--- annotations_creators: - none language_creators: - unknown languages: - unknown licenses: - apache-2.0 multilinguality: - unknown pretty_name: CrossWOZ size_categories: - unknown source_datasets: - original task_categories: - dialog-response-generation task_ids: - unknown --- # Dataset Card for GEM/CrossWOZ ## Dataset Description - **Homepage:** https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ - **Repository:** https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ - **Paper:** https://aclanthology.org/2020.tacl-1.19 - **Leaderboard:** N/A - **Point of Contact:** Qi Zhu ### Link to Main Data Card You can find the main data card on the [GEM Website](https://gem-benchmark.com/data_cards/CrossWOZ). ### Dataset Summary CrossWOZ is a Chinese multi-domain task-oriented dialogue dataset . It contains 6K dialogue sessions and 102K utterances for 5 domains, including hotel, restaurant, attraction, metro, and taxi. About 60{\%} of the dialogues have cross-domain user goals that favor inter-domain dependency and encourage natural transition across domains in conversation. You can load the dataset via: ``` import datasets data = datasets.load_dataset('GEM/CrossWOZ') ``` The data loader can be found [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/GEM/CrossWOZ). #### website [Github](https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ) #### paper [ACL Anthology](https://aclanthology.org/2020.tacl-1.19) #### authors Qi Zhu, Kaili Huang, Zheng Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhu, and Minlie Huang from CoAI group, Tsinghua University ## Dataset Overview ### Where to find the Data and its Documentation #### Webpage [Github](https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ) #### Download [Github](https://github.com/thu-coai/CrossWOZ) #### Paper [ACL Anthology](https://aclanthology.org/2020.tacl-1.19) #### BibTex ``` @article{zhu-etal-2020-crosswoz, title = "{C}ross{WOZ}: A Large-Scale {C}hinese Cross-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Dataset", author = "Zhu, Qi and Huang, Kaili and Zhang, Zheng and Zhu, Xiaoyan and Huang, Minlie", journal = "Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics", volume = "8", year = "2020", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.tacl-1.19", doi = "10.1162/tacl_a_00314", pages = "281--295", abstract = "To advance multi-domain (cross-domain) dialogue modeling as well as alleviate the shortage of Chinese task-oriented datasets, we propose CrossWOZ, the first large-scale Chinese Cross-Domain Wizard-of-Oz task-oriented dataset. It contains 6K dialogue sessions and 102K utterances for 5 domains, including hotel, restaurant, attraction, metro, and taxi. Moreover, the corpus contains rich annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts on both user and system sides. About 60{\%} of the dialogues have cross-domain user goals that favor inter-domain dependency and encourage natural transition across domains in conversation. We also provide a user simulator and several benchmark models for pipelined task-oriented dialogue systems, which will facilitate researchers to compare and evaluate their models on this corpus. The large size and rich annotation of CrossWOZ make it suitable to investigate a variety of tasks in cross-domain dialogue modeling, such as dialogue state tracking, policy learning, user simulation, etc.", } ``` #### Contact Name Qi Zhu #### Contact Email zhuq96@gmail.com #### Has a Leaderboard? no ### Languages and Intended Use #### Multilingual? no #### Covered Languages `Chinese` #### License apache-2.0: Apache License 2.0 #### Intended Use CrossWOZ is the first large-scale Chinese Cross-Domain Wizard-of-Oz task-oriented dataset. It contains 6K dialogue sessions and 102K utterances for 5 domains, including hotel, restaurant, attraction, metro, and taxi. Moreover, the corpus contains rich annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts at both user and system sides. We also provide a user simulator and several benchmark models for pipelined taskoriented dialogue systems, which will facilitate researchers to compare and evaluate their models on this corpus. #### Primary Task Dialog Response Generation #### Communicative Goal Generate a response according to the dialog context and database search results. ### Credit #### Curation Organization Type(s) `academic` #### Curation Organization(s) Tsinghua University #### Dataset Creators Qi Zhu, Kaili Huang, Zheng Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhu, and Minlie Huang from CoAI group, Tsinghua University #### Funding National Science Foundation of China, National Key