diff --git "a/data/en-zh.tmx" "b/data/en-zh.tmx" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en-zh.tmx" @@ -0,0 +1,7891 @@ + + +
+ ELRC project + Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied. + en + zh + 875 + 22972 + 5987 + 3781 + 4747 +
+ + + 4.222222222222222 + + Social and Emotional Skill Development + + + 社交和情感技能发展 + + + + 3.4375 + + The Importance of Reopening America's Schools this Fall + + + 今年秋季重新开放美国学校的重要性 + + + + 3.7714285714285714 + + This paper discusses each of these critical functions, following a brief summary of current studies regarding COVID-19 and children. + + + 本文简要总结当前关于COVID-19和儿童的研究,并讨论这些关键功能。 + + + + 2.5217391304347827 + + Aside from a child's home, no other setting has more influence on a child's health and well-being than their school. + + + 除了家庭,没有什么环境比学校对孩子的健康和幸福有更大的影响。实地的学校环境可以做到以下几点: + + + + 2.550239234449761 + + An environment where students feel safe and connected, such as a school, is associated with lower levels of depression, thoughts about suicide, social anxiety, and sexual activity, as well as higher levels of self-esteem and more adaptive use of free time [19] , [20] A longitudinal study of 476 adolescents over 3 years starting in the 6th grade found school connectedness to be especially protective for those who had lower connectedness in other areas of their lives, such as home, and to reduce their likelihood of substance use. + + + 此外,学校长时间关闭会损害儿童的心理健康,并可能增加儿童从事不良行为的可能性。让学生感到安全、与外界联系紧密的环境(比如学校)会降低抑郁、自杀念头、社交焦虑和性活动的程度,也会提高自尊水平,更有针对性地利用空闲时间。 [19] , [20] 一项对476名青少年从6年级开始长达3年的纵向研究发现,对于那些在其他生活领域(如家庭)联系较低的人来说,学校联系尤其具有保护作用,并且可以减少他们使用药物的可能性。 [20] + + + + 2.626943005181347 + + In-person schooling provides children with access to a variety of mental health and social services, including speech language therapy, and physical or occupational therapy to help the physical, psychological, and academic well-being of the child. [23] , [24] , [25] , [26] Further, school counselors are trained in the mental health needs of children and youth and can recognize signs of trauma that primary caregivers are less able to see because they themselves are experiencing the same family stresses. + + + 面对面教学为儿童提供各种心理健康和社会服务,包括言语治疗、物理或职业治疗,以帮助孩子的身体、心理和学业发展。 [23] , [24] , [25] , [26] 此外,学校辅导员接受过儿童和青年心理健康需求方面的培训,能够识别主要看护者因���身承受相同家庭压力而看不到的创伤迹象。 学校辅导员可以与教师协调实施干预措施,为孩子们提供一个安心的环境,让他们重新获得有秩序、安全和正常的感觉。 + + + + 1.4814814814814814 + + For children with intellectual or physical disabilities, nearly all therapies and services are received through schools. + + + 对于有智力或身体残疾的儿童,几乎所有的治疗和服务都是通过学校接受的。这些重要的服务很难通过远程学习模式提供。因此,更多的残疾儿童在学校关闭期间几乎得不到任何服务。 + + + + 2.111587982832618 + + According to the Northwest Evaluation Association, in the summer following third grade, students lose nearly 20 percent of their school-year gains in reading and 27 percent of their school-year gains in math. [14] By the summer after seventh grade, students lose on average 39 percent of their school-year gains in reading and 50 percent of their school-year gains in math. [14] This indicates that learning losses are large and become even more severe as a student progresses through school. + + + 我们也知道,对许多学生来说,长时间的教育中断对学生的学习是有害的。例如暑假对学业进步的影响(也被称为"夏季滑坡"),在文献中也有详尽说明。根据西北评估协会的数据,在三年级后的夏季,学生们在阅读和数学方面的学业成绩分别下降了20%和27%。 [14] 到七年级后的夏季,学生们在阅读方面的学业成绩平均下降39%,而在数学方面的学业成绩下降了50%。 [14] 这表明学习损失很大,并且随着学生的升学而变得更加严重。与暑假的几周相比,学校关闭可能会导致学习损失更加严重。 + + + + 2.2148760330578514 + + [29] Children who live in a home or neighborhood where neglect, violence, or abuse occur, but who are not physically in school, are deprived of access to trained school professionals who can readily identify the signs of trauma and provide needed support and guidance. + + + [29] 生活在发生忽视、暴力或虐待的家庭或社区的儿童,如果他们不亲自前往学校,就被剥夺了接触学校专业人士的机会,这些专业人员能够容易地识别创伤的迹象,并提供必要的支持和指导。 [30] , [31] , [32] , [33] , [34] + + + + 1.5377358490566038 + + Another review published this year found that post-traumatic stress scores of children and parents in quarantine were four times higher than those not quarantined. + + + 此外,一项对流行病研究的回顾发现,隔离时间与创伤后应激障碍症状、逃避行为和愤怒之间存在密切联系。今年发表的另一篇评论发现,被隔离的儿童和父母的创伤后应激评分比未被隔离的儿童和父母高出四倍。 [21] , [22] + + + + 0.9436619718309859 + + Beyond PE, with schools closed, children may not have sufficient opportunities to participate in organized and safe physical activity. + + + 当学校关闭时,孩子们就失去了进行体育锻炼的重要机会。许多孩子在学校体育教育 (PE) 和其他学校活动之外可能没有充分的身体锻炼。除了体育以外,由于学校关闭,孩子们可能没有足够的机会参加有组织的、安全的体育活动。他们也失去了参加其他学校体育活动的机会,包括课间休息、课堂活动和课后活动。 + + + + 3.142857142857143 + + • Do not share drinks or food with coworkers + + + • 不要与同事分享食物或饮料 + + + + 3.25 + + STAY HOME if you are sick. + + + 生病时待在家中。 + + + + 2.3333333333333335 + + • With unwashed hands + + + • 用没有洗过的手 + + + + 3.4583333333333335 + + • Continue to wear the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for your normal + + + • 继续佩戴正常工作所需的个人防护装备(PPE) + + + + 4.0 + + Avoid contact with others while you are sick + + + 您生病时避免与他人接触 + + + + 3.7142857142857144 + + • Stay in a specific room at home and away from other people, as much as possible • Talk with a doctor and your supervisor about when you can return to work + + + • 尽可能地呆在家里特定的房间中,并远离其他人 • 与医生和您的主管讨论何时可以返岗 + + + + 2.5454545454545454 + + • New loss of taste or smell + + + • 新发味觉或嗅觉丧失 + + + + 2.533333333333333 + + Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth + + + 不要触碰自己的眼睛、鼻子或嘴巴 + + + + 3.142857142857143 + + Symptoms to watch for: + + + 需要注意的症状 + + + + 2.325 + + Things you can do in and outside of work to protect yourself and your coworkers from COVID-19 + + + 在工作中和工作外,在保护自己和同事免受 COVID-19 感染方面您可以做的事情 + + + + 2.9285714285714284 + + • Before and after work shifts and breaks + + + • 工作班次和休息之前和之后 + + + + 3.6666666666666665 + + • While wearing gloves + + + • 带手套时 + + + + 4.090909090909091 + + • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing + + + • 呼吸急促或呼吸困难 + + + + 3.4358974358974357 + + Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol: + + + 用肥皂和水洗手至少 20 秒钟,或使用酒精含量至少为 60% 的酒精类洗手液: + + + + 2.7241379310344827 + + • Tools should be regularly cleaned and disinfected, especially when you change + + + • 工具应定期清洁和消毒,特别是在更换工作台或更换新工具时 + + + + 2.6923076923076925 + + • Throw used tissues in the garbage + + + • 将用过的纸巾扔进垃圾桶 + + + + 2.8536585365853657 + + Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 adult arms' length) from other people at work and in your community as much as possible + + + 尽可能地与同事和社区的其他人保持至少 6 英尺(约 2 个成年人手臂的长度)的距离 + + + + 2.3076923076923075 + + • Stay at least 6 feet apart during conversations, in locker rooms, hallways or corridors, + + + • 在与人交谈、更衣室、楼道或走廊,以及进入或离开工作场所时,保持至少 6 英 + + + + 3.6923076923076925 + + • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing + + + • 擤鼻涕、咳嗽或打喷嚏后 + + + + 2.8620689655172415 + + • Immediately wash your hands or use hand-sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol + + + • 打喷嚏或咳嗽后,立即洗手或使用含至少60%酒精的洗手液 + + + + 4.5 + + • After putting on, touching, or removing cloth face coverings. + + + • 配戴、触碰或摘除口罩后。 + + + + 2.9642857142857144 + + • When removing your face covering, try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, and + + + • 摘下口罩时,尽量不要接触眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴,并立即洗手 + + + + 3.4 + + • Replace the face covering when it is wet or dirty + + + • 当口罩潮湿或肮脏时更换口罩 + + + + 4.142857142857143 + + Cover your coughs and sneezes + + + 遮挡咳嗽和喷嚏 + + + + 5.0 + + • Fit your covering snugly, but comfortably, against the sides of your face + + + • 口罩需要紧贴面部,但要舒适 + + + + 2.888888888888889 + + • After using the restroom + + + • 使用完洗手间后 + + + + 3.269230769230769 + + • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow if you have + + + • 用纸巾遮挡口鼻,如果没有纸巾,可以用手肘内侧遮挡 + + + + 3.4615384615384617 + + • Wash or replace the face covering after use + + + • 使用后,清洗或更换口罩 + + + + 3.642857142857143 + + • While adjusting or removing your face covering or + + + • 调整或摘下口罩或防护镜时 + + + + 2.0 + + These additional strategies include: + + + 其他可能增加部分员工风险的因素包括: + + + + 6.5 + + Coordinate with local health officials. + + + 管理患病员工 + + + + 0.8390804597701149 + + COVID-19 information for travel is updated regularly on the CDC website . + + + 本临时指导方针以目前对COVID-19的了解为基础。CDC和美国劳工部将根据需要和获得的更多信息来更新这一指导方针。请定期访问 CDC COVID-19 网站,获取最新指导。 + + + + 3.727272727272727 + + Eliminate Conditions That Attract Rodents + + + 了解事实有利于缓解压力 + + + + 2.2739726027397262 + + Take additional precautions for those at higher risk for severe illness , particularly older adults and those of any age who have severe underlying health conditions. + + + 暴力 是一个严重的公共健康问题,它影响着从婴儿到老年人等各个生活阶段的人。许多经历过暴力的人虽然得以幸存,但会遭受长期的身体、精神和情绪健康问题。 + + + + 1.841121495327103 + + Create an emergency contact list including family, friends, neighbors, carpool drivers, healthcare providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources. + + + 旨在降低COVID-19传播的一些公共卫生措施包括避免在私人场所和公共场所举行大型和小型集会,远程工作和关闭学校。虽然这些措施对减缓COVID-19的传播至关重要,但它们也可能会导致暴力和 自杀 的增加,原因如下: + + + + 4.0 + + Generations in the household + + + 对受虐者的支持 + + + + 1.564625850340136 + + While there are no commonly accepted measurements or triggers to distinguish surge capacity from daily patient care capacity, surge capacity is a useful framework to approach a decreased supply of PPE during the COVID-19 response. + + + 最近的研究表明,这种病毒可以由没有出现症状的人进行传播。人们也有可能通过触摸了带有病毒的表面或物体,然后触摸自己的口鼻或眼部而感染COVID-19。这并非病毒传播的主要方式,但我们仍在进一步了解此病毒。老年人和患有严重基础疾病的各年龄段人群在感染COVID-19后 发生严重并发症的风险更高 。 + + + + 2.925925925925926 + + These sample training plans include training topics that may be helpful for state and local public health jurisdictions to consider when designing their own training plans for COVID-19 contact tracers, case investigators, and team leads. + + + 患有中度至重度哮喘的人出现COVID-19重症的风险或更高。COVID-19可能影响您的呼吸道(鼻子、喉咙、肺),导致哮喘发作,并可能引起肺炎和急性呼吸系统疾病。 + + + + 4.418181818181818 + + Overall Training Goal: After completing all training with the training plans, learners should be able to conduct contact tracing, case investigation or supervision of contact tracers or case investigators according to the established protocol. + + + 每天 清洁和消毒 电话、遥控器、桌子、门把手、电灯开关、台面、把手、书桌、键盘、马桶、水龙头、水槽等物体表面。 + + + + 3.4545454545454546 + + For Everyone: Core Learning Objectives + + + 患有中度至重度哮喘的人 + + + + 1.8571428571428572 + + Related Pages + + + 重病高风险人群 + + + + 1.7555555555555555 + + These sample training plans include training topics that may be helpful for state and local public health jurisdictions to consider when designing their own training plans for COVID-19 contact tracers, case investigators, and team leads. + + + 如果接触了病毒,每个人都有感染COVID-19的风险。有些人比其他人更有可能罹患重症,这意味着他们可能需要住院治疗、重症监护或使用呼吸机帮助他们呼吸,甚至他们可能死亡。我们对COVID-19的了解每天都在增加。随着获得更多信息,CDC将继续更新和分享有关重症风险的信息。 + + + + 1.2 + + • Tous + + + • 进餐前 + + + + 0.6730769230769231 + + • Rete nan yon chanm byen presi lakay ou epi lwen lòt moun otank posib + + + 可访问的版本:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-manufacturing-workers-employers.html + + + + 4.785714285714286 + + • Aprè ou fin mete, touche, oswa retire pwoteksyon figi an twal yo. + + + • 配戴、触碰或摘除口罩后。 + + + + 1.8548387096774193 + + While there are no commonly accepted measurements or triggers to distinguish surge capacity from daily patient care capacity, surge capacity is a useful framework to approach a decreased supply of PPE during the COVID-19 response. + + + 导致COVID-19的病毒非常容易在人与人之间传播且可持续传播。正在进行的COVID-19全球流行病表明,这种病毒的传播性比流感强,但比具有高度传染性的麻疹弱。通常情况下,一个人与他人之间的互动越密切,互动时间越长,COVID-19传播风险就越高。 + + + + 2.4642857142857144 + + While current supply may meet the facility's current or anticipated utilization rate , there may be uncertainty if future supply will be adequate and therefore, contingency capacity strategies may be needed. + + + 病毒在人与人之间传播的难易程度可能会有所不同。有些病毒具有高度传染性,例如麻疹,而另一些病毒则不容易传播。另一个因素是传播是否持续,这意味着传播会在人与人之间持续进行。 + + + + 2.6666666666666665 + + More Information + + + 收集病例��息 + + + + 3.7142857142857144 + + Test for Current Infection + + + 监测和跟踪疾病 + + + + 3.212121212121212 + + You could also be exposed to COVID-19 after the test and then get infected and spread the virus to others. + + + COVID-19患者的接触者患上此疾病并将其传播给他人的风险更高。 + + + + 0.8526315789473684 + + Ask residents to actively monitor (at least daily) for COVID-19 symptoms , including fever and respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, new or change in cough). + + + 根据所在地的不同,农村地区可能面临不同的健康挑战。每个农村社区都应评估其特定的 易感染性pdf iconexternal icon 和对COVID-19的社会脆弱性。根据 CDC的社会脆弱性指数 (SVI) ,许多农村社区被认为高度脆弱。SVI包括住房、交通、社会经济地位、住房、种族和族裔以及语言等因素,这些因素有助于确定在COVID-19之前、期间和之后如何帮助支持农村社区。 + + + + 1.263157894736842 + + Cancel group activities. + + + 减少COVID-19社区传播的风险,并 + + + + 2.6666666666666665 + + More Information + + + 帮助儿童应对 + + + + 2.320388349514563 + + CDC is using a multi-pronged approach to help enhance and complement the efforts of state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) staff through innovative hiring mechanisms designed to address the surge staffing needs of health departments. + + + 儿童和青少年从周围成年人身上看到的行为会对其产生部分影响。当父母和护理人员冷静而有信心地应对COVID-19时,可以给孩子带来最大的支持。如果父母做好了更充分的 准备 ,就会让周围的人更加安心,尤其是孩子。 + + + + 4.4 + + Facilitating access to a variety of contact tracing and case investigation training products and tools for a diverse and evolving public health workforce. + + + 与您的孩子一起进行有意义的活动,花时间陪他们阅读、锻炼、玩棋盘游戏等。 + + + + 5.0 + + Decision-Making Considerations + + + 决策考虑因素 + + + + 2.6315789473684212 + + Prepare for the school year, regardless of format. + + + 为新一学年做好准备,不论采用何种形式。 + + + + 3.6666666666666665 + + School Decision-Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians + + + 家长、护理人员和监护人的学校决策工具 + + + + 3.6619718309859155 + + In addition, long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some groups at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 or experiencing severe illness, including some members of racial and ethnic minority groups, and individuals experiencing homelessness. + + + 此外,长期存在的系统性健康和社会不公现象使一些群体的COVID-19患病风险或重病风险更高,这些群体包括某些少数种族和民族群体以及无家可归者。 + + + + 4.029411764705882 + + Consider factors that will help you make a choice, if offered, of instructional format (e.g. virtual, in person, or a hybrid option); and + + + 考虑有助于选择教学形式的因素(如虚拟、面授或混合选择)(如有);以及 + + + + 2.483050847457627 + + Working with local health officials and with parents and caregivers, schools also have an important role in slowing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) while protecting students, teachers, and staff and helping ensure students have safe and healthy learning environments. + + + 学校在学生的学业成就、健康和福祉方面发挥着重要作用。学校与当地卫生官员、家长和护理人员合作,在减缓SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)的传播方面也发挥着重要作用,同时保护学生和教职员工,帮助确保学生拥有安全健康的学习环境。 + + + + 1.9907407407407407 + + While there is no way to ensure zero risk of infection, it is important to understand potential risks and how to adopt different types of prevention measures when resuming activities , including returning to school. + + + 虽然无法确保零感染风险,但了解潜在风险以及在恢复 活动 (包括重返学校)期间如何采取不同类型的预防措施仍然非常重要。家长和监护人在决定要恢复哪些活动时,应考虑到其他家庭成员是否属于COVID-19 重病高风险 人群。 + + + + 2.4683544303797467 + + If you, your child, or a household member are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, you will need to weigh the benefits, risks, and feasibility of the educational options available. + + + 如果您自己、您的孩子或家庭成员属于COVID-19重病 高风险 人群,您需要权衡可用的教育选择的益处、风险和可行性。下表可以帮助您评估COVID-19的风险。 + + + + 0.8867924528301887 + + Learn about parent meal pick-up options here: https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kidsexternal icon + + + 1 某些州的学校仍然可以为在家学习的孩子提供餐饮服务,但供应情况可能会有变化。如需了解家长的取餐选择,请点击此处: https://www.fns.usda.gov/meals4kidsexternal icon + + + + 3.608695652173913 + + Household Members and Caregivers at Increased Risk for Severe Illness from COVID-19 + + + COVID-19重病高风险的家庭成员和护理人员 + + + + 2.4242424242424243 + + CDC's Decision-Making Tool for Parents and Guardians is designed to help you think through school re-entry and the choices that your child's school is offering. + + + 许多学校向家长和监护人提供面授和虚拟教学模式的选择。CDC的家长和监护人决策工具可以帮助您慎重考虑孩子重返学校和学校提供的选择。 ​ + + + + 1.5777027027027026 + + Families will differ in their choice of instructional formats based on whether the student or members of the household are at increased risk of severe illness, the student's academic needs, the level of COVID-19 spread in the community , available school transportation options, school ability to execute recommended guidelines, the student's social-emotional wellbeing, comfort and familiarity with the school's reopening plans, and the family's situation and needs. + + + 由于COVID-19突发公共卫生事件(PHE),教学形式(如课程规模、设置和每日课程安排)可能看起来与过去几年有所不同。您应考虑每种教学形式的风险和益处,例如,面授教学可能让孩子更易获得学校服务、提高教学效率、提供更多社交互动机会,以及帮助一些家长和护理人员重返工作岗位,但与虚拟教学相比,面授教学的COVID-19接触风险更高。每个家庭选择的教学形式可能有所不同,具体取决于学生或家庭成员的重病风险是否更高、学生的学业需求、 COVID-19在社区中的传播等级 、可用的学校交通选择、学校执行建议指导方针的能力、学生的社会情感健康、对学校重新开放计划的满意度和熟悉度,以及家庭的情况和需求。 + + + + 1.1904761904761905 + + As schools begin to reopen across the nation, parents, guardians, and caregivers will be making decisions based on numerous factors, such as individual preferences, health concerns, work situations, and school considerations. + + + 随着全国范围内的学校开始重新开放,家长、监护人和护理人员需要根据众多因素做出决定,例如个人偏好、健康问题、工作状况和学校考虑因素。在为您的家庭做出有关学校的决定时,您还需要考虑到学业以外的各个方面,比如获得学校饮食计划、社会服务、延长日托、课外活动、同伴和教育工作者的社会情感支持以及交通方式。家长、监护人和护理人员应考虑许多因素,如个人偏好、健康问题、工作状况和学校考虑因素。 + + + + 5.411764705882353 + + Consider developing promotional messages to incorporate in communications to your community. + + + 制定并测试共享关键信息的通信计划。 + + + + 3.764705882352941 + + Help your health department slow transmission in your community. + + + 持续补充整个设施内的卫生用品补给。 + + + + 2.8666666666666667 + + Be part of the solution to slow the spread. + + + 应如何清洁设施以限制病毒传播? + + + + 2.4 + + Additional COVID-19 Public Service Announcements + + + 如何管理设施中的COVID-19确诊病例 + + + + 3.425 + + Maintaining confidentiality during COVID-19 case investigations and contact tracing can be particularly difficult in congregate settings. + + + 由于这些原因,药物使用可能会使COVID-19病情更加严重,但这需要更多的证据。 + + + + 1.6024844720496894 + + To facilitate implementation of WHO COVID-19 technical guidance on infection prevention and control (IPC) activities for countries, CDC has developed operational considerations to help contain and prevent COVID-19 in healthcare facilities in non-US settings. + + + 与污水处理厂操作相关的标准做法应足以保护污水处理人员免受导致COVID-19的病毒的感染。这些标准做法可包括工程和行政控制措施、卫生预防措施、特定的安全工作方式,以及处理未经处理的废水时通常需要的个人防护用品(PPE)。对于参与污水管理的工作人员(包括污水处理设施的工作人员),不建议针对COVID-19采取额外保护措施。 + + + + 3.5454545454545454 + + Strategic IPC Priorities for Containing COVID-19 in Non-US Healthcare Settings + + + 卫生和污水处理员工关于COVID-19的信息 + + + + 1.8840579710144927 + + Except in instances in which viral testing is delayed, antibody tests should not be used to diagnose a current COVID-19 infection. + + + 根据迄今为止获得的有限信息,宠物将COVID-19传播给人的风险被认为较低。没有理由丢弃或交出已确认COVID-19病毒检测呈阳性的宠物。 + + + + 3.8461538461538463 + + Recommendations of local public health authorities + + + 地方公共卫生管理部门的建议 + + + + 3.7222222222222223 + + Symptom screening at home can be helpful to determine if a student: + + + 在家进行症状筛查有助于确定学生是否: + + + + 3.56140350877193 + + Regardless of above factors, schools should ensure that their policies follow the recommendations of local public health officials and are consistent with Federal, state, and local laws, including FERPA. + + + 不管上述因素如何,学校应该确保其政策遵循当地公共卫生官员的建议,并符合联邦、州和地方法律(包括FERPA)的规定。 + + + + 2.857142857142857 + + Screening K-12 Students for Symptoms of COVID-19: Limitations and Considerations + + + 筛查K-12学生的COVID-19症状:局限性和考虑事项 + + + + 4.125 + + Daily Home Screening for Students + + + 学生每日家庭筛查 + + + + 3.066666666666667 + + Some of the factors schools may weigh include: + + + 学校可能要考虑的一些因素包括: + + + + 3.8857142857142857 + + Note: In developing plans for placing students with symptoms in an isolation area, schools should be mindful of appropriate safeguards to ensure that students are isolated in a non-threatening manner, within the line of sight of adults, and for very short periods of time. + + + 注:在制定将有症状的学生安置在隔离区的计划时,学校应注意适当的保障措施,以确保在成年人视线范围内且在很短的时间内以不具威胁性的方式隔离学生。 + + + + 4.257142857142857 + + Schools that chose to conduct symptoms screening should contact their local health departments with questions regarding practices and implementation. + + + 选择进行症状筛查的学校应与当地卫生部门联系,询问有关做法和实施的问题。 + + + + 3.0434782608695654 + + square icon Live in areas of high community transmission (as described in the Community Mitigation Framework ) while the school remains open + + + square icon 居住在高社区传播(如 社区缓解框架 中所述)同时学校保持开放的地区。 + + + + 3.246153846153846 + + Before sharing personally identifiable information on students concerning COVID-19, consider Federal, state, and local requirements, including provisions in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). + + + 在分享有关COVID-19的学生个人身份信息之前,应考虑联邦、州和地方的要求,包括《家庭教育权利和隐私法案》(FERPA)的规定。 + + + + 3.1875 + + square icon Traveled to or lived in an area where the local, Tribal, territorial, or state health department is reporting large numbers of COVID-19 cases as described in the Community Mitigation Framework + + + square icon 去过或住过地方、部落、地区或州卫生部门报告存在大量COVID-19病例的地区(如 社区缓解框架 所述); + + + + 3.5142857142857142 + + CDC does not currently recommend universal symptom screenings (screening all students grades K-12) be conducted by schools. + + + CDC目前不建议由学校进行普遍症状筛查(筛查所有K-12年级的学生)。 + + + + 3.7551020408163267 + + If a school needs to call an ambulance or bring a student to the hospital, they should first alert the healthcare staff that the student may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. + + + 如果学校需要叫救护车或送学生到医院,学校应首先告知医护人员该名学生可能接触过COVID-19患者。 + + + + 2.564516129032258 + + square icon New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline) + + + square icon 新发的无法控制并导致呼吸困难的咳嗽(对于患有慢性过敏/喘息性咳嗽的学生,其咳嗽与基线水平相比有变化) + + + + 2.5833333333333335 + + Many symptoms of COVID-19 are also present in common illnesses + + + 表:COVID-19的许多症状也出现在常见疾病中 + + + + 4.014285714285714 + + Students who are excluded from school should be afforded the opportunity, as soon as feasible when they are well enough to participate in classwork, to make up any missed classwork without penalty in order to reduce mental or physical anxieties about missed academic opportunities. + + + 不能上学的学生应在身体状况良好且条件允许的情况下尽快恢复课业,弥补任何错过的课业且不受惩罚,以减少因失去学习机会而产生的精神或身体上的焦虑。 + + + + 3.4186046511627906 + + Students who develop any of the symptoms in Section 1 while at school should be placed in an isolation area separate from staff and other students: + + + 在上学期间出现第1部分所述任何症状的学生应被安排到隔离区域,与教职员工和其他学生分开; + + + + 2.753623188405797 + + If your child has any of the following symptoms, that indicates a possible illness that may decrease the student's ability to learn and also put them at risk for spreading illness to others. + + + 如果您的孩子出现以下任何症状,则表明可能患病,这可能会降低学生的学习能力,并让他们有将疾病传播给他人的风险。请检查您的孩子是否有以下症状: + + + + 3.4329896907216493 + + Students with any of the symptoms in Section 1 should follow their school's current illness management policy to minimize transmission to others, to optimize learning opportunities, and to allow for these symptoms to resolve (at least 24 hours without fever reducing medications or in accordance with existing school illness policy). + + + 出现第1部分中任何症状的学生应遵守学校现行的疾病管理政策,最大程度地减少向他人的传播,尽可能提高学习机会,并使症状得到缓解(根据学校现行的疾病政策,在不服用退烧药物的情况下至少24小时不发烧)。 + + + + 3.764705882352941 + + Considerations If Symptom Screenings Are Used in School Settings + + + 在学校环境中采用症状筛查的考虑事项 + + + + 2.88 + + Limitations of Symptom Screenings as Part of a School Reopening Strategy + + + 作为学校重新开放策略的一部分,症状筛查存在的局限性 + + + + 2.0135135135135136 + + This list does not include all possible symptoms and children and youth with SARS-CoV-2 infection may experience any, all, or none of these symptoms. + + + 此列表未包括所有可能的症状,感染SARS-CoV-2的儿童和青少年可能出现这些症状中的任何一种、全部或无症状。(参阅 冠状病毒症状 了解更多信息)。 + + + + 3.174757281553398 + + Students identified at school who develop any of the symptoms in Section 1 AND answer YES to any of the questions in Section 2 should be placed in an isolation area separate from staff and other students (e.g., a nurse's office) and then sent home or to a healthcare facility if symptoms indicate a need for further evaluation: + + + 对于在学校确认出现第1部分中任何症状并对第2部分中的任何问题回答"是"的学生,应将其安排在与教职员工和其他学生分开的隔离区(例如护士办公室),然后送其回家,或如果需要进一步评估症状,可将其送到医疗服务机构: + + + + 2.1775147928994083 + + It is essential for schools to reinforce to students, parents or caregivers, and staff the importance of students staying home when sick until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever (temperature of 100.4 or higher) or signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) without the use of fever-reducing medicine (e.g., Tylenol). + + + 学校必须向学生、父母或看护者和教职员工强调学生生病时留在家里的重要性,直到他们在不使用退烧药(例如泰诺尔)的情况下至少24小时不再发烧(体温为100.4或更高)或有发烧迹象(发冷、感到很热、脸部潮红或身上出汗)。鼓励和支持生病时留在家中的政策将有助于防止SARS-CoV-2(以及包括 流感 在内的其他疾病)的传播,并有助于保持学校开放。 + + + + 3.0638297872340425 + + If the student/parent/caregiver answers YES to any question in Section 1 but NO to any questions in Section 2, the student would be excused from school in accordance with existing school illness management policy (e.g., until symptom-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications). + + + 如果学生/家长/看护者对第1部分���的任何问题回答"是",但对第2部分中的任何问题回答"否",则将根据现行的学校疾病管理政策,学生不能返校(直到在不服用退烧药物的情况下24小时不发烧为止)。 + + + + 1.3571428571428572 + + We learn more about COVID-19 every day, and as more information becomes available, CDC will continue to update and share information. + + + 我们对COVID-19的了解每天都在增加,随着更多信息的获得,CDC将持续更新并分享信息。随着我们对COVID-19的认识和了解不断发展,此指导方针可能也会进行更改。但是,根据目前获得的最佳证据: + + + + 2.6052631578947367 + + Even when symptom screenings are implemented, other mitigation strategies (such as promoting healthy behaviors, maintaining healthy environments, maintaining healthy operations, and preparing for when someone gets sick) are still needed to help protect students, teachers, and staff from COVID-19. + + + 由于上述局限性,仅凭症状筛查不足以减少SARS-CoV-2的传播。即使实施了症状筛查,仍需要采取其他缓解措施(例如促进健康行为、维护健康环境、维持健康运营和为出现病情做好准备),以帮助保护学生和教职员工免受COVID-19感染。 + + + + 3.3194444444444446 + + Given the wide range of symptoms and the fact that some people with SARS-CoV-2 infection (the virus that causes COVID-19) are asymptomatic, there are limitations to symptom screening conducted by schools for the identification of COVID-19. + + + 由于SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)感染者的症状范围广泛,且部分感染者无症状,因此学校对COVID-19的症状筛查存在局限性。 + + + + 1.608695652173913 + + Symptom screening in this scenario will be more likely to identify other things, not SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, including certain chronic symptoms, some of which may not require staying home. + + + 如果COVID-19在社区中传播极少,症状筛查将更有可能识别出非COVID-19症状患者。这种情况下的症状筛查更有可能发现其他症状,而不是SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19,包括某些慢性病症状,其中某些症状可能不需要待在家里。 + + + + 1.5693430656934306 + + Schools that elect to encourage parents, guardians, or caregivers to conduct daily home screenings should ask parents to report their answers on two topics: Symptoms and Close Contact/Potential Exposure (see below). + + + 选择鼓励家长、监护人或看护者进行日常家庭筛查的学校应要求家长回答两个方面的问题:症状和密切接触/可能接触(见下文)。家长、监护人和看护者可以在学生上学前,通过现有的学校健康门户网站或学校交流平台,自行报告这些问题的回答。学校可以将下面的模板与家长分享,帮助他们进行日常报告。 + + + + 1.7428571428571429 + + When there is more community transmission, the likelihood that individuals with symptoms actually have COVID-19 is higher. + + + 当存在更多社区传播时,有症状的个人实际上患有COVID-19的可能性更高。因此,当社区的COVID-19传播率很高时,症状筛查可能更有帮助。 + + + + 1.8412698412698412 + + Excluding students from school for longer than what is called for in existing school policies (e.g., fever free without medication for 24-hours) based on COVID-19 symptoms alone risks repeated, long-term unnecessary student absence. + + + 患有传染性疾病的学生不应该上学,但大多数疾病不需要采取和COVID-19相同的隔离程度或隔离时间。仅根据COVID-19症状将学生拒之门外的时间超过现行学校政策的要求(例如,在不服用药物的情况下24小时不发烧),有可能导致学生重复、长期和不必要的缺课。 + + + + 2.0272727272727273 + + Schools may already have illness management criteria in place for school admittance; this is an opportunity to review that criteria and consider recommending stricter adherence to their existing illness management criteria. + + + 没有任何一种症状可以唯一地预测COVID-19诊断。需要进行COVID-19 病毒检测 ,以确认个人目前是否感染该病毒。学校可能已经为入学制定了疾病管理标准;这将是审查这些标准并考虑建议严格遵守其现有疾病管理标准的机会。 + + + + 1.2893081761006289 + + Home symptom screenings rely on students and their parents, guardians, or caregivers initially identifying when the student may have signs and symptoms of illness and to take action (such as staying home). + + + 虽然CDC目前不建议在学校进行普遍的症状筛查,但学生不应在生病时上学。家庭症状筛查依赖于学生及其父母、监护人或看护者,他们可以最早确定学生何时可能出现疾病的体征和症状,并采取行动(如待在家里)。这一过程也可以由学校的工作人员跟进,监视孩子们在上课期间可能出现的任何传染性疾病的明显症状,并帮助学生和家人采取必要的行动。 + + + + 0.9006849315068494 + + For guidance related to screening of teachers and staff, please refer to CDC's Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the "Prevent Transmission Among Employees" section of CDC's Resuming Business Toolkitpdf icon . + + + 本文件为K-12学校的COVID-19症状筛查提供指导方针,作为学校重新开放流程的一部分。此处详细介绍的指导方针仅适用于K-12学校环境中的学生。所报告的有SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)感染症状的儿童人数、症状类型以及症状的严重程度与成年人不同。此外,学生脱离基本教育和成长体验的后果与个人脱离其他环境的后果有所不同。因此,此处描述的考虑事项与针对其他环境和人群所考虑的事项是不同的。有关教职员工筛查的指导方针,请参阅CDC的 企业和雇主应对新冠肺炎2019的临时指导方针 和 CDC的恢复业务工具包pdf icon 中的"防止员工之间的传播​​​​​​​"部分。 + + + + 1.7236842105263157 + + Know how the COVID-19 pandemic can affect disaster preparedness and recovery, and what you can do to keep yourself and others safe. + + + 了解COVID-19的事实并 阻止谣言的传播 ,有助于减轻压力和 污名化 。了解自己和您关心的人面临的风险可以帮助您与他人建立联系,减轻疫情带来的压力。 + + + + 1.75 + + Pace activity. + + + 照顾您的心理健康 + + + + 1.542857142857143 + + Ask residents to actively monitor (at least daily) for COVID-19 symptoms , including fever and respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, new or change in cough). + + + 不同人感染COVID-19可能呈现不同的症状。对很多人来说,感染COVID-19有点像流感。人们可能会发烧、咳嗽或者深呼吸困难。大多数感染COVID-19的人病情并不严重。只有一小部分感染者会出现更严重的病情。 + + + + 0.6981132075471698 + + Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used every day by healthcare personnel (HCP) to protect themselves, patients, and others when providing care. + + + COVID-19全球流行病可能会改变我们彼此联系和相互支持的方式。个人和社区在采取COVID-19建议以及应对相关情况(如学校关闭、工作场所关闭、社交距离)时,往往会在情感健康的某些重要方面(如社会关系和社会支持)面临艰巨挑战。共同的宗教、家庭和文化纽带是社会支持的重要来源。即使彼此保持身体距离,我们仍应该寻找保持支持和联系的方法,加强和鼓励个人和社区 保护自己 、 照顾病人 、 确保儿童健康 ,以及 更好地应对压力 。 + + + + 1.1560693641618498 + + Conventional capacity: measures consisting of engineering, administrative, and PPE controls that should already be implemented in general infection prevention and control plans in healthcare settings. + + + 社区组织和宗教组织、雇主、医疗卫生系统和提供者、公共卫生机构、政策制定者以及其他各方都在帮助促进健康平等方面发挥了重要作用。为了防止COVID-19的传播,我们必须共同努力,确保公众能够获得维护和管理其身心健康的资源,包括易于获取信息、可以负担的检测和医学护理服务。我们的计划和实践需要符合人们生活、学习、工作、娱乐和开展宗教活动所在社区的情况。 + + + + 1.3 + + Related Pages + + + 我们可以采取什么措施 + + + + 4.157894736842105 + + All people have the opportunity to attain the highest level of health possible. + + + 所有人都可能有机会获得最高的健康水准。 + + + + 2.5 + + Intermediate Outcomes (3-12 months) + + + 中级结果 (3-12 个月) + + + + 3.05 + + • To develop a strategic plan to help us realize these goals. + + + • 制定战略计划,帮助我们实现这些目标。 + + + + 4.0 + + Expanding the evidence base. + + + 扩大证据基础。 + + + + 3.7333333333333334 + + • People who are justice-involved (incarcerated persons) + + + • 司法相关人员(被监禁人员) + + + + 3.6363636363636362 + + • Racial and ethnic minority populations + + + • 种族和少数民族人口 + + + + 3.3 + + Populations and Place-Based Focus + + + 基于人口和地点的关注 + + + + 3.5681818181818183 + + • Build diverse responder workforce (for example, diverse racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds, multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual, and multi-generational). + + + 建立多样化的应对人员队伍(例如,不同的种族、 族裔和社会背景,多学科、多语言和多代人)。 + + + + 3.7083333333333335 + + • Increased and sustained participation of diverse workers in the response at all levels. + + + • 各级的多元化工人越来越多地持续参与应对工作。 + + + + 2.6578947368421053 + + • Provide culturally tailored COVID-19 support to American Indian/Alaska Native tribal organizations. + + + 为美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著部落机构提供针对文化的 COVID-19 支持。 + + + + 2.4571428571428573 + + • >50% of public health responders completed training(s) within 1 month of deployment. + + + • 在部署后 1 个月内,超过 50% 的公共卫生响应者完 成了培训。 + + + + 3.4347826086956523 + + • Vaccine strategy established, with additional immunization activities focused on ensuring access in populations at highest risk for morbidity and mortality. + + + • 确立的疫苗策略,额外的免疫活动的 重点是确保在发病率和死亡率风险最 高的人群中获得免疫。 + + + + 2.75 + + • Essential and frontline workers + + + • 必要的工人和一线工人 + + + + 3.9047619047619047 + + • Guidance on key principles and accompanying resources are developed and adopted. + + + • 开发并采用了关键原则和随附资源的指南。 + + + + 5.2 + + • People with disabilities + + + • 残障者 + + + + 3.0 + + • People living in rural or frontier areas + + + • 生活在郊区和边远地区的人 + + + + 2.5555555555555554 + + • Non-U.S.-born persons + + + • 非美国出生的人 + + + + 3.6 + + • Implemented and routinely assessed progress of plan. + + + • 实施并定期评估计划的进度。 + + + + 3.608695652173913 + + • Implemented and routinely assessed progress of plan to reduce health disparities. + + + • 实施并定期评估计划的进展,以减少健康差异。 + + + + 3.3333333333333335 + + • Increased partner network reach to disseminate materials that mitigate medical mistrust. + + + • 增加伙伴网络的覆盖面,传播减轻医 疗不信任的材料。 + + + + 3.6216216216216215 + + • Develop strategies to prevent adverse effects of mitigation strategies in future infectious disease outbreaks and other emergencies. + + + 为防止缓解战略在未来传染性疾病暴发和其他紧急情况中的不良反 应而制定战略。 + + + + 2.764705882352941 + + • Analyses conducted, reported, and incorporated into CDC guidance and other publications that inform future program and practice strategies. + + + • 进行了分析,对其进行报告,并纳入了 CDC 指南和其 他可以为未来计划和实践策略提供参考的出版物。 + + + + 2.9482758620689653 + + • Develop key principles and resources for collecting, analyzing, reporting, and disseminating health equityrelated data to inform action during a public health emergency. + + + 开发收集、分析、报告、和传播与健康公平相关的 数据的关键性原则和资源,从而在突发性公共卫生 紧急情况时下达行动通知。 + + + + 2.5 + + • Timely, complete, and representative data are available for the public and other stakeholders and inform how CDC addresses racial and ethnic disparities related to COVID-19. + + + • 为大众和其他利益相关者提供及时的、完整的,并具 有代表性的数据,并通知 CDC 解决与 COVID-19 相关 的种族和民族差异的方法。 + + + + 3.175438596491228 + + • Establish partnerships with organizations that serve and support frontline and essential worker safety (e.g., healthcare, food industry, grocery, retail, restaurant associations). + + + 与服务于并支持一线和基础工人安全的机构(例 如医疗保健、食品工业、食品杂货、零售、餐馆组 织)确定并建立合作关系。 + + + + 3.033333333333333 + + • Ensured equity in nationwide distribution and administration of future COVID-19 vaccines. + + + • 确保未来 COVID-19 疫苗在全国范围内分配和管理的 + + + + 2.0 + + • Reduced COVID-19-related health disparities. + + + • 降低与 COVID-19 相关的健康差异。 + + + + 3.0869565217391304 + + The Health Equity Strategy is focused on immediate actions that can be taken to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and tracks intended outcomes. + + + 《健康公平战略》注重于可立即采取的应对 COVID-19 大 流行的行动,并追踪其预期结果。 + + + + 4.086956521739131 + + • Culturally and linguistically tailored products are disseminated to reach diverse audiences. + + + • 传播文化和语言定制产品,以接触不同的受众。 + + + + 4.608695652173913 + + • Increased nationwide capacity to effectively implement mitigation strategies among populations of focus. + + + • 提高全国有效执行缓解战略的能力重 点人群。 + + + + 2.287878787878788 + + • Develop plan for literature reviews and analyses using data available from CDC and/or non-CDC sources to assess disproportionate impacts of COVID-19. + + + 使用从 CDC 和/或非 CDC 来源可获得的数据制定并 实施文献审查及分析的计划,从而评估 COVID-19 的 不成比例的影响。 + + + + 2.75 + + • Provide support for CDC responders who may be experiencing loss and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. + + + 为可能由于 COVID-19 大流行而导致受损和挑战的 CDC 响应者提供支持。 + + + + 1.8571428571428572 + + Reduce health disparities. + + + 有关的健康差距和不平等问题。 + + + + 3.1964285714285716 + + • Develop and implement plan for special studies related to social determinants of health to expand knowledge base, contextualize health disparities, and mitigate stigma and bias. + + + 为与健康的社会决定因素相关的特殊研究制定并 实施计划,以扩大知识基础,使健康差异溶入于环 境,并减少污名和偏见。 + + + + 2.76271186440678 + + • Develop SWOT analysis on CDC program and practice investment plans focused on reducing COVID-19-related health disparities among frontline and essential workers. + + + 在 CDC 计划中开发 SWOT 分析,并为降低一线和 基础工人之间 COVID-19 相关的健康差距实施投资 计划。 + + + + 3.2941176470588234 + + • Develop and implement plan to disseminate health equityrelated data and related materials tailored to be culturally and linguistically relevant for diverse audiences. + + + 制定和实施计划,传播与保健平等有关的数据和相 关材料,这些数据和材料在文化和语言上与不同的 受众有关。 + + + + 3.375 + + • Develop Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis on CDC program and practice investment plans focused on reducing health disparities and addressing negative consequences of mitigation strategies. + + + 在 CDC 计划中制定具有优势、劣势、机会、威胁(SWOT)的分 析,实施注重于减少健康差距并解决缓解战略负面影响的投资 计划。 + + + + 3.2413793103448274 + + • Support capacity building for COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration by establishing partnerships with organizations, including federal, state, local, tribal and territorial agencies, national non-governmental, private sector partners, and community-based organizations. + + + 通过组织建立伙伴关系,支持 COVID-19 疫苗分配和管理的能力建 设,这其中包括联邦、州、地方、部落和区域机构、国家的非政府 组织、私营部门合作伙伴和以社区为基础的机构。 + + + + 3.735294117647059 + + • Implement inclusive practices for team activities to assess and address the needs of an increasingly diverse U.S. population. + + + 实施团队活动的包容性实践,以评估并满足日益多 样化的美国人口的需求。 + + + + 4.25 + + • People experiencing homelessness + + + • 无家可归的人 + + + + 3.528735632183908 + + �� Support capacity building for vaccine distribution and administration to frontline and essential workers by establishing partnerships with organizations, including federal, state, local tribal and territorial agencies, national non-governmental, private sector partners, and community-based organizations. + + + 通过与组织建立伙伴关系,支持一线和基本工作 者疫苗分发和管理的能力建设,这其中包括联邦、 州、地方、部落和区域机构、国家的非政府组织、 私营部门合作伙伴和以社区为基础的机构。 + + + + 3.9324324324324325 + + • Develop a health communications strategy with culturally and linguistically responsive materials and messengers, for disseminating accurate information in plain language, lessening adverse effects of mitigation strategies, and emphasizing importance of wellness visits and preventive care. + + + 用对文化和语言有响应能力的材料和信息制定卫生传播战略,用通 俗易懂的语言传播准确的信息,减少缓解战略的不利影响,并强调 健康就诊和预防保健的重要性。 + + + + 2.125 + + Examples of potential unintended negative consequences include loss of health insurance; food, housing, and income insecurity; mental health concerns; substance use; and violence resulting from factors like social isolation, financial stress, and anxiety. + + + 该战略还提出了 CDC 可以进行的活动,以防止 COVID-19 缓解战略的意外负面后果,如失去健康保险;粮食、 住房和收入不安全;精神健康问题;物质使用;以及由 于社会孤立、财政压力、焦虑和暴力而增加的暴力,以 及缓解努力的其他负面后果。 + + + + 3.1666666666666665 + + • Increased informational reach tailored to frontline and essential workers. + + + • 增加了针对一线和基础工人量身定做的信息宣传。 + + + + 3.141304347826087 + + • Identify and establish collaborations with critical partners affiliated with racial and ethnic populations placed at increased risk for COVID-19 to disseminate scientifically accurate, culturally and linguistically responsive information and facilitate access to health-related services. + + + 与和种族/民族 COVID-19 患病风险增加的人群息息相关的重要合作 伙伴确定并建立合作关系,从而传播在科学上来说准确的,并具有 文化和语种特性的回应信息,促进获得与健康有关的服务。 + + + + 4.586206896551724 + + CDC COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy: Accelerating Progress Towards Reducing COVID-19 Disparities and Achieving Health Equity + + + 加快进度以致力于缩小 COVID-19 差异并实现健康平等 + + + + 3.025 + + • Increased capacity to reach populations at increased risk for COVID-19 while ensuring ethical protections are in place. + + + • 在确保实施伦理保护的同时,提高接 触 COVID-19 风险增加人群的能力。 + + + + 2.037037037037037 + + • Reduced COVID-19-associated stigma and implicit bias. + + + • 降低与 COVID-19 相关的污名和暗含的偏见。 + + + + 3.4038461538461537 + + • Build on plans for collecting and reporting timely, complete, and representative data on testing, incidence, vaccination, and severe outcomes among other populations of focus. + + + 制定并实施计划,及时、完整和有代表性地收集和 报告其他重点人群的检测、发病率、疫苗接种和严 重结局数据。 + + + + 3.342857142857143 + + Expanding an inclusive workforce equipped to assess and address the needs of an increasingly diverse U.S. population. + + + 扩大广泛的员工队伍,从而可以评估并解决日益多元化美国人口的需求。 活动 + + + + 3.2875 + + • Develop health communications strategy with culturally and linguistically responsive materials and messengers, promoting scientifically accurate information on prevention of COVID-19 and importance of wellness visits tailored to frontline and essential workers. + + + 开发对文化和语种具有响应能力的材料和信息的健 康交流战略,推进在预防 COVID-19 以及针对一线和 基础工人量身定制的健康就诊的重要性方面的准确 科学信息。 + + + + 2.6285714285714286 + + • Develop culturally and linguistically tailored COVID-19 responder trainings and resources. + + + 发展面向文化和语种的量身定制的 COVID-19 响应者 培训和资源。 + + + + 3.353846153846154 + + • Identify and establish partnerships with state and local policy organizations affiliated with other populations of focus to develop evidence-based strategies for preventing COVID-19 among populations at highest risk. + + + 确定并与隶属于其他重点人群的国家和地方政策组织建立伙伴 关系,以制定以证据为基础的战略,在风险最高的人群中预防 COVID-19。 + + + + 3.716417910447761 + + • Identify and establish partnerships with state and local policy organizations affiliated with other populations of focus to develop evidence-based strategies for reducing frontline and essential workers' exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. + + + 确定并与隶属于其他重点人群的州和地方政策组织 建立伙伴关系,以制定循证策略,减少一线和必要 工人暴露于导致 COVID-19 的病毒。 + + + + 5.608695652173913 + + • To reduce the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 among populations at increased risk for infection, severe illness, and death. + + + • 旨在降低感染、严重疾病和死亡风险增加人群中 + + + + 2.951219512195122 + + Expanding program and practice activities to support essential and frontline workers to prevent transmission of COVID-19. + + + 扩大计划和实施活动,进而支持基础的一线工人,以防止 COVID-19 传播。 活动 + + + + 3.302325581395349 + + • Increased education for state and local policymakers on evidence-based strategies for preventing COVID-19 among populations at highest risk. + + + • 增加对州和地方决策者关于在高危 人群中预防 COVID-19 的循证策略的 教育。 + + + + 3.619047619047619 + + • Build community capacity to reach disproportionately impacted populations with effective culturally and linguistically tailored programs and practices for testing, contact tracing, isolating, vaccination and healthcare strategies across populations placed at increased risk and in place-based settings. + + + 凭借有效的针对文化和语种量身定制的计划和实践来建立社区能 力,以适应受影响更大的人群,从而对处于高风险和基于所在地的 人群进行测试、接触追踪、隔离、疫苗接种和护理策略。 + + + + 2.1666666666666665 + + CDC's COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy broadly seeks to improve the health outcomes of populations disproportionately affected by focusing on four priorities: 1. + + + CDC 的《COVID-19 应对健康公平战略》广泛地寻求改善 受影响最大的人群的健康状况,并包括重点关注基于地 点环境而导致的风险,例如食品行业和教养所。 + + + + 4.444444444444445 + + Expand programs and practices for testing, contact tracing, isolation, healthcare, and recovery from the impact of unintended negative consequences of mitigation strategies in order to reach populations that have been put at increased risk. + + + 为了覆盖风险增加的人群,扩大检测、接触追踪、隔离、医疗保健和从缓解策略意外不良后果影响中恢复的项目 和实践。 + + + + 1.515923566878981 + + Persistent health disparities combined with historic housing patterns, work circumstances, and other factors have put members of some racial and ethnic minority populations at higher risk for COVID-19 infection, severe illness, and death. + + + 持续的健康差异,加之历史性的住房模式、工作环境 和其他因素,使一些种族和少数民族人口成员有了更高 的 COVID-19 COVID-19 感染、严重疾病和死亡的风险。 在我们继续深入了解 COVID-19 对不同人群健康的影响 的同时,降低在已知承担过多风险的人群中日益严重的 COVID-19 差异是至关重要的。 + + + + 3.506849315068493 + + • Build on plans for collecting and reporting timely, complete, representative, and relevant data on testing, incidence, vaccination, and severe outcomes by detailed race and ethnicity categories, taking into account age and sex differences between groups. + + + 考虑到组间年龄和性别差异,制定并实施计划,按 详细的人种和种族类别及时、完整和有代表性地收 集和报告关于检测、发病率、疫苗接种和严重结局 的数据。 + + + + 6.9523809523809526 + + • Increased testing, contact tracing, isolation options, and preventive care and disease management in populations at increased risk for COVID-19. + + + 追踪、隔离选项,以及预防性护理和疾病管理。 + + + + 3.0476190476190474 + + • Increased access to testing, isolation options, and care in STLT jurisdictions for populations at increased risk for COVID-19. + + + • 增加 STLT 辖区内 COVID-19 风险增加 人群的检测、隔离选择和护理。 + + + + 3.1914893617021276 + + • Identify and establish collaborations with critical partners affiliated with other populations of focus that are put at increased risk for COVID-19. + + + 确定并与其他重点人群相关的关键合作伙伴建立合作关系,这些人 群的 COVID-19 风险增加。 + + + + 1.7017543859649122 + + The population health impact of COVID-19 has exposed longstanding inequities that have systematically undermined the physical, social, economic, and emotional health of racial and ethnic minority populations and other population groups that are bearing a disproportionate burden of COVID-19. + + + 要实现健康平等,就需要通过有针对性的持续不断的 努力来平等对待每个人,以解决可避免的不平等,历 史和当代的不公正现象,并消除健康和医疗保健之间的 差距。COVID-19 对人们健康的冲击已暴露了长期存在 的不平等现象,这些不平等现象已系统地损害了种族和 少数民族人口及其他承担 COVID-19 过多负担的人群的 身体、社会、经济和情感健康。 + + + + 2.950617283950617 + + CDC is using a multi-pronged approach to help enhance and complement the efforts of state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) staff through innovative hiring mechanisms designed to address the surge staffing needs of health departments. + + + 持续关注自身健康状况。如果您的症状恶化或加重,您应该寻求医学护理。严重症状包括呼吸困难、胸部持续疼痛或有压迫感、神智不清、无法唤醒或无法保持清醒、嘴唇或面部发青。 + + + + 0.9285714285714286 + + Related Pages + + + 接触史追踪步骤 - 信息图表 + + + + 1.3846153846153846 + + Updated: 5/26/2020 + + + 更新: 5/26/2020 + + + + 2.3125 + + TODAY OR IN THE PAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU HAD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS? + + + 是 否 今天或在过去的 24 小时内,您是否出现过以下任何症状? + + + + 2.3526570048309177 + + 1 Brazil, Iran, Ireland, People's Republic of China (excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau), Schengen Area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City), United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) + + + 巴西、伊朗、爱尔兰、中华人民共和国(不包括香港和澳门特别行政区),申根区(奥地利, 比利时, 捷克共和国, 丹麦, 爱沙尼亚, 芬兰, 法国, 德国, 希腊, 匈牙利, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 拉脱维亚, 列支敦士登, 立陶宛, 卢森堡, 马耳他, 荷兰, 挪威, 波兰, 葡萄牙, 斯洛 伐克, 斯洛文尼亚, 西班牙, 瑞典, 瑞士,摩纳哥, 圣马力诺, 和梵蒂冈城),英国(英格兰, 北爱尔兰, 苏格兰, 威尔士) + + + + 4.555555555555555 + + UNITED STATES TRAVELER HEALTH DECLARATION + + + 赴美旅客健康申报表 + + + + 1.8571428571428572 + + Arrival airport (name or airport code): + + + 写此表格。 目的地机场(名称或机场代码): + + + + 2.923076923076923 + + New or worsening difficulty breathing? + + + 新出现的或恶化的呼吸困难? + + + + 1.7567567567567568 + + Fever (100.4° F / 38° C or higher), felt feverish, or had chills? + + + 发烧 (100.4° F / 38° C 或更高), 感觉发热, 或发冷? + + + + 2.6818181818181817 + + New or worsening persistent (frequent or continuing) cough? + + + 新出现或持续恶化的 (频繁或持续的) 咳嗽? + + + + 2.6862745098039214 + + Each traveler coming from a country for which the United States has applied entry restrictions due to COVID-19 needs to fill out a form1. + + + 每位来自美国因冠状病毒疾病 2019 (COVID-19) 而实施入境限制的国家的旅客均需填写一份表格 + + + + 1.31651376146789 + + First (given) names: …………………..…………………………..……….……………………… Birth date: _____ /_____ / _____ (Day/Month/Year) Sex: Male Female Date of US arrival: ____ /____ /____ (Day/Month/Year) Airline: ……………….…… Flight number:………….…… Seat number(s): ………………… U.S. destination: Address or hotel name: ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….……………… City: ……………………………………..…………................................. State: ………………………......... E-mail address: ………………………………............... Telephone number in US:.................................................... + + + 名: …………………..…………………………..……….……………………… 生日: _____ /_____ / _____ (日/月/年) 性别: 男 女 到达美国的日期: ____ /____ /____ (日/月/年) 航空公司: ……………….…… 航班号:………….…… 座位号: ………………… 美国目的地: 地址或酒店名称: ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….……………… 城市: ……………………………………..…………................................. 州: ………………………......... 电子邮件地址: ………………………………............... 在美电话号码: .................................................... 手机? + + + + 1.6285714285714286 + + IN THE PAST 14 DAYS HAVE YOU BEEN TO ANY OF THE COUNTRIES OR GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS LISTED ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS FORM? + + + 在过去的 14 天内,您是否曾到过本表格底部所列的任何其他国家或地区? 是 否 姓 ..…………….…………………………………………………. + + + + 1.8943661971830985 + + Providing the following information to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is required under Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations Section 71.20, and is being collected as part of the public health response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. + + + 根据联邦法第 42 条第 71.20 节的规定,您必须向美国疾病控制与预防中心提供下列信息,这些信息将被收集作为应对冠状病 毒疾病 2019 (COVID-19)大流行的公共卫生应对措施的一部分。 这些信息将以公共卫生目的,被以美国公共卫生当局和其他国 际,联邦,州,或地方机构使用。 + + + + 0.9886792452830189 + + Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA 0920-1287. + + + 本信息的收集为强制性的。评估本信息收集的公共报告负担平均为每份回答 15 分钟,包括审查指示,搜索现有信息源,收集和维护所需信息以及完成和审查的时间。一个机 构可能不实施或主办,并且个人不被要求对一份信息收集作出回答,除非它列出一个当前有效的 OMB 控制号码。请就这一负担评估或这一信息收集的任何其他方面提出意 见,包括向 CDC/ATSDR 报告许可官员提出减轻这一负担的建议,1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA 0920-1287 + + + + 4.372881355932203 + + To facilitate implementation of WHO COVID-19 technical guidance on infection prevention and control (IPC) activities for countries, CDC has developed operational considerations to help contain and prevent COVID-19 in healthcare facilities in non-US settings. + + + 潜在感染源包括食品或杂货取货或配送时与COVID-19患者近距离接触、或接触 COVID-19患者接触或处理过的表面。 + + + + 3.391304347826087 + + Strategic IPC Priorities for Containing COVID-19 in Non-US Healthcare Settings + + + 关于食品和杂货取货配送员的COVID-19须知 + + + + 0.9714285714285714 + + COVID-19 Contact Tracing Training​ + + + 员工:如何在COVID-19全球流行病爆发期间应对工作压力并提高抵抗力 + + + + 1.1791044776119404 + + These sample training plans include training topics that may be helpful for state and local public health jurisdictions to consider when designing their own training plans for COVID-19 contact tracers, case investigators, and team leads. + + + 无论您是出去上班还是在家办公,COVID-19全球流行病可能已改变了您的工作方式。关于这种新疾病的恐惧和焦虑以及其他 强烈情绪 可能令人难以承受,并且工作场所压力可能导致 倦怠external icon 。您如何应对这些情绪和压力会影响您的健康、您所关心的人的健康、您的工作场所和您的社区。在此全球流行病爆发期间,您务必要认识到压力是什么、采取措施提高抵抗力和管理工作压力,并了解去哪里寻求所需的帮助。 + + + + 3.0833333333333335 + + Regular physical activity can reduce the burden of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers, and can prevent early death. + + + 口罩有助于减缓COVID-19的传播,建议在公共场合时与 日常预防措施 和 社交距离 结合使用。 + + + + 2.857142857142857 + + Funeral Home Workers + + + 殡仪馆工作人员 + + + + 2.8 + + What do funeral home workers need to know about handling decedents who had COVID-19? + + + 殡仪馆工作人员在处理COVID-19死者时应该具备哪些知识? + + + + 2.303030303030303 + + After cleaning and removal of PPE, perform hand hygiene by washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water is not available. + + + 清洁并脱卸 PPE 后,请使用肥皂和清水洗手至少 20 秒,或使用含酒精的免洗手消毒液(酒精含量至少为 60% )进行 手部清洁 (如果没有肥皂和清水)。如果手部有明显污��,则应使用肥皂和清水请洗。 + + + + 3.59375 + + Decedents with COVID-19 can be buried or cremated, but check for any additional state and local requirements that may dictate the handling and disposition of the remains of individuals who have died of certain infectious diseases. + + + 可以对 COVID-19 死亡患者的遗体进行掩埋或火化,但是应检查州及地方政府是否对处理和处置某些传染病死亡患者遗体有其他要求。 + + + + 0.9766536964980544 + + For transporting a body after the body has been bagged, disinfect the outside of the bag with a product with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims external icon expected to be effective against COVID-19 based on data for harder to kill viruses. + + + 可以为COVID-19死亡患者举行葬礼或提供凭吊服务。殡仪馆工作人员在处理COVID-19死亡患者时,应遵循常规感染预防控制措施。如果有必要将尸体转移到袋中,请遵照 标准预防措施 ,如果可能会溅出液体,请使用额外个人防护设备 (PPE)。要运送已装袋的尸体,请使用 EPA批准的抗新兴病毒病原体产品external icon 对袋子外部进行消毒,该产品据称可根据更难杀死的病毒数据有效抵抗COVID-19。请遵循制造商对所有清洁和消毒产品的说明(例如浓度、使用方法和接触时间等)。处理尸体袋时请佩戴一次性丁晴手套。 + + + + 1.3910614525139664 + + IHEs should work with state and local public health officials to determine the best approach for when and how (for example, chartered transportation for countries or areas assessed as high-risk for exposure) their study abroad students might return. + + + 儿童多系统炎症综合症 (MIS-C) 是一种身体不同部位(包括心脏、肺、肾脏、大脑、皮肤、眼睛或胃肠等器官)可能发炎的疾病。我们尚不知道导致MIS-C的原因。但是,我们知道许多MIS-C患儿都染有导致 COVID-19 的病毒,或者曾接触过COVID-19患者。MIS-C可能很严重,甚至可能致命,但大多数被诊断出患有这种疾病的儿童在经过医治后情况有所改善。 + + + + 5.352941176470588 + + Given the global outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) institutes of higher education (IHE) should consider postponing or canceling upcoming student international travel programs. + + + 家长须知:与COVID-19相关的儿童多系统炎症综合征(MIS-C) + + + + 2.6 + + Related Pages + + + 减少污名化 + + + + 0.9276595744680851 + + Clinical mitigation encompasses strategies to ensure adequate provision of care for mildly to moderately ill COVID-19 patients, and delivery of other non-COVID-19 essential health services during the COVID-19 outbreak. + + + 不存在任何个人或群体比其他人更容易传播COVID-19的情况。类似这次疫情的突发公共卫生事件对人们和社区来说都是充满压力的时期。对疾病的恐惧和焦虑会导致社会污名化,即对人、地方或事物的消极态度和看法。污名化会导致标签化、刻板印象、 歧视external icon 以及其他对他人的负面行为。例如,当人们将某种疾病(如COVID-19)与某一群体、社区或国籍联系在一起时,就可能产生污名化和歧视。当患者从COVID-19中康复或解除居家隔离或医学隔离后,也可能发生污名化。 + + + + 2.2976190476190474 + + Additionally, lock-downs and fear of acquiring the virus may reduce healthcare utilization; mitigation strategies are needed to ensure safe and effective delivery of routine essential services. + + + 污名是对可识别的某一人群、地区或国家的歧视。污名化的产生主要是由于缺乏对 COVID-19 的传播方式的认识、指责旁人的欲望、对疾病和死亡的恐惧,以及谣言和谬论的散播。 + + + + 4.178571428571429 + + Maintaining Essential Services : As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, health systems globally are being overwhelmed. + + + 在COVID-19疫情期间可能遭受污名化的一些群体包括: + + + + 2.6744186046511627 + + While there are no commonly accepted measurements or triggers to distinguish surge capacity from daily patient care capacity, surge capacity is a useful framework to approach a decreased supply of PPE during the COVID-19 response. + + + 参加仪式或集会的人越多、彼此之间的距离越近、聚集的时间越长,传播COVID-19的风险就越高。举行集会区域的 社区传播程度 越高,集会期间传播COVID-19的风险就越高。 + + + + 2.2857142857142856 + + Identify strategies to reduce spread of COVID-19 + + + 共享或集体住房预防COVID-19指导方针 + + + + 1.7984496124031009 + + Background: This document contains a sample training plan including training topics that may be helpful for state and local public health jurisdictions to consider when designing their own training plan for COVID-19 contact tracers. + + + 就本指导方针而言,共享住房包括各种设施环境,例如公寓、分契式公寓、学生或教职工住房、国家级或州级公园员工住房、过渡性临时住房及家庭暴力和虐待收容所。共享住房情况下的COVID-19预防存在一些特殊注意事项,而下列某些指导方针可能不适用于您的特殊共享住房情况。 + + + + 3.7777777777777777 + + Topic areas and training resources + + + 患病家长和护理人员 + + + + 1.8365384615384615 + + Live skills-based training (whether through videoconference or a live course on a learning management system) is recommended so that learners can receive real-time feedback and ask questions. + + + 年长的儿童应该避免与患病的家长或护理人员发生身体接触,直至所有病人均已 结束居家隔离 。要让儿童在不与家长或护理人员接触的情况下仍能保证安全,儿童应该年龄够大,能够合法地独自在家,并且足够成熟,能够照顾自己。 + + + + 1.5912408759124088 + + Clinical mitigation encompasses strategies to ensure adequate provision of care for mildly to moderately ill COVID-19 patients, and delivery of other non-COVID-19 essential health services during the COVID-19 outbreak. + + + 要求住户主动监控(至少每天一次) COVID-19 症状 ,包括发热和呼吸道症状(气短、新发咳嗽或咳嗽变化)。管理员应该与当地卫生机构一起为其患者建立流程。患病的住户应该避免与健康人士接触。如果您认为有可疑的COVID-19病例,应该联系当地卫生官员,并让疑似患者自我隔离。 + + + + 1.0265957446808511 + + Additionally, lock-downs and fear of acquiring the virus may reduce healthcare utilization; mitigation strategies are needed to ensure safe and effective delivery of routine essential services. + + + 与当地卫生机构一起,告知住户、员工和访客可能的暴露情况。清洁和消毒所有共用设施和高频接触表面。将访客限制在必要的员工和访客范围内。在进入设施之前,员工和访客(如可能)应接受 COVID-19 体征和症状检查。住户需主动监测自己的健康状况,以便发现 COVID-19症状。取消集体活动。建议患病的住户在就医之前提前致电医疗机构。 请参阅 CDC 完整临时指南,了解更多详细信息。 + + + + 2.0 + + More Information + + + 检测目前是否感染 + + + + 2.438775510204082 + + CDC is using a multi-pronged approach to help enhance and complement the efforts of state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) staff through innovative hiring mechanisms designed to address the surge staffing needs of health departments. + + + 美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 已经授权进行病毒检测,您可以在家中采集 鼻腔拭子external icon 或 唾液样本external icon 。但是,您仍然需要将样本送到实验室进行分析。 + + + + 4.0 + + Providing flexibilities to applicants and recipients of federal financial assistance affected by COVID-19 to redirect funds for temporary reassignment of personnel. + + + 如果您有COVID-19症状且未经检测,请务必留在家里。查阅 如果生病该怎么办 。 + + + + 4.018518518518518 + + Any person experiencing homelessness with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should alert their service providers (such as case managers, shelter staff, and other care providers). + + + 所有关于实施针对IHE策略的决策(例如:停课、活动取消、其他保持社交距离的方法)都应与当地卫生官员合作制定。 + + + + 1.263157894736842 + + Case is a health care provider (e.g., emergency room physician, acute care nurse) or works in a congregate setting (e.g., memory care home, group home, homeless shelter, correctional facility) + + + CDC有一个小组专门研究 儿童多系统炎症综合征 (MIS-C) ,这是一种罕见但严重的并发症,多出现在一些感染了COVID-19病毒的儿童或身边有COVID-19患者的儿童之中。该小组正在努力了解更多关于该综合征的信息,并将信息迅速传达给医疗服务提供者、家长和护理人员,以及州、领地、地方和部落卫生部门。 + + + + 3.6363636363636362 + + facilitating more efficient contact tracing in the event of a positive case, and + + + 在出现阳性病例时促进更有效的接触者追踪,并且 + + + + 3.4545454545454546 + + Can physical distance between students in the classroom be less than 6 feet? + + + 教室内学生之间的物理距离是否可以小于6英尺? + + + + 4.0 + + How can students ride the school bus safely? + + + 学生如何安全乘坐校车? + + + + 4.526315789473684 + + What is meant by an alternating schedule and what are its advantages or disadvantages? + + + 轮换时间表是什么意思?其优缺点是什么? + + + + 3.772727272727273 + + Limiting use of shared objects (e.g., gym or physical education equipment, art supplies, games) when possible, and cleaning and disinfecting these objects frequently. + + + 尽量限制使用共用物品(例如,健身房或体育设备、艺术品、游戏),并经常清洁和消毒这些物品。 + + + + 3.857142857142857 + + The health, safety, and well-being of students, teachers, staff, and their families are the most important consideration in determining whether schools should reopen for in-person learning. + + + 学生、教职员工及其家庭的健康、安全和福祉是决定学校是否应重新开放供学生进行面对面学习的最重要考量。 + + + + 2.4 + + Could reopening schools lead to increased rates of COVID-19? + + + 重新开放学校是否会导致COVID-19发病率上升? + + + + 3.8275862068965516 + + Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or inside of elbow, throwing the tissue away, and then washing hands. + + + 咳嗽和打喷嚏时用纸巾或手肘内侧遮住,将纸巾扔掉,然后洗手。 + + + + 3.2 + + What have other countries done when they reopened school for in-person learning? + + + 其他国家在重新开放学校进行面对面教学时做了些什么? + + + + 2.6315789473684212 + + FAQ for School Administrators on Reopening Schools + + + 学校管理人员关于重新开放学校的常见问答 + + + + 3.395348837209302 + + In comparison to Denmark, Germany reopened for older students with students attending in alternating shifts to ensure a maximum class size of 10.2 + + + 与丹麦相比,德国对年龄较大的学生重新开放,实行轮流上课,以确保班级人数不超过10人。2 + + + + 2.7777777777777777 + + What is universal testing and does CDC recommend it for students and staff? + + + 什么是普遍检测,CDC是否建议对学生和教职员工这样做? + + + + 2.727272727272727 + + What can school staff do to protect themselves and others from getting sick with COVID-19? + + + 学校工作人员可以做些什么来保护自己和他人免于感染COVID-19? + + + + 3.193548387096774 + + During dismissal, schools may provide physical guides, such as signs and tape on the sidewalk, to ensure that students and school staff remain at least 6 feet apart while waiting for transportation. + + + 在放学期间,学校可能要提供实物指导,比如在人行道上粘贴标识和胶带,以确保学生和教职员工在等待交通工具时保持至少6英尺的距离。 + + + + 3.736842105263158 + + Schools should consider having spare, clean cloth face coverings available to ensure all students wear cloth face coverings on the school bus. + + + 学校应考虑提供一些干净的备用布制面罩,以确保所有学生在校车上都佩戴布制面罩。 + + + + 2.909090909090909 + + What strategies can schools use to help students, teachers and staff be successful in reducing the risk of spreading SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19? + + + 学校可以采取什么措施来帮助学生和教职员工成功减少SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)传播的风险? + + + + 2.7777777777777777 + + What is symptom screening and does CDC recommend it for students and staff? + + + 什么是症状筛查?CDC是否建议学生和教职员工进行筛查? + + + + 3.541935483870968 + + From other countries, we know that schools can reopen safely for in-person learning in communities with low rates of COVID-19 spread if appropriate precautions are taken.1,2 The creation of a local cross-sectional task force comprised of local decision makers, education leaders, and representatives of school staff, families, local health officials, and other community members can support identifying mitigation strategies for their community, given their local context, that can decrease community transmission levels now and throughout the fall. + + + 从其他国家的经验中我们了解到,如果采取适当预防措施,在COVID-19传播率较低的社区,学校可以安全重开并进行面对面教学。1,2成立由当地决策者、教育行业领导以及学校工作人员、家庭、当地卫生官员和其他社区成员代表组成的地方跨部门工作组,根据当地情况为其社区确定可以降低目前以及整个秋季的社区传播水平的缓解措施。 + + + + 2.71875 + + What should schools do if a student or school staff member tests positive for COVID-19? + + + 如果学生或学校教职员工COVID-19检测呈阳性,学校该怎么办? + + + + 3.1944444444444446 + + What about students and staff (or their family members) who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19? + + + 具有COVID-19重症高风险的学生和教职员工(或其家庭成员)该怎么办? + + + + 1.8936170212765957 + + Are there maximum or minimum cohort sizes that might help reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission? + + + 分组人数与班级人数有何不同? 是否有可以帮助减少SARS-CoV-2传播的最大或最小分组人数? + + + + 2.0307692307692307 + + Based on the available evidence, CDC does not currently recommend universal (widespread) symptom screenings be conducted by schools. + + + 根据现有证据,CDC目前不建议学校进行普遍(广泛)的 症状筛查 。应大力鼓励家长或看护者监测孩子的传染病体征,生病的学生不应上学。 + + + + 2.049382716049383 + + Evidence from schools throughout the world suggests that reopening schools may be low risk in communities with low SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates.4 Computer simulations from Europe have suggested that schools reopening may further increase spread in communities where transmission is already high.4 As schools reopen, more will be learned about the feasibility and effectiveness of mitigation strategies such as wearing cloth face coverings and keeping people 6 feet apart through social distancing. + + + 来自世界各地学校的证据表明,在SARS-CoV-2传播率较低的社区中,重新开放学校的风险可能较低。4欧洲的计算机模拟结果表明,在已经具有较高传播率的社区中,重新开放学校可能会进一步扩大传播。4学校重新开放后,对一些缓解措施(例如,佩戴布制面罩,通过社交距离措施使人们保持6英尺的距离)的可行性和有效性会有更多了解。无论社区传播的程度如何,保持警惕,采取行动,防止病毒在学校的每个人之间传播,并采取其他建议措施来 计划、准备和应对COVID-19 ,将降低SARS-CoV-2传播的风险。 + + + + 2.857142857142857 + + allowing for targeted testing, quarantine, and isolation of a single cohort instead of school-wide measures in the event of a positive case or cluster of cases. + + + 如果出现阳性病例或病例群,则可以针对单个组群进行针对性的检测、检疫隔离和病例隔离,而非在整个学校范围内采取措施。 + + + + 1.4027777777777777 + + If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. + + + 经常用肥皂和水 洗手 至少20秒。如果没有肥皂和水,请使用至少含60%酒精的免洗手消毒液。将消毒液盖住手的所有表面,双手摩擦,直到感觉干燥为止。 + + + + 1.6788990825688073 + + Schools can educate staff and families about when they or their child(ren) should stay home and when they can return to school, while actively encouraging employees and students who are sick or who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 to stay home. Schools can teach and reinforce handwashing practices among all students, teachers, and staff. + + + 学校可以教导教职员工和学生家庭 他们或他们的孩子何时应留在家里 以及何时可以重返学校,同时积极鼓励病人或最近与COVID-19患者有过 密切接触 的雇员和学生留在家里。学校可以在所有学生和教职员工中指导和促进 洗手 习惯。学校也可以使用实物指导,比如在地板或人行道上粘贴胶带,在走廊上设置单向通道,在墙上张贴标识,帮助学生和教职员工保持至少6英尺的距离。学校可以实施灵活的病假政策和做法,让员工在生病、有过接触或照顾病人时可以留在家里。 + + + + 1.3879781420765027 + + Denmark limited class sizes and used other social distancing measures.1 Younger students (under age 12) returned first based on their likely lower health risk, need for more supervision, and lower benefit from virtual learning compared to older students. + + + 丹麦是第一个重新开放学校的欧洲国家。丹麦错开学生的返校日期(例如,一组学生先开学,另一组学生稍后开学)。丹麦限制班级人数并采用其他社交距离措施。1与年龄较大的学生相比,年龄较小的学生(12岁以下)首先返校,这是因为他们的健康风险较低,需要更多的监督,并且从虚拟学习中获益更少。减少班级人数以允许保持物理距离。自学校重新开放以来,丹麦所有年龄组的感染病例都有所减少。3 + + + + 1.4587155963302751 + + Drivers can create distance between children on school buses, including seating children one student per row facing forward and skipping rows between students. + + + 司机可以增加校车上孩子们之间的距离,包括每排朝前座位只坐一名学生,并让孩子们隔排就坐。但如果需要的话,来自同一家庭的学生可以坐在一起。学校可以考虑替代措施,以适应校车上减少的学生人数,例如错开上下车时间或增加校车路线。 + + + + 2.1868131868131866 + + Cohorting forms groups of students, and sometimes teachers or staff, that stay together throughout the school day to minimize exposure for students, teachers, and staff across the school environment. + + + 管理人员可以考虑的一项重要措施是分组(或形成"组群")。 分组 是将学生(有时是教职员工)分成小组,他们在整个上学日都待在一起,以最大程度地减少学生、教职员工在整个学校环境中的接触。 + + + + 1.696774193548387 + + Therefore, CDC recommends keeping a distance of at least 6 feet from other people, in addition to practicing other behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19 like wearing cloth face coverings, washing hands often with soap and water, and staying home when sick. + + + 一般来说,学生和教职员工之间的互动越密切、时间越长、越频繁,呼吸飞沫在人与人之间传播的风险就越高。因此,CDC建议与他人 保持至少6英尺的距离 ,还应采取其他可以减少COVID-19传播的措施,如佩戴布制面罩、经常用肥皂和水洗手、生病时留在家里等。此外,确保通风系统正常运行,尽可能增加室外空气的流通也很重要。 + + + + 1.5333333333333334 + + Schools are an essential part of the infrastructure of communities, as they provide safe, supportive learning environments for students, employ teachers and other staff, and enable parents, guardians, and caregivers to go to work. + + + 学校是社区基础设施的重要组成部分,因为它们为学生提供了安全的支持性学习环境,并雇用教师和其他工作人员,让父母、监护人和看护者能够上班。学校还提供有助于减少健康差异的关键服务,例如学校膳食计划以及社交、身体、行为和心理健康服务。社区应该尽一切努力来支持安全地重新开放学校,以便在秋季能够进行面对面教学。 + + + + 2.5233644859813085 + + It is important that schools balance community transmission risk, various mitigation strategies (e.g., limiting class sizes, use of cloth face coverings, proper hygiene, school cleaning), and students' educational and emotional needs when developing plans for reopening. + + + 分组 可作为学校用于帮助减少SARS-CoV-2传播的各种缓解措施之一。学校在制定重新开学计划时,必须平衡社区传播风险、各种缓解措施(例如,限制班级人数、使用布制面罩、适当卫生、学校清洁)以及学生的教育和情感需求。 + + + + 1.42 + + Similar to frequently touched surfaces, buses should be cleaned and disinfected at least daily using EPA-approved disinfectantsexternal icon . + + + 司机应遵守上述为其他学校工作人员制定的所有安全措施和规定(例如,保持手部卫生、佩戴布制面罩等)。与经常接触的表面类似,校车应至少每天 使用EPA批准的消毒剂 进行清洁和消毒external icon。 + + + + 1.3313253012048192 + + School administrators can also refer to CDC's Interim Considerations for K-12 School Administrators for SARS-Co-V-2 testing , which describes scenarios when K-12 students or staff may need to have a viral diagnostic test. + + + 如果学校中有人(学生或教职员工)的COVID-19检测呈阳性,则学校应制定应对计划。应当将计划传达给家长,同时注意保护隐私。评估风险水平对于确定适当的应对措施很重要。学校管理人员还可以参考CDC 关于K-12学校管理人员进行SARS-Co-V-2检测的临时考虑事项 ,其中描述了K-12学生或教职员工可能需要进行病毒诊断检测的情况。 + + + + 1.46875 + + This may include students, teachers, and staff staying home when sick; appropriately covering coughs and sneezes; wearing cloth face coverings; social distancing; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces; and washing hands often with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. + + + 目前,减少SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)传播最有效的方法是结合使用多种缓解措施。这可能包括学生和教职员工生病时留在家里;适当遮住咳嗽和打喷嚏;佩戴布制面罩;保持社交距离;清洁和消毒经常接触的表面;并经常用肥皂和水洗手,或使用含至少60%酒精的免洗手消毒液。对于学生和教职员工来说,在学校环境中实施这些措施可能是新做法。因此,加强教育、培训和制定方案以确保这些措施按计划实施,对于促进减少SARS-CoV-2传播的可能性是必要的。 + + + + 5.076923076923077 + + • Aprè ou fin mete, touche, oswa retire pwoteksyon figi an twal yo + + + • 配戴、触碰或摘除口罩后 + + + + 0.6694915254237288 + + • Lè w ap retire pwoteksyon ou an, eseye pou pa touche zye, nen, oswa bouch ou, + + + 可访问版本:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/meat-poultry-processing-workers-employers.html + + + + 4.333333333333333 + + Create a list of local organizations you and your household can contact in case you need access to information, healthcare services, support, and resources. + + + 触摸频繁接触的表面,如车门把手、扶手或工具之后,触摸您的脸、口鼻或眼睛。 + + + + 2.9166666666666665 + + Children: How to keep kids healthy. + + + 您可以如何保护自己和他人 + + + + 0.5254237288135594 + + • Lave oswa ranplase pwoteksyon figi an aprè ou fin itilize l. + + + 可访问版本:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/meat-poultry-processing-workers-employers.html + + + + 2.8181818181818183 + + epi apre sa lave men w touswit. + + + 咳嗽和打喷嚏时请遮挡。 + + + + 2.4 + + Can homeless service providers accept donations? + + + 无家可归者服务提供机构是否可以接受捐赠? + + + + 2.1052631578947367 + + Should homeless shelters screen clients? + + + 无家可归者收容所是否应对住客进行筛查? + + + + 1.9908256880733946 + + Any person experiencing homelessness with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should alert their service providers (such as case managers, shelter staff, and other care providers). + + + 任何出现 与COVID-19一致症状 (发烧、咳嗽或气短)的无家可归者应向其服务提供者(例如:病例管理员、庇护所工作人员和其他护理人员) 发出警示。 这些工作人员将帮助患者了解如何隔离自己,并根据需要确定医学护理方案。 + + + + 1.5 + + Homelessness and COVID-19 FAQs + + + 无家可归者和COVID-19常见问题解答 + + + + 3.6551724137931036 + + How can people experiencing homelessness protect themselves when COVID-19 is spreading in their community? + + + 当COVID-19在其社区传播时,无家可归者如何保护自己? + + + + 3.142857142857143 + + Where can people experiencing homelessness be tested for COVID-19? + + + 无家可归者可以在哪里检测COVID-19? + + + + 1.3700787401574803 + + Because many people who are homeless are older adults or have underlying medical conditions they may also be at increased risk for severe illness than the general population. + + + 由于许多无家可归者是老年人或 患有基础疾病 ,因此他们患重病的风险也可能比一般人群更高。卫生部门和医疗机构应该意识到,无家可归者是特别弱势的群体。如果可能,请为风险较高的无家可归者指定可以停留的非聚集场所,这可能有助于保护他们免受COVID-19的危害。 + + + + 3.8518518518518516 + + What should a person who is experiencing homelessness do if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19? + + + 如果无家可归者的症状与COVID-19相符,该怎么办? + + + + 2.0952380952380953 + + Local public health and healthcare facilities need to determine the best location for this testing in coordination with homeless healthcare clinics and street medicine clinics. + + + 如果符合 检测标准 ,无家可归者将通过医疗服务提供者获得COVID-19检测。当地公共卫生和医疗机构需要与无家可归者医疗诊所和街头诊所协作,确定进行这项检测的最佳位置。 + + + + 2.823529411764706 + + Where should a person who is experiencing homelessness stay if they are suspected to have COVID-19 or if they have tested positive for COVID-19? + + + 如果无家可归者是COVID-19疑似患者,或者如果他们被检测出COVID-19阳性,他们应该住在哪里? + + + + 0.9870689655172413 + + Local health departments, housing authorities, homeless service systems and healthcare facilities should plan to identify locations to isolate those with known or suspected COVID-19 until they meet the criteria to end isolation . + + + COVID-19疑似和确诊患者应留在与他人完全隔离的地方,以防止传播感染。当地卫生部门、房屋管理部门、无家可归者服务系统和医疗机构应规划并确定地点,以隔离COVID-19疑似和确诊患者,直到他们 符合结束隔离标准 。隔离地点可以是地方当局指定的单位,也可以是确定有能力充分隔离这些人的避难所。如果没有其他选择,无家可归者服务提供机构应该计划如何在争取额外支持的同时帮助这些人自我隔离。有关更多信息,请参见 无家可归者服务提供机构临时指南 和 无家可归者临时指南 。 + + + + 1.6666666666666667 + + Reducing Stigma + + + 倡导减少传播的行为 + + + + 3.4166666666666665 + + This discrimination can take the form of: + + + 例如,运动员和教练可以: + + + + 2.683333333333333 + + We do not know the exact source of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but we know that it originally came from an animal, likely a bat. + + + 我们尚未明确当前新型冠状病毒肺炎2019 (COVID-19) 爆发的确切来源,但我们知道它最初来源于动物,可能是蝙蝠。 + + + + 3.411764705882353 + + At this time, there is no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. + + + 目前,没有证据表明动物在传播引起COVID-19的病毒中有重要作用。 + + + + 1.7261904761904763 + + Some coronaviruses cause cold-like illnesses in people, while others cause illness in certain types of animals, such as cattle, camels, and bats. + + + 冠状病毒是一大类病毒。一些冠状病毒导致人类患上类似感冒的疾病,而其他的冠状病毒会导致某些动物患病,例如牛、骆驼和蝙蝠。一些冠状病毒,如犬猫冠状病毒只会感染动物而非人类。 + + + + 1.5 + + For more information, see COVID-19 and Animals Frequently Asked Questions . + + + 有关更多信息,请参见 COVID-19和动物常见问题解答 。有关宠物的信息,请参见 如果您有宠物 。 + + + + 1.289617486338798 + + CDC, USDA, and state public health and animal health officials are working in some states to conduct active surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in pets, including cats, dogs, and other small mammals, that had contact with a person with COVID-19. + + + CDC、USDA以及州公共卫生和动物卫生官员正在某些州开展工作,对与COVID-19感染者接触过的宠物(包括猫、狗和其他小型哺乳动物)进行SARS-CoV-2的主动监测 。对这些动物进行了SARS-CoV-2感染检测,还检测了宠物是否对这种病毒产生抗体。进行这项工作是为了帮助我们更好地了解宠物中可能常见的SARS-CoV-2感染以及宠物在这种病毒传播中可能的作用。 + + + + 1.04 + + Several lions and tigersexternal icon at a New York zoo tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after showing signs of respiratory illness. + + + 纽约动物园的 几只狮子和老虎external icon 在出现呼吸道疾病的迹象后,SARS-CoV-2检测结果呈阳性。公共卫生官员认为,这些大型猫科动物是在接触一名感染SARS-CoV-2的动物园工作人员后患病的。所有这些大型猫科动物目前已完全康复。 + + + + 2.75 + + Risk of animals spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to people + + + 动物将导致COVID-19的病毒传染给人类的风险 + + + + 1.1320754716981132 + + The first reported infections were linked to a live animal market, but the virus is now spreading from person to person. + + + 一些感染动物的冠状病毒可以传播给人类,并在人际间传播,但这并不常见。这就是导致当前COVID-19疫情爆发的病毒的相关情况,该病毒可能源自蝙蝠。第一次报告的感染与一个活体动物市场有关,该病毒现正在人际间进行传播��� + + + + 2.75 + + Risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to animals + + + 人类将导致COVID-19的病毒传播给动物的风险 + + + + 1.0309734513274336 + + However, it is important to limit close contact with people outside of your home when visiting public pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds , as well as natural bodies of water-like beaches and lakes -to slow the spread of COVID-19. + + + 由于纽约州新罗谢尔(韦斯切斯特郡)疫情广泛传播,CDC建议广泛的社区缓解活动,以帮助减缓呼吸系统病毒感染传播。实施这些措施的目的是尽量降低COVID-19发病率和死亡率,并尽量减小COVID-19的社会和经济影响。个体、社区、企业和医疗卫生组织均为社区缓解策略的组成部分。由于纽约州新罗谢尔的广泛社区传播,包括涉及信仰组织和医疗卫生机构暴露接触,此时应该在社区层面大量执行干预措施。由于病例预计会继续增加,可通过减缓疫情在社区传播,来保护医疗卫生系统。 + + + + 4.6 + + Case is unstably housed + + + 无家可归者 + + + + 2.2857142857142856 + + Case is a health care provider (e.g., emergency room physician, acute care nurse) or works in a congregate setting (e.g., memory care home, group home, homeless shelter, correctional facility) + + + 卫生部门和医疗机构应该意识到,无家可归者是特别弱势的群体。如果可能,请为风险较高的无家可归者指定可以停留的非聚集场所,这可能有助于 保护他们免于感染COVID-19 。 + + + + 2.536231884057971 + + Case is an essential worker with public interfacing position (e.g. grocery checkout clerk) or works in a facility with a large number of people (e.g. food processing facility) + + + 无家可归者的服务通常在人群密集的场所提供,这可能会促使感染的传播。由于许多无家可归者是老年人或患有基础疾病,他们也可能具有 重症高风险 。 + + + + 4.0 + + Forecast Assumptions + + + 图表线图标 + + + + 2.276595744680851 + + The seroprevalence surveys CDC is conducting include large-scale geographic surveys, community level surveys, and smaller-scale surveys focusing on specific populations in order to learn information about COVID-19. + + + 有关检测的决定由 州 和 地方external icon 卫生部门或医疗服务提供者做出。您可以访问所在 州 或 地方external icon 卫生部门的网站,查找有关检测的最新本地信息。 + + + + 2.1666666666666665 + + Related Pages + + + 用户点亮图标 + + + + 1.6666666666666667 + + A free vaccine administration e-Learn is available that offers continuing education for health care personnel, including CME, CNE, CEU, CPE, CPH, and CHES. + + + 数以百万计的人依靠CDC保护他们免受COVID-19的威胁。CDC正在为应对这一全球流行病做好医护人员的准备,进一步了解疾病如何传播,并支持州、地方、部落和区域政府在疫情第一线开展工作。 + + + + 4.090909090909091 + + Babies and children younger than 2 years old; + + + 2岁以下的婴儿和儿童; + + + + 3.5789473684210527 + + Is it feasible to run large sports camps or tournaments this summer? + + + 今年夏天有可能举办大型运动营或比赛吗? + + + + 3.3125 + + Do you recommend that players wear masks during play? + + + 是否建议运动员在运动时佩戴口罩? + + + + 2.272727272727273 + + Youth Sports Program FAQs + + + 青少年体育项目常见问题 + + + + 4.923076923076923 + + Leagues can decrease the number of competitions during a season. + + + 减少联赛赛季中比赛的数量。 + + + + 2.6216216216216215 + + To determine which sports are safer to play during the COVID-19 pandemic, consider the following: + + + 要确定在COVID-19全球流行病疫情期间哪种运动更安全,请考虑以下因素: + + + + 2.903225806451613 + + Should sports programs screen or test all athletes before they come to practice or a game? + + + 体育活动是否应该在运动员参加训练或比赛之前对其进行筛查或检测? + + + + 2.4313725490196076 + + How can sports programs prevent COVID-19 spreading among families and friends who gather in groups to watch sporting events? + + + 体育项目如何防止COVID-19在成群结队观看体育赛事的家人和朋友之间传播?等待比赛的运动员应如何做? + + + + 2.127659574468085 + + Do we need to clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19? + + + 我们是否需要对表面和设备进行清洁和消毒,以防止COVID-19的传播?如果需要,我们该怎么做? + + + + 4.176470588235294 + + If keeping physical distance is difficult with players in competition or group practice, consider relying on individual skill work and drills. + + + 如果在比赛或团体练习中很难保持物理距离,考虑侧重个人技能练习和训练。 + + + + 3.4857142857142858 + + How should we deal with officials and coaches who may be older and at higher risk for getting seriously ill from COVID-19? + + + 我们应如何对待年龄较大且属于COVID-19重症高危群体的官员和教练? + + + + 3.2794117647058822 + + Coaches can limit close or full contact (such as tackling, checking or guarding) to competitions or game-like situations (such as scrimmages) or limit the number of participants involved in close or full contact situations; + + + 教练可以将近距离或完全接触(比如铲球、拦截或防守)限制在争抢或类似比赛的情况下(比如争球),或者限制近距离或完全接触情况下的参与者人数; + + + + 2.9833333333333334 + + If a player on a team tests positive for COVID-19, does the entire team (if they had been in close contact with that athlete) have to quarantine for 14 days, as the CDC recommends + + + 如果一名队员的COVID-19检测呈阳性,是否需要按照CDC的建议,将整个团队(如果他们曾与该队员密切接触)隔离14天? + + + + 2.5384615384615383 + + What should we do if one of our players or athletes gets COVID-19? + + + 如果球员或运动员患上了COVID-19,应该怎么做? + + + + 3.769230769230769 + + Increase the size of the practice field or court. + + + 扩大训练场地或球场的面积。 + + + + 3.3737373737373737 + + Third, in accordance with state and local laws and regulations, youth sports organizations should notify local health officials, youth sports program staff, umpires/officials, and families immediately of anyone with COVID-19 while maintaining that person's confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). + + + 第三,根据州和地方法律法规,青少年体育组织应立即将COVID-19患者的情况告知当地卫生官员、青少年体育活动工作人员、裁判员/官员和家属,并根据《美国残疾人法案》 (ADA) 的要求对个人信息保密。 + + + + 3.197080291970803 + + First, make sure that coaches, staff, officials, players, and families know that sick individuals should not attend the youth sports activity, and that they should notify youth sports program administrators (such as the COVID-19 point of contact for your program) if they or someone in their household become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. + + + 首先,请确保教练、工作人员、官员、运动员及其家人知道,生病的人不应参加青少年体育活动,并且如果他们或其家人出现COVID-19生病症状、COVID-19检测呈阳性,或曾与COVID-19疑似或确诊病人有过接触,他们应该通知青少年体育活动管理人员(如COVID-19联络人)。 + + + + 2.361111111111111 + + How many athletes should be allowed in a gym, weight room, or on a field at one time? + + + 健身房、举重室或场地上一次允许多少名运动员? 可以有多少名观众观看比赛? + + + + 2.1044776119402986 + + Second, close off areas used by a sick person within the last 24 hours and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfecting them. + + + 第二,关闭病人在过去24小时内用过的区域,并在清洁和消毒后才能再次使用这些区域。对于户外区域,则还包括该区域的表面或共用物体(如有)。 + + + + 2.3284671532846715 + + Youth sports programs may ask parents or other household members to monitor their children and make sure that they remain at least 6 feet away from others outside their household and take other protective actions (for example, younger children could sit with parents or caregivers instead of in a dugout or group area). + + + 年龄大的年轻人可能会更好地遵守社交距离的指示,而年龄小的运动员则可能需要提醒。青少年体育项目可以要求父母或其他家庭成员来监督孩子并确保他们与家人以外的其他人保持至少6英尺的距离,并采取其他保护措施(例如,年龄小的孩子可以与父母或照顾者坐在一起,而不是坐在休息区或集体区域)。 + + + + 3.2551020408163267 + + For sports that are normally played indoors such as hockey and gymnastics, coaches can focus on individual skill building or conditioning in lieu of team-based practice, limit the number of players or athletes in the facility at one time so they can space out by at least 6 feet, or conduct modified practices outdoors. + + + 对于通常在室内进行的运动(例如曲棍球和体操),教练可以着重于个人技能的培养或训练,而不是团队集体练习。限制场地内同一时间的运动员人数,以让他们可以留出至少6英尺的空间,或者在户外进行改进后的训练。 + + + + 1.7789473684210526 + + Finally, if any coaches, staff members, umpires/officials, or players get sick, they should not return until they have met CDC's criteria to discontinue home isolation . + + + 最后,如果任何教练、工作人员、裁判/官员,或运动员生病,他们必须在符合CDC 终止居家隔离的标准 之后才能重返赛场。有关更多信息,请参阅 青少年体育运动注意事项 中的为有人生病做好准备章节。 + + + + 1.8016528925619835 + + The more people a player or coach interacts with, the closer the physical interaction, the more sharing of equipment there is by multiple players, and the longer the interaction, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spread. + + + 需要密切互动、在室内进行并共享设备的体育运动可能加大COVID-19感染或传播的风险。该病毒主要通过各种途径在 人与人 之间传播。运动员或教练与人互动越多,身体互动越密切,多个球员共享设备越多,互动时间越长,COVID-19传播的风险就越高。 + + + + 2.1792452830188678 + + Even though getting COVID-19 by touching an object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, we are still learning more about this virus. + + + 是。定期清洁和消毒设备以及经常接触的表面,对于防止COVID-19传播很重要。尽管通过接触带有病毒的物体,然后接触口鼻或眼睛而患上COVID-19被认为不是病毒传播的主要途径,但我们仍在对这种病毒做进一步的研究。 + + + + 2.4242424242424243 + + For example, consider banning defensive walls in soccer during free kicks, work with the opposing team to substitute cohorts together to ensure that the same players are on the field at the same time, or limit the number of scrums in rugby. + + + 也可以在比赛过程中制定策略来减少运动员之间的接触。例如,可以考虑在足球比赛发任意球期间禁止防守人墙,与对方球队一起安排替补队员,以确保同一时间是同一批球员在场上,或者限制橄榄球比赛中并列争球的次数。 + + + + 1.8387096774193548 + + You could also limit youth sports participation to staff and youth who live in the local geographic area (e.g., community, city, town, or county) to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading from areas with higher levels of illness. + + + 还可以为属于COVID-19重症高危群体的个人提供其他选择(例如虚拟指导和居家训练),以控制其感染风险。还可以将青少年体育活动的参与限制为居住在本地区域(如社区、城市、乡镇或县)的工作人员和青少年,以减少COVID-19从疫情更严重地区传播的风险。 + + + + 1.9782608695652173 + + They may also encourage teams and spectators to engage in health protective behaviors as much as possible, including handwashing, social distancing, and wearing cloth face coverings. + + + 还可以鼓励团队和观众尽可能采取健康保护措施,包括洗手、保持社交距离和佩戴布制面罩。此外,CDC还制作了一些资源可供参考,包括 青少年活动营决策工具 和 青少年活动营和夏令营注意事项 。 + + + + 2.4393939393939394 + + Tournament directors may consider limiting the number of teams participating at one time or perhaps cohorting teams from the same local geographic area together. + + + 如果所有运动员都来自本地区域,则风险较小。比赛管理者可以考虑限制同一次参加的团队数量,或者可能考虑让来自同一地理区域的团队一起比赛。 + + + + 1.8129032258064517 + + Youth sports organizations should also limit any non-essential visitors, spectators, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations as much as possible - especially with individuals not from the local geographic area (e.g., community, town, city, or county). + + + 青少年体育联赛组织和团队应与运动员及其家人沟通,让他们知道保持社交距离的重要性,要佩戴布制面罩,以及在参加比赛、竞赛或社交聚会等团体活动之前可采取的其他保护措施。青年体育运动组织也应尽可能地限制任何非必要的访客、观众、志愿者和涉及外部团体或组织的活动,特别是对并非来自本地区域(如社区、城镇、城市或县)的个人。 + + + + 3.8 + + Space players at least 6 feet apart on the field, when possible, while participating in the sport (such as during warmup, skill building activities and simulation drills). + + + 运动员在参加运动(如热身、技能培训活动和模拟训练)时,在场地上尽可能保持至少6英尺的距离。 + + + + 1.8775510204081634 + + Sports that require frequent closeness or contact between players may make it more difficult to maintain social distancing and therefore may present increased risk for COVID-19 spread. + + + 需要运动员之间经常密切接触的运动可能会使保持社交距离变得更加困难,因此更有可能增加COVID-19传播的风险。对于像摔跤或篮球这样的近距离接触运动,赛事规则可能会加以修改,以增加运动员之间的距离。 + + + + 1.6709677419354838 + + The youth sports program should determine if masks should be worn by players after considering local conditions and checking state, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations with which youth sports organizations must comply. + + + 青少年体育项目在确定运动员是否应佩戴口罩之前,应该考虑当地情况、并审查青少年体育组织必须遵守的州、地方、领地或部落卫生和安全法律、规则和规定。在体育运动时,佩戴口罩对运动员来说可能是一项挑战,特别是对年龄较小的运动员以及有残疾和基础疾病的青少年而言。教练、青少年体育工作人员、官员、家长和观众则应尽量佩戴口罩。 + + + + 0.8666666666666667 + + Related Pages + + + 一般行业常见问题���​​​​​​ + + + + 2.588235294117647 + + Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. + + + 过敏症状是否被视为急性呼吸道疾病? + + + + 2.84 + + No cases reported (previously presented as "N/A") - defined as no cases + + + 无报告病例(之前显示为"N/A")- 定义为无病例 + + + + 3.7674418604651163 + + Collaborate with community organizations (for example, multicultural centers, faith communities, local unions) and ask them to post communications on their sites. + + + 与社区组织(例如多元文化中心、宗教社区、地方工会)合作,并要求他们在其网站上发布信息。 + + + + 2.4615384615384617 + + Where safe to do so, non-urgentexternal icon care should be postponed until the animal is cleared to return to normal activity . + + + 在安全的情况下,应推迟 非紧急护理external icon ,直到确认该动物可以 恢复正常活动 为止。 + + + + 3.125 + + Medical supplies: Supplies for daily clinic needs, personal protective equipment (PPE) , and testing + + + 医疗用品:日常诊所需求用品、 个人防护设备(PPE) 及检测用品 + + + + 2.8363636363636364 + + In general, when a COVID-19 case is identified that impacts a workplace, the health department may ask the employer for help in a number of ways, including: + + + 通常,如果某个COVID-19病例被认定为会对工作场所产生影响,卫生部门可能通过多种方式向雇主寻求帮助,包括: + + + + 2.7017543859649122 + + If you feel sad, lonely, scared, or anxious, reach out for help from a counselor or case worker or call the youth homelessness hotline at: 1-888-373-7888. + + + 如果您感到悲伤、孤独、害怕或焦虑,请向咨询师或社工寻求帮助,或拨打无家可归青年热线:1-888-373-7888。 + + + + 2.925 + + "In the past 14 days, have you had contact with a person known to be infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)?" + + + "过去14天内,你是否与已知感染新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的人有过接触?" + + + + 2.7142857142857144 + + Undetermined - defined as 1 or more cases but not classified as "Yes" to community transmission + + + "不确定" - 定义为[#0]}起病例或更多,但未分类为"是"社区传播 + + + + 3.981818181818182 + + the manufacturer and name of the test, the type of test, the purpose of the test, the reliability of the test, any limitations associated with the test, who will pay for the test, and how the test will be performed, and + + + 制造商和检测名称、检测类型、检测目的、检测的可靠性、与检测相关的任何限制、由谁支付检测费用和如何进行检测,以及 + + + + 4.333333333333333 + + There is ongoing transmission of novel coronavirus within the United States and in destinations throughout the world. + + + 新型冠状病毒正在 美国国内 和世界各国 目的地 传播。 + + + + 2.3529411764705883 + + If you don't have a healthcare provider, contact your nearest community health centerexternal icon or health department. + + + 如果您没有医疗服务提供者,请联系距离您最近的 社区卫生中心external icon 或 卫生部门 。 + + + + 2.3529411764705883 + + Are shortages of HIV medicine (ART) or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) expected? + + + 是否会出现HIV药物(ART)或接触前预防(PrEP)用药短缺情况? + + + + 3.3793103448275863 + + Rescue a distressed swimmer, provide first aid, or perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); or + + + 救助遇险的游泳者,提供急救,或进行心肺复苏 (CPR);或 + + + + 2.6578947368421053 + + • Buy groceries and medicine, go to the doctor, and complete banking activities online when possible. + + + • 在可能的情况下通过在线上网 购买杂货和药品,看医生,以 及完成银行业务。 + + + + 2.539325842696629 + + People who need help or know someone that needs help with stress or anxiety can contact the Disaster Distress Helplineexternal icon at 1-800-985-5990, or talk to a counselor or social worker that may be available in your area. + + + 需要帮助或者知道有人在压力或焦虑方面需要帮助的人士,可以拨打 灾难救助热线external icon 1-800-985-5990,或与所在地区可以提供帮助的辅导人员或社工交谈。 + + + + 2.972972972972973 + + Avoid having any unnecessary visitors, especially visits by people who are at higher risk for severe illness . + + + 避免有人来访。避免任何人做不必要的拜访,尤其是 重症风险较高的人士 来访。 + + + + 3.9577464788732395 + + The level of interaction between the health department and an employer will vary depending on several factors, such as the size and type of workplace, the number of cases impacting the workplace, the health department's capacity, and local, state, and federal laws and regulations. + + + 卫生部门与雇主之间的互动程度将取决于多种因素,例如工作场所的规模和类型、影响工作场所的病例数量、卫生部门的能力,以及地方、州和联邦的法律法规。 + + + + 3.7758620689655173 + + Ensure communication with clients about changes in homeless services policies and/or changes in physical location of services such as food, water, hygiene facilities, regular healthcare, and behavioral health resources. + + + 确保向客户传达关于无家可归服务政策的变化,和/或食品、水、卫生设施、定期医疗保健和行为健康资源等服务的具体地点变化。 + + + + 2.506849315068493 + + Data were collected from 15,735 women, but ICU admission data were only available for 4,319 (27.4%) women, and mechanical ventilation data were only available for 3,533 (22.5%) women. + + + 数据收集自15,735名妇女,但ICU入院数据仅来自于4,319 (27.4%) 名妇女,机械换气数据仅来自于3,533 (22.5%) 名妇女。 + + + + 3.25 + + Other conditions that affect the immune response, such as HIV or liver disease (viral hepatitis), are more common among people who use drugs, especially among those who inject drugs. + + + 其他影响免疫反应的疾病,如 艾滋病 或 肝病 (病毒性肝炎),在药物使用者中更为常见,特别是在注射药物使用者中。 + + + + 2.9680851063829787 + + When a new infectious disease is discovered, scientists called epidemiologists work with other scientists to find who has it, why they have it, and what CDC can do about it. From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, scientists at CDC and around the world have been working to: + + + 当发现一种新的传染病时,被称为传染病学家的科学家会与其他科学家一起查明谁患有该疾病、为何患病以及CDC可以做些什么。从COVID-19爆发开始,CDC和世界各地的科学家一直在进行以下工作: + + + + 4.0 + + If no other option is available, alternative recommendations are to arrange transportation (see below) in coordination with local authorities, such as animal services, animal control or an animal rescue team. + + + 如果没有其他选择,则替代建议是与地方相关机构(如动物服务、动物管理或动物救援队)协调安排运输(见下文)。 + + + + 2.644230769230769 + + If you are caring for a patient aged 65 or older, be aware that a single reading higher than 100°F (37.8°C), multiple readings above 99°F (37.2°C), or a rise in temperature greater than 2°F (1.1°C) above the patient's normal (baseline) temperature may be a sign of infection. + + + 如果您在照顾65岁或更年长的患者,请注意,单个读数高于100°F (37.8°C),多个读数高于99°F (37.2°C),或者体温比病人的正常(基线)体温高出2°F (1.1°C) 以上则可能是感染的征兆。 + + + + 3.5846153846153848 + + Public health professionals, community organizations, resettlement agencies, and healthcare providers can assist refugees arriving in the United States by providing them with information they need to protect themselves from COVID-19. + + + 公共卫生专业人员、社区组织、安置机构和医疗服务提供者可以帮助抵达美国的难民,向他们提供保护自己免于感染COVID-19所需的信息。 + + + + 3.9873417721518987 + + Notification when there are COVID-19 cases in the school (when communicating about the health status of students, schools should take care to avoid disclosing personally identifiable information and should follow all applicable privacy requirements, including those of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) + + + 学校出现COVID-19病例时的通知(在通报学生健康状况时,学校应注意避免披露个人身份信息,并应遵守所有适用的隐私要求,包括《家庭教育权利和隐私法案》的要求) + + + + 2.5476190476190474 + + • There is no specific treatment for COVID-19, but you can seek medical care to help relieve your symptoms. + + + • 没有针对 COVID-19 的特定治 疗方法,但是您可寻求诊疗护 理以缓解症状。 + + + + 2.847826086956522 + + Outlines actions all employers in select non-healthcare critical infrastructure industries (including agriculture , manufacturing , meat and poultry , and seafood processing ) can take to share key COVID-19 prevention messages with their employees ( Section 1 ). + + + 概述特定的非医疗保健关键基础设施行业(包括 农业 、 制造业 、 肉类和家禽 以及 海产品加工 )所有雇主可采取的行动,以便与其员工分享预防COVID-19的重要信息( 第1部分 )。 + + + + 3.4411764705882355 + + Consider healthier options for stress and coping such as exercise, meditation, or reaching out to friends and family. + + + 考虑更健康的 压力处理和应对 方式,例如锻炼、冥想或联系朋友和家人。 + + + + 3.593220338983051 + + If a third party must have access to the interior of your truck (for example., mechanics, other drivers, inspectors), request that the third party clean and disinfect the truck before turning it back over to you. + + + 如果有第三方必须进入您的卡车(例如,机械师、其他驾驶员、检查员等),要求第三方在将卡车交还给您之前对其进行清洁和消毒。 + + + + 3.3068181818181817 + + Increase the percentage of outdoor air, (e.g., using economizer modes of HVAC operations) potentially as high as 100% (first verify compatibility with HVAC system capabilities for both temperature and humidity control as well as compatibility with outdoor/indoor air quality considerations). + + + 尽可能将室外空气的百分比(例如,使用HVAC运行的节能模式)提高到100%(首先确认与用于温度和湿度控制的HVAC系统能力的兼容性,以及与室外或室内空气质量考虑因素的兼容性)。 + + + + 2.272727272727273 + + To help stop the spread of COVID-19, take these 3 key steps NOW while waiting for your test results: + + + 为了帮助阻止COVID-19的传播,在等待检测结果的同时,请现在就采取以下3个关键步骤: + + + + 3.2241379310344827 + + Testing wildlife for SARS-CoV-2 may be appropriate for morbidity and mortality event-based surveillance, ensuring the health of threatened or endangered species, or for research purposes. + + + 对野生动物进行SARS-CoV-2检测可能适用于发病率和死亡率事件监测,确保受威胁或濒危物种的健康,或用于研究目的。 + + + + 2.869565217391304 + + Fear and anxiety about COVID-19 can cause people to avoid or reject others even though they are not at risk for spreading the virus. + + + 对 COVID-19 的恐惧和焦虑会让人们 逃避或排斥他人,即使他们并没有传 播病毒的风险。 + + + + 3.515151515151515 + + Suggests key messages that employers and community leaders can use in their communication efforts to help employees protect themselves, their families, and the surrounding community to help slow the spread of COVID-19 ( Section 2 ). + + + 建议雇主和社区领袖可在其沟通工作中使用的重要信息,帮助员工保护自己、家人和周围社区,以帮助减缓COVID-19传播( 第2部分 )。 + + + + 2.49 + + In addition, we note that while many types of gatherings are important for civic and economic well-being, religious worship has particularly profound significance to communities and individuals, including as a right protected by the First Amendment. + + + 此外,我们理解很多类型的聚集对于公民及经济健康很重要,而宗教礼拜对于社区和个人的重要性尤为深远,包括其作为一项权利受到《第一修正案》保护。州和地方当局在制定其自身的重新开放计划时,应谨记这一重要权利。 + + + + 1.7307692307692308 + + Hands clean 2 Stop COVID-19 Keep [State] Safe + + + 手部清洁2、阻止COVID-19传播、保持[州]安全 + + + + 2.791044776119403 + + Use grief counseling services, support groups, or hotlinesexternal icon , especially those that can be offered over the phone or online, or seek support from a mental healthcare provider. + + + 使用悲伤咨询服务、互助小组或 热线external icon ,特别是那些可以提供电话或线上支持的服务,或者向心理健康提供者寻求支持。 + + + + 3.3421052631578947 + + Check to see if the public swim area, pool, water playground, or hot tub has steps in place to prevent the spread of the virus. + + + 查看公共游泳区域、游泳池、水上乐园或热水浴池是否 采取措施 预防病毒的传播。 + + + + 3.1449275362318843 + + Most workplaces should follow the Public Health Recommendations for Community-Related Exposure and instruct potentially exposed employees to stay home for 14 days, telework if possible, and self-monitor for symptoms . + + + 大多数工作场所应遵循 有关社区接触的公共卫生建议 ,并指示可能有接触史的员工留在家中14天,提供远程工作(如果可能),并自我监测 症状 。 + + + + 3.370967741935484 + + If contractors are employed in the workplace, develop plans to communicate with the contracting company about changes to work processes and requirements for the contractors to prevent transmission of COVID-19. + + + 如果在工作场所雇用了承包商,则应制定计划,与承包商公司就工作流程的修改以及对他们的要求进行沟通,以防止COVID-19传播。 + + + + 2.267605633802817 + + Please contact CDC's COVID-19 One Health Working Group at onehealth@cdc.gov for additional guidance and resources on conducting an epidemiological investigation. + + + 请通过 onehealth@cdc.gov 与CDC的COVID-19"共同健康"卫生工作组联系,以获取有关进行流行病学调查的其他指导和资源。 + + + + 2.561224489795918 + + This response complements local efforts to increase capacity using existing CDC field staff, deploying CDC teams to address outbreaks in special settings, and partnering with other federal agencies like AmeriCorps to give states more staffing options. + + + 这支应对力量将补充当地的人力储备,利用现有的CDC现场工作人员来增强应对能力,部署CDC小组在特殊情况下应对疫情,并与美国志愿队(AmeriCorps)等其他联邦机构合作以使当地州有更多人力选择。 + + + + 3.8405797101449277 + + Alternatively, if curbside pick-up can be arranged by the receiving veterinary facility, then an ill person or a healthy household member may transport the animal, provided they wear a mask, maintain social distancing recommendations, and do not enter the premises. + + + 或者,如果接收治疗的兽医机构可以安排路边接送,则患者或健康的家庭成员可以运送动物,前提是他们佩戴口罩,保持社交距离建议,并且不进入设施内。 + + + + 3.128205128205128 + + are trained to use temperature monitors and monitors are accurate under conditions of use (such as cold temperatures); and + + + 受过体温监控器使用培训,并且监控器在使用条件下(例如低温)能够准确工作; 并且 + + + + 2.3488372093023258 + + • If you must go in person, stay at least 6 feet away from others and disinfect items you must touch. + + + • 如果必须亲自去,请与他人保 持至少 6 英尺的距离,并对必 须接触的物品进行消毒。 + + + + 3.238095238095238 + + Due to the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases among select non-healthcare critical infrastructure employees across the country, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working with employers to ensure employees have available accurate, actionable, and timely disease prevention and control information. + + + 由于全国各地一些特定非医疗保健关键基础设施员工中出现了新型冠状病毒肺炎2019 (COVID-19) 病例,美国疾病控制预防中心 (CDC) 正与雇主合作,确保员工能够获得准确、可操作且及时的疾病预防控制信息。 + + + + 3.744186046511628 + + When possible, casino limits sharing of items that are difficult to clean and disinfect, such as cards, and holds items for 72 hours before reuse of these items. + + + 如可能,赌场限制共用难以清洁和消毒的物品(例如纸牌),并等待72小时再次使用这些物品。 + + + + 3.206896551724138 + + All communication and training should be easy to understand and should (1) be provided in languages appropriate to the preferred languages spoken or read by the workers, if possible; (2) be at the appropriate literacy level; and (3) include accurate and timely information about: + + + 所有的交流和培训都应易于理解,并且 (1) 应尽可能以适合于员工说话或阅读惯用语言的适当语言提供;(2) 维持在适当的文化水平; 并且 (3) 包含以下方面准确而及时的信息: + + + + 3.240506329113924 + + Employers may need to work with local health department officials to determine which employees may have had close contact with the employee with COVID-19 and who may need to take additional precautions , including exclusion from work and remaining at home. + + + 雇主可能需要 与当地卫生部门官员合作 ,确定哪些员工可能与COVID-19患病员工有过密切接触,哪些员工可能需要采取 额外预防措施 ,包括禁止上班和留在家中。 + + + + 3.7209302325581395 + + Medical care due to pre-existing conditions (e.g., ongoing chemotherapy treatment, monitoring for control of diabetes, worsening of an existing condition), and; + + + 因已有疾病(例如正在进行的化疗、监测糖尿病的控制、现有疾病恶化)而提供的医疗保健,以及 + + + + 2.6341463414634148 + + Limit attendance or seating capacity to allow for social distancing, or host smaller events in larger rooms. + + + 限制出席人数或座位,以留出保持 社交距离 的空间,或在较大的房间举办较小型的活动。 + + + + 2.660377358490566 + + Rural communities also have strengths, assets, and protective factors that public health can use to tailor policies and messages designed to: + + + 农村社区也具有其优势、资源和 保护 因素,公共卫生可利用这些因素来因地制宜地制定针对以下方面的政策和信息: + + + + 3.5 + + Fortunately, there are several actions you can take to reduce your risk of getting or spreading the virus when you go to public swim areas, such as beaches, pools, water playgrounds, and hot tubs. + + + 幸运的是,您可以采取一些措施降低您在公共游泳区域时(例如沙滩、游泳池、水上乐园和热水浴池)感染或传播病毒的风险。 + + + + 2.8 + + • Pre-qualify truck stops, rest areas, and hotels to ensure such facilities are open, supplied, and follow recommended COVID-19 safety practices, such as: + + + 对卡车停靠点、休息区和旅馆进行资格预审,确保这些设施开放、装配齐全、并遵循COVID-19安全措施建议,例如: + + + + 3.7666666666666666 + + Similarly, if organizations are unable to put in place safety measures during team-based activities, they may choose individual or at-home activities, especially if any members of the team are at high-risk for severe illness . + + + 同样,如果体育组织无法在团队活动期间维持安全措施,他们可以选择个人或居家活动,特别是团队中有成员为 重病高风险 群体时。 + + + + 3.725 + + Implement triage before entering facilities (e.g. parking lot triage, front door); phone triage and telemedicine; limit unnecessary healthcare visits + + + 分类进入设施(例如,停车场、正门分类);电话分类及远程医疗;限制非必要的医疗就诊 + + + + 3.426829268292683 + + CDC keeps track of the number of COVID-19 cases and collects information on the disease from surveillance systems that report different kinds of data, such as new cases, hospitalizations, deaths, demographic information (like age, race/ethnicity, or sex), symptoms, and treatments. + + + CDC跟踪COVID-19病例的数量,并从报告各种数据的监测系统收集有关疾病的信息,例如新病例、住院、死亡、人口统计信息(例如年龄、种族/族裔或性别)、症状和治疗。 + + + + 2.875 + + Encourage GH residents with COVID-19 symptoms and their roommates and close contacts to self-isolate and limit their use of shared spaces. + + + 鼓励出现 COVID-19症状 的GH居民及其室友和密切接触者自我隔离,并限制他们使用共享空间。 + + + + 2.6774193548387095 + + This information is no longer being updated but remains on this page for reference. + + + 本信息于2020年5月12日最后更新,但仍保留在此页面供参考。 + + + + 3.1166666666666667 + + For more information on communal spaces in student or faculty housing (e.g., laundry rooms, shared bathrooms and recreation areas) follow CDC's guidance for Shared or Congregate Housing . + + + 要了解更多关于活动场所公共空间的信息(例如,洗衣房、共用卫生间和娱乐区),请遵循 CDC关于共享或集体住房的指导方针 。 + + + + 2.975 + + For most people, the immediate risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. + + + 对于大多数人来说,引发 COVID-19 的病毒引起重症 的直接风险被认为很低。 + + + + 3.0 + + Early in the outbreak, viral testing was limited in many areas or was reserved for patients or healthcare workers with symptoms of COVID-19; since then testing availability has increased greatly. + + + 在疫情爆发初期,病毒检测在许多地区十分有限,或仅向有COVID-19症状的患者或健康护理人员提供;但在之后,检测的普及率显著提高。 + + + + 3.7435897435897436 + + Be aware that there might be changes in locations or hours of operation for food, housing, mental health, substance use, and health care services. + + + 请注意,食物、住房、精神健康、物质使用和医疗服务的提供地点或时间可能会有变化。 + + + + 3.239130434782609 + + Work directly with appropriate state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) public health officials and occupational safety and health professionals; + + + 直接与相应的州、地方、部落和地区 (SLTT) 公共卫生官员以及职业安全与卫生专业人员合作; + + + + 3.010989010989011 + + Review the Administration for Community Living COVID-19external icon website regularly for information and contact your state's Developmental Disability Administration and Disability Council for local information including availability and assistance in obtaining resources. + + + 定期查阅 管理COVID-19疫情期间的社区生活external icon 网站获取信息,并与您所在州的发展残疾管理局和残疾理事会联系,获取当地信息,包括可用性和获取资源方面的帮助。 + + + + 3.3469387755102042 + + Avoid sharing commonly used objects such as religious aids (e.g., religious books, collection plates, programs, etc.,) to help lower the risk of spreading COVID-19. + + + 避免共用常用物品(例如宗教书籍、藏书板、节目单等宗教教具),以帮助降低传播COVID-19的风险。 + + + + 3.0428571428571427 + + Consulting with the company or engineer that designed the aquatic venue to decide which List N disinfectants approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyexternal icon (EPA) are best for your aquatic venue. + + + 咨询设计水上场馆的公司或工程师,确定经美国环境保护局(EPA)批准的 列表N的消毒剂external icon 中哪些最适用于您的水上场馆。 + + + + 3.442857142857143 + + Section 3: Communication Resources provides links to materials on a variety of topics (basic COVID-19 information, disposable facemasks and cloth face coverings, keeping well at home, etc.), many of which are available in multiple languages. + + + 第3部分:沟通资源 提供了有关各种主题(COVID-19基本��息、一次性口罩和布制面罩、居家保健等)材料的链接,其中许多材料以多种语言提供。 + + + + 3.066666666666667 + + Reconfigure parking lots to limit congregation points and ensure proper separation of employees (e.g., closing every other parking space). + + + 重新配置停车场,以限制人群聚集点,并确保员工之间适当隔开(例如,每隔一个停车位关闭一个)。 + + + + 3.358974358974359 + + Don't shake hands, give high-fives, do elbow bumps, or touch others because close contact increases the risk of acquiring COVID-19. + + + 请勿握手、击掌、碰肘或相互触摸,因为密切接触会增加感染COVID-19的风险。 + + + + 3.6881720430107525 + + This toolkit provides recommendations for public health and animal health officials involved in managing companion animals diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, including those that require hospitalization and those that may be isolated or monitored at home. States or other jurisdictions may have their own specific requirements for these circumstances. + + + 本工具包为参与管理确诊患有SARS-CoV-2的陪伴动物的公共卫生和动物卫生官员提供建议,包括需要住院治疗的动物和可以居家隔离或监测的动物。各州或其他辖区可能对这些情况有自己的具体要求。 + + + + 2.9565217391304346 + + You can get up-to-date information about local COVID-19 activity from your local public health officials and by visiting CDC's website . + + + 您可通过本地 公共卫生官员 和访问 CDC网站 获取关于本地COVID-19活动的最新信息。 + + + + 3.625 + + If you are at increased risk for severe illness , check with your employer to see if there are policies and practices in place to reduce your risk at work, like telework or modified job responsibilities. + + + 如果您属于 重病高风险 人群,请询问您的雇主,了解是否有可以降低工作风险的政策和措施,如远程办公或调整工作职责。 + + + + 3.1666666666666665 + + After a COVID-19 case is identified, testing strategies of exposed co-workers may be considered to help prevent disease spread, to identify the scope and magnitude of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and to inform additional prevention and control efforts that might be needed. + + + 在确认COVID-19病例后,可考虑对接触过的同事进行检测,以帮助预防疾病传播,确定SARS-CoV-2感染的范围和程度,并为可能需要采取的其他预防和控制工作提供信息。 + + + + 2.7752808988764044 + + These interim considerations on SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies for non-healthcare workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic are based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of COVID-19 as of the date of posting, July 22, 2020. + + + 关于COVID-19疫情期间对非医疗保健工作场所SARS-CoV-2检测策略的这些临时考虑事项,是基于截至2020年7月22日发布之日对COVID-19传播和严重程度的已知情况。 + + + + 3.5185185185185186 + + Use personal protective equipment (PPE), in accordance with the employer's hazard assessment, to protect workers from hazards not controlled by engineering and administrative controls alone. + + + 根据雇主的危害评估,在��靠工程和行政控制措施无法控制危害的情况下,使用个人防护用品 (PPE) 来保护员工。 + + + + 2.3555555555555556 + + For the most current data about cases of COVID-19 in the US, visit the Cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. page. + + + 有关美国境内COVID-19病例的最新数据,请访问 美国境内COVID-19病例数 页面。 + + + + 3.032967032967033 + + Who this guidance is for: Veterinarians, biologists, and wildlife health specialists who work with free-living wildlife and who may be investigating wildlife morbidity or mortality events or managing the health of free-living wildlife populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. + + + 本指导方针的对象:从事自由生活的野生动物工作的兽医、生物学家和野生动物卫生专家,他们可能正在调查野生动物的发病或死亡事件或在COVID-19疫情期间管理自由生活的野生动物种群的健康。 + + + + 3.1627906976744184 + + Check the league's COVID-19 prevention practices before you go to make sure they have steps in place to prevent the spread of the virus. + + + 参加之前先检查一下联赛的COVID-19预防措施,确保他们已 制定措施 预防病毒传播。 + + + + 2.75 + + Are people with cancer, like hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), at increased risk for severe COVID-19? + + + 癌症患者,例如肝细胞癌(HCC),患COVID-19重病的风险是否更高? + + + + 3.6233766233766236 + + All cruise ships operating in U.S. waters, or seeking to operate in U.S. waters, must comply with all of the requirements under the No Sail Order and Interim Guidance During the Period of the No Sail Order for the entire period of the No Sail Order even when outside U.S. waters. + + + 美国水域中运营的、或者寻求在美国水域运营的所有邮轮必须在禁航令整个有效期间遵守 禁航令 和 禁航令期间临时指导方针 中的所有要求,即使驶出美国水域也如此。 + + + + 2.8058252427184467 + + Implement additional precautions to maintain at least 6 feet separation between any species shown to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, including cats and other felids; dogs; small mammals such as mink, ferrets, and rabbits; and other animalsexternal icon shown to be susceptible to this virus. + + + 实施额外预防措施,在任何可能感染SARS-CoV-2的物种之间保持至少6英尺的距离,包括猫和其他猫科动物、狗、小型哺乳动物(如水貂、雪貂和兔子),以及对这种病毒敏感的 其他动物external icon 。 + + + + 4.0256410256410255 + + will not have interaction with the public during their travel home or to their new duty station (e.g., rental car companies, restaurants, other public areas) + + + 不会在回家或前往新工作地点途中与公众互动(例如,租车公司、餐厅、其他公共区域) + + + + 4.262295081967213 + + When preparing to go back to school, regular communication should be used to update students, families, teachers, and staff about academic standards, meal program services, and access to other school-based essential services that students and families rely on. + + + 在准备返校时,应定期与学生、家庭、教职员工进行交流,使他们了解学业标准、膳食计划服务以及学生和家庭依赖的其他学校基本服务。 + + + + 3.0 + + If you have been exposed, monitor yourself for any COVID-19 signs and symptoms, stay at least 6 feet away from others, and wear a cloth face covering when you need to be around other people or animals. + + + 如果您已经有过接触,请监测自己的任何COVID-19体征和症状,与他人保持至少6英尺的距离,当需要与他人或动物共处时,请佩戴布制面罩。 + + + + 2.9444444444444446 + + Follow guidance on medical isolation and quarantine . + + + 遵守 医学隔离 和 检疫隔离 指南。 + + + + 3.264705882352941 + + Wear a mask , avoid crowds, practice social distancing, and follow these recommended tips for running errands . + + + 佩戴 口罩 ,避开人群,保持保交距离,并遵循建议的 外出办事提示 。 + + + + 3.3 + + To help limit the spread of the virus, you should also develop flexible sick-leave and telework policies so that staff (and volunteers) can stay home when they are sick, when they need to care for a sick household member, or to care for their children in the event of temporary school dismissals . + + + 为了帮助限制病毒的传播,您还应该制定 灵活的病假和远程办公政策 ,以便员工(和志愿者)在生病时、需要照顾生病的家庭成员时,或在他们的孩子 学校临时停课 需要照顾孩子时可以待在家中。 + + + + 3.761904761904762 + + To the extent consistent with applicable law, ensure that any signage and messages are accessible to voters with disabilities, for example by providing large print or braille versions or having audible messages with the same information. + + + 在适用法律允许的情况下,确保提供残疾选民可以使用的任何标牌和消息,例如,提供大号字体或盲文版本,或使用包含相同信息的有声消息。 + + + + 3.426470588235294 + + CDC has launched a new, nationwide initiative to help enhance and complement the efforts of state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments through innovative hiring mechanisms designed to address their surge staffing needs. + + + CDC启动了一个 新的全国性项目 ,旨在通过创新的招聘机制,帮助加强和补充州、部落、地方和区域卫生部门的工作,以满足他们激增的人员需求。 + + + + 3.1315789473684212 + + Detail COVID-19 information, including prevention, signs and symptoms, when to seek medical care, policies and procedures for sick leave, short-term disability, and policies for returning to work after exposure to COVID-19 or illness, and + + + 详细说明COVID-19的相关信息,包括预防、体征和症状、何时就医、病假政策和程序、短期伤假,以及在接触COVID-19或患病后重返工作岗位的政策,以及 + + + + 3.3728813559322033 + + Returning to school in fall 2020 poses new challenges for schools, including implementing mitigation measures (e.g., social distancing, cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, use of cloth face coverings), addressing social, emotional, and mental health needs of students, addressing potential learning loss, and preparing for the probability of COVID-19 cases within the broader school community. + + + 2020年秋季返校给���校带来了新的挑战,包括实施缓解措施(例如保持社交距离、清洁和消毒、保持手部卫生、佩戴布制面罩),解决学生的社会、情感和心理健康需求,弥补潜在的学业损失,并为学校社区更广泛地发生COVID-19病例的可能性做好准备。 + + + + 3.027027027027027 + + Physical injuries and other health conditions unrelated to SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., abscesses, lacerations, fractures). + + + 与SARS-CoV-2无关的身体伤害和其他健康状况(如脓肿、撕裂、骨折)。 + + + + 2.7903225806451615 + + Purpose: This guidance is intended to guide decisions and help prioritize situations that may warrant SARS-CoV-2 testing in mammalian animal species given limited resources. + + + 目的:本指导方针旨在指导决策,并帮助确定在资源有限的情况下,可能需要在哺乳动物中进行SARS-CoV-2检测的优先考虑因素。 + + + + 3.660377358490566 + + Use options to increase social distancing (increasing the physical space between people in the facility, ideally at least 6 feet between people, regardless of whether or not they have symptoms): + + + 采取增加社交距离的措施(增加设施内人员之间的实体距离,人与人之间最好至少6英尺,无论他们有没有出现症状): + + + + 1.9636363636363636 + + Breast milk provides protection against many illnesses and is the best source of nutrition for most infants. + + + 母乳含抵抗多种疾病的成分,能够对婴儿起到保护作用,是大多数婴儿的最佳营养来源。了解 更多有关母乳喂养 的信息。 + + + + 2.761904761904762 + + » Pull over, drink a cup of coffee, or take a 15-30 minute nap before continuing if you feel fatigued while driving. + + + 如果您 开车时感到疲劳 ,应靠边停车,喝杯咖啡,或者小憩15-30分钟,然后再继续。 + + + + 2.9767441860465116 + + Use indoor activity breaks (like stretch breaks or dance breaks) throughout the day to help your child stay healthy and focused. + + + 全天利用休息时间开展室内活动(例如:伸展运动、舞蹈运动),帮助您的孩子保持健康和专注。 + + + + 2.6052631578947367 + + Management in the agriculture industry should conduct work site assessmentsexternal icon to identify coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) risks and infection prevention strategies to protect workers. + + + 农业管理部门应对 工作场所进行评估external icon ,以确定2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎 (COVID-19) 的风险和感染预防策略,保护员工。 + + + + 2.4025974025974026 + + [5] As of July 21, 2020, 6.6% of reported COVID-19 cases and less than 0.1% of COVID-19-related deaths are among children and adolescents less than 18 years of age in the United States. + + + 截至2020年7月21日,在美国报告的6.6%的COVID-19病例​​​​​​​与不到0.1%的COVID-19相关死亡病例为18岁以下的儿童和青少年。 + + + + 3.7794117647058822 + + When workers are living in close quarters , such as people who share a small apartment, or people who live in the same household with large or extended families with ongoing risk of close contact exposures to COVID-19, alternative housing may be considered. + + + 如果员工居住在 狭小房间 里,例如住在小公寓,或与大家庭住在一起的人,他们存在持续密切接触COVID-19的风险,则应考虑其他住房设施。 + + + + 3.6710526315789473 + + Social distancing should be practiced in combination with other everyday preventive actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including wearing masks , avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands, and frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. + + + 保持社交距离应与其他 日常预防措施 结合使用,以降低COVID-19传播,包括 佩戴口罩 、避免用未洗过的手触摸脸部,并经常用肥皂和清水洗手至少20秒。 + + + + 3.1746031746031744 + + If you never had any symptoms and are not immunocompromised, you can end your home isolation and return to work when at least 10 days have passed after the date you first tested positive for COVID-19. + + + 如果您从未出现任何症状,且没有免疫功能受损,则可以在首次COVID-19检测呈阳性至少10天后 结束居家隔离 并返回工作岗位。 + + + + 4.0 + + Regardless of whether the household member has been sick with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, household members that are providing care for an isolated companion animal should protect themselves and follow CDC's cleaning and disinfecting recommendations . + + + 无论家庭成员是否是COVID-19疑似或确诊患者, 护理隔离陪伴动物的家庭成员都应保护自己 ,并遵循CDC的 清洁和消毒 建议。 + + + + 2.3076923076923075 + + Employers are required to determine, select, provide, and train on correct PPE use and application for their workers' specific job duties (see 29 CFR 1926 Subpart Eexternal icon ). + + + 按要求,雇主应为其员工的特定工作职责确定、选择、提供正确的PPE使用和应用,并提供相应培训(参见 29CFR1926的E部分external icon )。 + + + + 4.231884057971015 + + Depending on the size or configuration of the job site, there may need to be multiple handwashing stations available to accommodate the workforce while maintaining social distancing, and stations may need to be restocked during the course of the day to maintain adequate handwashing supplies. + + + 根据工作现场规模和配置,可能需要提供多个洗手台供员工们在保持社交距离的情况下使用。此外,应每天对洗手台进行库存补给,以维持足够的洗手用品。 + + + + 3.895238095238095 + + Administrators should make decisions in collaboration with local health officials based on a number of factors, including the level of community transmission , whether cases are identified among students, teachers, or staff, what other indicators local public health officials are using to assess the status of COVID-19, and whether student, teacher, and staff cohorts are being implemented within the school. + + + 管理人员应根据多种因素与当地卫生官员合作制定决策,这些因素包括 社区传播水平 ,学生和教职员工中是否出现病例,当地公共卫生官员用以评估COVID-19情况的其他指标,以及学校内是否实施了学生和教职员工的分组等。 + + + + 3.103448275862069 + + Identify key contacts (with back-ups), chain of communications (including suppliers and customers), and processes for tracking and communicating about business and employee status. + + + 制定紧急沟通计划。确定关键联系人(包括后备人员)、沟通链(包括供应商和客户)以及用于跟踪和沟通业务和员工状况的流程。 + + + + 3.0163934426229506 + + As public aquatic venues open in some areas, CDC offers the following considerations for the safety of those who operate, manage, and use public pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds. + + + 随着一些地区公共水上场馆的开放,CDC提供以下注意事项,以保障运营、管理和使用公共泳池、热水浴池和水上游乐场的人员的安全。 + + + + 4.7384615384615385 + + Guidance for child care programs and schools is organized into three categories based on the level of community transmission: 1) when there is no community transmission (preparedness phase), 2) when there is minimal to moderate community transmission, and 3) when there is substantial community transmission. + + + 儿童看护机构和学校指南基于社区传播程度分为三级: 1)没有社区传播时(准备阶段)2)最小至中度社区传播时,以及3)大量社区传播时。 + + + + 3.425925925925926 + + This is especially important if you are running essential errands , going into the office or workplace, and in settings where it may be difficult to keep a physical distance of 6 feet . + + + 如果您须 处理必要事务 ,前往办公室或工作场所,以及处于难以保持 6英尺身体距离 的环境中,这一点尤为重要。 + + + + 3.2674418604651163 + + CDC scientists use surveillance data, including information from antibody testing and other kinds of studies, to find out more about the disease, such as how long someone with COVID-19 is contagious, risk factors for severe illness, and which medical treatments are most effective. + + + CDC科学家使用监测数据(包括来自 抗体检测 和其他类型研究的信息)来查找有关该疾病的更多信息,例如COVID-19患者具有传染性的时间、重症风险因素以及最有效的治疗方法。 + + + + 3.7241379310344827 + + Implement appropriate cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection practices to reduce exposure or shield workers. + + + 采取适当的 清洁、卫生和消毒 措施,以减少接触或保护员工。 + + + + 3.65 + + Remind the vessel master to limit wheelhouse crew to essential personnel (such as crew involved in vessel navigation) while the pilot is on board. + + + 提醒船长:当引航员在船上时,应仅限必要人员(例如参与船舶导航的船员)进入驾驶室。 + + + + 2.923076923076923 + + COVID-like illness means acute respiratory illness (ARI), influenza-like illness (ILI), or diagnosis of pneumonia. + + + COVID疑似疾病即急性呼吸道疾病(ARI)、流感样疾病(ILI)或肺炎诊断。 + + + + 2.2151898734177213 + + Once scientists collect and analyze the data, experts in data visualization help to create pictures, charts, and graphics to make the information easier to understand and use. + + + 科学家收集并分析数据后,数据可视化专家将帮助创建图片、图表和图形,以使信息更易于理解和使用��这些信息不仅对那些致力于了解信息的科学家有用,而且对公众也有帮助。 + + + + 2.9146341463414633 + + The decision to test an animal, including companion animals, livestock, and wild or zoo animals, should be agreed upon using a One Health approach with the appropriate local, state, and/or federal public health and animal health officials. + + + 检测动物(包括陪伴动物、家畜以及野生或动物园动物)的决定应在适当的地方、州和/或联邦公共卫生与动物卫生官员之间使用"共享健康"(One Health)方法达成一致。 + + + + 3.2830188679245285 + + The use of drugs by smoking or vaping (e.g., heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana) can make chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and other lung conditions worse. + + + 香烟或电子烟类的毒品(如海洛因、可卡因、大麻)会导致慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD)、哮喘和其他肺部疾病恶化。 + + + + 3.6142857142857143 + + Comply with local, state, territorial, federal, or tribal regulatory agency policies on gathering requirements or recommendations to determine if events, such as open-water swim and other sports competitions, swim lessons, and beach parties can be held. + + + 遵守地方、州、领地、联邦或部落管理机构的政策,收集要求或建议,以确定是否可以举办活动,如开阔水域的游泳和其他体育比赛、游泳课程和海滩派对等。 + + + + 3.909090909090909 + + Consider taking steps to improve ventilation in the building, in consultation with an HVAC professional, based on local environmental conditions (temperature/humidity) and ongoing community transmission in the area: + + + 考虑根据当地环境条件(温度/湿度)和该区域目前的社区传播,与HVAC专业人员协商,采取措施改善建筑物内的通风: + + + + 2.3625 + + As an employer, if your business operations were interrupted, resuming normal or phased activities presents an opportunity to update your COVID-19 preparedness, response, and control plans. + + + 作为雇主,如果您的业务运营被中断,恢复正常的或阶段式的活动将使您有机会更新对COVID-19的准备、应对和控制计划。所有雇主均应实施和更新必要的计划,该计划应: + + + + 4.555555555555555 + + Arrange to transport crew members to their final destination (US or overseas) by industry-chartered private transport, industry-chartered private flights, or personal vehicles (no rental cars, taxis, or ride-share services) with measures in place to ensure neither those involved in transport nor other members of the public are exposed to the disembarking individuals. + + + 通过包车、包机或个人车辆(不含租车、的士或拼车服务)安排将船员运送到他们的最终目的地(美国或海外),并采取措施确保参与运送的人和其他公众成员都不会接触上岸的个人。 + + + + 3.3207547169811322 + + • Provide drivers with all PPE (including vests, safety glasses, hard hats) that they might need while on the road so that the driver does not need to borrow PPE from shippers. + + + 向驾驶员提供路途中可能需要用到的所有个人防护用品(包括背心、护目镜、安全帽),确保驾驶员无需向托运人借用。 + + + + 3.3380281690140845 + + Other individuals without such risk factors should adapt to disruptions in routine activities (e.g., school and/or work closures) by using remote participation such as telework where feasible or online classes or home study (E-learning). + + + 没有这种风险的其他个体应适应日常活动的中断(如学校及/或工作场所关闭),进行远程参与,例如远程办公(如可行)或线上课程或在家学习(在线学习)。 + + + + 2.4716981132075473 + + If you develop symptoms after testing positive, follow the guidance above for "I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms." + + + 如果您在检测呈阳性后出现症状,请遵照上述"我认为或知道自己患有COVID-19并出现症状"部分的指导方针。 + + + + 2.3513513513513513 + + If you need to be around other people or animals, wear a mask (including in your home). + + + 如果必须接近其他人或动物,包括宠物(即使在家),您应戴上 口罩 遮住口鼻。 + + + + 3.1866666666666665 + + The following guidance was created to help owners, administrators, or operators of shared (also called "congregate") housing facilities - working together with residents, staff, and public health officials - prevent the spread of COVID-19. + + + 制定以下指导方针是为了帮助共享(又称为"集体")住房设施的所有者、管理人员或运营人员与住户、员工和公共卫生官员一起,同心协力防止COVID-19传播。 + + + + 3.7037037037037037 + + In close contact with passengers, the public, coworkers, transit operators, and maintenance workers. + + + 与乘客、公众、同事、交通运营商和维修员工 密切接触 。 + + + + 2.8351648351648353 + + One important strategy that administrators can consider is cohorting (or "pods"), where a group of students (and sometimes teachers) stay together throughout the school day to minimize exposure for students, teachers, and staff across the school environment. + + + 管理人员可以考虑的一项重要措施是分组(或形成"组群")。 分组 是将学生(有时是教职员工)分成小组,他们在整个上学日都待在一起,以最大程度地减少学生、教职员工在整个学校环境中的接触。 + + + + 3.185185185185185 + + If your symptoms get worse (like you have trouble breathing or pain/pressure in your chest, confusion or bluish lips or face), call 911 or get immediate help from a doctor. + + + 如果您的症状恶化(如呼吸困难、胸部疼痛或有压力感、神志不清或嘴唇或脸发青),请拨打911或立即寻求医生帮助。 + + + + 3.6481481481481484 + + • All decisions about implementing IHE-based strategies (e.g., class suspensions, event cancellations, other social distancing measures) should be made in collaboration with local health officials. + + + 所有关于实施针对IHE策略的决策(例如:停课、活动取消、其他保持社交距离的方法)都应与当地卫生官员合作制定。 + + + + 3.9393939393939394 + + Prevention practices should follow the hierarchy of controls , which includes using source control and a combination of engineering controls, administrative controls (especially proper sanitation, cleaning, and disinfection), and personal protective equipment. + + + 预防措施应遵循 控制措施的层级 ,包括使用来源控制以及工程控制、行政控制(尤其是适当的卫生、清洁和消毒)和个人防护用品相组合的手段。 + + + + 4.52542372881356 + + A gathering refers to a planned or spontaneous event, indoors or outdoors, with a small number of people participating or a large number of people in attendance such as a community event or gathering, concert, festival, conference, parade, wedding, or sporting event. + + + 集会是指有计划或自发举行的人数或少或多的室内或室外活动,例如社区活动或聚会、音乐会、节日、会议、游行、婚礼或体育活动。 + + + + 3.4722222222222223 + + Masks are strongly encouraged in settings where individuals might raise their voices, such as shouting, chanting, or singing. + + + 我们强烈建议人们在可能会提高音量(如喊叫、唱诵、唱歌)的场合下使用口罩。 + + + + 2.617391304347826 + + For building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that have been shut down or on setback, review new construction startup guidance provided in ASHRAE Standard 180-2018, Standard Practice for the Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systemspdf iconexternal icon . + + + 确保设施内的通风系统正常运行。对于建筑物已关闭或停机的暖通空调(HVAC)系统,请查看 ASHRAE标准180-2018,商业建筑HVAC系统的检查和维修标准规程pdf iconexternal icon 中的新施工启动指导方针。 + + + + 3.4615384615384617 + + Conduct screenings for symptoms and fever on all new entrants, staff, and visitors prior to entering the facility and follow guidance . + + + 进入设施前,对所有新进入人员、员工和访客进行症状和发烧 筛查 并 遵守指南 。 + + + + 2.948051948051948 + + CDC is conducting a nationwide COVID-19 seroprevalence survey in 25 U.S. metropolitan areas to understand the percentage of people in the United States who may have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. + + + CDC正在美国25个大都市地区开展全国性的COVID-19 血清阳性率调查 ,以了解美国可能感染导致COVID-19的SARS-CoV-2病毒的人口比例。 + + + + 2.7058823529411766 + + Using study findings, case counts, and surveillance, CDC publishes resources to help people in different risk groups (like healthcare workers or older people) stay safe in different settings (like grocery stores, home, or school). + + + 利用研究结果、病例计数和监测,CDC发布资源,帮助不同风险人群(如医疗工作者或老年人)在不同环境(如杂货店、家庭或学校)保持安全。随着新信息的获得,该指导方针会不断更新。 + + + + 3.2195121951219514 + + Find free CDC print and digital resources at the bars and restaurant page , as well as on CDC's communications resources main page . + + + 在 酒吧和餐厅 页面以及CDC的 通讯资源主页 上查找免费的CDC打印和数字资源。 + + + + 3.236842105263158 + + You can be social, but do it from a distance, such as reaching out to friends by phone, text, video chat, and social media. + + + 您仍可以社交,但应保持距离,例如通过电话、短信、视频聊天和社交媒体联系朋友。 + + + + 2.8596491228070176 + + Interim Recommendations for U.S. Non-emergency Transport Vehicles that May Have Transported Passengers with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) + + + 针对可能运送过确诊/疑似患有 2019 年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的旅客的美国非紧急运输车辆的临时建议 + + + + 3.492063492063492 + + Conducting temperature checks and screening all new entrants, staff, and visitors for flu-like symptoms during the last 24 hours, and any contact they may have had with someone infected with COVID-19 in the last 14 days. + + + 对所有新进入人员、员工和访客进行体温测量并筛查其过去24小时内的流感样症状,以及过去14天中是否与COVID-19感染者接触。 + + + + 3.317073170731707 + + Make sure you are up to date with your routine vaccinations, including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine. + + + 确保您已按时接种常规疫苗,包括麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)疫苗以及季节性流感疫苗。 + + + + 3.1515151515151514 + + Parents and coaches should assess level of risk based on individual players on the team who may be at higher risk for severe illness , such as children who may have asthma, diabetes, or other health problems. + + + 重病高风险运动员。父母和教练应根据团队中各个运动员 重病高风险 情况评估风险水平,例如可能患有哮喘、糖尿病或存在其他健康问题的孩子。 + + + + 3.5285714285714285 + + Shared housing residents often gather together closely for social, leisure, and recreational activities, shared dining, laundry facilities, stairwells, and elevators and may have challenges with social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. + + + 共享住房的住户经常聚在一起进行社交、休闲和娱乐活动,聚餐,共用洗衣设施、楼梯井和电梯,可能难以保持 社交距离 以防止COVID-19的传播。 + + + + 3.1515151515151514 + + Establish processes to evaluate and test large numbers of patients and HCP with respiratory symptoms (e.g., designated clinics for people with fever, surge tent for overflow triage, offsite testing locations) + + + 制定对大量病人和HCP进行呼吸系统症状评估和测试的程序(例如,指定诊所用于发烧病人、医用帐篷用于过多的分类病人、设施以外的检测地点) + + + + 2.5319148936170213 + + If someone from the health department calls you, answer the call to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in your community. + + + 如果有公共卫生部工作人员打电话给您,请接听电话,这有助于减缓COVID-19在您社区的传 播。 + + + + 3.757575757575758 + + Operate and manage the beach in accordance with local, state, territorial, federal, and tribal laws, rules, and regulations. + + + 根据地方、州、领地、联邦和部落的法律、法规和规定来经营和管理海滩。 + + + + 2.473684210526316 + + If people will be interacting with animals at an event, take precautions to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. + + + 如果人们将会在活动期间与动物互动,则应采取预防措施,防止SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)的传播。 + + + + 2.651851851851852 + + Provide 1) a handwashing station or alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, 2) disinfectant wipesexternal icon and/or disinfectant spray from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list of approved products for use against COVID-19 ( EPA List Nexternal icon ) and paper towels, and 3) a lined trash bin at each watering point. + + + 提供 1)洗手台或者含至少60%酒精的 免洗手消毒液 ,2) 消毒湿巾external icon 及/或美国环境保护局(EPA)批准用于COVID-19的产品清单( EPA 清单 Nexternal icon )中的消毒喷剂和纸巾,以及3)每个给水点提供带内衬的垃圾桶。 + + + + 1.9230769230769231 + + Consider posting signs for the national distress hotline: 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746; The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224; and The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). + + + 考虑张贴告示公布国家求救热线:1-800-985-5990,或发送短信TalkWithUs至66746;全国家庭暴力热线:1-800-799-7233和听障人士电话1-800-787-3224;国家预防自杀生命热线:1-800-273-TALK (8255)。 + + + + 3.1 + + People who are sick or have recently had a close contact (closer than 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) to a person with COVID-19 should avoid using transportation options that may put them in close contact with others (e.g., public transit, rideshare, or taxis) and should stay home except to seek medical care. + + + 病人 或近期与COVID-19患者有过密切接触(距离小于6英尺并持续至少15分钟)的人应该避免乘坐可能会与他人发生密切接触的交通工具(如公共交通、拼车或出租车),除寻求医学护理之外,应该始终待在家中。 + + + + 2.97 + + Recommend that people at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions ) consult with their medical provider to assess their risk and to determine if they should stay home if there is an outbreak in their community. + + + 建议 ​​​​​​​COVID-19重病高风险 ​​​​​​​人群(老年人和患有严重 基础疾病 的各年龄段人群)咨询健康护理提供者,评估自身风险,并确定如果他们所在社区爆发疫情,他们是否应该待在家中。 + + + + 2.7162162162162162 + + Identify essential employees and business functions, and other critical inputs such as raw materials, suppliers, subcontractor services/products, and logistics required to maintain business operations. + + + 确定必要的员工和业务职能以及其他重要资料,例如维持业务运营所需的原材料、供应商、分包商服务/产品和物流。探索在出现营业中断时可以继续业务运作的方法。 + + + + 3.074074074074074 + + Repurpose unused or underutilized school (or community) spaces to increase classroom space and facilitate social distancing, including outside spaces, where feasible. + + + 在可行情况下,重新利用未使用或未充分利用的学校(或社区)空间(包括室外空间),以增加教室空间和扩大社交距离。 + + + + 3.857142857142857 + + Use verbal announcements on the loudspeaker and place signage throughout the establishment, at entrances, in restrooms, and in breakrooms to remind employees and customers to maintain distances of 6 feet from others. + + + 利用扬声器播放语音通知,并在整个场所内、入口处,洗手间和休息室内放置标牌,提醒员工和客户与他人保持6英尺的距离。 + + + + 3.473684210526316 + + Ask the people you are working with (funeral home staff, clergy, or officiant) about resources they may be able to provide, such as: + + + 询问与您合作的人(殡仪馆工作人员、神职人员或司仪牧师)可以提供的资源,例如: + + + + 3.836734693877551 + + Follow the manufacturer's instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, use of personal protective equipment, storage). + + + 遵循所有清洁和消毒产品的制造商说明(例如浓度、使用方法和接触时间、个人防护设备的使用,以及存放)。 + + + + 4.0 + + To prevent getting sick, make sure you practice everyday preventive actions : clean hands often; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands; and frequently clean and disinfect surfaces. + + + 为防止生病,请确保您采取 日常预防措施 :勤洗手;避免用未洗的手触摸眼睛和口鼻;并经常清洁和消毒表面。 + + + + 2.5846153846153848 + + Check with the organizer or event venue for updated information about any COVID-19 safety guidelines and if they have steps in place to prevent the spread of the virus. + + + 与组织者或活动场所联系并获取任何有关COVID-19安全指导方针的最新信息,并了解组织者或活动场所是否已 采取措施 防止病毒传播。 + + + + 3.4 + + If other companies provide your business with contract or temporary employees, talk with them about the importance of sick employees staying home and encourage them to develop non-punitive leave policies. + + + 与向您的公司提供合同或临时雇员的公司讨论其计划。讨论生病员工留在家里的重要性,并鼓励他们制定非惩罚性的"紧急病假"政策。 + + + + 2.80327868852459 + + As cases of COVID-19 are being reported, epidemiologists are conducting public health surveillance, the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data. + + + 随着COVID-19病例的报告,流行病学家正在进行公共健康监测,系统地收集、分析和解释健康数据。监测使流行病学家可以计算: + + + + 2.6527777777777777 + + Before testing sick or dead wildlife for SARS-CoV-2, more common causes of morbidity and mortality should be ruled out, unless there is cause for suspicion of previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2. + + + 在对患病或死亡的野生动物进行SARS-CoV-2检测之前,应排除更常见的致病和死亡原因,除非有理由怀疑这些动物之前曾接触过SARS-CoV-2。 + + + + 3.275 + + Healthcare Settings and Healthcare Providers (Including Outpatient, Nursing Homes/Long-Term Care Facilities, Inpatient, Telehealth) + + + 医疗卫生环境和医疗服务��供者(包括门诊、养老院/长期护理设施、住院部、远程医疗) + + + + 2.3402061855670104 + + CDC does not currently have guidance for adult sports leagues, however organizations and administrators can reference the Considerations for Youth Sports to find strategies for reducing exposure risks during sports competition. + + + 本信息并非旨在为计划或管理比赛的成人体育联赛或组织提供指导方针。CDC目前尚无成人体育联赛的指导方针,但是组织和管理者可以参考 青少年体育运动考虑事项 ,以找到减少体育比赛中接触病毒风险的策略。 + + + + 3.6307692307692307 + + The use of stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine can cause acute health problems such as stroke, heart attacks, abnormal heart rhythm, and seizures, as well as more chronic conditions such as heart or lung damage. + + + 可卡因、安非他明和甲基苯丙胺等兴奋剂的使用会导致急性健康问题,如中风、心脏病发作、心律失常和癫痫,以及更多的慢性疾病,如心肺损伤。 + + + + 4.228571428571429 + + When possible, choose food and drink options that are not self-serve to limit the use of shared serving utensils, handles, buttons, or touchscreens. + + + 如可能,选择非自助的食物和饮品,以限制共用盛餐餐具、把手、按钮或触屏。 + + + + 3.340909090909091 + + Place handwashing stations and/or hand sanitizers in multiple locations (including in or adjacent to portable restrooms) to encourage hand hygiene. + + + 在多个地点(包括移动式卫生间内或旁边)设置洗手台及/或免洗手消毒液,以鼓励保持手部卫生。 + + + + 2.1470588235294117 + + Using the information learned through contact tracing, epidemiologists develop tables, called line lists, summarizing the data about the contacts. + + + 利用通过追踪接触者获得的信息,流行病学家开发了称为行列表的表格,总结有关接触者的数据。每个人之间的联系被称为传染病学 (epi) 联系。 + + + + 3.6153846153846154 + + Encourage visitors to use cloth face covers and to follow social distancing recommendations by staying at least 6 feet apart (about 2 arm's lengths) from others that you do not live with.. + + + 鼓励访客使用 布制面罩 并遵守 保持社交距离 建议,跟不与您同住的人保持至少6英尺的距离(约2个臂长)。 + + + + 3.372549019607843 + + Provide educational materials about COVID-19 for non-English speakers , those with low literacy or intellectual disabilities, and people who are hearing or vision impaired. + + + 为 非英语母语人员 、文化程度低或智障人员,以及听力或视力残障人员提供有关COVID-19的教育材料。 + + + + 1.9396551724137931 + + Some schools and non-profits, such as the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learningexternal icon and The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligenceexternal icon , have resources for social and emotional learning. + + + 一些学校和非营利组织,如 学业、社会和情感学习合作项目external icon 和 耶鲁大学情感智力中心external icon ,提供社会和情感学习资源。查看您孩子的学校是否发布一些提示���指南,以协助支持孩子的社会和情感需求。 + + + + 2.752577319587629 + + Because of the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and the high risk of COVID-19 spread on cruise ships, the US government issued a No Sail Order for cruise ships in waters subject to US jurisdiction and has advised US travelers to defer all cruise travel . + + + 由于COVID-19全球流行前所未有的性质以及COVID-19在游轮上传播的高风险,美国政府对在美国管辖水域内的游轮发出了禁航令,并建议美国游客 推迟所有游轮旅行 。禁航令发布在 联邦公报 上。 + + + + 3.4074074074074074 + + Review the CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers and the Resuming Business Toolkit for guidelines and recommendations that all employers can use to protect their employees. + + + 查阅 CDC关于企业和雇主的临时指导方针 和 恢复业务工具包 ,获取雇主可以用来保护其员工的所有指导和建议。 + + + + 3.4819277108433737 + + Follow protective policies such as adjusting your workstation to minimize close contact and using transparent shields or other barriers if they have been put in place by your employer to physically separate yourself from customers where distancing is not an option (e.g., teller counters). + + + 遵守保护政策,例如调整您的工作台以最小化近距离接触,如果您的雇主设置了透明防护板或其他屏障,如果无法保持距离(例如柜员),使用这些屏障将您自己与客户通过物理方式隔开。 + + + + 3.1666666666666665 + + The purpose of this document is to provide employers with strategies for consideration of incorporating testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, into a workplace COVID-19 preparedness, response, and control plan . + + + 本文件旨在为雇主提供策略,以考虑将SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)检测纳入工作场所的 COVID-19准备、应对和控制计划 。 + + + + 3.6721311475409837 + + Employers planning to incorporate testing into their COVID-19 prevention efforts should ensure the worksite has a testing plan in place based on contingencies informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). + + + 雇主的计划应将检测纳入其COVID-19预防工作,以确保工作场所根据疾病控制预防中心 (CDC) 的突发事件制定检测计划。 + + + + 3.5454545454545454 + + Post signs at entry points that list the requirements for entry (e.g., self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms, temperature screenings, etc.) and any recommendations or requirements for guests (e.g., wear masks, practice frequent hand hygiene, practice social distancing, limit handshakes, fist bumps, and high-fives. + + + 在入口处张贴标识,列出准入条件(例如自行监测COVID-19症状、体温筛查等)以及对顾客的任何建议或要求(例如佩戴口罩、经常进行手部清洁、保持社交距离、限制握手、击拳和击掌)。 + + + + 3.057142857142857 + + Stay home for 14 days from the time you left the cruise ship or river cruise and practice social distancing + + + 请在海上或河道游轮行程结束后 的14天内居家隔离,并保持合理 社交距离 + + + + 1.6304347826086956 + + English versions of all CDC COVID-19 print materials can be accessed here . + + + 可以在 此处 访问所有CDC COVID-19打印材料的英文版。以下提供多种语言的材料选择。 + + + + 3.4642857142857144 + + Shared or congregate housing includes apartments, condominiums, student or faculty housing, national and state park staff housing, transitional housing, and domestic violence and abuse shelters. + + + 共享或集体住房包括公寓、共管公寓、学生或教职工住房、国家级或州级公园员工住房、过渡性住房及家庭暴力和虐待收容所。 + + + + 3.2816901408450705 + + Companion animals, in this document, refers to mammalian companion animals, such as dogs, cats, small mammal pets including ferrets and hamsters, and others that live in a home or on the premises of a home, including service animals. + + + 本文件所指的陪伴动物是指哺乳动物陪伴动物,如狗、猫、小型哺乳动物宠物(包括雪貂、仓鼠等),以及其他生活在家中或房屋内的动物(包括服务性动物)。 + + + + 3.422222222222222 + + If organizations are not able to keep safety measures in place during competition (for example, keeping participants six feet apart at all times), they may consider limiting participation to within-team competition only (for example, scrimmages between members of the same team) or team-based practices only. + + + 如果体育组织无法在竞赛期间维持安全措施(例如参与者之间始终保持六英尺的社交距离),他们可以考虑将参与方式限制为仅进行队内竞赛(例如同一团队队员之间进行训练比赛)或者仅进行团队训练。 + + + + 3.311111111111111 + + As some communities in the United States consider opening or begin to open public beaches, CDC offers the following considerations for steps beach managers can take to help protect their staff and beach visitors, both in the water and on land, and slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. + + + 在一些美国社区考虑开放或开始开放公共海滩之际,CDC提供以下注意事项供海滩管理者考虑,以采取措施帮助保护工作人员和海滩游客在水中和陆地上的安全,减缓导致COVID-19病毒的传播。 + + + + 2.725 + + If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately. + + + 监测自身症状。如果您出现 紧急警告体征 (包括呼吸困难),应立即寻求紧急医疗救护 + + + + 3.328767123287671 + + More research is needed to determine if COVID-19 patients with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cirrhosis, fatty liver, and other chronic liver diseases are more likely to suffer from liver damage than COVID-19 patients without chronic liver disease. + + + 还需进行更多的研究来确定患有乙肝、丙肝、肝硬化、脂肪肝和其他慢性肝病的COVID-19患者是否比没有慢性肝病的COVID-19患者更易遭受肝损伤。 + + + + 2.7017543859649122 + + Who this is for: Public health and animal health officials involved in managing companion animals diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 and other One Health partners. + + + 针对对象: 参与管理确诊患有SARS-CoV-2的陪伴动物的公共卫生和动物卫生官员,以及其他"共同健康"合作伙伴。 + + + + 3.108695652173913 + + Threatened or endangered species or species of special concern, particularly wildlife with clinical signs consistent with coronavirus infection (i.e., respiratory or gastrointestinal clinical signs),1 and testing to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection in endangered and vulnerable populations. + + + 受到威胁或濒危物种或特别关注的物种,特别是具有与冠状病毒感染一致的临床体征(即呼吸道或胃肠道临床体征)的野生动物1 ,以及为预防SARS-CoV-2感染而在濒危和易感种群中进行的检测。 + + + + 3.1132075471698113 + + Consider providing screening and ongoing medical monitoring of workers, ensuring they wear an appropriate source control device (e.g., cloth face coveringsexternal icon ) in accordance with CDC and OSHA guidance and any SLTT requirements, and implementing social distancing to minimize the chances of workers exposing one another. + + + 考虑对员工进行筛查和持续的医疗监控,确保他们穿戴适当的源控制装备(例如, 布制面罩external icon ),以遵守CDC和OSHA的指导方针以及所有SLTT要求,并实施社交距离措施,减少员工相互接触的机会。 + + + + 3.8846153846153846 + + During telephone or online scheduling of appointments, ask clients if they or anyone in their house has had a fever, felt feverish, or had chills, coughing, or difficulty breathing in the past 24 hours. + + + 在通过电话或在线预约时,询问客户或其家人在过去24个小时内是否出现发烧、自感发热、寒战、咳嗽或呼吸困难。 + + + + 3.375 + + Where telemedicine and in-patient care are not possible, whether it is safe for the veterinarian to provide in-home care services (see Interim infection prevention and control guidance for veterinary clinics treating companion animals during the COVID-19 response ); and + + + 在无法进行远程医疗和住院护理的情况下,兽医提供家庭护理服务是否安全(参见 关于在COVID-19应对期间治疗宠物的兽医诊所的临时感染预防和控制指导方针 );以及 + + + + 2.7857142857142856 + + If the animal handlers must pick up the companion animal from the home and there are people in the household with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, a healthy member of the household should bring the animal outside while wearing a mask. + + + 如果动物驯导员必须从家中接走陪伴动物,并且家中有疑似或确诊COVID-19患者,则健康的家庭成员应在佩戴口罩的情况下将动物带出。驯导员只在绝对必要的情况下才能进入房屋。 + + + + 1.5064935064935066 + + If yes (but no COVID-19 symptoms): Quarantine the individual and monitor for symptoms two times per day for 14 days. + + + 如有(但没有COVID-19症状):隔离该个人并监控其症状,每天两次,持续14天。隔离期间,设施员工应遵循隔离指南并监控该个人症状,每天两次,持续14天。 + + + + 3.6530612244897958 + + During travel, try to keep at least 6 feet (2 meters) from people who are not in your household - for example, when you are waiting at a bus station or selecting seats on a train. + + + 旅行期间,尽量与非同住者保持至少6英尺(2米)的距离,例如,在公共汽车站候车或在火车上选择座位时。 + + + + 2.5913978494623655 + + Information related to COVID-19 and changes related to GH policies and procedures should be provided in an accessible and easy-to-understand format, in an appropriate language, and at a literacy level appropriate for all staff and employees. + + + 与COVID-19相关的信息以及与GH政策和程序相关的更改应以易于获取和理解的方式提供,且使用适当的语言,并以适合所有员工的读写水平提供。示例包括 情况介绍 和海报以及 美国手语视频 。 + + + + 2.260869565217391 + + There is no evidence that livestock, crops, or products that may be handled by workers involved in production agriculture are sources of COVID-19 infection. + + + 没有证据表明,从事农业生产的员工可能接触的家畜、作物或产品是COVID-19感染的来源。然而,与同事的密切接触可能会导致病毒在员工中传播。 + + + + 2.744186046511628 + + If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms of COVID-19, stay home and away from others (except to get medical care). + + + • 如果出现发烧、咳嗽或其他COVID-19症状,请待在 家中,远离他人(就医除外)。 + + + + 3.7222222222222223 + + Employees who have symptoms when they arrive at work or become sick during the day should immediately be separated from other employees, customers, and visitors and sent home. Employees who develop symptoms outside of work should notify their supervisor and stay home. + + + 在到达工作场所时出现 症状 或工作时生病的员工应被立即与其他员工、顾客和访客隔离开,并送回家。在工作场所外出现症状的员工应通知其主管并留在家中。 + + + + 3.3055555555555554 + + Encourage outreach staff to maintain good hand hygiene by washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) on a regular basis, including before and after each client interaction + + + 鼓励外联人员保持良好的手部卫生习惯,方法是定期用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒,或定期使用免洗手消毒液(含至少60%酒精),包括每次与客户互动之前和之后 + + + + 3.0675675675675675 + + Ask family and friends to share stories and pictures with you via mailed letters, email, phone, or video chat or via apps or social media that allow groups to share with each other (e.g., group chat, group messaging, Facebook). + + + 请家人和朋友通过信件、电子邮件、电话或视频通话、或者允许小组互相分享的应用程序或社交媒体(例如群聊、群组信息、Facebook)与您分享故事和照片。 + + + + 3.9607843137254903 + + Discourage staff and beach visitors from sharing items that are difficult to clean, sanitize, or disinfect or that are meant to come in contact with the face (such as goggles, nose clips, and snorkels). + + + 劝阻工作人员和海滩游客不要共用难以清洁、杀菌或消毒的物品,或与面部接触的物品(如泳镜、鼻夹和呼吸管)。 + + + + 3.3359375 + + Strategies for preventing the introduction of COVID-19 into the worksite include screening for fever, symptoms of and exposure to COVID-19; staying at home and self-monitoring for symptoms for 14 days prior to initial entry to the worksite; testing for SARS-CoV-2, as described in more detail below; and cooperating with federal and SLTT health authorities to facilitate contact tracing if exposures or infections warrant such. + + + 防止将COVID-19带入工作场所的策略包括筛查发烧、COVID-19症状和接触情况;在首次进入工作场所之前,留在���中并自我监测症状14天;接受SARS-CoV-2检测(如下所述),并与联邦和SLTT卫生当局合作,在调查接触或感染情况必要时协助追踪接触者。 + + + + 1.6603773584905661 + + Videos featured in the social media toolkit are typically shorter and can be downloaded. + + + CDC的 YouTube频道 和 社交媒体工具包 中提供了视频。社交媒体工具包中的视频通常较短,可供下载。 + + + + 2.6265060240963853 + + Reporting the number of deaths by using death certificates ultimately provides more complete information but is a longer process and, therefore, these numbers will be less than the deaths count on the COVID-19 website. + + + 此外,CDC定期在NCHS网站上报告临时死亡证明数据。通过死亡证明报告死亡数量能够提供更完整的信息,但其过程更长,因此这些数量将少于COVID-19网站上的死亡数量。 + + + + 3.4237288135593222 + + If some traditions, such as certain religious rituals, sharing rides to the gravesite, or having food and beverages, are considered essential to you and your family and friends, consider modifying them. + + + 如果您和您的家人及朋友认为某些传统(例如某些宗教仪式、共乘一车到达墓地、或享用食物和饮品)是必要的,考虑更改这些传统。 + + + + 2.898876404494382 + + Note that all staff in any sized facility, regardless of the presence of onsite healthcare services, should observe guidance on recommended PPE in order to ensure their own safety when interacting with persons with confirmed and suspected COVID-19 infection. + + + 请注意,不论设施是否提供现场医疗保健服务,任何规模设施中的所有工作人员均应遵守 建议的个人防护用品(PPE) 指导方针,以便在与COVID-19确诊和疑似患者接触时确保自身安全。 + + + + 3.032258064516129 + + State Officials can reach the CDC COVID-19 One Health Working Group to set up a consultation by emailing onehealth@cdc.gov , or by calling CDC's Emergency Operations Center (24/7) at 770-488-7100, identifying yourself as a state public health veterinarian or state animal health official, and asking to speak to the on-call member of the CDC COVID-19 One Health Working Group. + + + 州官员可以通过发送电子邮件至 onehealth@cdc.gov 或致电 770-488-7100 给 CDC紧急行动中心 (24/7) ,指明自己是州公共卫生兽医或州动物卫生官员,并要求与CDC COVID-19共同健康卫生工作组的值班成员通话。 + + + + 3.2790697674418605 + + Do not share: Do not share dishes, cups/glasses, silverware, towels, bedding, or electronics (like a cell phone) with the person who is sick. + + + 请勿共用:请勿与病人共用餐具、茶杯/玻璃杯、器皿、毛巾、床上用品或电子产品(如手机)。 + + + + 2.738095238095238 + + Limit any nonessential visitors, spectators, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations. + + + 非必要访客、观众、志愿者。限制非必要访客、观众、志愿者以及涉及外部团体或组织的活动。 + + + + 3.380952380952381 + + • Do not share personal protective equipment (PPE) (such as vests, safety glasses, hard hats), tools, phones, radios, or other personal items. + + + 请勿共用个人防护用品(例如背心、防护镜、安全帽)、工具、电话、对讲机或其他个人物品。 + + + + 3.517857142857143 + + Close off areas used by a sick person and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfecting them (for outdoor areas, this includes surfaces or shared objects in the area, if applicable). + + + 关闭病人使用过的区域,并不要在 清洁和消毒 前使用这些区域(包括室外区域、这些区域内的表面或共享物品,如适用)。 + + + + 1.9195402298850575 + + International experiences have demonstrated that even when a school carefully coordinates, plans, and prepares, cases may still occur within the community and schools. + + + 国际经验表明,即使一所学校仔细协调、计划和准备,病例仍可能在社区和学校内发生。对社区中发生COVID-19的病例进行预计和规划,可以帮助每个人在发现一个或多个病例时做好准备。 + + + + 2.6862745098039214 + + Implement multiple SARS-CoV-2 mitigation strategies (e.g., social distancing, cloth face coverings, hand hygiene, and use of cohorting ). + + + 实施多种缓解SARS-CoV-2的措施(例如保持社交距离、佩戴布制面罩、保持手部卫生和进行 分组 )。 + + + + 3.13953488372093 + + Follow recommendations for proper pump cleaning [ Español ] after each use, cleaning all parts that come into contact with breast milk. + + + 每次使用后,请遵循 母乳泵的正确清洁建议 [ 西班牙语 ],清洁与母乳接触的所有部件。 + + + + 3.6363636363636362 + + Arrange chairs in reception or other communal seating areas by turning, draping (covering chair with tape or fabric so seats cannot be used), spacing, or removing chairs to maintain social distancing. + + + 在接待处或其他公共座位区,通过转向、搁置(用胶带或布料盖住座椅,使其无法使用)、间隔或撤掉座椅来保持社交距离。 + + + + 2.0327868852459017 + + Your baby should not sleep on an adult bed, cot, air mattress, or couch, or on a chair alone, with you, or with anyone else. + + + 让婴儿和您同睡一间房,但不要同睡一张床。您的婴儿不应独自、与您或与其他任何人同睡在成人床、折叠床、充气床垫、沙发或椅子上。 + + + + 3.586206896551724 + + CDC recommends that older adults, people of any age with certain underlying medical conditions , and others at increased risk for severe illness postpone all nonessential travel to the following destinations: + + + CDC建议老年人、 患有 某些基础疾病 的各年龄段人群以及 其他重病高风险人群 推迟前往以下目的地的所有非必要旅行: + + + + 2.532258064516129 + + Beaches or other swimming areas: State and local authorities will decide whether swim areas at oceans, lakes, and other natural bodies of water will be open. + + + 海滩或其他游泳区:州和地方当局将决定是否开放海洋、湖泊和其他自然水域的游泳区。请向各海滩了解具体细节,包括是否开放游泳区域。 + + + + 3.4761904761904763 + + Ensure that lifeguards who are actively lifeguarding are not also expected to monitor handwashing , use of masks , or social distancing of others. + + + 确保不让从事救生工作的救生员负责监督他人 洗手 、使用 口罩 或 社交距离 的工作。 + + + + 2.5945945945945947 + + A procedure for addressing workers that decline or are unable to be tested (e.g., symptomatic worker refusing testing in a worksite with positive COVID-19 cases should be treated as positive). + + + 处理拒绝接受检测或无法接受检测的员工的程序(例如,在工作场所出现COVID-19阳性病例的情况下,如果有症状的员工拒绝接受检测,则应作为阳性处理)。 + + + + 2.84 + + • If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, stay home and away from others for 14 days after your last contact with that person. + + + • 如果您曾与COVID-19患者接触 过,在与该患者最后一次接触后,请待在家中,远 离他人14天。 + + + + 3.1785714285714284 + + • If possible, stay away from others, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19, such as older adults and people with other medical conditions. + + + • 如有可能,远离其他人,特别是 若感染COVID-19会发病很重风险 较高的人,例如老年人和有其他 疾病的人。 + + + + 3.604651162790698 + + What does CDC recommend for law enforcement personnel who have been in close contact (less than 6 feet) with a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19? + + + CDC为密切接触(不到6英尺)过疑似或确诊COVID-19患者的执法人员提供什么建议? + + + + 3.0980392156862746 + + Ask family and friends to share stories and pictures with you via phone, video chat, email, text message, photo sharing apps, social media, or mailed letters. + + + 请家人和朋友通过电话、视频通话、电子邮件、短信、图片分享程序、社交媒体或邮寄信件,与您分享故事和照片。 + + + + 3.772727272727273 + + This guidance is intended, first and foremost, to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of students, teachers, other school staff, their families, and communities. + + + 本指导方针的首要目的是保护学生、教师、其他学校员工、他们的家庭和社区的健康、安全和福祉。 + + + + 2.789473684210526 + + Post signs at entrances and in strategic places providing instruction on hand washing and coughpdf icon[1 page] etiquette, use of masks, and social distancing. + + + 在入口及战略位置张贴标识,提供关于 洗手 和 咳嗽pdf icon[1 页] 礼仪、使用口罩和保持社交距离的说明。 + + + + 2.2794117647058822 + + This means that your personal and medical information will be kept private and only shared with those who may need to know, like your health care provider. + + + 您与卫生部门工作人员的讨论是保密的。这意味着您的个人和医疗信息将严格保密保密,并且仅与可能需要此信息的人(例如您的健康护理提供者)分享。 + + + + 2.075 + + In the home, anyone sick or infected should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific "sick room" or area and using a separate bathroom (if available). + + + 处于隔离状态的人应该待在家中,直到可以安全地与其他人共处。在家里,任何患病或感染的人都应待在特定"病房"或区域中,并使用单独的卫生间(如有),以便与其他人隔开。 + + + + 2.526315789473684 + + Ask your direct support provider if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or if they have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19 + + + 询问您的 直接支持提供者 ,了解他们是否有任何COVID-19的症状,或者他们是否与COVID-19的患者有过接触 + + + + 3.3333333333333335 + + Workers who have symptoms (fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should notify their supervisor and stay home. + + + 如果出现了 症状 (发烧、咳嗽或气短),应通知您的上级并待在家中。 + + + + 2.588235294117647 + + For example, in activity rooms, lounges, when someone is in your residence, or when going out in public (e.g., when going to the grocery store or to pick up other necessities). + + + 在所有共享空间内佩戴 布制面罩 。例如,在活动室、休息室、别人在您的住所时、或者出去公共场所时(例如,去日常百货店或去取其他必需品时)。 + + + + 3.4651162790697674 + + Information and resources about mental health, recognizing signs of stress, taking steps to build resilience and manage stress, and knowing where to go if you, your staff, or others need help are available on CDC's How to Cope with Job Stress and Build Resiliance During the COVID-19 Pandemic page. + + + 关于心理健康、了解压力体征、采取措施管理压力以及了解如果需要帮助应该去哪里的信息和资源,可从CDC的 如何在COVID-19全球流行病期间应对工作压力和建立韧性 页面获得。 + + + + 3.8260869565217392 + + • Encourage personal protective measures among staff, residents and clients who live elsewhere (e.g., stay home or in residences when sick, handwashing, respiratory etiquette). + + + 鼓励住在别处的员工、住户和客户采取个人防护措施(例如生病时待在家里或住处、洗手、呼吸礼仪)。 + + + + 2.6029411764705883 + + Take extra precautions for those at increased risk for COVID-19 , particularly those who are older or have pre-existing conditions, to help lower the risk of spreading COVID-19. + + + 对于有 较高风险感染COVID-19 的人,尤其是年老或已经患有疾病的人,应该采取额外的预防措施,以帮助降低传播COVID-19的风险。 + + + + 1.84375 + + Although it may not be possible to avoid certain crowded locations (such as shelters), people who are homeless should: + + + 许多 预防COVID-19的建议 对于无家可归者而言可能很难做到。尽管可能无法避开某些拥挤的地方(如避难所),但无家可归者应该: + + + + 2.8282828282828283 + + The state-level ensemble forecasts indicate that the number of new reported cases per week are likely to decrease over the next four weeks in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Tennessee. + + + 州级总体预测表明亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州、乔治亚洲、爱达荷州、爱荷华州、马里兰州、密苏里州、北卡罗莱纳州、新泽西州、俄亥俄州、罗德岛、南卡罗莱纳州和田纳西州的每周新增报告病例数量可能在接下来四周降低。 + + + + 2.25 + + Never allow meat, poultry, or seafood that requires refrigeration to sit at room temperature for more than one hour if the air temperature is above 90°F. + + + 请勿将需要冷藏的肉类、禽类或海鲜在室温下放置超过两个小时。如果室温高于90°F,请勿让需要冷藏的肉类、禽类或海鲜在室温下放置超过一小时。 + + + + 3.453781512605042 + + When an animal is diagnosed with SARS-CoV2-2, a discussion should occur between the state public health veterinarian, state animal health official, and the treating veterinarian regarding continued care (if the animal is already hospitalized) at the veterinary facility, or the treating veterinarian's ability and/or desire to provide treatment to the animal in the event that it does need veterinary attention. + + + 如果动物被诊断患有SARS-CoV-2,州公共卫生兽医、州动物卫生官员和主治兽医应就兽医设施的持续护理(如果动物已经住院)进行讨论。如果确实需要兽医护理,则确认兽医向动物提供治疗的能力和/或意愿。如果动物身体健康或患有轻症,则可居家隔离。 + + + + 2.9583333333333335 + + If you are sick with or tested positive for COVID-19, were recently exposed (within 14 days) to someone with COVID-19, or just don't feel well, do not visit public areas including parks or recreational facilities. + + + 如果您因COVID-19 生病 或检测呈阳性,或最近(14天内)接触过COVID-19患者,或者只是感觉不适,请勿前往公园或娱乐设施等公共场所。 + + + + 2.3157894736842106 + + Preserve traditional practices when it is possible to safely do so, and identify whether modified or new practices could satisfy the needs and values of you and your loved one. + + + 确认任何可能的担忧并确定更改选项,以预防COVID-19传播。当安全可行时,可保留传统惯例,并确定更改后的或新的操作是否满足您和您爱的人的需求和价值观。 + + + + 2.6417910447761193 + + Special considerations should be made for people with asthma and they should not be present when cleaning and disinfecting is happening as this can trigger asthma exacerbations. + + + 应对哮喘患者作出特殊考虑,在进行清洁和消毒时,应让哮喘患者离开现场,因为这可能会引发哮喘症状加重。了解更多有关 减少哮喘诱因 的信息。 + + + + 3.3793103448275863 + + Provide physical cues or guides (such as lounge chairs, umbrellas, or highly-visible stakes in the sand) and visual cues (such as signs or tape on floors or sidewalks) to encourage staff and beach visitors to stay at least 6 feet away, in and out of the water, from people they don't live with. + + + 提供物理标志或指引(如躺椅、雨伞、或在沙地上显眼可见的木桩)和视觉标志(例如地板或人行道上的标记或胶带),鼓励工作人员和海滩游客与非同住者在水中或陆地上保持至少6英尺的距离。 + + + + 2.9452054794520546 + + Have children bring their own meals as feasible, or serve individually plated meals in classrooms instead of in a communal dining hall or cafeteria, while ensuring the safety of children with food allergies.pdf icon + + + 如果可行,让活动营成员自己带饭,并在单独的区域或与他们的小组一起吃饭,而不是在公共食堂或自助餐厅。确保 对食物过敏的孩子的安全pdf icon 。 + + + + 4.09433962264151 + + • Individuals at risk of severe illness should considering staying at home and avoiding gatherings or other situations of potential exposures, including travel, church attendance, social events with 10 or more people. + + + 重症高风险个人应考虑待在家里并避免集会,或其他可能的接触情况,包括旅行、教堂活动、10人或以上的社交活动。 + + + + 2.4431818181818183 + + Camp administrators may use examples of screening methods in CDC's supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open as a guide for screening campers and CDC's General Business FAQs for screening staff. + + + 活动营管理人员可以使用CDC 针对仍在开放的儿童看护机构的补充指导方针 中的筛查方法示例为指导对活动营成员进行筛查,并使用CDC的 一般企业常见问题解答 为指导对员工进行筛查。 + + + + 3.5 + + Separate employees from each other and from customers in all other areas of the bank, such as public counters, conference rooms, offices, cubicles, safe deposit vaults, break rooms, parking lots, entrances, and exits. + + + 在银行所有其他区域将员工相互之间和与客户之间隔离开,例如公共柜台、会议室、办公室、隔间、保险库、休息室、停车场、入口和出口。 + + + + 4.0 + + To the extent possible, avoid touching frequently touched surfaces in public places (e.g., elevator buttons, door handles, handicap door access switches, handrails) + + + 尽量避免触摸公共场所的频繁接触表面(例如,电梯按钮、门把手、无障碍门开关、扶手)。 + + + + 2.2580645161290325 + + Many schools are keeping school facilities open to allow families to pick up meals or are providing grab-and-go meals at a central location. + + + 在学校停课期间,与学校确认是否继续提供膳食服务。许多学校的设施依然开放,允许家庭前去取餐,或者集中在某一地点提供自取免费餐。 + + + + 3.658536585365854 + + Staff who are checking client temperatures should use a system that creates a physical barrier between the client and the screener as described here . + + + 检查 客户体温 的员工应使用 此处 所述的在客户和筛查人员之间建立物理屏障的系统。 + + + + 3.6140350877192984 + + Provide additional resources on helping stop the spread of germs, hand sanitizing stations, and source control measures such as cloth face coverings and disposable facemasks, or face shields if appropriate. + + + 提供更多资源,帮助阻止细菌传播、建立手部消毒站和采取源头控制措施,例如布制面罩、一次性口罩或防护面罩(如果适用)。 + + + + 3.3666666666666667 + + Make sure you know how your facility is going to communicate COVID-19 information to you; email, websites, hotlines, automated text messaging, newsletters, and flyers to help communicate information on. + + + 确保您知道所在设施向您传达COVID-19信息的方式:电子邮件、网站、热线电话、自动短信、新闻通讯和传单等信息传播载体。 + + + + 3.0 + + If someone in your home is sick , clean and disinfect "high-touch" surfaces daily such as handles, kitchen countertops, faucets, light switches, and doorknobs. + + + 如果您的家中有人生病 ,则应每天清洁和消毒"频繁接触"表面,例如把手、厨房台面、水龙头、电灯开关和门把手。 + + + + 2.4265734265734267 + + As you think about how your facility will deal with the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), it is important to work with your local health officials, school districts, child care licensing boards/bodies, child care accreditation bodies, health consultants, and other community partners to determine the most appropriate plan and action. + + + 在考虑您的设施将如何应对2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的影响时,您需要与当地卫生官员、学区、儿童护理执照局/机构、儿童护理认证机构、健康顾问以及其他社区合作伙伴合作,以确定最合适的计划和行动。此文件旨在帮助管理者制定应急行动计划,并根据您所在社区的疫情传播水平加以调整。 + + + + 2.825 + + Limit attendance to ensure guests or parties of guests, such as families and other groups, are able to maintain appropriate social distancing of at least 6 feet from others that are not in their household throughout the venue. + + + 限制入场人数,以确保顾客或顾客群体(例如家庭和其他团体)能够在整个场地内与家人以外的其他人保持至少6英尺的适当的社交距离。相应地减少室内空间容量以保持社交距离。 + + + + 3.0 + + Institute measures to physically separate and increase distance between employees, other coworkers, and customers, such as: + + + 制定措施,使用物理方式将员工、其他同事和客户隔离开来,并增加他们之间的距离,例如: + + + + 2.1132075471698113 + + If you are at higher risk for severe illness, find out if the store has special hours for people at higher risk. + + + 如果您为重病 高风险人群 ,了解商店是否设置针对高风险人群的特殊营业时间。如有,尝试在这些时间内进行购物。 + + + + 2.3424657534246576 + + If you have or think you have symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, stay home and find out what to do if you are sick and find out when you can be around others . + + + 如果您已感染或认为自己出现相关 症状 或COVID-19检测结果呈阳性,您应该待在家中,查看 如果您生病了该怎么做 以及 您何时可以与他人接触 。 + + + + 3.735294117647059 + + If you have underlying health conditions such as cancer, chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, a compromised or weakened immune system, obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, sickle cell disease, or liver disease. + + + 如果患有 基础疾病 ,例如癌症、慢性肺病、中度至重度哮喘、严重心脏病、免疫系统受损或减弱、肥胖症、糖尿病、慢性肾脏病、镰状细胞病或肝病。 + + + + 3.25 + + Employees who appear to have symptoms when they arrive at work or who become sick during the day should immediately be separated from others, provided a face mask if they are not using one, and sent home with instructions and guidance on how to follow-up with their healthcare provider. + + + 到达工作岗位时出现 症状 的员工和在当日工作中生病的员工应立即与他人分隔开。如果没有佩戴口罩则领取一个口罩,并获得有关如何与医疗服务提供者保持联络的指示和指导方针,然后送回家。 + + + + 1.7102803738317758 + + Staff - In this document, "staff" refers to all public or private-sector employees working within a correctional facility (e.g., including private healthcare or food service workers). + + + 工作人员--在本文件中,"工作人员"是指所有在惩教设施工作的公共或私营部门员工(例如,包括私营健康护理人员或饮食服务人员)。除非另有说明,否则"工作人员"泛指健康护理、监管和其他类型的工作人员,包括私营设施经营者。 + + + + 3.6136363636363638 + + Outreach staff who are checking client temperatures should use a system that creates a physical barrier between the client and the screener as described here . + + + 检查 客户体温 的外联人员应使用如 此处 所述的系统,在客户和筛查人员之间建立物理屏障。 + + + + 2.926829268292683 + + If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and are not tested, it is important to stay home. Find out what to do if you are sick . + + + 如果您有COVID-19症状且未经检测,请务必留在家里。查阅 如果生病该怎么办 。 + + + + 2.4423076923076925 + + Highest Risk: Frequent indoor playdates with multiple friends or families who are not practicing everyday preventive measures . + + + 最高风险:经常与多个没有 采取日常预防措施的朋友或家庭在室内玩耍 。孩子们彼此之间无法保持6英尺的距离。 + + + + 2.761904761904762 + + Other routine infection control precautions (e.g., signs and symptoms of COVID-19, putting on or taking off masks or cloth face coverings and social distancing measures); and + + + 其他常规的感染控制预防措施(例如,COVID-19的体征和症状,口罩或布制面罩的佩戴或摘除方法,以及保持社交距离的做法);以及 + + + + 3.372093023255814 + + Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as pens, counters, or hard surfaces between use and encourage patrons to use their own pens. + + + 在使用之间 清洁和消毒 经常接触的表面,如笔、柜台或硬质表面,并鼓励客户使用自己的笔。 + + + + 4.378378378378378 + + Empowering businesses, schools, and community organizations to implement recommended actions, particularly in ways that protect persons at risk of severe illness such as older adults and persons with serious underlying health conditions (e.g., people requiring dialysis , or those with congestive heart failure or emphysema) + + + 让企业、学校和社区组织能够实施建议措施,特别是保护重症高风险人群,如老年人和存在严重基础疾病的人(例如,需要透析的人、或充血性心力衰竭或肺气肿的人) + + + + 3.3220338983050848 + + Offer options to staff at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness to limit their risk of infection (such as modified job responsibilities that limit interactions with people they don't live with). + + + 向 COVID-19重症高风险 工作人员提供选择,以减少其感染风险(例如,更改的工作职责可减少他们与非同住者的互动)。 + + + + 3.2222222222222223 + + Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters). + + + 与他人保持距离(至少6英尺或2米)。 + + + + 4.148936170212766 + + Individuals at risk of severe illness should stay at home avoiding gatherings or other situations of potential exposures, including travel, church attendance, social events with 10 or more people + + + 重症高风险个体应居家,避免集会或其他可能的接触情况,包括旅行、教堂活动、10人或以上的社交活动 + + + + 2.15 + + Discuss with the funeral home director, clergy or officiant, and your family any potential changes that might be necessary to protect all of the participants and attendees. + + + 与殡仪馆工作人员、神职人员或司仪牧师、以及您的家人讨论任何可能的必要更改,以保护参加葬礼的所有人。考虑您和您的家人和朋友可以接受的更改后的或新的操作选项,例如: + + + + 3.4 + + If feasible, use forms of transportation that minimize close contact with others (e.g., biking, walking, driving or riding by car either alone or with household members). + + + 如果可行,鼓励使用与他人近距离接触最少的交通方式(例如,骑自行车、步行、自己驾车或与家庭成员拼车)。 + + + + 1.9148148148148147 + + As part of this collaboration, CDC will provide technical assistance and financial support to VRI and collaborating institutions that will allow the survey to be expanded to 19 additional metropolitan areas including Atlanta, GA; Baltimore, MD/Washington, D.C.; Chicago, IL; Dallas/Ft Worth, TX; Denver, CO; Detroit, MI; Fargo, ND/Sioux Falls/Rapid City, SD; Honolulu, HI; Las Vegas, NV; Miami, FL; Milwaukee, WI; New Orleans, LA; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburg, PA; Salt Lake City, UT; San Juan, PR; St. Louis, MO; Tampa/St. + + + 作为此次合作的一部分,CDC将为VRI与合作机构提供技术援助和财务支持,使调查范围可以扩展到另外19个大都市地区,包括佐治亚州亚特兰大、马里兰州巴尔的摩/华盛顿特区、伊利诺伊州芝加哥、 德克萨斯州达拉斯/沃思堡、 科罗拉多州丹佛、密西根州底特律、北达科他州法戈/苏福尔斯/南卡罗来纳州拉皮德城、夏威夷檀香山、内华达州拉斯维加斯、 佛罗里达州迈阿密、 威斯康星州密尔沃基、 路易斯安那州新奥尔良、 亚利桑那州凤凰城、 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡、 犹他州盐湖城、波多黎各港口圣胡安、密苏里州圣路易斯、 坦帕/佛罗里达州圣彼得斯堡、俄克拉何马州图尔萨。 + + + + 1.4230769230769231 + + Stay home. Avoid contact with others. + + + 居家隔离,避免与他人接触。不要去上 班或上学。 3. + + + + 3.2666666666666666 + + Guidance on caring for someone who is sick and for parents, guardians, and caregivers who are sick + + + 关于 照顾病人 以及 生病的父母、监护人和看护者 的指导方针 + + + + 2.358974358974359 + + Worldwide, a small number of animals, including pets, have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, usually after having close contact with people with COVID-19. + + + 全世界范围内,少量动物(包括宠物)的SARS-CoV-2(引起COVID-19的病毒)检测呈阳性,通常是在与COVID-19感染人类密切接触后出现这种情况。 + + + + 3.442622950819672 + + Identify work areas where employees interact with customers and areas that may lead to close contact (within 6 feet) among coworkers (for example, break rooms, check-in areas, and where people come in or exit). + + + 确定员工与客户互动的工作区域,以及可能使同事之间近距离接触(6英尺以内)的区域(例如,休息室、登记区以及人们进出的地方)。 + + + + 3.2280701754385963 + + On-site healthcare personnel, such as facility nurses or emergency medical technicians, should follow appropriate CDC and OSHA guidance for healthcare and emergency response personnel. + + + 现场医疗护理人员,例如设施护士或紧急医疗技术人员,应遵循CDC和OSHA针对 医疗人员 和 急救人员 的指导方针。 + + + + 3.365079365079365 + + Information and resources about mental health, recognizing signs of stress, taking steps to build resilience and manage stress, and knowing where to go if you, your staff, or others need help are available here . + + + 此处 提供有关心理健康、识别压力迹象、采取措施增强适应力和管理压力,以及在您、您的员工或其他人需要帮助时可以查阅的信息和资源。 + + + + 2.764705882352941 + + Do NOT wash produce with soap, bleach, sanitizer, alcohol, disinfectant or any other chemical. + + + 请勿用肥皂、漂白剂、消毒液、酒精、消毒剂或任何其他化学品清洗农产品。 + + + + 2.7142857142857144 + + Post signs in strategic places (e.g. near handwashing facilities) providing instruction on hand washing and cough etiquettepdf icon . + + + 在重要地点张贴标识(例如在洗手设施附近),以提供关于 洗手 和 咳嗽礼节pdf icon 的说明。 + + + + 2.8529411764705883 + + After reviewing the considerations listed on this page, school administrators can use CDC's K-12 Schools Readiness and Planning Tool pdf icon[9 pages] to protect students, staff and communities. + + + 学校管理人员可以在查看本页列出的注意事项之后,使用 CDC的K-12学校准备和计划工具pdf icon[9页] 来保护学生、员工和社区。 + + + + 3.888888888888889 + + Even if close contacts are monitored with serial testing, it is critical that they strictly adhere to other preventive measures including social distancing, wearing cloth face coverings for source control if the hazard assessment has determined that they do not require personal protective equipment such as a respirator or medical facemask for protection, and practicing hand hygiene. + + + 即使通过连续检测对密切接触者进行监控,也必须严格遵守其他预防措施,包括保持社交距离。如果危险评估确定员工不需要个人防护设备(如呼吸器或医用面罩),则必须佩戴布制面罩进行源头控制,并保持手部卫生习惯。 + + + + 4.870967741935484 + + Critical infrastructure businesses have an obligation to limit, to the extent possible, the reintegration into the worksite of in-person employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 but remain symptom-free in ways that best protect the health of the employee, their co-employees, and the general public. + + + 关键基础设施企业 有义务以能够保护员工、同事和公众健康的最佳方式,尽量限制接触过COVID-19但无症状的员工重返工作场所。 + + + + 3.8676470588235294 + + Compromised immune system (immunosuppression) (e.g., seeing a doctor for cancer and treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, received an organ or bone marrow transplant, taking high doses of corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant medications, HIV or AIDS) + + + 免疫系统缺陷(免疫抑制)(例如,因癌症看医生并接受化疗或放疗,接受器官或骨髓移植、摄取高剂量类固醇或其他免疫抑制药物、HIV或AIDS) + + + + 2.1710526315789473 + + These modifications are recommended for events held in any setting, including funeral homes, cemetery facilities, places of worship, private homes, and other venues. + + + 考虑以下葬礼仪式和凭吊更改措施,以预防COVID-19传播。这些更改建议适用于任何环境中举行的活动,包括殡仪馆、墓地设施、礼拜场所、私人家里和其他场所。 + + + + 2.4504504504504503 + + For animals to be returned or released to the wild, a risk assessment per the International Union for the Conservation of Nature-World Organisation for Animal Health guidelinesexternal icon (IUCN-OIE) should be conducted to assess the risks and benefits of such a release. + + + 对于要送回或放归野外的动物,应根据 国际自然保护联盟-世界动物卫生组织(IUCN-OIE)准则external icon 进行风险评估,以评估放归的风险和益处。此风险评估应包括对这些动物进行SARS-CoV-2检测的考虑。 + + + + 2.393939393939394 + + If you have a weakened immune system (immunocompromised) due to a health condition or medication, you might need to stay home and isolate longer than 10 days. + + + 如果您由于健康状况或药物治疗导致 免疫系统减弱(免疫功能低下) ,您可能需要居家隔离至少10天。咨询您的健康护理提供者了解更多信息。 + + + + 3.026315789473684 + + To avoid spreading infection, we recommend that people infected with the virus avoid being around others until they have gone 3 days without fever, their symptoms have cleared, and 10 days have passed since their symptoms started. + + + 感染者会散播病毒多长时间(从体内释放)。为避免传播感染,我们建议病毒感染者避免与其他人在一起,直到他们3天没有发烧、出现症状以及症状开始已经过去10天。 + + + + 3.406779661016949 + + Discuss your cultural or religious traditions and the funeral wishes of the deceased, if applicable, with family members and the people you are working with (funeral home staff, clergy, or officiants). + + + 与家庭成员和与您合作的人(殡仪馆工作人员、神职人员或司仪牧师)讨论您的文化或宗教传统以及死者关于葬礼的遗愿(如适用)。 + + + + 2.2111111111111112 + + The "government-to-government" relationship is based in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, Federal statutes, court decisions, and Executive Branch policies, as well as moral and ethical considerations. + + + 美国联邦政府与联邦承认的美国印第安人部落和阿拉斯加土著(AI/AN)实体之间维持政府间关系。而此"政府间"关系基于美国宪法、条约、联邦法、法庭判决、行政部门政策以及道德和伦理考量。 + + + + 2.43859649122807 + + Encourage staff who use public transportation or ride sharing to follow CDC guidance on how to protect yourself when using transportation . + + + 公共交通可能使您必须与他人密切接触。使用公共交通工具时,遵守CDC关于如何 在使用交通工具时保护自己 的指导方针。 + + + + 2.980769230769231 + + If you choose to use any shared items that are reusable (e.g., seating covers, tablecloths, linen napkins), wash, clean, and sanitize them after the event. + + + 如果您选择使用任何可重复使用的共享物品(例如,椅罩、桌布、亚麻餐巾),在活动后对其进行清洗、清洁和消毒。 + + + + 3.728395061728395 + + Screening options could include having employees self-screen prior to arriving at work or having on-site screening by taking an employee's temperature and assessing potential symptoms prior to traveling or reporting to worksites for inspections (see CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers ). + + + 筛查选项包括让员工在上班前进行自我检查,或在出差或到工作地点接受检查前,通过测量员工体温和评估潜在症状进行现场筛查(参见 CDC关于企业和雇主的临时指导方针) 。 + + + + 2.2247191011235956 + + Although there is no evidence that companion animals can transmit SARS-CoV-2 to humans, these precautions are recommended out of an abundance of caution until more is known about virus transmission. + + + 虽然没有证据表明陪伴动物可以将SARS-CoV-2传播给人类,但在对病毒传播有更多了解之前,出于谨慎考虑,建议采取这些预防措施。CDC提供了 关于限制与隔离陪伴动物互动的建议 。 + + + + 2.2857142857142856 + + Application Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EST + + + MP316917-A 2020年5月13日上午11:00 + + + + 3.9692307692307693 + + • Institutions of higher education (IHE), working together with local health departments, have an important role in slowing the spread of diseases, and protecting vulnerable students, staff, and faculty to help ensure a safe and healthy learning environment. + + + 高等教育机构(IHE)与本地卫生部门合作,在减缓疾病传播、保护易感学生、教师和教职工中起着重要作用,帮助确保安全和健康的学习环境。 + + + + 3.4936708860759493 + + Prevent confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases and their close contacts from being transferred between jurisdictions and facilities unless necessary for medical evaluation, medical isolation/quarantine, clinical care, extenuating security concerns, or to prevent overcrowding. + + + 预防 COVID-19确诊和疑似病例及其密切接触者 在辖区和设施间转移,除非由于医学评估、医学隔离/检疫隔离、临床护理、合理安全考虑或预防过度拥挤而必须转移。 + + + + 1.1097560975609757 + + You can track your child's developmental milestones with CDC's free Milestone Tracker app . + + + 儿童健康检查。您的儿科医生将在儿童健康检查期间检查您孩子的发育情况。您可以使用CDC免费提供的 Milestone Tracker应用程序 追踪您孩子的发育里程碑。 + + + + 1.7058823529411764 + + Interim Guidance from CDC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). + + + CDC和职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA) 临时指导方针。与食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 协作制定。 + + + + 2.1267605633802815 + + For example, use radio frequency identification (RFID) bands to replace cash or ticket payment systems, automatic entry gates, and no-touch trash cans. + + + 在整个游乐场尽可能减少接触点并使用无接触方案。例如,使用无线电射频识别(RFID)手环代替现金或门票支付系统、自动进入大门以及无接触式垃圾桶。 + + + + 3.053763440860215 + + Employees who appear to have COVID-19 symptoms upon arrival to work or become sick during the day with COVID-19 symptoms should immediately be separated from other employees, customers, and visitors and sent home. Sick employees should follow steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 . + + + 对于在抵达工作场所时出现 COVID-19症状 或在工作时出现COVID-19症状的员工,应立即将其与其他员工、客户和访客隔开,并送回家。生病员工应遵循 COVID-19预防传播措施 。 + + + + 1.4130434782608696 + + See the "Should we be screening employees for COVID-19 symptoms?" + + + 请参阅 一般业务常见问题解答 "我们应该为员工筛查COVID-19症状吗?" 部分作为指导。 + + + + 2.480769230769231 + + The sick person, their roommates, and close contacts need to self-isolate - limit their use of shared spaces as much as possible. + + + 出现 COVID-19症状 的居民、其室友和密切接触过的居民应 自我隔离 ,尽可能限制他们使用共享空间。 + + + + 2.1470588235294117 + + COVID-19 is mainly spreading from person to person through close contact. + + + 保持 社交距离 ,因为COVID-19主要在 密切接触 的人际传播。 + + + + 3.0163934426229506 + + Ensure adequate equipment for beach visitors (such as life jackets) to minimize sharing or limit use of equipment to one group of users at a time and clean and disinfect between users. + + + 确保为海滩游客提供足够的用品(如救生衣),尽量减少共用或限制每次只让一组使用者使用设备,并在使用者之间进行 清洁和消毒 。 + + + + 3.0869565217391304 + + If feasible, conduct daily health checks or ask staff and guests to conduct self-checks (e.g., temperature screening and/or symptom checking). + + + 如果可行,每天进行健康检查,或要求工作人员和海滩游客进行自我检查(如测体温或 症状检查 )。 + + + + 3.2233009708737863 + + Practice contactless deliveries whenever you can. Contactless deliveries allow you to leave a delivery at a doorstep, move back to a distance greater than 6 feet away while verifying receipt of the delivery with the recipient (if required), and try to do everything electronically whenever you can (e.g., in an app or over a phone). + + + 尽可能实行"非接触式"递送。非接触式递送允许您将递送的货物放在门阶上,在验证收货人收货(如需要)时退后6英尺以上的距离,并尽可能以电子方式操作(例如通过应用程序或电话)。如此便省去了与收货人密切接触的必要。 + + + + 2.838709677419355 + + Educating staff, patrons, and swimmers about when to stay home (for example, if they have symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days) and when they can safely end their home isolation . + + + 指导员工、顾客和游泳的人何时应待在家中(例如,出现COVID-19 症状 ,COVID-19检测呈阳性,或在过去14天内接触过COVID-19患者),以及何时可以安全地 结束居家隔离 。 + + + + 2.658119658119658 + + Consider off-site field work and travel in the COVID-19 workplace health and safety plan, such as what equipment and materials may be needed to protect public health inspectors during routine inspections and multi-day travel, which could include driving long distances, flying, and staying in overnight lodging. + + + 考虑COVID-19工作场所健康和安全计划中的非现场工作和旅行,例如在例行检查和多日旅行(包括长距离开车、飞行和过夜住宿)期间可能需要什么设备和用品来保护公共卫生检查员。在规划中包括公共卫生检查员及其主管、旅行准备人员和汽车共乘人员。 + + + + 1.8513513513513513 + + Depending on how sick your pet is, your veterinarian may recommend that your pet be isolated at home, instead of staying in the hospital. + + + 取决于您宠物生病的严重程度,您的兽医可能建议将您的宠物居家隔离,而不是留在医院。有些宠物未出现任何疾病体征,而那些生病的宠物均为轻症,可以居家照料。 + + + + 3.5 + + Using reusable respirators that offer an equivalent or higher level of protection as N95 respirators (e.g., elastomeric respirators, PAPRs, or self-contained breathing apparatus [SCBA] facepieces) + + + 使用可重复利用的呼吸器,提供与N95呼吸器同等或更高级别的防护(例如,弹性呼吸器、正压呼吸器或自给式呼吸器面罩) + + + + 2.292207792207792 + + If you are sick and public transportation is your only option when seeking medical care, wear a mask over your nose and mouth, practice social distancing (staying at least 6 feet away from other people as much as possible), and practice hand hygiene , including using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available. + + + 如果您 生病 了,并且公共交通是您寻求医学护理的唯一选择,您应该佩戴 口罩 遮住口鼻,保持 社交距离 (尽可能与他人保持至少6英尺),并保持 手部卫生 ,包括在无法获得肥皂和清水的情况下使用酒精含量至少为60%的免洗手消毒液。如果需要非紧急医疗救护,应提前预约,如果使用公共交通工具,应尽可能在非高峰期出行。 + + + + 2.490566037735849 + + Fear and anxiety about a disease can lead to social stigma, which is negative attitudes and beliefs toward people, places, or things + + + 关于如何 减少污名化 的指导方针。对疾病的恐惧和焦虑会导致社会污名化,即对人群、地方或事物的负面态度和观念 + + + + 1.864864864864865 + + This includes 50 states, District of Columbia, Guam, New York City, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S Virgin Islands. + + + 目前有56个美国附属司法管辖区上报COVID-19病例。 其中包括 50个州、哥伦比亚特区、关岛、纽约市、北马里亚纳群岛、波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛。 + + + + 3.3943661971830985 + + Avoid touching, hugging, or kissing the body of a deceased person who had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 before and during body preparation, especially if you or a member of your household are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. + + + COVID-19确诊或疑似死者遗体处理前以及期间,避免触摸、拥抱或亲吻遗体,特别是如果您或您的家庭成员属于COVID-19重病 高风险 人群。 + + + + 2.128205128205128 + + Talk to your health care provider and make sure all your vaccinations are up-to-date, including vaccinations against seasonal influenza (flu) and bacterial pneumonia. + + + 与您的医疗服务提供者联系,确保您所有的疫苗均为最新,包括 抗季节性流感(流感)疫苗 和细菌性肺炎疫苗。这些可通过疫苗预防的疾病会对HIV携带者造成很大影响。 + + + + 2.8780487804878048 + + Respirator use should be in the context of a complete respiratory protection program in accordance with OSHA Respiratory Protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134external icon ), which includes medical evaluations, training, and fit testing. + + + 呼吸器的使用应按照 OSHA呼吸保护标准 (29 CFR 1910.134external icon ) 进行完整的呼吸保护程序,其中包括医疗评估、培训和适配测试。 + + + + 2.0634920634920637 + + People from the same household can be in groups together and don't need to be 6 feet apart - just 6 feet away from other families. + + + 以能够保持社交距离的方式摆放桌椅。来自同一个家庭的人可以作为集体待在一起而无需保持6英尺距离,仅需与其他家庭保持6英尺的距离。 + + + + 2.8421052631578947 + + After reviewing the considerations listed on this page, event planners and administrators can use CDC's Events and Gatherings Readiness and Planning Tool pdf icon[9 pages] to protect staff, volunteers, and attendees. + + + 活动策划人员和管理人员在查看此页面上列出的注意事项之后,可以使用 CDC的活动和集会准备和计划工具pdf icon[9页] 来保护员工、志愿者和参与者。 + + + + 3.18 + + These droplets can also land on surfaces like tables, chairs, or handrails, exposing a person if they touch the surface, then touch their nose, mouth, or eyes. + + + 这些飞沫还会落在桌子、椅子或扶手等表面上,如果有人接触这些表面,然后再触摸他们的口鼻眼,则会被感染。 + + + + 2.7058823529411766 + + Reduce activities (e.g., religious services, group congregation), especially for organizations with individuals at risk of severe illness. + + + 保持社交距离。减少活动(例如,群体集会、宗教活动等),尤其是有重病高危个体的组织。提供活动视频/音频。 + + + + 3.607843137254902 + + These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be breathed in. Droplets can remain on surfaces such as countertops and doorknobs for hours to days. + + + 这些飞沫会溅落在周围人的口鼻处,或可能在呼吸时吸入。飞沫会在表面(如台面和门把手)上存活数小时至数天。 + + + + 2.6875 + + If you are well, but you have a sick family member or recently had close contact with someone with COVID-19, notify your supervisor and follow CDC recommended precautions . + + + 如果您身体健康,但您的家庭成员生病了或您近期与COVID-19患者有过密切接触,您应通知您的主管并遵循 CDC建议的预防措施 。 + + + + 2.9591836734693877 + + If you are using a separate bedroom and bathroom: Only clean the area around the person who is sick when needed, such as when the area is soiled. + + + 如果使用单独卧室和浴室:请仅在必要时清洁病人周围区域,比如,比如变脏时。这有助于限制您与病人接触。 + + + + 2.898550724637681 + + Following your normal routine cleaning, you can disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects using a product from EPA's list of approved products that are effective against COVID-19.external icon + + + 在常规清洁后,您可以使用 EPA批准的对COVID-19有效的产品清单external icon 中的产品对频繁接触的表面和物体进行消毒。 + + + + 3.0384615384615383 + + Provide remote shopping alternatives for customers, including click-and-collect, delivery, pick-up, and shop-by-phone to limit customers in the establishment. + + + 为客户提供远程购物选择,包括点击提货、送货、取货和电话购物,以此限制场所中的客流量。设置指定的取货区域。 + + + + 3.838235294117647 + + Set up a system so that shared objects (such as lounge chairs, umbrellas, life jackets, oars, kayaks, wake boards, surf boards, paddle boards, and swim fins) that need to be cleaned and disinfected are kept separate from already cleaned and disinfected objects. + + + 建立系统,将需要清洁和消毒的共用物品(如躺椅、雨伞、救生衣、桨、皮划艇、滑水板、冲浪板、桨板和游泳脚蹼)与已经清洁和消毒的物品分开放置。 + + + + 3.3908045977011496 + + COVID-19 is a new disease, and we are still learning how it spreads.There is currently no known risk associated with being in the same room at a funeral service or visitation with the body of a deceased person who had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 after the body has been prepared for viewing. + + + COVID-19是一种新型疾病,而我们还在了解其传播方式。COVID-19确诊或疑似病例死者经过处理后供瞻仰遗体,当前还没有与在葬礼仪式或凭吊时与遗体共处一室相关的已知风险。 + + + + 2.8125 + + Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. + + + 使用干净的流水(冷热皆可)湿润双手,关上水龙头,然后用肥皂洗手。 + + + + 2.58974358974359 + + If this is not feasible, make sure the room or space is well-ventilated (for example, open a window). + + + 如可能,在室外举办您的聚会。如果不可行,确保房间或空间通风良好(例如,开窗)。 + + + + 2.4 + + Animal handlers (who are not part of the animal's household) should be trained and prepared to implement their biosafety procedures for infectious diseases when transporting companion animals. + + + 动物驯导员(非拥有动物的家庭成员)应接受培训,并做好在运送陪伴动物时执行传染病生物安全程序的准备。这些措施应包括预防感染、保持社交距离和使用适当的个人防护用品。 + + + + 3.5306122448979593 + + Attendees who do not live in the same household should stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) apart and wear a mask when interacting with people who do not live in their household. + + + 来自不同家庭的参加者之间应保持至少6英尺(2米)的距离,并在与来自不同家庭的人互动时佩戴 口罩 。 + + + + 3.652173913043478 + + Following the Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting to develop, implement, and maintain a plan to perform regular cleanings to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19. + + + 遵循 清洁和消毒指导方针 ,制定、实施和保持定期清洁计划,以减少接触COVID-19的风险。 + + + + 3.0 + + Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol). + + + 经常 洗手 或使用洗手液(含至少60%的酒精)。 + + + + 3.784313725490196 + + Facilities without on-site healthcare staff should contact their state, local, tribal, and/or territorial health department to coordinate effective medical isolation and necessary medical care. + + + 没有现场医疗人员的设施应联系其州、本地、部落及/或领地卫生部门,以协调有效的医学隔离和必要的医学护理。 + + + + 3.5555555555555554 + + Touching frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails or tools and then touching your face, mouth, nose, or eyes. + + + 触摸频繁接触的表面,如车门把手、扶手或工具之后,触摸您的脸、口鼻或眼睛。 + + + + 3.324324324324324 + + Critical workers, like veterinarians and their staff, can be permitted to continue to work following a potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the workplace. + + + 关键工作人员(如兽医及其员工)如果在可能接触到COVID-19之后一直未出现症状,并采取了额外预防措施来保护自己及工作场所,则可以 允许继续工作 。 + + + + 2.6451612903225805 + + Follow CDC guidance and work with local and/or state public health authorities and occupational safety and health professionals to decide if and how you will test employees and do workplace contact tracing of those who test positive for COVID-19. + + + 遵守CDC指导方针并与 地方及/或州公共卫生当局 以及职业安全和健康专业人士合作,决定是否对员工进行 检测 以及检测方式,并在工作场所进行COVID-19检测呈阳性感染者 接触史追踪 。 + + + + 2.582089552238806 + + Non-essential items such as food (unless the animal is on a specialized diet), dishes, bedding, clothing, toys, or other items from the home should not accompany the animal. + + + 仅将动物和必要的设备从场所移走。食物(除非动物有特殊饮食习惯)、餐具、床上用品、衣物、玩具或其他家中的非必需物品均不得随动物一起带走。 + + + + 3.3035714285714284 + + Stagger arrival and drop-off times or locations by cohort (group) or put in place other protocols to limit contact between cohorts and with other campers' guardians as much as possible. + + + 通过分组(小组)错开到达和下车时间或地点,或实施其他方案,以尽量限制各小组之间以及与活动营成员监护人之间的接触。 + + + + 1.8611111111111112 + + However, if personnel and resources are not available, law enforcement personnel (considered critical infrastructure workers) may be permitted to work after exposure to ensure continuity of operations. + + + 但是,如果没有替代人员和资源,可以允许执法人员(视为关键基础设施工作人员)在接触病毒之后继续工作,以确保持续运转。接触病毒的工作人员在无症状的情况下才能继续工作,并且雇主应该为接触病毒的工作人员实施以下 预防策略 : + + + + 2.0238095238095237 + + If there is a case of COVID-19 in your facility, suspend contact visitation programs. + + + 如果您的设施中出现COVID-19病例,中止接触式探访项目。如有可能,改用虚拟探访。 + + + + 2.984126984126984 + + Essential errands include going to the grocery store, pharmacy, or medical appointments that cannot be delayed (e.g., infants or individuals with serious health conditions in need of aid). + + + 家庭成员仅在绝对必要时外出。 必要的外出活动 包括前往杂货店、药房或无法推迟的医疗预约(例如,需要医治的婴儿或严重疾病患者)。 + + + + 3.066666666666667 + + • You may also be able to get it by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. + + + • 您还可以通过触摸附着有病毒的表面或物 体,然后触摸您的嘴,鼻子或眼睛而获得病 毒感染。 + + + + 1.88 + + CDC has received results from all of Connecticut, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, the New York City metro, Philadelphia, San Francisco Bay area, South Florida, Utah and Western Washington State from blood samples collected by commercial laboratories as part of routine patient care. + + + CDC已收到来自康涅狄格州、路易斯安那州、明尼苏达州、密苏里州、纽约都会区、费城、旧金山湾区、南佛罗里达、犹他州和华盛顿州西部的血液样本,这些样本由商业实验室作为常规病人护理工作的一部分进行采集。此外,CDC还有来自这10个地点中8个地点在稍后第2段时间采集的样本结果,这些结果都包含在交互式网站上。 + + + + 0.9723926380368099 + + If a family member, domestic partner, or legal representative is in a different country from the deceased person, he or she should call the Department of State's Office of Overseas Citizens Services in Washington, DC, from 8 am to 5 pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday, at 888-407-4747 (toll-free) or 202-501-4444. + + + 美国公民在美国境外死亡时,死者的近亲或法定代理��应通知美国国务院的美国领事官员。领事人员每周 7 天,每天 24 小时为美国公民提供海外紧急援助。如果死者的家庭成员、伴侣或法定代理人与死者不在同一国家,则应于东部时间周一至周五的上午 8 至下午 5 致电华盛顿特区的美国国务院海外公民服务办公室,电话为 888-407-4747(免费电话)或 202-501-4444 。如需在工作时间以外或周末和节假日寻求紧急援助,请拨打 202-647-4000 致电美国国务院总机,并要求与海外公民服务值班人员通话。此外,美国公民死亡地国家内或离该国最近的 美国大使馆external iconexternal iconexternal icon 可以提供帮助。 + + + + 3.0869565217391304 + + Consistent with applicable local, state, territorial, federal, or tribal privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations, put in place policies to protect the privacy of people at higher risk for severe illness . + + + 根据适用的地方、州、领地、联邦和部落的隐私和保密法律、法规和规定,制定政策,以保护患有基础疾病的COVID-19重症高风险工作人员的隐私。 + + + + 3.509433962264151 + + Implement engineering controls, such as physical barriers or dividers or rope and stanchion systems, to maintain at least 6 feet of distance between screeners and workers being screened. + + + 实施工程控制措施,例如物理屏障、隔断、绳子和立柱系统,以确保筛查人员与被筛查员工之间保持至少六英尺的距离。 + + + + 1.474074074074074 + + This guidance is not intended to infringe on rights protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution or any other federal law, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA). + + + 本指导方针之目的并非侵害受《美国宪法第一修正案》或任何其他联邦法律(包括《1993年宗教自由恢复法案(RFRA)》)保护的权利。联邦政府不得规定礼拜场所中的宗教社区交流标准,且根据《第一修正案》规定,不得要求宗教社区采取相较于类似情况下其他实体或活动更加严格的缓解政策。 + + + + 2.7384615384615385 + + Advise attendees prior to the event or gathering that they should not attend if they have symptoms of, a positive test for, or were recently exposed (within 14 days) to COVID-19. + + + 在活动或集会之前建议参加者,如果他们出现COVID-19症状、检测呈阳性或最近(14天内)接触过COVID-19,就不要前往参加。 + + + + 2.02803738317757 + + Fairs and agricultural shows pose unique One Health risks because they bring together crowds of people and animals with opportunities for close contact among them and mixing of different animals from different places. + + + 集市和农业展览会具有特殊的 共同健康 风险,因为此类活动会将人群和动物聚集,相互产生密切接触,并将不同地方的不同动物混在一起。此类活动不仅会导致SARS-CoV-2在人与人之间传播,也可能使某些类型的动物受到感染。 + + + + 2.119047619047619 + + Purpose: Agriculture work sites, shared worker housing, and shared worker transportation vehicles present unique challenges for preventing and controlling the spread of COVID-19. + + + 目的:农业工作场所、共享员工住房和共享交通工具为预防和控制COVID-19传播带来了独特的挑战。坚持执行特定的准备、预防和管理措施有助于降低COVID-19传播的风险。 + + + + 3.435483870967742 + + CDC does recommend conducting health checks such as temperature screening and/or symptom checking of staff and attendees safely and respectfully, and in accordance with any applicable privacy laws and regulations. + + + CDC的确建议对工作人员和与会者以安全、尊重的方式进行健康检查(如体温筛查和/或症状检查),并遵守任何适用的隐私法律和法规。 + + + + 2.7714285714285714 + + Bring supplies to help you and others stay healthy-for example, masks (bring extra), hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher, and drinking water. + + + 带上可帮助您和他人保持健康的物品,例如 口罩 (多带一些备用),至少含60%酒精的免洗手消毒液,SPF 15或更高的广谱防晒霜,以及饮用水。 + + + + 2.11340206185567 + + Parents, family members, school staff, and other trusted adults can play an important role in helping children make sense of what they hear in a way that is honest, accurate, and minimizes anxiety or fear. + + + 儿童可能担心自己、他们的家人和朋友感染COVID-19。父母、家庭成员、学校工作人员和他们信任的其他成年人可以发挥重要作用,通过坦诚、准确以及尽量降低焦虑或恐惧的方式帮助儿童理解他们听到的信息。 + + + + 2.0273972602739727 + + Those in the home who are sick with COVID-19 should follow CDC's guidance for what to do if you are sick and when it is safe to end your isolation . + + + 家中的每个人都应 践行日常预防措施 。家中的COVID-19患者应该遵循CDC有关 如果生病了该怎么做 以及 何时可以安全地结束隔离 的指导方针。 + + + + 1.2283464566929134 + + On March 27, 2020, CDC issued a Level 3 Global COVID-19 Pandemic Notice advising against all nonessential international travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. + + + 2020年3月27日,CDC发出了3级COVID-19全球流行病通知,建议由于COVID-19全球流行病而取消所有非必要国际旅行。随着COVID-19疫情在全世界的发展,CDC从全球旅行通知转而使用单个目的地风险评估。下文说明了如何确定每个目的地的风险。 + + + + 3.239130434782609 + + Check temperatures of workers at the start of each shift to identify anyone with a fever of 100.4℉ or greater (or reported feelings of feverishness). + + + 在每次轮班开始时检查员工的体温,以识别所有发烧100.4℉或以上(或报告有发热感觉)的员工。 + + + + 1.7960526315789473 + + CDC has a dedicated team investigating multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) to learn more about this syndrome and communicate information quickly to healthcare providers , parents and caregivers , as well as state, local and territorial health departments. + + + CDC有一个小组专门研究 儿童多系统炎症综合征 (MIS-C) ,这是一种罕见但严重的并发症,多出现在一些感染了COVID-19病毒的儿童或身边有COVID-19患者的儿童之中。该小组正在努力了解更多关于该综合征的信息,并将信息迅速传达给医疗服务提供者、家长和护理人员,以及州、领地、地方和部落卫生部门。 + + + + 1.8571428571428572 + + Consider posting signages for the national distress hotline: 1-800-985-5990, or text TalkWithUs to 66746 + + + 考虑张贴国家灾难求助专线:1-800-985-5990,或编辑短信"TalkWithUs"发送至66746的标识 + + + + 2.0491803278688523 + + Food processing employers should consider developing written policies about which employees can use hand sanitizer, in what areas or parts of a processing worksite it can be used, and other considerations pertinent to the food processing environment. + + + 食品加工雇主应考虑制定书面政策,说明哪些员工可以使用洗手液,在加工现场的哪些区域或部分可以使用洗手液,以及其他与食品加工环境相关的考虑事项。洗手液不能取代 食品生产和零售环境中的洗手 措施。相反,洗手液可以作为适当洗手之外的补充或与之结合使用。 + + + + 2.2903225806451615 + + CDC is responding to this pandemic by preparing healthcare workers, learning more about how the disease spreads, and supporting state, local, tribal and territorial governments on the front lines of this outbreak. + + + 数以百万计的人依靠CDC保护他们免受COVID-19的威胁。CDC正在为应对这一全球流行病做好医护人员的准备,进一步了解疾病如何传播,并支持州、地方、部落和区域政府在疫情第一线开展工作。 + + + + 2.95 + + Practice social distancing by maintaining at least 6 feet between attendees; facility or lay staff; and clergy or officiants, especially when small, in-person services are held. + + + 保持 社交距离 ,维持参加者、设施工作人员或普通员工以及神职人员或牧师之间至少6英尺的距离,尤其是在举行小型现场仪式时。 + + + + 1.8909090909090909 + + If using an indoor facility, allow previous groups to leave the facility before entering with your team. + + + 如果使用室内设施,则让之前的团队先离开设施,然后再与您的团队进入。如果可能,请留出时间进行 清洁和/或消毒 。 + + + + 1.8035714285714286 + + For medical emergencies, call 911 and tell the dispatcher that the person has or might have COVID-19. + + + 如果患者病情加重,请致电医生。对于紧急医疗情况,请致电911,并告诉调度员该人员患有或可能患有COVID-19。 + + + + 2.3833333333333333 + + If the cloth face covering or mask becomes wet, visibly soiled, or contaminated at work, it should be removed and stored to be laundered later. + + + 考虑携带备用的布制口罩或口罩。如果布制面罩或口罩在工作期间变湿、明显脏污或被污染,则应将其取下并妥善存放,以便稍后清洗。 + + + + 3.3191489361702127 + + Include all employees in communication plans - for example, management, staff, utility employees, relief employees, janitorial staff, and maintenance staff. + + + 包括沟通计划中的所有员工--例如管理者、普通职员、公用事业员工、救济员工、保洁人员和维修人员。 + + + + 1.8970588235294117 + + Be sure to get care if you have trouble breathing, or have any other emergency warning signs, or if you think it is an emergency. + + + 与您的医生保持联系。 外出寻求医疗护理前请先打电话。如果您出现呼吸困难或任何其他 重症体征 ,或者您认为出现了 紧急情况 ,请务必就诊。 + + + + 2.130952380952381 + + If you or someone you care about is starting to use alcohol or other substances, or is increasing their use during the COVID-19 pandemic, here are a few suggestions that may help: + + + 压力增加可能导致酒精饮用和 药物使用 增加。如果您或您关心的人开始饮用酒精或使用其他药物,或者在COVID-19全球流行病期间增加了这些消耗,以下为一些可能有用的建议: + + + + 2.9649122807017543 + + All attendees should follow everyday preventive actions to protect themselves and others from COVID-19, such as washing your hands often and covering coughs and sneezes. + + + 所有参加者应采取 日常预防措施 保护自己和他人避免感染COVID-19,例如 勤洗手 并在咳嗽和打喷嚏时遮住口鼻。 + + + + 3.25 + + Disinfect and Clean work spaces: Clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment routinely. + + + 消毒和清洁工作空间:定期清洁和消毒所有区域,例如办公室、卫生间、公共区域、共用电子设备。 + + + + 1.4842767295597483 + + Determine where handwashing and hand sanitization stations are needed; and consult OSHA's Sanitation standard ( 29 CFR 1910.141external icon ) and/or FDA's good manufacturing practices (GMPs)external icon for food processing operations. + + + 评估是否需要额外的洗手和卫生消毒位置,以方便员工使用,并减少换班期间的拥堵。确定哪些地方需要洗手和卫生消毒站;并参考食品加工操作的OSHA卫生标准 ( 29 CFR 1910.141external icon ) 和 FDA 的 良好生产规范 (GMP) external icon 。如果可能,请选择非接触式洗手站。 + + + + 2.63265306122449 + + When unpacking groceries, refrigerate or freeze meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, and other perishables within 2 hours of purchasing. + + + 应在购买后的2小时内,拆开食品包装并对肉类、禽类、蛋类、海鲜和其他易腐食品进行 冷藏或冷冻处理 。 + + + + 2.3191489361702127 + + Racial and ethnic minority groups including, African Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, American Indians/Alaskan Natives, and Asian/Pacific Islanders, are at increased risk of getting COVID-19 and having severe illness. + + + 农村社区在种族和族裔方面也 越来越多样化 。包括非裔美国人、西班牙裔和拉丁美裔、美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民和亚洲/太平洋岛民在内的种族和族裔群体患上COVID-19和重病的风险也在增加。 + + + + 3.5052631578947366 + + Morbidity and mortality event-based surveillance including detection in wildlife with clinical signs or post-mortem lesions consistent with a coronavirus infection (i.e., respiratory or gastrointestinal signs)1 and in animals that are found dead or are euthanized when there is cause for suspicion of previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2. + + + 基于发病率和死亡率事件的监测,包括在野生动物中检测出与冠状病毒感染一致的临床体征或验尸病变(即呼吸道或胃肠道体征)1,以及有理由怀疑被发现死亡或安乐死的动物之前曾接触过SARS-CoV-2。 + + + + 4.0 + + Remind staff, visitors, and people who are incarcerated to use everyday preventive actions (such as washing hands, avoiding touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, covering their cough). + + + 提醒员工、访客和被监禁人员采取 日常预防措施 (例如洗手、避免触摸眼口鼻、咳嗽时遮住口鼻)。 + + + + 2.0 + + Specifically, all facilities should continue to adhere to their state and local licensing policies unless otherwise notified by their local health department. + + + 请务必遵守州和本地儿童护理 许可政策和法规external icon 。具体而言,除非当地卫生部门另行通知,否则所有设施均应继续遵守其所在州和本地的许可政策。 + + + + 2.295918367346939 + + Individuals who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms should be separated, sent home, and advised to follow CDC guidance for community-related exposure (see "Notify Health Officials and Close Contacts" below). + + + 与出现 症状 的人有过 密切接触 的个人应被隔离、送回家,并建议遵循 CDC有关社区接触的指导方针 (参见以下"通知卫生官员和密切接触者")。如果出现症状,个人应遵循 CDC照顾自己的指导方针 。 + + + + 3.259259259259259 + + Outreach staff who do not interact closely (e.g., within 6 feet) with sick clients and do not clean client environments do not need to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). + + + 不与生病客户近距离接触(例如,在6英尺之内)并且不负责清洁客户环境的外联人员无需穿戴个人防护用品(PPE)。 + + + + 4.195121951219512 + + Determine methods to continue providing support services to individuals at risk of severe disease (services, meals, checking in) while limiting group settings and exposures + + + 确定为重病高风险个体提供支持服务的方法(服务、餐食、看望),同时限制群体情况和暴露 + + + + 1.5227272727272727 + + Lowest risk: Meetings and other activities are conducted virtually. + + + 风险最低:以虚拟方式举行会议和其他活动。仅必要活动(即提供必要服务)采取亲自参与的方式。 + + + + 3.9302325581395348 + + Being in close contact with other people, including coworkers, the employees of the inspection facility, the public, at the office, during travel, or during inspections. + + + 在公共场合、办公室、旅行期间或检查期间,与他人 密切接触 ,包括同事或检查设施的员工。 + + + + 2.923076923076923 + + More Risk: Residence halls are open at lower capacity and shared spaces are closed (e.g., kitchens, common areas). + + + 风险较高:开放宿舍大楼,但减少住宿人数,同时关闭公共空间(如厨房和公共区域)。 + + + + 4.1875 + + Before entering and leaving the cab, including deliveries, loading and unloading of cargo, rest breaks, fueling, and other activities; + + + 进入和离开驾驶室之前,包括交付、货物装卸、休息、加油和其他活动; + + + + 3.013888888888889 + + Where possible, screeners should remain behind a physical barrier, such as a car window, that can protect the staff member's face from respiratory droplets that may be produced if the client sneezes, coughs, or talks. + + + 在可能的情况下,筛查人员应该始终处于物理屏障(如车窗)的后面,这样可以保护工作人员的脸部不受客户打喷嚏、咳嗽或说话时可能产生的呼吸道飞沫的影响。 + + + + 2.4375 + + While social distancing measures are in place, consider connecting online, through social media, or by phone or mail. + + + 与您的社区或宗教组织保持联系。当采取社交距离措施时,考虑通过网络、社交媒体、电话或邮件进行联系。 + + + + 2.9285714285714284 + + (e.g., cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis) Patient has been told to avoid or reduce the dose of medications because liver disease or is under treatment for liver disease. + + + 以医生诊断为准的慢性肝病。(例如,肝硬化、慢性肝炎)病人被告知因其肝病而避免或降低药物剂量,或正在接受肝病治疗。 + + + + 3.269230769230769 + + If you use disposable or non-contact (temporal) thermometers and you did not have physical contact with the child, you do not need to change gloves before the next check. + + + 如果您使用的是一次性或非接触式(颞动脉)温度计,并且未与儿童进行身体接触,则在下次检查之前无需更换手套。 + + + + 3.04 + + Develop policies and technology options that allow and prioritize contactless transactions that limit or eliminate close contact and the sharing of items such as pens and electronic signature pads between drivers and passengers. + + + 开发政策和技术选项,以支持并鼓励无接触交付,例如免签名交付。这些选项可限制接触,提供空间,并避免驾驶员和交付地点的人之间共用笔和电子签名板之类的物品。 + + + + 3.575 + + Provide free access to soap (preferably liquid soap) and access to running water, hand dryers, tissues, and no-touch trash cans, when possible. + + + 提供免费肥皂(最好是液体肥皂)和自来水、烘手机、纸巾和无接触式垃圾桶(如可能)。 + + + + 1.9831932773109244 + + The workplace coordinators and management need to follow all applicable federal, state, and local regulations and should be aware of the evolving nature of recommendations regarding worker safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic. + + + 工作场所协调员和管理人员必须遵守所有适用的联邦、州和地方法规,并应了解在COVID-19疫情期间,有关员工安全与健康的建议会不断变化。作为合理的职业健康和公共卫生实践的一部分,应定期进行工作场所评估以确定COVID-19的风险和预防策略。 + + + + 5.142857142857143 + + Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet, which is about two meters). + + + 密切接触的人之间(约6英尺内,大约2米)。 + + + + 2.0217391304347827 + + Further studies are needed to understand if and how different animals could be affected by the virus, and the role animals may play in the spread of COVID-19 to other animals and people. + + + 我们仍在了解这种病毒;在某些情况下,人们可以把病毒传染给动物。需要进一步的研究来了解不同动物是否和如何受到病毒的影响,以及动物在将COVID-19传��给其他动物和人方面可能起到的作用。 + + + + 2.8 + + Close shared spaces such as break rooms, if possible; otherwise stagger use and clean and disinfect between use. + + + 如果可能,关闭共享空间,如休息室;否则,请交错使用,并在使用之间 清洗和消毒 。 + + + + 2.6666666666666665 + + Create distance between children on school buses (g., seat children one child per row, skip rows) when possible. + + + 尽可能在校车上保持活动营成员之间的 社交距离 (例如,每排只座一个孩子,跳过几排)。 + + + + 2.0096153846153846 + + In response to changes in the food supply chain, some meat and poultry manufacturers, restaurants, and restaurant suppliers have begun selling large amounts of meat, poultry, and seafood directly to consumers. + + + 为了应对食品供应链的变化,一些肉类和禽类制造商、餐厅及餐厅供应商已开始直接向消费者大量出售肉类、禽类和海鲜。虽然目前没有证据表明食物可以传播导致COVID-19的病毒,但在批量采购时还应考虑其他重要注意事项。 + + + + 2.6607142857142856 + + PPE should be donned before entering the home and removed only after leaving the home, following appropriate donning and doffing procedurespdf icon . + + + 个人防护用品(PPE)应在进入房屋之前穿好,并且在离开房屋后方可 按照正确的穿脱程序pdf icon 脱下用品。 + + + + 1.16 + + See COVID-19 and Animals if you have questions about pets. + + + 有关更多信息,请参见 COVID-19和动物常见问题解答 。有关宠物的信息,请参见 如果您有宠物 。 + + + + 2.5 + + Encourage staff and customers who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days to stay home and monitor their health . + + + 对于在过去的14天里曾与出现了COVID-19症状的人有过 密切接触 的员工和顾客,建议留在家中并监控健康状况。 + + + + 4.020408163265306 + + Stocking up and providing free access to soap (preferably liquid soap to promote use), tissues, and hand drying supplies, as well as hand sanitizer (where permitted based on security restrictions). + + + 储备并提供免费肥皂(最好为方便使用的液体肥皂)、纸巾和擦手用品、以及手部消毒液(安全限制允许时)。 + + + + 1.6296296296296295 + + Page last reviewed: April 13, 2020, 04:10 PM + + + MP 316043-A 2020年4月1日晚上8:00 + + + + 2.688311688311688 + + Wash their hands when they enter your home and before and after touching you (e.g., dressing, bathing/showering, transferring, toileting, feeding), handling tissues, or when changing linens or doing laundry. + + + 当他们进入您家里以及在触摸您(例如:穿衣、洗澡/沐浴、转移、入厕、进食)之前和之后,处理纸巾、换床单或洗衣服时,都要洗手。 了解有关正确洗手的更多信息 。 + + + + 1.7714285714285714 + + Some locations have temporarily banned the use of reusable shopping bags during the COVID-19 pandemic, so check your state, local, store or market policies before bringing reusable bags. + + + 如果您通常自己携带可重复使用的购物袋,请确保在每次使用前将其清洗干净。在COVID-19疫情期间,某些地区暂时禁用可重复使用的购物袋,因此在携带可重复使用的购物袋之前,请查询您所在的州、地方、商店或市场的政策。 + + + + 3.6511627906976742 + + Maintain at least 6 feet of separation as much as possible in areas that may lead to close contact (within 6 feet) among other people, such as weight rooms, group fitness studios, pools and saunas, courts and fields, walking/running tracks, locker rooms, check-in areas, parking lots, and routes of entry and exit. + + + 在可能与他人产生密切接触(6英尺以内)的区域尽量保持至少6英尺的距离,例如重量训练室、团体健身室、游泳池和桑拿房、球场、步道/跑道、更衣室、登记区、停车场以及任何出入路线。 + + + + 3.422222222222222 + + Each of these issues could contribute to the underreporting of infections of SARS-CoV-2 from healthcare settings, such as hospitals or outpatient clinics. + + + 以上每种问题都有可能导致医疗护理机构(如医院或门诊诊所)漏报SARS-CoV-2感染病例。 + + + + 3.585714285714286 + + Taking steps to ensure that all water systems (for example, drinking fountains, decorative fountains, hot tubs) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires' disease and other diseases associated with water. + + + 采取措施 确保所有水系统(例如直饮机、装饰性喷泉、热水浴池)在设施长期关闭后可安全使用,以最大程度地降低 军团菌病 和其他水相关疾病的风险。 + + + + 1.9052631578947368 + + Develop a flexible plan with your staff or family, adjusting the plan as federal, state, tribal, territorial, or local guidance is updated and if your specific circumstances change. + + + 您的计划应包括如何在重新开放后保持清洁和消毒的策略,这一点至关重要。与您的员工或家人一起制定灵活的计划,并根据联邦、州、部落、领地或当地指导方针的更新、以及您个人情况的变更而对计划做出调整。 + + + + 2.2527472527472527 + + If this method is used, the water tap should be regularly cleaned and disinfected, and the contaminated wastewater must be collected and treated in accordance with local laws and environmental regulations. + + + 提供带有封盖和水龙头的大桶(5加仑以上)用于洗手供水。如果使用本方法,应定期对水龙头进行清洁和消毒,并且必须收集受污染的废水,并根据地方法律和环境法规进行处理。每日提供干净清洁的水。 + + + + 2.324324324324324 + + Depending on the type of belongings, such as electronics, you should also follow the household item-specific cleaning and disinfection guidelines when handling these items. + + + 当您处理亲人的物品时,应戴手套并保持良好的手部卫生习惯。 根据电子设备等物品的类型,在处理这些物品时,还应遵循 针对家庭物品的清洁和消毒指导方针 。 + + + + 2.7564102564102564 + + If you need to meet in person, follow everyday preventive actions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, such as wearing a mask , social distancing , washing your hands often, and covering coughs and sneezes. + + + 如果需要见面,您应采取 日常预防措施 保护自己和他人免受COVID-19感染,例如佩戴 口罩 、保持 社交距离 、 勤洗手 ,以及在咳嗽和打喷嚏时遮挡口鼻。 + + + + 2.4166666666666665 + + Identify platforms for communications such as a hotline, automated text messaging, or a website to help disseminate information to those inside and outside your organization. + + + 确定热线、自动文本消息或网站等通信平台,以帮助向组织内部和外部人员传达信息。了解有关 在危机中与员工沟通external icon 的更多信息。 + + + + 1.6442307692307692 + + For the child to safely have no interaction with the parent or caregiver, the child should be old enough to legally be home alone and mature enough to care for themselves. + + + 年长的儿童应该避免与患病的家长或护理人员发生身体接触,直至所有病人均已 结束居家隔离 。要让儿童在不与家长或护理人员接触的情况下仍能保证安全,儿童应该年龄够大,能够合法地独自在家,并且足够成熟,能够照顾自己。 + + + + 2.163265306122449 + + When a companion animal tests positive for SARS-CoV-2, an epidemiological assessment should be considered. + + + 当陪伴动物的SARS-CoV-2检测呈阳性时,应考虑进行流行病学评估。此评估应该包括以下组成部分: + + + + 3.28125 + + If you get sick with fever, cough, or have trouble breathing in the 14 days after you return from travel: + + + 如果您在旅行回来后14天内 生病了,出现发烧、咳嗽或 呼吸困难: + + + + 2.105691056910569 + + If the mother with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 does not choose temporary separation in the hospital, she should take precautions to avoid spreading the virus to the newborn, including washing her hands and wearing a mask when within 6 feet of her newborn. + + + 如果疑似或确诊感染COVID-19的母亲不选择在医院暂时隔离,则她应采取预防措施,包括洗手以及在距离新生儿6英尺以内时佩戴口罩,以避免将病毒传播给新生儿。新生儿应尽可能与母亲保持6英尺或更远的距离,包括使用物理屏障(例如,将新生儿放在保温箱中)。 + + + + 2.3333333333333335 + + If you have asthma, COVID-19 may be more likely to affect your respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs), cause an asthma attack, and possibly lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory disease. + + + 患有中度至重度哮喘的人出现COVID-19重症的风险或更高。COVID-19可能影响您的呼吸道(鼻子、喉咙、肺),导致哮喘发作,并可能引起肺炎和急性呼吸系统疾病。 + + + + 2.893939393939394 + + In the truck cab (driver door handle, steering wheel, seat belt and buckle, arm and head rest, seat cover, turn signal, wiper controls, dashboard, air ducts, radio, and temperature controls). + + + 卡车驾驶室里(驾驶员车门把手、方向盘、安全带和插扣、扶手和头枕、座椅套、转向信号灯、雨刮控制器、仪表板、风管、无线电和温度控制器)。 + + + + 3.044776119402985 + + Use flexible worksites (e.g., telework) and flexible work hours (e.g., staggered shifts) to help establish policies and practices for social distancing of 6 feet between employees, volunteers, and others. + + + 使用灵活的工作地点(例如,远程工作)和工作时间(例如,错开轮班)来帮助建立工作人员、志愿者和其他人之间保持6英尺社交距离的政策和做法。 + + + + 3.5454545454545454 + + Individuals at risk for severe illness, including persons of any age with underlying health conditions, particularly among elderly adults (See Appendix A ). + + + 重症风险个人,包括存在基础疾病的任何年龄段人群,特别是其中的老年人(参见 附录 A )。 + + + + 1.3098591549295775 + + IHE include a diverse set of American colleges and universities: 2- or 4-year; public, private non-profit, or private for-profit; and comprehensive, research-focused, or special mission. + + + 本临时指南专为公立和私立高等教育机构(IHE)的管理人员而制定。IHE包括各式各样的美国学院和大学:2 或 4 年制;公立、私立非盈利或私立盈利;以及综合性、研究型、或特殊教育。IHE管理人员(如校长、院长、教务长)是制定政策和程序、设定教育目标和标准以及指导高等教育机构规划的个人。 + + + + 3.121212121212121 + + Clean and disinfect service animal collars, vests, leashes or harnesses, and other supplies frequently. + + + 经常 清洁和消毒 服务型动物的项圈、背心、狗绳、狗背带及其他用品。 + + + + 1.683673469387755 + + The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized viral tests that let you collect either a nasal swabexternal icon or a saliva sampleexternal icon at home. + + + 美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 已经授权进行病毒检测,您可以在家中采集 鼻腔拭子external icon 或 唾液样本external icon 。但是,您仍然需要将样本送到实验室进行分析。 + + + + 3.1944444444444446 + + See Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Employees Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 and COVID-19 Critical Infrastructure Sector Response Planning for more information. + + + 有关更多信息,请参阅 对可能接触过COVID-19疑似或确诊患者的关键基础设施员工实施安全措施 和 COVID-19关键基础设施行业应对规划 。 + + + + 1.5555555555555556 + + Create a COVID-19 assessment and control plan and identify a qualified workplace coordinator who is responsible for this plan. + + + 制定 COVID-19评估和控制计划 ,并选择一名合格的工作场所协调员负责该计划。工作场所的所有员工都应知道如何联系协调员,咨询与COVID-19相关的任何问题。 + + + + 2.0 + + "Acute" means of recent onset (for example, for a few days), and is used to distinguish from chronic respiratory illnesses like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). + + + "急性"呼吸道疾病是可能干扰正常呼吸的上呼吸道或下呼吸道感染,如COVID-19。"急性"是指最近发病(例如持续数日),用于区分慢性呼吸系统疾病,如哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD)。 + + + + 3.6557377049180326 + + Each community is unique, and appropriate mitigation strategies will vary based on the level of community transmission, characteristics of the community and their populations, and the local capacity to implement strategies. + + + 每个社区都是独特的。适当的缓解策略应以可获得的最佳数据为依据。决策将根据社区传播的程度和当地情况而有所不同。参见 表1 。 + + + + 2.0625 + + During the COVID-19 pandemic, show organizers should follow CDC's Considerations for Events and Gatherings when deciding whether to hold, postpone, or cancel a fair, agricultural show, or other event where animals may be exhibited. + + + 在COVID-19全球流行病期间,展览会组织者在决定是否要举办、推迟或取消集市、农业展览会或其他可能有动物展出的活动时,应遵循CDC的 活动和集会注意事项 。策划者还应根据州和地方辖区有关继续开展集市或农业展览会的指导方针。 + + + + 2.6666666666666665 + + After reviewing the suggestions listed on this page, camp administrators can use CDC's Youth Programs and Camps Readiness and Planning Tool pdf icon[7 pages] to protect campers, staff and communities. + + + 活动营管理人员可以在浏览本页面列出的建议后,使用 CDC的青少年项目与活动营准备和计划工具pdf icon[7页] 来保护活动营成员、工作人员和社区。 + + + + 3.4615384615384617 + + Screeners should stand behind a physical barrier, such as a glass or plastic window or partition that can protect the staff member's face from respiratory droplets that may be produced if the client sneezes, coughs, or talks. + + + 筛查人员应站在物理屏障后面,例如玻璃或塑料窗或隔板,该隔板可以保护员工的面部,防止接触客户打喷嚏、咳嗽或说话时可能产生的呼吸飞沫。 + + + + 3.325 + + Clean and disinfect electronic gaming machines (e.g., slots, touch screen games) at least daily and between uses as much as possible. + + + 至少每天且尽量在每次使用之间对电子游戏机(老虎机、触屏游戏)进行 清洁和消毒 。 + + + + 2.95959595959596 + + As some refugee resettlement agencies and community-based organizations (CBOs) begin to resume or increase their level of activities, CDC offers considerations for ways these organizations can help protect individuals and communities and slow the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). + + + 鉴于一些难民安置机构和社区组织(CBO)已开始恢复或加强活动,美国疾病控制预防中心(CDC)针对这些组织如何协助个人和社区防护、减缓2019新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的传播提出了一些 注意事项 。 + + + + 1.717741935483871 + + Children with disabilities may not have access through virtual means to the specialized instruction, related services or additional supports required by their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 Plans. + + + 对于有额外学习需求的学生而言,面对面教学可能更为有益。残疾儿童可能无法通过虚拟方式获得其个性化教育计划 (IEP) 或504计划所需的专门指导、相关服务或额外支持。 [33] 学生也可能无法通过虚拟方式获得高质量的英语语言学习(ELL)。 [34] + + + + 3.3207547169811322 + + Use visual cues such as floor decals, colored tape, and signs to remind employees to maintain distance of 6 feet from others, including at their workstation and in break areas. + + + 使用视觉提示(如地板标识、彩色胶带和标牌),提醒工作人员与他人保持至少6英尺的距离,包括在工作台和休息区。 + + + + 3.1475409836065573 + + Inform human resources, employer health unit (if in place), and supervisor about sick workers (so workers can be moved off schedule during illness and replacements can be assigned, if needed). + + + 通知人力资源、雇主卫生单位(如有)和主管有关生病员工的情况(以便员工在生病期间可以调离工作日程,并在必要时指派替代人员)。 + + + + 3.269230769230769 + + If you use disposable or non-contact (temporal) thermometers and did not have physical contact with an individual, you do not need to change gloves before the next check. + + + 如果您使用的是一次性或非接触式(颞动脉)温度计,并且未与他人进行身体接触,则在下次检查之前无需更换手套。 + + + + 2.141304347826087 + + Despite lower risk of serious illness, children with COVID-19-like symptoms should avoid contact with older adults and people of any age who may be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 . + + + 然而,据报道,有一小部分儿童的病情会比较严重。尽管罹患重症的风险较低,但出现COVID-19类似症状的儿童应避免与老年人和可能面临 COVID-19重症更高风险 的任何年龄段的人接触。 + + + + 2.393548387096774 + + Because individuals with COVID-19 may be infectious prior to symptom onset [ 2 , 4 ], contact tracing and baseline testing should include co-workers who were exposed to a worker with confirmed COVID-19, beginning 2 days before the individual with COVID-19 became symptomatic (or, for asymptomatic workers, 2 days prior to specimen collection) until the time of isolation. + + + 第1级是对有过接触的员工进行检测的最高优先级。由于COVID-19患者个人可能在症状出现之前就具有传染性 [ 2 , 4 ],因此接触者追踪和基线检测应包括曾与COVID-19确诊员工接触过的同事,应从COVID-19患者出现症状的前2天(或者,对于无症状员工从采集样本前2天)开始直到隔离之前。接触形式包括: + + + + 2.8727272727272726 + + Demographic and other community characteristics, as well public health and healthcare system capacity, will also drive decisionmaking on mitigation (Table 2). + + + 在制定社区缓解策略时,社区及其人口特征、卫生系统和公共卫生能力以及当地实施策略的能力都很重要。请参阅 表2 。 + + + + 1.6666666666666667 + + Do not return to work until 10 days have passed since the symptoms started. + + + 自始发症状 已过去10天 前不要返回工作。如果您检测呈阳性,即使没有症状,也要等待10天。 + + + + 1.7647058823529411 + + For customers with appointments, consider screening them by telephone for symptoms of COVID-19 before their appointment. + + + 对于有预约的客户,考虑在他们赴约之前通过电话询问COVID-19 症状 进行筛查。如果客户报告存在呼吸道疾病症状,建议他们更改预约时间。 + + + + 3.3518518518518516 + + CDC recommendations for SARS-CoV-2 testing have been developed based on what is currently known about COVID-19 and are subject to change as additional information becomes available. + + + CDC对SARS-CoV-2检测的建议基于目前对COVID-19的了解而制定,并可能随着获得更多信息而更改。 + + + + 3.909090909090909 + + • Empowering businesses, schools, and community organizations to implement recommended actions, particularly in ways that protect persons at risk of severe illness such as older adults and persons with serious underlying health conditions (e.g., Dialysis patients, congestive heart failure, emphysema) + + + 让企业、学校和社区组织能够实施建议措施,特别是保护重症高风险人群,如老年人和存在严重基础疾病的人(例如接受透析治疗的患者、充血性心力衰竭患者、肺气肿患者) + + + + 1.9230769230769231 + + These guidelines are focused on community, non-healthcare facilities such as schools, institutions of higher education, offices, daycare centers, businesses, and community centers that do, and do not, house persons overnight. + + + 这些指导方针侧重于社区和非卫生保健设施,如学校、高等教育机构、办公室、日托中心、企业和社区中心等接待或不接待过夜人员的设施。这些指导方针并不适用于 卫生保健设施或撤侨地点的清洁人员 、 家庭住户 ,也不适用于已经有具体指南的其他人员。 + + + + 2.4 + + Are not worn with or instead of respiratory protectionexternal icon when respirators are needed. + + + 需要防护面罩时,不要代替或与 呼吸保护装备external icon 一起佩戴。 + + + + 2.4705882352941178 + + For up-to-date information, visit CDC's coronavirus disease situation summary page . + + + 有关最新信息,请访问美国疾病控制 和预防中心(CDC)的冠状病毒疾病 + + + + 1.9262295081967213 + + During this period, personnel should take special precautions to limit any close interactions with other people (maintaining at least 6-feet distance) and avoid sharing kitchens, living spaces (bedrooms), bathrooms, or household items. + + + 人员到达工作地点时,建议管理部门为他们提供单独的空间,供其与小组中的其他人保持 社交隔离 14天(如可能)。在此期间,这些人员应采取特殊预防措施,限制与其他人近距离接触(维持至少6英尺距离)并避免共用厨房、生活空间(卧室)、卫生间、或家用物品。 + + + + 3.945945945945946 + + Living in employer-furnished housing and sharing living quarters, cooking and eating areas, bathrooms, and laundry facilities with fellow workers. + + + 居住在由雇主提供的房屋内,与其他员工共用宿舍、厨房、餐厅、浴室和洗衣设施。 + + + + 2.676470588235294 + + For Parents: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19 + + + 家长须知:与COVID-19相关的儿童多系统炎症综合征(MIS-C) + + + + 2.384105960264901 + + At this time, most of the cases of COVID-19 are related to a single cluster associated with a conference at a hotel in Boston, MA. Due to the current level of COVID-19 transmission in Massachusetts, CDC recommends certain community mitigation activities to help slow the spread of COVID-19 into the community and to protect vulnerable members of the community. + + + 目前,大多数COVID-19病例与波士顿一家酒店中举行的大会相关的单个聚集相关。由于马萨诸塞州当前的COVID-19传播等级,CDC建议特定社区缓解活动,帮助减缓COVID-19进入社区并保护社区脆弱群体。CDC建议此时执行以下干预措施(见表)。如有需要,这些建议可能基于当前本地疫情的任何变化而更新。 + + + + 3.792452830188679 + + The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person through droplets produced when a sick person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and the droplets land in the mouths, noses, or eyes of people nearby. + + + 据认为,该病毒主要通过病人咳嗽、打喷嚏或说话时产生的飞沫在人与人之间传播,飞沫落在附近人的口、鼻或眼睛中。 + + + + 1.9875776397515528 + + During the COVID-19 pandemic, you may feel grief due to loss of a job; inability to connect in-person with friends, family or religious organizations; missing special events and milestones (such as graduations, weddings, vacations); and experiencing drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that bring comfort. + + + COVID-19全球流行病期间,您可能由于失去工作;无法与朋友、家人或宗教组织现场交流;错过特殊活动和里程碑事件(例如毕业、婚礼、假期);经历带来舒适的日常惯例和生活方式的重大变化而感到悲伤。您还可能由于对与生命的失去相比更不重要的事物的悲伤而产生愧疚感。悲伤是一种普遍的情感;经历悲伤的方式没有对错,而所有失去都很重大。 + + + + 1.7702702702702702 + + If you are picking up a meat, poultry or seafood order, bring a cooler and ice packs to keep food at 41°F or colder during transit. + + + 有害细菌在41°F至140°F之间繁殖速度最快。如果您要购买肉类、禽类或海鲜,则应带上冷藏箱和冰袋,以便食物在运输过程中的温度保持在41°F或以下。 + + + + 3.3055555555555554 + + When developing plans, include all employees in the workplace, for example: staff, utility employees, relief employees, janitorial staff, supervisory staff, rail transit operators, transit station workers, and transit maintenance workers. + + + 制定计划时,应考虑到工作场所的所有工作人员,例如职员、公用事业员工、救援员工、清洁工人、监管人员、公交运营人员、公交站工作人员以及交通维修人员。 + + + + 1.7407407407407407 + + Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you. + + + 向孩子保证 他们很安全。让他们知道心烦也没有关系。与他们分享您如何应对自己的压力,以让他们跟您学习如何应对。 + + + + 2.9827586206896552 + + Cloth face coverings are NOT surgical masks or respirators and are not appropriate substitutes for them in workplaces where masks or respirators are recommended or required. + + + 布制面罩不是外科口罩或防护面罩(呼吸器),且不适合在建议或要求使用口罩或防护面罩(呼吸器)的工作场所作为替代品使用。 + + + + 2.263157894736842 + + If food is offered at a reception, have individual pre-packaged boxes or bags instead of a potluck, buffet, or family-style meal. + + + 如果在接待处提供食物,应准备��先包装好的单独餐盒或餐袋,而不要提供百家饭、自助餐或家庭式用餐。避免共用食物和餐具。 + + + + 2.4814814814814814 + + Masks are most essential in times when social distancing is difficult, including when hiking on trails that may be popular or crowded. + + + 尽量佩戴 口罩 。 在难以保持社交距离的情况下(包括在可能很受欢迎或人多的步道上步行时),佩戴口罩尤为重要。 + + + + 1.6764705882352942 + + The first seroprevalence surveys began in areas that first reported community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States; they are now being expanded to more regions. + + + CDC正在全美各地开展一项名为"大规模地域性血清阳性率调查"的血清阳性率调查。最初的血清阳性率调查始于美国境内报告SARS-CoV-2社区传播的地区。目前该调查正在扩展到更多地区。这些调查的具体描述如下。 + + + + 3.6825396825396823 + + Identify work and common areas where employees could have close contact (within 6 feet) with others - for example, meeting rooms, break rooms, the cafeteria, locker rooms, check-in areas, waiting areas, and routes of entry and exit. + + + 确定员工可能与他人近距离接触(6英尺之内)的工作和公共区域,例如会议室、休息室、自助餐厅、更衣室、登记区、等候区以及进出路线。 + + + + 2.453125 + + Develop policies that encourage sick staff to stay at home without fear of being punished or losing their jobs, and ensure staff are aware of these policies. + + + 制定 政策 ,鼓励生病的员工待在家里而无需担心受到惩罚或失去工作,并确保员工了解这些政策。告知员工他们可以何时 返回工作岗位 。 + + + + 3.00990099009901 + + To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, CDC advises that critical infrastructure employeesexternal icon may be permitted to continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain symptom-free and additional precautions are taken to protect them and the community. + + + 为确保基本职能部门能够持续运营,CDC建议,如果 关键基础设施员工external icon 没有出现症状,并且已采取额外预防措施来保护自己和社区,则可以允许他们在可能接触过COVID-19后继续工作。 + + + + 1.8024691358024691 + + Identify flexible job duties for these higher risk staff and volunteers so they can continue working while minimizing direct contact with clients. + + + COVID-19重症 高风险 员工和志愿者不应被指派为收容所病人的看护人。为高风险员工和志愿者分配灵活的工作职责,以便他们可以继续工作,同时减少与客户的直接接触。 + + + + 3.421875 + + When onshore workers report or have symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) upon arrival at work or who become sick during the day, immediately separate them from others at the worksite and send them home. + + + 当岸上员工在到达工作地点后或在工作期间报告或出现症状(如发烧、咳嗽或气短),应立即将他们与工作地点的其他人隔开,并将他们送回家。 + + + + 2.838709677419355 + + Follow available CDC guidance and work with local and/or state public health authorities and occupational safety and health professionals to decide if you need to have COVID-19 testing of your employees and workplace contact tracing of COVID-19 positive employees. + + + 遵循现行 CDC指导方针 ,与当地和/或州公共卫生部门以及职业安全与卫生专业人员合作,决定是否需要对员工进行COVID-19检测,并对COVID-19阳性员工在工作场所的接触者进行追踪。 + + + + 1.8761467889908257 + + Background and purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Funding strategy ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 Process for workplan and budget submission ......................................................................................................... 3 Activities .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Performance measures and reporting ..................................................................................................................... 9 + + + 名: …………………..…………………………..……….……………………… 生日: _____ /_____ / _____ (日/月/年) 性别: 男 女 到达美国的日期: ____ /____ /____ (日/月/年) 航空公司: ……………….…… 航班号:………….…… 座位号: ………………… 美国目的地: 地址或酒店名称: ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….……………… 城市: ……………………………………..…………................................. 州: ………………………......... 电子邮件地址: ………………………………............... 在美电话号码: .................................................... 手机? + + + + 2.4285714285714284 + + Some pets did not show any signs of illness, but those pets that did get sick all had mild disease that could be taken care of at home. None have died from the infection. + + + 仅有少数宠物确诊感染了COVID-19病毒。有些宠物未出现任何疾病体征,但那些确实生病的宠物均为轻症,可以居家照料。没有宠物死于该病毒感染。 + + + + 1.943661971830986 + + Collaborating with local health officials will continue to be important once students are back to school, as they can provide regular updates about the status of COVID-19 in the community and help support and maintain the health and wellbeing of students, teachers, and staff. + + + 学校应做好校内出现COVID-19病例和接触的防范准备。学生返校后,学校与 当地卫生官员 的协作将继续发挥重要作用,因为他们可以定期提供有关社区COVID-19情况的最新信息,并帮助支持和保护学生以及教职员工的健康和福祉。制定计划以维持教学,并确保学生获得特定服务,这一点也至关重要。 + + + + 1.1946902654867257 + + Please check the following CDC website periodically for updated interim guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html. + + + 美国疾病控制预防中心(CDC)将根据需要和所获得的更多信息更新该指南。请定期查看以下CDC网站,了解最新的临时指南: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html 。 + + + + 3.863013698630137 + + Make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness, and confirm that the child is not experiencing coughing or shortness of breath. + + + 通过外观检查儿童是否有疾病体征,这可能包括脸颊发红、呼吸急促或呼吸困难(之前未进行体力活动)、乏力或特别爱哭闹,并确认儿童未出现咳嗽或气短等症状。 + + + + 2.3375 + + Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together--this can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children. + + + 根据标签说明以负责任和适当的方式储存和使用消毒剂。不要将漂白剂或其他清洁和消毒产品混合,这会产生烟雾,如果吸入可能非常危险。将所有消毒剂放在儿童接触不到的地方。 + + + + 3.7301587301587302 + + This guidance is intended to aid school administrators as they consider how to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, other school staff, families, and communities and prepare for educating students this fall. + + + 本指导方针旨在帮助学校管理人员考虑如何保护学生、教师、其他学校员工、家庭和社区的健康、安全和福祉,并为今年秋季的教学做好准备。 + + + + 2.125 + + As part of your organization's COVID-19 workplace health and safety plan, train and equip inspectors to comply with any regulations and infection control protocols in place at the facilities being inspected, if they are at least as protective as your organization's established infection control protocols. + + + 确定受检查地点和设施适用的国家和地方法规,并确定在这些设施实施COVID-19预防措施的接触点。作为您的组织COVID-19工作场所健康和安全计划的一部分,培训和指导检查人员,让他们遵守被检查设施的所有法规和感染控制规定,前提是被检查设施至少与您组织已建立的感染控制规定一样具有保护作用。 + + + + 2.072463768115942 + + Give the person who is sick personal cleaning supplies such as tissues, paper towels, cleaners, and EPA-registered disinfectantsexternal icon . + + + 如果觉得能办到,病人可以自行清洁其空间。为病人提供个人清洁用品,比如纸巾、厕纸、清洁剂以及 环保署注册消毒剂external icon 。 + + + + 3.44 + + It is important for people at higher risk for severe illness, hospitalization or death from COVID-19, to limit time spent away from the home. People at higher risk for severe illness include include older adults and those with certain underlying conditions . + + + 对于因COVID-19而患重症、住院治疗或导致死亡的高风险人群而言,限制外出的时间至关重要。 重症高风险 人群包括 老年人和患有某些基础疾病的人士 。 + + + + 1.925 + + Symptom screening , testing, and contact tracing pdf icon[58 pages] are strategies to identify workers infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, so that actions can be taken to slow and stop the spread of the virus. + + + SARS-CoV-2检测可作为减少 非保健工作场所传播综合措施 的一部分。 症状筛查 、检测和 接触者追踪pdf icon[58页] 是识别感染SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)员工的策略,以便采取行动减缓和阻止病毒的传播。 + + + + 2.1132075471698113 + + As a prerequisite for requesting commercial travel, cruise lines must have a complete and accurate response plan that provides a safe environment for crew members to work and disembark during the period of the No Sail Order. + + + 申请商业旅行的一个先决条件是,邮轮公司必须具备完整且准确的应对计划,在禁航令期间为船员提供安全的工作和登陆环境。CDC已就所有已提交的应对计划提供反馈,并且正在与各邮轮公司合作,确保他们执行计划中列明的防护措施: + + + + 2.1666666666666665 + + Sports with a large number of players on a team may increase the likelihood of spread, compared to sports with fewer team members. + + + 团队规模。相比团队成员更少的体育运动,一个拥有大量运动员的体育运动团队的疾病传播的可能性增加。如可行,考虑降低团队规模。 + + + + 3.0833333333333335 + + Place visual cues such as taped or painted lines, rocks, stakes, or signs at the watering point to show where people should stand at least 6 feet from each other when waiting for water. + + + 放置视觉提醒,例如在给水点设置贴带线和喷涂线、石头、木桩或标识,标明人们应该站的位置,以在取水时与他人保持6英尺的距离。 + + + + 2.8375 + + If you are sick with COVID-19, have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 , or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, it is important to stay home and away from other people until it is safe to be around others . + + + 如果您因COVID-19而生病、出现 与COVID-19一致的症状 ,或者与COVID-19感染者有过密切接触,与他人保持距离很重要, 直到能安全与他人共处 。 + + + + 2.404255319148936 + + Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk for occupants, including children (e.g., a risk of falling or of breathing outdoor environmental contaminants such as carbon monoxide, molds, or pollens). + + + 尽可能地打开门窗、使用风扇,增加与室外空气的流通。如果打开门窗会对居住者(包括儿童)造成安全或健康风险(例如,有坠落或呼吸诸如一氧化碳、霉菌或花粉等室外环境污染物的风险),请不要打开门窗。 + + + + 1.859375 + + State-level forecasts figures show observed and forecasted state-level new and cumulative COVID-19 deaths in the US. Each state forecast uses a different scale, due to differences in the numbers of COVID-19 deaths occurring in each state. + + + 州级和郡县级预测数据表明每个地方的监测和预测新增COVID-19病例。 由于每个辖区发生的COVID-19病例数字不同,因此每个预报使用不同的数值范围。 为方便辖区之间的比较,每个地方的总图还使用另一个数轴(灰色)表明每100,000个人中的预计病例数量。 + + + + 1.6951219512195121 + + If you are an older adult , 65 years and older, with a fever or other symptoms and want to get tested, call your healthcare provider first. + + + 如果您是 老年人 (65岁及以上),出现发烧或其他 症状 并希望得到检测,先给您的医疗服务提供者打电话。您还可以访问你的州或当地卫生部门网站,查看最新本地检测信息。 + + + + 2.3125 + + You don't need to wear gloves if you wash your hands regularly (unless they are already required for your job). + + + 经常使用肥皂和水 洗手 ,持续至少20秒。如果您经常洗手则无需戴手套(除非您的工作要求戴手套)。 + + + + 1.837837837837838 + + When going out in public, it is important to stay at least 6 feet away from other people and wear a mask to slow the spread of COVID-19. + + + 外出前往公共场合时,应务必与他人保持至少6英尺的距离并 佩戴口罩 ,以减缓COVID-19的传播。如果您 决定外出 ,可考虑以下保持社交距离的技巧。 + + + + 1.1450381679389312 + + An antibody test may not show if you have a current COVID-19 infection because it can take 1-3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. + + + 病毒检测延迟的情况例外,抗体检测不应用于诊断当前的COVID-19感染。抗体检测可能不会表明您当前是否感染COVID-19,因为您的身体在感染后1-3周才开始产生抗体。要知道您当前是否感染,你需要 病毒检测 。病毒检测鉴别来自您呼吸系统的病毒样本,例如鼻腔拭子。 + + + + 1.351063829787234 + + You can visit your state or localexternal icon health department's website to look for the latest local information on testing. + + + 有关检测的决定由 州 和 地方external icon 卫生部门或医疗服务提供者做出。您可以访问所在 州 或 地方external icon 卫生部门的网站,查找有关检测的最新本地信息。 + + + + 2.0728476821192054 + + If shared living spaces and common areas must be utilized during the initial 14 day period after reporting, all personnel should still practice social distancing (maintaining at least 6 feet distance from one another), wear cloth face coverings , and frequently clean and disinfect shared and high touch surfaces. + + + 如果报到后最初14天内必须使用共用的生活空间和公共区域,所有人员仍应该保持社交距离(相互维持至少6英尺的距离)、佩戴 布制面罩 并经常对共享和高频接触表面进行 清洁和消毒 。各人员还应考虑采用反向(头对脚)的方式睡觉并避免使用公共寝室中的上下床。管理部门还应考虑增加共享生活和工作区内的室外空气通风率。 + + + + 2.737864077669903 + + • Guidance for IHE is organized into three categories based on the level of community transmission: 1) when there is no community transmission (preparedness phase), 2) when there is minimal to moderate community transmission, and 3) when there is substantial community transmission. + + + 根据社区传播程度,针对IHE的指南分为三类: 1) 没有社区传播时(准备阶段); 2) 出现轻微到中等程度的社区传播时;和3) 出现大量社区传播时。请咨询当地卫生部门,以确定目前您所在社区所发生的传播程度。 + + + + 1.4931506849315068 + + You also can learn more about communicating to staff in a crisis at: Crisis Communications Plan.external icon + + + 参阅 了解受众 ,懂得如何接触到不同语言和文化的人们。您也可以在 危机沟通计划external icon 中学习更多关于在危机中与员工沟通的知识。 + + + + 1.7525773195876289 + + This may be especially relevant for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, but it is very important to use social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19. + + + 通过社交距离来保持健康和安全可能会使人们无法遵循某些传统和礼仪习惯。这一点可能尤其与美国印第安人/阿拉斯加原住民(AI/AN)社区相关,但是通过社交距离来减少 COVID-19 的传播非常重要。 + + + + 2.0804597701149423 + + Employees who test positive for COVID-19 (using a viral test, not an antibody test) should be excluded from work and remain in home isolation if they do not need to be hospitalized. + + + COVID-19检测呈阳性的员工(使用病毒检测,而不是抗体检测)不应进入工作场所,如果他们不需要住院,则应 保持居家隔离 。雇主应教导员工,让他们知道 如果生病了该怎么办 。 + + + + 3.693877551020408 + + Shared bathrooms should be cleaned regularly using EPA-registered disinfectantsexternal icon , at least twice per day (e.g., in the morning and evening or after times of heavy use). + + + 使用 EPA注册消毒剂external icon 定期清洁和消毒卫生间(例如在早晚或大量使用后)。 + + + + 3.1772151898734178 + + Do not let employees enter the workplace if they have a fever of 100.4℉ or greater (or reported feeling of feverishness), or if screening results indicate that the worker is suspected of having COVID-19-like symptoms (see managing sick workers below). + + + 如果员工发烧100.4℉或更高(或报告有发热的感觉),或筛查结果表明员工出现COVID-19疑似症状,请勿让该员工进入工作场所(请参阅下面的管理生病员工) 。 + + + + 1.7479674796747968 + + The test used should be able to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus (e.g., polymerase chain reaction (PCR)) with greater than 95% sensitivity, greater than 90% specificity, with results obtained rapidly (e.g., within 48 hours). + + + 通过实验室进行检测的安排。所采用的检测方法应能检测出敏感性大于95%、特异性大于90%的SARS-CoV-2病毒(如聚合酶链反应 (PCR)),并能快速(如在48小时内)获得结果。抗体检测结果不应成为诊断SARS-CoV-2活动性感染的唯一依据。 + + + + 1.6575342465753424 + + Many people who experience violence survive it but suffer from long-term physical, mental, and emotional health problems. + + + 暴力 是一个严重的公共健康问题,它影响着从婴儿到老年人等各个生活阶段的人。许多经历过暴力的人虽然得以幸存,但会遭受长期的身体、精神和情绪健康问题。 + + + + 2.1160714285714284 + + Use EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectantsexternal icon to disinfect non-porous surfaces of ambulances, gurneys, clipboards, radios, and other frequently touched surfaces or equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations. + + + 根据制造商的建议, 使用EPA注册的医院级消毒剂external icon 对救护车、轮床、剪贴板、收音机和其他经常接触的表面或设备进行消毒。个人防护用品(如电动空气净化呼吸器)的非多孔表面应按照制造商的建议进行清洁和消毒。 + + + + 2.3603603603603602 + + See What to Do if Your Pet Tests Positive for the Virus that Causes COVID-19 , which has recommendations for owners of test-positive animals; the state public health veterinarian and state animal health official may recommend that owners adhere to this guidance. + + + 不需要住院治疗的陪伴动物可返回其看护者家中进行居家隔离。参阅 如果宠物对导致COVID-19的病毒检测呈阳性时该怎么做 ,其中对检测呈阳性的动物主人提供了建议;州公共卫生兽医和州动物卫生官员可以建议动物主人遵守该指导方针。 + + + + 2.4625850340136055 + + Students who rely on key services, such as school food programs, special education and related services (e.g., speech and social work services, occupational therapy), and after school programs are put at greater risk for poor health and educational outcomes when school buildings are closed and they are unable to access such school health programs and services. + + + 依靠关键服务,例如学校膳食计划、特殊教育和相关服务(例如语言和社工服务、职业治疗)和课后服务计划的学生在学校关闭后,将无法使用这类学校健康计划和服务,其健康状况和学业成绩会面临更大挑战。 [41] 在学校关闭期间,学生获得此类关键服务的机会有限,有可能导致教育和健康方面的差距和不平等现象增加。 + + + + 3.186046511627907 + + Offer options for staff at higher risk for severe illness that limit their exposure risk (e.g., telework, modified job responsibilities). + + + 为 重症高风险 员工提供选择,以降低他们的接触风险(例如,远程办公或更改其工作职责)。 + + + + 4.163636363636364 + + Limit any nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations as possible - especially with individuals who are not from the local geographic area (e.g., community, town, city, or county). + + + 尽可能限制任何非必要的访客、志愿者和涉及外部团体或组织的活动,尤其针对非本地区(例如社区、镇、市或县)的个人。 + + + + 3.3559322033898304 + + Consider using natural ventilation (i.e., opening windows if possible and safe to do so) to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air when environmental conditions and building requirements allow. + + + 在环境条件和建筑要求允许的情况下,请考虑使用自然通风(如果可能且安全的话,打开窗户)以增加室外空气对室内空气的稀释度。 + + + + 1.8636363636363635 + + Let someone else clean and disinfect surfaces in common areas, but you should clean your bedroom and bathroom, if possible. + + + 清洁和消毒您的"病房"和卫生间的高频接触表面;佩戴一次性手套。让他人清洁和消毒公共区域的表面,但您应该尽可能清洁自己的卧室和卫生间。 + + + + 3.0408163265306123 + + Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more serious complications from COVID-19. + + + 老年人和患有严重基础疾病的任 何年龄的人,可能会因 COVID-19 导致更严重并发症的风险更高。 + + + + 2.0689655172413794 + + While children may be spending time with other people as they return to daycare or school settings, it is important to remember that exposure to additional children and adults outside of daycare or school should be managed to decrease risk. + + + 要记住的一个重要指导原则是,与孩子互动的人越多,互动的时间越长,COVID-19传播的风险就越高。虽然儿童回到日托或学校环境中可以与其他人在一起,但重要的是要记住,应该设法减少在日托或学校之外与其他儿童和成人接触的机会,以降低风险。 + + + + 3.1466666666666665 + + COVID-19 prevention supplies should be provided in common areas, such as soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol, tissues, trash baskets, and, if possible, masks that are washed or discarded after each use. + + + 应当在公共区域提供预防COVID-19���用品,例如肥皂、含至少60%酒精的免洗手消毒液、纸巾、垃圾桶,并提供用后即洗或用后即弃的 口罩 (如果可能)。 + + + + 2.328125 + + Currently, no cases of COVID-19 have been identified where infection was thought to have occurred by touching food, food packaging, or shopping bags. + + + 一般认为,通过食品、食品包装或购物袋感染病毒的风险极低。目前尚未发现通过触摸食品、食品包装或购物袋而感染的COVID-19病例。 + + + + 3.3728813559322033 + + If possible, expressed breast milk should be fed to the infant by a healthy caregiver who does not have COVID-19, is not at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and is living in the same home. + + + 如果可能,挤出的母乳应由未患COVID-19、不属于COVID-19重病高风险人群、且与您同住的健康护理人员喂给婴儿。 + + + + 1.5327868852459017 + + These persons should follow the guidance below for "I was severely ill with COVID-19 or have a severely weakened immune system (immunocompromised) due to a health condition or medication. + + + 请注意,这些建议不适用于COVID-19重症患者或免疫系统能力严重降低(免疫功能低下)的人群。这些人应遵照下述"我患有COVID-19重症,或由于健康状况或药物而导致免疫系统能力严重降低(免疫功能低下)。我何时可以与他人共处?"部分的指导方针。 + + + + 1.6724137931034482 + + There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can spread to people from the skin, fur, or hair of animals. + + + 没有证据表明SARS-CoV-2可以通过动物的皮肤、皮毛或毛发传播给人。因此,没有必要采取额外的消毒措施(如洗澡)。 + + + + 2.525 + + Provide educational materials about COVID-19 for non-English speakers or hearing impaired, as needed. + + + 根据需要,为 非英语使用者 或有听力障碍的人提供有关COVID-19的教育材料。 + + + + 2.607142857142857 + + Hands off: Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. + + + • 摘下口罩时,尽量不要接触眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴,并立即洗手 + + + + 3.6515151515151514 + + This guidance is intended to aid school administrators as they consider how to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, other school staff, their families, and communities and prepare for educating students this fall. + + + 本指导方针旨在帮助学校管理人员考虑如何保护学生、教师、其他学校员工、他们的家庭和社区的健康、安全和福祉,并为今年秋季的教学做好准备。 + + + + 2.0 + + Decisions to discontinue home isolation for workers with COVID-19 and allow them to return to work may follow either a symptom-based, time based, or a test-based strategy (see Testing to determine resolution of infection below). + + + 病毒检测结果呈阳性表示员工患有COVID-19,不应上班,而应 居家隔离 。 终止COVID-19员工的居家隔离 并允许其重返工作岗位的决定必须遵循 基于症状、基于时间或基于检测的策略 (请参阅下面的 检测以确定感染的解决 )。 + + + + 1.7410714285714286 + + CDC does not have a limit or recommend a specific number of attendees for these types of events and instead encourages event organizers to focus on ways to limit people's contact with each other. + + + CDC对这类活动的参加者没有限制或推荐的具体人数,而是鼓励活动组织者重视如何控制人与人之间的接触。每个活动的组织者都需要与当地卫生官员合作,确定适合各自活动的人数。他们还应遵守各州、县和市有关任何限制活动参加人数的现行规定。 + + + + 2.5510204081632653 + + Post signs in highly visible locations (e.g., at entrances, in restrooms) that promote everyday protective measurespdf icon and describe how to stop the spreadpdf icon of germs such as by properly washing hands and properly wearing a maskimage icon . + + + 在醒目的位置(如入口处、卫生间)张贴 标识 , 宣传日常防护措施pdf icon ,并说明如何 防止致病微生物的传播pdf icon ,例如通过 正确洗手 和 正确佩戴口罩image icon 。 + + + + 2.241758241758242 + + Depending on resources and staff availability, non-group housing options (such as hotels/motels) that have individual rooms should be considered for the overflow, quarantine, and protective housing sites. + + + 根据资源和人员的可获得情况,应考虑将具有单独房间的非集体住所(例如旅馆或汽车旅馆)用作分流、隔离和保护性住所。此外,还应计划如何在顾客在这些临时场所居住期满后为他们介绍其他居住机会。 + + + + 1.3421052631578947 + + Knowing the facts about COVID-19 and stopping the spread of rumors can help reduce stress and stigma . + + + 了解COVID-19的事实并 阻止谣言的传播 ,有助于减轻压力和 污名化 。了解自己和您关心的人面临的风险可以帮助您与他人建立联系,减轻疫情带来的压力。 + + + + 1.4886363636363635 + + All agriculture work sites should follow, as feasible, relevant aspects of CDC guidance, including but not limited to this document, CDC's Critical Infrastructure Guidance , and guidance from regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration, as needed. + + + 农场、牧场和其他农业生产工作场所的员工被视为 食品和农业部门关键基础设施员工pdf iconexternal icon 。所有农业工作场所应尽可能遵循CDC指导方针的相关信息,包括但不限于本文件、CDC的 关键基础设施指导方针 ,以及来自食品和药物管理局等监管机构的指导方针。此外,他们应直接与相应的州和地方公共卫生官员以及职业安全和卫生专业人员合作。 + + + + 3.693548387096774 + + • Practice social distancing, wear facial coverings, and follow proper prevention hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently and using alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available. + + + 保持社交距离,佩戴面罩,并遵循适当的卫生预防措施,比如勤洗手,以及在没有肥皂和水的情况下使用含至少60%酒精的免洗手消毒液。 + + + + 2.164705882352941 + + This information is intended for child care programs that remain open and should be used in conjunction with CDC's guidance for administrators of child care programs and K-12 schools . + + + 此信息适用于仍然开放的儿童护理计划,并应结合CDC针对 儿童护理计划和K-12学校 管理人员的指南一起使用。本指南无法取代有关儿童护理计划的联邦、州和地方法律及政策法规。 + + + + 2.91875 + + Investigation at the scene of death typically includes obtaining information from the family and other witnesses, confirming identity of the decedent, documenting and evaluating the scene and decedent's body, describing any postmortem changes, collecting post-mortem specimens for testing, collecting and preserving evidence related to the death, ensuring correct labeling of the body, and supervising respectful and secure preparation of the body for transportation. + + + 法医学死因调查员在法医学死因调查系统(即法医办公室和验尸所)内工作,负责调查突发、意外和非自然死亡。 死亡现场调查通常包括向死者家属和其他证人处了解信息、确认死者身份、记录和评估现场和死者遗体、描述死后变化、收集尸检样本进行检测、收集和保存死因相关证据、确保尸体正确标记,以及确保以尊重和安全的方式完成尸体运输准备工作。 + + + + 2.6050420168067228 + + These include following all the actions listed above and also ensuring that student and staff groupings/cohorts are as static as possible with limited mixing of student and staff groups, field trips and large gatherings and events are canceled, and communal spaces (e.g., cafeterias, media centers) are closed. + + + 如果存在 重度并可控 的社区传播,则有必要采取重大缓解措施。这些措施包括采取上述所有措施,并确保学生和教职员工的分组尽可能保持固定,限制学生和教职员工组别的混合,取消校外参观、大型集会和活动,以及关闭公共空间(例如自助餐厅、媒体中心等)。 + + + + 3.840909090909091 + + Posting information about and ensuring they use everyday preventive actions (such as washing hands, avoiding touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, covering their cough). + + + 张贴相关信息并保证他们采取 日常预防措施 (例如洗手、避免触摸眼口鼻、咳嗽时遮住口鼻)。 + + + + 2.6037735849056602 + + Develop policies that encourage sick employees to stay at home without fear of reprisal, and ensure employees are aware of these policies. + + + 积极鼓励生病的员工留在家里。制定政策,鼓励生病的员工留在家里,不用担心会遭到报复,并确保员工了解这些政策。 + + + + 3.411764705882353 + + Prioritize those at high risk for complications of COVID-19 (older adults, people with severe underlying chronic medical conditions) for individual spaces that are available. + + + 有可用单独空间时,优先考虑COVID-19 并发症高风险 人群(老人、存在严重潜在慢性健康问题的人)。 + + + + 1.2461538461538462 + + CDC cannot provide the specific risk level for every activity in every community. + + + CDC无法为每个社区的每个活动提供针对性的风险等级。因此,冒险外出前,您要考虑自己的个人情况以及对于您、您的家人以及您社区的风险。 + + + + 3.488888888888889 + + Follow guidance for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and areas where a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 have visited, including transport vehicles. + + + 遵循COVID-19疑似或确诊病例访问过的房间和区域(包括交通工具)的 清洁和消毒 指南。 + + + + 2.4871794871794872 + + Upon arrival, wash your hands and put on a facemask, eye protection (goggles or disposable face shield that fully covers the front and sides of the face), and a single pair of disposable gloves. + + + 抵达后洗手并戴上面罩、护目用具(护目镜或完全遮盖住面部正面和侧面的一次性护面罩),以及一双一次性手套。如果预计会与某位儿童进行大量接触,则可以考虑穿上长袍。 + + + + 1.87 + + Comply with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for protecting critical infrastructure workers who remain on the job during the COVID-19 pandemic. + + + 遵守适用的职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)要求,保护在COVID-19全球流行病爆发期间继续工作的关键基础设施工作人员。 OSHAexternal icon 已发布了针对工作场所的指导方针和执行信息。 + + + + 1.6153846153846154 + + Contact tracing is essential to slowing the spread of #COVID19. + + + 科学家和公共卫生工作者也在努力通过 追踪接触者 来阻止COVID-19的传播。 + + + + 1.4615384615384615 + + Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020;69:422-426. + + + Accessed on July 23, 2020. + + + + 2.5106382978723403 + + Staff and, when possible, visitors should be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before entering the facility. + + + 没有现场医疗人员的设施应联系其州、本地、部落及/或领地卫生部门,协调有效的隔离和必要医疗护理。 + + + + 1.6857142857142857 + + See resources on mental health and coping during COVID-19 . + + + CDC制定了有关COVID-19患者密切接触者检疫隔离的 指导方针 。 + + + +