{"id": 114557, "summary": [{"text": "in economics and finance , a taleb distribution is the statistical profile of an investment which normally provides a payoff of small positive returns , while carrying a small but significant risk of catastrophic losses .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "the term was coined by journalist martin wolf and economist john kay to describe investments with a \" high probability of a modest gain and a low probability of huge losses in any period . \"", "topic": 4}, {"text": "the concept is named after nassim nicholas taleb , based on ideas outlined in his fooled by randomness .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "according to taleb in silent risk , the term should be called \" payoff \" to reflect the importance of the payoff function of the underlying probability distribution , rather than the distribution itself .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "the term is meant to refer to an investment returns profile in which there is a high probability of a small gain , and a small probability of a very large loss , which more than outweighs the gains .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "in these situations the expected value is very much less than zero , but this fact is camouflaged by the appearance of low risk and steady returns .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "it is a combination of kurtosis risk and skewness risk : overall returns are dominated by extreme events ( kurtosis ) , which are to the downside ( skew ) .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "more detailed and formal discussion of the bets on small probability events is in the academic essay by taleb , called \" why did the crisis of 2008 happen ? \" and in the 2004 paper in the journal of behavioral finance called \" why do we prefer asymmetric payoffs ? \" in which he writes \" agents risking other people \u2019s capital would have the incentive to camouflage the properties by showing a steady income .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "intuitively , hedge funds are paid on an annual basis while disasters happen every four or five years , for example .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "the fund manager does not repay his incentive fee . \" ", "topic": 5}], "title": "taleb distribution", "paragraphs": ["the practice of bad driving has what i call a taleb distribution , after one of the themes in nassim nicholas taleb\u2019s brilliant fooled by randomness . a taleb distribution has the property that many small profits are mixed with occasional large losses . overtaking on the inside is an activity with a taleb distribution .\nthe comments on page 231 on the gaussian distribution remind me of this story where even galton got confused about the tails of the distribution as applied to human height .\nthat rule only applies to normal distribution . so you would have made an assumption .\nwe can identify two huge problems to be solved . first , many investment strategies have the characteristics of a \u201ctaleb distribution\u201d , after nicholas taleb , author of fooled by randomness . at its simplest , a taleb distribution has a high probability of a modest gain and a low probability of huge losses in any period .\n>\nthe realization that the normal distribution is not the only way to model data\n.\nthe positive square root of the second central moment of the density distribution function will keep being that .\nbenoit mandelbrot argued that financial markets follow a distribution much more similar to the cauchy distribution ( specifically the levy distribution ) rather than a gaussian . the problem of course is that the cauchy distribution is pathological in that it doesn ' t have a mean or variance , you can calculate similar properties for it ( location and scale ) , but it doesn ' t obey the central limit theorem so in practice it can be very strange to work with .\nstatistical economists or analysts always said that the normal distribution is a simplification and that this simplification has its own problems .\nrealization by who ? if you understand the normal distribution you had damn well better know that there are other probability distributions .\nhowever , a single individual can be richer than the poorest 2 billion humans . so wealth follows a scale independent distribution .\nthe issue was not just that these distributions displayed taleb characteristics : these market activities were devised with taleb characteristics in mind .\ni have several times in this column described the taleb distribution of regular small profits interspersed by large losses . taleb distributions are the basis of the carry trade \u2013 which exploits interest rate differentials \u2013 and many types of statistical arbitrage . taleb distributions are exploited by traders in hedge funds and at proprietary trading desks .\nthere are other , less abstruse examples . drinking more than is good for us has a taleb distribution . so does smoking \u2013 after all , most smokers do not get lung cancer .\nholy grail distribution is a missing piece in almost every investment portfolio seeking protection from tail risk events combined with positive average returns .\nexactly . i ' m astounded that this basic fact - that financial modelers have been using the wrong distribution for decades is not being denounced . for example , the capital asset pricing model ( capm ) which assumes that returns fall on a normal distribution .\nof what you wrote , but i think you should reread your reply to taleb with as much scrutiny as you read taleb .\nthere are business lessons to be drawn from the bad habits of french drivers . we need to beware of activities whose outcomes have a taleb distribution \u2013 many small gains punctuated by occasional large losses .\nrealization by who ? if you understand the normal distribution you had damn well better know that there are other probability distributions .\nkay goes on to add that governments yesterday as well as today appear to creating responses that are once again premised on the tailgating distribution .\npeople rarely check how closely their data conform to the standard distribution ; indeed , many people blindly apply the standard deviation to their data regardless of its distribution ! the resulting number is often more obfuscatory than helpful , to the extent that it crowded out more useful summaries .\nin other words , we ' re using the normal distribution as the workhorse because considering other distributions is , well , inefficient / unproductive .\nthe name holy grail distribution captures both the difficulty of finding a strategy with these characteristics and the unique value it provides to an asset allocator .\nthe truth is that most times we don\u2019t know the probability distribution at all . because the world is not a predictable casino game \u2014 an error nassim taleb calls the ludic fallacy \u2014 the best we can do is guess .\ntaleb has a good point about people mistakenly interpreting standard deviation ( sigma ) as mean absolute deviation ( mad ) . i like that he gives some conversions ( sigma ~ = 1 . 25 * mad , for normal distribution ) .\nit is hard to deliver returns with holy grail distribution using only replication and generally available asset classes ; such returns have to be\nengineered\n. at the same time , allocation to investment instruments and strategies with holy grail distribution of returns may provide clear benefits of diversification and protection from periodic market - performance shocks .\nwell , frequentist methods are taking the blame for the most recent financial crisis , such as assuming a normal distribution when the empirical one is fat - tailed .\nperhaps the bayesian methods will take the blame in the next financial crisis . such as the error in estimating a non - stationary distribution and quantifying the uncertainty .\n[ \u2026 ] out scott locklin\u2019s brutal takedown of our favorite blowhard , nassim taleb . the only part i disagree with it where locklin calls taleb [ \u2026 ]\ni didn\u2019t read taleb carefully enough to know whether he was targeting only quants .\ncompute - intensive statistical tests , which are data - driven and make fewer assumptions about the underlying distribution , can give tighter confidence intervals and detect statistical significance better .\ncan we escape the taleb problem ? understanding risk is the prelude to managing it . we know instinctively that the tailgating driver is not really smart \u2013 and nor is the high - yield bond trader . taleb exploits his distribution by looking for its opposite : trading strategies in securities markets that offer frequent small losses and occasional large gains .\nhowever described , it is the same thing : a distribution of returns that produces frequent small profits punctuated by occasional very large losses . a high proportion of trading \u2013 and business \u2013 strategies in financial markets have this tailgating characteristic . i call it the taleb distribution , after the author of fooled by randomness ( an earlier , and better , book than the more widely read black swan ) , which gives numerous instances .\ntaleb ' s favorite topic is the\nblack swan event\nwhich is something that the normal distribution , and the idea of standard deviation , don ' t model that well . in a normal distribution very extreme events should only happen once in the lifetime of several universes . of course assuming variation inline with a gaussian process is at the heart of how the black - sholes model calculates risk / volatility / etc .\ni sometimes think that progress in the 21st century will be summed up as :\nthe realization that the normal distribution is not the only way to model data\n.\na distribution built from mad will more closely resemble the reality of the s & p returns , and will create more robust models . there are many examples of this .\nadditionally , i will mention that we do not need normal distributions to make special the idea of standard deviations . in fact , it is the geometry of probability - the fact that independent random variables have standard deviations which\npoint\nin orthogonal directions - which causes the normal distribution to be the resulting distribution of the central limit theorem .\ngee , d\u2019ya think so bub ? maybe i should go have some acupuncture done to harmonize my narcissism . taleb as schindler ? how about taleb as jesus sufferin\u2019 christ ?\nvery nice ! i did have his books on my reading list . but this whole discussion definitely puts me closer to the\nwaste of my time\nside of the distribution .\ni never heard about taleb distributiom , is my first time sounds interesting . . . .\nthe fact you largely resort to attacking straw men rather than taleb\u2019s actual arguments says everything .\ni was initially very curious about your post . finding a substantive argument against taleb\u2019s thinking is actually quite difficult to track down . imagine my disappointment when i discovered your post was mostly an ad hominem review of taleb the man rather than an measured analysis of taleb\u2019s ideas .\nltcm had lots of small up months and a few large down months . this is not detected by the sharpe ratio as it assumes a symmetry in the distribution of returns . \u2013 nnt\nwhat is more , his idea of black swans is not original , every experienced investor is aware that stock returns don\u2019t follow a predictable distribution , that the end outcomes are extremely uncertain .\nthe pareto distribution , better known as the 80 / 20 rule , states that 80 % of the effects come from 20 % of the causes . for example , in most businesses 20 % of clients will generate 80 % of the income , 20 % of clients will generate the most customer service requests and so on . taleb argues that we\u2019re moving to a 99 / 1 distribution , away from 80 / 20 . this shift has profound implications for our economy and society .\non page 240 , taleb writes that gauss , in using the normal distribution , \u201cwas a mathematician dealing with a theoretical point , not making claims about the structure of reality like statistical - minded scientists . \u201d i don\u2019t have my stigler right here , but i\u2019d always understood that gauss developed least squares and the normal distribution in the context of fitting curves to astronomical observations . sure he did lots of pure math , but he ( and laplace ) were doing empirical science too .\nyou have provided an interesting comment to taleb , but there are several things you are missing .\nthank god somebody else out there sees that taleb is as mad as a bag of bats .\npeople ask why people get the heckles up about taleb , and it isn ' t actually about taleb at all . it ' s about the , for lack of a better phrase , taleb\nfan boys\n. bizarre that such a thing exists , but people like having their prophet .\ntaleb distributions are good when you have experienced only the upside . a taleb distribution led to the crises in the lloyd\u2019s insurance market . excess - of - loss policies \u2013 t he lmx spiral \u2013 insured other syndicates against losses of unprecedented magnitude . the underwriters pointed out that they had taken in premiums for many years and paid nothing out . you do not have to be as smart as taleb to see the flaw but you do have to be a little smarter than the feltrim and gooda walker syndicates .\nyet , taleb\u2019s writing makes all those assumptions . if you can fill in the missing steps , then you will find that taleb provides a strong argument for why and how we got to this point .\nthank you . i don ' t think it is intellectually honest for taleb to omit this fact .\n> also he alludes to his paper with goldstein . it is clear form goldstein and taleb ' s manuscript that that taleb is not just throwing these arguments to talk trash about practitioners of statistics . they\nmany apparently successful traders and business people are still on the upside of their taleb distribution . they are accidents waiting to happen . it puzzled me for years that so many organisations believed they were making money out of proprietary trading in securities markets . these businesses were trading mostly with each other : since there is no perpetual motion , where did the money to fuel the system come from ? from taleb distributions .\nwhat taleb failed to mention is that , once properly understood , standard deviation has distribution interpretations that can be much more useful than mad . for example , if the data is approximately normally distributed , then there is approximately a 99 . 99 % probability that the next data observation will be < = 4 * sigma .\ntaleb , the non - experts , expert non - expert . or something . too jokes , anyway .\nthis is actually what i expected to read :\nthe standard deviation is useful because with the average and the standard deviation , one can fully characterize a normal distribution . however , the standard deviation is less useful a statistical summary the farther away from ' normal ' you get , and in reality , there is no such thing as a normal distribution , as a true normal distribution is defined on the entire real number line from negative infinity to positive infinity . reality always provides some bound , and it ' s often quite distorted from guassian . for instance , a ' normal ' distribution averaging 2 with a standard deviation of 1 . 4 , bounded by 0 , is quite non - gaussian in many important ways ! ( not least of which is that you ' re going to have to do something to replace the missing probability . . . )\ngreat article btw . i used to adore taleb\u2019s fbr , but that was before i entered the world of finance and trading . taleb tends to repeat the obvious , and so tbs didn\u2019t do too much for me .\nhis essential black - swan point is that extreme uncertainties cannot be parameterized by any distribution , that we fool ourselves when we translate \u201cuncertainty\u201d into \u201crisk\u201d as characterized by any distribution . it\u2019s a good point , it\u2019s as old as the hills , but it\u2019s a good point\u2026the rest of black - swan expounds on the biases that comform us in parameterizing risk ; e . g . , excel has cells for numbers , so the numbers must mean something\nthe normal distribution is fantastic in that it does appear frequently in nature , is very well behaved , and has been extensively studied . however a great amount of future progress is going to come from wrestling with more challenging distributions , and paying more attention to when assumptions of normality need to be questioned . of course one of the challenges of this is that the normal distribution is baked into a very large number of our existing statistical tools .\nit\u2019s an argument that\u2019s well known , and pretty much irrelevant . as aaron brown put it , \u201c ( taleb\u2019s book ) reads as if taleb has never heard of nonparametric methods , data analysis , visualization tools or robust estimation\u201d\nsecond , absolute nails sentiment that taleb engenders , i\u201dve read his books and i\u2019ve listened to him , but he never seems to get beyond the obvious ( fat tails , gaussian distribution\u2026yes\u2026we know that\u2026thanks\u2026 ) he didn\u2019t convince me that he actually is a true quant with a meaningful , progressive self - critique . this makes sense of the posturing .\nbut please , keep buying china inc . more money for guys like taleb once the markets come crashing down again .\nit would be nice to think taleb\u2019s contribution to intellectual discourse is a net positive . i don\u2019t agree , obviously .\nto reiterate , there ' s nothing wrong with the normal distribution . we ' re not about to retire addition or subtraction just because there are\nplenty of people who don ' t really realize\nthere ' s more to math .\ncould you sketch out why similar statements couldn ' t be made about mad ? my ( possibly flawed ) intuition is that the expected proportion of observations within n \\ * mad should be similarly independent of the parameters of the normal distribution .\nthe standard deviation and assumptions of normality are so useful because of the central limit theorem . that is , if you have many iid variables which have finite standard deviation the sum will converge to a gaussian distribution as the number of variables increases .\nif taleb\u2019s arguments were obvious in the way you suggest , clearly there would not be a market for them . simple .\ni understand from the papers that taleb is now in a big fight with merton . i agree with him on that .\nfor five years until 2004 spitznagel and taleb ran empirica , a hedge fund very similar to universa that in its short tenure generated low double - digit returns . after taleb became seriously ill the duo shut the fund . taleb has since given up money management to teach risk management at polytechnic institute of nyu in brooklyn , write books and advise foreign governments on his theories .\ni disagree with your comparison of taleb to popper . popper would write things which occasionally made sense . feyeraband and taleb seem to be more of the \u201cmakin\u2019 raspberries\u201d school of disputation . throwing kuhn in there \u2026 at least kuhn eventually repented of his sins .\ntaleb\u2019s antics are what he sells . nobody actually cares about his criticisms of specific models : it\u2019s rare that he actually makes any . were taleb out there criticizing actual quant models , you know , by naming them , then stating in clear unequivocal terms where they don\u2019t work and why , and maybe even points out a useful alternative , i would be a taleb fan . hell , in that event , i would be a taleb sahabah ; companion to the prophet . instead taleb goes on television and the ft and blurts out that \u201cnobody knows nuthin . \u201d as such , the just argument against a stupid head is a clenched fist .\ni also like how a lot of the people attacking taleb here , are making exactly the mistakes he describes in his books .\nas of late on new year ' s day , i have still not heard from taleb via email . just too busy .\nnassim taleb on the notion of alternative histories \u2014 \u201cthe quality of a decision cannot be solely judged based on its outcome . \u201d\nif data is drawn from a laplace distribution of the form p ( x ) = exp ( - | x | ) , the mean absolute deviation is more informative than the standard deviation , but if its form is close to the normal , p ( x ) = exp ( - x ^ 2 ) , the standard deviation is more important . so whether to use the mean absolute or standard deviation depends on the distribution of the data . there is a field called robust statistics that looks at this question .\ntaleb\u2019s books introduced me to seneca and stoicism and a whole area of a psychological biases that i hadn\u2019t really spent much time considering or thinking about beforehand or reading . other books cover these areas better . for stoicism , actually reading seneca\u2019s letters or marcus aurelius\u2019s meditations is better than reading taleb\u2019s version of it . for psychological biases , actually reading daniel kahneman is better than reading taleb . it sounds like in the areas where you agree with taleb with finance or math , you think a person would gain better understanding elsewhere .\nthe central limit theorem shows us that unimodal data with lots of independent sources of error tends towards a normal distribution . that description is a good first - pass , descriptive model for lots and lots of contexts , and standard deviation speaks well to normally distributed data .\ni just have a simple question for taleb\u2019s defenders . i\u2019d love to know where he has offered more than the following two ideas :\naug . 16 \u2014 nassim nicholas taleb , adviser at universa investments , sat down for an interview with erik schatzker tuesday evening in new york . taleb , famous for his assessment of risk , says there are greater risks out there than nuclear war with north korea .\nthe holy grail distribution has a positive mean to justify the instrument ' s permanent role in the asset allocation framework . its positive fat tail , which is\nco - located\nwith the left tail of other instruments , adds protection to investment portfolios during tail risk events .\nodd enough . i think he\u2019s smeared buffet and charlie munger as \u201clucky\u201d before , though i may be confusing taleb with burton malkiel here .\nthis article is based on paper taleb published in 2007 . if you want to test yourself , submit yourself to experiment in page 3 :\nkey point number one in this memo is that the future should be viewed not as a fixed outcome that\u2019s destined to happen and capable of being predicted , but as a range of possibilities and , hopefully on the basis of insight into their respective likelihoods , as a probability distribution .\ni don\u2019t have a problem with your comments about taleb , because he\u2019s never interested me enough to pay attention to what he has to say .\ntaleb the philosopher observes that when it comes to the preservation and perpetuation of life , negative advice is more useful \u2013 the thou shalt nots .\nyour post was in reply to someone asking about taleb ' s black swans so i assumed you were talking about 2008 in reference to that .\nnassim nicholas taleb , fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in the markets and in life , new york : texere , 2001 .\nthis is hardly a matter of trust , anton . scott has pointed you in the direction of the relevant academic literature as regards taleb\u2019s revival of the long - shot lure . and if you want to know what an expert in extreme value theory thinks of taleb , you can read this :\nof course taleb would not offer a useful alternative . he says repeatedly that there is no useful alternative . throw them all away ! ! ! !\ni just came across this taleb interview made in february 2008 , about taleb\u2019s view on simons . taleb says verbatim answering the 4th question ( about buffet ) : . . the only two people i think who are not lucky ; there is soros and then there is the other gentleman from renaissance . simons , he is not lucky . he is beyond . there is no exposure to uncertainty on his models . \u201d the video is here : urltoken\nthat ' s not interesting ? i think the difference between theory and practice is intensely interesting , and taleb has a lot to say about it .\nno . it is the ideology of dissing taleb . obviously i am not his paid spokesperson . but please argue to the merit of his arguments .\nmore interesting will be how the fda takes into account the arguments that taleb and co put forward . expect fireworks in the coming weeks and months .\nmany economists and , by direct extension , financiers thought they had quantified all forms of risk . by quantifying all forms of risk , you can compute the first derivative . taleb and scores of others argued that all risk cannot be quantified . taleb made this argument long before the publication of black swan .\nahhh taleb\u2026 you got to hand it to taleb , he has a huge head for heights , but has he really got those \u201cstreet smarts\u201d he so oft speaks of ? its quite obvious that the success of dynamic hedging had an funny ( ha ) effect on him . barking mad ? definately maybe .\nwhat about bank\u2019s debt converted into equity ? ? ! ! ! this was after all the quantitative easing , only taleb transferred the concept to individual consumers .\nmaybe taleb is in fact the genius he sets out to prove himself to be . after all , he did come up with a seemingly valid formula :\nfor the most part , taleb criticizes everything but he never offers any solutions . his observations when they make sense are trivial , like tails are fat .\n[ \u2026 ] scott locklin on nassim nicholas taleb . akpc _ ids + =\n126 ,\n; popularity : unranked [ ? ] [ \u2026 ]\nactually , taleb has explicitly stated that the 2008 financial crisis was not a black swan nor does he claim to be able to predict any of them .\nit is sad that taleb does not see the value in the standard deviation ; standard deviation is far more natural , and more useful , than mad .\nstill , i think that non - parametric methods are much more valuable as a solution to dealing with non - normal data than what taleb is proposing .\n> the problem of course is that the cauchy distribution is pathological in that it doesn ' t have a mean or variance , you can calculate similar properties for it ( location and scale ) , but it doesn ' t obey the central limit theorem so in practice it can be very strange to work with .\na key difference between these types of risks is the statistical structure of their impact . this structure is either dependent on scale or independent of scale . an example of a scale - dependent distribution is the weight of an adult human which is generally never greater than about 10 times the weight of an average human .\nalso he alludes to his paper with goldstein . it is clear form goldstein and taleb ' s manuscript that that taleb is not just throwing these arguments to talk trash about practitioners of statistics . they report findings of an experiment with multiple groups of applied statisticians . i ' ll quote from it [ 1 ] :\nanother solution to the problem of hedging tail risk events is to have a complementary strategy with a performance pattern that helps reduce the impact of market performance shocks . an instrument with a returns distribution featuring a positive mean and a fat , right ( positive ) tail that is realized just when traditional portfolios take a hit .\nthe black swan book ? really , it\u2019s like taleb found a way to fill his publisher\u2019s ink cartridges with crap before having the manuscript sent to the printers .\nexcellent ! another entertaining piece of fiction . much shorter than the first , but since i\u2019m a complete unknown and taleb is well - known that\u2019s only appropriate .\nthere is no snark in my post : i am outright calling taleb a false prophet who is guilty of exactly the things he criticizes in fooled by randomness .\nby the way , i studied some stock rates to see taleb ' s arguments , a thing i normally wouldn ' t do . see my blog above .\ntagged with black swans , delta hedging , implied volatility , nassim taleb , nickels in front of a steamroller , options , vix , volatility , volatility arbitrage .\ni don\u2019t think the essential criticism is that taleb is hysterical . ( his hysteria may be a marketing tactic ) . i read the argument as : taleb affirms quantitative nihilism . ( i am not myself sure , i just read that as the argument . like i said , i am here for the writing clinic\u2026 ) .\nand you are basing that statement on\u2026 . hahahaah ! please enlight us on your specific sources of how you know that and why taleb is lying about his profession .\ni am yet to see anybody who thinks that standard deviation is mean deviation . it ' s taleb though . baseless assertions insulting groups of people are his craft .\ngladwell plays into the comparison about as much as the editors of cosmopolitan would play into it if niederhoffer and taleb had shared the cover of an issue of cosmo .\n[ \u2026 ] nassim taleb : clown of quantitative finance \u00ab locklin on science \u2013 as such , taleb is merely setting himself up as some sort of heretical alpha monkey of the quants for stating the obvious , the misleading , and occasionally the gratuitously wrong - headed and untrue . \u2013 lol heretical alpha monkey of the quants [ \u2026 ]\ni hold bush responsible for all of this\u2026taleb\u2019s book is entertaining . where is the book from india that talked about reddy adn his ideas . that\u2019s the book we needed .\n< plus , it\u2019s not like jim simons has time to write financial times < articles . he\u2019s too busy making money more or less proving people like < taleb wrong .\ntaleb did not claim the banking crash to be a black swan ( unpredictable ) . it was completely predictable and he has said as much . you probably overlooked that .\ni\u2019m having a tough time deciding which is right on this , you or taleb . could you please tell me your net worth so i can compare it to his ?\ni will say though , taleb reader ' s are surely great words with friends or scrabble players . you just can ' t help picking up a few new words .\ni am wondering if you have a lot invested in concepts and techniques that mr taleb is suggesting are broken . there is certainly a tone of defensiveness about your post .\nrely on predictions of events that are unpredictable - so faulting him for predicting or not predicting this and that means one does not really understands what taleb is talking about .\nhe is saying it ' s not useful for real world things and people are just confused . what you wrote is reasonable view . what taleb writes isn ' t .\nthe true hero is not taleb , but reddy , the master of india\u2019s banks , who kept sanity during an insane time . india and china are doing fine , thanks very much , due to their restraint and maturity . taleb\u2019s point is simply to identify the flaw in quant models that kept regulation from doing its job in the last decade .\ni think that taleb is extremely interesting . well , maybe not taleb himself , but the phenomenon of taleb . post the crisis , he\u2019s such a great example of everything he criticised pre the crisis , one wonders whether anyone in the audience at his popular lectures ever reflects on this contradiction . rare events : before the fact , hard to predict ; after the fact , easy to explain . but how ingenious to be able to sell this insight whilst simultaneously declaring that one predicted a rare event , and explaining how ?\ngood to see an fairly anti - taleb post picking actual holes in what he says \u2013 as someone who is definitely pro - taleb ( his books have changed my outlook on various aspects of life ) i have often tried to find holes in his logic and never have been able to \u2013 i am not convinced this post changes that but definitely got me thinking and one of the few anti - taleb posts ( well at least not fawningly positive ) that doesnt really resort to playing the man instead of the ideas .\nyes , and capm is based on the gaussian also , as is most everything in first year quantitative finance . that doesn\u2019t make these models useless any more than other statistical models based on gaussians when we know the process ain\u2019t normal . hell , the entire concept of \u201cstatistical distribution\u201d itself is kind of a lie : everyone knows financial processes are markov .\nthe most popular pop - writer in quantitative finance at present is nassim taleb . his latest screed in the financial times is what spurred me to write this post . the article wasn\u2019t entirely written by taleb - though i guess the other guy is his fund partner , so it is no surprise that it suffers from all the mush headed absurdity of taleb\u2019s other articles and books . i won\u2019t pick on the other guy ; or even mention his name : he\u2019s got a job to do , and he has the good manners to not make himself a public figure . taleb , on the other hand , is sort of the paul feyerabend of quantitative finance . like feyerabend , he is well read , a good writer and quite charming . like feyerabend , taleb seems to earn his daily bread by showing up and being kind of witty . finally , both feyerabend and taleb are very much against method . this means , effectively , they\u2019re both intellectual nihilists . feyerabend thought we couldn\u2019t know anything for various reasons too silly to get into right now . taleb thinks all of quantitative finance is nonsense and we should do away with quants . i am guessing the former\u2019s delusions had something to do with drinking the same berkeley tapwater in the 1960s which made everyone else believe in crazy things , but taleb was a trader , and it\u2019s a common prejudice of traders to dislike quants for cutting into their p / l .\nif you want to make that argument , then you need to look at popper . indeed , taleb\u2019s writing and logic are much closer to popper than any of the relativists .\nthe problem that taleb is generally referring to in financial models ( and those are the published models , not proprietary models ) is that they use statistical concepts founded from physics .\ni don ' t agree with your ' vile idiot ' statement but i mostly concur with your thoughts . i hope that you don ' t let taleb affect your senescence .\nthe appeal of any popular mountebank is best summed up by p . t . barnum : there is one born every minute . had taleb been an honest writer , he might have educated his readers on the concept of \u201csample bias . \u201d but if taleb were an honest writer , nobody would read his stuff . smugness is a lot cheaper than understanding .\ni guess i share taleb ' s problems with models . even before i read taleb i would say to myself\nthe map is not the territory\n, particularly with regard to software abstractions . i think the space between the model and reality is where you find a lot of interesting things ( including the ability to make a lot of money ) .\nsecond , in regard to conglac2009\u2019s ( michael\u2019s ) comment , taleb shouldn\u2019t be requiring , or expecting , ft readers to read his prior books before reading an op - ed piece .\nhere ' s taleb on mandelbrot :\n[ he ] had perhaps more cumulative influence than any other single scientist in history , with the only close second , isaac newton .\n\u00a9 copyright 2013 \u2013 2018 tastytrade . all rights reserved . applicable portions of the terms of use on urltoken apply . reproduction , adaptation , distribution , public display , exhibition for profit , or storage in any electronic storage media in whole or in part is prohibited under penalty of law , provided that you may download tastytrade\u2019s podcasts as necessary to view for personal use .\nover the past few months i\u2019ve been forming a thesis about where the world is heading . much of my thinking comes from seven important books . two of the most important authors who have influenced my thinking are nassim nicholas taleb and jaron lanier . many of the ideas that follow are theirs . and when taleb\u2019s and lanier\u2019s ideas intersect , you get very interesting hypotheses .\n\u201ctaleb thinks all of quantitative finance is nonsense and we should do away with quants . i am guessing the former\u2019s delusions had something to do with drinking the same berkeley tapwater in the 1960s which made everyone else believe in crazy things , but taleb was a trader , and it\u2019s a common prejudice of traders to dislike quants for cutting into their p / l . \u201d\nyeah , i could make up a whole story \u201cfilling in the blanks\u201d about how taleb actually is the clever monkey he says he is . or i could make up a whole story \u201cfilling in the blanks\u201d of how we\u2019re not in an economic crisis . or i could just concentrate on what taleb actually said in both his books , essays and his wacky financial times article .\n\u201cnon - normality is why i\u2019ve made myself a minor expert in kernel regression . if i had listened to taleb , i\u2019d have thrown up my hands and gone back to physics . \u201d\n\u201cthere are far more successful and long lived funds , as i have already pointed out which trade the inverse of the taleb \u201cswan strategy\u201d at very high sharpe ratios . \u201d \u2013 scott locklin\nscott locklin can be peer reviewed right here on the internet , sparky . i don\u2019t get paid to make fun of taleb for a living : though it sounds like a fun job .\ni really tried to get through\nthe black swan\nand taleb ' s writing struck me as so pretentious and self - involved that it made it impossible for me to finish .\ni actually love taleb ' s books ( black swan , antifragile ) . and i work with\ndata scientists\n, most with ph . d . s , many in statistics .\nyou ' re late ! taleb began publishing his arguments years ago and continues to publish . you ' re way behind . read his papers and read his books in the following order :\ni was a senior quant at renaissance ( simons ' outfit ) working on options among other things . what ' s annoying about taleb is the overtones that every one else in the business is a moron . does he really think that simons believes market moves are normally distributed ? indeed i wrote a paper internal to renaissance on the distribution of tail area moves . taleb seems to think that these can ' t be modeled , but i have never understood his reasons for thinking that . there is a whole area of statistics (\nextreme value theory\n) which seemed to me to apply well to financial data . our data in renaissance yielded quite good models , which i ' ve no reason to think have broken down with the market crash .\n\u00ab the world has lost trillions \u00bb the world has made and then lost trillions of paper gains and then losses . \u00ab through the hands of risk managers and courtesy their models based on gaussian distribution and other quantitative techniques . \u00bb courtesy of their using whatever mathematical technique looked likely to underestimate risks and lead to higher papers profits and cash bonuses by requiring less than prudential reserves .\nonce we ' ve considered that little exercise above , we can almost deduce what taleb distribution is . it describes a situation that has very steady , consistent gains but has a hugely skewed risk / reward profile . so we can transfer this idea to trading forex , for the purpose of any calculations we will assume that the round trip cost of trading eurusd equates to 1 pip after commissions - of course this will vary with market liquidity . this strategy is commonly employed by major hedge funds and is commonly referred to as\npicking pennies up ahead of a steamroller\nnassim taleb criticized pinker\u2019s arguments a few years ago , arguing that pinker didn\u2019t take proper account of the statistical nature of war as a historical phenomenon , specifically as a time series of events characterized by fat tails . such processes naturally have long periods of quiescence , which get ripped apart by tumultuous upheavals , and they lure the mind into mistaken interpretations . pinker responded , clarifying his view , and the quotes above come from that response . pinker acknowledged the logical possibility of taleb\u2019s view , but suggested that taleb had \u201cno evidence that is true , or even plausible . \u201d\nit ' s a useful metric when treated carefully , but it is rare to encounter it treated carefully . science courses would be well - served to stop teaching it in favor of a stronger emphasis on multiple distributions . ( multiple distributions are usually touched upon , but implicitly our curricula overfavor the gaussian distribution and end up accidentally implicitly convincing students its the only one . )\nthis has nothing to do with taleb and everything to do with genuine intellectual inquiry . if academics were thinkers rather than followers , it would be possible to prevent the gross abuse of paradigms .\nauthor of ' the black swan ' and ' fooled by randomness ' former trader nassim nicholas taleb illustrates the concept of the ' barbell strategy ' - a risk hedging strategy robust to losses .\nassume these experiences were drawn from the bell - shaped normal distribution on which such claims are generally based . if i were to write down as a percentage the probability that goldman sachs would encounter three 25 standard deviation events followed by a 20 standard deviation event , the next 15 lines of this column would be occupied by zeros . such things simply do not occur . so what did ?\npeople have a natural bias to look at returns and not to look at possible losses ,\nsays taleb .\nif you reduce big losses , your overall returns will be higher .\nhowever , taleb is not a relativist nor is he logical positivist , which is what most economics faculty are . he is a falsificationist . in my limited experience , most research methodologists are falsificationists .\ni also agree with taleb that ducks are occasionally black and that water is generall wet . that doesn\u2019t make the rest of what he says less idiotic . go back and read what i wrote .\n[ \u2026 ] had thought that truly great polemic was dead and gone . i was wrong . it\u2019s directed at nassim taleb , the black swan guy and here\u2019s a sample : mountebanks [ \u2026 ]\nlike taleb , you remain unable to name one of them models , or suggest a useful alternative . stating that \u201cmodels sometimes don\u2019t work\u201d is as useful as \u201csometimes boats sink . \u201d stating where they don\u2019t work , why , and how to fix them is useful . taleb is not useful , relevant or even much of anything beyond a third rate charlatan who impresses the rubes with big words .\na central challenge of strategy is that we have to make choices now , but the payoffs occur in a future environment we cannot fully know or control . a critical step in embracing uncertainty is to try to characterize exactly what variety of it you face\u2014a surprisingly rare activity at many companies . our work over the years has emphasized four levels of uncertainty . level one offers a reasonably clear view of the future : a range of outcomes tight enough to support a firm decision . at level two , there are a number of identifiable outcomes for which a company should prepare . at level three , the possible outcomes are represented not by a set of points but by a range that can be understood as a probability distribution . level four features total ambiguity , where even the distribution of outcomes is unknown .\non sept . 10 , 2009 former trader and bestselling author nassim taleb did something that he very seldom does : he wore a tie . taleb has oftentimes publicly expressed his distaste for the blood - constraining artifacts , as well as for those who tend to don them , so the lebanese - american let the world know that was a very special day for him by betraying a sacred personal disposition .\n[ \u2026 ] 21 , 2009 scott locklin dismisses taleb in a recent post . i won\u2019t get into the quant debate , as i\u2019m not qualified to judge , but i will pick up [ \u2026 ]\nwhile i am not a taleb fan ( he had his own black swan and became exactly the reviled expert his own books warn us about ) , your hostility in this case seems out of place .\ndescription : author of ' the black swan ' and ' fooled by randomness ' former trader nassim nicholas taleb illustrates the concept of the ' barbell strategy ' - a risk hedging strategy robust to losses .\nif you are scratching your head in utter confusion , do not worry . i will continue to delve into this topic with examples and pictures so that we can all grasp the basics . the general idea for the strategy is that options inherently trade at an implied volatility that is higher than realized volatility on average . some academics ( nassim taleb ) believe that options trade at a higher implied volatility because black - scholes assumes a normal , bell shaped , distribution in stock returns . we can all agree that stock returns are anything but normal after going through the extreme volatility of 2008 . in fact , during the 4th quarter of 2008 the s & p 500 had moves in excess of + / - 5 % during 25 % of the trading days . if we assume that the s & p 500 has a long - term standard deviation of 20 % on average , then a 5 % daily move is in excess of 4 standard deviations . in a nutshell , equity markets are fat - tailed , meaning that observations that are far away from the mean happen much more frequently than a normal distribution can account for . nassim taleb would argue that these \u201cblack swan\u201d events more than wipe out the small profits from selling options .\nanother problematic example comes from taleb\u2019s disdain for mathematics in economics . he has misstated his case . a minority of economics , finance , and marketing faculty believe that economics has become nothing more than calculus . taleb\u2019s disdain comes from falsificationists\u2019 philosophy . there are two types of theories : theories that have been disproved ( e . g . , newtonian physics ) and theories that cannot be disproved given current research methods .\nfunny , i\u2019m pretty sure the sharpe ratio does pretty well at noticing that taleb\u2019s fund is a massive pile of suck . feel free to pick any other performance metric : yearly returns , cumulative returns , sortino ratio , bias ratio ; doesn\u2019t matter : his fund still amounts to \u201ccapital assets destruction model . \u201d wheras betting against taleb\u2019s dumb strat is a good business , and tail risks can apparently be managed .\n> taleb doesn ' t point one situation when mad works better than sd ( i pointed out some where sd works better than mad ) he also doesn ' t address obvious problems which such substitutions create .\nyou state that\nstandard deviation tells you how volatile measurements are\n. but taleb shows how financial markets are non - gaussian and have\nfat tails\nand gives the data and the supporting arguments .\nthough , i do not fully agree to the second part of your analysis as i think you miss taleb\u2019s point . \u2013 a black swan event is by definition unex\u0001p\u0001ected . the best we can do is hedge against those events . when taleb says one shall be long on options , it is only a matter of the capped loss they provide ( even if the payoff may be lower than selling options ) . you may make less money than in shorting implied volatility , but you are hedged against a potential black swan . you\u2019re saying taleb being wrong does not make sense at that particular point , as you\u2019re target is different .\nfor nearly more than 50 years , going back to lewis fry richardson , it\u2019s been known that the cumulative distribution of wars by size follows a rough power law , the number of events larger than size s being proportional to 1 / s raised to an exponent \u03b1 . this is also an approximation , of course , because there is an absolute maximum possible size for a conflict \u2014 it can\u2019t be more than then entire population . hence , the power law form can only hold over a certain range . to take this into account , cirillo and taleb also rescale the data to take into account the finite size of the human population ."]} {"id": 114558, "summary": [{"text": "the confusion of tongues is a 2014 multi-narrative comedy film written and directed by james fair .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars an ensemble cast , which includes sadie frost , gemma atkinson , ewen macintosh , kate o'toole , paul henshall and katie sheridan .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "the story follows a group of birmingham residents who descend upon a local pub in order to win a lucrative pub quiz . ", "topic": 15}], "title": "the confusion of tongues", "paragraphs": ["on the foreground : the people of the world , punished by the confusion of the tongues for their disobedience to god .\nthe confusion of tongues is 90 minute comedy film that will be shot and edited in 72 hours\n.\nconfusion of tongues tips us into the middle of a nightmare . is the only way out of the trauma to re - experience it ?\nstrickling , j . e . 1974 legendary evidence for the confusion of tongues , creation research society quarterly 11 : 97\u2013101 .\n' give it to me ! ' - a limited edition dvd of the ' confusion of tongues ' , with handwritten letter from one of the directors .\n{ * * yonge ' s title , a treatise on the confusion of languages . }\nto trace the perception of tongues in the church from inception until modern times .\nthe following are the results of a detailed study of the doctrine of tongues from inception until 1922 . the results are drawn from the gift of tongues project which had a fourfold purpose to :\nstephen finlay , confusion of tongues : a theory of normative language , oxford university press , 2014 , 278pp . , $ 65 . 00 ( hbk ) , isbn 9780199347490 .\norr , james , m . a . , d . d . general editor .\nentry for ' confusion of tongues '\n.\ninternational standard bible encyclopedia\n. 1915 .\nferenczi , s . ( [ 1933 ] 1994 ) . confusion of tongues between adults and the child . in final contributions to the problems and methods of psychoanalysis ( pp . 156\u2013167 ) . london : karnac books .\nthe confusion of tongues is a movie starring gemma atkinson , ewen macintosh , and kate o ' toole . a polyphonic story following a day in the life of a group of birmingham residents before they compete for the prize money at their local pub quiz .\nmy conservative estimate tallies about 150 million people consistently practising the christian rite of speaking in tongues throughout the world .\nto add to this confusion , there was my experience on radio the other week . take a listen to this short clip :\none of the most misunderstood passages in the old testament is the genesis account of the confusion of tongues at the tower of babel . this is typically viewed as an effort to explain the origin of earth\u2019s many diverse languages , their having arisen from a single primal tongue . we read in genesis 11 : 1 - 9 that\nit is my opinion that this observed \u201cinappropriate or garbled speech\u201d is a contemporary example of what the book of genesis calls \u201cconfounded speech . \u201d the confusion of tongues at the tower of babel can thus be demystified . it was a rather widespread natural disturbance that had nothing to do with the creation of new languages .\nin comparison to the detailed articles posted within the gift of tongues project , few footnotes will be given here , and some ancient authors and minor movements will be ignored . one can find substantiation at the gift of tongues project webpage . links to the gift of tongues project pages will be highlighted throughout . the results are subject to change as new information comes forward .\nthis changes things considerably , instead of acts 2 : 4 reading as other tongues the proper reading is other languages . the other tongues creates ambiguities that never existed in the greek . other languages immediately starts to clarify a difficult subject .\nthese are the sons of shem , after their families , after their tongues , in their lands , after their nations .\nthese are the sons of ham , after their families , after their tongues , in their countries , and in their nations .\nit would not be fair to translate the church fathers on the subject using tongues instead of languages . it significantly changes the nuance of the text when it is done .\na crew of 44 students and recent graduates will be aiming to shoot , edit and screen a 90 - minute feature film titled , \u2018the confusion of tongues\u2019 in just 72 hours which will feature a high - profile cast , including gemma atkinson , sadie frost , kate o\u2019toole and ewen macintosh .\n\u201cthe confusion of tongues\u201d doesn\u2019t end with just end with a collaborative effort on the filmmaking . we have found ( and are still seeking ) any artists who wish to be a part of the film . we are working with local artists for them to contribute any work and perhaps write original pieces for the film itself .\nthe confusion of tongues is a farcical comedy set over one day in birmingham , intertwining the stories of various characters linked by their desire to win the jackpot at a local pub quiz . the cast will comprise emerging and established actors , who will be revealed at the official launch event at the spotted dog at 7pm on friday 30th may .\nafter an exhaustive approach of locating , digitizing , translating and analyzing two - thousand years worth of texts , the results of the gift of tongues project has found one of the main challenges to solving this debate is overcoming the embedded ignorance of history .\nspeaking in tongues is an inherent part of the present pentecostal and charismatic identities . this practice is one of the key features that distinguish them apart from other christian movements .\nthe actual results can be found at the gift of tongues project . most readers have found the actual project source texts , principally in greek and latin , along with the analysis too complex and desire to read a shortened version . this series of summaries is concerned with the big picture on how the doctrine of tongues was transmitted through the centuries , not the details .\nthere are two known cuneiform accounts that deal with the confusion of language and undoubtedly derive from the tower of babel episode of genesis 11 . the earliest , probably from the early third millennium ( kramer 1970 : 108 ) , is part of longer epic called \u201cenmerkar and the lord of aratta . \u201d in it , \u201cthe spell of nudimmud\u201d is quoted , which deals with the confusion of language . according to the spell , there once was a \u201cgolden age\u201d when everyone spoke one language . the god enki , leader of the gods , put an end to this era by confusing the speech of mankind . the critical passage read ,\na good example of a renewalist speaking in tongues is found in this video clip of the late kenneth hagin . he was a highly respected and influential pentecostal preacher in the mid - 1900s .\nkramer , samuel n . 1968 the \u201cbabel of tongues\u201d : a sumerian version , journal of the american oriental society 88 : 108\u201311 1970 enki and his inferiority complex , orientalia 39 : 103\u201310 .\nthe old testament story of the tower of babel tells how nimrod built one of the first cities after the flood ( remember noah ? ) . he built a tower into the sky to get his people closer to god , using all the resources that he had at his disposal . once god saw how people were determined to equate themselves with himself , he destroyed the tower and created a \u2018confusion of tongues\u2019 , the bible\u2019s explanation for why we all speak different languages today .\nwhat is the tower\u2019s purpose ? it\u2019s a \u201cbridge\u201d that would reconnect us back to source . , . our dna\u2026 and through the confusion of language and the distortion of concepts , the \u201crulers / anchors\u201d control us , humanity , and do actively prevent our true progress\u2026\nthe christian rite of speaking in tongues has been controversial , especially over the last one - hundred years . speaking in tongues is a practice expressed by renewalists . renewalism is the fastest growing christian faith in the world . many have tried to explain this rite through experiential and psychological terms , but few have attempted an extensive study through historical literature .\nwe ' re making a farcical comedy feature film called ' the confusion of tongues ' based in birmingham uk . what makes this project special is the fact that it will be filmed and edited in 72 hours , commencing on thursday 17th july at 9am then finishing at 9am on sunday 20th . it will then be screened in the largest cinema screen in birmingham , \u2018the giant screen\u2019 on the sunday night .\nthis work traces the perception of tongues speaking through the centuries . perception is not necessarily reality . on many occasions , the work will reference the perception with no remarks about the integrity of the event or person . this is up to the reader to decide .\nthe \u201carrest response\u201d produced by [ electrical ] stimulation in the [ brain\u2019s ] posterior frontal region . . . consists in the arrest of voluntary movement and may show additional features such as post - stimulation confusion , inappropriate or garbled speech . . .\nthis summary is the result of the gift of tongues project which is designed for the advanced researcher . the gift of tongues project has attempted to identify , collate and digitize the source texts in the original greek , latin , with some syriac , french and a sprinkling of a few other languages . english translations have been provided with almost every text , along with my own analysis . the gift of tongues project differentiates itself from others because the source texts available on the website allow for you to research and draw your own conclusions . all the legwork is already done . all one has to do now is read instead of the time consuming and never ending task of finding the source files . better yet , the majority is digitally searchable .\n' the confusion of tongues ' characterised the polarised dimensions of the closing ferenczi / freud communication , and extended to problems of psychoanalytic formulation and publication . there were manifest and latent issues which remain of historic importance . ferenczi was dying and assumed freud was dying when he wrote this classic essay , so relevant to contemporary psychoanalytic thought and controversy . denying and sometimes acknowledging his progressive , fatal illness , ferenczi made enduring contributions to the understanding of child abuse and trauma while severely traumatised . concepts of trauma and countertransference were amplified and expanded . freud remained remarkably creative while physically declining with oral cancer ; ferenczi manifested progressive and regressive trends , fostering both sublimated innovation and wild analysis . psychoanalysts tended to avoid , for half a century , confronting the problems of the ill , impaired , and dying analyst . the clarification of ' the confusion of tongues ' continues in contemporary psychoanalytic discussion and debate . the paper presaged a widened interest in the analyst ' s analysing functions , unconscious communication , countertransference , and the interplay of reality and fantasy inside and outside the psychoanalytic situation .\n) is the pivotal key word for the doctrine of tongues in the original greek text . this word is the central theme found in paul\u2019s address to the corinthians and luke\u2019s description of the first pentecost . this noun is further used by later greek ecclesiasts and authors on the subject .\nboscawen , w . st . chad 1876 the legend of the tower of babel . records of the past 7 : 129\u201332 . 1877 the legend of the tower of babel , transactions of the society of biblical archaeology 5 : 303\u201312 .\nin those days . . . the people entrusted [ to him ] could address enlil , verily , in but a single tongue . in those days . . . did enki . . . estrange the tongues in their mouths as many as were put there . the tongues of men which were one ( jacobsen 1997 ; cf . kramer 1968 , 1970 ; cohen 1973 ) .\nalthough the longest shoot i\u2019ve worked on was 15 hours , and i was in a coma for three days afterwards but it was amazing ! so expectations for this shoot are high ! sorry , got carried away and i didn\u2019t introduce myself ! i\u2019m amy ! one of the production assistant on the 72 hour project\u2019s new film \u2018confusion of tongues\u2019 . i\u2019ll be posting on here , twitter and facebook during the shoot , i\u2019ll be bring you all the news from the shoot plus interviews from the cast !\nat the end of the 72 hours we will take a few hours to get some sleep and encode the film ready for uploading for downloads . we ' ll watch the film in the giant screen at 6pm on sunday 20th july and once it is finished , the link for the download will be available for our audience . the film will then be taken away to be tidied up outside of the 72 hours and prepared for life upon the festival circuit much the same as any other film . ' the ballad of des & mo ' had a successful 18 months touring the world , we hope the same will be true of ' the confusion of tongues '\nstephen finlay ' s confusion of tongues ( cot ) is an ambitious book . its first half advances a unifying semantics for normative words , including ' good ' , ' ought ' , and ' reason ' . in the second half , he argues that this semantics , combined with a single pragmatic principle , can explain the uses of such expressions of special interest to ethicists . cot ' s engagement with these topics is rich and complex .\n- - mind\nthe gift of tongues project and this summary believe that pentecostals and charismatics have brought positive contributions to the greater society , and have made the world a better place . the purpose of this examination is not to attack or denigrate their character . the goal is simply to find the truth of the matter . nothing more .\nit is thought that on the site of the tower of babel the kingdom of babylon had its beginning . the babylonian meaning of babel is \u201cgate of god\u201c ; but , the meaning in the hebrew is \u201cconfusion\u201c - - and it was called that after god scattered the people by confusing their languages . it is significant that babylon , that great empire so renowned for its great wealth , pride , pomp , and all that is the opposite of the kingdom of god , should have had its beginning in the evil heart of nimrod . \u201can evil man out of the evil treasure [ of the heart ] bringeth forth evil things\u201c [\nthankfully the internet age came along . museums and other institutions have posted many manuscripts online . better manuscripts are now available than the ones found in mpg . the ability to do digital searches with google\u2019s search engine reveals even more texts . the gift of tongues project is one of the direct benefactors of the digitization of libraries , museums , and institutions .\nbase of the ziggurat at babylon , thought to be the location of the tower of babel described in genesis 11 .\n\u2013 a term given for those who emphasize miracles , supernatural occurrences , and oftentimes speaking in tongues within the christian\u2019s everyday life . really , it is an umbrella term for pentecostals , charismatics ,\nthe renewalist faith , with its emphasis on holiness , mysticism , independence , and easy adaptability to different cultures , is the fastest growing segment of christianity in the world . their christian mystic framework along with its distinctive theology of speaking in tongues makes a historical study imperative .\nand with every living creature that is with you , of the fowl , of the cattle , and of every beast of the earth with you ; from all that go out of the ark , to every beast of the earth .\nbonnke\u2019s demonstration is not as obvious as hagin\u2019s . he mixes regular language and charismatic , excitable speech between short outbursts of tongues - speech . the audience is energized but not surprised by this presentation . this is quite common in renewalist circles .\nunto shem also , the father of all the children of eber , the brother of japheth the elder , even to him were children born .\nthis is a typical example , though speaking in tongues is not always done in a sunday service . it is practised more frequently in weekday services , prayer sessions , pastoral settings , and special events .\nthis work is broken up into a three part series . part 1 traces the evolution of pentecost from the first to seventeenth - centuries which is inclusive of catholic perceptions . part 2 focuses on the protestant perceptions which has three distinct doctrinal frameworks . part 3 is an in - depth look into the corinthian tongues saga .\nwhat do renewalists presently believe speaking in tongues to be ? there is a general agreement that speaking in tongues is a supernatural phenomenon \u2014 one that cannot be measured or defined by science . some renewalists call it a heavenly language that only the individual , god , and a special interpreter understands . others say it is a private prayer language or a form of exalted worship . there are those who just shrug their shoulders and say it is simply a god thing that defies explanation . a handful may say speaking in tongues is the spontaneous ability to speak a foreign language . most renewalists believe that speaking in tongues is a deliberate outcome of a controlled mind \u2013 in other words , they are not crazies or kooks whose erratic behavior is in an uncontrolled hallucinatory state . they are regular people like the helpful neighbor across the street , the taxi driver , teacher , dentist , nurse , plumber , politician , lawyer or construction worker . renewalists are found in all walks of life .\nthis does not mean all those defined as renewalists emphasize this doctrine and practice it . the same pew study further demonstrates that no more than 53 % of renewalists speak in tongues in any country they examined . in most instances , it is less .\nin utopia ( 1516 ) , thomas more imagines an apparently perfect island society in which citizens share a common language and way of life . it is a text riddled with ambiguities , paradoxes and verbal games : \u2018utopia\u2019 itself translates as both \u2018no - place\u2019 and \u2018good - place\u2019 . the book has repeatedly frustrated readers\u2019 attempts to decipher its message . confusion of tongues : art and the limits of language brings into dialogue artists who \u2013 in ways similar to more \u2013 explore the power of language to complicate and withhold meaning . as viewers , we are invited to imagine through and beyond the spoken and written word , to think and re - think , to look and look again .\nand the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth , and upon every fowl of the air , upon all that moveth upon the earth , and upon all the fishes of the sea ; into your hand are they delivered .\ntherefore is the name of it called babel ; because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth : and from thence did the lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth .\n] ) . it is on the basis of this text that the reasonable premise is given that nimrod was the guiding personality in uniting the people into the work of building the tower of babel . he perhaps was one of the first dictators in the world .\nfor it is written , i will destroy the wisdom of the wise , and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent .\npeople will always be inspired by the pentecostal narrative described in the book of acts and the mysterious tongues found later on in the new testament epistle called i corinthians . those accounts have propelled many ardent students of the bible and the christian faith to reproduce this phenomenon in their lives . the passion for a new pentecost has cycled for twenty - one - centuries . how communities and persons perceived , practised and passed - on the right throughout these centuries is the goal of this study .\nand god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth , and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually .\na good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things : and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things .\nno fear of god an unbiased study of the book of genesis should convince anyone of the depravity of the unregenerate heart , and the desperate sinfulness of men when they are left to their own devices , without interference by god . the sin principle came into the soul of man as a result of the fall in the garden of eden . no good works that man can do will remove it . the threatenings of neither god nor man will turn a sinner into a righteous man . no amount of good resolutions will avail to remove sin from the human soul . only through the blood of jesus christ as it is applied to the soul will sin be removed from the souls of men .\nthis finding was not anticipated at the start . the project assumed at the beginning there was little christian literature throughout the centuries to build a case . rather , there is a substantial corpus of ancient christian literature on the subject . the discovery about the abundance on the subject has created two rival stories . the first allows the building of a compelling narrative on the doctrine of tongues throughout the centuries . the second is the narrative about the ignorance of christian literature over the last two centuries and how it has contributed to the modern definition . both play an important story in the modern definition and i am not sure which one is more important . they share a complex interplay that is difficult to untangle .\nand the arvadite , and the zemarite , and the hamathite : and afterward were the families of the canaanites spread abroad .\nclose up of the baked bricks and bitumen mortar of the ziggurat at ur . \u201cthey used brick instead of stone , and tar for mortar\u201d for the tower of bible ( gn 11 : 3 ) .\nand the lord came down to see the city and the tower , which the children of men builded .\nperkins , ann l . 1949 the comparative archaeology of early mesopotamia , chicago : the university of chicago press .\nluke is vague on the actual mechanics and certainly short on details . this leaves his pentecost and subsequent tongues narratives with many unanswered questions ; did every inspired person speak in a single different language and together they were speaking the languages of all the nations ? was it one sound emanating and changed during transmission so that the hearers heard their own language ? if it was a miracle of hearing , what was that sound ? were the people conscious of what they were saying or were they completely overtaken by a divine power and had no comprehension about what they were speaking ? was it a heavenly , non - human or prayer language ? did this miracle continue after the first - century ? how did this tongues - event get passed down to the next generation ? did it become part of the church liturgy ?\nas a person who attends a charismatic church and involved in these type of communities for decades , i wanted the results to parallel their experiences . unfortunately , the findings did not allow for this . everyone who approaches the 2000 year narrative on speaking in tongues has to allow history to speak for itself \u2013 not to rewrite history to justify contemporary experience .\na more contemporary example is reinhard bonnke . bonnke is a german - born evangelist whose work in africa , especially nigeria has earned him the rank of one the top preachers of all time in respect to audience reach . the example here is his public speaking in tongues at a large indoor gathering somewhere in asia . his christ for the nations website claims over 55 million documented decisions for christ under his ministry .\nthese are the families of the sons of noah , after their generations , in their nations : and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood .\ndor\u00e9 based his tower of babel on the minaret of the great mosque of samarra , in present day iraq . the minaret is 52 m high and has a spiralling cone .\ni will ascend above the heights of the clouds ; i will be like the most high .\nthe word tongues , which is seldom used in our modern language to specifically mean a modern , regular or contemporary language , is usually understood to be something out - of - this - world , unusual or even weird . sometimes it is used a synonym to language , but rarely in contemporary literature is it a predominant descriptor .\nmay the men of this twenty - first century consider that the day is fast approaching when the world is again going to be joined in a common cause , under the leadership of the evil genius of satan . the antichrist , the false prophet , and the beast will rule the world in a trinity of evil . the world will bow to their will , and god will be defied by this government of tyranny . but god shall again confound the peoples of the world as effectually as he did when he confounded the builders of the tower of babel when he confused their speech .\nnimrod and great babylon the tenth chapter of genesis , often called the table of nations , lists the generations of noah . here is chronicled the names of the tribes from which sprang all the nations of the earth . god recorded these in his word in evidence that he had not yet finished dealing with them . his plan of salvation was eventually revealed to include them all .\nthis of course begs the question , \u201cwhat could have been the natural source of such provocative stimuli in the distant past ? \u201d check out the reference below .\n1 . were the people righteous or unrighteous after the flood ? 2 . how do we know that the descendants of noah were familiar with the event of the flood ? 3 . what common purpose did the people of the earth have ? what united them in this purpose ? 4 . who was nimrod ? and where was his kingdom , babel , founded ? 5 . what does babel mean ? 6 . why were not the people who built the tower of babel afraid of god ? 7 . why did the lord confuse the speech of the people ? 8 . why did god stop the building of the tower of babel ? 9 . does god intervene in the affairs of men today ? why ? 10 . why did not god destroy the builders of the tower of babel as he did the antediluvians\nit is not unreasonable to suppose that noah told the story of the flood many times to his grandchildren , and their children and that the story of the flood was well known to the generations of noah . also the earth for many generations bore fresh and vivid evidence of the deluge that had swept the earth of all its wicked inhabitants . how great a warning this must have spoken to the descendants of noah of the folly of forsaking god ! but the bible records that it was not long before they , too , had forsaken and refused the ways of righteousness and turned to their own self - sufficiency .\nhe taketh the wise in their own craftiness : and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong .\nthis exhibition is a response to utopia 2016 : a year of imagination and possibility , a year - long programme of events and exhibitions at somerset house celebrating the 500th anniversary of the publication of thomas more\u2019s utopia .\nan objective reading of the biblical account reveals only that the tower - builders\u2019 speech was \u201cconfounded . \u201d the passage in the eleventh chapter of genesis reads in part :\noxford university press is a department of the university of oxford . it furthers the university ' s objective of excellence in research , scholarship , and education by publishing worldwide .\nand the beginning of his kingdom was babel , and erech , and accad , and calneh , in the land of shinar .\nperhaps one could argue 800 words when you throw in the defense of the experience by peter in acts chapter 2 and the three other instances throughout the book of acts . perhaps paul could be credited with writing about pentecost if his coverage in his first letter to the corinthians contains a parallel , though part iii will show these are not connected . why all the fuss over 206 words ? if it was so important , why didn\u2019t luke go into much greater detail ? this would have spared the modern day reader such a confusion . the clarification is going to take over 10 , 000 words and the parsing through a magnitude of documents found throughout the centuries to explain those few written words two thousand years ago .\nnow these are the generations of the sons of noah , shem , ham , and japheth : and unto them were sons born after the flood .\ncohen , sol 1973 emmerkar and the lord of aratta , ph . d . dissertation , university of pennsylvania .\nseely , paul h . 2001 the date of the tower of babel and some theological implications , westminster theological journal 63 : 15\u201338 .\ni . ( 1 ) as to the preceding topics , what has been already said will be sufficient . we might next proceed to consider , and that in no slight or cursory manner , the philosophical account which moses gives us of the confusion of languages ; for he speaks in the following manner :\nand all the earth had one pronunciation , and there was one language among all men . and it came to pass , as they were moving from the east , that they found a plain in the land of shinar , and dwelt there . and one man said to his neighbour , come , let us make bricks , and let us burn them with fire ; and they had bricks for stone , and asphalt for mortar . and they said , come , let us build ourselves a city , and a tower whose head shall reach to heaven ; and let us make for ourselves a name , before we are scattered over the face of all the earth . and the lord came down to see the city , and the tower , which the sons of men had builded . and the lord said , behold , all mankind is one race , and there is but one language among them all ; and they have begun to do this thing , and now there will not fail unto them anything of all the things which they desire to do . come , let us go down and confuse their language there , so that each may not understand the voice of his neighbour . and the lord scattered them from thence over the face of all the earth , and they desisted from building the city , and the tower . on this account , the name of it was called confusion , because there the lord confused the languages of all the earth , and from thence the lord scattered them over the face of all the earth .\n{ 1 } { # ge 11 : 1 . }\nso the lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth : and they left off to build the city .\nif biblical archaeology is defined loosely as \u201cthe study of the ancient things related to the bible , . . .\nhe disappointeth the devices of the crafty , so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise .\nthis event sent by god was the ultimate cause of the early separation of mankind , their dispersal throughout the earth , and their division into races and nations .\none of the primary areas of the near east where civilization began is the tigris - euphrates river valley , comprising portions of modern syria and iraq . this region , the fertile valley between the two rivers , has been known since the times of the ancient greeks as mesopotamia , literally \u201cthe land between the rivers . \u201d this area of course was the home of many peoples familiar to us from general ancient history and the old testament , such as the assyrians and babylonians . before these peoples a group known as the sumerians , the creators of classic mesopotamian culture , inhabited the southern part of the valley . how and when did civilization start in this region ? in order to at least partially answer this question , we will need to examine both written and archaeological source material . the earliest of that archaeological material comes from cultures in the valley that did not as yet know the art of writing .\nmetaethicists have long been interested in the meaning of the words ' good ' , ' ought ' , and ' reasons ' . many are persuaded that , although we might analyze one or another of these words in terms of the others , there ' s no breaking out of the circle of normative concepts when explaining the meaning of such words . this has led to the prominence of three main kinds of metaethical view . nonnaturalists explain the irreducibility of the meaning of normative words by claiming that normative words denote sui generis normative properties , supervenient on but not identical to natural properties . a posteriori reductive naturalists explain this irreducibility by claiming that normative words express different concepts from words characteristic of description of the natural facts , but they propose ( or at least hold out hope for ) a substantive empirical reduction of the properties denoted by these words to natural properties . expressivists explain the irreducibility by claiming that normative words play a fundamentally different role in expressing our mental states to that played by words expressing representations of pieces of the natural world .\nstephen finlay is associate professor of philosophy at the university of southern california . he is the author of a number of articles on metaethics and moral psychology . originally from new zealand , he lives in pomona , california with his wife and three daughters .\na polyphonic story following a day in the life of a group of birmingham residents before they compete for the prize money at their local pub quiz .\nnext , he argues that other ( more robustly ) normative uses of ' ought ' also evaluate the probability of their prejacent proposition given contextually fixed background conditions plus the assumption that some end will be achieved , but the determination of the relevant end is much more complicated . i won ' t go into many of the nuances about how finlay thinks this works at the interface of semantics and pragmatics of normative discourse , except to note two things .\nmesopotamia , literally \u201cthe land between the rivers\nwas the home of many peoples familiar to us from general ancient history and the old testament , such as the assyrians and babylonians . before these peoples a group known as the sumerians , the creators of classic mesopotamian culture , inhabited the southern part of the valley . how and when did civilization start in this region ?\na christian apologetics ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the bible through archaeological and biblical research .\nthere is , however , a rich tradition in moral philosophy of insisting that moral ends aren ' t like this . aristotle argued that living morally isn ' t a state of affairs plausibly conceived as an outcome of actions like telling the truth , paying one ' s debts , helping the needy , etc . rather doing these sorts of things is , on the aristotelian view , the immediate actualization of the ongoing activity of living morally . can finlay ' s view make sense of that idea ?\nthe other records , transmitted orally for countless generations , are inconsistent . some speak of \u201cstrange speech , \u201d others of new languages .\nthis summary fills in the blanks of the historical record that have , up until now , been neglected .\nand the whole earth was of one language , and of one speech . . . . go to , let us go down , and there confound their language , that they may not understand one another\u2019s speech . . . . therefore is the name of it called babel ; because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth . *\nthe second group of scholars is the professional philologists , the students of the sumerian language . many of these linguistic experts have never excavated , just as the archaeologists are not necessarily readers of sumerian . it must be remembered that these fields are highly specialized . e . a . speiser and b . landsberger , who insisted that many of the words in sumerian documents are not sumerian words at all , led the linguists and philologists in the early days . landsberger pointed out that this is especially true of words pertaining to agriculture , showing that the basic farming vocabulary and common farming techniques used in southern mesopotamia were the invention of non - sumerian people .\n' end this madness ' : by taking one third out of the crowd funding total - you ' d be welcome to your pick of all the perks , plus invitations to represent the film at film festivals , and an option to have a front slide advert at the beginning of the film .\nand the sons of cush ; seba , and havilah , and sabtah , and raamah , and sabtechah : and the sons of raamah ; sheba , and dedan .\nso now we have that out the way , we can show you some of the images from yesterdays rehearsals , where there was a lot of development of characters ( even a character name change ) . a good portion of the discussion was on the comedic elements of the film , where pace and timing of a performance can be the difference between a gag getting a laugh , or it falling like a lead balloon . in a 72 , time is restricted so honing in on those comedic performances can be stressful . however , the 72 seems to be benefiting from an extremely talented group of actors and actresses , and everyone seemed happy with their performances and the development of the characters .\ntherefore their inhabitants were of small power , they were dismayed and confounded : they were as the grass of the field , and as the green herb , as the grass on the housetops , and as corn blasted before it be grown up .\nnote : the following article is part of series of articles / excerpts from \u201cman and his planet \u2013 an unauthorized history\u201d by james e . strickling . more articles of this series will be posted soon .\ni shall employ an analytic method , seeking a metaphysical analysis of normative facts , properties , and relations by means of a conceptual analysis of the meanings of the normative words by which we refer to them . the result will be a form of analytic reductionism ( or\nanalytic naturalism\n) , an explanatory reduction of normative properties ( etc . ) into complexes of non - normative properties by reductively defining normative words and concepts in entirely non - normative terms . ( p . 4 )\nand the sons of javan ; elishah , and tarshish , kittim , and dodanim .\nbut olympus and ossa and pelion are the names of mountains . ( 5 ) but instead of these mountains the lawgiver represents a tower as having been built by these men , who , out of ignorance and wicked ambition , were desirous to reach the heaven . every alienation of mind , then , is grievous ; for even if every portion of the whole earth could be built over , a slight foundation is being first laid , and then if a superstructure could be raised in the fashion of a single pillar , it would still be an enormous distance removed from the heavenly sphere , and above all would it be so according to the tenets of those curious philosophers who have affirmed that the earth is the centre of the universe .\nduring the rehearsals james was scribbling notes and annotations on his a3 version of the script . this version of the script will then be photocopied and given to the editing crew to more efficiently translate james\u2019 ideas into the edit . it also makes the editors job a little easier .\nalthough the bible does not mention this issue , it is clear that , although ignored by the secular scholarly community , the bible does provide an answer to the sumerian problem . note some things told to us in the early chapters of genesis . genesis correctly places the seat of early near eastern civilization in southern mesopotamia . after the great flood , when all human life began to develop anew as descendants of shem , ham , and japheth spread from the mountains of ararat ( urartu of assyrian records ) , we find a large number of semitic and hamitic names having connections with place names in mesopotamia . in fact , the tower of babel was obviously built in the babylon region , as is demonstrated by its name and the fact that the bible tells us it was constructed in the plains of shinar ( sumer ) .\nwith only a year of experience behind me , working with the 72 hour project is probably the biggest job i\u2019ve ever done . i know with most film positions you expect stress , a mountain of problems and lack of coffee ; but the excitement is overwhelming !\nmesopotamian cylinder seal , upper left , on display in the british museum . of unknown provenance , it dates to ca . 2200\u20132100 bc . to the right of the seal is an impression of the scene carved on the seal ; below is an enlargement of the scene . the seal depicts a banquet with a sacred tree in the center and a man and woman ( ? ) reaching for fruit . on either side are serpents . bryant g . wood .\nthe second account conforms more closely to the genesis account ( strickling 1974 ) . dated only as \u201cassyrian\u201d ( smith 1876 : 160 ) , the legend tells of the destruction of a building on a mound in babylon by a god . the god also confounded the speech of the builders ( boscawen 1877 : 303 ; smith 1880 : 166 ) . the badly damaged tablet has been translated as follows :\nnissen , hans j . 1988 the earliest history of the ancient near east , 9000\u20132000 bc , trans . elizabeth lutzeier with kenneth northcott , chicago : university of chicago press .\nthe earliest major culture 2 in mesopotamia is called the hassuna culture , named after the place where it was first discovered , the village of hassuna in northern mesopotamia . the hassuna culture dates to the [ conventional ] period 5500\u20135000 bc , and has been found at a number of places in the northern part of the river valley . it seems to have been mostly confined to the north . the hassuna people were agricultural , and were makers of pottery , even though they did not know the potter\u2019s wheel . their tools were bone and stone ; there has not been any trace of metal work found at hassuna sites . reed and clay houses have been found , but only at the type - site of tell hassuna itself . the most common tools of the hassuna culture were wooden sickles with flint teeth for harvesting grain .\nthere are two key ideas at the heart of the project . first , alongside moral uses of ' good ' , ' ought ' , and ' reason ' , there are familiar nonmoral ( though perhaps weakly\nnormative\n) instrumental uses and also recognizably nonnormative uses ; yet these words do not seem to be ambiguous between moral , instrumental , and nonnormative meanings . because of this , we should hold out hope for reductive analyses based on conservative extensions of the correct analysis of instrumental and nonnormative uses of these words . second , instrumental uses of these words are reductively analyzable in terms of how they are explicitly or implicitly related to ends via probabilities . so - - finlay hypothesizes - - we might unify the reductive analysis of these words by also viewing moral uses of these words as probabilistically related to ends , where because of the pragmatics of normative discourse it is often advantageous to leave the relevant end implicit .\nand the sons of ham ; cush , and mizraim , and phut , and canaan .\nand the children of aram ; uz , and hul , and gether , and mash .\nand ophir , and havilah , and jobab : all these were the sons of joktan .\n] ) . this is exactly what happened when the tower of babel was being built .\nmellaart , james 1965 earliest civilizations of the near east , london : thames & hudson .\nthe light of day \u2013 11pm , 10th july , town hall theatre . tickets : urltoken\ndrawing from elisabeth young - bruehl ' s psychological and psychodynamic study of prejudice as a starting point , this paper explores the phenomenon of childism\u2014namely , the prejudice again children\u2014from a rankian psychodynamic perspective . young - bruehl argues that childism is comparable to prejudices such as anti - semitism , sexism , and racism , and serves such purposes as the elimination of an individual ' s personhood , sexual exploitation , and the erasure of identity . adding to young - bruehl ' s analysis of the social and psychological causes and effects of prejudice against children , this paper will examine the nature and dangers of childism explicit and implicit in the writings of otto rank . we will examine the development of creative will in child maturation\u2014a development that childist forms of prejudice may obstruct , inhibit , and compromise . we will see that young - bruehl ' s foundational writing on childism echoes many of the observations and writings of otto rank in regard to the prejudice against children , and how such prejudice deeply diminishes , undermines , and fractures our unfolding lives and creative will in a shared world .\nwalton , john 1995 the mesopotamian background of the tower of babel . bulletin for biblical research 5 : 155\u201375 . reprinted in bible and spade 9 ( 1996 ) : 77 - 96 .\nxxi . ( 98 ) but he says that the world perceptible to the outward senses is , as it were , the footstool of god on this account : first of all , that he may show that there is no efficient cause in the creatures ; secondly , for the purpose of displaying that even the whole world has not a free and unrestrained spontaneous motion of its own , but god , the ruler of the universe , takes his stand upon it , regulating it and directing everything in a saving manner by the helm of his wisdom , using , in truth , neither hands nor feet , nor any other part whatever such as belongs to created objects ; for god is not as man , but the reason why we at times represent him as such , for the sake of instruction , is because we are unable to advance out of ourselves , but derive our apprehension of the uncreate god from the circumstances with which we ourselves are surrounded . ( 99 ) and it is very beautifully said by moses , in the form of a parable , when he speaks of the world as if it resembled a brick ; for the world appears to stand and to be firmly fixed like a brick in a house , as far as the vision of the sight of the outward senses can inform us , but it has a very swift motion , and one which is able to outstrip all particular motions . ( 100 ) for the eyes of our body look upon the appearance of the sun by day and of the moon by night as standing still , and yet who is there who does not know that the rapidity of movements of these two bodies is incomparable , since they go round the whole heaven in one day ? thus , indeed , the universal heaven itself also , while appearing to stand still , revolves in a circle ; its movements being detected and comprehended by the invisible and more divine eye which is placed in our mind ."]} {"id": 114559, "summary": [{"text": "the high cost of living is a 2010 indie drama film set in montreal , canada , starring zach braff , isabelle blais and aimee lee .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "written and directed by deborah chow and set in montreal , the film centers on a young , pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "the film made its debut at the 2010 toronto international film festival , and was released theatrically in april 2011 .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "it won tiff 's award for best canadian first feature film . ", "topic": 14}], "title": "the high cost of living", "paragraphs": ["the high cost of living is yet another example of the high cost ( for moviegoers ) of lowered production barriers for aspiring filmmakers .\njamey johnson - high cost of living - music video - clifton collins jr .\nmore summaries and resources for teaching or studying death , the high cost of living .\njamey johnson - high cost of living - music video - clifton collins jr . - youtube\nmix - jamey johnson - high cost of living - music video - clifton collins jr .\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie the high cost of living ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of the high cost of living ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nthis cast list of who was in the high cost of living includes both lead and minor roles . ( 11 items )\ndeath , the high cost of living from bookrags . ( c ) 2018 bookrags , inc . all rights reserved .\noverall monthly inflation eased for the first time this year but the cost of living is still quite high , government records show .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing the high cost of living near you .\nthere are no critic reviews yet for how to beat the high cost of living . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nhowever , the cost of living is still high , compared to the 5 . 8 per cent reported during the same period in 2016 .\nthe high cost of living cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of the high cost of living actors includes any the high cost of living actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view additional information about each the high cost of living actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of the high cost of living have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing how to beat the high cost of living near you .\nthis study guide consists of approximately 26 pages of chapter summaries , quotes , character analysis , themes , and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of death , the high cost of living .\ni ' m still not sure how the high cost of living made it onto canada ' s top ten , let alone how it took the best canadian first feature award at tiff last year . it ' s just not very good .\ntoronto - born chow\u2019s short films daypass and the hill played numerous festivals and were broadcast worldwide . the high cost of living won best canadian first feature at the 2010 toronto international film festival . she directed an adaptation of the popular 1979 novel flowers in the attic , and is in pre - production on the possibility of fireflies .\nms . chow\u2019s direction hits every mark and narrative turning point with the unwavering , one - note insistence of the relentlessly plinking piano score . the result is a strange simulacrum of dramatic complexity , a work of superficial depth . saved from pretentiousness by its transparent sincerity , \u201cthe high cost of living\u201d is hard to hate but even harder to like .\ndeath : the high cost of living is a short , graphic novel that follows the character of sexton furnival , a sixteen - year - old boy who has decided to kill himself . after making this decision , sexton meets didi , a girl near his age , who claims to be death .\n\u201cthe high cost of living , \u201d a somber morality tale set in quebec , bears all the hallmarks of an uncompromising indie drama : a downbeat scenario , flawed protagonists , a strongly regional inflection . this debut feature by the canadian director deborah chow is so artistically well - intentioned and earnest in its ambitions that you can almost forgive the banality of its every scene .\nartist : jamey johnson song : high cost of living album : that lonesome song director : clifton collins jr . production company : stonefree productions clifton collins jr . official web links : website : urltoken imdb : urltoken myspace : urltoken facebook : urltoken twitter : urltoken\nthe price of the staple is still high , with a 7 . 7 per cent increase compared to june last year when it retailed at sh110 . 57 .\nbut henry has his own problems . his past misdeeds are catching up , and he soon discovers that the police are steadily closing in . the inevitable collision will force both henry and nathalie to confront loss , labor and life , and to ultimately decide whether the cost of living is worth the price .\nmore recently , a study by the economists peter ganong and daniel shoag analyzed the patterns of migration between u . s . regions . in previous decades , workers of all kinds moved to high - wage states , and particularly to high - wage cities such as boston , san francisco , and new york , to increase their opportunities . by the middle of the nineteen - nineties , things had changed . no longer were low - wage workers moving to these cities . instead , the migration to high - wage locales became increasingly limited to those who already _ _ had high - paying jobs . \u201cnew york and california have always been places of economic opportunity ,\nganong said .\nthe question is : does that opportunity also come with the need to pay a bajillion dollars in rent ? \u201d\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\na slacker is forced to work for his father - in - law after his pregnant wife steps away from her high - paying job .\nthe price of the creation of these imperial cities is that they actually provide decreasing opportunities for many of those who already live in them , or for those who move to them and are not already armed with resources , status , and education . everyone living in new york or san francisco understands the general contours of this . artists get pushed out of the center , the middle class gets pushed into the suburbs , and bus riders are asked to make way ( literally ) for tech workers .\nthe recent history of urban planning has to invite some humility in offering solutions . cities that seem to have been resistant to the efforts of planners like oppermann to shrink them may prove equally resistant to the ideas of future planners about how to expand them . simply describing just where we stand , though , has value . the cost of living in new york , san francisco , and washington is not just a local problem but a national one . that these cities have grown into centers of opportunity largely for those who already have it is not good for the cities , which need strivers to flourish . it would be a shame if the cities that so resiliently survived the anxieties of the atomic age were quietly suffocated by their own success .\ncond\u00e9 nast . all rights reserved . use of and / or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our\ncities become wellsprings of resentment both for residents who can no longer afford them and for those who live outside and see the concentration of wealth mainly in the light of their television screens .\nthis economic boom has been accompanied by the growth of urban amenities . these desirable places to live draw a disproportionate share of the country\u2019s wealth , and of the world\u2019s richest citizens . they have become increasingly pleasant places to live for those who can afford it , so much so that bloomberg\u2019 s justin fox calls big - city living a \u201c luxury good . \u201d\nsign up for our daily newsletter and get the best of the new yorker in your in - box .\ngo behind the scenes of the mission : impossible movies , check out the latest videos and trailers , and see which spy movies topped the box office in our mission : impossible guide .\n1948 , a federal housing bureaucrat named paul oppermann , trying to come to terms with the perils of the nuclear age , proposed a solution to the problem of protecting america\u2019s cities from the bomb : empty them out pre\u00ebmptively by encouraging the population to move to suburbs and small towns of fifty thousand or fewer . \u201cno power in the world could afford to drop an atomic bomb on a city of 50 , 000 or less\u201d is how the san francisco\nthe spread of the startup scene outside silicon valley has mostly involved austin and seattle . now denver is having its moment .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nan image in a government briefing book helped a state department official see \u201cthe forest for the trees\u201d in the west bank\u2014and then was shared with the president .\nsexton furnival has decided to kill himself , as he can find nothing in life worth living for . the boy does not seem angry about anything , more resigned to the fact that there is nothing in life that is worth effort . the only child of divorced parents sylvia and steve , sexton calmly writes his goodbye until his mother sends him out so that she can clean the apartment .\nwith all the advantages of hindsight , it\u2019s hard to believe that anybody didn\u2019t see the skyrocketing cost of housing coming in new york and san francisco ( and other cities around the globe like london , singapore , and washington , d . c . ) . but , in fact , for many years the conventional thinking pointed in the opposite direction . urban planners such as oppermann saw growing cities as an overcrowded traffic puzzle . later , it was said that the deterioration of old urban cores would push everyone who could afford it out to \u201c edge cities . \u201d most recently , we were promised that information tech and the virtual office would make cities largely unnecessary .\nthe average price of a tw - kilogramme packet of maize flour which has been scarce for the last three months , fell to sh119 . 08 from sh129 . 64 in may this year .\nthe actress and director both love the genre , but as they told indiewire , they also knew it needed to be retrofitted to tell the true story of catherine weldon and sitting bull .\nagent : we ' re going to release the movie in theaters in may 2011 , but here ' s the kicker : in order to whet the appetite of the masses , we ' re going to release it on itunes six months before the theatrical release . it ' s part of our bold new , anti - marketing effort .\nan expanding body of economic research confirms this . harvard\u2019s equality of opportunity project ranked u . s . counties by their success in fostering economic opportunity , measured by the future incomes of children who grew up there . of the hundred largest counties , san francisco came in thirty - fourth . manhattan was a dismal eighty - fifth . growing up in manhattan actually makes it less likely that you will advance up the economic ladder\u2014assuming you are not already at the top of it .\nthe tech industry made the bay area rich . why do so many residents hate it ?\nyou ' ve seen the premise in three dozen high - concept romantic comedies ( or at least , in the trailers for those movies ) : a couple falls in love under false pretenses . the guy ( or the girl ) withholds a secret . it was all a bet . or he ' s not the man he says he is . or he ' s the guy who accidentally broke up your marriage . she finds out . she leaves him . and , usually at an airport or during a rain storm , he gives that speech at the end of the movie to win her back :\nyes , in the beginning , i pursued you because of a bet . but then , i really honestly fell in love with you , and i was just too scared to tell you the truth because i was afraid of losing you .\nhearts , kisses , roll the train song over the bloopers and end credits , cue cash registers ringing .\nlane and schoenbrun discuss how her interest in morgellons disease patients ( \u201cthe pain of others\u201d ) and his exploration of the slenderman myth ( \u201ca self - induced hallucination\u201d ) led them to make archival films from youtubes .\n. the material on this site may not be reproduced , distributed , transmitted , cached or otherwise used , except with the prior written permission of cond\u00e9 nast .\nsexton decides to stay with didi and see what the day brings . sexton is sullen and moody , often speaking sarcastically about the simple joys that didi seems to find in everything . the two attend a party , where sexton runs into a former employee of his mother ' s . hazel is there in support of her lover , foxglove , who is performing for the first time that night . a casual conversation with a man next to him sets fox ' s career in motion , though sexton is unaware of it at the time . because he is the son of a famous entertainment lawyer in california , sexton ' s opinion of the performer carries some weight .\ni ' ve just finished watching this movie and i must admit i didn ' t expect it to be as great as i think it was . first of all , the plot was original . when i read what was the movie about i automatically wanted to give it a try which now i think was a good impulse . the cast was unknown to me with the exception of zach braff whom i consider a great actor after seeing\nthe last kiss\nand\ngarden state\n. second , the narration of the story was well done and i think there was nothing else to ad , of course the ending leave me hanging because i wanted to know what was going to happen next but nevertheless was a terrific ending . i just wish the movie could show all of that on the rating , the current one doesn ' t make it justice . i highly recommend it !\nso artistically well - intentioned and earnest in its ambitions that you can almost forgive the banality of its every scene .\ndustin is the founder and co - owner of pajiba . you may email him here or follow him on twitter .\nin an episode dedicated to the show within the show , \u201cglow\u201d illustrates its grand capacity for storytelling , and the very good tv podcast breaks down how .\nhenry high - tails it but keeps a close eye on her , unsure if she survived the accident or not . nathalie , on the other hand , sinks into a depression after not only losing her baby but discovering that the dead fetus cannot be removed until she recovers from the hit \u2014 which is a matter of weeks . now she must continue to live like a pregnant woman , only with the additional weight of carrying her dead offspring . the two meet at a bar , and henry instantly woos her \u2014 an act of redemption for his fatal error . eventually nathalie becomes fed up with her distant husband and leaves him , moving in with henry temporarily . as the two grow closer and share cute , date - esque moments ( thus negating the ultimate braff transformation and his charming persona becomes prevalent once again ) , henry must come to terms with what he did and tell nathalie the truth \u2014 even if it means prison .\nsign up : stay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\naccording to data by knbs released on june 30 , significant falls in prices of commodities such as potatoes , sugar , milk , and cabbages in the month of may to june led to a decrease in the food and non - alcoholic drinks\u2019 index by 2 . 74 per cent compared to may 2017 , which saw a 1 . 26 per cent of the same .\nchow ' s direction shows a good eye for locations , but her gritty nighttime aesthetic can ' t cloak the predictable nature of the material , which only really has one way to go and staggers there down the home stretch .\nin the period under review , there was a slight decrease in the prices of petrol and diesel , which were sold at sh99 . 68 and sh87 . 95 respectively last month down from sh100 . 48 for petrol and sh89 . 02 for diesel in the month of may . this led to a decrease in the transport index by 0 . 06 per cent\nmay earn a portion of sales from products and services that are purchased through links on our site as part of our affiliate partnerships with retailers .\nthis comes after a long drought and reduced lending by financial institutions which saw the country\u2019s gross domestic product decline to 4 . 3 per cent in the first quarter of 2017 from 5 . 3 per cent during the same period in 2016 .\nand just to add an extra level of creepiness , why don ' t we pile on an unnecessary contrivance : let ' s say , when the big romantic speech is given , it ' s been three or four weeks since the accident that killed the baby , and the eight - month dead fetus is still inside the mother ' s womb .\na female trio of longtime friends once had happy lives , but now the dregs of suburbia and economic hardships are getting to them . divorc\u00e9e jane ( susan saint james ) is dating the financially lacking robert ( fred willard ) , and she gets pregnant despite their lack of money . elaine ( jane curtin ) is broke after her recent divorce . and louise ( jessica lange ) is struggling with a failing business . in the midst of these problems , the seemingly average women hatch a plan to rip off a local mall .\nso what is to be done ? one hardheaded answer is to build more housing . an increasing supply of housing would theoretically put downward pressure on prices . the reality , unfortunately , is that almost all urban construction happens too late . fischer estimates that bringing san francisco\u2019s rents back to the level of fifteen years ago would require adding close to a hundred and fifteen thousand living units to the city ' s current three hundred and eighty thousand\u2014all in a city short on space and with infamously onerous building regulations . it would mean , more or less , an urban marshall plan for housing .\nat the party , didi meets theo , a strange young man that attends the same school as sexton . though sexton tries to warn her away from theo , didi goes with him anyway , intent on having a good time while she is living . arriving at an abandoned building , didi and sexton are lead into the basement where they come face to face with a blind man who calls himself an eremite , or religious hermit . the blind man has been acting as a type of teacher to theo , and has instructed the boy to bring didi to him . theo removes the ankh that didi wears and when he has second thoughts about handing it over , the blind man strikes him , cracking his skull against the wall . he then leaves , telling sexton and didi that he will be back .\nant - man and the wasp , starring paul rudd and evangeline lilly , took the top spot at . . .\nsexton also meets a young girl who shares the story of a ' friend ' when he casually reveals that he is planning on killing himself . the girl tells the tale of her friend , who was sexually abused by her father and his friends until she could take it no longer and attempted suicide only to wake up in the hospital happy to be alive . sexton wonders what happened to the girl and is told that she moved to the city . sexton does not appear to notice that the girl is wearing long gloves , leading one to believe that the story is about her . despite his apparent lack of care , sexton takes notice . life is not that bad just because it is boring .\nalthough there are moments when lead thesps zach braff and isabelle blais just about pull off the implausible conceit , the pic still suffers from major problems of tone as well as stilted camerawork and editing .\nin the days to come , henry is overcome by guilt and sets out to find the woman he hit . her life nearly destroyed by the accident , nathalie needs a friend , and ends up finding one in the compassionate and charming henry . slowly , nathalie comes out of her shell and starts to rebuild her life .\neric kohn and anne thompson discuss their favorite films of the year so far . they also debate several new releases and share some streaming recommendations .\nwhile locked in the basement , didi tells sexton that once a year death takes human form , to better understand humans and life , as well as mortality . sexton still does not believe that didi is death , but her casual acceptance of the death of theo sways him a bit .\non the other hand , it is also possible to encourage the migration of wealth outside imperial metropolises . to some degree , this is already happening ; vauhini vara wrote recently about the emerging technology scene in denver . there are signs of success in smaller cities around the country , sometimes tied to universities , sometimes driven by refugees from silicon valley and new york . given enough time , these cities may grow into true competitors . but enough time means decades , at the very least .\nsummary & study guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book . this study guide contains the following sections :\nin reality , the opposite happened . new york , san francisco , washington , miami : these have become international centers of commerce , issuing an ever louder siren call to the global \u00e9lite . the san francisco bay area is the most widely discussed example ; nearly half of the fifty - eight billion dollars invested in technology last year was concentrated in san francisco and san jose , california . but economic vitality of all sorts has become increasingly concentrated in a few desirable locales . brooklyn is the country\u2019s third leading locale for new businesses ; miami - dade county , which has also seen spectacular increases in rent , is no . 1 .\na\ndocumentary\nfollowing the professional day - to - day of a tv - star who ' s character doesn ' t really talk much .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\ninflation dropped to 9 . 21 per cent from 11 . 7 per cent in may , latest statistics by the kenya national bureau of statistics show .\nmr . braff , on the other hand , is not so hard to hate . in one of the film\u2019s rare moments of whimsy he tries on a couple of silly hats . \u201ci\u2019m either feeling jester or random duck hat , \u201d he declares . mugging like a clown , surrounding himself with meaningless quirk \u2014 this has long been mr . braff\u2019s idea of comedy . what amazes here is how his furrowed - brow attempts at \u201cserious\u201d acting manage to be somehow more unbearable .\nsummarized the talk that oppermann gave to a local planning organization . plus , oppermann explained , you get slum clearance into the bargain . the next year , oppermann assumed office as san francisco\u2019s planning director .\nwe\u2019re quickly introduced to a bad - ass zach braff , hoping to wipe the memories of all who remember the charming goofball from \u201c scrubs \u201d or the shins - loving depressant of \u201c garden state . \u201d donning a leather jacket with prescription drugs in one hand and a cigarette in the other , braff\u2019s henry runs the streets of canada , slinging legal drugs and partying to his heart\u2019s content . unfortunately , a late - night delivery leads him on a collision course , literally , with the very - pregnant nathalie ( isabelle blais , \u201c the barbarian invasions . \u201d ) after a fight with her ice - cold husband , she begins to have contractions and makes way to the streets to hail a cab . henry\u2019s drug & alcohol induced inattentiveness causes him to make an illegal turn onto a one - way , a mistake that results in nathalie being hit and essentially losing the baby .\nzach braff plays the lead , henry welles , in the canadian low - budget drama , and i have no idea how get got involved . i imagine the conversation with his agent went something like this :\ntrippy indie madeline ' s madeline is the movie that lakeith stanfield and boots riley from sorry to bother you want to see the most .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\ncities like san francisco provide decreasing opportunities for many of those who already live in them .\nsexton tells didi that he is sorry about her family , and that they look nice in the photo she has in the apartment . didi responds oddly , telling sexton that the family in the photo only exists in order to make her time on earth more comfortable . didi explains to sexton that she is death . sexton reacts in anger and leaves , only to meet mad hettie , a strange old woman who threatens sexton and forces him to take her to didi . mad hettie wants didi to find her heart . the old woman claims that she hid her heart so that didi would not be able to find it , but now , after living 250 years , she is ready .\nprices of most non - food items remained relatively stable during the period under review . products such as carrots , gas , wheat flour , maize grain and charcoal recorded an increase in price of between 0 . 4 per cent and 8 . 3 per cent .\na chance encounter alters a teenage girl ' s perception of herself and her outlook on life .\nagent : ummm . well , there is this script me and the fellas have been passing around , having a laugh . it ' s like this anti - romantic comedy built within the framework of a conventional romantic comedy . smart , right ?\nagent : and the morning after you leave her unconscious at the scene , you feel guilty about it , so you track her down at a bar , and the two of you end up falling in love . then she finds out you killed her baby , and you have to win her back with a huge romantic gesture .\nthe two are rescued by mad hettie and mrs . robbins after hettie sees them being held captive in the tea leaves she brewed . the young couple continue their adventure , with didi enjoying life and searching for mad hettie ' s heart .\nagent : wait , i haven ' t even told you the best part .\nagent : don ' t worry about that . we ' ll figure it out in post - production . oh , and here ' s another wrinkle : the whole time you ' re pursuing her , she ' s still carrying around the dead baby inside of her .\nit starts with an accident . henry ( zach braff ) makes a wrong turn and crashes into nathalie ( isabelle blais ) . in a fit of panic , and over the legal limit , he cuts and runs , leaving nathalie lying in the street , unconscious , bleeding and eight months pregnant . she wakes up in the hospital only to find her bright future destroyed and the baby she is still carrying dead . her husband , michel ( patrick labbe ) is too unnerved and emotionally bereft to deal with the tragedy .\nthe story of oppermann\u2014who did not send the residents of san francisco packing but merely crippled growth with arcane lot - size rules and off - street - parking - space minimums\u2014comes down to us via a san francisco bay area cartographer , programmer , and amateur historian named eric fischer . fischer , a transplant from indianapolis , has spent his free time in the past months digging through newspaper archives to understand how san francisco housing came to be as insanely expensive as it now is .\nin short , cities that planners thought would hollow out and become obsolete have instead become magnets for increasing concentrations of wealth . the more expensive they are , the more closed they become to everyone but those who already have money\u2014pushing them to become more expensive still . in turn , imperial\n1 of 3 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nafter studying under cinematographer ed lachman , shevaun mizrahi forged her own unique filmmaking path with its own set of rules .\nwhen henry ( braff ) makes a wrong turn and runs his car into nathalie ( blais ) , he\u2019s horrified by what he\u2019s done . a drug dealer who\u2019s terrified of being found by the police , henry takes off , leaving nathalie \u2014 eight months pregnant and unconscious \u2014 lying in the street .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nsexton heads to the city dump where he thinks quietly until he slips and is caught under a refrigerator . a girl his age helps him get free , then offers to let him come to her apartment to clean up . introducing herself as didi , the girl takes sexton to her apartment , introducing him to mrs . robbins , the woman who operates the shop on the first floor . mrs . robbins tells sexton that didi has suffered a horrible tragedy recently , when her entire family was run down by an out - of - control car . sexton can ' t get over the fact that a girl who has suffered such a tragedy so recently can seem so happy .\nmad hettie arrives and finds her heart in the nesting doll . having missed the chance for death again , she leaves , trying to decide where to hide her heart again . didi speaks with unknown and unseen person , telling them that her one day on earth was worth it , having met some nice people . didi is clearly thinking of sexton , the boy she saved from an early death .\nagent : oh no . not at all . we just figured since most trailers give most of the movie away anyway , and people still go see it , we ' d literally give the entire movie away on itunes ( for a fee ) just to see if people still go see it in theaters .\nthe story of a young , pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident . as her life unravels , nathalie finds an unlikely protector in henry , a down and out guardian angel who has followed her thread . but henry is not quite the angel he seems . . .\nzach braff stars as henry , an expat american scraping by on an expired visa and his career as a prescription - drug dealer . while making his rounds one night , he takes a wrong turn on a one - way street and mows down a pregnant french - canadian named nathalie ( isabelle blais ) . henry flees . nathalie\u2019s baby is stillborn . both characters spiral into boozy depression . several implausible plot twists later , henry has assumed the role of kind stranger to the deeply distressed nathalie , who remains initially unaware of his role in the collision .\nmovies and tv shows are certified fresh with a steady tomatometer of 75 % or higher after a set amount of reviews ( 80 for wide - release movies , 40 for limited - release movies , 20 for tv shows ) , including 5 reviews from top critics .\nmovies often make too much of that truism , but surprisingly committed performances from actors like these can still make it feel like something meaningful .\nthe story of a young , pregnant woman whose world falls apart when she loses her child in a hit and run accident . as her life unravels , nathalie finds an unlikely protector in henry , a down . . . see full summary \u00bb\ntwo best friends challenge the wb to let them create a new sitcom - they ' re surprised when they ' re left to live on a sound stage and have their every move recorded while working on the project .\nsexton and didi spend a nice morning together , once again frustrating the eremite who cannot understand why no one recognizes death , and angry that despite having her ankh , he has no power over didi . the young couple head to central park where didi tells sexton that she had a nice day , then falls backwards into the fountain .\nchow and her actors are so gifted that this fragile situation escapes contrivance to become a poignant , romantic and deftly nuanced revelation of character and emotions .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nnow this is drama ! . . . just throws the most awful situation at her characters and watches them deal with it .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\nas their unlikely relationship develops , henry must work hard to conceal his real identity and keep the truth from ruining his new friendship .\nsexton at first thinks that didi is just being her eccentric self until the eremite arrives , angry that didi has escaped him again .\nagent : $ 100 and free lodging in the best motel canada has to offer , if you don ' t mind a roommate .\nknbs obtained the data from selected retail outlets in 25 data collection zones which are located in nairobi and in 13 other urban centres .\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\nsexton learns from mrs . robbins that didi was born with a heart defect and has been dying her entire life . he explains to billy that despite his earlier wish to die , he is now willing to wait for the chance to see didi again , and is happy that death is not just blackness , but something or someone . leaving the nesting doll with billy , sexton goes out to enjoy the day .\nas her live unravels , she stumbles across henry\u0097who has been searching for his victim . unaware of what he has done , nathalie sees him as an unlikely guardian angel , everything michel is not\u0097compassionate , charming and a little crazy . she finds a welcome relief in the tall , rumpled stranger that seems only too willing to offer her refuge .\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\ngood movie about humanity , suffering , and the need for redemption . this movie points out that life isn ' t all black and white , there is an area of gray that covers most human interaction . zach braff , and isabelle blais , do a fantastic job here . very moving film . a perfect , and fitting ending , too . . . .\nrules weren\u2019t meant to be broken when it comes to tv episode lengths , but these 10 examples \u2014 introduced on the very good tv podcast \u2014 are clear exceptions .\nan engaging movie about commingled grief and regret , well staged and captured by cinematographer claudine sauve in a manner that works with the material to effect a depressive , melancholic tone .\na tragedy brings together two strangers in this independent drama from canada . nathalie beauchamp ( isabelle blais ) and henry welles ( zach braff ) live just a few blocks away from one another in montreal , but they have precious little in common . nathalie is married to a wealthy man ( patrick labbe ) , has a fine home and is excited about the birth of her first . . . read more\nbut what if that secret wasn ' t a bet ? what if that secret was ,\nit was me who accidentally ran you over with my car , killing your fetus , and fled the scene , leaving you unconscious . and i just became friends with you because i felt guilty . but then i really fell in love with you , but i couldn ' t tell you that i killed your unborn daughter because i was afraid of losing you !\na film that more the likely you will not see in the theater unless you go to a film festival . this is one outstanding movie . henry is a drug dealer in canada , nathalie is a women in a relationship that comes to an end when she is about to have a baby and henry hits her with his car by accident . so stars a great love story with sad outcome . 5 stars for this one . 12 - 1 - 12\nwritten and directed by deborah chow ; director of photography , claudine sauv\u00e9 ; edited by jonathan alberts and benjamin duffield ; music by normand corbeil ; production design by susan macquarrie ; costumes by annie dufort ; produced by kimberley berlin and susan schneir ; released by tribeca film . running time : 1 hour 32 minutes . this film is not rated .\nagent : oh , no . not at all . the writer / director is playing it completely straight . i don ' t even think she realizes it ' s like every other romantic comedy ever made , only it ' s not funny , it ' s painfully slow , and it ' s deathly depressing . you ' d be playing a drug dealer who accidentally mows over a pregnant lady and kills her unborn child . . .\nmichael and jenna , having been a couple for three years , want to get married and start a family . these plans seem to be well on their way when jenna announces that she ' s pregnant . but . . . see full summary \u00bb\na struggling actor , father and husband finds himself at a major crossroads , which forces him to examine his life , his family and his career .\na quietly troubled young man returns home for his mother ' s funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade .\n: henry , i can ' t forgive you . . . just can ' t . . .\n: no . . . i know , i ' m not even asking you to . i just . . . i wanted to tell you that i ' m sorry .\nexplore popular sci - fi movies and tv shows available to stream with prime video .\njamey johnson and alison krauss sing\nseven spanish angels\nlive in washington d . c . in hd .\nhank williams , jr . -\ncountry boys can survive\n( official music video )\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\nan already iffy premise is badly served by a film that is tonally jarring .\noff - beat delivery and acting redeem this modestly budgeted\nredemption\nstory .\nurltoken no longer supports internet explorer 9 or earlier . please upgrade your browser .\nwith : zach braff ( henry ) , isabelle blais ( nathalie ) and patrick labb\u00e9 ( michel ) .\nwe\u2019re interested in your feedback on this page . tell us what you think .\naccessibility concerns ? email us at accessibility @ urltoken . we would love to hear from you .\nbased on a graphic novel by michel rabagliati , paul \u00e0 qu\u00e9bec takes place in 1999 , when paul ( l\u00e9tourneau ) , lucie ( le breton ) and their young daughter are enjoying a happy life in montreal , frequently visiting lucie\u2019s tight - knit , joyous family .\nmore tickets = more points = more movies on us ! rack up vip + points for every ticket you buy to score streaming movies and discounts on tickets and movie gear .\nget your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home , exclusive movie gear , access to advanced screenings and discounts galore .\ncollect bonus rewards from our many partners , including amc , stubs , cinemark connections , regal crown club when you link accounts .\nalso sign me up for fanmail to get updates on all things movies : tickets , special offers , screenings + more .\na hit - and - run driver ( zach braff ) causes a pregnant woman ( isabelle blais ) to lose her baby .\nreceive a free * exclusive ' jurassic world : fallen kingdom ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nhbo ' s new series sharp objects premieres july 8 and follows amy adams as camille . . .\nallison kugel joins comedian / actor / author d . l . hughley for a frank discussion about . . .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 tribute ent . media group last updated : july 9 , 2018\nhtml public ' - / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en ' ' urltoken '\nbraff : nope . just taking some time off . weighing my options . you got anything for me ?\nbraff : i ' m not sure there ' s a romantic gesture huge enough for that .\nagent : oh no . not at all . it ' s a straight romance .\na customer shopping at tuskys in nairobi on 10 / 04 / 2017 . / faith mutegi\nyear - on - year food inflation dropped from 21 . 52 per cent recorded in may 2017 to 15 . 81 per cent in june 2017\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nthis poorly plotted film concerns three middle - class suburbanites who turn to crime when faced with poverty . jane ( susan saint james ) , a divorcee , needs money for her kids ' expenses ; elaine ( jane curtin ) has been deserted by her husband and left without an income ; and louise ( jessica lange ) is no longer able to keep her fashionable but profitless antique . . . read more\na great movie with a great cast and a great story . this is a hilarious comedy , and i really liked it , and recommend seeing it ."]} {"id": 114560, "summary": [{"text": "romantic repertoire ( chinese : \u6c34\u9aee\u80ed\u8102 ; jyutping : seoi \u00b2 faat \u00b3 jin \u00b9 zi \u00b9 ; cantonese yale : s\u00e9ui faat y\u012bn j\u012b ; literally \" opera rouge \" ) is a 2015 hong kong romantic comedy television drama created and produced by tvb , starring moses chan and joyce koi as the main leads , with louise lee , evergreen mak , katy kung , and jason chan in main supporting roles .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "filming took place from june till september 2014 .", "topic": 6}, {"text": "the drama aired on hong kong 's jade and hd jade channels march 30 till april 24 , 2015 every monday through friday during its 8:30-9:30 pm timeslot with a total of 20 episodes .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "romantic repertoire is moses chan and joyce koi 's first collaboration in twelve years .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "the two first collaborated in tvb 's 2003 drama better halves ( \u91d1\u724c\u51b0\u4eba ) . ", "topic": 12}], "title": "romantic repertoire", "paragraphs": ["tvb\u2019s upcoming drama romantic repertoire < \u6c34\u9aee\u80ed\u8102 > will premiere on march 30 , replacing the timeslot currently occupied by young charioteers < \u885d\u7dda > .\nromantic repertoire ( ep . 1 - 21 ) ( end ) ( multi - audio ) ( english subtitled ) ( tvb drama ) ( us version )\ni think he wants to broaden his horizons of romantic repertoire , so it ' s probably not the best idea just to state famous , or even overplayed works .\ncustomers who bought\nromantic repertoire ( ep . 1 - 21 ) ( end ) ( multi - audio ) ( english subtitled ) ( tvb drama ) ( us version )\nalso bought\nmost show songs that won popularity in the years between the two world wars were about romantic love .\nrodgers proved to be equally adept in both classic and romantic repertoire , save for an occasional tendency to slow her vibrato to less than an optimum rate . she shows considerable potential ; large voices such as hers are comparatively rare .\nschumann is a key figure in the romantic movement ; none investigated the romantic\u2019s obsession with feeling and passion quite so thoroughly as him . schumann died insane , but then some psychologists argue that madness is a necessary attribute of genius .\nthe arch - romantic composer , berlioz\u2019s life was all you\u2019d expect \u2013 by turn turbulent and passionate , ecstatic and melancholic .\nearly in his career schoenberg wrote one of the outstanding chamber works of the late romantic period : \u201cverkl\u00e4rte nacht\u201d ( transfigured night ) , op . 4 ( 1899 ) , for string sextet . together with tchaikovsky\u2019s \u201csouvenir de florence , \u201d it is the finest sextet in the repertoire .\nthe romantic period was one of the most innovative in music history , characterised by lyrical melodies , rich harmonies , and emotive expression .\nsaux is a \u2018grand - pupil\u2019 of c\u00e9sar franck and a student of vincent d\u2019indy and thus deeply rooted in the french late romantic tradition .\nvocal cycle ) . however , to - date , not a single work by the \u2018fiery romantic\u2019 , has been staged at the theatre .\nlin\u2019s album showcases some of the finest gems of the classical romantic period . opening with the effortlessly sweet melodies of manuel ponce and jascha heifetz\u2019s estrellita and concluding with the virtuosic carmen fantasy by pablo sarasate , romantic journey offers a taste of an entire generation of music in just 60 brief minutes .\nhaydn wrote sixty - eight string quartets , far more than any other of the great composers . the forty - four listed above lie at the foundation of the quartet repertoire .\nyesasia : romantic repertoire ( ep . 1 - 21 ) ( end ) ( multi - audio ) ( english subtitled ) ( tvb drama ) ( us version ) dvd - louise lee sze kei , moses chan , u media group ( us ) - hong kong tv series & dramas - free shipping - north america site\n\u201chaoli lin\u2019s repertoire presents the meat and potatoes of old - time violin recitals with refreshing naturalness and grace , \u201d critic maxham wrote in his review of the album for fanfare magazine .\nessential and demanding concertante pieces from the csakan repertoire . the lost piano part , lost until the year 2016 , was reconstructed by the editor in accordance with the style of the period .\nlegendary conductor and music educator richard gill ao and the australian romantic & classical orchestra are on a voyage of musical discovery , designed especially for high school music students . in collaboration with some of australia\u2019s finest ensembles , including the world according to james , ensemble offspring , and camerata antica , we are proud to present a series of three concerts in which richard gill will lead students through the music of past and present , exploring new australian music , ancient music , and jazz alongside classical and romantic repertoire on period instruments .\nthe new emphasis on this kind of romantic love accompanied the rise of individualism and by the end of world war i , songwriters were absorbing this spirit of individualism .\nthe local professional orchestras make a substantial contribution to the programme , beginning on 8 may with the concert the macao orchestra and cho - liang lin ( mccga ) . the orchestra , led by l\u00fc jia , along with international superstar violinist cho - liang lin ravish the public with prokofiev\u2019s masterful violin concerto no . 2 . mr . lin\u2019s interpretation of this work is widely regarded as the \u201cmost authoritative\u201d . the orchestra continues its chamber music series , performing romantic evening on 17 may ( dom pedro v theatre ) , a concert dedicated to the romantic repertoire .\nartiste , evergreen mak ( \u9ea5\u9577\u9752 ) attended the promotion campaign for new series , romantic repertoire ( \u6c34\u9aee\u80ed\u8102 ) and when asked about the rumours of himself in debts , he clarified he did not borrow any money at all . when the reporters asked if aimee chan was involved , evergreen said :\ni am doing as what i am told . the decision lies with the boss .\nartiste , moses chan ( \u9673\u8c6a ) attended the promotion campaign for new series , romantic repertoire ( \u6c34\u9aee\u80ed\u8102 ) and when asked if his wife , aimee chan ( \u9673\u8335\u5aba ) was involved in evergreen mak ' s ( \u9ea5\u9577\u9752 ) investment , he said :\ni did not hear it before . i know evergreen through filming series and had no idea that he made many plans . haha .\nit is true that both traditional recorders and their more recently developed standardized counterparts such as the english flageolet , the french flageolet and the viennese csakan were played throughout the classical and romantic period . to date , only few pieces of the extensive nineteenth century and partly of the twentieth century repertoire for these instruments have become available in new editions . the following list is intended to give some guidance . to start with , there is the original music of the late baroque period , which shows some elements of the \u2018sensitive - \u2019 and classical styles . these are followed by the new editions of the viennese classical period , the biedermeier period , the french romantic , and the english post - romantic period . later works from the impressionistic and expressionistic periods have not been taken into account .\nunique in the chamber music repertoire , this is a musically attractive quartet beyond amateur level . the original part for csakan has been supplemented with a transposed part for the recorder that is also suitable for playing on the flute .\n- joyce will play a cantonese opera artiste in a young scholar role . she will sing cantonese opera , and she will use her personal costumes . she has a romantic storyline with moses .\nwhen discussing the standard repertory for his instrument , lin praises that of the romantic era as the most affective and emotionally persuasive . lin invites listeners to \u201csit back and enjoy the journey\u201d in a\nhighly romantic , pompous trio in best piano trio tradition . trio in d - minor for alto ( treble ) recorder , violoncello & piano . aka 3 . 731 ( published 1996 ) .\none of the best works for this instrumentation , in late romantic - viennese style . however , the choice of harpsichord as accompaniment appears dubious \u2013 the part is better suited to a piano .\n\u201cberlioz is one of my favorite composers . had it not been for him , we would not know that romantic \u2013 and not only romantic \u2013 music we love today . berlioz\u2019s influence on the entire future development of music ( ravel and debussy included ) , its stylistics and expressive means , is impossible to overstate . and berlioz was virtually a contemporary of beethoven\u2019s ( he began to write\nwe\u00f4\u00e7\u00f6ve been training and promoting talented singers into the wagnerian repertoire for decades . sign up for our free monthly newsletter , find out how we work and then join us to become part of the great british tradition of supporting world - class performers .\nthe music of the polish composer fryderyk chopin is at the heart of the romantic repertoire . favouring delicacy of nuance , coupled with a considerable technical facility in his own playing rather than the bravura of contemporaries like liszt , he was to extend the range of piano music in his own way and in his own instantly recognizable idiom , of which the e flat nocturne , written at the time when he was leaving his native country to settle in paris , is a well known example .\ni am often asked whether there is any classical and romantic repertoire for the recorder . yes , of course there is \u2013 quite a lot in fact . but who are the composers , what are the pieces called , and where have they been published ? in order to make your search as easy as possible i have compiled a list of works , in chronological order , that are currently available . here it is , downloadable and free for everyone . i hope you enjoy playing these pieces .\nour composer timelines page has composer timeline digrams for the medieval , renaissance , baroque , classical , romantic and modern periods , plus a full listing ( with links and references ) of all the 600 + composers included on the diagrams .\nnorina spends her morning reading romantic novels and imagining herself as a heroine , when she is delivered a message from ernesto . he bids his farewell as he is going to leave the country . the woman\u2019s plans to marry him are ruined .\nlensky , a young poet engaged to olga , arrives with a friend from st . petersburg . he introduces onegin , who , bored with the city , has come to see if the country can offer him any distraction . tatiana , full of youthful and romantic fantasies , falls in love with the elegant stranger , so different from the country people she knows . onegin , on the other hand , sees in tatiana only a naive country girl who reads too many romantic novels .\nlouise lee ' s ( \u674e\u53f8\u68cb ) contract with tvb had already ended . she attended the promotion activity for new series , romantic repertoire ( \u6c34\u9aee\u80ed\u8102 ) and expressed that her relationship with the company remained good . louise disclosed her contract ended on 8 december 2014 and when asked if she was planning for retirement , she said :\nnope . i will accept any assignments if suitable for me .\nlouisa worked in tvb for 47 years and said :\ni have not received gold award yet but did get lifetime achievement award though .\nlisten to the melodious romantic song sara pyaar tumhara from the classic bollywood romantic movie anand ashram ( 1977 ) starring uttam kumar & sharmila tagore . directed & produced by shakti samanta . music by shyamal mitra . this song is sung by asha bhosle & kishore kumar . the film also stars rakesh roshan & moushmi chatterjee . subscribe and stay tuned - urltoken find us on google plus : urltoken follow us on pinterest : urltoken like and share your favorite videos on facebook : urltoken follow us on twitter : urltoken\ndifficult piece for both players in late romantic style . praeludium , adagio and chorale on \u2018ach wie fl\u00fcchtig , ach wie nichtig . . . \u2018 for alto ( treble ) recorder and piano . aka - musikverlag aka 3 . 722 ( published 1995 ) .\nwhat do you guys deem essential for a pianist focused almost solely on romanticism music as the\nneed to have\nrepertoire ? from chopin , schumann , brahms , schubert , rachmaninoff , liszt etc ? i would like pieces hard and easy , and basically pieces that are definately worth learning and having under my belt . /\nfew composers command such universal love as chopin ; even fewer still have such a high proportion of all their music in the active repertoire . yet he is the only great composer who wrote no symphonies , operas , ballets or choral works . his chief claim to immortality relies not on large scale works but on miniature forms .\ncan\u2019t imagine joyce koi in romantic role . she is like she - man . always playing male parts . goosebumps for the men in this drama . why is moses even entertaining tvb by taking this terrible role ? any actress is more feminine and better than joyce . yuck !\nrichard gill presents - a voyage of musical discovery promises to become an invaluable addition to current music education in australia . this extraordinary voyage can be extended via special discount rates to the acclaimed australian romantic & classical orchestra subscription concerts , which are presented to coincide with the education series .\nnew york\u2014the ability to interpret familiar , standard repertoire with such freshness , nuance , and originality that audiences listen with rapt concentration\u2014erupting at the end with cheers\u2014is a rare gift . it cannot be taught . it stems from the performers\u2019 innate musicality , tireless self - study , and capability to express deep emotional involvement with the works they are playing .\nthree movement concertante piece : first movement in sonata form , solemn middle movement and mozartian rondo . nice piano part with soloistic sections . a good example of high - quality music for the csakan music of the early romantic period , comparable to works by carl maria von weber for other woodwind instruments .\nwith the repertoire in your signiature there really isn ' t that much liszt that would be appropriate - and what is is doesn ' t have that ' germanic virtuosity . ' there are numerous more restrained works , like the consolations , pieces from the weihnachtsbaum , and the funf klavierstucke that would be manageable for you , though . here are some suggestions :\nthe fifth volume of romantic piano pieces covers a relatively wide range of well known music , some of it popular rather than romantic in any strict sense . the age of the piano began in the nineteenth century , although a form of pianoforte had been developed much earlier . technical changes , however , and changes in society , made the piano the favourite instrument of a growing middle class . there was an enormous demand for piano teachers and for piano music suitable for domestic performance by the ambitious . until recently , indeed , learning music , in england at least , has been synonymous with learning the piano .\nessential and demanding concertante pieces from the csakan repertoire . the lost piano part , lost until the year 2016 , was reconstructed by the editor in accordance with the style of the period . rondo la tyrolienne op . 35 for soprano ( descant ) recorder and piano ( 1837 ) . editor : p . adams , dolce editions dol 205 ( published 1989 ) .\nthe great composers of this period were carl philipp emmanuel bach , johann christian bach , johann stamitz , franz joseph haydn , wolfgang amadeus mozart , luigi boccherini and christoph von gluck with others such as franz schubert and especially ludwig van beethoven being seen as transitional and indeed instrumental in bringing about the romantic period .\ngood quartets were written in france , england , scandinavia , and italy during the romantic period . their composers are not among my own favorites , but i list them here for those who enjoy the composers\u2019 other works . if you like the symphonies , operas , or oratorios , you\u2019ll no doubt like the quartets .\ncomposer , teacher , abb\u00e9 , casanova , writer , sage , pioneer and champion of new music , philanthropist , philosopher and one of the greatest pianists in history , liszt was the very embodiment of the romantic spirit . he worked in every field of music except ballet and opera and to each field he contributed a significant development .\naria had been ) and eventually learned to seek sound dramatic situations in the libretti he set . his devotion to the dramatic baritone voice type ( he frequently used it in leading roles ) did much to popularize its use . verdi wrote little for the lyric voice , and it was his creation of a basic repertoire for the dramatic voice that was his most important contribution to singing . the opera\nimportant collection of studies from the romantic period , very difficult ; in the new edition some studies have been made more accessible by transposition . the compendium for studies in difficult keys par excellence . r\u00e9cr\u00e9ations & \u00e9tudes for alto recorder solo ( 1857 ) . editor : n . tarasov , friedrich hofmeister musikverlag fh 2805 ( published 2002 ) .\nfl\u00f6tenb\u00fcchlein f\u00fcr klaus ( flute book for klaus ) , for recorder in c and piano ( 1950 ) . b\u00e4renreiter 1427 ( published 1951 ) . easy , short and beautiful character pieces for beginners on the recorder in slightly increasing level of difficulty . especially the piece\nschwebender klang\n(\nfloating sound\n) with its romantic gesture is a remarkable miniature .\n\u201cit is often claimed that modern ears , even after decades of acclimation to increasingly modern and harmonically dissonant music , still find their home in the sounds of romanticism . the emotional and sentimental qualities of romantic music , combined with its inherent virtuosity and brilliance , create an undeniable beauty of expression that few can resist . the violin , with its enormous palette of sounds , was a preferred solo instrumental voice of many romantic composers due to its capability to convey character ranging from the sweetest of lyrical singing tone to full - throated aggressive power . it is my hope that this recording elicits in the listener the same wide range of emotions that these pieces have evoked in me since my childhood . sit back and enjoy the journey . \u201d\nmazurka for soprano and alto recorder & piano . edition schott 10801 , rms 1128 ( published 1963 ) . in romantic , chopin - esque style , not difficult . viennese waltz for soprano and alto recorder & piano . edition schott 10791 , rms 1120 ( published 1963 ) . barcarole and berceuse for soprano ( descant ) recorder & piano . schott ed 10770 ( published 1962 ) .\nas well as beethoven and schubert , composers of the romantic period include frederic chopin , felix mendelssohn , hector berlioz , johannes brahms , edvard grieg , antonin dvorak , robert schumann , georges bizet , giuseppe verdi , richard wagner , franz liszt , pyotr tchaikovsky , anton bruckner , camille saint - saens , gustav mahler , erik satie , claude debussy , modest mussorgsky and sergei rachmaninoff .\nquintette pour fl\u00fbte \u00e0 bec ( ou fl\u00fbte ) , 2 violons , violoncelle et clavecin ( 1988 ) . edition schott ; facsimile - score ed 7644 , parts ed 7658 ( published 1990 ) . demanding , quarter - hour chamber music in the french post - romantic style and barely extended harmonic structure . the alto recorder\u2019s part should be played on an instrument with a strong low register .\njust as the protracted and philosophically overladen german style appeared to be afraid of not saying enough , debussy , as the proponent of the french style , appeared afraid of saying too much . but the artistic ambiguities thus created can draw out the imagination of the listener in a most effective way . debussy ' s impressionism was short lived , though it made a much needed contribution to the lyric voice repertoire and was an elegant and inspired alternative to the harsh dramatic glare of the\ntatiana and olga try to reason with lensky but his high romantic ideals are shattered by the betrayal of his friend and the fickleness of his beloved ; he insists that the duel take place . onegin kills his friend and for the first time his cold heart is moved by the horror of his deed . tatiana realizes that her love was an illusion and that onegin is self - centred and empty .\ntwo liszt opera transcriptions for solo piano were offered at carnegie , one of verdi , the other of wagner . liszt\u2019s \u201c\u2018rigoletto\u2019 paraphrase\u201d is a compendium of every device in the arsenal of romantic piano technique . rowel friers almost succeeded in simulating a stageful of singers and an orchestra in the pit , to boot ! playing with unashamedly virtuoso flair , he concluded in a blizzard of octaves and stentorian sonorities .\nthe german - born hindemith ( who emigrated in 1940 to switzerland and the united states ) was a professional quartet player , both as a violist and second violinist , and also a neo - classical theorist . only some of his music deserves its reputation for a too - cold formalism . the third quartet , which combines elegant string - writing and late - romantic chromaticism , is a beautiful piece .\nyu opera , also called\nhenan bangzi opera\nor\nhenan high tune ,\nis a major local opera in henan province and enjoys nationwide popularity . there are four styles in yu opera . and it is noted for its demanding melodies , strong rhythms and intensive use of spoken language . it is also famous for its straightforward performance and strong local flavor . there are more than 600 traditional plays in the repertoire of yu opera . chang xiangyu is the best known actress of this opera .\nmozart\u2019s lovely , lyrical piano concerto no . 12 in a major , k . 414 , is one of his earliest piano concertos in the active repertoire . kevin zhu , 11 years old , played the first movement at a relaxed tempo and with style and poise . his was a joyous interpretation that captured the playfulness of the downward appoggiaturas in the opening theme , while also conveying the work\u2019s occasional forays into neo - baroque solemnity . zhu\u2019s phrasing , dynamics , and crisp articulation effectively projected the concerto\u2019s many beauties .\nkaty kung ( \u9f94\u5609\u6b23 ) joins the cast as louise lee\u2019s daughter , and will share a romantic story line with jason chan ( \u9673\u667a\u71ca ) . she recently dislocated her shoulder joint due to her sleeping position , and kept her right arm extra stiff at the event . luckily , good friend and roommate elaine yiu ( \u59da\u5b50\u7f9a ) is there to bandage her arm and assist with her daily needs , allowing katy peace of mind as she recovers .\nchopin : any of the ballades or scherzi , the grande polonaise brilliante , sonata 2 schumann : sonata 2 , anything from fantasiestucke , kinderzehen brahms : any of the rhapsodies , intermezzo 2 schubert : i wouldn ' t consider him romantic , but , the wanderer fantasie , sonata in a major . rachmaninoff : prelude in g minor , musical moment in b flat minor , concerto 2 , liszt : hungarian rhapsody 2 , liebestraum , la campanella ,\nconcertante piece in the style of a serenade , highly romantic , showing influences by reger and richard strauss , as well as some atmospheric , modal elements from scottish folk music . exposed melodic part . quartettino op . 78 for ssat or ssab . universal edition u . e . 12622 l ( published 1960 ) . 4 bagatellen op . 110a for alto recorder solo , from : pieces for solo recorder , vol . 1 . forsyth ( published 1988 ) .\ni will not attempt to list here a selection of the many works for string quartet that have been written in an atonal or an almost - atonal style . few have managed to enter the permanent concert repertoire , and it is hard to say which will ever do so ; my own guess would be , \u201cnot many . \u201d the american ned rorem and the russian alfred schnittke , each of whom have written four string quartets , are exceptions . yet more important are the works of elliott carter , who belongs in any history of the string quartet .\nclaude debussy , a pianist of ability , if never the virtuoso he had once hoped to become , was relatively late in developing his own characteristically poetic piano style . the two arabesques , of which the g major is the second , are early works , written between 1888 and 1891 , are well known , and were to become an established part of contemporary domestic repertoire . debussy ' s later piano music increases in complexity and in its evocative content from about 1905 , with the publication of the first set of images and the revision of the suite bergamasque .\nwhen played with the right balance of delicacy and fury , mendelssohn\u2019s sizzling string octet , for four violins , two violas , and two cellos , opus 20 , in e flat ( 1825 ) , brings audiences to their feet . to write a true full - length eight - voice piece for strings is basically impossible , but mendelssohn , at sixteen , did not know that . no one else among the great composers has managed it . 88 with it , mendelssohn became , and still is , the youngest composer to write a work that remains in the classical repertoire .\nlured by the evil genius , siegfried finds himself on the banks of a mysterious lake . in the shimmering patches of moonlight on the water , visions of bewitched swan maidens rise up before him . siegfried catches sight of odette , the most beautiful of the maidens . he is spell - bound , deeply struck by her beauty . at long last , he has found his romantic ideal of love . he swears to odette that he will love her foreverand be faithful to her .\nlike his countryman smetana , the czech composer leos jan\u00e1cek w rote autobiographical quartets . both these pieces expressed his autumnal , unfulfilled love for another man\u2019s wife . as befitting the quartets of a great opera composer , jan\u00e1cek\u2019s string voices seem to be conversing throughout . these beautiful works present romantic storytelling in twentieth - century sound . fortunately , now that czech ensembles are bringing their great quartet tradition to western audiences , jan\u00e1cek\u2019s masterpieces have caught on among north american performers and are programmed fairly often .\ntradition , continuity and an impressive repertoire : these are the solid pillars supporting the bayerische staatsoper \u2013 one of the world\u2019s leading opera houses . it can look back proudly on a cultural history of over 350 years . thanks to a court tradition , opera found a home in munich in 1653 ; since then its music - historical and sociopolitical development has continued in a way unparalleled anywhere else , worldwide . the bayerische staatsoper , with some 600 , 000 persons attending its over 450 performances each year , makes a major contribution to munich\u2019s reputation as one of the great international cultural capitals .\nwhat distinguishes the syncretists is their attempt , in one way or another , to combine the various discoveries of modernism with the communicative power of romanticism . they want the classical audience back , but at the same time they don\u2019t want to abandon all of modernism\u2019s aesthetic advances . they are unwilling to return to the straightforward scales , keys , and harmonies of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , but in other ways they have embraced the romantic aesthetic \u2014 its direct appeals to emotion , its story - telling , its dramatic journeys , its philosophical meditations .\nthe fifteenth returns to straightforward tonality and thus is as easily approachable as the middle quartets . but it does not sound like they do . its textures are bare , full of silences in one or another of the instruments ; its mood is grief . the piece is unique in the quartet repertoire in consisting of five slow movements . the dark key , e flat minor , one of the most awkward of keys for string players , was perhaps chosen in honor of tchaikovsky\u2019s last quartet in the same key . both quartets seem to mourn the tragedies of their composers\u2019 own lives , and , for the listener , to commemorate the ineluctable sorrows of the human condition .\nfirst complete edition of kraehmer\u2019s concertante work op . 24 in a modern edition with critical commentary . the first set of variations is based on a waltz theme , the second on a more serious , mozartian theme , the third on a theme with alpine motifs . the composition has clear and exact phrasing and dynamic markings and is therefore a very good example for the performance of early romantic recorder music . two original themes with variations , op . 24 , for solo recorder ( 1830 ) . editor : p . adams , dolce editions dol 215 ( published 1993 ) .\nthe plot of carl maria von weber ' s romantic elfin opera , first performed at london ' s covent garden in 1826 , is quite startling . when oberon , king of the fairies quarrels with his queen titania , it is the humans , of all creatures , who are called upon to solve the problem . titania will only consider reconciliation , on the condition that a human couple affirm their love within a life or death scenario . oberon ' s servant puck already has somebody in mind \u2013 the crusader h\u00fcon of bordeaux , who is in love with rezia , daughter of the calif .\nmendelssohn himself had encouraged schumann by arranging performances of his work in leipzig with the gewandhaus orchestra , which he directed . a man of diverse talents , sociable and broadly educated , he retained an element of classicism in his work , an ability to use again old forms , coupled with an economy of means , while nevertheless providing music of contemporary romantic appeal . the venetian boat song included here , not the only one he wrote , appeared in the second volume of his genre pieces , songs without words , graceful vignettes calculated to bring a blush of delight to the cheeks of any young person .\nwagner ' s coeval and italian counterpart , giuseppe verdi ( 1813 - 1901 ) , inherited the mantle of italian romantic opera from his predecessors and sustained it , almost single - handedly , for over half a century . his ideas , like wagner ' s , developed and changed during that span , but essentially he remained bound to the traditional number ( unitized ) format of opera , the idea of the vocal artist as the primary protagonist of the drama , and the accompaniment function of the orchestra . only in his final works did he abandon the number opera system and employ the continuous music mode of his german rival .\nit was the demands of the church that required a musical notation , and so the earliest written music was largely church music . the plainchant of this time was still unaccompanied , but new developments were starting to appear . the singing might alternate between two parts for solo singers or choirs , or two parts might be sung together in a style called organum . in early organum a second part simply followed the main part at a fixed interval so that the two parts moved in parallel . later the supporting parts became more independent of the main one and this freedom led to early forms of harmony . outside of the church ' s influence , minstrels and troubadours were entertaining in the castles of europe , with music and song a key part of their unwritten repertoire .\nof schubert\u2019s fifteen quartets , these last three are the masterpieces . no . 14 , in d minor , is by far the most often performed \u2014 in fact , too often ; it is one of the very few quartets that has attained the status of warhorse . nevertheless , it is a great work . schubert\u2019s quartets were the first to build on beethoven\u2019s romantic foundations , but in one sense they resemble mozart\u2019s : their composer thought primarily in terms of a singable line . the second movement of the \u201cdeath and the maiden\u201d quartet consists of variations on schubert\u2019s song of that name . the quartet\u2019s companion piece , in a minor , is its equal , though it is programmed and recorded much less frequently .\nthe romantic era was another period of rapid evolution in music . from the foundations laid down by the classical masters , composers were now composing from the heart . the fact that composers were no longer employees but independent meant that they could follow their own direction , composing music that pleased themselves . of course composers still had to live so they accepted commissions , made deals with publishing houses , composed music with commercial value , and promoted their own music through concerts across europe and other parts of the world . many composers of the time were also very skilled performers or conductors and would therefore go on tour with their new works . thus composers were among the celebrities of the time , and there a degree of showmanship involved with ever longer and more elaborate works played by huge orchestras and choirs .\ninterior designer moon shing - hong ( moses chan ) and his wealthy good friend tin hak - kan ( mak cheung ching ) open up a design partnership company . in order to establish an ideal and happy family with his girlfriend to tsz - tsin ( oceane zhu ) , shing - hong bought a property and is now waiting for tsz - tsin & apos ; s return from studying abroad . unexpectedly , shing - hong & apos ; s elder sister , moon shing - oi ( lo yuen yan ) , has already leased the property out to the most sought - after cantonese opera artiste , kan kit ( joyce koi ) , without his consent . failing to rescind the contract , shing - hong tries to drive away kan kit at all cost . to his surprise , kan kit & apos ; s agent lin sau - fong ( louise lee ) is despotic and indifferent and she refuses to give in , which puts shing - hong at his wit & apos ; s end . since then , the two parties have been at daggers drawn . but the situation changes in significant ways when hak - kan out of the blue starts courting kan kit . having had a deeper understanding of kan kit , shing - hong manages to help hak - kan and kan kit get engaged . because of that , shing - hong and kan kit not only bury the hatchet but also develop a subtle rapport with each other . shortly afterwards , kan kit suddenly has a traffic accident , following which she even finds her biological mother ; whereas hak - kan also calls off the engagement . on top of that , it turns out that tsz - tsin returned to hong kong a long time ago and became a two - timer . . . . . . change will always happen no matter what you plan . so the question is whether life is like a repertoire or a repertoire reflects life .\nwhile classical music became more elite , popular music ( which had been around for centuries ) found a new mass audience , with the advent of recordings , radio and television . these new media had an insatiable demand for music , and film music in particular required much original music and recruited composers educated in the classical traditions . popular music in turn had a strong influence on serious music , and jazz and other ideas became incorporated into the concert repertoire . the same electricity which powered the new media , also fuelled new gadgets for amplification and powered new instruments such as the electric guitar and synthesisers . more recently it has become possible to create and manipulate sound solely within computers , in a similar way to their use for creating graphics and animations for those same media . with all these developments music is much more accessible around the world , and as styles and techniques are invented , re - invented and combined this in turn stimulates further invention and discovery .\nif the romantic period saw the start of some fragmentation into different schools , this trend continued and accelerated into the modern era . there were those who continued to develop older traditions : the neo - classicists , the late romantics and the impressionist schools still prevailed , and those who took a new path with atonal music , serialism and later with experimental and minimalist music . some composers created thematic material which could hardly be called\nmelodies\n, introducing dissonant intervals and different scales , and unusual rhythms and cross - rhythms were explored . there were composers , considered extreme by some audiences , who used traditional instruments in unconventional ways , overturned principles previously considered fundamental , and questioned the roles of composer , musician and listener . experimental composers used randomisation techniques , or gave unusual instructions which might not include any conventional musical notation at all .\nto my ears , the best introduction to beethoven\u2019s quartets is not the group of early quartets , the six of opus 18 , which are overshadowed by haydn\u2019s opus 76 and 77 . begin instead with the first of the three razumovsky quartets , opus 59 no . 1 , in f major . the cello melody in the first few measures swings open the door to the romantic century . once you are hooked by this piece , which charms the heart while it is busy demolishing what music had been before it , turn to its emotional opposite , intense and mysterious , the opus 59 no . 2 , in e minor . listen your way through the difficult opus 59 no . 3 , in c major , then the delightful \u201charp\u201d quartet , so called because of the pizzicato arpeggios in the first movement , and finally the violent \u201cserioso . \u201d these five are the \u201cmiddle quartets\u201d and are often recorded together for cd albums .\nthe title of willie nelson ' s solo debut on blue note records , american classic , refers as much to the man himself as to the storied tin pan alley repertoire he explores on this elegant new set . while its common now for mature pop artists to attempt to put their own stamp on the american songbook , nelson practically invented the approach . he set the standard for , well , playing the standards more than thirty years ago with stardust , perhaps this outlaw entertainers most daring move , an album that many industry pundits thought would get him laughed off the charts and out of the biz . instead , the booker t . jones - produced stardust which showcased material from the gershwins , duke ellington , hoagy carmichael and kurt weill , among others , in spare , easy - going arrangements became the most successful album of his career thus far . it reached # 1 on the billboards country albums chart ; racked up more than five million in sales ; earned nelson a country male vocal performance grammy ; and , most significantly , helped to transform a colorful , middle - aged cult figure into a mainstream star .\nthe theatrical tendency was to portray a widening range of emotion and dramatic situation . though such writing called for ever stronger musical treatment , the early romantic composers had not clearly broken with the long held concept that music had to be pleasant to be good . wagner turned this corner . his advanced chromaticism and delay in resolving suspensions resulted in harmonies that were audacious for the time . he frequently approached the boundaries of tonality and , even today , with our dissonance - jaded ears , we can find sounds in wagner that cannot be called pleasant . his successors would go still further in this direction to be sure , but it was wagner who saw that dramatic music needed to be free to portray a complete range of situation , the vile and unspeakable as well as the divine and transcendental . henceforth , music would express a widening gamut of emotion , and singers would need the requisite aural and musical skills to deal with complex musical structure and dissonant harmonic surroundings . as a measure of where we have come since then , it might be noted that in vienna , in 1863 , the premiere of\nmuch of the repertoire , nelson explains , was picked by tommy and joe .\nthey came to the house and we sat around and talked about songs , like ' the nearness of you ' and ' angel eyes , ' which is one of my favorite jazz standards . we talked about a lot of great standards . the vintage tunes they chose ,\nsays nelson ,\nare of the same quality as stardust , but we did them a little differently . tommy put together the band , with guys like joe , who ' s an incredible musician and arranger . stardust was recorded with my band , but this was done with musicians who were coming , musically , from another place . you can ' t beat the players you have on this one , they ' re as good as they get .\nthe key to the project ,\nnotes lipuma ,\nwas that we all realized how much we loved bob wills and the texas playboys . that brought us all together . i was a big fan of wills , as was joe ; willie , of course , was a huge fan , as well as a huge fan of django reinhardt . so after we chose the songs and got the keys and all that stuff , we left a day or so to figure out what made the most sense as far as willie was concerned , what willie felt the most comfortable with . we ended up with a django / bob wills feel to the arrangements and willie fell right into it . ' the nearness of you ' was one of the first things that jumped right out , and from there we ended up doing about 16 or 17 tracks , then knocking it down to the ones we put on the album .\nexecutive producer : li yan fang scriptwriter : siu lai king / huang yu de interior designer moon shing - hong ( moses chan ) and his wealthy good friend tin hak - kan ( mak cheung ching ) open up a design partnership company . in order to establish an ideal and happy family with his girlfriend to tsz - tsin ( oceane zhu ) , shing - hong bought a property and is now waiting for tsz - tain\u2019s return from studying abroad . unexpectedly , shing - hong\u2019s elder sister , moon shing - oi ( lo yeuen yan ) , has already leased the property out to the most sought - after cantonese opera artiste , kan kit ( joyce koi ) , without his consent . failing to rescind the contract , shing - hong tries to drive away kan kit at all cost . to his surprise , kan kit\u2019s agent lin sau - fong ( louise lee ) is despotic and indifferent and she refuses to give in , which puts shing - hong at his wit\u2019s end . since then , the two parties have been at daggers drawn . but the situation changes in significant ways when hak - kan out of the blue starts courting kan kit . having had a deeper understanding of kan kit , shing - hong manages to help hak - kan and kan kit get engaged . because of that , shing - hong and kan kit not oly bury the hatchet but also develop a subtle rapport with each other . shortly afterwards , kan kit suddenly has a traffic accident , following which she even finds her biological mother ; whereas hak - kan also calls off the engagement . on top of that , it turns out that tsz - tsin returned to hong kong a long time ago and became a two timer\u2026 change will always happen no matter what you plan . so the question is whether life is like a repertorie or a repertoire reflects life .\nencouraging nelson to record stardust was bruce lundvall , now blue note ' s head , who had the prescience to sign nelson to columbia in the 70s and , thirty years later , offer him a home at blue note . nelsons first effort for the label was his acclaimed 2008 collaboration with wynton marsalis , two men with the blues , a spirited live set that debuted at # 20 on the billboard pop chart ( nelsons highest charting since always on my mind hit # 2 in 1982 ) . fans around the world know that the adventurous nelson can sing just about anything and with just about anyone he pleases . as he sees it ,\nthe more songs you know , the more musicians you listen to , the more writers you hear , the better equipped you are to decide where you want to go next . thats why i want to listen to everyone and everything and then decide which way i want to go . then , of course , i might change my mind and go in an entirely different direction . but at least i have all these options .\non american classic , he ' s joined , on vocals and piano , by diana krall in an intimate rendition of\nif i had you\nthat feels more like pillow talk than mere wishful thinking . (\nit came off so well she ' s so smooth and her piano playing is the best ,\npraises nelson . ) he also duets with norah jones , countering playful protestations with romantic persuasion on frank loesser ' s\nbaby its cold outside .\n(\nthat particular song has a lot of meaning for me ,\nnelson admits ,\nand its obvious that i enjoy singing with her .\n) backing musicians include such notable jazzmen as pianist joe sample , bassist christian mcbride , krall guitarist anthony wilson , and drummer lewis nash ; nelson ' s longtime sidekick mickey raphael , his memorable co - star on two men with the blues , plays harmonica , adding evocative , bluesy inflections to angel eyes and since i fell for you .\ninterior designer moses chan and wealthy heir evergreen mak open a design company together . looking to start a family with his girlfriend oceane zhu , moses has already bought a home and is just waiting for her to finish her education abroad . however , his sister angelina lo rents out the property to joyce koi , a well - known opera performer , without his permission . unable to cancel the rental agreement , moses looks for ways to drive joyce away , but her manager , louise lee , stands firm . the two sides are at war with each other until evergreen suddenly decides to pursue joyce . in order to help evergreen win her heart , moses must get to know her better . in the process , they become friends and even develop a subtle bond . soon after , joyce is involved in a car accident and reunites with her biological mother , evergreen cancels the wedding , and oceane is discovered to have returned to hong kong already but with another boyfriend . . . plan usually cannot catch up to changes . is life like a play or does a play reflect reality ?\nlet me guess , joyce ' s long - lost mother will be . . . mary hon ?\nwu zetian ( rebecca chan in the greatness of a hero ) is the mother of emperor zhongzong ( raymond cho in the greatness of a hero ) , empero . . .\nyou currently have javascript disabled . several functions may not work . please re - enable javascript to access full functionality .\nthis topic has been archived . this means that you cannot reply to this topic .\n- the theme of this series is on cantonese opera . the genre is lighthearted and is similar to a sitcom .\n- moses chan will play an interior designer . he and joyce koi are a bickering pair .\n- katy kung will play an interior designer . she is louise lee ' s daughter . she and jason chan are a couple .\n- gary chan will play a senior sales associate . he frequently clashes with moses at work . in the end , he wants to leave the company , but is asked to stay because of his good work performance .\nkaty , wayne , joyce http : / / ww1 . sinaimg . c . . . j20ci09e750 . jpg wayne , joyce http : / / ihktv . qiniudn . . . 0 / 101452rbt . jpg http : / / static . apple . . . . rge / 08ec9p2 . jpg\nopera rouge sales presentation clip urltoken katy finally 2nd female lead , happy for her , hope it doesn ' t change though .\nhappy about katy getting 2nd lead ^ _ _ ^ hope this role will be different from her usual roles .\ni don ' t know why but i would prefer wayne in this role because there is a long time that he hasn ' t act in a lighthearted comedy ! and like the sales presentation clip ! why did tvb cast louise lee . . . . don ' t like it !\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\n/ / urltoken\ninterior designer moon sing hong ( moses chan ) and his wealthy best friend tin hak kan ( evergreen mak ) decide to open a design company together . sing hong wants to use this rare business opportunity to earn enough money to buy an estate so he can marry his longtime girlfriend to chi chin ( oceane zhu ) , who is still in school overseas .\nhowever , sing hong\u2019s plans go awry when his older sister moon sing oi ( angelina lo ) rented his estate to popular cantonese opera artist kan kit ( joyce koi ) . unable to cancel the lease , sing hong comes up with various ways to kick kan kit out , but under the watchful eyes of kit\u2019s tyrannical manager lin sau fong ( louise lee ) , he is unable to do so .\nhak kan develops a huge crush on kit and attempts to pursue her , but to no avail . to help his best friend , sing hong gets closer to kit so he can get to know her better . sing hong and kit not only forgive each other for their past offenses , they also become close friends , establishing a subtle relationship ."]} {"id": 114561, "summary": [{"text": "visitors is a 2003 australian thriller film starring radha mitchell , susannah york and ray barrett , directed by richard franklin and produced by jennifer hadden .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film proved to be richard franklin 's final project . ", "topic": 13}], "title": "visitors ( 2003 film )", "paragraphs": ["2003 - \u201cthe horror , the horror . . . \u201d panel member , brisbane international film festival 2003\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing visitors ( 2003 ) near you .\nvisitors ( 2003 ) . director - richard franklin . stars : radha mitchell , susannah york . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\n2003 : bloom shakes hands with fans as he makes his way to frontierland .\nsaf welcomes groups and visitors for self - guided and organised tours and activities .\nsince sharjah biennial 6 in 2003 , sharjah art foundation has supported the production of film and video work by visual artists and filmmakers .\nwell , i ' m glad you said that , because that ' s what visitors is about .\n2003 : keira knightley , who plays elizabeth swan , poses with some pirate wenches outside main street cinema .\n2003 to 2012 - the vaginabillies ( vocals ) semi - acoustic cabaret version of they might be . . .\ndedicated to film and filmmaking , the saf film club is designed for filmmakers and offers opportunities to get involved in the local film community .\n2003 - escape from the planet of the tapes ( interview subject ) sbs tv documentary about me and trash video ' s struggle to evolve .\nestablished in june 2003 , sja film technologies ltd . , a privately owned company , began trading as a slitting , rewinding and film supplier company and quickly developed the business portfolio to include stocks of many substrates including plastic films , cast polypropylene , oriented polypropylene , degradable films , polyester , sandwich lidding film , release liner and paper .\n2015 - gone lesbo gone ( interview subject , co - producer ) documentary directed by jarret gahan on the troubled production of lesbo - a - go - go ( 2003 ) , premiered at brisbane underground film festival , january 2015 .\nbut , when the walt disney studios motion pictures movie had its world premiere at disneyland on june 28 , 2003 , few could have predicted it would be the success it is today . pirates is the ninth highest grossing film franchise in history , earning $ 4 , 524 , 358 , 182 at the global box office after last year ' s fifth film : dead men tell no tales . pirates of the caribbean : the curse of the black pearl premiered in theaters nationwide 11 days later , on july 9 , 2003 .\narabiyat confirmed that the strategy was developed to help jordan benefit from the opportunities that filming destinations have , as designing tour itineraries around film locations can attract more visitors . he also noted that jtb has hosted many production companies from hollywood and bollywood in recent years and has offered incentives to encourage more filming in jordan . jtb also supported rfc\u2019s efforts to promote jordan at international film festivals , including the cannes film festival .\namman , 13 august 2017 - under the patronage of her royal highness princess rym ali , the royal film commission ( rfc ) launched jordan\u2019s first film tourism strategy today , which is set to guide efforts over the coming three years to attract more visitors to jordan through film . the strategy was developed in cooperation with the jordan tourism board and with support from the usaid building economic sustainability through tourism project ( best ) .\nreflecting the growing importance of film in the foundation ' s work , the saf film programme offers regular screenings in mirage city cinema , sharjah ' s only dedicated outdoor cinema , a film club , educational programmes for film enthusiasts , as well as support for filmic work by visual artists .\nsharjah film platform ( sfp ) , an annual programme organised by sharjah art foundation , aims to support film production in the united arab emirates .\n, which is generally the film , if i ' m asked what i ' ve made , is the film i refer to as my first film . even though there were one and a half films before it .\nquick links what ' s happening calendar of events deals and specials visitors guide subscribe to news not sure where to start ? let santa fe\u2019s experts lead the way on a variety of tours tailored for every interest .\nibrahim osta , usaid best chief of party , said that film commissions compete to attract part of an $ 88 billion - dollar industry that yields deep direct and indirect economic benefits to filming destinations . thus , \u201cusaid best is supporting jordan\u2019s efforts to boost its international competitiveness , create new tourism jobs , and distribute tourism revenues across the country through this film strategy , which lays out a clear path to attracting film productions and visitors .\n, using a lot of the same financiers , you see , my next film was an attempt to make a universal genre film . and that was\nthe royal film commission \u2013 jordan ( rfc ) is a public institution , with administrative and financial autonomy , established in 2003 with a mandate to promote for and contribute to the development of an internationally competitive jordanian audio - visual industry . the rfc organizes training workshops , screenings and provides production support services .\nvisitors are allowed 3 free articles per month ( without a subscription ) , and private browsing prevents us from counting how many stories you ' ve read . we hope you understand , and consider subscribing for unlimited online access .\n, which if i ' m asked , is the film i refer to as my first film . even though there were one and a half films before it .\nmichal bla\u0161ko ( b . 1989 , bratislava ) is studying film and television directing at the academy of performing arts in bratislava ( v\u0161mu ) . his short movie fear ( 2015 ) , a coproduction with prague\u2019s famu , premiered at the san sebasti\u00e1n iff and went on to win a variety of international awards . his bachelor project atlantis , 2003 was selected for the cin\u00e9fondation section at the 70th international cannes film festival .\nbut that must have been quite an honour to have italians rip off your film .\nwas also richard franklin\u0092s last ever film and he died from cancer in 2007 ) .\n, worked , but not the comedy . and so my next film , using a lot of the same financiers , was an attempt to make a universal genre film . and that was\nrepresentatives from local tour operators and film production companies attended the one - day conference , which included sessions on the latest global developments in film tourism and the successes of countries like denmark and czech republic in attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists , as a result of shooting blockbuster films . jordan ' s film tourism strategy was discussed , as well as designing tourism itineraries around film locations .\nnew mexico offers one of the leading film incentive packages in the country . up to 30 %\nit\u2019s 2003 , four years before slovakia becomes part of the schengen area . today the border with ukraine is one of europe\u2019s best guarded , but back then it was the playground of smugglers and human traffickers . martin and denisija dream of leaving ukraine for germany to begin a new life . crossing the border brings unexpected complications , but the pair are willing to sacrifice a great deal to reach their destination . atlantis , 2003 provides a chilling excursion to a recent past we should not forget , but it also asks a universal question : how responsible are we for each other ?\nradha mitchell is an awful actress and visitors might just be her tour de force of awful . she plays this character crazy for the outset , which makes her\ndescent\ninto crazy feel like just a normal day . she turns what could have been a solid mystery into something borderline unwatchable .\nis on the cusp . as was the original . hitchcock just redefined the genre with that film , and\n, and employs none of that film ' s subtlety here ) had no easy task before him - - a single character at sea is not the easiest of situations in which to establish any kind of drama without dialogue . with this in mind , it didn\u2019t even bother me that georgia\u2019s cat speaks to her in a laughable british accent , or that the film constantly flashes back to her life on the mainland , if only because they had to have some way of establishing character development without using constant narration . but when the titular visitors start showing up , the film exhausts any semblance of suspense and becomes almost laughably stilted .\nand so i suppose it wasn ' t until the late seventies that hardcore took over the sex film industry .\nrichard franklin isn ' t my favourite australian filmmaker , but you ' ve got to give credit to the man for managing to make a purely genre career in a country like ours . visitors isn ' t his strongest effort visually or intensity wise , but he manages to crank out a few neat twists along the way .\nelia kazan ( 1909 - 2003 ) was a dominant and hugely influential force in the postwar american cinema , a director whose keen intuition and perspicacity made him almost impervious to the vicissitudes of the declining studio system and ideally suited to take advantage of the gradual shift towards independent production . prolific in spite of hollywood ' s dramatic ebbs , kazan created a group of vital , emotionally intense and frequently controversial films that helped define american film history and popular culture .\nbut you ' ve got to realise , this was an era when it was very hard for young people to get professional work in hollywood and the people who are now the modern hollywood film industry were making these kinds of film .\na young ukrainian couple plan their getaway to germany . it\u2019s 2003 , four years before slovakia integrates into the schengen area . the slovak - ukrainian border is controlled by smugglers and human traffickers \u2013 martin and denisija have no idea of the traps that await them . they only have each other but they are willing to sacrifice much to fulfill their dream .\nit was the hostile press that buried the film , thanks to the efforts of fred nile\u2019s festival of light . \u201cit was the fact that the film had government funding , and was based on a ' pornographic poem ' . and they cited\nwhile franklin ' s direction is crisp and stylish and mitchell performs admirably in the starring role , visitors is still missing something substantial that keeps it from being anything more than an interesting mind game . part of the unevenness comes from the fact that franklin doesn ' t appear to be able to decide just what kind of movie he wants to make here . is it a slick horror film ? is it a twisty mystery ? is it a drama about insanity ? while it touches on all three , the film never explores any of these elements sufficiently to fully satisfy in any particular direction .\n, worked , but not the comedy . and so my next film , coming off the ( in the end ) quite successful\nwas a b film . i never thought of myself as making b films ; i did see myself as making genre films .\n* * please note that the following announcements and links are not supplied as an endorsement by the houston film commission , they are provided purely as a public service and as a convenience to users . these other sites are not under the control of the houston film commission , nor does the houston film commission endorse or adopt as its own , any of the content of the other sites * *\nfor a time during the 1980s , australia\u0092s richard franklin was a genre director worth watching . in australia , richard franklin made the psychic coma patient film\n, which was substantially a one - person drama about stacy keach in a truck where the entire film equally wavered between real and possibly imagined threat .\n) , i didn ' t particularly want it to tarnish my career . \u201d in retrospect , his film career could have been over before it started .\nand the room and so on . that was a pretty silly film otherwise . you made a comment about b movies ; it used to be argued that\n2012 -\ndi ingon ' nato : zombies in our backyard\nessay and director ivan zaldarriaga interview , sinekultura film journal ( university of san carlos , cebu ) issue # 4 , second semester 2012 , pp . 14 - 21 ; reprinted in film international 63 - 4 ( sweden ) , august 2013\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nuae audiences can enjoy a wide range of films and film genres featured in the regularly scheduled screenings that take place in saf ' s mirage city cinema .\nfrom the past to the present , santa fe and new mexico has been a dramatic draw for filmmakers of all stripes and our film scene is booming .\n2015 - talk on pinoy cult cinema with leo katigbak and manet a . dayrit , qcinema international film festival , quezon city , philippines 28 / 10 / 15\nfor two weeks in february every year , dublin turns into one of the hotspots of international cinema . the jameson dublin international film festival ( jdiff ) mixes works by independent film makers from around the globe with releases from the mainstream hollywood studios for a cross section of the most exciting movies of the past twelve months . from intimate documentaries to big drama , the range of films shown during the jdiff has something for everybody and dublin becomes a choice destination for film fans every february .\nto mark the centenary of johnny mercer ' s birth , director bruce ricker ' s latest jazz documentary focuses on the music and legacy of the great american songwriter , interweaving interviews with tony bennett , andre previn and harry connick , jr . with screen performances of mercer ballads by the likes of frank sinatra , judy garland and nat king cole . the harvard film archive is pleased to welcome bruce ricker to discuss his latest film and to celebrate the very generous donation of his important film collection to the archive .\ndirected by elia kazan . with robert de niro , tony curtis , robert mitchum us 1976 , 35mm , color , 125 min . print from the harvard film archive collection\nalthough marketed as a horror flick , visitors is mostly a psychological drama with mild horror thriller elements , so take this into account before you embark on this one expecting some serious ( or even cheesy ) thrills and chills . director richard franklin ( cloak & dagger , road games ) puts aside his hitchcockian homage tendencies for a more atmospheric character study revolving around a woman that must try to keep from hurting herself , despite the vividness of the disturbing images that she sees on a daily basis .\nspecial thanks to kent jones ; mark mcelhattan ; joan miller , wesleyan cinema archives ; pat doyen , george eastman house ; may haduong , academy film archive ; kokkalis program on southeastern and east - central europe , harvard ; mary keene , museum of modern art ; brian block , criterion pictures usa ; sara rubin , the boston jewish film festival .\ndirected by elia kazan . with kirk douglas , faye dunaway , deborah kerr us 1969 , 35mm , color , 127 min . print courtesy of the ucla film and television archive\ndirected by elia kazan . with marlon brando , jean peters , anthony quinn us 1952 , 35mm , b / w , 113 min . print from the harvard film archive collection\ndirected by elia kazan . with gregory peck , dorothy mcguire , john garfield us 1948 , 35mm , b / w , 118 min . print courtesy of the academy film archive\nclick here to subscribe to a weekly update of\ncast & crew calls\nand , on occasion , receive announcements from the houston film commission sent directly to your email inbox .\ndepp never gave any interviews to promote the film . instead , he decided to dress up in character as jack sparrow last year to surprise pirates of the caribbean riders at disneyland .\nnew europe film sales czerniakowska 73 / 79 , 00 - 718 , warsaw poland tel : + 48 600 173 205 e - mail : jan @ urltoken www : www . urltoken\nsharjah art foundation works with artists and audiences on programmes that reflect the foundation ' s core projects . these include the film programme ' s screenings and film club activities , the artist and professionals programme ' s residencies , production grants and internships as well as the opportunity for everyone to become involved through saf community programmes such as vantage point sharjah and the urban garden .\ndespite its god awful poster , visitors is surprisingly decent . whilst it doesn ' t touch franklin + de roche ' s earlier efforts , there ' s enough solid moments and creative editing choices that cover up the many budget limitations that really undercut some of its thematic ambitions . the major flaws come from richard franklin ' s choice of actors , who are all incredibly miscast ( radha mitchell is a good actress , but doesn ' t quite nail this role ) and the digital cinematography looks cheap . i feel like if this same script was made by franklin in the 80 ' s , shot on nice grainy film stock and old school ozploitation practical effects , it would be regarded as a classic of that era .\nb ut yes he is . and he was great fun to work with , and full of great stories about old hollywood , and i really enjoyed the whole film to be honest .\ndirected by elia kazan . with stathis giallelis , linda marsh , paul mann us / greece 1963 , 35mm , b / w , 168 min . print from the harvard film archive collection\ndirected by elia kazan . with karl malden , carroll baker , eli wallach us 1956 , 35mm , b / w , 114 min . print courtesy of the ucla film and television archive\nthe italian film festival in santa fe returns april 20 - 22 , 2018 . join us for contemporary film , food & fun , italian - style ! cinefesta italia is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) non - profit organization that raises awareness of italian culture . a portion of our proceeds help our charitable partners support santa fe\u2019s neediest children in today\u2019s challenging world .\nwas that the selling point , the way to get the film financed ? because it looks like it ' s a period comedy , but then the nudity ' s grafted on the top .\n. well , she could not have been more chuffed , and went on the record to say that this film was going to undo the damage that spoto ' s book had done to her father ' s image . so in its way the film did have the blessing of the family . indeed , one of the things i ' ve been looking at by way of preparation for\nthe director general of the jordan tourism board , abdul razzaq arabiyat , explained :\nthe strategy was developed in consultation with film and tourism industry representatives and will capitalize on the huge potential of jordan to become an international film destination .\nhe added that blockbuster films help promote destinations and there are many examples of countries that witnessed a huge increase in tourists as a result . in new zealand , tourism soared to more than $ 3 billion in 2014 following filming the hobbit franchise there , and florida reported an almost 70 % increase in tourism thanks to the film dolphin tale .\nworkshop : echo film school 2 - week filmmaking boot camp ( 16 + ) is july 23rd - august 3rd . learn essential filmmaking techniques in this 2 - week intensive summer camp . write , pitch , produce , shoot and edit a short film in 10 days . our experienced professionals will guide you through the process as you work with a small crew to make your own mini - masterpiece . contact barry atkins at echo film school and studio for more information . call 832 - 732 - 1154 , barry @ urltoken , or visit https : / / www . urltoken / workshopbookings\nis noteworthy for proving once again that mitchell has what it takes to be a legitimate star , and since this film\u2019s release she has indeed found her way into more top - shelf material . but the film wastes what could have been a truly frightening premise on hackneyed plot devices . in the end it commits the most unforgivable sin in all of horror cinema : it just isn\u2019t that scary .\ndirected by elia kazan . with dana andrews , jane wyatt , lee j . cobb us 1947 , 35mm , b / w , 88 min . print courtesy of the ucla film and television archive\nrichard franklin ' s final film is also his fourth collaboration with screenwriter everett de roche , but visitors is a far cry from the brilliance of patrick , roadgames and link . it ' s certainly got that de roche touch of originality about it , but unusually none of his blows land on this occasion . it ' s a psychological horror about yachtswoman george , who ' s on the final leg of her solo circumnavigation of the world , but when we first meet her , she ' s stuck south of africa due to calm seas . and that ' s when she starts to crack up . it ' s a nice touch having george communicate with her pet cat taco , and having him talking back to her , but the screenplay isn ' t brave enough to make this all\u2026\n2007 - zombie mariachi ( actor , producer , additional camera ) short film directed by filipino guerrilla filmmaker khavn de la cruz during his 2007 biff appearance . i play\ngreat white zombie hunter\n!\nthe santa fe independent film festival invests in the advancement of independent , innovative , and cutting edge cinema bringing 5 days of excellence in filmmaking to the inclusive and diverse community of santa fe , new mexico .\nand blue poles , the jackson pollock painting , as instances of the government squandering public funds . and the theatres were picketed , and it was actually fairly successful in terms of damaging the picture . i thought it would be great publicity , but the one thing people don ' t want to hear is that tax dollars have been wasted . the minute they hear that , they ' re less inclined to throw good money after bad , if you see what i mean . so the film was not successful , so that ' s why i made my next film\u2026 i needed to make a film that would make money . \u201d\n. i should have dropped out of university and done it permanently , in retrospect , but at the time i was in film school , so i just went out and visited when i didn ' t have classes .\ni usually tell people to avoid imdb when recommending a movie that has a twist ending that might be ruined by looking at the cast or the synopsis . but with this movie , i ' d say avoid imdb because almost everything that is said about the movie is wrong . first the synopsis states that visitors is about\nthe story of georgia perry , the first woman to sail around the world solo .\n. not sure who wrote that , but it ' s clearly stated while she ' s pulling out of the harbor that if she completes the journey that she ' d be one in a handful of women to accomplish this feat . not only\u2026\nwell , she didn ' t think she ' d been exploited , she just liked the front page of the sunday papers and the like ! ( laughs ) but it wasn ' t that that sparked off the festival of light , it was the fact that the film had government funding , and was based on a ' pornographic poem ' . and they cited eskimo nell and blue poles , the jackson pollock painting , as instances of the government squandering public funds . and the theatres were picketed , and it was actually fairly successful in terms of damaging the picture . i thought it would be great publicity , but the one thing people don ' t want to hear is that tax dollars have been wasted . the minute they hear that , they ' re less inclined to throw good money after bad , if you see what i mean . so the film was not successful , so that ' s why i made my next film\u2026 i needed to make a film that would make money . so the next film was a deliberate attempt to make a sort of send up of the scandanavian sex documentaries that were able to be shown here .\nworkshop : houston mediasource , houston\u2019s public access television channel , provides training and equipment for aspiring film , tv , and radio producers . houston\u2019s creatives are welcomed to learn how their artistic visions can be transformed into high - quality film or tv productions at free orientation sessions held every monday at 6 p . m . houston mediasource is located at 410 roberts , 77003 in eado . attendees will learn how they can produce their own tv shows , radio programs , and film projects at houston mediasource , using top of the line gear , studios , and editing facilities . learn more at urltoken or rsvp to roger e palomino at info @ urltoken or call ( 713 ) 524 - 7700 x112\na fifth film , pirates of the caribbean : dead men tell no tales , was announced in 2013 . plagued by production problems , the movie will make its long awaited debut in u . s . theaters on may 26 .\nslovensk\u00fd filmov\u00fd \u00fastav / slovak film institute gr\u00f6sslingov\u00e1 32 , 811 09 , bratislava slovakia tel : + 421 257 101 503 fax : + 421 252 963 461 e - mail : sfu @ urltoken www : www . urltoken , urltoken\nfilmed at the time of kazan\u2019s notorious huac testimony , viva zapata ! offers a dramatically searching yet ultimately unresolved return to the director ' s roots in radical left - wing theater and politics . written in close collaboration with lifelong mexicophile john steinbeck , who shared kazan ' s fascination with zapata ' s vision and failure , the film uses the idealistic revolutionary to offer an unflinching critique of the limits and corrosive potential of power . featuring one of brando ' s underappreciated bravura performances , viva zapata ! is today considered one of the most evocative screen depictions of the mexican revolution , despite the intense efforts by the mexican film industry to suppress and censor the film during its early production stages .\nwell , thank you ! i storyboarded the whole film myself , my own drawings . they were fairly rudimentary , but it was a very studied piece of directing . i was doing a thriller , i knew how hitchcock worked , and i had a shoebox with dollhouse furniture . i had some concerns about filming an entire film in a small room , and i peered at this for months , and came up with lots of different camera angles . so thank you .\n, which was trying to reinvent the genre . and i ' m not saying that ' s exactly what i ' m doing , i think this particular film probably owes as much to polanski as it does to hitchcock , somewhere between\nit was , and it was that that allowed me and tony ginnane to make patrick , which was my next film . even though i had done it under a pseudonym , it was perceived that i could make films that would make money .\nyou call it a sex comedy , i didn ' t . as i saw it , it was in the same vein as something like , oh god i ' m trying to think of it now , the jon voight - dustin hoffman film -\nhad already covered the making of a fictitious softcore version ( as well as a gay western , kung fu and sickly family version ! ) of the famous bawdy 19th century poem by a unscrupulous smut film producer . franklin\u2019s version , co - written with alan (\ni remember seeing that film when i was living in the middle east , early eighties , i was only 12 or 13 at the time . i saw patrick and road games , both on videotape . and if it made it to the middle east - !\nwhen we screened patrick at the afi awards , i remember being rather devastated at the amount of audience laughter , and then being amazed - nominated for best picture ! what i had done inadvertently was what is now post - modernism , or a self - referential film . the film had fun with the genre , and that was mostly me having fun on the set . i didn ' t really realise that it would transfer to screen quite so well . i thought there was a camp element to the matron and all of that\u2026\n2010 - machete maidens unleashed ! ( associate producer , additional footage , original concept ) feature length doco written and directed by mark hartley , based on the original\nthe search for weng weng\nconcept . premiered at melbourne international film festival 24 / 07 / 10\nfails to establish any kind of consistency of mood or tone . the film shifts radically in several instances , changing from a horror story to a family drama , from adventure ( look out ! there\u2019re pirates about ! ) to thriller , eventually settling on an ending that seems lifted out of a bad romantic comedy . the whole thing smacks of drastic rewrites , and i wouldn\u2019t be the least bit surprised to find that the film had been re - cut to satisfy a more mainstream audience . not only this , but outside of a few excellent cg - assisted zoom outs to the stratosphere , franklin does a meager job of conveying the truly desperate nature of georgia\u2019s isolation , and for the majority of the film it seems obvious that her boat is floating in a water tank on a studio backlot .\nin the ideal form of transmedia storytelling , each medium does what it does best - so that a story might be introduced in a film , expanded through television , novels , and comics , and its world might be explored and experienced through game play . each franchise entry needs to be self - contained enough to enable autonomous consumption . that is , you don\u2019t need to have seen the film to enjoy the game and vice - versa . as pokemon does so well , any given product is a point of entry into the franchise as a whole .\n) hopgood , sticks closer to the source material and transposes the action to a more culturally iconic stomping ground : the ballarat goldfields , the eureka stockade , the snow - capped blue mountains . the ambitious franklin\u2019s second unit even filmed the klondike scenes - where dick supposedly loses his eye - outside montreal , and some incredible location shots such as the iceflows from the canadian far north helped win the film an afi award for best photography . come to think of it , it\u2019s hard to remember when an r - rated film looked so good ! i told franklin that\nbloody hell . i mean it would have been a real shame to market it as a horror film , because the stuff that ' s great about road games is where stacey keach is just flipping out and becoming ultra , ultraparanoid , and seeing things that aren ' t there .\n2015 -\nbalut westerns : the filipino cowboy as king , and the rise and fall of the goon action film\nin domingo lopez ( ed . ) , wild wild east : the curry western and the noodle western ( tyrannosaurus books , barcelona ) , pp . 186 - 237 ,\namong kazan\u2019s most controversial films , this dynamic and intensely cinematic adaptation of tennessee williams\u2019 provocative study of sexual desire inflamed a passionate outcry from the production code administration and the legion of decency , who tried to derail the film by branding it with their lowest rating of \u201cc , \u201d for \u201ccondemned . \u201d centered around carroll baker\u2019s still shocking performance as the thumb - sucking yet sexually precocious baby doll and principally shot in rural mississippi , kazan\u2019s mid - career masterpiece offers one of the finest renditions of the psychosexual territory of williams\u2019 mysteriously deep , deep south . print courtesy of ucla film and television archive .\nthe last of kazan ' s studio assignments , and perhaps his least known film , the anti - communist thriller man on a tightrope was offered by zanuck as a means for kazan to establish his credentials as a\nrehabilitated\ndirector immediately following his outspokenness with huac . based on the true story of a czech circus troupe ' s daring attempt to escape to the west , the film is energized by kazan ' s extensive location shooting in eastern europe , the casting of members from the real life troupe , and a steely performance by frederic march as the harried circus leader dreaming of a better life .\nfilm festival ticket price a season pass for the entire jdiff costs \u20ac230 . 00 and entitles you to attend all screenings and associated events . the season pass can be purchased online on the festival ' s website ( see below ) . alternatively , you can buy tickets for individual screenings , either directly at the cinema showing the movie or in advance on the festival ' s web site . individual film ticket prices range from \u20ac9 . 00 to \u20ac15 . 00 for adults , pending cinema and time of performance . you must be 18 years of age or older to attend screenings and events at the festival .\nwas built by filmmakers for filmmakers with two , 18 , 000 square foot stages , 24 , 000 square feet of production offices , full on - site production services , and national lambdarail broadband . it also may be the first , leed - designed , industry - standard film studio facility in the world .\nindeed , 70s sex queen abigail was a major selling point , gorgeous as ever and totally starkers ( for the first and only time on film ! ) as esmeralda the leopard - clad wife of a traveling magician who catches pete nailing her to the floor of his \u201cmagic box\u201d . after leaving the warm bosom of the\nred lotus films offers its international clientele world class production services . whether you are producing a fashion shoot , commercial , or film in the southwestern united states , our team of experienced producers ensures that every detail of your project is carefully managed and attended to . from concept to final product , your success is our priority .\ncomes from the tired school of horror where every bit of psychological fright has to be the result of some personal demon manifesting itself visually . so when georgia starts seeing things , they are all characters we\u2019ve met before , and for the purposes of having some dialogue , she usually chats with them for a little while . while i can see why the filmmakers took this route ( they were probably freaking out that they had a feature film with only a forty - page script ) , it does very little to encourage a mood of dread or suspense , emotions so key to a story like this . i found myself wishing that the menace at the film\u2019s center had been a bit more nebulous , or at the very least that the filmmakers had tried to string the mystery along a little longer . as the film stands , we get georgia working out her issues with specters of her dead parents , a recycled plot device that fails to work even in the more direct dramatic sense . this story isn\u2019t\ndirector \u0096 richard franklin , screenplay \u0096 everett de roche , producers \u0096 richard franklin & jennifer hadden , photography \u0096 ellery ryan , music \u0096 nerida tyson - chew , visual effects \u0096 photon , special effects supervisor \u0096 peter stubbs , production design \u0096 stewart burnside . production company \u0096 showtime australia / digitimij / film victoria / bayside pictures .\ncrew call : untitled houston feature film is seeking crew who can work as locals for early june - july 25th shoot . synopsis : a troubled teen finds an unexpected friend in an elderly neighbor . crew needed : grips , electrics , and production assistants in all departments . crew positions are paid . please send crew resume houstonfilm2018 @ urltoken\nis enough of a teaser to keep you watching , although you keep anticipating that there should be more to the story than what you ' re actually seeing . as the film approaches the end , you may find yourself waiting for that pay off to the 85 previous minutes of constant build up , but unfortunately , it comes as a disappointment to find the pay off had already come and went without you realizing it a few minutes before . like the heroine of the film , we see visions and horrifying images flash before our eyes , and while we are looking for something substantive to help us make sense of it all , the answers are too inconclusive to truly satisfy .\nyes , by me it was . i mean , i was pleasantly surprised when i learned years later from bill margold that the film was considered a kind of classic in the states . but a classic of an era . i don ' t know how easily you ' d find a copy of it now , you know , in the states .\nbudd schulberg and kazan reunited to adapt schulberg ' s own cautionary tale about the manipulative and treacherous potential of television and advertising as political tools . misunderstood at the time , and badly wounded at the box office , a face in the crowd seems uncannily prescient in its depiction of right - wing extremism cloaking itself as all - american cracker - barrel folksiness . kazan ' s successful and highly unconventional casting of untested comedians and character actors\u2014dunn in tree , mostel in panic \u2014reached its apogee in his ingenious selection of stand - up comic andy griffith , in his first feature film , as lonesome rhodes , the hayseed populist transformed into an ultimately uncontrollable televisual sensation . print courtesy of ucla film and television archive .\nhome to many film industry greats , santa fe boasts a wealth of talented technicians , artists , production and location managers , and diverse support staff trained and tested in the most demanding markets in the world . this pool of experienced and motivated cast and crew is one more reason choosing santa fe as a location makes sense . click here for the :\nwhile the technological infrastructure is ready , the economic prospects sweet , and the audience primed , the media industries haven\u2019t done a very good job of collaborating to produce compelling transmedia experiences . even within the media conglomerates , units compete aggressively rather than collaborate . each industry sector has specialized talent , but the conglomerates lack a common language or vision to unify them . the current structure is hierarchical : film units set licensing limits on what can be done in games based on their properties . at the same time , film producers don\u2019t know the game market very well or respect those genre elements which made something like tomb raider successful . we need a new model for co - creation - rather than adaptation - of content that crosses media .\ngillies spits out the smutty one - liners with relish , like \u201chave you ever stuck your dick in a milk pail and churned it till it\u2019s butter ? \u201d at the heart of the film , however , is the oddly touching parasitic relationship between voyeur dick and coxman pete , and their shared wet dream of finding the fictional lay eskimo nell . \u201cit was an attempt to do something kind of poignant , \u201d agrees franklin . \u201cin retrospect it probably should have been funnier than it was . but it wasn ' t my intention to make a sex comedy . you just have to remember the era , and the fact that the r certificate had just come in , and we ' d just seen the first full - frontal nude in a commercial film in\nrichard : i still don ' t talk about it very often\u2026 there are people who find the idea a bit offensive , even though it was softcore pornography . i ' d had such a drubbing from the festival of light about true story of eskimo nell , the fact that i then did a sex film , i didn ' t particularly want it to tarnish my career .\nno , that ' s when you do an american accent . that ' s when you have english spoken with a bit of an american accent , so it works both places . that ' s kind of what is commonly been done here now for american television that is shot here . but no , this was a miscalculation , because they promptly revoiced the whole film in america .\ngeorgia is played by the severely underrated actress radha mitchell , who does a fine job of carrying the film on her shoulders , but her nuanced performance can\u2019t lift the material beyond its very basic flaws , the biggest of which is that it never manages to deliver on its set - up in any way that\u2019s not entirely contrived and predictable . in all fairness , writer everett de roche ( who wrote\nthe original film ' s world premiere shut down the theme park . a red carpet was rolled out on main street so johnny depp , keira knightley and orlando bloom could sign autographs and take pictures with fans . other attendees really got into the spirit , like danny bonaduce , who had a sword fight , and daryl hannah , who dressed in costume as a pirate ( eye patch included ) .\nyeah , well as i say , it was an attempt to do something kind of poignant\u2026 in retrospect it probably should have been funnier than it was . but it wasn ' t my intention to make a sex comedy . you just have to remember the era , and the fact that the r certificate had just come in , and we ' d just seen the first fullfrontal nude in a commercial film in\ni don ' t think i ' ve ever seen her in another film . i remember her in stills from about that time . as i recall , she had another name , i think she worked under multiple names , as a lot of them did and do , so i can ' t - she may be better known under another name . but that was the name she wanted to do that under .\nworkshop : crystal martinez offers classes and private lessons that consist primarily of scene work for film and tv , where you & apos ; ll learn how to break down scripts and do character analysis and are geared toward preparing you to get representation , by prepping for you for agent visits , auditions , and for getting you ready to be more confident , camera aware and set ready . to reserve a spot please visit us at urltoken\n. \u201d true , for a film marketed as a sex comedy , there is a palpable absence of flesh . \u201ccorrect . but you ' ve got to remember , this was the beginning of the ' r ' certificate era ; \u2018very little flesh\u2019 was a lot . we had a full - frontal of abigail , and a couple of other girls topless , but quite a lot of bad language , you see . that was new . \u201d\nyeah , she had a good time , we got on well . i remember when i made psycho ii , a lot of people asked why we didn ' t use her in the lead . the answer was , it was too obvious . and i screened , one of the first screenings i had of the film was for jamie and janet , who came and saw it . but i haven ' t seen her a lot since .\nlet\u2019s face it : we have entered an era of media convergence that makes the flow of content across multiple media channels almost inevitable . the move toward digital effects in film and the improved quality of video game graphics means that it is becoming much more realistic to lower production costs by sharing assets across media . everything about the structure of the modern entertainment industry was designed with this single idea in mind - the construction and enhancement of entertainment franchises .\nwell you know the original poem ' eskimo nell ' is pretty raunchy . we were just trying to hypothesise about what kind of a true story might have been the basis of such a poem . i originally wanted to make the film in the states , at the time of the revisionist western , but learned quite quickly that the poem is unknown in the states . it ' s known only in the \u201cenglish world\u201d , meaning canada , australia and england .\nfor 21 years , the houston production guide , in association with the houston film commission , has been the industry directory used by producers , location managers , event planners , national trade conventions , ad agencies , and corporations when seeking houston area production equipment , crews , editors , cameras , studios , graphics , music , talent , or even caterers , restaurants , hotels , limos , aircraft , tents , etc . \u2013 the houston production guide is the source .\nso far , the most successful transmedia franchises have emerged when a single creator or creative unit maintains control over the franchise . hollywood might well study the ways that lucasfilm has managed and cultivated its indiana jones and star wars franchises . when indiana jones went to television , for example , it exploited the medium\u2019s potential for extended storytelling and character development : the young indiana jones chronicles showed us the character take shape against the backdrop of various historical events and exotic environments . when star wars moved into print , its novels expanded the timeline to show us events not contained in the film trilogies , or recast the stories around secondary characters , as did the tales of the cantina series , which fleshes out those curious - looking aliens in the background of the original movie . when star wars went to games , those games didn\u2019t just enact film events ; they showed us what life would be like for a jedi trainee or a bounty hunter .\nwith this thin veneer of medical ' therapy ' , or whatever , these films were being shown in these little underground cinemas and so on around the place . they were all essentially softcore , and we decided to make a kind of send - up of one , really . not because we wanted to do a send - up , but because we didn ' t think we wanted to do a genuine one . we just wanted to make a fun film about sex !\nstill , sometimes the very texture of the film , and the information that surrounds the characters on the screen , make it worth seeing . i didn ' t believe in james caan ' s cons , but i believed him , and at times like that it ' s helpful to stop keeping score and live in the moment . between the caan and dillon characters there are atmosphere , desperation and romance , and , at the end , something approaching true pathos . enough .\ncrew call : independent short film ruby and ray is seeking crew for a july 20th - 22nd shoot in houston / huntsville areas . synopsis : in birmingham , alabama 1961 a teenage interracial couple strive to gain perspective in a relationship under the pressure of society , expectations and advantages . crew needed : director of photography , audio , hair and makeup , grip , production assistant . when applying for crew positions , please submit reel link . positions are unpaid . rubyandrayshortfilm @ urltoken\nhow to get to the festival screenings during the jdiff take place in six cinemas across dublin . five of the festival cinemas are located within walking distance of each other in the city centre : the savoy , cineworld , the screen , lighthouse cinema and the irish film institute . the sixth cinema , movies @ dundrum is located at the dundrum village centre and can be reached from the city centre with the green luas tram line which departs from st . stephen ' s green ."]} {"id": 114562, "summary": [{"text": "earth and ashes ( persian : \u062e\u0627\u06a9\u0633\u062a\u0631 \u0648 \u062e\u0627\u06a9 ) is a 2004 afghan film directed by atiq rahimi .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was afghanistan 's submission to the 77th academy awards for the academy award for best foreign language film , but was not accepted as a nominee .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "it was also screened in the un certain regard section at the 2004 cannes film festival .", "topic": 6}, {"text": "it won the golden dhow award at the 2005 zanzibar international film festival . ", "topic": 14}], "title": "earth and ashes", "paragraphs": ["earth and ashes by atiq rahimi 68pp , chatto & windus , \u00a39 . 99\nearth and ashes and over 2 million other books are available for amazon kindle . learn more\nthere are no critic reviews yet for khakestar - o - khak ( earth and ashes ) . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nthere are no featured audience reviews yet . click the link below to see what others say about khakestar - o - khak ( earth and ashes ) !\nscattering by air \u2013 a very symbolic gesture of freedom and release , scattering ashes into the air is a versatile method used to disperse remains on private and public lands . after the scattering , the ashes can be ceremonially raked into the ground or left alone for the earth to claim .\n' ashes to ashes ' derives from the english burial service . the text of that service is adapted from the biblical text , genesis 3 : 19 ( king james version ) :\nand the angel took the censer , and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the earth : and there were voices , and thunder , and lightning , and an earthquake .\nand the angel took the censer , and filled it with fire of the altar , and cast it into the earth : and there were voices , and thunderings , and lightnings , and an earthquake .\na novella written by afghan author atiq rahimi , earth and ashes paints an accurate picture of afghanistan during the soviet invasion . dust , tears , heartbreak - - earth and ashes focuses on a grandfather and his grandson , both of whom are visiting the grandfather ' s son ( the grandson ' s dad ) to inform him of horrific news that threatens to rip their family apart . a compelling read .\nheritage providing memorial spaceflights serving participants from cast members to fans from all over planet earth .\nthe prayers have gone up , and the sprinkling of the ashes earthward is the symbol of the answer descending from heaven . we may recall the similar action of moses before pharaoh , when he took ashes of the furnace and sprinkled it towards heaven , but it descended towards earth , as a symbol of the plague about to fall upon the land (\nthe daughter of a prominent university professor has chosen to join her late father as he orbits earth .\n) . the hot ashes are the tokens of the coming judgments . as in the parallel vision in ezekiel (\nand there took place thunders , and voices , and lightnings , and an earthquake .\nrevelation 8 : 5 commentaries : then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar , and threw it to the earth ; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake .\nwe don\u2019t contribute to light pollution nor add to the ever - growing number of objects accumulating in earth orbit .\nthe term has been used frequently in literature and song lyrics . ashes to ashes is the title of a 2009 bbc television series . it was also used as a song title by david bowie in 1980 , which included one of his best - known lyrics :\nscattering by trench \u2013 after a shallow trench or grove is dug into the soil , the ashes are ceremonially poured in and then covered with soil . the trench can simply be a hole , or shaped into a symbol or to spell out a word . some people scatter ashes using the trench technique on a beach and time it so the tide comes , breaks down the uncovered trench , and washes the ashes out to sea .\nforasmuch as it hath pleased almighty god of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed , we therefore commit his body to the ground ; earth to earth , ashes to ashes , dust to dust ; in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life , through our lord jesus christ ; who shall change our vile body , that it may be like unto his glorious body , according to the mighty working , whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself .\n5 . cast it into the earth\u2014that is , unto the earth : the hot coals off the altar cast on the earth , symbolize god ' s fiery judgments about to descend on the church ' s foes in answer to the saints ' incense - perfumed prayers which have just ascended before god , and those of the martyrs . how marvellous the power of the saints ' prayers !\ngrief journey \u2013 cremation ashes don\u2019t have to be scattered all in one place . if you divide the remains into several small containers you can scatter the ashes wherever you see fit . plan a vacation to visit places of significance , or make a spiritual pilgrimage . another option is to keep the ashes in an urn and remove a tablespoon or two for scattering whenever you travel or move to a new place .\nscattering by burial \u2013 similar to the trench method but more akin to a traditional cremation burial , except the ashes are buried in a location other than a cemetery . the ashes can simply be poured into the hole or placed in a biodegradable urn for burial .\naerospace engineer , test pilot , united states air force pilot , and as one of the seven original astronauts in project mercury orbited the earth aboard faith 7 .\ncremation ashes may be scattered personally or through a service depending on the method of dispersal . if you choose to perform your own ash scattering , it is best to have one person at a time control the release from the container while the others observe . a group may take turns doing a partial scattering one at a time , or they might release the ashes simultaneously from smaller containers each containing a portion of the ashes .\nhowever the scattering takes place , it is important to cast the ashes downwind to keep the remains from blowing onto your party . cremation ashes are not in any way a health risk , but some may find the contact disturbing or disrespectful . the ashes will consist of dense , sand - like matter and a few bone fragments that will likely fall to the ground quickly , but some will remain airborne in the form of a whitish - gray cloud upon dispersal .\nthe 16th celestis memorial spaceflight will launch into earth orbit late this year from nasa\u2019s kennedy space center , florida . reservations are still open .\nascension release \u2013 instead of being dispersed from the ground , another option is to have the ashes scattered from the sky . this is usually done by professionals , who cast the ashes from a private plane over sea or land . other options include - but are not limited to - hang gliders , hot air balloons and weather balloons . some will allow you to do the scattering yourself or will coordinate with your ceremony to fly over and scatter the ashes so that the dispersal can be seen from the ground .\nlit . ,\nfrom or out off the fire ,\ni . e . , the coals or hot ashes . for \u03b5\u0313\u03ba out off see on\na foreboding black - doom metal dirge , meditating on a dark world caked in ash , resulting from all the earth\u2019s nuclear arsenal detonating at once .\nthere is no carping to be done with the details of a book such as this , because the text so manifestly serves noble purposes of consciousness and of conscience . earth and ashes is an ethical act that must be taken as a whole ; it transcends the ordinary categories of literature . rare is the book that warrants , for its moral illuminations , such pure esteem .\nand cast it into the earth - margin , upon . the margin expresses undoubtedly the meaning . the symbol , therefore , properly denoted that fearful calamities were about to come upon the earth . even the prayers of saints did not prevail to turn them away , and now the symbol of the scattered coals indicated that terrible judgments were about to come upon the world .\n( revised version ) . the angel now returns to the altar of burnt offering , whence he takes fire , which he casts upon the earth . this action denotes that god ' s judgments are about to descend on the earth , and it therefore forms the visible token of god ' s acceptance of the prayers of the saints , and his answer to them .\ncelestis provides an easy - to - use tracking tool that lets family and friends track the mission ' s progress as the celestis satellite orbits the earth or makes its way into deep space .\nin addition to the more traditional avenues of cremation burial or preservation in a columbarium , the scattering of ashes is a meaningful and time - honored means of memorializing a loved one after cremation . there are several methods for the release of ashes that can be personalized in any number of ways . much of the decision depends on the wishes of the deceased and how those left behind want to honor that person\u2019s memory . consider your choices carefully ; once the ashes are scattered they are gone forever , unless you keep a portion of the remains for remembrance or as part of a keepsake .\nearth and ashes is a story of such spareness and power it leaves the reader reeling . set during the russian occupation of afghanistan , it is a fable about war , family , home and tradition . an old man and his grandson sit in a deserted landscape of dusty roads and looming mountains . what are they waiting for ? as we watch them we learn their story . . . atiq rahimi has managed to condense centuries of afghan history into his short tale of three very different generations . at the same time , he has created a story that is universal in its power .\nfor all the sympathy the book generates , the characters remain in many ways bewildering to a western reader . here one is forced to accept a culture different not only on its surface but also in its very conception of human relations . these characters think things we would never think and act in ways we would never act . earth and ashes opens a way into afghan life but keeps that life unfamiliar . this is one of its triumphs : it does not allow its readers the arrogance of identification .\n\u201canyone seeking to understand why afghanistan is difficult and what decades of violence have done to its people should read atiq rahimi . he is a superb guide to a hard and complex land . \u201d \u2014ryan crocker , former us ambassador to pakistan and iraq , and us envoy to afghanistan \u201cthe blasted dreamscape of rahimi\u2019s story and his tightly controlled prose make this a sobering literary testament to the horrors of war . \u201d \u2014 publishers weekly \u201cit has the feel of a book of great antiquity and authority ; you could more readily level the afghan mountains than damage the dreaming culture that earth and ashes both embodies and silently trusts . \u201d \u2014 london times \u201cwith this novel rahimi picks up a shard of broken glass and sees the whole truth of his devastated country . \u201d \u2014 der spiegel ( germany )\n. on these coals no incense was placed , but they were thrown at once to the earth . the new emblem , therefore , is the taking of coals , and scattering them abroad as a symbol of the destruction that was about to ensue .\n. this is a new symbol , designed to furnish a new representation of future events . by the former it had been shown that there would be much prayer offered ; by this it is designed to show that , notwithstanding the prayer that would be offered , great and fearful calamities would come upon the earth . this is symbolized by casting the censer upon the earth , as if the prayers were not heard any longer , or as if prayer were now in vain .\nthere are a variety of creative options for how and where the ashes are scattered . often , cremated remains are dispersed at a place that had personal or philosophical significance to the deceased . it can be a favorite destination such as a beach , forest or meadow ; or someplace that reflects the person\u2019s everyday life such as a park , golf course or even their own home . keep in mind when choosing a location that there are laws governing the scattering of cremation remains . these laws vary from state to state and will affect how and where the ashes can be scattered , and whether you will need a permit to do so .\nmemorial crafting \u2013 a portion of the remains can be preserved inside a keepsake\u2026or crafted into one . for example , a small amount of ashes can be handcrafted into glass - blown tokens , jewelry or glass art and inscribed with a memorial message . cremation ashes can also be mixed into charcoal , paint and tattoo ink , or used in a more involved process to create objects such as fireworks or even diamonds . many memorial crafts such as these are created by artists all over the country , so take the time to explore what possibilities are available to you .\natiq rahimi ( b . 1962 , kabul ) moved to pakistan in 1984 and finally to france where he received political asylum ; he then studied at the sorbonne . in 1992 - 1995 he shot several documentaries for french television . in 2000 his first novel , earth and ashes , was warmly received by french critics , and in 2004 the author transferred it to the screen as his first feature . the film was chosen for the section un certain regard at the recent festival in cannes . rahimi published another novel in france in 2002 , les milles maisons du r\u00eave et de la terreur .\ncreate and plan additional remembrances and celebrations as the spacecraft orbits overhead or reaches key locations .\natiq rahimi\u2019s earth and ashes tells an enormous story by way of a very small one . the narrative , written in the second person , describes the journey of an old man , dastaguir , with his grandson , yassin . they are going to see the grandfather\u2019s son , the grandson\u2019s father , murad , who works in a mine and wasn\u2019t at home when his afghan village was destroyed by the russians and nearly everyone was killed . the first half of the book describes dastaguir\u2019s wait with yassin at the roadside checkpoint for a truck to take them the final leg of their weeklong journey to the mine ; the second half is about dastaguir\u2019s ride to and arrival at his destination .\nearth and ashes is the spare , powerful story of an afghan man , dastaguir , trying desperately to reach his son murad , who has left his village to earn a living working at a mine . in the meantime the village has been bombed by the russian army , and dastaguir , with his newly - deaf grandson yassin in tow , must reach murad to tell him of the carnage . the old man is beset on all sides by sorrow , that of his grandson , who cannot understand , that of his son , who does not yet know , and his own , made even crueler by the message he must deliver .\nbrevity is the sister of talent ,\nwrote anton chekhov , thinking of his short stories , in 1889 . his comment applies equally , if uneasily , to the heterogeneous fictions caught between the novel and the short story . post - conrad , james , woolf and rhys , the short novel is still often seen as a second - class form , lacking both the novel ' s scope and range and the manoeuvrability of the short story proper , which raymond carver loved because it\ncan be written and read in one sitting\n. when the writing calls for a more muscular definition , publishers offer unwieldy conjunctions (\nshort fictions\n,\nshort prose\n) or duck the question altogether with\nshorts\n. two fictions from france , earth and ashes and desolation , inhabit this genre - bending ground .\nthe story of the village ' s destruction emerges bit by bit , while dastaguir distracts himself from his grief with simple objects : an apple , stones , chewing tobacco . following the old man ' s jumps of attention , earth and ashes progresses in choppy , disconnected paragraphs . even its conversations fail : yassin , deafened by the blast , repeats\nwater !\n,\nall dead\nor\ndon ' t !\n, unresponsive to his grandfather ' s pleas and rebukes . his uncomprehending deafness mirrors the book ' s own strangeness : filtered through dastaguir ' s apathetic gaze , its gathered fragments remain oddly unaffecting .\n8 : 1 - 6 the seventh seal is opened . there was profound silence in heaven for a space ; all was quiet in the church , for whenever the church on earth cries through oppression , that cry reaches up to heaven ; or it is a silence of expectation . trumpets were given to the angels , who were to sound them . the lord jesus is the high priest of the church , having a golden censer , and much incense , fulness of merit in his own glorious person . would that men studied to know the fulness that is in christ , and endeavoured to be acquainted with his excellency . would that they were truly persuaded that christ has such an office as that of intercessor , which he now performs with deep sympathy . no prayers , thus recommended , was ever denied hearing and acceptance . these prayers , thus accepted in heaven , produced great changes upon earth . the christian worship and religion , pure and heavenly in its origin and nature , when sent down to earth and conflicting with the passions and worldly projects of sinful men , produced remarkable tumults , here set forth in prophetical language , as our lord himself declared , lu 12 : 49 .\nthere is some variety among the mss . in the order of the words here used . some place \u201clightnings\u201d before \u201cvoices . \u201d these signs and sounds herald the approach of judgments . god has arisen in answer to the cry of his people . \u201cthe earth shook and trembled . there went up a smoke and a fire : coals were kindled at it . at the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed , hailstones and coals of fire . the lord also thundered in the heavens , and the highest gave his voice , hailstones and coals of fire . yea , he sent out his arrows , and scattered them : he shot out lightnings and discomfited them . . . he delivered me from my strong enemy\u201d (\nscattering by water \u2013 the remains are scattered onto a body of water from the shore , a dock or a boat . loved ones may place flowers , petals or floating candles into the water alongside the remains as a tribute . these will float on top of the water while the ashes sink below the surface .\nwritten by atiq rahimi , an afghan political exile in paris , and translated by erdag m goknar , earth and ashes was acclaimed in france as a baffling\nprodigy\n.\nnovel , short story , fable ?\nwondered one critic . at barely 60 pages , the question is apt . rahimi ' s book follows an old man , dastaguir , and his grandson , yassin , sole survivors of a russian bomb that devastated their village , as they carry the news to the mine where the boy ' s father works . their long wait at a dusty border post is narrated by dastaguir in a strained second person , both inviting the reader to share his experiences and insisting on his own detachment from them . the cumulative effect is one of shocked numbness : the old man speaks to himself as though to a stranger , issuing fragmented pleas , questions and instructions :\nput the box back . think of something else .\ncelestis memorial spaceflights make the dream of spaceflight a reality by launching a symbolic portion of cremated remains into near - space , earth orbit , to the lunar surface or even beyond . you or your loved one will venture into space as part of a real space mission , riding alongside a commercial or scientific satellite .\nprime members enjoy fast & free shipping , unlimited streaming of movies and tv shows with prime video and many more exclusive benefits .\nother press publishes novels , short stories , poetry , and essays from america and around the world that represent literature at its best .\ntook ) the censer , and he filled it from the fire of the altar , and cast it ( i . e . ,\nvoices , and thunderings , and lightnings\u2014b places the\nvoices\nafter\nthunderings .\na places it after\nlightnings .\nat the memorial service preceding , families share life stories and share a contemplation of the next day\u2019s launch . as the countdown reaches zero and liftoff occurs , an overwhelming emotion of joy and completion prevails .\nearth and ashes \u2018s story is just eighty - one pages long , more the length of an epic poem than a novel . it shares with poetry a simultaneous richness and discipline of language \u2013 one feels the economy of expression in every sentence , but there is a lushness , too , in the barren context of the narrative . the most lyrical writing is inside quotation marks , the author giving his characters a more poignant eloquence than he claims for himself , an eloquence that the translation seems to sustain . a shopkeeper says to dastaguir , \u201cyou know , father , sorrow can turn to water and spill from your eyes , or it can sharpen your tongue into a sword , or it can become a time bomb that , one day , will explode and destroy you . \u201d yassin has gone deaf from the sound of the bombs , but he attributes the quiet to the world rather than to himself , and he says , \u201cthe bomb was huge . it brought silence . the tanks took away people\u2019s voices and left . they even took grandfather\u2019s voice away . grandfather can\u2019t talk anymore , he can\u2019t scold me . \u201d\nthe caring and experienced professionals at solimine funeral homes are here to support you through this difficult time . we offer a range of personalized funeral , memorial and cremation services to suit your family\u2019s wishes and requirements .\nthe often spare and elliptical narration , and the very effective descriptions of the weariness and worry of the most simple actions and exchanges , work very well . this is a powerful , understated work - - but in conveying the complete crushing of these souls so well is also horribly , horribly bleak .\nhas murad turned away from tradition and family , and embraced the ways of the outsiders ? has he forgotten what matters ? it all turns out to be more complicated ; it also turns out that dastaguir and murad and yassin have been entirely disenfranchised , powerless against those who can much more easily ( and forcefully ) impose their will . ultimately , too , there is nowhere for them to turn , and dastaguir and yassin will , essentially , walk back out into the wilderness , as their world has been taken from them .\nwe use google analytics to measure and evaluate access to and traffic on the public area of the site , and create user navigation reports for our site administrators . google operates independently from us and has its own privacy policy , which we strongly suggest you review . google may use the information collected through google analytics to evaluate users ' and visitors\u2019 activity on our site . for more information , see\ndirected by : atiq rahimi produced by : les films du lendemain genre : fiction - runtime : 1 h 45 min french release : 05 / 01 / 2005 production year : 2004 dastaguir sits besides the side of a road , his little grandson yassin by his side . the desolate afghan landscape spreads out around him : a partially destroyed bridge , a dry riverbed below , arid mountains in the distance , and a long , dusty road reaching its vanishing point at the horizon . the road leads to a distant mine - - a destination dreaded and yet sought out by dastaguir . he reluctantly undertakes this journey to see his son , yassin ' s father , who works at the mine . he must tell him that their village has been bombed and their family killed . it ' s a difficult task for the old man who is torn between his own grief , unbearable solitude and the codes of honor so deeply engrained in the afghan soul . while struggling with so many conflicting emotions , dastaguir comes across various strangers on his way : a grumpy guard in his sentry house , a philosophical merchant , a mysterious veiled woman who endlessly waits , and other victims of this vile war that continues elsewhere , off screen .\nearth and ashes\nis a fable about devastating loss , redemption and the perseverance of the human spirit when confronted with the atrocities of war . more info : urltoken\nwhich being here more generally mentioned , are by and by more particularly expressed .\nthere is not another memorial service as compelling as a celestis memorial spaceflight . each launch is a tribute event , attended by friends and family from around the globe . the celebration includes launch site tours and interaction with astronauts and space experts .\nwe have integrated services from umbraco that may collect your email and contact information .\nwe have integrated services from zoho that may collect your email and contact information .\noscar winners morgan freeman and john legend added as presenters along with j . j . abrams , sacha baron cohen and henry cavill dave grohl will give a special performance\nkristen bell and michael b . jordan to host academy ' s sci - tech awards\n\u00a9 2018 guardian news and media limited or its affiliated companies . all rights reserved .\nshort novels lend themselves to fable and allegory , constantly negotiating between their own neatly bounded spaces and the tangled sprawl of politics and society . where the 1 , 400 - page sweep of war and peace , say , is inextricably engaged with the society it describes , retreat to the confines of a novella may suggest the deliberate isolation of dissent .\nand the angel took the censer , . . . . the golden one before mentioned , the use of which was to take and carry in it burning coals of fire :\nif you choose to visit celestis , your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this notice and our terms of use , including limitations on damages , resolution of disputes , and application of the law . if you have any concern about privacy at celestis , please contact us with a thorough description , and we will try to resolve it . our business changes constantly , and our privacy statement and the conditions of use will change also . we may e - 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founder , charles chafer , describes his meeting with arthur c . clarke and how celestis will fly arthur c . clarke ' s dna to the moon . read more\nthe information we learn from customers helps us personalize and continually improve your shopping experience at celestis .\nto send you informational and promotional materials that you elect ( \u201copt - in\u201d ) to receive .\njackie chan , anne v . coates , lynn stalmaster and frederick wiseman to receive academy\u2019s 2016 governors awards\nthe river creates and the river destroys in an eternal cycle that even man can ' t escape .\na poker - playing restaurateur and former traveling salesman befriends a group of refugees newly arrived to finland .\nneurotech is the perfect combination of electronics and metal . this song has helped me before , listen .\non their third album , khemmis move further away from doom and into full - on power metal .\nexamples of automatic information we collect and analyze include the internet protocol ( ip ) address used to connect your computer to the internet , login , e - 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(\ncelestis\n) is a subsidiary of space services holdings , inc . , the commercial space pioneer whose memorial spaceflights have served hundreds from around the world . celestis knows that you care how information about you is used and shared , and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly .\nto bill and collect sums owed to us for any products you purchase from us . uses for this purpose include sending you emails , invoices , receipts and notices of delinquency , to alert you if we need a different credit card number , and to otherwise try to collect money owed . we use third parties to handle secure credit card transaction processing and send billing information to such third parties , who maintain all information in confidence , to process your orders and credit card payments . to learn more about what steps we take to safeguard such data , see below .\ncelestis uses remarketing services to advertise on third party websites to you after you visited our service . we and our third - 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present a major u . s . exhibition highlighting the prolific career of mexican cinematographer gabriel figueroa\nelderly dastaguir and his newly deaf 5 - year - old grandson yassin hitchhike and walk , but mostly walk , as they make their way to the coal mine where dastaguir ' s son murad works . dastaguir . . . see full summary \u00bb\njermaine fowler and omari hardwick of sorry to bother you take us back in time to the worst jobs of their careers .\n. the order is not the same here as there , but lightnings , thunderings , and voices are mentioned in both .\nyou can also visit urltoken for details on how to delete or reject cookies and for further information on cookies in general .\natiq rahimi , whose reputation for writing war stories of immense drama and intimacy began with this , his first novel , has managed to condense centuries of afghan history into a short tale of three very different generations . but he has also created a universal story about fathers and sons , and the terrible strain inflicted on those bonds of family during the unpredictable carnage of war .\nthe academy continues residency at the metrograph theater in new york with \u201cthe ballad of gregorio cortez\u201d and tribute to george a . romero\nslowly , dastaguir ' s story can be pieced together , as it is explained why he is here now , and , for example , why the young boy is now deaf ( though the boy himself barely realizes it ) . the story is set during the soviet occupation of afghanistan in the 1980s . while not indomitable , the foreigners are a powerful presence and the crushing force they can apply directly - - and horribly - - affected dastaguir and the village he comes from ; they also control the mine where murad works .\nyasmina reza , another parisian , has drawn on camus and houellebecq ' s brutal accounts of alienation for her own short novel . in desolation , translated by carol brown janeway , the ageing narrator , samuel , addresses a series of reflections and complaints to his absent son . samuel ' s mordant comments balance precariously between relish and bitterness : their acerbic charm is always on the verge of turning rancid .\nthis is an extraordinary short story or novella . it is the story of a grandfather and grandson travelling together to find their son / father respectively . it sounds like a simple story , but it is based during the russian occupation of afghanistan and blends great tragedy with honest thoughts and feelings of the characters whilst also making reference to the eleventh century , persian , book of kings . it is absolutely transferrable to the present day and could easily be a story of a family in the very recent past ! this book was a recommendation for me based on other books i had read . it was a great recommendation and i will definitely read more from this author .\nthe book is partly allegorical : the characters represent the problems of afghanistan and stand in for a much larger ravaged population . it conveys with heartbreaking clarity the quality of a destroyed country and its courageous , nearly annihilated inhabitants . what is perhaps most terrifying of all is that this book is set during the russian invasion of afghanistan ; this is how bad things were before the mujahideen and the taliban . we have become somewhat inured to the horror , so much of which we witnessed on news broadcasts , until we thought we knew it . here it is once again made incomprehensible to us . dastaguir and murad and yassin are the voices of this national despair , but the book is also the compelling narrative of individual afflictions . your heart is in your throat as dastaguir approaches the mine ; you are deeply pained by the sadness and confusion with which he approaches a world broken beyond recognition ; and you are filled with wonderment at the unbreachable fact of his survival . we get lost in his dreams and in his fears and most of all in his immediate quandary : is it better to go and tell murad what has happened , to bring such miserable news to someone who may now be innocent of it , or would it be better to turn around and go home , leaving murad some further time to live without this knowledge , which cannot do anything but injure him ? then again , would it injure him less to hear of it from his old father than to hear the dread words from a stranger ?\nwe receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us . like many websites , we employ\ncookies\nthat obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses celestis , advertisements , and other content served by or on behalf of celestis on other websites .\nhere , is to be understood the wrath of god , often in holy writ compared to fire , poured out upon the roman empire , or the visible church . upon which followed great judgments , and confusions , and tumults , expressed here , or ushered in , as before ,\nis a novella of only sixty - seven pages , set on a single day , with barely any action . dastaguir has traveled with his grandson , yassin , to the mine where his son - - and the boy ' s father - - murad works . murad left their village four years earlier , and he has only been back four times since - - though most recently just a month earlier . grandfather and grandson wait to hitch a ride for the last stretch , encountering only a few people - - among them the guard on the road and a shopkeeper .\ncanadian actor , known for his role as lt . commander montgomery scott (\nscotty\n) in the television and film series star trek .\n. the use of information collected through our sites shall be limited to the purposes under this privacy policy and our terms of service to customers .\nfinally i ' ve got some money to buy neurotech ' s discography ! and if i had , i would give much more than now and maybe than i will ever have . this music is great , especially stigma , my favorite album for 3 years . it ' s beautiful , i still replay that songs ( as well as from other albums ) and i ' ve never tired of it like it usually happens with all artists .\nwe\u2019ve updated our privacy policy to give you more control over your information and support new european data protection laws . you can review the changes here .\nelderly dastaguir and his newly deaf 5 - year - old grandson yassin hitchhike and walk , but mostly walk , as they make their way to the coal mine where dastaguir ' s son murad works . dastaguir must tell murad that the rest of their family were all killed in a recent bomb attack .\ninformation you give us : we receive and store any information you enter on our web site ( contact information and submissions ) or give us in any other way . you can choose not to provide certain information but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of our features . we use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests , customizing future shopping for you , improving our store , and communicating with you .\n. the meaning must be , to represent the same instrument as obtaining god\u2019s mercy on his people , and executing his vengeance on his enemies : cf .\nold dastagir and his grandson yassin climb out of a truck in the middle of the arid afghan landscape and set out on foot along a dusty road . they eventually come to a bridge over a dry riverbed . their road continues through the desert to a far away valley where yassin\u2019s father is supposed to work . the old man tries to find a truck that\u2019s going their way . he wants to tell his son that bombs have destroyed their village and that only he and yassin survived . hours pass by and in his sorrow the exhausted old man doesn\u2019t know what to do . he is trapped in his thoughts of the terrible night when his whole family died and little yassin went deaf . because he is afraid that the horrifying news will evoke righteous anger in his son and a desire for revenge , he somewhat subconsciously postpones their meeting . he confides his worries in the people he meets : the bridge guard , a kindly shopkeeper , and a mysterious woman who is also waiting \u2013 all are victims of a war which is still going on somewhere off screen . based on his own novel , the filmmaker located the movie on the road connecting kabul with northern afghanistan , which passes through an incredibly photogenic landscape : an undulating desert between mountains . the timeframe of the old man\u2019s journey to find his son is not precisely specified , thus the story takes on the nature of a parable of desperation caused by destructive loss , and of the need and ability of the human spirit to face the horrors of war . the director cast non - actors from among the local inhabitants .\ncomment : ex library book with usual stamps and stickers . uk expedited shipping available on this item for 4 . 99 . fast shipping . excellent customer feedback .\nall user data will only be processed as pseudonymous data . google does not store any names or e - mail addresses . all displayed ads are therefore not displayed specifically for a person , but for the owner of the cookie . this information is collected by google and transmitted to and stored by servers in the usa .\nit is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer . be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer .\n, where the man clothed in linen is commanded to go between the wheels under the cherub , and fill his hands with coals of fire from between the cherubims , and to scatter them over the city as a symbol of its destruction . here the coals are taken , evidently , from the altar of sacrifice . compare the notes on\ni read this book after finishing chris hedges ' superb hymn to thanatos ,\nwar is a force that gives us meaning .\nthis short book , also written with depth , clarity and beauty , is the\namen\nto mr . hedges book . both books highly recommended for those who praise war & support the so - called\nwar on terror .\nand for those who have experienced war ? dreams are revived and some dragons are hopefully laid to rest . deep thanks to both writers .\nthe business partners and advertising networks that serve interest - based advertisements on the services have limited access to a small amount of information about your profile and your device , which is necessary to serve you advertisements that are tailored to your apparent interests . it is possible that they may reuse this small amount of information on other sites or services .\nin a brief few pages , atiq rahmi conjours up the devastation of war on a human level . a penniless old grandfather and his grandson , yassin , deafened from the effects of war ( from noise or shock , we don ' t know ) are making the laborious journey to the mine where murad , yassin ' s father , and the only surviving member of the family , is working . the rest of the family has been massacred by the soviets invading afghanistan en route they meet several characters , all in their own way affected by the war . the guard at the bridge , the shop keeper , the truck driver and murad ' s boss , all surviving as best they can . in spite of the brevity of this book the profound feeling of damage and loss that it leaves with its reader is a measure of its power . my book had only 54 pages and presumably was an edited version for younger readers . i would love to read the full version , which is no doubt even more powerful and thought provoking .\nlike meursault and the narrator of whatever , samuel is isolated and imprisoned within the confines of a short novel .\nis there a reality outside oneself ?\nhe wonders .\nexplain travelling to me ,\nhe begs his globetrotting son , who has betrayed his father by joining the contemptible\nmass of normal people who aspire to happiness\n.\nthe wanderings of an old man and his grandson through the arid but gorgeously photogenic landscape of northern afghanistan , devastated by a war which has been going on for 23 years .\none of the original mercury 7 astronauts , l . gordon cooper , jr . was an american hero and a true space pioneer who helped lead america into the space age .\ncelestis ambassador marc lee honors wende doohan , her late husband james doohan ( star trek ' s\nmr . scott\n) and all those who inspire us . read more\nto the extent that our website contains links to sites operated by third parties and not related to our products or services ( \u201clinked websites\u201d ) , the linked websites are not controlled by us and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of those companies . before disclosing your personal information to linked websites , we advise you to examine their privacy policies .\nthis privacy policy explains what information of yours will be collected by celestis when you access the site ( including through the websites of our partners ) , how the information will be used , and how you can control the collection , correction and / or deletion of information . we will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this privacy policy ."]} {"id": 114563, "summary": [{"text": "the suspect is a 1998 hong kong action film written and directed by ringo lam and starring louis koo , julian cheung , simon yam , ray lui , ada choi and eric moo", "topic": 12}], "title": "the suspect ( 1998 film )", "paragraphs": ["david denby has been a staff writer and film critic at the new yorker since 1998 .\nvisual anthropology review 14 , no . 1 ( spring / summer 1998 ) , 45 - 57 .\nthe last broadcast ( 1998 ) , a cult horror\nfound footage\nfilm , was notable as the first feature - length video shot and edited entirely on personal , consumer - level digital video equipment ( for a reported $ 900 ) - without the use of celluloid film . it was the first feature to be theatrically - released digitally via satellite to theaters across the united states , on october 23 , 1998 .\na computer scientist running a virtual reality simulation of 1937 becomes the primary suspect when his colleague and mentor is murdered .\na man begins to suspect his neighbors are not what they appear to be and their secrets could be deadly .\nroland emmerich ' s 1998 godzilla was many things ( most of them bad ) , but it wasn ' t really a godzilla movie .\ntaylor has also been the subject of continuing creative analysis and self - analysis : his autobiography , private domain , published in 1987 ; matthew diamond\u2019s 1998 film dancemaker . now comes another . it\u2019s very good .\nafter a simple jewelry heist goes terribly wrong , the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant .\nthe whole film feels superimposed , while the story underneath remains frozen and lifeless .\nwe don ' t have enough data to suggest any movies based on the suspect . you can help by rating movies you ' ve seen .\nsome interpreted the film as an adaptation of the tragic greek myth about orpheus and eurydice .\nwinston , brian 1995 claiming the real : the documentary film revisited . london : bfi .\na triumphant accomplishment stemming from the danish dogme 95 movement , vinterberg\u2019s stripped down , intensely emotional 1998 film , mixes comedy and misery as it navigates the story of a family gathering in which disturbing truths emerge about the respected family patriarch . winner of the top prize at the cannes film festival , the celebration , is unquestionably one of the most influential films of the last few decades . 105 minutes .\nbordwell , david 1985 narration in the fiction film . madison : university of wisconsin press .\ngene hackman and willem dafoe in the 1988 film mississippi burning . photograph : allstar / cinetext collection\nwho needs subtitles when a film has as much slam - bang action as the suspect , the second south korean spy thriller to arrive here in as many months . reflecting the heavy influence of the bourne movies , this hyperkinetic pulp entertainment features enough car chases , shootouts and fight sequences to please genre aficionados of all ethnicities .\ncrew : camera ( cinevex color ) , simon duggan ; editor , suresh ayyar ; music , david hirschfelder ; production designer , richard bell ; costume designer , jeanie cameron ; sound ( dolby ) , john wilkinson ; technical adviser , davie ; assistant director , karan monkhouse ; casting , greg apps . reviewed at uip screening room , sydney , march 2 , 1998 . ( in melbourne film festival - opening night ; montreal film festival - competing ; london film festival . ) running time : 101 min .\nafter reappearing , laura herself became a prime suspect in the murder case , since it was possible that laura killed diane redfern out of jealousy for her association with shelby . another suspect was anne treadwell ( judith anderson ) , laura ' s wealthy , amoral spinster aunt who was neurotically in love with shelby and decidedly defensive and jealous of the younger laura , her engagement , and her possible forthcoming marriage to carpenter .\nfirst - rate performances from hugo weaving and tony martin distinguish\nthe interview ,\na taut , consistently intelligent drama about the grilling of a murder suspect by a tenacious , though flawed , law officer . basically a three - hander , debut film from director craig monahan is a rich cinematic experience despite its claustrophobic settings .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nthis solid action thriller from ringo lam is more competent than spectacular , which registers the film as an eventual disappointment .\nbarnouw , erik 1974 documentary : a history of the non - fiction film . new york : oxford university press .\nthis film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are . see what\u2019s now showing\nnow granted , emmerich and devlin obviously know their b - film history , and that being the case may well have been aware beast from 20 , 000 fathoms ( along with king kong ) was a fundamental inspiration for 1954\u2019s gojira , but that doesn\u2019t change the fact that , despite their use of the name , what they made was a reboot of the 1953 film , not the 1954 film or any of the godzilla films that followed .\nan interview with writer / director boots riley about his incendiary new film ,\nsorry to bother you .\nbarsam , richard meran 1973 nonfiction film : a critical history . new york : e . p . dutton .\nfirst - rate performances from hugo weaving and tony martin distinguish \u201cthe interview , \u201d a taut , consistently intelligent drama about the grilling of a murder suspect by a tenacious , though flawed , law officer . basically a three - hander , debut film from director craig monahan is a rich cinematic experience despite its claustrophobic settings . pic had a generally enthusiastic launch as [ \u2026 ]\ncrew : camera ( color ) , joey forstyte ; editor , william mercer ; original music , shark ; music supervision , pajama party prods . ; production design , robert harbour ; costumes , shanna gold ; sound , dwayne dell ; casting , mary margiotta , karen margiotta . reviewed at sundance film festival ( american spectrum ) , jan . 24 , 1998 . running time : 90 min .\nfirst - rate performances from hugo weaving and tony martin distinguish \u201cthe interview , \u201d a taut , consistently intelligent drama about the grilling of a murder suspect by a tenacious , though flawed , law officer . basically a three - hander , debut film from director craig monahan is a rich cinematic experience despite its claustrophobic settings . pic had a generally enthusiastic launch as the opening night attraction of the melbourne film festival , and is about to embark on the international fest circuit . it should perform solidly in arthouses in australia and , if carefully handled , in other key territories .\nthe set - up to this film is elaborate , and there was an obvious expense in the film\u2019s locale and cast of hundreds . still , the result is more bland than anything else , as there is a distinct lack of passion in the film . though ringo lam has never been an emotional character director , his ability to craft gripping , intense situations is unparalleled in hk . that ability escapes him here , as the story is interesting but ultimately uninspired .\n` ` deceiver ' ' is a chinese box of a movie , in which we learn less and less about more and more . it ' s centered in a police interrogation room , where a rich kid undergoes a lie detector test in connection with the murder of a prostitute . did he do it ? at first it seems he did . then he turns the tables on the two cops running the polygraph exam , and by the end of the film everyone is a suspect .\njayne heitmeyer and jacob tierney play mother and son in the film even though in real life , she is only 9 years older than him .\nout of jail after serving 12 years for murder , ex - assassin don ( louis koo ) is asked to kill a presidential frontrunner by his buddies max ( julian cheung ) and chan hung ( simon yam ) . when don refuses the job , they made him the obvious suspect after the candidate is assassinated .\none of the reasons the godzilla films seem so silly to american audiences is that this self - consciousness and the deep , specifically japanese roots were often excised by american distributors or were simply missed by american audiences . most attempts to americanize godzilla end up stripping away everything he represents to his original audience , and in the case of the 1998 movie , that left us with nothing more than a big mutated dinosaur .\nknown in the uk as ' liar ' . great film , clever story , good twists and totally original , probably the best part i ' ve seen tim roth play\nginsburg , faye 1995\nthe parallax effect : the impact of aboriginal media on ethnographic film ,\nvisual anthropology review 11 ( 2 ) : 64 - 76 , fall .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nbordwell , david , and kristin thompson 1993 film art : an introduction . fourth edition . new york : mcgraw hill , inc .\nin the film , celebrated , snippy gossip columnist waldo lydecker ( clifton webb ) functioned as laura ' s svengali - like mentor and protective confidant in a platonic relationship , when he helped her become a successful advertising executive . womanizing , effete southern playboy shelby carpenter ( vincent price ) , whose marriage to laura had been recently called off , was also a prime suspect ( he confessed later to being present at the murder scene when the off - screen shooting occurred ) .\nellis , jack c . 1989 the documentary idea : a critical history of english - language documentary film and video . englewood cliffs , nj : prentice hall .\nafter krishna sets fire to his brother\u2019s motorbike , his mother abandons him at the apollo circus and tells him not to return home until he can afford 500 rupees to pay for the bicycle . he takes a train to bombay where he finds a job selling tea , but the streets aren\u2019t kind to krishna as he struggles to survive among seedy individuals in hope of one day returning home . the film earned an oscar nomination for best foreign language film and won the golden camera and prix de publique awards at the 1988 cannes film festival . 113 minutes .\nplans for those two sequels were quickly scrapped . toho snatched the licensing rights back from sony , and immediately began damage control by pushing ahead with their own godzilla 2000 in an effort to get the true series back on track . there\u2019s even a sly , snide jab at the emmerich / devlin film at the beginning of 2001 ' s godzilla , mothra , king ghidorah : giant monsters all out attack . upon hearing about a monster attacking the east coast of the us in 1998 , a student asks ,\nthat was godzilla , right ?\na fellow student responds ,\nthe americans say it was , but the guys over here have their doubts . \u201d\nclaims that he and john ad - libbed most of their dialogue . this may be true , due to the fact that they often interrupt their own lines and stutter in the film .\nthough most of the film is set in the drab interview room , cinematographer simon duggan pulls out all the stops to make \u201cthe interview\u201d a potent visual experience . occasional flashbacks are hardly necessary , but do succeed in lightening the claustrophobic mood at key intervals .\nproduction : a globe films ( australia ) release of an australian film finance corp . presentation of a pointblank picture / interview films production , with the assistance of the australian film commission . ( international sales : southern star films , sydney . ) produced by bill hughes . directed by craig monahan . screenplay , monahan , gordon davie .\nkelman , ken 1978 las hurdes . in the essential cinema . ed . p . adams sitney . new york : anthology film archives . pp . 122 - 126 .\nin this enigmatic , cinematically puzzling , allegorical and ambiguous new wave film - a black and white , slow - moving , expressionistic film and fragmented tale from director alain resnais - it mixed time ( past and present ) , and reality ( fantasy vs . memory ) . it was about dreamy seduction , memory , the past and the present , the reconstruction of reality , and time . [ note : in the original screenplay by alain robbe - grillet , there was an explicit forceful rape , but it was not fully pictured in the film . ] many critics have regarded the film as having a strong influence on stanley kubrick ' s the shining ( 1980 ) , david lynch ' s mulholland dr . ( 2001 ) and inland empire ( 2006 ) .\nafter the ritual sacrifice of a rooster in the opening sequence - - not unlike the slitting of the eye at the opening of an andalousian dog , which , in bu\u00f1uel ' s words ,\nmoves the spectator into the cathartic state necessary to accept the subsequent events of the film\n( edwards 1982 : 59 ) - - we are primed to enter las hurdes .\nwhen bu\u00f1uel ' s film went into commercial release in 1937 , the british film director basil wright praised it as an important work of non - fiction , while criticizing the inappropriate voice - over commentary and poor choice of music . wright was one of the most respected documentary filmmakers of his generation ; as much as anyone , he helped define the parameters of the form . he concludes his enthusiastic 1937 review of land without bread with the following comment ,\nunfortunately ,\nof course , those subtitles will come handy when it comes to discerning the complexities of the exposition - heavy , flashback laden narrative . with a bloated running time of 137 minutes , the film threatens at times to wear out its welcome .\nin london , steven grlscz helps the suicidal maria vaughan in the subway and seduces her . after a period living with maria , steven kills her in his apartment drinking her blood and dumps her body in the sea . steven becomes a suspect for the londoner police and is chased by inspector healey . meanwhile steven meets the structure engineer anne labels and she falls in love with him . however , she discovers a dark secret about her lover that needs to survive .\nin the fictional republic of zubrowka , a legendary concierge , gustave h . ( ralph fiennes ) and his lobby boy turned personal assistant , zero ( tony revolori ) run a popular alpine resort well known for providing wealthy clientele with \u201cexceptional services . \u201d when one of gustave\u2019s lovers , an elderly hotel guest , dies mysteriously , gustave finds himself the owner of a priceless artifact and the primary suspect of her murder . nominated for 9 academy awards including best picture , wes anderson\u2019s latest film has earned widespread critical acclaim for its unique style , charm and elegance . 100 minutes .\nland without bread marshals a host of devices conventionally associated with non - fiction film , for example , the introductory intertitle that proclaims ,\nthis is a filmed essay in human geography made in spain in 1932 .\nthe film appropriates the style of an\nillustrated lecture\nto introduce viewers to the secluded region of las hurdes . it explores with apparent scientific rigor the way of life of a people . it is worth recalling what many consider the canonical work in this genre , robert flaherty ' s popular first feature nanook of the north ( 1922 ) , the most famous ethnographic film of the pre - world war ii era . as critic ken kelman first noted , land without bread bears important stylistic similarities with nanook of the north ( 1978 : 125 ) .\nafter his ex - wife dies in a fall from her balcony , police sgt . henry smovinsky gets custody of his troubled teenage son . smovinsky soon finds out that his ex - wife was a high - class hooker , her death was not a suicide and that the police have chosen him as their prime suspect . maggie furness is the only cop willing to help him protect his son and track down the real killer .\nmission accomplished , tweaky tim doesn\u2019t let it rest . indeed , he encourages the police to suspect chris of foul play , seduces latter\u2019s girlfriend emma ( keri russell ) , and finds other ways to \u201chave a little fun . \u201d mean - while , natalie commits suicide \u2014 for real . loyalties between remaining trio grow ever more uneasy , leading to inevitable cliff - side finale .\nin another sequence , we are informed , in words taken almost verbatim from legendre ' s book ( 1927 : 126 ) , that\none eats goat meat only when one of the animals is killed accidentally . this happens sometimes when the hills are steep and there are loose stones on the footpath .\na remarkable two - shot sequence ironically illustrates this claim . in the first image , at the moment the goat slips in the distance , a puff of smoke appears in the lower right - hand side of the frame . a reverse angle match - on - action shot then shows the animal falling from above . from one image to the next , the camera shifts from one side of the mountain to the other . to fabricate an illusion of continuity , the film crew shot the goat , hauled its carcass up the side of the mountain , and threw it off again . by leaving the traces of this process in the film , however , the director undermines the illusion and exposes the artifice of montage .\nwhen a prisoner transport plane crashes , one prisoner , mark sheridan , skillfully escapes and saves lives at the same time . deputy sam gerard and his team of u . s . marshals pursue relentlessly , but gerard begins to suspect that there is more to the exceptional fugitive than what he has been told . meanwhile , sheridan struggles to avoid capture while seeking answers of his own . until the final scene , both gerard and sheridan are in jeopardy of the unknown .\nthe film ' s message was that there were different archetypal roles to be played by the talents of various apartment tenants to assist story in getting home , but they needed to be matched up correctly during her departure ceremony . heep received assistance from film critic harry farber ( bob balaban ) , but was misled in the match - ups , and then story was mortally wounded by the scrunt . eventually , heep succeeded in identifying the four proper roles , to assist story in returning safely to her world :\nin the film ' s forward , intrigued local documentary film - maker and reporter david leigh ( david beard ) explained ( to the camera ) his motivation for studying a recent series of ritualistic homicides of tv show hosts and crew , allegedly committed by one of their team members , jim suerd . the convicted murderer suerd ( who had died in prison after sentencing -\nunder mysterious causes\n) was thought to be troubled and emotionally - disturbed .\na thousand feet beneath the sea , the blackest holes are in the mind . . .\nhowever , it was also criticized for its blatant similarities to the blair witch project ( 1999 ) , although it was actually made first . this inventive mock - documentary horror film took the approach of re - creating the events by a sleuthing documentarian , while blair witch favored the approach of watching unexplained recovered footage .\ngeis , cinematographer tom hurwitz , and executive producer robert aberlin have done a superb job . aside from the hero - worship , the only other criticism is why it took so long to put this film together . taylor created three dubious memories in 2010 ; it premiered in early 2011 . the work did not receive strong reviews , and is already , at least temporarily , out of the repertory . but it\u2019s the creation of the dance , not the dance itself or its critical reception , which is the film\u2019s subject , so the length of time it took is only a somewhat irrelevant observation . and as for that hero - worship \u2013 this is paul taylor . it goes with the territory .\njasmin m\u00fcnchgstettner , a german tourist from rosenheim , finds herself stranded in the middle of the california desert after quarrelling with her husband on their travels . she stops at the bagdad cafe , a truckstop run by the brawny and tenacious , c . c . h . pounder , a woman going through marital problems of her own . the unlikely pair gradually become friends as the film tracks their transformative journey through a colorful cast of cafe regulars . nominated for an oscar , percy adlon\u2019s english - speaking debut film is a heartwarming and humorous celebration of unlikely relationships and the unpredictable directions our lives take . 95 minutes .\n' character , was also the name of a real - life chemist and physicist who did pioneering work in the field of electromagnetism . michael faraday is also the name of a street in reston , virginia , in which the film takes place . faraway made a cage of copper , faraday cage , it cuts off electronic signals\ngrim , gritty , smart , and full of surprises , tim roth plays a very rich , very smart young man being questioned by two detectives who aren ' t all that they seem on the surface . the detectives ( chris penn and michael rooker ) are investigating a gruesome murder for which they have few leads . tim roth ' s character , wayland , becomes the prime suspect although the evidence is weak . we are never sure who is in charge of the interrogation , as wayland is very manipulative and the detectives are not squeaky clean , either . this one had the viewer hooked from start to finish .\nin addition , the future of anthropological cinema must be nurtured by greater understanding of past endeavors . visual anthropologists need to re - examine the rich history of ethnographic film , including not only forgotten works such as the smithsonian - funded by aeroplane to pygmyland , stirling new guinea expedition ( 1927 ) , but also the extensive research footage stored in archives . ethnographic filmmakers , like their literary counterparts , should return to the scenes of earlier works . we need , for example , a film on the making of robert gardner ' s dead birds ( 1963 ) which also explores the remarkable transformations in the highlands of western new guinea after decades of indonesian rule .\nas clyde pressed the send button on the phone to the bomb - attached cellphone , rice quickly exited the cell and locked the door behind him . he repeated :\nafter the daughter of a prominent businessman is brutally murdered , high profile defense attorney kitt devereux takes the case of the accused murderer , rising rapper bobby medina . with a history of drugs and violence , medina is a likely suspect , but devereux suspects there ' s more to the case as she locks horns with her ex - husband , d . a . jack campioni , and a wealthy woman whose son is a presidential candidate . dealing with her own tainted past and the unreliable medina , devereux struggles to prove her client ' s innocence even to herself .\nbalakian , anna 1959 surrealism : the road to the absolute . new york : the noonday press .\n14 . i agree wholeheartedly with sitney ' s concluding remarks on land without bread ,\nalthough the film does present a devastating image of the wretchedness of hurdane life , it even more powerfully indicts the documentary genre itself and urbane audiences who respond to it\n( 1985 : 203 ) . ( back )\nsomeone ( presumably not bu\u00f1uel ) has added to the film a wearisome american commentary , plus the better part of a brahms symphony . as a result , picture and sound never coalesce\n( 1971 : 146 ) . while mistaken , wright ' s comments hint at the central tension of bu\u00f1uel ' s work .\nconley , tom 1987 documentary surrealism : on land without bread . in dada and surrealist film . ed . rudolf e . kuenzli . new york : willis , locker & owens . pp . 176 - 198 .\ndeath hangs over every frame of land without bread , just as the skulls over the church door\npreside over the destiny\nof the albercans in the opening sequence . for example , the film asks us to believe that shortly before the expedition arrived in las hurdes ,\nthree men and eleven mules\nwere killed by honey bees . ( the weight of convention remains so powerful that many viewers accept this ludicrous statement as fact . ) having seen an itinerary of how death visits the hurdanos - - whether by accident , starvation , or infection - - we begin to wonder how there is anyone left for the film to record . nevertheless , in flagrant contradiction , the narrator matter of factly informs us , after the death of a baby , that\na death is a rare event which can be recorded in this miserable village .\nthe rush of village women\nin crowds to the dead ' s house\nsimilarly contradicts the earlier , outrageous , neglect of the child lying in the\nlonely street .\n( 1995 : 84 - 5 ) . macdougall notes the documentary ' s\nprovocatively surrealist\nnature in a footnote to his essay on voice in ethnographic film ,\nwhose story is it ?\n( 1992 : 39 ) . ( back )\n' ' deceiver ' ' is similar to ' ' the usual suspects ' ' in the way it coils around its central facts , looking at them first one way and then another . it also has a less obvious parallel with quentin tarantino ' s practice of working arcane knowledge into the dialogue of his characters . carefully polished little set pieces are spotted through the film ; the action stops for well - informed discussions about vincent van gogh , the dangers of absinthe , the symptoms of epilepsy and the relative intelligence of the two cops .\nin a dance of seduction , the two unnamed ' lovers ' recounted a fragmented tale of their perceived reality and unrealized ( ? ) love affair . the puzzling film never clearly ascertained whether x ' s claim of a relationship was true or false . what really happened\nlast year\n?\noh , and fun digression time , because the 20th century fox film was very r - rated , fox had to hold off the debut of the first teaser for star wars episode one : the phantom menace and instead timed it with paramount ' s the rugrats movie two weeks later . but theaters had no problem running it with walt disney ' s r - rated will smith thriller enemy of the state , which opened on the same weekend as rugrats . a similar situation occurred when universal pulled their mummy returns teaser from prints of the grinch out of fears that the pg - 13 movie ' s teaser would scare young moviegoers . fair enough , but i remember a number of pg - 13 trailers from other studios playing before that opening weekend showing of the grinch . now the grinch became the highest - grossing film of 2000 anyway , but i would imagine the siege could have used a boost on its opening weekend via star wars fans buying tickets to the siege and then sneaking into the waterboy after the trailer had played .\nthis film reminded me strongly of all of the student films i was forced to watch and participate in during college . the dialogue is inane , the acting more wooden than charlie mccarthy , and the cinematography and editing reminiscent of that done by young men in their twenties who want to be steven spielberg when they grow up . the editing often cuts too late or too quickly . the cinematography tries way too hard to be avante garde , and instead looks like something sam raimi would have done in the 1970s . dropping in on this film makes me feel like ed wood is still alive , or at least was in 1997 to make this picture . this is bad , people . . . very bad .\nin the film ' s conclusion , lydecker attempted to kill laura a second time with a shotgun ( hidden in the base of a grandfather clock ) in a murder / suicide , rather than leave her to the\nvulgar pawing of a second - rate detective\n- - but she was saved in the nick of time by mcpherson as lydecker was mortally wounded in an exchange of gunfire with the police .\nexplores some of the varied faces of lying and deception in our society from the inconsequential to the deeply harmful .\ninjured but surviving officer white ( sitting mute in the back seat ) departed with veronica lake - look - alike prostitute lynn bracken ( kim basinger ) , on her way home to arizona after quitting the high - class whore business . as lynn departed and kissed him , she told exley ( in the film ' s last line ) :\nmacdougall , david 1992 whose story is it ? in ethnographic film : aesthetics and narrative traditions . eds . peter i . crawford and jan k . simonsen . aarhus , denmark : intervention press . pp . 25 - 42 .\nthe vigilante film opened in 1999 ( a flashback actually ) during the philadelphia home invasion of intelligent engineer - inventor clyde alexander shelton ( gerard butler ) . clyde was watching as his 10 year - old daughter heather ( ksenia hulayev ) was making him a letter cube - beaded bracelet with the word\ndaddy .\ntwo intruders broke in :\nin the film , mrs pell ( frances mcdormand ) , wife of sheriff ' s deputy and lynch mob leader clinton pell ( brad dourif ) , reveals a police conspiracy . this leads anderson and ward to another of the guilty men , who they soon intimidate into a confession . all of these characters are fictional . in place of mrs pell , there was a\nmr x\n, who has subsequently been named by journalists as highway patrolman maynard king . rather than resorting to the vigilante tactics used by anderson in the film , the fbi allegedly paid cash for information to crack the case . seven men ( out of 18 accused ) were convicted on relatively minor conspiracy charges . the only man convicted of the manslaughter of the three activists was edgar ray killen , who was finally prosecuted in 2005 .\nan image in a government briefing book helped a state department official see \u201cthe forest for the trees\u201d in the west bank\u2014and then was shared with the president .\nin the small town of cherry falls , a psychotic murderer is killing off the virgins of the local high school .\nsaving private ryan\nis a powerful experience . i ' m sure a lot of people will weep during it . spielberg knows how to make audiences weep better than any director since chaplin in\ncity lights .\nbut weeping is an incomplete response , letting the audience off the hook . this film embodies ideas . after the immediate experience begins to fade , the implications remain and grow .\nthough deceiver sometimes confuses being manipulative with being clever , it has enough twists and turns to make it an interesting ride . to say it ' s smart would be a bit of a stretch , the plot is a bit outlandish , but it is unique enough to give the film a fresh feel . one might become easily frustrated by its non - traditional narrative , but its not meant as such , instead focusing on the characters , and their role in this mind game , almost in the style of a lynch film . this emphasis on character succeeds largely due to the underrated tim roth , who owns almost every scene he ' s in . 3 . 5 / 5 stars\nwright , basil 1971 land without bread and spanish earth . in the documentary tradition : from nanook to woodstock . ed . lewis jacobs . new york : hopkinson and blake . pp . 146 - 147 . [ originally published in film news ( london ) , december 1937 . ]\n8 . tom conley ' s 1987 essay includes a shot - by - shot description of the film along with numerous photographs . conley breaks the film down into fourteen sections :\ncredits ,\nla alberca ,\nthe countryside and abandoned churches ,\nthe first hurdano village scenes ,\nschool and writing ,\nthe lower depths : extreme hurdano town and country ,\nscaped goats ,\ndaily economy and tribulation : beehives ,\ncultivation and gathering of food ,\nmosquitoes and death ,\ndwarfs ,\ndeath : a child ' s funeral ,\nhome life : interior scenes and the death knell ,\nand\nthe end\n( 1987 : 189ff ) . ( back )\nby film ' s end , x ' s ambiguous allegations about what had happened were completely uncertain , although it appeared that the protagonist had gradually succeeded in readying a to leave the hotel one night for an unknown destination , as m watched them depart from a staircase . however , x ' s voice - over account was unreliable and described in the past tense :\none of the ways it undermines its characters is by upstaging them with the plot . we get several theories about the death of the prostitute , and lots of flashbacks in which wayland ' s tortured childhood offers explanations for actions he may or may not have taken . facts are established , only to be shot down . having seen the film twice , i am prepared to accept that its paradoxes are all answered and its puzzles solved , although unless you look closely and remember the face of an ambulance driver , you may miss the explanation for one of the big surprises .\nthis visually captivating and eerie masterpiece follows the journey of an extraterrestrial ( scarlett johansson ) who is obsessed with luring unsuspecting men into a dangerous and intriguing web . one of the most thought provoking films of 2014 , this sci - fi horror combines erotic energy with an unsettling and enigmatic plot . nominated for best international film at the 2015 independent spirit awards . 108 minutes .\ndan followed jack to the sf international airport terminal and into an off - limits airplane maintenance hangar for a deadly stand - off . the film ended with allayne , who had flown to sf , shooting jack to death as he was poised to kill her husband - and then in another shocking twist , she admitted her involvement with jack :\nand then in one of the film ' s most surprising moments set in a getaway airport hotel room , jack suddenly shot partner vickie in the stomach - his plan was to pin vickie ' s death on dan and have the diamonds all to himself ; but things went awry when a bloodied , still - alive vickie stumbled out into the hotel corridor where jack had to pursue and kill her , allowing dan to escape .\ncheck out highlights from some of the best recent trailers including mandy , the predator , zoe , and the king of thieves .\nthe turning point in the film comes , i think , when the squadron happens upon a german machinegun nest protecting a radar installation . it would be possible to go around it and avoid a confrontation . indeed , that would be following orders . but they decide to attack the emplacement , and that is a form of protest : at risk to their lives , they are doing what they came to france to do , instead of what the top brass wants them to do .\nthe film could somewhat simplistically be described as good willing hunting ( which i also like quite a bit , save for its\nresponsibility is for losers !\nending ) in the navy with denzel washington in the proverbial robin williams role . and yes we do get a story about a troubled young man and the psychiatrist who heals himself while attempting to heal his patient , along with a token love interest who helps the young man come out of his shell . but antwone fisher doesn ' t have the gimmick of making its protagonist into a boy genius , and thus is by default a more realistic film . mr . fisher ( derek luke ) is simply the victim of an endless stream of societal failures , as parental abandonment leads to abuse in the foster care system and homelessness . already prone to violence and with a bad temper , fisher sees the navy as the last chance to make something of his life , but an altercation puts that in jeopardy .\nas story was about to be rescued by the giant eagle , the tartutic monkeys in the trees attacked the wolfish - scrunt and killed it , and she was safely taken .\nif there is one single living legend among american choreographers , it is paul taylor . his body of work over a sixty - plus year career needs no elaboration . like balanchine , graham , and cunningham , each of whom he danced for , and tharp , who danced for him , his name alone is sufficient to spark adulation , and to rekindle memories . his was the first modern dance performance that i loved as much as appreciated . the first time i saw his company , i flew out of the theater on an aureole - induced euphoric cloud , while wondering how that piece could have sprung from the same mind that gave us big bertha . and i suspect that everyone remembers their first esplanade .\nthe film flows seamlessly from rehearsal to interview to commentary to rehearsal , back and forth until the dance\u2019s premiere . gradually , without undue fanfare , the choreographic creation yields to the finished product . jennifer tipton\u2019s lighting design is made to look almost an afterthought , but its impact is apparent and requires no elaboration . while there are some unfortunate fade - outs as the premiere performance progresses , three dubious memories appears indeed rashomon - like as taylor originally described it . the three memories are not of the same event , but rather demonstrate how malleable memories , like taylor\u2019s creative process , can be .\ngo behind the scenes of the mission : impossible movies , check out the latest videos and trailers , and see which spy movies topped the box office in our mission : impossible guide .\nat the execution of ames , clyde had replaced the potassium chloride in the execution drip canister with skin - boiling acid that made the criminal painfully bleed through his skin . authorities investigated the incident as ' cruel and unusual punishment . '\nmonahan and his co - writer , gordon davie , cleverly create a kafkaesque atmosphere in which questionable authority figures may be persecuting a perfectly innocent man . on the other hand , these cops may just be trying to do their job in the most difficult circumstances , attempting to extract a confession from a cunning and dangerous killer . davie , who also acted as technical adviser on the film , is a former police officer who worked for 16 years with the victorian crime squad .\n17 . in the same review , basil wright discusses joris ivens ' spanish earth ( 1937 ) , for which ernest hemingway wrote , and read , the voice - over commentary . having described the voice - over to land without bread as\nwearisome ,\nwright contends that hemingway provided spanish earth with\nthe best commentary in the history of the sound film\n( 1971 : 147 ) . from my perspective sixty years later , bu\u00f1uel and unik ' s multi - layered commentary in land without bread is far superior . predictably , the first word wright uses to describe spanish earth is\nsincere\n( 1971 : 146 ) . a detailed comparison of the two films would be instructive in understanding the range of documentary approaches in the 1930s . ( back )\non december 16 , 1995 at 11 : 57 am , suerd made a confused and shocked pay phone call to 911 about his missing team members ( he said that he had\na really bad feeling about it\n) . the mutilated bodies of two of them ( wheeler and clackin ) were found in the new jersey pine lands , with blood in the snow and the hat of the third individual ( avkast ) . leigh covered the subsequent investigation and trial of suerd beginning in june of 1996 . suerd was accused , charged and tried as a major suspect ( there was blood evidence from all three on his shirt ) . suerd was found guilty ( in mid - july 1996 ) of two counts of first - degree murder , and sentenced to two consecutive life terms . then , in early january 1997 , suerd died in prison of questionable causes .\nthe name of the character played by ren\u00e9e zellweger ,\nelizabeth loftus\nis a reference to the distinguished psychologist of the same name , noted for her studies in clinically created false memories .\nthis\ncited by\ncount includes citations to the following articles in scholar . the ones marked\nflaherty ' s documentary on the struggle for survival of one inuit family opens with a series of intertitles that introduce the\nbarren lands\nand\nsterile\nenvironment of northern canada . against this harsh background , nanook of the north celebrates the nobility of the inuit . as arthur calder - marshall noted , the definitive experience of flaherty ' s career was\nthe discovery of people who in the midst of life were always so close to death that they lived in the moment nobly\n( 1963 : 67 ) . the second intertitle of land without bread reads ,\nlas hurdes is a sterile and inhospitable area where man is obliged to fight , hour by hour , for his subsistence .\nlike flaherty , bu\u00f1uel frames his work as a conflict of man against nature . but this drama is not fulfilled by the account he provides . nature is not the principal adversary of the hurdanos . the film inverts the epic heroism characteristic of flaherty ' s work ; though the hurdanos also live close to death , bu\u00f1uel refuses to grant them a comparable noble savagery .\nwidely considered one of the most influential films of the 90s , pulp fiction tells the story of two hit men , a boxer , a gangster\u2019s wife , and a pair of diner bandits as their lives intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption . nominated for 7 academy awards including an oscar win for best writing , the film has become a cult classic with spectacular performances from uma thurman , john travolta , and samuel l . jackson . 154 minutes . begins at 6 : 30pm !\nperformance chronicles the story of chas , a violent and erratic east london gang member , who hides out in washed - up ex rockstar turner\u2019s london flat . lifestyles and cultural values collide as the two men embark on a journey filled with sex , violence and , ultimately , transformation . directed by donald cammell and nicolas roeg , this cult film from the 70s is renown for its bold , shocking visuals and mick jagger\u2019s stunning performance . 105 minutes .\nbasically the story of a man forced to finally see the injustice around him . riley\u2019s movie is designed to do the same thing to you . \u2026\nsobchack , vivian 1981\nsynthetic vision : the dialectical imperative of bu\u00f1uel ' s las hurdes ,\nmillennium film journal 7 - 9 : 140 - 150 , fall / winter . 1988 no lies : direct cinema as rape . in new challenges for documentary . ed . alan rosenthal . berkeley : university of california press . pp . 332 - 344 .\nboldly shifting from a first - person to a third - person perspective , leigh burst in to michelle ' s studio , struggled with her and slowly smothered her with plastic sheeting . he then faced his own video camera and announced that he was going to continue staging his re - enactment of the original killings - to prove suerd was innocent of the murders . he bundled up michelle ' s body in his back of his van , and drove out to the pine barrens camp site . he continued videotaping himself at the woodsy site as the film concluded .\na man must survive a prison where hardened criminals battle to the death for the wardens ' entertainment .\nthe following articles are merged in scholar . their combined citations are counted only for the first article .\nresponse to , and even critique of , the much - publicized anthropological expedition . at a time when griaule was collecting artifacts in africa , bu\u00f1uel recognized that anthropology could find subjects in europe as well . the twenty - seven - minute film is distributed in two different english - language versions , land without bread and unpromised land , as well as french and spanish versions . there are small but significant variations among these versions . for the sake of clarity , i am limiting my discussion to the version of land without bread with the american voice - over commentary . 3\nrenton , deeply immersed in the edinburgh drug scene , tries to clean up and get out , despite the allure of the drugs and influence of friends .\nwhen the nihilists are ordering pancakes in the restaurant , the female nihilist orders\nheidelbeer pfannkuchen\n( blueberry pancakes ) which one of the other nihilists incorrectly translates to the waitress as\nlingonberry pancakes .\n( this may be because the nihilists don ' t care enough to get her order right . )\nwhen the tables were turned , exley shot lapd capt . smith in the back as he walked away , with his hands in the air . the killing recalled capt . smith ' s earlier advice to exley , that a detective should be willing to shoot a guilty man in the back for the greater good .\nhis cinematographer , janusz kaminski , who also shot\nschindler ' s list ,\nbrings a newsreel feel to a lot of the footage , but that ' s relatively easy compared to his most important achievement , which is to make everything visually intelligible . after the deliberate chaos of the landing scenes , kaminski handles the attack on the machinegun nest , and a prolonged sequence involving the defense of a bridge , in a way that keeps us oriented . it ' s not just men shooting at one another . we understand the plan of the action , the ebb and flow , the improvisation , the relative positions of the soldiers .\nq : how do i solve the\nto shell beach . . .\ngame on the dvd ?\na spaceship is discovered under three hundred years ' worth of coral growth at the bottom of the ocean .\na law - abiding family man , after an atrocious murder of his family , became a crime victim - the lone survivor of his family ' s massacre and a man with a score to settle . he planned to conduct an elaborate personal vendetta against his family ' s killers - a mission which became highly irrational , uncredible , uncontrollable and implausible by film ' s end .\npaul taylor : creative domain , directed by kate geis , is not a fly - on - the - wall film like the recent ballet 422 , which allowed the viewer to sit in on the creation of new york city ballet\u2019s 422nd ballet by justin peck . rather , it\u2019s a documentary that\u2019s part intrusive camera , part cin\u00e9ma v\u00e9rit\u00e9 , and part interviews and narrative , all assembled creatively and coherently . unlike ballet 422 , where nycb\u2019s grand scale is broken down to its component parts to illustrate the evolution of one new ballet , paul taylor : creative doman is small scale and intimate . its focus is not on the ingredients that go into creating a new ballet ( although they\u2019re included ) , but on the \u2018how\u2019 and the \u2018why\u2019 of taylor\u2019s creative process .\njohn dahl ' s modern - day dark noir featured lethal , sexy , amoral , cold - blooded and brainy femme fatale bridget gregory ( linda fiorentino ) , who used her sexual wiles to manipulate a dumb , love - struck boyfriend to murder her husband . [ she followed in the footsteps of two other great femme fatales in film noir - jane greer and barbara stanwyck . ]\nthe\nst . louis federal building\ndiscussed at 21 : 00 in the classroom is actually showing the 25 june 1996 aftermath of the khobar towers in saudi arabia . 