{"input": "???????000???????4,4,A,A3A363???F7F????????,D,????ewe?????????5,5???292919???606??,g,?????????afa???????????WoW??????????????of????? a ????vev??? g ????? T ??????????cuc?????flf??????of???ec????is? d?????ioi?????????esnes?????asa????????e de ??????????ll?, ,????y ????? & ??????or?fuf??. ??????????????? a?????? g go g???????????????????????????????recre???mem???????thithis???????uctuc?t t?o o s ????rar??????????.\".\"\"?????2,B2,????VX??????,A3,A????????CCC?????????th th????bib???,2,????5,15,??????????00,M00,?y ?????ri??? K ??CuC???,\"M,\"My? w ???fe fe a????? h ?????e dee d????????an???? do?wnw?? t????? is i?????r fr ?????it???????p.p????????trt?????? l?oto???????????, ??and???", "output": "8701,B003VXFK44,A36HUF7VGTJZ8M,DHopewell,2,2,5,1329177600,great decaf coffee!,\"Wolfgang Puck coffees are very good. This particular flavor of decaf is delicious - doesn't taste like decaf at all, very rich & flavorful. Also, this was a very good value for the price. I've recommended this product to several friends.\"\n8702,B003VXFK44,A3CTXFPNJCCUVO,Keith Corbin,2,2,5,1328486400,My Favorite K-Cup,\"My wife and I have decided hands down, this is our favorite K-cup. We've tried a lot of others, and Do"} {"input": "???????????ndn??????????????????????cecere?tataia???? s ???????????er??????????er,er??th????hah???a a??????sosolo?idi????????????????????????????????????????????????d fd ?????? w???????smsmo???????iniinis??. ?????????t ???????r vr ??versver?????strst??????????ealea????????? to t????????????? a l a ??zyz??????ayay ay? mo mor?ni??? a???? ha h?aveav????ni?????????? B ?re?????????in in???????br br???
Also, I see another reviewer had problems with messy K-cups. I can say after about 6 boxes of theses, I haven't had any issues. Very unfortunate for the other reviewer, but looks like it was rather iso"} {"input": "????ede????r r????
Give it a try, you'll certainly enjoy it, the wife and I sure do!\"\n8703,B003VXFK44,A10H24TDLK2VDP,William Jens Jensen,2,2,3,1309824000,Unremarkable,\"First, let me say that I prefer extra-bold K-Cup coffees and only occasionally drink a medium blend, and never decaf. I bought three Wolfgang Puck coffees several months ago: Rodeo Drive Blend; French Roast; and Sumatra Kopi Raya. All three are quite drinkable, though they do not measure up to a few of the extra-bold blends from Co"} {"input": "?fff????PeP???lel?: : K ???????????????????????????????????????????????????r.r??EvE???????tet????hah?????eseses??????ugu?????? m ?? n ?ewe? f ???ororir?????\"\">G>???enen en????????????????????????????whw?????????????trt????????rkrk ?cuc???ofo? c co???????????en aen ????theth?????ge?????ug ug????????????houho???????????????an?and.and.<.????????????PrP?revreviv????????????d ??????d t?????????????st st?????????unu???ainai????????????th??????orior????????????????ve?????? to t??????????????????in in???????????and???la?????????????????at??????en ?????nta??in ??????????????iri??EsE?", "output": "ffee People: Kona Blend; Organic Blend; Jet Fuel; and Black Tiger. Even better than these, though, is my new favorite, Green Mountain's Revv. Those who prefer a strong, dark cup of coffee (even at the larger mug setting) should try that brand.

Previously, I had found the dark-roast Green Mountain coffees rather boring, but Revv lives up to the hype, both in strength and flavor. Another great Green Mountain coffee is their Esp"} {"input": "?????o o??lel????(t(??ouo????????????????????tot??????????o to ????prp?ici????tet?enden???to to????hih??????????e te ???n n in ??????ck??????mom??tat?r ???????????????? Be B????atathth th???and and?????ondon??? F ?in?????????faf?vovor????????ulu????????????????????????????Emeril's Big Easy Bold. It's a very nice coffee, though don't expect the New Orleans experience of chicory flavor.

Bottom line: You won't go wrong with the Wolfgang Puck coffees, but for my taste they do not stand out among the avail"} {"input": "?aba???????d d?????????\"\"???0404,4?????????????313?????????????????????????????????????????939?606?00000??????????ocooc????????????????ff?????????????????y y?? n ???????vo???d ?????ffeeffe?e de ????kek?????????I dI dod?????ke ke?????????????????????eryer??no??? an a?d d ad ???????ThT???????????????ly ly????oconoconu??????avoav???????ff???. ???e ??????????????????????edied?????re?w ???nd nd?????????????? wi w??? t???????????al al? un u?????????es oes ???????????nu???????????????e ????me????????.\"???70????0000300???XFKXF???????747??IBI??????R,R????. P. ?????? \" ????????esees??frf????nd\"nd???,2???2,52,5,?????50504?00?000,000??odo???o Do ?ri?ve??- -? de d??????us???????fee,fee??????ve ", "output": "able bold coffees.\"\n8704,B003VXFK44,A31W55J90T8NFF,D. T. Socci-Brown,2,2,4,1305936000,Light Coconut Flavored Coffee.,\"I am usually a non flavored coffee drinker, but I do like to mix things up every now and again. This is a lightly coconut flavored coffee. The coffee itself is a medium brew and it goes well with the tropical undertones of the coconut. It is a nice summer drink.\"\n8705,B003VXFK44,A2H74FIBDN5NMR,\"M. Prieto \"\"Havanese friend\"\"\",2,2,5,1305504000,Rodeo Drive - delicious coffee,I love "} {"input": "??uiu???????????ofo??feefe??????????s ??????????aba?bib?ngn???? w ????e ??????????s ?ata?????ioi??????'s'?????t bt ?????r r??ut??????????????????????????????pep??????. ??????e ?????878????B0B????????4,4?A2A??X8X????RIR?????????lislisss??a Pa ?at???????????303???????0,0???ete???????d d?????f,f??????it???hedhe????? De D???af af?????????????????????a ????enent? c cu c???onon on??he????uru?igig ig m ma m?????e.e???????? o???????????????d id ?????bsb??????e ae ?????ava??? op o?ti????????????????>T>?hihishi?????a ?????ly? l???????????, ,??hi??? I? I l I ?likli???? I?????? o??????e me ?idi???le le?????????????I ??????? if i???t ?wa?????????????????????????ulu?????in???? it it???", "output": "quite a few coffees but this one is grabbing my whole households attention. It's not bitter but it's not light either. It's perfect. I love it.\n8706,B003VXFK44,A2NX8LSYRITNZ8,Melissa Patel,2,2,4,1302048000,Pretty Good Decaf,\"I switched to Decaf and was looking for a decent cup on the Keurig machine. I was only interested in Subscribe and Save options.

This is a fairly light roast, which I like. I brew on the middle setting and I think if it was brewed any larger I would think it was"} {"input": "??tot?????ghg????????7,7,B,B0B?030???????,A,?????9Z9????????????ininbnbob????\"b\"??????????ere?????2,2????,1,??010181???????????????????????,\"O,\"????????hehe e?????? f ?????orsor?????????????????herhe???????? th?????????mam????????????????????????????on???e ofe of f mf ?????????fa????????????????hah?aveav?e te ???????????st st? al a?ll ll?????thetheme????No??????????????? to t???thi?????????????ifi????????d ????????????????????????erser??. . ???????rsr??e, e,? it it ?????allall ????at???????? ta t?astaste?, , b, bu??????is ??one???oeo?????????asteaste ?e ale a??ll tll ?????????????t ?t ist i???????????? it???s s js ???t ?kik???d o?f ??he???e -e - - l- ????e ae a e a????????? co c??fef???????y ??????thi????????", "output": " too light.\"\n8707,B003VXFK44,A2YDF9ZS4D9XLU,\"rainbow \"\"busy shopper\"\"\",2,2,3,1301875200,Not my favorite,\"Of all the K-Cup flavors that are out there, and there are many very good ones, this is one of my least favorites, and I have tried almost all of them. Not much flavor to this one, even if you add various types of creamers. Of course, it is all a matter of taste, but this one doesn't taste all that good. It is not bad - it is just kind of there - like a generic coffee. Try something else "} {"input": "iini?sts????.\".????080??B0B???VXV?????????????????????????cec???????????????,5,?????00800????00????????CoC???eee????????????????????????angang g????????????DrD???????CuC??????????s s???????st?. ?????e ?????????vov?r r?????????tot???st????g.g??. B. BeB????ononeon?e ye yeyete?????????????XF????????????J8J???????????ri??636??,2,????5,15,?????696??????????an??????????????????????????ve bve ??????????umu? r ro?????????p p fp ??????????,I,???????????chach????????????offeoffee?????????? ti t??????????????d ????????t ht hahasha????grg???t ????????and????????????????????of of?????????????,B0??03V03????????????????W3W??VG?????????Ro??ai??e ?\"\"\"?cocorco????", "output": "instead.\"\n8708,B003VXFK44,A18A5GW4IE1XPU,Janice M. Howard,2,2,5,1300838400,K cup Coffee,Absolutely love Wolfgang Puck Rodeo Drive K Cups. It is the best. Nice rich flavor but not too strong. Best one yet!\n8709,B003VXFK44,A1379FWJ8KNUVG,sherriw63,2,2,5,1299369600,Wolfgang Puck coffee rodeo drive blend medium roast K-cup for keurig,I have purchase this coffee several times my husband said it has a great taste and it is a good cup of coffee\n8710,B003VXFK44,A1SEWF8U8W31VG,\"P. C. Romaine \"\"corirom"} {"input": "???????????,1,???919191969??????ama????????????pyp??,\",?? a ????????e ????????????????MeMe Me?CrC??zyz????offof??????ThT??rer??waw??????????ini????????fe fe???henhen ???wa??????????????????e e f?????an?d d??????he??????????ffff,ff??????? a c a ????omo?merme??????????anankan???I w??????d ad ?t ??ror?ug????????????ndn??of????????????????????ififtif????????????llell??s.s?? E ?vev??????????????????????ed ed????????????wiw????????p p?? of of?????????shs?ly??ma????????, t, ?theth???????? wo w??ldl?d rd ??al????????????????gog? b ba b???????????umu?in??? co c???????gag?????. E. ????????????? b????ke ke???????????????????????????beb?????????????tim?e ??cof??feefe???????????, an, a??", "output": "a\"\"\",2,2,5,1299196800,Jamaica Me Happy!,\"I am a huge fan of Jamaica Me Crazy coffee. There was a time in my life when I was totally caffeine free and off the dark stuff, but a customer in the bank I worked at brought in a pound of this coffee as a gift to the tellers. Every time someone walked by my desk with a cup of this freshly made joe, the smell would really tempt me to go back to consuming coffee again. Eventually it broke me down, and I am back to being a full time coffee drinker, and "} {"input": "???????ofo??????????ini???????????????waw?? t tot?????????y fy faf??oro???e ?????w iw in???????upu????????????y ty tht???????ttttet?????ana?? a a??????????????a Ma MeM????????isi???????????????????it???? the the e ne ????AlA?mom???d Jd ??y ????????????????ioi???????????????n in ????????ghg?lil???????? s???????oco?on???? U UnU??or?????te????????????y hy ?????a ??eue?ri????? o?????????????????????ealeal l El ????????????????? h????????gog????????? t???en?????????cup.cup. ???????????????? I h I ??havehav???????????antant ????????? k ?????s hs ho??w tw ???????pepeoe????????????in?ingling?ly ly????? u ??????wow??????ow???????ca??????? f fi f??????????????o uo ?useus?????????temte??", "output": "proud of it! Imagine how happy I was to find my favorite brew in a K-cup! The only thing better than a cup of Jamica Me Crazy is a cup sweetened with the new Almond Joy flavor International Creamer in it to highlight the sweet coconut. Unfortunately, we only have a Keurig at our office (I'm in Real Estate now), so I have to go to work to enjoy a cup. I'm thinking I have a brilliant boss who knows how to get people to willingly show up to work! Now if I can just figure a way to use it to temp "} {"input": "??????bub?yey??? i ??toto o??????????????????????e ie ????????;0;??????????????????4,4???NVN???????W0W?808???????nkn????l,l,2,????5,5?????87687?????0,N0,???e ???ellel??w w c ???? of??????????\"I\"? b?????t ????????????ingin???????auausu?e ?e mye my ?faf?????iteit??TiTimi??????????ala???? B ???ndn?????s os ???????????k.k?????... ...???????????ve??y y hy ?????????ur?prpriris??????????non????as as??\"b\"???\"\"? a an a???wiwin???????re?????????y fay f?avo???????????????flf????????l, l,???ad ad???????????????????????????????othot??. I. ?????nd ??????????????????????t ct ??????? bu???I ????????lieli?ent??????????????????ttt???????hthteht?????p.p??.......??????is is w???l l? be be be? pe p??fe????! I! ????????", "output": "more buyers into our office - I'd have it made ;0)\"\n8711,B003VXFK44,A3NVNHJ1SJW080,E. Vanketel,2,2,5,1298764800,Nice mellow cup of coffee!,\"I bought this grudgingly because my favorite Timothy's Italian Blend was out of stock...... and I was very happily surprised! It's not as \"\"big\"\" and winey a brew as my favorite, but was flavorful, had a delicious aroma and was smooth. I tend to like rather potent coffee but I have clients who prefer a little lighter cup..... this will be perfect! I will ha"} {"input": "?????????epe???????? t ??isis s???fff????????nkn??s Ws WoW????????\"\"???????000????FKF???????????T7T????3O3O,O,L,???dad??????????????????00???,S,?? g ??????\"I\"?????nk?????????????ovo????t t?????hatha??e ie ??t kt ???? o????of???????????????????????????or? s sts?????????t st sis???????????????r ???????, ,????????n n????t ?????or????s is ?intinto?????conco??ut,ut??pi?nen????????an?d d???m.m?. ??????inkin???????????????????????????????????dod?????eveve??r wr ???????????????ou?t ???????????????????d.d???????,B????3VX3V??????????323??????????M.M??ToT??mam??????????????282??????? f ??avoav?oriorititeit?!,????????????????non???????????????????ot??????s ys ??", "output": "ppily keep buying this coffee. Thanks Wolfgang!\"\n8712,B003VXFK44,A2L7M1TT7T843O,Linda Fox,2,2,5,1298160000,So good!,\"I think this is a love it or hate it kind of coffee. I love it. The flavor starts out similar to butter toffee, but then sort of morphs into coconut, pineapple, and rum. I think it's delicious and unique, and I don't ever want to be without some in my cupboard.\"\n8713,B003VXFK44,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,2,2,5,1291852800,New favorite!,\"This one will not disappoint! I got this yes"} {"input": "??????????? m ?????sbs???????????????d ??????isi? m??????g g???ithit???rer?????sts??anand??????????????? i ?????? h ??????????????anyan??????????t ????????????????????????????????????????yiy???????is is??nen???????????? I c I ?ououluldl?d bd ???????????th????????thi????nene ne??????lal????titigi????fof??? th???????ornorni???????enen en?????antan??????????y sy ??roron?g ???p p??f ??cofco?????????????????drd?rivri??ve bve ??en?d ???s ds ???ici?ioi???????? a? n ???e ????nd?nd fnd ??????????e ??????????????????????????????????????????????h ?????????st st???hi???? of??sms???kinki??????????fefecfe??ly?? ba bal??ncn?????????????ut?????y woy w?????????????luslu?????ha??????", "output": "terday and my husband and I tried it this morning with breakfast and we both loved it. I have gotten many different kinds of the k-cups to try but after trying this one, I think I could be happy with just this one and black tiger for those mornings when I want a really strong cup of coffee. The rodeo drive blend is delicious with a nice round feel on the palate and an interesting flavor on the finish with just a hint of smokiness. Perfectly balanced and absolutely wonderful! Plus, I have to "} {"input": "????itit.t??????????ththehe ?lal????? T ??he he?????????? c ????r r? lo l???????ryr??????alalil?????????????ouoususes?? w ??ithit????he he ohe ??theth?? k ??cuc???????????????????????JSJS7S??????????????????????121?909????????????ofo???????????????????WeWe'e??????????????????????????ps?? th tha thatat ??????????????, ,???d ?th??s ??is is??in in???????? 3 ????????????r ar ???ar???????ol???????lavla?????????d thd t????ononeon???????th???????. ??????????mem???imi?me me???????uiu???e se ??????????71????????????44,44????LHL???????HG????rur???????BiB????????4,4,14,????868?????00,M00,?????an????????????????huh?????????bo??????kek??????ild?????stist?????????????We?????ougou??t ??", "output": "admit...I love the label. The different color looks very appealing on my carousel with the other k-cups.\"\n8714,B003VXFK44,AJS7THAS9CZ59,Mark,2,2,5,1290470400,One of the best K-cups,\"We've tried many of the K-cups that are available, and this is in our top 3. We prefer a darker, bolder flavor, and this one hits the mark. At the same time it's quite smooth.\"\n8715,B003VXFK44,A1KLHGBZC9PHGH,Trudy L. Bien,2,2,4,1289865600,Mild and Flavorful,My husband I both like a mild tasting coffee. We thought we"} {"input": "??wow???????vev? W WoW???gag????PuPucu??????????????????????????? W?e e we wew????????????????uru??????????y ty ????fuf?????????ed ed ted ??astastet?e be ????????ou??t tt ?theth??e bie b????????s s o ?????mem?e oe of????he he????????er er???????????????'s'??????????????? s?????fif???d a???????l ???e de ?????in????????fof??? a a???ongon????????????????????????????ete?t mt ??y hy ?????????? t ta???????????? l???????????????,B,B0B000??????????3V???????????????chc?????WiW?????amsam?????????282???????00,00??????TaT??????????offeoff???????????cuc?????s os ???e o???????????it??????????????????????????????????????el el????????????????. ????????????ke ke?????????, ,??", "output": " would give Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed a try. We were pleasantly surprised by the full bodied taste but without the bitterness of some of the stronger tasting coffee's. We are very satisfied and will be drinking this for a long time! Now if I can only get my husband to take the name literally!\n8716,B003VXFK44,A3VR5ETUZKF3IN,Michael Williams,2,2,5,1289779200,Rich Tasting Coffee,\"This k-cup is one of my favorites along with Coffee People's Jet Fuel and Black Tiger. If you like a strong, ri"} {"input": "?????ofo??????????????? f fif?????e e??????\"\"8?????B0B??????K4K???APAP0P0303S03??CDC???RBRBDB???????CoC????r r??\"e\"??dod??????\"\"\"\"\"?????????282??656??????,A ,A?????????upup p??? c?of???????????????????ongong,g?, n, ????t tot t?? w???????????????it?hohouo?????????????????. ??????????yty????????????ses????not not i ???????????????? \"\" \"\"g\"?ro?w w h ??iri???on on?????????????? ty t?pep???. ?WeW????ll??????????e te ??????????? t??????? a????????????????vov??it????????s.???87????,B0,B?00300???XFKXF???????????????????\"K\"??. M. M.M. ???????????????pa\"pa????????5,?????404???????-C-??????an,an?WoW????anangan?????????????vev???????mam????? g ???d d????e ce ?upup up oup ????????ee.ee????t it ?is ??on ??", "output": "ch coffee, this will fit the bill.\"\n8717,B003VXFK44,AP03SDCDB6RBD,\"E. OConnor \"\"erdoreen\"\"\",2,2,5,1288656000,A Winner cup of coffee!,\"Not too strong, not too weak...smooth without the bitterness. Great anytime for those not into the strong \"\"grow hair on your chest\"\" types. We will continue to purchase this as a part of our favorite brands.\"\n8718,B003VXFK44,A1ZZMAVRCBL357,\"K. M. Alley \"\"Grandpa\"\"\",2,2,5,1286409600,K-Cup Fan,Wolfgang's Rodeo Drive does make a good ole cup of coffee. It is on th"} {"input": "????ama????????????ono??? S ??opo???????????? m ???????????????????aka?e ?????????8???????030???????????H0H?????1H1??KMK?,\",?K.K. ?PoP?????????e t????ShoSh??????????????????????,W,???????????????????????? K ???????mam??????????????????as as m?ororeor?????th??????hth?t st ??ded????th????????????iui?????????? I ??????????in?????wow?????????ha??????????????????? tho th?????????waswas ?????oodoo????????????????????202??????3VX3V????4,???????H3H3T3??????????????????????,2???????28????808????????????????cac?????????????????ev??eraeral???????? K- K-c-????????d hd ?????????? t????????????????????????????????????????t lt ?", "output": "e same line as Donut Shop. Very good morning coffee to wake up with.\n8719,B003VXFK44,A1QH0VOIN1HEKM,\"K. Poe \"\"Love to Shop\"\"\",2,2,3,1285113600,Wolfgang Puck coffee for Keurig maker,The coffee was more on the light side rather than medium roast. I don't think I would purchase it again even though it was a good value purchase.\n8720,B003VXFK44,A1Q3VZH3TP8DFN,Janice G. Brown,2,2,5,1284768000,Colombian decaf,I have tried several decaf K-cubs and have found this to be the best. My husband does not li"} {"input": "k?????cac???????hah????????lyl? f fo f???d d t ??????????e ????????in?k k b???auausu????????????????lel?e be ?????????astas???????????????????d cd ?????e ?tot?? ha h????e ine i??????????? f???????pap??????????????????????seese??????? li l??????. .??????????????????? i????????????????inin!in?8??2121,1????3V3VXV??????????666????????D,D???issis??????e,e?????5,5?121?848464??16??????oodoo???????,T,ThT???????ffeff??????fof???? tho th???????????????sts???ongong ?????????lal??????????in?ing ing w ??????????ut ut i???. I. ???lik????us???ene?ou????cococco???????? an????rer???????????ke?????????????e.??????????????goego?????or ?????????????????????e-e????????in-in???????ornor????", "output": "ke decaf but has finally found this one he will drink because it has a little bolder taste.I find it a good coffee to have in the house for company because everyone seems to like it. I will be ordering it again and again!\n8721,B003VXFK44,A16K66OVVFCCBD,Miss Ellie,2,2,5,1284681600,Good Stuff,This coffee is for those who like a strong robust flavor. Nothing wimpy about it. I like just enough cocoa mix and creamer to take off the edge. My husband goes for the gusto. Great wake-me-up-in-the-morning "} {"input": "????????????iti???878?????????????4,4??151545???????JHJHLH?????????ososes??????????2,52,???282?464???606??????????????e,e????isi?? is i?s as ?? e ??????????blb??????????ctc??????????tit???????????????????????????????????????y,y???????????nd nd f???????\"\"?878??3,3???00300???????????SRS?U8U??????V6V????ili??????en??ininsin???,2?,2,2,2,2,?12?84????404??00,b00,???el??????????????????????????????,\"????????fee????????????????re?? ju j?????k.k?. . ?As????????vorvo????????ff?????????se ase ar?????????oio??ti????????????????? v?an??ll?a ????????barba?????????????????????????????FK?????2N2?????7E7??IWI?????in??????,3,?????????808??00,O00,?????off??? b???t nt ??", "output": "brew. Love it!\n8722,B003VXFK44,A154WMWOARJHLI,Gary Rosenfeld,2,2,5,1284681600,Great Coffee,\"This is an excellent blend perfect for any time. Was really surprised by the quality, flavor and finish.\"\n8723,B003VXFK44,A1CSRU8Z5KIPV6,emily p jenkins,2,2,2,1284422400,barely any vanilla aroma or flavor,\"As coffee, these kcups are just ok. As \"\"flavored\"\" coffee these are disappointing. I found the vanilla to be barely detectable.\"\n8724,B003VXFK44,A2NVX117EFIW7Q,Bing,2,2,3,1283644800,OK coffee but not"} {"input": "????????????? f ?ara?,\",???tet?????cec???ini????hih???coc?????????????????????psp?? ??t ??asas ????????????????non?? t??? o ??er?????????????? h hah??????liligi?????mocmochc??? ar a??ma????????s Os OKO??????feefe????I ????ele???wiwili???????pup?????aseas?????????????aia?????????????????????????an??????????????????????ugu???mym?????vievi????????????s,s, ??my my????????teste???????of???????????e De ?????????????re??? M ?????ai???????????????Co????????????????ganga?ic??BoBolo????EmE?????????????????????, , a?ndnd nd????llylly'y??????a ?????nd.nd????????????????444????????????RIR???,J,?aya???????????,5,??????????00000?,G,??????stust???????ic?e,e?, s, ????", "output": " the best by far,\"After receiving this coffee I made a few cups. It was fairly smooth, not too overpowering, and had a slight mocha aroma. It's OK coffee. I likely will not purchase this one again because there are so many better ones. To gauge my review for others, my favorites are Coffee People Donut Shop, Green Mountain Dark Magic, Coffee People Organic Bold, Emeril's Big Easy Bold, and Tully's Kona Blend.\"\n8725,B003VXFK44,A1GDFWGKJARI4M,Jaykid007,2,2,5,1283472000,Good stuff!,\"Nice, smoot"} {"input": "????upup p????JoJ??????????ece???????. ???t t???????????????????non?? m ?????re?viv??wsw?????\"\"?878???,B,?000?3V3VXV?FKFK4K??,A,??????????CPC????????thth th A ??? H????e,e????,4,???????????????????????ucu??????????????????a a??????????a fa ???????uriur?ig,ig???hihis???of???ee ee w????????a \"a ??sas???lel??????????????????? we w??or?dederereer?d d??urur ur? Ke?ur???????wew????????waw????????????r r fr ????????????????e ??????redre??th???????????????ra????????????????????????????is ais ????????????? b????nonotno??tot?? s st s?????????87287?7,7????3V?XFXFKXF?K44K4?????HJH??????APA?????heahe????????????1,51,?????141????????????s ???reare???YoY?????????co??sis????????????of of? co???", "output": "h cup of Joe. High recommend. Not sure why there is not more reviews?!?!\"\n8726,B003VXFK44,A1SUGP9Q67CP28,Judith Ann Horne,1,1,4,1346716800,Wolfgang Puck Coffee - Sumatra Kopi Raya for Keurig,\"This coffee was in a \"\"sample\"\" selection when we ordered our Keurig Brewer. It was by far our favorite! I have ordered this coffee several times from Amazon. It is a dark roast, but not too strong.\"\n8727,B003VXFK44,A1QHJCHVHQAP4I,heathbc888,1,1,5,1341446400,Tastes great,You get a consistent cup of coffe"} {"input": "?e e w ??thth h?? h ??????f f?????????. .??????? of of f hf hohoto??coc??fef???inin in? ab a??????? s ????????????t tt ?asa?tetese??grg?eae???..? w???at'at?s ????????lil??????boubo?ut ???thatthat?t?!?????8??????000???????4,4????????PMP?585????????????????1,1???4,????949????????es???t cat cara??mem?el el??-c-?????????????????????onongn????????me?? f ????oror or????thoth????h sh ???lll????????????????ngtng?????off???. ???????????????????????????????????'v'??? tr t??ed??? I?? wi wil????????????he?m.m??878??9,9,B???3V??XFKXF??????????1C1??8I8?WWW?9,???ikkik?i i N ????,1,1,1,?1,51,5,5??????535?????LoL????Lo????ve Love L???e Te Th????CoC????e!e?!!???????nt nt?????????????????????? c?????????ut ?????????????? o?? t???????e ", "output": "e with a hint of hazelnut. A cup of hot coffee in about 20 seconds that tastes great... what's not to like about that?! :)\n8728,B003VXFK44,A3RQYPFPM58CKP,Norah Rice,1,1,4,1339459200,Best caramel K-cup!,These have a stronger caramel flavor although still a medium strength coffee. The best caramel flavored K-cup I've tried! I will reorder them.\n8729,B003VXFK44,A19N301CQ8IWW9,Nikki N.,1,1,5,1336953600,Love Love Love This Coffee!!!,I want to try other types of coffee but I am so stuck on this one "} {"input": "????? i ???? h ?????tot??????ana??th???g g e ???????????????????ldl?????stst.t. .???????????????????????isis ???????ro????fof????????ese?se se d?????????????zez?elnel????????or???????????ici??????????????????????????????????. ?I I?????? be b??? d??????????thi???WoW?lfl?gag??????ckc?????????an an??????????????atat at?lel????????????s ????????nen??????????????????????????????????????))??7373030,0???????????,A,?333????????N6N?5U5U,U???????????,1,???,4,??????????????????f f?????????erer ???cu?????????trt?rieri??,l,?????????????eoe????rivri????????????????????????????????????ala????????????????is???????th!th????????mem????", "output": "that it's hard to try anything else! This is a mild roast. Medium or dark roast is too strong for me these days. The hazelnut flavor it very nice and every cup brewed is superb. I have been drinking this Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut for at least 6 months and it never fails to please. Give it a try :)\n8730,B003VXFK44,A33BX5D4DKN65U,Mr. Newman,1,1,4,1333756800,one of the better K cups I've tried,love this Rodeo Drive it has a very drinkable taste is also good and it is smooth! I recomend t"} {"input": "?hahata???????????hih?s s??????878??1,1?B0B?030??????4,4,A,??MHM??????Z8Z???????lyl?????????????????00,00??ele????????????????????mom????ded?????????????eee????ere????t d?oeo???non??t mt ??????????ourou??st?????????'s's ?ama?????g g a ?????asa?stest???wow?ondon?????l l??????????yonyo?????????k k?????????t tt ?????73?????????XFKXFK4??4,A4,??????W9W??????7,7???????y Py ??????hoh????????,1,??5,15,??33333353?????0,0????????e!e??????or????????? I' I??????????????letletetel??????????d td ?to to???nknkik???????tst?????wew?????? th the????????????????????????????ed ed b?re???????? i??n mn ????? cu c???? and??????sos? b?????t ???????co co??????????tht??????uau??????????upsup?????wfw???? ??????", "output": "hat you try this one.\n8731,B003VXFK44,A1MHY69POZ8GCK,Lily,1,1,5,1333756800,Delicious,This is the most delicious coffee ever It does not mess up your stomach it's amazing and tastes wonderful and everyone at work loves it too\n8732,B003VXFK44,A3LZCRW9NU0327,Tinley Park Shopper,1,1,5,1333584000,Favorite!!!,\"For years, I've been completely devoted to Dunkin Donuts brewed at the store and at home. I tried brewing DD in my K cup and I also bought the Eco Brew and the actual DD k cups. Awful! So I w"} {"input": "?????????????????????? l ???????????ewe???ofo????? ?????r ?????????????????ece??f f????upupsp???????????????? I ??????allal????????????nd lnd ????d ??olo????????????de??cafca????????????up???????hishi?????th??????????aca???I ????????????themthe? s so s???? ho h??????mazma?????eve??r ?sts??opsop???selse???inging ing?????m hm he??e.??????????e ????????????????roroao??t t? an?????????y ???themthem them e ??????????????????the????????d id ?is is j ????????????up??. ??????? them the??????hah??ve ve n????? h???d ad ??????rouro?????wiw????? any an???f ??????????? and????????on mon ??????rdr??????r ??????????? cu??????IfI?????????????????????????????ve fve ???ed?????????????????Th???", "output": "as searching high and low for a new coffee. After trying all the decaf k cups on the market, I finally found and loved Wolfgang Puck decaf coffee k cups. This is the only place I can find them so I hope Amazon never stops selling them here. They are mellow, medium roast and I enjoy them every day. Any other brand is just a back up. Try them. I have never had any trouble with any of the cups and I'm on my third order now of 48 cups. If they had a problem, they've fixed it.

