. +"休谟通过声称与道德理性主义相反,我们永远不能仅基于理性做出道德判断来捍卫他以同情为基础的道德情感主义。","Hume defends his sympathy-based moral sentimentalism by claiming that, contrary to moral rationalism, we can never make moral judgments based on reason alone." +"相比于中心局,长途交换机可能使用较慢但更有效的交换分配算法,因为它们的输入输出通道使用率接近100%。","Long distance switches may use a slower, more efficient switch-allocation algorithm than local central offices, because they have near 100% utilization of their input and output channels." +"虽然这种细菌早在1926年就已为J.D. Aronson从一条鱼中分离出来,但却要到1951年,才由Linell及Norden发现这种细菌能使人类受到感染,并引起疾病。","Although Aronson isolated this mycobacterium in 1926 from a fish, it was not until 1951 that it was found to be the cause of human disease by Linell and Norden." +"康沃利斯在1795年回到议会,与他叔叔威廉·康沃利斯共同担任一个席位,直到1796年为止。","In 1795 Cornwallis was returned to parliament as one of two representatives for Eye (alongside his uncle William Cornwallis), a seat he held until 1796." +"这即是所谓TCP三向交握,并且这是每个使用TCP传输协议建立连线的基础。","This is called the TCP three-way handshake, and is the foundation for every connection established using the TCP protocol." +"福利资源是由地区主教分配,并由主教团维持。",Welfare resources are distributed by local bishops but maintained by the Presiding Bishopric. +"在查尔斯顿的莫里斯·布朗非洲卫理公会教堂,不同种族和宗教的人士参加悼念受害者的纪念仪式,宣称这种袭击不会分裂社会。","At Morris Brown African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, numerous people of different races and religions attended a ceremony commemorating the victims and they proclaimed that the attack would not divide the community." +"过量的云将形成许多粒子,但每个都将非常小。","An over seeded cloud will form many particles, but each will be very small." +"在1939年波兰战役期间,该区域大部分被所摧毁,在可怕的空袭中,德国空军有目的地瞄准了该市的住宅区和历史地标。","During the Invasion of Poland (1939), much of the district was badly damaged by the German Luftwaffe, which targeted the city's residential areas and historic landmarks in a campaign of terror bombing." +"对多个测序研究结果的荟萃分析表明,大约20%的人类恶性肿瘤中SWI/SNF存在变异。",A meta-analysis of many sequencing studies demonstrated SWI/SNF to be mutated in approximately 20% of human malignancies. +表中标注985的院校亦属985工程。,This is a table of Project 985 institutions. +"犹太女权主义(英语:Jewish feminism)这场运动在于改善犹太女性的宗教地位、法律地位和社会地位,为犹太女性进行宗教体验和从事领导活动提供新的机遇。","Jewish feminism seeks to improve the religious, legal, and social status of women within Judaism and to open up new opportunities for religious experience and leadership for Jewish women." +威廉斯还获得葛莱梅奖的提名。,Williams also earned a Grammy Award nomination. +"由于此更改,在退出应用程序后,MS-DOS提示符可能会在所有数据写入磁盘前出现。","Because of this change, after exiting an application, the MS-DOS prompt might appear before all data had been written to the disk." +这些照片被转换成木刻版和出版在不太重要的《伦敦新闻画报》(The Illustrated London News)。,The photos were converted into woodblocks and published in The Illustrated London News. +而整个项目由科威特的赠款资助。,The entire project is funded by a grant from the State of Kuwait. +"登陆行动非常顺利,没有受到美军的干扰。",The landing went smoothly and was not detected by the Soviet troops. +"圆馆在大学期间已经接触天文摄影,但直到1986年才开始进行深入的天文观测。","He began taking astrophotos in high school, but did not begin serious asteroid observations until 1986." +"2007年末新开放的健康科学图书馆拥有两个资讯共享空间,30个小组研讨室,并且整个图书馆内都有免费的无线互联网连接可供使用。","The health sciences library opened in late 2007 with two Information Commons, 30 group study rooms, and wireless internet connectivity throughout the library." +这意味着人类的灵魂不存在于体外。,This seems to imply that the human soul cannot exist apart from the body. +"马克·史壮 饰 Matai Shang,Holy Therns的领袖。","Mark Strong as Matai Shang, the Hekkador of the Therns." +"两人被诊断出有精神方面疾病,但依旧被以成人的身份起诉,面临65年的徒刑。",Both attackers have been diagnosed with mental illnesses but have also been charged as adults and are each facing up to 65 years in prison. +"标准的芭比是金发碧眼和白皙皮肤,而该标准芙拉则是黑发,棕色眼睛,和橄榄色皮肤。","While the standard Barbie has blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin, the standard Fulla has dark hair, brown eyes and olive skin." +"到底自己为何人,为何自己在此地...。",I wonder who brought you here... +"1902年,庞加莱发表了一本叫做《科学与假设》的科普哲学书,其中包含了以下内容:对时空与同一时间的相对性说法的哲学评估;关于违反相对性原理的现象永远无法被检测到的想法;以太不存在的可能性,以及一些关于支持以太存在的争论;关于��欧几里德几何的许多评论。","In 1902, Henri Poincaré published a collection of essays titled Science and Hypothesis, which included: detailed philosophical discussions on the relativity of space, time, and on the conventionality of distant simultaneity; the conjecture that a violation of the relativity principle can never be detected; the possible non-existence of the aether, together with some arguments supporting the aether; and many remarks on non-Euclidean vs. Euclidean geometry." +该建设项目由缅甸铁路公司的工程师亚瑟·伦德尔负责。,"The construction project was overseen by Sir Arthur Rendel, engineer for the Burma Railway Company." +"从教会学校毕业后,她来到葡萄牙的里斯本大学攻读德语专业,并在此时开始参与反对殖民主义的独立运动。","She attended Methodist mission schools before gaining a scholarship to the University of Lisbon in Portugal, where she studied German and first became involved in independence issues." +AMGTV还将多个电影包和音乐专辑集合到其附属基地之外的电台。,AMGTV also syndicates several movie packages and music specials to stations outside their affiliate base. +一次处理一项。,Let’s pick one. +选择该机型的原因是它们运行以来比战斗机便宜。,This aircraft was chosen because it was less expensive to operate than front-line fighters. +意大利作家但丁·阿利吉耶里用的数值则是 3 + 2 10 ≈ 3.14142 {\displaystyle 3+{\frac {\sqrt {2}}{10}}\approx 3.14142} 。,Italian author Dante apparently employed the value 3+√2/10 ≈ 3.14142. +"他们建议,郡或者地方级别的新分析方法和数据对持枪权法的影响需要充分评估。",NAS suggested that new analytical approaches and datasets at the county or local level are needed to adequately evaluate the impact of right-to-carry laws. +"被禁止的关键字是有争议的,比如禁止“gay”关键词来阻止访问同性恋网站也会意想不到地阻止其他内容。","The forbidden keywords are controversial—banning ""gay"" effectively bars access to a host of gay and lesbian sites—and have had unintended consequences." +它大小如家猫。,It was as large as a cat. +"是一种自我组织的团体,由个人、公司、公司或实体组成,以处理某些特定的业务、追求或促进共同的利益。","A syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest." +"配料限制 配子限制指的是在种群大小或密度较低的情况下,有性生殖很难找到一个兼容的、可接受的配子。",Mate limitation Mate limitation refers to the difficulty of finding a compatible and receptive mate for sexual reproduction at lower population size or density. +"有人暗示,反对党的反对是由于他们持续接受烟草公司的政治献金。",It was suggested the Opposition resistance to the legislation was due to their continuing acceptance of funding donations from tobacco companies. +"传说埃尔哈特被捕期间的照片不是被证实是假造的,就是她最后一次飞行前拍的照片。",Various purported photographs of Earhart during her captivity have been identified as either fraudulent or having been taken before her final flight. +几乎所有的食物都要加入橄榄油。,Olive oil is added to almost every dish. +每个元素是由一个插件提供 。,These are inserted one per pack. +"在提出建议书(2000年8月15日)及短暂的公众咨询期后,ICANN在2000年11月16日公布其选择的7个新通用顶级域名: .aero .biz .coop .info .museum .name .pro 这些新通用顶级域名在2001年6月开始使用,在同年年底,除.pro以外皆已建立,而 .biz、.info与.museum已全面运作,.name与.coop则在2002年1月全面运作,.aero亦于同年后期全面运作。","After a call for proposals (August 15, 2000) and a brief period of public consultation, ICANN announced on November 16, 2000 its selection of seven new TLDs: aero, biz, coop, info, museum, name, pro. biz, info, and museum were activated in June 2001, name and coop in January 2002, pro in May 2002, and aero later in 2002. pro became a gTLD in May 2002, but did not become fully operational until June 2004." +"直到维多利亚时代,艾德之子康斯坦丁被列为“苏格兰的康斯坦丁三世”,然后康斯坦丁为“康斯坦丁四世”。","Until the Victorian era, Constantine, son of Áed was listed as ""Constantine III of Scotland"", and this Constantine as ""Constantine IV""." +"他也曾是圣彼得堡州立大学ACM ICPC团队的成员,该团队在2000年和2001年赢得了ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛。","He was a member of Saint-Petersburg State University ACM team, which won the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in 2000 and 2001." +她的歌曲《Death of Samantha》就是受这件事的启发。,"Her song ""Death of Samantha"" was inspired by the incident." +"如下面看到的那样,扩频在3G系统中使用的无线电技术,则废弃所有的4G候选系统,取而代之的是OFDMA 多载波传输和其他频域均衡(FDE)方案,从而有可能转移非常高的比特率尽管广泛的多径电波传播。","As seen below, the spread spectrum radio technology used in 3G systems is abandoned in all 4G candidate systems and replaced by OFDMA multi-carrier transmission and other frequency-domain equalization (FDE) schemes, making it possible to transfer very high bit rates despite extensive multi-path radio propagation (echoes)." +"在这个版本中加入了对音乐轨迹的支持,音乐轨迹相当于MIDI的数据,这个功能可以驱动sound-synthesis引擎自我创建于QuickTime中(使用的声音许可证来自Roland),或者是任何外部的MIDI设备,因此创建出来的声音只占用一小部分的电影数据。","It added support for music tracks, which contained the equivalent of MIDI data and which could drive a sound-synthesis engine built into QuickTime itself (using a limited set of instrument sounds licensed from Roland), or any external MIDI-compatible hardware, thereby producing sounds using only small amounts of movie data." +"1913年,她在某个大型会议中宣称:“如果他们认为我们打算搞内讧,那么我们就大喊:‘我们不会这样干!’”。","In 1913, she told a large meeting: ""If they think we are going to lift the weapons of murder against our French and other brethren, then we shall shout: ""We will not do it! ""." +"在此之前,该计划还不属于波兰总参谋部分支机关(A.1办公室,后来的U办公室)的独立领域;因此,哈拉什凯维奇的前任普什琴斯基上校未负责此计划。","Before that, it had never been a domain of the Polish General Staff's diversion unit (Office A.1, later Office U); thus Charaszkiewicz's predecessor, Col. Puszczyński, had not been encumbered with this responsibility." +每天遵照传统信仰(ngitalio)一定会得到祝福。,Properly following the traditions (ngitalio) in daily life will certainly lead to blessing. +"她拒绝了,继续学习舞蹈和表演。",She turned it down and continued to model while studying dance and acting. +"那时候,ENIAC普遍被认为是第一台现代意义上的计算机,但是在1973年,美国联邦地方法院注销了ENIAC的专利,并得出结论:ENIAC的发明者从阿塔纳索夫那里继承了电子数字计算机的主要构件思想。","At that time ENIAC, that had been created by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, was considered to be the first computer in the modern sense, but in 1973 a U.S. District Court invalidated the ENIAC patent and concluded that the ENIAC inventors had derived the subject matter of the electronic digital computer from Atanasoff (see Patent dispute)." +《加拿大人权利法案》的相对低效性促使很多人行动起来以增加加拿大对权利保护的力度。,The relative ineffectiveness of the Canadian Bill of Rights motivated many to improve rights protections in Canada. +"1948年,专栏作家席拉·格雷厄姆(Sheilah Graham)在文章中披露了斯克尔顿的心愿:每年只拍一部电影,其他时间就带着自己的广播节目周游全美。","In 1948, columnist Sheilah Graham printed that Skelton's wishes were to make only one film a year, spending the rest of the time traveling the U.S. with his radio show." +"国家宪兵 离开自己的岗位,高喊“国家万岁!”,而国民自卫军的倾向开始向叛乱分子移动。","The gendarmerie left their posts, crying ""Vive la nation!"", and the National Guard's inclination began to move towards the insurgents." +"行动期间,莱茵兰号右舷发动机的高压气缸发生故障。","During the operation, the high-pressure cylinder of Rheinland's starboard engine failed." +整合的软件包括一个电子邮件客户端、Opera浏览器与Documents To Go办公室套件。,"Integrated software included an e-mail client which was to be capable of syncing with the Treo E-Mail client, the Opera web browser and the Documents To Go office suite." +"回到美国之后,他成为了《纽约》和《新闻周刊》的艺术评论员,还担任《艺术新闻》编委会成员直到1972年。","After returning to the United States, he continued his career as an art critic for New York and Newsweek magazines while also serving on the editorial board of ARTnews until 1972." +这样得到的标准将成为军队、平民和可能需要食物救济的海外民众的营养推荐。,"The standards would be used for nutrition recommendations for the armed forces, for civilians, and for overseas population who might need food relief." +"虽然教堂的部分建筑现在已经是废墟,但教堂现在仍然在使用并对公众开放。","Although partly in ruins, the cathedral is in regular use today and is open to the public." +"内存和周边装置也可因此得知目前内核运作的领域为何,并能针对这个方式来提供对装置的机密和编码进行存取控制。",Memory and peripherals are then made aware of the operating world of the core and may use this to provide access control to secrets and code on the device. +第一个是将设备连接到网络交换机或路由器上的SPAN端口(端口镜像)。,One option is to connect the appliance to the SPAN port (port mirroring) on a network switch or router. +年轻的比尔发展了与鲍伯·巴金莫和马歌·柏基(鲍伯的伙伴)的关系。,"Young Bill developed a relationship with Bob Barkhimer and his partner, Margo Burke." +"从现在起,香港已实施对越南船民新政策。","The message in Vietnamese: From now on, a new policy regarding Vietnamese boat people has been implemented in Hong Kong." +"Just Eat由五个丹麦人在丹麦创建于2000年,并在2001年8月开始业务。","Five Danish entrepreneurs, including Jesper Buch, founded Just Eat in Denmark in 2000 and launched the service in August 2001." +"1979至2004年间,华特斯制作并主持了ABC新闻杂志《20/20》长达25年。","From 1979 to 2004, she worked as co-host and a producer for the ABC newsmagazine 20/20." +第二个组织则是由叙克·阿里·哈坦·苏里曼(Sheikh Ali Hatem Suleiman)领导的安巴尔民兵革命委员会。,"A second group, known as the Anbar Tribes Revolutionary Council is headed by Sheikh Ali Hatim al-Suleiman." +"一位年轻的联军囚犯Dorence Atwater被选去记录死亡人员的名字和人数,用于战后的南方邦联和联邦政府。","A young Union prisoner, Dorence Atwater, was chosen to record the names and numbers of the dead at Andersonville, for use by the Confederacy and the federal government after the war ended." +Leitwortstil 的一个例子是在库尔特·冯内古特的小说《五号屠场》中反复出现的短语“So it goes”。,"An example of a leitwortstil is the recurring phrase, ""So it goes"", in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five." +"此外,由于中华人民共和国不民主政权的限制,非政府力量(如律师、记者以及非政府组织等)的环保工作严重受阻。","Furthermore, due to the restrictive conduct of China's undemocratic regime, the environmental work of non-governmental forces, such as lawyers, journalists, and non-governmental organizations, is severely hampered." +"由于铜焊通常需要较多的热量,常用乙炔或甲基乙炔-丙二烯瓦斯(methylacetylene-propadiene gas MPS)作为加热的气体燃料。","Since braze welding usually requires more heat than brazing, acetylene or methylacetylene-propadiene (MAP) gas fuel is commonly used." +号道贺斋。,The Eaten Path. +"其他可能影响文件大小的可能有嵌入全部字体,尤其是东亚字体,以及将文字存为图片。","Other things that may increase the size of a file is embedding full fonts, especially for Asiatic scripts, and storing text as graphics." +"如果荧光染色体的强度在一个探针上相等,则认为患者基因组的该区域在测试和参照样品中具有等量的DNA;如果Cy3:Cy5比例发生改变,则表明该区域有丢失或获得。","If the intensities of the flurochromes are equal on one probe, this region of the patient's genome is interpreted as having equal quantity of DNA in the test and reference samples; if there is an altered Cy3:Cy5 ratio this indicates a loss or a gain of the patient DNA at that specific genomic region." +"2015年1月开始,ITV Encore开始播出原创影集。","Since January 2015, ITV Encore also shows original drama, commissioned for the channel." +"翌年,Rabynovich因球队管理混乱而重新购入球队。",The following year Rabynovich bought the club back due to the poor management. +吉姆·吉本斯(Jim Gibbons;1944年12月16日-)是美国的一位律师、飞行员、地质学家、水文学家和政治人物。,"James Arthur Gibbons (born December 16, 1944) is an American attorney, aviator, geologist, hydrologist and politician." +"有些型号另有可选的缆绳或链条用于插进锁体,从而保护自行车。",Some models have an optional cable or chain that plugs into the body of the lock to enable the bicycle to be secured as well. +莫斯卡依据是否具有过人的“组织能力”来界定现代精英。,Mosca defined modern elites in term of their superior organizational skills. +"她的健康每况愈下,身体也渐渐垮掉,这令爱伦·坡陷入了深深的绝望,特别是她偶尔还会流露出稍微好转的迹象。","Her health declined and she became an invalid, which drove Poe into a deep depression, especially as she occasionally showed signs of improvement." +"但大家都没想到的是,附近有座火山即将喷发。","Meanwhile, the group is unaware that a nearby volcano is about to erupt." +"若是只关注真正的在泰居民们中的患者,而不关注那些旅游者们的话,会发现这些人的健康问题显示了他们与泰国本地人患者的一些差异。","Focusing just on the patients who were actually resident in Thailand, as opposed to travellers, their health complaints showed a number of dissimilarities with local Thai patients." +"拉杰库马在地下生活了30年,使用了几个别名,包括马达夫(Madhav)、 Gangadhar、马杜(Madhu)和乌代(Uday)。","Rajkumar was underground for 30 years and assumed several aliases including Madhav, Gangadhar, Madhu and Uday." +阿拉斯加铁路网并不与其他铁路连接。,The Alaska Rail network is not connected to Outside. +"不过之后在公司里面,偶尔也有没戴眼镜的时候。","In the anime, he/she sometimes wears glasses." +"在继续战争期间,赫尔辛基被轰炸了39次。",Helsinki was bombed 39 times during the Continuation War. +咸运神通。,Radio Noroc. +他会见了叙利亚空军情报部门的领导人Mohammad El Khaouly并告诉他叙利亚军队只有依靠武力才能进入扎赫勒市。,"He met with the head of the Syrian Air Force intelligence agency, Mohammad El Khaouly where he told him that they will only be able to enter Zahle by force." +其中一个就是数据网的飞速扩大和公共对分组交换的广泛接受。,One was the massive growth of data networks and increased public understanding of packet switching. +"在1987年至1992年间,莫利斯也是正选右闸,为些路迪上阵160次,获得八个入球。","Between 1987 and 1992, Morris was the regular right-back for the Bhoys, with 160 appearances and 8 goals to his name." +张禄增之子。,Van Halen Rising. +"根据传记作家乔治·奎尔(George Crile III)说法,查理·威尔森召集了美国国会拨款委员会(United States House Appropriations Committee)的成员,处理“黑色计划”(Black project,美国国防专有名词,秘密计划之意)事宜,并要求将援助阿富汗的经费提高为两倍。","According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the United States House Committee on Appropriations dealing with ""black appropriations"" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan." +然而部执所传。,Departmental News. +"WMI的目的是定义一系列独立于环境的专有规范,允许管理信息在管理应用程序之间共享。",The purpose of WMI is to define a proprietary set of environment-independent specifications which allow management information to be shared between management applications. +1703年的一次重建的尝试遭到了觊觎军事、民事职务的奥斯曼人的抵制。,An attempt to re-institute it in 1703 was resisted by its Ottoman members who coveted its military and civilian posts. +人子降临也要这样。,And it should be introduced among the people as well. +"然而,先后报道存在严重不符的问题。","Later, however, there began to be serious disagreements." +"该基金会成立于1981年,由海伦·伊莱恩·弗里曼(1932年3月10日–2007年9月20日)创建。","The trust was founded in 1981 by Helen Elaine Freeman (March 10, 1932 – September 20, 2007)." +"这被认为是第一个官方稳定版本,并且JetBrains已准备从该版本开始的长期向后兼容性。",This is considered to be the first officially stable release and JetBrains has committed to long-term backwards compatibility starting with this version. +17世纪的旧农场。,Two 17th century farmhouses. +用户空间驱动把所有OpenGL命令翻译为机器码提交给GPU。,The user-space driver does all the translation of OpenGL commands into machine code to be submitted to the GPU. +"9月12日,联邦众议院也通过类似法案,与参议院法案相比,众议院的版本没有任何有关黄金的规定,也没有授权发行包银版新币。","A similar bill passed the House of Representatives on September 12, differing from the Senate bill in lacking any provision relating to gold, and in not authorizing silver versions of the new coins." +"利奥波德亲王后来在1958年放弃了王位,让给长兄恩斯特王子。",Prince Leopold later in 1958 renounced the headship in favour of his older brother Hereditary Prince Ernst. +"由于点的坐标在普通几何中是一对数字,因此可以把它们相乘,而两个座标的相乘结果并不取决于相乘的顺序。","In ordinary geometry, the coordinates of a point are numbers, so they can be multiplied, and the product of two coordinates does not depend on the order of multiplication." +"可是我似乎走到了一个地步,必须划分界线。",But I seem to have reached a point where I must draw the line. +"然而,法国人只获得了1,540个适用于该冲锋枪的弹匣,所以实际上只有700至800枝EMP被发配给法国武装部队,主要是机动宪兵(英语:Mobile Gendarmerie)部队。","However, the French had obtained only some 1,540 suitable magazines for these guns, so only 700-800 EMPs were actually distributed to the French forces, mostly to the Mobile Gendarmerie." +"在接受了传统教育后,他进入了杜塞尔多夫的装饰艺术学校。","After a classical education, he entered the school of Decorative Arts in Düsseldorf." +锥纹石在自然中只存在于陨石。,Kamacite occurs naturally only in meteorites. +底数通常是自然数。,Radices are usually natural numbers. +"次年,墨尔本再次陷入丑闻。","The next year, Melbourne was once again involved in a sex scandal." +"首先,改革国际货币和金融体系是各国共同意愿。","First of all, this is the common intention to reform the international monetary and financial system." +"和水中形成三水合物,Pb(CH3COO)2·3H2O,是一种无色或白色花状单斜晶体。","With water it forms the trihydrate, Pb(CH3COO)2·3H2O, a colourless or white efflorescent monoclinic crystalline substance." +"在榭赫伦实验后的24年后,出现了一种更直接且更准确的方法,来量度地球的平均密度,亨利·卡文迪什于1798年用一个灵敏度极高的扭秤,来量度两个大铅球间的引力作用。","A more accurate measurement of the mean density of the Earth was made 24 years after Schiehallion, when in 1798 Henry Cavendish used an exquisitely sensitive torsion balance to measure the attraction between large masses of lead." +"1404年叛军占领加的夫和它的城堡,导致黑塔和正在建造的南门受到重大损坏。","In 1404 Cardiff and the castle were taken by the rebels, causing considerable damage to the Black Tower and the southern gatehouse in the process." +还有一种是极端罕见的pp4分支。,There is also the extremely rare p-p IV branch. +"事业上的成功让他为家人新建了一幢大宅,这幢豪宅至今仍然屹立。","Weaver's success allowed him to build a large new home for his family, which still stands." +"伦敦的密度根据不同地区亦有所不同,中部的就业密度高,内伦敦的住宅密度高,而外伦敦总体密度较低。","The density of London varies, with high employment density in the central area and Canary Wharf, high residential densities in inner London, and lower densities in Outer London." +"第一版的Entropy渲染器,BMRT的继任,是3.0版,发布于2001年7月。","First version of Entropy, BMRT's successor, was 3.0, released in July 2001." +"他们中的许多人是政治活跃分子,派别从共和派改良主义者,到各种类型的社会主义者,甚至还有希望恢复1789年法国大革命时期专政的雅各宾党人。","Many of them were political activists, ranging from reformist republicans, various types of socialists, to the Jacobins who tended to look back nostalgically to the Revolution of 1789." +"普利茅斯弟兄会主张取消神职人员与平信徒的区别,拒绝采取正式的头衔,如牧师或主教,拒绝正式的按立,在一些情况下,拒绝聘用“专业工作人员”,不为基督教工人支付薪酬。","Within the Plymouth Brethren, the concept is most usually evidenced in the lack of distinction between ""clergy"" and ""laity,"" the refusal to adopt formal titles such as Reverend or Bishop, the denial of formal ordination, and in some cases the refusal to hire any ""professional staff"" or paid Christian workers at all." +"但是,当整个落基山脉的山火开始爆发时,媒体开始关注事态发展。","But, as major fires started to break out throughout the Rocky Mountain region, the media began to take notice." +它是为了1987年在内罗毕举行的全非运动会而兴建的。,It was built in 1987 for the All-Africa Games held in Nairobi. +"2002年与吉冈秀隆结婚,同年11月28日退出演艺圈,2005年12月离婚,2006年7月2日复出。","She retired from show-business when she married actor Hidetaka Yoshioka on November 28, 2002, but returned to acting in 2006, after her divorce in December 2005." +"在接受澳洲媒体专访时,他表示:“我会尽力而为,我有信心我们会胜利。","During an interview with Australian media he stated that ""I will try my best." +"该市2000年时人口为1,044,1990年时人口为942。","Its population as of 1990 was 1,044; its population as of 2000 was 942." +在运河上建立一座永久性大桥的想法最早于1923年被提出。,The idea of a permanent bridge over the canal had been proposed as a major priority as early as 1923. +"其后,一部分枪管改装为9×19毫米鲁格手枪子弹,并获发配予德国军队,命名为MP34(ö)(德语全写:Maschinenpistole 34 österreichisch,意为:“冲锋枪34型,奥地利”)。","A number were then re-barrelled to chamber 9×19 ammunition and issued to German troops as the MP34(ö) – Maschinenpistole 34 österreichisch (literally ""Machine-pistol 34, Austrian"")." +"对称的强直性颈部反射(英语:Symmetrical tonic neck reflex),通常出现和发展于6-9个月的年龄,并在约12个月时消失。",The symmetric tonic neck reflex normally appears and develops around 6–9 months of age and should integrate by around 12 months. +"他们解散了一些老兵,可能是第28罗马军团,安置他们在该市,新建了Colonia Victrix Philippensium。","They released some of their veteran soldiers, probably from Legion XXVIII, to colonize the city, which was refounded as Colonia Victrix Philippensium." +5.鼓励圣公会参与普世教会合一运动和参加相关的机构;以及代表普世圣公宗与普世教会协会合作;安排与罗马天主教会、东正教会和其他基督教教派的泛圣公会级别的对话。,"To encourage and guide Anglican participation in the ecumenical movement and the ecumenical organisations; to co-operate with the World Council of Churches and the world confessional bodies on behalf of the Anglican Communion; and to make arrangements for the conduct of pan-Anglican conversations with the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches, and other Churches." +亚历山大港图书馆可能就是这个时候被毁的。,The Pillar of Eliseg was probably commissioned at this time. +"卡斯特罗街的名称是由何塞·卡斯特罗(1808–1860年)所命名,他是墨西哥对抗美国的领导人物,19世纪时加州的统治者,并在1835年至1836年间担任上加利福尼亚省总督。","Castro Street was named for José Castro (1808–1860), a Californian leader of Mexican opposition to U.S. rule in California in the 19th century, and alcalde of Alta California from 1835 to 1836." +"如果不进行分扇面的话,该蜂窝将由一个全向天线(omnidirectional antenna)来提供服务,它向所有的方向都进行无线电发送。","If not sectorised, the cell will be served by an omnidirectional antenna, which radiates in all directions." +"根据他的理论和教诲,葛吉夫唤醒人类意识的方法统合了苦行僧、僧侣和瑜伽士的前三道,是故又被称为第四道(英语:Fourth Way)。","According to his principles and instructions, Gurdjieff's method for awakening one's consciousness unites the methods of the fakir, monk and yogi, and thus he referred to it as the ""Fourth Way""." +此外玛格丽特皇后大学也坐落于该地。,Queen Mary's Grammar School is also nearby. +"在1820年代,亚齐成为世界上供应黑胡椒量一半以上的生产商。",In the 1820s it was the producer of over half the world's supply of black pepper. +"在斯堪地纳维亚国家和许多其他地方都用不同的观点来研究来源评估(或资讯评估),他部分的受到网络这个生长中的领域和像是图书馆信息学等其他领域所影响。","In the Scandinavian countries and elsewhere source evaluation (or information evaluation) is also studied interdisciplinarily from many different points of view, partly caused by the influence of the Internet." +"辩方医疗专家、来自康涅狄格州警方法医科学实验室(the Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory)的李昌钰博士作证时表示,形成这种图案的唯一可能性就是,辛普森在脚踝处有一个“洞”,或是在短袜没有被穿着时,向上面滴血。","Defense medical expert Dr. Henry Lee of the Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory testified that the only way such a pattern could appear was if Simpson had a ""hole"" in his ankle, or a drop of blood was placed on the sock while it was not being worn." +"某些程式语言依靠一个完全的外部语言来定义转换,例如XSLT处理器处理XML的方式,或与静态类型的对应语言CDuse。","Some other languages rely on a fully external language to define the transformations, such as the XSLT preprocessor for XML, or its statically typed counterpart CDuce." +"盖西对妻子解释说,这次袭击发生是因为他拒绝为质量差的工作对这个青年支付报酬。",Gacy explained to his wife that the attack happened because he had refused to pay the youth for poor quality work. +"他成了一个公认的金融权威,并多次担任预算委员会的报告人或主席。","He became a recognized authority on finance, and repeatedly served on the Budget Commission as reporter or president." +"1946年10月14日,来自25国的65名代表在英国伦敦举行了会议,决议成立一个促进标准化的国际组织。","14 October was specifically chosen to mark the date, in 1946, when delegates from 25 countries first gathered in London and decided to create an international organization focused on facilitating standardization." +"当母蛙咽下卵的时候,它们的胃与其他的蛙类没有分别。",At the time the female swallowed the fertilized eggs her stomach was no different from that of any other frog species. +"庞德塞特经常在圣华金举办一年一度的篮球训练营,招收对象为幼稚园到十二年级生。","Pondexter holds an annual basketball camp in the San Joaquin valley, for boys and girls in kindergarten through 12th grade." +"虽然该值是从相同的假设测试或p值计算过程中得出的,但是它对效应的尺度及其不确定性都给出了描述。","Although these are produced from the same calculations as those of hypothesis tests or p-values, they describe both the size of the effect and the uncertainty surrounding it." +"感知是人工意识中必需的一部分,但是关于“感知”的确切定义还有许多问题。","Awareness could be one required aspect, but there are many problems with the exact definition of awareness." +"长久以来,他们就被知道是一个彼此相关的星群,而非正巧在同方向上。",The Pleiades have long been known to be a physically related group of stars rather than any chance alignment. +"他在天文学领域涉猎广泛,研究过太阳日冕和星际分子云等。","He published widely in astronomy, and dealt with the solar corona, and interstellar clouds." +"2016年6月20日是队内选拔截止日期,由于该国没有选手在UCI精英世界杯上达到相应名次或者在世界排名中占据前面的位置,美国自行车队于2016年6月23日自行决定并公布了奥运参赛名单。","The qualification period for mountain bike ended June 20, 2016, and as no bikers qualified automatically through top finishes at UCI Elite World Cup Cross-Country events or through the UCI World Ranking system, USA Cycling made official nominations via selection committee on June 23, 2016." +"警方还警告公众留心不要拆开可疑包裹,而是应该报警。","Police also cautioned the public against opening suspicious packages, and advised them to call the police instead." +"虽然宗教信仰和死亡焦虑之间没有联系,但是也有证据表明,定期参加宗教会议或集会的人的死亡焦虑往往较低。","Although there has been no association discovered between religiosity and death anxiety, it has also been shown that death anxiety tends to be lower in individuals who regularly attend religious meetings or gatherings." +"即使暴力已经被停止了或者和平条约已经达成,为了防止冲突重新升级的危险,就要求物质的和经济的重建以及社会政治和心理学的介入。","Even when violence has been stopped or a Peace Treaty reached, to prevent the risk of a renewed escalation, physical and economic reconstruction as well as socio-political and psychosocial interventions are required." +下表显示现代标准汉语的四种主要音调以及轻声(或称中性调、第五声)。,"The following table shows the four main tones of Standard Chinese, together with the neutral (or fifth) tone." +"CP/M逐渐淡出,而MS-DOS和PC-DOS则成了PC和PC相容机的主力操作系统。","CP/M faded, with MS-DOS and PC DOS becoming the marketed operating system for PCs and PC compatibles." +"SNWA负责自来水的处理,并将其提供给大拉斯维加斯河谷地区,并且有责任取得并维持南内华达州的长期水资源。",SNWA provides wholesale water treatment and delivery for the greater Las Vegas Valley and is responsible for acquiring and managing long-term water resources for Southern Nevada. +"总统命令公爵不准对外星人做出任何攻击行动,现在双方正在外交交涉之中。","The President orders Duke not to harm the invaders, and adds that he is in diplomatic talks with the alien overlord." +"大犬座矮星系也可能有些疏散星团,包括Dol 25和H18,AM2可能也是。","The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy may also have associated open clusters, including Dolidze 25 and H18, and possibly AM 2." +"Simbad使用NGC 2174是星云,而NGC 2175是星团。",Simbad uses NGC 2174 for the nebula and NGC 2175 for the star cluster. +这个习俗是从当时丹麦沿用下来的。,The name has been in use since that time in Denmark. +创办人之一的约翰·林德利为第一任编辑。,"Its first editor, John Lindley, was one of the founders." +不同程度的对市政宽带(英语:Municipal broadband)的限制法案已经在美国国内20个州获得通过。,Municipal broadband restrictions of varying scope have been passed in a total of 20 U.S. States. +"母亲:母亲仍为青少年是低哺乳率的危险因子,不过课程、书籍或(专业或业余的)个人协谈可能会有帮助。","Mother – Adolescence is a risk factor for low breastfeeding rates, although classes, books and personal counseling (professional or lay) can help compensate." +6月则在舰队训练后巡航至挪威。,"In June, a cruise to Norway followed the fleet training." +其轨道上已发现一颗行星GJ 3634 b。,"One planet has been discovered in its orbit, Gliese 3634 b." +"根据人权观察组织的报告,中非共和国内战致使数百名平民死亡,超过10,000所房屋被烧毁,大约212,000人逃离家园,中非共和国北部地区的人则生活在战乱之中。","According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW), hundreds of civilians were killed, more than 10,000 houses burned and approximately 212,000 persons have fled their homes to live in desperate conditions deep in the bush in northern Central African Republic." +"当东亚国家贸易平衡有利可图,投资正向发展;但当东亚国家的贸易平衡转变,投资者们迅速地撤回资金,引发了亚洲金融危机。","But when the Asian countries' trade balance shifted, investors quickly retrieved their money, triggering the Asian crisis." +"一重铜的十二分之一称为uncia,即英语中的“盎司(ounce)”。","One twelfth of an aes grave was called an uncia, or in English, an ""ounce""." +曾经被三世用封箱胶带给封印了一阵子。,He threatened her with a knife at least once. +"在搬到现时的球场前,伊维恩曾寻求借用邻近的日内瓦的日内瓦体育场。","Prior to moving to Annecy, Evian sought to play at the Stade de Genève in nearby Geneva." +"在中文中,田部归于五划部首。",China swept gold in all 5 categories. +"此外,报告还提出了其他一些建议,例如为飞机��装转发器(英语:Transponders)以向地面雷达提供高度和识别信息,并安装精密进近雷达,以提高飞机在恶劣天气条件下着陆的能力。",In addition the report made several other recommendations such as installing transponders to aircraft to provide altitude and identification information to ground-based radar and to install precision approach radar to improve the capability of aircraft to land in poor weather conditions. +"在撞击坑中心隆起区域的岩石可能曾经深埋在火星表面之下数公里处,但因为撞击而抬升。","Rocks in the central uplifts were probably once buried several kilometers beneath the surface, but raised by the impact process." +他们喜欢能让他们自省和思考的学习活动。,They like learning activities that allow them time to reflect and think. +"这可以让线程暂停指定的时间,在此期间线程不会浪费CPU时间。","This puts a thread to sleep for a specified time, during which the thread will waste no CPU time." +"他的外形为身着闪亮服装,肩扛木棍和石头的男人。","He appeared as a man in shining clothes, carrying a club and stones." +"助理工程师(Assistant engineer) ─ 通常就职于大型工作室,并且将他们培训成为专职工程师。","Assistant engineer – often employed in larger studios, allowing them to train to become full-time engineers." +"为了协调全球的测量数值,世界气象组织(WMO)在1962年制定坎贝耳-斯托克斯纪录器的标准化设计,称为临时参考日照计录器(IRSR,Interim Reference Sunshine Recorder)。","In order to harmonize the data measured worldwide, in 1962 the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) defined a standardized design of the Campbell–Stokes recorder, called an Interim Reference Sunshine Recorder (IRSR)." +"1762年英国远征古巴时,他在攻占哈瓦那时担任二副,并因此获得了一大笔奖金。",He was 2nd-in-charge at the capture of Havana during the 1762 British expedition against Cuba for which he received a significant amount of prize money. +影评人乔·摩根斯坦(Joe Morgenstern)认为影片“有史以来最好的商业营销”。,"Film critic Joe Morgenstern called The Italian Job ""the best car commercial ever""." +"后经历次改编,现有13个集团军。","Compared to 2011, the situation has improved and there are now 13 female teams." +"负物质可能拥有一些奇特的特性,如往施力方向的反方向加速。","Degenerate matter Exotic atoms Negative mass would possess some strange properties, such as accelerating in the direction opposite of applied force." +"许多委员会监督相关立法听证会中既有的计划,或者在例行再授权一个计划时扮演监督的脚色,所以监督听证会可能会与立法听证会一并举行。","Many committees oversee existing programs in the context of hearings on related legislation, or routinely perform oversight when it is time to reauthorize a program, so oversight hearings may be combined with legislative hearings." +项目的部分经费由莫利纳所在县自由支配基金提供。,Part of the cost was funded by Molina's county discretionary spending funds. +"1853年的牧师楼是一个2.5层的木框架房子,为介于希腊复兴和意大利风格之间的过渡建筑风格。",The 1853 parsonage is a 2.5-story wood-frame house designed in a vernacular style transitional between the Greek Revival and Italianate styles. +热化学方程式– 焓变 – 反应焓 – 温度 –是热量的客观比较测量。,Thermochemical equation – Enthalpy change – Enthalpy of reaction – Temperature – is an objective comparative measure of heat. +"2月15日——美西战争:美国军舰“缅因”号在古巴哈瓦那港被炸沉,造成266人死亡,此事间接导致美国向西班牙宣战。","February 15 – Spanish–American War: The USS Maine explodes and sinks in Havana Harbor, Cuba, for reasons never fully established, killing 266 men." +"此次联合并没有将罗马天主教会和东正教会合二为一,但促成了斯拉夫语仪式东仪天主教会(“联合教会”)的建立,这个新教会将成为一个东方天主教会,属于希腊天主教会(现乌克兰希腊天主教会和白俄罗斯希腊天主教会)。","It had not merged the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox denominations, but led to the establishment of the Slavic language liturgy Uniate Church, which was to become an Eastern Catholic Church, one of the Greek Catholic Churches (presently Ukrainian Greek Catholic and Belarusian Greek Catholic)." +"智能设备会形成网络,交换资讯以达到共识,这类系统包括生理系统、基因网络、大型能源系统以及陆地、空中或太空中的车队或是机队。","Networks of agents that exchange information to reach consensus include: physiological systems, gene networks, large-scale energy systems and fleets of vehicles on land, in the air or in space." +"目前,该武器已经被发现为纯限量生产,这使得斯通纳轻机枪因其尺寸紧凑和重量相对地轻便而普遍被私人军事承包商(PMC)所采用。","Currently, the weapon has seen only limited production which makes the Stoner LMG commonly used by private military contractors (PMC's) because of its compact size and comparatively lightweight." +这张专辑在发行时受到音乐媒体的热烈欢迎。,This initiative has been welcomed by the music press. +"在卡拉卡斯,反美示威者向尼克松夫妇吐唾沫,他们的轿车也受到一位挥舞棍棒的暴民攻击。","In Caracas, Venezuela, Nixon and his wife were spat on by anti-American demonstrators and their limousine was attacked by a pipe-wielding mob." +"佩哈研究能施行流量差别待遇之技术、差别待遇的各种不同类型,以及管制可能造成的影响等。","Peha discusses the technologies that enable traffic discrimination, examples of different types of discrimination, and potential impacts of regulation." +"坐标:40°39′49.3′′N 74°4′8.7′′W / 40.663694°N 74.069083°W / 40.663694; -74.069083 反对世界恐怖主义斗争纪念碑(To the Struggle Against World Terrorism),又称为“悲伤的泪”(Tear of Grief)和“泪滴纪念碑”(Tear Drop Memorial)是一个由Zurab Tsereteli设计的10层雕塑,为俄罗斯政府送给美国的官方礼物,作为2001年九一一袭击事件和1993年世界贸易中心爆炸案受害者的纪念碑。",Coordinates: 40°39′49.3′′N 74°4′8.7′′W / 40.663694°N 74.069083°W / 40.663694; -74.069083 To the Struggle Against World Terrorism (also known as the Tear of Grief and the Tear Drop Memorial) is a 10–story sculpture by Zurab Tsereteli that was given to the United States as an official gift of the Russian government as a memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks in 2001 (26 of whom were Russian) and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. +"嗅觉参照综合症的发病可能是一次突发事件后突然产生的,也可能是逐渐形成的。","When allergy symptoms occur, they can occur rapidly or have a gradual onset." +"另一种同位素钐-149,是一种强的中子吸收剂,可添加到核反应堆的控制棒。","Another isotope, samarium-149, is a strong neutron absorber and is therefore added to the control rods of nuclear reactors." +他还是文物收藏家。,He is an art collector. +"原先打算在2000年10月31日以All About U为标题发行,但随着一些曲目流出到线上音乐商店Napster的而多次延迟。","Although intended for an October 31, 2000, release under the title All About U, the album was delayed numerous times, following the leak of several tracks onto the online music store Napster." +"T-样条和细分曲面更适合于复杂的有机形状,因为和 NURBS 曲面相比,它们减少了控制点数目。",T-splines and subdivision surfaces are more suitable for complex organic shapes because they reduce the number of control points twofold in comparison with the NURBS surfaces. +"然而,如果它当时处于航行状态则有可能会避免这一情况,并一旦被击中,损控队会保持舰只在海面上漂浮。","However, she likely would have avoided these had she been underway, and if she had been hit, damage control teams would have kept the ship afloat." +"1952年12月12日《中美洲国家组织宪章》修订以设立中美洲法院(Corte Centroamericana de Justicia, or CCJ) ,但由于内部各国的边界冲突,该法院迟迟没能组建。","The following year (December 12, 1952), ODECA's charter was amended to create a new Central American Court of Justice (Corte Centroamericana de Justicia, or CCJ) without the time limit of its previous incarnation." +在缺少比较对象之时 (“more”现在当然不再是可选的): 最高级的实现通过带有“all”(sab)的比较级。,"In the absence of an object of comparison (""more"" of course is now no longer optional): Superlatives are made through comparisons with ""all"" (sab)." +官方MV,Official CV +钙编码(或称Ca2+编码或者钙信号处理)是一种被很多细胞用于传递、处理和编码细胞探测到的外部信号的胞内信号通路。,"Calcium encoding (also referred to as Ca2+ encoding or calcium information processing) is an intracellular signaling pathway used by many cells to transfer, process and encode external information detected by the cell." +"暴力事件过后,人权观察有所响应,他们呼吁联合国对柬埔寨政府施压。","In response to the violence, Human Rights Watch calls for the United Nations to pressure the Cambodian government." +"以后一旦提到他,都浮现出愤怒与恨意;并曾经只为了斥责他而特地跑到离宫的地牢。","Upon his return, he alerted her and Eva to the collision, and after wrapping her in a blanket, he carried her to the boat deck." +"根据内部沟通,微软试图淡化Java的跨平台能力,使其成为“最新、最好的方式编写Windows应用程序”。","According to an internal communication, Microsoft sought to downplay Java's cross-platform capability and make it ""just the latest, best way to write Windows applications""." +"他在第��次世界大战中失去了一根手指,所以需要制作假肢。","He had lost a finger during the First World War, so a prosthetic had to be made." +"在《雷神之锤III竞技场》中,一些电脑控制的对手会使用火箭跳。",In Quake III: Arena some of the computer-controlled opponents use rocket jumps. +"他成功加强与美国的关系,但罗马尼亚被苏联共产党占领,他在约瑟夫·斯大林的压力下被迫在同年12月2日辞职。","He unsuccessfully tried to strengthen the ties with the United States, in order to save Romania from a Soviet Communist occupation, but the growing suspicion of Joseph Stalin forced him to resign on 2 December of the same year." +"此外,LPS还裁定用“转化疗法”谋求同性恋“转换”成异性恋没有科学道理,并要求医务人员“只依靠科学”给予意见和处理类似事件。","Also, the LPS stated that conversion therapy, seeking to ""convert"" gays and bisexuals into straights has no scientific background and asked health professionals to ""rely only on science"" when giving opinion and treatment in this matter." +"一般来说废止和试图阻止洗黑钱的行动受到了赞赏,但是,一些普通人对此方式受到了批评,原因是会对日常生活造成困苦。","Initially, the move to demonetise and try to hinder black money was appreciated, but the manner in which it was carried out by causing hardships to common people was criticised." +西班牙国王将在条约签订后的三年内获得“两美洲之王”的称号。,"The King of Spain would receive the title ""King of the two Americas"" within three years of the treaty." +"自1889年意外发现鲍威尔写本(英语:Bower Manuscript)后,这类手稿变得越来越受欢迎。",Since the accidental discovery of the Bower Manuscript in 1889 such texts had become much sought after. +"骄傲、痛苦、愤世嫉俗,他因自己的肤色而被同事冷落。","Proud, bitter, and cynical, he is isolated from the other men because of the color of his skin." +"最初,组织委员会由俄罗斯副总理维塔利·穆特科领导。",Initialy the Organising Committee was headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Vitaly Mutko. +"在iOS 7中,内建浏览器Safari获得许多重大更新。","In iOS 7, the Safari web browser received multiple significant updates." +"零调制解调器电缆为RS-232串行电缆,其中发送和接收线路交叉连接。",A null modem cable is a RS-232 serial cable where the transmit and receive lines are crosslinked. +"此外,与众议院不同的是,总统不能解散参议院。","Unlike the National Assembly, the Senate cannot be dissolved by the President." +他还指出陪审团从未被告知在野马车上发现了的东西:一套换洗衣物、大量的现金、护照以及易容工具。,"He also noted that the jury was never told that Simpson was traveling with his friend Cowlings with a change of clothing, a large amount of cash, his passport, and a disguise kit." +"1969年,戈登·布鲁斯(Gordon Bruce)为曼德拉制定了越狱计划,但后来一位南非国家安全局的特务介入,想在曼德拉逃亡时把曼德拉击毙,于是越狱计划取消。","In 1969, an escape plan for Mandela was developed by Gordon Bruce, but it was abandoned after the conspiracy was infiltrated by an agent of the South African Bureau of State Security (BOSS), who hoped to see Mandela shot during the escape." +"布朗的家人聘请已在冲绳生活17年的前美军特种部队军人吉恩·沃菲尔德(Gene Warfield)担任顾问,协助他们“了解针对迈克尔(·布朗)的指控”。","Brown's family hired Gene Warfield, an American ex-special forces soldier who had lived in Okinawa for 17 years, as a consultant to assist them in ""looking into the allegations levied against Michael ""." +"这个小巧的轨道仪器有一架30 × 60公分,焦长8.66米的盖塞格林望远镜,配置著1200×1200画素的CCD检测器。","The small orbiting instrument has a 30×160 cm, 8.66 m focal length Cassegrain telescope with a 1200×1200px CCD detector." +"史匹柏读过凯尔的书,虽然他希望在剧本中有更多的心理冲突,因此“敌方狙击手”的角色可视为试图追踪并杀死凯尔的叛军狙击手。","Spielberg had read Kyle's book, though he desired to have a more psychological conflict present in the screenplay so an ""enemy sniper"" character could serve as the insurgent sharpshooter who was trying to track down and kill Kyle." +很多设备都是为了使用蓝钢导弹而进行修改。,Considerable modification was required to enable the Victors to carry Blue Steel. +"浅滩海洋实验室是一个专为本科生教育和研究而设的季节性海洋野外实验站,与新罕布什尔大学合办,为于缅因州-新罕布什尔州海岸对开、一个面积为0.4平方千米的岛(Appledore Island)上。","The Shoals Marine Laboratory, operated in conjunction with the University of New Hampshire, is a seasonal marine field station dedicated to undergraduate education and research on the 95-acre (0.4 km2) Appledore Island off the Maine–New Hampshire coast." +这一点听起来表面上是公平的。,It sounds superficially fair. +"玩家需要仔细检查犯罪现场,寻找线索,以帮助解决谋杀之谜。",The game would require players to examine crime scenes for clues to help solve murder mysteries. +"不过,事情发生了戏剧性的转变。",There were dramatic changes. +而北美的发布日期之后又因未知原因而被延迟一个星期。,The North American release was later pushed back a further week for undisclosed reasons. +"但在1930年代,其中两块石头“宗教”为由被苏联政府炸毁,用来修建莫斯科至明斯克的公路。","In the 1930s, two of these were blown up by Communist authorities as religious objects and their remains used to pave the road between Minsk and Moscow." +"在最后两个夏天,学员可以选择担任新训教官、去空军基地实习或者参加各种研究、飞行、领导课程。","During their last two summers, cadets may serve as BCT cadre, travel to active duty Air Force bases and participate in a variety of other research, aviation and leadership programs." +"阿拉伯海极少出现像古努这样强烈的热带气旋,该海域的绝大多数风暴通常规模都很小,并且很快就会消散。","Intense cyclones like Gonu have been extremely rare over the Arabian Sea, as most storms in this area tend to be small and dissipate quickly." +"锡卡和胡许后来成为朋友,胡许在1950年开始使用锡卡作为他电影的中心角色,以展示尼日尔河 谷的传统、文化和社群生态。","The two became friends, and Rouch began in 1950 to use Zika as the focus of his films demonstration the traditions, culture, and ecology of the people of the Niger River valley." +"先人遗体,他日或收葬。",The rest of his family would be captured on either the same or following day. +"经过治疗,患者会拥有正常的预期寿命。",Patients can expect to lead normal lives. +在欧洲联盟从1990年至2006年航空造成的温室气体的释放量提高了87%。,"In the European Union, greenhouse gas emissions from aviation increased by 87 percent between 1990 and 2006." +他收到六个印度电影观众奖和一个国家电影奖。,He received six Filmfare Awards and one National Film Award. +"下午3:45时,西南风忽然转变为西风,导致消防线上的树冠火、飞火数量增多。","At 3:45 pm, they shifted abruptly from southwest to west, causing increased crowning and spot fires over the fire lines." +"根据某些文法家的看法,还有第三类dvandva,叫做ekaśeṣa dvandva或剩余合成,它只选取它的最后名词的双数(或复数)形式,比如pitarau是mātā + pitā,“母亲”+“父亲”也就是双亲。","According to some grammarians, there is a third kind of dvandva, called aikaśaiṣa dvandva एकशेष द्वन्द्व or residual compound, which takes the dual (or plural) form of only its final constituent member, e.g. pitarau for mātā + pitā, mother + father, i.e. parents." +"新近(2015年),公园的兽群数量超过700,每年平均迁入20种动物。","Currently (2015) the park's herd number over 700 animals, and an average of about 20 animals are relocated each year." +伽利略也是首度发现显然不以地球为中心运动的天体。