19 us military were killed in this attack .\n10 . during the spanish civil war , unik and bu\u00f1uel worked together again on a film supporting the republican cause . according to helen schawlow , this archival documentary , espa\u00f1a leal , en armas ! ( 1937 ) , also features a\nmaddeningly detached and ironic\nvoice - over commentary ( 1989 : 86 ) . unik spent five years in german labor camps during wwii only to die of exposure in 1945 after having escaped from the schmiedberg camp ( schawlow 1989 : 123 ) . ( back )\nviewers with long memories may compare monahan\u2019s film to a trio of other famous examples of the police - interview subgenre \u2013 robert siodmak\u2019s berlin - made \u201cpreliminary investigation\u201d ( 1931 ) , french director claude miller\u2019s \u201cgarde a vue\u201d ( 1983 ) and giuseppe tornatore\u2019s \u201ca pure formality\u201d ( 1994 ) . like those thrillers , \u201cthe interview\u201d is confined in scope and marked by fluid direction and camerawork , and its seemingly cut - and - dried case develops in unexpected ways ."]} {"id": 114564, "summary": [{"text": "portrait of a mobster is a 1961 film directed by joseph pevney .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it stars vic morrow , leslie parrish and ray danton repeating his role as ' legs ' diamond . ", "topic": 19}], "title": "portrait of a mobster", "paragraphs": ["portrait of a mobster . 9 - 09 - 2016 2 / 2 portrait of a mobster . other files available to download\nportrait of a mobster . 23 - 09 - 2016 2 / 2 portrait of a mobster . other files available to download\ndownloading and watch \u201cportrait of a mobster\u201d in avi , movie full , bdrip . download and watch \u201cportrait of a mobster\u201d in 1080p , movie full , fool movie .\nportrait of a mobster : this movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man . portrait of a mobster . 28 - 09 - 2016 2 / 2 portrait of a mobster . other files available to download\nportrait of a mobster is a 1961 film directed by joseph pevney . it stars vic morrow and leslie parrish .\nread the portrait of a mobster plot and find out who is in the cast and crew at movies . com .\nwatch portrait of a mobster movie trailer and get the latest cast info , photos , movie review and more on tvguide . com .\nmary o ' dowd [ ire ] - portrait of mary o ' dowd , 1972 ( b _ 4 . valley of knockanure ) .\na quiet , domestic moment . here , on this pleasant summer\u2019s day , was a mobster in twilight , about to go out for a vegetarian lunch that he would wash down with a bourbon and coke .\nchicago ( ap ) \u2014 a plot twist in a legal drama featuring a mobster and a violin played out wednesday when a prison chaplain announced in court minutes before his trial was to start that he was guilty of trying to help an imprisoned mob hit man recover a hidden stradivarius .\n1896 max receives a gift of a giraffe piano from johann strauss , jr .\ni am not big on watching mobster movies , but i recall this jewel from my teenage and pre - teen years . i remember really enjoying it and feeling a range of . . .\nthis was jeannette morlock , the murder victim\u2019s widow . and like the man charged with killing her husband , she too kept old photographs , among them a portrait of the family : a young boy of about 10 , a short , smiling woman and a large man with half - moon shadows under his eyes .\nlisten to a bonus episode of the first season of \u201c crimetown \u201d below .\nthis is for all things about the mobster , mafia & gangster days of the 1920 ' s and 30 ' s . fiction , non - fiction , biography etc .\na federal search in 2010 did turn up $ 1 million in cash , diamonds and other valuables in a wall behind a family portrait in calabrese ' s chicago - area oak brook home . but despite searches in wisconsin , no violin was ever found .\none concern about passing on notes from a locked - up hit man , attorneys have said , is that references in it could be code for something sinister , including an order to attack a rival . klein disclosed the contents of calabrese ' s message to one of the mobster ' s former associates over a meal at a suburban chicago restaurant , according to filings .\na vicious hood rises to the top of the rackets in depression - era new york in this account of the life of dutch schultz .\nbut he struggled to summon this mobster\u2019s name from his mind\u2019s darker recesses . \u201cyou forget people , like , as you go along , \u201d he said . \u201cso the pictures kind of keep me up to \u2014 you know . \u201d\nhowever , mr macmillan repeatedly states on the transcript of the recording that a total of seven people were invited .\ntony fiore , a former comrade in crime , agreed . mr . fiore\u2019s reputation as a specialist in robbing armored trucks is memorialized by a tattoo adorning his chest . it depicts a thief wielding a gun , with a bag of cash at his feet and an armored truck in his sights .\n\u201cone of the most dangerous criminals in new england , \u201d said brian andrews , a former detective commander of the rhode island state police . \u201ca bad bastard . \u201d\ntony fiore , a former mob associate of mr . demasi\u2019s , has a tattoo depicting their old specialty : robbing armored trucks .\n\u201crudy sciarra , \u201d mr . demasi said , motioning to a photo of a vicious mafioso from rhode island , long dead . \u201cand the one on the right , he\u2019s a wiseguy out of new york . \u2026\u201d\nhatcher is a gentleman of the old school . big six - foot goy .\nhe was once a feared member of the new england underworld , a specialist in robbing armored cars . at 80 , he was years out of prison . but could his life of crime ever be behind him ?\nraymond l . s . patriarca . frank marrapese , a . k . a . bobo . robert deluca . gerard ouimette , a . k . a . the frenchman . raymond lyons . luigi manocchio , a . k . a . baby shacks . ralph demasi . as a providence journal reporter covering organized crime a quarter - century ago , i was their deadline boswell .\ni ' m a fool for a song ,\n4 pp . ( 2 versions )\nof twenty - one cents and paid for over the month of march out of my weekly allowance of a nickel . above the central portrait , each stamp featured a picture of a lamp that the u . s . post office department identified as the\nlamp of knowledge\nbut that i thought of as aladdin ' s lamp because of the boy in the arabian nights with the magic lamp and the ring and the two genies who give him whatever he asks for . what i would have asked for from a genie were the most coveted of all american stamps : first , the celebrated 1918 twenty - four - cent airmail , a stamp said to be worth $ 3 , 400 , where the plane pictured at the center , the army ' s flying jenny , is inverted ; and after that , the three famous stamps in the pan - american exposition issue of 1901 that had also been mistakenly printed with inverted centers and were worth over a thousand dollars apiece .\na series of fairfax media and four corners reports over the past two years have shown that tony madafferi and mr lamattina were involved in a 2006 donations scandal in which the planned deportation of mr madafferi ' s brother , francesco , a mafia boss , was overturned after a long campaign of lobbying and donating to federal liberal politicians .\ni had been planning to write a profile of mr . demasi in the new year \u2014 something about the reduced circumstances of an aging , forgetful gangster reflecting the state of new england organized crime . but here was a murder charge .\nthat was the whole of it\u2014forty - one words , if you included the a for augustus .\nhe led the way to his small , well - ordered bedroom , where dozens of photographs formed a wall - to - wall collage of contradiction , a blur of toddlers and mobsters . here , his ex - wife with their baby at an amusement park , and here , a friend at a picnic , shortly before his gangland murder .\nby now deep into his 70s , mr . demasi melted back into a new england that had largely forgotten him . continuing a kind of institutionalized existence in the squat house in salisbury , he exercised , corresponded , followed a vegetarian diet , kept his cell of a bedroom neat . he also dreamed .\n1920 february 20 . dere mable opens at baltimore academy of music . max is taken ill and vinton freedley , a member of the cast , replaces him , thereby changing the course of freedley ' s career . the show closes out of town .\nbrian andrews , a former detective commander of the rhode island state police , called mr . demasi \u201cone of the most dangerous criminals in new england . \u201d\nin march 1991 , the authorities arrested mr . fiore and his crew as they prepared to hold up an armored truck carrying $ 1 million at a mall in north attleborough , mass . the plan included having a grandfatherly thief in a wheelchair holding a semiautomatic under a blanket .\nas roth tells npr ' s robert siegel , the invented history of the plot against america is also\na kind of false memoir .\nhe places his family and himself as a young boy in newark in the middle of this fascist alter - america .\nmr madafferi , a wealthy market gardener and the owner of the la porchetta pizza chain , has repeatedly been accused by police in court of being a high - ranking member of melbourne ' s mafia and mr guy has previously been warned about associating with him .\na collage of memories from mr . demasi\u2019s gangster years displayed at his rental home on the massachusetts shore .\nmr guy has insisted the lobster dinner was not in any way a clandestine affair , saying he walked through the front door of the restaurant and the meal was\nconducted in the middle of a restaurant\n.\n1973 march 2 . leonette steiner accepts award on behalf of max from motion picture hall of fame .\nas for her son , ed jr . , he went on the road , working for a traveling zoo and an indoor circus , then for a series of retail outlets , then for a private school\u2019s horse stable . he married , had a daughter , divorced , remarried .\niris marries her fianc\u00e9 , frank brennan , a police detective . they need money and frank accepts payoffs from dutch , who is forming a gang of his own .\nthe thorough steiner filmography was revised for this volume by its original compiler clifford mccarty , a longtime bibliophile as well as a tireless chronicler of film music . mccarty , who has been active in the society for the preservation of film music from its inception , is also the compiler of film composers in america : a checklist of their work ( new york : da capo press , 1953 , repr . 1972 ) . he is at work on a revised edition of this mainstay resource .\nthe ex - con and the flimflammer\u2019s redheaded younger sister were married within four months . around the same time , mr . demasi was suspected in the burglary of a suburban boston home emptied of assorted valuables , including a mink coat , some jewelry and a saxophone . searching the demasi apartment , the police found many of the goods , as well as a sweet but telltale note :\na few months after my visit , on a december afternoon as clear and cold as a stare , other visitors came unannounced to ralph demasi\u2019s door . and they were armed .\nprosecutors say klein even called a real estate agent selling the home , posing as a potential buyer . the plan was for another unidentified conspirator to distract the agent during a tour of the house while klein helped retrieve the violin .\nthe life and music of the\ndean of film composers\ncontinues to touch the lives of millions around the world , beyond even what steiner himself could have imagined before the era of compact cassettes , cds , laser discs , satellite television , and videocassettes . the max steiner collection , now available to the world of scholarship , serves both as a memorial and a working archival collection documenting his seminal contributions to the art of film music .\nto his right , past the exercise ball he balanced on to do 1 , 000 situps every morning \u2014 he often invited people to test his taut stomach \u2014 was a closet crammed with still more memories : copies of indictments , appeals of convictions , transcripts of wiretapped conversations ( \u201ci\u2019ve got a crew of guys , i\u2019ll tell you , and we rob armoreds , we rob armored trucks . \u2026\u201d ) . a half - century archive of persistent criminality .\nthis movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man he killed .\nralph demasi , once a feared member of the criminal underworld , in his cell at worcester county jail in massachusetts .\ncertificate of honor commemorating the planting of five trees in israel by dr . samuel sternberg and his daughter hagith (\nas chief steven sargent donned his glasses to read from a statement , he struggled to navigate his many emotions . the satisfaction and pride he felt were tempered by memories of having seen a man in a bloodied uniform die in the emergency room .\nno doubt , mr . demasi would love to be back at it . scoping out some strip mall for a week , a month , whatever it took . getting the timing down for when the guard came out with that canvas bag of cash . donning a nylon mask . concealing a semiautomatic . go !\nthis movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man he killed . when iris marries a cop , schultz . . . see more \u00bb\ni eventually moved on , taking with me the noirish stories and vague threats . that time , for example , when the owner of a mob - connected strip club i was investigating mentioned during a tense interview the name of my wife and the address of the house we were about to buy .\nthis movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man he killed . when iris marries a cop , schultz . . . see full summary \u00bb\ncoverage of the robbery , committed as mr . morlock was trying to transfer money from a supermarket to an armored truck .\n1912 september 9 . the tiller summer show , including bits of dresden , comes to the end of its run .\neager to see beyond the winchendon horizon , the young man defied his father by joining the marines , returned from service , found factory work , got married , had four children , all girls . one evening , at a wake , he was introduced to a cousin\u2019s wife , jeannette , a petite woman with dirty blond hair . she had also grown up in winchendon , one of 16 children of a french canadian foundry worker and a homemaker .\n1913 november 18 . olympic fund performance given at the london opera house under the patronage of the duke of westminster . at the end of the show , max and the members of the orchestra are among those warmly introduced to the duke . a singular , much appreciated act of courtesy by the duke is to have an unforeseeable influence upon max ' s future .\nklein , 66 , of mesa , arizona , wore a clerical collar and gripped a cane as he walked into court , where half a dozen witnesses sat on a back bench ready to testify in the long - planned trial . but the clergyman surprised the courtroom by saying he wanted to forgo the trial and plead guilty .\nms . morlock , who bought a gun after her husband\u2019s death , holding a target she shot in 1992 with 96 percent accuracy .\nhunched by hard time lived and served , his lean body scarred by several bullets and one ice - pick stabbing , he led a brief tour of the modest rental house he shared in a massachusetts shore town . he paused to point out his three shelves in the communal refrigerator , a measure of his diminished domain .\n1912 august 25 . max and beatrice declare first proclamation of their marriage banns , a european custom requiring public announcement of the intention to marry beginning two weeks prior to the actual wedding .\nshe spent years helping to write and distribute a newsletter for families of homicide victims . she sang alto and soprano in the choir at st . francis of assisi catholic church and worked the post - mass coffee break , where her confetti angel cake sold for a dollar a slice . she bought a . 22 - caliber ruger and learned to shoot at the woodsman rifle and pistol club .\non duty that morning was a young , clean - cut detective with street smarts and a military bearing named steven sargent , the son of a worcester police lieutenant . having grown up in a working - class neighborhood just down lincoln street , he knew this shopping center well . as a boy , he\u2019d ride his bicycle to visit his grandmother , who lived in subsidized housing behind the plaza . as a uniformed patrolman , he\u2019d take breaks at the dunkin\u2019 donuts .\ndespite my mother ' s mood , my father did everything he could to keep up our spirits , remarking on how clean and well - kept everything looked , reminding sandy and me that living in one of these houses the two of us would no longer have to share a small bedroom and a single closet , and explaining the benefits to be derived from paying off a mortgage rather than paying rent , a lesson in elementary economics that abruptly ended when it was necessary for him to stop the car at a red light beside a parklike drinking establishment dominating one corner of the intersection .\nwhat did the boss say ?\nshe asked him . the boss was how the four of us referred to the manager of my father ' s newark office , sam peterfreund . in those days of unadvertised quotas to keep jewish admissions to a minimum in colleges and professional schools and of unchallenged discrimination that denied jews significant promotions in the big corporations and of rigid restrictions against jewish membership in thousands of social organizations and communal institutions , peterfreund was one of the first of the small handful of jews ever to achieve a managerial position with metropolitan life .\nhe ' s the one who put you up for it ,\nmy mother said .\nhow must he feel ?\ntm & \u00a9 2018 turner classic movies , inc . a time warner company . all rights reserved . code of conduct for this site | press room | privacy policy | | terms of use\n1912 december 24 . a scene is included in the palace theater , london , program entitled a dresden fantasy . music appears credited to herman finck and max steiner ( finck was resident conductor at the palace , with a penchant for utilizing the work of other composers ) .\nhis assailants grabbed the bag , ran to an idling white cadillac with stolen license plates and peeled out of the parking lot . the vehicle was found in an apartment complex a half - mile away , having been swapped for another getaway car . a chain blocking access to a back road out of town had been removed in advance .\nfear presides over these memories , a perpetual fear . of course no childhood is without its terrors , yet i wonder if i would have been a less frightened boy if lindbergh hadn ' t been president or if i hadn ' t been the offspring of jews .\nin some ways , the man\u2019s journey seemed preordained . born in 1936 to a teenager in a connecticut home for unwed mothers , he was soon abandoned . so began his peripatetic life as a troubled foster child .\naccording to prosecutors , klein broke prison rules by accepting a note from calabrese wrapped in religious materials and pushed through the food slot of his cell . it directed klein to look in a pull - out door and against a wall in the home in williams bay , wisconsin .\ncharles stango , of henderson , nev . , was trying to arrange a hit on a mob rival who he believed insulted a high - ranking family member . but the two assassins he offered $ 50 , 000 for the killing were actually undercover fbi agents , authorities said .\ntovarich ( first use of trademark fanfare ,\nwarner bros . presents ,\nsubsequently used on hundreds of wb pictures ) wb\n\u201cthis has always been a personal case for me , \u201d the chief said . \u201cand today , it gives me a measure of satisfaction to say justice has been served for edward morlock and his family . \u201d\nralph demasi was arrested after breaking into the kingsway bowling alley in fairfield and rifling a pinball machine . . . was remanded to the custody of the new york state police after being charged with burglarizing a sporting - goods store in brewster , n . y . \u2026 was arrested at gunpoint behind a boston furrier\u2019s , his car filled with $ 80 , 000 worth of furs , his pocket allegedly concealing a loaded gun .\nby the age of 7 , he was working on his family\u2019s dairy farm , tending the cows . by his teenage years , he was driving a milk route in a cream - colored truck . stopping to make deliveries along maple street , he would often see a smallish teenage girl balancing herself like a tightrope walker on the guardrail cables along the road .\nalso at the dinner was hawthorn footballer turned liberal councillor geoff ablett , and two other calabrian community members , bruno diaco , a relative of mr madafferi , and vince doria , a business partner of mr madafferi who co - owns the docklands venue used for the 2013 fundraiser .\nyears later , after mr . bulger was captured , convicted and sentenced to prison forever , mr . demasi sent him a letter \u2014 a message , really \u2014 that he summarized as : \u201cwhatever transpired between us , it didn\u2019t kowtow me or make me any less of a man . \u201d\nas his conversation with the undercover officer revealed , mr . demasi also liked to brag , as if to prove that he was his own man , the head of his own crew \u2014 which by the summer of 1991 included a couple of degenerate gamblers , a hanger - on distrusted by other gangsters and an aimless young man from the campground .\nin the preparation of this register , commendation goes first to my assistant , john n . gillespie . a work of this nature requires a series of checks , over a seemingly endless trail of detailed information . he has also proven a valuable colleague for the sharing of solutions to mysteries presented by certain manuscripts . for rendering valuable information and advice on max steiner over the years , thanks are also extended to the following individuals : janet bradford , heather corrigan , susan corrigan , thomas driggs , dian baker drinkall , cynthia lindsay , tom demary , nick redman , william rosar , craig spaulding , fred steiner , and don wilson .\nlist of unpublished compositions composed by max steiner which were taken from cue sheets of warner brothers .\nlisted by production title ,\nthe morlocks moved around winchendon , then down to florida , then back to massachusetts , where they eventually bought a small yellow cape cod house on a main road in the bypassed industrial town of athol . one bathroom , and an endless whoosh of traffic just beyond the front door .\nisrael didn ' t yet exist , six million european jews hadn ' t yet ceased to exist , and the local relevance of distant palestine ( under british mandate since the 1918 dissolution by the victorious allies of the last far - flung provinces of the defunct ottoman empire ) was a mystery to me . when a stranger who did wear a beard and who never once was seen hatless appeared every few months after dark to ask in broken english for a contribution toward the establishment of a jewish national homeland in palestine , i , who wasn ' t an ignorant child , didn ' t quite know what he was doing on our landing .\n1925 october 20 . castles in the air is first performed under the title of land of romance in providence , rhode island , before transferring to the olympic theater in chicago for a successful run of nearly one year . a subsequent transfer to the selwyn theater in new york city causes the company to split and at that time max leaves the show .\nthe list of steiner ' s film credits at the end of this register includes those scores for which he went uncredited on the screen such as the adventures of tom sawyer ( 1938 ) and confessions of a nazi spy ( 1939 ) . in the latter case , steiner requested that his credit not be shown on the screen . he was fearful for the fate of family members still in the trouble areas of europe at the time of release of this film . while the original sketch is in steiner ' s distinctive hand , even there he chose to list its authorship simply as\nmusic by staff .\nsteven sargent , worcester\u2019s police chief , was a young detective at the time of the shooting and was with mr . morlock when he died . \u201cthis has always been a personal case for me , \u201d he said .\nprison authorities kept calabrese in isolation after he was accused of threatening a prosecutor during his trial in the same chicago courthouse , allegedly mouthing to the government attorney :\nyou are a . . . dead man .\na lot of preliminary work came first . you had to assemble your crew : gunman , wheelman , lookout . you had to spend weeks on surveillance : watching the police routines , the traffic flow , the arrivals and departures of the armored trucks , the habits of the armed guards . and of course , you had to plot your getaway .\nthe awards file contains most of the awards ( and limited related correspondence ) given to steiner for his film music over the years , including the blue ribbon , laurel , academy of motion picture arts and sciences , and golden globe awards . steiner ' s three academy award oscars are also a part of the collection . these awards are in the form of both certificates and three - dimensional plaques and trophies . a few of these items also relate to steiner ' s father , gabor .\nthen we just stood there together under the intimidating spell of the three portraits . never before had being seven felt like such a serious deficiency .\nmy parents would give me or sandy a couple of coins to drop into his collection box , largess , i always thought , dispensed out of kindness so as not to hurt the feelings of a poor old man who , from one year to the next , seemed unable to get it through his head that we ' d already had a homeland for three generations . i pledged allegiance to the flag of our homeland every morning at school . i sang of its marvels with my classmates at assembly programs . i eagerly observed its national holidays , and without giving a second thought to my affinity for the fourth of july fireworks or the thanksgiving turkey or the decoration day double - header . our homeland was america .\nin a 2009 investigation by the federal police into allegations about donations by mr madafferi , the afp warned that the source of many donations in australia were never declared because of the high disclosure threshold and other loopholes .\n\u201che didn\u2019t take any lip from anybody , \u201d recalled tony fiore , a mob associate and friend . \u201ci mean , he was a tough guy . \u201d\nsix other people associated with the decavalcante family , including stango ' s son anthony , have pleaded guilty to a number of crimes following a roundup in 2015 . the undercover investigation began in 2012 , according to court documents .\nthose days came flooding back two years ago when the documentary filmmakers marc smerling and zac stuart - pontier contacted me about \u201ccrimetown , \u201d a podcast focusing on the darker side of providence . we began sharing our knowledge and research , which benefited me as i prepared a story about maury lerner , a minor - league baseball player who became a hit man for the patriarca crime family .\n1913 now deprived of his management of the ronacher theater and unable to gain employment in vienna , max returns to england at the suggestion of clifford fischer , then in the preparatory stages of presenting his new american extravaganza , come over here , at the london opera house . max is engaged as musical director , adopting the anglicized name of phil saxe .\n1911 october 30 . a second season of amsterdam with max as musical director / composer touring manchester , dublin , leeds , nelson , and portsmouth .\n[ the lobster cave ] gave us a very , very private table . . . no one really saw matthew with any of these people .\nthe liberal party is cash strapped , with some of its traditional wealthy donors withholding funds after a spat between party officials and long - time donors .\nreleased finally in 2013 , mr . demasi said that he received some walking - around money \u2014 about $ 5 , 000 or so \u2014 from an emissary of raymond patriarca jr . , the son of the old mob boss , dead now 30 years and more . the gift would be in keeping with mob tradition , a recognition of a man\u2019s long and faithful service , but the younger mr . patriarca said through a spokesman that it never happened .\n[ \u00a9 1996 edward a . j . leaney . used by permission . ]\nmr madafferi has never been charged with a criminal offence and denies any wrongdoing .\nuse of and / or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our user agreement ( updated 5 / 25 / 18 ) and privacy policy and cookie statement ( updated 5 / 25 / 18 ) .\nin one of multiple recordings , mr macmillan refers to a warning from mr kroger , who mr macmillan claims to have told about the lobster cave meeting .\na book\u2019s total score is based on multiple factors , including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book .\n1935 receives first academy award for the informer . this is the second year an award for best score is given . it is in the form of a framed certificate with an oscar statuette positioned at the top of the frame .\nmr . demasi , in the tank top , and his associates having a \u201ctrunk lunch\u201d as they surveilled a parking lot in newburyport , mass . , in 1991 .\n1913 may 9 . max is appointed as music director of the innovative london opera house dancing school , under the directorship of the renowned theodore kosloff .\nthen there was the time he represented himself against charges that he had conspired to murder a different judge by hiring assassins to blow up the man\u2019s home . for the two - week trial , mr . demasi wore button - down shirts , slacks and brown hush puppies with white socks \u2014 never a jacket or a tie . according to the providence journal , he presented his case without opening a law book , relying instead on a mail - order paperback that explained how to win a criminal trial .\nthis filmography lists every motion picture with which steiner was involved as a composer or musical director . the films are listed in the order of their copyright dates .\nhis speech was unadorned and to the point , delivered in a highpitched , flat , midwestern , decidedly un - rooseveltian american voice . his flight outfit of high boots and jodhpurs and a lightweight jumper worn over a shirt and tie was a replica of the one in which he ' d crossed the atlantic , and he spoke without removing his leather headgear or flight goggles , which were pushed up onto his forehead exactly as sandy had them positioned in the charcoal drawing hidden beneath his bed .\nenjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with prime video .\na liberal insider conspired to funnel donations from an alleged mafia boss and his three relatives into party coffers after a lobster dinner involving the men and opposition leader matthew guy .\nwelcome back . just a moment while we sign you in to your goodreads account .\nthis movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man he killed . when iris marries a cop , schultz makes sure the cop goes bad and takes kickbacks from schultz ' s organization . iris goes back to the arms of schultz , not knowing he ' s the man who killed her father .\nwe ' re probably talking hundreds [ of thousands of dollars in donations ] . . . they can ' t stand the bloody labor party .\nmr . demasi pleaded not guilty that morning , his cuffed hands holding a piece of paper , his expression somewhere between confusion and concern . since then he has been in the worcester county jail , awaiting a trial that may not begin until 2018 .\nnewark - - a 73 - year - old member of the decavalcante crime family , which is said to have been the inspiration for\nthe sopranos ,\nwas sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for a murder - for - hire plot .\nby the late 1980s , a finite number of new england gangsters , about two dozen , specialized in robbing these armored trucks . prominent among them : ralph demasi .\nkoshering what ?\nmy father said , exasperated with alvin ' s seemingly speaking sarcastic nonsense at a moment of so much confusion .\ndoing what ?\nnow , the federal bureau of investigation was watching as the demasi crew monitored armored - truck deliveries to a strip - mall bank in newburyport , not three miles from the campground . one afternoon , the men were photographed having a picnic in the parking lot , making and eating sandwiches around the trunk of their car while conducting surveillance .\nthis movie portrays the rise and fall of 1920s gangster dutch schultz . while building his own mob ring , he romances iris , the daughter of a man he killed . when iris marries a cop , schultz makes sure the cop goes bad and takes kickbacks from schultz ' s organization . iris goes back to the arms of schultz , not knowing he ' s the man who killed her father . written by sooz\n1920 march 22 . yes , madame opens and promptly closes out of town .\nwhenever the corpse of another wiseguy floated up to public consciousness , mr . demasi was always in the mix of likely suspects . \u201carmed and dangerous\u201d was stipulated .\none cold november night , she said , he locked her out of the house after she announced that she wanted a divorce . she had 95 cents and no coat .\nduring his wandering , he collected more than a dozen tattoos that cover his arms and torso , including one of anubis , the egyptian god who watches over the dead .\nbuy a kiss ,\nirving berlin , inc . , 1933 , 5 pp .\na star is born ,\nirving berlin inc . , 1937 , 5 pp .\nhe so confused and frightened me that i pretended he was making a joke and laughed .\namong the fifty photographs that are found in the collection , nearly half are of steiner . the remaining images are of family , hollywood personalities with whom he associated , members of the max steiner music society , and other miscellaneous and unidentifiable images .\nthis website is part of the famousfix entertainment community . by continuing past this page , and by your continued use of this site , you agree to be bound by and abide by the terms of use . loaded in 0 . 09 secs .\nbecause it was the first muggy evening of the summer , the windows were open in every room and sandy and i couldn ' t help but continue to follow from bed the proceedings being aired over our own living room radio and the radio playing in the flat downstairs and\u2014since an alleyway only barely wide enough for a single car separated one house from the next\u2014the radios of our neighbors to either side and across the way . as this was long before window air conditioners bested the noises of a neighborhood ' s tropical nights , the broadcast blanketed the block from keer to chancellor\u2014a block on which not a single republican lived in any of the thirtyodd two - and - a - half - family houses or in the small new apartment building at the chancellor avenue corner . on streets like ours the jews voted straight democratic for as long as fdr was at the top of the ticket .\nin the brazen ranks of the providence underworld , mr . demasi distinguished himself as a dedicated family man who approached crime as a 9 - to - 5 job with the occasional late night . the police routinely watched him drive off in the morning to lay the groundwork for a planned robbery , then return home in the evening , leaving the carousing to others .\nit was a saturday morning in may 1991 . the boston celtics and the aging larry bird had just been eliminated from the playoffs . the red sox were in the midst of being swept down in texas . and the older mr . morlock had agreed to fill in as a courier for a co - worker who wanted the day off to celebrate his birthday .\npermission to publish material from the max steiner collection must be obtained from the supervisor of reference services and / or the l . tom perry special collections board of curators .\n1912 september 8 . max and beatrice declare their second proclamation of their marriage banns .\n1913 april 13 . come over here opening is postponed because of malfunctioning stage machinery .\nproducer ' s guide to standard songs from the catalog of joy music , inc .\nan undated photo of mr . demasi with sue , then his wife , and one of their children at the rocky point amusement park in warwick , r . i .\nthe list contains an incorrect book ( please specify the title of the book ) .\nthis was ralph demasi , once a feared member of the new england underworld whose long r\u00e9sum\u00e9 included truck hijackings and home invasions , robberies and violence . days shy of 80 , he half - joked that at the moment he\u2019d rather be holding up an armored truck .\n1912 december . in notes to you max refers to his false imprisonment prior to christmas in connection with the closure a short time earlier of the ronacher theater due to poor business .\nat the end of the film , the water running into the sewer indicates it is a street in new york city . the actual murders took place in newark , new jersey .\nis this great film still not on dvd ? it is a shame we have sooooo many stations and outlets for movies like netflicks and none of them carry great movies . . .\nthe three scrap books of newspaper clippings and trade magazine notices in the scrap books section that were kept by steiner from 1930 to 1953 give a perspective on public perceptions of his work during that important period . the articles in the scrapbook contain valuable contemporary interviews with steiner .\n\u201cwe used to go sit in parking lots from 7 in the morning until 5 at night before we would do a score , \u201d said mr . fiore , now 74 . \u201cwe used to actually put more time into a score than people do if they were working a legitimate job . \u201d\nin a hastily arranged afternoon press conference , mr guy said no donations had been made to the liberal party by any of those at the dinner . fairfax media does not suggest otherwise .\nin the oak brook search , prosecutors found a certificate indicating the violin may have been a much less valuable one made in 1764 by giuseppe artalli , and not by the renowned italian antonio stradivari .\ndusk finds me dreaming of you ,\n4 pp . ( 2 c . )\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\ntheme from a summer place ,\nm . witmark & sons , 1959 , 3 pp .\n\u201cthanks for coming by , sue , \u201d mr . demasi said as she gave him a peck .\nlooks like a movie star . sixty years old and fit as a fiddle . these are the people who run things , bess\u2014they don ' t waste their time getting angry at someone like me .\nthe rev . eugene klein , left , and his attorney , thomas anthony durkin , walk into dirksen u . s . courthouse on wednesday , feb . 11 , 2015 , in chicago . klein pleaded guilty to charges of trying to help convicted mobster frank calabrese sr . recover a rare , 250 - year - old stradivarius violin hidden years earlier in calabrese\u2019s then - wisconsin summer home . federal prosecutors allege the plot was hatched in 2011 when klein administered daily communion to calabrese at the missouri prison where he was serving a life sentence for 13 murders . calabrese died in december 2012 . ( ap photo / chicago tribune , anthony souffle ) mandatory credit ; chicago sun - times out ; daily herald out ; northwest herald out ; joliet herald out ; the times of northwest indiana out ; new york times out ; tv out ; mags out ; no sales ; daily chronicle out\nat about two a . m . that night , while soundly asleep , i again rolled out of my bed , but this time i remembered afterward what i ' d been dreaming before i hit the floor . it was a nightmare all right , and it was about my stamp collection . something had happened to it . the design on two sets of my stamps had changed in a dreadful way without my knowing when or how . in the dream , i ' d gotten the album out of my dresser drawer to take with me to my friend earl ' s and i was walking with it toward his house as i ' d done dozens of times before .\n1910 july 11 . composes music for a ballet in the tiller summer season show , lovely lucerne , at the winter garden , blackpool . another number , carambas , was later copyrighted by max in 1911 . such tiller shows were almost a traditional part of the blackpool summer attractions . to have 150 members appearing in these shows was not unusual , given the high quality of their presentations .\nat the end of the film , the water running into the sewer indicates it is a street in new york city . the actual murders took place in newark , new jersey . see more \u00bb\nas he left with a bag of money and receipts , two men confronted him in the supermarket\u2019s foyer , and one tried to disarm him . a bagger inside the store saw mr . morlock standing against the wall , his hands raised . then came loud popping sounds , with blood spattering the soda machines . he slumped to the floor , his gun beside him , out of its holster .\nthe rev . eugene klein , left , and his attorney , thomas anthony durkin , walk into dirksen u . s . courthouse on wednesday , feb . 11 , 2015 , in chicago . klein pleaded guilty to charges of trying to help convicted mobster frank calabrese sr . recover a rare , 250 - year - old stradivarius violin hidden years earlier in calabrese\u2019s then - wisconsin summer home . federal prosecutors allege the plot was hatched in 2011 when klein administered daily communion to calabrese at the missouri prison where he was serving a life sentence for 13 murders . calabrese died in december 2012 . ( ap photo / chicago tribune , anthony souffle ) mandatory credit ; chicago sun - times out ; daily herald out ; northwest herald out ; joliet herald out ; the times of northwest indiana out ; new york times out ; tv out ; mags out ; no sales ; daily chronicle out ( the associated press )\neugene klein , a roman catholic priest , was accused of scheming with chicago outfit enforcer frank calabrese sr . to find a rare , 250 - year - old violin calabrese hid years earlier in his wisconsin summer home to keep authorities from selling it . they believed it might be worth $ 26 million .\nin the distant blur of the 1940s and 1950s , who knows what truly happened to one forsaken boy ? one version is that , at age 11 , he finally found a foster mother whom he loved , a mrs . bowman , in bridgeport . when her husband began hitting her , again , the boy grabbed the man\u2019s shotgun , threatened to shoot and ran away . he slept nuzzled beside the gun in a graveyard , then robbed a bookie\u2019s card game the next day by ordering everyone at gunpoint to strip naked .\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\n1905 december 9 . attends the dresden court theater ' s production of richard strauss ' salome .\n1912 january 15 . . . . the end of the tour and the return to london .\nthe section entitled music consists of general correspondence steiner received and sent to various people in and out of the film and music industry . the correspondence is arranged alphabetically , while each individual folder ' s contents is chronological , thus preserving steiner ' s original order . this correspondence deals with fan requests for information on steiner ' s body of music , steiner ' s request for information of various kinds , inquiries about uses of steiner ' s music , requests for appearances , etc .\nlaurel award ( plaque ) for best musical composer of the year ( n . d . )\ntheme from helen of troy ,\nharms , inc . , 1956 , 3 pp .\nhoney , i did what i did . that ' s the end of it .\nthis is the start of labor ' s disgusting and dirty war against the coalition .\n1917 january 11 . the shubert show have a heart opens at the liberty theater . despite jerome kern ' s delightful music and lyrics by p . g . wodehouse , it is not a hit . in notes to you max thought the show ' s title to be alone at last which was the shubert theater presentation of october 15 , 1915 , by franz lehar . it ran until the spring of 1916 .\nmr . demasi , who has an eighth - grade education , wound up winning his own acquittal . he promptly accused the prosecutor of reneging on a $ 10 bet over the trial\u2019s outcome and invited all the jurors to join him for a drink . that evening , though , he drank his bourbon and cokes alone .\n1909 a chance encounter outside appenrodt ' s restaurant in london ' s west end leads to an introduction to producer george dance ' s assistant , tommy wray , who immediately engages max as rehearsal pianist on a temporary basis .\ni was a pretty bad actor . i did like to rob banks and armored trucks and things like that .\nthe shopping center in worcester , mass . , where ed morlock was fatally shot during a robbery in 1991 .\naccording to steiner , film and music help each other in the way a husband and wife help each other in a good marriage , but neither one can save the other . as for his method :\nthere is no method . some pictures require a lot of music , and some are so realistic that music would only interfere . most of my films were entertainments - - soap operas , story book adventures , fantasies . if those films were made today , they would be made differently and i would score them differently . but my attitude would be the same - - to give the film what it needs . and with me , if the picture is good , the score stands a better chance of being good .\n[ interviews . ]"]} {"id": 114565, "summary": [{"text": "junglee ( english : \" wild \" or \" ill-mannered \" ) is a 1961 indian movie produced and directed by subodh mukherjee .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the music is by shankar jaikishan and the lyrics by shailendra and hasrat jaipuri .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "the film stars shammi kapoor , lalita pawar , shashikala , anoop kumar and asit sen. saira banu , in her debut film , earned a filmfare nomination as best actress .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "the movie was a lighthearted musical .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "box office india calls the film a \" super-hit \" with a net gross of \u20b9 1,75,00,000 .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "the song \" chahe koi mujhe junglee kahe \" was choreographed by p.l. raj .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "the film was remade into telugu as \" saradaa ramudu \" ( 1980 ) starring n.t. rama rao and jayasudha . ", "topic": 19}], "title": "junglee", "paragraphs": ["hollywood writer - filmmaker chuck russell has joined hands with junglee pictures to direct vidyut jammwal for a unique action - adventure titled \u2018junglee\u2019 .\na romantic scene from the movie junglee . filmed on shammi kapoor and saira bano .\ntake a few moments to consider some of the ways junglee technology can work for you .\njunglee is an amazon service in india that works with buyers and sellers of online goods .\nterrible oily salty appetizers junglee chicken . . - picture of swad family garden restaurant , nagpur\nterrible oily salty appetizers junglee chicken . . - picture of swad family garden restaurant , nagpur - tripadvisor\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing junglee near you .\ndownload the junglee rummy mobile app on your android smartphones / tablets and enjoy the game anywhere you like .\nsee j u n g l e e technology at work ! visit careerpost , the junglee - powered job search service from the washington post .\nthe hon ' ble supreme court of india has declared indian rummy as a game of skill . you can play online rummy without any hassle as junglee rummy is 100 % legally compliant . every game you play with us is completely secure and legally constituted . you can enjoy the game with confidence on junglee rummy !\njunglee rummy is one of the best and genuine rummy sites , where it is easy to play and win real cash . the speed is also amazing while playing at 3d tables .\nafter successfully pulling off duniya , vijay and soori are back again with an action - packed drama . the movie is about junglee prabhakaran who wants to be an actor , which takes him to gudde narasimha . narasimha is a devious character and highly distrusted by junglee ` s girlfriend padma . the story unfolds in flashbacks , and features a number of daring stunts by vijay .\ni love to play every game developed by junglee games . they come up with great games that have tons of cool features . it\u2019s really fun to engage in the interactive environment of their games . i have spent countless hours and it has always been a rewarding experience !\nimpressed by how vidyut can perform complex stunts with such ease , director chuck russell said ,\nin this clip vidyut ' s casual style during a very difficult stunt puts a smile on our faces . i ' m looking forward to combining his unique charm and martial arts skills with the positive message of junglee .\nexperience the next level in online rummy games with junglee rummy . we are one of a kind platform offering players with a seamless experience to play rummy online with thousands of other players from all over the country . our enhanced multiplayer gaming environment is designed to bring the best of both worlds by offering safety and security designed to provide a fair and secure gaming experience .\njunglee billee throws a decor that is completely different from its name . the ambiance is very elegant with beautiful heart - shaped chairs and a glass separation that takes you to another private area where you can have some quality time with your loved ones . the carefully selected decor matches the taste of people from different backgrounds . the restaurant is located in greater kailash - 1 and serves multiple cuisines that take you on a delectable ride for sure . the lavish buffet and a massive bar instantly lighten up your mood . it is a must visit place for the crowd who look for good times and good food at affordable prices . an addition to the offering is a special section of sunday brunch in the economical menu . the nearest landmark of junglee billee is dezine kids - the baby shop .\nrummy has been one of the most interesting card games since time immemorial . over the years , the game has only continued enjoying immense popularity all over the world . at junglee rummy , we thought of revolutionizing the game , thus , we fused it with technology to come up with an online version of the game , which is flawless , unbiased and secure to play with friends and family alike .\nwith millions of registered players on the platform , junglee rummy has emerged as one of the fastest growing online rummy websites in india . once you register with us , you will discover a feature - rich and rewarding gaming experience loaded with stunning features such as 3d tables , fun avatars and immersive themes . we offer our players with rs . 1500 as a welcome bonus when your register with us .\njunglee games is a leading game development company that creates cutting - edge gaming technology and provides value - added gaming solutions . we offer customized licensing solutions to clients who are seeking to enter in the online gaming business . we develop a wide range of web and mobile gaming platforms to play popular games like rummy , texas hold\u2019em poker , teen patti , tambola , fantasy cricket and other social games . we license complete gaming solutions to clients who can boost their business operations with our groundbreaking integrated technology , web - based services and software applications . with a huge global experience in providing gaming solutions , we open doors for clients to take big leap in the competitive gaming market .\nvidyut jammwal surprised his fans today by releasing a special video that features the daredevil actor performing a stunt that only a few people can , in the entire globe . the actor is seen doing push - ups taking support of four beer bottles , two on his hands and two on his feet . vidyut enters the frame and effortlessly takes the support of the bottles and starts doing his push - ups . the stunt requires an extreme amount of focus which vidyut has achieved with relentless handwork and practice , that puts him among very few people in the world who can perform this stunt successfully . the actor , who has been trained in the oldest form of martial arts - kalaripayattu since the age of three , ends the video with a special message . after finishing the stunt he breaks two bottles and tells his fans to\nbe junglee\u201d .\njunglee resort is situated in rajaji national park of uttaranchal state , the park is known for its immaculate scenic beauty and rich biodiversity . a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts , the wildlife of the park is blessed with elephants , tigers , leopards and deer as its best known life forms . the property offers front desk , parking , daily housekeeping and doctor on call service in case of medical emergencies . the rooms are well maintained and clean . in - room amenities are comfortable beds , clean linen , table , chairs and attached bathrooms with hot / cold water and essential toiletries . guests can enjoy tea / coffee and north indian cuisine at in - house dinning area of resort . it also features recreational activities like jeep safari , trekking , indoor and outdoor games . nearest airport is jolly grant airport , dehradun , it is only a few kilometers away from the northern boundary of the park and has a daily 55 minutes flight from delhi . nearest railhead is haridwar and rishikesh . bus and taxi services are also available from new delhi , rishikesh and haridwar . this property is an ideal pick for spending a peaceful vacation , away from the city din !\nmumbai : the music of m cream \u2013 india\u2019s first stoner film \u2013 which has been hugely appreciated abroad , was unveiled by junglee music , powered by the times group , yesterday . the album has an eclectic mix of six tracks from the film , namely , woh parinda , man with a million drugs , acid winds , wayfaring stranger , mandani bolena and twilight zone . the music plays a pivotal role in defining and adding colour to the canvas of the film . the sound track is an unique blend of western rock and indian folk music . \u2018in the delhi part of the film the sound track is dominated by an electro - house feel . however , as the characters leave the confines of the city and travel into the hills , the soundtrack changes and acoustics and earthy instruments dominate the scenes , \u2019 says agneya singh , director , m cream . mandani bolena , sung by shubha mudgal , is haunting and beautiful while woh parinda by ip singh of faridkot is a foot tapping indie rock number . the music has been composed by studio fuzz , comprising srijan mahajan , arsh sharma and nikhil malik . it has been an exhaustive but fulfilling process . mahajan says , \u2018we immersed ourselves completely for period of six months where for an average of twelve hours a day , we had the film on our screens and were just noodling with our instruments while watching the film\u2019 . mahajan speaking for all three says , \u2018 we love the music and everyone who has heard it has loved it\u2019 . when the film was screened at the braunschweig international film festival , the post q & a was dominated by questions about the sound track of the film . the audience appeared to have loved the music and was most curious about the process involved in composing it , says singh . the music of the film is available on times music , gaana and saavn . the film is slated to be released on july 22 .\nno lyrics are available right now . the lyrics will be added in due course .\non all movie pages , a list of all the songs from that particular movie are there with basic information about the movie .\nfurther , you can click on any name or category in the above list to see list of songs of that particular person or category .\nour technology infrastructure ensures that players , whether new or experienced , get the same level of excitement which one gets while playing the game offline . all of it , in the comfort of your home , that too , at the time of your choosing .\nour 24x7 gaming environment comes loaded with intelligent features and allows you to challenge other players . you can either play on your desktop or download our mobile application to enjoy a game of mobile rummy on the go .\nour client support team is one of the best in the industry with years of experience in handling queries . so , you can rest assured that should you ever encounter any difficulties while playing the game ; it would be resolved in a matter of minutes .\nwe frequently host online tournaments where players compete against each other for the top spot . additionally , you can win millions in cash prizes . join us today and cash rummy to participate and win lakhs in cash prizes each day !\nkyc ( know your customer ) policy is an addition to our security policy that helps us to offer a safe and legal environment for our players . enjoy cash games in the comfort of your home without worrying about the legality . you can also download our app and play rummy on the go .\nso , head straight to the rummy tables and win real cash . start playing all the major rummy variants including 13 card rummy and 21 cards rummy and win big today !\nurltoken uses out - of - the - box concepts to offer a unique gaming experience . unlike the usual 2d tables available in most of the online rummy sites , you can play card games in first person view . select fantastic avatars and engage in an enhanced gaming environment to have unlimited fun !\nit is absolutely legal to play rummy online with stakes . the honourable supreme court of india has declared it as a game of skill ; therefore , it is completely legal to play with real money in india . on jungleerummy . com , you can play card games for real cash in a safe and secure environment along with a wide range of online transaction facilities .\nregister and avail 100 % bonus up to rs . 1500 - double your bankroll and hit the cash tables to make real money with your skills ! the moment you deposit and play rummy online for money , bonuses will keep getting disbursed into your account while playing cash games . upgrade from free rummy games and take part in exciting promotions to win lakhs in prizes !\nurltoken is the ultimate online gaming hub to play all the variations of indian rummy games . you can play points , pool and deal variations and even test your skills in 21 cards rummy . you can also play rummy tournaments , which take place every hour to win real cash prizes .\nupgrade as a premium player and enjoy exclusive vip services ! our experienced customer support team is adept in managing and resolving all sorts of customer queries . fastest withdrawal services with easy transaction make jungleerummy as one of the best online rummy game sites to play card games .\nregister and get mesmerised by the amazing world of jungleerummy ! join now with rs . 1500 bonus and double the fun by winning real cash !\nrummy was declared to be a game of skill by the honbl . supreme court of india in 1968 and is 100 % legal to play for free or cash .\nmultiple play limits to keep your game playing experience pleasurable . stay in control , stay entertained !\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 3 . 2 / / en\nwe are a young , growing company with a vision : to create the ability to answer any question over any kind of data . the information to answer your question can be in a database or on a web site , or even spread across dozens of web sites . wouldn ' t it be neat if you had a uniform way to ask sensible questions and get sensible answers ? now you can . with j u n g l e e .\nj u n g l e e means\nof the jungle ,\nand we know what a jungle the internet can be . which is why we developed our patent - pending virtual database ( vdb ) technology that can be used to create pals ( personalized advisors and locators ) to guide you through the jungle .\nwe welcome your comments and inquiries . email us at info @ urltoken or write us at :\nsign up for a free crunchbase account to follow and track organizations you care about .\nterms of service | privacy policy | \u00a9 2018 crunchbase inc . all rights reserved .\ndescriptive keyword for an organization ( e . g . saas , android , cloud computing , medical device )\nthis field describes an organization ' s most recent funding status ( e . g . early stage venture , late stage venture , m & a )\nauto - generated name of transaction ( e . g . whatsapp acquired by facebook )\ncurrently , we do not have this feature in mybiz . if you want to use this feature , you will have to logout and sign in again using your personal account .\nin order to avail mybiz benefits , you will have to login again with your work email id . we will redirect you to login page .\nsorry , the hotel you searched for is sold out for selected dates . check out similar hotels that are available for these dates .\nvillage jogiana , mahadevsain , p . o . mohanchatti , rishikesh , uttrakhand - 249201\nhotel check - in time is 2 pm , check - out time is 12 pm .\ncancellation and prepayment policies vary according to room type . please check the fare policy associated with your room .\nthe inclusion of extra bed with a booking is facilitated with a folding cot or a mattress as an extra bed .\nyou can pay now or you can pay at the hotel if your selected room type has this option .\naccording to government regulations , a valid photo id has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel . the identification proofs accepted are drivers license , voters card , passport , ration card . without valid id the guest will not be allowed to check in .\nthe primary guest checking in to the hotel must be at least 18 years of age . children accompanying adults must be between 1 - 12 years .\nearly check - in or late check - out is subject to availability and may be chargeable by the hotel . the standard check - in time is 2 pm and the standard check - out time is 12 pm . after booking you will be sent an email confirmation with hotel phone number . you can contact the hotel directly for early check - in or late check - out .\nthe room tariff includes all taxes . the amount paid for the room does not include charges for optional services and facilities ( such as room service , mini bar , snacks or telephone calls ) . these will be charged at the time of check - out .\nmakemytrip will not be responsible for any check - in denied by the hotel due to the aforesaid reason .\nthe hotel reserves the right of admission . accommodation can be denied to guests posing as a ' couple ' if suitable proof of identification is not presented at check - in . makemytrip will not be responsible for any check - in denied by the hotel due to the aforesaid reason .\nthe hotel reserves the right of admission for local residents . accommodation can be denied to guests residing in the same city . makemytrip will not be responsible for any check - in denied by the hotel due to the aforesaid reason .\nmodified bookings will be subject to availability and revised booking policy of the hotel .\nthe cancellation / modification charges are standard and any waiver is on the hotel ' s discretion .\nnumber of modifications possible on a booking will be on the discretion of makemytrip .\nselective offers of makemytrip will not be valid on a cancellation or modification of booking .\nany e - coupon discount on the original booking shall be forfeited in the event of cancellation or modification .\nafter booking a hotel online on makemytrip , the hotel may ask the guest to make partial prepayment a few days before the checkin to guarantee the booking , per hotel ' s t & c .\nthe remaining amount needs to be paid by the guest at the hotel . guests might be asked to pay in cash if the credit card machine at the hotel is absent or dysfunctional .\nif the guest plans to check - in at the hotel after 5 : 00 pm , they must inform the hotel in advance . the hotel can release the room in case you have not checked - in by 5 : 00 pm and have not informed the hotel about your late check - in .\nreward points redemption option is not applicable on bookings made using the\npay at checkout\noption .\nsome hotels might ask for a security deposit of up to 100 % of the booking amount at the time of check - in ; denial of paying security deposit , may lead to hotelier not allowing check - in .\nguest must pay full amount at time of check - out ; hotel ' s payment cannot be withheld by customer in any case after completing stay .\nvery basic accommodation and amenities . limited food menu for all meals so one can ' t really choose and not worth the price . electricity is a problem , even the lighting inside room and washroom are inadequate . can ' t be termed as a\nresort\n. not recommended for families with kids especially those who want relaxation and room service\nyou are subscribed to girf updates . now you can access great indian restaurant festival one day before the official launch\nget exclusive access to girf before everyone else and book a table at your favourite restaurants .\nyou can now start making your girf bookings from 27th january , a day earlier than everyone else .\ndownload the dineout app and signup to get \u20b9200 / - in your dineout earnings that can be redeemed against your dining bill .\nthe restaurant will be preinformed of your arrival . however , you may need to wait to be seated\nhappy hours + 15 % off the food bill on a minimum bill of rs . 1000 and above\nthe restaurant will be pre - informed of your arrival . however , you may need to wait to be seated\nservice was good and full of courtesy . bhel was too spicy , took more time then what we expected looking at the number of guests in restaurant . bhaji was also spicy and very salty . i returned the bhaji and it came back same and i had to say ' no ' again though we were not charged for that . chef wasn ' t even bothered for at least to reheat the buns if couldn ' t provide fresh . shake was very good .\nmenu is under revision ; so some food options have been discontinued for now .\nrestaurant designed well . not very clean upholstery of tables . staff good . food ok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ok\nhalf the things on the menu weren\u2019t available and the bar was also not stocked . they were running a happy hour program but they didn\u2019t have any of the alcohols . food - again - they had some issue in the kitchen so other than pizzas , burgers and grilled food - you couldn\u2019t get anything\ngood food & prompt customer service . ambience is okay . it is located on first floor ; would like to try this place again . non - veg dish ' sanjubaba ' s chicken ' is delicious and must try dish . ambience could be better and there are limited dessert varieties .\nyour review is being moderated and should be approved in 2 - 3 days . happy dining .\nwe\u2019ll contact the restaurant for your booking and will update you via email and sms .\nyour review is being moderated and should be approved in 2 - 3 days .\none time verification code has been sent to your email , please enter it here to verify your email .\na humorless and pompous businessman goes wild when he falls in love . now if only his domineering mother could understand his new lease on life .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\ncheck out highlights from some of the best recent trailers including mandy , the predator , zoe , and the king of thieves .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\na woman blames a nightclub drummer for the suspicious death of her sister , and seeks revenge . however , the pair work together to solve the mystery and become romantically involved , after he introduces himself under another name .\nsita devi is a very strict aunt for a number of young ladies , and does not allow them to fraternize with males . along comes pritam disguised as an elderly professor khanna to break every . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthree woman - hating brothers face changes in their respective lifestyles when two of them fall in love .\nin romantic paris , two parisians of indian origin are in love namely shyam or sam and roopa . mystery and intrigue surround this romance , as roopa is abducted and held by criminal mastermind . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthe wealthy patriarch of a mumbai family learns more than wants to about his own origins after his refusal to accept his sons ' chosen spouses drives them and his own wife away .\na simple man from a village falls in love with his new neighbor . he enlists the help of his musical - theater friends to woo the lovely girl - next - door away from her music teacher .\ntwenty years ago , after killing his brother , sardar rajpal flees from his hometown in shillong and re - locates in the rural area of assam along with his adopted daughter , meena . he asks his . . . see full summary \u00bb\ntaking place almost entirely over the course of one stormy night , a woman is terrified when an accused murderer escapes from a mental hospital and seeks refuge in her home .\nnaseeb , a story of destiny and fate , begins with a lottery ticket . a drunk who cannot pay his tab trades his ' winning ' ticket to the waiter , namdev ( pran ) , instead . namdev decides to share . . . see full summary \u00bb\nneeta is a heiress , the only daughter of u . k . based industrialist , jagat narayan . she is of marriageable age , and is presently wooed by kailash , chandra , and raja . she prefers chandra over . . . see full summary \u00bb\nwhen mistaken to be a sage by some villagers , an ex - tour guide reflects on his past and lost love to search for spiritual wisdom to guide the villagers .\nchandrashekhar ( shammi kapoor ) or shekhar as he is called now , belongs to an aristrocratic family , who believe laughter is a sign of belonging to the lower class , and as a result laughter is not encouraged in the household , run by shekhar ' s domineering mom ( lalita pawar ) . in this household the only one who dares to laugh and enjoy life is shekhar ' s sister mala ( shashikala ) , who also dares to love jeevan ( anoop kumar ) . things change when their mom finds out about mala ' s indiscretions , and she asks shekhar to take her away from their home , to distant and scenic kashmir , for awhile . she also instructs shekhar to arrange to get married to a girl from a princely family . when shekhar escorts mala out of town , and on reaching kashmir , he meets up with beautiful rajkumari ( saira banoo ) , and after being stranded with her for a night during a snowstorm , he realizes what he has been missing , and becomes a care - free man in love . this change is welcomed by mala , but not by his mother . to make . . .\nthis film possess all the qualities of the classic bollywood film as it has developed since the 1950s . it has romantic love triumphing over social convention and the caste system ; the stifling oppressive family with a dominant matriarch : the scheming , grasping enemy , seeking to thwart the lovers ; the battle of good versus evil at the end , with good triumphant ( of course ) . in addition , the film has splendid musical scenes with lavish settings and dance routines at various points . settings are suitably escapist , ranging from the lavish house of the rich family , to kashmiri summer countryside , snow - covered slopes , and an isolated wooden hut in a raging storm . certainly , there is no danger of urban or rural social reality entering this story . the acting also shows some of the special qualities of bollywood , with wildly exaggerated , stylised performances especially from the male and female leads . the editing and production values are clear , ( jump cutting , rapid blurred pans , unrealistic acrobatic fights , etc ) i highly recommend this film , quite an early example of a colour feature from bollywood it is entertaining . and once the viewer becomes accustomed to the genre it is highly enjoyable .\n9 of 11 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nplot summary : chandrashekhar is from an aristrocratic family , where laughter is considered a sign of belonging to the lower class , and hence it is not encouraged in their family . the only one who dares to laugh is shekhar ' s sister mala . she also dares to love a guy .\nchandrashekhar ( shamni kapoor ) and mala ( shashikala ) grow up in a high class family under a dominating mother ( lalita pawar ) . they have to follow strict rules . kaud dam by their late father uehich i dudes ni layghter and joy malas mother come to konow and sens her with shikhar to kashari shekhar gets shanded with rajkamari ( raj ) he falls in low with her and his ariades twadi towardi life chages this another will not appround of their relaship as she wauts shekhar to mary puninces insteal\ncopyright 2010 - 2013 : gomolo . all rights reserved . | terms | privacy\nmore tickets = more points = more movies on us ! rack up vip + points for every ticket you buy to score streaming movies and discounts on tickets and movie gear .\nget your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home , exclusive movie gear , access to advanced screenings and discounts galore .\ncollect bonus rewards from our many partners , including amc , stubs , cinemark connections , regal crown club when you link accounts .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing jungle girl near you .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nalso sign me up for fanmail to get updates on all things movies : tickets , special offers , screenings + more .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' jurassic world : fallen kingdom ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - 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(\ntripadvisor llc is not responsible for content on external web sites . taxes , fees not included for deals content .\nthe plot against america and over 2 million other books are available for amazon kindle . learn more\ncomment : we dispatch over 6 million books worldwide on an annual basis to happy customers . quality guaranteed . expedited shipping available on this book .\n\u2018in the plot against america , roth precisely described the sinister and chilling nightmare in which the united states now finds itself\u2026 america has not read enough of philip roth\u2019 bernard - henri l\u00e9vy when the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist charles a . lindbergh defeats franklin roosevelt by a landslide in the 1940 presidential election , fear invades every jewish household in america . not only has lindbergh publicly blamed the jews for pushing america towards a pointless war with nazi germany , but , upon taking office as the 33rd president of the united states , he negotiates a cordial ' understanding ' with adolf hitler , guaranteeing peaceful relations between the two nations . what then follows is the alternative america of this startling counterfactual novel by philip roth , who recounts what it was like for his newark family during the menacingly anti - semitic years of the lindbergh presidency . jewish families are shaken violently apart , whilst america is oblivious to its own dark metamorphosis . \u2018many passages in the plot against america echo feelings voiced today by vulnerable americans \u2013 immigrants and minorities as alarmed by trump\u2019s election as the jews of newark are frightened by lindbergh\u2019s\u2019 new yorker\ninstantly receive a \u00a310 urltoken gift card if you\u2019re approved for the amazon platinum mastercard with instant spend . representative 21 . 9 % apr ( variable ) .\ncredit offered by newday ltd , over 18s only , subject to status . terms apply .\nthis shopping feature will continue to load items . in order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading .\nsponsored products are advertisements for products sold by merchants on amazon . when you click on a sponsored product ad , you will be taken to an amazon detail page where you can learn more about the product and purchase it .\nenter your mobile number or email address below and we ' ll send you a link to download the free kindle app . then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone , tablet , or computer - no kindle device required .\nit\u2019s one of the great political novels for its depiction of how alterations in power affect ordinary men and women , and how obedience brings disaster .\n( linda grant new statesman )\nin his 2004 novel , the plot against america , roth precisely described the sinister and chilling nightmare in which the united states now finds itself\u2026 america has not read enough of philip roth\n( bernard - henri l\u00e9vy new statesman )\na dark , humane masterpiece , roth is at the peak of his powers\n( the times )\nanother frighteningly intense performance\n( sunday telegraph )\nthe word genius doesn ' t seem excessive . . . the plot against america creates its reality magisterially , in long , fluid sentences that carry you beyond scepticism\n( guardian )\nuntouchable . . . he is bequeathing us a body of work that adds up to the most accomplished dissection of american political , social and personal mores\n( observer )\nmagnificent . roth is writing the best books of his life . he captures better than anyone the collision of public and private , the intrusion of history into the skin , the pores of every individual alive\n( guardian )\nsubtle , persuasive and unsettling . a brilliantly troubling and heartening novel\n( sunday times )\nmany passages in the plot against america echo feelings voiced today by vulnerable americans \u2013 immigrants and minorities as alarmed by trump\u2019s election as the jews of newark are frightened by lindbergh\u2019s\n( new yorker )\ndazzling . the most exciting novelist writing today\n( independent on sunday )\nwhen the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist charles a . lindbergh defeated franklin roosevelt by a landslide in the 1940 presidential election , fear invaded every jewish household in america . lindbergh had publicly blamed the jews for pushing america towards a pointless war with nazi germany . then , upon taking office as the 33rd president of the united states , he also negotiated a cordial ' understanding ' with adolf hitler . what followed in america is the historical setting for this startling new novel by pulitzer - prize winner philip roth , who recounts what it was like for his newark family during the menacing years of the lindbergh presidency , when american citizens who happened to be jews had every reason to expect the worst . praise for\nthe plot against america\n:\nthe plot against america\nis an epic , built - painstakingly , passionately , near perfectly - of the small structures of the particular . a dark , humane masterpiece . roth is at the peak of his powers\n-\nthe times\n.\nthe word genius doesn ' t seem excessive - utterly plausible .\nthe plot against america\ncreates its reality magisterially , in long , fluid sentences that carry you beyond scepticism\n-\nthe guardian\n.\nmagnificent . roth is writing the best books of his life . he captures better than anyone the collision of public and private , the intrusion of history into the skin , the pores of every individual alive\n-\nthe guardian\n.\nits a book that is rich and diverse in its language as you would expect from philip roth and it gives incredible insight into the dichotomies faced by the american people with the prospect of another war in europe . in my opinion it is a book that should be a compulsory read in any syllabus covering the second world war or politics in general because although it is a work of fiction it demonstrates in an enlightened way how different racial types react to what is happening in the world . whether you would want your daughter or son fighting abroad for a cause that you had no direct connection with . why should our children get involved ? and yet how can we watch while people are being slaughtered in other countries because of their religious beliefs as we do today with muslims abroad being killed unbelievably by buddhists . is the world going mad ? but then are we the worlds policemen ? do we have that right ? or should we get involved and make the personal commitment of our children ' s lives because fundamentally genocide is heinous ? a thorny tome ! genocide is wrong wherever and whenever it occurs ? a thorny book !\nthis is an alternative history novel postulating what if charles lindbergh had become president in the 1940s as seen through the eyes of a jewish boy in new jersey . i get the feeling that the boyhood experiences are partly autobiographical , nothing wrong with that , and they are well written the alternative history components are very interesting and quite scary . lindbergh was influenced by antisemitism and whipped up an america first feeling in a large section of the us electorate . if he had won and kept the us out of the second world war then god knows what would have happened globally . thankfully in reality he came nowhere near winning and backed down after pearl harbor . this is a good well written book . my only criticism is that the narrative it is quite limited in scope , its new jersey , phillip roth and a bit of washington . i would have liked to know more about the wider usa during this time . but i guess this is because most of roth ' s work in autobiographical in nature .\nif there ' s only one thing you need to say about philip roth , then it has to be that he is absolutely brilliant . but . . if you have reached\nthe plot against america\nthen you are no doubt familiar with mr . roth ' s work , and this statement is already a well - known fact to you .\nthe plot against america\ntakes the witty bits from\nportnoy ' s complaint\n, and mixes it with the grim atmosphere of chaos that we encounter in\namerican pastoral\n. the style is again autobiographical , only in\nthe plot against america\nwe step into an alternate reality , in which charles lindberg , the aviator ( and nazi sympathiser ) is elected president of the united states instead of fdr ( voted to run ' sans ' primaries straight from the floor of republican party national assembly and sweeping the country subsequently in the 1940 elections ) . lindberg , who was philip roth ' s - the charecter - brother ' s secret hero , is sweeping the country into complete anti - jewish propaganda , which is quite similar to the general atmosphere the nazis have initiated in germany prior to the madness that was set loose in and after kristallnacht . the story is told from the viewpoint of the young jewish boy - philip roth - whose immature point of view as well as the focus on the little thing in life , makes it so genuine . the scary thing about this book is that roth doesn ' t exaggerate nor does he fantasizes an implausible scenario . you would not see american - jews sent to concentration camps , but an initiation of an american governmental program to assimilate jews in society , ran ( and hence given the\nkosher stamp\n) by lindberg ' s rabbi friend , general anti jews sentiment , public riots and so on and so on . you will read the plot against american while holding your breath , thinking this can very much happen tomorrow or the next day .\nan interesting and prophetic book . although written in 2004 about the period before the 2nd world war , it foresees an imaginary rise of fascism with charles lindbergh as president . . .\na close examination of childhood fears but it ' s long and boring and did it need to rewrite history ? philip roth gets less interesting the more you read of him .\nthe upshot of the book , or one of them , is that democracy is wasted on many americans . people must be bright , educated and informed for democracy to work , for how can you vote for . . .\neven a literary genius can have his off day , and this simplistic , counter - factual , historical potbioler is roth ' s . a real disappointment .\ni love this book , involving jewish second generation immigrants in newark . a rich culture , intense characterisation .\ninteresting take on fictionalised jewish situation in new jersey in world war 2 and what might have happened if the us supported hilter and it the allies .\nan interesting take on what would happen if there had been one small change in american history . i wonder if the resolution would have been the same with the current president .\nprime members enjoy fast & free shipping , unlimited streaming of movies and tv shows with prime video and many more exclusive benefits .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\nafter years of waiting and peance of forest rangers wife , two very sweet twins - kumar and jay - took birth in his house . but the destiny didn ' t permit and their rejoicings didn ' t last long - as on one night jay was carried away by some wild beast , mother couldn ' t bear this tragedy and died . forest ranger also shifted to the city , but every year on kumar ' s birthday inspired by some intution used to send trachkers in the vicintiy where jay was lost . kumar had grown up into a handsome lad and was studying in college , but due to the vicious company of dsouza , he was getting drowned in wine and gambling . at such a juncture one tracker brings the news of locating jay and the ranger finds no end to his joy . taking along madhu , his bossom friend ' s daughter , dsouza kumar johny and a company of trackers , he immediately sets off for the jungle . now dsouza entices kumar to kill jay on finding him so that he would be relieved of the only partner to succeed to rangers property . enroute , after lots of perils and the excitement of daring adventures , kumar , madhu and johnny are caught in the web of magician samari . samari falls in love for madhu , and wants to make her the queen of his heart . kumar also loves madhu but madhu dreams of jay .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\n* setting channel preference will take you directly to the respective channel when you come in next time .\nsupported browsers : internet explorer : version 7 . 0 and above , chrome , firefox and safari . best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and above .\nshammi kapoor confirmed his status as bollywood ' s most dashing rebel in this charming romantic comedy . raised to think that laughter is beneath him by his domineering mother lalita pawar , mumbai tycoon ' s son kapoor is dispatched to kashmir with sister shashi kala to thwart her relationship with the lowly anoop kumar and contract his own marriage to princess azra . however , he quickly learns to enjoy life after being stuck in the snow with free spirit saira banoo . beautifully photographed by nv srinivas , this lively reworking of the formulaic themes of class prejudice and domestic duty is epitomised by kapoor ' s yahoo song , which is a highpoint in shankar jaikishan ' s ebullient score .\na straitlaced aristocrat falls madly in love with a beautiful woman from a lower class and finds his outlook on life is transformed . however , his killjoy mother would never agree to the romantic union , creating a troubling dilemma for the smitten man . indian romantic musical , starring shammi kapoor , saira banu , shashikala and anoop kumar .\nwebsite is owned and published by immediate media company limited . urltoken \u00a9 immediate media company ltd 2018 .\nthis email id is already registered with us with facebook . please login with facebook .\nby submitting this form you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of cinestaan . com .\nsorry ! none of the critics have had a chance to review this movie yet .\nby using www . bookmyshow . com ( our website ) , you are fully accepting the privacy policy available at urltoken governing your access to bookmyshow and provision of services by bookmyshow to you . if you do not accept terms mentioned in the privacy policy , you must not share any of your personal information and immediately exit bookmyshow ."]} {"id": 114566, "summary": [{"text": "duct tape forever is a 2002 comedy film based on the red green show .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was written by steve smith , the actor who plays red green . ", "topic": 17}], "title": "duct tape forever", "paragraphs": ["button to find out if duct tape forever is playing in your country .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing duct tape forever near you .\na lampshaded subversion appeared in one episode where tape was needed to do duct work . . . scouring through the rolls of duct tape uncovered what he was looking for - adhesive tape .\n. . . using the handyman ' s secret weapon : duct tape .\nthe saddest thing about duct tape forever is the fact that it ' s a sign of the direction commercial canadian cinema is going : cheap comedies with name - brand appeal .\nred : ( blows the dust off an old video tape )\nthetamax video tape : made in portuguese macau\n.\nsecond place is for winners : in duct tape forever , in order to pay off a $ 10 , 000 fine , harold suggests the lodge enter a duct tape sculpture contest to win the money . the lodge members are skeptical , but when harold tells them the $ 10 , 000 is the third - place prize , they figure it ' s within their abilities .\n: you know it . played with in the episode\nno duct tape ,\nwhere the lodge runs out of duct tape\u2014only to find loads of it in the attic , where it was being used to fix the ductwork . this leads to a comment from mike , who says ,\nhomemade inventions : the handyman corner segments . it ' s amazing what you can do with some rusted k - cars and a few hundred rolls of duct tape .\nproduct placement : 3m became a sponsor of the show , and red a spokesman , after they saw how much scotch duct tape ( a 3m brand ) the show used .\nthe shooting of red ' s first feature film has begun , and pbs supporters from across the country travelled to the set to be a part of this unique and memorable experience . thanks to all of the pbs supporters from the cast and crew of duct tape forever ! here are some of the winners that made the trip :\n\u2018duct tapes are forever\u2019 is all new downloadable content which transports the escapists to the secret world of spies , villains and tuxedos . take control of a tuxedo - clad superspy as you find yourself trapped in an evil villain\u2019s lair , guarded by henchmen .\nthe red green show was duct taped live before a studio audience .\nplenty more of that ilk .\nduct tapes are forever is one of the dlcs from the game the escapists . it is james - bond themed ( unofficially ) and it asks you to plot your escape from a supervillain ' s underground lair . it was released on november 3 , 2015 and costs \u00a31 / $ 3 . 99 / \u20ac3 . 99\ncensored for comedy : in one opening segment , red has\n_ _ ck off\nwritten in duct tape on the back of his car , with everything before the ck blocked by a jacket . he lifts up the jacket to reveal that the missing letters are ba , and says something about how things aren ' t always as they seem .\nmeanwhile they also carry on with the show within a show that red and harold are producing , a local cable - access version of the standard saturday - afternoon outdoor program . various topics are touched on , but the actual quality of the information tends to be . . . well , the most elaborate segment is\nhandyman ' s corner\n, wherein red somehow turns a simple diy repair or project into a huge , awkward , goldbergian task with the help of the\nhandyman ' s secret weapon\n, duct tape . and lots of it .\nmurray woolworth is owner of the only convenience store in the area , so he gouges people on everything , and often offers cheap substitute products , such as selling a four - man raft , sight - unseen , and then delivering a large inner - tube with a tackle box duct taped to it .\nchainsaw good : subverted in that red never used chainsaws as weapons , but in handyman projects . one notable example involved his duct taping a chainsaw to a bicycle to create a moped . also subverted by bill , who occasionally tried to use chainsaws for what they were designed for , but his lethal klutz tendencies led to epic fails anyway .\nduct - taped to a wheelchair and tortured , tom manages to escape when his snowmobile buddies fortuitously show up with some shotguns . the ensuing melee leaves the sisters presumed dead , but for tom the nightmare is not over . obsessed with vanessa , he tracks down the illegitimate daughter ( maria cina ) she gave up 30 years earlier and finds her living in hollywood , a bartender and would - be actress , under the name clara hansen . tom hires her to pose for a character in his new animated feature , an allegorical account of his ordeal at the hands of her mother and aunt .\nthe janitor job you start off with can help towards getting some starter money , but some of the puddles needed to complete your quota can spawn around the rocket , which is a restricted area - you ' ll be attacked immediately if you get seen there , even if you ' re just trying to do your job . this makes the janitor job an absolute pain at times , so try to get a better job as soon as possible . the metalshop and woodshop jobs both have a crate inside them with an important item each - blue putty and sticky tape , respectively . these are not considered contraband , and so you can take them as you please . if you cannot be bothered jumping between both jobs , you can just use a pickaxe to chip through a portion of the wall and loot the crate . just remember to replace the wall block again after you ' re done .\nwayne robson , the veteran canadian actor perhaps best known for playing a sticky - fingered former thief on the red green show , has died at the age of 65 .\nwayne robson had been slated to appear in the stratford shakespeare festival ' s 2011 production of the grapes of wrath . the vancouver - born actor has died at the age of 64 . ( stratford shakespeare festival )\nwayne robson , the veteran canadian actor perhaps best known for playing a sticky - fingered former thief on the red green show , has died at the age of 64 .\nrobson passed away peacefully at his home , according to the stratford shakespeare festival , where robson had been slated to perform in the grapes of wrath this season . cause of death was not disclosed .\nwayne was an outstanding artist who had a diverse and accomplished career on stage , in film and on television , and his loss will be heavily felt not only here in stratford but across our country ,\nstratford artistic director des mcanuff said in a statement late tuesday .\nthe festival will dedicate its 2011 production of the grapes of wrath to robson ' s memory .\nthe vancouver - born robson appeared in more than 100 stage productions , 120 tv shows and more than two dozen feature films since starting out as an actor in the mid - 1960s .\nearly on , the prolific actor was cast in a host of projects filming around vancouver and also appeared in the robert altman movies mccabe & mrs . miller and popeye . as the 1980s progressed , he began developing a national presence , with his screen credits including genie - nominated roles in films like the grey fox and bye bye blues as well as his gemini award - winning performance as a desperate gangster in the tv movie and then you die .\na second gemini would come in 1994 for his turn as christie logan in anne wheeler ' s television adaptation of margaret laurence ' s classic the diviners . his tv appearances in recent years have included murdoch mysteries , the kids in the hall : death comes to town and little mosque on the prairie .\nhe also maintained a career on the stage , most recently portraying the title character in tuesdays with morrie in sudbury in november 2010 .\nin the brief period since wayne joined the festival company , he very quickly became close to us all with his enthusiasm , good humour and enormous talent ,\nstratford general director antoni cimolino said in a statement .\nhe was generous in sharing stories from his past and from his vast experience in theatre across many countries dating back to the 1960s . he was immensely practical and yet a true imaginative child of the stage light .\nrobson is survived by his children , ivy and louis , and their mother , lynn .\nwayne robson , left , played a former thief - turned - handyman on the red green show . robson is seen with the comedy ' s stars steve smith , centre , and patrick mckenna . ( cbc )\naudience relations , cbc p . o . box 500 station a toronto , on canada , m5w 1e6\nit is a priority for cbc to create a website that is accessible to all canadians including people with visual , hearing , motor and cognitive challenges .\nclosed captioning and described video is available for many cbc - tv shows offered on cbc watch .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe residents of possum lodge head on a road trip to the states , hoping to win a contest and thus pay a fine .\ntrippy indie madeline ' s madeline is the movie that lakeith stanfield and boots riley from sorry to bother you want to see the most .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\n] to cheer us up , we played a little game called\nlet ' s run something over\n.\nafter the credits finish , there ' s a scene with red and harold in the van . red says that saving the lodge will make the world a better place and harold asks if he really believes that . then the director yells cut .\n9 of 11 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nmovies and tv shows are certified fresh with a steady tomatometer of 75 % or higher after a set amount of reviews ( 80 for wide - release movies , 40 for limited - release movies , 20 for tv shows ) , including 5 reviews from top critics .\nthe series ' good - natured , self - deprecating extended joke about male regression , handyman incompetence and canadian humility are here in big - screen proportions , and it all works very well .\na pretty solid movie . . . one that should amuse casual admirers ( present company included ) while delighting the rabid fan .\nthe movie offers more corniness than laughs , delivered with a visual - drabness that fails to justify its packaging as a theatrical film .\nsmith forgot to include any of the subtle , language - based comedy that marked his career as an author and stand - up comedian , so that all we ' re left with are obvious sight gags and laborious moments of slapstick carnage .\nit ' s essentially a red green show episode stretched to a 90 - minute movie , but with about the same number of laughs .\ncharming movie , as only the canadians can do . based on the\nred green\ntelevision show . i like steve smith ' s character . it ' s dorky but got a lot of heart . they should ' ve had a love interest for red green in this movie .\nthis is red ' s best and only theatrical release feature film , shot in 35mm with a full movie crew and a budget in the millions . ( most of it to defend the lawsuits . )\nthe first thing to remember about the villain ' s lair , is that there are absolutely no tower guards . as such , you will not get shot , no matter how much heat you have on you . you can also chip walls at any time during the day without getting shot . start by buying a guard outfit first . each cell ( excluding your own ) has a camera inside it . dressing up as a guard or henchman will allow you to search another spy ' s desk without the camera getting suspicious . if you can knock out a henchman and take his outfit beforehand however , the guard outfit will be inferior . get a fake shoe from a desk if you can . it works like a contraband pouch , except it does not get confiscated if you get knocked out .\nonce you have acquired both of these items one way or another , it ' s time to move onto the next item - the keycard . this is located inside the henchman ' s quarters to the northeast of the lair . the door however , has a blue key lock . this means you must be a henchman . the guard outfit is not sufficient for this , even though henchmen will be fooled by it . as such , you need to acquire a henchman outfit by knocking out a henchman . ideally , try to find the fourth henchman on the roster , as he has the staff key . you ' ll be needing a copy of that next . if you ' re having trouble figuring out the fourth henchman , wait until evening rollcall , when the henchmen turn on their flashlights . and then go and find a henchman who has a flashlight , but is not at rollcall . there ' s a 50 % chance he has the staff key - the other 50 % is the work key . either way , once you ' ve identified him , wait for him to cross over into your cell block , and then make your move . you can make a flamethrower or cup of molten chocolate to instantly knock him out . you can also find a bomb surprise or garotting wire watch or sharp tea tray in another spy ' s desk , and they will all serve as instant knockout items , too . once he ' s down , take his henchman uniform . he may also have some memoir tapes on him . take those as well , as they are a necessary component for the voice recording . finally , take his staff key and make a copy of it , but remember to give the staff key back before he wakes up again .\nonce you have the fake fingerprint , the voice recording , and the keycard , you can escape at any time you wish . if you choose to do it at night time however , you will need to create a bed dummy for your bed , as well as use your henchman or guard outfit to avoid being sent to solitary . head to the rocket and use the three items . the left console requires the keycard , the middle console requires the voice recording , and the right console requires the fake fingerprint . once you ' ve put the last item into the consoles , the game will end .\nthis page was last edited on 3 october 2017 , at 19 : 17 .\ncontent is available under cc by - nc - sa 3 . 0 unless otherwise noted . game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors . all rights reserved . this site is a part of curse , inc . and is not affiliated with the game publisher .\nauto suggestions are available once you type at least 3 letters . use up arrow ( for mozilla firefox browser alt + up arrow ) and down arrow ( for mozilla firefox browser alt + down arrow ) to review and enter to select .\npack your beach blanket for a bittersweet tale of love and summer ' s magic .\nlimited - time only : buy a season 1 colleggtible & get 50 % off a second .\nsave on classic and contemporary films online and in store through 8 / 6 .\nuh - oh , it looks like your internet explorer is out of date . for a better shopping experience , please upgrade now .\njavascript is not enabled in your browser . enabling javascript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site . learn how to enable javascript on your browser\nclosed caption ; 5 . 1 surround sound and 2 . 0 stereo ; red green goes to hollywood , a hilarious 60 - minute\nmockumentary\nfeaturing cast members and fans from all over the u . s . ; commentary by steve smith ( red green ) ; behind - the - scenes interviews with cast and crew ; photo gallery ; theatrical trailer\nside # 1 - - 1 . the goose [ 8 : 21 ] 2 . from the beginning [ 7 : 46 ] 3 . $ 10 , 000 idea [ 7 : 30 ] 4 . minnesota bound [ 10 : 05 ] 5 . being followed [ 9 : 07 ] 6 . road block [ 9 : 13 ] 7 . harold kidnapped [ 13 : 58 ] 8 . the showdown [ 10 : 30 ] 9 . bus attack [ 7 : 14 ] 10 . harold ' s night [ 7 : 31 ]\nside # 1 - - play movie scene index special features red green goes hollywood behind the scenes steve smith ( red green ) patrick mckenna ( harold ) richard fitzpatrick ( robert stiles ) melissa dimarco ( deputy dawn ) eric till ( director ) & steve smith theatrical trailer photo gallery set - up 5 . 1 surround sound 2 . 0 stereo audio commentary with steve smith\n\u00a91997 - 2018 barnes & noble booksellers , inc . 122 fifth avenue , new york , ny 10011\nmore tickets = more points = more movies on us ! rack up vip + points for every ticket you buy to score streaming movies and discounts on tickets and movie gear .\nget your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home , exclusive movie gear , access to advanced screenings and discounts galore .\ncollect bonus rewards from our many partners , including amc , stubs , cinemark connections , regal crown club when you link accounts .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nalso sign me up for fanmail to get updates on all things movies : tickets , special offers , screenings + more .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' jurassic world : fallen kingdom ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\nurltoken no longer supports internet explorer 9 or earlier . please upgrade your browser .\na psychological horror film from the midwest - based independent director john d . hancock , ' ' suspended animation ' ' is a sturdy , well - made piece that never quite overcomes its structural flaws .\ntom kempton ( alex mcarthur ) is a celebrated animator who winters in northern michigan , where a snowmobile accident leads him into the clutches of two weird sisters , vanessa and ann boulette . vanessa ( laura esterman ) is a willowy former dancer and ann ( sage allen ) an overweight homebody , and they have been operating their own girl - power version of the notorious wisconsin farmhouse of the 1950 ' s serial killer ed gein , butchering passers - by and creating knick - knacks and gourmet meals from their body parts .\nafter a slam - bang opening ' ' suspended animation , ' ' which opens today in new york , chicago and los angeles , goes into something of a coma itself with the tedious exposition necessary to get the plot convolutions across . it slowly develops that clara , who is unaware of her heritage , has a sinister 15 - year - old son ( fred meyers ) , who may have inherited his grandmother ' s homicidal tendencies . at least that is tom ' s suspicion when he comes across a mass of human tissue wrapped in aluminum foil and hidden in the boy ' s toolbox .\nthe situation is creepy , but the screenplay by dorothy tristan , mr . hancock ' s wife and frequent collaborator , has trouble transforming it into genuine suspense . the menace remains vague and unfocused until one major character makes a not entirely unexpected reappearance in the last act , by which point much of the tension has been lost .\nfrom the new york times . you may opt - out at any time .\nyou agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for the new york times ' s products and services .\nmr . hancock , however , remains a fine director of actors , and ms . esterman , a gifted stage actress making a rare film appearance , delivers an eerily ambiguous performance , part lovable eccentric and part hannibal lecter . though the film was shot on high - definition video , mr . hancock ' s framing has the steadiness and precision of classic 35 - millimeter filmmaking , and his editing , far from the pointless mtv pyrotechnics in the current remake of ' ' the texas chainsaw massacre , ' ' is all but invisible and much more effective for it .\ndirected by john d . hancock ; written by dorothy tristan ; director of photography , misha suslov ; edited by dennis o ' connor ; music by angelo badalamenti ; production designer , don jacobson ; produced by mr . hancock and robert j . hiler ; released by first run features . at the quad cinema , 34 west 13th street , greenwich village . running time : 114 minutes . this film is not rated .\nwith : alex mcarthur ( tom kempton ) , laura esterman ( vanessa boulette ) , sage allen ( ann boulette ) , rebecca harrell ( hilary kempton ) , maria cina ( clara hansen ) and fred meyers ( sandor hansen ) .\nwe\u2019re interested in your feedback on this page . tell us what you think .\naccessibility concerns ? email us at accessibility @ urltoken . we would love to hear from you .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nyou will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price . you can also optionally receive an email notification ( sent only once ) , this is specified in your\nwith our iphone - or android app . the apps are synchronized with your account at blu - ray . com , so you only need to install the app and login with your regular username and password .\nthis web site is not affiliated with the blu - ray disc association . all trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners . \u00a9 2002 - 2018 blu - ray . com . all rights reserved . registration problems | business / advertising inquiries | privacy policy | legal notices\nant - man and the wasp , starring paul rudd and evangeline lilly , took the top spot at . . .\nhbo ' s new series sharp objects premieres july 8 and follows amy adams as camille . . .\nallison kugel joins comedian / actor / author d . l . hughley for a frank discussion about . . .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 tribute ent . media group last updated : july 9 , 2018\nyou need to login to do this . get known if you don ' t have an account\nif the women don ' t find you handsome , they should at least find you handy .\na sketch comedy show ( 1991\u00962006 ) produced by and starring canadian comic steve smith , centered around the members of possum lodge , a backwoods hunting camp somewhere in northern ontario . it loosely parodies\noutdoor\ntv shows generally , and the iconic red fisher show ( which ran in canada from 1968 to 1989 ) in particular .\nthe show is hosted by the president of the lodge , philosopher , handyman , outdoorsman , and basically very average man red green ( smith ) , with technical direction provided by his painfully geeky nephew harold ( patrick mckenna ) .\nepisodes are usually framed by red and harold discussing some activity or event affecting the lodge or its members . this most often involves a wild scheme either to raise money or clean up some kind of environmental disaster before the authorities clamp down . or , not infrequently , both . red ' s updates \u2014 and the resulting arguments with harold \u2014 are intercut throughout the show with various scenes of red talking to lodge members about said issue .\nwell , i ' m not gonna be calling the u . s . air force , harold . what do i say ? we ' ve got a missile ? they take that as a threat , we ' re in real trouble .\nharold , it ' s after six ; he ' s gone home .\nsince the lodge members include such sterling intellects as ranger gord the ( extremely ) lonely forest ranger , dougie franklin the mechanic , edgar montrose the half - deaf explosives enthusiast , arnie dogen the injury - prone roofer and aspiring country singer , winston rothschild , iii , the prissy sewage magnate , mike hammer the itinerant felon , dalton humphrey the avaricious storekeeper , hap shaughnessy the pathological liar , buzz sherwood the hippie pilot , and ed frid the hamster - phobic animal control officer . . . not a lot ever tends to get done , except by way of confusing the issue further .\nthe lodge members are often famous canadian actors such as graham greene ( edgar ) , gordon pinsent ( hap ) , colin mochrie ( in a small role as hotdog expert frank kepke ) and paul gross ( as naive yuppie kevin black ) .\ni ' m a man , but i can change , if i have to , i guess .\nanother popular segment is\nadventures with bill\n, featuring the title character ' s attempts ( or more accurately , spectacular failures ) to get a grip on the whole outdoorsman gig , in slapstick pantomime shown in black and white and narrated by red .\nthe possum lodge word game\nis a typically loose attempt at a password - esque game show , with red and harold trying to get a lodge member to say a certain word for a prize .\nculture is not unknown here at the lodge , either \u2014 it may be gravely wounded , but it sure isn ' t being ignored . red is often seen in short transitional vignettes playing guitar and singing ( accompanied by harold on spoons or homemade drum ) , or reciting poetry . occasionally he simply addresses his fellow middle - aged schlubs directly and rather poignantly , concluding with\nremember , i ' m pulling for ya , we ' re all in this together .\nthe show always ends with the sounds of the lodge meeting beginning , in the basement . red stays upstairs for a moment to deliver a quasi - aesop and a message to his wife , bernice .\noften the opening of the lodge meeting will run behind the closing credits , with the studio audience as the lodge members .\nand to the rest of you , thanks for watching . on behalf of myself and harold and the whole gang up here at possum lodge , keep your stick on the ice .\nthe entire series can be watched for free on the show ' s official youtube channel .\naccidental aiming skills : in the black - and - white segment of\nguinness world records\n, red and dalton are attempting to destroy a lamp by putting rocks and balls in slingshots , and thwarting mike ' s attempts to just whack it with a board . after they build a supersized slingshot that accidentally launches mike into a tree ( instead of the bowling ball they intended to launch ) , mike gets angry , picks up the board , and throws it . . . straight into the lamp .\naffectionate parody : both poking fun at , and celebrating , the foibles of middle - aged men .\nthe red green book , authored by the show ' s creators and published in 1995 , contains lots of interesting trivia about the lodge . for instance , lodge membership is open to all genders , all races , religions and sexual orientations . to get in , you just need to have access to tools , trucks , building materials , explosives , medical supplies , legal services or cash .\nthe names of some of the segments were revealed in the book too . the segment where two lodge members give the viewers advice on how to get out of a jam with their wives is called buddy system , while the segment where red gives a monologue to his fellow middle - aged men while sitting at a desk winding a fishing lure is called north of 40 .\nmotor vehicle used , seen or mentioned in the series . including buzz ' s seaplanes .\none of the articles in red green talks cars : a love story told readers what their car indicated about them . anyone who drives an\nold car that barely runs\nis a lodge member . more specific examples include stinky peterson ' s trabant , moose thompson ' s gremlin , douglas hendrychuk ' s nash , harold ' s pinto and red ' s possum van .\nalmost famous name : harold tells red that he ' s been asked to be in a magazine ad for dodge . red excitedly agrees when he hears that not only will he be depicted in a hot tub surrounded by bikini - clad girls , but he gets the product for free ! he ' s a bit disappointed when it turns out he ' s just going to get his picture taken in front of a green screen and have it edited in later , but he ' s still excited to get a free dodge truck . at the end of the episode harold clarifies that the company is a swedish company named\ndoj\n. . . that makes adult diapers . . . and there are dozens of crates full of them outside .\namusing injuries : present all over the place , no one is safe from this . adventures with bill turns it up to eleven .\nand knowing is half the battle : parodied in ranger gord ' s educational cartoons , in which a muscular version of gord gives humorously inaccurate advice regarding forest life ( e . g . , that stones are really eggs ) . often , the funny animal representations of red and harold would actually give correct information in response , but since these are gord ' s cartoons , his explanations inevitably turn out to be true anyway .\n1991 , 1993 seasons : a paint - by - numbers of the lodge quickly getting colored in .\n1994 - 1997 seasons : a flythrough of a cityscape , followed by a crash into the\nnew red green show\nlogo and a 180 - degree turn to reveal the lodge .\nanti role model : in more than one\nhandyman corner\n, red suggests one way to get the supplies you need is to steal them .\naren ' t you going to ravish me ? : non - sexual version . when the women of possum lake get together to chat , several lodge members spy on them with a microphone to find out what their wives are saying about them , expecting lots of complaints . they ' re very insulted when none of the women even mention their husbands at all .\nin one episode , red advises teenagers against doing crime , saying ,\njust say no to assault , break - and - enter , arson , murder , theft , drug trafficking , and . . . oh , yeah , real estate sales .\nred : yeah . uh , so i ' m\u0096 i ' m gonna add a special event to it . harold is gonna do a cannonball off the top of rock reef point , singing the national anthem , butt - naked , with his hair on fire . that okay with you , harold ?\nharold : oh , yeah . yeah , yeah , whatever . . . hey , wait a minute , i don ' t know the national anthem !\naside glance : red frequently looks at the camera in\nadventures with bill\n.\nin one episode , red , dalton , and mike hurt themselves . mike goes to a masseuse and feels better , and recommends red and dalton go as well , which they first refuse but change their minds once they find out she ' s attractive . it turns out she ' s a male undercover cop , and red and dalton are disgusted , but mike doesn ' t care and plans to keep going , since he was the only one going there specifically for treatment and not just to get touched by a pretty girl ( although you would think he ' d at least be concerned about the cop part ) .\naudience participation : in later seasons , the studio audience would provide the\nthree little words men find so hard to say\nin\nthe experts\nsketches .\nnew member night\nwould also have volunteers from the studio audience play the prospective new lodge member .\nauthor appeal : steve smith is apparently something of a car buff in real life . throughout the show there are hundreds of shout outs and take thats to various cars ( the chrysler k - car is a favorite target ) and at least half of all the handyman corner projects involved something to do with cars . a lot of gags also involve beer , something that smith even lampshades in his introduction to one of the episodes on the dvd collections .\nbait and switch : the prizes for the possum lodge word game are presented in this manner with whoever is hosting ( usually harold ) exciting the contestant with something that sounds desirable but only to reveal that the prize is ridiculously cheap . . . and occasionally used .\nbonnie kisses harold , hard , in the finale when the two are officially wed . also counts as a crowning moment of funny , since she does it before red can even tell harold ,\nyou may now kiss the bride .\n: possum lodge is full of these , by red ' s own admission . of course , when big eater is the norm , the guy\nred : moose would eat a garden shed if you put enough hot sauce on it .\n: red discovers that ranger gord has some pictures of bigfoot that are actually clear and in focus , proving bigfoot really exists . he excitedly tells gord that the two of them should sell the pictures to a major tv network and get rich . however , gord insists that since he is the professional forest ranger , he should do all the talking to maintain credibility . red promptly gives the pictures back , knowing that nothing could give them\nin one of gord ' s educational cartoons , he lectures on how to protect oneself against a sasquatch . because of its eponymous big feet , gord explains , the sasquatch usually attacks by kickboxing its opponent , so one should keep their arms in front of their face at all times .\nbasically everything that comes out of hap ' s mouth . it ' s not that hap is a bad liar in as much as his stories are so over the top that there ' s no way he could ' ve done all of it .\nsame for doc render in the second season . there ' s speculation from the other members whether or not doc is an actual doctor ; well - deserved speculation given that doc treats a bullet wound with several boxes of band - aids .\nblazing inferno hellfire sauce : red mixes up a batch for a lodge barbecue . it consisted mostly of ketchup and mustard , with some various hot peppers thrown in and some other ingredients , including the\nsecret ingredient\n, which was some blue goop in an unlabelled container ( harold gets it analyzed , it ' s jet fuel ) . to demonstrate how hot it is , dalton tastes a little bit on a toothpick and is clearly in serious pain . then harold tastes a big spoonful .\nblind without em : happens to bill once when he does boxing with harold . red removes bill ' s glasses for him , thinking that one shouldn ' t fight a guy with glasses , and sets them on top of a pail in a corner of the ring . he does not realize that bill does have a vision problem . he squints at the glasses on the pail , thinking it ' s harold and delivers an uppercut to it , only for it to fall down and hit him on the head , knocking him out and leading harold to be the winner by default .\n: harold says red ' s\nkeep your stick on the ice\nspeech in\nthe catfish project\nwhen red is in a traumatized daze .\nharold also says\nkeep your stick on the ice\n( and imitating red ' s gravelly voice in the process ) in the final episode .\nharold : oh , good , okay , yeah . ' cause usually you have a plan and you ' re an idiot , but this time . . .\nharold :\ndear experts , how are you ?\nranger gord : well actually , i ' m a little upset today , because i lost my favorite pair of sunglasses . ( gord is wearing said sunglasses on top of his head ) but y ' know , it ' s not the end of the world . no way . that doesn ' t happen until the year 2015 , in november , on a thursday , and it ' s after lunch . okay ? so you can ' t get too upset when you lose something . the thing is , you have to remember to replace the thing that you lost with something new , and the real tricky part is , you have to remember to replace the same thing with the same thing . in other words , you can ' t replace a pair of sunglasses by buying a waffle iron . okay ? there it is . ( the sunglasses fall over his eyes ) excuse me , i think a fuse blew . ( red pulls his sunglasses off ) oh no , it ' s okay , someone ' s got it . ( after much audience laughter / applause ) harold : . . . our letter continues . . . .\ncanada , eh ? : often played straight , or exaggerated for laughs . expect lots of references to curling and tim hortons .\ncanis latinicus : possum lodge ' s motto is\nquando omni flunkus moritati\n. which means , quite appropriately ( and this being dog - latin , approximately ) ,\nwhen all else fails , play dead .\nrival salamander lodge ( which was created by a disgruntled possum lodge member out of spite and didn ' t even manage to last the whole episode ) adopted the motto\nquando omni flunkus terra retreatum\n(\nwhen all else fails , hide under a rock\n) .\non behalf of myself , and harold , and the whole gang up here at the possum lodge , keep your stick on the ice .\nif the women don ' t find you handsome , they should at least find you handy .\nafter giving advice to fellow middle - aged men :\nremember , i ' m pullin ' for ya . we ' re all in this together .\ninverted when harold presented the north of 40 segment in red ' s place and closed with\nremember , you ' re on your own . don ' t push it .\nthe man ' s prayer :\ni ' m a man . . . but i can change . . . if i have to . . . i guess .\ninverted at the very end of the show , on the very last episode , where the closing was changed to\ni ' m a man . . . but i ' ve changed . . . ' cause i had to . . . oh , well .\nin one episode the lodge had to cater to a group of women , so the man ' s prayer is replaced with the woman ' s prayer :\ni ' m a woman . . . hear me roar . . . i ' m in charge . . . get over it !\nit ' s not smart , or correct , but it ' s one of the things that makes us what we are .\nif at first you don ' t succeed , switch to power tools .\nif it ain ' t broke , you ' re not trying .\nin the intros to the 1996 episodes , red would say ,\nwhat you ' re looking at here are some segments from this particular show , the main message being , ' for gosh sakes , don ' t even think about changing the channel . ' i tell ya something : if you want to make sense of this program , you have to give it your undivided attention .\nin the same episodes , during the bumper leading into the first commercial break , which shows a clip of the show to follow , red says ,\nstay tuned . whatever this is , we ' ve got lots more of it .\nwelcome to harold ' s handicrafts , where crafty hands make handy crafts !\nused by harold to start the\nharold ' s handicrafts\nsegment that featured in several season 5 episodes .\ncelebrity paradox : edgar ( played by graham greene ) mentions that\nthat native actor in dances with wolves was really good , they shoulda given him the oscar .\nover the course of the series , harold generally grew from an awkward , incompetent teenager into a less awkward , successful adult , with even red acknowledging him as a man . lampshaded by red when harold leaves the lodge for a job in the city :\nlooks like harold has finally matured and grown up , but i don ' t see it happening to me anytime soon .\nduring the two seasons when harold was absent , dalton , mike and winston filled in for him , became more rounded characters and turned into regulars .\nthe chew toy : bill from the\nadventures with bill\nsegments . he withstood a level of physical abuse that would put wile e . coyote to shame .\nthe second season of the show introduced a host of new characters , none of whom were ever seen again afterward , save for the odd reference here and there .\na couple characters only appeared in two episodes in the nineties : earl battersby , a local bait shop owner who believed in the paranormal ; and kelly cook ( one of the first female characters on the show ) , a meddling network executive who only appears in two season 10 episodes .\nspecial mention goes to sparky hoover , a radio host / school bus driver who only appeared in\nbig guy little guy\n.\ncloudcuckoolander : to be honest , most of the lodge members could fit into this category , but ranger gord was undeniably the standout example . see loners are freaks below .\nthe comically serious : the audience members who played the prospective new members in the\nnew member night\nsegments always acted this way , and made things even funnier by raising their eyebrows or frowning as the cast member talks about them .\nmike : how do you guys feel about how leading men are presented in today ' s movies ? red : well , i haven ' t seen any of them , but i ' m sure they ' re all crap .\nconvenience store gift shopping : red tried to do this for bernice for christmas , then tried to justify it by saying that the sunoco logo on the free gas station mugs matched their kitchen .\nwhen red replaced the possum van with a new possum van , he then turned the old possum van into an air boat .\ncool clear water : subverted . with all the snowmobiles falling through the ice , run off from the lodge and the marina , the appropriately named mercury creek , and the proximity of\nstinky\npeterson , everyone knows how dirty possum lake is .\nup until the eighth season , harold would start the show by introducing red in some random ( and sometimes true or untrue ) way or another .\nlikewise , at the end of every episode , red would always address his wife through ,\nif my wife is watching , i ' ll be coming straight home . . .\n( from the second season onward , he addresses that he will be home after the lodge meeting ) , and then says some remark based on the events in the episode , before thanking the audience for watching and saying ,\nkeep your stick on the ice .\ncowardly lion : ed frid was afraid of every animal , but he sometimes pulls through just fine .\ncrawl : the subject of one\nhandyman corner\n. red rigged a ruler to cover the crawl so it didn ' t distract his viewing of gilligan ' s island .\n, everyone in town gets dna tested hoping to get a match , and therefore be entitled to the inheritance . shockingly ,\nof the dna tests turn out to be exactly the same . incestuous implications aside , this unfortunately only entitles everyone to a few bucks each since the inheritance has to be split so many ways .\nit turns out that this was because mike stole all the test tubes , so the testers had to use the lids off pickle jars , and simply ended up testing the chemical composition of pickle juice . the reason this matched the old guy ' s dna was because he was always pickled himself .\nnon - word example : starting in season 7 , a once an episode gag during the end credits was harold ( or another character like dalton or mike ) telling the possum lodge members to sit down so the meeting can start . then they immediately say ,\nall rise !\n, the group performs the chant , and sit back down again . what was the point of sitting down the first time again ?\nred green :\nwe ' re out there in our own vehicles , burning gas , got the sunglasses on , looking good . people seeing us going by would have no idea we don ' t know where we are . and we ' re not really excited about sharing that information . a man does not embrace the concept of going up to total strangers and saying , ' you may not know this , but i ' m a moron , ' whereas the woman he ' s with is only too happy to share that information [ ] men aren ' t lost . they ' re just going the long way .\nit also served as the plot for a fourth - season episode when buster hadfield and his wife went on a trip to visit their relatives . unfortunately , since buster hates to stop and ask for directions when he gets lost , he ends up driving all over north america .\nred green : old man sedgewick ' s moved into the lodge , so now he ' s got the bunch of us running around fetching things for him . bran muffins , hot water bottles . . . and of course the latest sports illustrated swimsuit edition .\nold man sedgewick will be playing the field until they plow him under .\ndisco dan : buzz sherwood , who is still a new age retro hippie .\ndoes this make me look fat ? : red talks about the dangers of this question in several episodes .\n: red once mentioned that he used this excuse on a regular basis during his school days .\nred : if my dog ate as much homework as i said he did , he ' d be passing firelogs .\ndouble entendre : red usually slips one into his closing message to bernice . it ' s usually relevant to the plot of the episode in some way and its message is always essentially\nhope you ' re up for some sex tonight .\ndouble meaning : after harold gets a chain letter and passes it on , he gets a $ 100 bill in the mail , causing the whole lodge to go chain - letter - crazy hoping to receive the same good fortune . it ' s not until the end of the episode that harold clarifies that he received a bill for $ 100 .\ndriving test : after an incident involving the possum van and a speed bump , red has his driver ' s license revoked and has to get retested to get it back . when it seems that red is doomed to fail the written portion , he sends harold in his place , who gets into an accident on the driving portion ."]} {"id": 114567, "summary": [{"text": "it 's always jan is an american situation comedy starring janis paige , which aired on cbs in the 1955-1956 season .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "it was the lead-in program at 9:30 p.m. eastern on saturday evenings to the first season of the long-running western , gunsmoke , starring james arness . ", "topic": 19}], "title": "it ' s always jan", "paragraphs": ["there ' s cast trouble with janis paige ' s\nit ' s always jan .\ndaniel kitson in \u201cit ' s always right now , until it ' s later . \u201d\nfriendship meets its test when the boy friend jan ' s roommate brings home falls for jan .\njan , josie and pat hatch a plot to get jan ' s agent married off . but\nthe patient who falls :\nit ' s always a trade - off\n.\nfrom 12aug56 through 21sep56 , nbc aired reruns of\nit ' s always jan\non its weekday afternoon\ncomedy time\nseries .\nto ask other readers questions about it ' s always the husband , please sign up .\nit ' s always right now , until it ' s later the monologuist daniel kitson returns to st . ann ' s warehouse in brooklyn with this show .\nwatch the new , racially charged trailer for it ' s always sunny in philadelphia ' s 12th season ( video ) .\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of it ' s always the husband by michele campbell .\nthe patient who falls :\nit ' s always a trade - off\n. - pubmed - ncbi\nour summer festival is back . it ' s all outside and it ' s all free .\nafter blowing her emergency fund on a demo recording , jan and friends are feeling desperate and destitute . but then henry cooper , jan\u2019s manager ,\nlead to sing in a musical . even better for jan , mansfield wants an unknown voice specifically instead of a known face . so begins jan\u2019s journey\njan ' s curiosity is aroused when she begins receiving gifts and flowers from an unknown admirer .\njan ' s daughter is stagestruck . [ ta / 21apr56 long island city ny star journal ]\nirate neighbors in jan ' s apartment house demand that couple with a crying baby be evicted , but jan takes an interest in the child and solves the problem .\ndue to a phone slip - up , pat , jan\u2019s roommate , mistakenly gets a call from someone named seymour . the ensuing chat goes so well jan recommends pat go\njan ' s friends try to find a suitable husband for her . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nan employee walks through the lobby of google ' s washington headquarters , jan . 8 , 2015 .\nwith gustavo dudamel during jan ' s lectures for the los angeles philharmonic beethoven series , october 2015 .\nthe eleventh season of it ' s always sunny in philadelphia premiered january 6 , 2016 on fxx and concluded on march 9 , 2016 . it consists of 10 episodes .\nthe next episode of always sunny , \u201c the gang goes to a water park , \u201d airs jan . 11 at 10 p . m . on fxx .\njan envisages spectacular success when a writer promise to write special material for her .\njan swafford , michael tilson thomas , and james sinclair during a recording of ives ' s fourth in chicago .\na theater review on monday about \u201cit\u2019s always right now , until it\u2019s later , \u201d a one - man show by daniel kitson at st . ann\u2019s warehouse in brooklyn , misstated the word of which mr . kitson asks , \u201cwho among us doesn\u2019t really enjoy\u201d it ? it is \u201ctoboggan , \u201d not \u201cbobsled . \u201d\na film - maker and photographer by profession , browning first read it \u201cmore in visual terms\u201d but has re - read it many times , and \u201ci always find different things about it\u201d .\njon ' s roommate pat brings home a boy friend who promptly falls for jan . the situation becomes more complicated when\nbecause she thinks she has neglected her daughter , jan turns down a lucrative engagement .\nordered . his patient is josie , but he ' d rather consult with jan .\n\u201cmum used to get fed up talking about it , \u201d says browning . \u201cshe did get so irritated with people calling it a romantic novel . because she always said it was a study in jealousy . \u201d\njan meets a happy - go - lucky man who reminds her of her late husband .\njan finds herself becoming interested in the handsome beau . [ ta / philadelphia pa inquirer ]\n21 - jan - 1956 cbs / 21jan56 ( in notice : 1955 ) / lp7339 .\njan and her roommate have a nerve - wracking day . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nand two friends , a secretary and a model . in the first episode jan is upset about the daughter ' s behavior .\n\u2018we try not to shy away from jokes that might make people uncomfortable\u2019 . . . glenn howerton as dennis in it\u2019s always sunny in philadelphia . photograph : patrick mcelhenney / fxx\n\u201cmaybe that\u2019s the lesson here , \u201d he sings . \u201cthings are not always that clear . we have a lot in common , but too much of it is fear . \u201d\nharry cooper , jan\u2019s manager , ran all the way from 49th street to tell her the demo record she cut paid off . it got her the attention of movie producer\njan is upset when her press agent releases an\nitem\nthat she and a movie star are seeing each other . jan claims she hasn ' t even met her\nbeau .\njan is dennis ' s former roommate . he is european . jan is into anonymous sex ( as well as dennis ) . he sends dennis to use the\nglory hole\nwith frank . and then they kick him out .\nyoung stanley schreiber decides to leave his father ' s delicatessen for a job in arabia . jan intervenes . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nleonard slatkin introduces jan to the detroit symphony at the start of his residency as visiting scholar with the orchestra ' s 2016 brahms festival .\nand what about rebecca\u2019s cruel streak ; did she possess that ? \u201cno . but , there again , who says it was cruelty ? it\u2019s maxim\u2019s version , isn\u2019t it ? there\u2019s so much in that book , you know . was he lying ? why is it that everybody else thought the sun shone out of her a - - - ? there\u2019s never a bad word about rebecca except from max . that\u2019s why it runs and runs . \u201d\na rival agent tries to persuade jan to desert her own agent . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nit\u2019s always sunny in philadelphia returned to television wednesday night , kicking off its 12th season with what may be the series most controversial episode of its run , even for a show that ' s pulled off blackface in the past .\nthis is strictly a filler upload , as this intro has already been uploaded by someone else . this is the opening intro to the 1955 - 1956 tv series\nit ' s always jan\n, which aired on cbs . again , this is a filler upload which serves no purpose .\na constellation of light bulbs glows from the stage at st . ann\u2019s warehouse in brooklyn , where the monologuist extraordinaire daniel kitson has set up his own planetarium . in \u201cit\u2019s always right now , until it\u2019s later , \u201d which opened on sunday night and runs through jan . 29 , mr . kitson maps an earthly cosmology : the points of light in two separate lives that might otherwise be lost to the shadows .\njan is faced with a problem when she finds herself falling in love . a fun - loving irishman tries\njan is the object of a matchmaking campaign when neighbors send all unattached male friends to look her over .\nthe seed of the story lay in du maurier\u2019s jealousy of jan ricardo , the first fianc\u00e9e of her husband . \u201ci know that she came across one or two letters or cards , fairly sort of harmless things , where jan did sign ' jan ricardo\u2019 with this wonderful great r , \u201d says browning , flourishing his hand in the air . it is a portentous curlicue that is emulated in the book .\nit ' s a free app loved by millions . is duolingo wasting your time ?\njan ' s neighbors form a corporation to start her on a career as a movie actress . she blithely invests the money in an elaborate wardrobe ,\njan tries to comfort pat by reminding her that sometimes , the best things in life are both unexpected and outside one\u2019s comfort zone . will this be\njan swafford ' s intelligent , gracefully written biography\u2026offers perhaps the richest and most integrated portrait we ' ve yet had of brahms as man and artist .\nwhen daughter josie comes home singing the praises of a school chum ' s mother , jan takes her daughter to the night club to show josie that her mom ' s no slouch either .\njan takes pity on an elderly man who sacrificed his life for his sisters . [ ta / melbourne age ]\njan and her roommate quarrel and decide to live separately , until josie provides the happy solution to their problem .\n,\nwhich actually should have been titled\nit ' s a rotten comedy .\nthat is , until you mention duolingo . the little app with the friendly owl has become the absolute go - to resource for newbies trying to acquire any language . it\u2019s free , it\u2019s accessible and it is based on solid research . what\u2019s not to love , right ?\nit all came across as rather undistinguished , and with jan ending the show by addressing the camera and saying\ngood night\nto the home audience , you had the feeling that the show ' s personnel hardly thought it was worth taking seriously .\ntook elements of different popular tv series and movies from 1955 when it debuted and managed to come up with an unexceptional jumble that lasted just one year . up - and - coming starlet janis paige played a widowed single mother whose hairstyle resembled lucy ricardo ( not surprisingly ,\nit ' s always jan\nwas a desilu production as was\ni love lucy\n) .\njan goes to orphanage to\nadopt\na girl after her 10 - year - old runs away to there .\nafraid of neglecting her little daughter , jan decides to refuse a lucrative singing contract , but the child ' s diary proves startling . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nback to the minors . anxious to save the rookie ' s job and help brooklyn win the pennant , jan uses a system that all true baseball fans understand to\nafter saving her from getting hit on by a creepy bar crawler , pat and mrs . johnson chalk up jan\u2019s romantic misfortunes to her job as a nightclub singer ;\nright , but once you have aids , you always have aids . so you want us to do an episode where the characters have aids , and then they just don\u2019t have aids the next episode ? it\u2019s just stuff where it doesn\u2019t make any sense or it\u2019s gross because , \u201coh , that would be gross . a condom falls in someone\u2019s mouth ! \u201d that\u2019s just not funny to me . what\u2019s funny to me is when a character wants something and the audience can relate to that desire , whatever it is . to me , when things go too far , it\u2019s when i don\u2019t know why the character\u2019s doing what they\u2019re doing . it\u2019s not as much about the material or the subject matter , and more about when comedies have characters doing things that don\u2019t make fucking sense . to me , that\u2019s when it goes too far , when somebody puts their dick in something for reasons i can\u2019t understand .\nswafford ' s analysis of brahms ' s performing career as pianist and conductor is especially fascinating .\n2017 update : duolingo ' s business model is always evolving , and i feel confident that this is bringing lots of improvements and more transparency than ever . thank you , duolingo .\nthe aftermath of jan swafford ' s after spring rain was a respectful appreciation and even a little awe . it ' s a gorgeous work , rich in textures and colors and emotional tension\u2026 . true to his own words , his music\nsounds only like itself .\nit ' s a free app loved by millions . is duolingo wasting your time ? by fluent language\nlet me report that jan swafford ' s midsummer variations stands a good chance of long - term survival\u2026i like it because at all points it struck me as solidly built , like a piece of furniture . the fast section is particularly vivacious , and the ending both spacious and handsome .\na 20 - year - old errand boy embarrasses jan by declaring his love for her . [ ta / philadelphia pa inquirer ]\njan attempts to break up the engagement of her friend val and a five times married playboy . [ ta / melbourne age ]\njan soon discovers that the doctor is interested in her and not as a patient . [ ta / albany ny times union ]\nexperience does remind jan she can still find love 9 years after the death of her military husband . [ the janis pages ]\non a date with him . however , pat and jan know absolutely nothing about seymour ; who he is , what he looks like , or even if he\u2019s a perfect match .\nfrank falls out of a window and his injury makes him think it ' s 2006 , so the gang use it as a chance to correct past mistakes .\njan takes drastic action when her 10 - year - old daughter becomes\nstage struck .\n[ ta / philadelphia pa inquirer ]\njustin fox , \u201c at amazon , it\u2019s all about cash flow \u201d , harvard business review , 2014 .\nwe tend to think of composers as always themselves , at least after the juvenilia : mozart always mozart , brahms always brahms , ives always ives . in reality , every significant artist begins with a distinctive temperament but still has to grow into who he or she is . for charles ives , that process was bound to be a lengthy one , because he began in a singular place and was headed in a singular direction\u2014a direction he himself only slowly came to understand . the uproarious ragtime dances , first sketched c . 1900 - 04 , are an important way station on that journey .\njan swafford ' s charles ives goes a long way toward dispelling or clarifying many of the most prominent myths surrounding the life and music of perhaps american ' s greatest composer\u2026 . swafford ' s biography presents us with the most complete picture yet of this fascinating and often contradictory man and his music .\n\u201cit goes on and it goes on , \u201d says kits browning , du maurier\u2019s son , leaning back in his sofa at ferryside , the house in fowey , in cornwall , that has been in the du maurier family since the twenties . \u201cit\u2019s the old clich\u00e9 . it\u2019s a bloody good story . and it still sells more than any of her other books . \u201d an impressive 4 , 000 a month , by the reckoning of its publishers virago , and it has never been out of print .\njan gets into hot water by borrowing money from her friends . she was tricked into paying a songstress for some\nspecial material .\ntitled \u201c the gang turns black , \u201d always sunny \u2019s season 12 opener is a racially charged musical episode with a focus on body swapping , a la freaky friday o r 13 going on 30 . the always sunny crew filmed portions of the episode here in philly back in july 2016 , the first time they had filmed locally in two years .\nthe words it ' s always the husband carry a certain implication that any time a woman is murdered , her husband is the first suspect . that ' s how i thought this book would go , before i started reading it . but it was 6 hours into a 10 . 5 hour book before there was even any mention of husbands or marriages or murders . that ' s a heck of a long time to get to the point and required some patience . up to then , it ' s about three female college roommates and their antics . kate the rich spoiled bad girl , jenny t\nit \u2019 s always sunny in philadelphia was created by rob mcelhenney . he also serves as executive producer along with glenn howerton , charlie day , michael rotenberg , nick frenkel , tom lofaro , scott marder and david hornsby . the show is produced by fx productions .\nboth mrs de winters were drawn from du maurier\u2019s own character . \u201ci always identified mum with the second , rather timid one , \u201d says browning . \u201cit was totally split , because she was just as good as rebecca at the sailing and all that toughness . \u201d\nit\u2019s always sunny in philadelphia doesn\u2019t always get enough credit . the fxx comedy series , preparing to launch its 12 th season , has managed to stay innovative ( and hilarious ) for more than a decade now , humming along as the entire landscape of half - hour television has transformed around it . it\u2019s long been a show that thrives by pushing formal and social boundaries , using its nasty if buffoonish quintet of characters to harshly ( and repeatedly ) explore sexism , homophobia , xenophobia , racism\u2014really , just about every form of hate or ignorance out there . indeed , the title of the very first sunny episode from 2005\u2014\u201cthe gang gets racist\u201d\u2014still says it all .\npat invites the friends and neighbors to see a \u201cdemonstration\u201d of jan stewart as a commercial product in a two - piece leopard bikini . the presentation\njan finds herself in the celebrity class when a publicity agent invents a romance between her and a film star . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nit ' s been a while since an always sunny episode has fallen flat like\nwolf cola : a public relations nightmare ,\nwhich , i suppose , is a bit of a backhanded compliment . dry , slightly hacky chapters like this one don ' t happen very often . that ' s a good thing indeed , though it doesn ' t help make this one any funnier .\ni\u2019d say the worst plan he ever hatched \u2013 it\u2019s tough to remember , 12 seasons in \u2013certainly , when he talks about \u201cthe implication\u201d in season six . that\u2019s about as dark as it gets . he never did it , but he tried . in terms of what he\u2019s actually done , though ? i might have to come back to that one .\n3 out of 5 stars to it ' s always the husband , a new thriller and suspense novel set to release to the public on may 16 , 2017 , by michele campbell . it ' s a quick - read with a few slow spot , but keeps you guessing all throughout the chapters , almost playing a bit of russian roulette with who ' s behind the whole plot . why this book i saw it pop up on a few goodreads reviews . i looked on netgalley and thought it sounded like a strong psychological thriller . i was awarded the book in lieu of a fair and\nover the last few years , always sunny has evolved into something more meta and self - referential , driven as much by its history as it is by original storylines . that sense of self - awareness usually keeps the show\u2019s writing , and to a lesser extent its characters , in check . but the newly released trailer for always sunny season 12 , complete with a snippet of an upcoming musical episode , raises the question : has the gang finally gone too far ?\nfinally , margins also derive from a company\u2019s culture , not necessarily from the industry in which it operates or the market it serves . apple prefers high margins , and they\u2019re willing to sacrifice market share to get them . amazon prefers low margins . it is easy to go from high to low margins : that happens if a company gets dragged into a competition for lower prices . but it is equally easy to go from low to high margins\u2014and it is also very dangerous , because not only does it mean that you have to sacrifice growth , it doesn\u2019t fit in the company\u2019s culture : thus it makes people complacent and there is no way back .\nit ' s a great life\nin the end came across as a sitcom for middle - aged men designed by middle - aged men , and even in that meager assignment it failed .\na day in the life of frank reynold ' s as he tries to keep up with the gang ' s newest scheme .\njan makes a record which wins her an audition with a hollywood producer , but she needs $ 500 to buy an impressive outfit . [ ta / melbourne age ]\njan is torn between loyalty and fame when a big - time agent offers her a prize engagement if she agrees to leave her present agent and sign with him .\na baseball team manager begs jan to break her spell over his pitcher , who spends every evening at the nightclub where she sings . [ ta / melbourne age ]\n/ there isn\u2019t really a need to retell the amazing story of amazon\u2019s relationship with its investors . justin fox has done it in this\nval is thrilled over her engagement to a wealthy and much - married playboy . he , however , is not too in love to overlook the charms of roommate jan .\nwhen jan and her friends hire a male housekeeper , they become the enemies of every husband in their apartment house . [ ta / lowell sun , lowell , massachusetts ]\nthe trouble begins when jan and her girl friends hire a young man to keep house for them . the other women in the apartment house see how well the man does\nafter a whole day of striking out , jan finally lands a potential date in the form of mr . howard stone . they never become a serious couple , but the\nthere has even been rebecca : the musical , which had a three - year run in vienna before moving to japan , germany , south korea and sweden . \u201cit is absolutely fantastic as a spectacle . almost as mrs danvers comes to the top of the stairs , there\u2019s a sort of ' boo\u2019 . it\u2019s like pantomime , \u201d says browning . what , i wonder , might his mother have made of it ? \u201ci think she\u2019d be delighted . it\u2019s a very gothic version . \u201d\nwe had such a good time doing the nightman cometh , and every year since then we\u2019ve been talking about doing another musical episode , or an episode with musical elements . i always thought it would come in the form of some kind of nightman cometh sequel or a prequel , possibly . we talk about it every year , and it just never quite materialized . this was interesting because the idea for the episode came first , and it was such an insane idea .\npictured : ( l - r ) glenn howerton as dennis , charlie day as charlie , rob mcelhenney as mac , kaitlin olson as dee , and danny devito as frank in \u201cthe gang turns black , \u201d the opening episode of always sunny\u2019s 12th season .\nit was at milton hall that she conceived of mrs danvers . \u201cshe saw this tall , dark housekeeper woman . they were always called mrs , even if they weren\u2019t married , like mrs hudson in sherlock holmes , \u201d says browning . \u201cthat\u2019s where she first saw this terribly sinister - looking lady . i don\u2019t think she ever spoke to her , it was just a look that sunk in . \u201d\njan proves to be a good neighbor and a cunning organizer when tenants petition the land - lord to evict the parents of a crying baby . [ ta / melbourne age ]\npat makes a blind date and then gets cold feet about dating someone she hasn ' t met . jan offers to fill in for pat , rather than disappoint the man .\nafter a phone call with seymour , jan tries to convince pat , sight unseen , to try going out on a date with him . she has absolutely no idea what he\nactual rating : 3 . 5 stars it ' s always the husband by michele campbell is a 2017 st . martin ' s press publication . the interesting choice of title and the gorgeous cover aroused my interest in this novel . in my opinion , the storyline idea , albeit decent and promising , is not uncommon when it comes to the mystery fiction . the surprising aspect of this book given the genre it belongs to is the sophisticated and elaborate writing style . when i read the couple next door , for example , i was bitterly disap\nsam walton meant it : each year , suppliers had to lower their price , or else they were out . and as related by charles fishman\u2019s\nmeredith levinson , \u201c amazon\u2019s it leader leaving huge customer service infrastructure as legacy \u201d ( an article about rick dalzell ) , cio , 2007 .\njan draws up a list of rules for her boyfriends to adhere to , but finds that mike allen is only too prepared to abide by them . [ ta / melbourne age ]\nthe provocation for jan swafford ' s piano quartet they who hunger was the plight of the homeless\u2026though the subject matter is not discernible in any overt way , the piece has a world - weariness that is no doubt expressive of the composer ' s feeling . otherwise , the music is jaunty with motoric rhythms , lyrical and bluesy .\nthe way the show is described often is \u201cwow , these guys don\u2019t care . \u201d but that\u2019s not true . i don\u2019t think the show would work if it were truly hateful . it\u2019s one thing for the characters to be misinformed , ignorant or bigoted . it\u2019s another thing for the show to be misinformed , ignorant or bigoted . we can only do so much to educate ourselves about what it\u2019s like to be a black person in america , and eventually you have to talk to someone who has actually been there . we try not to shy away from jokes that might make people uncomfortable , but never at the expense of being sensitive to people\u2019s real life experience .\njan steward is showered with flowers and gifts by an unknown admirer , who turns out to be an elderly man who has absolutely no interest in her . [ ta / gettysburg times ]\nfed up with all the creeps and pub crawlers , jan decides on a whim to get married . the problem is , she has no idea what she wants in a husband . and\nthis is , as ever , uncharted territory for always sunny . in its effort to maintain relevance and freshness after 11 solid seasons , the show is now headed down yet another precarious path , one that could either demonstrate its deft satirical touch once more or end at a place that\u2019s more callous than clever . no matter , it should be fascinating to watch\u2014a testament to sunny \u2019s rather remarkable continued significance , 12 years in .\nit\u2019s always the husband by michelle campbell is a 2017 st . martin\u2019s press publication . i loved the title of this book because it is sort of a running joke - right ? so , i had to see which way the author would spin such a story with this title . unfortunately , this book was a stinker . if not for the need to find out who was going to be murdered and whodunit , i probably would have marked it as a dnf . therefore , because i am very behind on my reviews , i\u2019m not going to spend a great deal of time writin\nmichele campbell\u2019s debut , it\u2019s always the husband \u2014is a suspenseful and intriguing twisty\nwhodunit\nand\nhowdunit\nof dark secrets\u2014 a web of deceit , keeping you guessing to the final conclusion . three college roommates at carlisle college in new hampshire \u2014 aubrey , jenny , and kate are linked by a tragedy . each girl has their own desires , dreams , fears , and troubles . the complexities of friendship and acceptance . love / hate relationships . kate is the wild rich girl with a father\u2019s connections\nthe concert really got down to business with jan swafford ' s highly evocative after spring rain played by the indianapolis symphony orchestra at the contemporary music festival . the exquisitely scored work is rich in mood and atmosphere , spare and transparent in sound and lyrical in effect .\ngoogle is no longer a technology company , it\u2019s a search engine . the search technology was developed a decade ago . it\u2019s a bet that there will be no one else who will come up with a better search technology . so , you invest in google , because you\u2019re betting against technological innovation in search . and it\u2019s like a bank that generates enormous cash flows every year , but you can\u2019t issue a dividend , because the day you take that $ 30 billion and send it back to people you\u2019re admitting that you\u2019re no longer a technology company . that\u2019s why microsoft can\u2019t return its money . that\u2019s why all these companies are building up hordes of cash , because they don\u2019t know what to do with it , but they don\u2019t want to admit they\u2019re no longer tech companies .\nfarhad manjoo , \u201c i want it today : how amazon\u2019s ambitious new push for same - day delivery will destroy local retail \u201d , slate , 2012 .\nthe customer\u2019s point of view is actually embedded in many parts of amazon\u2019s culture and operations . according to brad stone\u2019s the everything store , all external communication , including that of the company towards investors , are made as if they\u2019ll ultimately be read by the customers \u2014 which they eventually are . also , all internal documents tend to be written from the customer\u2019s point of view , which helps amazon making decision - making more efficient . quite simply , focusing on the customer is amazon\u2019s big idea : it helps in making decisions in the face of urgency ( \u201cis it in the customer\u2019s best interest ? \u201d ) , and it attracts the superfans the company needs to make its user community more engaged .\nremember too that you don\u2019t just want to assess the candidate . you want them to fall in love with you . really . you want them to have a great experience , have their concerns addressed , and come away feeling like they just had the best day of their lives . interviews are awkward because you\u2019re having an intimate conversation with someone you just met , and the candidate is in a very vulnerable position . it\u2019s always worth investing time to make sure they feel good at the end of it , because they will tell other people about their experience\u2014and because it\u2019s the right way to treat people .\nmeanwhile , the company\u2019s engineering staff had apparently been killing itself to transform amazon\u2019s large it infrastructure into a collection of web services . it was not an easy task . in his now famous \u201cplatform rant\u201d , former amazon employee steve yegge detailed what it took for amazon to deploy its current it architecture . everybody had to work incredibly hard to deploy the new web services while ensuring continuity of operations . multiple unexpected pitfalls were spotted along the way . the legendary and frightening rick dalzell , amazon\u2019s cio at the time , had to whip everybody for years to make sure that the radical it upheaval was achieved on time at a mastered cost .\nfrank goes off the rails , singing to dee that he\u2019s going to say words he hasn\u2019t \u201chad the chance to say before\u201d now that he is black , like \u201chomie , \u201d \u201cbro , \u201d and \u201cmy man . \u201d dee draws the line when frank says he\u2019s also going to say the n - word , which frank laments because \u201cit\u2019s probably the only chance i\u2019ve got to say it . \u201d\npat returns home just after 2 in the morning . it\u2019s presumed that she realized seymour may have been the plumber from earlier in the day , but all pat\n* * 3 . 5 stars * * it\u2019s always the husband is a hybrid of domestic drama , family saga and a hint of psychological thriller featuring 3 friends all of whom are randomly horrible . seriously . each in their own way horribly entitled and whiny . still they were utterly compelling . this is a story about people getting exactly what is coming to them \u2013 i enjoyed it thoroughly on that level and was rather nastily gleeful when a certain death happened . i found it to be a page turner especially from the half way m\njan swafford ' s music has been played around the country and abroad by ensembles including the symphonies of st . louis , indianapolis , and the dutch radio ; boston ' s new - music groups musica viva , collage , and dinosaur annex ; and chamber ensembles including the peabody trio , the chamber orchestra of tennessee , and the scott chamber players of indianapolis .\na clear sky . low 64f . winds s at 5 to 10 mph .\nswafford ' s is a thoughtful and sympathetic telling of ives ' s life\u2026thoroughly researched and fun to read\u2026what makes this book so valuable is swafford ' s skill in weaving the strands of all these areas of knowledge into a cohesive fabric . it is as close as we may come for quite some time to a complete ives .\nthe gang dances their way to the wiz at 11th and market for the final exterior shot of the episode , which features a philly electronics store dressed up as it ' s always sunny \u2019s the wiz . the store , however , is closed , and the group pleads with a man to fix their vcr , to which he responds by calling the police . with that , charlie believes he has learned the lesson the group must learn to turn white once again .\nnow why is this not a huge problem with the app ? the thing is it seems to be what millions of people want . people enjoy the gameplay aspect of duolingo so much that its user base grows every single day . and there\u2019s no arguing with the masses . maybe the gamification aspect is an ineffective gimmick , but it does make language learning accessible . i would argue that it doesn\u2019t make it more fun , but if a label says \u201cgame\u201d on it , you\u2019re just more likely to try .\nhere is the thing : i don\u2019t love duolingo . in fact , i don\u2019t get it . i want to enjoy using this little app . i want to be part of the club of people who sit in a doctor\u2019s waiting room levelling up their vocab , but somehow i just don\u2019t get it . in today\u2019s post , i\u2019m going to try and give you some insight into what it is that is making duolingo so unattractive to me . and by unattractive , i don\u2019t just mean that i personally don\u2019t want to use it . it\u2019s that i actively stay away from recommending it to people as their first language learning contact . when someone asks me how they can get started learning a new language , i don\u2019t want them to start with the duolingo app . why ?\njameel jaffer , director of the aclu ' s center for democracy , that it was astonishing the nsa would even ask technology companies to grant direct access to user data .\nwatch the wild moon of rancho cucamonga , a radio - style play by joshua fagin , in which jan ' s readings of excerpts from his beethoven biography are interwoven with a story of two prickly old friends . also involved are excerpts from beethoven recordings by andrew rangell that helped inspire the play .\nan aside : in 1969 , as part of a serendipitous crosscountry trip , jan swafford and jan gippo ( later piccolo with the st . louis symphony and swafford publisher ) stood on a cliff in the middle of grand canyon at sunset , arguing about whether the scene in front of them was best expressed by ives ' s fourth ( swafford ) or brahms ' s fourth ( gippo ) . the idea that swafford would eventually write biographies of both those composers would have been incomprehensible to them both . the canyon trek was the beginning of a lifetime of hiking for reasons more inspirational than athletic .\nwe\u2019re slowly leaving that world dominated by business consultants and financial markets , in which it was so important to focus on one\u2019s core business . on the contrary , the new conglomerates prove that it has become critical to diversify business models for at least three reasons :\nmichele campbell is a graduate of harvard college and stanford law school and a former federal prosecutor in new york city who specialized in international narcotics and gang cases . a while back , she said goodbye to her big - city legal career and moved with her husband and two children to an idyllic new england college town a lot like belle river in it\u2019s always the husband . since then , she has spen\nif all the world ' s a stage , we ' re the programme notes .\nlaurence olivier immortalised the moody figure of maxim in alfred hitchcock\u2019s oscar - winning 1940 film . \u201cmum loved it . she thought it was great . \u201d olivier had originally wanted to play opposite vivien leigh , \u201cbut it would be ridiculous because if vivien leigh played the second mrs de winter , she\u2019d have fired mrs danvers on the first morning , \u201d chuckles browning . instead , joan fontaine excelled as the na\u00efve innocent caught in mrs danvers\u2019s sights .\nit also opens the possibility of communications made entirely within the us being collected without warrants .\nthanks to jordan hanley and st . martin\u2019s press for the free , electronic arc of this novel received in exchange for an honest review . \u201cit\u2019s always the husband\u201d is the newest novel by author michele campbell . the novel tells the story of aubrey , jenny and kate - three roommates at a prestigious east side college who are very different and yet quickly develop a tight , intense friendship . twenty years later , when kate falls from a bridge , rumors spread throughout the small town that she killed hersel\naubrey , kate , and jenny meet at prestigious carlisle college in new hampshire . aubrey is a poor scholarship kid who is desperate for approval . jenny is a self - righteous overachiever who is always cleaning up everyone\u2019s messes . kate is a charismatic new yorker who draws aubrey and jenny into her web . the three become \u201cbff , \u201d but they are more like frenemies than true friends . the trio takes part in a scandalous event their freshmen year that binds them together for life . fast - forward 20 years later , and their secret leads to murder . it\u2019s always the husband just didn\u2019t work for me . i feel like this book has potential\u2014i like the premise , but something is lacking \u2013i\u2019m not sure if it is the unlikeable underdeveloped characters , the uneven plotting , or the slow pace , but i couldn\u2019t embrace this book .\ni kind of regret killing alanna ubach\u2019s character roxie in season seven . she was just so funny , and it was such a funny character . i know the fans responded to her too , but just from our perspective there\u2019s a part of me that wishes we hadn\u2019t killed her . i\u2019m sure we could discover that she\u2019s alive , and it wouldn\u2019t be that far outside the realm of possibility . there\u2019s also a lot of times i actually regret killing dennis and dee\u2019s mom in season two , because that was a really funny character . and i find the longer we go on , the more we have a desire to do at least a few episodes here and there that feel grounded in the emotional reality of the characters , and when you want to do that it\u2019s nice to have family members to draw on .\nah , the curse of consumer markets . consumers are merciless , ready to deprive a company of its profit , even to force it into bankruptcy , if it\u2019s the only way for them to obtain lower prices . this was not obvious before the advent of the internet , because\nit was an episode where the gang turns black , basically . and we sort of had this idea that it would kind of be a wizard of oz thing , and we realized that had been done a number of times in the past \u2013 a lot of sitcoms have done wizard of oz - type episodes . but we\u2019ve always done our own version of sitcom tropes in the past , so we weren\u2019t totally put out by that . it occurred to us that maybe it should be a musical , but we didn\u2019t do that , we wrote the episode at first as a straight episode , and we realized that a lot of the subject matter in that episode in particular was difficult \u2013 we\u2019re essentially tackling the idea of what it\u2019s like to be black in america . but we also recognize that we\u2019re three white dudes , and it\u2019s a little sketchy to have an opinion about what it\u2019s like to be black in america when you\u2019re just a bunch of white guys . although we do have black writers , the show is still ultimately our show , and the characters are all white . so we knew there had to be some kind of an angle \u2013 this would be a lot more fun , and a lot more digestible , if we turned it into a musical .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nwhy , then , are consumer companies so dominant in the digital economy ? the reason is that it is so difficult to scale up operations selling to business customers . as written in a previous issue , \u201centerprise markets may be a trap : fedex sells to companies because it\u2019s expensive ( no ordinary individual can pay for it on a regular basis ) ; and it\u2019s expensive because its scalability is limited by the absence of user participation on an enterprise market . \u201d this is why there are very few giant , fast - growing tech companies that are 100 % old - style enterprise when it comes to selling : palantir technologies comes to mind as a rare exception .\njan swafford began writing music as a teenager in chattanooga , tennessee . he was then a trombone player aspiring to become a high school band director , which as he then understood it was the pinnacle of a musical career . by the time he left for harvard in 1964 , he was determined instead to be a composer\u2014an endeavor he had little knowledge of beyond the desire to pursue it . at his high school graduation he conducted his wind ensemble piece the class of ' 64 , a work recalling bits of pomp and circumstance , walton ' s crown imperial , and random other band pieces . it was declared\npromising .\nso after wwii the response of music and the other arts to the postwar zeitgeist was inevitably varied and contradictory . as always , some of the leading ideas came from europe , especially since some of the most influential european artists were now working in the u . s . partly inspired by their presence , schoenberg and stravinsky each had legions of american disciples .\nwritten and performed by daniel kitson ; designed by susannah henry and mr . kitson ; technical director , jon meggat ; lighting by rob pell - walpole and mr . kitson . presented by st . ann\u2019s warehouse , susan feldman , artistic director . at st . ann\u2019s warehouse , 38 water street , dumbo , brooklyn ; ( 718 ) 254 - 8779 ; urltoken . through jan . 29 . running time : 1 hour 30 minutes .\namazon accounts for half of all sales growth in u . s . e - commerce , meaning\nnamed a 1998 notable book in the ny times book review ; a critic\u2019s choice , 2000 .\nin typical body - switching move form , though , it turns out the episode wasn\u2019t entirely made up . as old black man passes by a mirror in the apartment , scott bakula\u2019s reflection appears .\na large part of amazon\u2019s history could have been predicted by those who already studied wal - mart . like wal - mart , it is an uncommon company that achieves superior performances and creates a lot of value for both its stakeholders and the economy as a whole . but like wal - mart , it inspires more and more doubts as to the real amount of good that it does for society .\n,\na pleasant update of the 1937 movie of the same name which starred cary grant and constance bennett and produced two sequels , 1939 ' s\ntopper takes a trip\nwith bennett returning and 1941 ' s\ntopper returns ,\nwith joan blondell playing bennett ' s role .\ni cannot tell you how much i dislike the computer voice . it doesn\u2019t intone , it doesn\u2019t emote , it\u2019s just blank . a blank canvas of words coming at me . who learns a language for that ? languages are about people . i wish they\u2019d play and work with snippets from media shows or real people\u2019s recordings . just think of the big efforts audio lingua and rhinospike are making in this area , and you can see that automated heartless computer voices really don\u2019t need to be used in automated language instruction .\n( not live ) : recommended reading and updates on our various collections of the maclean ' s archives ; everything maclean ' s has ever published\u2014more than 3 , 400 issues and 100 , 000 articles .\n\u2018i don\u2019t think the show would work if it were truly hateful . \u2019 photograph : patrick mcelhenney / fxx\nwhen the nsa reviews a communication it believes merits further investigation , it issues what it calls a\nreport\n. according to the nsa ,\nover 2 , 000 prism - based reports\nare now issued every month . there were 24 , 005 in 2012 , a 27 % increase on the previous year .\nyour iphone is now encrypted . the fbi says it ' ll help kidnappers . who do you believe ?\nthis new always sunny musical looks even wilder than the strangely brilliant \u201c nightman cometh , \u201d the series\u2019 first stab at a song - and - dance episode . the surreal premise , in a nutshell : the all - white gang has turned black , first indicated when they see \u201cthemselves\u201d reflected in a mirror . ( each character\u2019s doppelganger is played by an actor of color , although the show has actually explored blackface before . ) and it sounds as if it\u2019s not shying away from the politics of the scenario : \u201cwhen you\u2019ve just turned black , and you can\u2019t switch back , \u201d goes one verse sung by dennis ( glenn howerton ) , \u201cwell you gotta go and find out the rules . \u201d\nthe words it ' s always the husband carry a certain implication that any time a woman is murdered , her husband is the first suspect . that ' s how i thought this book would go , before i started reading it . but it was 6 hours into a 10 . 5 hour book before there was even any mention of husbands or marriages or murders . that ' s a heck of a long time to get to the point and required some patience . up to then , it ' s about three female college roommates and their antics . kate the rich spoiled bad girl , jenny the townie & good girl , and aubrey the poor naive one who idolizes and follows kate like a lapdog . some years later , their relationships have changed quite a bit although they still consider themselves tied to each other because of a major tragedy that occurred in college . i must say that kate was a detestable character . how the other two put up with her is hard to fathom . the pace picks up a lot in the second half , and the ending felt somewhat rushed . the author actually gives us several suspects to ponder . the murderer ' s identity may come as a surprise , and then again , maybe not ."]} {"id": 114568, "summary": [{"text": "shabri is 2011 hindi film directed by lalit marathe and produced by ram gopal varma .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it is about a woman , played by ishaa koppikar , who becomes the first female crime lady in mumbai .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "the film was completed in 2005 and was showcased as the opening film at international rome film festival , and was also premiered at the new york asian film festival .", "topic": 2}, {"text": "the film was officially released worldwide on 26 august 2011 . ", "topic": 7}], "title": "shabri", "paragraphs": ["r mohd yusof , sh kassim , m shabri abd . majid , z hamid\neesha koppikhar has designed her own look for her role in and as shabri .\nperhaps the late release of shabri could benefit only one person . apparently the last film of esha kopphikar ; shabri gives her credibility as a decent actress on a parting note .\nma omar , ara rahman , rm yusof , m shabri abd . majid , mesm rasid\nnm saad , m shabri abd . majid , rm yusof , j duasa , ara rahman\nshabri has no quiz ! be the first to add a quiz / trivia & challenge others .\nm omar , a mohd noor , akm meera , m shabri abd . majid , . . .\nshabri is a hindi crime drama , starring isha koppikar , raj arjun , manish wadhwa , directed by lalit marathe . shabri kills a cop who tortures her brother and tries to rape her . but when her brother is killed , she decides to avenge his death . watch the full movie , shabri , online only on hotstar .\nthe writer of movies like bhoot , swades and sarkar talks about his soon - to - be - released eesha koppikhar - starrer , shabri , which has been lying in the cans for almost five years nowtell us about shabri and the journey from being a writer to becoming a director\u2026shabri is probably bollywood\u2019s first film on a woman gangster . i had the germ [ \u2026 ]\nshabri\u2019s life takes a turn when the dreaded police inspector khare rounds off the innocent bandya alongwith other unruly boys from the neighborhood . bandya succymbs to police tortue . his death becomes a moment of truth for an impassioned shabri . she ends up violating the law .\n\u200b no photos of any of our dogs may be used without written consent from us on any websites other than shabri - el ' s .\neesha koppikar is on a revenge spree once her innocent brother dies in police custody . she loses her friends too . read the review of shabri for more .\nthe shabri actor wants to go back to where she startedher last outing as a gangster in lalit marathe\u2019s debut film , shabri , won her critical acclaim but it seems that it didn\u2019t help her popularity ratings . to get back in the hot circuit the hottie is looking at the item number route , probably thanks to [ \u2026 ]\nshabri , directed by lalit marathe stars eesha koppikar , raj arjun , pradeep rawat and zakir hussain in pivotal roles and is produced by ram gopal varma . though shabri was being touted as a story of a woman gangster , the film is less of an underworld drama and more of a revenge plot with the underworld as the backdrop .\n, even shabri is a woman of few words with ice in her veins . content being an average flour - mill worker , circumstances force her to turn a gangster .\nshabri\u2019s neighborhood is full of young jobless desperate boys whose heroes are the local matka gambling den operators . her brother bandya looks up to murad who runs a matka den .\nthe shabri actor will be trying her hands at the hospitality businessisha koppikar hasn\u2019t been particularly lucky , as far as her film career is concerned . her last film , shabri , though critically acclaimed ; didn\u2019t do very well at the box office . the makers have passed the blame on to poor marketing and bad timing but all [ \u2026 ]\n\u201ci wanted to take the story of shabri forward and so i scripted an exciting sequel . ever since shabri\u2019s release got delayed , i used this time to write my first novel , which is about my journey as a filmmaker and my experiences during the making of the film , \u201d says marathe , who has written films like bhoot in the past .\nhounded by the cops as well as the matka kingpins , shabri rises to take charge of her life . making sure this time that things turn u [ exactly the way she wants .\nunlike popular insinuation , this is not a movie based on a female mafiosi . instead , it follows shabri ( isha ) , the slum woman , on the run . mayank shekhar writes .\nreliance entertainment and ram gopal varma\u2019s shabri ( a ) is the story of survival , dignity , determination and triumph of a simple woman in the face of adversity . shabri ( eesha koppikar ) works in a flour mill to support her parents and a younger brother , bandya ( vijay khadechkar ) , who is struggling to find a means of livelihood . bandya looks up to murad ( newfind raj arjun ) who runs a matka den . on his part , murad has a soft corner for both , shabri and bandya . he does not want bandya to follow in his footsteps .\nshabri kills a cop who is responsible for the unjust death of her brother while in police custody and goes absconding . she then meets an underworld bookie murad played by raj arjun . he helps her go underground , which enrages his boss and the head of his underworld gang rajdhar bhau ( pradeep rawat ) . murad in due course is killed by bhau , which again drives shabri to seek revenge .\nshabri is an upcoming indian film directed by lalit marathe and produced by ram gopal varma . it is about a woman , played by ishaa koppikar , who becomes the first female crime lord in mumbai .\nshabri isn ' t talkative like i am . her passion and intensity had to be portrayed without much words , which was extremely challenging for me as an actor . ( in eesha koppikhar ' s own words )\nnow , murad and his partner , vilas ( manish wadhwa ) , flee the city with shabri . but rajdharbhau closes in on murad and vilas . murad is killed . shabri then swears revenge against rajdharbhau , the man who took away all she ever had . is she able to avenge the murders ? or does the arm of law on the one hand and the matka king\u2019s reach on the other prove to be too much for her ?\nplot : day in and day out as she powers on the grinding machine of her flour mill shabri senses time is running out for her . she wants to live her life her own way but is burdened with reponsbility of supporting her parents and younger brother . opportunity presents itself in the most unlikely way and shabri a common working woman from a mumbai slum ends up threatening the biggest corridors of power in the matka gambling underworld of the city .\nshabri\u2019s only hope murad discovers how incapable he is of helping her in dire need . his desperation lands them in further trouble as he ends up killing his immediate boss kisnya , the brother of the notorious matka don , rajdharbhau .\nin ramu ' s movie shabri , isha plays a woman who runs a crime racket from a mumbai chawl . in accordance with her character , isha sports a non - glamorized look in the film and even speaks foul language .\nshabri is the story a simple woman from a mumbai slum who ends up shaking the biggest corridors of power in the matka underworld . it\u2019s a story of survival , dignity , determination and human triumph in the face of impossible odds .\ni have been to shabri more than 3 times and it never fails to make us happy . the employees are very professional and humble and they follow the instructions . food is always filling and tasty and clean . the price is very affordable .\nisn\u2019t exactly an intricate underworld drama that traces the upsurge and downfall of its female protagonist . it is more of a basic revenge plot with an underworld backdrop . when his brother is unjustly killed in police custody , shabri ( esha koppikhar ) kills the cop and goes absconding . an underworld bookie murad ( raj arjun ) helps her go underground and in turn enrages his boss , the underworld head rajdhar bhau ( pradeep rawat ) . when rajdhar bhau kills murad , shabri swears to seek revenge .\nlalit marathe\u2019s first directorial venture shabri featuring isha koppikar is all set to release this weekend ( august 26 ) and the director has already planned a sequel to the film . penned by marathe himself , shabri has been in the making for almost five years and was stalled at the post - production stage . marathe used the time to not only write a sequel to the film , the script of which is almost complete , but to also author a book about the film\u2019s making titled a dog\u2019s friday .\nbut the major limitation of the narrative is that it spans a very short period in the life of shabri which ends with her induction into underworld . the only usp of this otherwise conventional underworld drama is the gender of its protagonist and it would have been more gratifying experience to see the functioning of the female form in a powerful position . but by the time shabri gains authority , the film has already reached its end credits . on that note , the film fails to tap its prime potential .\none day , the innocent bandya is rounded up along with other unruly boys of the neighbourhood by the dreaded police inspector khare ( datta sonawane ) . bandya succumbs to police torture . this infuriates shabri so much that she ends up violating the law . much as murad would like to help shabri , he realises that he is helpless . murad\u2019s desperation leads him to kill his immediate boss , kisnya ( niraj kumar ) , who is the brother of rajdharbhau ( pradeep rawat ) , the matka don of the city .\n\u200bhome of gold gch pioneer\nshabri - el ' s\nshaken bacon - - america ' s # 1 m astiff bitch all systems 2014\u200b\u200b and 2015 . 2016 mcoa bob in texas ! ! ! ! ! ! ! thank you judge holly scott ! ! !\nwhen a plot is overdone to the core and tried over and over again , the audience soon tends to lose interest . this is what happens to shabari . it would have been refreshing to see the female protagonist take over the world and show more authority and power . unfortunately , by the time shabri gains authority , the film has almost reached the end . the narrative could have been a little more in depth and covered a larger part of shabri\ns life , thus getting the audience to ' connect\nwith the character .\nthis fellow pumps a full round of bullets on a man he\u2019s been trying to get hold of for a while . his victim happens to be shabri\u2019s partner . she and this dead partner had together killed the said don\u2019s brother . the don , who\u2019s rightly mad , gets another gun out , starts shooting at the dead - body all over again . he still patiently leaves shabri , the partner in crime , alone to wail in the corner of his den . that\u2019s a pretty dumb don , if you ask me . the slum girl merrily leaves , wants to kill him off now . good for her .\nshabri lives an impoverished lifestyle along with her mother ; alcoholic father ; and younger brother , bandya . she is the sole earner in her family and embittered at the manner in which life has treated her . she not only chastises bandya for spending too much time on the street with a goon , murad , instead of focusing in his studies but also her father . things take a turn for the worst when bandya is arrested by inspector khare and tortured in the police station . when shabri goes to see him , khare attempts to molest her , but she manages to escape . the next day bandya is found dead allegedly on the grounds that he tried to escape from police custody . refusing to believe this ' version ' , shabri takes a knife and goes to confront khare . it is this confrontation that will result in khare ' s death with his own service revolver , resulting in a manhunt from vikhroli to bhendi bazar , and she will be compelled to seek murad ' s help to go in hiding . but things are only to worsen when a heavily pressured murad decides to enlist the assistance of kisnya bhau , the brother of gangster , rajdharbhau , resulting in more danger for not only shabri but also her parents .\nwith the release of shabri , one more film has been added to the list of movies made on the underworld . films like satya ( 1998 ) and vaastav ( 1999 ) did well at the time as it had a realistic feel to it . sarkar , starring amitabh bachchan and abhishek bachchan also did average business at the box office .\nshabri lives an impoverished lifestyle along with her mother ; alcoholic father ; and younger brother , bandya . she is the sole earner in her family and embittered at the manner in which life has treated her . she not only chastises bandya for spending too much time on the street with a goon , murad , instead of focusing in his studies but also her father . things take a turn for the worst when bandya is arrested by inspector khare and tortured in the police station . when shabri goes to see him , khare attempts to molest her , but she manages to escape . the next day bandya is found dead allegedly on the grounds that he tried to escape from police custody . refusing to believe this ' version ' , shabri takes a knife and goes to confront khare . it is this confrontation that will result in khare ' s death with his own service revolver , resulting in a manhunt from vikhroli to bhendi bazar , and she will be compelled to seek murad ' s help to go in hiding . but things are only to worsen when a heavily . . .\napparently , a standoff between marathe and producer ram gopal varma , delayed shabri . however , clearing the air , marathe says , \u201cthere was never an issue between rgv and me . he read my script and really liked it and encouraged me to direct the film . he showed immense faith in me and never interfered with my work . he supported me in every possible way . it was like i got everything on a platter . \u201d\neesha koppikar delivers a very good performance in the title role . she plays the avenging angel very efficiently . raj arjun is good . manish wadhwa also does well . pradeep rawat is effective . zakir hussain is brilliant as inspector qazi . he is delightful to watch . sanjay kulkarni ( as inspector kadam ) and datta sonawane ( as inspector khare ) lend good support . niraj kumar , kishore nandlaskar ( as shabri\u2019s father ) , vimal mhatre ( as shabri\u2019s mother ) , vijay khadechkar ( as bandya ) and swapnil dinkar ( bandya\u2019s friend ) provide able support . parvez fazal khan , ragesh asthana , shridhar patil , sudhir mayekar , ishaaque , jaya kolekar , santosh shetty , dhanu , wilson , ganesh shetty , babla , ashok mhatre , sharad gurav , raj solomon , pramodini , sunil jadhav , sugath uthle , balwant jadhav , rajendra jadhav , aslam wadkar , sagar kale and navnath fill the bill .\nshabri is undoubtedly the best performance of eesha koppikar till date . the actress who has got nothing but a few item numbers and ' not - so - great\nroles to boast about surprises you with her ability to emote . though eesha did not have too many dialogues to deliver , she did excellently well through her expressions and body language . raj arjun and pradeep rawat have both shown that they can act well . zakir hussain gets repetitive in his erratic act . over all\nshabri the restaurant is a life style restaurant operated by the educators passionate about healthy dinning and motivated by happy dinning experiences . our wide range of food varieties , swiss delicacies and freshly baked items are already renowned in the town . besides , a rare presence of swiss vintage coffee machine makes the perfect cup of coffee and you can certainly enjoy himalayan buckwheat tea unlimited fill up . must try is also our masala tea in old fashioned glass and mini muffin . just try for yourself and make this place your hang out place .\nunlike popular insinuation , this is not a movie based on a female mafiosi either . instead , it follows shabri ( isha ) , the slum woman , on the run . the movie\u2019s main don is a well - built , oldish man in white , who runs an odd sort of mini - empire . he shoots his colleagues and minions dead - - as and when he feels like . a loyal man friday serves him heavy meals . what\u2019s cooking , is roughly what he always wants to know . \u2018matka\u2019 ( illegal gambling ) , it appears , is his core line of business . but he was once a wrestler , back home in his village .\nrgv proved again by this story line . . . he is the director known as gang director . . . . . . . . i ' ve watched so many gangsta movies but this movie made its own unique place among the rest . . . . . . . . . . . this is the movie of indian style which reflects the image of indian gangsta system . . . . . . . . brilliantly scripted . . . . . directed . . . . . . . . and awesome background score . . . . . . . i was the fan of rakht charitra 1 , sarkar , sarkar raj . . . . . but this is unique kinda movie . . . . . . . isha kopikar proved herself as brilliant actress . . . . now that is called characterization . . . . and body language . . . . . . one time i believed that her real name is shabri nt isha . . . . . . . . . . . should be shown in hollywood . . . . . . an highly recommendable movie . . . . now a days where bollywood is lacking of scripts and hollywood . . . . . . too . . . . this movie comes with a different taste and delivered well . . . . . . . at last a must watch movie\nmade on a shoestring budget of around rs 3 crore , the filmmaker claims he shot at various slums and streets and other common locations across mumbai to keep the cost in check . the film was well received internationally too and was the opening film at the rome film festival in 2006 .\nnow that the film is all set to hit cinemas , marathe is keeping his fingers crossed .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nan impoverished woman faces off against gangsters as well as the police after her brother is killed .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\nhotel transylvania 3 : summer vacation stars plan their dream summer getaways to some memorable movie settings .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nafter fleeing an arranged marriage , a feisty indian woman finds herself stranded in pakistan where the ex - governor ' s son helps reunite her with her boyfriend .\namidst bomb explosions , fake arrests , police brutality and protests , a determined mechanic attempts to repair an antique truck to transport the last remains of mahatma gandhi in modern day india .\nvidya , who ' s left shattered after her daughter tia ' s murder , seeks vengeance by fighting the broken justice and criminal system .\nafter a brief argument , a husband accidentally hits his wife leading to her death . things goes murkier when a tough cop is suspecting him for the murder and the latter tries his best to evade the law .\na man , who has been married for 27 years , falls in love with his 18 - year - old daughter ' s friend .\nthis action movie is filled with romance and adventure . as abhisek fights for his life against the forces of crime and injustice , he meets bhoomika , who captures his heart .\ndeshu , a mechanic from dubai , comes home to mumbai , and gets embroiled in a crime by accident . the film shows his meteoric rise from common , law - abiding man to underworld kingpin .\nan nia officer tries to unravel the conspiracy that led to the bombing of a business tycoon ' s factory .\nindu sarkar is set during the emergency period between 1975 to 1977 declared by prime minister indra gandhi .\nnasik - based heerendra dhaan and raj ranade are bodyguards of a politician , but after their employer is implicated in a scam , they end up assaulting a police officer and flee to mumbai . once . . . see full summary \u00bb\n0 of 0 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\n\u00a9 2018 star . all rights reserved . hbo , home box office and all related channel and programming logos are service marks of , and all related programming visuals and elements are the property of , home box office , inc . all rights reserved .\nthe story of rama and shabari is an inspiring example from the treasure house of hindu mythology bearing testimony to the efficacy of true devotion and divine grace . the character of shabari is an epitome of patience , perseverance , devotion , purity and spirit of service . though the meeting between rama and shabari lasted only for a few minutes , it contained a decisive moment when all her penance and devotion were duly rewarded by rama .\nshabari was born in a hunter\u2019s family . though she belonged to a clan that was fully given away to killing animals through cruel ways , by birth shabari was averse to killing and causing harm to animals on any grounds including for fun or for food . differing from the ways of the family , she resisted non vegetarian food . it was a usual practice in the family of hunters to sacrifice animals during weddings . unable to bear the harm that would befall animals , she ran away from the family just before her forced marriage .\nshabari was wandering in the forest and being hungry , she approached the hermitage of sage mathanga asking for food . at the first sight of this humble lady , sage mathanga realized that she was a great soul . therefore , he invited her to stay in the ashram engaging herself in the service of the community there . shabari was more than pleased to take up the tasks of cleaning and housekeeping at the ashram . she was greatly devoted to sage mathanga and was rendering a selfless service to him with a great sense of devotion and dedication .\nby nature , forests are rugged in their surface . it is quite natural to find stones , pebbles , twigs , dry leaves and thorns all around . every day , the sage used a particular route to reach the river nearby to complete his morning ablutions . shabari deemed maintaining this route in a perfect way free of thorns and pebbles as her top priority . in order to see that the road is free of thorns , she used to lie down and roll on the way so that the thorns prick on her body and are removed so that the sage\u2019s feet are not hurt .\nafter years of staying in the ashram , the final moments of the sage appeared . when sage mathanga disclosed this to shabari , she pleaded that she too would have the privilege of merging in him before he left the world . but the sage said she was a lucky one and her good deeds and penance over the years had earned her a great fortune of having the darshan of sri rama when he would be on his way years later in search of mother sita . the sage asked her to wait for those blessed moments .\nrama and lakshmana were passing by the route in search of mother sita . rama had known the divine task awaiting him in the ashram of sage matanga and therefore they both entered the hermitage . all over the years , shabari was waiting for rama as instructed by sage mathanga . shabari had gathered the wild fruits for rama which she offered him with great devotion . in order to source the best ones , she would bite them and check before offering them to the lord . her innocent devotion pleased the lord who granted her liberation before leaving the place .\nwe noticed that you ' re using an unsupported browser . the tripadvisor website may not display properly . we support the following browsers :\nlovely food , onsite bakery , coffee shop and restaurant and always a warm welcome . a little swiss delight in patan !\ni loved the food and the coffee . the place is clean and hygienic ; the staff were very professional and polite . i loved the ambiance of the place too . i ' d definitely visit this place again soon .\nwe had a family get together in this place . actually the event was engagement . food , service and ambience together matches the well managed restaurant . this restaurant serves typical swiss food which is very famous in town . don ' t forget to have jhol momo while you pass . . .\nfood selection was easy with the friendly suggestion from the attendant . service was very efficient and quality and taste was excellent . atmosphere was homely .\nthe atmosphere , furniture setting with a huge tv screen compatible with laptop and pendrive , alongwith simple hygienic and healthy choice of food is perfect to hold small conferences and business meetings .\ngreat ambience ! a lovely peaceful restaurant at sanepa area . i went for dinner with my friends and tried some swiss cuisine , specially the chicken piccata was awesome , goat cheese salad was perfect and the swiss chocolate truffle was a cherry on top to complete my . . .\nshabris is a restaurant with a very friendly and good atmosphere . i was visiting with family and friends and we got received by greetings and smiles . the menu was very interesting because it ' s a mix of nepali dishes and swiss dishes , so it surprised me . . . .\nthe awesome experience in one of the best restaurant in the valley . . familiar and friendly environment , delicious food , fruitful location and awesome friendly staff circle attracts me to visit multiple times . . . especially strawberry smoothie and blueberry cheese cake are awesome . . that i loved so much . . . . .\nbeen there twice and found it amazing in all the senses . food was okay for the price we paid . service and ambiance are much better than we expected . staff went out their way to impress our family of four . had a chance to meet the . . .\nnote : your question will be posted publicly on the questions & answers page .\nown or manage this property ? claim your listing for free to respond to reviews , update your profile and much more . claim your listing\n* tripadvisor llc is not a booking agent and does not charge any service fees to users of our site . . . (\ntripadvisor llc is not responsible for content on external web sites . taxes , fees not included for deals content .\nthe following articles are merged in scholar . their combined citations are counted only for the first article .\nthis\ncited by\ncount includes citations to the following articles in scholar . the ones marked\nassociate professor , institute of islamic banking and finance , inter ' l islamic univ . malaysia\nbacon at 3 years of age winning best in breed at the mcoa nationals in texas ! ! ! . in 2014 bacon and haus between the both of them won the 4 biggest sweeps in the country !\nbacon winning bos at the prestigious trenton kennel club in 2015 . bacon was 2014 # 1 mastiff bitch and # 4 overall and is currently at the time of this writing # 1 mastiff bitch # 3 overall for 2015\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nthe cause of the girl child is dear to me . sri is the best platform to condemn female foeticide : manasa joshi\n( 1999 ) , it had to its merit an unheard - of story and a realistic hard - hitting setup . several spin - offs followed by the same filmmakers and their prot\u00e9g\u00e9s and over the years , the underworld arena was exploited to such an extent that it left practically no scope for innovation .\nis an offshoot of the same recycled phenomena , having a been - there - seen - that effect .\nthe film , delayed by more than half a decade , belongs to the era when the underworld genre had turned as much old as much as ram gopal varma\u2019s obsession with it . ramu\u2019s prot\u00e9g\u00e9 writer - director lalit marathe gets the grammar of the genre as much correct as his mentor\u2019s better works . everything from the pallid colour tone to the caustic editing patterns reminds of rgv of yore . the camera movements and sound effects were more poised and persuasive then .\nalso marathe\u2019s direction is more subtle and suggestive as he conveys more through the scene per se than using literal dialogue . like rgv\u2019s common cold - blooded protagonists from randeep hooda\u2019s\nother than that the writing gets convoluted and confusing in the second half with the introduction of a scheming cop ( zakir hussain ) . the viewer never gets to comprehend his clear intentions and his track doesn\u2019t contribute much to the story per se . the end , despite having a shock value , is too conveniently achieved . also for an underworld action drama , the pacing is quite slow .\nwhile esha koppikhar\u2019s performance can\u2019t be tagged as outstanding , it certainly is her most impactful act till date . with a hardboiled character that doesn\u2019t demand too much of dialogues , expressions or histrionics , it never goes wrong if the actor is able to maintain a dignified restrain in their act , and esha succeeds in doing that . in a sari - clad avatar and a brazen look throughout , the girl known for her glamourous image , pulls off a divergently different character with poise . raj arjun is decent and pradeep rawat is sufficiently authoritative . zakir hussain gets repetitive in his erratic act .\nhe has just 2 weeks left & i need rs . 5 . 5 lakh to save him .\nrefrain from posting comments that are obscene , defamatory or inflammatory , and do not indulge in personal attacks , name calling or inciting hatred against any community . help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive . let ' s work together to keep the conversation civil .\nwe have sent you a verification email . to verify , just follow the link in the message\netimes is an entertainment , tv & lifestyle industry ' s promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 bennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\ncopyright 2010 - 2013 : gomolo . all rights reserved . | terms | privacy\nthe sensetive murad wants bandya to have a better life than him . years ago he was suked into the black hole of survival that the neighborhood breeds and does not want bandya study , get a degree and break free from the shackles of the slums . he helps bandya with money time and again and inspires him of a world beyond .\nwhat\u2019s good : the fast pace of the film ; eesha and zakir hussain\u2019s performances .\nlalit marathe\u2019s story is the usual tale of oppression of the poor by the rich and influential . the difference , however , is that the protagonist in this case is a female instead of the usual male in subjects of this kind . other than this , the story affords no novelty . marathe\u2019s screenplay is also routine as there\u2019s more of plotting and planning , swearing revenge and actual confrontation scenes than anything else . although there\u2019s nothing wrong with the screenplay of the revenge drama , its biggest drawback is that it is too routine to make much of an impact . lalit marathe\u2019s dialogues are quite nice and go with the film\u2019s mood .\nbarc report week 26 : naagin 3 is not ready to leave . . .\nranbir kapoor + ajay devgn + christmas = blockbuster ! luv ranjan . . .\nsanju : real life kamli , paresh ghelani , pens an emotional letter for . . .\nurltoken is a website devoted to providing authentic bollywood news , box - office reports and film reviews .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\ndirector lalit marathe has succeeded in conveying volumes through his scenes and expressions that he has derived out of his actors rather than literal dialogues .\nit is usually the male who is the focus in an underworld story . however , this time around the spotlight is on the female lead eesha koppikar which is rather experimental .\nthe second half lacks the punch that exists in the first half of the film . one would wish that the story be faster paced and gripping , considering that it an action packed story on the underworld .\ntaarak mehta ka ooltah chashmah dr . hathi : bhide master , mandar gets tearyeyed on the news filmibeat\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\na plot of 50 * 14 dmension for sale in hegedenagar . it is well connected to the city areas . it is made in way to provide a comfortable living . the time you ' ll spend here will become the greatest moment . . .\nmcechs layout bbmp a katha . clear title . all banks loan facility available . cauvery water . excellent location . all commercials nearby . near to busstand .\nmcechs layout . bbmp a katha . clear title . all banks loan facility available . cauvery water . excellent location . all commercials nearby . near to busstand .\nmcech layout bbmp a katha . clear title . all banks loan facility available . cauvery water . excellent location . all commercials nearby . near to busstand .\nmcehs layout bbmp a katha . clear title . all banks loan facility available . cauvery water . excellent location . all commercials nearby . near to busstand .\ncommercial plot sale near vibgyor school . near to jakkur and telecom layouy . 80 feet road . 60x50 . rate 10k . dropped pin near unnamed road , mcechs layout phase 2 , jakkuru , bengaluru , karnataka 560064\nthis plot is situated in mcechs layout . it has an area of 1200 sqft and is priced at rs . 1 . 44 cr . it is southwest facing property . the site is in close proximity to various civic utilities . the time . . .\nproperty sale in telecom layout . excellent location . plot dimensions 40x45 . north west corner . 40 feet road . excellent location . bbmp a katha . conversion . bda approved\na plot is available for sale in drshivaram karanth nagar mcechs layout , bangalore . it has a salable area of 1200 sqft and is available at a price of rs . 6 , 000 per sqft . it is facing west direction . th . . .\na plot is available at a prime location in mcechs layout . it has a salable area of 2400 sqft and is available at a price of rs . 5 , 466 per sqft . it is west facing property . it is well connected to the . . .\na plot is available at a prime location in mcechs layout . it has an area of 1200 sqft and is priced at rs . 1 . 44 cr . it is facing southwest direction . the site is in close proximity to various civic u . . .\ncommercial plot sale near vibgyor school . near to jakkur and telecom layouy . 80 feet road . 60x50 . rate 10k . cal dropped pin near unnamed road , mcechs layout phase 2 , jakkuru , bengaluru , karnataka 5600 . . .\nthis plot is situated in mcechs layout , bangalore . it has an area of 1200 sqft . the property is available at a price of rs . 1 . 44 cr . its entry is southwest facing . the site is in close proximity to v . . .\nthis plot is situated in mcechs layout . it has a salable area of 1200 sqft and is available at a price of rs . 12000 per sqft . it is southwest facing property . it is well connected to the city areas . t . . .\nthe line vi of the mumbai metro network will connect lokhandwala complex ( swami samarth nagar ) in andheri and goes up to kanjurmarg in eastern suburbs of mumbai via jogeshwari and vikhroli . with an estimated cost of rs 6 , 672 crore , the 14 . 5 - kilometre corridor will have 13 stations with interchange option to metro lines 2 , 3 and 4 . the mass rapid transit system ( mrts ) will boost east - west connectivity in the mumbai metropolitan region ( mmr ) .\nthe mumbai metro line ii is being constructed in two sub - phases with 18 - km line 2a between dahisar and dn nagar ; and the 23 - km line 2b between dn nagar and mankhurd . construction works begun in 2016 and the dmrc plans to open one part of this line ( 2a ) for the public by 2020 .\nafter the noida authorities , in april , advised homebuyers and tenants in the city to make sure they do not live in units that are mosquito infected , the health department of gautam budh nagar has come out with a directive for all gated communities , offices and hospitals to inspect the properties for presence of mosquitos . these structures , after the check , will have to issue an undertaking stating they would take action to prevent mosquito breeding sites .\na recent decision by the delhi government , where the forest department had allowed the felling of about 17 , 000 full - grown trees as part of the redevelopment of central government housing projects in south delhi , has sparked protests from citizens , activists and environmentalists . although the ministry of housing and urban affairs ( mohua ) has stated that \u2018compensatory plantation\u2019 of trees is being carried out in a ratio of 1 : 10 , many environmentalists are not convinced as the saplings planted at a different location cannot substitute the huge tree cover which would be cleared away .\na plot is available for sale in mcechs layout , bangalore . it has an area of 2400 sqft and is priced at rs . 1 . 51 cr . it is west facing property . it is situated in the proximity of all the important fa . . .\nthis plot is available for sale and is located in the heart of drshivaram karanth nagar mcechs layout . it has an area of 1275 sqft and is priced at rs . 90 . 00 lac . it is well connected to the city are . . .\nat makaan . com , we understand that people everywhere are searching for a home to call their own . we want to make this search as joyful as finally finding the perfect home because we understand that finding a home is much more than an online search !\na home is a cherished memory that lasts forever , it is where the walls embrace memories , the ceilings shelter love and laughter , where the quiet corners offer a much - needed pause and life itself becomes a reason to celebrate .\nso to make this journey joyful , we begin by partnering with our customers from the start and being there when it matters the most - right from online search to brokers to home loans to paperwork to finally finding that perfect home .\nat makaan . com , we not only help you search but help you find . we help you find joy .\nurltoken is part of elara technologies pte limited , singapore which also owns and operates proptiger . com , a digital real estate marketing and transactions services provider . news corp , a global media , book publishing and digital real estate services company , is the key investor in elara . elara ' s other major investors include saif partners , accel partners and rb investments .\nthe actor passed away thursday morning ( march 20 ) following a heart attackragesh asthana has contributed to television as well as several films . he started his career with a tv series titled subah in the \u201880s .\nthe khallaas girl\u2019s announcement came as a surprisethe rumours of eesha being pregnant have been doing the rounds for quite some time , so we were startled when we heard her say that in a recent interview .\n* setting channel preference will take you directly to the respective channel when you come in next time .\nsupported browsers : internet explorer : version 7 . 0 and above , chrome , firefox and safari . best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and above .\n< - - select - - > baaghi 2 manikarnika - the queen of jhansi 2 . 0 chanda mama door ke aiyaary crack padmaavat thugs of hindostan tiger zinda hai fukrey returns parmanu - the story of pokhran tumhari sulu ittefaq golmaal again secret superstar hate story 4 ranchi diaries askar 2 muavza zameen ka paisa chef complete listing\nsecret superstar is a sweet little song of dream , hope , love and humanity . powered by winning acts b . . .\naimed as a back - slapping tribute to the crime dark comedies genre set in small towns , unfortunately . . .\nvidhu , divya , sajid and others at bhushan kumar ' s . . .\ndisclaimer : all logos and pictures of various channels , shows , artistes , media houses , companies , brands etc . belong to their respective owners , and are used to merely visually identify the channels , shows , companies , brands , etc . to the viewer . incase of any issue please contact the webmaster .\nit looks like we don ' t have any connections for this title yet .\nbe the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the connections submission guide .\nthe biggest compliment that came my way was when once , the guards at the set refused to allow me inside because they couldn ' t recognise me . ( in eesha koppikhar ' s own words )\ni painfully prepared for the role and in order to get into the skin of the character , i stopped washing my hair , stopped going to parlours for waxing , threading etc . on sets , i used to sit on the ground ( sometimes next to bins ) to have food or drink tea . ( in eesha koppikhar ' s own words )\nishaa koppikar ' s make - up was so convincing that security and producers wouldn ' t let her enter the set , as they didn ' t recognize her .\ntrivia trap - $ 10 , 000 trivia ladder . . . as a team , placed at three numbered podiums based on their performance in the trivia race . . . any team that played the trivia ladder five times retired undefeated . . .\nshowgirls - home media . . . for giving a lapdance hosted by real strippers , and a special\ntrivia track\nfeature that can be turned on or off . . . the same bonus features as the vip edition dvd , except the trivia text feature has been reformatted . . . the trivia track on the 2010 edition contains some errors , such as a statement that some of the dancers featured in the film were recruited from the xfl football league cheerleaders , an . . .\neddie deezen - personal life . . . for over a year his official website featured a difficult beatles trivia quiz - devised by deezen himself - with a $ 100 prize for anyone who could answer all the questions correctly . . . as of may 2011 , deezen is a contributing writer for trivia magazine mental _ floss , where most of his articles pertain to facts on the beatles and their members . . . as of july of 2012 , he also writes for the trivia website urltoken . . .\ngreat midwest trivia contest . . . the great midwest trivia contest , or midwest trivia contest , is held each year in appleton , wisconsin , broadcast over lawrence university ' s radio station , wlfm . . . it has a claim as the longest - running college bowl trivia contest . . . beginning with trivia xli in 2006 , the contest went to a webcast - only format after wlfm ceased fm broadcasting . . .\ncasey kasem - radio - 1970s\u20131980s . . . when he was hosting american top 40 , kasem would often include trivia facts about songs he played and artists whose work he showcased . . . frequently , he would mention a trivia fact about an unnamed singer before a commercial break , and then provide the name of the singer after returning from . . .\nand notice only that the reproduction is so good . man fulfils his dream and by photographic magic produces a precise image of the grand canyon . the result is not that he adores nature or beauty the more . instead he adores his camera\u0097and himself .\nof possessions and equipment that the present generation is lugging along with it on its safari into the future .\ntaarak mehta ka ooltah chashmah actor kavi kumar azad ( dr . hathi ) is no more\nif it\u2019s a picture and in motion , you\u2019ll find it on movietalkies ! knowing that digital was the way forward , movietalkies was founded in 1997 to provide quality content to bollywood enthusiasts . movietalkies not only gives the latest bollywood updates to its readers but over the years , it has also collaborated\u2026\nthis is lead actor isha koppikar\u2019s second film on female empowerment , if you may . the first one was a lesbian love - triangle called girlfriend ( yeah , i\u2019m kidding . of course ) . the times of india , i recall , had a three - word review for that 2004 masterpiece . it merely said : \u201cavoidable . very avoidable . \u201d this one , in comparison , is infinitely better . for sure .\nthe heroine is tanned from above the neck ( strikingly fair - skinned around the shoulders ) . she\u2019s supposed to be a street urchin . her young brother\u2019s randomly picked up by the police and killed in custody . for no apparent reason . she bumps off that rogue cop in return . the screen is dust - brown , dark , dingy , even grainy in parts . drama mostly takes place either indoors or on quiet , sanitised gullies . there\u2019s very little mumbai in this city film ."]} {"id": 114569, "summary": [{"text": "joot ( tamil : \u0b9c\u0bc1\u0b9f\u0bcd ) is a 2004 tamil action film directed by azhagam perumal , starring srikanth and meera jasmine the music is by vidyasagar . ", "topic": 12}], "title": "joot", "paragraphs": ["joot , manu , this is it ( beat by . beatmaster k ) by joot\nthis website and its content is copyright of joot - \u00a9 joot 2015 . all rights reserved .\njoot concept does not reference jooq in any way . you can use jooq without joot and you should be able to use joot with no jooq .\n1 .\nshow us ya joot !\n2 .\nshe had a tight little joot\na list of words that start with joot ( words with the prefix joot ) . we search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with joot - we take the letter or word you enter , and generate all words starting with joot . in addition there is a list of words that end with joot , words that contain joot .\nthat woman is one find piece of joot oh dear ive got some joot on my shoe that guy plays some good joot . look at that joota across the road . . . . . twoot twoot aw that car is jooted\nlisten to joot : are you ready ( original motion picture soundtrack ) now .\njoot & apos ; s original meaning was a qualifying term for bodily fluid . then it became joota , used to describe a good looking woman . now joot can be used to describe anything .\nwilliam morris ' s the tables turned ; or , nupkins awakened ( performed march 2014 ) photos are available on the joot theatre dundee facebook group .\njoin the joot theatre facebook group to view photographs from our most recent production , the tables turned ; or , nupkins awakened ( performed march 2014 ) .\njohn pikeryng ' s horestes , a political allegory about mary queen of scots ( march 2012 ) . photos are available from the joot theatre dundee facebook group .\nmovie title - - - joot untold stories complete report imdb rating - - 4 cast - - shyam ganesh as eashwarans brother srikanth as eashwaran suvarna mathew vivek as siva below actors passed away - - murali died on 06 - aug - 2009 movie details - - music by - vidyasagar produced by - ajaykumar review - - balaji b wrote azhagamperumal too takes the masala route with joot after dum dum dum his first movie .\na survey number is a unique number given to an unambiguous piece of durga joot village land in order to maintain a record of the location , size , shape and proprietorship information of the property . the land survey number works as a record of information relating to a specific plot of durga joot property in uttar pradesh state . it is beneficial when registering plots , selling plots , resolving legal disputes , for planning the development of neighbouring areas and so on .\nsiddharthnagar is the nearest statutory town of the village durga joot , which is 20 kilometres away from the village . siddharthnagar is the nearest statutory town of this village lies within the state of uttar pradesh and situated with the distance 20 kilometres away from village .\ntwo plays and a dramatised reading on sin and morality : oscar wilde ' s a florentine tragedy and r . browning ' s ' my last duchess ' and ' a woman taken in adultery ' ( march 2013 ) . photos are available on the joot theatre dundee facebook group .\nthe durga joot village is located in the state uttar pradesh having state code 09 and having the village code 178182 . the siddharthnagar is the district of this village with district code 184 . the total geographical area in which this village is expanded in 11 . 36 hectares / 0 . 1136 square kilometers ( km 2 ) / 28 . 071171334671 acres . the content of this page is for your general information and use only .\nthe joot theatre company was established in 1992 as the mediaeval drama group , changing name in 2003 . under the direction of dr jodi - anne ( jo ) george of the english programme , the company has undertaken many well - received performances and participates actively in a series of festivals funded by the international society for mediaeval theatre . in 1998 , they performed in denmark , in 2001 they staged a play in the netherlands , and in 2008 they performed in france .\nvillage is situated in the siddharthnagar district with district code number 184 . domariyaganj is the subdistrict ( tehsil / mandal ) , is a low - level administrative division of a district , of this village , having the sub district code is 00936 . bhanwapur is the community development block ( c . d . block ) of this village with c . d . block code number 0591 . the gram panchayat for this village is bevam mustakam . the district headquarters ' name is siddharthnagar and as per distance concern it is 70 kilometres from the durga joot village .\n, his first movie . but one wishes he hadn ' t followed lingusamy this closely .\nthrown in ) without the handling that made the original a first - class entertainer .\neeswaran ( srikanth ) , a villager , travels to chennai for his father ' s medical treatment . another item on his agenda is to unite his father with eeswaran ' s younger brother , who married a girl against his father ' s wishes . he stays with his brother in s . s . colony and falls in love with meera ( meera jasmine ) , a law graduate . aditya ( ' pepsi ' vijayan ) , a powerful rowdy , wants to raze the colony to the ground for a client of his and this forces eeswaran to stand up to him .\n' s storyline to the letter . srikanth ' s move to the city ( though the reason is a little different ) , his romance and his clashes with a local , powerful rowdy all give rise to a feeling of\n. the fact that we have the same heroine in meera jasmine and a separate comedy track with vivek further increase the similarities . but azhagamperumal has fashioned a fast screenplay and handles key individual sequences with enough\nto keep boredom away . the catchy songs and superbly choreographed stunt sequences also do their part in keeping us in our seats .\nazhagamperumal proves to be quite competent whether handling romance , family relations or action . and this is definitely important in\nwhich relies on all three to keep things moving . meera ' s posing as srikanth ' s sister - in - law is a wonderful and jolly start to their romance though the level of fun takes a dive in their subsequent meetings . srikanth ' s relationship with his father is also handled well with the strength and stubbornness of the father ' s character adding a nice touch . as far action goes , the railway track sequence that marks the intermission point is the pick of the lot . it is picturised thrillingly and is on par with the sequence in\ntakes an unwarranted turn into sentiments that affects the pace of the movie and decreases its entertainment factor . there are a few unnecessary deaths that don ' t fit in with the tone of the rest of the movie . but barring this , the movie is kept on a fairly balanced route . srikanth ' s plans to deal with ' pepsi ' vijayan and the police inspector show some clever thinking instead of relying simply on brawn . the climax fight is suitably extravagant and well - staged in the container yard .\nsrikanth fits the bill in his first ' action ' role and his look and dresses aid him well in being convincing as an action hero . meera gets to do a little bit more than the heroines in such action films . she looks cute and is earns a few points with the way she tackles the police inspector when taking srikanth away . vivek ' s comedy track , while separate from the main story , still has its own story as he repeatedly injures family members with a scooter . it is very funny but is also quite vulgar in some places . malayalam actor murali is dignified as usual while ' pepsi ' vijayan is suitably menacing . azhagiya koondhal . . . is a melodious number though kattabomma kattabomaa . . . has a better chance of earning fans with its catchy beats . vedi veesuraan . . . and theemtharikita . . . also have catchy folksy tunes .\na sweaty scrotum resulting from a hard day & apos ; s work . in particular , the odour produced by said scrotum .\nanother batch of beautiful gifts ready for our lovely clients . styling by our adorable @ meimei meimei\nwe aim to stage at least one production annually and students are recruited from all years . normally , about 10 - 12 students ( and at least two university staff members ) are involved in each show .\nbritish premier of bahram beyza\u2019i\u2019s the marionettes ( 2004 ) . a generous grant from the carnegie trust for the universities of scotland has been awarded to edit the marionettes and publish it with photographs from our production . publisher : poetry salzburg , salzburg university press .\nthe marriage of wit and wisdom ( 2001 \u2013 scotland & groningen , the netherlands ) * . the groningen production received funding from the groningen city council .\neveryman ( 1996 - scotland ; 1998 - odense , denmark ) * . the odense production received funding from the odense city council and the university of dundee .\n[ please note : videos of productions marked with an * are available for sale . if you wish to place an order please contact dr jodi - anne george ]\neach of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others . . .\nhello everyone ! i am bibik\u2026when i was younger , they used to call me girlie . . . read more\nlike what you see or can\u2019t find what you seek ? we ' re listening .\nyour current browser isn ' t compatible with soundcloud . please download one of our supported browsers . need help ?\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\nbuzzing comedies such as the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for all the info you need .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nsee the top 50 tamil movies as rated by imdb users \u2013 from evergreen hits to recent chartbusters .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nnewsletter . we won ' t send you spam or share your email address with anyone . we promise .\nscrabble\u00ae is a registered trademark . all intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the u . s . a and canada by hasbro inc . , and throughout the rest of the world by j . w . spear & sons limited of maidenhead , berkshire , england , a subsidiary of mattel inc . words with friends is a trademark of zynga with friends . mattel and spear are not affiliated with hasbro . urltoken is not affiliated with scrabble\u00ae , mattel , spear , hasbro , or zynga with friends in any way . this site is for entertainment purposes only .\nall content copyright \u00a9 2010 - 2018 white urchin ventures , inc . all rights reserved .\ngithub is home to over 28 million developers working together to host and review code , manage projects , and build software together .\nif nothing happens , download the github extension for visual studio and try again .\njooq is the superb database library . however , as of now it lacks transaction management . it is not so bad , because there are many ways to handle transactions in java world . one example is the ejb container . it has transactions built - in , so everything you need is to get the datasource resource and use it with jooq , plain jdbc , querydsl or what - else .\nnot everyone likes to use ejb or spring container , though . some developers want or need something ultra lightweight .\ni don ' t know why , but instead of creating something ultra lightweight for transaction management , all the java database libraries chose to implement transactions by adding extra methods here and there to the libraries itself . imho this is bad . not only we have to dig through all the api in different libraries , but also we cannot use those libraries together across single transactions . also , when we have separated transaction management , we have bunch of methods we are no allowed to use .\nas i said previously , jooq chose to go that way as well , see : urltoken this project is supposed to support me fighting the stereotypes that creating a transaction manager is an option to be seriously considered . with this , i can show that the simple transaction manager does not mean :\ndoes not mean using complicated things , aspects , annotations ( but can be used to build such a framework ) .\nwell , that ' s true . it does not exist . . . yet . i hope this stub and example will make it happen .\nsee how simple the api can be . notice : it is standalone library , not tied to jooq or any of the alternatives .\nyou signed in with another tab or window . reload to refresh your session .\nyou signed out in another tab or window . reload to refresh your session .\nit looks like we don ' t have any plot summaries for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the plot summary submission guide .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nella mai \u2013 boo ' d up ( remix ) ft . nicki minaj & quavo\nstack exchange network consists of 174 q & a communities including stack overflow , the largest , most trusted online community for developers to learn , share their knowledge , and build their careers .\nthis site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings . by using our site , you acknowledge that you have read and understand our cookie policy , privacy policy , and our terms of service . your use of stack overflow\u2019s products and services , including the stack overflow network , is subject to these policies and terms .\nclear [ f , r ] f [ r _ ] : = 4 r / ( 1 - r ) ^ 2 i [ r _ , delta _ ] : = 1 / ( 1 + f [ r ] sin [ delta / 2 ] ^ 2 ) show [ table [ plot [ i [ r , delta ] , { delta , 0 , 4 pi } , plotrange - > { 0 , 1 } ] , { r , { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } } ] ]\nbut i ' d like to label each of the curves with the value of the parameter ( r = 0 . 1 , r = 0 . 3 , . . . ) . i can do this manually inserting labels with the graphics controls , but figured there ' s got to be a better way .\nit would certainly be nice if there were some way to use tooltip for this sort of thing .\nneeds [\nplotlegends `\n] plot [ evaluate @ table [ i [ r , delta ] , { r , { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } } ] , { delta , 0 , 4 pi } , plotrange - > { 0 , 1 } , plotlegend - > { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } , legendposition - > { 0 . 95 , 0 . 05 } ]\n@ peeter , evaluate [ ] forces the first argument of plot [ ] to be an explicit list of functions , which are then plotted with different colors . execute plot [ table [ x ^ k , { k , 0 , 2 } ] , { x , 0 , 1 } ] and plot [ evaluate @ table [ x ^ k , { k , 0 , 2 } ] , { x , 0 , 1 } ] to see the difference .\n@ peeterjoot without the evaluate plot only sees one function and thus will not get the coloring and the legend right . just try and look at the result . just as an aside , there is also an undocumented option evaluated - > true which does the same thing , but is preferable as it also results in correct scoping .\ninstead of plotlegends , consider using the code in this excellent answer : urltoken . it gives much much nicer legends .\ni made a function that could be used for labeling plots interactively , adding labeled bezier arrows , preserve your labels from session to session , and a few more goodies .\nclear [ f , r ] f [ r _ ] : = 4 r / ( 1 - r ) ^ 2 i [ r _ , delta _ ] : = 1 / ( 1 + f [ r ] sin [ delta / 2 ] ^ 2 ) s = plot [ evaluate @ table [ i [ r , d ] , { r , { . 1 , . 3 , . 6 , . 97 } } ] , { d , 0 , 4 pi } , plotrange - > { 0 , 1 } ] ; lblplot [ s , { fontfamily - >\nxkcd\n, 16 } ]\n@ belisarius - may i ask how you compressed the code into a png ? it ' s very neat .\nrow [ plot [ evaluate @ table [ i [ r , delta ] , { r , { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } } ] , { delta , 0 , 4 pi } , plotrange - > { automatic , { 0 , 1 } } , plotstyle - > ( directive [ thick , # ] & / @ { red , green , blue , orange } ) , plotrangepadding - > . 05 , frame - > true , imagesize - > 400 , epilog - > { table [ ( style [ text [ r , { # , i [ r , # ] } ] , 12 , background - > white ] & ) / @ ( # ) , { r , { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } } ] } ] & / @ { { pi } , { 3 pi } , { pi / 2 , 3 pi / 2 , 5 pi / 2 , 7 pi / 2 } } , spacer [ 5 ] ]\nexcellent . that ' s much more like what i was thinking . if i try modifying the text to text [\nr =\nr , . . . then strangely it displays as\n0 . 1 r =\n,\n0 . 3 r =\n, . . . ? is there a way to concatonate multiple text objects at the location specified by one ?\n@ peeter , try text [ row [ {\nr =\n, r } ] , { # , i [ r , # ] } ] .\n. . or text [\nr =\n< > tostring [ r ] , { # , i [ r , # ] } ] .\nf [ r _ ] : = 4 r / ( 1 - r ) ^ 2 i [ r _ , delta _ ] : = 1 / ( 1 + f [ r ] sin [ delta / 2 ] ^ 2 ) place = { scaled [ r ] , after } ; show [ table [ plot [ i [ r , delta ] , { delta , 0 , 4 pi } , plotrange - > { 0 , 1 } , frame - > true , plotlabels - > placed [ { tostring [ r ] } , place ] ] , { r , { 0 . 1 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 6 , 0 . 97 } } ] ]\none can use different placements , i . e . different location specifications instead of place ; i chose scaled [ r ] because for this particular plot it works fine and after because in my opinion it looks best .\nmy question was old ( mathematica 8 days ) . this new better labelling option was mentioned in a comment referring to : urltoken also note that mathematica11 appears to have further refined its labelling methods , but i haven ' t purchased the upgrade to try that out .\ni get it all , i just stumbled upon this question acidentally , so to speak , and thought it might be useful for future users to point them toward some update .\nby clicking\npost your answer\n, you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies .\nnot the answer you ' re looking for ? browse other questions tagged plotting or ask your own question .\nmathematica is a registered trademark of wolfram research , inc . while the mark is used herein with the limited permission of wolfram research , stack exchange and this site disclaim all affiliation therewith .\nprof . eleftheriades desribed a chebychev antenna array design method that looks different than the one of the text [ 1 ] .\nportions of that procedure are like that of the text . for example , if a side lobe level of \\ ( 20 \\ log _ { 10 } r \\ ) is desired , a scaling factor\nis used . given \\ ( n \\ ) elements in the array , a chebychev polynomial of degree \\ ( m = n \u2013 1 \\ ) is used . that is\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 40 } t _ m ( x ) = \\ cos \\ lr { m \\ cos ^ { - 1 } x } . \\ end { equation }\nthe class notes use the negative sign , and number \\ ( n = 1 , 2 , \\ cdots , m \\ ) . it is noted that the roots are symmetric with \\ ( x _ 1\u2032 = \u2013 x _ m\u2019 \\ ) , which can be seen by direct expansion\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 100 } \\ begin { aligned } x _ { m - r } \u2019 & = \\ cos \\ lr { \\ frac { \\ pi } { 2 m } \\ lr { 2 ( m \u2013 r ) \u2013 1 } } \\ \\ & = \\ cos \\ lr { \\ pi \u2013 \\ frac { \\ pi } { 2 m } \\ lr { 2 r + 1 } } \\ \\ & = - \\ cos \\ lr { \\ frac { \\ pi } { 2 m } \\ lr { 2 r + 1 } } \\ \\ & = - \\ cos \\ lr { \\ frac { \\ pi } { 2 m } \\ lr { 2 ( r + 1 ) \u2013 1 } } \\ \\ & = - x _ { r + 1 } \u2019 . \\ end { aligned } \\ end { equation }\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 120 } \\ begin { aligned } u _ n\u2019 & = 2 \\ cos ^ { - 1 } \\ lr { \\ frac { x _ n\u2019 } { x _ 0 } } \\ \\ z _ n & = e ^ { j u _ n\u2019 } . \\ end { aligned } \\ end { equation }\nthis has a factor of two that does not appear in the balanis design method . it seems plausible that this factor of two was introduced so that the roots of the array factor \\ ( z _ n \\ ) are conjugate pairs . since \\ ( \\ cos ^ { - 1 } ( - z ) = \\ pi \u2013 \\ cos ^ { - 1 } z \\ ) , this choice leads to such conjugate pairs\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 140 } \\ begin { aligned } \\ exp \\ lr { j u _ { m - r } \u2019 } & = \\ exp \\ lr { j 2 \\ cos ^ { - 1 } \\ lr { \\ frac { x _ { m - r } \u2019 } { x _ 0 } } } \\ \\ & = \\ exp \\ lr { j 2 \\ cos ^ { - 1 } \\ lr { - \\ frac { x _ { r + 1 } \u2019 } { x _ 0 } } } \\ \\ & = \\ exp \\ lr { j 2 \\ lr { \\ pi \u2013 \\ cos ^ { - 1 } \\ lr { \\ frac { x _ { r + 1 } \u2019 } { x _ 0 } } } } \\ \\ & = \\ exp \\ lr { - j u _ { r + 1 } } . \\ end { aligned } \\ end { equation }\nwhen \\ ( m \\ ) is even , there will only be such conjugate pairs of roots . when \\ ( m \\ ) is odd , the remainding factor will be\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 160 } \\ begin { aligned } z \u2013 e ^ { 2 j \\ cos ^ { - 1 } \\ lr { 0 / x _ 0 } } & = z \u2013 e ^ { 2 j \\ pi / 2 } \\ \\ & = z \u2013 e ^ { j \\ pi } \\ \\ & = z + 1 . \\ end { aligned } \\ end { equation }\nhowever , with this factor of two included , the connection between the final array factor polynomial \\ ref { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 180 } , and the chebychev polynomial \\ ( t _ m \\ ) is not clear to me . how does this scaling impact the roots ?\nexample : expand \\ ( \\ textrm { af } \\ ) for \\ ( n = 4 \\ ) .\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 220 } \\ begin { aligned } \\ textrm { af } & = \\ lr { z ^ 2 + z \\ lr { 2 \u2013 \\ frac { 3 } { x _ 0 ^ 2 } } + 1 } \\ lr { z + 1 } \\ \\ & = z ^ 3 + 3 z ^ 2 \\ lr { 1 \u2013 \\ frac { 1 } { x _ 0 ^ 2 } } + 3 z \\ lr { 1 \u2013 \\ frac { 1 } { x _ 0 ^ 2 } } + 1 . \\ end { aligned } \\ end { equation }\nwith \\ ( 20 \\ log _ { 10 } r = 30 \\ textrm { db } \\ ) , \\ ( x _ 0 = 2 . 1 \\ ) , so this is\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 240 } \\ textrm { af } = z ^ 3 + 2 . 33089 z ^ 2 + 2 . 33089 z + 1 . \\ end { equation }\n\\ begin { equation } \\ label { eqn : chebychevsecondmethod : 280 } \\ textrm { af } = e ^ { j 3 k d \\ cos \\ theta + j 3 k u _ 0 } + 2 . 33089 e ^ { j 2 k d \\ cos \\ theta + j 2 k u _ 0 } + 2 . 33089 e ^ { j k d \\ cos \\ theta + j k u _ 0 } + 1 . \\ end { equation }\nthis array function is highly phase dependent , plotted for \\ ( u _ 0 = 0 \\ ) in fig . 1 , and fig . 2 .\nthis can be directed along a single direction ( z - axis ) with higher phase choices as illustrated in fig . 3 , and fig . 4 .\nfig 3 . plot with u _ 0 = 3 . 5 , d = 0 . 4 lambda\nfig 4 . spherical plot with u _ 0 = 3 . 5 , d = 0 . 4 lambda\n[ 1 ] constantine a balanis . antenna theory : analysis and design . john wiley \\ & sons , 3rd edition , 2005 .\ni ' m looking for the equivalent of mathematica ' s plotrange - > { 0 , pi } in a matlab plot . if i plot a function , for example :\ni get a plot that over the [ 0 , 3 . 5 ] interval , instead of [ 0 , pi ] , as the following figure shows :\nmatlab will use regularly spaced ticks , so if the plot limits are not defined it will end in one of the regularly spaced tick . use xlim ( [ 0 pi ] ) to limit the x axis to end in pi .\nt = linspace ( 0 , pi , 100 ) ; plot ( t , cos ( t ) ) % % change xaxis limits xlim ( [ 0 pi ] ) % % set current plot axis ( gca ) xtick and xticklabel to manually input data set ( gca , ' xtick ' , [ 0 , 0 . 25 * pi , . 5 * pi , 0 . 75 * pi , pi ] ) ; set ( gca , ' xticklabel ' , { ' 0 ' , ' \\ pi / 4 ' , ' \\ pi / 2 ' , ' 3 \\ pi / 4 ' , ' \\ pi ' } ) ; % % see matlab 2015 version help\nnot the answer you ' re looking for ? browse other questions tagged matlab plot matlab - figure or ask your own question .\ni emailed the professor a research idea , he responded :\njust go ahead\n. is this an ok ?\n11 . 36 hectares / 0 . 1136 square kilometers ( km 2 ) / 28 . 071171334671 acres\nthe reference taken to publish these data is of year 2009 . the source of data is census of india .\nor any sub domain data or content providers shall not be liable for any expense , loss or damage including , without limitation , indirect or consequential loss or damage , or any expense , loss or damage whatsoever arising from use , or loss of use , of data , arising out of or in connection with the use of this website .\n. all rights reserved . map data is based on google maps , google inc . , united states of america ( usa ) . all survey data is based on office of the registrar general & census commissioner , ministry of home affairs , government of india , 2015 ( censusindia . gov . in ) . open government data platform india . published under national data sharing and accessibility policy ( ndsap ) .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\na young man leaves his village to the city with his father seeking medical help for an ailment . in the city , they stay with his brother who is embroiled in a corruption scam involving a con .\ndecember 24 , 2014 c / c + + development and debugging . no comments c style cast , c + + , cast , const _ cast , dynamic _ cast , reinterpret _ cast , static _ cast\ni happen to maintain the db2 coding standards , which are mostly concerned with portability , and not style . i\u2019ve joked that i was given that job since i had \u201cbroken the build\u201d more than anybody else , so was most qualified to let others know how not to do so .\nin our coding standards we have a prohibition against the use of exceptions . this is a historical restriction because we\u2019ve built with compilation flags like - qnoeh ( no exception handling ) on some platforms to get a bit of additional performance . these days the compilers do much better at not degrading performance when exception handling is allowed and not used , but since our performance folks will sell their kids for a 1 % improvement , we\u2019ve kept using flags like this and the associated restriction . components that must ( or want ) to use exception handling must \u201cfirewall\u201d any exceptions , not letting them get thrown to external code ( and also explicitly enable exceptions for their code ) .\nwe had a note in the coding standards not to use rtti ( run time type identification ) , because exceptions are required . that was a confusing and incomplete statement to include in our standards . it was interpreted by one developer as meaning that none of :\nwere allowed . however , only the dynamic _ cast is a rtti operation , and only the dynamic _ cast will throw an exception when the cast doesn\u2019t match the underlying type .\ni\u2019ve now fixed up our coding standards . it now references dynamic _ cast instead of rtti .\nthe db2 code is still very c\u2019ish , compiled with a c + + compiler . i\u2019d say the bulk of the casts in our code are old style c casts , and that most of our developers ( including myself ) don\u2019t even know when to use the \u201cnew\u201d cast operations . here\u2019s some thoughts on these :\ni\u2019ve seen a fair amount of const _ cast use in our code , and i know personally how this can be very useful . an example :\nvolatile int x ; void foo ( int * y ) ; foo ( const _ cast < short * > ( & x ) ) ; / / compilation error foo ( const _ cast < int * > ( & x ) ) ; / / allowed . just strips the volatile ( or const ) off the pointer type .\na second nice use of const _ cast < > ( ) is to enforce type checking in macros . if the macro parameter is supposed to be a pointer to type t , you can enforce that by using a const _ cast < t * > . this assumes that you don\u2019t actually care about the const - ness of the pointer , and will force a compile error if the macro is used with any other type .\nin general i don\u2019t think it\u2019s a bad idea to use the new cast operators , since they represent a hierarchy of weaker than c style casts . you can also search for cast operations by name in a given file if they are used , which is much harder to do with a c style cast .\ni\u2019m not sure how much use of static _ cast < > and reinterpret _ cast < > we have in the code .\ndeclaring my own stupidity , without looking them up , i didn\u2019t personally know how to use the \u201cnew style\u201d static _ cast and reinterpret _ cast operations correctly . i use a c cast by habit unless i\u2019m trying to strip const or volatile attributes ( or enforce a type in a macro ) .\nif db2 coders start using these , it will likely confuse old guys like me for a while , but i figure i can learn about these .\nif that doesn\u2019t work or is not allowed you can use : a c style cast .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\n* setting channel preference will take you directly to the respective channel when you come in next time .\nsupported browsers : internet explorer : version 7 . 0 and above , chrome , firefox and safari . best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and above .\nthis browser doesn ' t support spotify web player . switch browsers or download spotify for your desktop .\nlisten to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the premium trial .\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\nsubscribe to google play music and listen to this album and millions of other songs . first month free .\nthe film has been directed by azhagamperumal and has in the cast srikanth , meera jasmine , murali and vivek . vidya sagar brings edgy and upfront songs for the film .\nour website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors . please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker . close [ 5 ]"]} {"id": 114570, "summary": [{"text": "bugsy malone is a 1976 american-british musical gangster comedy film , directed by alan parker and featuring only child actors .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "set in new york city , the film is loosely based on events in new york and chicago from the early 1920s to 1931 during prohibition , specifically the exploits of real-life gangsters like al capone and bugs moran , as dramatized in cinema .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "parker lightened the subject matter considerably for the children 's market ; in the u.s. the film received a g rating .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "the film was parker 's feature-length directorial debut , introduced actor scott baio , and featured a 13-year old jodie foster . ", "topic": 1}], "title": "bugsy malone", "paragraphs": ["the classic gangster story of bugsy malone told with an all - child cast .\nhamilton district youth theatre ' s production of bugsy malone at hamilton town house .\npaul williams \u2013 bugsy malone soundtrack urltoken ; david chamberlayne . retrieved 3 june 2010 .\nbugsy malone was nominated for afi ' s top 10 gangster films list . [ 11 ]\nbugsy malone jr . is presented through special arrangement with music theatre international ( mti ) .\nscott baio as bugsy malone , an italian - irish ex - boxer / boxing scout .\n\nafter they were famous\n, bugsy malone . ( 2003 )\non imdb\nbugsy malone : show history\n, mtishows . com , accessed july 16 , 2016\na young catherine zeta - jones appeared as tallulah in the west end production of bugsy malone .\nwhat can i say bugsy malone the iconic film . very funny and enjoyable film for all ages\n\u2018bugsy malone\u2019 , the movie musical beloved by drama teachers , was released in 1976 to positive reviews .\nyear 5 were fantastic in the bugsy malone production at macclesfield academy this week . what a show !\nthe cult film bugsy malone comes to life in a tongue \u00adin \u00adcheek tribute to the roaring 20s .\nit ' s the weapon of choice for the gangsters in a new stage adaptation of bugsy malone .\na major revival of the stage musical bugsy malone in london presented by the national youth music theatre .\nbugsy malone reopened the lyric in april 2015 following a major redevelopment and the creation of the reuben foundation wing . it was the uk ' s first professional stage production of bugsy malone in over a decade .\nbugsy malone & jr . - costume rental - call 973 - 747 - 7517 for a free quote !\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing bugsy malone near you .\ntampa bay lightning player ryan malone ' s locker room nickname is bugsy , a homage to this film .\n, entitled ' wanna be ' references the bugsy malone track ' so you wanna be a boxer ' .\ntampa bay lightning player ryan malone ' s locker room nickname is bugsy , a homage to this film .\ntheatre designer jon bausor explains the pitfalls of working on a stage adaptation of the 1976 film bugsy malone .\nlike all the shows performed by hamilton district youth theatre , bugsy malone was performed in hamilton town house .\nfull casting has been announced for alan parker ' s musical bugsy malone which returns to the lyric hammersmith in june .\nforth children\u2019s theatre has put out an open casting call for its spring 2017 production of the musical , bugsy malone .\n1976 was a breakthrough year for jodie foster with five films including \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 , \u2018taxi driver\u2019 and \u2018freaky friday\u2019 being released . she was nominated for a best supporting actress oscar that year for \u2018taxi driver\u2019 and landed two baftas for \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 .\ninstead of bullets , the gun - toting gangsters in bugsy malone wield\nsplurge guns\nthat shoot custard pie foam .\nthese 7 bugsy malone actors have been famous since they were kids but look how much they ' ve changed . . .\nalan parker went on to write the book for a stage adaptation of bugsy malone , using paul williams ' s music .\nbugsy malone previews from june 11 , with press night on june 24 . for more information and to book tickets , visit urltoken\nbugsy malone by alan parker , republished by harpercollins as part of the essential modern classics list , is available at \u00a35 . 99\nbugsy malone has a reputation for delivering a triple treat , with singing , acting and dancing combining to equal a great family show .\n\u2018i threw the script at him and walked out\u2019 \u2026 john cassisi , jodie foster and scott baio in bugsy malone . photograph : allstar / tristar\nshenton , mark .\nbugsy malone , review of lyric hammersmith ' s olivier nominated revival\n, londontheatre . co , june 27 , 2016\nthe leads were played by nairn archer as bugsy malone , grace robertson as blousy , jacob duffy as fat sam and jaya diarra as tallulah .\nbugsy malone was his first major role ; he appeared in happy days for seven years and had a starring role in the sitcom charles in charge .\nwhen the original production of bugsy malone was done in london , the producers auditioned over 13 , 000 children between the ages of nine and sixteen .\nsb : no , i\u2019d done commercials . that would\u2019ve been my first on - camera work . but bugsy malone would\u2019ve been my first meaningful role .\nbugsy malone in london at the queen ' s theatre previewed from 15 november 1997 , opened on 19 november 1997 and closed on 17 january 1998 .\nbugsy malone in london at her majesty ' s theatre previewed from 16 may 1983 , opened on 26 may 1983 and closed on 11 february 1984 .\nthe director of the original production of bugsy malone in london was michael dolenz , better known as mickey on the television show ,\nthe monkees .\nkelly , matthew ( 2003 - 12 - 31 ) .\nbugsy malone\n. after they were famous . season 3 . series 18 . itv .\nbut , the legacy funeral director got to hang with some recently as aquinas college students prepared for an upcoming show - the gangster musical , bugsy malone .\nharpercollins children ' s books has bought world rights to the original bugsy malone book , which was later adapted into the much loved musical . . . .\nthe british academy of film and television arts ( bafta ) is pleased to announce that it will be honouring the 40th birthday of the multi - bafta - winning film bugsy malone through a public exhibition and events programme this summer at its central london headquarters , bafta 195 piccadilly , entitled \u201840 years of bugsy malone\u2019 .\nbugsy malone is a master class in musical comedy . the libretto tosses the reader into uproarious laughter without even being staged . imagine how delightful it is when it ' s brought to life ! not to mention , bugsy malone is a fantastic choice for school groups and programs with a large talent pool of young performers .\nas the custard pies fly , bugsy malone , an all - round nice guy , falls for blousey brown , a singer at fat sam\u2019s speakeasy . his designs on her are disrupted by the seductive songstress tallulah who wants bugsy for herself .\nback by public demand ! a major revival of alan parker\u0092s musical bugsy malone in london for a strictly limited season . it ' s the messiest show in town !\nsir alan parker , director of bugsy malone , said : \u201ci\u2019m always astounded at the \u2018legs\u2019 of bugsy malone . hard to think that what started out as a story that i made up for my children on long car journeys has lasted this long , so i\u2019m extra grateful to bafta for celebrating the 40th anniversary of its release . \u201d\nbugsy malone ( 1976 ) , directed by alan parker . starring scott baio , florrie dugger , jodie foster , john cassisi and martin lev . running time : 93 minutes .\ncasting has been announced for the lyric hammersmith ' s upcoming revival of bugsy malone , which marks the first production on its main stage since a multi - million pound redevelopment .\nstream bugsy malone by paul williams and 40 million songs on all your devices with amazon music unlimited . exclusively for prime members . new subscribers only . terms and conditions apply .\nten thousand auditions , 100 gallons of artificial cream , the invention of the splurge gun \u2026 the writer - director fondly recalls making the classic children\u2019s gangster movie ' bugsy malone\u2019 .\na mobster named roxy robinson is\nsplurged\nby members of a gang , using rapid - fire custard - shooting\nsplurge guns .\nonce splurged , a kid is\nall washed up\n-\nfinished .\nspeakeasy boss fat sam introduces himself and bugsy malone , a boxing promoter with no money (\nbugsy malone\n) .\na mobster named roxy robinson is\nsplurged\nby members of a gang , using rapid - fire cream - shooting\nsplurge guns\n. once splurged , a kid is\nall washed up . . . finished\n. speakeasy boss fat sam introduces himself and bugsy malone , a boxing promoter with no money (\nbugsy malone\n) .\nhumour , talent , entertainment and splurge guns . these were all on show at hamilton district youth theatre \u2019s stage adaptation of alan parker\u2019s 1976 film bugsy malone writes callum robertson .\nbugsy malone is set in prohibition - era new york with rival gangsters fat sam and dandy dan at logger heads . as custard pies fly and dan ' s destructive ' splurge guns ' wreak havoc , bugsy malone , a penniless ex - boxer and all - round nice guy , falls for blousey brown , an aspiring singer . will bugsy be able to resist seductive songstress tallulah , fat sam ' s moll and bugsy ' s old flame , and stay out of trouble while helping fat sam to defend his business ?\nbugsy malone auditions trinity adademicals rugy club , 30 craighall gardens , eh6 4rw sunday 18 december 2016 , 10am - 6pm . email benking927 @ urltoken to confirm attendance and for further details .\neasily the biggest star to have come from bugsy malone , jodie had already been in the business since she was three years old . the same year as bugsy , jodie was nominated for an oscar for her performance as a teenage prostitute in martin scorsese ' s taxi driver .\nwith well - known songs such as \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 , \u2018fat sam\u2019s grand slam\u2019 and \u2018bad guys\u2019 plus exciting dance routines , this is a massively popular show for audiences of all ages to enjoy .\nthe lyric ' s critically acclaimed , bugsey malone returns to the lyric for a 12 week run .\nin 2003 , bugsy malone was voted # 19 on a list of the 100 greatest musicals , as chosen by viewers of channel 4 in the uk , placing it higher than the phantom of the opera , cats , and the king and i . [ 12 ] bugsy malone ranks 353rd on empire magazine ' s 2008 list of the 500 greatest movies of all time . [ 13 ]\nin 2003 , bugsy malone was voted # 19 on a list of the 100 greatest musicals , as chosen by viewers of channel 4 in the uk , placing it higher than the phantom of the opera , cats , and the king and i . [ 16 ] bugsy malone ranks 353rd on empire magazine ' s 2008 list of the 500 greatest movies of all time . [ 17 ]\nas custard pies fly and dan ' s destructive splurge guns wreak havoc , bugsy malone , a penniless ex - boxer and all round nice guy , falls for blousey brown , an aspiring singer .\nbugsy malone jr . includes an ensemble that may be expanded by adding members to dandy dan\u2019s and fat sam\u2019s gangs . the grand slam girls can also be expanded to incorporate more singing and dancing roles !\ndirector alan parker once said of the production of this movie :\nif i ' d have gone sick on bugsy malone ( 1976 ) i swear she [ jodie foster ] could have taken over\n.\nit\u2019s been almost 40 years since sir alan parker released bugsy malone in 1976 . since then the relatively unknown child cast have either gone on to become stars while others fell back into a life of normality .\nsean holmes ' s production of bugsy malone , a stage adaptation of sir alan parker ' s 1976 debut film of the same name , is to return for a 12 - week summer season in 2016 .\noverall , bugsy malone was another resounding success from hamilton district youth theatre and fans will forward to their next show in october , when the older members of the company feature in a production of legally blonde .\ncoming for the game snapchat : bugzy _ malone bookings / enquiries email : ( bugzymaloneteam @ gmail . com )\nbugsy malone was alan parker ' s first feature film . parker was trying to find a film that his children would enjoy , and his eldest son suggested one featuring a cast of only children . [ 3 ]\nbugsy malone has been adapted into a stage show in two forms . [ 14 ] [ 15 ] a tv documentary called bugsy malone : after they were famous features a reunion and interviews with jodie foster , scott baio , john cassisi and florrie dugger . the british actors who played fat sam ' s gang are also reunited at pinewood studios . it was aired in december 2004 on itv in the uk . [ 16 ]\neverybody sing theatre company ' s first production will be bugsy malone . the all - singing , all - dancing action musical set in prohibition era new york sees rival gansters fat sam and dandy dan at loggerheads .\nbugsy returns to fat sam ' s to arrange a new audition for blousey . fat sam ' s girlfriend , the chanteuse tallulah , makes a pass at him . although bugsy rejects her flirtation , tallulah plants a big kiss on bugsy ' s forehead when blousey enters ; blousey is jealous . fat sam hires blousey after her audition , but she refuses to speak to bugsy (\ni ' m feelin ' fine\n) .\nfat sam hires bugsy to accompany him to a meeting with dandy dan . the meeting is a trap , but bugsy helps fat sam escape . gratefully , fat sam pays him $ 200 . bugsy and blousey reconcile and have a romantic outing on a lake ; bugsy promises to take her to hollywood . when he returns sam ' s car to the garage , he is attacked and his money is stolen . bugsy is saved by leroy smith , who assaults the attackers and drives them away . bugsy realizes that leroy has the potential to be a great boxer . bugsy introduces leroy to cagey joe and helps him train (\nso you wanna be a boxer ?\n) . fat sam again seeks bugsy ' s aid after his assistant knuckles is unintentionally killed . bugsy resists , but fat sam offers $ 400 , enough money to keep his promise to blousey . blousey is disappointed when she learns that bugsy hasn ' t bought the tickets to california yet (\nordinary fool\n) . bugsy and leroy follow dandy dan ' s men to a warehouse , where the guns are being stashed . the two of them can ' t take the place alone , so bugsy recruits a large group of down - and - out workers at a soup kitchen (\ndown and out\n) .\nit ' s been a whopping 42 years since alan parker ' s bugsy malone first hit the screens , and it continues to have a life in theatres around the world . but what happened to its young cast since then ?\nthe american actress made her one and only film appearance in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 . she was living in the uk on a us air force base when \u2018bugsy\u2019 was casting and was originally due to play a very minor role . that all changed when the starlet set to play blousey had a sudden growth spurt and dugger found her self taking centre stage .\na smartly made musical set at the time of absolute depression . all the cast are children and bugsy malone is one of the few films in which child actors i believe should win or at least be nominated for great acting achievment awards .\nbased on the hit 1976 film , starring a pre - teen scott baio and jodi foster , and featuring a catchy , swinging score by the composer of the muppet movie , bugsy malone jr . is good , clean , comedic fun !\nif you would like to buy tickets to a year with frog and toad ( kids ) , bugsy malone jr . , or beautiful star : an appalachian nativity please call us at 828 - 682 - 4285 or send us an email at\nbugsy malone was the musical we all wanted to be in at school . it was made for kids , starred kids , had an awesome soundtrack and made us all wish we could have pie - fights while pedalling 1930s cars about the place .\nit appears albin fell off the face of the earth since appearing in bugsy malone as tapdancing cleaner fizzy , but we ' ll always love his song ' tomorrow ' . we just don ' t know what happened to him after the movie .\nflorence , 52 decided against becoming an actress after her debut in bugsy malone at the age of 13 saying , \u2018i enjoyed the acting , and the camaraderie and the joy of memorising roles . but i didn\u2019t want to do it professionally . \u2019\nthe london - born actor turned professional aged just 14 and made his film debut in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 as copper o\u2019dreary the same year . he later appeared in the controversial borstal film \u2018scum\u2019 , and spent most of his youth touring with the rsc .\nbugsy malone in london at the lyric theatre hammersmith previewed from 11 april 2015 , opened on 28 april 2015 and closed on 5 september 2015 - returned : previewed from 11 june 2016 , opened 24 june 2016 and closed on 4 september 2016 .\nfat sam hires bugsy to come along to a meeting with dandy dan . this meeting turns out to be a trap , but bugsy helps fat sam escape . gratefully , fat sam pays him $ 200 . bugsy and blousey reconcile , and have a lunch and a romantic outing on a lake . back in the city , bugsy promises to buy tickets for them to leave for hollywood . however , when he returns sam ' s car to the garage , he is attacked , and his money stolen . bugsy is saved by leroy , who punches the attackers ; seeing this , bugsy realizes he has found a potentially great boxer and helps him begin training . fat sam once again enlists bugsy ' s aid after his assistant knuckles gets splurged by a splurge gun which fat sam invented . bugsy breaks up the idea with blousey to leave for hollywood and helps fat sam . bugsy and leroy follow dandy dan ' s men to a warehouse , where they discover the guns are being stashed . the two of them can ' t take the place alone , so bugsy enlists the aid of a large group of down - and - out workers at a soup kitchen .\nbugsy malone is set in chicago in the 1920\u2019s and concerns the battle for criminal supremacy of rival gangs led by fat sam and dandy dan . into the mix steps aspiring boxing promoter bugsy malone , who becomes involved with aspiring night club singer blousey brown and agrees to help fat sam turn the tables on his rival . the \u2018weapons\u2019 in this story are of course , splurge guns and in the finale just about everyone gets \u2018splurged\u2019 before getting up and realising they can all be friends after all .\nbefore mark curry landed the role of the theatre producer in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 he had been a regular child performer on the pantomime scene . coincidentally , he appeared in the 1972 tv panto \u2018babes in the wood\u2019 alongside fellow \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 alumni bonnie langford in 1972 . after his movie debut he moved into television presenting famously co - hosting \u2018blue peter\u2019 from 1986 - 89 . since then , curry has appeared in numerous west end plays , and hosted a radio show \u2018curry for breakfast\u2019 on talk radio europe .\npaul williams wrote all the music for this film , and sang many of bugsy ' s lines for scott baio .\nat the club , tallulah is putting the moves on bugsy as fat sam and knuckles arrive to audition blousey , who walks in just as tallulah plants a big smooch right on bugsy (\ni ' m feeling fine\n) . blousey books the gig and fat sam offers bugsy $ 200 to drive him to his meeting with dandy dan . back at the girls ' dressing room , bugsy tries to reconcile with a very angry blousey , but blousey is unconvinced .\nbritish actor dexter fletcher\u2019s first film part came in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 . he played the youthful ( even for a film filled with tots ) robber baby face who helps bugsy to steal splurge guns for fat sam . fletcher went on to become an accomplished child star with roles in \u2018the long good friday\u2019 and \u2018the elephant man\u2019 before graduating into teen roles like \u2018press gang\u2019 on itv .\nfull description : this photograph features alan parker , the writer / director of the 1970s movie ' bugsy malone ' , with child stars jodie foster and scott baio . the bar scenes in the film were filmed in the huntley & palmers factory at reading .\nthe bugsy malone cast of 63 will take to the baycourt stage this month , with support from legacy trust . legacy trust has a history of supporting western bay of plenty secondary school productions , and has gifted $ 8 , 000 towards the aquinas production .\nset in prohibition era new york , it portrays rival gangsters fat sam and dandy dan at logger heads . as custard pies fly and dan ' s destructive ' splurge guns ' wreak havoc , bugsy malone , a penniless ex - boxer and all round nice guy , falls for blousey brown , an aspiring singer . will bugsy be able to resist seductive songstress tallulah , fat sam ' s moll and bugsy ' s old flame , and stay out of trouble while helping fat sam to defend his business ?\nyou will be treated to such classic hits including , we could have been anything that we wanted to be , my name is tallulah , fat sam ' s grand slam , so you wanna be a boxer and of course the unforgettable title track bugsy malone .\nyarm lower school production of the musical bugsy malone . directed by claire cornielje . musical director katie staggs may 2013 song selection 3 : 22 bugsy malone 7 : 32 fat sam ' s grand slam 24 : 51 tomorrow 40 : 36 bad guys ' song 52 : 22 i ' m feeling fine 59 : 12 my name is talulah 1 : 15 : 05 so you wanna be a boxer 1 : 23 : 24 ordinary fool 1 : 29 : 18 down and out 1 : 37 : 47 you give a little love\nfat sam hires bugsy to come along to a meeting with dandy dan . this meeting turns out to be a trap , but bugsy helps fat sam escape . gratefully , fat sam pays him $ 200 . bugsy and blousey reconcile and have a lunch and a romantic outing on a lake . back in the city , bugsy promises to buy tickets for them to leave for hollywood . however , when he returns sam ' s car to the garage , he is attacked and his money stolen . bugsy is saved by leroy smith , who punches the attackers : seeing this , bugsy realizes he has found a potentially great boxer . bugsy introduces leroy to cagey joe and helps him begin training (\nso you wanna be a boxer ?\n) . fat sam once again enlists bugsy ' s aid after his assistant knuckles is unintentionally killed . bugsy declines , but when fat sam pays him $ 400 he sees another chance to fulfill his promise to blousey , so he agrees to help fat sam . however , when blousey finds out that bugsy hasn ' t yet bought the tickets , she is left in a state of disappointment (\nordinary fool\n) . bugsy and leroy follow dandy dan ' s men to a warehouse , where they discover the guns are being stashed . the two of them can ' t take the place alone , so bugsy enlists the aid of a large group of down - and - out workers at a soup kitchen (\ndown and out\n) .\nalthough it performed well in england and japan , paramount only gave\nbugsy malone\na limited release in us theaters , usually dumping it onto second - feature screens partnered with a late - ' 76 re - release of the bad news bears ( 1976 ) .\nthe thought occurs to me while i\u2019m driving to cranford , new jersey , to see the theatre project jr . \u2019s production of bugsy malone , jr . this was minutes after i\u2019d finished watching alan parker\u2019s 1976 film , a spoof of prohibition - era . . .\nbonnie langford won the uk talent show \u2018opportunity knocks\u2019 at the tender age of 6 in 1970 and made her film debut as the squeaky singer lena marelli in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 . she went on to appear in \u2018just william\u2019 and a prime - time kids show \u2018junior showtime\u2019 .\nsean holmes , who directs the production , commented :\nit is with great excitement and delight that we welcome the smash - hit success bugsy malone back to the lyric . we look forward to reigniting the joyful connection between the audience and our extraordinary 2016 cast .\nsean holmes , lyric hammersmith artistic director , said :\nit is with great excitement and delight that we welcome the smash - hit success bugsy malone back to the lyric . we look forward to reigniting the joyful connection between the audience and our extraordinary 2016 cast .\ntwo gangs : fat sam ' s stacheto and dandy dan are rivals . bugsy malone goes to fat sam ' s bar where he meets wannabe movie star blousey brown . the bar is raided and fat sam states that it means war . meanwhile , dandy dan is using the new splurge gun to destroy his enemies . bugsy falls for blousey but fat sam ' s girlfriend , tallulah wants him for herself . bugsy is asked to do a job by fat sam but it all ends up a mess because fat sam had hired louey begonzey who dies . bugsy treats blousey and says he ' ll get her tickets to hollywood but someone steals his newly earned money . his rescuer is made a boxer by bugsy . blousey is upset about the tickets and begins to think about what happened .\njodie foster as tallulah , fat sam ' s gun moll , the speakeasy ' s star chanteuse and bugsy ' s old flame .\nthe birthday celebration reflects the way in which the history and success of bugsy malone has been recognised by bafta , with the film winning multiple awards , becoming a cult british classic and its director and producer alan parker and david puttnam going on to take up major roles at bafta .\nbugsy returns sam ' s car to the garage and is attacked and robbed . he is saved by leroy , who bugsy realises could be a great boxer . he takes him to the gym and trains him to be a fighter . dan ' s men continue to wreck sam ' s business , so he sends tallulah to get bugsy . he pays him $ 400 to help him get rid of dan . when bugsy phones to tell blousey that they will have to delay their trip to hollywood , she gets angry with him and hangs up . bugsy and leroy follow dan ' s men and find where the splurge guns are being held . the place is heavily guarded however , so bugsy hires men from a local soup kitchen . they trap the guards in a warehouse and take the guns to sam .\nliverpool - born martin started acting aged 16 in the nbc tv movie \u2018the day after tomorrow\u2019 . he then landed the part of the dapper dandy dan in \u2018bugsy malone\u2019 and he puts in one of the film\u2019s more memorable performances as fat sam\u2019s rival , thanks to his drawn on mustache .\nbugsy malone has been adapted into a stage show in two forms . [ 18 ] [ 19 ] a 2003 television documentary called bugsy malone : after they were famous features a reunion and interviews with jodie foster , scott baio , john cassisi and florrie dugger . the british actors who played fat sam ' s gang are also reunited at pinewood studios . [ 20 ] the documentary reported that dugger , who ( unlike her co - stars ) had never acted again , had chosen to pursue a career in the united states air force medical service . [ 21 ] [ 7 ]\nin the next scene , fat sam and dandy dan confront each other . but just as fat sam reveals his secret weapon , looney bergonzi , dan ' s gang emerges from the trees and\nsplurge\nhim . bugsy grabs fat sam and they escape . grateful , fat sam gives him an extra $ 100 for being quick on his feet and tells him to get a new suit (\nbugsy malone\nreprise ) .\n\u201840 years of bugsy malone\u2019 promises to be fun for all the family \u2013 for the young and the young at heart . it is a chance to remember and relive the gloriously catchy songs and irrepressible humour of this bafta - nominated film , within the famous walls of another great british institution .\nbugsy malone is a fast , furious show about the warring crime bosses , fat sam and dandy dan , vying for control of the city . against this backdrop , the action centres around bugsy and his relationship with blousey brown , the girl who wants to be a star in fat sam\u2019s grand slam , the speakeasy that\u2019s your \u2018home from home . \u2019 with its cast of colourful characters and fantastic songs , not to mention the copious amounts of custard pies and splurge guns , bugsy has become part of theatrical and cinematic folklore . last performed by dunhurst over twenty years ago .\nprepare to be dazzled by new wimbledon theatre\u2019s unique production of alan parker\u2019s smash - hit musical , bugsy malone . with a cast of over forty of the borough\u2019s brightest young performers and direction from kate mcgregor , artistic director of award - winning theatre6 , this is bugsy malone as you\u2019ve never seen it before . set in prohibition new york , bugsy malone tells the story of rival gang leaders fat sam and dandy dan in their fight for turf . dandy dan and her top - of - the - range splurge guns are winning the war , and a desperate fat sam calls on smooth - talking , ex - boxer bugsy for help . as the custard pies start flying , relationships are tested , sisterhoods severed and allegiances questioned . a show for all the family , this much loved hit promises to be a blast and should not be missed ! to find out more about creative learning ; acting , musical theatre and behind the scenes workshops and how you can star in our next production , contact jessicawilliams @ theambassadors . com .\na gangster movie where all the gangsters are played by children . instead of real bullets they use\nsplurge guns\nthat cover the victim in cream . the story tells of the rise of\nbugsy malone\nand the battle for power between\nfat sam\nand\ndandy dan\n.\nbugsy malone is the hero of our story . cast a handsome young man who can sing and act . this role is equal parts jimmy stewart , james bond and gene kelly . bugsy alternates as the narrator and the star of the show . a young performer comfortable in front of an audience , who radiates a sense of charm and sincerity as well as a street - wise sensibility , will take your show a long way towards success .\nalan parker went on to write the book for a stage adaptation of bugsy malone , using paul williams ' s music . music theatre international currently holds the licensing and performance rights for both the regular production and a\njunior\nversion of the show meant for children . [ 14 ] [ 15 ]\nin the 2009 comedy in the loop , judy molloy ( gina mckee ) remarks , after seeing that most of the top positions in d . c . are staffed by young college graduates ,\nthey ' re all kids in washington . it ' s like bugsy malone , but with real guns .\nin the 2009 comedy in the loop , judy molloy ( gina mckee ) remarks , after seeing that most of the top positions in d . c . are staffed by young college graduates ,\nthey ' re all kids in washington . it ' s like bugsy malone , but with real guns .\nbugsy malone was alan parker ' s first feature film . parker was trying to find a film project that was not\nparochial\nand decided upon an american gangster setting :\ni had four young children and we used to go to a cottage in derbyshire at weekends . on the long , boring car journey up there , i started telling them the story of a gangster called bugsy malone . they\u2019d ask me questions and i\u2019d make up answers , based on my memories of watching old movie reruns as a kid .\nhis eldest son suggested children should be cast as the\nheroes\n. [ 6 ]\nto launch the anniversary celebrations , bafta will host a special screening of the film featuring a q & a that reunites four of the extraordinary talents involved in bugsy malone \u2013 director alan parker , producer david puttnam and actors dexter fletcher , bonnie langford and donal waugh . the event takes places on wednesday 29 june .\ncreated in the shadow and influence of such hardened criminals such as al capone and set in the prohibition era . bugsy malone is a unique style of musical , where all the grown up characters are played by children . one of the highlights of scott baio ' s career ( and let ' s face it , he was a cuit kit and suited the role well ) but who would have known at this stage what a huge star jodie foster would turn out to be . filled with memorable songs and the quirkiest cars ever ( i still want one of these ) bugsy malone is a film i never get tired of watching .\nbugsy malone is based on the 1976 alan parker film of the same name . parker ' s movie is a tongue - in - cheek tribute to the gangster films of the 1920s . parker had the idea for a gangster film that starred an all - child cast in 1973 , but his idea was met with very little enthusiasm . eventually , he was able to raise enough money to develop the project . he commissioned the legendary paul williams to compose the score and they auditioned over 10 , 000 children . the film starred scott baio as bugsy and jodie foster as tallulah . in an era when movie musicals were considered a thing of the past , bugsy malone was a surprise hit . following the film ' s success , parker was deluged with requests to develop a stage version .\nhalfway through\nbugsy malone ,\ni started wondering how anyone ever came up with this idea for a movie . alan parker , who wrote and directed it , claims his inspiration came while he was watching\nthe godfather .\ni dunno , i think the movie has more insights into kids than into gangsters .\nwith bugsy ' s help , fat sam escapes from a frame up but he learns later that dandy dan ' s mob have splurged nearly all his gang . they ' ve also destroyed his sarsparilla and grocery rackets the whole empire ' s gone ! there ' s only one hope left . fat sam pays bugsy 400 dollars in exchange for more help . bugsy , who has promised to take blousey to hollywood , has to break his date with her .\nat first the notion seems alarming : a gangster movie cast entirely with kids . especially when we learn that\nbugsy malone\nisn ' t intended as a kid ' s movie so much as a cheerful comment on the childlike values and behavior in classic hollywood crime films . what are kids doing in something like this ?\nholmes directs the production , which features choreography from recent olivier award winner drew mconie , designs from jon bausor , musical direction from phil bateman , lighting by james farncombe , sound by ben harrison , fight direction by kate waters , and orchestrations by phil bateman . bugsy malone originated as a 1976 film by sir alan parker .\nhere ' s the basic\nshtick\nof bugsy malone : it ' s a gangster picture enacted by children . acted out before scaled - down sets , the film details the career of bugsy malone ( scott baio ) , who rises to the top of the criminal ladder in 1920s new york . whenever gunfire is called for , the kiddie crooks substitute whipped cream for bullets . paul williams contributes several songs , which are performed by adult singers and lip - synched by the pint - sized actors . the cast includes john cassisi as diminutive capone clone fat sam , and then - 13 - year - old jodie foster as the sultry nightclub thrush tallulah .\nmr graham says students have been rehearsing for three months and are ready to bring bugsy to life . they will deliver five shows from may 11 to 13 .\ni had four young children and we used to go to a cottage in derbyshire at weekends . on the long , boring car journey up there , i started telling them the story of a gangster called bugsy malone . they\u2019d ask me questions and i\u2019d make up answers , based on my memories of watching old movie reruns as a kid .\nalan parker ' s musical spoof of gangster films features an all - child cast with guns that fire cream . when gang warfare erupts between fat sam and dandy dan , hustler bugsy malone ( scott baio ) , singer tallulah ( jodie foster ) and newly arrived showgirl blousey brown ( florrie dugger ) find themselves caught up in the middle of it .\nbugsy malone is based on the cult 1970\u2019s film that featured scott baio ( that\u2019s right\u2026 cha - chi , charles , reality tv ) and jody foster in a world of hoodlums , thugs , and heavys who sort out their differences by \u201csplurging\u201d their rivals with guns shooting whipped cream . it is funny , witty , charming , and about to go on the road . that\u2019s right - bugsy malone will be included in the 2012 national junior theatre festival , which is held in atlanta , georgia in january of 2012 . you can support the participating parkway playhouse jr . students who are performing in this musical by coming to our december 15 performance at mountain heritage hs . then it is off to atlanta .\nbugsy offers to take blousey home , even though he has no money for a cab . they stop at a caf\u0103\u00a9 , where he tells her that he makes his living by finding potential boxers . when it ' s time to pay the bill , bugsy traps the waitress in a phone booth and makes a quick exit with blousey .\nbefore bugsy malone was a film , it first was just a story . in 1974 i had four small children and to keep them occupied on long ( and mostly boring ) car journeys , i would invent a story for them . it was a world of gangsters and showgirls and set in new york city , a long way from where we lived .\nwe welcomed director alan parker to bfi southbank to celebrate the 35th anniversary of his much loved film , bugsy malone . parker describes the genesis of this ' musical gangster film ' , and is joined on stage by cast members paul murphy and dexter fletcher , who reminisce about making the film aged ten and twelve respectively . for more bfi event videos visit urltoken\nin a press statement , sean holmes , who is also the theatre ' s artistic director , commented ,\ni ' m so pleased that bugsy malone is returning to the lyric . i ' m delighted our audience will get a further opportunity to relish alan parker\u2019s inspired creation and to be transported by the talent and energy of our young cast .\nnew york 1929 : war rages between two rival gangsters , fat sam and dandy dan . dan is in possession of a new weapon , the dreaded ' splurge gun ' . as the custard pies fly , bugsy malone ( happy days ' scott baio ) , an all - round nice guy , falls for blousy brown ( florrie dugger ) , a singer at fat sam ' s speakeasy . his designs on her are disrupted by the seductive songstress tallulah ( double academy award winner jodie foster ) who wants bugsy for herself .\nafter the song\ntomorrow\nbugsy and blousey are in the caf\u00e9 . blousey has a drink and it has two straws and one spoon . the spoon keeps disappearing .\nfinally dandy dan prepares for a showdown at fat sam ' s speakeasy . when his mob burst in , bugsy and the guys let ' em have it the works . splurge , custard pies , flour bombs . . . out of the gooey pandemonium it emerges that bugsy and blousey have made it up . peace has broken out at last .\nholmes , who is the lyric ' s artistic director , said :\nafter a long and exhaustive search we are delighted to announce the full cast of bugsy malone . true to the spirit of the lyric the production will deliver everything you would want and expect from a stage version of alan parker ' s seminal film - whilst promising unexpected surprises and delights .\nthe 13th track on british rapper dizzee rascal ' s 2007 album , maths + english , entitled ' wanna be ' references the bugsy malone track ' so you wanna be a boxer ' . [ 19 ] the song\nordinary fool\nhas been performed on recordings by karen carpenter , [ 20 ] ella fitzgerald [ 21 ] and mel torm\u00e9 . [ 22 ]\n( 1929 , gangster warfare in new york ) dandy dan ' s hoodlums terrorise the district , exterminating undesirables with their new weapon splurge guns . his rival is fat sam stacetto , who runs the grand slam speakeasy , but fat sam ' s gang still use old fashioned pies . fat sam engages the help of bugsy malone , a smooth city slicker who hitherto has been more occupied in sweet talking blousey brown , a would be girl singer . with bugsy ' s help , fat sam escapes from a frame up but he learns later that dandy dan ' s mob have splurged nearly all his gang . they ' ve also destroyed his sarsparilla and grocery rackets the whole empire ' s gone ! there ' s only one hope left . fat sam pays bugsy 400 dollars in exchange for more help . bugsy , who has promised to take blousey to hollywood , has to break his date with her . is she mad ! meanwhile bugsy and leroy smith , a guy with an awesome punch , witness a secret delivery of splurge guns at dock 17 . with a bunch of down and outs , they help themselves from the crates . then the police arrive , led by captain smolsky and lieutenant o ' dreary . bugsy and the gang escape through a trapdoor . finally dandy dan prepares for a showdown at fat sam ' s speakeasy . when his mob burst in , bugsy and the guys let ' em have it the works . splurge , custard pies , flour bombs . . . out of the gooey pandemonium it emerges that bugsy and blousey have made it up . peace has broken out at last .\nis she mad ! meanwhile bugsy and leroy smith , a guy with an awesome punch , witness a secret delivery of splurge guns at dock 17 . with a bunch of down and outs , they help themselves from the crates . then the police arrive , led by captain smolsky and lieutenant o ' dreary . bugsy and the gang escape through a trapdoor .\n51 year - old bonnie is known for her dancing as much as she is for her acting ! after bugsy malone , bonnie appeared in the bbc\u2019s doctor who as well as on stage in west end and broadway musicals such as peter pan : the musical , cats , the pirates of penzance and chicago and more recently on tv in the reality competition programme dancing on ice .\nbugsy malone is not every parent ' s cup of tea . a comic book based on a musical about gangsters , the roles performed by children , it has all the makings of inappropriate , but it got a g rating . in our politically correct times , this book might not be acceptable to every parent , but i dislike censoring what kids read , so here goes .\ntwo gangs in a fictitious city populated only by children are in a rivalry of capone - ian standards . dandy dan ' s gang has gotten the upper hand since acquiring the\nsplurge\ngun ( a weapon that shoots whip cream ) . bugsy malone , a one - time boxer , is thrust into the limelight when he becomes the last chance fat sam ' s gang has of surviving . all bugsy really wants to do is spend time with his new love , blousey . . . but that just isn ' t in the cards for our hero .\na spoof 1920s musical set in prohibition new york - in a world of splurge - gun toting gangsters , show - girls and dreamers . join fat sam , who runs one of the most popular speakeasies in town , as he fights to stop his ' business rival ' dandy dan from closing his speakeasy down . enter baby - faced bugsy malone , a killer with the ladies and a definite asset to fat sam . unfortunately , bugsy has also caught the eye of sam ' s girlfriend tallulah - though he ' s set his designs on the showgirl blousey brown .\n\u201cwe could have been anything that we wanted to be , \u201d sang the young cast of the 1976 movie bugsy malone . for some , it was a prophecy of sorts . jodie foster , who played gangster\u2019s moll tallulah , went on to become one of hollywood\u2019s most acclaimed actresses ; several other cast members including scott baio , dexter fletcher and bonnie langford also achieved their share of fame .\nbugsy malone was released in late 1976 to generally positive reviews . on rotten tomatoes , it currently holds a score of 83 % based on 18 reviews , with an average rating of 6 . 6 / 10 . [ 12 ] despite the positive critical reception , bugsy malone was not a commercial success in the us , bringing in just over $ 2 . 7 million . paramount gave it a limited release , usually in second - tier theaters in a double - bill with the bad news bears , which had already been out for six months and was no longer much of a draw . according to parker , the film was\nquite successful\nin the united kingdom . by 1985 , it had earned an estimated profit of \u00a31 , 854 , 000 . [ 3 ]\nas the musical opens , bugsy malone , a one - time boxer who ' s neither completely honest nor crooked , ushers us through his neighborhood where three murders have just occurred (\nbugsy malone\n) . bugsy winds up at the local speakeasy , owned by gangster boss fat sam (\nfat sam ' s grand slam\n) . turns out , one of those murders was that of roxy\nthe weasel\nrobinson \u2013 one of fat sam ' s best men . enraged , fat sam , vows revenge on dandy dan whose henchman carried out the hit . meanwhile , bugsy ' s been chatting up blousy brown , the new girl in town who ' s come to audition for fat sam ' s club ; but fat sam ' s given her the brush off ( as he does to everyone ) and tells her to come back tomorrow . bugsy takes blousey for dinner and she tells him she ' s going to audition for the lena marelli show as well . just as the mood turns romantic , however , dandy dan ' s men raid the club . dan ' s determined to become the fashionable kingpin of the neighborhood , bringing all the other gangs under his control (\nthat ' s why the call him dandy\n) using his newly fashioned weapon of choice \u2013 the splurge\nmark two\ngun .\ni saw the movie myself when i was a kid and i am 36 years old . i loved the movie and at the time i would always wish i had those hard to find legendary\nsplurge guns\nas well as the peddle cars . this is a very good movie for whether or not you have kids . i still watch it and it just reminds me of my youth . if you have watched the super bowl last weekend you also would have noticed that in the coke commercial they took the ending song or last song in the musical of bugsy malone and used it in the coke superbowl commercial . i believe the song was called\nyou give a little love\ni used to want to be bugsy malone and would play gangster wars with my brothers as a kid ."]} {"id": 114571, "summary": [{"text": "sid and nancy ( also known as sid and nancy : love kills ) is a 1986 british biopic directed by alex cox and co-written with abbe wool .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film portrays the life of sid vicious ( gary oldman ) , bassist of the seminal punk rock band the sex pistols , and his relationship with girlfriend nancy spungen ( chloe webb ) .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "the film also features supporting performances from david hayman , xander berkeley , and courtney love .", "topic": 1}, {"text": "the film premiered at the cannes film festival in 1986 , and was released theatrically in the united states that fall .", "topic": 2}, {"text": "despite failing to recoup its production budget at the box office , the film was received favourably by most critics and has attained cult classic status . ", "topic": 18}], "title": "sid and nancy", "paragraphs": ["sid and nancy is a biographical drama , from 1986 , about the relationship between musician sid vicious and his girlfriend nancy spungen .\nsummary sid and nancy is a biographical drama , from 1986 , about the relationship between musician sid vicious and his girlfriend nancy spungen .\nsid and nancy ( the criter . . . has been added to your cart\nsid and nancy has some claim on being the finest british film of the 1980s .\nsid & nancy is a movie directed in 1986 by british director alex cox .\nand introducing the young cat vicious in the role of smoky , sid and nancy ' s child .\nthis cast list of who was in sid and nancy includes both lead and minor roles . ( 10 items )\ninterviews with sid and nancy from\nd . o . a . : a right of passage\nlisten to sid & nancy : love kills [ soundtrack ( reissue remastered ) ] now .\nsid & nancy : exclusive trailer for the 30th anniversary release of the punk rock tragedy .\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie sid and nancy ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of sid and nancy ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nteenagers in love \u2026 chloe webb and gary oldman as sid and nancy . photograph : allstar / cinetext / new line\n12 . sid ' s mother cooperated with the film ; nancy ' s parents did not .\nsid & nancy\nis the sad , sordid story of sid vicious , a member of the seminal british punk group the sex pistols , and his doomed relationship with his american girlfriend , nancy spungen .\nchloe webb and gary oldman in sid and nancy , which has been rereleased . photograph : allstar / cinetext / new line\nat its best sid & nancy has a captivating energy and rawness , and there are even some priceless moments of levity .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing sid and nancy near you .\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of sid and nancy by alex cox .\n, this love triangle between sid , nancy and the heroin that destroyed them both remains a gruellingly tough watch .\nand introducing the young cat vicious in the role of smoky , sid and nancy ' s child .\nsee more \u00bb\n\u2018abrasive and bratty\u2019 : chloe webb and gary oldman in sid & nancy . photograph : stock / snap stills / rex / shutterstock\nthe relationship between sid vicious , bassist for british punk group the sex pistols , and his girlfriend nancy spungen is portrayed .\nthe relationship between sid vicious , bassist for british punk group the sex pistols , and his girlfriend nancy spungen is portrayed .\nfeatured in the color of money / sid and nancy / down by law / clockwise ( 1986 ) . see more \u00bb\nsid and nancy may have shortcomings as a movie about punk , but it ' s an intriguing and harrowing glimpse into a dysfunctional relationship .\nsid and nancy cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of sid and nancy actors includes any sid and nancy actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view additional information about each sid and nancy actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of sid and nancy have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\n\u201csid & nancy\u201d reopens across the pond on august 5 before also being reissued on dvd and blu - ray on august 29 .\npurchase sid and nancy on dvd and blu - ray , browse the whole vintage classics collection at amazon , and find out more at vintage classics on facebook .\nin his 1986 film sid & nancy , director alex cox reimagined one of the sex pistols\u2019 most notorious promotional stunts .\nthe acclaimed soundtrack album spin - off from the 1986 cult movie sid & nancy is receiving a new vinyl reissue .\n\u2018an untamed beast of a performance\u2019 : gary oldman with chloe webb in sid and nancy . photograph : snap stills / rex / shutterstock\nsid and nancy is a 1986 film directed by alex cox . the film materialized during a time of renewed interest in the period of punk rock , heroin addiction and specifically the life of sid vicious . it stars gary oldman as vicious and chloe webb as his girlfriend , nancy spungen .\ncompare the gritty , punk - era london captured in alex cox\u2019s sid and nancy with google street view shots of the exact same locations today .\nthe words were lost . but the pictures remain . the first picture in this story features sid holding a knife to nancy\u2019s throat . in october 1978 , nancy was stabbed in the room she was sharing with sid vicious at the chelsea hotel in new york .\njohnny rotten , you would have made sid vicious ( and nancy spungeon ( sp ? ) ) very proud . thank you . much love , kl\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing sad vacation : the last days of sid and nancy near you .\nthis film tells the true story of sid vicious , bass player for the legendary sex pistols . he meets and falls in love with nancy spungen , with whom he has a dramatic , love - hate relationship . she is a heroin addict , and sid becomes one as well . after the sex pistols break up , sid ' s career looks more and more pathetic . concurrently , sid and nancy ' s relationship begins to deteriorate . when nancy is found dead in the couple ' s hotel bathroom one morning , the audience is left to wonder whether or not sid was her killer .\ngary oldman gives sid\u2019s quick descent into the nihilism and wastage of heroin addiction the correct dose of pathos \u2013 he makes sid\u2019s short life sympathetic .\nfinal thoughts : while not a perfect portrait of an important time in music , sid and nancy has its merits , chief among them the lead actors . the desperation in oldman and webb ' s performances is palpable and , if there is any doubt that sid and nancy are great modern romantic figures just remember that romeo and juliet ended up dead , too .\nthis is one of the multiple segments of an interview of john lydon aka johnny rotten interview 1987 speaks about sid n nancy movie . enjoy !\nis really a coming - of - age ( first ) love story at heart . the major characters all play at being something they\u2019re not . nancy name - drops , brags she\u2019s \u201cfriends with debbie harry , \u201d while sid \u201cplays\u201d at being a junkie . wally even plays with toy cars while sid and nancy have drugged - out sex nearby . they\u2019re all children masquerading as grown - ups . sid and nancy fire toy guns at johnny while dashing through the street , and fight while sid vacuums his mum\u2019s flat and nancy jumps up and down on the bed ( this ridiculous scene culminates in sid chasing nancy down the street in his leather jacket and jock strap until nancy stops to strip off the hippie costume she\u2019s tried on . facing a store window , she exclaims , \u201ci look like fucking stevie nicks ! \u201d of course , this all occurs after sid finds his lost g . i . joe doll and nancy laments , \u201ci\u2019ll never look like barbie . barbie doesn\u2019t have bruises . \u201d ) within the humor shines pathos born of knowing you\u2019ll never live up to society\u2019s expectations .\nmorbid biographical story of sid vicious , bassist with british punk group the sex pistols , and his girlfriend nancy spungen . when the sex pistols break up after their fateful us tour , vicious attempts a solo career while in the grip of heroin addiction . one morning , nancy is found stabbed to death and sid is arrested for her murder .\nsinger richard jobson of the skids compares his own memories to alex cox\u2019s eulogy to punk\u2019s ill - fated lovers , sid and nancy \u2013 now a vintage classic from studiocanal .\nfuck me nancy ' s and sid ' s death sparked a feeding frenzy in the tabloids with frequent front page articles . here ' s some of them . . .\nthey genuinely loved each other , but nancy had a disastrous effect on sid . already a junkie , she reintroduced him to the drug and so sid was cast into his last , and most enduring , phase : that of leather - clad , random destruction machine .\nnancy puts the famous chain and padlock necklace around sid ' s neck , as if it was a present from her . in fact , it was not given to him by nancy , but by chrissie hynde , from the band the pretenders . see more \u00bb\nmorbid biographical story of sid vicious , bassist with british punk group the sex pistols , and his girlfriend nancy spungen . when the sex pistols break up after their fateful us tour , vicious attempts a solo career while in the grip of heroin addiction . one morning , nancy is found stabbed to death and sid is arrested for her murder . written by alexander lum\ntitle sid and nancy also known as sid and nancy : love kills year 1986 formats dvd , cinema distributor ( s ) universal pictures ( uk ) ltd . - video , palace pictures , optimum releasing , momentum pictures , independent cinema office , embassy home entertainment , bmg video classified date ( s ) 08 / 07 / 2016 main language english bbfc reference azf059079\nthis event provides a great opportunity to support and promote a program that would make sid proud .\nalex cox\u2019s sid & nancy , a heartfelt take on the true - life relationship between sex pistols bassist sid vicious and his girlfriend nancy spungen\u2014a love that ended when sid stabbed nancy to death in the chelsea hotel , then died of a drug overdose while awaiting trial\u2014could easily have been just another rock biopic . instead , through the use of fantasy - tinged reenactments ( favoring the surreal in lieu of the straightforward ) , cox transforms this gritty tabloid story into something deeper . it\u2019s a perfect example of finding truth through fictionalization .\nhe killed nancy , they assumed , then died of an overdose . end of story .\ninterviews with vicious and nancy spungen from the 1980 documentary d . o . a . : a right of passage\nin turns sid is seen as a victim of nancy , malcolm mclaren , and importantly himself . mclaren is seen as a victorian villain masterminding sid\u2019s demise from club balconies bathed in shadow . all he would need to complete the illusion would be a long moustache to twirl .\nin the mid - \u201980s , british punk was dead , sid vicious was a t - shirt icon and nobody \u2013 outside of london theater circles \u2013 knew who gary oldman was . sid and nancy managed to change that after the film premiered on july 20 , 1986 at london\u2019s limelight club .\njohn lydon has spoken about his admiration for mick jagger , who paid sid vicious \u2018s lawyers when the sex pistols bassist was arrested for the alleged murder of girlfriend nancy spungen .\nour \u2018nancy\u2019 is a model called franky who is at la models and is an english girl living out in california .\nsid & nancy is the tragic love story of two misunderstood people . nancy , a junkie from pa . meets sid vicious of the famed sex pistols in london . she eventually turns sid onto herion and from there his demise begins and his innocence forever lost . the band eventually breaks up on there usa tour , a betrayal - as he sees it , ( by his bandmates & mcclaren ) he never overcomes , but sid is delusioned that he can make it on his own and still be a junkie . nancy perputates this idea . we watch them fall into a downward spiral of drugs , alcohol , and violence ( both physical & verbal ) . eventually , nancy wants sid to make good on their suicide pact . on oct . 12 , 1978 nancy was found dead in room 100 at the chelsea hotel in nyc . no one really knows what happened that night , sid was too strung out to remember . most scholars believe that they became physically violent with one another ( as they often did ) and somehow she was stabbed in the abdomen and bled to death . sid was charged with her murder , and did time on riker ' s island . while he was out on bail , he overdosed on herion febeuary 2 , 1979 . his only request was to be buried with nancy .\nbut vicious was later to retract his confession , claiming he could not recall anything about the night nancy - dubbed ' nauseating nancy ' by the star ' s own mother - had died .\nand there\u2019s the junkie rub . by the time the infamous murder scene occurs , sid and nancy are no longer living human beings . they\u2019re zombies merely existing until the next fix . when sid finally lunges at nancy with the knife she herself bought , neither one is mentally present . what is reality anyway ? i can\u2019t think of another movie where a murder occurs without either party fully comprehending the finality of the event , nancy splayed out on the bathroom\u2019s white tiles , blood everywhere , light streaming out and into the darkened bedroom where sid remains . nancy has found the light in death , sid only blackness in life . after his arrest we see sid through the bars in the jail , lying on the floor convulsing . the sex pistols may have sung about \u201cno future , \u201d but sid was the only member who lived it . \u201csidney is more than just a bass player\u2014he\u2019s a fabulous disaster ! \u201d malcolm mclaren declares . that he was .\nsid & nancy is an honorable try , but it could have been better had cox found a way to imbue the movie with some of the sheer zaniness of his repo man .\nand yet the innocent humor persists . nancy takes sid to meet her family . over dinner her grandpa asks about sid\u2019s \u201cintentions\u201d with his granddaughter . \u201cwell , first we\u2019ll go down to the methadone clinic , \u201d sid answers sincerely before the family retires to the rec room where the clueless couple entertain with pistols tunes on an acoustic guitar . when they\u2019re finally told they can\u2019t stay , are better off at a hotel , nancy\u2019s face registers a crushing knowingness . \u201cwhy\u2019d they throw us out ? \u201d sid wonders later . \u201cbecause they know me , \u201d nancy quietly replies . even when sid goes back on their deal to not do any drugs until after his upcoming gigs , nancy , through her howls of disappointment and seething anger , screams , \u201cand you didn\u2019t even save me any ! \u201d it\u2019s this constant interweaving of hilarity and bleakness that keeps us off balance , makes us see this junkie tale through fresh and sober eyes .\nthe movie was british writer - director alex cox\u2019s follow - up to repo man , a project that had taken its cues ( and certainly its soundtrack ) from the los angeles punk scene . in sid and nancy , which was originally titled love kills , cox and co - writer abbe wool wanted to explore the drug - infused relationship between sid vicious , bassist for the sex pistols , and nancy spungen , a groupie who fell for sid . the film would portray the dysfunctional affair that would result in the death of both lovers .\nthe official soundtrack contains no songs sung by either the sex pistols or sid vicious .\nsid vicious , the sex pistols bassist who was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend nancy spungen , but who died in 1979 from a heroin overdose before the case came to court . gary oldman stars in the lead role . sid & nancy has been restored for its 30th anniversary and will be released in cinemas on 5 august , and dvd , blu - ray & digital download on 29 august . urltoken urltoken urltoken urltoken\ni am very grateful to sid - washington . as a 30 - year member of the organization , i applaud sid - washington\u2019s commitment , to airing multiple perspectives on controversial and timely issues . . . sid - washington\u2019s proven ability to assemble diverse groups and fine minds to discuss and debate important issues with passion and mutual respect is an enormous contribution .\nheading south of the river , sid and nancy shack up in a tiny flat in bermondsey . outside is the two brewers \u2013 another of london\u2019s many lost pubs \u2013 where sid chases his girlfriend wearing only a leather jacket and a man - thong . it\u2019s since been painted a questionable salmon pink , turned into offices , and the surrounding area has had a pricey facelift . you can\u2019t really imagine sid and nancy , two rebellious and provocative punks , living in the swanky , yummy mummy bermondsey of today , can you ? but time marches forward , and for better or worse , so does the urban landscape of london .\ngary oldman wore sid ' s real chain necklace in the movie . when doing his research , sid ' s mom gave him the necklace to wear during filming . see more \u00bb\ncox came straight from his cali punk epic repo man and his laid back west coast style is not really appropriate for the much more political uk punk scene . his trivializing the pistols hurts the film . a film of greater depth would have placed sid ' s downfall in a stronger context , but instead sid and nancy settles as an unusual and effective romance .\nover the decades , sid has percolated through the culture : there are sid dolls , thousands of photos on the internet , appearances in the simpsons , and gavin turk ' s sculpture , pop - a self - portrait in the guise of sid and a high point of the sensation show at the royal academy in 1997 .\nthe new vinyl edition of sid & nancy ( music from the motion picture soundtrack ) has been remastered from the original analogues and is pressed on 180g vinyl , faithfully reproducing the 1986 release . you can purchase it here .\nis also a surprisingly touching love story , and gary oldman is outstanding as the late punk rock icon sid vicious .\nwhat the film didn\u2019t generate , however , was very much money . sid and nancy failed to make back its $ 4 million budget during its theatrical release . yet , the movie has done better as a cult favorite on video and dvd and is a fixture on magazine lists of great biopics and rock and roll films .\na lacerating love story , sid & nancy chronicles the brief , intense attachment of two of punk ' s most notorious poster children , sex pistols bassist sid vicious and his girlfriend , nancy spungen . director alex cox balances a bleak evocation of star - crossed love with surreal humor and genuine tenderness , creating a compelling portrait of the late ' 70s punk scene . with brilliant performances by gary oldman and chloe webb , the film ' s haunting imagery and black comedy resonate long after the final frames .\nthe director films the relation involving sid vicious , the sex pistol ' s bass player , and his girl - friend nancy .\nno future\nis the motto and we are invited to follow the quick rise and the quicker fall of this boy unable to quit the image of loser he wears while a certain number of his fellow companions know how to separate show - business and reality . from london streets up to american deserts , sid and nancy , in a suicidal ride , drink , smoke , take drugs and , occasionally , play music .\nbased on the true story of sid vicious , bass player for the legendary punk rock band\nthe sex pistols\n, and his girlfriend nancy spungen . their the music of the sex pistols , their relationship was always volatile .\nwhat cox gets spot on is the casting of gary oldman as sid . the legendary british actor who was in the pomp of youth elevates the movie by giving sid depth where it would have been much easier to suggest there was none . he also gives sid\u2019s quick descent into the nihilism and wastage of heroin addiction the correct dose of pathos , doing the unthinkable \u2013 he makes sid\u2019s short life sympathetic .\ngary oldman and chloe webb are better as the title characters . webb hasn ' t had much success since her feature debut in sid and nancy and it ' s possible that nancy ' s shrill behavior wasn ' t much of a stretch , but her nancy is annoying and grating in a way that only reinforces her hold over sid . oldman is absolutely astounding as sid , a tragic , pathetic figure in music history who has been turned into something of a martyr to punk by t - shirt and poster printers since his early death . the reality of his involvement in the pistols ( as documented in julien temple ' s outstanding documentary the filth and the fury ) is much more complex and sad . oldman gets at this inner sadness without the benefit of temple ' s film or two decades of hindsight . his sid is a creation of pure actor ' s instinct and he completely disappears into the character .\nsex pistols frontman john lydon has said he feels partly responsible for bandmate sid vicious\u2019 heroin overdose .