This "} {"input": "?????n n??????????iningn????????? J ???? 7 ???202010?????? c ?on?tit?????tot?? dr d???? a?????????????????s os ?f f?ththihis????????e Ee ???????????? It It ???????????????????????r ??cofco?fe?????????me????rer?e ee ?????y oy ???????????gag??????????s is ????????????????ganga????????DeD???????????. ?PlP??????, p, ?????????????? A ??aza???, ???????????????????????????scscrcricr???tioti?on ?se?????e.e????y ??heahe??????tst?????in????? m???????ureur??e th?????? al a??ay??s rs ??me??????????ordor???????as???????????????? o?utut t ot oft o?f tf ????is wis ???????ul??????????8??3333,3????3V3????444??A3A??????????????\"S\"?co???????ShS????????????er????????\"\"\"\"\"?????????????????", "output": "is an update being done on July 7, 2012. I continue to drink at least two cups of this coffee EVERY day. It has ruined me for other coffees as I measure every other cup against this incredible Wolfgang Puck Decaf k cup. Please, please, PLEASE Amazon, make this part of your subscription service. My head hurts trying to make sure that I always remember to order so as not to ever be out of this wonderful coffee.\"\n8733,B003VXFK44,A39KT4ATF5Q9UB,\"Scott R. Shelhamer \"\"AeroScott\"\"\",1,1,3,1333152000"} {"input": "?????oso?t t?????ere???????llllyl????????????????????????ofo???e e be ??t ?th????????? li l????????????????? b?e e ce ?????ded???????????????????al???????ititt??er er?whw??n n???mpm?????d td ??????er??me???um?????????..???????????XFX?K4K????????????V3V?????WiW?ll???m ??. ?DiD??????????5,5???????33633??00,00?????????st ?DeD?li??????re???????????????????????uru? A AMA? w wi w????asas as???????????oo oo???????????????st ?th?????ghghtgh?????t t ft ???????? m mo m???????????????????????5,B5,B0??????FK4FK44??????WCW??????????????? A?. ????terte??????,1,1,1,?????????8708704?00???uc?cec????ulu??????erier?????!,!??????????ig?? co? coff cof?????ak???r wr ?????a ga ????? C ?hrhriris??????gig?", "output": ",Almost Bitter,I really like medium strength coffee but this is a little too bold to be considered medium. It is almost bitter when compared to other medium coffees.\n8734,B003VXFK44,A2K04TXWAV3PZ3,William D. Dillon,1,1,5,1332633600,Breakfast Delight,Great product to start your AM with as its not too strong but just the right tast for your morning wake us up.\n8735,B003VXFK44,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,1,1,4,1322870400,Successful experiment!,\"Our Keurig coffee maker was a great Christmas gif"} {"input": "?? l ????t yt ????. .???????????????????ese????f tf ?thithisi????viv????????hehe he e ??????????????n n???????????????ofoffof???????????????????????oro???????????????????havhaveve ve????. . S?????ar??e te ????mim??????????ar???????? \" ?\"o\"???\"\"?????????????r r / ?><>?????????is is Wis ?ololfl????????????????????????????????e me mom?oreor????????????????????en??s ?wiwitwith??ththe???????????????ne.ne??ItIt ?????? r ??????as??????nd nd????illil????ma???s ?sms?moomo????????? to t?oo oo????ronro???????lavla???, ,?????????oeo??????e ???????.S/>???????the tthe twt??????????drdri???kerke????? m??? ho h?us?????d ?????quq??iteit????????? t???drdridr???????s s bs ??ewe????878???,B,???3V3???", "output": "t last year. One of the pleasures of this device is the experimentation with various coffee blends. Some have worked well; others have not. Some are too mild; some are a bit \"\"off\"\" on taste.

This Wolfgang Puck product is one of the more successful experiments with the Keurig machine. It has a rich taste and still remains smooth. Not too strong a flavor, but it does have flavor.

So, the two coffee drinkers in my household are quite pleased to drink this brew.\"\n8736,B003VXFK"} {"input": "??????????YVYVGV???NPN????????????????171?77????0,0??????bubutu? n ???t gt grg?eae?t,t?ThT?????ofofff?????? o oko?kayka???butbu?????????????????????????as as G ??reere?????unu?????????????fafas????????. .??t ?juj?????????????tasta????as??go????????7,7,B??????????,A??9P9???UJU???????,D,DrD???????????. ??awa?????????????31731?77777???00?,T??astastyast??y buy b???ExE?????ivi???????is ??????gr???????????redre?????????????????le????????upu?????re re????tit????totoooo oo??????ensiens???e fe ??or or?????????????????????? a am a? n????????????? f ???le??????????ngn????y oy ow?n ??????????offof???????? o???????ti??????It'It?? a?lsl???????fuf?????????????or ??othot???????????????????????\"\"??", "output": "44,A3K9YKYVGEENPI,Beth,1,1,3,1317772800,Okay but not great,This coffee is okay but certainly not as good as Green Mountain's Breakfast Blend. It just doesn't taste as good.\n8737,B003VXFK44,A19P6UUJKZYC6G,Dr. Donald A. Hawley,1,1,3,1317772800,Tasty but Expensive,\"This is a great flavored coffee nevertheless, K-cups are getting too expensive for everyday home use. I am now using the filler and using my own ground coffee much of the time. It's also helpful to look for other price alternatives.\"\n87"} {"input": "?????000?????K4K??????????????P3P????? K KeKehe?oeo??????1,1???4,?????????????????t,t???utu??non???????????????????t ?????wnwn n???lol???iai?????????????homho????o o?????????????rferfec??????0\"0??????? re r?fe????????RiR?????ofo???????????lel??????e sae s?????????usustst st?lil????????????mam?atrat??an an??????ve??????s ?????? i is???ot?? bi biti?tet??????????ooo??h.h?. T. ????????rtrtat??????????????smosm?????. M. ???????????????ini????is ??it it???????????????????? a???ol????????be?????????reare?allal??????????in?? t????????p fp ???vov?or or??????co??um?bi??n ???ff??ee,ee??whw???? t??????????????ucu??? K- K??????ef???????? h??? a??????atr?????tastasttas??????????????", "output": "38,B003VXFK44,A3R7R8ARVN2P3D,A. Kehoe Jr.,1,1,4,1313020800,\"Great, but not perfect\",\"I roast my own Colombian beans at home so I have a perfect \"\"10\"\" for reference. Right off the bat let me say that just like their Sumatran reserve, this k-cup is not bitter, but smooth. The aftertaste is also smooth. My chief complaint is it does not taste like a Colombian bean. It really is missing the deep flavor of a columbian coffee, while the Sumatran Puck K-cup definitely has a Sumatran taste. The \"\"8 ocl"} {"input": "?oco???\" \"?????????u u?????inin n????? g ?ror??ere?y ??????????s ?????oreor??????????????????????n tn ???is is?k-k?cuc??? T ???????????????????y fy ??????re??omo??ene??????????????????wow???????recorec?om????? t????PuP??????????????vev?? t??????? y????????????????ncn???????????????????????????????????????oo????ing ing? fo f????????????-s-st??ongon????t-?????????????????e,e?, t, ???s ???????biabi?????s as a s a??re??at ??????e.e?. I. I ????ld???uyuy ???this????????jujusust? b???aua?????f ????e se ?mom??????????????737??????????K4K???????????A5A???????in??????????303?????????????y ????????essess!s?????ve????????s bs ??????ra?????????CuC????ar????ieiesie????", "output": "ock\"\" brand you see in many grocery stores has a more distinct flavor than this k-cup. That being said, my final recommendation is that I would recoommend the Puck Sumatran over this if you like a distinct coffee flavor. However, if you are looking for a not-too-stong-but-not-bitter coffee, this Colombian is a great choice. I would buy this again just because of the smooth taste.\"\n8739,B003VXFK44,A1XAUZ08A5EXJA,Ming,1,1,4,1303689600,Spicy sweetness!,\"I've always been drawn to K-Cup varieties wit"} {"input": "??????????rere e?nan?memese??????t Ft ????????????????er)er????????sts??ncnctc???????lavla???s ???????????renre??????????, S, ?pip?????????????coc??????????????fff?????????ld???????????? f ??at???resre????????????thithin????????????????????e ue ????o!o??????><>??????To??????????????????????????defde?????????????????????ivi??????????? ta tasastas?????airairlr??????????r tr ??to Dto ??????????nu??s ???cocococ?onuon??ut fut flflafl???re?????????e, e,????????????????gotgo??????? o?????he he? fl f?????? ch c????ct??erieriseri?stist??????ve???????????????????????????? ch cho ch???????????????BaB???ly???????f f? th?atat at? ac a???????ftf?terte????????ha?t't's?'s a's ????ostos??in???????????????arartar?", "output": "h out there names (Jet Fuel, Black Tiger) and distinctive flavors (Golden French Toast, Spicy Mayan Chocolate). This offering melds those two features into something I'm happy to wake up to!