R&D Program of China #### Who added the Dataset to GEM? Qi Zhu (Tsinghua University) ### Dataset Structure #### Data Fields - `gem_id` (string): GEM-CrossWOZ-{split}-{id} - `dialog_id` (string): dialog ID - `sys_id` (string): system annotator ID - `usr_id` (string): user annotation ID - `type` (string): dialog type - `task description` (list of strings): natural language descriptions of the user goal - `goal` (list of tuples), includes: - `sub-goal id` (string) - `domain name` (string) - `slot name` (string) - `constraint` if filled, else `requirement` (string) - `whether be mentioned in previous turns` (string) - `messages` (list of dict): dialog turns. Each turn contains: - `content` (string): utterance - `role` (string): user or system - `dialog_act` (list of tuples), includes: - `domain` (string) - `intent` (string) - `slot` (string) - `value` (string) - `user_state` (list of tuples): same format as "goal", can be viewed as dynamic goal. - `sys_state_init` (dict): the first db query emitted, records user constraints faithfully. If the system find no result that matches, he/she may relax the constraints manually and search db multiple times. - `domain` (dict): slot(string)-value(string) pairs - `selectedResults` (list of string): db search result that would be used in this turn. - `sys_state` (dict): the final db query emitted, records the db used by the system in this turn. Same format as sys_state_init. Note that this may not satisfy all user constraints. - `final_goal` (list of tuples): user state/goal at the end of dialog. same format as "goal". #### Example Instance ``` {'dialog_id': '2303', 'final_goal': [['1', '餐馆', '人均消费', '50-100元', 'True'], ['1', '餐馆', '推荐菜', "['美食街']", 'True'], ['1', '餐馆', '名称', '鲜鱼口老字号美食街', 'True'], ['1', '餐馆', '营业时间', '周一至周日 10:00-22:00', 'True'], ['1', '餐馆', '周边景点', "['天安门广场', '前门大街', '恭王府', '故宫']", 'True'], ['2', '景点', '名称', '故宫', 'True'], ['2', '景点', '评分', '4.5分以上', 'True'], ['2', '景点', '地址', '北京市东城区景山前街4号', 'True'], ['2', '景点', '电话', '010-85007938', 'True'], ['3', '酒店', '名称', '桔子水晶酒店(北京安贞店)', 'True'], ['3', '酒店', '电话', '010-84273030', 'True']], 'gem_id': 'GEM-CrossWOZ-test-0', 'goal': [['1', '餐馆', '人均消费', '50-100元', 'False'], ['1', '餐馆', '推荐菜', "['美食街']", 'False'], ['1', '餐馆', '名称', '', 'False'], ['1', '餐馆', '营业时间', '', 'False'], ['1', '餐馆', '周边景点', '[]', 'False'], ['2', '景点', '名称', '出现在id=1的周边景点里', 'False'], ['2', '景点', '评分', '4.5分以上', 'False'], ['2', '景点', '地址', '', 'False'], ['2', '景点', '电话', '', 'False'], ['3', '酒店', '名称', '桔子水晶酒店(北京安贞店)', 'False'], ['3', '酒店', '电话', '', 'False']], 'messages': {'content': ['你好,我想吃美食街,帮我推荐一个人均消费在50-100元的餐馆,谢谢。', '为您推荐鲜鱼口老字号美食街,人均消费75元,有您想吃的美食街哦。', '营业时间是什么时间?', '周一至周日 10:00-22:00。', '他家周边有什么景点吗?', '有故宫, 前门大街, 恭王府, 天安门广场。', '哦,我想在这些附近景点里找一个4.5分以上的,有吗?', '故宫就是哦,4.7分。', '好的,电话和地址告诉我一下。', '010-85007938;北京市东城区景山前街4号。', '好的,麻烦你帮我查一下桔子水晶酒店(北京安贞店)电话呗。', '010-84273030。', '好的,收到,谢谢你!', '不客气。'], 'dialog_act': [[['General', 'greet', 'none', 'none'], ['General', 'thank', 'none', 'none'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '人均消费', '50-100元'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '推荐菜', '美食街'], ['Request', '餐馆', '名称', '']], [['Inform', '餐馆', '人均消费', '75元'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '名称', '鲜鱼口老字号美食街']], [['Request', '餐馆', '营业时间', '']], [['Inform', '餐馆', '营业时间', '周一至周日 10:00-22:00']], [['Request', '餐馆', '周边景点', '']], [['Inform', '餐馆', '周边景点', '前门大街'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '周边景点', '天安门广场'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '周边景点', '恭王府'], ['Inform', '餐馆', '周边景点', '故宫']], [['Inform', '景点', '评分', '4.5分以上'], ['Select', '景点', '源领域', '餐馆']], [['Inform', '景点', '名称', '故宫'], ['Inform', '景点', '评分', '4.7分']], [['Request', '景点', '地址', ''], ['Request', '景点', '电话', '']], [['Inform', '景点', '地址', '北京市东城区景山前街4号'], ['Inform', '景点', '电话', '010-85007938']], [['Inform', '酒店', '名称', '桔子水晶酒店(北京安贞店)'], ['Request', '酒店', '电话', '']], [['Inform', '酒店', '电话', '010-84273030']], [['General', 'thank', 'none', 'none']], [['General', 'welcome', 'none', 'none']]], 'role': ['usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys', 'usr', 'sys'], 'sys_state': [{'出租': {'selectedResults': [], '出发地': '', '目的地': ''}, '地铁': {'selectedResults': [], '出发地': '', '目的地': ''}, '景点': {'selectedResults': [], '名称': '', '周边景点': '', '周边酒店': '', '周边餐馆': '', '游玩时间': '', '评分': '', '门票': ''}, '酒店': {'selectedResults': [], '价格': '', '名称': '', '周边景点': '', '周边酒店': '', '周边餐馆': '', '评分': '', '酒店类型': '', '酒店设施': ''}, '餐馆': {'selectedResults': [], '人均消费': '', '名称': '', '周边景点': '', '周边酒店': 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--------------------- | ------ | ----- | ----- | | \# dialogues | 5,012 | 500 | 500 | | \# Turns (utterances) | 84,692 | 8,458 | 8,476 | | Vocab | 12,502 | 5,202 | 5,143 | | Avg. sub-goals | 3.24 | 3.26 | 3.26 | | Avg. semantic tuples | 14.8 | 14.9 | 15.0 | | Avg. turns | 16.9 | 16.9 | 17.0 | | Avg. tokens per turn | 16.3 | 16.3 | 16.2 | ## Dataset in GEM ### Rationale for Inclusion in GEM #### Why is the Dataset in GEM? CrossWOZ is the first large-scale Chinese Cross-Domain Wizard-of-Oz task-oriented dataset. #### Similar Datasets yes #### Unique Language Coverage no #### Difference from other GEM datasets The corpus contains rich annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts at both user and system sides, which can be used in a wide range of tasks. #### Ability that the Dataset measures Dialog understanding, dialog policy learning ### GEM-Specific Curation #### Modificatied for GEM? yes #### GEM Modifications `other` #### Modification Details To adapt to hugging face Datasets, we 1) separate user annotators' ID and system annotations' ID; 2) we convert the data type in goal/user state to string. #### Additional Splits? no ### Getting Started with the Task #### Pointers to Resources [Code](https://github.com/thu-coai/Convlab-2) #### Technical Terms According to the type of user goal, we group the dialogues in the training set into five categories: - S: 417 dialogues have only one sub-goal in HAR domains. - M: 1573 dialogues have multiple sub-goals (2-3) in HAR domains. However, these sub-goals do not have cross-domain informable slots. - M+T: 691 dialogues have multiple sub-goals in HAR domains and at least one sub-goal in the metro or taxi domain (3-5 sub-goals). The sub-goals in HAR domains do not have cross-domain informable slots. - CM: 1,759 dialogues have multiple sub-goals (2-5) in HAR domains with cross-domain informable slots. - CM+T: 572 dialogues have multiple sub-goals in HAR domains with cross-domain informable slots and at least one sub-goal in the metro or taxi domain (3-5 sub-goals). ## Previous Results ### Previous Results #### Measured Model Abilities Dialog understanding, dialog policy learning #### Metrics `BLEU` #### Proposed Evaluation BLEU evaluates the generation quality. #### Previous results available? yes #### Other Evaluation Approaches Inform rate: how many entities in the gold response appear in the generated response. #### Relevant Previous Results BLEU on MultiWOZ dataset. ## Dataset Curation ### Original Curation #### Original Curation Rationale Gather human-to-human dialog in Chinese. #### Communicative Goal Generate a response according to the dialog context and database search results. #### Sourced from Different Sources no ### Language Data #### How was Language Data Obtained? `Crowdsourced` #### Where was it crowdsourced? `Participatory experiment` #### Language Producers An usr/sys ID indicates the creator of different data points. #### Topics Covered domains: attraction, hotel, restaurant, metro, taxi #### Data Validation validated by data curator #### Was Data Filtered? not filtered ### Structured Annotations #### Additional Annotations? none #### Annotation Service? no ### Consent #### Any Consent Policy? yes #### Consent Policy Details Annotators agree using the dataset for research purpose. #### Other Consented Downstream Use Any ### Private Identifying Information (PII) #### Contains PII? unlikely #### Categories of PII `generic PII` #### Any PII Identification? no identification ### Maintenance #### Any Maintenance Plan? no ## Broader Social Context ### Previous Work on the Social Impact of the Dataset #### Usage of Models based on the Data no ### Impact on Under-Served Communities #### Addresses needs of underserved Communities? yes #### Details on how Dataset Addresses the Needs CrossWOZ is the first large-scale Chinese Cross-Domain Wizard-of-Oz task-oriented dataset. The corpus contains rich annotation of dialogue states and dialogue acts at both user and system sides, which can be used in a wide range of tasks. ### Discussion of Biases #### Any Documented Social Biases? no #### Are the Language Producers Representative of the Language? Yes ## Considerations for Using the Data ### PII Risks and Liability #### Potential PII Risk No ### Licenses #### Copyright Restrictions on the Dataset `open license - commercial use allowed` #### Copyright Restrictions on the Language Data `open license - commercial use allowed` ### Known Technical Limitations #### Technical Limitations No #### Unsuited Applications Model may not handle unknown values in the dialog #### Discouraged Use Cases Responses can be diverse, which is not captured by BLEU