\nafter oldman turned it down . both oldman and day - lewis were in the running to play sid vicious in alex cox\u2019s\nhe was sid vicious , bass guitarist with the notorious sex pistols . she was nancy spungen , a young american groupie . bound by sex , drugs and rock ' n ' roll they became inseparable . . . until that fateful night in 1978 . the cops are summoned to room 100 of new york ' s chelsea hotel , to find nancy lying dead in a pool of blood . sid is arrested , taken away and charged with stabbing his lover to death .\nin an extensive new interview with the daily record , lydon said of the incident : \u201c nancy spungen was a hideous , awful person who killed herself because of the lifestyle and led to the destruction and subsequent death of sid and the whole fiasco . i tried to help sid through all of that and feel a certain responsibility because i brought him into the pistols thinking he could handle the pressure . he couldn\u2019t . the reason people take heroin is because they can\u2019t handle pressure . poor old sid . \u201d\neven if\nsid and nancy\ndoesn ' t quite represent the imperfect perfection in which punk music so often traffics , alex cox ' s confident visual symbolism - combined with chloe webb & gary oldman ' s performances - grant it piercing volume and knotty shape .\nfollowing their breakout success in england , flagship punk rock band the sex pistols venture out on their first u . s . tour . temperamental bassist sid vicious ( gary oldman ) takes his troubled girlfriend , nancy spungen ( chloe webb ) , along for the ride . along the way , the couple ' s turbulent relationship strains the patience of bandmate johnny rotten ( andrew schofield ) and manager malcolm mclaren ( david hayman ) , while plunging sid and nancy into the depths of drug addiction and co - dependency .\nsid - washington is a unique and enriching venue because it bridges so many of the divisions that too often separate us : small and large organizations , entry - level and senior staff , government and private sector , for - profit and nonprofit . as development practitioners , we all benefit from coming together under the sid umbrella .\naccording to the gloucestershire echo , lydon said at the weekend : \u201csid could not play an instrument and i could not sing .\ndior is adamant that this is the man he believes killed nancy and who disappeared soon after with the bundle of the couple ' s cash .\nthe \u2018sid\u2019 is our very own johnny anderson \u2013 the star of camilla arthur casting\u2019s los angeles roster .\nthe title was chosen to remind people of romeo and juliet , but the star - crossed lovers in sid and nancy had worse problems than those teens from verona . repo man director alex cox ' s film told the harrowing ( yet weirdly romantic ) true story of sex pistols bass player sid vicious , his groupie - turned - girlfriend nancy spungen , and their descent into heroin - flavored destruction . despite good reviews and excellent performances by newcomers gary oldman and chloe webb , the 1986 biopic did poorly in theaters and gained its cult following later\u2014the same way a lot of punk bands did , fittingly .\nsid vicious was not stupid , but he did not have any emotional resources with which to deal with fame . as wobble says :\njohn lydon kept a link with his past , and that saved him , but sid had no past .\nsid was a lost boy who , like peter pan , never grew beyond childhood , and his spectacular demise was both exploited and unmourned .\nalex cox ' s biopic of sex pistols bassist sid vicious , chronicling his ill - fated romance with groupie nancy spungen , who introduced him to heroin and paid the ultimate price . starring gary oldman and chloe webb , with andrew schofield as the pistols ' lead singer johnny rotten and a soundtrack featuring the pogues and joe strummer .\nchloe webb as nancy screams and rants , is selfish and manipulating , a victim of a scene which promised those with no talent that they could be someone . the survivors and the successful of that era did have talent - lydon included , which left sid with nowhere to go when his star faded .\nsid & nancy stars gary oldman as sid and chloe webb as nancy , with the supporting cast including david hayman , courtney love and kathy burke . the movie premiered at the cannes film festival in 1986 and has since become a critically - hailed cult classic . the chicago sun - times referred to the titular couple as \u201cpunk rock\u2019s romeo & juliet \u201d while an uncut retrospective praised oldman\u2019s \u201chugely sympathetic reading of the punk figurehead as a lost and bewildered manchild . \u201d the film later won industry accolades such as south america\u2019s sao paulo international film festival award .\nbecause the dead man , john ritchie , who had taken his last breath just hours before , was better known as british punk rocker sid vicious - the prime suspect in the murder of his american girlfriend , nancy spungen .\nfrom the phone booth scene where nancy begs her mom for cash , then hangs up without success . nancy :\nshe wouldn ' t give us the money ! she said we ' d spend it on drugs !\nsid :\nwe would .\nposted by matt zoller seitz on 2009 - 02 - 02 19 : 13 : 00\nlate in 1984 , cox met with a producer who told him about an idea that had been percolating in hollywood : a movie about sid and nancy , starring the beautiful madonna and the polite , handsome rupert everett . as cox wrote in his autobiography ,\nfor anyone who had been vaguely into the punk movement , this was a troubling idea indeed .\naware that this potential project didn ' t have a script yet and eager to beat them to the punch , cox was motivated to dust off too kool to die and rework it into a sid and nancy picture of his own .\nsid & nancy ( music from the motion picture soundtrack ) was originally issued through mca to coincide with the box office release of director alex cox\u2019s film . the plot details the star - crossed love affair between iconic sex pistols bassist sid vicious and his american girlfriend nancy spungen . this culminated in spungen\u2019s murder at new york\u2019s chelsea hotel on 12 october 1978 . though arraigned for her murder , vicious never stood trial as he died of a drug overdose while out in bail in february 1979 .\njohn lydon famously despises cox\u2019s film for inaccuracies both of the period and about his friend , but sid is viewed with a warmth and affection by the camera , which underlies the fact that most people seem to forget now ; sid was so incredibly young when he died .\nbut this was also the moment when punk truly became pop . during 1978 , mclaren kept the pistols going without lydon . as sid dissolved further into a hail of drugs , he had a top 10 record in july with his radical cover of my way . as the single slipped down the charts , sid and nancy moved to new york , never to return .\nbut her pain has depth and shading . in her most powerful scene , nancy makes a late - night long - distance telephone - box call to her mother in america , claiming that she and sid have just got hitched . in fact , she just needs enough cash to score smack .\nwatching sid on drums that night playing with siouxsie and the banshees doing a rendition of the lord\u2019s prayer was shocking , brilliant and terrible . the atmosphere was beyond anything i had experienced back in rural scotland . sid was tall , thin and gangly , and remarkably good - looking in a spotty kid kind of way . around the bar area he was noisy and aggressive and definitely the centre of attention , playing the tough guy , and in our innocence he seemed quite terrifying . a scene in sid and nancy captures that very evening when he brutally assaults music journalist nick kent , a soft hippy - like writer who was an easy target . not the act of a tough guy .\npact is a long - time member of sid - w because of the value it brings to our staff and organization as a whole . from high - quality events to the unparalleled access that sid - w membership provides to decision - makers at the highest levels of the u . s . government , membership in sid - w is invaluable .\nnancy\u2019s gradual collapse before our eyes , as she realises that her mother isn\u2019t falling for it , is perfectly calibrated : bogus matrimonial bliss warps into little - princess pleading and finally scalding , volcanic rage . the scene ends with nancy on her knees in the road . it\u2019s dynamite .\nadmitted to one of the following heller degree programs : mpp master of public policy , mba in nonprofit management , mba / mpp dual degree , ma in sustainable international development ( sid ) , mba / sid dual degree , ma in conflict resolution and coexistence ( coex ) , mba / coex dual degree , sid / coex dual degree , ms in global health policy and management ( ghpm ) , mba / ghpm dual degree , and sid / ghpm dual degree . the application fee will be waived for all posse alumni .\nsometimes a film can be completely rewarding in some respects and totally wrong in others . alex cox ' s sid and nancy ( 1986 , originally released on dvd by criterion , this review is of the new mgm release ) is terrific as a bizarre love story between the late sex pistols ' bassist sid vicious and junkie / groupie nancy spungen . the two lovers connect on a sadomasochistic level that is unusual and , in the film at least , leaves you with the feeling that they could have been the only people on the planet , a perfect match that could only have destroyed itself .\nwith the lacerating love story sid & nancy , alex cox reimagines the crash - and - burn affair between punk\u2019s most notorious self - destructive poster children : sex pistols bassist sid vicious and his girlfriend , nancy spungen\u2014brought to visceral life by brilliant performances from gary oldman and chloe webb . cox turns his anarchic filmmaking style on the explosive energy of the london punk scene and the degenerate streets of seventies new york , making for an eviscerating depiction of excess and addiction . through the lens of cinematographer roger deakins , the imagery goes from swooning to grimy , and the film\u2019s bleakness is balanced with surreal humor and genuine tenderness , making for an affecting , music - fueled vision of doomed love .\nit\u2019s been 30 years since british filmmaker alex cox unleashed his transatlantic punk love story sid and nancy ( 1986 ) , a bruising journey to the heart of the self - destructive relationship between the sex pistols\u2019 sid vicious ( a young gary oldman ) and nancy spungen ( chloe webb ) . the first half of the film frames the meeting of the lovers in london . clad in leather , arms scarred by needles , the conspicuous couple leave a trail of mayhem in their wake as they hop from soho to bayswater , from bayswater to bermondsey .\nchloe webb also received praise for her work as nancy . although courtney love lobbied incredibly hard for the part , she had to settle for a minor role as gretchen . love wasn\u2019t the only musician involved in sid and nancy . the circle jerks , iggy pop and nico all appear in the film , the members of guns n\u2019 roses were hired as extras for some of the los angeles scenes , and former clash frontman joe strummer contributed much of the soundtrack .\n, kowalski\u2019s documentary on the sex pistols\u2019 american tour . \u201cthey were incredibly pathetic and i felt like i was taking advantage of them just by being there , \u201d kowalski is quoted as saying . listening to nancy berate a nodding - off sid in her new york whine you realize just how inseparably dysfunctional the two really were . she yells at him to try to stay awake for the interview , to stop dropping lit cigarettes on her , and she also notes that he\u2019s constantly spilling coffee and orange juice on her\u2014sid is always the helpless , careless kid who wouldn\u2019t be able to function without nancy ( she actually claims sid would have died around fifteen deaths already if not for her ! ) .\nthings don\u2019t go well at that first meeting when groupie nancy ( played by chloe webb , equal to oldman in chameleon ability ) announces she has \u201call\u201d of the sex pistols albums back in new york before calling sid by johnny\u2019s name . it\u2019s only later when they end up two bodies on the sardine - packed floor of a flat that the dysfunctional relationship begins . nancy literally wedges herself between sid and johnny , marking a turning point in the boys\u2019 friendship . a girl has come between them . it\u2019s time to grow up .\nafter his death , the punk rocker ' s mother requested he be laid to rest in the same plot where nancy was buried , but her parents refused . the following week , anne flew with her son ' s ashes to the philadelphia cemetery and secretly sprinkled them over nancy ' s gravestone .\nsid and nancy premiered in the directors ' fortnight section of the 1986 cannes film festival , in a lavish , packed auditorium . according to cox , some or all members of duran duran were in the audience , and when gary oldman first appeared on the screen , one of them yelled ,\njohnny thunders !\n( referring to another punk musician who ' d been with the new york dolls ) . the clash ' s joe strummer , who ' d consulted on sid and nancy , stood and yelled ,\nshut the f * * * up !\nduly chastened by their elders , duran duran shut up .\nan amazing ride through the short life of the sex pistols and sid vicious featuring gary oldman in one of the best performances i ' ve seen .\ndirecting select film edge city repo man sid & nancy straight to hell walker el patrullero the winner death & the compass three businessmen kurosawa : le emmanuelle : ahl mike hama must die ! revengers tragedy ijd - jail me ! searchers 2 . 0 repo chick\nsid vicious was the bassist of punk band the sex pistols from 1977 to 1978 . when his girlfriend nancy spungen was murdered in october 1978 , he was charged with the crime . he died of a heroin overdose before the case could come to trial .\na movie set in the ' 70s at the peak of the punk rock revolution . two lovers become addicted to drugs , holing up in a hotel and letting their lives slip away day by day . sid vicious , the infamous bassist of the sex pistols , falls hard for nancy spungen , an american junkie , who introduces him to the life of drugs . when sid breaks away from the sex pistols , nancy helps him in steering a solo career , which he cannot keep up with due to his drug problems . the two are an irresponsible , yet loving pair , allowing their room to set on fire , missing gigs , and scaring nancy ' s family . . . the epitomy of punk rock .\nsid vicious ' s mother , anne beverley , had drug problems of her own , and is rumored to have given her son the dose of heroin that killed him . gary oldman visited her while researching the role , and described her as\nvery warm and open and helpful .\nhe said she gave him the chain and padlock that sid used to wear around his neck , which oldman wore in the film . understandably , nancy ' s parents , frank and deborah spungen , wanted nothing to do with the production and had no interest in seeing a movie depicting their daughter ' s death .\ncertainly , several witnesses who passed in and out of the couple ' s first - floor room in the early hours say vicious was out for the count . and at least two say the previously unknown michael , who lived on the sixth floor of the hotel , was with sid and nancy as late as 5am - around the time she was stabbed .\nwith a history as an actress , and the wife of an actor - turned - politician , nancy was known for her glamorous lifestyle and her fashion \u2014 she was also known for her hollywood friends , including rock hudson and elizabeth taylor .\nsid lezak was a lawyer , activist , mediator , mentor and inspiration to all who knew him . the lezak legacy fellows program reflects his legacy : his life , career , humanity and commitment to social justice , public service and the community he loved . please join us in keeping sid\u2019s legacy alive by attending a wine and cheese reception to celebrate the lezak legacy fellows program .\nit\u2019s a more inspired week , happily , for reissues , beginning with the 30th - anniversary re - release of alex cox\u2019s white - hot , needles - under - the - nails punk elegy sid and nancy ( studiocanal , 18 ) , in which gary oldman \u2019s feral , furious role as doomed sex pistols bassist sid vicious remains an extraordinary spectacle : a frightening , untamed beast of a performance and the rarely reached benchmark for all rock biopic impersonations since .\nbecause cox creates his own living , breathing world we\u2019re not so concerned with historical accuracy , with \u201cthe facts . \u201d so what if the guy playing johnny rotten doesn\u2019t look much like the real john lydon ? his constant correcting of sid\u2019s singing , \u201cwe don\u2019t fucking care ! \u201d with \u201cno \u2019fucking\u2019\u2014just \u2019we don\u2019t care\u2019 ! \u201d tells us more about the character than the right shade of rotten red . the shot of sid and nancy sleeping , their heads of jet black and bottle blonde cuddled together like furry animals , and the scene in which nancy , dressed in fetish gear , answers linda\u2019s phone and falls to her knees when she hears sid\u2019s voice calling from america , visualize their love better than any \u201ctrue events\u201d ever could . \u201cyou\u2019re just gonna have to have sex with somebody else ! \u201d an irritated nancy finally exclaims , hanging up as linda calls for her\u2014this is followed by a quick cut to a long shot of sid at a phone booth , shit - kicker cowboys in the foreground . their relationship goes from being so near to so desperately far away .\nthe astonishing thing about\nsid and nancy\nis the amount of subtle information it gives us about their relationship , given the fact that the surface of the movie is all tumult and violence , pain and confusion . this movie doesn ' t take the easy way out and cast these two lovers as romeo and juliet , misunderstood waifs . it sees beneath their leather and chains , their torn t - shirts and steel - toed boots , to a basically conventional relationship between an ambitious woman and a man who was still a boy .\nyou were keen to romanticize sid & nancy without glorifying them but now feel you failed in that endeavor . can you explain how the film , in your mind , fails to do so ? it may be an inevitable part of all drama , that in depicting something you make it to some extent heroic or glorious . or it could be that the ending of sid & nancy , with the\ntaxi to heaven\nwhich seems very sentimental now , contradicts the message of the film ( spoken by the guy in the methadone clinic ) .\nvideo : mgm ' s current release of sid and nancy replaces the criterion version ' s non - anamorphic transfer . the new disc has a crisper picture , more vibrant colors , and , of course , an anamorphic transfer . really the improved picture is the only improvement over the previous disc , which looks good for an earlier release .\n, what makes the film a universal tale . cox wastes no time\u2014even when sid accidentally walks through a plate - glass door and goes down in slo - mo , we don\u2019t hear glass and people shrieking but disembodied voices arguing . the next scene reveals it\u2019s the beginning of the end , the loud break - up of the band around a comatose sid\u2019s hospital bed . by the time we see sid sitting up , raptly watching a monster movie as a christmas - decorated shopping cart rolls into the room , we know nancy is going to be standing in that doorway . sappy and sentimental ? sure . isn\u2019t that what love is ?\nin one scene , sid vicious carves letters into his chest with a razor blade , accompanied by blood flowing from the wounds .\nthe movie really comes alive in the new york scenes in the claustrophobic melancholy of the chelsea hotel room where sid and nancy had become unwelcome residents . director cox handles these scenes with a gentleness that captures the punk romeo and juliet\u2019s sense of isolation and hopelessness . it builds into a frenzy where it becomes increasingly obvious something very bad is about to happen . at this moment in his career sid thought that he was a star who had arrived , but he was fleeing , and people who are fleeing have no idea where they are going .\njust days before nancy ' s death , he had received $ 25 , 000 in cash - royalty payments from richard branson ' s virgin records .\nalex cox\u2019s movie focuses on the ill - fated romance between sid and new york groupie nancy spungen . the star - crossed lovers soon shared an insatiable desire for booze , then drugs , starting with sulphate and leading to what they called the \u201cbig h\u201d \u2013 heroin . their new - found rock \u2018n\u2019 roll utopia speedily led to a life of chaos , violence and self - destruction .\nall throughout high school , my friends and i would skip school and watch this movie . sure it ' s depressing , but it ' s also one of the coolest movies ever made . sid & nancy also introduced us to gary oldman , who sang all the songs in the movie and now has gone onto bigger things ( whether that ' s good i don ' t know ) . the extra features on this dvd are really exciting . phone interviews with sid vicious , a great video interview with the real sid & nancy , the infamous bill grundy interview , a making of documantary , and commentary by all the stars of the film . i must have seen this every day going to high school on videotape , now that that tape is all worn out , i have the dvd to see it 100 more times !\nthe discovery of the letter led some friends to speculate that nancy ' s death had been a suicide pact that had gone wrong , and spungen had administered the fatal knife wound herself .\nthis is also a hallmark of the film\u2019s director . both the guy dispensing the drugs at the methadone clinic who suddenly starts ranting about how the government uses heroin as a form of control or the creepy bellhop who begs for money after sid and nancy are moved to a new room could easily have slipped in from cox\u2019s\nbut he wasn ' t called sid sweet . vicious was a strong name to be saddled with . the script was set and , like many scripts , it took over the actor to the point where person and persona became fatally blurred .\nbe careful what you set yourself up for\nshould be one pop culture motto , and sid was more vulnerable than most .\nthe heller school is pleased to offer guaranteed partial - tuition scholarships of at least 50 % to brandeis alumni admitted to one of the following heller degree programs : master of public policy ( mpp ) , mba in nonprofit management , mba / mpp dual degree , ma in sustainable international development ( sid ) , mba / sid dual degree , ma in conflict resolution and coexistence ( coex ) , mba / coex dual degree , sid / coex dual degree , ms in global health policy and management ( ghpm ) , mba / ghpm dual degree , and sid / ghpm dual degree . the application fee will be waived for all brandeis alumni .\nsid vicious ( oldman ) , born the working clas brit john simon ritchie , becomes bass player for the suddenly world - famous sex pistols punk band in the late 1970s . fame , money , and drugs swirl about him as he clings to any american girl named nancy spungen ( webb ) . the pistols disintegrate after their u . s . tour , sid tries to sustain a solo career , but heroin addiction drags him and nancy down . one morning he awakes to find her stabbed to death and himself charged with her murder . co - writer and director alex cox made this almost too - real 1986 story after his highly quirky\nrepo man .\noldman and webb are amazingly good . watch for courtney love in a bit role as gretchen .\nthe 21 - year - old musician and would - be actress called co - writer abbe wool and claimed ,\ni am nancy spungen !\n( she only meant she was perfect for the part . ) wool had love submit an audition tape , but cox wanted an actress with more experience . still , he liked love enough to write a small role for her as one of nancy ' s junkie friends , and subsequently cast her in his film straight to hell ( 1987 ) . years later , love would be compared ( unflatteringly ) to nancy spungen for her supposed similar influence on kurt cobain and nirvana .\nwhacked out on any drug he can get into his edward scissorhands body , sid could be making a comment on his quick , young life . the bleak , almost apocalyptic , chelsea hotel he disintegrates into with nancy is a far cry from the bright spray - can colours of silver jubilee london .\nint : must have been moved to tears by drew schofiled ' s heartfelt portrayal of you in sid ' n nance , then . .\nthree of the four johns were transformed by pseudonyms that , beginning in teenage jokes , became international news . lydon became johnny rotten , thanks to sex pistols ' guitarist steve jones ; beverley became sid vicious , thanks to lydon , wardle became jah wobble , thanks to sid ."]} {"id": 114572, "summary": [{"text": "push is a 2009 american science fiction action-thriller film directed by paul mcguigan and written by david bourla .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "starring chris evans , dakota fanning , camilla belle , and djimon hounsou , the film centers on a group of people born with various superhuman abilities who band together in order to take down a government agency that is using a dangerous drug to enhance their powers in hopes of creating an army of super soldiers .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "the film was released on february 6 , 2009 by summit entertainment and icon productions .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "it was a moderate box office success , though critical reception was mostly negative . ", "topic": 18}], "title": "push ( 2009 film )", "paragraphs": ["^ a b c\npush ( 2009 )\n. box office mojo . urltoken . retrieved 2009 - 05 - 06 .\n^\nweekend box office results for february 6\u20138 , 2009\n. box office mojo . 2009 - 02 - 08 . urltoken . retrieved 2009 - 02 - 10 .\n^ a b\npush ( 2009 ) : reviews\n. metacritic . cnet networks , inc . urltoken . retrieved 2009 - 02 - 06 .\ninterview with chris evans and camilla belle , the lance , feb . 4 , 2009\n^\npush movie reviews , pictures\n. rotten tomatoes . ign entertainment , inc . urltoken . retrieved 2009 - 05 - 06 .\npush is a chase film dolled up with supernatural powers and chintzy retro design motifs .\npush is a 2009 film about two americans nick gant , a mover and his young watcher who protected an old friend of nick ' s who ' s a pusher from the division led by henry carver .\n2009 returned to its winning ways after a tiny 1 % drop - off last week . not only did the\na film set for release on february 6 , 2009 starring chris evans , dakota fanning , camilla belle and djimon hounsou . wildstorm published a prequel mini - series .\npush was released on dvd and blu - ray on july 7 , 2009 . the dvd included deleted scenes , a commentary , and a ' making of ' featurette . wal - mart released the film as a double - feature dvd with knowing .\n. hopefully there will be fewer outright misses and more mid - level hits , which will help 2009 keep pace with 2008 .\n. the last retro - review i penned for screengeek concerned 2009\u2019s much - maligned pandorum , and in the body of . . .\ni love my babies . why would i want to push them away from me ?\n, as are the holdovers , which should help 2009 to expand on its lead , while overcoming last weekend ' s momentary dip at the box office .\nsapphire , the author of \u201cpush , \u201d said it was too late in the day to worry that the film\u2019s themes and images were somehow stigmatizing or inauthentic .\nbritell\u2019s previous credits include scores for the 2009 film \u201cnew york , i love you , \u201d natalie portman\u2019s \u201ca tale of love and darkness , \u201d \u201cthe big short\u201d and \u201cfree state of jones . \u201d his music was also featured in steve mcqueen\u2019s oscar - winning film \u201c12 years a slave . \u201d\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing push near you .\nthe premise for push seems like a good idea and the cast is a good one but the trailer seems to be lacking enough to make the movie worth a viewing , it just needs that extra push .\nwildstorm , an imprint of dc comics , published a comic book mini - series that acts as a prequel to the film . it was written by marc bernardin and adam freeman ( who write the highwaymen for wildstorm ) and bruno redondo supplied the art . [ 5 ] issues were published between november 2008 and february 2009 , and a softcover collection ( isbn 978 - 1401224929 ) was published in september , 2009 .\npush ends with a cliffhanger , refusing to deliver us a satisfying ending that it was ostensibly building up to for its entire 1 hour and 51 minute runtime . but if this film\u2019s success means that a push sequel will be on the way to continue nick and cassie\u2019s adventures ( complete with lackluster action scenes and nonsensical plot developments ) , then i\u2019d urge you all to give push a pass .\n, landing funny quips that are so tonally jarring to the rest of the film they work almost as a meta commentary on the film itself .\npush has vibrant cinematography and decent acting , but i ' m blasted if i know what it ' s about .\npush is the perfect example of an ejoyable in - betweener , best watched when you have nothing else to do .\nset and filmed on location in bustling hong kong , the tight urban street and winding alleyways suit the film perfectly , but this is not enough to save push from the oscar season garbage dump .\npush is an empty calorie extravaganza and demands a crooked concentration it doesn ' t earn to sufficiently piece this mess together .\nshockingly , one of these was for arch - rivals dc , in 2010\u2019s \u2018the losers\u2019 where he played the nerdy jensen . but it\u2019s his performance as fugitive psychic nick gant in 2009\u2019s \u2018push\u2019 that absolutely nobody ever remembers . which is a crying shame , and perhaps one of the greatest injustices in the genre . so this week\u2019s retro review focuses on \u2018push\u2019 , and the crime that was history burying it beneath a slew of lesser comic - book movies .\nutter rubbish this film , not plot , not story line and bad acting .\nthere is one redeeming quality about this film : mcguigan chose to shoot the movie in hong kong , and this is where push really shines . hong kong\u2019s architecture and atmosphere are rendered wonderfully and the city really comes alive in a way that\u2019s rarely seen in a u . s . film . the way the push uses its setting almost reminds me of how danny boyle brought mumbai , india to life in slumdog millionaire , except in that instance , it was in the service of a much better film .\n. year - to - date , 2009 has now pulled in $ 1 . 22 billion vs . $ 1 . 02 billion for the same time last year , which is an outstanding 19 . 6 % increase .\nthe first time desplat worked with anderson , on 2009 ' s\nfantastic mr . fox ,\nhe received an oscar nomination . he returned to collaborate with the director for 2012 ' s\nmoonrise kingdom .\n\u201cpush , \u201d which was controversial when it was published in 1996 , is also back at the top of best - seller lists .\n( up 37 % over three days and 33 % over four ) . year to date , 2009 has pulled in $ 1 . 47 billion , 22 % ahead of last year ' s $ 1 . 20 billion pace .\ni like movies like these . chronicle , push , jumper - while not being the best in the art still managed to make an entertaining watch . steve rogers chris evans was decent in push , but i think it would have made a great tv show that could parallel heroes .\na film about a large world of superpowered beings . . . this should have been the ultimate film for me ! * sigh * well , one can keep dreaming , i suppose .\nthis week ' s round of new casting information contains updates for the avengers , iron man 2 , push , and more ! more . . .\npush is a sci - fi thriller about a group of young americans in hong kong who use special psychic powers to evade a covert us government agency .\nthe director of push , paul mcguigan filmed guerilla style by using cameras hidden in vans , filming through small holes and only giving the actors one take on the street . this was done in order to keep up with the hustle and bustle of filming in the crowded city of hong kong . channing tatum was attached to star in push but the role was not ultimately given to him . director paul mcguigan cast chris evans after seeing him in the film sci - fi film sunshine . in spain , the film was given the title of \u201cheroes\u201d , which became confusing for spanish audiences who assumed the film was somehow connected to the television show heroes because both projects are about people with extraordinary abilities .\n\u2018push\u2019 was released somewhat unceremoniously in february 2009 . the critics were unimpressed , audiences were equally un - enthused , and the movie\u2019s tiny $ 10m profit ensured there was no hope of a sequel . but , i\u2019d argue that it\u2019s a better movie than at least half of the material marvel has gone on to produce , and that the circumstances of its release meant it never really stood a realistic chance of success .\ngeoffrey gilmore , director of the sundance film festival , said in an interview that \u201cpush\u201d might hit a cultural chord because of all of the discussion about race prompted by the election of president obama . he said the sundance audience gave it three standing ovations .\nthe studio prides itself on taking on marketing challenges , but \u201cpush , \u201d which won three top awards last month at the sundance film festival \u2014 the audience award , the grand jury prize and a special jury prize for acting \u2014 is one of the biggest to come along in some time , marketing experts say . african - american audiences of all demographics could wince at the film\u2019s negative imagery . as films like \u201cthe great debaters\u201d and \u201cmiracle at st . anna\u201d have shown , a release labeled a black film by the marketplace \u2014 and \u201cpush\u201d already has been \u2014 can be an incredibly tough sell to mainstream white audiences .\nselect a category actor in a leading role actor in a supporting role actress in a leading role actress in a supporting role animated feature film art direction cinematography costume design directing documentary ( feature ) documentary ( short subject ) film editing foreign language film honorary award irving g . thalberg memorial award makeup music ( original score ) music ( original song ) best picture short film ( animated ) short film ( live action ) sound editing sound mixing visual effects writing ( adapted screenplay ) writing ( original screenplay )\n\u201cat the end of the film , precious looked angelic to me , \u201d ms . roberson said .\n2009 got off to a great start and february hopes to continue that run , but i don ' t think that ' s likely . first of all , none of the releases coming out this month look like they have what it takes to reach $ 100 million . or even $ 80 million . this means the best film of this month will likely be lower than the\nyea ,\njumper\nfits s nicely with the theme / names of the other abilities in push . i wonder if there are jumpers in that universe ! !\npush was generally poorly received by critics . [ 2 ] rotten tomatoes reported that 21 % of critics had given the film positive reviews , based upon a sample of 106 . [ 3 ] at metacritic , which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics , the film has received an average score of 36 , based on 21 reviews . [ 2 ]\nis a direct sequel . the four films together are four hours worth of one film with , according to\n\u2014a film that could not have been more \u201c\u201990s action movie by committee\u2122\u201d if it tried . a horribly miscast\nstay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\nso when lionsgate on monday spent about $ 5 . 5 million for the highly regarded award - winning film \u201cpush : based on the novel by sapphire , \u201d eyebrows arched all over hollywood . \u201cpush , \u201d directed by lee daniels ( \u201cmonster\u2019s ball\u201d ) from sapphire\u2019s novel , takes grim to a level that many film executives say they have rarely seen on screen . the story centers on an illiterate and obese african - american teenager in 1980s harlem who is pregnant with her father\u2019s child \u2014 for the second time \u2014 and is also abused by her mother .\nwith all the mythology that ' s been laid down , you keep expecting\npush\nto build to one big paranormapalooza of a finale , but it never materializes .\n\u201cprecious : based on the novel \u2018push\u2019 by sapphire , \u201d the new film about an obese , poor , illiterate , young black woman who is sexually and emotionally abused , has sparked this heartfelt and at times heated debate about its meaning in the two weeks since its limited release .\nprecious is a gruelling new film about violence and abuse in harlem . so what ' s mariah carey doing playing a white social worker ? charlotte higgins meets the cast and crew see a gallery of social workers on film\nthe oscar race took a turn in 2009 , after another warner . bros . film , \u201cthe dark knight , \u201d failed to secure a best picture nomination . in 2010 , the academy expanded its best picture category from five to a maximum of 10 movies . but although blockbusters like \u201cgravity\u201d and \u201cthe martian\u201d have made the cut , a comic book movie has yet to compete in the top race .\ni was excited to see push , probably because we had been without an effects driven film since the mummy : tomb of the dragon emperor and not even that really counts in comparison . hancock or hellboy 2 are probably better comparisons , and that was way back in july 2008 . so i was feeling up to checking out push and i had already prepped myself for a visual effects film working on a small budget , so a lot of leeway was assumed to be needed . as it turns out the effects are just fine , it\u2019s the story that hurts it as push has so many plot and logic problems you can\u2019t get passed them no matter how hard you try , especially since one of them is the driving force of the story .\n\u201ca white artist can make a film about a family of 10 drug addicts , and the public sees it as a film about a family of 10 drug addicts , not 10 white drug addicts , \u201d mr . mccall said . \u201ca black artist can make that film , too , but you have to be aware of the history . \u201d\nhm . . . . that ' s funny because i almost said push reminded me a bit , world wise , of stranger things . and stranger things did mention fire starter .\nfor a moment after these scenes , i thought that push was going to completely embrace its campiness and go for broke , perhaps giving us a ridiculous , big - budget action version of a heroes episode . sadly , the punishingly dour tone of the rest of the film belies its wacky premise .\ni ' m totally with you ! i loved push . it ' s a shame how few people saw it . it was a great little super hero flick with great characters and lore .\ni do give credit to this movie for one unintentional benefit . because it was being released around the same time as this push , the movie now known as precious changed its title from the name of the novel it was based on . precious is a superior title and that movie , with its new name , went on to acclaim , while this push has been rightly forgotten .\nto chart this week , and only one of them made it into the top five . however , that one film was\nsign up : stay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\ndespite its high - profile cast and a sizable marketing push from distributor summit entertainment , audiences won ' t require any paranormal powers of their own to realize they ' ve seen this one before .\nthe film was a critical hit at the festival , and that roughly $ 5 . 5 million is the largest amount paid to date for any sundance film this year . while $ 5 . 5 million might not sound like much for a movie , the average marketing cost for this type of film is $ 25 million , according to the motion picture association of america .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\na deal did not emerge for \u201cpush\u201d until about a week after the festival ended , with potential distributors balking over the price insisted upon by cinetic media , a new york marketing and sales company for independent film , according to two people with knowledge of how the deal came together but who were not authorized to speak publicly .\nscreen daily : \u201cthe most compelling thing about push is its setting . the film was shot entirely on location , which affords it a fresh look and feel , be it in a chase through a local fish market or the juxtaposition of modern skyscrapers and bamboo scaffolding\u2026 [ the screenplay ] is a jumbled mess of narrative clich\u00e9s . \u201d\nis a grim yet ultimately triumphant film about abuse and inner - city life , largely bolstered by exceptional performances from its cast .\nstargate project - the real u . s . federal government project to investigate psychic phenomena , used as a basis for the film .\nprofessor neal was among dozens of black people interviewed about their perspectives on \u201cprecious . \u201d perhaps the most provocative salvo against the movie was fired by armond white , the chief film critic of the new york press and the chairman of the new york film critics circle .\ndesplat ' s first oscar nomination came for\nthe queen ,\nwhich was also the first film he made with stephen frears .\nthe tomatometer rating \u2013 based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2013 is a trusted measurement of movie and tv programming quality for millions of moviegoers . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\ndakota know she growing up . good film . better than expected . i like it . lots of turns & twist , but entertaining .\nit ' s amazing how the film turns out to be infinitely moving in spite of mr . daniels ' s stylistic self - destruct .\npush is one of those movies that a critic could rip to shreds on the holes and wild coincidences that keep the plot moving along . every character seems to have a super power that only gets half explained . the movie seems incomplete , or at least sequel ready . well , i say , bring on the sequel because i loved this movie with all it\u2019s flaws . push is the most entertaining movie i have seen in the last six months .\nthere are many problems with push , and most are the usual boring things : unnecessary plot loops ; long , dumb musical interludes ; a charmless script ; and ostentatious action sequences in which the only person excited is the cameraman .\nas a film , push never coheres as a whole . potentially interesting plotlines , such as the development of nick\u2019s powers or the implications surrounding fate in a world where watchers exist , are completely ignored in favor of ponderous and boring sequences with characters hopelessly trying to figure out what they should do next . the motivations of side characters such as shifter cliff curtis and sniffer ming - na are never explained and their presence fades in and out of the film as they are needed for the movie\u2019s barely - comprehensible exposition .\ncopyright \u00a9 2005 - 2018 / film . privacy policy / cookie policy . web design by pro blog design . logo concept by : illumination ink\njoe drake , president of the film division at lionsgate , the movie\u2019s distributor , sidestepped a response to the more negative charges about the movie .\npush , not even going to lie . i love this movie . people have judged me for it but i don ' t care . i love the grittiness and look of it paired with the creative editing . hong kong also plays as a fantastic backdrop . the whole film was shot on location and that really comes through , gorgeous scenery . it gives the movie a unique feel .\nin the world of push , there are those gifted with special abilities . a secret u . s . government agency known as the division seeks out those individuals to enlist them in their service . the individuals are classified by their powers :\ni actually saw push as a result of enjoying jumper iirc and i was pretty disappointed . while push had a great premise and some good world building , it didn ' t take off or become as cohesive in the same way as jumper . the threat in jumper felt so much better and so did the climax plus jumper was just a little bit more ' fun ' despite some sketchy acting . the heroes in jumper had enough of that bad - ass quality you want in superheroes .\nmarvel is likely shaking their finger at bourla , since the film\u2019s storyline was pilfered from the x - men franchise . both concern pseudo - mutants running from an unjust government agency . they contain characters that can read minds , move objects by thought , heal by touch , and shatter glass with a scream . but , if marvel didn\u2019t sue tv\u2019s heroes , it\u2019s doubtful they\u2019ll take action against push .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\ni really liked this film , but i just don ' t remember camilla belle in it at all , i thought you ' d mistyped dakota fanning .\ncrew . even the rifftrax guys got stumped , admitting at one point in the film that they had nothing to say about the insanity on - screen .\ncomposed , itself , of stock footage . . . they all use the same five or six actors , and each film has the same credits sequences .\nsure this movie has all kinds of plot holes and points that make you think , \u201chow could they . . . ? \u201d but if you consider that almost everyone in this movie who has a line of dialogue , has a mental ability , then you have to excuse those questions . push is not a movie for thinking about , it is a movie for sheer escapist entertainment . if you like your action / science fiction / superhero movie served cold then push is the movie for you .\nnot , repeat , not to be confused with this year ' s sundance sensation , this particular\npush\nis a recycled sci - fi action thriller concerning a sinister government agency that hunts down those with paranormal powers for its own nefarious motives .\njthe script has no deep meaning and the film does just what it was intended to do : take an audience on a fantastical journey with loads of action .\na whole scheme of work on one powerpoint . includes lots of different film composers , different games for starters and plenaries , and space for you . . .\n< p > < a href =\nurltoken\n> trailer < / a > for < a href =\nurltoken\n> push < / a > on < a href =\nurltoken\n> traileraddict < / a > . < / p >\nultimately the studio\u2019s co - presidents for theatrical marketing , sarah greenberg and tim palen , e - mailed a statement . \u201cthere is simply a gold mine of opportunity here , \u201d the message read in part . \u201cas marketers , our focus is on creating a campaign that honors its strength , guts and beauty . \u201d lionsgate has not announced a release date for the film , no relation to the \u201cpush\u201d being released on friday .\narrived in decent time as it ' s beens a while since i ' ve seen this film as it was a good adrenalin rush movie worthy of watching again .\n. which is to say : fans can\u2019t be trusted to create a film that will actually work and flow . the \u201cdark phoenix\u201d saga is one of the most iconic\u2014\nwith\nphilomena\nout in limited release now , huffpost entertainment spoke to desplat about his contribution to frears ' film , as well as his other famous scores .\nsubscribe to classic trailers : urltoken subscribe to trailers : urltoken subscribe to coming soon : urltoken like us on facebook : urltoken follow us on twitter : urltoken push ( 2009 ) official trailer - camilla belle , chris evans movie hd two young americans with special abilities must race to find a girl in hong kong before a shadowy government organization called division does . welcome to the fandango movieclips trailer vault channel . where trailers from the past , from recent to long ago , from a time before youtube , can be enjoyed by all . we search near and far for original movie trailer from all decades . feel free to send us your trailer requests and we will do our best to hunt it down .\nlight fixtures are the true stars in\npush ,\nconstantly reflecting , twinkling and popping . its best moments are when guns levitate and fire themselves . when you don ' t even need actors to hold pistols , it ' s the ultimate in autopilot filmmaking .\nto be honest , i would like a sequel to push . it was a neat concept , and if they did develop their characters more , the sequel could be quite good . looking at the box office returns though . . . it isn ' t likely .\nin addition , the movie ruins one of the few things it had going for it : the characters\u2019 special abilities ( some of which are admittedly kind of cool and well - depicted ) . push haphazardly sets up \u201crules\u201d for its universe at the beginning of the film , then proceeds to break them left and right in the final 30 minutes . certain questions are never answered : do pushers push memories and motivations onto people , or can they simply control minds ? do watchers see potential futures or can they also see the present ( because that\u2019s actually a pretty big difference ) ? how much damage can a bleeder inflict with his scream exactly ? why are some watchers so much more accurate than others ?\nwhat a dreadful film , there is no storyline too it , they seem to just plod along , got bored within ten minutes . do not bother waste of money .\n\u201cmoonlight\u201d stars trevante rhodes , naomie harris and mahershala ali . in its limited release opening weekend , the film exceeded expectations , earning $ 445 , 552 in four theaters .\nand kevin o\u2019neill , the film has an intriguing premise ( thanks to moore ) \u2014what if the characters of victorian literature\u2019s most fantastical works were real people ? add an early example of a big studio\u2019s embrace of the steampunk aesthetic , and stephen norrington\u2019s film certainly has potential , but it wastes little time slipping into an increasingly incomprehensible plot . by the film\u2019s end , fans of the series got to leave the theater knowing they have just seen a bad film that pretty much guaranteed a good version of the material would not be seen any time soon . it would also be sean connery\u2019s final role before retiring from acting . it feels like that should be held against the movie , too .\ni admit it , i love the film push . i think it would have been stronger with a different female lead than camilla belle and removal of the romantic plot line , but the rest of the casting was fantastic . i mean dakota fanning as a punkish drunk brat , chris evans doing his super hero thing before being cap , and djimon hounsou being a bad ass head of a shady organization - it was all a great set up .\non its opening weekend , the film opened # 6 grossing $ 10 , 079 , 109 in 2 , 313 theaters with a $ 4 , 358 average . [ 4 ] as of may 6 , the film has grossed $ 44 , 427 , 122 worldwide , surpassing its budget cost of $ 38 , 000 , 000 . [ 1 ]\non january 19 , 2010 , summit entertainment , e1 entertainment , and icon productions announced that they were developing a television series based on the film . david hayter will write the pilot and will executive produce with dark hero studios partner benedict carver . it is unknown if the actors and actresses from the original film will reprise their roles . [ 6 ]\nis an interesting , exciting , but also thought - provoking film that definitely stands out as one of last year ' s underrated titles . it ' s not perfect , as a little more attention to hounsou ' s character would have made the film much better , but what little is wrong with it doesn ' t detract from what ' s enjoyable . if you ' re looking for a superhero - type film with enough action to get by but not the cliched caricatures from fifty years ago , give this a shot .\nwell , another celebration of the film culminating in the industry ' s biggest show , the 83 ' rd academy awards , has come to an end . fo . . .\nnow warner bros . , the studio behind the film , wants the action movie to break another glass ceiling . although executives haven\u2019t commented publicly on their plans , they have internally discussed launching a formidable awards - season campaign for the movie , in the hopes of making it the first comic - book film nominated for best picture , variety has learned .\ni began to realize why i ' d been resisting the film all along , in spite of its dogged charm . none of the places the couple visit seems remotely real .\n\u201cin some ways , it\u2019s \u2018the color purple\u2019 all over again , with people writing and talking about what this film represents , \u201d said mark anthony neal , a professor who teaches black popular culture at duke university . he was referring to the 1985 film based on the novel by alice walker , which was directed by steven spielberg and starred ms . winfrey .\n2009 is a somewhat anomalous year in terms of the history of comic book movies . there had already been 3 \u2018x - men\u2019 movies , but the franchise had stalled with the messy \u2018last stand\u2019 . as a way of pumping some adrenaline back into their property , the makers decided to focus on their star attraction , and released \u2018wolverine : origins\u2019 . now we all know how that worked out , but at the time , the majority of media focus was on that movie .\nabslutely inept rubbish from the csi school of film - making . not even worth the 1p i paid for the dvd . i even fast - forwarded some scenes with camilla belle .\ni got lost in this film , there ' s no doubt that it was clever but i think all the multiple types of powers that everyone had made things a little confusing .\nif you do watch - - and you certainly should - - you will see one of the most remarkable performances ever set to film , given by gabourey\ngabby\nsidibe .\na whole scheme of work on one powerpoint . includes lots of different film composers , different games for starters and plenaries , and space for you to add your own bits too .\nthe opening core - dump is symptomatic of push ' s diffuse focus : mcguigan seems to want to merge arthouse fare with breathless action movies like jumper and the night watch series . the subject matter is propulsive adolescent fun all the way , with a pop sensibility , some nifty costume and set design , and a lot of special - effects - powered showdowns\u2014but the execution reaches for a broader audience , one so unfamiliar with the genre tropes that it needs the assiduous extra explanation , plus time to ponder each new development . the resultant moderate pacing has its appeal ; it turns push into an ambling , broody concoction along the lines of strange days . at times , a more aggressive editor would help immensely . at others , push explores its brutish future hong kong with a patience and sense of milieu that seems cribbed more from wong kar - wai than doug liman .\nit is unfortunately also the perfect example of a film that would have worked better as a tv - show . in every respect this feels like a pilot , clunkily exposing as many ideas as possible to sell it . had it focussed more on characters and plot instead of showing a universe with superpowers from all possible angles , it would have been a better film .\nalice in murderland had an awesome gimmick : a slasher movie based on alices adventures in wonderland , with the jabberwocky as the killer . unfortunately , that ' s all it has to offer . the film , despite supposedly taking place in a fancy house , was very clearly filmed in a cheap warehouse . most of the film isn ' t even focused on the killings , but instead the dynamics of a bunch of unlikable sorority sisters . add in a nonsensical in the blood angle , and the film earns its dismal 1 . 9 im db rating .\nchronicle was pretty well received , with 85 % on rotten tomatoes . i think that ' s a plus . it ' s still my favourite found footage film along with project x .\ndaniels paused . it was late september , we were back at the staghorn and he had just returned from the toronto film festival , where \u201cprecious\u201d won the audience prize , traditionally an indicator of awards and box - office glory ( last year , the winner was \u201cslumdog millionaire\u201d ) . in a week , \u201cprecious\u201d would be the centerpiece selection at the new york film festival .\nlike watching fireworks explode , plus hunks and girls with cool clothes . there ' s a far - off alternate universe in which fun , artistic people with a sense of humor were allowed to go wild on superhero movies and ya novel adaptations - push accidentally slipped through their stargate and landed on earth\ni think i realize now why i didn ' t love shaun of the dead when i first saw it . when the zombie - comedy film , co - starring english comedia . . .\ncurse of pirate death takes an already - silly title and slaps it on a dreadful movie . the film ' s a slasher starring an undead pirate , whom the film decides to paint as intimidating by calling him\npirate death ,\nas opposed to literally anything creative . the acting from most of the cast is so wooden that it makes former porn star ron jeremy ' s look shakespearean in comparison . the plot itself is a disjointed mess with no interesting characters and an overuse of flashbacks . all in all , the film deserves its 2 . 6 imdb rating .\nand given the familiarity of the material and the generally acceptable - to - lousy acting from the third - string cast ( though fanning is a surprisingly soulful , coltish exception ) , that moody tone is a lot of what push has going for it . superhero fans will likely be into push just for the cool - factor of watching embattled heroes and villains in a tense war of wits , wills , and skills . that broader audience is less likely to come along for the ride , but this particular gateway drug at least has ambition and brains going for it , as well as the usual spastic style .\ndisaster movie , which along with all the narrow / shallow parodies and crude jokes , consists of long running gags that were never funny to begin with . what makes disaster movie\nspecial\nis that it goes even further on all of this , managing to be more aggressively unfunny , more pandering , more vapid , and even cheaper - looking than the films before it . the film shot up ( or down ? ) to the # 1 spot on im db ' s worst film list in less than a day and bombed in theaters . this film was so bad that pajiba\n[ refused ] to dignify [ their ] movie with a new review\n. usa today film critic louis fehrey , in his review , said that disaster movie was an insult to the intelligence of him and his fellow americans and an insult to cinema . he subsequently published an article in usa today summing up all the reviews of the film , which were near universally negative .\ni thought push was great . but i think you ' re right about the\nfive years too soon\nthing . it could have easily been a netflix show now with a lesser known cast . or well - respected as an\nindie\nshot at the superhero world outside of marvel / dc .\ni bought this film knowing i may have a growing , unhealthy fixation on one chris evans the actor not the other one . what i got with this film was genuine excitement but more importantly i got the beautiful ming - na from tvs er and the always nice to watch cliff curtis from die hard 4 . plus a more grown up dakota fanning is a hoot and a half .\ni really enjoyed this film even though at times you could get a little confused with what was going on . fanning is the star of the picture , and is shaping up to be a great actress . the action is very good and realistic and even the powers are good . this film will keep you guessing all the way to the end , but blink and you ' ll miss something important .\njust a few months before its premiere at cannes , \u201cprecious\u201d won three awards at the sundance film festival , including a special jury prize for mo\u2019nique , who plays precious\u2019s monstrous mother . graphic as the film is , it is less so than \u201cpush , \u201d the 1996 novel on which it is based . written by an african - american poet and writer known as sapphire , \u201cpush\u201d relied on intentionally misspelled , broken and slangy english to convey precious\u2019s sense of despair and rage . the novel mixes poems by precious with sexually extreme scenes , like those in which she is forced to perform oral sex on her mother . it is almost relentlessly bleak : when precious discovers she is h . i . v . - positive , she is certain of her imminent death . daniels\u2019s movie , by contrast , offers a greater sense of possibility . he doesn\u2019t ignore her disease , hardships or struggles , but he also liberates her from them . precious is a stand - in for anyone \u2014 black , white , male , female \u2014 who has ever been devalued or underestimated .\nbarry jenkins\u2019 \u201c moonlight \u201d is a beautifully made drama that explores the life of a young man\u2019s struggles , told across three defining chapters of his life , as he grapples with his sexuality and broken family . the movie premiered at this year\u2019s telluride and toronto film festivals to critical acclaim . to accompany the film\u2019s moving story , nicholas britell composed a hypnotic and emotional score , that you can listen to below .\nphenomena . so she has actual talent ? nice . she has great charisma for the screen , especially with evans , which is good since their on - screen romance is half the point of the film .\nas this week ' s target film for two reasons . one , so i could mention that dj spinderella was always my favorite member of the band . and two , we are giving away plush toys from\nthis week , as well as a large note pads from the movie . meanwhile , whoever comes the closest to predicting the film ' s opening 3 - day weekend box office ( friday to sunday ) ,\nwould survive the film , showing a chris evans - like resilience as he went on to make a definitive merc with a mouth . ( at least his time as hal jordan would yield two jokes for the\na film full of life and love , well - meaning and , judging by the reaction in the us , a genuine and important phenomenon that says act - don ' t dwell - on your dreams .\nthere are many types of superhumans in push . so many in fact , that it ' s a bit overwhelming . there are\nwatchers\n,\nmovers\n,\npushers\n,\nbleeders\n,\nsniffs\n,\nshifters\n,\nwipers\n,\nshadows\nand\nsnitches\n. try keeping track of that while watching the film . you also have to keep track of which character can do what , and when . can our lead , nick ( chris evans ) , move things well all of the time , or just when he is motivated ? can his sidekick , cassie ( dakota fanning ) , see much of the future at all , or is she actually the most powerful character in the film ?\nthere are many types of superhumans in push . so many in fact , that it ' s a bit overwhelming . there are\nwatchers\n,\nmovers\n,\npushers\n,\nbleeders\n,\nsniffs\n,\nshifters\n,\nwipers\n,\nshadows\nand\nsnitches\n. try keeping track of that while watching the film . you also have to keep track of which character can do what , and when . can our lead , nick ( chris evans ) , move things well all of the time , or just when he is motivated ? can his sidekick , cassie ( dakota fanning ) , see much of the future at all , or is she actually the most powerful character in the film ?\nit just doesn\u2019t quite come together like it was supposed to . the film often feels way overstuffed , with characters such as the juggernaut ( vinnie jones ) simply shoehorned in as henchmen , when in the comics they\u2019re often the subject of whole story arcs . angel ( ben foster ) , for instance , was heavily used in the promotion of the film , but has only a few minutes of largely inconsequential screen time .\nwhat really winds me up about super hero movies is when the heros fail to use there powers in an obvious way to get out of a situation . what i love about push is that all the characters use their powers as if this was not a movie and just how i would use them . single word review : refreshing .\ni say be who you are , embrace it , push it , work it . just be true to yourself , whether you\u2019re masc , femme , large , skinny , green hair , no hair , or anywhere in between . we are a diverse community of so many incredible types of people and this is where our strengths lie .\nif you liked push , consider reading stephen king ' s firestarter . the movie is just so obviously based on the book , but somehow nobody ever mentions it when they bring the movie up , which i just can ' t wrap my head around . it might be my favorite book of his , and the universes are extremely similar .\nrather , there ' s a lot of tedious nonsense involving decoy suitcases and floating revolvers - - though the blood - vessel shattering , screaming bleeders are sort of fun - - with director mcguigan (\nlucky number slevin ,\nwicker park\n) pushing the visuals at every opportunity without managing to push the two - hour story forward .\n( 2006 ) , was too much style over substance , and while they might have had a point , i found myself energized by the promise that that small , tarantino - esque film showed of its director . with\nit ' s official . blue valentine is 2010 ' s # 2 film . and i really can ' t tell you about it . i ' ll say what i can , of course , but . . .\nthis is a surprisingly good movie . i can only liken it to jumper , but that ' s only relative , it ' s quite different . one of the best things about this film is the chemistry between chris evans and dakota fanning ; it ' s quite unexpected , but works so well . of course there is also the fact that the story is intriguing and isn ' t laden with cgi effects . so , despite what you may or may not have heard about push - it also seems to be little known - see it . as in now .\nas i mentioned , the film was shot in hong kong , and it makes for a viable and unique location for this type of film . it ' s gritty , messy , choked with people , simultaneously the best and worst place to hide from the world . the narrow streets and passages combined with the occasional wide - open basketball courts and sky - rise rooftops make for an interesting environment in which to make this movie . simply put ,\nthe following year brought desplat his fourth oscar nomination , this time for\nthe king ' s speech .\nit also provided him with his biggest film ever :\nharry potter & the deathly hallows part 1 .\nfull financial estimates for this film , including domestic and international box office , video sales , video rentals , tv and ancillary revenue are available through our research services . for more information , please contact us at research @ urltoken .\ni would have to rewatch but i remember being super excited for it and seeing it in theaters but honestly left very disappointed . i recall the villain who vould also\npush\ngot the coolest scene of the movie and chris never did anything amazing woth his powers , and with abilities as cool as his he ends up mostly just fist fighting with extra strength .\nmonster , a cloverfield mockbuster , is the asylum ' s most obscure film , and for good reasons . it has obnoxious camera work which is inexcusable even for found footage - style films , a garbled and focusless plot and overacting awful characters . also , the\nmonster\nnever fully shows up ; it ' s supposed to be a giant squid , but when it attacks , it only shows a tentacle and the camera defocuses , just to ( not ) let you know it ' s there . the most pathetic part ? the film was rushed ( and it shows ) to be released a week before cloverfield , hoping that unattentive moviegoers would watch their film instead of the latter .\nwhen daniels was getting up to accept the audience award at the sundance film festival in january , his cellphone rang , and it was oprah winfrey . she was calling to tell him that she had seen \u201cprecious , \u201d that the movie \u201csplit her open\u201d and that she wanted to put her might behind the film . \u201ci said , \u2018i\u2019m accepting an award right now , \u2019 \u201d daniels recalled . \u201cshe said , \u2018then why are you answering your phone ? \u2019 \u201d\non his blog , televisual ( at urltoken ) , he wrote that precious was \u201cby far the scariest movie for anyone invested in having only \u2018good\u2019 representations of black people ( \u2018the cosby show ! \u2019 ) in film and tv . \u201d\npushers have the ability to implant memories , thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people in order to manipulate them . the skill level of the pusher determines how many people the pusher is able to control at one time , and how vivid the implanted memories are . a powerful pusher can push a large group of people at the same time , basically creating a personal army . a pusher is able to make a person do anything the pusher desires , even commit suicide . a pusher ' s eyes indicate how powerful they are : their pupils will dilate to certain degrees depending on how powerful the push is ( for example , henry carver ' s eyes are rendered completely black , signifying that he is an extremely able and effective pusher ) .\nit was clear that the film was setting up a universe or a franchise . the shadow organization was still out there . there were questions left unanswered at the end of the story . i keep wondering what would have happened if the film had come out in the middle of the marvel upswing , instead of right at the start . if it would have taken off to become a great franchise with several films delving into the division and the different powers . or . . . do i just love the film but most people think it is terrible ? i admit the screamers bit was absolutely bonkers , but i still loved how fresh this new ip was and i wish it had gotten off the ground ."]} {"id": 114573, "summary": [{"text": "chamaram is a 1980 malayalam film written by john paul puthusery and directed by bharathan starring nedumudi venu , zarina wahab , prathap pothan , ratheesh .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the story is about the tumultuous affair between a student and his college lecturer , an uncommon type of love story in indian cinema .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "this film has the evergreen song \" nadha nee varum kalocha kelkkuvan \" sung by s. janaki . ", "topic": 3}], "title": "chamaram", "paragraphs": ["is a malayalam drama movie , directed by bharathan . the cast of chamaram includes prathap k . pothan , zarina wahab .\nveteran john paul\u2019s scripts are an all - time treat for movie buffs and his first film as a scriptwriter , \u2018chamaram , \u2019 too was well received for its pristine theme then . however , the ace writer recently said that chamaram , helmed by bharathan was based on his own college life .\nthe master craftsmanship of this gifted writer gave the malayali audiences such memorable films like\nchamaram\n,\normaykayi\nand\nyatra\n. these films were characterised by their boldness in approach , the freshness of the theme and a treatment entirely set against the regular conventions .\nbut the real break came when bharathan , a man who made films with the visual beauty of paintings , asked him to pen a script with campus as the main theme .\nchamaram was my first venture as a scenarist . later , the association grew into personal friendship and we worked together for 14 films ,\nsays john paul .\nnedumudi venu is thrice the recipient of the national film awards and six state awards . he started his career through the dramas of kavalam narayana panicker . later , he debuted in the cinema field through the movie \u2018thambu\u2019 in 1978 . nedumudi venu received the first state award in 1980 for the picture \u2018chamaram\u2019 . \u2018oru minnaminunginte nurunguvettam\u2019 , \u2018baratham\u2019 , \u2018 santhwanam \u2019 , thenmavin kombath , and \u2018margam\u2019 won him five more awards . \u2018 paavada \u2019 , \u2018 charlie \u2019 , \u2018 nirnayakam \u2019 , and \u2018oru second class yathra\u2019 are his recent films . 6 . prithviraj sukumaran\nchamaram directed by bharathan portrays the love life of a college teacher ( zarina wahab ) and shows how all her loved ones desert her . indhu is the daughter of a widowed rural father and is in love with balettan ( rathesh ) . she moves to the city as she gets a job as a lecturer and balettan frequently visits her in the hostel . one of her students vinoth ( prathap k . pothan ) falls in love with her and tries to impress her . but when he proposes to his teacher , she tells him about her relationship with balettan and that she is going to marry him over the college break . vinoth acknowledges this fact but tells her that he still loves her and leaves sadly . when indhu returns to her home she is shocked to know that balettan is married to another girl due to a confrontation with her father . her father did not like balettan from the beginning and he has also developed a relationship with another woman in the neighbourhood . dejected by her own misery she returns to college and finds vinoth coming to her emotional rescue . she spends a night with him and they both decide to marry soon . in the meanwhile vinoth had enmity with one of his college mates and they develop a quarrel on the night of college day celebrations . the story has a final twist as vinoth is chased by his rival and indhu by her own destiny .\na popular online quoted his words \u201cthe story of my first movie was based on the life that i had experienced in my campus . though the script was inspired by the novel written by balakrishnan mangad , a large part of the movie was based on my college life . \u201d\nmeanwhile , john has recently acted in aashiq abu\u2019s gangster , in which he plays uncle sam , an underworld don .\nrefrain from posting comments that are obscene , defamatory or inflammatory , and do not indulge in personal attacks , name calling or inciting hatred against any community . help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive . let ' s work together to keep the conversation civil .\nwe have sent you a verification email . to verify , just follow the link in the message\netimes is an entertainment , tv & lifestyle industry ' s promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 bennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved .\ntop 75 songs of salil chowdhury | k . j . yesudas , s . janaki , p . leela | one stop jukebox | malayalam\n< p > size : 10 inches . < / p > < p > < strong > venchamaram is one of the sodacha upachara article for god < / strong > < span > . venchamaram has yak ( a kind of deer ) hair fixed to a handle . arthi venchamaram handle use to be in wood / silver / brass etc . venchamaram specification is referred in inches of the handle length . venchamaram hair length and bunch thickness increases as handle size increases . venchamaram is swayed even for king\u2019s olden days . venchamaram swaying has two attributes one is welcoming with the best honor and second is air swivel . venchamaram in tamil is referred as kavariman hair visiri also . in some temple festivals big size arthi venchamaram are carried in front of the deity in the procession . < / span > < / p > < p > size : 10 inches . < / p > < p > < strong > venchamaram is one of the sodacha upachara article for god < / strong > < span > . venchamaram has yak ( a kind of deer ) hair fixed to a handle . arthi venchamaram handle use to be in wood / silver / brass etc . venchamaram specification is referred in inches of the handle length . venchamaram hair length and bunch thickness increases as handle size increases . venchamaram is swayed even for king\u2019s olden days . venchamaram swaying has two attributes one is welcoming with the best honor and second is air swivel . venchamaram in tamil is referred as kavariman hair visiri also . in some temple festivals big size arthi venchamaram are carried in front of the deity in the procession . < / span > < / p >\njavascript seems to be disabled in your browser . you must have javascript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website .\n. venchamaram has yak ( a kind of deer ) hair fixed to a handle . arthi venchamaram handle use to be in wood / silver / brass etc . venchamaram specification is referred in inches of the handle length . venchamaram hair length and bunch thickness increases as handle size increases . venchamaram is swayed even for king\u2019s olden days . venchamaram swaying has two attributes one is welcoming with the best honor and second is air swivel . venchamaram in tamil is referred as kavariman hair visiri also . in some temple festivals big size arthi venchamaram are carried in front of the deity in the procession .\nuse spaces to separate tags . use single quotes ( ' ) for phrases .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\ngo behind the scenes of the mission : impossible movies , check out the latest videos and trailers , and see which spy movies topped the box office in our mission : impossible guide .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\ndiscover the top 50 malayalam movies as rated by imdb users \u2013 from all - time favorites to recent hits .\n1 of 1 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nexplore popular sci - fi movies and tv shows available to stream with prime video .\nthe beautiful zarina has conveyed her character elegantly and has scored on both charm and emotions . prathap pothan has also come up with a clean performance . nedumudi venu playing the role of student and church father has contributed to the occasional humor and a realistic touch to the movie . the heartwarming background music deserves special mention and the opening song\nnadha nee varum\nis pleasing to the eyes and ears .\nthis blog is a personal blog written and edited by me . some of the images shared on this website may not belong to us and the credit goes to the original creator .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nnjanekananu ( original motion picture soundtrack ) by m . g . radhakrishnan on spotify\nthis browser doesn ' t support spotify web player . switch browsers or download spotify for your desktop .\nlisten to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the premium trial .\nkochi , may 9 . when john paul speaks , his words take us back to the early eighties of malayalam cinema . the mantle of cinema then was taken up by some spirited directors and writers . films thus came out of the cocoon of drama and portrayed human emotions in a realistic manner .\nhow did john paul , one - time journalist and a bank employee , enter filmdom as a script writer ? john paul rules out the common expectations of a family lineage in cinema and attributes it to the sheer passion celluloid evoked in him during the seventies .\ni was working with the features section of the now defunct kerala times . dr . sebastian paul , present ernakulam mla , was in charge of the section . i used to write features and other articles on cinema . this was one factor which drew me close to the medium .\nthe mapping of human emotions in cinema and the immense potential it holds enthused me to enter the world of films . i was also an active member of the ernakulam film society ,\nhe says .\nenter i . v . sasi , a hitmaker of the eighties , and john paul was asked to suggest a story for his forthcoming film . the director took the young writer to veteran playwright , thoppil bhasi . the film\nnjan njan mathram\nwas the outcome of the meeting between thoppil bhasi and john paul .\nthere were times when he used to complete 14 films in a row and still continue to churn out films with a class of their own .\nthe characters he brought out through the excellent acting of bharat gopi in\normaykayi\nand nedumudi venu in\nvidaparayum mumbe\nstill remain fresh in the minds of the malayali audience .\nwith the prathap pothan directed , mohanlal starer ,\nyatramozhi\n, john paul took a temporary break from writing scripts . he then went on to build the malayalam cine technicians ' association ( macta ) with his friends in the industry .\nmacta has grown into a major association of malayalam cinema . it helped in evolving a sense of fraternity among the members ,\nhe says .\njohn paul turned producer with the m . t . vasudevan nair directed film ,\noru cherupunchiri\n. the film won the best director award for mt and bagged the award for the best environmental film at the national film awards .\noru cherupunchiri\nhas also been invited to participate in the munich international film festival . the film won the special jury prize at the international film festival held in mumbai recently .\ndiscussions are on for another film with mt by the end of the year . he also plans to screen\noru cherupunchiri\nin the overseas film markets .\ncinema gave me the energy to take up challenges in life . i am also planning to produce a series of films in the coming years . the quest for different ideas and themes makes me venture into new areas of meaningful cinema ,\nhe says .\nsection : southern states previous : hdfc plans insurance cover for slum dwellers next : elementary , dr . ekbal !\nwe ' ve detected that javascript is disabled in your browser . would you like to proceed to legacy twitter ?\nyou can add 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find a topic you\u2019re passionate about , and jump right in .\ntwitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup . try again or visit twitter status for more information .\nmankada ravi varma ( black & white ) - e . n . balakrishnan ( colour )\nashok kumar ( black & white ) - shaji n . karun ( colour )\nk . r . mohanan , rajeevnath , v . k . pavithran - bharathan\nthis article is issued from wikipedia - version of the 10 / 14 / 2016 . the text is available under the creative commons attribution / share alike but additional terms may apply for the media files .\nmohanlal was born to viswanathan nair ( father ) and santhakumari ( mother ) in pathanamthitta district of kerala , in the southern part of india on 21st may 1960 . starting his career with a classic villain role , he has now become an outstanding actor of malayalam cinema in kerala . without no doubt , . . .\nkamal haasan was born november 7 , 1954 in paramakudi , tamil nadu . he debuted as a child artiste in the film\nkalathoor kannamma\n( 1960 ) , which was released in the year 1960 . since then , he has starred in nearly 200 films in the major indian languages - tamil , telugu , kannada , malayalam and hindi . . . .\nanupam kher was born on march 7 , 1955 in shimla , himachal pradesh , india . he is an actor and producer , known for silver linings playbook ( 2012 ) , a wednesday ( 2008 ) and the big sick ( 2017 ) .\n\u201c anupam kher ( born 7 march 1955 ) [ 2 ] is an indian actor who has appeared in nearly 470 films and 100 plays . [ 3 ] though mainly appearing in bollywood ( hindi ) films , he has had roles in some films from other nations as well most notably the 2013 oscar nominated silver linings playbook , directed by david o . russell . he has held the post of chairman of the censor board and national school of drama in india . [ 3 ] in 2004 , he was honoured with the padma shri by the government of india for his contribution to indian cinema . [ 4 ] kher has won the filmfare award for best performance in a comic role five times , more than any other actor \u201d\nthilakan ( born surendranatha thilakan ) was a malayalam film actor . widely considered one of the greatest actors of indian cinema , he was stubborn , uncompromising and very critical of the way lead actors worked in comparison to character actors . in a span of around 40 years , thilakan handled a huge . . .\nprobably the best actor india ever produced and one of the most versatile and gifted actor in the world . thilakan was stubborn , uncompromising and very critical of the way lead heroes . but his actiing capabilities were well above a normal actor can think of . he is one of the few actors along with jagathy sreekumar whom movie industry didn ' t exploit well . . .\nmalayalam film actor mammootty was born to ismail ( an agriculturist ) and fatima ( a homemaker ) . he had two younger brothers ibrahim and zakariah ; and three sisters , ameena , sauda and shafina . he did his high school ( pre - degree ) at maharaja ' s college , thevara and then studied law at ernakulam . . .\nson of well known poet harivansh rai bachchan and teji bachchan . he has a brother named ajitabh . he completed his education from uttar pradesh and moved to bombay to find work as a film star , in vain though , as film - makers preferred someone with a fairer skin , and he was not quite fair enough . but . . .\nnaseeruddin shah was born on july 20 , 1950 in barabanki , uttar pradesh , india . he is an actor , known for the league of extraordinary gentlemen ( 2003 ) , a wednesday ( 2008 ) and jaane bhi do yaaro ( 1983 ) . he has been married to ratna pathak shah since april 1 , 1982 . they have three children .\nnaseeruddin shah actor , the league of extraordinary gentlemen \u201c he is widely considered to be one of the finest indian stage and film actors . he is an influential actor of the indian parallel ( new wave ) cinema . shah has won numerous awards in his career , including three national film awards , three filmfare awards and one venice film festival . the government of india has honoured him with both the padma shri and the padma bhushan civilian awards for his contributions to indian cinema . in 2013 , his second pakistani film zinda bhaag was selected as an official entry from pakistan to the 86th academy awards in the category of best foreign language film . it also won four international awards at international south asian film festival in canada before released . his contribution of works made him as one of the greatest actor of indian cinema particularly known as bollywood . \u201d\nvishwanath patekar ( born on january 1 , 1951 in murud - janjira , maharashtra , india ) is an actor , writer and filmmaker . he is known for his work on ab tak chhappan ( 2004 ) , raajneeti ( 2010 ) and parinda ( 1989 ) . he made his acting debut in the early 70 ' s and since then has been nominated for multiple . . .\nvishwanath\nnana\npatekar ( marathi : \u0928\u093e\u0928\u093e \u092a\u093e\u091f\u0947\u0915\u0930 ) ( born 1 january 1951 ) is an indian actor , writer and filmmaker . nana patekar has been awarded padma shri award for his dedication in the field of films and arts in 2013 on the eve of 64th republic day . [ 13 ] nana patekar is the only actor ever to win filmfare awards in the best actor , best supporting actor and best villain categories . [ 14 ] award film year status national film award national film award for best supporting actor parinda 1990 won national film award for best actor krantiveer 1995 won national film award for best supporting actor agni sakshi 1997 won filmfare award filmfare best supporting actor award andha yudh 1989 nominated filmfare best supporting actor award parinda 1990 won filmfare best villain award angaar 1992 won filmfare best supporting actor award raju ban gaya gentleman 1993 nominated filmfare best supporting actor award tirangaa 1994 nominated filmfare best actor award krantiveer 1995 won filmfare best villain award shakti : the power 2003 nominated filmfare best villain award apaharan 2006 won filmfare best supporting actor award raajneeti 2011 nominated star screen awards star screen award best actor krantiveer 1995 won star screen award best villain apaharan 2006 won bengal film journalists ' association awards bengal film journalists ' association - best actor award ( hindi ) ab tak chhappan 2004 won\nacclaimed by the critics and the entire world as one of the best actor of his times irrfan khan hails from india . born and brought up in jaipur into feudal nawab family , though had no one from the entertainment field in the family , his passion was acting since childhood . while he was doing his . . .\nacclaimed by the critics & the entire world as one of the best actor of his times irrfan khan hails from india . born and brought up in jaipur into feudal nawab family , though had no one from the entertainment field in the family , his passion was acting since childhood . while he was doing his masters . . . \u201c is an indian film actor known for his works predominantly in bollywood . he is also known for his works in british indian films , hollywood ventures , and a telugu film . he was credited as irrfan khan in the 2012 u . s . film the amazing spider - man . in india , khan gained the reputation of a skilled actor from his roles in bollywood movies such as the warrior , maqbool , haasil , paan singh tomar and rog . he also hosted the tv show mano ya na mano and appeared in popular vodafone commercials . in 2012 he appeared in the lead titular role in paan singh tomar , a biopic about an athlete . both the movie and khan ' s performance received critical acclaim . he has appeared in more than 30 films in bollywood . khan ' s english - language mainstream work includes character roles in movies like the namesake , new york , i love you , a mighty heart , slumdog millionaire , the amazing spider - man , and life of pi , as well as in the hbo series in treatment . khan has won three filmfare awards , a screen actors guild award , and an independent spirit award nomination . he is also the recipient of 2011 padma shri award , the fourth highest civilian award in india . he has garnered the national film award for best actor in the 60th national film awards 2012 , for his performance in paan singh tomar \u201d\nnedumudi venu was born on may 22 , 1948 in alleppey , travancore , india . he is an actor and writer , known for charlie ( 2015 ) , marmaram ( 1983 ) and margam ( 2003 ) .\nrajesh khanna , the first superstar of indian and hindi cinema with 74 golden jubilee hits - ( which includes 48 platinum jubilee hits and 26 golden jubilee hits ) & in addition had 22 silver jubilee hits and 9 average hits , was born on 29 december 1942 in amritsar , punjab , india . rajesh entered hindi . . .\nafter having played the lead actor for more than five decades in over 110 motion pictures , dev anand continues to bestride indian cinema today . he has given a new dimension to that magical state known as stardom . and for his exemplary work he was awarded the padma bhushan in 2001 by the president . . .\nsalim kumar is an actor and director , known for karutha joothan ( 2017 ) , adaminte makan abu ( 2011 ) and daivame kaithozham k . kumarakanam ( 2018 ) .\nsalim kumar ( born on 10 october [ birthday 1 ] 1969 ) is a national award winning indian film actor and mimic predominantly acting in malayalam cinema . he is one of the prominent comedian actors of the current generation in malayalam cinema , but has shown his versatility in the drama genre of films , such as achanurangatha veedu , gramophone , perumazhakkalam and adaminte makan abu . [ 1 ] salim kumar ' s role as abu in adaminte makan abu won him both the national award and kerala state award for best actor for the year 2010 . earlier he had won a kerala state film award for the second best actor in 2005 for his role as samuel in achanurangatha veedu . [ 2 ]\ntamil superstar from a poor family in tamil nadu , india . his father worked on the railways . on the day of his birth his father , chiniah pillai , follower of mahatma gandhi , was jailed for participating in the independence movement in nellikuppam ( tamil nadu , india ) . he was frequently in and out of . . .\none of the best actor ever graced indian film . he was the son of the write jagathy n achari . he was very active in the school and college drama activities and wanted to be an actor from childhood . since he didn ' t want to use his father ' s name to get a chance in movies , he never revealed about his . . .\nsreekumar achary ( born 5 january 1951 ) , better known by his stage name jagathy sreekumar , is an indian film actor known for his work in malayalam cinema . he is popular mainly for his comedy roles . [ 3 ] he has also directed two films and has written screenplays for two films . 2007 kerala state film award ( special jury award ) - ' paradesi , veeraalipattu 2009 kerala state film award ( special jury award ) - raamanam kerala film critics award 2007 \u2013 second best actor \u2013 classmates , palungu and vaastavam [ 10 ] jaihind tv awards 2008 \u2013 jaihind utsav film awards lifetime achievement award for overall contribution to malayalam cinema [ 11 ] 2011 \u2013 abhinaya samrat award by jaihind tv [ 12 ] other awards 2003 \u2013 bahadoor award for his contributions to malayalam cinema [ 13 ] 2005 \u2013 prem nazir award for his contributions to malayalam cinema spanning three decades [ 14 ] 2005 \u2013 sathyan memorial award [ 15 ] 2011 - the kochi times film award - best actor in a negative role in urumi . [ 16 ] 2012 \u2013 thikkurussy award for most popular actor [ 17 ] 2015 - asianet comedy awards 2015 ( lifetime achievement award ) [ 18 ]\nborn in south mumbai , kapoor is the second son of film director and actor raj kapoor . he did his schooling with his brothers at campion school , mumbai . his brothers are well - known actors , randhir kapoor and rajiv kapoor . rishi kapoor debuted in his father ' s 1970 film mera naam joker , playing his . . .\nrishi kapoor ( born 4 september 1952 ) [ 1 ] is an indian bollywood actor , film producer and director . he received the national film award in 1971 , for his debut role as a child artist , and filmfare best actor award for bobby in 1974 as well as a number of other awards including the filmfare lifetime achievement award in 2008 . 1970 \u2013 bengal film journalists ' association awards : special award for mera naam joker . [ 7 ] 2009 \u2013 honoured by russian government for contribution to cinema . [ 8 ] 2010 \u2013 apsara film & television producers guild awards : best actor in a supporting role for love aaj kal . [ 9 ] 2011 \u2013 zee cine awards : best lifetime jodi along with neetu singh . [ 10 ] 2013 - the times of india film awards ( toifa ) , best actor in a negative role for agneepath . [ 11 ] [ 12 ] 2016 - screen lifetime achievement award\nprakash raj was born on march 26 , 1965 in bangalore , mysore state , india as prakash rai . he is an actor and producer , known for anniyan ( 2005 ) , abhiyum naanum ( 2008 ) and oggarane ( 2014 ) .\ndr . rajkumar was born in 1929 in gajanur and brought up in a poor family . he only studied up to 3rd standard before he dropped out of school . he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father , a traveling actor who performed in various villages . he joined the gubbi veeranna drama company to play . . .\nmithun chakraborty was born on june 16 , 1947 in barisal , bengal presidency , british india as gouranga chakraborti . he is an actor , known for omg : oh my god ! ( 2012 ) , guru ( 2007 ) and vivekananda ( 1994 ) . he has been married to yogeeta bali since july 1982 . they have four children . he was previously . . .\nbelieve it or not , amrish puri wanted to become a bollywood movie hero but failed a screen test in 1954 . and what a failure it was ! mr . puri went on to become one of the most renowned and credible villains in the history of indian cinema . his most memorable and often quoted role is the character of . . .\nsir amrish lal puri ( hindi : \u0905\u092e\u0930\u0940\u0936 \u0932\u093e\u0932 \u092a\u0941\u0930\u0940 ; 22 june 1932 \u2013 12 january 2005 [ 1 ] ) was an indian actor , who was an important figure in indian theatre and cinema . he worked with notable playwrights of the time , such as satyadev dubey and girish karnad . he is remembered for playing iconic negative roles in hindi cinema as well as other indian and international film industries . to indian audiences he is the most remembered for his role as mogambo in shekhar kapur ' s hindi film mr . india ( 1987 ) , and to western audiences he is best known as mola ram in steven spielberg ' s hollywood film indiana jones and the temple of doom ( 1984 ) . puri has won three filmfare award for best supporting actor . 1968 : maharashtra state drama competition , , 1979 : sangeet natak akademi award for theatre 1986 : filmfare best supporting actor award , meri jung 1991 : maharashtra state gaurav puraskar 1994 : sydney film festival , best actor award \u2013 suraj ka satvan ghoda 1994 : singapore international film festival , best actor award \u2013 suraj ka satvan ghoda 1997 : filmfare best supporting actor award \u2013 ghatak 1997 : star screen award for best supporting actor \u2013 ghatak 1998 : filmfare best supporting actor award - virasat 1998 : star screen award for best supporting actor \u2013 virasat nominations [ edit ] 1990 : filmfare best supporting actor award \u2013 tridev 1993 : filmfare best supporting actor award \u2013 muskurahat 1994 : filmfare best supporting actor award \u2013 gardish 1996 : filmfare best villain award \u2013 karan arjun 1996 : filmfare best supporting actor award \u2013 dilwale dulhania le jayenge 1999 : filmfare best villain award \u2013 koyla 2000 : filmfare best villain award \u2013 baadshah 2002 : filmfare best villain award \u2013 gadar : ek prem katha\nbharath gopi was part of the golden era of malayalam movies spear headed by p . padmarajan , k . g . george , bharathan , mt vaudevan nair , i . v . sasi , aravindan , pavitran , sreenivasan , lohitadas , t . damodaran etc with fellow actors like thilakan , jagathy sreekumar , nedumudi venu , mohanlal , mamootty . he was . . .\naamir is no doubt one of the most dedicated actors in this world . he went through rapid transformations in his body structure for his films to bring out the reality factor in his characters . this is also one of the reasons why his films and he is loved all over the world . his most visible changes . . .\nvikram is an indian film actor , voice actor and a playback singer . he made his debut in the 1990 film en kadhal kanmani , which was followed by a series of tamil and telugu films and supporting roles in few malayalam films throughout the early decade . after the critical and commercial success of . . .\nvenkatesh prabhu known by his stage name dhanush , is an indian film actor , producer , lyricist and playback singer who has worked predominantly in tamil cinema . in 2011 , he won the national film award for best actor for the tamil film\naadukalam\nand in the same year , he received international . . .\nvenkatesh prabhu kasthuri raja , known by his stage name dhanush , is an indian film actor , producer , lyricist and playback singer who works predominantly in tamil cinema . in 2011 , he won the national film award for best actor for aadukalam . the same year , he received international attention with his popular song\nwhy this kolaveri di\n, which became the first indian video to cross 100 million views on youtube . [ 3 ] he has won six filmfare awards . in 2015 , he received his second national award for producing the children ' s film kaaka muttai in 2015 . dhanush ' s first film was thulluvadho ilamai , a 2002 coming - of - age film directed by his father , kasthuri raja . over the next ten years , dhanush featured in 25 film and made his hindi debut in raanjhanaa in the year 2013 . he produces films under his production company , wunderbar films .\ndilip kumar is considered to be one of the greatest actors of indian cinema . starting his career in 1944 , he has starred in some of the biggest commercially successful films in the period 1949 - 1961 . . he was the first actor to receive a filmfare best actor award and holds the record for most number . . .\nom puri was an indian actor who has appeared in both mainstream indian films and art films . his credits also include appearances in british and american films . he has received an honorary obe . puri was born in ambala , haryana . his father worked on the railways and served in the indian army . puri . . .\nom rajesh puri obe [ 1 ] ( born 18 october 1950 ) is an indian [ 2 ] actor who has appeared in mainstream commercial indian and british films , independent films and art films . his credits also include appearances in american films . he has been awarded padma shri , the fourth highest civilian award of india . [ 3 ] 1981 : filmfare best supporting actor award for aakrosh 1982 : national film award for best actor for arohan 1984 : national film award for best actor for ardh satya 1984 : karlovy vary international film festival best actor for ardh satya 1998 : brussels international film festival best actor for my son the fanatic 1990 : padmashri , india ' s fourth highest civilian award 1998 : grand prix special des am\u00e9riques montr\u00e9al world film festival for exceptional contribution to the cinematographic art 2004 : honorary officer of the order of the british empire for services to the british film industry [ 1 ] 2009 : filmfare lifetime achievement award 2015 : lifetime achievement award international film festival of prayag [ 13 ] nominations 1990 : filmfare best supporting actor award for ghayal 1997 : filmfare best supporting actor award for maachis 1998 : filmfare best supporting actor award for gupt : the hidden truth 1999 : filmfare best supporting actor award for pyaar to hona hi tha 1999 : bafta award for best actor in a leading role for east is east\nprithviraj sukumaran ( born 16 october 1982 ) , credited mononymously as prithviraj , is an indian actor , playback singer and producer best known for his work in malayalam films . he has also acted in a number of tamil , telugu and hindi films . prithviraj sukumaran was born in thiruvananthapuram to actors . . .\npankaj kapur the acclaimed film , television and stage actor signified the young crop of great actors of which om puri , naseeruddin shah and ifran khan formed a part . unlike his other counterparts kapur hasn ' t broken the vow to work only in good art and independent projects . a perfect actor pankaj . . .\natul kulkarni was born on september 10 , 1965 in karnataka , india . he is an actor , known for rang de basanti ( 2006 ) , page 3 ( 2005 ) and hey ram ( 2000 ) .\natul kulkarni ( born 10 september 1965 ) is an indian film actor who has acted in multiple - language films . kulkarni won the national award for the best supporting actor for the films hey ram and chandni bar . he is also the president of quest , a research - action organization concentrating on enhancing quality of education . 2000 : won : best supporting actor in hey ram citation : for his serious performance as a cold blooded fundamentalist stalking the cities during the turbulent years of partition that led to the assassination of mahatma gandhi . [ 3 ] 2002 : won : best supporting actor in chandni bar citation : for depicting a ruthless character , trapped in a world without social values . [ 4 ] filmfare awards 2001 : nominated : best supporting actor for hey ram 2012 : won : filmfare award for best supporting actor \u2013 kannada for edegarike [ 1 ] asia pacific screen awards 2010 : nominated : best performance by an actor for natarang\nmurali was born on may 25 , 1954 in kollam , kerala , india . he was an actor and director , known for aadharam ( 1992 ) , kanakkinavu ( 1996 ) and aaram vardil aabhayandhara kalakam ( 1990 ) . he died on august 6 , 2009 in thiruvananthapuram , kerala .\nmurali ( malayalam : \u0d2e\u0d41\u0d30\u0d33\u0d3f , 25 may 1954 \u2013 6 august 2009 ) was an indian actor and author . he mainly appeared in malayalam and tamil films . he won the national award for best actor for his portrayal of a communist freedom fighter and professional weaver in the film neythukaran ( 2002 ) . he was also a stage actor and television actor . regarded by experts as one of the greatest actors in indian cinema , he was known for his powerful portrayal of character roles , lead roles , and negative roles . his last film was aadhavan . 2001 - best actor - neythukaaran kerala state film awards : 1992 - best actor - aadhaaram 1996 - best actor - kaanakkinavu 1998 - best actor - thalolam 2001 - best actor - neythukaaran 1991 - second best actor - amaram 2007 - second best actor - veeralipattu , pranayakalam kerala state tv awards 2005 - best actor - aranazhikaneram filmfare awards : 1992 - best actor - aadharam other awards : madras film fans award kerala film critics award shivaram award best columnist award : for his feature\nvyazhaporul\nin the malayala manorama newspaper\najay devgn is an indian film actor , director , and producer . he made his film debut with phool aur kaante in 1991 and received a filmfare award for best male debut for his performance in the film . he then starred in films such as jigar ( 1992 ) , dilwale ( 1994 ) , suhaag ( 1994 ) , naajayaz ( 1995 ) , diljale . . .\nfahadh is the son of malayalam film director fazil , and his wife rozina . he has two sisters , ahameda and fatima , and a brother , farhaan faasil . he completed his schooling from sdv central school alleppey , lawrence school ooty and choice school thripunithara . he went on to pursue his degree from . . .\nfahadh faasil is an indian film actor known for his work in malayalam cinema . fahadh made his debut at the age of 19 in his father fazil ' s kaiyethum doorath ( 2002 ) . after a gap of six years , fahadh made his comeback in cinema with the anthology film kerala cafe ( 2009 ) . his notable films include chaappa kurishu , diamond necklace , 22 female kottayam , amen , artist , annayum rasoolum , north 24 kaatham , bangalore days , and iyobinte pusthakam . he won the kerala state film awards for best actor for his roles in artist and north 24 kaatham and second best actor award for his role in akam . awards [ edit ] kerala state film awards 2011 : second best actor - akam [ 24 ] 2013 : best actor - artist , north 24 kaatham [ 25 ] filmfare awards south 2012 : best actor - 22 female kottayam [ 26 ] 2013 : best actor - north 24 kaatham [ 27 ] 2014 : nominated , best supporting actor - bangalore days [ 28 ] asianet film awards 2012 : youth icon of the year [ 29 ] 2014 : performer of the year south indian international movie awards 2013 : critics award for best actor - diamond necklace [ 30 ] 2014 : nominated , best actor - north 24 kaatham [ 31 ]\nvikram gokhale was born on october 30 , 1940 in pune , bombay presidency , british india . he is an actor and director , known for bhool bhulaiyaa ( 2007 ) , tum bin . . . : love will find a way ( 2001 ) and aiyaary ( 2018 ) .\nvikram gokhale ( occasionally credited as vikram gokhle ) is a well known indian film , television and stage actor , notable for his roles in marathi theatre and hindi films and television . [ 1 ] he is the son of another well known veteran marathi theater and film actor chandrakant gokhale . [ 2 ] [ 3 ] gokhale directed his directorial debut in 2010 , with marathi film aaghaat . produced by sprint arts creation and executive producer rajesh damble , the film is based on a story written by dr nitin lavangare . the cast of the film includes actors mukta barve and dr . amol kolhe and is shot in pune . he was awarded the sangeet natak akademi award in 2011 for his acting in theatre , given by the sangeet natak akademi , india ' s national academy of music , dance & drama . [ 4 ] in 2013 , he won national film award for best actor category for his marathi film anumati . [ 5 ]\nliving in a chawl in tilak nagar , punjabi - speaking anil was born in 1959 to surinder and nirmal aka suchitra kapoor . he has an elder brother , boney , a sister , reena , and a younger brother , sanjay . his dad used to be shammi kapoor ' s secretary . a loner , without many friends , he studied in the nearby . . .\nkollywood star , sathyaraj , might have been the very first screen villain to have impressed tamil audiences by being a cultured , flamboyant antagonist , and it was the audiences ' liking for him that eventually led him to becoming one of the leading heroes of tamil cinema like rajini kanth and kamal . . .\nsathyaraj ( born rangaraj subbaiah on 3 october 1954 ) is an indian film actor and media personality who has predominantly appeared in tamil films . he started his career in villainous roles and later played lead roles . he has acted in over 200 films , which include a few telugu , malayalam , hindi and kannada films as well . he is known for his performance in amaidhi padai , nadigan , periyar e . v . ramasamy , the tamil nadu government - sponsored film periyar among others . [ 2 ] he was also the director of the film villadhi villain ( 1995 ) , starring himself in three different roles . [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nthe source code for the wiki 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the mozilla foundation , google , and apple . you could also do it yourself at any point in time .\nwould you like wikipedia to always look as professional and up - to - date ? we have created a browser extension .\nit will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the wiki 2 technology .\ni use wiki 2 every day and almost forgot how the original wikipedia looks like .\nof perfecting techniques ; in live mode . quite the same wikipedia . just better .\nthe kerala state film award for second best actor ( originally called the best supporting actor award ) has been awarded annually in india since 1969 . the award for best comedy actor was introduced in 2008 as a regular category . the kerala state film awards were managed directly by the government of kerala ' s department of cultural affairs until 1997 ; they are now given by the kerala state chalachitra academy , an autonomous non - profit institution working under the department of cultural affairs .\nthe following is a list of recipients of the second best actor award and best comedy actor award .\nthis page was last edited on 14 april 2018 , at 05 : 35 .\nbasis of this page is in wikipedia . text is available under the cc by - sa 3 . 0 unported license . non - text media are available under their specified licenses . wikipedia\u00ae is a registered trademark of the wikimedia foundation , inc . wiki 2 is an independent company and has no affiliation with wikimedia foundation .\nthis page is based on a wikipedia article written by authors ( here ) . text is available under the cc by - sa 3 . 0 license ; additional terms may apply . images , videos and audio are available under their respective licenses .\nthe most famous and acknowledged malayalam actor , mohanlal , has nine state awards to his credit . the 1996 film \u2018t . p balagopalan m . a\u2019 won him the first state award , followed by the best actor award in 1998 for the pictures \u2018padamudra\u2019 , \u2018chithram\u2019 , and \u2018 vellanakalude naadu \u2019 . in 1991 and 1995 , he got two state awards for producing the movies \u2018bharatam\u2019 and \u2018kaalapani\u2019 . \u2018 ulladakkam \u2019 , \u2018spadikam\u2019 , \u2018vanaprastham\u2019 , \u2018 thanmathra \u2019 , and \u2018 paradesi \u2019 are some other films that won him state awards . moreover , he is thrice the recipient of national film awards . 2 . \u2018 mammootty \u2019\nwith three national awards and seven state awards , mammootty is an all - time favorite superhero of malayalam cinema lovers . he received the first state award in 1981 for the second best actor in the movie \u2018ahimsa\u2019 . \u2018adiyozhukkukal ' , \u2018oru vadakkan veeagadha\u2019 , \u2018mrigaya\u2019 , and \u2018mahayana\u2019 won him two other state honors in 1984 and 1989 . his recent state award came for the film \u2018palerimanikyam\u2019 in 2009 . the pictures \u2018mathilukal\u2019 , \u2018vidheyan\u2019 , ponthan mada , and dr . babasaheb ambedkar paved for him the way towards national recognition . 3 . \u2018 murali \u2019\none of the most brilliant and accomplished south indian actors , murali has many malayalam and tamil movies to his credit . he won the best actor award in 2001 for the film \u2018neythukaaran\u2019 . he also received six kerala state awards for the pictures \u2018aadhaaram\u2019 , \u2018kaanakkinavu\u2019 , \u2018 thalolam \u2019 , \u2018neythukaaran\u2019 , \u2018amaram\u2019 , and \u2018veeralipattu\u2019 . murali has handled the roles of hero and villain with an ease of artistic finesse and has also proved his talent on the stage . he passed away in 2009 after acting in the tamil movie \u2018 aadhavan \u2019 . 4 . bharath gopi\na well - known and established actor and filmmaker based in kerala , bharat gopi has won three national award and four state awards . \u2018kodiyettam\u2019 , \u2018ormakkayi\u2019 , ente mamattikkuttiyammakku , kattathe kilikoodu , and \u2018chidambaram\u2019 won him kerala state film awards in 1977 , 1982 , 1983 , and 1985 . honored by the prestigious padma shri in 1991 , he passed away in 2008 due to cardiac arrest . 5 . nedumudi venu\nhe is one of the most liked and appreciated actors in the contemporary malayalam cinema . debuted through the 2002 movie \u2018 nandanam \u2019 , he successfully continues his artistic journey with a national award and two state awards . he won the state best actor awards in 2006 and 2012 for the movies \u2018vaasthavam\u2019 , \u2018 celluloid \u2019 , and \u2018ayalum nianum thammil\u2019 . also , the film \u2018 indian rupee \u2019 that he produced won another award for the best film . \u2018 ennu ninte moideen \u2019 , \u2018 anarkali \u2019 , \u2018memories\u2019 , \u2018 mumbai police \u2019 , and \u2018paavada\u2019 are his other pictures . 7 . suresh gopi\nin the history of malayalam cinema , suresh gopi has played the maximum number of police roles on screen . though he has starred in many films at the beginning , the 1997 picture \u2018 kali yattam\u2019 by \u2018jayaraaj\u2019 bagged him a national and a state award . in it , he played the role of a theyyam artist perumalayan , forged from the play othello of shakespeare . \u2018commissioner\u2019 , \u2018manichithrathazhu\u2019 , \u2018 thenkasipattanam \u2019 , \u2018summer in bethlehem\u2019 and \u2018 apothecary \u2019 are his other movies . 8 . fahadh faasil"]} {"id": 114574, "summary": [{"text": "mannava is a 1997 tamil language comedy film directed by l. m. balaji and produced by shanthi .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars prashanth and sanghavi in the lead roles , while deva composed the film 's music . ", "topic": 19}], "title": "mannava ( film )", "paragraphs": ["contribute to imdb . add a bio , trivia , and more . update information for lakshmi mannava \u00bb\ngautham mannava on twitter :\nakshara a bodapati durga sunil kumar film written by ravi varma pictures ft . pramodh choudary chandni pournami . . . urltoken\nen mannava song from tamil film lingaa . song is sung by srinivas & aditi paul and composed by a r rahman while lyrics are written by vairamuthu .\nthaalam is a 1999 tamil musical romantic film directed by subhash ghai . the film features film score and soundtrack album composed by a . r . rahman . - arrahmanian\nmannava is surname for some families in andhra pradesh , southern india . it is indian family name and also a small place name near guntur\nbalasubramanian of the production house avm , and b n reddy award to film personality b narsing rao who had produced by film ` maa bhoomi ' .\nmusic for the film has been scored by ar rahman . it is already making waves for the academy - award winning composer\u2019s refreshing , new approach and style . songs like mona gasolina , en mannava and indiane vaa are already becoming anthems across radio and television shows .\nsonakshi sinha plays a village girl who helps rajinikanth ' s character in the film .\nfilm producer edidha nageshwara rao ' s name was announced for the special jury award .\nsummarizes the effect of unsm on the resistance of the passive film . the unsm - treatment increased the resistances of the passive film of non - or slightly - aged specimens , but the treatment lowered the resistance of the passive film of the heavily sensitized specimen .\nhacks like ksr make me appreciate directors like shankar all the more , especially when the picturisation of the \u201cmona gasolina\u201d and \u201cen mannava\u201d songs look like reheated leftovers of : athiradi\u201d and \u201cvaji vaji shivaji\u201d respectively .\njust like most of rajinikanth ' s film ' lingaa ' also has a elaborate set and visual effects .\nand yeah , i agree with you on \u201centhiran\u201d\u2026 the evil chitti scenes apart , the film was meh .\nakshara a bodapati durga sunil kumar film written by ravi varma pictures ft . pramodh choudary chandni pournami . . .\nit will be the first - ever film in rajinikanth\u2019s career to be releasing on his birthday , december 12 .\nfor the year 2010 . the government on monday also announced the recipients of some other important awards for film personalities .\ntelugu actor jagapati babu , santhanam , radha ravi , vijayakumar and r sundarrajan were called up to play important roles in the film .\ntelang a . , gill a . s . , tammana d . , wen x . , kumar m . , teysseyre s . , mannava s . r . , qian d . , vasudevan v . k . surface grain boundary engineering of alloy 600 for improved resistance to stress corrosion cracking .\ndirected by ks ravi kumar , ' lingaa ' marks rajinikanth ' s third film with the filmmaker after ' muthu ' and ' padayappa ' .\ni agree the film as a whole is dated , but some parts are still legendary , especially ramya krishnan\u2019s lines . one of my favourites :\nen mannava yen mannava ennai vida azhagi undu anaal unnaivida unnaivida thalaivan illai amam unnaivida unnaivida thalaivan illai chinna chinna natchathiram parikka vanthai intha vennilavai vennai pussi vizhungivittai athivira . . uyirai uyiral thoduveera ? un kangalo un kangalo poo theduthae un kaigalo un kaigalo ver theduthae nooru aanaigalin thantham kondu oru kavasam marbil aninthai kalasam kondu antha kavasam udaithu un maarbil maiyamittenae thennaattu poove , thenaazhi theevey palannam neenaan pasikaran vaa vaa moga kudame , muthu vadamae unthan kachai mangani panthi va raani veyil paaratha vellam pookkalai kayil tharuvai kannae ezhu dhesangal vendra mannan un kal soondhu viral keatenae sitrinbam thandi perinbam kolvom uyir theendiye nam udal thandi povom giana azhage , mona vadivae ennai kudalkolla vaa , kotravai maindha\nsharada , 66 , is well - known as ' urvasi ' sharada and has acted in more than 300 films in telugu and malayalam . hailing from tenali in guntur district , sharada also became popular in malayalam films . she began her acting career in 1955 with telugu film ' kanyasulkam ' . her film ' iddaru mithrulu ' with akkineni nageshwara rao later was a major hit that propelled her to stardom . in 1968 , she won the best actress award for her performance in ' tulabaram ' , a malayalam film .\nneena : i agree with all the problem parts of shankar movies but i have to disagree with \u201cthe problem with shankar is that i find his scripts being even worse than the average masala - film in terms of the regressive concepts they put forth . \u201d what average masala film are we talking about here ? let us just a few rajini movies\nthe first - look posters , trailer and the songs have generated a positive buzz surrounding the project . the film is likely to have big openings upon its release in december .\neffect of unsm on the resistance of the passive film of 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution .\nthat said , i have to say that rajini does seem to defy his age for most parts of the film . i thought they did a good job of hiding his age .\nmadan , i saw the equalizer with denzel washington yesterday and it got me thinking , with a few tweaks for indian audiences , this is the type of film rajini should be making .\nactress sonakshi sinha , who is making her tamil debut opposite superstar rajinikanth in upcoming tamil actioner ' lingaa ' , says she thoroughly enjoyed working in the film and also learnt from the experience .\nveteran actress sharada has bagged the ntr national award instituted by the state government for the year 2010 . the government on monday also announced the recipients of some other important awards for film personalities .\nthey are planning to release the film in more than 200 screens in the us , which will be record for a tamil film , according to indiaglitz . superstar ' s last release\nkochadaiiyaan\nhad only half the screen - count of\nlingaa\nin the country . it is confirmed to hit theatres on 12 december as a birthday treat for the superstar ' s fans .\nthe motorbike - balloon action sequence was a joke . not something a fan like me would pay to watch the superstar do . watching this film felt more like watching a telugu movie starring balakrishna .\neffect of aging time on the mott - schottky plot of the passive film formed at 0 v ( sce ) for 30 min in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl solution at 30 \u00b0c .\nneena : see , i\u2019m by no means extolling shankar\u2019s virtue as a great film maker per se , merely doing an \u201capple to apple\u201d comparison between him as a mass masala maker against another like ksr .\ndirected by ks ravikumar ,\nlingaa\nis touted as a mass action entertainer with rajinikanth appearing in dual roles . fans are looking forward to see their thalaivar in a live - action film after nearly four years , when his blockbuster\nendhiran\nhit the screens . superstar ' s last release\nkochadaiiyaan\nwas a 3d film and the actor was seen in an animated version using motion - capturing techniques .\nmega star chiranjeevi born konidela siva sankara vara prasad is an indian actor , producer and politician . he was the minister of state with independent charge for the ministry of tourism , government of india . prior to politics , chiranjeevi has attended the madras film institute , and had worked primarily in telugu cinema , in addition to tamil , kannada and hindi films . he made his acting debut in 1978 , with the film punadhirallu .\n] reported that the nano - crystalline surface could increase the density of diffusion paths available for alloying elements to migrate and rapidly form a protective passive film . according to the results by takakuwa , et al . [\n\uf041 flat no . 102 , s . s , prime view apartments plot no . b - 40 road , . , no . 7 , film nagar , jubilee hills , , hyderabad , telangana , india , 500045\ni agree with this , and lingaa isn\u2019t up to mark . the question is , who is the director for the job ? i think the only tamil director really capable of doing a satisfying rajnikanth film is shankar .\nsuperstar rajinikanth ' s\nlingaa\nis set for record release in the usa . the film ' s us distribution rights have reportedly been acquired by classics entertainments , one of the leading distributing companies in the country .\nin addition , the film is being sold overseas for approx 30 crore just for the tamil version . in addition to this all , there are music rights , which are with eros ,\nthe source stated .\nsince austenitic stainless steels have good properties of strength and toughness , and high corrosion resistance , they have been widely used in the field of power plants , chemical plants , and other industries [ 1 ] . the high corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel is due to the chemical stability of the passive film formed on the surface , and the properties of the film depends upon the alloying elements of the steels . basically , stainless steel can be defined as having a chromium content of over 12 % ; thus the passive film is mainly composed of cr 2 o 3 , and the corrosion resistance can be improved by the addition of ni , mo , w , n , etc .\nit will be the first ever film in rajinikanth\u2019s career to be releasing on his birthday , december 12 . therefore , the annual chaos and celebration are expected to hit a new high this year in theatres and multiplexes across the state . there will be the customary paal abhishekam , where rajinikanth\u2019s king - size cut - outs will be showered with milk and honey before the show is on , with fireworks in different parts of the city . at chennai\u2019s kasi theatre , fans will cut a cake for the superstar , to mark his 65th birthday and watch a special show of the film at 1am . the film will release in more than 2 , 500 screens across the country and close to 10 , 000 screens worldwide .\nlingaa somehow managed to feel rushed and interminable simultaneously . the screenplay felt slapped together , but it also dragged on and on . i can almost forgive misogyny , plot holes , etc . if the film was at least entertaining . but the film committed what , to me , is the worst sin a film like this can commit , which was that it was boring . the flashback dragged on and on and on . i was sick of hearing about that damn dam , and how great lingeswara was , the scene of him calling on everyone to forget caste , him and the british guy verbally sparring , yadda , yadda , yadda . the train fight scene was the one sign of life in the entire movie . i thought that was pretty well done .\n@ brangan : good \ud83d\ude42 since i don\u2019t really know much about cinematographic or the technical aspects of film making , i didn\u2019t comment on them . but , now , i can argue that it is not only shankar\u2019s plot and writing that are crass but also his craft\u2026\never before it hits the screens ,\nlingaa\nhas made huge pre - release business . the film ' s rights have reportedly been bagged by eros international for a whopping amount . according to reports , it could fetch \u20b9200 crore for eros prior to release .\nb compares the relationship between the polarization and pitting potential . the figures show that increasing the polarization resistance of stainless steels increases the pitting potential . that is , it should be noted that the properties of a passive film are important for enhancing the resistance to pitting corrosion .\nshows the results for the ac impedance measurement on 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution . the passive film was formed at 0 v ( sce ) for 30 min and the ac impedance was measured .\nshows the effect of aging time on the mott - schottky plot of the passive film formed at 0 v ( sce ) for 30 min in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl solution at 30 \u00b0c . through the mott - schottky plot , we can find the bipolarity [\ni am glad there are people who think not so highly of padayappa . the movie hasn\u2019t aged well at all and that\u2019s why really shankar is the man\u2019s man for you . rajini taking on rajini is really the ultimate concept and endhiran for me is the best rajini film since baasha .\nbaddy , agree with a lot of what you say . the film was a lot longer than necessary . also , the lack of good villains was spot on . the whole brit crew was laughable . where is tom alter when you need him ? \ud83d\ude42 i agree , the lack of an equal opposite brings the movie down a lot . besides , the songs didn\u2019t hit home either and that becomes problematic in a movie that has such huge expectations . my biggest point is that this what you get when you have a project manager helming the film\u2026 . never been a fan of that guy .\n] . in this mott - schottky plot , a positive slope means n - type semiconductive properties , while a negative slope implies p - type semiconductive properties . therefore , the passive film formed on 316l stainless steel in sodium chloride solution reveals p - n type semiconductive properties , i . e . , the bipolar film . increasing the aging time still did not change the n - type properties , but did gradually reduce the slope of the p - type properties . in other words , the aging treatment to stainless steel deteriorated the bipolar properties , especially the p - type property and therefore reduced the pitting corrosion resistance .\nlingaa is , as many industry insiders say , rajinikanth\u2019s response to naysayers after his previous film kochadaiiyaan failed at the box - office . it is also his quickest project since he earned the title of superstar . within a month of kochadaiiyaan \u2019s release , after a leading tamil daily named vijay as the next superstar , the cast and crew of lingaa are said to have geared up , all guns blazing , to reiterate who the real superstar is and worked extra hard to finish the film in less than six months , making it his second release of the year . the shooting was completed in less than 100 days , with reportedly few or no breaks .\nthe seasonal favourite haricharan \u2019s singing is exceptionally soulful in unmai orunaal vellum , but the song as such works only intermittently . barring a few moments of brilliance in the arrangement , particularly around the interludes , the song is a rather tedious listen . the other melody fares better in comparison ; en mannava has a more appealing tune that is delivered neatly by aditi paul and srinivas . the arrangement once again soars during the interludes , especially for the way a r rahman overlays the chorus and asad khan \u2019s sitar phrases . the anthemic sound and a r rahman \u2019s voice would invariably mean that indiane vaa evokes memories of older songs of the same kind . it is an engaging listen nevertheless ; i found the use of percussion particularly interesting .\nat one point i couldn\u2019t help laughing at how awful the british actors were . just dreadful . the sets were awful , the acting was awful , the dialogue was awful , the hair and costumes were awful . alagappan nailed it when he said this felt like a balakrishna film . but without the fun of some of balakrishna\u2019s more insane fight scenes .\nanuja / rakesh \u2013 good you pointed out arr\u2019s music specifically in your posts . in all the ruckus about the movie review itself , arr seems to be getting less of the brickbats than he rightly deserves . even an average rating for this album is too much in my opinion , but background score in the film itself was mediocre too , no great shakes .\nso , all i see in shankar films again is all the terribly tiring tropes of tamil cinema , global masala - dom and some more appalling stuff wrapped in a supposedly fresh or modern package . the movies are badly written , unbelievably long and the dialogues are unexceptional . so , i can\u2019t really place shankar a notch above ksr or other mass film makers .\nhowever , pranam khareedu was released earlier at the box office . chiru known for his break dancing skills , chiranjeevi acted sofar in 149 films and his 150th film is on its way . in 2006 , chiranjeevi was honoured with the padma bhushan , india\u2019s third highest civilian award , for his contributions to indian cinema , and was presented with an honorary doctorate from andhra university .\nwrt shankar , he uses high - concept ( for indian films ) plot ideas with above - average action scenes and concepts ( the ending of enthiran was truly amazing ) , and , of course , he and arr are one of the best current director - composer teams . otherwise his films have the same undercooked female characters and regressive values as any other tamil film .\neffect of unsm on the mott - schottky plot of the passive film formed at 0 v ( sce ) for 30 min . in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution : ( a ) non - aged specimen ; ( b ) 1 h - aged specimen ; ( c ) 5 h - aged specimen , and ( d ) 48 h - aged specimen .\nunsm - treatment of the slightly sensitized 316l stainless steel increased the pitting potential , decreased the passive current density , and increased the resistance of the passive film . however , in the case of the heavily sensitized 316l stainless steel , the unsm - treatment decreased the pitting potential , increased the passive current density , and decreased the resistance of the passive film . this behavior is due to the dual effects by unsm - treatment . that is , unsm - treatment reduced the carbon segregation regardless of whether the stainless steel 316l was slightly or heavily sensitized . however , since this treatment created mechanical flaws in the outer surface , in the case of the heavily sensitized stainless steel , the unsm - treatment may eliminate chromium carbide , and this flaw can be a potential pitting initiation site , and therefore decrease the pitting corrosion resistance .\nthe mott - schottky plot was prepared to determine the semiconductive properties of the passive film . the specimen preparation was the same as that for the ac impedance measurement and the dc amplitude was 10 mv ( peak - to - peak ) at 1580 hz of the ac frequency [ 37 ] . the capacitance was measured at the scan rate of 50 mv / s from + 0 . 5 v ( sce ) to \u22121 v ( sce ) .\non ksr \u2014 why is he a celebrated film maker still ? i don\u2019t get that . he seems so out of tune ( thanks lingu ! ) with times . even back in his heydays apart from his kamal associations which i am sure has a lot of the latter\u2019s influence , i don\u2019t recall anything worth mentioning except for \u2013 muthu which was fun . padayappa was so - so ! padayappa infact became tolerable for me after repeat tv viewings .\nshows the effect of unsm on the nyquist plot of 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution . except for the 48 h - aged specimen , the nyquist plots of non - or slightly - aged specimens were improved . a randles model was used to calculate the resistances of the passive film of 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl .\nshows the effect of unsm on the mott - schottky plot of the passive film formed at 0 v ( sce ) for 30 min in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution . regardless of the unsm treatment , all of the specimens revealed p - n type semiconductive properties . the n - type properties ( positive slope ) of the non - or slightly sensitized specimens were relatively strong , but the n - type properties of the heavily sensitized specimen were relatively weak .\noh , there was one other scene that ushered in much excitement . it\u2019s when we learn it\u2019s the birthday of the rajinikanth character in the flashback . a cake is wheeled out . people sing the birthday song . fans watching lingaa on its day of release , december 12 ( rajinikanth\u2019s birthday ) , will enjoy being in the superstar\u2019s vicinity as he cuts his birthday cake . but that\u2019s just a temporary high . next time , how about a film that leaves us with happy memories on other days as well ?\nin the case of slightly sensitized 316l stainless steel , the aging time drastically decreased the pitting potential , increased the passive current density , and lowered the resistance of the passive film , even though chromium carbide and the chromium depletion zone were not formed by aging . this behavior is due to the micro - galvanic corrosion between the matrix and the carbon segregated area , and shows the importance of carbon segregation in grain boundaries to the pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steel , in addition to the formation of the chromium depletion zone .\nstainless steels have good corrosion resistance in many environments but welding or aging can decrease their resistance . this work focused on the effect of aging time and ultrasonic nano - crystal surface modification on the passivation behavior of 316l stainless steel . in the case of slightly sensitized 316l stainless steel , increasing the aging time drastically decreased the pitting potential , increased the passive current density , and decreased the resistance of the passive film , even though aging did not form chromium carbide and a chromium depletion zone . this behavior is due to the micro - galvanic corrosion between the matrix and carbon segregated area , and this shows the importance of carbon segregation in grain boundaries to the pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steel , in addition to the formation of the chromium depletion zone . unsm ( ultrasonic nano crystal surface modification ) - treatment to the slightly sensitized 316l stainless steel increased the pitting potential , decreased the passive current density , and increased the resistance of the passive film . however , in the case of heavily sensitized 316l stainless steel , unsm - treatment decreased the pitting potential , increased the passive current density , and decreased the resistance of the passive film . this behavior is due to the dual effects of the unsm - treatment . that is , the unsm - treatment reduced the carbon segregation , regardless of whether the stainless steel 316l was slightly or heavily sensitized . however , since this treatment made mechanical flaws in the outer surface in the case of the heavily sensitized stainless steel , unsm - treatment may eliminate chromium carbide , and this flaw can be a pitting initiation site , and therefore decrease the pitting corrosion resistance .\na point i\u2019d like to re - iterate , is that my comparison is with shankar and other tamil film makers . when you open it up to include hollywood films , then quite naturally , the flaws in indian movies become magnified severalfold . of course multiple / split personalities have been handled far more frequently and better in movies like psycho & primal fear in the psychological thriller genre , given a comedic twist in jim carrey\u2019s me , myself and irene and even addressed in gollum\u2019s conversations with himself in the rings trilogy , to name just a few examples .\n@ kothavaranga : i am one such binge watcher . even i find lingaa difficult to defend . i can accept anything , except for this \u2018let - us - make - any - nonsense - the - people - will - be - ok\u2019 attitude . the film was clearly half done in many parts , and any competent director would\u2019ve cut out some of the flashback portions . i liked parts of it ( unlike many people here ) , but the flashback portions were really really boring . and after kaaviyathalaivan and i , this was the law - of - averages album for rahman , i guess .\nmy most favorite part of the film was . . the character of the flashback - villain\u2019s wife was the . . don\u2019t know what to say . we know characters are written for a purpose after all but we still look for some kind of an arc or a \u2018travel\u2019 as kollywood likes to call it or some substance \u2013 but from the minute she got introduced and in every shot you could see it\u2019s written all over the script in caps she will reveal the truth . you wait to see how bad it could get and when that scene unfolded it was so bad that it was * so * good !\ncrime and punishment cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of crime and punishment actors includes any crime and punishment actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view additional information about each crime and punishment actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of crime and punishment have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\nwith indian , by the time , the father - son face - off comes about , i had had enough and just wanted the film to be over ! but , right from first , i thought it was clearly set up what senapathy\u2019s standing was and he wasn\u2019t one to compromise on his principles because of paternal love ( which was proved with his daughter\u2019s case as well ) . there never was going to be a moral question for him , never really any occasion for internal conflict or turmoil . so , it wasn\u2019t really intriguing to me . there was potential for some subversion with the manisha koirala character ( \u201cvaayilla praanikku ethaavathu onnunnale thaanga maatta nee\u201d ) . well , to expect complexity in the female lead is just too much , i guess !\nvip was definitely one of my favorite \u2018star\u2019 movies this year as well . but , think about it this way . dhanush is a \u2018star\u2019 no question , but he\u2019s no \u2018superstar\u2019 yet . for a dhanush film to work , you kind of need all the things you mentioned , and it all came together in vip . but do you remember the debacle that was naiyaandi\u2026 ? even take suriya for instance . he is a big \u2018star\u2019 as well , but what was the faith of anjaan\u2026 ? the likes of dhanush and suriya et . al , aren\u2019t in the same league of \u2018super\u2019 stardom as those i mentioned earlier , hence a good script , story , technicians , music , are all crucial elements for their respective movies to succeed . they can\u2019t just show up on screen and expect to ring in the cash registers unlike our \u2018superstars\u2019 \u2013 .\nwith all this , it\u2019s a small miracle that the person summoned to make a \u201crajini movie\u201d doesn\u2019t turn chalk - white with fear and flee to a foreign country under an assumed name . but that cannot excuse the films . lingaa is talky and overlong ( nearly three hours ) , plagued with pacing issues , and \u2013 worse \u2013 it tells a story that lays no claims to our emotions . rajinikanth plays two roles . in the present - day portions , he\u2019s a thief , and a lot of time is wasted on this character\u2019s doings ( one of them a heist involving a tennis ball , balloons , and sticker pottu ) till we get to a british - era flashback that\u2019s this film\u2019s reason for being . here , rajinikanth plays a munificent king who\u2019s also a cambridge - educated civil engineer ( weren\u2019t they all ? ) \u2013 he decides to build that dam .\nkanmani | full tamil movie | prashanth | mohini | r . k . selvamani | ilaiyaraaja\nstar tamil movie | prashanth | jyothika | a . r . rahman | praveen gandhi\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nthis article will be permanently flagged as inappropriate and made unaccessible to everyone . are you certain this article is inappropriate ?\nas part our commitment to scholarly and academic excellence , all articles receive editorial review .\ncopyright \u00a9 world library foundation . all rights reserved . ebooks from project gutenberg are sponsored by the world library foundation , a 501c ( 4 ) member ' s support non - 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karthi clarifies | . . .\nwe ' ve detected that javascript is disabled in your browser . would you like to proceed to legacy twitter ?\nyou can add location information to your tweets , such as your city or precise location , from the web and via third - party applications . you always have the option to delete your tweet location history . learn more\nhere ' s the url for this tweet . copy it to easily share with friends .\nby embedding twitter content in your website or app , you are agreeing to the twitter developer agreement and developer policy .\nnot on twitter ? sign up , tune into the things you care about , and get updates as they happen .\nthis timeline is where you\u2019ll spend most of your time , getting instant updates about what matters to you .\nhover over the profile pic and click the following button to unfollow any account .\nwhen you see a tweet you love , tap the heart \u2014 it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love .\nthe fastest way to share someone else\u2019s tweet with your followers is with a retweet . tap the icon to send it instantly .\nadd your thoughts about any tweet with a reply . find a topic you\u2019re passionate about , and jump right in .\ntwitter may be over capacity or experiencing a momentary hiccup . try again or visit twitter status for more information .\na gud platform for short movies\ufffd young talent can be showcased here . . !\nlist is made up of a variety of actors , including john hurt and ben kingsley .\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie crime and punishment ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of crime and punishment ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nthis cast list of who was in crime and punishment includes both lead and minor roles . ( 57 items )\nthe ten commandments , mr . deeds goes to town , a day at the races\nduck soup , mr . smith goes to washington , the devil and daniel webster\ncopyright 2010 - 2013 : gomolo . all rights reserved . | terms | privacy\nhave a look at chiranjeevi\u2019s all hits and flop movies list in telugu , hindi and other languages .\nwalter vetrivel ( 1993 ) tamil movie cd - rip 320kbps mp3 songs music by ilaiyaraaja - starmusiq . com\ncopyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976 . all the songs at starmusiq . com are for listening purposes only . making duplicate audio cd ' s from mp3 files is illegal . allowance is made for\nfair use\n. therefore please kindly support us by buying original version of audio cd ' s from your local retailer . all the rights are reserved to the audio company . the owner of this website cannot held liability for any illegal usage of the contents . any disclaimer , please click here to contact us .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 0 transitional / / en\nby logging in you agree to our t & c ; and privacy policy .\nby signing up you agree to our t & c ; and privacy policy .\nwe have forwarded your enquiry to the concerned customer representative . they will get in touch with you soon .\npopular : trivia , history , america , television , tv , usa , world , geography , . . . more\nwarning : the ncbi web site requires javascript to function . more . . .\nresearch center for energy and clean technology , school of materials science and engineering , andong national university , 1375 gyeongdong - ro , andong , gyeongbuk 36729 , korea ; rk . ca . gnodna . ijnuyp @ 1eatik ( k . - t . k . ) ; rk . ca . gnodna . ijnuyp @ eelhj ( j . - h . l . )\n* correspondence : rk . ca . una @ mikiy ; tel . : + 82 - 54 - 820 - 7890\nlicensee mdpi , basel , switzerland . this article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the creative commons attribution ( cc by ) license ( urltoken ) .\nthe c - curves of the time - temperature - sensitization ( tts ) diagram of aisi 316 stainless steel are displaced towards lesser time by increasing the cold work , and sensitization of the aisi 316 stainless steel accelerated the precipitation of the cr 23 c 6 carbide [ 35 ] . remarkable improvements in the degree of sensitization ( dos ) and the intergranular corrosion ( igc ) of type 304 ( uns s 30400 ) and type 316l ( uns s 31603 ) stainless steels were achieved through extreme grain boundary randomization [ 36 ] . recently , our group reported that even though chromium carbide was not precipitated , aging time drastically increased the intergranular corrosion rate of 316l stainless steel , and we confirmed that the increased intergranular corrosion rate of slightly sensitized ( not carbide formed ) 316l stainless steel was due to the carbon segregation along the grain boundaries . unsm treatment improved the intergranular corrosion resistance of aged stainless steels , and the improvement was due to the reduction of carbon segregation and the grain refinement of the outer surface , including the introduction of compressive residual stress [ 5 ] .\nas discussed above , the unsm treatment improves the mechanical properties and induces the nano - crystallization of the outer surface , but there has been little research on the effects of unsm on the anodic polarization behavior of stainless steel . this work , therefore , focused on the effect of unsm treatment on the anodic polarization behavior of aged 316l stainless steel and proposed its mechanism .\nshows the chemical composition of the aisi 316l austenitic stainless steel used in this work . aging treatments were performed at 650 \u00b0c for 1 , 5 , and 48 h in n\nprotective atmosphere , and then the steel was water quenched . unsm treatment was applied to the surface using unsm equipment ( design mecha - lm20 unsm system , asan , korea ) .\nconditions of unsm ( ultrasonic nano crystal surface modification ) treatment on 316l stainless steel .\nshows the shape and dimensions of the specimen for the electrochemical test ( anodic polarization , ac - impedance , and mott - schottky tests ) .\nspecimens were cut to a size of 1 . 5 \u00d7 1 . 5 mm , and after electrical connection , they were epoxy - mounted , and the surface was ground using # 600 sic paper and coated with epoxy resin , except for an area of 1 cm 2 . the anodic polarization test was performed in 3 . 5 % nacl solution using a potentiostat ( gamry dc 105 , warminster , va , usa ) and the reference electrode was a saturated calomel electrode ( sce ) , and the counter electrode was high - density graphite rods . the test solution was de - aerated using nitrogen gas at the rate of 100 ml / min for 30 min and the scanning rate was 0 . 33 mv / s . the pitting potential that is the least positive potential at which pits can form was determined from the anodic polarization curve .\nin order to measure the ac impedance , the specimens were ground using # 2000 sic paper , and then polished using a diamond paste ( 3 \u03bcm ) . the test solution was the same as that of the polarization test . the ac impedance measurement was performed using an electrochemical analyzer ( gamry eis 300 , warminster , va , usa ) . before measuring , passivation was treated at + 0 mv ( sce ) for 30 min . ac impedance was measured at a passivation potential from 10 khz to 0 . 01 hz and the ac voltage amplitude was 10 mv .\nthe specimen was cut to a size of 20 \u00d7 20 \u00d7 5 mm and then ground with # 2000 sic paper and polished with a 3 \u00b5m diamond paste . finally , the specimen was cleaned with ethyl alcohol , using an ultrasonic cleaner . the microstructure was observed by optical microscopy ( axiotech 100hd , zeiss , oberkochen , germany ) and sem - eds ( vega ii lmu , tescan , brno , czech republic ) , after etching by aqua regia ( 70 ml hno 3 + 30 ml hcl ) . also , an electron probe micro analyzer ( epma - 1600 15 kv , shimadzu , kyoto , japan ) was used to identify the elemental distribution of the passivated surface .\nshows the effect of aging time at 650 \u00b0c on the polarization behavior of the 316l stainless steel in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl at 30 \u00b0c . in the case of the annealed specimen ( 316l - 0 h ) , the corrosion potential and pitting potential were high , but the aging treatment degraded the anodic polarization behavior of the 316l stainless steel . increasing the aging time lowered the pitting potential and also increased the passive current density at 0 v ( sce ) . generally , the aging treatment formed chromium carbides in the grain boundary and grain , and then generated a chromium - depleted zone near the carbide . therefore , pitting corrosion was easily initiated at this chromium - depleted zone , and the pitting resistance was reduced . however , it is interesting to note that the pitting potential of even the 1 or 5 h - aged specimen decreased drastically , and their passive current densities greatly increased . from a thermodynamical aspect [\n] , short aging times such as 1 or 5 h could not form chromium carbides , but did degrade their passivation behavior . a similar pattern of corrosion by aging time was already observed in the intergranular corrosion behavior [\neffect of aging time at 650 \u00b0c on the polarization behavior of 316l stainless steel ( de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl ) : ( a ) anodic polarization curves ; ( b ) pitting potential with aging time ; and ( c ) passive current density with aging time .\na shows that increasing the aging time depressed the nyquist plots and their impedance circles . the polarization resistance was calculated using a randles model .\nac impedance measurement on 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl : ( a ) nyquist plot ; and ( b ) r p vs . pitting potential .\nshows the effect of unsm on the polarization behavior of 316l stainless steel aged at 650 \u00b0c in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl solution at 30 \u00b0c . in the case of the non - aged specimen , unsm - treatment ( 316l - 0hu ) improved the anodic polarization behavior . in contrast , the unsm - treatment increased the anodic polarization behavior of 1 h and 5 h - aged specimens , but the treatment degraded the behavior of the 48 h - aged specimen .\nreveals the effect of unsm on the passive current density and pitting potential obtained in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl solution at 30 \u00b0c . in summary , the unsm - treatment on the slightly sensitized specimen reduced the passive current density and increased the pitting potential , while the treatment on the heavily sensitized specimen increased the passive current density and lowered the pitting potential . it is interesting that the unsm - treatment enhanced the intergranular corrosion in even the heavily sensitized specimen , in addition to the slightly sensitized specimen [\neffect of unsm on the polarization behavior of 316l stainless steel aged at 650 \u00b0c in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution ; ( a ) non - aged specimen ; ( b ) 1 h - aged specimen ; ( c ) 5 h - aged specimen ; and ( d ) 48 h - aged specimen .\neffect of unsm on ( a ) passive current density ; and ( b ) pitting potential obtained in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl solution at 30 \u00b0c .\neffect of unsm on the nyquist plot of 316l stainless steel at 0 v ( sce ) in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl solution : ( a ) non - aged specimen ; ( b ) 1 h - aged specimen ; ( c ) 5 h - aged specimen ; and ( d ) 48 h - aged specimen .\npitting corrosion initiates by nonmetallic inclusions or second - phase intermetallics in the stainless steel surface microstructure [ 44 ] . stainless steel can be sensitized by aging treatment , and thus chromium carbides and a chromium - depleted zone can be formed near the grain boundaries [ 45 ] ; and in addition , it was recently reported that carbon segregated areas near grain boundaries of even slightly sensitized stainless steel were formed , and this carbon segregation facilitated the intergranular corrosion [ 4 ] .\nshows that the pitting potential was greatly reduced in even the slightly sensitized specimen .\nshows the results of observation of the surface after the anodic polarization test in order to elucidate this corrosion behavior .\nc shows that in the 48 h - aged specimen , the corroded area finally looks like the appearance corroded along grain boundaries .\nsem image after the polarization test in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl : ( a ) 1 h - aged ; ( b ) 5 h - aged ; and ( c ) 48 h - aged .\nshows the epma analysis that was therefore performed in order to compare the corroded appearance to elemental correlation .\nshows the elemental distribution analyzed by epma on the surface of the aged 316l stainless steel after the polarization test in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl at 30 \u00b0c . in the case of 1 h and 5 h - aged specimens , carbon was relatively more segregated at the corroded area , and carbon segregation can be definitely confirmed along the grain boundaries of the chromium carbide formed specimen ( 48 h - aged ) . the passivation behavior of the slightly sensitized stainless steel can be affected by carbon segregation , and the segregated carbon induced micro - galvanic corrosion , which initiated pitting and degraded passivation [\n] . after the exposure beyond the critical duration for carbide formation , chromium depletion and carbide formed areas formed , and since these areas are sensitive to pitting initiation , they degraded the passivation .\nelemental distribution analyzed by epma ( electron probe micro analyzer ) on the surface of aged 316l stainless steel after the polarization test in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl : ( a ) 1 h - aged ; ( b ) 5 h - aged ; and ( c ) 48 h - aged .\non the other hand , the unsm - treatment improved the passivation of 1 h and 5 h - aged specimens , but decreased the pitting resistance of the 48 h - aged specimen . wang , et al . [\n] , residual stress in the surface layer with different surface finishes affects the critical current density and the current density for passivation , the factors of which are closely related to the formation and retention of the passivation layer . many researchers [\n] reported that the high mechanical energy imparted by various methods to the steel surface may also induce the diffusion of the alloying elements and therefore can affect the intergranular corrosion resistance of the stainless steels . we already proposed that the unsm treatment improved the intergranular corrosion resistance of the aged stainless steels , and the improvement was due to the reduction of carbon segregation and the grain refinement of the outer surface , including the introduction of compressive residual stress [\nshows the elemental distribution analyzed by epma on the surface of unsm treated 316l stainless steel after the polarization test in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl at 30 \u00b0c . it can be confirmed that the unsm - treatment reduced carbon segregation regardless of the aging time . as described above , carbon segregation facilitates micro - galvanic corrosion , and therefore the reduction of carbon segregation by the unsm - treatment should improve the pitting corrosion resistance . in the case of the slightly sensitized specimen , this was true , but the pitting corrosion resistance was decreased in the heavily sensitized specimen in spite of the reduction of carbon segregation by the unsm - treatment . that is , this behavior requires another explanation .\nshows sem images of unsm - treated specimens before / after the anodic polarization test in de - aerated 3 . 5 % nacl at 30 \u00b0c . mechanical flaws by the unsm - treatment can be observed even in the specimen before the anodic polarization test . in particular , in the case of the 48 h - aged specimen , several mechanical flaws were observed ; and after the anodic polarization test , it was confirmed that the pitting corrosion initiated and propagated at the flaws . in other words , it should be noted that while the unsm - treatment can reduce the carbon segregation by aging , it can increase the irregularity of the surface due to mechanical flaws .\nelemental distribution analyzed by epma on the surface of unsm treated 316l stainless steel after the polarization test in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl : ( a ) 1 h - aged ; ( b ) 5 h - aged ; and ( c ) 48 h - aged .\nsem images of unsm - treated specimens before / after the anodic polarization test in de - aerated 30 \u00b0c , 3 . 5 % nacl : ( a ) 1 h - aged ; ( b ) 5 h - aged ; and ( c ) 48 h - aged .\ntherefore , we propose the pitting corrosion model of the stainless steel by unsm - treatment .\nshows the pitting corrosion model of aged 316l stainless steel by the unsm treatment . in the slightly aged specimen , the unsm - treatment refines the grain of the outer surface [\n] and reduces the carbon segregation , and therefore increases the pitting corrosion resistance even though it creates mechanical flaws . on the other hand , in the case of the over - aged specimen , the unsm - treatment refines the grain of the outer surface , and reduces the carbon segregation similar to the slightly aged specimen , but creates mechanical flaws on the surface , and then these flaws act as the initiation sites of pitting corrosion , and finally decrease the pitting corrosion resistance ."]} {"id": 114575, "summary": [{"text": "the adventures of quentin durward , known also as quentin durward , is a 1955 historical film released by mgm .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "it was directed by richard thorpe and produced by pandro s. berman .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the screenplay was by robert ardrey , adapted by george froeschel from the novel quentin durward by sir walter scott .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "it was the third in an unofficial trilogy made by the same director and producer and starring robert taylor .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "the first two were ivanhoe ( 1952 ) and knights of the round table ( 1953 ) .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "all three were made at mgm 's british studios at elstree , near london .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "the film had the distinction of a soundtrack composed by studio music mainstay bronislau kaper rather than miklos rozsa , who was busy on other projects at the time the film was ready for scoring .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "it was the first big-budget film for the british actress kay kendall , and it featured a large contingent of distinguished british players , including robert morley . ", "topic": 1}], "title": "the adventures of quentin durward", "paragraphs": ["from the trailer for the epic historical film the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) .\nmgm presents in cinemascope and color . . . sir walter scott ' s the adventures of quentin durward\nrobert taylor is sir walter scott ' s medieval hero in the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) .\nthe adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) - region free pal import , plays in english . . .\nrobert taylor is sir walter scott ' s medieval hero in the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) . >\nquentin durward ( aka the adventures of quentin durward , 1955 ) : a scottish knight in france to facilitate a marriage between a rich and beautiful countess and his aging uncle becomes involved in court intrigue .\nquentin durward - - ( movie clip ) be kind enough to . . .\ntcm ' s saturday afternoon host tiffany vazquez introduces quentin durward , 1955 . >\nquentin durward ( 1955 ) - region free pal import , plays in english . . .\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of quentin durward by walter scott .\nwith the headline : derring - do , but not enough ; robert taylor stars in ' quentin durward ' .\nsee all details for quentin durward ( 1955 ) - region free pal import , plays in english . . .\nthematic series : the second medieval epic in glorious technicolor directed by richard thorpe and starring robert taylor as the hero , after ivanhoe ( 1952 ) and before the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) .\nkaper ' s complete score to quentin durward is premiered here in stereo sound , with liner notes by lukas kendall .\nprince ricardo of pantouflia : being the adventures of prince prigio ' s son . 1893 .\nred - cap adventures by s . r . crockett ( ebook ) - lulu\ncarroll , lewis . alice ' s adventures in wonderland . london : macmillian , 1865 .\nthe adventures of quentin durward 1955 - region 2 pal : urltoken robert taylor , kay kendall , robert morley , george cole , alec clunes , duncan lamont , marius goring , wilfrid hyde - white , pandro s . berman , richard thorpe : dvd & blu - ray\nkay kendall & robert taylor as isabelle countess of marcroy quentin durward film title adventures of quentin durward directed by richard thorpe film company mgm 23 november 1955 - * * warning * * this photograph is the copyright of the film company and / or the photographer assigned by or authorised by / allowed on the set by the film company at that time of this production & can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above film . a mandatory credit to the film company ( and photographer if known ) is required .\nquentin durward works best as a parody . everyone in it seems to have gotten the joke except robert taylor , the director , and mgm . a pity - - if everyone had . . .\nquentin durward by walter scott 6 out of 10 this not the best work i had in my hands . i venture to say far from it . the king of france has a conflict with the duke of burgundy . there is also a damsel in distress and caught in the plot the young hero - quentin durward . i did not enjoy this so much , even if there are some adventures\u2026 well , sort of . the duke of burgundy is upset , because a girl from his court has escaped and found refuge with the king of france . we meet his majesty early on , but in disguise .\n[ 10 ] ivanhoe ( richard thorpe , uk / usa , 1952 ) , rob roy , the highland rogue ( harold french , uk / usa , 1954 ) , king richard and the crusaders ( based on the talisman , david butler , usa , 1954 ) , the adventures of quentin durward ( richard thorpe , uk , 1955 ) .\nthe second in the series , prince ricardo of pantouflia : being the adventures of prince prigio ' s son , which appeared in 1893 , is a pendant to the original book .\nsir walter scott ' s\nquentin durward\nhas been studiously squeezed into the familiar mold of a big cinema - scopic costume romance by metro - goldwyn - mayer , which seems to have become the screen translator of all english literature . view full article in timesmachine \u00bb\ndisappointing having long ago read and enjoyed scott ' s ivanhoe , i looked forward to a tale of rousing adventure with quentin durward . unfortunately , i found this to be a ponderous read , rife with antiquated and sometimes incomprehensible terminology as well as a great excess of verbosity . oddly , most of the story was less about the adventures of the title character than about the machinations of the wily and unscrupulous monarch louis xi , and i found this emphasis to be unenjoyable .\nthis was the last of lang ' s adventures into the realm of fairy - land , and is itself isolated from the earlier period when he was exploring that dim region in so many directions .\nfrankreich zur zeit der regirung von louis xi ( 1461 - 1483 ) und karl der k\u00fchnen ( 1433 - 1477 ) . quentin durward ist der letzte spross einer adligen schottischen familie , die von einem rivalisierenden klan ausgerottet wurde . quentin \u00fcberlebte den letzten angriff nur knapp und durfte weiterleben unter der bedingung , m\u00f6nch zu werden , damit die familie durward mit ihm endet . das m\u00f6nchsdasein ist aber so gar nicht quentins berufung , er fl\u00fcchtet nach frankreich zu seinem onkel ludovic lesley , le balafr\u00e9 , d\nplush version of sir walter scott\u2019s tale of scottish knight quentin durward sent to france by his uncle to propose to a wealthy and titled lady , the fair isabelle . there is intrigue aplenty with attacks and sword fights including one where the protagonists dangle from bell tower ropes inside a burning church .\nfirst scene for kay kendall as french countess\nisabelle ,\nresisting the duke ( alec clunes ) arranging her marriage , scottish lord malcolm ( moulrtie kelsall ) consulting with emissary robert taylor ( title character ) , in mgm ' s quentin durward , 1955 . >\nin 1465 quentin durwood travels to france to meet isabelle , countess of marcroy , on behalf of his elderly scottish uncle whom , for political reasons , the duke of burgundy intends she marry . a man of honour who may have sworn too many oaths , durward finds he and isabelle being used as pawns in a deadly game by the duke and devious king louis xi . one look at isabelle has convinced durward this is where he and his heart have to be .\nandrew lang ,\nthe supernatural in fiction ,\nadventures among books ( london : longmans , green , 1905 ) , pp . 273 , 278 - 80 .\nthe gold of fairnilee is a true tale of faerie , but such is lang ' s genius that the dickie doyle fairies of the princess nobody and the burlesque characters of tales of a fairy court ( which contains some early adventures of prince prigio ) are equally perfect in their own way .\nshe did appear in the drama simon and laura ( 1955 ) with peter finch ; the comedy abdulla the great ( 1955 ) with sydney chaplin and gregory ratoff ; and the epic historical film the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) , with robert taylor and robert morley . [ 2 ] in october and november 1957 , she appeared in two episodes of the short - lived american television series the polly bergen show . [ 14 ] and also starred as herself in series 3 episode 17 of the phil silvers show on 17 january 1958 . [ 15 ]\nthe film was the second in an unofficial trilogy made by the same director and producer and starring robert taylor , coming between ivanhoe ( 1952 ) and the adventures of quentin durward ( 1955 ) . all three were made at mgm ' s british studios at elstree , near london and partly filmed on location . the cast included robert taylor as sir lancelot , ava gardner as queen guinevere , mel ferrer as king arthur , anne crawford as morgan le fay , stanley baker as mordred and felix aylmer as merlin .\nbarber ( wilfrid hyde - white ) shaving french king louis ( robert morley ) , who calls on newly - hired scottish knight robert taylor ( title character ) to guard countess isabelle ( kay kendall ) from unwelcome visitors , in quentin durward , 1955 , from the sir walter scott novel . >\nquentin durward ( 1955 ) was the last in an unofficial trilogy of historical adventures produced by m - g - m ' s pandro s . berman , directed by richard thorpe , and starring robert taylor . ivanhoe ( 1952 ) and knights of the round table ( 1953 , fsmcd vol . 6 , no . 7 ) had been scored by miklos rozsa , but during the middle of 1955 rozsa was occupied with the studio ' s diane ( fsmcd vol . 7 , no . 3 ) , so the new picture was taken on by bronislau kaper .\nsome kind of achievement for me . finally , read\nquentin durward\nby walter scott in original and expand my english vocabulary with about 50 words , that would be useful for reenactment ) . great book , definitely the good read , as it was in my childhood . ps . historical notes and references alongside the text are great too .\nbronislau kaper ' s score for quentin durward is a delightful swashbuckling effort in the best tradition of erich wolfgang korngold ' s ' 30s and ' 40s efforts and the cinemascope - era scores by waxman , rozsa and steiner . the themes range from a lighthearted scottish jig to a yearning love theme , and melancholy strains of unrequited affection\u2014with solidly symphonic action music for the derring - do . the score has long been desired by fans of the genre .\ni have to admit i was a little surprised by how engaging , exciting , and funny this historical novel by sir walter scott was . this novel , written in 1823 , tells the story of quentin durward , a wandering scottish nobleman who goes to france to make his fortune and ends up serving in the scottish guard of the french king , louis xi . quentin is as noble and true and chivalrous as louis is sneaky , cruel , and out for number one , but together they make a pretty good team and a very satisfying story . als\nwritten to introduce children to the works of sir walter scott , both volumes bear the sub - title\nstolen from the treasure chest of the wizard of the north\n. stories include episodes from waverley , guy mannering , rob roy , the antiquary , ivanhoe , the fortunes of nigel , quentin durward & the pirate . \u201c in this simple recounting of adventures there lurks a really high art , and not a little humor . mr . crockett is aiming to bring home to his critical small audience the liveliness , the excitement , the breathless adventuresomeness , of these great novels . he is luring his hearers on to read for them - selves . he tells them enough about the people and the events to make them hurry to the books to fill out details . \u201d \u2014 churchman .\nwalter scott\u2019s novel of 1823 follows a scottish nobleman to 15th century france where he seeks his fortune as a mercenary working for the devious king louis xi . quentin durward believes in chivalry in an age when chivalry is going out of fashion , but sticks to his principles throughout in spite of many obstacles . this is but one example of the various impressively realised characterisations in the novel , against a fast moving action packed story with occasional moments of gutsy violence . the bac\nthe film is part of a thematic series with 1952 ' s ivanhoe and 1955 ' s quentin durward ( which were also produced by mgm and directed by richard thorpe , and also starred robert taylor ) , with a similar chivalric spirit and tone and similarly lavish production values . all three were filmed at mgm ' s british studios at elstree , near london .\nthus , the scott cinema canon , which had been fairly eclectic in the early years of film , soon narrowed to just three principal source works : rob roy , ivanhoe , and quentin durward . the small number of recent scott films had continued this trend : most were made in post - soviet russia , and one , rob roy ( usa , 1995 ) , is only tangentially based on the original novel . [ 13 ] significantly , too , only rob roy had been a favourite with theatre - goers before the advent of cinema : there were some 970 stage adaptations of the novel produced in the century between 1817 and 1917 , nearly four times as many as ivanhoe and quentin durward combined . [ 14 ] so why did one great scotch romance and a couple of minor medieval romances assume such prominence in the cinema ? the following section of this essay will consider some of the surviving film versions of these three novels , with particular attention to cinematic representations of scotland .\nn 1465 , the impecunious scottish knight quentin durward travels to france to determine whether the countess isabelle of marcroy will make a suitable bride for his aged uncle . the marriage has been arranged by the duke of burgundy to from a lasting alliance with scotland . aware that her intended husband is an old man , isabelle takes flight and puts herself under the protection of the king of france , louis xi . quentin pursues her and manages to inveigle his way into the king ' s confidence . fearing that a rift with burgundy will lead to an all - out war that france can ill afford , the king conceives a fiendish plan that will deliver isabelle into the hands of the notorious brigand count william de la marck . . .\nscott\u2019s reinvention of rob roy as a highland robin hood conveniently supplied disney with a link between the jacobite setting of the novel and the more congenial medieval scott of ivanhoe , the talisman , and quentin durward . [ 45 ] conscious of the catastrophe of alexander korda\u2019s bonnie prince charlie in 1948 , hollywood studios were anxious to find ways of exploiting the magnificent scottish scenery and the action , colour , and revelry of scots \u201ctartanry\u201d without having to deal with the dramatically unpromising facts of the failed rebellions of 1715 and 1745 and the integration of scotland into the united kingdom . the highland rogue therefore belongs more compellingly with other chivalric romances coming out of the british - american co - productions of the period , such as another jacobite makeover of 1953 , warners\u2019 film of robert louis stevenson\u2019s the master of ballantrae , in which the presence of errol flynn inevitably calls up robin hood . [ 46 ]\ni read this long ago and liked it very much . the story is about a young archer , quentin durward , who leaves his native scotland to serve in the scottish guard of louis xi of france . as security detail he accompanies the beautiful isabelle de croye of burgundy on a journey to flanders . the lady is promised in marriage to quite a few men within the story : first to an odious nobleman in the burgundy court , then to a bandit , next to the duke of orleans . when she refuses the duke , he promises her to\ni recently watched the hollywood movie version of quentin durward ( in several youtube installments ) , starring robert taylor , kaye kendall , and robert morley ; and i decided to pick up a used hard - bound copy to read in the original literary format . even after having read barely 70 pages of the book , including the 33 - page\nintroduction\n, i was able to affirm that for once hollywood captured the book ' s droll , ironic humor , especially in the on - screen characterization of louis xi ( aka the\nspider kin\ni have to admit i was a little surprised by how engaging , exciting , and funny this historical novel by sir walter scott was . this novel , written in 1823 , tells the story of quentin durward , a wandering scottish nobleman who goes to france to make his fortune and ends up serving in the scottish guard of the french king , louis xi . quentin is as noble and true and chivalrous as louis is sneaky , cruel , and out for number one , but together they make a pretty good team and a very satisfying story . also includes a damsel in distress , some pointedly two - faced religious devotions , and some pretty racist comments about the gypsies .\nthe maid of france : being the story of the life and death of jeanne d ' arc . 1908 .\nthen she made the holy sign of the cross , and the face of the elf grew black , and the light went out of the sky .\nwhen i first read this novel in high school , i really liked it and always thought it was an excellent historical adventure novel ( there is probably a better term for this type of literature ) . after reading another novel about mercenaries recently , i decided to re - read quentin durward just to remind myself of how novels about mercenaries really should be written . well , this experience was pretty interesting . the story is about the french king louis xi as much as it is about the scottish archer , quentin durward who serves the french king . in fact , there is probably more text dedicated to the king and his affairs . this side of the story really slows the flow of the book although shows in detail what kind of monarch and politic louis xi really was - you will be repulsed by his actions and you will admire him a little . it sounds crazy but think about it - how can you admire a story about adventures of a person who kills for money ( mercenary ) ? if you do , why not admire the king who is smart and ruthless at the same time ( or is it the same thing ? ) ? the adventures feel ancient in character and a bit naive ( think knights fighting for their dames ) but it ' s still enjoyable if you manage to sleep through the boring parts ( maybe it ' s just me but this is my review so . . . ) . overall , i found that i only got interested in the story after i ' ve gone though 2 / 3 of the book . and all i could say in the end was ,\nwell , good for him . what do i read next ?\ni read this long ago and liked it very much . the story is about a young archer , quentin durward , who leaves his native scotland to serve in the scottish guard of louis xi of france . as security detail he accompanies the beautiful isabelle de croye of burgundy on a journey to flanders . the lady is promised in marriage to quite a few men within the story : first to an odious nobleman in the burgundy court , then to a bandit , next to the duke of orleans . when she refuses the duke , he promises her to whoever will kill the bandit she was once to marry . quentin , true romance hero that he is , performs this task admirably and thereby gains isabell ' s love and hand in marriage . this was quite long . an enjoyable cloak and dagger novel with lots of historical detail about 15th - century france and scotland .\nmy second favorite of scott ' s work - - - next to ivanhoe . a good action / adventure story set against the interesting backdrop of 1400s france . the conflict between king louis and charles of burgundy was fun for me to read about , but anyone can enjoy characters like lady hamelina and the naive , honest hero , quentin durward himself . the book has more humor than you ' d expect , and that ' s a plus . i recommend this to anyone interested in trying out scott ' s other novels - - besides ivanhoe .\nwhen i first read this novel in high school , i really liked it and always thought it was an excellent historical adventure novel ( there is probably a better term for this type of literature ) . after reading another novel about mercenaries recently , i decided to re - read quentin durward just to remind myself of how novels about mercenaries really should be written . well , this experience was pretty interesting . the story is about the french king louis xi as much as it is about the scottish archer , que\nintroductions to the gadshill edition of the works of charles dickens . 34 volumes .\n[ 13 ] ballada o doblestnom rytsare ajvengo ( ivanhoe , sergei tarasov , russia , 1983 ) , priklyucheniya kventina dorvarda , strelka korolevskoy gvardii ( quentin durward , sergei tarasov , russia , 1988 ) richard ivinoye sedtse ( richard the lion - hearted , based on the talisman , yevgeni gerasimov , russia , 1992 ) , rytsar kennet ( kenilworth , yevgeni gerasimov , russia , 1993 ) , rob roy ( michael caton - jones , usa , 1995 ) .\nthe cold , clear magic of the north , austere as the hills of ettrick and of yarrow , is breathed over the whole piece . but the austerity is the quiet simplicity of the truest affection , and the coldness is the gentle calm of the love that is beyond passion .\nfairies had interested him since childhood . not only had he been brought up on perrault and grimm , but he grew up in the border country , where legends and tales of the\nlittle people\nabounded . fairnilee , the locale of his best story , is border country , and appears to be little more than a reconstruction of his own childhood adventures in search of fairy folk and fairy treasure .\n[ 11 ] redgauntlet ( children\u2019s hour , 1940 , 1945 ) , guy mannering ( 1948 ) , waverley ( 1948 - 49 ) , ivanhoe ( 1950 ) , kenilworth ( 1950 ) , quentin durward ( 1951 ) , the talisman ( 1952 ) , old mortality ( 1952 ) , the heart of midlothian ( 1953 ) , the fortunes of nigel ( 1955 ) , old mortality ( 1974 ) . see h . philip bolton , \u201csir walter scott on bbc , \u201d scott newsletter ( issue 12 , spring 1988 ) 2 - 9 .\nthe origin of the irrational element in myth and tale is to be found in the qualities of the uncivilised imagination .\nlike ivanhoe , quentin durward was based on a historical novel by sir walter scott , but took on a comic dimension as it depicted a 15th century\nwhen knighthood was a drooping blossom .\ntaylor starred as the title character , an honorable but penniless scottish knight sent to france on a minor mission that grows into a battle for the country ' s future . the film featured lovely european photography , a mostly english supporting cast , and a charming turn by taylor as the chivalrous but somewhat hapless knight .\nanalysis of lang ' s portrayal of aspects of civilization and childhood in the blue fairy book .\nuntil mgm closed its british studio in 1970 and amalgamated with emi , it turned out several productions each year from borehamwood , including such critical and / or commercial successes as the adventures of quentin durward ( d . richard thorpe , 1955 ) , bhowani junction ( d . george cukor , 1955 ) , lust for life ( 1956 ) , several of ealing ' s last films , including dunkirk ( d . leslie norman , 1958 ) , margaret rutherford ' s four ' miss marple ' thrillers , starting with murder she said ( d . george pollock , 1961 ) , anthony asquith ' s all - star last gasps , the vips ( 1963 ) and the yellow rolls - royce ( 1964 ) , stanley kubrick ' s lolita ( 1961 ) and 2001 : a space odyssey ( 1968 ) , and - almost the end - a musical remake of one of the earliest mgm - british successes , goodbye , mr chips ( d . herbert ross , 1969 ) .\nthe next stage of the illness was characterized by the painting of fingernails in the unlikeliest of shades as well the application of artificial eyelashes , the meticulous plucking of eyebrows , and the application of considerable amounts of other cosmetics , to the point that periodically some girl would even wear bright red lipstick . that was what it was like at school .\nanalysis of lang ' s adaptations of\nbeauty and the beast\nand\nthe wonderful sheep\nin terms of carl jung ' s theory of the cultural archetype .\naway from the archers , challis became a mainstay of the rank organisation during the 1950s , lending his talents to the smash hit genevieve , and worked with leading british directors such as sidney gilliat , lewis gilbert , charles crichton and roy ward baker . challis ' hollywood credits from this period include the lively medieval swashbuckler quentin durward , notable for its vibrant widescreen imagery . hollywood - backed productions seldom called for the kind of visual imagination evident in the archers films . a shot in the dark , for example , found challis largely constricted by blake edwards ' penchant for subdued colour and long , static takes . an elaborate crane shot in the opening sequence , charting multiple amorous liaisons in a french villa , shows what could have been .\n[ in the following excerpt , tolkien\u2014the acclaimed author of the lord of the rings series\u2014examines the value and function of fairy tales in modern culture , refuting lang ' s assertaion that fairy tales belong primarily to the realm of childhood . ]\nhousehold tales occupy a middle place between the stories of savages and the myths of early civilisations . 17\nthe bulk of the book is about ulysses , the trojan war seen from his part in it as well as the matter of the odyssey . lang uses the roman name throughout , saying firmly\nthe name was changed into ulysses and we shall call him ulysses\n, while leaving zeus , aphrodite and the other gods in their greek forms . the gods themselves are played down , perhaps in imitation of bowdler . it may not be necessary to revive the question of ulysses ' paternity , though writers later than homer thought he was the son of sisyphus , not laertes . but to refer to helen as the daughter of tyndarus ( sic ) is either to be podsnappishly zealous about the young readers ' innocence or stolidly to ignore one of zeus ' s more notorious extramarital adventures . it also leaves lang with an anomalous nickname of helen ' s to explain , so he says that she was called\nthe daughter of the swan\nbecause of the whiteness of her breast ! the judgment of paris , which would appear the sine qua non of the whole boiling , is mysteriously omitted .\nshe only saw the faint glimmer of the white flowers , and a kind of shadow standing where the dwarf stood .\ntim dolin is associate professor in the school of media , culture and creative arts at curtin university of technology . he is the author of\nfor us ,\nhe writes ,\nthe true poetry is the poetry that wakes again the true self ; the wistful soul slumbering undisturbed in the tumult of the world , and only aroused , like the sleeping princess in the scottish fairy - tale , by the magic song\n1 and in his case the magic song was the music of the tweed and of the waters of the north wandering among the hills where dwelt yet the echoes of old story and old belief .\nwalter scott\u2019s novel of 1823 follows a scottish nobleman to 15th century france where he seeks his fortune as a mercenary working for the devious king louis xi . quentin durward believes in chivalry in an age when chivalry is going out of fashion , but sticks to his principles throughout in spite of many obstacles . this is but one example of the various impressively realised characterisations in the novel , against a fast moving action packed story with occasional moments of gutsy violence . the background details and many of the characters have some historical basis , although various notes point out how some events have been moved into different time periods for the convenience of the story , a not unusual device in historical novels . arguably , the novel has its faults \u2013 some readers will find that the numerous footnotes slow down the plot , but i actually found them informative . the gipsy characters , also referred to as bohemians , seem to be the typecast two dimensional untrustworthy foreigners of pulp fiction . i enjoyed it immensely , a rare example of a fast - paced 19th century novel . it helps if you try to forget the appalling 1950s movie version .\n[ 12 ] kenilworth ( uk , 1957 ) , ivanhoe ( 39 - episode tv series , uk / usa , 1958 - 59 ) , the heart of midlothian ( uk , 1966 ) , kenilworth ( uk , 1967 ) , the devil\u2019s piper ( uk , 1968 ) , ivanhoe ( uk , 1970 ) , the rebellious red gauntlets ( uk , 1970 ) , quentin durward ( france / west germany , 1971 ) , woodstock ( uk , 1973 ) , the fortunes of nigel ( uk , 1974 ) , rob roy ( 1977 ) , the talisman ( uk , 1980 - 81 ) , ivanhoe ( uk , 1982 ) , ivanhoe ( 1997 ) , la jolie fille de perth ( fr , 1998 ) .\nas ivanhoe amply shows , scott\u2019s medieval romances came into their own in the 1950s because they were made to speak strongly to contemporary concerns . the post - war and cold war years encouraged the consolidation of the cultures of the west , and the plots of ivanhoe and quentin durward both \u201cproject \u2026 incipient nation states [ or nato states ? ] , not as culturally unitary but as divided against themselves . \u201d [ 47 ] these plots can be resolved only by symbolic marriages . both stories offer domestic solutions to world - historical problems , therefore , and must have appealed to producers during the baby - boom of the 1950s when the american dream , projected as suburban domesticity and consumer culture , was being sold abroad as the most powerful weapon against communist russia . as critics have shown , too , ivanhoe in particular showed how the camouflage of costume might allow a more critical examination of cold war america . for example , elizabeth taylor\u2019s lead role as rebecca , the able , energetic jewess who falls in love with ivanhoe but must relinquish him in the end to the insipid anglo - saxon rowena , raises issues about the role of women , the prevalence of anti - semitism , and the spectre of mccarthyism in the 1950s . [ 48 ]\nat the dawn of the victorian period came the folktales of grimm to complicate the issue ; and so strong was their influence that german very soon became the language of fairyland\u2014of m\u00e4rchenland , we would fain say , borrowing the title from f . anstey ' s delicious fantasy of the fairy world , in brief authority .\nin 1888 lang turned aside from the high road of the literary fairy story to seek his inspiration for the gold of fairnilee among the dark shadows of the genuine old fairy beliefs . but a year later he returned to the fairy court tradition , and wrote prince prigio , the first of his chronicles of pantouflia .\na mist of memory broods and floats , the border waters flow ; the air is full of ballad notes borne out of long ago .\nrobert taylor is splendidly dashing as penniless scottish nobleman quentin durward in this jolly swashbuckler set in 15th century france and based on a novel by sir walter scott . in the busy , well - constructed plot , taylor finds himself embroiled in a struggle for power between ruthless brothers king louis xi ( robert morley ) and the duke of burgundy ( alec clunes ) . it ' s made with a fast pace , a gracious , spirited leading lady in kay kendall , as the beautiful princess isabelle of marcroy , eye - popping technicolor photography , splendid french location filming and an exciting climactic confrontation in a blazing bell tower . all this , plus george cole as a gypsy , wilfrid hyde white and ernest thesiger .\ngreat action , good humor and a picturesque setting as scott always delivers . but for this one , also a nice introduction to a period of french history less well known to me - the mid 15th century while the king of france was still struggling with burgundy to weld together the modern french state . many memorable characters from quentin who is like a younger , scottish d ' artagnan , the always composed , perfectly cynical louis xi and the well - meaning but utterly rash charles of burgundy , down to the comic relief of louis ' mismatched pair of over - worked executioners .\nclodd and most of the folk - lore society , including the rest of the great team , stood firm in asserting\nthe science of folklore .\n39 lang persisted in his comparative studies of ghost stories and other psychic events , producing the book of dreams and ghosts ( 1897 ) . in the preface to the second edition of cock lane and common - sense , lang argued one final time of the need to extend the boundaries of contemporary folklore studies :\nbecause the vanishing people is a collection of essays on different aspects of fairy lore , there is some inevitable duplication of illustrative material . all of it , however , is of the highest quality , and grips the imagination in even the shortest extracts . few will easily forget the fairy rade which passed by bessie dunlop in the sixteenth century\nwith mony hiddous rumbill\n, or the chilling cry of the malevolent mermaid , cheated of her prey , the laird of lorntie , by the quick - wittedness of his servant :\ngreat action , good humor and a picturesque setting as scott always delivers . but for this one , also a nice introduction to a period of french history less well known to me - the mid 15th century while the king of france was still struggling with burgundy to weld together the modern french state . many memorable characters from quentin who is like a younger , scottish d ' artagnan , the always composed , perfectly cynical louis xi and the well - meaning but utterly rash charles of burgundy , down to the c\nlang ' s narrative tone in his next tales , prince prigio and prince ricardo of pantouflia ( 1893 ) , in contrast to that of the gold of fairnilee , is lightly satirical and has been described as a burlesque of the traditional fairy tale . prince prigio and prince ricardo were both strongly influenced by william makepeace thackeray ' s similarly burlesque the rose and the ring . in these original tales , lang follows the adventures of the clever , but obnoxious prince prigio and his dim - witted son , prince ricardo . in tales of a fairy court ( 1907 ) , lang chronicles further episodes in the life of prince prigio . in one of the stories , prince prigio travels in time , first into the future of the twentieth century , then back in time to the court of king james vi of scotland . lang ' s tales of troy and greece ( 1907 ) comprises a retelling of homer ' s the iliad and the odyssey as a boy ' s adventure story for children . drawing on his own translations of homer ' s works and his accomplishments as a homeric scholar , lang ' s tales of troy and greece is highly regarded as one of his strongest volumes of stories for children .\n[ 43 ] the highland rogue was also , of course , one of scott\u2019s sources .\nin deserting all the literary traditions of fairyland and going for his inspiration to the border ballads and to the ancient folk beliefs and superstitions , lang was not acting unreasonably or from any spirit of forced innovation : for the fairies of the north are indeed the true fairies , and they were the products of the popular and literary creed of many centuries .\n[ in the following review , the critic comments on the appeal of lang ' s original fairy tales to modern readers , particularly the stories recounted in the gold of fairnilee and the princess nobody . ]\nthe year of lang ' s birth , 1844 , saw perhaps the earliest fusion of grimm and the french fairy court , in a forgotten tale , the hope of the katzekopfs by the reverend francis edward paget , where the new tradition is exemplified very clearly .\nthe movie debut of albert finney , at work in the raleigh . . .\njohnny nut and the golden goose ( from the french of charles deulin ) .\nlang frankly admitted\nthe process of evolution . . . is the mainspring of our system .\n18 the scholarly introduction to this new translation\u2014the first scholarly version of the grimm ' s household tales \u2014was most fortuitous .\nthe vedas do not represent the ordinary conversation of men , in which the process of naming and forgetting names is said to have existed .\nhe learned the tales of death divine and birth , strange loves of hawk and serpent , sky and earth , the marriage and the slaying of the sun ; the shrines of ghosts and beasts he wandered through , and mocked not of their godhead , for he knew behind all creeds the spirit that is one .\n[ 3 ] they are old mortality , the heart of midlothian , rob roy , the bride of lammermoor , a legend of montrose , and redgauntlet . of the two remaining scotch romances , the antiquary was set in scott\u2019s own time , and guy mannering in the days of his youth .\n[ 8 ] the bride of lammermoor ( j . stuart blackton , usa , 1909 ) , the bride of lammermoor ( it , 1910 ) kenilworth ( usa , 1909 ) , lochinvar ( based on marmion , j . searle dawley , usa , 1909 ) , quentin durward ( albert capellani , fr , 1911 ) , rob roy ( arthur vivian , uk , 1911 ) , the lady of the lake ( j . stuart blackton , usa , 1912 ) , guy mannering ( us , 1913 ) , ivanhoe ( herbert brenon , uk , 1913 ) , ivanhoe ( leedham bantock , uk , 1913 ) , rebecca the jewess ( based on ivanhoe , uk , 1913 ) , rob roy ( o . a . c . lund , usa , 1913 ) , a woman\u201ds triumph ( based on the heart of midlothian , j . searle dawley , usa , 1914 ) , the heart of midlothian ( frank wilson , uk , 1914 ) .\namong more literary classes the popular fairy - lore in the middle ages became diluted and changed by the addition of classical and romantic elements . perhaps the best example of this is the middle english poem of\nsir orfeo ,\nwhich tells the story of orpheus and eurydice in a setting of british fairy belief , making persephone queen of that fairyland under the ground to which , in the ballad , the fairy queen leads thomas the rhymer .\nthis is the eternal difficulty of the philological method . how are you to suppose that forgetfulness of the meaning of words so frequently led civilised men to ideas essentially savage ? how are you to be certain that the story was originally told of the god or hero whose name you analyse by the aid of philology ? 11\ni was reading quentin myself at this stage , albeit at home and in secret , firstly because the doctor had forbidden me reading yet again , and secondly because the book was too heavy to drag to school along with all my textbooks . and this coincidence , which then seemed to me to be mysteriously significant , made my heart pound even harder .\nk - gr . 3 \u2014this russian folktale [ the flying ship ] recounts the offbeat adventures of a kindhearted simpleton and his attempts to win the hand of a beautiful princess . he soars in a magical flying ship , gathering a crew of eccentric characters along the way . all of them eventually use their unique and often comical talents to help their peculiar , yet determined , captain claim his royal bride . the text is taken from andrew lang ' s the yellow fairy book ( dover , 1966 ) , and includes a few minor spelling changes . unfortunately , the watercolor - and - pencil illustrations do not reflect the earthy humor of the tale . many of the page - and - a - half spreads are static , and the rosy - cheeked , round - eyed men , women , and children resemble cartoon figures . overall , the soft colors and romanticized landscapes create a saccharine quality that is incompatible with the spirit of the story . those in need of\nthe flying ship\nshould turn to the yellow fairy book .\nthe process of diffusion remains uncertain . much may be due to the identity everywhere of early fancy : something to transmission .\neuterpe : being the second book of the famous history of herodotus , tr . barnaby rich ( editor ) . 1888 .\nthe second grouping , prince ricardo of pantouflia : being the adventures of prince prigio ' s son , offers a different twist . even in pantouflia , parents occasionally err in making life too easy for their offspring . so immersed is ricardo in using magical gifts to solve dilemmas that he neglects skill development and personal talents . rather than tending to his humdrum duties and his geography and mathematics studies . ricardo dashes and darts from one exciting exploit to another until his father decides to teach him a lesson .\njust the top of the\nyankee doodle boy\nnumber from george . . .\nduel to the death : lancelot challenges mordred in a duel to the death to avenge the death of king arthur in the climax .\nbetween 1909 and 1914 , fourteen scott films were made in four different countries ( the uk , usa , france , and italy ) from seven novels , one story , and a poem : still barely one - third of the number of films made from dickens\u2019s writing in the same period . ivanhoe , which almost alone made scott\u2019s name known to later generations of moviegoers , was already the favourite , attracting three film versions . interestingly , the heart of midlothian was made twice in 1914 ( it was never filmed again : see below ) , as were two other novels that would prove appealing to subsequent filmmakers : the bride of lammermoor and rob roy . [ 8 ] by contrast , between 1915 and the end of the silent era in 1930 scott virtually disappeared from the cinema : only five more films were produced , from three novels ( rob roy , the talisman , and the fair maid of perth ) . [ 9 ] thereafter , to the best of my knowledge not a single scott film was made anywhere in the world between 1930 and the revival of interest in chivalric epic in hollywood during the cold war . this spurred a minor scott revival , but only in rob roy and the handful of medieval swashbucklers : ivanhoe , the talisman , and quentin durward . [ 10 ] scott fared rather better on radio and television . between 1940 and 1974 , the bbc made ten radio serials , [ 11 ] and between 1957 and 1998 , fifteen television serials ( of eleven novels ) appeared . [ 12 ]\nby a strange chance mrs molesworth , one of the greatest writers of the\nchild - novel ,\nwas born in 1839 , the year of the publication of holiday house , the earliest real example of that type of story : following on this it is even stranger to find that in 1844 , the year when the hope of the katzekopfs , the first true\nliterary fairy - story\nappeared , was born andrew lang , whose name is more intimately connected with fairies than that of any other englishman since shakespeare .\none of the greatest all time romantic swashbucklers . one of a trio of medieval films robert taylor did , owing little to history but great entertainment none the less .\nthe chronicles of pantouflia combine two books , the story of prince prigio ( 1889 ) and the adventures of his son , prince ricardo ( 1893 ) ; both antedate the blue fairy book of 1899 , the first in andrew lang ' s great spectrum of anthologies of children ' s stories . but they reveal already an imagination steeped in fairy literature , and adding to that tradition with considerable sophistication . the stories repeatedly take their bearings by literary cross - reference . some of these would be appreciated by children : the king of pantouflia is the grandson of cinderella and includes madame la belle au bois - dormant among his ancestors ; prince prigio is given the whole battery of fairy gifts\u2014seven - league boots , flying carpets , wishing caps and so on . on the other hand prince ricardo is saved by a weapon - salve described by sir kenelm digby , and his tale has elements drawn from scott and ariosto as well as the gawain poet and others ; the tale of the yellow dwarf recounted here awaits its proper placement , anthologized in the blue fairy book six years later . pantouflia , we may assume , is not only a country but , as its name suggests , a state of slippered ease , bookish , witty and even cynical in its handling of the stuff of children ' s fiction .\nfinished ! i have officially exhausted all of the scott in my collection , ladies and gentlemen , and i\u2019m free at last : ) i shouldn\u2019t be so dramatic , but i liked this even less than \u201ckenilworth\u201d \u2013 i guess i\u2019ll just be thankful that i didn\u2019t go for this one first . i have no desire to write about this book , so this is going to be short . the story was tedious and i had nearly zero investment in the characters or their aspirations . i pictured quentin as justin bieber in armor ; he was a complete ninny . isabelle was incredibly boring , and her only discernable purpose was to be rescued and to melodramatically throw herself on the mercy of various and sundry noblemen . her bitter spinster aunt was admittedly quite funny , and crevecoeur was amusing as well for mercilessly making fun of quentin\u2019s puppy love . but other than that , this was a snooze .\n[ 6 ] in h . philip bolton , scott dramatized ( london : mansell , 1992 ) , the last dated stage adaptations of scott , excluding operas and school playscripts , are : marmion in 1903 , waverley in 1871 ( 54 ) , guy mannering in 1913 ( 139 ) , the antiquary in 1844 ( 146 ) , old mortality in 1874 ( 156 ) , the black dwarf in 1833 ( 161 ) , rob roy in 1990 ( 257 ) , heart of mid - lothian in 1949 ( 296 ) , bride of lammermoor in 1908 ( 332 ) , the legend of montrose in 1868 ( 340 ) , ivanhoe in 1914 ( 371 ) , the monastery in 1883 ( 374 ) , the abbot in 1886 ( 392 ) , kenilworth in 1905 ( 420 ) , the pirate in 1844 ( 425 ) , the fortunes of nigel in 1903 ( 435 ) , peveril of the peak in 1877 ( 440 ) , quentin durward in 1940 ( 451 ) , st . ronan\u201ds well in 1893 ( 455 - 6 ) , redgauntlet in 1872 ( 461 ) , the betrothed in 1829 ( 462 ) , the talisman in 1938 ( 472 ) , woodstock in 1913 ( 476 ) , the fair maid of perth in 1967 ( 492 ) , and anne of geierstein in 1829 ( 493 ) .\nthe absence of names is not , of course , essential to the ordinary folk - tale ; but in the case of such a story as this , it is only by such a suppression that it can be regarded with any ease as a fairy - tale of the type best exemplified in the grimm collection , and not merely as a fragment of the grand legendary history of homeric greece .\nit will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the wiki 2 technology .\nthe companions of pickle : being a sequel to\npickle the spy .\n1898 .\nin general , lang moved from the known to the lesser known in his selection of tales\u2014the tried and the true to the more experimental . in keeping with his concept of making manifest the universality of the human experience , he covered the world fairly well in each volume . although the blue fairy book ventured only as far afield as asia minor , the yellow fairy book five years later presented three american indian tales and one of the two chinese tales in the series , as well as tales from europe . the brown fairy book of 1904 balanced its american indian and african\u2014both northern and southern\u2014with scandinavian , french , and spanish tales . where five countries had been represented in the first book of the series , from the yellow fairy book of 1894 through the orange fairy book of 1906 the number of countries represented averaged ten ."]} {"id": 114576, "summary": [{"text": "apoorva is a 2016 kannada film written , produced and directed by ravichandran who also composed the music .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars ravichandran and apoorva .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the crux of the film is a love story which takes place between a 61-year-old man and 19-year-old girl . ", "topic": 15}], "title": "apoorva ( 2016 film )", "paragraphs": ["apoorva 2016 film mysore theatres list show timings , v . ravichandran , sudeep , apoorva\napoorva jukebox | | apoorva songs | | v . ravichandran , apoorva | | apoorva kannada songs\ncinema halls names list in mysore screening ' apoorva 2016 film ' directed by v . ravichandran\nmysore show time , theatres list showing ' apoorva 2016 film ' show timings , starring v . ravichandran , sudeep , apoorva\nbye bye apoorva lyrical video song | | apoorva | | v . ravichandran , apoorva\nomme ommomme full audio song | | apoorva | | v . ravichandran , apoorva\nand produced by nahid khan . the film was initially named\nhaseena : queen of mumbai\n. the principal signing of the film began in february 2016 and the shooting started on 11 october 2016 .\napoorva promo 12 | v . ravichandran , apoorva | t - series kannada - youtube\nmix - apoorva promo 12 | v . ravichandran , apoorva | t - series kannada\nthis page was last modified on 4 may 2016 , at 08 : 17 .\napoorva film has the support of the biggest producer and distributor jayanna combines for marketing the film all over karnataka .\nlife is beyond full video song | |\napoorva\n| | v . ravichandran , apoorva\nprapanchavu kaanadu ( duet ) full audio song | | apoorva | | v . ravichandran , apoorva\nshivaay is scheduled to release on 28 october 2016 on the diwali weekend . [ 1 ]\nhe made his acting debut alongside kamal haasan in tamil film \u2018apoorva raagangal\u2019 ( 1975 ) .\napoorva raagangal - wikipedia , the free encyclopedia . apoorva raagangal ( english : rare melodies ) is a 1 .\nnishabdave full video song | |\napoorva\n| | v . ravichandran , apoorva | | kannada hd video songs\nfrom pawan kumar and team . watched on 22 sun may 2016 at q cinemas , itpl bangalore .\n\u2018is this punishment or imprisonment ? \u2019 apoorva asks rajashekhar a few hours later . the audience found themselves chuckling at this dialogue for they shared apoorva\u2019s sentiments of being punished and imprisoned as they watched ravichandran\u2019s latest film , apoorva .\nhe was honoured with padma bhushan ( 2000 ) , and padma vibhushan ( 2016 ) by the government of india .\nhis film \u2018raaja chinna roja\u2019 ( 1989 ) , was the first tamil film to use animation .\nin mysore karnataka state the theatres list showing sandalwood movie apoorva may be accurate only for first 5 days of film ( apoorva ) release . please check with theatres personally before watching the cinema ( apoorva ) as new movies will be scheduled for release every weekend .\nabout the genesis of apoorva , he says , \u201cinitially i had planned to make a small budget film . apoorva was conceived with less expenditure , less actors and a good sensitive and sensible story . \u201d\nthe film setting and cinematography is good and the film score ( background music ) perfectly accompanies all the scenes .\nin 1988 , he did his first and only english film \u2018bloodstone\u2019 , an indian - american action - adventure film .\nt - series kannada presents official\napoorva\npromo starring\nv . ravichandran\n( crazy star ) & apoorva . enjoy & stay connected with us ! ! subscribe now for latest updates of\napoorva\nsubscribe us urltoken like us on facebook urltoken circle us on g + urltoken - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - apoorva first look , apoorva motion poster , apoorva trailer , apoorva teaser , apoorva promo , ravichandran , v . ravichandran , apoorva , ravichandran hit songs , ravichandran latest movie , ravinchandran kannada movie , sandalwood , ravichandran latest kannada movie , t - series kannada , kannada hit songs , tseries kannada\ndo all of mind\u2019s ramblings need to be made into a film is what one is left urltoken the end of this film .\nin his 100th film , he played the role of a hindu saint \u2018raghavendra swami\u2019 in the film \u2018sri raghavendra\u2019 ( 1985 ) .\nprincipal photography began in october 2016 when shraddha kapoor was signed in the film . the shooting began with the song\nbantai\n. the film went into promotions in august 2017 and was released on 22 september 2017 . [ 13 ] initially , apoorva lakhia was to make a biopic on dawood ibrahim which was a topic that was taken already by many directors . hence , he visited the family of dawood ' s sister haseena and also , apoorva met haseena parkar herself . he was fascinated with her life story and hence , he decided to make a biopic on her . filming began in october 2016 and ended up within 10 months since start . [ 14 ]\nwoooh ! udaya movies opens a new challenge to win # apoorva free movie tickets . # getready\nlead actors , supporting roles - v . ravichandran , apoorva , vijay raghavendra , sudeep , ravishankar\nkalyan jewellers has launched apoorva , a new diamond collection priced between rs 5 and 10 lakh rupees .\nshivaay is a 2016 upcoming indian action thriller film directed and produced by ajay devgan under his banner ajay devgn ffilms . it features ajay devgn , sayyeshaa saigal , and erika kaar in lead roles . mithoon has composed the film\u2019s score and soundtrack . [ 2 ] british band the vamps is also the part of music . [ 3 ]\nit has been only a few weeks since the release of ravichandran ' s film apoorva which also introduced the actress apoorva to films . her identity was kept a secret for over a year since the film started and only revealed sometime before the film released . that was ravichandran ' s way of building suspense about the new actress . just when after a launch in a big film , actors look for new opportunities , apoorva seems to have hit a different note . on her social networking account she has begun to call herself a\nformer actress at kannada film industry . visit our official website : urltoken visit our infotainment partner : urltoken subscribe for more videos : urltoken like us : urltoken\nsoundtrack [ edit ] shivaay shivaay 2016 cover . jpg soundtrack album by mithoon , jasleen royal released 7 october 2016 recorded livingwatermusic , studio one , enzy studios genre feature film soundtrack length 25 : 50 label t - series shivaay\u2019s soundtrack is composed by mithoon with guest vocal appearance by the british pop - rock band the vamps , while the lyrics been penned by sayeed quadri & sandeep shrivastava . [ 13 ] on 11 september 2016 the title track of shivaay titled bolo har har har was released , which was sung by mithoon , mohit chauhan , sukhwinder singh , badshah , megha sriram dalton , anugrah . [ 14 ] [ 15 ] the second song , \u201cdarkhaast\u201d , was released on 22 september 2016 , and featured vocals by arijit singh and sunidhi chauhan . [ 16 ] all the music rights of shivaay are acquired by t - series .\nabout the eventminnesota ' s manufacturing industry has a long history of excellence . each year , minnesota business magazine recognizes the outstanding achievements of . that\u2019s a great list you have got there ! you might want to give teramatrix technologies a look as well . teramatrix is an iot startup based out of gurgaon . listen new kannada songs of 2016 online . watch & enjoy latest kannada songs videos playlist 2015 , 2016 from the latest & upcoming movies . watch sun tv tamil serial apoorva raagangal at tamilo .\ndirected by raghavendra hegde . with darshan thoogudeep , deeksha seth , srujan lokesh , gayathri iyer . jaggu dada ' s grandfather and father are underworld dons . apoorva raagangal ( english : rare melodies ) is a 1975 indian tamil - language drama film directed by k . the film features kamal haasan and srividya in lead . two teams of favourite sun tv serials apoorva raagangal and maragatha veenai participate in super challenge , this week . super challenge is a game show with . apoorva sagodharargal ( english : rare brothers ) is a 1989 indian tamil - language comedy - drama film directed by singeetam srinivasa rao . the film stars kamal haasan in .\ndeath , a reason to love . love , a reason to die . kannada star and director v ravichandran ' s experimental film apoorva is inching towards completion . the actor , who sent across a couple of stills from the film recently did so with a difference . each of the posters carried a message about love , written and signed off by ravichandran himself . the messages state some interesting thoughts that explore the emotion of love as it were . apoorva is said to be a film which features just two main characters , apoorva and ravichandran . most of the film is said to have been shot with the two protagonists stuck in a lift . the film also stars sudeep in a cameo . sudeep has also lent his voice to most part of the film , thereby making his presence felt in a unique way .\nhe picked up the language very fast and returned to balachander . at that time , balachander was launching his movie apoorva ragangal . even the onlookers remarked that this new find had style . but who was he , they wondered . instead of implementing a tracking shot , the camera was moved manually by the cameraman while shooting for the song , making apoorva raagangal the first tamil film to do so . apoorva raagangal was the first tamil film to be shot in real houses without the use of any sets .\nfor the first 20 minutes of the film , nothing happens . ravichandran as rajashekhar is still telling us that he has a story to tell us . he keeps repeating \u2018apoorva , i love you\u2019 .\nthe debutante apoorva can barely act . sudeep and ravishankar appear in cameos as the terrorists and barely have a role .\norange lights hindi , tv commercial film production company ( cinimage . org ) - youtube\napoorva revolves around a 61 - year - old selfless man , who falls for a 19 - year - old girl .\nthanks apoorva for summing up all the significant analytics news in a clear and concise manner . appreciate your write - up .\napoorva should rank among the worst films that ravichandran has made . philosophical banter about love and age that should have happened over a drink with friends - and forgotten once sober - has been made into a film .\nv ravichandran takes up for direction the curiosity build up in massive loads . this time \u2018apoorva\u2019 is releasing three days prior to his birthday . for this film release v ravichandran did not celebrated his earlier two years birthday .\nthe film industry has reacted with disgust at the admission from a director that one of the most notorious rape scenes in modern film history was shot without prior consent from the actor involved .\nit was also the first tamil film to have a song ( . the reason the song , . lokanath , the film ' s cinematographer , he found houses which belonged to a .\nmalayalam short film 2017 | ' \u0d35\u0d3f\u0d32\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d46\u0d1f\u0d4d\u0d1f \u0d15\u0d28\u0d3f ' - \u0d12\u0d30\u0d41 \u0d24\u0d47\u0d2a\u0d4d\u0d2a\u0d41\u0d15\u0d3e\u0d30\u0d3f\u0d2f\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d46 \u0d06\u0d26\u0d4d\u0d2f\u0d30\u0d3e\u0d24\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d3f . . . . '\nhis only film that was released with an u / a certificate was \u2018thalapathi\u2019 ( 1991 ) .\nindian tamil - languagedrama film directed by k . the film features kamal haasan and srividya in lead roles while rajinikanth ( in his cinematic debut ) , jayasudha , nagesh , and major sundarrajan play supporting roles . the film was produced by v . duraisamy under the production banner kalakendra films .\nravichandran ' s upcoming film apoorva will have sudeep ' s voice over . as the story unfolds inside an elevator , a parallel story will be narrated , that happens outside the lift , according to its director , crazy star .\nin the end , the screen tells us that the film was directed by the \u2018mind\u2019 . but do all of mind\u2019s ramblings need to be made into a film is what one is left wondering .\napoorva is a new age love story which takes place between a 61 - year - old man and 19 - year - old girl .\nhis science fiction film \u2018enthiran\u2019 ( english \u2013 robot ) was supposed to be done by kamal haasan .\nhe is producer , director , story , screenplay , dialogue , designer of the film besides music , distribution of the film in ishwari pictures \u2013 he plays the lead . it is one man show .\n, a video marketing and analytics startup . vidooly partnered with subhash ghai\u2019s whistling woods film school , to serve as the default tool for video analytics and video marketing for the students of the film institute .\nin 2014 , rajinikanth signed up for kochadaiiyaan , india\u2019s first motion capture film , directed by his daughter soundarya . this feat also made him the first indian actor to have worked in films using different camera technologies like black - and - white , colour , 3d and motion capture . in 2016 , he was awarded the padma vibhushan by the government of india .\napoorva kannada movie | 201 . . .\nthis video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by aiplex software pvt ltd .\nbalachander has contributed a unique story , dialogues and superb direction in kala kendra ' s apoorva ragangal . a film with a revolutionary offbeat theme it provides poetic experience . udhayamurthy , writing for ananda vikatan , appreciated the film overwhelmingly for its quality : . the film shows rare struggles of love and we get involved with the characters so much that we forget that they are artistes who are enacting their roles and start living with them and empathize with them at the end . but not k balachander . a trademark k balachander film , this was the first to showcase kamal .\nthe film which opens with a philosophical format , takes different forms as it progresses , \u201d he explains , noting that the audience was shocked when they watched ekangi , because of its treatment and categorised that in a \u2018different\u2019 film category . \u201csimilarly , apoorva is also a different film . people should come and watch it with preparation . i have broken the grammar ; there is less glamour , and best flavour . it is a film aimed at an audience belonging to every age group , \u201d adds the actor . another interesting thing about apporva is that most of this 138 - minute film happens in a lift . ravichandran who is known for erecting huge sets for his songs , created a lift set in his own house for shooting convenience . besides that , he shot the film in two malls and on nice road .\nhis friend , raj bahadur , used to give him funds to learn acting in a film institution in chennai .\nhe made a special appearance in shah rukh khan \u2018s sci - fi film , \u2018ra . one\u2019 ( 2011 ) .\ntamil , malayalam and telugu adaptations of the film will feature local brand ambassadors prabhu , manju warrier and nagarjuna respectively .\nbut there isn\u2019t a story at all . the film is simply this : a chance encounter in the lift , they exchange a few questions and answers about life , death , its meaning and objectives and a few hours later , apoorva professes her love for rajashekhar and he reciprocates .\nas the content strategist for analytics india magazine , apoorva takes care of editing & writing articles , covering analytics news , taking interviews and managing the social media marketing .\nnew delhi , oct 17 ( uni ) upcoming bollywood actress shraddha kapoor and her brother siddhanth kapoor will be seen sharing screen space for the very first time in apoorva lakhia\u2019s gangster flick \u2018haseena\u2019 , based on the life of dawood ibrahim\u2019s sister haseena parkar . sources associated with the film\u2019s production say that siddhanth , who will be seen essaying the role of dawood in the movie , which went on floors a couple of days back , recently shot for an item song , which is being termed as the only light moment in the dark and gritty film . a source attached to the film said the dance sequence is an incident out of dawood\u2019s early days when after a successful mission , dawood and his men head to a dance bar , get drunk and break into a jig . it is being said that apoorva thought of making dawood dance in the club sequence only after he realized how well junior kapoor dances . produced by furquan khan under swiss entertainment banner , the film stars siblings shraddha and siddhant kapoor as the lead protagonists and is directed by apoorva lakhia . uni ar ae rj 1550\nin the prestigious kg road surroundings the film is showing in kapali theatre morning show and in anupama theatre on four shows a day .\nthe soundtrack and score were composed by m . viswanathan while the lyrics for all tracks were written by kannadasan . although the film was based on a riddle featured in one of the vikram and betal stories , it has also been widely described as having been inspired by the american film 4 . carats ( 1 . 97 . 3 ) . apoorva raagangal was controversial upon release as it examines relationships between people with wide age gaps , which challenged indian social mores . the film is about prasanna ( kamal ) who falls in love with the older bhairavi ( srividya ) while his father is drawn to bhairavi ' s daughter ranjini ( jayasudha ) . the rest of the film revolves around the four characters and their problems .\nhowever , she forgets all of this when they are rescued eventually a few hours later . as rajashekar revels in his new - found love interest , apoorva introduces him to her boyfriend akshay . she tells akshay that rajashekar is her uncle . what a heartbroken rajashekhar does after this revelation forms the rest of the film .\nwatch ravichandran ' s ' apoorva ' will have sudeep ' s voice over subscribe to kannada / sandalwood no . 1 youtube channel for non stop entertainment click here to subscribe - - urltoken\nthe music was composed and lyrics were written by hamsalekha . [ 2 ] a total of 10 tracks have been composed for the film .\napoorva raagangal released on 1 . august 1 . 97 . 5 and became a critical and commercial success . it won three national film awards and three filmfare awards south . it was later remade by balachander in hindi as ek nai paheli with kamal and hema malini as the leads , and in telugu as thoorpu padamara ( 1 .\nin 2007 , he became the highest paid asian actor after jackie chan , when he was paid inr 26 crore for the film \u2018sivaji . \u2019\nhis movies are always low budget with great actors and story . people need to support such innovative directors and the kannada film industry must grow .\nwow . i will never look at this film , bertolucci or brando the same way again . this is beyond disgusting . i feel rage urltoken\nfor years after the film , and in part due to the scandal surrounding it , schneider struggled with drug addiction and depression before her death .\n, leader of the new crop of sandalwood film makers , deserves applause for this impeccable way of story telling which is away from the main stream cinema .\nthe bright opening in the upper - octave gandhara and the subsequent traversal to the suddha dhaivata are striking . sasirekha . 06 : 0 . release . the film became successful at box office . when the film was released in bangalore . when we came out , he started crying . these are tears of joy .\nthe songs , and the background score mostly supported by gautam srivastava is terrible to ears at times , which again makes one remember ' hamsalekha , ' or if not hamsalekha , the crazy star definitely needs to hand over the job of composition to a well trained musicians who could connect to his ' heart ' of film making , and not just who simply knows and plays musical instruments . now that apoorva is released and that audience will seal its fate , the burden of expectation gets heavier on his next venture - manjina hani . well , watch apoorva to judge on whether it is a punishment or imprisonment !\nas he was keen on acting , he joined the madras film institute , and during one of his stage performance , he met the director , k balachander , who offered him a role in his tamil film . until that time , he was not good at speaking tamil , but he quickly learned it and master the language .\na mall is attacked by terrorists , there is a power shutdown and apoorva , a 19 - year - old girl , and rajashekhar , a 61 - year - old man , are stuck in an elevator in the mall .\napoorva , under the guise of being a \u2018different\u2019 film , doesn\u2019t manage to engage its audience . apart from the fact that the \u2018love story\u2019 itself is unconvincing , the barrage of sermons on life on black screen inserts / intertitles every two seconds are aggravating . repeated shots of the close - up of eyes , hair flying followed by more close - ups and hair flying don\u2019t make things better , either .\nbalachander used the technique of introducing the lead actors and actresses in the film with a title card in the name of a raga , symbolising their characters in the film . for rajinikanth , the title sruthi bedam ( english : a variation in the pitch . ) was used to denote the twist in the tale with the appearance of his character .\nafter nearly a decade , \u2018dreamer\u2019 ( kanasugara ) of kannada cinema ravichandran is all set to entertain the audience with the much awaited apoorva hitting screens across the state on friday . the movie has been produced by his production house - eshwari productions .\nfor the initial two years of his acting career , he got recognised for his negative roles , until he got the lead role in the telugu film \u2018chilakamma cheppindi\u2019 ( 1977 ) .\nin 1975 , rajinikanth debuted in k . balachander\u2019s tamil classic apoorva raagangal . this was followed by a string of small and antagonistic roles in his upcoming movies . his breakthrough role in tamil cinema was bairavi , directed by m . bhaskar . it saw rajinikanth playing the lead role for the first time . slowly , he was recognised as a prominent film star and his signature style of flipping the cigarette was a hit with the masses .\nto all the people that love this film - you ' re watching a 19yr old get raped by a 48yr old man . the director planned her attack . i feel sick . urltoken\nnew delhi , july 6 ( uni ) the makers of ' gold ' starring akshay kumar have released the very first song from the film titled ' naino ne baandhi ' on friday .\nramesh kalyanaraman , ed - marketing and operations , kalyan jewellers , said , \u201cevery woman desires a diamond necklace for her wedding , and apoorva fulfills the distinct needs of every woman by offering a compelling collection which is intricately crafted and completes the wedding trousseau . \u201d\nin addition to acting in films , alia bhatt has launched her own line of clothing for women . she has sung six of her film songs and participates in stage shows and concert tours .\na special program on how the contestants are getting ready for the coming week ' s ugadi round . watch the tits and bits from ugadi episode . the show also features an exclusive interview with crazy star ravichandran , who will share his experience about making apoorva movie .\nwe soon find out that ranjani is bhairavi ' s daughter ( born to her out of wedlock ) . both relationships arrive at a dilemma with an unexpected twist when bhairavi ' s long - lost husband , pandiyan ( rajinikanth ) comes into picture . if you aim for it seriously , you succeed . of course when i introduced him in apoorva raagangal , it was only a small role , but people would remember him because he comes in the climax . balachander adapted the screenplay of 4 . carats . dasan , however , stated that apoorva raagangal was his script .\nschneider told the daily mail in 2007 that no sexual intercourse took place on the film set \u2013 but said she was kept in the dark about aspects of the scene which had a profound effect on her .\nrajan from balachander ' s film major chandrakanth ( 1 . march 1 . 97 . 5 ; the name means . since my mother tongue is tamil , we decided to speak in tamil to each other .\nhas she fallen in love because she is possibly on the brink of death ( read : terrorist attack ) , asks rajashekhar . apoorva\u2019s \u2018logic\u2019 is that if she is going to die anyway , then why not fall in love , as if it is something that can be enacted at will .\nwe have no idea who rajashekar or apoorva is at this point and the screen is filled with random theories about life . \u2018life is a sin - ema , i dare you to watch it\u2019 floats on the screen . this is followed by \u2018life is a fact\u2019 and then the letter \u2018f\u2019disappears and \u2018life is an act\u2019 remains . unfortunately , this continues until the end of the film . \u2018life is censored , unsensored\u2019 , \u2018life is a shameless journey and love is an aimless journey\u2019 are among some of the other gems that adorn the screen .\nsudeep and ravi shankar also appear in cameos in the film , but not prakash . it is only prakash ' s voice that makes up a crucial part of the story ,\nthe love you alia actor has said .\nhe describes how he and marlon brando conspired to shoot an assault by brando\u2019s character in the 1972 film using a stick of butter as lubricant to rape his lover played by the late actress \u2013 a detail that had not been in the script .\nvarun dhawan started his career as a hero with the movie \u201cstudent of the year\u201d in 2012 . till now he acted in 7 movies out of which 2 are super hits and remaining are average at the box - office . there are no disasters in his film career . varun dhawan\u2019s upcoming movies are dishoom directed by his brother rohit , and he is filming opposite alia bhatt for the romantic comedy badrinath ki dulhania . in addition , he has committed to feature in judwaa 2 , a sequel to the 1997 comedy film judwaa .\nto conclude , u - turn is an amazing film . if you liked lucia , you\u2019ll love this . if you like thriller movies , you\u2019ll love it . if you watch the movie for the message it gives , you\u2019ll give it a standing ovation like they did so in the theatre where i watched this movie . however , the real hero and possibly the villain too is not an actor in this film . it is a real entity , captured brilliantly by pawan . it is the double road flyover in bengaluru city : d\nrajinikanth married latha rangachari , whom he met when she interviewed him for her college magazine . he earned the filmfare award for best tamil actor in 1984 for nallavanuku nallavan . he made an appearance in the american film bloodstone , playing the role of an indian taxi driver .\nin 2005 , rajinikanth signed up for chandramukhi , which fared well at the box office and set the record for the longest - running tamil movie . rajinikanth earned rs 26 crore for his role in sivaji ( 2007 ) making him the second - highest - paid actor in india after jackie chan . rajinikanth partnered with director shankar for the sci - fi film enthiran ( 2010 ) , where he played the dual role of a scientist and a robot , chitti ; this went onto become the second - highest grossing indian film of its time .\nwith rajinikanth\u2019s upcoming film kabali \u2019s teaser shattering all youtube records set by indian movies and garnering a critical reception from audiences , the movie , slated for release this summer , can expect a huge turnout and can hopefully satiate the audiences\u2019 expectations of a blockbuster from the superstar again .\ni am very pleased to say that lately kannada film industry has been giving very good movies and u - turn is one of those . lucia director pawan kumar has taken a very simple , yet socially very important concept , given it a gripping screenplay and directed very beautifully .\nreason : on one side of the screen the phrases on love and life in english with discomforting fonts rarely stops flowing , and at the bottom is the sub - title in english . if that is not enough , the protagonists is half the time busy expressing his philosophy and the other portion is dedicated to the heroine shown with her hair flying , and close up shots of her eye . well , the man who was at least never criticised for selection of actress , has probably failed for the first time . the actress apoorva is not what we all have been seeing in ravichandran ' s film and the other disheartening fact is that the debutant can hardly act .\nperformances in the film are pretty decent , many of them appearing first time on the screen , still they manage to keep the audience engaged without an iota of boredom . the characters are well portrayed but the plot gets diluted when the real face behind the mystery comes into play .\nfilm got negative reviews from critics . renuka vyavahare of the times of india gave the movie 2 out of 5 stars stating that ,\nthe crime drama fails to offer an insight to haseena ' s life\n. [ 16 ] syed firdaus ashraf from urltoken gave the movie 2 . 0 / 5 stars stating that ,\nshraddha kapoor tries hard to rescue the film . shraddha kapoor deglamorizes herself to get into the character and her sincerity as an actress reflects throughout the movie . it has all the ingredients . . . to make it a blockbuster . [ 17 ]\non the face of it you might easily say that there\u2019s nothing new to kapoor & sons . isn\u2019t it the usual , dysfunctional family drama we have seen in countless hollywood films ? but not for a minute does the film feel stale . batra gives a refreshing new voice to an old , tried and tested trope .\napoorva or apurva is the common english spelling of two related indian given names : the feminine \u0905\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0935\u093e and the masculine \u0905\u092a\u0942\u0930\u094d\u0935 . the masculine name is often spelled apurv or apoorv , as in many modern indo - aryan languages it is pronounced without the vowel at the end , for example in hindi : . in sanskrit and are respectively the masculine and feminine forms of the adjective meaning ' unprecedented ' , ' new ' , ' extraordinary ' .\nand to ensure that the narration of the other story is as strong its counterpart inside , we needed a good voice , and who better to have onboard for that than sudeep ? his bass voice is well - suited to the film and he agreed to be a part of it without asking any questions about it .\nin a kalyan jewellers store , the bachchans are busy trying to find jewellery for their grand daughter . jaya rules out a diamond set for the reception as she thinks a large one wouldn ' t be available at their budget . amidst the banter , amitabh finds a apoorva set and proudly shows off the bride - to - be wearing it . he reveals that it is priced within their budget , at a range of rs 5 to 10 lakh .\njust imitate whatever balachander is doing . what is the relationship between him and me ) sums up the theme of the film . according to naman ramachandran , the character of pandiyan is not entirely negative . pandiyan does not appear as a villain ; in fact , he comes across as a saint . pandiyan commits no villainous act .\nin 2002 , he did a day - long fast to protest the karnataka government\u2019s decision not to release water from the river kaveri into tamil nadu . also in 2008 , he participated in a day - long fast with other tamil film personalities , demanding that the sri lankan government must end to civil war and give sri lankan tamils their rights .\nspeaking at the time , she said : \u201cthey only told me about it before we had to film the scene and i was so angry . i should have called my agent or had my lawyer come to the set because you can\u2019t force someone to do something that isn\u2019t in the script but at the time , i didn\u2019t know that . \u201d\nwhile impressing audiences with his witty humour and unique style , rajinikanth won many accolades along the way . during a period when most directors were ready to cast him as the hero of their film , rajinikanth abruptly chose to quit acting . this sent shockwaves through the entire industry . however , balachander and other close friends convinced him to return to cinema .\nin 2000 , rajinikanth was awarded the padma bhushan by the government of india , in recognition of his achievements in cinema . rajinikanth\u2019s first film to release in the new millennium was baba ( 2002 ) . he wrote the screenplay himself , but the movie failed to meet box office expectations and was a failure . rajinikanth repaid the losses faced by the distributors himself .\napoorva is supposed to be a love story between an older man and a younger woman , in this case 61 and 19 respectively ( the filmmaker even goes to the extent of calling it \u2018a 1961 love story\u2019 ) . the premise of this supposed story is not new at all for we have seen it in films such as ram gopal varma\u2019s nishabd and anant balani\u2019s joggers park . so , when it finally began , one was curious to see how ravichandran would tell or as he mentions in the opening credits , \u2018design\u2019 this story .\nbollywood actress alia bhatt was born on 15 march 1993 , she is the daughter of filmmaker mahesh bhatt and actress soni razdan . after making her acting debut as a child artist in the 1999 thriller sangharsh , alia played her first leading role in karan johar\u2019s romantic drama student of the year ( 2012 ) , which earned her a nomination for the film fare award for best female debut .\nlast tango in paris tells the story of a man who enters into an anonymous affair after his wife takes her own life . it shocked audiences on its release in the early 1970s due to its graphic depictions of sex and rape , and remains controversial today . long after the film was made many still speculated that the sex scenes were real but schneider later confirmed this was not the case .\nthe film became noted for being the onscreen debut of rajinikanth , who went on to become one of tamil cinema ' s most successful actors . during his stay at the film chamber institute in chennai , rajinikanth , then known by his real name , shivaji rao gaekwad , was performing in a stage play and attracted the attention of balachander . at the auditions , gaekwad imitated sivaji ganesan to prove his mettle to balachander , but balachander wanted gaekwad to have an identity of his own and to perform without imitating the mannerisms of another person . two days later , when gaekwad was called again for a second audition , he took a cigar in his hand and threw it stylishly into his mouth , which impressed balachander as he had not seen such unique mannerisms in any other actor that he came across since then .\nno songs but the background score of poornachandra tejaswi is excellent . it is definitely the best kannada movie of this year and just shows how well kannada film industry is progressing . last year , we had some outstanding films like rangitaranga , aatagara , kendasampige , and uppi 2 . this year , we have had thithi and now u - turn . godhi banna saadharana maykattu also looks promising and i\u2019m looking forward to it .\nwhen the matter was taken to the madras high court , it did not accept dasan ' s contention for the script , hence handing the rights to balachander . duraisamy produced the film under their production banner , kalakendra films . b . lokanath was chosen as the cinematographer and n . kittu as the editor , while ramasamy was chosen as the art director . recalling her experience in an interview with shobha warrier of rediff in may 2 .\n\u2022 in 2014 , rajinikanth got the stay from the madras high court to stop the release of bollywood film ' main hoon rajinikanth . ' later , the name of the film was changed to ' main hoon part - time killer . ' \u2022 in 2015 , the madras high court issued a notice to rajinikanth , on a plea by a financier to take action against the director , kasthuri raja , father of the dhanush . the financier also claimed that he gave money to kasthuri raja after he had used rajinikanth ' s name . he wanted rajinikanth to ' initiate action against his relative for misusing his name without his consent . ' \u2022 in 2017 , lyca productions announced that rajinikanth will unveil a housing scheme by its charity wing ' gnanam foundation ' for displaced tamils in jaffna , sri lanka . after this announcement , the pro - tamil protested against rajinikanth ' s visit .\nthe trouble with \u2018whodunit\u2019 mysteries is that they build up to a reveal which may not meet viewer expectations . \u2018that\u2019s it ? \u2019 could be our reaction to the alleged twists . the unconvincing and stilted disclosure or answer drastically reduces the possibility of repeat viewings . kannada filmmaker pawan kumar\u2019s second feature film u - turn suffers from a similar problem . he devises a good , puzzling journey , only to flood it with twists that are uninteresting and generic .\nthe film moves at quite a brisk pace in the first half , where the masterful director pavan kumar of lucia fame unravels the plot in an intriguing manner . there are no unwanted scenes or songs , and the screenplay is gripping and taut . shraddha srinath and roger narayan ( remember hola venky ! ) have pulled off marvelous performances and will keep you on the edge of your seats . the wonderful bgm by poornachandra tejasvi complements the narrative exceptionally well .\nvarun dhawan ( born 24 april 1987 ) is an indian actor who appears in hindi films . varun dhawan height is 5 feet 9 inches ( 1 . 73 metres ) . he is the son of film director david dhawan . varun dhawan studied business management from the nottingham trent university after which he worked as an assistant director to karan johar for 2010 released drama movie my name is khan . dhawan made his acting debut with johar\u2019s 2012 romantic comedy student of the year .\nthe first person to discover his inherent flair for acting was k . balachander , an indian director working primarily in the tamil industry . however , balachander wasn\u2019t impressed with rajinikanth\u2019s acting prowess right away . at their first meeting , when rajinikanth auditioned , he delivered some of sivaji ganesan\u2019s dialogues and copied his mannerisms . unfortunately , balachander rejected him and advised him to develop a style of his own and to learn tamil . the next time they met , balachander , convinced of rajinikanth\u2019s acting skills , gave him a small role in his upcoming film .\nback to apoorva , it all starts with the typical one man show , trying to connect with the audience in his own manner . as usual , after yet another innovative show of title cards , a literal never saga of philosophy on love and life starts unfolding . a short and simple love story of a 61 year old man and a 19 year old girl is the crux , to which he knots it with a terrorist angle . however , it is not so simple as it sounds , or even to watch it . it literally requires a brain with high end eyes and a fair bit of english knowledge . his huge fan base , who only knows the language of love and who cannot follow english , are sure for a huge disappointment .\nthough he thought of completing the film early , it took two and half years to finish ! it is a re - recording that consumed most of the time , he points out . similarly , when his friends approved the seventh version of the script , he kept on revising it , before \u201cokaying\u201d the 19th draft . attributing the delay to his intention to draw the audience in to the theatre , he says , \u201ci did not want to repeat the mistake committed during release of ekangi , which was understood by the audience after several shows . \u201d\ncontents [ hide ] 1 cast 2 production 2 . 1 filming 3 soundtrack 3 . 1 track listing 4 references 5 external links cast [ edit ] ajay devgan sayesha saigal erika kaar abigail eames [ 4 ] vir das [ 5 ] girish karnad saurabh shukla [ 6 ] bijou thaangjam [ 7 ] production [ edit ] filming [ edit ] the shooting of the film started in november 2014 , the major part of movie shot in mussoorie , . [ 8 ] bulgaria and hyderabad . [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ]\nthe music of the film is composed by sachin\u2013jigar while the lyrics have been penned by priya saraiya , vayu and kirthi shetty . its first song of the film titled as\ntere bina\nsung by arijit singh and priya saraiya was released on 29 august 2017 . the soundtrack was released on 8 september 2017 . the first song of the movie ,\ntere bina\nwas launched on 29 august 2017 and audio and lyrical version of the song were released on 07 september 2017 and 10 september 2017 respectively . the second song of the movie ,\nbantai\nwas launched on 08 september 2017 and its lyrical version was released on 14 september 2017 . the third song of the movie ,\npiya aa\nwas launched on 15 september 2017 and its audio and lyrical version was released on 19 september 2017 and 29 september 2017 respectively . the soundtrack album was released under the banner of saregama music . haseena parkar music got mixed reviews from the critics . news18 india and musicaloud gave the music 3 out of 5 stars and koimoi gave the music 2 out of 5 stars . however , bollywood hungama gave the music 1 . 5 out of 5 stars .\nkapoor and shah bicker brilliantly and with great dignity at that . khan is expectedly charming and delightfully at ease with his personable self . he seems to just inhabit his scenes than acting them out . even though it\u2019s a tad hard to imagine malhotra as a budding novelist he holds his own with his solid presence and vulnerable glances . it\u2019s aalia bhatt who seems to be playing her usual hyper , ditzy , little sunshine girl act yet again . what disappointed me most was rishi kapoor with the terrible prosthetics ( why couldn\u2019t another older actor have been cast in the role ) and loud presence , perhaps in tune with his character but totally out of sync with the rest of the mellow , subtle tenor of the film .\nrajinikanth , as we know him now , was born on 12 december 1950 , in a marathi family , the youngest of four siblings . named after marathi king chhatrapthi shivaji , rajinikanth had to take on odd jobs like carpentry and as a coolie , from an early age , to ensure his family could afford three meals a day . while supporting his family , rajinikanth nurtured his acting talent by participating in several school plays . one notable role he played was that of duryodhana in kurukshetra . later , when he was working as a bus conductor for the bangalore transport service ( bts ) , he felt drawn to the stage again and began acting in kannada plays . rajinikanth joined the madras film institute in 1973 to pursue a diploma in acting .\nthe busy screenplay reminds one a lot of piku : the frenzied frames , the hyper characters , the constant motion in the sequences . like piku it is yet another film that has been brilliantly crafted and mapped out in terms of the writing , how the scenes slowly get built up towards a crescendo . it\u2019s an onion peel narrative in which the relationships , revelations , secrets and lies , unfinished confidences , unresolved issues , betrayals and conflicts are unspooled layer by layer . little hints are thrown here and there , that eventually accumulate to lead on to outbursts . the simple , conversational exchanges and the repartee are the other high points as is the acting : how the actors play off against each other with pitch perfect timing . there is something very finely calibrated and nicely measured about the entire package that is kapoor & sons . what\u2019s more it\u2019s delightfully engaging despite being rooted in the everyday , the banal and the seemingly trite . even fixing a fuse with a wooden stick becomes a delightful scene in batra\u2019s hands .\narguments , conflicts and clashes normally don\u2019t make for a pleasant viewing . shakun batra\u2019s kapoor & sons , however , keeps you riveted as you move from one family fight to another\u2014from the dining table to the kitchen to the bathroom , the lawn and the party , from the husband - wife to the brothers . at times two brawls run parallel , or they spark off each other . even at its most ugly and shrill the film stays so real and believable that what you see on screen feels like your very own family war zone , a bitter - sweet slice of your own life . even as a silent spectator you get planted in the action and become a participant . so at one level there is the sense of indulgence and affection towards the characters who could well have been your own granddad , father , mother , uncle or brother , at another it is also a curiously therapeutic experience where you step out of the theatre having come to terms with at least a few of your own demons , if not entirely exorcised all the ghosts .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 / / en\nurltoken\nwe have sent you a verification email . to verify , just follow the link in the message\nwhen it comes to love , there are no questions or reasons . that is the rule of love .\netimes is an entertainment , tv & lifestyle industry ' s promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 bennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\ntrippy indie madeline ' s madeline is the movie that lakeith stanfield and boots riley from sorry to bother you want to see the most .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nkannada cinema specialist for ever is the only ravichandran . ravichandran is perfectionist . am a big fan of you ravi sir , nimma huttid habbad dina naan huttiddu . visual effects and sound recording is never a easy task and understanding the way how cinema is watched by all in our cinema theater is very important , because , there will different world which is created by ravi sir when you enter to the theater , you ' ll forget everything outside and you ' ll be apart of the movie . when you come out of the theater you ' ll realize the experience you had . this is the best movie ever made in kannada industry other than ekangi , it is an other record breaker . the quality of the movie will be experienced only when you watch in a cinema theater with silence ."]} {"id": 114577, "summary": [{"text": "crows zero ( \u30af\u30ed\u30fc\u30bazero kur\u014dzu zero ) , also known as crows : episode 0 , is a 2007 japanese action film based on the manga crows by hiroshi takahashi .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "the film was directed by takashi miike with a screenplay by shogo muto , and stars shun oguri , ky\u014dsuke yabe , meisa kuroki , and takayuki yamada .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the plot serves as a prequel to the manga , and focuses on the power struggle between gangs of students at suzuran all-boys high school .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "the film was released in japan on october 27 , 2007 .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "it has spawned two sequels , crows zero 2 and crows explode , as well as a manga adaptation released november 13 , 2008 . ", "topic": 16}], "title": "crows zero", "paragraphs": ["japanese crows zero 2 in japan and my dvds - crows zero and my soundtrack - crows zero . omg ! ! ! !\ncrows zero ii : suzuran x housen ; chapter 12 . 5 , page 29\nlove crows zero . . i cant wait . . really love oguri and miura . .\nro 3 will soon release after the success . . . - penggemar crows zero | facebook\nif you\u2019re not a manga fanatic , crows zero is a film based on crows , a manga by japanese manga artist hiroshi takahashi .\ni though crows zero 3 is the crows zero drop , isn ' t it ? and is there any crows zero games in playstation . . . if no , can somebody create it / / / / pleasee . . . i , m so damn crazy about it ! ! !\ndvd features making - of footage of the film\ncrows zero ii\nstarring shun oguri .\ntheres going to crows zero : over 9000 ! ! ! ! lol okay i joking , i think no crows zero iii coz it follow manga when crows zero ii ends i find manga on google = p google is your friend maybe a third crows movie but probably no sequel . i dont think we need crows zero iii crows zero : back to school is fake = p effort very good , respect bandou will be head after genji . i believe you cinox , guriko is best < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 3\nand crows zero was a bomb . i like both shun oguri and takayuki yamada ! ! : )\nuse the thumbs up and thumbs down icons to agree or disagree that the title is similar to crows zero . you can also suggest completely new similar titles to crows zero in the search box below .\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie crows zero ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of crows zero ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nthis cast list of who was in crows zero includes both lead and minor roles . ( 15 items )\nyeah i agree whit sshit please do another crow zero please the crow zero explode is such a fail sorry to say but no genji no gps no serizawa is not crow zero . . im a top fan of crow zero here . . gps\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie crows zero 2 ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of crows zero 2 ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing crows zero ii near you .\nim from new zealand and am awaiting crows zero 2 here hopefully we get it . kant wait ! ! !\nthis cast list of who was in crows zero 2 includes both lead and minor roles . ( 9 items )\ncrows zero cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of crows zero actors includes any crows zero actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view additional information about each crows zero actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of crows zero have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\noriginal soundtrack release of hit film\ncrows zero ii\nstarring shun oguri , kuroki meisa , haruma miura , and more .\nthe film was followed by a sequel , crows explode , in 2014 . it was also adapted into a manga entitled crows zero ii : suzuran x housen by crows author hiroshi takahashi , with individual chapters published in bessatsu shonen champion magazine .\nthe films have subsequently been adapted into official prequel manga written by takahashi with art by kenichiro naitou , tetsuhiro kirakawa , and tatsuya kanda entitled crows zero , crows zero ii : suzuran x housen and crows explode ( manga ) . ( because of certain references made in the manga worst , events and characters from the zero series are now considered canon , specifically protagonist genji takiya and rival serizawa tamao )\ncrows zero 2 cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of crows zero 2 actors includes any crows zero 2 actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view additional information about each crows zero 2 actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of crows zero 2 have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\ndvd release of the hit film\ncrows zero\nfrom director takashi miike and starring shun oguri and takayuki yamada . includes one postcard .\ni ' m i mean we ' re crazy bout crow zero . im waiting 4 crow zero 3 to be released . our state manipur is crazy bout crow zero n genji dress . me too i also started acting like takiya genji , dressing like him . blah blah blah blah . when is crow zero 3 gonna be released .\nhe is an old friend of tokio and it is shown in crows zero ( manga ) that tokio was the one who gave genji his haircut .\ncrows zero 1 . . .\nthe youtube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third - party notifications of copyright infringement .\nwhen crows zero 3 will come out . . ? ? ? ? ? ? i want to watch . . . . . . . . . arghhhh\nthis video is not real , it just made by fans , we hope the producer aware of this video and make a new crows zero and all cast from crows zero 1 and 2 act again in the new crows zero , we hope our wish will come true because many fans are waiting for it , thank you very much . here is the subscription link : \u27a4 urltoken my 2nd channel : \u27a4 urltoken support me on dota 2 : \u27a4dota 2 id : 364729292\ncrows zero 2 : the black bible is the sequel to the wildly popular crows zero , directed by the oh - so - prolific miike takashi . employing the same formula of bravado , fast - paced action , and school politics , it has got the word \u201cmasculine\u201d streaked across the screen from the very beginning .\ni love this movie , hope their making a third one . . . in god ' s name i hope their making crows zero iii . . . .\ni ' m i mean we ' re crazy bout crow zero . im waiting 4 crow zero 3 to be released . our state manipur is crazy bout crow zero n genji dress . me too i also started acting like takiya genji , dressing like him . blah blah blah blah . when is crow zero 3 gonna be released . . . . waiting im waiting .\nlevel ) ; for crow j , it is simply the count of non - zero elements in row j of matrix d . this number , averaged over all crows (\nprolific filmmaker takashi miike ( live - action terraformars , ace attorney , crows zero , yatterman , for love ' s sake , ichi the killer ) directed the movie .\nafter all the punches are thrown and the bodies drop , crows zero is a takashi miike movie for those who want to see guys beat the crap out of other guys .\nsadly , crows zero 2 is a pale shadow of its erstwhile predecessor . its nice packaging dresses up an irrefutably poorly - manufactured product , thus confining it to place reserved for disappointing sequels .\nspace use and association network of a wild , undisturbed population of new caledonian crows .\ndon ' t fear about crows zero 3 . it is releasing on 25th of november . ha haha ahahahahahah ! just joking . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nsynopsis : the mega - hit comic , crows , about feuding high school tough guys , has sold over 32 million copies in its eight - plus years . this feature length movie version of\ncrows\ndepicts the never - before - told origins of the story as\nepisode zero\n.\ndvd release of the hit film\ncrows zero\nfrom director takashi miike and starring shun oguri and takayuki yamada . premium editon includes bonus disc with making - of footage , theatrical introduction and more plus five postcards .\nrps - heey im from ma too ! ! i share in your pain . i am dying to see crows zero ii . i wonder when it will get to us ? hah . hopefully some time before september : p\nseveral months after\ncrows : episode 0\ntrouble brews again when thugs known as\nthe army of killers\nfrom rival high school hosen academy threaten suzuran high aka the school of crows .\none example is the hiroshi takahashi comic \u201ccrows , \u201d which ran for eight years from 1981 in shonen champion magazine and has sold 42 million copies in paperback editions . the takashi miike film \u201ccrows zero , \u201d based on the manga , grossed \u00a52 . 5 billion in 2007 , becoming the prolific miike\u2019s biggest - ever hit .\nin crows zero , high school boys wear monochromatic black clothes , spike their hair into intimidating sculptures and adopt a similarly arrogant , threatening glare . they attack people from any direction , kicking and punching every vulnerable body part of their victims .\nfinally , the \u201cwow\u201d factor also seems to be missing . in the prequel , crows zero is every bit as cartoony as this movie , but it still has incredible fight scenes and an even more incredible final fight scene that culminates into a heart - pumping climax . crows zero 2 however , does not . the fight between serizawa and ryo urushibara , which had been foreshadowed earlier in the movie , is incredibly lacklustre and the final fight between genji and narumi is not befitting of a \u201cfinal\u201d fight .\nmeanwhile , terra formars fans can look forward to the live - action film adaptation , which is being directed by takashi miike ( ace attorney , crows zero ) . it\u2019s set to premiere in 2016 and will star hideaki ito ( sukiyaki western django ) .\n, online . from all the editors here at the crows x worst wiki , thank you for your contributions .\ncrows zero is definitely a pleasure to watch but it\u2019s not something that one would like to go through a second time . even though manga artist takahashi was so happy with the movie that he is looking forward to the sequel , this urbanwire writer begs to differ .\nsearch at google for crows zero 3 : back to school . . it ' s juz a random story that i came across when searching for the information for cz3 . . it might be true , might be a hoax . . go look for it . .\nit was stated that crows explode happened one month after 23rd class graduation , but due to the lack of characters from crows ( with an exception of makoto and rindaman ) , it is unknown if the movie itself considered canon or not .\n2 years before the current study . from 2 to 21 october , 42 crows were trapped using meat - baited whoosh nets\nindependent distributors tokyo shock have revealed that they are planning to release on blu - ray japanese director takashi miike ' s ( zebraman 2 : attack on zebra city , 13 assassins ) crows zero ( 2007 ) . exact technical specs , region coding status and supplemental features . . .\nthe people of manipur a state in north east india is getting crazy after the crow zero and genji ' s dress and are waiting tirelessly for then next part .\nthe school is considered one of the big four of toarushi , the town and primary setting of the crows x worst series .\ncrows zero is released on dvd from mvm on 9th april . the transfer on my copy wasn\u2019t particularly great . you get a bit of a pulsing image throughout due to a poor frame rate conversion and the image isn\u2019t as clear as it could be . audio is strong , but there are no special features .\nconsidering the experience that director takashi miike has in the genre of violent film , such as the very controversial ichi the killer , it\u2019s no surprise that crows zero has excellent cinematography . carefully selected camera angles show off the impact and swiftness of their attacks , while the dull colours of the film emphasise grungy masculinity .\n\u201ccrows : episode 0\u2033 turns out to be one of the better manga adopted live action movies made to date . there\u2019s definitely miike\u2019s wild stamp placed in the movie , while his other stamp \u2026 the ability to defy categorization is just as evident . after it\u2019s all said and done , it seems miike making a big budget film is just as impressive as miike making a cutting edge low - budget cult film . oh if you wondering about the episodic nature of the comic and that finale\u2026get ready for \u201ccrows zero 2\u2033 in 2009 . \u201ccrows : episode 0\u2033 is just a whole lot of fun .\nport adelaide is also investigating claims that its own player paddy ryder was subject to racial taunts from an adelaide crows spectator during the showdown .\ndamn ! i love this movie ! its amazing ! all the characters from crows zero 1 are back . . . plus miura haruma ! so damn cute ! im glad genji & serizawa are team up together . . . and oh ! rindaman , finally he tasted the big punch of genji . . brilliant fight !\nsorry\ni forgot yesterday . takayuki yamada , he is the excellence actor who is equal to the shun oguri\nor different in his style or action . . . he can be in hollywood ' s lead . . . i wish i see him in a big budget movie by hollywood producer by takayuki yamada playing the lead . . . and in crows zero and crows zero 2 , everyone who are in film they are 100 % more than hollywood actors . . . go to hollywood better do in good quality high definition camera ' s with original graphics like qualioty i say hope you will get a nice director and producer in future\ni can ' t believe this movie isn ' t going to come out in america . crows zero was bomb ! ! ! and now shun oguri and miura haruma are together again but on the big screen ! i think i ' m going to have to fly out to japan just to catch this movie ! ! !\nhiroshi takahashi\u2019s manga series about a group of high school delinquents is getting a third live - action movie next year with\ncrows explode .\nthe new film will take place at the notorious suzuran high school just one month after the events of the 2009 movie\ncrows zero ii .\nmasahiro higashide stars as the main character kaburagi , a transfer student to the rambunctious school while yuya yagira will play a third - year student at the top of the school\u2019s social order .\neffects of experimentally manipulated tool - use opportunities on the structure , dynamics and information - flow potential of a social network of wild new caledonian crows .\nlol wtf ! ! ! fk off an american version of crows zero ? ? ! even if its just a rumour , thats sounds too fail man . not only that , they ' ll replace asian actors with white ones . . . no offence to white people but cmon . . . remember dragonball ( fail ) evolution . . . yeaaaahh\nwhen you compare them to the poor caged birds that have forgotten to fly , crows are much better , being a crow is good enough for me .\nthe port adelaide football club is aware of media reports alleging a port adelaide supporter racially abused adelaide crows player eddie betts during saturday night\u2019s showdown at adelaide oval .\nwith pitch - black plumage and a petrifying cry , the crow is a menacing bully , especially in tokyo . according to crow observation logs , they attack people \u201cfrom behind , kicking or pecking at the victim\u2019s head\u201d . in crows zero , high school boys wear monochromatic black clothes , spike their hair into intimidating sculptures and adopt a similarly arrogant , threatening [ \u2026 ]\nkur\u00f4zu zero ii is a movie starring shun oguri , ky\u00f4suke yabe , and meisa kuroki . tension escalates and violence ensues when a young student unwittingly breaks a non - aggression pact between two rival high schools .\nadelaide , australia - august 20 : the moment before a power fan threw a banana at eddie betts of the crows during the 2016 afl round 22 match between port adelaide power and the adelaide crows at the adelaide oval on august 20 , 2016 in adelaide , australia . ( photo by james elsby / afl media / getty images )\nkizura : dats crow zero 4 is korean rite ? ? makio san : i ' m searching bitou names too , but i can ' t . . . it ' s a damn hard to find it ! !\nthen , the reason for the reunion was disclosed when washio gota asked all 11 crows to go into the meeting room . everybody bows when the 1st gen . crow \u2013 the now head of a big yakuza family makoto goki steps into the meeting room except for of course , those two . . . genji ( who then received a punch from his father ) and serizawa . they were later apologized by goki - san ( goki ,\nnew generations forget the culture easily\n) . it was then revealed that the meeting was called by the ebizuka junior trio ( who are now the 2nd year ) who found out bout the crows from the school ' s enrollment file . . the leader of the trio , kirishima introduced the 11 crows to each other as the earlier generations ( the original 5 crows ) are not aware with the other late generation crows . . .\nfor the producer _ sama & the director _ sama . . . . . . why don ' t you make crows zero flash back when serizawa & tokio still new boy , how serizawa become famous & called king of beast , how kawanishi rules suzuran , how them become enemy with housen & many others . . . . . . . ? ? ? off course we cannot forget genji story in another school beffore he came to suzuran . . . . . . . . . like we all know , the most favorit person in this movie is takiya genji & tamao serizawa . . . . . . . . . . i ' m sure it will be great & got much positive respons . . . . . . . . . . . . crows zero ( the beginning of the war )\nlike yasu said , go read the manga . . . it pretty much picks up at the very start of the new year of school ( eg . sugihara makato , kirishimi hiromi and honjou toshiaki = the first year trio from crows zero i & ii are now second year students ) dont get me wrong , i would love to see a 3rd crows movie but even if one was to be made , i doubt it will follow the suzuran school . . . crows zero was meant to be the untold story of a bunch of guys that used to go to suzuran , and werent in the manga . . . now that genji and co . graduated , theres nothing else to tell besides from what is already being told in the manga maybe they could make a movie focusing on housen or even the front of armament . . . besides , all that ' build up ' for tatsuya bitou was meant to stay faithful to the manga . . . his in the manga too btw just a thought\nalthough the opening of\ncrows zero\npromises a swift gangland massacre carried over two hours of screentime , the material is more interested in acts of strategy , observing the gangs figure out the best possible route to potential allegiances and school dominance . this is not a tale of war , electing a more introspective route when expressing the concerns of the thugs . beneath the hair products and tough guy accouterments , there ' s a sensitivity in play that prevents\ncrows zero\nfrom taking flight . these shifts in concentration can be jarring , especially in the case of tokio , a friend to both genji and tamao , who encounters a life - threatening medical situation in the middle of the film , introducing soap opera atmosphere to an otherwise hardened feature . miike shows difficulty managing the speeds of drama , which ends up destroying the natural pace of the picture .\ncrows zeros\nhas a tendency to be all over the place with its characterizations , suffocating what appear to be sincere asides with troubled personalities .\nthe many characters and subplots , including genji\u2019s tempestuous romance with a punk - club singer ( meisa kuroki ) and his troubled relationship with his gang - boss dad ( goro kishitani ) , may be hard to keep up with unless you have seen the first film . like many screen adaptations of long - running manga series , \u201ccrows zero ii\u201d crams in too much in trying to please the manga\u2019s legion of fans .\nmiike \u2019s works , for the most part , have never really been about material . his eccentric , constraint - free approach in the director\u2019s chair often results in sleek , idiosyncratic products which epitomize the concept of style over substance . however , in crows zero 2 , there isn\u2019t much originality past the manga setting and its over - the - top fight scenes . miike is all too glad to use a cornucopia of clich\u00e9s , including \u201clone man against hundreds . \u201d let\u2019s face it , no self - respecting viewer is going to take this movie seriously and miike \u2018s adamant attempts to evoke pathos in the movie result in a disjointed and incongruous shift from a shounen manga - esque presentation to something out of soap weekly . it is miike \u2019s contradictory ( and extremely obnoxious ) approach that is crows zero 2 \u2019s biggest underlying flaw .\nbouya harumichi is a new transfer student to suzuran all - boys high school , a place where only the worst delinquents assemble . due to its large amount of delinquents who are hated by the general people for their inauspiciousness , similarily to crows , it is also known as\ncrows high school\n. harumichi is an insanely strong fighter but has a irresponsible personality , how will he act in this new environment where every one is a deliquent ? there are 3 extra manga stories related to this series . crows is a prequel to worst .\nsee below ) on each of the 19 consecutive study days , first for all 33 crows , and then separately for the northern and southern communities ( here each community was treated as an \u2018isolated ' group with its own duration matrix d ) . the degree of a crow on a given day is the number of other tagged crows it encountered ( at the specified rssi\n) , the mean duration was scaled by the average value in the first seven baseline days ( 1 . 07 min for all crows , 0 . 55 min for the northern and 5 . 79 min for the southern community ) . molecular analysis of crows ' blood samples ( see \u2018study site and subject attributes ' ) generated a binarized matrix g of first - order relatedness\ninterview with takashi miike\n( 5 : 41 , sd ) sits down with the legendary filmmaker for a brief chat about\ncrows zero .\nmiike doesn ' t seem very comfortable with a position of self - explanation and directorial analysis , stumbling through his thoughts on creative intent and manga inspiration . again , it ' s a short discussion about the movie , valuable only for its chance to study the man in motion .\ni m cryin 4 da release of crow zero iii , i admire genji ' s gutz 4 crackin evrythin plus . . wt happens after genji fight agaist rindaman . . . whoz gonna be da new ead of suzuran ? ? ? ? ? ?\n) . we estimate that these 42 birds constitute over 80 % of the local crow population during our study period . we note that these crows are likely to be a nonrandom sample , as neophobic individuals that were wary of approaching trapsites ( and may also have avoided our experimental manipulations ) are less likely to have been included . all trapped crows were blood - sampled ( for molecular sexing\nwhile\ncrows zero\nslowly drains of urgency , miike attempts to restore a clenched - fist attitude with the grand finale , staging a massive gang war that eats up nearly 20 minutes of screen time . it ' s too little too late in terms of revitalizing the effort , but the climatic display of rage is diverting enough to hold attention , nicely ornamented with smashmouth fight choreography that keeps the boys concentrated on exhaustive , never - back - down beatings ( a theme of the movie ) . of course , this aggression is preceded by frightening medical diagnoses , two incidents of premature ejaculation , a scene of human bowling ( a flash of pure fantasy in a film that could use more of it ) , and numerous cries of forgiveness .\ncrows zero\npacks a lot into its run time , but rarely does it come together as the carnival ride experience miike is shooting for .\nas all empirically recorded daily networks contained both strongly connected individuals and more weakly connected or isolated ones , it follows that indomains ( and outdomains ) should vary according to which crow was the seed individual on a given day . we did indeed find substantial variation in our simulations : for example , depending on the seed chosen , outdomains averaged over b days ranged from 1 to 3 . 7 crows , and from 1 to 11 . 5 crows for e2 days . to allow conclusions about network properties across all nodes , we averaged indomain size over all crows and replicates to produce the measure\n, the mean indomain size of a given group of crows on a given day , which serves as a proxy for the information - carrying capacity of the observed network . as might be expected ,\nthere is deffinately a crows zero iii movie , everyone relax . why else do you think they would set up all that potential with haruma ? the first movie was a test . . . people liked it , so they made / are making two more . these movies make me crazy , why can ' t i go to school there too ?\nthere ' s nothing wrong with being a crow .\nboth i and ii freakin rocked ! ! ! !\na punk ' s gotta do what a punk ' s gotta do in\ncrows : episode 0 ,\nthe third picture by prolific japanese maverick takashi miike to hit the fest circuit in as many months , following\nlike a dragon\nand\nsukiyaki western django .\nrecalling any number of brawling student pics from asia - and playing sometimes like a serious version of the south korean\nconduct zero\n( 2002 ) - this prequel to a planned adaptation of the manga by hiroshi takahashi , which sold more than 32 million copies in japan , opens locally oct . 27 . in the west ,\ncrows\nshould raise a ruckus as a culty dvd title .\nthe band that perform this movie ' s theme song is the street beats . hiroshi takahashi , the author of the manga crows where this movie is based on is actually the street beat ' s fan .\n) , we charted association patterns and space use of a population of 33 free - ranging nc crows , of known genetic relatedness , during a 19 - day study period . birds were fitted with miniature (\nwhat ' s wrong with crows ? compared to a poor bird that ' s been caged and has forgotten how to fly , this is much better . i ' m fine with being a crow !\ntakashi miike has had an insanely diverse and prolific career , with 88 directing titles under his belt in only 21 years ( according to imdb ) . these have ranged from his more famous fucked up , twisted work like audition and visitor q to his recent samurai epic 13 assassins and family friendly fare such as his forthcoming ace attorney ( based on the popular video game series ) . crows zero is certainly one of his more mainstream films , although it has its share of dark edges .\nto singaporean fans of crows zero , why the f * * k do we have to be in this bloody place that has nothing good ? ! t _ t it won ` t be screened in singapore . gv screened the first movie so i was hoping they ` d screen the second movie . i emailed them and to my disappointment , the second movie won ` t be screened by gv . i wonder if cathay or eng wah might though . anyone want to email them ?\nhe and his allies defeat the school\u2019s most powerful gang , led by the long - haired tamao serizawa ( takayuki yamada ) , but in a mano - a - mano contest , genji falls to linderman ( motoki fukami ) , a curly - haired loner giant who is the school\u2019s strongest fighter . \u201ccrows zero\u201d has its moments of comic relief , but many more scenes of all - in brawling , strobed like the battle scenes in \u201csaving private ryan\u201d and accompanied by a hard - rock score .\ncrows zero\nrequires the utmost in viewer concentration , though it never quite earns such devotion . an adaptation of hiroshi takahashi ' s best - selling manga , the feature is blizzard of names and motivations , creating an ideal sensation of screen immersion for fans of the original work , while outsiders are left to question the half - realized subplots and wild tonal changes . it ' s not a terribly interesting motion picture , though the effort has been dutifully colored by the insanely prolific director takashi miike ( in the time i took the write this sentence , he just made another movie ) , who brings a loaded sense of style and intermittent blasts of ultraviolence to the idiosyncratic film . the helmer flexes his visual muscles on occasion , slapping the screen with chaotic fight choreography and exaggerated character designs , but he ' s oddly powerless when it comes to the glacial pace of\ncrows zero ,\nunable to bring it up to the awe - inspiring speed a few superlative scenes hint at .\nthe suzuran senior high school for boys , nicknamed\nthe school of crows\n, is the poorest achieving , most violent school in the country . the students are called\ncrows\nand they band together in factions , battling each other for influence and power . but they all share a common goal . . . one that has never been reached in the school ' s history : unification . no one faction has ever reigned supreme .\ndue to his stubborn rivalry with rindaman whom he could never defeat , genji did not unite the crows school . he was still recognized as the\ncaptain\nof suzuran ' s forces during their assault on housen academy .\nthe band that perform this movie ' s theme song is the street beats . hiroshi takahashi , the author of the manga crows where this movie is based on is actually the street beat ' s fan . see more \u00bb\ncrowz zero ii ,\na sequel to hit film\ncrows zero\nrelease on dvd & blu - ray ! director takashi miike is again in its director ' s chair . plot : about few months after the first school war , genji ( shun oguri ) is going to graduate at suzuran high school . however an assassin from rival school housen gakuen appears in front of him , and this incident brakes passed armistice agreement between two schools . housei gakuen is unified by strong leader taiga narumi ( kaneko nobuaki ) , but genji still cannot unify all rogue in suzuran high school due to linda man , serizawa group , self - indulgent freshman group , and more factors . suzuran high school is now under unprecedented danger ! also stars haruma miura as tatsuya bitou , the strongest man at housen gakuen .\nwhile\ncrows zero\ncarries a heavy storyline that doesn ' t stimulate the moviegoing senses , there ' s quite a display of style here to help paint the conflicts in primary colors . the suzuran school is made up of various gangs and outlaws , each class maintaining a uniform look to spotlight their coolness and commitment . miike introduces a leather jacket mentality to the costuming that helps the actors to triumphantly peacock around , showing off their outlandish hairstyles and detailed costuming , generating attitudes and levels of threat without a line of dialogue uttered .\ncrows zero\nis actually highly amusing to watch at times , especially when the action cranks up and takes full advantage of miike ' s stylistic choices , enjoying the retro rockabilly push of pompadours and sneers rubbing against a modern twinge of tracksuits and popped collars . the look of the film is superb , but only in bits . miike strangely holds back from pure insanity , slowly growing to love these characters , which tempers the beguiling eccentricity the first half of the film is quick to embrace .\nthe crows are back . . . . and this time they have a common enemy , a rival school plotting to bring them down . genji has to bring all gangs of suzuran together , only then he will be truly respected as a leader . its great to see the character of genji mature as he realises beating everyone up alone doesn ' t make you a leader . all old characters from the first movie are back , and a bunch of new ones too forming the rival gang . action is great . . . . . style is cool . . . . and background music is just perfect . a good sequel . a great ride . fans of the first part wont be disappointed looking forward to crows zero 3 , if it ever happens .\nmoving on , the characters themselves make up an integral part of crows zero 2 . oguri shun does a decent portrayal of genji , the stereotypically truculent and silent main character . particularly commendable is takayuki yamada \u2019s performance as serizawa , who nails the character\u2019s aloof charm quite well . the other characters , particularly those from hosen , like ryo urushibara and tatsuya mito , played by gou ayano and haruma miura respectively , were laughable . these actors have the thespian ability of a wooden mop . thank them for providing several notable unintentional moments of hilarity .\nadapted from the outrageous manga by hiroshi takahashi , this sequel to crows zero continues the story of takiya genji , the son of a powerful yakuza boss who transfers to the gang - ridden suzuran all - boys high school with one goal in mind : unite the school ' s many , warring gangs under one banner , and prove to his father that he can handle the family business . unfortunately , he has some competition in the form of serizawa tamao , a gang leader also known as\nking of the beasts .\n~ cammila albertson , rovi\nin the sequel , \u201ccrows zero ii , \u201d again directed by miike , the boys from suzuran are back , but this time they have a new rival , the white - uniformed students from another institution of higher punkery , kosen high school . the kosen punks are after a suzuran alum , the lanky kawanishi ( shinnosuke abe ) , who fatally knifed a kosen leader in a dust - up two years earlier . released from a reformatory , kawanishi finds a kosen horde waiting for him and narrowly escapes a lynching by fleeing to the protection of his suzuran juniors .\ni kind of liked this , but it kept knocking itself down a few marks as it went along . once you get past the flimsy premise and goofy humour and accept that crows zero is a film for teenage boys and not one to critically analyse in any depth , there is a fair amount to enjoy . the action is solid and fairly plentiful for one . although clearly aimed at a younger audience , it\u2019s brutally violent at times , with the fight scenes , although occasionally enhanced by effects , generally kept visceral and fast - cut without losing a sense of what is happening .\ni must admit , being american and from massachusetts of all places , i didn ' t get to catch wind of the\ncrows\nmythology until i was walking around one of the local malls and saw the dvd on the rack . something about how oguri and yamada , just stood out and i dropped the twenty bucks , cuz hey , i ' d spent twenty dollars on far worse things . so i take this dvd home , pop it in and now nothing else i own really matters . i ' v even been able to master the diologue in the movie in both english and japanese , lol . i am anxiously awaited crows zero 2 , so much so that i fear i may have to pull a takiya and start kicking the crap out of random ppl in the halls of my school . god i love japan .\nurltoken crows zero - gilt mit einem einspielergebnis von \u00fcber 20 millionen dollar als takashi miikes kommerziell erfolgreichstes werk . crows zero ist die realverfilmung des meistverkauften comicbooks japans . in dem kompromisslos durch choreographierten fight club - meets - the warriors - epos sitzt jeder tritt , jede faust , jeder kinnhaken . aufgepeppt wird der \u00e4sthetische schlagabtausch durch den sound der japanischen j - rock band\nthe street beats\n. kitsch , kunst und kampfgemetzel in einem film rocken zu lassen - das kann eben nur takashi miike . an der suzuran boys high school gibt es offensichtlich nie unterricht , hier geht es nur darum , wer der herrscher \u00fcber suzuran ist . der so brutale wie gerissene tamao serizawa ( takayuki yamada ) , gang - leader und herrscher \u00fcber suzuran , wird von allen gef\u00fcrchtet - bis ihn eines tages ein neuer sch\u00fcler herausfordert . was serizawa nicht wei\u00df : sein neuer gegner genji ( shun oguri ) ist der sohn eines yakuza - bosses - und um vaters erbe antreten zu k\u00f6nnen , muss er diese h\u00e4rteste aller high schools japans erobern . dass er das mit allen mitteln versucht , ist so unabdingbar wie , dass aus einer l\u00e4ppischen schulhofpr\u00fcgelei ein wilder , wahnsinniger krieg entbrennt . amasia - the finest art of asian movies . urltoken\ntime and again , we have seen this kind of reaction . it happened two weeks ago when brad gallaway of urltoken thumbed down horizon : zero dawn and , to his credit , acknowledged he didn ' t finish the game , either . what in the final 12 hours of content would change his mind about the first 18 , anyway .\nthe crows school is once again divided into factions fighting for control , with the names sajima yousuke and miyamoto sanmon being noted as the only obstacles standing in between complete dominance over suzuran . miyamoto sanmon reigns as the school ' s strongest man in his third year .\nu know what i want . i want to see genji , serizawa kazeo the 3 big bosses in crows 4 . i want to see their fight with housen high school the story of the litle brother of the dead guy . i want kazeo fight with tatsuya - the litle bro , genji vs ryu urushibara , serizawa vs narumi san , izaki vs tokaji , shibata vs fujiwara , tokio vs wasio gota , ryohei vs his uncle kawanishi , the black dynamite and mikami bros vs ebizuka junior high trio - makoto , hiromi and toshiaki - the 3 guys who have a deny izaki san , goura vs the bald guy from himself army , and of course i want to see chuta , and the best friend of kazeo in crows 3 i forgot his name . . i want kawanishi , wasio gota , fujiwara , and the bald guy from crows 3 be the traitors . and i want after the fight housen and suzuran and kurosaki will be friends . also i dont want to see makise , ken san and rindaman in crows 4 and i think it will be great like that\nthis is where takashi miike and sukiyaki western django comes into play . there is nothing like an up - and - coming director and a quirky flick to cement his place as a credible actor . shun has turned out to be miike ' s muse somewhat ( banish the gigolo - wannabe thoughts ) and was impressive again in crow ' s zero .\n. we used two approaches to explore the role of relatedness in shaping daily association networks . the first was to correlate the association matrix for all crows for each day of the baseline period ( days 1\u20137 ) with matrix g . we used standard mantel matrix correlation tests for this , with the pearson correlation coefficient as the test statistic . to test the hypothesis that the correlation coefficient was greater than expected by chance , we used a stratified node permutation test in which node labels of crows from the northern community ( and from the southern community ) were shuffled only among themselves\ni agree there won ' t be a third movie , but actually the crows manga takes place 2 years after the second movie , as the trio are in third year there . so , in theory , there could be room for 1 more year between the movie and the manga .\nat 5 min , reflecting the modal duration of empirically observed encounters . each crow in turn was chosen as the information seed . our measure of information flow is the size of the \u2018indomain ' ; for crow j , this is the number of seed crows from which crow j could have received the hypothetical piece of information by day ' s end . we ran 1 , 000 simulations per starting crow per day and plotted the daily indomain size averaged over the 1 , 000 simulations and over all crows , those in the northern community , and those in the southern one (\nthe suzuran senior high school for boys , nicknamed\nthe school of crows\n, is the poorest achieving , most violent school in the country . the students are called\ncrows\nand they band together in factions , battling each other for influence and power . but they all share a common goal , one that has never been reached in the school ' s history : unification . no one faction has ever reigned supreme . genji takiya , a transfer student who attempts to take over suzuran boys high school and is mentored by old boy yakuza katagiri as he faces off against rival serizawa .\nhow to cite this article : st clair , j . j . h . et al . experimental resource pulses influence social - network dynamics and the potential for information flow in tool - using crows . nat . commun . 6 : 7197 doi : 10 . 1038 / ncomms8197 ( 2015 ) .\nin \u201ccrows : episode one\u201d genji ( shun oguri ) is a new transferee at the notorious suzuran high aka the school of crows . suzuran high is noted , with good reason , to be the roughest of rough high schools in japan . with that kind of reputation , it\u2019s obvious genji didn\u2019t transfer to suzuran to receive a better education . rather , his father hideo promised genji he could succeed him as the crime boss of the ryuseikai yakuza gang if he is able to take leadership over suzuran high . thus genji begins enrollment at suzuran high with one goal in mind : to become the school\u2019s undisputed leader .\nthe suzuran senior high school for boys , nicknamed\nthe school of crows\n, is the poorest achieving , most violent school in the country . the students are called\ncrows\nand they band together in factions , battling each other for influence and power . but they all share a common goal , one that has never been reached in the school ' s history : unification . no one faction has ever reigned supreme . genji takiya , a transfer student who attempts to take over suzuran boys high school and is mentored by old boy yakuza katagiri as he faces off against rival serizawa . written by anon\nto explore how our observed dynamic networks could support information flow , we implemented simulations following the basic rationale of \u2018susceptible infectious ' compartment models of disease transmission 30 . in each simulation run , one crow was chosen to be the source of a novel piece of information at the start of a day ; all others were naive . information could only spread from an informed to a naive individual if they had a close - range encounter on that day . all informed crows remained informed , and could therefore act as potential spreaders , for the rest of the day . at the end of the day , informed crows were listed . in subsequent runs , each crow in turn was chosen as the \u2018seed ' for the daily information flow , which again could only occur during the observed encounters between crows on the chosen day . to measure simulated information spread during a day , we counted the number of seeds from which each crow could have received information ( that is , its \u2018indomain ' ) , which gives similar counts to the \u2018outdomain ' , the number of crows ultimately informed by each seed . as information transfer was modelled stochastically ( see methods ) , we repeated the simulation 1 , 000 times for each seed on each day .\ncrows zero is a manga adaptation about factions of students fighting for control of a japanese high school . not exactly a new idea , as every other anime and manga is about that very subject . but that ' s not what made crows so uninteresting to me , i ' ve previously enjoyed many movies and shows with similar plots . my issues with the movie were that i never felt any connection to the characters , and couldn ' t care less about what happened to them . add that to the unremarkable fight scenes , and you ' ve got a recipe for\nmeh\n. i did appreciate the sporadic humor , but that quickly ( and unfortunately ) faded away as the movie progressed . die - hard fans of the manga may want to check this out , but i can ' t recommend that anyone else go out of their way to see it . if you want to see high school students beating each other to a pulp , there are much better ( and more exciting ) options .\nso when outsiders complain of a toxic culture in video gaming , movie or comic book fandom , i agree , but not because of the usual suspects . i think of the zero - sum mentality that makes everything in the subject into a horse race . hell , we ran a recap of a single episode of the walking dead today that ended with a winners and losers roundup , after all .\n) is the average , over all possible crow dyads , of the daily duration of encounters , computed as the average of the off - diagonal elements of d . encounter durations among crows in the southern community were substantially longer than in the northern one on average ; therefore , for the purposes of visualization (\ncrows zero\nis actually a prequel to takahashi ' s original work , with the production looking to create an origin story for the misfits before their adventures take to the page . keeping with the insider feel of the production , miike ( who ' s worked in the field before , most notably with 2001 ' s\nichi the killer\n) and screenwriter shogo muto build an immediate intimacy with the characters , casually establishing these corrosive personalities in the scattered opening act of the movie . to those unsure of the dance steps ,\ncrows zero\nisn ' t impossible to follow , but it takes a certain frequency of fandom to correctly tune in to the double - crosses , plans of revenge , and haunted interpersonal relationships that make up the majority of the picture . miike keeps the effort clouded with hazy backstories and intentions , forming a bizarre mix of hostility , slapstick comedy , and melodrama - - a nuanced brew created primarily for those who ' ve already developed a taste for the material and the director . simplicity isn ' t essential when approaching this community of gangsters and hallway bruisers , but there ' s no entry point for the casual viewer , rendering the film specialized product for a specialized audience . while there ' s nothing inherently wrong with that approach , it dilutes the fun for those on the other side of the fence wishing they could join the wild party miike is throwing with his gifted ensemble ."]} {"id": 114578, "summary": [{"text": "we were wolves is a 2014 canadian feature film .", "topic": 1}, {"text": "directed by jordan canning and co-written by jordan canning and steve cochrane , the film stars peter mooney and steve cochrane as estranged brothers dealing with the fallout of their father 's death .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film also stars lynda boyd , daniel beirne and melanie scrofano .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the film premiered at the 2014 toronto international film festival and is distributed by video services corp .", "topic": 7}], "title": "we were wolves", "paragraphs": ["when we were wolves : stor . . . has been added to your cart\nwhen we were wolves : stories and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle . learn more\nwhen we were wolves -\nhounds\n[ feat . phil cross ] ( a blanktv world premiere ! )\nwe were wolves - ruin your weekend official video from the ep ' ruin your weekend ' . preorder on itunes : urltoken available 6 / 16 / 15 on cd / digital via we were wolves directed by joey kisling official links : urltoken urltoken urltoken urltoken\nwe were wolves is a houston , tx based rock band who want to play there music for you as loud as possible . forming in\nwhen we were wolves are a five piece post - hardcore band from bridgend / newport , . the band are often renowned for the fierce ,\nprojects he has been involved in include the brazil 2014 fifa world cup theme package for the cbc and the we are winter campaign for the canadian olympic committee . we were wolves is igor\u2019s first feature length film and third project working with jordan canning .\nhopefully , you were able to come party with us during our august shows .\nmost recently , jonathan edited the telefilm micro - budget feature cast no shadow directed by emerging talent christian sparkes , and we were wolves , co - written and directed by acclaimed filmmaker jordan canning , an official selection at tiff 2014 .\nrt @ halfgamut : from 9 / 8 - 9 / 22 @ we _ were _ wolves is only $ 9 . 99 on @ itunes canada as part of their @ tiff _ net 2015 promotion . get it while it ' s hot !\nit was a sold - out house for the hometown screening of \u2018we were wolves\u2019 . writer / director jordan canning and writer / actor steve cochrane were in attendance , along with actor daniel beirne . check out this great review of the film from jealous opinion . next up , the whistler film festival ( december 3 - 7 , 2014 ) !\n\u201cit\u2019s time to tour and write songs , \u201d haught says . \u201canything that we can do to be productive is what we\u2019re after . we are currently working on some new stuff for our full - length and have a couple of tours in the works . we want to hit the road and play these songs for as many people as we can . we just want to play rock and roll . \u201d\ngive thanks , lovers of rock music , because houston\u2019s sweatiest grunge - rockers we were wolves have returned . following their 2013 sophomore effort wolf house , the band has released a 15 - minute - long ep ruin your weekend , and it\u2019s quite good .\n\u201cwe were wolves , \u201d is the story about two estranged brothers who return to their family cottage after their father dies . much binge drinking and fighting ensues . we\u2019ve all seen the canadian cottage movie about a family that goes off the rails . but with canning\u2019s deft touch , it becomes a film about a relationship between two brothers and the lies and stories we tell ourselves in order to form our personalities and in turn our destiny .\noh yeah ! we were all a little bit tipsy because we were drinking beers around the fire and it was four in the morning . so when we shot the first take , i\u2019m watching them do this and lifting her skirt , they\u2019re starting to do it and i\u2019m like , trying to figure out what move he\u2019s at . \u201coh no \u2013 okay , he just undid his zipper , okay and now he\u2019s licking his hand \u2013 i know where this is going . \u201d\n\u201cwe just wanted something that was fun and honest , \u201d haught continues . \u201cit\u2019s too easy to get into the studio and overdo it . we tried to keep it simple , just like we do it live . we wanted it to be an escape , like a rock show you can start and stop when you want . \u201d\nshe is also developing a number of feature films , including an adaptation of the award - winning novel come , thou tortoise . she recently completed production on her first feature , we were wolves , which premiered at the 2014 toronto international film festival . jordan is a 2010 graduate of the director\u2019s lab at the canadian film centre and an alumnus of the 2011 tiff talent lab .\nwith every project he takes on , he commits to finding the heart of the story , and working with co - creators to develop the project further . his work has been shown at festivals around the world , including tribeca , interfilm berlin and the toronto international film festival . in 2013 , sam helmed the camera on two feature films back to back \u2013 how to be deadly and we were wolves .\nruin your weekend is available through bandcamp . we were wolves performs with satellite d ' homme and brand new hearts at knights of the fire kingdom ' s lp - release party friday night at fitzgerald ' s , 2706 white oak . no cover for 21 & up . finally , the band also performs at the bayou city bonanza july 25 at eastdown warehouse alongside fat tony , purple , gabe bravo and jaffer khan , among others . tickets available here .\nwe are unable to find itunes on your computer . to preview , buy , or rent movies , get itunes now .\njc : it didn\u2019t take that long . steve ( cochrane the film\u2019s co - writer and star ) and i met late july , shook hands and said , \u201clet\u2019s do this . \u201d we wrote the script in august and then we shot the film in october .\n\u201cthe ep is kinda\u2019 straight to the point , \u201d haught says . but forthrightness isn\u2019t always a bad thing , and in the case of the wolves , it may be just what their fans want .\nwe\u2019ve updated our privacy policy to give you more control over your information and support new european data protection laws . you can review the changes here .\ni came across newfoundland director jordan canning at a retrospective screening of her shorts at videofag . she\u2019s made 12 of them , spanning animated eggs in an awful breakup ( \u201cnot over easy\u201d ) , wes anderson - indebted children\u2019s fantasy ( \u201coliver bump\u2019s birthday\u201d ) and a stunning conversation between a shy married couple in a single overhead shot ( the first of her house series , \u201cbedroom\u201d ) . they floored me . when i discovered that canning\u2019s first feature length film \u201cwe were wolves , \u201d was slotted to premiere at tiff on september 9th , i was excited , and curious .\nthe wolves , who hail from beaumont but relocated to houston a few years ago , fill a niche that has been left wanting in recent years . where edm and rap have become the norm , this band ' s brand of in - your - face rock isn\u2019t as readily accessible as it once was . lucky for houston fans , the wolves have plans to keep howling away , and ruin your weekend is just a starter .\nlast october , our small but mighty cast and crew was about to start shooting at a cottage on stony lake . less than a year later , we are about to celebrate our world premiere at the 2014 toronto international film festival . we set out to tell a great story and have an amazing time doing it . [ \u2026 ]\nrt @ halfgamut : my boyfriend and i got crappy # cancer news this week . if anyone can help or spread the word , we ' d be so grateful urltoken\ndynamic live performance , at the start of this year the band released their debut ep\nthe more things change , the more we stay the same\n( kkkk - kerrang ) .\ncould have been around a hundred and fifty years ago , and passed through the landscape as a beaver - trapping tough with jim bridger or jedediah smith , before coal barons , before soda ash and oil , before mormons , before you could stand outside and watch satellites pass through the night sky or silhouettes kissing in warm apartment windows , when this history was wild and new , you could have just pointed and named something of permanence , a mountain , a river - - at least a creek - - after yourself . or they would have named it for you , a permanent mark , just for being here .\nfrom a new talent that annie proulx has called an\nimportant emerging writer\ncomes a surprising and expansive collection of stories , steeped in the lore of the frontier but unmistakably fresh and of our time . when we were wolves roams over a west we never knew existed - - colonized by rogues and tricksters , custer impersonators , firefighters\nwe self - funded the production and then we got the ontario arts council grant which helped us get through post production . it was a 14 day shoot . and all of us just camped out on the island , living in the cottages there . it was really us being out in the woods together , tromping through the forest to eat a meal around the fire , and then tromping back and shooting another scene .\n\u201cit\u2019s just a little appetizer for what\u2019s to come , \u201d vocalist / guitarist drew haught says of the ep . \u201cwe are working on our full - length currently and are excited to see where it takes us . \u201d\nenter your mobile number or email address below and we ' ll send you a link to download the free kindle app . then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone , tablet , or computer - no kindle device required .\ni know , it is very masculine ! and it\u2019s not like i set out to make a real man\u2019s man story , because also there\u2019s a lot of feelings being felt . but i feel like if you\u2019re writing a story about brothers and the kind of abusive alcoholic father who ruled them and shaped them in the men they became \u2013 and then you put them in the woods \u2013 it\u2019s manly . but i also think it\u2019s a film about family mythologies , like the stories we tell ourselves about who we are . that\u2019s the bare bones of it .\nwhen i came with my short \u201cbedroom\u201d in 2008 , i didn\u2019t know what the hell i was doing . it was my first time even coming to toronto . the last few years that i\u2019ve been able to go , save the talent lab year because we missed the first four or five days of the festival , my goal has always been to see as many movies as i can .\nin the first of three interviews with canadian female directors at tiff , i spoke to canning about navigating the festival , finding confidence as a filmmaker and directing her first sex scene .\nit\u2019s a very masculine movie , which is an interesting choice for your first feature .\nwell peter howell wrote this really nice piece in the toronto star . he profiled our film and the new film \u201cthe good lie\u201d by phillipe falardeau , who did \u201cmonsieur lazhar\u201d which i loved so much . i love jean - marc vallee , i love all those french canadian guys . but i also like celeb spotting .\nthe performances in your film are so great . how do you work with actors ?\ni used to think a lot about it , like when i went to the director\u2019s lab at the cfc , they really hammered that in . and i read like a judith weston book on directing and the theories of it , and trying to use action verbs and bla bla bla . all that prep is great and it\u2019s good to have it in your bones , but i find the more i\u2019ve been doing it the more instinctually i\u2019ve been directing . the first film i made , i didn\u2019t even understand the concept , like \u201ci know the actor is doing , not what i want them to do ? \u201d\nas a female director too , it\u2019s like , you don\u2019t want to be demanding , but you need to get what you want .\nit\u2019s not ruling with an iron fist with your cast and crew . it\u2019s being really competent and really open and supportive of your team so that they support you . i don\u2019t yell in my life in general , but would certainly never yell at anyone on set . unless it was to get out of the way of a falling light . you\u2019re fucked if you lose the faith of your crew i think it\u2019s important to build the best team around you and then just make sure that they know how much you love them .\nit\u2019s like with a relationship , letting things fester is death . i think i\u2019m actually better at addressing problems in work situations than i am in relationships . i also think it\u2019s really important to know what you want . like being wishy - washy , or uncertain or expressing a lack of confidence doesn\u2019t help anybody .\nwhen steve was breaking down over the dad\u2019s ashes , that was intense . his mom passed away that year . it was remarkable to be a part of that , but i wasn\u2019t bawling at the monitor . i was more , \u201cwhen i yell cut i\u2019m gonna go in there and hug him . \u201d\nyeah they do that in \u201c8 mile . \u201d and then they\u2019re having sex , and a certain point i was like \u201ci don\u2019t know when i should cut . \u201d\nare they gonna orgasm ? i just wanted to see where it would go . so eventually peter did kind of like , \u201ccome , \u201d and i waited the appropriate amount of time and then i yelled cut . and all of us just burst out laughing .\nparties launches weekend ideas and not to be missed nightlife fashion and arts events .\nthe aspiring comedian from houston , texas once performed alongside howie mandel and is now performing for all of america . \u00bb get the america ' s got talent app : . . .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nincludes unlimited streaming via the free bandcamp app , plus high - quality download in mp3 , flac and more .\nbeaumont , tx in early 2008 , they have been making the presence known ever since . there newest ep\nruin your weekend\nhas been receiving praise from critics all over the nation\nthe surprisingly comical new video from roaring metal group red fang is a tip of the hat to the original \u201cpredator . \u201d\ninfectious sludge finally arrives after four years of furtive jamming , out on small stone recordings .\ngritty , psychedelic rock , full of crashing guitar riffs and lo - fi percussion .\npercussive , guitar - driven , psych - chaos from philly trio who never take their adrenaline - fueled feet off the gas .\nafter the death of jack , their father , two estranged brothers return to the family cottage to sort through his possessions . over the course of three days , they must learn to let go of the man they mythologized and accept responsibility for the men they have become .\ntoronto international film festival ( world premiere ) atlantic film festival st . john\u2019s international women\u2019s film festival whistler film festival\na graduate of the prestigious national theatre school of canada ( 2004 ) , peter mooney\u2019s most recently known for playing officer nick collins on rookie blue ( abc / global ) . previous to that he earned a canadian screen award nomination for his work in camelot ( starz / cbc ) opposite joseph fiennes and eva greene . he has guest starred in some of television\u2019s most popular series including csi : miami ( cbs ) beauty and the beast ( cw ) , republic of doyle ( cbc ) , heartland ( cbc ) being erica ( cbc ) and murdoch mysteries ( shaftesbury films ) . peter starred opposite ashley greene in the film summer\u2019s blood , and was featured in the tower ( cbs / paramount ) and zos : zone of separation ( tmn ) . he starred on the tv series falcon beach ( abc family / global ) for two seasons .\nequally at home on the stage peter has headlined several productions in his hometown at manitoba theatre centre including after miss julie , jitters , pride and prejudice , our town and the tempest . among his other theatre credits include tales from ovid ( centaur theatre ) and the canadian premier of the goat or who is sylvia ? ( great canadian theatre company ) . most recently peter starred in the canadian premiere of gruesome playground injuries with birdland theatre company in toronto .\nas a writer , peter\u2019s inaugural effort , the short film method , premiered at tiff 2013 , directed by his rookie blue co - star gregory smith . his second short film script , parachute , premiered at the 2014 tribeca film festival .\nsteve cochrane is a writer , actor , producer and director that hails from newfoundland , canada . his first big break came when the legendary mary walsh invited him to join the writers\u2019 room for hatching , matching and dispatching .\nsince then steve has written and directed more than 30 hours of television \u2013 including the cmt / movie central comedy series three chords from the truth which was nominated for best comedy and won best ensemble performance at the 2009 gemini awards .\nsteve is the consulting producer of the hit series lost girl and has written 12 episodes in three seasons . he wrote and directed endgame : the interactive facebook episode for shaw television which won the 2012 digital emmy at mip - tv , cannes .\na founding member of the world - renowned sketch troupe the dance party of newfoundland , steve has performed with the group at just for laughs , the nyc sketch fest , chicago sketch fest and won the award for best troupe at the toronto international sketch festival .\nsteve\u2019s acting credits range from republic of doyle to corner gas to mike clattenburg\u2019s war drama afghan luke opposite nick stahl .\nlynda boyd is an award winning actor , singer , dancer and musician with an extensive background in theatre , music , film , radio and television .\nlynda is currently starring in the hit cbc series republic of doyle , for which she garnered a gemini nomination for her performance as \u201crose miller doyle\u201d . she was also nominated for a gemini for her performances in falcon beach ( 2007 ) and cold squad ( 1998 ) .