To me, Jamaica Me Crazy's definitely got a pervasive coconut taste fairly similar to Dunkin' Donuts coconut flavored coffee, but it's also got a lot of the flavor characteristics I've come to expect from K-Cup chocolate brews. Barely any of that acidic aftertaste that's almost inevitable with arti"} {"input": "????iai????????????ana?d d???fi?????????????? w ???????asas s ms ?an?????heh????????????iei?????. .?????????he he??amamem?'s'???re????????nyn????? t ??????astas??????????ly??????????????php?is??????ede????????thath???? w??????makma????th????cu????????e e se ???????????4040,0????00L00LKL??????AKA???V4V????????????????ThT???YoY?uTuTh?ini????7,7?,29,2????????????????????at at???helhe???????? v????y gy ??odo?????????er?al???????????????????????ucu??t ft ????ueu????????????????????ofuofu,u??????????? to t??pr????s is ??????????n n?????er er??????????????????avyav??sks?????????????? wo wor??????????? to to????t tt tht t???????????????r or ????????e ????? w???ter? y yo??? ca c", "output": "ficial flavors, and definitely not as watery as many other K-cup varieties. Sure, the name's pretty corny and the taste is hardly subtle or sophisticated, but that's what makes this cup of joe so fun!\"\n8740,B000LKZ84C,AKYYV4PLEJRJJ,SmarterThanYouThink,27,29,4,1215561600,\"Great shelf life, very good for general use\",\"I use this product frequently. Like most tofu, you need to press it (between paper towels with a heavy skillet on top works fine) to get the excess water out. The more water you ca"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????????o o????l ????? s ????pip????s ?whw??n ???okokik???, , s, ?omo???????? th t?????revre?????????iei???????????????keke.e????r /r ?????r /???????r r ar ??????????latla?????????te?, ??thath?t't?s ???????? w ???? m ?aka??s ?tot?????????????????????ak???????anyany ?????????ou? w??????to to????????. . ????r mr ??st???comco??monmo??ma???inain???????????in????????prepr????????????????????????????????ithit????mim???????oyo????????? a an a????????? or o??????????cec?? A ??quq???k ????????????????????????????????willwil??gig??ve ve yve yo???id?ea???(m(ma???????????????????ncn????????licli????????????etcet??. ?????ou cou ??? a???so ?????chachas??e ae ???", "output": "n remove, the less you'll have to deal with sloppiness when cooking, something the previous reviewer did not like.

As for a blank slate on taste, that's exactly what makes tofu great. It will take on any flavor you want to impart. Our most common marinade is placing the pressed, cubed tofu in a Ziploc with a mix of soy, honey, and lemon or lime juice. A quick search online for a marinade will give you ideas (many also include minced garlic, ginger, etc). You can also purchase a pr"} {"input": "?eme??ded????rir???adead?, ,????????????????????????????????????????????? ma m?????????????tht?????re???????????movmovev??d fd ??????????in??),)?????e be ????ter???t t w???????nenet?????????????u.u?????????a ha hah??f f????????? th??????? wo wor??????inein????????????????????te??????????t it inin ???the ???? w????? th? the the???iri???fryfr???????????????d tod t??u u l?asa????????????ne????????????????????, ????????ir????????????yoy????an??????????\"\"\"????wnw??????? se sepe?????telte????firfi?stst)st????nd nd p??????????????????in?? m? mar ma?rin??ade??????hehe ?????l l sl ?????? (y (?????????????????it?? c??????????????de???re?????. H. ?an????????????fu fu??ubu???????", "output": "emade marinade, like a teriyaki sauce. The more liquid the marinade (and the more water removed from pressing), the better it will penetrate the tofu. Even a half hour in the bag works fine.

We saute it right in the pan with the stir fry veggies (add tofu last--it just needs to get warm; or, for a firmer style, you can bake or \"\"brown\"\" it separately first) and pour in the remaining marinade as the final sauce (you can thicken with cornstarch if desired). Handle the tofu cubes gent"} {"input": "??y y?????heh?y ??????????irirmr??lil???????????????????????????upu???????s ????tete ??????????e te ??o.o.<.????????r r???MaM??in?at??????fuf??????????????o ???????n n kn ??bab?bsb????th????????????? th t?????????????????

Marinated tofu cubes also do well on kebabs with veggies on the grill.

Plain tofu \"\"creams\"\" well and is often good in a dish that requires thickness. We've made chocolate mousse with it as well as scrambling it like eggs.

We have great success breading pressed cubes of this tofu just like you would the chicken in a General Tso recipe. General Tso's Tofu is AWESOME. The flavor c"} {"input": "?????????om om???? s ???cec???????? d ???????eee?? t????ara??nanata???????????????????/>??om???????lel??????? fr f?ee?zez??????????ne?????? r ??mom?????ro????????gig?????????re?????firfi??????? g ????????? f?????r ???????stest??cyc????? /???????/>T/>???u ???????????outou???owo???????????????t.?????st??????plepl???ili?????T T?lil????itit it???????? so s?o do ???????????t t tt ??????st ???g g ag ??????????to ??it.it??.
Some people also freeze tofu--generally remove from packaging and press first--to give it a firmer consistency.

Tofu is all about how you prepare it. Most people will NOT like it plain, so don't expect to just dig a fork into it.

This particluar product is great because of its all-purpose nature (firm is definitely better than soft for saute, etc) and its shelf life. I would have given it five stars but t"} {"input": "??????sts???e-e??????????tet??????sis?????pap?ckc???????n n????idi????????? t ??o bo ????????er.er??????y y?do?n'n't'???????as?? lo l????in? t??he he??????, ,?? tho th????, , s, ????hihisi?s is ??? a a???????????hoiho???????????? in i???theth???panpa?trt??y (y ?????????dad?ateat??????fewfe????o so ??ve?ra?? m mo m?????????).)???????????00L00???848????????JGJ????????RuR????g,g,1,??????????565?????000000,0,G,?re????????stust?????on on????e pe ple p????t,t?\"T\"?ThiTh?????is tis ?the???????????????f f of ???????????????????????ff,ff?, I, I I????inkin?? it i??????????????????n ?????????re??????????????lkelk?????????? a?ll? o?f ???????il??????neeneed???????ic?????????us?????? to??????? mo??????s fs ???r dr ??????????n n mn ??", "output": "he must-be-refrigerated versions packaged in fluid do seem to be firmer. They don't last as long in the house, though, so this is a perfect choice to keep in the pantry (usually dated a few to several months out).\"\n8741,B000LKZ84C,A2UDUJG17I8S1,RunVeg,17,18,5,1256688000,Greatest stuff on the planet,\"This is the greatest stuff on the planet. First off, I think it's the best silken tofu there is--firm silken will do all of your silken needs, basically. I use it to make mousses for desserts in my "} {"input": "ffof??? p ?ror???sss?????????????ana?????adaddd?????????????d cd ???ocooc????????ipipsp???????????? s ???rcr????ad???tot??????ahahah?? c?ra??????????st:st???ouou'u??e ????? a ??????OrO????????????????me me????????????terter,r??cococcoco?????wdw???? an a??d md ?????e se ??????to?????????mom???ssess??????????????????????t at ???? st strtra????????s s??????an?????s as an??????????yr?up???????a \"a ?????uru??.\".?????????????????ke?????souso?ur ur c????????????ono?????didip????????vegve????blb???. ???????o lo ???ke ?it????o mo ????????????crc??????\"\" f\"\" ?????exe?icicacan???oo?d d ad ???and pand ???????es-es???? o????????????nd?????????????????????e de ??????enencence???????????ood ood?? to to?? mak ma?ke ?????nnn", "output": "food processor. For instance, add some melted chocolate chips, some corn starch, add to a graham cracker crust: you've got a pie. Or I will add some peanut butter, cocoa powder and maple syrup to make a mousse. I also like to just add strawberries and bananas and maple syrup for a \"\"yogurt.\"\" I use it to make \"\"sour cream\"\" and onion dips for vegetables. I also like it to make \"\"sour cream\"\" for Mexican food and potatoes--my omni boyfriend can't even tell the difference. Also good to make mayonn"} {"input": "???????oro???????????lal???????ece??mmm?????????odod ????????????or ??????????? r?eae???????t t??????????????re???y ????tut????????? t????????????????????????? t????????????????de?r r t???he 1he ??????????f if ????be?cac?????? g??? t??????h h?????r mr ???? a?????k.k????????????keke ??to ?ge???th????????icic,c???ec??????????beabe???? ar a???tyt?????all?????gh?ly?????aya??d ??????????'s'??????? t????fef?????????bub??????????vev????????????????hi?????????????nd mnd ????, ???????????????????itait???????????????????????????Z8Z??????6K6?????????????????henhe???er???????,5,5,5????????80800?????????????? @ ?? a a g a ???eatea?t pt prpripric?", "output": "aise for potato salad. I recommend a food processor or blender to really get the smooth, creamy texture. This tofu is the best stuff on the planet. I order the 12 pack of it, because I got through 4 or more a week. Also, I like to get the organic, because soybeans are typically highly sprayed crops. It's worth the few extra bucks. I love this stuff--behind my almond milk, this is my most vital ingredient.\"\n8742,B000LKZ84C,A16KL4A6Z8GVXR,Stephen Gereb,7,7,5,1327708800,Awesome tofu @ a great price"} {"input": "?????? w ?????anandn??I I??ececic??dedde????ata????e we ?????????????????????g g m ?isisos????upu????????????r or ????? mo m??e ??????????asa?????????????????????is is?????????????????tit??????????iei?ntnt nt?????????????????????????? I I??asas as??????????mpm???ss??????th?????e ie ??????dud???????????????of of??????????(a(?????????????th?at????????????????ed ?to??????????????????, ?th??e t?????????????tut??????????????????lll???????????ua???????NeN?????????????????????re???de????????????????????????????? s?????????nt ???to sto sato s???? tha th??at mat ?y y py ????y ??id???????????e e t????????fu fu????????ll -ll ??????????s ???hatha??se????", "output": "!,\"My wife and I decided that we wanted to begin having miso soup for dinner on a more regular basis, so purchased this tofu as an essential ingredient for my miso soup recipe. I was totally impressed with the individual packaging of the tofu (and the fact that it doesn't need to be refrigerated), the taste and texture, and the overall product quality. Needless to say, I am reordering and will continue to do so. I want to say that my picky kids also love this tofu as well -- for kids that seem t"} {"input": "?? o ???????????????????????????y y ay ????gog?????????????????????????ch ch h ???????????????o so ????????? T ??????????????hah??pyp???ByBy y ty ???????, ????????????ly?????omo??menme??????e Re ?????????hithi???????o Po ?????????????????e fe ??lavla?????nd????reare?????????y)y?) a) ????? the the the A ??????????????????hi hi???????to????????????????????????????ror?????mazma????????????????????, m, ??????so ?????up rup ??????????????????????1 1?????????????????????rmr???????n ??????????? s?tutufu???, ????????????hi shi ??soupsoup p sp ???????????????it??????????st????? c??????????????????????????????al?lil?on???---????e ae ?????re??on???it???", "output": "o only want mac & cheese, they are gorging themselves on (much healthier) miso soup now. This makes me happy. By the way, I also highly recommend the Roland White Miso Paste (incredible flavor and great quality) and the Ajinomoto Hon Dashi Soup Stock which I both purchased from Amazon. If interested, my Miso Soup recipe is as follows: 1 package of Morinu firm silken tofu (this stuff), 2 tsp Dashi soup stock, 3 TBS white miso paste, 4 cups of water and 2 chopped scallions -- we also reconstitute"} {"input": " ???????????????omo????????drd??????????????awa???????????????????????????ere????ene?????EmE????????????frf????????onon ????????),)????????ava??????????, , e, ?tctc.c?????????????????recrecic??e ???s as awaweaw?sosom?????ustus? a???is???????????ve ve i ?????????ernern ??al???or?nin?? w??????omome?????th???????????????e ??resre??????????s ins i?????????ld??????t tt ??????ec?????blb????s a??????or???????easea?st st?eqequq????? w??ata??????cac?? g ???????????????????ra????. B. ????? d??grg???s.s..?????????hlyhly ??ececoec??????????????????????????????????,A,ARA?OZO???????KOK????????? K ?yey??ongon?????????,12,1??????????ve??????atiat??fif??d.d???????????to to????? to t", "output": " shitake mushrooms, add dried wakame seaweed (highly recommend either Eden or Emerald Cove from Amazon as well), add shaved daikon, etc. However, this recipe is awesome just as is... We live in Northern California with some of the best Japanese restaurants in the world, but this recipe blows away (or at least equals) what you can get from any restaurant. But I digress... I highly recommend this tofu!\"\n8743,B000LKZ84C,AROZR86IK0KO2,Soe Mi Kyeong,9,10,5,1238544000,very satisfied.,\"I used to eat to"} {"input": "?????????? e ?vev??y.y??????????????????d td ????????r r?? w ?hih???????????? i? w?????????hi????????? i w i ???????????????????????????????ono?????as tas ???????r ?????? was wa???????cuc????usu???????????????aseas????? i???????t ???...???d ???dod?????????????????????ItI??????gag????, ,???????? and an??do?????????ed???to to b beb???????????teteded ????????????.So i was searching and i was actually surprised that amzon has tofu!
I was Half-curious and Half-pleased!So i bought it..and i don't regret it.
It's Organic, cheap and doesn't need to be refrigerated until opend.
I just like to eat these by it self or with udon soup.
I am going to buy this again. So good..: )\"\n8744,B000LKZ84C,A2VDQUOEN5SYKD,\"Coconut \"\"Unconstipated Carbivore Loiterer\"\"\",6,6,5,1338076800,Awesome tofu,\"H"} {"input": "a???ngn? r ???ene???????????????????? h ?adad ?????uyu???????andan?ata?torto???????ly???????????ThT??????????is?????? bo bomo???? I I??av?????????????lol???of?????otiot???? thi th????s ws ??????it it t?????????????t It ?I LI ?OVO?? t??????????asa???????????re???????????atoat????pp???????????????en?? a a???????????????????to to??????lelenenden??er,er??ad?????????????vinvi???????????ttt?????????ililklk,???nin?????????????????????????????, t, ??inyiny ?????of???celce????????ed ed & ?? a ??????????????e oe ?????????tioti???? y ???????. I . I??le??????????????p ????????????momooo??????nd??? the?????tor?e ??t ??n ??????????????inein?er er???n tn ??????????. ??ta???????reshres???oro? a", "output": "aving recently turned Vegan, I had to buy my mandatory supply of tofu. This stuff is the bomb! I haven't done a lot of exotic things with it thus far, but I LOVE to use it as a salad dressing/potato topper. I crack open a brick, dump it into the blender, add a little vinegar, a little soy milk, onion power, dill weed, chives, tiny bit of celery seed & a generous dose of nutritional yeast. I blend all that up till it's smooth, and then store it in a GLAD container in the icebox. Stays fresh for a"} {"input": "b?ouo???? d ???s.s??I I???kek??????????????? th t????????? a ????????????????????????d d????????????ror???????lel???ucu?????????????????cacana??t t wt ?????????xpxplp?????????????????????????????????????. B. ?????ana ana???????? m?????????xtx????????,B,????LKL?Z8Z??C,C,A,???????????9W9WRW???lal?????ulu?????,3,,3??????????202?????????????? e???????to cto ????????th.th????I ???????????ne????????fu????? h ?ava???????????????????????h 3h ?????eses es?????? this thi??????ly?????????incince???? the the????????????????e e ye ????????????t't?????realrea??????rea??. ?????y my ??????????ourou?????? i ????????????????? by b??whwha?t ???verve?????????k ???? wi w?????.
I can't wait to explore ALL the options with this stuff. Banana pudding may be next!\"\n8745,B000LKZ84C,A18Q1Z01K679WR,Alan Truly,3,3,5,1338163200,\"Wonderful, easy to cook with.\",\"I am fairly new to tofu but have already gone through 3 cases of this lovely tofu since the beginning of the year.
It's really great. Very mild flavour that is easily masked by what ever you cook it with.
?????>A>???????, I, ????ve?? th?????it'it???s a ?shs????????blb??? pr p??????t t???????????", "output": "/>
I make an awesome instant chocolate pudding with this stuff, a box of silken tofu, some dark cocoa powder, stevia and then a bit of milk to loosen it up. Whiz in a blender or food processor and it makes a super creamy, dreamy delight that I don't feel guilty about eating and leaves me more satisfied than your standard pudding. Chill it and it becomes a realllllllllllllly thick, luscious mousse. (making myself hungry)

Anyhoo, I love that it's a shelf stable product that I can h"} {"input": "???e e??n n????????r r?????????????????
Sometimes I make burgers by mixing it with smoked paprika, garlic, onion, nutritional yeast, oatmeal, masa flour, bit of nice oil until a thick consistency and fry up and they're just fantastic.

I think this is one of those foods that's so versatile and easy to play with and gives you a nice bit of protein to your diet.\"\n8746,B000LKZ84C,A2B3DDF9Q5VEUA,Samantha,3,3,4,1322956800,Convenient,\"Following a plant based diet, I use tofu almost daily"} {"input": "?????t t??????????????toto o p ?uru?????e ?ata??? s ststo?????ndn????kek???upup p???lul????e ???alal al e?ststast??????????????geg???????????????????sisitsi?????????lyl???????shs??????. T. ?TheTh??y ay ?re???????????????????????n sn ?????????????????at??????????????z z????????????. T???????re ?????????????fu?????tht?????????t ht ????d d ??????r sr shshash???????????? w ??ici????????odo?????r cr ??????? t th?????????????rieri?d d r????????ch?oco?????????usu?se???. N. ?oto?????????????? a????????ing??? tof to???st???????????ri??????????,B,??00???????,A,?????????VOV????????????,1,131????464?404?00,00???oo????????ctct,ct????t ??y ????????e,e??dad?ate?????????tl??????", "output": ". It is expensive to purchase at a store and takes up valuable real estate in my fridge. These packages sit perfectly on a shelf. They are a little smaller than standard refrigerated tofu (12 oz vs 16 oz). They are also silk tofu so they don't hold their shape as well, which is good for certain things like fried rice or chocolate mousse. Not great if you are making tofu steaks or strips.\"\n8747,B000LKZ84C,AAY43PCKCVONT,f.,3,3,4,1309046400,\"Good product, but by the case, date's a little old "} {"input": "?????,\",??????????pup?????sesede??????aseas???????rir??????ror????????? . ????I'I???ha????hihisi? t ???????????e ae ?ndn????????????? I??????fr?om?? Am A??????????????. T. ???ugu???? a a??????of????utu?????? m ?y ?ca??????????hasha????ououtou??4 4??/2/???????????????? on on i ?tst?????????byby\"y????atatet?? T Th????????????theth?e be ????????????????oneon?????? f???m ?????faf?ct????????o to th??????????? h?ada?d bd ?beebe????????????ro????? a a w a ?????????????????e p?rorobroblb?lemle???????????be??????in?????r ???lkl??en-en-t-?tofto?u ?????????????(v(????????ce ce?????m!m????????se?????????, ???????r tr th?an?????t t ht ??????????lkelk?????????on ??????fofor??????hilhilehil?????????d h???", "output": "...\",\"Recently purchased a case of Mori-Nu from Amazon ... I'd had this tofu before and the product I got from Amazon is fine. Though, a word of caution - my case only has about 4 1/2 months to go on its \"\"best by\"\" date. The date on the box represents one year from manufacture, so this product had been sitting around a while. Not a huge problem but I'll be looking for silken-tofu recipes now (vegan ice cream!), to use this up, rather than just having silken tofu on hand for a while, as I'd hope"} {"input": "???\"\"8??484?,B,B0B???????????1W1??????VQV????????????????2,??,1,131?020?565?????,g,???????????????????????????????rtr????ea?tit??? v ?????tarta?iai?????ealea?s,s????????isi?????du?????????gag?anian??????????y ????????yoy??????'t'?????????????? w???ere???????????????????????????ghg???ToT?fuf??, y???????????e he ?apa????????????e qe ququau????????and and??????ded???ve???.\"?8??????????????4C,4C??????FTF??CMC??????PrP??fa???????????????,12,1???111?20200???????ty???ooo????ThT???????uru????s ??a la ???????????inyin?????mpm????????? so s????oto???er er??????????fu???????????teste??s a s a??????tle tle??eie??????o mo ???, b, bub??????????????toto to??????????shsh h???????tof?u ?", "output": "d.\"\n8748,B000LKZ84C,A1WQP7LCVQK3JZ,zmkr788,2,2,5,1302566400,great product.,\"We recently started eating vegetarian meals, and this product is organic and very solid, you won't get a ton of water like you get in store bought Tofu, you will be happy with the quality and fast delivery.\"\n8749,B000LKZ84C,A2WQ4FT0CMDSUI,Profane Poet,2,2,4,1292112000,Pretty Good,\"The texture is a little grainy, compared to some other silken tofus (it tastes a little weird to me, but I got used to it). I wish this tofu w"} {"input": "???????e e????? w wiw?????????????????????? g ??????????????e ae ??? c cac?????????????te.te???'m'?????????to to?????blb?????to bto ??y y t???e oe oro??ganga?nicni??????inein?. . I. ?t t???as as? sh s?????????????????vev?????????? p ???bl???????????????00L00????4C4?????686????????????epe???e,e??????????575??????????e ???????????ThT????????????did???????t ???an??????????????????d td to?????????ses???to??????????????t ?????t.t??????????ly ly???adead????????g g? wi?????t ??o ????????????latla???, c, ????????????????????te??r br ????ana?, ?????????t, t,????????!)!???????????????e t?????ototeot???????????? A ??nd ??rearead??????????r rr ?revre??????????????ing ing????ioi?", "output": "as made only with nigari, instead of gluconolactone and calcium sulfate. I'm happy to be able to buy the organic online. It was shipped well, arrived with no problems.\"\n8750,B000LKZ84C,AX668BUQRHI7C,stephie,1,1,5,1345766400,Like it a lot,\"This is much different than the water packed tofu I'm used to but I like it a lot. I've only made pudding with it so far (chocolate, chocolate peanut butter banana, and next, pumpkin!) but I can see the potential uses. And reading other reviews and doing variou"} {"input": "?s s?????chc????????idi???s ?(m(mam?????????es???????! ?sms???????es!?????????????????????????ovo?e e??? b ??e ae ??????to to???????ce ce?ma???????th th????u u a ????crc?????????crecr???y ????es????????? sau sa????fo?????????????esees???????ini????hehe he??ala???????????????????????????????besbe?????????????????isi?????????? th?????t't?????hel?? s????????. I . I??????ono? t?????r wr ?????iteit????????????????????????ch ch?pap?????????ateat???d ond o??ititsit?????at?????????????? is????oodoo??????????yeyea??r fr ??omom om??????????e. e. T ??at????usu????l l?????. ????????????????r ??eb??sitsite????????????? a???d sd ??????te?????????????? pa pac??? ha h?????? rec re?????????", "output": "s searches for ideas (mayo! sauces! dips! smoothies!) really help too. I'd love to be able to replace mayo with tofu and create a creamy cheesy tofu sauce for mac & cheese. Imagine the calorie savings!

