#!/usr/bin/python from pathlib import Path import argparse import numpy as np import safetensors.numpy from e6db.utils.numpy import load_tags from e6db.utils import ( tag_category2id, tag_categories_colors, tag_freq_to_rank, tag_rank_to_freq, ) def dothething(args): X = load_smoothed(args.data_dir, args.first_pca) N_vocab = X.shape[0] tags2id, idx2tag, tag_categories = load_tags(args.data_dir) idx2tag = idx2tag[:N_vocab] tag_categories = tag_categories[:N_vocab] sel_idxs = (tags2id.get(t, N_vocab) for t in args.tags) sel_idxs = np.array(sorted(i for i in sel_idxs if i < N_vocab)) if len(sel_idxs) == 0: raise SystemExit("None of the tags can be found. Please check spelling.") sel_tags = idx2tag[sel_idxs] print("Query tags:", " ".join(sel_tags)) # Select neighboring tags similar to the input tags global_topk = args.global_topk top_k = args.topk if top_k is None: top_k = int(1.5 * global_topk / len(sel_idxs)) rank_tresh = min(N_vocab, int(tag_freq_to_rank(args.min_frequency))) # Score and filter scores = X[:rank_tresh] @ X[sel_idxs].T scores[sel_idxs[sel_idxs < rank_tresh], :] = float("-inf") # Mask self-matches if args.category: categories = [tag_category2id[cat] for cat in args.category] scores[~np.isin(tag_categories[:rank_tresh], categories), :] = float("-inf") # Per query top-k neigh_idxs = np.argpartition(-scores, top_k, axis=0)[:top_k] for i, t in enumerate(sel_tags): order = np.argsort(scores[neigh_idxs[:, i], i])[::-1] idxs = neigh_idxs[order[: args.display_topk], i] tag_list = " ".join( f"{idx2tag[i]} ({format_tagfreq(tag_rank_to_freq(i))})" for i in idxs ) print(f"* {t} ({format_tagfreq(tag_rank_to_freq(sel_idxs[i]))}): {tag_list}") if not args.plot_out: return from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # Deduplicate, global top-k neigh_idxs = np.unique(neigh_idxs) scores = scores[neigh_idxs, :].sum(axis=1) if len(neigh_idxs) > global_topk: neigh_idxs = neigh_idxs[np.argpartition(-scores, global_topk)[:global_topk]] idxs = np.concatenate([sel_idxs, neigh_idxs]) query_slice = slice(None, len(sel_idxs)) target_slice = slice(len(sel_idxs), len(sel_idxs) + args.display_topk) colors = np.array(tag_categories_colors)[tag_categories[idxs]] # Local PCA X2 = X[idxs] del X X2 = X2 - X2.mean(0) X2 /= np.linalg.norm(X2, axis=1)[:, None] X2t = PCA(2).fit_transform(X2)[:, ::-1] f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12), facecolor="#152f56") ax.axis("off") dx = 0.01 ax.scatter(*X2t[query_slice].T, c=colors[query_slice], linewidth=0, s=20) for t, pos, c in zip( idx2tag[idxs[query_slice]], X2t[query_slice, :], colors[query_slice] ): ax.annotate(t, tuple(pos + [dx * 0.5, dx * 0.25]), color=c) ax.scatter( *X2t[target_slice].T, c=colors[target_slice], linewidth=0, s=10, alpha=0.5, ) for t, pos, c in zip( idx2tag[idxs[target_slice]], X2t[target_slice, :], colors[target_slice] ): ax.annotate( t, tuple(pos + [dx * 0.3, dx * 0.3 / 2]), color=c, fontsize=8, alpha=2 / 3, ) f.tight_layout() if str(args.plot_out) == "-": plt.show(block=True) else: f.savefig(args.plot_out, facecolor="auto") def load_smoothed(data_dir: Path | str, k: None | int = None): """ Loads the tag embeddings, scale them to unit length and optionally smooth them by reducing dimensionality using PCA. """ # Try loading from cache data_dir = Path(data_dir) pca_cache_path = data_dir / f"implicit_tag_factors_pca{k}.safetensors" if k and pca_cache_path.exists(): with safetensors.safe_open(pca_cache_path, framework="numpy") as st: return st.get_tensor(f"tag_factors_pca{k}") # Load raw embeddings with safetensors.safe_open( data_dir / "implicit_tag_factors.safetensors", framework="numpy" ) as st: X = st.get_tensor("tag_factors") X /= np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)[:, None] if not k or k >= X.shape[1]: return X from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA(k) X = pca.fit_transform(X) X /= np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1)[:, None] safetensors.numpy.save_file({f"tag_factors_pca{k}": X}, pca_cache_path) return X def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Query similar tags and plots a local PCA.\nUse `-o -` to get an interactive plot", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "tags", metavar="", type=str, nargs="+", help="query tags (use underscore format)", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--category", choices=tag_category2id.keys(), action="append", help="restrict the output to the specified tag category", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--min_frequency", type=int, default=100, help="minimal number of posts tagged for a tag to be considered", ) parser.add_argument( "-N", "--display-topk", type=int, default=24, help="set the number of neighboring tags to display", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--global-topk", type=int, default=64, help="selects the global top-k neighbors for the local PCA", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--topk", type=int, default=None, help="Number of neighbors to consider for each query tag. When not specified, is set to 1.5 * GLOBAL_TOPK / ", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--first-pca", type=int, default=None, help="truncation rank for the global PCA meant to smooth all embeddings", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--plot-out", type=Path, default=None, help="Where to write the PCA plot (use '-' to display an interactive plot)", ) parser.add_argument( "--data_dir", type=Path, default="./data", help="Directory containing the data", ) return parser.parse_args() def format_tagfreq(count): count = int(count) if count < 1000: return str(count) elif count < 1000_000: return f"{count*1e-3:.1f}k" return f"{count*1e-6:.1f}m" if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() dothething(args)