\nher recent movies for television include starring roles opposite jennifer love hewitt in the client list and opposite diane keaton in on thin ice . she was reunited with leslie nielsen for slap shot : the junior league ( they played husband and wife in harvey ) and co - starred with lucas black in fast & furious 3 : tokyo drift ( universal ) ; with owen wilson in i spy ( columbia tristar ) , jennifer lopez in an unfinished life ( miramax ) and steve austin in damage .\nlynda has guest starred on such series as e . r . ( warner bros . ) with jim belushi and the twilight zone ( upn ) with jason alexander and most recently the \u201cl\u201d word , cold case , sanctuary , shark , psych and supernatural .\nher short film , arbor vitae , which she wrote directed and executive produced , premiered at the rhode island international film festival .\njordan canning has directed more than a dozen short films which have played at festivals all over the world , including the tribeca film festival , the toronto international film festival and interfilm berlin .\npremiered at cannes as part of telefilm\u2019s not short on talent program . in 2013 , jordan directed all thirteen episodes of the ipf - supported web series\nhailing from st . john\u2019s , newfoundland , multi - faceted cinematographer sam pryse - philllips developed an interest in image and light at a young age through still photography . matched with a love of film and animation , this led him to pursue the craft of cinematography .\nafter graduating with a specialization in cinematography from the trebas institute in toronto , sam pryse - phillips has had the pleasure of working on many projects at home and abroad , creating visuals for documentaries , short films , music videos , and television . many of these projects have been in collaboration with jordan canning , who is a constant source of inspiration and someone with whom he loves to share the simultaneous discovery that is inherent in filmmaking .\noriginally from st . john\u2019s , newfoundland , jonathan eagan began his career in toronto as additional editor on the sons & daughters produced web series hot snack radio ( dir . matt eastman ) , before moving on to attend the editor\u2019s lab at the canadian film centre .\nin the years since he has worked on a range of award winning short films , music videos , web , television and feature length projects . he also edits commercials as part of the team at\n( recently named production company of the year by the advertising & design club of canada ) .\njonathan\u2019s feature film credits include i put a hit on you ( dirs . dane clark & linsey stewart , official selection slamdance 2013 ) , and the animal project , written , produced and directed by acclaimed toronto filmmaker ingrid veninger ( official selection tiff 2013 ) .\nigor correia is a composer based in toronto , canada . he holds a bachelor\u2019s degree in sound production from universidade federal do parana ( brazil ) , and a master\u2019s degree in music composition from the university of toronto where he studied with christos hatzis .\nhe was the 2008 winner of the prestigious karen kieser prize in canadian music and his music has been performed by the sneak peek orchestra , the torq percussion quartet , and the madawaska string quartet , among many others . currently , igor is writing music for tv , film and other media as one of the composers at grayson matthews , a music collective .\nrt @ suckitupmovie : dream team . # squadgoals # slamdance # slamdance2017 # suckitupmovie urltoken\nrt @ rickmercer : wonderful people need a hand . please retweet & share and every dollar counts . . urltoken\nget the most out of your experience with a personalized all - access pass to everything local on events , music , restaurants , news and more .\nthe four - piece first caught my attention at last year\u2019s yes , indeed ! fest on mid - main . halfway through their first song i thought , why have i never heard of these guys ? their brand of rock music manages to be both straightforward and accessible without sounding commonplace . since last september , their albums have been on regular rotation for me .\nthe 10 best concerts this weekend : knights of the fire kingdom , floetry , freedom over texas , etc .\nruin your weekend begins with \u201chome , \u201d an uptempo rocker about avoiding isolation and the feelings of loneliness that can be associated with one\u2019s residence . though he doesn\u2019t consider himself to be the most social person , haught says that it\u2019s nice to be distracted by friends and loved ones when he\u2019s feeling down .\n\u201csometimes the last thing that you want is to be left alone , \u201d haught says of the track . \u201cyou might need people around you and things to take you away from your own thoughts . being left to your own devices can sometimes be a bad thing . \u201d\n\u201chome\u201d sets the pace for ruin your weekend , which doesn\u2019t ease off for its remaining 11 minutes . the ep crashes through listeners\u2019 headphones and stereos and forgoes the kind of polish one might expect from a studio album for rawness .\nall - access pass to the top stories , events and offers around town .\nmatt is a regular contributor to the houston press \u2019 music section . he graduated from the university of houston with a degree in print journalism and global business . matt first began writing for the press as an intern , having accidentally sent his resume to the publication ' s music editor instead of the news chief . after half a decade of attending concerts and interviewing musicians , he has credited this fortuitous mistake to divine intervention .\nbooks go deep digging into warren zevon , the clash , and . . .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 1 / / en\nurltoken\nif itunes doesn\u2019t open , click the itunes application icon in your dock or on your windows desktop .\nif ibooks doesn ' t open , click the ibooks app in your dock .\nitunes is the world ' s easiest way to organize and add to your digital media collection .\ntwo estranged brothers return to the family cottage after the death of their father . over the course of three days , they must learn to let go of the man they thought they knew , and accept responsibility for the men they have become .\ngreat film about the bond between brothers and the pain of holding on to dreams that cannot come true . highly recommended .\nfree 5 - 8 business - day shipping within the u . s . when you order $ 25 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by amazon .\nor get 4 - 5 business - day shipping on this item for $ 5 . 99 . ( prices may vary for ak and hi . )\ncomment : very good : cover and pages show some wear from reading and storage .\nin fiction , nonfiction , mysteries , children ' s books , and much more .\nthese are short stories about misfits in a small town in eastern wyoming . the main character in most stories is a school teacher who bounces from town to town after he succeeds in alienating the more proper citizens of each town he works in . the title story is about a basketball team formed in a prison that travels around the state playing other teams as a rehabilitation effort . there are also some great stories about fire fighting and impulsive drunken marriages in reno . mr . billman writes extremely well and has obviously lived many of the stories . this is his first published book ; several of the stories would definitely merit five stars . i look forward to his next book .\njon billman writes in vivid color . he has just enough detail to keep my eyes on the page , but not so much that i can ' t daydream my self into some reflective thought and ponder what it is that the story invokes for me . i especially like the sense i get of his voice in the telling ; good story tellers have this gift of the double personal . theirs and ours . billman has a knack for writing about women without making us mere backstory ; his character\nash\nis the best ! if this is his first book , i look forward to the next .\ni ' m giving him four stars because it ' s his first effort and i wasn ' t able to finish the book because it was an interlibrary loan .\nbillman has a grasp of the true west . . . . . . .\njon billman has an idea of what the true west is . not what some other writers or travelers fictionalize it to be .\ni once saw jon billman eat a garlic pancake . i remained his friend despite this , and he has here turned in a great collection of stories about wyoming and environs .\nsince jon ' s early years - - from coloring santa claus with a black beard on a plastic dinner plate to claiming in 1980 that\ncassette tapes won ' t last , 8 - tracks will be around . . .\nbillman ' s stories are very vivid , exciting , and fresh . i read this book with great interest and enjoyment and i can ' t wait to see more !\njon billman ' s collection of stories is a joy to read , and it resonates with an authenticity that makes a reader want to believe it all .\namazon giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz , reward your audience , and attract new followers and customers .\nprime members enjoy free two - day shipping and exclusive access to music , movies , tv shows , original audio series , and kindle books .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in ."]} {"id": 114579, "summary": [{"text": "dhruva nakshatram ( telugu : \u0c27\u0c43\u0c35 \u0c28\u0c15\u0c4d\u0c37\u0c24\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c02 ) is a 1989 tollywood film directed by y.nageswara rao and produced by k. ashok kumar on sri usha art productions .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "venkatesh and rajani played the lead roles and music composed by chakravarthy .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the film recorded as hit at box-office . ", "topic": 18}], "title": "dhruva nakshatram", "paragraphs": ["urltoken has 700 , 000 + monthly visits . tell hyderabad what you feel about nakshatram !\ndhruva nakshatram lo oka scene as it is nags bhai lo pettesaru rakshasudu story lo slaves ga undatam okate ga tally avtundi . n he wanna find out his mom . dhruva nakshatram main plot chatrapati ki chala dagara polokalu unnai . he knew his mother but wil be helping in disguise\nwatch the official trailer of tollywood movie nakshatram starring sundeep kishan & regina cassandra . | telugu movie trailers | pinterest | regina cassandra , of\u2026\ndhruva natchathiram is a tamil action - thriller movie , directed by gautham menon . the cast of dhruva natchathiram includes vikram and ritu varma in the . . .\ndhruva natchathiram : vikram shoots in bulgaria , radikaa and simran join star cast . see photos\ndhruva teaser spoof ft . brahmanandam | ram charan | rakul preet | surender reddy | telugu filmnagar\ndhruva natchathiram is a tamil action - thriller movie , directed by gautham menon . the cast of dhruva natchathiram includes vikram and ritu varma in the lead role ( full cast & crew details )\ndhruva ( \u0927\u094d\u0930\u0941\u0935 ) is a devotee of the supreme god vishnu according to hinduism . dhruva was the son of utt\u0101nap\u0101da . his tale is recorded in the vishnu purana and the bhagavata purana .\nvikram dhruva nakshatram movie first look on telugu filmnagar . dhruva natchathiram latest 2017 movie is being directed by gautam menon in the banner ondraga entertainment . for more latest telugu movie news and updates visit : urltoken telugu filmnagar is south india ' s # 1 youtube channel and your final stop for best in class content from telugu film industry . like - urltoken subscribe - urltoken follow - urltoken my mango app links : google play store : urltoken app store : urltoken\nthe shooting of gautham menon ' s dhruva natchathiram , which has vikram in the lead , will commence soon .\ndhruva natchathiram : vikram shoots in bulgaria , radikaa and simran join star cast . see photos | the indian express\nthere have been lots of rumours about gautham menon ' s next being dhruva natchathiram . on friday , january 6 , he revealed a photo that has resemblances to the poster of dhruva natchathiram , which was supposed to star suriya in the lead .\nvikram , dhruva natchathiram 2018 tamil movie full star cast & crew - mt wiki providing latest update dhruva natchathiram film story , release date , budget , actress aishwarya rajesh , ritu verma , actors , songs list , poster , producer , director info .\ndhruva kumar tries to meet his family through his brother narendra ( bhanu chander ) who is a customs officer , sister saroja ( rohini ) but bharathi devi refuses to accept him . narendra and manikyala rao ' s younger brother mohan rao ( balaji ) are close friends , manikyala rao makes a plan to make saroja ' s marriage with his younger brother ( balaji ) , dhruva kumar breaks out his plan makes saroja marriage with his friend sivaji . meanwhile , narendra arrests lakshmipati , he orders to kill narendra but dhruva kumar protects him and becomes rival to lakshmipati also . finally , lakshmipati and manikyala rao joins together to destroy dhruva kumar , they kidnap his entire family . finally , dhruva kumar protects his family by sacrificing his life .\nvikram will be seen in salt - and - pepper look in dhruva natchathiram . for some flashback portions , he will sport gray hair , reports ians .\ndhruva natchathiram is an upcoming 2017 tamil action - thriller film movie written and directed by gautham vasudev menon . the film starring vikram . bankrolled by madhan under escape artists banner . cinematography by and music composed by . check out below for dhruva natchathiram cast , crew , wiki , imdb , director , heroine details .\nlakshmipati ( satyanarayana ) and mattigadala manikyala rao ( nutan prasad ) are big gangsters & smugglers in bombay , both are opponents . during a roadside fight , dhruva kumar catches manikyala rao ' s smuggle goods . manikyala rao traps dhruva kumar in a smuggle case and caught by police , he offers to work with him but dhruva kumar refuses his offer and runs away from bombay with help of his friend sivaji ( siva krishna ) along with lalitha and reaches hyderabad , there he is arrested by police and submitted to court , where he sees his mother bharathi devi and recolonizes her . lakshmipati frees out dhruva kumar when he agrees to work together .\nbharati devi ( sarada ) a widow leaves in a town with her three children : two sons dhruva kumar , narendra and a daughter saroja . they live in a rented house and the landlord behaves badly with bharathi devi and robs all her money . dhruva kumar beats the landlord and runs away from home . after 25 years , dhruva kumar ( venkatesh ) is a lorry driver in bombay , lalitha ( rajani ) comes to bombay for a job from andhra , falls in love with him .\nthe title logo of dhruva natchathiram was released on jan 8th , 2017 . also the tean is planning to release the movie on august 11th for independence day long weekend .\ngautham menon has finally given a hint about his next movie with vikram . well , the filmmaker has apparently decided to revive his long - pending dhruva natchathiram with none other than vikram .\ndhruva natchathiram is said to be a spy thriller on the lines of the bourne movies and will be primarily shot in the us . the movie is jointly produced by ondraga entertainment and escape artists motion pictures .\nactors ajay devgn and arbaaz khan are coming together , but not for a film . in an unusual move , the duo will be dubbing in hindi for the the 2016 telugu crime thriller ' dhruva ' .\n, ritu varma in lead roles . this film is directed by gautham menon and produced by gautham menon , p . madan . it is made under the banner of ondraga entertainment . dhruva natchathiram is scheduled to release in 11 june 2018 .\ndhruva natchathiram starring chiyaan vikram in the lead role is one of the most awaited upcoming espionage thrillers . director gautham menon has roped in simran and dhivya dharshini . radikaa and parthiban to play pivotal roles . harris jayaraj is scoring the music .\nthe 2016 release ' dhruva ' , is the remake of the tamil film ' thani oruvan ' . in the film , ram charan plays a righteous cop with rakulpreet singh as his love interest , and swami is the villain pitted against ram .\ndhruva natchathiram is an action - thriller , which will be majorly shot in the us . on the other hand , the hunt for the female lead is on and aditi rao hydari is being considered for the role . the shooting will commence soon .\nvikram , who now wants to go for the kill and wrest back his lost space in kollywood , has been looking for an interesting plot for his next project . it was then gautham ' s project landed on his kitty and he seemed to have lapped it up quickly . kollywood insiders say the plot of dhruva natchathiram , as the title suggests , is a period fantasy flick and vikram has not featured in such a movie since a long time . there still exists a market for such plots and vikram is keen on taking up dhruva natchathiram , they indicate .\ndhruva natchathiram is gautham\u2019s ambitious project , which was shelved a few years ago after actor suriya walked out of the project citing creative differences with the director . the film was revived last year as vikram came aboard for this film , which is produced by gautham\u2019s home production banner ondraga entertainment .\nunleashing the official teaser of ' dhruva natchathiram ' starring ' chiyaan ' vikram , ritu varma in lead & directed by gautham vasudev menon # dhruvanatchathiram cast : vikram , ritu varma , aishwarya rajesh & others written & directed by gautham vasudev menon thank you adk , sri rascol , darbuka siva cinematography : jomon t john stills : spencer ostrander sound mixer : suren . g sound design : s . alagiakoothan , suren p . madan , venkat somasundaram , senthil veeraasamy , reshma ghatala and gautham vasudev menon dhruva natchathiram in fb - urltoken ondraga entertainment in facebook - urltoken ondraga entertainment in twitter - urltoken in association with divo urltoken urltoken\naction - packed and stylish spy characters are set to rule the big screens down south this season . dhruva natchathiram starring chiyaan vikram in the lead role is one of the most awaited upcoming espionage thrillers . a few shooting spot pictures have found their way to the internet , adding to the growing expectations of the audience .\ngautham menon had originally planned dhruva natchathiram with suriya , but the movie was shelved after their fallout . it has to be noted that the film was formally launched with a pooja . later , the actor had told the media that the director failed to come up with a good script , thereby making him walkout of the tamil flick .\nwhen contacted , ajay told mirror ,\nthe channel is the official home to all my films and when its team came up with this first - of - its - kind initiative , i agreed . the journey of bringing dhruva to life in hindi has been as exciting and exhilarating as portraying any of my characters on the big screen .\nin a candid interview to mirror last week , ace tamil film - maker gautham menon said his ambitious flick dhruva natchathiram starring suriya might not happen at all . looks like the director , who is not on talking terms with the actor , has moved on and has offered the flick now to vikram , who has bounced back with shankar ' s blockbuster i .\nyes , it is true that gautham is in discussion with vikram to revive dhruva natchathiram . the director has already narrated the script to vikram and he has liked it . it may need a bit of fine - tuning though . if everything works out well , the movie may go on floors later this year ,\na highly placed source privy to the development told mirror .\ngautham ' s yennai arindhaal has raked in good collections and is on its way to become a blockbuster . similarly , vikram\u2019s i too made good collections at the box office . if dhruva natchathiram materialises , it will be a big - budget movie and our sources indicate that gautham is looking for a producer , who understands the demands of such a project . at present , he is shooting his new flick with simbu .\ndhruva natchathiram teaser was released on jan 14 , 2017 . teaser was 2 - minute 38 - second clip follows the story of john played by vikram , an undercover agent based in new york . he and his team are involved in a secret operation that is headed by a man named mr k . john and his team spring into action when the bad guys catch hold of mr k , leaving them in the dark .\ndhruva was born a son of the king utt\u0101nap\u0101da ( the son of svayambhuva manu ) and his wife suniti ( or sunrita , the daughter of dharma ) . the king also had another son uttama , born to his second queen suruchi , who was the preferred object of his affection . once , when dhruva was a child of five years of age , he was sitting on his father ' s lap at the king ' s throne . suruchi , who was jealous of the older son from the first wife ( since he - dhruv - would be heir to throne , and not suruchi ' s son ) , forcefully removed dhruv from his father ' s lap . when dhruv protested and asked if he could not be allowed to sit on his father ' s lap , suruchi berated him saying , ' only god can allow you that privilege . go ask him . '\ndhruva is an upcoming action thriller film directed by surender reddy and produced by allu aravind under his banner geetha arts . it features ram charan , rakul preet singh and aravind swamy . it is an official remake of the tamil film thani oruvan ( 2015 ) . the film will feature music by hiphop tamizha , who composed for the tamil original . and cinematography is handled by p . s . vinod . the film was launched on 18 february 2016 and principal photography commenced on 22 february 2016 . the film , initially set for release on 7 october , is scheduled for a worldwide release on 2 december 2016 .\nthe shelving of dhruva natchathiram resulted in an ugly spat between suriya and gautham with the former accusing the latter of delaying the film . apparently , suriya asked for a few changes in the script - - which gautham was not keen to make - - and the delay on part of the director prompted him to walk out of the project . the two , who together have delivered some of the finest films ( like kakkaa kakka and varanam aayiram ) , are unlikely to work together in any project as confided by gautham in his interview to mirror on february 18 . vikram and gautham are raring to go with both of them tasting success with their independent previous ventures .\ni did not watch thani oruvan before dhruva . so mine is an open review ! i give my review only to movies i really loved watching . i don ' t want to waste time to show hatred . talking about dhruva , this movie had impressed me so much that nothing comes close to this in 2016 . the script was excellent and far better than any routine stupid drama movies we see these days . technical brilliance must be appreciated . even though its a remake , the director and actors took it as a challenge and made it a visual feast to the audience . if you didn ' t know the script before - hand , then the tension that was carried out will make you enjoy the thrill you face . so i recommend the people who have not seen tamil version to go to this movie and you will experience great joy . even if you have seen tamil version , this movie is so good to watch & shows its technical superiority . what ' s for the cine goers ( physical & technical aspects ) : ram charan - excellent physique ( he really worked out ) , great acting ( better than his previous films ) , looked extremely stylish rakul preet - ravishing body ( exclusively hot in songs ) & good acting ( the mirror scene - audience really enjoyed the love expression ) director surrender reddy - improved his directional style . i liked racegurram but this one was even better in terms of screenplay & cinematography . aravind swamy - incredible and he looked scary with decent looks . great acting as well . others - navdeep did a great job and other artists did very well in their roles . what not to expect : not a lot of comedy but there are few jokes and the thrill you face makes you forget about the comedy . so don ' t worry about it . overall : the best movie of this year in telugu ! go for it . demonetization had shown some its effect on the collection otherwise it would have already broken many records considering the strength that the movie has !\ntaking a bit of a ( forced ) break from movie watching right now ! will get back to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of months . the last ones i saw both sucked ( amazing spiderman and baby driver ) . fidaa was overrated af ( ass - fuq ? ) , wasn ' t up to godavari levels . spyder and paisa vasool ( obligatory\njai balayya\n! ! ! ) look like duds from the teasers . all hopes on vip 2 ( i ' ve said this a hundred times already , raghuvaran btech . deserved 10 / 10 ) and dhruva nachatiram . don ' t know why , but jaya janaki nayaka looks great ( loved alludu seenu ! ) . however , given that it ' s coming from the guy who made sarrainodu , this could be the worst movie of all time . did anybody watch the making video for jaya janaki nayaka ? like satyam rajesh says in baadshah ,\ncinema making kanna mee making ekkuva ayyindi .\nwhich makes me wonder if kona venkat is some sort of prophet . the same movie has kajal agarwal explaining the plot of sreemanthudu before it was even made . i know none of the above are interconnected , but i wanted to put it all out there .\nthe movie story deals with aarusaamy a deputy commissioner of police of tirunelveli who efficiently brings the city under control . aarusaamy arrives at tirunelveli after being in exile for some years after being wrongly accused of bribery by corrupt politicians . in an early scene in the film , he eats idli with beer and performs some drunken antics , which had a negative impact on the viewing public . at the outset , he pretends to be a corrupt cop by accepting bribes from the very influential annachi . later saamy starts to rebel against him and the rest is about how he succeeds in overcoming the corrupt politicians . aarusaamy ' s father who wanted to become a cop was unable to become due to corruption and takes care of agriculture for his living . but he wanted to make his son a cop . vikram too passes the ips examinations in merit , but was asked for bribe . his father mortgages his properties and makes him get the desired job . being an honest cop , aarusaamy is honoured with transfers all over tamil nadu due to political pressure . finally , in trichy , he is accused of bribery by a politician and he gets suspended . it takes him six months to prove himself and he is posted in tirunelveli now . in tirunelveli , he adapts a new policy of adjusting with the local goons so that he can serve the people in an effective way . perumal pichai , is an underworld don who has the total control of southern tamil nadu , both in politics as well as rowdyism but he is less known in the media . he bribes aarusaamy so that he will not disturb his business because both perumal pichai and aarusaamy belongs to his caste . saamy also accepts it but requests him to make some changes which he in turn accepts . as a result , the city is under the control of law and order . he is always accompanied by\npunctuality\nparamasivam , who is an inspector . saamy falls in love with a college - going brahmin girl , bhuvana and they get engaged . bhuvana ' s father , is a straightforward government officer who never got bribe and leads a noble life . saamy and bhuvana meet each other when saamy goes in search of a home for rent to bhuvana ' s home . bhuvana misinterprets saamy and paramasivam as thieves and locks them in a room .\nif u like pls subscribe gautham vasudev menon ( born 25 february 1973 ) , more commonly known as gautham menon , is an indian film director and producer , who predominantly works in tamil cinema . many of his films have been critically acclaimed , most notably his semi - autobiographical films vaaranam aayiram ( 2008 ) and vinnaithaandi varuvaayaa ( 2010 ) and his action - thrillers kaakha kaakha ( 2003 ) and vettaiyaadu vilaiyaadu ( 2006 ) . vaaranam aayiram won the national film award for best feature film in tamil . gautham menon spearheaded releasing movies of same content in different languages , simultaneously . he produces films through his london stock exchange - listed photon kathaas film production company and his film\nthanga meengal\nwon the national film award for best feature film in tamil .\nguru | full length | tamil movie 1980 | kamal hassan | sridevi | i . v . sasi | 1980\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\npellichoopulu fame actress rithu makes her debut in tamil with this movie . she has replaced anu emmanuel who has opted out of the project due to date issues .\n) is a 1989 tollywood film directed by y . nageswara rao and produced by k . ashok kumar on sri usha art productions . venkatesh and rajani played the lead roles and music composed by chakravarthy . the film recorded as\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 / / en\nurltoken\nrefrain from posting comments that are obscene , defamatory or inflammatory , and do not indulge in personal attacks , name calling or inciting hatred against any community . help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive . let ' s work together to keep the conversation civil .\nwe have sent you a verification email . to verify , just follow the link in the message\nbennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved . for reprint rights : times syndication service\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\na committed police officer is on a very dangerous mission to destroy the most corrupt person in the country , siddharth abhimanyu .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\nlakeith stanfield and his sorry to bother you director boots riley discuss the stress of filming sex scenes .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\na bike stuntman recalls his previous life as a warrior , and pursues his love ' s reincarnation . a sinister figure from their shared past threatens to separate them forever .\na man ( chiranjeevi ) on the wrong side of the law is moved by the plight of farmers to do the right thing .\na man , who doesn ' t believe that love can last a lifetime , pursues an exuberant romantic , but their clashing ideologies keep them apart .\na young man receives a life - saving face transplant after he is critically injured and his girlfriend murdered in a vicious attack . unrecognisable to his enemies , he sets out for revenge .\na young man and his lookalike team up to fight injustice and settle their personal scores with the evildoers .\nan intelligent son of a former entrepreneur takes revenge on a powerful and rich businessman who is as smart as he is .\nstars : n . t . rama rao jr . , rakul preet singh , jagapathi babu\na man returns to india to find his family on the brink of a rift . he must push past his tendency to take everything lightly and work to heal his clan .\ntwo brothers have two different approaches to life . while one brother follows rules and regulations , the other does things his own way .\nthe fear of his elder brother ' s death starts to haunt an innocent , hearing impaired boat skipper after they both join forces to overthrow the unlawful 30 year long regime of their village ' s president .\na love story that weathers time and emotions . aditya sees varsha and it is love at first sight for him . what transpires over the next 7 years is what makes their love stronger .\nthe consequences that follow after the love between hero and heroine , when they accidentally fall in love on an island .\nin the hindi dubbed version of movie , ram chanran ' s & arvind swamy ' s voice is being dubbed by bollywood superstars ajay devgan & arbaaz khan respectively .\n4 of 6 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nnote : your browser does not have javascript enabled . many features may not work properly without it . please enable javascript in your browser settings .\nchildhood lo i watched this movie . pebby chatrapati based on this movie . central point matram ade . sudden ga gurtochindi so sharing childhood lo hero amma tho separate avadam . hero smuggling cheyadam . amma ki dagaravalante smuggler ani chepukoleka parokshanga help cheydam etc\noriginally posted by chlorophyll childhood lo i watched this movie . pebby chatrapati based on this movie . central point matram ade . sudden ga gurtochindi so sharing childhood lo hero amma tho separate avadam . hero smuggling cheyadam . amma ki dagaravalante smuggler ani chepukoleka parokshanga help cheydam etc\nac was honest remake of aryan malayalam movie by mohanlal and they bought the rights officially . . . dhruvanakshatram nu aryan concept tesukuni baga nativity ki marchukunnaru . . . original movie was some french movie . .\nika chatrapati concept was from chiru ' s rakshasudu movie . . . same subject but ssr customized it well . . . .\nif your url is correct , you ' ll see an image preview here . large images may take a few minutes to appear .\nremember : using others ' images on the web without their permission may be bad manners , or worse , copyright infringement .\n( failed ) filename unsupported photo file type . please upload the file as a post attachment instead .\njohn , a new york - based undercover agent , and his team is entrusted with a secret mission to bring back the leader of the team , mr . k . john , who has gone missing mysteriously .\nsorry ! none of the critics have had a chance to review this movie yet .\nby using www . bookmyshow . com ( our website ) , you are fully accepting the privacy policy available at urltoken governing your access to bookmyshow and provision of services by bookmyshow to you . if you do not accept terms mentioned in the privacy policy , you must not share any of your personal information and immediately exit bookmyshow .\ncopyright 2018 \u00a9 bigtree entertainment pvt . ltd . all rights reserved . the content and images used on this site are copyright protected and copyrights vests with the respective owners . the usage of the content and images on this website is intended to promote the works and no endorsement of the artist shall be implied . unauthorized use is prohibited and punishable by law .\nsubscribe to our free newsletters to be the first one to know about all things entertainment .\nthe phone number associated with your bms account has been verified via a different account . please reverify your phone number .\nyou are about to change your phone number for my wallet . verify otp to confirm\n\u201ci have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner , its agent , or the law . \u201d and \u201cthe information in this notification is accurate , and i am the owner , or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner , of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed . \u201d\nstep 2 . on receipt of your smart band , register and activate the band online through the link that will be emailed to your registered email id .\nstep 3 . arrive at the event and walk in without waiting in the queue .\nin case of any unavoidable circumstances , like an issue in receiving inventory from the concerned / taxation authority , you will have to pickup your smart bands from bookmyshow box office at the venue on the event day .\nin case of office address if courier person is not allowed inside than please note that bands might be delivered at reception or mail room .\non receipt of your entry band , register and activate the band online through the activation link that will be sent to you along with your band .\nin case of any unavoidable circumstances , like an issue in receiving inventory from the concerned / taxation authority , you will have to pickup your entry bands from bookmyshow box office at the venue on the event day .\ndue to some technical issues your address has not been updated . we request you to please try again .\nmeanwhile , the director has done the first look photo shoot of vikram in dubai . the makers plan to unveil the posters for pongal festival next week .\nfor most part of the film , he will be seen in a salt - and - pepper getup . there might be some flashback portions where he will be required to look younger . the film ' s shoot will commence later this week in coonoor ,\nthe new agency quotes a source from the film ' s unit as saying .\nalso check out : - . . . don ' t miss upcoming telugu movies list 2018 - 2018 top 10 south indian actress income list top 10 tamil highest grossing movies list top 10 telugu highest grossing movies list rajinikanth upcoming movies list top 10 tamil songs of the week telugu movie all time hit or flop list\ntelugu movies 2018 box office verdict hit or flop | telugu movie 2017 - 2018 budget & collection | tollywood films profit report .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\n* setting channel preference will take you directly to the respective channel when you come in next time .\nsupported browsers : internet explorer : version 7 . 0 and above , chrome , firefox and safari . best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and above .\ncheck out below for complete details about hero , heroine and other supporting cast of the film .\nhere is the details about director , producer , music director , cinematography , editor and other technical crew of the movie .\nwrite css or less and hit save . ctrl + space for auto - complete .\nexclusive : kind of gautham sir to apologise , but i don\u2019t agree with all he has said . will furnish proof soon : karthick naren on naragasooran row\nthe team is currently shooting for the film in the caves of bulgaria . according to reports , director gautham menon has planned to shoot some high - voltage action sequences in three other foreign locations , including abu dhabi , turkey , and slovenia .\nmeanwhile , the director has added a few more exciting members to the star cast including radikaa sarathkumar , simran and dhivya dharshini . radikaa and parthiban were in bulgaria shooting for the film . \u201cgreat to be a part of uber cool @ menongautham film # dhuruvanatchatram on location in bulgaria ( sic ) , \u201d radikaa confirmed the news on her twitter page .\ncinematographer manoj paramahamsa of vinnaithaandi varuvaayaa fame is the new addition to the cast . he has replaced santhana krishnan in european schedule . santhana was brought aboard after jomon walked out of the project . the reason for santhana\u2019s exit is still unknown .\nthe trailer teasers of the film have already created a lot of expectations among the audience , thanks to vikram\u2019s ultra - stylish spy avatar and his swag . composer harris jayaraj is scoring the music for the film\nare you ready for skyscraper ? we are ! see which other movies and tv shows we ' re excited about .\na car hijacker from a local gang gets into a problem after stealing a car .\na cop takes bribes from politicians and goons . he rethinks his life choices after he meets a girl .\nhaving suffered sexual abuse as a child , veera grows into a psycho obsessed with sex and kills for pleasure .\nwhen his sister ' s classmate , leelaa , comes to spend the summer at his family home , a friendship is forged in few days and when our hero decides to take off on a road trip across the country . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthe story revolves through three different life stages of varun and nithya ' s life .\nexplore popular sci - fi movies and tv shows available to stream with prime video .\njandhyala directs this film produced by buchi reddy bheemavarapu . chiranjeevi , jaggayya , mutcherla aruana and suhasini were in the lead roles . chakravarthi has composed the music .\nour website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors . please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker . close [ 5 ]\nthe cause of the girl child is dear to me . sri is the best platform to condemn female foeticide : manasa joshi\nare coming together , but not for a film . in an unusual move , the duo will be dubbing in hindi for the the 2016 telugu crime thriller '\nglobal icon and bollywood actress priyanka chopra is crazy for footwears . priyanka chopra has shoes from all expensive brands . she has an impressive collection of stylish shoes .\nactress parineeti chopra has a weird obsession . she likes wearing lip balms and always carries a mouth freshener .\nbollywood ' s queen kangana ranaut is obsessed with getting inked . kangana has a tattoo of a cross with an angel and a sword on her neck , another one of an angel on her ankle .\nformer miss universe lara dutta buys everything that comes her way . she is a self - confessed shopaholic .\nstunning actress deepika padukone has a craze for high - neck dresses . no doubt deepika looks classy in whatever she wears but she loves high - neck .\nfashionista sonam kapoor is obsessed with buying new dresses . the actress has a collection of dresses from all the major brands around the world .\nbollywood hottie bipasha basu is crazy for watches . her obsession for watches is such that she has one for every occasion .\nactress ameesha patel has a weakness for shopping , and is totally crazy about bags . she owns bags from all possible brands\u2014be it gucci or chanel .\nactress vidya balan , who made sari a style statement in bollywood , is pretty obsessed with silk saris . reportedly , she has a collection of over 800 saris in her closet .\nthe bubbly beauty of bollywood preity zinta has an obsession for cleanliness . people who are close to the actress say that she will never use any bathroom unless it is squeaky clean .\nsuperstar salman khan is fond of perfumes . apparently , salman also loves collecting soap bars and perfumes ; he has a collection of all kinds of herbal soaps in his bathroom . he likes collecting and using different soaps .\nbollywood\u2019s \u2018king of romance\u2019 is very tech - savvy , and is obsessed with gadgets and video games . he is so obsessed with gaming and gaming gadgets that he has an entire floor in his house\u2014mannat , dedicated to video games . srk is also obsessed with blue jeans . he apparently owns more than 1500 pairs of jeans .\nactor aamir khan , who is popularly known as mr . perfectionist . he strives for perfection in everything he sees . he looks for perfection not only in his professional life , but also in his personal life .\nbollywood\u2019s heartthrob sidharth malhotra has a weird food habit . he loves eating gulab jamun with pickle .\nactor ranveer singh is crazy for hats . he is seen wearing cool hats whenever he is travelling .\n\u2018padman\u2019 actor akshay kumar is obsessed with posters of old movies . akshay likes collecting them .\nbollywood\u2019s handsome hunk john abraham has a passion for superbikes . he\u2019s a bike lover .\nbollywood actor ajay devgn has a fetish for cars and we can see that from his movies .\nbollywood actor arjun rampal loves black . he buys everything in black . it\u2019s quite obvious to see him in black armani suits at award ceremonies .\nactress shay mitchell has revealed that she ' s a hot sauce addict , and carries a bottle in her purse .\nactress avril lavigne ' s obsession isn ' t actually very surprising . she ' s obsessed with eye makeup .\nusually actresses try to avoid calorie - loaded confectionaries , but nicole kidman is not among them . she\u2019s a full - blown cake addict .\ntwilight star robert pattinson has two weird addictions . he ' s admitted to drinking as many as 300 cans of diet coke in a week , and eats way too much cinnamon toast crunch .\netimes is an entertainment , tv & lifestyle industry ' s promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 bennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved .\nadityamusic now buy telugu audio cd , mp3 , vcd , dvd , blu - ray songs videos original tracks online in india .\nthis site uses javascript . your browser either doesn ' t support javascript or you have it turned off . to see this page as it is meant to appear please use a javascript enabled browser .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 strict / / en\nurltoken\nlooks like krishna vamsi had zero fuqs to give while making the movie , and josh had none to give while watching the movie . hilarious review , but feel bad for josh . fullhyd critics are the heroes we don ' t deserve , but the ones we need right now . wish you a speedy recovery , josh !\nhaha . . been a while , man . watched anything good of late ?\nlol . this is fun josh . was waiting for this review : ) i gave up on krishna vamsi after samudram . - hari .\ni ' m personally very fond of khadgam , hari . murari as also after samudram . but yeah , nothing apart from these two .\ni never liked krishna vamsi . he makes loud cringeworthy films . he has zero respect to his heroines . he makes them dance around in bikinis , he makes his heroes grope them and sexually harass them in the name of wooing . and then preaches the greatness and of women . . hypocrite .\none of these lines look awfully familiar . . . best review i ' ve read possibly ever . thanks for the laugh , josh .\ndoes anyone have the balls to watch and review this film ? rip to whichever reviewer has to sit through this torture .\ni ' m in bengaluru for a friend ' s wedding , kanye . i made time and went to the theatres for reviewing this one . twice . because the showa got cancelled . i ' ve spent more on the cab trying to catch the film before some gentle soul let me know that the film just didn ' t release in bengaluru . if it ' s playing in hyderabad i ' ll likely catch it on monday .\ncant wait for the review ! in the theatre now . . about half an hour in . . and its nothing less than torture !\nto preserve integrity , urltoken allows ratings / comments only with a valid email . your comments will be accepted once you give your email , and will be deleted if the email is not authenticated within 24 hours .\n\u00a9 copyright 1999 - 2009 lrr technologies ( hyderabad ) , pvt ltd . all rights reserved . fullhyd , fullhyderabad , welcome to the neighbourhood are trademarks of lrr technologies ( hyderabad ) pvt ltd . the textual , graphic , audio and audiovisual material in this site is protected by copyright law . you may not copy , distribute , or use this material except as necessary for your personal , non - commercial use . any trademarks are the properties of their respective owners . more on hyderabad , india . jobs in hyderabad .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 strict / / en\nurltoken\ngautham vasudev menon ( born 25 february 1973 ) , more commonly known as gautham menon , is an indian film director , producer and writer who works predominantly in tamil cinema . he has also directed hindi and telugu films , which are remakes of his tamil films . many of his films have been critically acclaimed , most notably his semi - autobiographical films vaaranam aayiram ( 2008 ) and vinnaithaandi varuvaayaa ( 2010 ) and his thrillers kaakha kaakha ( 2003 ) , vettaiyaadu vilaiyaadu ( 2006 ) and yennai arindhaal ( 2015 ) . vaaranam aayiram won the national film award for best feature film in tamil . menon produces films through his london stock exchange - listed photon kathaas film production company and his production thanga meengal ( 2013 ) won the national film award for best feature film in tamil .\nmenon was born to a malayali father and tamil mother on 25 february 1973 in ottapalam a town in palakkad district of kerala . although , born in kerala he grew up in chennai , tamil nadu . he studied mechanical engineering in mookambigai college of engineering , pudukkottai ."]} {"id": 114580, "summary": [{"text": "santa fe saddlemates is a 1945 american western film directed by thomas carr and written by bennett cohen .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "starring sunset carson , linda stirling , olin howland , roy barcroft , bud geary and kenne duncan , it was released on june 2 , 1945 , by republic pictures . ", "topic": 19}], "title": "santa fe saddlemates", "paragraphs": ["we don ' t have enough data to suggest any movies based on santa fe saddlemates . you can help by rating movies you ' ve seen .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nyour social account may not have provided your email to us . please confirm or enter it below to complete your profile .\nwe found your email in our system . please provide your site password to link to your existing account .\nforgot your password ? enter your email address and we ' ll send you instructions on how to access your account .\nwe have not verified that the email belongs to you . please check your inbox for the verification email .\nto resend the verification email , please enter your email address and click submit .\ngovernor price ( frank jaquet ) sends sunset carson ( sunset carson ) to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton ( linda stirling ) is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on the smuggling story . by posing as an expected outlaw named brazos kane ( kenne duncan ) , sunset becomes a member of the gang . ann discovers his real identity and purpose but conceals her knowledge , even from him .\nleonard maltin classic movie guide , copyright 2005 , 2010 . used by arrangement with penguin group ( usa ) inc .\ntm & \u00a9 2018 turner classic movies , inc . a time warner company . all rights reserved . code of conduct for this site | press room | privacy policy | | terms of use\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\ngovernor price sends sunset carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on . . . see full summary \u00bb\ngo behind the scenes of the mission : impossible movies , check out the latest videos and trailers , and see which spy movies topped the box office in our mission : impossible guide .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\ngovernor price sends sunset carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on the smuggling story . by posing as an expected outlaw named brazos kane , sunset becomes a member of the gang . ann discovers his real identity and purpose but conceals her knowledge , even from him .\nwhen sunset is talking with spur in the corral , a car can be seen driving in the background .\n1 of 1 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nsmuggling ring baffles border patrol . . . until\nsunset\ncomes along ! ( original print ad )\ngovernor price sends sunset carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on . . .\na long time ago , when i wanted to become a journalist , i wrote a paper about journalists in movies . first , \u2026\n: you know , pals , er , buddies , er , ah . . .\n: on one condition . you have to change that name of yours . now let ' s see , ah , killer ? ripper ? slugger ? well , how about dead eye ?\n: look , dead eye , this is my chance to talk to loder . bring your potatoes around to the front of the barn and keep watch . if anyone comes , whistle .\nyou don ' t have to be a genius to sound like one . here ' s a collection of the most profound and provocative wit and wisdom in the english language in two lines or less . edited by entrepreneur john m . shanahan , who created the wildly successful hooked on phonics program , this wonderful book presents the best that has been thought and said on every imaginable topic .\norganized by author or category for your pleasure and convenience . we now have over two million\n, which is , by far , the largest collection of famous quotes on the web . we have also selectively chosen a large collection of\nto help motivate and brighten your day . many of our more popular author webpages include :\nif you have any suggestions for improving our site . now over 750 , 000 movie quotes & tv quotes .\na group of smugglers is tailed by carson , a us marshal operating incognito as an outlaw . he ' s assisted by reporter stirling , and plenty of action later the bad guys are in the pokey . routine fare for republic ' s would - be star carson . his baby face and high vocal timbre just weren ' t right for a cowboy hero , but somehow he worked for two years grinding out . . . read more\nreview : a group of smugglers is tailed by carson , a us marshal operating incognito as an outlaw . he ' s assisted by reporter stirling , and plenty of action later the bad guys are in the pokey . routine fare for republic ' s would - be star carson . his baby face and high\u2026 ( more )\nthere was a problem completing your request . please try your search again later .\nprime members enjoy free two - day shipping and exclusive access to music , movies , tv shows , original audio series , and kindle books .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\nhave you seen this film ? we would love to see your review . submit your review for this film\nnndb has added thousands of bibliographies for people , organizations , schools , and general topics , listing more than 50 , 000 books and 120 , 000 other kinds of references . they may be accessed by the\nbibliography\ntab at the top of most pages , or via the\nrelated topics\nbox in the sidebar . please feel free to suggest books that might be critical omissions .\ngovernor price sends sunset carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on . . . see more \u00bb\ngovernor price sends sunset carson to investigate a smuggling ring which is baffling the border patrol . newspaper woman ann morton is working incognito in the saloon waiting for a break on the smuggling story . by posing as an expected outlaw named brazos kane , sunset becomes a member of the gang . ann discovers his real identity and purpose but conceals her knowledge , even from him . written by les adams\nwhen sunset is talking with spur in the corral , a car can be seen driving in the background . see more \u00bb\ncan ' t find a movie or tv show ? login to create it .\nby signing up for an account on tmdb , you can post directly to twitter and facebook .\nyou need to be logged in to continue . click here to login or here to sign up .\naided by a woman reporter , a government agent poses as an outlaw to break up a new mexico smuggling ring ."]} {"id": 114581, "summary": [{"text": "the rebel is a 1993 italian drama film , originally released as based on the novel ' storia di enza ' , which was written and adapted by the film 's director , aurelio grimaldi .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "it stars spanish actress pen\u00e9lope cruz .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "it also features stefano dionisi , lorenza indovina and marco leonardi .", "topic": 1}, {"text": "in italian , the language the film was originally released in , the film is titled la ribelle . ", "topic": 7}], "title": "the rebel ( 1993 film )", "paragraphs": ["1993 \u2013 san rafael redevelopment agency and film institute of northern california ( now the california film institute ) join forces to revive theater .\nthe rebel ( 1932 film ) , a german film directed by edwin h . knopf , curtis bernhardt and luis trenker\nwith the headline : review / film ; if you can ' t conform , rebel .\nmodel : eos 500 ( other markets outside japan & north america ) , rebel xs ( north american market ) , eos kiss ( japanese domestic market ) marketed : september 1993 variant : eos rebel x - no built - in flash ( north american market only ) . marketed : november 1993\nthe rebel ( 1933 film ) , an english - language version of the 1932 film directed by edwin h . knopf and luis trenker and starring luis trenker , vilma b\u00e1nky and victor varconi\nthe rebel ( 1915 film ) , directed by j . e . mathews and starring allen doone , from the play the rebels by james b . fagan\nnote that there are many different models that are called\ncanon eos rebel something\n, and some of them use different kinds of batteries . for example , eos rebel xs seems to use cr123a batteries while eos rebel 2000 uses cr2 batteries ( both of these models are 35mm film cameras ) .\n1995 \u2013 san rafael planning commission votes unanimously to approve the rafael film center project .\nthe california film institute is a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) non - profit organization .\n2003 \u2013 april , name changed to christopher b . smith rafael film center .\na us marine sniper is partnered with a swat member to take out rebel leaders in the jungles of panama .\ncanon ae - 1 35mm film camera w / 50mm 1 : 1 . 8 lens\ni have a canon eos rebel 35mm film camera for my photography class and i need a battery , it didn ' t come with one . what battery do i need to buy ?\nthe christopher b . smith rafael film center has been a recognizable landmark in downtown san rafael since the early 20th century .\nthanks for the information . i have two canon rebel bodies with no other identification . i will find the 2cr5 battery and see if it will fit .\nnot the answer you ' re looking for ? browse other questions tagged canon film battery or ask your own question .\nthis film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are . see what\u2019s now showing\n* * * price drop ! ! * * * beautiful canon eos rebel ii film camera with speedlite 200e flash and canon zoom lens ef 35 - 80mm , in perfect condition , rarely used . needs batteries . \u20ac85 ono\ncanon eos rebel sl2 dslr camera with ef - s 18 - 55mm stm lens , sandisk 64gb memory car . . .\ncanon eos rebel t6 dslr camera kit , efs 18 - 55mm , memory card , tripod & accessory bu . . .\n3 . do you agree that racism played a role in the international community ' s failure to act to stop the genocide , as the un colonel says ? the film makes no mention of other possible contributing factors , such as the disastrous u . s . humanitarian intervention in somalia in 1993 , less than a year before , which ended after a u . s . helicopter was shot down and the bodies of u . s . soldiers were dragged through the streets of mogadishu . does this justify the u . s . and the un ' s refusal to intervene ?\ncanon eos rebel t6i 24 . 2 mp digital slr camera 18 - 55mm stm lens + canon ef 75 - 300mm . . .\ncanon eos rebel xs 35mm slr camera with ef 35 - 80mm f / 4 - 5 . 6 iii lens ( discontinued by manufacturer )\ncanon eos rebel t7i dslr camera + canon ef - s 18 - 55mm is stm lens + canon ef 75 - 300m . . .\nherman ,\na gently charming film of only moderate weight , was one of last year ' s academy award nominees in the best foreign film category , where the choice of nominees has been quite controversial in recent years .\nherman\nonly adds fuel to that fire . herman\ncanon eos rebel t7i digital slr camera + ef - s 18 - 55mm is stm lens + ef - s 55 - 250mm i . . .\na soviet special forces soldier is sent on a mission to infiltrate an african rebel army and assassinate its leader , but the war machine they trained starts to think for himself .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\ncanon eos rebel t7i digital slr camera with ef - s 18 - 55mm f / 4 - 5 . 6 is stm lens + 58mm . . .\ncanon rebel xs dslr camera with ef - s 18 - 55mm f / 3 . 5 - 5 . 6 is lens ( black ) ( old model )\nthe film is a remake of\nthe return of martin guerre ,\na fine french film from the early 1980s , which starred gerard depardieu and nathalie baye in the story of a rural woman who waits many years for her husband to return from the war . when he finally does return , he seems like a different man . he is kinder , gentler , a better lover , and she gradually forgets the husband she had learned to fear .\nthe plot unfolds with elements that would be at home in a frank capra movie , which reitman crosses here with some sly political satire . but the heart of the film is really the relationship between dave and the first lady , who wander about their cavernous and lonely quarters in the white house like a couple of moonstruck teenagers .\ndolph lundgren and matt battaglia both appeared in the universal soldier film franchise , albeit not in the same films . dolph appeared in the original and two sequels years later while matt appeared in two sequels produced for showtime that were later labeled non - canon .\nthe courtroom scenes , intended as the climax of the film , must be seen to be believed . the fate of the gere character swings back and forth , complicated because he would rather be convicted of a crime in his new identity than found innocent in his old one . the truth is manifestly clear to everyone in the courtroom , and the judge ( james earl jones ) should declare a mistrial instead of allowing the plot to creak to its melodramatic conclusion .\nanother historical inaccuracy in the film concerns its portrayal of the leader of the unamir mission . in hotel rwanda , he is colonel oliver , a fictional character based on lieutenant general romeo dallaire . to see dallaire ' s version of events as well as his struggle and work after the genocide , we suggest reading shake hands with the devil or watching the documentary based off the book and his experiences .\n1 . at the beginning of the film , paul places far greater value on protecting his family than protecting his neighbors . but as the film progresses his sense of obligation to his neighbors and his countrymen deepens . indeed , rather than abandon the refugees he is sheltering , he sends his family to safety while he stays behind . is his decision the morally right one ? in making decisions , how much weight should one give to the welfare of one ' s family compared to the welfare of one ' s neighbors ? how much weight should governments give to the welfare of foreign peoples compared to that of their own citizens ?\n4 . the film shows that there was a close relationship between the french and hutu governments , even while the killings were going on . on the tenth anniversary of the genocide , rwanda ' s president accused the french of consciously training and arming the hutus , knowing that they would massacre tutsis . the french deny this , yet it is indisputable that france was the rwandan government ' s number - one supplier of weapons . does this fact alone make france more culpable for the genocide than the rest of the international community ? how should responsibility be allocated for what happened , both inside and outside rwanda ?\nkids all over the world and all through time want to rebel . peter muller ( robert sean leonard ) and thomas berger ( christian bale ) are two such young men whose rebellion against the conformity of nazi germany took the form of a love of american swing music , british fashion , and harlem slang . but when an innocent prank forces peter into the hitler youth , their friendship and their loyalties are put to the test against the seductive power of nazism .\nin nazi germany , the youth of the nation were pressed into joining the pro - nazi youth league called the\nhitlerjugend\n, or hitler youth . a group of rebel teenagers , however , chose to defy nazi directives and grew their hair long and listened to american music while calling themselves the\nswing kids .\nthis is the story of one group of swing kids and how nazi rule and persuasion tore them apart and set them against each other .\nhad it confined itself to the isolating effects of herman ' s medical ordeal , erik gustavson ' s film would have lived up to the somber foreshadowing with which it begins . as it is ,\nherman\nfluctuates unpredictably between uplifting moments and upsetting ones , which may well have been what the director had in mind . but the effect leaves the film ultimately at cross - purposes with itself , and not easily able to generate much emotion . although young mr . lie , a feisty and earnest young actor , plays the title role with great sincerity , herman remains a mild , loosely drawn character without strong impact .\na panamanian rebel leader is meeting with his financier / drug lord . the u . s . government seeks to\ndisrupt\nthe meeting by eliminating them both . thomas beckett , an ace sniper stationed in the area , is sent to perform the mission . since his spotter was killed by a mysterious mercenary sniper , he must be accompanied by richard miller , a swat trained sniper from the national security council who has never had a kill . the two must best the jungle and complete the mission , hindered by numerous enemy patrols ,\nel - cirujano\n, a renegade american working for the enemy , the mysterious sniper , and the rough living in a dangerous jungle .\nvery good film indeed , with enza ' s searching for love , and founding it at last in the baby who grows inside . this is the first movie i saw made for aurelio grimaldi , but certainly i like it . pen\u00e9lope cruz offers a great actuation , good for her .\ncheck out highlights from some of the best recent trailers including mandy , the predator , zoe , and the king of thieves .\nthe man who has returned , of course , is not the same man who left . the woman ' s husband met this other man in the midst of war .\nmaster gunnery sergeant thomas beckett is a sniper stationed in panama . although skilled , he has lost several men under his command . beckett is teamed up with a swat member named miller , who has not earned any confirmed kills , to eliminate a top panamanian rebel leader . tensions emerge between the two on how to conduct the mission , coupled with running into numerous challenges during the mission .\na former special ops soldier leads a group of mercenaries to an island in the south china sea : their mission is obtain the rights to the unusual treasure that the island beholds .\nthis movie is based on the story of buster edwards , one of the thieves involved in\nthe great train robbery\nof 1963 .\nin that sense , his medical ordeal becomes a process of liberation , punctuated by peculiar flights of fancy . for instance , for reasons that the film never needs to explain , this norwegian boy has made zorro his imaginary playmate . his daydreams occasionally interrupt the telling of this coming - of - age story , though they rarely reveal more about the sunny , independent - minded herman than the audience already knows .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nspain in the mid - seventeenth century . a series of bloody wars has ravaged the nation . don juan the nobleman and his valet , sganarelle , roam the countryside on horseback , on the run and lost . . . see full summary \u00bb\nbasically the story of a man forced to finally see the injustice around him . riley\u2019s movie is designed to do the same thing to you . \u2026\nhotel rwanda tells the true story of one man ' s courage in the midst of this genocide .\nprior to belgian colonial rule , it seems that were distinctions between hutu and tutsi , but they were primarily economic rather than racial . the tutsis were the aristocracy and the hutu were the common people . it was not impossible to change status , and\nbecome\na powerful tutsi ( which means\nrich in cattle\n) or an ordinary hutu . the belgians heavily favored the tutsis and exacerbated and codified the formerly flexible divide between the two groups . for a good explanation of the genocide and what led up to it , see the history section of the human rights watch report , leave none to tell the story .\nshake hands with the devil : the failure of humanity in rwanda lt . gen . romeo dallaire , former un commander dallaire recalls the agony of not being able to take action to halt the rwandan genocide because he lacked the requisite authority as well as manpower and equipment . in essence , he lacked the support of the international community . ( public affairs talk , january 2003 )\nthe young nobleman calisto falls in love with melibea , the daughter of a rich merchant . calisto ' s servant sempronio suggests they get the sorceress celestina to further the romance . however . . . see full summary \u00bb\nfilms about illness almost always take stronger attitudes toward their subjects than\nherman\ndoes . this norwegian film , which opened yesterday at the 68th street playhouse , adopts a strangely whimsical , erratic tone as it tells of the title character , a handsome 11 - year - old boy ( anders danielson lie ) who reveals his medical condition in his first moments on screen .\nlow budget , c list actors , expanses of wide open scenery but for all that a really good film . there are some parallels with vanishing point but generally stands out on its own . dolf does a reasonable job but the character just isn ' t believable . just a note all the cars used are replicas , but then what a crime it would be if they were real . just ordered it on dvd from the us hope it is better than the uk video release was as the quality of that was the worst i had ever come across . looking for something to kill a couple of hours and enjoy car chases then add this to the list of classics : bullit , the hidden , ronin , taxi , gone in 60 seconds , the rock , vanishing point .\nas the violence worsens , the un withdraws most of its peacekeeping force ( there to implement the arusha accords that ended the civil war ) , leaving roughly 300 soldiers behind . foreign governments send in troops , but only to evacuate their citizens , many of whom are guests at the hotel . the head of the un peacekeeping force , distraught over the withdrawal of his troops , tells paul to look at himself from a western perspective to try and understand why the international community has abandoned them\u2014because they are african .\nthe tough and cold mercenary warchild , is working for the man who took care of his war training and upbringing , the greedy general ruechang . ruechang is planning to take over the country by . . . see full summary \u00bb\ntough guy thomas beckett is a us marine working in the panamanian jungle . his job is to seek out rebels and remove them using his sniper skills . beckett is notorious for losing his partners on such missions . this time he ' s accompanied by crack marksman richard miller , who ' s more of an office - type . together they plan to seek out an important rebel leader , whilst avoiding a rogue marksman who frequents this part of the jungle .\nit ' s said alfred hitchcock wanted his tombstone to read ,\nyou see what will happen if you are a bad boy .\nthe same stone could adorn\nethan frome ,\na film on unrelieved dreariness in which love is erased by its worst enemy , irony . this is the kind of movie they used to show us in high school english class , where it gave literature a bad name .\nalmost 2 years after the question was asked , i suspect that they ' ve found the batteries they need . . .\na young englishman marries a glamorous american . when he brings her home to meet the parents , she arrives like a blast from the future - blowing their entrenched british stuffiness out the window .\nthe history of the peoples of rwanda and its neighboring countries is complex and disputed , so inevitably this movie contains some simplifications .\na problem from hell : america and the age of genocide samantha power , harvard university why did the united states largely ignore the rwandan genocide and yet devote endless time to the contemporaneous bosnian crisis ? according to samantha power , the reason is\npolitics , politics , politics .\n( public affairs talk , april 2002 )\ni cannot discuss this plot intelligently without revealing a secret , the same secret carelessly revealed in the trailers and tv commercials for the movie . do not read further if you have so far escaped this information .\nwhen a terrorist group steals the us president ' s personal communications computer for launching the us arsenal in case of war , only a heroic major has the key to prevent a presidential assassination or a nuclear holocaust .\nnot love just frenzy is a fast and funny adventure through the wild euro club scene in the style of the scandalous pedro almodovar ! a group of hot and horny twentysomething friends looking . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthey shared secrets and confidences together . then the husband was killed , and the man was inspired to a deception - to return to the dead man ' s hearth , home and wife , and take his place .\nherman ,\nwhich has a jolly , genial manner during many of its domestic scenes ( and an unduly playful one when it jokes too heartily over herman ' s giving a urine specimen during a medical exam ) , has been made with competence and care . its look evokes a strenuously cheerful culture very like that seen on american television shows , particularly those with an inspirational edge . as herman ' s parents , elisabeth sand and bjorn floberg generate a mixture of love and concern that would be appropriate for any character of herman ' s tender age , with or without his health problems . also briefly in the film is a little girl on whom herman has a schoolboy crush - - and whose full , gorgeous head of red hair is a cruel reminder of his own situation . their final scene together gives the film one of its stronger grace notes .\nthe overall tone of the movie , directed by john madden , is reverent - too reverent . he seems to feel that the source material speaks for itself , as if an audience would be impressed by the story simply because wharton took it seriously enough to tell it . but madden doesn ' t give us a reason to see the movie instead of reading the book , and\nethan frome\nis a very long slog through grim pastures .\nfor instance , a conversation between a journalist and a rwandan at the hotel bar gives the impression that there were no social distinctions between hutus and tutsis in rwanda before belgian colonial rule . the reality was not so simple .\nwe also almost believe the way the movie resolves everything ; there ' s poetic justice in the way both private and public agendas are fulfilled . much depends on the supporting performances , and langella is superb as the oily manipulator who thinks he can run the country as a puppet - master . i also enjoyed kevin dunn as langella ' s right - hand man , kingsley as a vice president of great dignity and forbearance , and the always dependable charles grodin in a small but essential role as dave ' s best friend .\nsommersby\nis a square peg pounded into a round hole - or , more exactly , a medieval european story that has been unsuccessfully updated to the period of the american civil war . the plot hinges on a deception that was just barely believable when set at the time of the hundred years ' war , where it could play off the superstition that a man might be transformed by war . in its present version is not believable at all .\npaul rusesabagina , a manager at a belgian - owned luxury hotel in kigali , rwanda ' s capital , is as skilled at pleasing the hotel ' s ( mostly white ) guests as he is at currying favor with the rwandan army officers who frequent the hotel bar and the local businessmen with whom he deals . paul , a hutu , is married to a tutsi and his children are considered mixed . when the mass killings begin , paul ' s tutsi neighbors rush for safety to his house . reluctantly , paul takes them in and bribes a rwandan army officer to allow him to bring them to the hotel . this is only the beginning of the flood of refugees to come to the hotel . in total , the number of tutsis and moderate hutus sheltering in the hotel and its grounds would rise to over 1 , 000 .\nas a novel , ethan frome can grow on you , because of wharton ' s quiet passion . this movie version , however , doesn ' t find a cinematic equivalent of wharton ' s style , trusting that the story and the acting will interest us . the problem is that the story , simply as a story , is a forlorn and cheerless morality tale . we drag our feet on the way out of the theater or make unkind jokes about poor ethan .\na close - knit group of young kids in nazi germany listen to banned swing music from the us . soon dancing and fun lead to more difficult choices as the nazis begin tightening the grip on germany . each member of the group is forced to face some tough choices about right , wrong , and survival .\nwhither the responsibility to protect ? humanitarian intervention and the 2005 world summit alex j . bellamy , university of queensland this article examines how consensus was reached on the responsibility to protect , given continuing hostility to humanitarian intervention expressed by many ( if not most ) of the world\u2019s states and whether the consensus will contribute to avoiding future kosovos and rwandas . ( ethics & international affairs , summer 2006 )\nbearing witness to genocide : rwanda , darfur , and the implications for future peacekeeping operations lt . gen . romeo dallaire , former un commander in 1994 , general dallaire was the commander of the un assistance mission to rwanda and powerless to stop the massacre of 800 , 000 people , who were slaughtered in 100 days . yet just as in rwanda , the un is reluctant to use the word\ngenocide\nto describe darfur . ( public affairs talk , february 2005 )\non july 23 of 1802 , the duchess of alba , the richest and most liberated woman of her time , offers a gala to inaugurate her new palace . attendance is extraordinary : the prime minister manuel . . . see full summary \u00bb\nboth kline and weaver are good at playing characters of considerable intelligence , and that ' s the case here . the movie may be built on subtle variations of the idiot plot ( in which the characters skillfully avoid tripping over obvious conclusions ) , but they bring such particular qualities to their characters that we almost believe them .\njack caine ( dolph lundgren ) is a houston vice cop who ' s forgotten the rule book . his self - appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier victor manning . whilst . . . see full summary \u00bb\n1997 \u2013 construction on rafael begins under the direction of nationally renowned architect mark cavagnero .\nduring the garage shootout , santee fires eight shots from a six - shooter revolver .\na tribute to the late tab hunter , a gay matinee idol and hollywood trailblazer .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nan interview with terry gilliam , director of\nthe man who killed don quixote .\ndave dimly understands that this is wrong , but allows himself to be persuaded , and settles into the role with great enjoyment . we in the audience are waiting to see how long it will take the first lady to catch on , and one of the movie ' s charms is the way it toys with our expectations . ellen mitchell , as played by weaver , is a smart and proud woman with a good heart ; she detests mitchell ' s two - timing politics and personal infidelity , and spends so little time with him that perhaps langella can make the deception work .\nstory of the ways in which insurance investigator roland copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous games and gimmicks . eventually he becomes involved in an . . . see full summary \u00bb\ndave\ntakes that old plot about an ordinary person who is suddenly thrust into a position of power , and finds a fresh way to tell it . the movie ' s about a nice guy who runs an employment agency and is otherwise undistinguished , except that he happens to look exactly like the president of the united states . when the president wants to sneak away for a quickie with his mistress , he is recruited by the secret service to act as a stand - in . then the president has a stroke , and dave is hired on a more or less permanent basis .\nwhat does\ninternational justice\nlook like in post - genocide rwanda ? aloysius habimana , rwandese league for the promotion and defense of human rights , rwanda\nthe [ un ] tribunal can make a difference for the future of human rights in rwanda by exposing the truth of the genocide : it was not a result of ancient , tribal hatred , but rather a carefully planned exploitation of ethnic differences by rulers seeking to hold onto their power .\n( human rights dialogue , spring 2000 )\n1920 \u2013 the orpheus theater opens , priding itself on \u201cshowing pictures of merit and musical selections . \u201d\ntwo drag performers and a transgender woman travel across the desert to perform their unique style of cabaret .\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\ndirected by erik gustavson ; written by lars saabye christensen ; director of photography , kjell vassdal ; music by randall meyers ; produced by petter j . borgli ; released by herman films through rko pictures distribution . at the 68th street playhouse , third avenue at 68th street , manhattan . running time : 100 minutes . this film has no rating . herman . . . anders danielson lie herman ' s grandfather . . . frank robert herman ' s mother . . . elisabeth sand jacobson . . . kar remlow mrs . jacobson . . . sassen krohg fatso the barber . . . harold hude steen jr . herman ' s father . . . bjorn floberg panten . . . jarl kulle\nurltoken the responsibility to protect - engaging civil society project works to advance responsibility to protect ( r2p ) and to promote concrete policies to better enable governments , regional organizations and the un to protect vulnerable populations .\ntwo cops have to work together to bring down the yakuza , while trying to protect a beautiful woman .\nthe president is played by kevin kline , who also plays good old dave kovic , a man who cannot rest when one of his clients needs a job . he ' s thrilled when he ' s asked to stand in for the president , and enjoys the experience immensely ( who would not enjoy getting a standing ovation simply for existing ? ) . but when mitchell has his stroke , the white house chief of staff , an evil genius played by frank langella , decides not to turn over the reins of power to the vice president ( kind , decent ben kingsley ) but instead to use dave kovic as a permanent front man .\nherman has alopecia areata , a disease that has caused him to lose his hair . it has also transformed his inner life . with opening titles that evoke the robust , ski - sweater scandinavia of the 1950 ' s ,\nherman\ncan treat its young hero ' s sickness as a form of unwanted social rebellion , something that sets him in direct opposition to the conformity of the world in which he is growing up .\nstory of the ways in which insurance investigator roland copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous games and gimmicks . eventually he becomes involved in an escalating vendetta with a couple who make an unusual insurance claim .\nthe movie opens with the white house occupied by president bill mitchell , who seems to have been inspired by george bush . the first lady , ellen mitchell , played by sigourney weaver , incorporates elements of both barbara bush and hillary rodham clinton . the first marriage is over in all but name ; bill and ellen appear together in public , but hardly even talk in private , because she ' s so angry about his philandering and general wimpiness .\n5 . in 2005 , world leaders formally adopted the responsibility to protect [ r2p ] \u2014the duty to intervene in when national governments fail to fulfill their responsibility to protect their citizens from atrocious crimes\u2014and in 2006 the un security council passed resolution 1674 , which commits the council to protect civilians during armed conflicts . do you agree that under certain circumstances , r2p should override sovereignty ? can you cite any examples where r2p has been or should be implemented ?\na mysterious stranger rolls into town on a unique motorcycle . all he carries is the bible and a desire for justice . past vengeance collides as ryder rights an injustice from his past and liberates the small town from a malicious oppressor .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing the tai chi master near you .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\n2 . the un colonel tells reporters that his troops are\npeace - keepers ,\nnot\npeace - makers .\nby un mandate , un troops were permitted to use their weapons only in self - defense . if the colonel had disobeyed orders and authorized his troops to fire on interhamwe fighters , would he have done the right thing ?\nthe subtext of\ndave\nresembles the messages of many of the capra movies : if people in power only behaved sensibly and with good will , a lot of our problems would solve themselves . of course , it ' s not that simple . but watching\ndave ,\nthere were moments when i found myself asking , why isn ' t it ?\n@ johncavan - yes , but at this point the battery may be almost dead so they might need another . ; )\nset in sydney , a vibrant , colorful backdrop for a thriving , yet largely unexplored glbtiq community . our entry in to the world is innocent 19 year - old country boy jake who comes to the city . . . see full summary \u00bb\nan olympic gold medalist escapes to freedom in the us , only to be tracked down by his sadistic ex - coach .\na cia agent gets caught up in political intrigue after he gets brought in to solve the murder of a cuban ambassador .\nfrome is at first too conventional , and too dominated by his wife , to make a move . but finally , after a church dance , he realizes he has lost his heart to her , and they fall in love . they even , in fact , spend one evening in perfect happiness , before the avenging mrs . frome banishes the girl from the farm .\nand then , in a famous scene that had great popularity at the time of the book ' s first publication , ethan and mattie are punished for daring to be happy , and their brief moment of paradise turns into a lifetime of penance .\npablo hates everything . when lucia comes into his life , he thinks she ' s the woman he dreams of , and sees the solution to all his problems . but lucia , who is rather manipulating , is just . . . see full summary \u00bb\nin ( pre ) world war ii germany , swing music becomes the underground movement of young people . two engineering students attempt to be swing kids by night and hitler youth by day . the impact of this decision is felt acutely by their friends and families . a charming ss officer complicates matters for peter , whose father was taken away for defending his jewish colleagues at the university .\nthe literature in this case is a 1911 novella by edith wharton ( 1862 - 1937 ) , who set her story in a bleak new england village . a young minister , new in town , is struck by the sight of ethan frome limping awkwardly through the snow . he hires frome for his driver , but discovers next to nothing about him until one day when he is invited into frome ' s house and glimpses what he thinks is frome ' s wife , an invalid , in the next room .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\na framed prison escapee unknowingly kidnaps a female cop en - route to a rendezvous with the corrupt cop who put him behind bars .\nthe ebert club is our hand - picked selection of content for ebert fans . you will receive a weekly newsletter full of movie - related tidbits , articles , trailers , even the occasional streamable movie . club members also get access to our members - only section on urltoken\nit is an interesting question in\nthe return of martin guerre\nas to how deceived the wife really is . there is a point , of course , when she knows this man is not her husband , but chooses to keep that fact to herself because he is such a vast improvement on his husband - and because she has fallen in love . but a jealous former suitor and other nosey townspeople eventually guess the secret , and there is an ecclesiastical trial . in\nsommersby ,\nthis delicate structure of deception and romance is never convincing in the first place , and although richard gere and jodie foster do what they can with the characters , the final courtroom scene disintegrates into plot twists so agonizing that all credibility flies away . gere is presented as a man who hopes to redeem himself by being true to his new identity and denying his former life - but the price he pays for his honor is so extreme that we cannot accept it .\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\nhere he is defeated by his hapless character . the characters in\nethan frome\nhave different values and options than modern characters - or most of the members of a typical movie audience - but that isn ' t a problem if the filmmakers give those values weight and importance . somehow\nethan frome\nseems more acted against than acting , more of a passive victim of his own mopery than a tragic hero .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nwe are continually improving the quality of our text archives . please send feedback , error reports , and suggestions to archive _ feedback @ nytimes . com .\na tough ex - u . s . marine journalist battles against time to save the lives of thousands of innocent people after uncovering a complex terrorist plot .\nwellman santee ( dolph lundgren ) a former race car driver , whose livelihood is transporting exotic stolen super cars , is involved , with his partner eddie , in shoot out , resulting in the deaths of his friend and a highway cop . santee is framed for the cop ' s murder and jailed in a maximum security prison . a few months later , santee breaks out after narrowly escaping an attempt on his life . he reaches a local diner where he steals a car , abducts the owner , rita and flees , completely unaware that is hostage is a deputy sheriff . a massive manhunt ensues , spearheaded by lt . severance a tough , obessive cop . santee leads the detective and his men on a dramatic high speed chase , from the desert wilderness to the streets of downtown los angeles . santee ' s out to clear his name and when it comes to getting even , he ' s taking revenge into overdrive . . .\na computer specialist is sued for sexual harassment by a former lover turned boss who initiated the act forcefully , which threatens both his career and his personal life .\nenza , 16 , a drop out , is arrested with her older sister , rosaria , for shoplifting . they\u2019re sent to a reformatory run by hard - nosed nuns . the girls tease enza because she\u2019s a virgin . so , on the first sunday she\u2019s allowed a pass , she goes to bed with a young street vendor .\na con artist escapes a deal gone wrong in new york and winds up in the aussie outback in a strange town whose inhabitants are an oddball collection of misfits .\nroger ebert ' s speech on empathy for the\n11th hour\nseries on april 9th , 1994 , being republished here in honor of his birthday june 18 .\nglobal governance and genocide in rwanda anthony f . lang , jr , st andrews university in this review essay , lang writes :\nread together , [ these books ] make a fairly convincing case that the un was indeed responsible for failing to stop the genocide in rwanda .\n( ethics & international affairs , spring 2002 )\nthis shopping feature will continue to load items . in order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading .\nneeson , in the title role , is an effective actor who in movies as different as\ndarkman\nand\nhusbands and wives\nhas shown a wry intelligence .\na private eye shadows a female serial killer of men all over the u . s . without her knowing as he , strangely enough , occasionally acts as her guardian angel .\nit is not that simple . as mrs . hale , the local landlady , retails old scandals to the rev . smith , we see in flashback a doomed love story . many years earlier , frome ( liam neeson ) married an older local woman ( joan allen ) , who grew cranky and bitter , and was a martyr to her hypochondria . frome labored to wrest a living from the hard land , and was relieved when a young cousin , mattie ( patricia arquette ) , came to work and live with them .\nstack exchange network consists of 174 q & a communities including stack overflow , the largest , most trusted online community for developers to learn , share their knowledge , and build their careers .\nthomas beckett is a no - nonsense marine . he is a gunnery master sergeant\ngunny ,\nwith lots of wear and tear , specializing in carrying point on two - man sniper teams in the jungles of panama . a veteran sniper , gunny has at least 74 confirmed kills . in his long career , he lost several spotters ; he carries these marine ' s spare dog tags on a ring which he employs like worry beads . some marines believe beckett is callous about his lost comrades , but the dog tags are like metal scabs over wounds that will never totally heal . on a particularly vital mission , beckett has to team with richard miller , a wet - behind - the - ears nsa desk jockey . the feds believe the hype that he is a crack shot due to an olympic silver medal , but gunny can figuratively smell his inexperience . gunny is certain when miller takes credit for a kill he did not complete . beckett immediately assesses that miller has never had a single kill . although miller tries to pull rank on beckett , gunny treats him like a young puppy , but without using a rolled - up newspaper . the sniper code is\none kill , one shot .\nthe real question is : who is going to get shot and who is going to kill ?\na ten - years - later continuation of hal hartley ' s\nhenry fool\n, where fay grim ( posey ) is coerced by a cia agent ( goldblum ) to try and locate notebooks that belonged to her fugitive ex - husband ( ryan ) . published in them is information that could compromises the security of the u . s . , causing fay to first head to paris to fetch them . . .\na group of doctors in a veteran ' s hospital must contend with their hopeless situation : too many patients and not enough beds . the main cause of their problems is bureaucratic . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthere has been a trend in recent years toward remaking successful foreign films , especially french ones , as if they would benefit from an american setting and the english language . this remake was a bad idea that only got worse .\nsponsored products are advertisements for products sold by merchants on amazon . com . when you click on a sponsored product ad , you will be taken to an amazon detail page where you can learn more about the product and purchase it .\npablo knows already , in his twenties , what he wants from life : to become a musician , be likeable to his mother , and find a lovely , faithful and nice boy to share the rest of his life with . . . . see full summary \u00bb\nenza , 16 , a drop out , is arrested with her older sister , rosaria , for shoplifting . they ' re sent to a reformatory run by hard - nosed nuns . the girls tease enza because she ' s a virgin . so , on the first sunday she ' s allowed a pass , she goes to bed with sebastiano , a young street vendor who chats her up . enza thinks it ' s love , but when the authorities ask him if he wants her to live with him , he says no . on her next visit home , enza meets franchino . he seems nicer and passes her test : he sleeps beside her but keeps his hands off . this must be love , she thinks . then , through her sister , she sees another side of franchino . now pregnant , enza has major , long - term decisions to make .\nenza , 16 , a drop out , is arrested with her older sister , rosaria , for shoplifting . they ' re sent to a reformatory run by hard - nosed nuns . the girls tease enza because she ' s a virgin . so , on . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthank you for your interest in this question . because it has attracted low - quality or spam answers that had to be removed , posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site ( the association bonus does not count ) . would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead ?\nthis site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings . by using our site , you acknowledge that you have read and understand our cookie policy , privacy policy , and our terms of service . your use of stack overflow\u2019s products and services , including the stack overflow network , is subject to these policies and terms .\nwhen i first heard this story line , i imagined that\ndave\nwould be completely predictable . i was wrong . the movie is more proof that it isn ' t what you do , it ' s how you do it : ivan reitman ' s direction and gary ross ' screenplay use intelligence and warmhearted sentiment to make\ndave\ninto wonderful lighthearted entertainment .\nurltoken uses cookies to give you the best possible experience when using our service ; to offer additional functionality , to personalise content and advertising , to analyse our traffic , and to provide social media features . we also share information about your use of our service with our partners . by continuing to use our site we\u2019ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on urltoken . please read our\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nare you ready for skyscraper ? we are ! see which other movies and tv shows we ' re excited about .\nthree women from three different generations and walks of life find themselves in a very hot , semi - deserted spanish town . patricia is a 17 year old roaming spain in search for a certain man . . . see full summary \u00bb\nmadrid , 1974 . former women ' s jail of yeserias . lucia , a girl well situated in society , is condemned to spend ten years in jail due to her relation with a politic militant against franco ' s . . . see full summary \u00bb\nbrazilian chef isabella oliveira moves to san francisco when her husband , frustrated by her motion sickness , cheats on her .\n2 of 5 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nnobody rated this ? it ' s hard to find with eng subs , i saw it on serbian tv - it ' s super fun and i warmly recommend it .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 strict / / en\nurltoken\nurltoken no longer supports internet explorer 9 or earlier . please upgrade your browser .\naccessibility concerns ? email us at accessibility @ urltoken . we would love to hear from you .\ncherry blossoms by gordon submit your photo hall of fame please participate in meta and help us grow .\nused & new ( 6 ) from $ 86 . 65 + $ 5 . 14 shipping\ncanon eos 80d digital slr kit with ef - s 18 - 55mm f / 3 . 5 - 5 . 6 image stabilization stm l . . .\namazonbasics usb 2 . 0 cable - a - male to mini - b - 3 feet ( 0 . 9 meters )\ncanon eos 5d mark iv dslr camera body + 5d iv camera grip + 64gb memory card + micr . . ."]} {"id": 114582, "summary": [{"text": "the clock is an art installation by video artist christian marclay .", "topic": 11}, {"text": "it is a looped 24-hour montage that functions as a clock .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "its scenes are selected from cinema and television history , with real-time references to the time of day .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "marclay developed the idea for the clock while working on his 2005 piece screen play .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "with the support of the white cube gallery , he assembled a team to find footage , which he edited together over the course of three years .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "marclay debuted the clock at white cube 's london gallery in 2010 .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "the work garnered critical praise , winning the golden lion at the 2011 venice biennale .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "its six editions were purchased by major museums , allowing it to attract a widespread following . ", "topic": 13}], "title": "the clock ( 2010 film )", "paragraphs": ["christian _ marclay _ the _ clock _ 2010 _ a3 _ 1 _ web . jpg\nit\u2019s in the film of 2010 that the big world - saving stakes come to the forefront . and the film updates that final message , too :\nchristian marclay \u2019s acclaimed installation the clock 2010 has captivated audiences across the world from new york to moscow .\n62 ) in may 2010 drew barrymore was announced as the director of a loose sequel to the film , surrender dorothy .\nadmission to the clock during regular museum hours , the clock is included in the price of museum admission .\n\u2014\u2014\u2014 . \u201cmichael snow : screen writing . \u201d switch 3 , spring 2010 , 8\u201315 .\ninternational astronomical union 2012 , iau astronomy for development strategic plan 2010\u20132012 . urltoken , june 2013\nthe fertility clock was developed as an educational element for the film \u201cmy future baby : breakthroughs in modern fertility\u201d .\nsitney , p . adams . \u201cstructural film . \u201d film culture 47 ( summer 1969 ) : 1\u201310 .\nstanton did voice work for the johnny depp animated film \u201crango\u201d in 2011 . in a 2010 episode of nbc\u2019s \u201cchuck , \u201d stanton reprised his \u201crepo man\u201d character .\n\u201ci am\u201d ( national award winner for best hindi language film and lyrics ) is their 3rd feature film as producers . the film project is one of india\u2019s largest crowd sourced films with 400 co producers from 40 cities across the world . i am had its canadian premier at the \u201cvancouver international film festival \u20192010\u201d . i am was also officially selected at guggenheim berlin\u2019 2010 , 59th valladolid film festival , spain 2011 and won the netpac award for best in asian cinema and special jury mention at the 15th international film festival of kerala 2010 , winner best film at the london asian film festival and continues its festival screenings . i am deals with issues and dilemmas that bruise the modern indian society . after a successful release in india , i am was released in france in 2012 by epicenter distribution .\nthe film doesn ' t say , but from earlier statements , chris nolan declared that the film is supposed to be contemporary .\nchristian marclay . video still from the clock . 2010 . single - channel video with sound , 24 hours . \u00a9 christian marclay . courtesy paula cooper gallery , new york\nchristian marclay , the clock ( 2010 ) . single - channel video installation . duration : 24 hours . courtesy white cube , london and paula cooper gallery , new york\nproducers 4th feature film project \u201cchauranga\u201d directed by bikas ranjan mishra , winner grand jury prize for best feature at iffla \u20182015 ( indian film festival of los angeles \u20182015 ) , winner best film at mami \u20182014 ( mumbai international film festival\u20192014 ) , winner incredible india award at film bazaar 2011 & goteborg international film festival script development fund as the best co production market project . the project was also selected for paris project 2012 . the film had its uae premier at the diff \u20182014 ( dubai international film festival 2014 ) as part of world cinema . in 2015 , the film was officially selected at nyff \u20182015 ( new york film festival \u20182015 ) . official selection , goteborg international film festival ( 2016 ) and cinemasia film festival , amsterdam , ( 2016 ) .\nthere is only one opening credit , the film ' s title , which does not appear until nearly 15 minutes into the film .\nowen , don , dir . toronto jazz . national film board of canada , 1964 . 16mm film , 27 min .\nmotion picture film stills or motion picture footage from films in moma ' s film collection cannot be licensed by moma / scala . for licensing motion picture film footage it is advised to apply directly to the copyright holders . for access to motion picture film stills please contact the\nnational research council 2010 , new worlds , new horizons in astronomy and astrophysics . washington , dc : the national academies press\nimage : christian marclay , details from the clock , 2010 , single - channel video , variable dimensions 16 : 9 , purchased with funds provided by steve tisch through 2011 collectors committee , the clock \u00a9 christian marclay , courtesy paula cooper gallery , new york .\n69 ) the observer music monthly voted it the greatest film soundtrack of all time .\nhe knows too much : the plot of the first film is driven by this .\n64 ) the film was deemed\nculturally significant\nby the united states library of congress , which selected it for preservation in the national film registry in 1989 .\nscarface writer oliver stone wrote the film while battling his own addiction to cocaine .\nthe film of the book : the movie was based on a comic book of the same name .\nthe first work to be presented in this space in 2014 is the clock ( 2010 ) by multidisciplinary artist christian marclay ( b . 1955 , san rafael , california ) , an artist known since the late 1970s for his exploration of the intersections between visual art , sound , film , and performance .\nchristian marclay : the clock courtesy the artist and paula cooper gallery , new york .\n, called \u201cthe clock\u201d the \u201cultimate work of appropriation art . \u201d rosalind e . krauss , the eminent art historian , hailed marclay\u2019s transformation of \u201cthe reel time of film into the real\n\u2014\u2014\u2014 . \u201cmichael snow . \u201d in 100 video artists , edited by rosa olivares , 370 . madrid : exit publicaciones , 2010 .\nboyd , d . ( 2010 ) .\nmaking sense of privacy and publicity\n. sxsw . austin , texas , march 13 .\ncopenhagen contemporary is delighted to bring swiss - american artist and composer christian marclay\u2019s the clock ( 2010 ) to scandinavia for the first time . this video installation is recognised as a contemporary masterpiece and won the golden lion at the 2011 venice biennale .\na 24 - hour montage of film clips showing the measurement of time , christian marclay\u2019s the clock has hooked viewers in london and new york . he talks to jonathan romney\n70 ) on the rotten tomatoes website , 100 % of critics give the film positive reviews .\nthe clock is a major cinematic work by new york\u2013based artist christian marclay . winner of the golden lion award at the 2011 venice biennale , the clock samples thousands of excerpts from the history of film that indicate the passage of time\u2014from clock towers to wristwatches to buzzing alarm clocks\u2014that the artist has edited together to unfold on the screen in real time as a 24 - hour montage .\ncorrects chess clock story : was 7 minutes , not 3 . had borrowed from lds member in area ; when he died , wife sent royal the chess clock .\n33 ) a recycled bit of score from the film marie antoinette ( 1938 ) can be heard during the castle escape film \u2013 the music for both films was composed by herbert stothart .\n: just about everyone in the film under the age of forty . they look at moses and the other\nbeginning december 21 , the museum will provide updates on visiting the clock , including live reports on the queue , via twitter ( @ theclockatmoma ) . tweet about the clock using the hashtag # theclockatmoma .\nin a new report , the cdc says u . s . doctors are prescribing fewer opioids than they were in 2010 , but that overall rates remain high .\nbbc news at ten article on christian marclay ' s the clock - a 24 hour film , featuring in the british art show at new exchange , nottingham and the white cube in london .\nmovies : christian marclay ' s ' the clock ' runs at lacma for . . .\nchristian marclay : the clock\nthrough june 2 at sfmoma , s . f .\nfor the new report , cdc researchers analyzed opioid prescribing patterns in the u . s . from 2006 to 2015 , including county - level prescribing from 2010 through 2015 .\nwhitelaw , anne , brian foss , and sandra paikowsky , eds . the visual arts in canada : the twentieth century . don mills : oxford university press , 2010 .\nwhereas benjamin franklin said that \u201ctime is money , \u201d marclay says in the clock that \u201ctime is meaning . \u201d whether we get a little or a lot of it , the clock reminds us that time is man - made and that , ultimately , we rule it rather than it rules us . stop watching the clock and watch the clock , if you can .\ntimepieces of all kinds are the stars of the christian marclay video \u201cthe clock , \u201d at the paula cooper gallery .\nwarning : spoiler alert ! this infographic contains details about the new space film\ninterstellar .\n21 ) in their 2007 list , the afi ranked it as the 10th greatest film of all time .\n65 ) in june 2007 , the film was listed on unesco ' s memory of the world register .\nmarclay spent three years assembling \u201cthe clock , \u201d a twenty - four - hour video collage .\n( 1 ) wallace wh , kelsey tw . human ovarian reserve from conception to the menopause . plos one . 2010 jan 27 ; 5 ( 1 ) : e8772 .\nhowever they often appear in film adaptations entitled ' alice in wonderland ' or variations thereof .\n20 ) the film is rated no 1 on the afi ' s 2008 list of the 10 greatest fantasy films .\nfor the clock , the artist edited thousands of film and television clips to form a 24 - hour montage which unfolds in real time . while constructed from a dizzying variety of periods , contexts , and film genres whose storylines seem to have shattered into a multitude of narrative shards , the clock uncannily proceeds at a unified pace as if re - ordered by the latent narrative of time itself .\n[ image : christian marclay . detail of the clock . 2010 . single - channel video with sound , 24 hours . \u00a9 christian marclay . courtesy paula cooper gallery , new york , and white cube , london . photo : todd - white photography . ]\nalice sees iracebeth running in the direction of the heavy clock and tries to prevent a tragedy from happening .\n34 ) to show dorothy ' s house falling from the sky , a miniature house was dropped onto a sky painting on the stage floor , then the film reversed to make it appear the film was falling towards the camera .\nback to one podcast : keith poulson on developing as an actor in the ny indie film scene .\nit was al pacino who first came up with the idea to remake howard hawks original 1932 film .\namidst an old london clock shop , a small , quirky mantle clock comes to the aide of the store ' s more expensive clocks when a thief breaks in and threatens to steal them away .\nchristian marclay\u2019s epic video collage , \u2018the clock\u2019 , used thousands of film clips to hypnotic \u2013 and retina - searing \u2013 effect . will his new work also be a sight for sore eyes ?\nthe repetition of images is a defining characteristic of surrealist art . bunuel merely transfers this to the film medium .\nthere are no critic reviews yet for girl clock . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nlast month culture monster reported that the l . a . county museum of art was working to acquire christian marclay\u2019s 2010 video hit \u201cthe clock , \u201d a 24 - hour - long movie - montage that museum director michael govan called a \u201cvirtual history\nof film . now the acquisition is a done deal , thanks to an annual fundraising event at the museum known as collectors committee weekend .\nwormhole travel across the universe and supergiant black holes are just some of the wonders seen in the film\ninterstellar .\nto enjoy special access to christian marclay : the clock and other benefits , become a member today .\ndespite its miami setting , most of the film was shot in los angeles . the miami tourist board declined the request to film there , as they feared the themes of drugs and gangsters would deter holiday - makers from visiting .\n, 1964 , directed by don owen , 16mm film , black and white , 27 min .\nwinner of the golden lion award at the 2011 venice biennale , christian marclay\u2019s the clock is a cinematic tour de force that unfolds on the screen in real time through thousands of film excerpts that form a 24 - hour montage . appropriated from the last 100 years of cinema\u2019s rich history , the film clips chronicle the hours and minutes of the 24 - hour period , often by displaying a watch or clock . the clock incorporates scenes of everything from car chases and board rooms to emergency wards , bank heists , trysts , and high - noon shootouts .\nquite possibly the only critical piece you ' ll ever read on christian marclay ' s\nthe clock .\nthe fertility clock provides a simple graphic that can be used to estimate the monthly chance of having a baby .\nyou might argue that that\u2019s what 2001 is about , in the end , but i don\u2019t think you can say that 2001 \u2018s view of its mystery monolith aliens is all - the - way positive ; certainly , there\u2019s no scene where a monolith explains , in subtitle , that they are saving humanity because they need humanity\u2019s help in 3000 years . ( a nihilist would argue that 2001 is about how earth is a laboratory and we\u2019re the lab rats . ) maybe you think 2010 is clearer in its intentions than 2001 \u2014 in which case , maybe those good intentions are just vastly less interesting . maybe 2010 makes you feel better than 2001 because everyone in 2010 is nice . ( even hal is nice in 2010 ) .\nsfmoma features the world\u2019s most elaborate timepiece , a supercut of film history that works also as a watch .\ninception is based on a screenplay by british filmmaker christopher nolan , who also produced and directed the film .\n: marvin starts the film by warning frank someone is coming after them , then apparently blowing himself up .\nthe data used to create the fertility clock was taken from landmark works in the fields of population research and developmental biology .\nthe rates depicted on the fertility clock estimate the experience for most women . as with all biological systems exceptions do exist .\n8 . narrative devices veteran actor burgess meredith in the obsolete man is tied to a post . next to him is a bomb attached to a clock . when the clock strikes twelve , it will explode .\nan ode to time and cinema , christian marclay\u2019s the clock ( 2010 ) is a contemporary masterpiece comprised of thousands of fragments from television and film history\u2014creating a 24 - hour video shown in real time . at any given moment , the work displays the accurate time on screen , blurring the line between its fictional clips and reality . synchronized to the local time zone , the clock literally becomes a functioning timepiece . every clip in the film shows a clock , mentions the time of day in the dialogue , or represents a metaphor of time . from big ben to jack nicholson , viewers can recognize iconic movies , actors , and clips from a century of films . the museum first screened the work in 2011 following its joint acquisition by the mfa and the national gallery of canada .\n, frank mentions how the mission they performed in moldova at the end of the first film made marvin a national hero there .\nrichard misek is a film theorist and montagist . his essay film rohmer in paris ( 2013 ) has screened at over twenty film festivals on five continents , and at venues including the national gallery of art ( washington d . c . ) , the bfi and barbican ( london ) , and the museum of moving image and anthology film archives ( new york ) . he is \u200bcurrently principal investigator on the arhc project , \u2018the audiovisual essay : a digital methodology for film and media studies\u2019 . he lectures in digital arts at the university of kent . urltoken\n47 ) the stage version of the wizard of oz returns to london ' s west end in february 2011 . the role of dorothy was decided by bbc talent show over the rainbow , which aired in spring 2010 .\nin 2005 they independently produced the path breaking film , \u201cmy brother nikhil\u201d directed by onir , which dealt with the stigma of hiv and homosexuality for first time in india . the film premiered at \u201cframeline\u201d ( san francisco ) followed by winning at montreal ( image + nation film festival ) & 20th milan international lgbt festival . the film successfully released in march 2005 by india\u2019s biggest privately owned studio , \u201cyash raj films\u201d . my brother nikhil is considered a landmark film in indian cinema . producers 2nd feature film , \u201csorry bhai ! \u201d directed by onir was released in november 2008 and starred shabana azmi , boman irani , sanjay suri , sharman joshi and chitrangda singh . the film was acquired and released by mumbai mantra ( entertainment division of the industrial group mahindra\u2019s ) .\nthe clock , which took three years to make , has become the art world ' s most talked - about film project since it debuted in 2010 , and unsurprisingly , it ' s divided audiences . his worst critics have derided the clock as a\ngimmick ,\nbut even marclay ' s detractors credit his resolve to complete the project , which required thousands of hours to sift through potential scenes . but the film ' s success \u2014 it won the venice biennale ' s top prize in 2011 , and has since screened to standing - room - only crowds around the world \u2014 has brought renewed attention to marclay ' s other projects .\nwhen \u201cthe clock , \u201d first shown in london in 2010 , made its new york debut at the paula cooper gallery in chelsea in the winter of 2011 people waited in line for hours in the bitter cold to see it . last summer at the venice biennale it was a big draw , winning the golden lion award for best artwork . the film has also been shown in seoul , moscow , paris , boston , los angeles and ottawa .\ncalled \u201can abundant , magnificent work\u201d ( financial times ) and \u201cutterly transfixing\u201d ( huffington post ) , the clock is marclay\u2019s most ambitious moving - image project to date , garnering rave reviews from critics and the public alike since its premiere in 2010 , and subsequent presentations at a host of venues worldwide .\nindeed , the clock attempts to submit cinematic time to clock time through the coincision of subject matter ( clocks , nothing but clocks , visualizing clock time ) with a context which makes possible durational , internal , ( cinematic ) time . marclay seems to be suggesting ( consciously or not ) that there is no possible escape from clock time , so why not embrace it . enjoy your symptoms , pace zizek .\ni had seen parts of \u201cthe clock\u201d when it opened at london\u2019s white cube gallery four years earlier . marclay\u2019s 24 - hour video installation instantly became the cultural talk of the town . it even made the bbc\u2019s ten o\u2019clock news , the straight - talking nightly bulletin that gives short shrift to the flaky experiments of contemporary art . but the allure of \u201cthe clock\u201d was irresistible .\narthur c . clarke wrote the book 2010 in 1982 . the book is more austere , clinical , less dramatic , and better . it ends with a message from the monoliths , via hal , to humanity :\nhas been viewed with critical acclaim at venues around the world since premiering at white cube , london in 2010 . it was jointly acquired by the national gallery of canada and the museum of fine arts , boston .\nthe film ' s abstractness permitted many interpretations . in the midwest , for instance , cooper was seen as a symbol of eisenhower working against the communist threat , a view eisenhower himself presumably adopted with his numerous white house screenings of the film .\na three - minute clip of clock on youtube comes with the plea only to watch it from four minutes past noon \u2013 and to wait , patiently clock - watching , if that point in the day has passed .\n71 ) the film is at no 10 on the bfi ' s list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14 .\nthe clock first premiered in london in 2010 and has since been exhibited worldwide in more than twenty venues , including the centre pompidou , paris ( 2011 ) ; museum of modern art , new york ( 2012 ) ; san francisco museum of modern art ( 2013 ) ; and guggenheim bilbao ( 2014 ) .\nthe film exhibits loss of nerve in other ways . the wally created by eugenides was no looker ; but the film only hints at this by clothing bateman , an attractive man , in unfortunate knitwear . thus the story\u2019s entire point is effectively jettisoned .\nsometimes the time is just glimpsed in the background of a shot , irrelevant to the action and sometimes the time gives a sharp stab or poke to the dialogue : particularly with scenes in which time is running out . the clock is , unexpectedly , quite a sensual , sexy film , in that the late morning stretch features plenty of shots of people in bed , waking up , embracing and then realising that these are forbidden pleasures \u2013 forbidden by the clock . (\nwhat ' s the time ? is that the time ?\netc ) the time is an alarm clock , a constant silently pinging alarm clock .\na most useful work of art , clock 2010 , made by christian marclay by editing together thousands of clips of clocks , watches and time checks from films so that they tell the actual time as the video runs for 24 hours , has been acquired jointly by the tate , the centre pompidou in paris and the israel museum in jerusalem .\nof course\nthe clock\nwould speak to a generation weaned on appropriation by hip - hop and youtube .\nentry to the clock is on a first - come , first - served basis . wait times may apply .\nthere are brief periods of nudity and strong language during the clock . visitors bringing children should use their discretion .\nlieblingswitze - b\u00fcchlein goes biennale : 5 . 11 min of 24 h video\nthe clock\nby christian marclay\nthere are brief periods of nudity and strong language during the clock . visitors bringing children should use their discretion .\nthus \u201cthe clock\u201d is also a 24 - hour valentine to the movies . it samples film from around the world and throughout the last century , from silent movies to the present . it is like a history of film for our add times , or the greatest movie trailer ever made , as well as the ultimate work of appropriation art , a genre that owes so much to the movies .\n68 ) the pairing of the 1973 pink floyd music album the dark side of the moon with the visual portion of the film produces moments where the film and the album appear to correspond with each other in a music video - like experience . this juxtaposition has been called dark side of the rainbow .\nmarclay doesn ' t consider himself a film buff , and while making\nthe clock\nthe last thing he wanted to do was go to the movies . instead , he took up yoga . after the obsessive demands of\nthe clock ,\nhe ' s now working on a couple of short video projects that are\nvery modest in scale .\ncasually stepping out of a car while it ' s doing a donut automatically qualifies your film for this .\nsnow , michael . \u201chollis frampton interviewed by michael snow . \u201d film culture , spring 1970 , 6\u201312 .\n( 2010 ) is an ode to time and cinema , comprised of thousands of fragments from a vast range of films that create a 24 - hour , looped , single - channel video .\nchristian marclay\u2019s 24 - hour video installation the clock will go on show at tate modern for three months , starting in september 2018 . released in 2010 , marclay\u2019s montage features of thousands of real - time film and television clips , acting as a fully functioning time piece . the exhibit will be free and can be accessed during tate modern opening hours and via monthly 24 - hour screenings , exact dates to be confirmed soon .\ndaniel herbert is an associate professor in screen arts and cultures at the university of michigan . his research examines the relationships between the media industries , geography , and cultural identities . he is author of videoland : movie culture at the american video store ( uc press , 2014 ) . his essays appear in canadian journal of film studies , creative industries journal , film quarterly , millennium film journal , and quarterly review of film and video , as well as in several edited collections .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\ndespite its now iconic status , the film was slaughtered by critics upon release , due to its graphic violence , foul language and drug use . one person who sung the film ' s praises from the start , however , was actor eddie murphy .\nthe overall amount of opioids prescribed in the u . s . dropped 18 percent , from a peak of 782 mmes \u2014 morphine milligram equivalents \u2014 per capita in 2010 to 640 mmes per capita in 2015 , the researchers found .\nin a new report , the cdc says u . s . doctors are prescribing fewer opioids than they were in 2010 , but that overall rates remain high . donald gruener / istockphoto / getty images hide caption\nstill from christian marclay\u2019s the clock , 2010 . single channel video ( color , sound ) . edward linde fund . jointly owned by the museum of fine arts , boston , and the national gallery of canada . \u00a9 the artist . photo : todd - white art photography . courtesy white cube , london and paula cooper gallery , new york .\nthe enduring allure of the film that catapulted bill forsyth into the british film industry elite has surprised no one so much as its stars , most of whom were in their teens when they made it . many of the cast had worked with forsyth through the glasgow youth theatre before , and expected no more than the distinct lack of interest that met their first film together , that sinking feeling .\n10 : 04 p . m . : lightning strikes the clock tower in\nback to the future\n( 1985 ) .\nthe clock reflects a western world of total control and administration : time is the mechanism that binds one to a rational order .\n\u201ci\u2019ve done \u2018the clock\u2019 twice ? \u201d marclay said , laughing . \u201cwell , that proves that i\u2019m too swiss . \u201d\n9 . control in drawing a connection between time on screen and time in everyday life , the video reminds us , if reminding was ever needed , that we are conditioned by the clock , that our days are marked and measured . we watch the clock and the clock watches us . the clock is a dictator and the ultimate panopticon . our daily and lived relation to the clock can be aggressive or passive : we might punch the clock at work but in so doing , we are kept in line by systems of regulation and labour that demands our time . in the clock a recurring trope of the bedside stand with a ringing \u2018alarm\u2019 clock repeats across numerous settings . early mornings become hectic as time rings down like a hammer and repeated images of the time roust a sleepy subject to life , to work , and to responsibility . if the bedside stand is littered with cigarette butts , drugs or alcohol , we suspect that the subject will awake impaired and suffer from some sort of anxiety for sleeping in or for sleeping with the wrong person . in a culture of rationalized labour and incessant performance demands , the clock reminds us again and again of who we are and who we must become when the world is watching and the clock is ticking .\nthis summer at lacma , christian marclay ' s cinematic artwork\nthe clock\n( 2010 ) , a 24 - hour - long compilation of thousands of film and tv clips , will offer remembrances of hollywood matinees past . his mash - up , sampled from across all film and tv genres , and spanning many cultures and eras , consists almost entirely of images and dialogue that depict or allude to the passage of time : close - ups of wristwatches , dramatic shots of big ben , pans of clock faces in grand central station , images of train timetables and airline departure schedules , and countless sequences of people waiting around or rushing off to fateful rendezvous .\nrunning gag : throughout most of the film , han keeps demanding that frank return his private plane after he steals it .\nhe showed me some \u201cdrafts . \u201d putting on black spectacles , he loaded final cut pro . film clips were\nan assemblage of time - related movie moments that had its debut in london in autumn 2010 , mr . marclay\u2019s \u201cclock\u201d is already a popular classic . it is also a functioning timepiece ; a highly compressed , peripatetic history of film and film styles ; an elaborate , rhythmic musical composition ; and a relentlessly enthralling meditation on time as an inescapable fact of both cinematic artifice and everyday life . perhaps the ultimate validation of appropriation art , it thoroughly demonstrates how existing works of art \u2014 in this case films \u2014 become raw material for new ones .\nchristian marclay\u2013the clock is organized by sabine breitwieser , chief curator , with martin hartung , curatorial assistant , department of media and performance art . the clock was acquired by moma in 2011 as a promised gift from the collection of jill and peter kraus .\nsome sequences in \u201cthe clock\u201d were inevitable\u2014at noon , \u201chigh noon . \u201d but marclay\u2019s video rendered even that material strange . in fred zinnemann\u2019s film , the fateful hour is preceded by a gallery of anxious faces intercut with a pendulum clock . \u201cit\u2019s condensed in the actual film , \u201d marclay explained . \u201ci put all of that back into real time . \u201d his video upended a central illusion of film . theorists like henri bergson had dilated on the falseness of cinematic \u201cduration\u201d\u2014the way that , say , the swirl of a long drunken evening can be captured in a set piece lasting three minutes . marclay made the same point , but viscerally .\nabove : still from christian marclay\u2019s the clock , 2010 . single channel video ( color , sound ) . edward linde fund . jointly owned by the museum of fine arts , boston , and the national gallery of canada . \u00a9 the artist . photo : todd - white art photography . courtesy white cube , london and paula cooper gallery , new york .\nthe clock is now showing at the hayward gallery in london as part of the british art show 7 and is soon moving on to glasgow and then plymouth . the london showings finish this weekend , when the clock has a special late - night opening until 1am . generally , gallery opening times permit visitors only to experience the\ndaylight\npart of the clock . the night - time stretch promises a special intensity .\nextended to december 31 , 2011 . a compelling new work created by world - renowned artist christian marclay , the clock ( 2010 ) , an ode to time and cinema , comprises thousands of fragments from a range of films that create a 24 - hour , looped , single - channel video . the clock tells the accurate time at any given moment , and wherever it is screened it is synchronized to the local time zone , so that it is literally a working time piece . the clock , a recent museum acquisition , screens to coincide with the opening of the mfa\u2019s new linde family wing for contemporary art .\n19 ) the song over the rainbow came in at no 1 on the american film institute ' s 2004 list of the 100 greatest songs in american films .\n* moma acquired a copy of \u201cthe clock\u201d for its permanent collection . it did not buy one , as originally stated .\nschuchat says it ' s enough for\nevery american [ to ] be medicated around the clock for three weeks .\n36 ) the film is meant to be one of the most watched in the western world , partly because of its heavy presence on tv schedules .\nthe film ' s wormhole is 1 . 25 miles ( 2 kilometers ) in diameter and 10 billion light - years long .\nthe acceleration i felt happened because each clip seemed to offer a surcharge of virtual potential ripe for actualization , but almost always impeded by the incursion of the next clip , equally alive with possibility . after 20 minutes , i had been fully indoctrinated into clock time . ( notice how this short circuiting takes place while you\u2019re slowly synching up your internal clock with the onscreen clock . )\nclock time is intrinsically associated with labour , work time . this is steven shaviro speaking about tehching hsieh \u2018s one - year performance 1980 - 1 , which constituted of the punching of a time clock every hour on the hour for an entire year :\nchristian marclay : the clock is organized by the san francisco museum of modern art . lead corporate support is generously provided by the charles schwab corporation .\n66 ) last year the san francisco chronicle devoted a film section front page to the film , in which mick lasalle declared that the film ' s\nentire sequence , from dorothy ' s arrival in oz to her departure on the yellow brick road , has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2014 a masterpiece of set design , costuming , choreography , music , lyrics , storytelling and sheer imagination .\nmore simply , clock time is external ( something imposed on our bodies and minds ) , while duration is internal .\noffers guests unique and popular entertainment experiences . its renowned theme parks feature some of the world\u2019s most thrilling film and tv based attractions .\nin 2001 , the fate of the world wasn\u2019t at stake . actually , in that sense , contemporary semi - serious sci - fi is much closer in spirit to the film 2010 , an oddly endearing bad sequel which tries hard to crush everything interesting about 2001 with retroactive coherence . 2010 explains , in numbing detail , why hal went crazy \u2014 it wasn\u2019t his fault , and the once - mad computer nobly sacrifices itself to save humanity . literally , all humanity : by the end of 2010 , the u . s . and the ussr are at a state of high tension , and the threat of nuclear war looms large . the monoliths , previously an unknowable outside force , reveal themselves as helpful parental figures . they transform jupiter into a star , which makes the moon europa into a new vibrant planet . back home on earth , the americans and the soviets see two suns in the sky \u2013 and declare general peace .\n, artistic director of pages unbound , film critic for classical 96 . 3 fm and an adjunct professor at ryerson university .\nmarclay and his team cleverly appropriate the working methods of post - production experts on a film crew . the clock is brilliantly edited : scenes have been chosen by marclay for maximum effect and cut with great delicacy , both in each \u201dintro\u201d to a scene and its \u201cextro . \u201d the punch line\u2014where\u2019s the clock ? \u2014is used very well , and when there is no clock , marclay and crew have devised montage sequences of people running upstairs or through a crowd\u2014cut / cut / cut\u2014to a final point when a timepiece does make an appearance .\n( 2010 ) is a unique and compelling work created by world - renowned sound and video artist christian marclay . the work is an ode to time and cinema , and is comprised of thousands of fragments from a vast range of films that create a 24 - hour , looped , single - channel video . marclay compiled thousands of film clips of wristwatches , clock towers , sundials , alarm clocks , and countdowns , each of which illustrate every minute in a 24 - hour period .\nit\u2019s obvious , of course , where this film is going , but the unpromising - looking vehicle proved an unexpected pleasure to travel in .\nusually , when a movie\u2019s good enough , the audience loses track of the time . the clock invites viewers to zone out , but constantly reminds them exactly what time it is . drowning in the current of scenes and events , it\u2019s easy to forget about many things , but time is not one of them . \u201c the clock really is a clock , \u201d breitweiser , the curator , told me . \u201ceveryone is watching the time go by . \u201d\nin the film , cobb pulled a\nmr . charles\non fischer due to the time constraints . what exactly is\nmr . charles\n?\nthis summer the city that never sleeps will have another glimpse of an artwork that doesn\u2019t relent much either : \u201cthe clock , \u201d a spellbinding , time - telling 24 - hour wonder of film and sound montage by christian marclay , the polymath composer , collagist , video artist and pioneer turntablist .\nin the switch , it\u2019s finally happened again . jason bateman , funny , charming and quick with repartee , acquits himself splendidly . it\u2019s the rest of the film that\u2019s the problem .\na 24 - hour - long meditation on the nature and artifice of time ,\nthe clock\nconsists of thousands of film ( and to a lesser degree , television ) clips that feature clocks , watches and other timepieces , edited together so that the time you see on screen reflects the current time .\nbeginning december 21 , the museum will provide updates on visiting the clock , including live updates on the queue , via urltoken and moma\u2019s twitter account , @ museummodernart .\nlead corporate support for christian marclay : the clock is provided by the charles schwab corporation . additional support for the exhibition is provided by lionel conacher and joan dea .\nbut individual donors also stepped forward to fund particular artworks that moved them . with marclay ' s \u201cthe clock , \u201d hollywood film producer and new york giants chairman steve tisch , who became a lacma trustee last year , pledged the $ 467 , 500 needed to buy the work before voting began .\n' the clock ' is at the power plant in toronto until november 25 , and at moma , new york , from december 21 until january 21 .\nprecision f - strike : cooper gets one towards the end , especially noticeable as there honestly isn ' t much swearing in the film up until that point .\nthe film on the waterfront ( 1954 ) was partially intended as director elia kazan and writer budd schulberg ' s justification for cooperating with huac . the film ' s hero , played by marlon brando , wrestles with the question of whether to tell the police the names of the criminals operating on the docks , eventually determining that it would be immoral not to do so .\nthe black hole ' s complex appearance in the film is due to the image of the accretion disc being warped by gravitational lensing into two images : one looping over the black hole and the other under it .\nit never really did , although the film ' s cult status has arguably grown in the last 10 years : as he has become more elusive , so forsyth ' s legend has fortified . there was a palpable thrill in the air when the film ' s leads \u2013 sinclair , grogan , robert buchanan and dee hepburn \u2013 posed for photographs at the glasgow film theatre on sunday , together again for the first time since they made the film . but there was also something bittersweet about watching this frozen elegy for youthful innocence and optimism in a room with its now forty - something stars , a heart - jolting reminder that even daft , dreamy wee boys who have to be home by 11 o ' clock grow into older , wiser , more melancholy men .\nthus film and television history is co - opted into a promiscuously goofy hellzapoppin\u2019 - esque collage . but the clock is also a film of considerable philosophical density . it invites us to examine the way time \u2013 or the effect of time \u2013 is created and structured in film . we become aware of different intensities of film time . there are moments of heightened tension ( \u2018hot\u2019 time , you might say ) in which events happen , or are keenly anticipated : notably the run - up to midday , a moment awaited in the clock by a heteroclite mob including moritz bleibtreu , gene hackman and , of course , gary cooper in high noon . then there are the slow , seemingly vacant moments \u2013 \u2018cool\u2019 time \u2013 in which characters lounge around or emerge from late slumber ( 3pm , we learn , is a prime waking hour for artists and drunks ) . we too become acutely aware of time in the outside world ; emerging from the clock , you can expect your sense of the passing minutes to be curiously heightened for a good hour or so .\nsanjay suri served as a jury member at mami festival , 2012 ( mumbai academy of moving images ) and as muhr arab feature jury at the ( diff ) dubai international film festival , 2013 . onir served as a jury member for selection of india\u2019s entry for foreign film category at the oscars .\nwhen he finally saw the finished product at the 1981 london film festival , however , sinclair was\nmortified\n. he thought he looked terrible and gangly ( it suddenly dawned on him why forsyth had\nmade me exaggerate all those stretches and lunges when he was filming me exercising\n) , and he feared his performance\nruined the film\n. grogan was a little more level - headed , recognising the film ' s charms , and its\nsmart , progressive view of a girl ' s world\n. but even after the film was greeted rapturously , all involved thought the fuss would soon die down .\n17 ) the production costs came in at $ 2 , 777 , 000 \u2013 a vast sum for the time . on initial release , the film only earned $ 3m .\nthere is still a process of editing involved \u2013 many of the film clips are leftovers from the gargantuan catalogue that he and his assistants formed whilst working on the clock . it begins with a silent loop showing a disembodied hand , index finger tapping the velvet pile of a curtain , over and over . this is typical marclay \u2013 his eye for banal visual oddities was the making of the clock , and indeed all his other video works , which are photographic in a way .\nincredibly obvious bomb : marvin drives the secret service in the direction he wants by charging towards them while strapped with dynamite and a ridiculously large micky mouse clock .\nrt @ cairoscene : our resident film critic and cinephile @ waelkhairy88 gives his # oscar2016 predictions . brace yourself leo . urltoken 2 years ago\nbut that interpretation is only obvious if you know the film ' s background , and even then it ' s not inescapable . none of the contemporary reviews i can find describe the film as having any political component at all . ( here is the new york times review , which does allude to the question of whom to credit for the film ' s excellence ; here is variety ' s review . ) in the book showdown at high noon : witch - hunts , critics , and the end of the western , jeremy byman writes :\nmany non - astronomers also engaged with astronomy during the international year of astronomy 2009 ( iya2009 ) , the largest education and public outreach event in science . the iya2009 reached upwards of eight hundred million people , through thousands of activities , in more than 148 countries ( iau , 2010 ) .\nsome ten thousand clips were collected for marclay\u2019s video . \u201cputting the clips back into real time , \u201d he said , exposed \u201chow film is constructed . \u201d\nmarclay\u2019s monstrous creation needed a title . he thought of a few of his usual puns : \u201ctime piece , \u201d \u201cclock work . \u201d then he and burnett discussed the matter , and decided that the work was too grand to be trivialized with wordplay . better , marclay decided , to call it \u201cthe clock . \u201d\nthis precision yields several extraordinary effects , some of which may be fully evident only to a hypothetical viewer watching the film in its 24 - hour entirety . ( there have been 24 - hour screenings , but to marclay\u2019s knowledge , the longest stint by any viewer has been eight hours . ) one effect is a strangely addictive , mesmeric quality ; the first time i visited the clock , two hours slipped by like a breath . as happens when you watch any involving film , you lose your immediate sense of duration , and yet \u2013 here\u2019s the wonderful paradox \u2013 the clock constantly reminds you of the exact time . your watching time is metered by the piece itself .\none of the visual pleasures of the clock is that marclay and his team took a euro - centric approach to their film materials . while there are plenty of clips with bette davis and other hollywood notables , the viewer is offered a pleasing variety of films from germany and france\u2014with no subtitles ! \u2014and england . we\u2019re likely to be transported in film clips from berlin during the cold war to post - blitz - bombed london to an antic parisian nightclub\u2014and then to a hollywood studio .\nsince it premiered at their mason\u2019s yard site in 2010 , the work has been showing almost continuously : in new york , yokohama , jerusalem , plymouth , venice , los angeles , sydney , boston , paris , and zurich . it\u2019s about to open in toronto , but for the first time , marclay isn\u2019t going . having rigorously attended its every installation , he decided to step back and let assistant paul anton smith take over . \u201cit had stopped me from doing other things\u201d he says . \u201ci had a couple of small shows but it was the clock and still the clock and the swiss guy who made the clock \u2013 ha ha\u201d he says wearily . \u201cat last it\u2019s taking on a life of its own and freeing me to focus on other things . \u201d\n2 . anxiety the clock references the cinematic past through the recycling of known films . as viewers , we look for anchor points or moments of identification in the montage of clocks appearing before us . for cinephiles , to identify a known actor or the film from which the fragment of time is detached is to locate oneself as an informed viewer in a structure of familiar territory . as comforting as this is , the linear structure of the work and the rapid exchange of one temporal reference by another reminds one that time never stops . expectation comes to propel the film forward from one clip to another . the expectation is that a reference to time will be found embedded in the next clip . a \u2018where\u2019s waldo\u2019 of time ensues as we are conditioned by the film to look for clocks . finding the temporal signifier resolves the expectation but this resolution is short - lived , replaced immediately with the expectation that the next scene will provide another image of time . viewers are kept continually in a state of perpetual and anxious receptivity . the film\u2019s oscillation between anticipation and resolution burns out the continuous punctuality of our attention span . the clock is relentless .\n44 ) lux radio theater broadcast a 60 - minute cbs radio adaptation of the movie on christmas day 1950 with judy garland reprising her film role as dorothy .\n49 ) the film won two oscars for best original score and best original song , and was nominated for best art direction , best cinematography and best effects ."]} {"id": 114583, "summary": [{"text": "thaaiku oru thaalaattu ( english : lullaby to the mother ) is a 1986 indian tamil film , directed by balachandra menon and produced by k. r. gangadharan .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars sivaji ganesan , padmini , visu and pandiyan in lead roles .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the film had musical score by ilayaraja .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "the film was a remake of director 's own malayalam film oru painkilikatha . ", "topic": 3}], "title": "thaaiku oru thaalaattu", "paragraphs": ["thaaiku oru thaalaattu mp3 songs download thaaiku oru thaalaattu tamil movie mp3 songs download : : tamilmusiq . net\narariro padiyatharo | thaaiku oru thaalaattu | k . j . yesudas | sivaji ganesan\narariro padiyatharo | thaaiku oru thaalaattu | k . j . yesudas | sivaji ganesan - youtube\nmix - arariro padiyatharo | thaaiku oru thaalaattu | k . j . yesudas | sivaji ganesan\nis a tamil drama movie , directed by balu mahendra . the cast of thaaiku oru thaalaattu includes sivaji ganesan , padmini .\nthaaiku oru thaalaattu is a 1986 indian tamil film , directed by balachandra menon and produced by k . r . gangadharan .\nwe don ' t have enough data to suggest any movies based on thaaiku oru thaalaattu . you can help by rating movies you ' ve seen .\nthaaiku oru thaalaattu is a 1986 indian tamil film , directed by balachandra menon and produced by k . r . gangadharan . the film stars sivaji ganesan , . . .\nmovie title - - - thaaiku oru thaalaattu unknown facts imdb rating and complete report cast - - sivaji ganesan sujatha visu below actors passed away - - sujatha died on 06 - apr - 2011 padmini ramachandran died on 25 - sep - 2006 sivaji ganesan died on 21 - jul - 2001 movie details - - music by - ilayaraja produced by - k . r . gangadharan\nthaikku oru thalaatu is a 1986 indian tamil film , directed by balachandra menon and produced by k . r . gangadharan . the film stars sivaji ganesan , padmini , pandiyarajan , sujatha , ilavarasi . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthaiku oru thalatu is a tamil movie , directed by balachandra menon , starring shivaji ganeshan , padmini , pandiarajan , sujatha along with others . here , on the movie page , you will find every thing that you need to know . watch the latest songs videos in full hd right here on gomolo . we recommend you to start with thaiku oru thalatu trailer to get a hang of the movie . check out what others are saying about the movie on twitter .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\ncopyright 2010 - 2013 : gomolo . all rights reserved . | terms | privacy\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 frameset / / en\nurltoken\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\nhtml public\n- / / wapforum / / dtd xhtml mobile 1 . 0 / / en\nurltoken\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nthe source code for the wiki 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the mozilla foundation , google , and apple . you could also do it yourself at any point in time .\nwould you like wikipedia to always look as professional and up - to - date ? we have created a browser extension .\nit will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the wiki 2 technology .\ni use wiki 2 every day and almost forgot how the original wikipedia looks like .\nof perfecting techniques ; in live mode . quite the same wikipedia . just better .\nbasis of this page is in wikipedia . text is available under the cc by - sa 3 . 0 unported license . non - text media are available under their specified licenses . wikipedia\u00ae is a registered trademark of the wikimedia foundation , inc . wiki 2 is an independent company and has no affiliation with wikimedia foundation .\ni believe this content is extremely offensive and should be removed from the site .\nkokila ( shoba ) , a medical college student lives with her father , an engineer and her mother in a home in madras . a house maid ( roja ramani ) who is very close to the family also lives with them . as kokila ' s father travels a lot and his wife suffering from health problems , they decide to keep a paying guest . vijayakumar ( kamal haasan ) , a . . .\nmotor sundaram pillai , starring sivaji ganesan , major sundarrajan and sowkar janaki . changes were made to the local version , with the second wife being the first wife\nmoondram pirai starring by kamal haasan and sridevi kappor . he movie begins with a young girl bhagyalakshmi ( sridevi ) who meets with an accident thus succumbing to amnesia . this condition makes her lose her memory of her entire teenage and adulthood leaving her as a physically grown up woman but with the memory and intelligence of a se . . .\narun ( ramesh arvind ) , bored of his wife ' s ( leelavathi ) looks and weighty appearance , meets priya and develops an affair with her . but his wife has other plans .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\ntrippy indie madeline ' s madeline is the movie that lakeith stanfield and boots riley from sorry to bother you want to see the most .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nsee the top 50 tamil movies as rated by imdb users \u2013 from evergreen hits to recent chartbusters .\nquite a well - made film , though it has its share of cliches . sivaji does a good job , finally realising that his\ngood - for - nothing\nson is the only one who truly loves him ( the first of the many cliches ) . the screenplay is taut , which makes this one worth a dekko . great song in aaraariro paadiyathaaro ( ilayaraja , of course ) .\n1 of 1 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nexplore popular sci - fi movies and tv shows available to stream with prime video .\ncan ' t find a movie or tv show ? login to create it .\nunrestricted public exhibition throughout india , suitable for all age groups . films under this category should not upset children over 4 . such films may contain educational , social or family - oriented themes . films under this category may also contain fantasy violence and / or mild bad language .\nby signing up for an account on tmdb , you can post directly to twitter and facebook .\nyou need to be logged in to continue . click here to login or here to sign up .\nyour client gets more conversions from ads that appear to people in tokyo . what actions should you\nall the youtube media you download are downloaded directly from youtube cdn . \u00a9 2018 downloadyoutubehd\npopular : trivia , history , america , television , tv , usa , geography , world , . . . more\nerror . page cannot be displayed . please contact your service provider for more details . ( 13 )\nerror . page cannot be displayed . please contact your service provider for more details . ( 30 )"]} {"id": 114584, "summary": [{"text": "birdemic 2 : the resurrection is a 2013 american romantic thriller-horror film written and directed by james nguyen .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it is the sequel to the 2008 film birdemic : shock and terror .", "topic": 16}, {"text": "the film , as with its predecessor , has been considered one of the worst films of all time and features mainly self-referential humor about the reception of the previous film .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "taking place two years after birdemic , the film follows another mass bird attack caused by global warming , this time in hollywood . ", "topic": 6}], "title": "birdemic 2 : the resurrection", "paragraphs": ["retrieved december 2 , 2 . retrieved december 2 . clips of ' birdemic ' on . retrieved february 2 .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection | chill archived may 20 , 2013 , at the wayback machine .\ntrax ^ rifftrax classic birdemic moments . retrieved august 1 . the true story of ' birdemic ' . james nguyen talks birdemic 2 : the resurrection 3 .\nso birdemic 2 is in 2d , but birdemic 3 is going to be birdemic 3d , guaranteed .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection is quite possibly the most awful movie i\u2019ve ever seen . but let\u2019s back up a bit .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing birdemic 2 : the resurrection near you .\ntags alan bagh birdemic birdemic 2 the resurrection brittany n . pierce carrie stevens chelsea turnbo danny webber james nguyen patsy van ettinger rick camp stephen gustavson thomas favaloro whitney moore\nnot to be deterred , nguyen released a sequel , birdemic 2 : the resurrection , in 2013 and has plans to round out the franchise with birdemic 3 : sea eagle .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection\n- an often hilarious sequel that isn ' t nearly as self - aware as you might suspect . . .\npresently , birdemic 2 : the resurrection doesn\u2019t have a release date , though this shouldn\u2019t stop you from watching the trailer embedded below . the original birdemic is currently available on netflix\u2019s instant streaming service .\na sage \u201ctree hugger\u201d tells us about how the environment is good in birdemic 2 .\na hot chick gets inexplicably stung by a bunch of jellyfish in birdemic 2 .\nretrieved february 2 . retrieved february 2 . december 1 . 8 , 2 . massacre , tex . december 2 . variety reviews ! new theatre listings , trailer , and more ! ^ riff . trax ^ four hilarious birdemic re - creations by riff .\njake pennington as clark . james nguyen as a restaurant customer ( cameo ) production . birdemic began production in 2 . birdemic was released on dvd and blu - ray disc on february 2 .\nmechanic : resurrection proves to be a killer of this potential jason statham franchise .\nwatch birdemic 2 : the resurrection ( 2013 ) - a platoon of eagles and vultures attack hollywood , california . why did the eagles and vultures attack ? with alan bagh , whitney moore , thomas favaloro , chelsea turnbo . a platoon of eagles and vultures attack hollywood , california . why did the eagles and vultures attack . birdemic 2 behind the scenes . official birdemic 2 : the resurrection theatrical trailer . published on mar 25 , 2013 . birdemic 2 is an almost carbon copy of the first movie . the first 10 minutes are an almost shot - for - shot remake with new characters . the plot is similarly slow and .\nlanguage . english . budget < $ 1 . 0 , 0 . birdemic : shock and terror ( often shortened to birdemic ) is a 2 .\n\u201cbirdemic 2 : the resurrection\u201d \u2013 zero shrouds ( if nguyen was serious ) . if not ( and he\u2019s trying to be bad on purpose ? ) - 25 shrouds . it\u2019s the worst thing i\u2019ve sat through this year either way .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection , the sequel to the modern no - budget classic birdemic : shock and terror ( 2010 ) , follows the survivors of the first film as they once again find themselves under attack by platoons of birds that resemble animated gifs . more environmentally conscious horror fun from james nguyen , the master of romantic thrillers .\nit will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the wiki 2 technology .\nbirdemic : shock and terror - wikipedia , the free encyclopedia . birdemic : shock and terror . first promotional poster .\nwriter - director james nguyen\u2019s upcoming romantic thriller birdemic 2 : the resurrection finally has a trailer , which arrives courtesy of internet movie database . the film , a sequel to the filmmaker\u2019s dodgy b - movie birdemic , features the return of the original flick\u2019s legion of angry birds , though they\u2019re bigger , meaner , and goofier this time around .\none of the closing night films for the cinedelphia film festival on april 27 th is the sequel to the 2010 cult classic birdemic : shock and terror \u2013 birdemic 2 : the resurrection . if you haven\u2019t seen the first birdemic , it\u2019s a bit like the room , but with attacking cg eagles and vultures instead of the super awkward sex scenes . also , where birdemic fails in its technical prowess , it more than makes up for it with a sincerity you honestly can\u2019t fake on screen .\ni use wiki 2 every day and almost forgot how the original wikipedia looks like .\nthe advertising tag \u2014 \u201cyou asked for it\u201d \u2014 is the best thing about \u201cbirdemic 2 : the resurrection . \u201d its 2010 predecessor , \u201cbirdemic : shock and terror , \u201d was one of those rare instances of filmic ineptitude so distinctive it could pass as inspired folk art , winning the biggest midnight - movie following since tommy wiseau\u2019s \u201cthe room . \u201d lacking the [ \u2026 ]\nprehistoric floating birds , a giant jumbo jellyfish , and an anti - toilet paper subplot . it could only be\nbirdemic 2 !\nincluded with fear factory on amazon for $ 2 . 99 / month after trial\nso with birdemic 2 , i spent a lot of time casting . that ' s about 60 % of a good and successful movie is the casting .\ndirector james nguyen talked with \u201cthis week in\u201d about birdemic ii : the resurrection , his hotly anticipated sequel to birdemic : shock and terror . he explains that this movie will be about a flock of eagles and vultures that attack hollywood \u2014 who will survive ?\nin response to an unexpectedly large number of fans being cuckoo for these killer birds , the film\u2019s production company i got a fish productions turned down standard distribution deals at the last minute to remain independent and push the self - theatrical distribution of \u2018birdemic 2 : the resurrection\u2019 ahead of its previously anticipated june 2013 release date .\nthe late night cult sensation is back ! the chicago cinema society at the patio theater is excited to present the chicago premiere of birdemic 2 : the resurrection ! ! ! also , director james nguyen and producer jeff gross will be in attendance for q & a . come on out and meet the creators of birdemic , you know you have questions for these guys ! they will be bringing some exclusive birdemic merchandise and giveaways . this is one night only on april 25th at 9 : 00pm ! tickets are $ 9 . 00 and can be purchased in advance by clicking onto this sentence . more on birdemic 2 below :\nbirdemic 2 is about a flock of eagles and vultures wreak havoc amidst blossoming romance in hollywood , california , leaving bloodshed and destruction wherever they hover .\nbirdemic shock and terror was a masterpiece of awful that at least felt genuine in its mediocrity . birdemic 2 : the resurrection jogs along in unison , but has a sense of knowing that make the incredible production flaws a little less charming . the novelty seems to have worn off as the film takes on a\nbeen there , done that\nvibe that ' s hard to shake .\nyes in a way . birdemic was produced for less than $ 10 , 000 , birdemic 2 is many times that for budget . but i tried to keep some of the elements that worked in the first one , the humor and the most important the hitchcockian romantic thriller structure .\naccording to the film\u2019s press release , birdemic 2 director james nguyen\u2019s inspiration for the sequel came while visiting the la brea tar pits . \u201ci went to the museum at the tar pits , which had an exhibit of ancient eagles and vultures , \u201d he explained . \u201cas i walked through it , i said , \u2018this is birdemic 2 . \u2019 the tar pits are a major hint why the birds attack la . \u201d\nwe wanted to bring a birdemic 2 game to all of the fans as well as introduce it to those not yet traumatized by the superb masterpiece .\nsaid joe peterson from goh invest .\nworking closely with the producers allowed us to use the models from moviehead pictures and i got a fish productions ' head animator on the film , mike wu .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection is expected to hit select theaters early next year , watch the trailer at the official website , www . thisisbirdemic . com . you can catch the original birdemic movie at a special one - night event , when the cast of the hit tv show ,\nmystery science theater 3000\nscreens the original birdemic movie in over 600 theaters nationwide on october 25th .\na few weeks ago i got to chat via skype with james nguyen the director of the birdemic films while he was in vietnam working on pre - production for his next romantic thriller . we discussed not only birdemic 2 , but also his love for hitchcock , birdemic 3 and what he thinks of when he hears philadelphia . enjoy !\nfountain valley , calif . , oct 25 , 2012 ( globenewswire via comtex ) - - medl mobile , inc . ( otcbb : medl ) - - a pioneer in the creation , development , marketing and monetization of mobile apps - - in collaboration with goh invest and the producers of birdemic 2 : the resurrection , announced today the launch of\nbirdemic 2 : the game\n, the officially licensed augmented reality game . together they produced a game straight from the mind of james nguyen , the master of romantic thrillers ( tm ) , writer and director of the cult classic , birdemic : shock and terror , billed as the\nbest worst movie ever made\nin 2010 .\nso the same technique that i ' m doing for birdemic 2 : the resurrection is the same as james cameron and avatar . the only difference is that james cameron had , what was it , 3 or 400 million dollars , so he can add computers to automate and synchronize a lot of stuff like camera motion that i can ' t afford to do .\nyou see birdemic as the same as birdemic 2 , the first half of the movie there is a lot of romance between a struggling director bill and a struggling actress named gloria . but surrounding that romance in the first half there is foreboding and foreshadowing , an omen that all is not well .\nthe first birdemic film had a very environmentally friendly message will that be the same with birdemic 2 , from the trailer it seemed like you has raised the stakes quite a bit . there is a very sort of apocalyptic feel to it ? i think i even saw zombies in there as well .\nclips of ' birdemic ' on\nattack of the show\njuly 30 , 2009 .\nspeaking with birdemic : shock and terror writer - director james nguyen , the first thing that strikes you is that no one is more excited about his film than mr . nguyen . from our conversation it ' s clear that whatever the merits of his films , he ' s in love with the idea of making a movie and equally in enamored of being recognized as a filmmaker . while birdemic hitting dvd and blu ray on february 22 via severin films , the filmmaker with the idiosyncratic films is happily moving along with his next production : birdemic 2 : the resurrection in 3d .\njn : we just shot about 10 % of the production . we ' re shooting the easy scenes first before we take the big risk of shooting on the jaws set on the universal studios backlot . so part of birdemic 2 will be on the universal studios backlot on the jaws set .\nthe birdemic 2 dvd release party and damien carter live performance will take place at philamoca on friday , october 18 , 2013 , at 8 pm . admission for the event is $ 10 in advance or $ 12 the day of the event .\nthe film was largely self - financed and was produced through nguyen ' s moviehead pictures company for a budget of less than $ 10 , 000 . the film has gained notoriety for its poor quality , with many critics citing it as one of the worst films of all time . [ 2 ] [ 3 ] after a limited theatrical release , the film gained a cult following and was picked up for distribution by severin films in 2010 . a sequel , birdemic 2 : the resurrection , was released in 2013 .\nthis was a gift for my son as he loved the first birdemic movie . great seller !\nthe thing that seems to be throwing people off about\nbirdemic 2\nis that they think it ' s a purposeful and self - aware attempt to make a bad film for the sake of comedy . . .\nbirdemic\n: the magic of atrocious cgi , confirmed archived february 28 , 2011 , at the wayback machine .\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nand yet here i am , reviewing the fascinating mess that is the film\u2019s sequel , birdemic 2 : the resurrection . i willingly spent nearly two hours traveling to a chicago suburb with a group of friends to see the movie , which was attended by nguyen , star alan bagh , and producer jeff gross . i don\u2019t tend to seek out these cult movie events , but i did it anyway . i\u2019m writing this review despite the fact that it will say nothing of the film that could not be assumed based on one viewing of its trailer . of course birdemic 2 is bad \u2013 it couldn\u2019t be anything else . but its poor quality is actually unbelievable this time .\nthe film\u2019s production company , i got a fish productions llc , has announced that the world premieres will be in november 2012 in a few select cities with cast and crew on hand , with a wider theatrical release currently being set for december and early next year . to raise funds for broader marketing of birdemic 2 : the resurrection due to increasing theatrical demand , producer jeff gross created a campaign you can check out here .\nchill will be bringing birdemic 2 : the resurrection to you first . they\u2019ll have the film , written and directed by the master of romantic thrillers james nguyen , exclusively for 90 days before it out wide to other vod platforms such as itunes , amazon and google play . so if you\u2019re dying to catch it early , hit them up here starting today , april 16th and you can check it out for $ 9 . 99 .\ncomedy - how did this get made ? ep . # 31 : 31 birdemic live !\nbut i managed to find a producer jeff gross is the producer and he managed to come up with the money many times over the original birdemic .\nalan bagh and whitney moore reprised their roles for the sequel , as did colton osborne , rick camp , stephen gustavson , patsy van ettinger , and damien carter . in his 2 . 01 . 6 vice interview , nguyen said that he is hoping to eventually make birdemic 3 : sea eagle , which would be his last film . retrieved november 2 .\njn : yes , there ' s a sequel called birdemic 2 : the resurrection 3d . [ it ] has a great storyline - - even as good or better than the original , that compels me to make it . you know , i have a small office in hollywood , located near the corner of sunset blvd . and la brea ave . they call that corner\nwilliam wilder square ,\nnamed after the great director billy wilder whose greatest film is sunset boulevard .\nthe source code for the wiki 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the mozilla foundation , google , and apple . you could also do it yourself at any point in time .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection is essentially birdemic : the greatest hits , which is essentially just birdemic shock and terror all over again , but set in hollywood - oh , and zombies . . . there ' s also zombies . not much else has changed since rod and nathalie saved half moon bay from the bird menace and if you ' re up for more half half baked environmental messages and james nguyen ' s\nguide on how to make it in hollywood\nthen you certainly have an eventful 80 minutes ahead of you . for everyone else , yes , the film is a trainwreck . . . but man is it an entertaining pile of awful and more fodder for the midnight movie crowd .\nseverin films acquired the film in early 2010 and launched the birdemic experience tour 2010 , which showed the film in numerous cities in the united states and toronto , canada from april through july 2010 . [ 19 ] birdemic premiered in the united kingdom at the curzon soho in london on may 28 , 2010 . [ 20 ]\nbirdemic : shock and terror ( often shortened to birdemic ) is a 2010 american independent romantic horror film [ 1 ] written , directed , and produced by james nguyen , and starring alan bagh and whitney moore . inspired by alfred hitchcock ' s the birds , birdemic tells the story of a romance between the two main characters as their small town is attacked by birds .\nbut i\u2019ve obviously been a bad black saint because guess what arrived in my mailbox today ? it\u2019s called \u201cbirdemic 2 : the resurrection\u201d and lemme tell you something right here and now , i deserve a f * cking medal for sitting through this film . nothing on god\u2019s green earth could prepare me for what i experienced while watching this movie . it\u2019s like i ingested a really bad batch of shrooms and hallucinated the entire experience . i can still see the colors , swirling round my head like little rainbows\u2026\nnot surprisingly , the original birdemic didn\u2019t enjoy a national theatrical release , though this didn\u2019t stop the film from finding an audience who were captivated by the director\u2019s use of animated picture files to depict the story\u2019s horde of angry , bloodthirsty birds . in certain circles , the film is mentioned in the same breath as troll 2 and showgirls . make of that what you will .\nmorbid . ' birdemic : shock and terror ' www . dreamindemon . com . december 18 , 2009 .\ndamien carter is a former street singer who was discovered by birdemic director nguyen . finally having a showcase for his vocal talents , carter wowed audiences with his appearance as a nightclub singer in the first birdemic , performing his inimitable hit\njust hanging out ( with my family )\n. he returns to birdemic 2 with a fresh perspective and new songs , chief among them the raucous\ngonna be a star\n. carter will return to his childhood coast for his first - ever philadelphia area performance .\ndirector james nguyen pitches birdemic 3 - sea eagle to raise $ 500 , 000 for production . please help fund birdemic 3 - sea eagle at urltoken birdemic 3 - sea eagle is the 3rd sequel to the cult sensation hit movie , birdemic - shock and terror .\na high flying cult hit !\nsaid the new york times synopsis : birdemic 3 - sea eagle : a flock of sea eagles attack the coastal town of santa cruz , california . why did the birds attacked ? production budget : $ 500 , 000 filming location : santa cruz , california written and directed by : james nguyen produced by : moviehead pictures visit urltoken and urltoken\nwell it doesn\u2019t go into full apocalypse , because the sequel birdemic 3 is in play , which i am hoping to shoot in vietnam . i just came back from there , because i was in pre - production on the sea is rising my project outside of the birdemic franchise .\nbut who knows ? the guy who directed - - back in the early 2000s - - he directed open water [ chris kentis ] ? he just made another one - - a horror movie , and it got picked up at sundance . so who knows , birdemic got ignored at sundance [ and ] birdemic 2 is getting a lot of attention , so maybe they ' ll give it a second look .\nbirdemic 2 behind the scenes : urltoken urltoken # birdemic2 a flock of eagles and vultures wreak havoc amidst blossoming romance in hollywood , california , leaving bloodshed and destruction wherever they hover . the story features original ' birdemic ' survivors rod and nathalie , who are joined by new friends - struggling filmmaker bill , aspiring actress gloria and several other angelenos they encounter as they battle angry birds and a host of new enemies .\namerican independentromantichorror film . inspired by alfred hitchcock ' s the birds , birdemic tells the story of a romance between the two main characters as their small town is attacked by birds .\nwell , here you have it , a sequel to a one of the worst films you will ever witness , and even though the effects are\nmore consumable\nthan the first , the story is just as bad and the ego that\ndirector\njames nguyen brings to the table is far far worse . my jaw was on the floor from boredom and the acting is too wooden to even care . the sound editing is absolutely awful and the editing in general ( even though he nothing god to work with ) is dreadful . i am never going to watch these movies again , because they make we feel extremely dumb inside .\nbirdemic 2 : the resurrection\nis a slap in the face to hollywood , and not is a good way .\non april 3 , 2009 , moviehead pictures self - released birdemic on dvd , selling it exclusively through moviehead ' s official website and manufactured on demand through urltoken . [ 21 ] in early 2010 , birdemic was picked up by severin films [ 22 ] with plans to release the film on home media . birdemic was released on dvd and blu - ray disc on february 22 , 2011 . the dvd ' s special features include an audio commentary by james nguyen as well as one by lead actors alan bagh and whitney moore , two deleted scenes , a feature on the birdemic experience tour , and an episode of the public - access san francisco tv show movie close up which features nguyen and was aired as birdemic was still under production ( the host of the show , bonnie steiger , later played an extra in the bus rescue scene of birdemic ) .\nsequel to cult favorite \u2018birdemic : shock and terror . to be released in select major cities worldwide in april 2013 .\ni thought when birdemic became a world wide cult hit producers would just come up to me and say here is money james , for 20 million lets just produce birdemic 2 , lets make it a huge franchise . but it was still a struggle . i was an inch away from a deal at paramount , they were considering taking over the franchise , but they decided to pass and that was a total disappointment .\nvisionary writer / director james nguyen said his inspiration for the film was the la brea tar pits . \u201c i went to the museum at the tar pits , which had an exhibit of ancient eagles and vultures , \u201d he recalled , \u201c and as i walked through it , i said , \u2018this is birdemic 2 . \u2019 \u201d he added , \u201c the tar pits are a major hint why the birds attack la . \u201d\nbill is based on a real director i know , the character won something at sundace for a movie called four seasons back in 1999 . i wont say his real name , but seasons was in the title . well in birdemic 2 he made that movie and had a chance to direct a 100 million dollar picture , but the movie bombed and the studio said it was because he was too auteur .\nus distribution company severin films saw potential in its ineptitude and took the film on a\nbirdemic experience tour\nthat included a visit to london in 2010 .\nat some point , james nguyen will be the new ed wood , creating disastrous films but doing so with an irrepressible passion . eventually , birdemic 2 will stand next to plan 9 from outer space and troll 2 as one of many enduring cinematic oddities . in some sense , he\u2019s achieved his dream . we\u2019ll let him have it\u2026he might not intend to make us laugh , but his movies are bringing us all together , which is something that cinema , good or bad , should always be able to do .\na horde of mutated birds descends upon the quiet town of half moon bay , california . with the death toll rising , two citizens manage to fight back , but will they survive birdemic ?\ncoming from the hangover part ii school of sequel plotting , birdemic 2 is almost the same movie as its predecessor , beat for beat . nguyen again apes the birds , throwing in overt hitchcock references and a far - too - intentional insert of tippi hedren\u2019s star on the walk of fame . this time , though , the story goes to hollywood , where the film\u2019s same ham - handed environmental themes ( the real villain is that dastardly thing called global warming ) are balanced with what\u2019s supposed to be a wry critique of the film industry .\nbarrett , simon ' birdemic ' interview on bloody disgusting archived february 11 , 2010 , at the wayback machine . bloody disgusting . com . retrieved december 27 , 2009 .\nnguyen ' s sequel hits almost every single beat of the original birdemic , right down to the poorly filmed sex scene right before the titular birdemic kicks into gear . however , possibly bolstered by an admirable bit of macabre inspiration the murderous birds spawn out of an ocean of polluted red rain that drowns a couple or poor souls , gives birth to the eagles and vultures , and then disappears by morning . the protagonists waste no time reaching for their hangers to battle the onslaught of aviary villains .\nso my next film , which i am pre - production for is the sea is rising , which is a romantic thriller and it takes place in vietnam . i have been going back and forth on pre - production for the last 2 years .\nhalfway through the film the birds attack and it\u2019s disclosed later as to why the birds are attacking . that is the structure of the romantic thriller .\nunderserved in almost every single way , from script to direction and everything in between , jason statham deserves better than mechanic : resurrection . he is one of the few things that still works here and he saves it from being a total waste of time . not the worst film you\u2019ll see this year but , sadly , this is one for the statham completist only .\non jun 27th , 2012 , youtuber and movie reviewer jontronshow [ 7 ] uploaded a video titled\nbirdemic : the best worst movie ever\nexamining why the movie , in spite of its flaws , had merit much like the room .\nthe attacking - bird sequences are as outrageously primitive as before . otherwise , the pic is marginally more pro in general packaging and design contributions , which isn\u2019t saying much . \u201cbirdemic 2\u201d does make one thing perfectly clear : mr . nguyen has a thing for blondes , invariably cast as wannabe actresses who\u2019ll do whatever to attain \u201cstardom . \u201d in a film less authentically dumb , this misogyny might actually be offensive . but one thing one can say for both \u201cbirdemic\u201d pics is that their unique qualities arise from a filmmaker who truly appears not to know any better .\nthe movie was also inspired by alfred hitchcock ' s 1963 film the birds . the birds starred actress tippi hedren , who appeared in nguyen ' s earlier film julie and jack . birdemic includes footage of that appearance , playing on a television .\nwhether you look down on them or you lap them up , jason statham movies usually deliver what they promise \u2013 sadly , this one doesn\u2019t . statham makes a great action hero and he\u2019s fun to watch \u2013 he deserves much better than this and so does the audience . mechanic : resurrection lets him and itself down .\nc . dennis moore is the author of over 60 published short stories and novellas in the speculative fiction genre . most recent appearances were in the dark highlands 2 , what fears become , dead bait 3 and dark highways anthologies . his novels are revelations , and the angel hill stories , the man in the window , the third floor , the ghosts of mertland and the flip . he is writing another angel hill novel called return to angel hill with co - author david bain .\ncontinuity errors , like when the boy from the first film said that the girl from the first film died from the fish that the main character cooked , despite the fact that we clearly saw her refuse to eat it .\ntim heidecker and eric wareheim , who hosted the los angeles premiere , parodied the movie on their television series tim and eric awesome show , great job ! in the 2009 episode\ncrows\n. [ 32 ] on february 25 , 2011 episode of the soup , scenes of birdemic , especially an elongated scene in which employees clap incessantly at the company ' s good financial news , was the\nclip of the week\n. the bob buel ridicule theatre podcast featured both birdemic and its sequel on its show , mocking the films extensively . a live show of the podcast how did this get made ? released on february 28 , 2012 and starring cast member whitney moore and guest star\nweird al\nyankovic ( who states that he is a fan of the film ) is dedicated to discussing birdemic . [ 7 ]\non a 2009\nbest of\nlist , bloody disgusting listed birdemic amongst its honorable mentions , calling it\nthe best worst film you ' ll see in 2010\n. [ 24 ] the huffington post referred to the film as\ntruly , one of the worst films ever made .\n[ 2 ] variety reported that\n' birdemic ' displays all the revered hallmarks of hilariously bad filmmaking : inane dialogue . . . miscued music , godawful sound . . . and special effects that simply must be seen to be believed : birds dive - bombing and exploding in red - and - yellow poofs of smoke , and clip - art eagles , crudely pasted on the screen , with only their wing tips mechanically flapping .\n[ 25 ] the village voice described birdemic as\none more in the pantheon of beloved trash - terpieces .\n[ 26 ] salon commented on the\natrocious cgi\nand reported that the film had become\na cult hit among bad - movie fans .\n[ 27 ]\non february 27 , 2010 , birdemic received its los angeles premiere at the silent movie theatre , [ 14 ] sponsored by bloody disgusting and hosted by tim heidecker and eric wareheim , [ 15 ] followed by a cast - and - crew attended screening at the alamo drafthouse in austin , texas on march 2 , [ 16 ] with follow - up screenings in tempe , arizona . [ 17 ] and new york city . [ 18 ]\na flock of eagles and vultures wreak havoc amidst blossoming romance in hollywood , california , leaving bloodshed and destruction wherever they hover . the story features original ' birdemic ' survivors r . . . more\npress j to jump to the feed . press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts\nin his 2016 vice interview , nguyen said that he is hoping to eventually make birdemic 3 : sea eagle , which would be his last film . [ 39 ]\ndespite statham either knocking boots , kicking butt or carefully planning how to kick butt for most the film\u2019s 98 minutes , mechanic : resurrection is nowhere near his best , or engaging work but that\u2019s not his fault . the whole film feels much cheaper , less stylish and less engaging than the previous movie and , despite flourishes of creativity , much flatter . there are moments that do lift the film above the average to adequate , but that\u2019s about as good as it gets , and that\u2019s not good enough .\nnguyen was inspired to write the script for birdemic : shock and terror while spending time relaxing in half moon bay , california , [ 5 ] and much of the filming took place in the area surrounding the community . birdemic began production in 2006 and took four years to produce , [ 6 ] partly due to time limitations\u2014filming was done mostly on weekends over the course of seven months [ 7 ] \u2014and also due to financial restraints , as it was financed through nguyen ' s day job , plus the time it took for nguyen to find a distributor .\nfollowing on from the riot that filled the story in season 5 , the new season of . . .\nlike the first movie , the birds barely even appear in the movie . the first half of the movie consists of boring segments such as bill walking around in hollywood blvd . at the film ' s opening intro .\ni am very excited about the philadelphia premier and i think it\u2019s my first time in philadelphia . whenever i hear philadelphia , i always think of david lynch , because that is where he came from . i am excited to meet the birdemic fans in philadelphia .\nbasis of this page is in wikipedia . text is available under the cc by - sa 3 . 0 unported license . non - text media are available under their specified licenses . wikipedia\u00ae is a registered trademark of the wikimedia foundation , inc . wiki 2 is an independent company and has no affiliation with wikimedia foundation .\nprevious episode ( birdemic ) : urltoken facebook : urltoken twitter : urltoken twitch : urltoken review channel : urltoken credits fan art : http : / / laurenlovesdrawing . deviantart . . . . ' aurea carmina ' , ' move forward ' & ' local forecast - elevator ' from : urltoken ' mass effect 3 - purgatory club ( full song ) ' : urltoken ' mass effect 2 club dark star song ' : urltoken the footage and images featured in the video were for critical review and parody , which are protected under the fair use laws of the united states copyright act of 1976 .\nthe heart of a good movie - - whether it ' s a $ 10 , 000 birdemic or $ 100 million hollywood - style - - it ' s good casting . you got to have good casting . so i spent a lot of time casting and one of the reasons birdemic became a hit movie is because of good casting . and despite all the imperfections , good casting , good story - - a very seriously - felt story about man and his machines and all the harm it ' s doing planet earth . the movie became a hit , you know ?\n\u201c as a rabid fan of the original and after hearing james\u2019 pitch for the sequel , i knew this was a film that had to be made , \u201d gross said . \u201c at the very least , i needed to see it . i felt the world of cinema would be incomplete without the continuation of the birdemic saga . \u201d he also stated , \u201c we produced it entirely independently to ensure james had complete creative control through the final cut . fans of the original should be thrilled to see where he took the story . to call the picture \u2018unique\u2019 is an understatement . \u201d\nbirdemic : shock and terror is 2009 horror / drama film regarding large groups of acid filled , explosive eagles and vultures that attack the residents of silicon valley . though universally panned by critics , the film gained a cult following , leading to more widespread distribution in 2010 .\nat times mechanic : resurrection feels more like mediocre straight - to - dvd affair from the late ' 90s or early 2000s than something that belongs in a multiplex . the script is leaden , the villain is thin and clich\u00e9d , some of the performances are so off and lackluster that they feel like perhaps they are being forced to perform - jessica alba and tommy lee jones , what were you thinking ? in the press notes , one of the few quotes from jones is about him getting to wear \u201csome pretty cool glasses and shirts . \u201d that gives you an idea where we\u2019re at with this movie .\nnow , while all this definitely makes blair witch 2 a pretty weak addition to the series\u2019 very small franchise , i would be doing a disservice if i denied that this film didn\u2019t hold a lot of potential . the core concept of the film\u2014a tour group obsessed with a film that may or may not have been real go out to visit the filming locations and end up killing each other on the belief that supernatural powers were involved\u2014has the potential to be something good and keeping along with the spirit of the series . director joe berlinger had stated that his original vision of the film was a more ambiguous tale that would make the viewer question the reality of the events that occurred and it was the studio that decided they wanted a more horror film - esque approach and ending .\non april 8th , 2014 , cinema sins uploaded a video to their youtube channel [ 6 ] titled\neverything wrong with birdemic : shock & terror .\nwhile their series normally indicates a specific time frame the video will work within ( for example in five minutes or less ) this video is set it fill\nan awful lot of minutes ,\nindicating the film has many more issues than normal . birdemic had a final sin count of 203 , one of the highest in the series , excluding some instalments which feature ' bonus rounds ' , in which the score rises into the high millions . the video gained over 590 , 000 views in less than a week .\nin january 2009 , nguyen traveled to the sundance film festival in park city , utah to promote the film freelance , handing out flyers to passers - by from his van , adorned with stuffed birds and paper signs that read\nbidemic . com\n( spelling birdemic wrong in his haste ) and\nwhy did the eagles and vultures attacked [ sic ] ?\n, and renting out a local theater to screen the film . [ 10 ] word of mouth eventually gave birdemic attention from horror movie websites dread central [ 11 ] and bloody disgusting , [ 12 ] while the trailer was featured on the july 30 episode of g4 ' s attack of the show . [ 13 ]\nsome of the cast from birdemic are coming back . you know , like alan bagh who plays rob in the original - - he ' s back . rick camp who plays the bird expert ? he ' s back - - he ' s in . and tree hugger ' s [ stephen gustavson ] back . the ceo - - he ' s in . the kid who plays tony [ colton osborne ] - - he ' s in the sequel . so some members of the original cast will be back in the sequel .\nbirdemic 2 picks up a few years after the events of the first movie . rod ( alan bagh ) and natalie ( whitney moore ) are still together , and they\u2019re meeting a friend of rod\u2019s , bill , for lunch . bill ( thomas favaloro ) is telling rod about his latest movie idea and how , after his first big budget hollywood picture flopped , it\u2019s hard getting funding . rod promises bill a million dollars on two conditions : bill give parts to natalie and their adopted son tony . bill agrees , and they\u2019ve got themselves a movie .\nin this sequel to cult favorite \u2018birdemic : shock and terror , \u2019 a flock of giant , prehistoric eagles and vultures wreak havoc amidst blossoming love in hollywood , california , leaving bloodshed and destruction wherever they hover . the story features original \u2018birdemic\u2019 survivors rod and nathalie , who are joined by new friends , as well as other angelenos in their battle with these deranged birds . fans can expect the same quality they\u2019ve come to know from a james nguyen film , only a whole lot more of it .\nuncle drew\u2019s journey from the hardcourt to the silver screen has been an . . .\nmechanic : resurrection isn\u2019t unique but it is something of a rarity in that it is a sequel to a remake . while they do happen , they usually happen for a good reason but what the reason is here , i\u2019m not quite sure . certainly , the mechanic redux that jason statham headlined in 2011 was an enjoyable enough action romp but it didn\u2019t exactly have audiences crying out for more - they could get more of the same from most of his movies anyway . regardless , here we are in 2016 with the return of arthur bishop whether you wanted it or not .\ni will easily admit that i have sat through tommy wiseau\u2019s the room on several occasions , enjoying it with someone new to the eminently quotable lines , bizarre script , and questionable casting . the room , like many films of its caliber , is crap , but it\u2019s fun crap . however , this is not the case with james nguyen\u2019s birdemic : shock and terror , a film that possesses all the hallmarks of shoddy plotting and production but without any redeeming value . where wiseau ( mostly ) understood the technical aspect of filmmaking , nguyen\u2019s film lets the intricacies of editing , sound , and picture slip through its fingers \u2013 which isn\u2019t excusable in any case , even on the film\u2019s tiny budget . combined with the wretched pacing , birdemic\u2019s 80 - minute runtime is excruciating , as anyone who has endured it can tell you .\nupdate 10 / 14 : we want to make sure that the room is packed for this so we ' re going to be offering a 2 - for - 1 special , buy one ticket and bring a friend for free ! damien ' s performance is going to be filmed so we want lots of people in attendance .\ni\u2019m not sure if i\u2019m recommending birdemic 2 or not . i\u2019m definitely going to tell my daughter to watch it , but she won\u2019t , and that\u2019s unfortunate because she\u2019d really get a kick out of all the callbacks to the first movie . but for the casual viewer , if you haven\u2019t seen the first one , don\u2019t see the sequel . if you saw the first one and were disgusted by how bad it was , the sequel is no better so you should probably avoid it as well . however if , like me , you know the first one was crap but still had a great time watching it , then by all means try to find a way to watch the sequel . i can\u2019t say i\u2019d recommend buying the thing , but if that\u2019s the only option , at least try not to spend too much . but however you see it , if you liked the first movie for all its stupid , quirky charm , you\u2019re bound to have a great time suffering through this one as well . i know i did .\ninconsistent walking speeds , celebratory high fives , sound cuts , and haphazard money transactions - it ' s all par for the course for a james nguyen joint . birdemic shock and terror certainly earned the\nso bad it ' s good\nlabel , but does simply copying the formula extend the good will to a sequel . it shouldn ' t , but it does . . . kinda .\nsharknado fans rejoiced this week at the news that the syfy channel is pressing ahead with a fifth instalment in the trashy disaster franchise .\nbefore she takes over as the queen in netflix\u2019s the crown , olivia colman . . .\nvery bad acting as it starts with the\nhi ! ' from the last movie .\nmost of the characters forget their lines halfway through . for example , when the the doctor from the first movie talks about ancient birds he says that they\nattacked cavemen\n.\nnguyen ' s partial self - awareness of his new movie ' s camp value - - encompassing brief incorporation of zombies - - only makes it an effortful , half - understood in - joke rather than the guiltily pleasurable unintentional joke that was birdemic : shock and terror .\nso , bill is played by lyle drucker . if you liked the original birdemic with whitney moore - - whitney moore is really talented [ and ] plays nathalie in the original one - - you ' re going to like lyle drucker because he ' s kind of like whitney moore . the guy [ has ] good talent and the right attitude , and i know he ' s going to do great .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nthere aren\u2019t enough negative words in the dictionary to fully describe the awfulness on display here but still i wonder whether this is all intentional or not ? if it\u2019s intentional then it\u2019s just a really , really bad spoof of the original \u201cbirdemic\u201d , but if it isn\u2019t and nguyen thought he was really making something watchable ( as he did with the original film ) then he shoots to the top of the f . b . i . \u2019s \u201cmost wanted\u201d list . he is truly a menace to civilization if that\u2019s the case and must be stopped at all costs .\nbut nguyen\u2019s partial self - awareness of his new movie\u2019s camp value \u2014 encompassing brief incorporation of zombies \u2014 only makes it an effortful , half - understood in - joke rather than the guiltily pleasurable unintentional joke that was \u201cbirdemic : shock and terror . \u201d the sequel also falls pathetically flat in finding any kind of narrative ending .\ndespicable me 2 is the sequel to illumination ' s first animated movie which came out in 2010 . in this one , gru is hired by an organization who wants to capture a criminal who ' s trying to take over the world because they believe gru can dentify whether or not he or she is a villain . that ' s all i ' m gonna say . i came into despicable me 2 with no expectations . i just didn ' t know what to expect . i really liked the first movie , but it wasn ' t a movie that needed a sequel . still , i ' m glad we got it . this movie feels exactly like the first one , but not in a bad way . it has the same feel , same humor , same style of animation and a pretty similar story . but it ' s all good fun . it ' s an entertaining ride with funny characters and some good jokes . just like the first movie , despicable me 2 also has heart . so not only are the characters funny , but they ' re also sympathetic . there ' s not much i can say about this film . overall , it was really good . if you ' re a fan of the first one , you ' ll love this one too most likely .\nunlike the first film , where it ended with everyone being happy , this one just ends with the birds killing one of the guys and leaving , even though the others are still alive .\nanyway i agree but i think the room is popular for reasons that don ' t have to do with tommys cult of personality either . the room is like running on raw but complex ambition and nothing else . there are no other ingredients , besides that tommy was like only superficially aware of all the complicated intricacies that go into making prolific dramas like a streetcar named desire . with movies like troll 2 and birdemic you feel like their greatest aspiration in life was trying to make a better version of gremlins or avatar but tommy was somehow aware of how truly good tennessee williams plays were and wanted to top that . it ' s just the most obvious example of a gulf between artistic appreciation and artistic creation i have ever seen ."]} {"id": 114585, "summary": [{"text": "virgin territory is a 2007 romantic comedy film based upon giovanni boccaccio 's decameron .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it has also been known under the working titles the decameron , angels and virgins , guilty pleasures and chasing temptation .", "topic": 17}, {"text": "the film 's italian title decameron pie pays tribute to both the title of the original source inspiration and to u.s. comedy film american pie .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "the film was released in france on december 12 , 2007 under the title medieval pie , and was released directly-to-dvd in the u.s. in august 2008 .", "topic": 2}, {"text": "it was the last film produced by dino de laurentiis . ", "topic": 7}], "title": "virgin territory", "paragraphs": ["# vdteverydayaction is a social awareness campaign on twitter that runs alongside virgin territory .\nvirgin territory live production was commissioned by the place with support from esm\u00e9e fairbairn foundation .\ncome prepared to be physically and mentally overwhelmed by the breathless beauty of this virgin territory .\nlisten to mtv virgin territory : season 1 , ep . 11 in full in the spotify app\nadult supervision for under 14s is advised . virgin territory contains content that some people may find upsetting .\nfrom the first stronghold game , aka stronghold 1 . the soundtrack : virgin territory visit my channel to see all of the stronghold 1 theme songs / soundtracks ! stronghold - virgin territory theme song / soundtrack\nvirgin territory film installation was commissioned by brighton festival and the place , with support from esm\u00e9e fairbairn foundation .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing virgin territory near you .\nthe movie virgin territory , released in 2007 , features 9 songs from artists like groove armada , blur , wolfman feat . pete doherty and martina topley - bird . what is your favorite song from virgin territory ?\nsunday will be virgin territory for the team - they have never reached a heineken cup semi - final before .\nwith an all - star cast , virgin territory is a fantastic tale of adventure , fantasy and the fight to secure true love .\nif you are interested in booking virgin territory workshops ( or choreographic workshops for touring venues ) , please contact admin @ urltoken for more information .\nthe entrepreneur made his millions when he set up one of the world ' s most popular search engines back when the internet was still considered virgin territory .\nwith moving , resilient performances at its core , virgin territory asks vital questions about responsibility and being an \u2018audience\u2019 as we witness children playing in an adult online world .\nvirgin territory workshops take place in venues the installation tours to , but can also be booked as standalone events within a \u2018staged space\u2019 . in either context , participants respond to a series of craft and / or digital tasks after watching scenes from virgin territory . these workshops are adaptable and can be modified to suit the needs of different groups .\nchvrches \u2013 \u201cyou caught the light\u201d kyle tells his friends that he\u2019s still a virgin .\nwith vincent dance theatre\u2019s trademark black humour , virgin territory takes an uncompromising look at what it ' s like for young people to live in an over - sexualised , digitally captured world .\nvdt ' s virgin territory film installation premiered as part of kate tempest ' s brighton festival at onca gallery brighton , 10 - 21 may ( excluding 15 / 16 may ) , 2017 .\nunflinching in its honesty and hopeful in its intent , virgin territory is a rallying cry from the \u2018astonishingly original\u2019 vincent dance theatre ( new york times ) to just let our kids be kids .\nwith moving , resilient performances by young people at its core , virgin territory film installation elicits an emotional and discursive response , as we witness children playing in a hyper - sexualised adult online world .\nvirgin territory premiered live at the place , london in november 2016 . the international premiere was at rencontres chor\u00e9graphiques internationales de seine - saint - denis 2017 , paris , 27 - 28 may 2017 .\nexhilarating in its capture of movement , virgin territory film installation is a series of beautiful , disarming choreographic exchanges , performed on multiple screens , designed as a new way of sharing vdt ' s powerful work .\nvirgin territory on film was commissioned by brighton dome as part of kate tempest\u2019s brighton festival and premiered at o n c a gallery 10 - 21 may 2017 , and was nominated for a national dance award .\nvirgin territory is a multi - layered film installation , performed by four children aged 12 - 14 and four adults , with real - life testimonies , stunning cinematography and bold performances screened across five large televisions , mounted on school benches .\nvirgin territory was released in the year 2007 , some songs of the official soundtrack are tender by blur , no wow ( telephone radio germany ) by the kills , lucky star by basement jaxx , for lovers by pete doherty . listen the soundtrack online !\ncharlotte vincent\u2019s virgin territory takes a bold and uncompromising look at our hyper - sexualised culture and the impact it is having on girls and young women growing up today . we all want to be \u2018liked\u2019 and \u2018followed\u2019 , but what effect does performing for the camera have on our lives ?\nexplores the real - life stories of 15 young adults from across the country as they navigate the complexities of relationships and one of the most complicated and emotional decisions of their young adult lives : whether to have sex or remain a virgin . virgin territory will delve into the mindset of four young people each week , some who are hanging on to their v - card for as long as possible and others who are desperately hoping to lose it .\nvdt are delivering virgin territory workshops with young people ( 14 + ) and adults to investigate the challenges that young people face as they forge their own identities in an image - complex world . the workshops reflect on how our hyper - sexualised , digitised culture is affecting young people and their sexual expectations , personal choices and relationships .\n- strictly speaking it ' s our territory , and he has no business rocking up , cocking his scabby tail and spraying his stinking cat - hi karate all around the place .\nthere ' s no question about it : sex ( both having it and choosing to wait ) can complicate life . as we ' ve seen on the first few episodes of\nvirgin territory ,\nthe decision to shed your chaste status isn ' t always an easy one \u2014 and if it is easy , well , finding that special partner may be a whole other obstacle .\nwe\u2019re extremely excited to announce that we\u2019ve partnered with glassnote entertainment group to utilize select artists from their amazing roster for music placements throughout the upcoming season of virgin territory . maybe you\u2019ve heard of some of their bands\u2026 do the names phoenix , chvrches , or robert delong ring a bell ? no , we\u2019re not joking ! check it out for yourself in the premiere episode on wednesday , july 16 at 11 / 10c on mtv .\nvirgin territory\n: franchise : 1899 follows the lives of fifteen young adults , all of whom are trying to maneuver the often tricky world of virginity . messy love lives , awkward parental sex talks , sexually active friends , and the pressure to give in to their temptations \u2013 all can make for a very tumultuous journey for these abstinent adolescents . each hour long episode explores four different v - card - carrying cast members from all walks of life . some of them are hanging on to their virginity and others are desperately trying to lose it . get to know who\u2019s who and who prioritizes what in our gallery above ! > > >\n3 things you need to know about virgin territory !\n: content _ block : redirect _ 3thingsvirginterritory * do . not . miss the premiere this\nsunday , september 14th\n: article : 57782 - only on mtv ! *\nthe most - powerful lobbying group in america is the writers guild of america . by determining what we watch on tv and in the movies , these writers help shape america ' s views and set the standard for what is acceptable , normal and right . you probably saw your first interracial or same - sex kiss on a screen . what is put out there by hollywood is a responsibility that shouldn ' t be taken lightly - - and one that\nmodern family ' s\nwriters and producers blew for me big time in this week ' s episode ,\nvirgin territory .\nfor the record , i love the show . i love its smart humor and characters . what i didn ' t love in the episode\nvirgin territory\nwas the discovery that the character of haley , a high school senior , was sexually active and , according to the story line , has been for a while . the revelation that ditzy haley has been having sex with her even - dumber boyfriend came out of the blue . she ' s in high school , and the story line centered on how her dad phil wished he could be a\ncool dad\nand accept this news but can ' t :\na good - looking guy who appears to have it easy , john has yet to shed his v - card - - most likely because of his lackluster game with the ladies . the last virgin among his pals , john is desperate to have sex - - but can he get past his awkward , uncomfortable hang - ups ?\nhaving been in a relationship for nearly a year now , this florida gal has promised her boyfriend julien an extra - memorable night on their one - year anniversary . promises can always be broken though , as anike questions if she is truly willing to give up her virgin status - - and having a sense of control in the relationship .\nalec is a young gay man who grew up in the small , conservative , town of mesa , arizona where he felt it wasn\u2019t acceptable to be openly gay\u2026 until now . tired of living as a virgin and in the closet , alec decides to come out and start openly looking for love . with enrollment to a new school and his 21st birthday on the horizon , alec is about to take charge of his own life .\nloosely based on the decameron , virgin territory is a bit of a shambles from the offset . it is trying to be a comedy in a medieval setting , something the far superior a knight ' s tale does so well , but unlike a knight ' s tale , fails to mix it with the drama and romance well , failing at every conceivable turn . the plot is strung along between unfunny jokes and some of the acting is at times unbearable ( hayden christensen ) . mischa barton doesn ' t do herself any favours either and is incapable of making it look like she even wants to be there . then there ' s the cameo from david walliams , a man whose comedy style i generally find amusing , utilised horribly in what may be his worst attempt at acting yet . the attempts at gross - out humour could ' ve been funny , but they seem to be added as an afterthought and end up pointless and lacklustre . do yourself a favour , and skip this . 1 / 5\nvirgin terriroty is a film which definitely doesn ' t take itself too seriously , and so as long as you aren ' t looking for a classic period drama you shouldn ' t be disappointed . set in 14th century florence it plays off a group of young ladies who must retain their virtue to achieve a good marriage against their suitors who are just as desparate . throw in the bad guy ( tim roth ) who wants to force the heroine ( mischa barton ) into marraige , sex crazed nuns , some kidnapping into slavery and some swordfighting to round out the action . all the actors look like they had a lot of fun making the film and this shows in the comedy that plays throughout the film . a fun hour and a half .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\ndaily box office ( sun . ) | weekend box office ( jul . 6\u20138 ) | # 1 movie : ' ant - man and the wasp ' | showtimes\n\u00a9 urltoken , inc . or its affiliates . all rights reserved . box office mojo and imdb are trademarks or registered trademarks of urltoken , inc . or its affiliates . terms of use and privacy policy under which this service is provided to you .\ntypical forms of this tense are as in : i am winning . he is winning . am i winning ? is she winning ? i am not winning . he is not winning . aren\u2019t i winning ? isn\u2019t she winning ? am i not winni . . .\nimpress your friends , family and colleagues with this unusual collection of football lingo .\ncatch up on the latest words in the news this june with robert groves .\nall the latest wordy news , linguistic insights , offers and competitions every month .\ncreated for adaptable theatre and gallery spaces , this is a bold , immersive dance theatre experience that brings the audience closer to the action on screen and explores the impact that constantly performing for the camera has on our lives .\nto discuss how your venue could host the work and associated engagement workshops , please email niamh lynam - cotter at niamh @ urltoken .\n\u2018vincent ' s coupling of adult bodies and young bodies is extraordinary . the four children crash and slam their counterparts with uncompromising commitment\u2019\n\u2018charlotte vincent is one of the most important feminist artists working in britain today . contemporary dance fans should beat a path to her door\u2019\nfour adults and four children ( aged 12 - 14 ) negotiate some uncomfortable truths about the culture we live in , where bodies are exposed , identities are faked and our deepest truths remain hidden .\nparticipant\u2019s creative responses are encouraged and are being shared via vdt\u2019s flickr galleries . filmed responses created in digitally - focused workshops may also appear on vdt\u2019s youth collection from 2018 onwards .\nthe campaign asks people to hand - write a hopeful , practical action anyone can do to challenge the pressures of everyday sexism and digital culture .\ntake a look at the gallery to see what other people have contributed . to take part , write your action down , take a picture and tweet it to @ vincentdt using the # vdteverydayaction .\nvdt\u2019s campaign runs alongside everyday sexism , object and irights , to give voice to the growing concern around what is happening to young people .\nyour text and picture files may be shared across vdt\u2019s other social media platforms , including instagram , flickr , and facebook .\nnew england house new england street brighton bn1 4gh t : 01273 911616 e : admin @ urltoken w : www . urltoken\nthis page was last edited on 25 may 2017 , at 01 : 15 .\ntext is available under the creative commons attribution - sharealike license ; additional terms may apply . by using this site , you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy .\n\u2018with a sensational cast of performers who combine technical skill with brilliant body language and emotional depth , vincent delivers forceful messages through her poetic and political dance theatre . this is a must for every teenage girl or boy . \u2019 london dance\ncompletely unexplored or untested field ( s ) or area ( s ) of activity .\n- boldly going where no man has gone before , and probably won ' t , in the foreseeable future - nasa ' s hubble space telescope is charting their path , providing a road map of the probes ' future trajectories and giving a broader context to what they are observing in their vicinity .\nfor wales when they face portugal in the euro 2016 semi - finals yet their opponents could be forgiven a sense of deja vu as they step on to the pitch in lyon on wednesday .\n, sunset daze , who ' s your daddy , taking on tyson and extreme cheapskates .\nafter 120 years of history at chambers bay golf course this week , but us golf association ( usga ) chief mike davis believes it will all come down to the players at the end of the day .\n, although of course the ground may have been disturbed by landscaping and building over the centuries since shakespeare lived here .\nis this a digger which i see before me . . ? archaeologists set to start biggest ever exploration at shakespeare ' s last family home archaeologists exploration at shakespeare ' s last family home\nall content on this website , including dictionary , thesaurus , literature , geography , and other reference data is for informational purposes only . this information should not be considered complete , up to date , and is not intended to be used in place of a visit , consultation , or advice of a legal , medical , or any other professional .\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\nyoung florentines take refuge from the black plague and engage in bawdy adventures and lusty exchanges .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nyoung florentines regale one another in the italian countryside while the black plague decimates their city .\nhome | movies | movie reviews | trailers | dvd | blog | contests | about us | help | contact us movie reviews \u00a9 2003 - 2018 erik samdahl . all other content \u00a9 of its respected owner . read our privacy policy . filmjabber is a client of this seo consultant .\nmore tickets = more points = more movies on us ! rack up vip + points for every ticket you buy to score streaming movies and discounts on tickets and movie gear .\nget your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home , exclusive movie gear , access to advanced screenings and discounts galore .\ncollect bonus rewards from our many partners , including amc , stubs , cinemark connections , regal crown club when you link accounts .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nalso sign me up for fanmail to get updates on all things movies : tickets , special offers , screenings + more .\nin the 14th century , italy is in the grip of the black death . a group of young florentines ( hayden christensen , mischa barton ) seeks refuge in the countryside while the plague ravages the city . to pass the time , the refugees regale one another with fantastic tales of romance and adventure . based on boccaccio ' s\nthe decameron .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' jurassic world : fallen kingdom ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\na charming scoundrel lorenzo di lamberti ( hayden christensen of jumper ) who can , and does deflower any woman he wants in 14th century florence .\nmore hd trailers @ : urltoken plot : young florentines regale one another in the italian countryside while the black plague decimates their city . director : david leland cast : hayden christensen , tim roth , mischa barton , ryan cartwright , christopher egan , craig parkinson , simone spinazze , jay villiers , diego guerra , ruffo riccardo genre : drama | adventure | comedy | romance\nin the 14th - century the prosperous city of florence is ravaged by a merciless plague known as\nthe black death . '\nlorenzo de lamberti ( hayden christensen ) , an innocent and adventurous young blood , finds himself on the wrong side of gerbino de la ratta ( tim roth ) . de la ratta ' s wealth has been gleaned from his ability to live on both sides of the law ; murder is part of his armory and lorenzo is his prime target . lorenzo escapes from florence and finds refuge working as a gardener in a convent .\npampinea anastagi ( mischa barton ) , the only daughter of a respected and wealthy family , suddenly finds herself alone . gerbino de la ratta threatens to confiscate her home to pay off her father ' s debts - - then offers to marry her as an escape route from her imminent financial ruin . pampinea retreats to a convent where from behind her nun ' s veil - - and after a secret kiss - - she falls in love with lorenzo . lorenzo also falls in love , but does not know who has delivered the fatal heart - melting kiss .\nant - man and the wasp , starring paul rudd and evangeline lilly , took the top spot at . . .\nhbo ' s new series sharp objects premieres july 8 and follows amy adams as camille . . .\nallison kugel joins comedian / actor / author d . l . hughley for a frank discussion about . . .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 tribute ent . media group last updated : july 9 , 2018\ntap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you .\nphil , i feel your pain . but i ' d also like to take whoever wrote this plot line and poke out their eyes with hot poker sticks . seventeen and sexually active ? really ? this isn ' t the same as the show ' s toddler letting loose with an f - bomb in a prior episode . ( don ' t they all do that at some point ? )\nthe problem i have with this is that i don ' t believe that every high school senior is out there having sex , is ready to have sex or needs to feel that 17 or 18 is the appropriate age to have sex because he or she saw it on prime - time tv .\ngo ahead and flame me , all you parents who justify your lack of parenting with lame lines like\nall the kids are doing it .\nhere ' s a news flash : they aren ' t . and maybe yours wouldn ' t be either if you had taught them about responsibility and consequences and not gone belly - up on doing your job .\naccording to the guttmacher institute , only 13 percent of teens have had sex by age 15 and 30 percent - - of both male and female teens - - still haven ' t had intercourse by the time they turn 19 . let me say it again : not everybody is doing it .\nthe institute found that teens are waiting longer to have sex than they did in the past . from 2006 to 2008 , about 11 percent of unmarried females aged 15 to 19 and 14 percent of unmarried males that age had had sex before they were 15 years old , while in 1995 , those percentages were 19 percent and 21 percent , respectively . read that : not only isn ' t everybody doing it , more kids nowadays are not .\nbut those teens who do have sex may face serious consequences . the guttmacher institute reports that each year , 750 , 000 teenage girls between 15 and 19 in the u . s . get pregnant . in 2008 , those between 13 and 24 years old comprised 17 percent of people diagnosed with hiv / aids in the u . s . the institute also reports that while\n15 - 24 - year - olds represent only one - quarter of the sexually active population , they account for nearly half ( 9 . 1 million ) of the 18 . 9 million new cases of stis each year .\nthese numbers reveal that some sexually active teens are taking serious risks , making responsible coverage of the issue even more important .\nbut numbers aside , there is a larger issue : the emotional land mines that sexual intercourse plants . seventeen - year - olds may be physically ready to have intercourse , but emotionally they are far from being able to handle it . unless you depersonalize sex and turn it into a sport for physical release - - in which case , may i suggest you just buy a vibrator and avoid the risk of hiv and pregnancy - - intercourse is something more , something bigger . it ' s an intimate expression of love between two people , not something you do just to feel good . fundamentalists might go a step further and say it ' s something you do to procreate ; that ' s their view , not mine . but i do believe that the intensity of pleasure that comes from having sex should be followed by something more than\ni have to go home now because i have a science test tomorrow and dad gave me a 10 p . m . curfew .\ni ' m not saying that sex outside marriage is a bad thing ; i actually don ' t think it is . but i do think sex involving high school seniors is a path to emotional letdown , disappointment and a self - esteem battering similar to tossing christians to the lions .\nfirst - person essays , features , interviews and q & as ; about life today .\nhayden christensen stars as lorenzo de lamberti , a ne ' er - do - well swashbuckler pining for the hand ( and flower ) of pampinea , played by mischa barton . on the run from pampinea ' s other suitor ( played by tim roth ) , lozenzo takes refuge in a convent , where the nuns are anxious to be filled with something other than the holy spirit . this action / sex comedy is written and directed by david leland .\nwhile not great , the 16x9 anamorphic widescreen presentation manages to deliver satisfactorily enough to make for a pleasant viewing experience . colors are drab and uninspired , but the framerate holds up well\nlanguages and audio the dolby 5 . 1 surround mix is somewhat flat and could likely have passed for a good stereo mix . rear speaker and subwoofer are almost nonexistent , but the center speaker holds up well and delivers the goods .\nwhats with that cover ? i mean yeah , it pretty much sums up the movie , but it might as well be from star wars episode vii : the national lampoon wars . it ' s on a high - quality , rasied card stock sleeve though , so i guess all is well . i guess .\nthe extras consist of nothing more than a short behind the scenes segment , and a few throwaway deleted scenes . the\ncensored scenes of sexuality\n, are simply trimmed versions of other , relatively tame scenes in the film . nothing sexy or explicit in the least .\ndavid walliams : cart pusher\nis a scene from the film that already made it into the final cut . if there was anything extended in this scene , i missed it . the fact that this was one of the more memorable segments in the movie does not warrant it ' s re - inclusion in the extra features . the cover acts as if this is a noteworthy extra , or that subtitling for the hearing impaired is considered an extra feature . hardly !\nthis movie didn ' t have a lot going for it to begin with , but the simple , unthreatening nature and tone of the film seemed to promise something that never really materialized . this dvd is a passer . if you ' re even just looking for some erotic entertainment , there ' s none to be had here .\n\u00a9 2018 viacom international inc . all rights reserved . mtv and all related titles and logos are trademarks of viacom international inc .\nmeet the new group of young adults who will appear on the mtv series .\nfor fear of being labeled a\nslut ,\nthe high school student has always said no to having sex . now , with valentine ' s day around the corner , she wonders if timing is finally right for her to take the next step with her boyfriend kyle .\nwith his 21st birthday fast approaching , the arizona student decides to finally come out as a gay man in a small , conservative town . also longing to shed his v - card , alec finally takes charge of his own life and heads out on a search for love .\nthe ohio native was long taught to save sex for marriage , but the college life and club scene has been brought temptations on more than one occasion . when anna tries to forge a relationship with a potential player , will she make him an offer he surely won ' t refuse ?\nnever been kissed , the university of utah student has a tough time moving beyond the friend zone with the ladies . to the rescue : david ' s buddies , who have resolved to help him shed his sidekick status in exchange for a hook - up .\nphysically unable to have sex due to having a septate hymen , emily pursued corrective surgery so she could have sex with her boyfriend jesse . but while most of her friends are sexually experienced , emily is grappling with the fear of being physically intimate with her longtime love .\nlooking to lose it to someone special , the virginia native is all about having a good time until that time comes . armed with a lime green vibrator named\nricky ,\nkeyaira is open about her desire for self - pleasure , but when she begins to form a bond with an actual guy who doesn ' t shake at the press of a button , she struggles with the idea of a physical relationship .\nthe high school senior is determined to lose her v - card before graduation and is on the ultimate honey hunt . but will her habit of being a poor man - picker ( and having an affinity for friend drama ) get in the way of her goal ?\nthe southern sorority belle and some of her\nsisters\ncompare their v - card statuses to a rare ( a . k . a . nonexistent ) mythical creature , the unicorn . with a strong catholic background , shelby long assumed she would save herself for marriage , but due to the pressures of college life , she ' s having second thoughts .\n\u00a9 2018 intl viacom international inc . all rights reserved . mtv and all related titles and logos are trademarks of viacom international inc .\nwe track hollywood ' s upcoming movie releases through all stages of production . more\ni ' ll be waiting ( kabhi jo baadal ) arjun feat . arijit singh | full video song ( hd )\nwhat ' s the song in episode 11 , it starts after emily closes the door ? it goes\nnow that we . . .\ncopyright 2018 tunefind llc . all rights reserved . song previews courtesy of itunes .\nmachines are people too \u2013 \u201cdo what you love\u201d lisa celebrates her bachlorette party .\ngoldroom \u2013 \u201cembrace\u201d mikaela works up the courage to talk to her crush , ashton .\nmorgan taylor reid \u2013 \u201cwhen your heart is able\u201d lisa moves into nick\u2019s house .\nthe royalty \u2013 \u201cwon\u2019t be long\u201d lisa talks to nick about losing her virginity on their wedding night .\nmiss amani \u2013 \u201cfame\u201d kyle goes to a strip club for the first time .\np - holla \u2013 \u201ctell your girl\u201d kyle gets ready to hang with his friends in their dorm room .\nbell civic \u2013 \u201cpiping\u201d kyle sets out to find his crush at college house party .\nwhite mystery \u2013 \u201cparty\u201d mikaela and friends head over to her aunt\u2019s house to throw a party .\ngeneral ghost \u2013 \u201cthe way we are\u201d lisa and nick celebrate at their wedding reception .\n\u00a92013 viacom international inc . all rights reserved . mtv and all related titles and logos are trademarks of viacom international inc .\nbut wait , there\u2019s more . to celebrate the partnership , we\u2019re hosting an exclusive week - long stream of a never before heard robert delong remix of oberhofer\u2019s hit single \u201ci could go\u201d . have a listen below and visit urltoken to check out more of glassnote\u2019s talented artists .\nthe film is set in tuscany during the black death . as in the decameron , ten young florentines take refuge from the plague . but instead of telling stories , they have lusty adventures , bawdy exchanges , romance and swordplay . there are randy nuns , saracen pirates , and a sexy cow .\nappointment in vancouver gremlins 2 : the new batch freddie as f . r . o . 7 . nymphomaniac : vol . i bee gees : this is where you come in darna mana hai kuch naa kaho kylie ' showgirl ' : the greatest hits tour the marine 3 : homefront ( v ) teeth\nthis product uses the tmdb api but is not endorsed or certified by tmdb .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 frameset / / en\nurltoken\ncouldn ' t find your soundtrack in the database ? tell us about it and maybe we will add it .\ntotal number of members who have this title in their : collection : 0 wish list : 0 there are no labels for this title . things you can do : update this title add new label to this title\nthere are no labels for this soundtrack in the database . this could mean that there has never been a release of this soundtrack or that there has been a release but we don ' t know about it . if you do know of a release for this soundtrack , why don ' t you tell us about it , so we can add it to our database .\ncopyright 2000 - 2012 - c & c ; concept and creation , the netherlands . all rights reserved .\nthis browser doesn ' t support spotify web player . switch browsers or download spotify for your desktop .\nlisten to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the premium trial .\nfulfilment by amazon ( fba ) is a service amazon offers sellers that lets them store their products in amazon ' s warehouses , and amazon directly does the picking , packing , shipping and customer service on these items . something amazon hopes you ' ll especially enjoy : fba items are eligible for and for amazon prime just as if they were amazon items .\nif you ' re a seller , you can increase your sales significantly by using fulfilment by amazon . we invite you to learn more about this programme .\ncomment : super fast delivery from uk . buy with confidence . excellent customer service .\ninstantly receive a \u00a310 urltoken gift card if you\u2019re approved for the amazon platinum mastercard with instant spend . representative 21 . 9 % apr ( variable ) .\ncredit offered by newday ltd , over 18s only , subject to status . terms apply .\nthis shopping feature will continue to load items . in order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading .\nregion : region 2 ( this dvd may not be viewable outside europe . read more about dvd formats . )\nafter the battle a new hope begins 14th century italy and a beautiful princess ( barton ) in left penniless and alone after her wealthy parents perish during an outbreak of plague . seizing on this opportunity the evil gerbino de la ratta ( roth ) pressures her to marry him as an escape from financial ruin . the fate of the princess now rests with a mysterious stranger , lorenzo ( christensen ) , a travelling rogue who swears to win her affection and overthrow his long - time nemesis , the brutal de la ratta .\nguess it ' s meant to be a bawdy comedy but doesn ' t really work . an art house carry on film . gorgeous locations and an even more beautiful cast but it ' s all a bit awkward and silly .\nlike ' a knights tale ' ? . . . you ' ll love this !\na truly fun period comedy film ; beautifully shot , beautiful sets , costumes and people . excellent script and the fact that the film is based on a classic medievel italian story ( which incidentally was bannished by the vatican as ' lewd ' and ' debauched ' , which to my mind works in its favour ! ) only serves to make the film a must - see . watch out for a couple of hilarious cameo appearances too ! great old - fashioned romp guaranteed to put a smile on your face ! a truly european film , rich and decadent and a bloody good laugh . . . . how refreshing !\nhow anyone can give this 5 stars is beyond me ! ! only gets 1 star because i don ' t know how to give no stars ! ! how they got this cast to appear in this utter rubbish i will never know ! don ' t let the list of names involved fool you - this is awful . it ' s like a carry - on film without even any humour - it stinks ! tim roth . . what are you doing ? ?\nunexpected but fun . beautifully done , humor , a lot of sex ( which i did not expect from the summary ) .\nbe warned / advised : if you consider watching this movie , do not expect a sword and sandals film as labeled on the cover .\nit kind of felt like a knock - off from american pie , only in medieval times . however , the story on itself is quite amusing !\nif you ' re looking for something high brow then this is certainly not for you . it ' s not even a period drama in the sense that the term is normally used .\nit seems this film only attracts the worst and the best of reviews . true , the trailer suggests it is far funnier that it really is .\ni give 1 start because it is not possible to give 0 . terrible film , terrible performances .\nprime members enjoy fast & free shipping , unlimited streaming of movies and tv shows with prime video and many more exclusive benefits .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in ."]} {"id": 114586, "summary": [{"text": "hardwood is a 2005 short documentary film about canadian director hubert davis ' relationship to his father , former harlem globetrotters member mel davis .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "through interviews with his mother , his father 's wife , his half-brother , and mel davis himself , hubert davis explores why mel made the decisions that he did , and how that has affected his life .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "hardwood was met with high critical acclaim and received an academy award for documentary short subject nomination .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "it also aired on pbs as part of its point of view series in 2005 . ", "topic": 9}], "title": "hardwood ( film )", "paragraphs": ["urltoken trailer for the film\nhardwood\nwas accepted into\non the lot\n. the film is now complete and playing film festivals .\nsince the film ' s premiere at hot docs 2004 , hardwood has garnered multiple awards and international critical acclaim . the film has screened at over 20 films festivals throughout canada and the us .\nawards for hardwood include best documentary at the world wide short film festival , best short documentary at the big sky documentary film festival , jury ' s choice award at the black maria film + video festival and four awards at the yorkton short film and video festival ( including a craft award for best ( non - dramatic ) direction and the coveted golden sheaf of excellence award for the top film of 2004 ) .\nhardwood\nwas also part of last year ' s official selection at the infact film series in los angeles .\ndavis\u2019s first film , hardwood , was nominated for an academy award for best short documentary . he received the don haig award at the hot docs festival for invisible city . davis also directed the short film aruba , the 2016 doc giants of africa and most recently the documentary short rivolta .\na film about the director ' s relationship with his father who was a team member of the harlem globetrotters .\nthe film also features never - seen - before dramatic archival material discovered in private and public archives in israel and europe .\nhardwood became a reality for me in 2000 when i read hubert ' s first funding proposal . it was seven oversized pages , each with a black and white photo or two and a few lines written beneath , describing the film . hubert ' s proposal was simple , elegant and poignant , so reflective of his completed film . all through the process of making\nhardwood ,\nhubert kept me involved . he asked me for feedback on what he wrote , got me to set up shoots in vancouver and chicago and research archival footage , and then he sent me rough cuts as he went through the process of editing\nhardwood .\nas a retired documentary filmmaker , i was deeply honored my son asked me to work on his first film .\ncurrently on tour throughout the us with the film , brody explained how the unrehearsed words he spoke from the heart upon beating the soviets are about much more than just basketball . his \u201con the map\u201d phrase entered the israeli vernacular because it resonated far beyond the hardwood court .\nhardwood began as an opportunity for me to support my brother hubert in his dream of becoming a filmmaker . the\nhardwood experience ,\nas i have now begun to affectionately describe the process of participating in the making and showing of hardwood , has been therapeutic and enlightening . as i contemplated organizing public showings of hardwood in atlanta , a close friend and mentor told me that\nour people ( black ) need this ; if one person decides to reconnect with their family , then sharing your family ' s story will be worth it .\nhe was right !\nread the full text of the poem \u00bb he shares in the film ,\nthere are some things i had to figure out .\n\u2018the film reflects a period of history that is still with so many israelis as they go to sleep and wake up every day . it\u2019s something they tell their kids and grandkids about\u2019\nas a human and civil rights activist for over a decade i have never experienced more\nintimate public discussions\nthan the ones that hubert and i engaged in after we premiered hardwood in atlanta community settings . sons , mothers , fathers and daughters openly cried in describing how they\nneeded this\nbecause now they can talk about what has happened in their own families . there is a universal message that hardwood offers to families of all races . but in a time when 70 percent of african - american children are born out of wedlock , and are twice as likely as white children to experience divorce , hardwood can become a powerful tool in the process of reconnecting and repairing our communities , family by family .\nwhile the surprise 1977 victory and brody\u2019s remarks are legendary among israelis of all ages , this astounding sporting accomplishment is little known across the atlantic . menkin , a lifelong maccabi tel aviv fan , decided it was time that americans became familiar with this miracle on hardwood .\nmenkin originally made a film about the story for israeli television , but realized after meeting executive producers nancy spielberg and roberta grossman \u2014 the team behind \u201cabove and beyond\u201d \u2014 that there could be a possibility of expanding it into a feature aimed at american audiences .\ni am currently living in toronto with my wife . i have recently completed production on my second short film , a drama called aruba , under the banner of my production company , shine . i also have a documentary in development called the invisible city about racial profiling .\nhardwood is a personal journey by director hubert davis , the son of former harlem globetrotter mel davis , who explores how his father ' s decisions affected his life and those of his extended family . elegantly structured into three chapters entitled\nlove ,\nrecollection\nand\nredemption ,\ndavis uses personal interviews , archival footage and home movies to delve into his father ' s past in the hope of finding a new direction for his own . at its core , hardwood is about the power of redemption and the healing of the bonds between fathers and sons .\nobviously , the highlight of the year was when hardwood was nominated for an academy award in 2005 for best documentary short subject . the best part of the experience was being able to share it with my family , who joined my wife kelly and me on the red carpet . i think the honor of being nominated was very validating for my family in having the courage to tell our story . the whole experience has brought me closer to my family and has given me a better insight into them as people . making hardwood has taught me so much about myself and has been the most rewarding professional experience of my life .\n\u201cthe film reflects a period of history that is still with so many israelis as they go to sleep and wake up every day . it\u2019s something they tell their kids and grandkids about . so much has happened in the world since then , but israel has stood strong throughout , \u201d brody said .\nmenkin is pleased with the release of \u201con the map\u201d just in time for the 40th anniversary of the game - changing championship . but more importantly , he is happy that he was able to get the film done while most of the former players are still able to recount their experiences for the camera .\n\u201cabove and beyond , \u201d is a 2014 film about american and other foreign former wwii airmen who volunteered to fight for israel in the 1948 war of independence and contribute to the nascent israeli air force . menkin saw a parallel in the maccabi team that won the european championship . it consisted mainly of american players recruited to elevate the team\u2019s playing .\nhardwood was presented to me as a request to participate in a project that would help bring closure to our family regarding the past . i was reluctant at first , not eager to relive the events that caused me so much pain and anguish , but i agreed after much urging from my son , mawuli . i hoped that this would finally put the matter to rest .\nin addition to brody , menkin got the full participation of the other surviving american - born members of the 1976 - 1977 maccabi tel aviv team , many of whom played numerous seasons with the team and ended up settling in israel and marrying israeli women . the film also features interviews with israeli former maccabi tel aviv star miki berkovich , former nba commissioner david stern , and american basketball icon bill walton , among others .\nas for me , i recently celebrated my tenth wedding anniversary with my wife , jana , and our two sons kobie ( 7 ) and khari ( 5 ) by renewing our vows on a cruise with family and friends . we now live in atlanta , georgia , where i have my own law practice , mawuli davis & associates . i am currently the co - chair of the atlanta chapter of the national coalition of blacks for reparations in america ( n ' cobra ) and of the state bar of georgia young lawyers division ' s minorities in the profession committee . i have been a youth basketball coach for both of my sons ' basketball teams for the last four years . i am looking forward to continuing to facilitate community discussions about the\nhardwood experience\nwith the hope that every family will find the courage to tell their story , and as hubert states in hardwood ,\nforever change the pattern\nof their lives .\nparticipating in hardwood on a personal level was also rewarding . answering hubert ' s questions as he delved into our past allowed me to go where i hadn ' t been in a very long time \u2014 to the beginning of my relationship with his father , when i was so very young . a time filled with joy and pain . i wanted hubert to know why i made the decisions i did in my life and his sensitive face showed he understood , and that comforted me . it is deeply gratifying now to witness how hubert ' s touching and honest story of our family is inspiring others to re - examine their family ' s relationships .\ni ' m often asked how i feel about my life being exposed in hardwood . my life has always been an open book . friends and family met mel in vancouver in the 60s . they knew i visited him on the road through the years . and everyone knew mel was married when i was pregnant with hubert . mel asked me to have his child and i said yes . it wasn ' t an easy decision to defend . my only regret was hurting mary etta . as the years passed i tried to talk myself out of my relationship with mel , to no avail . mel was my rock . one of the happiest days of my life was the day i married mel , 25 years after i met him .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nbuzzing comedies such as the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for all the info you need .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\nenjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with prime video .\nsvg public\n- / / w3c / / dtd svg 1 . 1 / / en\nurltoken\nmel is my steady companion and best friend now . i support him as he works with young people , teaching them about life through basketball . i visit family and friends . my passion is the natural world around me and i try to spend a few hours of each day just enjoying it . any spare time is divided between working to save a small\nnature\npark in vancouver and writing a book with mary etta exploring our parallel lives with mel .\ni found that , while talking about the events that happened 20 years ago , i was still connected to the past by the present and the future . reliving those years has brought me to an understanding of a history that began long before my failed marriage . in telling the story , i was forced to relive it , reexamine it and experience it from a different perspective . many things i did not know were revealed and the origin of certain behaviors were made understandable .\nif , by telling my story and that of my family \u2014 and i mean my extended family although it ' s not the\ntraditional\nfamily \u2014 perhaps other families can face their past and move ahead to the future .\ni am now a retired public school teacher and catholic school principal , living a life filled with children , grandchildren , volunteerism , church and other activities . i have no regrets about the past , because if it had been any different , i would not be who i am today and i would not have my son and grandchildren . . . my family .\nharry and the hendersons official trailer # 1 - m . emmet walsh movie ( 1987 ) hd\ndavis , a member of the legendary harlem globetrotters , had two families \u2014 one in chicago and one in vancouver . his canadian son , hubert , takes a personal look at his father\u2019s life . nominated for an oscar .\njude ( leblanc ) is a nurse and single mom struggling with health issues while trying to raise her son , ciel ( gordon ) .\nrenee ghert - zand is a reporter and feature writer for the times of israel .\nmiki berkovich ( left ) and tal brody after final game against varese , april 1977 . ( shmuel rahmani )\n\u2018s earliest memories is being taken by his father out into the streets of tel aviv on february 17 , 1977 . there they joined the huge crowds celebrating the\nbasketball team\u2019s victory against cska ( red army moscow ) in the semi - finals of the european championship . menkin , who was seven at the time , was one of 150 , 000 ecstatic revelers crammed that night into what is now rabin square .\nmenkin , now 46 , has never forgotten that euphoric moment and was recently compelled to memorialize it through his new documentary , \u201con the map . \u201d\nit was an israel from a bygone era . in a deep economic recession , the country was still reeling from the yom kippur war and the 1972 munich olympic massacre of israeli athletes by palestinian terrorists . the cold war was raging , and young israel was boycotted and ostracized by much of the world .\nmaccabi tel aviv\u2019s against - all - odds defeat of an enemy superpower\u2019s mighty team electrified the nation . this was the same soviet team that ( controversially ) beat the heretofore undefeated us team at the 1972 munich olympics leading no one to bet on maccabi .\nin a post - game interview , maccabi tel aviv\u2019s american - born team captain tal brody conveyed the nation\u2019s mood and aspirations . \u201cwe are on the map , and we are going to stay on the map \u2014 not just in sports , but in everything ! \u201d he exclaimed exuberantly in broken hebrew .\nless than two months later , in a slim one - point victory , maccabi tel aviv beat the highly favored italian champions mobilgirgi varese in belgrade , yugoslavia , to win the european cup finals . ( the el al plane that brought the israeli players to the match required special permission to land in yugoslavia , which did not have diplomatic relations with israel . )\nisraelis celebrate in the streets of tel aviv after maccabi tel aviv\u2019s victory over cska moscow , february 1977 . ( shmuel rahmani )\nit was a turning point for israeli basketball , and israeli sports in general . since then , maccabi has made it all the way to another 17 european championship final games and won five of them .\n\u201camericans all know about the \u2018miracle on ice\u2019 \u2013 the unexpected us victory over the ussr in hockey at the 1980 olympics , but they don\u2019t know about the amazing thing that maccabi tel aviv did just three years earlier , \u201d menkin told the times of israel from los angeles , where he is now based .\nbrody , from trenton , new jersey , had come to israel in 1965 to play in the maccabiah games . asked by moshe dayan and others to stay for at least a year to play with maccabi tel aviv , brody \u2014 picked 12th in that year\u2019s nba draft by the baltimore bullets \u2014 decided to give up a career in the nba to play in israel .\n\u201cafter that first year , i was sold , \u201d brody told the times of israel by phone from his home in tel aviv about his decision to stay on long term in israel .\nhe ended up leaving for a couple of years when he was drafted for us military service , but returned and made aliya to israel in 1970 . ( he also served in the idf . )\nmaccabi tel aviv 1977 european champions reunite . back row : moti aresti , lou silver , aulcie perry , shuki schwartz ; front row : miki berkovich , tal brody , aryeh davidesco , ruti klein ( widow of coach ralph klein ) . ( avner gera )\n\u201cwe found footage shot behind the scenes at the games , which was really unusual for the 1970s , \u201d menkin noted .\n\u201cwith [ coach ] ralph klein and [ player ] jim boatwright having passed away , i knew that we had to get moving on this project , \u201d the director said .\nbrody , who is now a goodwill ambassador for israel , is confident that american audiences introduced now to this amazing sports story will appreciate it as much as israelis who experienced the thrill of victory four decades ago .\n\u201con the map\u201d opens in los angeles on november 25 and in new york on december 9 .\ni got over my blind allegiance , and now stick by israel ' s side , through thick and thin .\nyou hereby accept the times of israel terms of use and privacy policy , and you agree to receive the latest news & offers from the times of israel and its partners or ad sponsors ."]} {"id": 114587, "summary": [{"text": "born of hope : the ring of barahir is a 2009 fantasy-adventure fan film directed by kate madison and written by paula disante ( as alex k. aldridge ) that is based on the appendices of j. r. r. tolkien 's the lord of the rings .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film centres on the communities affected by sauron 's war ; the importance of the d\u00fanedain bloodline , and the story of arathorn ii and his relationship with gilraen as they would be the parents of aragorn , who would later grow up to be a key leader against sauron .", "topic": 4}, {"text": "the bulk of the film was shot at the west stow anglo-saxon village in suffolk .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "scenes were shot in epping forest , snowdonia national park , clearwell caves and the brecon beacons .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "it debuted at ring * con 2009 before being streamed on dailymotion for free , and later on youtube . ", "topic": 3}], "title": "born of hope", "paragraphs": ["born of hope [ behind the scenes ] \u2192 kate madison and danny george .\na light in the darkness . a destiny born of hope . see more \u00bb\nborn of hope is a non - commercial production created for free internet streaming for film fans worldwide .\nalso in the born of hope cast : robert harvey , beth aynsley , jonah mclafferty , and luke johnston .\nbeginning tomorrow , december 1 , the lord of the rings - inspired born of hope will make its exclusive debut on dailymotion .\nborn of hope follows the launch of the hunt for gollum , another lord of the rings fan film that was first made available in may 2009 .\nborn of hope is a prequel to the fantasy novels and tells the story of the d\u00fanedain , the rangers of the north , before the return of the king .\n\u201ci also hope no one says \u2018australia was born at gallipoli\u2019 . australia was born in 1901 , and there needs to be a certain amount of de - mythologising . let\u2019s hope the historians win out over the politicians , who strike me as fairly jingoistic . \u201d\non this day in 1934 , the legendary comic actor and entertainer bob hope marries dolores reade in erie , pennsylvania . their marriage would last until hope\u2019s death 69 years later , making it by far one of hollywood\u2019s most enduring unions . born leslie townes hope in 1903 near london , hope emigrated with his . . .\nthe name hope refers to more than one character , item or concept . for a list of other meanings , see hope ( disambiguation ) .\nsince its release on the internet , born of hope has received world - wide attention for its impressive production values on such a low budget of \u00a325 , 000 .\nparents complain they face a postcode lottery of when\nsummer - born children\n- those born between april 1 and august 31 - can start primary school .\nthe charleston - born artist who created the iconic barack obama\nhope\nposter has another message for americans in time for donald trump ' s inauguration .\n\u201cborn this way\u201d has been renewed for a fourth season on a & e .\njuly 28 , 1958 \u2013 terrance stanley fox is born in winnipeg , manitoba .\nfor 16 year olds taking their gcses , the difference narrows , so that 12 , 000 august - born children have sen , compared to 10 , 000 of those born in september .\nthe figures show that typically in england 15 , 000 11 year olds who are born in august are being identified as having sen , compared with 10 , 000 of those born in september .\nborn of hope is a non - commercial production being created for free internet download for film fans worldwide . it is being made purely for entertainment purposes and to keep the storytelling history of middle earth alive .\nthe line is not broken . there is still hope .\n[ kills ]\n' born of hope ' : ' the lord of the rings ' - inspired ' prequel ' \u00a9 2004\u20132018 alt film guide and / or author ( s ) . text not to be reproduced without prior written consent .\nofficials said it would take in how other countries deal with the issue of treating summer - born babies fairly .\nborn of hope is a non - commercial production being created for free internet download for film fans worldwide . it is being made purely for entertainment purposes and to keep the storytelling history of middle earth ( sic ) alive .\nfebruary 1 , 1981 \u2013 terry\u2019s hope of raising $ 1 from every canadian to fight cancer is realized . the national population reaches 24 . 1 million ; the terry fox marathon of hope fund totals $ 24 . 17 million .\nkate robinson , who is directing the film , said :\nborn of hope is a prequel to the new line trilogy and my aim is to make a film that can sit alongside those films without looking too out of place .\nfew women hope their pregnancy will linger on past their due date , but those expecting at the end of august would be forgiven for desiring exactly that . for the issue of reception entry for summer - born children weighs heavily on these parents .\nas promised we present a new track to you , entitled\nborn from hope\n. a song about the inner child , that should be more than just a memory . and now , please enjoy !\nparents of summer - born children can delay their arrival for a year if they can make a convincing argument to their local council .\n\u201cborn to win\u201d is based on the true story of a troubled man named leon terblanche , a teacher at a school for disabled children , who finds himself confronted with the question , \u201cwhere is god ? \u201d this question sets him on a journey where he discovers that he has never been alone through all the hurt and brokenness of his past . he learns that no matter how broken you are , god is always our living hope . \u201cborn to win\u201d shows how god turns the hurt , frustration and emptiness of a man into hope , faith and victory to inspire many others to be the winners they were born to be .\nthe creative arts emmys aired saturday night on fxx , and for fans of \u201cborn this way , \u201d the award show did not disappoint .\nborn of hope is a movie starring christopher dane , beth aynsley , and kate madison . set near the end of the third age of middle - earth . arathorn takes refugees to taurdal , the village of his father , arador . then as arador begins his campaign against the gathering orc bands . . . see full summary \u00bb\nhong kong adventist hospital foundation\u2019s co - chairwoman jo soo tang said the men of hope awards would push leading entrepreneurs to create charitable partnerships .\nneil carmichael mp , the chairman of the education select committee , said the \u201csharp fall\u201d between numbers of sen - diagnosed children who were born in august and september was \u201camazing\u201d .\nhope and trauma will feature several educational events to be scheduled during the run of the exhibition . check back on this site in summer 2017 for a detailed schedule of events .\naragorn , she states that he will , for a time , simply be known as estel , which means hope in the elvish language of sindarin .\nbob hope was a entertainer and comic actor , known for his rapid - fire delivery of jokes and for his success in virtually all entertainment media .\nread without seeing , a resource for those who have lost their sight but not their vision , featuring c . hope clark\napril 20 , 1982 \u2013 the marathon of hope fund now totals $ 27 . 8 million and is allocated to cancer research projects in the terry fox new initiative programs of the national cancer institute of canada .\niseyin - born \u200emusical taliban , lanre fasasi aka sound sultan , timi dakolo , nosa , soma of big brother and comedians seyi law , atm and ball joint are among artistes set to grace the voices of hope awards which will hold at the muson centre , onikan , lagos on friday , september 29 , 2017 .\ndirected by kate madison , and written by alex k . aldridge with the assistance of christopher dane , who also stars as arathorn , born of hope is an original prequel based on the j . r . r . tolkien trilogy and , as per the film ' s press release , featuring \u201ca host of characters never before seen on screen . \u201d\nthomas keneally : \u2018australia was born in 1901 , and there needs to be a certain amount of de - mythologising [ about gallipoli ] . \u2019 photograph : richard saker\nsummer 2010 brought big news to globe hope as the company purchased another finnish ecological design company called secco finland . secco was known for its products made of hard materials such as computer circuit boards , unplayable lp - records and rubber from car tires . with this merger globe hope ' s material and product range expanded a lot and some products made familiar by secco were joined as a part of the globe hope collection . also new products were created out of the new material finds .\nin august 2012 , solo published an autobiography with ann killion entitled , solo : a memoir of hope , giving fans an inside look at her life and career .\nhe was spotted amongst the extras from ormsgard ( urltoken ) appearing in the ' born of hope ' film , and was offered a role as the 11 year old son of the best friend of the hero , with whom he has a swordfight . the fight director was highly impressed at his ability , and once his blonde hair was dyed brown ( to fit in with an older version of himself ) he fitted confidently into the cast . he was only born in 1996 , but has already shown the potential for a bright future .\namylea ( pronounced amelia ) was born in canada in 2001 . she began taking drama lessons with pace theatre company in scotland in 2005 after moving to the uk . she has been attending stagecoach theatre arts school since 2006 after moving to west sussex . in 2006 she also joined a children\u2019s modelling agency and has done some professional modelling work . born of hope is amylea\u2019s first taste of performing in a film and being part of a film shoot . it has been a positive , thrilling and educational experience for her .\n\u201cborn this way\u201d was nominated for six emmys and took home two : outstanding casting for a reality program and outstanding cinematography for a reality program .\nand in john tucker style , the \u201cborn this way\u201d star said , \u201cit never hurts to say please , thank you and i\u2019m sorry . \u201d\nspeaking to the mighty , rachel osterbach\u2019s parents , gary and laurie osterback , said , \u201cborn this way\u201d gives hope and inspiration to parents who have children with down syndrome . \u201cit encourages inclusion by showing that individuals with down syndrome have hopes and dreams similar to the \u2018typical\u2019 population . \u201d\non february 19 , 1473 , nicolaus copernicus is born in torun , a city in north - central poland on the vistula river . the father of modern astronomy , he was the first modern european scientist to propose that earth and other planets revolve around the sun . copernicus was born into a family of well - to - do merchants , . . .\nthe government last year said it would changed the rules to allow children born between april 1 and august 31 to start primary school a year later .\nthe government has launched the review because of concerns that summer - born children are being unfairly discriminated against at school and are falling behind solely because they are young for their year .\nhope and trauma in a poisoned land is a partnership between the cameron chapter house of the navajo nation , the flagstaff arts council , university of new mexico community environmental health program , and northern arizona university .\nc . hope clark was born and reared in the south , from mississippi to south carolina with a few stints in alabama and georgia . the granddaughter of a mississippi cotton farmer , hope holds a b . s . in agriculture with honors from clemson university and 25 years\u2019 experience with the u . s . department of agriculture to include awards for her management , all of which enable her to talk the talk of carolina slade , the protagonist in most of her novels . her love of writing , however , carried her up the ranks to the ability to retire young , and she left usda to pen her stories and freelance .\nsince then globe hope and seija lukkala have been awarded many times for the work in the field of ecological fashion and design , such as : amnesty international\u2019s designer of the year ( 2005 ) and the prestigious suomi palkinto for outstanding performance in the field of art and culture , awarded by the finnish ministry of culture ( 2006 ) . since the beginning of 2008 globe hope products have had the privilege to bear the avainlippu symbol for outstanding finnish production and skill . since 2012 our products have also carried the \u201cdesign from finland\u201d \u2013badge . the globe hope collection is sold around europe and in japan .\nalso , born of hope is no short film . it ' s a 70 - minute made - for - the - web feature that tells the story of aragorn ' s parents , arathorn and gilraen , along with the characters who sacrificed it all to keep aragorn safe . aragorn , of course , was played by viggo mortensen in peter jackson ' s blockbuster trilogy , the last of which , the lord of the rings : the return of the king won the 2003 best picture oscar .\nin may 2010 one of globe hope ' s long - term dreams came true when the first globe hope shop was opened in helsinki . the shop is furnished with recycled production furniture such as metal trolleys and their plywooden trays that were originally used at the old nokia gumboot factory . you can really sense the history and the stories of the furnishing at the shop .\nnew research this month found that summer - born children were at risk of behaviour problems and poor academic attainment in their first year unless the curriculum was tailored to take their needs into account .\nand understandably so , as there\u2019s evidence to suggest that summer - born children do less well in academic tests , and can suffer poor self - esteem and receive mistaken diagnoses of educational disorders .\nthe first upcycling collection was launched in 2003 under the brand hope . the collection was aimed at young trendsetters who value ecological thinking , sustainable development and were interested in quality fashion and making a statement with what you wear . the first collection was presented at the vateva exhibition during helsinki fashion week . the reception was phenomenal ! hope was noticed in the finnish press and also the doors to japanese markets were opened . a couple of years later the brand name was changed to globe hope .\nmr gibb has ordered the review after new department for education figures showed that children born in august were far more likely to be judged to have special educational needs by the end of primary school .\nthis was to stop these so - called summer born children f rom feeling left behind in class because they are not as emotionally mature or developed as their peers .\nhope hicks was the former white house communications director for president trump and a trusted aide during his presidential campaign . she resigned from her post amid political scandal .\nbest film ( uk ) alexander holt and lance roehrig for forget me not best film ( international ) rika ohara for the heart of no place best comedy feature david l . williams for beyond the pole best sci - fi / horror feature ben myers for nuryan best micro - budget feature kate madison for born of hope best documentary ( uk ) meghan horvath for middle men best documentary ( international ) robert lee for nourishing the kids of katrina\nparents who are unhappy that their summer - born child is being forced to start school too early can complain to their council or after that to the local government ombudsman .\nparents of children with summer birthdays could be allowed to start school a year later , after official figures showed that august - born 11 year olds are 50 per cent more likely to be labelled \u201cspecial needs\u201d .\nhowever , the changes have been delayed because of worries that parents might try to play the system to gain an \u201cunfair advantage\u201d by applying for places at popular schools for summer born babies in two school years .\nhope is married to a 30 - year veteran of federal law enforcement , a senior special agent , now a contract investigator . they met on a bribery investigation within the u . s . department of agriculture , the basis for the opening scene to lowcountry bribe . hope and her special agent live on the rural banks of lake murray outside of chapin , south carolina , forever spinning tales on their back porch , bourbon and coke in hand , when not tending a loveable flock of orpington and dominiquer hens .\nhope solo proved one of the world ' s top goalkeepers while helping the u . s . women ' s soccer team win two olympic gold medals and the 2015 fifa women ' s world cup .\nlauren appelbaum is the communications director of respectability , a nonprofit organization fighting stigmas and advancing opportunities for people with disabilities . \u201cborn this way\u201d takes home two more emmy\u2019s , one for cinematography and the first - ever emmy for casting . a & e network\u2019s critically acclaimed and award - winning original docuseries , \u201cborn this way\u201d keeps adding up honors , showing there is [ . . . ]\nhowever mr gibb ' s review wants to look at giving parents an automatic right to hold back their summer born children and start them in reception year when they are five .\nplan to allow summer - born children to start school a year later has been held up by worries it will give unfair advantages to parents to win places at popular schools .\ni recently gave birth to my little girl at good hope and needed to stay for 2 nights before and one night after . the staff were all abs . . .\nborn of hope is a 60 minute lord of the rings inspired film being produced in the uk . a low budget production , the entire cast and crew are giving their services for no financial gain . the subject matter and quality has attracted people from around the world to join the team , even gaining support and interest from some of the original new line trilogy cast and crew members including richard taylor and the oscar\u00ae winning team at weta workshop , new zealand .\nborn of hope is a 60 minute lord of the rings inspired film being produced in the uk . a low budget production , the entire cast and crew are giving their services for no financial gain . the subject matter and quality has attracted people from around the world to join the team , even gaining support and interest from some of the original new line trilogy cast and crew members including richard taylor and the oscar winning team at weta workshop , new zealand .\ni gave birth at good hope hospital on 10th april 2018 . at 8 months pregnant i was advised my baby was extended breech . this came as a sur . . .\n\u201cit is fair that children who are born in the summer have the opportunity to excel at school , and if that means starting reception a year later , that option should be available .\nmann , who acted in us films and tv series such as the big short and arrow , will be among eight personalities to be recognised at the men of hope 2017 awards , which will take place in october .\nbefore the programme started , the arrival of the fuji king was announced by one of the anchors of the programme , which got many of the attendees excited .\nfrom 1944 to 1986 , nearly 30 million tons of uranium ore were extracted from navajo lands . at the time , navajo miners and residents were not informed of the health impacts of working in the mines , or of the impact on their lands . many navajo people have died of kidney failure and cancer from conditions linked to uranium contamination . research from the cdc shows uranium in babies born now .\nfebruary 1979 \u2013 terry begins training for his marathon of hope , a cross - canada run to raise money for cancer research and awareness . during his training he runs over 5 , 000 kilometres ( 3 , 107 miles ) .\nborn of hope is an independent feature film inspired by the lord of the rings and produced by actors at work productions in the uk . urltoken thanks to chris bouchard and the h4g team for putting the film here . for more films by the makers of this and boh extras please visit . actorsatwork urltoken check them out for more videos regarding the film including the audio commentary . urltoken a scattered people , the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient west , struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction . yet amidst these valiant , desperate people , hope remains . a royal house endures unbroken from father to son . this 70 minute original drama is set in the time before the war of the ring and tells the story of the d\u00fanedain , the rangers of the north , before the return of the king . inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by tolkien in the appendices of the lord of the rings we follow arathorn and gilraen , the parents of aragorn , from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people ' s history .\namong the national candidates in competition , the winner of the bfk awards was the hcalert project developed by hope care , with the vision of building a hospital at home , through a screening platform that allows medical call centers to telemonitor data from patients . hcalert is an analytical system applied to telemonitoring of health data .\nunder a review launched by education minister nick gibb , the parents could be given the right for their summer - born children to delay their arrival for a year and then start school in reception .\nin this wake of this year ' s presidential campaign , un - american things are becoming normalized . this moment calls for new images to disrupt the rising tide of hate and fear ,\nthe kickstarter video by amplifier foundation states .\nwe the people need to come together under new symbols of hope .\nfairey rose to national fame during the 2008 presidential election . his red - and - blue poster featured a portrait of obama with the word\nhope\nbeneath it . that poster was available at obama ' s inauguration in 2009 .\nthe men of hope event , started by the hong kong adventist hospital foundation ( hkahf ) in 2016 , hands out prizes to individuals who make special contributions to the local community , in particular , with initiatives to help the underprivileged .\non the eastern flank of epping forest , a short walk in from the town of debden , there is a huge tree , lying on its side , upended by a storm . it was in this clearing that independent film - maker kate madison , along with dozens of game volunteers , filmed born of hope , a homemade prequel to peter jackson ' s lord of the rings trilogy that has caused a great stir since its release in december . a production pulled together over four years with a budget of a mere \u00a325 , 000 \u2013 about a tenth of one per cent of the cost of jackson ' s epic \u2013 it has impressed critics and recorded close to a million views on video streaming sites . the upended tree seems a fitting place for it all to have begun .\nrichard has worked extensively in amateur dramatics for the last 15 years , taking villainous roles in pantomimes and playing a stylised 1930 ' s private eye . through dark age and medieval re - enactment he has appeared on television in historical documentaries , his interests in combat led him to apply for the fight team in born of hope and leaped at the chance to play shaknar . he is hoping to train in riskier stuntwork in the coming year .\nspying and shoot - outs , treachery and torture , not to mention gruesome deaths . the gunpowder plot has it all . why were catholics so bitter , and what did they hope to achieve ?\nshepard fairey , the street artist from charleston that was behind the barack obama \u201chope\u201d poster , spoke out to esquire magazine recently saying he didn\u2019t think the president hasn\u2019t quite lived up to his expectations .\nit took us longer to get to a flashback\u2014the present is getting more interesting\u2014and the lighting has lost its idyllic veil . now it ' s our first glimpse of the uneasiness of one ' s pregnant body being a public hope ; the sour note of hearing the first\npraise be\ninfiltrate this world she still thinks is safe .\nmr gibb told mps on the commons\u2019 education select committee : \u201csummer - born children are likely to be behind their peers in their development simply by virtue of being younger than them . it appears that many schools may consequently have identified them as sen . \u201d\na scattered people , the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient west , struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction . yet amidst these valiant , desperate people , hope remains . a royal house endures unbroken from father to son .\na scattered people , the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient west , struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction . yet amidst these valiant , desperate people , hope remains . a royal house endures unbroken from father to son .\neverything started when seija lukkala , the heart and soul of our company , came up with the idea of globe hope in 2001 . she had been a clothing entrepreneur for 13 years when she started thinking about how she could contribute through her own skills towards sustainable development . she simply wanted to go against the trend of disposable fashion and overconsumption .\nbest short ( audience award ) adam carroll for pitchware pro v2 . 1 best short documentary richard wyllie for the art of doing nothing best sci - fi / horror short film william bridges for dead hungry best music video ( uk ) mike london for hope\nborn of hope tells the story of arathorn , the father of viggo mortensen ' s character in the hollywood films . there ' s the odd crude moment ( a lady , just about visible in the background of a love scene , walking her dog through the trees ) ; and this time middle earth is represented by oft - drizzly essex , not the luscious ruapehu district of new zealand . but madison ' s film makes an entirely plausible , if unofficial , addition to the franchise . there are epic battle sequences , pitting man and elf against orc and troll ; there are stirring original orchestral scores ; there are special effects ; horses ; severed heads ; even a thrilling glimpse of the tower of mordor , where jackson ' s trilogy has its climactic scenes .\nthe failed plot to assassinate james i and the ruling protestant elite would , however unfairly , taint all english catholics with treason for centuries to come . who were the conspirators and what did they hope to achieve ?\non this day in 1821 , union general francis preston blair jr . is born in lexington , kentucky . the colorful blair was instrumental in keeping missouri part of the union during the early stages of the civil war . blair\u2019s father served as an advisor to several presidents . his namesake and youngest son was . . .\ntransformation is the overriding theme of\nborn on 9 / 11 ,\ngrey new york ' s integrated campaign for the nonprofit 9 / 11 day organization\u2014featuring psas that ask americans to do at least one good deed next friday to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon .\nhong kong - born hollywood actor byron mann wants to bring stories set in the city to a global audience , and seeks to represent the territory in an \u201chonourable\u201d way , as an award lauds his contributions to the local community .\na scattered people , the descendents of storied sea kings of the ancient west , struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction . yet amidst these valiant , desperate people , hope remains . a royal house endures unbroken from father to son . this hour long original drama is set in the time before the war of the ring and tells the story of the d\u00fanedain , the rangers of the north , before the return of the king . inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by tolkien in the appendices of the lord of the rings we follow arathorn and gilraen , the parents of aragorn , from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people ' s history .\nmay rank among the greatest and most disturbing operas of the 20th century . this fall\u2019s new production of\nhiromi ashmore , elena\u2019s mother , said \u201cborn this way\u201d shows how every life is important , adding that the show has \u201cgiven an opportunity to elena and i to grow together , especially for elena to identify herself and gain her confidence . \u201d\napril 12 to september 2005 \u2013 the 25th anniversary of terry\u2019s marathon of hope brought about several remarkable events and fundraisers . the canadian mint launched the terry fox $ 1 coin , canadian author douglas coupland released the book \u201cterry\u2019 , maxine trottier published the children\u2019s book \u201ca story of hope\u201d ( joining books by leslie scrivener and eric walters ) and ctv produced the motion picture \u201cterry\u201d . over 14 , 000 canadians walked the confederation bridge between pei and new brunswick as part of a unique terry fox run . more than 3 million students and educators took part in the first national school run day . more than $ 45 million , a record amount , was raised in 2005 .\nat the last tot - up , the film had passed the 975 , 000 - viewers mark , a combined figure from three video - streaming sites ( see it at www . born urltoken ) . the fast climb to a million has been stalled only by a copyright - infringement claim that has caused born of hope ' s temporary removal from youtube . the claim was made by a japanese computer - games company (\na mistake we ' re pretty sure ,\nsays madison ) ; the contrasting reaction from new line cinema , which owns the film rights to tolkien ' s novels , has been surprising benevolence . as long as you don ' t start flogging t - shirts or dvds , the studio told madison , we ' ll let it go .\nsome summer - born four - year - olds will be raring to go ; others may settle successfully with a bit of extra input ; some will be academically fine , but socially unready , others vice - versa ; many will come to the end of their school careers with all the age - related blips ironed out , but some will not .\nin spring 2011 we opened our second store in helsinki next to senate square at the kiseleff mall . in the future our focus is on expanding the availability of our products in the rest of europe . we are looking for new resellers and at some point hope to open a flagship store of our own as well . you can read more about our progress from our blog , so stay tuned .\nhope and trauma in a poisoned land will explore the impact of uranium mining on navajo lands and people . the art exhibition will feature work by more than two dozen artists , including navajo and native artists . the show will be open to the public august 15 \u2013 october 28 , 2017 .\nglobe hope is an innovative finnish company that designs and manufactures ecological products from recycled and discarded materials . through re - designing and re - sewing , left over and old materials are turned into new and unique clothes , bags and accessories .\nthis hour long original drama is set in the time before the war of the ring and tells the story of the d\u00fanedain , the rangers of the north , before the return of the king . inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by tolkien in the appendices of the lord of the rings we follow arathorn and gilraen , the parents of aragorn , from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people ' s history .\n\u201ci hope it\u2019s celebrated in the spirit of what these young men really went through , and the fact we let them down when they came back \u2013 we denied the shell - shock , we were niggardly with compensation , \u201d says the booker prize - winning author of schindler\u2019s ark . \u201cwe\u2019re very hot on praising the diggers , but we should apologise to their ghosts for the lack of justice we gave them .\nibadan - born top - notch fuji star , alhaji abass akande obesere , popularly known as the \u201cparamount king of fuji ( pk1st ) \u201d , luckily escaped incident , where many lives and properties were lost to the inferno caused by a tanker laden with diesel at the otedola bridge on lagos / ibadan express way .\nwhen we interviewed these children born on 9 / 11 , we quickly found out that none of them wished their birthdays were different ,\nsays andreas dahlqvist , grey new york ' s chief creative officer .\nin fact , they feel strongly that they represent what ' s good in the world .\nhope\u2019s newest release is set entirely at edisto beach , south carolina , her home away from home . the edisto island mystery series debuted in september 2014 with murder on edisto , and followed through with book two , edisto jinx , in october 2015 .\nin 2011 , fairey settled a legal dispute with the associated press after a dispute emerged as to who owned the rights to the iconic\nhope\nposter . fairey ' s poster was based on a photo taken in 2006 by the associated press .\nthe film focuses on the lives and hardships of the d\u00fanedain of the north and their constant struggle to survive .\nborn in 1981 , hope solo became one of the top goalies in soccer during her college years at the university of washington . she helped the u . s . women & apos ; s national soccer team bring home the gold medal at the 2008 summer olympics in beijing , and again four years later at the summer games in london . in 2015 , solo delivered a near - record performance to help the u . s . team win the fifa women & apos ; s world cup . the following year , she drew a six - month suspension and had her contract with the national team terminated after criticizing her opponents during the olympics .\na fan - made film drama by actors at work productions that was inspired by a couple of paragraphs in the appendices of j . r . r . tolkien ' s the lord of the rings . set prior to the war of the ring , this movie portrays the untold story of arathorn and gilraen , the parents of aragorn , and their people the d\u00fanedain in a turbulent time of their history .\nin effect , we ' re challenged to transform our thinking , to erase sad , hateful thoughts and to use 9 / 11 as a springboard for putting hope into action . that may sound simplistic or trite , but the ads hit all the right notes .\nsean was born with down syndrome . his struggle to speak has been a long , arduous journey \u2014 diagnosed with apraxia of speech and a phonological processing disorder due to being deaf in his right ear and hearing loss in his left ear \u2014 he couldn\u2019t even hear sounds the right way from the beginning . as [ . . . ]\nnick gibb\u2019s announcement of changes to the admissions code to enable this to happen last year was greeted with great enthusiasm ( as one mumsnet user said , \u201cit\u2019s so brilliant that finally sense will prevail ! \u201d ) ; let\u2019s hope that parents , schools and admissions authorities can all now work together to make this small but significant room for manoeuvre work to the benefit of all reception children .\nnow known as a gold medal - winning goalie , hope solo started out as a forward on the richland high school soccer team . she scored 109 goals in this position , and was twice named an all - american by parade magazine . at the university of washington , solo moved into the goalkeeper spot for the washington huskies .\nthis hour - long original drama is set in the time before the war of the ring and tells the story of the d\u00fanedain , the rangers of the north , before the return of the king . inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by tolkien in the appendices of the\nlord of the rings\nit follows arathorn and gilraen , the parents of aragorn , from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people ' s history . the majority of the film was shot in the west stow anglo - saxon village in suffolk , england .\noctober 29 , 2007 \u2013 the terry fox research institute is launched , combining the clinical knowledge of cancer physicians with advanced laboratory expertise of scientific researchers , overcoming barriers of discipline and geography .\nshe\u2019s published in the writer magazine , writer\u2019s digest , guide to literary agents , writer\u2019s market , chicken soup , next step magazine , college bound teen , voices of youth advocates ( voya ) , turf magazine , landscape management and other trade and online publications . she speaks at several writers\u2019 conferences a year . hope is a member of sisters in crime , epic , mystery writers of america , international mystery writers , international thriller writers , southeastern writers association , and mensa .\nwe ' re discovering new rooms of the house ; that mudroom / servants ' hall is like something out of a grimm story .\nthis powerful and compelling film features a great song called , \u201ci will praise you in this storm , \u201d and the movie is awarded our \u201cfaith - friendly\u201d seal for ages 12 - plus . \u201cborn to win\u201d will inspire those facing adversity that they are destined to overcome it , as long as they trust god .\non this day in 1847 , the first rescuers reach surviving members of the donner party , a group of california - bound emigrants stranded by snow in the sierra nevada mountains . in the summer of 1846 , in the midst of a western - bound fever sweeping the united states , 89 people\u2013including 31 members of the donner . . .\nat this point , the breadth of global collaboration , if anything , widened . sections of film were sent out to volunteer composers for scoring ; video effects were added to the same scene by hands as far as 5 , 000 miles apart . in one of the film ' s best moments , the villain ' s lair , a stark tower surrounded by lightning , looms over an otherwise peaceful forest of trees . it is a triumph of online collaboration : the tower was painted in america , a flock of birds animated in london , footage of the trees sent from germany , and lightning added by an effects wizard in greece . everyone worked for nothing .\ni hope i get to actually meet these people ,\nsays madison .\nthat would be cool .\nin an interview ahead of the perth writers festival , where he will be celebrating 50 years since the publication of his first book , keneally suggests that ceremonies marking the centenary of the outbreak of the first world war should avoid jingoism and spurious myths , and instead confront the \u201cterrible tragedies of shell - shock and high explosive and burial alive\u201d .\nnovelist amy tan is born on this day in 1952 to chinese immigrants who came to oakland in 1949 . tan studied english at san jose state and berkeley . although she planned an academic career , she grew bored with university life and turned to technical writing , business writing , and publishing . at age . . .\nour headquarters are located in nummela , some 45km from helsinki . this is where the design , marketing , production coordination , sample creation , jewelry making , material storage and online store are centered and run by the 13 people that make up the globe hope team . you can also find our factory outlet with a wide selection of old and new products at the same premises .\nwendi ide of the times newspaper gave the film a 4 star review , ranking it higher than some of the hollywood films also listed .\n, breaks even more decisively with the vocabulary of 12 - tone composition , exploring an idiom of anguished tonality that pays homage to mahler .\nthat sense of the supernatural is only reinforced by the wives recreating the labor downstairs\u2014with bonus harpist\u2014as if the pretense of the work will magically make the claim to motherhood legitimate . ( what ' s oppression without a little classism ? ) everybody knows it ' s bullshit : offred snickers outright , and even aunt lydia flinches . but within the frantic editing of janine ' s delivery , reed morano ' s camera allows the wives a moment of real feeling . they know it ' s bullshit , too , but with so little else to hope for , are we surprised they bought in to some magical thinking ?\nspecial educational needs \u2013 or sen \u2013 describes \u201cchildren who have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age\u201d .\n. kentridge was born in johannesburg into a south african jewish family\u2014his parents were both lawyers who defended victims of apartheid\u2014and his work often makes reference to the violence of africa\u2019s imperial history . but the brutality of such themes is often qualified by the childlike and melancholic way they dissolve , like dreamscapes that fuse historical specifics with fairy tales . his most characteristic works are charcoal drawings that come alive as stop - action films : people and objects congeal , then fade like smoke as new images take their place , leaving smudges like memory traces on the page . his\n, the best - known work of german naturalism , commemorates an uprising of silesian workers in the 1840s . ) but wedekind , who had more of an anarchistic temperament , soon broke with the german naturalists and plunged into the even more forbidden terrain of human sexuality . his first major success ,\nnear the end of the third age of middle - earth , the power of sauron was great , and few things were more important to him than the destruction of the d\u00fanedain and the ruining of the line of kings . the opening scene begins with a ragged group of travelers besieged by orcs , who are swiftly rescued by a small group of rangers led by arathorn . the refugees are taken to taurdal , the village of arathorn ' s father , arador . arador begins his campaign against the gathering orc bands in the north , and sends arathorn to find the motive behind these attacks ; the orcs were definitely working for sauron , but their true motive was unknown .\nthe early signs were encouraging . upon his accession as james i of england ( vi of scotland ) , the new king ended recusancy fines and awarded important posts to the earl of northumberland and henry howard , another catholic sympathiser . this relaxation led to considerable growth in the number of visible catholics .\nthere are three battles in this episode of the handmaid ' s tale : they involve a birth , a game of scrabble , and a cookie .\nthe ceremony will celebrate the achievements of these influential men , who come from diverse areas of expertise such as arts , business , education and health .\nthe year 1603 marked the end of an era . after 45 years on the english throne , elizabeth i was dying . all signs suggested her successor would be james vi of scotland , the son of mary queen of scots - the queen who had been executed in 1587 on elizabeth ' s orders .\nbritish film makers are hoping to recreate the magic of the lord of the rings trilogy in a low budget movie inspired by jrr tolkien ' s books .\ndissident officers move several battalions of troops into saigon on this day with the intention of ousting gen . nguyen khanh from leadership . general khanh escaped to dalat with the aid of air vice marshal nguyen cao ky , commander of the south vietnamese air force , who then threatened to bomb saigon and . . .\nthree years ago , ronin was born into this world . he came out absolutely perfect . he came out screaming and crying , making his arrival known , only to calm when he found my cheek and he laid his against mine . he was here and he was safe . we were thrown off course when that doctor said , \u201ci [ . . . ]\nwhen my youngest daughter was born with down syndrome , all i knew were stereotypes . i wrongly assumed our life , and my daughter\u2019s life , would be defined by limitations . i was wrong . what defines our life is love . i won\u2019t say parenting a child with down syndrome is easy because parenting is not easy , and parenting [ . . . ]\nset near the end of the third age of middle - earth . arathorn takes refugees to taurdal , the village of his father , arador . then as arador begins his campaign against the gathering orc bands . . . see more \u00bb\nfairey ' s design of the muslim woman ran as a one - page ad in friday ' s edition of the washington post so that people could use the newspaper page as a poster on the day of trump ' s inauguration .\n, scandalized fin - de - si\u00e8cle audiences with its candid explorations of homosexuality and adolescent sexual desire . like his contemporary sigmund freud , wedekind was a critic of the repressive moralism of the age . but his rebellious ways and seeming disregard for all rules of balance and propriety alienated the cool - minded psychoanalyst , who praised the playwright for his \u201cdeep understanding of sexuality\u201d but said he did not consider\nluke was offered a modeling contract with bizzy kids at the tender age of 5 months and has been part of several photoshoots for the nhs and ej photos .\nthe bbc is not responsible for the content of external sites . read more .\nthis was made known by a picture posted on his official instagram account showing him and the board member of nairabet doing and after the signing of the deal .\napril 1 , 2015 \u2013 \u201c running to the heart of canada\u201d exhibit opens at the canadian museum of history . the exhibit will travel across canada through 2017 .\n, the first two plays of the so - called \u201clulu trilogy\u201d by the late - 19th - century playwright benjamin franklin wedekind . a radical democrat whose german parents had fled europe after the failure of the 1848 revolution , wedekind was born shortly after his family returned to germany , though they quit their homeland once again when bismarck came to the helm of the united reich in 1871 . he grew up in switzerland , later moved to munich , and briefly worked in zurich , where the young novelist befriended socialist writers like the celebrated german playwright gerhart hauptmann , who depicted the laboring poor in a naturalistic style . ( hauptmann\u2019s\n\u201cno child should miss out on a year of schooling , and admissions decisions need to be made in the best interests of the child , not administrative neatness . \u201d\nthrough this , the ngo with the slogan , \u2018passion to serve , \u2019 has intervened in assisting less privileged nigerians without the sponsorship of of government or corporate bodies ."]} {"id": 114588, "summary": [{"text": "guide is a 1965 romantic drama film starring dev anand and waheeda rehman .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was directed by vijay anand , who contributed to the screenplay .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film is based on the novel the guide , by r. k. narayan .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "the film was a box office hit upon release .", "topic": 18}, {"text": "the movie proved memorable for its award-winning performances by the lead actors and memorable music by s. d. burman .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "time magazine listed it at number four on its list of best bollywood classics .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "a 120-minute u.s. version was written by pearl s. buck , and directed and produced by tad danielewski .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film was screened at the 2007 cannes film festival , 42 years after its release . ", "topic": 2}], "title": "guide ( film )", "paragraphs": ["a guide to conducting research in film studies at yale university , including key resources and crucial search strategies .\nfilm music collections in the united states : a guide . hollywood , calif . : society for the preservation of film music , 1996 .\nwhen mistaken to be a sage by some villagers , an ex - tour guide reflects on his past and lost love to search for spiritual wisdom to guide the villagers .\ncopyright \u00a9 2006 - 2018 new york production guide , inc . all rights reserved .\nthis guide supports research and study of film music , including courses music 7 , music history 7 and music history 177 .\nif you or your business are a resident of mo , you will auto - populate into the missouri film office production guide .\npage , this guide is for those who are unsure and gives you more of an overview .\n3 ) how to get your film made ? how to create your film .\nread about plastic film defect segmentation according to roll handling or actual film substrates .\nfilm florida will be joined as event sponsor by the florida keys & key west film & entertainment commission , the st petersburg clearwater film commission , the space coast film commission and paradise coast film commission .\nguide is considered one of bollywood ' s masterpieces . half a century later , here is some trivia about the film that you may or may not know .\na guide to research resources in ucla library special collections , books , scores , manuscripts , archival material , and recordings .\nthe following is a non - exhaustive list of subject headings * available in the ucla library catalog that you can use to guide your research on film ( motion picture ) music .\nespecially for our youngest independent film fans , this section of the festival is programmed in cooperation with utah film center , host of tumbleweeds film festival , utah\u2019s premiere film festival for children and youth .\nif this credits guide hasn\u2019t answered all your questions , i encourage you to try something that i do with most of my indie film credits ordering . find a recent and similar film of the same genre , and look at its end credits as a guide . art of the title is a great resource to study great title sequence designs that spans television and films .\nalthough guide is a classic till day , it\u2019s the music of guide which made it unforgettable . only a maestro like sd burman , who knows the true value of music , can come up with a memorable score like guide . gaata rahe mera dil , tere mere sapne , din dhal jaaye , piya tose naina laage , aaj phir jeene ki , kya se kya ho gaya , saiyan be - imaan , wahan kaun hai tera are outstanding in its own right , and you can\u2019t believe that all these great songs are in one album . disappointed that sd burman didn\u2019t get the best music that year , because guide album remains an evergreen album and movie till date . i still wonder if there will be another guide album today in bollywood .\ndev anand met david selznick when guide premiered in new york . david selznick wanted to cast dev in a film to be shot in kashmir , but died of a heart attack before the project could begin .\nauthor r k narayan hated the film adaptation of his acclaimed novel , but guide ( 1965 ) is widely considered a masterpiece of indian cinema and among the best work of its stars dev anand and waheeda rehman .\nnew york ' s oldest and most trusted online film production guide provides you with vital information in all areas of the film industry . new york production guide is modeled after the industry standardized aicp ( association of independent commercial producers ) bid form and is a proven leader with over ten thousand industry listings . nypg has increased the accessibility of film , tv and commercial production resources , allowing for thorough and professional research in all aspects of pre - production , production and post - production .\nour free film credits worksheet template makes structuring film credits like a breeze . click to download our free feature and short film credits template / worksheet . just save a copy !\n- - all of which have regular movie review features . the index also covers major film - related journals , such as journal of film and video , journal of popular film and television , literature / film quarterly , and cineaste . [ for a complete listing of film journals covered , see\nwe certainly hope you can join us in person for as much of this year\u2019s festival frolicsomeness as humanly possible . but if not we\u2019ve go you covered\u2014here now is your complete guide to following this year\u2019s la film festival online :\nthis text is a lay person ' s guide to the world of film music , from the silent era to the present day . oscar - winning film composer fred karlin describes how music is written and recorded for the movies ; who the composers are and how they work with film makers ; and the music itself - what to listen for in a film score , and what makes one score better than another .\nonce your film is made don\u2019t forget to get your film out there ! it is amazing how many people make a short film , give the cast and crew a copy , and that is it ! enter it into film festivals and show it on the web . use social networking to market your film and get feedback so you can make a better film the next time !\nthe location guide will be hosting a drinks reception with film florida in london on 26 february 2014 . the event will enable guests to find out more about filming in florida and to learn about the practicalities of shooting in the state .\noxford film & video makers ltd , trading as film oxford , is a company limited by guarantee . registered in england no 02022892\ndev anand in what is probably his most famous role is never less than convincing as the guide with all - too - human failings , but also blessed with a higher self .\ngo behind the scenes of the mission : impossible movies , check out the latest videos and trailers , and see which spy movies topped the box office in our mission : impossible guide .\ngoes back to the turn of the 19th century and covers many of the same journals as are indexed in expanded academic index ( note that readers guide does not provide full - text ) .\nthe culmination of the sundance film festival is the awards ceremony . individuals from the worldwide film community select films to receive a range of awards .\nnesnadny + schwartz documentary film competition : $ 5 , 000 in cash . central and eastern european film competition : $ 10 , 000 cash prize .\ns d burman , dev anand ' s favourite music director , fell seriously ill while he was working guide ' s score . dev anand waited for s d burman to recover instead of replacing him .\nthe hitchhiker ' s guide to the galaxy\nis an enjoyable sci - fi romp with a strong twist of self - effacing british raillery that children of all ages will get a charge from .\nthe director is the creative force in the film , but it is the producer that gets the film \u201cmade\u201d , pulling together all the people and resources needed for the production . film oxford run two fantastic weekend courses that teach you the secrets of these roles ; directing drama and film producing on a microbudget .\ncritical writing about film and video generally falls into several broad categories , including published film reviews , scholarly or focused criticism and analysis , and fan writing .\nwhere to watch : the film is opening in theaters on feb . 10 .\nminnesota film and television is a non - profit film commission that advances minnesota\u2019s economy and enhances its robust cultural environment by promoting and supporting the state\u2019s production industry .\n, the film has as its protagonist raju ( dev anand ) , a glib - talking tourist guide . he meets rosie first when she is already married . her much - older , archaeologist husband marco ( kishore sahu , noted actor - director of the 1940s who also directed the meena kumari hit\nfrom shipping and security to spas and stages , when productions come to town , they utilize many different kinds of goods and services . make sure your business is on the short list by registering in our online guide .\nit can be a challenge to determine \u201cimportance\u201d in opening film credits order . in some cases , a particular credit might be considered more important because of the type of film . for example , a choreographer might get an opening credit in a dance film with lots of musical numbers , or a supervising animator in an animated film .\nwith that in mind , indiewire has collected information from some of the world\u2019s most important film festivals on what cash prizes they offered in association with their film awards .\nsoundtracknet aims to centralize internet resources relating to the genre of film and television music .\nmy brother was far from happy . . . narayan wrote a review of the english version in\nlife\nmagazine . . he called it\nthe misguided guide !\ndev anand complained that the review affected the box office !\nfans of the book will probably be a little disappointed , but anyone encountering the hitchhiker ' s guide for the first time should be thoroughly entertained . it is very strange and very funny in a way that adams ' work exemplified .\na feature film shot in one day , rolling thunder follows millennial director benny blake as he deals with a slough of catastrophes on the set of his big budget short film .\nis a celluloid tone poem which gently leads us through the story of a passionate soul , raju guide , imbued with his fair share of venalities - - - ambitions , insecurities and jealousies - - and his journey towards his eventual redemption .\nstranger says : this science - fiction flick is natalie wood\u2019s last film . it was mostly shot in 1981 , and was released in 1983 . it\u2019s also the film that explains why superconducting quantum interference devices ( squid ) are illegal in the 1995 film . . .\nunlike the blown film process , the cooling of the film with cast extrusion is highly efficient . this allows for higher production line speeds resulting in higher production rates with superior optical properties of the product . the degree of draw and orientation is significantly lower in the cast film process than in the blown film process . this is the reason why the thickness distribution\nsundance film forward is a touring program which introduces a new generation of audiences to the power of story through the exhibition of film and conversations with filmmakers to create greater cultural awareness .\nfilm credits order hierarchies ( with free template ) .\n# filmmaking # indiefilm # filmmakers\nwhat follows is an extensive resource highlighting the past 12 months of film festival cash prizes .\nmacro and zeal toast to the film\u2019s sundance arrival with stars from the film mary j . blige , carey mulligan , jason clarke and garrett hedlund at the stella artois filmmaker lounge .\nis currently perhaps the most comprehensive online index devoted exclusively film and television . articles in international film journals are indexed from 1972 to present , and television journals from 1979 to present .\nvijay anand was horrified by the story of rosie , the dancer who leaves her husband , and raju the guide who spirals through alcoholism and ends up a godman in a remote , parched village . he refused to direct the film twice , claiming it would be bad international pr for india . dev anand convinced him on the third try .\nfilm oxford is an independent hub for film and digital media whose aim is to create a community of filmmakers and digital creators through the programme of train , network , create , exhibit .\ntrain \u2013 through partnerships with local education providers oxfordshire adult learning , we offer highly subsidised training in a broad range of film and digital media courses . an alternative , affordable film school !\nindexes a solid core of serious film journals and publications related to the study of popular culture - - not a bad place to start a search for more scholarly or focused film literature .\na tour guide ( anand ) has an affair with a married woman ( rehman ) ; later he is mistaken for a holy man and , miraculously , becomes one . anand ' s brother vijay directed this daring tale of worldly passion and spiritual transcendence .\nwarcraft made a splash at comic - con this year\u2014both on the floor and in hall h , and fans have been waiting ages for news . but if you\u2019re not familiar with the series , you may be confused as to what all the fuss is for . don\u2019t know your gul\u2019dans from your durotans ? here\u2019s our complete guide to the warcraft film .\nthe film takes you beyond the happily ever after . what happens after a love match fructifies ?\nyes . i did some editing for that film . it was my entry into cinema too .\nluckily , we ' re breaking down the standard film credits order hierarchies , some helpful tricks , and our \u201c feature and short film credits template \u201d to get the job done even faster .\nguests clink glasses with shirley maclaine and anne heche at the acura studio after the film\u2019s premiere .\n* lata and rafi got a lion ' s share of the film ' s eternal classics . while\nfostering artists at the convergence of film , art , media , live performance , music & technology .\nprograms for utah audiences to experience independent film , theatre , and music through free screenings and discussions .\nnow that you ' re familiar with the film credits hierarchy , download you free movie credits template .\nsearch our extensive list of oklahoma\u2019s film industry professionals to find experienced crew based all throughout the state .\ndev anand at its best in a cult classic with waheeda rehman . directed by vijay anand . story : - a tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing . with his motivation , she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man ' s mind .\n\u201cwe\u2019re excited to be hosting this london drinks reception with our florida friends , \u201d says clara l\u00e9 of the location guide : \u201cflorida is a great filming location with a rich production heritage and we\u2019re very happy to help our friends and colleagues find out more about the local filming opportunities . \u201d\nsome of the film\u2019s admirers advise us not to worry much about the intricate storyline . michael phillips remarks :\n\u00a9 2018 film independent . all rights reserved . privacy policy . design by pentagram . built by barrel .\nbest first feature : \u20ac50 , 000 shared between the producer and director of the awarded film . prizes of the ecumenical jury : main prize ( amount unspecified ) and two prizes , both worth \u20ac2 , 500 each , for a film in the forum and panorama competitions . caligari film prize ( forum competition ) : \u20ac4 , 000 , half of which is given to the director , the other half is meant to fund distribution . peace film award : \u20ac5 , 000 amnesty international film prize ( competition , panorama and forum sections ) : \u20ac5 , 000 femina film prize ( outstanding contribution of a female technician in a feature film from a german - speaking country ) : \u20ac2 , 000 . the \u201ctagesspiegel\u201d readers\u2019 jury ( forum competition ) : \u20ac3 , 000\nin a later flashback to the party , smiley looks out the window and sees ann in the garden . another film would have shown us who\u2019s clutching her in the foliage , but this film leaves it to us .\nimmediately after exiting the die , the molten curtain enters the cooling unit where its temperature is lowered with a water cooled chill roll to \u201cfreeze\u201d the film . the film is then passed downstream where the edges are trimmed , corona treatment is applied ( if a fabrication process such as printing or coating is required ) and the film is wound into rolls . a description of the main components of a typical cast film line is presented below .\nsurprising , deeply cathartic film received much acclaim on the festival circuit even before opening to ebullient reviews in december .\njon hamm , tim robbins , and geena davis toast the new sci - fi film at the acura studio .\nbmi roundtable \u201cmusic & film : the creative process\u201d \u2013 2 p . m . to 4 p . m .\nmisery , it is said , can lead to sublimity . circumstances make raju go on a 12 - day fast to propitiate the gods for rain , and leads him to ponder over and seek answers to the ultimate spiritual question . in the end , the guide finds the path to his own emotional salvation .\nyes . the role brought him fame . subbu who wrote the screenplay and directed the film , coined the name .\n1 . a french term meaning\nblack film ,\nor film of the night , inspired by the series noir , a line of cheap paperbacks that translated hard - boiled american crime authors and found a popular audience in france .\ntypical opening credits are fairly straightforward , especially if your film is signatory to guilds and unions that specify billing order .\nin the machine cross direction is more uniform with cast processes ( with variations that could be as low as \u00b1 1 . 5 % ) . however , the film mechanical properties in the machine cross direction are lower when compared to those obtained with the blown film process due to the higher level of orientation that the film experiences in the blown process .\nthe american musical film song encyclopedia . thomas s . hischak . westport , conn . : greenwood press , 1999 .\napart from being nominated for her role as jackie kennedy , portman\u2019s film jackie also scored a best editing spirit nomination .\nshare your thoughts with us below , and don\u2019t forget to download our free feature / short film credits template / worksheet .\nfor any project coming to the state , film - friendly oklahoma businesses are eager to offer up heartland hospitality to productions , big and small . access our support services directory for a listing of film - friendly businesses and services throughout the state .