The best thing about this tofu is that it's shelf stable. I read on their website (morinu.com/) that each pack is dated on its creation date and is good for one year from that date. That's useful info. Also check their website for recipes and suggested uses. Each pack has a recipe on it"} {"input": " ?bub??????????? s ?ama???????????????8????,B,????????4C4??????????0L0?ZTZ??,L,?LZ,LZ?????????373????808?00,00????????od?????? u ????????????????e ???????????????????????????he????I nI ??ede??????th????????amamyam?????????????????? a?????wow???????????ic?e ???or or?????????ishis??????????ereer???????????????e ??as?????????????????????t ????es es??????b b???????????????????? c??????latla????????????????????????????????N0N????,K,?????rpr?perpe????????????????????SoS?o co ????venve??ene????non??????????ata???????ed??ed!ed!\"!????ovo???????e ???fufu ?????????????????ququiqu??re re?????ig?er?????on on???????????????aga??? is i?s os ??????", "output": " but it's the same for all 12.\"\n8751,B000LKZ84C,APGQCBO10LZTH,LZ,1,1,5,1337212800,Good product,I use this in place of mayo for many recipes when I need something creamy and quick. This also works very nice for sweet dishes as there is very little taste to the tofu and it does absorb flavors well like a chocolate pie.\n8752,B000LKZ84C,A6KL17KKN0A5L,K. Harper,1,1,5,1308182400,\"So convenient, no refrigeration needed!\",\"Love these tofu as they don't require refrigeration until the package is open! I"} {"input": "??????tot????? l ?????n n??? c cocooo????????o o???????heheme???anandn??y ay ?????he? t?????mam?kek?s s????????????conco??????????????????e ??s ????? to t???bab??????? an a?????ananian??? to tof to??.\".\"\"?878????B0B?0000L00LKL????C,C?????????????3,??JLJ??????5,5?131303?????????????????????????????????tut??????????ri????? to to???he??????ke???fi????????is is? is i?s js ?us?????????ghg????con?????tente???. . H ??????????e,e?, i, ????is ????????????me me???????om? t??????????inein????ofofuof?????????as as? is?. ?????????????ndlnd???? and and ??manma??geg?e r?????????????raras??? or o??????? i????????????????Z8??????????????????,M,MaM???iai???????ele????????????080?????00,??????ve?ga????menme???", "output": " use tofu a lot in my cooking, so have them handy all the time makes it really convenient! The price is not too bad for an organic tofu.\"\n8753,B000LKZ84C,A293N34D1VDE3,MJL,2,3,5,1302480000,GOOD TOFU,\"Good firm texture, comparing to other silken firm, this is just the right consistency. Hassle-free, it is easy to come out from the container Tofu shape as is. Easy to handle and manage rather than crash or smash it.\"\n8754,B000LKZ84C,A3J30T6XOU0BWS,Marcia Bicknell,2,3,5,1260835200,Easy vegan menu i"} {"input": "??????????????????ththih?s s?????ucu?t t???????????eae????? I ?t ??is is???GAG????/N/??????O O????????????rer?quq??????????????????s ?????????????????????rir??????????????, ???????????????????oso???? M MoM????????????????ed ed w???????????f ??ifi???of???-1-??? mo m?onton????????????o o r re r????????ti???????????an an??????????apa?????o mo ?os????????????and????moomo????????. M. ???????????????????wiw???ouo????????????????c c??ir?? T ????? an???AmA??????????????????????iceic??????555????????Z8Z????????ORYOR?SQS????????pampa????a ba ???o,o???,0,,0?5,??????????00,00,v,???????re????,\"?101?00000??? isl is??nd??dr?????????..s..?????????????hakha????..??????", "output": "tem,\"I have used this product for many years. It is ORGANIC/NON-GMO which is a requirement for me, as well as the good nutrition analysis, ease of use, and cost. Morinu is packaged with a shelf life of 9-12 months, needs no refrigeration, and can easily adapt to most recipes and smoothies. My pantry is never without Morinu Organic Firm Tofu and Amazon has the best price.\"\n8755,B000LKZ84C,A65ORYSQD1W72,pamela bono,0,0,5,1350777600,vegan dream!,\"1000 island dressing...strawberry shakes...tofu f"} {"input": "?aua?x x???ele????..???????????t.t..t.????t.?????? s shsheh?????ifi?????el??sh?????? or o?gagan??c,c,I,????dederde???eve??????121???????? a a t ???me.me?????lll?????? u ???? th t??is is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????yCy???,0,0,??,1,????353585?????????????od,od?? l?????tht?????????????????inkin?????e se ????????aba???? pa p??????inging ????????????????????an'an???t set s??????????????e ?????ninicni???????on???oco??ll?????t'????eeeeneen n?dedelde?????us? i ???????????ese?..???75775???00?0L0???????,A1,A?FDF??3W3?????EYE?????????canca?????\"\"\"??????????pfp?ulu???????????\"\"\"\"\"?,7,7,???????12612??696999???00,?AtA???????????????? f??????????or?????????on?????titioti", "output": "aux omelet...!Convenient..fast..long shelf life..delish and organic,I order several 12pks at a time.I will also use this product for baking.\"\n8756,B000LKZ84C,A3LYBQLYP8LAU1,ChelleyC,0,0,4,1348358400,It's good,I like this brand and think the shelf-stable packaging is great since I can't seem to find the organic version locally. It's been delicious in my recipes.\n8757,B000LKZ84C,A1FDV3WPOHREY9,\"C. Scanlon \"\"least helpful reviewer\"\"\",7,15,5,1261699200,At last we find a food fit for human consumptio"} {"input": "????AnA????????????ere????????????ththih?s s?????????azazoz???????????????EaEaca????ayay y???????? fe f???s ?mem???????mym?y oy ??????uru??????????th??????????????????d cd ?????????s mys m???????????????????????????????????????????????chchechewche?????l al ????malmal ????????ctc????nd????da?????????????brbr ??????????????????????????????????oodoo???fi?t t????????manma??coconco???????????????????
A>??d ???????????????frf?romro???ourou??????????????on,on, , s, ??????rigri????????ou????????????????????in in??y ?cacascasese,se??po??? o of o??????????????????? s????pip???????????th????????????????????????????????????ililel?????????? s????e pe ??", "output": "n,\"And we find her here upon this grand amazon!

Each day Morinu feeds me like my own nourishing mother, cherishes and consents my whims with this wonderful food.

Eschew all animal byproducts and cadavers.

This tofu is a strengthening food, fit for human consumption.

And so convenient from our mighty amazon, sent right to your front porch or, in my case, post office box with free shipping rather than driving thirty to seventy five miles for the same pro"} {"input": "????t t???????????????? th t?e ????????plp???s gs ????
This is fit food for humans, food for which our bodies are created, food which feeds us rather than kills both the source and the consumer.

You may read here written by the self-deceived that this tofu is too mushy for firmness and that it must be pressed between towels before cooking. To them so confused I ask


Each day at least once a day, I draw forth my serrated knife, and one sacrificial box of this"} {"input": "? e ??????????tot?fufu,u????? I ??wiwiti??????????????slslilicice??? h ???le le i ??? it i?????????witwi?? g ????????enden???????????d cd ?????????????it??de?????????in???ono???????e se ???????sts?????????????????ete???? ge g???????pup???t ot ofof of????????????quq?idi????? / ?????????nd???????????????????????????in????br? / /> />?????????t ot obt obsb???????????indin?????????s w??it?????????nl???????????? sh s?horho?rt rt?????????? the th?e be ??x,x??????li?e ?e the t?????????????? d ???????????????????????????b b???????d,d???????th??????ce ??????????????e the thee th?e ke ????????????????????????????uponupo??on????????????the ????????????????????ly oly ?????he he b bo box??", "output": " excellent tofu, and I without remorse slice a hole in its top, with great tenderness and care and gratitude, releasing only the slightest and most apologetic gentle spurt of clearest liquid.

And this with a certain yearning.

I do not observe the indications written sternly upon the short edge of the box, but lie this box gently down upon a smooth flat slab of wood, with the face up, and take the knife very gently sliding upon on edge of the top, the very belly of the box, "} {"input": "?????????????????? o ?ththe????????ofo?????????p,p?????????n ????t t????????????????e ??ot??????????????????? top to???????????e ???????ini???????loglo????????? t????????????st st??hinhint? o???????????????????????????? t??ususl???byby ??meame??????? th???????????sl????s ts ???? ge g???????????????????? o?????? the b the ??x,x????the ?????????????ubu??????????in???????ly ly wly ????hin???????itiit?inging ing????????????????????ouo???????the?? p ???ce?sss?????I>??fef???? th?? the n the ??????o o e??plp???????????????edued????wi???????????????? a an a?nd nd???te????on????????verve??????????????????of????????????, u, unu???????s t?????????????", "output": "and then upon the other edge of this top, and then most gently along the bottom edge of this top, each time releasing apologetically the slightest hint of a clear liquid, revealing thusly by means of these three slits the gentle hidden secrets of the box, the soft white substance lying shyly within, awaiting with embarrassment our further processing.

I feel the need to explain this procedure with greater care and attention. The very tip, the point of the knife, uncovers tenderly a cer"} {"input": "???????????????????in???????ncn??????m m???????rnrnen?????????????ada???????f ????????????????ded????????? the the? pi p?ctc??????ndn?d pd ??????????????, a, ????????????????????the the???????hih??????ad?????oriorininuin??, t, th, thehe ????????????si?????????????. .??he??????????p op ?? t th???knk????, ?I I s????, d, ?disdi?????????????ingin??y ????????ainai????????????? on o???????????????? of?????? th?? the p the prpro??????resresi??????ce ?????????tot??????reatrea????re?????????????????????? l???????e a e a???????????e, e,?????????????????is is m mem?mbm??????????????????????????????r ir ????ou????????????????????????re??????ntn??????????wilwi????ing,ing??????????", "output": "tain point a certain distance from the corner of the broad top of the box, the side with the picture and product label, as pictured here, the side which reads Morinu, the broad flat side laid flat. The very tip of the knife, I say, discovers probingly a certain point near one corner which offers the proper resistance without too great a resistance, without too little a resistance, to penetrate this membrane. Too close to the corner is found to be too hard, too resistant, too unwilling, although "} {"input": "???????????nin?en???????tht???lal?????prp????ede????????????????ntn?????? t?????????????????????impim?plypl? r ?????????lasla????????????????????????pup?????e,e? a ?????????ur?po??e ????? thi th??s ps ????????e ????????? se s???ou??, ????????????osefose?????in??????
In a word therefore the point of the knife penetrates the membrane slowly yet purposefully as close to the corner as possible, penetrating as deeply as possible without piercing the wooden slab beneath. A certain spurt of clear liquid may emerge, but let this prove no inhibition, as "} {"input": "?????????e ?????????ththeth????ptp?th th??f f t??????????????? w wiwiti????awa??????????????????????t t?a a?didiai????????????????????????????????????????ithit????ici???on??????????????????????????a ????????????t at ???ongon???thethe the e ??e ??of of???? the b the ????????owlow?????resre??lul????ly ???????????????? wi wit with?????????????s ts ??the ?????????????reare?ateat?????????? l ???ngeng???????????????hah?at at?????, ???s cs ???se??ly ?asa??????ibi??????????????/>????????ue ue??ror????????????????????????? th the the ??????????????????????????????? o of o??????? bo box??, a???? th? then the????????hirhi???????ge, ge,????ser???tingtin???????????????????????, a??d ???????????hdh", "output": "the knife reaches the depth of the box. Slowly withdraw the knife, slowly, at a diagonal, allowing the serration softly with friction to continue to separate a slight slit along the ege of the box, slowly, resolutely but patiently, with purpose, as the serration creates an ever longer slit along that edge, as closely as possible.

Continue from this first slit along the the contiguous edge of the top of this box, and then the third edge, inserting carefully your knife, and slowly withd"} {"input": "??awa??????????????????ono?????fif??iei?????o o? se sepepap??ratra??????????????????????t ??hrh?ede????g,g????????????ic???tinting?????r r???????? th???????????quq??d d w??????????????????rt???L/>??????????l l?? the the the?????????????????????? the???oxo????in?????????e be ?????????gh??????orneorn??????????, ???he he???????????????????r Pr Po?????????????????????????????????? Poi Po?????. .???????????????e e ae ??????????A, A,??ror??????????ur??n tn ????, ????C,C?, e, enenden??????at at???????????????s ???????????ongon???????????????ese?????????ing????????PointPoin????????thdth??rawra???????????e c?????????????????? the?? the bl the b???????????a s??", "output": "rawing with a friction sufficient to separate the membrane without shredding, without eliciting over muchly the clear liquid which may spurt forth.

Let us call the top right corner of the box Point A, the bottom right corner Point B, the left bottom corner Point C and the upper left corner Point D. Begin to pierce at Point A, proceed in turn to B, to C, ending at D, forming this a slit along the three edges. Arriving at Point D, withdraw the knife completely, wipe the blade with a sof"} {"input": "?t,t??drd????lol??????????t t??t t at ???????????????????. .?????owo?????y ly ??ftf???????????th??????????d,d??????????? th t?????????????hih?????ono??????s ws ??????.<.??r ?????r ?r />r /??????l l r ???????????I dI ??????????????????????blb??????coconco????tit???????????it?????????fo???????????????calca?????????en?ce?????d d Id ??fef?????????ellel???????????nen???si??????? co c?orror?recre?titinti??????is is c????ntent???ini??ic??????, ???? ma m???terte???owow ow?un??clecl?????hi??????y by ????dud????????????????????????????????lilitli??????? in i???????????????????
I feel remiss if I do not address a probable misconception here writtenonly for the rhetorical convenience, and I feel compelled by the necesity of correcting this counter-indication, no matter how unclear this may be, due only to my severely limiting literary incapacities.

Employing the same alphabetical coordinates as described above, the consum"} {"input": "?????????????????tht????????????????????re????????cic???????????gigini???t t??oio???????ndnd d??ro???ed????????y yy ?ete??fifirfi?mlm?? t???????????????ese?????????????rgr??nt????????eve???, ???????????oceoc?ed?????pop????????!)!) )????d td th??en en d??????????y ?knk????e ee ??gege ge????????? C ????????le????? to t to ?????????ABA??al????????????eded,ed?, y, ????????????e ???po????g ??edgedgeedg????ava??????????ly ????mem?ed ?ed twed t??????aralara?llellele????iti??????nd????e ???????????betbe????en ?????int ???B anB and???????????? c clc??se???? to t to th to t?????????as as?????sibsi????, p??????????????????pluplunu????????????p p o ??? th? the the???????ththrth?rouro?ghg?????????dbd??arardar???????ananean?????throthrou?", "output": "er may discover this procedure far more efficacious: to begin at Point A and proceed gently yet firmly to point B as described. Divergently, however, please proceed to point D (!) and then directly by knife edge to point C, parallel to the Line AB already created, yet along the opposing edge. Having thusly formed two parallel slits, find the midpoint between Point B and Point C as close to the edge as possible, probing and then plunging the tip of the knife through the cardboard membrane, throug"} {"input": "?????? th t?? b ????????????e ???????????????????????????????????ere???????ulu??? t???th?atat at??rereve????sls??????????n tn ??????rmr??????n on ????ininein????????????????ithit?????????owlow?????ele?liclicacat?el?????????witwi?????fff??iciic?ienie?nt nt??riricri???????????? an a??lel??to??????????efe???ct?????ely ely????? the???or?nen?? a??????intin??????????dradr?aw aw???mpm????????an?? r ?revreveverve???????????????la????????????????t ???????????th?????????nt????ev??iou??slysl?y ey ??????d.d??. Wi. W??ithdith?????on??????????????????la??r cr ?????????and oand ?ppp???sitsite????aga???ala??????mplmp???????????????????????????ed eed ???????ly ly????PoPoiPo??????????m m cm ?conco????dende???th????con????????mayma", "output": "h to the bottom of the box, but now with an orientation perpendicular to that previously used in the formation of lines AB and DC. Withdraw slowly, delicately, yet with sufficient friction at an angle to proceed effectively to the corner at Point B. Withdraw completely and reverse the knife blade, returning it deeply at the midpoint previously entered. Withdraw once more with similar care, and opposite diagonal, completing the slit thus formed entirely to Point C. I am confident the consumer may"} {"input": "???????????tht??? p prp???ede??????????oro?????????tft??l l???? e ?fff?????veve ve??hah?????y y h ?er?????eve?????lyl????????beb??????r /r ????r ?r />r /?????????????????aca??? th???????????p cp ???atatet?????????????????slisl???. .?????ceece??????cicililel???slysly,y, ,???????ed,ed???oto????renrenen????ala?llyll?? b?utut ???????????????ththe???ssss,s????????????ithit??? t?? the the s ????????????????????????s,????owo????????????y, by, ????? dec de?cisci???????????????eshes???????? m ?????????????ninifife????hi??????????cence????????????????????ed ?????????? p????, ???????ge????????lo?????an??d nd ne??er?er ser ??halha??????????soso o??du??te?????? wi????????????????? th???????????, wi, w???", "output": " discover this procedure far more delightful and effective than any here previously described.

