""" Script to prepare the SQuAD2.0 data to the GEM format @author: AbinayaM02 """ # Import libraries import json import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Function to generate gem id def add_gem_id(data: dict, split: str) -> dict: """ Add gem id for each of the datapoint in the dataset. Parameters: ----------- data: dict, data. split: str, split of data (train, test or validation). Returns: -------- dict dictionary with updated id """ gem_id = -1 generated_data = {"data": []} id_list =[] for example in data: title = example["title"] for paragraph in example["paragraphs"]: context = paragraph["context"] # do not strip leading blank spaces GH-2585 for qa in paragraph["qas"]: temp_dict = {} question = qa["question"] qa_id = qa["id"] answer_starts = [answer["answer_start"] for answer in qa["answers"]] answers = [answer["text"] for answer in qa["answers"]] # Features currently used are "context", "question", and "answers". # Others are extracted here for the ease of future expansions. gem_id += 1 temp_dict["id"] = qa_id temp_dict["gem_id"] = f"gem-squad_v2-{split}-{gem_id}" temp_dict["title"] = title temp_dict["context"] = context temp_dict["question"] = question temp_dict["answers"] = { "answer_start": answer_starts, "text": answers, } generated_data["data"].append(temp_dict) return generated_data # Function to split data def split_data(file_name: str, data_type: str) -> (dict, dict): """ Method to split the data specific to SQuAD2.0 Parameters: ----------- file_name: str, name of the file. data_type: str, type of the data file. Returns: -------- (dict, dict) split of data """ if data_type == "json": with open(file_name, 'r') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file)["data"] json_file.close() # split the data into train and test # 90% train data 10% test data train, test = train_test_split(data, train_size=0.9, random_state = 42) return(train, test) # Function to save json file def save_json(data: dict, file_name: str): """ Method to save the json file. Parameters: ---------- data: dict, data to be saved in file. file_name: str, name of the file. Returns: -------- None """ # save the split with open(file_name, "w") as data_file: json.dump(data, data_file, indent = 2) data_file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # split the train data train, test = split_data("squad_data/train-v2.0.json", "json") # add gem id to train split train = add_gem_id(train, "train") # save the train split save_json(train, "train.json") # add gem id to test split test = add_gem_id(test, "test") # save the test split save_json(test, "test.json") # load validation data with open("squad_data/dev-v2.0.json", "r") as dev_file: validation = json.load(dev_file)["data"] dev_file.close() # add gem id and save valid.json validation = add_gem_id(validation, "validation") save_json(validation, "validation.json")