\nnot only salzburg ' s beauty and history make it an ideal backdrop for many television and film productions . it is also home to leading film companies , and the special degree programs at its university of applied sciences and technologies provide an educational base to round out the city ' s profile as a center of the film industry . filmlocation was established as part of salzburgagentur to strengthen this position and the film industry in salzburg . this service and consulting center serves as a\nfirst - stop shop\noffering bundled assistance and services from a single location , especially for commercial film and television productions with international distribution .\nsign up : stay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\nthe american boy , who flees from nkvd and becomes the guide of ivan kocherga , is played by anton sviatoslav greene from ann arbor , michigan , whose great - grandfather mykhailo soroka was a political prisoner of a soviet labor camp . his americanized ukrainian language was an ideal fit for the part of the son of a us engineer .\nroger ebert became film critic of the chicago sun - times in 1967 . he is the only film critic with a star on hollywood walk of fame and was named honorary life member of the directors ' guild of america . he won the lifetime achievement award of the screenwriters ' guild , and honorary degrees from the american film institute and the university of colorado at boulder .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\npoliticisation of r . k . narayan ! . . . now about\nmiss malini .\nhow did the film originate ?\nfilm composers in america : a filmography , 1911 - 1970 . clifford mccarty . new york : oxford university press , 2000 .\nstars such as tim robbins and molly shannon stop by for the ucla school of theater , film and television\u2019s yearly utah gathering .\nthe 19th annual composer and director roundtable is held at festival base camp . presented by canada goose , the conversation centers around the role of music in film , what makes a great composer and director relationship and the ingredients to making a successful film score .\nstars adam scott and molly shannon welcome the arrival of their film \u201cfun mom dinner\u201d with producer paul rudd at the acura studio .\nwas a hit , priya was not really noticed - - she was more of a wallflower than a dramatic actress in the film .\nthe director\u2019s take : mr . farhadi had high ambitions for his film . \u201cby watching hitchcock films , you get very excited and applaud hitchcock\u2019s craft , but don\u2019t get anything about the people who are living at that time in those conditions , \u201d he explained at the american film institute last fall . \u201ci really tried to make my film go in that direction , mixing drama and real life . \u201d\nsoundtracks : an international dictionary of composers for film . stewart r . craggs . aldershot , hants , england ; ashgate , 1998 .\napart from abiding by the traditional categories , the film independent spirit awards features special categories , accrediting films and filmmakers for unique qualifications .\nif you want to know more about each of these characters , here\u2019s a handy guide i wrote about each of them\u2014it\u2019s largely spoiler free , but i go into some detail about who exactly all these people are . sure these are spoilers for 20 year old games , bear in mind\u2014but hey , there\u2019s a movie coming out soon , so you might want to avoid them !\ndo you remember the film marked the debut of matinee idol gemini ganesh ? his name appeared as r . g . in the credits .\nrevolutionary artists showcase their bold , often - edgy work in a variety of different mediums - including live performances , film , and multimedia .\nchaz is the publisher of urltoken and a regular contributor to the site , writing about film , festivals , politics , and life itself .\nhow does tinker tailor fit the pieces together ? in general , the film adheres to common conventions of modern storytelling but then subtracts one or two layers of redundancy . the little gaps created make the film seem roundabout today , when rather linear and explicit narration is the norm .\nthe best of independent film will be celebrated at the 32nd film independent spirit awards , airing live on ifc on saturday at 2 p . m . pt . the ceremony will again be held in a tent on the beach in santa monica , just north of the pier .\nthis film is really valuable for me like for thousands other people . because of its story lines , kobza - player ' s songs , picturesque ukrainian nature and incredible mix of emotions like\nlaughing through crying\n.\nthe guide\nfor me is a promise for the great future of cinema in my motherland , because this film is valuable for ukrainians only , but not for the whole world now . let me begin from bad side of\nthe guide\n. it ' s jamala ' s unnatural play . she don ' t live in the film . she is trying to play . and this is the thing , which give opportunity for growing to oles sanin and ukrainian cinema . then , someone said grin ' s play wasn ' t so good , but it can ' t be usual or whole - understandable for us , because he is a person from different country and culture both in real life and film . that ' s all about bad sides . maybe , its worth to say smth about dialogs , but that which were played by brilliant actors are good and . i am completely sure co - scenes of stanislav boklan and irina sanina were the best , because of its authenticity and premiere on the\nbig screen\n. i should say a big\nthank you !\nto sergii mihalchuk , who took a picture , and whole film team ( i don ' t really know who should get the biggest appreciation , except of director and actors , of course ) . another advantage its shooting in ukrainian picturesque nature , which takes a heart with it for a long months ( i have watched\nthe guide\nin november , but i still remember that moments of delight by simply watching native landscapes ) . year , so many words without mentioning dramatic storyline in this film , which should play , actually , the main role . but for me it isn ' t smth new , unknown . i can ' t even imagine how it was . and i ' m really stressful - less person , so it hasn ' t touched me . only mentioned that it really - really - really and i have a huge reason to live for . mistake isn ' t excused . but\nthe guide\nis still the best and you still should watch it to understand and to move our history on .\nearly 1930s . peter is a ten - year - old boy in the midst of turbulent soviet ukraine . his father , an american engineer , is killed for obtaining secret documents about the repressions , which now are hidden in peter ' s book . the boy flees from the police with a blind kobzar ( ukrainian folk minstrel ) , ivan kocherga . ivan does everything to help his young guide to grow up and survive with a kind and clear soul that will not be hardened by what his eyes have seen . he tells his young guide elaborate stories that make him believe there can be a different reality from what he sees around him . we are challenged to admit the blind kobzar may see the world with greater clarity than those with perfect eyes .\nrediscover classic works of independent cinema as the sundance film festival presents films from the vaults of the sundance collection at ucla . formed in partnership with the ucla film & television archive , and growing through the support of donors , the collection now contains more than 1 , 800 films .\nyash johar was the production controller for navketan films and served as assistant director for guide . karan johar revealed decades later that his father tricked dev anand into filming a song sequence at what the actor thought was rohtang pass . actually , it was many kilometres short of rohtang pass . the crew , tired of trekking up , had simply repainted a milestone to say rohtang pass 0 .\nfor here or to go ? movie review : ali fazal and omi vaidya ' s film has potential to touch a nerve but . . .\nwhere to watch : the film opened in theaters on friday . ( here\u2019s a list of locations . here\u2019s the new york times review . )\nsiff says :\nthe first big thing in your life you ' re never gonna get over\nis how a friend of this film ' s title character describes the unexpected death of dean ' s mother . for the rest of the film , dean tries his best . . .\nkeeping score : film and television music , 1988 - 1997 . alvin h . marill . lanham , md . : scarecrow press , 1998 .\nguide is an impeccable work of art , not simply a movie . i see it as a lifetime achievement for all those who were a part of it , not intending to undermine their other accomplishments . vijay anand , popularly called goldie ( movie director ) , shows his class and commitment to prove himself even when the english version of the movie directed by ted danielewski failed earlier . it was a just a five minute song that yash johar ( pro for production ) showed to the distributors before they were convinced that the movie is a classic . the photography , art direction and production of the movie sets it apart from other movies of its era and at the same time puts it right up there on a different level . i would say that guide is the soul of indian cinema and serves as an inspiration to many . for all those who doubt the talent and originality of dev anand ( raju ) , this is the answer . waheeda rehman ( rosie ) has herself confessed that guide was the best ever role that she performed . s d burman ' s heart rendering music and vijay anand ' s vision have made this a landmark accomplishment for indian cinema .\nthe founders award for best narrative feature : $ 25 , 000 best new narrative filmmaker : $ 25 , 000 best documentary feature : $ 25 , 000 + art best new documentary filmmaker : $ 25 , 000 best new york narrative : $ 10 , 000 cash , $ 50 , 000 in company 3 post - production services + art best new york documentary : $ 10 , 000 cash , $ 50 , 000 in company 3 post - production services + art best narrative short : $ 5 , 000 cash , 5 , 000 feet of kodak 35mm film stock + art best documentary short : $ 5 , 000 cash , 5 , 000 feet of 35mm film stock donated by kodak and the art award \u201cfruits of war\u201d by spencer platt . tribeca film festival virtual best feature film : $ 25 , 000 cash tribeca film festival virtual best short film : $ 5 , 000 cash\ncreating an account with urltoken gives you access to more features and services , like our weekly newsletter and other special features just for the film community .\nscholarly or focused critical writing about particular films - - both current and historical - - can be found in an amazingly wide variety of sources , including film journals , and publications devoted to theater , history , literature , women ' s studies , ethnic studies , and other disciplines . critical / analytic film articles tend to be more academic and substantive than reviews . these articles often discuss particular films in broad social , political , and historical context . many times the focus of these articles is on a fairly specific aspect of a film , a director ' s work , or a film genre .\none thursday around lunchtime , arthur dent discovers that his house is to be immediately demolished in order to make way for a bypass . he tries delaying the bulldozers by lying down in front of them . ford prefect , a friend of arthur ' s , gives all the workers cans of beer to stop them demolishing his house . he convinces arthur to go to the pub with him . over six pints of beer for\nmuscle relaxant\nand some packets of peanuts for the salt , ford explains that he is an alien from a planet in the vicinity of betelgeuse , and a journalist working on the hitchhiker ' s guide to the galaxy , a universal guide book , and that the earth is to be demolished later that day by a race called vogons , in order to make way for a hyperspace bypass .\nin the cast film extrusion process , the molten polymer travels through a flat die system to adopt its final flat film shape . the die system is formed by the die and feedblock ( if the process requires coextrusion ) or simply the die , if the process is that of mono - layer extrusion .\nstories created through new convergences of film , art , and cutting - edge technology are showcased , giving festivalgoers a peek into the next dimension of storytelling .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nspecial cin\u00e9 cin\u00e9ma jury prize : winning film will be purchased for 30 , 000 chf and broadcasted on channel cin\u00e9 cin\u00e9ma . leopard for the best first feature : 30 , 000 chf ( shared equally between the director and the producer ) pardino d\u2019oro for the best international short film : 10 , 000 chf pardino d\u2019oro for the best swiss short film 10 , 000 chf pardino d\u2019argento ( one swiss , one international ) : 12 , 000 chf worth of kodak film stock locarno short film nominee for the european film awards : 2 , 000 chf action light prize for best swiss newcomer : 41 , 000 chf worth of equipment cinema e giovent\u00f9 prize \u2013 leopards of tomorrow ( one swiss film and one international competition ) : 3 , 000 chf junior jury awards : first prize : 6 , 000 chf ; second prize : 4 , 000 chf ; third prize : 2 , 000 chf environment is quality of life prize : 3 , 000 chf prix du public ubs : the winner of the audience prize : 20 , 000 chf eucumenical prize : 20 , 000 chf to be used for swedish distribution\ntarget filmmaker award ( best narrative feature , best documentary ) : $ 25 , 000 for each winning film . grand jury prize \u2013 texas | mps studios texas filmmaker award : $ 20 , 000 in cash , goods and services from mps studios for best film in the texas competition . silver heart award ( film or individual ) : $ 10 , 000 cash to an individual or film for their dedication to fighting injustices and / or creating social change for the improvement of humanity . txu energy light up the red carpet ( texas student video competition ) : $ 30 , 000 in prizes for the winning schools and students .\nthe directors\u2019 take : bentley dean and martin butler made the film with a minimal crew and drew on local lore , including a song about a tragic suicide by a couple in a similar predicament . \u201ci actually think of \u2018tanna\u2019 as a cinematic translation of the song that\u2019s in the film , \u201d mr . dean said .\npresenting the world premieres of 16 narrative feature films , the u . s . dramatic competition offers festivalgoers a first look at groundbreaking new voices in american independent film .\nafter that , the opening credits proceed through a list of the most important contributors to the film , starting from the least important , ending with the most important .\nthe cast film extrusion process is gaining increased popularity and enjoying sustained growth worldwide . new lines are being installed in a significant number and the market segments penetrated by this technology are on the rise . this article identifies the main components of a cast extrusion line and presents the fundamental aspects that require consideration when approaching cast film technology .\nthe complete index to british sound film since 1928 . ed . alan goble . london ; melbourne ; munich ; new providence , nj : bowker saur , c1999 .\nmockingbird pictures , sparkhouse media , and ambi media group celebrate the film . celebrities holding court at the reception are set to include stars keanu reeves and lily collins .\nthe vacuum box removes entrained air between the primary quenching roll surface and the film to minimize the air barrier between the hot web and the roll . this air barrier , if not reduced , acts as a thermal insulation cushion that impedes the film cooling process . the box also reduces the amount of necking in the film and the air gap and allows higher line speeds to be utilized . the vacuum box can be combined with an air knife or an air chamber to further enhance the web cooling .\neven if i weren\u2019t a le carr\u00e9 fan , i\u2019d be fascinated by a film that can succeed both critically and financially and still leave its audience puzzled about its plot .\nthe stronghold is a ukrainian adventure / fantasy film based on the same - name book . a present - day schoolboy vit ' ko goes a thousand years into past .\noneboxvision can help cast film producers improve their process through the use of advanced machine vision solutions . these system can provide real time feedback to identify flaws in the plastic so the process may be optimised . to learn more about plastic film inspection and 100 % inspection solutions , download our whitepaper and request access to our plastics process improvement library .\nchanges and new registrations are not published publicly until the film office reviews and approves them . please allow 24 business hours before contacting the office regarding pending registration or updates .\nthe primary function of the die system is to form a multi - layered film that is uniformly distributed across the width of the die with thickness variations on the film and thickness variations on each individual layer within industry accepted tolerances ( not to exceed \u00b12 . 5 % for the total thickness and within \u00b115 to \u00b120 % for each layer ) .\nfilm score monthly is a magazine about motion picture and television music . it focuses primarily on background music rather than scores . the website provides a supplement to their hardcopy magazine .\nthe independent spirit john cassavetes award is named after actor - director - screenwriter john cassavetes , a trailblazer of american independent film . the honor is presented to the creative team of a film that was budgeted under $ 500 , 000 . films up for the award this year include free in deed , hunter gatherer , nakom , lovesong and spa night .\ngeena davis and the bentonville film festival host a panel discussing women and diverse voices in media with industry notables , including jill soloway and michaela watkins , at rock & reilly\u2019s .\nburn later films give kudos to director janicza bravo and stars michael cera and judy greer for their film \u201clemon\u201d at a late - night gathering inside the stella artois filmmaker lounge .\nr . k . ramachandran is the younger brother of r . k . narayan , and elder to r . k . lakshman . the\nnot - so - famous\nbrother ( as he refers to himself with a ' gene - fed ' humour ) opted for a career in film editing after a short stint in a bank . his first break was in 1945 in the editing department at the gemini studio when\nmiss malini\nwas under production ( r . k . narayan wrote the screen play ) . he worked on several other productions as well . he went on to become regional officer of film censoring at madras and after retirement made documentaries and was connected with film festivals and film production .\nshe was not only the dramatic queen of the film , but also performed its complex dances . even though the english version was disappointing , there is a dance sequence in it , which lasts for over four hypnotising minutes , and shows waheeda in splendid form . dev was not a person to hold grudges . as the 25th anniversary of navketan approached , he asked chetan anand - - who had directed the company ' s first film afsar - - to direct jaaneman . hema malini played the lead opposite dev and the film was a success .\nsiff says : split screens , cinema collage , and formal experimentation take you deep into the medium of film itself . warning : a short in this program contains heavy strobe effects .\nwell guys , we finally made it . after weeks of anticipation , the 2017 la film festival officially begins tonight , with the premiere of our opening night film , colin trevorrow\u2019s tense family mystery - drama the book of henry . thus kicks off nine straight days of tastefully jam - packed , film - oriented adult recreation : screenings , panels , special events , food , drink , live music , yoga ( ! ) and much , much more . it\u2019s a lot of stuff to keep up with , but don\u2019t worry\u2014we\u2019re here to help .\nmix and mingle with coca - cola , regal , red and film industry execs and editors at indiewire over a bottle of coke ! the shindig is held at rock & reilly\u2019s .\nthe number of sources , both online and in print , for finding film / tv reviews and critical analysis is large and often bewildering . how to navigate this sea of information ?\nwould be a good second place to look . the mla bibliography indexes an exceptionally wide range of journals which are broadly concerned with literature , folklore , theatre , and other performing arts - - including film . this source also has the benefit of indexing relevant chapters in books , doctoral dissertations , conference proceedings , and other resources useful to the study of film .\nlast modified : thursday | may 24 , 2018 @ 10 : 23 open printable version this entry was posted on monday | january 23 , 2012 at 4 : 11 pm and is filed under art cinema , film comments , film genres , narrative strategies , readers ' favorite entries , screenwriting . responses are currently closed , but you can trackback from your own site .\nwas not a blockbuster ; it was more of a prestige film . it won the best director , best actor and best actress filmfare awards for vijay anand , dev and waheeda respectively .\n10 . the most american film genre , because no society could have created a world so filled with doom , fate , fear and betrayal , unless it were essentially naive and optimistic .\nthis is an absolutely fantastic chronology of film music through the ages . . . from the silent era to the\njohn williams\nera to today . this book makes for entertaining and informative reading with quotes from so many in - the - industry sources that your head will spin ! it ' s the most up - to - date reference i ' ve found so far on film - scoring techniques and the problems historically associated with this genre . i ' d even recommend it to film - goers with a just a passing interest in music as well\nthis is an absolutely fantastic chronology of film music through the ages . . . from the silent era to the\njohn williams\nera to today . this book makes for entertaining and informative reading with quotes from so many in - the - industry sources that your head will spin ! it ' s the most up - to - date reference i ' ve found so far on film - scoring techniques and the problems historically associated with this genre . i ' d even recommend it to film - goers with a just a passing interest in music as well .\noliver ( richard coyle ) in the food guide to love is the ultimate foodie and food writer . as a kid , while others were cheering on their sports team , he was enjoying the tapas and fine cuisine at the snack table . he becomes a run away success in the way he describes the sensual aspect of food but has had a hard time translating that erotic magnetism into his relationships . after 6 months they burn out and he moves on to his next course . all is well until he comes across a hot fire spanaird in bibiana . she is an activist with a father ' s complex that sees through oliver ' s frivolous ways . a foreign film that celebrates the joys of life and teaches us that along the way we much enjoy the banquet of life ' s joys . i believe this is a great film for anyone that wants to watch a good story .\nto keep up to date on everything film ( training , events , productions , screenings , special offers ) in the area join the film oxford email list , and support us by spreading our news through your social media networks . you can always unsubscribe yourself at a later date if you want to ! go to contact page on our website urltoken or direct with shortened url urltoken\ncould surely be a lot better , but there ' s much to enjoy in the film that exists , with its organic mixture of comic tones , and generally upbeat attitude of breezy fun .\nin between all of the prizes and premieres , stars and film aficionados endure the cold temperatures with help from the city\u2019s pop - up party scene , featuring swag , drinks and exclusive dinners .\nfollowing the screening of the film , director kogonada toasts with stars haley lu richardson , parker posey , michelle forbes , rory culkin , and john cho over dinner at the kia supper suite .\nthe european film awards are an annual pan - european networking event . it is designed for the european film industry , which submits around 500 films / year ; the worldwide media , which reports on the selections / nominations / winners ; the awards weekend , with its networking activities ; the international audience , participating through the peoples choice award and being actively involved and informed through social media .\nthe european film awards are a europe - wide and international promotional platform annually highlighting 80 to 90 european productions ( feature , documentary , animation and short films ) and the film professionals involved in their creation , with the aim of helping the films travel , connecting european filmmakers across borders to facilitate pan - european networking , and building an international audience , thus improving access to markets , especially outside a film ' s country of origin . requirements : 2016 awards : european films with a theatrical or festival premiere between 1 july 2015 and 31 may 2016 . picture : efa / christian schulz\nahl indexes both important film journals ( most of which are indexed in other sources discussed above and below ) and a broad range of international journals devoted to american history , politics , and culture .\nalright , people , it ' s that time of year again\u2014time to get out your snow threads ( and your liver ) ready for what ' s bound to be another epic sundance film festival .\nsong trivia - aaj phir jeene ki tamanna hai - dev anand did not like this song when it was recorded . on the insistence of his brother and the film ' s director vijay anand , they decided to shoot the song and then determine if the song should be retained . by the time the shoot ended , dev anand had changed his mind and agreed to keep the song in the film .\nfilm reviews are assessments of the aesthetic , entertainment , social and cultural merits and significance of a current film or video . reviews tend to be short to medium length articles , often written by a single staff writer for a particular publication . in most cases , the chief aim of a review is to tell the reader whether the film is worth going to see ( or buying on dvd ) . although reviews are usually fairly\nquick takes\non a movie , they can , in some instances , be lengthy , substantive , and very insightful . the writing of notable critics such as pauline kael (\nthe publications discussed above represent only a portion of the print and online resources available to assist the researcher in tracking down film literature . a more comprehensive listing of resources in the ucb library is provided at\nplus , video game movies have a pretty bad rep , for good reason : they\u2019ve mostly been terrible . warcraft \u2019s popularity , combined with the fact that it seems like the creative teams behind it are at least talking like they understand how to adapt a video game to film , has a lot of people hoping that this film could break the trend and bring video game stories and worlds to wider audiences .\nhave you participated in a program or had a film in one of our festivals ? then you ' re part of our alumni community . learn about the on - going support and benefits we offer you !\nthe problem is not that the film debases the book but that movies themselves are too capacious a home for such comedy , with its tea - steeped english musings and its love of bitty , tangential gags ."]} {"id": 114589, "summary": [{"text": "sandhippu ( english : rendezvous ) is a 1983 indian tamil film , directed by c. v. rajendran and produced by santhi narayanasamy .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars sivaji ganesan , sridevi , sujatha , m. n. nambiar and prabhu in lead roles .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the film had musical score by m. s. viswanathan .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "the film was a remake of hindi film naseeb.sivaji acted the roles of amitabh and pran in this movie .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "the movie turned to be a blockbuster at the box office . ", "topic": 18}], "title": "sandhippu", "paragraphs": ["\u200esandhippu ( 1983 ) directed by c . v . rajendran \u2022 film + cast \u2022 letterboxd\n\u200esandhippu ( original motion picture soundtack ) - ep by m . s . vishwanathan on apple music\n\u200esandhippu ( original motion picture soundtrack ) - ep by m . s . vishwanathan on apple music\nfree wallpapers download of sandhippu movie , hero , heroine , etc is available in our gallery section .\nsandhippu - tamil full movie | sivaji ganesan | sridevi | prabhu | radha | m . n . nambiar\nsandhippu ( original motion picture soundtrack ) | m . s . vishwanathan \u2013 download and listen to the album\nwe do not sell pirated sandhippu dvds & vcds . we recommend you to buy movies of original dvd & vcd .\nis a tamil drama movie , directed by c v rajendran . the cast of sandhippu includes sivaji ganesan , sujatha .\nsandhippu - tamil full movie | sivaji ganesan | sridevi | prabhu | radha | m . n . nambiar - youtube\nsillunu oru sandhippu is a must watch for all teenagers who believe that their love is real and will stand the test of time .\nis a tamil romance movie , directed by v . s . d . rengarajan . the cast of virudhunagar sandhippu includes chandru , denna .\nvirudhunagar sandhippu full cast and crew - chandru , denna , k . r . vijaya , ponnambalam , muthukalai , kadhal sugumar | sulekha movies\nsandhippu | | full tamil mov . . .\nthe youtube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third - party notifications of copyright infringement .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 frameset / / en\nurltoken\nenter missing singer names as comma separated value . you can add as many number of singer name in the given field\nto access special sections for urltoken user , request you to signin / signup using this form . if you are an existing user , pls . login with your credentials or if you a new user , pls . register .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . if you continue without changing your settings , we ' ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on filmibeat website . however , you can change your cookie settings at any time . learn more\nsangae muzhangu - mgr , lakshmi , v . k ramaswaamy - tamil classic movie\ngaayathri | full tamil movie | rajinikanth | sridevi | ilaiyaraaja | r . pattabhiraman\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\nlakeith stanfield and his sorry to bother you crew reveal their most soul - crushing jobs in our freewheeling interview .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nit looks like we don ' t have any plot summaries for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the plot summary submission guide .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nis a must watch for teenagers , who believe their love is real , writes s saraswathi .\nis not your average run - of - the - mill triangular love story .\nrevolves around three characters - - ashok ( vimal ) , charu ( deepa shah ) and geetha ( oviyaa ) . the film opens in a school in ooty , where ashok and geetha are class xii students , who fall in love with each other . when their parents come to know of their love , they are forced to separate , but not before promising to get back together when they are older .\nthe scene then shifts to many years later when a much older ashok returns to ooty from the united states . ashok\u2019s brother is married to charu\u2019s sister . ashok then falls in love with charu and since both families feel that they would make a good match , they give them the green signal . things progress smoothly and the happy couple gets engaged .\ndirector ravi lallin has shown that puppy love or infatuation cannot form the basis for a successful marriage . through his narrative , he proves that as an individual matures and gains an identity , his ideals and beliefs also change . things which once seemed so important become insignificant and so decisions taken during this stage invariably end in sorrow and heartbreak .\nthough the film is beautifully shot with some great dialogues , it is slow paced and some of the scenes really drag .\nactor vimal has proved many times in the past that he can act , but in this film he proves that he can handle urban characters just as well as village - oriented ones .\noviyaa and vimal share a great chemistry on screen . they have previously worked together in two films , kalavani ( oviyaa\u2019s debut film ) and kalakalappu , both of which have been super hits .\ndeepa shah with her girl next door looks portrays her character well and is apt for the role .\nmanobala , who plays the role of ashok\u2019s uncle in the film , provides the comic element . there is also some comedy in beginning of the film when ashok and geetha are in school .\nmusic by f s faizal is pleasant , especially the melody song adi aathi by aalaap raja and anitha . also the bussey bussey number by vijay prakash and rita has become a hit with college students .\nsos has two cameramen , rajesh yadhav and aaro , and most of the scenes have been shot in the beautiful hill stations of ooty and kodaikanal .\nwhat is a r rahman doing at a dubai mall ? reader talib sends us a picture .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\n* setting channel preference will take you directly to the respective channel when you come in next time .\nsupported browsers : internet explorer : version 7 . 0 and above , chrome , firefox and safari . best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution and above .\nyou can update your channel preference from the settings menu in the header menu .\nalthough thaanaa serndha koottam is a remake of akshay kumar\u2019s heist crime thriller special 26 , it comes with all the right elements to appeal to the ta . .\nsketch , starring chiyaan vikram , has hit screens finally amidst heavy expectations . the film , helmed by director vijay chandar , is touted as an action enterta . .\nexpectations are huge for velaikkaran , siva karthikeyan\u2019s next after the blockbuster remo in which he played a nurse . after playing the soft and comic cha . .\ncall : 1 - 512 - 788 - 5300 ( mon to fri - 11am to 8pm \u2013 est ) email : us . sulekha @ urltoken feedback & support\nfind expert service providers for all your local needs . get started now ! post your need\nthis browser doesn ' t support spotify web player . switch browsers or download spotify for your desktop .\nlisten to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the premium trial .\n\u00a9 2018 rhapsody international inc . all rights reserved . napster and the napster logo are registered trademarks of rhapsody international inc .\nget 4 months of amazon music unlimited for \u00a30 . 99 . play 40 million songs , ad - free\nyour amazon music account is currently associated with a different marketplace . to enjoy prime music , go to your music library and transfer your account to urltoken ( uk ) .\nprime members enjoy fast & free shipping , unlimited streaming of movies and tv shows with prime video and many more exclusive benefits .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\nit looks like we don ' t have any soundtracks for this title yet .\nbe the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the soundtracks submission guide .\nmusic playback has been interrupted because your qobuz account is currently being used on another device [ ? ] . we remind you that your account is strictly personal and cannot be used on several devices at the same time .\nvani jayaram , performer - s . janaki , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\nt . m . soundararajan , performer - p . susheela , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\nmalaysia vasudevan , performer - s . p . shailaja , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\nt . m . soundararajan , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\ns . p . balasubrahmanyam , performer - t . m . soundararajan , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\nt . m . soundararajan , performer - vani jayaram , performer - m . s . vishwanathan , composer - vali , writer\nwe sat down with the tunisian oud player who released the elegant\nblue maqams\n, an album with a jazz core , recorded with dave holland , jack dejohnette and django bates . . .\non her three previous albums , lera lynn had cultivated an image of a solitary american singer who\u2019s a little prone to darker , more depressing emotions .\ncardi b , the high priestess of social media , has created an indestructible identity appearing in strip clubs and on reality tv . a sheer outspoken force , she capitalised on this reputation by pullin . . ."]} {"id": 114590, "summary": [{"text": "hot young bloods ( hangul : \ud53c\ub053\ub294 \uccad\ucd98 ; rr : pikkeulneun cheongchun ; lit . blood boiling youth ) is a 2014 south korean teen romantic comedy film that depicts the loves , rivalries , and friendships between four high school students in hongseong county , south chungcheong province in the 1980s . ", "topic": 12}], "title": "hot young bloods", "paragraphs": ["hot young bloods 2014 1080p bluray . x264 - mlsbd hot young bloods 2014 720p bluray . x264 - mlsbd hot young bloods 2014 480p bluray . x264 - mlsbd\nhot young bloods ( 2014 ) - 720p . hdrip . h264 - canrel | jsb\nthere are no critic reviews yet for hot young bloods . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\ni\u2019ve watched hot young bloods at this site ( urltoken ) but i haven\u2019t found the scene where park bo young kicked a chair in the classroom .\nthe movie\nhot young bloods ,\nwhich was released on wednesday , focuses on the romantic relationships of several teenagers living in the countryside .\non the december 5 episode of mbc\u2019s \u201csection tv entertainment news , \u201d actors lee jong suk and park bo young were interviewed at the press conference for their movie\nhot young bloods .\ncategories : review | tags : 2014 , fugitive plan b , heirs , hot blooded youth , hot young bloods , jeon soo jin , jun soo jin , kim young kwang , kwon hae hyo , lee jong suk , lee se young , movie , park bo young , ra mi ran , school 2013 , the fugitive , white christmas | permalink .\ni\u2019ve watched hot young bloods already but for some reason , i always go back to it just to watch more of park bo young\u2019s tough acting ( which i truly love and got me hooked in all her movies ) .\n\u2018hot blooded youth , \u2019 starring lee jong suk , park bo young , lee se young , and kim young gwang , is about high school romance and friendship back in 1982 .\nhot young bloods also has some kinda brutal scenes , but it never happen something really bad , like someone died or something . just in the end . . that was a little hard .\nthe director , cle sloan , right , joined the bloods when he was 12 .\nwith the headline : the gangs of los angeles : roots , branches and bloods .\nhot young bloods\nis set within the early 1980 ' s in heongseong , south korea . the movie depicts the rivalries , friendships and secret crushes held by students at a high school in heongseong .\nlee jong - suk of the face reader and no breathing explained why he chose to work on this film , \u201csince i always seem to be playing serious or flashy characters , i thought it was time to do something new . i chose hot young bloods because i was frustrated and wanted to take up a new challenge . \u201d hot young bloods is scheduled to open on january 23rd , a week before the lunar new year\u2019s holiday .\nhot young bloods\nis a romantic comedy flick set in 1982 where certain crazy events shake up the community of chungcheong - do province . the plot follows the lives of four high school students , played by park bo young , lee jong suk , lee se young and kim young kwang as they go on to figure out romance and life . ( credit : soompi )\ndrama debussie : we can talk about it , but i feel we should warn those who haven\u2019t watched just yet . so , to those who have not seen hot young bloods yet , 1 ) why not ? and 2 ) spoiler alert !\nfollowing this , a scene from\nhot young bloods\nwas shown , which portrays lee jong suk dancing in his white underwear in front of the camera . everyone at the studio fell into laughter at this scene , raising expectations for the movie .\nmeanwhile , \u2018hot blooded youth\u2019 is set to hit theaters on january 22 . ( photo by bntnews db )\nset in a rural high school , hot young bloods features lee as a casanova who spurns the advances of the school\u2019s girl gang ringleader , played by park bo - young , star of 2012\u2019s hit teen film a werewolf boy . when a new girl moves to the school , he in turn finds his affections unreturned .\n[ by chloe yun ] actress park bo young took off her signature innocent , pure look and turned into a high school gangster for her new movie \u2018hot blooded youth . \u2019\na scene from \u201chot blooded youth , \u201d which depicts the life and love of teenagers from 1982 . provided by lotte entertainment\nhot young bloods opened on january 22nd in korea and placed third last weekend with a solid 619 , 079 admissions , behind the sophomore frame of disney\u2019s frozen and the debut of cj entertainment\u2019s miss granny . the film was directed by lee yeon - woo , who last feature was the 2009\u2019s running turtle , staring kim yun - seok .\npark bo - young performed in blockbuster hits such as scandal makers ( 2008 ) and a werewolf boy ( 2012 ) and makes an impressive transformation as a high school bully with a slow - paced but filthy mouth in hot young bloods . \u201cmy reputation as a bankable actress can be quite a burden . on the other hand , i am both nervous and excited about my new character in this film\u201d .\nlike nameless gangster : rules of the time and the attorney , hot young bloods is also set during the 80s , in the countryside of hongsung of choongchung province , a place known for its slow dialect . hongsung agricultural high school heartthrob joong - gil ( played by lee jong - suk ) is secretly admired by young - sook . a love triangle between the two and gwang - shik ( played by kim young - kwang ) , who has a crush on young - sook , gets even more complicated when so - hee ( played by lee se - young ) transfers to their school from seoul .\nfrom left : director lee yeon - woo with actors lee se - young , park bo - young and lee jong - suk .\nthis was my first time actually seeing park bo young in something , and i felt that she was a revelation as young sook .\nsetting in 1980 at a high school in the district of south korea hongseong , hot young bloods begins with a beautiful girl and she is also the female monster leader of a girl group . she is always sought goal of the boys in the school , but only one who does not pay any attention to her , a young man who had just moved into the school . youth boiling blood is a drama about friendship and romantic love couple .\nkorean movie hot young bloods english main trailer \u25b6 genre : comedy , romance \u25b6 director : lee yeon - woo \u25b6 cast : park bo - yeong , lee jong - suk \u25b6 synopsis : a comedy romance movie about the last generation of youths and their passionate romance based in hongseong , chungcheong namdo in the 1980 ' s . \u25b6 release date in korea : 2014 / 01 / 23\ndrama debussie : i guess all in all hot young bloods was worth the watch . it gave us a little of everything and i like that . is it one of my favorite movies ever ? not really , but it did entertain me immensely . it also made me want to keep the nostalgia going with another nostalgic movie fave of mine , sunny . but that\u2019s another story for another day .\ntiara : hot young bloods is sweet and fun with some dirty humor thrown in . i laughed , cried , and had a blast despite the slow beginning . it ' s a bit campy with a hea , but it\u2019s well worth your time . enjoy the 80s tribute in - between the story . before starting this film remember to grab your popcorn and drinks or you just might have to make do without .\nlee se young plays delicate city girl and gangster - y troublemaker very convincingly .\nyoung sook is a feared leader of a female gang in her high school .\n[ by chloe yun ] actor lee jong suk talked about his transformation into casanova in his new movie \u2018hot blooded youth\u2019 at the press conference held on january 16 in seoul .\ndespite young sook being the tough gangsta girl , i love , love , love that park bo young imbues her with a layer of vulnerability that just shines through .\nas a teen novel , blue bloods has all the usual suspects , with some pretty fabulous names . the beautiful - even - though - she - doesn\u2019t - try loner outcast , schuyler van alen . the trusty best friend , oliver hazard - perry . the hot popular guy with a heart of gold , jack force . the hot popular girl who\u2019s a total bitch , mimi force . the hot popular girl who\u2019s actually kind of nice and ends up befriending our outcast heroine , bliss llewellyn ( that is seriously her name ) . you may have noticed a pattern\u2013they\u2019re all gorgeous . another thing to note\u2013with one exception , they\u2019re all vampires . i\u2019m not really spoiling this , because it\u2019s pretty obvious from the get - go .\nbest korean movie ever i ' ve ever been watched . now i am a huge fan of park bo young < 3 . i hope more movie for park bo young .\nthe new lee jong - suk and park bo - young vehicle hot young bloods , an 80s set rural high school film from lotte entertainment timed for the lunar new year holiday , has begun its move abroad after selling to a trio of asian markets . late last year at the american film market , the film sold to hong kong and lotte announced last week that the film recently sold to singapore and malaysia as well . hk film distributor deltamac cited lee jong - suk\u2019s rising star status as the reason behind their purchase . the outfit previously bought lee\u2019s vehicle no breathing in 2013 .\nmeanwhile , young - sook and her classmates are also receiving a lesson on sex - ed . but young - sook herself doesn\u2019t seem to care as she falls asleep during the lesson .\nbecause he never was interested in her , gwang - sik thought of young sook as his woman .\nyoung - sook stares at a train ticket that will allow her to travel to seoul , but is interrupted by gwang - sik who has come to visit . when he asks her if she ever liked him even if it was just for a brief moment , young - sook confesses that she never had any feelings for him . gwang - sik walks away disappointed and meets up with young - sook\u2019s sidekick who had told gwang - sik that young - sook never liked him . he declares them allies , leaving young - sook\u2019s used - to - be - friend - now - enemy to attack young - sook for what she put gwang - sik through . she , who is now the leader , drags her group with her to batter young - sook up , but young - sook isn\u2019t even disturbed one bit . \u201clet\u2019s finish this quickly , \u201d she even adds . haha . gotta love young - sook .\nfinally it is confirmed . cannot wait for the movie now . lee jong suk and park bo young .\ni love the ending where joong gil strides in to young sook\u2019s workplace to sweep her off her feet .\nhot - shot police detective lee is out to get a hit - and - run driver . he discovers the driver is his long lost girlfriend from ten years ago . as her crime - record accumulates he tries to protect her .\npark bo young , lee jong suk , and kim young kwang . great cast . cute movie . not the best story out there but still good . id recommend it if you are a fan of any of these 3 actors\nsage : * extra spoiler alert * them getting married and having a baby was a nice little adding , like a cherry on top . oh , and then the girl who ran like nobody\u2019s business because she had a crush on her cousin ! she was hilarious . i liked that they ended it with her saying that she was a \u201chot young blood . \u201d\nyoung - sook ( park bo - young ) is the feared leader of a female gang at the high school . although she is known for her toughness , she has a secret crush on joong - gil ( lee jong - suk ) . meanwhile , joong - gil is the school ' s playboy . he attempts to woo all the girls at his high school except for young - sook . that ' s because gwang - sik ( kim young - kwang ) , the feared leader of a rival school ' s male gang , views young - sook as his woman .\nyoung - sook ( park bo - young ) is the feared leader of a female gang at the high school . although she is known for her toughness , she has a secret crush on joong - gil ( lee jong - suk ) . meanwhile , joong - gil is the school ' s playboy . he attempts to woo all the girls at his high school except for young - sook . that ' s because gwang - sik ( kim young - kwang ) , the feared leader of a rival school ' s male gang , views young - sook as his woman .\nsoon the high - minded ideology of the crips gave way to street violence and petty crime , which became their way of getting noticed and also of policing who was with them or against them . soon enough , something really was against them : the bloods .\n( look at this . look at those eyes . look at that face expression . my park bo young ) .\ni ' ve always been a fan of the main actor and actress , so i do think i am a bit biased in my judgment here by saying this has got to be my fave korean rom - com movie ever . hot young bloods manages to perfectly capture youth , young love and all its desperation . nothing in the world mattered if they had each other , that kind of thing . i laughed , cried and smiled like an idiot while watching this and i can guarantee you will , too . i do admit it reminds me a bit of our times , the taiwanese rom - com ( which also happens to be one of my all - time favourites ) , in the smallest ways like the different gangs and high school love . despite\u2026\nwaaaa . . . the cast alone enough to make me watch this movie . . . first lee bo young i saw in werewolf boy n speedy scandal , then kim young kwang in runway cop then lee se young recently in lovely rival + lee jong suk in i can hear your voice . . . daebaaak . . i can ' t wait to watch this movie\nin the classroom , young - sook confronts so - hee on the pack of cigarettes she found in one of so - hee\u2019s pouches . the fact that she smokes even though she has asthma makes young - sook laugh in disbelief . annoyed and angry , so - hee invites young - sook for a talk so they head to the girl\u2019s restroom ( ooh . stuff is gonna go down ) . while so - hee\u2019s all by herself , young - sook\u2019s group of friends ends up following them ( lol ) , but young - sook makes them leave , reassuring them that she can handle so - hee all by herself .\nso i promised one of my readers that i would do a recap on \u2018hot young bloods\u2019 or \u2018hot boiling youth\u2019 starring park bo young and lee jong suk a few months back once i got the time to do it and since i\u2019m on summer vacation and i\u2019m not doing much right now , i thought i would stop being lazy and stop procrastinating and actually fulfill my promise . i had done a review of my thoughts and opinion on this movie , so if you would like you can go read that before reading this recap . i can\u2019t promise you that i understand the movie wholeheartedly because there are still things i\u2019m confused about myself , but i\u2019ll try my best to make this recap fun and understanding . it\u2019s my second time watching this movie , so hopefully i\u2019ll get a better understanding of it though . also , i hope you guys don\u2019t mind if this recap is uninteresting and disorganized . this movie isn\u2019t the most interesting and addicting movie ever , but i wanted to finish it for you guys who have been wanting one so yeah . thank you ~ ~ ~\n2009 ) and the main cast , park bo - young and lee jong - suk in attendance on december 30th , 2013 .\ni can ' t waiiiitttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . bo young & jong suk \u2665\u2665\u2665\ntis true . . there are way too many dramas to watch and review . . i\u2019m even toying with the idea of not reviewing some dramas to make more time for watching drama . and this is why i keep movies for zone - out days , coz i know i\u2019m not planning to review them anyway , so it really doesn\u2019t matter if my brain\u2019s not all switched on . hot young bloods took me by surprise though . i had so many thoughts after the movie that a review really seemed the only way to get them all out ! xd i think that\u2019s possibly similar to what happened with you when you watched the suspect ! many thoughts together = review in the making !\nmr . sloan joined the bloods when he was 12 , but now considers involvement in gangs \u201cself - genocide . \u201d his film , which he produced with antoine fuqua , the director of \u201ctraining day , \u201d sustains the courage of this indictment . it has its premiere tonight on hbo .\nthe two men eventually float to the shore passed out , but choong - gil wakes up first to go search for young - sook . he walks back to the town to look for young - sook while crying hysterically , but it\u2019s too late for she had already left to seoul . he suffers a mental breakdown upon learning this and continue to bawl at the disappearance of young - sook .\ni really love the movie ! especially the song at the ending hahaha . you guys should watch so young 2 : never gone too\ncan ' t wait for this movie . . . . . . . . . . bo young and lee jong suk . omg\neven though it wasn\u2019t always clear to us as an audience , i love that young sook cared for joong gil through it all .\ntellingly , even though young sook is portrayed as a big gang leader and everything , we don\u2019t actually see her stirring up trouble .\nwhile some viewers might find it cliched that joong gil and young sook only get their happy ending after a time skip , i actually found it a more believable writing choice , than if joong gil had upped and gone to seoul to find young sook right away .\nmeanwhile , gwang - sik and young - sook are hanging out with each other at a bonfire . gwang - sik pushes forth the idea that maybe he and young - sook can start making some progress in their friendship , but she doesn\u2019t seem to like it . he assumes it\u2019s because of another guy who he is willing to hurt so that young - sook will only be his . possessive much ?\ni was expecting kim young kwang to have a more significant role in this movie , but unfortunately he was greatly overshadowed by the two leads , lee jong seok and park bo young . lee jong seok ' s bumbling lover boy character did deliver some laughs , especially when faced with kim young kwang ' s gangster character . but the standout was park bo young - don ' t be fooled by her baby face , she can strike fear in the heart of any man with her punches and vulgarities . quite a transformation from her previous roles .\nrunning turtle director lee yeon - woo is at the helm of a new film which began production earlier this month . blood boiling youth ( literal title ) is a romantic comedy pairing two of korea\u2019s most popular young stars , park bo - young and lee jong - suk .\nbo young is fine . the one that captures my attention is lee jong suk . he was so natural from head to toe : d\nlater on that evening , young - sook ends up joining choong - gil instead of so - hee , causing choong - gil to of course be disappointed . when he reveals that he likes so - hee because she\u2019s beautiful ( implying that he thinks young - sook isn\u2019t ) , she leaves choong - gil at the hotel mad and furious . ( don\u2019t worry young - sook , you\u2019re beautiful to me ! ) .\nthe next day at school , choong - gil\u2019s friend hwang - kyu ( played by park jung min ) is forced to share with young - sook what type of things choong - gil likes and has interest in . she ends up getting choong - gil a pair of new sneakers which he doesn\u2019t approve of and want . when choong - gil confronts young - sook about the shoes , he pretends to act like he doesn\u2019t want it , but when young - sook threatens to take it back , he makes up an excuse to young - sook so that he can keep it . haha . and young - sook knows that choong - gil likes her gift , smirking after he leaves the classroom . hehe .\nthis film is so exciting and i love park bo young and also lee jong suk . . love it to the maxxx . daebakkk ! !\ngang , views young sook as his woman . a new female transfer student from seoul arrives at their high school . she ' s different from the other girls and beautiful . joong gil falls for her instantly , while young sook attempts to prevent the new girl from encroaching on her secret crush . trouble also brews for joong gil as gwang shik becomes aware of young sook stepping in between joong gil and the new transfer student .\ngwang - sik ends up fighting choong - gil\u2019s classmate once the train lands as they are known for being enemies . when the fight ends , choong - gil is about to leave but turns around to find young - sook behind him . he explains to young - sook that he didn\u2019t meet her the night before because he doesn\u2019t have any interest in her like that and because he fears gwang - sik who claims young - sook as his . \u201cthis thing between us is not love . it\u2019s a threat , \u201c choong - gil voices , offending young - sook who clenches her fists .\nactor lee jong - suk and actress park bo - young will be acting together in the film\nboiling youth ,\nlotte entertainment said tuesday .\na new female transfer student ( lee se - young ) from seoul arrives at their high school . she ' s different from the other girls and beautiful . joong - gil falls for her instantly , while young - sook attempts to prevent the new girl from encroaching on her secret crush . trouble also brews for joong - gil as gwang - sik becomes aware of young - sook stepping in between joong - gil and the new transfer student .\nthis is gonna be fuunnnn ! ! ! so excited for this movie . . . park bo young , fighting ! ! ! ! ! ^ ^\na new female transfer student ( lee se - young ) from seoul arrives at their high school . she ' s different from the other girls and beautiful . joong - gil falls for her instantly , while young - sook attempts to prevent the new girl from encroaching on her secret crush . trouble also brews for joong - gil as gwang - sik becomes aware of young - sook stepping in between joong - gil and the new transfer student .\nyou don\u2019t hear this from mr . sloan , who talks more about his banger brother , who went to prison for life , and died young .\nwhen you\u2019re young and discovering the opposite sex , you tend to fixate on . . things , and also tend to be inordinately amused by those things .\nin fact , that whole fight that she had with so hee was something that so hee started . young sook had merely acted in self - defense .\nyoung sook tries to go between them . but than gwang - sik becomes aware that\nhis woman\nis interested in joong - gil . . .\nset in the 80s , a countryside high school teen named , joong - gil , is the biggest heartthrob in town . young - sook , the girlfriend of the school\u2019s toughest bully , has a crush on joong - gil , but he shows her no interest . one day , so - hee , an innocent looking girl , moves into town . young - sook thinks of so - hee as her rival and picks a fight with her . meanwhile , young - sook\u2019s boyfriend suspects ties between young - sook and joong - gil and harasses so - hee , whom joong - gil has a crush on . joo . . .\nhey there jedd ! i am not entirely sure , but i suspect that the girl at the factory was so hee , played by lee se young . \ud83d\ude42\nwe then find young - sook approaching another group of girls from another school as if they\u2019re going to get ready to beat one another up anytime soon . the leaders of each group come to the front of their own groups to confront each other and so you have young - sook marching towards the front and the leader from the other group standing in the front as well . soon they\u2019re face to face with each other but are distracted by the bicycle couple who are still riding away on the bicycle . annoyed , young - sook criticizes the male student\u2019s face which angers the leader from the other group who then throws a punch at young - sook\u2019s face as a consequence for her harsh comment . but young - sook isn\u2019t the leader of her crew for nothing for she attacks the girl back and knocks her out cold just like that ( there goes my park bo young ! keke ) . the two groups end up fighting one another and war breaks out .\nmr . sloan begins with a myth : that gangs like the bloods and the crips started in 1972 , when they formed in response to a dispute over a leather jacket . that\u2019s rubbish . the film shows that gang animosity in los angeles dates to the 1940s and \u201950s , when the police had set up an extortion racket on central avenue to bilk the black music clubs .\nyoung - sook escapes to her village and recalls memories of the past between her and choong - gil . they were childhood friends and classmates when they were younger so that\u2019s how they know each other . young - sook remembers the one time when choong - gil gave her his compass so that she wouldn\u2019t get in trouble for not having hers . he ends up getting in trouble for not having his compass later on at school that day , but he remains strong and reassures young - sook that he is fine .\ni absolutely love this movie and the fights were very good ! also jun soo jin looked super sexy and looked like a real bad girl i would love to see her in action movies . * spoiler * i loved the fact that joong gil ( lee jong suk ) could never really stand up to gwang sik ( young - kwang ) even when he wanted to fight him because of so hee ( se - young ) he tried but was still a wimp about it and did nothing but when it came to young sook ( park bo young ) he was able to actually fight without fear . i think that part is very meaningful because it showed how much she really meant to him .\na radio dj / entertainer in his 30s suddenly learns he may be a grandfather , thanks to a young girl who has a baby son and claims to be his daughter .\nall the students exiting off the train walks past the three friends , including the girl teacher that choong - gil landed on as well as young - sook and her sidekick .\nboth joong gil and young sook needed to sort out their inner turmoil and figure out who they were as people , before they were ready to come together as a couple .\neven when joong gil was chasing every other girl around , i believe that young sook knew \u2013 or at least , wanted to believe \u2013 that he was made of better stuff .\nthanks azure , i\u2019m glad you enjoyed the movie , and this review ! \ud83d\ude42 i really enjoy lee jong suk and park bo young as well . they\u2019re both such talented actors .\n\u201caegyo is how i live this world , \u201d he continued with his killing smile , making the audience laugh . \u201cmaybe it\u2019s because i started my model career when i was young . \u201d\noh . em . gee . . . . this movie was daebak hilarious ! . . . . seriously . . . and the music was just divine . . . ljs , what a talent . . . . he was exceptionally funny , boom ! ! . . . i watched this today ( hot young bloods ) because of my new found admiration for kyk , whom i thought did well here too , lovin the sleek - oily - hair - look . . . ( the flares , omg the flared pants . . . waaat ! ) . i have always been enthralled by ljs in many of his roles , hes just super cute and a great actor . cant believe this was done 3years ago . . . such amazing talents and look where they are now . . . congratulations guys , you all did well and i look forward to seeing so much more , kahmsamnida . . . actually this movie is one of my favorites now too , amazing absolutely , thank you so much , fighting ! ! !\nso - hee confirms with choong - gil whether what she heard about young - sook liking choong - gil is true or not to which he responds , \u201cdon\u2019t say something so scary like that . \u201d lol . he adds that someone just made it up and that it holds no truth . ugh , really choong - gil ? ! you\u2019re just going to ignore young - sook like that ? tsk tsk tsk . meanwhile , young - sook finally lets her feelings out as she cries over the sight of choong - gil and so - hee together back at the restaurant .\nbefore the time skip , joong gil is a big hot mess of a character , with a lot of baggage to sort through . after the time skip , when we come back to him , he\u2019s clearly a more settled , mature version of himself . there\u2019s groundedness and resolve in his eyes . he has set his heart on what he wants to do , and it\u2019s gratifying to see him go for it .\nthe movie begins by following two high students riding on a bicycle . they continue to ride through the fields with the male student continually looking back at the female student in concern , but smiling when he finds her happy and content . the ride comes to an abrupt stop though when the couple notices young - sook ( park bo young ) , the bad - ass and frightening leader that harbors a crush on our male student . young - sook also notices the couple and grows annoyed at the sight of her crush with another woman , but she goes on to mind her own business .\neveryone is surprised and taken aback , but the one person that is probably the most infuriated at this point is young - sook who watches all of this unfold right in front of her eyes .\nafter eating at the hotel with her friends , young - sook returns home only to find visitors / customers there ( she sleeps at her restaurant ) . she waits for a while until they leave and then enters her house . young - sook cooks a small meal for a frequent customer even though it\u2019s late at night without saying a single word to him then leaves afterwards to enter her bedroom .\nif you would like to read my other thoughts on this movie , i wrote a \u2018what mary thinks\u2019 edition on this movie a few months ago so you can read that here . but all in all , although \u2018hot blooded youth\u2019 did provide me with laughter , smiles , and tears , i honestly admit that i wouldn\u2019t want to watch it a third time around . i think watching it two times is good enough for me .\nset in the 80s , a countryside high school teen named , joong - gil , is the biggest heartthrob in town . young - sook , the girlfriend of the school\u2019s toughest bully , has a crush on joong - gil , but he shows her no interest . one day , so - hee , an innocent looking girl , moves into town . young - sook thinks of so - hee as her rival and picks a fight with her . meanwhile , young - sook\u2019s boyfriend suspects ties between young - sook and joong - gil and harasses so - hee , whom joong - gil has a crush on . joong - gil tries to get revenge for so - hee\u2019s sake , but gets beaten down every time . at last , joong - gil decides to have his ultimate battle of revenge aboard a running commuter train .\nthe actress park plays \u2018young - sook ' , the school ' s top girl gangster , and the actor lee plays \u2018joong - gil ' , the school ' s legendary casanova at hongseong agricultural high school .\nin her bedroom , young - sook studies a small but cherished geometry compass that she\u2019s kept to this day . she caresses it while she holds it , reminded of all the memories that the compass encompasses .\nmr . sloan now says this was a \u201cghetto folktale , \u201d but it fractured the movement . the crips and the bloods , the gangs that formed in the 1970s , are seen by mr . sloan as the bastard children of the political organizations of the \u201960s . \u201cout of the ashes of the black panther party came the gangs , \u201d he says . the crips had a sketchy plan for social reform and inventive forms of pageantry ; they also had a constitution .\ni\u2019m not sure how others feel about our second leads , but i really disliked them . so - hee was pretty two - faced which was evident in the bathroom scene where she was fighting young - sook . young - sook didn\u2019t strip so - hee\u2019s clothes off ; so - hee took off her own clothes so that she could prepare to fight young - sook . then when choong - gil came inside the restroom , so - hee pretended to act like she was all innocent and faultless and like she was getting beatened up by young - sook when she herself was the person who initiated the fight . like seriously ? ! i mean young - sook isn\u2019t all that good either , but at least she doesn\u2019t pretend to act all cute and innocent and stays tough and bossy throughout the whole movie , displaying a consistent image and role . as for gwang - sik , he was just waaayyyy too obsessive over young - sook and way too possessive . it\u2019s funny how he didn\u2019t realize that young - sook never liked him until the end of the movie . he was too blind and delusional to realize that young - sook never cared for him . and plus , the majority of the scenes that we saw him in was of him either fighting or beating choong - gil up . the movie didn\u2019t really offer to introduce their background stories either which is why they seem hateful to me . we don\u2019t really know much about our second leads other than that so - hee moved to the countryside because of her health and that gwang - sik claimed young - sook who was never his to begin with . if the movie had given some background information on our second leads and the obstacles or problems they faced to become the tough and rugged person they are , maybe i would pity them a little , but because the movie didn\u2019t , i just ended the movie feeling bitter and hateful towards them , lol .\ni love this movies . . i love park boyoung the most one . . haha . . i love all the scene that boyoung unnie act . . all the gang scene . . haha . . its too live and natural acting i ever see . . all over it , i really love and i hope that bo young will have a character like this again . . haha lol ! park bo young fighting ! !\nthis is my second comment , i don ' t know why the first one didn ' t comes out . it looks funny movie , i wish blood boiling youth will be a memorable movie in early 2014 . yeeee . . . . ! ! ! lee jong suk , kim young kwang , long legs man collaboration . so sad kim young kwang will not going to promote this movie with others due his military duty .\nset in the 80s , a countryside high school teen named , joong - gil , is the biggest heartthrob in town . young - sook , the girlfriend of the school ' s toughest bully , has a crush on joong - gil , but he shows her no interest . one day , so - hee , an innocent looking girl , moves into town . young - sook thinks so - hee as her rival and picks a fight with her . meanwhile , young - sook ' s boyfriend suspects ties between young - sook and joong - gil and harasses so - hee , whom joong - gil has a crush on . joong - gil tries to get revenge for so - hee ' s sake , but gets beaten down every time . at last , joong - gil decides to have his ultimate battle of revenge aboard a running commuter train .\nhis two friends does relay to young - sook though that choong - gil\u2019s in danger because of gwang - sik so she goes to rescue him . choong - gil is able to leave gwang - sik with just a few injuries on his face because of young - sook who stops and threatens gwang - sik . she meets up with choong - gil f a few minutes later and they walk together back home , but choong - gil doesn\u2019t want young - sook\u2019s help or for her to be around him . he walks ahead of her to avoid her presence , but stops when she pulls out the compass asking him if he remembers it .\nyoung - sook can\u2019t stand to stay in the warehouse any longer so she walks back home . while on her walk home , she meets gwang - sik who questions her on where she\u2019s going and whether or not she met up with choong - gil . young - sook answers that yes , they met up and actually did something together too which pisses gwang - sik off even more . she walks away unaffected by his anger though .\ni definitely enjoyed the more serious , dramatic , and emotional scenes in this movie , with most of them revolving around the childhood memories and the past . it was only then that we were able to get a better understanding of our characters . the young - sook that was an elementary kid was not the same young - sook that was in high school . the same can be applied to choong - gil and their relationship which was not the same when they were in elementary school and when they were in high school . a lot of things changed between choong - gil and young - sook and i wished the film could have shown us on how they drifted apart instead of forcing us to watch choong - gil flirt and play around with girls ( which i understand is his main feature and characteristic , but it got really boring and tiring ) . i enjoyed watching young young - sook and choong - gil interact with each other as friends , because it proves that they were close at one point , but what i think the film should have done was show us how they became distant .\nbut the movie felt slightly directionless - probably due to a combination of the writing and the directing . the character and relationship development were half - hearted , especially between lee jong seok and park bo young ' s characters .\nthe principal meets up with so - hee\u2019s father and young - sook\u2019s mother so that they can talk about the fight and reach a consensus , but they themselves end up arguing . fed up and exhausted , young - sook runs out of the office to get her belongings in her classroom and walks out of the school campus . while she walks out , choong - gil watches her from inside his classroom and ponders over her attitude plus behavior .\nlater on that night , young - sook dresses up really nicely ( she\u2019s wearing a dress ! how cute ! ) and checks her make - up in the mirror while waiting at choong - gil\u2019s \u2018base . \u2019 young - sook grows happy at the sound of footsteps but becomes disappointed when it\u2019s not the person that she wants . it turns out that choong - gil had an emergency so he sent his friend instead to go to the base to relay the message . disappointed , she walks towards the door but is interrupted by choong - gil\u2019s friend who has other plans instead . he places his hand on young - sook\u2019s behind and puts on a creepy smile which infuriates young - sook and causes her to beat choong - gil\u2019s friend up pretty bad . ( yeah dude , you\u2019re messing with the wrong person . but it\u2019s okay choong - gil\u2019s friend ! i would have you anytime ! ) .\nhis efforts to capture so - hee\u2019s heart goes to waste though for young - sook always ends up ruining his plans and stealing the gifts he got for so - hee . lol . just acknowledge and accept young - sook\u2019s feelings already choong - gil ! haha . when he finds so - hee feeding some rabbits that she seems to like , he ends up getting her those rabbits without her knowing who got it for her and why , but she accepts it regardless . meanwhile , young - sook notices the sneakers that she originally bought for choong - gil being worn by gwang - sik and grows angry because she didn\u2019t buy it for gwang - sik in the first place .\nhere is a little quick summary for you guys before i go ahead and start on the recap . it\u2019s a version of my own summary for the movie since i\u2019ve watched it before . hehe . so i apologize if it sounds really funny and weird . \u2018hot blooded youth\u2019 takes place in the early 1980\u2032s and showcases the lives of our four main characters : young - sook ( played by park bo young ) , joong - chil ( played by lee jong suk ) , so - hee ( played by lee se young ) , and gwang - sik ( played by kim young - kwang ) . to put it into simpler terms , the movie revolves around a love square . gwang - sik likes young - sook who likes joong - chil who likes so - hee . young - sook is the jjang or iljin of her high school . she\u2019s basically like the bad - ass leader that most of the girls obey out of fear . she\u2019s tough , bad - ass , and can drop kick a guy twice her height . yeah , i would be scared of her too . joong - chil is this really witty guy who uses his own method to capture the fluttering hearts of girls . he\u2019s suave and smooth when it comes to girls , but not so much when it comes to fighting as many times in this movie , he always comes home with a bruised face . so - hee is that new student who transferred from seoul that many of the guys spazz over , including joong - chil . so he tries his own tactics to get at her and almost succeeds . last but not least , gwang - sik is the iljin or leader of his mob and he harbors this crush ( but more like possession ) over young - sook , claiming her to be his and when he discovers that there might be someone else interfering in their relationship , he gets super angry and scary . sooo basically you don\u2019t want to mess with him either . the movie ultimately showcases the complex relationships between all our four lead characters and the journey that they embark on together .\nher gaze betrays layers of hurt even though she never speaks of them . and even though young sook\u2019s first instinct is always to protect her pride , she\u2019s bold and gutsy and never shies away from tough situations or difficult decisions .\ncan you help me out with something though ? i had been frantically searching for the song that was used at the beginning of the movie . the one that was played in the background when joong gil was riding a bicycle . also there were more songs like this throughout the movie , like when joong gil was about to kiss young sook but gets caught by lee se young . can you please tell me the name of the song and the singer ?\nso fcuking good . . . so so good . . . you just can ' t even - - ugh . the parts towards the end was just damn . great performance from lee jong suk and park bo young : - )\nchoong - gil and young - sook\u2019s school have just returned from another trip and is heading back to school . while on the train , choong - gil\u2019s friends expose to him details they\u2019ve obtained of the new transfer student from seoul ( creepy much eh ? ) . her name is so - hee ( lee se young ) which means \u2018rain\u2019 in korean , so upon hearing this , choong - gil\u2019s friend asks if it\u2019s raining and looks outside the window . hahaha .\nso - hee confronts young - sook on how troublesome she is and they end up fighting each other . although the crowd that has formed outside of the girl\u2019s restroom just watches them fight in amazement , choong - gil comes to stop them from continuing on any further . he accuses young - sook of stripping so - hee\u2019s clothes off of her when he comes to rescue so - hee ( who feigns weakness and fear ) and takes her out of the restroom .\nset in the early 1980 ' s in heongseong , south korea . young sook is the feared leader of a female gang at the high school . although she is known for her toughness , she has a secret crush on joong gil . meanwhile , joong gil is the school ' s playboy . he attempts to woo all the girls at his high school except for young sook . that ' s because gwang shik , the feared leader of a rival school ' s male\npark bo - young and kim young - kwang are set to co - star in the upcoming romantic drama your wedding ( translated title ) . in the film\u2019s plot , soo - jeong ( kim ) receives a wedding invitation from his first love seung - hee ( park ) . the film chronicles the 10 - year relationship of the two , beginning with their high school years and following them into adulthood . your wedding marks a return to the silver screen . . .\nso - hee is dissatisfied at first , but roller skating with choong - gil turns out to be a great time for her . she gets to witness clumsy choong - gil make a fool out of himself by continually falling and trying to impress her by pretending like he knows how to roller skate when really he doesn\u2019t . their date continues when they visit the town to get something to eat . while walking and talking casually , they come across young - sook\u2019s who working at her mom\u2019s restaurant . young - sook notices choong - gil and so - hee together , but doesn\u2019t say a word . the hurt and sorrowful look in her eyes already conveys enough . ( aw , poor young - sook ) .\nhe goes to talk and chill with young - sook in hopes of maybe cheering her up . he takes notice of her injured and pale face , but she tells him to not worry . choong - gil allows her to sleep at his base for the night since young - sook doesn\u2019t want to return home , especially since her mom knows that she got into a fight . they discuss about graduation and college which then leads them to their next conversation which is about their childhood memories . we learn that choong - gil wasn\u2019t always ladies\u2019s man when he was younger and actually had good grades while our young - sook hasn\u2019t changed much . she would always copy choong - gil\u2019s homework and had bad grades . haha , too cute . young - sook encourages choong - gil to go home while she gets ready to sleep . he leaves her alone in his base , but goes back to bring her a bag of medicine since he\u2019s worried about her .\nkim young kwang ( once again ) is completely believable as a violent dumb jock . i found gwang sik so reminiscent of his character in white christmas , really , except this time he\u2019s rocking the slicked - back elvis - esque hair .\ni did not expect this movie to be as good as it was . the characters are so well written and well played . the end was so corny and yet so perfect . park bo young and lee jung suk are so good togerher .\nand that is how a boy becomes a man ! my poor little young sook t . t had given everything . one of the most epic moment in this movie is when joong gil realized what he lost and gained a shock that changed him forever . the bully - fightback scene is just karma , happens everywhere and its so normal in my eyes . i want to meet my young sook too , i will keep searching for her and will not live a coward like joong gil did ."]} {"id": 114591, "summary": [{"text": "caitlin plays herself is a 2011 american drama film directed and produced by joe swanberg , written by caitlin stainken and swanberg , and starring stainken and swanberg .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "swanberg and stainken , a performance artist with the neo-futurists , play fictionalized versions of themselves . ", "topic": 17}], "title": "caitlin plays herself", "paragraphs": ["it is possible that one of swanberg ' s movies is not a complete waste of time , but caitlin plays herself , written in collaboration with its starlet , caitlin stainkin , is not the one .\nplease wait up to 30 seconds for the below video to load and watch caitlin plays herself online . if the video below does not load , please try server 3 .\ncaitlin plays herself premiered at the new horizons film festival in wroc\u0142aw , poland , on july 18 , 2011 . its north american premiere was in brooklyn , new york , on december 2 , 2011 .\ncaitlin plays herself joe swanberg rounds out a busy year with his third feature release , the story of a chicago performance artist whose stage nudity upsets her boyfriend . with caitlin stainken ( whose life inspired the film ) , frank v . ross and spencer parsons .\ncomposed largely of fixed , lengthy medium shots and long shots , caitlin plays herself is chopped up into discrete , self - enclosed tableaux , kind of like an american vivre sa vie without the passion , drama or gorgeous imagery .\nmrs . potts says it herself : the tale is as old as time .\nthe five plays to be presented at the glt theatre at 176 morris st . include :\nopens with a shot of caitlin ( caitlin stainken , who does indeed play herself ) baring her breasts . however , voyeurs will soon be frustrated , as she\u2019s covered in dark liquid in the very next shot ( echoing brian de palma\u2019s\n, his flightiness makes him emotionally \u2013 and often physically \u2013 unavailable for caitlin .\ncaitlin stars as gifted technology officer ada hamilton in the upcoming police drama apb .\nreason : jesse cheated on ellie with caitlin ryan , ellie ' s mentor .\npanabaker and robbins got engaged in june 2016 during a trip to greece . the actress plays caitlin snow on the flash , which will return for a fourth season oct . 10 on the cw .\ncaitlin stainken , joe swanberg , frank v . ross , megan mercier , tim reid\nvisit caitlin moe ' s on myspace or at her website , caitlinmoe . com .\ndecember dec . 2 answers to nothing the abduction of a child provides the background for six interweaving stories set in los angeles . with elizabeth mitchell , dane cook , julie benz and barbara hershey ; matthew leutwyler wrote and directed . caitlin plays herself joe swanberg rounds out a busy year with his third feature release , the story of a\naccording to ellie in jessie ' s girl , caitlin was on his freebie five list .\npolice were called to her room after ms putney had contacted loved ones and said she was planning to kill herself .\na mobile phone next to her bed also revealed a string of texts between herself and mr mueller discussing their failing marriage .\nin the opening scene of the diy meta - production \u201ccaitlin plays herself , \u201d the performance artist caitlin stainken defends quick - turnaround techniques and her unfiltered aesthetic as \u201can attempt to make new work about something that is happening right now . \u201d she\u2019s less interested in the final product , she explains , than in the exploratory process , which you can see in the way she slowly massages her breasts with a washcloth : \u201cnot everything i make is going to be good , you know ? \u201d\n6 . 24 . 17 happiest day of my life ,\nshe captioned a picture of herself and robbins sharing a kiss .\nthey say she looks like britney but plays like beethoven . electric violinist , vocalist , and songwriter ( that ' s a lot of titles , guys ) caitlin moe is conquering the music scene , one bariolage and see - through tank at a time .\nso well known . people will recognize it , but i also want to be able to bring my own take , \u201d said caitlin gillooly \u201917 , who plays mrs . potts and is a student director . \u201c [ mrs . potts ] is so recognizable that you\nlevinson\u2019s film is framed around a series of interviews madoff conducted from prison with the new york times reporter diana b . henriques . she plays herself ( and , in a debut performance , acquits herself quite nicely considering she\u2019s acting alongside de niro ) as gently needling madoff , trying to learn both why he was motivated to lie about his ill - gotten gains , and why he thought his family would somehow be protected from scrutiny in the aftermath of his arrest .\nrazer on caitlin stasey ' s urltoken | daily review : film , stage and music reviews , interviews and more .\n[ photo from pmc ] moe herself is one to watch . . . and listen to , and follow on twitter . this unfailingly energetic and sure - fingered ( orchestra fanboys across the country just giggled to themselves ) 22 - year - old has been hurling herself into music from a young age .\nruntime 69 min rating nr year 2011 director joe swanberg screenwriter joe swanberg , caitlin stainken cast caitlin stainken , joe swanberg , frank v . ross , megan mercier , kurt chiang , tim reid , spencer parsons , adam wingard , dean peterson\nthough , caitlin isn\u2019t going to be quick to let her team in on her secret . why does she keep it to herself ? \u201ci think she doesn\u2019t understand it , \u201d panabaker said . \u201ci think that conversation would be a little bit difficult , like , \u2018hey guys , i don\u2019t have any answers , but here you go , \u2019 especially for caitlin as a scientist and someone who is focused on always having the answers . she wants to get this figured out for herself before she comes to the team with her request for them , etc . \u201d\nearlier that night , caitlin made an appearance on stage for a panel discussion alongside her apb tv series co - stars .\nin turned ( book # 1 of the vampire journals series ) , 18 year old caitlin paine finds herself uprooted from her nice suburb and forced to attend a dangerous new york city high school when her mom moves again . the one ray of light in her new surroundings is jonah , a new classmate who takes an instant liking to her . but before their romance can blossom , caitlin suddenly finds h\namerican - born animal welfare expert nicole putney , 32 , hanged herself in the novotel in worsley , greater manchester , while visiting the city for a conference .\nan internationally acclaimed vet killed herself in a hotel room after leaving a note for a woman she believed was having an affair with her scientist husband , an inquest heard .\nproduction : a swanberry production . produced by joe swanberg . directed , edited by joe swanberg . screenplay , caitlin stainken , swanberg .\ncaitlin , a socially - conscious performance artist , encounters difficulties when her boyfriend , joe , objects to the nudity in her art .\nin degrassi goes hollywood , when ellie was staying with craig in los angeles , she apparently told him about jesse and caitlin ' s affair as craig said ,\ni can ' t believe your ex slept with caitlin .\nhe and ellie both found it disgusting .\nronnie scheib of variety called it\nan american vivre sa vie without the passion , drama or gorgeous imagery\n. paul brunick of the new york times wrote that swanberg ' s biggest talent is his ability to get actresses to strip naked . nick pinkerton of the village voice wrote ,\nit is possible that one of swanberg\u2019s movies is not a complete waste of time , but caitlin plays herself , written in collaboration with its starlet , caitlin stainkin , is not the one .\njaime n . christley of slant magazine rated it 3 / 4 stars and compared it to tsai ming - liang ' s what time is it there ? .\ni think it can be summed up as semi - interesting failure and caitlin should feel encouraged to to on and do far more interesting things .\nat the reception , ellie drank three glasses of wine and became drunk . during the interview , she mentioned that caitlin had been raising controversy while traveling through canada , giving jesse a pointed look as she said it . she then asked caitlin if the responsible consumption that she encouraged in the film applied to alcohol consumption . both caitlin and the audience were confused by the question since it had nothing to do with climate change . as caitlin tried to cover , ellie bluntly asked ,\nwhy did you hook up with jesse ? why ?\nshe then asked him ,\nand how was it , jesse ? was it worth it ?\nbefore waiting for an answer , she called caitlin a slut and stormed out .\nthat year , in addition to his two films , we worked together on [ bernard & eric shumanski\u2019s ] blackmail boys [ 2010 ] ( he was dp and i acted in the film ) , art history , autoerotic and caitlin plays herself . it was a very fruitful collaboration that produced a great deal of work in a short time . since then , i\u2019ve acted in you\u2019re next and he was my dp on marriage material [ 2012 ] . i also cast him as an actor in a film i shot in october called 24 exposures . .\nlindsay price , the preliminary adjudicator for this year\u2019s wodl festival , announced her choice sunday for the five plays to be presented at guelph little theatre at 8 p . m . each weekday evening during march break .\ncaitlin ' s new gig comes amid controversy relating to her recent social media post , in which she is seen posing naked while spooning a dog .\nshame michael fassbender plays a manhattan office worker who finds relief in casual sex ; his life gets complicated when his troubled younger sister ( carey mulligan ) moves in with him . directed by steve mcqueen ( \u201chunger\u201d ) .\n\u201cwhile standing alone as the sole multi - media work and performance in the show , sierra diamond \u2019s contribution plays out the contemporary trope of watching while being watched , while knowing you are being watched . like the digital hiccup of the boomerang filter , sierra\u2019s work stages a pause in the art viewers\u2019 viewing . while watching her video , i got caught in the reflection of her glasses , her watching herself , watching herself , in infinite regress . this meditative , endurance driven performance challenges the manner in which we visually engage with watching video or being \u2018videotaped . ' \u201d . . lauren mackler , guest juror\nwearing a different ensemble to her red carpet look , caitlin donned an off - the - shoulder green dress with long sleeves and a graphic floral print .\nif you\u2019ve been wanting and waiting for more caitlin snow , you are going to be happy with the upcoming episodes . according to panabaker , the next two episodes continue to focus on caitlin and her transformation to killer frost , \u201cshe\u2019s going to have to figure out different ways to cope with these changes . \u201d\n' she made another suicide attempt in january 2015 , she tried hanging herself and collapsed . despite those events , we decided to follow through with our planned marriage which was on january 9 2015 ' .\nwith : with : caitlin stainken , joe swanberg , frank v . ross , spencer parsons , megan mercier , kurt chiang , tim reid , adam wingard .\n\u201ccaitlin\u201d marks swanberg\u2019s sixth feature this year ( with \u201cuncle kent\u201d and \u201cautoerotic\u201d joining the aforementioned three ) . apparently the filmmaker\u2019s answer to creative doldrums is increased productivity .\nwith : with : caitlin stainken , joe swanberg , frank v . ross , spencer parsons , megan mercier , kurt chiang , tim reid , adam wingard .\ncaitlin , a young chicago artist , sends her relationship into a tailspin when her boyfriend can\u2019t get over the fact that she was naked during one of her performances .\nbut caitlin stasey took things down a knotch on thursday as she cut a decidedly demure figure on the red carpet at the television critics association press tour in california .\ntaking the plunge ! caitlin stasey stuns in off - the - shoulder top as she promotes new fox drama series apb . . . after posing naked while spooning her dog\nthe five plays to be staged during the annual western ontario drama league theatre festival , being held this year in guelph from march 13 - 17 , have been named . and in honour of canada\u2019s 150th anniversary year , all of them are by canadian playwrights .\n) during a performance piece about the bp oil spill . caitlin\u2019s in an on - again , off - again relationship with a filmmaker ( swanberg ) who frequently travels out of town . she dates other men , but she can\u2019t pull herself together to make a definitive break with swanberg , who takes offense at her onstage nudity . the film exposes both female bodies and , more daringly and threateningly , male egos .\nalthough we can glimpse caitlin ' s vulnerability and doubt from scene to scene , she might be the most well - armed and well - fortified protagonist joe swanberg ' s ever given us .\na book to rival twilight and vampire diaries , and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page ! if you are into adventure , love and vampires this book is the one for you !\ntwilight ? no . vampire diaries ? the books ? hell no . the tv series ? absolutely not . speshul 18 year old caitlin only wants to be an anonymity at her high school . speshul caitlin is too \u201cweird\u201d for people . too boring . too plain . nothing speshul about speshul caitlin . \u201c\u2026 she felt alone . not because she was\n\u201ccuriously , while given the highest prize , caitlin\u2019s work is the one that eludes me the most and therefore leaves me the most uncomfortable to summarize . but that is perhaps why , when something works , the words run a short and fail to convey in syntax what the materials , their arrangement and display , have successful jolted into experience . experiential , emotional and yet cerebral , caitlin\u2019s work is contradictory : large in scale , sensory and poetically open ended . caitlin\u2019s sculpture invites lingering thought long after its viewing , along with powerful , tangible discomfort . \u201d . . lauren mackler , guest juror\n* * * * * * * * * spoilers * * * * * * * * * * um , can you repeat that sentence ? and seriously ? the vampire journals ? she couldn ' t come up with a more original name for her series ? the journal caitlin has barely plays a part . it ' s just there , it ' s in no way an integral part of the story . i actually forgot all about it until l sat down to write this review and saw the title of the series . the book flew by so fast i barely remember what happened . in 196 pages , the main character , caitlin , starts out at a new school in\nyet caitlin\u2019s urge toward experimentation appears to hold sway , mirrored by the film\u2019s lack of segues or continuity between scenes , which feel arbitrarily sectioned off as self - contained setpieces ; it\u2019s impossible to know from the desultory dialogue how much time elapses between segments . in her on - again , off - again relationship with swanberg , caitlin manages to intensify mumblecore\u2019s patented social awkwardness into something resembling open - ended theater .\nin this new timeline , cisco is dealing with his brother\u2019s death , which has influenced how valdes plays the role , \u201ci have found it interesting to balance the comic expectations of this character while at the same time grounding him out in the realistic grief that he\u2019s undergoing at this moment , \u201d he said .\ncaitlin , a young chicago performance artist , struggles to create work that is both personal and political . a piece she performs about the bp oil spill sends her relationship into a tailspin because her onstage nudity bothers her boyfriend .\nand how does miss moe feel about that pop tart comparison ? does she want to spin her image away from the fans who post\ni want to date you , caitlin !\nand hail her adorableness ? nah .\nmasters of sex fans received sad news on wednesday when it was announced that the show would not be getting a fifth season . the series , starring lizzy caplan as virginia johnson and michael sheen as william masters , two cutting - edge sex researchers whose work helped kick off the sexual revolution , aired its final episode a few weeks ago . caitlin fitzgerald , who plays william\u2019s wife , libby , on the show , was not surprised when she got the call from masters of sex creator michelle ashford and producer sarah timberman , delivering the news of the cancellation .\npariah an african - american teenager ( adepero oduye ) is determined to make a life for herself as a lesbian in fort greene , brooklyn . dee rees wrote and directed this feature , an expansion of her 2007 prize - winning short film . with pernell walker , aasha davis and charles parnell .\ndescription : caitlin , a young chicago performance artist , struggles to create work that is both personal and political . a piece she performs about the bp oil spill sends her relationship into a tailspin because her onstage nudity bothers her boyfriend .\nthe five shows chosen by price , who is a canadian playwright herself , will be adjudicated for a second time by festival adjudicator beatrix quarrie . the winner will represent the western ontario district at the annual theatre ontario festival to be held in ottawa during the victoria day weekend , a news release said .\n\u201cthis is the first time they\u2019ve done anything like this ; usually they have bought things like this in the past , but we are making them now , so this is really new and we could end up using this a lot for future musicals and plays at the high school . i\u2019m sort of the trailblazer for this , \u201d said kinney .\nwhen the military rolled into camp firewood , elizabeth bank ' s lindsay was able to convince reagan to stop by revealing herself to be a journalist and threatening to expose this government conspiracy theory in rock & roll world magazine . reagan backed down without much of a fight and camp firewood was saved \u2014 for now .\nturned has set the stage , the chaos and leaves us with tons of questions to be answered in additional books to the series . morgan rice has added some pretty interesting twists that feel like landmines waiting to explode . caitlin is a normal teen , until her eighteenth birthday when her life becomes a story out of the things nightmares are made of . she suddenly craves blood , has gained supernatural strength , speed and she is both exhilarated and terrified . caitlin went from a teen in a dysfunctiona\nmorgan created a nice spin for the vamp genre . not familiar with with this author , i took a shot on the ebook version through my ipod / ibook account . found it to be nice paced , action packed and intriguing enough to buy the second book ! if you ' re looking for a new series - definitely check this out . here ' s the gr ' s synopsis if you haven ' t read it :\neighteen year old caitlin paine finds herself uprooted from her nice suburb and forced to attend a dangerous new york city high school when her mom mov\nwow ! wow ! wow ! turned by morgan rice was fabulous ! couldn ' t put this down . even though it was a shorter novel , it was filled to the brim with excitement and suspense . caitlin is not your normal teenager . when she moves to a new york city with her mom and brother sam , she doesn ' t know what to expect . one day after school , she notices a fellow classmate being bullied in an alley . when she tries to help , and discovers herself in danger , an overwhelming hunger , urge and strength comes over her . the\ntickets for any of the festival\u2019s five plays can be purchased at the river run centre box office \u2013 in person , by phone at 519 - 763 - 3000 or online . single tickets are $ 24 each , the release said . a five - play package costs $ 110 , and tickets to the awards gala banquet on saturday march 18 can be bought for $ 55 .\nhannah scholl \u201917 ( wardrobe ) , emma downie \u201918 ( babette ) , caitlin gillooly \u201917 ( mrs . potts ) , jack grossi \u201918 ( lumiere ) , and will fulginiti ( cogsworth ) gather as the play\u2019s leading objects . note that these are not their final costumes .\nturned is free on kindle ( you ' re welcome ) and for good reason . if i bought the first book in rather unimaginatively named the vampire journals series , i would be kicking myself . caitlin , the boring 18 year old heroine , starts her first day at a tough inner - city new york high school . as the new girl and one of the white kids , she finds it difficult to fit in . she befriends a latino kid , whose name escapes me , and saves him from being beat up by school bullies , who destroy his viola . caitlin ends\nit ' s in this spirit that we give a nod today to the lifetime douchechievements of mrs . caitlin flanagan : author , columnist , wife , mother , professional scold , and 24 - karat - gold douchebag . flanagan has been honing her tirelessly contrarian standpoints on motherhood , work , abortion , teen girls , sexuality , adultery , and education in the pages of such august publications as the new yorker and the atlantic monthly for almost a decade , and in that time has churned out dozens of stupendously specious , haughty , and intellectually dishonest ( and sometimes plagiarized ! ) reviews and opinion pieces that offer little more than a window on the author ' s self - focused worldview . herewith , some of her defining plays .\nthermoplastic provided the answer to one of the questions about how to dress students as objects . visual artist ellie kinney \u201918 , who has taught herself how to use the unusual medium , describes it as similar to construction paper that can be shaped and cut and then secured with heat gun . kinney\u2019s thermoplastic pieces serve as supplements costumes , such as feather duster babette\u2019s handle or lumiere\u2019s candelabra .\nwow ! wow ! wow ! turned by morgan rice was fabulous ! couldn ' t put this down . even though it was a shorter novel , it was filled to the brim with excitement and suspense . caitlin is not your normal teenager . when she moves to a new york city with her mom and brother sam , she doesn ' t know what to expect . one day after school , she notices a fellow classmate being bullied in an alley . when she tries to help , and discovers herself in danger , an overwhelming hunger , urge and strength comes over her . the unfortunate thing is , she doesn ' t remember a thing . when it happens again , it turns fatal and she finds herself in the middle of a vampire war . with the help of a fellow vampire caleb , she escapes , but not for long . she may just be\nthe one\nthey are looking for . i ' ll be starting the next book in this series , like now ! thanks ms . rice , you ' ve made a fan out of me ! ! ! highly recommended .\never since flashpoint , team flash hasn\u2019t been the same that we knew and loved last season . the flash season 3 has seen caitlin dealing with her earth - 2 doppelganger\u2019s icy powers , another new harrison wells , a grieving cisco and a reckless wally . that\u2019s a whole lot of change , not to mention barry\u2019s regrets .\ncollider visited the flash set in vancouver earlier this month with a group of journalists to talk to danielle panabaker ( caitlin snow ) , carlos valdes ( cisco ramon ) , tom cavanagh ( dr . harrison wells / hr ) , and keiynan lonsdale ( wally west ) about what\u2019s coming up for their characters and team flash :\nthe latest in joe swanberg ' s self - reflective series about artistic indecision ( after\nart history ,\nsilver bullets\nand\nthe zone\n) focuses on real - life performance artist caitlin stainken ( who also co - wrote ) and her intermittent relationship with an indie filmmaker played , unsurprisingly , by swanberg himself .\nof course , a blow to this relationship can be dealt by changing the gender of the artist and her audience . and this is what stasey , in word and text , has done . but to suppose , as many have , that such a simple shift will disrupt the way in which a woman\u2019s body is conventionally viewed by herself or others \u2014 and this is the process to which the phrase \u201cmale gaze\u201d generally refers \u2014 is na\u00efve .\nand for some actors , that pressure to follow the \u201cgeneral characteristics\u201d has become more personal . lead actress cypress smith \u201917 plays belle . \u201ci recognize that i\u2019m a person of color playing a role that has pretty much always been white , \u201d she said . \u201ceveryone has been really good about keeping as much of myself in the role as possible . \u201d she added that one way of doing this is by wearing her hair in its naturally curly state , rather than straightening it or covering it with a wig .\nin her house , ellie was having difficulty preparing her notes for the interview the next day as griffin was having a party . as the party became even noisier , ellie decided to do her work in the core . when she arrived at the office , she was shocked to find jesse and caitlin having sex . the next morning , jesse tried to apologize to her but she said that she wanted to break up . after he managed to manipulate her into continuing their relationship , she told him that she was going to quit the paper as she did not want people talking about them . as paige helped her to pick out an outfit for the interview , she confided in her that jesse and caitlin had hooked up . when paige commented that she did not know why either of them had dated jesse , ellie told her that she was still with jesse but had quit the core . paige thought that this was a very bad idea and that there were times when she had to choose her professional career over her love life as the interview with caitlin was a great opportunity for her .\nluckily for the high school , though , the drama department has a robust team of volunteers who are up for the challenge . as costume designer cathy dubois put it , the team has been \u201csewing like maniacs . \u201d dubois herself has been researching and planning how the execute the challenging costumes since this summer . gillooly gushed about just how much effort and work dubois has poured into designing costumes . \u201cthe amount of thought that cathy has put into making these costumes is incredible . \u201d\nso while philosophically flanagan believes that\nwhen a mother works , something is lost ,\nsomeone has to clean up the yucky fluids that princess can ' t soil her tiny hands with . what kind of person proudly calls herself a stay - at - home mother , demonizes professional working women , yet employs other women , with their own children , to do the work she considers beneath her ? i ' ll tell you : a dryer - fresh , lemon - scented douchebag .\nonce matthew arrives at the train station to collect her , we\u2019re in more familiar territory . episode one covers the first 10 chapters of the book , more or less , with a few later incidents thrown in . the drive from the station is basically canonical , as anne chatters to matthew and marvels at the blossom - lined drive known as the avenue . when they arrive and she discovers she is not wanted after all , the world recedes again as she begins to disassociate . it\u2019s hard not to be affected by mcnulty\u2019s performance , especially later , when she sobs herself to sleep . the experience of trauma and its aftermath feels real , though it\u2019s not exactly the stuff of montgomery\u2019s romantic escapism . it\u2019s one thing to read about anne crying herself to sleep , and quite another to witness her reliving the experience of being viciously beaten by mr . hammond . unlike montgomery , wallet - beckett wants to show life as it really is , not as we wish it could be .\ntinker , tailor , soldier , spy gary oldman plays the master spy george smiley , a role made famous by alec guinness in the 1979 television adaptation of john le carr\u00e9\u2019s novel . with colin firth , tom hardy , john hurt and toby jones ; tomas alfredson ( \u201clet the right one in\u201d ) directed . w . e . directed by madonna , the time - shifting story of a contemporary new york woman ( abbie cornish ) fascinated by the romance of king edward viii ( james d\u2019arcy ) and the american divorc\u00e9e wallis simpson ( andrea riseborough ) .\nat breakfast the next morning , ellie was drinking coffee and asked marco to lower his voice . he realized that she was hungover and reminded her that they had talked about her inability to handle alcohol . caitlin then entered and demanded an explanation for why she had humiliated her in public . ellie revealed that jesse was her boyfriend . caitlin had no idea and apologized , saying that she would have never slept with jesse if she had known . caitlin was astonished when ellie said that she had quit the core to save her relationship with jesse . she told ellie that she had the potential to become a great journalist and not to let a\nfreshman romance\nstand in the way of her future . ellie followed her advise and returned to the core . jesse was surprised to see her there and said ,\nwell , i ' m just glad you ' re back , frosh , and i promise i will never cheat on you again .\nellie irritably responded ,\ni ' m back at the core , not with you . . . and from now on , call me ' ellie . '\na shamefaced jesse sat down at his desk as ellie smirked slightly .\nthis week , australian actor caitlin stasey launched online art project urltoken to a gratitude whose intensity almost outshone its ambition . the webmistress had wished for nothing less than a blurring of the object and subject and many viewers experienced exactly this and a subsequent \u201c blown mind \u201d . \u201chonest\u201d images of barely attired women accompanying \u201ccandid\u201d interviews , succeeded , it was largely agreed , to depict the \u201creal\u201d of womankind .\ncritique for the project has been almost common as appreciation , with sundry conservative commentators asking if the exposure of tits \u2014 even \u201cdiverse\u201d ones \u2014 could be understood as anything more than the exposure of tits . unkind women , of the type whose opposition stasey had predicted in her interview with herself as those who \u201ctear one another down\u201d , thought of the online gallery as little more than an elaborately funded selfie - stick . just because you say you\u2019re \u201csubverting the male gaze\u201d doesn\u2019t mean you are not , in fact , just poncing around in the buff with a guarantee of approbation .\nr . h . thompson is well cast as matthew , a laconic beacon of goodwill . geraldine james plays a harsh marilla who doesn\u2019t begin to thaw until about 40 minutes in . clearly , oiling the hinges on what montgomery described as marilla\u2019s \u201crusty sense of humour\u201d is going to be part of the journey . more than once , i longed for colleen dewhurst\u2019s wry smile and repressed laughter , which was such an essential component of the 1985 adaptation . watching anne and diana make their first forays into friendship is charming . when the little girls swear to be best friends , sunlight drenches the scene . it\u2019s all overexposure and soft focus , like any happy memory in the making .\nso far , i ' ve read up to book 6 on this series . i really like the series and as you read into the next books , the characters start to evolve more and you get more background on them . i do like the story line , and it moves at a pretty good pace . however , there are a lot of technical errors in these books . there was obviously no editor that worked on this book , and i have to assume that the author herself did not go back and do a lot of re - reading on her script . there are a lot of typo ' s and words\nso what ' s next for the bowing beauty ? moe ' s ep dropped last spring , but her 2010 tour schedule - including a recently wrapped stint with the transsiberian ochestra - has been keeping her from heavy recording in her own studio on her next album . while she aims for a summer release , moe ' s steeping herself inspiration from thom yorke and the composer shostakovich ,\nbecause he ' s a little bit more badass .\nshe ' s also been forging a partnership with dj mia moretti , who has expanded moe ' s musical tastes and , yes , served as a buffer against the pressure cooker of pro musicianship .\nin jessie ' s girl , ellie had written an article about a tuition hike at toronto university which was to have been the lead story on the next issue of the core . however , jesse pulled it when he arranged for bill nye to give a talk about climate change . ellie was extremely annoyed by this but jesse convinced her to go along with it , though she was dissatisfied that she was relegated to writing the horoscopes . bill nye had to cancel and the paper was left without a lead story . although jesse suggested publishing ellie ' s story , she used her relationship with her mentor caitlin ryan to get the famous journalist to give a talk on her newly released environmental film storm of controversy . jesse was thrilled that he would get the chance to interview caitlin , though she informed him that she wanted ellie to conduct the q & a due to their history together . jesse was extremely annoyed by this so , to appease him , ellie gave him her ticket to the dean ' s ball that night .\nwe ' ve noticed that electric violins are increasingly popular on the new york party scene , and miss moe is a favorite . fresh from a gig at sxsw , caitlin talked to us from a snowboarding slope in vail . the peptastic musician gushed about playing at perez ' s sxsw swagg party , where\npeople went wild . there was fistpumping , tons .\nshe loved\ncourtney love . oh my god , she was unbelievable , courtney love !\nand she says danish pop group alphabeat is one to watch .\nwhile i cannot claim to have wasted my life reading all of caitlin ' s rants , i have read enough to realize that the high school girl which i knew 30 years ago hasn ' t changed at all . . still arrogant and clueless , yet inexplicably able to earn a paycheck by exploiting these wonderful character attributes . the only benefit i can see to her ridiculous essays is that they have enabled others who are actually intelligent and observant to populate blogs like this with wise commentary - 0 as well as completely justifiable derision and disgust !\n! especially in its first half , it is full of scenes that seem hopelessly digressive , introducing minor characters who never reappear , or subject matter that sheds light on nothing . the film promises to address the contradictions and difficulties of making political theater in the obama era , but it turns out to have almost nothing to say about this . it\u2019s far from devoid of subtext , such as caitlin\u2019s desire to get back to nature ( which seems linked to her politics ) , but swanberg\u2019s storytelling methods are so haphazard that little of it really resonates .\nalex \u2022 alli \u2022 anya \u2022 ashley \u2022 blue \u2022 bruce \u2022 caitlin \u2022 chantay \u2022 clare \u2022 connor \u2022 craig \u2022 damian \u2022 danny \u2022 darcy \u2022 dave \u2022 declan \u2022 derek \u2022 ellie \u2022 emma \u2022 fiona \u2022 hatzilakos \u2022 hazel \u2022 holly j . \u2022 j . t . \u2022 jane \u2022 jay \u2022 jenna \u2022 jimmy \u2022 joey \u2022 johnny \u2022 k . c . \u2022 kelly \u2022 leia \u2022 liberty \u2022 manny \u2022 marco \u2022 mia \u2022 paige \u2022 peter \u2022 raditch \u2022 riley \u2022 sav \u2022 sean \u2022 snake \u2022 spike \u2022 spinner \u2022 terri \u2022 toby\nturned is free on kindle ( you ' re welcome ) and for good reason . if i bought the first book in rather unimaginatively named the vampire journals series , i would be kicking myself . caitlin , the boring 18 year old heroine , starts her first day at a tough inner - city new york high school . as the new girl and one of the white kids , she finds it difficult to fit in . she befriends a latino kid , whose name escapes me , and saves him from being beat up by school bullies , who destroy his viola . caitlin ends up going on a killing spree as she ' s going through the vampire turning process . an evil new york vamp coven and the police are after her . the book is has instalove and it ' s hard to take the book seriously as a result . everything was so rushed and the story was really basic . i noticed a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes , but i assume the book was independently published ? i won ' t be reading the other eleven books in the series . it doesn ' t offer anything new to the vampire genre .\nde niro plays madoff as almost willfully ignorant . as henriques presses him on the pain of his wife ruth ( michelle pfeiffer ) and sons mark ( alessandro nivola ) and andrew ( nathan darrow ) , he assures her they\u2019ll be fine . as she tries to get to the bottom of his motivations , he smirks and says , \u201ci do enjoy sparring with you , diana . \u201d they aren\u2019t sparring , she reminds him\u2014henriques is just trying to understand how someone\u2019s conscience might have survived so many years of lying and such brazen theft of other people\u2019s savings . madoff\u2019s defense amounts to a passing of the buck ; he insists that he always told people not to put all of their savings with him , because \u201cwho knows\u201d what might happen to the market . that implicit warning was enough , to him , even if it wasn\u2019t to anyone else .\nthe best part of this book is the cover . first off , the series is called the\nvampire journals\nbecause of the two scenes where the main character carries a journal with her ? i fail to see the significance , other than the hope that it will be confused with the\nvampire diaries\nseries . the story itself just doesn ' t track . for instance , caitlin and her brother sam have this horrible mother and no father , so they ' re supposed to be incredibly close :\nhe was the only constant in her life . . . he seemed\nhmmp . . let see . . this is definitely an easy read novel . . i finished it in about 3 hrs . . it has some good points in it such as how the author choose to use simple words which is definitely a good one since i ' m having a hard time reading other novels and keep on glancing my dictionary and keep wondering if its meant to be literally or if its meant to be figurative . . but anyway , i hate to say that the negative ones , outnumbered the positive . so here are some of them : i hate how caitlin keeps o\nreview for : bloddeuedd i\u2019ll be honest , when b . sent me this book and i saw the title , my thoughts were : \u201cgawd , not another vampire diaries , twilight rip - off ! \u201d \u2018cause there seems to be no end of those . it\u2019s like the davinci code all over again ! while turned is in no way original or refreshing \u2013 at least to me ( let\u2019s face it , there\u2019s not much i haven\u2019t seen and that includes lizard vampires ! ) \u2013 it was a nice read and i was glad b . sent it over . let me tell you why . caitlin\u2019s mum has the moving bug ,\nwhat a weird book . i got it for free , from the writers website . but i ' m not really sure what i think of it . it hasn ' t really started yet . i was just getting in to it , but it already ended . the idea of this book is good , and it could definitly go somewhere , but i feel like it ' s not been thought through . if that makes any sense . . i don ' t like the main character . caitlin falls in love with a complete stranger , she doesn ' t even know his name . and a few hours before she met this complete stranger she\ncontrary to what had been said by a police officer at the inquest in 2015 , in a high court hearing in 2017 a senior judge said that there was no evidence her widower was unfaithful or even that she feared he had been . the suicide note had been misread by detective inspector koran sellars , of greater manchester police , said the judge , sir brian leveson . the portion of the note which the detective believed to be addressed to another woman was actually written by ms putney to herself , he said . \u201ci have no doubt whatsoever that the note does not bear the meaning that det insp sellars sought to give it\u2026 i repeat that there is nothing in the note or any of the other evidence to suggest that mr mueller has ever had an affair or was ever unfaithful to his wife , \u201d sir brian said in his ruling .\n, except that neither swanberg nor stainken is as charismatic an actor as jean - pierre l\u00e9aud , and the drama that ultimately emerges offers nothing as compelling as eustache\u2019s devastating finale . perhaps judging this film by the standards of conventional screenwriting or french films from the \u201860s and \u201870s is misguided ; after all , swanberg has said that he\u2019s more influenced by youtube clips than cinema from the past . at its best , his cinema suggests a hybrid between previous models and something genuinely new , specific to video and our fragmented technological communication . ( caitlin talks about reducing her anxiety by going off the grid . ) while not nearly as accomplished as the films it evokes ,\nyour article contains many insightful ideas , but i believe that comparing philosophical feminist or equality ideas with this project encourages the suggestion it lacks something it may never have been trying to achieve . it came across as though you were desperately trying to dial back your criticism of stacey ( although i will accept if this is not the case ) for failing in goals that she herself didn\u2019t set . the project appears to be a direct attempt to counteract the societal ill of unhealthy media representation of women . along the line of setting up a soup kitchen to feed hungry people , directly engaging with the people who are without food . no one blames the soup kitchen for failing to dictate social policy or political debate . they are doing their bit , someone else needs to be in canberra advocating for the homeless , and trying to do both at the same time can often be counterproductive .\nwhen the flash premiered on the cw in 2014 , it won glowing reviews from comic fans and newcomers alike . with charming performers like grant gustin , jesse l . martin , carlos valdes , and tom cavanagh at the core of the cast and ingenious special effects delivering a superheroic punch , the arrow spin - off quickly became the most watched show in the network\u2019s history . but there was a hitch in * the flash\u2019 * s sprint to tv greatness . through no fault of the actresses playing its female leads , characters iris west and caitlin snow have never quite matched the stride of the show itself when it\u2019s humming on all cylinders . but the third - season premiere proves that the flash has finally figured out how to use one of its leading ladies .\nanne is played by 15 - year - old amybeth mcnulty , who is a more convincing 13 - year - old than megan follows was at 17 . she\u2019s as thin and waifish as described in the book ( in which anne is actually supposed to be only 11 ) , with big , expressive eyes . we first meet her on the train , looking out the window . when she\u2019s startled from her reverie by a crying baby , the cheery fiddle soundtrack dissolves into dissonance and she slips into a dark memory of being slapped and screamed at by mrs . hammond in the unhappy household where she used to be a little drudge . before anne has even uttered a word , we learn she has ptsd . when she comes back to herself , she remarks to mrs . spencer , \u201ci like imagining more than remembering . why are the worst memories the most insistent ? \u201d there\u2019s more than a touch of bitterness in the question . evidently , this anne shirley has issues\u2014and an edge .\nthat is , unless those women work for me . it ' s a rare kind of asshole who can lecture other women about the importance of housewifery in one breath and brag about being far too good for quotidian domestic chores in the next . caitlin flanagan is that asshole . she proudly noted in the 2003 atlantic essay\nhousewife confidential\nthat not only had she never changed a sheet , she was\nfar too educated and uppity to have knuckled down and learned anything about stain removal or knitting or stretching recipes .\nsinging the praises of her nanny , paloma , in her 2006 essay collection to hell with all that , she describes her method of dealing with a sick child .\n' paloma , patrick is throwing up ! ' i would tell her , and she would literally run to his room , clean the sheets , change his pajamas , spread a clean towel on his pillow , feed him ice chips , sing to him . i would stand in the doorway , concerned , making funny faces at patrick to cheer him up .\nwhat a weird book . i got it for free , from the writers website . but i ' m not really sure what i think of it . it hasn ' t really started yet . i was just getting in to it , but it already ended . the idea of this book is good , and it could definitly go somewhere , but i feel like it ' s not been thought through . if that makes any sense . . i don ' t like the main character . caitlin falls in love with a complete stranger , she doesn ' t even know his name . and a few hours before she met this complete stranger she was on a date with someone else , who she also liked . i mean , for the love of god choose or something . and the ending . . it ' s not an ending . this felt like half a book . where is the rest ? ( and not in a good way ) but all that said , i did like it . but i ' m also not in a hurry to read the next one .\naside from a couple of casual ( if awkward ) sexual encounters involving guys portrayed by mumblecore helmers frank v . ross and spencer parsons , the pic features few members of swanberg\u2019s usual eccentric troupe . this leaves the thesping chores to swanberg , never the most charismatic screen personality , and stainken , whose very self - possession , even when mired in doubt , offers few points of entry ; the lack of assertive personalities further divorces the scenes from any sense of linear narrative ."]} {"id": 114592, "summary": [{"text": "the hollywood ten is a 1950 american 16 mm short documentary film .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "in the film , each member of the hollywood ten made a short speech denouncing mccarthyism and the hollywood blacklisting .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "the film was directed by john berry .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "after being named a communist by fellow director and former party member edward dmytryk , one of the hollywood ten , and ex-communist party member frank tuttle , berry was unable to find work again in hollywood after 1951 , and left for france .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "the documentary is available on the dvd releases of spartacus and salt of the earth . ", "topic": 2}], "title": "the hollywood ten", "paragraphs": ["herbert biberman struggles as a hollywood writer and director blacklisted as one of the hollywood ten in the 1950s .\nthe price the hollywood ten paid for refusing to answer \u201cthe $ 64 question . \u201d\nthe hollywood ten paid the price for refusing to the answer \u201cthe $ 64 question . \u201d\nreferred to as the hollywood ten , they were indicted for contempt of congress and sentenced to brief imprisonment . although the leaders of the motion picture studios had initially supported the hollywood ten , they soon denounced them , and the hollywood ten were suspended without pay . shortly thereafter it was announced\u2026\nplaylists containing feature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue .\nusers who like feature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue .\nusers who reposted feature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue .\nmore tracks like feature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue .\n\u2026would become known as the hollywood ten , though he remained disgusted by the proceedings as a whole . \u2026\nfeature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue . by john rea - composer\n( 7 ) albert maltz , one of the hollywood ten , was interviewed by the new york times in 1972 .\nnetflix has picked up eight episodes of wet hot american summer : ten years later , the hollywood reporter has learned .\nfeature film - one of the hollywood ten - ' kicked off set ' cue . by john rea - composer | free listening on soundcloud\n\u00a91933 - 2017 big ten club of southern california . a non - profit organization .\njames gray\u2019s \u2018the lost city of z\u2019 which released in india last friday describes real events surrounding british explorer percy fawcett . ten other hollywood films dealing with the theme of exploration\nherbert biberman and samuel ornitz , two members of the hollywood ten , after being cited for contempt by the house committee on un - american activities on oct . 29 , 1947 .\nwho were the hollywood ten ? this 1950 documentary gives us a closer look at the ten blacklisted film writers and directors who defied the government and the sentiments of their day by refusing to testify during the huac anti - communist hearings . john berry , who directed the documentary , was blacklisted himself upon its release .\n( ironweed films )\ndisagreed : it found the so - called hollywood ten in contempt of congress , fined them each $ 1 , 000 and sentenced them to up to a year in federal prison . all 10 artists also were fired by a group of studio executives \u2014 and the era of the hollywood blacklist began .\nin 1933 , while writing b movies , including several in the charlie chan series , he co - founded the screen writers guild ( with future hollywood ten collaborators john howard lawson and samuel ornitz ) , the first of the hollywood guilds . the following year cole joined the communist party and remained a committed marxist throughout his life .\nhollywood blacklist ( from : buhle , buhle , and georgakas , ed . ,\nin compiling his top ten criterions , cronos director guillermo del toro had a hell of a time limiting himself . del toro humorously bemoaned the \u201cunfair , arbitrary , and sadistic top ten practice , \u201d so instead he decided on ties or rather , \u201cthemat\nhe was one of the hollywood ten , a group of film - industry individuals blacklisted for their alleged communist affiliations , and was its only member to cooperate with the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) . \u2026\nmany of the hollywood ten writers continued producing screenplays under assumed names after they were blacklisted . using the pseudonym robert rich , dalton trumbo penned the script for\nthe brave one ,\nwhich earned an academy award for best screenplay in 1957 .\nlardner had been recruited by the communist party in hollywood in 1937 . he later became a member of the hollywood anti - nazi league , the citizens committee for the defence of mexican - american youth , the hollywood writers mobilisation against the war and the board of the screen writers guild , all tainted with the\nred\nbrush .\nin october 1947 , 10 members of the hollywood film industry publicly denounced the tactics employed by the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) , an investigative committee of the u . s . house of representatives , during its probe of alleged communist influence in the american motion picture business . these prominent screenwriters and directors , who became known as the hollywood ten , received jail sentences and were banned from working for the major hollywood studios . their defiant stands also placed them at center stage in a national debate over the controversial anti - communist crackdown that swept through the united states in the late 1940s and early 1950s . besides the hollywood ten , other members of the film industry with alleged communist ties were later banned from working for the big movie studios . the hollywood blacklist came to an end in the 1960s .\nlocation : camrose park - we have tables reserved directly adjacent to the hollywood bowl parking lot .\nby 1937 lardner had been recruited by the communist party in hollywood and was attending a marxist meetings four nights a week . in time he became a member of such groups as the hollywood anti - nazi league and the hollywood writers mobilization against the war . he also served on the board of the screen writers guild .\n( 1938 ) . in 1948 , lawson became one of the notorious hollywood ten when he refused to co - operate with the house un - american activities committee investigators . he was sentenced to one year in prison and was subsequently blacklisted in hollywood . lawson then exiled himself to mexico where he began writing books on drama and filmmaking such as\nthere had still been no conclusive proof presented that any of the hollywood ten were a subversive threat . but they had not done themselves any favors by refusing to answer questions . there was a pervasive sense , in the media at least , that a man wouldn\u2019t invoke his right to silence unless he had something to hide . as one of the hollywood ten , edward dmytryk , wrote later , \u201cit was clear to those who listened that the unfriendly witnesses were behaving as communists could be expected to behave . \u201d\n\u2026directors , later known as the hollywood ten , were sentenced to serve up to a year in prison for refusing to testify . that evening the members of the association of motion picture producers , which included the leading studio heads , published what became known as the waldorf declaration , in which they fired\u2026\nall right , a few weeks ago we offered up our take on the ten worst moments of crossover disaster , ill - advised efforts to mate movies with music . now it ' s time to look at the flip side of the coin , the ten movies in which music and hollywood made great bedfellows , outstanding cinematic turns that were win - win in terms of elevating the film and being a boon to the artist in question . follow the jump for the full list .\nthree weeks later , on the same day congress voted 346 to 17 to indict the hollywood ten for contempt of congress , johnston called a meeting of 50 film executives at the waldorf - astoria in new york . he said they had two options : continue to do nothing , which wasn\u2019t working out too well for anyone , or appease hollywood\u2019s critics by purging the industry of known communists .\nyou must remember this , the podcast that tells the secret and forgotten history of 20 th - century hollywood , is back for a new season . when each episode airs , creator and host karina longworth will share some of the research that went into the episode in an excerpt here on slate . listen to the complete episode 2 below , on the hollywood ten , and subscribe to you must remember this on itunes .\na cue from one of the hollywood ten , a full length feature film , directed by karl francis , and featuring jeff goldblum and great scacchi . herbert biberman is a victim of the mccarthy witch hunts in hollywood , and this music conveys the sense of doom he feels as he ' s sacked on the set of a film . recorded in budapest with full orchestra . jr : composition , orchestration .\nknown as the hollywood ten , they claimed that the 1st amendment of the united states constitution gave them the right to do this . the house of un - american activities committee and the courts during appeals disagreed and all were found guilty of contempt of congress and each was sentenced to between six and twelve months in prison .\nome names on a list of the hollywood ten may ring a bell among movie buffs , but for many they\u2019re as unfamiliar as a dynastic recital from the old testament . they were the \u201cunfriendly witnesses\u201d who appeared before the house un - american activities committee , summoned after huac had interviewed 41 willing \u201cfriendlies\u201d .\n, one of the original hollywood ten , had financial problems as a result of divorcing his first wife . faced with having to sell his plane and encouraged by his new wife , dmytryk decided to try to get his name removed from the blacklist . on 25th april , 1951 , dmytryk appeared before the\nfive days after the close of the hearings , the screen writers guild held elections in which a slate of anti - communists won in a landslide , a sign that much had changed since the beginning of the hearings , and that hollywood on the whole had been duly frightened . another sign of the same came that very day , when the mpaa\u2019s eric johnston , who had declared victory on behalf of the hollywood ten a few days earlier , told the hollywood reporter that the 10 had performed a \u201ctremendous disservice\u201d to their industry . it was time that the studios , johnston said , \u201ctake positive steps to meet this problem . \u201d\nbig ten club tickets are sold out . we are in section g1 and g2 . you can purchase your own tickets and still join us for the pre - concert picnic before the show .\ndmytryk also revealed how people such as john howard lawson , adrian scott and albert maltz had put him under pressure to make sure his films expressed the views of the communist party . this was particularly damaging to those members of the original hollywood ten were at that time involved in court cases with their previous employers . if these people refused to name names , they were added to a blacklist that had been drawn up by the hollywood film studios .\nas a member of the hollywood ten , ornitz\u2019s refusal to answer questions at the huac hearings in october 1947 resulted in a 12 - month sentence . while serving his time at the federal prison in springfield , vt . , he published his most successful novel , bride of the sabbath ( 1951 ) . he never worked in film again .\ngrab some friends , show up early , bring a picnic basket of goodies to enjoy patriotic music , headlined by the group \u201cchicago\u201d , and spectacular fireworks . the big ten club hosts a pre - concert picnic at camrose park located adjacent to the hollywood bowl , where you can mix , mingle and enjoy some snacks and beverages .\nall refused to answer , pleading the first amendment . they form a moving gallery , evoking the period of cold war fear and injustice in the history of hollywood and the us . the stories of this multitalented group , before and after the hollywood blacklist , form a collective testimony to the price paid for sincere political convictions .\nthree years later , the huac committee handed him the shortest sentence of the hollywood ten \u2014 six months in the minimum - security texarcana , texas , prison that housed fellow defendant alvah bessie . biberman\u2019s wife , gale sondergaard , who won a best supporting actress oscar for her role in anthony adverse ( 1936 ) , also refused to testify before the huac and was blacklisted .\nhouse un - american activities committee ( huac ) , committee of the u . s . house of representatives , established in 1938 under martin dies as chairman , that conducted investigations through the 1940s and \u201950s into alleged communist activities . those investigated included many artists and entertainers , including the hollywood ten , elia kazan , pete seeger , bertolt brecht , and\u2026\nthe hollywood ten were controversial figures at the time they launched their protest , and their actions continue to inspire debate decades later . some tend to view their punishment as justified , since the individuals were admitted communists , while others generally view them as heroic figures who spoke out against the abuses of the red scare\u2013and in defense of the u . s . constitution\u2013when many of their colleagues remained silent .\nlawson worked during the first world war as a volunteer ambulance driver in italy and publicity director for the american red cross . he became a broadway playwright , began his hollywood career in 1920 , and joined the communist party in 1933 . as first president of the screen writers guild , lawson was seen as the ideological driver of the hollywood ten . his oscar - nominated script for blockade ( 1938 ) was denounced by catholic organisation the knights of columbus as \u201cmarxist propaganda\u201d . after serving his huac sentence he wrote just two scripts , including , pseudonymously , the british cry the beloved country ( 1951 ) ; he taught at several universities , writing a counter - critique of hollywood propaganda in film .\nbefore he was dispatched to the federal lockup in ashland , ky . \u2014 the same facility that housed adrian scott and dalton trumbo , fellow members of the hollywood ten \u2014 he recruited his friend michael blankfort to front for him on an adaptation of his 1944 novel the cross and the arrow , which became the film broken arrow , starring james stewart . the sympathetic treatment of native americans in the western earned maltz an oscar nomination for adapted screenplay .\nhistorian yohuru williams discusses key facts about the hollywood 10 , a group of film directors , screenwriters , and producers blacklisted for communist affiliations in 1947 .\nin 1947 , hollywood became the subject of a fullscale investigation by the house committee on unamerican activities ( huac ) . ten\nunfriendly\nwitnesses - producers , directors and writers - refused to answer the question ,\nare you now , or have you ever been , a member of the communist party ?\n, choosing to regard the committee as unconstitutional , and were thus indicted and imprisoned for contempt of the us congress .\nin july 1947 rko released dmytryk\u2019s thriller crossfire , about an american soldier who kills a jewish veteran and evades detection thanks to loyal army buddies . three months later , in washington , d . c . , dmytryk and the rest of the hollywood ten snubbed the house un - american activities committee . although publicly blacklisted in november , he nevertheless received an oscar nomination as best director for crossfire .\ndalton03 pictured : dalton trumbo ( third from left , in glasses ) prepares to fly to washington d . c . to begin serving his jail sentence , as his children nicky and christopher ( holding sign ) and wife cleo ( right of christopher ) join a group protesting the jailing of the hollywood ten \ufffd los angeles airport , 1950 . \ufffd photo credit : courtesy of the trumbo family less\nshortly after directing the 1951\nhe ran all the way ,\nstarring john garfield and shelley winters , berry was identified by director edward dmytryk and others as a communist . berry directed a documentary called\nthe hollywood ten\nto raise money for the defense of that group , including ring lardner jr . and dalton trumbo , who were cited for contempt of congress for refusing to divulge their political affiliations .\nfrom the 1950s through the early 1970s , dmytryk continued to direct studio films , including raintree country ( 1957 ) , a remake of the blue angel ( 1959 ) and the carpetbaggers ( 1964 ) . after his film career tapered off , he taught film and directing at the university of texas at austin and the university of southern california film school . in 1966 he published a book about his blacklist experiences , odd man out : a memoir of the hollywood ten .\n. upon his release , samuel ornitz was finished in hollywood , but continued writing novels until his death at age 66 . - - hal erickson [ from the\nalthough biberman never gained great success in hollywood , his involvement in politics , especially his early stand against fascism , earned him the wrath of the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) . in 1947 , biberman refused to answer the committee\u2019s questions on constitutional grounds . his punishment was a $ 1 , 000 fine and a six - month sentence , half of what many others got . while his wife , the oscar - winning actress gale sondergaard , was not part of the original hollywood ten , she was also brought before huac , refused to testify , and later blacklisted .\nthomas was bluffing here . in the midst of the hearings , the mpaa demanded that the committee furnish the list they had implied they possessed of so - called subversive films produced by hollywood studios . the committee would not name the names of the films that ostensibly were the reason for the hearings . on the second day of testimony , thomas declared he had a list of 79 people in hollywood who were definitely communists . he never released that list , either .\na more lasting punishment came as a result of the movie industry blacklist . studio executives did not want their business to be associated with radical politics in the minds of the movie - going public and therefore agreed that they would not employ the hollywood ten ( with the exception of dmytryk ) or anyone else suspected of being affiliated with the communist party . the motion picture industry blacklist grew steadily larger as congress continued its investigations into the 1950s , and numerous careers were damaged as a result . the blacklist ended in the 1960s .\nscreenwriter / producer adrian scott was among the first ten hollywood people to be called before the house un - american activities committee in the 1947 . his name was provided to the committee by director / producer edward dmytryk , with whom scott had worked for many years . after refusing to testify , scott was sentenced to a year in prison . following his release , scott was blacklisted and never worked in films again . - - sandra brennan [ from the\nalthough lardner allowed his party membership to lapse in the 1950s , he said in an interview with the new york times that \u201ci ' ve never regretted my association with communism . i still think that some form of socialism is a more rational way to organize a society , but i recognize it hasn ' t worked anywhere yet . \u201d he died in manhattan in 2000 at age 85 , the last surviving member of the hollywood ten .\nin 1932 he moved to hollywood to work with 17 other writers on one of hollywood\u2019s first all - star extravaganzas , the w . c . fields comedy if i had a million . the two successful plays cole had written in new york landed him a five - year , $ 250 - a - week contract with paramount .\njohn berry , a blacklisted hollywood director who made the classic film noir\nhe ran all the way\nand then largely moved his career to europe , has died . he was 82 .\nalong with lester coles and john howard lawson , ornitz was a key figure in the founding of the screen writers guild . a vocal supporter of the soviet union , ornitz was one of the most outspoken political figures in hollywood .\nscreenwriter dalton trumbo , left , and his wife , cleo , listen from the audience as the chairman of the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) announces a contempt citation against trumbo at a hearing in washington , d . c . , oct . 28 , 1947 . on the witness stand trumbo , one of the hollywood ten called before the committee , declined to say whether he is or has been a communist . trumbo served a prison sentence in 1950 and was blacklisted in the film industry . ( ap photo ) less\nthe son of a famed humorist , screenwriter ring lardner , jr . ( born ringgold wilmer lardner , jr . ) started out as a reporter for the new york daily mirror . prior to that , he had briefly attended princeton . he eventually became a publicist for david selznick in hollywood and after that worked uncredited as a script doctor before becoming a full - fledged screenwriter working alone or in collaboration . lardner shared an oscar in 1942 for woman of the year and his career looked quite promising until he refused to cooperate with the witch - hunts of the house un - american activities committee and became one of the hollywood ten . for his refusal , lardner spent a year in prison and then was blacklisted until the mid ' 60s . though officially banned from hollywood , lardner continued working under pseudonyms and also worked uncredited . lardner made a big comeback in 1970 when he wrote the script for\nin 1947 , at the height of his career , scott was subpoenaed to testify at the huac hearings ( he had joined the communist party in 1944 ) . he became one of the hollywood ten when he refused to answer the committee\u2019s questions on first amendment grounds . while waiting a court ruling , scott moved to london to look for work but decided to return when the courts refused to overturn huac\u2019s contempt charge . he noted that \u201cnine of us couldn\u2019t go into court with the 10th on the lam . that would have made it impossible for the rest who were left . \u201d\n( 1947 ) , one of the first hollywood films to confront anti - semitism . in 1948 dmytryk became one of the\nhollywood ten\nwhen he was accused of having ties to the communist party and was sentenced to a year in prison for contempt of congress . following his imprisonment , dymtryk was blacklisted in the u . s . , so he directed three films in england , but returned to the states in 1951 . upon his return he went before the house un - american activities committee again , this time as a\nfriendly\nwitness , and his name was dropped from the blacklist . he then resumed his american career and directed four films for producer stanley kramer , most notably the sniper ( 1952 ) and\ndistinguished author , short - story writer , playwright and screenwriter albert maltz was among the notorious\nhollywood ten ,\nthose artists who were first blackballed by the house un - american activities committee for refusing to testify about communist affiliations . following education at columbia university and the yale school of drama , maltz worked as a playwright for the left - leaning theatre union . during the early ' 30s , many of his plays were produced in new york . he also published his novels and stories . he moved to hollywood to write screenplays in 1941 and primarily worked alone and in collaboration for warner brothers and paramount . during ww ii , he penned patriotic scripts for such films as\nborn into a middle - class family in arlington , n . j . , scott wrote magazine articles before moving to hollywood . starting in 1940 , he contributed to several scripts , including the one for the popular cary grant comedy mr . lucky . scott received more acclaim as a producer . he and director edward dmytryk , a future fellow hollywood ten member , teamed up on a string of dark thrillers , including murder , my sweet ( 1944 ) , based on raymond chandler\u2019s farewell , my lovely , and crossfire ( 1947 ) , an anti - semitism drama that received five oscar nominations , including best picture and best director .\n. his career came to a halt in 1947 , when he was summoned before the house un - american activities committee . he refused to deny or confirm involvement in the communist party , and in 1950 he became one of the hollywood ten when he was imprisoned and blacklisted . in 1965 , bessie wrote a book about his experience with the huac , inquisition in eden . he wrote another book in 1975 , spain again , which chronicled his experiences as a co - writer and actor in a spanish movie of the same name . his\nin 1942 , he co - wrote woman of the year with michael kanin . the comedy marked the first onscreen collaboration between katharine hepburn and spencer tracy and won lardner and kanin an oscar for original screenplay . in 1947 he became one of the highest - paid writers in hollywood when he signed a contract with 20th century fox at $ 2 , 000 a week . a few months later he stood by his fellow members of the hollywood ten in refusing to testify before huac . lardner replied to the standard question \u2014 \u201care you now or have you ever been \u2026\u201d \u2014 by noting , \u201ci could answer the question exactly the way you want , but if i did , i would hate myself in the morning . \u201d the aggressive committee chairman , j . parnell thomas , a republican from new jersey , angrily dismissed lardner from the stand .\nwhen the house un - american activities committee called alvah bessie to the witness stand in 1947 , he was ready to give them a piece of his mind . \u201ci will never aid or abet such a committee in its patent attempt to foster the sort of intimidation and terror that is the inevitable precursor of a fascist regime ,\nbessie told them . as such , in 1950 , along with the other members of the hollywood ten , bessie was found guilty of contempt of congress , fined $ 1 , 000 , and sentenced to one year at the federal prison at texarkana , tx .\nwith a career spanning more than seven decades , kirk douglas has long since earned his place among the most luminous figures in hollywood history . after cutting his teeth on the new york stage , he began his film career in the 1946 barbara stanwyck ve\u2026\nonly 11 of the \u201cunfriendly\u201d witnesses were called to testify in the fall of 1947 , and 10 of them\u2014a group that became known as the hollywood ten\u2014shared legal counsel . they had agreed beforehand that they would not answer any questions about their party membership or other affiliations , because their whole defense was based on the idea that congress had no right to pry into their lives , their beliefs , or their practice of assembly . also , they knew that the committee could use their admitted allegiance to any social group or professional guild against them , and against any fellow members of those groups .\nin 1947 roy m . brewer was appointed to the motion picture industry council . at this time the house of un - american activities committee ( huac ) , chaired by j . parnell thomas , began an investigation into the hollywood motion picture industry . the huac interviewed 41 people who were working in hollywood . these people attended voluntarily and became known as\nfriendly witnesses\n. during their interviews they named nineteen people who they accused of holding left - wing views .\nstanley kubrick directed a cast of screen legends\u2014including kirk douglas as the indomitable gladiator that led a roman slave revolt\u2014in the sweeping epic that defined a genre and ushered in a new hollywood era . the assured acting , lush technicolor cinematography , bold costumes , and visceral fight sequences won spartacus four oscars ; the blend of politics and sexual suggestion scandalized audiences . today kubrick ' s controversial classic , the first film to openly defy hollywood ' s blacklist , remains a landmark of cinematic artistry and history .\nmembers of the association of motion picture producers deplore the action of the 10 hollywood men who have been cited for contempt . we do not desire to prejudge their legal rights , but their actions have been a disservice to their employers and have impaired their usefulness to the industry .\nscreenwriter lester cole will go down in cinema history as a member of the original\nhollywood ten ,\none of the first unfortunate people in the film industry to be black - listed by the house anti - american activities committee in 1947 . cole , the son of polish immigrants , began writing and directing plays at age 16 after he dropped out of high school . during the 1920s and ' 30s he worked as an actor on stage and screen before embarking on his screenwriting career . while in hollywood , he was a union activist and became a co - founder of the screen writers guild in 1933 . he was later black - balled for challenging the committee ' s right to interrogate him about his political beliefs . he then served 1 year in prison , leaving behind an unfinished script that was later finished by john steinbeck for kazan ' s\nthe hollywood ten paid a high price for their actions at the huac hearings . in november 1947 , they were cited for contempt of congress . facing trial on that charge in april 1948 , each man was found guilty and sentenced to spend a year in prison and pay a $ 1 , 000 fine . after unsuccessfully appealing the verdicts , they began serving their terms in 1950 . while in prison , one member of the group , edward dmytryk , decided to cooperate with the government . in 1951 , he testified at a huac hearing and provided the names of more than 20 industry colleagues he claimed were communists .\nonce cleared by huac , dmytryk found work immediately . producer stanley krammer hired him to direct three films : the 1952 creepy psychopathic killer film the sniper ; the 1953 postwar psychodrama the juggler ( with kirk douglas ) ; and the 1954 critically acclaimed court martial drama the caine mutiny . dmytryk worked steadily through the fifties and sixties , mostly helming action and suspense films . in the \u201870s , the jobs abruptly stopped coming . he began a second career teaching filmmaking at the university of texas and the university of southern california . in 1996 , dmytryk once again tried to clear his name with odd man out : a memoir of the hollywood ten in which he blames his compatriots for refusing to bend to huac\u2019s demands . he died three years later .\nthe individual in rebellion against monolithic power : that was a familiar trumbo theme , and it makes one wonder how trumbo could ever have flirted with communism or considered himself a communist . unlike , say , john howard lawson (\nsuccess at any price\n) , a member of the hollywood ten whose work was identifiably marxist , trumbo was more in the old tradition of american literature , which maintained faith in individual genius and asserted individual rights . trumbo ' s defiance of the committee , like his work , seems , in retrospect , more an act of patriotism than subversion .\nwet hot : ten marks the second netflix follow - up to the movie . the streaming giant last year released the eight - episode wet hot american summer : first day of camp , a prequel series featuring the movie ' s original stars . the new incarnation will again be written by showalter and wain , with the latter on board to direct . showalter , wain , peter principato , jonathan stern and howard bernstein are set to executive produce .\nat 15 dmytryk was working as a studio messenger . progressing to projectionist , film editor and director , he made murder , my sweet ( 1944 ) based on raymond chandler\u2019s farewell , my lovely . he joined the communist party and was summoned to testify in 1947 \u2013 the year he was oscar - nominated for crossfire . he resisted huac\u2019s questions but , after fleeing to england , revealed 26 names and escaped the blacklist . he went on to make films such as the caine mutiny ( 1954 ) , the young lions ( 1958 ) and the carpetbaggers ( 1964 ) . haunted by the episode , he wrote a book in 1966 titled odd man out : a memoir of the hollywood ten .\nthe son of polish immigrants and a high school dropout from new york city , lester cole thought he\u2019d found his american dream in hollywood . originally working as a stage actor , cole eventually moved to hollywood picking up parts in several silent films , like love at first glance and painted faces . by the \u201830s , he moved over to writing , penning a number of b - movies , including several in the charlie chan series . while he worked steadily inside the hollywood machine , he also pushed for workers\u2019 rights . in 1933 , he was instrumental in reviving the screen writers guild , the union that would eventually become the writers guild of america . his organizing gained him the unfavorable moniker \u201chollywood red\u201d by studio execs . the next year , cole confirmed the title when he officially joined the communist party . while he mostly hammered out scripts for crime genres and melodramas , he was quick to add a socially conscious message when possible . the 1936 thriller the president\u2019s mystery , for example , includes a scene with workers storming a cannery yelling , \u201ceverybody works , everybody shares . \u201d and in the \u201840s , cole excelled in dramatizing anti - fascist sentiments in films like hostages and none shall escape . in 1946 , his career appeared ready to take off when mgm , hollywood\u2019s most prestigious studio , put him under contract . then the house committee on un - american activities ( huac ) subpoenaed him .\nrich had the best possible reason of all not to be present : he did not exist . he was a pseudonym , one of many , for dalton trumbo , a blacklisted writer . one of the hollywood ten , trumbo had gone to prison in 1950 for refusing to answer questions by the house un - american activities committee , which was trying to root out communism in the motion picture industry . upon his release 10 months later , he could find no work under his own name , but scratched together a living by turning out scripts either under fake names or for fellow writers , who fronted for him and funneled the money to him .\none of those named , bertolt brecht , an emigrant playwright , gave evidence and then left for east germany . ten others : herbert biberman , lester cole , albert maltz , adrian scott , samuel ornitz , dalton trumbo , edward dmytryk , ring lardner jr . , john howard lawson and alvah bessie refused to answer any questions .\n, a diary of his activities while in spain in 1938 , have been recently published ( 2001 ) . unfortunately , his screenwriting career was ruined by the blacklisting , and he never returned to hollywood . [ information provided courtesy of dan bessie ]\nkarina longworth is the creator and host of you must remember this , a podcast about the secret and forgotten history of hollywood\u2019s first century . she is the author of books about george lucas , al pacino , and meryl streep and has contributed to la weekly , the guardian , npr , vulture , and other publications .\nthe house un - american activities committee was charged with investigating allegations of communist influence and subversion in the u . s . during the early years of the cold war . committee members quickly settled their gaze on the hollywood film industry , which was seen as a hotbed of communist activity . this reputation originated in the 1930s , when the economic difficulties of the great depression increased the appeal of leftist organizations for many struggling actors and studio workers .\nprison marked the end of bessie\u2019s hollywood career . he moved to the bay area , where he wrote novels , edited a union newspaper and worked as publicist for arts organizations . for seven years he was the stage manager and soundman at san francisco\u2019s hungry i nightclub , earning $ 70 a week .\ni had long been convinced that the fight of the ten was political ; that the battle for freedom of thought , in which i believed that i was being forced to sacrifice my family and my career in defense of the communist party , from which i had long been separated and which i had grown to dislike and distrust . i knew that if it ever got down to a choice between the party and our traditional democratic structure i would fight the party and our traditional democratic structure i would fight the party to the bitter end .\nthe eight - episode comedy will complete the vow made at the end of the 2001 feature film .\nwith the exception of dmytryk , the group was severely blacklisted by the film industry . most were never again employed in hollywood , but some did write scripts under pseudonyms . as \u201crobert rich , \u201d trumbo won an academy award oscar for best screenplay for the brave one ( 1956 ) . the red blacklist disappeared by the early 1960s , and trumbo and lardner subsequently wrote screenplays under their own names .\nson of a prosperous dry - goods merchant , ornitz was on the streets of new york giving socialist speeches at the age of 12 . he became a social worker and started to write for the left - wing theatre , publishing a successful novel about jewish immigrant life in 1923 titled haunch , paunch and jowl . moving to hollywood in 1928 , ornitz worked for several studios , writing 25 scripts including little orphan annie ( 1938 ) . he was a stalwart of the screen writers guild and , after his huac arraignment , published a successful novel , bride of the sabbath . his hollywood career , however , was over .\nit was also houseman who brought berry to hollywood , where he first worked as an assistant to director billy wilder . as a paramount producer , houseman hired berry to direct his 1945 film\nmiss susie slagle ' s ,\nwith lillian gish .\nbiberman came from a new york theatre background and arrived in hollywood in 1935 . he made one way ticket ( 1935 ) , meet nero wolfe ( 1936 ) and anti - nazi film the master race ( 1944 ) . biberman , a jew , was briefly suspected by the fbi of being a nazi because of virulent opposition to the us lend - lease agreement . in 1947 he was called to testify by huac and sentenced to six months in texarkana jail for refusing . his hollywood career was over . he collaborated with fellow blacklisters on salt of the earth , about a mexican miners\u2019 strike . the film was investigated by the fbi and banned for 11 years .\nnew delhi : director james gray\u2019s acclaimed adventure drama the lost city of z , which released in india on friday , describes real events surrounding british explorer percy fawcett , who was sent to bolivia and later made several attempts to find an ancient lost city in the amazon . here are 10 other hollywood films dealing with the theme of exploration .\nthe black chevy truck used in the later part of the movie was circa 1964 .\nwith the dawning of the cold war , anti - communist legislators grew concerned that the movie industry could serve as a source of subversive propaganda . although popular hollywood films of the 1930s and 1940s offered little evidence of an overriding socialist agenda , the investigation proceeded . in october 1947 , more than 40 people with connections to the movie industry received subpoenas to appear before huac on suspicion of holding communist loyalties or being involved in subversive activities .\nduring the investigative hearings , members of huac grilled the witnesses about their past and present associations with the communist party . aware that their answers could ruin their reputations and careers , most individuals either sought leniency by cooperating with investigators or cited their fifth amendment right against self - incrimination . however , a group of 10 hollywood screenwriters and directors took a different approach and openly challenged the legitimacy of the committee\u2019s investigations .\njust as his career was at an all time high , scott was called before the house committee on un - american activities ( huac ) to answer questions about being a member of the communist party , which he had joined in 1944 . as the hollywood ten waited to hear the court\u2019s decision on their refusal to comply on first amendment grounds , scott moved to london to look for work . as things grew increasingly dark in the states , scott\u2019s french and british friends urged him to stay . \u201cthey said they ' d hide me out , \u201d scott recalls . \u201ci was tempted . it could have been arranged . but nine of us couldn ' t go into court with the tenth on the lam . that would have made it impossible for the rest who were left .\nscott returned to be sentenced on september 27 , 1950 to a $ 1 , 000 fine and 12 months in the federal correctional institution , ashland , ky .\nby oct . 31 , 1947 , 11 of the 19 subpoenaed had been called to the stand . the unfriendlies who had testified , minus brecht , believed that it was all over , and that they had won . producer samuel goldwyn publicly called the hearings \u201ca flop . \u201d the mpaa , still waiting for thomas to release his list of alleged propaganda films , declared that the sudden closing of the hearings vindicated the studios\u2019 position that there was no proof that hollywood had allowed communists to control its products .\nafter nine months in prison , and unable to work in hollywood , lardner eventually found work in london , contributing to the 1950s television series , the adventures of robin hood . like several other blacklisted writers , he was forced to use a pseudonym to allow for american sales . the british - made virgin island ( 1958 ) credits\nphilip rush\nwith the screenplay , although a british historian of the same name wrote to the times refuting any connection with the mediocre movie .\nel ten eleven has been two people making instrumental music from the start . together kris : an dunn ( bass / guitars ) and tim fogarty ( drums ) have released six full - length albums , an ep , a remix record and a mixtape . the process of el ten eleven has always been of reinven : on with each release , providing a canvas of sounds and singular execu : on to each album , track and layer . there is something exci : ng about a duo , both for the band and their cult - like fan base . they create eloquently designed composi : ons , layers of augmented bass and drums that are stacked and sound like a quintet or , ogen : mes , an atmospheric orchestra . as reinven : on took its course over the past 18 months , the band explored a variety of mediums for inspira : on , from films to orchestras to side - projects , and found the next colorant to add to its canvas : a guest vocalist . a risk and perhaps the deepest dye imaginable . instead of releasing a one - off track with a singer , dunn and fogarty decided to commit to a full extended - play release exploring the new sound . \u201cthe search for the right singer was frustra : ng . there were a lot of people we tried working with who were really talented , but ul : mately not the right fit stylis : cally , \u201d says kris : an dunn . ager months of searching they found emile mosseri from new york , songwriter and vocalist of indie garage rock revisionists the dig . \u201cnot only does the natural sound of his voice compliment our music , but his work ethic and dedica : on are on par with our own . and his lyrics compliment our music perfectly . \u201del ten eleven wrote and recorded with mosseri and are very pleased to announce their first - ever vocal collabora : on release : unusable love . an ep whose four songs form an illustrated collage , merging el ten eleven instrumentals with vocals , to create a body of music en : rely unexpected .\nring lardner jr , who has died aged 85 , was the last surviving member of the hollywood 10 . the other nine were alvah bessie , herbert biberman , lester cole , john howard lawson , albert maltz , samuel ornitz , adrian scott , dalton trumbo and edward dmytryk . only dmytryk co - operated with the committee , and named names , including lardner ' s ; after serving their sentences , the other nine were blacklisted .\nthe 10 individuals who defied huac were alvah bessie ( c . 1904 - 85 ) , herbert biberman ( 1900 - 71 ) , lester cole ( c . 1904 - 85 ) , edward dmytryk ( 1908 - 99 ) , ring lardner jr . ( 1915 - 2000 ) , john howard lawson ( 1894 - 1977 ) , albert maltz ( 1908 - 1985 ) , samuel ornitz ( 1890 - 1957 ) , robert adrian scott ( 1912 - 73 ) and dalton trumbo ( 1905 - 76 ) . these men , who became known as the hollywood ten , not only refused to cooperate with the investigation but denounced the huac anti - communist hearings as an outrageous violation of their civil rights , as the first amendment to the u . s . constitution gave them the right to belong to any political organization they chose . some compared the committee\u2019s coercive methods and intimidating tactics to the oppressive measures enacted in nazi germany . \u201ci am not on trial here , \u201d declared screenwriter lawson . \u201cthis committee is on trial . \u201d\non the broader issues of alleged subversive and disloyal elements in hollywood , our members are likewise prepared to take positive action . we will not knowingly employ a communist or a member of any party or group which advocates the overthrow of the government of the united states by force or by illegal or unconstitutional methods . in pursuing this policy , we are not going to be swayed by hysteria or intimidation from any source . we are frank to recognize that such a policy involves dangers and risks . there is the danger of hurting innocent people . there is the risk of creating an atmosphere of fear . creative work at its best cannot be carried on in an atmosphere of fear . to this end we will invite the hollywood talent guilds to work with us to eliminate any subversives , to protect the innocent , and to safeguard free speech and a free screen wherever threatened .\nthe hearings on what the house un - american activities committee called \u201cthe communist infiltration of the motion - picture industry\u201d began on oct . 20 , 1947 . at the insistence of lawyers representing the 19 \u201cunfriendly\u201d witnesses brought before the committee , the proceedings took place in full view of the media . the friendly witnesses were called first .\n( 1944 ) , which emphasized the need for sacrifice in order to win the war . following the end of the war , trumbo ' s career was blighted by the increasingly unfriendly political climate in hollywood , where the studio heads had no use for men of ideas and ideals such as him . and then , in 1947 , the roof fell in on him when he was called to testify about the alleged communist infiltration of the movie business and - - along with nine others - - refused to testify . trumbo , who was suspect for his otherwise innocuous 1943 script for tender comrade ( which was about communal living in wartime , not covert communist propaganda ) , was cited for contempt of congress and served a 10 - month jail term . unable to find employment in hollywood , he moved to mexico where he continued to write - - for fees far smaller than the $ 75 , 000 a year he ' d been making from mgm before the contempt citation - - under assumed names . his script for the"]} {"id": 114593, "summary": [{"text": "the man who came back is a 2008 american film directed by glen pitre .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it stars eric braeden , billy zane , george kennedy , and armand assante .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "set in southern louisiana , it is loosely based on the 1887 sugar strike in four parishes and violence that erupted in the thibodaux massacre . ", "topic": 4}], "title": "the man who came back ( 2008 film )", "paragraphs": ["the man who came back ( 2008 ) \u2026review and / or viewer comments \u2022 christian spotlight on the movies \u2022 christiananswers . net\neric braeden stars in ' the man who came back , ' directed by louisiana filmmaker glen pitre .\na & j management . a & j management . retrieved on 2008 february 1 .\nreese paxton ( eric braeden ) , right , has a score to settle with cocky billy duke ( james patrick stuart ) in ' the man who came back , ' directed by louisiana filmmaker glen pitre .\nbbc america ' s merlin aired for five years from 2008 - 2012 . ( bbca )\nframed for murder and left for dead , a local legend comes back to make the guilty pay as he seeks revenge on those who killed his family in this traditional western about one man who stood against injustice .\nin the book , slughorn and dumbledore stand back - to - back , waving their wands to restore the house . in the film , only dumbledore restores the house , sending everything back together with a single wave of his wand .\nthe film would begin with peter parker as spider - man stopping mysterio and handing him over to the police .\neric braeden and james patrick stuart give sublime performances in this post civil war period film shot in the south - based on a true story . there was lots of meat in this film to make it great , but inconsistent direction and lackluster performances from some of the other cast made\nthe man who came back\ninto the man who shouldn ' t have come back . oh well , because of braeden and stuart , it is still worth a look despite its shortcomings and the fact that it isn ' t a true western .\nthough radcliffe , gambon and broadbent started shooting in late september 2007 , some other cast members started much later : watson did not begin until december 2007 , rickman until january 2008 , and bonham carter until february 2008 . [ 26 ] [ 27 ] principal photography wrapped up on may 17 2008 . [ 28 ] and a confirmation that editing was complete was released on july 29 , 2008 , though we do not know when they finished exactly .\nspider - man 4 was the unofficial title for what would have been the fourth film in sony pictures ' spider - man film series that was slated to release on may 6 , 2011 . some rumors said that the title given was going to be spider - man 4 : birds of prey .\nthe man who came back 2 1 / 2 stars starring : eric braeden . director : glen pitre . rating : r , for violence , sexual content ( some of it of an aberrant nature ) and language ( including racial slurs ) . running time : 1 hour 52 minutes .\ncardi b hits back at troll who mocked her baby shower . . . as she shows off naked baby bump for photoshoot\nfrom right to left ; tobey maguire and kirsten dunst , the two main cast members in the spider - man films , in a promotional image for spider - man 4 .\nhasten to write this review to prevent anyone from renting this movie . under the guise of an \u201canti - slavery\u201d story , \u201cthe man who came back\u201d portrays southern whites , with the exception of a \u201cconfederate war hero , \u201d as vile , violent , and , of course , as evil christians who quote the bible , glowingly reference the crusades , and abuse freed blacks with orgiastic delight .\nin the film , though , the massacre takes place primarily because paxton is hiding among the strikers , and the planters are determined to kill him before he kills the rest of their number involved in the original conspiracy against him . that depiction trivializes the real - life tragedy ( though , to be fair ,\nthe man who came back\nis not intended to be a historical treatise ) .\ni came up with a new game show idea recently . it ' s called the old game . you got three old guys with loaded guns onstage . they look back at their lives , see who they were , what they accomplished , how close they came to realizing their dreams . the winner is the one who doesn ' t blow his brains out . he gets a refrigerator .\nthe crying child . pretty good made for tv movie . i think it came out in \u201996 .\nactor robert preston was best known for his portrayal of the charismatic huckster in the music man\u2014a role he played on broadway and in the film adaptation .\nhouse - elf kreacher and the hippogriff buckbeak are omitted from the film , and there is no mention of hagrid getting buckbeak back .\nrobert downey jr . in an & apos ; iron man & apos ; publicity still .\nand that ' s not the only reason why gatsby still feels fresh today . the novel ' s very title has become a kind of buzzword for periods of excess and fake luxury . the economic collapse of 2008 brought back distant and unwelcome memories of the\n- summary : framed for murder and left for dead , a local legend comes back to make the guilty pay as he seeks revenge on those who killed his family , in this traditional western about one man who stood against injustice . - like us on facebook : urltoken - follow us on twitter : urltoken\nthe 22 months between start of filming and release of the film was by far the longest interval in the series to date and was in fact several months longer than the equally protracted schedule for the 2009 star trek film , which began production several months after hbp but was released several months before hbp . at one point the film was scheduled for a late 2008 release , but this was pushed back .\ncool ? let ' s check out your list . maybe you came up with something like this :\naccording to local estate agents , interest has been increasing steadily since the film came out and properties are being snapped up within days of going on the market .\nin\nthe man who came back ,\nwhich arrives tuesday , dec . 9 , on dvd , louisiana filmmaker glen pitre saddles a classic western revenge plot with the burden of representing a horrific incident from post - reconstruction history . the result is a narrative that fans of pitre ' s\nbelizaire the cajun\nand\nthe scoundrel ' s wife\nmight find disappointing . .\nthough the inferi in the book climb out of the lake and attempt to drag harry back in with them , they actually pull him underwater in the film .\ndevelopment began in 2008 , with raimi attached to direct and the core cast of the previous films to return . come 2009 , however , raimi dismissed the rumors that all three films were being made , instead confirming that only the fourth was under development . sony hired james vanderbilt in october of 2008 to pen the screenplay , after contacting david koepp , the writer of the first film . the script underwent further revision by playwright david lindsay - abaire and once more by gary ross in october of 2009 . sony had also hired vanderbilt to pen scripts for spider - man 5 and spider - man 6 .\n-\nbond , i need you back .\n-\ni never left .\nhelp ! i am trying to find a film or short story from the 80\u2019s , its some kind of horror film . all i remember is a man and woman go to a lake at night , man is shot dead and falls in the lake . ghost of man haunts the woman , in the end the ghost takes her back to the lake and try to pull her in , has he does he turns into a skeleton . i don\u2019t remember much because i was a kid when i saw it . anyone know what this might be ? ? ?\nthe only exception is the desolate mamma mia ! bar , run by a lugubrious man called demetri - who was brosnan ' s driver during the filming - and dismissed as ' tacky ' by many locals .\na sordid tale of rape and violence with a real slave revolt as the background , which was glossed over and not very historically accurate . the way the hero came back is not very believable either . threw my copy in the trash can .\nthe film omits the details that fenrir greyback is a werewolf , and also the part of lupin mentioning that greyback was the one who turned him into a werewolf .\n2 . it was steven spielberg\u2019s secretary who discovered richard matheson ' s story .\n' there was one swiss couple who were going to convert to greek orthodox and come back , ' says marion fester , who works for thalpos holidays . ' given that you ' d fit only about six people in the church , it seems a bit extreme . '\nant - man and the wasp soars to $ 76 million on opening weekend . . . beating its prequel by $ 19 million\ncontemporary horror movies , like the \u201csaw\u201d films , are morally and ethically disgusting , but \u201cthe man who came back\u201d uses the pretext of slavery - era injustice to glory in pornographic violence and sexual acts . in the end , billy zane\u2019s character clutches a book with the words \u201choly bible\u201d on it as a final stamp of the filmmaker ' s contempt for christianity . watching this movie is like listening to a sermon by a murderer who takes pleasure in the sin he both commits and condemns . whatever it may say about its subject , the final irony of the movie is that its greatest hypocrisy is the sanctimonious deceitfulness of the director himself .\nslughorn tells dumbledore that the muggles who own the house are on holiday in the canary islands in both the book and film , however , in the book , he says this after the house is restored . in the film , he says this before the house is restored , to which dumbledore suggests putting the house back in order for its muggle owners . he then begins to restore the house .\nalive ! four thai boys who made it out of cave in daring . . .\nand kurt , agreed . i saw event horizon a few years back and it creeped the shit out of me .\nin the novel , dumbledore pours the memory into the pensieve and accompanies harry into the memories . in the film , dumbledore gives harry the memory to pour , and harry enters them alone , with dumbledore standing back and observing .\nthe film was the top grossing film at uk cinemas in 2009 , taking \u00a350 . 7m , closely followed by avatar . - guardian\nkylie jenner rocks curve - clinging attire as she shows off body . . . and considers going back to blonde\nas the truck rams the car over the cliff and falls off in the final film , there is a low roar sound effect that the filmmaker included to emphasize the death of the truck . spielberg , who wanted the truck to seem\nhelen mccrory who plays the role of narcissa malfoy in this film , was originally chosen to play bellatrix lestrange in the fifth film , harry potter and the order of the phoenix . but she had to back out of the role due to her sudden pregnancy , so she ended up getting this role instead , while helena bonham carter was cast as bellatrix in her place .\nin the book horace slughorn was said to have a big silver moustache like a walrus and was supposed to be quite large , both are changed for the film . in the film , he does not have a moustache , and is only slightly chubby . additionally , slughorn is portrayed as a soft - spoken , senile man in the film .\nit doesn\u2019t seem all that long since bbc america\u2019s merlin came to an end , but in actuality it\u2019s been three years . and quite a lot can happen in a few years\u2019 time . it may seem longer because we grew attached to the series and its characters after five seasons ( 2008 - 2012 ) . if you\u2019re missing the cast , you can check them out in their latest appearances in tv and film outlined below :\nin the film , harry , hermione , and ron are not seen back at the burrow after spying on draco . instead , they are next seen on the train , and it is here that they discuss what draco may have been doing at borkin and burkes in the film .\nto be fair , the film company did go to enormous lengths to put everything back as it was when they arrived . it seems the only thing they couldn ' t do was restore the peace and quiet .\nsomeone please help me\u2026 i\u2019m looking for two movies\u2026the first one is about a young girl who has been kept in her house by her mother , when the girl \u201cmisbehaves\u201d the mother chains he ankle up . she got away one day and met a boy and was going to run away with him well something happened i don\u2019t remember what but her mom had to go to the hospital where she died and the girl didnt know , when the boy came back to get her , she thought it was her mom and killed him and burried him in the back yard .\nsafety measures issued by the ministry and about the inferi were not discussed throughout the entire film .\nin the book , the felix felicis is gold . in the film , it is clear .\nuntil now i can\u2019t find this film . i watch this about 20 years ago but i think it was from the 70\u2019s . a group of young woman staying in a house & there\u2019s an landlady or warden . i think at one point they accidentally killed her & covered it up . the old woman came back and killed the young women one by one . i remember villa like house , a swimming pool and at the end all the killed women came for the last victim together with the old lady . it was the first movie that kept me awake at night .\nthere are no security measures discussed or implied before entering the burrow in the film .\ndumbledore and harry do not have many talks about voldemort like they did in the book . voldemort is not explained as someone who likes to control people , who is very charming with all the teachers , who places great meaning on places where he has tortured others , and who feels a deep connection to hogwarts because it is proof he is special and is a wizard and because it feels like his home . however , these details were focused on in the chamber of secrets film .\nthe power elite took his family and his freedom but this one man stood against injustice and made the guilty pay ! when local legend resse paxton is wrongly accused of murder by the corrupt and racist town leadership and sentenced to prison , he accepts his fate hoping his innocence will eventually set him free . when the self - appointed major brutally murders his wife and son , he has nothing left to live for . in a town that writes its own rules , in a land where the innocent are killed and where the system is rotten , paxton decides to take the law into his own hands and dispense his own form of justice . the man who came back is a gripping tale of revenge based on the legendary true story of the thibodaux massacre of 1887 .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\nwhatever life holds in store for me , i will never forget these words : ' with great power comes great responsibility . ' this is my gift . my curse . who am i ? i ' m spider - man .\ni came here because i was trying to remember the name of the film , frontiers . i cant even think of why because the film was awful . i mean awful . reminds me of a cheap chainsaw massacre . ive also seen grace , that was pretty bad and just never went anywhere , same with may .\nselena gomez is seen with same mystery man she was with in may . . . after news her ex justin bieber is engaged to hailey baldwin\neagle - eyed viewers will catch the word \u201cflammable\u201d scrawled across the back of the truck , yet when it careens off the cliff at the end of the movie it doesn\u2019t go boom . the studio wanted a big explosion , but the director wanted a slower demise for his film\u2019s villain .\nrobert benchley was an american humorist , drama critic and film actor who is best known for his small roles in more than 40 films , including how to sleep .\namerican actor robert vaughn is best known for his 1960s role as napoleon solo on the hit tv series the man from u . n . c . l . e .\nin spite of the lukewarm fan reception to spider - man 3 , its impressive box office score convinced sony to make another film , even convincing them to speak of a fifth and sixth film , also to be directed by raimi . it was even discussed that they be shot cocurrently .\n' they are unbelievably obsessed . we had one swedish woman who ' d seen the film 198 times . and she was upset when we didn ' t play it during the trip . '\nera ' s newly wealthy , materialism and immortality were the name of the game . the novel ' s star is jay gatsby , a young , rich man in love with a society girl from his past . a girl who , as it happens , is married to someone else .\n\u201ci\u2019ve tried to avoid doing this ever since the picture came out . when you just say the ideas they sound foolish , whereas if they\u2019re dramatized one feels it , but i\u2019ll try .\nduring the reign of the vikings , kainan , a man from a far - off world , crash lands on earth , bringing with him an alien predator known as the moorwen . though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them , kainan leads the alliance to kill the moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the viking ' s iron age weaponry .\nmerlin befriends a young man by the name of arthur , who is to become the future king . the two are contemporaries , but merlin keeps a watchful eye on the prince , knowing he might be in danger . arthur doesn\u2019t agree with his father\u2019s rulings , which makes his bond with merlin even stronger .\n' it was a bit disappointing at first , ' says diana staveley , 40 . ' in the film , they arrived at a pretty bay in a tiny boat , but we came on a giant ferry into the port and there were people everywhere . '\ndemonstrating he isn & apos ; t afraid of blockbusters ( or english accents ) , downey starred in the guy ritchie directed sherlock holmes in 2009 . the film co - starred jude law as dr . john watson . in addition , 2010 returned downey to superhero status with the second installment of the iron man franchise . the crime fighting picked up again in 2012 , when downey & apos ; s iron man character was back in action in the avengers , a movie that featured a bevy of hollywood talent , including don cheadle ( colonel james\nrhodey\nrhodes ) , mark ruffalo ( hulk ) , samuel jackson ( nick fury ) and scarlett johansson ( the black widow ) , among others . downey was back playing the popular tony stark in 2013 & apos ; s iron man 3 . in 2014 he starred as sharp city lawyer hank palmer opposite robert duvall as his father judge joseph palmer in the drama the judge .\ndraco is seen testing an apple on the vanishing cabinet . it comes back with a bite taken out . he then tests a white songbird in the cabinet , and it comes back dead . draco ' s desperation and fear in this scene is palpable . it is likely that he was repeatedly testing to see if it would work correctly , and became more frightened the more the tests failed , as everything he sent through except for the black songbird came back damaged in some way . it is also possible that the white and black songbirds and their respective failure and success may be an act of symbolism or foreshadowing , as well as demonstrating the cabinets ' tempermental nature .\nnow that we know who you are , i know who i am . i ' m not a mistake ! it all makes sense ! in a comic , you know how you can tell who the arch - villain ' s going to be ? he ' s the exact opposite of the hero . and most times , they ' re friends , like you and me ! i should ' ve known way back when . you know why , david ? because of the kids . they called me mr . glass .\nthe film doesn ' t show harry questioning dumbledore as to why he trusted snape .\nbookstore owner who called 911 to defend steve bannon from abusive customer is former episcopal priest whose wife got 5 years for embezzling $ 2 . 2 million in church funds \u2013 and donald trump ' s sister was the judge who sentenced her !\nin 2017 downey starred in spider - man : homecoming . some of his upcoming projects include the voyage of doctor dolittle , ( based on the classic children & apos ; s book series by british author hugh lofting ) , as well as a film on pinocchio .\nthe dvd includes audio commentary , deleted scenes and footage from the film ' s premiere . the movie never received a theatrical release , but it was screened during the new orleans film festival in october .\nin the film , draco ' s reluctance to go with the death eaters is much more obvious .\n-\ncheck it out .\n-\nwhat ' s the yellow thing ?\n-\nman , they really do eat anything . i wonder if it works .\nthe faint whistle that is heard whenever a spell / enchantment / charm was being used in the film adaptation of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban , was heard for the first time after prisoner of azkaban when dumbledore put the muggles ' house in which slughorn was hiding back in order .\nspider - man has a sticky situation to crawl out of . as reported by deadline hollywood , spider - man 4 is caught up in a web of disagreements that\u2019ll likely keep it from being released on may 5th , 2011 as planned . further complicating things , raimi reportedly went through four revisions of the script , with different writers , and still\nhated it\n. with so many issues , sony cancelled the film in january 2010 .\nneil maciejewski , a film historian who runs a joan crawford tribute website , concedes that the actress \u2018was an alcoholic , she was controlling and she probably wasn\u2019t the best mother , but i\u2019ve talked to so many people who knew her , and my feeling is mommie dearest was not an honest portrayal . one person i talked to recently is betty barker , who was joan crawford\u2019s secretary from the 1930s and knew her till she died . she\u2019s an older woman who would have no reason to lie , and she said that joan had her faults but she absolutely did not abuse her children . \u2019\nthe scene is also in a different place from the book . in the book , this scene takes place directly after fudge talks with the prime minister . whereas in the film , the scene takes places after harry has met horace slughorn and has travelled back to the burrow and has reunited with ron , hermione , and the other weasleys .\nin the book , professor slughorn says that one bottle of felix felicis lasts for twelve hours , and that the one who takes it will be lucky at every endeavour from dusk to dawn . in the film , he says that the one who takes it will succeed at every endeavour until its effects wear off , with no mention made of exactly how long it lasts .\nthis is a very good film apparently loosely based on an incident in the . . .\nas nina koukovinas , 79 , puts it : ' if only they could turn the clock back to when things were more normal and people had better manners . '\naragog ' s size appears smaller than described and shown in both the books and the second film adaptation .\nall i wanna do is make it back to sidnaw , sit down for christmas dinner , watch some ball with my old man , sleep in my own bed , have leftovers for about six months , eat some of that christmas turkey . like i said , i never was much for the holidays . . . until now .\nthe truth is . . . i am iron man .\n- - - - - - ( after end credits )\ni ' m here to talk to you about the avenger initiative .\nspeaking of which , back up at the chapel , things are less civil as an elderly couple from macclesfield are shooed out of the way by an indian woman brandishing an enormous camera .\n\u2018it was complete and total hypocrisy between the public and the private . she adopted us for the publicity , \u2019 she says . \u2018i have tremendous concerns about celebrity adoptions by people like madonna and angelina jolie . from the adoptee\u2019s point of view , it is vitally important to know who they are , where they came from , or it can have profound medical and psychological effects . \u2019\nrobert downey jr . is an american actor known for roles in a wide variety of films , including ' iron man , ' ' the avengers , ' sherlock holmes ' and ' chaplin . '\nzacharias smith does a commentary during the quidditch match in the book , while there is no commentary during it in the film .\nthe way harry is found is different in the film . in the book , tonks finds harry , stating that she did not see him leave the train and , knowing harry has his cloak , decided to double check the train . in the film , it is luna lovegood who finds harry with her spectrespecs , stating that she can see wrackspurts all over him . [ 78 ]\nas the scene with fudge and the muggle prime minister is not featured in the film , after the kidnapping is shown , the film cuts to harry reading a copy of the daily prophet in a muggle caf\u00e9 located along surbiton station , then leaves it on the table when he sees professor dumbledore outside . also , the muggle waitress at the cafe flirts with harry and asks about the newspaper he reads in the film . this scene is entirely unique to the film , and harry does not appear until later in the book .\nmel b ' is unable to pay her back taxes amid ongoing divorce battle with stephen belafonte . . . as it ' s estimated the pair owe up to $ 650k ' to the irs\nthe special edition two - disc dvd for harry potter and the order of the phoenix contained two sneak peeks of the film , [ 71 ] [ 36 ] while the us edition included an additional clip . [ 72 ] warner bros and msn will run an online order of the phoenix quiz , with the prize being a walk - on part in the film . [ 73 ] as with the previous films , ea games will produce a video game based on the film . [ 74 ] the teaser trailer for the sixth video game was released along side of its website on july 2 , 2008 . the film will be released on 1 - disc dvd , 2 - disc special edition dvd , and 3 - disc blu - ray / dvd / digital copy combo pack on december 8 , 2009 [ 75 ]\ndumbledore does not actually have possession of tom riddle ' s diary as it is shown in the film ; harry gave it back to lucius at the end of chamber of secrets . ( however , lucius gave the diary to dobby , and dobby may have given the diary back to harry or dumbledore ) . one thing that people may have noticed is that in the harry potter and the chamber of secrets movie , tom riddle ' s diary ( after it is destroyed ) shows only a small hole in the middle , but in this film it looks as though a small bomb exploded in it .\nthere are a few commercial types who think the mayor ' s mad not to milk mamma mia ! for all it ' s worth . generally , however , the locals aren ' t interested . particularly outside skopelos town , where eyes roll at the mention of the film .\n-\nthey say you ' re the man who shot him .\n-\nthat ' s right . one of ' em .\n-\nso why are you coming here to see me ? to see the damage you done ?\n-\nno . i came here because he asked me to . when he went down , he said somethin ' . i put my ear next to his mouth , and what i think he said was this . he said , ' tell billie for me : bye bye , blackbird . '\nkhloe kardashian ' anxious but eager ' as she gets back to work for the first time since true ' s birth . . . and her alarm goes off at 4 . 35am\nthe other one i do not remember so clearly , but it was something about a little girl , who stood on a stone in the woods when it rained .\nthe ensuing battle between hogwarts staff and students against death eaters has been significantly reduced to a rampage through hogwarts ; with bellatrix lestrange shattering the windows and other glass objects in the great hall . the castle appears to be deserted except for one auror on duty , who snape jinxes out of the way . the battle was so reduced because the film ' s producer felt it was too similar to the battle that would occur in the final film .\nhis real film and theatre education came , mendes says , when he went to cambridge \u2013 by his account something of a surprise in itself . ' i was much more sport - oriented at school , and i wasn ' t very academic . i came through in my last year at school and got into cambridge . ' then he adds , philosophically : ' it was the case for me in my twenties , and into my thirties , that i sort of pulled things out of my arse at the very last moment . '\nsince the slug club meets later in the film , harry goes right to spy on draco when leaving his compartment .\nbill weasley does not appear in the film , much less get bitten by fenrir greyback as he does in the book . however , in the next film , he is shown bearing scars from being attacked by greyback . this creates a plot hole in the next film since it is unknown where , how and when the scarring happened .\nwe love listening to john hurt as the great dragon , but we\u2019d like to see him too . in 2013 he made up for lost time starring as the war doctor on doctor who . also in 2013 we watched him in the blockbuster snowpiercer , and he took on the role of lord cotys in hercules in 2014 . he\u2019s completed filming on the six - part crime drama the last panthers , also starring samantha morton , which is set to premiere later this year . we look forward to seeing him in 2016\u2019s the history of love , the man who killed don quixote , and tarzan .\nhollywood insiders believe the exit stems from terrence howard \u2018s difficult behavior on the set of iron man . but those with intimate knowledge of the situation suggest a far more dramatic backstory : howard was the first actor signed to the film and , on top of that , was the highest - paid . that\u2019s right : more than gwyneth paltrow . more than jeff bridges . more than robert downey jr . and once the project fully came together , it was too late to renegotiate his deal . it didn\u2019t help that , according to one source , favreau and his producers were ultimately unhappy with howard\u2019s performance , and spent a lot of time cutting and reshooting his scenes . ( favreau could not be reached for comment , while howard\u2019s publicist says : \u201dterrence had a tremendous experience working on iron man . \u201d )\nand does anyone try them on ? ' oh no ! they ' re nailed down . though we ' d love him to come back and prise them off . '\ndaddy daycare ! jared kushner takes kids back to d . c . after weekend in new jersey - as ivanka dons a short dress for visit to a nyc asphalt company\ni have a question . as i can see , there are others who need help finding the name of a horror movie . i do that too .\non january 2nd , 2009 , websites reported that the film had been rated\npg\nby the mpaa , for scary images , some violence , language and mild sensuality . this is the first and only time since the third film that a harry potter film has been rated pg , although in britain it is a 12a .\nin the book , amycus carrow finds draco with dumbledore , and he pressures draco to kill dumbledore . in the film , while amycus is still present , it is bellatrix lestrange , who is not among the death eaters present in the book , encountering draco and pressuring him to kill dumbledore .\n( voice - over )\n. . . this is me taking back control of my life .\n( turning toward the camera )\nwhat the f - - k have you done lately ?\nin the book , bellatrix and narcissa are met at the door by snape , who then brings them to the parlour . peter pettigrew is then called in to bring them drinks . he does so , and then hurries upstairs to listen by a door , which snape says is a new habit he has taken up . in the film , it is peter who greets narcissa and bellatrix , and shows them to the parlour , where snape is waiting . snape then uses his wand to slam the door shut , barring pettigrew from the room . snape already has drinks out in the film .\nin the book , leanne is crying when she tells mcgonagall about what happened , but in the film she is calm .\n\u2018it was the hypocrisy of it that was so difficult , \u2019 she says . \u2018people fantasised about who or what i was ; that i had this privileged , wealthy , film - star family life . i didn\u2019t have any of that . \u2019\nhis tony stark / iron man character remains in high demand . downey returned to the role for 2015 & apos ; s avengers : age of ultron . downey reprised his role in the next installment of the captain america film series , captain america : civil war is here ( 2016 ) and in avengers : infinity war ( 2018 ) .\nhaving anticipated this , sony planned a back - up script for a reboot . the project was taken over by director marc webb , and was released in theaters on july 3 , 2012 .\nraimi admitted to being\nexhausted\nwith the\ntremendous amount of delegation\nneeded to make\ngigantic\nmovies like the spider - man films . however , it ultimately came down to an inability to get together a suitable story that led him to pass on a fourth installment of the blockbuster franchise .\nit really was the most amicable and undramatic of breakups : it was simply that we had a deadline and i couldn ' t get the story to work on a level that i wanted it to work . i was very unhappy with spider - man 3 , and i wanted to make spider - man 4 to end on a very high note , the best spider - man of them all . but i couldn ' t get the script together in time , due to my own failings , and i said to sony ,\ni don ' t want to make a movie that is less than great , so i think we shouldn ' t make this picture . go ahead with your reboot , which you ' ve been planning anyway .\nand [ sony co - chairman ] amy pascal said ,\nthank you . thank you for not wasting the studio ' s money , and i appreciate your candor .\nso we left on the best of terms , both of us trying to do the best thing for fans , the good name of spider - man , and sony studios .\namping up the\nick\nfactor is armand assante ( pitre ' s\nbelizaire\n) , playing a character who repeatedly becomes sexually aroused by the planters ' violence .\n' we ' ve seen the film eight times and have come all the way from warsaw especially , so this is very upsetting , ' says karl , 28 . ' they must have used a film set for the inside . '\ntitanic\nco - star billy zane pops up as a carpetbagger , who provides comic relief , but whose dialogue is far too contemporary .\nwhen a summer blockbuster grosses more than $ 300 million , putting together a sequel is typically as simple as throwing buckets of money at your stars and signing a few pieces of paper . that hasn\u2019t been the case with iron man 2 . it took months for marvel studios to lock in director jon favreau for the sequel . and reports that don cheadle will replace terrence howard as col . jim rhodes \u2014 a supporting character who seemed poised for a big role in the follow - up after he muttered \u201dnext time , baby\u201d to iron man\u2019s steel suit \u2014 hint that im2 isn\u2019t quite as infallible as the superhero at its center .\ngoodness . as the story goes , the film ' s producers looked at more than 25 greek islands before plumping for skopelos .\nthe film doesn ' t show harry being admitted to the hospital wing , due to the absence of the quidditch match and mclaggen having knocked him off his broom with the bludger .\nthis is the only film in the series ( except deathly hallows part 2 ) that shows us events from the previous book ( the first scene at the ministry of magic ) .\n( voice - over )\nfrankie never came back at all . frankie didn ' t leave a note , and nobody knew where he went . i ' d hoped he ' d gone to find you and ask you one more time to forgive him . but maybe he didn ' t have anything left in his heart . i just hope he found someplace where he could find a little peace . a place set in the cedars and oak trees . somewhere between nowhere and goodbye . but that ' s probably wishful thinking . no matter where he is i thought you should know what kind of man your father really was .\nmendes ' s spectacularly assured cinematic debut was instantly deemed a ' classic ' by steven spielberg , and was nominated for eight academy awards ( it won five ) . narrated by a dead man , the film stars kevin spacey ( with mena suvari ) as a suburban father undergoing a high octane mid - life crisis , and annette bening as his compulsive and distant wife . a biting film with a sleekly noir - ish end , some of its features \u2013 such as the floating rose petals of spacey ' s imagination and the windchoreographed plastic bag \u2013 lost no time in entering the film canon . made for $ 15 , the film grossed well over $ 350m worldwide .\nfurthermore , the role of bellatrix lestrange has been greatly expanded in the film . in the book , she does not fight in the battle of the astronomy tower or witness dumbledore ' s death . upon witnessing it in the film , she reacts by destroying everything with sadistic glee and delight .\nwhy madonna dated only toyboys and why , as she pushes 60 , she ' s finally got bored with them . . . by the writer who knows her best\nwhen ron is brought to slughorn ' s office , slughorn mistakenly refers to him as\nwemby\nin the film . in the book , slughorn calls him\nralph\n. also in the book , slughorn later tells harry that he has had every bottle tested by a house elf since ron ' s incident , mistakenly referring to ron as\nrupert ,\nlikely a reference to the actor who plays ron in the film series , rupert grint . there is no mention of any precautionary measures taken by slughorn in the film .\nthe scene in which dumbledore gives harry the back - story involving a young tom riddle bringing amy benson and dennis bishop from wool ' s orphanage to the crystal cave was filmed , but cut from the final production and is featured as a deleted scene on the dvd releases .\nin the film , the necklace is a gold heart with an arrow through it , rather than the words\nmy sweetheart\n. ron does not receive it from lavender for christmas , rather , she is seen giving him it once they are back at school and ron agrees to wear it , much to hermione ' s disgust .\nok horror movie buffs my sister recalls a movie that disturbed her and all she can remember is it was in the 90\u2019s and had men that came out of the water and killed people . we are trying to find the name , anyone have a clue ? please ! thank you !\npansy parkinson sits beside blaise and across from draco in the film , rather than beside draco , stroking his hair . very little of her as well as her relationship with draco is seen in the film series as a whole .\nin the book , dumbledore drinks about three cups of the potion before falling prey to its effects . in the film , he starts reacting after his first drink . in the book , the potion eventually causes him to faint , but in the film , while suffering badly from the potion , he manages to remain concious the entire time .\nin the book , harry invites luna to slughorn ' s party as friends . in the film , he makes the same offer to hermione , who likes the idea but has already arranged to go with mclaggen ( in order to annoy ron ) . harry says he ' ll find another date and the scene cuts to him meeting luna .\nthe film only shows the memory in which dumbledore goes to pick up voldemort at the orphanage and the memory in which voldemort asks slughorn about the horcruxes , which is shown twice , as in the book .\nrichard wilson teamed up with simon callow in 2014 for the playhouse presents episode \u201cspace age . \u201d the aging astronauts volunteer for a space mission , opting out of the overpopulated retirement home . he provided a voiceover for the 2013 short film making ends meat . he\u2019s currently filming danny and the human zoo , also starring doctor who \u2019s arthur darvill .\nfrom the moment the invaders arrived , breathed our air , ate and drank , they were doomed . they were undone , destroyed , after all of man ' s weapons and devices had failed , by the tiniest creatures that god in his wisdom put upon this earth . by the toll of a billion deaths , man had earned his immunity , his right to survive among this planet ' s infinite organisms . and that right is ours against all challenges . for neither do men live nor die in vain .\nanyway , when they get finished with him , as happens in so many myths of all cultures in the world , he is transformed into some kind of super being and sent back to earth , transformed and made into some sort of superman . we have to only guess what happens when he goes back . it is the pattern of a great deal of mythology , and that is what we were trying to suggest . \u201d\nthe weather on the day of the first quidditch match is snowing and stormy in the film , whereas in the book it is clear , a circumstance which ron attributes to the felix felicis he thinks he drank .\nspielberg also enlisted 50 - year stunt veteran carey loftin as his stunt coordinator . loftin , who played the driver , also designed the legendary car chase sequences in vanishing point , bullitt , and the french connection .\n' skopelos is about more than mamma mia ! - we don ' t want our island to change because of a film , ' says mayor hristos vasiloudis , who is sitting in his sunny office in a pink , short - sleeved shirt and jeans .\nwhen the matt damon film the martian came out , critics immediately compared it to cast away and wrote \u201c the martian is cast away in space , \u201d especially because both films featured men marooned , alone , and trying to survive , and both movies were distributed by fox . the difference is matt damon\u2019s mark watney had the ability to communicate with people . in a usa today profile , damon disagreed with the comparisons . \u201cit\u2019s not cast away in the sense that it\u2019s actually a guy who is behaving with the expectation that people are watching him . he\u2019s on video all the time on these gopros . nobody\u2019s seeing the video feed live , but he\u2019s behaving as if someday someone might . \u201d\nprofessor mcgonagall joins the crowd who discovered albus dumbledore ' s body in the foot of the astronomy tower . she leads the hogwarts students and staff in raising their wands to be rid of the dark mark and in respect for the now - deceased headmaster . [ 78 ]\nthere really was a thibodaux massacre in 1887 , and it did involve the efforts of planters to force striking laborers back to work . in the film ' s credits , pitre says about 300 strikers were killed , but sources place the figure anywhere from 25 to 300 - - with no explanation of the disparity . regardless of the body count , there ' s no denying the racism and ruthlessness behind the planters ' criminal acts .\nmore recently , downey co - starred with jamie foxx in the soloist ( 2009 ) , which tells the story about the friendship between a los angeles journalist ( downey ) and a homeless juilliard - trained musician ( foxx ) . the film registered a respectable showing at the box - office and earned the praise from critics , who lauded downey and foxx for their performances .\nkatie bell is cursed by the necklace as in the book , and she is lifted into the air and silently screams with her head tilted back in a very frightening manner . as in the book , hagrid comes and takes her to the castle , however hagrid ' s role on the whole is very diminished .\nhi ! i\u2019m looking for a movie i\u2019ve seen glimpse of as a child , but i have no idea what its name might be . i guess it\u2019s a horror movie ( it pretty much freaked me out as a child ) and it should not be older than the 90s . i remember the first scene was about a woman in a hospital who had a stillborn baby . she then moved to an other house when she hears at night the baby crying ( and if i remember right she came to a srt of hidden room ) . there is also a blind old woman involved ( who was very creepy ) ."]} {"id": 114594, "summary": [{"text": "those calloways is a 1965 american family drama film , adapted from the 1950 children 's novel swiftwater by paul annixter .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "the film was produced by walt disney and directed by norman tokar .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was the last credit for veteran film composer max steiner .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "it starred brian keith , vera miles , brandon de wilde , walter brennan , ed wynn and linda evans in the principal roles .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "following the patterned formula for disney family entertainment , the film follows the trials and tribulations of a vermont family over a period of time as they attempt to establish a sanctuary for the canada geese that stopover in their rural community during their seasonal migrations .", "topic": 6}, {"text": "on-location new england filming contributes to the film 's appeal .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "brandon de wilde had previously worked with walter brennan in 1956 's good-bye , my lady and with brian keith in the 3-part the tenderfoot for walt disney 's wonderful world of color in 1964 . ", "topic": 0}], "title": "those calloways", "paragraphs": ["those calloways ( 1965 ) re - edited into a three - part television presentation .\nthose calloways was released in region 1 dvd widescreen by walt disney studios home entertainment on february 3 , 2004 .\nthose calloways : part 3\nis an episode of walt disney ' s wonderful world of color starring brian keith , vera miles , and brandon de wilde . those calloways ( 1965 ) re - edited into a three - part television presentation .\never thought you could make an entire film about a geese sanctuary ? if not , you\u2019re going to be in for a surprise . let\u2019s take a look together at the 1965 disney film , those calloways .\nthose calloways was released on january 28th , 1965 . critics were very mixed on it . those that wrote favorable reviews talked about the way the film made them feel , which was really the directors intent . those that didn ' t like it found it too simple and drawn out . it didn ' t do very well at the box office and made its television debut in 1969 . it made its home video debut in 1985 .\nwalt disney ' s family picture for easter ,\nthose calloways ,\nis a conventional domestic chronicle , prettily photographed in the vermont woods , undistinguished but not without a certain rustic charm . view full article in timesmachine \u00bb\nall the tv series & episodes i own . . and those i ' ve seen , i ' ve rated part 1\nthose calloways is a 1965 american family drama film , adapted from the 1950 children ' s novel swiftwater by paul annixter . the film was produced by disney and directed by norman tokar . it was the last credit for veteran film composer max steiner . [ 2 ]\nthose calloways is a 1965 american film adaption of a book by paul annixter . annixter and his wife jane were writers of books for young readers . the film was produced by disney and directed by norman tokar . it was the last credit for veteran film composer max steiner .\noriginally trade - previewed as those crazy calloways , disney ' s those calloways is a lengthy , anecdotal film about a highly individualistic new england family . patriarch cam calloway ( brian keith ) is regarded as a crank by the local villagers because of his dream to build a bird sanctuary that will protect migratory geese from hunters . cam uses all his savings to buy a lake , where he intends to establish his sanctuary . when a wealthy sportsman offers to turn the town into a booming resort community in exchange for hunting rights , cam opposes the plan , which briefly puts him on the outs with everyone else . only when cam is accidentally shot by the sportsman do the locals rally around the\ncrazy\ncalloways so that cam ' s sanctuary can come to fruition .\nthis results in the calloways being evicted from their home and having to build a new log cabin on the marshland . fortunately , the townspeople come to help and the cabin is built in no time .\ndespite that , the calloways seem to be an overall loving married couple and manage to patch up their problems quicker than others . they also have a teenage adult son named bucky , played by brandon dewilde ,\ncam calloway ( brian keith ) is a man with a dream : to one day establish a sanctuary for the geese that fly overhead during their long migration . unfortunately , cam lacks the money to buy the necessary property - - until his son buck ( brandon de wilde ) embarks on a project that will guarantee success . . . unaware that greedy hunters are manipulating the calloway family for their own selfish gains . beautifully filmed in vermont , those calloways is a stirring outdoor drama glowingly filmed in the rural new england countryside and featuring an exceptional cast of popular movie performers .\nthose calloways is currently available on dvd . a minor restoration has been done , but the print is still flawed by excess grain and artifacts that shouldn ' t be there . the film is presented in a widescreen aspect ratio of 1 . 66 : 1 . while theater exhibition guides didn ' t specify which aspect ratio was correct , most disney films from this era were presented in 1 . 75 : 1 . however , 1 . 66 : 1 is pretty close and is much more preferred than disney ' s usual fullscreen transfers . there aren ' t any bonus features . the film is also available on itunes where it can be purchased in hd widescreen .\nback to the main plot : after a successful hunting season , bucky returns home with a good number of furs to sell in the market after the christmas holidays . sadly , the fur market somewhat crashes , so instead of receiving $ 1800 for the furs as they thought they were gonna get , the calloways only received $ 450 .\nit ' s easy to understand why critics were so torn on this film . it has some really great moments . there is some humor , mostly involving mrs . calloway trying to shoe a bear away that always comes to their cottage . there are also some truly touching moments , like when she is presented with her first fur coat for christmas . all of the actors give fine performances and swiftwater feels like it would be a great place to visit , which adds to the films appeal . on the other hand , a story about a family who loses everything to save some geese doesn ' t seem very justifiable and with a two hour runtime , its easy to see why so many were quick to dismiss it . it ' s a slow paced film full of sentiment for a simpler time that doesn ' t exist anymore . if you enjoy that kind of film , you will probably be amongst those who truly love those calloways . i enjoyed the film , but i wouldn ' t go as far as to say its one of disney ' s best .\nthey live near the forest in a typical log cabin . cam\u2019s occupation is trapping . he lays traps for ermines and other forest animals and sells their furs . i find this somewhat hypocritical . he\u2019s upset about people shooting the geese . but , he doesn\u2019t mind killing other animals . on top of that , he doesn\u2019t mind killing those animals and using the money to buy the marshland to save the geese .\nthe film begins with footage of geese as the credits play and we are introduced to the cottage of the calloways . the son bucky gets in a fight with a man in the town who is shooting at the geese as they fly over . when he gets home , his father tries to teach him how to fight . when a rich business man sees the geese and hears that they fly over swiftwater on their way south and north , he tells the town it would be good business to make it a tourist destination for hunters . when mr . calloway finds out what the town is up to he is outraged . he takes a loan to buy the lake property that the town was planning to turn into a stop for the geese . their main source of income is selling furs . when the market crashes and they make less then expected for their sales , he gets in over his head and can\u2019t pay back the loan . they are evicted from their cottage and they move onto the new property where they build a bigger cabin .\ncam calloway , an irish trapper and woodsman raised by the micmac indians , lives in swiftwater , maine , with his wife , liddy , and his 19 - year - old son , bucky . his fondest hope is to establish a sanctuary for the great flocks of wild geese which fly over swiftwater in autumn during their southward migration . in order to purchase a large tract of land for the proposed sanctuary , cam spends all the profits from an entire season of trapping . as a result , he is unable to meet the mortgage payments on his own home , and he and his family are evicted . forced to move to the lake , they find that many of their neighbors are willing to help them build a new home . meanwhile , dell fraser , a traveling salesman , schemes to convert swiftwater into a resort for goose hunters . posing as a conservationist , dell gives cam money to plant corn which would lure the birds down during their migration . bucky learns of the plan , and cam has a violent argument with the profiteers . after cam is seriously wounded by a rifle shot , the townspeople organize a petition authorizing the federal government to buy the marshland for a sanctuary . as cam recovers from his wound , fraser and his cohorts leave town , and the dream of the calloways becomes a reality .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nyour social account may not have provided your email to us . please confirm or enter it below to complete your profile .\nwe found your email in our system . please provide your site password to link to your existing account .\nforgot your password ? enter your email address and we ' ll send you instructions on how to access your account .\nwe have not verified that the email belongs to you . please check your inbox for the verification email .\nto resend the verification email , please enter your email address and click submit .\ninteresting attempt by disney to make a film with more complex characters than the usual offerings by this studio . talking mainly of course about brian . . .\nleonard maltin classic movie guide , copyright 2005 , 2010 . used by arrangement with penguin group ( usa ) inc .\ntm & \u00a9 2018 turner classic movies , inc . a time warner company . all rights reserved . code of conduct for this site | press room | privacy policy | | terms of use\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nstory of cam calloway and his family , who live in a densely wooded area in new england . cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year , and he tries . . . see full summary \u00bb\nlakeith stanfield and his sorry to bother you crew reveal their most soul - crushing jobs in our freewheeling interview .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nprofessor dooley takes home a duck from his research laboratory as a toy for his son , but soon finds out that it lays golden eggs .\ndavy crockett and his sidekick georgie compete against boastful mike fink (\nking of the river\n) in a boat race to new orleans . later , davy and georgie , allied with fink , battle a group of . . . see full summary \u00bb\na tiger escapes from a circus truck as it passes by a small town , and hides itself in the surrounding woods . this throws the town into a panic and everyone wants the animal killed . . . see full summary \u00bb\ntrue - life nature photography is used to tell the tale of a female tree squirrel named perri who encounters many different forest creatures , both friendly and dangerous , as she grows up through the four seasons and finds a mate named porro .\nduring the reign of henry viii , mary tudor seeks to flee a forced marriage with the french king by escaping to america with her true love , but her plans are not so easily executed .\nstory of cam calloway and his family , who live in a densely wooded area in new england . cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year , and he tries several schemes to buy a nearby lake for this santuary . he is thwarted at every attempt , it seems ; he and his son try to get enough furs from their trapping venture to get the money , but the bottom falls out of the fur market . he uses the little money they get for a down payment on the lake , thereby losing their house when he can ' t make the mortgage payment . they move to the lake , where their friends help them build a cabin . a salesman stops in town , and tries to get the people to sell their land for a tourist venture ; cam is outraged at his tactics and takes desperate measures after he himself is tricked .\ntheirs was a wild , untamed land . they fought to keep it that way .\nbrandon de wilde was seven months older than linda evans in real - life , even though his character was two years younger than hers . bucky calloway was 16 and bridie mellott was 18 .\nwhen the guys are in the store talking about the town meeting for the hunting club , one of them is holding a box of winchester aa ammunition . these shells were not available until the 1960 ' s . . . . years after the time frame of the film .\n: he wants to know if you know the best way to cook a goose .\n: well , sir , you take a goose and you put it in a pan . and you take a hand , a big hand , full of bread stuffing , you know ? and then you mix that stuffing thoroughly with about , eh , oh , i ' d say a half a jug of hard cider . then you put in a pinch of nutmeg , just a pinch . then you baste the goose for about , . . .\nthis movie is one of the better movies that disney put out in the ' 60s . many of the movies that they were producing in this time period were obviously family oriented , but all had a much lighter tone to them . this was a serious look at a serious time in us history , and i think they did a fantastic job with it . overall , the performances are memorable , and the cast has stars , but is not overweighted . some supporting roles of note are done by ed wynn and walter brennan . the music is also well scripted . definitely worth a look .\n12 of 13 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nexplore popular sci - fi movies and tv shows available to stream with prime video .\ncam calloway is a man with a dream : to one day establish a sanctuary for the geese that fly overhead during their long migration . unfortunately , cam lacks the money to buy the necessary property , until his son buck embarks on a project that will guarantee success , unaware that greedy hunters are manipulating the calloway family for their own selfish gains .\nuh , oh ! it seems javascript is disabled in your internet browser . please enable javascript if you would like to watch videos on this site .\ncam comes home to the excitement of his son , bucky , and pets , but also to the somberness of his wife , liddy , whom he hasn ' t seen in a while .\ntwo best friends have their lives turned upside down when they ' re unexpectedly charged with the care of six - year - old twins .\noddball , a spotless dalmatian , and the wisecracking macaw waddlesworth set out to find her spots and outfox the wicked cruella de vil .\nit starred brian keith , vera miles , brandon de wilde , walter brennan and linda evans in the principal roles .\nfollowing the patterned formula for disney family entertainment , the film follows the trials and tribulations of a vermont family over a period of time as they attempt to establish a sanctuary for the canadian geese that stopover in their rural community during their annual migrations .\nbrandon de wilde had previously worked with walter brennan in 1956s good - bye , my lady and with brian keith in the 3 - part the tenderfoot for walt disney ' s wonderful world of color in 1964 .\ncan ' t find a community you love ? create your own and start something epic .\nurltoken no longer supports internet explorer 9 or earlier . please upgrade your browser .\nwe are continually improving the quality of our text archives . please send feedback , error reports , and suggestions to archive _ feedback @ nytimes . com .\naccessibility concerns ? email us at accessibility @ urltoken . we would love to hear from you .\nhistory , fun facts and reviews of every theatrical disney film in chronological order . follow along as i review over 70 years of disney movies .\nwalt disney was an avid animal love , so it is no wonder that the writings of paul annixter would go one to inspire one of his films . paul and his wife jane primarily wrote books for young readers that were centered around animals . his novel swiftwater about a vermont family ' s struggle to rescue migrating geese from hunters serves as the inspiration for this film . the screenplay was adapted by louis pelletier , who previously penned big red for disney .\nnorman tokar was hired to direct , who had also worked on other disney animal films like big red , savage sam and a tiger walks . his chief concern with the film was to create an atmosphere and mood . disney star brian keith ( the parent trap , savage sam ) headlines the film as cam calloway . vera miles is paired with brian keith again after working together on a tiger walks . young western star brandon de wilde plays their son in his only film for disney . linda evans plays his love interest in one of her earliest films . a young tom skerritt , most famous for his role in top gun , has a small role in this , one of his earliest films . walter brennan has a supporting role in his first of two disney films . and disney favorite ed wynn also has a supporting role . while some establishing shots were done in vermont , the majority of the film was shot on the disney studio lot . the entire village plus a lake and the family ' s cabin were built on the backlot . since the film takes place in the fall , artists painted 280 , 000 leaves on the lot to make burbank look like fall in vermont . famous composer max steiner ( gone with the wind and casablanca ) wrote the score , the last film he composed before retiring . the sherman brothers also wrote two songs for the film called\nthe cabin - raising song\nand\nrhyme - a\nthey are approached one day by a man claiming to be a photographer who gets them some money to plant corn to lure the geese in the fall for photographs . however , he is actually the business man that came to town earlier and is interested in hunting the birds . an altercation ensues and he gets shot . thankfully , he is ok and in the end the geese are safe too .\ncan u please email me . . i have some questions i want to ask you about several disney dvd releases ! cb0355 @ urltoken\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\n( if this is your first time on this blog , i ask you to read my \u201cabout\u201d page first ! you can find a link to it at the top left - hand corner of this blog . thanks ! )\nthe film opens up to a small vermont town called swiftwater . it\u2019s your typical small town and on this particular day , the geese are flying overhead\u2026an event which all of the townspeople look forward to every year . while some of the townspeople are interested in shooting the geese , the majority of the townspeople wants the geese to be left alone .\none such person is a man named cam calloway , played by brian keith .\n\u201csomehow i feel i should have two twin daughters in this movie who are trying to hook me up with my ex - wife . \u201d\nhe has always loved the geese and hated how people could just shoot the geese . his dream is to create a sort of geese sanctuary where the geese can come down for a rest as they fly over the town and where they can be safe from hunters . the only available area where he can make the sanctuary is some unwanted marshland near a lake . the problem is it costs $ 1100 .\nthis sanctuary aspiration ( as well as the fact that he has a bit of a drinking problem ) causes conflict between him and his wife , lydia \u201cliddy\u201d calloway , played by vera miles .\n\u201csomehow i feel i should have a murdered sister near a creepy motel in this movie . \u201d\nnevertheless , cam still intends to go fur trapping and even intends to take his son bucky with him this year . they go out to do a preliminary scouting of the area they\u2019re going to trap : an area of the forest that nobody\u2019s ever trapped before because the local natives say the place is haunted with evil spirits . cam and bucky disregard this legend and end up having an accident resulting in cam breaking his leg .\nbucky rushes to town to get help from the townspeople . they manage to get cam back home and get the doctor to look at cam\u2019s leg . since cam has to rest his leg now , it\u2019s up to bucky to go and do the fur trapping himself this year .\nlet me take a minute to talk about the townspeople whom we see a lot of . they\u2019re your typical small town - type townspeople including a group of friendly old - timers . if you\u2019re a fan of old films / tv shows , you can recognize a few familiar faces . the most prevalent old - timer is a man named alf simes , played by 3 - time academy award winner , walter brennan .\n\u201cbelieve it or not , this is one of the movies that i did not win an academy award for . \u201d\n\u201chey ed , i know a man with a wooden leg named smith . \u201d \u201cwhat\u2019s the name of his other leg ? \u201d\nand even the doctor , played by frank ferguson , is better known as mr . foley from the andy griffith show .\n\u201cit\u2019s like every disney movie from the 1960s reminds you of the andy griffith show . \u201d\nthis upsets cam especially because now he can\u2019t purchase the marshland fully . however , there are two things that he can do : he can give the money to doane shattuck , his landlord , to whom he owes money . or he can use the money as a down payment on the marshland . unfortunately , he does the latter which results in his wife getting upset with him , and deservedly so .\nthis reminds me of penny chenery\u2019s decision in secretariat when she has a chance to pay off a debt , but refuses to do so and would rather put her dreams and goals before her family and reality .\nbut like penny , cam tries to find another way to pay off his debts and offers the marshland that he\u2019s put a down payment on to doane . but since the marshland is not a piece of prime real estate , doane refuses the deal .\nduring this time , a newcomer to the town , dell fraser , played by philip abbott comes into contact with cam . he expresses interest in the geese and admire\u2019s cam\u2019s sanctuary idea . he even informs cam that his boss would be willing to invest money in cam\u2019s sanctuary so that it can be set up in no time .\n\u201cwell either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge , or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the lack of a geese sanctuary in your community . \u201d\ncam , appreciative of the offer , agrees to this . this turns out to be a bad move as dell fraser and his boss\u2019s intentions are to win cam\u2019s trust and shoot all the geese when they land in cam\u2019s sanctuary . when cam finds out about the scheme , he gets angry at dell fraser and sets fire to the corn that he\u2019s planted to attract the geese .\nsadly , this doesn\u2019t prevent dell fraser and his boss from shooting the geese as they fly over the lake near the marshland . when cam sees this , he tries to stop them forcibly and in the scuffle , accidentally gets shot . cam is unconscious as the townspeople start to pray for him .\nthe movie ends with cam regaining consciousness , the geese stopping down in cam\u2019s sanctuary , and the townspeople unanimously signing a petition protecting cam\u2019s sanctuary from the likes of dell fraser and his boss .\ngosh\u2026this is quite a hard film to say what i think about it . the film is your typical old - fashioned homely film about a family living in a small town near the wilderness . the biggest problems that i have with this film are the length and the pacing . the film is over 2 hours long and the first half of the movie just seems to drag ! the overall film itself also doesn\u2019t seem to go at a steady balanced pace .\ni wouldn\u2019t call this a good movie , but if you\u2019re a fan of old - fashioned movies that take place in rural area , maybe you can give this one a shot .\n( you can click on the image below for an enlarged version of my rating sheet . )\nso , the final score for this film is 22 / 35 = 62 . 86 % ( d - ) !\nha . i haven\u2019t heard of this one either but your line \u201ci too am a woman of complicated morals . pancakes ? \u201d cracked me up . they certainly got a pretty good cast . it looks like the kind of movie that they play on my local pbs station on \u2018family movie night\u2019 . if i was bored i might give it a sit - through but sounds like not worth hunting down . fun review .\nyeah , don\u2019t go out of your way for it , but if it\u2019s playing somewhere , give it a shot especially if you like seeing actors / actresses from back - in - the - day .\ni wish my local pbs had a \u201cfamily movie night\u201d . i do love our local metv station which plays old shows like get smart , the andy griffith show , hogan\u2019s heroes , cheers , the bob newhart show , the adventures of superman , star trek , the twilight zone , mod squad , m * a * s * h , welcome back kotter , taxi , the adam west batman show , lost in space , bonanza , the brady bunch , gilligan\u2019s island , mary tyler moore show , emergency ! , etc .\n\u2018the andy griffith show\u2019 is awesome ! i love it to death ! i\u2019ve seen almost every episode ! i think only season 8 and some of seasons 6 & 7 i haven\u2019t seen yet .\nwhere were you when i was 14 years old to stand up against my sisters ? i told them the last 3 seasons were in color and they completely ignored me \u2013 \u201care you a dog ? \u201d \u201cthen why are you watching it ? \u201d i even remember one of them trying to moon the tv .\nit\u2019s sad that some people wouldn\u2019t watch a film / tv show or even give it a chance just because it\u2019s not in color .\nmedia junkie on lt . robin crusoe , u . s . n . \u2026\nthe animation commen\u2026 on lt . robin crusoe , u . s . n . \u2026\neric binford on lt . robin crusoe , u . s . n . \u2026\nprivacy & cookies : this site uses cookies . by continuing to use this website , you agree to their use . to find out more , including how to control cookies , see here : cookie policy\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\n2018 copyright . all rights reserved . the sponsored listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party . neither the service provider nor the domain owner maintain any relationship with the advertisers . in case of trademark issues please contact the domain owner directly ( contact information can be found in whois ) . privacy policy\njermaine fowler and omari hardwick of sorry to bother you take us back in time to the worst jobs of their careers .\neach year , migrating canadian geese stop for rest in a remote vermont community . before long , hunters begin to prey on the animals , much to the chagrin of local family man cam calloway ( brian keith ) . cam , hoping to protect the geese , decides to construct a safe house for them near a large pond . he and his family move into the wilderness to build the shelter . unfortunately , he makes a powerful enemy when a businessman ( philip abbott ) tries to turn the rural town into a hunting destination .\nkeith is cam calloway , an irish trapper brought up by micmac indians . he , his wife , and de wilde , their 19 - year - old son , live in swiftwater , maine . keith hopes to create a sanctuary for the large flocks of geese that fly through town each autumn and spends so much money on land for the site that he can ' t make mortgage payments on his house . the family is . . . read more\nthis article will be permanently flagged as inappropriate and made unaccessible to everyone . are you certain this article is inappropriate ?\nit starred brian keith , vera miles , brandon dewilde , walter brennan and linda evans in the principal roles .\nbrandon dewilde had previously worked with walter brennan in 1956 ' s good - bye , my lady and with brian keith in the 3 - part the tenderfoot for walt disney ' s wonderful world of color in 1964 .\nthis figure consists of anticipated rentals accruing distributors in north america . see\nbig rental pictures of 1965\n, variety , 5 january 1966 p 6\nthis article was sourced from creative commons attribution - sharealike license ; additional terms may apply . world heritage encyclopedia content is assembled from numerous content providers , open access publishing , and in compliance with the fair access to science and technology research act ( fastr ) , wikimedia foundation , inc . , public library of science , the encyclopedia of life , open book publishers ( obp ) , pubmed , u . s . national library of medicine , national center for biotechnology information , u . s . national library of medicine , national institutes of health ( nih ) , u . s . department of health & human services , and urltoken , which sources content from all federal , state , local , tribal , and territorial government publication portals ( . gov , . mil , . edu ) . funding for urltoken and content contributors is made possible from the u . s . congress , e - government act of 2002 .\ncrowd sourced content that is contributed to world heritage encyclopedia is peer reviewed and edited by our editorial staff to ensure quality scholarly research articles .\nby using this site , you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy . world heritage encyclopedia\u2122 is a registered trademark of the world public library association , a non - profit organization .\nsherman brothers , charlotte ' s web , coral gables , florida , chitty chitty bang bang , e . b . white\ncopyright \u00a9 world library foundation . all rights reserved . ebooks from world library are sponsored by the world library foundation , a 501c ( 4 ) member ' s support non - profit organization , and is not affiliated with any governmental agency or department .\ninstantly receive a \u00a310 urltoken gift card if you\u2019re approved for the amazon platinum mastercard with instant spend . representative 21 . 9 % apr ( variable ) .\ncredit offered by newday ltd , over 18s only , subject to status . terms apply .\nthis shopping feature will continue to load items . in order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading .\nregion : region 2 ( this dvd may not be viewable outside europe . read more about dvd formats . )\nclassic drama based on the novel by paul annixter . the film tells the story of cam calloway ( brian keith ) , a new england preservationist and fur trapper . along with his son , cam dreams of buying a nearby lake to turn into a refuge for migrating geese . he finds , however , that making the dream come true requires much more money than he has , and even greater ingenuity in getting around the real estate developers . the situation turns violent when cam and his son move into a cabin on the property , and an attempt is made on his life . can cam stop the development of this pristine area and carry out his lifelong wish to help the environment .\na warm movie about a little town , its people and their lives . calloway senior wants to buy a nearby lake for the wild geese that used to come in the region to spend the cold winter months . people of the town are divided in 2 categories : the ones that want to take advantage of the coming of the geese and make of their town a hunter ' s paradise and the ones that love watching the birds and protecting their shelter . a must - have movie for all disney fans , a movie that reminds us the beauty of simple life and the essential love of nature and kindness of heart . i simply cannot recommend it enough , buy it , watch it and you ' ll love it !\ni purchased this movie for one reason max steiner wrote the music score and must say he is the best ever when it comes to music in films . not like the rubbish of today that sound just like someone hitting a bin lid with a piece of wood . the movie its self is just wonderful and i rate it as 5 full stars price is very good for the type of movie it is and for family to watch again and again . i highly recommend it for picture and a good story lovely music score by max a very good print and sound , what more do you wany so go ahead and buy it and put it to your collectiom well worth keeping for future screening .\nthere are tens of disney films which are either impossible to buy or they are being sold for region 1 . it is a classic on dvd that i am happy now to keep with my collection\nthe story is set in vermont , and tells of a family ` s attempt to set up a lake sanctuary for the wild geese , which fly over their land twice a year . it ` s set ` in the olden days ` with ` townsfolk ` and ` a house - building ` etc . the men of the family trap animals for their fur , and there are some deep - snow mountain scenes . but this film didn ` t hit any of the right notes with our family , i ` m sorry to say . i ` d thought it would , being disney , and having a rural setting , but it ` s hard to say who it will appeal to . some scenes were unsuitable for the under 10s . ( geese being shot out of the air , the hero getting a bloody nose and injuries in fist - fights , and a scene where the hero , in a jealous mood , forces kisses onto the girl he fancies ) for adults the storyline is too slow . ( at least it is for this adult ) the comedy - type music which accompanies the tame grizzly bear ` s appearences suggests the story is going to be fun for children , but we found it wasn ` t much fun . imo it ` s a film for watching just the once .\nprime members enjoy fast & free shipping , unlimited streaming of movies and tv shows with prime video and many more exclusive benefits .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\none week away ! event participants will receive a free food voucher to use at the jeffersonville farmers ' and artisan market upon boarding the bus ! participating vendors include fire on the mountain wood fired pizza , mediterranean mix , im sabai , kc ' s red hots , and kingdom creamery of vermont .\nbetamax pal format - not vhs & not a dvd ! long oop & htf in .\nin colour . fox - 1962 - 240 min ( including doco ) . as new , in colour , with making of doco . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats .\nlilian ' s story ~ ruth cracknell ~ barry otto ~ ~ a rare australian movie vhs pal video ~ a rare find . ~ ruth cracknell ~ . lilian ' s story . barry otto . a rare australian movie . vhs pal video .\nthe ratties . narrated by spike milligan . the great escape . bank deposit preferred & appreciated ! very rare vhs video . abc video . very good condition .\ndirected by alfred hitchcock . this is an original pal release . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats .\ndirected by alfred hitchcock . secret agent . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats . this is an original pal release .\nback for revenge 1990 vhs c . thomas howell ~ vhs pal video ~ a rare find\nback for revenge 1990 c . thomas howell ~ vhs video pal ~ a rare find . c . thomas howell . back for revenge . video vhs pal . make supersized seem small . get images that .\nsink the bismarck ! starring kenneth more . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player . this is an original pal release . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats .\nroyal australian air force . vhs pal video a rare find . auctiva ' s free counter .\nstarring cary grant . only angels have wings . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player .\nstarring robert taylor . knights of the round table . this is an original pal release . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats .\nin which we serve ( 1942 ) - rare australian early 80 ' s thorn emi issue - uk classic ! long out of print in vhs pal format - not a dvd ! part review - non spoil - in which we serve is a stunning and emotional piece of film making .\nspaced invaders . it happens to be halloween and it happens the invaders are only about 4 feet tall . douglas barr royal dano j . j . anderson . vhs - pal - new - never played ! as their troubles mount ( it ' s difficult for five aliens to conquer a world ) they begin to give up their plans of conquest , but then there is that nasty killer robot .\nrascals and robbers . huck finn . the secret adventures . ~ vhs video pal ~ . tom sawyer . a rare find . get images that .\nthe three musketeers . starring gene kelly . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player .\nhard to find & long out of print in vhs pal format - not a dvd re - issue ! usa , canada , japan & other ntsc format regions be sure you have pal compatable .\nagatha christie ' s . the secret anniversary . lwt - 1983 - 115 min . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats . this is an original pal release .\nh ardt of ind & o uto fp rint - in vhs pal format - not a dvd .\nstarring yvonne de carlo raymond burr leif erikson and directed by lesley selander . fort algiers .\noriginal\nclam shell cases and covers unless stipulated otherwise - dust on case is free . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player .\neasy rider peter fonda . vhs pal video . a rare find . very hard to find . in excellent condition .\nthe dambusters . this tape is pal , it will not play on\nntsc\n( usa ) unless you have a dual player . this is an original pal release . this film is in the pal format and will not play on ntsc ( usa ) players unless you have a dual player that plays both formats .\ntitle : doctor who - the colin baker years . rare / collectable vhs videos . duration : 88 minutes . year released : 1994 . condition : near new ( view images ) .\ndragos master of the cosmos . including many rare movie titles not available on dvd dvd ' s also available !\ntitle : the sand pebbles . rare / collectable vhs videos . we have hundreds of vhs tapes for you to search through and find your favourite movie . year released : 1966 . condition : good ( view images ) .\na rousing adventure suitable for the whole family , this disney adaptation of the classic johann wyss novel stars dorothy mcguire and john mills as mother and father robinson . the adventure of adventures !\npride and prejudice jane austen vhs pal video . vhs video pal . ~ pride and prejudice ~ . videos x 2 .\ntom burlinson . windrider ~ vhs pal video . ~ windrider ~ . nicole kidman . vhs pal video .\nincluding many rare movie titles not available on dvd dvd ' s also available ! ( hard to find ) worldwide .\nbetamax pal format - not vhs & not a dvd ! well to dvd [ analogue to digital transfer ] - whether dvd will outlast analogue beta is another issue ? . including many rare movie titles not available on dvd dvd ' s also available !\ncopyright \u00a9 1995 - 2018 ebay inc . all rights reserved . accessibility , user agreement , privacy , cookies and adchoice"]} {"id": 114595, "summary": [{"text": "midnight in the garden of good and evil is a 1997 american crime drama film based on john berendt 's 1994 novel of the same name .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "the film is directed by clint eastwood , and stars kevin spacey and john cusack .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film follows a historic preservationist and a magazine writer , on a trail for murder at savannah , georgia . ", "topic": 13}], "title": "midnight in the garden of good and evil ( film )", "paragraphs": ["midnight in the garden of good and evil . clint eastwood . malpaso productions . 1997 . film .\nmore summaries and resources for teaching or studying midnight in the garden of good and evil .\ni think clint eastwood ' s midnight in the garden of good and evil is a great movie .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil is atmospheric and southern gothic in tone , depicting a wide range of eccentric savannah personalities .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil from bookrags . ( c ) 2018 bookrags , inc . all rights reserved .\nthe lady chablis , who was featured in john berendt\u2019s 1994 book \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil\u201d and the 1997 film adaptation , died thursday . she was 59 .\nultius , inc .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil film analysis .\nultius | custom writing and editing services . september 16 , 2014 . urltoken\nbook review / georgian splendours : ' midnight in the garden of good and evil ' john berendt : chatto , 10 . 99 pounds\nthe title alludes to the hoodoo notion of \u201cmidnight\u201d , the period between the time for good magic and the time for evil magic , and \u201cthe garden of good and evil , \u201d which refers principally to bonaventure cemetery .\nclosing disclaimer : this film is based upon john berendt ' s book\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\n. dialogue and certain events and characters contained in the film were created for the purposes of dramatization .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing midnight in the garden of good and evil near you .\n\u2018midnight in the garden of good and evil\u2019 is currently available on dvd , but does not yet have a blu - ray release date .\nultius , inc . ( 2014 , september 16 ) . midnight in the garden of good and evil film analysis . retrieved from ultius | custom writing and editing services , urltoken\nthe film\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nby director clint eastwood offers a unique look into the nature of humanity and the presence of post - modern intellectualism in cinema in recent years . this sample movie review analyzes the film in detail and discusses the perception of events in the film .\nultius , inc .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil film analysis .\nultius | custom writing and editing services . ultius blog , 16 sep . 2014 . urltoken\nbook review / georgian splendours : ' midnight in the garden of good and evil ' john berendt : chatto , 10 . 99 pounds | the independent\nclosing disclaimer : this film is based upon john berendt ' s book\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\n. dialogue and certain events and characters contained in the film were created for the purposes of dramatization . see more \u00bb\nto dive deeper into movie trivia , film locations and fun facts about \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil , \u201d go on a savannah movie tour . this trivia - filled tour is perfect for film fans of \u201cmidnight\u201d and other famous features made in savannah .\nstream music from and inspired by the midnight in the garden of good and evil motion picture by music from and inspired by the\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nmotion picture and 40 million songs on all your devices with amazon music unlimited . exclusively for prime members . new subscribers only . terms and conditions apply .\nmidnight in the garden of good & evil catalogue number : cd 9362466292 label : warner bros rrp : $ 29 . 95 available : all music outlets\nweeks , carl s .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil .\nnew georgia encyclopedia . 16 september 2014 . web . 09 july 2018 .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nfilmed in savannah starting in may 1997 . warner bros . pictures spent an estimated $ 5 . 5 million filming in savannah , said jay self , director of tourism and film services .\nkelsey , e . benjamin . \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil review . \u201d killermovies , 9 , 12 , 1997 . web . nov . 2013 .\nprominent in\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil ,\nbonaventure ( which means\ngood fortune\n) is the final resting place for several of savannah ' s most famous residents . . . find out more\nlady chablis , the transgender woman from savannah featured in john berendt ' s book\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\n, plays herself in the movie adaptation of the book . see more \u00bb\nthis study guide consists of approximately 52 pages of chapter summaries , quotes , character analysis , themes , and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of midnight in the garden of good and evil .\namy attended the\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nmovie wrap party at the lucas theatre way back in june 1997 . she was unsuccessful in her attempt to become mrs . jude law .\nbook or movie \u2013 can we choose both ? if you love \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil\u201d as much as we do , you should definitely check out these experiences while in savannah .\n' ' midnight in the garden of good and evil ' ' is rated r ( under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian ) . it includes brief violence , profanity and lively sexual innuendo .\nrating :\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nis rated r ( under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian ) . it includes brief violence , scattered profanity and lively sexual innuendo .\nthe house at 16 east jones street , constructed by eliza jewett in 1847 , is better known for its appearance in midnight in the garden of good and evil , as the residence of lawyer joe odom and venue of his famed open - invitation parties .\nthis mysterious statue achieved fame when it was featured on the cover of the novel , \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil . \u201d originally located in bonaventure cemetery , this well - known statue was moved to the jepson center .\n@ hrc r . i . p . she was awesome in\nmidnight in the garden of g & e .\nknown for writing the best - selling midnight in the garden of good and evil , which was a finalist for the 1995 pulitzer prize , will be at hear now to discuss the adaptation of his book into an audio drama and app .\n\u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil\u201d is an outstanding lean film trapped in a fat film\u2019s body . clint eastwood\u2019s screen version of john berendt\u2019s phenomenally successful nonfiction tome , about a sensational murder case in genteel , eccentric , old savannah , ga . , vividly captures the atmosphere and memorable characters of the book . but the picture\u2019s aimless , [ \u2026 ]\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nis an outstanding lean film trapped in a fat film ' s body . clint eastwood ' s screen version of john berendt ' s phenomenally successful nonfiction tome , about a sensational murder case in genteel , eccentric , old savannah , ga . , vividly captures the atmosphere and memorable characters of the book .\nthe lady chablis , the unabashed savannah , georgia , transgender queen who became a gay icon after finding fame in the 1990s through the\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nbook and movie , died september 8 . she was 59 .\nwith staunch ambiguity and much speculation on the tolerance of homosexuality , midnight in the garden of good and evil directed by clint eastwood offers fruitful insight to the paradoxical nature of human beings and provokes a large plethora of existential and post - modern intellectual thought on ontologically puzzling inquisitions .\n( cnn ) the lady chablis , the unabashed savannah , georgia , transgender queen who became a gay icon after finding fame in the 1990s through the\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil\nbook and movie , has died . she was 59 .\nduring that long - ago 1995 visit to savannah , we did the \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil book tour\u201d which you can still take today . the tour took us to all the places made famous in the book , and later in the movie released in 1997 starring kevin spacey , john\ngood book well worth reading , i saw the film first , as per usual found parts of the film different from the book . but i recommend both genres .\nthe lady chablis , the drag queen featured in the novel midnight in the garden of good and evil who played herself in clint eastwood\u2019s 1997 film version , has died . the news was posted on her facebook page by club one , the savannah , ga , room where she performed . she was 59 . no cause of death was reported .\noverall , therefore , midnight in the garden of good and evil offers no new revelations about the human condition . it is an uneven and often crude piece of propaganda that will offend the intellectual , moral and aesthetic sensibilities of people who believe in higher , more profound standards of truth , goodness , justice , and beauty .\nsavannah is known for its rich history and lush beauty \u2013 not just by tourists and locals but by film studios , too . the historic city has been in many films , both as a setting and a character . from forrest gump to midnight in the garden of good and evil , there are many places in savannah that are familiar to movie buffs .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil , 1997 events in savannah\u2019s mercer - williams house are the focus of john berent\u2019s best selling non - fiction book . the film , starring john cusack and kevin spacey , was shot mostly on location . the mercer - williams house remains open and is worth a visit whether or you\u2019re familiar with the book or movie .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil ,\njohn berendt ' s 1994 best - selling book about the mysterious and eccentric citizens of savannah , ga , is being adapted as a broadway - aimed stage musical by tony , academy and pulitzer prize - winning playwright alfred uhry .\nthe lady chablis , who was featured in john berendt\u2019s 1994 book \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil\u201d and the 1997 film adaptation , died thursday . she was 59 . club one , the savannah georgia venue where chablis performed her revue , posted the following message on their facebook page : \u201cthe lady chablis , who stole hearts \u2013 [ \u2026 ]\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil also contains dangerous intimations thatthe author hopes to hang on this description of savannah grander philosophical or cultural theories . the pompous tide warns of some kind of behavioural thesis , and berendt offers various meditations on the effect of geographical isolation : ' every nuance and quirk of personality achieved greater brilliance in that lush enclosure than would have been possible anywhere else in the world . '\nmany of the local people who lived the real - life events of jim williams\u2019 trial played characters and extras in the film .\n\u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil\u201d is an outstanding lean film trapped in a fat film\u2019s body . clint eastwood\u2019s screen version of john berendt\u2019s phenomenally successful nonfiction tome , about a sensational murder case in genteel , eccentric , old savannah , ga . , vividly captures the atmosphere and memorable characters of the book . but the picture\u2019s aimless , sprawling structure and exceedingly leisurely pace finally come to weigh too heavily upon its virtues , which will likely cripple it as a significant b . o . attraction .\nyears later , jim williams and the death of danny hansford became the center of john berendt ' s best - selling book ,\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil .\nin 1997 , filming began on the movie of the same name directed by clint eastwood . many downtown locations , including the mercer - williams house , monetary square , forsyth park and bonaventure cemetery , are scenes in the movie .\nit strikes me that the audience for midnight in the garden is likely to be a small , select group , not because the film is bad , but because it demands a certain temperament to enjoy a long , unhurried experience like this . and , while the movie doesn ' t succeed in effectively developing all of the subplots and secondary themes in its complex tapestry , its main point - - that morality is a relative , not an absolute , quantity - - is presented in a striking fashion . with midnight in the garden of good and evil , eastwood has captured a peculiar yet involving slice of life .\nsavannah\u2019s most famous park was also featured in the film . the 30 - acre plot surrounds the iconic white fountain . originally built in the 1840s , forsyth park includes a cafe , walking paths and sports areas . it ' s also home to a weekly farmers market . in addition to\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil ,\nother films like\nthe longest yard\nand\ncape fear\nused the park as a filming location .\nthe movie star and director will return to film on fenwick street july 16 and 17 .\nalthough the bird girl statue is no longer located in bonaventure cemetery , this hauntingly beautiful savannah cemetery still plays a huge role in \u201cmidnight in the garden of good and evil . \u201d under the spanish moss canopy , the cemetery is rich in history and mystery along with stunning sculptures . at 160 acres , bonaventure is savannah\u2019s largest cemetery , making it an absolute must - see !\nat the beginning of \u2018midnight in the garden of good and evil\u2019 , the camera pans over songwriter , johnny mercer\u2019s grave , which is located in the bonaventure cemetery in savannah . the camera then takes the viewer to a shot of the statue known as the \u201cbird girl\u201d statue . this statue is also located in the cemetery . it is the statue that is featured on the book\u2019s cover as well as in the posters for the film . many recreations of the statue have gone up all over savannah , as well as on t - shirts .\nthe book , midnight in the garden of good and evil , is based on a true story about jim williams . of course , john berendt added and embellished to make it more exciting . mr . williams bought mercer house in 1969 after it had been vacant for over a decade . he restored it , as he did 50 + houses in savannah during his lifetime .\nperhaps no book has played more of a role on tourism in savannah , georgia than john berendt\u2019s midnight in the garden of good and evil . the southern gothic book , known simply as \u201cthe book , \u201d is based on true events surrounding antiques dealer jim williams and the murder of danny hansford in savannah . the subsequent four trials and eventual acquittal stirred up the quiet city and left a permanent impact on its legacy . today you can go on midnight tours of savannah , but it\u2019s just as easy to find the landmarks yourself .\nlady chablis , on the other hand , is very much alive and kicking throughout the novel and film .\nbookends : a focus on the statue and then minerva talking to a squirrel help frame the opening and closing of the film .\non broadway , she created the role of mrs medlock in the 3 - time tony award winning musical , the secret garden .\nwith just that in mind , below is a short list of some of the more iconic and easy to find film locations around savannah .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\ntolerance for everyone but those opposed to the continuing sexual \u201crevolution\u201d is one of the messages of director clint eastwood\u2019s new movie midnight in the garden of good and evil , based on john berendt\u2019s best - selling docu - novel . the movie is set in savannah , georgia and tells about the true - life murder trial of jim williams , a newly wealthy antique dealer , collector and restoration specialist who shot and killed his bisexual male lover and employee billy hanson , a violent - prone man from the poor side of town .\nother locations in savannah that can be seen in the film include , forsyth park , the tomochichi federal building , and several local houses . armstrong house , where the real jim williams\u2019s lawyer , sonny seiler , had his office , was also used in the film . seiler , himself played the judge in the movie . seiler also had his bulldog featured in the film . his bulldog , uga v , portrayed uga iv in the film . uga i through v were all mascots of the university of georgia .\nthe washington post described midnight in the garden as\none of the most unusual books to come this way in a long time , and one of the best ,\nand the los angeles times claimed that berendt\nseems congenitally unable to write a dull paragraph .\nof berendt ' s portrayal of savannah , newsweek stated ,\nfew cities have been introduced more seductively .\nthe new york times book review agreed :\nmr . berendt ' s writing is elegant and wickedly funny , and his eye for telling details is superb . . . . midnight in the garden of good and evil might be the first true crime book that makes the reader want to call a travel agent and book a bed and breakfast for an extended weekend at the scene of the crime .\ni was beyond honored to voice the icon , the legend the # ladychablis for the recent metabook of john berendt ' s best selling novel ' midnight in the garden of good and evil\n. the first time i discovered the lady chablis was in the film version of that best selling novel . i was captivated seeing an actual black trans woman in a major hollywood motion picture killing it . i then found my way to her memoir\nhiding my candy .\ni read it cover to cover in a day . she was salty and brash in her stage act and represents a generation of trans women entertainers we must never forget . rest in power the doll , the lady chablis\nthe last song , 2010 many locations around savannah were used in the film starring miley cyrus and liam hemsworth but tybee wedding chapel remains the most popular of them all . the chapel was built for the film , then moved after filming .\ni could never get tired of visiting savannah , ga ! i just saw the movie midnight in the garden of good and evil again last night . one of my favorite places to eat is 17 hundrend 90 inn . i haven\u2019t stayed there yet but will next time . the waitstaff will tell you about some haunted stories . also , i love touring bonaventure cemetery with tour guide shannon scott . he always has great info about the history and locals in savannah .\nauthor john berendt was born in 1939 and grew up in syracuse , new york ; attended harvard university in cambridge , massachusetts , where he wrote and edited for the harvard lampoon ; and was an associate editor at esquire and editor of new york magazine before moving to savannah in 1985 to research midnight in the garden . he took an apartment and for eight years lived off and on in the city , interviewing locals and gathering material .\nmany of the extras and background characters were played by their real - life counterparts . most of them had few problems with the film ( and book ) .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nthe movie\u2019s pro - homosexual and pro - sexual promiscuity messages are supplemented by the message that truth and morality are relative . such a philosophy is anti - biblical and contradictory ( to say there is no absolute truth is to make an absolute statement about truth ) , but it has also become a self - serving clich\u00e9 for a mindless age . midnight in the garden of good and evil is an uneven piece of pro - homosexual propaganda that will offend the intellectual , moral and aesthetic sensibilities of people who believe in higher , more profound standards of truth , justice and beauty\nfortunately , the a & e documentary midnight in savannah , originally aired at the time of the movie ' s release , succeeds resoundingly in portraying the city , the book , and its impact .\nmany of the savannah residents were comfortable with how they were portrayed in the book and film , except for the chemist who was depicted as luther driggers ( a composite character ) in the film . he never really carried around a vial of poison ( he merely said often that he could ) .\nspacey , the best reason to see midnight , gives his usual suave , effortless performance .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil ' ' is a book that exists as a conspiracy between the author and the reader : john berendt paints a portrait of a city so eccentric , so dripping with southern gothic weirdness , that it can ' t survive for long when it ' s removed from the life - support system of our imagination . clint eastwood ' s film is a determined attempt to be faithful to the book ' s spirit , but something ineffable is lost just by turning on the camera : nothing we see can be as amazing as what we ' ve imagined .\nroger ebert was born on this day in 1942 , and died a little over five years ago . i owe a good part of my success\u2026\nactor david huddleston , perhaps best known for his role in the 1998 film\nthe big lebowski ,\ndied august 2 at the age of 85 .\nsee what\u2019s in previews , what\u2019s premiering out of town , and what\u2019s in development .\nhe obtained many of the autographs by the expedient of sending distinguished persons of the day \u201chonorary memberships\u201d of the georgia historical society , which good manners obliged them to acknowledge with a letter \u2014 signed .\nmiss char , i love that line ! sooo funny ! can ' t let a shooting get in the way of good food . lol\na program of georgia humanities in partnership with the university of georgia press , the university system of georgia / galileo , and the office of the governor .\nacknowledgment : the bird girl statue was made available for use in the film by the artist ' s daughter ( as mrs . alice hayes )\nquincy , fl , the performer used the lady chablis as a stage name for her comedy nightclub act . her character was featured prominently in john berendt\u2019s savannah - set 1994 bestseller midnight in the garden of good and evil . club one\u2019s facebook post said , \u201cberendt wrote that when he first met the lady chablis , \u2018she had both hands on her hips and a sassy half - smile on her face , \u2019 a pose that would grace many stages . \u201d the post added that chablis was club one\u2019s first performer when it opened in 1988 , \u201cpaving the way for female impersonation in savannah . \u201d\nmidnight in the garden would have worked better as a morality play had the\ngood\naspects of john ' s struggle been developed more fully than in a series of disjointed , uneven scenes . his love affair with alison , for example , seems almost like an afterthought , when , in fact , it ' s a critical element of his redemption . on the other hand , this movie would have been more effective as a courtroom drama / detective yarn had it cut out these subplots altogether . they slow down the pace and rob the narrative of tension . in fact , midnight in the garden doesn ' t have the right running length , regardless of what it ' s trying to do . it ' s too short for a dramatic exploration of john ' s crisis of conscience and too long for a more traditional murder mystery .\n\u201cthe lady chablis , who stole hearts \u2013 and the spotlight \u2013 in \u2018midnight in the garden of good and evil , \u2019 passed this morning surrounded by friends and family . in his best - selling novel , known in savannah as \u2018the book , \u2019 john berendt wrote that when he first met the lady chablis , \u2018she had both hands on her hips and a sassy half - smile on her face , \u2019 a pose that would grace many stages \u2026 chablis always wanted to give the audience , be it 15 or 1500 , the best that she had . with her declining health , she regretted that her body wouldn\u2019t allow her to give more . \u201d\nmidnight\nwas the first movie truly about savannah . self said there were a lot of people who were in the book who wanted to know if they were in the movie script .\ngood ol ' boy : many different flavors are sampled , the most classic example of the trope being jim ' s lawyer sonny .\nthe film quotes that \u201ctruth , like god , is in the eyes of the beholder , \u201d begging the reader to make their own presumptuous assertions as to what actually happened the night of the murder between the characters jim williams and billy hanson , though as the title of the movie suggests , the events may not be the focus so much as the ambiguity of not knowing what happened , the feeling of being caught between one day another at the strike of the clock as it chimes midnight , having no clear distinction of morality , of what is truly right and wrong .\nthe main character , jim williams ( played by kevin spacey ) , lived in mercer house located at 429 bull street in the west end of monterey square in savannah . the mansion was built in 1861 and was used as williams\u2019 home in the film as well . during the time of filming , williams\u2019 sister was the owner and her friends were extras in the christmas party scene that was filmed in the house . kevin spacey even stayed at least one night in the house . the mansion was the location of the murder of williams\u2019 assistant , danny hansford , whose name was changed to billy hanson in the film . the home is now known as the mercer - williams house and is still owned and lived in by jim williams\u2019 family , though part of the house has been opened to the public for tours .\ndiagonally across from smets\u2019s house , on the southwest corner of jones and bull , was the residence of his close friend and one of several collaborators in the founding of the georgia historical society .\nno midnight trip is complete without living like a local and having a cocktail . whether you choose to imbibe at club one or head to another bar in nearby city market , be sure to have at least one drink during your midnight tour .\nthese shows all began as movies that eventually became broadway musicals that were adapted once again for film .\nas the ultimate expression of his belief in the power of technology to elevate the human experience . metabook\nthis suspenseful story about a 1981 murder trial in savannah , georgia , was written in 1994 . while based on true events and characters , and therefore not a novel by true definition , the book is full of descriptive narration and dynamic , strongly identifiable figures . the author , john berendt , draws a vivid picture of savannah ' s residents while creating a book that revolves around the themes of money , isolation , illusion , and good versus evil .\nwith cusack well in command of what becomes a fairly passive role , the film introduces kelso to jim williams , the gay antiques dealer played by kevin spacey with clever aplomb . spacey & apos ; s performance does have the requisite flavor and mystery , and his jim williams glides slyly through the film while drawing kelso into his elegant web .\nafter learning of her passing , the author paid tribute to his muse , saying she was the \u201cmidnight\u201d character he was most often asked about .\nthe book centered on the killing of a local male prostitute by an important savannah socialite . as it gained popularity , chablis did tv interviews on programs including the oprah winfreyshow and good morning america . after the film came out , she had a role in the 1999 tv pilot partners , directed by brett ratner , appeared in the first episode of bravo\u2019s southern charm in 2013 and later that year guested on the real housewives of atlanta . chablis\u2019 autobiography , hiding my candy , was published in 1996 .\ngreat reminders of my time in savannah . i once lived in another house mentioned in the book \u2014 the general bartow house .\n, which you\u2019ll recognize immediately from the movie . ask a passerby to snap a picture of you in front of the 33 - acre park\u2019s impressive three - tiered , cast - iron fountain , which served as a backdrop in the film .\nwith mr . cusack well in command of what becomes a fairly passive role , the film introduces kelso to jim williams , the gay antiques dealer played by kevin spacey with clever aplomb . mr . spacey ' s performance does have the requisite flavor and mystery , and his jim williams glides slyly through the film while drawing kelso into his elegant web .\none critic was moved to write , ' barbara is to audiobooks what meryl streep is to film ' .\nanother view of the exterior as the body is being carried away in the movie .\ntony burton , who played trainer tony\nduke\nevers in the\nrocky\nfilm franchise , died on february 25 . he was 78 .\nopened by an expat in 1996 , churchill ' s pub was where a scene in the film took place . the location burned down in 2003 , but it reopened in 2004 on west bay street . the gastropub has a full menu of british and southern favorites like steak and ale pies , and shrimp and grits . for a pint , order one of the many local beers , or try one from across the pond .\nthe film ' s bluntest new ingredient is a character named mandy , who is played with flirty charm by alison eastwood , the director ' s daughter . mandy takes a shine to john , but the film is least convincing in its boy - girl , meet - cute aspects . in fact , this subplot is so awkward that it calls at one point for the film to shift abruptly from a graveyard to the flower shop where mandy works .\nw . p . kinsella , the author of\nshoeless joe ,\nthe award - winning novel that became the film\nfield of dreams ,\ndied at 81 on september 16 .\nvisually and aurally , the film is a delight , thanks on the one hand to henry bumstead\u2019s sumptuous production design , the elegant costumes , jack n . green\u2019s lively lensing and savannah itself , and on the other to lennie niehaus\u2019 smooth score and the songs of the late johnny mercer , who lived in mercer house and whose great - grandfather built it .\nsave on classic and contemporary films online and in store through 8 / 6 .\nduring his lifetime , tefft amassed thousands of autographs , including those of all signatories to the us constitution and the declaration of independence , several presidents , and the queen of england .\nmidnight\nwasn ' t the largest budgeted movie filmed in savannah ( that was\nthe legend of bagger vance ,\nself said ) but it did draw the most interest . people lined streets and squares to watch the filming .\nit started as\nthe book ,\na john berendt account of a real - life event in savannah . a new york reporter comes to the city and befriends a millionaire who soon makes headlines for murder . the film focuses more on the crime and trial . clint eastwood directed , and kevin spacey and john cusack starred . there are countless locations you can visit that were mentioned in the book or film , but here are a few of the best . this year marks 20 years since its release .\nthe restoration came at the expense of poorer residents who were soon priced out of their homes , prompting the redesign of the foundation\u2019s later projects in the victorian district and elsewhere in an effort to minimise the impact of regeneration on a targeted neighborhood\u2019s existing residents .\nthe film & apos ; s bluntest new ingredient is a character named mandy , who is played with flirty charm by alison eastwood , the director & apos ; s daughter . mandy takes a shine to john , but the film is least convincing in its boy - girl , meet - cute aspects . in fact , this subplot is so awkward that it calls at one point for the film to shift abruptly from a graveyard to the flower shop where mandy works .\nif you\u2019re familiar with the movie , you might remember a scene taking place at clary\u2019s with luther , an eccentric character who always carried around a small bottle of poison . \u201cmidnight\u201d author john berendt has been spotted dining at clary\u2019s over the years . today , this restaurant has a stained glass portrait of the bird girl and other \u201cmidnight\u201d memorabilia .\nwilliam schallert , a familiar face in television and film thanks to roles on\nthe patty duke show ,\nstar trek\nand many more , died may 8 at age 93 , his son said .\nas kelso switches gears from society reporter to chronicler of a crime , the less reputable portion of savannah\u2019s colorful social strata is revealed . first and foremost is the lady chablis , a svelte black transvestite who knew hanson and who gives kelso the skinny on the local doings . chablis , a drag queen nightclub performer and actual participant in the real - life drama , plays herself in the film and emerges as one of its signal attractions .\nsubscribe to classic trailers : urltoken subscribe to trailers : urltoken subscribe to coming soon : urltoken like us on facebook : urltoken follow us on twitter : urltoken midnight in the garden of good and evil ( 1997 ) official trailer - kevin spacey movie hd a visiting city reporter ' s assignment suddenly revolves around the murder trial of a local millionaire , whom he befriends . welcome to the fandango movieclips trailer vault channel . where trailers from the past , from recent to long ago , from a time before youtube , can be enjoyed by all . we search near and far for original movie trailer from all decades . feel free to send us your trailer requests and we will do our best to hunt it down .\nforsyth park is the largest park in the historic district of savannah , georgia . the park covers 30 acres of land just south of gaston street and north of park avenue . . . find out more\nas the title indicates , this film is about the everyday clash of\ngood\nand\nevil\nin one man ' s life ( john ' s life , to be precise ) . it ' s actually a subtle battle - - nothing is as overwrought as what was presented in devil ' s advocate - - but it ' s a war nonetheless . on one side is the opulent , decadent allure of jim ' s lifestyle and friendship , which beckons seductively to john . as is often the case , however , all is not as glamorous as it first appears to be , and there ' s also betrayal and disillusionment to contend with . on the other side are the simple love of a woman and the recognition of true justice - - things that come without strings attached . throughout the film , john finds himself buffeted from one camp to the other , constantly groping for his own , personal truth .\nwas released ) , is his lover and murder victim ( renamed billy hanson for the film ) . mandy , a minor character in the book , was changed and expanded for the film , transforming her into a flirtatious love interest for kelso . the part was tailored for alison eastwood , clint ' s daughter , as a way to launch her fledgling acting career with a substantial role .\ni love the book and the movie and i too have the bird girl in my front yard . of course up here in yankee land no one but me knows who she is .\nit is certainly true that the main interests of the filmmakers lie elsewhere \u2014 in presenting an ambivalent take on the nature of justice , in examining the various sources of influence and power , and in having fun highlighting a truly distinct and seductive milieu \u2014 but that doesn\u2019t relieve them of the responsibility of telling a story in a purposeful manner . climactic scene revealing williams\u2019 fate is executed in highly effective and ironic manner , but even that is followed by innocuous romantic wrap - up stuff in which the viewer has no investment .\nwilliams\u2019 trial begins at the film\u2019s halfway point , and rarely have there been screen court proceedings conducted at such a lackadaisical pace and with so many irrelevant asides . especially through the second half , hancock\u2019s script evinces no gathering force , and instead of gradually narrowing the focus , director eastwood continues to let the yarn just unravel , with diminishing returns . many scenes don\u2019t know when to end , the storytelling has no snap , and the film generates no suspense even as to the long - awaited outcome of the trial .\nalexander augustus smets , a native of france , arrived in savannah in 1816 . a banker , philanthropist , and one of the founders of the georgia historical society , smets is most widely known for his exceptional collection of rare books , said to be among the best in the south .\n, jude law and many of the town folk of savannah . the movie was directed by clint eastwood .\nclint eastwood\u00f5s adaptation of john berendt\u00f5s nonfiction novel doesn\u00f5t create much of a drama from its centerpiece tale of murder in high society , but it brings to life the setting , the rich assortment of characters and the atmosphere of modern savannah .\nberendt ' s book was previously adapted into a 1997 film directed by clint eastwood , which received mixed notices . it prominently featured mercer ' s music for its soundtrack . the musical ' s creative team intends to create a complete departure from what film audiences saw .\nits exterior is a restrained interpretation of the greek revival style commonly employed in mid - century savannah . the interior layout of the house also reflected the mores of the time , with the upper three stories intended for the use of the family and the ground floor , for their slaves .\nthe result is a degree of uniformity of appearance , with brick construction and an assortment of single - family , paired and row houses in the frequently conservative and classically - inspired style of the mid century . porches , where present , are in many cases later additions , constructed to take advantage of jones street\u2019s brick paving , which removed much of the dust of savannah\u2019s earlier , sandy roads .\nbaseball hall of fame outfielder monte irvin died january 11 at the age of 96 . irvin was regarded as one of the best hitters and all - around players in the negro league , making five all - star teams . he became one of the first african - americans to play in the majors , and he played a vital role in the new york giants ' world series runs in 1951 and 1954 .\nsusan , thanks for sharing this interesting post . when i was in savannah last october i purchased an autographed copy of the book . \ud83d\ude09 hope you ' ve had a good memorial day . ~ sarah\nlike many parts of downtown savannah , jones street entered a period of decline in the 20th century . in the 1960s , it was the subject of one of the historic savannah\u2019s foundation\u2019s early large - scale restoration projects , which renovated many of the historic properties around west jones street and adjacent pulaski square .\nat more than two and a half hours , the film\u2019s egregious overlength should have been apparent for all to see . but for whatever reason \u2014 lack of discipline at the screenwriting stage , too little time before a predetermined release date or eastwood\u2019s general tendency to let his films run too long \u2014 the full potential of this enormously rich subject looks to have been within the filmmaker\u2019s grasp , only to have been bobbled and dropped . so good is so much of it that the strong suspicion persists that , given a little extra time , a superior film could have been shaped from the material that is presently onscreen .\nmidnight in the garden of good and evil also suffers from a muddied conclusion to its central mystery : what really happened when williams shot and killed billy ? was it murder , self - defense or both ? at one point , williams changes his story when he talks privately with kelso , but the visual depiction of his story in that scene doesn\u2019t quite match what he is saying . later , kelso asks williams what really happened . his question seems confusing in light of the dialogue from the earlier scene because , as far as kelso should know , williams has made a full confession to him . other scenes in the movie as well as the movie\u2019s final shot strongly suggest that the truth doesn\u2019t really matter anyway because all truth is relative . as williams tells kelso , \u201ctruth is in the eye of the beholder . \u201d such a philosophy is anti - biblical and contradictory ( to say there is no absolute truth is to make an absolute statement about truth ) , but it has also become a self - serving clich\u00e9 for a mindless age .\nat left is bob elliott , half of the tv and radio comedy duo bob and ray . he died february 2 at the age of 92 . for several decades , elliott and ray goulding ' s program parodies and deadpan routines were staples of radio and television . elliott was the father of comedian and actor chris elliott and the grandfather of\nsaturday night live\ncast member abby elliott .\ndozens of local people , some who lived the actual story , appear in the movie .\ngreat post ! loved this movie\u2026and what a treat to visit your post and recall the wonderful scenes and fabulous houses that were featured in the movie .\none of the reasons midnight in the garden is a pleasure to watch , despite its lengthy running time , is the strength of the actors ' performances . john cusack is perfectly cast as the film ' s representation of the viewer - - the everyman with a feckless charm . kevin spacey does an exceptional job making jim a charismatic figure who , paradoxically , seems to be both open and secretive . lady chablis , a real - life transvestite , makes the biggest splash ( and will probably get the most press ) with a delightfully comic , over - the - top interpretation of herself . equally outrageous , but accorded less screen time , is irma p . hall ' s minerva . and australian jack thomspon , sporting an american accent , offers solid support as sonny seiler .\ncaroline eubanks is a travel blogger and freelance writer from atlanta , georgia who has also lived in charleston , south carolina . her stories from the south have appeared in national geographic traveler , afar , thrillist , roads and kingdoms , and bbc travel . she shares a love for all things south : glass bottle coca colas , chicken and waffles , a good local craft beer and gatherings of friends and family . you can read more of her writing on her blog , caroline in the city .\nkingery did have two conditions , however . she wanted the extras to be people that knew her or jim , and the antiques inside the home would be kept safe . kingery said eastwood kept his word , and that ' s how people like jeanne papy landed in the film .\ntefft died in 1862 ( less than two months after the passing of his friend alexander smets ) and his family subsequently sold the bulk of his collection , but some of the autographs still remain in the possession of the georgia historical society . he is buried at laurel grove cemetery .\njones street has few \u201cattractions , \u201d as such , and is more of an attraction in itself , a quiet and beautiful place for a walk that still bears many of the outward characteristics of an older period in savannah\u2019s history .\nactor ron glass , known for his role on the police sitcom\nbarney miller ,\ndied november 25 , his agent said . glass also starred in\nfirefly\nand its film sequel\nserenity .\nmost of jones street\u2019s buildings date from the 1850s - 1860s . a few pioneer houses were constructed south of madison square in the late 1840s , spurred by the establishment of its southern neighbor , monterey square , in 1847 . the blocks east and west of bull street filled in over the decade or two that followed .\nphil chess , the co - founder of the iconic rock - and - roll and blues label chess records , died october 18 , according to his son . he was 95 . phil and his brother leonard founded chess records in the late 1940s and helped spawn the careers of many popular musicians in the 1950s .\ncheck out highlights from some of the best recent trailers including mandy , the predator , zoe , and the king of thieves .\none aspect which appealed directly to eastwood ' s interests is that much of the story took place in mercer house , the family mansion built by the grandfather of legendary songwriter johnny mercer and purchased and restored by jim williams in 1968 . eastwood , an aficionado of jazz and the classic american songbook and a jazz pianist in his own right , was a longtime fan of mercer ( he later produced the 2009 documentary\na deal was made that the inside of the mercer - williams house would be used to shoot the party scenes . the fight and shooting scenes were taped in a studio in hollywood .\nequipped with a clean - cut hero , the film begins with a long meet - and - greet phase introducing savannah ' s verdant squares and talkative citizens . but for all the film ' s handsome aerial shots and its architectural detail , these postcard images seldom seem as animated as even the book ' s casual description . ( ' ' the squares were the jewels of savannah , ' ' mr . berendt recalled being told by one elderly resident . )\nglory , 1989 many scenes from this oscar winning film , starring denzel washington , matthew broderick , and morgan freeman , were shot in savannah . the mercer - williams house , the beach at jekyll island , and especially the roundhouse complex at the georgia state railroad museum are all featured ."]} {"id": 114596, "summary": [{"text": "balaclava is a 1928 british silent war film directed by maurice elvey and milton rosmer and starring cyril mclaglen , benita hume , alf goddard , harold huth , and wally patch .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "a british army officer is cashiered , and re-enlists as private to take part in the crimean war and succeeds in capturing a top russian spy .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "the film climaxes with the charge of the light brigade .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "it was made by gainsborough pictures with david lean working as a production assistant . ", "topic": 3}], "title": "balaclava ( film )", "paragraphs": ["lachlan ryan is currently working as a freelance writer / director , whilst developing a slate of feature film projects . his debut feature film ,\nfuture learning and skills \u2013 giving everyone the opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with film .\na growing source of silent era film information . this listing is from the progressive silent film list by carl bennett . copyright \u00a9 1999 - 2018 by carl bennett and the silent era company . all rights reserved .\nthe battle of balaclava , as seen in the movie the charge of the light brigade ( 1968 ) . part 2 of 2 movie information , cast and plot summary : urltoken more information about the crimean war and the battle of balaclava : urltoken urltoken\ndetectives said they are particularly anxious to identify a man , who a witness said was seen running from the scene wearing a balaclava .\n, screened theatrically in australia . jordan bond is a writer / director of short films and music videos . his film ,\nthe founder of one of the largest commercial film production companies in the country was murdered at her exclusive home in north dublin yesterday .\nbalaclava man is the culprit behind two murders and a kidnap \u2013 crimes currently being pinned on michael farmer by chief investigator huntley . but in the moments after flooring his colleague , ifield pulled several evidence bags he\u2019d filched from work and \u2013 crucially \u2013 a black balaclava from his bag , before heading out for supplies clad in the disguise .\ncreating an account with urltoken gives you access to more features and services , like our weekly newsletter and other special features just for the film community .\nmotorone service the car dealership market with basic paint protection film kits . this industry is growing rapidly so we are in search of an enthusiastic . . .\ngainsborough pictures , limited , production ; distributed by woolf & freedman film service , limited . / produced by michael balcon . scenario by boyd cable , w . p . lipscomb , angus macphail , milton rossmer , v . gareth gundrey and robert stevenson , from the poem \u201cthe charge of the light brigade\u201d by alfred tennyson . / standard 35mm spherical 1 . 33 : 1 format . / the film was rereleased with a synchronized soundtrack in april 1930 . / silent film .\nstars catering group have specialised in film & tv catering for over 20 years . we have opened our first retail food store in bentleigh and are looking for . . .\nthis seated role will involve inserting plastic film mounts into stamp albums . to be successful for this role you must have good attention to detail , have a . . .\nhis interview comes after martin compston , whose character was attacked by the ' balaclava man ' , revealed there was a clue to his imminent attack hiding in plain sight - and it involves his wardrobe .\nchris hemsworth kicks off filming for the star - studded men in black spin - off as he cuts a sharp figure in london . . . 21 years after the first film hit screens\nas ifield prepared to saw her body in half , huntley\u2019s eyes flickered open \u2013 and the scene cut to the credits , leaving the audience with a whole load of questions . chief among them : is tim ifield the balaclava man ?\na british army officer is cashiered , and re - enlists as private to take part in the crimean war . he succeeds in capturing a top russian spy which results in the famous charge of the light brigade to take the balaclava heights .\nthe aboriginal heritage act 2006 requires all victorians to protect and conserve aboriginal cultural heritage . production companies and their representatives should determine whether proposed film locations are in areas of cultural significance to the aboriginal people of victoria .\nshe had the dream of being part of the film and tv industry as an extra and has made it come true . here ' s your chance to make it come true for you too ! oncue . . .\nwe ' re making it easier than ever for you to stock up on tribeca film festival tickets . our revamped wish list will save you time and effort in singling out the festival titles you cannot wait to see .\npatrick ' s revelations were all the more surprising , as he ' d spent much of the interview evading even the possibility of sharing any spoilers ; he even pulled out a box containing the sweet treat baklava - a play on balaclava - to distract the hosts .\n\u201cwe\u2019re particularly interested in hearing from anybody who may have seen a gentleman , probably in his late 20s , early 30s wearing a balaclava , of slight but strong build running from the back of the house , running to the carrickbrach road area of howth , \u201d said supt gilligan .\nideal for all activities , whether they are used in the cold . this face mask protects you against the cold and wind . the mask has 2 holes for the eyes . otherwise the mask covers the whole face and ears . thanks to the stretchy fabric ( 95 % cotton , 5 % elastane ) makes the mask the ideal shape of the head and is breathable . the mask can be worn due to its it fits well under a helmet . printed with film / game phone case . < br / > box contents : 1 x balaclava\nthree clues point to the theory that tim ifield is fishy : 1 ) he has taken police evidence back to his home , 2 ) he owns a balaclava identical to the one worn by the murder suspect , and 3 ) he goes to dismember huntley like one of the previous two victims .\nit\u2019s possible that after believing he\u2019d killed huntley , ifield decided to try and frame balaclava man for the murder . the way he panics when he thinks she\u2019s dead certainly makes it seem like he\u2019s not a seasoned killer \u2013 and the scuffle all comes across as rather accidental . so instead of simply hiding the body , he attempts to pin the crime on a criminal everyone\u2019s already after .\na british officer is falsely accused of murder by a rival officer , and is dishonorably discharged from the army . he rejoins as an enlisted man and is posted as a cavalryman to the siege of sebastopol during the crimean war . he discovers that there is a russian spy masquerading as a british soldier , and his efforts to unmask the spy results in the famous charge of the light brigade to take the balaclava heights .\nc . thomas howell ( tyler - - bmx friend with balaclava ) became an ' 80s favourite in coppola ' s ' the outsiders ' , ' the hitcher ' and ' soul ' man . as an adult , he appeared in ' summerland ' ( as zac efron ' s father ) , the remake of ' the poseidon adventure ' and most recently as a crane operator in ' the amazing spider - man ' . . .\nthis is the theory we\u2019re more inclined to lean towards \u2013 there\u2019s something about the idea of ifield as the serial killer that doesn\u2019t quite click . yes , he has a balaclava in his bag which is unexplained and more than a tad sinister and forces us to at least pose the question of his guilt . but surely he wouldn\u2019t call ac - 12 into an investigation if he wanted to keep his real identity hidden ? no one\u2019s that ballsy .\na chronicle of events that led to the british involvement in the crimean war against russia and which led to the siege of sevastopol and the fierce battle of balaclava on october 25 , 1854 which climaxed with the heroic , but near - disastrous cavalry charge made by the british light brigade against a russian artillery battery in a small valley which resulted in the near - destruction of the brigade due to error of judgment and rash planning on part by the inept british commanders .\nmacnaughton continued to work on stage and sporadically in film ( 1983 ' s ' i am the cheese ' ) before giving up acting to work as a mail handler , firstly in phoenix , arizona , then new jersey . now 46 , he has a young son , noah , who described ' e . t . ' as\nthe movie where daddy pretends to be a little boy\n.\ncoyote has worked consistently in film and tv over the past 30 years including collaborations with roman polanski ( ' bitter moon ' ) , pedro almodovar ( ' kika ' ) , steven soderbergh ( ' erin brockovich ' ) and brian de palma ( ' femme fatale ' ) . his resonant henry fonda - esque voice has also narrated feature documentaries like ' enron : the smartest guys in the room ' , the national geographic explorer series and an episode of ' lost ' . yet despite his high work - rate , acting isn ' t the be all and end all for coyote .\nthomas , now aged 40 , has pretty much averaged a film a year since e . t . , starring as the young norman bates in ' psycho iv ' and with supporting turns in legends of the fall , gangs of new york and dear john . recently assaying county music icon hank williams in ' the last ride ' , he will next be seen as phillip whalen , a contemporary of beat writer jack kerouac in ' big sur ' .\nhe was single - handedly responsible for bringing zen buddhism to san francisco ,\nsays thomas .\ni ' m interested in people who have such strong convictions .\npeter coyote first met spielberg after giving a clumsy audition for the director - -\ni walked into the room and tripped over a lamp\n- - reading for ' indiana jones ' . coyote ' s performance as keys - - so - called because we initially identify him through his bunch of keys - - required a gear - shift from enigmatic government agent to benevolent father figure and coyote handles it beautifully .\ni loved the character that i played in the film ,\nremembers peter coyote ,\nbecause steven allowed him to be compassionate and sensitive . he was saying , you can still keep the best part of being a child when you grow up .\nmacnaughton had received strong reviews for his off - broadway role in ' the diviners ' when he landed on spielberg ' s radar . as elliott ' s older teen brother michael , he spent his on - set days bonding with henry thomas , tormenting drew barrymore - -\ni feel a little guilty about that\n- - but he will never forget meeting the film ' s title star .\nthe first time i saw ' e . t . ' was when i saw him in the movie for the first time and knock the shelves down ,\nhe remembers .\ni did not know the shelves were coming down either which added to the shock value . it really enhanced my reaction .\nfor sweet precocious gertie , spielberg chose sweet precocious drew barrymore . the third generation of the barrymore acting clan , drew , who ' d appeared in tv commercials since aged 2 , originally met spielberg for carol anne in ' poltergeist ' and blew the director away with tales of being in a punk rock band . despite her own capacity for suspension of disbelief - -\nthere were a lot of different elements but no matter what , e . t . was always very real to me .\n- - spielberg used different tactics to draw out barrymore ' s performance , including dressing up as a bag lady for the halloween sequence .\nit was brilliant and he looked really great too .\nfor spielberg , who became barrymore ' s godfather ,\ndrew was meant to be in this movie . she became my best friend on the film .\ni chose dee because dee was like a kid herself ,\nsteven spielberg says about casting dee wallace .\ni didn ' t feel like i was violating my rule not to have adults in the film until the very end .\nat that point , wallace was the best known of the e . t . cast , starring in cult horror flicks ' the hills have eyes ' ad ' the howling ' plus dudley moore comedy ' 10 ' .\nsteven is a master at casting ,\nshe says .\nhe originally saw me doing call girls and hookers and put me into his mother .\ndressing up as a cat woman for ' halloween ' , wallace ' s mary is movingly trying to keep the pain of her marriage break while her kids are growing up , discovering new words .\ni love the penis - breath line in the movie because it showed that mary was different from other moms ,\nwallace remembers .\ninstead of getting upset , the line cracks her up .