{ "overview": { "what": { "dataset": "The FairytaleQA Dataset is an English-language dataset focusing on narrative comprehension of kindergarten to eighth-grade students. Generated by educational experts based on an evidence-based theoretical framework, FairytaleQA consists of 10,580 explicit and implicit questions derived from 278 children-friendly stories, covering seven types of narrative elements or relations. The Dataset was corrected to support both the tasks of Question Generation and Question Answering." }, "where": { "has-leaderboard": "yes", "leaderboard-url": "[PapersWithCode](https://paperswithcode.com/sota/question-generation-on-fairytaleqa)", "leaderboard-description": "The task was to generate questions corresponding to the given answers and the story context. Success on the Question Generation task is typically measured by achieving a high ROUGE-L score to the reference ground-truth question.", "data-url": "[Github](https://github.com/uci-soe/FairytaleQAData)", "paper-url": "[ArXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.13947)", "paper-bibtext": "@inproceedings{xu2022fairytaleqa,\n author={Xu, Ying and Wang, Dakuo and Yu, Mo and Ritchie, Daniel and Yao, Bingsheng and Wu, Tongshuang and Zhang, Zheng and Li, Toby Jia-Jun and Bradford, Nora and Sun, Branda and Hoang, Tran Bao and Sang, Yisi and Hou, Yufang and Ma, Xiaojuan and Yang, Diyi and Peng, Nanyun and Yu, Zhou and Warschauer, Mark},\n title = {Fantastic Questions and Where to Find Them: Fairytale{QA} -- An Authentic Dataset for Narrative Comprehension},\n publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},\n year = {2022}\n}", "contact-name": "Ying Xu, Dakuo Wang", "contact-email": "ying.xu@uci.edu, dakuo.wang@ibm.com" }, "languages": { "is-multilingual": "no", "license": "unknown: License information unavailable", "task-other": "N/A", "language-names": [ "English" ], "language-dialects": "[N/A]", "intended-use": "The purpose of this dataset is to help develop systems to facilitate assessment and training of narrative comprehension skills for children in education domain. The dataset distinguishes fine-grained reading skills, such as the understanding of varying narrative elements, and contains high-quality QA-pairs generated by education experts with sufficient training and education domain knowledge to create valid QA-pairs in a consistent way. \n\nThis dataset is suitable for developing models to automatically generate questions and QA-Pairs that satisfy the need for a continuous supply of new questions, which can potentially enable large-scale development of AI-supported interactive platforms for the learning and assessment of reading comprehension skills.", "language-speakers": "[N/A]", "license-other": "N/A", "task": "Question Generation", "communicative": "The task was to generate questions corresponding to the given answers and the story context. Models trained for this task can potentially enable large-scale development of AI-supported interactive platforms for the learning and assessment of reading comprehension skills." }, "credit": { "organization-type": [ "academic" ], "organization-names": "University of California Irvine", "creators": "Ying Xu (University of California Irvine); Dakuo Wang (IBM Research); Mo Yu (IBM Research); Daniel Ritchie (University of California Irvine); Bingsheng Yao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Tongshuang Wu (University of Washington); Zheng Zhang (University of Notre Dame); Toby Jia-Jun Li (University of Notre Dame); Nora Bradford (University of California Irvine); Branda Sun (University of California Irvine); Tran Bao Hoang (University of California Irvine); Yisi Sang (Syracuse University); Yufang Hou (IBM Research Ireland); Xiaojuan Ma (Hong Kong Univ. of Sci and Tech); Diyi Yang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Nanyun Peng (University of California Los Angeles); Zhou Yu (Columbia University); Mark Warschauer (University of California Irvine)", "funding": "Schmidt Futures", "gem-added-by": "Dakuo Wang (IBM Research); Bingsheng Yao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Ying Xu (University of California Irvine)" }, "structure": { "data-fields": "- `story_name`: a string of the story name to which the story section content belongs. Full story data can be found [here](https://github.com/uci-soe/FairytaleQAData).\n\n- `content`: a string of the story section(s) content related to the experts' labeled QA-pair. Used as the input for both Question Generation and Question Answering tasks. \n\n- `question`: a string of the question content. Used as the input for Question Answering task and as the output for Question Generation task. \n\n- `answer`: a string of the answer content for all splits. Used as the input for Question Generation task and as the output for Question Answering task.