# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """UEFA_Euro2020_Processing.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14eW1QiGXrszsqNFVKnT7WjDyDmxVuIve """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np from functools import reduce match_events = pd.read_csv('/content/Match events.csv') match_information = pd.read_csv('/content/Match information.csv') match_line_up = pd.read_csv('/content/Match line-ups.csv') match_player_stats = pd.read_csv('/content/player_stats.csv') match_team_stats = pd.read_csv('/content/Match team statistics.csv') pre_match_info = pd.read_csv('/content/Pre-match information.csv') # impute the missing referee from CONMEBOL match_information['RefereeWebName'] = match_information['RefereeWebName'].fillna("Rapallini") # add columns that contain useful information for referee statistics Euro2020_df = match_information.copy() # add a stage variable to classify the matches Euro2020_df.insert(loc=5, column = "Stage", value = np.where(Euro2020_df['MatchDay'] <= 3, 'Group Stage', 'Knockout Stage')) # add varibles that contain useful statistics for referees Euro2020_df.insert(loc=17, column='NumberofMatchesRefereedPostMatch', value=Euro2020_df.groupby('RefereeWebName').cumcount().astype(int) + 1) Euro2020_df.insert(loc=18, column='TotalNumberofMatchesRefereed', value=Euro2020_df.groupby('RefereeWebName')['RefereeWebName'].transform('count').astype(int)) Euro2020_df.insert(loc=19, column = 'NumberofMatchesRefereedinGroupStage', value = Euro2020_df.groupby('RefereeWebName')['Stage'].transform(lambda x: (x == 'Group Stage').sum())) Euro2020_df.insert(loc=20, column = 'NumberofMatchesRefereedinKnockoutStage', value = Euro2020_df.groupby('RefereeWebName')['Stage'].transform(lambda x: (x == 'Knockout Stage').sum())) # create nested structures for match events # Create a new DataFrame with only the columns needed for nesting nested = match_events.iloc[:,[0] + list(range(3, 13))] # Create another new df with only the separate columns separate = match_events.iloc[:,0:3].drop_duplicates().set_index("MatchID") # Group by 'MatchID' and 'Phase', create a nested structure for match events nested_structure = (nested.groupby(['MatchID', 'Phase']) .apply(lambda x: x.drop('MatchID', axis=1).to_dict('records')) .reset_index(name='Events') .pivot(index='MatchID', columns="Phase", values='Events')) # Rename phases phase_names = { 1: '1-First Half', 2: '2-Second Half', 3: '3-Extra Time First Half', 4: '4-Extra Time Second Half', 5: '5-Penalty Shootout' } nested_structure.rename(columns=phase_names, inplace=True) # Combine the phase columns into one 'MatchEvent' column nested_structure['MatchEvent'] = nested_structure.apply(lambda row: {phase: events for phase, events in row.items()}, axis=1) # Drop the individual phase columns nested_structure.drop(columns=phase_names.values(), inplace=True) # Join the separate columns with the nested structure nested_match_events = separate.join(nested_structure).reset_index() nested_match_events = nested_match_events.drop(nested_match_events.columns[[1, 2]],axis=1) # distinguish participants from the home and away teams in the line up dataset. Since only the pre_match_info # df contains variables that distinguish home and away teams, need to combine both dfs and continue data processing. line_up_merged = pd.merge(match_line_up, pre_match_info.iloc[:,[0,3,4,7]], on=['MatchID','ID'], how='left') # Create nested structures for the home and away team's line-ups in each match # Variables for staff and players respectively staff_vars = ['Country', 'ID', 'OfficialName', 'OfficialSurname', 'ShortName', 'Role'] player_vars = [col for col in line_up_merged.columns if col not in ['MatchID', 'HomeTeamName', 'AwayTeamName', 'IsPitch', 'IsBench', 'IsStaff', 'IsHomeTeam','IsAwayTeam']] # Function to create nested structure for one team def create_team_structure(x, is_home_team): if is_home_team: # Filter for home team players squad_df = x[x['IsHomeTeam'] == True].copy() else: # Filter for away team players squad_df = x[x['IsHomeTeam'] == False].copy() # Starting 11 starting_11 = squad_df[squad_df['IsPitch']][player_vars] # Benched players benched_players = squad_df[squad_df['IsBench']][player_vars] # Staff staff = squad_df[squad_df['IsStaff']][staff_vars] return {'Starting11': starting_11.to_dict('records'), 'Benched Players': benched_players.to_dict('records'), 'Staff': staff.to_dict('records')} # Apply the function to each match for home and away teams nested_line_up = line_up_merged.groupby('MatchID').apply(lambda line_up_merged: { 'HomeTeamLineUp': create_team_structure(line_up_merged, True), 'AwayTeamLineUp': create_team_structure(line_up_merged, False) }).reset_index(name='TeamLineUps') # create nested structures for team stats # Firstly retrieve and classify all the team stats. Also explore the difference in elements of team stats # player stats so that the classification on both could be easier. team_unique = list(match_team_stats['StatsName'].unique()) print(team_unique) player_unique = list(match_player_stats['StatsName'].unique()) print(player_unique) set1 = set(team_unique) set2 = set(player_unique) # Find elements in list1 but not in list2 difference1 = set1 - set2 # Find elements in list2 but not in list1 difference2 = set2 - set1 # Convert the sets back to lists, if needed diff_list1 = list(difference1) diff_list2 = list(difference2) print(diff_list1) print(diff_list2) # classify statistics attacking = [team_unique[0]] + team_unique[2:8] + [team_unique[22]] + team_unique[24:56] + team_unique[58:74] + team_unique[93:106] + [team_unique[120]] + [team_unique[178]] + team_unique[182:184] + team_unique[186:189] + [team_unique[192]] possession = [team_unique[1]] + team_unique[16:18] + [team_unique[56]] + team_unique[74:93] + team_unique[112:119] violation_foul_discipline = [team_unique[8]] + team_unique[13:16] + team_unique[147:156] goalkeeping = [team_unique[9]] + team_unique[125:146] + team_unique[189:191] defending = team_unique[10:13] + [team_unique[21]] + [team_unique[23]] + team_unique[106:112] + [team_unique[119]] + team_unique[121:125] coverage_speed = team_unique[18:21] + team_unique[156:169] + [team_unique[177]] + team_unique[179:181] + team_unique[184:186] + [team_unique[191]] time_stats = [team_unique[57]] + [team_unique[146]] + team_unique[169:177] matches_played = [team_unique[181]] # check if the categories cover all team stats set3 = set(attacking+possession+violation_foul_discipline+goalkeeping+defending+coverage_speed+time_stats+matches_played) set4 = set(team_unique) difff = list(set4-set3) difff # add unique stats for players to certain categories player_time_stats = time_stats + [diff_list2[0]] + [diff_list2[2]] + [diff_list2[4]] player_coverage_speed = coverage_speed + [diff_list2[1]] + [diff_list2[3]] # assign category based on names for team stats def assign_category(name): if name in attacking: return 'attacking' elif name in possession: return 'possession' elif name in violation_foul_discipline: return 'violation&foul&discipline' elif name in goalkeeping: return 'goalkeeping' elif name in defending: return 'defending' elif name in coverage_speed or name in player_coverage_speed: return 'coverage&speed' elif name in time_stats or name in player_time_stats: return 'time stats' elif name in matches_played: return 'matches played' # Apply the function to create a new column 'Category' for both team stats and player stats match_team_stats['StatsCategory'] = match_team_stats['StatsName'].apply(lambda name: assign_category(name)) match_player_stats['StatsCategory'] = match_player_stats['StatsName'].apply(lambda name: assign_category(name)) # create the nested structure for team stats stats_details_cols = ['TeamID', 'TeamName', 'StatsID', 'StatsName', 'Value', 'Rank'] # Function to create nested stats by category def nested_stats(group): # Create nested structure for home and away team stats home_stats = group[group['IsHomeTeam']] away_stats = group[group['IsAwayTeam']] # Function to create stats by category def stats_by_category(team_stats): return team_stats.groupby('StatsCategory')[stats_details_cols].apply(lambda x: x.to_dict('records')).to_dict() # Create the nested stats dictionary nested_stats_dict = { 'HomeTeamStats': stats_by_category(home_stats), 'AwayTeamStats': stats_by_category(away_stats) } return nested_stats_dict # Group by 'MatchID' and apply the nested stats function nested_team_stats = match_team_stats.groupby('MatchID').apply(nested_stats).reset_index(name='TeamStats') # create the nested structure for player stats player_stats_details = ['PlayerID', 'PlayerName', 'PlayerSurname', 'IsGoalkeeper', 'PlayedTime', 'StatsID', 'StatsName', 'Value', 'Rank'] pre_match = pre_match_info.copy() pre_match.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID'}, inplace=True) player_stats_merged = pd.merge(match_player_stats, pre_match.iloc[:,[0,3,4,7]], on=['MatchID','PlayerID'], how='left') # Function to create nested stats by category def nested_stats(group): # Create nested structure for home and away team stats home_stats = group[group['IsHomeTeam']] away_stats = group[group['IsAwayTeam']] # Function to create stats by category def stats_by_category(player_stats): return player_stats.groupby('StatsCategory')[player_stats_details].apply(lambda x: x.to_dict('records')).to_dict() # Create the nested stats dictionary nested_stats_dict = { 'HomeTeamPlayerStats': stats_by_category(home_stats), 'AwayTeamPlayerStats': stats_by_category(away_stats) } return nested_stats_dict # Group by 'MatchID' and apply the nested stats function nested_player_stats = player_stats_merged.groupby('MatchID').apply(nested_stats).reset_index(name='PlayerStats') # create nested structure for pre match player info players_info = pre_match[pre_match['IsStaff'] == False] # Define the columns we want to include for each player player_info_vars = ['PlayerID', 'OfficialName', 'OfficialSurname', 'JerseyName', 'ShortName', 'GoalScored', 'CleanSheet', 'SuspendedIfBooked', 'Role'] # Create nested structure def create_player_structure(df, is_home_team): # Filter for home or away team players home_team_players = df[df['IsHomeTeam'] == is_home_team][player_info_vars] # Create a list of dictionaries, one for each player return home_team_players.to_dict('records') # Construct the nested structure for the DataFrame nested_structure = { 'MatchID': [], 'PlayerPreMatchInfo': [] } for match_id, group in players_info.groupby('MatchID'): nested_structure['MatchID'].append(match_id) nested_structure['PlayerPreMatchInfo'].append({ 'HomeTeamPlayerInfo': create_player_structure(group, True), 'AwayTeamPlayerInfo': create_player_structure(group, False) }) # Convert the nested structure to a DataFrame nested_player_pre_match_info = pd.DataFrame(nested_structure) # merge all sub datasets with nested structures into the final df all_dfs = [Euro2020_df,nested_match_events,nested_line_up,nested_team_stats,nested_player_stats,nested_player_pre_match_info] # Using functools.reduce to merge all DataFrames Euro2020_df_final = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on='MatchID', how='outer'), all_dfs) Euro2020_df_final Euro2020_df_final.to_csv('Euro2020.csv', index=False) Euro2020_df_final.to_json('Euro2020.json', orient='records', lines=False) Euro2020_df_final.to_parquet('Euro2020.parquet', index = False)