,These findings were also the first discovery of celestial motion not apparently centered on Earth. +"1971年退休前,他曾教授过许多有抱负的数学家,如唐纳德·帕斯曼和I·马丁·艾萨克斯。",Before retiring in 1971 he taught aspiring mathematicians such as Donald Passman and I. Martin Isaacs. +"在飓风英格丽德和曼努埃尔的双重打击下,墨西哥政府宣布韦拉克鲁斯州、塔毛利帕斯州、恰帕斯州、瓦哈卡州、格雷罗州和奇瓦瓦州的共计155个自治区进入紧急状态。","The twin impacts of hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel prompted officials in Mexico to declare a state of emergency in 155 municipalities in Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Chihuahua." +"目前,公司主要赞助和支持体育事业。",This is the reason why the company has promoted and supported various sports initiatives. +"该书对数学学者也很有价值,因为它记载了古希腊数学家依巴谷已经遗失的著作。","It has also been valuable to students of mathematics because it documents the ancient Greek mathematician Hipparchus's work, which has been lost." +大多患者死于呼吸衰竭。,Most die from respiratory failure. +他们也裁决安妮本人未提及被布罗德维强奸无关判决。,They also ruled that it was irrelevant that Anne Stanley herself had never spoken out about the rape by Broadway. +"比赛继续在里约热内卢举行,但是这届比赛是第一次没有在这项运动的起源地科帕卡瓦纳沙滩举行,而是在格洛里亚码头以北十英里处。","The tournament continued to take place in Rio de Janeiro, however for the first time the venue moved away from the sport's birthplace of Copacabana Beach, being staged around ten miles north at the Marina da Glória." +Bjork 和 Whitten 发现结果中的近因效应(最后一组元素被唤起的概率会提高)和首位效应(第一组元素被唤起的概率会提高)仍然存在。,"In their results, Bjork and Whitten found that the recency effect (the increased probability of recall of the last items studied) and the primacy effect (the increased probability of recall of the first few items) still remained." +用户可通过命令行界面(CLI)或图形用户界面(GUI)来控制一个基于Windows 9x的系统。,"Users can control a Windows 9x-based system through a command-line interface (or CLI), or a graphical user interface (or GUI)." +插件均注册在 \{CLSID} 和 注册表键。,Snap-ins are registered in the \{CLSID} and registry keys. +"他们应有权与家人通信,以及接受救援。",They shall have the right to correspond with their families and to receive relief. +"然后,德国号在它被转移至威廉港用作宿营船之前拆除了舰上武器。",Deutschland then had her guns removed before she was transferred to Wilhelmshaven to serve as a barracks ship. +"有四种算法: zlib, rubin , rtime以及lzo. 更佳的效能。","Four algorithms are available: zlib, rubin, rtime, and lzo." +"这些谱线是所谓的禁线,并且是星云光谱中最强的谱线。","These lines are known as forbidden lines, and are the strongest lines in most nebular spectra." +"起初创作的剧本描述霍默带朋友巴尼·冈布尔去治疗所戒酒,但到了治疗所后由于霍默行为异常,医生以为是来戒酒的其实是他。","In an early version of the script, Homer decided to take his alcoholic friend Barney Gumble in for rehab, but while there Homer began acting crazily so the doctors assumed he was the one to be committed." +"快中子增殖反应堆可经过一下反应将铀-238转化为钚: 238U (n, γ) → 239U -(β) → 239Np -(β) → 239Pu. 在放射性被发现之前,铀主要被用在黄色玻璃及陶器彩釉当中,如铀玻璃等。","In a breeder reactor, uranium-238 can also be converted into plutonium through the following reaction: 238 92U + n → 239 92U + γ β−→ 239 93Np β−→ 239 94Pu Before (and, occasionally, after) the discovery of radioactivity, uranium was primarily used in small amounts for yellow glass and pottery glazes, such as uranium glass and in Fiestaware." +"前三名的指挥官掌握从7000到10000人部队不等,位置通常保留给王子。","The top three commanding ranks, ranging from 7000 to 10000 troops, were normally reserved for princes." +"他指称《古兰经》是唯一来自阿拉真主的纪录,是穆罕默德唯一的天启来源,而且也大大超越了所有的圣训。","He argues that the Quran was the only record of divine wisdom, the only source of Muhammad's teachings, and that it superseded the entire corpus of hadith, which came later." +"共和国并没有将土地重新分配给贫苦农民,因而被森林军运动中的激进派认为过于保守。",The Republic did not redistribute land to poor peasants which was considered as a conservative position by the more radical forces of the Jangal movement. +"在此之前,天文学家在1999年9月8日完成弹道修正机动-4的计算,随后在1999年9月15日执行。","Previously, on September 8, 1999, Trajectory Correction Maneuver-4 was computed and then executed on September 15, 1999." +"长久以来,这些最具争议的是低l多极矩。",The most longstanding of these is the low-l multipole controversy. +欧洲排名最高的选手迪米特里·奥恰洛夫赢得2015年欧洲运动会男子单打冠军并提前获得奥运资格。,Europe's top table tennis player Dimitrij Ovtcharov secured the outright Olympic berth by winning the men's singles title at the 2015 European Games. +"他描述穆斯林领袖不愿意改变,宁愿侧重于神学观点,也不愿教育其他方式来实现政治变革。","He described Muslim leaders as unwilling to bring about change, focussing on points of theology, rather than the practical education of young people in ways to achieve political change." +"扬·史末资在1917年提出了一个具体的建议,当时他创造了“英联邦”一词,并设想了1919年巴黎和平会议上的“未来宪政关系和精神调整”。","A specific proposal was presented by Jan Smuts in 1917 when he coined the term ""the British Commonwealth of Nations"" and envisioned the ""future constitutional relations and readjustments in essence"" at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 by delegates from the Dominions as well as Britain." +装订的特征是所有作品都装在银色的纸盒中。,"Your script, all your paperwork has to be made of plastic paper." +"到2008年时,她居住在西威尔士靠近她的父母的地方,过着独立且安静的生活。","By 2008 she was living quietly and independently, near her parents in West Wales." +"经过1周的延迟,每个问题都可以免费提供给无法或不愿意支付的读者。","After a 1-week delay, each issue becomes freely available to readers who are unable or unwilling to pay." +"在缅甸短暂地拜访了班尼特后,克劳利与家人觉得前往中国南方旅行,为此雇佣了一些搬运工和一位保姆。","Briefly visiting Bennett in Burma, Crowley and his family decided to tour Southern China, hiring porters and a nanny for the purpose." +"每当他办公回府的时候,他会让一只老虎和五十只狗跟在自己后面。","Whenever he returned to his official residence after an assignment, he ordered a tiger and 50 dogs to march after him." +"5月19日,一名伊斯兰国自杀炸弹客在苏尔特以西90公里处袭击政府军,30名士兵丧生,50人伤。","On 19 May, an ISIL suicide bomber attacked GNA forces, 90 kilometers west of Sirte, killing 30 soldiers and wounding 50." +"一个理想是真理想,如果它不等于整个poset。",Ideals are proper if they are not equal to the whole poset. +"这是菲律宾第二次主办APEC峰会,第一次是在1996年。","It was the second time the Philippines hosted the summit, the first being the 1996 APEC summit." +"据吉尼斯世界纪录记载,《巴黎圣母院》是上映以来第一年最成功的音乐剧。","Notre-Dame de Paris, according to the Guinness Book of Records, had the most successful first year of any musical ever." +"这个谬误最常见的例子,就是指责受害人。","This, for Adorno, is a classic example of blaming the victim." +"NDB导航包括两个部分,一部分是飞机上使用的自动定向仪(ADF,Automatic Direction Finder),用来检测NDB导航台的信号,另一部分是NDB台本身。","NDB navigation consists of two parts — the automatic direction finder (ADF) equipment on the aircraft that detects an NDB's signal, and the NDB transmitter." +"此外,影片还呼吁政治家们关心卫生巾,使之成为跨部门的强制要求。","Furthermore, it was a plea towards politicians to drive their attention towards sanitary pads and making it mandatory across institutions." +"2012年,该省共有72,284名外国居民(2006年为44,996人),主要来自罗马尼亚,摩尔多瓦和阿尔巴尼亚,占全国总人口的8.5%。","In 2012, there were 72,284 foreigners residents in the province (up from 44,996 in 2006), mainly from Romania, Moldova and Albania, representing 8.5% of the total population." +"马菲1也有小的卫星星系:螺旋星系德文格洛1以及一些矮星系,例如MB1。",Maffei 1 has also a small satellite spiral galaxy Dwingeloo 1 as well as a number of dwarf satellites like MB1. +"斯特拉斯堡号舰长在当地接管了港口的海军部队,并邀请由水兵组成的委员会协助管理那里的驻军。","There, the commander of Strassburg took command of the naval forces in the port and invited a sailor's council to be formed to assist in controlling the forces there." +每个小队在露营时使用钟状帐篷。,Each patrol camped in an army bell tent. +"下列UAC提供CPDLC服务: 卡尔斯鲁厄UAC(EDUU),管制莱茵UIR(FL245以上) 伦敦ACC(EGTT),管制伦敦UIR(FL195或FL285以上) 马斯特里赫特UAC(EDYY),管制阿姆斯特丹飞行情报区、汉诺威UIR和布鲁塞尔UIR(FL245以上) 苏格兰ACC(EGPX),管制苏格兰UIR(FL195、FL245或FL255以上) 布达佩斯ACC,管制匈牙利和科索沃UIR 斯德哥尔摩ATCC(ESOS)和马尔默ATCC(ESMM),管制瑞典FIR Canarias ACC(GCCC),管制Canarias FIR 布拉格IATCC(LKAA),管制PRAHA FIR,即捷克领空 超过40家主要航空公司与马斯特里赫特UAC一同参与了CPDLC计划。","The following UACs offer CPDLC services: Karlsruhe UAC (EDUU), controlling Rhein UIR (above FL245) London ACC (EGTT), controlling London UIR (above FL195 or FL285) Maastricht UAC (EDYY), controlling Amsterdam FIR, Hannover UIR and Brussels UIR (above FL245) Scottish ACC (EGPX), controlling Scottish UIR (above FL195, FL245 or FL255) Budapest ACC, controlling Hungarian and Kosovo UIR Stockholm ATCC (ESOS) and Malmö ATCC (ESMM), controlling Sweden FIR Canarias ACC (GCCC), controlling Canarias FIR Prague IATCC (LKAA), controlling PRAHA FIR i.e. Czech airspace Following the PETAL I and II (Preliminary Eurocontrol Trial Air Ground Data link) trials in 1995 including NEAN (VDL Mode 4), today both ATN (VDL Mode 2) and FANS 1/A services are supported." +该零售商声称它曾试图与劳工部会面并提供所要求的信息。,The retailer claimed that it tried to meet with the Labor Department and that it had provided the requested information. +"然而他们发现“Pilot”被一个七十年代的苏格兰流行团体占用了,于是改名为 The Pride。","However, they realised the name was already taken by a 1970s Scottish pop group, so they changed their name to The Pride." +现在阿格有下列机构办公: 古尔卡纳作为总统阿什拉夫加尼总统的办公室和总统礼仪接待厅; 总统参谋长办公室; 国家安全顾问办公室;总统发言人办公室。,The Arg today consists of the following: The Gul Khana which serves as the offices for President Ashraf Ghani and the President's Protocol Office; The Offices of the President's Chief of Staff; The National Security Advisor's building; and the Offices of the Spokesperson to the President. +"尽管他很爱自己的两个孙子,但却常常因为他们不断的恶作剧而恼羞成怒。",He loves both of his parents although is constantly embarrassed by both of them. +博物馆收藏展品包括恐龙、矿物和陨石、近东及非洲艺术品、东亚艺术品、欧洲历史、加拿大历史、文化等。,"The museum contains notable collections of dinosaurs, minerals and meteorites, Near Eastern and African art, Art of East Asia, European history and Canadian history." +"首航的初步可行性研究目标是沿穿过垃圾带的两条路线收集40吨垃圾漂浮物,用的工具是不会将鱼网到的特制网。","The initial feasibility mission aimed to collect 40 tonnes of debris, using special nets designed not to catch fish, in two passes through the field." +植物考察(英语:Botanical expedition)是形容为了研究一特定区域的植物所进行的科学考察旅行。,A botanical expedition is a scientific journey or voyage designed to explore the flora of a particular region. +即使最活跃的改革家都可能与中世纪的神秘主义传统有关。,Even the most active reformers can be linked to Medieval mystical traditions. +"《Brut y Tywysogion(英语:Brut y Tywysogion)》(诸亲王编年史)是一部记述从7世纪直至失去独立地位的所有威尔士统治者的史书,虽然其中全部为信史,没有传说成分,但由于其书名受到了杰佛里的著作的影响,因此某种程度上可以算作《不列颠诸王史》的“续篇”。","Brut y Tywysogion (""Chronicle of the Princes""), a major chronicle for the Welsh rulers from the 7th century to loss of independence, is a purely historical work containing no legendary material but the title reflects the influence of Geoffrey's work and, in one sense, can be seen as a ""sequel"" to it." +"有语言学家提出,分类词短语的使用可能比较少以语法为指导,而在说话者想要强调新的或是重要的信息时,更多地以文体或实际的强调点为指导。",Some linguists have proposed that the use of classifier phrases may be guided less by grammar and more by stylistic or pragmatic concerns on the part of a speaker who may be trying to foreground new or important information. +"KDevelop还提供了一个开发人员框架,它可以帮助大家为其它编程语言编写新的解析器。",KDevelop also offers a developer framework which helps to write new parsers for other programming languages. +"行动结束时40名巴勒斯坦武装人员和12名平民被杀,45至56座房屋被毁。",The operation ended after the IDF killed 40 Palestinian militants and 12 civilians and demolished about 45–56 structures. +墨西加统治者蒙特苏马二世的名字在工作中的存在进一步支持了他的主张。,His claim is further supported by the presence of Mexica ruler Moctezuma II's name on the work. +"复合体中有多个红外线源,在L1688周围就找到了425个红外线源。",A total of 425 infrared sources have been detected near the L1688 cloud. +"曾祖父聂日聪;祖父聂玉治,封文林郎;父亲聂洪。","Olivier was devoted to his mother, but not to his father, whom he found a cold and remote parent." +"到2015年7月为止,博格拉机场没有定期航班,不过若事先申请通过,允许民航机的起降。","As of July 2015, no scheduled passenger flights serve the airport, but civil air operations are allowed with prior approval." +"这个沙尘暴持续到7月底时,NASA宣布了即使是在非常低的电力模式下,漫游车也几乎不能获得足够的能量来生存。","The dust storms continued through July and at the end of the month, NASA announced that the rovers, even under their very-low-power mode were barely getting enough energy to survive." +"在比希纳之后,酶一般就根据它催化的反应来命名。",Following Buchner's example; enzymes are usually named according to the reaction they carry out. +"这些宪法规定,现在被称为“马来人议程(英语:Malay Agenda)”,仅引发了非马来人的极少不满,尽管其中大多数人取得公民身份,从而在宪法的意义下,成为理论上等同于马来人的公民。","The constitutional provisions, which have been referred to as the ""Malay Agenda"", evoked little sentiment from non-Malays, despite most of them gaining citizenship and thus becoming theoretically equal to Malay citizens under the Constitution." +技术写作人员致力于通过仔细研究使文档符合这 8 个特征。,Technical writers are focused on using their careful research to create effective documents that meet these eight characteristics. +"薯童于公主流放途中拜伏于地,欲做公主侍卫。",He would come to find what he had been looking for in the Church of God of Prophecy. +这城市的初始人口约为250人。,The initial population of the city was around 250. +皮尼亚泰利别墅(Villa Pignatelli)是意大利南部城市那不勒斯的一个博物馆。,The Villa Pignatelli is a museum in Naples in southern Italy. +生产时间1941年。,Production started in 1941. +他教导其他人格所有的知识。,He taught other generations everything he learned. +类的静态函数只能赋值给普通函数指针。,Only static priorities are allowed for tasks. +"黑衣人(英语:The Men in Black),是美国的漫画,由洛厄尔坎宁安创作和编写,由桑迪卡拉瑟斯插图,最初发表的Aircel漫画。","The Men in Black is an American comic book created and written by Lowell Cunningham, illustrated by Sandy Carruthers, and originally published by Aircel Comics." +其卫星图像也在一夜之间大幅改善。,The satellite presentation had also improved immensely overnight. +"从1963年到1967年,他成为斯坦福大学的计算机科学部助理教授,之后又在苏黎世大学担当相同的职位。",From 1963 to 1967 he served as assistant professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and again at the University of Zurich. +"这次胜利赢得了短暂的喘息,直至黑门之战爆发。",A brief respite was won until the Battle of the Black Gate. +"其后加盟法甲球会马赛,但他在2006年1月被放弃前,从没有为球队上阵一场。","Then, he joined Olympique de Marseille, though he never made a league appearance before his release in January 2006." +我们打算下周共同开始录制。,We're gonna start on that next week together. +奥斯曼帝国著名诗人易卜拉欣·希纳西(另一位在坦志麦特改革中起到关键作用的人物)称雷希德为“文明的使徒”、“众善之长”。,"The famed Ottoman poet İbrahim Şinasi (another principal author of Tanzimat) called Reşid an ""apostle of civilization"" and ""president of virtuous people"" (Millennium 65)." +"在泰勒-库埃特流系统中,他们观察到,当转速增加时,流层分布变成了一堆“流体炸圈饼”。","In a Taylor–Couette flow system, they observed that, as the rotation rate increases, the fluid stratifies into a pile of ""fluid donuts""." +"他最为人所知的,也是他的演讲。","People know what he looks like, how he talked." +"目前有两个有较多发展的理论,分别是“化疗药物对大脑产生直接影响”论,及“贺尔蒙在神经系统健康中扮演的角色”论。","Two major theories have been advanced: the direct effect of chemotherapy drugs on the brain, and the role of hormones in nervous system health." +"诸圣是一个天主教、圣公宗和东正教的称呼,用于所有忠诚的圣者和殉道者,包括知名的和不知名的。","All Saints' Day is a holy day to honour all the saints and martyrs, both known and unknown." +"其中,下呼吸道感染,如肺炎,一般会比上呼吸道感染,如普通感冒,要更为严重些。","Lower respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, tend to be far more serious conditions than upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold." +"《Fabrica et uso del compasso di proportione》(1664年),一部介绍制作和使用比例规的著作; 《Le ceneri dell'Olimpo ventilate 》(1673年),有关气象学的对话; 《De gli horologi solari》,有关日晷的制作; 《Exercitationes matheseos candidatis exhibitaæ》(1698年)(未发表的手稿):一部代数和几何集。","Fabrica et uso del compasso di proportione (1664), a work explaining the construction and use of proportional compasses Le ceneri dell'Olimpo ventilate (1673), a dialogue about meteorology De gli horologi solari (unpublished manuscript): about sundial construction Exercitationes matheseos candidatis exhibitaæ (1698) (unpublished manuscript): a collection of algebraic and geometrical subjects." +他以狼为图腾。,He heads to take on Wolf. +2842年/2843年:火星-木星三连星。,2842/2843: triple conjunction Mars-Jupiter. +"也就是说,一个正确变位的动词可以自己形成一个句子。","That is, a properly conjugated verb can form a sentence by itself." +"风暴过去后,巴拿马城市长立即批评州政府没有提供足够的援助。","Immediately following the storm, the mayor of Panama City criticized the state of Florida for failing to provide sufficient post-storm aid." +"以西结·“齐克”·史坦是奥比戴亚·史坦的儿子,为了替父亲向东尼·史塔克复仇而使用父亲的名字行动。","Ezekiel ""Zeke"" Stane is Obadiah Stane's son who would have a vendetta against Tony Stark in his father's name." +"复合字母tj用于拼写发音,例如tjutji。","The digraph tj was used to write , for example tjutji." +"在原产地及主要产地的澳大利亚,Tim Tam 在 Coles、Woolworths 等主要超市等地方普遍销售。",Tim Tams are a frequently discounted product in Australia's main supermarkets Coles and Woolworths. +"《每日邮报》引述4chan和Deadspin的匿名海报,称黑客圈子、交易员和销售者为了大量释放酝酿了数月。","The Daily Mail cited anonymous posters from 4chan and Deadspin who stated that a ring of hackers, traders, and sellers had been operating for months leading up to the mass release." +"线性调节器的一些设计仅适用晶体管、二极管和电阻器,这就更容易制造到集成电路中,进一步减小它们的质量、在PCB上的占位面积和成本。","Some designs of linear regulators use only transistors, diodes and resistors, which are easier to fabricate into an integrated circuit, further reducing their weight, footprint on a PCB, and price." +"马弗里克88和莫斯伯格500型号的扳机组件之间不能互换,但大多数的其他部件,包括枪管、枪托和管式弹仓却可以互换(枪管和弹仓必须具有相同的长度)。","The trigger groups will not interchange between Maverick 88 and Mossberg 500 models, but the majority of other parts, including barrels, stocks, and magazine tubes, will (the barrel and magazines must be the same length)." +"B. ^ 该建筑钟楼部分于1895年移除,允许城市中较矮的建筑物成为芝加哥最高的摩天大楼。","B. ^ The clock tower on this building was removed in 1895, allowing a shorter building to become the tallest in the city." +"一列火车在广东省乐昌市被洪水包围,乘客需要疏散到附近一间学校。","One train was surrounded by floodwaters in Lechang, and passengers had to be evacuated to a nearby school." +夸克-胶子浆的另一重要特点就是在浆中移动的超高能量夸克会在仅仅数飞米的距离内被停止或“冷却”。,"Another important property of the quark–gluon plasma is that very high energy quarks moving through the plasma are stopped or ""quenched"" after traveling only a few femtometers." +"1902年5月22日,该地更名为黄石森林保护区(Yellowstone Forest Reserve),土地面积增加至6,580,920英亩(26,632.0平方公里)。","On May 22, 1902 it became the Yellowstone Forest Reserve with lands of 6,580,920 acres (26,632.0 km2)." +"开课初期,驻校的三名中国教师,三名英语教师,和123名男学生使用圣安德鲁中学的校舍上课。","Three Chinese teachers, three English teachers were employed, and 123 male students started lessons at St Andrew's Secondary School." +"鳞片基部有一小柄,藉以附着于翅膜上细微窝孔上。",The heads have an ostiole (opening) that appears as a small dot on the culm surface. +这种争论源于社会理论的核心历史分野(实证主义和反实证主义;结构与施为者理论)。,These disputes relate to the historical core of social theory (positivism and antipositivism; structure and agency). +"他是个好人,对于我来说是一个不可多得的挚友,我到现在一直为他的死感到伤心。",He was a steady and sincere friend and as such I lament the loss of him. +"萨科把对于不符合美丽标准的事物的严格判断与人们难以包容自己的生理缺陷联系在一起,意识到有时往往是这种严苛的态度使得父母对自己孩子脸上所谓的缺点进行“修正”,以使他们在未来免受伤害。","She connects this rigid judgment of what does not conform to beauty with intolerance for physical imperfections in people, noting that such rigidity sometimes causes parents to ""fix"" the perceived flaws in their children's faces to keep them from suffering later." +"在PDF阅读器中禁止执行JavaScript有助于缓解那些未来的漏洞,即使这不阻止PDF查看器其他部分的漏洞。","Disabling JavaScript execution in the PDF reader can help mitigate such future exploits, although it does not protect against exploits in other parts of the PDF viewing software." +"1970年代末,西德尼·科尔曼利用亚历山大·泊里雅科夫等人合作发展的瞬子(instanton)方法,研究了量子场论中假真空(false vacuum)的终结状况。","In the late 1970s, Sidney Coleman applied the instanton techniques developed by Alexander Polyakov and collaborators to study the fate of the false vacuum in quantum field theory." +"随着2018年美国中期选举的结果出炉,一些人猜测民主党对众议院的控制可能会影响众议院通过协议的机会 。","There was speculation after the results of the November 6, 2018 U.S. midterm elections that the Democrats' increased power in the House of Representatives might interfere with the passage of the USMCA agreement." +"因此,它在环境中往往是限量试剂,而它的可得性则决定生物成长的速度。","Once used, it is often a limiting nutrient in environments, and its availability may govern the rate of growth of organisms." +"Elmasry后来介绍了一种配对堆的变体,令其拥有所有斐波那契堆可以实现的操作,且decrease-key操作的均摊时间复杂度为 O ( log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) {\displaystyle O(\log \log n)} ,但对于原始的数据结构,仍未知准确的 Θ ( log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) {\displaystyle \Theta (\log \log n)} 运行下限。","Elmasry later introduced a variant of pairing heaps for which decrease-key runs in O ( log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) {\displaystyle O(\log \log n)} amortized time and with all other operations matching Fibonacci heaps, but no tight Θ ( log ⁡ log ⁡ n ) {\displaystyle \Theta (\log \log n)} bound is known for the original data structure." +"但他以一位女性来传达这段话,让我不禁好奇他���底遭遇了多少事。",But an encounter with a woman he has rescued leaves him utterly disappointed in the meaning of his deeds. +彼得前书有相似的话: 1彼得1:22:...你们被教导要彼此相爱。,The First Epistle of Peter has a similar statement: 1 Peter 1:22: ... for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. +"TV-B-Gone的标准型号由红外LED、两个CR2032电池,以及包含电视电源遥控代码数据库的集成电路构成。","The standard model TV-B-Gone consists of an infra-red LED, two CR2032 cells and an integrated circuit containing the television power code database, all in a plastic case." +其背景设定在16和17世纪殖民时期的加勒比海。,It is set in the Caribbean during the 16th and 17th centuries. +"一份2004年的研究报告显示,罐装食品外包装含有双酚A跟甲亢猫有关。",A 2004 study reported that food packaged in cans coated with bisphenol A is correlated with the development of hyperthyroidism in cats. +日本绘画的起源可以追溯到日本旧石器时代。,The origins of painting in Japan date well back into Japan's prehistoric period. +"1977年:出版第一期院讯,设立图书馆。",1977 – Construction of the new addition to the Main Library began. +"此外,贝特亦指出,巴拉瑞特的挖矿工强烈反对政府施加严格的酒牌法律。","In addition, Weston Bate noted that the Ballarat diggings were in strong opposition to the strict liquor licensing laws imposed by the government." +"2年后,他在实验室向新闻界展示了这个或一个后期设计的有声电影系统。","Two years later, he supervised a press demonstration at the laboratory of a sound-film system of either this or a later design." +"随着1984年格林纳达政府对有争议的“经济公民计划”(economic citizenship programme)政策的转变,时任格林纳达总理基思·米切尔拒绝透露谁曾因该计划获得格林纳达护照而受益,并称拒绝透露是为了“国家的最高利益和国家安全”。","Following the government policy reversal in 1984 on Grenada's controversial 'economic citizenship programme', the then Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell refused to reveal who had benefited from the scheme by receiving a Grenadian passport, citing 'the best interest of the country and its national security' as his reasons for not doing so." +"如同各种平行投影方法,等轴测投影绘制的物体不会因为物体距离观察者的远近而改变大小。","As with all types of parallel projection, objects drawn with axonometric projection do not appear larger or smaller as they lie closer to or farther away from the viewer." +"2007年至2012年期间,他担任自己创建的人权党领导人。","From 2007 to 2012, Sokha was the leader of the Human Rights Party, which he founded." +"目前,有19家国际航空公司服务于巴基斯坦机场。","Currently, there are 19 international airlines serving Pakistani airports." +"最高分是5,几乎被公立大学独享。",The highest rating is 5 which is almost exclusively awarded to public universities. +他同时间聘请艺术家、雕塑家、手工艺人工作。,"He also gave frequent employment to artists, sculptors and craftsmen." +"C60有60个pi电子,但封闭壳体系结构需要72个电子。",C60 fullerene has 60 π electrons but a closed shell configuration requires 72 electrons. +胡楚尔共和国在1919年6月11日被罗马尼亚部队短暂占领后灭亡。,"This republic was ended by Romanian troops on June 11, 1919." +这三次事故中均无人死亡。,No lives were lost in these three incidents. +"2006年的数据显示,全世界奢侈品消费中有41%来自日本。","According to data from 2006, Japan consumed 41 percent of the entire world's luxury goods." +"在牛津期间,谢林顿在一个专门制作的标有“查尔斯·谢林顿组织学演示幻灯片”的箱子中,保留有数百张显微载玻片及组织学演示幻灯片。","While at Oxford, Sherrington kept hundreds of microscope slides in a specially constructed box labelled ""Sir Charles Sherrington's Histology Demonstration Slides""." +"1903年2月16日埃斯特拉达·帕尔玛签订了美国-古巴互惠条约,同意租借关塔那摩湾地区给美国,用作海军基地和煤站。","On February 16, 1903, Estrada Palma signed the Cuban-American Treaty of Relations, agreeing to lease the Guantanamo Bay area to the United States in perpetuity for use as a naval base and coaling station." +"一些化学物质的商品,如乙酸,柠檬酸,和乙醇是由发酵制成。","Some commodity chemicals, such as acetic acid, citric acid, and ethanol are made by fermentation." +厄尔被调职去了美属萨摩亚渡过了剩余的战争岁月。,Earle was reassigned and spent the rest of the war in American Samoa. +苏珊妮于1618年在巴黎去世。,Suzanne died in January 1618 in Paris. +"1936–1945 从1949年至1957年间,慕尼黑再次使用一大一小的两种纹章,它们表现的是在1936年以前生效的样式。",1936–1945 Both a small and large coat of arms existed from 1949 until 1957 based on representations of them prior to 1936. +"它们又可以根据最终用途进一步分为硬质和软质多元醇,取决于引发剂的作用和其分子量。","They can be further separated into immediate or delayed substances, depending on the amount of time it takes to feel their effects." +"此外商品也具有使用价值及交换价值,详如后述。",A commodity also has a use value and an exchange value. +"有一部以色列-法国电影紧握生命的希望(Live and Become)以这次行动为主题,由罗马尼亚出生的拉杜瓦西米赫伊莱亚努导演。","This operation was the subject of an Israeli-French film titled Live and Become, directed by Romanian-born Radu Mihăileanu." +"三类同二类相似,只不过佛罗里达半岛南侧直对着两片岛屿。","The Type III is similar to the Type II, except that there are two islands directly to the south of the peninsula." +"在《教育漫话》中,洛克进一步加以说明,如何使用三种不同的方式来进行教育:发展健康的身体;形成善良的德行;以及选择一种适当的学术课程。",Some Thoughts Concerning Education explains how to educate that mind using three distinct methods: the development of a healthy body; the formation of a virtuous character; and the choice of an appropriate academic curriculum. +"在从拉丁语系语文的导源中,譬如罗马尼亚文、西班牙文、法文,以及意大利文,Friday这个单字通常相近Venus(分别是:vineri、viernes、vendredi以及venerdì)这个单字。","In languages deriving from Latin, such as Romanian, Spanish, French, and Italian, the word for Friday often resembles the word Venus (vineri, viernes, vendredi and venerdì respectively)." +豹2A4分成八批于1985年到1992年间生产。,The Leopard 2s were manufactured in eight batches between 1985 and 1992. +"DVD-Audio(常缩写成DVD-A)是一种数位格式,用于在DVD上传送高保真音频内容。",DVD-A DVD-Audio is a digital format for delivering high-fidelity audio content on a DVD. +兴趣是喝酒和女人。,They all had a taste for alcohol and women. +"该游戏使用Unity引擎,在多个游戏平台上发行。","The game is developed using the Unity game engine, allowing it to run on multiple gaming platforms." +"艾伦与他的经理设计出一种充满神经质与不安的知识分子形象——这无疑是一次成功的转型,使得艾伦在夜总会与电视表演中站稳脚根。","Allen developed an anxious, nervous, and intellectual persona for his stand-up act, a successful move that secured regular gigs for him in nightclubs and on television." +"反之,如果在 Λ k ( V ) {\displaystyle \Lambda ^{k}(V)} 上给了一个内积,则这个等式可以做为霍奇对偶的另一种定义。","If an inner product is given on ⋀ k ( V ) {\displaystyle {\textstyle \bigwedge }^{k}(V)} , then this equation can be regarded as an alternative definition of the Hodge star." +"地球接收的总辐摄取决于地球的截面积(π·RE2),但是因为自转为使这些能量分散在整个表面积(4·π·RE2)。","The Earth receives a total amount of radiation determined by its cross section (π·RE2), but as it rotates this energy is distributed across the entire surface area (4·π·RE2)." +"图书馆2.0一词是由Michael Casey2005年9月,在其个人的部落格“LibraryCrunch”中所提到,Michael Casey认为图书馆2.0是商业2.0和Web 2.0的副产品。","The term ""Library 2.0"" was coined by Michael Casey on his blog LibraryCrunch as a direct start off of the terms Business 2.0 and Web 2.0." +"二战爆发后,他加入美国陆军防空高炮师;从1944年3月至1946年2月,他在西南太平洋战场待了两年,到过新几内亚,澳大利亚和菲律宾群岛等地。","In World War II he joined the United States Army and spent March 1944 through February 1946 in the South West Pacific Theater serving in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Corps in New Guinea, Australia, and the Philippine Islands." +"此外,风暴还迫使帕斯卡古拉的雪佛龙炼油厂暂时关闭。","Additionally, the storm forced the temporary closure of the Chevron USA refinery at Pascagoula." +"我们选择哪些基因位点,选择多少个,作为显著的“星座”,是完全随意性的。","It is an arbitrary matter which, and how many, gene loci we choose to consider as a significant 'constellation'""." +这迫使210区号在1997年7月7日一拆为三。,"This forced a three-way split, which took place on July 7, 1997." +"加布里埃尔在陆地上空减弱,于9月10日回到大西洋。","Gabrielle weakened over land, and moved back into the Atlantic on September 10." +"在2004年上映的《机械公敌》里,场景设定于2035年的美国芝加哥,自动驾驶汽车行驶于道路上,让汽车能于手动控制更高的速度、更安全地行驶。","The film I, Robot (2004), set in Chicago in 2035, features automated vehicles driving on highways, allowing the car to travel safer at higher speeds than if manually controlled." +"当巴西护照持有人进入或离开巴��时,他们将不会收到护照印章。",When a holder of a Brazilian Passport enters or exits Brazil they will not receive a passport stamp. +"麦克维给摩尔写了封信,其中声称抢劫他的是政府探员。",McVeigh wrote a letter to Moore in which he claimed that the robbery had been committed by government agents. +而更早的记录则是在1887年由英国儿科医师John Langdon Down所写下 。,An earlier description was made in 1887 by John Langdon Down. +"哺乳动物眼睛当中的光敏神经节细胞是一种单独的光感细胞分类,与视觉功能中的感光细胞不同。",The photosensitive ganglion cells in the mammalian eye are a separate class of light-detecting cells from the photoreceptor cells that function in vision. +"他一生都没有收过女性作博士或博士后学生,而且基本上反对女性申请教员职位。","He never had a woman as a doctoral or postdoctoral student, and generally opposed women as candidates for faculty positions." +它没有指出政治的影响和全球化的力量。,It does not address local urban politics and forces of globalization. +十一月二十五日:立法议会开设监视委员会以监视政府。,November 25: The Legislative Assembly creates a Committee of Surveillance to oversee the government. +"葡萄牙在2011年6月5日举行大选,选出全共和国议会230席议员。",A legislative election was held in Portugal on 5 June 2011 to elect all 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic. +领1县:建平。,Chapter 1: Contents. +民间也有大量的走私贸易。,There is also a high volume of commercial traffic. +"一枚以军导弹击中一所位于Shuja'iyya的房屋附近,造成一名母亲和她的四个孩子死亡。","An Israeli missile hit a house in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood, killing a mother and her four children." +"同时,西丽到访阿方索,证实了内蒂的故事。","Meanwhile, Celie visits Alphonso, who confirms Nettie's story." +"埃米莉·谢尔比(Emily Shelby),亚瑟·谢尔比的妻子。",Emily Shelby – Arthur Shelby's wife. +"法伦于1886年出生于曼哈顿,1906年福坦莫大学毕业,后来在1909年福坦莫法学院上学。","Fallon was born in Manhattan in 1886 and graduated Valedictorian of the Fordham class of 1906, and then went on to attend Fordham Law School in 1909." +藏品包括航海仪器、武器、地图和绘画。,"The collections include navigation instruments, weapons, maps and paintings." +"这并不是说董事永远不会和股东是一种被委托关系,他们在某些情况下确实就是这种关系。",This does not mean that directors can never stand in a fiduciary relationship to the individual shareholders; they may well have such a duty in certain circumstances. +没有文件锁定机制提供数据保护。,There is no file locking to provide data protection. +"该地区范围通常被视为等同于前纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫自治州行政区边界,涵盖面积约4,400平方公里。","The region is usually equated with the administrative borders of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast comprising an area of 4,400 square kilometres (1,700 sq mi)." +"自七十年代以来,所有NASA生产的极紫外观测装置都由SURF来进行校准,SURF还用于测量和规格化超紫外光刻系统。","All NASA-borne, extreme-ultraviolet observation instruments have been calibrated at SURF since the 1970s, and SURF is used for measurement and characterization of systems for extreme ultraviolet lithography." +公共支出委员会(PEX)在向各部门分配政府资金方面发挥核心作用。,The Public Expenditure Committee (PEX) plays a central role in the allocation of government money to departments. +"与1960年时期美国南部的城市不同,芝加哥并没有对大多数公共设施实行种族隔离制度。","Unlike southern cities at the time, Chicago did not segregate most public accommodations." +"乐山服务业网,2006年5月31日。","Employee Benefits, 31 May 2006." +"11岁时辍学工作,但之后仍然成为当时最杰出的马克思主义理论家。","He left school for working life at the age of 11, and became one of the leading Marxist theorists of his day." +随后新内阁会将计划送至议会。,The new cabinet then proposes its plans to parliament. +"为此,他们要使用被缴获或被摧毁的坦克的序列号。","To do this, they used the serial numbers on captured or destroyed tanks." +"这些体制与传统的君主制概念不同,但由于其保有一些相关的君主制特性,因此也被归类为君主制。","These systems defy the model concept of a monarchy, but are commonly considered as such because they retain certain associative characteristics." +"他的逮捕一直存在争议 并被国际特赦组织谴责,国际特赦组织称这些指控为“虚构”,并将他命名为良心犯。","His arrest has been controversial and was condemned by Amnesty International, who described the charges as ""fabricated"" and named him a prisoner of conscience." +"有即是无,无即是有。","Ni un Sí, ni un No." +"2014��1月28日,总理米克拉·阿扎罗夫递交辞呈,12个反示威法案有9个被废除,并发布法令特赦被捕或被检控的示威者。","On 28 January 2014, 9 of the 12 anti-protest laws were repealed and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov tendered his resignation and a bill offering amnesty to arrested and charged protesters was issued." +"在这个时期中,古希腊文明和古罗马文明十分繁荣,对欧洲、北非、中东等地施加巨大的影响。","It is the period in which Greek and Roman society flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East." +其奖项名叫“天使电影奖”(英语:Angel Film Awards)。,The festival's awards are called the Angel Film Awards. +"大姓潘得拉(Panthera)可能起源于一个具有讽刺意味的单词关联:""Panther""和""Parthenos""(意思是处女)。","The ""common legionary name"" Panthera could have arisen from a satirical connection between ""Panther"" and the Greek word ""Parthenos"" meaning virgin." +"本特勒竞技场(德语:Benteler Arena)是一座位于德国帕德博恩的多功能体育场,于2005年7月至2008年7月期间兴建,以取代原有的赫尔曼·洛恩斯体育场(德语:Hermann-Löns-Stadion)。","The Benteler-Arena is a multi-use stadium in Paderborn, Germany, that was built between July 2005 and July 2008, as a replacement for the Hermann-Löns-Stadion." +"另一个问题是,上面的楼层通常用于存储,而不是作为办公室,零售或生活空间。","Another problem has been that upper floors are often used for storage, rather than as office, retail or living space." +安全部队声称鸦片田藏在玉米作物中。,Security forces claim that opium fields are hidden among maize crops. +指挥型 装有一门假炮及2具第19型无线电。,Command version existed with dummy gun and two No. 19 radios. +"2 由于列支敦士登并没有设立联赛,该国 7 队球会均于瑞士足球联赛系统中竞逐。",2 The Liechtenstein Football Association does not organise a national league competition and all its seven clubs compete in the Swiss football league system. +"萨格勒布大学成立于1669年,是东南欧最古老、持续营运至今的大学。","The University of Zagreb, founded in 1669, is the oldest continuously operating university in Southeast Europe." +"这套字型第一次使用是在2010年10月,随着Ubuntu 10.10一同释出,有正规、斜体、粗体、粗斜体等四种英文字体。","The font was first introduced in October 2010 with the release of Ubuntu 10.10 in four versions Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic in English." +"3%-4%的云量变化和云顶温度的变化与太阳周期的11年和22年相关联,但GCR的水平增加却在""反平行""循环。","Changes of 3–4% in cloudiness and concurrent changes in cloud top temperatures correlated to the 11 and 22-year solar (sunspot) cycles, with increased GCR levels during ""antiparallel"" cycles." +"2015年1月8日,鲍克瑟宣布她将不会在2016年的选举中寻求连任。","On January 8, 2015, Boxer announced that she would not seek re-election in 2016." +"在第二次世界大战期间,他曾加入在第529军空军乐队。","During World War II, he served in the 529th Army Air Force Band." +"一些绿人将生产主义(Productivism)、消费主义和科学主义视为“灰色”,与“绿色”作对比。","Some Greens refer to productivism, consumerism and scientism as ""grey"", as contrasted with ""green"", economic views." +1994年内部的红宝石山脊专责小组报告和1995年的公共的参议院小组委员会对于红宝石山脊事件的报告均批评交战规则是违宪的。,Both the internal 1994 Ruby Ridge Task Force Report and the public 1995 Senate subcommittee report on Ruby Ridge criticized the rules of engagement as unconstitutional. +"第一位参观中国的风磨的欧洲人是荷兰驻中国大使倪贺夫,他于1656年坐船沿京杭大运河经过江苏。","The first European to view Chinese windmills was Jan Nieuhoff, who spotted them in Jiangsu while traveling along the Grand Canal in 1656, as part of the Dutch embassy to Beijing." +"其母娜塔莉·怀尔德是一位英法混血的喜剧演员,其父西奥多·佩舒·德艾本维勒是一位法国歌剧演员。","Her mother, Nathalie Wild, was a comedienne of half-French and half-English descent, and her father, Théodore Pécheux d'Herbenville, was a French opera-singer." +"客至第肃至阶,送亦不出门。",They both enter the exit elevator and escape. +"此外,该片是使用阿莱Alexa所拍摄,并加上了潘那维申变形格式(英语:Anamorphic format),以实现电影中的老派氛围。","Production used the Arri Alexa camera, coupled with the Panavision anamorphic format, to achieve the film's old-school atmosphere." +"每集《X档案》都会在开场字幕结束后显示一名标语,本集的标语“The Truth is Out There”(意为“真相就在那里”)也翻译成德语:“Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen”。","The tagline that usually appears after the opening credits of every episode, ""The Truth is Out There"", was translated into German: ""Die Wahrheit ist irgendwo da draußen""." +"爱玛·屈臣计划只能花几天的时间来拍摄,以免她于布朗大学的学习被打断。",Watson was scheduled to spend only a few days on set shooting her scenes to prevent her studies at Brown University from being interrupted. +只有最活泼的亲双烯体可以进攻这些稳定的芳香化合物。,Only the most reactive of dienophiles can attack such aromatic compounds. +"例如,再造透明玻璃产品严格禁止有色玻璃进入再熔炼过程。","For example, to facilitate the re-manufacturing of clear glass products there are tight restrictions for colored glass going into the re-melt process." +对孙辈的信之助相当疼爱。,The friendship of the lover is sufficient to it. +"虽然这个物种是在2013年才进行科学描述的,但其学名“Nepenthes viridis”早在150年前就已被使用了。","Though this species was only scientifically described in 2013, the binomen Nepenthes viridis first appeared in print more than 150 years earlier." +"美洲电视台 (西班牙语:América Televisión) 是一家秘鲁电视网络,成立于1958年。","América Televisión is a Peruvian television network, founded in 1958." +链路可以聚合:大多数系统使用一个4X聚合。,Links can be aggregated: most systems use a 4X aggregate. +萨摩亚人的主要运动是橄榄球以及萨摩亚板球(kirikiti)。,The main sports played in Samoa are rugby union and Samoan cricket (kilikiti). +"据萨菲尔所说,尼克松上任后和他的顾问们决定,他还不需要让国家团结起来,而只需要通过呼吁那些不会敌视尼克松及其政策的选民来支持自己,以确保自己能在1972年选举中获胜,这些选民之后被称为沉默的大多数。","According to Safire, after taking office, Nixon and his advisors decided he need not bring the country together, but need only work to secure his reelection by appealing to voters who were not hostile to Nixon and his policies—they became known as the Silent Majority." +"在2013年7月1日至2013年12月31日的6个月内,它共收到了在0-1998条范围内的FISA用户数据请求,影响最多54,997名用户(包括国家安全信函)。","During the last six month from July 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013, it received between 0 and 1998 FISA requests for user data, affecting up to 54,997 users (including national security letters)." +市政局会议通过改善酒楼厕所。,Community water grant to upgrade toilets. +"虽然有可怕的预兆,他决心继续工作。",Despite the terrible prognosis he was determined to carry on working. +"举例来说,Java 虚拟机(JVM)的实现会消除尾递归里的尾调用(因为重新使用了原来的调用栈),但是不会消除一般的尾调用(因为改变了的调用栈)。","For example, in the Java virtual machine (JVM), tail-recursive calls can be eliminated (as this reuses the existing call stack), but general tail calls cannot be (as this changes the call stack)." +"使用的图块可能非常小,例如16×16和32×32像素是常见的图块大小,这使得内部所需的内存和带宽量较小。","Very small tiles can be used, 16×16 and 32×32 pixels are popular tile sizes, which makes the amount of memory and bandwidth required in the internal stages small as well." +大部分亚低温治疗缺血性中风有效性的数据仅限于动物研究。,Most of the data concerning hypothermia’s effectiveness in treating stroke is limited to animal studies. +"在2010年多伦多的20国集团峰会期间,一场黑块暴乱毁坏了多家零售店,包括一家销售城市户外、美国服饰、阿迪达斯品牌的商店,星巴克以及许多银行机构。","During the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto, a black bloc riot damaged a number of retail locations including an Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Adidas Store, Starbucks and many banking establishments." +"1949年,他担任公共工程部长,后来成为副总理。","In 1949, he served as the minister of public works and later as Deputy Prime Minister." +"突尼斯的大部分地区已落入德军手中,而进入沿海低地的入口均受封锁。","The Germans captured most of Tunisia, and the entrances into the coastal lowlands were blocked." +"与此同时,他出版了Passavantius , 一部直接针对皮埃尔·利泽(Pierre Lizet)的讽刺作品,后者是原巴黎国会议长,也是chambre ardente的主要发起人,1551年当时是巴黎附近的圣维克托隐修院的院长,正在出版大批争论性著作。","About the same time he published Passavantius, a satire directed against Pierre Lizet, the former president of the Parliament of Paris, and principal originator of the ""fiery chamber"" (chambre ardente), who, at the time (1551), was abbot of St. Victor near Paris and publishing a number of polemical writings." +如果 ∇1 与 ∇2 是 E → M 上两个联络则他们的差是一个 C∞-线性算子。,If ∇1 and ∇2 are two connections on E → M then their difference is a C∞-linear operator. +他们在1832年、1833年、1834年与1835年也到英格兰与威尔士其他部分做了类似游览。,"Similar journeys to other parts of England and Wales were taken in 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1835." +"2002年马来西亚大奖赛于3月17日在马来西亚雪邦国际赛道举行,该场比赛也是2002赛季的第二场比赛。",The 2002 Malaysian Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held on 17 March 2002 at the Sepang International Circuit and was the second round of the 2002 Formula One season. +"不过,这些法律的效果由于政治意愿的减弱和联邦政府在南部失去了权威而削弱,特别是在共和党人为保住总统席位而达成1877年妥协(英语:Compromise of 1877)结束重建以后。","However, the effect of these laws waned as political will diminished and the federal government lost authority in the South, particularly after the Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction in exchange for a Republican presidency." +"最近,阿富汗妇女革命协会重新开始在阿富汗境内的使命,并在喀布尔组织了一些活动。",Recently RAWA restarted its mission inside Afghanistan and organized some of its events in Kabul. +"目前有一座新的桥梁正在建设,将连接海甸岛与新埠岛。",A new bridge is currently under construction that will connect Haidian Island to Xinbu Island. +"由于查谟-克什米尔邦地位的特殊性,该邦是印度宪法唯一被允许拥有旗帜的邦。","The Constitution of India grants special status to Jammu and Kashmir among Indian states, and it is the only state in India to have a separate constitution." +"到了五月,格里芬......为每一郡指派了户籍登录的三人委员会,并在知名的南方共和党人与本地自由人局官员建议下决定人选。","In May Griffin ... appointed a three-man board of registrars for each county, making his choices on the advice of known scalawags and local Freedmen's Bureau agents." +M9A1更亦配发物理气相沉积(PVD)胶面弹匣来提供更高可靠性以便在阿富汗和伊拉克等的沙漠地区顺利运作。,M9A1 pistols are sold with physical vapor deposition (PVD) coated magazines developed to better withstand the conditions in the sandy environments in Iraq and Afghanistan. +"然而他继续发展他的想法,并且在七年内已经出版四本书——《机器的反抗》(The Robots' Rebellion,1994)、《真相使你自由》(And the Truth Shall Set You Free,1995)、《最大的秘密》(The Biggest Secret,1999)与《矩阵的孩子》(Children of the Matrix,2001)。","Over the next 11 years he wrote The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001), in which he developed his worldview of New Age conspiracism." +"对本案进行裁决的有两位法官:辛那杜来法官(T. S. Sinnathuray)是当时十三年后对约翰·马丁·斯克里普斯(John Martin Scripps)连环谋杀案作出判决的法官,佛雷德里克·亚瑟·蔡法官(Frederick Arthur Chua)是当时任职时间最长的法官。","Presiding over the case were two judges: Justice Thirugnana Sampanthar Sinnathuray, who would deliver judgment on serial murderer John Martin Scripps 13 years later, and Justice Frederick Arthur Chua, who was at the time the longest serving judge in Singapore." +"另一方面,辰口曾就读过的学校所出版的刊物则为他辩护,认为辰口性格温和且富有同情心,他当时的行为是自己所不能控制的环境造成的结果,而在这种环境下,其行为既没有违背宗教信仰,也没有违反医生的誓言。","In contrast, the Loma Linda School of Medicine Alumni Journal defended Tatsuguchi as a gentle and caring doctor who was trapped in a situation beyond his control, where his actions violated neither his religious beliefs nor his oaths as a doctor." +当地9个活跃的反对党将各自竞逐不同的选区。,"In addition, there are currently eleven domestic clubs that compete against each other on various levels." +"赛季结束后,他转会加盟意甲热那亚。","At the end of the series, he falls for Jinkama." +"后人普遍认为,放射性的发现就已经推翻了汤姆森对地球年龄的估计。",It was widely believed that the discovery of radioactivity had invalidated Thomson's estimate of the age of the Earth. +"德国导演伏加·舒伦杜夫早在1999年就试图拍摄这部电影,原本计划与 UFA GmbH 和 Senator 制片公司合作,但后者于2004年宣布破产,之后他转而同伯恩·伊钦格(英语:Bernd Eichinger)与康斯坦丁影业合作。","The Oscar-winner Volker Schlöndorff's attempt to film the novel began in 1999, at first with the production companies UFA and Senator, until the latter was declared bankrupt in 2004, when he moved to Bernd Eichinger and Constantin Film." +"因为大部分的图片都是提供给科学家研究用的,因此在曝光时通常缺乏完整系列的颜色。",Because most of the photos were taken for scientific reasons they often lack sufficient exposure across a range of colors. +"威尔士���全英国面积不到1/10,约20,779平方公里(8,020平方英里)。","Wales accounts for less than a tenth (9%) of the total area of the UK, covering 20,779 square kilometres (8,020 sq mi)." +波登和他的拍摄团队与其它的美国公民在7月20日由美国海军陆战队保护撤离。,"Bourdain and his crew were finally evacuated with other American citizens, on the morning of July 20, by the United States Marine Corps." +不用办我的法事。,I'm just doing my duty. +"富兰克林小心站在绝缘体上,在屋顶下避雨,以免遭到电击。","Franklin was careful to stand on an insulator, keeping dry under a roof to avoid the danger of electric shock." +"教育设计研究方法(Education Design Research),是国际教育研究领域一种新兴的研究方法论。",Living educational theory (LET) is a research method in educational research. +"20世纪初,日本用几百万来自被征服地区的平民和战俘从事强制劳动,特别是中国抗日战争和太平洋战争期间,建造泰缅铁路等项目。","Japan During the early 20th century, the Empire of Japan used the forced labor of millions of civilians from conquered countries and prisoners of war, especially during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War, on projects such as the Death Railway." +"吕特晏斯死后不到一个月,他的妻子生下了第三个儿子,彼得。","Less than a month after Lütjens' death, his wife gave birth to their fourth child, Peter." +私底下有着童心未泯的一面。,She has a child out-of-wedlock in secret. +"圣马尔斯本人则被允许仅用一天的时间探视该犯人,目的是为了给他提供食物和其他他所需要的物品。",Saint-Mars himself was to see Dauger only once a day to provide food and whatever else he needed. +"他在画了一份草稿送审后便通过了,而且是在周刊连载。",He read for the role near the end of the casting period and got it in under a week. +"这种在古希腊对于由女性乳房所象征神灵的崇拜,在西元的头一个千年明显减弱。",The worship of deities symbolized by the female breast in Greece became less common during the first millennium. +"因此,所有其他站点也会检测到过载情况,并在它们自己的部分开始传输过载标志。","As a consequence, all other stations also detect an overload condition and on their part start transmission of an overload flag." +起源于非洲的名字也开始兴起。