\n\n- `gem_id`: a string of id follows GEM naming convention ```GEM-${DATASET_NAME}-${SPLIT-NAME}-${id}``` where id is an incrementing number starting at 1\n\n- `target`: a string of the question content being used for training\n\n- `references`: a list of string containing the question content being used for automatic eval\n\n- `local_or_sum`: a string of either local or summary, indicating whether the QA is related to one story section or multiple sections \n\n- `attribute`: a string of one of character, causal relationship, action, setting, feeling, prediction, or outcome resolution. Classification of the QA by education experts annotators via 7 narrative elements on an established framework\n \n- `ex_or_im`: a string of either explicit or implicit, indicating whether the answers can be directly found in the story content or cannot be directly from the story content.\n", "structure-example": "{'story_name': 'self-did-it', \n'content': '\" what is your name ? \" asked the girl from underground . \" self is my name , \" said the woman . that seemed a curious name to the girl , and she once more began to pull the fire apart . then the woman grew angry and began to scold , and built it all up again . thus they went on for a good while ; but at last , while they were in the midst of their pulling apart and building up of the fire , the woman upset the tar - barrel on the girl from underground . then the latter screamed and ran away , crying : \" father , father ! self burned me ! \" \" nonsense , if self did it , then self must suffer for it ! \" came the answer from below the hill .', \n'answer': 'the woman told the girl her name was self .', \n'question': \"why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?\", \n'gem_id': 'GEM-FairytaleQA-test-1006', \n'target': \"why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?\", \n'references': [\"why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?\"], \n'local_or_sum': 'local', \n'attribute': 'causal relationship', \n'ex_or_im': 'implicit'}", "structure-splits": "The data is split into a train, validation, and test split randomly. The final split sizes are as follows:\n\n| | Train | Validation | Test |\n| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |\n| # Books | 232 | 23 | 23 |\n| # QA-Pairs | 8548 | 1025 |1007 |", "structure-splits-criteria": "The books are randomly split into train/validation/test splits. We control the ratio of QA-pair numbers in train:validation:test splits close to 8:1:1", "structure-outlier": "[N/A]", "structure-labels": "A typical data point comprises a question, the corresponding story content, and one answer. Education expert annotators labeled whether the answer is locally relevant to one story section or requires summarization capabilities from multiple story sections, and whether the answers are explicit (can be directly found in the stories) or implicit (cannot be directly found in the story text). Additionally, education expert annotators categorize the QA-pairs via 7 narrative elements from an establish framework.", "structure-description": "[N/A]" } }, "curation": { "original": { "is-aggregated": "no", "aggregated-sources": "N/A", "rationale": "FairytaleQA was built to focus on comprehension of narratives in the education domain, targeting students from kindergarten to eighth grade. We focus on narrative comprehension for 1. it is a high-level comprehension skill strongly predictive of reading achievement and plays a central role in daily life as people frequently encounter narratives in different forms, 2. narrative stories have a clear structure of specific elements and relations among these elements, and there are existing validated narrative comprehension frameworks around this structure, which provides a basis for developing the annotation schema for our dataset.", "communicative": "The purpose of this dataset is to help develop systems to facilitate assessment and training of narrative comprehension skills for children in education domain." }, "language": { "found": [ "Single website" ], "crowdsourced": [], "created": "N/A", "machine-generated": "N/A", "validated": "validated by data curator", "is-filtered": "manually", "filtered-criteria": "For each story, we evaluated the reading difficulty level using the [textstat](https://pypi.org/project/textstat/) Python package, primarily based on sentence length, word length, and commonness of words. We excluded stories that are at 10th grade level or above.", "obtained": [ "Found" ], "producers-description": "The fairytale story texts are from the [Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/) website", "topics": "We gathered the text from the Project Gutenberg website, using \u201cfairytale\u201d as the search term. ", "pre-processed": "Due to a large number of fairytales found, we used the most popular stories based on the number of downloads since these stories are presumably of higher quality. To ensure the readability of the text, we made a small number of minor revisions to some obviously outdated vocabulary (e.g., changing \u201cere\u201d to \u201cbefore\u201d) and the unconventional use of punctuation (e.g., changing consecutive semi-colons to periods). \n\nThese texts were broken down into small sections based on their semantic content by our annotators. The annotators were instructed to split the story into sections of 100-300 words that also contain meaningful content and are separated at natural story breaks. An initial annotator would split the story, and this would be reviewed by a cross-checking annotator. Most of the resulting sections were one natural paragraph of the original text." }, "annotations": { "origin": "expert created", "rater-number": "2