import os os.system('pip install -q dnspython python-whois bs4 requests pandas pyOpenSSL') import dns.resolver, dns.rdatatype import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from collections import Counter import whois from datetime import datetime import time import csv import ssl import socket from urllib.request import urlparse import OpenSSL.crypto import pandas as pd import random def generate_user_agent() -> str: a = random.randint(63, 89) b = random.randint(1, 3200) c = random.randint(1, 140) user_agent = f'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/{a}.0.{b}.{c} Safari/537.3' return user_agent headers = { 'User-Agent': generate_user_agent() } def count_domain_occurrences(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> int: """ Returns the number of occurrences of the domain in the website's page source. """ try: domain_count = soup.prettify().count(domain) return domain_count except Exception as e: print(f"count_domain_occurrences: {str(e)}") return 0 def get_certificate_info(url: str) -> tuple[str, int]: """ Returns the issuer and age of the certificate if found. None, None otherwise """ try: if not url.startswith("https://"): raise ValueError("URL must use HTTPS protocol") hostname = url.split("https://")[1].split("/")[0] ip_addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 443) ip_address = ip_addresses[0][4][0] context = ssl.create_default_context() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_conn = context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) ssl_conn.connect((ip_address, 443)) cert = ssl_conn.getpeercert() if 'notAfter' not in cert: raise ValueError("Certificate information not found") issuer = cert['issuer'][0][0][1] not_after = cert['notAfter'] not_after_date = datetime.strptime(not_after, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z') certificate_age = ( - not_after_date).days return issuer, certificate_age except Exception as e: print(f"get_certificate_info error: {str(e)}") return None, None def check_sfh(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> float: """ Return 1 if SFH is "about: blank" or is empty, 0.5 if SFH refers to a different domain, and 0 otherwise """ try: form = soup.find('form', {'method': 'post'}) if not form: return 0 sfh = form.get('action') if not sfh or sfh == 'about:blank': return 1 sfh_domain = urlparse(sfh).netloc if sfh_domain != domain: return 0.5 except Exception as e: print(f"check_sfh: {str(e)}") pass return 0 def age_of_domain(w: whois.WhoisEntry) -> int: """ Returns the age of domain in days, None if error """ try: creation_date = w.creation_date if creation_date is None: # Domain creation date is not available, try using updated_date as a fallback updated_date = w.updated_date if updated_date is None: return -1 if type(updated_date) == list: creation_date = min(updated_date) else: creation_date = updated_date if type(creation_date) == list: creation_date = min(creation_date) num_days = ( - creation_date).days return num_days except Exception as e: print('age_of_domain error: ' + str(e)) return None def use_iframe(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """ Returns 1 if iframe is present, 0 otherwise """ iframes = soup.find_all('iframe') if len(iframes) > 0: return 1 return 0 def popup_window_has_text_field(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """ Returns 1 if a pop-up window with text field exists, 0 otherwise """ popups = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'popup'}) for popup in popups: if popup.find('input', {'type': 'text'}): return 1 return 0 def abnormal_url(url: str, w: whois.WhoisEntry) -> int: """ Returns 1 if the hostname is not in the URL, 0 otherwise. """ host_name = w.domain.split('.')[0] if host_name not in url: return 1 else: return 0 def dns_record(domain: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ Returns TTL, IP address count and TXT record presence in a tuple of integers. Returns None, None, None if dns record not found. """ try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(domain) TTL = answers.rrset.ttl IP_addresses = len(answers) TXT_records = any(answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.TXT for answer in answers) TXT_records = 1 if TXT_records else 0 return TTL, IP_addresses, TXT_records except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: return None, None, None except Exception as e: print(f"dns_record error: {str(e)}") return None, None, None def not_indexed_by_google(url: str) -> int: """ Returns 1 if not indexed by Google, 0 if indexed, -1 if error """ response = make_request(url, headers, timeout=10, retries=3) if response is None: return -1 if "did not match any documents" in response.text: return 1 else: return 0 def right_click_disabled(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """ Returns 1 if right click is disabled, 0 otherwise. """ for script in soup.find_all('script'): if 'event.button==2' in script.text: return 1 return 0 def mouseover_changes(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """ Returns 1 if the mouseover event changes the status bar, 0 otherwise """ onMouseOver_elements = soup.find_all(onmouseover=True) for element in onMouseOver_elements: if "window.status" in str(element): return 1 return 0 def redirects(response: requests.Response) -> int: """ Returns the number of redirects """ return len(response.history) def meta_script_link_percentage(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """ Returns the percentage of meta, script, and link tags that have a link """ meta_tags = soup.find_all('meta') script_tags = soup.find_all('script') link_tags = soup.find_all('link') meta_links = sum([1 for tag in meta_tags if tag.has_attr('href')]) script_links = sum([1 for tag in script_tags if tag.has_attr('src')]) link_links = sum([1 for tag in link_tags if tag.has_attr('href')]) total_links = meta_links + script_links + link_links if total_links == 0: return 0, 0, 0 meta_percentage = (meta_links / total_links) script_percentage = (script_links / total_links) link_percentage = (link_links / total_links) return meta_percentage, script_percentage, link_percentage def url_anchor_percentage(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> float: """ Returns the