,Names of African origin began to crop up as well. +"在此期间,他还和萨克斯手Stan Getz进行巡演。",He also worked with Stan Getz around this time. +"琼安在宫廷长大,并在那里结识她的亲戚们,包括黑太子爱德华。","She doted on her grandchildren, including Edward, the Black Prince." +"实验室建于1951年,最初叫萨凡纳河实验室。",It was founded in 1951 as the Savannah River Laboratory. +在1948年与他人共同发现了47p / 阿什布鲁克- 杰克逊彗星。,He co-discovered the periodic comet 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson in 1948. +"在2007年4月30日Memphis Daily News报导指出Kuglin的联邦税赋纠纷依然没有解决,法庭宣布置留了她价值超过$188,025元的财产。","On April 30, 2007, the Memphis Daily News reported that Kuglin's tax problems continued with the filing of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien against her assets in the amount of $188,025." +其余60-90%的剂量保留在组织中或作为HMB代谢物排出。,The remaining 60–90% of the dose is retained in tissues or excreted as HMB metabolites. +"其前代机种为VIC-20(英语:Commodore VIC-20)和Commodore PET(英语:Commodore PET),C64以其64KB(65,536字节)的内存命名。","Preceded by the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore PET, the C64 took its name from its 64 kilobytes (65,536 bytes) of RAM." +这种描写比1997年的卖座电影更准确。,This depiction is more accurate than in the 1997 blockbuster. +于2011年9月他把他在迈阿密的房子卖掉。,"In September 2011, he sold his home in Miami." +"2014年,她在Twitter上载了一系列她自己和父亲的相片。",In 2014 she posted a series of photographs of herself and her father to Twitter. +1992年最后一个矿井被关闭。,The mine was closed down in 1992. +"若还是傍本彩,再加下两枚。","Fine, give us a couple of more." +史沫资准备了草稿并抄送国王和劳合·乔治。,Smuts prepared this draft and gave copies to the King and to Lloyd George. +"如果有人触犯法律,每个人都有义务和责任来捍卫法律或规则。","If one person violates a law, perhaps everyone would—thus there is an obligation and a duty to uphold laws and rules." +"除了提供日常需要的物资,站点总体上也为因纽特人提供物品以及医疗救助。","Besides offering usual supply goods, the post supported the Inuit in general, and gave, as far as possible, medical assistance." +"2月1日,据报道该市再次爆发战斗,导致15名政府军变节者和2名政府军丧生。","On 1 February, more fighting in the town reportedly left 15 defectors and two soldiers dead." +"在全球所���人口中有将近千分之一的人,都会经历类似丛集性头痛的症状。",A world population of around a billion would have an overall pro-life effect. +拉卡伊于1763年在他的星图上把星座的名字拉丁化成“Antlia pneumatica”。,Lacaille Latinised the name to Antlia pneumatica on his 1763 chart. +"根据赫茨尔的私人日记,红衣主教对以色列历史的解释与天主教的解释相同,但他也要求犹太人皈依天主教。","According to Herzl's private diary notes, the Cardinal's interpretation of the history of Israel was the same as that of the Catholic Church, but he also asked for the conversion of the Jews to Catholicism." +发明家安东尼奥·梅乌奇雇用了加里波底在他的位于史泰登岛的蜡烛厂工作。,The inventor Antonio Meucci employed Garibaldi in his candle factory on Staten Island. +"在前馈系统中,控制变量的调整不是基于误差的。","In a feed-forward system, the control variable adjustment is not error-based." +"PC Gamer US除了授予《冲突世界》编辑推荐奖外,还将之列为2007年RTS游戏之最。","PC Gamer US also awarded the game its editor's choice award, as well as naming it the 2007 RTS game of the year." +"SOHR报道有53个平民遇难,11人死于哈马,9人死于代尔祖尔。",SOHR reported the deaths of 53 civilians; 11 in Hama and 9 in Deir Ezzor. +"在总统制国家,行政机构是选举产生的,对立法机构不负责任,立法机关在正常情况下不能予以驳回。","In presidential countries, the executive is elected and is not responsible to the legislature, which cannot in normal circumstances dismiss it." +"自2006年中,CentOS 4.4版本开始(前身为RHEL 4.0更新第4版),Red Hat采用了和CentOS完全相同的版本约定,例如:Red Hat 4.5。","Since mid-2006 and starting with RHEL version 4.4, which is formally known as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 update 4, Red Hat has adopted a version-naming convention identical to that used by CentOS (for example, RHEL 4.5 or RHEL 6.5)." +"雷斯·浩泽感到十分兴奋,因为这给了他机会去靠近他暗恋的对象菲费尔·罗斯。","Reese Houser is excited, as this gives him a chance to grow closer to his crush Pfeifer Ross." +"从1998年到2003年,他在智利天主教大学学习物理。",From 1998 to 2003 he studied Physics at Universidad Católica de Chile. +刺激唾液腺每腺体在5分钟流率小于0.5毫升或每腺体在10分钟内低于1毫升是过低。,A stimulated saliva flow rate less than 0.5 ml per gland in 5 minutes or less than 1 ml per gland in 10 minutes is decreased. +"皮埃尔·约瑟夫·艾玛(Pierre Joseph Eyma,1903年7月25日-1945年)为荷兰植物学家。",Pierre Joseph Eyma (25 July 1903 – 1945) was a Dutch botanist. +"他说:“他的生活就是作为一名船长,船上的船员也是他的责任”,而且“他的性格现实而务实。","He said, "" his life and the crew is his responsibility,"" and ""he's a realistic, pragmatic character." +也有些问题是根本不能简单地检测出来的——例如具不确定性的或牵扯到多线程的问题。,There are problems that cannot easily be tested at all – for example those that are nondeterministic or involve multiple threads. +"作为张量概念的高级解释,可以把链式法则在多变量的情况进行解释,作为在坐标变换时的应用,也作为张量场中的张量本身的一致性的要求。","As an advanced explanation of the tensor concept, one can interpret the chain rule in the multivariable case, as applied to coordinate changes, also as the requirement for self-consistent concepts of tensor giving rise to tensor fields." +这些信息是显示用的信息。,These values represent the information that is being processed. +"马克的工作其实是为色情电影配音,而这一幕又铺垫了下一个镜头,莫妮卡与罗布的尸体发生性关系。","Mark's job is thereupon revealed to be dubbing porn films, and this scene foreshadows the next, in which Monika has sex with Rob's corpse." +"斑鬣狗是这两种鬣狗中更具威胁的一个,它们更大,更具掠食性。","The spotted hyena is the more dangerous of the two species, being larger, more predatory, and more aggressive than the striped hyena." +"据《每月天气回顾》(Monthly Weather Review)记载,由于飓风警告和疏散工作及时,死亡人数并不高。","According to the Monthly Weather Review, the deaths were low because of hurricane warnings and evacuations." +"近年来,北京的房地产业与汽车工业持续发展。",Beijing's real estate and automobile sectors have continued to boom in recent years. +"这样区分的原因是,从一个图精确地转换到另一个图并不是简单的事。",The reason for this distinction is that the exact transformation from one to the other is not trivial. +这是全州范围内七个斯普林菲尔德镇区之一。,It is one of seven Fairfield Townships statewide. +促进了南方地区的繁荣。,It grows better in the south of the region. +"在形式语言中,量化是从旧公式产生新公式的公式构造子(constructor)。","In formal languages, quantification is a formula constructor that produces new formulas from old ones." +"1961年,乌萨切夫斯基邀请瓦雷兹到哥伦比亚-普林斯顿录音室(CPEMC)。","In 1961, Ussachevsky invited Varèse to the Columbia-Princeton Studio (CPEMC)." +"一些人怀疑衰减造成短期记忆的遗忘机制,属于某种干扰的变体:当一些元素(例如数字、词语或者图片)同时进入短期记忆,它们会在回忆唤起时互相竞争,或者互相减弱。","Authors doubting that decay causes forgetting from short-term memory often offer as an alternative some form of interference: When several elements (such as digits, words, or pictures, or logos in general) are held in short-term memory simultaneously, their representations compete with each other for recall, or degrade each other." +"奥氏有两位哥哥,分别是Benoybhusan和Manmohan;以及一个妹妹Sarojini和一个弟弟Barindrakumar(小名Barin,本名Emmanuel Matthew)。","Aurobindo had two elder siblings, Benoybhusan and Manmohan, a younger sister, Sarojini, and a younger brother, Barindrakumar (also referred to as Barin)." +"六环之上绘有一团火焰,火焰由亚美尼亚国旗的三色构成。",Above the rings is a flame in the colors of the Armenian flag. +舰队于1614年10月5日到达西班牙圣路卡(Sanlucar de Barrameda)。,The fleet arrived in Sanlúcar de Barrameda on 5 October 1614. +"澳大利亚勋章(英语:Order of Australia)是由澳大利亚女王伊丽莎白二世于1975年2月14日创建,旨在表彰那些为澳大利亚及人民作出卓越贡献或突出服务的澳大利亚公民。","The Order of Australia honour was established on 14 February 1975 by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia, to recognise Australian citizens and other persons for achievement or meritorious service." +"印度部落社区所在地森林地区的商业开发和工业化导致土地或生计的丧失,叛乱将其作为活动的理由。","The insurgency points to the commercial development and industrialization in forest regions that are home to India's tribal communities, resulting in loss of land or livelihood as justification for its activities." +"《Complex》的Justin Amirkhani在2013年,将游戏列入“不烂的”公司品牌游戏榜单,他称游戏画面虽然过时,但其机制类似于《神庙逃亡》这款最最爱的iOS游戏。","In 2013, Justin Amirkhani at Complex included the game in a list of company-branded video games that ""didn't suck"", saying that while the game's graphics had not aged well, it was mechanically very similar to Temple Run, which Amirkhani called his favorite iOS game." +基于Android的完全自由操作系统Replicant使用F-Droid为其默认及推荐应用商店。,"Replicant, a fully free software Android operating system, uses F-Droid as its default and recommended app store." +"1601年,荷兰人开始在岛上补给食物。","From 1601, the Dutch began visiting the island somewhat more regularly for fresh supplies of food." +"氪原子与其它非金属(氢、氯和碳)以及一些过渡金属(铜、银、金)键合的化合物也已制得,但只能存在于低温的稀有气体基质或超音速稀有气体射流中。","Krypton atoms chemically bound to other nonmetals (hydrogen, chlorine, carbon) as well as some late transition metals (copper, silver, gold) have also been observed, but only either at low temperatures in noble gas matrices, or in supersonic noble gas jets." +其中也包括对俄语学校教师的视察。,This included inspections of teachers at Russian-medium schools. +"当维丹再次准备绑架他时,他在现场开始胡闹,最后被员警带走。","When she tries to seduce him again at the park, they almost get caught." +"Kaithi文得名于词Kayastha,它是由书吏和文员构成的北印社会群体。","Kaithi script derives its name from the word Kayastha, a social group of India that traditionally consists of administrators and accountants." +"然而这些阀以零件形态送交前线单位,因为某些不明原因,数量很有限。","However, these valves were delivered to frontline units as kits, the number of which, for unknown reasons, was limited." +"有评论家说,凯泰克的成长历程比哈利·波特艰辛多了:他没有像霍格沃兹一样的魔法学校可以去,也无法接受专业魔法师的指导,他必须自学并掌控魔法——最重要的是,他需要了解自己法力的局限性。","Kaytek has a far more difficult path than Harry Potter: he has no Hogwarts-type School of Magic where he could be taught by expert mages, but must learn to use and control his powers by himself – and most importantly, to learn his limitations." +这项政策与西德方面所提出的荷尔斯泰因主义大相径庭;后者强调西德才是世界上唯一合法的德国。,"That contrasted with the Hallstein Doctrine, a West German policy which insisted that West Germany was the only legitimate German state." +该目录的所有文件和子目录也必须复制。,All files and directories referred to must also be copied. +"在1933年,日本已经摆脱了萧条。","By 1933, Japan was already out of the depression." +"亚齐贵族有诸如Teuku(男性,中译杜固)和Cut(女性,中译朱)的头衔。",Acehnese have titles such as Teuku (male) and Cut (female). +"中国政府对民营经济的认识也在逐步深入:1984年和1988年时,中国政府将它称为国家部门的“补充”;但到了1999年,它被定为了社会主义市场经济的“重要组成部分”。","China's government slowly expanded recognition of the private economy, first as a ""complement"" to the state sector (1988) and then as an ""important component"" (1999) of the socialist market economy." +初时的关金券流通量有限。,Initially transportation links were poor. +他们的部队大声叫喊叛国就溃散了; 狄龙在里耳市外被自己的部队谋杀了。,Their men cried treason and disbanded; Dillon was murdered at Lille. +"这与拉丁语Alpes一词来自于非印欧语系的说法可能并不矛盾(在地中海地区,许多山峰与山脉可能有着非印欧语源)。",This may be consistent with the theory that in Greek Alpes is a name of non-Indo-European origin (which is common for prominent mountains and mountain ranges in the Mediterranean region). +通常会加语助词。,Usually with updated language. +"博尼约附近的历史遗址在罗马时代就已存在,其中包括建于前3世纪的朱利安桥,位于博尼约北边仅三公里处。",Monuments dating from Roman times exist near the village including the Pont Julien built in 3 BC located only 3 miles to the north. +有些被重新立起来并修复。,Several were repaired and sold. +高中时代常翘课在街上游荡。,A very old gymnasium stands on the through road. +这些在2006年就已组成执政联盟。,These parties had already formed an electoral coalition in 2006. +"作为对这一成就的肯定,他获得了包括哈蒙奖杯(Harmon Trophy)、国际航空联合会航空金质奖章(FAI Gold Air Medal)和查尔斯·格林奖(Charles Green Salver)在内的众多奖项。","In recognition of this accomplishment, he received awards including the Harmon Trophy, the FAI Gold Air Medal and the Charles Green Salver." +"当驾驶舱的滑窗全部打开时,副机师可以看到约百分之八十的机翼,包括用来目视除冰情况的黑色带。","When the sliding window of the cockpit was fully open, the first officer would have been able to see the outer eighty percent of the wing, including the black strip used to contrast the white surface of the wing so the flight crew can search for a build up of ice." +"公民领袖雅各布·皮亚特·邓恩(Jacob Piatt Dunn)与马歇尔私交甚佳,两人一起草拟出新宪法草案,在其中大幅增强州政府的监管权,同时定下最低薪资标准,还对工会提供宪法保护。","He and Jacob Piatt Dunn, a close friend and civic leader, wrote a new constitution that increased the state's regulatory powers considerably, set minimum wages, and gave constitutional protections to unions." +"因为一些人不只说一种语言,所以语言百分比的增加量超过了100%。","People could report more than one language, therefore percentages do not add up to 100." +"根据前Spyglass开发者Eric Sink的说法:正如大家所相信的,Internet Explorer并没有基于NCSA Mosaic,而是基于由Spyglass开发的Mosaic版本。","According to former Spyglass developer Eric Sink, Internet Explorer was based not on NCSA Mosaic as commonly believed, but on a version of Mosaic developed at Spyglass (which itself was based upon NCSA Mosaic)." +"计划为波罗的联合公国的一部分,受德意志帝国统治,但在第一次世界大战结束时被德国放弃波罗的海地区这一事情妨碍。","Plans for it to become part of the United Baltic Duchy, subject to the German Empire, were thwarted by Germany's surrender of the Baltic region at the end of the First World War." +"由于没有任何教学的义务,使得李亚普诺夫把重点放在他的研究,尤其是他可以有机会将已故去的老师切比雪夫尚未完成的研究继续下去并画上句号。","Not having any teaching obligations, this allowed Lyapunov to focus on his studies and in particular he was able to bring to a conclusion the work on the problem of Chebyshev with which he started his scientific career." +"马克·罗斯科在1913年在开始上学,很快从三年级升到五年级。","Markus started school in the United States in 1913, quickly accelerating from third to fifth grade." +"我们的主保,求你回顾,怜视我们,一旦流亡期满, 使我们得见你的圣子、万民称颂的耶稣。","Herr, erbarm, erbarme dich; über uns, Herr, sei dein Segen; leit und schütz uns väterlich, steh uns bei auf allen Wegen." +"最后该出版社决定出版此日记,但亦通知奥图其女儿安妮在日记里对性欲过于露骨的表述,可能会引起部分保守主义者的不满,并建议其删掉。","They offered to publish, but advised Otto Frank that Anne's candor about her emerging sexuality might offend certain conservative quarters, and suggested cuts." +"""Hello, world."",Nitro+的一款电脑游戏。","""CrunchArcade: Top Ten Video Game Ninjas""." +"Kozak序列不应与核糖体结合位点(RBS)相混淆,后者一般为信使RNA的5'端帽或内部核糖体进入位点(IRES)。","The Kozak sequence is not to be confused with the ribosomal binding site (RBS), that being either the 5' cap of a messenger RNA or an Internal ribosome entry site (IRES)." +"短期来说,石油泄漏会导致海洋生物数量减少和种群失衡、人类的休闲活动会受影响、依赖海洋的人的生计被破坏。","In the short term, oil spills result in wildlife populations being decreased and unbalanced, leisure activities being affected and the livelihoods of people dependant on the sea being devastated." +如虎鲸和海豚。,About Whales and Dolphins. +"英雄本人则因为冒险旅程而改变,并在两个世界中获得智慧或精神力量。",The hero himself is transformed by the adventure and gains wisdom or spiritual power over both worlds. +"通过政治和经济的改革,它于2007年1月1日成为欧洲联盟的一员。","He is a member of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, part of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, and became an MEP on 1 January 2007 with the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union." +"狂风和大浪导致许多树木连根拔起,多艘船只失事。",The combination of rough seas and winds uprooted long stretches of trees and wrecked numerous ships. +"据CinemaScore调查,观众的平均评价于A+至F间落于“A”,而在18岁以下,和25至34岁的观众中获得了“A+”的评分。","CinemaScore audiences gave Guardians of the Galaxy an ""A"" grade rating on an A+ to F scale, while earning an ""A+"" among under-18 and 25- to 34-year-old viewers." +Restful controllers:提供一种将 HTTP GET 和 POST requests 背后的逻辑切割的方式。,Restful controllers provide an optional way for separating the logic behind serving HTTP GET and POST requests. +"罗尼在作家约翰·皮尔森对他的采访中指出他和19世纪的战士查理·乔治·戈登的相似性:“戈登和我很像,也是个同性恋。","In an interview with author John Pearson, Ronnie indicated he identified with the 19th century soldier Gordon of Khartoum: ""Gordon was like me, homosexual, and he met his death like a man." +"较不严谨地,这个例子允许我们如此陈述,若知道一特定性质 P {\displaystyle P\,} 对每个 x {\displaystyle x\,} 皆成立,且 t {\displaystyle t\,} 代表着此结构内的一特定物件,则应可主张 P ( t ) {\displaystyle P(t)\,} 是对的。","In informal terms, this example allows us to state that, if we know that a certain property P {\displaystyle P} holds for every x {\displaystyle x} and that t {\displaystyle t} stands for a particular object in our structure, then we should be able to claim P ( t ) {\displaystyle P(t)} ." +"因此,为了在以太网上建立连接而交换PPP控制报文之前,两个端点都必须知道对端的MAC地址,这样才可以在控制报文中携带MAC地址。","Hence before exchanging PPP control packets to establish the connection over Ethernet, the MAC address of the two end points should be known to each other so that they can be encoded in these control packets." +"2009年11月3日,斐济总理宣布澳大利亚和新西兰驻斐济外交官为不受欢迎的人。","On November 3, 2009, the Prime Minister of Fiji declared Australian and New Zealand diplomats to Fiji personae non gratae." +"罗曼·波兰斯基的第一任妻子是芭芭拉·拉斯(Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass),她是波兰演员,主演过波兰斯基于1959年拍摄的电影《When Angels Fall》。","Polanski's first wife, Barbara Lass (née Kwiatkowska), was a Polish actress who also starred in Polanski's 1959 When Angels Fall." +"阿米尔·塔赫里称萨法维把“阿亚图拉霍梅尼及他们的思想介绍给穆斯林兄弟会”,他与霍梅尼“长时间一起”进行讨论,在1943年至1944年间多次拜访身在库姆的霍梅尼。","Amir Taheri claims that Safavi was ""the man who introduced Ayatollah Khomeini to the Muslim Brotherhood and their ideas,"" who ""spent long hours together"" with Khomeini in discussion, and visited him in Qom on a number of occasions during 1943 and 1944." +"1999年3月,由苏格兰事务大臣将第一块草皮掘走,标志着工程在福斯和克莱德运河的31号闸门上正式开展。",In March 1999 the Secretary of State for Scotland cut the first sod of turf to begin work at lock 31 on the Forth and Clyde Canal. +"虽然许多机车俱乐部也穿着三件式补丁,但这并不一定表明该俱乐部是一个不法分子组成的机车帮会。","Though many motorcycle clubs wear the three-piece patch arrangement, this is not necessarily an indication that a club is an outlaw motorcycle club." +现代的关于希腊神庙建筑结构的印象是受到众多适度地保存良好的多立克柱式神庙之强烈影响的缘故。,The modern image of Greek temple architecture is strongly influenced by the numerous reasonably well-preserved temples of the Doric order. +史称台湾日治时期。,WSJ India Real Time. +随后邦德还发现科斯可夫是军火交易商布拉德·怀特克(Brad Whitaker)的朋友。,He subsequently finds out that Koskov is a friend of the arms dealer Brad Whitaker. +"1956年伊拉克的政治情况急剧恶化,在纳杰夫等城市爆发起义。","Faisal's political situation deteriorated in 1956, with uprisings in the cities of Najaf and Hayy." +"虽然美国是以美元计最大的捐助国,但它在“发展承诺指数”27个富有国家中排名第19位。","Although the United States is the largest donor in absolute dollar terms, it is actually ranked 19 out of 27 countries on the Commitment to Development Index." +他在幕下结束了自己的职业生涯。,He ended his career there. +"收购程序自2010年8月27日起正式生效 ,爱瑞发公开股份有限公司于2010年8月31日被伦敦证券交易所摘牌。","The takeover took effect on 27 August 2010, and Arriva was delisted from the London Stock Exchange on 31 August 2010." +语言因素。,Language factor. +"SMT的其他用法还有提供冗余计算,以用于某种程度的错误检测和恢复。","Others use SMT to provide redundant computation, for some level of error detection and recovery." +"这个分组方法的由来是一个关于猪和鸡合伙开餐馆的笑话: 一天,一头猪和一只鸡在路上散步。",The basic fable runs: A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road. +"隔天,在泰勒和以斯拉的家里,英格丽见到泰勒的弟弟和正在康复的吸毒人尼基。","The next day at Taylor and Ezra's house, Ingrid meets Taylor's brother Nicky, a recovering drug addict." +"麦奎里还曾为一家侦探事务所工作过,这一经历影响到了他在剧本中对罪犯和执法部门官员的描述。","McQuarrie had also worked for a detective agency, and this influenced the depiction of criminals and law enforcement officials in the script." +"许多流行的博客程序都支持Gravatar,包括WordpressTypecho等著名博客程序,当用户发布一个评论并填写了他的电子邮件地址时,博客程序会自动查找在Gravatar上是否有与之绑定的头像。","Gravatar plugins are available for popular blogging software; when the user posts a comment on such a blog that requires an email address, the blogging software checks whether that email address has an associated avatar at Gravatar." +该属共有15个被接受的物种。,There are 15 recognised species. +他目睹了很多人的死亡。,You've seen a lot of people die. +"该国以韦拉克鲁斯州灾情最为严重,有334户民宅受损。",The most significant impact took place in Veracruz where 334 homes were damaged by the storm. +"这首歌的法语版和英文版都被收录于埃尔莎的精选集《埃尔莎,精选 1986-1993》(Elsa, l'essentiel 1986-1993)中。","The song was available in the French and English languages on the best of Elsa, l'essentiel 1986-1993." +但不清楚他们是否击落过任何攻击他们的战斗机。,It is not clear if they managed to shoot down any of their attackers. +"以人工智能的角度而言,涡轮码的解码可看作是贝叶斯网络上的循环置信度传播(loopy belief propagation)。","From an artificial intelligence viewpoint, turbo codes can be considered as an instance of loopy belief propagation in Bayesian networks." +1951年由默里·盖尔曼和弗朗西斯·劳(英语:Francis E. Low)证明。,It was proved in 1951 by Murray Gell-Mann and Francis E. Low. +"他通常被认为是伊朗最博学的伊斯兰教学者,也是伊斯兰教什叶派的大阿亚图拉(宗教权威)。",He was widely known as the most knowledgeable senior Islamic scholar in Iran and a Grand Marja (religious authority) of Shia Islam. +"威尔士在影片中的采访表示这种特征不准确,并表示他的公司回应了客户的内容需求。","Wales, interviewed in the film, called the characterization inaccurate and explained that his company responded to content demand from customers." +秘鲁人将Telmatobius mayoloi的蝌蚪当做药物和食物。,"Telmatobius mayoloi, including the tadpoles, are used for food and medicine." +我们今天的地震观测站不会比它们好多少。,Computers faster than those of today will be a great help. +"正面图案包括,乔治·华盛顿肖像,美国财政部标志。","In America, portrait subjects included president George Washington." +"皇家的农奴于1866年被解放,获得了更好和更大的土地。",The state-owned serfs were emancipated in 1866 and were given better and larger plots of land. +运作型非政府组织可以是基于团体的、国家的或者国际的。,"Although operational NGOs can be community-based, many are national or international." +东道主荷兰被编排至A1位置。,Hosts England were automatically assigned to position A1. +不过科学家仍然不清楚这些蓝鲸在哪里过冬。,Scientists do not know where these whales spend their winters. +瑞典国王古斯塔夫二世·阿道夫于1628年将它赏赐给大臣尤安·阿德烈·萨尔缪斯(Johan Adler Salvius)。,"King Gustav Adolf II of Sweden gave it to his secretary, Johan Adler Salvius, in 1628." +空难发生翌日(11月5日)救难人员找出了飞行纪录仪和驾驶舱录音器。,"The day after the crash, on 5 November, rescue workers recovered the flight data and cockpit voice recorders." +美国NASA的机器人曙光号在2015年3月6日进入绕行谷神星的轨道。,The robotic NASA spacecraft Dawn entered orbit around Ceres on 6 March 2015. +"在多轮结束后,很大概率Alice和Bob拥有相同密钥;但是,Eve从交换的奇偶校验信息中也获得了关于密钥的附加信息。","At the end of multiple rounds Alice and Bob have identical keys with high probability; however, Eve has additional information about the key from the parity information exchanged." +"由于M1917的重量及体积限制,它基本上用作固定防御或者作为营团一级的支援武器。",The M1917's weight and bulk meant that it was generally employed as a fixed defense or as a battalion or regimental support weapon. +派瑞曾获得十三项提名。,Perry has received 13 nominations. +"在电影史的早期阶段,剥削电影依赖这些类别的耸动题材,在极端保守的道德观点环境氛围之内,为了避开电影的审查,他们必须小心翼翼地表述,因为当时的电影并未享受美国宪法第一修正案的保护。","In the early days of film, when exploitation films relied on such sensational subjects as these, they had to present them from a very conservative moral viewpoint to avoid censorship, as movies then were not considered to enjoy First Amendment protection." +"两人早在海军学院就已相识,她曾嫁给麦凯恩的同学,但之后离婚。",They had known each other at the Naval Academy and she had married and then divorced one of his classmates. +FAT条目值: 注意FAT32只使用32位中的28位。,FAT entry values: Despite its name FAT32 uses only 28 bits of the 32 possible bits. +"波林·基尔(Pauline Kael)称本片为:“有史以来最骇人的恐怖电影—当你离开戏院后,你也许会希望自己能忘记这可怕的经验。","Pauline Kael called the film ""one of the most gruesomely terrifying movies ever made – and when you leave the theatre you may wish you could forget the whole horrible experience. . . ." +第一次出场是于动画209集。,The first of these numbers to be composite is 209. +"尽管不像气体扩散法需要用的六氟化铀那样不好控制,但四氯化铀易潮解,因此操作必须在用五氧化二磷(P 4O 10)保持干燥的手套箱中进行。","While nowhere near as nasty as the uranium hexafluoride used by the gaseous diffusion process, uranium tetrachloride is hygroscopic, so work with it had to be undertaken in gloveboxes that were kept dry with phosphorus pentoxide (P 4O 10)." +"对马基埃亚尔的传说的评论大多是正面的,集中于其易上手性、图像、用户界面、故事背景以及多样的玩法。","Reviews of Tales of Maj'Eyal have been largely positive with praise being given for its accessibility, graphics, user interface, backstory and varied gameplay." +"九型人格学的导师亦因思想不同,而令他们理论上的一些意念并不总是一致。","There are different schools of thought among Enneagram teachers, therefore their ideas are not always in agreement." +Oleniacz专门批评了游戏音乐。,Totentanz has been highly praised by music critics. +"博物馆展出民居和工业文化历史,以及当地居民的日常生活。",The museum is concentrating on displaying the cultural history and daily life of the common rural farmers in the region. +现今也有许多模型试图预测美国、英国或是其他国家的选举。,"Currently, there are many competing models trying to predict the outcome of elections in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere." +性别女。,Gender Female. +"她是1932至1960年间每届民主党全国大会的委任党代表,还曾积极参与富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福首次参选美国总统期间的竞选工作。","She was a delegate-at-large to every Democratic National Convention between 1932 and 1960, and actively campaigned for Franklin D. Roosevelt during his first run for the presidency." +"她最后试镜的评委之一是765 Production(765 Pro)的天海春香,她在附近的公园追上日高爱,决定将她介绍到876 Pro。","One of the judges at her most recent audition was 765 Production's (765 Pro) Haruka Amami, who catches up with Ai in a nearby park and decides to introduce her to 876 Pro." +"露脊鲸体重的40%是来自鲸油,它们相对密度较低。","Forty percent of a right whale's body weight is blubber, which is of relatively low density." +"该党成立于1988年10月17日,前身为孟民族民主阵线(Mon National Democratic Front,缩写MNDF),在1990年缅甸议会选举中竞争19个席位,最终赢得了5席。","Established on 17 October 1988, the party was originally known as the Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF), and contested 19 seats in the 1990 general elections, winning five." +皆得寝。,Everyone goes to bed. +现在布莱恩和大学站是“双胞胎”城市。,"Now Bryan and College Station are ""twin"" cities." +"两人曾一起合作过2013年爱莉的单曲《爱你的方式》,之后又合作了马克的《My Favorite Part(英语:My Favorite Part)》。","The two have previously collaborated on Grande's 2013 single, ""The Way"" and later collaborated on Miller's ""My Favorite Part""." +"在Blackwell出版社对耶稣的导读中也认为Toledot Yeshu没有这样的历史证据,这也许是阻止人们皈依基督教的工具。","The Blackwell Companion to Jesus states that the Toledot Yeshu has no historical facts as such, and was perhaps created as a tool for warding off conversions to Christianity." +"这是非个人性构造,这意味着通常向施事者增加宾语标记 -लाई lāī ,除非这个动词是及物的,在这种情况下增加作格/工具格标记 -ले le。","This is an impersonal construction, which means that the object marker -लाई lāī is often added to the agent, unless the verb is transitive, in which case the ergative/instrumental case marker -ले le is added." +"这个定义由德国化学家Hermann Lux 在1939年时所提出,其后Håkon Flood约在1947年作进一步的修正, 现在主要用于现代熔盐的地球化学和电化学研究中。","This acid–base theory was a revival of oxygen theory of acids and bases, proposed by German chemist Hermann Lux in 1939, further improved by Håkon Flood circa 1947 and is still used in modern geochemistry and electrochemistry of molten salts." +"克里斯汀·德·迪夫认为它们也许是最早的内共生体,使得细胞能够抵抗地球大气中越来越多的氧气。","Christian de Duve proposed that they may have been the first endosymbionts, allowing cells to withstand growing amounts of free molecular oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere." +"在9月7日,阿联酋当局公布他们发现飞行资料记录器。","On September 7, the authorities discovered the flight data recorder." +"1960年代后期,印度尼西亚政府呼吁国际社会支持佛塔的大修。","In the late 1960s, the Indonesian government had requested from the international community a major renovation to protect the monument." +"而其它许多更强烈的主张,以及对基督在十字架的救赎力量的强调,可以看作是圣保罗的重新阐释,因为他可能受到希腊罗马传统的强烈影响。","Much of the stronger claims, and the emphasis on the redeeming power of Christ's death on the Cross, could be seen as reworkings by St. Paul, who was probably influenced strongly by the Graeco-Roman traditions." +"2006年6月12日,圣公会邝广杰前大主教在香港电台的香港家书节目中表示,希望校本条例草案,不会是一条恶法,因为各界人士也看到条例有很多漏洞和陷阱。","On 12 June 2006, in the ""Letter to Hong Kong"" radio programme aired on the RTHK, the former Anglican Archbishop Peter Kwong stated that he hoped the school-based ordinance would not turn out to be an infamous piece of legislation because the public at large realised the ordinance contained a lot of loopholes and traps." +"儿童以急性淋巴性白血病和脑瘤最常见,不过非洲除外,非何杰金氏淋巴瘤在那里更常见。","In children, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumors are most common, except in Africa where non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs more often." +后来由威廉·D·布伦戴奇(William D. Brundage)等人进行的研究发现射电源NP 0532位于蟹状星云内部。,A subsequent study by them including William D. Brundage also found that the NP 0532 source is located at the Crab Nebula. +它是一种于以前美洲农业上使用的土壤熏蒸剂。,It is a soil fumigant formerly used in American agriculture. +"虽然巴德没能说服父亲支持自己和盖柯,但他还是获得了工会的多数支持。","Even though Bud is unable to persuade his father to support him and Gekko, he is able to get the unions to push for the deal." +所以该等人士在英国所生的子女通常都是英国公民。,Hence a child born to that person in the United Kingdom would normally be a British citizen by birth. +这也使得非法解雇或降职的政府雇员不再出于单纯的政治原因。,It also made it illegal to fire or demote government employees for political reasons. +"作品不断扩充、改变形式,并于1989年在慕尼黑的伦巴赫美术馆(Lenbachhaus)、1990年在科隆的路德维希博物馆(Museum Ludwig)和1995年在纽约的迪亚艺术基金会(Dia Art Foundation)中完整展出。","The work has continued to expand, and was exhibited later in full form at the Lenbachhaus in Munich in 1989, the Museum Ludwig in Cologne in 1990, and at Dia Art Foundation in New York in 1995." +"鲍尔斯指出:“通过提出这样一项旨在降低通货膨胀的政策,尼克松给他的民主党对手留下难题......让他们无法批评他。","Bowles points out, ""by identifying himself with a policy whose purpose was inflation's defeat, Nixon made it difficult for Democratic opponents ... to criticize him." +"2017年他入选足球杂志《FourFourTwo》的史上百位最伟大的球员,排名第54。","In 2017, he was included in FourFourTwo magazine's list of the 100 greatest players of all time, at the 54th position." +"持保守观点的报社业主和主编经常对新闻报道的客观呈现予以干涉,只不过可能没有达到政府所宣称的那么严重。","The conservative views of the owners and editors often interfered with the objective presentation of news reports, although perhaps not to the extent that the government claimed." +"库尔勒于1934年8月6日去世,他被埋葬在蛋港市,这是他青年时期的家乡。","Kuehnle died on August 6, 1934 and he is buried in Egg Harbor City, his hometown during his middle teen years." +"里维夫出生于1956年乌兹别克苏维埃社会主义共和国塔什干地区,目前居住于英国伦敦与以色列。","Leviev was born in Samarkand, Uzbek SSR in 1956, and today lives in London and Israel." +"韦尼奥在普莱西学院(法语:Collège du Plessis)就读期间个人生活的记录很少鲜为人知,但他的教育显然是重要的形塑经验:他个人的深沉,对古典历史和哲学的素养,在他的后半生是显而易见的。","Little is known of Vergniaud's personal life during his time at Du Plessis, but his education there was clearly a major formative experience: his deep, personal absorption of classical history and philosophy is evident throughout his later life." +"从出生开始,威廉-亚历山大的称号为荷兰王子(荷兰语:Prins der Nederlanden),奥兰治-拿骚亲王(荷兰语:Prins van Oranje-Nassau)和阿姆斯博格勋爵(荷兰语:Jonkheer van Amsberg)。","From birth, Willem-Alexander has held the titles Prince of the Netherlands (Dutch: Prins der Nederlanden), Prince of Orange-Nassau (Dutch: Prins van Oranje-Nassau), and Jonkheer of Amsberg (Dutch: Jonkheer van Amsberg)." +"这次实验的资金由皇家学会提供,而主实验是在1774年夏季,于苏格兰珀斯郡(今珀斯-金罗斯)的榭赫伦山附近进行。","Funded by a grant from the Royal Society, it was conducted in the summer of 1774 around the Scottish mountain of Schiehallion, Perthshire." +"国际飞行,2006年10月3-9日","Flight International, 3–9 October 2006" +第一个变量在已经设置ECN标记的传入连接上使用ECN;第二个则尝试在传出连接上启用ECN。,The first variable enables ECN on incoming connections that already have ECN flags set; the second one tries to initiate outgoing connections with ECN enabled. +"IRT第三大道线(英语:IRT Third Avenue Line)位于布朗克斯的剩余部分于1973年关闭,并由大都会北方铁路下方新建的地铁线路替代,该线路与第三大道线相隔一个街区。","The Bronx remnant of the IRT Third Avenue Line closed in 1973, to be provisionally replaced by a new subway under the Metro-North Railroad tracks on Park Avenue, one block to the west." +"1994年和1995年,Info-ZIP转变方向,在非MS-DOS系统上有效地成为了一个事实上的ZIP程序。","In 1994 and 1995 Info-ZIP turned a corner, and effectively became the de facto ZIP program on non-MS-DOS systems." +"在盛宴期间,兽笼中正在观众面前的两兄弟并没有立即认出对方,而马戏团的库玛害怕打斗。","Later, when placed in the cage before the audience during the festival, the two brothers do not immediately recognize each other, and Kumal is afraid to fight." +但这也并不是唯一的推论。,"This is not the only hypothesis, however." +"2017年8月,据说杰克·索恩(英语:Jack Thorne)将重写剧本。","In August 2017, it was announced that Jack Thorne would rewrite the script." +"HD 40307 f 的质量下限是地球的5.2倍,而动力学模型也指出它的质量不可能更高(因此该量测值相当接近边界值),被认为是超级地球。","HD 40307 f's minimum mass is 5.2 that of Earth, and dynamical models suggest it cannot be much more (and so is measured close to edge-on)." +"历史上的罗兰是驻守在布列塔尼边界(英语:Breton March)的军事总督,替法兰克王国抵抗布列塔尼人的进攻。","The historical Roland was military governor of the Breton March, responsible for defending Francia's frontier against the Bretons." +"他称赞其防火墙的能力,但批评其防毒的能力。",He praised the suite's firewall capabilities but criticized its antimalware capabilities. +"QoS是一种控制机制,它提供了针对不同用户或者不同数据流采用相应不同的优先级,或者是根据应用程序的要求,保证数据流的性能达到一定的水准。","QoS (Quality of Service) refers to control mechanisms that can provide different priority to different users or data flows, or guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow in accordance with requests from the application program." +瓦里奥 一开始就能玩。,Guerrero was initially set to play the lead. +"克军第17国土卫戍团部分部队、第145与第151旅取道科斯塔伊尼察抵达德佛尔,并与塞军第13步兵旅及自格利纳撤出的第24步兵旅和第2装甲旅部分单位爆发战斗。","Elements of the 17th Home Guard Regiment and the HV 145th and 151st Brigades reached Dvor via Hrvatska Kostajnica and came into contact with the ARSK 13th Infantry Brigade and elements of the ARSK 24th Infantry and 2nd Armoured Brigades, who had retreated from Glina." +"在荷兰,比利时和英国,颗粒主要被用于大型发电厂。","In the Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK, pellets are used mainly in large-scale power plants." +"菲尔·戈夫于2016年赢得选举,成为新任奥克兰市长。","On 8 October 2016 Phil Goff won the election, becoming the second mayor of the Auckland 'super city'." +于如来处。,As We Came By. +"政府官员建议小型船只停在港口内躲避,海地的杜桑·卢维杜尔国际机场暂时关闭。","Small craft were advised to stay in port, while Haiti's Toussaint Louverture International Airport was closed." +"之后,“目的论式思考”(Teleologisches Denken,1951)、“美学”(Aesthetics,1953)相继出版。",His works Teleologisches Denken (Teleological Thinking) (1951) and Ästhetik (Aesthetics) (1953) were published posthumously. +"袭击发生后,巴基斯坦情报机构在奎达追踪到3名塔利班武装分子,并在其逃往阿富汗前逮捕。","After the school attack, Pakistani intelligence agencies chased down and apprehended four TTP terrorists in Quetta, before they could make their escape to Afghanistan." +根据2010年欧盟调查: 44%的奥地利公民回答“他们相信有一位上帝”。,"According to the most recent Eurobarometer Poll 2010, 44% of Austrian citizens responded that ""they believe there is a God""." +"他多次参与颠覆活动而被判罪,此后逐渐从转向民主社会主义。","He was convicted several times of taking part in subversive activities until he, along with the rest of the Labour party, gradually moved from communism to democratic socialism." +"虽然Google Camera现在仅针对Google自有特定设备硬件而制作,但从2017年中开始,有越来越多开发者为其提供适配高通骁龙820、821、835或845处理器的修改版本。","Whilst Google Camera is now made solely for specific device hardware, in mid-2017, a developer created a modified version of Google Camera for any smartphone equipped with either a Snapdragon 820, 821 or 835 processor." +"高斯整数是满足α = u + vi的复数,其中u和v是普通整数,i是虚数单位(-1的平方根)。","Gaussian integers are complex numbers of the form α = u + vi, where u and v are ordinary integers and i is the square root of negative one." +其他行星的研究通常被称为行星学。,The study of other planets is usually called planetary science. +"台风奥马尔对关岛构成重创,其名称因此于1993年退役,由“奥斯卡”(Oscar)取代。","Due to the destruction in Guam, the name Omar was retired and was replaced with Oscar in 1993." +所以会选择这两颗小行星是因为它们的轨道、相关的流星雨和它们其他的性质;还参考了Weissman等人 (1989) 对它们类似彗星外型的完整研究。,"These two asteroids were selected because of the nature of their orbits, their meteor-shower associations, and their other characteristics (see Weissman et al. (1989) for a full discussion of their comet-like features)." +"拉玛三世不愿屈服于英国的要求,但其顾问警告道,若暹罗不满足英国要求,恐怕难逃缅甸式厄运。","The King was reluctant to give in to British demands, but his advisors warned him that Siam would meet the same fate as Burma unless the British were accommodated." +"目前,国务院共计27个组成单位。",Currently the state comprises 27 districts. +"许多人后来确实回到中国,但更多人留下。","Many did go home, but many more stayed." +另外两艘巡洋舰和驱逐舰从盟军的巡洋舰逃脱并安全地到达了达喀尔。,The other two cruisers and the destroyers outran the pursuing Allied cruisers and had reached Dakar safely. +"与瓦尔特P99QA型相比,瓦尔特PPQ具有的许多修改,例如经过重新设计的握把,扳机护圈和向前的(大型)锯齿状防滑纹套筒的组合亦在2008年推出的P99衍生型,在波兰生产和销售的军用手枪(备用枪械(英语:Side arm))瓦尔特P99RAD上,以及瓦尔特P99Q警用手枪上出现过。","There were many other modifications made to the design that were not seen on the Walther P99QA, like the re-designed grip, trigger guard and slide with forward (big) serrations made their combined appearance in 2008 in the Walther P99 RAD, a P99 variant made in Poland and marketed as a military sidearm proposition and the Walther P99Q police pistol." +含有特效的喜剧片。,Interesting concrete textures. +"爱德华·萨丕尔(Edward Sapir)的学生John Alden Mason在1945-1949年当编辑,而阿尔弗雷德·路易斯·克鲁伯和罗伯特·罗维的学生沃尔特·戈德施米特(Walter Goldschmidt)在1956-1959年担任编辑。","Edward Sapir's student John Alden Mason was editor from 1945 to 1949, and Alfred Kroeber and Robert Lowie's student, Walter Goldschmidt, was editor from 1956 to 1959." +"最后,尽管VMware虚拟机是运行于用户模式下的,VMware工作站宿主程序本身必须在宿主操作系统下安装多种驱动程序,尤其是为了能动态切换GDT和IDT表。","Although VMware virtual machines run in user mode, VMware Workstation itself requires the installation of various device drivers in the host operating system, notably to dynamically switch the Global Descriptor Table (GDT) and the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)." +"原本的GM 8V53T引擎更换为康明斯(Cummins)公司VT400柴油引擎,传动系统也更换为FMC公司的HS-400-3A1。","The Cummins VT400 diesel engine replaced the GM 8V53T, and this was driven through FMC's HS-400-3A1 transmission." +"因此,搜索请求在网络中会被经常丢弃,与整个网络相比,大多数的查询只会到达其中的很少一部分节点。","Therefore, search requests would often be dropped, and most queries reached only a very small part of the network." +"和霍尔一样的一些女同性恋接受了这样的衣着打扮,并将其作为是显示自己性别的标志,不过仅有极少数人能够读出其中的奥秘。","Some lesbians, like Hall, adopted variations of the style as a way of signalling their sexuality, but it was a code that only a few knew how to read." +"阿尔巴尼亚领导人将重点放在军事、政府官僚体制与经济改革上,为他的斯大林主义体制寻求新的支持。","The Albanian leader concentrated on reforming the military, government bureaucracy, and economy as well as on creating new support for his system." +在以前的一些教科书中学名被拼写为“Pinus tabulaeformis”。,"In some older texts the name is spelled ""Pinus tabulaeformis""." +"这柄多用途刺刀系统有着比M7更为持久的耐用性,可以被视为一柄战斗刀。",This multipurpose bayonet provides greater durability than the M7 and also functions as a fighting knife. +"虽然大部分印度劳工来自南印度,但也有大量来自北印度。","While the majority of these came from South India, a significant number also came from the north of India." +"2005年10月,迈克尔·布朗因涉嫌于这个月2号在西弗吉尼亚州喀拜尔县米尔顿(Milton)的跳蚤市场绑架一名18岁越南裔美国女学生而被捕并受起诉。","In October 2005, Brown was arrested and charged with kidnapping an 18-year-old Vietnamese-American high school student from a flea market in Milton, West Virginia, on October 2, 2005." +从2005至2007年是在欧歌赛周的周四举行的。,"From 2005 to 2007, the semi-final programme was held on the Thursday of Eurovision Week." +游戏以其发行时的年份龙年命名。,Players are listed in order from the year of their International debut. +NGC 5879、NGC 5907、和NGC 5908都是邻近NGC 5866的星系。,"NGC 5879, NGC 5907, NGC 5905, and NGC 5908 are all galaxies near the position of NGC 5866." +他的六个运动员未能通过血检。,Six of his athletes failed blood tests. +"右规则实质上等同于介入规则 但是,左规则进行了在相应的除去规则中不进行的额外替换。","The right rule is virtually identical to the introduction rule The left rule, however, performs some additional substitutions that are not performed in the corresponding elimination rules." +"今天,这块陨石展示在 国家自然历史博物馆。","Today, the meteorite is on display at the National Museum of Natural History." +"然而不到一星期后,艾席蒙说他在创作《以你的名字呼唤我》的续集。","Less than a week later, Aciman, however, stated that he was writing a sequel to Call Me by Your Name." +"疼痛严重时,肩膀会无法活动。","As the pain worsens, the shoulder loses motion." +"大约359名战俘逃出,一些人或自杀未遂,或者被他们的同胞所杀。","Some 359 POWs escaped, while some others attempted or committed suicide, or were killed by their countrymen." +"蓝鲸这个修复、运输和布展的过程被发现频道排成纪录片《吊起大蓝》(Raising Big Blue)(大蓝是这头蓝鲸在展览上的名字),于2011年6月5日在加拿大首播。","The process of recovering, transporting and displaying the whale was featured in a Discovery Channel documentary called Raising Big Blue, first aired in Canada on June 5, 2011." +"之后的一个月内,弗雷尔观测到这个无线电源的亮度各天有着明显的波动,但平均持续上升。","Over the next month, Frail observed that the luminosity of the radio source fluctuated significantly from day to day but increased on average." +而斯揣敦的政府也断绝了与苏联的外交关系。,Strijdom's government also severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. +基督教右派对如何教育美国儿童有强烈的意见。,The Christian right has strong opinions on how American children should be educated. +Windows Live Favorites 官方网站,Windows Live Favorites Windows Live Favorites Official Team Blog +耶稣会会士在澳门定居。,The Jesuits were exiled to Macau. +地下水和地表水之间的互动关系很复杂。,Interactions between groundwater and surface water are complex. +"威廉也有个私生子,威廉·谭波尔·富兰克林(William Temple Franklin),生于1762年2月22日。","He fathered an illegitimate son, William Temple Franklin, born February 22, 1762." +"《电子游戏月刊》表示:“的复活和升值只是发生在重启或重新设想一个很棒的游戏,而《死或生5》就是其中一次重启。","In a positive preview, Electronic Gaming Monthly stated, ""the resurgence and appreciation for has only happened recently with reboots or re-imaginings of cherished titles, and DOA5 is one of these reboots." +临时观察点的设置在有火山爆发或地震迹象的地方。,Temporary observation points are set up in areas where there are signs of volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. +"起初,尼古拉斯·奥托和他的搭档、律师欧根·兰根都对汽车没什么兴趣,只是生产固定发动机。","In the early years, he and his partner, Eugen Langen, were only interested in production of stationary engines, not automobiles." +布力于1899年退休。,Braxton retired in 1899. +这些人物非人化而模糊不清的面孔实际上是在表达整个犹太历史中反复流亡给犹太人民带来的痛苦。,Their dehumanized and indistinct faces convey the pain of repeated exiles throughout Jewish history. +"移动电话版的游戏系统和原版相近,但图形、音效做了更新,使用了改进的世界地图并做了其它小修改。","The gameplay of the mobile phone version is closer to the original game's design, but featuring updated graphics and sound, an improved world map, and other minor changes." +"尽管如此,C代码并不复制C栈中的帧,只复制Scheme对象,所以不需要了解C的实现。","Despite this, the C code does not copy C stack frames, only Scheme objects, so it does not require knowledge of the C implementation." +"虽然PK380采用.380 ACP(英语:.380 ACP)口径,但与PK380所基于的P22不同的是,PK380并非以简单式反冲作用操作,即是发射子弹时所产生的压力由套筒组件的惯性重量和复进簧力的组合所抵消。","Unlike the P22, which the PK380 is based on, the PK380 does not operate by blowback where pressure generated by a firing cartridge is countered by a combination of the inertial weight of the slide assembly and the force of the recoil spring." +佐久穗町成立。,Thus was the city of Zhaozhou relieved. +"最早停止使用的硬币是葡萄牙埃斯库多,它于2002年12月31日不再具有货币价值,而纸币直到2022年则仍然是可转换的。","The earliest coins to become non-convertible were the Portuguese escudos, which ceased to have monetary value after 31 December 2002, although banknotes remain exchangeable until 2022." +"在朝鲜半岛的李氏王朝时期,诸如老虎、龙、鹤、鹿等吉祥生物出现在一系列的艺术作品上,证明了这些生物在朝鲜艺术与朝鲜文化中的重要性和普遍性。","In the Joseon dynasty of the Korean peninsula, auspicious creatures such as the tiger, dragon, crane and deer were represented in a series of artworks demonstrating the importance and universality of these creatures in the Korean Art and culture." +"欧洲广播联盟将参赛组数降回23组,以确保整个表演不会超过三小时。",The EBU decreased the number of participants back to 23 to make sure the show wouldn't last longer than 3 hours. +"徽章顶部是发现号探险考查船,罗伯特·斯科特和欧内斯特·沙克尔顿曾在他们的第一次南极探险中使用此船。","The crest is a representation of the RRS Discovery, the research ship used by Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton on their first journey to the Antarctic." +"美国随后开始与SDF武装共同巡逻边境,以迫使其两个盟友之间停火。","In response, the US began to patrol the border alongside SDF troops in order to force a ceasefire between its two allies." +"亨利公爵的女儿兰开斯特的布兰奇(Blanche of Lankaster)嫁给了冈特的约翰(John of Gaunt,兰开斯特公爵一世),他们的儿子亨利·博林布鲁克(Henry Bolingbroke)在废立国王理查德二世时成为了国王亨利四世。",Duke Henry's daughter Blanche of Lancaster married John of Gaunt and their son Henry Bolingbroke became King Henry IV when he deposed King Richard II. +"2012年,Deadline报导,布莱德·派顿将执导该片,并身兼编剧。","In 2012, Deadline reported that Brad Peyton would write and direct the film." +"在2017年7月,任天堂证实,在新任天堂2DS XL发布之前,日本标准尺寸的新任天堂3DS已经停止生产。","In July 2017, Nintendo confirmed, in the lead-up to the release of the New Nintendo 2DS XL, that production on the standard-sized New Nintendo 3DS in Japan had ended." +"为了证明他们是错的,凯奇聘请了一些朋��组成团队,并在录音室外设立了办公室,在六个月的财政期限内完成游戏引擎和原型。","To prove them wrong, Cage hired a team of friends and made an office out of a sound booth, with a financial deadline of six months to come up with a game engine and prototype." +评估(Evaluation):评估测试结果正确与否。,Validation: Ensure the results of the test are correct. +"目前,该党把自己形容为现代保守的人民党。","Currently, the party describes itself as a modern conservative people's party." +"不仅在动物中,维生素K已经被观察到影响脑里的脑硫脂浓度,而且在细菌里也有类似的现象。","Not only in animals, but also in bacteria, vitamin K has been observed to influence sulfatide concentrations in the brain." +"但是随后埃斯帕特罗推行的自由主义改革遭到温和派的反对,这位前指挥官的雷霆手段在全国各地引起零星的暴动,这些暴动最终都被血腥的镇压。","Espartero's liberal reforms were then opposed by moderates, and the former general's heavy-handedness caused a series of sporadic uprisings throughout the country from various quarters, all of which were bloodily suppressed." +"Web Media Extensions提供了对封装在Ogg容器中的Opus音频的支持,Web Media Extensions是Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(1709)设备的可选附件。","Support for Opus audio encapsulated in Ogg containers is available with Web Media Extensions, a pre-installed add-on for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) devices." +该建筑是土耳其总理驻伊斯坦布尔的办公室。