\nstraight after ' e . t . ' , barrymore segued into stephen king adaptation ' firestarter ' . after overcoming well - documented drug and alcohol problems , she worked steadily throughout the ' 90s , becoming an unofficial queen of romantic comedies such as ' the wedding singer ' , ' 50 first dates ' , ' music and lyrics ' and ' he ' s just not that into you ' . her production company flower films have produced the ' charlie ' s angels ' movies and ' donnie darko ' , itself with twisted echoes of ' e . t . ' she made her feature film directorial debut with roller - derby romp ' whip it ' and was last seen in family drama ' big miracle ' . but she never under - estimates the importance of her ' e . t . ' experience .\ni really think that ' e . t . ' taught me there were no boundaries in friendship ,\nshe says .\nit opened me up as a person and made me who i am today .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\na british officer is falsely accused of murder by a rival officer , and is dishonorably discharged from the army . he rejoins as an enlisted man and is posted as a cavalryman to the siege of . . . see full summary \u00bb\ncheck out highlights from some of the best recent trailers including mandy , the predator , zoe , and the king of thieves .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nenjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with prime video .\ncast : benita hume , cyril mclaglen , alf goddard , miles mander , j . fisher white , henry mollison , betty boulton , robert holmes , harold huth , wally patch , j . st . barbe west , bos ranevsky , wallace bosco , marian drada , eugene leahy\nreferences : gifford - british n . 08457 : clasim - 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crushing jobs in our freewheeling interview .\na major countermands orders and attacks to avenge a previous massacre of men , women , and children .\nfacing the decline of everything he has worked to obtain , conqueror napoleon bonaparte and his army confront the british at the battle of waterloo .\nin a french village , manou is an italian logger , virile , with a broad laugh . he can ' t say no to women ' s sexual invitations , and jealous villagers blame him for recent fires and a flood . he . . . see full summary \u00bb\na complex family relationships , as well as a combat experience , form the personality of the future world - famous politician .\noliver cromwell can no longer tolerate king charles ' policies , and the self - interest of the ruling class , and leads a civil war to install parliament as the ultimate ruler of england .\nwhen the recruits are being stripped and washed , several of them have modern - day tan lines ( from swimming costumes ) .\n: is that sir george brown down there ? captain , my compliments to sir george and will he stop those confounded ' view halloo ' s ?\nmy horse expects to put up a fox at any moment .\nclosing credits roll over a drawing of a dead horse , with the buzzing of flies in the soundtrack .\n10 of 12 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nfrom director tony richardson ( tom jones ) comes this brilliant retelling of tragic events during the crimean war . starring trevor howard , john gielgud , david hemmings and vanessa redgrave , this epic political satire is an\nimpressive achievement\n( box office ) that will forever be revered as movie making at its best . british captain nolan ( hemmings ) is a devoted officer disgusted with his commander , lord cardigan ( howard ) . lord raglan ( gielgud ) is a foolish officer with misguided war strategies and a fading memory . together , they are sent to turkey in response to a russian invasion . driven by arrogance and ineptitude , they send hundreds of cavalry to certain death in a climax that is both\nharrowing [ and ] magnificent\n( time ) .\nsmarter homes are better for the planet . here ' s how to get on board\nthere are many things that make steven spielberg ' s ' e . t . the extra - terrestrial ' - - thirty years old this year - - a magical masterpiece : a sensitive script , fantastic special effects ( it ' s often easy to forget the title star is a mechanical puppet ) , john williams ' uplifting score . but one of the most over - looked aspects is the cast .\neschewing big name stars and established child actors , spielberg discovered a raft of talent , young and old , that do much to make ' e . t . ' such an emotional experience . here are their ' e . t . ' stories and what happened next . . . .\nthat was then :\ni used to think ' if i mess this up , what ' s going to happen ? '\nrecalls henry thomas about his days as the lead in ' e . t . the extra - terrestrial ' .\n' are they going fire me ? i ' m nine years old . '\nthomas won the role as the introverted kid who makes a new friend after spielberg had seen a reel of his work in ' the raggedy man ' . aeons away from the standard theatre school moppet , thomas ' performance is restrained and heartfelt , a primary reason why his scenes with a mechanical puppet shine .\nto this day , 30 years later , i ' m primarily recognised as the kid from ' e . t ' ,\nthomas says without a hint of bitterness .\nit ' s nice that everyone has been relatively kind . you ' re always worried that there are people waiting for you to knock over the liquor store - - the child actor gone wrong !\nthomas ' other on - going project is his band farspeaker , a\npost punk\noutfit made - up of fellow filmmaking types .\nwe ' re not going to become overnight justin bieber strike - it - rich sensations ,\nhe laughs .\nwe may become underground indie darlings . we ' re maybe even too old for that !\nfollowing ' e . t . ' , wallace worked prolifically , mainly in horror flicks such as ' cujo ' , ' critters ' , peter jackson ' s ' the frighteners ' and rob zombie ' s 2007 reboot of ' halloween ' . always working , she has a clutch of movies pending release including ' the boarder ' , ' cry of the butterfly ' , ' one of us must know ' and zombie ' s latest scare - fest ' the lords of salem ' . she also runs acting workshops and has a sideline in motivational speeches and self - healing therapy .\ni keep reminding myself , in the midst of everything , that the most important thing for me in my life is to stay connected to my own joy .\ni ' m a zen buddhist student first , actor second\n, he has said .\nif i can ' t reconcile the two lives , i ' ll stop acting . i spend more time off - screen than on .\nk . c . martel ( greg - - bmx friend with big headphones ) starred in mid ' 80s sit - com ' growing pains ' but then left the entertainment industry . . .\nsean frye ( steve - - bmx friend with flatcap ) appeared in ' real genius ' and molly ringwald starrer ' for keeps ' , then left acting and is currently working in the transportation industry in the non profit sector . . .\nerika eleniak ( pretty girl who elliott kisses ) went onto star in ' the beverly hillbillies ' , ' under siege ' , ' dracula 2000 ' and ' desperate housewives ' but is still best known for recurring role in ' baywatch ' . . . she has two films , ' meant to be ' and ' holiday spin ' , in the can awaiting release . . . .\ne . t . the extra - terrestrial is available on blu - ray from monday 22 october . here are some other child stars made good . . .\nget top stories and blog posts emailed to me each day . newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements . learn more\nthank you for signing up ! you should receive an email to confirm your subscription shortly .\nto take advantage of the wish list , you must have a my tribeca account . creating a my tribeca account gives you access to more features and services , like wish lists .\nvijay , a lonely taxi driver who recently moved to melbourne , picks up chris , a stray drunk who befriends him , and over the course of the night , chris experiences some of vijay ' s troubles and vijay learns to see the city in a new light . screening with shorts : disconnected drama\nwhen tickets for a screening or event are no longer available , they will be listed as rush . the rush system functions as a stand - by line that will form at the venue approximately 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time . admittance is based on availability and will begin 15 minutes prior to program start time . rush tickets are the same price as advance tickets payable upon entry . there is a limit of one rush ticket per person .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\n/ / urltoken\nnumber of refugees accepted into the u . s . falls below the rest of the world combined for the first time since 1980\nas season four of line of duty draws to a close , viewers are excitedly preparing for what is expected to be a nail - biting finale , when a big mystery will be solved .\nand patrick baladi , whose lawyer character jimmy lakewell was among the suspects eyed as responsible for ds steve arnott ' s balcony fall , has hinted that accusatory fingers are being pointed in the wrong direction .\nappearing on itv ' s good morning britain on friday , the 45 - year - old actor threw superintendent ted hastings ' name into the ring as one of the suspects - a character who , up until now , had never been considered as responsible for the shocking act .\nafter much prodding from hosts ben shephard and kate garraway , patrick cautiously revealed : ' the suspicion is shone on everyone . even hastings , who hasn ' t been considered as a suspect . . . i ' m throwing that out there . '\n' it was cool ' : emma watson reveals going to ' princess boot . . .\nnaomi campbell and close pal sean ' diddy ' combs cosy up at . . .\nwhile the big reveal on other tv shows has often been kept away from actors until the very end , the warwickshire native revealed that the cast are all aware of who committed the crime .\n' we get to know as much as what is in the script . we get to see the reveal and who is responsible , ' he said , before ominously adding : ' it ' s never obvious . '\nmartin , 32 , explained to presenter christine bleakley during an appearance on daytime show lorraine , that ds arnott ' s suit was from an old series , chosen because producers were happy for it to get ' messed up ' during the bloody and violent scene .\nthe actor said it occurred to him that eagle - eyed fans of the show might ' clock ' that ' something bad is going to happen ' .\nspeaking about doing his own stunts martin , who has appeared on all four series of the popular drama , said : ' that [ scene ] was stressful for me for different reasons because i know that when the lift doors open , i ' m about to get thrown about by a stunt man .\n' we spend so much time at our desks , doing long interview scenes and talking . . . it ' s nice to get a bit physical .\n' but i was wondering if anyone noticed that was my old suit from last series which we were allowed to get messed up . i wondered if any eagle - eyed fans clocked ,\nwell he ' s in his old suit today , so something bad is going to happen\n. '\nds arnott woke up from the fall in last sunday ' s episode , but so far he ' s been unable to nail down what viewers already know - that thandie newton ' s character ' s husband nick ( lee ingleby ) is the culprit .\nthe actor , who actually hails from inverclyde , scotland and adopts a london accent to play steve arnott , admits he was nervous about the fate of the ' annoying ' officer , especially as the writers are not scared of killing off major characters .\n' he ' s hanging in there . that ' s the beauty of the show , we ' ve trusted jed [ mercurio , writer ] this far and i don ' t think he would kill anyone off just for the sake of it .\n' but there ' s always a bit of trepidation when we get the next set of scripts to see if we ' re still there .\n' i intentionally make [ steve ] annoying because he ' s kind of the hero , but he ' s - i ' m trying to think of words i can say on morning tv - but he ' s a lot of fun to play .\n' and again with him going over the banister and thinking he ' s dead . . . people don ' t realise what they ' ve got until he ' s gone , so the character got this outpouring of love over the last week which has been really nice . '\nmany viewers of the popular drama , which follows the exploits of the anti - police corruption unit and also stars thandie newton and vicky mcclure , mightn ' t realise martin has a strong scottish accent .\nbut as more and more people tune in the actor says he ' s coming under increasing scrutiny .\n' the bigger this [ show ] gets the more people figure out i\u2019m scottish , and then the more they become accent detectives and they start listening , ' he said .\n' when i do the accent i tend to just stay in it . for me it\u2019s like going to the gym , the more you\u2019re in it the better you get . '\nhe added that because he spent a lot of time travelling between la - where his american wife of eight months , tianna chanel flynn , lives - and belfast , where the series was filmed , he was worried about the accent slipping .\n' this year ' s probably been the most difficult year . a lot of my filming was condensed so i had a lot more time off and i ' ve been travelling within the series more than i would normally do , so apologies if it slips at all . '\nwhat was agreed at chequers . . . and how the three - page . . .\nbottleneck of 700 , 000 migrants wait in libya to cross the . . .\n' prostitutes , orgies , group sex - all of it ' : ex - wife of . . .\nwoman , 38 , ' shoots her father in the head and then lives . . .\ndid the devil wear prada ? bee shaffer ' s wedding is . . .\nsydney tower skywalk was ' shut down due to unsafe winds ' . . .\nalive ! four thai boys who made it out of cave in daring . . .\n' diana would be ashamed ' : meghan ' s bitter half - sister . . .\nkhloe kardashian reveals she stopped breast - feeding daughter true . . . three months after giving birth\nselena gomez is seen with same mystery man she was with in may . . . after news her ex justin bieber is engaged to hailey baldwin\nmakeup artist joyce bonelli reaches out to the kardashian clan on instagram . . . after the famous family ' fire ' and unfollow her on social media\ndaddy daycare ! jared kushner takes kids back to d . c . after weekend in new jersey - as ivanka dons a short dress for visit to a nyc asphalt company\nsofia richie , 19 poses in a bikini top just after scott disick ' s ex kourtney kardashian , 39 , did the same . . . and fans call her out for it\nnaomi campbell wows in flamboyant feathered gown . . . while ashley graham sizzles in plunging lace dress as they walk in dolce & gabbana show in italy\nnaya rivera sells her five - bedroom la home for a cool $ 3 . 55 million after finalizing her divorce from ryan dorsey\nmel b ' is unable to pay her back taxes amid ongoing divorce battle with stephen belafonte . . . as it ' s estimated the pair owe up to $ 650k ' to the irs\nkylie jenner rocks curve - clinging attire as she shows off body . . . and considers going back to blonde\ndakota johnson dons striped wrap dress in la . . . after calling co - star chris hemsworth ' spectacular '\ncardi b hits back at troll who mocked her baby shower . . . as she shows off naked baby bump for photoshoot\nbuy your own celebrity hideaway ! castle adored by michael douglas and jack nicholson goes on sale for $ 5 . 2m ( and even comes with treehouse )\nant - man and the wasp soars to $ 76 million on opening weekend . . . beating its prequel by $ 19 million\nliam payne and cheryl split : carefree 1d star returns to stage for first time since break - up . . . as he poses happily with his backing dancers in france\ntristan thompson goes house hunting alone as he checks out $ 2m property in la with its own basketball court . . . just minutes from khloe ' s mansion\njill zarin admits she ' s ready to date again after being spotted with handsome businessman . . . following beloved husband bobby ' s death\ndj khaled cancels wireless performance due to ' travel issues ' just hours before his slot . . . as fans rage over his ' vacation ' snap\n13 reasons why villain justin prentice says he ' s not bothered by social media trolls . . . and that getting attacked online means he ' s doing his job as an actor\n' she didn ' t get those from me ' : kylie jenner says daughter stormi has dad travis scott ' s lips . . . as star reveals her breasts are ' three times the size ' post - baby\nkevin hart celebrates 39th birthday in las vegas . . . nearly a year after sin city cheating scandal\ndakota fanning joins michael b . jordan in voice cast of western anime series gen : lock\n' i regret making it public ' : guy pearce is remorseful for asserting his former co - star kevin spacey was ' handsy ' with him on the set of l . a . confidential\niconic movie home where molly ringwald ' s sixteen candles was filmed finally sells for $ 1 . 135 million after two years on market\nkendra caldwell duggar struggles through labor on counting on . . . before welcoming baby garrett\nwhy madonna dated only toyboys and why , as she pushes 60 , she ' s finally got bored with them . . . by the writer who knows her best\nbrooklyn beckham and squeeze lexy panterra get cozy at london club . . . enraging ex tallia storm\nyolanda hadid ' splits from boyfriend matt minnis ' . . . less than a year after david foster divorce\nbrooklyn beckham utilises his camera skills at wireless festival . . . after his debut photography book was slammed by fans\njustin bieber is the perfect gentleman as he handles the bags . . . while crop top - clad hailey baldwin struts alongside\n' i just don ' t want stuff ' kim kardashian doesn ' t buy her kids gifts to avoid spoiling them and sticks to a household budget . . . but says kanye is the ' biggest shopper '\njoanna gaines shares husband chip ' s unique birth tradition . . . as he cradles newborn son crew\nkylie jenner gushes baby stormi is ' changing every week ' and ' has cutest personality ' . . . as new mom admits to binge watching the handmaid ' s tale\nlena dunham says she was ' really smart ' to date ex jack antonoff . . . after posting nude selfie\ntom brady shows no mercy as he takes on gisele and his cancer - survivor mom in dodgeball . . . with a ' no crying ' rule\nlauren conrad ' s son liam takes a handful of cake . . . as proud mom ' celebrates one year with our little guy '\nkhloe kardashian ' anxious but eager ' as she gets back to work for the first time since true ' s birth . . . and her alarm goes off at 4 . 35am\nnia vardalos ' divorce filing . . . as duo split following 25 years of marriage\nkendall jenner boats in sheer dress . . . after snuggling up to her nba beau ben simmons at khloe kardashian ' s party\nkeyshia cole announces pregnancy on instagram . . . as boyfriend niko khale posts beach pic of couple\nanthony bourdain leaves majority of his $ 1 . 2m estate - which was rumored to be worth at least $ 16m - to 11 - year - old daughter ariane\nben affleck ' s $ 19m la mansion is surrounded by moving trucks . . . as it ' s revealed girlfriend lindsay shookus plans to spend more time on west coast\nbeaming kate gazes lovingly at sleeping prince louis as she and william attend his christening in their . . .\ntroubled actor jonathan rhys meyers is detained at lax after getting into a ' drunken fight with his wife and . . .\n' we only knew each other between action and cut ' : robin wright breaks her silence on kevin spacey ' s sexual . . .\nsupreme court cliffhanger is set for tonight as trump narrows his choices but keeps even his closest aides . . .\ntrump insists kim jong - un ' will honor ' promise to denuclearize despite blasting ' gangster - like demand ' and . . .\nhunt is on for transient who vanished for a day with the 13 - year - old daughter of a family that had . . .\n\u20182 days , 8 wild boars . hooyah\u2019 : upbeat navy seals celebrate successful rescue of eight thai cave boys after . . .\nrescued thai cave boys face a lifetime of trauma from their ordeal as traumatic memories could trigger fear . . .\nfrantic parents of rescued thai cave boys have not been told which children have been saved \u2013 as teammates . . .\nhollywood hostage actor who lost his eye , had nose and tongue slit , and was ' deprived of a member of his . . .\nhandcuffed harvey weinstein pleads not guilty to new rape charges , then shares a laugh with his lawyer after . . .\nmesmerising maps reveal record - breaking temperatures across the world as the earth experiences ' one of the . . .\ncouple arrested after their four - year - old son accidentally shots himself between the eyes could face ten . . .\npicture exclusive : a wintour wedding ! vogue editor - in - chief anna ' s daughter bee shaffer is the picture of . . .\nnumber of refugees accepted into the u . s . falls below the rest of the world combined for the first time . . .\nrevealed : the four warning signs you could be heading for divorce - including critcising your partner ' s . . .\nhere comes aunt meghan ! duchess of sussex looks elegant in an olive green shift dress by ralph lauren as she . . .\nprince louis ' godparents revealed : kate and william opt for childhood friends - including guy pelly - as . . .\nfit for a prince ! louis becomes the eighth royal baby to wear the historic honiton lace christening robe on . . .\nsuch a perfect princess ! cute charlotte steals the show again with her royal wave - and a very polite . . .\npregnant pippa looks glowing in a very appropriate shade of baby blue - as she joins her parents and brother . . .\nthe duke and duchess of cambridge will serve slices of their wedding fruit cake from seven years ago to . . .\nit ' s a hat trick for mcqueen ! kate repeats the look she chose for george and charlotte ' s christenings in a . . .\n' he was my son ! ' devastated father sobs as he is detained by police moments after his two - year - old . . .\nerdogan becomes the ' 21st century ataturk ' : president is sworn in with sweeping new powers that put him on . . .\nman , 52 , fatally shot by police in florida refused multiple orders to put down eight - inch knife and charged . . .\npiers morgan : london ' s mayor should spend more time getting his city ' s murder rate below new york ' s and less . . .\n\u20182 days , 8 wild boars . hooyah\u2019 : upbeat navy seals celebrate successful rescue of eight thai cave boys after elite divers pulled them through flood water - leaving just four children and their coach trapped for another night\n' hi . i ' m linda o ' keefe . . . 45 years ago today , i disappeared and my killer was never found ' : police tweet as the 11 - year - old girl who was murdered in 1973 in a bid to publicize the cold case\nwe are seeking to engage an experienced or senior structural revit modeller with a strong track record in delivering large buildings projects and / or sports . . .\nthe company\u2019s licensing division now seeks a hands - on , capable , creative and enthusiastic licensing executive or junior account manager to support and help . . .\ntraining will be provided as part of our 18 month graduate executive academy program where you will rotate across all aspects of brand health , advertising , . . .\nset your home and work address and access your most frequently used addresses easily .\nwhen it comes to digital media , no one is bigger or better than fats digital . we ' re australia ' s largest distributor of professional grade media from the world ' s biggest brands , and australia ' s largest media authoring , cd , dvd and blu - ray duplication and replication service provider . for the best value and quality , see us first for :\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken"]} {"id": 114597, "summary": [{"text": "a touch of the sun is a 1979 british-american comedy film directed by peter curran and starring oliver reed , sylvaine charlet , peter cushing and wilfrid hyde-white .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was also released as no secrets ! .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "an american space capsule has crashed into an african dictatorship , whose ruler refuses to return it unless he is paid a large ransom .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "in response the americans send in a secret agent to recover it . ", "topic": 6}], "title": "a touch of the sun ( 1979 film )", "paragraphs": ["a touch of the sun ( . . .\nthe youtube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third - party notifications of copyright infringement .\nshooting took place in zambia , africa , from july 27 - august 20 1978 ( copyright 1979 ) . never distributed outside of africa . see more \u00bb\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nthe royal connought , alas , has fared even worse than bill ' s ambitions of a retirement in the sun : when he returns from his stint in france , he finds the doors shut and only old sid in the building , now acting as caretaker whilst a buyer for the premises is sought . it seems that porter darling was even more integral to the successful running of the company than any had imagined !\ni have a video of this film . it is indeed sole survivor starring shatner and basehart .\nthis sounds a bit similar to a robert powell film of 20 years ago , based on james herbert ' s book\nthe survivor\n.\nhow curious to find i am only one member of a sect who was profoundly touched by seeing this film as a child in the 70s .\nit could be a film called lost horizon . it was made in 1973 .\nfuture learning and skills \u2013 giving everyone the opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with film .\nit sounds very like a book by james herbert called survivor ( or the survivor ) - not sure if they ever made a film of it though .\nthe film the original question is trying to find is , indeed ,\nsole survivor\n, a 1971 tv movie that i have on tape and just watched again tonight ; it ' s the only film of its kind . it ' s one of the best of the tv movies , and one of the earliest . please contact me if you ' re looking for a copy of it .\nsoul survivor is not the film . i remember seeing sole survivor at the time it was shown on tv in the 70 ' s and was disappointed that it wasn ' t the film i remembered . the film as i remember was in black and white , my parents only had colour tv\u0092s , and only at the end of the film the crew realised they were dead . no scenes of helicopters and no scenes of rescue .\nallen myers , the film you are looking for about the airliner crash in the everglades is\nghost of flight 401\n.\nflight of the phoenix has been offered by a number of people during my quest . . . but , of course hollywood is about to release a new desecration - erm , version of that classic .\ni remember with clarity , a boy 9 or 8 roasting some bird eggs on a hot rock and eating for survival after a plane crash and gets to be a survivor in the film . but can ' t remember film name . can anybody ?\nevery week , i look at the tv film listings in the hope of finding this film , trying to remember its name , every week the same nagging disappointment that i can never find it .\ni sent this very enquiry to\nempire\nfilm magazine last year and they confirmed that the film is indeed sole survivior , a tv movie made in the early 1970 ' s and starring , amongst others , william shatner . unfortunately the film is not available on video . . . . . . . if anyone knows of a way to obtain a copy i ' d love to have one . it ' s a great film .\nok all , definitive answer time as i have been obsessed with this film for years . the film is indeed sole survivor a 1970 tv movie . the reason why the difficulty in identifying it is that there are two versions of the film . the original tv american movie had the survivors knowing they were ghosts and haunting the survivor . the film was released in europe to the cinemas in 71 , and was re - edited so the crew did not know they were dead , thus changing the entire aspect of the film . love both versions and have a very grainy vhs copy of the bbc in about ' 82 , hope this helps paul\nthere seems to be a number of variants . i recalled a black and white version and the actors having the ' perfect english ' reminiscent of the old war films - i recall the crew sitting under a sheet under the wing of the plane and talking about not being able to leave the dessert . . . maybe its the 1968 one mentioned by the film buff in spain\ni remember the film and have been trying to find the name of the film for years . i don ' t believe it to be sole survivor , the film was clearly a sixties or even fifties movie . the crew of the doomed plane crash landed in the desert , all the crew appeared to have survived the crash , trying to make the best of it and await for their rescue , when it arrives they are discovered dead in and around the wreckage , and then one by one disappear ; a bit like the film really . i would to see it again though .\nif anyone says its the film ' sole survivor ' again i ' ll either shoot myself or kill the wife ! its not the film ' sole survivor ' ! ! my family had a colour tv and that film was in black & white . the search goes on : = (\na bumbling us marine captain is assigned to retrieve a space capsule from a despotic african ruler .\nwhatever the name of this film is , one thing i remember is the ghosts of the departed crew being in awe of a helicopter that turns up at the crash site , with one of them remarking that it ' hangs in the air just like a bird ' or something like that . suggesting that when they died there were no helicopters in service .\nthe name of the film was sole survivor and if you go to you tube and type in sole survivor you can sit back and enjoy the movie .\nthe film in question isn ' t\nthe survivor\n( the film of the james herbert book ) . the plot for the survivor was that one man survives a plane crash ( i think totally unharmed ) and in his struggle to come to terms with this uncovers the fact that the plane was sabotaged / blown up . the twist is that he didn ' t survive . he is a manifestation of the will of all the lost souls and as soon as the truth is reveals he dies .\ni too remember a film ' sole surviver ' about a man that lost his wife and daughter in a plane accident . when he tries to investigate he is pursued by some black op federal agents . the main agent was played by billy zane . the plot was of mind control and child experiments in a secret lab where people ' s minds were remotely controlled . the pilot of the commercial aircraft purposely crashed the plane because of his mind being controlled by one of the kids . in the end the man rescues a young girl , his own daughter ' s age , who was the ' sole surviver ' of the crash . the film was a two - part tv film never reproduced for dvd or vcr . i have tried to obtain copies to no avail . if anyone does get a lead on this film and how to obtain copies , please let me now . it is an incredible film , not to be confused with ' soul survivor ' .\ni remember watching this film as well , way back in the 80s . i simply cannot remember the name of the film . however , i remember a scene from the film where a patrol came across the wreckage . all the airmen were standing to attention and then all of a sudden they realised that nobody could see them . they are all sitting around and one of time they disappeared as they were being buried . if i remember rightly , there was one guy left , i don ' t think his body was found though . damn good film , wish i could get my hands on it .\nthis page has just answered a quest i have had for over a decade - i ' ve asked all sorts , including those who title themselves film afficiondos its weird to see that so many other people have been trying to find the title of this film as well - a bit like our own episode of the twilight zone . i can rest easy now . thanks again .\ni disagree that it was\nsole survivor\n. that was a different story where a survivor of a crash became a highranking officer who had wrongly claimed that his plane had gone down in the mediterranean . the film ( definitely not a twilight zone story ) was set in the desert and consisted of the dead crew of the crashed aircraft not knowing they were dead until their colleagues suddenly began disappearing as their bodies were found . the final\nsurvivor\nwas almost left alone by the plane until his body was found and his ghost released . i still don ' t know the name of the film and would love to know it .\nsorry , dino , but the urltoken you quote is the one made in 1970 starring the same cast . ( see\nurltoken\nweb site ) however the film we are trying to find had no survivors . not a sole survivor . the film was about a crew who had all been killed in the crash and were all unknowingly ghosts around the plane . at the end of the film , all the ghosts had gone due to all the bodies being found . it certainly wasn ' t\nsole survivor\n.\nwow ! i remember this film , which i saw when it was shown on tv in the uk in the late 70s . i remember the plane ( it was a b24 or b25 ) and i remember richard basehart , recognising him from voyage to the bottom of the sea . i dont remember william shatner , which is odd as i was a real star trek fan as a young kid . i remember that one of the ghosts was not recovered . . . i think that the others had bailed out with a dingy , believing the navigator that they were over the water off the ( libyan ? ) coast . one stayed with the plane ) the pilot ? ) and had survived the crash ( the sole survivor ? ) he had taken shelter from the sun under the tail section , which broke off and crushed him . this is why the air accident investigation team didnt find his body . they couldnt understand how there were no bodies , until one of the investigators realised that the navigator ( who had survived - the other play on the ' sole survivor ' title ) had got the position wrong - but he bailed out first and survived the drop . as i recall basehart was the navigator . yes , i too wish i could get a copy !\nbill , however , is unaware of this snag until a former , elderly and wealthy resident of the establishment dies , bequeathing him the princely sum of \u00a310 , 000 in her will . long dreaming of escaping to the warm climes of the south of france from wet 1950s london , darling attempts to hand in his notice and is outraged when the manager points out that he cannot .\nsorry i too am unable to find the film or title most are looking for , black and white for sure . saw it as a kid and like the ghosts i too have been waiting ever since , best film ever .\ni was reminded of the existence of ' no secrets ' , a total turkey which inexplicably teams oliver reed , peter cushing and keenan wynn .\ni too have been trying to find this film for years - and am still confused ! i agree entirely with those that say there were no survivors , and particularly with what ray mitcham says - that is spot on . thing is i think the title was flight of the phoenix , but obviously not the film with jimmy stewart in , maybe a made for tv film with the same name ? but also - not an episode of anything , it was a full length flm . so - anyone out there know about the film ray and i are talking about !\nwow ! can ' t believe i ' ve found this thread , i ' ve wondered about this film for years . there are definitely two different films being discussed here , mind you , and the original answer to the question posed is not sole survivor . i can remember watching this film and i can also remember what it ' s called . there is a very good reason why no one can find it in any database and that ' s because it shares the name of a very famous film which will dominate any internet search results . the film is called catch 22 , not to be confused by the famous 1970 film of the same name . saw it listed sometime back so settled down to watch . of course it was the 1970 film i was watching . disappointment . hope this helps .\nthanks for all the information that has appeared here . i have also been trying to retrieve a copy of the film , and if memory serves , the title was\nsoul survivor\n, not\nsole survivor\n. this would also make more sense in light of the survival of the souls but not the actual flesh and blood crew members .\ni remember seeing a movie late one night many years ago where the crew of a ww2 american bomber are hanging around the wreck of their aircraft in the desert . every time they try to leave they always end up back at the wreck . i seem to remember too that they were very fastidious about where they left their equipment . i must have asked a hundred people if they remember the film , but no luck . this has been the only place where people have described the story the way i remember it . the film sounds like\nsole survivor\n1969 tv movie staring william shatner which used the wreck of a b25 - j mitchell bomber . i hope this is the same film your thinking of . is it available on video anywhere ?\nit ' s called sole survivor . . i remembered it as a kid . you can watch the film in its entirety at urltoken urltoken\nthere is a scene in which oskar ' s drum so confuses a nazi marching band that it switches from a nazi hymn to\nthe blue danube .\nthe crashing obviousness of this scene aside , i must confess that the symbolism of the drum failed to involve me .\nthe movie i ' m trying to find the name of is airliner crashes at airport and the pilot walks away from the crash in a daze . then end of the movie he is found strapped in his seat in the cockpit .\nit is sole survivor . i saw it once as a child and it stuck in my mind . the whole film is online here : urltoken\noh how disappointing , i was hoping there would be an answer for me here . i too remember watching this film as a child in the 1970 ' s an have been trying to find it for years . i ' ve seen sole survivor and flight of the phoenix . it is most certainly neither of these . the film i ' m looking for was black & white and the airmen did not know they were dead . that ' s the big twist at the end . i ' m fairly sure it was a feature film too , not an episode of twilight zone . it was shown on a weekend afternoon . i hope someone can get to the bottom of this one !\ni agree with the men not knowing that they are dead and remember the film as . so g in b & w ; for most of it and only being in colour at the end when the rescuers arrive and i think john wayne ' s son was in it . i so have been trying to find out the name of this film for years\nthe movie invites us to see the world through the eyes of little oskar , who on his third birthday refuses to do any more growing up because the world is such a cruel place . my problem is that i kept seeing oskar not as a symbol of courage but as an unsavory brat ; the film ' s foreground obscured its larger meaning .\nhow frustrating ! i was hoping by the time i had got to the end of the discussion that the film would have been found . i told my daughter that she must watch ' flight of the pheonix ' as i thought that it was this film , and i was so disappointed that it was the wrong film . i remember that they crashed because they thought the heat from the dessert sand was the sea , and they were trying to crash into the sea . and i remember the twist at the end being so good as i didn ' t have a clue that they were really all dead until the army came to clear the wreckage and they were invisible ghosts ! i would love to see this film again . . . has been a long time .\na sewage farm . in what way is it a farm ? is there a farm shop ?\n- jack dee\ni have just watched ' sole survivor ' on google videos and after only a few minutes realised it was crap and definitely not the film i remember . the film that was so good we were all moved by , began with the plane flying over what they think is the sea but is the rolling sands of the desert . they think they can jump out with a lifeboat . they do not know they are dead right to the end of the film , which is what makes it so good and definitely not like the weak ' sole survivor ' plot . i think it is ' flight of the ? ' because i was surprised when i discovered it wasn ' t ' flight of the phoenix ' as an adult . please stop telling those of us who have seen this amazing film , that it is sole survivor . it definitely isn ' t ! ! ! !\nthe responders with\nthe sole survivor\nas a cbs 1970 tv movie are correct . but there is a play on words in the title that nobody hit upon yet , although malcolm is close . while the cowardly navigator ( richard baseheart , in a post - voyage to the bottom of the sea role ) was the sole survivor of the downed bomber , the movie did , in fact , end with all but one of the crew - ghosts recovered ( disappeared ) . the movie did close with a scene of the remaining crewman playing baseball by himself - the sole\nsurvivor\namong the\nghosts .\nwilliam shatner , fresh from\nstar trek\nwas also in the film , as the investigating officer .\nwell , ive just watched ' sole survivor ' on dvd . its the one with william shatner playing an air force crash investigator . in this film it is clear that the crew know they are ghosts right at the start , and that its been seventeen years since the crash . the film i remember has the whole crew ( no survivors ) believing that they are still alive . it doesn ' t come to light that they are all dead until right at the end of the film when a helicopter turns up at the crash site and freaks the crew out ( no helicopters in general service at the time of the crash ) and the helicopter crew cant see the ( dead ) crewmen . there is a scene in sole survivor with a helicopter but this is half way into the film , long after the plane wreck has been found , and not the initial discovery .\ni am looking at the box of ' sole survivor ' a made for tv movie starring william basehart , william shatner and lou antonio . the synopsis reads . . . . ' shatner delivers a credible performance as lt . col . josef gronke , the head of a team of air force investigators that fly to the site of a wreck of a b - 24 bomber that crashed in the libyan desert , stunning the world with its discovery 16 years later . ' . . . . etc . the story starts with the crew awaiting rescue , not really believing they are dead . basehart is the navigator who baled out on them during an attack by fighter planes , surviving 36 hours in the waters of the mediterranean before being picked up as the sole survivor of the crew . the film was produced by cinema center 100 productions and also stars vince edwards as the major who is determined to get to the truth , which he does in the end .\nand here we are at the central problem of the movie : should i , as a member of the audience , decide to take the drum as , say , a child ' s toy protest against the marching cadences of the german armies ? or should i allow myself to be annoyed by the child ' s obnoxious habit of banging on it whenever something ' s not to his liking ? even if i buy the wretched drum as a moral symbol , i ' m still stuck with the kid as a pious little bastard .\ni am trying to name a film but no movie databases has the answer . a plane has crashed and the cast of the film turn out to be ghosts who ' disappear ' as their bodies are recovered . in the end there is one sole ' ghost ' until the searchers return and find his body under the tail plane . have i imagined this as no one seems to know what i ' m talking about ?\nthis rings a bell with me . i ' m pretty sure it was an episode of the twilight zone , though , not a film as such . if memory serves it may even have been directed by steven spielberg . the crew of us airmen had crashed their ww2 plane when a bomb got stuck in the bomb bay . they could not die properly until their remains had been found but their ghosts were accessible though some sort of time portal . the last scene was of the final guy being discovered beneath the wrecked tail plane .\nbasically the story of a man forced to finally see the injustice around him . riley\u2019s movie is designed to do the same thing to you . \u2026\nshot in zambia as some kind of vanity project on the part of the director , ( although i ' m convinced that there also had to be some kind of tax write off involved ) , this supposed comedy is utterly dismal . to give you some idea of how bad it is , the above clip is actually one of the\nthe film is sole survivor and is available on ebay , i saw it last night for the first time in about 25 / 30 years . i remembered it clearly , it ' s the kind of movie that stays in your mind . there might be a few different versions of this film around due to commercial breaks some footage may be missing in some versions . let ' s hope it will get a proper official dvd release one day , fully restored and with plenty of extras .\nroger ebert was born on this day in 1942 , and died a little over five years ago . i owe a good part of my success\u2026\ntwilight zone series 2 . episode 6a . king nine will not return . drove me mad for nearly 30yrs trying to find this . i had the memory of it but not the title . i thought it was a film too .\nthis film is not sole survivor . it was a black and white film . the crew did not know they were dead . it was only when each of them was discovered that it dawned on them and they disappeared . unfortunately there appear to be 3 films that have the same sort of plot . . . . . does anyone else remember this one ? ? ? ? ? ?\ni remember the film as well and have been trying to find the answer for years ( with no luck ) . a few more details of the film that i remember was that the crews ' only entertainment was with a baseball and glove which one of them had . i seem to remember that all the crews ' bodies were found except the captain ' s ( his body was under the plane ) leaving him ( his spirit ) all alone at the wreck . did not the film end with him playing with glove and ball on his own ? please , someone , for my sanity ' s sake , come up with the right answer ( it is not ' sole survivor ' ) .\nactually , i don ' t think little oskar is at all innocent in this film ; a malevolence seems to burn from his eyes , and he ' s compromised in his rejection of the world ' s evil by his own behavior as the most spiteful , egocentric , cold and calculating character in the film ( all right : except for adolf hitler ) .\nthis film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are . see what\u2019s now showing\ni think the film you ' re thinking of is\nsole survivor\n. the plane was an american bomber which crashed in the desert . the crew spend their days playing baseball , not realising they ' re dead , until many years later a recovery crew locates their bodies .\nit is not ' sole survivor ' . william shatner was not in it . it was filmed in b & w . ; it was not an episode of the twilight zone . please , can anyone remember the name of the b & w ; version , and stop telling us we watched shatner in a colour version ? there is obviously more than one version of this film , and i am not after ' sole survivor ' . the ' survivors ' did not know they were ghosts until they started to realise that they could not leave the area of the crashed plane . they did play with a baseball . at the very end of the film one ghost was left alone in the desert as his body was never recovered . please help ? !\nthere are more than one sole survivor movie . the film discussed here - - a b - 25 crashed in the desert during wwii with the ghosts of the crew trapped near the plane - - is definitely one of them . i worked on the movie which was directed by my friend and mentor paul stanley and featured vince edwards , richard baseheart and william shattner . it was a great experience spending a month in the desert on the el mirage dry lake bed . see : urltoken this was the first of a series of tv movies made by cbs referred to as cc100s ( cinema center / 100 minutes ) . as far as i know , it has not been released on dvd .\nthis intriguing film is called\nsole survivor\n, and was a tv movie made in 1970 , directed by paul stanley and starring william shatner . this film had\nhaunted\nme for years until i finally tracked the title down after many , many lengthy internet searches . on at least two occasions when talking about films in the pub , someone has asked\nanyone remember that film where there ' s a crashed bomber and a crew that don ' t know there dead ?\nfor many years i have searched for the title of this film as i remember watching it as a young child so it definitely left an impression on me . all i can remember is there were no survivors , it was set in ww 1 or ww 2 and was a full length movie not part of a tv series . . i cannot remember william shatner in it and i think i would have as i was a star trek fan . it was not flight of the phoenix as they survived and soul survivor indicates there was a survivor . . they played baseball to pass the time until they were rescued . it was only , many years later , one by one , when their bones were found that the men started to disappear . i remember at the end of the film there is one man playing baseball with glove and ball in hand . his body i think was never going to be found for some reason , but it is only at the end of the film that they all realise they are dead . i think maybe it has the name of the plane in the title . .\nequally shocked and outraged , bill seeks out his old chums with a plan . he ' s not spent all of the inheritance , and there ' s just about enough left to buy the hotel ' s lease - now all they must do is convince a trio of northern investors to back them with the last of the funds they require .\ni started trying to find the name of this film after seeing\nking 9 will not return\nlast night on netflix and remembered how much i enjoyed the ghost story of the bomber crew . i watched sole survivor and it is definitely not the film . another reason i know it is not , is that i saw the film in the 1960 ' s while still living at home before going off to college in 1968 . sole survivor was made in 1970 . maybe the reason it is so hard to find , is that it wasn ' t a movie . king 9 was a 30 minute ( 22 actual minutes ) tv episode . sole survivor 1 : 36 minute movie . what i remember of the film , is that it probably was a one hour tv episode . perhaps of amaing stories , scifi theatre , outer limites or some such tv series . i hope someone comes up with the one so many of us want to find . the unknowing ghosts that disappear one by one as their remains are found till only one remains .\ni am trying to name a film but no movie databases has the answer . a plane has crashed and the cast of the film turn out to be ghosts who ' ' disappear ' ' as their bodies are recovered . in the end there is one sole ' ' ghost ' ' until the searchers return and find his body under the tail plane . have i imagined this as no one seems to know what i ' ' m talking about ? | notes and queries | urltoken\ndear me ! i wish any future contributors would have a very good read of the above comments before they say anything else .\nhi everyone . i watched the flight of the phoenix recently all the way to the end hoping it was the film i remembered - waiting for the twist ! course it didn ' t happen . the description of sole / soul survivor just don ' t seem to fit in with the fact no - one was alive and the twist definitely came right at the end . i just wish i could see it again . . .\nborgnine was not , i repeat not a flight engineer in flight of the phoenix . the movie i asked about is based on the true incident which took place in the everglades in the early 1970s . i believe it also had kim basinger as a stewardess who survived the crash .\nsole survivor is indeed the film in question , although you might not recognise it from its description in most databases . they tend to emphasise the come - uppance of the now senior aviator who was responsible for the crash , rather than the more interesting supernatural aspect that everyone actually remembers the film for . any similarity to the twilight zone episode is probably down to the fact rod serling also wrote sole survivor . it ' s likely that he drew inspiration from the discovery of the crashed wwii us bomber ' lady be good ' in the libyan desert during the late ' 50 ' s .\nthe movie juxtaposes oskar ' s one - man protest with the horror of world war ii . but i am not sure what the juxtaposition means . did i miss everything ? i ' ve obviously taken the story on a literal level , but i don ' t think that means i misread the film as it stands .\nthank you one and all ! i ' ve been trying to remember the name of this film for 20 years ! have now checked ' sole survivor ' on imdb and it is the right title . excellent !\nit is not sole survivor . i remember it on tv in the late 70s , and we had a colour tv , it was black and white and the crew did not know that they were dead . i remember it being a class film , but don ' t remember the name , ghost bomber rings a bell .\nnot looking good - reply to query to the american film institute : thank you for your interest in afi . we are sorry to report that we have been unable to identify the film you described . to continue your quest , you might wish to contact the following organizations with your question : library of congress motion picture and television reading room : urltoken academy of motion picture arts and sciences margaret herrick library : urltoken the reference librarians at these organizations may be able to direct you to the film you seek . we wish you success in your search . best , the afi staff\nthe film i ' m looking for is definitely a black and white film . i have been looking for this film for years . the characters did not know they were dead . i remember my my mum jumping up saying\nthey ' re ghosts !\nalthough a lot seems similar to sole survivor , it ' s not quite right . i think there must be 3 films that we remember . i remember that someone walked away from the plane only to find themselves back where they started . i also remember they disappeared as they were found . for years i thought it was flight of the phoenix . but having watched it recently is a very different film . i ' m sure it ' s\nflight\nsomething though .\nyep , almost certain you are talking about ' sole survivor ' . a great film - and i even have a copy on vhs ! can ' t track it down anywhere else as i ' d like a ' restored ' version if possible , ah well .\nan interview with writer / director boots riley about his incendiary new film ,\nsorry to bother you .\ni saw this movie . . . i ' m also trying to figure out the name . it streams instantly on netflix , and i can ' t remember the title , but thought the ending of lost was a rip off of the plot , lol . they have a support group of the survivors and each one disappears ( evidently as their issues are resolved ) and the psychologist leading the group is the last to figure out she ' s dead too .\nthe film has been adapted by the west german filmmaker volker schlondorff from the 1959 novel by gunter grass , who helped with the screenplay . it chronicles the career of little oskar , who narrates his own life story starting with his mother ' s conception in a potato patch . oskar is born into a world divided : in the years after world war i , both germans and poles live in the state of danzig , where they get along about as well as catholics and protestants in belfast .\n1956 british comedy film about a hotel porter who comes into money . stars frankie howerd , ruby murray , dennis price , dorothy bromley , katherine kath and others .\ni can ' t believe so many other people are trying to find the name of this film . i watched this on tv about 25years ago and have always remembered it and tried to find out what it was called . it definitely wasn ' t flight of the phoenix because it is on tv at this very minute and it has prompted me to start looking again . the description of sole survivor sounds similar but i was sure that the film i saw was black and white . i definitely remember the navigator surviving because he had told the crew to bail out over the sea but in fact it was the desert and the crew haunted him when they realised they were dead . maybe there are two versions of this film , the colour one and also the older b / w one , would love to know for sure .\ni started thinking about this film after visiting a ww2 aircraft crash site in the far north of scotland ( near gairloch ) . it is a war grave , and there is still debris from the plan scattered over the hillside and the loch . but back to the film . this is what i remember . it is black and white . the crew do not know that they are dead . as their bodies are discovered , they\nvanish\n. they do play baseball , and the guy with the mitt and ball does not get found . i don ' t think it was called\nsole surviver\n, i think the title was longer and might have had the name of the plane .\nwell , having posted this query . . . and not having seen sole survivor ( or not ) i would like to thank all those looking in and who have answered my query but i still think that the answer is buried under the plane . what is driving me mad now is that i also believe it is referred to in another film , mid 80 ' s possibly , where someone says , when seeing a movie on black and white tv , ' hey , i remember this . . . the guy is buried under the tail of the plane . ' so is this a case where the film is actually sole survivor , but the on - screen reference has sown a seed that is making us all think we have seen the film . . . but with a different ending ?\ni can confirm the film is not sole / soul survivor . the original black and white film was shown in the uk pre 1968 and followed a different plot to sole survivour . the b52 and crew crash land in the desert , try to walk away but always return , try to fix the plane , then start to disappear slowly . eventualy the remaining crew think they are rescued . however the rescue party find the remaining bodies and bury the surviours - who all disappear . it is not sole survior\nincredible ! i ' ve been thinking about this film since i was a kid ( i ' m 35 now ) . i think i only caught the end of the movie and it left such an impression on me i vowed to watch the whole film one day . every now and then it would pop into my head and i would think i must try to find the name of it sometime . so , tonight finally i type in a long - shot search into google and stumble across this thread ! i can ' t believe it ! i so agree with many of you who thought this film was a figment of their imagination . what was it about this film that hooked us so much - i mean , i was a little girl , my main joy was my cindy dolls , ballet and ponies - why would a movie about war , airplanes & dead pilots leave such an impression ? ! anyway , after reading all your posts i ' ve just been on ebay and bought a copy of sole survivor . i don\u0092t know if it ' s going to be the one i remember , but i ' ll let you know when i ' ve received it and watched it - fingers crossed .\neverybody please stop trying to guess the movie if : you think it is in color or you think that william shatner is in it , because neither of those things is true . it is a black and white film , and the crew of the crashed plane don ' t ever stray very far from it , nor do i remember seeing any other characters aside from them . i also remember a harmonica being in the mix . it was a slow paced film from what i can recall . i ' m glad i ' m not alone in this , but sad we can not figure it out ! doug\nonce again , i have to disagree with both eric and steve . this is not the movie we are talking about . the film , which we are trying to trace has no survivors . the final survivor out of the crew of ghosts , appears to have been left by the\nrescuers\nbut as they drive away after apparently finding no trace of him , they find his body several miles away . this enable his\nghost\nto disappear the same way as all the others . i say again in the film we are trying to trace there are no survivors at all . all the ghosts are released from their limbo .\nif we come in armed with the grass novel and a sheaf of reviews , it ' s maybe just possible to discipline ourselves to read\nthe tin drum\nas a solemn allegorical statement . but if we take the chance of just watching what ' s on the screen , schlondorff never makes the connection . we ' re stuck with this cretinous little kid , just when europe has enough troubles of its own .\nlets just make one thing clear the film is not soul / survivor , i watched this film for which we all seek on a colour tv in either 1977 - 78 , this film was black and white end off . i remember the brilliant twist at the end and i ' ve never forgotten it , i remember one of them saying its all going dark as 1 by 1 they where found and put into body bags with 1 left behind under the tail end of the plane and i ' m sure he shouts look under the tail but obviously no - one can hear him and the crash team leave and he is left with this baseball bat and ball . it ' s haunted me for over 33 years this film and its not the bloody twilight zone either , i ' ve searched everywhere for it but seems to have vanished !\nanother voice here confirming that sole survivor is not the film that many of us are seeking . i ordered that and watched it this afternoon , and , good as it is , it isn ' t the film in which the characters gradually realise they are dead as their bodies are found . the two films are so similar , though , it ' s seems likely that they are based on the same root story .\nno answer , but it isn ' t sole survivor . i saw it many years ago but we had a color tv and it was black and white and not a tv episode but a full feature film . hope someone comes up with it because i loved the movie and would love to own it .\nthanks , ray . the film definitely has no survivors and nothing to do with a navigation error - it definitely has baseball in it and there are no survivors at the end , all the ghosts are laid to rest . please keep insisting !\nof the film . reed affects a poor american accent in his role as a bumbling us marine , ( i ' m guessing that the director would have liked to describe the character as ' clouseau - esque ' - in his dreams ) , sent to an african dictatorship to recover a crashed us satellite . he has lots of ' hilarious ' encounters with various ' wacky ' characters , played by the aforementioned actors , taking time off from their paid holiday in zambia . the ' special ' effects are anything but - the budget was clearly miniscule , the script dreadful and the direction abysmal . really ,\nan interview with terry gilliam , director of\nthe man who killed don quixote .\nthanks for your reply paul kennedy . i am not saying that you are not right , but i just want to find this film . like so many others , i have remembered watching it as a child and it never left me . some time ago i bought sole survivor and it didn ' t seem to be quite the film i remembered . as children though , i doubt that we would really know film titles . i find it hard to believe that a film can be made such as the catch 22 which you mention , and there not be one mention of it on the whole internet . so far , in my humble opinion , the most likely explanations are that we simply remember the film a little differently from so long ago , or there is actually another edit as someone has said . every version of sole survivor i have seen ( aside from the one i saw on tv as a child ) has been the u . s . version it seems . could there be a european / uk edit ? someone has mentioned on here that they have seen two versions . i have spent some time looking for catch 22 , and variants on that title , but nothing yet .\nallegories have trouble standing for something else if they are too convincing as themselves . that is the difficulty with\nthe tin drum ,\nwhich is either ( a ) an allegory about one person ' s protest against the inhumanity of the world , or ( b ) the story of an obnoxious little boy .\ni remember this film , but like so many others , do not know the name of it . i know it is not sole survivor or any other mentioned so far . this film was black and white and made in the 1960s . the story line was 6 crew members that played baseball around a crashed wwii bomber . they couldn ' t go very far away from the plane though and had to always return to it . they did not know they were dead . that was the twist , and the viewer never knew they were dead either . one by one the crew disappeared as each body was discovered until the last one was discovered under the tail of the plane ."]} {"id": 114598, "summary": [{"text": "pacific liner is a 1939 american action/adventure film directed by lew landers .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film stars victor mclaglen , chester morris and wendy barrie .", "topic": 19}, {"text": "pacific liner depicts the ill-fated voyage of a disease-ridden passenger liner . ", "topic": 6}], "title": "pacific liner", "paragraphs": ["with the headline : the screen ; the sad and fateful voyage of ' pacific liner , ' which landed yesterday at the rialto .\nif you get a chance to swing by pacific plug & liner ( pp & l ) during the california spring trials , be sure to ask production operations manager ryan hall about the multi - cutting liner combos he\u2019s trialed .\nwe don ' t have enough data to suggest any movies based on pacific liner . you can help by rating movies you ' ve seen .\njust in case anyone is interest , my extremely rare 14\u2019 1949 pacific liner travel trailer ( canned ham ) is now listed for sale on ebay .\nstep inside the liner hotel liverpool for your special day and experience the wedding day of your dreams .\npacific plug & liner , a sister company to smith gardens , has an exciting opportunity for a production and planning manager to join our team at our watsonville , ca site .\npacific plug & liner was founded in october 1999 and is located on the beautiful california central coast with a climate ideal for plant and flower production . we have approximately 290 , 000 sq . ft . dedicated to growing young plants . pacific plug & liner features a state - of - the - art production facility , ensuring consistent and superior quality .\npacific plug & liner is committed to high quality plant introductions that not only will make a gardener gush but will be a success for the grower as well . our new products are taken through extensive trial and evaluations , making sure the best genetics come to market . you can ensure there will always be something new to see at pacific plug & liner .\nviewing is highly recommended to truly appreciate the setting the liner hotel can provide for the day of your dreams .\nfor more detailed information on the pacific surfliner , including destinations and special promotions , visit urltoken . follow @ pacsurfliners for pacific surfliner updates on twitter .\nthe pacific dawn current position now from the p & o ; cruises schedule . pacific dawn is cruising on a 4 night whitsundays ( airlie beach ) cruise .\npacific plug & liner was founded in october 1999 . we are located on the beautiful california central coast with a climate ideal for plant production . we have approximately 290 , 000 square feet dedicated to growing young plants .\ndelight your guests with delicious quality catering in the beautiful surroundings of the britannic suite providing all the classic hallmarks of an ocean liner .\nvisit our mediaroom for the latest news and information regarding the pacific surfliner . learn more .\n\u2014 pacific plug & liner is returning to the california spring trials ( cast ) april 1\u20136 , 2017 with camp perennial , where adventure awaits attendees interested in an immersive experience with the latest perennial and specialty products from around the world .\nthe pacific surfliner transit transfer program provides free connections to bus and transit services at most pacific surfliner stations . simply show your amtrak pacific surfliner paper ticket or e - ticket when you board the connecting transit services listed below . you can also purchase a discounted 1 - day transit pass for metro ( los angeles ) and mts ( san diego ) in the pacific surfliner caf\u00e9 car .\nfounded in 1999 , pacific plug & liner is a california - based plant supplier offering a wide selection of varieties and programs . with strong breeder partnerships and an ideal growing location , pp & l offers only the best in perennials and select specialty plants .\nthis pacific dawn web cam live view will auto - refresh every 60 seconds , subject to availability .\nshare your vows and start your partnership on board the liner , choosing from the intimate setting of the empress suite to the grand setting of the britannic suite .\nall regions africa & middle east alaska & nth . america pacific antarctica arctic - atlantic asia australia caribbean europe - baltic & north atlantic europe - mediterranean europe - rivers europe - western & british isles hawaii mexican riviera micronesia new zealand north america east coast north pacific panama & central america south america south pacific transatlantic transpacific world & grand\ngrab a big hat , ride the pacific surfliner to solana beach , and catch the free shuttle to the races .\n| sitemap | copyright notice | privacy policy | copyright \u00a9 pacific international lines pte ltd 2016 . all rights reserved .\npacific formliner is a formliner for poured in place wall caps , pool copings , stairs , and counter tops . pacific formliner is available in a flexible , re - usable pfl and rigid eps . the architectural profiles created using pacific formliner add to the overall beauty of any project . sixteen standard profiles with matching finishing tools . custom profiles can be made to order .\n( the cost of immediate burial and full funeral doesn\u2019t include the cost of a casket , cemetery plot , grave liner or grave marker , which can tack thousands on to the bill . )\n\u00b7 21660 pacific coast hwy , malibu , calif . [ trulia ] \u00b7 all house of the day posts [ curbed national ]\ncome see us the best time to see our new and exciting varieties is at the california pack trials . pacific plug & liner was proud to host several companies in 2013 including cohen , hishtil , jaldety , mcconkey , mps , schwartz and sunset western garden collection . each year we feature a extensive comparison trial of perennial and annual genetics .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at oceanside adventures to save $ 5 on whale watching trips . book online or call 760 - 277 - 3737 . show a valid pacific surfliner ticket to receive a $ 5 refund at check in . offer valid through 12 / 31 / 17 .\nflexibility : the material used with pacific formliner allows the form to flex around a wide range of radii much more easily than styrofoam formliners .\nthe ill - fated voyage of\npacific liner ;\nwhich sank at the rialto yesterday , leaving only a few scattered traces of plotsam and jetsam , is one of the strangest mysteries of the c ' s on record : the story of a ghost ship which not only never reaches any destination but apparently never even had one . view full article in timesmachine \u00bb\nenjoy year - round savings on the pacific surfliner with california everyday discounts . let us take you to some of the top destinations in southern california .\njacob and i can\u2019t thank you enough for the great weekend we had at the liner . everything was just perfect and we feel so lucky that we had the bar and the room upgraded . thanks so much for all you\ndurability : pacific formliner is much more durable than styrofoam formliners . it won\u2019t break when stepped on and has even survived being run over by a truck .\npacific plug & liner features a state of the art production facility , ensuring consistent and superior quality . our facility includes ; rolling dutch containers , irrigation booms , argus environmental controls , high pressure fog system and hydronic bottom heating . orders and inventory are managed by the picas software system . this system allows us to track our inventory and crop schedules in real time , ensuring consistent quality and timely delivery .\nheading north , the route takes you directly through anaheim , making the pacific surfliner your ticket to a worry - free trip to disneyland\u00ae and disney california adventure\u00ae park .\napril schedule change : a coordinated schedule change impacting amtrak pacific surfliner , metrolink and coaster trains became effective sunday , april 1 , 2018 . there is now an earlier northbound train to serve santa barbara during peak travel times . minor adjustments have been made to other pacific surfliner trains . view more details and download the new schedule .\nmap from a brochure entitled \u201cthe canadian pacific ocean services limited : atlantic ser - vice , \u201d 1910 . 46 . 5 \u00d7 81 cm . morse collection , 1737\nimmerse yourself in the total southern california experience aboard the pacific surfliner . from rugged coastlines to the glitz and glamour of hollywood and the historic charm of san diego , the pacific surfliner invites you to bring your bike , your board , your clubs and your appetite to some of the hottest spots and coolest destinations socal has to offer .\nthe liner can provide ceremony and reception space for weddings from 10 guests to 250 guests arranged with both traditional or contemporary style catering packages . our flexible approach to style , budget and theme means there is an option to meet every requirement of your special day .\np & o australia ' s pacific explorer carries 2 , 000 passengers and sports a contemporary design , a cabaret - style supper club and a water park with waterslides .\np & o ; set out to reinvent australian cruising with pacific aria ; it ' s got a swishy pool deck , 15 dining options and a multitude of bars .\na great escape awaits you . journey along the coast on the pacific surfliner to top destinations , including beautiful beaches , diverse culinary offerings , and popular cultural and tourist attractions .\npacific eden , which touts an impressively luxe look for a mid - priced cruise experience , offers an array of bars , complimentary specialty dining venues and first - class musical entertainment .\nthe international mercantile marine conglomerate produced an especially effective map [ 139 ] showing train times and prices ( for both first - and second - class passengers ) between various ports and cities across europe . but only the canadian - pacific line could boast of an integrated network of ships and railroads that spanned the atlantic , north america , and the pacific [ 138 ] .\nview view pacific dawn cruises below for 115 cruises to 22 ports with today ' s best deals ! do - you - qualify do you qualify for discounts & benefits as past guests , over 55 ' s , ex - military , earlybirds ? call to find out ! browse browse 596 recent pacific dawn reviews from our guests , benefit from their tips & stories .\ninside pacific plug & liner , pp & l is introducing eight new or altering series for 2012 . two new series are buzz buddleia and scent from heaven dianthus . buzz is a compact buddleia that grows between 12 and 18 inches in containers and up to four feet in the landscape . among the introductory colors are lavender , ivory and violet blue . the new dianthus series , meanwhile , contains four varieties . all four have some form of pink flowering and silver blue foliage .\namtrak thruway service offers connecting transportation to destinations such as bakersfield and long beach from the pacific surfliner . amtrak takes care of booking and ticketing for you to see and do more on your trip .\nevery pacific surfliner station is a short walk from at least one can ' t - miss destination . learn more about each station below or use our map and schedules to choose your own adventure .\nfares , routes , schedules , and services are subject to change without notice . amtrak , surfliner , and pacific surfliner are registered service marks of the national railroad passenger corporation and used with permission .\nis a premier perennial liner supplier , over 15 million perennial liners are shipped annually to independent garden centers , wholesale growers , landscapers , and municipalities across the us and canada . each year , approximately 100 new items are added to their catalog of over 1 , 000 bare root and elle plug perennial liners .\nconnecting san luis obispo and san diego through los angeles and santa barbara , the pacific surfliner route offers a unique vantage on the southern california seascape . to get a closer look , you ' d have to be on a surfboard , which , believe it or not , you ' re welcome to bring onboard , since pacific surfliner trains have special racks to accommodate the bikes and boards of our more outdoor - minded riders .\norange is our all - rounder , this color tends to have the heaviest flower set and can be planted throughout the spring and summer with great results . another plus is that we have successfully grown this one in a range of sizes from a 2 . 5 quart to a 5 gallon using only one 72 cell liner , filling the bill no matter the size of the tab !\nhall rounded up more than 100 recipes from some of the different multi - cutting liner combo programs in the united states , from pleasant view gardens\u2019 program and mast young plants\u2019 designer liners to ball floraplant\u2019s mixmasters and syngenta flowers\u2019 kwik kombos . ball\u2019s black petunia combos with whites and yellows are particular standouts . as hall put it , ball\u2019s black - and - gold combos are perfect for pittsburgh steelers fans .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket and get 20 % off your purchase at fuddruckers . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . fuddruckers is located at 221 n san fernando blvd , burbank , ca 91502 . 818 - 848 - 4856\nimmediate burial : the average was $ 1 , 758 , with the least expensive at cremation society of laguna in laguna hills ( $ 650 ) and the most expensive at , um , pacific view memorial park in newport beach ( $ 4 , 195 ) .\npacific jewel is the seventh ship to cruise under the p & o australia brand and another to have enjoyed many past lives with carnival - owned companies . it was originally ordered by sitmar but was absorbed into the princess fleet when the company was taken over .\nsave 15 % on purchase at enchanted florist when you show your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . enchanted florist is located at 850 n hollywood way , burbank , ca 91505 . 818 - 840 - 8556\nthe pacific surfliner route offers 11 daily round - trip services between san diego and los angeles , and five between santa barbara and san diego . whatever your travel plans are , you ' re sure to find a departure time that meets your needs . for additional connecting opportunities to even more destinations , the southern california passenger rail timetable makes it easy to reference other train services by combining the schedules of the pacific surfliner , other amtrak trains , metrolink and coaster commuter trains to plan your trip to cities and towns not served by your primary rail provider .\nsave 10 % on purchase at romancing the bean when you show your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . romancing the bean is located at 3413 w magnolia blvd , burbank , ca 91505 . 818 - 845 - 2326\ncremation : prices for this environmentally - friendly exit averaged $ 1 , 478 in o . c . the least expensive cremation was at accord in brea ( $ 559 ) , and the most expensive cremation was at pacific view memorial park in newport beach ( $ 3 , 264 ) .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket and get 15 % off your purchase at tony\u2019s darts away . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . tony\u2019s darts away is located at 1710 w . magnolia ave . , burbank , ca 91506 . 818 - 253 - 1710 .\nreceive 10 % on purchase at autobooks - aerobooks when you show your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 5 / 31 / 16 . autobooks - aerobooks is located at 2900 w . magnolia blvd . , burbank , ca 91505 . ( 818 ) 845 - 0707 .\nreceive 15 % on purchase at best of times when you show your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . best of times is located at 3401 w . magnolia blvd . , burbank , ca 91505 . ( 818 ) 848 - 5851 .\nour next stop was pacific plug and liner ( pp & l ) , where there is always a wide selection of not commonly seen products . in addition to pp & l exhibiting , cohen , cultivaris , hishtil , jaldety and sunset western garden collection also display their varieties there . one item that caught our attention was the scents & flavor garden program from hishtil , which features herbs with unique tastes or smells . plants in this program included oddities such as the mushroom plant , which has high levels of iron and vitamin c in its leaves and tastes like mushrooms . other examples were a silvery artemesia that smelled like coca - cola and a santolina with olive - scented foliage . another item that intrigued us at this stop was jaldety\u2019s gaura \u2018gauriella bicolor . \u2019\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at little louies gift store in oceanside and receive 10 % off any item . offer valid 6 / 1 / 16 \u2013 6 / 1 / 17 . little louies gift store is located at 312 mission ave . , oceanside , ca 92054 . 760 - 231 - 7840 .\nfull funeral : the average for a funeral \u2014 including embalming , viewing and services \u2014 averaged $ 4 , 477 . the least expensive was at infinity cremation society in tustin ( $ 2 , 415 ) and the most expensive was at , er , pacific view memorial park in newport beach ( $ 9 , 525 ) .\nno compulsory gratuities are charged on pacific dawn . p & o leaves the decision of tipping to passengers who have experienced exemplary service . if you wish to reward crew , gratuities can be added to your onboard account by filling in a form in your cabin and handing it into the reception at the end of your voyage .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at stone company store at any of the locations listed and received $ 1 off 1l growler fills , $ 2 off 2l growler fills and / or $ 1 off a pint of beer ( limit 2 ) . stone company store is located at 310 n . tremont st . , oceanside , ca 92054 .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at island brewing company and buy one island brew pint and get the second pint free ! offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . must be 21 years of age or older . island brewing company is located at 5049 6th st , carpinteria , ca 93013 . 805 - 745 - 8272\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at stone company store at any of the locations listed and received $ 1 off 1l growler fills , $ 2 off 2l growler fills and / or $ 1 off a pint of beer ( limit 2 ) . stone company store is located at 1202 kettner blvd . suite # 101 , san diego , ca 92101 .\nsalvia heatwave is hardy in zones 6 to 9 , and will reach a height of 30 inches with a width of 36 inches . it is available in five colors : \u2018sparkle\u2019 ( pink ) , \u2018blaze\u2019 ( red ) , \u2018blast\u2019 ( salmon ) , \u2018glitter\u2019 ( purple ) and \u2018glimmer\u2019 ( white ) . this variety prefers well - drained soil and moderate growing temperatures of 55\u00b0f to 75\u00b0f . pinching is needed to shape the plant but no pgr is required . a liner will fill a 1 - gallon container in 12 to 15 weeks .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at stone company store at any of the locations listed and received $ 1 off 1l growler fills , $ 2 off 2l growler fills and / or $ 1 off a pint of beer ( limit 2 ) . stone company store is located at 220 s . raymond ave . suite # 103 , pasadena , ca 91105 .\nthe production and planning manager is primarily responsible for leading production planning processes including production scheduling , capacity planning , material , procurement , and liner - bility\u2122 administration . oversees system integrity and integration within inventory , purchasing , and crop management parameters . utilizes systems with the primary goals of reducing costs , improving procedures , and increasing profit . coordinates with production supervisor to maximize production efficiency and accuracy . communicates with customer service manager to effectively match production with orders . leads and motivates staff , increasing performance , while promoting a positive , professional work environment .\nmany passengers on pacific dawn are multi - cruise enthusiasts and obviously have their routine and preferences down pat , but for first - time cruisers , the lido area is either embraced or just used to transit through to the pantry and back decks . staff throughout the ship work hard to please passengers and their good humour and enthusiasm contributes significantly to what is already an enjoyable cruise experience .\nshow your pacific surfliner ticket at debell golf course and receive 2 for 1 golf ( 2 golfers with cart for the price of one ) and 30 % off customer bill , ( food only ) debell\u2019s canyon grille restaurant , dine in only . debell golf couse is located at 1500 e walnut ave , burbank , ca 91501 . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17\ndining options have also been upgraded , with the pantry ' s food - court - style outlets replacing the traditional cruise ship buffet . passengers who are already familiar with this venue will notice the addition of a new mediterranean outlet , nic & toni ' s , on pacific dawn . at the rear of the pantry , a new a la carte seafood restaurant , shell & bones , opens daily for dinner .\nof course , there ' s always plenty of reason to stop in los angeles . the home of the stars is also home to universal studios hollywoodsm , the stunning pacific coast highway and the people - watching wonder that is the venice boardwalk . no matter what you do , just remember to grab your sunglasses and watch for your favorite stars . after passing through the popular resort town of santa barbara , the pacific surfliner route ' s northernmost destination is the charming old city of san luis obispo . founded in 1772 , the city boasts numerous historic inns and theaters , and even a rare commercial building designed by frank lloyd wright . whether you come to soak in the ambiance or some of the delicious wines produced in nearby edna valley , you ' ll find that san luis obispo is a perfect place to end your journey .\nreceive 50 % off regular adult admission at flappers comedy club in burbank with your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 5 / 1 / 16 \u2013 4 / 30 / 17 . subject to availability . cannot be combined with any other offers . not valid for special events or previously purchased ticket . no cash value . good for up to two tickets . flappers comedy club is located at 102 e magnolia blvd , burbank , ca 91502 . call for reservations ( 818 ) 845 - 9721 .\nsave 15 % on your stay at the country inn & suites by carlson ventura when you show your pacific surfliner ticket . offer valid 6 / 1 / 16 \u2013 6 / 1 / 17 . reservations must be made directly with the hotel by phone or urltoken . ticket stub date should be date of arrival and shown at check - in . the country inn & suites by carlson ventura is located at 298 e . chestnut st . , ventura , ca 93001 . 805 - 653 - 1434 .\nan outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low - budget melodrama from rko . en route from shanghai to san francisco , chief engineer crusher mckay ( victor mclaglen ) and shipboard doctor tony craig ( chester morris ) become rivals for the attention of nurse ann grayson ( wendy barrie ) . a chinese stowaway , meanwhile , infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor . but morale sinks to an all - time low when crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny . tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic crusher rises from his sickbed . leaving their previous petty squabbles behind , tony and crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor , where the doc and ann rekindle their romance .\njessica mcdunn , a spokeswoman for service corporation international , which owns newport beach\u2019s pacific view and many other funeral homes in orange county , including harbor lawn in costa mesa , diamond & shannon in garden grove , advantage in huntington beach , rose hills in irvine and several more . with all these options , the company meets price points for all types of families , she said \u2014 not just the exclusive newport beach market that was most expensive in all three categories . it also offers exclusive benefits that can\u2019t be found elsewhere , she said\u2013 such as the ability to transfer prearranged services to a different location if a customer moves , bereavement travel services and 24 / 7 access to counselors .\nlocation : malibu , calif . price : $ 15 , 950 , 000 the skinny : you ' ve got to aim high in this life to achieve your goals , even if you ' re a house , and even if for some reason one of your goals is to strongly resemble the superstructure of a carnival cruise lines ship puttering along on the long beach - to - puerto vallarta run . built on the stucco - and - particleboard ruins of the teardown that once sat on this prime plot extending into the breakers along malibu ' s historic la costa beach , the design , by a frustratingly unnamed\nnotable sf architect ,\nis meant to evoke the silhouette of a cruise ship , and it does , sort of\u2014in ( to paraphrase nick cave ) a certain light , from a certain angle . so , mission accomplished , and goal met . putting aside all the listing folderol about\nan ocean liner floating at sea\nfor a moment , the house features truly gorgeous ocean views and a laundry list of high - end italian kitchen and bathroom fixtures . it ' s asking $ 15 . 95m .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nyour social account may not have provided your email to us . please confirm or enter it below to complete your profile .\nwe found your email in our system . please provide your site password to link to your existing account .\nforgot your password ? enter your email address and we ' ll send you instructions on how to access your account .\nwe have not verified that the email belongs to you . please check your inbox for the verification email .\nto resend the verification email , please enter your email address and click submit .\nleonard maltin classic movie guide , copyright 2005 , 2010 . used by arrangement with penguin group ( usa ) inc .\ntm & \u00a9 2018 turner classic movies , inc . a time warner company . all rights reserved . code of conduct for this site | press room | privacy policy | | terms of use\nthe finnish emigrants usually traveled from an english harbor to america and only a small number used a german harbor . in the beginning the route went via sweden , and from one of the harbors there they took a ship to england or germany . in 1911 the swedish america line opened a direct route from gothenburg to new york this was a popular way for the finns particularly in the 1920 ' s . direct traffic was also established from norway to north america and the person who used copenhagen as a way - station usually went via england or germany .\nthe majority of the emigrants traveled to hull , england and then by train through england to liverpool , southampton or glasgow . there they embarked on some of the big steamers to cross the atlantic ocean . the most important shipping companies were the german hapag and norddeutscher lloyd , and the english lines cunard , inman , national , dominion , white star , anchor , allan , state and wilson .\nthere are no passenger lists preserved for the departure ports for the traffic across the atlantic ocean . links to passenger lists , shipping companies , ships , as well as general information about this topic can be found on a list maintained by chris gaunt .\nin the 1880 ' s the german shipping companies norddeutscher lloyd and hapag started routes from hanko ( hang\u00f6 ) to stockholm , copenhagen and l\u00fcbeck and soon also to hull in england . in the autumn of 1891 the finland steamship company ( f . \u00e5 . a . ) started a direct route from hanko to hull . for some years the company totally dominated the traffic from finland to england .\nthe manuscript department of \u00e5bo akademi university library has passenger lists for the finland steamship company . these lists contain the name of the passenger , home district , place of destination and time of departure . the passenger lists can be of help when looking for the final destination of the immigrants in america . the table below shows how unreliable the information in the passenger lists can be :\nthe locations of first years of employment in the united states for emigrants from north satakunta during the years 1901 - 14 . the data is compared with the destinations mentioned in the passenger lists of the finland steamship company\nthe passenger lists of the finland steamship company include only third class passengers who bought their ticket in finland to their place of destination in america . the lists do not include passengers of first and second class , nor passengers who bought their ticket in england to cross the atlantic ocean .\nthe institute of migration in turku , finland has transferred passenger lists of the finland steamship company to computer . the database is accessible on the internet to registered users .\nin the 1870 ' s and 1880 ' s almost all the finnish emigration to america went through swedish harbors . this changed at the end of the 1880 ' s when direct routes were opened from hanko ( hang\u00f6 ) to hull . most of the people who still traveled through sweden came from the \u00e5land islands or from oulu province because it was easy to travel to stockholm on the steamships from the northern parts of sweden . in 1869 sweden passed a law requiring that all emigrants were to be registered and the passenger lists were established at that time .\nparts of the swedish passenger lists are on computer and released on a cd called emigranten . the cd can be searched in the library of the genealogical society of finland . the cd has passenger lists for gothenburg ( 1869 - 1930 ) , malm\u00f6 ( 1874 - 1930 ) , stockholm ( 1869 - 1930 ) , norrk\u00f6ping ( 1859 - 1919 ) and kalmar ( 1880 - 1893 ) . there are a total of 1 . 3 million people and among them are many finns .\ngothenburg was the biggest harbor for emigration in sweden until 1951 , when the traffic of the swedish american line was canceled . there are 1 million passengers in the passenger lists and during the years 1870 - 1914 there were 56 , 000 finns registered .\nthe second harbor in size was malm\u00f6 with over 160 , 000 passengers during 1874 - 1939 . in the years 1870 - 1914 about 1 , 100 emigrants from finland used this harbor .\nduring the period 1869 - 1930 stockholm had about 23 , 000 emigrants , of which about 4 , 400 were from the years 1880 - 1914 .\nin norway passengers were registered by local police authorities . the harbors were bergen , fredrikstad , kristiansand , kristiansund , larvik , oslo ( kristiania ) , sandefjord , stavanger , trondheim ( during 1870 - 1914 about 1 , 500 finns used this route ) and \u00e5lesund . it is not known if the finns used all these harbors . some of the ships went straight to america and others went to a harbor in england .\npassenger lists for norway can be searched in digitalarkivet in the national archives in oslo , norway . the finns are registered as foreigners .\nin copenhagen all passengers were registered for the years 1868 - 1940 and the material has been transferred to computer . it is searchable at the danish emigration archives . it is not known how many finns traveled this way . one can assume there were some finns , because the steamers on their way from hanko to hull in the late 1880 ' s landed in copenhagen . from copenhagen the emigrants usually went to hamburg or bremen via l\u00fcbeck , and then took a ship from there to america . one route from copenhagen went to oslo and then to new york .\nbremen and hamburg were the harbors for the traffic across the atlantic ocean to america . the passenger lists for bremen were destroyed during the second world war , but in hamburg there are passenger lists for 1850 - 1934 with about 5 million records . unknown how many finns are found in the records . a project to bring the records online on the internet is going on . at the beginning records from 1890 to 1914 will be online in a pay database ( 1890 - 1898 was online in july 2004 ) .\nurltoken cannot make reservations with more than four different passenger types in one reservation . reduce the number of passenger types and try again .\ncall 1 - 800 - usa - rail to make reservations for 9 to 14 people . for reservations with 15 or more , complete a group travel request . more about group travel\nhere\u2019s where you tell us how many of each passenger type are traveling . everyday passenger and membership discounts are available . find out how much you can save .\nreservations made on urltoken are limited to one traveler with disability per booking . for assistance making a reservation with more than one traveler with disability , call 1 - 800 - usa - rail .\nstarting at the southern end of the route , you ' ll find an almost endless list of attractions in the sun - splashed city of san diego . take in a thrilling aquatic show at seaworld\u00ae . stroll by the many shops and restaurants of the gaslamp quarter . or take a sandy step back in time at the grand old victorian beachfront hotel del coronado .\nenjoy unique amenities when you upgrade such as a 25 % point bonus for amtrak guest rewards members ; seating in a dedicated car with service attendant ; additional leg room ; a complimentary glass of wine , non - alcoholic beverages , and light snacks ; access to the amtrak metropolitan lounge in los angeles ; priority boarding in san diego ; and a fully refundable ticket if canceled prior to departure .\nnote about carry - on baggage : each carry - on bag may not exceed 28 x 22 x 11 inches in size .\n\u201cthe purpose of life is to live it , to taste it , to experience to the utmost , to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience . \u201d\ndownloadable menus are updated regularly , but menu items and prices are subject to change and may be different from what is available onboard .\nawash in red tile roofs and white stucco walls , santa barbara celebrates california\u2019s spanish heritage and invites you to sample its sophisticated boutiques , world - class wineries and magnificent waterfront dining .\nhop aboard a ferry to channel islands national park for unforgettable hiking , diving and wildlife viewing , or if you prefer your nature to be more sculpted , play a few rounds at some of the most scenic golf courses in america .\nwhat trip to california would be complete without a stop in tinseltown ? shop with the stars along rodeo drive or head to the beaches of malibu for some serious people watching .\nfor family fun , head out to the historic santa monica pier or the mecca of amusement , disneyland . if culture is what you\u2019re after , don\u2019t miss the world - renowned collections of the j . paul getty museum .\npast and present meet in san diego , where old town marks the first spanish settlement on the west coast and the u . s . s . midway commemorates the military\u2019s contributions to our modern security .\nfrom its famous zoo and museums of balboa park to waterfront fun on the embarcadero and beaches of la jolla , the san diego area is the perfect place to start or end your socal adventure .\npasswords should be at least 10 characters long and include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character , 1 number and 1 special character . passwords are case sensitive .\nhint : check your caps lock as passwords are case sensitive . passwords should be at least 10 characters long and include 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alpha character , 1 number and 1 special character . !\n# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ _ ` < | > ~\nit looks like you don ' t have security questions set in your account . we sent you an email with password reset instructions instead . you can configure your security question in your profile the next time that you log in .\noops , that answer wasn ' t quite right . let ' s try a different question .\nplease enter a password . your password must be at least 8 characters long , include at least 1 alpha character , and include at least 1 number or special character ( - ? . _ @\n$ # , ) . passwords are case sensitive .\nthat answer wasn\u2019t correct either . we\u2019ve sent you an email with instructions to reset your password instead .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nthe s . s . arcturus sails from shanghai to san francisco , and dr . jim craig takes the post of ship ' s physician in order to be near ann grayson , the ship ' s nurse . chief engineer ' crusher\n. . . see full summary \u00bb\nbuzzing comedies such as the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for all the info you need .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nthe s . s . arcturus sails from shanghai to san francisco , and dr . jim craig takes the post of ship ' s physician in order to be near ann grayson , the ship ' s nurse . chief engineer ' crusher\nmckay also has his eyes on ann , and this brings an immediate conflict between the two men . when an epidemic breaks out below decks , craig tells mckay the engine - and - fire rooms must be put under quarantine , but all of craig ' s efforts to keep the disease from spreading are opposed by mckay .\nwas given instructions to come up with a low budget film that could use the still standing set . the result was\n6 of 6 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 / / en\nurltoken\ncome see the angels and the padres play in downtown san diego august 13 - 15 .\ntake the train to concerts at the fivepoint amphitheatre . the 2018 season is underway !\n2018 fare restructuring : we ' ve restructuring our fares to standardize pricing . view a summary of the changes that became effective march 1 . learn more .\nget info or tickets 24 / 7 . ( tdd / tty service : 1 - 800 - 523 - 6590 )\nanaheim regional transportation intermodal center 2626 e . katella avenue anaheim , ca 92806 staffed station\nfree unattended short and long term parking is available , except during stadium games or events when parking is $ 8 . 00 ( reimbursable from amtrak with the purchase of a train ticket ) .\nalthough parking is not available at the train station , unattended paid parking is available at the nearby bob hope airport .\nunattended free short and long term parking available in parking lot adjacent to station .\nunattended free short - and long - term parking available in both structure and surface lots . however , no overnight parking is allowed in the parking structure .\nparking is not available at the san diego station . paid parking ( short / long term ) is provided by ace public parking , located a few blocks north of the station .\nunattended free short and long term parking is available in the station parking lot .\npaid long term parking : city - operated parking is $ 5 . 00 a day if parking ticket is validated by amtrak . parking is free for the first 75 minutes .\nshort and long term parking is available at the far north end of the station parking lot . in addition , some limited street parking is available in the residential area nearby .\nunattended limited short and long term parking at the ventura county fairgrounds when no events are scheduled .\nshow your current amtrak ticket ( traditional paper , e - ticket , or mobile device ) to santa barbara and enjoy special deals through december 31 , 2016 . click here to see all the partners . offer is valid 1 / 1 / 16 \u2013 12 / 31 / 16 .\nstay at the crowne plaza ventura beach hotel and receive 10 % off your stay when you show your ticket . the crowne plaza ventura beach hotel is located at 450 e . harbor blvd . , ventura , ca 93001 . 805 - 648 - 2100 .\n( 1938 ) , through the efforts of its first rate cast and crew - plus a tense narrative concerning a pleasure cruise affected by a deadly outbreak of cholera - quickly ascended from steerage to a - deck status in rko ' s production schedule . a look at the cast and crew involved makes it easy to see why studio executives agreed on the upgrade .\nincludes some of the most distinguished and memorable character actors of the thirties and forties - alan hale , barry fitzgerald , allan lane , paul guilfoyle , cy kendall and halliwell hobbes . it ' s just one reason this disaster - at - sea flick remains an obscure favorite amongst movie buffs . but every ship needs an experienced seaman , and victor mclaglen , who played enough\nold salts\nto qualify for a maritime pension , fit the role like a glove .\n( 1935 ) , wherein the surprised star copped the year ' s best actor oscar . mclaglen rode out the 1930s by settling into boisterous , tough - as - nails character parts , making him a natural for the role of crusher mckay in\nas for the film ' s love interest , those duties fall to chester morris and wendy barrie , respectively cast as the ship ' s doctor and nurse . in the brisk 77 - minute narrative they manage to find time for a romance in - between combating a deadly plague and a potential mutiny aboard the ill - fated s . s . arcturus . morris was born into a show business family , making his film debut in a 1910 short . oscar - nominated for his first talkie ,\ndetective series ( barrie , in fact , self - proclaimed herself as\nthe queen of the bs\n) . none of her on - camera action in crime dramas matched her tumultuous private entanglement as the girl friend and one - time fiancee of the notorious benny\nbugsy\nsiegel . barrie ' s very active romantic social life often generated more publicity than her screen roles . reading like a veritable male who ' s who of the rich and famous , the actress ' myriad of suitors included a . c . blumenthal , tyrone power , howard hughes and fritz lang to name a few .\nalso had some impressive talents behind the camera . with nearly 150 feature films to his credit , director lew landers enjoyed the freedom of working in almost every movie genre , from uncompromising horror pictures to rough house comedies to westerns and non - stop action sagas . best known for his official 1935 debut ,\nwhich equally disturbed many reviewers for its shots of infected bodies being tossed into the stoker ' s ovens .\nwith art deco trimmings that stood out as an ironic contrast against the grim storyline . the cinematography is by nicholas musuraca , who specialized in moody , atmospheric black and white imagery and would later put his distinctive stamp on rko ' s horror fantasies produced by val lewton (\n( competing against such heavyweights as victor young , alfred newman and franz waxman ) . however , the coveted award went to maestro erich wolfgang korngold for his magnificent work on\nscreenplay : derek n . twist , john twist , story by anthony coldeway & henry roberts symonds\nprincipal cast : victor mclaglen ( crusher ) , chester morris ( dr . craig ) , wendy barrie ( ann ) , alan hale ( gallagher ) , barry fitzgerald ( britches ) , allan lane ( bilson ) , halliwell hobbes ( captain mathews ) , cy kendall ( deadeyes ) .\ntcm celebrates the 100th anniversary of a musical legend with three nights of programming devoted to some of leonard bernstein ' s . . . more\ncrusher mckay , the tough engineer aboard the passenger ship the s . s .\nfor inquiries related to this message please contact support . for sales inquiries , please visit urltoken\nif you believe this to be in error , please confirm below that you are not a robot by clicking\ni ' m not a robot\nbelow .\nplease make sure your browser supports javascript and cookies and that you are not blocking them from loading . for more information you can review the terms of service and cookie policy .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 strict / / en\nurltoken\nurltoken no longer supports internet explorer 9 or earlier . please upgrade your browser .\nwe are continually improving the quality of our text archives . please send feedback , error reports , and suggestions to archive _ feedback @ nytimes . com .\naccessibility concerns ? email us at accessibility @ urltoken . we would love to hear from you .\ni have never come across another one . lots of pics available on the listing .\nbeautiful old travelmaster - tows great - newish tires - great original color . the good : big drop down bunk pull\u2026 [ read more ]\nrecently widowed and must sell this classic . great shape inside and out . well taken care of , in one family since\u2026 [ read more ]\n1962 aloha , refurbish done by a sister on the fly . no leaks , beautiful ! ! ! ! ! [ read more ]\nwe are deciding to list our 1968 yellowstone cavalier for sale . we are the third owners of this extremely original\u2026 [ read more ]\nthis is a sometimes hard to find 18ft model with tandem axles which makes for better handling . many trailers of\u2026 [ read more ]\nfirst year of production after wwii . aircraft grade aluminum . needs plenty of work . all windows gone . door handles gone . new\u2026 [ read more ]\ni have for sale two new 33 gallon black and gray water tanks . they measure 22\nx 54\nx 8\ni made\u2026 [ read more ]\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 1 / / en\nurltoken\nthe fraudulent website : urltoken , is not affiliated with pil . please refrain from accessing or providing any personal information to such fraudulent websites .\nthis website is designed for javascript - only browsers . in case you have disabled javascript , please enable it and reload this page . otherwise consider installing a javascript capable browser such as mozilla firefox , safari or opera .\npil ( bangladesh ) limited address : iiuc tower ( 5th floor ) , plot no 9 , sk . mujib road , agrabad c / a , chiittagong\nour website has been optimized for viewing in a common , modern web browser ( i . e . , internet explorer version 8 and above , mozilla firefox version 18 and above , google chrome and safari ) . if you are running any other browser or older browser versions , you may encounter problems with certain sections of the website .\nhave a nomination for a jaw - dropping listing that would make a mighty fine house of the day ? get thee to the tipline and send us your suggestions . we ' d love to see what you ' ve got .\nfrom broadway avenue to wilshire boulevard , a new pbs show examines how street life defines our city life .\noriginally designed to hold mountain bikes , the 240 - pound watertight fiberglass box attaches to your hitch and can sleep two .\nby signing up , you agree to our privacy policy and european users agree to the data transfer policy .\nthis article has a component height of 2 . the sidebar size is short .\nin manchester , england ,\npublic furniture\ntakes on a whole new meaning thanks to the installation of five improbably large lamps in the city\u2019s central plaza .\nthe new bath comprises a circular diving pool , shallow children\u2019s pool , a 164 - foot lap pool , and two saunas .\nyou can never follow enough cool accounts on instagram , especially those unexpected gems that show you the designed world in fresh ways .\nthis clean , modern twist on the farmhouse boasts natural materials and takes cues from farm structures that have littered ohio\u2019s landscape for years ."]} {"id": 114599, "summary": [{"text": "coast guard is a 1939 american adventure film released by columbia pictures , directed by edward ludwig and starring randolph scott , frances dee and ralph bellamy .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it is set before world war ii .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "the hollywood reporter indicated that frances dee replaced gene tierney in the role of nancy bliss .", "topic": 17}, {"text": "coast guard was the first film of actor michael gale , who changed his name in 1941 to craig stevens . ", "topic": 10}], "title": "coast guard ( film )", "paragraphs": ["collision and fire s . s . sea witch u . s . coast guard training film 78724\ncollision and fire s . s . sea witch u . s . coast guard training film 78724 - youtube\na spokesperson from the irish coast guard said both incidents were serious enough to warrant the coast guard\u2019s involvement but the men\u2019s injuries were not life - threatening .\ntwo injured fishermen working on separate boats were rescued by the irish coast guard .\ncoast guard photos : this is a treasure trove of photos about the event .\nthe touchstone pictures film \u201cthe guardian\u201d focuses on the coast guard\u2019s elite rescue crews . the major studio release stars kevin costner and ashton kutcher , and coast guard officials hope will draw more attention to their lesser - known service .\nwhile the film , to be released jan . 29 , captures a rescue story that is coast guard legend , whitaker said it is a story that honors the humble humanity that is characteristic of members of the coast guard .\ngood with numbers ? managing money ? apply your skills to help serve the coast guard .\nas with any large organization , good human resources management is vital to the coast guard .\nins chilka medical tips | army , navy , air force , coast guard medical analysis .\nthe national coast guard museum will help to showcase the stories of coast guard men and women , and perhaps will include\na bunch of stuff\nfrom allen ' s basement .\nevaluation of nozzles to be used with afff and the coast guard in - line proportioner .\ntwice a month , coast guard all hands will feature \u201cfrom the homefront , \u201d a column for coast guard spouses by coast guard spouse shelley kimball . shelley has been married to capt . joe kimball , chief of the office of aviation forces at coast guard headquarters , for 14 years . she currently serves on the board of directors for the military family advisory network .\na greek coast guard vessel allegedly sank a rubber dinghy full of syrian refugees , including women and children , according to film footage shot by turkish fishermen .\nthe result , allen said , is a good look inside the world of the coast guard .\nthis film shows the many ways that the u . s . coast guard serves its country . viewers learn that , among other duties , the u . s . coast guard regularly monitors the weather , warns ships of nearby icebergs , and patrols inland waterways .\nthe coast guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of cape cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952 .\nthat was not part of coast guard doctrine in 1952 ,\nallen said during the interview .\ntitle : evaluation of nozzles to be used with afff and the coast guard in - line proportioner .\nthis is an official blog of the u . s . coast guard . please visit the u . s . coast guard at urltoken for official information from the service . any links provided to a u . s . coast guard presence on third party sites are for your reference only . the u . s . coast guard does not endorse any non - government websites , companies , or applications . accessibility / section 508\ntrump denounces media coverage in coast guard academy commencement president trump is pushing back defiantly after a week of negative news stories . speaking to graduates at the coast guard academy , trump said adversity only makes you stronger .\nin the coast guard they say you go out , they don ' t say you gotta come back .\nchris pine and casey affleck take you behind the scenes of the film\nthe finest hours\nand introduce two members of the coast guard crew who lived to tell their tale .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing the coast guard near you .\nthey then attended a special reception to celebrate young canadian talent before ending their day at the canadian coast guard .\n) is a 2002 south korean film directed by kim ki - duk . the film deals with military atrocities and the absurdities of borders and conflicts .\na coast guard captain on a small greek island is suddenly charged with saving thousands of refugees from drowning at sea .\nthe film also raises a valuable question about risk management , according to allen .\n1 film ( 26 min . ) : b & w ; 16 mm .\nthe fishermen went to the rescue of the syrians \u2013 said to be around 50 \u2013 and then called the turkish coast guard , who eventually took the refugees back to the turkish coast .\nmedical advice for the two operations was provided to the coast guard by medicio cork based in cork university hospital a & e section .\nelectricity is the lifeline of any system , and ems are the ones the coast guard counts on most to keep it all connected and running .\nif you have an interest in photography , writing and crisis communications , you could be the main link between the coast guard and the public .\nretelling of the rescue : this retelling of the rescue from a coast guard member includes specific details in chronological order with citations to primary documents .\n\u201cit\u2019s cool , \u201d said tom ruffini of braintree . \u201cthey always film movies over there . \u201d\nprivate kang ( jang dong - kun ) watches guard over the south korean coast line for north korean spies . although spies hasn ' t been spotted in years , private kang paints his face camouflage daily and watches guard .\nthe coast guard is famous for rescues at sea . president trump used a graduation speech at the coast guard academy today to try to write his own listing administration . trump pushed back defiantly against news reports that have dogged the white house for the past week . npr ' s scott horsley reports .\nwas the first film of actor michael gale , who changed his name to craig stevens in 1941 .\nthough pine appears stoic and resolved on film , tougias said webber readily admitted how terrifying it was .\nthe film is great publicity for the service , which is not known for tooting its own horn .\nets are in charge of maintaining virtually all of the coast guard ' s electronics systems from navigation systems to command , control and communication ( c3 ) systems .\nthat ' s the biggest difference , according to allen , between the coast guard of today and the 1950s is the way in which the service approaches risk .\nnote : this documentary short film won a 2016 peabody award and was nominated for a 2017 academy award .\ncoast guard rescue crews were featured in a subplot of the 2000 blockbuster \u201cthe perfect storm , \u201d but this film puts the service in the starring role . the plot follows a fictional class of the services\u2019 top swimmers through training and graduation , then out into the ocean .\nwhitaker said that those who made the film were aware of its value to the history of the coast guard , and they wanted to portray it as purely and accurately as possible . getting to that point of accuracy meant filming at station chatham in the middle of winter .\nthe guardian\nis a pro - military propaganda movie from hollywood that attempts to mask its agenda behind the life - saving rhetoric of coast guard rescue swimmers .\npresident trump is pushing back defiantly after a week of negative news stories . speaking to graduates at the coast guard academy , trump said adversity only makes you stronger .\nrear adm . dave callahan , commander of the new orleans - based 8th coast guard district , said many people risked their lives to save others during the flooding .\nguard officials offered filmmakers technical assistance and plenty of access to their facilities to add to the realism of the movie . in addition , director andrew davis hired 23 active coast guard members to appear in the movie , to make scenes feel more authentic .\n\u201cwe tried really hard to tell a story that i think captures the core values that i perceive to be the values of the coast guard : honor , duty and selfless , humble action . and i think that the film really captures that . it shows that in an authentic way , in its purity , \u201d whitaker said . \u201cit\u2019s really trying to capture the sprit by which i thing the coast guard operates on a daily basis . \u201d\nhorsley : beck jordan - young was one of the demonstrators . she ' s concerned about relatives who are serving in the coast guard on the president ' s watch .\nthe footage could not be independently verified . when the coast guard for the island of chios was contacted , they told the telegraph they were not aware of any reports .\nthe association is hoping for $ 30 million in federal support . language in the coast guard authorization bill passed late last year allows federal funding to support displays and exhibits .\nif you like this one , a similar stories previously published in from the homefront explains how the coast guard was portrayed in the filming of the weather channel series . urltoken\ni wanted to edit in lampedusa , so i brought my editor there . i wanted to do sort of method editing . i wanted people to know about the tragedy . when we started editing , i said , \u201cthese 30 seconds [ showing dead migrants in the hold of a boat ] have to be in the film . \u201d i didn\u2019t know where , which part of the film . so the whole structure of film was basically to arrive to that . this is how the whole film was structured , to have these 30 seconds belonging to the film without becoming voyeuristic or pornographic . you know , when you film death , it\u2019s always something extremely violent , so it was a challenge .\nwebber is the focus of the walt disney pictures ' production of\nthe finest hours ,\nwhich chronicles the daring coast guard rescues of crews from two oil tankers that had both broken in half off the coast of cape cod during a nor ' easter .\nthe duke and duchess , who arrived in canada for the start of their official tour on saturday , had earlier met with members from the canadian coast guard as well as a number of first response agencies and charities . during their at the coast guard station , the couple were also presented with personalised life - jackets for prince george and princess charlotte .\nin a film that is one part the caine mutiny and one part the perfect storm , the depictions of both lifeboat and stricken tanker are excellent and the film does have an old - school appeal , albeit an obviously manufactured one .\nmks maintain engineering systems at virtually every coast guard unit and actively participate in operational missions . technical training and experience obtained are comparable with occupations in commercial engineering and law enforcement fields .\nmichael j . tougias , who spent years researching and writing the definitive account of the coast guard ' s greatest small - boat rescue , says that the movie got it right .\nthe views expressed herein are those of the author and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the commandant or of the u . s . coast guard .\nezekiel elliott had his good time temporarily ruined again this week . . . only now it was by the u . s . coast guard during a rager yacht party in miami .\nthe film follows a south korean artist as he systematically seeks out , and then guns down his real or imagined enemies .\nit feels like a parody of a prestige film , like one of the fake oscar trailers in\ntropic thunder .\ni followed a coast guard captain for three weeks as he pulled family after family , child after child , from the ocean and saved their lives . all the ones in this film were shot on a single day , october 28 , 2015 . two additional rescues happened that same day but were not included .\nyes , i ' d like to receive more information from the u . s . coast guard via email about pay and benefits , careers , eligibility , job vacancies , and more .\nclick below for a detailed explanation of all the ratings available to you in the coast guard , including guides to the kinds of jobs your training can lead to in the civilian world .\nfor his crew ' s rescue of 32 of the 33 pendleton crew members , the coast guard nominated webber for its gold lifesaving medal , one of the service ' s highest awards .\nu . s . coast guard rear admiral dave callahan , left , commander of the eighth coast guard district headquartered in new orleans , shakes hands with david phung , right , after presenting the u . s . coast guard ' s silver lifesaving medal to phung in new orleans , on friday , aug . 4 , 2017 in baton rouge , la . the coast guard also awarded medals to three other people who were on phung ' s boat when the 28 - year - old jumped into the floodwaters last summer and ripped open the top of a convertible to rescue hailey brouillette before the car sank into floodwaters . phung also saved the woman ' s poodle mix , sassy , from drowning . ( travis spradling / the advocate via ap )\ncoast guard ( 1939 ) is basically a love triangle . officer pals randolph scott & ralph bellamy getting their friendship tested by frances dee . however they fill this with random popcorn action which at times barely feels like it ' s the same film . the theme might be the coast guard , but they end up on a arctic exhibition freezing their asses off . the movie is a alright filler , but it ' s also an example of b - movie desperation as to find a exciting plot .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nthe cinematography in this film is particularly beautiful . there are often shots of dark clouds and stormy skies . why is that ?\nthe coast guard released a video of the rescue filmed from the waterford helicopter r117 . it shows two crew members on deck securing a third , injured man so he can be winched to safety .\nthe men suffered injuries on vessels off the coast of waterford and kerry in the early hours .\ncasey sherman and michael j . tougias ' book detailing a daring 1952 coast guard rescue off the new england seaboard comes to the screen in this disney film produced by jim whitaker ( take me home tonight , the odd life of timothy green ) . james tamasy and eric johnson team to pen the screenplay . ~ jason buchanan , rovi\nezekiel was partying with friends and a gaggle of chicks saturday on a yacht called no rules ii , when a coast guard cruiser pulled up . we ' re told the yacht had docked minutes before .\nin february of 1952 , one of the worst storms to ever hit the east coast struck new england , damaging an oil tanker off the coast of cape cod and literally ripping it in half . on a small lifeboat faced with frigid temperatures and 70 - foot high waves , four members of the coast guard set out to rescue more than 30 stranded sailors trapped aboard the rapidly - sinking vessel .\ncluff is a southerner the coast guard brought in after a failed rescue the year before . he is unfamiliar with the new england coast and the men don ' t appreciate him very much . when he gives the order for bernie to select a crew , the men hesitate to volunteer to go with him . the unofficial motto of the coast guard at that time was , according to the film ' s producer jim whitaker ,\nyou can go out but you don ' t have to come back .\nfriendship and dedication to duty win out and the men set out on a 36 - foot motor lifeboat meant to carry 12 people .\nwith ashton kutcher and chris pine already sporting lead roles in coast guard films and supporting roles with kevin costner and casey affleck , star power seems to have zero effect on audience draw , the sources said .\nfrom left , u . s . coast guard meritorius public service medal citations are held by jason dixon , brandon barrett , 14 , and robbie reynold , after they were presented medals for their service by u . s . coast guard rear admiral dave callahan , commander of the uscg eighth district headquartered in new orleans , on friday , aug . 4 , 2017 in baton rouge , la . the coast guard awarded the medals to the four people for rescuing a woman and her dog from a sinking car during historic flooding in louisiana last summer , a dramatic scene captured on video . ( travis spradling / the advocate via ap )\nhollywood \u2014 a new action - thriller movie based on true experiences from a search - and - rescue unit is set to be the next coast guard movie that no one will actually watch , sources confirmed today .\ndeadline hollywood describes \u201cthe impossible rescue\u201c as \u201cthe story of a hero who , against all odds , saved lots and lots of people from drowning but couldn\u2019t save hollywood money from doing another stupid coast guard movie . \u201d\nthe greek coast guard said it had gone to the rescue of nearly 600 refugees and migrants on thursday and friday , in 21 separate incidents off the aegean islands of kos , rhodes , chios , samothraki and lesbos .\nas whitaker prepares for the movie\u2019s opening next week , he said he hopes that the members of the coast guard and their families who see it find that it is an accurate portrayal of the story and their values .\nthere is a moment in my film where there\u2019s a voice of the echo of desperation of migrants asking for help : \u201cwe\u2019re sinking , we\u2019re sinking ! we need help ! come and save us . \u201d and the guy from the coast guard says , \u201cwhat\u2019s your position ? give me your coordinates . \u201d this sound occurs many times in the film , and i want the people who watch the film to come out and say , \u201cwhat\u2019s my position toward this ? what can i do ? \u201d if 10 people come out of the movie thinking that \u2014 and i met a lot of people who did \u2014 then it was worth to make this movie .\nben randall is a coast guard rescue swimmer . when his crew is killed in an accident and his marriage ends , his commander tells him he wants randall to go to the us coast guard rescue swimmer\na\nschool to train other rescue swimmers . he encounters a guy named jake who ' s a little cocky because he was once a swim champion . so ben puts him through the wringer to see if he can handle it .\nthe gordon knox film collection contains films created by texas - born filmmaker gordon knox ( 1906 - 1992 ) or mr . knox ' s production company , the princeton film archives . the collection contains short and feature - length documentaries produced for the united states armed forces , state and federal government agencies , non - profit organizations and private sector clients . also included in this collection are still photographs showing film crews and staff working on location .\nbutch flythe , a retired instructor of the coast guard\u2019s rescue swimmer school and one of kutcher\u2019s instructors in the movie , said the crew often checked on equipment , drill protocol , military phrases and hundreds of other little details .\nsteady , dependable coast guard lieutenant raymond\nray\ndower and reckless aviator thomas\nspeed\nbradshaw are the closest of friends . ray saves the life of captain tobias bliss , tramp . . . see full summary \u00bb\n5 : 15 pm pt - - elliott ' s attorney tells tmz sports the coast guard boarded the yacht to make sure there were enough life jackets onboard . he says no citations were issued , and the party continued .\nshe plays a large role in the film , but back on feb . 18 , 1952 , the real miriam pentinen was figuratively under the weather .\ncrew : camera ( color ) , baek dong - hyeon ; editor , kim seon - min ; music , jang yeong - gyu ; art director , yun ju - hun . reviewed at pusan film festival ( opening film ) , nov . 14 , 2002 . running time : 92 min .\na warehouse in the shipyard has been converted into a makeshift movie studio for filming of disney\u2019s \u201cthe finest hours , \u201d which is based on the real - life rescue mission that occurred off the coast of cape cod in 1952 . crews started shooting the film monday .\nthe greek coast guard , especially when i was there , has been completely unprepared to deal with the constant flow of rescues necessary to save refugees from drowning as they attempt to cross to europe from turkey . when i was there filming , lesbos had about 40 local coast guard officers , who before the refugee crisis generally spent their time conducting routine border patrols . most didn\u2019t have cpr training . their vessels didn\u2019t have thermal cameras or any equipment necessary for tremendous emergencies .\nexclusive : fox and 21 laps have set up a thriller that will be directed by colm mccarthy , helmer of the girl with all the gifts and peaky blinders . the film is an untitled coast guard thriller scripted by alex sohn , based on the hunter atkins mens journal article drug war on the high seas . shawn levy and dan levine will produce through fox - based 21 laps banner .\nat south korea ' s border with the north , troops guard the coast . each bullies those ranking beneath him ; tensions are high . pfc kang and his friend private kim are on patrol when drinking . . . see full summary \u00bb\nhours later , the ss pendleton also split in two , off the cape ' s southeast point . all the coast guard could spare in the raging 20 - foot seas was one 36 - foot life boat and four junior enlisted men .\nthe vessel examiner is a trained specialist and is a member of the united states power squadrons or the us coast guard auxiliary . the vessel examiner will also make certain recommendations and discuss certain safety issues that will make you a safer boater .\nin a panel at the documentary film festival doc nyc , you said you didn\u2019t really have a narrative until you started editing . how was the editing process ?\nthe most notable hollywood film to utilize the shipyard was \u201cthe departed , \u201d the 2006 release that won the best picture oscar for a major hollywood production . a big scene at the end of film , which was directed by martin scorsese and starred jack nicholson , leonardo dicaprio and matt damon , was set in the shipyard .\nthe finest hours brings to life the most daring rescue in the history of the u . s . coast guard , in which a crew of four risked their lives to save 33 men stranded at sea in the middle of a devastating nor\u2019easter .\n\u201cit was kind of exciting . it was really my first big rescue in the coast guard and i wanted to be on that boat , \u201d he says . \u201ci was thinking all day long about how i could get on that boat . \u201d\n\u201cwe understand what we do every day , but this is a chance to let the american public see what we do , \u201d said adm . thad allen , commandant of the coast guard . \u201cso we\u2019re thrilled with the job they did . \u201d\na high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the u . s . coast guard ' s\na\nschool , where legendary rescue swimmer ben randall teaches him some hard lessons about loss , love , and self - sacrifice .\nfest fave kim ki - duk largely treads water with\nthe coast guard ,\na straight arrow , emotionally intense drama centered on a nutty south korean soldier that plays like a cliff notes version of the director ' s oeuvre to date .\nthat ' s what we expect leaders of character to do ,\nallen said in an interview at the garde arts center thursday night before giving a leadership address to coast guard academy corps of cadets and members of the officer candidate school .\noften called the greatest small - boat rescue in american history , it is the story of the dramatic rescue of members of the crew of the ss pendleton . a coast guardsman and three volunteers from chatham lifeboat station , now known as coast guard station chatham , forged into the midst of a nor\u2019easter in a 36 - foot lifeboat to bring the stranded crewmen home .\nin 2011 , columbia pictures shot much of the film \u201chere comes the boom , \u201d starring kevin james , in the old quincy high school building on coddington street .\nit was all adrenaline and reaction . seconds seemed like minutes ,\nphung recalled friday after the coast guard presented him with the silver lifesaving medal , making him the 2 , 160th person to receive the honor since congress created it in 1874 .\ndavis and the producers of the film said seeing the heroic work of the guard during that disaster only re - emphasized the need to accurately capture the service\u2019s work . writers even inserted new dialogue into the movie recognizing those efforts , listing it among the many inspirational successes the fictional recruits learn about .\nwith the coast guard taking an increasingly larger role in homeland security , we ' ve established a new and vitally important rating , intelligence specialist ( is ) . as an is , you will be one of the first defenders of our ports and waterways .\nhorsley : after the last few days , the administration would undoubtedly like to have its own fresh start , but it may take more than one coast guard speech to beat back the political waves now breaking over the white house . scott horsley , npr news .\nnew london \u2014 when speaking at bernie webber ' s funeral in wellfleet , mass . , in 2009 , retired u . s . coast guard adm . thad allen said\nbernie ' s genius was creating the art of the possible where none existed .\nwebber\u2019s 20 - year career in the coast guard began in 1946 . during that time , which included a tour in vietnam , he rose to the rank of chief warrant officer . in honor of webber\u2019s bravery , the first of the sentinel - class cutters was commissioned the bernard c . webber . he died in 2009 at the age of 80 . a portion of his ashes were buried in a family plot in wellfleet , massachusetts , and the rest were released in the waters of chatham harbor by the coast guard .\nacross the street from the shipyard , several patrons at pete\u2019s grille on south street said some of the film crew have come into the bar for food and drinks after work .\nsome scenes in the movie were filmed inside lampedusa ' s migrant reception center . how hard was it to get permission to film in there ? what was your experience like ?\nadditionally , to maintain accuracy , the crew worked with cmdr . john pruitt iii and chief warrant officer paul roszkowski of the coast guard\u2019s motion picture and television office . they reviewed dialogue , made sure the uniforms were accurate , and watched scenes as they were filmed .\nmuch of the filming took place in louisiana , and was delayed for several months after crews had to relocate from new orleans following hurricane katrina . at the same time , the real - life coast guard rescued and evacuated more than 33 , 000 people in the city .\nhorsley : the president gave this speech in a decidedly blue state . connecticut , where the coast guard academy ' s located , went for hillary clinton in november by 13 points . as trump was speaking , about 250 protesters gathered in a park just outside the academy .\nthe pic is a behind - the - scenes look at the unsung heroics of the coast guard and the perils they face . story details are being kept under wraps . fox\u2019s jeremy kramer will oversee development for the studio . director of development emily morris will help oversee for the producers .\nwill your vessel pass a u . s . coast guard safety equipment check ? have a free safety check of your boat ' s required equipment by one of our vessel examiners . we will go over your safety equipment with you and explain what you are required to have on board .\nin making this film , i was struck by the fine lines that separate us , the moments when our paths cross fleetingly , and we look at one another for the first time and sometimes for the last . this film shows that crucial moment between life and death , where regardless of political beliefs , fears or preparation , some people will go beyond themselves to save a stranger .\non feb . 18 , 1952 , a mighty nor ' easter struck the new england coast . as distress signals went out from ships caught in the storm , almost all of the coast guard ' s resources were sent to save the crew on the tanker , the uss mercer . when a weak signal was received by chief warrant officer daniel cluff ( played in\nthe finest hours\nby eric bana ) at the coast guard lifeboat station in chatham , mass . , five men , led by boatswain ' s mate first class bernie webber ( chris pine ) set out on an extraordinary perilous mission to save the remaining crew of the uss pendleton , a tanker that had been severed in half by the waves .\nunclear what they were looking for , or why they approached ezekiel and co . a rep for the coast guard tells us they ' re checking . . . but he believes it was probably a safety check to make sure the boat and the guests were in compliance with maritime safety protocol .\nwhile select theaters showed the film on thursday , the official release date is friday . the movie was meant as a platform to demonstrate the leadership principles that the academy hopes the cadets will develop .\nfire at sea is available for pre - order on itunes , with an expected release date of february 17th . the kino lorber site has more information , plus a list of theaters currently showing the film .\nthe film stars chris pine , who played captain kirk in the two latest \u201cstar trek\u201d films . the movie\u2019s director is craig gillespie , whose past projects include \u201cmillion dollar arm\u201d and \u201clars and the real girl . \u201d\nthe coast guard also awarded medals to three other people who were on phung ' s boat when the 28 - year - old jumped into the floodwaters and ripped open the top of a convertible to rescue hailey brouillette before the car sank into floodwaters . phung also saved the woman ' s poodle mix , sassy , from drowning .\nthe film begins as adventure sagas often do , with the status quo : bernie and a friend are talking about girls and the shy bernie connects with the lovely miriam ( holliday grainger ) at a caf\u00e9 where the coast guard crews hangout . as the weeks go by they fall in love . bernie , ever the stickler for obeying rules and following orders , is about to ask officer cluff for permission to marry , a mere formality , when the storm hits . bernie ' s plans for the future are on hold and now in danger of never being fulfilled .\nkudos to disney for acquiring the rights to the book on which the film is based , the finest hours : the true story of the u . s . coast guard ' s most daring rescue , written by michael j . tougias and casey sherman . this story about men who had to rely on their internal convictions and make the right decisions , even if it meant not following orders to save lives , made me admire it even more . they are fighting nature to survive .\nthey followed their own inner compasses and made decisions accordingly ,\nsaid whitaker .\nthe problem is far from over . many of the refugees come from syria , where russia is intensifying bombings that are killing thousands of civilians and devastating syrian cities . the united states is planning to respond . according to the greek coast guard , thousands of families with children are lining up along turkish shores to make the unsafe crossing to greece .\nfest fave kim ki - duk largely treads water with \u201cthe coast guard , \u201d a straight arrow , emotionally intense drama centered on a nutty south korean soldier that plays like a cliff notes version of the director\u2019s oeuvre to date . the movie looks like falling between two stools : newcomers to the helmer\u2019s quirky world are unlikely to be [ \u2026 ]\ni don\u2019t like to make films with a message . i like to leave things open . i like to have more questions than answers in my films . i know that film cannot change the course of history \u2014 filmmaking , or a book , or poetry , or a painting , or a photograph . but i wanted to create a certain awareness in the film . i wanted people not to be able to say anymore , \u201cwe didn\u2019t know about that . \u201d\nwhen i spoke with filmmaker jim whitaker , he told me that everything in the film is true , that this story of the greatest small boat rescue in u . s . coast guard history was achieved by\nreal superheroes without capes .\nhe added that they were\nquiet , humble men who believed in doing the right thing and didn ' t want any notoriety .\nin fact , the fort mercer ' s engine man third class andrew fitzgerald , played by kyle gallner , never told his wife until she asked him about it three years after they were married .\ndirector peter berg \u2014 whose credits include \u201cpatriots day , \u201d \u201clone survivor , \u201d and \u201cbattleship\u201d \u2014 will be forced to direct this future box - office failure with a screenplay by bob stark ( \u201cthe man who saw nothing\u201d ) , yet both have acknowledged that the odds are against them since no one has ever watched a coast guard - themed movie .\n\u201cthe impossible rescue\u201d stars actor tom hardy , whose acting credits include \u201cinception\u201d and \u201cmad max : fury road . \u201d sources say hardy will be the main protagonist whose rescue efforts saved a bunch of people or whatever . though the sources added that , what\u2019s the point anyway since nobody will see a coast guard movie no matter who the fuck is in it .\nprince william and the duchess of cambridge , nee kate middleton , arrived and departed vancouver in style on sunday ( sept . 25 ) . the couple arrived on a seaplane to the delight of onlookers , and made an equally memorable exit aboard a hovercraft at kitsilano coast guard station at vanier park , having completed day two of their week - long itinerary .\nbernie webber , played by chris pine in the film , was the best coxswain left at chatham , and was asked to assemble a crew of volunteers to attempt a rescue . ignoring warnings from locals to take a safer , more roundabout route to the pendleton , webber chose to save time by motoring his 36 - foot lifeboat through the deadly chatham bar \u2013 a vortex of waves and currents just off the coast .\nthere are two worlds on this 7 . 8 - square - mile island : one for the islanders , fishermen who have lived and died by the sea for centuries ; and one for the migrants and the italian coast guard officials dedicated to saving them . these two worlds never fully interact , but italian director gianfranco rosi weaves them together to make a deeply engrossing documentary .\nit was very difficult , long process . finally , after months , months , months , i got the permission to film there and to film the navy , which was not easy at all . the good thing is that nobody ever asked to watch my footage , or told [ me ] what to shoot or not to shoot . so i had complete freedom . and i was able to film exactly what i wanted . it was very difficult for me to put the camera between me and that world . the camera sometimes is very uncomfortable . but i also wanted to give that sense of being uncomfortable . it was important somehow to meet some eyes and to see that these people are not numbers . every number there is a person .\nthe shipyard is only one of several locations in quincy used by filmmakers in recent years . just this summer , several scenes for \u201cblack mass , \u201d the film starring johnny depp about the life of james \u201cwhitey\u201d bulger , were shot in the city .\nstep aboard and experience life as it once was on a 180 ft . u . s . coast guard cutter , filmed aboard the u . s . c . g . sundew during ice breaking , buoy tending and lighthouse maintenance . don hermanson was invited aboard the sundew to film an \u201caids to navigation\u201d mission along lake superior\u2019s north shore from duluth to isle royale national park . he was able to experience the buoy - tending operation , visit the remote lighthouses on isle royale , and join the crew as they did their service work . also included are a winter icebreaking operation and a history of sundew on the great lakes .\non feb . 18 , 1952 , the coast guard station in chatham , massachusetts , got word that the ss pendleton , a world war ii - era oil tanker , had been split in half at sea . incredibly , it was the second tanker ripped apart that day , and the most experienced seamen at the station had already been dispatched to help with the first distress call .\nin fact , the effort went beyond location , atmosphere , and wardrobe , whitaker said . chris pine , who portrays webber in the film , found old recordings of webber speaking about the rescue . he studied them and took on webber\u2019s cadence and inflections .\nfest fave kim ki - duk largely treads water with \u201cthe coast guard , \u201d a straight arrow , emotionally intense drama centered on a nutty south korean soldier that plays like a cliff notes version of the director\u2019s oeuvre to date . the movie looks like falling between two stools : newcomers to the helmer\u2019s quirky world are unlikely to be convinced by the dramatic flourishes , while enthusiasts will miss the strong individual signatures of pics like \u201cbad guy\u201d and \u201cthe isle . \u201d film looks certain to paddle in the fest circuit but theatrical buyers are more likely to bide their time until the director\u2019s next outing , \u201cspring summer autumn winter\u2026and spring , \u201d already in post .\nthe inflatable boat had just left the turkish coast , just a few miles from the greek islands of kos and lesbos , where thousands of syrians and other refugees have landed in recent weeks .\nas an opening caption reminds the audience , even nowadays anyone entering south korea\u2019s coastline after dark can be considered a ( north korean ) spy and shot on sight . among the members of coast guard platoon 23 , monitoring a high - infiltration stretch of beach lined with barb wire fencing , is kang han - cheol ( jang ) , an ordinary private who takes his job a mite too seriously .\ni don\u2019t like to film with a blue sky . i feel protected by the clouds , i feel like they move 360 degrees without worrying about shades over light . i wanted to portray the island in the winter , not in the summer , when it\u2019s a completely different place . tourists are there , and it\u2019s a completely different mood . the clouds were part of the narrative of the film . i don\u2019t love to shoot every day . for me , waiting for the clouds was always to put some boundaries on my work .\nhe said that normally , when filming , bad weather days mean scrambling to find somewhere else to film . in this case , as a nor\u2019easter bore down on chatham , they went right out into it . that was a perfect day for shooting , he said .\nthis video is part of the collection entitled : gordon knox film collection and was provided by unt media library to digital library , a digital repository hosted by the unt libraries . it has been viewed 168 times . more information about this video can be viewed below .\nabstract : evaluative , fire estinguishment and burnback tests were conducted at the uscg fire and safety test facility , mobile , alabama , to determine the optimum nozzle to be used with the cg - 6lp proportioner and aqueous film forming foam ( afff ) . commercially available water fog nozzles were compared to the mechanical foam nozzle and the navy all purpose nozzle currently in use on coast guard cutters . the water fog nozzles produced the best range and offered more versatility in the patterns they produced . the best two water fog nozzles and the mechanical foam nozzles were able to control a 660 sq . ft . jp - 5 deck fire in less than 25 seconds . ( author )\nthe story of the chatham station\u2019s daring rescue has become a coast guard legend , and also inspired some policy changes in its aftermath . \u201cthey have since revised things so that they will not send a boat that small out in that kind of a storm again , \u201d guothro says with a laugh . \u201cbernie tried it , he succeeded , it was wonderful , but we won\u2019t be doing that again . \u201d\nhowever , in \u201ccoast guard\u201d kim channels these regular obsessions into a political statement that\u2019s timely : that the military has less to fear except fear itself , and that the paranoia that justifies its existence is partly unthinking and self - manufactured . kang is the ultimate symbol of that paranoia and , as a final scene fleetingly hints , only when he\u2019s expunged from the system can artificial divisions start to be mended .\nu . s . coast guard rear admiral dave callahan , left , commander of the uscg eighth district headquartered in new orleans , and east baton rouge mayor - president sharon weston broome , right , look at a citation for the uscg ' s silver lifesaving medal with david phung , center , just before presenting the medal to phung in new orleans , on friday , aug . 4 , 2017 in baton rouge , la . the coast guard also awarded medals to three other people who were on phung ' s boat when the 28 - year - old jumped into the floodwaters last summer and ripped open the top of a convertible to rescue hailey brouillette before the car sank into floodwaters . phung also saved the woman ' s poodle mix , sassy , from drowning . ( travis spradling / the advocate via ap )\noh , i loved it ,\nhe said of the film version of\nthe finest hours ,\nreleased by disney on jan . 29 .\nyou know what ? i ' ve seen it three times now and i liked it more each time .\na stirring , exciting , thrilling and exhilarating movie . a spectacular and edge of your seat action - packed drama . great rescue / action sequences that are just plain gripping . it ' s a remarkable , riveting and satisfying film . ashton kutcher and kevin costner deliver powerful and awesome performances . brilliant , sure - fire , high - octane entertainment . an amazing non - stop joyride . a pure explosive , pulse - pounding and relentlessly exciting thrill - machine . a truly great film . it ' s top gun for a new generation .\nthe national coast museum association hosted a red - carpet reception to drum up awareness and support for the museum effort , an anticipated $ 100 million project . though it was not an official fundraising event .\nand it raises questions about our collective responsibility \u2014 the choices we all make for ourselves , and for others . we don\u2019t all confront the refugee crisis with the same immediacy as the coast guard captain portrayed here . but as our world becomes more interconnected , and more violent , we do all face a choice \u2014 would we act as he does , to save the life of stranger ? or would we turn away ?\nthe film stars chris pine as boatswain ' s mate 1st class bernard webber and casey affleck as pendleton crew member ray sybert , with eric bana as station chatham , massachusetts ' commanding officer lt . cmdr . daniel cluff and holliday grainger as webber ' s fianc\u00e9e , miriam pentinen .\nafter allen ' s address , the cadets and officer candidates as well as other invited guests watched a prescreening of the film . small boxes of popcorn were waiting for them on their seats . the cadets were told they couldn ' t eat their popcorn until allen finished his speech .\nthe movie , shot in 3d , was filmed mostly on cape cod , the south shore , and at a shipyard in quincy , mass . you know when a 3 - d movie is good when you become so immersed in the film that you forget you are wearing the glasses .\nthe corps of cadets from the united states coast guard academy and invited guests file in to the garde arts center in new london thursday , jan . 28 , 2016 for an advanced screening of the new movie\nthe finest hours\n. the finest hours retells the rescue of the crew of the tanker pendleton by cg - 36500 off of chatham , mass . on feb . 18 , 1952 . ( tim cook / the day )\nallen said he hopes the film can help with recruitment \u2014 \u201cwe\u2019re not having problems , but we hope it would get more people interested in us\u201d \u2014 but the real benefit of the extra attention will be the morale boost the servicemembers get when they see their story up on the big screen .\ndespite its flaws , \u201ccoast guard\u201d still has much going for it , including a charismatic main perf by hunky jang dong - geon ( \u201cfriend , \u201d \u201c2009 \u2013 lost memories\u201d ) and an admirably tight storyline that , unlike his military - centered \u201caddress unknown , \u201d maintains its focus . it\u2019s also the director\u2019s most political movie to date , a dark satire on the armed hysteria between north and south that also has relevance way beyond the korean peninsula .\na small group of people lie battered and bound on the floor of a dirty slaughterhouse covered in blood . scared and confused , they soon learn their captors are snuff film producers and plan to torture them as creatively and heinously as possible before brutally killing them off one - by - one . each scene\u2026\nguothro and fitzgerald , who now have 21 grandchildren between them , were honored to have their story memorialized in film . \u201ci loved it , it felt unreal in the beginning , \u201d fitzgerald says . \u201ci don\u2019t remember it looking that dangerous , but i was 20 years old then , so who knows ? \u201d"]} {"id": 114600, "summary": [{"text": "glorifying the american girl is a 1929 american pre-code , musical comedy film produced by florenz ziegfeld that highlights ziegfeld follies performers .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the last third of the film ( which was filmed in early technicolor ) is basically a follies production , with cameo appearances by rudy vallee , helen morgan , and eddie cantor .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "rex beach was paid $ 35,000 for the original story .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "the script for the film was written by j.p. mcevoy and millard webb and directed by john w. harkrider and millard webb .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the songs were written by irving berlin , walter donaldson , rudolf friml , james e. hanley , larry spier and dave stamper .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film is in the public domain , and many prints exhibited on television are in black-and-white only , and do not include pre-code material , such as nudity . ", "topic": 0}], "title": "glorifying the american girl", "paragraphs": ["glorifying - the - american - girl - 1929 . mp4 ( 827mb - 720x526 ) glorifying - the - american - girl - 1929 - 720p . mp4 ( 1 . 7gb - 986x720 )\nglorifying the american girl , 1929 on flickr . click image for . . . ( art deco ) | american girls , girls and 1920s\nthe rise of a showgirl , gloria hughes , culminating in a ziegfeld extravaganza\nglorifying the american girl\n.\namerican girl : 4 - movie coll . . . - american girl : 4 - movie collection ( 4pc ) / dvd new\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing glorifying the american girl near you .\nglorifying the american girl\nis a film about a girl who must decide just how far she is willing to go to be a star . the girl ( mary eaton ) , must . . .\n5 . 0 out of 5 stars - american girl : 4 - movie coll . . . - american girl : 4 - movie collection ( 4pc ) / dvd new\nthe present film occupying the paramount ' s screen is\nglorifying the american girl ,\na title that is far more glamourous than the picture . view full article in timesmachine \u00bb\nurltoken glorifying the american girl ( the film detective restored version ) : mary eaton , eddie cantor , helen morgan , millard webb , j . p . mcevoy : movies & tv\nglorifying the american girl by john w . harkrider , millard webb | john w . harkrider , millard webb , mary eaton , edward crandall | 889290261625 | dvd | barnes & noble\u00ae\ndvd : american girl : lea to the rescue [ blu - ray ] , nadia tass . new cond . : laysla d\nthe combination of jazz & ballet is experimentally bizarre in the best sense , & with johnny weissmuller turning up in his first film in the role of adonis , the film ends up glorifying the beauty of the american boy as well as girl .\nthis film exceeded my expectations in just about every way and has easily earned a spot on my list of favorite discoveries from mill creek\u2019s 50 classic musicals set . glorifying the american girl is definitely worth a watch . the score : 4 / 5\nin its first two thirds , glorifying the american girl is a light and fun watch . the story is a pretty standard one : small town girl seeks fame in the big city . mishaps and little laughs ensue . plenty more memorable films have been made on the subject , but the story here is still enjoyable to watch .\nglorifying the american girl is a 1929 pre - code musical comedy film produced by florenz ziegfeld that highlights ziegfeld follies performers . the last third of the film ( which was filmed in early technicolor ) is basically a follies production , with cameo appearances by rudy vallee , helen morgan , and eddie cantor .\nglorifying the american girl is an early talkie , released in 1929 and directed by john harkrider and millard webb . cameo appearances are made by plenty of big names including irving berlin , eddie cantor , rudy vallee , johnny weissmuller , adolph zukor , billie burke and even flo ziegfeld himself .\ngrease ' s girl gang had a real - life model on the northwest side .\nthis satirical look at the ambivalent relationship between hollywood power brokers and african - american performers marked . . .\nfilled with great singing and dancing performances , and graced with onscreen appearances by eddie cantor , helen morgan , rudy vallee , billie burke , irving berlin and even johnny weismuller , glorifying the american girl is a glowing tribute to show biz itself , unafraid to show the grit as well as the glamour . mary eaton , one of the seven little eatons of vaudeville fame , was a star of the 1920 and 1929 ziegfeld follies shows . her stint as eddie cantor ' s leading lady in the broadway smash hits , kid boots ( 1923 ) and sunny ( 1927 ) led to her being cast in both glorifying the american girl and the marx brothers ' first film , the cocoanuts , in 1929 .\nthe ballet components of the big numbers at the end were choreographed by ted shawn , meaning the film is additionally significant for the history of american dance .\nthis is some assorted rare color footage from the ziegfeld extravaganza glorifying the american girl . the footage is very fragmented , so is the sound . but we don ' t get to see this every day . . . this important movie has made it to our times and has been restored but no dvd release is still in sight which is a shame .\ncheck out a fun video on the history of cursing in hollywood movies and the first utterances of curse words on screen . movies featured in this video : glorifying the american girl , hell ' s angels , bosko ' s picture show , gone with the wind , holiday , in cold blood , midnight cowboy , the boys in the band , mash , carnal knowledge , scarface , battleship and the south park movie .\nglorifying the american girl appears in mill creek\u2019s 50 classic musicals set , and i\u2019m impressed with the quality of their print considering the film\u2019s age and copyright status . the sound is clear and the contrast is pretty good throughout most of the film . ( some of the brighter stage sequences are more washed out . ) there is some film grain , but nothing overwhelming . near the end there are a few more concerning blips , but overall the print is highly watchable .\nso many names , phrases , images , pieces of music , and concepts became part of the american vernacular and culture thanks to the vision of ziegfeld , this is a much watch for any student of american art , history , and culture . in setting out to glorify the american girl , he set a new standard for entertainment , and made it american . he balanced the line of lust and desire , the lurid and the tasteful - folks like vargas picked up on it - and i think any artist can still admire and learn from him today . if you can walk away from watching this without humming the bars of no foolin ' or any of the other music . . . you ' re soul is lost .\neddie cantor , rudy vallee and other ziegfeld stars appear in the story of a struggling chorus girl ( mary eaton ) .\nit would take busby berkeley to take what ziegfeld tried to do on stage to give it full expression on film . it would also take rival mgm studio to preserve the legacy of florenz ziegfeld with their films , the great ziegfeld , ziegfeld girl , and ziegfeld follies . but paramount got the real deal in glorifying the american girl as the man himself made an appearance in this early talkie . with a minor backstage plot about mary eaton who here and in real life epitomized the ziegfeld girl paramount did this film where eaton like ruby keeler in 42nd street gets to become a star , the real follies with real ziegfeld performers like eddie cantor and helen morgan made appearances . rudy vallee did appear on broadway as well , but it was for rival producer george white . other than the story line glorifying the american girl is like so many early talkie musicals just a filmed stage play . but this is a valuable historical record of what the man ' s fabled follies must have been like for theater audiences . too bad florenz ziegfeld didn ' t live another decade , he died in 1932 . had he done so he might have made a mark in film . this film done at paramount ' s astoria studio is a hint of what he could have accomplished . mary eaton herself had a most tragic life . you might remember her as the young love interest in the marx brothers debut film , the cocoanuts , also a photographed stage play . like her fellow cast member helen morgan , eaton fell pray to too much prohibition booze and her health went south . for the historically minded among us , glorifying the american girl is a valuable piece of cinema .\njoan terry , a girl from the country wants to become a broadway star , but this proves to be not so easy .\nnothing remastered here this is the same print that was available 8 years ago ! i think this is deceiving when . the film was restored , to the length of 96 minutes , with the original technicolor sequences , by the ucla film and television the back description says\ncolor | 1929 | 96 minutes\nb & w ; | 1929 | 94 minutes\nis what you get . the remastered print is still at ucla and amazon knows that ! goto youtube , search glorifying the american girl ( 1929 ) , stjn00 uploaded a actual remastered clip of the\nremastered\nversion\ndon\u2019t tell people that man is a helpless , twisted , drooling , sniveling , neurotic weakling . show the world an american kind of man , for a change .\nsome of the films from the paramount collection which have been preserved and restored by the archive include : the wild party ( 1929 , dorothy arzner ) ; morocco ( 1930 , josef von sternberg ) ; the virginian ( 1929 , victor fleming ) ; the scoundrel ( 1935 , ben hecht and charles macarthur ) ; remember the night ( 1940 , mitchell leisen ) ; high , wide and handsome ( 1937 , rouben mamoulian ) ; the moon ' s our home ( 1936 , william a . seiter ) ; road to utopia ( l945 , hal walker ) ; glorifying the american girl ( 1929 , millard webb ) .\nrand has had an enduring legacy on american political thinking . but one area that remains to be studied thoroughly in the popular press is rand\u2019s direct and indirect influence on hollywood .\nthe angry - girl zines , coming in homocore ' s wake , took advantage of an intact , politically fertile community to spread their own message . in the past two years the readership of girl zines has multiplied exponentially . this is largely due to their regular coverage in sassy magazine . five years ago , the teen - girl magazine sassy came into being , offering a far more realistic , politically risky vision of teenage life than any other magazine on the market . each issue features a\nzine of the month\ncolumn , often girl zines . with a readership around 3 million , sassy has been an effective means of spreading the word .\nthe section on glorifying depravity is particularly interesting given rand\u2019s own obsession with and glorification of serial killer william edward hickman . in the 1920s , after hickman had killed and dismembered a 12 - year - old girl , rand wrote that the murderer was a \u201cgenuinely beautiful soul\u201d who had \u201cthe true , innate psychology of a superman . \u201d but that\u2019s a discussion for another time . the entire pamphlet is a fascinating artifact of the cold war .\npretty girl is like a melody\nopens the show with badly staged fashion show representing the march of time from 1919 to 1928 . we ' re tossed right into the main theme of\nmcclure ' s messages , however , weren ' t written on a bathroom wall but in a small fanzine called my super secret circulating through the riot girl network . riot girl ( or grrrrl ) was started by a group of musicians and writers and friends who decided to aggressively co - opt the values and rhetoric of punk , 15 years later , in the name of feminism - - or as they call it ,\nthe revolution girl - style now .\nriot girl was organized in the wake of the\nangry girl\nmood , which has overwhelmed the postpunk scene in the form of confrontational female - led bands ( bikini kill , hole , babes in toyland , calamity jane ) , and a flood of fanzines by and about women ( jigsaw , sister nobody , chainsaw , girl germs , bikini kill ) . this anger didn ' t feel like a fad , it felt like hope - - compelling girls to organize weekly meetings , start calling themselves soldiers , messengers .\neven if you wear the cool clothes , you\u2019re wearing them wrong . because nobody wants to see the girl with the overlarge ass try to squeeze her way into those tight , high - waisted jeans .\nthere\u2019s a lot to like about this film , but where glorifying the american girl really excels is in its final third , that previously - mentioned lengthy stage sequence . though the extravagance is pared down slightly and a few interjections are made to follow gloria\u2019s experience with the show , this section of the film really makes the viewer feel as though they\u2019re sitting in a theater watching a ziegfeld show . the lovely music , the stunning costumes , the lavish stage decoration\u2026 if you\u2019re interested in the follies , this is a real treat . time travel isn\u2019t possible , so we can\u2019t go back and see the shows first - hand . there are other films that recreate the follies , but few seem as close to watching a real show as this one does .\nif the riot girls are grounded in the girl - punk past , they are also rooted in modern american feminism . it ' s surprising how many are daughters of 70s women ' s libbers - - and the children of divorce . for all their anger and violence , many of these girls come from nurturing , healthy mother - daughter relationships . allison wolfe of bratmobile and girl germs says ,\nmy mom ' s real cool ; she was a 60s feminist .\nd . c . riot girl organizer erika reinstein was first turned on to these ideas by reading her mother ' s books : the\nold school\nbetty friedan , gloria steinem . for christmas her mother gave her susan faludi ' s backlash .\nwhen show boat was presented in 1927 by florenz ziegfeld , it was unlike anything the great showman had yet produced . his legendary follies were really just vaudeville shows on a grand scale , featuring popular headliners of the day in unrelated scenes . legendary performers such as fanny brice , will rogers , w . c . fields and sophie tucker did their acts along side huge production numbers featuring scantily clad young women . ziegfeld was \u2018glorifying the american girl\u2019 , he claimed . he also presented light musical comedies such as sally and sunny with music by jerome kern . these were shows with wispy plots that were usually just vehicles for the star in question .\n20th century - fox gussied up its 1954 hit three coins in the fountain for the 1960s , and the result was the pleasure seekers . three american girls in search of wealthy husbands head to madrid . ann - margaret is an aspiring performer , carol lynley . . .\nas of now there are approximately ten weekly riot girl meetings nationwide , more than 20\ngirlcore\nfanzines , and bands multiplying faster than can be counted . this summer washington , d . c . , hosted the first - ever national riot girl convention with workshops in fanzine making and surviving sexual abuse , and long , drawn - out jam sessions . the members of riot girl are quite young , ranging in age from about 14 to 25 , although i once encountered a woman wearing a riot grrrl t - shirt who was at least 45 . the unofficial centers of the girl revolution are the punk - rock meccas of olympia , washington , and washington , d . c . , but the movement keeps growing and dispersing , drowning itself out then resurfacing .\nin the early part of the century , musical theater consisted of vaudeville shows , operettas imported from europe or minstrel shows . in the 1910s a new type of musical that was purely american began to be seen . jerome kern , along with lyricist p . g . wodehouse , created a string of this light , american style comedies about young people on long island estates and their love troubles . once again , wispy plots that featured amusing tunes for the stars to sing .\nwhile motion pictures have a strict code that forbids us to offend or insult any group or nation\u2014while we dare not present in an unfavorable light the tiniest balkan kingdom\u2014we permit ourselves to smear and slander american businessmen in the most irresponsibly dishonest manner .\nthe series includes anna may wong in ' ' the toll of the sea ' ' ( 1922 ) ; ' ' liliom ' ' ( 1930 ) starring charles farrell ; a 1925 ' ' wizard of oz ' ' with piano accompaniment ; ben hecht ' s ' ' specter of the rose ' ' ( 1946 ) starring judith anderson ; ' ' group theater screen tests ' ' ( 1937 ) , featuring luther adler , morris carnovsky , lee j . cobb and elia kazan ; ' ' glorifying the american girl ' ' ( 1929 ) , with helen morgan , rudy vallee and eddie cantor , and ' ' the shining future , ' ' in which frank sinatra , cary grant , bing crosby and benny goodman appear .\nthis satirical look at the ambivalent relationship between hollywood power brokers and african - american performers marked the writing , producing , and directing debut of robert townsend . the filmmaker also stars as bobby taylor , a struggling actor looking for his big break despite . . .\nthe girl revolutionaries , many of whom are too old and worldly to reasonably be called\ngirls ,\ntake this name because they remember that loud , untamed figure , because their utopia lies in the past . the bikini kill girls often talk nostalgically about an early\ngirl culture\nthat is destroyed upon contact with boys . that ' s when competition and jealousy interfere . bikini kill often chant ,\nstruggle against the j - word , killer of girl love .\nif that seems rather innocuous , more interesting is their sense that this\norganic\ngirl community allowed an unregulated sexuality .\ngirls ' first erotic experiences are usually with each other ,\nsays hanna ,\nbut we ' re taught to forget that .\nmore prudent financially ) shoot the whole film in two - strip technicolor , he and cantor brought in busby berkeley to direct the numbers ( his film debut ) and berkeley delivered a series of dazzling ensembles , many of them with the overhead kaleidoscope shots that would be his trademark throughout his career ; for glorifying the american girl director webb and his choreographer , ted shawn ( husband of modern dancer ruth st . denis and dance teacher of myrna loy ! ) , keep their cameras at a discreet distance from the action and don\u2019t move them during the number . the only time the camera goes overhead is when we least want it to \u2014 during mary eaton\u2019s big solo , when we want the camera front - and - center , astaire - rogers style , so we can see how good she is .\nted shawn is the imaginative choreographer who arranges the dancers up and down ziegfeld\u2019s stairs dressed as exotic animals , graceful swans , and art nouveau beauties clutching glass globes . shawn would create the jacob\u2019s pillow dance festival and was instrumental in forming a uniquely american branch of modern dance .\nmurray was the best known and easily the most flamboyant . several years later she would star with john gilbert in the extravagant stroheim feature the merry widow , photographed by oliver marsh . mary eaton was the star of the 1929 musical variety feature glorifying the american girl , directed by millard webb , but with the guiding hand of the redoubtable florenz ziegfeld . the great george folsey , who ended his career by teaching at the afi , photographed it . hope hampton had just recently starred in a clarence brown picture called light in the dark , and wore that film\u2019s wardrobe for the test . a french born cinematographer named alfred ortlieb , whose credits on imdb end in 1926 , photographed that film . the film was long considered lost until a near complete print was discovered in the garage of a former projectionist and was restored at the george eastman house . such are the ongoing amazing stories of discovery and digital restoration that we read about weekly . one can only wonder if movies from our own digital infancy will be so lucky .\ncuriously , as far as i can tell , she didn\u2019t sign her name to this pamphlet . the only credit is given to the motion picture alliance for the preservation of american ideals in beverly hills , california . collective credit for the work of one woman ? sounds a lot like communism to me .\ntitled the \u201cscreen guide for americans , \u201d the pamphlet was distributed in 1947 . michigan state university has a copy of the guide , which advises producers on everything from spotting communist subversion in their writers to the practical advice of how to avoid celebrating \u201cthe common man . \u201d as rand explains , glorifying \u201cthe common man\u201d is \u201ccommunist doctrine\u201d which \u201cpreaches the reign of mediocrity . \u201d i\u2019m not making this stuff up , i swear .\nfeminist\ngirl groups\n- - from early british bands like the slits and the raincoats to americans like the avengers - - are nothing new in punk . in the early 80s , bush tetras sang ,\ni don ' t want to walk out on the street no more / too many creeps ,\nand before that the slits declared ,\ni don ' t want to be no one ' s little girl .\nwomen in bands had begun using the form of punk rage for their own purposes , focusing specifically on women ' s experiences .\nsomething often left unacknowledged is that vassar students , living in close proximity to one of the fashion capitals of the world , and mostly coming from privileged enough backgrounds to buy expensive clothing , work in tandem with the fashion industry . just walk around campus and you will see any number of students wearing tommy hilfiger , calvin klein , j . crew , american apparel or urban outfitters . by glorifying and normalizing these fashion giants , vassar culture glorifies , normalizes and inherently supports an industry which perpetuates an idealized , sometimes unhealthy body type . in september , tim gunn wrote a powerful editorial for the washington post stating just as much . gunn wrote :\nunder the american system , all men are equal before the law . therefore , if anyone is classified as \u201ccommon\u201d\u2014he can be called \u201ccommon\u201d only in regard to his personal qualities . it then means that he has no outstanding abilities , no outstanding virtues , no outstanding intelligence . is that an object of glorification ?\njames stewart stars alongside judy garland , lana turner , and hedy lamarr in this musical from director robert z . leonard . telling the story of three women who jump at the opportunity to perform on broadway , ziegfeld girl has received a full - screen . . .\nriot girl olympia first met on a cold night last february when the sky was bright violet , an unreal light . girls started drifting in around six o ' clock , the room slowly filling until there were 17 , sitting on the floor , waiting for something to happen . most were dressed in traditional olympia girl - style : short - cropped dyed hair ; rumpled vintage dresses ; bright woolworth ' s lipstick . allison wolfe , coeditor of girl germs and the unofficial leader , broke the ice :\nok , i mean this meeting is really figuring out what we want riot girl to be here . it ' s a different thing in every city . i personally would like to see us rent out space and put on shows , just put on a whole bunch of shows and blow their minds .\nyes , almost everyone agrees , and we can pass out fanzines about sexism and rape small enough to fit in your pocket at the shows . men can come , but they ' ll have to wear dresses .\nit\u2019s a musical mellerdrammer starring mary eaton as gloria hughes , a young woman with aspirations to be a ziegfeld follies girl\u2026but until such a time as that dream comes true , gloria\u2019s toiling away in the sheet music department of a local department store .\neaton discovers her beau has moved on just before she goes out for the finale in the follies , and you see the emotions hit her as she struggles under the weight of an enormous headpiece that cascades around her like a fountain . ok , so it\u2019s not exactly deep , but at least she doesn\u2019t die of alcohol poisoning or get slapped around like in the exploitational ziegfeld girl .\nglorifying the american girl gives us a rare glimpse into ziegfeld ' s world of the american showgirl . we see gloria , a sheet music sales girl , yearn for the big time , and reach it , but at a cost . gloria is played by genuine ziegfeld star , mary eaton , an actress who didn ' t fare too well in real life , and died in 1948 . she was sister to both doris eaton , another ziegfeld star , and pearl eaton , who choreographed musicals at rko back in the late ' 20s and early ' 30s . gloria has a monstrous stage mother , played by sarah edwards . she says\ndammit\nseveral times during the proceedings . other cast members are edward crandall and dan healy who i believe hail from the new york stage . the\nguest stars\nare helen morgan , rudy vallee , and eddie cantor , who perform in the revue section at the end of the film . there is a completely restored version moulding away at ucla film archive , but unless you go there or to a film\nevent\nthat is featuring it , you ' ll never see it . the dvd print that is out there generally runs 94 out of 96 minutes and presents the revue section in black - and - white instead of two - color technicolor . the early sections of the film are rather sharp in clarity and contrast , with the black - and - white versions of the color footage grainer and less sharp . it ' s still an enjoyable film for buffs even in it ' s public domain version . the upside is that it is not at all expensive like , say , on with the show , a 1929 warners technicolor film which also exsists only in black - and - white , and coming from warner archive is considerably pricier . it won ' t be everyone ' s cup of tea , but it ' s fun for us buffs , and a bargain , at that .\nd . c . riot girl started in the summer of ' 91 , shortly before hanna and bikini kill migrated there . it ' s a younger , more racially diverse group than olympia riot girl , with most of its members in or just out of high school . maybe because the meetings are now led by the emotional cyclone of hanna , they tend to be more personal , less about political organizing : at one meeting a series of girls came out , and at others discussions have involved the members ' feeling , as do many 16 - year - old girls , like they are disappearing .\nonly savages and communists get rich by force\u2014that is , by looting the property of others . it is a basic american principle that each man is free to work for his own benefit and to go as far as his ability will carry him ; and his property is his\u2014whether he has made one dollar or one million dollars .\nif the girl revolution expresses itself in ear - splitting noise , it also happens through writing . girl fanzines , or zines , are time bombs disguised as thick letters . they come with titles like g - force , fantastic fanzine , chainsaw , sister nobody . they are crazy mishmashes of politics , scene reports , top - ten lists , love and hate mail , blurry photographs . all across the country , girls wait to hear from the fanzine network , a phantom community they belong to but never see - - it ' s an underground with no nucleus , built of paper .\nmary eaton is a chorus girl with an internal struggle : does she want the love of edward crandall or the love of teeming millions as she performs in the ziegfeld follies ? the thin plot line is really just an excuse for the production numbers , songs , and sketches contained in this film , along with eddie cantor ' s marvelous tailor bit , and a host of celebrity . . . read more\namerica is the land of the self - made man . say so on the screen .\nafter their zine was reviewed in sassy , molly and allison of girl germs say their mail multiplied overnight :\nwe couldn ' t keep up with it . . . . we got hundreds of letters from teenage girls across the country .\nthe same happened when riot girl was covered there , and bikini kill . one of the most common sights in the apartments of fanzine makers now is piles of letters , often written on pink , flowery stationery , with circles or hearts dotting the i ' s .\ni want to start riot girl in my town ,\nthey write from oklahoma , nevada , alabama .\nyour zine changed my life .\none fan writes ,\ni want to start a band now . since i can ' t really scream in my house , i know i belong on a stage .\nthese girls might be sleeping in canopy beds , but they dream of starting a hardcore band .\nit\u2019s nice to hear mary eaton speak frankly to her boyfriend ( a dreamy edward crandall ) about wanting to live a little and see what she can do before settling down and raising children . he\u2019s visibly hurt , but not petulant or insulting ( like every boyfriend / husband in ziegfeld girl and the dolly sisters ) . he does wait for her and seems genuinely supportive of her success\u2026 , but eventually settles for available girl - next - door gloria shea \u2014 who actually is treated pretty badly by the film : abandoned and hit by a car ! that\u2019s what chasing love gets you\u2026 .\nmarrs was also one of the first women to organize collective punk girl activities in olympia . her girl city store was a punk - rock collective where women sold clothes and artwork . her remarkable 1986 performance piece 50 girls 50 states , in which , she says ,\ni assembled 50 women and told them to make dresses based on a given state and the idea of world peace ,\nwas a twisted beauty pageant , a punk debutante parade , where all girls in outlandish dresses marched down the streets of olympia . one attendee said the spectacle was like a combination\npolitical march and craft show .\nthe proceeds from the reception afterward went to safeplace , a rape - relief shelter . yet although she has been active in the community for years , marrs , like many of the older women i spoke with , is suspicious of the hard - line ideologues of the girl revolution . she feels they may be taking their power for granted .\nit ' s all gaining momentum so fast . but they don ' t realize how long it has taken . how hard it was .\nhere the revolution girl - style becomes a revolution not about spiritual freedom but about bodily freedom . when 424 women are raped in the united states each day and roughly half of those are under 19 , it seems a logical focus for any feminism , particularly a youth movement . for the riot girls , the new world might be nothing more than a world where they can walk down the street at night , as far as they want , even into the early hours of the morning .\nduring his great communist witch hunt of the 1940s and 50s , congressman joseph mccarthy infamously turned his eye to hollywood . mccarthy sought to purge tinseltown of any possible speck of pinko influence . and an organization of conservative activists known as the motion picture alliance for the preservation of american ideals was more than happy to name names of alleged communists working in hollywood and provide any other assistance necessary . they even had rand write up a guide for the movie industry .\nolympia is an important stop on the underground , the birthplace of that quickly evolving cliche , the seattle scene . sub pop and nirvana both have their spiritual roots here . it ' s also home to the dedicated indie label k records , run by candice pedersen and calvin johnson , who ' ve been instrumental in encouraging girl bands . in the summer of ' 91 k hosted the week - long international pop underground convention . more than 50 bands came from all over the world , overrunning the town . the waitresses at the local diner were ruined , serving one table of broke , elated kids after another . the quiet sidewalks were suddenly crowded ; people sat out on curbs and wandered in front of traffic , trying to find friends or idols . the convention opened with girl day , an event allison wolfe and molly neuman , the editors of girl germs , like to call\nprdct ,\npunk rock dream come true . for one night , only girls took the stage : kreviss ( eight ragged girls playing electric guitars ) , jean smith , seven year bitch , rose melberg of tiger trap , members of bikini kill , one after another . tracy , of the band heavens to betsy , who played their first show that night , said breathlessly ,\nit was the most incredible thing in the world .\nmany riot girls see that night as a kind of beginning .\nit is true that there have been vicious congressmen and judges , and politicians who have stolen elections , just as there are vicious men in any profession . but if you present them in a story , be sure to make it clear that you are criticizing particular men\u2014 not the system . the american system , as such , is the best ever devised in history . if some men do not live up to it\u2014let us damn these men , not the system which they betray .\namong a host of treasured american feature films and esteemed documentaries considered for the 2012 registry of the national film preservation board , there is an unlikely hopeful : a film test . it was made in 1922 at the paragon studios in fort lee , new jersey , a decade after d . w . griffith and his cinematographer billy bitzer had migrated to los angeles . ( update : the test was in fact included in this year ' s registry , announced on dec . 19 ) .\nthe girl revolution looks back to a peaceful female prehistory ; they romanticize the past , much like some new - age goddess groups . yet there ' s another quality of this vanished girl that comes across , most strikingly in the performances of bands like bikini kill , hole , and babes in toyland , and that ' s the inherent anarchy of little girls . when kat bjelland of babes in toyland , wearing a sweet velvet dress , sings ,\nvomit my heart / pull my legs apart ,\nshe seems both to be reviving that anarchy and bringing to it an immense exhaustion . it has taken a long time to return to this first self and discover not an innocence but a violated , tantrum - throwing , terrifying girl hero . she is as far from the self - sacrificing , nurturing woman as you can get , and she implies that beneath this daylight woman ' s surface there is another dark , powerful life . the riot girls refuse to cross the threshold into womanhood and lose that ferocious child . they don ' t want her to recede . they want her to ascend .\nis a major piece of american social history \u2014 not only because it was the only film ziegfeld actually produced himself ( more or less ) but also because it\u2019s a marvelous fragment of the 1920\u2019s spirit , finished just before the stock market crash and thereby reproducing the devil - may - care zeitgeist of the pre - depression era . a newspaper clipping informs us that the price of a ticket to the ziegfeld show that gives the film its name is $ 25 \u2014 in 1929 dollars ! apparently broadway tickets aren\u2019t really any more expensive now , when you adjust for inflation , than they were then . \u2014 8 / 21 / 96\nmarilyn miller was not the star of this film . marilyn miller was a beautiful tall , leggy showgirl who was broadway ' s brightest star of the 20s . she was in\nsally\n,\nsunny\n- she also filmed them in 1929 and 1930 . the star of\nglorifying the american girl\nwas mary eaton . mary eaton was picked by ziegfeld in the 20s to be the successor to marilyn miller ( because miss miller was getting uppity . ) she replaced miss miller in\nkid boots\nwith eddie cantor . mary eaton , in my opinion , couldn ' t hold a candle to marilyn miller . i think mary eaton was showcased far better in\nthe cocoanuts\n( 1929 ) . i loved this film because this is my era - i feel so at home watching musicals and movies from the late 20s , early 30s - the songs are so catchy . i loved the start as it showed girls from all over america walking to broadway and instantly went into mary eaton singing\nno foolin '\n. i also liked olive shea - i was glad when she got her\nbuddy\n- she seemed quite a natural actress . i didn ' t particularly like mary eaton - she didn ' t seem very starry eyed - she came across as tough and jaded . helen morgan ' s song i loved but i also thought eddie cantor ' s skit went on far too long .\nthe flicker could also have been made by the conveyance technology employed in the coating machines at the time - the use of festoon loop sticks . early coating machines conveyed the coated film by the use of these long sticks that supported the film and the sticks were driven by chain drives on each side . the film hung over the sticks and where the stick contacted the base side of the coated film , the film ' s thickness - and thus density , could be slightly altered . after processing , that would result in a flicker .\nas nirvana goes number one , some believe that boy punk is dying as an underground and the girls are rising out of their ashes . independent labels ( and majors too ) are scrambling to sign girl bands , and it ' s getting harder to find a show without a woman somewhere in the lineup . yet it has taken years for it to be possible for a contributor to write , in girl germs , no . 3 :\ni hear these girls , girls i don ' t know , girls i have never met , make these same promises and these same threats . they speak to me and i speak to you and i know our time has come .\nyet as the riot girls guard their integrity ,\npurifying\nthemselves against a sick society , they also isolate themselves . everyone in the embassy living room is white , as are most of the riot girls . most come from upper - or upper - middle - class backgrounds . like a religious sect , they huddle together , superior to the rest of the world but also somewhat afraid of it . glorifying\nyouth rebellion ,\nthey sometimes will themselves into a comforting naivete . while the riot girls talk in a cursory way about branching out , they haven ' t . and until the riot girls address the socioeconomic basis of their movement - - the way their somewhat privileged lives have given them the time and the freedom to express their rage , have given them enough economic power to desire other types of power - - their force will be limited .\nmooney ' s a girl who sings & dances . miller ' s a guy who dances , jokes , sings . the act is very cute , especially when they sing\nspooning with the one you love .\nbut they don ' t get along with each other off stage , & miller pretty much railroads the young woman ( kaye renard ) constantly assuring her he can always find another hoofer & call her mooney .\nbelow i\u2019ve pulled some of the most interesting quotes from the document . the emphasis in bold is entirely rand\u2019s .\n# # # the history of sound at the movies the inclusion of sound at the movies was one of the most dramatic changes in all of film history . dive into the early experiments of edison trying to incorporate sound from film ' s inception , through the experiments in the early 1920s , the jazz singer and . . . more\nthe riot girl manifesto ( a rushed , two - page document that ' s constantly being revised ) declares\nwe seek to create revolution in our own lives every day by envisioning and creating alternatives to the bullshit christian capitalist way of doing things .\nthey urge their members to\nresist psychic death\nand\ncry in public .\ntheir goals include getting\nall girls to be in bands\nand making it so\ngirls rule all towns .\nthey teach each other to play guitar or drums , talk and write about sexism , even encourage women to arm themselves . riot girls are often accused of being separatist : they want to form a life away from men and invent\ngirl culture .\nthe greatest cable channel known to mankind\u2122 rolled out a righteous premiere on the first day of the new year : the joseph losey - directed . . .\njudge william hooks cited the defendant\u2019s \u201cremorse\u201d for the crime , but the victim\u2019s loved ones say that claim rings false .\nin the year of the pig ( dir . emile de antonio , 1968 )\nthe power and the glory ( dir . william k . howard , 1933 )\nthe sign of the cross ( dir . cecil b . demille , 1932 )\nwith the greeks in the firing line ( dir . robert schwobthaler , 1913 )\nthe girl revolutionaries have a long way to go before they rule all towns . as they exist now , they are a self - proclaimed movement of very young , very angry women discovering their own power through frenzied productivity : fanzines , music , public - access shows , performance events . they meet in massachusetts , new york , pennsylvania - - in apartments , rock clubs , cluttered kitchens , pink bedrooms . riot girl olympia meet sundays in a white apartment - house laundry room , usually in the late afternoon . the world they are trying to change right now is the world of olympia , an isolated small town with one main street , a few wide , clear alleys perfect for graffiti (\nyour desires are reality\n) , a theater where movies are always a dollar . the bars are full of quiet regulars , who occasionally start short - lived , halfhearted brawls .\nremember that america is the country of the pioneer , the non - conformist , the inventor , the originator , the innovator . remember that all the great thinkers , artists , scientists were single , individual , independent men who stood alone , and discovered new directions of achievement\u2014 alone .\nthe cakewalk performed by ellie and frank is also danced to an authentic song of the period , goodbye , ma lady love . the dancing is staged in such a way as to recall the style of the minstrel shows that would have been current at the time the movie is depicting .\nthe black widow ( 1947 ) \u2013 chapter 2 : the stolen for . . .\nglorifying the american girl\nis an extremely dated film and it comes off as very quaint and old fashioned . the audio quality varies widely and is , at times , almost incomprehensible . in addition , the original two - color technicolor sequences are gone - - faded over time . it ' s a darn shame the film is in this condition and i ' d love to see it restored someday . the first 2 / 3 of the film is a story about a woman who gets a dance partner and sets off for the stage . her boyfriend is left alone . . . . waiting and hoping for her return . as for the dreams of success , it doesn ' t come quickly and the lady has a serious problem with her sleazy partner . however , with hard work she ' s discovered by the folks at the ziegfeld follies and she ' s about to become a star . now because she isn ' t available back home , her boyfriend slowly drifts away and falls for a co - worker . by the end , the lady is a star and the show is a success . . . but she ' s alone and so ends the picture . the final 2 / 3 is the big show and you get a chance to see one of ziegfeld ' s shows filmed and shown to a wider audience . i was a bit surprised as the routines were a lot rougher and less amazing than they ' d be portrayed over a decade later in\nthe great ziegfeld\n- - which isn ' t surprising as this biopic seemed to have little to do with the man anyway . in addition , you hear rudy vallee and helen morgan sing as well as a very stereotypically jewish comedy routine with eddie cantor . it ' s a shame , however , that you don ' t get to hear cantor sing in the film , as i loved his clever songs in his other films . all in all , if you can get past the rough condition of the film , it gives you a rare peek at a bygone era - - like a time capsule . rough but full of energy and fun - - mostly for fans of early films and historians but still might be of some interest to the average person if they give the film a chance . while it is very dated , for 1929 it was a heck of a picture - - hence my relatively high rating .\nas magnolia\u2019s performing career on the cotton blossom itself blossoms , we get to see many of her performances . the scene between the school teacher and her beloved hamilton is an affectionate depiction of what types of melodramas were being performed in the days of the cotton blossom . the histrionic acting and overheated dialogue seem right . the audience\u2019s reaction confirms this . the humor of the scene comes not from the film\u2019s condescension to the play , but to the woodsmen\u2019s reaction \u2013 their belief that reality is happening on stage . the play itself is performed almost in documentary fashion .\nrecently psychologist carol gilligan , author of in a different voice , published a ground - breaking study of young girls that concluded that as they enter the\nfeminine role ,\nsomewhere between the ages of 11 and 13 , their confidence plummets . sensing the violence and injustice there , many girls derail on the verge of entering society . brash and self - assured at 11 , they become shy and insecure , even self - destructive . they feel the new limits drawn around their bodies . what ' s interesting about gilligan ' s study is not so much her evocation of the familiar image of the masochistic teen as that earlier wild and unafraid girl who disappeared .\nthe paramount holdings at the ucla film & television archive include the entire studio output from the coming of sound in the late 1920s to 1948 . in many cases these studio prints are the best , or only , available materials for preservation . paramount features and shorts have been at the forefront of the archive ' s preservation program and the archive staged a major retrospective of paramount titles in 1987 .\n- all films - american animals ant - man and the wasp ant - man and the wasp 3d ant - man and the wasp : an imax 3d experience ant - man and the wasp : the imax 2d experience avengers : infinity war bolshoi ballet : giselle ( encore ) brother of the year damsel deadpool 2 dr . seuss ' horton hears a who ! eating animals the first purge first reformed gotti hearts beat loud hereditary the house of tomorrow incredibles 2 the iron giant jurassic world jurassic world : fallen kingdom jurassic world : fallen kingdom 3d leave no trace let the sunshine in love , cecil the misandrists no postage necessary ocean ' s 8 one flew over the cuckoo ' s nest rbg sanju sicario : day of the soldado solo : a star wars story sorry to bother you summer interlude superfly tag three identical strangers uncle drew whitney won ' t you be my neighbor ? yellow submarine today tuesday , july 10 wednesday , july 11 thursday , july 12 friday , july 13 saturday , july 14 sunday , july 15\none of the more original spirits in the evolution of the punk girl scene is stella marrs , an olympia - based artist and performer whose styles and theories can easily be detected in the work of bikini kill . for years marrs has been exploring images of femininity , rummaging through patriarchy ' s memory and building art out of the debris she finds there : ribbons , high heels , debutante dresses , old slips .\ni grew up with a set of images ,\nshe says .\nthey don ' t make sense to me . they ' re not my reality . so i take those images and reinterpret the meaning .\nshe ' s used high heels as drumsticks in a performance and turned hundreds of old slips into canvases . she splits them down the seams and spatters paint across them .\ni made a lot of lesbian separatists mad ; they thought it was violence against women ,\nshe remarks . but for marrs it was a way to connect femininity and rage , in the same way the name\nriot girl\ndoes , in the same way courtney love of hole does when she wears a lacy dress and screams ,\nugly , ugly , ugly , ugly ."]} {"id": 114601, "summary": [{"text": "why not me ? ( french : pourquoi pas moi ? ) is a 1999 french comedy film written and directed by st\u00e9phane giusti .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it is about a group of gay french friends living in barcelona who decide to have a dinner party and come out to their parents . ", "topic": 15}], "title": "why not me ? ( film )", "paragraphs": ["that\u2019s not me is alice\u2019s feature film debut as both an actor and writer .\nthere are no critic reviews yet for pourquoi pas moi ? ( why not me ? ) . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nthere are no featured audience reviews yet . click the link below to see what others say about pourquoi pas moi ? ( why not me ? ) !\nthat ' s not me | movies | palace cinemas | share our passion .\n\u00a9 2018 that ' s not me . moccasin pty ltd & storey kids pty ltd\nneri , mary margaret productions , & nhlbi announce that their documentary film \u2018if not for me\u2019 received the 2017 bronze telly award . the film shares stories about pediatric research .\nforgive me . . . my relationship to pac is too precious to me for the scenes in all eyez on me to stand as truth .\nthe world sales rights deal on \u201cpeople that are not me\u201d was negotiated by film republic managing director xavier henry - rashid who attended locarno . film republic will continue to introduce the film to buyers at the busan festival\u2019s asian film market and at the rome festival market .\n\u201ci\u2019m an actor , obviously . . . \u201d \u2014 polly , that ' s not me ( 2017 )\nthe film will premiere at the santa barbara international film festival on monday , february 6 .\nforgive me . . . my relationship to pac is too precious to me for the scenes in all eyez on me to stand as truth ,\nshe tweeted .\ncome to think of it , that ' s not such a bad way to describe that ' s not me \u2013 a $ 60 , 000 trojan horse of a film , fairly bursting with comedy , humanity and interesting ideas .\nthat ' s not me didn ' t quite do what it said on the tin , but i did enjoy the journey .\nmadrid \u2014 london - based film republic has acquired world sales rights to \u201canashim shenem lo ani\u201d ( \u201c people that are not me \u201d ) , a tel aviv - set romantic dramedy .\nthat ' s not me opens on september 7 , with a series of q & a events featuring gregory erdstein and alice foulcher . details : urltoken\nraw and refreshing in its humour , that\u2019s not me is a feel - good comedy about the difference between failure and disappointment . we can\u2019t all be oscar winners . not everyone will make it . but is that such a bad thing ?\ndirector ' s bio born in 1988 , hadas ben aroya lives in tel aviv , israel . in 2014 , ben aroya graduated from the steve tisch school of film at tel aviv university . while studying she wrote and directed a short film called sex doll that participated in the tel aviv international student film festival and won the gold panda , sichuan . people that are not me ( 2016 ) is her feature film debut .\nin 2014 she was granted an eight - month writing residency in paris with erdstein at the prestigious cite\u0301 des arts internationale where they wrote the script for that\u2019s not me .\nfew scripts revolve around characters with disabilities and sharrock hopes her film will represent part of an experience that has been largely ignored in film .\n12 . and the main message of the book is\njust not to judge\n.\nhadas ben aroya ' s people that are not me took the astor for best film at the 31st edition of the mar del plata film festival , which officially closed saturday night with a ceremony at the astor piazzola hall of the argentine city ' s auditorium theater , hosted by argentine actress andrea frigerio ( the distinguished citizen ) .\npremiering earlier this month at the locarno film festival , where it played in the signs of life section , \u201cpeople that are not me\u201d is about people who are very much like the friends and contemporaries of director hadas ben aroya , a young israeli writer - director who self - produced \u201cpeople that are not\u201d and plays its lead . \u201cpeople\u201d marks her first feature .\nben aroya commented that was in her last semester at the steve tisch school of film that she realized that she was \u201cpart of something . \u201d \u201cwestern society teaches young people that they are special little unicorns . well , i\u2019m not . \u201d so \u201cpeople that are not me\u201d is about her \u201cfriends and their non - unicorn lives , \u201d what \u201cunites and defines us . \u201d\ntheir debut feature that ' s not me cost just $ 60 , 000 , and after meeting with plenty of love on the festival circuit the savvy comedy is now getting a limited cinema release .\n11 .\nultimately it\u2019s a piece of fiction , it\u2019s not meant to represent anybody else\u2019s experiences .\nif not for me is an hour - long documentary which tackles the tough questions many parents ask about pediatric research by talking with families who have been there . the film shares stories of families who have a child with a chronic or acute illness and were asked to join a research study .\n\u201cby the end of the story , when you get to paris , then the audience can take a massive breath and see lots of things are ahead that would not have been possible if they had not met . \u201d\ncan you somehow capture the now with the feeling of old . we have been working with nostalgia this entire decade but i think that ' s not me finds the perfect balance where we are watching the modern while somehow being in the early 90s and 80s effortlessly . this film captures that while also telling a very real , modern story of what it means to be successful while not living to your personal potential .\nwhen asked about the backlash , moyes said she understood why it is being criticised as she sees that it is a controversial topic , but she wanted to point out that it is fiction . she told us :\nit\u2019s a controversial topic , i get that , and people are going to have very strong opinions . i hope that if you get into the head of this very uncompromising man you understand why he chooses to make the decision that he makes . but ultimately it\u2019s a piece of fiction , it\u2019s not meant to represent anybody else\u2019s experiences . it\u2019s just the thing that interested us was to explore one person\u2019s very particular circumstance .\nit ' s something that moyes learnt to not be too precious about as\nyou physically can\u2019t fit all those details in . . . there\u2019s just not enough time to explore that in the way that doesn\u2019t unbalance everything .\nfilm republic is a london based sales agency specialised in art house fiction and cinematic documentaries .\nit goes without saying some things had to be changed in order for the film adaptation to work \u2013 and mainly\nbecause otherwise it would be a six - hour film\n.\nbut me before you refreshingly bucks this trend . not only did sharrock lead as director and moyes work as the screenwriter , but karen rosenfelt and alison owen were the producers , while sue baden - powell acted as executive producer .\nleaving aside the complex issue of assisted dying , one of the film ' s biggest problems is how much me before you shields the audience . for a supposed romance , it ' s surprisingly prudish .\non friday the film had a 25 percent rating on the movie site\nrotten tomatoes .\n8 . a few characters and storylines had to be dropped for the film version to work .\npretty darn proud to be one of two australian films ( \ud83d\ude18 ali ' s wedding ) on a knockout top ten list for the melbourne international film festival audience awards . even prouder to be top ten at both melbourne and sydney film festival . thanks to everyone who voted and if you missed out - that\u2019s not me hits aussie cinemas on 7 september exclusively at palace cinemas ! # supportaustralianfilm # playtowin \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udfc6 full list of winners : urltoken\nwhen she was asked how important it was to her to be involved in the process of bringing her story to the big screen , moyes gushed ,\noh god , i would have been heartbroken if they had not wanted me included .\nit ' s one of the reasons why various views are shown in the film \u2013 not only will ' s , but also those of his parents , who are more understanding of his decision , but also louisa ' s mother , who at first is very vocal about disagreeing with it .\nwe wanted to make sure that all those opinions were represented . what we wanted to do was put the question , not give an answer . this just asks you : what would you do ? you know , and it\u2019s nothing more than that . i don\u2019t think it can represent more than any other story can , it\u2019s just one extreme situation .\nthis was a good little comedy which really had me hooked from the very first scene : planning an oscar acceptance speech - we all do it , just perhaps not always on the loo . as a twin myself i really felt for some of the situations the main character found herself in , and as well as being a comic film , it effectively explores disappointment and life not going the way you had planned . overall it\u2019s quite hilarious - especially the running joke of jared leto !\npac never read me that poem . i didn ' t know that poem existed until it was printed in his book .\nall eyez on me ,\nstarring demetrius shipp jr . and kat graham , opened in theaters friday , on what would have been shakur ' s 46h birthday , and it ' s not winning rave reviews from some who knew the slain rapper .\n\u201ci couldn\u2019t understand it and i\u2019m one of these people that if i don\u2019t understand something i have to read as much as i can about it , \u201d moyes said . \u201cthe more i read the more i realised it\u2019s not a black and white issue , you know , that there\u2019s not necessarily a right or a wrong to it and i guess as a writer that\u2019s what fascinates me . \u201d\nstay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\n\u201cthat\u2019s not me\u201d will have its world premiere at the santa barbara international film festival on monday , february 6 at 8 p . m at the metro theatre . it will also screen on tuesday , february 7 at 8 : 10 a . m . and wednesday , february 8 at 2 : 40 p . m . for more information , visit the official sbiff website .\n\u201cto be acknowledged by a group which recognizes the very best in film and video is an honor , \u201d says lisa marceau , executive director and vp of digital strategies . \u201cthe film has been a collaboration of creativity , commitment , and dedication to the importance of research and the craft of film - making . we are grateful for the teamwork with mmp and the support by nhlbi . \u201d refinements to the documentary film are being made with plans for broad release late spring or early summer \u2013 a trailer of the film can be viewed here .\nmoyes added :\nthe moment you hand over your book you have to accept the decisions that are made are not necessarily going to be yours , and i was lucky that they chose to include me on a lot of the decisions .\nhaving seen how much effort the film team put into finding sharrock , moyes felt confident they were handling her\nbaby\nwell enough .\nme before you is like a two - hour snl skit parodying a bad romantic drama starring a baby - person and a sociopath .\n9 . they did film the storyline about stephen traynor\u2019s affair but it detracted too much from the main story .\nme before you will have you weeping uncontrollably . it will also set your heart on fire , but it ' s not just a typical tear - jerking romance : it even has moments that will make you laugh . maybe laughing with tears running down your cheeks , but still .\nbuzzing comedies such as the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for all the info you need .\npac never said goodbye to me before leaving for la . he had to leave abruptly and it wasn ' t to pursue his career .\noccasionally so insightful into aussie film culture that i had to cover my eyes , and led by a great performance by alice foulcher . when the film just exploring the life of her down and out wannabe actress , it ' s damning and hilarious . but after the first act , it starts repeating itself , not really picking up on an actual story until the last 20 minutes . before that momentum really picks up , however , the film ends in a strangely disingenuous and weirdly regressive way .\n\u201cthere are no absolutes , but there are things that often happen and we wanted to get those across . it is really important to me that the film seems real to anyone who knows anything about this kind of disability . over five months , sam and i sent each other lots of cuttings and book recommendations to work out how to create this character who does not do what you necessarily expect . \u201d\n\u201cwe did not want to be dismissive of either side , \u201d she said . \u201cthere are a few well - known cases where people have made these choices and on the wards people knew patients who had done so . they were able to say that they understood , but that was not their story . \u201d\nthe film is 2 hours and 20 minutes long , and considering that tupac was only 25 years old when he was gunned down in a drive - by shooting in las vegas on sept . 7 , 1996 , that should be enough time to tell his story with intimacy and flow . yet \u201c all eyez on me , \u201d directed by the music - video veteran benny boom , is an old - school biopic that reminds you why old - school biopics faded : it has that overly sprawling , one - thing - after - another quality that can make you feel like you\u2019re seeing the cinematic version of a wikipedia entry .\nalso dp - ed ( meidan ) and edited ( or lee - tal ) by other recent alums of the steve tisch school of film at tel aviv university , \u201cpeople that are not me\u201d turns on joy ( ben aroya ) , who\u2019s a mess . she can\u2019t let go of her ex , sleeps around , then meets nir , a free - willed intellectual who does and says what he wants , inspiring joy .\non friday , pinkett smith took to social media to complain about the film , which she called\ndeeply hurtful .\npinkett smith then went on to tweet some of the things she believes the film got wrong about her relationship with shakur .\nsteve mouzakis is an award winning australian actor with feature film credits that include where the wild things are , downriver , and his starring turn in the internationally renowned netflix hit the suicide theory . known also for his performances in the short films joey and 296 smith street , he won best actor awards at both the st kilda film festival and melbourne international film festivals .\na list of every australian film made between 2010 to the present day . slowly adding features , documentaries , short films and\u2026\n\u201cthe message of the film is that disability is tragedy and disabled people are better off dead , \u201d one campaigner said .\nsign up : stay on top of the latest breaking film and tv news ! sign up for our email newsletters here .\nas a musician , lloyd performs in the band the the everly ills . their music has been released in paris and new york through his own flowershop tapes label , and is preparing a new album for launch in 2017 . several songs by the everly ills are featured on the soundtrack for that\u2019s not me .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nbut it didn ' t translate on screen .\ni think that was such an interesting example to me of the difference between book and film because in the book she refers to it in almost a throwaway line , she doesn\u2019t spell out what happened and you can\u2019t do that visually . you can\u2019t throw that away and not be respectful to the issue . so we tried and tried and tried , and in the end we just had to accept that to put that in and give it the weight the subject deserves unbalanced the whole film because it then changes a ) the tone of the film and b ) it changes her relationship with everything , and so we had to lose that .\nafter 5 weeks , today is our last day in cinemas with one final midday session at kino cinemas ( g\u2019arn melburnians ! ) . for a small independent film like ours to have played for this long is an incredible achievement and we have you the audience to thank . so thank you to everyone who came out to support that\u2019s not me ! and a big thank you to palace cinemas for having us ! it\u2019s been one helluva ride ! \ud83e\udd17\ud83c\udf7e\ud83c\udf7f\ud83d\udc4a\nand this was a bonus when most people don ' t realise how unlike the serious , conquering daenerys targaryen clarke actually is in real life . moyes said :\nin person she is just nothing like khaleesi . [ she has a ] huge smile , she\u2019s bubbly , she\u2019s funny , she\u2019s a bit kooky . i\u2019m sure she\u2019d hate me for saying that . but most importantly she just has this warmth that just kind of comes at you and it even showed on screen .\nand the deal was sealed when she was put together with claflin .\ni suddenly understood why people talk about chemistry because it was there and it was palpable and yeah , for me they are the perfect cast ,\nsaid moyes .\n\u201cmaking a film about unauthentic people requires strict authenticity , \u201d she said . so she cast non - actors and played the lead .\nthis is erdstein and foulcher\u2019s debut feature . erdstein has collaborated with foulcher on a number of short films , including \u201cpicking up at auschwitz , \u201d which was nominated for the short film competition prize at the 2012 st . kilda film festival , \u201ca bit rich\u201d and \u201cparis syndrome . \u201d\nif everyone and everything had been paid for , they say , the true cost of the film would have been around $ 900 , 000 .\njanine was most recently seen on abc tv \u2018s the code and has previously starred in erdstein and foulcher\u2019s acclaimed short film picking up at auschwitz .\nthe novel\u2019s open attitude to assisted suicide made the book controversial in some quarters , and sharrock listened to rival views before she shot the film .\nalice foulcher is an australian actor and writer . she frequently collaborates with her husband , director and co - writer gregory erdstein \u2013 whom she met while studying at the esteemed victorian college of the arts ( vca ) school of film and television in 2008 . their short films have screened at multiple film festivals internationally \u2013 most notably their tropfest short film a bit rich ( 2014 ) , the critically lauded picking up at auschwitz ( 2012 ) , and paris syndrome ( 2016 ) . as writer and director , foulcher\u2019s own short films have screened at major film festivals in australia and internationally .\nit ' s not perfect - there are times when the pacing is off and the epilogue tries too hard to end things on a positive note - but it ' s effective and affecting .\nwill traynor , the handsome , wheelchair - using hero of the bestselling novel me before you , by british author jojo moyes , has already left millions of readers around the world sobbing and heartbroken . now a leading west end director is inviting cinema audiences to go through it all again with the release of her first feature film .\nrichard davies is an australian actor and writer best known for his roles in popular australian television series offspring and the saddle club , as well as the 2015 smash hit film oddball . in 2010 , he wrote , produced and starred in the short film when the wind changes , which won multiple awards at film festivals across australia . he has most recently starred as the title character in the web - series bruce directed by tony rogers ( wilfred ) .\nand according to moyes it was all down to costume designer jill taylor , who took the process very seriously from the beginning . and we have to say , she did an exemplary job . me before you is not your usual weepy romance as there are also plenty of laughs , thanks in large part to each time louisa comes on screen in one of her kooky outfits .\ndirector gregory erdstein graduated the course i ' m doing roughly 10 years ago . he came in to talk to us about this film , some other shorts he ' s made , and his life as a filmmaker . i hadn ' t seen this , so went onto itunes and rented it that night . and after watching , i liked it ! it ' s cleverly written , and the story goes places i wasn ' t expecting it to . the main character keeps making terrible decision after terrible decision . erdstein described it as the\nanti - la la land\nand i can see why . am excited to see what he and his partner alice foulcher make next . overall , a cool little aussie film set in melbourne ! would rewatch again easily .\nsleekly shaven - headed , with a pirate bandana , a gangsta\u2019s dripped - in - death tattoos , and the liquid stare of an arabian prince , tupac shakur was the matinee idol of hip - hop superstars : not the fiercest rapper , not the most virtuosic or visionary , but a figure of \u201chard\u201d ferocity who elevated street nihilism by fusing it with a certain lovesexy bravura . [ \u2026 ]\n1 . yes , me before you was inspired by a real - life news story . it was also inspired by a couple of moyes ' family members who required 24 - hour care .\n( cnn ) all eyes are on a new film about the life of tupac shakur , and some of his friends don ' t like what they see .\ndirected by gregory erdstein this film stars alice foulcher , isabel lucas and richard davies . an aspiring actor struggles when her twin sister suddenly becomes a successful actress .\npolly cuthbert ( alice foulcher ) is a struggling actress , while that reality is not at all unique , neither is she personally . polly is an identical twin and her identical twin is also an actress who\u2026\nthat ' s not me , in which foulcher plays acting twins amy , whose career is soaring , and polly , whose career is stalling , grew out of their desire to make something more substantial .\nwe thought we ' d do it in a really lo - fi , mumble - core way . initially we thought we ' d spend $ 20 , 000 at most ,\nsays erdstein .\n[ lewis ] threw himself into the role of patrick ,\nmoyes grinned .\nhe was taking the mickey out of himself when i first met him because , you know , he\u2019s a good lad from leeds and there he was drinking green juice while we were all on tea and butties and he was like , ' my friends would not know me now . ' i loved him so much , and the fact he was in lycra on set every day was not hard for us women on set . those days had a little lift to them , shall we say . does that sound creepy ? !\n7 . it was down to moyes to make sure the film stayed as true to the book as possible and spot any problems in bringing certain aspects to life .\nlionel messi and diego armando maradona are considered two of the best football players of all times they both come from argentina . a country that has provided the world not just with these . . . see full summary \u00bb\ndominic l . santana , who plays knight , captures the underworld mogul\u2019s self - righteous menace , and the second half of the movie , in which shakur finds his greatest success , records his greatest song ( the momentous \u201ccalifornia love\u201d ) , and experiences his greatest existential confusion while at death row , is the ominous heart of \u201call eyez on me . \u201d it\u2019s not just that he\u2019s surrounded by back - stabbers and glad - handers , as well as musicians like dr . dre ( harold house moore , in an underwritten role ) and snoop dogg ( jarrett ellis , who gets the voice but not the snakish cunning ) . in essence , tupac is still in prison , trapped not just in a three - album contract but in a stance of outlaw brutishness that\u2019s become , in his own mind , \u201cpolitical\u201d : the only stance the white man will allow him .\n6 . the production team was very female - heavy \u2013 something you don ' t often see in the film industry . but it was also a\ntotal accident\n.\nthere are presently no session times scheduled for this film . times for new release films are generally available from 12pm on the tuesday prior to release . please check back later .\nif there ' s a formula for making a low - budget film with oodles of charm , it seems husband and wife team gregory erdstein\u200b and alice foulcher\u200b must have nailed it .\nkarl has been a journalist at fairfax media since 1999 , in a variety of writing and editing roles . karl writes about popular culture with a particular focus on film and television .\nme before you is now out in cinemas , and it ' s all thanks to writer jojo moyes , who wrote the book and adapted it for the film . yes , things had to be tweaked or ignored , and minor details had to be dropped altogether . but what does appear on screen is possibly the closest anyone could ever get to bringing the book and its complex characters to life .\nwe did film it but that was just an editing thing . and again what we found is when you know about the affair it actually changes the way the audience feels when you have those tender moments between the parents towards the end , because you\u2019re not focusing on louisa and will , which is the important bit at that point . you\u2019re focusing on the fact he\u2019s touching her shoulder and you go , ' oh , perhaps they\u2019re getting back together . ' you know , it changes your emotional focus . but all that stuff you only find out once you\u2019re on set . that\u2019s what i found really fascinating to me as a writer .\n13 . there could potentially be a sequel based on the follow - up book , after you , which follows louisa post - will . but only if this first film warrants it .\nmoyes talked to buzzfeed uk about her involvement in making the film , working with director thea sharrock , the cast , and the problems she faced in bringing the story to the big screen . there are many , many spoilers about the book and movie below , so go and read the book and watch the film before continuing if you don ' t want it to be spoiled !\nbook readers will notice in the movie how much stronger will ' s parents seem as a couple . and after a lot of tweaking it was decided it was best for the film audience .\nsince previews for the film began it has come under a lot of criticism from disability rights campaigners , who are angry about the depiction of will sending what they say is the wrong message .\nmary margaret productions is a washington dc based production company that produces award - winning video , film and multi - media projects . sheila curran dennin , president and writer / director , has been writing and directing for film , video and multi - media over 20 years . her work has been recognized by numerous awards , including two freddies ( considered the \u201coscar\u201d of health films ) , five cine\u2019s , eight telly\u2019s , awards from the international film and video awards in new york , itva festivals in chicago and new orleans and boston , and numerous hesca and national health information awards .\nhogan ' s heroes\nactor bob crane was found bludgeoned to death in his apartment on june 29 , 1978 , at the age of 49 . even after the case was reopened in 1990 , crane ' s murder has still not been solved .\n\u201cthis project was funded by nhlbi to address the unique issues surrounding pediatric clinical research participation , \u201d said victoria pemberton , project officer at the national heart , lung , and blood institute ( nhlbi ) . \u201cparents agree that clinical research for children is important to find new and better treatments , but misperceptions , fears and lack of information often lead parents to forgo enrollment of their children . if not for me works to address those misconceptions by highlighting families that have gone through pediatric clinical trials . \u201d\nsubscribe to the palace nova weekly session times email and have every film in your inbox . every wednesday afternoon you will receive our confirmed session times for the upcoming week . fill in your details below .\nsharrock , claflin and steve peacocke , who plays nathan , a trained nurse , researched the impact of quadriplegia together for the film . the three spent time in hospital talking to patients with spinal injuries .\ni absolutely trusted them ,\nshe confessed .\ni felt that , you know , they hadn\u2019t wanted me to change anything , they wanted to keep it as a british production , they wanted to keep the ending , they wanted to keep the character of the movie very true to the book . so when they told me they were speaking to director upon director , and this was a long search , i felt confident that they were putting some serious thought into this .\nwhether you read the book or watch the movie , whatever the format the story will certainly move you . so when we asked moyes what she hopes people will take away from the story , she told us the overall message is\njust not to judge\n.\nas a theatre director she has directed the national tours of elizabeth coleman\u2019s secret bridesmaid\u2019s business and it\u2019s my party ( and i\u2019ll die if i want to ) , max gillies live at the republic club and an evening with richard frankland for the sydney opera house and adelaide cabaret festival . she is a recipient of the ewa czajor award for female directors and the peter summerton award for directing . catherine has a passion for new writing and australian stories ( especially funny ones ) and she loved working on that\u2019s not me !\nin the latin american competition , the jury \u2014 which included film curator agnes wildenstein , american filmmaker john gianvito , argentine critic marcelo stiletano and directors nelson carlo de los santos arias and adirley queir\u00f3s \u2014 selected vincent carelli , tatiana almeida and ernesto de carvalho ' s martirio as best film and yamil quintana ' s aire quemado for best short . eduardo williams ' the human surge also was awarded with a special jury prize .\na rarity \u2013 a london - based arthouse sales agency \u2013 film republic has a strong line in film from a new generation of filmmakers , arthouse and more more mainstream foreign - language titles , such as scottish filmmaker ben sharrock\u2019s \u201cpikadero , \u201d about two frustrated young lovers in a crisis - struck basque village , and swiss niklaus hilber\u2019s \u201camateur teens , \u201d which centers on a group of teens at a secondary school in zurich .\nman i watched the 2 pac film , that was some bulls * * t ,\n50 cent wrote on the caption to an instagram posting .\ncatch that s * * t on a fire stick .\nmoyes didn ' t get to choose the director who took on the project , but it ' s fair to say she was more than happy with the decision . and it seems the whole cast was pretty enthralled by sharrock . in an instagram post by lead star sam claflin this week , he wrote :\nthea really was the beating heart of this experience . she really made this journey worth fighting for , for me as an actor . and me as a person . i owe it to her . and you guys do too .\nthea sharrock , who directed tom hiddlestone in shakespeare\u2019s henry v for the bbc in 2012 , believes the fresh tears will be worth it , as the film offers a chance to pause and reflect on the real value of life .\njoy is a young woman living in tel aviv who has a love - hate relationship with the city\u2019s casual sex scene . her whole world is her apartment , which happens to be located on the same street where her ex lives . after her failed and desperate attempts to get him back , joy becomes inspired by nir , a chatty intellectual type , who says and does whatever he wants . dealing with themes of urban loneliness within the y generation , people that are not me centres on the young people of tel aviv who yearn for intimacy and are also terrified by it .\nindeed , it ' s not . with its well - drawn characters , sharp dialogue and thoughtful grappling with the gulf between expectation and reality in gen y lives , it has more than a whiff of the modern screwball comedies of noah baumbach\u200b and greta gerwig\u200b ( frances ha , mistress america ) about it .\ntomas de leone ' s el aprendiz won best film honors in the argentine competition , and the best director prize went to lukas valenta renner for a decent woman . jury members in this category included jinna lee , ted fendt and julietta sichel .\n\u201cwe kept it as english - looking as we could , so there is a greyness of tone , \u201d said sharrock . \u201ci didn\u2019t want to show gritty britain , because this is not about that . then when lou takes will on holiday , it had to look as if she had tried her absolute best for him .\napparently unaware of the old film - acting adage that\nless is more\n, she ( emilia clarke ) over - acts from scene - setting beginning to would - be tear - jerking end . her eyebrows almost deserve a credit of their own .\nshe added :\ni mean , the thing that intrigued me about the story i originally heard on the radio was my impulse was to immediately judge the parents . like , what kind of parents are they ? and i think when you look behind the curtain at the reality of someone\u2019s situation what you realise is that most of the time people are doing their best in extraordinary circumstances . and what i felt about creating a story like this is you have one man whose decision you might not agree with , and nobody else agrees with it frankly in the film either , but i think it would be very hard once you know who he is to judge him for the decision that he makes . i think that we\u2019re a very judgmental society and you never know really what goes on in someone\u2019s mind or what experiences they\u2019ve had to make that decision . so yeah , let\u2019s just be a little kinder to each other .\nis an hour - long documentary which tackles the tough questions many parents ask about pediatric research by talking with families who have been there . the film shares stories of families who have a child with a chronic or acute illness and were asked to join a research study .\nit ' s part of the beauty of the film , especially when you see clarke , who plays daenerys targaryen in game of thrones , acting in the bubbly role of louisa next to the fatherly figure of dance , who played her rival tywin lannister in the hbo show .\ni think the useful thing to them was that i have carried the book as a whole with the character arcs and the issues and the romance and the humour . i\u2019ve carried the balance in my head for so long that i could kind of be a shortcut to say , ' yeah , you can ' t say that ' or ' you can\u2019t do that because that means that will work . ' and so my job was not to get in the way . my job was , i worked out very quickly , to sort of sit on the stairs with my computer and wait for people to ask me , and that is what i did . and it was great .\nand this soon became the basis for me before you : \u201cso what i wanted to do was to write a story about a man who is uncompromising and who makes a decision that nobody else around him agrees with and put myself in the shoes of him , his mother , and maybe somebody who wanted to change his mind . \u201d\nsharrock took the lead when it came to casting but she worked closely with moyes to decide on the final line - up .\nbecause she and i have been really closely entwined ever since she came on board she would send me links and say , ' what do you think about this person for so and so ? '\n\u201cmy nephew is in a wheelchair and i hope he will be pleased to see this shown in a way that does not make audiences too uncomfortable . if we had shown will being taken in and out of his chair , or put in a hoist over a bath , the impression we would give is of difficulty . i wanted to make it more normal . \u201d\nsince graduating from the western australian academy of performing arts catherine has enjoyed guest roles on neighbours , blue heelers , mda , flying doctors and embassy . she has appeared in films including , witch hunt , my year without sex , the independent feature film johnny ghost and more recently blinder .\nadapted from the bestselling novel by jo jo moyes , me before you tells the story of the unexpected relationship that blossoms between a contented small town englishwoman and the wealthy , paralyzed londoner who hires her as his caretaker . theater director thea sharrock makes her feature directorial debut with this mgm / new line cinema co - production . ~ jason buchanan , rovi\nvery relatable in its cinema worker scenes . i watched this movie too late last night , so i was a little tired the last half hour of my shift at my own cinema worker job , and i might have let my emotions show a little too much when a customer talked to me like i wasn ' t a person . very relatable indeed .\nmoyes perfectly described the look with this comment :\nthere\u2019s a very fine line between quirky english girl trying stuff out and crazy lady , and i think what\u2019s interesting is i feel jill managed to keep it on the right line . i think what i like about louisa\u2019s wardrobe is she\u2019s not trying to draw attention to herself ; it\u2019s just about her expression of her individual personality .\n\u201c all eyez on me , \u201d the messy , hugely flawed , but fascinating biographical drama that has now been made about him , channels those contradictions , even if it doesn\u2019t always know what to do with them . comprehensive but sketchy , richly atmospheric but often under - dramatized , it is not , in the end , a very good movie ( there are a few scenes , like tupac\u2019s initial meeting with ted field of interscope records , that are embarrassingly bad ) . yet it\u2019s highly worth seeing , because in its volatility and hunger , and the hidden desperation of its violence , it captures something about the space in which tupac shakur lived : a place that wanted to be all about pride and power , but was really about flying over the abyss .\nromanian helmer radu jude picked the best director prize for scarred hearts , while bertrand bonello ' s nocturama won a jury special mention for best cinematography . the film , shot just before the terror attacks in paris last november , depicts a group of adolescents who plant a series of bombs in the french capital .\nandrew s . gilbert has appeared in over twenty australian feature films . he has received afi nominations for his work as best supporting actor in mullet and paperback hero , along with nominations for kiss or kill and paperback hero from the film critics circle australia awards . he won the 1997 afi award for best actor in a supporting role for kiss or kill and in 2001 the film critics circle australia award for best supporting actor in mullet . andrew has appeared in some of australia\u2019s most recognised television series , including series 3 and 4 of \u2018round the twist as tony twist and bed of roses ( series 1 , 2 and 3 ) . andrew has worked on stage all over australia specialising in the development and production of new australian plays . he has appeared in world premier theatre productions at the sydney and melbourne festivals and devised , directed and performed for the melbourne and sydney fringe festivals . for the past three years he has worked as a lecturer in australian film , at a graduate and postgraduate level , for boston university\u2019s sydney program .\nboth funny and a little bit tragic this is a good blend of comedy and drama looking at sibling rivalry and the desire for fame . there are more than enough laughs along the way to entertain . generally the film is well made and i look forward to seeing what else the husband and wife team of erdstein and foulcher comes up with .\nand it was re - created with a mixture of secondhand clothes and budget high street shops .\n[ jill ] met with me long before filming even started ,\nsaid moyes .\nshe wanted to get inside my head about louisa\u2019s wardrobe .\nshe got a lot of louisa ' s clothing from thrift shops and charity shops , but mainly from chain stores such as matalan , primark , and tk maxx .\nthe pair are self - distributing the film , which is showing on a small number of palace screens throughout the country ( foulcher spent seven years working for the company ) , but it is much better than that might suggest . the early reviews have been positive , too , even if many of them have been couched in terms of low expectations exceeded .\nbut she enjoyed making the film so much she has already started work on adapting some of her other books in the meantime :\ni mean , obviously i would always love to do another . in fact , i\u2019ve actually gone on to adapt two more [ of my ] books since i wrote this one because i loved the process so much .\nand while she can ' t prove it was down to their being women , moyes did comment on how lovely the set was , potentially as a result .\ni\u2019ve got nothing to judge that by because this is my first film production , but what i will say is that i felt the experience on set was very positive . well , i know the crew who i spoke to \u2013 you know , lots of grizzled old hands who have been on every film you can imagine \u2013 said that it was a particularly happy set . so i don\u2019t know if that\u2019s because we were women or just because it\u2019s thea . i don\u2019t know , because i think those sorts of things come from the head down .\nthe telly awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding local , regional , and cable tv commercials and programs , the finest video and film productions , and online commercials , video and films . winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies , production companies , television stations , cable operators , and corporate video departments in the world .\nand what ' s more , it wasn ' t a deliberate move to make a stand against the unbalanced numbers : they were chosen because they were the right ones for the job .\n[ it was a ] total accident ,\nmoyes told us .\nthree kickass women producers , thea , and me\u2026 i mean i feel like we\u2019re kind of making up some invisible tally , you know , we\u2019re upping the numbers in our own small way .\nbelinda misevski completed a bachelor of theatre arts in acting from the university of southern queensland in 2009 . she is the co - founder and artistic director of exhibit a : theatre and in 2016 produced the short film bridge which had its world premiere at palm springs shorts fest 2016 . her screen credits include several shorts including two devils , a bit rich , and nbc universal\u2019s childhood\u2019s end .\nshe says she was so bad in her first year at vca that she was almost kicked out , but erdstein says she swept the prizes in final year .\nshe won for directing , she won best screenplay , best film , best student overall ,\nhe says proudly .\nshe talks it down now but she was , and is , an incredibly talented writer and director .\nsam claflin ( the hunger games ) plays will traynor , a quadriplegic man who requires 24 - hour assistance following a road accident . the film begins by showing him before the accident and his subsequent situation , which brings carer louisa into his life , played by emilia clarke ( game of thrones ) . what unravels is a heart - wrenching love story where the pair change each other ' s lives inconceivably .\nwhat an unexpected gem ! this film is hilarious ! it falls in that very rare\nlaughter hangover\ncategory . . . films that make you laugh so much that you wake up the next morning with an aching gut . terrific cast ! tremendous performances ! the cinematography and blocking are also fantastic . a variety of unique visual techniques are ingeniously employed , serving to underscore dramatic tensions and to heighten comedic effect . brilliant !\nas a master of martial arts and an action star , bruce lee was reaching the zenith of his career when he died at 32 in july 1973 . he was in hong kong at the time of his death , which was blamed on a brain edema caused by an allergic reaction to painkillers . his sudden and shocking passing came just a month before the premiere of his classic 1973 film ,\nenter the dragon ."]} {"id": 114602, "summary": [{"text": "kaadhal solla vandhen ( english : i came to express my love ) is a 2010 indian tamil-language romance film written and directed by boopathy pandian , which stars balaji balakrishnan of kana kaanum kaalangal fame , meghana raj and karthik sabesh in lead and arya in a guest role .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film , previously titled as naanum en sandhyavum and naan avalai sandhitha pozhudhu , is produced by s3 films and features music scored by yuvan shankar raja .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "it released on 13 august 2010 to mixed reviews and proved to be highly unsuccessful at the box office . ", "topic": 18}], "title": "kaadhal solla vandhen", "paragraphs": ["swami varugudhu official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj . . .\noru vaanavillin pakkathile official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj . . .\noru vaanavillin pakkathile song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : . . .\nenna enna aagiren official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj . . .\nanbulla sandhya song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : boopathy . . .\nswami varugudhu song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : boopathy . . .\noh shala oh shala official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj . . .\nanbulla sandhya official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : . . .\nenna enna aagiren song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : boopathy . . .\nkaadhal solla vandhen & kana kaanum kaalangal fame actor balaji ties knot to preethi .\noh shala oh shala song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : boopathy . . .\nkaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja | whatsapp song | lyrics video song .\nkaadhal solla vandhen ( original motion picture . . . ( ep ) by various artists\n1080p - w tamil subs - enna enna aagiren - kaadhal solla vandhen ( 2010 ) . mp4\noru vaanavillin pakkathilae lyrics from kaadhal solla vandhen ( tamil ) ( 2010 ) sung by udit narayan . this song is composed by yuvan shankar raja with lyrics penned by na . muthukumar . kaadhal solla vandhen ( tamil ) movie stars balaji balakrishan , meghana raj and the songs were released in 2010 . oru vaanavillin pakkathilae lyrics from kaadhal solla vandhen : udit narayan sings this tamil song for kaadhal solla vandhen film with music by yuvan shankar raja\nkaadhal solla vandhen ( 2010 ) tamil movie cd - rip 320kbps mp3 songs music by yuvan shankar raja - starmusiq . com\nkaadhal solla vandhen is a forthcoming 2010 indian tamil romantic film written and directed by boopathy pandian , which stars balaji balakrishnan of kana kaanum . . .\nswami varugudhu official video song | kaadhal solla vandhen | yuvan shankar raja movie : kaadhal solla vandhen starcast : balaji , megna sundaraj director : boopathy pandiyan composer : yuvan shankar raja singer : chidhambaram , siva kumar pusari & kuluvinar lyricist : na muthukumar producer : c . jayakumar banner : s3 films label : think music for all latest updates : subscribe to us on : urltoken follow us on : urltoken like us on : urltoken follow us on : urltoken buy music : urltoken\nfrom kathal solla vanthen , cast , balaji and meghana raj , music yuvan shankar raja .\nkathal solla vanthen my favorite scene . . . balaji , meghna sundar good love expression .\noru vaanavillin pakkathile - yuvan musical - kadhal solla vanthen - nice whatsapp status . . .\nkaadhal solla vandhen is a 2010 tamil action - romance film , directed by boopathy pandian and produced by s3 films . this film stars balaji balakrishan , meghana raj , karthik sabesh in the lead role . the films soundtrack and background score were composed by yuvan shankar raja with lyrics by na . muthukumar .\noru vaanavillin pakkathile vazhanthu paarkiren naane movie : kadhal solla vanthen music : yuvan shankar raja lyricist : na . muthu kumar # subscribe this . . .\nkathal solla vanthen , yuvan shankar raja . . . . i love almost all songs sung by yuvan shankar raja . . love this one too . . . . .\nmovie : kadhal solla vanthen . music : yuvan shankar raja . singers : udit narayan . director : boopathy pandian . video created by : m . v . raj kumar . . . !\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nfrom muni to kaalai to malaikottai , vedhika has come up a long way . and in most of her films she was portrayed as a simpleton , a comedienne of sort . while many actresses could have been apprehensive about accepting stereotypic roles vedhika seems to have no qualms over it . justifying her stance in accepting the roles , she\nsaid that each role is different from the other . while in muni it was a sort of a naive character , in kaalai it was lovable role . she also pointed out that in her current venture sakkarakatti with santanu , she plays a romantic heroine . vedhika has already another offer from director bhoopathy pandian for the film titled naanum en sandhyavum . this film will , incidentally , be the launchpad for the director\u2019s sibling arjun prabhu . it is also worthwhile to note that bhoopathy pandian is famous for directing comedy flicks . so , do we get to see vedhika in yet another comedy role ?\nyou can update your channel preference from the settings menu in the header menu .\npurampokku engira podhuvudamai - tamil full movie | arya | vijay sethupathi | s . p . jananathan\ntamil super hit movie | kodambakkam [ hd ] | romantic comedy movie | ft . nandha , diya\nennama ramar as police . . . siricha pochu team ultimate comedy performance in kpy champions . . .\nsema songs | sandalee video song | g . v . prakash kumar , arthana binu | valliganth | pandiraj\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nprabhu , a happy - go - lucky boy , falls in love with sandhya who studies in his college . however , difficulties arise when he finds out that she is two years elder to him .\nthe\nmost anticipated indian movies and shows\nwidget tracks the real - time popularity of relevant pages on imdb , and displays those that are currently generating the highest number of pageviews on imdb .\neach title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed . pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed .\nlakeith stanfield and his sorry to bother you crew reveal their most soul - crushing jobs in our freewheeling interview .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nsee the top 50 tamil movies as rated by imdb users \u2013 from evergreen hits to recent chartbusters .\nsakthivel , a struggling lawyer in his hometown , comes to chennai to become successful . he goes all out against a wealthy man in a hit - and - run case hoping that the publicity would help his business .\nvillage boy make an affair with girl and they continue it even if they grownup . accidentally boy happened to caught in jail . but after small time he escaped from the jail and come to the . . . see full summary \u00bb\nit ' s all about father and son . a father who nurtures his son and makes him a good man in this society . he teaches many fathers about fatherhood and their responsibilities . this film shows . . . see full summary \u00bb\ndivya , a woman grieving over the death of her lover , is convinced into an arranged marriage with chandra kumar . over a year the couple attempt to adjust to each other ' s presence and live with each other .\ndinesh , a software engineer , is brought to a psychiatrist by his boss after he seems mentally disturbed . his life turns worse when the voice in his head tells him to kill himself .\nthe tamil version of the trilingual horror - comedy wherein a husband finds out his wife is possessed . also simultaneously made in hindi as tutak tutak tutiya ( 2016 ) and in telugu as abhinetri ( 2016 )\na cop mistakenly believes that taking out three thugs will end madurai ' s crime wave .\noru naal koothu addresses marriage from the perspectives of different people . the story is based on the experiences of the director and focusses on issues related to a wedding .\nvishnu and xavier are two individuals who work at a medical facility organization called\nuyir\n.\nmaruthu is a rustic action entertainer where vishal plays the role of a labourer . the story revolves around his relationship with his grandmother .\nfour penniless , down - and - out youngsters plan to rob the house of a wealthy businessman believing that the family is out on a pilgrimage . but when they break into the house , nothing goes as . . . see full summary \u00bb\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\ncheck out the indian movies with the highest ratings from imdb users , as well as the movies that are trending in real time .\nenjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with prime video .\nclick on the menu icon of the browser , it opens up a list of options .\nhere click on the \u201cprivacy & security\u201d options listed on the left hand side of the page .\na pop up will open with all listed sites , select the option \u201callow\u201c , for the respective site under the status head to allow the notification .\nonce the changes is done , click on the \u201csave changes\u201d option to save the changes .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website . this includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks . such third party cookies may track your use on filmibeat sites for better rendering . our partners use cookies to ensure we show you advertising that is relevant to you . 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thiagarajan kumararaja . it is supposedly the first neo - noir film in tamil cinema . the story takes place in a day in the lives of the six protagonists , played by jackie shroff , ravi krishna , sampath raj and newcomers [ yasmin ponnappa ] , somasundaram and master vasanth . produced by s . p . b . charan ' s capital film works , the film features musical score by yuvan shankar raja and cinematography by p . s . vinod and editing handled by the duo praveen k . l . and n . b . srikanth .\na group of pows in a german prison camp during world war ii play the german national soccer team in this powerful film depicting the role of prisoners during wartime .\nsamar is a tamil action - adventure film directed by thiru . it features vishal and trisha krishnan in the lead roles , with sunaina , manoj bajpai and j . d . chakravarthy appearing in supporting roles .\nnandha ( tamil : ? ? ? ? ? ) is a 2001 indian tamil drama film written and directed by bala , starring suriya and laila in the leading roles , while rajkiran , saravanan and rajshree play other supporting roles . the film also marked the debut of comedian karunas , whilst its music was scored by yuvan shankar raja and cinematography handled by r . rathnavelu . the film released on 14 november 2001 and received critical acclaim .\nwhen karthik is given a task by his producer to come up with a gripping gangster flick infested with a heavy dosage of violence , he focuses on sethu , a ruthless gangster surrounded by quirky yet scary henchmen . karthik discreetly tries his best to find out about sethu to develop a film script , but fails miserably in all his attempts . however when he finally gets the chance to gain an insight into sethu ' s life , disaster strikes as he gets caught in the m\u00eal\u00e9e following the discovery of a mole within sethu ' s gang .\npandian , the son of a cop and a wannabe rowdy , falls in love with kadambarai , a hearing - impaired girl , who wants him to take on killivalavan , a gangster - politician who has murdered her parents .\nfor astrological reasons , a father leaves his son rudran ( arya ) in kasi . nevertheless he brings him back to tamil nadu . the story takes a turn here and introduces us to the world of physically and mentally challenged beggars . a world controlled by the cruel thandavan ( rajendran ) . meanwhile , rudran leaves his house to find his place on a small cave , and soon meets hamsavalli , who tries her best to convince him to return home , but fails . thandavan then takes a deal with a malayali man of the same profession and decides to force hamsavalli to marry an ugly , deformed man for 10 - lakhs worth of money . on one incident , hamsavalli angers the deformative , who runs away without marrying her . this angers thandavan , who deeply wounds her . she later goes crying to rudran to somehow free from this curse . the aghori then kills her and grants her moksha .\nindran suffers from narcolepsy , a sleep disorder that makes him fall asleep at the slightest excitement . he meets meera and they fall in love but one night , they are attacked by unknown persons . indran panics and goes into sleep , while meera is raped . indran must rely hard on his wits to find the assailants and overcome his condition get his revenge .\nthe theme is the founding of the state of israel . the action begins on a ship filled with jewish immigrants bound for israel who are being off loaded on cyprus . an intelligence officer succeeds in getting them back on board their ship only to have the harbor blocked by the british with whom they must negotiate . the second part deals with declaring independence and the resulting warring .\noriginally released in japan simply as\ngojira\nin 1984 , this is the heavily re - edited , re - titled\ngodzilla 1985\n. adding in new footage of raymond burr , this 16th godzilla film ignores all previous sequels and serves as a direct follow - up to the 1956\ngodzilla king of the monsters\n, which also featured scenes with burr edited into 1954 ' s\ngojira\n. this film restores the darker tone of the original , as we witness the nuclear destruction of giant lizard terrorizing japan .\nin 1942 the british ruled india , a time when people were either working for the british or rallying for underground meetings and protests against them . amidst this background , naren singh , falls in love with rajeshwari pathak . but their romance is not an easy one , for naren comes from a wealthy , british supporting , family . but rajeshwari is poor and is fighting against the british .\nas the plague decimates medieval europe , rumors circulate of a village immune from the plague . there is talk of a necromancer who leads the village and is able to raise the dead . a fearsome knight joined by a cohort of soldiers and a young monk are charged by the church to investigate . their journey is filled with danger , but it ' s upon entering the village that their true horror begins .\nkadal ( english : sea ) is an upcoming tamil film being directed and produced by mani ratnam . the film features debutant gautham karthik , son of actor karthik and debutant thulasi nair , daughter of radha in the lead roles . the film will be dubbed and released simultaneously in telugu as kadali .\nsundarapandian ( tamil : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) is a 2012 indian tamil comedy drama film directed by debutant prabhakaran , a former associate of m . sasikumar . [ 1 ] sasikumar himself played the titular character , besides producing the film , while lakshmi menon , vijay sethupathi , soori , inigo prabhakaran and appukutty appeared in supporting roles . music was composed by n . r . raghunanthan , while cinematography was handled by premkumar of pasanga fame . [ 2 ] the film released on 14 september 2012 to overall positive reviews . [ 3 ] following its commercial success , the film is planned to be remade in telugu by director bhimaneni srinivasa of sudigadu fame . [ 4 ]\nvaanam features five different stories of five different characters . all five stories run in parallel at a time and they meet at a point to find a solution which forms the climax . cable raja who works as a cable operator is a happy go lucky chap who aspires to become rich by marrying a rich girl pooja . a sex worker saroja , who is run away from a brothel house and plans to lead her own life . chakravarthy who is not interested in joining army though he has comes from a army background family is aims to become a famous rock star and chakravarthy starts his journey with his friends to give a live performance . prakash raj and his wife zara gets discriminated for being a muslim and plans to leave for dubai to make a living out there . lakshmi is desperate to get funds for her son studies and also has some debts to be cleared . as fate has it , all these characters are present in the private hospital , a group of terrorists attack the hospital .\nbased on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in history , the monuments men is an action drama focusing on seven over - the - hill , out - of - shape museum directors , artists , architects , curators , and art historians who went to the front lines of wwii to rescue the world\u0092s artistic masterpieces from nazi thieves and return them to their rightful owners . with the art hidden behind enemy lines , how could these guys hope to succeed ?\nactor walter matthau directed his first and only feature film with the black - and - white crime drama gangster story . in an unusual noncomedic role , matthau plays jack martin , a local gangster who wants to run his own crime syndicate in the neighborhood run by earl dawson ( bruce mcfarlan ) . they eventually team up and plan a heist . carol grace plays the reform - minded girlfriend .\nmuthu starring by rajinikanth and meena . a lavish maharaja ( rajinikanth ) lived with his sister - in - law and stepbrother rajasekhar ( raghuvaran ) , helping people incessantly . his sister - in - law has a son , to whom the maharaja bequeaths a major portion of his property . at this juncture , a new baby is born to the maharaja . his wife dies soon after . brother rajasekhar cheats the maharaja as he fears that his son ' s property might be taken back and given to the maharaja ' s own son . when the cheating comes to light , the maharaja hands over all his property and his baby to his sister - in - law . . .\nvasu ( vishal ) , is a guy who due to some misunderstandings has come out of his rich joint family headed by his mother ( radhika sarathkumar ) , and sets up a money lending business . d alias divya ( shruthi haasan ) a modern girl falls for his good nature . accidentally , he comes across a planned attempt to kill a police officer by a mysterious gang ; he promptly takes on the entire gang single handedly , saving the life of the police officer . this sets the gang ' s leader , a businessman and a contract killer , anna thandavam ( mukesh tiwari ) , and his goons against him who find out later that vasu & his family need to be eradicated on more than one count .\nathili sathi babu ( ravi teja ) is a smalltime thief in hyderabad . a small girl comes to sathi babu claiming that he is her father . later on it is revealed that there is a look - alike of sathi babu in the form of vikram singh rathod who had an impeccable track record as ips officer . his past in chambal valley catches up with him . the rest of the story is all about how these look - alikes ' take care of baddies .\nvikram ( tamil : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) is a 1986 tamil - language indian feature film directed by rajasekhar , starring kamal hassan , ambika , dimple kapadia , lizy , sathyaraj , charuhasan , janagaraj and amjad khan . vikram is the first tamil film which crossed the budget of 1 crore . kamal had lip locks with all the three heroines , ambika , dimple kapdaia and lizy . the film resembled high tech james bond movies .\na common man who transforms into a gangster revolts against the very system he once obediently followed by declaring war on the police , the government , and the industrialists .\nthe film revolves around five individual characters and the events in their life , that , on the one hand , changes everything in their respective lives , which the film ' s title refers to , and , on the other hand , also brings together these people . it is an anthology film , that contains two parallel moving stories , which are connected by a freak accident in chennai . a young architect , falls in love with a young beautiful pediatric doctor , runs after her and tries to convince her to marry her , while , simultaneously , a morose ex - football coach troubles a software engineer by vowing to kill his eight - year - old son . how these characters get connected and confronted through the accident forms the crux of the story .\nthe film ' s story is around a rich business entrepreneur falling in love with an ad film actress . the entrepreneur and the actress fall in love , though she does not know that he is an entrepreneur . when she successfully saves a bunch of children who were in danger , she is brutally murdered by a gang leader and the entrepreneur himself gets hit hard on the head when he tries to save his lover , eventually leading him into a state of short term memory loss . he is later studied about and helped by a psychology student to take revenge on the one who murdered his lover .\nenraged at the slaughter of murron , his new bride and childhood love , legendary scottish warrior william wallace slays a platoon of the local english lord ' s soldiers . this leads the village to revolt and , eventually , the entire country to rise up against english rule .\nset in the turbulence of the 1930s british india , chittagong is a true story of a 14 year old boy , jhunku , and of his journey to find where he belongs . for the first time in indian history , the british army is defeated by a ragtag army of schoolboys and their teacher , masterda . called a traitor by his peers , and let down by a man he trusts , jhunku impulsively joins the movement . as his world is turned upside down , jhunku is forced to confront his self - doubts . as the leaders of the movement are progressively caught or killed , jhunku battles against seemingly insurmountable odds to win a victory of his own . the film is an exciting action - drama , made more so by the fact that it is true .\nrecently paroled from prison , legendary burglar\ndoc\nriedenschneider , with funding from alonzo emmerich , a crooked lawyer , gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the midwest for a big jewel heist .\nbharat is the indian common man and a part - time actor , and portrays the role of hanuman , the monkey god , at the local ramleela skit . his family consists of his wife , nisha , ambitious for her husband , and would like him to be promoted from cashier to manager at the bank . bharat , however , wants to be ram , the protagonist in ramleela . and then one day , bharat\u0092s table - fan gets stolen . bharat then gets sucked into a system that worships corruption and dishonesty , and is forced to bribe his way through criminals and law keepers alike , just to get this table - fan back . what the system does not seem to realise , however , is that even somebody as common as bharat can snap , and when he does , he can make life hell for a lot of people\nthe film stars mohanlal , revathi , nedumudi venu , innocent and napoleon in lead roles . the rivalry between mangalassery neelakantan ( mohanlal ) and mundakkal shekaran ( napoleon ) forms the main theme of the film . the character mangalaserry neelakandan was created by ranjith balakrishnan based on the real - life person mullasserry rajagopal .\nsteve mcqueen is ideally cast as a champion race car driver , participating in the famed 24 - hour race headquartered in le mans , france . though dedicated to going for the gold , mcqueen finds time to romance widowed elga andersen . the dramatic angle to this plot wrinkle is that mcqueen may well have been responsible for the death of andersen ' s husband during a previous car pile - up . director john sturges , who ' d previously helmed steve mcqueen ' s legendary motorcycle chase scenes in the great escape , was originally slated to direct le mans , but withdrew from the project ; it was then taken over by lee h . katzin .\nwalter vetrivel is a 1993 indian tamil film , directed by p . vasu , starring sathyaraj , sukanya and ranjitha in lead roles . the film had musical score by ilaiyaraaja and was released on 14 january 1993 . it completed a 150 day run on theaters and became one of the highest grossing films for sathyaraj during 90 ' s in terms of revenue . the movie released to extremely positive reviews and became a blockbuster . the film was later remade in telugu as s . p . parasuram with chiranjeevi and in hindi as khuddar with govinda .\na monk turned body - builder , with the gift to see into people ' s lives , befriends a female cop , and uses his gift to change the force of karma and her destiny .\nadmiral james t . kirk is feeling old ; the prospect of accompanying his old ship the enterprise on a two week cadet cruise is not making him feel any younger . but the training cruise becomes a a life or death struggle when khan escapes from years of exile and captures the power of creation itself .\na young african - american couple navigates the tricky paths of romance and athletics in this drama . quincy mccall ( omar epps ) and monica wright ( sanaa lathan ) grew up in the same neighborhood and have known each other since childhood . as they grow into adulthood , they fall in love , but they also share another all - consuming passion : basketball . they ' ve followed the game all their lives and have no small amount of talent on the court . as quincy and monica struggle to make their relationship work , they follow separate career paths though high school and college basketball and , they hope , into stardom in big - league professional ball .\na young man searches for the\nmaster\nto obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow . along the way he must fight an evil martial arts expert and rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed music promoter .\nhoratio homblower , now promoted to acting lieutenant , captures the french ship le reve off the spanish coast . the captain of the french ship is furious that such a youngster has pulled off such a coup . but far more daunting is hornblower ' s first taste of the high life , when he is invited to dine with the governor of gibraltar and his wife . the prospect of this is frightening enough , but an unexpected guest , the glamorous duchess of wharfedale , adds another spin to his evening .\nan active volcano threatens a south pacific island resort and its guests as a power struggle ensues between the property ' s developer and a drilling foreman .\nwishing to become a successful reggae singer , a young jamaican man finds himself tied to corrupt record producers and drug pushers .\nthis film is a glimpse into the life , love and the unconquerable spirit of the legendary bruce lee . from a childhod of rigorous martial arts training , lee realizes his dream of opening his own kung - fu school in america . before long , he is discovered by a hollywood producer and begins a meteroric rise to fame and an all too short reign as one the most charasmatic action heroes in cinema history .\nthe mostly true story of the legendary\nworst director of all time\n, who , with the help of his strange friends , filmed countless b - movies without ever becoming famous or successful .\nkuch kuch locha hai , previously titled patel rap is an upcoming bollywood comedy movie directed by devang dholakia starring sunny leone , ram kapoor , evelyn sharma and navdeep chabbra in lead roles .\ndirector f . w . murnau ( john malkovich ) makes a faustian pact with a vampire ( willem dafoe ) to get him to star in his 1922 film\nnosferatu .\nscreenwriter paul javal ' s marriage to his wife camille disintegrates during a film production as she spends time with its producer .\nan updated version of the 1980 musical , which centered on the students of the new york academy of performing arts .\nnear a gray and unnamed city is the zone , an alien place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers , and where the normal laws of physics are victim to frequent anomalies . a stalker , one of only a handful who have the mental gifts ( and who risk imprisonment ) to lead people into the zone is tasked with reaching the room , said to be a place where one ' s secret hopes come true . his clients are a burned out popular writer , cynical , and questioning his talent ; and a quiet scientist more concerned about his knapsack than the journey . in the deserted zone , the approach to the room must be indirect . as they draw near , the rules seem to change and the stalker faces a crisis . the film is loosely based on the novel\nroadside picnic\nby boris and arkady strugatsky\nthe film starts with the veteran thespian harish mishra , he is gravely ill . the punishments of a film shoot have left the old man in a coma . his co - star , shabnam , is wracked with worry , but their director , siddharth , keeps strangely distant and refuses to visit his ailing star . in flashbacks , their story emerges .\ntold in flashback form , the film traces the rise and fall of a tough , ambitious hollywood producer jonathan shields , as seen through the eyes of various acquaintances , including a writer james lee bartlow , a star georgia lorrison and a director fred amiel . he is a hard - driving , ambitious man who ruthlessly uses everyone - including the writer , star and director - on the way to becoming one of hollywood ' s top movie makers .\nthis special one - off drama travels back in time to 1963 to see how doctor who was first brought to the screen . actor william hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard - man roles . wannabe producer verity lambert was frustrated by the tv industry ' s glass ceiling . both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a saturday tea - time drama . allied with a team of unusual but brilliant people , they went on to create the longest running science fiction series ever made .\nwhen miley stewart ( aka pop - star hannah montana ) gets too caught up in the superstar celebrity lifestyle , her dad decides it ' s time for a total change of scenery . but sweet nibblets ! miley must trade in all the glitz and glamour of hollywood for some ol ' blue jeans on the family farm in tennessee , and question if she can be both miley stewart and hannah montana . with a little help from her friends \u0096 and awesome guest stars taylor swift , rascal flatts and vanessa williams \u0096 will she figure out whether to choose hannah or miley ?\ngretta ' s celebrity boyfriend breaks up with her after a long - term relationship , leaving the singer to find success on her own . with the help of record producer , dan and hip - hop celebrity , trouble gum , gretta strives to fulfil her musical ambitions .\na quirk in time and space gives a failed filmmaker the chance to reshape his destiny when he visits his peculiar alma mater .\ntwo actors , as their make up is applied , talk about the size of their parts . then into the film : laurence sterne ' s unfilmable novel , tristram shandy , a fictive autobiography wherein the narrator , interrupted constantly , takes the entire story to be born . the film tracks between\nshandy\nand behind the scenes . size matters : parts , egos , shoes , noses . the lead ' s girlfriend , with their infant son , is up from london for the night , wanting sex ; interruptions are constant . scenes are shot , re - shot , and discarded . the purpose of the project is elusive . fathers and sons ; men and women ; cocks and bulls . life is amorphous , too full and too rich to be captured in one narrative .\nwhile attending a retrospect of his work , a filmmaker recalls his life and his loves : the inspirations for his films .\nfix takes you from beverly hills to watts , and places in between , in one day , as documentary filmmakers bella and milo race to get milo ' s brother leo from jail to rehab before 8pm , or leo goes to prison for three years .\nmax walker is a suicidal man who selects an aspiring young filmmaker to record the end of his life . on the agenda for his last day on earth : telling off his old boss , confessing some of his deepest secrets , and maybe even finding redemption .\n' i hate luv storys ' is the maxim jay lives by . but as an assistant director to veer , the most famous romantic filmmaker of indian film industry , jay has little option but to live with larger than life , glossy , cinematic love on an everyday basis . things only get worse when he is made to work under the new production designer on the film simran , with whom he shares the strangest first encounter ! simran loves luv storys ; so much so that even her life has begun to resemble one . with her ideal job and the perfect boyfriend , raj , she lives a blissful , dreamy life ; one that is rudely interrupted by jay ' s cynicism . the turmoil ' s of jay and simran ' s life , is ironically interweaved with the luv story that they are working on\nan emotionally and sexually charged journey through the love , addiction , and friendship of two men . documentary filmmaker erik and closeted lawyer paul meet through a casual encounter , but they find a deeper connection and become a couple . individually and together , they are risk takers\u0097compulsive , and fueled by drugs and sex . in an almost decade - long relationship defined by highs , lows , and dysfunctional patterns , erik struggles to negotiate his own boundaries and dignity and to be true to himself .\non 25 may 2018 , the general data protection regulation ( gdpr ) ( eu ) 2016 / 679 will come into force . the gdpr strengthens and clarifies the rights of eu - resident natural persons with regard to their personal information the terms and conditions and the privacy policy for valossa services have been updated accordingly .\nplease review valossa ' s updated terms and conditions , privacy policy and the cookie policy . if you use our services to process personal information of eu - resident natural persons you need to comply with the gdpr . by using our services on or after 25 may 2018 , you will be agreeing to the changes .\nunder the gdpr , you have several rights , such as accessing your own personal data , erasing of that data , and the right to be notified within 72 hours of a data breach that is likely to result in a risk for your rights and freedoms . you may reach the data protection officer ( dpo ) of valossa when needed , and the details for doing so can be found in the updated privacy policy .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 / / en\nurltoken\nfor more whatsapp status don ' t forget to subscribe . our another youtube channel for entertainment . . .\ncreated by siragugal media group . director - 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", "topic": 12}], "title": "hyper sapien : people from another star", "paragraphs": ["\u200ehyper sapien : people from another star ( 1986 ) directed by peter r . hunt \u2022 reviews , film + cast \u2022 letterboxd\nhyper sapien : people from another star ,\nsaturday 7 - 8 : 35 p . m . the disney channel . for 6 - to 13 - year - olds .\nhyper sapien : people from another star ( 1986 ) . stars : sydney penny , ricky paull goldin . director - peter hunt . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\nearth - it ' s a nice place to visit , especially if you ' re an alien kid from outer space . or so think the characters from hyper sapien : people from another star , a film making its tv debut on the disney channel ( it had a brief theatrical release in 1986 ) .\nshe was from another star . he had waited his whole life for this one meeting . together they fell in love with a place called earth .\nit ' s people from another mother ' s star friday with tabonga , here at the dungeon ! . . some personal notes , for over two weeks straight now , our traffic has fallen off like 500 hits or more a day , consistantly !\nok . this is definitely going to be a quick review of a movie because i am going to see ant - man later tonight and i need to get food and snacks before i get to the theater . so let\u2019s see what i have on hand today . ahh , a movie from the sci - fi invasion collection . well this should be interesting . based on the title alone , it looks like this movie will actually be a science fiction movie and might actually have some sort of invasion aspect . holy cow , this movie might actually fit with the theme of this collection . well now i really am ready to watch today\u2019s movie , hyper sapien : people from another star .\n1 of 1 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nthis would ' ve come out around a time when i would ' ve watched anything vaguely sci - fi related , but this looked like some unwatchable shit even for me . i mean look at that poster . i want to see people from another star , not some cowboy , riding a dirt bike with a steer ' s horns mounted on the handlebars . i can get that shit right here ! ( and how - this was filmed in calgary . )\nthree aliens from the planet taros land on earth and are befriended by a wyoming rancher ' s son .\nrobin and tavvy are two children from a humanoid alien people who have established a base on the moon . they decide that they don\u0092t like merely watching earth at a distance and maintaining the cultural quarantine that their people insist on . and so they run away to earth with their three - limbed pet . landing in rural wyoming , they are befriended by a teenage cowboy robert \u0091dirt\u0092 mcalphen and his grandfather .\nthree aliens from the planet taros land on earth and are befriended by a wyoming rancher & apos ; s son .\nback in space , the hyper sapiens decide that the girls need to be brought back to the mother ship since they refuse to return on their own . . . the primped out leader gets big and lectures the earth .\nrosie marcel , the only british actor in the film , would later go on to star as one of tv ' s most disliked characters , jac naylor , in holby city ( 1999 ) .\ntrippy indie madeline ' s madeline is the movie that lakeith stanfield and boots riley from sorry to bother you want to see the most .\na farmboy tries to help two cute little aliens who are running away from home . much less cute big aliens chase them all over wyoming .\nis for parents wishing to park their children for an afternoon . it is so lacking in any distinguishing or standout qualities it can safely be forgotten the moment people have reached the parking lot on the way home .\ndirt has to go out and find the girls some undies , so , he steals some from his female neighbor . needless to say , one of my favorite parts !\ndirectors of james bond movies rarely have prolific or memorable careers outside of the franchise ; peter hunt ( of on her majesty ' s secret service ) is no exception . with hyper sapien , he has made a competent film whose only ambition is to be gentle and sweet with little in the way of plot or ideas to get in the way of those goals . i\u2019m not sure if small children would be bored by it , but i definitely was . the most memorable aspect of the movie is the bittersweet fact that it contains keenan wynn\u2019s final performance , which isn\u2019t nearly enough to make this slog worthwhile .\nimpossible - to - dislike e . t . / starman hybrid set in pastoral wyoming , directed by a bond guy & bankrolled by jason schwartzmann ' s parents . charming kid actors , great turn from keenan wynn as\ngrandpa\n. . . its refreshing to watch a film about fundamentally nice people . good saturday afternoon movie . make sure 2 check 4 the unreal alien dog puppet who spins like sonic the hedgehog and has a triad of buttholes for a face .\ncorny family movie about two big - haired alien girls who come down to earth to check things out . sydney penny is ok as the older , teen alien but ricky paull goldin is a typical vacuous 80 ' s pretty - boy with over - styled hair . the creature sidekick is almost as annoying as jar - jar and keenan wynn plays yet another daffy old guy character . overall , it ' s a technically decent production without much imagination .\ndidn ' t see it then though , likely because the video movie guide probably gave it a turkey . i might sometimes look back on that annual tome as being simplistic and quaint in our spoiled internet age , but it did mark a big shift in the way i anticipated movies , from childlike , uncritical\u2026\nthis wasn\u2019t that bad of a movie but it could have been better . the acting was pretty decent . i really liked keenan wynn ( grandpa ) and his interaction with kirbi . the plot was somewhat basic but i thought the underlying theme about the young leading people into the future was pretty well written . i also thought the overzealous cop thinking the aliens were assassins after the senator was really funny . kirbi was definitely one of the more interesting aliens to show up , being a three eyed , three legged creature that runs by cartwheeling really fast , eats coal and drinks gasoline , and can shoot lasers from his eyes . the chase scene with kirbi shooting at the cops was pretty funny . nothing really groundbreaking but worth a watch if nothing else is on .\nif it ever came to interacting with aliens on my part , i would wait for them to contact me instead of being the one to initiate contact - i learned from sources such as the war of the worlds that even a peaceful gesture such as a white flag could be misinterpreted , or the aliens may just be mean bastards at heart . you may now be asking that if aliens did make the first gesture - and it appeared to be a peaceful one - what would i do if i was the one that they made the gesture towards ? well , i admit that since i am a very curious person , i would be very interested in the idea of direct contact with the inhabitants of another world . but even then , would a human be able to relate to an alien ? for that matter , would an alien be able to relate to a human ? just think about it for a minute . for one thing , evolution on their planet would almost certainly mean that the aliens would not look like human beings . well , it could be argued that there are plenty of human beings that have been able to relate to their pets despite looking very different . and the aliens , since they have the technology to travel to other planets , would have the extra advantage of being intelligent - making it a lot easier to communicate with . let ' s say that human beings and aliens would be able to relate to each other on a fairly easy level . could this eventually lead to something more ? i ' m talking about two different species falling in love with each other . hollywood has tackled this topic several times , but when you look at this topic in stuff like star trek , you will see that the humans and aliens look pretty similar . it ' s not that far removed from interracial dating .\nthe film movie had it ' s moments of being okay ( from adult perspective ) and i ' m sure if i watched this one as a kid i would have liked it . actually i ' m surprised i ' ve never seen this one before but then again i was 14 in 1986 and this film is geared for a younger than 10 years old audience i believe .\nhoping to find evidence that earthlings aren\u2019t as bad as the rest of the solar system believes , extra - terrestrial sisters robyn and tavy jump ship in wyoming accompanied by a super - intelligent fuzz ball named kirbi . befriended by a teenage cowboy , they work to save a beautifully photographed natural landscape under threat from developers in this delightful interstellar family adventure with a still - timely environmental message .\nthis website uses cookies to personalise content and ads , to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic . we also share information about your use of our site with our social media , advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information you\u2019ve provided to them or they\u2019ve collected from your use of their services . by continuing to browse this site , you are agreeing to our use of cookies .\nderives from the kids attempting to combat the aliens using a variety of homemade weapons or trying to hide the existence of the aliens from the adults . to john schultz\u0092s credit , though the aliens speak english and use modern colloquialisms , the film is not overrun with an annoying barrage ( or at least excess ) of pop - culture humour , as is the case with many other films of this ilk . all of the kids play competently , with neither an overkill of saccharine or knowing cynicism . however , the treatment remains strictly middle of the road and eminently forgettable . under a more lively director , the basic premise could have amounted to something \u0096 imagine how much fun the idea could have been in the hands of a director like robert rodriguez or joe dante . alas , handled by john schultz , it amounts to no more than a school holiday season junk food snack .\nas a talia shire fan , i was disappointed to note she only had a cameo in this production . however , she has executive - produced by her company taliafilm . ltd . , this tale of aliens that look like humans coming down to our planet earth and checking to see if it benefits their species to live . the tale is told from the point of view of 2 alien girls and the new human friend they find in a boy , who along with his male guardian , welcome them to this world and let them experience living as we do . this film is best suited to young children and those viewers whose interests lie in the extra - terrestrial .\nnot only have i seen this movie twice , i was in the right place at the right time and saw several scenes as they were filmed , as a few scenes were shot right here in calgary , alberta , canada . most of the movie was shot west of the city in kananaskis country . i thought it was a great movie and i really liked kirbi with three eyes and three arms . i also liked the scene where we saw an eagle flying . . . . from their perspective , in other words , through their eyes . . . . that was pretty cool . all in all it ' s a great family movie , now if i could only find it on d . v . d .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\ndirt wakes up early morning then looks like he ' s talking on a ham rig . then records the time stating ' it ' s 3 : 00 a . m . in london . assuming pst , that would be 7 : 00 p . m . in wyoming .\nbest of the worst : the vindicator , cyber tracker , robot jox , and r . o . t . o . r .\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nin a number of my past reviews , i have touched on topics that are more fantastic in nature than usual . these fantastic topics have been stuff that i have observed in various movies over the years , fantastic things like ghosts , vampires , and zombies . in these past reviews where i have discussed such things , i have generally stuck to discussing as to their possibility of really existing , and if i personally believe that they could exist . this includes the topic of aliens , which i last discussed in my review of evil aliens . what i have not discussed , however , when it comes to topics such as aliens , is how i would personally react if i came face to face with one of these fantastic creatures . well , if it was a zombie , i would simply walk away - they would be too slow in their shuffling to catch up with me . if it were a vampire , i would make a cross with my index fingers and shove it in the vampire ' s face . but what about aliens ? what would i do , for example , if i were to get up one morning , open the curtain , and see that a flying saucer had landed next to my building ? well , i would wonder how such a large craft would be able to land smoothly in my densely - packed neighborhood . seriously though , i am pretty sure i would be seriously freaked out . i would probably immediately drag out a suitcase , quickly pack it , and get out of the area right away . while it ' s true that at that point there would be nothing indicating that the occupants inside the craft had done anything bad , there would also be no indication that they would be good in nature as well . better safe than sorry .\nthe screenplay does later try to explain their motivations for running away to earth , but the explanations will likely sound hollow to even the smallest viewers . would children believe that a couple of minors would\nin order to enjoy stuff they have observed on earth radio and television signals , with what they ' ve seen being stuff like mtv and ronald mcdonald ? i didn ' t buy it . also , i did not buy the fact that once they are on earth and start traveling through the wilderness , it is revealed they ran away with no definite plans as to how they would eat , find shelter , and make a living . and while these sisters are two characters , the screenplay only seems to have material for the older robyn character and doesn ' t seem to know what to do with the younger tavy character ; in fact , the screenplay seems to realize this towards the end , writing out tavy completely and not having her participate in the climatic action . by the way , it ' s a wonder when the action does start to come , because after the beginning when the two sisters land on earth , practically\nhappens for the next hour . not just practically nothing that advances the story , but practically nothing that is exciting , intriguing , or full of wonder or awe . the movie has a premise , but doesn ' t have any idea as to what to do with it except for throwing in a police chase near the end , and that ' s resolved with a feeble\ngesture . it should probably come as no surprise then , that the movie ' s three credited screenwriters not only had no previous screenwriting credits , but they never had any other credits as of this date . i wonder how they managed to sell this asinine script . if you ' ve been as unfortunate to have seen\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nyour social account may not have provided your email to us . please confirm or enter it below to complete your profile .\nwe found your email in our system . please provide your site password to link to your existing account .\nforgot your password ? enter your email address and we ' ll send you instructions on how to access your account .\nwe have not verified that the email belongs to you . please check your inbox for the verification email .\nto resend the verification email , please enter your email address and click submit .\n. . . . . production company , angels the costumiers . . . . . production company , optical film effects . . . . . production company , . . . . . production company , tristar pictures . . . . . domestic theatrical distributor , . . . . . foreign distribution sales , vestron video . . . . . domestic video distributor , . . . . . public relations\nleonard maltin classic movie guide , copyright 2005 , 2010 . used by arrangement with penguin group ( usa ) inc .\ntm & \u00a9 2018 turner classic movies , inc . a time warner company . all rights reserved . code of conduct for this site | press room | privacy policy | | terms of use\nget ready for prime day with the amazon app . no purchase necessary . learn more\nmaybe not the greatis story line ever , but i ' ve many times and i ' m sure i will many more times .\ni thought it was a great movie and i really liked kirbi with three eyes . . .\ni got this as part of a sci fi mega pack . the story didn ' t have a whole lot of twists and was quite et like . the tri - lateral alien was really different . . . . . . and required some good puppeteer work because no cgi back then .\nwhat a sickeningly wretched movie . it ' s so bad , it ' s beyond belief . buy it to laugh at it hysterically !\nprime members enjoy free two - day shipping and exclusive access to music , movies , tv shows , original audio series , and kindle books .\nafter viewing product detail pages , look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in .\nvideo / audio quality : b - dvd is ntsc format , region 0 ( region free ) and playable world wide . * this product is manufactured on demand using dvd - r recordable media . dvd - rs ( the\nr\nstands for\nrecordable\n) look like the discs you ' re used to and offer the same audio and image quality . this recordable media is used to manufacture titles on demand , as fully authorized by the content provider or the content is officially in public domain . by eliminating inventory , waste , and inefficiencies in the distribution system , on - 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ray movie deals , see all the deals \u00bb now : friday the 13th : 8 - movie colle\u2026 $ 20 . 00 ( 2 % claimed )\nyou will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price . you can also optionally receive an email notification ( sent only once ) , this is specified in your\nwith our iphone - or android app . the apps are synchronized with your account at blu - ray . com , so you only need to install the app and login with your regular username and password .\nthis web site is not affiliated with the blu - ray disc association . all trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners . \u00a9 2002 - 2018 blu - ray . com . all rights reserved . registration problems | business / advertising inquiries | privacy policy | legal notices\nin the story , two sisters ignore the warnings of their elders and head for a visit to our planet , in hopes of meeting some real - life earthlings . accompanied by a three - eyed , three - legged space creature , they land in wyoming , meet a local teen - ager , and become embroiled in an exciting adventure . keenan wynn , in his last film role , plays the earthling ' s grandfather .\nthe dog who stopped the war ( sunday 9 - 10 : 30 a . m . showtime ) tells the tale of a snowball fight that gets out of hand - until the kids involved learn lessons about friendship , love and peace . for all ages .\nlinda alvarez hosts schools : good news , bad news ( sunday 3 : 30 - 4 p . m . nbc ) , a collection of reports focusing on the state budget crisis as it relates to education - showing the effects of impending cuts on current school programs . for parents .\nmother goose rock ' n ' rhyme ( today 7 - 8 : 30 p . m . the disney channel ) may be the hippest - ever interpretation of the classic nursery jingles . among those who journey through rhymeland searching for mother goose are little bo - peep ( shelley duvall ) ; mary , mary ( cyndi lauper ) ; simple simon ( paul simon ) and old king cole ( little richard ) . for all ages .\nin the camel boy ( monday 1 - 2 : 30 p . m . the disney channel ) , a young arabian lad makes the acquaintance of a friendly pair of camels . for 5 - to 10 - year - olds .\nhbo storybook musicals gives an urban twist to\nthe red shoes\n( tuesday 7 : 05 - 7 : 30 p . m . hbo ) , the hans christian andersen tale of the dancer who puts on a pair of magic shoes - with surprising results . for all ages .\nmeryl streep narrates the tale of peter rabbit and the tale of mr . jeremy fisher ( tuesday 8 : 15 - 9 a . m . and 7 - 7 : 30 p . m . showtime ) , two charming animated versions of the beatrix potter stories . for 2 - to 11 - year - olds .\na week ' s worth of\nfox matinee\nmovies starts off with pollyanna ( monday noon - 3 p . m . kttv ) , the 1960 classic about a sweet orphan girl who comes to live with her aunt . other kidworthy features include billie ( tuesday noon - 2 p . m . ) , with patty duke as a tomboy who beats the guys at sports ; amy ( wednesday noon - 2 p . m . ) about a woman who teaches disabled children in the 1900s ; gus ( thursday noon - 2 p . m . ) , about a mule with a talent for football , and the monkey ' s uncle ( friday noon - 2 p . m . ) , which stars a very smart monkey . for ages 6 and up .\nbrave kids and fanciful parents should love the witches ( thursday 4 - 5 : 30 p . m . hbo ) , last year ' s movie starring anjelica huston as the evil head of a plot to turn all of britain ' s children into mice . beware , it ' s scary in parts . for ages 6 and up , with parental guidance .\nskin deep ,\na repeat episode of by the year 2000 ( friday 9 - 9 : 30 p . m . and saturday 3 - 3 : 30 p . m . kcet ) , looks at a trio of los angeles teens who face ethnic tension and bigotry on a daily basis . for ages 12 and up .\nthe original 1963 movie flipper ( friday 7 - 9 a . m . tbs ) stars chuck connors and the multitalented mitzi the dolphin in a tale of a fisherman ' s son who finds a friendly , wounded sea creature . for all ages .\nalso tackling the education crisis is a world of ideas with bill moyers ( saturday 3 : 30 - 4 p . m . kcet ) , whose guest is education professor sarah lightfoot . for parents .\na des millions d ' ann\u00e9es lumi\u00e8re de notre plan\u00e8te , d ' \u00e9tranges extraterrestres nous observent \u00e0 notre insu . pour eux , nous ne sommes pas pr\u00eats \u00e0 recevoir leur visite . mais robyn et tavy comptent bien prouver le contraire \u00e0 leurs a\u00een\u00e9s , et c ' est le c\u0153ur plein d ' espoir qu ' elles mettent le cap sur la plan\u00e8te terre afin de vivre la plus incroyable et plus merveilleuse des aventures . . .\nit ' s got a three - eyed , three - legged , dog - monster that spins really really fast in it . i guess that ' s something .\nkeenan wynn\u2019s final film is about a guy named dirt who falls in love with an alien girl which frustrates his sister\u2019s apparently incestuous machinations and features an animatronic dog - spider .\ndumb , but reasonably well put together , with good production values and acting . in a cheap pack of 50 sci - fi flicks , it\u2019s nice to get a genial but forgettable one amidst all the pain .\nthe film is not all that bad but it ' s really geared for the kids to much for me to really enjoy and not like and not as good as e . t . but it is somewhat enjoyable . if you have kids and like sci - fi ( or your kids do ) then this is an entertaining family film .\ni would recommend this movie for a family styled sci - fi movie night / day . i ' m sure the kids would enjoy it with that 3 - eyed , 3 - legged monster thingy running around who ' s about as annoying as jar - jar binks .\nprivacy & cookies : this site uses cookies . by continuing to use this website , you agree to their use . to find out more , including how to control cookies , see here : cookie policy\ndon ' t forget that insults , racism , etc . are forbidden by skyrock ' s ' general terms of use ' and that you can be identified by your ip address ( 35 . 238 . 116 . 154 ) if someone makes a complaint .\nbuy angst essen seele auf movie online angst essen seele auf movie download . . .\ndownload fucking fernand film in hd formats fucking fernand movie download download fu . . .\nfred rogers - america s favorite neighbor . . . fred rogers - america s favorite neighbor mov . . .\ndownload the movie power rangers spd - . . . power rangers spd - zapped : vol . 5 movie down . . .\ncan ' t find a movie or tv show ? login to create it .\nby signing up for an account on tmdb , you can post directly to twitter and facebook .\nyou need to be logged in to continue . click here to login or here to sign up .\nanyways , i was looking at the budget for this flick , $ 13 , 000 , 000 , and thinking of how many better movies the dungeon gang could make for that amount of cash . lastly , in 2002 , we signed a contract with a new tv network to produce our\nseries but they lost all their money ( $ 25 , 000 , 000 ) in the stock market and we saw only a few bucks and never completed our next movie , voodoo club . . .\ntavy and her little sister alien decide to pay earth a visit since they just happened to be passing by and all . . . * refer to soundclip , that is all , over and out !\nricky paull ( the blob ' 88 ) goldin plays love interest , dirt ! . . looks like he ' s just doin ' his thang !\nthe girls bring along their companion and protector , kirbi . this tripod thing is the best part of the film , the contortions and positions it puts itself into will definitely amaze you !\nkeenan wynn plays grandpa , this was his 174th and last role , he died that same year . we love keenan . . .\nthere are lots of chases and explosions before this 92 minute flick ends , dirt gets to ride on a space ship but both he and tavy decide to go back to earth and live their lives there . . . happy ending .\nplease , where can i download this movie ? i just can ' t find it .\nc . h . , i got mine in the mill creek 50 movie pack - sci - fi invasion - very inexpensive on amazon , like $ 5 plus shipping . that ' s all i know . .\nthis site is dedicated to our mentor and hero , forrest j . ackerman , who gave us famous monsters and fed our little hungry minds with needed nourishment ! ~\nwe wuz there !\nweirdo film - illogical society inc . ltd . etc . . . . . .\nproject : kill -\ntotal lonely world control\n( 1976 . . .\nthe devil commands -\nthe iron hand of horror\n( 19 . . .\ndick tracy -\nand the dirty - thug known as splitfa . . .\nthe fall of the house of usher / a g . i . b . production - 1950\nmonster monday with tabonga ! wild card wednesday with eegah ! ! friday night drive - in with tabonga ! saturday night special with eegah ! ! also featuring : ralphie + rufus - button pushers ! ! zillagord - maven turkey knocker ! prof . grewbeard - soylent partner ! tedmo - flick retriever ! greg goodsell - alto igor ! the good lord ! and . . . . the professor ! ! !\nthe final chaiyo verdict : tsuburaya wins ! mr . sampote ' s most bitter tea has gone cold . . .\naliens in the attic ( 2009 ) . children vs alien invaders . stars : carter jenkins , austin butler , ashley tisdale . director - john schultz . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\ndirector \u0096 john schultz , screenplay \u0096 mark burton & adam f . goldberg , story \u0096 mark burton , producers \u0096 barry josephson , photography \u0096 don burgess , music \u0096 john debney , visual effects supervisor \u0096 douglas hans smith , visual effects \u0096 cis - vancouver ( supervisor \u0096 randy goux ) , hy * drau * lx , look effects inc , rhythm and hues studio ( co - supervisor \u0096 mike o\u0092neal ) & soho vfx ( supervisor \u0096 allan magled ) , special effects supervisor \u0096 ken durey , production design \u0096 barry chusid . production company \u0096 20th century fox / regency enterprises / josephson entertainment / dune entertainment .\nis typical of the family fare that comes out at holiday seasons these days . it is an item of about five minutes passing amusement whose prime\nbeing made in 2009 rather than 1989 is that the aliens are created using cgi effects rather than animatronics and there is a far higher degree of culture - savvy in - reference humour .\non a certain level , the film\u0092s basic premise \u0096 kids use their own resources to repel alien invaders that are hiding in their attic while trying to ensure their parents remain oblivious \u0096 is a winning one . it is easily the sort of idea that could have filled a series of young adults books and must have seemed like a potential winner to 20th century fox when they greenlit the project . unfortunately ,\neditor ' s note : a work in progress , this bibliography is still being proofread and fact - checked . titles alone contain incomplete information . the bibliography is meant to be used with the image of the journalist in popular culture ( ijpc ) database\u00a9 available exclusively to ijpc associates .\nfemale journalists appear in the following films , television and radio programs , novels and short stories , plays , cartoons , comic books , comic strips , art works , songs , games and commercials . some are newshawks who act more like detectives than journalists . others are investigative reporters , editors , publishers , columnists , foreign and war correspondents , cubs , critics , photojournalists , sportswriters , freelance journalists , urban and country newspaperwomen , or anonymous reporters shouting out questions . also included are public relations practitioners and press agents . some are central characters . others make a brief appearance and then disappear forever . many are simply part of a pack of anonymous reporters who show up for a press conference or a news report . all leave impressions in the minds of the audience .\nthis is as complete a list of female journalists in films , tv and radio programs and fiction as ever compiled , but as with any such endeavor , there may be errors and omissions . please e - mail\nto correct any errors or add any items that are not included . your help is appreciated .\nfor details on any of these items as well as copies of films , tv and radio programs , and fiction that are not commercially available , please consult the ijpc database \u00a9 available exclusively to ijpc members .\nm - movies is the default category - anything without any other designation is m . this designation includes theatrical films , made - for television movies , and tv miniseries . it also includes purely foreign titles .\nt - television includes tv series followed by specific episodes of tv series . it also includes purely foreign titles .\nf - fiction includes novels , short stories , plays ( including musicals ) , juvenile books , sketches , fictional characters and poetry .\nnote : some television programs and series of novels usually are listed under the year they first appeared and may not appear under subsequent years . for example , saturday night live weekend update appears under 1975 , life with bonnie under 2000 , hollis ball and sam wescott mysteries under 1996 , connor westphal mysteries under 1997 , and so on .\n\u00a9 2018 urltoken by ancestry . all rights reserved . terms and conditions \u00b7 privacy statement \u00b7 site map \u00b7 contact\njavascript required : we ' re sorry , but urltoken doesn ' t work properly without javascript enabled . you will need to enable javascript by changing your browser settings . learn how to enable it .\ncookies required : we ' re sorry , but urltoken doesn ' t work properly without cookies enabled . you will need to enable cookies by changing your browser settings .\nversus . . . this was a fun one . it made literally zero sense , but dang , it was fun . | zombie movies i ' ve seen | pinterest | films , movie and zombie movies\ndirector \u0096 peter hunt , screenplay \u0096 christopher adcock , christopher blue & marnie page , story \u0096 christopher blue , producer \u0096 jack schwartzmann , photography \u0096 john coquillon , music \u0096 arthur p . rubinstein , visual effects supervisor \u0096 roy field , special effects \u0096 david harris , production design \u0096 harry lange . production company \u0096 taliafilm ii .\n( 1983 ) . staying with the bond series , schwartzmann employed former bond series editor peter hunt . hunt had briefly turned director on the bond series for\n( 1969 ) and delivered some of the most exciting action sequences ever to grace a bond film . throughout the 1970s , hunt directed adventure films such as\ncash - in , it is as though he went to sleep at the wheel .\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\ncopyright by respective production studio and / or distributor . intended for editorial use only .\nall stills and photos on this website are the courtesy of their respective production studios and / or distribution companies , and are intended for editorial use only ."]} {"id": 114604, "summary": [{"text": "pale blood is a 1990 direct-to-video vampire film directed by v.v. dachin hsu and michael w. leighton .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was written by hsu an takashi matsuoka , and produced by omar kaczmarczyk and leighton .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film starred george chakiris , wings hauser and pamela ludwig , and featured music and performance by the punk rock band agent orange . ", "topic": 14}], "title": "pale blood", "paragraphs": ["beer release / / pulp fiction blood orange belgian pale \u2014 aslan brewing co .\nthere are no critic reviews yet for pale blood . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nyour doctor may also perform a blood smear , which is a way of looking at your blood cells under the microscope . in a normal blood smear , red blood cells will appear as regular , round cells with a pale center . variations in the size or shape of these cells may suggest a blood disorder .\nblood and platelet transfusions to improve low levels of red blood cells and platelets .\nanaemia . this occurs as the number of red blood cells goes down . this can cause tiredness , breathlessness and other symptoms . you may also look pale .