# Locked files *.lock !dvc.lock # Extracted dummy data datasets/**/dummy_data-zip-extracted/ # Compiled python modules. *.pyc # Byte-compiled _pycache__/ .cache/ # Python egg metadata, regenerated from source files by setuptools. *.egg-info .eggs/ # PyPI distribution artifacts. build/ dist/ # Environments .env .venv env/ venv/ ENV/ env.bak/ venv.bak/ # pyenv .python-version # Tests .pytest_cache/ # Other *.DS_Store # PyCharm/vscode .idea .vscode # keep only the empty datasets and metrics directory with it's __init__.py file /src/*/datasets/* !/src/*/datasets/__init__.py /src/*/metrics/* !/src/*/metrics/__init__.py # Vim .*.swp # playground /playground # Sphinx documentation docs/_build/ docs/source/_build/ # Benchmark results report.json report.md