,The building houses the Istanbul offices of the Turkish prime minister. +"1654年8月,他在什克武夫战役击败俄罗斯入侵者,但这已是他人生中最后一次胜利了。","In late August 1654 Janusz Radziwiłł defeated invading Russians at the Battle of Szkłów, but this was his last victory." +"1983年在大学内建立的工程学院和俄语教师培训学院后来成为独立的机构,分别被称为理工学院和俄语语言研究所。","In 1983 the university's engineering institute and Russian-language teacher training institute became separate establishments, called the Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Russian Language, respectively." +"他把家族姓氏改成了圣莫,但仍然经常使用西摩这个姓。",He changed the family name to St. Maur but Seymour was still very often used. +"巴西土地上的新消息描述了葡萄牙航海者经过一个海峡,位在美国(或巴西)的最南端与西南方的一个陆地,称之为villtere Presill(巴西利亚下势)。","The Zeytung described the Portuguese voyagers passing through a strait between the southernmost point of America, or Brazil, and a land to the south west, referred to as vndtere Presill (or Brasilia inferior)." +"Ramshaw的算法也用在Java反编译器中,因为Java虚拟机有分支指令,以位移来表示分支跳转的目标,但高级的Java语言只有多层次的break及continue指令。","Ramshaw's algorithm was used for example in some Java decompilers because the Java virtual machine code has branch instructions with targets expressed as offsets, but the high-level Java language only has multi-level break and continue statements." +"自她10岁起,唱片制作人哈罗德·谢德(Harold Shedd)就一直与她有合作,帮她提高歌唱技巧。","Record producer Harold Shedd had been working with Comeaux since she was ten years old, helping her with her singing skills." +业余无线电爱好者必须通过考试以获得业余无线电执照。,Classes are held for those wishing to take the examination in order to obtain an amateur radio license. +"皮埃蒙特军在短暂的围城后攻占了佩斯基耶拉,但拉德茨基得到了后续的增援。","The Piedmontese took Peschiera after a short siege, but Radetzky received substantial reinforcements." +它所服务的包括公共机构、私人开发商和工业企业。,"It serves public agencies, private developers, and industrial firms." +"相反,如果温度接近绝对零度,那么任何系统的行为都会变得越来越机械式。","Conversely, if the temperature approaches absolute zero, any system behaves more and more mechanically." +"2007年至2011年,公司收购了Embrex公司、Catapult Genetics、Bovigen、惠氏、富道动物保健、Vetnex动物保健公司、Synbiotics公司、Microtek、King Pharmaceuticals及Alpharma。","Between 2007 and 2011 the company acquired Embrex Inc, Catapult Genetics, Bovigen, Wyeth, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Vetnex Animal Health Ltd, Synbiotics Corporation, Microtek, King Pharmaceuticals, and Alpharma." +这种类型的VLAN用于将数据帧下行转发到所有次要VLAN。,This type of VLAN is used to forward frames downstream to all Secondary VLANs. +"Google Lens是Google在2017年Google I/O上发布的一款应用程序,旨在通过视觉分析提供相关信息。","First announced during Google I/O 2017, it is designed to bring up relevant information using visual analysis." +"此外,医疗兵配备了电击起搏器,可���用来救活重伤倒地的友军。",They can also be used as air ambulances to lift injured personnel. +邮件服务器还需要负责在IMA形式和任意ASCII别名之间建立所有的映射机制。,The mail server is also responsible for any mapping mechanism between the IMA form and any ASCII alias. +"例如,它包括窗口、键盘和鼠标的API,部分原因是由于它是在X Window系统和Sun公司的NeWS系统之前开发的。","For example, it included a windowing, keyboard and mouse API, in part because it was developed before the X Window System and Sun's NeWS." +"原理是测量法拉第常数 F {\displaystyle F} ,即一摩尔电子所带的电荷,然后将它除以基本电荷 e {\displaystyle e} ,可得阿佛加德罗常数。","The principle is to measure the Faraday constant, F, which is the electric charge carried by one mole of electrons, and to divide by the elementary charge, e, to obtain the Avogadro constant." +"河谷公司举行记者会,公司主席Fabio Schvartsman表示事故中的死伤者大部分为公司员工。","At a press conference, Vale's president, Fabio Schvartsman, stated that most of the victims are Vale's employees." +框架为人们提供了一种快速、简便的信息处理方法。,Frames provide people a quick and easy way to process information. +苏共领导人未立即回应。,Hoffman did not immediately respond. +"平面向上,凸面向下。","Paralysis above, movement below." +"882年8月5日,路易三世在圣但尼驾崩,年仅18岁。","Louis III died on 5 August 882, aged around 18, at Saint-Denis in the centre of his realm." +这些收购包括福吉世咖啡(Folgers)、诺威治伊登制药(Pepto-Bismol的生产者)、李查森-维克斯(Richardson-Vicks)、诺赛尔(Noxell)的乐爽(Noxzema)、Shulton公司的Old Spice、蜜斯佛陀(Max Factor)与爱慕思(Iams)公司等等。,"These acquisitions included Folgers Coffee, Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals (the makers of Pepto-Bismol), Richardson-Vicks, Noxell (Noxzema), Shulton's Old Spice, Max Factor, the Iams Company, and Pantene, among others." +"2013年4月,业主宣布计划把原有影院转换成IMAX,该项目于随后启动。","In April 2013, owners announced plans to convert the original theatre for IMAX." +"2015年10月1日,据宣布MØ未来第二张录音室专辑首支单曲《神风特攻队(英语:Kamikaze (MØ song))》由Diplo制作,将于2015年10月15日发布。","On 1 October 2015 it was announced that the first single from MØ's upcoming second studio album, ""Kamikaze"", produced by Diplo would be released on 15 October 2015." +"1936年当独立地铁系统的IND第六大道线兴建时,必须移动哈德逊及曼哈顿铁路33街车站。",When the Independent Subway's Sixth Avenue line was being built in 1936 it was necessary to relocate the H & M 33rd Street station. +"大约在18到25周的时候,母亲会开始感觉到胎动。","At around 18 to 25 weeks, the mother begins to feel the fetus moving." +"热带风暴费尔南德(英语:Tropical Storm Fernand)是一个持续时间较短但致命的热带气旋,它袭击了墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州的部分地区,造成洪水泛滥(英语:Flash flooding)和山崩。","Tropical Storm Fernand was a short-lived but deadly tropical cyclone that struck parts of Veracruz state, Mexico, causing flash flooding and landslides." +"同年末,勃兰登堡又参加了冬季巡航,然后在威廉港的船坞进行定期保养。","Later in the year, Brandenburg took part in a winter cruise, followed by a period in the shipyard in Wilhelmshaven for periodic maintenance." +至少95%的梦没有进入记忆。,At least 95% of all dreams are not remembered. +政府模拟游戏或政治模拟游戏是模拟国家全部或部分政府与政治环节的游戏。,A government simulation or political simulation is a game that attempts to simulate the government and politics of all or part of a nation. +"氢氟酸烧伤的症状可能在一开始时不明显,对于50%的溶液,需要8小时才有明显症状,对于更稀的溶液则或许需要24小时。","Symptoms of exposure to hydrofluoric acid may not be immediately evident, with an 8-hour delay for 50% HF and up to 24 hours for lower concentrations." +测量这些数值是很困难的。,Determining their numbers is difficult. +"与该积体电路同系列的,还有ULN2002A、ULN2004A,以及不同逻辑输出电平的ULQ2003A、ULQ2004A。","In the same family are ULN2002A, ULN2004A, as well as ULQ2003A and ULQ2004A, designed for different logic input levels." +"由于佛教在中国非常昌盛,让中国成为世界上拥有佛教艺术收藏品最丰富的国家。",Play media The popularization of Buddhism in China has made the country home to one of the richest collections of Buddhist arts in the world. +"1969年3月18日,特里·梅尔切为了听曼森和他的女信徒唱歌而到访斯班农场。","On May 18, 1969, Terry Melcher visited Spahn Ranch to hear Manson and the women sing." +"这是米兰的旧证券交易所,直到迁往商业广场(Piazza Affari)更现代的梅扎诺特宫(Palazzo Mezzanotte)。","It was the old stock exchange of Milan, until it was transferred to the more modern Palazzo Mezzanotte in Piazza Affari (""Business Square"")." +埃及境内只有一条常年有水的河流:尼罗河。,"There is only one year-round river in Egypt, the Nile." +是名传统日本女性。,She is a traditional Japanese woman. +1996年2月28日。,28 February 1996. +"对于出演电影和接洽她的角色,她说道: “我与劳勃·塔伯特有着约定,而我发给他电子邮件说我非常希望饰演这个角色。","On getting cast in the film and her approach to the character, she stated: I had a contract with Rob Tapert and I just emailed him and said that I really wanted to play this character." +大部分种都是来自于亚洲和美洲。,The majority of films come from the USA and Asia. +"白蛋白在肝脏中合成,低血清白蛋白可以标示出肝衰竭(Liver failure)或诸如肝硬化或慢性肝炎等疾病。","Albumin is synthesized in the liver, and low serum albumin may be indicative of liver failure or diseases such as cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis." +曾为西雅图水手队的王牌先发投手。,He previously played for the Seattle Mariners. +"大部分的尚存文学作品写于冰岛,最著名的是萨迦(Norse saga)、冰岛人的传奇故事和神话文学,但也存在大量的宗教典籍,翻译成为古诺尔斯语的骑士传奇、古典神话、旧约圣经、以及教学材料、语法论文和大量的的信件及公文。","Best known are the Norse sagas, the Icelanders' sagas and the mythological literature, but there also survives a large body of religious literature, translations into Old Norse of courtly romances, classical mythology, and the Old Testament, as well as instructional material, grammatical treatises and a large body of letters and official documents." +"大多数可以飞,可以喷射火焰。",Most can fly and breathe fire. +宗教改革的核心是强调“唯独圣经”。,"At the heart of the Reformation was an emphasis on the principle of ""scripture alone"" (sola scriptura)." +"聚酐在给药研究中的应用也成为非常活跃的领域,因为它们只从表面降解,所以能以恒定的速率释放所携带的药物。",Polyanhydrides are an active area of research in drug delivery because they only degrade from the surface and so are able to release the drug they carry at a constant rate. +"马戛尔尼出身于一个苏格兰贵族家庭,在爱尔兰出生。",Montgomery was from an old Scottish family that had settled in Ireland. +室内空气质量的确认需要收集空气样本、监控人们暴露在污染原中的情形、收集建筑表面的样本、并针对建筑物内的空气流动建立电脑模型。,"Determination of IAQ involves the collection of air samples, monitoring human exposure to pollutants, collection of samples on building surfaces, and computer modelling of air flow inside buildings." +"奥运会纪录是在奥运会上的最好成绩,无论是夏季奥运会或冬季奥运会。",Paralympic records are the best performances in a specific event in that event's history in either the Summer Paralympic Games or the Winter Paralympic Games. +"因为熵被用来量化系统中的紊乱程度,任何想像的生命形式,其有序程度必须比他们的环境更高。","As entropy allows the quantification of the degree of disorder in a system, any envisioned lifeform must have a higher degree of order than its supporting environment." +凯特请詹姆士来帮忙一同修复房子。,Kate enlists the help of James to help repair the damage. +这个法案最终获得通过。,"However, the Bill was ultimately passed." +"1944年FFI的人数有近100,000人,在此后得到快速的增长,次月数量便翻番,在同年10月便达到400,000人。","Estimated to have a strength of 100,000 in June 1944, the FFI grew rapidly and reached approximately 400,000 by October of that year." +菲比斯并没有逮捕她。,Bea does not believe her. +蒂托·杰克逊的儿子T.J·杰克逊在错误的报道凯瑟琳·杰克逊走失后被给予了迈克尔·杰克逊孩子的共同监护权。,"T.J. Jackson, son of Tito Jackson, was given co-guardianship of Michael Jackson's children after false reports of Katherine Jackson going missing." +"伊扎克·纳冯车站完工后,有计划将路线延伸至市内,并兴建两个车站:一个位于市中心(英语:Jerusalem–Central railway station),另一个位于旧城区。","Now that Yitzhak Navon Station is completed, an extension is planned into the city with two additional stations: one in the city center, and one in the Old City." +"当药物用完后,医生会把药物注射入储存袋内。","At the end of the episode, Price is seen putting the pills into her pocket." +"已经向相关负责人下达指令,尽快修改和删除错误内容。",Injured persons should be saved and transferred as soon as possible. +"为了缓解漫游树问题,F2FS能够切断叶数据写入引起的节点更新传播。","To mitigate the wandering tree problem, F2FS is able to cut off the propagation of node updates caused by leaf data writes." +Treyarch在使命召唤:世界战争中使用了经过改进的IW 3.0引擎。,Treyarch began using an enhanced version of the IW 3.0 engine for Call of Duty: World at War. +"这首歌曲的主旋律使用四个五声调式,先上升,然后下降。","The song melody uses four notes of the five-note pentatonic scale, first rising, then falling." +这个置信区间可以被中心极限定理和其他数学的结果量化。,This confidence can actually be quantified by the central limit theorem and other mathematical results. +"在一群足够多的 beta 测试者与共同开发者的情况下,几乎所有的问题都可以被描绘出来,并且由某个人很直觉的解决。","Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix obvious to someone." +其一般生活于深海底。,They generally live in deep sea habitats. +"不过,应注意的是,如果建设确实是允许的,建筑物本身必须遵守穆斯林对齐米的宗教场所的限制:高度不得超过清真寺。","It should nevertheless be noted that if construction was indeed permitted, the building itself had to comply with Muslim restrictions for dhimmi houses of prayer not to be higher than mosques." +"人民的不满并非是在税收量上(这些税收很低,不过很普遍),而是在伦敦的税收政策制定过程之中,也就是说,在英国议会中,没有殖民地人民的代表。","The complaint was never officially over the amount of taxation (the taxes were quite low, though ubiquitous), but always on the political decision-making process by which taxes were decided in London, i.e. without representation for the colonists in British Parliament." +"巴基斯坦国际航空在袭击事件后,立即推迟或取消20架航班。",The PIA had to delay or cancel 20 flights immediately after the attack. +"考古学家一直试图通过硬币来确定贝尔盖北部各部落的领地范围,内尔维人使用的是一种古希腊的金银币。",Archaeologists have sought to define the territories of the northern Belgic tribes by looking at the coins they used. +"8月8日,拿骚号搭载着250名士兵从威廉港出发,驶向波罗的海。","On 8 August, Nassau took on 250 soldiers in Wilhelmshaven and then departed for the Baltic." +"加拿大大西洋省份各地共有至少十艘船因大浪搁浅、沉没或从系锚处挣脱,另有九人丧生,其中七人是从波士顿前往雅茅斯(Yarmouth)途中因船只倾覆遇难。","Throughout Atlantic Canada, high waves washed ashore, sank, or broke at least ten boats from their moorings, killing nine people including seven from an overturned boat sailing from Boston to Yarmouth." +"犯案嫌疑​​人戴德里克·德冯萨伊·威廉斯(Dedrick Devonshay Williams)在枪击案发生后2天被捕,不久于晚上7点之前。","Suspect Dedrick Devonshay Williams of Pompano Beach was arrested two days after the shooting, shortly before 7 pp. m." +这首歌成为动画“BLEACH”的片尾曲。,This change creates a bluesy sound. +"任何对阿桑奇的指控都需要将阿桑奇引渡到美国,根据先前的从瑞典进行引渡的案例,这一步总是制造了复杂的司法流程和潜在的时间上的拖延。","Any prosecution of Assange would require extraditing him to the United States, a procedure made more complicated and potentially delayed by any preceding extradition to Sweden." +"不久之后的定位在那里,开始建造一座永久性建筑的为SSA在华盛顿,这将满足他们的要求为记录存储能力。","Soon after locating there, construction began on a permanent building for SSA in Washington that would meet their requirements for record storage capacity." +"每个自由度有相同的能量平均值 k B T / 2 {\displaystyle k_{B}T/2} ( k B {\displaystyle k_{B}} 为玻尔兹曼常数),除非其处于量子体系。","At equilibrium, each degree of freedom will have on average the same energy: k B T / 2 {\displaystyle k_{B}T/2} where k B {\displaystyle k_{B}} is the Boltzmann constant, unless that degree of freedom is in the quantum regime." +"由于游击手卡洛斯·吉伦(Carlos Guillén)的受伤,8月17日佩尼亚重新被叫上大联盟。","Following an injury to shortstop Carlos Guillén, Peña was recalled on August 17." +保加利亚的大多数华人是经济移民和小规模投资者。,Most Chinese in Bulgaria are economic immigrants and small-scale investors in particular. +"2006年12月3日,马达加斯加举行总统选举。",Presidential elections were held in Madagascar on 3 December 2006. +"研究也指出受过教育的女孩可以: 收入增加到25%,而且收入中的90%会再投资到家庭中。",Research demonstrates that a girl who has received an education will: Earn up to 25 percent more and reinvest 90 percent in her family. +"第13旅团建立于1999年3月29日,前身为已解编的第13师团。",The brigade was formed on 29 March 1999 with units from the disbanded 13th Infantry Division. +"2003年7月曾有报告显示失踪飞机可能出现在几内亚首都科纳克里,但是这一消息随即被美国国务院引用并证明并非失踪飞机。","In July 2003 a possible sighting of the missing aircraft was reported in Conakry, Guinea, and subsequently conclusively dismissed by the United States Department of State." +"XOX Berhad(MYX:0165),也称为XOX MOBILE是一家移动虚拟网络运营商,通过天地通的4G +,4G,3G和2G网络基础设施在马来西亚提供移动电话服务。","XOX MOBILE) is a mobile virtual network operator that provides mobile phone services in Malaysia via Celcom’s 4G+, 4G, 3G and 2G network infrastructure." +"Atle Brynestad在1999年收购了利恩,有效地令球会避免破产。","Norwegian investor Atle Brynestad bought the club in 1999, in effect saving it from bankruptcy." +"人民激进党一部分的成员加入亚历山大的政府,而Stanojević则反对王室的独裁,并呼吁回归议会民主及地方自治。","Certain members of the party entered into Alexander's governments, and Stanojević called for the end of the royal dictatorship and the return to parliamentary democracy and local self-government." +"许多文化中,服装的标准反映了有关端庄(英语:Modesty)、宗教、性别及社会地位等。","In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status." +"具有状态不确定性的游戏称为部分资讯游戏(Partial/imperfect information games),反之则称为完全资讯游戏(Full/perfect information games)。",Games in which state uncertainty plays a role are referred to as partial or imperfect information games as opposed to full or perfect information games. +《质量效应3》其他受到好评的方面包括美术设计、音乐和配音。,"Other aspects of Mass Effect 3 to receive praise included its art design, music, and voice acting." +哈佛大学科学史家I·伯纳德·科恩称他是“最伟大的科学家之一”。,"Historian I. Bernard Cohen of Harvard University called Bernard ""one of the greatest of all men of science""." +奉令亲带铳手于七鲲身尾与荷兰兵战斗。,The French took 23 cannons into battle with them. +"其心理学博士(PsyD)计划与斯坦福大学医学院的精神病学与行为科学系合作开办 PGSP–斯坦福心理学博士联盟计划,2006年获美国心理学会认可。","The PGSP Stanford Psy.D. Consortium program, in conjunction with the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Stanford University's School of Medicine, was accredited by the American Psychological Association in 2006." +"事务跟踪系管理统通常还包含一个知识库,这个知识库包含每个客户的信息、共同事务的解决方案和其它类似的数据。","An issue tracking system often also contains a knowledge base containing information on each customer, resolutions to common problems, and other such data." +"欧洲的货物,例如北欧的羊毛纺织品,也来到了中东和亚洲,而亚洲货物则被运回欧洲。","European goods, such as the woolen textiles of northern Europe, made their way to the Middle East and Asia, while Asian goods were transported back to Europe." +"枪声响起,乔治·考恩头部遭到近距离平射,阿尔伯特·奥尔德姆则受到了疼痛的脸部伤害。","Shooting erupted, George Cowan was shot point blank in the head and Albert Oldham suffered a painful face wound." +"在北部也受到英国控制后,三块领地包括海岸地区、阿散蒂和北部领地成为了称为“属土”或“黄金海岸”的单一政治实体(直辖殖民地)。","With the north under British control, the three territories of the Gold Coast—the Colony (the coastal regions), Asante, and the Northern Territories—became, for all practical purposes, a single political unit, or crown colony, known as ""the dependency"" or simply as the Gold Coast." +"换句话说,通过使用柏拉图对物质和理念的区分,保罗说明基督的圣灵如何能够为所有人提供一种敬拜上帝的方式——这是以前只被犹太人敬拜的神,虽然犹太人声称他是唯一的神。","In other words, by appealing to the Platonic distinction between the material and the ideal, Paul showed how the spirit of Christ could provide all people a way to worship God — the God who had previously been worshipped only by Jews, although Jews claimed that he was the one and only God of all." +"自1967年以来,此处设有历史古迹和遗址国家基金会(Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites),在2000年成为国家古迹中心(Centre des monuments nationaux)。","Since 1967 it has been the home of the Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et des sites, which in 2000 became the Centre des monuments nationaux." +"系统工程教育往往被视为正规工程课程的延伸,这反映了产业的态度,也就是工程学生需要在传统的工程学科(如航太工程学,土木工程学、电机工程学、机械工程学,制程工程学,工业工程学)之一的基础背景,加上实务的、现实世界的经验,以成为有效用的系统工程师。","Education in systems engineering is often seen as an extension to the regular engineering courses, reflecting the industry attitude that engineering students need a foundational background in one of the traditional engineering disciplines (e.g., aerospace engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering)—plus practical, real-world experience to be effective as systems engineers." +一些重要的教堂也被称为“寺”(Temple)或者“礼拜堂”(Oratory)。,"Some significant churches are termed ""temples"" or ""oratories""." +"风暴上岸后迅速减弱并持续向西北跨越大半个北美洲,进入俄亥俄谷后转向东北,最终于10月6日在纽芬兰岛附近经过后失去踪影。","After moving ashore, the hurricane quickly weakened and traversed much of North America; it continued northwestward until reaching the Ohio Valley and turning northeastward, and it was last observed on October 6 near Newfoundland." +"尽管在1984年多达17个国际组织的努力,1980年代该国人均粮食产量仍然下跌。","Despite these international efforts, which numbered as many as seventeen in 1984, food production per capita actually declined in the Comoros during the 1980s." +很常见的是商业性录制工作要在同一工作室进行录音并且之后则由不同的工程师在其他工作室混音。,It is common to record a commercial record at one studio and have it mixed by different engineers in other studios. +"2同一元素的所有原子,在质量和性质上都相同;不同元素的原子,在质量和性质上都不相同。","Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass and other properties." +"相较之下,地球上的观测者却不能以裸眼看见任何一颗其他行星的卫星,直到望远镜发明之后不久,才发现其他行星的卫星 (第一批被发现的是木星的伽利略卫星)。","By contrast, observers on Earth cannot see any other planet's satellites with the naked eye, and it was not until soon after the invention of the telescope that the first such satellites were discovered (Jupiter's Galilean moons)." +离开时表示还会再回来。,Consider the following: He left when we arrived. +有些规则则允许此牌被同时视作1张10点与两张1点的牌。,Some rules allow the Sake Cup to count as a 10-point card and two 1-point cards at the same time. +"2015年5月17日,McCormick大道西侧的一段路基塌陷并导致整段铁路被毁坏,使得列车无法在此线路同行。","On May 17, 2015, a section of the embankment west of McCormick Boulevard collapsed, causing the entire track to be damaged." +"1604年,第一部英语字典诞生,名曰《Table Alphabeticall》。","In 1604, the first English dictionary was published, the Table Alphabeticall." +"2007年1月11日,科恩转会到内坦亚马卡比(Maccabi Netanya)。",On 11 January 2007 Cohen moved to Maccabi Netanya. +"他拒绝让洛克出发基于他的身体状况,并说这对保险公司来说风险太大。","He refuses to let Locke come on the walkabout because of his condition, saying it is too big of a risk for the insurance company." +"Brunton赞拉玛那是“印度硕果仅存的灵性超人之一”,并描述了他对拉玛那的情感: 我极度喜爱他,因他是如此简单、谦卑,他周围有种显而易感的真实的伟大氛围;因为他不会自称拥有某种神秘力量或圣职的知识,以之讨好天性爱好神秘现象的印度人,且因他是如此谦卑,全然没有一丝一毫的骄傲,因此他强烈抗拒任何试图在他有生之年将他封圣的行动。","Brunton calls Ramana ""one of the last of India's spiritual supermen"", and describes his affection toward Ramana: I like him greatly because he is so simple and modest, when an atmosphere of authentic greatness lies so palpably around him; because he makes no claims to occult powers and hierophantic knowledge to impress the mystery loving nature of his countrymen; and because he is so totally without any traces of pretension that he strongly resists every effort to canonize him during his lifetime." +"2008年5月27日联赛赛会宣布费城将会在2010年球季加入角逐,新球队可与美职联的费城联合(Philadelphia Union)共用设施。","On May 27, 2008, the league announced that it would expand to Philadelphia for the 2010 season, with the franchise likely sharing facilities with MLS's Philadelphia Union." +发射复合体由两个发射台组成。,The complex consists of two launch pads. +两掖门仅在举办大型活动时方才开启。,The doors are only opened during important ceremonies. +"根据塔西陀的见闻(《日耳曼尼亚志》),日耳曼人早在西元一世纪时就已发展出选举君主制了。","According to the testimony of Tacitus (Germania), some early Germanic peoples had an elective monarchy already in the 1st century." +"10日:梅赫伦事件(德语:Mechelen-Zwischenfall)发生,一架携带有黄色方案的德国飞机坠毁于中立国比利时。","10: Mechelen incident: a German plane, carrying plans for Fall Gelb, crashes in neutral Belgium." +"1904年,俱乐部改变了球衣的颜色为绿色及白色。","In 1904, the team colours were changed to green and white." +"当时,珍妮花·钟丝因电影“The Song of Bernadette”获最佳女演员奖,该片同时也赢得了最佳影片奖,而保罗·卢卡斯则因""Watch on the Rhine""获最佳男演员奖。","There, Jennifer Jones was awarded Best Actress honors for The Song of Bernadette which also won for Best Film, while Paul Lukas took home Best Actor laurels for Watch on the Rhine." +"另外,冰棚表面上的积雪,以及冰重新累积在冰棚的下方,对于冰棚的质量平衡也是重要的。",Snow accumulation on the upper surface and melting from the lower surface are also important to the mass balance of an ice shelf. +"与基因组甚至蛋白质组不同,代谢物组是一个高度动态的实体,可以在几秒钟或几分钟的时间内发生剧烈变化。","Unlike the genome or even the proteome, the metabolome is a highly dynamic entity that can change dramatically, over a period of just seconds or minutes." +"2003年,蕾哈娜与她的两名同学组成了一个三人音乐组合。","In 2003, Rihanna formed a musical trio with two of her classmates." +宪法大道(Constitution Avenue)是美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区西北区和东北区的一条主要的东西向街道。,"Constitution Avenue is a major east-west street in the northwest and northeast quadrants of the city of Washington, D.C., in the United States." +股条(未上市公司的优先认股凭证)。,Personal Appointments (free information from Companies House). +瓜德罗普、马提尼克、多米尼克、荷属圣马丁、萨巴、圣尤斯特歇斯、波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛均发布了热带风暴观察预警。,"Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominica, St. Maarten, Saba, St. Eustatius, Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands issued tropical storm watches." +"卡齐米日是一位强硬的谈判者,不会为了获选而接受波兰贵族开出的条件。",Casimir was a tough negotiator and did not accept the Polish nobility's conditions for his election. +"工党副领袖兼下议院领袖爱德华·肖特在1974年-1976年间常被视为副首相,他成为纽卡斯尔泰恩市的荣誉市民时更是被公开这样称呼。","The Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Ted Short, was Leader of the House of Commons from 1974 to 1976 and often thought of as Deputy Prime Minister; he was referred to as such in the citation for being made an Honorary Freeman of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne." +"攻击直升机有时也会作为轻型直升机之补充,用以执行侦察任务。",Attack helicopters are also used to supplement lighter helicopters in the armed scout role. +我以为可能有谁过世了。,"I thought somebody had died, maybe." +"罗盘可分为32点方位,每点方位对应11.25度。","The compass can be divided into 32 points, each corresponding to 11.25 degrees." +"在道德客观主义与道德主观主义的辩论中,道德可谬论站在第三个看起来有理的立场:那客观地真实的道德标准的而且确存在,但它们不能由人类可靠地分辨或总结出来。","In the debate between moral subjectivism and moral objectivism, moral fallibilism holds out a third plausible stance: that objectively true moral standards may exist, but they cannot be reliably or conclusively determined by humans." +"她抓起电话求救,托尼告诉她,在他赶回家之前,什么都不要动。",Tony tells her not to do anything until he arrives home. +下位恶魔 恶魔族最下位种。,They were among the weaker demons. +该修正案在1933年中稍后通过。,The repeal amendment was ratified later in 1933. +"没有友善的欢迎,波皮利乌斯给安条克下元老院的最后通牒:安条克必须从埃及和塞浦路斯撤退。","But instead of a friendly welcome, Popilius offered the king an ultimatum from the Senate: he must evacuate Egypt and Cyprus immediately." +"1934年9月,在国际联盟让苏联加入后,贝克宣布退出少数民族条约。","In September 1934, Beck renounced the Minorities Treaty after the Soviet Union was admitted to the League of Nations." +"太阳单色光照相仪是相似的装置,但是在特定的波长下拍摄太阳,目前专业的天文台还在使用。","The Spectroheliograph is a similar device, but images the Sun at a particular wavelength photographically and is still in use in professional observatories." +"成功的心理治疗不但可以减少抑郁症的复发,并且在治疗终止或者换成偶尔一次的辅助咨询之后仍然能维持效果。",Successful psychotherapy appears to reduce the recurrence of depression even after it has been terminated or replaced by occasional booster sessions. +"他最大的贡献是对双星和变星的研究,并发表了变星和双星星表。","His greatest contribution was his studies of double and variable stars, and he published catalogues of variables and binary stars." +它在最初只分发适用于微软操作系统的热修复和补丁。,"At first, it only delivered hotfixes and patches for Microsoft operating systems." +"之后,车会将游客带到法院广场(英语:Courthouse Square) 区和后园区的其他建筑。",The tram then takes the guests to Courthouse Square section and then other buildings in the back lot. +"如果你有个演员拥有休·劳瑞的戏路、深度和魅力,让他掌控舞台中央绝对是明智之举,特别是当你想要创作一个故事来发掘这样的角色以及他主要人际关系的时候”。","And when you have an actor of Hugh Laurie's range, depth and charisma, putting him center-stage makes perfect sense, particularly when you've written a story that explores the character and his primary relationships in a way that seems integral to the series""." +"这艘船的舵手,一个叫作阿隆索·桑切斯(英语:Alonso Sánchez)的人,以及很少的几个其他人,最终到达了葡萄牙,但是他们都得了重病。","The ship's pilot, a man called Alonso Sánchez, and very few others finally made it to Portugal, but all were very ill." +大多数的贞操带在设计上防止佩戴者手淫。,The Mafia actually has rules designed to prevent nepotism. +"车站是双重合约(英语:Dual Contracts)的产物,该合约是1913年若干合约以便在曼哈顿和皇后区兴建BMT(以及IRT)的地铁路线。","The station is a product of the Dual Contracts, a 1913 group of contracts that provided for the construction of BMT (as well as IRT) underground lines in Manhattan and Queens." +2004年施瓦茨曼向母校阿宾顿高中捐赠了一个新的足球场——史蒂芬·恩·施瓦茨曼足球场。,"In 2004, Schwarzman donated a new football stadium to Abington Senior High School—the Stephen A. Schwarzman Stadium." +第五组 - 波兰晋级。,Group 5 - Poland qualified. +"所以,在任何时候,舰队三分之一的水手都不在舰上。","Hence, up to a third of the fleet's sailors were away from their ships at any one time." +"该法案对后来的许多文献产生影响,如美国独立宣言(1776),美国权利法案(1789),以及法国大革命的人权宣言(1789)。","It influenced a number of later documents, including the United States Declaration of Independence (1776) and the United States Bill of Rights (1789)." +"安妮特·贝弗里奇在翻译Baburnama时指出巴布尔把 ""Sikri""读成了""Shukri""。","Annette Beveridge in her translation of Baburnama noted that Babur points ""Sikri"" to read ""Shukri""." +这个爵位目前由珀西1952年出生的儿子约翰·迈克尔·爱德华·西摩持有。,The title is currently held by his son John Michael Edward Seymour who was born in 1952. +"在HTC Dream(美国称为“T-Mobile G1”)于2008年9月发布不久之后,开发者在Android基于Linux的子系统中发现了获取特权控制(即Root权限) 的方法。","Not long after the introduction of the HTC Dream (named the ""T-Mobile G1"" in the United States) mobile phone in September 2008, a method was discovered to attain privileged control (termed ""root access"") within Android's Linux-based subsystem." +"从2004年年底,对于许多技术,全球可再生能源的容量每年增长速率在10-60%。","From the end of 2004, worldwide renewable energy capacity grew at rates of 10–60% annually for many technologies." +参议院于1971年10月2日解散。,The Senate was abolished on 2 October 1971. +1945年3月20日南斯拉夫游击队在莫斯塔尔、维谢格拉德、雷特瓦地区发起了总攻击。,"On 20 March 1945, the Partisans launched a general offensive in the Mostar-Višegrad-Drina sector." +Robert L. Kyhl和Bob Dicke在同一时间独立创造了幻T。,Robert L. Kyhl and Bob Dicke independently created magic tees around the same time. +"两名意大利爱国者藏身在墓穴中,并得以逃离。",Two Italian patriots hid themselves in its crypt among the tombs. +"讽刺的是,阿拉伯方的报告在一个方面起到了反作用:受惊于这次事件的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人并没有投降,但也没有战斗——他们逃离了巴勒斯坦,使以色列在不需作战也不需吸收很多阿拉伯人的情况下获取很多领土。","Ironically, the Arab reports backfired in one respect: frightened Palestinian Arabs did not surrender, but did not fight either – they fled, allowing Israel to gain much territory with little fighting and also without absorbing many Arabs." +"发动机也进行了改进,命名为HS-110.2,功率680匹马力(510千瓦特)。","The original engine was exchanged for an improved variant, known as the HS-110.2, producing 680 horsepower (510 kW)." +机房的立面值得格外注意。,The Machinery Room’s facade deserves particular attention. +他经常被《爱卡莉》的孩子们捉弄。,He is often being pranked by the kids on iCarly. +"1976年7月1日,张闻天在江苏无锡因心脏病猝发去世,终年76岁。","In July 1, 1976, Zhang Wentian died in Wuxi, Jiangsu, due to a heart disease at the age of 76." +台湾教育,Education in Taiwan +"芬兰在国际上知名的电视节目有背包客旅游记录系列《Madventures(英语:Madventures)》,以及四个好友玩特技及互相开各种玩笑的真人秀《The Dudesons(英语:The Dudesons)》(类似与美国的真人秀《Jackass》)。","Finland's most internationally successful TV shows are the backpacking travel documentary series Madventures and the reality TV show The Dudesons, about four childhood friends who perform stunts and play pranks on each other (in similar vein to the American TV show Jackass)." +但是他们的活动在呼吁民族派向安全部队提供共和军的情报后失去了动力。,"Their campaign lost momentum, however, after they appealed to the nationalist community to provide information on the IRA to security forces." +"Keith之前是个贵格教徒,于1702年9月跑到法拉盛贵格教聚会点,宣布自己是来传教的,参与教牧和讨论。","Keith, a former Quaker, went into Flusing's Quaker Meeting House in September 1702, announced his presence as a missionary, and engaged in both preaching and debate." +"这种早期的需求也继续影响着多立克柱式神庙的设计,尤其是在希腊本土更是如此。",This early demand continued to affect Doric temples especially in the Greek motherland. +独裁法令将葡萄牙共和国议会(国民议会)解散。,3 June: A dictatorial decree dissolved the Congress of the Republic of Portugal (National Assembly). +"根据1998年的价格估算,兴建区域快线预算需要约130至170亿港元的资金。","According to the 1998 price estimates, construction of the RER needed a budget of about HK$130 to 170 billion." +"袭击关岛后,查特安继续向西北方向移动并逐渐增强。","After affecting Guam, Chataan continued toward the northwest and gradually intensified." +"其中一篇文章指出:“中国依然能感受到美国的不信任和恐惧,特别是其人民之间。","One of the articles stated: ""China can still feel U.S. distrust and fear, especially among its people." +"随后在2017年9月7日,Amazon宣布已经撤回了续订,在第一季后取消本剧。","It was then announced on September 7, 2017 that Amazon had rescinded the renewal, cancelling the show after one season." +"换句话说,该介质必须是连续的。","In other words, the medium must be continuous." +她在五角大楼担任首席发言人肯尼思·培根(Kenneth Bacon)的助理。,"At the Pentagon, she worked as an assistant to chief Pentagon spokesperson Kenneth Bacon." +"ENIAC使用十位环形计数器(英语:Ring counter)存储数字,每个数字使用36个真空管,其中10个是双三极管,它们组成了环形计数器的触发器。","ENIAC used ten-position ring counters to store digits; each digit required 36 vacuum tubes, 10 of which were the dual triodes making up the flip-flops of the ring counter." +"在奥斯曼土耳其帝国时期,摔跤手要进入名为“Tekke”(تکیه)的专门学校学习摔跤,而摔跤学校并不只是体育场所,同时还是宗教场所。","In the Ottoman Empire, wrestlers learned the art in special schools called tekke (تکیه), which were not merely athletic centres, but also spiritual centres." +"尽管基韦斯特国家野生动物保护区并没有员工,但是国家重点鹿保护区却有13名员工,2005财年预算为1,041,000美元。","Although Key West NWR is unstaffed, the National Key Deer Refuge has a combined staff of 13 with a fiscal year 2005 budget of $1,041,000." +"2008年12月19日,坚斯舒夫的合同经双方同意后终止,他仅仅上阵了一场。","On 19 December 2008, Kishishev's contract was cancelled by mutual consent having only played one game." +"在类UNIX操作系统中,新进程都衍自系统调用fork()。","In Unix-like operating systems, new processes are created by the fork() system call." +"天空中其他颗粒物也可以在不同角度散射不同颜色的光,因此在黄昏和黎明时会有多彩发光的天空。",Additional particulate matter in the sky can scatter different colours at different angles creating colourful glowing skies at dusk and dawn. +"这两个时刻(受孕、诞生)被形容为有链接以一个“非常相似成为原因的动力(very similar causative power)”,从而使受孕的精子在占星术上地一个适宜的时刻采取独立形式,由此冲动的生育发生于“从这一开始治理孩子的构成内容中相似类型的格局配置(configuration of similar type to that which governed the child's formation in detail in the first place)”之下。","The two moments are described as being linked by a ""very similar causative power"", so that the seed of the conception takes independent form at an astrologically suitable moment, whereby the impulse to give birth occurs under a ""configuration of similar type to that which governed the child's formation in detail in the first place""." +"他们说,他们有两个目标:塑造二十合法游行,递交请愿书给议会和国王,以军事的时尚竖立五朔节花柱(英语:maypole),庆祝网球场誓言的纪念日。","They said they had two objectives: to form a procession for the twenty legal petitioners who wished to present a petition to the Assembly and the King, and to celebrate the anniversary of the Tennis Court Oath by planting a maypole in military fashion." +"而在国际层次上,左派认为工人阶级需更进一步的合作以获得更大的权力。","Taken to an international level, leftists argued that workers ought to act in solidarity to further increase the power of the working class." +"有人认为,玛雅·黛伦和亚历山大·哈米德(英语:Alexander Hammid)的《午后的迷惘》(1943),是美国最重要的试验片之一。",Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) by Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid is considered by some to be one of the first important American experimental films. +客家人有食用其果实的传统。,The people retain their warlike traditions. +乔赛亚·兰伯森·帕里什(Josiah Lamberson Parrish)牧师在俄勒冈州尚波伊(Champoeg)目击了1842年11月22日的爆发。,"Josiah Parrish in Champoeg, Oregon witnessed Mount St. Helens in eruption on November 22, 1842." +阿卜杜拉·帕什尤(英语:Abdulla Pashew;库尔德语:Ebdulla Peşêw‎‎)当代著名库尔德诗人。,"Abdulla Pashew, or (Kurdish: Ebdulla Peşêw‎), is a contemporary Kurdish poet." +"一些名人表示支持球员在诉讼中捍卫自己的立场,其中包括影星汤姆·汉克斯、NBA巨星科比·布莱恩特和美国男队门将蒂姆·霍华德。","Various celebrities showed their support for the women soccer players in defence of their lawsuit, including actor Tom Hanks, NBA player Kobe Bryant and U.S. men's soccer team keeper Tim Howard." +"最高法院在1936年宣布AAA违宪,表示其为“控管农业生产的法律性计划、超过联邦政府所代表的权力”。","In 1936, the Supreme Court declared the AAA to be unconstitutional, stating that ""a statutory plan to regulate and control agricultural production, a matter beyond the powers delegated to the federal government""." +当时报纸的售价为20芬尼。,The newspaper price was 20 MKD. +"2001年和2008年间,雪绒花航空连续9年得到旅之星奖的金奖以表扬其卓越的成就。","For seven consecutive years between 2001 and 2008, Edelweiss Air received the golden Travelstar Award for its excellent achievements." +看日落的绝佳地方。,The Best Page in the Universe. +"开战当日,缅因第16团共有298人,经此断后之役后,仅余35人幸存。","The 16th Maine started the day with 298 men, but at the end of this holding action there were only 35 survivors." +"联邦安检站中有两个政府单位,一是海关及边境保卫局,二是美国农业部。",Two government agencies support the facility; U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. +"在mpg12play v0.95pre5版之后,它与一个基于avifile的Win32 DLL加载器的AVI播放器进行了代码合并,于是形成了2000年11月的MPlayer v0.3。","After mpg12play v0.95pre5, the code was merged with an AVI player based on avifile's Win32 DLL loader to form MPlayer v0.3 in November 2000." +"每个路由器的PIT表支援跨越NDN资料面的转发,记录了每个待定的兴趣封包和来源界面,并在收到相符的资料或超时发生后移除兴趣封包。","The PIT state at each router supports forwarding across NDN's data plane, recording each pending Interest and the incoming interface(s), and removing the Interest after the matching Data is received or a timeout occurs." +"盾之王被他的大臣谋杀,在短暂的交战后,一行拿到了他的盾。","Lastly, King Shield is murdered by his own steward, and after a short fight, the party recovers his shield." +"该年的最后一次行动在10月23-24日实施,但前往喇叭礁(英语:Horns Rev)的诱敌行动也无果而终。","The last operation of the year, conducted on 23–24 October, was an advance in the direction of Horns Reef which concluded without result." +"两派最明显的差异是在战略上的,围绕着巴枯宁的无政府集产主义者(依据克鲁泡特金的说法)“只在经济上直接与资本主义斗争,而不去介入在政治上的议会体制”。","The anarchists grouped around Bakunin favoured (in Peter Kropotkin's words) ""direct economical struggle against capitalism, without interfering in the political parliamentary agitation""." +立陶宛、日本和匈牙利则拥有最高的自杀未遂率。,"Lithuania, Japan and Hungary have the highest rates." +"公元638-639年,停火协议有效期满,阿拉伯人蹂躏了美索不达米亚和亚美尼亚地区,在占领了亚实基伦等城后,结束了对巴勒斯坦的征服。","At the expiration of this truce in 638–639, the Arabs overran Byzantine Mesopotamia and Byzantine Armenia, and terminated the conquest of Palestine by storming Caesarea Maritima and effecting their final capture of Ascalon." +"在意识到希望镇需要正义后,他用相同的价格改买了这把霰弹枪,接着在街上杀死了数十名罪犯,其��包括该电影制片人、皮条客、古柯碱毒枭和具有恋童癖的变态圣诞老人。","Realizing that Hope Town needs justice, he buys the shotgun, costing the same as the lawnmower, and kills dozens of criminals, including the filmmaker, a pimp, a coke lord, and a pedophile dressed as Santa Claus." +"2014年1月8日,忠于叙利亚反对派全国联盟的伊斯兰武装攻击了位于Qadi Askar区一座医院内的ISIS指挥部。","On 8 January 2014, Islamist rebel forces loyal to the National Coalition attacked the ISIS headquarters at a hospital in the Qadi Askar district of Aleppo." +铜河和西北铁路在1911年进驻了麦卡锡。,The Copper River and Northwestern Railway reached McCarthy in 1911. +"Press to Play在英国登上第8,在美国进入前30。","Press to Play reached number 8 in the UK, and number 30 in the US." +"当我从大街上搭救回来一个饥饿的人,我给他一碟米饭,一块面包,我便很满足了。","When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied." +附近的辐射剂量率已降低至仍旧很高的170 微西弗每小时。,Radiation levels near the plant decline to a still relatively high 170 μSv/h. +"例如,一个更有效率的蒸汽机允许更便宜的货物运输和对工业革命作出贡献的人员。","For example, a more efficient steam engine allowed the cheaper transport of goods and people that contributed to the Industrial Revolution." +"由于《孤岛危机2》的线性玩法受到指责,本作将给予玩家更多的自由。","Due to complaints about Crysis 2's linearity, the game's levels were opened up so as to grant players more freedom." +"工作中,他会使用一张黑白格子旗来指明驾驶员“允许通行”、用红旗来表明驾驶员应该在当前位置“等待”。","He used a checkered flag to indicate to the pilot ""GO"", i.e. proceed, or a red flag to indicate the pilot should ""HOLD"" their position." +"本次选举投票率为66%,是当时缅甸历来投票率最高的一次选举。","Voter turnout was 66%, then the highest in a Burmese election." +"根据这一世界观,德国、荷兰、新西兰、都将性交易嫖娼完全合法化。","As a result of such views on prostitution, countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and New Zealand have fully legalized prostitution." +"此外,还有海鲜和河里的鱼,如鳟鱼。",There also is seafood and river fish such as trout. +"威尼斯总比分不敌巴勒莫,被淘汰出局。",Ginsburg also appears in a non-speaking capacity as Palpatine. +"Eugen Tarnow认为,梦是长期记忆持续的激活,即使在清醒状态也存在。","Eugen Tarnow suggests that dreams are ever-present excitations of long-term memory, even during waking life." +"据报道,一些OTH-B和其他OTH-SW(表面波)雷达在中国已经在运作。",A number of OTH-B and OTH-SW radars are reportedly in operation in China. +"支持补充业务(supplementary services),例如电话会议和呼叫保持。",Supporting supplementary services such as conference calls or call hold. +"这是真的只为当初比萨循环时规模首次引入,但随后的周期是通过IRT尺度连接方法与前循环。","This is true only for the initial PISA cycle when the scale was first introduced, though, subsequent cycles are linked to the previous cycles through IRT scale linking methods." +Game Boy具有四个按键..“A”、“B”、选择和开始。,"The Game Boy has four operation buttons labeled ""A"", ""B"", ""SELECT"", and ""START"", as well as a directional pad." +"1910年: 南非法生效,建立南非联盟 。","1910 – The South Africa Act comes into force, establishing the Union of South Africa." +"经过计划审查,美国陆军航空军决定通过了全部四家公司的计划,并要求北美公司与康维尔公司专注于四发动机的设计(日后成为B-45与XB-46),波音与马丁公司则研究六发动机的设计(B-47与XB-48)。","The USAAF awarded study contracts to all four companies, requiring that North American and Convair concentrate on four-engined designs (to become B-45 and XB-46), while Boeing and Martin were to build six-engined aircraft (the B-47 and XB-48)." +"吉伦特派贪婪的敌人查获了,作为叛国罪的证据。",It was greedily seized on by the enemies of the Girondists as evidence of treason. +"在近代的粒子物理中,将真空态视为是物质的基态。","In modern particle physics, the vacuum state is considered the ground state of a field." +"巴纳德辞职,被任命为驻瑞典大使。",Barnard resigned and was appointed the ambassador to Sweden. +"如果一个法院的法官并不具备这样的性质,该法院则不能运行美国的司法权。","If a court's judges do not have such attributes, the court may not exercise the judicial power of the United States." +"1941年7月22日—与判决宣布下来的同一天,巴甫洛夫的财产被没收、剥夺军衔、之后内务人民委员会处决了巴甫洛夫,将其尸体埋于莫斯科附近的一处垃圾掩埋场。","On July 22, 1941, the same day the sentence was handed down, Pavlov's property was confiscated, and he was deprived of military rank, shot, and buried in a landfill near Moscow by the NKVD." +"妻子以为不免改嫁的命运,于是割掉自己的耳朵发誓。",The brothers swore not to make any private alliances with the goal of furthering their claims on the succession. +"IC 348是一个位于英仙座的恒星形成区域,距离太阳约315秒差距。",IC 348 is a star-forming region in the constellation Perseus located about 315 parsecs from the Sun. +事实上是易被欺负的脚色。,The legs are faintly ringed. +"尽管在2011年日本大地震和海啸中存在辐射的危机,但以色列是灾难发生后第一批派遣医疗代表团的国家之一。","Despite radiation concerns, Israel was one of the first countries to send a medical delegation to Japan following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster." +"他的牧师父亲,并不赞成自己儿子的选择,直到他意识到B.o.B正以音乐作为自己快乐的来源以及将自己的创意、灵感发挥在音乐上。","His father, a pastor, disapproved of his son's choices, until he realized B.o.B was using music as a form of therapy and a creative outlet." +1967年在美国被列为濒危物种。,"It is an endangered species in the United States, having been recognized as such in 1967." +"同时间“Welcome To The Edge”在NBC的电视系列剧“Santa Barbara”播放,并且获得Emmy音乐奖提名入围最佳原歌曲奖。","Concurrently it aired in the NBC television series ""Santa Barbara,"" garnering an Emmy nomination for Best Original Song." +"接着与声称刚刚拯救了宇宙的福特再度碰面,搭最后一次便车,见到“上帝给他的创造物的最后一封信”。","Eventually, he rejoins Ford, who claims to have saved the Universe in the meantime, to hitch-hike one last time and see God's Final Message to His Creation." +"汤玛斯,莱文森和美国将军约书亚·亚当斯的团体在战争中审讯51区监狱设施中被关押的外星人之一。","Whitmore, Levinson, and U.S. General Joshua Adams' groups interrogate one of the aliens held in captivity at Area 51's prison facility from the war." +"虽然有一个“愤怒日”的计划将定为在2月4日至5日,但它的示威多数是平静的。","One attempt at a ""day of rage"" was set for 4–5 February, though it ended uneventfully." +所以不得随君去也。,Maybe we'll let you come along too. +某种程度上有超过10%的岩石是由金属颗粒组成。,Somewhat more than 10% of the rock is composed of metal grains. +"IL-1α前体和成熟IL-1β不含与内质网和高尔基体分泌有关的信号肽,因此会通过非常规蛋白分泌途径分泌,此种分泌途径的机制尚不清楚。","IL-1α precursor and mature IL-1β lack a signal peptide which should direct them into the endoplasmic/Golgi-dependent secretion pathway and they are secreted by an unconventional protein secretion pathway, of which the mechanism and regulation are not known." +"他们发觉自1977年开始,NASA的管理层事前已经知道承包商莫顿·塞奥科公司(英语:Thiokol)所设计的固体火箭助推器在O型环处存在着潜在的缺陷,但却未曾提出过改进意见来妥善解决这一问题。","NASA managers had known since 1977 that contractor Morton-Thiokol's design of the SRBs contained a potentially catastrophic flaw in the O-rings, but they had failed to address this problem properly." +"相比之下,欧洲主流的交通规划从来没有把私人汽车当作解决 城市交通 最好或唯一的办法。","Mainstream transport planning in Europe has, by contrast, never been based on assumptions that the private car was the best or only solution for urban mobility." +"Palm(后来被HP公司收购)推出了一个新的基于Linux的webOS操作系统,并使用在新生产的Palm Pre智能手机上。","Continuing the trend, Palm (later acquired by HP) produced a new Linux-derived operating system, webOS, which is built into its line of Palm Pre smartphones." +"车站站房楼顶装设了两座大理石钟面的四面大钟,会在每天早上7点到晚上9点的正点时分敲响钟声并播放乐曲“东方红”,成为北京站的一大特色。","Installed on the roof of the Station House were two marble clock faces and every morning from 7am to 9pm the bell sounded punctually and ""The East Is Red song is played out." +Skytrax还设立了机场和航空公司评等制度。,Dammeier also owns the truck and enterprise. +"在1月18日,一列IC列车在一截埃尔姆斯霍恩与威斯特兰之间的路轨上碰上了一棵倒塌在路轨的树。","On 18 January, an InterCity train ran into a tree that had fallen onto the tracks between Elmshorn and Westerland." +"2005年之前,该博物馆位于第二大道203号,介于11街和12街之间。","Until 2005, the museum was located at 203 Second Avenue, between 11th and 12th Streets." +"2015年,孟加拉政府计划将部分罗兴亚人迁移到本岛上。","In 2015, Bangladesh government decided to relocate some Rohingya Muslims to Hatiya Island." +"1981年左右,该党于内部冲突中瓦解。","By 1981 it had disbanded, following internal conflicts." +有些作者要求拓扑流形的所有的图映射到同一欧几里得空间。,Some authors require that all charts of a topological manifold map to Euclidean spaces of same dimension. +"在此之前,国民警卫队在伊拉克或阿富汗的一年正常任务实际上长达18个月,中间包括训练及转移的时间。","Prior to this time, Guard troops deployed for a standard one-year deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan would serve for 18 or more months including training and transit time." +2009年2月4日:ESA同意基础任务再延长至2009年12月31日。,4 February 2009: ESA agrees to fund mission extension until 31 December 2009. +在裁判法院以下亦设有数个审裁处负责处理社会保障、税务和雇佣事项。