\nanaemia . this occurs as the number of red blood cells ( erythrocytes ) goes down . this can cause tiredness , breathlessness and other symptoms . you also look pale .\nthe third umbilical cord precipitated the encounter with the pale moon , which beckoned the hunters and conceived the hunter ' s dream .\n\u201cplot wise , pale blood just oozes along . michael fury\u2019s \u201cinvestigation\u201d into the murders consists of standing at his window looking moody or suffering repetitive and tiresome psychic visions . despite some prominent makeup artists involved , special effects are amazingly skimpy , consisting mainly of blood , blood and more blood . \u201d tv guide\nblood is a specialized body fluid . it has four main components : plasma , red blood cells , white blood cells , and platelets . blood has many different functions , including :\nwhite blood cells protect the body from infection . they are much fewer in number than red blood cells , accounting for about 1 percent of your blood .\ntags : 1990 , film , george chakiris , horror , michael w . leighton , movie , pale blood , pamela ludwig , review , reviews , v . v . dachin hsu , vampire , wings hauser\npale blood ( 1990 ) . vampire film . stars : george chakiris , wings hauser . director - v . v . dachin hsu . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\na measure of the percentage of red blood cells in the total volume of blood in the human body .\nsurgery may be necessary to treat anemia caused by excessive loss of blood . transfusions of red blood cells may be used to accelerate production of red blood cells .\npale blood is a 1990 american vampire horror feature film directed by v . v . dachin hsu and michael w . leighton . it was written by hsu and takashi matsuoka , and produced by omar kaczmarczyk and leighton .\na refreshingly juicy belgian pale ale brewed with czech saaz hops , a brand new hop from yakima valley called jarylo , and 50 lbs of fresh blood oranges . the sweet , slightly tart blood oranges dominate the pallet , while subtle undertones of spice are carried through from the saaz hops and belgian yeast .\nto diagnose ai / acd , a health care provider orders a blood test called a complete blood count ( cbc ) .\nis the process of giving blood ( or certain cells or chemicals found in the blood ) to a person who needs it .\nmany people have undergone blood tests or donated blood , but hematology - the study of blood - encompasses much more than this . doctors who specialize in hematology ( hematologists ) are leading the many advances being made in the treatment and prevention of blood diseases .\ns behavior and how pale she looked and suspected that carrie had iron deficiency anemia . this type of anemia is very common in teenage girls because of poor eating habits and iron loss due to\nto diagnose ai / acd , a health care provider orders a blood test called a complete blood count ( cbc ) . a blood test involves drawing a person\u2019s blood at a health care provider\u2019s office or commercial facility and sending the sample to a lab for analysis . the cbc includes a measurement of a person\u2019s hematocrit , the percentage of the blood that consists of red blood cells . the cbc also measures the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and can show whether a person has a lower than normal number of red blood cells .\nvampires have proven to be eerie and dramatically potent figures in the realm of dark fantasy , and pale blood positively aches to do something original with the lore of the undead . but the film never overcomes a serious anemia of good ideas and ways to handle them .\n\u2022 n . a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood , resulting in pallor and weariness .\nblood transfusions have been the principle treatment for anemia for many years . until the 1960s , only whole blood was given . then , methods of separating whole blood were devised , allowing only particular components , such as platelets , red blood cells , or plasma , to be transfused .\nreview : vampires have proven to be eerie and dramatically potent figures in the realm of dark fantasy , and pale blood positively aches to do something original with the lore of the undead . but the film never overcomes a serious anemia of good ideas and ways to han\u2026 ( more )\nanother concern for people who receive a lot of blood transfusions is the safety of the blood they receive . some infections , like hepatitis , can be carried in blood . in the united states , the blood supply is screened and monitored for safety , and the risk of getting an infection from a blood transfusion is very low . nevertheless , there is still a very small risk of getting an infection through a blood transfusion .\ndarcy demoss ( born august 19 , 1963 ) is an american film and television actress whose credits include friday the 13th part vi : jason lives , eden , erotic confessions , can ' t buy me love , pale blood and vice academy 3 . she also appeared in several ron harris\nwhen we are too cold the blood vessels supplying warm blood to the skin become narrow or constrict ( vasoconstriction ) . this reduces the flow of warm blood near the surface of the skin , and reduces heat loss .\npale blood ( 1990 ) a vamipire seeks out a serial killer in l . a . punk scene to stop the killings exposing light on his kind . starring pamela ludwig , george chakiris , wing hauser , and special guest , agent orange . directed by dachin hsu , michael w . leighton\nacute blood loss may occur as a result of injury , a ruptured blood vessel , or a complication of surgery or childbirth . when a lot of blood is lost within a short time , blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the body drop suddenly , sometimes leading to heart failure or death . loss of even one third of the body ' s blood volume in the space of several hours can be fatal . gradual blood loss is less threatening , because the body has time to replace rbcs and blood volume .\nto test for anemia , a doctor usually orders a complete blood count ( cbc ) . a technician or nurse takes a small sample of blood . the blood is tested for the amount of hemoglobin it contains and the numbers and volume of the different types of blood cells . some of the blood also is smeared onto a slide so that the size of the cells can be measured and the color and shape of the blood can be gauged .\nthe blood that runs through the veins , arteries , and capillaries is known as whole blood , a mixture of about 55 percent plasma and 45 percent blood cells . about 7 to 8 percent of your total body weight is blood . an average - sized man has about 12 pints of blood in his body , and an average - sized woman has about nine pints .\nthere is a performance artist at one point who mentions the beast having pale blood and fury\u2019s blood is paler than normal , we discover when van shoots him repeatedly . it is the injuries that stop him escaping the cell he is in and not the fact that van has painted the walls with garlic and hung crosses everywhere . as soon as the blood is replenished fury smashes the door down . other abilities include being able to travel through shadows .\nwith this ending , the plague of beasts continues every time the pale moon appears . since the hunter in this ending no longer dreams , he / she continues hunting down beasts or a path similar to eileen and djura .\nthe picture ' s best touch is a contractible portable coffin that accompanies fury in his travels , and that ' s about it . plotwise , pale blood just oozes along . michael fury ' s\ninvestigation\ninto the murders consists of standing at his window looking moody or suffering repetitive and tiresome psychic\nan early , immature form of a red blood cell . over time , the reticulocyte develops to become a mature , oxygen - carrying red blood cell .\ndirector v . dachin hsu ( producer michael w . leighton also gets a closing co - direction credit ) tries to give pale blood a neo - mtv look , with lots of shadows and german expressionist sets , plus an unsuccessful attempt to capture an la ambiance through lengthy shots of traffic jams over an audio\nanemia is a blood disorder characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells ( rbcs ) or reduced hemoglobin ( hgb ) , the iron - bearing protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to tissues throughout the body . reduced blood cell volume ( hematocrit ) is also considered anemia . the reduction of any or all of the three blood parameters reduces the oxygen - carrying capability of the blood , causing reduced oxygenation of body tissues , a condition called hypoxia .\nwhen we are too hot , blood vessels supplying blood to the skin can swell or dilate ( vasodilation ) . this allows more warm blood to flow near the surface of the skin , where the heat can be lost to the air .\nanemia is caused by bleeding , decreased red blood cell production , or increased red blood cell destruction . poor diet can contribute to vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemias in which fewer red blood cells are produced . hereditary disorders and certain diseases can cause increased blood cell destruction . however , excessive bleeding is the most common cause of anemia , and the speed with which blood loss occurs has a significant effect on the severity of symptoms . chronic blood loss is usually a consequence of :\nanemia is caused by bleeding , decreased red blood cell production , or increased red blood cell destruction . poor diet can contribute to vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia , in which fewer red blood cells are produced . hereditary disorders and certain diseases can cause increased blood cell destruction . however , excessive bleeding is the most common cause of anemia , and the speed with which blood loss occurs has a significant effect on the severity of symptoms . chronic blood loss may be caused by :\nanemia is a condition in which a person has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells drops below normal , which prevents the body\u2019s cells from getting enough oxygen . hemoglobin is an iron - rich protein that gives blood its red color and lets red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body\u2019s tissues . therefore , low numbers of red blood cells or low levels of hemoglobin also cause low blood iron levels .\nvampires have proven to be eerie and dramatically potent figures in the realm of dark fantasy , and pale blood positively aches to do something original with the lore of the undead . but the film never overcomes a serious anemia of good ideas and ways to handle them . as the story opens , the body of a young los angeles woman has been found drained of blood , . . . read more\nmontage of morning radio announcers - - one of whom is a movie critic singing the praises of a new vampire flick called , of course , pale blood . dream on , guys , although the movie reportedly took home a golden scroll award from the broad - minded mavens of the academy of science - fiction , fantasy &\na blood test can often suggest the diagnosis of all . the test will typically show a low number of red blood cells ( erythrocytes ) , normal white blood cells ( leukocytes ) and platelets . the blood test also typically shows a number of abnormal lymphoblasts which are not normally seen in the blood . so , the total white cell count in the blood sample may be high , even though the number of normal white cells is low . further tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis .\n( red blood cells ) . symptoms include weakness , pallor , breathlessness , faintness , palpitations , and lowered resistance to infection . it may be due to a decrease in the production of haemoglobin or red blood cells , excessive destruction of red blood cells , or blood loss . worldwide , iron deficiency is the commonest cause of anaemia .\nblood transfusions are not without risk , and must be used carefully . many patients react to the white blood cell antigens by developing a fever . this is so common that patients are routinely premedicated to prevent fever from developing . individuals with long - term transfusion needs , such as patients with leukemia , may be given blood products with a reduced number of white blood cells to reduce the risk of sensitization to transfused blood .\na very common mistake in exams is to write that the blood vessels move up and down in the skin . the blood vessels do not move during vasodilation and vasoconstriction .\nthe process of breaking down of red blood cells . as the cells are destroyed , hemoglobin , the component of red blood cells which carries the oxygen , is liberated .\nwhen a lot of blood is lost within a short time , blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the body drop suddenly . heart failure and death can follow .\nour protagonist travels to yharnam seeking paleblood , where they are treated with blood by the mysterious blood minister , turning them into a hunter with a contract with the hunter ' s dream . this blood minister is theorized by some to be caryll , the runesmith .\nanemia is caused primarily by one of three conditions . the first is bleeding . bleeding results in the loss of red blood cells from the body . the second condition is a decreased rate of red blood cell production . red blood cells are not produced as fast as they die off . the third condition is an increased rate of red blood cell destruction . red blood cells die off faster than they can be replaced by the body .\nthe two rays denote blood and water . the pale ray stands for the water which makes souls righteous . the red ray stands for the blood which is the life of souls . these two rays issued forth from the depths of my tender mercy when my agonized heart was opened by a lance on the cross\u2026 happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter , for the just hand of god shall not lay hold of him .\nanemia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin ( the component of red blood cells that delivers oxygen to tissues throughout the body ) .\nloss of even one - third of the body ' s blood volume in the space of several hours can be fatal . more gradual blood loss is less serious , because the body has time to create new red blood cells to replace those that have been lost .\nsurgery may be necessary to correct blood losses caused by injury or hemorrhage ( nose bleeds , aneurysm , cerebral hemorrhage , bleeding ulcer ) or childbirth . transfusions of packed red blood cells or whole blood may also be used to replace blood volume and to stimulate the body ' s own production of red blood cells . medication or surgery may also be necessary to control heavy menstrual flow or to remove polyps ( growths or nodules ) from the bowels .\naplastic anemia . aplastic anemia is a serious form of anemia that can lead to death . the body makes too few of all kinds of blood cells : red blood cells , white blood cells , and platelets ( pronounced plate - lits ) . platelets are blood cells that help blood to clot . aplastic anemia may be caused by a recent severe illness , long - term exposure to industrial chemicals , and the use of certain types of medication .\nai / acd typically develops slowly and , because it is usually mild , may cause few or no symptoms . sometimes , ai / acd can cause or contribute to fatigue , weakness , pale skin , a fast heartbeat , shortness of breath , and exercise intolerance .\nevery time a person gets a blood transfusion , their risk for a problem called \u201calloimmunization\u201d goes up . alloimmunization happens when a person\u2019s body reacts to blood from a transfusion because it is seen as harmful by their immune system , and tries to destroy it . persons with alloimmunization can still receive blood transfusions , but the blood they receive has to be checked and compared to their own blood to make sure that it won\u2019t be destroyed by their immune system . this takes time and can mean that persons with alloimmunization have to wait longer for blood , or may have a harder time finding blood that won\u2019t be destroyed by their body .\nanemia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin .\nanemia is caused by a deficiency in the intake and absorption elements required to make red blood cells . the condition is defined as one in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells , in hemoglobin , or in total volume . this results in blood that is incapable of meeting the oxygen needs of the body ' s tissues . anemia is characterized by changes in the size and color of red blood cells . red blood cells , or erythrocytes , are primarily responsible for oxygen transport from the lungs to the body ' s many cells . hemoglobin is an oxygen - carrying protein in the red blood cell that incorporates iron into its structure . therefore , iron is an essential building block of blood erythrocytes . when red blood cells are larger than normal , the anemia is termed macrocytic , and when they are smaller than normal , it is called microcytic . normal red cell color is termed normochromic , and if the red cells appear pale , the anemia is called hypochromic . when extensive lab testing is not available for diagnosis , the use of a portable colorimeter can be used to detect anemia .\ngrok this : what if the world were an orange\u2013a blood orange\u2013and there were citra and amarillo hop cones orbiting all around it , with just a dusting of blood orange peel , and it was all , like , an atom ? heavy , right ? well dig this : just to keep things a little blurred around the edges , the mad chemists at elysian brewing have come up with superfuzz blood orange pale ale . it\u2019ll be available at groovy taverns , restaurants and stores beginning april 1 in six - packs , 22 - ounce bottles and on draft .\ncancer patients with anemia who are undergoing chemotherapy may benefit from this drug . studies have shown an increased hematocrit ( the volume percentage of red blood cells in whole blood ) level and a decreased need for blood transfusions after the first month of therapy in this population . epoetin alfa is injected three times a week , and throughout therapy , blood cell counts are monitored closely .\nif the body detects a shortage of red blood cells , the kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin ( ee - rith - ro - po - ee - tin ) . this protein is secreted into the blood , which then signals the bone marrow to make more red blood cells .\nred cells contain a special protein called hemoglobin , which helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and then returns carbon dioxide from the body to the lungs so it can be exhaled . blood appears red because of the large number of red blood cells , which get their color from the hemoglobin . the percentage of whole blood volume that is made up of red blood cells is called the hematocrit and is a common measure of red blood cell levels .\nsome have theorized that bella ' s blood smelled better than other humans ' blood , but in the book , bella was only edwards\nsinger\n( the one person whose blood smells exceptionally good to him ) . so unless bella ' s blood was exceptionally tasty - smelling to all vamps , there ' s still no reason jasper should have freaked out so epically . . .\ntheories on what happened in old yharnam and on the identity of the blood - starved beast .\nthe process through which new red blood cells are created ; it begins in the bone marrow .\nproduction of red blood cells is controlled by erythropoietin , a hormone produced primarily by the kidneys . red blood cells start as immature cells in the bone marrow and after approximately seven days of maturation are released into the bloodstream . unlike many other cells , red blood cells have no nucleus and can easily change shape , helping them fit through the various blood vessels in your body . however , while the lack of a nucleus makes a red blood cell more flexible , it also limits the life of the cell as it travels through the smallest blood vessels , damaging the cell ' s membranes and depleting its energy supplies . the red blood cell survives on average only 120 days .\nwhen a child exhibits weakness , dizziness , listlessness , or fatigue , it may be the first sign of anemia . the pediatrician should be consulted if the child is also extremely pale or has little or no color in the gums , nail beds , creases of the palm , or lining of the eyelids . any prolonged bleeding or sudden blood loss requires examination by a physician and testing for anemia .\nit could also be that the ashen blood started poisoning everyone in old yharnam and the healing church used a massive amount of blood to counterattack this sickness , making the scourge grow exponentially in the city .\nhemolytic anemia is a type of anemia in which the red blood cell has a shortened lifespan ( normal lifespan is 90 - 120 days ) . because the bone marrow is not able to compensate by producing more red blood cells , anemia results . abnormalities in the red blood cells may be intrinsic or may be caused by environmental factors such as auto - antibodies to red blood cells or damage from chemotherapy .\n[ 63 ] tam\u00e1s kende , v\u00e9rv\u00e1d ( blood libel ) , budapest 1995 , p . 135\u2013156 .\nunlike red and white blood cells , platelets are not actually cells but rather small fragments of cells . platelets help the blood clotting process ( or coagulation ) by gathering at the site of an injury , sticking to the lining of the injured blood vessel , and forming a platform on which blood coagulation can occur . this results in the formation of a fibrin clot , which covers the wound and prevents blood from leaking out . fibrin also forms the initial scaffolding upon which new tissue forms , thus promoting healing .\nthere are several dozen types of anemia that are categorized by their underlying cause . when doctors test blood for anemia , they often describe the blood by the hemoglobin content of red blood cells ( color ) and by the size and shape of red blood cells . these descriptions can point a doctor toward the underlying disorder . treatment is specific for each type of anemia and is based on treating the underlying disease .\none way to treat anemia is to provide the body with more red blood cells to carry oxygen . this can be done through a blood transfusion , a safe , common procedure in which you receive blood through a small plastic tube inserted into one of your blood vessels . some people with thalassemia \u2013 usually with thalassemia major \u2013 need regular blood transfusions because their body makes such low amounts of hemoglobin . people with thalassemia intermedia ( not as severe as major , but not as mild as trait ) may need blood transfusions sometimes , such as when they have an infection or an illness . people with thalassemia minor or trait usually do not need blood transfusions because they either do not have anemia or have only a mild anemia .\nvisions . ( despite some prominent makeup artists involved , special effects are amazingly skimpy , consisting mainly of blood , blood and more blood . ) chakaris ' s ( west side story , is paris burning ? ) stoic performance conveys little of the vampire mythos - - except a hint of centuries - long boredom . at\na hormone produced by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells in a process called erythropoiesis .\npeople with kidney failure can also develop iron deficiency due to blood loss during hemodialysis , a type of dialysis that uses a special filter called a dialyzer to remove wastes from the blood . low levels of iron and folic acid\u2014another nutrient required for normal red blood cell production\u2014may also contribute to anemia in people with kidney disease .\npeople who lose a lot of blood very quickly , like those who have been injured in an accident , had a blood vessel burst , or have lost blood during surgery , can become anemic because the body cannot make blood as fast as it is being lost . in cases where blood loss is life threatening , a person can have the lost blood replaced through a blood transfusion * . in less severe cases , the body will slowly bring the blood volume and hemoglobin content back to normal by itself . in fact , a person can lose two - thirds of his or her blood volume over a 24 - hour period without dying . other people have a place in their body that is constantly bleeding a little bit , such as a wound in the skin or mucous membranes inside the body ( ulcer ) . in these cases , the source of bleeding needs to be found and treated , and dietary supplements of iron often are needed to help boost hemoglobin production .\nother treatments may include antibiotic or antifungal medicines if infection occurs ; blood and platelet transfusions to counter low levels of red blood cells ( erythrocytes ) and platelets ; general supportive measures to overcome side - effects of chemotherapy .\nfrom those tissues back to the lungs . this exchange is enabled by the most important component of red blood cells\nanemia is a condition in which a person has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells drops below normal , which prevents the body\u2019s cells from getting enough oxygen .\ntransfusion - associated graft - versus - host disease ( ta - gvhd ) is another risk factor associated with blood transfusions in cancer patients . although it is very rare , it is often fatal . with ta - gvhd , the patient ' s immune system does not recognize the white blood cells in the donor blood as\nnonself .\nthe donor white blood cells , however , recognize the patient as\nnonself ,\nand an immune - mediated reaction ensues . to prevent this reaction in at - risk patients , blood may be irradiated prior to transfusion .\n\u201c pale blood is a vacant and stylistically empty attempt at a modern day vampire film . it is all posed mood \u2013 washes of synthesizer sound , downbeat lighting , lots of slow - motion and endless street scenes , plus lots of padding footage involving a laughably pretentious new wave band called agent orange . however , the plot is far too insubstantial ( read non - existent ! ) to support anything that is going on . \u201d richard scheib , moria\nanemia ( a - nee - me - a ) is not a disease in itself . instead , it is a sign that the body has a problem with its red blood cells . the blood of a person with anemia does not contain enough red blood cells or enough of the protein hemoglobin ( he - mo - glow - bin ) . anemia can develop because of poor nutrition , excessive blood loss , destruction of red blood cells , abnormal hemoglobin , or from a number of other causes . but no matter what causes anemia , the result is always the same : the blood does not carry enough oxygen to the cells throughout the body , so the body cannot function normally .\nsince your body has fewer red blood cells when you have thalassemia , you may have symptoms of a low blood count , or anemia . when you have anemia , you might feel tired or weak . you might also experience :\nfor anemias caused by excessive or chronic bleeding , stopping blood loss is the first step . in some cases , a blood transfusion is used to replenish the volume of blood in the body . for people with dietary causes of anemia , eating a diet rich in the deficient nutrient or taking supplements such as iron or vitamins often fixes the problem .\nthe best way of diagnosing anemia is with a blood test . a sample of the patient ' s blood is taken with a needle . the sample is then studied under a microscope . the number , size , and shape of red blood cells can then be determined . this information tells whether the patient has anemia and , if so , what kind .\nsince all these symptoms above can also be caused by other problems , you\u2019ll need a physical examination and blood tests to determine whether you have anemia . sometimes a person may not notice any symptoms , but anemia will be identified by an abnormal result on a routine blood test ( such as a blood test that is part of your annual check - up ) .\nthe onset of iron deficiency anemia is gradual . the deficiency begins when the body loses more iron than it gains from food and other sources . because depleted iron stores cannot meet the red blood cells ' needs , fewer red blood cells develop . in this early stage of anemia , the red blood cells look normal , but they are reduced in number . then the body tries to compensate for the iron deficiency by producing more red blood cells , which are characteristically small in size .\na blood test can often suggest the diagnosis of aml . the test will typically show a low number of red blood cells , normal white blood cells and platelets . some blast cells which have spilled into the bloodstream from the marrow are also usually seen . sometimes large numbers of blast cells occur in the bloodstream . further tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis .\na chest x - ray , further blood tests and other tests are usually done to assess your general well - being .\na reduction in the quantity of the oxygen - carrying pigment haemoglobin in the blood . the main symptoms are excessive tiredness and fatigability , breathlessness on exertion , pallor , and poor resistance to infection . the many causes of anaemia include loss of blood (\nknown for their bright red color , red cells are the most abundant cell in the blood , accounting for about 40 to 45 percent of its volume . the shape of a red blood cell is a biconcave disk with a flattened center - in other words , both faces of the disc have shallow bowl - like indentations ( a red blood cell looks like a donut ) .\na complete blood count ( cbc ) test gives your doctor important information about the types and numbers of cells in your blood , especially the red blood cells and their percentage ( hematocrit ) or protein content ( hemoglobin ) , white blood cells , and platelets . the results of a cbc may diagnose conditions like anemia , infection , and other disorders . the platelet count and plasma clotting tests ( prothombin time , partial thromboplastin time , and thrombin time ) may be used to evaluate bleeding and clotting disorders .\nyharnam rises as a city again , with its old part burnt and closed . the healing church kept their experiments with blood .\nnot taking medication that has triggered hemolytic anemia and not eating foods that have caused hemolysis ( breakdown of red blood cells ) .\nlet me explain what you become after defeating the moon presence . basically you become a baby great one .\nthe choir\nand\nthe healing church\nis the reason why this infection started in the first place after using old blood as a way to treat various ailments . the problem with old blood is that it reacts with human blood , the old blood heals but transforms man to beasts and that ' s where the beastly scourge began . from the caryll rune beast\nbeast\nis one of the early caryll runes . as well as one of the first to be deemed forbidden . the discovery of blood entailed the discovery of undesirable beasts\n.\nhemolytic anemia can enlarge the spleen , accelerating the destruction of red blood cells ( hemolysis ) . other complications of hemolytic anemia include :\nanemia of inflammation and chronic disease is caused by red blood cells not functioning normally , so they cannot absorb and use iron efficiently . in addition , the body cannot respond normally to erythropoietin ( epo ) , a hormone made by the kidneys that stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells . over time , this abnormal functioning causes a lower than normal number of red blood cells in the body .\nblood cells develop from hematopoietic stem cells and are formed in the bone marrow through the highly regulated process of hematopoiesis . hematopoietic stem cells are capable of transforming into red blood cells , white blood cells , and platelets . these stem cells can be found circulating in the blood and bone marrow in people of all ages , as well as in the umbilical cords of newborn babies . stem cells from all three sources may be used to treat a variety of diseases , including leukemia , lymphoma , bone marrow failure , and various immune disorders .\nyou\u2019ve heard the story before : the man\u2019s been throwing his weight around again , muscling people all over town with super - uninteresting beer . enter superfuzz , a one - beer crusade against the oppressive ordinary . he can relate to other ales , with an easygoing blend of northwest pale , munich and dextri - pils malts , but where the hops and the blood orange come in , he\u2019s a complicated guy . worldly german northern brewer and cascade bitter and flavor the beer , but it\u2019s the combination of citra , amarillo and blood orange peel in the finish , topped off with pureed and concentrated blood orange in the fermenter that land the biggest blows . call it orangesploitation , superfuzz is serving notice . starting gravity is 14\u00b0p / 1 . 056 , and alcohol a mellow 5 . 3 % by volume .\nback then , in 2008 , the vampire myth had been completely defanged by the twilight books and their pale hero , edward cullen\u2014who could conquer his desire for sex or blood or sleep or anything beyond gazing deeply into his girlfriend\u2019s eyes . by contrast , true blood opened with gratuitously explicit sex scenes , then segued into one of the most ricidulously gory bloodbaths in tv history later that season . the characters were all gloriously weird , whether they were vampires , werewolves , faeries , or shapeshifters\u2014never mind whether they were straight , gay , or bisexual . this show didn\u2019t just want you to watch its freak flag fly . it wanted to stake that freak flag through your heart .\ntake a scene that is one of the film\u2019s most inspired yet least observed moments , the centurion piercing the dead christ\u2019s side with a lance , releasing a flow of blood and water . in other depictions , the blood and water are often shown trickling or oozing down his side . gibson , though , depicts a spray of blood and water gushing from christ\u2019s side and showering down on the startled centurion .\nblood consists of red blood cells , white blood cells , platelets , and plasma . red blood cells , or erythrocytes ( e - rith - ro - sites ) , are the most numerous cells in the blood and give blood its red color . the tissues and cells in the body require oxygen to function properly , and erythrocytes are specialized to carry and distribute oxygen because they contain hemoglobin . hemoglobin has the unique property of being able to absorb oxygen in the lungs , where it is plentiful , and release oxygen to the cells of the body , where it is needed . hemoglobin consists of four protein molecules , called globins , and up to four heme molecules . the heme molecules are red - pigmented , nonprotein , iron - binding compounds , and they are responsible for binding to and transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide .\nsome common symptoms of mild anemia include weakness , fatigue , and a\nrun - down\nfeeling . other signs include pale skin and a lack of color in the creases of the palm , gums , nail beds or lining of the eyelids . someone who is weak , tires easily , is often out of breath , and feels faint or dizzy may have severe anemia . other symptoms of anemia include :\nacute myeloid leukaemia is where the bone marrow makes large numbers of abnormal immature white blood cells which are derived from a myeloid stem cell .\na common cause of iron - deficiency anemia is chronic blood loss , usually from the gastrointestinal tract . bleeding ulcers or polyps , chronic irritation of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract , or cancer can cause this kind of \u201csilent\u201d internal bleeding . often , this blood loss is invisible to the naked eye , and your healthcare provider may do a simple test , called a fecal occult blood test , to find it .\na molecule found in red blood cells that contains an iron atom and that helps transport oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body .\nthe most extreme form of treatment in such cases is a bone marrow transplant . all blood cells are made in bone marrow . marrow is a fatty tissue found in the center of bones . people whose bodies make too few red blood cells may need a bone marrow transplant . marrow from a healthy person is injected into the patient ' s bones . if successful , the healthy marrow begins producing red blood cells .\ninadequate hydration can cause fatigue , poor appetite , heat intolerance , dizziness , constipation , kidney stones and a dangerous drop in blood pressure .\nanemias do not all stem from the same causes . anemia can be the result of injuries , chronic or acute illnesses , complications of surgery or childbirth , metabolic disturbances or deficiencies , and adverse response to drug therapy administered for other conditions . causes may include sudden or ongoing loss of blood , nutritional deficiencies , decreased red blood cell production , or increased red blood cell destruction . malnutrition or malabsorption of nutrients can contribute to vitamin deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemias . although red cell destruction and replacement is an ongoing process in the body , hereditary disorders and certain diseases can accelerate blood cell destruction , resulting in anemia . however , excessive bleeding is the most common cause of severe anemia , and the speed with which blood loss occurs has a significant effect on the severity of symptoms . chronic blood loss may be a consequence of the following :\ni have a question about the\npaleblood\nmost of the theories i read tells that\npaleblood\nis accualy the blood of the moon presence - the ultimate blood the note at the start of the game states :\nseek paleblood to transend the hunt\n, i thought that a\npaleblood\nwas a person - an outsider that had nothing to do with the blood plague - the main character . . .\nred blood cells are produced in the bone marrow through a process called erythropoiesis . when the bone marrow functions normally , it continuously replaces red blood cells to maintain a normal level that allows for adequate oxygenation of the tissues . the hormone erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production and sends a message to the bone marrow to increase production when oxygen levels in the body are low . this mechanism is often impaired in patients with cancer .\nyharnam is a towering , labyrinthine gothic city , home to both the healing church and the blood ministrations . as no evidence of the existence of a ruling body is provided in the game , one may presume that the healing church controls the city ( at least indirectly ) . the church focuses around healing by infusions of blood . miraculously , blood healing can repair wounds and cure or hinder diseases . yharnam ' s whole culture became focused on blood , even to the point of blood - based drinks surpassing alcoholic beverages as the most commonly consumed . yharnam ' s populace is apparently viewed as insane or degenerate by the wider world , and the citizens have become extremely distrustful of non - natives as a result .\ni believe this happens many years in the future , the blood minister appears in the city , creating hunters for the hunter ' s dream .\naplastic anemia . sometimes curable by bone marrow transplant , but potentially fatal , aplastic anemia is characterized by decreased production of red and white blood cells and platelets ( disc - shaped cells that allow the blood to clot ) . this disorder may be inherited or acquired as a result of :\nsickle cell anemia . sickle cell anemia ( see sickle cell anemia entry ) is a genetic disorder . cells receive genes that give them the wrong instructions for making red blood cells . red blood cells are normally shaped like plump doughnuts . in sickle cell anemia , the cells are curved with sharp points . these cells easily stick to each other . they also stick to the walls of blood vessels . clumps of sickled red blood cells can collect in a vein or artery and block it . this condition can cause pain , weakness , and , in extreme cases , death .\nsometimes curable by bone marrow transplant , but potentially fatal , aplastic anemia is characterized by decreased production of red and white blood cells and platelets ( disc - shaped cells that are a key component of blood coagulation ) . this disorder may be inherited or acquired as a result of the following :\nit\u2019s certainly a relief to see an attempt at the grotesque reality of violent death rather than the diluted depictions of some film portrayals . but , again , with all due respect to catholicism , there has in the past and to an extent still is a virtual blood cult within it . the medieval church was obsessed with gore , and even today in southern europe we see quite repugnant fetishes with sacred blood , holy blood , miracle - giving blood . if it\u2019s european medievalism we\u2019re seeing rather than death - dry , god - drenched ancient judea , we could be in trouble . (\na cbc result that shows low iron levels in the blood yet normal measures of iron stores in the body is a hallmark of ai / acd .\niron deficiency anemia . the onset of iron deficiency anemia is gradual and , at first , there may not be any symptoms . the deficiency begins when the body loses more iron than it derives from food and other sources . because depleted iron stores cannot meet the red blood cell ' s needs , fewer red blood cells develop . in this early stage of anemia , the red blood cells look normal , but they are reduced in number . then the body tries to compensate for the iron deficiency by producing more red blood cells , which are characteristically small in size . symptoms develop at this stage .\nmichael fury ( chakiris ) arrives in los angeles to investigate a series of mysterious high - profile murders where the victims have been completely drained of blood .\npatients with thalassemia usually do not require treatment . however people with a severe form may require periodic hospitalization for blood transfusions and / or bone marrow transplantation .\nanemias caused by a decreased production of red blood cells are also called hypoplastic anemias , and many different conditions and disorders can cause this kind of anemia .\nai / acd is easily confused with iron - deficiency anemia because in both forms of anemia levels of iron circulating in the blood are low . iron in the body is found both circulating in the blood and stored in body tissues . circulating iron is necessary for red blood cell production . low blood iron levels occur in iron - deficiency anemia because levels of the iron stored in the body\u2019s tissues are depleted . in ai / acd , however , iron stores are normal or high . low blood iron levels occur in ai / acd , despite normal iron stores , because inflammatory and chronic diseases interfere with the body\u2019s ability to use stored iron and absorb iron from the diet . ai / acd is the second most common form of anemia , after iron - deficiency anemia . 1\ncytomegalovirus ( cmv ) is a virus that may be present in blood products . although it has no effect on individuals with normally functioning immune systems , cancer patients often have a diminished ability to fight infection . these patients may be at risk for cmv if they are cmv negative and receive cmv - positive blood .\nblood clotting problems . this is due to low levels of platelets . this can cause easy bruising , bleeding from the gums and other bleeding - related problems .\nchildren with aplastic anemia are especially susceptible to infection . treatment for aplastic anemia may involve blood transfusions and bone marrow transplantation to replace malfunctioning cells with healthy ones .\nmore serious forms of anemia may require surgery . bleeding ulcers and certain types of stomach disorders are examples of anemias that may be treated surgically . in some cases , blood transfusions may be required . people who have lost large numbers of red blood cells may require a transfusion in order to avoid serious complications of anemia .\nthere are three broad categories of causes of anemia . first , when someone is injured and loses a great deal of blood , anemia can develop because the body\ns total blood volume is lost faster than it can be replaced . in the second category , the process of making red blood cells in the body is not working normally : bone marrow does not make enough erythrocytes , the erythrocytes do not contain enough hemoglobin , or the hemoglobin does not function correctly . in the third category , red blood cells are destroyed faster than the marrow can replenish them . some of the most common types of anemia in each category are described below ."]} {"id": 114605, "summary": [{"text": "the game of death is an incomplete 1972 hong kong martial arts film directed , written , produced by and starring bruce lee , in his final film attempt .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "lee died during the making of the film .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "over 100 minutes of footage was shot prior to his death , some of which was later misplaced in the golden harvest archives .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "the remaining footage has been released with lee 's original cantonese and english dialogue , with john little dubbing lee 's hai tien character as part of the documentary entitled bruce lee : a warrior 's journey .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "most of the footage that was shot is from what was to be the centerpiece of the film .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "during filming , lee received an offer to star in enter the dragon , the first kung fu film to be produced by a hollywood studio ( warner bros. ) , and with a budget unprecedented for the genre ( $ 850,000 ) .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "lee died of cerebral edema before the film 's release .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "at the time of his death , he had already made plans to resume the filming of the game of death .", "topic": 6}, {"text": "after lee 's death , enter the dragon director robert clouse was enlisted to finish the film using two stand-ins which was released in 1978 , five years after his death , by golden harvest . ", "topic": 16}], "title": "game of death", "paragraphs": ["death note movie : updates death note 2016 , death note movie , whitewashing death note , crossmap , 2015 november 2 .\nit ' s not a game , it ' s a game of death ,\nshe said .\nit seems like death standing\u2019s version of death is a bit like dark souls . \u201cdeath will never pull you out of the game , \u201d added kojima .\nthree of bruce lee ' s films ( enter the dragon , circle of iron and game of death ) premiered after his death .\nfavorite track : g . o . d . ( game of death ) .\n\u201cgame of death\u201d may be a reference to the bruce lee film of the same name .\ngame of death was horribly done . i have the first box set that has chinese connection , fist of fury , way of the dragon , a special dvd and of course game of death .\njohn barry - bruce lee game of death ( soundtrack film ver . ) \u6b7b\u4ea1\u904a\u622f \u30e1\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30fc\u30de\nbruce lee ' s - game of death - the unknown truth - youtube . flv\none of the stars of game of thrones has revealed what her character\u2019s death scene was intended to look like .\ncategories > bruce lee and martial arts . > game of death original script + plot .\nbruce lee completed over 30 minutes of edited footage for the three completed fight scenes in game of death .\nheading over to netflix now to re - watch game of death\u2026 . cut the bullshit ! lol\nbruce lee had over 20 pages of choreography for game of death . even by today\u2019s standards , that\u2019s huge !\nthis cast list of who was in game of death includes both lead and minor roles . ( 80 items )\nif you want to answer the questions ,\nwho starred in the movie game of death ?\nand\nwhat is the full cast list of game of death ?\nthen this page has got you covered .\nlol great great review . now i have to see game of death . that towel bit is gold !\ngame of death had its world premiere at the 2017 sxsw conference and festivals on march 13 , 2017 .\nthis is the original theme of bruce lee ' s original game of death . it was used for the first and only time in the documentary\nbruce lee : a warriors journey\n. the game of death ( 1972 )\ni think game of death would of been way better have you seen the cast list bruce had setup before he died .\nthe film also ends with a large number of bloopers and outtakes from bruce lee ' s original game of death footage .\nthey ' re famous for orchestrating the deaths of dozens of adored game of thrones characters .\ngame of death\nre - visited ( 40 minutes of footage edited as a literal interpretation of lee ' s original plan ) .\nthe film uses 11 minutes of the original game of death , which is cautiously edited to not star any of bruce ' s associates .\nfollowing his death , game of death footage that bruce lee had completed remained un - edited and was placed in semi permanent storage in golden harvest studio vaults .\nbruce lee : a warrior ' s journey also includes rare , recently discovered film shot for game of death , the project lee was working on at the time of his death .\nand before then , two films made to capitalize on the legend of game of death were made , goodbye bruce lee : his last game of death ( 1975 , starring bruce li ) and enter the game of death ( 1977 , starring bruce le ) . . . and one after , the true game of death ( 1981 , starring\nbruce lee siao - long\n) , which ripped off the general plot and sometimes whole segments of the film were redone almost shot for shot .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing the game of death near you .\nin a way , this documentary is closer to the real game of death movie than the movie itself . why ?\nof course this film doesn ' t have the level of depth and symbolic metaphors which was a part of bruce ' s intended vision for his version of game of death , nor does it have the kubrick standard of perfectionist filmmaking , subtlety and pacing which bruce would have brought to the finished version of game of death .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing death game near you .\ndid you know that the u . s version of game of death has the extended log scene fight between chieh yuan and dan inosanto ?\naka tower of death unrelated to the first game of death , it was marketed as a sequel in the u . s . appears in stock footage from enter the dragon and other films .\noverall , good fun if you don ' t take it too seriously . as a piece of trivia , the game of death style rip - off called the new game of death ( a . k . a . goodbye bruce lee : his last game of death ) has a theme song called king of kung fu ( which , if you remember , was the alternative title for this movie ) .\nolenna tyrell was mourning the death of her family at the end of season six .\ngame of death cast list , listed alphabetically with photos when available . this list of game of death actors includes any game of death actresses and all other actors from the film . you can view trivia about each game of death actor on this list , such as when and where they were born . to find out more about a particular actor or actress , click on their name and you ' ll be taken to a page with even more details about their acting career . the cast members of game of death have been in many other movies , so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with .\n' we ' re sorry for all the idiots ' : game of thrones creators apologize for beloved character hodor ' s death . . . sort of\nwow - it all becomes clear now ! i always wondered why the bruce lee sinclair spectrum game had you descending into a strange futuristic environment . it must be based on game of death ii\n: all of the guardians show no signs of fear when they face death . see also\ngame of death receives its european premiere on 26th august at 11 . 00pm in the main screens . for tickets go to : urltoken\ni enjoyed death note and death parade . what are the best mysterious and thrilling anime like the ones i mentioned ?\nbruce lee ' s character in the game of death is dressed in a one piece yellow track suit symbolising no affiliation with any style of martial art .\ni agree with you , james . game of death ii > game of death . part 2 was so much more entertaining , and the guy who played bruce lee\u2019s brother did a great job of portraying jeet kune do . and you can\u2019t go wrong with hwang jang lee as the baddie .\nnote : this story contains a major revelation from the season 6 finale of game of thrones\u2026 .\neven worse than bruce li ' s\nnew game of death ,\nand trust me , that ' s saying something .\nto the delight of got fans everywhere , gendry came back to game of thrones swinging . artist robert ball explains why he chose to feature the death of the two king\u2019s landing gold cloaks for his \u201c eastwatch \u201d beautiful death piece .\nthis film was made as a tribute to bruce lee ' s game of death . it uses archive footage from the original film and recreated scenes with stand - ins and the plotline of bruce ' s screen notes to bring us what some would call a more complete version of lee ' s game of death .\nbruce lee game of death 1978 john barry unreleased ost of the movie cover in mixcraft 5 with midi . this is lost track from game of death . we can ' t find anywhere so i decide create the version for the fans who know . . - - download mp3 here - - urltoken\nthe tragic death happened in the town of uchaly in southern russia ' s republic of bashkortostan .\nthe opening theme is replaced with an updated version of the game of death theme originally created for the japanese film bruce lee in g . o . d .\nbetween this happening and the beginning of the game , wugui takes control of mr zhen \u2018s bar .\nmike wilson : one last question . on your book cover , why did you choose a photo of the fake bruce lee from the 1978 game of death film ?\nnote the picture of nora miao with bruce lee holding the nunchaku he uses in the film , a picture i speculate was taken around the time of game of death ' s production .\nnow you can experience game of thrones the way george r . r . martin intended\ndeath note is a masterpiece . there are plenty which deal with mind games but those who are at the level of death note are very few .\nwith a remake you get a version of game of death but bruce lee ' s version . . . . . . . . . . . is sadly lost .\nanna lee , vice chairman of spink holds bruce lee\u2019s yellow jumpsuit from \u201cgame of death\u201d during a auction preview in hong kong , monday , dec . 2 , 2013 .\ni actually saw that tower of death when i was a kid . loved it . ^ ^ ( btw the game of death plot pretty much shows you in plain sight why bruce lee died , he just refused to pay the triads )\nthe platinum edition dvd from hong kong legends includes a feature length documentary on the life of bruce lee on its second disc . one of the major parts of this dvd is a meticulous recutting and rearanging of\ngame of death\n, said to be the closet version to the\ngame of death\nmovie bruce originally intended to be made . it has a completely different plot , as the plot of the most typical verson was created after bruce ' s death .\nrobert wall , who appears in the final version of\ngame of death\n, had also been slated to appear in the early 1970s version as intended by bruce lee .\njoe marino , a video game player who has more than 40 , 000 followers on twitch , wrote of his own health problems after another game streamer died .\nin the adult swim game duck game , there is a hat available called\nsuper ,\nwhich looks very similar to the hair of a super saiyan .\nno game no life follows the game - conquering story of blank\u2014the entity resulting from the impeccable teamwork of brother - and - sister duo shiro and sora ! together , shiro and sora are invincible ! at any game , blank is the perfect gamer .\ncheck out a montage of the funniest deaths from the first game , space quest 1 .\ndamsel in distress : hai tien ' s sister and younger brother are kidnapped by the korean mafia to force him to participate in the titular game of death .\nwith the ever - popular game known as elder tale now on its twelfth expansion , a surreal event begins to transport people into this virtual reality game . unable to get out of the game or do anything outside of the game ' s mechanics , the players are forced to live out their time solving what is happening .\nedward zo : us death note movie ' no asian actors considered for light yagami role ' , death note news , 2015 december 10 .\nif you take a step back from it all , it ' s maybe a little odd that game of thrones fans everywhere came together to cheer on the death of a child .\ndisc one *\nthe big boss\nmovie disc two *\nfist of fury\nmovie disc three *\nthe way of the dragon\nmovie disc four *\nenter the dragon\nmovie disc five *\ngame of death\nmovie disc six *\ngame of death ii\nmovie disc seven interview with actors sammo hung , simon yam and paul pui , director wong jing . . . ( 9 : 24 )\ngame of death\noutakes ( 11 : 09 )\ngame of death - ng shots\nouttakes ( 3 : 00 )\nenter the dragon\nalternate opening credits ( 3 : 09 ) photo galleries / slideshows : -\nthe big boss\n( 20 pictures ) -\nfist of fury\n( 20 pictures ) -\nthe way of the dragon\n( 20 pictures ) -\nenter the dragon\n( 20 pictures ) -\ngame of death\n( 20 pictures ) -\ngame of death ii\n( 20 pictures ) original theatrical trailers : -\nthe big boss\n( 2 : 43 ) -\nfist of fury\n( 4 : 39 ) -\nthe way of the dragon\n( 4 : 10 ) -\nenter the dragon\n( 3 : 31 ) -\ngame of death\n( 2 : 29 ) -\ngame of death ii\n( 2 : 19 ) new theatrical trailers : -\nthe big boss\n( 1 : 37 ) -\nfist of fury\n( 1 : 48 ) -\nthe way of the dragon\n( 1 : 27 ) -\nenter the dragon\n( 1 : 32 ) -\ngame of death\n( 1 : 29 ) -\ngame of death ii\n( 1 : 40 )\nnetflix sets sights on supernatural manga adaptation of death note , cinemablend , 2016 april 8 .\nas of now , i have found only 2 anime which is comparable to death note .\nbruce lee ' s original concept for the game of death , was to attempt to educate the movie audience . creating awarness of different types of martial art and the advantages each of these may have in certain environments and situations .\nis game of death worth watching ? if you\u2019re in the right environment , then yes . this will play very well to the midnight movie crowd . screenings will no doubt be filled with hooting and hollering and appropriate reactions to all of the gross - out gags , but that doesn\u2019t make game of death a good movie . comparisons to last year\u2019s beyond the gates will no doubt be made , and its an interesting comparison . beyond the gates excelled where game of death doesn\u2019t ( story , style and character development ) . game of death excels where beyond the gates doesn\u2019t ( gore and pacing ) . if you take the best parts of both of those films and combine them into one , that would be a film worth watching .\nthe first full trailer for game of thrones season 7 was released last month . watch below .\ngame of thrones said goodbye to one of its best characters tonight , with jaime lannister poisoning olenna tyrell after a surprise sack of highgarden .\nwugui ( also known as \u201cwugui of kowloon \u201c ) is an antagonist in the first half of shadow hearts . he is under the employ of dehuai . he in encountered as a boss several times throughout the game . he is immune to all magics , and known for using \u201cgame of death\u201d in battle .\nnetflix released death note : the vr experience , an interactive video , as part of the promotion of the film .\nnote : all the series produced after lee\u2019s death ( 1973 ) feature archival footage of lee .\nolenna was given a post - poison , pre - death speech befitting of such a wise and outspoken character however , and made jaime squirm in spite of him allowing her a painless death .\nnetflix\u2019s adaptation of \u2018death note\u2019 anime attacked for whitewashing . heat street . march 22 , 2017 .\nkareem abdul - jabbar : you have forgotten , that i too am not afraid of death .\ndeath note is an american feature film loosely based on the death note manga series . it was released streaming on netflix on august 25th , 2017 .\ngreat review . i guess i need to watch game of death ii . i bought that same set for $ 5 at a yard sale and could barely finish the final .\na man in ireland captured an aerial view of the\ngame of thrones\nhbo set at ballintoy harbour in ireland .\nmr . baer donated his collection of early game hardware to several museums , including the smithsonian institution .\nso his hanging , ordered by jon himself , received a not entirely unsurprising warm reception amongst fans ; proving the all - consuming nature of game of thrones will leave your cheering on the brutal death of an actual child .\nunlike most documentaries this one doesn\u2019t just cover the events in bruce lee\u2019s life , but closely follows the growth of his philosophy in martial arts , and leads up to uncovered footage from game of death .\ngame of death is an incomplete 1972 hong kong martial arts film directed , written , produced by and starring bruce lee , in his final film attempt . lee died during the making of the film .\nthe boy collapsed as his virtual online persona was also killed in the game .\nkiller instinct is an insanely fun fighting game that featured some of the most memorable characters in fighting game history . the game was one of those post - mortal - kombat games that tried hard to be gory and even included fatalities , but actually kind of pulled it off ( primal rage , anyone ? )\nwugui\u2019s abilities include his famous \u201cgame of death\u201d \u2013 which instantly kills the enemy , and getting healed by all magic attacks . it is unclear where he learned or gained these abilities .\n' death note ' adds the talents of jason eisener ! , bloody disgusting , 2016 june 13 .\nwhen it comes to intelligent - protagonist - antagonist - playing - mind - games genre , i think after death note , liar game comes to my mind .\nto top it off , game of death features some of the least likable characters you\u2019ll ever see on screen . unlikable characters are nothing new to the horror genre , but the characters in game of death lack any redeeming or endearing qualities whatsoever . there seems to be a new millennial - bashing sub - genre emerging in the industry that game of death is all too happy to be a part of . it joins films like # horror , friend request and unfriended in that it relishes in making millennials look like the absolute worst human beings on the planet before killing them in increasingly gruesome ways . game of death may not reach the dizzying lows that # horror did , but it comes close . what it lacks is the sense of fun that made unfriended one of the biggest surprises of 2015 . the characters in that film were all horrible , but screenwriter nelson greaves imbued his script with plenty of wit and humor to make it bearable until they started getting killed . spending just 74 minutes with the characters in game of death is an absolutely miserable experience .\nvertigo scribbling death note remake , shock till you drop , 2008 june 02 .\nnetflix reveals first death note teaser trailer . urltoken , march 22 , 2017 .\nthen here\u2019s my impression for game of death : yes , that\u2019s right . it is horrible\u2026 horrible . like omfg what were they thinking . i understand that they tried to make a movie out of the remnant footage of bruce lee before his death , but come on this is just ridiculous . i can\u2019t even imagine how bad game of death 2 is going to be . the only reason i don\u2019t shit on this movie anymore is because there is at most 20 minutes of footage with the real bruce lee near the end of the movie .\ni don ' t think it ' s a great game , but i do think it ' s an interesting game , and i ' m glad it exists .\ni have yet to watch enter the dragon . i will . one warning , if you watch game of death and game of death ii , do it so only for the purpose to reinforce how different a bruce lee movie feels when he\u2019s actually around , and that is to say that bruce is fucking awesome but his copycats are complete rubbish at even being his copycats .\nmeanwhile , game of thrones actor iain glen has described the show\u2019s upcoming season as its \u201cbest\u201d to date .\nthis offering is proof of life among the game of death . knowledge cipher tracks that speak to the plight of our family from foundation to capstone from knowledge to born and from knowledge to pluto . supreme thanks for this offering g .\ndeath stranding was a major focus at e3 2018 alongside the last of us 2 , spider - man and ghosts of tsushima .\ngame of death is being billed as a cross between jumanji and natural born killers . that is sort of true , but add in a little bit of last year\u2019s atrocious # horror and a dash of joseph kahn\u2019s stellar ( to me , anyway ) detention and you\u2019ll have a better idea of what you\u2019re in store for with game of death . after a clever 8 - bit opening credits sequence that shows you the aftermath of a previous playthrough of the game , you are introduced to seven despicable teenagers who are spending the weekend at a lake house . one of them happens upon the titular game which , after starting it , draws blood from each of their fingertips and begins a countdown that starts with the number 24 . it isn\u2019t long before the friends realize that they must kill 24 people in order to complete the game , and for every round that the time runs out the game will kill one of them instead .\nmany of the other martial artists in\ngame of death\nwore traditional martial arts costumes , while bruce wears the opposite famous yellow and black tracksuit , which is to show\nimagination rising above tradition\n.\nspeaking of the god rip - offs , this one ' s easily the worst . even worse than bruce li ' s\nnew game of death ,\nand trust me , that ' s saying something .\nnote : all the series produced after lee ' s death ( 1973 ) feature archival footage of lee .\ndeath note film\u2019s latest casting news fuels protest of hollywood whitewashing , the mary sue , 2015 november 13 .\nthe sale took place 40 years after bruce lee\u2019s death from a brain swelling at the age of 32 .\nbruce lee ' s enacted storyline for the game of death ( 1972 ) directed in korea by john little . distributed with the documentary bruce lee : a warrior ' s journey ( 2000 )\ni was happy to have brought a tape recorder with me , because this guy had a lot of things to say about his book . for fans of bruce lee and \u201cgame of death , \u201d this book is a dream come true .\narale and akane playing a dragon ball z video game in the dr . slump remake\nkon is your usual teenage video game addict . one day , an unexpected yet unforgettable experience happens . the video game kon was playing sucked him into the world of alma for reasons still unknown .\nan unrelated movie made due to high demand for more bruce , using recycled lee footage as well as deleted enter the dragon footage , new scenes choreographed by yuen woo - ping and kim tai chung , called tower of death , was released in 1981 and in some markets called game of death ii .\noh i wasn ' t talking about drama i was talking about if donnie yen can do u good job of making legend of the fist and making the story from scratch why can ' t they do it with game of death and carefully make sure that it ' s what bruce lee would ' ve wanted . if game of death didn ' t have drama then they should make sure they don ' t do over the top drama .\nmaking game of thrones is the official hbo destination for a behind - the - scenes look at the series .\nwarning : there are spoilers ahead for\ngame of thrones\nas well as speculation regarding potential future events .\nthis documentary marks the first time the surviving game of death material has been assembled according to lee ' s script notes , in an attempt to honor lee ' s ambitious intentions for the film .\nit ' s bruce lee in the iconic yellow and black tracksuit from game of death ( the movie fans love to hate ) . | humorous shirts / what to wear | pinterest | bruce le\u2026\nbe a spectator of the game - based reality show and see the outcome of the dark secret of btooom ! if you enjoy this anime , check out this list of similar series .\nthe clip , which went viral , drew criticism and death threats towards cast members .\n\u2018death note\u2019 movie sets margaret qualley as female lead , deadline , 2015 november 12 .\nexclusive : \u2018death note\u2019 movie rating and tone revealed , collider , 2016 february 22 .\n\uff3b\u30d5\u30a9\u30c8\u30ae\u30e3\u30e9\u30ea\u30fc\uff3d\u71b1\u304f\u898b\u3064\u3081\u5408\u3046\u30cf\u30ea\u30a6\u30c3\u30c9\u7248\u30e9\u30a4\u30c8\uff06l\u2026\u300edeath note / \u30c7\u30b9\u30ce\u30fc\u30c8\u300f\u30b8\u30e3\u30d1\u30f3\u30d7\u30ec\u30df\u30a2\u30ec\u30c3\u30c9\u30ab\u30fc\u30da\u30c3\u30c8\uff06\u30a4\u30d9\u30f3\u30c8 ( gallery ) , cinema today , august 24th , 2017 .\nguaranteed , it ' s not really as good as some of the bruce li movies ( e . g . the chinese stuntman , the gold connection a . k . a . iron dragon strikes back , the lama avengers a . k . a . the three avengers ) nor is at as good as the official game of death movies , but nonetheless enter the game of death has its moments and then some !\nin the middle of small - town nowhere , seven friends are forced to kill or be killed when they play the game of death . when faced with their own mortality , will they turn on each other to survive ?\nat the moment when the big monster emits a flash of bright light , you might be wondering if that\u2019s the point at which you die . well , kojima\u2019s new game has quite a fluid way of looking at death :\nso the uncompleted footage for the game of death sat and collected dust , with some of it being misplaced and lost . greedy producers weren ' t about to let this stand , so in 1978 , they enlisted the director of etd , robert clouse , to make a new film using the surviving footage , footage from other times in lee ' s career , and newly - filmed footage . the result is known simply as game of death .\npart of the joy of game of death is all of the god rip - offs that were churned out by the bruceploitation filmmakers in the 1970s and early 1980s . here is a ranking of the five bruceploitation god rip - offs i know of ( you can find a review for each here on city on fire ) :\nultimately , death of the outsider is just more dishonored . dishonored excels at being a blank slate for players\u2019 creativity , and while death of the outsider doesn\u2019t do anything to change that , it doesn\u2019t ruin a good thing .\na black samurai goes on a mission to avenge the wrongful death of his father in a futuristic feudal japan .\nthe fictional universe that contains the anime , manga and television films that deal with the world of death note .\nunlike some musicians who made cameos before them , mastodon did not record a song for their episode of game of thrones . they did , however , put together a song called \u201c white walker \u201d for catch the throne , a game of thrones mixtape .\ndid anyone say survival game ? well , the story of mirai nikki ( future diary ) is different from most survival games you have seen . that ' s because the sole winner of this deadly game gets to become the god of space and time !\ndishonored has always been about the journey more than the destination , discovering secrets in its levels and finding creative ways to fulfill its objectives . death of the outsider , the game\u2019s new standalone dlc , stays true to this strength . it doesn\u2019t reinvent the game , but it doesn\u2019t need to .\nthey just posted on facebook that game of death will be a two disc set . if it includes a warrior ' s journey and / or g . o . d . : shib\u014dteki y\u016bgi , i ' m sure i ' ll end up buying it . and i was so looking forward to trading up from the premiere collection set so i wouldn ' t have to own a copy of game of death anymore . . .\npolice confirmed the death of the stuntwoman - identified as joi harris - on the downtown set of 20th century fox ' s superhero movie .\nthere is a dvd titled \u201cbruce lee : a warriors journey\u201d that talks about the lost footage and original plot of game of death . it shows the all the bruce lee footage and is far more entertaining than the actual movie .\nweintraub persuaded bruce lee and raymond chow to co produce a hollywood / hong kong movie , that eentually be released as\nenter the dragon\n. bruce lee had no alternative but to temporarily shelve production of game of death .\nthere are no game overs or deaths in this game , so it ' s up to our heroes to catch the clues and solve the mystery that trapped them inside elder tale .\nin the game worms world party , there is an attack called\ndragon ball\n.\nthe elite vanguard of the ajsa , the expeditionary force ( ef ) chooses a new pc game every week ! join us for weekly events and help decide if the game has a future in the ajsa .\nif that doesn ' t set a scene , we don ' t know what will . the words belong to simon parkin , author of the new book death by video game , and they describe just one example of a phenomenon that stretches back to the 1980s : people become absorbed in a video game , lose track of time and , sadly , die in real life . ( usually , their in - game avatar follows suit . )\nhad no idea game of death 2 was that entertaining . was still pretty pissed off about the 1st g . o . d . , guess i should check it out . thanks for another great review !\nas a project to place bruce lee ' s final , unfinished 1973 film , the game of death , in its proper context , bruce lee : a warrior ' s journey is up to the task .\nthe best one to watch truly is hard to find . it includes all of lees actual footage from game of death . its called a warriors journey . its on dvd but in honesty it is truly rare and hard to find .\nother props from\ngame of death\nto be sold include a pair of yellow lacquered wooden nunchaku expected to fetch $ 26 , 000 - $ 38 , 700 and a bamboo whip with an estimate of $ 9 , 000 - $ 10 , 000 .\nvancouver filming locations - death note , what ' s filming , retrieved 2016 september 5th .\n' death note ' new york premiere , getty images , retrieved march 20 , 2018 .\nreview : death note ( comic con 2017 ) , urltoken , july 21 , 2017 .\nnell tiger free , who played the character , has now revealed what her death scene was meant to look like . according to the actor , it was intended to be similar to that of her brother joffrey\u2019s death . his death scene showed his face turning purple as he simultaneously vomited and asphyxiated .\nshoot : american adaption of japanese manga death note with \u201cl\u201d at vancouver art gallery , yvrshoots , 2016 july 6 .\ndeath note is just a footnote in the long history of hollywood whitewashing ! . urltoken , march 22 , 2017 .\nnetflix releases ' death note ' teaser , sparking another round of whitewashing criticism . urltoken , march 22 , 2017 .\nlee wore the yellow suit , with black stripes down the sides , in\ngame of death .\nlee died in 1973 , before the movie was finished . an incomplete version was released that year , followed by a feature - length version in 1978 cobbled together with footage filmed after his death .\nstrap yourselves in - the latest trailer for death stranding is even more twisted than the first . and no , we still don ' t have any idea what the game is about .\nbefore dehuai re - employs him for the main course of the game , wugui was working on making puppets of the parlimentary officials in hong kong .\noff the soundtrack of the movie finishing the game . . . another one brought to you by fm and the arowana camp\n' did you see game of thrones ? ' inquires the tardy man , eliciting only an expletive from his new friend .\nwarning : there are major spoilers ahead if you ' re not caught up with\ngame of thrones\nseason six .\nnow , all the players have to team up and form guilds to beat the game and finally be able to log out . that won ' t be an easy thing to do , as those inside the game grow increasingly hopeless . will someone be able to save everyone from the deadly clutches of the game ?\nlists that rank the best , worst , and otherwise most memorable characters in video game history .\ni caught game of death on amc one night . they were just showing the bruce lee footage , none of the filler ( probably only 30 - 40 minutes total ) . it was very entertaining , and my first thought was how similar it was to a video game . fight a boss , win , ascend to the next level .\nwhen game of death was released , it was a chopped up mess of a film in comparison to what bruce lee had intended it to be . but at that time his notes were missing , as was some of the footage \u2013 so they did what they could .\nplot : bruce le seemingly fights everyone in the world in this exploitative knock - off of bruce lee ' s\ngame of death ,\nwhich has nothing to do with the original other than the famous yellow - and - black tracksuit .\nguillermo del toro is one of the famous faces behind the characters of death stranding , but that doesn\u2019t mean he knows what kojima is up to .\nthe mind - games in this anime is at the level of death note . the comparison itself is enough to show the greatness of this anime .\ncode geass offers a mind game adventure between the rebels and empire ( similar to that of light and l ) . along with plenty of suspense and plot twists that make you want to keep moving through the episodes ( similar to that in death note ) . personally , i felt it was better than death note , especially the r2 .\nhideo kojima described death stranding ' s core concept of ' sticks and ropes ' at tgs 2016 using these cute drawings .\nevoking both jumanji ( doesn ' t anything that features a wayward board game ? ) and battle royale , the series follows seven friends in the middle of small town nowhere who are forced to kill or be killed when they unwittingly play the game of death . when faced with their own mortality , will they turn on each other to survive ?\nplease , correct me if i ' m wrong , but i haven ' t actually seen any confirmation that this game is actually coming to pc . i watched the reveal of the game live and afaik read pretty much every news item on the game since then , but i ' m yet to see any mention of a pc version . i hope it does of course !\nenter the game of death ( a . k . a . king of kung fu ) is really a bad film though one that ' s highly enjoyable for bruce lee / martial arts / action / hong kong movie aficionados ! ( there ' s plenty of references to films such as fist of fury , enter the dragon and game of death for those who care to decipher them such as the sub - plot from etd about having the bruce character agreeing to do a secret mission because of his female relative being attacked by would - be rapists )\nwhile one - outs is about playing mind - tricks while also playing baseball , liar game is about a real life game where you have to lie ( or not to lie ) to win .\ndeath stranding soundtrack - asylums for the feeling feat . leila adu [ e3 2018 trailer song ]\nshane black : warner bros wanted to change ' death note ' plot , 2011 october 31 .\nshane black on his death note and doc savage movies , bleeding cool , 2013 april 24 .\nwatch : death note trailer resurfaces whitewashing backlash against netflix . urltoken , march 22 , 2017 .\nthere are shots used from bruce lee ' s real funeral when billy lo fakes his death .\nkill or be killed is the golden rule of the game of death . sucks for seven millennials who ignored that rule . now each one ' s head will explode unless they kill someone . will they turn on . . . see full summary \u00bb\naction superstar wesley snipes is back and badder than ever as cia agent marcus jones , a professional hit man caught in a double - cross between his partners in the agency , a ruthless arms dealer and a powerful wall street broker worth hundreds of millions of dollars . framed for a murder he didn ' t commit and chased by expert assassins , jones must clear his name before its too late . also starring robert davi ( die hard ) , gary daniels ( the expendables ) and zo\u00eb bell ( grindhouse ) , game of death is an action - packed thriller filled with pulse - pounding excitement . ( original title - game of death ( 2010 ) ) \u00a9 2010 game of death productions , llc . all rights reserved .\nwarning : spoilers ahead for\ngame of thrones\nseason seven , episode three ,\nthe queen ' s justice .\nthoughout transcripts of bruce lee ' s game of death notes there are references to nora miao ' s role as bruce lee ' s sister ; these are made up of pre - pagoda scenes that also feature james tien , a child and a\nbig boss\ntype figure .\nthis film was made as a tribute to bruce lee ' s game of death . it uses archive footage from the original film and recreated scenes with stand - ins and the plotline of bruce ' s screen notes to . . . see full summary \u00bb\nalec holowka is a canadian indie game developer , programmer , musician and game designer . he has worked on many critically acclaimed indie games , including his most recent game , night in the woods , which won the seumas mcnally grand prize and the excellence in narrative award at the 2018 independent games festival .\nfollowing successful completion and post production for\nenter the dragon\nin may 1973 . bruce lee returned to game of death project . he did not film any additional footage instead electing to concentrate on refining the casting and script .\nmandatory unretirement : hai tien ( bruce lee ) is a retired full contact world champion and initially refuses to take part in the\ngame of death\nand only does so after his family is kidnapped by the korean mafia .\nbut that means another character ' s death is in order before we can see euron become the king of the seastone chair .\nspink said the unidentified collector decided to sell the items this year , which marks the 40th anniversary of lee ' s death .\nalso available in the\nbruce lee - the master collection\nboxset , containing\nfists of fury\n,\nthe chinese connection\n,\nreturn of the dragon\n,\ngame of death\nand a bonus disc containing the\nbruce lee : the legend\ndocumentary .\nexcellent review . you didn\u2019t mention though that the unedited footage of the final fights from game of death can be found on the \u201cbruce lee : a warrior\u2019s journey\u201d documentary on the \u201center the dragon\u201d dvd & blu - ray . an excellent doc with amazing footage !\nthey then show the footage bruce lee shot for game of death . following the original notes and intended shots ( that bruce had picked for the final edit ) , they edit together the footage into the 20 minutes he created for the finale of the film .\nzombie loan has a large focus on shinigami ( death gods ) and will feel very familiar to fans of death note . unfortunately the anime only has a total of 13 episodes but does have a full manga series if you fall in love with the anime .\nwarner bros taps shane black for japanese manga ' death note ' , deadline , 2011 january 13 .\nadam wingard shares his notes on \u2018death note\u2019 as production begins , the collider , 2016 june 30 .\nracist hollywood ? | death note whitewashing , youtube video posted by edward zo , 2015 october 9 .\nnew death note poster has things looking dark ( exclusive ) , nerdist , july 17 , 2017 .\nin the game of death footage , a lot of martial arts concepts are openly displayed and conveyed through bruce\u2019s actions \u2013 the most noticeable being right at the beginning of the footage . bruce fight\u2019s dan inosanto\u2019s character , who is armed with kali sticks , by arming himself with a piece of bamboo . he tells dan\u2019s character :\nhey james , i got an idea . what say we make our own version of \u201cgame of death ? \u201d only , we won\u2019t be needing stock footage , or be calling ourselves bruce li , bruce lei , bruce le , bruce lai , or bruce laing .\ncut out the bullshit ? ! wow ! they should have cut the bullshit with game of death . i have that boxset . i never watched game of death ii because of the complete disrespect of bruce lee in the first game of death . it was so damn horrible and utterly disgusting to show bruce\u2019s funeral and corpse in the film . from what the medical reports say he had an allergic reaction to marijuana and a headache pill his supposed mistress gave him . it caused his brain to swell and he died . if you got the enter the dragon special edition dvd , bruce\u2019s wife explains why he wore the yellow track suit . it was to be as flexible as possible and to feel comfortable . thanks for doing the review , james . thuroughly enjoyed watching it .\ngame of death is actually one of the most quotable movies ever , especially any line from the doctor . the doctor is one of the greatest villains ever . he\u2019s a senile old man who somehow runs an evil crime syndicate but half the time he doesn\u2019t seem to know what\u2019s happening around him .\nthe adventures of a brave young boy who travels from planet to planet in a determined quest to avenge his mother ' s death .\nonce the game starts , wugui is first seen speaking with dehuai , being summoned to help capture alice .\nthis is not any american karate tournament , this is a deadly game where you either win or lose .\na south korean man has died after reportedly playing an online computer game for 50 hours with few breaks .\nyeah i saw game of death as well & i agre that it was shitty to complet a film with out bruce lee . & fuck kill bill what a peace of cunt faced cock sucking bitch piss , who the hell does silva survermen think she is what a dike\nin late 1972 , bruce lee was in the middle of filming the film that was to showcase his personal style of jeet kune do , the game of death when he received an offer to star in enter the dragon . the first kung fu film to be produced by a hollywood studio , and with a budget unprecedented for the genre , it was an offer lee was unable to refuse . he was slated to resume filming the game of death as soon as that was finished . alas , before etd was even released , he died .\nliterally two years of work has gone into realising the double - disc platinum edition dvd of\ngame of death\n, which includes newly discovered footage shot for the film that has never been seen before . while many of the major distributors still attempt to fob us off with inferior dvd releases of older films , hong kong legends is setting ever higher standards .\ni can\u2019t remember the name of it , but there is a very good documentary about bruce lee and it spends a lot of time on game of death and shows all the footage that he shot prior to his death , free from any of the editing used to make it fit in better with the current movie that exists . everybody should look for it and check it out because watching the fight as bruce intended is just awesome .\n@ steven . if you\u2019re referring to the gun shot to the face in the first game of death , billy lo didn\u2019t die . just severly injured . he faked his death to get the people who tried to kill him , but i could see how there is an erie resemblance . seems like bruce was cursed as well as his son .\njoe kenney : you\u2019d have to be out of your mind to think that the humble , naive , country - bumpkin tang lung of wotd is the same character as the hip , cool , world - weary character shown in game of death . tang lung doesn\u2019t speak english . bruce\u2019s character in god speaks it as if it\u2019s his native language . tang lung kills only as a last resort , and with much remorse . the god character teases dan inosanto , and then breaks his neck without a thought . the rumor that bruce was portraying tang lung in game of death comes from a book published in 1974 by verina glaessner , titled \u201ccinema of vengeance . \u201d this same book didn\u2019t even seem to know that kareem abdul - jabbar was bruce\u2019s opponent in god ; instead , it referred to a tall , black basketball player , not even offering a name . hardly a good source for reliable information . yet the rumor - mongers cling to this theory , which to me is probably one of the most bizarre of all of the game of death myths . whoever thinks bruce is playing the same character in both way of the dragon and game of death is a very poor judge of ( a fictional ) character .\nthis is as close as another anime can get to sword art online with respect to its theme and the other major online game elements . with a similar plot of players getting stuck inside a vrmmorpg and struggling to get out , but minus the game over ( death ) scare , log horizon is quite a spectacular contender in the vrmmorpg anime genre ."]} {"id": 114606, "summary": [{"text": "smilla 's sense of snow ( released in the united kingdom under the original novel title ) is a 1997 danish-british-american thriller film directed by bille august and starring julia ormond , gabriel byrne , and richard harris .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "based on the 1992 novel miss smilla 's feeling for snow ( original danish title : fr\u00f8ken smillas fornemmelse for sne ) by danish author peter h\u00f8eg , the film is about a transplanted greenlander , smilla jasperson , who investigates the mysterious death of a small inuit boy who lived in her housing complex in copenhagen .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "suspecting wrongdoing , smilla uncovers a trail of clues leading towards a secretive corporation that has made several mysterious expeditions to greenland .", "topic": 5}, {"text": "scenes from the film were shot in copenhagen , kiruna and western greenland .", "topic": 3}, {"text": "the film was entered into the 47th berlin international film festival , where director bille august was nominated for the golden bear . ", "topic": 3}], "title": "smilla ' s sense of snow ( film )", "paragraphs": ["there are two things you need to know about the film smilla\u2019s sense of snow .\nthe way you have a sense of god , i have a sense of snow .\nthe soundtrack to the film smilla ' s sense of snow was released on cd by elektra / asylum in march of 1997 .\nto ask other readers questions about smilla ' s sense of snow , please sign up .\nin the following essay , norseng explores h\u00f8eg ' s authorial motive in the denouement of smilla ' s sense of snow .\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of smilla ' s sense of snow by peter h\u00f8eg .\non paths unknown : smilla ' s sense of snow by peter h\u00f8eg : initial impressions and first 3 chapters .\nplay book tag : ( listopia ) smilla ' s sense of snow / peter h\u00f8eg - 2 . 5 * *\nsmilla ' s sense of snow .\nnovels for students . . retrieved july 09 , 2018 from urltoken urltoken\nfr0ken smillas fornemmelse for sne . 1992 ; as smilla\u2019s sense of snow , translated by tiina nunnally , 1993 ; as miss smilla\u2019s feeling for snow , translated by f . david , 1993 .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow [ videorecording ] / a german - danish - swedish co - production of constantin film produktion gmbh ; in cooperation with smilla film as greenland film production ab and bavarian film gmbh ; fox searchlight pictures presents a bernd eichinger production ; a billie august film ; screenplay by ann biderman ; produced by bernd eichinger and martin moszkowicz ; directed by billie august .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow was adapted into a film in 1997 by twentieth century fox . the film was directed by bille august and starred julia ormond as smilla , gabriel byrne as f\u00f8jl , and richard harris as moritz . the film is available in both video and dvd formats .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow [ videorecording ] / a german - danish - swedish co - production of constantin film produktion gmbh ; in cooperation with smilla film as greenland film production ab and bavarian film gmbh ; fox searchlight pictures presents a bernd eichinger production ; a billie august film ; screenplay by ann biderman ; produced by bernd eichinger and martin moszkowicz ; directed by billie august . - franklin\nwatch the film version of smilla ' s sense of snow and note how director bille august chooses to portray the story . what are some of the ways the film conveys the main themes of the novel ? does the film seem\ntrue\nto the novel , or are there inexplicable changes ?\njulia ormond in smilla ' s sense of snow . . . . great movie ! | movies and film stills / tv shows | pinterest | julia ormond , female celebrities and movie stars\nproduction : a fox searchlight release of a constantin film produktion - smilla film a / s - greenland film production - bavaria film co - production , with the support of ffa , danish film institute , nordic film & tv fund . produced by bernd eichinger , martin moszkowicz . directed by bille august . screenplay , ann biderman , based on the novel by peter hoeg\nhazleton , lesley , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in the seattle times , october 3 , 1993 , p . f2 .\nsimonds , merilyn , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in the montreal gazette , december 11 , 1993 , p . 12 .\nsource : diane henningfeld , critical essay on smilla ' s sense of snow , in novels for students , the gale group , 2003 .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow .\nnovels for students . . encyclopedia . com . ( july 9 , 2018 ) . urltoken\nan abridged version of smilla ' s sense of snow , read by rebecca pidgeon , was released by harper collins in august 1993 as an audiobook .\nperhaps the most striking feature of smilla ' s sense of snow is its setting . from the deep cold of the danish winter in the opening scene to the last desperate skate across the ice in greenland , h\u00f8eg uses precise and concrete language to evoke a sense of coldness , ice , and snow , which mirrors smilla ' s sense of isolation and alienation .\nnathan , robert , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in new york times book review , september 26 , 1993 , p . 12 .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow ( 1997 ) . stars : julia ormond , gabriel byrne , richard harris . director - bille august . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\nsmiley , jane , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in washington post book world , october 24 , 1993 , pp . 1 , 11 .\neder , richard , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in los angeles times book review , september 26 , 1993 , pp . 3 , 11 .\nhenry , william , iii , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in people weekly , vol . 40 , no . 14 , 1993 , p . 32\u201334 .\nshapiro , laura , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in newsweek , vol . 122 , no . 10 , september 6 , 1993 , p . 54 .\nanother reading group guide for smilla ' s sense of snow is available at urltoken ( last accessed october 2002 ) , including interviews , biography , questions , and links .\nleithauser , brad , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in new republic , vol . 209 , no . 18 , november 1 , 1992 , p . 39 .\nmeyer , michael , review of smilla ' s sense of snow , in new york review of books , vol . xl , no . 19 , november 18 , 1993 , p . 41 .\nhenningfeld is a professor of english literature and composition who has written widely for educational and academic publishers . in this essay , henningfeld considers smilla ' s sense of snow as a postmodern epic .\n' ' smilla ' s sense of snow ' ' is rated r ( under 17 requires accompanying parent or guardian ) . it includes brief sexual situations , brief violence and some profanity .\nby peter h\u00f8eg , producers \u0096 bernd eichinger & martin moskowicz , photography \u0096 jorgen persson , music \u0096 harry gregson - williams & hans zimmer , visual effects \u0096 cinesite ( supervisor \u0096 brad kuehn ) , special effects supervisor \u0096 peter hutchinson , production design \u0096 anna asp . production company \u0096 ffa / greenland film production / nordic film / smilla film a - s / tv fund / constantin film produktion gmbh / dansk filminstituit / bavaria film .\nat various theme parks around the world . based on the shrek film franchise .\nif you can be satisfied with just the film ' s atmosphere , then you might feel adequately nourished .\nthe film has an elegant smilla in julia ormond , whose remoteness works better here than it has in other roles . ms . ormond plays smilla in the chic , alert , unsmiling fashion of a french film star , and she richly rewards the camera ' s many beautiful close - ups of smilla cogitating on crime .\nfilm screened in class on monday , october 14th , 2013 at 4 : 05pm .\na reading group guide for smilla ' s sense of snow is available at urltoken ( last accessed october 2002 ) along with an interview with the author , discussion questions , an author biography , and links to other sites .\nhis film career got a boost from an \u201ceastern , \u201d i . e . lost horizon . but dimitri tiomkin made his name on western after western , including today\u2019s little - known \u201cfilm score\u201d highlight .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nthis story has now been gracefully adapted by bille august into a sleek , good - looking film that captures the book ' s peculiar fascination . readers of mr . hoeg ' s best seller will find this a faithful film that mirrors the novel ' s strengths - - a tough , interesting main character and a strong sense of place - - while also sharing its plot problems . ' ' smilla ' s sense of snow ' ' begins grippingly , then devolves into ever less credible derring - do as the action turns smilla from a self - styled detective into an adventurer . the story finally leaves credibility behind as it sails off to the frozen north .\nset in copenhagen , this mystery thriller features mixed - blood inuit smilla , who has an uncanny sense for different kinds of snow . after visiting the scene where a boy plummeted to his death , she examines the snow and learns that it may not be an accident after all .\n' ' smilla ' s sense of snow ' ' has a heroine whose mother was killed by a walrus , one small sign of the chilly exoticism that made peter hoeg ' s mystery novel such a huge , unlikely popular success . mr . hoeg ' s tale of arctic intrigue moved from urbane copenhagen to remote regions of greenland with scientific concentration and with a snappish main character who enjoyed quoting euclid and philosophizing about snow .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow is based on peter hoeg ' s bestselling 1993 suspense novel . the literate screenplay by ann biderman vividly conveys the heroine ' s intelligence and idiosyncrasies . it is the best role of julia ormond ' s career . she shines when talking about the beauty of mathematics or the variations of snow . the drama is populated by colorful characters including a stuttering neighbor ( gabriel byrne ) , smilla ' s knowledgeable physician father ( robert loggia ) , a christian corporate accountant ( vanessa redgrave ) , and a blind sound technician .\njay cocks previously collaborated with martin scorsese on the screenplay for scorsese ' s film adaptation of edith wharton ' s novel\nthe age of innocence .\nhis other screenwriting credits include\nstrange days\nand\nmade in milan .\ncocks is a former film critic for time magazine .\nh\u00f8eg succeeds , then , in initiating the reader into the complexities of the colonial relationship and clearly leads the reader to consider the fate of other polar people across the world . thus , without historical and cultural background information , the reader loses some of the richness of smilla ' s sense of snow as a postcolonial novel .\nmccue , john , review of miss smilla ' s feeling for snow , in times literary supplement , no . 4720 , september 17 , 1993 , p . 20 .\nschaffer , rachel ,\nsmilla ' s sense of gender identity ,\nin clues : a journal of detection , vol . 19 , no . 1 , spring\u2013 summer 1998 , pp . 47\u201360 .\n2009 bmi film & tv awards - eleventh hour ( with graeme revell and david e . russo )\nit is likely that smilla ' s sense of snow will continue to generate critical interest . as a generic hybrid and as an example of postmodernity , the novel elicits a different response with each reading . the wide critical understanding of the book speaks both to its importance as well as its multidimensionality .\none of h\u00f8eg ' s major concerns in smilla ' s sense of snow is the relationship between denmark and its former colony greenland . through smilla , h\u00f8eg recounts the history of this relationship , beginning first in the eighteenth century when the royal greenland trading company set up a highly protective system of trade with greenland . as such , the raw materials of the island became the sole property of denmark , and greenland became a colony .\nsmillas sense of snow is good choice for you that looking for nice reading experience . we hope you glad to visit our website . please read our description and our privacy and policy page .\naaron copland\u2019s oscar - winning and nominated scores include of mice and men , our town and the heiress . eternally moving film music from an american giant .\nmr . loggia brings the film dynamic energy , even if he ' s somewhat miscast as smilla ' s suave father . richard harris plays a captain of industry with suitable ambiguity . and vanessa redgrave makes another scene - stealing appearance as a corporate accountant with a conscience . her performance is brief , but it ' s good enough to melt snow .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nsmilla jaspersen , half danish , half greenlander , attempts to understand the death of a small boy who falls from the roof of her apartment building . suspecting wrongdoing , smilla uncovers a trail of clues leading towards a secretive corporation that has made several mysterious expeditions to greenland . scenes from the film were shot in copenhagen and western greenland . the film was entered into the 47th berlin international film festival , where director bille august was nominated for the golden bear .\nking kong may be max steiner\u2019s most famous early film score , but he won the second - ever oscar for original score of a 1935 picture . find out which one in today\u2019s episode .\nforget my first trip , terrible . that had nothing to do with this beautiful country , i was too young and couldn\u2019t appreciated the wonderful scenery . many years later i saw the movie \u201csmilla\u2019s sense of snow\u201d during a long transatlantic flight and fortunately this spurred me to revisit .\nloose , julian , review of miss smilla ' s feeling for snow , in london review of books , vol . 16 , no . 9 , may 12 , 1994 , p . 27 .\nh\u00f8eg ' s first novel forestilling om det tyvende arhundrede was published in denmark in 1988 . translated as the history of danish dreams , the book was published in english in 1995 . critics praised the debut novel highly . however , it was not until the publication of his third novel , fr\u00f8ken smillas fornemmelse for sne , that h\u00f8eg became known internationally . published simultaneously in 1993 as smilla ' s sense of snow by farrar , straus and giroux in the united states and as miss smilla ' s feeling for snow in england , the novel immediately won outstanding reviews from critics and readers alike . tiina nunnally , the translator of the american version and the primary translator of the english version , along with the pseudonymous\nf . david ,\nalso won high praise from reviewers for her brilliant rendering of the danish novel into english . she received an award from the american translators association for her translation of the novel . both time and entertainment weekly selected smilla ' s sense of snow as their best novel of the year . in 1997 , director bille august released his film rendition of the novel . the novel also won a 1992 glass key award from the crime writers of scandinavia . since its publication , smilla ' s sense of snow has been translated into seventeen languages , testifying to its worldwide appeal .\nthe film score , hosted by chicago tribune film critic michael phillips , explores oscar - winning music , as well as compositions that were nominated but did not win , and a handful of themes that surprisingly did not receive a nomination .\nhere is a movie so absorbing , so atmospheric , so suspenseful and so dumb , that it proves my point : the subject matter doesn ' t matter in a movie nearly as much as mood , tone and style .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow ' ' is a superbly made film with one of the goofiest plots in many moons . nothing in the final 30 minutes can possibly be taken seriously , and yet the movie works . even the ending works , sort of , because the film has built up so much momentum .\naugust directs these scenes with considerable skill and respect for the source material . for most of the film\u2019s first hour , the metaphysical mystery is tantalizingly well - realized .\nan interview with writer / director boots riley about his incendiary new film ,\nsorry to bother you .\nexodus . spartacus . the magnificent seven . all from 1960 releases\u2014talk about an epic year for epic film themes !\nwhiteside , shaun , review of miss smilla ' s feeling for snow , in manchester guardian weekly , vol . 149 , no . 19 , november 7 , 1993 , p . 29 .\nand subversion of the murder mystery / suspense novel genre . smilla ' s sense of snow is a complicated and rich novel , a fast - paced thriller , a love story , an anthropological exploration , and a philosophical treatise all in one book . h\u00f8eg ' s accomplishment with this novel has moved him to the top of the list of danish writers publishing at the beginning of the twenty - first century .\nunderstanding the cultural and historical relationship between greenland and denmark is essential for an understanding of smilla ' s sense of snow . although denmark had granted greenland home rule in 1979 , a decade before h\u00f8eg began writing his novel , the events leading to this political decision as well as the aftermath of the home rule act deeply inform the events of the novel .\n\u201dstrangers in paradise\u201d by nader mousavizadeh , in new republic , no . 212 , 1993 ; \u201dfleeing literary limelight for calm obscurity\u201d ( interview ) by sarah lyall , in new york times , 6 october 1993 ; \u201dpeter h0eg and the critical apes\u201d by lars henrik aagaard , translated by w . glyn jones , in danish literary magazine , no . 10 , 1996 ; \u201dsmilla\u2019s sense of success : peter hoeg believes that the woman and the ape represents a breakthrough , yet he tempers his enthusiasm\u201d ( interview ) by dan cryer , in newsday , 3 december 1996 ; \u201da house of mourning : fr0ken smillas fornemmelse for sne\nby mary kay norseng and \u201dpeter h0eg and the sense of writing\u201d by hans henrik m0ller , in scandinavian studies , no . 69 , 1997 ; \u201dfilm must speak to the heart : a conversation between peter h0eg and bille august\u201d by jes stein pedersen , in smilla\u2019s sense of snow : the making of a film by bille august , adapted from the novel by peter h0eg by karin trolle , 1997 ; \u201dsmilla\u2019s sense of gender identity\u201d by rachel schaffer , in clues : a journal of detection , no . 19 , 1998 .\nwilliams , john , review of miss smilla ' s feeling for snow , in new statesman and society , vol . 6 , no . 268 , september 3 , 1993 , p . 41 .\nhe won an oscar for spellbound , among others , but miklos rozsa\u2019s finest moment on film may have been this nerve - wracking waltz from madame bovary .\nhas admitted that the film did not turn out as well as he hoped . he said that in hindsight , adapting\nno copyright infringement intended . i do not own or claim to own the footage shown in this video . smilla ' s sense of snow ( 1997 ) is the movie that we associate at the wallpaper of the day , that you can download it on http : / / www . bingwallpapers . altervista . . . .\nthe theme of a marginalized group\u2019s struggles and elements of fantasy literature or \u201dmagical realism\u201d that are found in smilla\u2019s sense of snow are more representative of h0eg\u2019s overall body of work than the conventions of the mystery genre , which he adapted for this particular novel and has not returned to since , albeit to the chagrin of many readers . h0eg\u2019s novels , like his personal life , demonstrate sympathy for those whose relation to the dominant forces of \u201dcivilization\u201d is either grudging , unwilling , or doomed . his characters wrestle with the consequences of cultural oppression in a wide variety of forms\u2014from the implications of smilla\u2019s mixed ethnicity to the abuses heaped upon students at an ostensibly progressive boarding school for troubled youths in h0eg\u2019s third novel , de maske egnede ( borderliners ) .\ninteresting read . my first time to read a book from denmark and originally written in danish . my first time to read some facts about greenland and the arctic circle . my first time to learn many things about snow . oh snow ! i have not seen snow - covered ground . neither have i seen snow falling from the sky . this book made me want to go to greenland and learn all the things smilla jasperson knows and senses about snow . the story is about smilla , who is half - danish ( father ) and half - greenlander ( mothe\none of the great film composition achievements of the 21st century was disqualified for academy awards consideration . listen to jonny greenwood\u2019s there will be blood suite and tell me if he was robbed or not .\ntoday we continue our segments devoted to this year\u2019s oscar - nominated film composers with menacing music from johann johannsson , who gave the drug cartel thriller sicario its particular aura of danger .\nin smilla ' s sense of snow , the reader learns that smilla was a member of the young greenlander ' s council , a group in denmark comprised of greenlandic students and dedicated to home rule for greenland . as a result of pressure from this and other radical groups , denmark established a home rule commission in 1975 , and by 1979 home rule had been established . remarkably , the greenlandic inuit were the first inuit people to rule themselves around the world after the advent of colonialism .\nen liste med samtlige danske film . listen mangler en r\u00e6kke titler , is\u00e6r fra f\u00f8r 1930 , da de ikke er p\u00e5\u2026\ncontemporary female film composers are a criminally small group . music from oscar winner rachel portman , lesley barber and mica levi .\nsmilla\u2019s sense of snow established h0eg\u2019s reputation , but in doing so also set expectations about his style and subject matter that have perhaps unjustly skewed the response to his other works , all of which have since been translated into english . smilla\u2019s sense of snow was billed by many reviewers as a mystery novel , and the plot that revolves around its heroine , an inuit / danish woman named smilla qaavigaaq jaspersen who studies glaciers for a living , certainly contains many of the conventions of this genre . however , in examining the seemingly accidental death of a young neighbor who has fallen from a snowy roof , smilla finds herself entangled in a far - reaching conspiracy that allows h0eg to do much more than simply spin out a thrilling detective tale . smilla\u2019s mixed heritage provides h0eg with the opportunity to comment critically on the historical maltreatment of the inuit natives of greenland by the danes . furthermore , the novel contains a subplot about a wondrous meteorite that may be alive , through which h0eg engages in an examination of the ethics of contemporary science and scientists .\nmr . august , the director whose films include ' ' the best intentions ' ' and ' ' pelle the conqueror , ' ' does a fine job of conveying such details in quick , economic fashion . but with a plot that grows increasingly far - fetched , his ' ' smilla ' s sense of snow ' ' has as much to do with glossy good looks as with real information . the film ' s smilla changes costumes with a frequency that rivals evita ' s , and she suggests a stevedore envisioned by helmut newton by the time she stows away on a boat . the film ' s final confrontation is remarkable not only for spectacular glimpses of greenland ' s lonely white scenery and for an actor gutsy enough to play a scene in freezing water but also for conspicuous product plugs on the characters ' parkas .\noh my , this book is bad . the premise is an interesting enough hook - a boy has fallen off a snow laden roof . the police file it as an accident , but smilla , with an extraordinary feeling for snow , thinks not . smilla ' s intuition that a banal letter found in the boy ' s apartment about his mother ' s pension might hold a clue to the boy ' s death leads her to elsa lubing , signee of the letter . elsa gives smilla the key and secret code that allow her to break into the cryolite corporation ' s archives holdi\nsmilla ' s mother , although dead for many years , continues to play an important role in smilla ' s life . how has ane influenced her daughter over the years ? how do you think smilla will come to terms with her mixed heritage ?\na recent oscar winner , alexandre desplat\u2019s beguiling score for \u201cthe grand budapest hotel\u201d continues wfmt\u2019s exploration of the sound of cinema .\nupon its english - language release in 1993 . although you would hardly know it from the way that the film was promoted ,\nsomething peculiar happens to smilla ' s sense of snow as it sails toward its denouement \u2026 ( it ) takes on the trappings of movies like the blob ( whose extraterrestrial predator , one recalls , was shipped to the arctic ) , the thing ( whose monster preyed on the inhabitants of an arctic station ) and them ( which evoked a world threatened by genetic mutation ) .\nyou\u2019d need more than one segment to pay proper tribute to john williams . but here\u2019s a taste of his latest oscar - nominated film score : star wars : the force awakens , plus a taste of his other work .\none of sj\u00f6wall and wahl\u00f6\u00f6\u2019s motives for taking up the genre was to give their views a broader audience , a desire that has driven many of their successors , especially since the international success of the danish writer peter hoeg\u2019s \u201csmilla\u2019s sense of snow , \u201d published in the united states in 1994 . today , about a hundred scandinavian crime writers have been translated into english , including anne holt , who is a former minister of justice in norway . the crime tale has become to scandinavia what the sonnet was to elizabethan england : its trademark literary form .\nbased on peter hoeg ' s bestseller , this film is set in snowy copenhagen where a small boy is found dead after he fell off a roof . smilla jasperson , a close friend who lives in the same house . . . see full summary \u00bb\nshe thinks more highly of snow and ice than she does of love . she lives in a world of numbers , science and memories - - a dark , exotic stranger in a strange land . and now smilla jaspersen is convinced she has uncovered a shattering crime . . . it happened in the copenhagen snow . a six - year - old boy , a greenlander like smilla , fell to his death from the top of his apartment buil\nit is also a detective story that comes with an uncommon strength of characterization . the character of smilla , removed from her natural environment , emotionally withdrawn and with an innate sense of the nature of snow , is a fascinating and deeply original creation . one of the standout aspects of the film is julia ormond , a highly talented actress who has been almost criminally neglected in the major recognition department and has almost entirely vanished from screens subsequent to this . it is she that succeeds in turning smilla into a completely believable character on screen . you do not believe you are seeing an actress act , rather that you are seeing a real character on screen .\nmathematics may seem like an unlikely theme for a book that is about the murder of a young child and the dangerous path the narrator must take to discover the motives of those responsible for the murder . yet smilla ' s sense of snow is nothing if not unpredictable . smilla finds in mathematics the certainty and stability she lacks in herself . she says ,\ni ' m not perfect . i think more highly of snow and ice than love . it ' s easier for me to be interested in mathematics than to have affection for my fellow human beings .\nin addition , when smilla first meets isaiah , she reads to him from euclid ' s elements . smilla says ,\nthere is the feeling that always comes over me at the mere thought of that book : veneration . the knowledge that it is the foundation , the boundary . that if you work your way backwards , past lobachevsky and newton and as far back as you can go , you end up at euclid .\nsmilla ' s two great skills are reading snow and direction , two geometrically determined skills . the crystalline structure of a snowflake can be mathematically determined and predicted with absolute regularity in spite of its infinite variety . in addition , navigation requires an intuitive sense of vectors and angles . tellingly , smilla ' s\nsoul brother\nis newton , not einstein . newton ' s notion of\nabsolute space\nis necessary for smilla ' s navigation of the world . when she ventures out into the einsteinian paradoxes of time and space , she loses her orientation . out on the ice , which she knows so well , the novel ends unresolved as smilla flings herself after the villain , leaving foundation and mathematics behind .\nane is smilla ' s mother who dies when smilla is just seven years old . she is a native greenland hunter . for smilla ' s first seven years , she travels with her mother on hunts . ane is the great love of moritz jaspersen ' s life . although she has been dead for many years at the opening of the novel , smilla flashes back to her mother many times as she considers the differences between greenlandic and danish culture .\nsmilla ' s sense of snow wasn ' t what i was expecting . it was not so bad a book that i could fairly say that i was disappointed but i wasn ' t left satisfied after the reading experience either . first off the hero of the story is a half greenlander who thinks back on her greenland heritage . her knowledge of snow and ice , acquired in childhood , are important to the plot , but this is a book written by a dane . once we get into the exploration of issues around colonialism then it starts to feel a little c\nm\u00f8ller , hans henrik ,\npeter h\u00f8eg or the sense of writing ,\nin scandinavian studies , vol . 69 , winter 1997 , pp . 29\u201351 .\na writer with an unmistakable disdain for literary celebrity , peter h0eg is an enigmatic figure whose life and works , with one major exception , have remained somewhat obscure . the aura surrounding his international best - seller smilla\u2019s sense of snow has largely overshadowed his other four books , none of which enjoyed the same degree of near - unanimous critical praise or commercial success . although he was hailed as a rising literary star when he published smilla\u2019s sense of snow at the age of 34\u2014at which point he had already published the novel forestilling om det tyvende arhundrede ( the history of danish dreams ) and the collection of stories fortallinger om natten ( tales of the night ) \u2014h0eg has not published a novel since 1996 , when his kvinden og aben ( the woman and the ape ) was released to mixed reviews . as a result , his status within world literature is still rather ambiguous , although he remains very popular in his native denmark .\none snowy day in copenhagen , six - year - old isaiah falls to his death from a city rooftop . the police pronounce it an accident . but isaiah ' s neighbour , smilla , an expert in the ways of snow and ice , suspects murder . she embarks on a dangerous quest to find the truth , following a path of clues as clear to her as footsteps in the snow .\nas the neighbor of little isaiah and someone who naturally understands footprints in the snow , smilla never believes that this child accidentally fell off a roof . ( incidentally , one unsung genius behind the popularity of this thriller is the person who decided that its british title , ' ' miss smilla ' s feeling for snow , ' ' could use some alliterative improvement . ) she begins inquiring into the circumstances of his death even as she stumbles onto a conspiracy elaborate enough to recall john le carre .\nphotography is a fiction . it\u2019s a frame of a film which hasn\u2019t been made , or a line from a forgotten poem . i always create in camera as much as possible , because it is also about the experience of what is in front of you at the time .\na truly outlandish twist that would be more at home in a no - brainer hollywood action film than in what purports to be an intelligent adult thriller .\nthe smilla mega movie page provides evidence of the mechanic\u2019s power with an array of videos , including the trailer and fan vids , dialogue and quotes from the film , promotional images , an interview , reviews , additional resources , a drink recipe ( a good alternative to that hot chocolate ! ) , posters , and a stunning set of screencaps .\nperhaps the most profoundly felt theme running through smilla ' s sense of snow is that of alienation . when a people , or a person , lose ( s ) a sense of meaning in life or a separation from that which has formerly nurtured them , the result is both a cultural and personal sense of alienation . in many ways , smilla exemplifies both . clearly , smilla is alienated both from her father and danish society . she often pulls her telephone from its jack and disconnects her doorbell so that she does not have to interact with others in copenhagen . the root of this alienation is in her forcible transfer from greenland to copenhagen after the death of her mother . that she runs away more times than she can remember between the ages of seven and twelve speaks to this deeply felt sense of cultural isolation . by the time she is an adult , smilla has resigned herself to living at least partially within danish culture :\ni no longer make an effort to keep europe or denmark at a distance . neither do i plead with them to stay . in some way they are part of my destiny . they come and go in my life . i have given up doing anything about it .\nhowever , this is the voice of resignation , not integration ; even as an adult , smilla remains alienated from and unable to find meaning in denmark or europe .\nthe best movie i have seen for the month of march , ranks as an all time high . smilla is a star . the suspense will keep you on the edge of your chair . i can ' t believe that this film didn ' t get more awards , its a sleeper . other then the berlin international film festival i don ' t think it showed up anywhere else . the young boy played a good part . a must see must add to any collection , starts in greenland then to denmark , my type of film , one that shows anything but america . 5 stars . thank you .\nin a segment almost too cool for human ears , we glide from sweet smell of success to elevator to the gallows to anatomy of a murder to breathless in this salute to jazz film scoring par excellence .\nthe notion of\ncolonialism ,\nhowever , is tied up with much more than the history of one nation claiming another as a colony . rather , it is an exploration of the effects of this relationship on both the colonizer and the colonized . in smilla ' s sense of snow , the days of greenland as a colony have passed ; at the time of the writing of the novel , greenland was under home rule . however , two centuries of colonial exploitation , as well as the two decades of\nmodernization\nthat occurred in the 1950s and 1960s , have changed the way that both greenlanders and danes think and live .\nthe trailer for this was on a vhs copy of one of my favourite films back in the late 90s . couldn ' t tell you what the film was , i just know that the trailer for smilla is one of the trailer ' s i ' ve seen the most times in my life because of it . at no point during or after seeing that trailer was i remotely fussed about watching the film . my memory says it looked like the kind of film\nold women\nmight like . of course i was about 15 so who the hell knows what i thought\nold\nwas . anyway , i ' ve since sold the book in my retail career many times and even the book jacket looked a bit book club / white\u2026\npeter h\u00f8eg was born in copenhagen , denmark . before becoming a writer , he worked variously as a sailor , ballet dancer , and actor . he published his first novel , a history of danish dreams ( 1988 ) , to positive reviews . however , it was smilla\u2019s sense of snow ( 1992 ) , a million - copy best seller , that earned h\u00f8eg immediate and international literary celebrity . his books have been published in more than th\nh0eg\u2019s seeming inability to please his most outspoken critics seems to stem from his unwillingness to accommodate the expectations of those who want him to write either conventional genre fictions or highbrow philosophical novels . h0eg is equally comfortable ( and interested in ) writing about the complexities of theories concerning the nature of time\u2014a subject that shows up in most of his books\u2014as he is making allusions to popular culture , from thrillers in the vein of john lecarre to b - movie science fiction like king kong . although this combination won him millions of readers in smilla\u2019s sense of snow , it has not resulted in similarly broad acclaim for his subsequent efforts .\nbut the most seductive\nsign\nof all for smilla is her beloved snow . smilla authoritatively announces early on ,\njeg synes bedre om sne og is end om kaerligheden\n(\ni think more highly of snow and ice than love\n) . equally authoritatively h\u00f8eg cautioned readers not to trust her .\nshe should not be relied on , because she ' s hidding her sensitivity and feelings under a rough surface\n( lyall ) . both statements are misleading , for it is not so much a matter of snow versus love , but of snow as smilla ' s disguised obsession with the loss of love . smilla herself makes the connection , if she disguises the nature of the loss , when , at the end of her reminiscence about her mother ' s intimate embrace , she muses ,\nm\u00e5ske er jeg allerede d\u00e9r begyndt at \u00f8nske at forst\u00e5 isen . at ville forst\u00e5 er at pr\u00f8ve at generobre noget vi har mistet\n(\nperhaps i had even then begun to want to understand the ice . to want to understand is an attempt to recapture something we have lost\n) .\nzeal is a virtue when it is put into practice as service of others . the clever , cerebral , and reclusive heroine of smilla ' s sense of snow is a copenhagen scientist who cherishes her independence and privacy . the one exception to her preference to stay way from people is isaiah , a young eskimo neighbor , who wins his way into her heart . when he mysteriously falls to his death from their building ' s rooftop , smilla is convinced that he as murdered . using the same reserves of courage and tenacity that fueled her mother ' s career as an inuit hunter , she comes up against the unusual activities of a mining corporation headed by a nefarious man called tork ( richard harris ) .\npeter h\u00f8eg was born in copenhagen , denmark . before becoming a writer , he worked variously as a sailor , ballet dancer , and actor . he published his first novel , a history of danish dreams ( 1988 ) , to positive reviews . however , it was smilla\u2019s sense of snow ( 1992 ) , a million - copy best seller , that earned h\u00f8eg immediate and international literary celebrity . his books have been published in more than thirty countries .\nit\u2019s surprising to see a lot of people\u2019s living spaces of a certain age \u2013 what they surround themselves with and how they decorate their houses . they\u2019re like living museums . it\u2019s often an incredible level of chaos and madness that they live amongst\nfor smilla snow is the substance that preserves form , like isaiah ' s tracks . it is the substance of connection , associated in her mind with winter , her mother ' s favorite season , and the visiting of others .\nvinteren var en tid til samvaer , ikke til jordens undergang\n(\nwinter was a time for community , not for the end of the world\n) . snow is the substance of certainty . it is the substance of perfection . like all who mourn , smilla longs for something that can contain the essence of what is lost , keats ' s grecian urn , dinesen ' s blue vase . smilla has found it in her ability to imagine snow .\ni den ydre verden vil der aldrig eksistere en fuldendt dannet snekrystal . men i vores bevidsthed ligger den glitrende og lydefri viden om den perfekte is\n(\nin the external world a perfectly formed snow crystal would never exist . but in our consciousness lies the glittering and flawless knowledge of perfect ice\n) . smilla seems to find in the ice all that she longs for , life , wildness , beauty , change , and eternal permanence . nearing greenland , she describes in the most sensuous terms the creation of the ice cover :\nbut , of course , snow is as impermanent as life , the quintessence of impermanence . touched by the human hand it disappears , as suddenly and completely as smilla ' s mother . only in smilla ' s mind is it a constant . even in its physical construction it is made up of wholes and holes , as illusive a substance as smilla could have found for her passion , and thus , in essence , the perfect\nsign\nfor her mother , both in her presence and her absence . it is the substance in which she is both to be lost and to be found . yet , as long as smilla continues to romanticize snow , she can avoid facing the loss that it hides . she need never lose again .\nfirst , there is a lot of snow . a great deal of snow . snow on the ground . in the air . everywhere . and there is ice . and cold water . and icebergs . and even full - blown , life - sized glaciers . if the weather is warm where you are at the moment , it will feel much , much colder once the opening scene rolls by , so grab a blanket and some hot chocolate .\nthe term\ngenre\nrefers to the category of a given literary work in either form or content . in terms of content , certain genres carry with them certain conventions . for example , detective fiction requires both a crime and someone trying to solve the crime . thus , while a book such as smilla ' s sense of snow is clearly generically a novel , it does not easily fall into any one generic category in terms of content and convention . indeed , it is almost as if h\u00f8eg is playing with the notion of genre itself in his creation of this novel .\nthe last section of the novel takes place on the ice of greenland . again , h\u00f8eg evokes the bitter cold and the alien strangeness of the frozen land . smilla , however , finds herself on surer footing here . not only does she have the scientific knowledge of snow and ice that she has learned in europe , she has the intuitive knowledge of her upbringing . in the final desperate scene , it is smilla ' s familiarity with the setting that promises her survival :\nshe thinks more highly of snow and ice than she does of love . she lives in a world of numbers , science and memories - - a dark , exotic stranger in a strange land . and now smilla jaspersen is convinced she has uncovered a shattering crime . . . it happened in the copenhagen snow . a six - year - old boy , a greenlander like smilla , fell to his death from the top of his apartment building . while the boy ' s body is still warm , the police pronounce his death an accident . but smilla knows her young neighbor didn ' t fall from the roof on his own . soon she is following a path of clues as clear to her as footsteps in the snow . for her dead neighbor , and for herself , she must embark on a harrowing journey of lies , revelation and violence that will take her back to the world of ice and snow from which she comes , where an explosive secret waits beneath the ice . . . .\nkenneth lonergan wrote and directed the film\nyou can count on me ,\nfor which he won the waldo salt screenwriting award , the sundance film festival ' s top award for best screenwriting , and the new york film critics ' circle , l . a . film critics ' circle , writers guild of america , and national board of review awards for best screenplay . he was also nominated for an academy award for best original screenplay . lonergan ' s plays include\nlobby hero ,\nthe waverly gallery\nand\nthis is our youth .\nhis theater work has been performed in new york at naked angels , second stage , the atlantic theater company , and h . b . playwrights foundation . in los angeles his work has been staged at the coast theatre , and in london at the royal court theater and at the battersea playhouse .\nmy hunch , moonshadow , is that you likely have little or no experience of snow and ice . if you had , you might relate better to this book , and enjoy the near mystical sense that smilla has of it . but do try to soldier on , as this is an exceptionally good story . and no , it would not be fair to give away the ending to you . sorry . margaret ( less )\nlagermann is a forensic medicine expert who first examines isaiah ' s body . he reveals to smilla that a muscle biopsy has been removed from the body sometime after the child ' s death .\nwas given an indifferent critical reception when it came out , much of which seemed based on the story\u0092s taking a turn into science - fiction at the ending ( an aspect that comes direct from the book ) , but it is a strong and underrated film that is worthy of reconsideration .\nthis cult classic has a lot of things going for it . miss smilla is a stylish , engaging heroine with terrific dress sense , dark wit , courage under fire and fluency in greenlandic . ( i believe it ' s west greenlandic if you care about that kind of thing ) . at one point , she performs an imaginative sex act that i ' ve never seen described in any other place . there ' s a brooding sense of menace and a weird conspiracy that gradually comes together . . . i don ' t know why i ' m so bothered by the fact that the stor\nbrendan gleeson most recently co - starred in steven spielberg ' s\nai : artificial intelligence\nand is currently shooting anthony mingella ' s ' cold mountain . ' gleeson was born and raised in dublin where < br > he went to school in marino before joining the christian brothers at st . joseph ' s in fairview . < br > it was while at st . joseph ' s that he was first drawn < br > to the stage and screen thanks to the influence and encouragement he received from his teacher , pat grogan . after leaving school , gleeson joined the health board for a time , after which he returned to school and began studying at belcamp . he later taught there for ten years , during which time he acted in several productions , including\nking of the castle\nat the abbey theater and\nhome\nwith the passion machine company . in 1989 , < br > at the age of 34 , gleeson decided to try acting full time . he first attracted international attention with his performance in john boorman ' s film\nthe general ,\nfor which he won best actor from the boston society of film critics , the london film critics , and from the irish film and television association . gleeson ' s many other film credits include\nfar and away ,\nbraveheart ,\nmichael collins ,\ni went down ,\nthe snapper ,\nangela mooney ,\nmy life so far ,\nwild about harry ,\nmission impossible 2 ,\nharrison ' s flower ,\nlake placid\nand most recently john boorman ' s film of john le carre ' s\nthe tailor of panama ."]} {"id": 114607, "summary": [{"text": "charles bronson ( born charles dennis buchinsky ; lithuanian : karolis dionyzas bu\u010dinskis ; november 3 , 1921 \u2013 august 30 , 2003 ) was an american actor .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "he starred in films such as once upon a time in the west , the magnificent seven , the dirty dozen , the great escape , rider on the rain , the mechanic , and the death wish series .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "he was often cast in the role of a police officer , gunfighter , or vigilante in revenge-oriented plot lines .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "he had long collaborations with film directors michael winner and j. lee thompson .", "topic": 13}, {"text": "in 1965 , he was featured as major wolenski in battle of the bulge . ", "topic": 1}], "title": "charles bronson", "paragraphs": ["\u2014 pour l\u2019article homonyme , voir charles bronson ( prisonnier ) . charles bronson \u2026\n\u2014 pour l\u2019article homonyme , voir l\u2019acteur charles bronson . charles bronson [ [ image \u2026\n\u2014 charles bronson ( 1921\u20132003 ) was an american actor . charles bronson may also refer to : charles bronson ( prisoner ) ( born michael peterson ) , british criminal charles bronson ( band ) , power violence / hardcore punk band from illinois , usa charles\u2026 \u2026\nbritain\u2019s most notorious inmate charles bronson is set to officially change his name to charles salvador - in tribute to the surrealist painter .\nbritain\u2019s most notorious prisoner charles bronson is suing tv host richard madeley for defamation .\nfamous veterans charles bronson\n. military . com . dec 12 , 2013\ncharles bronson ( born charles dennis buchinsky ; november 3 , 1921 \u2013 august 30 , 2003 ) was an american film and television actor .\ncharles bronson ( born charles dennis buchinsky ; november 3 , 1921 \u2013 august 30 , 2003 ) was an american film and television actor .\ncharles bronson became a household name in the usa after 1974 ' s death wish .\nwe have conflicting stories about the war record of charles bronson in world war ii .\ncharles bronson and chuck norris photo by : ralph dominguez - globe photos , inc .\nthe\ntoday\nshow - on the death of charles bronson , aug . 2003\nonce papers have been officially signed , bronson will be known as charles arthur salvador .\nbronson , christened michael gordon peterson , was given the name charles bronson by his fight promoter paul edmunds in 1992 .\nin august 2014 , charles announced he was changing his name to charles salvador - a tribute to the artist salvador dali .\non august 30 , 2003 charles bronson died of pneumonia in los angeles . he was 81 .\ncharles bronson , pictured with his trademark moustache and shaved head . ( cherri gilham / rex )\nthe\ntoday\nshow - on the death of charles bronson , aug . 2003 - youtube\ncharles bronson portraying jay killion in the 1987 film\nassassination .\n( ho / reuters )\n\u2014 for other uses , see charles bronson ( disambiguation ) . charles bronson hull prison where bronson took phil danielson , a civilian education officer , hostage for over 40hrs born michael gordon peterson december 6 , 1952 ( 1952 12 06 \u2026\ni thought you might like to see a memorial for charles bronson i found on findagrave . com .\ncharles bronson :\nit ' s just that i don ' t like to talk very much .\ncharles bronson was born in 1952 , with the luton local quickly turning to gang fights in his teens .\ntogetherweserved - sgt charles dennis bronson\n. airforce . togetherweserved . com . 2015 - 08 - 18\nover 40 years in prison has had an unexpected effect on charles salvador , formerly known as charles bronson . now , he says , he is a\nborn again artist .\n) , memorial page for charles bronson ( 3 nov 1921\u201330 aug 2003 ) , find a grave memorial no .\ncharles bronson : campaigners call for ' britain ' s most violent prisoner ' to be . . . - metro\ncharles bronson :\nit ' s just that i don ' t like to talk very much .\n\ni didn\u2019t speak to jill again for 14 years . by then she was with her second husband , charles bronson .\n- two rings for eddie . . . eddie crane ( as charles buchinsky )\n- adventure in java ( 1953 ) . . . ( as charles buchinsky )\n- island of stone ( 1953 ) . . . ( as charles buchinsky )\n- take the odds ( 1953 ) . . . ( as charles buchinski )\nmadeley filled in for usual host piers morgan in february , interviewing paula williamson , the fianc\u00e9e of notorious criminal charles salvador , formerly known as charles bronson , shortly after the couple decided to get married .\nthe term\ncharles bronson\nis frequently uttered in reservoir dogs ( 1992 ) in reference to a hard - man .\ncharles bronson is infamous for being britain ' s\nmost violent prisoner\nand is currently serving time at hmp wakefield .\ncharles bronson claims madeley libelled him on air on good morning britain when he said he attacked a prison governor in 2016 .\nrichard severo ( september 1 , 2003 ) .\ncharles bronson , 81 , dies ; muscular movie tough guy\n.\njill ireland was an actress and former girlfriend of michael winner . she was was married to actors charles bronson and david mccallum\ncharles vi , nicknamed\ncharles the mad ,\nwas king of france from 1380 to 1422\u2014a period marked by political chaos and france ' s defeat by england at agincourt .\nso why did charles buchinsky originally become charles bronson ? he ' d broken into the film world as charles buchinsky with roles in films like the gary cooper vehicle you ' re in the navy now and house of wax , where he played vincent price ' s deaf - mute henchman igor . however , when senator joe mccarthy cranked up the communist witch hunt of the 1950s , buchinsky thought he might be wise to settle on a name that sounded less eastern european and thus less potentially communist , so charles buchinsky became charles bronson .\ncharles bronson :\nit ' s just that i don ' t like to talk very much .\n| interviews | roger ebert\nbronson was born charles dennis buchinsky in ehrenfeld in cambria county in the coal region of the allegheny mountains north of johnstown , pennsylvania .\nbronson was born charles dennis buchinsky in ehrenfeld in cambria county in the coal region of the allegheny mountains north of johnstown , pennsylvania .\nby then i knew that charles was a man capable of taking violent dislike to people .\nthe name bronson is said to taken from the\nbronson gate\nat paramount studios , at the north end of bronson avenue .\ncharles brons was born as charles dennis buchinsky to walter buchinsky and may . his father was a lithuanian immigrant while his mother belonged to the lithuanian american society . he had fourteen siblings .\nbritain ' s most notorious prisoner charles bronson smeared himself with butter and attacked 12 prison officers - moments after arsenal won the fa cup .\nthe name bronson is said to be taken from the\nbronson gate\nat paramount studios , at the north end of bronson avenue .\nyep , charles had already had quite an impressive career even before the role of paul kersey .\nthe guardian charles bronson supporters want him freed sky news a petition to no 10 includes a hand - written plea in which the convict asks to be allowed to\nlive what ' s left of my life\n. 5 : 50pm uk , saturday 31 august 2013 . charles bronson . video : free charles bronson campaign . enlarge . tweet . . . campaigners urge downing street to move to release ' britain ' s most violent . . . the independent charles bronson : campaign to release\nbritain ' s most violent prisoner\ngathers urltoken charles bronson : campaigners call for ' britain ' s most violent prisoner ' to be . . . metro the guardian - herts and essex observer all 22 news articles \u00bb\nthe notorious criminal popularly known as charles bronson is reportedly suing presenter richard madeley for false allegations he made on good morning britain earlier this year .\nfrom aug . 30 , 2003 , here is a story from the\ntoday\nshow about the career and death of actor charles bronson .\nfilm actor charles bronson was born charles dennis buchinsky on november 3 , 1921 in ehrenfield , pennsylvania . bronson was the 11th of 15 children born to his parents , a lithuanian - american mother and a lithuanian immigrant father . in his youth , bronson worked as a coal miner until he was drafted to serve in world war ii .\n\u201cbronson\u2019s become a target , and peterson has always been a target . so it\u2019s now salvador , charles salvador . no more bronson will edgy guards and tense cons , and paranoid governors .\nborn charles buchinski in 1921 in pennsylvania , us , bronson began his career working in coal mines along with other members of his lithuanian immigrant family .\nafter suffering from alzheimer & apos ; s disease and battling pneumonia , charles bronson died on august 30 , 2003 , at the age of 81 .\nborn charles buchinsky on nov . 3 , 1921 , bronson was the son of a lithuanian immigrant coal miner and an american - born slav mother .\n\u2014 ( 1973 ) charles bronson ( geboren als charles dennis buchinsky , * 3 . november 1921 in ehrenfeld , pennsylvania ; \u2020 30 . august 2003 in los angeles ) war ein us amerikanischer schauspieler tatarischer abstammung . ab den sp\u00e4ten 1960er jahren z\u00e4hl \u2026\ncharles bronson is said to be the world ' s most popular movie star . not america ' s . he will grant you robert redford in america . but in the world it is charles bronson . there is a sign in japan , his publicist says , that displays bronson ' s name a block long ( one does not ask how high ) .\nthe ' official ' year of birth for charles bronson is 1921 . however , doubt surrounds it and he may have been up to 10 years older .\nafter suffering from alzheimer ' s disease and battling pneumonia , charles bronson died on august 30 , 2003 , at the age of 81 . source : urltoken\ncharles bronson plays a bare - fisted brawler in walter hill\u2019s directing debut , the depression - era drama \u201chard times , \u201d new on blu - ray .\nrecalling his time on set , david says : \u201cthere was this wee kid from glasgow and i\u2019m working with extraordinary people like steve mcqueen and charles bronson .\ncharles bronson , the pennsylvania coal miner ' s son who rose to movie stardom as a hollywood macho man , has died at the age of 81 .\ncharles was handcuffed to a warder for the strictly controlled two - hour ceremony witnessed by just five guests .\ncharles xii was a 17th and 18th century swedish monarch who ruled the country during the great northern war .\ncharles bronson is shown at the\nwalk of fame\nin the hollywood section of los angeles in this dec . 10 , 1980 photo . ( ap )\nwho had been left out in the sun too long\n- - charles bronson was born charles buchinsky , one of 15 children of struggling parents in pennsylvania . his mother , mary ( valinsky ) , was born in pennsylvania , to lithuanian parents , and . . .\namerican film charles bronson is best known for playing tough - guy , vigilante roles in films like the magnificent seven ( 1960 ) and death wish ( 1974 ) .\nnot so for david mccallum . his great escape co - star charles bronson romanced then married david\u2019s then - wife jill ireland but david is remarkably sanguine about it .\npete weiler , visitor to this site says :\naccording to the 39th bombardment group ' s history ( 39th bg was a b - 29 stationed on guam in 1945 ( the pacific theater ) charles buchinski ( real name of charles bronson ) , served as a nose gunner . there is also 61st sqd roster dated sept 1945 which lists cpl charles buchinski as a member of the unit .\nwhen bronson was 10 years old , his father died . young charles went to work in the coal mines , first in the mining office and then in the mine .\nborn michael gordon peterson , he changed his name to charles bronson during a short stint of freedom , using the new persona to launch an illegal bare - knuckle fighting career .\nan action - packed thriller starring charles bronson as jack murphy , a cop who is running to stay alive long enough to even the score with his wife ' s killer .\ni am a charles bronson fan . i loved his movies , he was the movie star i crew up with . i was a 18 and now 58 so charles bronson was the man in my much younger years . he had such screen presence i was always clued to watching him . a well missed star and icon . thank you for such entertainment .\nin august , madeley interviewed bronson\u2019s fianc\u00e9e ex - coronation street actress paula williamson on her hopes to have bronson\u2019s child .\nthe actor was billed as charles bronson for the first time in drum beat ( 1954 ) . changed his stage name in the midst of the mccarthy\nred scare\nfor fear his last name ( buchinsky ) would damage his career . the name bronson i was taken from the\nbronson gate\nat paramount studios , at the north end of bronson avenue .\na spokesperson for gmb told huffpost uk : \u201con 29th august 2017 gmb broadcast an interview with paula williamson , charles salvador\u2019s fianc\u00e9 .\ncharles dennis bunchinsky ( charles bronson ) , actor : born ehrenfeld , pennsylvania 3 november 1921 ; married 1949 harriet tendler ( one son , one daughter ; marriage dissolved 1965 ) , 1968 jill ireland ( died 1990 ; one daughter , one adopted daughter ) , 1998 kim weeks ; died los angeles 30 august 2003 .\ncharles bronson was one of the most talented actors in hollywood , best known for portraying the character of a tough guy . read this biography to know in details about his life and profile .\n. bronson turned him down and the role launched clint eastwood to film stardom . in 1970 , bronson starred in the french film\ncharles bronson , the man who declared himself the\nmost violent prisoner in britain\n, has been advising film - makers from his prison cell on a biopic which charts his life of crime .\na protest to raise awareness of the\nmost violent prisoner in britain\ncharles bronson takes place outside buckingham palace . the protestors were eventually moved on by police , who escorted them from the area\ncharles bronson , the hollywood actor renowned for the violent characters he played , was remembered yesterday as a tender husband who turned down films to nurse his dying wife of 22 years , jill ireland .\nmichael r . pitts ( 1999 ) . charles bronson : the 95 films and the 156 television appearances . mcfarland & co . . p . 1 . isbn 0 - 7864 - 0601 - 1 .\nthank you should really rewatch these . i have vague memories from my youth . although bruce willis could do a decent job , i feel the death wish was intensly linked to charles bronson ' s persona .\nsome of actor charles bronson ' s films : death wish v : the face of death , 1994 ' kinjite : forbidden subjects , 1989 death wish 4 : the crackdown , 1987 murphy ' s law , 1986 death wish 3 , 1985 death wish ii , 1982 the white buffalo , 1977 death wish , 1974 red sun , 1972 once upon a time in the west , 1969 honor among thieves , 1968 the dirty dozen , 1967 guns of diablo , 1964 ' the great escape , 1963 the magnificent seven , 1960 machine - gun kelly , 1958 vera cruz , 1954 ( as charles buchinsky ) apache , 1954 ( as charles buchinsky ) house of wax , 1953 ( as charles buchinsky ) you ' re in the navy now , 1951 ( as charles buchinsky ) .\ncharles bronson ' s highest box - office was 4th in 1975 , beaten only by robert redford , barbra streisand and al pacino . his stint at ua came to an end in 1977 with the white buffalo .\ncharles ii was the monarch of england , scotland and ireland during much of the latter half of the 17th century , marking the restoration era .\ncharles bronson became very popular in japan in the early 1990s with the bushy eyebrowed tv critic nagaharu yodogawa hosting 1 - 2 seasons of his films every year on ntv , one of the main tv channels in japan .\n\u2014 charles \u201ccharlie\u201d bronson ( geboren als michael gordon peterson , * 6 . dezember 1952 in luton ) ist ein britischer h\u00e4ftling und in der britischen presse als \u201egef\u00e4hrlichster h\u00e4ftling britanniens\u201c bekannt . peterson war h\u00e4ufig in kleine schl\u00e4gereien\u2026 \u2026\ncharles bronson , who played a self - styled vigilante in the drama movie\ndeath wish ,\ndied of pneumonia in los angeles , california , on saturday , august 31 , 2003 . ( handout / krt )\none source says\ncharles bronson ' s publicity information used to state that he flew as a bomber gunner in wwii . actually , he drove a delivery truck in kingman , arizona , for the 760th mess squadron .\nfollowing his wedding , bronson briefly converted to islam and took the name charles ali ahmed . he later renounced the religion and the name when the pair divorced . he became engaged to paul williamson on february 14 , 2017 .\ncharles bronson , a muscular coal miner from pennsylvania who became an international film star and archetypal american tough guy , died saturday at cedars - sinai medical center in los angeles . he was 81 and lived in los angeles .\nthe robber , who was called mickey peterson but changed his name to charles bronson after the death wish actor , has been visited on numerous occasions by hardy , and danny hansford , one of the film ' s producers .\nbronson was born charles dennis buchinsky in ehrenfeld in cambria county in the coal region of the allegheny mountains north of johnstown , pennsylvania . during the mccarthy hearings , he changed his last name to bronson , fearing that buchinsky sounded\ntoo russian\n; [ 1 ] the name was taken from bronson avenue in hollywood , where the famous gated entrance to paramount pictures is located .\ndrum beat ,\na 1954 alan ladd western in which bronson was the leader of a renegade group of indians , marked the first time he was credited as\ncharles bronson\n; he is said to have changed his last name because of the unpopularity of slavic names during the mccarthy era .\nformer richard & judy host madeley filled in for piers morgan on the itv morning show back in february when he interviewed paula williamson , the fianc\u00e9e of bronson ( real name michael gordon peterson , now known as charles salvador ) .\ncharles ' father died when he was 10 , and at 16 charles followed his brothers into the mines . he was paid $ 1 per ton of coal and volunteered for perilous jobs because the pay was better . like other toughs in scooptown , he raised some hell and landed in jail for assault and robbery .\nafter 34 years behind bars , the man labelled britain ' s most dangerous inmate claims to be a reformed character . in an exclusive interview , robert verkaik comes face to face with the sinister , defiant \u2013 and charming \u2013 charles bronson\nthe man we all recognize as charles bronson was actually born charles buchinsky in the coal - mining town of ehrnenfield , pa . it would be a gross understatement to say he was from a large family ; bronson was the 11th of 15 children born to a pair of lithuanian immigrants . the family was so incredibly poor that when bronson was six years old the only school outfit his mom could muster for him was one of his sister ' s old dresses . ( the ensuing teasing would turn anyone into a world - class tough guy pretty quickly . ) by age 16 , bronson was working in the mines himself .\nrobert mitchum did not get along with bronson when they filmed villa rides ( 1968 ) . he later said he could not understand why bronson was famous .\nlos angeles ( ap ) \u0097 charles bronson , the pennsylvania coal miner who drifted into films as a villain and became a hard - faced action star , notably in the popular death wish vengeance movies , has died . he was 81 .\namerican film actor charles bronson was born on november 3 , 1921 , in ehrenfeld , pennsylvania . bronson often played tough - guy , vigilante roles , and starred in films such as the magnificent seven ( 1960 ) , the great escape ( 1963 ) , the dirty dozen ( 1967 ) , the mechanic ( 1972 ) and death wish ( 1974 ) . bronson died on august 30 , 2003 .\nbronson was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of \u00a3100 by the court .\ni don ' t recall seeing bronson in ' have gun . . . '\nearly life and world war ii servicebronson was born charles dennis buchinsky in ehrenfeld , pennsylvania , in the pittsburgh tri - state area . during the mccarthy hearings he changed his last name to bronson , fearing that buchinsky sounded\ntoo russian .\nin this mood , it is easy to imagine him taking centre stage at the theatre in one night with charles bronson . as he goes through his repartee behind the bars that separate him from his one - man audience , bronson sounds more and more like uncle albert from only fools and horses rather than\nevil bronson , britain ' s most violent prisoner\n, which is how he has become known .\ncharles bronson , born charles dennis buchinsky was a lithuanian - american actor , best known for such films as once upon a time in the west , the magnificent seven , the dirty dozen , the great escape , rider on the rain , the mechanic , and the popular death wish series . he was often cast in the role of a police officer or gunfighter , often in revenge - oriented plot lines . during his career , bronson had a long - term partnership with directors michael winner and j .\nthe vista volunteers asked if bronson ' s movie would deal with black lung disease .\nbronson has not been given an official release date as he is being held indefinitely .\nbronson was married to british actress jill ireland from 1968 until her death in 1990 .\nbest known for his\ntough guy\nimage . bronson starred in films such as\nbronson met ireland , his second wife , while shooting the great escape in germany .\nyoung charles learned the art of survival in the tough district of scooptown ,\nwhere you had nothing to lose because you lost it already .\nthe buchinskys lived crowded in a shack , the children wearing hand - me - downs from older siblings . at the age of 6 , charles was embarrassed to attend school in his sister ' s dress .\ncharles champlin , then the los angeles times movie critic , blasted\ndeath wish\nfor being a\ndespicable motion picture which seems certain to make a lot of money .\ncharles bronson became very popular in japan in the early 1990s with the bushy eyebrowed tv critic yodogawa nagaharu (\nsayonara , sayonara , sayonara !\n) hosting 1 - 2 seasons of his films every year on ntv , one of the main tv channels in japan .\ncharles bronson , the taciturn actor who became an international action star in europe in the late 1960s and achieved major box office success in america in the mid - ' 70s as the vengeance - seeking vigilante in\ndeath wish ,\nhas died . he was 81 .\n\u2026the cinema\u2019s least likely couples , charles bronson and mary tyler moore . donner then returned to television , and his credits during this time included twilight zone , the man from u . n . c . l . e . , gilligan\u2019s island , and perry mason . \u2026\ncharles bronson became very popular in japan in the early 1990s with the bushy eyebrowed tv critic nagaharu yodogawa (\nsayonara , sayonara , sayonara !\n) hosting 1 - 2 seasons of his films every year on ntv , one of the main tv channels in japan .\ndespite the animosity between them , there seems a world of difference between maudsley and bronson . for one thing , charles bronson has never killed anyone . and today he acknowledges the violence of his past .\nwhat i did was terrible . i was violent and i hurt a lot of people . and i am truly sorry for that ,\nhe says .\nbill murray said he based his character in lost in translation ( 2003 ) on bronson .\nbritish film director michael winner , who directed bronson in six films , also paid tribute .\nbronson was cast in the 1960 episode\nzigzag\nof riverboat , starring darren mcgavin .\nin 1952 , bronson boxed in a ring with roy rogers in rogers ' show knockout .\nlos angeles , jan 16 ( reuters ) - four hollywood studios were named on wednesday in lawsuits brought by two directors and a representative for late actor charles bronson claiming what could be up to hundreds of millions of dollars in back royalties on films distributed to the home video market .\n, bronson recommended that people not imitate his character . this successful movie spawned sequels over the next 20 years , in which bronson also starred . his great nephew , justin bronson , was scheduled to star in a remake of death wish in 2008 , but the project was canceled\nthe crim converted briefly to islam in 2001 and became known as charles ali ahmed after marrying fatema saira rehman , a woman who had started to write to him during his time behind bars .\n( 1983 ) were blasted by critics , but provided bronson with well - paid work throughout the 1980s . bronson ' s last starring role in a theatrically released film was 1994 ' s\nbronson , who is now in his 60\u2019s , revealed his plan in a handwritten letter on his appeal fund website saying :\nbronson came alive in 1987 . he died in 2014 .\ncharles bronson is remembered with a star on the hollywood walk of fame and his legacy lives on in the hearts of action film fans around the globe . it ' s a shame that he didn ' t live long enough to make a cameo appearance in one of sylvester stallone ' s all - star expendables lineups . i could just imagine charles shaking hands with sly , arnie , chuck and the rest , and saying ,\ni taught you punks everything you know !\nthis military service page was created / owned by rich hopka to remember bronson , charles dennis ( buchinskas ) , cpl . if you knew or served with this soldier and have additional information or photos to support this page , please leave a message for the page administrator ( s ) here .\n\u2026a man called harmonica ( charles bronson ) , who says little but proves himself adept against gunmen sent by frank to kill him . harmonica is on a personal mission of revenge against frank , who forced him to kill his own brother when he was a child . another character involved in these\u2026\nit ' s hard not like bronson when he ' s trying to be the entertainer . it ' s a role he plays with gusto .\nyou know i didn ' t choose the name charles bronson [ he was born michael peterson ] ,\nhe tells me .\nthat was reggie kray ' s fight promoter . he said i needed a hollywood fighting name . i suggested jack palance , who had been a real fighter . but he didn ' t like that . so i said how about clint eastwood . he didn ' t like that either . then he suggested charles bronson \u2013 and that has stuck . but i didn ' t really like it .\nthe son of a lithuanian coal miner , american actor charles bronson claimed to have spoken no english at home during his childhood in pennsylvania . though he managed to complete high school , it was expected that bronson would go into the mines like his father and many brothers . experiencing the world outside pennsylvania during world war ii service , however , bronson came back to america determined to pursue an art career . while working as a set designer for a philadelphia theater troupe , bronson played a few small roles and almost immediately switched his allegiance from the production end of theater to acting .\nhe and wife jill ireland adopted katrina holden bronson after her mother hilary holden died in 1983 .\naccording to director michael winner , bronson had a considerable amount of plastic surgery in the 1980s .\n( 1986 ) . bronson continued to appear in movies and on television into the late 1990s .\nhearings he changed his last name to bronson , fearing that buchinsky sounded\ntoo russian .\n[ art is ] the one thing that he [ wants ] to continue and be remembered for\nsays lorraine etherington , secretary of the charles salvador art foundation and salvador ' s former fianc\u00e9e .\n\u2026of these was the western the magnificent seven ( 1960 ) , in which he starred with yul brynner and charles bronson as defenders of a mexican village . the second action film to refine mcqueen\u2019s image was the great escape ( 1963 ) , in which he portrayed an allied captive in a world war ii\u2026\njust like the 1972 charles bronson vehicle \u201cthe mechanic\u201d and the 2011 jason statham - starring remake , the best scenes in \u201cmechanic : resurrection\u201d contain almost no dialogue . when the sequel is really clicking , it becomes action cinema in its purest visual form : just one buff , taciturn dude doing . . .\na new york times profile of charles bronson once noted that\nbronson looks like as if at any moment he ' s about to hit someone .\n\u009d it ' s tough to think of a better way to summarize bronson ' s five - decade film career than that . since the forthcoming july / august issue of mental _ floss contains a picture of bronson , we thought he would make a good second installment for our new series\nfive things you didn ' t know about\n\u009d here ' s what you might not have known about one of film ' s most menacing presences :\n2 . charles bronson was born michael gordon peterson in 1952 . he changed his name on the advice of his fight promoter , paul edmonds , during his short - lived career as a bare - knuckle boxer in 1987 . during his time in the ring he reportedly killed a rottweiler with his bare hands .\ncharles bronson , 55 , is a career criminal . he was originally sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 1975 for armed robbery . but during his time inside prison , most of which has been spent in solitary confinement , he decided to fight the system , staging one - man protest sieges and attacking guards .\nbronson ' s father died when he was 10 , and he went to work in the coal mines . initially , bronson worked in the office of a coal mine , later in the mine itself .\nbronson made a serious name for himself in european films . in 1968 , he starred as harmonica in\ncharles bronson gained attention in 1960 with his role in john sturges ' western the magnificent seven , where he played one of seven gunfighters taking up the cause of the defenseless . two years later , sturges cast him for another popular hollywood production the great escape as a claustrophobic polish prisoner of war nicknamed\nthe tunnel king\n( coincidentally , bronson was really claustrophobic because of his childhood work in a mine ) .\n\u2026garner ) , and \u201ctunnel king\u201d ( charles bronson ) . under the supervision of big x , several tunnels are dug ; although one is discovered , the men continue with their plan . the escape itself is interrupted before all the prisoners can get outside the camp , and those who manage to break out are hunted\u2026\nthe film was attacked as\ndespicable\nby charles champlin , then film critic of the los angeles times , who said the story was\nnasty and demagogic stuff , an appeal to the brute emotions\n.\nbronson hopes the film will help convince people that he is not the man he once was . the film - makers explore bronson ' s early life and relationships to examine what made him a violent criminal .\nborn charles buchinsky in ehrenfeld , pa . , bronson , one of 15 children , followed his father ' s footsteps and became a coal miner at the age of 16 . in 1943 , he was drafted and served in the air force as a tail gunner on a b - 29 bomber during world war ii .\nbronson is due a parole hearing in august , when his lawyers will argue that because he has been in segregation for eight years , he has been unable to demonstrate that he is capable of rehabilitation . his barrister , david martin sperry , says :\neveryone has the right to show that they have reformed , but charles bronson is being denied this right because of who he is , not what he might do .\nin 2014 bronson received a two - year jail term for holding prison governor alan parkins in a headlock .\nin the dirty dozen ( 1967 ) bronson played an army death row convict conscripted into a suicide mission .\nbronson has been the subjects of books written in 1970s and most recently by author brian d ' ambrosio .\ncharles bronson was , for a generation of film - goers , the epitome of the strong , silent avenger , a monolithic screen presence of immense power whose aura of eloquent impassivity and natural strength was so convincing as to make other\ntough guy\nactors appear both puny and garrulous by comparison . whether as the half - breed apache in chato ' s land ( 1972 ) , or the architect - turned - vigilante in death wish ( 1974 ) , bronson excelled at playing characters capable of sloughing off the constraints of\ncivilisation\nin favour of an elemental violence that seemed as much a part of bronson the man as bronson the actor .\nthis military service page was created / owned by smsgt joseph davis ( joe ) ( jd ) to remember bronson , charles dennis ( buchinsky ) , sgt . if you knew or served with this airman and have additional information or photos to support this page , please leave a message for the page administrator ( s ) here .\nthere was no question , however , that mr . bronson had known hard times . he was born on nov . 3 , 1921 , in the scooptown section of ehrenfeld , pa . , a coal - mining town . his real name was charles buchinsky , and he was the 11th of 15 children born to lithuanian immigrants .\ndeath wish v was charles bronson ' s final theatrically - released film . afterwards he appeared in the 1995 tv movie family of cops as police commissioner paul fein , and reprised the role in two sequels . after filming under suspicion : family of cops iii in 1998 he announced his retirement from acting at the age of 77 .\ncharles rode off - road motorcycles and had an extensive collection at his farmhouse . jill ireland bronson raised horses and provided training for their daughter zuleika so that she could perform at the higher levels of horse showing . the vermont farm ,\nzuleika farm\n, was named for the only natural child between them . during the late 1980s through the mid 1990 ' s bronson regularly spent winter holidays vacationing with his family in snowmass , colorado .\nbronson has served time in 122 different prisons . from the kray twins ( he still has reggie ' s tie and pocket watch ) to the legends of gangland london today , bronson seems to have known them all .\nin the dirty dozen ( 1967 ) , bronson played an army death row convict conscripted into a suicide mission . in 1967 , bronson also played ralph schuyler in the fugitive episode\nthe one that got away\n.\nafter the end of world war ii bronson worked at many odd jobs until joining a theatrical group in philadelphia . charles later shared an apartment in new york with jack klugman while both were aspiring to play on the stage . in 1950 he married and moved to hollywood where he enrolled in acting classes and began to find small roles .\nin 1954 , during the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) proceedings , he changed his surname from buchinsky to bronson as eastern european names sounded suspicious in an era of anti - soviet sentiment . he took his inspiration from the bronson gate at paramount studios , situated on the corner of melrose avenue and bronson street .\nbronson is survived by his wife , kim , six children and two grandchildren . funeral services will be private .\nbronson has changed his name a number of times , with his different titles defining certain periods in his life .\npolice caught up with bronson in 1987 , arresting him under his fighting name which he decided to stick to .\nthe film - makers explored bronson ' s early life and relationships to examine what made him a violent criminal .\nin 1966 bronson fell in love with the lovely blonde british actress jill ireland , who happened to be married to british actor david mccallum . bronson reportedly told mccallum bluntly :\ni ' m going to marry your wife .\nhe ' s best known for being the anti - hero in the death wish movies , a member of the magnificent seven , and one of the greatest tough - guy actors in hollywood history , but long before he was pumping bullets at baddies on celluloid , charles bronson pumped bullets at baddies in the skies as an army gunner during world war ii .\nfor three months , i have been corresponding with charles bronson , or charlie as he prefers to be called . his letters are polite but slightly obsessive : (\nnot a week goes by that they don ' t release a dangerous rapist or paedophile . . . i ' m just a hostage of my past ,\nhe writes in february ) .\nmore commonly known as charles bronson , the man born michael peterson was once dubbed\nbritain ' s most violent prisoner\nby the nation ' s tabloids . incarcerated in 1974 for armed robbery , a succession of incidents thereafter , including assault and holding prison staff hostage , saw salvador accumulate extra jail time . eventually he received a life sentence in 2000 .\nsergio leone once called him\nthe greatest actor i ever worked with\n. leone had wanted bronson for all three of what became known as the\nman with no name\ntrilogy , but bronson turned him down each time .\nbronson was most famous for his tough guy persona in films such as the magnificent seven and the death wish series .\nhe described bronson as a\ncomplex\nman who had been affected by his previous job as a coal miner .\ndick van dyke received a lemon cake every christmas from bronson , who lived nearby in malibu , for 16 years .\nhis life was recently played out on the big screen , with actor tom hardy playing him in the film bronson .\nas a young child , bronson did not initially know how to speak english and only learned it in his teens .\nalthough he began his career in the united states , bronson first made a serious name for himself in european films .\nin 1954 , during the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) proceedings , he changed his surname from buchinsky to bronson at the suggestion of his agent , who feared that an eastern european surname might damage his career . he took his inspiration from the bronson gate at paramount studios , situated on the corner of melrose avenue and bronson street .\nbronson died of pneumonia at age 81 on august 30 , 2003 at cedars - sinai medical center in los angeles .\nbronson was then married again to english actress jill ireland from october 5 , 1968 , until her death in 1990 .\ni really liked the death wish movies and bronson . i wish they made action heroes like this guy these days !\nfor the rest of the cast , sturges assembled a group of then unknowns , some of whom had knocked about hollywood for years playing off - beat parts : james coburn , brad dexter , charles bronson . the director also recruited a young actor named steve mcqueen , whom he had spotted on television , and chose to play vin , the boyish tombstone gunman .\ncharles bronson was a good tough guy actor and i enjoyed his movies particularly\nkid galahad starring elvis presley as a boxer\n,\nthe great escape\nand\nthe dirty dozen\n, but the\ndeath wish\nmovies were notable as the first of the vigilanty type movies and the level of violence . good , interesting hub . voted up .\nshe said : \u201ccharles salvador has never killed or sexually abused or raped . he has never harmed a woman or a child , he was originally imprisoned for armed robbery in 1974 . he is no longer a violent offender , but an artist .\nthanks for coming ; make yourself at home . let ' s see what you ' ve got me . bronson takes the milkshakes for himself and pours a cup of coffee for his visitor from his own flask .\nnot many people can say charles bronson was their teaboy ,\nhe quips , probably not for the first time . time spent carefully choosing the chocolate bars has paid dividends .\ndouble deckers , i love these . they ' re my favourite ,\nhe says .\nwhile bronson ' s career as a character actor was now at its peak , his personal life was in some disarray ; his marriage was disintegrating , and bronson had begun an affair with the english actress jill ireland , then married to the actor david mccallum . in 1965 , he and harriet tendler divorced , with bronson later gaining custody of their two children .\nbronson ' s muscular appearance is thanks to a regimented workout which includes more than 2 , 000 press ups a day .\nin 1949 , bronson moved to los angeles , where he enrolled at the pasadena playhouse , bent on improving his diction .\nnicknamed\nthe tunnel king\n( coincidentally , bronson was really claustrophobic because of his childhood work in a mine ) .\nas a boxer in a skit with skelton playing\ncauliflower mcpugg\n. in 1954 , bronson made a strong impact in\nbronson ' s health deteriorated in later years , and he retired from acting after undergoing hip - replacement surgery in 1998 .\nbronson was married three times ; the love of his life was actress jill ireland , who died of cancer in 1990 after bronson put his career on hold to nurse his wife of 21 years . he called her his\ngolden girl .\nso it goes that , as the final door opens into the grey , steel compound , a voice from one of the cells calls out :\nhave you come to see charles bronson ?\nit asks .\nwell , he ' s not here , they ' ve just moved him to parkhurst . all right , robert . nice to see you .\nthe guard , laughing at bronson ' s joke , opens the final door and ushers me inside . then he leaves us alone .\nan obituary of the movie actor charles bronson on sept . 2 and in some late editions on sept . 1 misstated his military record . mr . bronson had indeed been an aircraft gunner during world war ii , as his publicity materials said . ( his initial assignment , in kingman , ariz . , involved maintenance and operations of the base messes . ) he was a member of the 760th flexible gunnery training squadron , not the 760th mess squadron . in 1945 mr . bronson was attached to a b - 29 squadron of the 39th bombardment group , based in guam , which conducted combat missions against the japanese home islands .\nwhen bronson was playing the claustrophobic\ntunnel king\n\u009d danny in the great escape , he got to work with the scottish actor david mccallum . after meeting mccallum ' s wife , actress jill ireland , bronson flatly told his coworker ,\ni ' m going to marry your wife .\n\u009d from anyone else , that would sound like an idle boast , but not from bronson . mccallum and ireland soon divorced . bronson and ireland married in 1968 and remained hitched until her death in 1990 .\narmed with his favourite milkshakes and a selection of confectionery , i was led though the 17 steel doors and metal detectors that lie between the outside world and the man dubbed britain ' s most dangerous inmate . in the time it takes to reach the specially designed maximum security unit housing prisoner bt1314 , there is ample time to reflect that charles bronson has done much to earn his reputation .\ningmar bergman wanted to make a film with bronson but the actor turned him down .\neverything is weakness and sickness with bergman ,\nhe said . the man : charles bronson : an enduring belief in the american supehero by joel kotkin the washington post 3 june 1977 : b1 . he was considered for the role of snake plissken in escape from new york ( 1981 ) , but director john carpenter thought he was too tough looking and too old for the part , and decided to cast kurt russell instead .\nalain delon , like many french , had admired machine gun kelly , and he invited bronson to co - star with him in a british - french film , adieu , l ' ami ( farewell , friend ) . it made bronson a european favorite .\nbronson also appeared in more than a dozen films with his second wife , jill ireland , who died of cancer in 1990 .\ninterviewing williamson on good morning britain , madeley had incorrectly claimed that bronson attacked a prison governor in 2016 , a date that williamson had disputed . bronson had in fact attacked a police governor in february 2014 , for which he received a two year sentence .\nindeed , audiences around the country often applauded and cheered whenever bronson let one of the film ' s menacing thugs have it .\nbronson , whose first marriage to harriet tendler ended in divorce , married his third wife , actress kim weeks , in 1998 .\nbronson ' s last starring role in a theatrically released film was 1994 ' s death wish v : the face of death .\nbronson was still making american movies in the interim , including 1972 ' s the mechanic , a film i highly recommend as possibly the most bizarre american action movie ever made . ( to boil it down : charles bronson is an existentialist mob hitman . yes , really . ) he didn ' t become a huge star in the u . s . until well after his 50th birthday , when he headlined 1974 ' s death wish in what would become his trademark role , the architect - turned - vigilante paul kersey .\nin 1954 , during the house un - american activities committee ( huac ) proceedings , he changed his surname from buchinsky to bronson at the suggestion of his agent , who feared that an eastern european surname might damage his career . [ 19 ] he reportedly took his inspiration from the bronson gate at the studios of paramount pictures , situated on the corner of melrose avenue and bronson street .\nborn charles buchinsky , november 3 , 1921 , in ehrenfeld , pa ; died from pneumonia , august 30 , 2003 , in los angeles , ca . actor . charles bronson gained superstar status in the united states in 1974 with the release of the film death wish . his role as the liberal\u2013minded architect who becomes a vigilante was reprised in four sequels and brought him stardom but also criticism for the violence portrayed in the films . his was a career spent playing rough and tough gunslingers and outlaws while his private life was spent raising children and painting . he never quite broke out of the tough\u2013guy mold although he was often praised in roles that showed more depth and subtlety .\nbronson changed his surname to salvador in 2013 in a bid to reinvent himself as an artist and put his violent past behind him .\nbronson has become a keen artist behind bars and has seen some of his work go under auction to help vulnerable people in need .\nbronson wasn ' t through turning leone , down , though . leone allegedly offered bronson the role of the sadistic mercenary angel eyes in the good , the bad , and the ugly , but bronson had to back out due to his commitment to the dirty dozen . ( instead , lee van cleef unforgettably played the role . ) eventually , though , the two men worked together when bronson turned in one of his best performances as a haunted harmonica - playing gunfighter in leone ' s epic once upon a time in the west ."]} {"id": 114608, "summary": [{"text": "who am i ? ( traditional chinese : \u6211\u662f\u8ab0 ; simplified chinese : \u6211\u662f\u8c01 , also known as jackie chan 's who am i ? ) is a 1998 hong kong action comedy film directed by benny chan and jackie chan , who also starred in the lead role .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film was released in hong kong on january 17 , 1998 . ", "topic": 7}], "title": "who am i ? ( 1998 film )", "paragraphs": ["i watched who am i ? once before , probably back in the late 90 ' s , when this was originally released , since i forgot most of it . however , i was under impression that i didn ' t think much of who am i ? the first time i saw it , so i wasn ' t expecting much from this movie . hell , i was actually surprised when i saw this movie on couple of top 10 jackie chan movie lists !\n: observe , lord burghley , i am married . . . to england .\n\u201ci don ' t believe in elitism . i don ' t think the audience is this dumb person lower than me . i am the audience . \u201d\n\u201cif i\u2019d gone through something like that , i\u2019m not sure i\u2019d be able to talk about it . \u201d\njackie chan ' s who am i ? trailer 1998 director : jackie chan starring : jackie chan , michelle ferre , mirai yamamoto , ron smerczak , ed nelson , tom pompert official content from sony pictures home entertainment a lone commando struggles to regain his memory and stop an international espionage ring before they stop him - - dead . of course , filled with action and amazing stunts ! movie , jackie chan ' s who am i ? movie , jackie chan ' s who am i ? trailer , jackie chan ' s who am i ? 1998 , jackie chan , jackie chan , michelle ferre , mirai yamamoto , ron smerczak , ed nelson , tom pompert\n\u201ciris\u201d was written for the 1998 film city of angels starring nicolas cage . john rzeznik explained :\nstill , i must be clear : this is a good and powerful film . if i am dissatisfied , it is because it contains the promise of being more than it is .\nmichael fassbender : \u2018i was a bit of a worrywart . i\u2019ve tried to work on that\u2019\nnorn ms . desiccation of the precorneal film . i . corneal wetting - time .\ni thought this was fun . i don ' t know why people whine about it so much .\nin spite of its extraordinary power , the film was denounced by cuban authorities as counterrevolutionary and \u2014 in a fit of revolutionary bitchiness \u2014 informally dubbed \u201ci am not cuba\u201d ! the kind of \u201cpure art\u201d approach represented by the film has always been problematic to the marxist mentality , but i am cuba is truly revolutionary in every sense .\ncreech jl , do lt , fatt i , radke cj . in vivo tear - film thickness determination and implications for tear - film stability .\ni came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass . . . and i ' m all outta bubblegum !\nthe soundtrack of i am cuba features a female narrator who ties together the episodes with yevtushenko\u2019s poetry , which plays on cuba\u2019s split identity : \u201cdon\u2019t avert your eyes . look ! i am cuba . for you , i am the casino , the bar , hotels and brothels . but the hands of these children and old people are also me . \u201d the music in the film continues this motif ; peasant folk tunes and african rhythms compete with raucous early \u201860s rock tunes , \u201cexotic\u201d jazz , and nightclub ballads ( \u201camor loca\u201d ) .\ntarantino worked on a world war ii script during this period . the screenplay\nbecame big and sprawling . it was some of the best stuff i & apos ; ve ever written , but at a certain point , i thought , & apos ; am i writing a script or am i writing a novel ? & apos ; i basically ended up writing three world war ii scripts . none of them had an ending ,\nhe later explained to vanity fair .\nbut let me tell you this ! what a freaking surprise was this ! ! oh man ! i had so much fun with this one . . . so - much - fun ! ! ! who am i ? is classic jackie chan movie ! its full of funny\u2026\n\u201cwhen i met her , and she was this very beautiful girl , i just had to go , \u2018ok , ok . it\u2019s film . deal with it\u2019 . i\u2019m still going to see gawky , geeky hermione in my mind . \u201d\nradcliffe did a screen test which astounded rowling . \u201ci found it incredibly moving , \u201d she said . \u201cat that point , i didn\u2019t have a son . and i phoned david up , and i said , \u2018he\u2019s great , he\u2019s fantastic . \u2019 i did say to david , \u2018it\u2019s like watching my son on screen\u2019 . because after all harry feels like this ghostly son that i\u2019ve had . \u201d\nezra edelman\u2019s epic o . j . : made in america leads the best documentary category and the film has also been nominated for best picture . joining edelman\u2019s film for best documentary are two other race - centric films , 13 th and i am not your negro .\nsince the inaugural screen actors guild awards , 107 actors have told their stories , typically closing with their name and the signature line ,\ni am an actor .\npk : in july , you screened the film for vietnamese audiences . what was their reaction to the film ?\naction star jean claude van damme plays a fashion designer who must join forces with a c . i . a . agent to combat terrorism .\nhe said in an interview : \u201ci got asked to do it with my back to them , and they still laughed . so i did it round the other side of the cathedral and shouted my lines , but they still laughed , so filmmakers said \u201cwe\u2019ll do the voice with somebody else\u201d . then i did a little filming and i went home and i got the money . \u201d\nin his final presidential debate , donald trump said the supreme court would \u201cautomatically\u201d overturn roe vs . wade once he became president , \u201cbecause i am putting pro - life justices on the court . \u201d\ndoane mg , lee me . tear film interferometry as a diagnostic tool for evaluating normal and dry - eye tear film .\nhich would be fitting , considering she always considered harry her fictional son , and didn\u2019t look wholly unlike geraldine somerville , who briefly appeared as lily potter when harry stands in front of the mirror of erised in the film . however , rowling declined . she later said : \u201cthe filmmakers did ask me to play lily potter in the mirror of erised scene in the first film , but i really am not cut out to be an actress , even one who just has to stand there and wave . i would have messed it up somehow . \u201d\ni , daniel blake is nominated for best british independent film and ken loach is up for best director . photograph : everett / rex / shutterstock\ni happened to arrive at the idea . if i hadn & apos ; t done it , someone else would have ,\nsaid shigetaka kurita , who now is a board member at dwango co . , a tokyo technology company .\na husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9 year - old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be .\na film of the early years of the reign of elizabeth i of england and her difficult task of learning what is necessary to be a monarch .\nwhen his secret bride is executed for assaulting an english soldier who tried to rape her , sir william wallace begins a revolt against king edward i of england .\n\u201ci was the perfect guy to do harry potter . i remember leaving the meeting , getting in my car , and driving for about two hours along mulholland drive just so angry . i mean , chris columbus ' versions are terrible . just dull . pedestrian . \u201d\na boy who communicates with spirits seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist .\nfilm producer jon peters is an interesting character in schnepp\u2019s film . peters had the rights for the superman franchise , and during his interviews ,\n: well , considering i ' ve never seen anyone get it right , . . .\na seasoned fbi agent pursues frank abagnale jr . who , before his 19th birthday , successfully forged millions of dollars ' worth of checks while posing as a pan am pilot , a doctor , and a legal prosecutor .\na friendship is formed between an ex - gangster , and two groups of hitmen - those who want to protect him and those who were sent to kill him .\njackie chan ' s who am i ?\nwas written and directed by jackie chan himself , he also stars in the movie . he is a special forces agent who was accidentally dropped from a soaring helicopter and he plummeted to the earth so fast and hard that it gave him a shot of amnesia . now , jackie chan is wanted just about everywhere because he is a missing person , but he has to deal with the enemies who have a mysterious disk because they want to kill him . on top of that , he really doesn ' t remember anything because of the amnesia , he doesn ' t even know who he is .\njackie chan ' s who am i ?\nis a great jackie chan action movie . parts of it such as when jackie is trying to help a man cure a snake bite and he chews up a plant that makes his mouth numb , are funny . other parts of the movie such as when jackie makes his first escape from his enemies from the top of a tall building , the fighting scenes , and the car escape sequence are nonstop and edge of the seat action .\njackie chan ' s who am i ?\nhas some of the best and most exciting action ever seen in any movie . the plot is understandable enough and the acting isn ' t bad either . but the action sequences are what you ' ll never forget about this movie . if you like great martial arts movies or action movies , i definitely recommend getting\njackie chan ' s who am i ?\nnote : that was a copy of my amazon review from the year 2000 . i need to see more jackie chan movies .\ndespite their ubiquity , they started in 1998 with one man : a 25 - year - old employee of mobile phone carrier ntt docomo who created the first set of 176 in one month as he rushed to meet a deadline .\na young f . b . i . cadet must receive the help of an incarcerated and manipulative cannibal killer to help catch another serial killer , a madman who skins his victims .\nken loach\u2019s i , daniel blake is up for seven prizes at the british independent film awards , including nominations for best film and best director . american honey , adult life skills , notes on blindness and under the shadow received six bifanominations each .\n3 . the real hallie and annie had cameo roles in the film . annie plays the towel girl who brings elizabeth the first - aid kit at the hotel , while hallie plays the girl at camp walden who asks where the navajo bunk is .\nowling first encountered watson through the phone , when she spoke to her during a later stage of the audition process . the author recalled : \u201cit was really lucky i spoke to emma first before i met her , because i fell absolutely in love with her . she spoke to me for about 60 seconds without taking a breath and i just said to her , \u2018emma , you\u2019re perfect\u2019 . \u201d\ni ' ve a personal bias for jackie chan film in that no matter how bad everything else is , jackie will stand out and make it worth the rest of it .\nroger corman is a film director and producer who helmed b - movie classics and helped launch the careers of james cameron , john sayles , ron howard and others .\nthe first draft of i am cuba was a scene - by - scene re - creation of the cuban revolution . kalatozov and his screenwriter , the poet yevgeny yevtushenko , wisely scrapped this in favor of a more aesthetic approach . the finished film divides roughly into five episodes that chronicle the island\u2019s recent colonialist and revolutionary periods .\n]\ni make a journey . you make a journey . we make a journey together .\na chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape .\nan interview with terry gilliam , director of\nthe man who killed don quixote .\n, was a little punchy as he introduced the film . his delirium made sense when he told the audience that\u2014in true indie film fashion\u2014he had been up all night fixing the audio and rendering the film . the version of his film the audience was about to see , he explained , was \u201c99 percent there . \u201d\n, he was struck by her , and asked her to audition for the film which she did , and landed a co - starring role in the film .\n29 . the word\nactually\nis uttered 23 times in the film .\nlemp ma , hamill jr . factors affecting tear film breakup in normal eyes .\nnorn ms . semiquantitative interference study of fatty layer of pre - corneal film .\nvanley gt , leopold ih , gregg th . interpretation of tear film breakup .\ni saw it with no prejudice , meaning i ' d never heard off it before , seen no trailers or anything . i switched on the tv and saw rob schneider and jean - claude van damme in the same film . interesting . grant it there ' s not much in the storyline . but the cinematography especially and special effects were very good . there was comic relief from rob and action from jean - claude van damme . and it had the beautiful lela rochon thrown in on top . overall , i thouroughly enjoyed watching the film becasue of it ' s smooth and comical style !\n] it seems the things i ' ve wanted in my life i ' ve never had . and so it ' s no surprise that living only leaves me sad . happiness , where are you ? i ' ve searched so long for you . happiness , what are you ? i haven ' t got a clue . happiness , why do you have to stay . . . so far away . . . from me ?\nactor steven seagal makes popular action movies such as the 1998 hit under siege . he studied martial arts in asia and opened an academy in the u . s .\npk : you\u2019ve translated the film into vietnamese and will screen it online , uncensored .\nnorn ms . desiccation of the precorneal film . ii . permanent discontinuity and dellen .\nyokoi n , komuro a . non - invasive methods of assessing the tear film .\ni can seemingly never get tired of watching jackie chan perform what he does ! what dedication to his craft .\ndanjo y . diagnostic usefulness and cutoff value of schirmer\u2019s i test in the japanese diagnostic criteria of dry eye .\na\nnational geographic\nfilm crew is taken hostage by an insane hunter , who takes them along on his quest to capture the world ' s largest - and deadliest - snake .\nmartial - arts megastar jackie chan wrote , directed and stars in this action - comedy . secret agent jackie ( chan ) leads a commando group to africa to kidnap scientists who are working to unleash a powerful - - and lethal - - new energy source . when jackie develops amnesia after a plane crash , he fights to regain his memory and continue his assignment . who am i is packed with excitement and , of course , jackie ' s unique brand of gymnastic martial arts .\njackie chan , a top secret militant soldier , crashes into the south african jungle after his mission of kidnapping three scientists ( who were experimenting with a powerful mineral ) has gone awry . waking up in a village of local natives , chan has no memory of who he is , thus being addressed as\nwho am i\n. his journey with aid from two female sidekicks to find out his identity leads him all the way to rotterdam where he coincidentally discovers the location of the organization that kidnapped the three scientists . with no memory , chan is thirsty for answers by any means necessary .\nowling\u2019s insistence on a british cast also ruled out robin williams , who was keen to play hagrid . the good morning vietnam star told the press at the time of the film\u2019s release : \u201cthere were a couple of parts i would have wanted to play , but there was a ban on american actors . \u201d\na corrupt cop named sam handles negotiations between two triad leaders who plan to join forces . however , he meets a suspicious bald man named tony , who keeps following him around and disrupting his personal business .\nsome jackie chan films are better than others . some have good plots but lack the mind - boggling fights that others provide in droves . then there are those which have stories which are so bad that they make your head hurt , but enough balls - to - the - wall action to make up for their less than perfect plots . who am i ? is one of the latter .\nthis list is my memory chart of all the asian cinema films and short films i ' ve seen so far .\n: i just put that up as a joke . that ' s probably the hardest geometry equation in the world .\ndigital messaging was just getting started , and so i was thinking about what was needed ,\nsaid kurita .\nwell , being a longtime fan of the godzilla / gojira films as a youngster , i remember seeing this with great anticipation . i , unlike a lot of people , was not at all disappointed . this film was exactly what i was hoping it would be at the time . sure , it certainly wasn ' t as charming or as funny as the films i loved as a kid , but it was a lot of fun . i loved the action scenes , the look of the monster was crazy to me , and the plot was simple enough for a first time viewer to get right into . seeing it again 10 years later , i had the same reaction . my opinion of this film hasn ' t changed one bit . i guess everybody ' s complaints stem from how this has no charm or any kind of attempt at being cute or original . i guess that ' s understandable , but i still don ' t see what everybody ' s problem is . this was supposed to be a fun , exciting , and action packed thrill ride . that ' s all it is , no more , no less . i personally think that it succeeds at what it achieved to be perfectly . matthew broderick may not exactly be an action hero , but his character sure was quirky and funny . jean reno was as good as usual .\ndanjo y , hamano t . observation of precorneal tear film in patients with sjogren\u2019s syndrome .\nmathers wd , lane ja , zimmerman mb . tear film changes associated with normal aging .\nmcculley jp , shine w . a compositional based model for the tear film lipid layer .\nrieger g . the importance of the precorneal tear film for the quality of optical imaging .\nnorn and lemp also described a second phenomenon where dry spots were noticed in the precorneal tear film immediately after lid opening . this was referred to as a wetting time of zero ( norn 1969b , 1969c ; lemp 1973 ) . pflugfelder et al interpreted this second phenomenon as a deficiency in the mucin layer of the tear film ( pflugfelder et al 1998 ) .\njet li is a champion martial artist and chinese film actor . he starred in the once upon a time in china film series and in the critically - praised , international hit hero .\nkurita shrugs that off . the dozen - member team designing i - mode was making something for japan long before smartphones .\npatel s , wallace i . tear meniscus height , lower punctum lacrimale , and the tear lipid layer in normal aging .\nxu kp , yagi y , toda i , et al . tear function index . a new measure of dry eye .\n5 . joanna barnes plays the wicked girlfriend in the original 1961 the parent trap . she plays the wicked girlfriend ' s mother in the 1998 version . both characters are called vicky .\nsince the ocular surface sensitivity is reduced in advanced ocular surface disease ( adatia et al 2004 ) , and the tests currently used are far from being perfect , these are poorly associated with subjective symptoms ( bjerrum 1996 ; schein et al 1997 ; hai et al 1998 ; pflugfelder et al 1998 ; nichols , nichols , et al 2004 ; lin et al 2005 ) .\nthis is one of the best movies i ' ve ever seen , but i would hesitate to recommend it to people whom i don ' t know pretty well . it explores aspects of life and living ( and suffering ) that most films avoid or actively deny . and it does so brilliantly . the characters are vividly real , and there is such a strong sense of situations unfolding in real time that it ' s truly mesmerising . i felt like a fly on the wall , eavesdropping on conversations i could never hear otherwise . i think many people would absolutely hate this movie , partly because it doesn ' t pass judgement on behaviours that are repulsive to the bulk of humanity , and partly because it exposes us to them at all .\nsince tear interference color has been known to indicate lipid film thickness , several trials have been performed with the aim of quantifying interference images ( norn 1979 ; guillon 1982 ; korb and greiner 1994 ; doane 1998 ; king - smith et al 1999 ; khamene et al 2000 ) .\nand we showed scenes of the anti - war movement , and one of the veterans , nguyen ngoc , said , \u201cwhen i first watched the film , it gave me much greater respect for americans . i came to understand so much more about just how conflicted and how traumatized the united states is by this war . i used to ask myself , \u2018how come the united states after 40 years still can\u2019t get over the vietnam war ? \u2019 i considered it a weakness . actually now , having seen this film , i believe that the way in which the united states hasn\u2019t ever really been able to leave the vietnam war behind is actually a great strength . it\u2019s a nation that\u2019s always asking itself about its own history , questioning its past and asking questions about what it\u2019s done and why it did it . \u201d\nthe unforgettable images of the old man cutting what appears to be luminous sugar cane against a black sky point up another of i am cuba \u2019s breakthroughs \u2014 the use of infrared film to obtain jaw - dropping levels of black - and - white contrast . these shots , featuring ordinary people played by amateur actors , emphasize the dazzling primacy of the land over those who briefly inhabit it , and reflect the filmmakers\u2019 idea that complex characterization must be subjugated to the struggle by \u201creal people\u201d to maintain the land against corrupt influences .\nkollywood actor ajith kumar , popularly known as thala ajith made his first film debut in a minor role in the 1990 tamil film en veedu en kanavar . however , his professional career began in 1993 through the telugu film prema pusthakam . ajith made his major tamil cinema debut through amaravathi in which he played the lead role . the film turned as an average movie at the box office .\nnovick and burns arranged for the film\u2019s translation into vietnamese , ensured web access via pbs , and held public screenings in hanoi and ho chi minh city over the summer . i spoke to novick about the process of making the film , and the reaction from an overseas audience with a very different public memory of the war .\nfor tarantino , film is an all - consuming passion . although he had a long - term relationship with actress mira sorvino , he chose to focus on his career over his personal life\u2014at least for the time being .\nwhen i & apos ; m doing a movie , i & apos ; m not doing anything else . it & apos ; s all about the movie . i don & apos ; t have a wife . i don & apos ; t have a kid . nothing can get in my way . . . i & apos ; ve made a choice , so far , to go on this road alone . because this is my time . this is my time to make movies ,\nhe explained to gq .\na homicide detective and a fire marshal must stop a pair of murderers who commit videotaped crimes to become media darlings .\n- all the world ' s a screen - shakespeare on film ( 2016 ) . . . himself\nchen s , wang ij . effect of tear film stability on fluctuation of vision after photorefractive keratectomy .\ncraig jp , tomlinson a . importance of the lipid layer in human tear film stability and evaporation .\njohnson me , murphy pj . changes in the tear film and ocular surface from dry eye syndrome .\nsharma a , ruckenstein e . mechanism of tear film rupture and its implications for contact lens tolerance .\nin addition , rb stains marx\u2019s line ( i . e . , the mucocutaneous junction of the lid margin ) in most eyes (\ntoni erdmann , the handmaiden , elle , the salesman , and neruda have all been nominated in the best foreign language film category . neruda is jackie director pablo larra\u00edn\u2019s second nominated film on this year\u2019s list .\ntwo detectives , a rookie and a veteran , hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his motives .\nquentin tarantino was born on march 27 , 1963 , in knoxville , tennessee . he is the only child of connie mchugh , who is part cherokee and part irish , and actor tony tarantino , who left the family before quentin was born .\na woman who lives in a darkened old house with her two photosensitive children becomes convinced that her family home is haunted .\nwhen i wrote it , i was thinking about the situation of the nicholas cage character in the movie . this guy is completely willing to give up his own immortality , just to be able to feel something very human . and i think , \u2018wow ! what an amazing thing it must be like to love someone so much that you give up everything to be with them . \u2019 that\u2019s a pretty heavy thought .\nkorb dr , greiner jv . increase in tear film lipid layer thickness following treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction .\nshapiro a , merin s . schirmer test and break - up time of tear film in normal subjects .\ntamer c , melek im , duman t , et al . tear film tests in parkinson\u2019s disease patients .\nthe oversized gamekeeper was one of the characters for which rowling had a specific actor in mind : namely , robbie coltrane , who said yes ( namely on behalf of his offspring ) and became the first adult cast in the film .\nthis is the fifth time loach has been nominated as best director at the bifas , although he has not won since the inaugural edition of the awards in 1998 , when he won for my name is joe .\na look back at robert zemeckis ' half - animated classic , who framed roger rabbit , on its 30 - year anniversary .\nsome initially opposed making emoji a unicode standard , according to yasuo kida , a technology expert who was involved in their adoption .\nalso michelle ferre can ' t act even a bit , but she ' s incredibly charming and i wish she ' d done more films .\nroger ebert was born on this day in 1942 , and died a little over five years ago . i owe a good part of my success\u2026\nthere they were , something i & apos ; d been involved with , although i & apos ; m neither an artist nor a designer ,\nhe said .\nthe museum saw value in the design that had the power to change people & apos ; s lifestyles .\nhello publicists , critics , loyal readers , and everyone else who can see this . at this time , the new governing committee are working with web designers to make a new , improved , better site for the online film critics society .\nan interview with writer / director boots riley about his incendiary new film ,\nsorry to bother you .\nthe online film critics society is one of only a few truly international film critics organisations . reflecting the global membership of the ofcs , 10 films not released in the us have been selected by the membership for special note .\nhong kong international film festival , a three - week event , is held in late march to early april .\nbron aj , tiffany jm . the meibomian glands and tear film lipids . structure , function , and control .\nthis unforgettable reconstruction of the life of the island , from the jazzy rhythms of the decadent batista era to the heroics of the revolution and its aftermath , recalls the work of leni riefenstahl and eisenstein in its transformation of agitprop into art . the eisenstein connection is no accident \u2014 the russian team that created i am cuba were attempting the same kind of aesthetic treatment of history as eisenstein , and they worked with some of his collaborators . but the filmmakers of i am cuba differed from their mentors in perhaps the most fundamental aspect \u2014 the visual . whereas eisenstein used cutting and dynamic composition in films like potemkin , kalatozov and his visual collaborators use a moving camera \u2014 a handheld eclair \u2014 to bring their story to scintillating life .\nthe nominations for best international independent film are all high - profile choices : maren ade\u2019s comedy - drama toni erdmann was a palme d\u2019or favourite ; moonlight and manchester by the sea are likely oscar contenders ; mustang was nominated for best foreign film at last year\u2019s oscars ; and hunt for the wilderpeople has become new zealand\u2019s highest - grossing film .\nin 1996 ; plus burton\u2019s batman\u2014michael \u201cbirdman\u201d keaton\u2014was also initially criticized by diehard fans who worried about \u201cmr . mom\u201d playing the caped crusader .\nthe world is beset by the appearance of monstrous creatures , but one of them may be the only one who can save humanity .\nthe philosopher\u2019s stone was known as the sorcerer\u2019s stone to us audiences ever since september 1998 , when the american edition of jk rowling\u2019s book was published . it was decided that the film versions would reflect the different titles , so every scene in which the words \u201cphilosopher\u2019s stone\u201d had to be re - shot with the cast saying \u201csorcerer\u2019s stone\u201d instead .\n8 . a scene in which hallie meets the queen in london was cut from the final version of the film .\nsantodomingo - rubido j , wolffsohn g . comparison between graticule and image capture assessment of lower tear film meniscus height .\nthree recent views of cuba : the repressive , fragmented , poverty - stricken last gasp of modern communism offered by the u . s . media ; the wonderland of repudiated gay and \u201ccounter - revolutionary\u201d culture in movies like strawberry and chocolate , a 1993 feature film set in pre - mariel 1979 ; and the glittering pleasures \u2014 social and spiritual \u2014 of the reclaimed island shown by what is surely the supreme masterpiece of the poetic documentary form , mikhail kalatozov\u2019s 1964 russian - cuban coproduction i am cuba .\naviva is thirteen , awkward and sensitive . her mother joyce is warm and loving , as is her father , steve , a regular guy who does have a fierce temper from time to time . the film revolves around her family , friends and neighbors .\nbuzzing comedies such as the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for all the info you need .\nin 1954 , a u . s . marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderer , who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane .\na convicted rapist , released from prison after serving a fourteen - year sentence , stalks the family of the lawyer who originally defended him .\nloach\u2019s film , which won the palme d\u2019or at cannes this year , is about a man trying to negotiate britain\u2019s labyrinthine benefits system . as well as the nominations for best film and director , it has picked up nominations for actors dave johns and hayley squires , who are also competing for the most promising newcomer award . loach\u2019s longtime collaborator paul laverty is nominated for best screenplay .\ngrowing up , this was the one i always remembered liking more than his others , so i\u2019m glad that\u2019s still true . the last twenty minutes are the best and then at the end of the outtakes , they show jackie doing the macarena with a bunch of kids from south africa , so what\u2019s not to like ?\ngoto t , zheng x , klyce sd , et al . a new method for tear film stability analysis using videokeratography .\nkorb dr , baron df , herman jp , et al . tear film lipid layer thickness as a function of blinking .\nlee jh , kee cw . the significance of tear film break - up time in the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome .\nmengher ls , bron aj , tonge sr , et al . effect of fluorescein instillation on the precorneal tear film stability .\nrolando m , refojo mf . tear evaporimeter for measuring water evaporation rate from the tear film under controlled conditions in humans .\nnovick has been co - directing documentaries with burns since the duo\u2019s 1998 film , frank lloyd wright . for the the vietnam war , she conducted interviews with 35 vietnamese citizens , the majority of them over the course of three production trips to the country . sarah botstein , who produced the series , says novick\u2019s unique mixture of \u201cempathy , kindness , and energy\u201d helped her get these subjects to open up , as did her unerring focus on the human , rather than the political , component of the history .\ni don ' t know how i missed this in theaters , but i watched it for the first time tonight . i almost gave it a 10 , because this is as good as the suspense / action drama gets . somebody on the dvd special features called it\n. . . a combination of crimson tide , the french connection , and 3 days of the condor .\nfrom my list of favorites i ' d also say it has aspects of marathon man , the fugitive , and the firm . will smith , whose work does not thrill me 100 % of the time , is terrific , and gene hackman could not have been better . they also receive support from some great character actors , many of them uncredited ( a fact which blew me away ) . my enjoyment was enhanced by being familiar with hackman ' s the conversation , in which he plays harry caul , one of the world ' s greatest audio surveillance men . his hideout / office in enemy is reminiscent of caul ' s digs , and the photograph which the bad guys have on file for him is of his character from the conversation . i sort of wish they ' d named the new character caul , giving long - term continuity to the story . i ' m running off at the fingers here , so i won ' t elaborate on the location , direction , etcetera , but will end with see this film !\nthe white house is using its official twitter handle to target democratic lawmakers who have criticized president donald trump ' s immigration policies , . . .\nhe was next seen in the epistolary kadhal kottai ( 1996 ) . the film was a blockbuster and won three national film awards including the award for the best tamil film in 1996 . his subsequent films ullasam ( 1997 ) and kaadhal mannan ( 1998 ) were moderately successful . during the period 2003 to 2005 , ajith had acted in a few films as he concentrated more on his racing career . he had his only success with attahasam ( 2004 ) around this time . in 2006 , he returned after a sabbatical through varalaru . he played three different roles , one of which includes a classical dancer . his performance was critically praised , and he went on to receive his third filmfare award . the film was his biggest blockbuster then .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nefore terry gilliam was even in the picture , steven spielberg was attached to the film , but he had very different plans . warner bros initially teamed up with dreamworks , which is co - owned by spielberg , on the film for financial reasons .\nif you want a better sci - fi film go see dark city . a better levinson movie ? try wag the dog .\ndirector , producer and screenwriter francis ford coppola is best known for creating the godfather film series starring marlon brando and al pacino .\nmarquardt r , stodmeister r , christ t . modification of tear film breakup time test . in : holly fj , editor .\nescaped convict sam gillen single handedly takes on ruthless developers determined to evict clydie - a widow with two young children . nobody knows who sam is .\nafter jackie brown , tarantino took a break from filmmaking . he starred on broadway in 1998 in a revival of wait until dark with marisa tomei . it was a bold move for him , as he had never done professional stage work before . tarantino played a thug who terrorizes a blind woman ( played by tomei ) , and the critics were less than impressed . the reviews for the production were brutally harsh , and tarantino was devastated . he felt people on the street were recognizing him as\nthe one whose acting sucks . i tried not to take it personally , but it was personal . it was not about the play\u2014it was about me , and at a certain point i started getting too thin a skin about the constant criticism .\n10 . marva kulp sr and marva kulp jr are named after nancy kulp , who played one of the camp counselors in the original the parent trap .\na man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the dolphin hotel . soon after settling in , he confronts genuine terror .\nthe online film critics society\u2019s governing committee said , \u201cwe\u2019d like to congratulate all involved with moonlight for the power and humanity of this extraordinary film . topical and relevant , it is a timely reminder of that which unites us being greater than that which divides us . \u201d\nvarious effects that appeared as green film scratches ( but were not , in fact , scratches ) showed up periodically over the credits .\nking - smith pe , fink ba , fogt n . three interferometric methods for measuring the thickness of layers of the tear film .\nnemeth j , erdelyi b , csakany b , et al . high - speed videotopographic measurement of tear film build - up time .\ntomlinson a , khanal s , ramaesh k , et al . tear film osmolarity : determination of a referent for dry eye diagnosis .\nand dan gilroy ; producers jon peters and lorenzo dibonaventura ; costume designer colleen atwood ; and numerous artists who worked during the film\u2019s pre - production . cage , however , declined to be interviewed . which is a shame , because cage is depicted as a serious comic book fan ( he named his son kal - el after all ) who wanted to work with burton to bring a new and interesting spin to the george reeves and christopher reeve models .\nwhat we get , finally , is a series of well - drawn sketches and powerful scenes , in search of an organizing principle . the movie needs sweep where it only has plot . and norton , effective as he is , comes across more as a bright kid with bad ideas than as a racist burning with hate . ( i am reminded of tim roth ' s truly satanic skinhead in \u201cmade in britain , \u201d a 1982 film by alan clarke . ) kaye wanted to have his name removed as the film ' s director , arguing that the film needed more work and that norton re - edited some sequences . we will probably never know the truth behind the controversy . my guess is that the post - production repairs were inspired by a screenplay that attempted to cover too much ground in too little time and yet hastens to a conventional conclusion .\nnew territories has the hong kong heritage museum , which will appeal to those who have a serious interest in chinese culture , and the hong kong railway museum .\ntarantino finally returned to work on his world war ii script . in 2009 , he released the long - awaited inglourious basterds , which focused on a group of jewish - american soldiers out to destroy as many nazis as possible . he had wooed brad pitt to play the leader of the\nbasterds .\nsome of the reviews were mixed , but tarantino seemed unfazed by any negative comments .\ni respect criticism . but i know more about film than most of the people writing about me . not only that , i & apos ; m a better writer than most of the people writing about me ,\nhe explained to gq magazine . he clearly may have known best in this case , as the film was nominated for eight academy awards , including two for tarantino ( for best director and best original screenplay ) .\ntarantino loathed school , choosing to spend his time watching movies or reading comics rather than studying . the only subject that appealed to him was history .\nhistory was cool and i did well there , because it was kind of like the movies ,\nhe told entertainment weekly . after dropping out of high school , tarantino worked as an usher at a adult film theater for a time . he also took acting classes . tarantino eventually landed a job at video archives in manhattan beach , california . there he worked with roger avary , who shared his passion for film . the two even worked on some script ideas together .\nrussian authorities have sent a new extradition request to greece for a russian cybercrime suspect who is also sought on criminal charges by the u . s . . . .\nthe online film critics society\u2019s governing committee said , \u201cthis year\u2019s nominations and films recognised represent the rich variety of films on the global stage in 2016 . over 150 titles were long listed for best picture , over 100 for best foreign language film and over 30 titles for best animated feature .\nwes craven is a horror film director , screenwriter and producer known for projects like swamp thing , nightmare on elm street and the scream series .\nmodern cinema , co - presented by sfmoma and sffilm , is an ongoing film series exploring the dynamic forces interacting between cinema\u2019s past and present .\nglasson mj , stapleton f , keay l , et al . differences in clinical parameters and tear film of tolerant and intolerant contact lens wearers .\nmengher ls , bron aj , tonge sr , et al . a non - invasive instrument for clinical assessment of the precorneal tear film stability .\nnichols jj , nichols kk , puent b , et al . evaluation of tear film interference patterns and measures of tear break - up time .\nthree weeks later mayall gets the call that his part had been cut out of the film , which he later derided as \u201ccrap\u201d , but he was paid regardless , and received tickets to the premiere . he couldn\u2019t go , so he sent his children instead - who came out convinced that he was playing hagrid .\nafter two less successful efforts , jackie chan & apos ; s first strike ( 1997 ) and mr . nice guy ( 1998 ) , chan scored another box - office hit with rush hour ( also 1998 ) , an american - produced action comedy . in rush hour , chan employed his english - language skills as a chinese police officer alongside a streetwise los angeles cop , played by the rising comedian chris tucker . in 2000 , chan starred in shanghai noon , another action comedy that was set in the old west and co - starred owen wilson and lucy liu .\neast and west : china , power , and the future of asia ( macmillan ) , chris patten . the memoirs of chris patten , the last governor of hong kong . published in 1998 , patten provides his account of hong kong in the final years before the handover to china .\nthe lives of guards on death row are affected by one of their charges : a black man accused of child murder and rape , yet who has a mysterious gift .\na thief , who steals corporate secrets through the use of dream - sharing technology , is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a ceo .\nkurita & apos ; s challenge : ntt docomo & apos ; s\ni - mode\nmobile internet service limited messages to 250 characters , which cried out for some kind of shorthand .\npulp fiction was both a commercial and critical success . in the united states , it earned over $ 108 million at the box office , becoming the first independent film to do so . pulp fiction won the prestigious palme d & apos ; or award at the cannes film festival in 1994 and received seven academy award nominations , including best picture and best director . for his work on the film , tarantino took home the award for best original screenplay , an honor he had to share with former collaborator roger avary . the two had a falling out over the writing credits for the film .\nla la land and moonlight top the nominations for the 2016 online film critic society\u2019s awards with 7 nods each , including best picture and best director .\nactor / director / producer jackie chan ' s unique blend of impressive martial arts and screwball physical comedy has helped make him an international film star .\nkhamene a , negahdaripour s , tseng sc . a spectral - discrimination method for tear - film lipid - layer thickness estimation from fringe pattern images .\nwang j , aquavella j , palakuru j , et al . relationships between central tear film thickness and tear menisci of the upper and lower eyelids .\ni am really confused as to why\nsphere\nhas the reputation it has . sure , it ' s narrative can get clunky but the film has some intriguing ideas . dustin hoffman , sharon stone , samuel l . jackson , liev schreiber and peter coyote are all good here and the visuals and atmosphere are essentially claustrophobic and creepy .\nsphere\nis no where near grade - a filmmaking but it ' s consistently interesting and gripping . if you are looking for science - fiction pulp of higher caliber you really can ' t go wrong with\nsphere\n. . . or maybe you can judging from the critics . . .\nln : it was really the same process in vietnam as it was here\u2014i wouldn\u2019t differentiate that much between people\u2019s reluctance or enthusiasm about doing this . a lot of it is just connecting with someone and doing your homework , knowing a lot about them and their experience and whatever the environment that they were living in that you\u2019re interesting in talking about . the people we talked to in vietnam were not reluctant . i guess that\u2019s the best way to say it , or they wouldn\u2019t have talked to us . they seemed extremely open to the idea . the only reason we were surprised was because we had no idea what to expect . we were surprised to find how open people were to talk about such a painful subject : just the scale of tragedy there , how many people were killed , how small of a country it is , how everybody was affected , the real horrors of the war . if i\u2019d gone through something like that , i\u2019m not sure i\u2019d be able to talk about it ."]} {"id": 114609, "summary": [{"text": "the killing of america is a 1982 american documentary film directed by sheldon renan and leonard schrader .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film was premiered in new york city in february 1982 and was recently shown at the 2013 fantasia festival . ", "topic": 2}], "title": "the killing of america", "paragraphs": ["killing america : a 100 ye . . . has been added to your cart\nbbc america\u2019s new thriller killing eve commences filming across europe \u2013 amc networks inc .\nuse the thumbs up and thumbs down icons to agree or disagree that the title is similar to the killing of america . you can also suggest completely new similar titles to the killing of america in the search box below .\nkilling america : a 100 year murder and millions of other books are available for amazon kindle . learn more\namerican nightmare ( the killing of america ) 1982 . . . . rare ( from vhs ) . . 1hr 29mins\nthe killing of america is a documentary , from 1981 , examining the phenomenon of violent death in the us , covering murders , serial killings and political assassinations .\nbbc america has ordered killing eve , a spy drama based on the luke jennings novelles , from fleabag ' s phoebe waller - bridge .\ntwo years after exiting abc ' s grey ' s anatomy , the actress has booked the starring role in bbc america spy thriller series killing eve .\nthe killing of america ( 1981 ) directors : leonard schrader , sheldon renan plot : a documentary of the decline of america . it features a lot a great footage ( most exclusive to this film ) from race riots to serial killers and much - much more .\nkombo yannick is one of the many african asylum seekers braving the longer latin america route to the us .\n: while you watched this movie , five of us were murdered . one was the random killing of a stranger .\n\u201cwhile you watched this movie , 5 more of us were murdered . 1 was the random killing of a stranger . \u201d\nanother day in the death of america is published by nation books on 4 october in north america . to pre - order a copy for $ 16 . 89 , go to\nto watch full episodes , you must have a cable provider that supports bbc america ' s full episode service and you must have bbc america as part of your cable package .\namerican nightmare ( the killing of america ) 1982 . . . . rare ( from vhs ) . . 1hr 29mins : gian franco : free download , borrow , and streaming : internet archive\nthe audience is treated to the spectacle of decomposing corpses being unearthed , and fresher ones being dissected in an autopsy room . there are still photographs of murder victims that leave nothing to the imagination\u2014and there are plenty of things in the killing of america that are even more obscene .\npreface and acknowledgments map of mexico and central america map of south america key terms and acronyms by country introduction : a political culture of murder part i . the practice of political murder in latin america 1 . targets and victims 2 . dirty war mechanics 3 . bodies of the slain part ii . justifications , associations , and consequences 4 . dirty warriors on dirty war 5 . international collaborations and the conflicted roles of the united states 6 . the enduring appeal and continuing challenge of political murder in latin america and beyond appendix\u2014political murder in latin america : individual country narratives notes bibliography index\ncopyright \u00a9 2010 - 2018 new video channel america , llc . all rights reserved .\nu . s . label severin films has officially announced and detailed its upcoming blu - ray release of director sheldon renan ' s documentary the killing of america ( 1981 ) . the release will be available for purchase on october 25 .\nu . s . label severin films has confirmed that it will release on blu - ray director sheldon renan ' s documentary the killing of america ( 1981 ) . the release will be available for purchase this october .\nin america , the rich are getting richer . isn ' t that great ? . . .\nevery 20 minutes . japan , england and west germany with a combined population equal to america have 6 , 000 murders a year and america has 27 , 000 a year .\nand the division of the narrative arc into two seasons created problems for \u201cthe killing\u201d beyond the question of closure ( which was really more of a marketing and publicity issue than a creative one ) .\nthere is dignity in the work people do here , and that kind of work has lost favor in america\u2019s elite society .\n\u201cmost of america\u2019s china factories closed years ago , but we\u2019ve been in this region since 1893 , \u201d mcilvain explains .\nkilling eve is produced by sid gentle ltd . for bbc america with waller - bridge serving as showrunner and executive producer . sally woodward gentle and lee morris also executive produce with colin wratten serving as producer .\njodie comer ( the white princess , thirteen ) has been cast in a lead role opposite sandra oh in killing eve , bbc america \u2019s eight - episode dramatic thriller series written by fleabag\u2019 s phoebe waller - bridge .\nthe murder rate is one thing but america also scores very badly in other areas of concern compared to many other developed nations . yep , america has issues , huge issues and in some respects lags behind africa , eastern europe and parts of asia .\nalaska air has announced 3 new transcon routes that will use both their own and virgin america aircraft .\ndownward dog alumna kirby howell - baptiste has booked a series - regular role opposite sandra oh in killing ev e , bbc america \u2019s eight - episode dramatic thriller series written by fleabag \u2019s phoebe waller - bridge .\nkilling eve is produced by sid gentle films ltd . for bbc america with waller - bridge serving as showrunner and executive producer . sally woodward gentle and lee morris also executive produce with colin wratten serving as producer .\nsince its release , the killing of america has surfaced in different , condensed versions and renan laments that his original cut , which he says featured more \u201celegiac\u201d passages that helped break up the film\u2019s darkness , has mostly been unseen in recent years . even then , though , renan admits that the killing of america , in any incarnation , \u201cis a little bit of a sledgehammer . [ schrader and yamamoto ] did not want me , in any way , to mediate or make it a do - gooder thing . \u201d\nfifteen years ago , as social media started connecting us in ways we never imagined , america looked up and across at the other america ; as they looked back at each other , neither side was terribly pleased .\nthis is an edited extract from another day in the death of america , published next week by guardian faber at \u00a316 . 99 .\n\u201camerica is the only industrialised nation with a higher murder rate than countries at civil war , like cambodia and nicaragua . an attempted murder every 3 minutes , a murder victim every 20 minutes . japan , england and west germany , with a combined population equal to america , have 6 , 000 murders a year . america has 27 , 000 . in the 80 years of this century , america has had more than a million murders . more than all of her fatalities in all of her wars . \u201d\nu . s . arms sold to saudis are killing civilians in yemen . now the trump administration is set to sell them more\ni guess you don ' t know what draconian means , because america has the most lax gun laws in the developed world .\nrenan and schrader shared a curiosity about violence\u2019s hold on people . but when asked about his intentions for the killing of america , renan , who turned 75 this year , says simply , \u201cwe were just trying to make a commercial picture about something that bothered all of us . \u201d\ncutting the killing : an interview with editor lee percy ( 1080p ; 16 : 09 ) is a really fun piece and will be of special interest to fans of roar .\n' killing eve ' marks the actress ' first series - regular role since exiting abc ' s ' grey ' s anatomy . '\nrenan\u2019s reaction to making the killing of america was merely a precursor to the public response . when the film had its premiere at l . a . \u2019s nuart theatre in 1981 , renan estimates that a third of the audience walked out . \u201cthey didn\u2019t realize what kind of impact it was going to have , \u201d he says , looking back at the screening . even though plenty of the footage was already familiar to people by that time , like zapruder\u2019s capturing of jfk\u2019s killing , \u201cit hadn\u2019t been put together [ in that way ] . \u201d\nin the comic - book universe , death is not always final . but even if captain america turns out to have met his end in print , he may not disappear entirely : marvel has said it is developing a captain america movie .\nand we\u2019re rolling ! filming has commenced on bbc america\u2019s all - new eight - part thriller , killing eve , penned by phoebe waller - bridge and starring sandra oh ( grey\u2019s anatomy , sideways ) and jodie comer ( the white princess , thirteen ) . based on the \u2018villanelle\u2019 novellas by luke jennings , killing eve follows two fiercely intelligent women \u2014 a psychopathic assassin and the woman charged with hunting her down . we can expect this series to be full of sharp humor ( waller - bridge\u2019s specialty ) , originality , and high stakes action . killing eve is filming on locations including paris , tuscany , berlin and london and will debut on bbc america in 2018 .\nh . h . holmes was the alias of one of america ' s first serial killers . during the 1893 columbian exposition , he lured victims into his elaborate ' murder castle . '\nevents may unfold at about the same pace in the two shows , but they seem to move faster and more chaotically in \u201cthe killing . \u201d whether it\u2019s the luxury of longer episodes or simply a matter of style , \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d is full of interrogations , briefings and discussions that impart information and guide us through the story . \u201cthe killing\u201d reduced many of these scenes to curt exchanges or off - hand remarks delivered in passing .\nbut resurrections are not unknown in the world of comics , and marvel entertainment editor in chief joe quesada said a captain america comeback wasn ' t impossible .\na documentary of the decline of america . it features a lot a great footage ( most exclusive to this film ) from race riots to serial killers and much - much more .\nlondon \u2013 august 23 , 2017 \u2013 filming has commenced on bbc america\u2019s all - new eight - part thriller , killing eve , penned by phoebe waller - bridge and produced by sid gentle films ltd . based on the \u2018villanelle\u2019 novellas by luke jennings , killing eve follows two fiercely intelligent women \u2013 a psychopathic assassin and the woman charged with hunting her down . starring sandra oh ( grey\u2019s anatomy , sideways ) and jodie comer ( the white princess , thirteen ) , the series \u2013 a combination of brutal mischief making and pathos \u2013 is filled with sharp humor , originality and high stakes action . killing eve is filming on locations including paris , tuscany , berlin and london and will debut on bbc america in 2018 .\nthe us murder rate has thankfully halved since 1982 , but many of the social blights the film identifies remain pressing concerns in the united states today , from school shootings to unlicensed firearms . now that even the killing of america\u2019s most searing images pale in comparison to those available on a litany of shock sites , a film once known for its sensationalism comes off as surprisingly level - headed .\nthe first comparison to be made between the two shows is a simple matter of mathematics . season 1 of \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d consisted of 20 episodes , each close to 58 minutes long ( without commercials ) . season 1 of \u201cthe killing\u201d comprised 13 american - length episodes of about 45 minutes each \u2014 roughly half the total running time of the danish season .\nduring the two years renan and his team were putting together the killing of america , new high - profile shootings would occasionally occur , including lennon\u2019s assassination and the attempt on reagan\u2019s life the following year . \u201cit\u2019s like , \u2018you can\u2019t keep up with it , \u2019\u201d renan remembers thinking . \u201cbut it\u2019s one of those things that tells you that you\u2019re doing the right thing . \u201d\njohn cross jr . was the pastor at a birmingham church that was bombed in 1963 , killing four girls . the event was a turning point in the civil rights movement .\ninvestigating the 1893 world\u2019s fair that turned chicago into h . h . holmes\u2019 killing ground , jeff and amaryllis discover an unexpected connection to the ripper in the city\u2019s police archives .\nsarah barnett , bbc america president commented : \u201cbringing phoebe\u2019s remarkable writing to life with this genius cast and crew is enthralling . killing eve promises to be an original \u2013 blackly funny and joltingly affecting , glamorous and startlingly realistic , a vivid and colorful noir thriller . \u201d\nformer texas homicide detective james leavelle gives a first - hand account of one of america ' s most shocking moments in this bonus clip from\njfk declassified : tracking oswald .\nmatthew shepard\u2019s horrific death at the hands of redneck homophobes shocked america and changed its laws . now a different truth is emerging , but does it matter ? julie bindel reports\ncaptain america has undertaken his last mission \u2014 at least for now . the venerable superhero is killed in the issue of his namesake comic that hit stands wednesday , the new york daily news reported .\nthis hard - to - find 1982 documentary about america\u2019s addiction to guns and violence gets new life 35 years after its initial release .\nnow with its release on dvd and blu - ray , a 35 - year - old movie no longer seems dated or forgotten . from its footage of then - president lyndon johnson making an appeal for sensible gun legislation to the scenes of shattered onlookers reacting to mass shootings or tense hostage situations , the killing of america feels like it could have been made yesterday\u2014it\u2019s only the names and the massacres that have changed .\nrenan put the killing of america experience behind him , eventually losing his only vhs copy of the movie , but the film itself didn\u2019t vanish . beyond its success in japan , which renan bases partly on that audience\u2019s attraction to the movie\u2019s gruesome spectacle , the documentary also began to develop a following in australia\u2014a country , it\u2019s worth pointing out , that banned semiautomatic weapons in 1996 , all but ending gun murders in that land . when renan flew from portland to los angeles to be interviewed for electric boogaloo , the 2014 documentary about cannon films , he discovered from the australian crew that \u201cit turns out that [ the killing of america ] is this huge sleeper in australia . every college kid has seen it . most dorm rooms have a copy . \u201d\nin the first 80 years of the 20th century america has had more than a million murders , more than all her fatalities in all her wars . no place seems safe not even the street ; no person feels safe not even the president . not long ago the american dream seemed to come true : big cars , big houses , big everything . but not everyone could get an equal share of the dream . though it seemed impossible they existed side by side - america the beautiful and america the violent . the turning point was november 22 , 1963 , the day the american dream of freedom was wedded to the american nightmare of murder , the day when john kennedy was assassinated .\nwhose streets ? sabaah folayan and damon davis\u2019s documentary , acclaimed at sundance for its immediacy , captures the anger of residents and activists in ferguson , mo . , in the wake of the killing of an unarmed black teenager , michael brown , by a white police officer .\ndespite the composure of his writing , there is passion in younge\u2019s condemnation of a system that renders the poor and the dark in america invisible . in illuminating the stories of some of these people and of their communities , younge has provided us with a beautifully told and empathic account that wrenches at the heart even as it continues to engage the brain .\nan investigation into the gruesome details of holmes\u2019 infamous murder castle leads to the discovery that he may have been killing victims all over chicago and beyond ; while a report surfaces that the ripper may have killed in the u . s .\nwith all the arms they have given to saudi arabia , the saudis have achieved nothing after more than two years but killing civilians and destroying infrastructure ,\nhe complained bitterly .\nhotly debated , and brady of course would carry the scars of this shooting for the rest of his life .\nthis proves that america has never been the guardian of democracy and human rights , like it tries to portray itself ,\nsaid mohammed aiyash , the 40 - year - old editor of a now - shuttered sana newspaper .\nnaturally , in that light , it was only a matter of time before lanthimos came to the united states of america , a place that spent 2016 swinging the pendulum between logic and emotion and eventually settled on madness . america is a place where lanthimos\u2019 wry provocations have been enacted on a mass scale , where \u201cdogtooth\u201d has become less of a metaphor for the way we live now than a precocious abstraction of a country that\u2019s been lied to and left to self - harm . in other words , \u201c the killing of a sacred deer \u201d has to up the ante , and it does . this is lanthimos\u2019 most scattered and sedate film , but it\u2019s his scariest as well .\ntaking as its central thesis the idea that the united states has an irrepressible systemic tendency towards violence , the film ( and its almost laughably stern voiceover ) offers a whistle - stop tour of more or less every terrible thing that happened in the country throughout the 60s and 70s . cinematic agit - prop at its most overt , the killing of america surveys assassinations , spree killings and death cults in a sustained attempt to bludgeon its audience over the head with the us\u2019s sheer ugliness .\nin 2016 , waller - bridge also penned channel 4 comedy crashing , if you ' re looking for another waller - bridge fix while you wait for killing eve .\nthe british board of film censors took a dim view of the genre , initially banning and later censoring its first entry , 1962\u2019s mondo cane . the notorious 1978 compilation faces of death ( warning , contains grim footage ) , meanwhile , wound up on the british government\u2019s infamous list of prohibited \u201cvideo nasties\u201d . even the genre\u2019s most ( grudgingly ) critically respected work , 1982\u2019s the killing of america , wasn\u2019t submitted to the board until two decades after its completion , making this week\u2019s release of a restored version on blu - ray , dvd and vod a rare opportunity to see the film in all its disquieting glory .\noh ' s casting marks a coup for bbc america as the actress continues to remain in high demand , fielding offers from broadcast networks , cablers and streaming outlets .\nin august , msf said it was evacuating its staff from six hospitals in northern yemen after a coalition air strike hit a health facility operated by the group , killing 19 people .\nthat so many of the film\u2019s grisliest sights are now available to view online may dampen its impact , but it also strengthens the killing of america\u2019s argument that grotesque violence has become so culturally routine as to be almost unremarkable . most haunting are the spectacularly gruesome events that time has still somehow managed to forget . one genuinely unbelievable sequence tells the obscure story of tony kiritsis , an indiana man who , in 1977 , attached a sawed - off shotgun to the head of his mortgage broker and then held a press conference .\nthis is one of those releases where the supplements outweigh the inherent\nworth\nof the main feature .\nan easy way to understand the wisdom of the ancient stoics . learn and apply the art of living .\nthis is not a story about politics but rather one about people , bigotry and why america is in such turmoil with itself over , well , itself .\nwe really need him now ,\nsaid simon , 93 , who worked with artist jack kirby to devise captain america as a foe for adolf hitler .\non saturday 23 november 2013 , 10 children died after being shot . it was just another day in america . in an exclusive extract from his new book ,\na group of 30 volunteers has collected more than 1 , 200 dead bodies from beneath of the rubble of the destroyed city .\nmaking a killing : guns , greed , and the nra tells the stories of how guns , and the billions made off of them , affect the lives of everyday americans . it features personal stories from people across the country who have been affected by gun violence , including survivors and victims ' families . the film exposes how the powerful gun companies and the nra are resisting responsible legislation for the sake of profit - and thereby putting people in danger .\nbbc america announced today that award - winning actress , sandra oh ( grey\u2019s anatomy , sideways ) , has been cast in the title role of the network\u2019s highly anticipated original scripted series killing eve . produced by sid gentle films ltd , the eight - episode drama comes from phoebe waller - bridge ( bbc u . k . and amazon\u2019s fleabag , u . k . channel 4\u2019s crashing ) . killing eve is a dramatic thriller revolving around a psychopathic assassin and the woman charged with hunting her down . it is a combination of brutal mischief - making and pathos , filled with sharp humor , originality and high stakes action . it will debut in 2018 .\ngillian slovo\u2019s latest novel , ten days , is published by canongate . another day in the death of america is published by guardian faber ( \u00a316 . 99 ) . click here to buy it for \u00a312 . 50\nthe economy is collapsing ; government employees have not been paid for months ; prices for food and fuel have skyrocketed ; half the country ' s health facilities are closed and a raging cholera epidemic is killing hundreds .\nin the course of those 13 episodes the american show departed in many details from the original . but the similarities between the two \u2014 in premise , cast of characters and broad outline of the story \u2014 were much more pronounced . watching \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d it\u2019s clear that despite the hedging comments of the american producers , it was ordained that \u201cthe killing\u201d would not solve its mystery in one season , and that it would need a full second season to wrap things up .\nexcellent book , connects the events leading to the decline of our standard of living , and who is behind this degrading of humanity .\ninitially , the killing of america sets up the narrative that the american dream and violence are wedded to one another and , given that the documentary focuses primarily on the 20th century , that the two were married when president kennedy was shot in november of 1963 . it\u2019s an interesting proposition , but one that refuses to acknowledge less contemporary events ( at least to its time of making ) , such as the two world wars , the assassinations of earlier presidents , the country\u2019s civil war , early 20th century gangsters and so on . it\u2019s reductive because it favours the narrative that the filmmakers want you to process , which makes for an entertaining movie but inevitably reduces its argument\u2019s legitimacy .\ni\u2019ve been reading all of the news and reaction to alaska airlines plans to euthanize the virgin america brand , likely by 2019 . i , too , have been struck with emotion about this news breaking . but out of the dozen pieces i\u2019ve read , no one seems to share the same reception as mine .\nkilling ground in a thriller from australia , a camping couple encounter an empty tent and a child wandering without his parents . from the trailer , it looks as if they stumbled onto a crime in progress .\nholmes & apos ; life as one of america & apos ; s first serial killers has been the subject of many books and documentaries , including the devil in the white city ( 2003 ) , by erik larson . the book is in the process of being adapted for the big screen , with hollywood heavyweights martin scorsese and leonardo dicaprio tapped to direct and star , respectively .\nbut the chronicling of actual killing took its toll on the filmmakers . \u201ca lot of the things that i did on this film seriously messed me up , \u201d says renan with a rueful chuckle , recalling his time going through the los angeles coroner\u2019s office\u2019s files , even observing autopsies . \u201cit\u2019s hard to explain , \u201d he says of the experience of compiling the footage for the film . \u201cit just really made part of you go dead . i basically had , like , ptsd . \u201d\n, while chuck riley ' s sonorous narration gives background information while also occasionally offering brief data points as to how many guns were in america at the time of the documentary ' s making ( i ' m sure the numbers have only increased exponentially in the intervening decades ) .\nbased on the novellas by luke jennings , bbca\u2019s killing eve centers on two women ; eve is a bored , whip - smart , pay - grade security services operative whose desk - bound job doesn\u2019t fulfill her fantasies of being a spy . villanelle is an elegant , talented killer who clings to the luxuries her violent job affords her . killing eve topples the typical spy - action thriller as these two fiercely intelligent women , equally obsessed with each other , go head to head in an epic game of cat and mouse .\nlast june the first season of \u201cthe killing\u201d on amc ended without a bang . a gun was pointed at a murder suspect\u2019s head , and then there was a quick cut to the credits . the explosion came later , when complaints poured in that the show had failed to solve the season - long mystery the network had advertised with the teasing slogan \u201cwho killed rosie larsen ? \u201d\namerica does stand out amongst the ' industrialised ' , ' developed ' nations as a pretty grim and dangerous country . in that sense it ' s quite a dark place ; comparing apples with apples .\nit was just another day in america . and as befits an unremarkable saturday , 10 children and teens were killed by gunfire . they died in altercations at gas stations , accidents in bedrooms , standing on stairwells and walking down the street , in gangland hits and by mistaken identity . like the weather , none of them would make the national news because , like the weather , their deaths did not disturb the accepted order of things . every day , on average , seven children and teens are killed by guns in america . firearms are the leading cause of death among black children under 19 , and the second greatest cause of death for all children of the same age , after car accidents .\nafter several weeks of outrunning authorities , holmes was finally apprehended in november 1894 . during his time in custody , he gave numerous stories to police , once admitting to killing 27 people . convicted in 1895 , holmes appealed his case but lost .\nin his 2015 book , between the world and me , ta - nehisi coates writes to his son about the danger to black bodies in america , and about the sting of his own father\u2019s leather belt , which was the result of his fear of what might befall his son in the face of such dangers . this is a world that younge also explores as he writes of the \u201ccocoon world\u201d in which black parents try to wrap their children in the hope of keeping them safe . and yet in the impoverished communities where most of these victims exist , younge shows how this effort is often fruitless .\nwhile rothenberg did not say all of west virginians talked funny or were uneducated , the implication of \u201ca lot of\u201d hits home here .\nthere are images of strong real violence , including an image of a man being shot in the head . there are also verbal references to the violent acts of a number of serial killers .\ndoesn\u2019t leave the audience with a rousing call to action , or an uplifting end - credits song . the best you\u2019ll get is \u201cimagine\u201d playing over footage from the public memorial service after john lennon\u2019s 1980 killing , with a note that two people were shot during the vigil . what\u2019s remarkable about\nthe second was that if you really wanted to know the answer , or an answer , all you had to do was watch \u201cforbrydelsen , \u201d the danish show on which \u201cthe killing\u201d was based . it revealed who killed nanna birk larsen , rosie\u2019s european antecedent , way back in 2007 .\nit\u2019s an exercise i recommend , even if you have no interest in \u201cthe killing . \u201d season 1 of \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d is excellent , if conventional , television in its own right . it\u2019s easy to understand why the show has been a hit around the world in its original form . and if you are , or were , a fan of the american series , watching its forerunner will give you a better understanding of the challenges involved in the adaptation .\nphoebe waller - bridge , writer , showrunner and executive producer , said : \u201ci\u2019m hugely excited to have started filming killing eve . it\u2019s looking fantastic and our cast , led by the indomitable sandra and jodie , are to die for ! \u201d\n, about the 1966 shooting at the university of texas . these films and others join the ranks of michael moore\u2019s oscar - winning 2002 film\nthe conflict between yemen ' s government and the houthi rebels escalated in 2015 with the intervention of an arab coalition in support of hadi .\n\u201che wanted to turn the audience into murderers , \u201d renan says of schrader , who died in 2006 at the age of 62 . \u201che wanted [ viewers ] to recognize that in themselves , ostensibly so that they would do something about it . \u201d later in our conversation , renan makes the point another way : \u201ceverybody thinks about killing people , in their mind . and everybody is guilty of all kinds of transgressions , in their mind .\nsandra oh has the ability to go from wrenching to funny to total mess with a genius lightness of touch . phoebe\u2019s vision is absolutely original , and sandra is utterly perfect casting we think for this key role ,\nbbc america president sarah barnett said .\nrenan himself hadn\u2019t seen the movie for years until he attended a recent screening . he was amazed how well the killing of america held up . and he still believes the movie\u2019s value is in its asking of questions and its insistence that we take a hard look at how we\u2019ve come to accept violence in our culture . what once was disdained as a cheap exploitation film now feels terribly prescient , and startlingly vital and urgent . \u201cnaivet\u00e9 is a very poor strategy for survival , \u201d renan says about his film . \u201cit\u2019s better to know what things really are . \u201d\nshocking and eye - opening , the killing of america is a documentary that has taken too long to make it to our screens , not necessarily because of its quality as a story - telling device , nor necessarily for the political angle its filmmaker\u2019s have presented , but more because of the truth of the story that makes this at once relevant to its intended early 80s release date audience and indeed our contemporary landscape . this movie may have been banned from release in 1981 , but chieko & leonard schrader\u2019s documentary passion project has finally managed to find distribution and , like any good documentary , still successfully entices an audience and questions their moral values and principles all at once .\nno wonder then that , underneath the paranoia and shock that reverberate through the killing of america , there\u2019s also curiosity , even sadness , about the unspoken connection between americans\u2019 thirst for violence and the easy availability of powerful weapons . \u201c [ violence ] is a discussion which is part of the american character\u2014that\u2019s how deep it is , \u201d renan says . \u201cwe have done terrible things in building this country , and then we paper over it . we don\u2019t think about it . we don\u2019t think about the violence that we ourselves experience and grow up in . we don\u2019t think about the fact that at least one in every four women is raped . it\u2019s just astounding what we don\u2019t think about . \u201d\nstereotypes are peculiar things . they make targets out of those who are different , be it in language or traditions . and it appears appalachia remains the last minority population in america for which it is socially acceptable to question intelligence , speech pattern , the way people dress . their uniqueness .\nthis is not an unforeseen or coincidental result of forces beyond our control ,\no ' brien said .\nit is a direct consequence of actions of the parties and supporters of the conflict .\nfour years ago , for a moment , there was considerable interest in the fact that large numbers of americans were being fatally shot . on 14 december 2012 , 20 - year - old adam lanza shot his mother , then drove to sandy hook elementary school and shot 20 small children and six staff dead . mass shootings comprise a small proportion of gun violence , but they disturb america\u2019s self - image in a way that the daily torrent of gun deaths does not . \u201cseeing the massacre of so many innocent children \u2026 it\u2019s changed america , \u201d said the democrat senator joe manchin , who championed a tepid gun - control bill . \u201cwe\u2019ve never seen this happen . \u201d\njimenez has faced a barrage of criticism since the publication of his book and has had readings to promote the book boycotted . jimenez claims , however , that many of his critics have not actually read it . the advocate , america\u2019s leading lgbt magazine , published a piece last year entitled : \u201cwhy i\u2019m not reading the \u2018trutherism\u2019 about matt shepard\u201d . jimenez has been accused of being a revisionist , a criticism usually reserved for extreme rightwing ideologues that deny the holocaust , and labelled a homophobe .\nsally woodward gentle formed sid gentle films ltd . in september 2013 to produce original and innovative television drama and feature films . the indie is currently in production on the third series of the hugely successful bafta - nominated the durrells for itv and in production on killing eve for bbc america , written by phoebe waller - bridge ( fleabag , crashing ) and based on luke jennings \u2018villanelle\u2019 novellas , set to debut in 2018 . sid gentle films ltd . have also produced the critically acclaimed adaptation of len deighton\u2019s epic ss - gb starring sam riley and kate bosworth for bbc one , as well as neil gaiman\u2019s likely stories for sky arts .\nso while many are upset about the idea of , at worst , their ticket prices going up thirty bucks or fewer flying options out of their local airport , there are virgin america employees literally in tears wondering about their future , how they will put food on the table , and what the heck happened to their loved brand that they worked so hard for .\ncould history\u2019s two most notorious killers actually be the same man ? jeff mudgett , great - great - grandson of america\u2019s first serial killer and expert con man , h . h . holmes , and ex - cia operative amaryllis fox team up to investigate the theory that holmes was britain\u2019s infamous murderer , jack the ripper .\nthe jack the ripper letters contain an unexpected link to h . h . holmes ; scotland yard\u2019s list of credible suspects uncovers a key detail of the manhunt ; and eyewitness accounts reveal the face of a killer .\nits absolutely disturbing how some of these people believed that they were doing the right thing by killing others , and how some found it amusing to do so . i liked the documentary though because it did shed some light as to why these people did what they did even though some of their reasoning are just not right . that ' s just my opinion though .\naudio commentary with director sheldon renan is available on the english version of the film .\nthe first ever u . s . release of perhaps the most controversial documentary in history\nfrom fleabag creator phoebe waller - bridge , killing eve is a dramatic thriller that revolves around a psychopathic assassin and the woman charged with hunting her down . the eight - episode drama , picked up to series in november , will debut at a date to be determined in 2018 .\nhaving watched the full first season of \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d doesn\u2019t necessarily mean that i know where the second season of \u201cthe killing\u201d is going to go , let alone who\u2019s going to end up being the killer . but assuming that the american show continues to track the danish series in a general way , it\u2019s safe to say that season 2 will be quite a bit more violent than season 1 , with several characters , perhaps major ones , joining rosie larsen on the obituary page before the mystery is solved .\n\u201cthe killing\u201d has all of those elements , but they couldn\u2019t play out and build in a linear fashion over the course of 20 hours as they do in \u201cforbrydelsen . \u201d the danish show can get a bit slow and melodramatic at points \u2014 and clarity of structure does not make implausible coincidences more believable , it just makes them more obvious \u2014 but it offers a kind of formal , old - school satisfaction that the jumpier , more cryptic ( as opposed to more mysterious ) american adaptation has lacked .\nit ends a long run for the stars - and - stripes - wearing character , created in 1941 to incarnate patriotic feeling during world war ii . over the years , an estimated 210 million copies of\ncaptain america\ncomic books , published by new york - based marvel entertainment inc . , have been sold in a total of 75 countries .\nguns were more available in brandon and tyler\u2019s world than for any of the day\u2019s other victims . in much of rural america , guns are an everyday part of life , for recreational and practical reasons . \u201cbeing a rural community , we have problems with everything from skunks to critters , \u201d sheriff biniecki explains . \u201cit\u2019s not uncommon for a farmer to have a firearm handy . \u201d\n) has never been released , distributed , televised nor made available for sale in the usa . america is the only industrialized nation with a higher murder rate than countries ravaged by civil wars , like cambodia or nicaragua . there is an attempted murder every 3 minutes and\nin 1960 a lockheed electra plummeted seconds after taking off from logan airport in boston , killing 62 people . some 10 , 000 starlings had flown straight into the plane , crippling its engines . any bird in the wrong place can pose such a danger , but it is the ever - present starling that pilots fret over the most .\nhenry vii became the first house of luxembourg member to serve as king of germany in 1308 . in 1312 , he became the house of luxembourg ' s first holy roman emperor .\nwhisky galore ! in this remake of alexander mackendrick\u2019s 1949 ealing studios comedy , the wartime residents of a scottish island that has run out of whisky face off with the commander ( eddie izzard ) of a ship that\u2019s run aground , which happens to be carrying 50 , 000 cases of the stuff .\nthe stories that younge has uncovered are often sensational but he tells them without hyperbole and accompanies them with an analysis that lays bare the reality of being black and poor in america : in the everyday existence , for example , of the need for local organisations such as mothers of murdered offspring , or in the matter - of - fact presentation of the more than 20 % of children in chicago public schools who , in 2012 , are said to have witnessed a shooting , or in the disclosure that african americans are six times more likely to be incarcerated , twice as likely to be unemployed , and almost three times more likely to live in poverty than whites .\nwar machine working from \u201cthe operators : the wild and terrifying inside story of america\u2019s war in afghanistan , \u201d a nonfiction book by the journalist michael hastings ( who wrote the rolling stone article about stanley mcchrystal ) , the director david mich\u00f4d ( \u201canimal kingdom\u201d ) charts the changing fortunes of a united states general ( brad pitt ) with a dash of strangelove - ian mockery . other notable cast members include topher grace , anthony michael hall , tilda swinton , ben kingsley and lakeith stanfield ( \u201cget out\u201d ) .\nas usual in the history of man ' s importation of species across oceans and continents , schieffelin was not thinking of long - term consequences . for the first six years after he released his birds they rarely strayed beyond manhattan . the first nesting pair , discovered in the eaves of the museum of natural history , across the street from central park , inspired jubilation .\nnews corp . is a network of leading companies in the world of diversified media , news , and information services .\n, a supposedly notorious documentary that appeared in the\ndark ages\nof 1982 . made in the wake of the assassination attempt on president reagan ( an event which is one of many vignettes included in the film ) , but before the horrors of columbine and too many other sad incidents to enumerate ,\nat the end of a review prompted by the funeral attack , president obama blocked the sale of thousands of gps - guided\nsmart\nbomb kits to the saudi military . those same weapons are among those that trump has now green - lighted , although much of the deal still requires congressional approval .\namerica ' s so - called\ngun culture\ntends to get a pretty intense public airing during election season , not to mention every time another mass shooting takes place , but for those of us who have been around awhile , the only mantra that seems to emerge from such discussions is\nthe more things change , the more things remain the same .\nthere ' s a rather salient example of that maxim in\nthe biggest victims may be the people that have been wearing the virgin america nametag . there have already been some layoffs , but nothing in the news is making mention of whether more will head out the door . \u201cin an airline merger , it\u2019s common for most non - operations management employees at the acquired airline to be laid off . though some of the folks on virgin america\u2019s marketing and product teams may end up at alaska , i expect most will not , \u201d says henry harteveldt , travel industry analyst at atmosphere research group . when an airline brand is sent out to pasture , there are often layoffs , requests of employees to move to another city , or others simply changing their clothes while they keep on keeping on , these are game changers that truly affect people\u2019s livelihoods .\nthe bustling capital , which is jammed with people displaced by fighting elsewhere , has been spared the worst of the war . but residents live in fear of the coalition jets that roar overhead , unleashing their payloads into densely packed neighborhoods and military installations on the outskirts of the city .\nagain , this is not to say that alaska airlines is another big bad airline . their efforts to grow and expand could be the best thing for the traveling public , and virgin america employees that are able to stick around may enjoy fruitful , long lasting careers . i genuinely wish them all the best .\ninterview with mondo movie historian nick pinkerton ( 1080p ; 14 : 48 ) gets into some of the\nshockumentary\naspects of the piece .\nthis week for friday photos , we take a look as some of the many great photos of special liveries uploaded to the nycaviation photo hangar .\nof blood spewing from his head . brady of course would give his name to the brady bill , something that ' s\nthe need to readjust plotlines to fit into significantly shorter episodes was mirrored by the need for a season - ending climax at what represented the halfway point of the story . so it\u2019s not surprising that the scene of belko , family friend and employee of the larsens , trying to assassinate the politician darren richmond was a wholesale addition , with no equivalent in the original . ( the addition of the scene also suggests , for reasons that i won\u2019t go into , that the american series might change the identity of the killer , a shift that wouldn\u2019t be too difficult given the unusually large cast of characters and abundant red herrings . )\nperhaps the most striking difference between the two productions is their respective emotional temperatures : danish cool versus american heat . not that there isn\u2019t the same amount of grief , anger and shame in \u201cforbrydelsen\u201d as there is in \u201cthe killing\u201d ; it\u2019s just expressed with greater reserve . the children who act out do so more politely ; adults who scheme and fight do so with more compunction . some of this may be national temperament and some of it , again , may be the exigencies of short - season character development . as the victim\u2019s mother , the danish pernille larsen starts out shell - shocked and gradually builds to anger while the american mitch larsen starts out in a rage and stays there .\nlook past the rage , though , and it becomes clear that winograd has an important case to make . in peta ' s response to me , schinke wrote ,\nwinograd dishonestly and viciously attacks all open admission shelters , those that do not shut the door to any animal , even those for whom peaceful release is a mercy .\nthis is another way of saying that because peta accepts so many dire cases , cases in which euthanasia may very well be justified , it should be excused for killing over 99 percent of the animals under its care . winograd , however , argues persuasively that peta euthanizes far more than just the unadoptable cases . in the following excerpt from his blog , he reveals that newkirk admits to killing animals that are\nadoptable\n:\namericans only got them selfs to blame . why not try to get rid of all the guns oohh nooo its in the constitution so you\nneed\nthem i dont feel sorry for anyone getting murdered there you chose to have the right to weapons every attempt to remove that right is attacked and stoped then live with the consequences . im just happy i am not an american living in america\nin an effort to reassure the public , the law established the assassination records review board to consider all decisions of whether to postpone the declassification of the records . by the time it concluded in 1998 , the board had forced the release of thousands of previously secret documents from the cia , fbi , secret service and other federal agencies , as well as congressional investigations into the assassination . some of these documents showed that evidence had in fact been withheld from the warren commission , presumably to hide the failure to detect\u2014and prevent\u2014a plot to kill kennedy ."]} {"id": 114610, "summary": [{"text": "the fenouillard family ( french : la famille fenouillard ) is a 1960 french historical comedy film directed by yves robert and starring sophie desmarets , jean richard and annie sinigalia .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it is based on a pioneering nineteenth century text comic , la famille fenouillard , by georges colomb . ", "topic": 10}], "title": "the fenouillard family", "paragraphs": ["the fenouillard family & other lot ( gaumont , 1960 ) . | lot # 52120 | heritage auctions\nthe cornouillet family in \u201ca country outing . \u201d journal de la jeunesse , 1889 .\nthe story takes the fenouillard family to paris where they want to see the eiffel tower ; but they take the wrong train ( after the laborious explanations of the station master ) , winds up on a ship who sails away to brazil .\nthe seventh episode of journey into 1001 comics , dr . peter reviews the fenouillard familly by christophe to check out the first episode 1 : urltoken\nthe story takes the fenouillard family to paris where they want to see the eiffel tower ; but they take the wrong train , winds up on a ship who sails away to brazil : here they get lost in the virgin forest which looks like an exotic garden , complete with parrots , boas and cannibals .\nin 1889 , the cornouillet family waited in line for the saint - cloud omnibus , just as the fenouillards did a couple of months later , in front of the restaurant at the universal exhibition .\nbut he ' s also added to it - - with puppets , chinese shadows , life - size wooden cutouts ( that speak ) , even a train that rolls behind the set . all the while , the only humans are the fenouillard family . backstage , rousselet runs the toys and - - yes - - appears as the shadows .\nthe fenouillard family & other lot ( gaumont , 1960 ) . french affiche ( 21 . 5\nx 29 . 5\n) & french grande ( 46 . 25\nx 62\n) , foreign . . . . ( total : 2 items )\nlanguage , certainly , takes a back seat to visuals in\nla famille fenouillard .\nthe strip ran in a french magazine from 1889 to 1893 and followed a bourgeois family traveling the world . along the way they encountered a primitive america - - full of political struggles , buffalo , sioux indians and trappers . and there were , of course , lots of pratfalls .\nthe theater ' s current production ,\nla famille fenouillard ,\ndoesn ' t have that problem . it is based on the first french comic strip ; to celebrate its centennial , rousselet has adapted 15 of the original funnies . before each strip is performed , there is a short english narration , but the dialogues are in french . rousselet is confident that comprehension will not be a problem .\nalways , we think visually . we have children coming to see this . their laughter lets you know how unimportant language is .\nthe write - up talks a lot about how the story is a reaction by frank miller against his own earlier batman comics and their influence . it also talks about the effect 9 / 11 had on the comic . i may try to re - read the story if i can be bothered . this book was a combined effort of a bunch of different critics from around the world , with the dark knights strikes again being chosen for the book by matthias wivel .\nread stories based on reporting for \u201ctrump revealed , \u201d a broad , comprehensive biography of the life of the 45th president .\nbuzzing comedies such as sorry to bother you and the spy who dumped me await you in our summer movie guide . check in for the latest release dates and all the info you need .\nhalfway through rehearsals , rousselet took charge and gave the evening its structure : he kept parts of the improvisations , changed others , and threw some out .\nhis choices were always dead - on ,\nsays the actress , who played felicite , the maid .\nhe honed the story until opening night .\nits there in 1989 , its just one of the ones it cheated with by naming the entire thing instead of specific stories .\nthe core concept of parasyte is just devilman but with the demons replaced with aliens , the same ideas about predator / prey and humanity being an unnatural blight on the world are also carried over . other than those elements parasyte is a generic fighting manga .\ni ' ve been categorising the choices by company for the last week ( because i ' m obsessive like that ) and thought that seeing as comicvine is very much geared towards the main superhero companies that people may like to see the break - down for them .\nrousselet says he finds that american actors have difficulty with this nonrealistic approach .\nthe u . s . model for acting is the actors studio , { where } to be a good actor you must feel the emotions . that ' s good for the psychological aspect . . . but i prefer the french tradition - - always out of character , looking at it from a distance . one is cerebral , the other emotional .\nthe play was performed with a mixture of french and english . the balance of languages has been a struggle for rousselet ; originally , the company performed at the french embassy , and all the shows were in french . but the theater ' s 1991 move to arlington brought american audiences , as well as financial pressures . as his audience became increasingly american - - rousselet estimates it is now half - - le neon began using more english .\nfor me , foreign language theater is not the critical thing ,\nhe says .\ni use french , but more important is the image on the stage .\nhe chooses\na simple heart\nas an example .\nthat was a very visual show . there were small dialogues in french , but the narration was in english , and that gave all the ideas . we always look for the best way to mix languages .\nyou will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price . you can also optionally receive an email notification ( sent only once ) , this is specified in your\nconsign to the 2018 november 17 - 18 movie posters signature auction - dallas .\na journalist\u2019s conscience leads her to reveal her source to the fbi . here\u2019s why .\ni will definitely try it , i have already started on fist of the north star though ( i ' m only really familiar with the old movie from bitd ) .\nrousselet generally builds an evening of theater by choosing stories , novels or themes and adapting them to the stage . helen hayes award - winning actress nancy robinette explains the making of last summer ' s\na simple heart\n:\nthe first week , didier had us single out the elements of the { flaubert } story that were sensorial . i was assigned sounds . someone did colors , someone tastes , and so on . we talked about them , and that gave us a sense of { the characters ' } world . then we selected the most interesting story images . we put the show together by improvising on four - line passages . flaubert was such a master , so that was very easy .\nyup i also felt that this was one of the more odd choices that stood out .\nthis web site is not affiliated with the blu - ray disc association . all trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners . \u00a9 2002 - 2018 blu - ray . com . all rights reserved . registration problems | business / advertising inquiries | privacy policy | legal notices\nits a little out of date now ( having been published in 2011 ) but covers the entire history of comics ( with the earliest being 1837 ) so that ' s not really a big deal . it tries to cover the main superheroes but is not focused on them .\nand because the strip was printed solely in pastels , the set and costumes are pale pink , blue , green and yellow . rousselet has brought a century - old comic to life .\nthe strip consisted of three panels , so rousselet has constructed three 8 - by - 12 - foot picture frames for his set - - each only three feet deep , to createa flat , cartoon - like appearance . when the actors finish one scene , they move ( or pratfall ) to the next panel ; the play , then , is performed in 45 short frames .\nin case this ends up being the last bump i ' ll put some random thoughts here .\nrousselet is already developing his next show ,\nchildren of the jazz age ,\nbased on the stories of f . scott fitzgerald ; it will open in may . in it , a group of elderly people gather in a ballroom and recall the 1920s . the actors are improvising on the stories now . rousselet has little idea what the show will become - - which is what rouses him .\ni know there will be flashbacks ,\nhe says .\ni know there will be a live band . and i don ' t know much more than that .\nle neon french - american theater was born in 1987 , just months after rousselet arrived in the united states to teach history at the french international school in bethesda . he varied the theater ' s name slightly :\ni had to use le because americans think that ' s french .\nfran\u00e7ois caradec is one of the leading lights of the oulipo writing group . his landmark rehabilitation of christophe was first published in 1956 , with a preface by raymond queneau , and was reprinted , greatly expanded and lavishly illustrated , by pierre horay in 1981 . caradec\u2019s other works include the definitive study of raymond roussel , and books on alphonse allais , lautr\u00e9amont and the infamous farter \u201cle petomane\u201d ( with jean nohain ) .\nwith our iphone - or android app . the apps are synchronized with your account at blu - ray . com , so you only need to install the app and login with your regular username and password .\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the first four films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\nthis is a good book that would probably be helpful to anyone wanting to explore the history of comics .\nfour asterix stories seems a bit much to me , especially seeing as its all the same creative team .\ngrey is a true asset to heritage auctions and heritage auctions are a true asset to the movie poster hobby .\nthe green hornet ( universal , 1940 ) . title lobby card chapter 2 - -\nthundering terror .\ni ' ve had a wee look at the book before , i ' ve read hardly any of them .\nthe strains of running a small theater exact a heavy sigh from the rangy frenchman . his teaching contract ( and income ) ended in june 1992 . he says he works 12 hours a day for the theater , without pay , and lives off savings ( the theater does not turn a profit ) . however , he is not ready to abandon his quixotic vision .\nthe mainstream of theater is different from what i want to do ,\nhe says ,\nbut it ' s different from french theater too . there is a traditional theater in france called ' theater de boulevard . ' that ' s only for entertainment . here it would be like a musical . you go to relax and laugh and be entertained . but there is also in france , since the 1950s , an idea of working in a company , where the text is only part of the show , where the design , costumes , movement and actors are linked . this theater is not realistic . this is my passion .\ni like that the book tries its best to represent comics from all over the world , there ' s a lot of interesting stuff here that a lot of people won ' t have heard of . based on my own experience with us / japanese / uk comics i feel that it does a good job of covering the most important us and japanese releases but only does a reasonable job with british comics ( it covers most of the major stuff but not the more obscure releases ) . i don ' t know enough about french and italian comics to comment .\nthe placings are set out in chronological order , with each entry being given either a page , or half a page of write - up , and some info on writers and artists as well as the original publishers is included .\ni tend to go through phases , i ' m trying to mix things up a bit at the moment tbh .\ni started theater as a hobby ,\nrousselet , age 46 , says ,\nand more and more i had a passion . and the more i knew , the more it became obvious that this would be my life .\ni ' m not keen on the way that some entries are writer / artist runs ( eg lee / ditko spider - man ) , whilst others are focused on a singular story , seems kind of like cheating to me . the layout can also be a bit confusing at times .\ndidier rousselet is le neon ' s founder . he is sitting inside the theater , wondering if he ' ll get his $ 15 , 000 back . that ' s what he spent to open the doors in 1991 . he had to gut a television repair shop and put in a bathroom , heating and proper egress . to call the results spartan would be a compliment . he is sanguine , but not about retrieving his money .\nwe have detected that you do not have javascript enabled . the heritage auctions web sites will not function without javascript , so we recommend enabling it .\nlast fall , in\nl ' amour medecin\n(\nlove is the best medicine\n) by moliere , two performances a week were in french , and two in english . rousselet is hesitant to try it again .\nthe problem is that when we staged it in french , we discovered that english rhythms are different . we had to change many subtle details with the second cast . it was really like doing two plays .\nhave not read the first two but i will shortly . i have read shade though , it was great , not as good x static or human target though .\nsince you seem to be in sort of a manga kick , try bakune young if you like over the top action . this scan is pretty mild , though .\nnot sure i would ' ve put ultimate spider - man on the list , probably would ' ve gone with a jm demateis story to round off spider - man .\nthe single greatest criticism rousselet receives is that his work is too slow . his outlook is the reverse : life is too fast .\npeople in the united states are hypnotized by television , that river of rushing images - - news , commercials , soap operas flowing into one . this is not what i want . i want something simple . a piece of fabric that an audience can dream on . our theater is not action - packed . some look at what we do and don ' t understand it , because there is no crime . . .\nfruit basket , tokyo zombie , uzumaki , tdksa and golgo 13 ? i mean theses are cool and all , but really . loving the tezuka and go nagai ( also gon ) love though .\ni think maybe there ' s slightly too much manga here ( not by much , just slightly ) , it seems to me that some of their popular , but lightweight and derivative releases got onto the list , whilst similar things from other countries were not allowed . by the 90s other countries seem to have required their action / adventure comics to have something that set them apart from what came before .\nits a little strange that roy of the rovers isn ' t representing the uk side given how popular it was . i also think there should ' ve been at least one reg parlett humour strip , that guy was very prolific , long serving , and his art easily recognisable ( in fact fleetway didn ' t get any humour entries at all here , even though anthologies of humour comics made up a large amount of their output ) .\nle neon french - american theater sits next to arlington ' s rod and reel repair shop , where a sign in the window says you can get your pole lubed for two fins . this is charm , arlington - style . the theater is just one more storefront along a tacky ' 50s strip mall on lee highway . if these buildings are around in 200 years , they ' ll be viewed as romantically as 17th - century french villages today - - if , that is , cinder block can be romantic .\nsomewhere around 100 - 110 ' s i think that i ' ve read from that list . not counting the ones that i own but haven ' t read yet and things that i ' ve only read a little of and haven ' t finished yet .\ni ' ll have to check out that roy thomas x - men run someday . people usually tend to say that x - men comics only became really good when claremont took over , but i have seen the odd person bring up this roy thomas run from time to time .\nle neon was , and remains , decidedly different from most commercial fare in this - - or any - - city . this is theater for intellectuals . no cheap emotions , no soap opera plots . rarely do the actors even use scripts ; this is a theater of concepts , and visual delights .\ntheater came late to rousselet . he took his undergraduate degree in history in paris and taught for six years . in 1972 , he began a doctorate in theater at the sorbonne , and it took seven years to complete . he then taught history in tunisia for three years . in 1980 , he returned to paris with a decision : he would pursue theater full time . he formed his own company , theatre du neon , choosing the name , he says ,\nbecause theater is something illuminating , at night , in town , and artificial .\ntwo years later , he was back to teaching history .\nfor money ,\nhe says with a grimace .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nthis film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are . see what\u2019s now showing\ncopyright \u00a9 1999 - 2018 john wiley & sons , inc . all rights reserved\nenter your email address below . if your address has been previously registered , you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password . if you don ' t receive an email , you should register as a new user\nthere are currently no items available for purchase in this department . search our auction archives below to find item values .\nurltoken receives more traffic than any other auction house website . ( source : similarweb . com )\na clockwork orange ( warner brothers , 1971 ) . half sheet x - rated style , philip castle artwork\nit came from outer space ( universal international , 1953 ) . title lobby card 3 - d style\non any sunday ( cinema 5 , 1971 ) . day - glo half sheet\nwe use cookies to enhance your experience and provide personalized services to you on this website and others . we also share limited information about use of our website with our advertising and analytics partners so that these companies can serve our users more relevant online content and advertisements . by continuing to use our site , you consent to our use of cookies . for more information , see our privacy policy .\ncheck out our guide to mission : impossible , see what imdb editors are watching , and more .\nbut acting is something he evidently does well .\nhe can tell a whole story physically ,\nsays robinette .\nhe ' s not a mime . he ' s better than that . but he doesn ' t need words .\ntheater can be an antidote . we are survivors against a flood . but here we can train our eyes to really see , really experience . if people come and sit down for two hours to watch something very simple , i think , in this world , that is very refreshing .\n1966 : nick fury , agent of s . h . i . e . l . d .\ni ' ve only read about 70 of them so far ! long way to go yet .\ni was often recognising things that you had posted pictures of on cv when flicking through this book .\nodd that they left of milligan ' s human target . it ' s his best work .\nit isn ' t . his 80 ' s and 90 ' s works are better .\nlike ? i ' ve definitely liked human target over everything else i have read by him . x - statix came close though .\ni ' ve looked through this book twice or thrice and i was hugely dissapointed .\ni ' d chime in on peter milligan but i ' ve only read his fleetway comics tbh .\ni don ' t think parasyte should ' ve been here . i ' ve been reading devilman , and parasyte seems to take quite a bit from it imo .\nit ' s only three volumes so a pretty short series overall . not really a serious story , a parody in a way but i thought it was done pretty well . storytelling is top notch , though .\nnick fury , agent of s . h . i . e . l . d ( including strange tales )\ndon ' t post to forums gen . discussion bug reporting delete / combine pages artist show - off off - topic contests battles fan - fic rpg moderator hangout comic book preview api developers editing & tools podcast quests spam museum ( or search for a more specific forum )"]} {"id": 114611, "summary": [{"text": "rory james o'malley ( born december 23 , 1980 ) is an american film , television , and musical theater actor , best known for his tony award-nominated performance as elder mckinley in the book of mormon .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "he is a co-founder of the gay rights activism group broadway impact .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "o'malley was featured in the dustin lance black play , ' 8 ' , on broadway as ryan kendall and in the los angeles premiere as dr. gregory m. herek \u2014 witnesses in the federal case that overturned california 's proposition 8 .", "topic": 8}, {"text": "o'malley is currently performing the role of king george iii in the first u.s. national tour of hamilton , following his nine-month tenure in the role in the show 's broadway company at the richard rodgers theatre . ", "topic": 1}], "title": "rory o ' malley", "paragraphs": ["conan o ' brien , tig notaro , rory o ' malley and paul f . tompkins at pcat18\npictured above is carnegie mellon alumnus and tony award nominee rory o ' malley .\nrory o\u2019malley might never have stepped foot on a stage if it hadn\u2019t been for his\u2026 basement .\n- kristin booth / catt sadler / rory o ' malley ( 2017 ) . . . himself\n- christina perri / rory o ' malley / the script ( 2011 ) . . . himself\nwatching the throne with rory o\u2019malley . this episode is brought to you by marc maron : too real on netflix .\nand rory o ' malley , aka , king george , says the money went toward broadway cares / equity fights aids .\nrory o ' malley is an irish - american film , television , and theater actor . he portrays king george iii in hamilton .\nrory o\u2019malley is already famous for his tony award nominated turn as the lightly closeted mormon elder mckinley in the book of mormon on broadway .\nrory o ' neill , famous for his drag queen persona panti bliss , . . .\nrory o ' malley heads back to broadway as king george in the smash hit\nhamilton .\n( photo courtesy of roryomalley . com )\nfrom mormon to monarch , carnegie mellon university grad rory o ' malley may have the monopoly on depicting the best comedically conflicted characters on broadway .\n\u201ccmu gave me so many tools to be better at my craft , \u201d o ' malley says .\nrory o ' malley balances his role as a closeted missionary in the book of mormon with his work as cofounder of gay rights organization broadway impact .\ncleveland ' s own rory o ' malley , center , leads the ultraclean mormon missionary chorus in broadway ' s\nthe book of mormon .\npress release : carnegie mellon alumnus , tony award nominee rory o ' malley returns to campus for reading of the play\n8\non sept . 10\nhamilton ' s current king george , rory o ' malley , plays his final performance at broadway ' s richard rodgers theatre today . o ' malley is set to play king george in the musical ' s national tour . beginning january 17 , o ' malley will be replaced by saturday night live veteran taran killam , who will make his broadway debut in the production .\ncamp yatc is pleased to announced an exclusive master class with rory o\u2019malley . tickets are available for purchase or you can enter for a chance to win tickets !\ncheck out o\u2019malley\u2019s action - filled \u201chamilton\u201d day below . for more information on \u201cout of the basement , \u201d head here .\nrory somehow convinced his mother to sit down and talk about the agony and ecstasy of raising a child who dreams of being an actor . gerry o ' malley . . .\npress release : carnegie mellon alumnus , tony award nominee rory o ' malley returns to campus for reading of the play\n8\non sept . 10 - news - carnegie mellon university\n. on july 21 , 2013 , o ' malley announced that he is engaged to his boyfriend of five years , gerold schroeder .\no\u2019malley\u2019s mother , along with his boyfriend , will be accompanying him to the tony awards on june 12 . she\u2019ll be sitting with the mother of fellow mormon star , and best actor nominee , josh gad\u2014gad and o\u2019malley were college roommates at carnegie mellon university . o\u2019malley said his mother is ecstatic for gad\u2019s nomination . \u201cshe came to our final workshop , which was her first introduction to the show . she said , \u201cjosh is going to get a tony ! \u2019\u201d o\u2019malley said . \u201cshe didn\u2019t say , \u201coh , you were great , son ! \u2019\u201d\no\u2019malley\u2019s irish ancestors made their parish along a stretch of land that later became known as irishtown . their local church was st . malachy\u2019s .\no ' malley made a small cameo appearance in on the run in 2004 . his best known screen appearance was in the 2007 film adaptation of dreamgirls . o ' malley also performed the song\ncadillac car\non the soundtrack , dreamgirls : music from the motion picture .\no ' malley assumed the role of king george iii from jonathan groff in the original broadway production of hamilton on april 11 , 2016 .\nthe character of charlie brown is typically the wallpaper against which the more vivacious characters stand out . here , rory o ' malley makes charlie pop in the funniest and most authentic turn of the show .\nrory o ' malley , who convulsed audiences in his tony - nominated turn as the repressed , tap - dancing elder mckinley in the book of mormon , is on to something intriguing in pub crawl .\n\u201ci feel very strongly that there are kids out there making the same kinds of safe spaces and creative outlets that are carrying them through a lot as i did , \u201d rory o ' malley said .\nnews \u203a stories \u203a archives \u203a 2012 \u203a august \u203a press release : carnegie mellon alumnus , tony award nominee rory o ' malley returns to campus for reading of the play\n8\non sept . 10\no ' malley , 35 , spends only nine minutes on stage at the richard rodgers theatre , six of it singing and humming by himself , but it is such quality time that it has o ' malley opining in agreement with mel brooks : \u201cit ' s good to be king . \u201d\nbesides professional success , o ' malley has found personal happiness , marrying his longtime companion , gerold schroeder , in 2014 . o ' malley was brought up by a loving single mother , an accountant who also worked as a bartender . for o ' malley , who learned to crawl growing up in the tavern environment , it all served as grist for an acclaimed one - man show , \u201cpub crawl , \u201d which he introduced in 2014 .\non july 21 , 2013 , o ' malley announced his engagement to boyfriend gerold schroeder via facebook , and they married on september 28 , 2014 .\nfor o ' malley , 33 , the road to\npartners\nbegins with a second - grade christmas pageant . he played st . joseph .\nactors josh gad , right , and rory o ' malley from ' the book of mormon ' pose for a portrait in new york , tuesday , may 31 , 2011 . ( ap photo / charles sykes )\n\u201chamilton\u2019s\u201d rory o\u2019malley was among the first to express his condolences on twitter . \u201cdevastating news . my condolences to his family and friends who clearly loved him so much . sending love your way , \u201d he wrote .\ngeraldine o ' malley enrolled her son in classes at lakewood ' s beck center for the arts . and that , as they say , was that .\nin 2012 , o ' malley and his boyfriend gerold schroeder were featured in a gap ad , cheek to cheek , with the caption\nbe one .\nwhether chuckling or wiping away tears , geraldine o ' malley decided to support her son ' s interest . she enrolled him in classes at the beck center .\nwith : josh gad ( elder cunningham ) , andrew rannells ( elder price ) , nikki m . james ( nabulungi ) , rory o\u2019malley ( moroni ) , brian tyree henry ( general ) and michael potts ( mafala hatimbi ) .\no ' malley also participates in the dustin lance black play , ' 8 ' , a chronicle reenactment of the federal case that overturned california ' s proposition 8 .\nmost kids beg to have their eight - year - old birthday parties at chuck e . cheese ,\no ' malley says in\npub crawl .\nwhen not working in a play or before the cameras , o ' malley looks for places to perform his autobiographical one - man show ,\npub crawl .\n\u201ci ended up meeting my father for about 10 minutes . it was wild . it wasn\u2019t planned . it was a major moment in my life , \u201d says o\u2019malley .\nmore than a dozen industry folk request to meet with gad . no one calls o\u2019malley . no one . while gad marches around manhattan for meetings , o\u2019malley wanders the theater district , staring at broadway marquees that his name may never grace . they\u2019ll get another shot at the los angeles showcase just two months later , but it\u2019s little consolation for o\u2019malley\u2014he planned to move to new york after graduation . at the l . a . showcase , gad again gets a big response . this time , o\u2019malley gets a few bites . with no choice but to head west , he settles in l . a . after he and gad earn their degrees from the school of drama in 2003 .\nbut not lost on o ' malley were the lessons he learned , absorbing as much as he could during his years as an undergrad . acting professor tony mckay \u201cembodied all that was right with the faculty , \u201d o ' malley recalls , \u201chelping us explore our craft in a new way beyond what we had learned in high school . \u201d\njoin film , television and musical theater actor rory o ' malley , known for his tony award - nominated performance as elder mckinley in\nthe book of mormon ,\nwhen he comes to build to talk about his role as beloved king george in the broadway smash multiple tony - award winning musical\nhamilton .\no ' malley is also a co - founder of the gay rights activism group broadway impact .\ndrowning in frequent - flier miles , gad calls o\u2019malley . o\u2019malley\u2019s advice is clear : \u201cyou have to just choose a place and make that your home for a little bit , because it\u2019ll ground you , and it\u2019ll give you the opportunity to figure things out . \u201d gad listens . he leases an apartment near o\u2019malley\u2019s ; soon enough , gad is cast in a small play . besides the paycheck , there\u2019s more good news in the role : he meets his future wife , who performs opposite gad as the lead actress .\nvideo : tony ward , neil francis and ruaidhri o ' connor give . . .\nrory o\u2019malley is an american film , television , and musical theater actor , best known for his tony award - nominated performance as elder mckinley in the book of mormon . he is a co - founder of the gay rights activism group broadway impact .\nbut o ' malley believes an actor never stops learning , so he ' s looking at his experience on the fx comedy\npartners\nas a sort of graduate school .\nselect segments from pardcast - a - thon 2018 , a benefit for smile train . featuring conan o ' brien , tig notaro , rory o ' malley and paul f . tompkins . purchase the full 12 - hour audio / video package at nevernotfunny . com ! proceeds benefit smile train . this episode is brought to you by mack weldon\u2026\ndid you find rory o\u2019malley hilarious in the book of mormon , rushers ? are you impressed with how he\u2019s able to juggle both his life\u2019s passions ? and what are the odds that he and college roommate josh gad would end up tony nominees for the same broadway show years later ? leave your thoughts in the comments below , and tune into this week\u2019s episode of stage rush tv for an adorable piece with o\u2019malley about his buddy gad .\n\u201cshe fell for him and got pregnant and he went back to ireland as soon as he found out . that was the last time she ever saw him , \u201d o\u2019malley says .\no ' malley made his broadway debut in \u201cthe 25th annual putnam county spelling bee\u201d and had a starring role as richie cunningham in a los angeles stage adaptation of \u201chappy days . \u201d\no ' malley was born in cleveland , ohio , and was brought up by his single mother , who is of irish ancestry . he grew up catholic . he graduated from saint ignatius high school in cleveland , ohio and carnegie mellon university . o ' malley became friends with josh gad and leslie odom , jr . at carnegie mellon university and remain good friends .\nabout 10 months later , gad and o\u2019malley are asked to attend another mormon workshop . now there\u2019s a complete show\u2014two acts , 16 songs , and new characters , including one for o\u2019malley , who impressed the creators so much that they developed a part just for him : \u201celder mckinley , \u201d a ruddy - cheeked , flamboyantly gay - but - closeted mormon missionary . he even has his own song , \u201cturn it off , \u201d about the \u201cnifty little mormon trick\u201d of pushing negative thoughts like homosexuality out of his head . the role hits close to home for o\u2019malley .\ndespite beginning his mormon journey as only an ensemble member , there was one bright spot\u2014o\u2019malley didn\u2019t have to audition . \u201cthey just called the whitest guys in town , and i\u2019m one of them wherever i go , \u201d o\u2019malley said . the growth of his part was gradual , but o\u2019malley remembers reworking the second - act number \u201ci am africa\u201d in workshops and seeing how his role was evolving . \u201celder mckinley begins leading the boys to this choreographed dance of being african in africa . that\u2019s when i realized it was really special , that my character had this arc . \u201d\no ' malley was born in cleveland , ohio , and was brought up by his single mother , who is of irish ancestry . he grew up catholic . he graduated from saint ignatius high school in cleveland , ohio and carnegie mellon university . o ' malley became friends with josh gad and leslie odom , jr . at carnegie mellon university and remains good friends with them .\nencapsulates many of our american ideals that we pray will be maintained into the next administration . i feel lucky to share this interview with rory o\u2019malley who reflects so many of them . he worked hard and achieved his goal of becoming a broadway star . he co - founded\ncleveland native rory o ' malley , who grew up in west park and bay village , plays michael on\npartners ,\nthe fx comedy starring kelsey grammer and martin lawrence . it premieres at 9 p . m . monday , aug . 4 . ( fx )\nlater when he was 19 , o\u2019malley made a trip to ireland himself to see his ancestral homeland . on his way his mother warned him to watch out in case he met his dad .\ncleveland , ohio - rory o ' malley is officially broadway royalty . starting april 11 , the cleveland native will don the crown of king george in\nhamilton ,\nthe hip - hop musical about founding father alexander hamilton and the hottest ticket on the great white way .\nbefore o\u2019malley makes his \u201cout of the basement\u201d debut , huffpost asked him to share what it takes to embody king george iii eight times a week in \u201chamilton . \u201d he responded with 13 behind - the - scenes snapshots that make us feel lucky to be alive at a time when musical theater is making history . ( you can also follow more of o\u2019malley\u2019s adventures on instagram here ) .\ntony award nominee for book of mormon and current king george iii in hamilton , rory o ' malley , takes the stage this week in the new hit musical , straight to bradway . this truly is a theatrical production about a theatrical production ! with songs like\n3 true facts\u2026\nand what a story it is . in the show o\u2019malley talks about how his mom fell in love with a fly by night irishman , fresh off the boat from ireland where he was visiting family .\nwith help from michael , o\u2019malley was able to attend private school and develop in a way that eventually led to broadway . it completely changed his life . he hasn\u2019t forgotten his roots or his debt .\n< p > rory somehow convinced his mother to sit down and talk about the agony and ecstasy of raising a child who dreams of being an actor . gerry o\u2019malley talks us through the ups and downs of having an actor son and why her favorite job rory ever had was at a financial firm . rory also gives an update on the first national tour of hamilton now that he is in san francisco and in the last week of rehearsal . < / p >\nthis particular workshop piqued my interest and was my first introduction to yatc . i was intrigued because , well , it ' s rory o ' malley . before king george , he was best known as elder mckinley in the original broadway cast of book of mormon . o ' malley took to the stage to thunderous applause and a room full of wide - eyed adoration , kept in check only by ryan ' s warning that they were all peers and to keep the fangirl swooning to 10 minutes .\nthrough his association with marshall , o ' malley met boyett , who asked him to audition for\npartners .\nas with that christmas pageant in the second grade , it was all about those contacts .\n< p > rory somehow convinced his mother to sit down and talk about the agony and ecstasy of raising a child who dreams of being an actor . gerry o ' malley talks us through the ups and downs of having an actor son and why her favorite job rory ever had was at a financial firm . rory also gives an update on the first national tour of hamilton now that he is in san francisco and in the last week of rehearsal . < / p >\n, she suggested that he double check . \u201cshe said , \u2018are you sure ? how do you know ? \u2019\u201d o\u2019malley recalled . \u201ci said , \u2018it was on tv , mom . \u2019\u201d despite the momentary disbelief , o\u2019malley cites sharing the news with his supportive mom as the highlight of his tony journey . \u201cshe certainly worked just as hard , if not harder , on my dreams by being who she is and raising me . \u201d\ntony - award nominee and current king george iii in hamilton , rory o ' malley joins the guys this week to dive deep into his catholic school upbringing , surviving a long ( long ) distance relationship , and having matt bomer as a classmate . plus , the guys chat real world , gaga , \u2026\n\u201cwith irish drama things are told with humor . i love that people come in for a pub night of fun and that\u2019s what they\u2019re going to get , but there are a few tears too , \u201d says o\u2019malley .\n\u201cwe did a reading of it at cmu , \u201d says o ' malley , citing one of many trips he has taken back to campus and the city over the years \u201cto talk to students and also perform . \u201d\nliving the dream with rory\nlisteners get their chance to ask rory questions like\nwho inspired you to become an actor ?\n,\nhow do you get . . .\njoin film , television and musical theater actor rory o ' malley , known for his tony award - nominated performance as elder mckinley in\nthe book of mormon ,\nwhen he comes to build to talk about his role as beloved king george in the broadway smash multiple tony - award winning musical\nhamilton .\no ' malley is also a co - founder of the gay rights activism group broadway impact . for full schedule and more videos go to urltoken follow us : twitter : urltoken facebook : urltoken instagram : urltoken snapchat : buildseriesnyc\nlast weekend , in the intimate san francisco playhouse , about 100 students had the privilege of attending a master class put on by the young actors ' theatre camp ( yatc ) . the featured artist was rory o ' malley , who is currently in san francisco playing king george iii in the national tour of hamilton .\nrory talks about the previous night ' s tony awards and gushes over his friend gavin creel ' s win . then rory talks to raymond j . lee ( groundhog day , . . .\njosh gad ( the book of mormon , frozen , rory ' s college roommate ) finally gets on the podcast after months of begging . he confesses to rory that his iconic . . .\no\u2019malley is proud of where he comes from and who he is . a cleveland native with a firm irish catholic background , o\u2019malley knew he was gay from an early age and went on to co - found the gay rights organization broadway impact shortly after california\u2019s proposition 8 was passed in 2008 . the non - profit , which he formed with two - time tony nominee gavin creel , aims to educate about marriage equality with involvement from the broadway community .\nhe also participated in the broadway sings for pride concert in june 2011 . on july 9 , 2011 , o ' malley joined mary tyler moore , bernadette peters and others in the 2011 broadway barks adopt - a - thon .\nhowever , the part that has earned o\u2019malley raves and a tony nomination for best featured actor for his first major broadway role wasn\u2019t originally in the show . o\u2019malley began as an ensemble mormon character , and throughout the show\u2019s three years of workshops , creators trey parker and matt stone ( of south park ) and robert lopez ( avenue q ) kept expanding his duties until he became elder mckinley , the mormon mission leader in uganda who carries \u201cturn it off . \u201d\nwork begets work ; after 21 , gad lands a lead in the tv sitcom back to you , while o\u2019malley enjoys consistent work in off - broadway and regional musicals . in early 2008 , their agents ask whether they\u2019d be interested in helping develop an irreverent new musical comedy written by trey parker and matt stone , creators of the wildly successful television cartoon south park , with music by robert lopez , co - creator of the smash hit broadway musical avenue q . for gad and o\u2019malley\u2014huge fans of south park \u2014 the decision is a no - brainer . giddy for the workshop to start , o\u2019malley even brings a dvd of team america \u2014the south park duo\u2019s latest film\u2014for parker and stone to sign .