percentage of anchor links on the page with different domain names, excluding anchor links with JavaScript or invalid URLs. """ total_links = 0 anchor_links = 0 first_a_tag = soup.find('a') if first_a_tag is None: return 0 domain = urlparse(first_a_tag.get('href')).netloc if not domain: return 0 for a_tag in soup.find_all('a'): href = a_tag.get('href') if href: if href.startswith('javascript:') or href.startswith('#'): continue link_domain = urlparse(href).netloc if link_domain and link_domain != domain: anchor_links += 1 total_links += 1 if total_links == 0: return 0 return anchor_links / total_links def request_url_percentage(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> float: """ Returns the percentage of external domains in the URL """ links = [link.get('href') for link in soup.find_all('a')] images = [img.get('src') for img in soup.find_all('img')] videos = [video.get('src') for video in soup.find_all('video')] sounds = [sound.get('src') for sound in soup.find_all('audio')] external_links = [] for link in links + images + videos + sounds: if link is None: continue parsed_domain = urlparse(link).netloc if parsed_domain != '' and parsed_domain != domain: external_links.append(link) external_domains = [urlparse(link).netloc for link in external_links] domain_counts = Counter(external_domains) total_links = len(external_domains) if total_links == 0: return 1 external_links_count = domain_counts[domain] return (external_links_count / total_links) def has_suspicious_port(domain: str) -> int: """ Returns 1 if any of the ports are of the preferred status, 0 otherwise. """ preferred_ports = { 21: "Close", 22: "Close", 23: "Close", 80: "Open", 443: "Open", 445: "Close", 1433: "Close", 1521: "Close", 3306: "Close", 3389: "Close" } for port, status in preferred_ports.items(): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(0.1) result = sock.connect_ex((domain, port)) if result == 0: if status == "Open": return 1 else: return 0 except: pass return 0 def external_favicons(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> int: """ Returns the number of favicons loaded from external domains. """ favicon_links = soup.find_all('link', {'rel': 'icon'}) external_favicons = 0 for link in favicon_links: href = link.get('href') if href: href_domain = urlparse(href).netloc if href_domain != domain: external_favicons += 1 return external_favicons def domain_registeration_length(w: whois.WhoisEntry) -> int: """" Returns the number of days since the domain was registered, None if error """ try: domain = w.domain_name expiration_date = w.expiration_date if type(expiration_date) == list: expiration_date = expiration_date[0] if expiration_date is not None: time_to_expire = (expiration_date - return time_to_expire else: return 0 except Exception as e: print('domain_registeration_length error: ' + str(e)) return None def check_email_submission(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> int: """ Returns 1 if "mail()" or "mailto:" is used, 0 otherwise. """ try: forms = soup.find_all('form') for form in forms: if 'mail(' in str(form) or 'mailto:' in str(form): return 1 return 0 except: return 0 def make_request(url: str, headers: dict, timeout: int, retries: int) -> requests.Response: for i in range(retries): try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=True) response.raise_for_status() return response except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: retry_delay = 2**i print(f'\033[34mRequestException for {url}: {e}. Retrying in {retry_delay} seconds...\033[0m') time.sleep(retry_delay) except Exception as e: print(f'\033[31mError making request for {url}: {e}\033[0m') return None print(f'\033[31mFailed to make request after {retries} retries.\033[0m') return None def collect_data(url: str, is_malicious: bool): start_time = time.time() try: response = make_request(url, headers, timeout=10, retries=3) if response is None: return redirects_value = redirects(response) except Exception as e: print(f'Error making request: {e}') return not_indexed_by_google_value = not_indexed_by_google(url) issuer, certificate_age = get_certificate_info(url) try: soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') email_submission_value = check_email_submission(soup) url_anchor_percentage_value = url_anchor_percentage(soup) meta_percentage, script_percentage, link_percentage = meta_script_link_percentage(soup) mouseover_changes_value = mouseover_changes(soup) right_click_disabled_value = right_click_disabled(soup) popup_window_has_text_field_value = popup_window_has_text_field(soup) use_iframe_value = use_iframe(soup) except Exception as e: print('soup error, double check your code: ' + str(e)) return try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) domain = parsed_url.netloc has_suspicious_port_value = has_suspicious_port(domain) request_url_percentage_value = request_url_percentage(soup, domain) external_favicons_value = external_favicons(soup, domain) TTL, ip_address_count, TXT_record = dns_record(domain) check_sfh_value = check_sfh(soup, domain) count_domain_occurrences_value = count_domain_occurrences(soup, domain) except Exception as e: print('urlparse error, double check your code: ' + str(e)) return try: w = whois.whois(domain) domain_registeration_length_value = domain_registeration_length(w) abnormal_url_value = abnormal_url(url, w) age_of_domain_value = age_of_domain(w) except Exception as e: print('whois error: ' + str(e)) domain_registeration_length_value = -1 abnormal_url_value = 1 age_of_domain_value = -1 print(f"{url} took {time.time() - start_time} seconds to complete") row = [url, redirects_value, not_indexed_by_google_value, issuer, certificate_age, email_submission_value, request_url_percentage_value, url_anchor_percentage_value, meta_percentage, script_percentage, link_percentage, mouseover_changes_value, right_click_disabled_value, popup_window_has_text_field_value, use_iframe_value, has_suspicious_port_value, external_favicons_value, TTL, ip_address_count, TXT_record, check_sfh_value, count_domain_occurrences_value, domain_registeration_length_value, abnormal_url_value, age_of_domain_value, is_malicious] with open('phishing_detection_dataset.csv', mode='a', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(row)