Firmly we roll back the top flap created by the three slits. Proceed mercilessly, proceed, not frenetically, but ardently nevertheless, to dice within the selfsame box her contents, slowly, gently, but decisively. The fresh tip of my serrated knife, which in recent memory has touched no animal part, but vegetable alone, and never shall become so adulterate with the blood of the animal, with "} {"input": "??heh???????????th??e ae ?????????????????titifi?iei??????d rd ????rvr??????????aitai?????????, ??ava?????????? k ?non???????? any an?????se????im????bub??????y ??????????????????iedied ??thuth?????????????????????is is???????d kd ???????????????????re????ierie???e te ???????????????e ??????????????ntont????rurut?hlh?lesle?????????????iti?????fulfu???????ouo??? t???????bob?????????????un?gig??g ??firfi????????ticti??????in??rhr??????ca?????????????ed red ????????aceac?????????y ay ?? fe f?w w?cecence????????s ????????????? the then the?, ??????ntlnt?????ly,ly????orior????ntantal???????ushus?????????????sos??????????????????????did?????, un, unrnre????ti??????????e toe t?ofu???????", "output": "the dairy of the animal, this sanctified and reserved and faithful tip, having never known in any sense animal but only vegetable, purified thus, unadulterate, this sacred knife dares therefore pierce this gentle pure white tofu into a ruthless grid of slits, fully through to the bottom box, plunging first vertically in rhythmically repeated rows spaced gently a few centimeters apart, and then, relentlessly, horizontally, pushing ever so softly through the yielding, unresisting white tofu laid b"} {"input": "a??????????heh??flf???????????????ini???wiw???????????????????prpror????????????????r r??????ncncece,ce?????ldl??ingin?.<.
Completed this repeated slicing, back and forth, up and down, across, and through, and through, I lift in one hand upwards the entire box gently, yet unrelentingly, over the recipient reserved for this purpose alone. Most often it is the daily lunch container, reusable, with soft top, to receive the more securely and gently this daily offering, removed demurely from its box, as cautiously as a"} {"input": "????rmr??????aba???????it?????????eded d??he?lll????????eraerab??????????????e.e?????h h????? fi f??????????????????vev???hah?????r r r re????ueu???????????????????y wy ?????????????ckc???????paspa??sinsi????????asa?ssuss?uriurin?glg?????tot??????ul?????????????????.<.???r /r ??L>??????uiu??????ese????????ueeue?zez???????? th??????? d ??po???te?d d td th??ereer??????ab????????????tst??????raranra?????rir???s os ??????????????????????????????wi????????? < ??????????hth?????????????zoz??.c.??om/om?gpg?/p/?????ct??B0B????MFM?CRC?U\"U?????????????????????????????, an, a?d ??a ga ge?ne??rouro????????????f ?th?the the????????????tt?p:??//w//??w.w????????co???????????", "output": " hermit crab from its borrowed shell, vulnerable by exposure. With one finger one may remove whatever residue remains relunctly within the package, passing it reassuringly into the ultimate recipient.

Lime juice freshly squeezed upon the tofu deposited there, as ablution, meets fragrant sprigs of fresh green cilantro mated with whole Corriander Seeds 7oz, and a generous ladling of the E>????????ana????????ananzan????eae?????1515-5?????? U ????????????? 1?2)2?????????????aia???blb?????ono?n tn ???s s???????usu?lyl??????????t at ?mamaza???. .?????s is ??????ea????????????, , a, ???????????oso??t wt ??????????????????r r??><>?Eden Organic Garbanzo Beans, 15-Ounce Unit (Pack of 12) also available upon this generously nutrient amazon. This is a meal in itself, and comes most welcome at noon.

At night rather than such a cold lunch, in this cold winter a warmer meal is wanted, and so this gentle and yielding box of nutritious tofu might discover herself pushed gently into a saucepan of simmering miso soup, such as, perhaps, Shiro Miso P"} {"input": "?asa?tet???ONO??GMG???????????????.>???????????o so ?ouo?p p?wowou??? t ????e fe ?ara???rereae?????sps????e te ????????ibi?????re??inin n??????ak??????????? th thi th?is is????ta?ininein???ofof f m??????paspa??????????oro???????ooo??lyl???????????????????dud???????????????? p???????ly,? i in i??????????????????????????l sl ??????????? w???????LaL????, ???????????????eawea???? a?ndn??to??de???ivi????y ????????????, I, ??????ace ace? th??oseos???????????? s sp s????achac??????vesve?????ili???????? t th????????icic c???epaep?artar????????????????????? mar ma???????????????????????????ultultsts ??of ??????????onion???????????verve??????????????????????????er aer ??????????? d??", "output": "aste NON GMO No MSG Added. This miso soup would take far greater space to describe here in the making. From this container of miso paste draw forth a goodly spoonful to introduce slowly, most politely, into a gently heating small saucepan of water. Later, in place of seaweed and to deceive my own palate, I place those small flat spinach leaves available in the organic department of your local market, perhaps with the results of a small onion diced very carefully in the manner approved as des"} {"input": "???ibi?ede? a ???vev??????????? o??ioi??????r /r ????????WhW??? q quq???e e?????y y?fofor? d ?????????? ad a??d ld lal?sts????? al a???????hihisi??????encencec???hihishi?????????bo???? of of t??????????????????esces??????? ab a???????it???????t ??????????????re?????ava?????????ata?????? on one one ????hth?????????????onlon??????????ouo?????????armar??????ougou?????????ro?ug?????????re re? ea eat?in?ing.ing??br?????????????verve??tatabablable??mem???????????lfl???.???herhe???????sos?????????????ma????????????hichi???????se?????and and t?? to a to ?abuabus?e,??????????re,??????te te? an a?????te???????trt????iouio????en?entlentle??????ucuctc??????????????onl???wiwitwi???????????? r??coc????????atioati?on on??", "output": "cribed above, or green onion.

When quite ready for dinner, I add last of all to this essence this gentle box of tofu, sliced as described above, with great and tender care, leaving it bathing one might dare say, only long enough to warm through and through, before eating.

A veritable meal in itself.

There are so many other manners in which to use, and to abuse, this pure, white and utterly nutritious gentle product, and I can only with my utmost recommendation sa"} {"input": "??, ,??????hih?????????y y????????????atatiatitituit??e,e?, t, th?at????????t ?????????????????????w w???????????st ??wilwilll?ini??lyl?y fy ???????????r hr ??????????????ioi?on,on????d ?on?e ??mosmo?????????????aia???????????? th t???s ws ????????? a?????????878?585?????00L00?KZK????,A,??4E4?NVN??????????????????aka??????????????????????????80080???WeW??????ftf?t ft ??????????ToT?????\"D\"?????????????...?????hilhi??? fo fol fo??s ???????o o????????ofu ofu?????????lalavlavov??, ????an???disdi????? ??????????????????litli?????? t????????/>/?????is?????e be ??????st??????????????????????????????????waw?????? g??????????????????no?t ?????od????????????????", "output": "y, and this with my greatest gratitude, that here at long last we may know a food most willingly fit for our human consumption, and one most readily available upon this wonderful amazon.\"\n8758,B000LKZ84C,A14ENV4JB6WQJ6,\"Akua \"\"akuapoet\"\"\",4,14,3,1207180800,\"Wet, Soft for Firm, Tofu\",\"Disappointing... while folks like to say tofu has no flavor, I can discern a type of neutrality and this
one is the blankest of blank slates

Wet, watery, gelatinous, it is not a product i will buy a"} {"input": "?????????n.n????????????????ses???????in????? /??????????awa?????????????????????ining??????e be ????fif??????e ???? p ?aca????????????th?atat ????hahasha?s ss ????? l ??????8????????464?9V9?TOT???????F0F0G0????????????????StS??????,1,??,1,,1???,12,1?????080????\"T\"???tet??????? gr g????lal?????t ?sus??garga??,\"?EvE??en en???ithith h? th t????choch???lalatla?????unu??s,s?, t, ??????????????asteast??faf??? le l?????wew????r ??tha????oso????????nolanola ???rsr??????????? a??????????????pp????????d d td th?????????????
a challenge.

It's not awful, just disappointing. The benefits are the packaging and that is has shelf life.\"\n8759,B00469VTOW,AY1EF0GOH80EK,Natasha Stryker,1,1,4,1295740800,\"Taste like granola, not sugar\",\"Even with the chocolate chunks, these bars taste far less sweeter than most granola bars out there and I really appreciated that.

They have 110 calories each and 8 grams sugar which is less than Kudos Chocolate Chip (120 cal, 12"} {"input": "???ugu?ara?? o ???a a???scs???iai??????????????????????? g ????ol?????? ( ?141????????????sugsu???????????????eee?????quq???????????????canca??eae????????iti???? a g a ?????s os ?????ar??????????????andand ????ee??????????tit?????????xtx??mem??????????????ed ed? a ??quiqu???????????ea???????of? t ????e ????th th???o o??trtrir?????he????????????geg?e ae ????e ?e ane andn??????????? I I c???? ma m???????un????l dl ????nerne???????><>?r /??I wI ??????????????nd nd?????se se???????????????????????? a t a ????????nd ???????? sna sn??????????,B,????CHC???3O3?????????????ROR?A,A???????fyf???????????????????l l Rl ????????????????0,??,1,????22????????????ouousu??an?? s?", "output": " sugar) or a Cascadian Farms Chocolate Chip granola bar (140 cal, 10 sugar). When I need a quick snack, I can eat one with a glass of sparkling water and I feel full until the next meal. If I need a quick meal I eat one of these with two string cheeses, a large apple and water -- I can make it until dinner.

I would recommend these to anyone looking for a tasty and quick snack.\"\n8760,B004CHDH3O,A3ACKWYDNR7ROA,\"DaSkifyMy@aol.com, Michael Ryskin, M.D.\",0,0,5,1342224000,Delicious and su"} {"input": "?????frf??????????????nyn????????????e ?asa? d ????cic??usus s as ????he?y ?????prp???sense??abablb??? E ??ere????????? k kik??d d????? the themem m????????????t!t? T ??????????????geg???????. .????n n?I I???m tm ???ou??????????????????????rir??????????????????616?????????????????????????ZAZ?????????0,0,0??????????40400?0,?????????????????????isi????????????ono???????hah??????mom?kyk??flf???oror ??????????? fe f???????????????????nen??????ou??h.h???????????ve??? b????????????ininkin? i??????????t et ??pep???????????????????bub??????????????ou??nd ???re??????emeem?????????????????????????ing fing ??r ?th????an?cycy ??pacpa?ckack???????whwhih?ichic????", "output": "gar free.,\"These tiny candies are as delicious as they are presentable. Every single kind of them tastes great! They are packaged well. When I am through the bag, I am ordering it again!!\"\n8761,B003KSWEHG,A1GPV3T61R4KZA,Naveed,0,0,4,1337904000,Strong Green Tea,\"This tea is strong and has a smoky flavor - you can feel the leafy greenness though. It's not very bitter. I think it's a bit expensive for it is - but I haven't found a replacement. I guess we're paying for the fancy packaging, which in "} {"input": "??? o ???nin?onon n i ???? r ????????tet??????ece?iai??lyl?????????????????????????????????????????????o.o????memede??????????ded????????????????st?????????????? p ?re???????????????? is ?????????e ?????chc???????????n Dn ??????'s??????theth??lol????????ia???????es???8??????000???????E,E?????????????????????????????484???00????sas?grg???????????????EyEyey????????t Tt ??????????ctc?t Ot OnO????ReR???????ndand???ionio?????oweow????, ???e ?CaC????????????????????????????trtrar?????????e ?????????Eye Eye??????KeK??? U UsU??????t ??????????????is ?????????s ??????? Ey E?ye ye????????quq?irirere re?? L ???in?? T????????ThTheTh???????????????", "output": "my opinion is a real waste, especially when you go through 3-4 cups a day like I do. Ahmed's Gunpowder green tea is stronger and is pretty good, but is available for cheaper than Dilmah's in the local Indian stores.\"\n8762,B004OLUCAE,A3QHIWFZHMDKG5,EB,0,0,3,1349481600,Disagreeable Taste,\"Eye Bought This Product On A Recommendation. However, Eye Cannot Seem To Get Past The Strange Taste Yet. Eye Will Keep Using It To See If This Will Pass Or If Eye Will Acquire A Liking To It. The Package States"} {"input": "???o o B ??????????te?. .????? It I????????????????, ,??hyhy y???????????ereere e???????????ttett?????astas?????????????????CACAEA?,A,?282?????????C2C?R,R,\",?ReR???????????????????????Re??????a Ra ??viv??????,0,????5,5???161???????????????????????nan?????e te ?o o So ??gag??,\"??????????????????? f ?oro????????eteet???????at? i ?????????????in? t ??a,a???te????a ca ?cancan ??? u us?ede???to to???????????t ??? c ???ld ld????. . Y. ??????????mom??????y ?????????????????????ugugaug?????n ??????drd?????????????you you??????????????????he?????????????????????????r /????????e ae ?artar?????iciaiciala? s??wee???????????????a ia ?????????bib?????? an andn??wowon???t lt ?eaeaveaveve ve?????", "output": " No Bitter Taste. If It Is A Sweetener, Why Should There Be Any Bitter Taste?\"\n8763,B004OLUCAE,A281NPSIMI1C2R,\"Rebecca of Amazon \"\"The Rebecca Review\"\"\",0,0,5,1316131200,Delicious Alternative to Sugar,\"If you are looking for a sweetener that is delicious in tea, Stevia can be used to sweeten hot or cold tea. You can almost say goodbye to regular sugars in your drinks once you get a taste for the Stevia powder.

Unlike artificial sweeteners, Stevia is never bitter and won't leave a nas"} {"input": "?????ftf???????te te i ?? y ?????????????????????????rere ??as??y ty ????????????th th???? a??? y?????????vev?n ?????cec????????????????????in?????????????y ?fo?odo?s.s?
By using a low calorie (0 Calories) sweetener with only 1 gram of carbs, you will be ahead of the game. Every single time you use one packet of Stevia, you are using less sugar and you won't even miss it.

~The Rebecca Review\"\n8764,B004OLUCAE,A1GQAKL9CGQLP1,L. M. Keefer,0,0,5,1313712000,Great Price for Great Sweetener!,\"A nutritionist recommend"} {"input": "?ede?????ses?? to t??sws????????? c coc????? e ???? a ????he???????????nenege??tit???????terte?????????????iki????????ici????? sw s????????????????ia?????mam?????????????????SoSouo????AmA??erier???????papana??se????a a?drd??nkn?kerke?????????ee????????????????????????????????????l ????ffecffe??????????????????????????? b???????????????????????????????????????????? it i???s ?????????eme???????r ????
I like this brand and put two packets in my iced coffee every morning with almond milk and 1 T cocoa--it tastes like a coffee milk shake for only about 70 calories as the Stevia"} {"input": "?????????????????? T ?????????????????????????????ke ke??n n????? d ????ere???????????????? a a?????????refre?????????????t ?fof?????he he??aya?.<.
This multi-pack offer for this price is about 30% lower than what I can get NuStevia for locally.\"\n8765,B0036GG73Y,A1SDG6G85BXX0Z,Connie Miller,1,1,1,1307145600,Cost too much,\"Are these people crazy or can I not multiple properly? This is $43 for 24 small cups of peaches. That works out to $7 for the 4 pack. This 4 pack cost about $3.50 in a grocery store in the state"} {"input": "?s s??utu? b be b?cac?????????ded?????????????????????o o????????????????????t ht ????ene??ngn???????????????m ?isi??????0;0?????heh??????? a ??grgrogr?????????????? bu b????????er??????? th????????????00??????????????FRFRGRGHG?WUW??HWTHW??JaJ????n Cn ????ara?tet??,4,????????161?????????????????????ro?dud?ctc?????? a a? sh s??????ifi?????????????????ndn?????????ele?ed???????????eded ?in???????????of???????. P. ??ododu???????kek??ed fed frf???m sm ???????????rtorton??????????????1A1??A,A???????SIS????????????becbe????????????on on?\"\"\"?ThT?he he????????????????????????,1????????000???????ber???????ama????ea,ea?,\"T,\"????e te ???e we wa????m scm sce???????ItItat???an??BeBer????", "output": "s but because I'm deployed I'm suppose to pay $7 for it?! Not happening. Netgrocer.com is $4.00; higher than a grocercy store, but cheaper than this!\"\n8766,B005CM84XQ,A3PMHFRGHWUHWT,Jason C. Carter,4,5,1,1316995200,Be cautious,Product has a shelf life of two years and was labeled as produced in December of 2009. Product leaked from seal in carton.\n8767,B000WS1AJA,A281NPSIMI1C2R,\"Rebecca of Amazon \"\"The Rebecca Review\"\"\",0,0,5,1340496000,Raspberry Dream Tea,\"Take the warm scent of Italian Bergamo"} {"input": "?? a ana?d d?????nd nd???t wt ???????????????sps????ryr? f ?lal?????????????l ?????ntn????????h Ih InI???an??????????a a a??d ??????yoy?????? c ??????????????????be?????????? o ???? a t a ?????????s ts ??tea,tea?? if i????????witwi?? p ?owo?dederde?redre???????????eye??or?? a ?????????? s ???????????mem???cr????y.y.<.??????????????p p w ????????il???????????d cd ?????m am ?????????????a ??vanva???????????er???? be???am?????teatea.tea???ThiTh?????????????????????????? pa parartr??es?????????in????? t???????ni?????????e ee en??????? a? a r a ??????????mum????????? / ?????????????eoe??le?????o po ?ici????????????leale??eses ???????idi????faf??????????????????oso??ti?veve ve?????", "output": "t and blend it with natural raspberry flavor and swirl it into South Indian black tea and what you are creating is a raspberry dream of a tea. This tea, if made with powdered milk, honey or a packet of stevia becomes creamy.

Top with vanilla whipped cream and you have a vanilla raspberry bergamot tea. This is the perfect for tea parties or sipping in the morning while enjoying a raspberry muffin.

The people who pick the tea leaves are paid a fair wage and the positive energ"} {"input": "???????????????coc?????????????????e ??????r r??? t?????ea?????? t??? l ?????? a ????????????????????????????????????????????s ts ???e me mom??????lil?????????????????????tatasa?stest?d!d????cec????? t??y ?th??????????????? w ?????????????trt?ry ry a al?? t th? the the??la?vo?rsr?????????????????the the????resre??de??ChC??????br br???????????????????????????w\"w????686??B0B????????G,G???IWI?????????FKF???????geg??JoJ??????????????,1,???252???????????ly???ooo?????????????????????siosi???frf???????uicui??????????????s as ????veryvery y gy ???????rodro?????. E. ???ch ch b ?????le le???????????t ??????????????is??lo?????????ar????????????????ce?????", "output": "y really does come through in the flavor of the tea. The tea leaves are also organic.

I think this is the most delicious tea I've ever tasted! Once you try this flavor, you will want to try all the flavors. I also love the Fireside Chai.

~The Rebecca Review\"\n8768,B008S5LR0G,A1IW9LSLZFW9FK,Average Joe Schmo,0,0,5,1342569600,Really Good Juice!,I love passion fruit juice and this is a very good product. Each bottle makes about a gallon. It is low in sugar and low on glycemic i"} {"input": "???????????????? o ??????????????????????nan???????????????????ese?????at??coc???????s ?tot?????????is????t rt ????xix??g g??????h h????????????????????! !??????????vever?? a??????eae????ror??ucu?????????????MGM??????A1A??????????4J4??????a Ma M.M?????s,s,3,??,3?????121??353?55??????GlG??tet?? f???????????????shs??????andan????????????????????\",\"???????, s, ??????s s ns ?????offof???iaial??????????????ut ut?tht??????s hs ??????????akeak???????????it??????????'s 's???????s, s,??????ho??e ????? you yo? w?ho?? ge??t gt gr???sesedse????t ??y ?????-O-???????????????????? i????tooto??????????r /r ??????????ow ow?? foo fo???????????????y ????at ????ls??????", "output": "ndex. Has a lot of potassium and is a natural relaxer. Makes great cocktails too if it isn't relaxing enough for you straight up! Fast delivery and great product!\n8769,B000MGSJ5A,A175N19FS2B4J,Lisa M. Mims,31,31,5,1243555200,\"Gluten free, vegan, kosher, and very concentrated.\",\"O.k., so it's not officially kosher--but this is how you make gelatin without cow's hooves, for those of you who get grossed out by Jell-O if you think about it too much.

Now foods is a company that sells glute"} {"input": "??????????ufu???????????s s??is is??????cec???ioi??? ???????????e ?????acac c?????s ws ?on?'t'??????e ye ?????ici?k.k???? / ?????????ve????ete?????, t, ?thith?????is pis ?owo?ded????d ad ?????????????????????????r ??????? T ????????????thi??????????????oro???????s,s??????????????????????????????????o eo ???y y? to to ????e te ??o ??ucuchc???1 1???blb?ese?popoopo???ofo?????????????????? t?sp? o?????e ????????. . ?ThTheTh?e re ?ata???????st ?coc?????cac??????r ????1 ?????????idi???? 1? t??eas????????????????? a????? w ????????eanea??s 1s ?????????of of????????????????????????ququiquid??????????oreor????????????? mor mo????????ic ic?? thi?ngn?s ???keke ke????ng?e e je ?ui??????? /?", "output": "n-free stuff, and this is no exception: if you have celiac this won't make you sick.