,"Below the Magistrates' Court, there are also tribunals for social security, tax and employment matters." +屋苑的每座楼宇地下均设有不同设施。,Each floor within the building offers different exhibits. +"所有七大宗教是泛指的,没有任何宗教有更多的奖励。","The whole structure of the Church is supported by seven concrete arches, without any no pillars." +"盟军轰炸机于1944年攻击,在周详计划的大周未(Big Week)方案中未能阻止或破坏亨克尔(Heinkel)的生产。",The Allied bomber offensives in 1944 and in particular Big Week failed to stop or damage production at Heinkel. +该隧道配备了先进的ETCS 2级铁路装备。,The track has been equipped with ETCS Level 2. +"就算没有以单曲身份释出,这首歌依然进入了全球的一些音乐榜单。","Despite not being released as a single, the song entered several music charts worldwide." +"2016 年 7 月,GitLab CEO 确认了公司的开放核心功能。","In July 2016, the GitLab CEO confirmed the open-core business model of the company." +"这样的恒星,一生中大部分的时间都经由对流混合它们的内部,因此它们可以继续氢的融合,时间可以长达1012年(一千亿年),远比宇宙现在的年龄还更长久。","For most of their lifetimes, such stars have their interior thoroughly mixed by convection and so they can continue fusing hydrogen for a time in excess of 1012 years, much longer than the current age of the Universe." +这种散文和诗的和谐通常是典型的后期六朝文学。,"This rapprochement between prose and poetry is typical of late Six Dynasties literature, in general." +"6月24日,叛军声称他们利用最近得到的反坦克武器,击退了一次猛烈进攻。","On 24 June, rebels claimed to have repulsed a loyalist attack crediting their victory to newly arrived anti-tank weapons." +"仪式被认为重新制定成为了所谓‘水的神迹(Water Miracle)’,在这神迹方面是密特拉斯发射出一道闪电打入岩石中,并于此刻由这岩石便因而喷出水来了。","The Rite is thought to re-enact what has come to be called the ‘Water Miracle’, in which Mithras fires a bolt into a rock, and from the rock now spouts water." +"查菲被任命为这支部队的指挥官并建立了第1和第2装甲师,还建立了首个联合兵种作战教范。","Chaffee was named commander of this force, and created the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions as well as the first combined arms doctrine." +"转轮匣具有五个膛室,在操作、供弹、击发和抽壳的过程中至少填满了当中3个膛室。","The revolver cassette had five chambers and at least 3 chambers were full during operation, feeding, firing, and extracting." +"它易溶于水,可以从水溶液中析出多种水合物。",Below them are a series of water fountains that go downward. +"沿岸加利福尼亚寒流流经,夏季凉爽。","However, the waters off California are cold even in summer." +"望远镜外壳建筑也被塑造成形为最大限度地减少空气湍流,以提高天文图像的品质。",The telescope enclosure building is also shaped to improve the quality of astronomical images by minimizing the effects caused by atmospheric turbulence. +"公司近来在佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉设立了一座工厂危机测试中心,希望通过这个机构的研究来寻求新的降低汞排放量的方法。","The company recently opened the Plant Crist Test Center in Pensacola, Florida, where they hope to discover new ways to reduce mercury emissions." +核反应堆是人工生成中微子的主要来源。,Nuclear reactors are the major source of human-generated neutrinos. +"但是,在2011年11月,谷歌宣布他们将不会再在CSP项目的投资,因为太阳能光伏价格快速下滑。","In November 2011, Google announced that they would stop investing in CSP projects due to the rapid price decline of photovoltaics." +其名称来源于美洲原住民的语言。,The name comes from a local Native American language. +"晚饭过后,莱德尔被带走,邦被卫兵揍了一顿。","After dinner, Ryder is taken away and Bond is beaten by the guards." +True的网页 TrueVisions的网页 True Vision的英语网页,TrueVisions on Facebook TrueVisions Website True Website True Visions Website True Vision English website +"他担任议会成员,并起草《1776年弗吉尼亚州宪法》,担任重要的委员会成员,包括最终确立弗吉尼亚权利法案的28名成员之一。","He served as a member of the convention that drew up Virginia's constitution (1776) and held a number of important committee positions, including a seat on the Committee of 28 that framed Virginia's Declaration of Rights and plan of government." +摘要:研究目的是确定和展示各种重力环境中高效植物生长的技术。,Abstract: The purpose of the research conducted was to identify and demonstrate technologies for high-performance plant growth in a variety of gravitational environments. +"他的活动范围很广,从受州长杰瑞·布朗委任进入加利福尼亚州老龄委员会,到在汤姆·海登的经济民主活动中担任一位教师的助手。",His activities ranged from the California Commission on Aging (appointed by Governor Jerry Brown) to working as a teacher's aide to Tom Hayden's Campaign for Economic Democracy. +"1904年,他发表了他们的共同研究成果,以所谓的“蝴蝶图”表示。","In 1904, he published their results in the form of the ""butterfly"" diagram." +《杰伊条约》第三条宣布印第安人、美国公民和加拿大(当时是英国的领土)臣民有权在美国和加拿大之间进行贸易和旅行。,"Article III of the Jay Treaty declared the right of Indians, American citizens, and Canadian subjects to trade and travel between the United States and Canada, which was then a territory of Great Britain." +"1985年时移居巴黎,2010年时移居日内瓦直到2017年过世。",She lived in Paris from 1985 and in Geneva from 2010 until her death in 2017. +比如碗或酒具。,Wine and Bowties. +"由于没有任何证据证明他们与来自印度次大陆上的印度教徒有所接触,所以可以推断印度尼西亚东部地区的人们独立发展出了复杂的金属加工技术。","Even people in the eastern side of Indonesia, that had not shown any signs of contact with Hinduism coming from the Indian subcontinent, had developed sophisticated metal-working techniques." +"法案于同年6月25日经众议员阿什布罗克带到联邦众议院审议,他在会场告诉其他议员,最初发行的硬币图案不但同设计师的原始构想不符,而且硬币也不能顺利堆叠。","The matter was brought up in the House of Representatives on June 25, led by Congressman Ashbrook, who told his colleagues both that the issued design was not true to the artist's concept, and that the coins would not stack well." +关西学院大学等由其运営。,Tonight Carleton College will sure meet its fate. +"但世界协调时间(UTC)(以原子为基础时间刻度而始终保持在0.9秒以内的UT1)是在英国共同实际使用中,并且名称GMT往往不精确用来参考。","But Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (an atomic-based time scale which is always kept within 0.9 second of UT1) is in common actual use in the UK, and the name GMT is often inaccurately used to refer to it." +"这两个注意点被认为可能是当时音乐创作的准则(Klauser 1890,p.202)。","It may be considered a guideline or a rule (Klauser 1890, pp. 202)." +他是知道这类暴行的。,He evidently knows something of the intrigue. +"除了别墅之外,包括在郊区和小城镇更多的公寓和连排别墅,最大的郊区居住的区别是各种不同郊区文化的密度和多样性,并且零售店和制造业住宅与普通住宅混合。","Aside from housing, the major differences from suburban living are the density and diversity of many different subcultures, and retail and manufacturing buildings mixed with housing in urban areas." +"此站的森林小丘-71大道方向月台西端设有一个紧急出口,前往下方的D3和D4快车轨道。","There is an emergency exit at the western end of the Forest Hills-bound platform at this station, which leads to the D3 and D4 express tracks below." +"这些都市国家都有着自己独特的文化,生活方式非常多样。",The Finns brought with them their unique culture and their way of life. +摩丝小时与她母亲住在温哥华。,For some time she lived with her mother in Warsaw. +"自《天才的遗传研究》第四卷开始,特曼注意到,他的研究对象成年之后“从事警察、海员、打字员、档案员之类的普通工作”,结论是: 这项研究广被批评的一点是样本没有广泛代表性。","By the 4th volume of Genetic Studies of Genius, Terman had noted that as adults, his subjects pursued common occupations ""as humble as those of policeman, seaman, typist and filing clerk"" and concluded: The study has been criticized for not having a generalizable sample." +"小说《Usta Karo》描述了19世纪到20世纪初亚美尼亚的政治和事务,该小说一直没写完,它的创作伴随了伊萨克扬的一生。","A symbolic story portraying the Armenian politics and Armenian cause of the 19th early 20th centuries must have been ""Usta Karo"", an unfinished novel, the work on which had accompanied the writer through all his life." +一些美洲原住民部落和墨西哥人相信梦是和他们的祖先沟通的方式。,Some Indigenous American tribes and Mexican civilizations believe that dreams are a way of visiting and having contact with their ancestors. +"他创立了投资者遗产人寿保险公司,1961年担任总裁和董事会主席,直到他去世。",He founded Investors Heritage Life Insurance Company in 1961 and served as its President and Chairman of the Board until his death. +这一条分界线最终成为如今马来西亚和印度尼西亚在海峡部分的国界。,This line of demarcation would eventually become the modern-day border between Malaysia and Indonesia. +"内阁成员被捕,高尔察克宣布成为“俄国最高统治者”。","The members of the Directory were arrested and Kolchak proclaimed the ""Supreme Ruler of Russia""." +"例如: 当把匈牙利方法应用于上面的表格时,会给出最低成本:为6美元,让吉姆清洁浴室、史提夫打扫地板、艾伦清洗窗户就可以达到这一结果。","For example: The Hungarian method, when applied to the above table, would give the minimum cost: this is $6, achieved by having Armond clean the bathroom, Francine sweep the floors, and Herbert wash the windows." +荷兰君主配偶指某位与荷兰君主在位期间有婚姻关系的人。,A consort of the Netherlands is a person married to a Dutch monarch during his or her reign. +"黑魔导士乐队并没有像其他乐队那样展开过自己的巡演旅程,不过他们有为宣传推广自己的专辑而举办过几场音乐会。","The Black Mages did not tour as a band, but performed several concerts to promote their album releases." +"此外,够不上特别展规模的小型主题陈列也时常举行。",Short-term exhibitions of many different points of interest are also often held here. +"花一天时间穿越半岛后,系统进入坎佩切湾,但其中仍然没有深层对流。","After its one-day passage through the peninsula, the system entered the Bay of Campeche, but lacked any deep convection." +"这有时被描述为他们追求社会中“自由创造力”(英语: Free creativity)的最大化,优于追求“自由企业”(英语: Free enterprise)。","This is sometimes characterized as a desire to maximize ""free creativity"" in a society in preference to ""free enterprise""." +"十二世纪早期,不来梅教区和马格德堡教区大主教希望经由和平方法将邻近的西斯拉夫民族改信基督教。","By the early 12th century, the German archbishoprics of Bremen and Magdeburg sought the conversion to Christianity of neighboring pagan West Slavs through peaceful means." +"英国剥削电影(Britsploitation films):将剧情背景设定在英国的剥削电影,有时也向汉默恐怖片(Hammer Horror)类型电影致敬。","Britsploitation: exploitation films set in Great Britain, sometimes in homage to the Hammer Horror range of films." +"截至5月27日,低气压区已进入墨西哥湾,次日有船只遭遇降雨,还在低气压区内部发现闭合下层环流。","By May 27, the low entered the Gulf of Mexico and a ship report the next day showed that the low had developed a closed low-level circulation." +"计划总长24个月,是任何一方政府提供的计划中最长之一。",This is a 24-month program – one of the longest offered by either government. +"据美国驻乌兹别克的外交官透露,卡丽莫娃“在所有赚钱的买卖当中都要强行分一杯羹”,并视她为“强盗贵族”。","According to US diplomats in Uzbekistan, Karimova ""bullied her way into gaining a slice of virtually every lucrative business"" in the country and is viewed as a ""robber baron""." +"授精通常发生在输卵管,但也可以在子宫中发生。","The fertilization usually occurs in the oviducts, but can happen in the uterus itself." +车站编号是T13。,The station number is T13. +"以小报形式呈现,每周四会放插在报纸里,并在全年大量投放另外20,000-40,000份在主要旅游地点。","Presented in tabloid format, it is inserted in the paper each Thursday and an additional 20,000–40,000 copies are bulk dropped to key tourist locations throughout the year." +"所有已知的高吻龙标本都是于1981年由苏联及蒙古科学家的共同考察团所挖掘的,发现于蒙古东戈壁省的Khukhtek地层。","All known specimens of Altirhinus were recovered in 1981 during collaborative expeditions organized by Soviet and Mongolian scientists, from the Khukhtek Formation in the Dornogovi Province of Mongolia." +"阿赫迈底亚派自称是穆斯林,他们相信经上所承诺的马赫迪和弥赛亚已经作为米尔扎·古拉姆·艾哈迈德(1835-1908年)本人而到来。","The Ahmadi sect, who identify as Muslims, believe that the promised Mahdi and Messiah arrived in the person of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908)." +"作为第三代人权文件,公约要求其缔约国消除种族歧视和促进所有种族间的谅解。","A third-generation human rights instrument, the Convention commits its members to the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion of understanding among all races." +"后来,Matt在公开场合被枪杀,而Tom逃脱了同样的命运。","Later, Matt is gunned down in public, with Tom narrowly escaping the same fate." +美国小说家和学者艾莉森·卢里在《纽约书评》中指出小惠因区这个名字是“美国读者可能不会想得出的笑话:我们会把那地方称为‘小呜呜’(Little Whining)。,"Alison Lurie noted in the New York Review of Books that Little Whinging's name is ""a joke that American readers may not get: we would call the place Little Whining""." +该大学是德州农工大学系统(英语:Texas A&M University System)的一部分。,The university is part of the Texas A&M University System. +《德州电锯杀人狂》释出各种家庭视频格式。,The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has appeared on various home video formats. +它由两门布雷达特许生产并且发射高爆弹药的波佛斯40毫米L/70高射炮、一台火控雷达(RTN-10X)和一台火控系统(RTN-20X和DARDO)所组成。,"It is composed of two Breda-built Bofors 40 mm firing high explosive (HE) shells, a fire-control radar (RTN-10X) and a fire-control system (RTN-20X and Dardo)." +"几天后,市政府宣布他的话被误解了,而朴元淳的话可能是韩国将成为亚洲第一个将同性婚姻合法化的国家。","A few days later, the City Government announced that his words were misinterpreted and that Park's words were that ""maybe South Korea would become the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage""." +"每宴会将士,必自执杯劝酒,或手付赐物。",Every fire or hearth has an İye (protector spirit or deity). +"动物园在2008年4月减少了人类与弗洛克接触,并希望它能和它的同类更好地相处而不再依赖人类。","In April 2008, the zoo decreased human interaction with the cub, hoping that one day she could coexist with members of her species and not be dependent on humans." +"民用反应堆中使用的核燃料大约还有5%的铀-235,95的铀-238,而海军使用的核反应堆的铀-235含量高达93%。","In civilian reactors, the enrichment is increased to 3-5% U-235 and 95% U-238, but in naval reactors there is as much as 93% U-235." +John Hall 称它的节奏如扫帚扫地一般。,John Hall described its rhythm as the one of a moving broom. +"也有其他的学者提出社会实用的解释,强调照护者所扮演引导幼儿学习字汇的过程。","Yet other theorists have proposed social pragmatic accounts, which stress the role of caregivers in guiding infants through the word learning process." +"2月20日,抗议活动已蔓延到首都的黎波里,导致赛义夫·伊斯兰·卡扎菲在电视台警告示威者,他们的国家可能陷入内战。","By 20 February, protests had spread to the capital Tripoli, leading to a television address by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who warned the protestors that their country could descend into civil war." +"他是让·图桑·德桑蒂蒂(Jean-Toussaint Desanti)的学生,并且对数学哲学和科学哲学都进行过专研。",He was a student of Jean-Toussaint Desanti and worked on both philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science. +"可是在他们找到斋藤鸣后,归隐许久的斋藤鸣却拒绝透露鬼祭宗煌下落,甚至不惜以死阻止八岐太岁。","As soon as they are caught they shed Tears without Crying, and refuse all sustenance till they die." +"同样,Trolltech通过对Qt的开发和把它GPL许可化,以及启用一些X和KDE开发人员来支持Linux。","Likewise, Digia supports Linux by the development and LGPL licensing of Qt, which makes the development of KDE possible, and by employing some of the X and KDE developers." +"这个词被认为是由马来语“melaju”衍生而来的,“melaju”是一个词前缀“me”和词根“laju”的组合,意思是“加速”,用来描述河流加速的强劲水流。","The term is thought to be derived from the Malay word melaju, a combination of the verbal prefix 'me' and the root word 'laju', meaning ""to accelerate"", used to describe the accelerating strong current of the river." +导演和编剧未知。,Author and publisher unknown. +"在重新稳定种子后,团队从袁·卡菲处了解到,希尔瓦兰特和泰瑟亚兰曾是一个世界,但米托斯用无尽之剑将之分开;团队明白用无尽之剑就可合并世界,让伟大果实萌发。","After the party re-stabilizes the seed, they learn from Yuan Ka-Fai about the origins of Sylvarant and Tethe'alla and how they used to be one world but was split by Mithos with the Eternal Sword; the party realizes they can save the world if they wield the Eternal Sword, merge the worlds, and germinate the Great Seed." +"虽然CCF曾是基督教左翼和社会福音运动的成员,但新民主党的宗旨却是世俗主义和多元文化的政策。","Although the CCF was part of the Christian left and the Social Gospel movement, the NDP is secular and pluralistic." +法国大革命引致由英国统治的爱尔兰王国出现了宗教和政治问题。,"The French Revolution revived religious and political problems in Ireland, a realm under the rule of the King of Great Britain." +"然而,不可数名称与可数名称之间的区分比在英语中更加模糊。","However, the division between uncountable and countable nouns is more ambiguous than in English." +第二种方式有较大的挑战性。,The second trail is a little more challenging. +"圆规座内有两颗与太阳类似且拥有行星系统的恒星:HD 134060拥有两个小的行星,HD 129445则拥有一颗与木星类似的行星。","Two sun-like stars have planetary systems: HD 134060 has two small planets, and HD 129445 has a Jupiter-like planet." +同年该银行又并购了肯塔基企业银行集团(Kentucky Enterprise Bancorp)。,The bank also acquired Kentucky Enterprise Bancorp. +"乔布斯赞成前者的做法,但是分别遭到由史考特·福斯托及托尼·法戴尔所领导的麦金塔及iPod团队在内部竞争中互相否决,最终由福斯托团队创建的iPhone OS胜出。","Jobs favored the former approach but pitted the Macintosh and iPod teams, led by Scott Forstall and Tony Fadell, respectively, against each other in an internal competition, with Forstall winning by creating the iPhone OS." +"在此之后,虽然世界上每一个国家都致力于废止私掠行为,仍有国家继续签署颁发私掠许可证。","Despite the attempt to end privateering around the world, nations continued issuing letters of marque." +"两天之后,在1918年11月11日,第一次世界大战的交战双方签署了停战协议。","Two days later, on 11 November 1918, the armistice between the belligerents of World War I was signed." +"父亲在一场车祸中去世后,穆鲁根南特姆在贫穷中长大。",Muruganantham grew up in poverty after his father died in a road accident. +"6月,布莉琪展开第二场巡演,Summer Tour演唱会,只在美国境内。","Also in June Mendler debuted her second tour, the Summer Tour, reaching only the United States." +"后来该火箭用于向太空发射首个人造卫星,并且其衍生火箭能够发射所有苏联宇宙飞船。","It was later used to launch the first satellite into space, and derivatives launched all piloted Soviet spacecraft." +"在 2001年的Royal Rumble,基斯顿和Edge将双打冠军输了给Dudley Boyz。","At the Royal Rumble on January 21, 2001, Edge and Christian lost the WWF Tag Team Championship to The Dudley Boyz." +费尔斯身着湿衬衫的场景被选为“英国电视史上最令人难忘的时刻之一”。,"A scene showing Firth in a wet shirt was recognised as ""one of the most unforgettable moments in British TV history""." +一些天主教会使用这个符号来代表“谦逊”和“毫不配与耶稣相比”。,"As such, some Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Jesus." +“他在 2000 年制作的第 1000 张邮票取材自大卫·克洛克·埃伦斯特拉尔的名画《瑞典国王的伟大功绩》,并因此入选《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》。”,"His 1,000th stamp was the magnificent ""Great Deeds by Swedish Kings"" by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl in 2000, which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records." +"然而,克鲁克斯回避了他的谴责。","At the same time, Gorinšek was relieved of his duty." +"美国大部分的非接触支付终端目前都不支持 EMV 的非接触支付标准(即便终端支持 EMV 的刷卡交易),所以当受影响的旅行者在美国使用 Apple Pay 时,会在 iPhone 屏幕和终端上显示“无法完成交易”的提示。","Most contactless terminals in the US do not currently support EMV-mode contactless transactions (even if they support EMV contact transactions), and therefore these visitors to the US will receive a 'Could Not Complete Payment' error on the iPhone screen and an error on the terminal when attempting to use Apple Pay." +"62%的赞成票使同性婚姻通过,并让爱尔兰成为第一个以修宪公投通过同性婚姻的国家。",The national campaign won with a 62% vote in favour of marriage equality making Ireland the first country in the world to have passed marriage equality by a public vote. +该公司还经营以色列第一家也是唯一一家私营的港口。,The company also operates the first and only privately owned port in Israel. +我不是整天坐在桌子后面工作。,"I didn't sit behind a desk all day""." +"随着许多阿族人转变为伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教的诗和其他文学传统也逐渐被采纳,诸如Bejtexhinj(阿尔巴尼亚诗人)等作家,以及像Nezim Frakulla,Hasan Zyko Kamberi,MuhametKyçyku和兄弟Shahin和DalipFrashëri这样的人物。","With the conversion to Islam of many Albanians, Muslim poetic and other literary traditions were adopted giving rise to authors such as the Bejtexhinj (Albanian poets) and included individuals like Nezim Frakulla, Hasan Zyko Kamberi, Muhamet Kyçyku, and brothers Shahin and Dalip Frashëri." +"这不是一个完美的决定,但这是一个最正确的决定,在当时是最正确的决定。",This was not an easy decision - but it's the right one for me at this time. +"班德能够拆卸和安装身体及自志独立远程操作每个分离部位,大概用发射器和天线发送无线信号。","Bender is capable of disassembling and reassembling his body at will and operating each detached body part individually and remotely, presumably by using his transmitter and antenna to send wireless signals." +"在2010年春季宣布,他出演的首部国际电影《黑暗时刻》,开始在莫斯科拍摄,于2010年6月和2011年12月发布。","It was announced in the spring of 2010 that he would be making his international film debut in the thriller The Darkest Hour, which began filming in Moscow in June 2010 and was released in December 2011." +"之后,参卡尔接受了精神主义、象征主义和理想主义,还公开和Fran Govekar决裂。","He embraced spiritualism, symbolism and idealism, and later publicly broke with Fran Govekar." +正是他的一生遭遇激发了卢梭攻击人造的文明需要艺术的表达。,That return to nature which inspired Rousseau's attacks upon an artificial civilization demanded expression in art. +"在她死后,碧昂丝于2012年5月在大西洋城芮维尔赌场(英语:TEN Atlantic City)的芮维尔呈现:碧昂丝现场表演(英语:Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live)中向休斯敦致敬。","After her death, Beyoncé performed a tribute for Houston during her revue Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live in May 2012, at the Revel resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey." +可吃着?,Do you eat? +史克威尔艾尼克斯称游戏总销量是2013/14财年财政状况改善的原因之一。,The title's overall sales were cited by Square Enix as a reason for its improved financial situation at the end of the 2013/14 fiscal year. +一般均衡宏观经济模型通常使用只包含几个市场(例如商品市场与金融市场)的简化结构。,"General equilibrium macroeconomic models usually have a simplified structure that only incorporates a few markets, like a ""goods market"" and a ""financial market""." +"然而当一些大规模的行业壮大了之时,大多数华人企业还是小型的,还在市集与街道上进行销售,或者进行挨家挨户的销售。","While some large—scale businesses grew, most Chinese enterprises were small, selling goods in markets, in the streets and door to door." +"在那一时期,鲍尔想停止创作这个系列,但迫于签订的合约不得不再画一年。","At that time Bauer wanted to stop illustrating the series, but was contractually obligated to illustrate one more edition." +展期至12月27日。,Duty there till October 27. +"胃内气球成形术有三个部分需要花费:手术前花费(如专业咨询费用、实验室工作和测试),手术本身花费(如外科医生、手术助手、麻醉和住院费)和手术后花费(如回诊,维生素和营养品的补充)。","There are three cost categories for the intragastric balloon: pre-operative (e.g. professional fees, lab work and testing), the procedure itself (e.g. surgeon, surgical assistant, anesthesia and hospital fees) and post-operative (e.g. follow-up physician office visits, vitamins and supplements)." +"在这一目的下,1956年,委员会以39,000英镑买下了女王门(英语:Queen's Gate)和克伦威尔路(英语:Cromwell Road)交叉的十字路口处一块因为轰炸而废弃的土地。","For this purpose, in 1956 the committee purchased a bombed-out property at the intersection of Cromwell Road and Queen's Gate at a cost of £39,000." +"ARBED大楼(ARBED building)是ARBED钢铁公司之前的总部大楼,竣工于1922年,位于卢森堡市的玫瑰花园对面。","The ARBED building is the generally used name for the former headquarters building of the ARBED steel manufacturing company, which was completed in 1922 on the Avenue de la Liberté, opposite the Rose Garden in Luxembourg City." +"与普加乔夫的战争继续着,而彼得重新加入了军队。",The war with Pugachev goes on and Pyotr rejoins the army. +"英国皇家邮政大厦,马德里(西班牙)。","Royal Mail House, Madrid (Spain)." +"马丁撰写本剧首集待售剧本的意图有两个:将其提供给有前瞻性的工作室,以及一改其过往的编剧风格(曾编写过《拯救希望》、《狄格西:下一代(英语:Degrassi: The Next Generation)》与《艾莉卡的奇幻旅程(英语:Being Erica)》等)。","Martin would write the first episode of Slasher as a spec script, with two intentions for doing so: To offer it to prospective studios, and to show a writing style that was different from his previous work (e.g. Saving Hope, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Being Erica)." +"1.1版还被一些公司特意改编成衍生许可证,如Sun Microsystems的通用开发与散布许可证。",Version 1.1 was adapted by several projects to form derivative licenses like Sun Microsystems' own Common Development and Distribution License. +��方海狗生活在太平洋北部。,The northern elephant seal lives in the eastern Pacific Ocean. +小飞机学院每年两次在公司位于南街海港的工作室举办为期三天的工作坊。,Little Airplane Academy offers a three-day workshop twice a year at the company's South Street Seaport studios. +阿姆斯特朗酸便是以他作为命名。,Armstrong's acid is named for him. +其他如美国将军米契尔见到空军能够反击水面舰队攻击的潜力。,"Others, such as General Billy Mitchell in the United States, saw the potential of air power to augment the striking power of naval surface fleets." +葡萄糖耐受测试可能在单纯胰岛素抗性中显示正常或中度不正常。,An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) may be normal or mildly abnormal in simple insulin resistance. +"组合上两个性质,所有离散一致或度量空间是完全有界空间,当且仅当它是有限的。","Combining the above two facts, every discrete uniform or metric space is totally bounded if and only if it is finite." +"2000年之后,他一直担任泰国负责艾伯塔省,萨斯喀彻温省和曼尼托巴省的名誉领事及现任领事。","Since 2000, he has served as Honorary Consul, and now Consul General for Thailand, responsible for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba." +"至1874年末, 单动式陆军已生产了16,000枝,其中12,500枝.45口径的手枪被送到军队服役,而剩下的手枪则被送到民间市场销售 。","By the end of 1874, serial no. 16,000 was reached; 12,500 Colt Single Action Army revolvers chambered for the .45 Colt cartridge had entered service and the remaining revolvers were sold in the civilian market." +"根据电影票销售网站Fandango,《移动迷宫》成为最大的卖家,占早期门票销售额的50%以上。","According to movie ticket sale website Fandango, The Maze Runner was the biggest seller accounting for more than 50% of early tickets sales." +"混合功能氧化酶(英语:Mixed-function oxidase)是一氧化酶家族的名称,在它们催化的反应中O2的两个原子分别被用于不同的功能。",Mixed-function oxidase is the name of a family of oxidase enzymes that catalyze a reaction in which each of the two atoms of oxygen in O2 is used for a different function in the reaction. +所有的F9F - 2最终被如此修改和B指定被丢弃。,"All F9F-2s were eventually so modified, and the B designation was dropped." +"皮特和塔伦蒂诺几年来一直想合作,但没有等到合适的影片。","Pitt and Tarantino had wanted to work together for a number of years, but they were waiting for the right project." +"萨宾是波士顿交响大厅的建筑声学专家,被广泛认为是世界上其中两或三个最好的音乐厅之一。","Sabine was architectural acoustician of Boston's Symphony Hall, widely considered one of the two or three best concert halls in the world for its acoustics." +除此以外都很完美。,"Other than that, it was perfect." +"很快他便和自己的环境发生了摩擦,不喜欢和其他孩子玩,喜欢自己读书,并且小小年纪便信任无神论而拒绝教堂。","He quickly chafes against his surroundings, reading instead of playing with other children, and rejecting the church in favor of agnosticism at a young age." +郑氏著作素以文辞典雅为人所知。,Knowledge is that through which the essence is knowing. +"虽然无缘挺进分区系列赛,但这年对双城来说仍然算是个成功的球季。","Despite running only two seasons, the series remains highly popular to this day." +"1992年,收购Applied Biosystems。","In 1992, the company merged with Applied Biosystems." +软件的易用性、稳定性以及软件安全问题是受到批评的共同目标。,"Issues with ease of use, robustness, and security of the company's software are common targets for critics." +"该解决方案能够构建所有组织资产的清单,并管理行政和财务任务。",The solution is able to build an inventory of all the organization's assets and to manage administrative and financial tasks. +"该片讲述了一个家庭的故事,设定在1966年至2003年的意大利。",The Best of Youth is a family saga set in Italy from 1966 through 2003. +"根据生产商的说法,这些手枪是由28个零部件所组成,可以互换,以便于生产和维护。",According to the manufacturer the 28 parts and components these pistols are made of are interchangeable for easy production and maintenance. +"除了棉花以外,黄金是主要的外汇收入来源之一,非官方估计占出口总额约两成。","Gold, alongside cotton, is a major foreign exchange earner, unofficially estimated at around 20% of total exports." +"德拉撒勒被指控为无能、胆小及成为法西斯间谍,随后便被行刑队枪决(英语:Execution by firing squad)。","Delasalle was accused of incompetence, cowardice and of being a fascist spy, and executed by firing squad." +"1983年,在45岁时,受聘出任旧金山州立大学校长,成为美国有史以来第一位华裔大学校长。","In 1983, at the age of 45, he became President of San Francisco State University, the first Chinese American to head a major university in the United States." +"所以,在阿拉伯世界施行的世俗化不能与在西方施行的方式一样。","Therefore, secularisation could not take the same shape in the Arab world as it did in the West." +工人国际法国支部的让·龙格(英语:Jean Longuet)批评它为“苏维埃式的含混闲谈”。,"Jean Longuet, a member of the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO), criticized it, calling it ""vague Sovietic chitchat"" (""vague parlotte soviétique"")." +并融合入于生活中。,Commuted to life. +"可变数据打印可以与其他平台相结合,如PURLS、email blasts和 QR codes;这三个平台是公认的营销手段。","Variable data printing can be combined with other platforms – such as PURLS, email blasts, and QR codes; all three platforms are considered marketing tools." +"制宪会议于7月26日至8月6日期间进行休会来等待细节委员会整理出报告,这份报告就是宪法的初稿。","The Convention adjourned from July 26 to August 6 to await the report of the Committee of Detail, which was to produce a first draft of the Constitution." +"纵观整个系列,游戏使用过不同的战斗系统。","Throughout the series, the games have used different battle systems." +粗略估计全球约10%的珊瑚礁近乎死亡。,General estimates show approximately 10% world's coral reefs are already dead. +"《生态乌托邦》一书从分离后的20年左右,新国家确确实实建立起来了开始。","The book Ecotopia begins about 20 years after secession, when the new nation is securely established." +"此地图亦附带了一个关于“新世界道德秩序”的宣言,并附上由美国总统罗斯福发表的《四大自由》演讲的节录。","The map includes a manifesto describing a ""New World Moral Order"", along with quotes from Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech." +"1920年1月17日,美国宪法的第十八修正案获得批准,禁酒令持续到修正案于1933年被废除。","On January 17, 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution took effect and Prohibition lasted until the amendment was repealed in 1933." +"陈酿后,通常会将朗姆酒进行调味混合,以确保风味的一致。","After ageing, rum is normally blended to ensure a consistent flavour." +"最早的例子中,《太平记》史诗在1342年记录了用“马鹿者”作为侮辱。","In the earliest example, the Taiheiki historical epic records bakamono 馬鹿者 being used as an insult in 1342." +"在1901年,威利斯顿便指出马什自己也无法分辨出异特龙与Creosaurus的差异。","For example, Williston pointed out in 1901 that Marsh had never been able to adequately distinguish Allosaurus from Creosaurus." +地之天女。,Daughters of the Earth. +"伊萨克·亨普斯特德-怀特(Isaac Hempstead Wright,1999年4月9日-)是英国的一位演员。",Isaac Hempstead-Wright (born Isaac William Hempstead; 9 April 1999) is an English actor. +"由于伊朗政府对燃油的价格补贴,交通运输成本相对廉价。",Transport in Iran is inexpensive because of the government's subsidization of the price of gasoline. +"1988年是美国西部山火的高发年,总计报告超过72,000场火,其中300场被定为大火。","1988 was a big year for wildfires in the western United States, with more than 72,000 fires reported during the year, including 300 rated as major." +在五岁时动过手术。,Performed at the age of 15. +"7月10日,第38特遣舰队战机对东京附近的机场发动袭击,据称于地面击毁了340架日本飞机,于空中则击落了2架。",On 10 July TF 38's aircraft struck airfields around Tokyo and claimed to have destroyed 340 Japanese aircraft on the ground and two in the air. +"1985年1月28日,杰梅因·拉马尔·科尔出生于西德法兰克福的一美国陆军基地。","Jermaine Lamarr Cole was born on January 28, 1985, at an American military base in Frankfurt, West Germany." +休闲旅游是一个与旅游相关的小作品。,An excursion is a brief recreational trip. +1UP.com在其“2006年E3最佳”专题中将其列为“最佳Wii游戏”和“最创新游戏”。,"1UP.com listed it as the ""Best Wii Game"" and ""Most Original Game"" in their ""Best of E3 2006"" feature." +"人民党冰销瓦解后,韦弗加入民主党,是1904年民主党全国大会的代表。","With the demise of the Populist Party, Weaver became a Democrat and was a delegate to the 1904 Democratic National Convention." +"在高浓度的BBP下,相对较少的代谢物结合。","At high concentrations of BBP, relatively less metabolite is conjugated." +从1912年到1948年的奥林匹克运动会曾举办了艺术竞争。,Art competitions were held during the Olympic Games from 1912 until 1948. +"金斯利·伍德爵士脱离战时内阁,但仍然出任财政大臣一职。","Sir Kingsley Wood leaves the War Cabinet, though remaining Chancellor of the Exchequer." +"除了里卡迪,雷纳托·巴尔都奇(Renato Balduzzi)和��佐·摩亚维罗·米拉内西(Enzo Moavero Milanesi)两名部长也加入公民选择。","Beyond Riccardi, also ministers Renato Balduzzi and Enzo Moavero Milanesi joined SC." +"在专访中,布莉琪表示她比较喜欢脱离传统流行乐与舞曲,并结合其他元素。","In an interview, she said she prefers to escape the traditional pop and dance-pop and adding other elements." +"这些元件由两个铁磁性板形成,每个铁磁板可以保持由薄的绝缘层分开的磁化。","The elements are formed from two ferromagnetic plates, each of which can hold a magnetization, separated by a thin insulating layer." +"1865年5月19日,戴维斯被监禁于维吉尼亚沿岸的蒙罗堡(Fort Monroe)的炮台内。","On May 19, 1865, Davis was imprisoned in a casemate at Fortress Monroe on the coast of Virginia." +"在拓朴空间(没有可区分点)范畴中,可考虑一般曲线的同伦类,但无法复合,除非它们共有一个端点。","In the category of topological spaces (without distinguished point), one considers homotopy classes of generic curves, but they cannot be composed unless they share an endpoint." +"然而,许多最大的法律市场—如纽约、加州、首都华盛顿、佛罗里达、伊利诺伊斯州、堪萨斯州—目前为止不考虑换成UBE在未来几年。","However, many of the largest legal markets – California, Florida, Illinois and Texas – have so far chosen not to adopt the UBE." +"剩余的Pu-239,和剩余的U-238,在]过程中可以被分离出来用作新燃料。","Some 239 Pu remains, and the leftover, along with leftover 238 U, can be recycled during nuclear reprocessing." +"法伊兹·艾哈迈德(波斯语:فیضاحمد;Faiz Ahmad;1946年 - 1986年11月12日)是阿富汗革命者,也是阿富汗解放组织(在喀布尔建立的马克思列宁主义组织)的创始领导人。","Faiz Ahmad (1946 – November 12, 1986) (Persian: فیض احمد‎) was an Afghan revolutionary and the founding leader of the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO), a Marxist-Leninist organization established in Kabul." +"1848年,美军占领墨西哥城,雷诺兹与其他多位美国陆军人员成为史上首批确认登上该国最高峰奥里萨巴山的人,这很可能在不经意间创下北美登山高度的新纪录并保持了50年之久。","In 1848, during the American occupation of Mexico after the Mexican–American War, Raynolds and other U.S. Army personnel were the first confirmed to have reached the summit Pico de Orizaba, the tallest mountain in Mexico, and inadvertently set what may have been a 50-year American alpine altitude record." +这个过程导致尸僵的自然缓解。,This process results in natural freeze-drying. +库珀和鲍斯是第一对同时在英国内阁工作的已婚夫妇。,Cooper and Balls were the first married couple to serve together in the British cabinet. +"虽然肯德里克赢得76%的得分率在他第一个发球局,但他后来只有36%得分率。","Although Kendrick won 76% of points where he got his first serve in, he only won 36% of points where he did not." +"105是第14个三角形数 105被四连质数(Prime quadruplet)(101, 103, 107, 109)包着。","105 comes in the middle of the prime quadruplet (101, 103, 107, 109)." +"博格勒姆肯定小幅调整过纪念碑的设计,杰克森在奖章上的姿势同纪念币有差异。",Borglum must still have been fine-tuning the monument's design; Jackson's posture on the medal differs from that on the coin. +"此外,因为鼻窦也有可能充血肿胀,一些人也会出现头痛的症状。","Moreover, since the sinuses may also become congested, some people experience headaches." +以请民命。,Pray to Live. +这使得该枪受左撇子射手所欢迎。,This makes the gun popular with left-handed shooters. +"咖啡馆位于右舷,与À la Carte餐厅相接。","Located on the starboard side, the café was connected to the À la Carte Restaurant." +"身体能恢复创伤,在枪弹造成的多重伤口下也能恢复,并且能抵抗会造成人类致死剂量的辐射。","Their bodies are resilient to damage, capable of recovering from multiple gunshot wounds and radiation doses that would prove fatal to humans." +"当时他正要会见也门民主人民共和国总统萨利姆·鲁巴伊·阿里派来的一名特使,特使带来的手提箱里据说有一份秘密信件,这时手提箱爆炸了,加什米和特使被当场炸死。","His assassination occurred when he was meeting an envoy sent by People's Democratic Republic of Yemen President Salim Rubai Ali and a briefcase, reportedly containing a secret message, exploded, killing both al-Ghashmi and the envoy." +最早提到丹麦瑞典人的书面记载是1294年哈普沙卢镇的法律。,"The first written mention of the Swedish population in Estonia comes from 1294, in the laws of the town of Haapsalu." +"不过在2016年5月10日,开发者在索尼互动娱乐的PlayStation开发者大会2016中表示很难将场景以虚拟现实形式放入,于是他们宣布了更换场景的新VR游戏,命名为《白色情人节:天鹅之歌》(White Day: Swan Song)。","However, on May 10, 2016, at SCEK's PlayStation Developer Conference 2016, the developers announced that it would be difficult to fit existing scenarios into VR play, so they announced a new VR title with changed scenarios, titled White Day: Swan Song." +"1865年,麦克斯韦辞去伦敦国王学院的职位,与妻子凯瑟琳回到了格伦莱尔。","In 1865 Maxwell resigned the chair at King's College, London, and returned to Glenlair with Katherine." +"它兴建于1906年,由威廉Stiassny设计,因奥地利皇帝弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世的银禧庆典而得名。","It was built in 1906, designed by Wilhelm Stiassny and named in honor of the silver Jubilee of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria." +连续时间的最佳控制问题有丰富的资讯。,A continuous-time optimal control problem is information rich. +"这一次,炮弹针对巴登号重型装甲的表现不佳;其中一枚穿甲弹引爆失败,另外两枚半穿甲弹则出现破碎效果。","This time, the shells did not perform as well against Baden's heavy armor; one of the AP shells failed to explode and two semi-AP shells appear to have broken up on impact." +"其他项目包括,2007年,劳伦·圣约翰的儿童小说《海豚之音》有声书的旁白;客串情景喜剧《冻结》,饰演Alison Fennel(BBC2于2008年2月21日播出);《波兰救护车谋杀案》纪录片的旁白(BBC4于2008年2月5日播出),以及《The Doctor Who Hears Voices》戏剧性纪录片,饰演一名患有精神病的医生(UK Channel 4于2008年4月21日播出)。","Other projects in 2007 included a guest appearance in the sitcom Freezing as Alison Fennel (transmitted on BBC2, 21 February 2008); narration of the documentary The Polish Ambulance Murders (transmitted on BBC4, 5 February 2008); and the portrayal of a mentally ill doctor in the dramatised documentary The Doctor Who Hears Voices (transmitted on UK Channel 4, 21 April 2008)." +"2018年4月15日,哈里森被触身球击中左手提前退场。","On April 15, 2018, Harrison was hit by a pitch on the left hand and left the game." +"这表明他们主要关注自己的收益以及对地方精英的社会暴动,而不是一些针对罗马占领者的政治革命。","This suggests that they were concerned primarily with gain or social insurrection against local elites, rather than a political revolution against Roman occupation." +"这对新婚夫妇最初住在屠图的父母家中的一个房间里,六个月后才租住自己的房子。",The newly married couple initially lived in a room at Tutu's parental home before renting their own home six months later. +最后被假面骑士EX-AID 双重动作玩家Level XX击倒。,He is destroyed by Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Double Action Gamer Level XX. +"R.E.M.基本上是立即就在雅典和周边区域获得了成功;乐队逐渐吸引了大批人群来看表演,甚至导致了一些“雅典音乐现场”的指责。","R.E.M.'s success was almost immediate in Athens and surrounding areas; the band drew progressively larger crowds for shows, which caused some resentment in the Athens music scene." +新的thread_local存储期限(在现行的static、dynamic和automatic之外)被作为下个标准而提出。,"A new thread-local storage duration (in addition to the existing static, dynamic and automatic) is indicated by the storage specifier thread_local." +文明的代价 。,The Price of Civilization. +"相比其它国家,字母N(N同Norge中的N)在挪威最不受欢迎,字母M(M同 Magyarország中的M)在匈牙利也不受欢迎。","Norwegians did not favor the letter N (for Norge) more than people from other countries did, neither did the Hungarians favor the letter M (for Magyarország)." +举例: 可能:明天我可以去。,For example: Ik zal morgen komen. +"动画以翌日怪物全部离开,克罗诺和璐卡出现收尾。","The anime ends with a scene from the following morning after the monsters have all left, in which Crono and Lucca can be seen." +"约克郡布丁原本是作为晚餐的第一道菜,以浓稠肉汁加上廉价材料先垫胃,这样接下来就不会吃太多比较昂贵的肉。",Originally the Yorkshire pudding was served as a first course with thick gravy to dull the appetite with the low-cost ingredients so that the diners would not eat so much of the more expensive meat in the next course. +萨辛是宣布结束黎巴嫩内战的“塔伊夫协定(英语:Taif Agreement)”的签署人。,Sassine was a signatory of the Taif Agreement that ended the Lebanese Civil War. +"他们一直形影不离,直到卢西安诺进了监狱,但他们从来没有结婚。","They were inseparable until he went to prison, but were never married." +"罗斯海支队将搭乘极光号,而极光号此前刚由道格拉斯·莫森和澳大利亚南极探险队使用。","The Ross Sea party's vessel would be SY Aurora, a ship recently used by Douglas Mawson and the Australasian Antarctic Expedition." +"因此,他们可以放在敌后,有能力与小警告,几乎在任何地方部署。","Thus, they can be placed behind enemy lines and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning." +"CinePaint支持32位IEEE浮点色深每通道,以及色彩管理和HDR。","CinePaint supports up to 32-bit IEEE-floating point color depth per channel, as well as color management and HDR." +1985年之前一直举行定期的祷告。,Regular prayers were held until 1985. +"先前的战争大多数起因于尝试摧毁城堡和海商路与获得该地区的经济优势,而这次十字军战役基本上延续了这种冲突的格局,尽管现在是基于教宗的鼓励和命令,并由教廷的骑士和武僧来进行。","The previous battles had largely been caused by attempts to destroy castles and sea trade routes and gain economic advantage in the region, and the crusade basically continued this pattern of conflict, albeit now inspired and prescribed by the Pope and undertaken by Papal knights and armed monks." +这次行动历时38分钟。,Event occurs at 38 minutes. +"珀西瓦尔从来没有在此书中发声,但读者可以通过其他6个人物对他反复描述和反映详细了解他。","Percival never speaks on his own in The Waves, but readers learn about him in detail as the other six characters repeatedly describe and reflect on him." +我认为贪婪是健康的。,I think greed is healthy. +另一端是市中心的公墓。,The third element of the district is the family cemetery. +普劳图斯Plautus古罗马最重要的喜剧作家。,Plautus’s Dramatic Predecessors and Contemporaries in Rome. +"卡洛曼离开卡西诺山去拜访他的弟弟,要求他不要进军意大利(也许是为他的儿子德罗戈表示鼓励及支持)。",Carloman left Monte Cassino to visit his brother to ask him not to march on Italy (and possibly to drum up support for his son Drogo). +"她被说服以远低于市场价的价格出售了一幅 Soutine 的画,随后却发现该画在华盛顿特区的国家艺术画廊(National Gallery of Art)以远高得多的价格被售出。","Shefner's family claims that she was the victim of a complex fraud, whereby she was persuaded to sell a Soutine painting at a price far below market value, only to see the work later sold to the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC for a much higher price." +"向上吹送的气流时速约为195公里/小时(120英里 或 55米/每秒),这是由人类在腹部朝下时的估算出的终端速度。","Air moves upwards at approximately 195 km/h (120 mph or 55 m/s), the terminal velocity of a falling human body belly-downwards." +"T1E1 滚桶(蚯蚓,英语:Earthworm)- 由装甲版做成的钢条。",Mine Exploder T1E1 Roller (Earthworm) - Discs made from armor plate. +"这样的延展让美国的著作权法规跟欧洲联盟的年限达到一致,能够提供明显的经济效益,确保美国的创作者能够完全地利用其创作而享有合理的补偿。",Such an extension will provide significant trade benefits by substantially harmonizing U.S. copyright law to that of the European Union while ensuring fair compensation for American creators who deserve to benefit fully from the exploitation of their works. +但由柏林自由大学继续报告。,Herausgegeben von der Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin. +"荷兰隧道亦位于哈德逊河下,世界上第一座采用通风系统的行车隧道,十分受到美国建筑界的人士尊敬,并视之为美国工程界的重要地标。","The Holland Tunnel, also under the Hudson River, was the first mechanically ventilated vehicular tunnel in the world and is considered a National Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers." +"然而,护林人和火灾生态学家预测大黄石生态系统是一个普通的火灾季节,并且预计7月降雨量与往年相当。","However, foresters and fire ecologists predicted a normal fire season for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and anticipated normal rainfall for July." +天国是他们的。,Le ciel nous appartient. +他们假设人们将最小化不公平结果作为行为决策的导向。,They postulated that people make decisions so as to minimize inequity in outcomes. +"全球变暗效应因地点不同会变化很大,但是在陆地表面的平均效应有以下一些估计: 在1958~1985年间为5.3%(大约为9W/m2)(Stanhill and Moreshet,1992) 在1964~1993年间为每十年减少2%(Gilgen et al.,1998) 2000年前为每十年2.7%(总计是20W/m2)(Stanhill and Cohen,2001) 在1961~1990年间为4%(Liepert 2002) 要注意的是,以上数字是陆地表面的估计,并不包括水面,所以不是全球平均值。","The effect varies greatly over the planet, but estimates of the terrestrial surface average value are: 5.3% (9 W/m2); over 1958–85 (Stanhill and Moreshet, 1992) 2%/decade over 1964–93 (Gilgen et al., 1998) 2.7%/decade (total 20 W/m2); up to 2000 (Stanhill and Cohen, 2001) 4% over 1961–90 (Liepert 2002) Note that these numbers are for the terrestrial surface and not really a global average." +"和前作的Game Boy Advance移植版类似,该版本更新了图像,但变化非常细微。","Similar to the Game Boy Advance re-releases of its predecessors, this version features updated graphics, though the changes are very subtle." +"该综合体包括762间公寓,容闳公立学校(124学校),商店,社区空间和一个日托中心。","The complex contains 762 apartments, the Yung Wing Public School, P.S. 124 (K-8), shops, community space and a day care center." +"这间公司现时的毛坯钻石销售额占了全球销售额的40%,在以往一度占全球销售额的90%。","Today it markets 40% of the world's rough diamonds, and at one time marketed 90%." +"同时,雷诺阿也欣赏埃德加·德加的运动感。",Renoir admired Edgar Degas' sense of movement. +"真正盟约签订如下: 罗马尼亚与捷克斯洛伐克的条约,于1921年4月23日在布加勒斯特签订。","The allied conventions which formed the Little Entente were signed in order as follows: The treaty between Czechoslovakia and Romania signed on April 23, 1921, in Bucharest." +"当另两名警员回到营地时,麦肯泰劝他们也跟着投降。","When the other two police came back to camp, McIntyre told them to surrender." +"最后,在东南角是圣巴托洛梅市长学校,现在是一所中学,最初是一所大学,由耶稣会建立于1604年。","In the southeastern corner of the square, the Mayor School of San Bartolomé, a secondary school institution, originally a university, was established by the Jesuits in 1604." +"tag对象是一个容器,包含了到另一个对象的引用,也可以增加关于另外对象的元数据。",A tag object is a container that contains a reference to another object and can hold added meta-data related to another object. +"2010年起,她开始参与包括节目片头在内的视频导演。","As of 2010, she has also been involved in directing videos, including the show title sequence." +"在始新世之后,阿尔卑斯造山运动在这个区域造成了一个N-S裂口系统。","From the Eocene onwards, the ongoing Alpine orogeny caused a N–S rift system to develop in this zone." +"在女权主义心理学中,术语“子宫阴道羡慕(英语:womb and vagina envy)”是男性由于嫉妒女性的生物功能而引起的焦虑(怀孕,分娩,母乳喂养)。","In feminist psychology, the terms womb envy and vagina envy denote the anxiety that many men may feel caused by envy of the biological functions of the female sex (pregnancy, parturition, breastfeeding)." +不喜欢使用能力。,He does not like to use his power. +它被媒体误用来描述更广泛的反纳萨尔派行动;印度政府并未使用“绿色狩猎行动”一词来描述其对纳萨尔派的攻势。,"It was erroneously used by the media to describe the wider anti-Naxalite operations; the government of India does not use the term ""Operation Green Hunt"" to describe its anti-Naxalite offensive." +"在07年十月22到25日的这一周,《无人能比》在电台获得了14.3%的支持,也让听众留下深刻印象,最终帮助这首歌最终夺冠。","In the week between October 22–25, 2007, ""No One"" gained 14.3% in radio airplay and audience impressions which marks the single at number one." +"成立于1989年,当澳洲首都特区被联邦政府授予自治权。",The National Capital Authority was established in 1989 when the Australian Capital Territory was granted self-government. +"1913年3月28日,一列开往高威科姆的列车与另一列由莱斯特开来的列车相撞,导致来车1名乘客死亡和23人受伤。","On 28 March 1913, a train leaving for High Wycombe collided with another arriving from Leicester, killing one passenger and injuring 23 people on the incoming train." +"从全国130个投票站收集到的数据显示可能出现一个悬浮国会,初步估计保守党将赢得307个席位,但距单独组阁所需的多数席位还差19个。","Data gathered from individuals at 130 polling stations around the country suggested a hung parliament, with an initial estimate that the Conservative Party would achieve 307 seats – 19 seats short of a controlling majority." +"比如日本就是将印度带进东盟+6来稀释中国影响很大的东盟+3,新加坡和印尼也在印度加入东亚峰会中发挥了重要的作用。","Notably, Japan brought India into ASEAN+6 to dilute the ASEAN+3 process, where China is dominant, while Singapore and Indonesia played a significant role in bringing India into the East Asia Summit." +"晚到1959年,美国最知名的泳装设计师安妮·科尔表示,“它不能超越G弦裤,只是有个体面的刀锋边缘。","As late as 1959, Anne Cole, one of the United States' largest swimsuit designers, said, ""It's nothing more than a G-string." +富有、睿智或公正的Uncle也出现在众多虚构作品中。