\non july 18 , 2011 , o ' malley participated in a reading of george bernard shaw ' s play , fanny ' s first play , a satire of theater critics , at the players club in manhattan , new york city .\nrory has talks with his friends in show business about staying grounded and happy while living the dream .\nbest wishes to david and his family . rory , your generosity and sweet spirit are an inspiration .\nrory o\u2019malley ( the book of mormon , hamilton ) didn\u2019t come out of the closet , he came out of the basement . he survived childhood in the midwest by escaping to his subterranean rec room to perform musicals\u2026by himself\u2026for himself . he\u2019s finally ready to premiere his campy masterpieces in the most famous basement on broadway , feinstein\u2019s / 54 below !\no ' malley was eight when he told his mother that he wanted to be in showbiz after getting a taste of the spotlight in a second grade christmas pageant where he played st . joseph . ( in a 2014 interview with the plain dealer ' s mark dawidziak , o ' malley chalked up the gig to nepotism , as his aunt was the second - grade teacher .\nin show business , it ' s always about who you know ,\nhe said . )\n, a grassroots organization that fought for marriage equality . as an actor , he commands the stage whenever he\u2019s on it . when he\u2019s not , the audiance wants more . o\u2019malley is living the dream and wants to help you achieve yours .\nronan o gara is an ambassador for haven , an irish ngo working to better the lives of those in haiti .\nrory o ' malley shares his testimonial for it gets better broadway . this interview explains part of his survival skills in high school in terms of being yourself . this is part of a series on dealing with bullying and what happened as he grew older and his pride in living in a city where people stand together against hate . ( 03 : 25 )\nnow , as king george iii ( the fourth to take the role ) in the revolutionary pulitzer prize - winning \u201chamilton , \u201d o ' malley excels as the english scepter - bearer who isn ' t fazed a bit by the disapproval of colonials .\n\u201cthe show is about my being raised irish catholic in cleveland . my mom was a single mother . she had six siblings in a big irish family , all descended from shanty irish folks who arrived after the famine , \u201d o\u2019malley told the irish voice .\no ' malley then moves into even more emotionally poignant territory . at 19 , he takes a vacation to ireland and treks to a small village in an effort to track down the man who fathered him and disappeared 20 years earlier . the climax is gripping and tear - inducing , although things never grow too severe \u2014 not with o ' malley ' s reassuringly magical smile . the show seems a likely prospect for a future life , perhaps in a theatrical setting . while the eight musicians clearly help fuel the evening , they could easily be pared down to three or so . what ' s important in pub crawl is not the music or the musical atmosphere ; it ' s the story of struggle , acceptance , community and love that o ' malley spins .\nthe co - founder of broadway impact , a grassroots theater - community organization supporting marriage equality , o ' malley announced last month that he and his partner , gerald schroeder , are engaged . they live in the hell ' s kitchen area of manhattan .\n\u201cyou better believe i ' m still living my dream because of the support of josh and leslie and a number of other people i met at cmu , \u201d o ' malley says . \u201cfor years after graduation , we had each other ' s back . \u201d\nnot long after moving in , o\u2019malley comes to the rescue of his new roommate . gad is having trouble memorizing the weekly speech assignment . every freshman acting student has to recite a memorized poem with perfect diction , followed by an immediate critique from the professor\u2014in front of the entire class . \u201ci knew i was going to get lambasted , \u201d says gad . not if o\u2019malley can help it . he listens to gad\u2019s recital over and over , helping him whenever he loses his place . gad passes the exam , avoiding the professor\u2019s wrath .\nalthough\npartners\nis his first gig as a series regular , o ' malley has made guest appearances on showtime ' s\nnurse jackie ,\nthe nbc drama\nlaw & order : svu\nand the short - lived nbc comedy\n1600 penn .\no ' malley has a podcast , \u201cliving the dream , \u201d about the realities of the profession after the glitter loses its luster . \u201ci started it as a service to myself , \u201d he says , \u201cand was amazed that other actors were interested in joining the conversation .\ncleveland , ohio - - rory o ' malley learned a ton about theater at the beck center for the arts in lakewood , then at st . ignatius high school , then at carnegie mellon university ' s school of drama . the cleveland native took that learning to broadway , where he earned a 2011 tony nomination for his portrayal of elder mckinley in\nthe book of mormon .\no ' malley ' s first appearance on broadway was in the musical the 25th annual putnam county spelling bee , replacing actors in the roles of\nleaf coneybear\n,\nwilliam barfee\n, and\ndouglas panch\n. regionally , he has appeared in kiss of the spider woman as valentin , a marxist revolutionary . other work includes charley ' s aunt as charlie and santa claus is coming to motown as kris kringle . o ' malley ' s first appearance off - broadway was the 2009 revival of newsical , directed by mark waldrop .\no ' malley , who also appeared in this past season ' s nobody loves you and little miss sunshine , enters in a blue / green plaid shirt and jeans , sporting sunglasses and wrapped in the tricolor flag of ireland . after getting things off to a rousing irish - bar musical start , o ' malley presents his milieu : the angle , a blue - collar , shanty irish neighborhood along the cuyahoga river where the folks work hard and drink hard . he explains how he was conceived during a drunken one - night - stand on st . patrick ' s day , 1980 , with the man in question fleeing long before he was born , thus making o ' malley\nthe biggest mick bastard you have ever met .\nbut he also had\nthe best mother imaginable ,\nand an extended community of irish neighbors .\no\u2019malley\u2019s mother\u2019s hard working friends called themselves the weekend warriors . \u201cthey surrounded her and they helped raise me . my mom worked at the pub on top of her 50 hours a week at an accounting firm . so it\u2019s really a story about her and everyone who raised me . \u201d\nwhich has now arrived at the paper mill playhouse . fans of the small - screen hit - - and almost no one else - - will be mildly interested to know that the two - act tuner focuses not on the sitcom ' s main character , richie cunningham ( rory o ' malley ) , but on the popular motorcycle - riding , tough - talking fonzie ( played by joey sorge ) .\nhe originated the role of elder mckinley in the musical the book of mormon , which opened on broadway on march 24 , 2011 . the new york times reviewer wrote ,\nbut allow me to single out my personal favorites .\nturn it off\nis a hilarious chorus - line piece about repression , performed by the ( all - male mormon ) missionaries and destined to make a star of its lead singer and dancer , rory o ' malley ( whose character is repressed in his own special way ) .\nfor this role , o ' malley was nominated for the 2011 drama desk award for outstanding featured actor in a musical , and was also nominated for a tony award .\nthe roommates know they\u2019ve got a good thing going , so they decide to move into an off - campus apartment together for sophomore year . just seven days into their new living arrangement , o\u2019malley tells gad there is something he must tell him . it sounds serious : \u201ci\u2019m gay . \u201d\nafter that play , i sat my mom down and told her that i decided what i wanted to do with my life ,\no ' malley said .\ni wanted to be an actor . now my mom probably didn ' t know whether to laugh or cry .\no ' malley and his mom moved from west park to bay village when he was in the third grade , and , over the next 10 years , the fledgling actor also appeared in productions at the rocky river community theater , clague playhouse and , of course , st . ignatius .\ntheir fall semester brings them closer together , a result of their groggy walks to mandatory 8am yoga classes and late - night post - rehearsal treks home . after an autumn of self - discovery and new routines , winter ushers in a geographical change in their friendship . gad\u2019s roommate drops out , which hardly leaves him disappointed\u2014he\u2019ll be perhaps the only freshman on campus with his own room . o\u2019malley , though , has other plans for the vacant top bunk . despite gad\u2019s best rebuttals , o\u2019malley carts his boxes down the hall and tacks up posters on the walls of his new digs .\ngad is speechless . it seems to him that o\u2019malley has charmed every female on campus with his boyish smile\u2014he\u2019s gay ? gad\u2019s loss for words doesn\u2019t last long . he tells his best friend that being honest with himself and his friends is both courageous and the right thing to do . o\u2019malley , who had a \u201cvery catholic upbringing , \u201d is relieved that he can count on gad\u2019s friendship . campus support follows . \u201ccmu was a great place for me\u2014to have great role models , other faculty members , students who were proud of themselves . \u2026 i made a decision to be one of them , to be proud of who i was . \u201d gad says he should have realized o\u2019malley was gay the moment he decorated their hamerschlag room freshman year . \u201che had a poster of sarah mclachlan and bono on his wall . those two don\u2019t mix in any straight community , ever ! \u201d\nopenly gay , o ' malley came out at the age of 19 . in an april 2011 interview with brandon voss , o ' malley said ,\nlife comes before the business . . . maybe some actors haven ' t gotten a role because they came out , but who gives a shit if you aren ' t happy ? i do have it easier because i ' m not a leading man , but i can ' t imagine having the energy to be in the closet . besides , gay actors who start up gay organizations can ' t exactly get away with it .\nhaving started the evening with a strong musical component \u2014 musical director stephen oremus , also from the book of mormon , leads a group of eight musicians ( including two vocalists ) \u2014 and moved into a dandy stream of funny anecdotes , o ' malley turns serious . as a nine - year - old third grader , he learns that michael is dying from aids . in a puzzling development , the supportive fireman marries rory ' s mother \u2014 so that she can collect his pension and death benefits \u2014 and dies two months later . before he does , he makes rory ' s mom promise to take the boy to new york to see a broadway show . michael clearly understood where rory was headed .\nwritten by\nsouth park ' s\ntrey parker and matt stone with\navenue q ' s\nrobert lopez ,\nthe bom\nleads all 2011 tony contenders with 14 nominations , including the coveted best musical prize and - - for o ' malley - - best supporting actor in a musical .\nwe spent so much time at paddy ' s pub ,\no ' malley said .\nmy mom worked a second job there two nights a week as a bartender . fridays always meant fish fries and live music . and a lot of irish music is storytelling . i just absorbed all of that .\ni have a buddy who likes to do an impression of me ,\no ' malley said .\nand his one line is : ' i ' m rory and i ' m from cleveland and i ' m grateful . ' and if the two things i ' m known for is that i ' m proud to be from cleveland and i ' m grateful , i ' ve done my job . people know who i am .\npub crawl is o\u2019malley\u2019s hilarious and deeply moving new show about being raised in the irish pub culture of cleveland , ohio . using traditional irish pub songs ( including a blast of the pogues ) , it tells the story of how his single mother and her circle of friends and family at the pub helped raise him .\ni always thought i would move to new york after graduation , but , instead , i moved to los angeles ,\no ' malley said .\ni realized i was more scared of that choice than i was of new york , and i thought , at 22 , i should get it over with .\no ' malley starred as charlie brown in the 2004 falcon theatre production of snoopy ! the musical , which ran from june 24 to july 18 , 2004 , in los angeles . he also starred as\nrichie cunningham\nin the 2006 los angeles premiere of happy days , as well as the 2007 goodspeed opera house production .\nduring the next two years , the former roommates\u2019 careers inch forward , barely . ironically , gad\u2019s struggles reassure o\u2019malley , who sees gad\u2019s career as a benchmark for his own . \u201cin those first few years when josh wasn\u2019t really working a lot , i thought \u2018ok , good , i have some time . i\u2019m still on my way . \u2019\u201d\no ' malley , 30 , grew up in west park and bay village and graduated from st . ignatius high school and carnegie mellon university in pittsburgh . he went west to los angeles and appeared in the\ndreamgirls\nfilm , then east to the replacement cast of gotham ' s\nthe 25th annual putnam county spelling bee .\ntentatively titled , the book of mormon , the show follows a pair of young mormons on their missionary trip to uganda . gad is cast as \u201celder cunningham , \u201d a loveable , misguided mormon missionary , and a lead in the show . o\u2019malley is in the ensemble , whose members play missionaries , prophets , devils , hobbits , and others . the show is shrouded in secrecy , and it\u2019s far from complete , containing only one act and fewer than 10 songs . at the end of the workshop , they turn in their scripts , and o\u2019malley is just thankful for the experience : \u201cit\u2019ll probably never happen , or it\u2019ll be a movie without all of us , but at least i got them to sign my dvd . \u201d gad heads back to l . a . , where more work awaits him , and o\u2019malley continues working in musicals and plays in new york . meanwhile , the creative team heads off to write new songs and scenes for what may become a broadway musical , a motion picture , or an utter waste of time .\nrory tells how he and josh groban got into a friendly competion to collect the most money for broadawy cares and how it escalated quickly . . .\n< p > rory talks about his final performance in hamilton on broadway and passing the torch to taran killam before startinf the tour . then joel grey ( oscar , tony , and golden globe award winner ) chats with rory about life in show biz . he\u2019s a broadway legend . < / p >\ni ' ve always said that ' the book of mormon ' always would be the greatest creative experience of my life , but this certainly has been equal to it , in terms of learning ,\no ' malley said .\njust sitting around , listening to the stories these people have to tell , has made this an incredible experience .\na few days later , before he even has a chance to pick up an lsat study guide , gad\u2019s agent calls him . spelling bee needs a replacement for the role of william barfee . they want to see him . he auditions , and o\u2019malley\u2019s prediction comes true . instead of completing law - school applications , gad starts memorizing lines for his broadway role .\nrory celebrates his homecoming to la after a year and a half away with hamilton and talks to fellow castmate raymond baynard . ray is a . . .\nrory tells the crazy tale of his broadway show nerds getting canceled only three weeks into rehearsal and then finding himself in hamilton days later . . . .\no ' malley , 35 , has always tipped his cap to his beginnings in cleveland , including his one man show\npub crawl ,\na musical tribute to growing up in west park and in the irish pub culture , specifically paddy ' s pub on ridge road in parma , where his mom , an accountant , worked a second job as a bartender .\nyet for this \u201cgreat story , \u201d there was one person that o\u2019malley had to prepare prior to seeing it\u2014his mother . \u201cwell , my family\u2014they go to church every sunday . definitely , i told my mom specific lyrics , specific things that i wanted her to be aware of , \u201d o\u2019malley said . \u201ci wanted to start the conversation with her before the show , which everyone else has when they\u2019re leaving the show . i didn\u2019t want her to be totally stunned . but she loved the show . she\u2019s seen it five times since we\u2019ve opened in the past two months . she\u2019s driven from cleveland a few times already , and she\u2019s coming back in june . it\u2019s a great feeling that she\u2019s embraced it the way that she has . \u201d\n< p > rory talks about his final performance in hamilton on broadway and passing the torch to taran killam before startinf the tour . then joel grey ( oscar , tony , and golden globe award winner ) chats with rory about life in show biz . he ' s a broadway legend . < / p >\nmormon creators parker and stone have a reputation for offending every religious group and ethnicity under the sun with their long - running cartoon series south park . being that o\u2019malley helms a socially - aware activism group , his involvement with the masters of envelope - pushing material had to be addressed . \u201ci had friends who asked , \u2018are gays going to be upset ? \u2019 it never occurred to me that people would think [ the show ] could be offensive to gay people , \u201d o\u2019malley said . \u201cit never was to me and i\u2019ve seen it through the entire process . when you\u2019re working with people who are so smart and gifted at being funny , you don\u2019t have to worry too much about that . they\u2019re also just telling a great story . \u201d\nsiobhan talks to rory about making her way from the london theatre scene to sunset boulevard on broadway opposite glenn close and eventually to los angeles . . . .\njoseph leo bwarie , who played frankie valli in jersey boys on broadway and all over the country , reminisces with rory about the old days while . . .\nalex boniello fills rory in on his journey from school athlete to broadway performer in last seasons beloved revival of spring awakening . his story of why . . .\nrory talks about his wild nerves before doing his show at 54 below last week and then speaks with his crazy and hilarious pal chris leary ! . . .\nthis week rory talks about the audience reaction during the first performance of hamilton after the election and is joined by guest andrew briedis , the man . . .\no ' malley is an active supporter of gay rights , establishing the activism group broadway impact in 2009 with gavin creel and jenny kanelos . o ' malley said of the group in late 2010 :\n[ s ] ince its first year , broadway impact has held massive rallies for equality in new york city , made thousands of calls through phone banks and even organized 25 buses to washington , d . c . so that 1 , 400 people could attend the national equality march for free . this year we were honored to receive the 2010 human rights campaign community award and even participated in the ing new york city marathon as a charity team . our team of 12 runners , including myself , raised $ 38 , 440 for broadway impact !\n< p > edi patterson ( vice principals on hbo ) talks with rory about coming up in the comedy world through the groundlings and how she became a master at improvisation and sketch . edi and rory worked together on the tv show partners with kelsey grammer and martin lawrence , and quickly became pals . < / p >\nthe book of mormon from left , josh gad , nikki m . james and andrew rannells in this musical by trey parker , matt stone and robert lopez at the eugene o\u2019neill theater .\npartners ,\nwhich premieres at 9 p . m . monday , aug . 4 ( a second episode following at 9 : 30 ) , stars sitcom veterans kelsey grammer (\nfrasier\n) and martin lawrence (\nmartin\n) as two vastly different chicago lawyers . o ' malley plays michael , the witty office assistant who never seems to do any actual work .\ni feel like i ' m getting to attend television university , learning from the best professors you could ask for ,\no ' malley said during a recent visit home .\ni want to keep pushing myself and learning , and in terms of learning a new medium from tv legends , it just doesn ' t get any better than kelsey grammer and martin lawrence .\no ' malley made his broadway debut in the musical\nthe 25th annual putnam county spelling bee ,\nreplacing the actors who played leaf coneybear , willliam barfee and douglas panch . that was followed by the off - broadway revival of\nnewsical .\nthen , on march 24 , 2011 , he began his acclaimed run as elder mckinley in\nthe book of mormon .\n< p > rory\u2019s husband makes fun of him for an entire episode ! gerold schroeder joins us on ltd to talk about what it\u2019s like to be a \u201ccivilian\u201d in a relationship with an actor . rory and gerold have been together for nine years and stuck it out through good times like < em > the book of mormon < / em > and through bad times like \u201cthat census job . \u201d gerold and rory discuss how they have managed the long distance relationship between ny and la over the last 8 months with humor and plane travel . rory also thanks the entire broadway community for all of their support over the last week ! < / p >\nproducer craig zadan ( chicago , jesus christ superstar live ) tells rory what his definition of being a producer is and how he excelled as one on . . .\nedi patterson ( vice principals on hbo ) talks with rory about coming up in the comedy world through the groundlings and how she became a master at . . .\nrory answers listener ' s questions and replays his converation with his buddy josh gad . josh is currently starring in the movie marshall about thurgood marshall and . . .\nlauren kias is an extremely talented dancer and member of the hamilton ensemble . she also happens to be rory ' s scene partner in the pivotal moment . . .\nseth rudetsky ( siruis xm broadway , disaster the musical ) and his husband james wesley talk to rory about their concert for america this saturday june 24th . . .\nrory talks about his final performance in hamilton on broadway and passing the torch to taran killam before startinf the tour . then joel grey ( oscar , . . .\nhere comes the general ! christopher jackson talks to rory during the final week of his tony nominated performance as george washington in hamilton . christopher ( in . . .\non august 15 , 2010 , o ' malley performed in the benefit concert sing for the cure , at don ' t tell mama in new york city . he was also featured in a broadway impact fundraiser on november 2 , 2010 , hosted by gavin creel . another concert , also benefiting broadway impact , had been held prior to that , taking place on july 25 , 2010 .\n< p > jimmy is the host of the very successful podcast never not funny and his new podcast playing games with jimmy pardo . jimmy started as a stage actor but found his calling in standup comedy and began touring the country eventually ending up at the tonight show with conan o\u2019brien . he tells rory about his early days in the business and how juggles his comedy career and family life . jimmy has a real love of broadway and explains to rory how they were almost in the movie dreamgirls together . < / p >\nshe ' s the furthest thing from a stage mom you could find ,\no ' malley said of his mother , who retired after 41 years as an accountant and still lives in bay village .\nbut she was never anything but completely supportive . she ' s seen every play i ' ve ever been in . she probably saw ' book of mormon ' 20 times .\nhe ended up working for television comedy legend garry marshall (\nthe odd couple ,\nlaverne & shirley\n) . o ' malley was cast as richie cunningham in the 2006 los angeles stage production of\nhappy days ,\na musical based on the long - running abc series created by marshall . he reprised the role for a 2007 production at connecticut ' s goodspeed opera house .\nfeaturing musical direction by grammy and tony winner stephen oremus , \u201cout of the basement\u201d offers o\u2019malley\u2019s signature wit in abundance , with songs from \u201cbeauty and the beast , \u201d \u201csister act\u201d and \u201cbeaches . \u201d if there\u2019s a message , it\u2019s \u201cthat you can be fabulous as a pudgy , pasty - white gay kid in the midwest , and be anything that you want , \u201d he told the huffington post .\npatti murin ( frozen , lysistrata jones ) talks with rory about what if feels like to lead a big juggernaut blockbuster show . she is incredibly open about . . .\nnicole parker ( madtv , wicked , fame becomes me ) talks with rory about her path to success in the improv and sketch comedy world which landed her . . .\nmo brady ( the addams family , smash , the ensemblist ) talks with rory about his move from broadway ensemble to video and social media producer for a . . .\nmarilu henner ( taxi , evening shade , chicago on broadway ) talks to rory about her amazing career and how she went from the first ever production of . . .\nthe very funny alex wyse ( spring awakening , lysistrata jones , masters of sex ) talks to rory about his beautiful experience in spring awakening from la to . . ."]} {"id": 114612, "summary": [{"text": "alabama moon is a 2009 american coming-of-age film starring jimmy bennett and john goodman , based on the book alabama moon by watt key .", "topic": 10}, {"text": "the story takes place in the forests of alabama . ", "topic": 6}], "title": "alabama moon ( film )", "paragraphs": ["gabriel just finished shooting his breakout role as \u201chal\u201d in the independent family film \u201calabama moon\u201d starring john goodman and clint howard , directed by tim mccanlies . alabama moon was based on the best selling novel by watt key .\n2011 was a year full of surprises , failures , catastrophes , losses and laughter . we first covered 2011 with alabama moon , a movie based on a book by watt key about moon blake . supposedly this film took place in alabama , but it was filmed in canada and louisiana . fail . read more about alabama moon .\ngoodman\u2019s versatility is reflected in his upcoming projects which include disney\u2019s animated feature \u201cthe princess and the frog , \u201d mgm\u2019s \u201cbunyan and the babe , \u201d constan films \u201cpope joan\u201d and alabama moon entertainment\u2019s \u201calabama moon . \u201d\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of alabama moon by watt key .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing alabama moon near you .\n\u201calabama moon\u2019s\u201d alabama ties run deep . watt key\u2019s novel and the movie are set in the forests of alabama ; key , faulkner and mclean all reside in fairhope , a small city in baldwin county , alabama ; and one of the actors in the film , uriah shelton , lived and attended school in fairhope .\namy reisch , a senior telecommunication and film major , made an alabama film during the 2012 - 2013 academic year and then created a documenting justice international film during a trip to sierra leone .\nkey ' s novel finds itself deeply rooted in alabama forests , full of references to real alabama cities . but sadly , incentives to film in states other than alabama prove too tough to pass up for filmmakers with a limited budget .\njimmy bennett , above , stars in\nalabama moon ,\na 2009 film adaptation of watt key ' s novel of the same name . ( faulkner - mclean entertainment )\nalabama moon is big - hearted and sweet and likable , but it also feels rushed and truncated , as well as uneven in tone .\njudged by a jury of film professionals from around the world , \u201cthe chief\u201d won best alabama film at the 2011 sidewalk film festival . documenting justice students mary sellers shaw , a 2014 graduate who majored in communication studies , and carlos estrada , a 2013 graduate who majored in interdisciplinary studies , won best student film in 2012 for \u201cundocumented , \u201d which explores implications of alabama\u2019s immigration laws .\njohn goodman , above , co - stars in\nalabama moon ,\nbased on watt key ' s 2006 novel . ( faulkner - mclean entertainment )\nbut let ' s not get too hung up on the geography and see if\nalabama moon\nthe film accomplishes what it actually set out to , which is realize key ' s literary vision on the big screen .\nfind out how you can take part in service learning at the university of alabama .\nwatt key ' s 2006 young adult novel\nalabama moon\nexplores that through the eyes of 11 - year - old moon blake , a resourceful rapscallion left to his own devices after suddenly losing his father to an accident in the woods .\nmany documenting justice students have been invited to screen their documentaries at film festivals , and the films have won numerous awards , including the sidewalk moving picture festival\u2019s best alabama film in 2011 and best student film in 2012 . all films premier at public screenings in birmingham or tuscaloosa .\nalabama moon is a movie starring jimmy bennett , gabriel basso , and uriah shelton . after the unexpected death of his survivalist father , an eleven - year - old boy raised in the alabama wilderness must learn how to make a home in the modern world .\nthe university of alabama box 870168 tuscaloosa , al 35487 205 . 348 . 6490 cesr @ urltoken\ncurrently in post - production is another independent feature , \u201calabama moon\u201d , based on the award winning novel . the family film stars john goodman , clint howard , and in the title role is 12 year - old jimmy bennett , soon to be seen as the young james t . kirk in the new star trek film .\neleven - year - old moon blake has spent most of his life hiding out in the forest of alabama with his father , an anti - government radical who trusts no one , but moon\u2019s life suddenly changes when his father dies . knowing only what he learned from his father , moon makes his way to alaska . in the path of civilization , moon quickly lands himself in a reform school when he meets the mean - spirited constable sanders . determined to get to alaska , he and his new friends escape from the school and outwit constable sanders along the way . \u201calabama moon\u201d is a classic kids film ( based on the novel by watt key ) , complete with adventure and survival that most kids dream about .\nin the fall of 2008 , uriah began working on the family adventure\nalabama moon\n. soon after beginning filming , uriah learned that the writer of the novel and screenplay , watt key , had attended the same school as uriah when he was in alabama ; bayside academy in fairhope , alabama . surprisingly , they even had some of the same teachers ! what are the chances of that ?\nalabama moon is a classic kid\u2019s film complete with adventure and survival that most of us only dream about , which is what makes it great for the entire family . the film was awarded the dove foundation family approved seal in 2010 . the non - profit foundation is dedicated to advocating for families and moving hollywood in a more family - friendly direction .\nin mid - october , we announced the upcoming 3rd annual south alabama film festival which took place in downtown mobile november 4th through the 6th bringing commerce and independent entertainment to the area . movies such as wrestling for jesus , missing pieces , prairie love , man of deeds and the reconstruction of asa carter were featured . read more about the south alabama film festival .\na urltoken ' s red clay readers , in partnership with the alabama center for literary arts , is a book club designed to take a fresh look at alabama - affiliated literature with the help of our readers .\nin the recent film \u201chidden figures , \u201d a group of women known as \u201ccomputers , \u201d help mastermind nasa\u2019s effort to put a man into space and eventually on the moon .\nin the recent film \u201chidden figures , \u201d a group of women known as \u201ccomputers , \u201d help mastermind nasa\u2019s effort to put a man into space and eventually on the moon . more\noccasional trips into town for supplies are the only times moon gets to see anyone other than his father , or glimpse the world outside their tiny hidden home . just before he dies , moon ' s father advises moon to leave alabama and go to alaska to seek others of their kind \u2013 people who know how to live off the land and refuse to have any relationship with the government . the fact that moon is only ten when his father dies doesn ' t stop him from trying to follow this injunction . fortunately , he doesn ' t succeed , though the reader becomes increasingly sympathetic with his wish to . instead , moon\nnamed \u201cbest child actress\u201d in fort bend theatre\u2019s 2005 - 06 season , liz branched out into television roles with a commercial and a performance in star disney\u2019s lighting ceremony on kprc - tv . her film debut as rachael gene in alabama moon began what she hopes is her life long career as a screen actress .\nthe course aims to teach students how to use film to document and analyze the many dimensions of culture and social experience at issue when focusing on a story of justice or injustice in alabama or internationally .\ni read the alabama moon book for my sixth grade summer reading list , and i loved it . the second i finished it , i new there needed to be a movie . i had already p . . . continue reading\ni am currently reading alabama moon in reading class with my teacher and classmates . it is a very good book . it\u2019s a good book because it\u2019s funny when it comes to sanders trying to find moon and the other boys . the plot of the book is moon is a little boy who lived in a forest with his dad . before his dad died he told moon to got alaska to live with people who were just like them . on his way there he got caught by constable sanders and they took him to jail . after he left the jail they took him to\nthe university of alabama\u2019s documenting justice film course offers a rare opportunity for students to step outside their comfort zones and see the world from someone else\u2019s perspective , says award - winning filmmaker and documenting justice director andrew grace .\nleopard\u2019s film , \u201crun of mine , \u201d documented the lives of coal miners in alabama . \u201cmy film has no agenda , \u201d he says , \u201cit was to shed light on this aspect of society \u2013 our main power source and resource . the vast majority of people have never seen a modern coal mine . \u201d\nthis review accompanies urltoken ' s red clay readers summer series following books by authors with alabama ties and the films they inspired .\nso once moon ' s father breaks his leg and won ' t seek medical help in the city , the young man loses his father and must fend for himself in the alabama wilderness using the resources and knowledge his eccentric father taught him .\nalabama moon is a good book that teaches you a lot of things that could help if you had to survive in the forest . it ' s a 300 - page book but is worth the read . moon knows a lot of survival tips that most kids don ' t . his pap has taught him everything he knows . moon has been watching his pap how to do things since he could understand what was going on . then early in the book , his pap passes away from his leg getting infected after he broke it . right before pap died he told moon to go to alaska . wher\ni loved this story and can\u2019t wait for my son to read it ! i can\u2019t wait to add it to my family\u2019s collection of books . if i ever get lost in the woods , i hope moon will find me and teach me how to survive . right off i thought moon was a strong character . moon and his father have survived off the land ever since moon was a year old . when his father dies moon is 10yrs old and forced to make it on his own . he soon is discovered and hunted down by the power hungry , constable sanders and placed in a boy\neleven - year - old moon blake has spent most of his life hiding out in the forests of alabama with his father , an anti - government radical who clings to conspiracy theories and trusts no one . moon ' s life suddenly changes when the land is sold and his father dies . knowing only what he learned from his father , moon decides to follow his last instructions ; make your way to alaska where\npeople could still make a living off trapping .\nin the path of civilization , moon quickly lands himself in a reform school where he meets the mean - spirited constable sanders and learns what friendship is all about . determined to get to alaska , he and his new friends escape from the school outwitting constable sanders each step of the way .\nalabama moon\nis a classic kid ' s film ( based on the novel by watt key ) , complete with adventure and survival that most kids only dream about . - - ( c ) official site\nthis book that i am currently reading is alabama moon and it is about a boy named moon and his pap . they find a place to live but instead moon has to go to a boys home because he was in the woods and his pap died from an infection in his foot . he meets some boys in the boys home . then hal , kit , and moon decide to escape from the boys home , so they did . i don ' t like this book because it doesn ' t have any action in it or comedy , and i usually prefer mysteries . it ' s boring because it\u2019s sad because th\non halloween , we got word that google had chosen mobile , alabama to launch their mobilize mobile campaign . at first , we didn\u2019t believe it because of the source announcing it . but it did later happen . read more about the rumor of google coming to mobile alabama .\nalabama moon\nby watt key tells the story of a teenage boy raised in the forests of alabama by his eccentric father . the author did a fine job crafting a coming - of - age adventure story about a boy finding his place in the world after his father dies and he is left alone in the woods . it ' s a cross between a buddy story and a wilderness adventure saga . the writing style makes it an easy read while also allowing for vivid imagery to be constructed in the reader ' s mind . despite the trouble moon caus\nmoon blake has lived with his father in the woods in a primitive shelter for as long as he can remember . his pap taught him everything he knows about survival in the wild , which is good , because when he breaks his leg and dies from the infection he leaves moon all on his own . pap gives moon instructions to make his way to alaska , where he\u2019s likely to find other cadres of people who don\u2019t like the government and want to be free to live their own lives in their own way . moon\u2019s not sure how to go a\nit\u2019s an experience that students , most of whom are not film majors , come to appreciate and even treasure .\nfinally ! a book for gary paulsen ' s hatchet fans ! moon and his father live in a makeshift cave on the abandoned property of a logging company . moon ' s mother died years ago and is buried up near the cedar grove . moon is really not sure when his family came to live in the forest . all he knows is that his father hates the government and is preparing for the day when a war breaks out . moon ' s father teaches him everything he needs to know to live off the land and even has time to teach him how to read\ni choose this book because i had seen the movie and was so excited to hear that there was a book . this book is about a young boy named moon who lived in a little home in the forest who had also lost his mother and father . before his father\u2019s passing he had told moon that when he died moon would feel loneliness , and that he would have to plan a way to get as far as he could from the law and protect himself . moons father died the next day and after the burial moon made a plan to go to alaska . unfo\nthe plot is that moon parents died the mom died of some kind of sickness , the dad dies of an infection of the leg . the beginning takes place in a shelter in the woods . moon\u2019s dad hated the government and when he had the infection in his leg he told moon to go to alaska . moon does not go to school and does not go into town . the only person that they trust is mr . abroscotto . he works at a convenience store near where they live . when his dad dies he took a wheelbarrow and put his dad in it and too\nmoon\u2019s pap died after he had a broken leg . he got taken to pinson , which is a boys\u2019 home by a man named sanders who is the constable of sumter county . while in pinson , he met kit and hal . then they eventually escaped into the wilderness . then after a couple weeks hal was getting sick of living out there with kit and moon . he decided to leave and we haven\u2019t seen him since . now sanders is back and moon set a trap and he toppled down a hill . currently we are at the point where kit gets sick . moon g\n\u00a9 heartland film 2017 | 1043 virginia avenue , suite 2 | indianapolis , in 46203 | 317 . 464 . 9405\nas the drama plays out , moon finds that friends are a good thing to have and it is okay to trust others . it is an interesting tale of adventure and heartwarming friendship . we gladly award the dove \u201cfamily - approved\u201d 12 + seal to this film .\ndocumenting justice film topics have examined the impact of the state\u2019s immigration laws on hispanic residents , the transformation of a low - performing , high - poverty school into one of alabama\u2019s most outstanding in just three years and the internal struggle of recovering from sexual assault , among many others .\ndescribe your life using film titles . if you could steal credit for any great piece of art , song , film , book etc which one would you claim ? so you\u2019ve got a candidate sitting in front of you for an interview .\nturkreno incorporated is a website design and apple computer repair and support company located in gulfport , mississippi and mobile , alabama . we support clients all over the globe .\nafter the unexpected death of his survivalist father , an eleven year old boy raised in the alabama wilderness must learn how to make a home in the modern world .\ndescribe your life using film titles . if you could steal credit for any great piece of art , song , film , book etc which one would you claim ? so you\u2019ve got a candidate sitting in front of you for an interview . more\nlee\u2019s career in the film and television industry began in 1965 , when he and some of his friends got recruited to do stunt work . he was employed in the1960\u2019s as a film and television stunt man on over 25 shows and numerous feature films .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nthis book that i am currently reading is alabama moon and it is about a boy named moon and his pap . they find a place to live but instead moon has to go to a boys home because he was in the woods and his pap died from an infection in his foot . he meets some boys in the boys home . then hal , kit , and moon decide to escape from the boys home , so they did . i don ' t like this book because it doesn ' t have any action in it or comedy , and i usually prefer mysteries . it ' s boring because it\u2019s sad because they talk about escaping , running , and people dying . moon , hal , pap , kit , mr aborcrotto , and sanders are some of the characters . i would pick moon as my favorite because he ' s smart and caring to other people . i don\u2019t have a least favorite character because no one is mean in this book . i would give it a two because it ' s boring , not interesting , or appealing to me , and i am not liking the characters .\nit\u2019s 1980 , and 11 - year - old moon blake has spent most of his life hiding out in the forests of alabama with his father , an anti - government radical who clings to conspiracy theories and trusts no one . moon\u2019s life suddenly changes when the land is sold and his father dies . he has never known any truth but his papa , and so he tries to follow his last instructions : make your way to alaska where \u201cpeople could still make a living off trapping . \u201d\ndirector tim mccanlies adapted key ' s novel into a motion picture , which premiered at the sidewalk film festival in september 2009 .\nafraid of the government and wanting to go to alaska that is thousands of miles away . only having some food a rifle and a wheelbarrow . you get caught a few times and are in jail . this is what happened to the protagonist in the story alabama moon . i highly recommend this book to readers that like adventure , action , and survival .\nthis guy named moon is a boy that lives with has dad and they don ' t like the government . i like the character moon because just the way he dose stuff like he doesn ' t care about a lot of things . another reason why i like the book is because the way they do the book like the writing .\nthe film is sweet and should still play well with young audiences despite wandering into cliched territory , complete with a forced courtroom climax that doesn ' t reward the characters as you ' d hope . but you still root for moon and his journey to find individuality and trust through tragedy at a young age .\nnice little family film that should appeal to parents and kids under the age of 12 . clean language , christian values and clint howard .\nlast year i was asked by the bbc to make a short film for bbc webwise \u2013 their website for sharing different advice online . the aim of the film was to work with new jobseeker , review their existing profiles and offer advice on how and why to improve them .\nlast year i was asked by the bbc to make a short film for bbc webwise \u2013 their website for sharing different advice online . the aim of the film was to work with new jobseeker , review their existing profiles and offer advice on how and why to improve them . more\nin the path of civilization , moon quickly lands himself in a reform school where he meets the mean - spirited constable sanders ( clint howard ) and learns what friendship is all about . with the help of mr . wellington ( john goodman ) , moon adapts and learns to survive in the outside world . \u201cbeing involved with this movie has been the experience of a lifetime , \u201d said lee faulkner . \u201cwhen i read watt key\u2019s novel i knew it would make a perfect family film . \u201d\nsummary : living out in the woods with pap was all moon ever knew . living a life in the woods hiding from the government was not an easy life to live . after sadness strikes moon ' s life yet again , he heads off to alaska where he will find people like himself . all alone , moon reaches many unexpected places through his journey as well as create friendships that he had never had . evaluation : i would recommend this for 4th grade or higher because the main character is the same age that these students\nin fact , danny boyle ( hollywood film producer for slumdog millionaire , 127 hours and many other successful films ) once said \u201cone thing i have learnt is that 70 % of the movie is sound\u201d which just goes to show how important the sound is to the success of a film .\nas a dutiful father , i\u2019ll be hauling the youngest four of the household off to catching fire , the hunger games sequel , as soon as they get home from school on friday , the opening day of the film . i\u2019m not thrilled about the film \u2019s length , 2 . 5\nbut even as moon yearns to go back to the woods and carry on as his father taught him , he already embraces elements of the outside world from which his dad sheltered him like friends and even food . life on the\noutside\nisn ' t so bad after all , but moon remains reluctant to trust anyone , unless he needs help escaping .\noxford american magazine named grace one of \u201cthe most creative teachers in the south\u201d in 2011 , and his film \u201ceating alabama\u201d has won an array of accolades . he says his goals for documenting justice are \u201cto continue developing it into a whole slate of classes and programming that builds upon the success of the nonfiction work we\u2019ve started with the class . \u201d\nin fact , danny boyle ( hollywood film producer for slumdog millionaire , 127 hours and many other successful films ) once said \u201cone thing i have learnt is that 70 % of the movie is sound\u201d which just goes to show how important the sound is to the success of a film . more\nas a dutiful father , i\u2019ll be hauling the youngest four of the household off to catching fire , the hunger games sequel , as soon as they get home from school on friday , the opening day of the film . i\u2019m not thrilled about the film \u2019s length , 2 . 5 more\n~ moon blake was raised in the forest with his government hating ( vietnam syndrome afflicted ) father where he learns everything he needs to know to live alone - except how to not be lonely after his dad dies . ~ lots of changing action makes you want to pick this book up all throughout the day just to see what kind of trouble moon will get himslf into next . ~ fabulous , simple dialogue creates his characer as well as others . ~ very fun to read , but i also found myself caring so much about moon . 294 pa\n~ moon blake was raised in the forest with his government hating ( vietnam syndrome afflicted ) father where he learns everything he needs to know to live alone - except how to not be lonely after his dad dies . ~ lots of changing action makes you want to pick this book up all throughout the day just to see what kind of trouble moon will get himslf into next . ~ fabulous , simple dialogue creates his characer as well as others . ~ very fun to read , but i also found myself caring so much about moon . 294 pages\nfor those who may not know , other than my love first love : recruitment , i am an avid film buff . cannes film festival is in full swing and will be concluding on saturday and we , the non - celebrities , get to glimpse at a smorgasbord of new releases . i often ask candidates during interviews what their favorite film is in order to find out a little bit about them and at times it can be pretty revealing .\nthe book i read was alabama moon by watt key . this book is about a boy who lives in the forest of alabama . he has never talked to anyone besides his father . he learned to live off what was in the woods . on occasion him and his father would go to town . to sell stuff and get some supplies . then one day his father got hurt . and he lost his father so he went off to look at something and was found . he escaped from the guy taking him away . then a couple days later he was caught by the constable . he wa\nfor those who may not know , other than my love first love : recruitment , i am an avid film buff . cannes film festival is in full swing and will be concluding on saturday and we , the non - celebrities , get to glimpse at a smorgasbord of new releases . i often ask candidates during interviews what their favorite film is in order to find out a little bit about them and at times it can be pretty revealing . more\nso mccanlies and his crew instead opted for louisiana , though the film remains set in the yellowhammer state . we get those same references to birmingham , tuscaloosa , mobile and other cities , but the film ' s biggest problem lies in the fact that region it adopts never finds tangible life on screen .\nin 1998 tim wrote and directed \u201cdancer , texas pop . 81\u201d . the film began as a low budget independent feature but john calley , head of sony pictures , purchased the film one week into production . \u201cdancer\u201d premiered with exceptional reviews , made a dozen critics\u2019 \u201ctop ten movies of 1998\u201d lists , and was a phenomenon in texas , where it played in theatres continually for seven months . it premiered internationally at the london film festival in november , 1998 .\ni got the job of picking the friday night movie for us to watch with our two boys . alabama moon turned out to be a great choice . although our youngest drifted off about halfway through , our 9 year - old was enthralled with the adventure story . moreover , although the themes of death , anti - government sentiment and the realities of survivalism were treated fairly lightly , the movie triggered a few insightful questions from the kids - an indication that the level of the movie was perfectly pitched at their level of understanding and ability to deal with serious issues . a bit like moon himself , really . of course there was corn and humour bordering on slapstick ( the constable is a caricature of the mean lawman ) , but it ' s right at home in a gentle family film like this . and if you want your kids to gain some deeper insight into what real friendship means , look no further than moon and kit .\nstill , you wish other states ' incentives weren ' t so enticing that filmmakers would opt to tell specifically - set stories elsewhere . mimicking geography rarely works , and generic woods don ' t necessarily breathe life into a region you ' re depicting . so please come film in alabama , folks , even you must stretch your dollars . you won ' t regret it .\nalabama moon is an incredibly captivating book to anyone with even the slightest interest in the outdoors . the story of a young boy and his countless enemies and loyal friends along with his immense knowledge of the wilderness will keep you on the edge of your seat . watt key ' s style of writing keeps the plot moving and the reader guessing until the very last page . on the top of my favorites list .\nuriah was born in dallas , texas march 10 , 1997 . one month after he was born , he moved with his family to magnolia springs , alabama , a small river community about 40 miles south of mobile .\nmoon blake is raised by his loving but government - paranoid father oliver in a hidden cave in the alabama forests . oliver dies from a leg wound he refuses to have medically treated , so moon is told to move away , alone , and start a new home in the alaskan wild - lands . constable sanders , however - the mean local cop - finds the boy with his father ' s guns , abuses him and has him locked away till majority age for ' assault ' within mr . gene ' s grim pinson home for boys . moon soon makes friends with shy , sickly kit and apparent bully hal , then sets up a mass escape , on which only the trio actually follows through . sanders fails to catch them , but the unforgiving elements reshuffle the cards dramatically . an uncle is meanwhile found .\ni choose this book because i had seen the movie and was so excited to hear that there was a book . this book is about a young boy named moon who lived in a little home in the forest who had also lost his mother and father . before his father\u2019s passing he had told moon that when he died moon would feel loneliness , and that he would have to plan a way to get as far as he could from the law and protect himself . moons father died the next day and after the burial moon made a plan to go to alaska . unfortunately he didn\u2019t make it because the law found him and took him to juvenile hall , but moon knew he wasn\u2019t going to stay there long . he had made two friend named kit and hal and they all brock out . after a while hal go annoyed and went home to his father and later on kit got every ill . after a long time moon found out that kit had passed away . then after a hard and painful journey moon went to live with the uncle he never knew he had . quote : \u201ci don\u2019t want you to die\u201d this was a big deal in this book because he had said that to his father and to kit before they died . i like the way the author wrote this story as if he lived every second . i would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good cry .\ni really liked this movie because it had a good story line and did not favor the protagonist . in the end it did , but through out the movie moon was not necessar . . . continue reading\nmccanlies gets to the heart of key ' s coming - of - age tale of survival , tragedy and trust just fine through a series a emotional scenes that won ' t have trouble connecting with most audiences , especially children . but it ' s frustrating when a film with alabama in its title can ' t find its production in that state , losing a crucial sense of place for that audience , particularly those from the area . so any reference to tuscaloosa , livingston or pinson ultimately loses meaning because the film literally won ' t take us there .\ndocumenting justice focuses on issues of justice and injustice within alabama , while international documenting justice , for those who plan to study abroad , gives students the opportunity to tell social - justice - themed stories from all corners of the globe .\nno one watches your culture video if you film it , they will come , right ? recruiting teams have gotten wise to how powerful employer brand can be when trying to attract applications .\neleven year old moon blake has spent most of his life hiding out in the forests of alabama with his father , an anti - government radical who clings to conspiracy theories and trusts no one . his life suddenly changes when the land is sold and his father suddenly dies . he must learn how to make friends , avoid enemies and find his place in the modern world . an adventure for the boy in all of us ! - - based on the popular novel by watt key .\nno one watches your culture video if you film it , they will come , right ? recruiting teams have gotten wise to how powerful employer brand can be when trying to attract applications . more\nthis is one of several reviews i wrote for the late lamented secular homeschooling magazine . we ran an article about homeschoolers in fiction , and i rated a lot of ya novels based on how good they were and how well they handled homeschooling . mostly , homeschoolers were hauled out as the reliable weirdos in story after story ; but it was still fun to do so much reading and call it my job . so : alabama moon , by watt key category : creepy backwoods illegal homeschooling summary : occasional trips into tow\njimmy lindsey was born and raised in texas . he earned his bachelor\u2019s degree in film production and history from the university of texas at austin and continued his education at the workshops in rockport maine .\nin addition to being the original \u201cwolf of wall street , \u201d a character popularized in the 2013 film by martin scorsese , richard bronson is now the ceo of a relatively new job board called 70millionjobs .\nin addition to being the original \u201cwolf of wall street , \u201d a character popularized in the 2013 film by martin scorsese , richard bronson is now the ceo of a relatively new job board called 70millionjobs . more\nthe recruiter asked candidates to film short videos of themselves doing silly random acts . with the war for skills intensifying , companies are under even more pressure to evolve the way in which they hire top talent .\nduring the first semester of the course , grace and co - instructor rachel morgan , lead programmer for the sidewalk film festival , teach documentary theory and history as well as the ethics of cinematic non - fiction .\nthe recruiter asked candidates to film short videos of themselves doing silly random acts . with the war for skills intensifying , companies are under even more pressure to evolve the way in which they hire top talent . more\nok , so the title might be a little far - fetched for a feature film , but with the spate of recent blogs about automated systems killing off recruitment , it could very well be arnie\u2019s next blockbuster .\nsince the inception of documenting justice , a signature initiative of the ua center for ethics & social responsibility , in 2006 , 112 students have created 56 documentaries about life in alabama . fourteen students have filmed 12 documentaries in countries around the world since the launch of documenting justice international in 2009 .\nwe don ' t owe anything to anybody ,\nhis father tells him early on , not giving moon much of a chance at all to connect to the outside world , much less a desire to ever do so .\ndon ' t trust anybody .\nok , so the title might be a little far - fetched for a feature film , but with the spate of recent blogs about automated systems killing off recruitment , it could very well be arnie\u2019s next blockbuster . more\nfilm has the oscars , theater has the tonys , and in chicago tech we have the moxies . last night were the 5th annual moxie awards with hundreds of attendees representing the best of the tech industry in chicago .\nmoon makes a strong impression , immediately confronting ( and befriending ) the institution ' s big bully hal and insisting to new friends like the sickly kit and the home ' s administrators that he plans to bust out and head back home as soon as he gets an opportunity .\nit was a fast and easy read . i ' ll make my 8 yr old read it . it ' ll be interesting what he thinks about a 10 yr old that lives out in the alabama forest making his own clothes and killing his meals . the reason he lived out there was because of his parents . it became a sad and hopeful story . moon blake was a kid that was perceived as a savage misfit escaping the law but in reality just didn ' t know any different . by the end , i wanted to adopt him . . . ! ! : }\nin 2008 tim directed two films : first , \u201cthe 2 bobs\u201d , a micro - budget r - rated indie comedy that premiered at the 2009 sxsw film festival and at afi - dallas , now being sold for distribution .\nfilm has the oscars , theater has the tonys , and in chicago tech we have the moxies . last night were the 5th annual moxie awards with hundreds of attendees representing the best of the tech industry in chicago . more\nas mentioned , uncubed has launched a beta of a new product offering that we couldn\u2019t be more excited about : the video job listing , which our clients can film from the comfort of their own computers . happy filming !\nexciting for us , and maybe not for you , but we had hibachi on the go open up in daphne , alabama opened in november . pretty good japanese food and at a more affordable price than a sit - down sushi restaurant . read more about hibachi on the go . love the seaweed salad .\ndirected by tim mccanlies ( secondhand lions ) , alabama moon is big - hearted and sweet and likable , but it also feels rushed and truncated , as well as uneven in tone . it begins with some very intense , dramatic scenes in which an 11 - year - old loses his father and becomes an orphan , and then the tone settles on a rather lightweight , and even comical adventure story that stays somewhat inert ; while there is much talk of going to alaska , most of the images consist of the boys hanging around in one spot . the story doesn ' t really move .\nalabama moon\nby watt key is a book that couldn ' t really interest me from it ' s blurb . but i must say that once i read a few chapters i realized how strong this book is . by which i mean that it has such a great message which is clearly expressed by watt key . and that message is ; one does not need much to captivate his / her life , all you need is skill , responsibility , independence , and appreciation of what you have . i find this message to be perfect regarding the fact that this book was made for y\ni actually just read that book because my library had this one in it ' s original language and there are not many books in their original language for young readers . the book is about a boy called moon , who grew up living in a forest far from civilization with his father . when his father dies moon is 10 years old and now on his own . his father told him to go to alaska cause there would be a lot people who live like they did . the story is not really very good and i took a while to accept the writing\nas mentioned , uncubed has launched a beta of a new product offering that we couldn\u2019t be more excited about : the video job listing , which our clients can film from the comfort of their own computers . happy filming ! more\na new \u201c documentary film \u201d about the staffing profession serves to combat that phenomenon , functioning as both an informative gaze - behind - the - curtain for those outside the profession and a pulse - check for ambitious staffing professionals .\napart from allowing individuals to take selfies through fun filters and film life around them , it\u2019s also a modern marketing tool for reaching millennials and selling an employer brand . snapchat is a craze that doesn\u2019t seem to be going anywhere .\nnavigate the intersection of talent & tech with newton bootcamp hot off the film reel and primed for the big screen , here is the recording from our latest newton bootcamp , \u201csustainable growth at the intersection of talent & technology . \u201d\nmoon is a 10 - year - old boy who ' s been raised in the woods by his father . when his father dies , he has no idea who to trust or where to go , and immediately gets himself into trouble with the law . when i read the summary , i thought the story was going to take place a long time ago , but the setting is alabama in 1980 . the characters in this story are fascinating and believable , and the story made me cry . i would recommend it to fans of wilderness survival ( hatchet , my side of the mountain ) or realist\ni chose to read this book in honor of my teammate who loves it - lauren waters . : ) i think that boys in particular would connect to this all - male character list , starring 10 year old ward of the state moon blake . between living in the forest , to being held in a boys home , to breaking out and living in the wild again , there is never a dull moment . it is also interesting to watch moon ' s friendships with hal and kit develop , since friends are really all he has . finally , knowing that a ten year old\nthe reason i chose this book is because its about the outdoors , hunting and ect . this book is about a kid named moon blake he lives with his dad under a tree . there living under there cause pap the dad doesnt like the goverment . this book mainly takes place in a forest . moon and his dad were out checking there traps to see if they got anything . one trap was across a river that was frozen . the dad went first to make sure it was safe to walk on . as soon as the dad walked on the ice it broke and he\nnavigate the intersection of talent & tech with newton bootcamp hot off the film reel and primed for the big screen , here is the recording from our latest newton bootcamp , \u201csustainable growth at the intersection of talent & technology . \u201d more\napart from allowing individuals to take selfies through fun filters and film life around them , it\u2019s also a modern marketing tool for reaching millennials and selling an employer brand . snapchat is a craze that doesn\u2019t seem to be going anywhere . more\na new \u201c documentary film \u201d about the staffing profession serves to combat that phenomenon , functioning as both an informative gaze - behind - the - curtain for those outside the profession and a pulse - check for ambitious staffing professionals . more\ngiving women the director role on major film projects is , unfortunately , rare . the wonder woman movie has been a blockbuster success at the box office , at least in part because both the main character and the director are women .\nwhile i\u2019d seen most of these classics before , this time i noticed a recurring theme that somehow struck me this time around : no matter what film , in practically every shot and scene , someone is smoking a [ \u2026 ] .\nbased on the myers - briggs personality types , this infographic by colonial life , uncovers the personality types of some of the world\u2019s most successful people , including us president barrack obama , film director stephen spielberg and singer / songwriter beyonc\u00e9 .\ngiving women the director role on major film projects is , unfortunately , rare . the wonder woman movie has been a blockbuster success at the box office , at least in part because both the main character and the director are women . more\nwhile i\u2019d seen most of these classics before , this time i noticed a recurring theme that somehow struck me this time around : no matter what film , in practically every shot and scene , someone is smoking a [ \u2026 ] . more\nbased on the myers - briggs personality types , this infographic by colonial life , uncovers the personality types of some of the world\u2019s most successful people , including us president barrack obama , film director stephen spielberg and singer / songwriter beyonc\u00e9 . more"]} {"id": 114613, "summary": [{"text": "the entrepreneur ( italian : l'industriale ) is a 2011 italian drama film directed by giuliano montaldo .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film premiered out of competition at the 2011 rome film festival .", "topic": 2}, {"text": "it won three italian golden globes for best film , cinematography and best music and the special jury prize to pierfrancesco favino .", "topic": 14}, {"text": "it was also nominated to four nastro d'argento awards ( for best script , best actress , best cinematography and best scenography ) . ", "topic": 14}], "title": "the entrepreneur", "paragraphs": ["one entrepreneur walks us through her struggle with the anxiety and depression that affects so many .\nentrepreneur seeks to inspire , inform and celebrate entrepreneurs . we offer real solutions to the ch . . .\nentrepreneur elevator pitch is back this week ! find out if the elevator doors open for him this wednesday .\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing the entrepreneur near you .\nthis week on entrepreneur elevator pitch , our investors question if there is even a market for the contestants ' entrepreneurial ideas .\ngray may be the new black for fashion , but it ' s a dull color scheme for helmer giuliano montaldo ' s\nthe entrepreneur .\nentrepreneur elevator pitch season 2 ep . 10 : ' we are going to make money on this thing '\ni ' m a millennial mom and a successful entrepreneur . stop asking me how i manage it all .\ngo ahead and pull out that swimsuit or leave the pajamas on , you can still be a successful entrepreneur without being tied to an office .\nan entrepreneur contributor consults his crystal ball and says to keep an eye on blockchain , ai and progressive web apps .\nnatalie sisson is a new zealand entrepreneur and adventurer who currently lives on her dream lifestyle property in her home country , and the rest of the time out of her suitcase , traveling the world and running her business and going on adventures .\ngray may be the new black for fashion , but it\u2019s a dull color scheme for helmer giuliano montaldo\u2019s \u201cthe entrepreneur . \u201d looking to emphasize the chill of turin winters along with the deeper frigidity of the 1 % industrialist class , montaldo creates a tiresome , near - colorless world in which the occasional red contrast is too little , too late . [ \u2026 ]\nhover over the profile pic and click the following button to unfollow any account .\nwhen you see a tweet you love , tap the heart \u2014 it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love .\nalternatively , picture a city official making the case to the international olympic committee . . .\nthrough empathy , compassion and kindness , princess diana won the hearts of people around the world . that\u2019s why the princess of wales was often recognized as the \u201c people\u2019s princess . \u201d\nthis week in weed : the fda and the big3 say\nyes\nto cannabis .\nget this : the renowned paleontologist who inspired ' jurassic park ' is attempting to recreate dinosaurs by reversing the evolution of the modern - day chicken .\nnatalie mixes the very best of fun and inspiration with practical , actionable tools to get you set for a viable location independent business . while there is specific travel - related information , any entrepreneur will benefit from learning how to have a lean , flexible business .\nnow that the fda approved a marijuana - based drug , will the dea allow i . . .\nshe\u2019s a bestselling author of this book you\u2019re reading , the suitcase entrepreneur , and a sought - after speaker , having spoken at tedx royal tunbridge wells , problogger , fincon , social media marketing world , socialight , and more , and the huffington post named her one of 50 must - follow women entrepreneurs in 2017 .\ngray may be the new black for fashion , but it\u2019s a dull color scheme for helmer giuliano montaldo \u2019s \u201cthe entrepreneur . \u201d looking to emphasize the chill of turin winters along with the deeper frigidity of the 1 % industrialist class , montaldo creates a tiresome , near - colorless world in which the occasional red contrast is too little , too late . while well played with some effective scenes , the pic resists fully engaging with its nascent capitalist critique , gumming it up with a standard jealousy tale that could have come from a hundred other scripts . no more than modest returns can be predicted .\nwith more than 1 , 000 companies applying , the 39th annual franchise 500 ranking is one of our most competitive ever . those franchises that rose to the top reveal the newest trends as well as the industries that keep going strong decade after decade . understanding the ranking .\nplenty of people want to travel the world and run a business from anywhere , but only a small percentage of them transform their dreams to reality . of those who make the leap , few can explain it well . natalie sisson is the perfect exception : a suitcase entrepreneur with a track record , who can also show you exactly how it\u2019s done . read this book and pack for your new adventure\nhere are the hardware and software tools you ' ll need . hint : the first one is a microphone .\ni\u2019ve personally reviewed and tested the best of the best tools and apps to run your business effortlessly from anywhere .\nso what exactly is a lifestyle business ? the concept is simple : you design a business around your talents , skills and knowledge , that gives you the the freedom to do all the things you want , when you want .\nnatalie aka the suitcase entrepreneur is one of my favorites . she has a wealth of knowledge on how to run a business from anywhere . she told me about a meeting space called meetingburner in the early stages and now i\u2019m grandfathered in , meaning i don\u2019t have to pay a dime to use it . it was extremely helpful in executing my latest online course .\njust because you don\u2019t have the \u201cright\u201d connections or have \u201cenough\u201d money doesn\u2019t mean you can\u2019t start the business of your dreams .\nto understand how his impact spreads beyond the walls of his own operation , we asked four amazon alumni to look back on the priceless lessons they learned from the boldest man they know .\nthe fastest way to share someone else\u2019s tweet with your followers is with a retweet . tap the icon to send it instantly .\nin this interview , emily richett takes us inside funnel hacking live , clickfunnels \u2019s annual business conference , to talk about the true benefits of hard work , the law of attraction and the four levels of value with myron golden , a business trainer , speaker and author of the international bestselling book from the trash man to the cash man : how anyone can get rich starting from anywhere .\nthe google privacy policy has been\nupdated\n28 times since its inception in 1999 - - including three times in 2017 alone . the most was five times in the year 2015 . and to its credit , google makes all the updates and changes pretty obvious .\nyou might know him as the tough , truth - telling investor \u201c mr . wonderful \u201d on abc\u2019s shark tank , however there\u2019s much more than what you see on screen . entrepreneur , investor , author and television personality kevin o\u2019leary got his major business break when he co - founded softkey , a tech company that packaged floppy disks and cds in the 1980s . after buying the learning company , a company that created educational and entertainment games in 1995 and absorbing it into softkey , o\u2019leary sold the company to mattel for more than $ 3 billion , maki\nfounder dylan lauren explains how she broke through a sugar - stuffed market to build one of the most beloved sweets brands in the world .\nnot only do infographics hone in on the most important information , but the use of visuals actually help to increase retention of that information .\nhere ' s everything you need to know about the startup costs , training and investment opportunities from the top 10 companies in our franchise 500 .\naccording to the recent survey , the failure rate of franchising is less than 10 % in contrast to over 90 % of independent businesses that fail .\nwelcome to entrepreneur ' s 39th annual franchise 500 . that ' s right , we ' ve been putting together the world ' s first , best , and most comprehensive franchise ranking for almost four decades . and this year ' s turned out to be one of our most competitive ever . in fact , for the first time in 25 years , more than 1 , 000 companies applied to be a part of the list . that means if you ' re interested in buying a franchise , you ' ve got more options than ever , from the established industries still dominating the top of the rankings , like restaurants , hair care , and real estate , to emerging trends quickly climbing their way up , like smartphone repairs , trampoline parks , and paint - and - sip studios .\nit ' s estimated that there are over 2000 recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries operating in the us - - and those are just the legal ones . with all the competition , how does a shop stand out from the pack ? you can start by having a clever name . here are some of our favorites .\nhere ' s a very simple solution to the mystery of wh . . .\nbe the first to get inspirational content - handpicked and delivered to your inbox .\nhow do you trade the comforts of a job you know well for the unknown of entrepreneurship ? just - retired race car driver danica patrick is finding out .\nnote : the franchise 500 is not intended to endorse , advertise , or recommend any particular franchise . it is solely a tool to compare franchise operations . entrepreneur media stresses that you should always conduct your own independent investigation before investing in a franchise . read the fdd and related materials , get help from a franchise attorney and an accountant to review legal and financial documents , talk to as many existing and former franchisees as possible , and visit their outlets . to protect yourself , do your homework .\nthe alarm goes off late . your forehead is pounding , and your body feels like a semi - truck has hit it . your computer crashes and destroys your assignment hours before the deadline . your supervisor has taken micromanagement to the next level . you have to work through lunch , and it\u2019s not even the afternoon yet .\nnatalie is a stellar businesswoman , she has the ability to see the potential in other women entrepreneurs and help them shine . she\u2019s got the social media skills , the business acumen , and the passion to help women court bolder dreams and make them a reality . what sets natalie apart from other business leaders is her level of commitment to professionalism and the high standard that she holds for herself and that of her clients . if you have a chance to work with her , do it ! \u201d\nbest known for bringing subaru and yugo to north america , and for producing the first sports car with gull - wing doors , malcolm bricklin has lost and regained millions , failing as often as thriving . but malcolm is a man who gauges success by the experience itself , not just by the dollars and cents it generates . filmmaker jonathan bricklin follows his father ' s last grasp at power before his last gasp , as dad dreams of being the first to distribute chinese cars in north america . all he needs is a near - bankrupt factory and some investors . you wouldn ' t actually think malcolm could do it , given his insistence that everyone conform to his ideas and his blustery , ostentatious , and unprofessional conduct . can this showman transform his talk into reality ? the entrepreneur is a testament to bricklin senior ' s legacy , a roller coaster ride through the ups and downs of brokering the blockbuster deal of a lifetime\none of the most common questions i am asked by candidates who are seeking interview coaching is about how they can show their true self in what seems like an unnatural setting - - the job interview . oftentimes candidates feel pressured to \u201cput on a show\u201d and manufacture the perfect answers , trying to predict what the interviewer wants to hear .\nthe ' people ' s princess ' used her power and popularity to help others .\nfrom jeff bezos to elon musk and piera gelardi , learn about the entrepreneurs who took the right risks this past year - - and what you can learn from them .\ni was lucky enough to meet one of the women founders who most inspired me .\nthe 3 most essential points to keep in mind for your next accelerator . . .\nmany entrepreneurs ignore branding because they consider it too expensive or don\u2019t think they ' ll need it until they reach a specific growth point . the truth is , however , that the longer you wait to brand , the more confusion you ' ll . . .\nhere ' s a rundown of the new rules and what they could mean for entrepreneurs .\nbutton on any author page to keep up with the latest content from your favorite authors .\nhere ' s the url for this tweet . copy it to easily share with friends .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nmost people don\u2019t wake up ready to start the day like snow white singing to her helpful little birds . most days you get caught up in the hustle and bustle and have to push through , and then , there are the bad days when you\u2019re just not feeling it .\nsick of blankly nodding as your tech - savvy friends drop the word ' ai ' like it ' s the title of drake ' s latest album ? this guide is your fix .\nyou know the kind of speech i\u2019m referring to : the pivotal presentation that defines a person , cause or culture - - that crucial communications moment your audience members will remember for weeks afterward .\nin this ongoing column , the digest , urltoken news director stephen j . bronner speaks with food entrepreneurs and executives to see what it took to get their products into the mouths of customers .\nelon musk , the latest iphone rumors and sex in space ! 3 things to know today .\nthe bigger the pool of job seekers means that businesses need to dig deeper and be more innovative with their sourcing methods in order to secure their needs . competition for talent is a multifaceted issue .\nthis week , our investors question if there is even a market for the contestants ' entrepreneurial ideas .\nelon musk , the latest iphone rumors and sex in space ! 3 things to know . . .\nreplicating the brand experience and product quality on an international scale can be difficult , but with the right business partners , open lines of communication and an open mind , you can find contin . . .\nis entrepreneurship caused by nature or nurture ? not that it makes much difference once the bug bites .\never hear of a brand style guide ? that ' s the very first thing you ' ll need .\nthe founder and ceo says journal writing is what bolsters her when she has to tackle a big challenge .\nreplicating the brand experience and product quality on an international scale can be difficult , but with the right business partners , open lines of communication and an open mind , you can find continued success in international markets .\ntechnology has made it easier than ever to optimize the performance of your sales team to drive revenues faster .\nusing online tools , technologies and sexy systems , you can work in a way that sustains the lifestyle you want \u2013 whether that\u2019s having more time to play with your children or being able to travel the world .\nyou can add location information to your tweets , such as your city or precise location , from the web and via third - party applications . you always have the option to delete your tweet location history . learn more\nre - energize your day or week with these inspiring quotes from some of the world ' s greatest thinkers .\nsometimes , an employee just needs an extra jolt . other times , you will need to pull the plug .\nwe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best possible experience on our website . find out more .\nvirtual reality is on its way to revamp the way we collaborate , communicate and cut down on unneeded business expenses .\nby embedding twitter content in your website or app , you are agreeing to the twitter developer agreement and developer policy .\nnot on twitter ? sign up , tune into the things you care about , and get updates as they happen .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nmany entrepreneurs think of mentorship all wrong . and that means they ' re missing the great mentors in front of them .\nused to calling his own shots , flay will soon find out what happens when he lets everyone else into the kitchen .\nfrom a business perspective , none of the ideas were solid . until one was . it was an idea that struck home for both me and hoyoung . it aimed to solve a big problem in the american healthcare system we have experienced firsthand .\nour list reflects a truth : franchises must innovate to attract new customers while being reliable enough to keep the old ones happy .\nbill gates famously said that\ncontent is king\nin 1996 , and that became a guiding principle for the internet age .\nwhat do schlotzsky ' s , cinnabon and auntie anne ' s have in common ? the same parent company : focus brands .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\ncoming from adversity , golden learned the true purpose of hard work . \u201cthe real reason that working hard is important is because working hard makes you a better person , \u201d says golden . it was this work ethic that took him from driving garbage trucks for $ 6 . 25 an hour , to becoming an in - demand speaker and trainer in the areas of sales , marketing , bus\ngreat quotes can be inspirational and motivational . they can guide your life , love and career . here are 50 of the best .\nbefore we can determine the rankings , though , we have to gather the data . beginning in july 2017 , we asked franchisors to fill out our online form and submit a copy of their full current franchise disclosure document ( fdd ) or canadian disclosure document . a total of 1 , 023 supplied the required information . submissions were then vetted by our editorial team before being entered for data analysis .\nto set the stage ( pun intended ) for this event , imagine an imaginary setting : a new ceo\u2019s first all - hands - on meeting with a global company following a contentious merger . if the organization is to survive , our ceo must project confidence and optimism .\nthe hospitality legend is on a one - man crusade to help entrepreneurs own their failures , get over their hang - ups and succeed .\nlearning how to determine your customers ' level of satisfaction with your product or service is one of the best time investments you can make .\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\nin the six years since ' fast n ' loud ' first aired , richard rawlings has turned gas monkey into a multimillion - dollar brand .\nbut this stuff can and will change to suit google , or to suit new laws and regulations google has to follow . for example , in the european union and elsewhere on may 25 , 2018 , google and others will have to deal with the general data protection regulation , or gd\nwith the right mix of speed , timing and guts , smart founders can profit hugely from their much , much , much larger rivals ' misfortune .\nwham - o created the frisbee , slip ' n slide and more . then it fell into disrepair - - until a new leader came along .\nchrome 67 isn ' t ready for prime time ; it ' s more an invitation for developers to integrate the new biometric system into their websites .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nstressed factory owner nicola ( pierfrancesco favino ) needs refinancing pronto to save his company , but the banks won\u2019t help unless he gets wife laura ( carolina crescentini ) or her venal mother ( elisabetta piccolomini ) , ultra - wealthy local brahmins , to co - sign . nicola\u2019s pride stands in the way , and his self - isolation is straining his marriage . laura strikes up a friendship with garage attendant gabriel ( eduard gabia ) , though she refuses his advances ; nicola spies on the two and suspects the worst . discussions of italy\u2019s economic crisis and occasional scenes of workers\u2019 protests are no more than flavor additives .\nwhen barbara corcoran invests in a startup , founders gain a fully engaged partner with lots of outsize opinions . the only question is : will they listen ?\n' things are changing so fast in food that if you ' re still using what worked for you in the past , you ' re screwed . '\nto be eligible to rank , a franchisor must be seeking new franchisees in the u . s . or canada and must have had a minimum of 10 units open and operating as of july 31 , 2017 , with at least one franchise located in north america . companies in chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings were not eligible . then , each eligible franchisor was scored based on more than 150 data points , and those with the highest cumulative scores became the franchise 500 .\nlooking to buy a business ? browse through our collection of franchise opportunities . when choosing a franchise , you want to find a business that produces quality products and services for consumers . some factors to consider when choosing a franchise are the initial investment , capital requirements , business financing , current trends and the amount of time it will take to get your business up and running . browse through our top business opportunities and request more information on the franchises that interest you most .\ndawaami founder and ceo kamal al - samarrai is all set to wage war against industry incumbents with his new online platform that aims to disrupt the recruitment sector .\nand that\u2019s what i\u2019m here to help you do . because life is short , and you deserve to live it to the full , on your own terms !\na new class of graduates are entering the workforce , and many are doing it on their own terms . unlike previous generations , a large percentage of this\ninternet generation\nare bypassing traditional jobs to start their own business . in fact , almost half of millennials freelanced last year - - the highest of any generation .\n\u00a9 copyright 2018 variety media , llc , a subsidiary of penske business media , llc . variety and the flying v logos are trademarks of variety media , llc . powered by urltoken vip\nhas your food business invented something along the lines of a cronut or a ravioli and peanut butter and jelly sandwich ? once you do , your younger customers will promote it for you .\nbest known for bringing subaru and yugo to north america , and for producing the first sports car with gull - wing doors , malcolm bricklin has lost and regained millions , failing as often as . . . see full summary \u00bb\nso how do we determine which companies come out on top ? using our proprietary ranking formula , which is always evolving to keep up with the ever - changing franchise world . here ' s a quick overview of what we consider :\nnow that you understand why you need a business plan and you ' ve spent some time doing your homework gathering the information you need to create one , it ' s time to roll up your sleeves and get everything down on paper .\nhusband and wife team nick and elyse oleksak quit their wall street jobs after nick had a dream about stuffed bagels . after hundreds of tests , that dream became a reality in 2013 with the opening of bantam bagels in new york city .\nwe take our careers very seriously . we pour a great deal of energy into cultivating relationships and growing a network of professionals we either work with or hope to . we spend countless hours combing through our online resumes and linkedin profiles , carefully ensuring they convey the utmost professionalism . we want to be taken seriously and be considered credible and influential at work . we look the part , practice our presentations , fine - tune our communication skills and polish our presence online and in person .\ndabbing concentrates is often seen as being an efficient and cost - effective means of consuming cannabis . with just a teensy dollop of hash on the head of a nail , tokers can get stonier than a rock garden . but when you ' re\nmy friends hoyoung ban and young choi always peppered me with business ideas . because one has experience working at an internationally recognized company and the other has a ph . d . in engineering and physical science and is a genius , i always listened .\nnot only is this futile , but it also defeats the purpose of an interview - - to show your best , authentic self . an interviewer is less concerned about how \u201cperfect\u201d your answer is , and more interested in understanding three core aspects about you :\nthis is also the heart of branding , because with branding , you give someone an experience of your company that establishes a clear picture of who you are and ultimately engages that someone - - now a\ncustomer\n- - enough to buy your goods and services .\nthink of branding as you would meeting someone on a blind date . you dress to make a specific impression . you communicate in a way that makes the other person interested in knowing more . and , if things work out , you may nudge your way toward a second date .\neveryone has one of those days . you may feel like it\u2019s your fault , but it\u2019s not . most of the time , these stressful situations are outside of your control , but you can monitor , accept and reset your reactions . to get started , try these five tips . . .\nin the age of cloud computing and artificial intelligence , you don\u2019t need a cord to backup your photos . you don\u2019t even need to be near your computer . and you certainly shouldn\u2019t be emailing them or messaging them to yourself . there are simpler , more streamlined alternatives , such as google photos .\nhowever , the british royalty was more than just a princess . dedicating most of her life\u2019s work to helping others , diana was a humanitarian , a role model and a loving mother . highly recognized for her work helping aids victims and her involvement to ban landmines , she went above and beyond when it came to raising awareness and helping others .\ni am a huge documentary fan , and i don ' t know how i missed this before . well , i am glad i found it now . the story of mr . bricklin is a fascinating and inspirational tale of success , loss , failure , and ultimately regaining that success and never ever giving up . anybody aspiring to start their own business , or in fact anybody who enjoys entertaining , as well as educational and informative documentaries should check this out . a very well directed documentary , and i liked the fact that it was his son who made it . i think he portrayed his father fairly , without any sugarcoating . nothing great is ever achieved without hardships , and this documentary reminds you of that . fantastic ! ! enough said ! ! !\nwhile medical cannabis is already available in more than half of american states and recreational cannabis nears its cusp of national legalization , cannabis culture still strongly values self - sufficiency . even though this generation of stoners likely won ' t have to worry about macguyvering their bongs together from household implements or growing their own herb instead of buying it from the corner dispensary , there are still plenty of diy projects that they can take on .\nwith : with : pierfrancesco favino , carolina crescentini , eduard gabia , elena di cioccio , elisabetta piccolomini , andrea tidona , mauro pirovano , gianni bissaca , roberto alpi , francesco scianna .\nproduction : a 01 distribution release of a bibi film , rai cinema presentation of a bibi film production in collaboration with rai cinema . ( international sales : rai trade , rome . ) produced by angelo barbagallo . directed by giuliano montaldo . screenplay , andrea purgatori , montaldo .\ncrew : camera ( color ) , arnaldo catinari ; editor , consuelo catucci ; music , andrea morricone ; production designer , francesco frigeri ; costume designer , elisabetta montaldo . reviewed at casa del cinema , rome , jan . 10 , 2012 . ( in 2011 rome film festival - - noncompeting . ) running time : 97 min .\ncast : with : pierfrancesco favino , carolina crescentini , eduard gabia , elena di cioccio , elisabetta piccolomini , andrea tidona , mauro pirovano , gianni bissaca , roberto alpi , francesco scianna .\nwhat is ai , anyway ? know your stuff with this go - to guide .\nnew york city ' s bantam bagels was started by a husband and wife five years ago after a literal dream of a stuffed bagel .\nif you believe a positive outcome is possible , you ' re more likely to take steps to achieve that outcome .\ntedx talk coming up ? something pivotal to your organization ' s survival ? crucial communications moments require giving more than just a ' speech . ' here ' s how to do that .\nyou can start any of these home based businesses for less than $ 5 , 000 .\nneed a new business idea ? here are over 60 you can run with now .\nsome words of wisdom from one of today ' s most influential spiritual figures .\nif you ' re interested in purchasing an existing business , here are a few ways to gauge its value .\nseven tried and true steps for attracting visitors to your site - - and getting them to buy .\neveryone has an untapped reservoir of knowledge . put yours to work for you as an independent consultant .\nfirst of all , you shouldn ' t think of getting a chick - fil - a franchise as\ninvesting .\nyou can ' t own a chick - fil - a franchise . here are 3 solid alternatives .\nchick - fil - a doesn ' t franchise , but you can definitely still run a chicken restaurant .\nnet neutrality is officially dead . here ' s what that means for you .\nstarbucks says straws suck and zuckerberg bumps buffett . 3 things to know today .\nwhy is ihop changing its name ? 3 guesses why it wants to be called ' ihob . '\nstarbucks is closing 150 underperforming u . s . locations . here ' s why .\nmental illness may plague entrepreneurs more than other people . here ' s why ( and how to get help ) .\nadd your favorite articles , videos , podcasts , and more to your queue so you can enjoy them anytime on any device .\ntake control of what content you see . from inspiration on starting a business to learning more about how to find solutions - make our site yours and never miss a beat .\nhe ' s one of america ' s most famous funnymen , but here ' s what most people don ' t see : kevin hart is often in his office , running a far more ambitious comedy machine .\naurify brands is helping food entrepreneurs scale their fledgling brands by providing them with everything from capital to operational support and mentorship .\nsylvia acevedo wants every girl to know how to access - - and create - - opportunity .\nas an actor , sarah michelle gellar was used to rejection and uphill battles , but co - founding her startup , foodstirs , has been a challenge like no other .\nstretching your marketing dollars is imperative , especially when there aren ' t that many marketing dollars to stretch .\n' bar rescue ' s ' jon taffer isn ' t afraid to call founders on their b . s .\nas traditional advertising methods fade , a new generation of young social media mavens - - ' influencers ' - - are offering businesses their endorsements in exchange for money or free stuff . but is it worth it ?\nwhen steve easterbrook took over as ceo in 2015 , he needed to figure out how to get mcdonald ' s back on track .\ntennis trained her to be a one - woman , hyper - focused , do - it - all - yourself machine . but as she ' s discovering , entrepreneurship requires more balance .\nnext year will bring big changes and new opportunities for sharp , forward - thinking entrepreneurs . here ' s what to keep your eye on .\nsami ismail refuses to leave , wanting to instead continue supporting local entrepreneurs who are trying to succeed .\nthere\u2019s that invitation that involves public speaking that you want to accept . and then there\u2019s that once - in - a - lifetime speech you want that invitation to become .\nenjoy new solutions , emerging trends , and real - life stories delivered straight to your mailbox or mobile device . save 80 % !\nwe don ' t have a culinary background ,\nnick says .\nwe just made a product that tasted really good .\nif you ' re unsure of what your next step is or how to get there , here are 10 books to help you take command of your success .\ni was born with spina bifida and grew up in south korea . that meant two things : first , i couldn\u2019t participate in taekwondo . to a kid in south korea , taekwondo is like football , basketball and baseball all rolled into one : pretty much everyone participated , but i never could . second , i spent countless , repetitive hours in . . .\na privacy policy is meant to be a contract between you and a company - - big tech companies in particular - - that ensures these companies are keeping your data safe . one company that has an enormous amount of your data - - from email and photos to videos and documents - - is google .\nmany of us have thousands of photos and videos on our phones , and although it\u2019s so easy to take them , it\u2019s less clear how to keep them organized and transfer them to other devices .\nstarbucks says straws suck and zuckerberg bumps buffett . 3 things to k . . .\nthis week in weed : pot in ipa , green saturday and canna tampons .\namazon reportedly printing a holiday toy guide ! 3 things to know today . . .\nturn fourth of july traffic jams into a your own personal business cla . . .\nwhy google ' s new facial recognition security system won ' t let us kiss . . .\ncalifornia lawmakers just made it harder for companies to sell your da . . .\nfiguring out your future isn ' t easy . here are some things to consider .\nwant to get more done ? 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", "topic": 18}], "title": "the signal ( 2007 film )", "paragraphs": ["alien vs . predator ( 2004 ) \u00b7 aliens vs . predator : requiem ( 2007 )\nthe signal ( 2007 ) . directors - david bruckner , dan bush & jacob gentry . stars : anessa ramsey , clark poythress . moria - the science - fiction , horror and fantasy film review .\n\u2014 here is the uncensored red band trailer from the signal courtesy of ign .\nduring driving at speeds above 25 mph ( 40 km / h ) , the tire pressure monitoring system ( tpms ) of the 2007 - 2012 nissan sentra receives the signal transmitted from the transmitter installed in each wheel , and gives alarms when the tire pressure becomes low .\nthe film is both an impressive\ncalling card\nwork for the filmmakers and a failure as an actual film .\nso is the signal a indie dramedy ? is it a horror movie , is it a science fiction mindfuck ? or how about a suspenseful thriller ? the signal is all of these things . i\u2019m not going to reveal any more story details in this review because i think you\u2019re better off going into this film without knowing what to expect . ( one thing the signal isn\u2019t is the 2007 indie horror film bearing the same title , which , to make things even more confusing , also premiered at sundance . )\nthe signal is an independent science fiction horror / psychological thriller film written and directed by david bruckner , dan bush , jacob gentry and produced by alexander a . motlagh\u2014four filmmakers who have been collaborating since 1999 in atlanta , georgia . the movie was completed for the 2007 sundance film festival on a budget of only $ 50 , 000 and shot over the course of 13 days .\npeter sciretta is a film geek and popcultured fanboy living in los angeles . he created / film in 2005 .\n\u2014 we get a behind the scenes look at the story and characters that make up the signal .\nearthy indie - folk rockers ola podrida have contributed their warm cover of joy division\u2019s classic \u201catmosphere , \u201d to the horror film , \u201c the signal . \u201d\nalien ( novel ) \u2014 the novelization of the film by alan dean foster .\nalien ( 1984 video game ) \u2014 the video game based on the film .\nalien : the illustrated story \u2014 the comic book adaptation of the film by heavy metal .\nsignal breakdown ( sd , 4 minutes ) - - this decent epk is heavy on clips and a tad repetitive , but should please fans all the same . it focuses on lewis\u2019 path of destruction and the ramifications of a signal like the one portrayed in the film .\nthree - part tale of horror sees a strange signal start to drive people crazy .\nafter entering villainous bsod lewis electrocutes himself by punching his fist through a monitor displaying the signal .\nis so simple in terms of its premise that the film plunges us into the midst of its outbreak of mass insanity with no explanation ever offered as to the cause of the signal ) .\n\u2014 magnolia pictures has released their first ' webisode ' which was inspired by the release of the signal .\nthis is straight out of the gm service manual and it states 2 antennas . diversity antenna system this diversity antenna system is comprised of 2 antennas , 1 radio antenna module , coax cables , and an fm composite signal from the radio to the left antenna module . in am mode the system functions as follows : the antenna module takes the signal from the rear am antenna . the antenna module amplifies this signal and sends it to the radio . in fm mode the system functions as follows : in this mode the radio supplies 5 - 8v over the fm composite signal wire and this switches the module into fm mode . the antenna module takes signal from the front antenna and mix that signal with the signal from the rear antenna . the antenna module amplifies both signals and sends the combined signal to the radio . the fm composite signal also provides a feedback signal to the antenna module , which indicates the quality of the signal . diagnostic aids poor am and fm radio reception is dependent on multiple influences , some of which may not be vehicle related . areas which have high rf traffic or block the signal path may cause a degradation in radio reception . radio reception may also be influenced by items within the vehicle , but not part of the radio system . such examples are aftermarket electrical accessories or other items which may generated noise in the vehicle electrical system .\nthe signal itself - - yep , the television transmission in full\u2026 ad nauseum . true to its nature , the signal is fairly maddening to try and soak in and will only satisfy fans\u2019 curiosities for a moment .\nthe signal is the kind of science fiction movie that i love \u2014 intense , mysterious , original and extremely ambitious . what is the signal ? it\u2019s a puzzle that keeps you guessing and working to figure it out .\nthe signal begins with a film - within - a - film , what appears to be an excerpt from a faded , 1970s - era gorefest along the lines of wes craven\u2019s the last house on the left . suddenly it is interrupted at a crucial moment by \u201cthe signal , \u201d a pulsing , infuriating blur of light and feedback . the camera pans back to reveal that the movie , now supplanted by the signal , was being aired on a television in a darkened room . it\u2019s a compelling opening to this flawed , but intelligent horror film about violence , complicity , and the media .\nif you get hung up on having to have every little thing in a film explained , then you\u2019ll feel disappointed with the ending . the cause of the signal is never spoon - fed to us but there\u2019s enough hints along the way that we can gather what it\u2019s doing to the people of terminus . but be prepared ; we never get a concrete cause as to what the signal is or where it came from . i didn\u2019t need it either ; the film is done so well that the signal itself becomes like a mysterious character that simply serves as the protagonist in the film . as ben points out :\nthe signal is told in three parts , in which all telecommunication devices broadcast only a mysterious \u201csignal\u201d turning people into murderous psychopaths . the film is broken up into three chapters ( \u201ctransmissions\u201d ) , each of which had different directors during shooting . each part manifests elements of the following genres : splatter film , black comedy , and a post - apocalyptic horror - love story .\nwe ' ve got another exclusive look at the upcoming zombie - like horror film .\nthe cinematic release of the film ran 119 minutes , while later video and dvd versions ran 116 minutes due to the different frame rates between film and video . mcintee , 14 .\nthe real - life surprise of the actors gave the scene an intense sense of realism and made it one of the film ' s most memorable moments . during preview screenings the crew noticed that some viewers would move towards the back of the theater so as not to be too close to the screen during the sequence . in subsequent years the chestburster scene has often been voted as one of the most memorable moments in film . in 2007 , the british film magazine empire named it as the greatest 18 - rated moment in film as part of its\n18th birthday\nissue , ranking it above the decapitation scene in the omen ( 1976 ) and the transformation sequence in an american werewolf in london ( 1981 ) .\nsahr ngaujah dan bush jacob gentry a . j . bowen anessa ramsey david bruckner scott poythress justin welborn the signal\ntoyota camry discussion for years 2002 - 2006 & 2007 - 2011 , as well as solara discussion for years 2004 - 2008 . topics of discussion range from fuel economy , safety , modifications , performance all involving america ' s favorite family car , the toyota camry .\nthe brief glimpse of ken and anna ' s relationship prior to the signal indicates that they were hardly normal to begin with .\nwindow tint vs radio signal ? gen 6 . 5 - toyota nation forum : toyota car and truck forums\nit doesn ' t take long for the the signal ' s promising beginning to fade into a haze that leaves the viewer exhausted and irritated .\nas a brief grindhouse - era film plays ( a very realistic recreation by co - director jacob gentry ) , it is interrupted by a pulsating , blurry signal . the signal looks almost organic , and we can almost make out shapes in the psychedelic colors , but not before they become distorted and turn into something else .\nlater , after lewis forces the signal upon him , he becomes even more speculation obsessed , without becoming noticeably more violent .\n\u201cthe signal\u201d tracklist 01 . don\u2019t look back 02 . transmissions 03 . crash 04 . where did she go ? 05 . escape from terminus 06 . do you have the crazy ? 07 . jealousy monster 08 . signal waltz , 1st movement 09 . flashbacks 10 . infected 11 . signal waltz , 2nd movement 12 . past the noise 13 . terminal 13 14 . what is the signal ? 15 . anything\u2019s possible 16 . atmosphere \u2013 ola podrida ( all unidentified tracks by ben lovett )\nin a crazy bizarre film , this scene stands out ! ! that\u2019s saying something .\nthis is a piece of metacinema , a horror film being broadcast as a late - night movie within the story world of the signal , also serving as a distorted programme of what is to come , in what will be a reflexive dramatisation of the psychology of horror . the prologue was in fact cut up and rescored from an earlier short film , the hap hapgood story , originally made by jacob gentry for the 48 hour film tv project \u2013 and it is the only suggestion during the otherwise tender character interactions in the opening 15 minutes of the signal that there are terrible human outrages in store .\nthis is a piece of metacinema , a horror film being broadcast as a late - night movie within the story world of the signal , also serving as a distorted programme of what is to come , in what will be a reflexive dramatisation of the psychology of horror . the prologue was in fact cut up and rescored from an earlier short film , the hap hapgood story , originally made by jacob gentry for the 48 hour film tv project \u2013 and it is the only suggestion during the otherwise tender character interactions in the opening 15 minutes of the signal that there are terrible human outrages in store .\nthere are a handful of low - budget indie time travel movies coming up , and we like this trend . in this one , a physicist invents a device that is able to create small wormholes and bend spacetime . but then shit starts getting weird , including a random dahlia appearing out of nowhere . and a woman who may not be who she appears . you can watch the trailer ! writer - director jacob gentry helped make the underrated 2007 indie film the signal ( read our interview with him here . )\nwith big hollywood movies , more directors and writers usually spell disaster for a film . too many cooks in the kitchen can create a big mess of a film . such is not the case with\nnone of the rabbit holes in the signal go that deep . but you do leave persuaded that you ' ve discovered some talented people .\nyou really need to go out and immediately watch the signal . this is a film that has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the festival circuit and from pretty much everyone who\u2019s seen it . it\u2019s a definite indie horror classic that\u2019s extremely well made with fantastic acting , a great story , and plenty of gore and violence for the hardened horror fan . check out the signal ; i love every second of this film and can\u2019t recommend it enough ! !\na sensor - transmitter integrated with a valve ( installed on each wheel ) transmits a detected air pressure signal in the form of a radio wave . an antenna located in passenger - side front pillar receives the air pressure signal transmitted by the transmitter in each wheel . the tpms reads the air pressure signal received by the antenna , and controls the warning light and the buzzer operations . it also has a judgment function to detect a system malfunction .\nback to one podcast : keith poulson on developing as an actor in the ny indie film scene .\n[ the signal ] was replacing my thoughts \u2026 it\u2019s a trick . change the way you look at things , the things you look at will change .\nif you know the characters , you know the story . but till the very ending , this film has no semblance of a narrative . perhaps the director thought that ' snapshots from the lives at a traffic signal ' would be amusing enough for the audience , but it is not so . as was the case with corporate , traffic signal begins to get involving towards the very end and a few scenes from the second half are moving .\nthis sometimes magnificent , decidedly strange film is a portrait of a terrible , rapacious man .\ntechnically the film is okay . there is not much effort made to make the film look exceptionally good or shoot it differently . it ' s functional , as is the background music . the songs are strictly okay , but the one song yehi zindagi , picturised with montages of the protagonists ' lives , is where the film comes alive for a few minutes .\ninside terminus : the making of the signal ( sd , 15 minutes ) - - serving as a nice companion piece to the directors commentary , this featurette looks at the film\u2019s pre - production , 13 - day shoot , special effects , and tonal balance .\nquoting what was quoted earlier in this thread . .\nthe antenna module takes the best signal from 1 of the 3 fm antenna patterns on the rear window .\nabout 1 minute into the credits , a video effect similar to\nthe signal\nis shown for a few seconds , and then the credits roll on .\nthe signal essentially creates hallucinations and makes people think they\u2019re in extreme danger . it creates paranoia , like seeing someone holding a knife when there\u2019s no knife , or hearing someone threaten you when they in fact hadn\u2019t said a word . the longer you\u2019re exposed to the signal , the worse the effect will be .\nnominations were announced today . at first glance , no one film jumps out as the big player , but\nmisdirection is a key ingredient in the film . director eubanks wanted the viewer to continually feel they nearly have a grip on where the film is going ; only to have their notions fall apart when the direction changes again - all the way to the very end .\nhave really taken this warning to heart . the team of david bruckner , dan bush and jacob gentry has created a film where an electronic signal sent through the television , the radio , phones , etc . changes normal people into raging homicidal maniacs . the mysterious signal distorts perceptions and scrambles receptors in the brain so people\u2019s logic is skewed and they do things they normally wouldn\u2019t do\u2026like kill everyone in sight .\nsilsila is the\nmanager\nof one traffic signal , that is he collects the\nhafta\n( protection tax ) from each signal squatter plying his trade . there ' s tsunami , a little scavenger boy , there ' s . . . see full summary \u00bb\nthe blu - ray edition of \u2019the signal\u2019 offers all of the supplemental content that appears on its standard dvd counterpart . the video features are only presented in standard definition , but fans will find a surprising amount of depth for such a modest , low - budget film .\nbatter up : lewis ' s weapon for the first half of the film before switching to a tank of bug spray .\nbrown note : although not everyone who is affected becomes violent , no one can encounter the signal without having their perception of reality altered .\ndelves into each of these questions and more to make a completely terrifying and entertaining independent film .\ni\u2019m not gonna beat around the bush on this one : i absolutely love the signal . it\u2019s a near perfect genre flick that contains elements of romero\u2019s the crazies while remaining a wholly original film . this is the third time i\u2019ve watched it and the signal is one of those films that gets better with each viewing . helmed by three directors ( more on this below ) , the plot of the signal is told in three parts from three different perspectives . but this isn\u2019t an anthology film ; we get one coherent plot simply told from three different points of view . for the first time ever i\u2019m gonna tell you to stop reading this review , turn off your computer , and go watch the signal ( available from netflix and it\u2019s having a run on the pay cable channels ) . well what the f * * k are you waiting for ?\nthe signal is a 2007 american horror film . in the fictional city of terminus , lovers ben and mya are awakened when a barrage of seemingly random sounds and colors begin emitting from ben ' s television . the couple quickly discovers that telephones are similarly affected . ben dismisses the disturbances and tries to persuade mya to finally leave her husband lewis . after making tentative plans to leave terminus with ben the next day , mya returns to her apartment building , but something is terribly wrong . her neighbors are acting strangely and seem to be growing increasingly agitated and violent . her husband lewis most of all . . .\nthe signal is electrifying , deliciously mad and twisted filmmaking . it ' s certainly not for everyone , but chances are it will inspire many .\nper custom sounds website urltoken if it is the comfort series it has a metal alloy layer . that would interfere with your radio signal . gator1939\noriginally , the film was to be directed by walter hill , but he pulled out and gave the job to ridley scott .\nt his one ' s a strange film - - a series of staccato , punctuated episodes and incidents about folk living around a traffic signal . when you hear of it , it sounds like an interesting concept . but however you may try stretching it , it just does not have enough meat for a full length feature film .\nthe signal is a decent horror flick that had the potential of being a great film . the problem with this film is that it starts off promising enough , but halfway through it loses its strength , and becomes a decent flick . what could have been an effective horror flick is brought down by a weak second half . the film is watchable , but it could have been reworked a bit because there are some good ideas on - screen . the films cast do a pretty decent job here , and the plot is pretty interesting as well . the films faults lie in the second half of the film where it falls apart . i think it ' \\ s a shame because this could have been a memorable horror flick with an effective plot . unfortunately , the signal leaves you wanting a bit more from the story , and as a horror film . this is a low - budget psycho slasher film that almost gets it right . the script was good , but like i previously stated , if only there could have been a bit more effort put into the second half , it would have made the signal a much more memorable ride . there are some elements that work well , but most of them don ' t quite get there . however you do see the potential of a very good horror film here , it ' s just too bad that some ideas fell flat . overall a decent horror flick that is worth watching , but it leaves a lot to be desired as well . for a low - budget film , this is a decent try ; if only the script would have been reworked a bit , then the signal would have been a terrific film .\nthe signal is a high concept film with big production value and an intimate character story , completed on relatively low budget \u2014 under $ 4 million . the low - fi fx work not only looks great , but feels unique . the practical fx that was done by legacy , formerly the stan winston studio . the film also features beautiful , incredibly artful cinematography , and compositions that you wouldn\u2019t expect from a genre film of this budget level . its no surprise that director william eubank is a former cinematographer .\n: the signal messes with peoples ' perceptions . several scenes are re - shot with a different character to show how the perceptions of the infected are warped . in particular ,\n. a very funny slasher / horror film , a electronic signal is being transmitted on the phones , tv and radio which make people kill each other there are only a few sane people left , very comical scenes . this film changes the course of infectious zombie movies . opens like a 1970 drive in movie and turns to pure fun . 4 1 / 2 stars\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nwe find someone embracing the strange ; dedicating not just a film to it , but letting it , for the most , and brilliant , part letting that strangeness move and alter the film in frustrating , tantalizing , and often unknown and unknowable ways .\npremiered at sundance film festival last year , it generated a lot of buzz . it follows three different perspectives ( broken down into segments or \u201ctransmissions\u201d in the film ) that are each written and directed by three different people .\nwhat saves this film is the cast that has given noteworthy performances . kunal khemu manages to shoulder the film , and neetu chandra is graceful and watchable . sudhir mishra , with his towering personality and evocative eyes , looks every part the enigmatic mafia don .\nmade in 2007 ( shot in less than 2 weeks and on a $ 50 , 000 budget ) , the signal was released in 2008 after the filmmakers needed to find a song to replace an unlicensed cover of lou reed\u2019s \u201cperfect day\u201d ( they settled on a joy division cover instead ) . the film\u2019s plot is simple \u2013 a signal , transmitted via phone , radio , and television , is inexplicably turning people into psychopaths . not mindless zombies , ( not even semi - mindless like the tool - wielding ones in the crazies ) but rational , resourceful , conversational psychos who genuinely believe they should be killing the people they\u2019re killing . no other crimes \u2013 no theft , rape , jaywalking , white - collar crime ; just murder . set in the ( i believe , fictional ) city of terminus , the film revolves mainly around mya ( anessa ramsey ) , her husband lewis ( a . j . bowden ) , and her boyfriend ben ( justin welborn ) .\nin 2002 , alien was deemed\nculturally , historically or aesthetically significant\nby the national film preservation board of the united states , and was inducted into the national film registry of the library of congress for historical preservation alongside other films of 1979 including all that jazz , apocalypse now , the black stallion , and manhattan . in 2008 the american film institute ranked alien as the seventh - best film in the science fiction genre as part of afi ' s 10 top 10 , a cbs television special ranking the ten greatest movies in ten classic american film genres . the ranks were based on a poll of over 1 , 500 film artists , critics , and historians , with alien ranking just above terminator 2 : judgment day ( 1991 ) and just below ridley scott ' s other science fiction film blade runner ( 1982 ) . the same year , empire magazine ranked it thirty - third on its list of the five hundred greatest movies of all time , based on a poll of 10 , 200 readers , critics , and members of the film industry .\nthat strange signal , however , is coming not just from the television , but from radios , phones , and every other connected device \u2013 and as mya makes her way back home to lewis , perhaps for the last time , she bears witness to the signal\u2019s unsettling effects on its human receivers . deranged servants to their own primal impulses , victims of the signal suffer hallucinations that play out their anxieties and desires , even as they remain utterly , forcefully convinced of their own sanity .\nthe opening sequence is an excerpt from\nthe hap hapgood story ,\na winning entry in the 48 - hour film festival directed by jacob gentry .\nthe name of the city in the film is terminus . the movie was filmed entirely in atlanta , georgia which was originally called terminus when it was settled in 1837 .\noriginally , no film companies wanted to make the film , including 20th century fox . they stated various reasons , most being that it was too bloody . it was not until walter hill came on board that 20th century fox agreed to make the film , on the condition that the violence was toned down ; even after agreeing to make the movie , fox still rejected the first cut for being\ntoo bloody\n.\ntraffic signal also has a major drawback in that it ' s been dubbed , where a story like this was asking for the more - real sync sound .\nthat strange signal , however , is coming not just from the television , but from radios , phones , and every other connected device \u2013 and as mya makes her way back home to lewis , perhaps for the last time , she bears witness to the signal ' s unsettling effects on its human receivers . deranged servants to their own primal impulses , victims of the signal suffer hallucinations that play out their anxieties and desires , even as they remain utterly , forcefully convinced of their own sanity .\nin some ways the signal reminds me a lot of pontypool . the stories and very different , but the tone and atmosphere are very similar , and both can be considered \u201cthinking man\u2019s horror\u201d .\ni don ' t know about those series ( classic , comfort , pinnacle ) . they sound like llumar films . i wouldn ' t use a dye - based film . i like 3m films because of the daily experience with their film and adhesive products . the 3m colorstable is a nano - carbon , non - metallic film . it ' s better than dye - based for not much more . $ 350 is probably for a ceramic based film ( pinnacle ? ) . and if they are selling the pinnacle then the price should be ok . the question would be if you want the extra heat rejection but the film may be thicker ( distortion ) .\ngm\u0092s update to the document earlier . both are off gm\u0092s website antenna system important : radio systems with the antenna ( s ) in the glass are subject to posssible interference when an aftermarket window tint is applied . diversity antenna the diversity antenna system may use both front and back windows with an integral antenna built between the glass layers of the windshield and as an appliqu\u00e9 to the rear glass . any damage to the antenna requires replacing the glass . this system is designed to deliver the best radio signal reception possible . two antennas are used to form a diversity system . the primary antenna is part of the rear window and looks similar to the defogger grid . this antenna receives both am and fm signals . the secondary antenna is part of the front windshield and receives only fm signals . the antenna reception signals are sorted out by the radio antenna module . the radio antenna module is enabled when the radio is turned on . when the am or fm band is selected on the radio , the antenna module connects the rear window antenna directly to the radio . in addition , when the fm band is selected an enable signal is sent to the antenna module . superimposed on this enable signal is the strength of the signal being received by the radio tuner . the antenna module switches between the antennas , monitoring the radio signal strength and combines the signals and phase aligns them to create one strong signal\nan interview with writer / director boots riley about his incendiary new film ,\nsorry to bother you .\nleads many to compare it with the philosophy of many zombie films . the sudden violence of the film certainly lends itself to the comparison , as does the brutal scenes of gore . still ,\nno one knows for sure what exists in the signal . although many people have heard newscasts ( possibly about murder or terrorism ) and have seen faces and woodlike structures within the transmission of the signal . some people also believe that the signal is the 70 ' s style opening sequence of the movie , shown on ben ' s tv in the beginning , that has been scrambled . the scrambled version of the broadcast has created a superfear of paranoia that subliminally enters the mind and makes some people think everyone is out to get them , but basically the signal just makes people become utterly confused and unable to distinguish between what ' s real and what ' s unreal and between normal behaviour and unusual behaviour . the only problem with this theory is that not everyone was tuned into the same channel that was on ben ' s tv . ( although that really wouldn ' t matter because the signal was on every channel plus all radio stations and even mobile phones ) .\nthe success of alien spawned a media franchise of novels , comic books , video games , and toys , as well as three sequel and two prequel films . it launched weaver ' s acting career by providing her with her first lead role , and the story of her character ripley ' s encounters with the alien creatures became the thematic thread that ran through the film sequels aliens ( 1986 ) , alien 3 ( 1992 ) and alien resurrection ( 1997 ) . the film also led to two crossover films with the predator franchise , alien vs . predator ( 2004 ) and aliens vs . predator : requiem ( 2007 ) , as well as a prequel series comprising prometheus ( 2012 ) and alien : covenant ( 2017 ) .\ntheir movie premiered at 2007 ' s sundance film festival , but its homemade feel is of a piece with the pseudo - do - it - yourself horror philosophy of\ncloverfield\nand\ngeorge a . romero ' s diary of the dead ,\ntwo current horror movies that suggest the genre ' s prerogatives have undergone a paradigm shift . the subtexts are visibly close to the surface .\nthe signal\nis like a romero zombie movie in which the zombies aren ' t dead , they ' re just really temperamental . evil here is technology - born . maybe our cellphones and satellite dishes are giving us all the crazy . if the message is ,\nturn off your tv , put your phones away , and watch more movies ,\nyou ' ll get no argument from me .\nthere will be blood establishes itself as a film of darwinian ferocity , a stark and pitiless parable of american capitalism .\na behind - the - scene book was released to accompany the film , titled the book of alien , containing many concept sketches and production photographs , as well as details on the making of the film . topps released a set of trading cards based on the film . a soundtrack album was also released on vinyl featuring selections of goldsmith ' s score , and a single of the main theme was released in 1980 . heavy metal also produced an alien calendar for the 1980 year .\nthe epic game franchise is getting a huge film adaptation , directed by duncan jones ( moon ) . it\u2019s the war between humans and orcs over the future of azeroth , with good and bad people on both sides of the conflict . everything we\u2019ve seen from this film so far looks just jaw - dropping , and we were excited to hear how many practical effects the film has . fingers crossed that jones can actually pull this off .\nwith a strong focus on characters and dialogue , the film offers a cast of unknowns and non - professional actors , making the audience feels like it is participating in a discovery on multiple levels . forgoing jump scares and the traditional horror tropes , the film provides a surreal , primal , unexpected and unsettling journey through a society gone mad . we hesitate to tell you more because the signal , which is currently streaming on netflix , is something you need to experience for yourselves .\none thing that really impressed me with this movie was the ending . there is no definite answer as to how the movie ends . the signal has affected everyone in some manner , and the movie seems to end in a few different ways before the actual ending . the final ending leaves the film wide open as to closure , but not in a way that you would be expecting a sequel .\nalien garnered both critical acclaim and box office success , receiving an academy award for best visual effects , saturn awards for best science fiction film , best direction for scott , and best supporting actress for cartwright , and a hugo award for best dramatic presentation , along with numerous other award nominations . it has remained highly praised in subsequent decades , being inducted into the national film registry of the library of congress in 2002 for historical preservation as a film which is\nculturally , historically , or aesthetically significant\n. in 2008 it was ranked as the seventh - best film in the science fiction genre by the american film institute , and as the thirty - third greatest movie of all time by empire magazine .\nif transmission one slowly raises the film\u2019s horror to a pitch of explosive intensity , then jacob gentry\u2019s transmission two : the jealousy monster disorients the viewer even further with a violent swing in mood . this time showing the insanity that has afflicted terminus from the deluded perspective of the insane themselves , the film\u2019s middle section plays itself out as high farce \u2013 with a bodycount .\nthe signal ( 2007 ) official trailer # 1 - horror movie hd subscribe to classic trailers : urltoken subscribe to trailers : urltoken subscribe to coming soon : urltoken like us on facebook : urltoken follow us on twitter : urltoken a horror film told in three parts , from three perspectives , in which a mysterious transmission that turns people into killers invades every cell phone , radio , and television . welcome to the fandango movieclips trailer vault channel . where trailers from the past , from recent to long ago , from a time before youtube , can be enjoyed by all . we search near and far for original movie trailer from all decades . feel free to send us your trailer requests and we will do our best to hunt it down .\ncritical reaction to the film was initially mixed . some critics who were not usually favorable towards science fiction , such as barry norman of the bbc ' s film series , were positive about the film ' s merits . others , however , were not : reviews by variety , sight and sound , vincent canby and leonard maltin were mixed or negative . a review by time out said the film was an\nempty bag of tricks whose production values and expensive trickery cannot disguise imaginative poverty\n. h . r . giger later commented that alien was a third - rate film , and said that he was secretly glad that he didn ' t\nget a fair mention in the screen credits .\nthe film rambles on with a series of disconnected happenings - - an executive and his wife fight in their luxurious car at the signal , a regular believes giving money to beggars will help his prospects , flower girls fight in the middle of the road , a beggar boy lies about his father being dead , just when the ' dead ' man sits up behind him .\n\u2019the signal\u2019 features a competent 1080p / avc - encoded transfer that does a decent job handling a variety of gloomy interiors and heavy shadows . colors have been intentionally robbed of deep reds , but the resultant palette doesn\u2019t suffer from the abundance of blue and brown tones left in their place . skintones look fairly natural , blacks are inky , and contrast is spot - on for a film drenched in murky set design and lighting . while there is a bit of crushing and noise in the darkest shots , there isn\u2019t any significant artifacting , edge enhancement , or dnr . detail is also impressive , especially when considering the film\u2019s meager budget - - the film\u2019s textures and edges may not be as sharp as those in the most expensive flicks on the market , but close - ups and exterior shots are quite crisp and three dimensional . better still , \u2018the signal\u2019s hdv source generates the same rickshaw atmosphere as the sd dv - captured footage in \u201928 days later\u2019 without falling prey to that film\u2019s pesky resolution and clarity issues .\n: not where the signal came from , what it ' s supposed to do , or how to stop it . . . but how you spend your last day when the apocalypse rolls around .\nlike many of the best comedies and tragedies , this weimar - era silent film understands how each mode is often a hair ' s breadth from the other .\n, although is not as effective . the episode does however offer up the film\u0092s single most demented moment \u0096 where scott poythress announces that he can electrically stimulate life back into sahr nguajah\u0092s severed head and then proceeds to have a conversation with the decapitated head , which even demands a cigarette from him . scott poythress gives a rather funny performance while under the influence of the signal .\njonathan liebesman ( ninja turtles , battle los angeles ) directs this remake of the popular book turned into a 1995 robin williams film . we don\u2019t know how it\u2019ll differ from that film but i\u2019d expect bigger effects and a slightly different story , enough to warrant its existence .\n\u2019the signal\u2019 may not be the latest and greatest evolution of horror to invade your home theater , but it\u2019s a surprisingly solid , well - crafted thriller that offers a great cast and story . despite the low - key , low - budget nature of the production , magnolia has released the film on blu - ray with a faithful video transfer , an excellent dts hd ma audio track , and a heaping portion of supplemental features . while it can\u2019t go head to head with more expensive flicks on the market , \u2018the signal\u2019 manages to defy its straight - to - video roots and budgetary limitations to present a film that looks and sounds much better than one might expect . this release is definitely worth a look .\nwhen a woman returns with her husband and son to reopen the orphanage that raised her , she quickly discovers the creepy secret behind her son & apos ; s new friends . producer guillermo del toro may have been the bold - faced name attached to this 2007 spanish supernatural horror , but director juan antonio bayona gets the credit for his ability to extract more from less . like fellow countryman alejandro amen\u00e1bar & apos ; s the others , bayona eschews an overreliance on cgi in favor of more gothic elements and traditional ghost story signifiers \u2014 bring on the dark basements and eerie lighthouses \u2014 leading to a slow - burn horror film that rewards patience over cheap shocks . jn\ncreating an account with urltoken gives you access to more features and services , like our weekly newsletter and other special features just for the film community .\nthe battle over the script came to a head when it came time to apportion screenplay credits for the film . according to o ' bannon , the film was originally to be credited solely to hill and giler . [ 4 ] as a result , o ' bannon filed a complaint with the writers guild of america , who eventually ruled in his favor . despite an appeal by hill , the film ultimately credited its story to o ' bannon and shusett , and the screenplay to o ' bannon ; hill and giler were not mentioned at all . however , despite this official ruling , it is certain hill and giler contributed at least some aspects to the finished film .\nthat\u2019s too bad because the film feels truest when michael is grappling with his contradictions . his struggle , as well as the film\u2019s moody thoughtfulness , the lumet touches and the agreeable presence of sydney pollack in a small role , overtly invokes 1970s american cinema . but mr . lumet and mr . pollack didn\u2019t give hollywood its social conscience , which comes and goes and depends on the audience to sustain it . in some ways , michael is a grimmer , compromised version of erin brockovich , the freewheeling legal clerk in the short skirts who leads the charge against social injustice in mr . soderbergh\u2019s populist 2000 drama . ( michael has to be dragged . ) the main difference is that the earlier film\u2019s optimism feels like a faded signal from a faraway land .\nthe third transmission falls along the lines of a horror / love story where both interested parties find the wife , and the final twisted showdown comes to a peak . even in the ending , the line between what is actually happening and what is being fed into their minds by the signal is blurry .\n. given how obsessed with sex he is ( he has almost no lines not revolving around women ) he may have been affected by the signal as well and become obsessed to the point of not noticing the chaos around him .\nwith so many horror flicks out there to watch , it\u2019s completely understandable that one or two of the really good ones may have escaped your netflix queue . the signal , written and directed by david bruckner , dan bush and jacob gentry , is one of those . a film about a group of citizens living in the seemingly quiet fictional metropolis of terminus , the narrative is divided into three segments\u2014crazy in love , the jealousy monster and escape from terminus . the film provides an almost indefinable blend of genres\u2014horror , science fiction , comedy and the deep , dark relationship drama .\n: jim parsons maintains a supernatural level of obliviousness to the situation around him . this adds some great comedy to the film ' s second act , but unfortunately leads to\nlean budget does creep in , the sound design is still pretty solid . the broadcasts of the signal itself are backed by a hellish amount of bass , and even if the surrounds are used a little unevenly , they ' re really effective at ratcheting up the tension . the film ' s dialogue can sound kind of strained at times , but that ' s not all that surprising for a lower - budgeted flick .\nif transmission one slowly raises the film ' s horror to a pitch of explosive intensity , then jacob gentry ' s transmission two : the jealousy monster disorients the viewer even further with a violent swing in mood . this time showing the insanity that has afflicted terminus from the deluded perspective of the insane themselves , the film ' s middle section plays itself out as high farce - with a bodycount .\nthe hap hapgood story ( sd , 9 minutes ) - - glimpsed for a few , brief moments at the beginning of the film , the directors\u2019 2003 slasher short is available here in its full glory . i found myself shrugging my shoulders on this one , but completists and fans of the \u201c48 hour film project\u201d will get a kick out of its inclusion .\ndirectors\u2019 commentary - - directors david bruckner , dan bush , and jacob gentry sit down for a unique discussion about the trials and tribulations of bringing a $ 50 , 000 production like \u2018the signal\u2019 to life . however , instead of patting each other on the back for their individual contributions to the film , each transmission\u2019s director is kicked out of the room so his two remaining comrades can talk about his portion of the film behind his back . it\u2019s a small but crucial decision that easily makes this track worth a listen . to my relief , i found that the directors have a wonderful report with each other as well as a knack for avoiding technical chit - chat in favor of engaging accounts of the low - budget production . they discuss their casting process , their work with the actors , the genesis of the film , and the areas in which they succeeded and failed in their final visions . in the end , if you even remotely enjoyed \u2018the signal , \u2019 be sure to listen to this excellent commentary .\nsilsila is the\nmanager\nof one traffic signal , that is he collects the\nhafta\n( protection tax ) from each signal squatter plying his trade . there ' s tsunami , a little scavenger boy , there ' s rani - a gujrati girl selling ethnic clothes on the sidewalk , and there ' s dominic - a drug addict and the prostitute who feels for him . then there ' s silsila himself , who ' s an orphan , and reports to jaffer bhai the local goon . jaffer bhai in turn reports to haji the leader of the local mafia . and the hafta , from each traffic signal and territory haji controls , seeps upward to the politicians . life is routine , until silsila and jaffer bhai get caught up in a chain of events which threatens the very source of their livelihood - the traffic signal itself , and silsila must either remain mute with fear or protest . . .\nthe ballad of narayama\nis a japanese film of great beauty and elegant artifice , telling a story of startling cruelty . what a space it opens\u2026\nvampire clay a\nfilm of eerie earthenware and earthworms - that - turn . . . with enough idiosyncrasy to earn itself the s\u2026 urltoken 2 hours ago\nit ? s new year ? s eve in the city of terminus and chaos is this year ? s resolution . all forms of communication have been jammed by an enigmatic signal th ( more\u2026 )\nalso if u gona use fm transmitter from inside the car the tint will lower a signal being situated in between the transmitter and the rear window antenna . i don ' t mention night driving with tinted front doors - not 2 easy 2 c mirrors .\nthe signal\nhas a spirit of casual elan , as if a few mildly buzzed buddies had tossed around some ideas for a fun exploitation film one night - - maybe after the cable went out in the middle of a game - - and then persuaded some friends to hang out with them and shoot it on spare evenings and weekends . this is a compliment ."]} {"id": 114615, "summary": [{"text": "72 miles - ek pravas is a marathi film directed by rajiv patil and produced under grazing goat pictures and co-produced by akshay kumar and ashwini yardi.the film is set in the time of 50 's and 60 's about journey of a 13-year-old young boy who ran away from his hostel and how this young boy matures with time when he meets a lady and her kids .", "topic": 15}, {"text": "deepak rane was the line producer for this film", "topic": 13}], "title": "72 miles", "paragraphs": ["akshay kumar says : ' 72 miles marks our first regional film and we ' re delighted to announce the release date . marathi isn ' t my first language but living in mumbai i picked up the language very quickly and immersed myself in the culture . i ' ve seen some really interesting marathi projects and love the cinema . i am personally touched by the story of 72 miles and i hope the audience likes it as much as we do . '\nthe hearts of audiences and give them a visual introspect of ashok vatkar ' s autobiography . inspired from the novel with the same name , 72 miles : ek pravas explores the impact of a woman named raddhakka , on protagonist ashok .\nfor all the updates on our movies and more : urltoken urltoken here ' s presenting the official theatrical trailer of 72 miles ek pravas , the most awaited film of the marathi industry . produced by : twinkle khanna and ashvini yardi . directed by : rajeev patil releasing on 9th august , 2013 .\na hard - hitting , poignant tale of a young boy who makes his journey into self - actualization against the backdrop of a rustic india , 72 miles : ek pravas explores a beautiful , coming of age journey for the 13 year old boy ashok and the companionable relationships he makes through his journey .\nhow many miles in 1 km ? the answer is 0 . 62137119223733 . we assume you are converting between mile and kilometre . you can view more details on each measurement unit : miles or km the si base unit for length is the metre . 1 metre is equal to 0 . 00062137119223733 miles , or 0 . 001 km . note that rounding errors may occur , so always check the results . use this page to learn how to convert between miles and kilometres . type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units !\nviacom18 motion pictures and grazing goat pictures presents\n72 miles - ek pravas\n. here ' s presenting you the first trailer of the most awaited film of the marathi industry . produced by : twinkle khanna and ashvini yardi . directed by : rajeev patil releasing on 9th august . facebook : urltoken twitter : urltoken\nafter taking the world by storm with their first production , the blockbuster omg oh my god , grazing goat pictures co - producers , akshay kumar and ashvini yardi , are all set to release their first debut regional ( marathi ) cinema project , 72 miles \u2013 ek pravas , setting the date as 26th july 2013 .\nrachel and miles x - plain the x - men is 100 % ad - free and listener supported . if you want to help support the podcast\u2013and unlock more cool stuff\u2013you can do that right here !\nthat was day four of the inaugural rebelle rally , a female - only navigational road rally\u2014the first of its kind . for seven days last fall , 72 women\u201436 teams of two\u2014off - roaded over 1250 miles , through two national parks and five bureau of land management areas ( government - managed public lands ) . we started in nevada ' s lake tahoe and ended in glamis , california ; in between , we rambled down dirt roads , clambered over dry riverbeds and mountain passes , and coasted over terrifyingly high sand dunes .\nin which dazzler is not a team player ; longshot is the zonker harris of the x - men ; juggernaut is that guy ; rachel and miles channel statler and waldorf ; and alex summers is seriously never , ever going to finish grad school .\ntitled 72 miles\u00f3ek pravas , the movie is based on ashok vatkar ' s autobiography . yardi says ,\nthe film is about a young boy who runs away from his hostel . it ' s his journey on the run , where he meets a lady and her kids and how this young lad matures from being a boy to a man .\na kilometre ( american spelling : kilometer , symbol : km ) is a unit of length equal to 1000 metres ( from the greek words khilia = thousand and metro = count / measure ) . it is approximately equal to 0 . 621 miles , 1094 yards or 3281 feet .\nturn left ,\njaclyn said once we set off .\nour first checkpoint should be in 13 miles .\na few minutes later , we experienced the singular thrill of spotting a green checkpoint for the first time : a mix of relief , pride , and elation that never got old .\nashvini yardi says : ' ' it was my dream to produce a period film and with 72 miles , i have had the chance to do so . this subject and the plot of the film is so thought - provoking that it forces you to completely engage in the film , connect with the characters and grow with their thought . what ' s more it ' s by the same director of jogwa which won 6 national awards . akshay and i are very proud of this project and the opportunity to be able to produce such a marvellous film . the film will definitely engage with international audiences despite the language barrier and will let them in on our heritage , our culture and a panoramic setting of post independent india . i am sure the marathi audience will be proud of this film . '\nmiles , i\u2019m another submissive fan of longshot and i loved what you did in \u201cof mullets and miracles\u201d . too bad that i find hard to understand completely your podcasts , but i think you were talking about longshot\u2019s underlying melancholy ( in spite of his playful and joyful nature ) , which is something i appreciate as much as the bittersweet tone of his former series . could you explain just a bit what\u2019s your opinion about that ?\nit was 4 p . m . and 90 degrees when we finally decided to give up . for hours , jaclyn and i had been inching our jeep rubicon along a dusty unmarked road in the mojave national preserve , eventually finding ourselves trapped in a high - walled canyon . we had no idea how far off course we were : two miles ? twenty ? we hadn ' t seen another human all afternoon . soon it would be dusk , then nightfall .\nrachel & miles did a cold open about the recent / likely temporary retcon of how wanda and \u2018silver are not magneto\u2019s kids because of ( fox vs disney for movie rights ) and it was so absurd that when i played their riff for my husband ( a spider - man exclusive fan , mostly ) he laughed so hard he nearly suffocated , then told me all my efforts to get him into x - men were now futile . there goes half a year of effort\u2026\nmiles : a mile is a most popular measurement unit of length , equal to most commonly 5 , 280 feet ( 1 , 760 yards , or about 1 , 609 meters ) . the mile of 5 , 280 feet is called land mile or the statute mile to distinguish it from the nautical mile ( 1 , 852 meters , about 6 , 076 . 1 feet ) . use of the mile as a unit of measurement is now largely confined to the united kingdom , the united states , and canada .\nyes and no . rachel and miles do mention in the podcast that it\u2019s possible that claremont was aware of the ickiness and the audience was supposed to be turned off by juggernaut\u2019s sexism . that\u2019s a pretty charitable reading though , given the fact that wolverine , for one , also uses the same condescending pet names for women quite frequently . and while you and i as adults can certainly find plenty of other ways in which wolverine should not be emulated , he\u2019s clearly a heroic character and someone children are meant to look up to . obviously , using those pet names is meant to be a tough - guy shorthand that calls back to bogart and other classic film leads , but it\u2019s pretty behind the times in the \u201980s . as feminist as claremont seems to be in other places , i\u2019m really surprised that none of the females in his life ever called wolverine out for his condescension .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nakshay kumar seems to be completely influenced by regional content . so after making oh my god ! , which was based on a gujarati play , he is now working on a full fledged marathi film .\nsays ashwini yardi , akshay kumar ' s partner in their production house , grazing goat pictures ,\nmaking a marathi movie was my idea . i am a maharashtrian and i wanted to do a film in my mother tongue in memory of baburao pai , my grandfather , who was one of v . shantaram ' s partners in prabhat film company in the 1920s .\nset in the 50s and 60s , it has been shot entirely in satara during may and june . for the period look and feel , props like old buses and other such vehicles have been used . directed by rajeev patil of national award winning marathi film , jogwa fame , the film is currently in the post - production stages .\nafter this , yardi confirms tapping into the regional market with a punjabi film . the producer duo ( kumar and yardi ) aim at producing four to five movies a year , the team also looks at making films in bengali and south and are even planning to make a sequel of oh my god ! with paresh rawal .\nterms of use : the views expressed in comments published on urltoken are those of the comment writer ' s alone . they do not represent the views or opinions of the indian express group or its staff . comments are automatically posted live ; however , urltoken reserves the right to take it down at any time . we also reserve the right not to publish comments that are abusive , obscene , inflammatory , derogatory or defamatory .\na hard - hitting , poignant tale of a young boy who makes his journey into self - actualization against the backdrop of a rustic india .\nthis film aims to transport the audiences into post - independence india as experienced by the protagonist ashok .\nhe has just 2 weeks left & i need rs . 5 . 5 lakh to save him .\nrefrain from posting comments that are obscene , defamatory or inflammatory , and do not indulge in personal attacks , name calling or inciting hatred against any community . help us delete comments that do not follow these guidelines by marking them offensive . let ' s work together to keep the conversation civil .\nwe have sent you a verification email . to verify , just follow the link in the message\netimes is an entertainment , tv & lifestyle industry ' s promotional website and carries advertorials and native advertising .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 bennett , coleman & co . ltd . all rights reserved .\na mile is any of several units of distance , or , in physics terminology , of length . today , one mile is mainly equal to about 1609 m on land and 1852 m at sea and in the air , but see below for the details . the abbreviation for mile is ' mi ' . there are more specific definitions of ' mile ' such as the metric mile , statute mile , nautical mile , and survey mile . on this site , we assume that if you only specify ' mile ' you want the statute mile .\nurltoken provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units . you can find metric conversion tables for si units , as well as english units , currency , and other data . type in unit symbols , abbreviations , or full names for units of length , area , mass , pressure , and other types . examples include mm , inch , 100 kg , us fluid ounce , 6 ' 3\n, 10 stone 4 , cubic cm , metres squared , grams , moles , feet per second , and many more !\nthis portal enables those requesting sponsorship support to effectively submit proposals for coastal hyundai , cocoa hyundai , and coastal mitsubishi evaluation .\nto submit your proposal , you will have to complete all of the required questions on each step of the questionnaire in order to move on to the next step . once you have answered all required questions , please take a moment to review your entire proposal .\nif at this stage you are ready to send your proposal to coastal hyundai , cocoa hyundai , and coastal mitsubishi for consideration , click the\nsubmit\nbutton . please note that once you click the\nsubmit\nbutton , you will not be able to edit your request any further .\nonce a proposal is submitted , it will be reviewed by the appropriate hyundai team . the review period typically lasts a minimum of 2 weeks . you will be contacted by e - mail or phone when the review is complete .\nkilometers : the kilometer ( si symbol : km ) is a unit of length in the metric system , equal to 1000m ( also written as 1e + 3m ) . it is commonly used officially for expressing distances between geographical places on land in most of the world .\ncommon units centimeter ( cm ) foot ( ft ) inch ( in ) kilometer ( km ) meter ( m ) mile ( us ) ( mi ) millimeter ( mm ) nautical mile ( nm ) yard ( yd ) common units aln angstrom ( \u00e5 ) arpent astronomical unit ( au ) attometer ( am ) barleycorn caliber ( cl ) chain ( ch ) cloth nail ( c . n . ) cloth span ( c . s . ) cubit ( biblical ) ( cub . ) cubit ( greek ) ( cub . ) decimetre ( dm ) decametre ( dam ) exametre ( em ) famn fathom ( ftm ) femtometer ( fm ) fermi fingerbreadth ( biblical ) ( fing . ) foot ( us survey ) ( ft ) furlong ( fur ) gigametre ( gm ) hand handbreadth ( biblical ) ( handb . ) hectometre ( hm ) ken kiloparsec ( kpc ) league light year ( ly ) link ( li ) long cubit ( biblical ) ( l . c . ) long reed ( biblical ) ( l . r . ) megameter ( mm ) megaparsec ( mpc ) micrometer mil mil ( sweden ) mile ( roman ) mile ( us survey foot ) ( mi ) nanometre ( nm ) parsec ( pc ) perch petameter ( pm ) pica picometer ( pm ) planck point pole ( rd ) reed ( biblical ) rod ( rd ) roman actus russian archin span ( biblical ) terameter ( tm ) twip vara castellana vara conuquera vara de tarea\na young boy decides to escape from his boarding school . chased by bullies , robbed by drunken gamblers , a young boy starts his journey towards kolhapur . the very people who seem pleasant , and invite him to ride with them turn into horrifying monsters as soon as they learn of his surname , a scheduled caste . beaten to a pulp by the high - castes , the boy is then rescued by a woman who is on her way to shigaon with her sick infant son , and three other children .\nthe film is set in the time of 50 ' s and 60 ' s about journey of a 13 year old young boy who ran away from his hostel and how this young boy matures with time when he meets a woman and her kids .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nset in the 50 ' s and 60 ' s , this film follows the journey of a 13 year old young boy who ran away from his hostel and how he matures with time when he meets a lady and her kids .\nant - man and the wasp , starring paul rudd and evangeline lilly , took the top spot at . . .\nhbo ' s new series sharp objects premieres july 8 and follows amy adams as camille . . .\nallison kugel joins comedian / actor / author d . l . hughley for a frank discussion about . . .\ncopyright \u00a9 2018 tribute ent . media group last updated : july 9 , 2018\nthe film is set in the time of 50\u2019s and 60\u2019s about journey of a 13 year old young boy who ran away from his hostel and how this young boy matures with time when he meets a lady and her kids .\nzing zing zing zing zingaat ! ! ! \u2013 a new song from sairat . . .\nwrite css or less and hit save . ctrl + space for auto - complete .\nart by david wynne . prints and cards available until 9 / 6 / 2015 at the shop , or contact david to purchase the original .\nthe wonderful adam warrock , for letting us sample his song \u201cteamwork\u201d in this episode ! you can listen to the full track here , and find more of adam\u2019s work at adamwarrock . com .\ni\u2019m pretty sure that the bald scottish guy dazzler meets up with is meant to sean connery .\nfor all that i can find nostalgia in curious backwaters of continuity , i have no nostalgia for \u201cmutant x . \u201d that was . . . not good .\naw , polaris . i always feel sorry for her , because i think she\u2019s a cool character in general , but it\u2019s ages before she ever gets a decent story where she doesn\u2019t show up and immediately get mind controlled or go crazy ( thanks heaps , chuck austen ) i\u2019m racking my brain trying to find a time before peter david\u2019s x - factor run where she has any agency of her own in any story .\nonly tangentially related to this episode \u2014 the wildfire smoke basically blanketed large chunks of western canada this entire past week after the episode recording .\ni suddenly want to go back and re - read mutant x . havoc has been one of my favourite characters since i started reading comics with peter david\u2019s x - factor run , and i was really excited that he was basically going to get his own corner of the multiverse as his private playground .\ni remember the first 12 issue arc being not terrible and having some interesting concepts \u2014 i also really liked that the universe where havoc was one of the premiere heroes was a lot more peaceful and had less mutant prejudice \u2014 but it quickly went off the rails following that story\u2019s conclusion . perhaps not coincidentally , the book had originally only been pitched as a 12 issue mini - series , and it\u2019s initial sales were good enough for the editors to push howard mackie to expand it into an on - going .\nalso , the juggernaut may be a jerk , but he\u2019s great at being a jerk . has there been a cold open i\u2019m forgetting explaining his powers ?\nbased on a couple cameo appearences ( ie rick redfern and joanie caucus in days of future past , as well as a lot of other drop ins ) the doonsbury characters exist in the marvel universe . so how many are actually mutants themselves ? i seem to recall mike doonsbury making one of his summer daydreams come true\u2026which sounds a lot like franklin richards level reality warping to me .\nso i\u2019m curious about the view of gender identity in the dazzler / juggernaut situation . i think you\u2019re right 90 % of the time on this . but i read this juggernaut thing really differently .\ni saw it as juggernaut saying , the next person you randomly attack for no reason might kill you , especially if you insist on picking fights way outside your weight class . condescending ? totally . paternalistic ? definitely . but he\u2019s also not wrong . had she done that with sabertooth , the beyonder , or any one of a dozen other hardcore villains , she\u2019d be a corpse . especially if he\u2019s a fan of the music , i can totally see him saying that .\ni\u2019m all for no - limits feminism , and there\u2019s a lot that really troubles me about some of the sexist coding in comics . but this struck me as a small dog picking a fight with a big dog , and the big one telling him to knock it off . rather than a \u201cwomens should know their place\u201d thing .\nactually , i shouldn\u2019t have said no reason . as you\u2019re correct nearly taking people out with cars is horrible , still . the rest stands .\nthe whole thing would read as less condescending and sexist if he wasn\u2019t calling her things like \u201cdoll\u201d and \u201cfrail\u201d the whole time . incidentally , was there a time in human history when people actually referred to women as \u201cfrail\u201d ? i\u2019ve literally never heard that time used outside of a claremont comic .\nthat last sentence should read \u201cthat term , \u201d not \u201cthat time . \u201d word press really needs an edit button .\ntouche\u2019 sam . \u201cfrail\u201d is pretty bad . but i think condescending is definitely supposed to be the point here . while i don\u2019t think sexism is appropriate , from a villain like juggernaut it\u2019s at least not a surprise . nor portrayed as something to be emulated .\nyeah , this moment gave me pause too . i mean , we\u2019re talking about what claremont intended juggernaut to express . i think he was trying to show juggernaut as a ) confused that dazzler , who is a pop singer as far as he knows , is trying to fight him \u2013 and b ) conflicted because this is someone who he really likes and has positive feelings for and she\u2019s fighting him . he doesn\u2019t want to hurt her .\njuggernaut just wants her to stop , and to not be involved in this world . reading sexism out of it needs us to assume that claremont intended this scene to show juggernaut as a sexist . why would he suddenly do that ? he certainly hasn\u2019t been portrayed that way up till now . or we have to assume that claremont himself is being sexist by writing \u201cnormal\u201d dialogue which reflects his internalized misogyny . the gender politics of the x - men up to this point don\u2019t give me much confidence in this theory .\ni can easily imagine juggernaut behaving roughly the same way if he had come up against a male celebrity mutant part time superhero of whom he was a big fan .\nyeah , i agree with this sentiment . i can picture him saying the same thing after beating the shit out of josh guthrie .\nso you guys are getting pretty close to fall of the mutants , eh ? you\u2019ve covered up to uncanny x - men 219 ( fall of the mutants omnibus starts at 220 ) , new mutants up to 54 ( fall starts at 55 ) , and x - factor up to 15 ( fall starts at 18 ) . obviously this event is huge , so i\u2019m curious as to how you plan to cover it . thanks !\nespecially as it\u2019s less \u201cone big story\u201d and more \u201cthree stories united thematically . \u201d\n. . . i also want them to cover the daredevil issues somewhere in there , because the notion that daredevil of all books , had crossovers for this and inferno is just . . . awesome .\nthe fact that daredevil had crossovers is pretty self - explanatory \u2013 ann nocenti was writing daredevil at the time . however , she did a really good job at making the stories tangential . they weren\u2019t necessary to understand the x - men world , but the backdrop usually did a good job of making the daredevil story richer . daredevil 252 ( ground zero ) is a very good example in a very nocenti - an way .\ni know the background of them and the nocenti / claremont relationship and they\u2019re loose , tangential relationship , but they\u2019re still wonderful comics .\nreally enjoyable little surrealistic digressions and really go in some fun directions . inessential , sure . but nocenti gets a lot out of dd fighting a vacuum and a truck - eating dentist .\nthank you for making me care for havok . i\u2019v always seen him as rather blend character before hearing this episode . also , i would vote for this era\u2019s psylocke any day of the weak instead of the later sexified psylocke .\nmagneto should not needle wanda about having grandkids , as that might lead to her rewriting all of reality again .\nthis episode reminded me of havok\u2019s \u201chow about alex\u201d speech ( where he advocated rejecting all labels instead of being called a mutant ) . while it was certainly problematic , i thought it felt like something he would say . the character here is someone who isn\u2019t necessarily hateful of his powers ( like rogue ) , but is someone who wants to reject all the responsibility that goes with them . his goal is normalcy . so , as long as you don\u2019t read into the speech an editorial belief that it\u2019s the correct thought , i thought it was a good addition to that issue .\nyou know , the \u201cm - word\u201d speech always struck me as something alex would say , too . not just because of his personality , either . he is a good - looking , white , cis - gender male who expects to be treated as an individual \u2013 not a member ( or representative ) of a \u201cgroup . \u201d someone like that has been raised to believe that they , as an individual , are only an individual . then throw in alex\u2019s individual psychology ( as you mention , \u201cnormalcy\u201d being his big goal ) . then throw in his leading an avengers team , the ( nominal ) point of which was to show mutant - human cooperation ( and specifically to show how mutants were heroes just like the avengers ) and i agree that it\u2019s a natural thing for him to say . like you say , so long as you don\u2019t read it as the editorial position ( which didn\u2019t occur to me on my first read of it , honestly ) , it reads as a very reasonable thing for someone with alex\u2019s particular background , personality , and experiences to say .\n\u201cheads up\u2013 if havok\u2019s position in ua # 5 really upset you , it\u2019s time to drown yourself hobo piss . seriously , do it . it\u2019s the only solution . \u201d\ni think any attempt at subtley is out the window . ( the tweet was later deleted , but too many sites picked up on it for it to be ignored )\nsee also the later issue where rogue objects to havok\u2019s comments and instead of a potentially interesting debate , it become a sequence of wanda telling rogue she\u2019s wrong , without offering any proper justification . of course , the fact that alex can pass as a blond white guy ( and rogue and wanda are both human norm too ) gives a very\u201d off\u201d feel to the whole thing .\nkitty\u2019s rebuttal in either uncanny or all - new \u2013i don\u2019t recall which off the top of my head\u2013remains the gold standard for on - page smackdowns as far as i\u2019m concerned .\nit is interesting to watch the different writers provide commentary via the mouths of their respective current characters to \u201csmack down\u201d commentary from other writers in a shared universe with which they disagree . reminds me of those \u201cheroes texting\u201d memes only more\u2026 fulfilling and relevant and , even , less cringe worthy ? maybe ? but when it comes to them bickering / commenting in real - life social media shit gets awkward .\noh , and in light of this sort of thing , i really find it interesting that in the pre - inferno new mutants issues where they riff with the hellions they proudly accept being called \u201cthe muties\u201d by emma\u2019s students .\nwell , i\u2019m not arguing that the guy handles criticism well , just that it\u2019s something that fits what alex summers would say . maybe i\u2019m too charitable towards mr . remender , but i\u2019m fine with the speech existing for exploring his character ( and the whole idea of mutants \u201cpassing\u201d and how that affects mutant politics ) . and , as pointed out below , it set up kitty pryde\u2019s rebuttal , which is also very much in character ( except that she actually managed to make a point without resorting to racial slurs this time ! ) .\ni could be wrong , but i thought that there might have been some notice somewhere that places \u201cx - men versus avengers\u201d miniseries in the first trip to new york that havok took .\nhmmm . it was coming out the same time , and according to the marvel wikia , havok and dazzler are in every issue .\ni hated these issues when they came out . of course , it\u2019s been three decades , and i\u2019ve never wanted to reread them , so i can\u2019t say in hindsight if it would have been better rereading with later context . but at this point :\n1 ) my favorite x - men are all off the team . ( though hey , this arc was actually coming out the same time as excalibur started , meaning that i could read about many of those favorites somewhere else ! )\n2 ) the characters replacing them are all characters i have no connection to whatsoever . with the possible exception of dazzler\u2019s origin story back in the byrne days , i\u2019d never read any comic with these characters in it before they showed up in x - men around this time . ( it does seem surprising to me that i hadn\u2019t read anything with havok in it\u2026 does he maybe show up at scott\u2019s wedding or something ? ) ( how cool would it have been if a couple of the new mutants had graduated up to the x - men instead ? )\n3 ) these issues are just a random jumble of things . different art ( mostly dodgy ) every issue . plot that revolves around arbitrary crap happening . i mean , two issues in a row things are set off by our \u201cheroes\u201d being nearly run over / run off the road completely by accident ? !\n4 ) twice in two issues we have the gimmick of \u201ci recognize this from my time reading the x - men\u2019s files . \u201d right\u2026\n5 ) the issues are driven by the stars acting stupidly . dazzler taking on juggernaut by himself , when he wasn\u2019t obviously doing something dangerous ? that\u2019s freaking insane . then there\u2019s pretty much everything havok does . also\u2026\n6 ) wiping havok\u2019s mind of his knowledge of meeting the x - men is completely insane and unethical . i mean , beyond the fundamental questions about wiping someone\u2019s mind in any circumstances , isn\u2019t the knowledge that someone has been targeting x - men and related mutants literally a matter of life and death for havok ? there\u2019s every reason to think that he and lorna will be targets of the marauders , and of course as this issue reveals they actually are targets .\n8 ) finally , the brood on earth is not a subplot you can forget about for a year ! so at the end of # 218 alex knows it\u2019s vital to contact the x - men about the brood . at the beginning of # 219 he\u2019s visited the x - men and had his mind erased . why didn\u2019t he just call them ? if if alex somehow forgot to tell the x - men why he came to visit them , why didn\u2019t betsy at least notice it in his mind when she was heavily editing it ? this is a potential extinction event for the human race , two of the heroes know about it and realize how serious it is , yet it is completely dropped without a word .\nhonestly , i\u2019ve always assumed this represented some sort of editorial interference in plotting . something like \u201csorry chris , you\u2019ve got to drop everything instantly and start a crossover next month ! \u201d\nwhoops , got confused about the timeline . this was still a year before excalibur , so my favorite x - men were all completely sidelined rather than appearing elsewhere .\ni think plan omega\u2019s intent was that the x - men could stop reacting to everything and begin to go after their enemies . unfortunately , it was never really stated that way and we won\u2019t see it implemented until the australia period , with some mixed results ( i think about half of those issues were the x - men reacting to some situation ) .\nwhen you put it like that it sounds like a good idea , but what they actually do is leave as large as possible a target for those enemies to attack and force them to react yet again . ( or just hang their friends out to dry , as they did with havok and polaris . )\na good episode that actually seems to tie these issues together than the issues themselves ever did .\ncoming out of the massacre into this prolonged dirge of an arc ( if it can be called that ) was the start of the issues where i started to lose interest , not only because that was a very stupid thing to ignore , but because the main x - team as they\u2019d lost kitty and kurt and the increased focus on wolverine didn\u2019t interest me that much . ( the casual ignoring of the space shark didn\u2019t help as it was just too big a thing to ignore lightly )\nwhilst technically betsy might be captain britain\u2019s little sister ( which you mention at least twice ) , it\u2019d be more accurate to say she\u2019s his twin sister , i\u2019m not even sure who the older of the two actually is , nor by how many minutes , but someone else might i\u2019m sure .\noh and the \u201clet\u2019s kill him\u201d bit again ? ? i\u2019ve said it before , i\u2019ll say it again , psylocke is frighteningly keen to kill people since her introduction , generally a little too kill - happy for my tastes , or at least for someone else not to pull her up on it .\nthe third doctor was employed as \u201cscientific advisor\u201d to unit whilst stuck on earth and was officially under the brigadiers command , though the doctor cheerfully ignored him when it suited him , but respected him immensely , and the doctor has never officially resigned his position .\nwhen the much loved actor who played the brigadier died in 2011 , the series producer and showrunner steven moffatt said in his tribute \u201c\u2026 out of all the people the doctor has met , in all of space and time , nicholas courtney\u2019s brigadier alistair gordon lethbridge - stewart was the only one who was ever his boss . \u201d\nand in a later episode , the then current scientific advisor , the brigadiers daughter kate , says of the 12th doctor ; \u201cwelcome to the only planet in the universe where we get to say this : he\u2019s on the payroll . \u201d\nsorry , i\u2019ve been a doctor who nerd a lot longer than i\u2019ve been an x - men nerd . i\u2019ll try to get it out of my system before your excalibur coverage starts .\nmarvel has a pretty spotty history with scientist characters , but sometimes they really hit something dead - on . havok and polaris as phd students who only want to be left alone to do their research , but instead have to constantly deal with real - world crises and being possessed , is such a perfect plot set - up for me . i wish it had been explored further ( or revisited in a drs . havok and polaris secret wars miniseries ) .\ni just got back from pax prime and am still catching up on work , but i\u2019d like to write a piece for the blog about exactly that sometime . keep an eye out ; hopefully i\u2019ll get to that before too long ! ( and thanks for asking ! )\ni hope it will at least take a moment to have a jerry seinfeld style \u201cwhat\u2019s the deal with ultimate longshot ? \u201d because i\u2019m still trying to recover from that .\nit was a radical upside - down , indeed . i\u2019ve got to admit i liked him a lot , though \u2013so shocking !\noh , man . we are now up to where i started collecting x - books on my own , instead of borrowing from a friend . \u2013 the havok issue was the first one i bought for myself , and it made a halfway decent jumping - on point . this , x - factor 17 and whatever issue of classic x - men came out that month ( think it was the reprint of 99 ) were where i started , and ran straight through until the 90s happened to the entire line .\ni didn\u2019t get to these issues until i was far down the rabbit hole of x - men addiction ; actually i think i got them as reprints of \u201csabertooth classic\u201d in the \u201990s\u2026 ick\u2026 but getting to my point , the bit about psylocke suggesting they just outright murder alex always struck me as the most important bit for this period . her transformation in \u201cacts of vengeance\u201d just seems to be a natural progression over the post \u201cmassacre\u201d era that her battle with creed hinted at , but truly came to the fore , with this arc .\ni have also noticed her brother , brian , was a bit of an epic , hard drinkin\u2019 fist full o\u2019 assholes around this time in excalibur . toss in jamie and we have an extremely interesting dynamic of a family of mostly heroes that is still , generally , a bunch of jerks . their interactions with the summers clan has depths that have shamefully not yet been explored .\n\u2026and sorry to keep commenting but this is totally an amazing piece of david wynne\u2019s art and just listened to his spots on fantasticast . fuckin\u2019 love that dude and thank you all for introducing me to his work\njust realized i put this in the as mentioned in thread by accident . powers that be , feel free to delete that ! ( sorry . )\npsylocke\u2019s suggestion that havok needs to be killed is pretty bonkers . ( havok is an auxiliary x - man and she presents basically no good reason for killing him ! ) despite that , it seems to indicate an interesting mandate for the character that claremont never totally got around to fleshing out : that despite those prissy pink pajamas she\u2019s meant to be ruthlessly pragmatic and actually kind of shady . we\u2019ll see this expressed again again from time to time \u2014 like when she mentally pushes the team through the siege perilous against their wills\u2013 but it never quite develops into a real story . ( this , to me , is related to but separate from the more often explored but somewhat less interesting notion that she longs to be more physically imposing . )\nthe dark turn the book seems to be taking at this point is actually pretty exciting on an issue by issue basis . it\u2019s too bad that it 1 ) ends up amounting to not all that much and 2 ) makes hardly any sense if you think about it too hard .\ni think juggernaut\u2019s skull - cap first appeared in marvel team - up # 150 , which was also the last issue of that run of the series . the story has juggy giving black tom the crystal gym of cyttorak and tom not appreciating becoming all big and juggernauty . it\u2019s set while rachel was still on the team as just rachel , not phoenix . haven\u2019t read it in ages , and sadly it\u2019s not available on marvel unlimited .\nthe juggernaut secondary skull - cap actually made its first appearance in marvel team - up # 150 ( which happens to be my first exposure to an x - men story ever ! woot ) . it\u2019s actually quite ingenious . since his helmet is the one thing protecting him from those pesky telepaths and every battle with the x - men essentially boils down to everyone trying to get his helmet off so that a telepath can knock him down , why not provide an added level of protection , with a second , even more tightly fitted helmet underneath the first one ? \ud83d\ude42\nif you havent read this mtu story , you should , i think it also bleeds into the main book continuity at some point . in this story rogue absorbs juggernaut\u2019s powers turning into juggerrogue , which i distinctly remember getting referenced later on .\nsave my name , email , and website in this browser for the next time i comment .\nart by david wynne . prints and cards available until 8 / 30 / 2015 at the shop , or contact david to purchase the original .\nthe opening gimmick who cried wolf . ( uncanny x - men # 217 )\n\u201cseriously , guys , it\u2019s like the whole theme of the book . i mean , aside from fighting to protect a world that hates and fears us . \u201d ( uncanny x - men # 217 )\nwhether douglas the gentle freak is the doonesbury - universe version of cypher remains a mystery . ( we\u2019d like to think so , though . )\n2 / 3 of juggernaut fights begin with some variation of this scene ( kilt negotiable ) . ( uncanny x - men # 217 )\ni don\u2019t know if there\u2019s a word for what\u2019s going on with rogue\u2019s hair , but it is amazing . ( uncanny x - men # 218 )\n\u201cy\u2019all enjoy your group hug . i\u2019m just gonna fling this fucking rock into space . \u201d ( uncanny x - men # 218 )\ni know this story is all about teamwork , but rogue definitely wins mvp of uncanny x - men # 218 .\nthe really great thing about this reference is that there\u2019s also a brigadier lethbridge stuart running around uk - 616 . i bet they get each other\u2019s mail all the time . ( uncanny x - men # 218 )\ncar wreck sex : the alex summers story . ( uncanny x - men # 218 )\nthis plotline will continue to dangle for like a year and a half . ( uncanny x - men # 218 )\nplease let us know if you can work out the timeline here , because we\u2019ve basically stopped sleeping , and it\u2019s not pretty . ( uncanny x - men # 219 )\ni always figured magneto would have way nicer penmanship than this . ( uncanny x - men # 219 )\nlorna , you can fuck with magnetic fields with your mind , and one time you threw an island into space . are you really that surprised at a freak earthquake ? ( uncanny x - men # 219 )\nif the x - line were a sitcom , they\u2019d totally have cut from here to scott arguing with hallucinations over in x - factor . ( uncanny x - men # 219 )\nit\u2019s okay . everyone will be too distracted by your hat to notice the tights . ( uncanny x - men # 219 )\nnext week : origins of x - men : evolution , with robert n . skir !\nspecial thanks to the wonderful adam warrock for letting us sample his song \u201cteamwork\u201d in this episode ! you can listen to the full track here , and find more of adam\u2019s work at adamwarrock . com !\nin our experience , update lag on stitcher is pretty unpredictable ; and unfortunately , there\u2019s pretty much nothing we can do about that from our end . if you\u2019re concerned about getting episodes as soon as they comes out , we\u2019d recommend downloading them directly from urltoken or feeding the following link into any podcatcher : http : / / www . urltoken / xmen / ? cat = 23 .\n( honestly , we post to stitcher because folks have requested , and because\u2013aside from initial setup\u2013it\u2019s no extra work , but if you\u2019re not already wed to it , we would recommend finding a different podcatcher . we get more complaints about bugs on stitcher than every other platform put together , by a very wide margin . )\nrebelle rally : driving in the u . s . ' s only all - female endurance road race\ni competed in america ' s first all - female endurance road rally . i ' d never even changed a tire .\nwe were lost . not can you pull up google maps ? lost , or do we still have a road atlas somewhere ? lost . no , we were are we in california or nevada ? lost ; thank god we have emergency supplies lost ; this landscape would be gorgeous if it weren ' t so apocalyptic lost . the jeep ' s gps system had been disabled , and our phones and laptops were turned off and sealed in envelopes . we had a collection of specialized large - scale topographical maps , but to figure out where you are on a topo map ( a relief map that shows a region ' s geographical features ) , you have to know how to read it . i was supposed to be the better topo reader in our pair , and i could barely pick out the most prominent landmarks . if coyotes or unfriendly strangers appeared , we ' d be completely , royally screwed .\nwe sat in the jeep with the air conditioning on high , eating sugary energy chews and gulping down coconut water .\nthis all called for a set of navigation skills no one uses anymore\u2014unless you ' re a sailor or a fifth grader prepping for a social studies test .\nthroughout the course , 140 checkpoints were hidden behind broken - down mine shacks , just beyond hairpin turns , deep inside mountain crevices , and sometimes , blessedly , directly on the route . large green flags marked the easiest - to - find checkpoints ; smaller blue flags identified intermediate ones . black checkpoints , the most difficult to find , weren ' t marked at all . each was worth a certain number of points . the goal : rack up as many as possible .\nevery morning we were given a list of checkpoints to find that day ( one day there ' d be 12 ; another day , 22 ) , defined solely by their latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates . we had to plot them on our topo maps , then use geometry to strategize how to get from one to the next . this all called for a set of navigation skills no one uses anymore\u2014unless you ' re a sailor or a fifth grader prepping for a social studies test . we weren ' t allowed phones , gps , or outside help . kind of like an adult female eagle scouts on steroids , or survivor meets the amazing race in the american west .\nthe automotive world is notoriously male - dominated , making a women - only motorsports event revolutionary . ( there are a few all - women rallies and races scattered across the globe , out of hundreds of annual motorsports events overall ; the rebelle is the only one in the u . s . )\ni ' ve been in races where i was the only woman driving ,\nthe rebelle ' s founder , 50 - year - old emily miller , told me .\ni ' ve had people recommend i wear a tight pink race suit .\nmiller grew up between arkansas and colorado , skiing , biking , and reading her father ' s car magazines . in her 30s , she launched a sports marketing firm and started to race cars and teach at racing and off - roading schools . when creating the rebelle\u2014which took three years of planning , 40 bureau of land management permits , and 60 staffers to pull off\u2014miller combined her favorite aspects of the rallies and races she ' d participated in over the years .\nshe was determined to create an event where women could test their mettle .\nmost automotive events are designed from a man ' s perspective ,\nmiller said , meaning that they ' re usually speed races , where the goal is to get from point a to b as fast as possible . but the rebelle isn ' t a race , she reminded us daily . it demanded endurance , accurate navigation , and communication .\nwomen excel in endurance events ,\nshe explained .\nwomen think about the rules and the challenge . they want to win , but they ' re not there to prove how fast they can go .\nmy team ' s combined experience was\u2026limited .\nwinning\nnever crossed our minds ; we just hoped to finish without killing the jeep\u2014or one another . my teammate , jaclyn trop , is an auto reporter who reviews luxury cars , but we both quickly realized that her professional expertise didn ' t translate into real - world driving and car maintenance knowledge . while she knows her way around a racetrack , she didn ' t know how to read a map .\nna\u00efve enthusiasm seemed like a perfectly legitimate qualification to enter a highly - detailed endurance event requiring a complex venn diagram of skills i didn ' t possess .\nnot that i know anything about cars . i can sort of drive a stick shift , and sort of change a tire . i ' d signed up for the rebelle rally because tooling around isolated southwestern back roads is one of my all - time favorite activities , something i discovered during the six years i lived in far west texas . ( aimless desert driving is terrible for the environment , but good for the soul . )"]} {"id": 114616, "summary": [{"text": "we are the giant is a 2014 american documentary film produced and directed by greg barker .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film had its world premiere at 2014 sundance film festival on january 18 , 2014 .", "topic": 9}, {"text": "the film is scheduled for a limited theatrical run from october 30 , 2014 in uk .", "topic": 2}, {"text": "a special screening and panel q&a will also take place at london 's bfi cinema on the october 30 , 2014 . ", "topic": 6}], "title": "we are the giant", "paragraphs": ["most red giant products are available at a 50 % discount if you are a student or faculty .\nwe are the giant\u201d is both vital and devastating , with raw material conveyed through elegant construction . \u201d\n\u201c ' we are the giant\u2019 is another prima facie document in the unfolding foreign drama of our time\u2014one that could entirely refashion international relations . the subjects\u2026are deeply inspiring figures . \u201d\npowerful , tragic and ultimately inspirational , we are the giant follows the everyday decisions that transform not just individual lives but the fates of nations . as their stories echo across history , the characters in we are the giant speak directly to our own lives , reminding us that we are all products of revolutions , and offering hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds .\nwe\u2019d love your help . let us know what\u2019s wrong with this preview of the buried giant by kazuo ishiguro .\nwhat sort of specific questions would you ask a roller skating rink ? we are in the process of compiling our list of questions for the venue we want .\nwe are the giant / u . s . a . , united kingdom ( director : greg barker ) \u2014 we are the giant tells the stories of ordinary individuals who are transformed by the moral and personal challenges they encounter when standing up for what they believe is right . powerful and tragic , yet inspirational , their struggles for freedom echo across history and offer hope against seemingly impossible odds .\n\u201cwe are the giant\u201d is both vital and devastating , with raw material conveyed through elegant construction . barker asks the hard questions , issuing the frightening possibly of necessary violence when pacifism yields no results .\nthe project came about when director greg barker approached me at the mill to create the graphics and the visual look of his latest documentary we are the giant . we had an existing working relationship , as last year i designed the titles and graphics for his documentary manhunt : the search for bin laden .\n\u201cslickly assembled and insightful . compelling and fluidly told stories of the struggle of individuals . the rather abstract and complex subject of the arab spring is given a human face\u2026in the slickly assembled \u201cwe are the giant . \u201d ( the first story is ) both inspiring and sobering . \u201d\ni remember visiting the museum as a child and being amazed when i came face to face with the blue whale skeleton we are now unveiling in hintze hall .\n' nay ! ' answered the child ; ' but these are the wounds of love . '\ndirected by sundance veteran greg barker , produced by john battsek and julie goldman and co - produced by arab - american filmmaker razan ghalayini , we are the giant was filmed largely in secret and sometimes at great risk over the past two and a half years .\n\u201c ( ' we are the giant ' ) is actually a documentary feature film about nonviolent resistance through the lens of revolutionaries in syria , bahrain and libya , \u201d said ghalayini , referring to the protests and uprisings beginning in 2010 that came to be known as the arab spring .\n\u201cwe are the giant\u201d profiles seven activists involved in various national uprisings of the arab spring , several of whom already have high international profiles ; some are now deceased or imprisoned . a surfeit of harrowing on - the - ground footage during protest crackdowns , plus the protagonists\u2019 testimonies , make for a frequently inspiring and exciting documentary . but helmer greg barker [ \u2026 ]\ngiven how reluctant pandas are to breed , it may seem misguided to fund their conservation . but there ' s a reason we spend so much money .\nfor me , it\u2019s about the power of the subject matter . you cannot cut corners with research and development as the truth of the film needs to come first . any flourish or embellishment of fact diminishes the film . with both we are the giant and manhunt , research was paramount and all - encompassing .\nupdate : we have a printable version available for download ! download yours here .\nall day long they played , and in the evening they came to the giant to bid him good - bye .\nand when the children ran in that afternoon , they found the giant lying dead under the tree , all covered with white blossoms .\nthe heart of every revolution is a human one , the signs written by hand . in we are the giant , director greg barker delivers a devastating account of the arab spring , intimately focused on the stories of fathers , mothers , sons , daughters \u2013 revolutionaries \u2013 across libya , syria , and bahrain with an eye to the world .\nthe clarion call of a grander moral calling anchors the documentary we are the giant , and in large part saves it from its own overstuffed passion . profiling a handful of activists involved in arab spring uprisings in libya , syria and bahrain , the film mixes unsettling firsthand protest footage with involving stories of self - sacrifice .\nwelcome back . just a moment while we sign you in to your goodreads account .\nevery afternoon , when school was over , the children came and played with the giant . but the little boy whom the giant loved was never seen again . the giant was very kind to all the children , yet he longed for his first little friend , and often spoke of him . ' how i would like to see him ! ' he used to say .\nif you are a student or teacher , you are eligible for 50 % off all of our products . it takes just a few minutes to set up your academic status .\nmy sister just got engaged and we are starting the planning process for her wedding . thank you for this helpful information of things one should know about renting a venue . i especially liked the point that talked about the logistics . another thing to consider would be how strict things are with decorations .\nevery afternoon , as they were coming from school , the children used to go and play in the giant ' s garden .\n' we don ' t know , ' answered the children ; ' he has gone away . '\nwe make tools , films and training to enrich the community of filmmakers and motion designers . for our own award - winning short films , we create new software to fill our needs . then we make those products available to everyone , helping artists create the perfect look that matches their story .\n' you must tell him to be sure and come here to - morrow , ' said the giant . but the children said that they did not know where he lived , and had never seen him before ; and the giant felt very sad .\nhe natural history museum in london has unveiled its new star , a giant blue whale skeleton called hope .\nwhen you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site , we earn an affiliate commission .\n' who art thou ? ' said the giant , and a strange awe fell on him , and he knelt before the little child .\n\u201cthe buried giant\u201d is a melancholy book , and the mist that breathes through it is a melancholic mist . the narrative tone is dreamlike and measured . there are adventures , sword fights , betrayals , armies , cunning stratagems and monsters killed , but these things are told distantly , without the book\u2019s pulse ever beating faster . they are described unflinchingly , precisely , sometimes poetically . enemies are slain , but the deaths are never triumphant . a culmination of a planned trap for a troop of soldiers , worthy of a whodunit , is described in retrospect , once we already know what must have happened . stories drift toward us in the narrative like figures in the mist , and then are gone . the excitements that the book would deliver were this a more formulaic or crowd - pleasing novel are , here , when they appear , not exciting , perhaps because they would be young people\u2019s adventures , and this is , at its heart , a book about two people who are now past all adventure . axl and beatrice , gentle and caring and kind , wish only to survive , to reach their son , to be together . they need to remember their past , but they are afraid of what those memories might bring them .\nas acting president of the bahrain center for human rights , al - khawaja is one of the leading voices in \u201cwe are the giant , \u201d along with her sister zainab al - khawaja . maryam al - khawaja has been banned from her country of bahrain for participating in peaceful protests against the existing regime . her sister and father , internationally acclaimed human rights activist abdulhadi al - khawaja , are both serving prison sentences for their non - violent acts of resistance .\nlue whales are now making a recovery following decades of exploitation that nearly drove them out of existence .\nher government , and brexit , are in meltdown . so why does theresa may seem so calm ?\n' what are you doing here ? ' he cried in a very gruff voice , and the children ran away .\nthere are quite a few , but the title sequence that drew me to make the jump from print design to motion was dawn of the dead .\n\u00a9 2007\u20132018 art of the title , llc . all rights reserved . works appearing on art of the title are the property of their respective owners .\n\u201cwe were watching history happen before us , and greg sat down next to me and he was like , \u2018this is insane ! \u2019 and we were looking around and we were among the only two people in this massive office of like 50 who were paying attention to this . and greg and i started talking and we said , \u2018you know what ? nobody is going out there to make a film about this right now . \u2019\u201d\nthere is a moment in director greg barker\u2019s documentary \u201c we are the giant \u201d when we are confronted by a young girl singing a sweet song of revolution in arabic , while a peaceful protest against the syrian government unfolds in the streets behind her . her smile is wide and her voice lovely until a blast erupts no more than a yard behind her , the camera swerving as smoke billows and mangled figures lurch around in confusion . perhaps mercifully , we never see what has become of the girl ; within the same reel , there is another senseless massacre , as one man hoarsely shouts amidst a barrage of bullets , flanked by dead bodies . \u201cit was peaceful ! \u201d he cries out , unable to understand what prompted the police to open fire .\n' but where is your little companion ? ' he said : ' the boy i put into the tree . ' the giant loved him the best because he had kissed him .\nin we are the giant ordinary citizens face the same moral questions that have defined revolutionary leaders across the ages , from jefferson to che to mandela . with remarkable access , the film takes its audience inside the lives of six extraordinary people who grapple with the agonizing and universal dilemmas at the heart of all struggles for justice and freedom : whether to take up arms and fight , or to advocate change through peace and non - violence .\nwe were unable to find a qualifying product in your account . please enter your product serial number below :\nbut that future looks uncertain , if the finances are anything to go by . keeping giant pandas has become prohibitively expensive . contrary to the popular impression , the chinese government does not offer pandas to foreign dignitaries , or zoos , as gifts ; in fact , all pandas sent out from china are on paid loan and , as notes to the naturkunde show tell us , \u201cwith a loan rate of \u20ac1m per annum , this exceeds the budget of many zoos\u201d . at present , the number of pandas kept outside china is 162 overall , with 55 of them living in 19 zoos across the world . there are roughly 1 , 600 giant pandas still living in china , the number confined to mountainous regions of the south - west .\nwe ' re currently experiencing technical difficulties . if this persists , please email our dedicated team at digitalservices @ urltoken\nenter your email address below and we\u2019ll send you a link to view and make changes to your email preferences .\nwe launched on january 1st , 2007 to support the release of seattle author ariel meadow stallings ' book , offbeat bride . we update every weekday with tons of inspiration & advice for couples trying to build weddings full of intention and personality .\nthe passion and idealism that fuel both successful and attempted revolutions provide the human focus of greg barker \u2019s \u201cwe are the giant , \u201d a dramatic account of people active in the movements sparked by the arab spring . looking at two people each in libya , syria and bahrain , the film doesn\u2019t try to explain the political background or complexities of these societies but instead offers haunting , up - close portraits of individuals who elect to put their nations\u2019 fates above their own .\nwe urge you to turn off your ad blocker for the telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future .\nred giant effects suite is a set of 9 tools that have servedthe visual effects community for years , delivering the creative freedom to produce professional effects .\nichard sabin , the museum\u2019s leading whale expert , said :\nwhales are incredibly mysterious and behaviourally complex creatures , as well as being the giants of the ocean .\nso he crept downstairs and opened the front door quite softly , and went out into the garden . but when the children saw him they were so frightened that they all ran away , and the garden became winter again . only the little boy did not run , for his eyes were so full of tears that he died not see the giant coming . and the giant stole up behind him and took him gently in his hand , and put him up into the tree . and the tree broke at once into blossom , and the birds came and sang on it , and the little boy stretched out his two arms and flung them round the giant ' s neck , and kissed him . and the other children , when they saw that the giant was not wicked any longer , came running back , and with them came the spring . ' it is your garden now , little children , ' said the giant , and he took a great axe and knocked down the wall . and when the people were gong to market at twelve o ' clock they found the giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen .\nwe offer special rates and services for businesses making volume purchases of our products . connect with us to learn more .\n' who hath dared to wound thee ? ' cried the giant ; ' tell me , that i may take my big sword and slay him . '\nwhat we should be doing is saving habitats , not single species , no matter what their cuteness factor . and scrapping all kinds of other pointless activities , from huge arms contracts to self - defeating agribusiness and energy subsidies , and using the money saved to undo the damage we have done to the land and seas around us . that way , we would have lots of cash to stop the destruction of forests and peatlands , and even a few million on the side for such quixotic projects as saving the panda . because these animals are worth it . hunted for sport by the rich , then driven from large tracts of its natural habitat by agricultural and housing development , the giant panda deserves better than to be scrubbed from conservation\u2019s ledger books through false accounting .\nyears went over , and the giant grew very old and feeble . he could not play about any more , so he sat in a huge armchair , and watched the children at their games , and admired his garden . ' i have many beautiful flowers , ' he said ; ' but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all . '\n2 . when hemsworth pees on a dead alien , it\u2019s inside a giant alien forest that is inside of a ufo large enough to cover much of the atlantic ocean .\n6 . before the movie begins , we learn an\nafrican warlord\nspent 10 years fighting the aliens in hand - to - hand combat . ( frankly , this is the movie that should have been made , but c\u2019est la vie . ) in the movie , we see warlord dikembe umbutu murder an alien with two machetes .\nishiguro is not afraid to tackle huge , personal themes , nor to use myths , history and the fantastic as the tools to do it . \u201cthe buried giant\u201d is an exceptional novel , and i suspect my inability to fall in love with it , much as i wanted to , came from my conviction that there was an allegory waiting like an ogre in the mist , telling us that no matter how well we love , no matter how deeply , we will always be fallible and human , and that for every couple who are aging together , one or the other of them \u2014 of us \u2014 will always have to cross the water , and go on to the island ahead and alone .\n\u201cwe are the giant\u201d profiles seven activists involved in various national uprisings of the arab spring , several of whom already have high international profiles ; some are now deceased or imprisoned . a surfeit of harrowing on - the - ground footage during protest crackdowns , plus the protagonists\u2019 testimonies , make for a frequently inspiring and exciting documentary . but helmer greg barker ( \u201cghosts of rwanda\u201d ) also risks pretentiousness in various forms of stylistic and thematic overreach , while providing viewers scant explanatory info on the regional conflicts . this u . s . - u . k . co - production will have an easier time scoring broadcast sales in the latter territory ; elsewhere , exposure will be spotty beyond fest travel .\nputting our blue whale , hope , at the centre of the museum , between living species on the west and extinct species on the east , is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the responsibility we have towards our planet .\nmy favorite book from ishiguro so far which is saying something since i given 5 stars to when we where orphans and the remains of the day is on my favorites list .\nwhat are the restrictions for decor ( including what you can and can ' t toss , lighting restrictions , what you can hang from the ceiling and on the walls , candles , etc . ) ?\nrules weren\u2019t meant to be broken when it comes to tv episode lengths , but these 10 examples \u2014 introduced on the very good tv podcast \u2014 are clear exceptions .\nthe elderly couple are axl and beatrice \u2014 \u201cperhaps these were not their exact or full names , but for ease , this is how we will refer to them\u201d \u2014 who start out living in a hill - warren village , ill treated by their fellow britons . axl and beatrice love each other deeply and care for each other as best they can . beatrice has a malady , a pain in her side she insists is nothing serious , for which she seeks a cure . they have reached the age when their memories have become unreliable , when names , faces and even events slip away . but the problems with memory and event are not just theirs ; all the people in their community , and even those in neighboring villages , briton and saxon , appear to be having the same difficulties . there is a mist that takes memories : good memories and bad , lost children , old rancors and wounds . and memories are valuable . they make us who we are .\nindeed , the lethal finality of those dangers is central to the first story , about libya . we quickly learn that one of the two figures who are the focus of this account , 20 - year - old muhannad ben - sadik , was killed in the attempt to overthrow dictator moammar ghadhafi . his story is told by his colleagues and the tale\u2019s other protagonist , his father , osama ben - sadik .\n' i cannot understand why the spring is so late in coming , ' said the selfish giant , as he sat at the window and looked out at his cold white garden ; ' i hope there will be a change in the weather . '\nbookending each of the three segments \u2013 libya and syria are the first two entries , with bahrain taking up the greater part of the documentary\u2019s 90 - minute running time \u2013 is a kaleidoscopic overview of revolutions from throughout history . images of tiananmen square and the african american civil rights movement glide across the screen , all punctuated by quotations from transformational figures ranging from thomas jefferson to martin luther king , jr . far from overreaching , \u201cwe are the giant\u201d implements the framing device organically , with the filmmakers\u2019 idea for equating the arab spring with all of humanity\u2019s great revolutions clearly born from how their subjects constantly reference those from history who inspired them to act . it turns material that could have resulted in a sporadic narrative into a profound statement that the arab spring is a continuation of humanity\u2019s constant efforts to make a better , more just world .\nand the child smiled on the giant , and said to him , ' you let me play once in your garden , to - day you shall come with me to my garden , which is paradise . '\ni understand that there is the option of not using a venue who has a required coordinator . i also understand that there are many wonderful . . . read more\nwe know how high the stakes can be , so we created this huge , comprehensive list of all the questions you ' ll want to have on hand to make your final venue choice . it looks daunting , but it ' ll be a major load off when you know you ' re coming prepared to check out wedding venues .\nthe raindrops of our memories \u201cbut then again i wonder if what we feel in our hearts today isn ' t like these raindrops still falling on us from the soaked leaves above , even though the sky itself long stopped raining . i ' m wondering if without our memories , there ' s nothing for it but for our love to fade and die . \u201d k . ishiguro , the buried giant there are times , i think , one must admit bewilderment and a certain lack of knowledge or learning to fully understand some novels , but can nonetheless say tha\nthe raindrops of our memories \u201cbut then again i wonder if what we feel in our hearts today isn ' t like these raindrops still falling on us from the soaked leaves above , even though the sky itself long stopped raining . i ' m wondering if without our memories , there ' s nothing for it but for our love to fade and die . \u201d k . ishiguro , the buried giant there are times , i think , one must admit bewilderment and a certain lack of knowledge or learning to fully understand some novels , but can nonetheless say that the story impacted him ; that , in a relatively short read , he inhabited the phenomenal , yet surreal , atmosphere of dense fog that enveloped the terrain and the faded memories of the protagonist medieval married couple ( and of all the population in the mystical land ) ; that he felt for the couple and their lost memories and , most importantly , that he has a deeper understanding , from having read this book , of how much memories are a significant part of who we are and of our love for those in our lives , and yet at the same time our love is more than memories : true love is in our souls and as long as we can see and know those we love , our love will not die , in spite of our vanishing remembrances . i know this sounds mawkish . yet , because i cannot articulate to you exactly why i found the story so profound , i am left to conveying my impressions , however sentimental they may seem .\nwe are t he giant transports viewers to the front lines of the arab spring through the courageous stories of six extraordinary people grappling with the dilemma at the heart of all struggles for justice and freedom : whether to take up arms and fight , or to advocate change through peace and non - violence . filming largely in secret and at great risk over the past two and a half years , award - winning director and former war correspondent greg barker ( manhunt ) frames intimate portraits of individuals from very different walks of life resolving to stand up for what they believe in and challenge the oppressive regimes determined to crush popular uprisings .\ni ' m getting married at an art gallery . the ceremony and reception are going to be in the same space . in fact , i ' m going to have . . . read more\nbut the spring never came , nor the summer . the autumn gave golden fruit to every garden , but to the giant ' s garden she gave none . ' he is too selfish , ' she said . so it was always winter there , and the north wind , and the hail , and the frost , and the snow danced about through the trees .\nif you have an older version of a product , you are eligible for an upgrade at a discounted price . upgrades save you money while keeping you current .\nmobilizing in the streets in libya , syria and bahrain , as well as on facebook and twitter , inspired young activists have been awakening the world to their plight and changing the course of history . among these unlikely heroes are the outspoken sisters maryam and zainab alkhawaja ( whose twitter handle \u201cangry arabiya\u201d has over 40 , 000 followers ) , both fiercely determined to protest for human rights even under perpetual threat of imprisonment and exile . this timely documentary follows the everyday decisions that transform not just personal lives but the fates of nations , reminding us that we are all products of revolutions and offering hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds .\nif nature is not a prison and earth a shoddy way - station , we must find the faith and force to affirm its metabolism as our own . . . to do so means nothing less than a shift in our whole frame of reference and our attitude toward life itself , a wider perception of the landscape as a creative , harmonious being where relationships of things are as real as the things . without losing our sense of a great human destiny and without intellectual surrender , we must affirm that the world is a being , a part of our own body .\nthe buried giant is a subtle and melancholy reflection on memory and forgetfulness and the roles they play both in the lives of individuals and those of countries and peoples . it is the kind of novel that yields up its secrets gradually , and it\u2019s worth persisting with even if you are not initially convinced . it\u2019s a very distinctive work\u2014distinctive to the point of eccentricity\u2014and the reviews have been accordingly mixed , some very negative . to enjoy it , you have to cede to its peculiar , incantat\n\u00a9 copyright 2018 variety media , llc , a subsidiary of penske business media , llc . variety and the flying v logos are trademarks of variety media , llc . powered by urltoken vip\n4 . there\u2019s an entire story about space pilots from across the world . the storyline works because the characters who speak languages that aren\u2019t english are more than a dumb punchline , and because it basically doubles the film as a spiritual sequel to starship troopers .\nso much for the gentle giant image . nevertheless , there is also pathos to be found in the museum\u2019s account of his life story . when bao bao died in august 2012 at the age of 34 , he was \u201cthe methuselah\u201d of the giant pandas living in zoos . despite his long life , and many attempts to find him a mate , he remained without descendants \u2013 so far , at any rate : his sperm has been stored in a deep - freeze and is available for artificial insemination in the future .\nsyrian friends ghassan yassin and motaz murad committed themselves to peaceful resistance against assad\u2019s tyranny , though the extreme brutality of the regime\u2019s response \u2014 we see entire civilian neighborhoods bombed beyond recognition , dead children scattered among the rubble \u2014 eventually prompted the rise of the oppositional free syria army .\nwhen i eventually got engaged , i had one venue at the top of my list ; brooklyn ' s rebar . we immediately put down a deposit and made . . . read more\n\u201cwe were thinking about a way to tell a story about , not just the arab spring , but revolution as a whole , and the engaging and beautiful experience that is people standing up for themselves ,\nghalayini said .\nand so one thing led to another and within three months i had called maryam and i was like , \u2018hey , how are you ? my name is razan , i\u2019m working on a film , can i come visit you or something ? \u2019 and she was like , \u2018are you cia ? what is this ? \u2019\u201d\n3 . the mega ufo has legs , like a spider legs but , you know , the size of a city . one of these legs dig into the east coast of the usa , and stops in the backyard of the recreation of the white house \u2014 destroyed in the first film . the city - sized leg of a giant ufo doesn ' t totally destroy the most politically loaded building in the nation ; it just knocks over the american flag on its roof .\nand of course , such decisions depend on subjective assessment . as ishiguro shows in the course of this tale , if even happily married couples can hold vehemently differing perceptions of shared memories or objects seen in the distance , how can we hope all to agree on the right course of action in relation to major issues ? the buried giant of the title is an allegory for the buried hatchet ; the repression of hatreds , resentments and the desire for violent redress . it prevents justice being attained , but also impedes the never - ending cycle of tit - for - tat .\nif there are rare moments in the buried giant when the plot does teeter into pastiche , and the swords and sorcery can seem a tad silly , then these are more than compensated for by a power and a strangeness that are , in the shakespearean sense of the word , weird . \u201cthere\u2019s a journey we must go on , and no more delay \u2026\u201d it is surely no coincidence that these words of beatrice to her husband , displayed prominently on the book\u2019s jacket , should echo the haunting final lines of kent in king lear : \u201ci have a journey , sir , shortly to go . / my master calls me ; i must not say no . \u201d old age and memory loss , suffering , love and war : what shakespeare explored in the eerie setting of pre - roman britain , ishiguro explores in the context of a period of history barely less mysterious . for all the deconstruction the buried giant performs on its manifold sources and inspirations , the ultimate measure of ishiguro\u2019s achievement is that his novel is more than worthy to take its place alongside them . the quest undertaken by axl and beatrice is not merely a search for their son , but one that follows in the footsteps of sir gawain , and tennyson\u2019s king arthur , and frodo . the novel\u2019s parting assurance is affecting precisely because it is so hard - won : \u201cbut god will know the slow tread of an old couple\u2019s love for each other , and understand how bleak shadows make part of its whole . \u201d\nit was a large lovely garden , with soft green grass . here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars , and there were twelve peach - trees that in the spring - time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl , and in the autumn bore rich fruit . the birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them . ' how happy we are here ! ' they cried to each other .\n, \u201cto get more investment bang for conservation\u2019s few bucks we need to protect a far greater variety of species than one hardy creature struggling to eat bamboo up a mountain . \u201d\nbefore we got married , i read so many posts about how it ' s just easier to hire a dj and not worry about ceremony music on . . . read more\ndownstairs ran the giant in great joy , and out into the garden . he hastened across the grass , and came near to the child . and when he came quite close his face grew red with anger , and he said , ' who hath dared to wound thee ? ' for on the palms of the child ' s hands were the prints of two nails , and the prints of two nails were on the little feet .\nwhat i feel , confronted with these photos , is not just a deep kinship , but also a form of continuity . we are here together and the only way to make ourselves at home is to share the land with these others , the animals which , as shepard remarked , make us human . this was a view held by many berliners back in the time of the wall , as von reiswitz recalled when we spoke at his studio : \u201cduring the time of the wall , the zoo was a sort of local recreational area for people from west berlin . this zoo was like a zoo inside a zoo during that time . so , people living in berlin were very close to these animals , because everybody was in a zoo . \u201d\nthere are many instances of that scar in barker\u2019s remarkable documentary , an intensely moving account of the arab spring that focuses on the stories of prominent revolutionaries across three different countries : there is osama ben - sadik , a libyan man and virginia - resident whose son , american - born muhannad , leaves behind his life in the united states to join in the fight against muammar gaddafi . in syria we meet motaz murrad and ghassan yazzin , leaders of peace movements , both of them convinced that non - violent protests could inspire reform in the assad regime . then there are sisters maryam and zainab alkhawaja , who join their human activist father abdulhadi alkhawaja to fight against the dictatorship of the al khalifa family in bahrain by utilizing pacifist methods .\neven when people are aware of their past misdeeds , can they expect forgiveness ? in a scene in a monastery , wistan challenges a monk on the religious belief that prayer and self - flagellation will absolve crimes .\nthe self - sacrificing sense of moral necessity felt by the principals here is stirring , as are the numerous frightening sequences of street combat . ( at one point someone\u2019s camera records a little girl cheerfully singing a song , only to have the moment jolted by a shell explosion , the child\u2019s well - being unknown in the ensuing haze . )\nwe took a day to do a mini - shoot , with a red epic , some plates of the burning and ink moments to have some original transitions . we filmed burns in front of green screen for the animators to eventually incorporate into the animations . i used textures , paint , type , ink , newspaper headlines , photocopies , etc . i thought it was important to stick to a monochromatic language which would evoke newspapers and old photographs .\nthe move isn\u2019t nonsensical , in the capacity that a child could track what\u2019s happening . there aren\u2019t characters and storylines from a dozen other movies buttressing resurgence \u2014 you don\u2019t even need to know the plot of the original . twenty years ago , aliens attacked earth . we won , built a harmonious global community , and advanced our weaponry for when they returned \u2014 which is now . how will we beat them this time ? the answer is no less preposterous than its predecessor\u2019s solution : a head cold .\nas beatrice says : \u201cif that\u2019s how you\u2019ve remembered it , axl , let it be the way it was . with this mist upon us , any memory\u2019s a precious thing and we\u2019d best hold tight to it . \u201d\none morning the giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music . it sounded so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the king ' s musicians passing by . it was really only a little linnet singing outside his window , but it was so long since he had heard a bird sing in his garden that it seemed to him to be the most beautiful music in the world . then the hail stopped dancing over his head , and the north wind ceased roaring , and a delicious perfume came to him through the open casement . ' i believe the spring has come at last , ' said the giant ; and he jumped out of bed and looked out .\nas someone who has read all of ishiguro ' s previous works i was of course more than excited to finally get my hands on a copy of the buried giant . oh boy , if only that excitement hadn ' t been sourly crushed by the actual contents of this novel . the buried giant is very different from all of ishiguro ' s other novels . in fact it ' s so different that i can ' t even compare it to any of his previous novels . the main difference is of course that this is essentially a fantasy novel . now i ' ll be the first to\nuntil 2015 the skeleton was hung alongside a model whale in the mammals gallery and wasn\u2019t in full view , but in her stunning new home , where you are able to walk underneath and see her from all angles , she is even more spectacular .\noh boy , this is the book that caused such uproar among ishiguro fans ! before you pick up this novel , please believe me when i say this is going to be nothing like any of his previous work . so if you are resistant to change , you might want to skip this one . don\u2019t expect it to be the remains of the day , and definitely don\u2019t think this is going to be the next never let me go . in fact this book won\u2019t even be set in our own time or even plane of reality . on the surface of it all , the buried giant is\nyet are you so certain , good mistress , you wish to be free of this mist ? is it not better some things remain hidden from our minds ?\nit may be so for some , father , but not for us . axl and i wish to have again the happy moments we shared together . to be robbed of them is as if a thief came in the night and took what ' s most precious from us .\nwrapped around the three accounts are slickly produced graphics ( scored with soaring music ) that invoke popular uprisings before and beyond the arab spring , from the american revolution to more recent upheavals in poland , south africa , china , burma and other countries . though the filmmakers rather dubiously intermix quotes from tyrants and murderers such as lenin and che guevara with others from democratic and non - violent figures including nelson mandela and martin luther king , jr . , the implicit point that all revolutions stem from a universal hunger for freedom is nicely offset by the specificity of the three stories we witness , which illustrate not just the commonalities but also the differences among recent revolts in the arab world .\nnevertheless , ishiguro is too subtle and complex a novelist to rest content with such a message . the memory loss that may serve a troubled people as a blessing cannot help but threaten the individual with the dissolution of his or her self . at the heart of the buried giant , luminous amid all the dragons and warring knights , is a deeply affecting portrait of marital love , and of how even the most precious memories can end up vulnerable . axl and beatrice are an aged couple who , in the grip of the mysterious amnesia that has afflicted the whole of britain , abruptly decide to visit a son that they had forgotten so much as existed . in the course of their journey , they meet a boatman in the ruins of a roman villa , whose duty it is to ferry people to an island of the dead . only if a couple can convince him of their devotion will he allow them to travel together . from that moment on , axl and beatrice are haunted by a dread that they would fail such a test , and be separated for ever . \u201caxl and i wish to have again the happy moments we shared together . to be robbed of them is as if a thief came in the night and took what\u2019s most precious from us . \u201d\none day the giant came back . he had been to visit his friend the cornish ogre , and had stayed with him for seven years . after the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say , for his conversation was limited , and he determined to return to his own castle . when he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden .\nyou ' ve long set your heart against it , axl , i know . but it ' s time now to think on it anew . there ' s a journey we must go on , and no more delay . . .\nthe buried giant begins as a couple set off across a troubled land of mist and rain in the hope of finding a son they have not seen in years . sometimes savage , often intensely moving , kazuo ishiguro ' s first novel in nearly a decad\nthen the spring came , and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds . only in the garden of the selfish giant it was still winter . the birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children , and the trees forgot to blossom . once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass , but when it saw the notice - board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again , and went off to sleep . the only people who were pleased were the snow and the frost . ' spring has forgotten this garden , ' they cried , ' so we will live here all the year round . ' the snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak , and the frost painted all the trees silver . then they invited the north wind to stay with them , and he came . he was wrapped in furs , and he roared all day about the garden , and blew the chimney - pots down . ' this is a delightful spot , ' he said , ' we must ask the hail on a visit . ' so the hail came . every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates , and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go . he was dressed in grey , and his breath was like ice .\nin itself , this promiscuous mixing of influences and periods within a fantasy novel is hardly original to ishiguro . george rr martin , for instance , has always performed it with particular aplomb , fusing plot lines drawn from the wars of the roses with locations that plainly draw on hadrian\u2019s wall or the steppes of genghis khan . the buried giant , though , unlike a song of ice and fire , makes play with the gaps and the seams . they are designed to show . the shimmering of literary influences within ishiguro\u2019s prose is like that of memories within a fading mind : fragments shored against ruin . yet always , haunting the novel , lurks the possibility that the memories themselves may be false . the buried giant cannot help but exist in the shadow of the near - total oblivion that has claimed the period ishiguro is writing about . one character worries that god himself may be afflicted by amnesia \u2013 \u201cand if a thing is not in god\u2019s mind , then what chance of it remaining in those of mortal men ? \u201d ishiguro is less certain than tolkien that what has been forgotten can be redeemed .\nfor the title sequence itself i worked with a very small team . the mill ' s team consisted of three animators \u2013 justin sucara , victor duncan , and greg park \u2013 who did a brilliant job of bringing the designs , textures , and concept to life , two producers , and myself as the sole designer and director . i also worked with the film ' s editor , josh altman , who was a fundamental shorthand . we were all eager to make the best of this project as we knew what a great film this is . everyone gave it their best and we made an extremely demanding delivery of 13 : 22 minutes of full - on design and animation in roughly 4 weeks . with a project like this , it ' s a true labor of love with all involved !\nbut the immediacy of such scenes isn\u2019t really helped by all the filigree barker imposes to provide a big - picture perspective . there are innumerable overly fussy black - and - white graphics interludes ( by vfx outfit the mill ) mashing up imagery and headlines from practically every historical freedom struggle imaginable . adding yet more onscreen text are too many quotes encompassing everyone from jesus to che guevara , mao tsetung , martin luther king jr . , nelson mandela and joseph stalin . of course the issues involved in arab spring uprisings are universal , but so much extraneous material seems to suggest that viewers won\u2019t grasp that unless they\u2019re hammered with reminders of more familiar , similar fights closer to home . at the same time , the pic provides little of the specific backgrounding that would make it more accessible to those not already well versed in contemporary middle eastern politics .\n' my own garden is my own garden , ' said the giant ; ' any one can understand that , and i will allow nobody to play in it but myself . ' so he built a high wall all round it , and put up a notice - board ."]} {"id": 114617, "summary": [{"text": "mariandl is a 1961 austrian drama film directed by werner jacobs and starring cornelia froboess , rudolf prack and waltraut haas .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "it was followed by a sequel mariandl 's homecoming in 1962 .", "topic": 16}, {"text": "a girl living in a hotel aspires to a musical scholarship . ", "topic": 15}], "title": "mariandl", "paragraphs": ["hotel mariandl accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival .\n& maria andergast - here is a tale about a boy and girl and how they found their life ' s desire mariandl - andl - andl , my mariandl - andl - andl beneath your gay chalet my serenade i ' ll sing my mariandl - andl - andl , my darling mariandl - andl you make me sing just like a skylark in the spring i ' m dreaming of that happy day when you can pick a mountain rose for my bouquet my mariandl - andl - andl , i ' m going to marry mariandl and in the valley all the wedding bells will play we ' re dreaming of that happy , happy day when all the wedding bells will play and i will marry mariandl , my mariandl - andl - andl beneath your gay chalet my serenade i ' ll sing my mariandl - andl - andl , my darling mariandl - andl you made me sing just like a skylark in the spring i ' m dreaming of that happy day when you can pick a mountain rose for my bouquet my mariandl - andl - andl , i ' m going to marry mariandl and in the valley all the wedding bells will play you will be mine lyricsvault . eu , the premier lyrics source for all the hits from 1900 on ! for evermore we ' ll build a home where there ' ll be room for three or more\nthe hotel mariandl and caf\u00e9 am beethovenplatz are both located in a listed house , situated in a well shaded avenue .\npart of the film soundtrack is the single\nmariandl\nwhich was composed by hans lang . the song has since been translated into an english version which was sung by petula clark and jimmy young .\nhotel mariandl is located in munich , an 8 - minute walk from oktoberfest - theresienwiese , and provides free wifi . with a terrace , the property also has a bar . the on - site restaurant serves international cuisine .\nhotel mariandl was simply wonderful . a beautiful old building and according furniture ( don ' t expect a television in your room ! ) and amazing staff that makes you feel welcome . a special thanks to ibrahim with a very difficult last name , for the jokes and conversation .\n\ub207 hotel mariandl was simply wonderful . a beautiful old building and according furniture ( don ' t expect a television in your room ! ) and amazing staff that makes you feel welcome . a special thanks to ibrahim with a very difficult last name , for the jokes and conversation .\nmariandl is bohemian in the most pleasurable way . it is and original art nouveau building and has a very agreeable a restaurant and bar in the group floor . the food is traditional and warming and one could spend a long and agreeable time there with friends over lunch , dinner or for drinks . the rooms are very simple and only a few have an en - suite bathroom . mine had a single bed !\n\ub207 mariandl is bohemian in the most pleasurable way . it is and original art nouveau building and has a very agreeable a restaurant and bar in the group floor . the food is traditional and warming and one could spend a long and agreeable time there with friends over lunch , dinner or for drinks . the rooms are very simple and only a few have an en - suite bathroom . mine had a single bed !\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd html 4 . 01 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nthis site is supposed to be supported by ad income , which is practically null for the moment .\nall advertising proceeds will only be used to maintain our presence on the web .\nlyrics are property of the artists who made them . the texts you find here may not be used for professional use without the written concent of the creative artist . urltoken the ultimate lyrics site for golden oldies and unforgettable evergreens .\nfuture learning and skills \u2013 giving everyone the opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with film .\ndo not expect flat screen tvs , luscious carpeting or even an elevator . as if these should be standard in a protected belle \u00e9poque hotel built over 100 years ago ! there is not even a conventional lobby area . check in takes place at the mahogany bar of the caf\u00e9 am beethovenplatz . from there one ascends the original and slightly worn oak staircase . on the floors above you will discover antiques , a 100 year old parquet floor , marble , stucco ceilings and crystal chandeliers . most rooms are equipped with bathroom and wc , some with free - standing bathtubs . the few rooms without bath / wc can be hired at a cheaper rate . in the morning your breakfast buffet awaits you in the caf\u00e9 on the ground floor .\nsurrounded by university buildings and art nouveau residences , the caf\u00e9 too has retained its original style . it could easily serve as the setting for a film about munich\u2019s bohemian society of the 1900s . artists , writers , musicians , architects , students and professors gather at the tables . above them is a high red and white coffer ceiling and opulent crystal chandeliers which bathe the guests in the light of earlier times . musicians play on a daily basis in an unobtrusively dignified manner . the varied wine card reflects the joie de vivre of the belle \u00e9poque , and with it , the joy of indulgence and extravagance in an otherwise rather forgotten munich coffee house scene . cocktails and champagne at the bar or a stylishly prepared breakfast on a sunday morning ? it\u2019s for you to decide how you spend one of the highlights of your stay in munich , in the caf\u00e9 am beethovenplatz .\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\nlakeith stanfield and his sorry to bother you crew reveal their most soul - crushing jobs in our freewheeling interview .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nexplore popular and recently added tv series available to stream now with prime video .\nafter booking , all of the property\u2019s details , including telephone and address , are provided in your booking confirmation and your account .\ninterior design was good , but if you are hardcore vintage lover . location was good , it took 10 - 15 minutes to the center . breakfast was enough .\nthe old world charm was great . just like the website said , don\u2019t expect flat screen tvs . i loved that .\npleasant staff , had the room available on arrival , much earlier than normal check in time . room was spacious , and quiet until some road works started ( i was already awake though ) . breakfast was nice , and restaurant / bar / coffee venue looked classic . well located - around 15 mins walk from central station , and 25 mins walk from marienplatz\ndownstairs bar and restaurant had a lovely warmth to it i really enjoyed the food and the music .\nevening food was good and breakfast pleasant . restaurant had pianist and fluteist playing live . very nice atmosphere .\nthe old world atmosphere . it ' s also a favourite of the locals .\nall these criterias are not applicable to this special hotel . staying there is like visiting old friends in an old solemn house with wonderful guestrooms in which time has stood still . you enjoy this rare quality of style and tradition , and you don ' t worry about more comfort .\nat the hotel , all rooms are equipped with a closet . the rooms have bed linen .\nsendlinger tor is 2 , 100 feet from the accommodation . munich airport is 19 miles away .\ncouples in particular like the location \u2013 they rated it 8 . 5 for a two - person trip .\nwe ' re sorry , but there was an error submitting your comment . please try again .\n\u201cthe old world charm was great . just like the website said , don\u2019t expect flat screen tvs . i loved that . \u201d\n\u201ca hotel with a lot of character and charm , nooks and crannies and creaky floorboards . \u201d\ncancellation and prepayment policies vary according to room type . please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room .\nall children under 2 years are charged eur 10 per night in a crib .\nall children under 16 years are charged eur 39 per night for extra beds .\nany additional older children or adults are charged eur 39 per night for extra beds .\nany type of extra bed or crib is upon request and needs to be confirmed by management .\nadditional fees are not calculated automatically in the total cost and will have to be paid for separately during your stay .\nsee the 30 best hotels in munich , based on 481 , 650 verified hotel reviews on booking . com .\nto keep the rating score and review content relevant for your upcoming trip , we archive reviews older than 24 months .\nonly a customer who has booked through urltoken and stayed at the property in question can write a review . this allows us to verify that our reviews come from real guests like you . who better to tell others about the free breakfast , friendly staff , or their comfortable room than someone who\u2019s stayed at the property ?\nwe want you to share your story , with both the good and the not - so - good . all we ask is that you follow a few simple guidelines .\nwe believe review contributions and property responses will highlight a wide range of opinions and experiences , which is critical in helping guests make informed decisions about where to stay .\ncontributions to urltoken are a reflection of the dedication of our guests and properties , so we treat them with the utmost respect .\nwhether negative or positive , we ' ll post every comment in full , as quickly as possible , after it ' s moderated to comply with urltoken guidelines . we ' ll also provide transparency over the status of submitted content .\nafter a review has been submitted , you can modify it by contacting urltoken customer service .\nwe ' ll use the same guidelines and standards for all user - generated content , and for the property responses to that content .\nwe ' ll allow the contributions to speak for themselves , and we won\u2019t be the judge of reality . booking . com\u2019s role is to be a feedback distributor for both guests and properties .\nthese guidelines and standards aim to keep the content on urltoken relevant and family - friendly , without limiting expression or strong opinions . they ' re also applicable regardless of the comment ' s tone .\ncontributions should be travel related . the most helpful contributions are detailed and help others make better decisions . please don\u2019t include personal , political , ethical , or religious commentary . promotional content will be removed and issues concerning booking . com\u2019s services should be routed to our customer service or accommodation service teams .\ncontributions should be appropriate for a global audience . please avoid using profanity or attempts to approximate profanity with creative spelling , in any language . comments and media that include hate speech , discriminatory remarks , threats , sexually explicit remarks , violence , or the promotion of illegal activity are not permitted .\nall content should be genuine and unique to the guest . reviews are most valuable when they are original and unbiased . your contribution should be yours . urltoken property partners should not post on behalf of guests or offer incentives in exchange for reviews . attempts to bring down the rating of a competitor by submitting a negative review will not be tolerated .\nrespect the privacy of others . urltoken will make an effort to obscure email addresses , telephone numbers , website addresses , social media accounts , and other similar details .\nthe opinions expressed in contributions are those of urltoken customers and properties , and not of urltoken . urltoken does not accept responsibility or liability for any reviews or responses . urltoken is a distributor ( without any obligation to verify ) and not a publisher of these comments and responses .\nby default , reviews are sorted based on the date of the review and on additional criteria to display the most relevant reviews , including but not limited to : your language , reviews with text , and non - anonymous reviews . additional sorting options might be available ( by type of traveler , by score , etc . . . ) .\nthis rating is a reflection of how the property compares to the industry standard when it comes to price , facilities and services available . it ' s based on a self - evaluation by the property . use this rating to help choose your stay !\nif you sign in or create an account , you ' ll unlock unlimited access to your lists from any computer , tablet or smartphone . they won ' t go away unless you say so .\nfeaturing a fitness center , shared lounge , bar and free wifi , hampton by hilton munich city west is located in munich , 1 . 1 miles from oktoberfest - theresienwiese and 1 . 4 miles from karlsplatz . . .\nthe hotel am markt is situated in the pedestrian area of the viktualienmarkt market place in munich and is just a one - minute walk away from marienplatz .\nrenovated in 2008 , this small designer hotel in munich is just a 15 - minute walk from the center of the city , main train station , and oktoberfest site .\noffering free wifi and a 24 - hour front desk , this accommodations is located in munich\u2019s ludwigsvorstadt district .\n\ub209 cleanliness is failed . there were stains on body towels , toilet wasn\u2018t clean enough . parkets were extreme squeaky . the coffee table that placed in our room had a one broken leg . but before anything else price - quality association wasn\u2018t good . i don\u2019t think that rooms deserve that amount of money .\n\ub207 interior design was good , but if you are hardcore vintage lover . location was good , it took 10 - 15 minutes to the center . breakfast was enough .\n\u201cwe enjoyed our stay here , especially for the included breakfast and the great location . \u201d\n\ub207 the old world charm was great . just like the website said , don\u2019t expect flat screen tvs . i loved that .\n\ub207 pleasant staff , had the room available on arrival , much earlier than normal check in time . room was spacious , and quiet until some road works started ( i was already awake though ) . breakfast was nice , and restaurant / bar / coffee venue looked classic . well located - around 15 mins walk from central station , and 25 mins walk from marienplatz\n\ub209 lack of information by the staff . climbed wooden staircases dark , dark room . very noisy radiator in room . the curtain didn ' t close . very old furniture .\n\ub209 i will not say i did not like it , but it is in a residential neighbourhood quite a way from the central station , 25 minutes walk or less by taxi .\n\ub207 downstairs bar and restaurant had a lovely warmth to it i really enjoyed the food and the music .\n\ub209 room was basic with no tv ( not a problem as i don ' t speak german ! ! ! ) and bathroom included walk - in shower , which drenched the entire room . sufficient accommodation for a no frills businessman on a trip on his own but i wouldn ' t take my wife ! ! !\n\ub207 evening food was good and breakfast pleasant . restaurant had pianist and fluteist playing live . very nice atmosphere .\n\ub209 an awful room , a feeling that someone has just died there . the smell and air in the room was unbearable . wouldn ' t recommend for women travelling alone , since the staff would ask such personal questions that you would feel intimidated staying in your room alone . no facilities , no hair dryer , no tv - set . and it is not vintage , it is simply outworn , close to uninhabitable . in fact , it is not a hotel , rather a hostel of a questionable quality .\n\ub207 the only good thing about this hotel is its location ; but then again the u - bahn traffic is so convenient that it is easy to get around the city also when staying outside the centre .\n\u201cunique , charming hotel with great breakfast . enjoyed the live music and history of the place . \u201d\n\ub207 the old world atmosphere . it ' s also a favourite of the locals .\n\ub207 all these criterias are not applicable to this special hotel . staying there is like visiting old friends in an old solemn house with wonderful guestrooms in which time has stood still . you enjoy this rare quality of style and tradition , and you don ' t worry about more comfort .\n\ub209 reception wasn ' t a separate area and was connected to restaurant . this made it very hard to check in as it was busy / cramped . the radiator in the room was the main problem . it was very very noisy and kept waking us up throughout the night . the noise was like gun shots .\n\u201cquirky gothic hotel with fun features . lovely live music to accompany dinner . \u201d\n\ub209 cramped breakfast room . first floor rooms very spacious . upper floor rooms not so large .\n\ub209 no mirror in the bedroom ( only in the bathroom which was a wet - room and very small , therefore , had to paddle in wet when doing hair and make - up ) . room quite small for 2 people .\n\ub207 friendliness of staff . typical german fair which we were looking for and were impressed with . easy access for public transport . room and restaurant very warm which was welcome when returning from the christmas markets and the temperature outside was - 1 deg .\nyou ' re subscribed ! your welcome email will arrive in your inbox soon .\nurltoken b . v . is based in amsterdam in the netherlands , and is supported internationally by 198 offices in 70 countries .\nurltoken is part of booking holdings inc . , the world leader in online travel and related services .\nwe have more than 70 million property reviews , and they ' re all from real , verified guests .\nthe only way to leave a review is to first make a booking . that ' s how we know our reviews come from real guests who have stayed at the property .\nwhen guests stay at the property , they check out how quiet the room is , how friendly the staff is , and more .\nafter their trip , guests tell us about their stay . we check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site .\nif you booked through us and want to leave a review , please sign in first .\nby creating an account , you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy statement .\na text message with a 6 - digit verification code was just sent to the phone number associated with this account .\nwe noticed that you ' re using an unsupported browser . the tripadvisor website may not display properly . we support the following browsers :\nprices are the average nightly price provided by our partners and may not include all taxes and fees . taxes and fees that are shown are estimates only . please see our partners for more details .\n{\ncontainerclass\n: null ,\ncontainerattributes\n: null ,\nwidget\n: {\nname\n:\nibex _ photo _ carousel\n,\ntemplate\n:\nibex _ photo _ carousel _ _ widget\n,\nmodulelist\n: [\nhandlers\n] ,\ndivclasses\n:\nprw _ rup prw _ ibex _ photo _ carousel\n,\njs\n: {\nhandlers\n:\n( ta . prwidgets . getjs ( this , ' handlers ' ) )\n} ,\ndust\n: {\nnav _ controls\n:\nibex _ photo _ carousel _ _ nav _ controls\n} } ,\nscriptflags\n: null }\nplease visit one of our 4 partner sites to see rooms from $ 104 .\npleasant staff , had the room available on arrival , much earlier than normal check in time . room was spacious , and quiet until some road works started ( i was already awake though ) . breakfast was nice , and restaurant / bar / coffee venue looked classic . well located - around 15 mins walk from central . . .\nwe got one of the biggest room . pros : spacious room included breakfast was pretty good ( you have to cook your own eggs ) old building l , so you get to experience old times . tub is a nice addition to the room . towels were soft and there . . .\nhaving seen previous reviews , decided to check the mattress as soon as i entered the room . thank heaven i did , urine stains and other stains on the mattress . absolutely disgusting . avoid this place at all costs . luckily found another hotel with availability . thank you holiday . . .\nin this hotel you will not find any luxury , ac , tv and the like . you will experience the atmosphere of old times from nearly everything about 100 years old . there is a nice beethoven cafe downstairs where there is live music all day long .\na beautiful and enormous room on the first floor ( with ensuite ) was an ideal spot for a couple of busy days in munich . the free standing bath was an ideal way to soak away the aches and pains of economy air - travel ! close to public transport . . . .\nnote : your question will be posted publicly on the questions & answers page .\nweird front desk - go straight to the bar and ask there .\nstairs are steep , no lift , so ask for room on lower floors . also ask for bathroom outside instead of en . . .\nask about the rooms with the free standing bathtub or ask them to show you some rooms , they are all a bit . . .\nown or manage this property ? claim your listing for free to respond to reviews , update your profile and much more .\n* tripadvisor llc is not a booking agent and does not charge any service fees to users of our site . . . (\ntripadvisor llc is not responsible for content on external web sites . taxes , fees not included for deals content .\nthis browser doesn ' t support spotify web player . switch browsers or download spotify for your desktop .\nfeatured on hitpool karaoke hits : schlager , vol . 13 ( karaoke version )\nlisten to all your favourite artists on any device for free or try the premium trial .\nan adaptation is a musical work which uses most of the music or lyrics of another musical work .\nfrans van schaik en ans heidendaal met begeleiding van the romancers o . l . v . gerard van krevelen\nletssingit is a crowdsourced lyrics database , created by and maintained by people just like you ! help contribe and earn points to increase your vip level to get extra benefits .\nyou ' re not logged in . log in to enjoy extra privileges that come with a free membership !\nthis song was submitted on july 10th , 2015 and last modified on october 10th , 2016 .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 1 / / en\nurltoken\nclick on the album cover or album title for detailed infomation or select an online music provider to listen to the mp3 .\nonce the most popular genre in german speaking regions . now it ' s the opposite .\nfree ground shipping on orders over $ 99 from urltoken valid july 5 - 31 , 2018 . no promo code required . gift cards and taxes do not count toward the minimum purchase requirement . does not apply to rush shipping . no adjustments to prior purchases .\njavascript seems to be disabled in your browser . you must have javascript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website .\never since our founders added a fiery orange pigment to their enamel glaze , color has been at the heart of our work . inspirational and impactful , our colors have become as central to our character as our dependable quality .\ntoday , le creuset ' s range of signature shades continues to evolve , building on the best of the past and shaping the trends of tomorrow .\nto find a store that carries le creuset products near you , please use our store locator .\nfinished in le creuset ' s bold exterior enamel and surrounded by low - profile , gently sloping sides , the cast iron crepe pan makes a unique and decorative addition to any stovetop . ideal for preparing traditional crepes or pancakes , the smooth cooking surface of this crepe pan helps batter spread thinly and heat evenly .\nwhether topped with rich chocolate and powdered sugar for dessert or filled with fruit for a weekend breakfast , crepes have become a dish internationally identified with france as a whole , though the thin pancakes originated in the region of brittany .\nenameled cast iron is a remarkable and robust material that performs well with modern requirements for food preparation and cooking . whether you choose to stir - fry , slow - cook a casserole , sear a steak or bake a cake , there is a shape that is suitable . cast iron performs well for either slow cooking or high - temperature searing .\ncast iron can be used reliably on any heat source , including induction , and with any oven or grill . it has the ability to retain heat efficiently , which allows for use of lower heat settings in stovetop and oven cooking . on the table , a hot covered dish will keep food hot for second servings .\ncast iron can also be used to keep foods cold . a chilled dish becomes an ideal cold food server on a hot summer day . it can also be placed in the freezer for food storage or advanced food preparation .\nremove all packaging and labels . wash the pan in hot , soapy water , then rinse and dry thoroughly . your pan is now ready to be used and does not require any further preparation .\nle creuset cast iron cookware can be used on all heat sources including gas , electric solid plate or radiant ring , vitro - ceramic glass , induction , and ovens fired by gas , oil , coal or wood . when using any glass - topped stove , always lift the pan when moving it ; never slide it , as this may damage the stovetop or the base of the pan .\nalways match the pan\u2019s base size to the stovetop heat zone to maximize efficiency , and to prevent overheating of the pan sides or damage to the handles .\ngas flames must always be confined to the base area , and must never extend around the sidewalls of the pan . long handles should be positioned safely where they do not hang over the front of the stove or other heat zones .\nmedium or low heat will provide the best results for cooking , including frying and searing . allow the pan to heat gradually and thoroughly for even and efficient cooking results . once the pan is hot , almost all cooking can be continued on lower settings .\nhigh heat temperatures should only be used for boiling water for vegetables or pasta , or for reducing the consistency of stocks or sauces . high heats should never be used to preheat a pan before lowering the heat for cooking . cast iron retains heat so efficiently that overheating will cause food to burn or stick .\nwith the exception of grills , the enamel surface is not ideal for dry cooking .\nyour choice of liquid , oil , fat or butter should completely cover the base before heating begins . do not leave the pan unattended , and do not allow a pan to boil dry , as this may permanently damage the enamel .\nfor deep frying , the maximum oil level must not exceed 1 / 3 full . this depth allows sufficient height above the oil for it to rise once foods are added . an oil frying thermometer should be used for safety , and a lid should be readily available in case of overheating or flaring .\nthe vitreous enamel surface is impermeable and therefore ideal for raw or cooked food storage , and for marinating with acidic ingredients such as wine .\nfor stirring comfort and surface protection , le creuset silicone tools are recommended . wooden or heat - resistant plastic tools may also be used . metal tools , spoons or balloon whisks may be used , but require special care \u2013 they should not be scraped over the enamel surface . do not knock these on the rim of the pan .\nhand - held electric or battery - operated beaters should not be used . their blades will damage the enamel . knives or utensils with sharp edges should not be used to cut foods inside a pan .\ncast iron handles , stainless steel knobs and phenolic knobs will become hot during stovetop and oven use . always use a dry thick cloth or oven mitts when lifting .\nalways place a hot pan on a wooden board , trivet or le creuset silicone mat\u2014never on an unprotected surface .\nthe black phenolic lid knobs on our signature range of enameled cast iron are heat - resistant to 480\u00b0f / 250\u00b0c . the black phenolic lid knobs on our classic range of enameled cast iron are heat - resistant to 375\u00b0f / 190\u00b0c . products with integral cast iron handles or stainless steel knobs can be used at any oven temperature . pans with wooden handles or knobs must not be placed in the oven .\ndo not place any cookware on the floors of ovens with cast iron linings . this will increase the cooking temperature inside the oven , resulting in an increased cooking rate with detrimental effects on food . do not drag cookware across the floor of the liners . for best results always place on a shelf or rack .\ngrills may be preheated to reach a hot surface temperature for searing and caramelization . this advice does not apply to any other products .\nfor correct grilling and searing , it is important that the cooking surface is sufficiently hot before cooking begins . sear lines from ribbed grills will not be produced if the pan surface is too cool , or if the food is too wet . place the empty pan on medium heat and allow it to heat for several minutes . do not add oil to the cold pan\u2014the oil may become too hot and smoke .\ntake a few drops of water on your fingers and scatter over the hot surface . if they sizzle and evaporate almost immediately it is hot and ready for use . if the water produces steam and has no sizzle , heat the pan a little longer and repeat the water test again . when the surface is hot enough , lightly oil it with cooking spray or brush it with oil using a le creuset silicone basting brush . vegetable , ground nut or corn oils are recommended . olive oil may cause excessive smoking .\nonce a patina covers the cooking surface very little oil will be necessary . for distinct sear lines , leave the food undisturbed on the surface for several minutes . if the food is moved too quickly the lines will be poor , and steam from the food may be released onto the surface .\nany food for grilling or searing must be quite dry before it is placed on the hot surface . wet foods will not achieve good sear lines and may result in a steamed appearance and flavor . use paper towels to pat off excess moisture from foods . oil can then be brushed over the food if desired . foods that have been marinated should also have excess moisture removed with paper towels .\nfor frying and sauteing , the fat should be hot before adding food . bring the pan and fat or oil to the correct temperature together .\noil is hot enough when there is a gentle ripple in its surface . for butter and other fats , bubbling or foaming indicates the correct temperature . if either begins smoking , or if butter begins browning , it is too hot and should be cooled slightly before proceeding . the quickest way to do this is to remove the pan from the heat source for a few moments . for longer shallow frying a mixture of oil and butter gives excellent results .\ndo not plunge a hot pan into cold water . while le creuset\u2019s enamel is designed to be the most durable on the market , thermal shock may still occur , resulting in cracking or loss of enamel .\nif there are food residues , fill the pan with warm water and let soak for 15 to 20 minutes before washing . a brush can be useful for removing small food deposits , or for cleaning between the ribs on grills . do not use scourers or abrasive cleaners on the cooking surface . nylon or soft abrasive pads or brushes can be used to remove stubborn residues . to avoid damaging the enamel , do not use metallic pads or harsh abrasive cleaning agents .\nlight stains or metal marks caused by metal tools can be removed with le creuset cookware cleaner . an occasional cleaning with this product will also retain the new appearance of your pans . it can be purchased on this website or from your local retailer .\nnever store pans while they are still damp . store pans in a dry cupboard or airy space away from steam .\nmaintain the tightness of all handles and knobs by checking and retightening them regularly .\nle creuset enameled cast iron is extremely durable but it may be damaged if accidentally dropped or knocked against a hard surface . please note that this is not covered by our lifetime warranty .\nall pans with integral cast iron , phenolic handles or stainless steel knobs can be washed in the dishwasher . however , constant dishwashing may lead to some dulling of the enamel finish . this is not harmful and will not impair performance . when using the dishwasher always allow the cycle to finish before opening the door . this will ensure the pans are dried thoroughly .\npans with metal handles can be washed in the dishwasher , but this greatly reduces the development of a patina ; as a result , grills and skillets will require oiling for a longer period . pans with wooden handles are not dishwasher - safe .\nsatin black enamel can be found on skillets , grills , frying pans , saute pans , woks , tagines and a number of round and oval casserole dishes . satin black enamel has a smooth feel but is not as glossy as other light - colored interior enamel finishes . it has been specially designed for higher surface temperature cooking , which is not the same as simply using a piece on a high heat .\nwith cast iron , higher surface temperatures can be achieved by allowing any piece to heat thoroughly on a medium setting . this makes the satin black interior ideal for frying , grilling and searing .\nsatin black enamel will keep its good looks and allow a patina to build on its surface with continued use . a patina is the result of the natural oils and fats from foods baking on to the hot surface . the patina should not be cleaned off , as it enhances the cooking performance and the release of foods . it also reduces the need for surface oiling .\nwith the higher surface temperatures achieved during frying , grilling and searing , sugars and some enzymes will cause caramelization . this not only aids in the retention of moisture and flavor , but also produces the sear lines and crusty exterior on grilled meats .\nsince 1925 , le creuset cast iron has been recognized for its strength and durability . cast individually in sand molds , then hand - inspected by french artisans , each piece represents a rich heritage and continues a tradition of lasting , authentic design .\ncast iron distributes heat slowly and evenly over the entire vessel , making it ideal for all forms of cooking , whether slow - cooking , roasting , searing , stir - frying or baking .\nthe glass - like finish in our ovens and braisers promotes caramelization , resists staining and prevents sticking to make cleanup easy .\nthe black interior of our skillets is specially formulated for high - temperature cooking , and does not require seasoning .\nthe film ' s sets were designed by the art directors fritz j\u00fcptner - jonstorff and alexander sawczynski .\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken"]} {"id": 114618, "summary": [{"text": "da possessed is a filipino horror , comedy film directed by joyce bernal starring vhong navarro and solenn heussaff .", "topic": 12}, {"text": "the film , produced and distributed by star cinema officially premiered in the philippines on april 19 , 2014 .", "topic": 7}, {"text": "this movie is remake of indian kollywood blockbuster movie muni 2 : kanchana .", "topic": 0}, {"text": "the premiere earned 17 million pesos on black saturday . ", "topic": 9}], "title": "da possessed", "paragraphs": ["there are no critic reviews yet for da possessed . keep checking rotten tomatoes for updates !\nlooking for movie tickets ? enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing da possessed near you .\nhey guys ! i wrote a movie review for da possessed on a new blog called manila movie mania .\nthere are no featured audience reviews yet . click the link below to see what others say about da possessed !\nunfortunately , da possessed suffers from a half - baked plot that feels unmistakably rushed out the door . like the erratic behavior of its lead character , da possessed suffers from its own personality disorder . by trying to be too many things at the same time , da possessed ends up being a little bit of nothing . and it all feels like part of an effort to ride on navarro\u2019s newfound tabloid popularity .\nmore about adi da and adidam , including books , regional adidam sites around the world , adi da ' s art , and more .\ntowards the latter part of da possessed , ramon is told that it is better to be possessed by spirits than it is to be possessed by fear . while there\u2019s an elegant simplicity to such an unassuming line , that potential is thrown to the wind when the film fails to explore that theme any further than the expected monologue .\n\u201clike the erratic behavior of its lead character , da possessed suffers from its own personality disorder . by trying to be too many things at the same time , da possessed ends up being a little bit of nothing . and it all feels like part of an effort to ride on navarro\u2019s newfound tabloid popularity . \u201d ( read full review )\nthe star cinema - produced movie titled \u201cda possessed\u201d is directed by joyce bernal . the movie will also feature \u201cthe legal wife\u201d main star angel locsin and comedian john lapus .\n\u201cin the end , da possessed is a disappointing movie mainly because you could find a trace of a better story underneath all the overstuffed nonsense . \u201d ( read full review )\n, on subjects that support or resonate with adi da and the way of adidam .\nin its own way , da possessed is distinctly vhong navarro . despite the films shortcomings , it does deliver on a brand of comedy that only a vhong - bernal tandem can deliver .\nintroductory presentations on the life , work , and presence of adi da , in locations worldwide .\nit\u2019s easy to pin the flaws of da possessed on an exploitative studio system . but to blame star cinema or regal films for wanting to turn a profit would be excluding the business from show business .\nexorcism is the practice of ridding a person of demons or other spiritual entities that they have been possessed by .\nunder the land law , pastureland can only be possessed collectively , private ownership of pasture land being constitutionally prohibited .\npresentations given by devotees that include personal stories and provide context for aspects of adi da ' s work and instruction .\na comeback film for navarro , da possessed places the showtime host back in familiar territory . being familiar with the horror - comedy genre , navarro channels his previous work on bulong and d\u2019 anothers into another attempt at mixing frights with the funny .\nbut records from clinical psychologists also indicate that the younger boy acted possessed when he was asked questions he didn ' t like .\nmost religions claim that humans can be possessed by demonic spirits and even though it might seem archaic , exorcisms continue to be performed .\ndespite their efforts , they still felt the demons in the house and the children showed increasing signs of being possessed , ammons and campbell said .\nthe annual cycle of adidam celebrations . special presentations on many of the celebrations , including danavira mela , da jayanthi ( adi da ' s birthday ) , the divine avataric self -\nemergence\n, the divine avataric translation , the establishment of adidam , and more .\nhong nan ( oh yeon - seo ) is a beautiful woman , but her spirit is possessed by tough guy ( kim su - ro ) .\nit\u2019s showtime co - host and actor vhong navarro will be back to the acting scene as he is set to resume filming for the movie \u201cda possessed\u201d after the mauling incident happened last january 22 , 2014 . the announcement of vhong navarro\u2019s return to showbiz was made by star cinema on monday .\nda possessed throws comedian vhong navarro back into the limelight following the mauling incident that he faced in january . in this movie , vhong is the obnoxious scaredy - cat ramon , who , after finding a job as a landscape artist , falls head over heels for his boss , anna ( solenn heussaff ) .\nwith its running time of 2 hours , da possessed felt too long and very dragging . there were numerous gags that when looked at closely , don\u2019t have any significance to the plot . they don\u2019t move the story forward . they don\u2019t provide any relevant information . they just haphazardly injected the punchlines here and there .\nwow . gi taks ending wasn ' t any good and kind of confusing . i like how da hye found out but didn ' t say anything .\na brief guide to the changes in adi da ' s name over the years , corresponding to the progressive changes in his spiritual work and his revelation .\nwelcome to our website ( now over ten years old ) , which celebrates the life , work , and ongoing transcendental spiritual transmission of the divine world - teacher , adi da samraj , through hundreds of personal accounts of devotees ' direct relationship to adi da . this site is a source of firsthand information for those who want to learn more about adi da and the way of adidam , the new , god - realizing way of life that adi da offers to everyone . this site is also the most current and comprehensive source of information on what ' s happening in adidam around the world . new content is being added all the time , so check back often . just discovering adi da or adidam ? please take a moment to read our introduction . enjoy our site !\nthe real hae joon and the supposedly real hong nan have definitely either : 1 . got their memories changed a bit 2 . are possessed by young soo and gi tak\ni think min jung is the lead actress because both rain and oh yeon seo will be possessed by men . well i ' m looking forward to this ! ! !\nthe story seems so confused with its own plot that the first full - on possession doesn\u2019t happen until well into the second hour of the film . and though the da possessed lands a good number of well - placed gags , these feel more credited to the cast\u2019s command of comedy , as well as director joyce bernal\u2019s knack for the bizarre .\njohn lapus on his part revealed to the media earlier that the shooting of the movie \u201cthe possessed\u201d had started last december 2013 , month before the mauling incident at the fort condo unit .\nbecause of his unique , extraordinary teaching , adi da ' s books are the first introduction to him for many people . this site provides an introduction to the books of adidam , including an overview ; recently published books ; free e - books ; forthcoming books ; an index of the books of adidam ; and differences in adi da ' s teaching over time .\n- article 63 . 1 . 4 : disputes over limited use rights for land possessed or used by others as well as over property disputes related to the land shall be settled by the court .\nhypothesis two : the more expert power possessed by other , and the greater the extent of subject ' s participation with other in the decisionmaking processes , the greater other ' s effective influence on subject .\nda possessed starts with a sliver of promise . ghostly figures are gunned down under the cover of night , setting up a mystery that is initially intriguing . but as the story trudges on , the film flails wildly , touching on everything from an indebted family , a mismatched love story , a haunted house , to a comedic spiritual possession , all in a span of an exhausting two hours .\na nine - year - old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons , according to official reports .\nplease make the special episode about hong nan and hae joon . i ship couple da hye \u2764 hae joon and hong nan \u2764 seungjae . i felt the sad ending they didn ' t reveal about love\nwhy are people confused who the leads are ? the story is about two guys who came back from the dead . rain and oh yeon seo ' s plays the possessed bodies . obviously , they are the leads .\ndespite the evident failings of the film\u2019s story , bernal manages to run a tight ship among her band of hardy comedians . beverly salviejo and joy viado are in particularly hilarious form as two warring old women , while smokey manoloto and matet de leon round up ramon\u2019s quirky family . but while da possessed tries to make fun of its seemingly contrived plot , it just isn\u2019t enough to throw a blanket on its cemetery - sized plot holes .\nda possessed is a film by bb . joyce bernal starring vhong navarro and solenn heussaff in cinemas nationwide april 19 , 2014 ! for daily updates , please visit urltoken produced by star cinema and regal films subscribe to abs - cbn star cinema channel ! - urltoken for the latest movie , news , trailers & exclusive interviews visit our official website urltoken and connect with us in our social pages : facebook : urltoken twitter : urltoken instagram : urltoken\nlatoya ammons said her 12 - year - old daughter also levitated in the home , and all three of her children showed signs of being possessed including ' evil ' smiles and unnaturally deep voices , according to the indianapolis star .\nshin da - hye ( lee min - jung ) is a beautiful housewife , but her husband suddenly dies . she falls into a love triangle with lee hae - joon and a promising store employee ( yoon park ) .\ntaylor was a married christian who was accused by his wife , christine , of having an affair with a prayer group leader . he responded with anger and continued to act erratically , leading some people to think he was possessed by evil .\nin the end , da possessed does what most navarro starrers do . it sufficiently entertains . the entertainment the movie delivers might not be as guiltless as , let ' s say , erik matti ' s gagamboy , or bernal ' s d ' anothers , or cathy garcia - molina ' s my only u , because of the circumstances surrounding its release , but there ' s more to it than suspicions of exploitation or discomforting underpinnings . it ' s all good .\nno , rain is not overacting here . it just happened that he needs to act like the deceased husband of shin da hye , who ' s got a unique personality , he ' s got to be different also , not the usual rain . remember that the body in him is shin da hye ' s husband , and look at the first few episodes , how shin da hye ' s husband act . maybe it was shown in the same time slot of dots which is very well accepted by viewers , just happened that you guys prefer the story of dots . by the way , i watched both this drama and dots . this is my only opinion . . thank you\ngreat story . . . . interelated plots & characters . rain & oh yeon seo did well & carried the right sense of humour when playing their roles . felt the warmth , pain , hurt as well as the anger with every episodes . lmj da hae is beautiful here but a lot more fun as da ran in big with gong yoo . rain to me is even better here than in full house . all in all . . . i like this drama . . .\nboth were shocked to see the boy apparently float after their mother had been subject to months of scepticism when she claimed her home in gary , indiana , was haunted and all three of her children were possessed by demons . listen to exclusive audio of the demon here\nof course , while da possessed is essentially navarro ' s show , the movie would not have been as convincing if it were not for his support . beverly salviejo , who has been relegated to mostly minor roles in previous films , is utterly delightful as navarro ' s mischievous mom . joy viado , who plays anna ' s strict aunt , proves to be the perfect match for salviejo ' s mix of physical comedy and wit . smokey manaloto , matet de leon , and joey marquez add further color to the bunch .\ndirector joyce bernal makes the most of her cast ' s various styles in comedy , and turns da possessed into a spectacle of sorts , with low - brow humor interspersing with slapstick and other types of jokes that are certain to tickle moviegoers . a lot of the jokes are effective , thanks largely to the cast . the movie only loses steam when it decides to abandon its atmosphere of reckless fun for some degree of logic and the off - putting and totally unnecessary moral lesson that seems to be a requisite for filipino comedies .\nda possessed wastes most of its screen time dragging its feet through its murky story , hinging on hit - or - miss punchlines and elaborate visual gags . despite the film\u2019s mile - a - minute puns , vhong navarro is given very little to do . as a character , ramon fails to bank on the usually sharp - tongued and outgoing navarro . the result is a vhong navarro that feels restrained , closed off , and uncharacteristically shy . but the real disappointment here is that there are remnants of a far better story buried underneath the film\u2019s under - baked crust .\nthe real shame here isn\u2019t that da possessed fails to live up to its potential , but that there\u2019s a wasted opportunity here for vhong navarro . whatever you might think of navarro\u2019s brand of comedy , he is arguably one of the more exciting and underutilized stars of star cinema . unlike the studio\u2019s other big name superstars , navarro\u2019s filmography is as unpredictable as his onscreen personas . from the smooth - operating mr . suave , the quirky superspy agent x44 , to a charming romantic in my only u , navarro\u2019s career has allowed him a level of diversity few other actors appreciate .\nlee hae - joon ( rain ) is a perfect man with good looking appearance . he works as a section chief in the women\u2019s apparel section at a department store . his body is actually possessed by the spirit of kim young - soo ( kim in - kwon ) who was worked to death .\n( spot . ph ) it would take a special kind of callousness to watch the entirety of joyce bernal ' s da possessed without even acknowledging the suspicious circumstances behind its being made . just a few of months prior to the movie ' release , its main star , dancer - turned - actor vhong navarro , was mauled inside a condominium unit . speculations were made by the public , who were incessantly bombarded with every bit of news about the sensationalized but most unfortunate event . navarro , with the help of his enterprising handlers , has turned into some sort of crusader , using the country ' s legal system for retribution .\ncan i get a respond before watching please please coz im confused : will da - hye fall in love with the spirit of her husband but in the body of lee hae joon or what ? if this is the story i ' ll not watch it . . i want the real lee hae joon to be with her\noh yeon seo is killing it here . . . her acting is superb ! ! ! i love hong nan , yi yeon and tae hwan story . as for rain a . k . a hae joon story , it just felt messy . why bother to make da hye fall in love to him when he only have 2 months to stay on earth . rain acting is really good when he is with hong nan . both of them really funny . but when it comes to da hye scene , i get really frustrayed seeing min jung acting . same face expression and no soul at all . after all , im curious to see the ending .\nda possessed , for all the inanity in display , echoes a lot of the themes of navarro ' s present predicament . beneath the jokes and gags , the movie predominantly tackles revenge against an individual who has eluded the law despite his propensity for violence . navarro , of course , plays his character with indisputable charm and affect , showcasing his trademark talents , whether it be his comedic timing or his dancing moves , to ensure that the actor does not get lost in the character . navarro , by donning ramon ' s clothes and quirks , becomes the unlikely hero who will pave the way for justice to triumph , despite such an immense desire for the more traditional type of vengeance .\nis adidam ' s unique version of the traditional guru purnima celebration . during this celebration , the great and divine guru - function of the divine avatar , adi da samraj , is honored .\npurnima\nmeans\nfull\n. guru purnima is traditionally celebrated during the brightest full moon of the year , usually occuring in july .\nafter watch 10 episodes of this drama i slowly get into the story line . however i have to say that i hope hope and hope that they do not mess up or this drama is going to flop xd . i really like oh yeon so ' s acting ( she is hella funny ) and i kinda ship her with everyone ( lee tae hwan especially , but also rain and even ha nui or yoon park xd ) i think i love her because she still act like han gi tak while rain sometimes kinda creep me out because he is so diffrent then young - soo . the fact is that he surely end up with da hye because i cannot imagine that he will let da hye go and built up a new life on her own ( even if i ship da hye with ji hoon ) . but i ' m kinda curious how hong nan will end up , because i ship her soo much with seungjae but i can never imagine that she will end up with him because she still is han gi tak inside xd\nto sum up i really felt in love with the new side of rains acting , however i cannot feel the chemistry of hae joon and da hye . however i really love this drama since there are some scences that are hilarious and intense and also i love nearly every character , that have a certain image . really refreshing and hopefully a good drama with a good ending\nwhen he was possessed , religious artifacts began flying off the walls and people could hear footsteps and dripping inside his home . scratches also began appearing over his body , which levitated and contorted . his family contacted a catholic priest and an exorcism was performed more than 30 times , sometimes injuring the priest before they were eventually successful . doe went on to have a normal life , according to reports .\nwow ! it ' s a promising drama ! the casts are great . . three of my favorite actors and actresses . . rain , oh yeon - seo , and lee min - jung . . and ! the plot is daebak ! i can ' t even imagine oh yeon - seo acting a tough guy ( since she ' s possessed ) . . i can ' t wait for this drama . . : )\nl actually hope that da - hye would give ji - hoon a chance rather than shove him away that hard , but unwillingly give chance to hae - joon . feel pity for ji - hoon . seung - jae and hong - nan ( gi - tak ) will not happen unless the real hong - nan appears . l hope real hong - nan appears and be a couple with seung - jae , while gi - tak reborn and coupled up with yi - yeon .\non july 10 , 2007 ( fiji time ) , avatar adi da ' s impulse to continue working in the manner of self - submission conclusively vanished , leaving only the sign of his divine self -\nemergence\nwork . only his divine self - revelation , and not any address to the ego in its presumed separateness , enables the process of transcendental spiritual awakening . this event is now celebrated as the great sovereign - avataric holy day of parama - sapta - na sannyas .\nthe charitable assessment here is that west is just trolling , which , with the best will in the world , is still hardly the most edifying sphere of human activity for an apparently time - pushed polymath to indulge in . if he is possessed of the kind of self - awareness occasionally suggested by tlop\u2019s lyrics ( \u201ci love you like kanye loves kanye\u201d he offers on a brief a cappella freestyle ) , he might take a minute out of his pressing schedule to consider that one thing setting him apart from the kind of geniuses he compares himself to is that picasso , galileo , steve jobs and leonardo da vinci seem to have had better things to do with their time than waste it going \u201cyeah , your mum lol\u201d . the uncharitable assessment is that he\u2019s a deluded pillock who actually believes what he\u2019s saying . listening to famous , you do find yourself wondering if anyone else has ever managed to seem so brilliant at what they do and such a thundering cock and balls of a man at exactly the same time .\n@ karin : like rain said , there is no lead characters here . everyone has their own portion and story , so you can ' t pick a or b as the lead . for me , as the story involved around young - soo and gi - tak , they are the leads ( the characters , not the actors ) . you could say that the female leads are da - hye and yi - yeon , as hong - nan is actually gi - tak in female form . then the 2nd male leads are ji - hoon and jae - kook .\nquotations from and / or photographs of avatar adi da samraj used by permission of the copyright owner : \u00a9 thisyear copyrighted materials used with the permission of the avataric samrajya of adidam pty ltd , as trustee for the avataric samrajya of adidam . all rights reserved . none of these materials may be disseminated or otherwise used for any non - personal purpose without the prior agreement of the copyright owner . adidam is a trademark of the avataric samrajya of adidam pty ltd , as trustee for the avataric samrajya of adidam . technical problems with our site ? let our webmaster know .\nthough the dull script and confusing sequence and set - ups , vhong ' s wit and his supporting cast manages to make the movie bearable to watch . but there ' s nothing new to see in this movie , the cast is poorly presented and the story is loses it ' s sensibility halfway across the movie . the script is boring and the plot sequence is too rushed and unbalanced . though the movie does live up it ' s name by presenting it ' s genre the right way ; it shares a decent amount of jokes that can surely make you laugh . it ' s enjoyable not because of the jokes shared within the script , it was enjoyable because of the witty acting and funny actions the actors do ( specifically the supporting actors ) . but also , the director forgets an important aspect in movies : consistency . the movie attracted viewers because of it ' s solid first 1 - hour , but after - so , the other hour turns into a total bore . all - in - all , if you ' re with your friends / family , or ( if alone ) have a short attention span ,\nda possessed\nis the family - movie for you !\nyou don\u2019t have to tell me that director ron howard \u2019s sinfully entertaining screen adaptations of author dan brown\u2019s robert langdon pulpy novels are not exactly bait for critical adoration . it seems the first two , the da vinci code and angels & demons , were used as target practice by some of my colleagues , and i have no doubt the latest chapter , inferno \u2014 which sony pictures releases today \u2014 will also have its detractors . but as i say in my video review above , these movies are comfort food on the highest order and the latest is also perhaps the greatest in terms of viewer satisfaction .\nlove this drama ! ! ! i\u2018m not finished watching it ( ep . 10 ) , but so far so good . i\u2018m actually really surprised that i like this drama , because i\u2018m more into extremely cutesy / funny dramas and this drama is really heartbreaking , sad and funny ! i\u2018m gonna be honest here and i think i\u2018m the only one with this opinion , but i hate jung ji hoon sooooooo much ! it just aggrevates me that he swoops right into da hae\u2018s life , asking her to date him again right after her husband dies , whom she dearly loves ! any who . . . great drama ! i recommend !\nwhy seungjae has to fall in love with hong nan . . . it actually cute to watch him but we all know it impossible love . . . i can ' t watch him suffer . . . because he surely will get hurt at the end . . . where is the real yeon soo / hongnan ? is she died ? + current hae joon will disappear after 2 month . . . why he bother to make da hye fall in love with him ? he can ' t stay longer though . . . doesn ' t this will make her suffer again later ? really wonder how the ending will look like ! ! ! !\nkim young soo ( kim in kwon ) was a hard - working employee of a major department store who died in what looked like an apparent suicide after a tough day on the job . on the same day , han ki tak ( kim soo ro ) , a tough - guy chef who ran a cafe , died in a car accident . young soo and ki tak meet in the afterlife and are on a train bound for heaven when young soo decides he can\u2019t go just yet . he wants to make sure his young wife , shin da hye ( lee min jung ) , and daughter , han na ( lee re ) , are taken care of .\nthe chairman\u2019s first son , cha jae kook ( choi won young ) , is not happy to see hae joon back from the united states and is determined to chase him out of the company . young soo is shocked to discover that his widow , da hye , is now working at the department store as a sales clerk , while young manager jung ji hoon ( yoon park ) watches over her . ki tak comes back in the body of a beautiful young woman , hong nan ( oh yeon seo ) , and he has a heck of a time trying to navigate his new body as he tries to help his actress ex - girlfriend , song yi yeon ( honey lee ) , escape from the grasp of a dangerous gangster .\n@ person : couldn ' t agree more . this drama is a combination of perfect actors , perfect story line and perfect movie directing . i can ' t imagine if this drama handled by other director / actor , i bet it would be silly . at first i was hesitated to watch because the main actor , da hye and yi yeon love same person but in different bodies . but amazingly this drama convey the story pretty well . what i love more about this drama is , in ep . 13 , i wonder how can i cry a river when this drama is a comedy drama . 2 thumbs up for this drama ! ! to all people who haven ' t watch this drama , don ' t look at the rating , the rating doesn ' t suit the drama at all , trust me ! : )\nhtml public\n- / / w3c / / dtd xhtml 1 . 0 transitional / / en\nurltoken\nsome parts of this page won ' t work property . please reload or try later .\na cowardly man unwittingly unleashes three spirits seeking revenge against the family he works for . the spirits take turns taking over his body , causing all sorts of mischief along the way .\nhotel transylvania 3 : summer vacation stars plan their dream summer getaways to some memorable movie settings .\nwant to share imdb ' s rating on your own site ? use the html below .\nthe role of anna was originally for angel locsin , but then it was changed to ellen adarna . however , the role ended up going to heussaff , creating controversies .\nthough the dull script and confusing sequence and set - ups , vhong ' s wit and his supporting cast manages to make the movie bearable to watch .\n1 of 2 people found this review helpful . was this review helpful to you ? yes no | report this\nwith jurassic world : fallen kingdom now in cinemas , we take a look at how imdb users rated the films of the franchise . plus , browse exclusive lego\u00ae jurassic world playsets , presented by lego .\nadr audio engineer ( as aurel claro c . bilbao ) / sound effects and foley team ( as aurel claro c . bilbao ) / sound engineer\nadvertising and promotions manager ( as mico l . del rosario ) / script consultant\nexecutive assistant : office of the managing director ( as fatima dara c . hosillos )\nadvertising and promotions head ( as roxy a . liquigan ) / script consultant ( as roxy a . liquigan )\nbooking and distribution consultant ( as angie y . pineda ) / script consultant ( as angie y . pineda )\ntechnical supervisor : technical services and research ( as carlo enrico a . silvestre )\nwelcome to rappler , a social news network where stories inspire community engagement and digitally fuelled actions for social change . rappler comes from the root words\nrap\n( to discuss ) +\nripple\n( to make waves ) .\nvhong and solenn . movie reviewer zig marasigan remarks that the film does pull off some laughs , but misses out on the opportunity for a better story . screengrab from youtube\nbut in a mistaken effort to impress anna , ramon ends up disturbing the remains of three vengeful spirits kemerut ( john lapus ) , dado ( empoy marquez ) and anga ( aaliyah belmoro ) . suddenly , ramon\u2019s life , love life , and family are placed in jeopardy when he is used as a vessel to avenge the deaths of the lingering spirits .\nbut where does navarro go from here ? while he could very well fall back to the old rhythms of his job at showtime , navarro is always a great vehicle to try out unconventional material on the mainstream market .\nvhong navarro may not have been thinking of his career when he first faced his ordeal last january . but he definitely should be thinking about it now that the spotlight is back on him . \u2013 urltoken\nzig marasigan is a freelance screenwriter and director who believes that cinema is the cure for cancer . follow him on twitter at @ zigmarasigan .\nmore tickets = more points = more movies on us ! rack up vip + points for every ticket you buy to score streaming movies and discounts on tickets and movie gear .\nget your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home , exclusive movie gear , access to advanced screenings and discounts galore .\ncollect bonus rewards from our many partners , including amc , stubs , cinemark connections , regal crown club when you link accounts .\nwe know life happens , so if something comes up , you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime .\nsign up for a fanalert and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area .\nalso sign me up for fanmail to get updates on all things movies : tickets , special offers , screenings + more .\nown all of the previous ' mission : impossible ' movies to watch at home for just $ 3 . 99 each with ticket purchase . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' jurassic world : fallen kingdom ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nchoose 1 of 2 free * posters with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nreceive a free * exclusive ' ant - man and the wasp ' poster with ticket purchase ( * shipping & handling not included ) . buy tickets\nguarantee the perfect movie night with tickets from fandango . find theater showtimes , watch trailers , read reviews and buy movie tickets in advance .\nsorry , we just need to make sure you ' re not a robot . for best results , please make sure your browser is accepting cookies .\nthe tomatometer score \u2014 based on the opinions of hundreds of film and television critics \u2014 is a trusted measurement of critical recommendation for millions of fans . it represents the percentage of professional critic reviews that are positive for a given film or television show .\nmovies and tv shows are certified fresh with a steady tomatometer of 75 % or higher after a set amount of reviews ( 80 for wide - release movies , 40 for limited - release movies , 20 for tv shows ) , including 5 reviews from top critics .\nramon is mamma ' s boy . he earns his living by working as a landscape artist . he is bowled by the charms of his boss anna . hell breaks loose when ramon digs open three graves . from then on follows a saga of horror , romance and revenge .\nit looks like we don ' t have a synopsis for this title yet . be the first to contribute ! just click the\nedit page\nbutton at the bottom of the page or learn more in the synopsis submission guide .\nsynopsis : ramon ( vhong navarro ) has been seeing ghosts all his life . as a result , he\u2019s grown up a coward . when he sees anything remotely spooky or surprising , he runs back home and jumps into his mother\u2019s arms . to help his family keep their house , he puts aside his fears and gets a job as a landscape artist at a construction site . while on the job , he unwittingly frees three spirits seeking revenge on don demetrio ( joey marquez ) , the owner of the property . the spirits use him as an instrument of their vengeance , possessing his body in order to carry out their plan . ( click the city )\n\u201cbernal spins an oft familiar yarn that\u2019s not too far removed from her other collaborations with vhong navarro in the distant past . in fact , if you feel a certain degree of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu while watching the movie , don\u2019t worry , it isn\u2019t you . but the spirited cast\u2026 more than makes up for the narrative clich\u00e9 . \u201d ( read full review )\n\u201cat times , it feels like the film is just making it up as it goes along , painfully stretching out random inanity and calling it a plot . it grows pretty tedious , and it upends what little appeal it has by going for cheap jokes . \u201d ( read full review )\nprivacy & cookies : this site uses cookies . by continuing to use this website , you agree to their use . to find out more , including how to control cookies , see here : cookie policy\nwe use cookies . by using our services , you accept our use of cookies . i agree read more\nregister so you can check out ratings by your friends , family members , and like - minded members of the fa community .\nall copyrighted material ( movie posters , dvd covers , stills , trailers ) and trademarks belong to their respective producers and / or distributors .\n\u00a9 2002 - 2018 filmaffinity - movieaffinity | filmaffinity is a movie recommendation site based on the concept of movie soulmates . we are an independent movie lovers club worldwide with 646 . 000 users + 133 . 000 . 000 ratings . not related to any media or corporation . all rights reserved | movie soulmates\u2122 is a registered trademark\nis a movie that has a little bit of everything - it has elements of comedy , horror and suspense , some romance , and a dash of drama . there\u2019s even small doses of action towards the end . so if you\u2019re too lazy to watch several movies from different genres , this might suit you .\nariane astorga is an events host , voiceover talent , singer , and freelance writer from metro manila . ever bubbly , she ' s a little firecracker who aims to inform and inspire .\nwelcome to candid headlines ! i\u2019m ariane astorga , an events host , voiceover talent , writer , and singer . i also have a youtube channel . this is where i share fun stories that i hope you\u2019ll find interesting too . to know more about me , click here .\nthis film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are . see what\u2019s now showing\na cowardly man awakens three spirits , and they take turns possessing his body to cause mischief .\nthis product uses the tmdb api but is not endorsed or certified by tmdb .\nalthough updated daily , all theaters , movie show times , and movie listings should be independently verified with the movie theater .\nant - man and the wasp\nconnects directly with\n. . .\nfilled with gags , ' ant - man and the wasp ' strugg . . .\nsuperhero film , ant - man and the wasp , opens in . . .\ngood food , good vibes , and good music at the th . . .\nclickthecity reserves the right to delete comments containing advertising , personal attacks , and any other objectionable content .\ncinemalaya 2018 : everything you need to know about this year ' s film festiva . . .\nnew movies this week : ant - man and the wasp , sib . . .\nsame old corny jokes with a predictable storyline . it ' s just a pity movie for vhong . i didnt like it .\nppp 2018 : here ' s everything you need to know ab . . .\nfilipino is worth dining for : 10 favorite pinoy dishes and where to get the . . .\ncinemalaya film festival is set to roll out more than 20 films for its 14th . . .\n8 restaurants in manila you probably didn ' t know are owned by your favorite . . .\nenter the email address associated with your account , and we ' ll email you a link to reset your password .\nthe vhong navarro starrer may be seen as propaganda for the embattled star , but it still entertains .\nno punch in the face can stop the revamping of vhong\u2019s career . images from the movie\u2019s facebook page .\nthe film is an unsubtle propaganda crafted precisely to woo its audience back into navarro ' s side . it could be an essential part of the damage control being orchestrated for navarro , showcasing the fact that despite the recent miserable events , he remains an effective entertainer .\nvhong riffs on his current woes , and solenn , on annie , the iconic sidekick of shaider .\nwe use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on spot . ph . by continuing to browse our site , you are agreeing to our use of cookies . find out more here .\na man is worked to death , but he comes back to the living world in the attractive body of another man for a limited amount of time .\ncome back mister\ntakes over the wednesday & thursday 21 : 55 time slot previously occupied by\nremember\nand followed by\nentertainer\napril 20 , 2016 .\nbased on the novel\ntsubakiyama kacho no nanokakan\nby jiro asada ( published from july 2 , 2001 to april 16 , 2002 in asahi shimbun ) .\nfirst script reading took place on the afternoon of december 22 , 2015 in seoul , south korea .\nearly working title was\nannyeong , nae sojoonghan saram\n(\nhello my precious person\n) .\nnr denotes not ranked within the top 20 tv programs ( including news , sports , variety , etc . ) for that day according to tns media korea and agb nielson .\nthis drama is so underrated i was glad i give a chance after seeing so many bad reviews about it please consider watching this , the story was heart warming , refreshing , you will learn a lot of lessons in life , also be prepare to cry a lot but also laughed a lot .\ni was a little disappointed i was hoping to see na suk - chul being judge in hell am not saying am not satisfied on how he died but they should have include a scene where god is talking to him about his sins it would make me feel more better .\ni feel sorry for secretary wang for shouting every time , also i wish there were scenes that cha jae - kook was slowly changing he was really not a bad person he only has a bad temper that ' s all .\none of the best ! < 3 i so love all the cast . .\nbest storyline for porn all of 16 episodes . what left was just doing it .\ni am a kdrama fanatic and there are very few dramas that have made me actually cry and laugh and scream all within 1 episode . i would highly recommend it . the cast is great , the chemistry between all the characters is amazing , and the the storyline is so refreshing , heartwarming and sad at the same time . definitely one of my favorite kdramas .\nis that it ? i don ' t know but i felt a great sense of emptiness after watching it . something inside me is disturbed and i don ' t know what to do or what to think . i felt like the drama ended contently but i want more and i don ' t know what more do i want . i feel like crazy for this drama and i cannot explain it . this is the first time i watched a drama and felt empty afterwards like i ' m a hollow shell with no sense of purpose . the ending is happy but somehow i felt it lacking and wtf am i talking about ? i don ' t know . mix of emotion for this drama and this is really underrated . this should be one of the most wonderful , beautiful , splendid and well - wrote drama of all times . highly recommended . and if you really feel what i feel , i guarantee you that you will not regret watching this . i cried really hard for the ending . i want a season 2 for a starting love story of oh yeon seo and rain . plssssssssssss . . . . . .\nthank you to the writers who created the story and the splendid actors who brought their characters to life , and to every part of the creative team .\nthis drama had everything ; it is now one of my top all time favorite dramas .\noverall a good drama . not one of my favorites though . i would rate this 6 / 10 . and with that rating , i still think this is way better than dots .\nthis is definitely worth watching . . . made me cry a couple of times too ! it wasn ' t even about how good looking the actors are but it was how they portrayed the characters in the story . very touching but funny as well . great job guys !\nit ' s such a shame that this drama was up against descendants of the sun . imo this drama has a more interesting plot and oh yeonseo and honey lee ' s acting was amazing . i live for the womance between the two .\nto tncdel , i just want to say that rain is handsome and his wife didn ' t marry him because he ' s a good actor / handsome / artist . . she married him because she loves rain . . that ' s all . . ; )\ndon ' t get me wrong when i say this , because i liked rain in this and in full house . but , to be frank , although i think he is basically a good looking guy , i have never thought him especially handsome . and i think that his musical career paved the way for him in dramas . that may also explain how he managed to marry his gorgeous wife . because , without his music celebrity , i could not imagine her being attracted to him if he had been a store clerk . : )\nokay guys first of all , rain didn ' t write the story . and i think this drama is quite funny . everyone played their role perfectly . there ' s a moral in this drama , enjoy your life and try to be a good person . . . and everything else . it wasn ' t a bad drama so i hope people will stop blaming rain . - . - '\nargg rewatching my fav eps . . . can ' t believe that when i first began to watch it i thought it was a bit weird and almost gave up on it . i ' m so glad i didn ' t ! to this day it ' s one of my favorite dramas !\ni ' ve seen 3 episodes of this dramas , and i think it ' s horrible i really didn ' t like it , i expect more from rain b because i ' m one of his biggest fan and he disappointed me actually . . . rain b , i love you so much but it was really bad choice . . tank you\napril 7 , 2017 and still re - watching , this k - drama is so so good . worth it to watch , will make you laugh and cry . i hope people will have a time to watch this it teaches a lot of moral lesson . all i want is season 2 . sbs plsssssssss .\ni always check the comment box if there ' s still commenting i thought i ' m the last one but i saw few , this is my favorite k drama and i ' m so grateful every time i see a positive comment , i was loved by this kdrama . thanks !\none of the best dramas of 2016 ! ! just re - watched it and im loving it even more than the first time . the ratings are low just because it was aired at the same time as descendants of the sun . such a pity because in my opinion this is way better than dots !\nitssss really gooood i bawled my eyes out on the final episode ! ! i love the fake lee hae joon and his\npedo - smile\nhahahaha ! ! i love the fake hong nan who appears pretty outside but gangster inside and the way she walks tho . . . . i really love all the cast and this time i ' m in love with side characters too ! jung ji hoon and choi sung jae ! i love the mole in ji hoon ' s nose and i love sungjae ' s glaring eyes . . . wish he somehow ends up with another hong nan though , they look so perfect together omona . . . and also , i wanna see the real young soo and gi tak to meet at the bardo a . k . a . afterlife station , while looking at those peoples they loved . . .\nit ' s pretty unfortunate that this show aired at the same time with dots , i love dots but i can ' t bear the cheesiness sometime . i hope this drama get more recognition ! ! !"]}