Even better, this is powdered agar agar, not flaked agar agar. That means this will last for months, if not years--although it's also easy to use too much. 1 tablespoon of the flakes = 1/2 tsp of the powder. The ratio most cooks call for is 1 cup liquid to 1 teaspoon flaked agar agar, which means 1/4 tsp of this powder to 1 cup liquid, with more added for more acidic things like orange juice.
"} {"input": "????????????ere??????r ??agaag???dod??sns??????l l a as a??????l al ???JeJ??????, s, ??????n'tn'?????????tot????????e e????????esues?ltl??????t ???????oulouldl???oro?r Jr ??????----f-?????????, y, ?youyo????????Jel????o oo ?or or?????????gelge???????????ou ou?cacana??????mom?oreore ????????????????dd dd???rmr?ne??????utu???????????????????????tet????????????itit it?isi????ses???????)\")\"\"??????B0B???????????????QXQ??????K,K,S,??????8,8????????202?????????ga?gar gar??????????we???????????????????????????ghg?????????medme??????plpla???me?????????y y???????orkor??????????m.m?? I ??ha???????????ed ed??t ?t ast as ??? fo f???????pl???enenten????butbu???????????????????????foofood?????, ???", "output": "
However, agar agar doesn't gel as well as Jell-o, so don't expect to get the same results that you would for Jell-o--for that, you need Jell-o or kosher gelatin. (You can add more agar agar to add firmness; but then it starts to taste like what it is: seaweed.)\"\n8770,B000MGSJ5A,ASF58QXB6BV0K,Steve,8,10,5,1220918400,Agar Powder,\"Awesome! This powder was bought as a media replacement for my Ant Works ant farm. I haven't tried it as a food supplement, but mixed with a little food dye, Ped"} {"input": "???lil??e e?& &?sus????????????????pep???????y y a ?????? G ????????????r ???????aka????a a??iri?? g ????????ar ar?????t ht hoh??dsds ??t ??????te????????????8????????00M00MGMGSG??????1S1??????????????. .??????????,1,?????????00,00????y ??oo?d ?fof????makmakik??????ellellolo,o????????e we ?it??? th t??e re re??????????????????????????????e ye ?ouo????00%00% %????????rmnrm?ese???ofo????ell?o o???t ???????es es????????y my ??????vi?????? W ??ndn???fuf?????????ct!ct???7777277??B0??????J5??A,AA,????????TZT?????JoJ?ses?php?h Th ?????,4,,4?????????????,I????s ags a???,\",?I ???cec????? t??? a????????????? d ??????????????????g.g???????????????? sl sli?ghg??tlytl?y dy ?ifi??????? b???????non???? bu b???", "output": "ialite & sugar; it worked perfectly as Ant Gel.

It makes a firm gel clear that holds at room temperature.\"\n8771,B000MGSJ5A,A1SAEE25EZ16LW,C. Kay,2,2,4,1271635200,Very good for making jello,I agree with the reviewer who said it won't give you 100% the firmness of jello but it does satisfy my cravings! Wonderful product!\n8772,B000MGSJ5A,ABAQFEM3TZ22V,Joseph T.,3,4,4,1324339200,Its agar,\"I received the agar about 12 days after ordering. It comes in a slightly different bottle now, but I"} {"input": "? a ??sus?mem??????????sasama??? ag agag?? a???? a?????fof???????? b ???????hah?? a???????????????????????????????????he?????li???????? the th???eae?? s???? k ?????th???????r ar agagaag???????n ????????t ?coc????????????t ??as ?????????????????????t ?plp???????ea????????y ????? thi th??? b??ut ut????????????d td th??????????ssfss??????wiw???????colco?ogo?????????me?????inin in?????? d ????????????? aga???????????????ugu?? t??o so ?ee???veververyr???thinthi????elell?? in i????????shs??? so??it?????ksk????reare?t ?fo????thath???????????????????A,A,A,?KKK???FXFXFX?OSOS9S???C.C?????gangan,n?????5,5???444?????????????t Vt ?VegVe??????tet??na?????????gar?? is i??s bas b?asias??????y gy ???????in fin ????", "output": " assume its the same agar agar as before. The bottle has a snap lid (I'm not so sure about the quality of the seal so I keep the agar agar in an airtight container just as a precaution). I dont plan on eating any of this, but I have used this successfully with mycology experiments in petri dishes (the agar is light enough to see everything well in the dish) so it works great for that.\"\n8773,B000MGSJ5A,AKKM0FXFOS96,C. Vegan,0,0,5,1344384000,Great Vegan Alternative,\"Agar is basically gelatin for v"} {"input": "?????s,s????????egeeg???rir????.).??????????geg????ini???????????y y????????????d,d, ???????????? f frf????lelefe???ve???bob???????????f f??ninim????????????????????rwr???????????rowro????????????ndn?d ad apa??????in?????????????????????????????????????????????????????at at? ai a????????mem??e a e a???icickc????? c???????????????re??uiu?????????al??ly ly???????????. I. I I u? use us????is??????ma???? cr cre cr??m ??iei???????????????????????se?????\"\"?878??4,4??????????A,A?A3A3U3??????????????????????????131343?303???00?????????????????I bI ????htht ?th?? 2 ???? b ????lele le f??or ?us????? m???????o o?exe????????????????havha?venve????rerea??llyll???eatea??????", "output": "egans, (or vegetarians.) Regular gelatin is usually animal-based, and is made from leftover body parts of animals that would otherwise be thrown away. Sound appetizing? Agar is a cruelty-free alternative, and is a great aid anytime a thickened creamy base is required, usually in baking. I use this for many cream pies as well as other desserts.\"\n8774,B000MGSJ5A,A3U6YB5B59TQRS,Hamsta,0,0,5,1343088000,Works well.,\"I bought the 2 lb bottle for use in microbio experiments & I haven't really eaten any"} {"input": "? o ????t.t?????????????????????mmm????t ot ????????asa????????anyan?th?ini?g g???kek????ata??????????t ?fof??????wiwin??g tg ?????s,s, ?????? gr g???at.at?????r />r /???incin?e ??it'?s ?????????????it's it's???????????????? o????? u ???????lilikli???????se se??????????????y ??????.???????th???aga???????????????quq???????????????????????e.e?\"\"?878???????00M00???J5J?????7V7????6A6???P5P?5,???????????131??252????????101????????????????????????orkorke?d ??ele?????????oo???st?aba?????????NoNotot ??reare?????????????????????????the the? pr??oduod?????th????????? it? a ar a?????????????r ?????as as??????????????d wod w??orksork?s a?s ??????????. ?????????it it???????at??", "output": " of it...yet, so I can't comment on the taste or anything like that.
But for growing things, it's great.
Since it's a powder it's easy to measure out & use, unlike those annoying flaky bars.
After the agar sets, it's quite clear which is nice.\"\n8775,B000MGSJ5A,A27VHQL6AH9P55,Dan,0,0,5,1332547200,\"100% Agar. Good price, worked well as a food stablizer.\",Not really much to say about the product other than it arrived similar to as pictured and works as described. I used it as a natur"} {"input": "?ala?????bibili?????????????????? i ??????whwhih???? wa w????????????? A ?????icaic????hoholole????????t ?????? m ?? i in i?????????. I. ?????????ede???????. U. USU???????????8????,B,??????SJS??A,A,A,A3A??????ODO?????????????? L ??????elyel???????,1,?????????00,00????? ~ ??\"I\"???????ed ed??????fo???? n ???????????eesee????????????????n'n????se?? ge g??atatit?????in???ofof f??????s ???me ome ou??????ut ut??????????????l ?fo???????t It ??I neI n????????e ???????to to r re?adad ??????????s.???????????0M0?????5A,5A????ILI??YHY???MWM???????rir?? A?????????????lol??????anian?mamal??\"\"?????????,13,1?????????????????enten?!,!,\",\"I,\"?????venve?????ri?????????????????bob????t ???????????", "output": "al stabilizer for doughnut icing which was excellent. American Wholesale got it to me in 4 days. I purchased 2 oz. USA product.\n8776,B000MGSJ5A,A3AKNHPODAQWCJ,Jessica L. Neely,0,0,4,1316390400,Good ~,\"I needed this for a no-bake cheese cake and I don't use gelatin, kind of creeps me out. But it worked well for what I needed, be sure to read directions.\"\n8777,B000MGSJ5A,A1ZIL7YH0VMW7C,\"April Ames \"\"april_loves_animals\"\"\",1,3,5,1326931200,Excellent!,\"I haven't tried eating it. I bought it to make "} {"input": "v?ege??????Y Y????e e??????s.s. . I ????????lyl??wow?orkor?????????y!y?????idi??????ava???mum??????uckuc?? wh w??n ???crc?owo???????????????????ouo??????? it i????kek???it it? sa s?aysay?????tht???? bot bo?tlt????????????????????e ne ninic??ly?????????????indin????youyo???????????????????k tk ?? m???????????re????tritr???? T ??he ?aga????sis???????????n'tn'??????e te ??????ililiil?????????????ownow??\"\"8??????????????????DKDKKK???D1D????????????????e ?A.A?????????\"J\"??????????\"\"??????????,11,1??????6060000,00???ri?? in??CA??,\"P,\"??rodro?uc??t wt wa????????????????????ereer????????id id?fof?or or?????s.??..????????vedve???onlon??ly 2ly 2 ????. . ???????ve bve ????????ablable???????????????????????ro????", "output": "vegan DIY pore strips. It totally works! Hooray! I didn't have much luck when microwaving it, but if you boil it like it says on the bottle it firms up quite nicely. Bear in mind, you must add soy milk to make the pore strips. The agar simply doesn't have the ability on it's own.\"\n8778,B000MGSJ5A,A3DKKQ4D1A5TDL,\"Geraldine A. Engel \"\"Jeri in CA\"\"\",7,15,4,1168473600,Jeri in CA,\"Product was great, but I ordered & paid for 2 lbs.... received only 2 oz. I have been unable to get any response from cu"} {"input": "s????????viv??e.e? ????????s s??? w ??? t ????????? th t?he he???????y y by ?y y py ?????????????st st?????? thi th?is is?????iti????????????????on????????????????????????????????????????stistili??? wa w???t mt ???????s.s????????,B,?????GSG????,A,????????3O3???????????????erer,er???????????474??????????,V,?er??????????ltlt ??????rkr?? wi w???????ene?????to ????n n????????????ckck ?evevev??????????ollol?????????rerecre??????s -s ??tat??stest??is????sss??s ths t?an? d????????????808??????X8X???666????????XFXFNF?????,R,??????????????????????404?00,??????????an?????osos,s??????havha???????en len ?????ng? f ??????????????ocooc?olaol??? s????????????ki???????ce ce??????? a?re???", "output": "stom service. There is no way to reach the company by phone. I just put this credit card transaction into \"\"DISPUTED\"\"! :-( :-( :-( I still want my 2 lbs.!\"\n8779,B000MGSJ5A,AFO4RO1C3OHI4,Pam Sweitzer,0,7,2,1168473600,AGAR,Very difficult to work with - tends to turn to solid rock even when following directions - taste is less than desirable\n8780,B004X8TE66,AQF1ZTXFNAQBP,Rockin-U,0,0,5,1341446400,Better than Oreos,\"We have been looking for a good chocolate sandwich cookie since Hydrox are no"} {"input": "????ngn????bebeie???????e e??????????ana??????ouo?s s?????s fs ??????heh?????????????? be b????er er???????????????????????pep??, ?it???????eee??, ??????choch??????te te???????tit???? a?????he????????g g i is is is?????tot??????????????????????????????????????r.r?????he he Ahe ????????????e ie ?is is tis ??????sts????ubu????????? and and ???????s ?nen?????????????????he phe ??ic?????????????an ian ????????ibiblb??e b?????????h ???is eis ?ve?n ?mo???????????? si s?????th????????kik??es es? ar a?re ??????lwlwaw??s ????????grgror??er?y\"y???7878181,1?????343??TDT?M,M???949???????????????an ????????manma???????????????404??????????????d cd ch?????n ??????????ogo?gregr???????ch????kenken ?n gun g", "output": " longer being made or sold, and Famous Amos fits the bill. Much better than Oreos or other types, it is sweet, the chocolate is distinct and the filling is not too sweet as if it is made of only sugar. The Amazon price is the best, subscribe and save is new and brings the price down to an irresistible buy, which is even more special since these cookies are not always at the grocery\"\n8781,B00434FTDM,A294SHLWPSG1BP,Ryan Winkleman,2,2,4,1290038400,Pretty good chicken gumbo,\"Progresso's chicken gu"} {"input": "m?????ouo???dod?ese?n'n??????tet??????????????????????????????????t ot ?? t???e me ?????????????? of o?????????ovo??????f t??????????????????bub?????????te?s ?prp??ttt?????odo??????ha?s ?wh????e m????t ct cht chih????????idi??eye?????nsn?????????rir?iceic???????????????rotrot,t?, t, ???at????ana??????d bd ??????????????n in ?????????u u?cac?? s??e ??????? the?????????? on o????e ?ca????????? t????????ur???????lol??????to?????e we wh??at ?th?? s????????tu?????* *??????s ls ???ke ke????n thn t??he bhe ??wlw??. T. ThT??????????????????????????m am ??????????igighg????????y ?????l. l.???????mb?????st???????????????ou?????????ee??l ll ?????????re???? L ????????? o???", "output": "mbo soup doesn't taste all that great when it comes out of the microwave (or off the stove, if that's your way), but it tastes pretty good. It has white meat chicken, kidney beans, okra, rice, celery, carrot, tomato, and red bell pepper in it, as you can see from the picture on the can. Check the picture I uploaded to see what the soup *actually* looks like in the bowl. The chicken was pretty firm and just right, in my bowl. The gumbo taste isn't bad. You won't feel like you're in Louisiana or M"} {"input": "???php??????hilhi?????u'u'r'?????????????????lesle???????????????lll???????ou?is?????????????phiph??????utu??????????heh????????ct????e ge gug????????????andand d?????????ly ly?????????????omo????????o ??????ofo? P ???????????????ere?????psp???????????????????????????????????sou????? t??????????????????getge????les?????e ???????shshyh????as as?????????d ????wi?????ro??????????????????????ounound????he??????????and? o???a ?wew???e g??????juj??t ??verve?ry ry??????anand??????y,?? wh w??????isnisn'n?t ??rea?????wh????? w wa w????????????d ???????????????????????ili??????????up,up???thoth?ougou????, as, a??????????? a??? who wholo?????? i???????????an", "output": "emphis while you're eating it (unless you're actually IN Louisiana or Memphis), but it has the distinctive gumbo taste and is really quite good compared to some of Progresso's other soups. My biggest complaint with this soup is that the green vegetables came out mushy, as they tend to with Progresso soups, I've found. The celery and okra were good, just very soft and mushy, which isn't really what I wanted. It did a pretty good job of filling me up, though, as they pack a whole lot into that can"} {"input": "??asa?????aya?????vev?????? a a g ??odo? s ????????????????????????d d bd ???in???????????ifi???????e ie iti?t ot ?????e ????lvlvevesve???????imi???????????000040???????????????????JMJ??ana????mo????????5,5?131????????0,0,A0,???oo?d ????????????? n ?????s,???????is?? my m??????????????grg?resresss??????p.p?. T. ????brbro?th?????????????ntn??flflal???????nd nd???'s'??no?t ???????altaltyt???????????ve?????es es?????ld ?????????????????? bu b????????????s s as ?re? l ????e ?e ane a?nd ???astas?????t ??has??????? he h??? a??????y,y???????????????????????????????ts ts?????????aua??????? su s?????y ???sts??????????????????nt??? to to???????ge,ge??????? ch cho???up?????ew?????ieceiec??", "output": " as always. Overall a good soup that I wouldn't mind buying more of if I see it on the shelves sometime.\"\n8782,B00434FTDM,AP1FWNGNWO8JM,anonymous,0,0,5,1303344000,A good soup on cold nights,\"This is my favorite Progresso soup. The broth has excellent flavor and it's not too salty. Yes the veggies could be a bit firmer, but the pieces are large and tasty. It has some heat already, but I usually add a few shots of hot sauce to suit my taste. If I really want to indulge, I'll chop up a few pieces "} {"input": "?????momoko?ede?????sas?gege e?ana????????? b beb??????heh?????????????ene??\"\"?????,B,?????????????ELE????????090??,s,???????aia?????,1,,1?5,5???09???121?????????????? an a????asa????????????in????he????????crcrir??be be???d d sd ???????????ing ing?????????ses???cracr????rsrs.s?????????????thath????it it???????ta???????hi??e ????ge????hrh??????? the? s??x x??????? b bu b?????? w??????????????????????e'e??????????y ??thrth???????????????????????????????????!\"?8?????,B0,B???????UOUUO????????????????4,B4,????y ???0,0????????16????20020???????????????????ck?????????he che ????cke?????re???????y tay tas???y ay an?????????t ???????????m om ??????????????????", "output": "of smoked sausage and add it before heating - heaven!\"\n8783,B003G5CUOU,A3ELSU1SHRX09Y,skunktrain,1,1,5,1309651200,Addictive and tasty,\"I am doing the \"\"subscribe and save\"\" thing with these crackers. I thought that it would take a while to get through the six boxes, but boy was I wrong. Already we're halfway through the boxes. Time to order more!\"\n8784,B003G5CUOU,A2ZYV16SKIF2C4,Buzby J,0,0,5,1331683200,Great Tasting Crackers!,The crackers are very tasty and we just tried them out with a little s"} {"input": "??????ono??tot?????r r?????????y y?????????sns??ckck k?????mym?y wy ???e e?????????????tet?lyl??lolovlo????m.m???e ??wilwilll???????????ly ly??????????on??????????????????858??????RYR??K2K??,A,?2S2???????EKE???????????????ve?ttt?????,3,???????86286??????ucu????ili???????????????uc??? fl f????????????hth??????k rk ????????????????????on on?bebece???ses?????us???al ???avoavor??iteit???????ri???etett???e wae wasas ??notno???????????nyn??or?? b?y ????fsf?hoh????????????? e ????ectec???????rerea????y gy ????d rd ??rill???ette???FuFulu?????av?????????????tte.tte???hah?t ?????t ??????????????? t??hatha?t lt la?????????n ?????????f f d???????? h ?????/s/sps?????. ????????tuturu?????was was? go g??????", "output": "alsa on top for a healthy low cal snack and my wife and I absolutely love'em. We will definitely get more once we run out!\n8785,B002RYVK24,A2SBH3K2UEKC86,Pamela Arivett,1,1,3,1303862400,Duck Rillettes - not much flavor,I bought duck rillettes from Amazon because my usual favorite duck rillette was not carried anymore by chefshop.com. I was expecting a really good rillette. Full flavored rillette. What I got was a rellette that lacked even flavor of duck and herbs/spices. The texture was good how"} {"input": "?????????????????e e???keke ??????? r rir???????. ???????d ??????????????d Rd ??ougou??????igigog???d Dd ????k Rk ???le???????????,B,??????9V9??A,A???KOK????????YCY???\"J\"??. A. ???????n n??\"J????hoh???ror?omaom??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????????????????00???wew?esoes?omeom???I ???ve?????????????????????? f frf???enden?????kik?????????????as?????????????. I d. I ?????dedde???????????utu???waswasnsn'n?t ??????. I???waswas was????????????ryr?????d ad ????????me???????????t t ht heh?????????and and???endeend???????it??? a a??????????????????m.m...???no??go???????. I de. I d?????????????ve ???thisthi??te?????trt?? a an a??? I ???????ed ?fef????????hunhu???????? t???????e.e?. T. ???????tete te??s ?grg??reatrea???. I ???ve???????????", "output": "ever. Tasted more like a pork rillette. I would not recommend Rouge Perigord Duck Rillettes.\n8786,B002P59VSA,A2KOI8C9BECYCW,\"J. A. Roman \"\"Janthonyroman\"\"\",2,2,5,1278201600,Awesome,\"I love this tea. I hated my friends asking me if I was pregnant. I decided to diet but wasn't easy. I was always hungry and at bedtime I couldn't help it and ended up with a plate of ice cream... no good. I decided to give this tea a try and I stopped feeling hungry all the time. The taste is great. I have lost ten p"} {"input": "?ouo?ndn?s s??? a ala??oso?????????ntntht?s.s. .????????d d????lel?asast?? an a??hoh?ourou?????r dr ??y,y??????lyly y??ava???frfrur????????? te t??????????????????????alaal?d ???????????????r ???????? and an??frfrefrese???smsmo?????????it????t ????????????????er.er???????????l hl ????y y Iy ???havha?? a??????? o or o?r rr ???????????????. I . I? pu p????????pedpe????????????????????????t ?gegetge??????d od ?????st????ooo????. I d. I ?on?t ???????? w?ee??kenke????????????????ch????s ss ??alallal??????o Io ???????????????????????????sss????odo????. I a. I ???????inging ing t??????or?????????sterste??ItI?t ht ha????ee?n ?awaweaw??om??e fe ?forfo??????????ksk???????????020????????????IYI?KFK???KTK???,\",?G.G?????????er er \" ??????\"\"\"\"\"", "output": "ounds in almost two months. I walked al least an hour per day, I only have fruits and tea in the mornings, salad and protein for lunch and fresh smoothies without sugar for dinner. If I feel hungy I have a fruit or raw vegetable. I put chopped garlic on my salads, it gets rid of waste too. I dont diet on weekends but my stomach is smaller so I get full with less and less food. I am buying this for my sister It has been awesome for me. thanks!\"\n8787,B002P59VSA,A15JIYKFX0KTBZ,\"G. Grainger \"\"GNG\"\"\""} {"input": "??1,1?,1,,1?????????????????eae???????-g-grg???????????????????e ????lol?????f f????RGR?Y!Y?\",\"????lovlo?eded d???isi??????n n??????it????????????gr?????ada?ded????????? ????mam?????e ?fef???????????????????????me lme ?lotlo?????f ef ??????????????ldl??????????????hishi???????o ??????ovo?verve????????iki?????????? of of???????rara ra???????????????? t???????????xtrxt???????ele?p p a??????anand?nd mnd ???????????? w???????ul??????8,8??????????A,A????FPF??WVW??????20,20???rir????????????????????????????????????co?????????????e ????d ????d hd ?????????????livli??very??! I! ?????? m??????rstrst ???????trytryiyin?????????????????I ???????????rinri??????", "output": ",1,1,5,1254355200,\"Great Acai-grape flavor, it gave me lots of ENERGY!\",I loved this green tea with acai and grape added to it. It made me feel awesome and gave me lots of energy! I would recommend this tea to tea lovers who like a bit of an extra boost. I think the acai extracts help a lot and made me feel wonderful.\n8788,B002P59VSA,A3EFPSWVMV0220,pari,0,0,4,1348185600,very good!,Can't complain. Taste good and had quick delivery! It was my first time trying this tea out. I usually drink the "} {"input": "p??????mim?????????utu?????????????e ????rgr??????????????eded ????th???ugu?hoh?outou???heh?????????898??????????SAS?????F1F???????3434C4??????a a?????rtrt,t???????121??919?525?00???????ucu????????????on????ronrongn?!,!????????rod????t d???crcricripiptipti????????s ys ???? ar a?e ??????hasha????????oxo?????f f?????????????????recre?????d ???lyl???????????I ??????? a??aza???????d td ??????????????????e qe ????ti??????????eivei???????????????t at an??? th t???????ri?pt??ionio??????????. ????????????t ???gh??????????????n'n??t ht ??????hadha????????????????????0,B0,??02?P5????????WGW?HSHS3S??090??????AmA????????,1??25425?353555?52052??????????????????h h????? th????tasta", "output": "peppermint one but this gave me energy and sustained me throughout the day.\n8789,B002P59VSA,A1ZF149D3W934C,Laura Dehart,0,0,3,1279152000,Product description wrong!,\"The product description says you are purchasing 6 boxes of 25 tea bags. I received only one box. I called amazon and they said that the quantity I received was correct and the description is wrong. They made it right, but shouldn't have had to. Beware!!\"\n8790,B002P59VSA,A1WGHS3T093NO3,Amy,0,0,5,1254355200,The tea is fresh and the tas"} {"input": "t??????grg??ata???\"I\"? w ????? r ????mmm???????????teate??? it i??hah????????shs?????????????ana???????ngn????????????e fe ?????r r t??hatha???????e e ne ?oto??????????oreor??? I ?????soso o???????????ere???????????????????????????\"\"?????????????????A3A????XCX?AIAISI??DFD?????????????????omoom?o \"o ??????????\"\"?????????121??????????? d ????enten?t st ?????e re ??????? r re r????meame???...???,\"A,\"?s ?????????????????, I, ????????a pa ????t t ot ????????????ultul????e ????dud???????????????bob?????unu?????????????inging ing????????????easea??????????? a???????????????????hat??????????????? the th????????????mixmi??s ??? C ????????????linli?????a ????f=f?\"\"\"\"h\"\"??????", "output": "te is great!,\"I would recommend this tea, it has a fresh taste with an amazing acai grape flavor that I have not had before. It also gave me energy which I can always use!\"\n8791,B000M5PP8U,A3HG9XCAISDDF7,\"Michael Bellomo \"\"mbellomo\"\"\",5,6,3,1200268800,A decent spice rub for red meats...,\"As a spice mix fan, I make a point of trying multiple products on food - both fun and fattening in equal measure! I've also highlighted what I think are the standout mixes in Chef Tom's line: /???????ThT????????, ,?????????????? d ?ele????ou??????at????????it it?????????hoh?ldl???theth???????tit??n ?ofo????the the?????????dsd??li?ke???he???????????. .??????pr???marma?????te??????????pop??ede???y ay ??????ch???eses es??????????????pr??kak?????? o ????al??????e te ???te?tes tes??????????ed??? and an??????????????????????g'g? t???? the??????.Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Salmon Rub and Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Chicken Rub.