,"Rich, wise or otherwise eccentric uncles are also popular in works of fiction." +"原本在阶段的中途有一扇木门,而在墓室前亦有一道升降闸门,以防止盗墓者进入。","The Persians found the cave and lit a fire before its entry, killing those inside it." +"1924年在他14岁时成为了素食者,这是他新年的决心: 再也不吃肉了。","He became a vegetarian in 1924 at the age of fourteen, making a New Year's resolution to never again eat meat." +掸邦军招募并培训了数千名加入其队伍的本地掸族人。,The SSA recruited and trained thousands of local Shan people to join their ranks. +《新闻周刊》的里克·马林(Rick Marin)就觉得本集“只是个如厕时听的漫长笑话”。,"Rick Marin of Newsweek described the episode as ""simply one long potty joke""." +"该工作室开发系列游戏Madden NFL系列(包括Madden, NCAA Football, NFL Street, NASCAR and NFL Head Coach),在2006年年底发布根据同名电影改编游戏《超人归来》。","In addition to the usual titles developed by the studio which include Madden, NCAA Football, NFL Street, NASCAR and NFL Head Coach, in late 2006 Tiburon released the Superman Returns game based on the movie of the same name." +"风暴之后掠过新英格兰东部,造成少量地区停电,然后又从缅因州附近登陆。","Subsequently, the storm brushed eastern New England, causing minor power outages, before it moved inland near Maine." +"2011年6月,亚利桑那大学宣布全额收购该项目及其用地。",The University of Arizona announced a full acquisition of the Biosphere buildings and grounds in June 2011. +"她必须到丈夫的房子,并进行进入网关的考验。",She leaves for her uncle's house to continue her studies. +最早的在2004年5月由 Astrin Few 演奏并在2005年中期开始流行。,This started with performances by Astrin Few in May 2004 and began to gain popularity mid-2005. +"钱币学家兼经销商昆汀·戴维·鲍尔斯(Q. David Bowers)认为,1853年以后出产的大部分坐姿自由女神银元都运到了中国,购买包括茶叶和丝绸在内的奢侈品。","Numismatist and coin dealer Q. David Bowers believes that most Seated Liberty dollars produced after 1853 were shipped to China to pay for luxury goods, including tea and silk." +这篇文章是关于东亚运动会足球比赛。,This article is about the association football tournament at the East Asian Games. +"气象部门起初预计苏特会在该岛以北经过,不会对当地构成重大影响,但实际情况并非如此,岛上受到台风的强烈冲击。","Initially, the typhoon was expected to pass north of the island without affecting it significantly, but instead the island experienced the brunt of the storm." +这场屠杀是加拿大枪支管制运动的主要原因。,The massacre was a major spur for the Canadian gun control movement. +"目前氢氯氟烃成为氯氟烃的替代品,其臭氧层破坏潜能仅为氯氟烃的10%,并且计划到2030-2040年,将以不含氯、不会破坏臭氧层的氢氟烃替换氢氯氟烃。","With one-tenth the ODP of CFCs, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are the current replacements, and are themselves scheduled for substitution by 2030–2040 by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with no chlorine and zero ODP." +"在随后的几年中,机车交替进行运行测试,以测试机载系统和测试Adtranz新机型的调校服务,并租赁至德国铁路的货运部门和巴斯夫牵引定期货运班次。","In the following years, the locomotive alternated between test runs to test onboard systems, test locomotive service in the commissioning of new Adtranz models, and regular freight service on lease to DB's freight branch and BASF." +太阳层顶是来自太阳的太阳风受到星际介质阻挡而停止之处;此时太阳风的强度不足以推挤开来自周围恒星的恒星风。,The heliopause is the theoretical boundary where the Sun's solar wind is stopped by the interstellar medium; where the solar wind's strength is no longer great enough to push back the stellar winds of the surrounding stars. +"除了少许艺术或宗教纪念品外,它们都不再参与消费过程。","With the exception of some pieces of art or religious relics, they are no longer engaged in the consumption process." +"然而,伦敦交通局指出改名的成本会达到2百万并且造成混乱。","However Transport for London noted that changing the name would cost £2million and ""cause confusion""." +各分店的地址请参见大昌食品的网页。,Home viewers send questions via the GSN website. +"反对派则在17日表示他们打死了70名效忠政府的士兵和武装分子,并击落了一架武装直升机。","On their part, the rebels would claim, by the following day, to have killed 70 soldiers and pro-government militiamen and that they had shot down a military helicopter." +英国一贯之政策是协助其殖民地成为主权独立之国家。,The British government followed a policy of allowing its colonies to become self-governing entities before giving them the option of independence. +"与就业市场的长期接触得益于由专业人士组成的教育组(70%校外兼课人员),未来雇主的课程,本地著名公司和机构的课程(50%的课程),在法国专业性的旅游和参观,硕士合作伙伴指导的职业规划,由之前学生形成的跨国关系网。","Regular and lasting contact with the labor market is gained through an educational team consisting mainly of practitioners (70% of the teaching body), lectures run by future potential employers, lectures given on the premises of companies (50%) and prestigious institutions, visits and professional voyages both in France and overseas, and through an international network of alumni and the course’s partners." +"为了支持多个控制点并存的情形,事件通知被设计成对于所有的控制点都平行通知。","To support scenarios with multiple control points, eventing is designed to keep all control points equally informed about the effects of any action." +"与此同时,天津站的公交车多数将终点站迁移至月牙河火车站。","At the same time, the majority of the Tianjin railway station bus terminals were moved to the Yueya River train station (月牙河火车站)." +"1996年年底,Saya首次在张惠妹专辑中担任《姐妹》专辑合声。",We learnt the hard way in the early days how to make the Sisters sound good. +然而不久他因本-古里安坚持调查拉冯事件(十年前以色列在埃及的秘密行动)两人关系发生激烈对立。,"However, his relationship with Ben-Gurion soon turned acrimonious over the latter's insistence on investigating the Lavon Affair, an Israeli covert operation in Egypt, which had gone wrong a decade earlier." +"贡巴也加入了执政的进步爱国阵线(英语:Patriotic Front for Progress),并在弗朗索瓦·博齐泽担任总统期间分别2003年3月至2003年12月和2003年12月至2005年3月担任总理以及副总统。","Goumba, who was President of the Patriotic Front for Progress (FPP) political party, served under President François Bozizé as Prime Minister from March 2003 to December 2003 and then as Vice President from December 2003 to March 2005." +"上诉后,上诉法院(英语:Courts of appeal in Sweden)除了将驱逐出境延长至2031年,维持了这一判决。","After appeal, the court of appeal upheld the sentence, except extending the deportation until 2031." +同时乐评人发现歌曲中意大利迪斯科音乐制作人Giorgio Moroder和美国摇滚音乐家Bruce Springsteen的影响。,They furthermore found influences of Italian disco music producer Giorgio Moroder and American rock musician Bruce Springsteen in the song. +"风暴过去后,警员前往灾区维持秩序。","After the storm, police officers were deployed to maintain order." +"他首先描述了布尔哈夫综合征(Boerhaave's Syndrome),这涉及食管撕裂,通常是严重呕吐的后果。","Boerhaave first described Boerhaave syndrome, which involves tearing of the oesophagus, usually a consequence of vigorous vomiting." +安排的考量包括:在同一个房间内工作的人数。,"Choices include, how many people will work within the same room." +"从1838年起,达尔文逐步建立了他的“自然选择”理论,在1858年,当华莱士给他发了一封理论几乎相同的的信时,他正在编写关于这个议题的“著作”。","Darwin developed his theory of ""natural selection"" from 1838 onwards and was writing up his ""big book"" on the subject when Alfred Russel Wallace sent him a version of virtually the same theory in 1858." +这些地址块叫做CIDR地址块。,There the series is called Pieter Post. +他因被美国原住民袭击而被告知撤退。,The settlement was abandoned because of attacks by Native Americans. +"来自宾夕法尼亚州约克的Lauren Hodge赢得了13-14岁级别的冠军,她研究的项目为腌制的烤肉是否减少致癌化合物含量,她发现,当倒上酱油后,致癌物质会上升。","Lauren Hodge of York, PA, won the age 13–14 category for research on whether marinades reduce the amount of cancer-causing compounds produced by the grilling of meat." +"迈克尔·柯林斯觉得埃蒙·德瓦莱拉派他当全权代表进行条约谈判,是因为他知道英国人不会在独立的爱尔兰共和国上让步,他要柯林斯承担接受妥协方案的指责。",Michael Collins later said that Éamon de Valera had sent him as plenipotentiary to negotiate the treaty because he knew that the British would not concede an independent Irish republic and wanted Collins to take the blame for the compromise settlement. +然而英文名字依然较常被各方使用。,English common names are given where possible. +人民广场的海神喷泉是 Giovanni Ceccarini的作品。,The fountains in the Piazza del Popolo were the work of Giovanni Ceccarini. +"结业后原大厦空置多年,现为私立民营医院。",The former outdoor shelter was enclosed many years ago and is now a private residence. +这并不是人们想要的。,This is not what people want. +该字体还可以通过deb和rpm安装包用在Linux上。,It is also available in deb and rpm packages for Linux. +"极其严格的媒体检查制度成了政府的主要策略,电视镜头严禁进入这些区域。",Severe censorship of the press became a dominant tactic in the government's strategy and television cameras were banned from entering such areas. +但是Freescale依然为PPC提供MOX(一个真正的RTOS(实时操作系统))。,But Freescale continues to offer MQX (a true RTOS) for PPC on a growing basis. +与神兽们有关系。,Related to Maasai. +"已观察到蚂蚁会清理​​笼口边缘的真菌菌丝和其他污染物,从而保持捕虫笼在整个生命周期内都保持较高的捕集效率。","The ants have been observed to clean the peristome of fungal hyphae and other contaminants, thereby maintaining high trapping efficiency over the pitcher's lifespan." +"体育对于古希腊人影响深刻的一个突出表现就是他们创立了奥林匹克运动会,每隔四年在伯罗奔尼撒一个叫做奥林匹亚的小村庄举行。","Sport became such a prominent part of their culture that the Greeks created the Olympic Games, which in ancient times were held every four years in a small village in the Peloponnesus called Olympia." +德国戴姆勒 - 克莱斯勒公司在2003年至2015年期间签署了更新保加利亚军用运输车辆的合同。,Daimler-Chrysler of Germany has a contract to update Bulgaria's military transport vehicles between 2003 and 2015. +"1999年,马可尼电子系统公司签约升级英国陆军的AS-90,增加52口径的火炮以增加火炮射程。","In 1999, Marconi Electronic Systems was contracted to upgrade British Army AS-90s to include a 52 calibre gun in order to increase the range of the artillery." +更是新疆首富。,And then there's China rich. +所有男子戴面具并且跳舞。,All men wear masks and dance in long processions. +"内部直到1728年才完成,行使美术馆和图书馆的功能。","It was not until the completion of their interiors in 1728, however, that they could serve their intended functions as exhibition galleries and library halls." +"伦敦恐袭发生后,梅呼吁达成国际间网络安全协议。","After the London attack, Theresa May called for international agreements to regulate the internet." +"另一方面,亚述语也发展出一些新特征,譬如“亚述语元音和谐”(不能与土耳其语与芬兰语中的相等同)。","While generally more archaic, Assyrian developed certain innovations as well, such as the ""Assyrian vowel harmony"" (which is not comparable to that found in Turkish or Finnish)." +"车票可在入闸前购买,并只限即日有效。",Single journey tickets are only valid on the day of purchase and will be unusable afterward. +"1998年,Epic MegaGames发布《魔域幻境》,一款3D第一人称射击游戏,现在已经成长为一个系列。","In 1998, Epic MegaGames released Unreal, a 3D first-person shooter co-developed with Digital Extremes, which expanded into a series of Unreal games." +"刚果共和国的铁路系统一直维修不善,并在多年内战后失修。",The rail system of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is poorly maintained and has fallen into a state of disrepair after years of conflict within the country. +柬埔寨是东南亚地区历史悠久的文明古国。,The first is a Southeast Asia institutional ordinary member. +"两国同样拥有多样的自然和经济资源,是各自的区域最大的经济体。",They possess diverse natural and economic resources and are the largest economies in their respective regions. +寻复置。,Toward Restoration. +"虽然他们有点像蜻蜓或豆娘,但它们属于不同的昆虫。","Although they somewhat resemble dragonflies or damselflies, they belong to a different infraclass of winged insects." +"布鲁克林第十四民兵团(14th Regiment New York State Militia, 14th Brooklyn),是纽约州布鲁克林市组建的民兵团。","The 14th Regiment New York State Militia (also called the 14th Brooklyn Chasseurs) was a volunteer militia regiment from the City of Brooklyn, New York." +当局希望透过这些运动和活动来鼓励“青年男女为了雅利安人全体的共同目标放弃自己的个性。,"Authorities wanted these sports and activities to encourage ""young men and women to abandon their individuality in favor of the goals of the Aryan collective""." +"在新奥尔良这个通常认为是爵士故乡的地方,音乐家从西班牙与法国殖民时期流入的音乐影响中获得灵感。","In New Orleans, often considered the birthplace of jazz, musicians benefited from the influx of Spanish and French colonial influences." +"根据国家能源技术实验室(NETL)的报导,按照在目前的二氧化碳生产速度,北美地区拥有足够的存储容量,甚至可用作存储超过900年。",The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) reported that North America has enough storage capacity for more than 900 years worth of carbon dioxide at current production rates. +"1988年,戴维斯被评为BBC年度体坛风云人物,并荣获了MBE。","In 1988, Davis was named the BBC Sports Personality of the Year and was made an MBE." +"2009年时他加入立场右翼的红党,并且希望能够稍微抑制逐渐左倾的拉丁美洲政局。",He joined the center-right Colorado Party in 2009 and said he wanted to counter the swing to the left in Latin American politics. +"由伽利略号对尘粒的测量,显示这些尘粒流起源于埃欧,但是确实的形成机制如何,是来自埃欧的火山活动,还是来自表面被移除的物质,迄今仍不清楚。","Dust measurements by Galileo showed that these dust streams originate from Io, but exactly how these form, whether from Io's volcanic activity or material removed from the surface, is unknown." +Ater BSC和转码器之间的接口。,Ater The interface between the BSC and transcoder. +"多相系统具有三个或更多个通电电导体,其承载交流电流,每个导体中的电压波之间具有确定的相角;对于三相电压,相角为120°或~2.09弧度。","Polyphase systems have three or more energized electrical conductors carrying alternating currents with a defined phase angle between the voltage waves in each conductor; for three-phase voltage, the phase angle is 120° or ~2.09 radians." +"最近,在旧煤矿地区开始了一种新的苹果树栽培技术,这些煤矿在阿斯图里亚斯曾经起到过重要的作用。","Recently, new apple tree plantations have been started in grounds belonging to the old coal mines, once important in Asturias." +"数字配乐于2017年10月29日发布,而实体光盘于2017年12月1日在英国上市。","A digital soundtrack was released on 29 October 2017, while a single physical disc was released on 1 December 2017 in the UK." +"另一方面,游戏意味着浪费时间,对事情不够认真,纯粹娱乐。","On the other hand, the word game can imply time wasting, not taking things too seriously and engaging in an exercise designed purely for fun." +"莫德委员会和后来美国科学研究与开发办公室的S-1执行委员会对电磁分离不予以考虑,因为尽管质谱仪能够分离同位素,但由于电荷空间阻制导致产率太低。","The reason the Maud Committee, and later its American counterpart, the S-1 Section of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), had passed over the electromagnetic method was that while the mass spectrometer was capable of separating isotopes, it produced very low yields." +她的小说处女作《Swamplandia!》 是2012年普利策小说奖入选名单。,"Her debut novel, Swamplandia!, was a finalist for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction." +"哀鸽可以在地上或平坦的树枝上晒日光浴或在雨中淋浴,倾斜身体,张开一只翅膀,保持这一姿势20分钟。","Mourning doves sunbathe or rainbathe by lying on the ground or on a flat tree limb, leaning over, stretching one wing, and keeping this posture for up to twenty minutes." +"萨伊德很快想到,自己70天前发现的那条电缆应该就是通往这个工作站,而且他们需要有人潜入工作站将之关闭,但这样的任务很可能有去无回,查理于是主动请缨。","Sayid realizes that a cable he found seventy days before connects to this station and that they will need someone to go on a probable suicide mission there, and Charlie volunteers." +剧集于2017年10月13日在德国天空卫视旗下的德语频道Sky 1首播。,"The series premiered on 13 October 2017 on Sky 1, a German-language entertainment channel broadcast by Sky Deutschland." +"除了美国FDA之前宣布批准研究外,加拿大卫生部健康产品食品股也批准研究,研究将在迈阿密、费城和魁北克市的临床地点进行。","In addition to the previously announced US FDA approval for the conduct of the study, Health Canada’s Health Products and Food Branch has also approved this study, which will be conducted at clinical sites in Miami, Philadelphia, and Quebec City." +"努里·比格·锡兰(土耳其语:Nuri Bilge Ceylan,1959年1月26日-)是一位土耳其摄影师、编剧、演员、电影导演。","Nuri Bilge Ceylan (Turkish pronunciation: , born 26 January 1959) is a Turkish film director, photographer, screenwriter and actor." +国际社会普遍认为LTTE的建议是正面的。,International reaction to the LTTE's proposals was generally positive. +它可以被理解为莫特问题(Mott problem)所展示的佯谬的升级版。,It can be understood to be a refinement of the paradox presented in the Mott problem. +"尼古丁具旋光性,有两个光学异构物。","Nicotine is optically active, having two enantiomeric forms." +"参议员威廉·博拉(英语:William Borah)认为,这些试验已表明战列舰是过时的。",Senator William Borah argued that the tests had rendered battleships obsolete. +"当一年级新生初次到达城堡时,他们需要在入口大厅的一个小房间里等候高年级学长就坐,然后才进入交谊厅进行由分类帽分配他们所属学院的仪式。","When the first-year students initially arrive at the castle, they wait in a small chamber off the entrance hall until the older students have taken their seats, and then enter the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony to determine their House assignments." +"因此,顶夸克不会强子化(英语:hadronization),亦即它不会形成任何介子或重子,故介子或重子的顶数永远是零。","For that reason the top quark does not hadronize, that is it never forms any meson or baryon, so the topness of a meson or a baryon is always zero." +水溶解度小。,The watershed is small. +"2006年10月,在韦瑟罗尔代表巴拉福特上阵第250场赛事后数天,他与球会签订新约而留效至2010年,并附加了不论他的球员生涯结束还是继续,均允许他可以转为担任教练之类的职位。","In October 2006, days after playing his 250th game for Bradford, he signed a new deal keeping him at the club until 2010 with a clause allowing him to move into a coaching role when his playing career ended or continue playing beyond 2010." +"TLM(事务级建模方法,Transaction-level modeling)是一种高级的数字系统模型化方法,它将模型间的通信细节与函数单元或通信架构的细节分离开来。",Transaction-level modeling (TLM) is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of communication among modules are separated from the details of the implementation of functional units or of the communication architecture. +"在他简短的摘要中,它被形容为""一个非常微弱的星团,使用240倍毫无疑问地可以解析星云的直径为8'或10'。","In his abbreviated notation, he described it as, ""an extremely faint cluster of extremely small stars with resolvable nebula 8 or 10′ diameter, verified by a power of 240, beyond doubt""." +"9月6日,MXM推出首张迷你专辑《UNMIX》正式出道。",MXM officially debuted on September 6 with the release of their EP entitled Unmix. +"一些早期的电子邮件需要寄件人和收件人同时在线,类似即时通讯。","Some early email systems required the author and the recipient to both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging." +他赢得了1984年夏季奥运会、1987年田径世锦赛 5000米、1989年国际田联世界室内田径锦标赛3000米。,"He won the 5000 meters at the 1984 Summer Olympics and the 1987 World Championships in Athletics, as well as the 3000 meters at the 1989 IAAF World Indoor Championships." +"哨兵2号监测植物生长的同时,也可以在影像中表示地表覆盖物变迁与监测全世界森林。","As well as monitoring plant growth, Sentinel-2 can be used to map changes in land cover and to monitor the world's forests." +妈妈、爸爸。,Tata. tata. +在达林的领导下该局开始在全国范围内进行重要自然栖息地保护。,"Under Darling's guidance, the Bureau began an ongoing legacy of protecting vital natural habitat throughout the country." +"首先是那些后来被称为埃贝尔派 -尽管雅克·R·埃贝尔他自己从来就不是一个政党的领袖-鼓吹战争斗到极点,并采用激情氓流(英语:enragés)方案,因为无套裤汉认同它。","Firstly those who were later called Hébertists – although Hébert himself was never the official leader of a party – advocated war to the death and adopted the program of the Enragés, ostensibly because the sans-culottes approved it." +"弗洛伦斯·格里菲斯-乔伊娜(英语:Florence Griffith-Joyner,1959年12月21日-1998年9月21日)是美国著名田径运动员,昵称“Flo-Jo”、“花蝴蝶”。","Florence Delorez Griffith Joyner (born Florence Delorez Griffith; December 21, 1959 – September 21, 1998), also known as Flo-Jo, was an American track and field athlete." +"后来她在一家餐厅和肉店做洗碗工,然后在一个糖果店售卖巧克力。","She later worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant and butcher shop, and she sold chocolate at a candy store." +"在苏联进军,巴布拉克·卡尔迈勒接掌政府后,萨尔瓦里首先被任命为副总理,但他很快被撤出政府,并于1980年至1986年期间担任驻蒙古人民共和国大使。","After the invasion, under the government of Babrak Karmal, Sarwari was first given the task of deputy prime minister, but he was soon removed from the government and posted as ambassador to Mongolia from 1980 to 1986." +"2009年12月,奥利弗很嫉妒 Nick 拥抱凯尔。","In December 2009, Oliver is jealous of Nick hugging Kyle." +任天堂公司已经否定谣言。,Israel has denied any connection to the rumours. +"马尼托巴湖东南岸的一个社区St Laurent,每年三月的第一个星期都会举行马尼波戈节(Manipogo festival)。","St Laurent, a community on the south east shores of Lake Manitoba, holds a Manipogo festival the first week of March every year." +CPV2感染有两种表现型:肠炎型和心肌炎型。,There are two forms of CPV2: intestinal and cardiac. +畸齿龙的最独特特征是其牙齿。,One of the most distinctive characteristics of the Tubulidentata is their teeth. +Window Maker 是GNU计划的一部分。,Window Maker is part of the GNU Project. +"""We Cry""于RTE 2FM,Today FM及于英国第一广播电台获Jo Whiley颁发“一周最佳单曲”(Single of the Week),而这群电台节目主持人亦表示大力支持手创乐团。","""We Cry"" received ""Single of the Day"" on RTÉ 2FM, Today FM and by Jo Whiley on BBC Radio 1, where many radio presenters heavily supported the band." +"相较之下,火星的倾角循环周期更为极端:在124,000年的循环中,在15°至35°变化著。","By contrast, the obliquity cycle for Mars is much more extreme: from 15° to 35° over a 124,000-year cycle." +"柯蒂斯·比尔·佩珀(Curtis Bill Pepper),96岁,美国记者(《新闻周刊》)和作家。","Curtis Bill Pepper, 96, American journalist (Newsweek) and author." +界面设计 界面设计及其说明关注于保证系统内部某一部分与系统的其他部分和外部系统之间必要的连接和交互操作。,Interface design Interface design and its specification are concerned with assuring that the pieces of a system connect and inter-operate with other parts of the system and with external systems as necessary. +美国观察员被邀请参观这写核试验。,American observers had been invited to these kinds of tests. +每年的春季选举选出下一年的工作人员。,"Every year, in the spring, elections are held for next year's staff." +"对于单位旋转来说,无法定义旋转轴,旋转角度(0)也是无关紧要的。","In the case of the identity rotation, no axis of rotation is defined, and the angle of rotation (zero) is irrelevant." +"水星没有天然卫星;仅知的地质特征,除了撞击坑外,只有浅裂的山脊或大概是在早期历史扩张与收缩期间产生的峭壁。","Mercury has no natural satellites; besides impact craters, its only known geological features are lobed ridges or rupes that were probably produced by a period of contraction early in its history." +"然而,穷鬼们却真实的存在着""。","Yet, poor devils they really did exist""." +Iskar河流经索菲亚东部。,The Iskar River in its upper course flows near eastern Sofia. +休斯最终成为了一生的朋友。,Hughes eventually became a lifelong friend. +欧盟在会议里表示了这个“伙伴关系”是要“加强欧盟与马什里克和马格里布国家的关系”。,"The European Union stated the intention of the partnership was ""to strengthen its relations with the countries in the Mashreq and Maghreb regions""." +"但到了这个月底,东太平洋盆地最东部上空的风切变已经减少,令下层环流得以发展,系统可能源自过去两周经大西洋进入东太平洋的东风波。","Toward the end of the month, however, wind shear decreased in the easternmost portion of the basin, which allowed a low-level circulation to develop; it is possible the system originated from a tropical wave that traversed the Atlantic Ocean in the previous two weeks." +"它有两个馆址:NGV国际,位于南岸圣基尔达路,和伊恩·波特中心:NGV澳洲,在联邦广场附近。","The NGV houses an encyclopedic art collection across two sites: NGV International, located on St Kilda Road in the Melbourne Arts Precinct of Southbank, and the Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, located nearby at Federation Square." +"保罗是2006年太平洋飓风季第三场威胁西墨西哥的飓风,另外两场分别是飓风约翰和飓风莱恩。","Paul was the third hurricane to threaten western Mexico in the season, the others being Hurricanes John and Lane." +"发表在女权主义杂志《暗箱》上一篇由布莱恩·沃尔(Brian Wall)撰笔的文章用本片来解释卡尔·马克思的商品拜物教,以及恋物的女权主义后果。","A journal article by Brian Wall, published in the feminist journal Camera Obscura, uses the film to explain Karl Marx's commodity fetishism and the feminist consequences of sexual fetishism." +"奥罗宾多虽是印度的爱国主义者,但世人较熟悉的却是他的哲学、人类进化和整体瑜伽等论述。",Sri Aurobindo was an Indian nationalist but is best known for his philosophy on human evolution and Integral Yoga. +被留从效击败。,Self-destructed from a malfunction. +常住在外国 (不论国籍) 但是在普查标准时刻暂时在俄罗斯境内者 (观光客、短期工作或留学生等)。,"Persons (regardless of their citizenship) permanently residing abroad, but temporarily present in Russia (as tourists, short-term foreign workers or students, etc.)." +"它已于2018年8月12日成功发射,目前已经离开地球并飞掠过金星,进入第一阶段的轨道。","It has been successfully launched on August 12, 2018 and is currently leaving Earth for the first orbit." +"1994年,哥本哈根大学开设环境科学、南北关系和生物工艺学等新专业,并在政策上给予倾斜,以适应其长期发展的需要。","In 1994, the University of Copenhagen designated environmental studies, north-south relations, and biotechnology as areas of special priority according to its new long-term plan." +第一个外置式扳机保险充当主要故障保险。,The first external trigger safety acts as the primary fail-safe. +"在他一生共造访过十次盐湖城,并且在那创立了三项世界最快纪录,其中一项至今仍然保持着不败。","During his ten visits to the salt flats, he set three speed records, one of which still stands." +ASL Fingerspelling App 免费提供��单、优美的ASL手语拼写法的运用。,"ASL Fingerspelling App A free, simple, and beautiful ASL fingerspelling application." +杰克并没有参加。,Jack was not with her. +"钢铁码头继续作为游乐园码头运营,而且是该市最成功以家庭为方向的景点之一。",The Steel Pier continues to operate as an amusement pier and is one of the most successful family-oriented attractions in the city. +"使用CA-125这一生物标志物的主要问题是它缺乏敏感性,特别是在检测卵巢癌时其缺乏特异性,尤其是在绝经前妇女的早期阶段。","The major issues with using the CA-125 biomarker are its lack of sensitivity, particularly for detecting early stages of ovarian cancer, and its lack of specificity, especially in premenopausal women." +"翁山在缅甸号召29名青年男子与他一同在中国的海南接受日本军训,被称为“ 三十同志 ”。","Aung San briefly returned to Burma to enlist twenty-nine young men who went to Japan with him to receive military training on Hainan Island, China, and they came to be known as the ""Thirty Comrades""." +"他所论述的关系比较复杂,稍后会有更详细说明。",How they are compared will be shown later on. +"例如男人只能和男人握手,女人只能和女人握手。",It is not acceptable for a man to shake hands with a woman if the latter did not offer a hand first. +他并获得1994年欧洲冠军杯及1970年英联邦运动会夺得金牌。,"He also won gold at the European Champions Cup in 1994, and gold at the 1970 Commonwealth Paraplegic Games." +"但她提醒道,我们没办法知道威廉在编年史里到底为真实的埃塞尔斯坦“加工”(improved)了多少。","She cautions, however, that we have no means of discovering how far William ""improved"" on the original." +"因此,阿兰·普罗斯特成功卫冕,尽管他的赛车处于劣势。","This left Alain Prost to defend his title successfully, despite being in an inferior car." +他的战功使他被选为后来的行动的负责人。,His success led him to being chosen for further operations. +"堂内收藏有著名的三联画,大约1500年左右由波旁公爵出资。","The treasury contains the famous triptych by the Maître de Moulins, which was commissioned around 1500 by the Duke of Bourbon." +"实际上他并没有给出严格的术语定义,而是给出了ALGOL语言中实数和过程的对比: 第一类对象和第二类对象。","He did not actually define the term strictly, but contrasted real numbers and procedures in ALGOL: First and second class objects." +"这张EP包含了一首翻唱新民谣乐团Sol Invictus的歌曲《Kneel to the Cross》,这首翻唱曲随后收录在法国Cynerfierrd厂牌出品的向Sol Invictus致敬的专辑《Sol Lucet Omnibus》中。","The EP also included a cover of ""Kneel to the Cross"" by neofolk band Sol Invictus that would later be released on Sol Lucet Omnibus, French label Cynerfierrd's tribute compilation to Sol Invictus." +"1907年危机发生在漫长的经济紧缩时期,美国全国经济研究所界定的时间是1907年5月—1908年6月。","The panic of 1907 occurred during a lengthy economic contraction, measured by the National Bureau of Economic Research as occurring between May 1907 and June 1908." +"鲍达斯犯下一个自认愚蠢的失误,他在跟随安全车时,为了保持轮胎温度发生打滑,下滑至第12名,并遭到他的车队老板及前经理托托·沃尔夫(英语:Toto Wolff)指责。","In a move he described as a ""stupid mistake"", Bottas spun behind the safety car while trying to warm his tyres, dropping down to 12th and was criticised by his team boss and former manager Toto Wolff." +"此后,乌干达由保罗·穆万加主持的军事委员会统治。","Thereafter, Uganda was ruled by a military commission chaired by Paulo Muwanga." +"古普塔让雷伊操刀出版社发行的书籍的封面设计,并给了他完整的艺术自由。",Gupta asked Ray to create cover designs for books to be published by Signet Press and gave him complete artistic freedom. +墨西哥人和美国人都不知道加莱奥蒂之前已经攀登过这座山。,Neither the Mexicans or the Americans were aware of Galeotti's earlier visit. +"除去这些PG的顺序必须被考虑,以便只有一个基团是在第一时间除去。",The order of removal of the groups must be considered so that only one group is removed at a time. +"在此之前,它主要用于足球赛事,为明斯克迪纳摩、明斯克FC和白俄罗斯国家足球队的主场。","Earlier it was used mostly for football matches and was the home ground of Dinamo Minsk, FC Minsk and the Belarus national football team." +完成的工作大多是理论性的,但编写程序的目的,是为了模拟对人马座星系的观测。,"The work done was mostly theoretical, but the program was written to simulate observations made of the Sagittarius galaxy." +"学者盖伊·哈尔索尔(英语:Guy Halsall)认为蛮族入侵是罗马帝国衰落的结果,而非其原因。","The scholar Guy Halsall has seen the barbarian movement as the result of the fall of the Roman Empire, not its cause." +"惟以防边添设之兵,无可议裁。","Other than You, Refuge is There None." +"我们今天看到的重建但未完成的教堂,是由安东尼奥加斯帕里在1711年设计,而后殿和祭衣间(1750年)则是由乔治马萨里完成的。","The reconstructed, but unfinished, church we see today was designed by Antonio Gaspari in 1711, while the apse and presbytery (1750) were completed by Giorgio Massari." +"一个月之后,他们在神户的教会举行简朴的婚礼。",A year later they had a church wedding. +"基于广义相对论的模型在天体物理学中扮演着重要的角色,这些模型的成功也更加证明了广义相对论的正确性。",Models based on general relativity play an important role in astrophysics; the success of these models is further testament to the theory's validity. +纤维中的链分子沿纤维轴高度取向。,The chain molecules in the fibers are highly oriented along the fiber axis. +"2011年5月,公众受邀请参加周末FAST (Festival of Art, Science, and Technology) (艺术,科学,技术节),这也是MIT建校150周年庆典的一部分。","In May 2011, the general public was invited to a weekend FAST (Festival of Art, Science, and Technology) tour of temporary art installations, as part of the MIT 150 celebration of the 150th anniversary of MIT's founding charter." +"2012年7月,安全研究人员大卫·赫尔顿(David Hulton)与莫克西·马林斯佩克(Moxie Marlinspike)公布了一个通过暴力破解DES加密从而破解MS-CHAPv2协议的云计算工具,这让普通大众能够在24小时之内利用一对已知的明文和密文破解DES密钥。","In July 2012, security researchers David Hulton and Moxie Marlinspike unveiled a cloud computing tool for breaking the MS-CHAPv2 protocol by recovering the protocol's DES encryption keys by brute force." +"由于合并计划裹足不前,诺城启动了几个力图提高中心城区财政收入的项目。","With annexation attempts stalling, Knoxville initiated several projects aimed at boosting revenue in the Downtown area." +"承包人通常只负责整体建筑的特定部分,因为大多数都是小规模行业而已。","Contractors were usually only responsible for specific parts of the overall construction, as most businesses were small." +"该顶冠首次于1923年出现在纹章上,象征着王权之冠退位后的人民主权。",This crown appeared in the coat of arms for the first time in 1923 to symbolize the sovereignty of the people after the dropping out of the royal crown. +"他敦促所有各方通过对话和协商,在国际法、国际关系准则的基础上,找到一个解决方案。",He urged all sides to find a solution through dialogue on the basis of international law and the norms governing international relations. +"2002年,她出现在评判Amy和Drew Carey Show的一集中。","In 2002, she appeared in an episode of Judging Amy and Drew Carey Show." +"不过冲突并不是完全的,两派都相信艺术的实质是心灵上的,反对库尔贝唯物的现实主义以及印象派。","The split was never absolute, since both factions believed that art was essentially spiritual in character, opposing their idealism to the materialist realism associated with Courbet and Impressionism." +"东风波的南部继续向西移动,在9月22日进入东太平洋。","The southern portion of the wave continued westward, crossing into the eastern Pacific Ocean on September 22." +"设置此速率上限的原因,在某种程度上是,确保与转速较慢但价格较便宜的“二倍速(2× speed)”CD驱动器的兼容性。","This data rate was chosen, in part, to ensure compatibility with slower and less expensive ""2 × speed"" CD drives." +该街区自建成以来多为高档住宅区。,It has remained a private residence since its construction. +"斯蒂芬·汤普森(英语:Stephen Thompson,有时称为Steve Thompson,1967年-),是一位英格兰剧作家、编剧。","Stephen Thompson (born 1967), sometimes credited as Steve Thompson, is a British playwright and screenwriter." +"大选前两天,约翰内斯堡发生一起汽车炸弹爆炸,九人遇害。","Two days before the elections, a car bomb exploded in Johannesburg, killing nine." +这是自关闭开始以来针对联邦政府的第三起诉讼。,That was the third lawsuit filed against the federal government since the beginning of the shutdown. +"在密苏里,教堂获得了一个新名字——后期圣徒耶稣教堂,又开始修建一个新的神庙。","In Missouri, the church also took the name ""Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"", and construction began on a new temple." +勇士系统的所有装备(含枪支、护甲、光学瞄准镜、通讯与导航装置、医疗设备、电力供给系统与其他制服配件)于2014年10月23日全数通过测试并正式列装俄罗斯联邦军队。,"All the equipment of Ratnik (firearms, body armour, optic, communication and navigation devices, medical, and power supply systems, as well as uniform items such as knee and elbow pads) were tested and accepted into service in the Russian Armed Forces on 23 October 2014." +"卫星图像表明系统中曾存在暖心,因此曾短暂成为热带风暴,但大范围的风场以及上层槽的存在都确认这还只是一个亚热带风暴。","Satellite imagery suggested that the system was briefly a tropical storm as the warm core was found; however, the widespread wind field and the presence of an upper-level trough confirmed that it was merely subtropical." +"总统是奥地利的国家元首,由每6年一次的全民选举直接选出。",The President of Austria is directly elected by universal adult suffrage once every six years. +"较早期的报告几乎总是提到一个交叉的形状,在小仪器中这个特征似乎更为明显。","Older reports almost always mention a cross shape, which seems more pronounced with small instruments." +只有个人或是与沙特阿拉伯有实质关系才能注册。,Only persons or entities related to Saudi Arabia are able to register. +"因为地方法院在诽谤指控上做出对弗莱恩特有利的判决,对于谐仿是否可以被理解为描述法威尔的事实或是他曾参与的事件并不存在任何争议。","Because the district court found in favor of Flynt on the libel charge, there was no dispute as to whether the parody could be understood as describing facts about Falwell or events in which he participated." +"自1980年代以来,一个太阳能汽车的发展一直是工程目标。",Development of a solar-powered car has been an engineering goal since the 1980s. +不过水位很快在几天之后就恢复过来。,"However, the water levels returned within a few days." +这是的1990年风季使用相同的名单。,This is the same list used for the 1990 season. +"2013年10月31日,法国宣布将于2014年撤离驻扎于多瑙艾辛根的第110步兵团,也就是自德国撤出1000名法军人员。","On 31 October 2013, France announced that in 2014 it would shut down the 110th Infantry Regiment based in Donaueschingen and thus withdraw around 1000 men from Germany." +这时他开始与李常受同工。,They thus began to submit to Li personally. +"与旧标准相比,它能够在更低带宽下提供优质视频(换言之,只有MPEG-2,H.263或MPEG-4第2部分的一半带宽或更少),也不增加太多设计复杂度使得无法实现或实现成本过高。","The intent of the H.264/AVC project was to create a standard capable of providing good video quality at substantially lower bit rates than previous standards (i.e., half or less the bit rate of MPEG-2, H.263, or MPEG-4 Part 2), without increasing the complexity of design so much that it would be impractical or excessively expensive to implement." +心理学层面对感恩的研究侧重于对短时间内感恩的情感体验(感恩的状态)及感恩频次在个体间的差异(感恩特质)及上述两点之间的关联。,"The study of gratitude within psychology has focused on the understanding of the short term experience of the emotion of gratitude (state gratitude), individual differences in how frequently people feel gratitude (trait gratitude), and the relationship between these two aspects." +"1934年晚期和1935年初,蒂尔成为了国防部研究指导。",Late 1934 or early 1935 Thiel became research instructor at Reichswehrministerium. +"奇异博士则不加入任何一方,要钢铁人和神奇先生不要再来找他(政府宣布奇异博士不受法案所管)。",Doctor Strange wants no part of the Act and tells Iron Man and Mister Fantastic that they are never to call on him again (the government declares Doctor Strange exempt from the Act). +支持度的滑落与维兰特在公共行政部长任期后的高失业补助丑闻有关。,The fall of support was correlated with the scandal over Gregor Virant's high unemployment benefits in the year after his term as Minister of Public Administration expired. +"根据此推算,到2050年,爱沙尼亚有可能成为欧盟最有生产力的国家,仅次于卢森堡,成为世界上最有生产力的五大国家之一。","According to the same projections, by 2050, Estonia could become the most productive country in the EU, after Luxembourg, and thus join the top five most productive nations in the world." +铜肽GHK-铜及其类似物被发现可以刺激 发增长的。,Copper peptide GHK-Cu and its analogues were found to stimulate hair growth. +"2014年4月1日,两人与接待家庭的宠物犬“Blue”于上午11:00左右外出健行,地点为环绕奇里基火山的丛林;她们所走的路径可能是距离博克特不远的Pianista小径。","On April 1, they went hiking with their hosts' dog around 11:00 near the clouded forests that surrounded the Baru volcano, possibly the trail of Pianista, not far from Boquete." +"但当他渐渐进入状态时,发现自己比起前一年已经有了很大的进步。","However, when he came back, he was just as strong a passer as he had been the previous year." +"齿侧扁,有3至5个尖头。",Leaves have 3-5 deep lobes. +��号PSL 330203标本则是一节损害的尾椎。,"Referred was PSL 330203, a damaged tail vertebra." +"此新发明能够制造体积能够更小,更方便,成本更低廉的蓝光、紫光和之前从未有过的紫外光激光,且开启相关的应用,例如:高资料储存密度的HD DVD和蓝光光碟。","The new invention enabled the development of small, convenient and low-priced blue, violet, and ultraviolet (UV) lasers, which had not been available before, and opened the way for applications such as high-density HD DVD data storage and Blu-ray discs." +"YouTube是源自美国的影片分享网站,让使用者上载、观看、分享及评论影片。","iFilm was a U.S.-based video-sharing website on which users could upload, share and view videos." +"期间,国共之间亦有摩擦。","Therefore, there is some friction between the families." +"当逃跑的马普切人进入了骑兵跟不上的地域后,西班牙步兵和米奇马隆戈的战士随后又杀了许多人。",Where the fleeing Mapuche entered terrain the cavalry could not follow the Spanish foot and Michimalonco's warriors followed killing many. +"围绕于这黄道带的议论,被称之为“丹达腊事务(Dendera Affair)”,参与人员是像约瑟夫·傅立叶(Joseph Fourier,他估计这黄道带的年代是公元前2500年)这样的人士。","The controversy around the zodiac, called the ""Dendera Affair"", involved people of the likes of Joseph Fourier (who estimated that the age was 2500 BC)." +巴赫拉姆二世也像他的父亲一样听从祆教祭司的意愿行事。,Bahram II was also amenable to the wishes of the Zoroastrian priesthood. +"作为纽约书评和纽约时报的撰稿人之一,里拉最广为人知的著作是《当知识分子遇到政治》、《夭折的上帝:宗教、政治和现代西方》以及《The Shipwrecked Mind: On Political Reaction》。","A frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, The New York Times, and publications worldwide, he is best known for his books The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics, The Reckless Mind: Intellectuals in Politics, The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West, and The Shipwrecked Mind: On Political Reaction." +"该方法用X射线源来研究原子的内层电子(core electron)的能量,其能量分辨率可达1电子伏特。","This method uses x-ray sources to study energy levels of atomic core electrons, and at the time had an energy resolution of about 1 eV (electronvolt)." +"十月一日反法西斯抵抗团体(西班牙语:Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre,缩写为GRAPO)是一个秘密的西班牙毛派武装组织,其目标是建立一个西班牙共和国。","The First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Groups (Spanish: Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre, GRAPO) is a Spanish clandestine Marxist Leninist group aiming for the formation of a Spanish Republican state." +"形成更多的肌肉组织和骨,骨骼变硬。","More muscle tissue and bones have developed, and the bones become harder." +这个项目的实验室工作主要是由W.R. Peterson博士和Donald Coffman博士完成的。,The lab work for this project was conducted by Dr. W. R. Peterson and Dr. Donald Coffman. +"比如,美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马经常会被认为曾是芝加哥大学的法学教授,但实际上他当时的职位是高级讲师,这一点也曾成为2008年美国总统选举的争论焦点之一。","For example, US President Barack Obama is commonly referred to as having been a professor of law at the University of Chicago, when in fact he formally held the title of senior lecturer, causing some controversy during the 2008 US Presidential Election." +"另外,依照1977年采矿安全卫生条例对其的授权,NIOSH可以“对采矿卫生标准向矿山安全卫生管理局提供建议”、“对矿工进行医药监察,包括用胸部X光的方法检测煤矿工人尘肺病状况”、“进行与《职业安全卫生条例》中授权其他一般行业一样的采矿实地检查”以及“个人护具与危害物测量仪器的测试与证明”。","Also, pursuant to its authority granted to it by the Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, NIOSH may ""develop recommendations for mine health standards for the Mine Safety and Health Administration"", ""administer a medical surveillance program for miners, including chest X‐rays to detect pneumoconiosis (black lung disease) in coal miners"", ""conduct on-site investigations in mines similar to those authorized for general industry under the Occupational Safety and Health Act; and ""test and certify personal protective equipment and hazard-measurement instruments""." +"在1569年最终的卢布林联合后,明斯克省在议会获得两个席位。","Following the final Union of Lublin of 1569, the Minsk Voivodeship received two seats within the Senate." +"谢赫扎耶德大清真寺有进口来自德国慕尼黑的佛斯提公司的七个水晶吊灯,其中包括数百万施华洛世奇水晶所制而成。","The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque has seven imported chandeliers from the company Faustig in Munich, Germany that incorporate millions of Swarovski crystals." +"9月间他回到了英格兰南部的白金汉(Buckingham),在那里君士坦丁公正了一个土地证书,在证书中称自己为subregulus,这实际上是一位国王承认了艾塞斯坦的统治地位。","By September, however, he was back in the south of England at Buckingham, where Constantine witnessed a charter as subregulus, that is a king acknowledging Æthelstan's overlordship." +"在这次改款中,本田称为“Crouching form”的车型的外观发生了重大变化,其中包括一个低而宽的设计,有助于减轻车辆重量(680kg)同时改善驾驶操控感,有一点Honda CR-X(日语:ホンダ・CR-X)的味道。","In this remodel, there are major changes in the appearance of the vehicle Honda called ""Crouching form"", which consisted of a low and wide design that contributed to lighter vehicle weight (basic grade 680 kg) combined with improvements in driving performance." +"瑞士制造商Hess制造了一种双铰接的无轨电车,名为LighTram,在瑞士苏黎世、日内瓦和卢塞恩等城市使用。","Swiss manufacturer Hess produces a bi-articulated trolleybus called LighTram that is in use in several Swiss cities, including Zürich, Geneva and Lucerne." +将猫的头合成在牧师的脖子上。,The snake bites the pastor on the hand. +"语言的形态分类(英语:morphological typology),是根据它们共同的形态结构对世界上的语言进行分类(参见语言类型学)的一种方法。",Morphological typology is a way of classifying the languages of the world (see linguistic typology) that groups languages according to their common morphological structures. +"疫情爆发期间实行援助后,他和家人移居夫人在阿肯色州拥有的种植园。","After rendering aid during the epidemic, he and his family moved to an Arkansas plantation owned by his wife." +Nginx的模块化事件驱动架构可以在高负载下提供更可预测的性能。,Nginx's modular event-driven architecture can provide more predictable performance under high loads. +"次年,他们向总统发出的报告,委员们承认菲律宾独立的要求;然而他们宣称菲律宾还没有准备好。","In the report that they issued to the president the following year, the commissioners acknowledged Filipino aspirations for independence; they declared, however, that the Philippines was not ready for it." +"俄军的第二次阻击战黑沟台战役从1905年1月25日战至1月29日,同样未能击退日军。","A second Russian counter-offensive, the Battle of Sandepu, fought from (25–29 January 1905) was likewise unsuccessful." +"在这些字符串的样本空间中的离散型均匀分布表明,对于每一个长度为 n 的字符串,权重为 2−n 。",The uniform probability distribution on the space of these bitstrings assigns exactly equal weight 2−n to each string of length n. +"洗车库为自动清洗,6节编组列车清洗一次只需要20分钟。","Normally, I get up to use the washroom 20 minutes before landing." +"一般而言,只有能量的差值才有物理意义。","In general, only differences in energy have physical significance." +它被许多有线电视运营商采用在现有光纤混合同轴电缆(HFC)的基础设施上提供互联网接入。,It is employed by many cable television operators to provide Internet access (see cable Internet) over their existing hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) infrastructure. +"TWNIC自2001年3月1日起,不再直接受理新申请.tw域名服务注册,改由授权之受理注册机构负责,亚太电信为授权之受理注册机构之一。","Since 1 March 2001, TWNIC has stopped allowing itself to sign up new domain names directly, instead allowing new registration through its contracted reseller registrars." +"该法在其组织中谁可以联系用于营销目的,不仅通过电话和直接邮寄,而且电子,并导致了基于许可营销战略的发展方面开展业务的方式也会影响。","The Act also impacts on the way in which organisations conduct business in terms of who can be contacted for marketing purposes, not only by telephone and direct mail but also electronically and has led to the development of permission based marketing strategies." +"重播的时候(并且在BBC HD播出的时候),两集之间还有‘下集预告’。","However, during repeats (and broadcast on BBC HD), they showed the 'next time' trailers." +"6月17日,侦察机发现地面附近有多股瞬时环流,但没有找到明确的环流中心。","A reconnaissance flight on June 17 reported that there appeared to be multiple transient circulations at the surface, but no well-defined center." +"在苏格兰宗教改革以前,爱丁堡没有主教座堂,因为爱丁堡属于圣安德鲁教区,主教座堂设在圣安德鲁斯。","In the mediaeval period, prior to the Reformation, Edinburgh had no cathedral as it was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of St Andrews, whose episcopal seat was St Andrews Cathedral." +"燃料更换可以在���关闭反应炉的情况下进行,这是生产武器级钚的一个重要因素,对民用来说,亦能提高反应堆的发电时间。","The fuel assemblies can be replaced without shutting down the reactor, a factor significant for production of weapon-grade plutonium and, in a civilian context, for better reactor uptime." +SIMP的湮灭会产生巨大的热量。,SIMPs annihilations would produce significant heat. +"乐队头一次对沃特斯的歌词感到非常自信,以至于他们把它印到了专辑的扉页上。","The band were so confident of the quality of Waters' lyrics that, for the first time, they printed them on the album's sleeve." +"如同所有源自中间派基督教民主主义思想的法国中间派,该党为强烈亲欧盟者,支持欧盟提高经济、环境、移民、能源和研究方面的管理。","Like many French centrist parties descended from the centrist Christian democratic ideals, it is strongly Europhile and supports increased European control over the economy, environment, immigration, energy and research." +巴宝莉的蓝线在日本尤其受欢迎。,Bridges' music was especially popular in Japan. +"公园的山斑马数量仅由5头公马和一头母马构成,不足以扩大数量。",The mountain zebra population of the park comprised only five stallions and one mare and was insufficient to expand the population. +"亨利四世从荷兰大使那里碰了一鼻子灰,称法国没有数学家。","King Henri IV received a snub from the Dutch ambassador, who claimed that there was no mathematician in France." +"A-4F是专为美国海军设计的单座攻击机的最终版本,在1966年首飞;最终交付了164架。","The A-4F was the final single-seat version of the Skyhawk to be designed specifically for the U.S. Navy, and first flew in 1966; 164 were eventually delivered." +"哈萨克斯坦统计局(ASRK),2005年。",Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ASRK). +"1862年9月17日,安提耶坦之役,为美国史上最血腥的一日。","The Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862, was the single bloodiest day in American military history." +"但并不清楚老教堂是否也像现在的教堂一样,在中殿上有着尖形的屋顶。",It is not known if this church had a raised roof above the central space of the nave like the present church. +"他决定前往堪萨斯州的独立县,他被告知在那里对社会主义运动有一些同情。","He decided to head to Independence, Kansas where he had been advised there was some sympathy for the socialist movement." +"Wolfson化学工程学院是以色列在该领域最古老、规模最大的教育机构,以色列大部分化学工程师都毕业于该学院。","The Wolfson Faculty of Chemical Engineering is Israel's oldest and largest faculty in the field, educating the vast majority of chemical engineers in Israel's chemical industries." +"拉姆齐要求在飞机餐工作的员工,在先前必须要有在他旗下其他餐厅工作的经验。",Ramsay requires that staff who are working at Plane Food must gain work experience in another one of his restaurants first. +"1938年2月,希特勒对奥地利总理库尔特·许士尼格强调德国保护其边界的必要性。","In February 1938, Hitler emphasised to Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg the need for Germany to secure its frontiers." +"在亚历山大逝世后,他是第一个提议让佩尔狄卡斯掌握帝国大权的军官。","On the death of Alexander, he was one of the first to propose that the supreme power should be entrusted to Perdiccas." +"因此,一个网络要能存在严重的非中立性,必须其用户不在乎此一特定的非中立性,或其用户无法选择业者,不然他们应该会转换至其他限制较少的业者。","Therefore, for a network to remain significantly non-neutral requires either that the customers not be concerned about the particular non-neutralities or the customers not have any meaningful choice of providers, otherwise they would presumably switch to another provider with fewer restrictions." +"也就是说,这种关系不会是柏拉图式的,也不一定具有排他性,不一定认真,没有承诺或不是长期的关系。","That is to say, the relationship is not necessarily platonic, nor is it necessarily an exclusive, serious, committed, or long-term relationship." +长期实施低汇率政策会导致通货膨胀。,Usage of a dual-exchange system in the long-run will cause inflation. +科尔曼也是在这认识了他未来的妻子戴安娜。,"Here he met his future wife, Diana." +"问题解决 小组的两位考生需要针对一个问题进行商讨,并最终得到一个双方都认可的解决方案。",It is a kind of justice system in which the arbiter listens to both sides of dispute and then concludes a solution that both sides will accept. +"第二届国民大会在1991年选举产生,共有325名国大代表。","The second National Assembly, elected in 1991, was composed of 325 members." +美国是唯一一个没有以劳工为基础之政党的工业化国家。,"Moreover, the United States is the only advanced economy without a labor-based political party." +"C. tibicen longirostris分布在西澳洲州北部,由鲨鱼湾至皮尔巴拉。","G. tibicen longirostris, the long-billed magpie, is found across northern Western Australia, from Shark Bay into the Pilbara." +"禁食和洗礼都是施洗约翰的教导元素,它们可能已经通过施洗约翰的追随者而在早期基督教中实践着。","Fasting and baptism, elements of John's preaching, may have entered early Christian practice as John's followers joined the movement." +"极少数希望前往朝鲜的人当中包括一些朝鲜人的日本配偶(通常是妻子),他们在1955年到1980年代早期随着他们的配偶从日本返回。",Among the few immigrants that have willingly gone to North Korea are Japanese spouses (generally wives) of Koreans who returned from Japan from 1955 to the early 1980s. +"在2005年,尼泊尔最高法院命令政府向巴迪人提供正式公民身份,提供再培训和替代就业计划,并向贫困家庭提供补助金。","In 2005, the Supreme Court of Nepal ordered the government to extend formal citizenship to the Badis, establish retraining and alternative employment programs, and extend grants to poor families." +的Savage4系列的单周期三线性过滤和S3TC纹理压缩技术创建了一个三维的卡具有出色的图像质量。,The Savage4 series' single cycle trilinear filtering and S3TC texture compression created a 3D card with exceptional image quality. +"小行星中心的网站也公布了这些""潜在危险小行星清单""的详细资讯。",The Minor Planet Center's website List of the Potentially Hazardous Asteroids also publishes detailed information for these objects. +"杂志的名称来源于《美国独立宣言》的第一句话“此时此刻,于人事发展进程中......”。","Human Events takes its name from the first sentence of the United States Declaration of Independence: ""When in the course of human events...""." +"电子零件一般会设计的可以互相连接,多半是用软钎焊的方式固定在印刷电路板(PCB)上,最后形成一特定功能的电路(例如放大器、无线电接收机、振荡器)。","Components are generally intended to be connected together, usually by being soldered to a printed circuit board (PCB), to create an electronic circuit with a particular function (for example an amplifier, radio receiver, or oscillator)." +进行口中喷火表演与其他火焰表演的的危险性增强了许多观众体验到的娱乐感。,The element of danger in performing fire breathing and other fire skills enhances the entertainment spectacle for many audience members. +"英国数学奥林匹克第二轮比赛BMO2通常在二月初举行,明显比BMO1难得多。","BMO2 (known as the Further International Selection Test, FIST from 1972 to 1991) is normally held in early February, and is significantly more difficult than BMO1." +夸美纽斯是第一个提出儿童教育学的人。,Echolalia is common in young children who are first learning to speak. +车站在1985年2月9日重新开放。,The station opened on 9 January 1985. +他也曾经于中欧(1929年)与斯堪的纳维亚(1931年与1934年)进行研究之旅。,He also made research trips to central Europe (1929) and Scandinavia (1931 and 1934). +"举例来说,浙赣铁路的建造能刺激下游长江三角洲的军用运输,即使南京和上海沦陷。","For example, the Hangzhou-Guiyang rail was built to facilitate military transport in the Yangtze delta valley, even after Shanghai and Nanking were lost." +"先前未分配的区域号码也同时启用,但不包括特殊的区域号码000、666和900至999。","Previously unassigned area numbers have been introduced for assignment, excluding area numbers 000, 666 and 900–999." +"与天、魔种族对立,十分好战,且凶狠残暴。","Ares, god of war, was too rough and violent." +"历史学家马克·吉尔德胡斯(Mark Gilderhus)表示该政策也包括居高临下的种族主义措辞,将拉丁美洲国家比作吵架的小孩子。","Historian Mark Gilderhus states that the doctrine also contained racially condescending language, which likened Latin American countries to fighting children." +特朗普的福音顾问约翰尼·穆尔表示公告履行了特朗普对福音派选民的竞选承诺。,"Johnnie Moore, one of Trump's evangelical advisers, said the announcement fulfilled a campaign promise to Trump's evangelical voter base." +"在该节目中,他驾车游历中国,与各地居民进行交流,体验当地文化和美食,节目长达几百集。","On Getaway, Ballen toured China by car, conversing with locals and exploring local Chinese history, culture, cuisine and tourist destinations, featuring in several hundred episodes." +"据估计第一批源出非洲大陆的迁移者,来自在非洲大陆为数约2,000到5,000人的一个群体,其中只有一小群,有可能少至150到1,000人,跨越红海。","It has been estimated that from a population of 2,000 to 5,000 individuals in Africa, only a small group, possibly as few as 150 to 1,000 people, crossed the Red Sea." +"DirectSetup:用于DirectX元件的安装,以及检查DirectX的版本。","DirectSetup: for the installation of DirectX components, and the detection of the current DirectX version." +日语:介护福祉学科 招生到2011年。,Mexico to Achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2011. +"回到美国后,后来毕业于宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特的富兰克林·马歇尔大学,在校时他积极参加戏剧活动。","He returned to the United States and graduated from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he was active in drama." +熊美的男友。,Oh Beautiful Beer. +"唐做事认真,写作资料必须正确。",Her research is thorough and the writing is accessible. +"在1024年9月4日,德国的贵族们在坎姆巴,一座在莱茵河东岸与奥彭海姆相对的历史性地点聚集。","On September 4, 1024, the German princes gathered at Kamba, an historical name for an area on the east banks of the Rhine River opposite the German town Oppenheim." +"日本Google承认类似的通报机制其实已在其他国家运行,但因不了解日本对隐私的忧虑而没有在日本采用。","Google Japan admitted that notifications and explanations of this kind had already been taking place in countries other than Japan, but had not done so in Japan as they were not aware of the potential privacy concerns." +"回顾起来,Joystiq将GameCube的推出时间与其后继者Wii进行了比较,指出GameCube因缺乏游戏导致销量欠佳,并且游戏机被限制的在线游戏功能长期损害了其市场份额。","Retrospectively, Joystiq compared the GameCube's launch window to its successor, the Wii, noting that the GameCube's ""lack of games"" resulted in a subpar launch, and the console's limited selection of online games damaged its market share in the long run." +他常常会对附近的人们就各种题目发表长篇哲学演说。,He would also frequently give lengthy philosophical expositions on a variety of topics to anyone within earshot. +"为了达到此一目的,高速的船舶一般会较细长,其附属物较小或是较少。","To do so, high-speed vessels are often more slender, with fewer or smaller appendages." +任何错误纠正码都可用于错误检测。,Any error-correcting code can be used for error detection. +西方人也把它称做越南长城(Great Wall of Vietnam) 。,"Some natives dub it the ""Great Wall of Vietnam""." +最后一份文件列出在6月的欧洲选举所采取的看法。,"Finally, a document on the European elections expressed the attitude of the party towards the June European elections." +"锯脂鲤亚科栖息在南美洲所有主要及一些次要的大西洋河流,但也有被引入到其他地区。","Serrasalmids inhabit all major and some minor Atlantic river systems in South America east of the Andes, but have been introduced to other areas." +"巴库市政府于2011年8月2日将工程承包给德国阿尔卑斯建设公司(Alpine Bau Deutschland AG),并签立合约书。","On August 2, 2011, it was announced that main agreement was signed with the German construction company named ‘’Alpine Bau Deutchland AG’’ and necessary preparation had begun." +"最后,路德维希一世用他的私人财产资助建造该建筑,作为希腊和巴伐利亚之间友谊的象征,以及希腊独立战争的纪念碑。","Finally, Ludwig I financed the building from his private resources as a symbol of the friendship between Greece and Bavaria, as well as a monument to the Greek War of Independence." +1984年夏普发行了使用了高分辨率的X1 Turbo系列(640x400对X1的640x200)。,"In 1984, Sharp released the X1 turbo series with high resolution graphics (640x400, while X1 had 640x200)." +俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·维克托罗维奇·拉夫罗夫将这次行动比作2003年美国入侵伊拉克。,Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov compared the strike to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. +"这本诗集受到好评,评论赞扬其抒情技巧及浪漫的主题。","It was well received by critics, who praised its lyrical mastery and romantic subject matter." +"南太平洋论坛创立与1971年,并于2000年改名为太平洋岛国论坛。","The South Pacific Forum was founded in 1971, which became the Pacific Islands Forum in 2000." +"过量导致的死亡比较罕见,不过有时还是有报告。",Deaths are exceedingly rare but have been reported. +"它由Shepparrd Robson设计,旨在将研究所的多方面学科集中在一起。","It was designed by Shepparrd Robson, and aims to bring the multi-faceted disciplines of the Institute together under one roof." +加拿大原住民广泛被认定为创立加拿大的三个民族之一。,The Mohawk Nation was then considered one of the Seven Nations of Canada. +英雄联盟S5世界总决赛 2015 World Championship 2015 World Championship teams,Rules and regulations World Championship 2015 Worldchampionship Draughts 2015 +该条约还包括美方向部落提供农业用品和工具。,The treaty also provided the tribes with agricultural supplies and tools. +"虽然她在维尼提亚神殿中的地位尚不能确定,但对她的崇拜在维尼提亚社会的重要性已被考古发现充分证实。","While her place in the Venetic pantheon cannot be known for certain, the importance of her cult to Venetic society is well attested in archaeological finds." +并试过对阿杰尔射箭逼其离开。,They forced AIPAC to fire me. +"一篇在2013年由地球物理研究通讯发布的文章显示,自44,000年前起,或许甚至在120,000年起,该地区的温度未曾像目前般高。","A 2013 article published in Geophysical Research Letters has shown that temperatures in the region haven't been as high as they currently are since at least 44,000 years ago and perhaps as long as 120,000 years ago." +大学的所有课程都通过了认证。,Programs throughout the university are accredited as well. +我对自己的工作总是不满意。,I always blamed myself for its failure. +"caBIG(cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid,癌症生物医学信息网格)是一个开放源码,可自由访问的系统,建立caBIG的目的是是使癌症研究人员之间有一个安全的数据交换信息网络。","The cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) was a US government program to develop an open-source, open access information network called caGrid for secure data exchange on cancer research." +"为了向这些成就致敬,他提议以法国的名义建造一件礼物送给美国。","In order to honor these achievements, Laboulaye proposed that a gift be built for the United States on behalf of France." +中国在国际贸易中扮演着重要的角色。,China plays a major role in international trade. +委内瑞拉政府在2006年1月实施了软件免费的法律。,The Venezuelan government implemented a free software law in January 2006. +"同年底,国际航空货运业务开通。",International cargo flights started by the end of 1998. +"一个典型的实现可能是先把这个参数向下强制转换——如果不是期望的类型,那么报错: class RationalNumber implements Comparable { int numerator; int denominator; ... public int compareTo(Object other) { RationalNumber otherNum = (RationalNumber)other; return Integer.compare(numerator*otherNum.denominator, otherNum.numerator*denominator); } } 在有参数协变的语言中,compareTo 的参数可以直接定为希望的类型(RationalNumber),从而把类型转换消除掉。","A typical implementation would first down-cast this argument (throwing an error if it is not of the expected type): class RationalNumber implements Comparable { int numerator; int denominator; // ... public int compareTo(Object other) { RationalNumber otherNum = (RationalNumber)other; return Integer.compare(numerator * otherNum.denominator, otherNum.numerator * denominator); } } In a language with covariant arguments, the argument to compareTo could be directly given the desired type RationalNumber, hiding the typecast." +"他们认为,当几乎解决了“困难”的问题时,“容易”的问题也会很快被解决,例如电脑视觉和常识推理。","They assumed that, having (almost) solved the ""hard"" problems, the ""easy"" problems of vision and commonsense reasoning would soon fall into place." +"这时橹·城门·围栏等建筑物虽然全部解体了,但是很多石垣和护城河留下了往日的样貌。","When the World of Sid and Marty Krofft closed, many of the other shops and venues went through a similar transition." +你长得漂亮是你的福气。,Know That You Are Lucky. +"3月13日,西哈努克将法语国名自Cambodge(Cambodia)改为Kampuchea。","On 13 March, king Sihanouk changed the official name of the country in French from Cambodge to Kampuchea." +"此举引起部分网友不满,并协同律师以《消费者保护法》对该站提出团体诉讼。","This decision created outrage among its Internet users, and has led to a class action suit against Videotron by consumer advocacy group Union des Consommateurs." +"骑士则是在1992年至1996年对勇士打出了一次十连胜,让勇士对骑士战绩变为37胜32负(胜率:.536)。",The Cavaliers would win 10 straight games from 1992 to 1996 to reduce Golden State's lead to 37–32 (.536). +"厚达7米最坚固的墙在西部面朝大海,因为哈桑丁苏丹认为这个方向最易受到攻击。",The strongest wall with a thickness of seven metres was built in the west towards the sea as Sultan Hasanuddin feared an attack from this direction. +"但是,使用特殊变量的另一种方法是,在表达式中给它一个新的区域绑定。","However, another way to work with a special variable is to give it a new, local binding within an expression." +只在网络进行发布。,Available only online. +"开放游戏授权条款(Open Game License,OGL)是一种授权条款,让桌上角色扮演游戏的制作人可以在授权架构下修改、复制、重新发布游戏的部分内容,例如游戏机制的部分。","The Open Game License (OGL) is a public copyright license that may be used by tabletop role-playing game developers to grant permission to modify, copy, and redistribute some of the content designed for their games, notably game mechanics." +导言最终固定下来并使用到了电视剧集当中。,This series is based and created in collaboration with the TV series. +新西兰也成为全球第13个和大洋洲首个同性婚姻合法化的国家。,"New Zealand is the first and only country in Oceania to legalise same-sex marriage, and is the 13th in the world." +"在上缅甸,近年来许多来自中国大陆的华人新移民移民到曼德勒省、掸邦和克钦邦。","Upper Burma has seen a demographic shift resulting from the recent immigration of many Mainland Chinese to Mandalay Region, Shan, and Kachin States." +泰国首相艾比希声言:这是‘第一步外交报复’。,"Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva stated that this was ""the first diplomatic retaliation measure"" against the appointment." +"在许多情况下这是很简单的(例如,在一个未加密的Wi-Fi 无线接入点的接受范围内的中间人攻击者,可以将自己作为一个中间人插入这个网络)。","This is straightforward in many circumstances; for example, an attacker within reception range of an unencrypted wireless access point (Wi-Fi) could insert themselves as a man-in-the-middle." +"2006年,纪念柱设计比赛共收到超过40项参赛作品。","In 2006, a design competition for the monument received more than 40 entries." +"驾驶舱后紧邻的是客舱,客舱两侧有巨大的推拉式舱门。",The helicopter has a cockpit door and a large cabin door on each side. +"尽管如此,这一进步还是让巴恩斯在圣罗曼街购买了一套新公寓,并于1927年9月开始与塞尔玛·伍德住在一起。","Still, the advance allowed Barnes to buy a new apartment on Rue Saint-Romain, where she lived with Thelma Wood starting in September 1927." +失败的主要原因之一是许多欧洲人无法忍受或者不打算忍受生活在那样的又热又旱的环境之中。,One of the main reasons for this was that many Europeans could not or would not tolerate the hot arid conditions. +"如果将蛋白质分解得更彻底,氨基酸可以表示为连接碳,氮和氧等原子的网络。","Breaking a protein down farther, amino acids can be represented as a network of connected atoms, such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen." +"在某程度上,欧洲和美国的传统在第二次世界大战后产生了分歧。","To some extent, European and the US traditions diverged after World War II." +"冰岛马第一次的正式出口是于1940年代,目的地是德国。",The first formal exports of Icelandic horses were to Germany in the 1940s. +"Ubuntu计划强调易用性和国际化,以便能为尽可能多的人所用。",Hanthana also emphasizes accessibility and internationalization to reach as many people as possible. +阿塞拜疆可以被认为是亚洲或欧洲国家。,Azerbaijan can be considered part of Europe or Western Asia. +"阿联酋认为阿里和拉维年满18岁后未在卡塔尔连续住至少五年,尽管两名球员声称他们的母亲在卡塔尔出生。","It was alleged that Ali and Al-Rawi had not lived continuously in Qatar for at least five years over the age of 18, although the players claimed that their mothers were born in Qatar." +"该站位于Skokie的市中心地带,也是从2001年起黄线建设的第一个车站。",The station is located in downtown Skokie and was the first new CTA station built since 2001. +"Turbo Pascal,和其它有单元或模块概念的衍生物是模块化语言。","Turbo Pascal, and other derivatives with units or module concepts are modular languages." +"基申吉遇害的消息传出后,一位高级对话者甚至表示,政府“失去”了达成停火协议的最后机会。","After the news of Kishenji's encounter was aired, a senior interlocutor even stated that the government has ""failed"" to grasp the opening opportunity for a cease-fire." +在动画中目前没有战斗形势登场。,There is no room for drama here. +Scala和D语言也支持返回值协变。,Scala and D also support covariant return types. +"虽然龙卷风的数量很多,但其中大部分强度都很弱,持续时间也短。","In spite of the large numbers of tornadoes, most were weak and short-lived." +"加州大学旧金山分校的Leonard Hayflick曾是《实验老年医学》的编辑,他写道: 《国际抗衰老医学期刊》不是一本公认的科学期刊。","Leonard Hayflick of the University of California, San Francisco, a former editor of Experimental Gerontology, writes: The International Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine is not a recognized scientific journal." +政府驻地为默讷。,"Police, public remember Hondo." +"1996至2005年,58.3%的自杀者使用了农药。",58.3% of suicides from 1996 to 2005 used pesticide poisoning. +他们第一次参赛ConIFA世界杯足球赛是在2014年以第八名结束。,They competed at the first ConIFA World Football Cup in 2014 finishing 8th overall. +投票结果显示绝大多数选民选择加入俄罗斯联��。,"The Parliament, by an overwhelming majority, voted to join Russia." +"此外,还有六个新物种被描述,包括B. varroae和B. kipukae,它们形成巴氏蚕白僵菌的姊妹群,两者间的外形并无差别。","In addition six new species were described including B. varroae and B. kipukae, which form a biphyletic, morphologically cryptic sister lineage to B. bassiana." +"在2006年10月,特易购(Tesco)推出了一系列自有品牌软件,其中包括特易购完整办公软件(Tesco Complete Office),这是特易购品牌版的“能力办公室”(Capability Office)。","In October 2006, Tesco launched a range of own-brand software that included Tesco Complete Office, a Tesco branded version of Ability Office." +"买主身份很快就被透露,是美国金融家比尔·格罗斯。",The purchaser was revealed to be U.S. financier Bill Gross. +"他妻子Margareta Timofti是个律师,两人育有三个儿子: Alexei(1977年生)是在世界银行工作的一名律师,Nicu(1980年生)是在基希讷乌工作的体育记者,Ștefan (1989年生)在基希讷乌学习经济学。","Timofti is married to the lawyer Margareta Timofti and they have three sons: Alexei (born 1977) works as a lawyer for the World Bank in Washington, Nicolae (Nicu) (born 1980) is a sports journalist in Chișinău, and Ștefan (born 1989) studies economics in Chișinău." +"这样就没有可阻碍气体逸出的障碍了,两个O型环在大约70度的范围内都被气化了。","There was now no barrier to the gases, and both O-rings were vaporized across 70 degrees of arc." +她在流放中死去。,She died in exile. +我们对他的统治和生活所了解的大部分内容来自于前5世纪希腊历史学家希罗多德的记载。,Most of what is known about his reign and life was documented by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. +"奥斯曼守军不但加深了前线战壕的宽度和深度,他们还在理想位置建造了可以互相防御的堡垒。","The Ottoman defenders not only increased the width and depth of their front lines, they developed mutually supporting strong redoubts on ideal defensive ground." +"福特暗示了所有的关系都无法破镜重圆,有些是因为个人选择,有些是由于命数使然,这一段镜头强调了在这个世界上的父亲错失与孩子们相处机会的辛酸。","Foote intimates that all relationships cannot be mended, some by choice and some by chance, and the poignancy of missed opportunities between fathers and their children on this earth is underlined in this scene." +"他的父亲从1909年开始都是天文期刊的编辑,直到1912年去世,从那之后本杰明就接过了这个任务直到1941年。","His father served as editor of the Astronomical Journal from 1909 until his death 1912, whereupon Benjamin undertook the duty until 1941." +"8月11日,威斯特法伦号、波森号、皇帝号和皇后号受命驶往泰尔斯海灵岛,以协助德军在该地区的巡逻。","On 11 August, Westfalen, Posen, Kaiser, and Kaiserin steamed out towards Terschelling to support German patrols in the area." +于善不善法无知。,To the Best of Our Knowledge. +本人和狗似乎都是机械生命。,It seems that we and them are soul mates. +"其间,陪同邓小平出访美国,担任顾问。","Meanwhile, he accompanied party supremo Deng Xiaoping on his visit to the USA, serving as adviser to the delegation." +"自我毁灭也可以用热力学的观点来考察:目前生命是一个有序系统,可以维系自身和对抗无序的趋势;但“外部传输”(external transmission)或者星际通讯阶段可能是系统变得不稳定和自毁的转折点。","Self-annihilation may also be viewed in terms of thermodynamics: insofar as life is an ordered system that can sustain itself against the tendency to disorder, the ""external transmission"" or interstellar communicative phase may be the point at which the system becomes unstable and self-destructs." +"期间曾由于格陵兰同挪威之间通信不畅,挪威方面误以为阿尼已经去世并于1343年任命约恩·斯卡利(Jón Skalli)为新主教。","Due to the poor communication between Greenland and Norway, it was assumed that he had died and a new bishop (Jón Skalli) was ordained in 1343." +"在也具有广泛二级结构的RNA中,碱基的直链通常仅称为“序列”,如同它在DNA中被称为的(其通常形成具有很少二级结构的线性双螺旋)。","In RNA, which also has extensive secondary structure, the linear chain of bases is generally just referred to as the ""sequence"" as it is in DNA (which usually forms a linear double helix with little secondary structure)." +"虽然首次发配时,美国陆军声称M31对主战坦克(除了正面交战以外)和轻型装甲车辆有效;但在1972年以后,美国陆军所修订的反装甲战争手册当中指出,M31只对轻型坦克和装甲薄弱的车辆有效。","While claimed to be effective against main battle tanks (except in frontal engagements) and lightly armored vehicles when first introduced, in 1972 the US Army stated in its revised anti-armor warfare manual that the M31 HEAT was only effective against light tanks and thin-skinned vehicles." +"根据本法令,即期票据无需美国财政部盖章。","Under this act, Demand Notes did not need to carry the seal of the U.S. Treasury." +"他在强调一定要避免无选择地随意地过度频繁地使用母语的同时,也坚持认为我们应该对母语在外语教学中作为一种重要资源的地位进行再定义。","While acknowledging that the indiscriminate and haphazard use of the mother tongue is all too frequent and must be avoided, Butzkamm insists that we have to re-define the role of the native language as the major resource in foreign language learning and teaching." +"哈耶克认为,文明的增长依赖于重视私有财产的社会传统,这项传统导致扩张与贸易,并最终催生现代资本主义制度以及扩展秩序。","According to Hayek, civilizations grew because societal traditions placed importance on private property, leading to expansion, trade, and eventually the modern capitalist system, which he calls the extended order." +"民用的该频率为121.5 MHz,也称国际航空遇险信号(International Air Distress,IAD)或甚高频守听(VHF Guard);而243.0 MHz则供军事用途,也称军用航空遇险信号(Military Air Distress,MAD)或特高频守听(UHF Guard)。","The frequencies are 121.5 MHz for civilian, also known as International Air Distress (IAD) or VHF Guard, and 243.0 MHz for military use, also known as Military Air Distress (MAD) or UHF Guard." +"艾萨克·梅瑞特·辛格(英语:Isaac Merritt Singer,1811年10月27日-1875年7月23日)是美国的发明家、演员、商人。","Isaac Merritt Singer (October 27, 1811 – July 23, 1875) was an American inventor, actor, and businessman." +他们使用家族符号来设计图案。,They used symbols of their clans for designs. +他于2016年12月当选为法塔赫中央委员会委员。,He was elected to the Central Committee of Fatah in December 2016. +"1914年,我进犯墨西哥,特别是占领了其港口城市坦皮科,保卫了美国石油公司的利益。","Now I am sure of it...I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914." +"军事用语中通常称为“从动起动”(slave starting),这为军用车辆简化了搭电起动流程。","Generally referred to as ""slave starting"" in military parlance, the jump starting procedure has been simplified for military vehicles." +游戏没有在PAL区发行。,The game was not released in PAL territories. +心理学家们于近年尝试了解青少年的性倾向发展。,"In recent years, psychologists have sought to understand how sexual orientation develops during adolescence." +"1995年成为斯宾诺莎奖最初的几位获奖人之一,该奖是荷兰最崇高的科学奖项。","In 1995, he was one of the first recipients of the Spinozapremie, the highest award available to scientists in the Netherlands." +"而6号机因灾害发生时正逢机组大修的时期,因此仅受到轻微的损害,是发电厂内10部水轮发电机组中,唯一一部没有因相关变压器短路而受到电气损坏的机组。","Turbine 6, which was in scheduled repair at the time of the accident, received only minor damage and was the only one of the station's 10 turbines that did not receive electrical damage due to shorting of the associated transformers." +"不过有其他共和党议员批评这样的僵局将损害他们在2012年大选中的前景后,众议院领导层于2011年12月23日宣布他们会通过参议院的法案,作为回报,民主党也迅速展开延长一整年的谈判。","However, after criticism from other Republicans that the impasse would harm their prospects in the upcoming 2012 elections, the House leadership on December 23, 2011 announced that it would pass the Senate bill in return for Democrats promptly beginning negotiations on a full-year extension." +"1921年,伊赫万部队擅自袭击伊拉克南部,对当地什叶派地区进行掠夺,造成700人死亡。","In 1921, an Ikhwan party raided southern Iraq, pillaging Shia villages, which resulted in 700 Iraqi Shias killed." +下面显示的顺序是排列练习的一种可能方式。,The sequence shown below is one possible way to order the exercises. +使用控制代码可以有条件地将导航栏包含在内。,Conditional navigation menus can be conditionally included using control directives. +"游戏要求玩家在二维地图上把箱子推到指定地点,当中牵涉到大量的空间逻辑推理。",Participants are asked to build bots in whichever language they choose to compete on a two-dimensional virtual battle field. +"相对的,一些无神论者坚持认为假设上帝的存在是完全没有必要的(Schmitt 2005,也就是所谓的终极波音747策略。","Contrastingly some anti-theists hold firmly to the belief that assuming the existence of God introduces unnecessary complexity (Schmitt 2005, e.g., the Ultimate Boeing 747 gambit)." +"NTSB的调查发现飞机无意中飞入了一片4级雷暴和两���引擎吸入了水令它们熄火,尽管他们证实吸入的水无超出美国联邦航空总署(FAA)的标准。",NTSB investigators determined that the aircraft had inadvertently flown into a level 4 thunderstorm and that water ingestion had caused both engines to flame out despite them being certified to meeting Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards for water ingestion. +"位于曼佐尼街12号的波尔迪·佩佐利博物馆(Museo Poldi Pezzoli),专门收藏意大利北部和荷兰/佛兰德斯艺术家作品,最初作为佩佐利的私人收藏,1879年捐给米兰市。","The Museo Poldi Pezzoli at Via Manzoni 12, which specialises in Northern Italian and Netherlandish/Flemish artists, originated as the private collection of Gian Giacomo Poldi Pezzoli which he bequeathed to the city in 1879." +"Java EE部署描述符由语言规范所定义,而运行时部署描述符由每个容器实现的供应商所定义的。","The Java EE deployment descriptors are defined by the language specification, whereas the runtime descriptors are defined by the vendor of each container implementation." +"康普顿在十一月提交的报告的最终稿中并没有提到使用钚,但在与欧内斯特·劳伦斯讨论了新近的研究进展后,他最终还是承认了钚弹也是可以实现的。","The final draft of Compton's November report made no mention of using plutonium, but after discussing the latest research with Ernest Lawrence, Compton became convinced that a plutonium bomb was also feasible." +"身处欢乐综艺馆,擅于在黑暗环境活动。",The emphasis is on fun activities conducted in a safe environment. +"当被问到为什么多次会见干事时,汉米尔顿回应“就像Ali G(英语:Ali G)所说的,或许是因为我是黑人。","When asked to why he had been targeted by the stewards so much, Hamilton replied in jest, ""Maybe it's because I'm black, that's what Ali G says""." +更多国家的语言将不断列入支持。,"Additional languages are, as yet, to be confirmed." +"此外,政府决定实施与美金挂钩的固定汇率,被所谓的“多货币篮子钉住系统”取代,其中美元占整体比重八成。","The government also replaced the country's fixed exchange rate (where it was pegged to the US dollar) with a ""multiple currency basket peg system"" in which the US dollar bore 80 percent of the weight." +"大气数据计算机(英语:air data computer,缩写ADC)是现代玻璃驾驶舱中一个必不可少的航空电子组件。",An air data computer (ADC) is an essential avionics component found in modern glass cockpits. +"一个冷冻冰核可以通过其中一个上升气流来攒到1.3厘米(0.5英寸)的尺寸,并可以在几个上升气流和下降气流之间循环,最后变得十分沉重,接着以冰雹的形式落在地面上。",A frozen ice nucleus can pick up 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) in size traveling through one of these updrafts and can cycle through several updrafts and downdrafts before finally becoming so heavy that it falls to the ground as large hail. +"国王拒绝满足他们的条件,让他们厌恶地离开了会议。","The king refused to meet their terms, so they left the meeting in disgust." +"前往断头台的路上埃贝尔昏晕了几次,当他被安置在断头刀刃下时,歇斯底里的尖叫着。","Hébert fainted several times on the way to the guillotine, and screamed hysterically when he was placed under the blade." +"在这一原则得到贯彻这一点上,可以说律令法带有某种法制主义的特色。",There only remains the question as to whether this principle of self-love can become a universal law of nature. +"奥洁的强风和雨造成了相当多的伤亡,令最少造成至少9人伤亡和112 失踪。","Orchid caused considerable damage from high winds and rain, resulting in at least nine casualties with 112 missing." +"或许最重要的是,NTT对环绕银河系中心恒星的观测,可以协助测量银河中心超大质量黑洞的质量和半径,有效的协助确认如此大质量和致密天体的存在。","Perhaps most significantly, NTT observations of stars orbiting the centre of our Milky Way helped determine the mass and the radius of its supermassive black hole, effectively helping confirming the existence of such a massive and compact object." +与美国国道11大致平行。,The trail parallels US 11 for most of the way. +乔伊在消散前在7月23日晚上在越南北部作最后一次登陆。,Joe made its final landfall that night on northern Vietnam before dissipating on the 23rd. +"欧斯顿的任期是棒球历史上任职单一队总教练时间第三长的人,前两者为康尼·马克(Connie Mack)和约翰·麦葛洛(John McGraw)。","Alston's tenure is the third-longest in baseball history for a manager with a single team, after Connie Mack and John McGraw." +"C-46在南美地区被大量使用,广泛的被波利维亚、秘鲁、巴西、阿根廷、智利等国使用,特别是在地面运输很难实施的山地(在这种地形上需要C-46的优良爬升率和升限)或丛林地形。","The C-46 became a common sight in South America, and was widely used in Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, especially in mountainous areas (where a good climb rate and high service ceiling were required) or to overfly deep jungle terrain where ground transport was impracticable." +本站斜跨戈登豪斯路的两个斜跨拱桥的画面出现在1997年爱尔兰歌手西尼德·奥康娜的唱片《福音橡》的封面。,The two brick skew arch bridges by which the trains cross Gordon House Road are shown in the cover photograph of the 1997 Gospel Oak EP by Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor. +意大利天主教徒。,Catholic Church in Italy . +"在周期内的光变曲线是不规则的,并且从一个周期到下一个周期,在形状上略有变化。",The light curve is irregular over the duration of the period and it changes slightly in shape from one period to the next. +"马太福音、马可福音、路加福音被称为对观福音,因为它们有类似的事件次序和措辞。","The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are referred to as the Synoptic Gospels because of a similar sequence and wording." +"第二次世界大战爆发后1940年任驻莫斯科外交官,1941年到1943年指挥第四集团军,1943年到1944年,负责指挥罗马尼亚第4军。","From 1941 to 1943 he commanded the IV Corps; from 1943 to 1944, he commanded the 4th Army." +"这便是说,一部作品中的任何一个乐句都可以作为完整原始结构的一个载体。",That is to say that any phrase in a work could take the form of a complete fundamental structure. +沈敦和创建的红十字组织是由中国富人和生活在中国的著名西方人构成。,Shen created a Red Cross organization made up of wealthy Chinese and prominent Westerners living in China. +这说明估计时间可能是一个低级(次皮层)过程。,This suggests that time estimation may be a low level process. +"在和沃恩共进午餐后,克劳福德“立马意识到他可以让艾伯特一角更加立体”。","After meeting Vaughn over lunch, Crawford "" straight away that he could bring a whole new dimension to the part of Albert""." +"尽管这些游戏通常是独立分开的游戏,只是它们的主题元素是一致的,但《女神异闻录系列》具有连续性,前几作游戏中的元素会在之后的游戏中出现。","Although they are typically stand-alone games that only share thematic elements, the Persona games share a continuity, with elements from previous games turning up in later ones." +"作为一名政治活动家,他的党龄和杰伊、苏巴斯、提毗、坎阐(Jay, Subhas, Devi and Kanchan)一样长。","During his years as a political activist, he had aliases ('party names') such as Jay, Subhas, Devi and Kanchan." +"耶稣来到加利利,传讲“天国近了”(ēngiken)。","Jesus then goes into Galilee, preaching ""The kingdom of God is near (ēngiken)." +"它是Athens的第四个卫星,Athens是围绕Georgia的第9个行星。","Whitefall is the fourth moon of Athens, the ninth planet orbiting the star Georgia." +"1998年和1999年,在达蒙·希尔、亨茨·赫拉德·弗伦岑和拉尔夫·舒马赫(迈克尔的弟弟)的领导下短暂兴盛的约旦被证明是最后私人车队最后的光荣。","The flourishing of Jordan in 1998 and 1999, under the leadership of Damon Hill, Heinz-Harald Frentzen and Ralf Schumacher (Michael's younger brother) proved to be a last hurrah of the privateer, not a sign of health in the sport." +"如果这种发展是适当的,那么这种发展在多大程度上是安全的,需要什么建筑法规和应急基础设施以确保住宅区的安全。","Issues include if development can be safe, and if safe, what building codes and emergency response infrastructure would be needed." +"影评人苏巴斯·K·贾哈(Subhash K Jha)给予影片3.5星,表示“愿上帝保佑卓娅的审美观,她将我们引入到美丽的瞬间,没有给我们任何理由去坚信最弥足珍贵的真理被肮脏包裹着。","Subhash K Jha rated Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara 3.5/5 and wrote; ""Zoya, God bless her aesthetics, sucks us into the beauty of the moment, not giving us any reason to believe that life's most precious truths are swathed in squalor""." +"在欧洲,欧盟要求其成员国的国营铁路拆分为若干不同的铁路公司。","In Europe, the EU requires its members to split the railway companies into a number of different companies." +"并于2004年,他组建岩间神信合气修练会(ISSASK)。",By February 2004 he had formed his own organisation (ISSASK). +"杰克表示,借钱是不可能的,但自己可以给出一个更好的主意:利用崔西的名人形象为产品做宣传。",Jack tells him that this is impossible but says that he has a better idea: use his celebrity image to endorse a product to generate the money. +他与杰弗里C.福克斯的强相互作用理论仍在实验粒子物理学中使用。,Wolfram's work with Geoffrey C. Fox on the theory of the strong interaction is still used in experimental particle physics. +"法蒂玛感到恼怒,不再跟阿布·伯克尔谈话,她这种姿态一直维持至她逝世。","Fatimah became angry and stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude until she died." +"他们确认会开发PlayStation 4版本,但这将是唯一的主机版本。","There, they confirmed that they would be bringing the game to PlayStation 4, but that this would be the only console version." +耶稣再次向犹太人说话。,Barman is now again playing with Deus. +"他在1902年成立了“丛林印地安人”这个组织,并邀请当地的青年加入。",He formed the Woodcraft Indians in 1902 and invited the local youth to join. +"他被认为是19世纪动物物种地理分布的权威专家,有时被称为“生物地理学之父”或“达尔文的挡箭牌”。","He was considered the 19th century's leading expert on the geographical distribution of animal species and is sometimes called the ""father of biogeography""." +"此容许某些部分的内存被标记为不可执行,它与ASLR一起防止缓冲区的溢出攻击,包括Return-to-libc攻击。","This allows some portions of the memory to be marked as non-executable, working alongside ASLR to prevent buffer overflow attacks including return-to-libc attacks." +"如果不采用统计图形,也就会丧失深入认识数据基础结构之一个或多个方面的机会。","If one is not using statistical graphics, then one is forfeiting insight into one or more aspects of the underlying structure of the data." +"非未见谛者于诸谛中,未得法眼,便能通达一切种子阿赖耶识。",But they are not all bad; see the entry for Bludge. +"一些二十世纪的民族学家,如朱利安·史都华(Julian Steward)接下来主张,这些相似性反映着对于类似环境的类似适应方式。","Some 20th-century ethnologists, like Julian Steward, have instead argued that such similarities reflected similar adaptations to similar environments." +"在这段期间,劳动女性主义者亦增加了女性在工会中的参与。","During this time, labor feminists also expanded women's participation in unions." +"该公司还拥有多家商店,位于科巴姆(Cobham)和多尔金(Dorking),并且于2004年10月,收购位于法纳姆(Farnham)的Elphicks百货公司,以及2006年9月,收购位于赖盖特(Reigate)的Knights百货公司而扩大。","The company also has shops in Cobham and Dorking and expanded by acquiring department stores Elphicks of Farnham in October 2004, and Knights of Reigate in September 2006." +"不过,这些角色们保持着漫画中的外表和其本身的姓名。",The characters kept their original looks and individual names from the comics. +而这一切是因为他与Charles Learned之间的赌注。,He gave one of his works to his relation Charles de Gaulle. +"日本现今在联合国系统内发挥着十分大的影响力,并与联合国下属多个机构有着密切的关系,这取决于日本的外交政策的基本原则。","Since then, Japan holds many international cooperations within the United Nations as a basic principle of its foreign policy." +"这启发了奥利奇和库兹曼,因为它传达了成年人和责任的主题——“在美国一辆汽车所代表的的东西”。","This appealed to Orci and Kurtzman because it conveyed themes of adulthood and responsibility, ""the things that a car represents in the United States""." +"在英国,Note有五种规格; Visia,Visia +,Acenta,Acenta S和Tekna。","In the UK the Note comes in five specifications; Visia, Visia+, Acenta, Acenta S, and Tekna." +"例如,当地区A的某位公民希望在地区B购买土地的时候,将会要求此人提交正确的地址数据。","For instance if a citizen of country A wants to purchase land in country B, the person will be asked to submit the proper address data." +"此后所有大学关闭了两年多,直至1964年9月。",All universities were closed for more than two years until September 1964. +"确诊时分期越晚,肺癌患者存活时间越短,英国的数据表明:确诊时处于最早期的病人中70%可以存活至少1年;但对那些确诊时处于最晚期的病人,这一数字下降到只有14%。","Survival for lung cancer falls as the stage at diagnosis becomes more advanced: the English data suggest that around 70% of patients survive at least a year when diagnosed at the earliest stage, but this falls to just 14% for those diagnosed with the most advanced disease (stage IV)." +西欧的政治构造因罗马帝国的解体而改变。,The political structure of Western Europe changed with the end of the united Roman Empire. +"乳化的油和油脂会导致过滤介质失去功能,并产生高额的维护费用。","Emulsified oil and grease cause damage to the media filters, resulting in very high maintenance costs." +"正因为其完全不适合真正的机密用途,ROT13已经变成了一种警句,用来影射任何显著的弱加密体系;例如批评家可能会这样说:“56位元DES这些日子以来只比ROT13要好一点。","Because of its utter unsuitability for real secrecy, ROT13 has become a catchphrase to refer to any conspicuously weak encryption scheme; a critic might claim that ""56-bit DES is little better than ROT13 these days""." +该党于1981年6月由Bram Behr创立。,It was formally founded in June 1981 by Bram Behr. +"1888年,美国总统格罗弗·克利夫兰决定征用圣佩德罗湾用作的军事保留区,以用作改善洛杉矶海港区的防卫,当时尚未命名。","In 1888, President Grover Cleveland designated an area overlooking San Pedro Bay as an unnamed military reservation intended to improve the defenses of the expanding Los Angeles harbor area." +"反对派活动人士声称尽管贝达村是反对派控制的,但村里只有14名反对派武装分子。","Opposition activists said that, although Bayda was rebel-held, only 14 rebel fighters were in the village." +小圣堂很快成了大朝圣地。,And slowly the village becomes a holy place. +"此前兰茨胡特就已经开始衰败了,此时它到达了其历史的低谷。","At this point Argyle were in danger of going bust, and it was the lowest point in their history." +"在地球的磁层,这股电流由太阳风和行星际磁场以及体积庞大的电浆驱动着(由行星际磁场间接的驱动着它们的对流)。","In the Earth’s magnetosphere, the currents are driven by the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field and by bulk motions of plasma through the magnetosphere (convection indirectly driven by the interplanetary environment)." +"然而,并非所有的语音学家都赞同“音节有内部结构”这一观点,事实上,一些语音学家对音节是否是理论上存在的实体(theoretical entity)持怀疑态度。","Not all phonologists agree that syllables have internal structure; in fact, some phonologists doubt the existence of the syllable as a theoretical entity." +"每个人的身份都被记录在一个注册系统中,并且当事人看不到这份记录。","Each individual's status is recorded in a registration system, inaccessible to him or her." +没有脚。,They have no feet. +"1995年,他以中继投手的身份,首度在大联盟上场,后来大多担任李‧史密斯的布局投手。","He made his Major League debut as a reliever in 1995, and was mostly used as a setup man for Lee Smith." +"如果 P<*Q 并且 P 是一致覆盖,则 Q 也是一致覆盖。","If P <* Q and P is a uniform cover, then Q is also a uniform cover." +"卡松古国家公园建立于1970年,保护区面积2,316 km2,是马拉维面积第二大的国家公园,平均海拔在1,000米以上。","Kasungu National Park, established in 1970, is the second largest in Malawi at 2,316 km2 and lying at approximately 1,000m above sea level on average." +"木星大气层的成分整体上与行星相似,因为伽利略号的大气探测器在1995年12月7日曾深入木星的大气层内,因此是气体巨星中被了解得最多的。","Jupiter's atmosphere is the most comprehensively understood of those of all the gas giants because it was observed directly by the Galileo atmospheric probe when it entered the Jovian atmosphere on December 7, 1995." +"其后,俄罗斯航空宣布接管34部原袖全禄航空租赁的飞机,其中20部是长途客机。","Soon afterwards, Aeroflot announced the takeover of 34 of Transaero's leased aircraft, of which 20 are long-haul models." +"2017年,公司公布了三个项目,分别为《正当防卫4》、《狂怒2(英语:Rage 2)》(与Id Software协作开发),以及自主研发游戏《零世代》。","The company announced three titles in 2017, Rage 2 with id Software, Just Cause 4, and a self-published title named Generation Zero." +"布莱尔和普卡耳于2014年发表的研究的结论相近,同样地指处于同性关系中的女性整体性满意度跟处于异性关系的相近,且发生性行为的频率较低。","Additional research by Blair & Pukall (2014) reported similar findings, such that women in same-sex relationships reported similar levels of overall sexual satisfaction and lower levels of sexual frequency." +"危地马拉咖啡协会(Asociación Nacional del Café,简称Anacafé,或译为安娜咖啡协会)成立于1960,代表危地马拉的所有咖啡生产者。","Anacafé (Asociación Nacional del Café) was established in 1960 as a national coffee association, representing all coffee producers in Guatemala." +"人们试图打开它,但没有人成功。","They tried to open it, but no one succeeded." +"自1973年两国正式建立外交关系以来,达成了几项贸易协定:1974年贸易促进和经济技术合作协定;1976年科学技术合作协定;1985年避免双重征税公约;1996年双边投资促进/保护协定。","Since the formal establishment of the diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1973, several trade agreements have been reached: Agreement on Trade Promotion and Economic and Technological Co-operation at 1974; Agreement on Co-operation in Science & Technology in 1976; Convention on Double Taxation Avoidance in 1985; and Bilateral Investment Promotion/ Protection Agreement in 1996." +"安提瓜和巴布达于1990年重新设立,百慕大于1991年重新设立,但是按照百慕大政府官方网站百慕大刑法又被废弃,巴巴多斯于1993年重新引入(但是其最高法院判决此刑非人道和违反宪法)。","Antigua and Barbuda reinstated it in 1990, followed by the Bahamas in 1991 (where, however, it was subsequently banned by law) and Barbados in 1993 (only to be formally declared inhumane and thus unconstitutional by the Barbados Supreme Court)." +国际足球联合会的成员国每年都会提名执法室外足球、室内足球或沙滩足球的男子及女子官员。,"FIFA member countries are invited annually to nominate male and female officials for association football, futsal and beach soccer." +赛事于2月12日至4月23日期间进行。,It was played from February 12 to April 23. +所以我做的都是些其他魔术师不做的怪事。,"So I do kinda weird things that other magicians don't do""." +"无政府主义团体CrimethInc.在2004年美国总统选举时发起了一项名为“别只是投票,要行动”(Don't Just Vote, Get Active)的活动,提倡直接行动的重要性,反对只是以选举来改变现状。","During the 2004 U.S. presidential election, the anarchist collective CrimethInc. launched ""Don't Just Vote, Get Active"", a campaign promoting the importance of direct action rather than electoral change." +玛格丽特下令将三人的头挂在约克的城门上。,Margaret ordered the heads of all three placed on the gates of York. +"从1973年至1991年间,反托拉斯法的施行在芝加哥学派变成主流后,以效率解释为其基础,以及透过法官罗伯特·博克所著《反托拉斯悖论》(The Antitrust Paradox)等法律著作。","From 1973 to 1991, the enforcement of anti-trust law was based on efficiency explanations as the Chicago School became dominant, and through legal writings such as Judge Robert Bork's book The Antitrust Paradox." +"获胜的基督徒们将许多战利品,包括哈里发的营帐和军旗,献给了教皇英诺森三世。",The victorious Christians seized several prizes of war: Miramamolín's tent and standard were delivered to Pope Innocent III. +大量的方案已被验证。,Most programmes were accredited. +"管制图限制了规格界限或目标,因为其趋势让流程(如机器操作者)专注于规则,实际上,成本最少的行动流程是让流程变化越少越好。","Control charts limit specification limits or targets because of the tendency of those involved with the process (e.g., machine operators) to focus on performing to specification when in fact the least-cost course of action is to keep process variation as low as possible." +位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈的联合太平洋哈里曼调度中心以爱德华·亨利·哈里曼命名。,"The Union Pacific Harriman Dispatch Center in Omaha, Nebraska is named for Edward H. Harriman." +两国贸易的增长受到难民危机的影响。,The growth of trade between the two nations has been affected by the refugee crisis. +"在DLC章节《女神的镇魂曲》中,雷霆被凯厄斯击败,在听到塞拉的死亡有自己的原因后,失去了希望。","In the DLC episode Requiem of the Goddess, Lightning is defeated by Caius and loses hope after learning of her role in Serah's death." +"现代英文正写法中Æ不作为一个单独字母,而只是一种拼写异形,如百科全书的英文单词encyclopædia也可拼写成encyclopaedia或encyclopedia。","In modern English orthography Æ is not considered an independent letter but a spelling variant, for example: ""encyclopædia"" versus ""encyclopaedia"" or ""encyclopedia""." +"猪们越来越与人类相似,他们直立行走、手持鞭子、身着衣服。","The pigs start to resemble humans, as they walk upright, carry whips, drink alcohol and wear clothes." +"必须注意避免使用经过裂变或中子捕获的核,导致原子核发生放射性衰变 ,产生γ射线。","Care must be taken to avoid using nuclei that undergo fission or neutron capture that causes radioactive decay of nuclei, producing gamma rays." +"佩德罗·马里尼奥·德·洛韦拉也写道巴尔迪维亚曾提议撤出马普切人的土地,但是洛韦拉说他在这之后就立即被一名叫作皮尔迈肯的复仇心重的战士用大棒子杀了,并且这位战士还说巴尔迪维亚不能被信任在被释放后还会遵守他的诺言。","Pedro Mariño de Lobera also wrote that Valdivia offered to evacuate the lands of the Mapuche but says he was shortly after killed by a vengeful warrior named Pilmaiquen with a large club, saying Valdivia could not be trusted to keep his word once freed." +"不若南投大越,叩关称臣,以结盘根之地。",When (the handle is pushed) in (the pistons) close the mouth of the tubes (in turn). +"2013年5月9日,他签下4年的职业合同。","On 9 May 2013, he signed a four-year professional contract." +"Libreboot(原名为GNU Libreboot)是一个目标为取代专有的BIOS固件的自由软件,仅执行最少的工作来载入并执行现代的32位元或64位元操作系统。","Libreboot (formerly known as GNU Libreboot) is a free-software project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS firmware found in most computers with an open-source, lightweight system designed to perform only the minimum number of tasks necessary to load and run a modern 32-bit or 64-bit operating system." +"皮肤的重要性在于其为身体和外界环境的界面,而且是防御外来影响的第一道防线。",The skin interfaces with the environment and is the first line of defense from external factors. +"为了避免多种族社会中出现物理上的种族隔离和民族聚居区的形成,新加坡政府于1989年实施了“民族融合政策”(EIP), 种族和谐日(英语:Racial Harmony Day)为纪念1964年新加坡种族骚乱期间遭遇的种族不和谐的后果。","To avoid physical racial segregation and formation of ethnic enclaves common in other multi-racial societies, the Singapore government implemented the ""Ethnic Integration Policy"" (EIP) in 1989 where each block of units are sold to families from ethnicities roughly comparable to the national average." +这些群体的规模可以从几个人到几千个成员。,These groups can range in size from a few people to thousands of members. +尼安德特人继续使用可能是Mousterian 石器锻造技术或Chatelperronian技术锻造的石器。,The Neanderthals continued to use Mousterian stone tool technology and possibly Chatelperronian technology. +"每个省都有自己的、行使强大政治权力的喰议会,这些权力包括挑选由派往国家瑟姆的波瑟夫(下院议员),而且地方瑟姆可指定派去的波瑟夫遵循特定的命令投票。","Each voivodship had its own parliament (sejmik), which exercised serious political power, including choice of poseł (deputy) to the national Sejm and charging of the deputy with specific voting instructions." +"到了早上,德国对阵地的进攻已恢复。","In the morning, German attacks on the position resumed." +"1950年,现有设施被修复,在苏联的帮助下,建立了连接北京和各省会的长途电话线路网。","In the 1950s existing facilities were repaired, and, with Soviet assistance, considerable progress was made toward establishing a long-distance telephone wire network connecting Beijing to provincial-level capitals." +"另一篇评论则指出其他许多研究的结果,显示正在民主化的国家的战争风险的提高只有当其周遭有很多非民主国家时才发生。","This is notable, given that some episodes show the real-life destruction still evident in Germany several years after the war." +"例如,Levy等人在2002年报道了一个像猫一样哭泣(这是CdC的特点)的婴儿,但其核型模糊。","For example, Levy et al. (2002) reported an infant with a cat-like cry, the hallmark of CdC, but having an indistinct karyotype." +"在CDMA蜂窝网络中,基站使用一个快速闭环功率控制方案来紧密控制每一个移动终端的发送功率。","In CDMA cellular, the base station uses a fast closed-loop power-control scheme to tightly control each mobile's transmit power." +"性治疗师海伦·辛格·卡普兰(英语:Helen Singer Kaplan)认为他们两人只以生理学角度来看待人类的性反应,而忽视了人类的心理、情感和认知。","For example, Helen Singer Kaplan argued that Masters and Johnson only evaluated sexual response from a physiological perspective, and that psychological, emotional, and cognitive factors need to be taken into consideration." +我真的很喜欢他。