That said, this mix is a delicious treat, but it doesn't hold the attention of the taste buds like the standouts. The primary notes are supposedly ancho chiles and smoked paprika, but overall the tastes are muddled and don't provide a 'zing' to the dish.

It's a very tasty addition on"} {"input": "????ltl?ipiplp?????????sus????????rir????p p??????oto??ror?as??t bt ?utu?t nt ??????????h th ?????????y y t ???????????????????????????????????????y y ay a a????????????????? o ?n n???????en,en??????????????????zlzle???????? m?eae?????????did???.<.?????????r /r />r /???????SuS??pr?????????, t, ?theth????????????????frf??? C ?hehefhe??ToTomo?????????d md ??atatsat???re?? ei e????????????????????????:/:?????????zoz?????????/p/??????t/t???00???????\"\"\"\">\"\">C>?????????????????RuR?? W ?????LoL??? P ?or?????b
Note: Surprisingly, the best pairings from Chef Tom for red meats are either the Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Pork Rub or a generous portion of Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Chicken "} {"input": "???b.>?\"\"?????????????????????????MIMI1I????????????? o ???AmA????????????????????Re?viv?????????,1,,1???,12,1????262????????????y y?????????????ouo?????? a ?????ou?s s??eae?ttt???????f,f?????????????? a a??pi????????? r ?????????isi???sp???????? d ??li??????????????th??is is? se sea?sos??????????theth?????t ??????????non?on on?????????ndn????TheTh?????????k tk ?the??????????? a?????ttltt????il?. ????????????????t tt ???s ???????oninoni????????????????????h h???owownw????????????????eaneansn???????? ste???????????g ???????????bib????????s ???? k ???????he he?????? on???????????????????????n I??????? thi thisis ??????????? I ??tentend? t??", "output": "Rub.\"\n8792,B000M5PP8U,A281NPSIMI1C2R,\"Rebecca of Amazon \"\"The Rebecca Review\"\"\",1,1,5,1283126400,Slightly Spicy,\"Tom Douglas, a famous Seattle chef, has created a spicy steak rub that is especially delicious. I rub this seasoning on the best filet mignon I can find. Then I cook the steaks in a little oil. One thing about this seasoning is it is made with brown sugar. This means your steak is going to burn a bit unless you keep the heat on medium or lower. When I use this steak rub I tend to "} {"input": "c??????????teteae??? a ??????lel???n n??????????????????????cuc?t t???????p p????????????r r??iei???????d ??????inuin??e fe ?ryr????. .????????ararar????es?????????eye??wow????t bt ???n.n?????????on??????I cI ???????????y ??????????? ro r????ar??y iy ?in in???????ixi?? t???????pep????s ars are? m mu m??ch ch m?oro??????????????MyM???usu?bab??and and? lo l??????to to???????????????s ws ????h ah a ??litli??????????????uceuc?????e t?????? t?? that tha??ma??es??????m jm ???t ??perpe??????. I. ???ava?ve ve????o ???????????????????ubub b???? t? the???hi??kekenke????????????????????????????l l???o b????????ioi???????????????????????????caca ca R???ie????878????B0B?????PPP?????????????????????", "output": "cook the steaks a little on each side and then I cut them up into smaller pieces and continue frying. This guarantees that they won't burn. To be honest I can't really taste the rosemary in this mix, the peppers are much more prominent. My husband loves to eat the steaks with a little Tiger Sauce. He thinks that makes them just perfect. I have also tried the Salmon rub and the Chicken rub and have found them all to be delicious.

~ The Rebecca Review\"\n8793,B000M5PP8U,A1U6424A02BZYL,Sab"} {"input": "????????????????1,1??????????242????????????eaeaka????? e ?vev?????y y???????? a ????I I?fof??nd?????? r??ub ub i ??? a a?????????????????????????????? y ??????????. . ???e he ??????????????????????????li???????????inc?e.e????t t at ??dsd????reare????????????????????????????????????????? st????????????????. ??????????ininiin??el??????????trt????????????????????ABA???????????????????????pep??,0,?0,00,???????????80080??????????un??????????ingin??\"I\"????? no n?t ?????y ?????out out????tit??????hishi?????????????????????????????pecpectc????????????????????????meme ???? t?? the the?????????is???gi?ve?n n?byb???????othot????????????", "output": "rina M. Leslie,1,1,5,1236124800,Best steak rub ever!,My husband and I found this rub in a little market in Philly a few years ago. We have since purchased it religiously since. It adds great flavor to steaks that now can't eat a steak without it. It is definitely a must try!\n8794,B000M5PP8U,ABAPF3XY1W6JX,TucsonShopper,0,0,2,1343088000,Wholly underwhelming,\"I am not happy about writing this review. I had very high expectations from both the name and the high praise given by the other reviewers"} {"input": "?? I ???????t t???cec??coc????????, ,??owo??????, b, ?as??????????????? a ar a???a a???????????????????????????????????alal l????????s ?we?????conco?fi?????????fi?????usu????.. ..??it?????flflalava??????ereere.e???I hI ????e f?????????omomeom????cicipi?pe pe??basbase??????????? the th??????redre?????????????????????????m m??y y?????ce ce r ?aca??????dud???s ??a ma ???h h bh ?????????????????????/>C/>?????en?????????row???????????????ikaik?????a ?a saa sal???????illil??le, le,???cCocCor??ic?", "output": ". I was at once concerned, however, based on the weak aroma at first opening. And, these initial concerns were confirmed at first use... little flavor here. I have found a home recipe based off of the ingredient list with stuff from my spice rack produces a much better result.

Beef Rub: Brown sugar, sea salt, paprika, chille, rosemary, fresh garlic, chipotle powder, cumin, and McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning.

Chicken Rub: Brown sugar, paprika, sea salt, chille, McCormick"} {"input": "?????????????????? S ????on???g,g?????ryry,y, , g, ???????????????on,on??anandn? C????ese?? F ??vev????????????????????????????1H1?N2N???YUYUTU?????,\",?????? \" ?????????????5,15,?????111???00,00????????????andan??????????????tet?eakea???ubu? i isi??????tat????????I I? ru r???????????????????st?ea????????????????tr?????????t it ?????t ??????????le??????tht?en???????. ??????as????en?en g??ettet???g g???????eve?iei?wsw????and and??????are are????reare?dyd????????????d jd ????????is????heheyhe??????d ?????? it??????????????????????????s ps ?????e ie ??is ais ??????????????????.\".\"??????????00G00?J7J7C7???,A3,A????????EPE????????mem?e Ae ???ZoZ????r,r,0?,0,4,0,4,4?,5,,5,1,???090????00???????", "output": " Montreal Chicken Seasoning, curry, garlic, cinnamon, and Chinese Five Spices.\"\n8795,B000M5PP8U,A1HN2FRYUTZ6IK,\"Karen \"\"KK\"\"\",0,0,5,1290211200,Delicious and Easy,\"This steak rub is spectacular. I rub it liberally on steak (usually NY strip), let is sit for a while and then grill. It has been getting rave reviews and we are already on our 3rd jar. I wish they would sell it in bigger jars. Amazon's price is a bit high though.\"\n8796,B0000GJ7CQ,A33MAUJOJEP5N2,Jaime A. Zohrer,0,4,5,1280966400,Aguas "} {"input": "??????asa???ThT??s s?prp?odo??????????????tht?hinhi????t ????????????? s ??????????????flflal????r ir ??is nis ???t tt ?????sts?????.<.?brb???????????eded ????????????d nd ??????????y y??????ctact????nsn???8????????????M3M?????N8N????1G1?IKI???????reare????????,2?,5,???272???????00,00???????????????????????ea!ea!,!?????as????epe?????? b ?????ses????vev?????????xex????????????on on???????r ?prpropr????????????????. .???????'m'????????I jI ?umu?????d ind i? a??????eciec??ed???????rcr????????. ? F ?????????????th???????pip??g g?wa????as????andand ???????mesmes ???????????ed??????e we ???ch????????l.l??????on????th?????????????????????????????is mis ?????????ortor??", "output": "Frescas,\"This product is OK, I think it has too much sugar and the flavor is not that strong.
I enjoyed it, but did not meet my expectations.\"\n8797,B000ZILM3G,A1N85K51GIK3WG,dreamKing,2,2,5,1272585600,Great glass! Great Tea!,\"I was skeptical because I've seen mixed reviews on similar products like this. But I'm glad I jumped in and decided to purchase it. First of all the shipping was fast and it comes gift-wrapped free which is cool. Second, the glass works great which is most importan"} {"input": "????????????blb???waw??le????o o???ene????????????????????????? w???????in in t ????????s ???????????ror???eme???????????????ro????theth??????????tot???????edred?rooro??????????????fef??eliel??????????????????he???il???????rar?in?????oeo?????????? w wh w?atat at i???????????ed ed?????do do? wh???????????? t??he ?????se se??????????????????????????le???ou?????inkin??????r tr ?????. T. ?????is?? th????????????????????????????ththith?????likli??? th????an???itit it? wo w?rkr????????????????????T>??e e be ???????ing ing ting ?????????? in i??????????????? con co???????s.s????????newne? t????????????????????????????????????? is. is???mo???st lst ???el", "output": "t. Its double-walled so when I poured my boiling hot water in the glass I had no problem carrying it from the kitchen to my bedroom and barely feeling any warmth. The filter/strainer does exactly what its supposed to do which is keep the loose tea out of your mouth while you drink your tea. This is the first time I've used something like this and it works perfectly for me.