,I liked him very much. +这些成员从自己的行列中选举一名主席、一名副主席和一个小的主席团。,"These members then elected from among themselves a chairman, deputy chairmen, and a small presidium." +"类似于乔治亚的其他地区,提比里斯全年都有明显的降雨,没有明显的干旱期。","Like other regions of Georgia, Tbilisi receives significant rainfall throughout the year with no distinct dry period." +"波兰历史 (1939年至1945年) 越来越多于和平时期驻扎在波兰东部的边境防卫军,以及陆军部队单位,在德国入侵之前或期间被送往波兰与德国之间的边境。","History of Poland (1939–1945) Increasing numbers of Border Protection Corps units, as well as Polish Army units stationed in the East during peacetime, were sent to the Polish-German border before or during the German invasion." +"换言之,一个人有权利以向他人解释有关宗教的基本信念和信仰的方式,传播自己的宗教。","In other words, an individual has the right to spread his or her religion by explaining to others the principles and beliefs underlying that particular religion." +第一炸弹落下的时间大约是19:23。,The first bombs fell at 19:23. +"因为 z 和软 c 在西班牙语中发音相同, an epenthetic e is inserted(注意其拼写发生了变化):pez → pececito / pecezote。","Because z and soft c are the same sound in Spanish, an epenthetic e is inserted (notice the orthographic change): pez → pececito / pecezote." +"若要提到两者的差异,则可说杨–米尔斯理论���在平坦时空的场合处理,而卡鲁扎-克莱因理论则是在更具一般性的弯曲时空中处理。","If a distinction is drawn, then it is that Yang–Mills theories occur on a flat spacetime, whereas Kaluza–Klein treats the more general case of curved spacetime." +"在上海和广州,科恩训练孙中山的小型武装部队进行拳击和射击,告诉人们他是孙中山的副官和代理上校。","In Shanghai and Canton (Guangzhou), Cohen trained Sun's small armed forces to box and shoot, and told people that he was an aide-de-camp and an acting colonel in Sun Yat-sen's army." +"但是当吉普林在审判那天出现时,英基斯普法官告诉他不需要他出庭了。","But when Kipling appeared on the morning of the trial, Inskip told him he would not be needed." +"妈妈 (おかあさん、Mom):在每个版本的游戏中,主角的妈妈都是协助主角的角色。","Mom (おかあさん, Okaasan): In each game in the series, the player character's mother appears as a supporting character." +美国心理学会于2007年成立了一个评估修复疗法相关政策的专责小组。,The American Psychological Association in 2007 convened a task force to evaluate its policies regarding reparative therapy. +"这场风暴起初没有归类为亚热带风暴,这一情况一直到2006年4月10日美国国家飓风中心进行重新评估后才得以改变。","The storm was not classified as a subtropical storm until April 10, 2006, after a reassessment by the National Hurricane Center." +"当864年正教会正式获得承认后,保加利亚成为东欧斯拉夫世界的宗教和文化中心。","After the adoption of Christianity in 864, Bulgaria became a cultural and spiritual hub of the Eastern Orthodox Slavic world." +"1961年,他获得母校肯塔基大学的名誉法学博士学位;1962年2月17日,“让美国保持美丽”组织授予康布斯奖项,表彰他在清洁肯塔基州高速公路方面所做的贡献,这其中还包括一项要求主要道路附近的汽车废弃场需要用围栏围住,避免影响道路两旁景观的法案。","In 1961, Combs was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Kentucky, and on February 17, 1962, he received an award from Keep America Beautiful for his work on cleaning up Kentucky's highways, including securing passage of a bill requiring that auto junkyards near major roadways be screened from view by fences." +"欧洲低成本航空公司组织(英语:European Low Fares Airline Association,简称ELFAA)是一个2004年成立的组织,是欧洲各家低成本航空公司所组成的联盟。",The European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA) was an organization formed in 2004 to represent low-cost carriers and lobby European institutions on their behalf. +"头部与颈部的感染,如中耳炎或乳突炎(英语:mastoiditis),也可能会在小部分人群中引起脑膜炎。","An infection in the head and neck area, such as otitis media or mastoiditis, can lead to meningitis in a small proportion of people." +"大桥建于1966至1968年,是澳大利亚的第一座斜拉桥,也是世界上最早的单塔斜拉桥之一。","Built between 1966 and 1968, it was the first cable-stayed bridge in Australia and among the first such bridges in the world." +"但在2010年,夺冠的西班牙刻在板上的国家名字则以英文“2010 Spain”雕刻,并非以西班牙文雕刻。","In 2010, however, the name of the winning nation was engraved as ""2010 Spain"", in English, not in Spanish." +"当坂口给石井展示了一些杂志剪报,并告诉他这是他想要的艺术风格后,石井回复称这些正是天野所作,天野因而参与了游戏制作。","When Sakaguchi showed Ishii some drawings on magazine clippings and told him that this was the art style he was looking for, Ishii revealed to him that these were actually created by Amano, hence leading to his involvement in the game." +其最广为人知的是他在1976年所著的《基纳巴卢山的猪笼草》(Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu)。,His best-known work is the 1976 guide Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu. +这样的试验可以作为卡西斯基试验的补充。,Such tests may be supplemented by information from the Kasiski examination. +"关于卡拉汉与摩尔的关系,伊斯威特说: 我没看过肮脏哈利去和一名好莱坞式的魅力女孩在一起。","Regarding Callahan's relationship with Moore, Eastwood stated: I didn't see Dirty Harry going for a Hollywood-type glamour girl." +"他还回忆称,瑞基于1947年末前来自己位于肯塔基州的家中对此事做进一步讨论。","He also recounted that later in 1947, Rickey came to his home in Kentucky to discuss the matter further." +"随着海浪接近陆地并进入浅水,它的表现会有所变化。","As waves approach land and move into shallow water, they change their behavior." +"学术通膨发生在大学研究生现在从事的工作,以前并不是研究生程度的人来执行的,较高的学位持有人继续进入到这个特定的行业,直到它最终成为一个被称为“研究生专业”和最低工作要求已学术上夸大的低层次的工作任务。","Academic inflation occurs when university graduates take up work that was not formerly done by graduates of a certain level, and higher-degree holders continue to migrate to this particular occupation until it eventually becomes a field known as a ""graduate profession"" and the minimum job requirements have been inflated academically for low-level job tasks." +城市也是咖啡、可可、干椰子仁、蔗糖和橡胶的地区性供给中心。,"It is also a regional distribution centre for coffee, cocoa, copra, sugar cane, and rubber." +"两周后的加拿大大奖赛,巴顿拿下了他称作“(他)职业生涯最好的胜利”,他在最后一圈超越了处压力之下而出现失误的维泰尔。","Two weeks later in Canada, Button took what he called the ""best win of (his) career"", overtaking Vettel on the final lap after Vettel made a mistake under pressure." +"1860年,阿根廷国名由总统令确定为“阿根廷共和国”(西班牙语:República Argentina),同年宪法修正案规定,1810年以来的所有国名合法有效。","In 1860 a presidential decree settled the country's name as ""Argentine Republic"", and that year's constitutional amendment ruled all the names since 1810 as legally valid." +另一个影响到R-134a与HFO-1234yf的兼容性的因素是润滑油的不同。,Another issue affecting the compatibility between HFO-1234yf and R-134a-based systems is the choice of lubricating oil. +"他们于2000年PlayStation 2游戏《保镖》中再度合作,这次两人负责的音乐数更为平等。","They collaborated again on the soundtrack to the PlayStation 2 title The Bouncer in 2000, whereas the two took a more equal share of the music." +"在三年的苦役之后,肯纳德被州长罗斯·巴尼特假释。","After three years at hard labor, Kennard was paroled by Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett." +"在1780年,凯瑟琳大帝宣布,她的海军将被用来对付任何干涉中立的贸易的人,之后她在第一武装中立联盟中把欧洲的中立国聚集了起来。","In 1780 Catherine the Great announced that her navy would be used against anyone interfering with neutral trade, and she gathered together European neutrals in the League of Armed Neutrality." +别人也一样。,Persons likewise. +2010年10月23日汤普森去世。,Thompson died on 23 October 2010. +"正常来说,这样体积的行星应该是没有固态表面的迷你海王星。","Normally, a planet of this size would be a mini-Neptune, with no solid surface." +车站的设计被批评为不够充分。,The design of the station has been criticised as inadequate. +"在外交术语中,一个 modus vivendi 是一个藉以建立具临时性质的国际协议的办法,并意欲将之取代以一个更坚实而周延的协议,好比说条约。","In diplomacy, a modus vivendi is an instrument for establishing an international accord of a temporary or provisional nature, intended to be replaced by a more substantial and thorough agreement, such as a treaty." +就是这两件事。,It's both of those things. +他还将测量热特性和卫星表面及环的组成。,It also measured thermal characteristics and the composition of satellite surfaces and rings. +首都:底特律。,Capital: Detroit. +"正如这个例子所示,一点点的分析经常会导致候选方案的数量大幅减少,而且可能将一个棘手的问题变得很普通。","As this example shows, a little bit of analysis will often lead to dramatic reductions in the number of candidate solutions, and may turn an intractable problem into a trivial one." +"遗传工程技术已经应用于许多领域,包括研究、农业、工业生物技术和医学。","Genetic engineering has been applied in numerous fields including research, medicine, industrial biotechnology and agriculture." +"在1940年1月4日返回布雷斯特后,敦克尔克号开始进行定期维护,工作时间持续至2月6日为止。","After returning to Brest on 4 January 1940, Dunkerque underwent another period of maintenance, which lasted until 6 February." +阎尔梅:清朝作家。,Exegesis of Scripture. +"两人绑架了帕尔马并保护他不受德克姆的特工的追杀,还确保了杀伤代码,杀伤代码是帕尔马的生物特征。","The two kidnap Palma to protect him from Dekkom's agents and secure the kill code, which is Palma's biometrics." +"布罗尔的支持者们在1968年赢得多数席位,但在1969年四月的选举中,反对布罗尔的候选人赢得了所有的五个公开席位。","Brower's supporters won a majority in 1968, but in the April 1969 election the anti-Brower candidates won all five open positions." +"只有很少的第三方软件,例如Emcee桌面管理器,提供类似Mission Control的将相似窗口组成到虚拟“堆栈”,或者支持Windows 8的“新界面”(Immersive)应用。","A very few third party applications, such as the Emcee Desktop Organizer, provide Mission Control-like organization of similar windows into visual ""stacks,"" or support Windows 8's ""Immersive"" Apps." +"伯明翰磁悬浮系统于1984年投入使用,是世界上第一个商业化的磁悬浮交通系统。",The Birmingham Maglev was opened in 1984 and was the first commercial Maglev transport system in the world. +"例如油中有大量的硅及铝表示有污垢或砂砾(硅酸铝)污染,若有大量的铁表示有零件磨损。","For example, a high silicon and aluminium content indicates contamination of dirt or grit (aluminium silicates) etc., and high iron levels indicate wearing components." +"明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院位于2501 Stevens Avenue,明尼阿波利斯市中心的南部。","MCAD is located at 2501 Stevens Avenue, just south of downtown Minneapolis." +"起初的登陆进展顺利,但随着陆上战斗逐渐白热化,伤亡人数也相应增加。","The initial landings went well, but increasingly intense fighting ensued on land and casualties mounted." +"不同于传统上按时间顺序、在到达最后结果前会导出成因的故事情节,相反时序的故事情节揭示最后结果先于追查导致发生的原因,因此,最初得到的原因是一个“扭曲的结果”。","Unlike chronological storylines, which progress through causes before reaching a final effect, reverse chronological storylines reveal the final effect before tracing the causes leading up to it; therefore, the initial cause represents a ""twist ending""." +市场经济不应该只是关于其自身的单一且教条的版本。,The market economy should not be single dogmatic version of itself. +"在接近宴会尾声的时候,女性们会随机从碗里拿一串钥匙,并且和钥匙主人一起离开。",At the end of the evening the female partners randomly select keys from the bowl and leave with that key's owner. +"其家庭原居于静冈县,后迁居神奈川县横滨。",Her family once owned the gardens which became the Yao's later. +"随后执政官由盖乌斯·弗拉米尼乌斯·尼波斯继承,并于冬季营地中回到他的部队当中。",He was succeeded by Gaius Flaminius and returned to his army at their winter encampment. +"紧邻A&E,53,000平方英尺校园活动中心,包括校园书店,自助餐厅,酒吧,零售空间,会议室,学生会办公室和咖啡厅,于1993年开业,这要归功于UCC与学生会之间基于成本回收的联合提案。","Next door to A&E, the 53,000 square foot Campus Activity Centre, including the campus bookstore, a cafeteria, pub, retail spaces, meeting rooms, and the student union office and coffee shop, opened in 1993 thanks to a cost-recovery-based joint proposal between UCC and the student society, after a change in legislation in 1990 allowed the college to borrow money privately for development." +计算机断层扫描和核磁共振成像也可以用于诊断纤维瘤。,Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can also be used to diagnose fibromas. +"基督教军队主要由撒克逊人和日耳曼裔丹麦人组成,文德十字军成功迫使斯拉夫异教徒给付岁币,并使德国人控制Wagria和Polabia地区。","The Christian army, composed primarily of Saxons and Danes, forced tribute from the pagan Slavs and affirmed German control of Wagria and Polabia through colonization, but failed to convert the bulk of the population immediately." +"商业航班在此机场受到限制, 但是仍有许多包机、私人航空、飞行学校、执法飞行、直升机、广告飞艇、拖广告横幅的飞机等在此运行. 长滩机场是世界上最繁忙的通用航空机场之一, 2007年共有398,433次飞机起降。","Airline flights are restricted, but there are many charters, private aviation, flight schools, law enforcement flights, helicopters, advertising blimps, planes towing advertising banners, etc. Long Beach airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in the world, with 398,433 aircraft movements in 2007." +"虽然在肯特郡发现朱特人的影响力是司空见惯的事(例如可分的继承权(英语:Partible inheritance)的实行被称为男子均分土地继承法(英语:Gavelkind)),但他们在汉普郡和怀特岛却绝迹,可能是因为受到周围的撒克逊人所同化,只留下一点痕迹。","While it is commonplace to detect their influences in Kent (for example, the practice of partible inheritance known as gavelkind), the Jutes in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight vanished, probably assimilated to the surrounding Saxons, leaving only the slightest of traces." +标本只能用特殊的工具被间接处理。,"They are handled only indirectly, using special tools." +"从2001年初到2003年中,美联储13次降低利率,从6.25%一直到1.00%,以应付不景气。","From early 2001 to mid-2003 the Federal Reserve lowered its interest rates 13 times, from 6.25 to 1.00%, to fight recession." +北京条约是1860年第二次鸦片战争的结果。,The opium trade was expanded after the Second Opium War in 1860. +"德克萨斯州高速环状八号公路(Texas State Highway Beltway 8),又称山姆·休士顿林荫大道(Sam Houston Parkway)或山姆·休士顿付费公路(Sam Houston Tollway),是美国德州休斯顿一条88哩(142公里)长的环状高速公路,全部座落于哈里斯郡境内。","Beltway 8 (BW8), the Sam Houston Parkway, along with the Sam Houston Tollway, is an 88-mile (142 km) beltway around the city of Houston, Texas, United States, lying entirely within Harris County." +他与妻子Cecilia育有一个女儿及两个儿子。,He has a daughter and two sons with his wife Cecilia. +"巴哈伊圣日中,除了两个圣日以外,每年的日期均为固定。",All but two of the holy days are scheduled annually on fixed dates in the Badí‘ Calendar. +"因此,它是太暗淡而不可能用裸眼直接看见。","It is, as a result, not visible with the naked eye." +"埃默里的巴克利讲坛辩论队曾经三次获得美国辩论比赛冠军,25名多演讲者曾经获得冠军奖。",Emory's Barkley Forum debate team has won 3 National Debate Tournaments and over 25 individual champion speaker awards. +"2002年,他为香蕉共和国春季广告活动代言,并在隔年与歌手珍妮佛·洛佩兹为路易威登(Louis Vuitton)走秀。","In 2002 he booked the Banana Republic spring ad campaign and a year later stars in the Louis Vuitton ad campaign, alongside Jennifer Lopez." +"该标准允许网络传送“网络标识、UTC、夏令时、当地时”,但每部分都只是可选传的,而且跨无线电接入网和运营商的技术支持都有不同。","This standard allows the network to ""transfer its current identity, universal time, DST and LTZ"" but each is optional, and support across RAN vendor and operator varies." +"哈登原是一个农村,并在11世纪以“Haderun”的名义被首次提及。",Hadern was originally a farmer village and was first mentioned in the 11th century by the name of Haderun. +"此外,伏而尔的失败,惩罚是变成蟑螂。","After his abdication, Thoros became a monk." +"不久之后,Valley和McGah买下来Osborne的股份,Valley成为了最大股东。","Soon after, Valley and McGah purchased Osborne's interest, with Valley named as the managing general partner." +"一些居民发誓一旦政府军离开,他们将继续进行抗议活动。",Some others vowed to continue to protest once the soldiers would have left. +"红胸鹰全天都会进行狩猎捕食,包括黎明和黄昏时分。","It hunts throughout the day, including dawn and dusk." +"在布拉格也有一座施瓦岑贝格宫,靠近山顶的主教座堂。",A Palais Schwarzenberg in Prague also exists near the cathedral on the top of the hill. +"国家冰球联盟总监加里·贝特曼(英语:Gary Bettman)在2007年的一场新闻发布会中表示:“斗殴一直是比赛的一部分,...,从球员的安全角度来说,我们看待斗殴就应该像看待球员的头部受到了撞击一样。","NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, at a 2007 press conference broadcast on CBC Sports, said, ""Fighting has always had a role in the game ... from a player safety standpoint, what happens in fighting is something we need to look at just as we need to look at hits to the head." +"多年来,她与彼得加布里尔浪漫地交往;据说他的歌“In Your Eyes”受到她的启发。","She was romantically involved with Peter Gabriel for several years; his song ""In Your Eyes"" is said to be inspired by her." +"歌曲的开头歌词是:“嘿,穿着高跟鞋的漂亮宝贝。","The song's opening lyrics are ""Hey, pretty baby with the high heels on""." +"富勒烯是稳定的,但并不是完全没有反应性的。","Fullerenes are stable, but not totally unreactive." +"通过合理的选择吸收能量用的金属,这种被称为“分布式辐射靶”的结构可以提供更好的X射线对称性,在仿真中性能比早期设计更好。","With a judicious choice of absorbing materials, this arrangement, referred to as a ""distributed-radiator"" target, gives better X-ray symmetry and target gain in simulations than earlier designs." +"目前的看法Freddie Spruell是第一位录制三角洲蓝调唱片的艺术家,他的“乳牛蓝调”于1926年6月在芝加哥录制。","Current belief is that Freddie Spruell is the first Delta blues artist to have been recorded; his ""Milk Cow Blues"" was recorded in Chicago in June 1926." +"但是,他和一众政治盟友的迅速崛起也导致自己与副州长朱利安·卡罗尔一起受到政治腐败的调查,不过之后大陪审团拒绝提出起诉。","Following the rapid rise of Ford and many of his political allies, he and his lieutenant governor, Julian Carroll, were investigated on charges of political corruption, but a grand jury refused to indict them." +"1979年2月,维瑟斯因海洛因过量去世。",Vicious died of a heroin overdose in February 1979. +"348号航班搭载了8名机组员,116名乘客和10名已经下班的科加雷姆航空职员。","Flight 348 was carrying eight crew, 116 passengers and 10 off-duty employees of Kogalymavia." +"它被列入排名第三的前20名最佳教学和学习应用程序列表中,它得到了老师的赞扬和批评。",It was included on the list of top 20 best teaching and learning apps placing third. +"因为一些土著居民认为孢子会导致失明,所以马勃地区有一些地方名称,如“盲人怒吼”和“无眼睛”。","Because some indigenous peoples believed that the spores caused blindness, the puffball has some local names such as ""blindman's bellows"" and ""no-eyes""." +只有少数这些人在集中营里幸存。,Of the three boys only two survived the concentration camp. +"在1990年,ANSI C标准(带有一些小改动)被国际标准化组织采纳为ISO/IEC 9899:1990,这个版本有时候称为C90。","In 1990, the ANSI C standard (with formatting changes) was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as ISO/IEC 9899:1990, which is sometimes called C90." +《Lemonade Stand》第一次被开发。,Lemonade Stand is developed for the first time. +"他母亲 Phyllis 在旅行社工作,父亲 Eric C. Stoller 是一位银行高管。","His mother, Phyllis, is a travel tour operator, and his father, Eric C. Stoller, is a bank executive." +"然而,判断死亡何时发生,需要在生与死的概念之间划出精确的界限。",Such determination therefore requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death. +"两项声明皆开放签署,但联合国大会迄今尚未正式采纳任一提案。","Both statements remain open for signature, and neither has been officially adopted by the General Assembly." +在当时的医学期刊上出现很多有关通过贞操带来防止女童、青少年以及成年女性自慰的文章。,"Numerous mentions can be found in medical journals of the time of the use of chastity belt-like devices to prevent masturbation in female children and adolescents, as well as women." +"这段期间他还开创了关于屈曲的工作,出版了他著名的《材料力学》教材第一版。","During those years he also pioneered work on buckling, and published the first version of his famous Strength of Materials textbook." +"虽然电影最终被认为忠实于漫画原著,但蜘蛛侠的服装实际上做了多种设计。","Although Spider-Man's suit wound up being faithful to the Spider-Man comics, many designs were made." +"单一功能原则认为这两方面的问题事实上是两个分离的功能,因此他们应该分离在不同的类或者模块里。","The single responsibility principle says that these two aspects of the problem are really two separate responsibilities, and should therefore be in separate classes or modules." +在伊朗自由贸易区的投资最多可免税20年。,Investment in Iran's free trade zones are exempt from taxes for up to 20 years. +"第二天,他和前一天晚上欺骗的巴西社交名媛露皮塔(霍安·加德纳饰)一起去了她的店铺。","The next day he visits her shop with Lupita (Joan Gardner), the Brazilian socialite he tricked the previous evening." +"首先,假设商品由其所配送的地点加以区分。","First, suppose commodities are distinguished by the location where they are delivered." +这些要求可以如下这样正式的提出。,These claims can be made more formal as follows. +"此外,约翰•奥尼尔博士还主持发布宾夕法尼亚州立大学美国酒店价值索引季度报告,此项索引提供的计量经济学模型被用于预测美国未来酒店市场价值,并经常被美国各大媒体引用。","Dr. O'Neill also releases on a quarterly basis the Penn State Index of U.S. Hotel Values, an econometric model projecting future hotel market values that is frequently cited by national media." +2002年获得1921年成立的房屋业务公司Vallehermoso24.5%的股份。,"In 2002 it acquired 24.5% of Vallehermoso, a leading Spanish housing business founded in 1921." +"虽然有些参考资料描述M94是一个棒旋星系,但棒状的结构看起来比较像卵型。","Although some references describe M94 as a barred spiral galaxy, the ""bar"" structure appears to be more oval-shaped." +这一事件发生的可能性是一个争论激烈的话题。,The likelihood of this happening is a matter of vigorous debate. +"1989年春季开始钻探石油,但是只钻得了大约80桶(13立方米)。","The drill hit oil in the spring of 1989, but only collected about 80 barrels (13 m3)." +"自1988年至1991年,克留奇科夫担任了第七任和最后一任苏联克格勃主席。","From 1988 until 1991, Kryuchkov served as the 7th Chairman of the KGB." +18电子规则可以用在预测金属羰基配合物及相关化合物的稳定性。,The 18-electron rule is helpful in predicting the stabilities of metal carbonyls and related compounds. +"下面的例子出自 RFC 2617,在这里进行了扩展,对每一个请求和响应显示出完整的文本。",The following example was originally given in RFC 2617 and is expanded here to show the full text expected for each request and response. +"1974年大选马华表现很好,但1978年大选再次失利,竞选国会的28席中赢的17席,60州议席中赢得44席。","The party performed better in the 1974 election, but lost ground again in the following 1978 general election, with the MCA winning only 17 of the 28 parliamentary seats and 44 of the 60 state seats." +"在小布什任内,通过恒星风立案的案件曾被联邦调查局的探员们称为“披萨案件”,因为许多看似可疑的案件只不过是食品外卖订单而已。","During the Bush Administration, the Stellar Wind cases were referred to by FBI agents as ""pizza cases"" because many seemingly suspicious cases turned out to be food takeout orders." +澳大利亚检疫检验局负责保证没有新的入侵性物种进入澳洲。,The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service is responsible for ensuring that no new species with the potential to become invasive species enter Australia. +"戴维思被当地的温莎森林高中录取,学校的老师回忆他当时是一名贫困学生。","Davis attended Windsor Forest High School, where one teacher described him as a poor student." +"继氢原子之后,氦是可观宇宙中第二轻且含量第二高的元素,在全宇宙的质量中大约占了24%,是其他较重双原子分子的12倍。","After hydrogen, helium is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass, which is more than 12 times the mass of all the heavier elements combined." +"布洛克在不知不觉中被李治愈了他的癌症,布洛克认为这是一个奇迹。","Brock is unknowingly cured of his cancer by Li, who possesses special abilities, and Brock believes it to be a miracle." +"但是达赖喇嘛的一名工作人员认为,以武器为礼物是不合适的,因此拒绝了洛佩斯的礼物。","However, a member of the Dalai Lama's staff rejected López's offer, citing the inappropriateness of giving a weapon as a gift; López has said he will try to explain his purpose more clearly." +2008年莫泰168、如家酒店和锦江国际集团三家酒店集团总共控制了中国44%的酒店市场份额。,"As of 2008, Motel 168, Home Inn, and Jinjiang Inn together controlled 44% of China's budget hotel market." +"他们见了面,梅勒妮向他坦白她几个星期前见过他,但她不知道是否该跟他打招呼。",They meet and Melanie confesses to him that she saw him a few weeks ago but she was not sure whether to say hi. +"这导致了科隆战争,教廷雇用了西班牙和意大利的佣兵,还有巴伐利亚也派出军队,以对抗为了保有新教选侯国的荷兰。","In the Cologne War that followed, the pope funded Italian and Spanish mercenaries and the Catholic Bavarians also sent an army to support Ernst, while the Protestant Netherlands supported von Waldburg." +"急性重度哮喘,之前被称为以哮喘持续状态闻名,是急性哮喘发作,对且支气管扩张药和皮质类固醇的正常治疗不产生反应无效。","Acute severe asthma, previously known as status asthmaticus, is an acute exacerbation of asthma that does not respond to standard treatments of bronchodilators and corticosteroids." +留着翘尾短发的女性。,Depiction of a woman with a ringlet hairstyle. +"班夫是一些文化机构的所在地,如班夫中心、怀特博物馆、班夫国家卢克斯顿博物馆、洞穴与盆地国家历史古迹和一些艺术博物馆。","Banff is home to several cultural institutions, including the Banff Centre, the Whyte Museum, the Buffalo Nations Luxton Museum, Cave and Basin National Historic Site, and several art galleries." +"在RB211开发之后,劳斯莱斯成为了一个政府所有的公司。","For the rest of the RB211 project, Rolls-Royce remained a government-owned company." +"1974年1月,最初的印共(马列)小队几乎已经被拆除,而印共(马列)中组委在1974-1976年重组了小队行动。","Whilst the squads of the original CPI(ML) had been virtually dismantled by January 1974, COC, CPI(ML) reorganised squad actions 1974–1976." +他的作品已被翻译成英语和俄语。,Some of his works have been translated into English and Russian. +有一半的DSPS患者没有抑郁症说明DSPS不是简单的抑郁症的症状。,The fact that half of DSPD patients are not depressed indicates that DSPD is not merely a symptom of depression. +于是竟夜斗诤纷然。,And every night thereafter. +"获得VMBO文凭的学生有可能参加HAVO水平教育的最后两年,并参加HAVO考试,以及有HAVO文凭的学生参加最后两年的VWO水平教育,并参加VWO考试。","It is possible for pupils who have attained the VMBO diploma to attend the final two years of HAVO level education and sit the HAVO exam, and for pupils with a HAVO diploma to attend the final two years of VWO level education and sit the VWO exam." +"第一个月和第一天被称作“巴哈”(Bahá),阿拉伯语意为荣耀,故巴哈伊历的第一天为巴哈月巴哈日(荣月荣日)。","The first day and the first month were given the attribute of Bahá, an Arabic word meaning splendour or glory, and thus the first day of the year was the day of Bahá in the month of Bahá." +"据历史学家杰拉尔德·哈里斯的说法,当科尼斯伯勒的理查���年时,人们期待国王会给予更多的钱,然而理查二世在1399年被废黜了。","According to T. B. Pugh, further largess from the king might have been expected when Richard came of age, however Richard II was deposed in 1399." +"建筑师Alexander Baerwald是一位德国犹太人移民,1912年开始建造。","The architect was Alexander Baerwald, a German Jewish immigrant, who began working on the building in 1912." +"托洛萨的财务被船运回罗马,但只有白银成功到达..黄金被一队强盗偷走了,这些人据说是Caepio雇佣来杀掉守卫黄金的军团的。","The riches of Tolosa were shipped back to Rome, but only the silver made it: the gold was stolen by a band of marauders, who were believed to have been hired by Caepio himself and to have killed the legion guarding it." +他们的儿子德克斯特·金担任了该中心的主席。,"Their son, Dexter King, serves as the center's chairman." +"利奇在第二棒的前50米保持领先优势,但后50米呈现下滑趋势,最终以1分5.1秒游完赛程,澳大利亚队的领先优势缩短到0.9秒。","Swimming the second leg, Leech maintained the lead in the first 50 metres but faded in the second half and finished with a split of 1 minute 5.1 seconds, with the Australian lead cut to 0.9 of a second." +"然而不一样的是,它本身是甜的。",And not only that she is really sweet. +单独的X、Y和Z敏感度曲线可以按合理的精度测量。,"The shapes of the individual X, Y and Z sensitivity curves can be measured with a reasonable accuracy." +欧盟的国际求救电话号码是112。,The country's national emergency line is 112. +他没有参与决定使用“My Hands”作为国际版。,"He was not involved in the decision to use ""My Hands"" for the international version." +"洁跑进葛雷格的家中,发现恶灵化身为半裸的葛雷格的妈妈,跳起扑倒葛雷格,通过强暴的方式杀死他。",She runs into the house and finds the entity in the form of Greg's half-naked mother knocking on his door before it jumps on Greg. +"知识社区是一种共同体结构,是知识管理中学习理论和社会交换理论 (Social exchange theory)的融合。","A knowledge community is community construct, stemming from the convergence of knowledge management as a field of study and social exchange theory." +测试种类决定了使用何种样本进行测试。,The type of test required dictates what type of sample is used. +"2012年12月6日,他还在美国国家圣诞树点亮仪式上表演。","He also performed at the National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on December 6, 2012." +"在公布这一计划的时候,以评论家的话来说,当时,非马来人“实质上垄断了私有工业和商业中的职业岗位”,并主要集中于城市地区。","At the time the plan was announced, the non-Malays had, in the words of one commentator, ""a virtual monopoly of private industrial and commercial employment"", and were concentrated in the urban areas." +"在这时期,威尼斯的上流家庭会建立最雄伟的广场、扶持最伟大的作品及培育最有天分的艺术家来互相竞争。",Venice's leading families vied with each other to build the grandest palaces and support the work of the greatest and most talented artists. +"虽然法律学者几乎一致认为肯塔基州宪法急需修改,但州内选民在1931和1947年两次否决了召开制宪大会的请求,从1891年宪法生效到1959年这近70年时间里也只通过了19条修正案。","Despite near-universal agreement by legal scholars that the constitution was badly in need of updating, Kentucky voters had rejected calls for a constitutional convention in 1931 and 1947, and had only approved 19 amendments since 1891." +"有一些人采用了创新的全息摄影技术,例如艺术家马特·布兰德使用计算机镜面设计来消除镜面全息摄影的像失真。","Some are associated with novel holographic techniques; for example, artist Matt Brand employed computational mirror design to eliminate image distortion from specular holography." +"但对骑士团而言,幸运的是,普鲁士人缺少团结,步调不一,且援军最终在1265年左右到达普鲁士。","Luckily for the Order, the Prussians lacked unity and a common strategy and reinforcements finally reached Prussia in around 1265." +"例如,h3在现行上下文选取了叫h3的元素,该元素文字内容是See also。","For example, h3 selects an element called h3 in the current context, whose text content is See also." +"头七架由先进概念实验专案(ACTD)所建造,为了评估设计和性能。","The first seven aircraft were built under the Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) program, sponsored by DARPA, in order to evaluate the design and demonstrate its capabilities." +"休斯敦和费城被美国奥委会淘汰,旧金山因失去体育场资助而撤回申办,洛杉矶输给了芝加哥。","Houston and Philadelphia were eliminated by the USOC, San Francisco withdrew when it lost stadium funding and Los Angeles lost to Chicago for the bid." +在2000年兰顿蚂蚁的图灵完备性被证明。,The universality of Langton's ant was proven in 2000. +"在儿子19岁时,他了解到科赫是他的母亲,并开始定期探望她。","At the age of 19, Uwe Köhler learned that Koch was his mother and began visiting her regularly at Aichach." +"他超过了纳托,但因为在黄旗的时候没有减速而受罚10秒,因此他最终排在第二名。","He passed Nato, but had been given a 10-second penalty for failing to slow for yellow flags, and therefore finished second." +"1921年3月17日,下议院通过波兰三月宪法,之后这个议会就解散了。","On 17 March 1921, the Sejm adopted the March Constitution of Poland, after which it dissolved itself." +"当警方搜出写上两名死者个人资料的纸条时,林宝龙声称加扎利因流鼻血而上门求医,试图减轻警方的起疑。","After the police found slips of paper written with the dead children's personal details, Lim tried to allay suspicions by claiming that Ghazali had come to his flat seeking treatment for a bleeding nose." +"在佐治亚州萨凡那,市长和市议会在户外集会中向人群表达他们的愤慨,许多人在哭泣。","In Savannah, Georgia, the mayor and city council addressed a vast throng at an outdoor gathering to express their indignation, and many in the crowd wept." +在德国和西班牙制造。,Built in Germany and Spain. +"巴勃罗·塞恩斯·维勒加斯(西班牙语:Pablo Sainz Villegas,1977年6月16日-),是一位西班牙古典吉他演奏家。","Pablo Sáinz Villegas (born 16 June 16, 1977) is a Spanish classical guitarist." +"在尝试攀登干城章嘉峰失败,拜访了印度和中国后,克劳利回到了英国,专注于诗歌、小说和神秘主义文献的创作。","After an unsuccessful attempt to climb Kanchenjunga and a visit to India and China, Crowley returned to Britain, where he attracted attention as a prolific author of poetry, novels, and occult literature." +"莫里斯很快便将其召回他,狄奥多西斯在返回时落入福卡斯的手中,在查尔斯顿被处死。","Maurice, however, soon recalled him, and on his return Theodosius fell into the hands of Phocas' men and was executed at Chalcedon." +"全国人大常委会在对《基本法》进行解释前,征询其全国人大常委会所属的特别行政区基本法委员会的意见。","Before interpreting the Basic Law, the NPCSC is required to consult the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a subcommittee under itself." +微软于1990年代早期开发和取得专利。,Developed and patented by Microsoft in the early 1990s. +"RPGamer 2004年7月的一篇报道称,史克威尔给忠实顾客分发投票,测试将《圣剑传说 ~最终幻想外传~》移植到任天堂DS的可行性。","RPGamer reported in July 2004 that Square was polling die-hard customers, testing the feasibility of porting Final Fantasy Adventure to the Nintendo DS." +坦少为从兄虬所知。,La politica spiegata a mio fratello. +匿名诽谤。,Anonymously Gifted. +"此反应通常在四氢呋喃中进行,因为它可以增加中间体配合物的溶解度,有利于电子转移的步骤,且在该环境中反应活性不会降低。","This reaction is often performed in THF because it solubilizes intermediate complexes, facilitates the electron transfer steps, and is not reduced under the reaction conditions." +"当寇恩问她在地平线上的太阳是否永远都会落下,班丝丽回应说,它并未有这项编程。","When Qohen asks if the sun in the horizon ever sets, Bainsley responds it is not programmed to do so." +"为它们提供护航的包括有由小巡洋舰斯德丁号、慕尼黑号、汉堡号、女性之赞号和斯图加特号组成的第四侦察集群,以及由小巡洋舰罗斯托克号领航的第一、第三、第五和第七区舰队的31艘鱼雷艇。","The High Seas Fleet was accompanied by the IV Scouting Group, composed of the light cruisers Stettin, München, Hamburg, Frauenlob, and Stuttgart, and 31 torpedo boats of the I, III, V, and VII Flotillas, led by the light cruiser Rostock." +"2007年1月8日,诺基亚发布了N76、N77和N93i。","On 8 January 2007, Nokia announced the Nokia N76, Nokia N77 and Nokia N93i." +其余的同位素和同核异构体半衰期从0.64微秒(245m1Am)到50.8小时(240Am)不等。,The half-lives of other isotopes and isomers range from 0.64 microseconds for 245m1Am to 50.8 hours for 240Am. +"交易量最大的地方是英国,主要是伦敦,根据TheCityUK的估计,英国的市场份额从2007年4月的34.6%增加到2010年4月的36.7%。","According to TheCityUK, it is estimated that London increased its share of global turnover in traditional transactions from 34.6% in April 2007 to 36.7% in April 2010." +美国联邦上诉法院经常被看作为美国司法系统中最具有影响力的法院之一。,The United States courts of appeals are considered among the most powerful and influential courts in the United States. +"评价主要称赞其画面,但主要批评其摄像系统���","Common praise focused on the presentation, while criticism was directed at the camera system." +"截至2011年,《加州女孩》在全球的销售量。","Worldwide sales figures for ""California Gurls"" as of 2011." +"在图特摩斯四世还是孟菲斯的年轻王子的时候,他感受并记录了一个著名的梦。","His son, Thutmose IV received his famed and recorded dream whilst residing as a young prince in Memphis." +”唐武后所作。,"""What Dean Windass did next""." +"之后很快玫瑰岛发行了许多邮票,包括一张显示玫瑰岛在亚得里亚海上大概位置的邮票。","Soon afterwards Rose Island issued a number of stamps, including a stamp showing the approximate location of Rose Island in the Adriatic Sea." +"此处是在整个Mac OS X界面中,拥有此中混生按钮的三处之一。",This is one of only three places in the entire Mac OS X interface where such an element appears. +其他波兰国王中没有一个能够像他一样非常了解波兰“瑟姆”的本质。,No other Polish king seems to have so thoroughly understood the nature of the Polish sejm. +"先前打造的数字化士兵计划大地勇士(Land Warrior),美国陆军从1996年至2006间签署三张大合同,砸下了五亿美元,才使其功能变得可靠。","In previous endeavors to create ""digitized"" soldiers such as Land Warrior, the U.S. Army spent $500 million on three major contracts from 1996 to 2006 before its features became reliable." +"她与朋友会面并走去酒吧,在那里她开始喝醉并与他们亲吻。","She meets with her friends and goes to a club, where she gets drunk and starts to make out with them." +"许多男子都来尝试,但是没人成功。","Many men had tried, but none had succeeded." +"这里大雷雨和暴风雨相当常见,也是世界上落雷数最高的地区之一。","Thunderstorms and extreme rainstorms are common, and it is one of the highest lightning strike areas in the world." +"接着,蒂姆参加Indian Wells的户外硬地赛。","Next, Thiem competed at Indian Wells on outdoor hard courts." +"2008年10月25日,印尼通讯及信息部长呼吁印尼传媒停止称呼该3人为“英雄”。","On 25 October 2008, Communications and Information Minister asked the Indonesian media to stop calling the three ""heroes""." +"在逃跑的路上扎克斯得知,杰尼西斯和荷兰德依旧试图稳定杰尼西斯的退化,因为克劳德是唯一带有萨菲罗斯基因的人,所以他们现计划使用克劳德的细胞。","While fleeing, Zack learns that Genesis and Hollander are still trying to stabilize Genesis' mutation, and they now plan to use Cloud's cells, as he is the only one with Sephiroth's genes." +"该剧是《生活大爆炸》衍生的番外前传,主要讲述童年时期的谢尔顿·库珀跟家人一同在德克萨斯州生活的故事,才9岁的谢尔顿就即将要去上高中了。","The series is a spin-off prequel to The Big Bang Theory and begins with the character Sheldon Cooper at the age of nine, living with his family in East Texas and going to high school." +"该公司有3个车库,分别位于Conway Street,Whitehawk和Lewes Road。","The company operates from three depots: Conway Street, Whitehawk and Lewes Road." +"由于它们的价格和可靠性,弹簧枪往往以“训练枪”的形式来培训新的新的气枪游戏玩家和CQB的主要武器。","Because of their low price, availability and simplicity, spring guns tend to act as ""training guns"" to bring new players to airsoft games and are considered the primary weapon of ""backyard skirmishes""." +"1828年2月12日,伯克供词里说的同一天,她被邀请住到了海尔家,海尔一家给她喝了足量的酒来保证她醉得无法回家。",On 12 February 1828—the only exact date Burke quoted in his confession—she was invited into the Hares' house and plied with enough alcohol to ensure she was too drunk to return home. +"有些研究显示GCR和云量的变化在纬度高于50°是正相关的,但在低纬度却是负相关。",Several GCR and cloud cover studies found positive correlation at latitudes greater than 50° and negative correlation at lower latitudes. +"“无论是咖啡、茶、糖蜜还是大米都不能诱使我们超越本土的产品,”莱恩写道。","“Neither coffee, tea, molasses, nor rice tempts us beyond the bounds of indigenous production,” Lane wrote." +"针镍是Silver Swan,Wannaway,Cliffs,Honeymoon Well,Yakabindie和Mt Keith(MKD5)矿体的重要矿石成分。","Millerite forms an important ore constituent of the Silver Swan, Wannaway, Cliffs, Honeymoon Well, Yakabindie and Mt Keith (MKD5) orebodies." +粤语不合乎古人多舌音之说。,We composers are speaking a very old language. +"1940年代起,伦敦成为大量移民的目的地,他们大多来自其他英联邦国家,例如牙买加、印度、孟加拉国和巴基斯坦,伦敦也成为全欧洲最为多元化的城市之一。","From the 1940s onwards, London became home to a large number of immigrants, primarily from Commonwealth countries such as Jamaica, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, making London one of the most diverse cities worldwide." +"作者在书中陈述大量实例研究和轶闻来说明观点,而且涉及到若干领域,其中主要的有经济学和心理学。","The book presents numerous case studies and anecdotes to illustrate its argument, and touches on several fields, primarily economics and psychology." +"去世前一个月中,她持续被束缚著,通常是用她的头发绕着脖子,把她绑在暖炉上或家具上。","During the last month of her life she had been kept bound, sometimes tied by her hair to a radiator or furniture, or by her neck by way of a ligature." +"人类是麻疹病毒在自然界的唯一宿主,迄今据知在其他的动物身上并未发现此病毒。","Humans are the only natural hosts of the virus, and no other animal reservoirs are known to exist." +"如果不存在,则内电荷将会在内表面上感应出等量异种电荷,因此内部净电荷仍为零。","If it cannot, the interior charge will induce an equal and opposite charge on the inside surface, so the net charge inside is still zero." +澳洲永久居民。,Sustainable Population Australia. +波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦现在没有正式国旗。,The Philippines and Bhutan have no formal relations yet. +"麦默尼德斯 (1135年-1204年),犹太哲学家。","Maimonides (1135–1204), philosopher and physician." +"以反对此系列游戏而知名的前律师杰克·汤普森在《侠盗猎车手IV》发布前痛批游戏,并向其母公司Take-Two Interactive提起诉讼,还威胁到如果某些游戏功能没有被移除,他会禁售游戏。","Former attorney Jack Thompson, known for his campaigns against the series, heavily criticised Grand Theft Auto IV prior to its release, filing lawsuits against parent company Take-Two Interactive, and threatening to ban distribution of the game if some gameplay features were not removed." +"在接下来的一天,洛夫利用暴风雨及其舰只的优越速度断绝了他与英国追随者的联系。",Looff used a rain squall and his ship's superior speed to break contact with his British pursuers the following day. +麦克里在两人跨越全州进行的多场辩论中强调了当时许多肯塔基州人认为共和党总统尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特在重建时期滥用权力的心声。,"In joint debates across the state, McCreary stressed what many Kentuckians felt were abuses of power by Republican President Ulysses S. Grant during the Reconstruction Era." +"于1982年,他因为相变研究而获得诺贝尔物理学奖,他的研究为不同现象的微妙本质提供了详细解释,这些现象包括冰的熔解及磁性的出现。",He was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on phase transitions—illuminating the subtle essence of phenomena like melting ice and emerging magnetism. +"太阳的物质将会在黑暗的小路向下沉降,将超米粒组织分割,形成最大的集中冷气体,类似于河流连接起更小的支流。","The solar material would flow downward in dark ""lanes"" separating granules with the divisions between supergranules being the biggest concentrations of cold gas, analogous to rivers connecting smaller tributaries." +开源机器人(英语:Open-source robotics)使用3D打印机构建的。,Open-source robots are built using 3D printers. +"在一些司法管辖权,跨性别(被认为是非变性人)可以从对变性人的法律承认中受益。","In some jurisdictions, transgender people (who are considered non-transsexual) can benefit from the legal recognition given to transsexual people." +8月12日——盟军占领佛罗伦萨。,"August 12 – WWII: The Allies capture Florence, Italy." +"他曾担任阿拉伯人权委员会主席,2011年1月17日卸任主席后继续担任该组织的执行委员。",He became President of the Arab Commission for Human Rights and as of 17 January 2011 continues as a member of its executive board. +"一些绿人提倡组织新的管理单位以增加地方控制,包括都市分离(Urban secession)和生物区域民主制(Bioregional democracy)。","Some Greens advocate new ways of organizing authority to increase local control, including urban secession, bioregional democracy, and co-operative / local stakeholder ownership." +"缺乏持续的人际接触也可能导致与社会孤立的人与偶尔交谈的外围朋友发生冲突,或导致家庭成员之间的问题。",Lack of consistent human contact can also cause conflict with the (peripheral) friends the socially isolated person may occasionally talk to or cause problems with family members. +山德鲁开始图谋十年前发现两个神秘而古老的亡灵宝物。,Sandro begins a ten-year plot to reassemble two ancient and powerful necromantic artifacts. +"语言类型学(linguistic typology),语言学的分支学科,研究不同语言的特征并通过这些特征而对其进行分类。",Linguistic typology – subfield of linguistics that studies and classifies languages according to their structural features. +"在经历1989年与1994年两次��人失望的选举后,该党从1994年至2002年间的选举表现都十分突出。","After disappointing results in the 1989 and 1994 general elections, the nascent party fared particularly well in the 1998 and 2002 elections." +"2012年参加Superstar K4,拿到第四名。","In 2012, An participated in Superstar K4." +不是半完全数的过剩数称为奇异数。,An abundant number which is not a semiperfect number is called a weird number. +"中国最近计划在红河兴建12个水坝,洪水将破坏和淹没其栖息地以及改变越南低地的生态系统。",A recent plan to build hydropower cascade of 12 dams on the Red River in China may flood all of its habitat and change the ecosystem of lower Vietnam. +指甲花也有驱除害虫及抗霉菌的作用。,These switches must also resist dirt and moisture. +两名救援人员被洪水卷走后遇难。,Two rescue workers died when they were swept away by the floodwaters. +"经过委员会表决与讨论,有3项提案被撤回,还有18项被保留了下来。","After Assembly Commission talks, 3 proposals were withdrawn, leaving 18 amendments remaining." +"孤立的小型火车站的土耳其驻军经受住连续的夜间袭击,并确保轨道不受越来越多的破坏(1917年约130次有重大袭击,1918年数百次,包括1918年4月30日爆炸300多枚炸弹)。",Turkish garrisons of the isolated small train stations withstood the continuous night attacks and secured the tracks against increasing number of sabotages (around 130 major attacks in 1917 and hundreds in 1918 including exploding more than 300 bombs on 30 April 1918). +位于韦德拉谷(Vedra Vallis)和地势较低的卡塞峡谷(Kasei Vallis)之间。,It lies nearly midway between Vedra Valles and lower Kasei Valles. +"在1973年的抢救挖掘中,发现另一处藏有约120块泥版的档案室。","In 1973, an archive containing around 120 tablets was discovered during rescue excavations." +"作为视觉辅助,KMail将电子邮件用绿色表示为信任凭证;黄色不可信凭证;红色为无效凭证;和蓝色的加密邮件。","As a visual aid, KMail will colour verified email messages green for trusted signatures; yellow for untrusted signatures; red for invalid signatures; and blue for encrypted messages." +"语言规格1.01版于1999年7月公布,2.0版于2001年2月出现。",Version 1.01 of the format was released in July 1999 and version 2.0 appeared in February 2001. +"虽然雷诺兹远征未能进入之后黄石国家公园的核心地带,但这一过程中绘制的许多地图都令之后探索黄石地区的探险家得以受益。","Though unable to penetrate into the heart of what later became Yellowstone National Park, the Raynolds Expedition produced maps that were used by subsequent explorers to the greater Yellowstone region." +"最近有年轻的中国公司的雇员们到来,并至少要工作两年。",Young employees of Chinese companies have recently arrived to work for at least two years. +1月8日反对派攻占位于Qadi Askar区儿童医院的阿勒颇伊斯兰国的指挥部。,"On 8 January, rebels captured the ISIL headquarters in Aleppo city at the Children's hospital in the Qadi Askar district." +"光线跟踪不仅用于摄影领域的镜头设计,也可以用于微波设计甚至是无线电系统这样的较长波长应用,也可以用于紫外线或者X射线光学这样的较短波长领域。","The ray tracing techniques are used to optimize the design of the instrument by minimizing aberrations, for photography, and for longer wavelength applications such as designing microwave or even radio systems, and for shorter wavelengths, such as ultraviolet and X-ray optics." +"无奈中,她变卖了所有珠宝。","Acting as receiver, it proceeded to sell off all assets." +"然而,“蛋白质”和“肽”之间的界限很模糊,通常以20-30个残基为界。","However, the boundary between the two is not well defined and usually lies near 20–30 residues." +浦那是印度和国际领先的资讯科技服务和外包出口商之一。,Pune is one of the leading Indian and international IT services and outsourcing exporters. +"在某些领域,如数学、计算机科学、经济学和社会科学,NSF是主要的联邦赞助者。","In some fields, such as mathematics, computer science, economics, and the social sciences, the NSF is the major source of federal backing." +"从那以后,又有几个其他的双星被发现。",Two further boats have since been discovered. +这恰好是保证 X 的前推可以作为 N 上的一个良定的向量场的条件。,"This is precisely the condition that guarantees that a pushforward of X, as a vector field on N, is well defined." +"布尔查德继续照顾康拉德,教育他一直到1000年。","Buchard assumed care for Conrad, providing his education and upbringing by 1000." +"有三份宣称负责的宣言,遗留在现场的一份声称伊斯兰主义动机,在网上发布的一份声称“反法西斯主义”动机(被认为是假的),后来被送至一家报社的一份声称极右动机。","There were three claims of responsibility: one left at the scene claiming an Islamist motive, one posted on the internet claiming an 'anti-fascist' motive (which was deemed to be fake), and one later sent to a newspaper claiming a far-right motive." +"其君惑之,卒皆受祸。","And you know, everybody benefited." +"在18世纪,这一地区在德语中称为Ochsenried。",In the 18th century the area was called Ochsenried in German. +"位于墨西哥湾西北部的低气压区占据主导环流地位,并逐渐在中心附近发展出持续存在的对流。",A low pressure area in the northwest Gulf of Mexico became the dominant circulation and slowly developed persistent convection near the center. +"ECC有许多独特的特性,包括:受拉性能优于其它纤维加强复合材料,和普通混泥土一样易于浇筑成型,纤维用量很少 (约占总体积的2%),裂缝小,以及没有各向异性的平面特征。","ECC has a variety of unique properties, including tensile properties superior to other fiber-reinforced composites, ease of processing on par with conventional cement, the use of only a small volume fraction of fibers (~ 2%), tight crack width, and a lack of anisotropically weak planes." +"海牙地方法院外的支持者高呼口号,而妻子朱莉·代·利马表示他们已向红十字国际委员会投诉。","Supporters outside the Hague District Court chanted slogans while the wife, Julie De Lima stated that they complained to the International Committee of the Red Cross." +"2004年9月18日,两人举办了婚礼,但由于婚前协议的争议直到10月6日才合法结婚。","They held a wedding ceremony on September 18, 2004, but were not legally married until three weeks later on October 6 due to a delay finalizing the couple's prenuptial agreement." +"这一安排令部分民主党参议员感到不快,5月3日,联邦参议院经投票决定不顾瑞德的承诺剥夺斯佩克特的资历。","The arrangement displeased some Senate Democrats, and, on May 3, the Senate voted to strip him of his seniority despite Reid's promise." +"这次公投是犹太人和其他少数民族被允许参加的最后一次全民公投,他们之后被纽伦堡法案剥夺了公民权。",This was the last national vote in which Jews and other minorities were allowed to cast ballots prior to their being stripped of citizenship rights the following year upon enactment of the Nuremberg Laws. +顶点处相交棱则有4条。,The call is loud with four notes.