The blooming tea comes in three small containers. I'm new to tea so I can't tell what kind it is...most likel"} {"input": "y???????tyt????ofof f???sms?????grg???????? b ??????????????????????????heh??fif??????????iningin? i ???????????? b?utu?????? se s?ecoec????????????????????????????omeomese??ouo?????AnA???????????????is????????????lele ??hah???????on??????e fee fen?????iki?e ???wa????bob?outou?t bt bub?????????????????????is??????isis ??????geg????????it??????????????????????rir?ce???8???8,8,B,??????LML?3G3?,A,?????????????????????????????????????????00,00?TeT??????aveav?????????ftf????????ousous s gs gigif???. . T??????loolo????????????werwe??????????an????nin?quq?e.e???PaP?ackac???gingi?????was was????ut???ul???????????????????? gi g???????79979????????????????????????", "output": "y some type of jasmine green tea because it smells good. The first steeping is very mild but the second one the flavor really comes out. Anyway I hope this helps people that are on the fence like I was about buying glasses like this. This package is legit and well worth the price.\"\n8798,B000ZILM3G,A3L4I0Z9IX41BL,sma5320874,2,2,5,1266105600,Tea travel mug gift,Fabulous gift. The blooming teas were lovely and unique. Packaging was beautiful and perfect for a gift.\n8799,B000ZILM3G,A5S3DFI7NHFC"} {"input": "???RoR?????a a?SaS????sosono?,1,???,5,??,12,1??????????????t t??ifi?????????ghg???tht?????????y y???n n???? t ????velve??????????????????ldld d?????????????oso??????????????????? b???????g g t???????ereer????????????? br b?????????00,00????????????????????????????????????????333??797??606????????y py ???????t!!t!???????????????????????e be ?????????????umu????er.er??????????verve?????nd??????o hao h??ave ave???rouro?nd?? an a??nd wnd ??rkr?????aua????ulu????. . ??????????heahe?????????recre?????????????????????t tot t??an???oneone ????????????????????niniei?enten???ea????ki??????viv??e.e. ?????????? the??????????ng bng ??ulbul????????howho????? c ca c???????th????????????t bt ", "output": "D,Roberta Salveson,1,1,5,1232323200,great gift!,I bought this for my son who travels often - he's told me the thermos worked well & the blooming teas were good for 6 brews!\n8800,B000ZILM3G,A3TBB4BN204OZ5,Ouisa,0,0,4,1334793600,Handy product!!,I am so happy to have bought this tumbler. It is very handy to have around and works beautifully. I whole-heartedly recommend this product to anyone looking for a convenient tea-making device. I love the blooming bulbs and how you can see them while it b"} {"input": "??????????????????515?????2,2?????????????????????????????????484?????????GFG? P ??????,J,?????????????????????????uiuit?????????????fof??????e ae ???unu?????at??yoy????re ???ttt???????????????? a a??ou????ofo??????? p????????aga???..?888???????????????????0H0??EWE????DEDE,E,Y,?? C ?hoh?i,i???,3,,3?,1,,1???555595?969??800?????????????????????e ???odo????t (t ??????????????)\")??,\"a,\"??? t???e e???????????????????????????thethe the?????sas??s ??????????. ?I ?ca??non????????????????????incin????it ?isi???a ga grg???????. A. ?????????re????????????us?us?????030?3,B3,???1E1???????,A1???E3E????????????????? Gi G?amampam?? \" ?\"m\"?inindin????? g ???????????????", "output": "rews! :)\n8801,B00512X6V2,A23Y0LVT15FG9T,Elle,0,0,5,1346284800,Best GF Pasta.,Just be aware that it's quite expensive for the amount that you're getting (less than a pound of pasta per package).\n8802,B001EO7JFU,A1HO0HOEWTHBDE,Y. Choi,3,3,1,1255996800,\"I just recieved the product (Oct. 20, 2009)\",\"and the expiration date on top of the can says Jan.06,05. I cannot even return it since it is a grocery. Amazon, are you serious?\"\n8803,B001EO7JFU,A1I6E332UPTATT,\"Debra Giampa \"\"mind the gapper\"\"\",2,2,5,"} {"input": "1??555?????000?????ici???????????lal??????????n bn ??????,\",?????????o o??????????????? i???sasalsa?ladla??????????s ?????????bakba????????t't???????ci???????????addadde??????pap?????????????????????xex????in ????u u??? r ????la???vev????aba?????il??????????s ?????????inintin??????la????r wr ???hoh????beb???????????el?????. ???????????????????????ata??????on??? off of???s s is ?????or or??????????????oco??????????????torto??????rgr??????????????????r amr a????????t ????????fi????????????????????d ???????y ry ????mmm???????????????1E1EOE????????XPX?VFV?WQW?9I9IHIHNH???????????????eigeige????????1,1??,5,?,1??????242?????la????y py ?ro???????", "output": "1255046400,delicious on salads and in baking,\"I like to use walnut oil in salad dressings and in baking. It's delicious when added to pancakes and muffin mixes in lieu of regular vegetable oil. It adds just a hint of flavor without being overwhelming. And with the price that Amazon offers it for vs. what my local grocery store charges for a smaller amount, it is a definite bargain. Would highly recommend!\"\n8804,B001EO7JFU,A1XPVFWQ9IHNZJ,Luana S. Feigelstock,1,1,5,1269302400,Classy product,Th"} {"input": "i?? w ????utu??????????????ese??t ot ?n n???????????????t ht ???????????????d d w????h h??????cec??????????????flf?ava?????????????t ??it???????????ed ed? eg e???s as ???d id ???????arariarin?????iceic???is???s.s??????????????????? t??????????????????iri?????????leletlete????????????????????dsd????cac????????y ??????upu?????? i?n ??????y wy ?????????????????JFJ????????????????????vonvo??e ??????????????,4,?????????202?????????????l al ?????? fr f??????isis ?oi??????I pI ????????????isis ?toto ??????n ???????????ed bed ?????er????????? wh????????????????, ?bubutbu???????I ?opo????????? f????? c??? t th????DelDe???????????????? fro fr??????s ", "output": "is walnut oil is the best on the market. It has been roasted which enhances the walnut flavor. I love it with scrambled eggs and in preparing rice dishes. I've even used it to condition my hair! I completely trust Roland Foods because they are superior in every way.\n8805,B001EO7JFU,A174FA82Z6VTUI,yvonne C. Foery,0,0,4,1342483200,Delightful aroma from this oil!,\"I purchased this to use on unfinished butcher block, which worked fine, but when I opened the first can the Delightful aroma from this "} {"input": "???l l???????? ma m?????????????t t???plplel??????????????????waswa???????????.\".???????B0B?????????????RWR?????L3L??7C7??????????,0???,1,?323????96??????????,Th,T?????????l l il ?is ???iti?e ???????d vd ??????????arareredre?d td ???????grgrogr???ryr?????????????s.s. s.???e ????waywa?s s ks ????? a a??????????????frf????eraer??????????????1E???JF?????????U6U??M3M?????gag??????,0,0,0,??5,????747494919????0,M0,???????????????????????????s s os ????fof?? a????w w????????owo??fo??? al a????? e ?????????cipci?e.e??????????????????????????????????????????melme??????????????go????????????????????? r???comco?????????????8,8??????????FU,FU?,A1,A????F3F??????????ea?chc", "output": "oil had me making a walnut apple viinegret that was delicious.\"\n8806,B001EO7JFU,A33RWWVHZL3G7C,Dad D.,0,0,5,1320969600,Tasty,This is oil is quite a good value compared to the grocery store prices. We always keep a can in the refrigerator.\n8807,B001EO7JFU,A397CWU6DM3O5G,ganka,0,0,5,1307491200,My favorite oil,\"I used this oil for a few years now for almost every recipe. It bakes really good in breads and it smells nice, and good in salads. Highly recommended.\"\n8808,B001EO7JFU,A1NMMF3AY8RQF9,Beach"} {"input": "????mpm??????,2,?,4,?????848?161????????ata??????????? t ????e,e?\"T\"??isi?????????????????????????y y?oio??, ,????????n ????????oro??foforor or?????????d ??????/????? su s??????lll?? fi f?????or?e ?usu?????forfo?r tr ???????? ti t???????? o on on! on???????????ppp?in?????????makma??????????re????ded??????????nln???nin??????????s ts ththethe ?lil??. . . ??????????????????I'm sure I'll find more uses for this as time goes on! Free shipping
makes it a great deal. My only nit pick is the lid. Two of the three
bottles in the shipment had very tight lids that were difficult to open.\"\n8809,B0028621BU,A3UGVZBSBET2R2,\"D. Madigan \"\"metal head\"\"\",0,0,1,1342483200,Overpriced - not 18lb bags!,\"When I bought this food, I saw the image a"} {"input": "??? p ???cec?????? as a????????hah???????ulu??????papaya??????????????????????????? pe p?r ??aga????an????????oco??ryr??sts?????? fo f????owo??????????????????ThT?????????an??d pd pr??iceic??????????ioi?? l????????? t?????? th??at ????????d b????????g ?$4$???????????lbl????bagba???????????????l.l?????????re????????sisixi?????lb? b ba bag???????????????the??? h ha??????????????akakek???????e. e.????, I, ????penpe???$4?0+0?????uru????????????bobououg??? t?????e 6e ????????????????an?and and???? O ???bo bo????????????????????????me??????????e ???????????? pro pr???esses???????returet?????????????iei?????????????????, a, ?????????e p?????le le???????????t ?", "output": "nd price and assumed that I would be paying a fair price ($1 less per bag than the grocery store) for low grade cat food. The image and price combination led me to think that I would be paying $45 for 6 18lb+ bags - a good deal. When I received six 3.6lb bags, I thought there had been a mistake. Nope. So, I spend $40+ returning it (I bought three 6 packs - oops) and now Ozbo customer service tells me they take 2-3 weeks processing returns! My kitties need food now, and these people want to sit o"} {"input": "?? m ?????808???oro? t tht????????? ????????????????M M???ESE?????AMA?MEM????????????????030??RGR???????????????KGKGZG??,m,?????????????4,?????????????rer????????n ????????????IfI????u'u????????in?g g??????? gr g????????????????????????????toto o?beb?????or or??????ene????????????t.t???y ?????????????ve?????. ????usu??????????t st ??????? t? the th??ir ir????????th???? pu p?ut ut? in i????????od?????????????????????enden????????????wew?????????nd??? put pu???? i????? the ???????er er s ???????at dat did??????????d ??becbe??????or???????a ca ??al??en?geg??. T. ??he he????????n ?????????????food???s ???at??????an? b be b????????, , a, ????????mosmo???????ne??????", "output": "n my $180 for that long? DO NOT BUY FROM THESE SCAMMERS !!!\"\n8810,B003QRGDV4,A32HJL62OPKGZP,misspr85,1,1,4,1325808000,Great grain free food,\"If you're looking for a great grain free alternative to beef or chicken, this is it. My two girls loved it. We used to put some in their Kongs, then put in dry food and then seal the end with more wet food and put it in the freezer so that dinner would become more of a challenge. The only con with this food is that it can be pricey, as are most Wellness pro"} {"input": "????????????coc??????????blb????????heh?????????????? y ???'r'???????ini?g g???????romro??????????? fre fr??e fe ????????th th????metme??????lil?????asa?tet?????????????????????????hah??????????????????????????f ?co???????818?????????????????NRN?303??????0,0??G.G??????????\"w\"?oo?????????????????1,11,???080858?????????????????????st????s as ???????,\"??????on on a??????? sod so?????????????????????????ododuod??????????????? T Th???????????ve??y ??????. ???????????sa??????. C. ?CouCo????e o??????s ????????is &is ?????couco???? o ??of jof ?????s ofs o???non?????????tata ?su??????????????, se, s??????ingingsing???????????oweow???ver,ver??th??????.0.??????hiphipphip????", "output": "ducts. You could probably get the same results you're looking for from a grain free food with something like Taste of the Wild, which is what we've gone to because of cost.\"\n8811,B001HTE3GK,ATLNR30WLW5C0,\"G. Cooney \"\"woodcutter\"\"\",4,4,1,1270857600,The shipping cost is a joke.,\"I'm on a low sodium diet and use this product regularly. Think it is very good. Try their salsa. Couple of jars of this & a couple of jars of another pasta suace, spices, seasonings, etc. However, the $44.00+ shipping "} {"input": "????t t??????????? r ???????????????????????? o?r ?tht??????????????GoG????e.e. ?????????? s ??????????0 0???o $o ????00???????????????????060??????????LO????????????ara??????????nerne?r \"r ????????? C ??????\"\"???232?,2,23,23,????12????242404?00,00??????????????te,te?MeM????????????? I ??????t ??sps??resresss??????fef??? is i???y y fy ??ar ar??heh??beb???????y ty ???ma????a ???attatte????? th??e ce co?mfm?????????????????e a????????????so so??? the the c?he????estest!est???????se se????????aka????n ????????????????????????????t ?????tw??o (o ???????oonoo???ls??????????MedMeda???gliagli??a D'a D?????????es???????? c??offoffeoff??????? an??????????????????tst???????????ateat?r ????", "output": "cost is a major rip-off. Try one of two or three sites on Google. You will save $20.00 to $30.00 a case.\"\n8812,B00060PTLO,AKXLOUG2VFVPN,\"Carole Brawner \"\"Grandma Carole\"\"\",23,23,5,1126742400,Low-cost Latte,Medaglia D'Oro Instant Espresso Coffee is by far the best way to make a latte in the comfort of your home and it's also the cheapest! I use it to make an awesome vanilla latte - just put two (2) spoonfuls of the Medaglia D'Oro espresso in a coffee cup and add about 2 shots of hot water and "} {"input": "???????????????????????vav??ili???? sy syry?upu???? a??tat?ll??????????????or or??ese??????????ingin???????di?viv??uau?? t?asa???).)??????t at ??? e ?????? c ??????[n[????????????ici?????????l l t th t???glglagl???????????of????e ???y y?up???????????llll ???? g?la???s ws ??????no??????colco????milmi????????vev?? t???????????????th??e he ?hotho????offof??e ??mixmi? o ov o?verver ?????????k ak ?andan???iceic??????????r vr ??gog??ou???????????mi??????????????e ??????????????? an and?????n ??????en????gh gh??????????ha??????????????????cofco????????????????mmm????ara?????l cl ??????????eliel?????? a??d ??????er?? th??? t??????prp????o ???????s (s ??ncn???yoyou???ava?????????????", "output": "mix. Place a shot of vanilla syrup in a tall glass(more or less according to individual taste). Next add enough cubed [not crushed]ice to fill the glass 2/3rds of the way up. Then fill the glass with enough cold milk to cover the ice. Pout the hot coffee mix over the milk and ice and stir vigorously until mixed. Add more ice as needed and then pour enough half and half to color the coffee mix to a yummy caramel color. Delicious and cheaper than the espresso stands (once you have the ingredi"} {"input": "???????n n??????. .? M ??dad??lil?? i ????????grgrereae????n ?re???????????????l l??oro?????????????????????????al???????es????????th???????duducu???so?????????r fr ?ror?m m G ??????????????ugu???AmA??????coc????????,B,?000?????TLT?????????7U7????????????????romrom ?????????????6,56,???13??????0000,00?MuM??????????r tr th?an??I ?exe?????????I ??havha??????bob???????????????????????I ?juj??? s??w w?????er????forfo?r t?????irirsr??st tst ???e e te ??odaod?????????????? be b?????????? i? it it??????????????almal?????a a??ea????owow.w????or?igi???al?????????t ???t ft ?????a ma ????? d ????????re????????? th t?he he She ???????ea????????et bet bo?????. I . I t???????????????????lal??", "output": "ents on hand). Medaglio is also great in recipes that call for instant espresso. Not all stores carry this product so I order from Gristedes through Amazon.com.\n8813,B00060PTLO,A23S5J7UQRY6ZO,Brian from Dallas,16,16,5,1133308800,Much better than I expected,\"I haven't bought this online yet (I just saw it here for the first time today), but I've been buying it locally for almost a year now. I originally bought it for a mocha dessert recipe in the South Beach Diet book. I tried it to make a latt"} {"input": "???ana?????s s?????asaasan???? s sus????????? I ????????????????????????roromom m???ststat?????sps?prepr?????bab??????????????expex???rieri??cec?????????st????????fef????????? i?s ?????ala??ly ly??ere?????????? h ha h?ve? o on???????????? fo f?????tttte?????nd nd? mo moco???????????'t????????preprespre???????th??e se ???t.t???????????la?rlr?ly ?????e ie it?it wit ?????? I g I ???????in???????????ara????it?it w?it??????llollowo? c?am???????whowh??al??so so??ik??????t. t.?????????or?? is??????? an a??????n bn ????adjad??ustus???????ta???e ?by???ar???ing??????????????perper per?????????????o ho ??????????????ot????on on??opo?p. p.??????????endend ????????lyly.ly?\"\"8??141??????606?PTP??O,O,A,AYA?????GOG?????????????? S ", "output": "e and was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't expected much from instant espresso based on past experience with instant coffees. This is actually very good. I have only used it for lattes and mochas. I don't do espresso by the shot. I particularly like it when I go camping. I've shared it with fellow campers who also liked it. The flavor is rich and can be adjusted to taste by varying the amount per cup. It also has a light froth on top. I recommend it highly.\"\n8814,B00060PTLO,AY1EF0GOH80EK,Natasha S"} {"input": "????????8,8????????????????SOSOOO???o o??????????????????????lel?????????????fef??????? I ???????????ve nve ??t ??ava???g g??o ???????????????heh? c???????????????me?????????ThT????in?sts???????prp?es??????s ts ??he he??es???I ??havha???tr????d ad ?????I h?av?????????????ut ut???did?ff?????t ????and????brbr br / ??????????ot ot??????? a???di?????????, ,??melmeltl?????instinstatanta??ly????????ot wot ?ata??????????????????? le l?????????in?????????e t???? if i??????????),), ???????ls ls?????????????????pap????????? an a??? is????????????????????ha??????ou???nd fnd ???r c???????:<:??????>
Not overly acidic at all, melts instantly in hot water (no sand dunes left swirling at the top if your cup), travels wonderfully (compact jar) and is very versitile to have around for cooking:

-- I but a tsp. in a batch of brownies to deepen th"} {"input": "ee e?????????coc????e e fe ?la??????r r / ???Ir />??????????????????????so????sus?pep??????????, w, ???n/n/i/????ouou u??an???????????d id it?????????????ic??????????????????????????????????????????????????LOL??A2A????????LPL????,\",?????????????", "output": "e dark chocolate flavor

-- I put a Tbs in a BIG batch of chili to compliment the spices and add extra richness.

-- I add a bit to mexican mole sauce for punch.

-- I also put it in: chocolate granache icing, chai tea with milk for a java chai latte, coffee drink mixes for extra umph, etc.

It is over 5 bucks at some supermarkets, when/if you can even find it, so it is nice to know it is cheaper at amazon!\"\n8815,B00060PTLO,A289KCZG0LPGR2,\"Andrea N. Cat"} {"input": "????? \" \"\"\"???????????????????????????InI?????ibi??????FaF?????titic????I I r ?????veved?????arar r??f f????? I ??st?an???????resre?????as as??????????????y y??oto?????????????? I I??as??????e e????insin????tedte????????????, ,??????????????????ed ?????????????eee????????y ky ??ndn???????couco?????t ?t fi???re??????????????????ve ive ?it it????????????? th t??????astas???ee?????????????ouo??????co???feefe????an????????????as ???????hah???????t ?????ve cve ??coffcof????????????????????o Io ?I mI ???e ???????WOWOWO??????wa???????????????????t,t??, I', I??????????? a???????of ????ri??hth??????????????????? this this ???viv????????????????!! !! ????ev???????????", "output": "allo \"\"Nicki\"\"\",7,7,5,1156809600,Incredible!! Fantastic!,\"I received a jar of this Instant Espresso as a gift from my mother-in-law. I was quite \"\"insulted\"\" at first, as I've never used instant coffee of any kind and couldn't figure out why she gave it to me! Then this past weekend, I was out of coffee beans & this was all I had (must have coffee in morning). So I made it, & WOW, it was awesome!! In fact, I'm drinking a mug of it right now as I right this review! I LOVE IT!! However, I make "} {"input": "?????? m ???e e??? a ????ttt?e ????hihioi?????????e ae ????? ad a?ded?????????????????????? f ?or??? m??????la??te???? I' I????????iniin??????beb???ooo?kik????????it???????????ghghbh??????d ???????, ,??????????????????nd? i????I'?llll ll??????????????? he h??re re??n ???????????fi???ite???? a ??????at bat bub?y!y??\"\"?????,B,??????PTPTLT??,A,??????????????????annan?????????????6,??????808?191?202????VeV???????e ?????????ava???\"\" \"\"???r r????r ?????ryr????????? in insn?????? co cof??????????????satsa??ileil?????gregr?edied??????YoY??? ca c???????d itd i?????????????? y???????re fre ??reere????????or ???????o oo oror ????be?????????????n ?adadd?? it??to??????????e ???in??ing ting ?to ??????", "output": "it in more of a latte fashion. I've also added hot chocolate to it for a mocha latte. I'll definitely be looking for it at my neighborhood stores, and if I can't find it, I'll be getting it here on Amazon. Definitely a great buy!!\"\n8816,B00060PTLO,A1IU7S4HCK1XK0,Joanna Daneman,6,6,5,1158019200,\"Versatile \"\"must-have\"\" for your pantry\",\"This instant coffee is a versatile ingredient. You can add it to ice cream you are freezing (or gelato or sorbet) or you can add it to chocolate icing to make m"} {"input": "?oco?????????????t t?????heh????grg??didiei???t tt ?o o???????????????re?cicipi????ala??????????ononen?????????ststrt?on??????????of????????????????????????beb??verve??gege ??? i?tst?????????????????? m ??????ci??????????????????????. ?????asa??s a s a? mi m????????mim???, ????????s s ws wo?????fufulu??y y??ele??????u u????????????e a e a b ?????istis?????????f ef ?????esses?? w??ithith ith i???????????????ou ou w? wil wi?ll ll?????e a????????????to?? ma m??????la???e ????a ?pip???? a??nd nd??????????ar?? co?????g,? I? p ??????al?????m m??nevne?ver?? wi?th??outout ?????is jis ??ar ar oar ??????????f.f?.\".\"8???????00???????????9E9????????????D.D??????????????sese\"se??\",\"??????,1,???777787?242???????", "output": "ocha flavor. It is the ingredient to have when the recipe calls for \"\"one cup of strong, cold coffee.\"\"

As a beverage on its own, it is a bit more acid than fresh espresso. But as a mix with milk, it works wonderfully well. You won't make a barrista cup of espresso with instant, but you will have a great way to make a latte in a pinch and for regular cooking, I personally am never without this jar on my shelf.\"\n8817,B00060PTLO,A379EN3F2MYIC7,\"D. Rose \"\"dsvrose\"\"\",4,4,5,1167782400,The "} {"input": "?????????????????????ere??????????????????isi? t???????????er ???ana???????????????? c ???fe?e.e. .???ene??afa???er ?hah????????ve???????tatal??, ,? th t?is???is ??y y????ororir????????????000????????,A,??6R6???????????????????,3,,3??,1,111151545????60060????????????????y ?lal?????????????????????????dud???????o to ????????oduod?uctuc??a a? fe f????????s a?gog????????s ???ooo??ed???????w ?????????????????????ono????the the??mom???? a????????? of???????????d ???? o???????????????????colco????????the fthe ?flafl??????????????n ???????????rerecre?????????ve??????? do d?????knk????????????? fi fin??d i???????allal?? s so???????????? t?????onlonli???????chc???", "output": "best espresso out there...,\"I prefer this to all other brands and types of coffee. Even after having lived in Italy, this is my favorite.\"\n8818,B00060PTLO,A26RY08HNRGTR,Skree,3,3,5,1154736000,Quick and easy latte at home,\"I was introduced to this product a few years ago and was floored by how tasty and depending on the amount and type of milk added (2% or whole), how chocolaty the flavor could even be. I've recently moved and don't know where to find it locally so I'm trying the online purchasi"} {"input": "??? o ???ioi???????m m??????????t ??????????????????????s s????? v vevere???????? op o????n ????r tr ???oseos??of?????????dod??'t'???ririni????????????? t ??????ftf?????????ana???toto o?hah?ve?????ete????g ????quq?????y ????????kik????????????ara????????s ??????? wi w???????ded??????????t t ct ??????????????derder ?r tor t??\"\"?????????????TLT????2L2?4Y4????????????????anaan??????????777???60?00???4.4????????ho????FoF?oodoo???? u us u?e e te th???s fs ??????????????s vs ??ry??qu???k ??????easea?y ???? m mum??ch ch b ???te????ha?n ???????le?????????? the th????ror????????? /??????????do??'t?????????an??and tand ????????????????. ????????jaj?ar ar???????????????? wa w?s ????", "output": "ng option - I'm almost out of it!

This is a very nice option for those of us who don't drink coffee all that often but want to have something of quality in the kitchen cupboard. Goes great with Trader Joes hot chocolate powder too\"\n8819,B00060PTLO,A2L4YE3K8YBN1S,tatiana,3,3,4,1277856000,$4.49 at Whole Foods,I use this for work. It's very quick and easy and much better than the vile coffee they provide.

I don't understand the price though. A 2 oz jar at Whole Foods was $4.4"} {"input": "???????????oro??????????. .????e.e???????????????LOL???????FLF?9Q9??090??????. M. ??rcr???????1,1??343??????????wiwici?????????????????????or??????????is???????????????t,t?????????llllylly y???r r????d ?????????bub?????????is iis ??????????????????????????????n sn ?????????????????'t'?????lul??e-e???????in in? th??????????o o??ono??thsth?????????????????????????????????????????????in????vav?????????it it j??st? l ?oo?ksks ???ke?? go goo???????????????d ???????g.g??????y hy hah?????r Ar ???zoz?on.on??????????00???????O,AO,??VPV??XMXM9M?5N5?????,L,???????,2,2,2,??5,5??,130,13??666?????00,G00,???at? p????oducodu??!,!???????????grg?????pr?od?????whw?????????huh????", "output": "9 well before the exp. date.\n8820,B00060PTLO,A30IFFL9Q5094D,J. Marck,2,2,1,1340236800,Twice the Price as in Stores,\"This is a good product, especially for iced coffee, but why is it twice the price as it is in stores? This isn't a fluke--within the past two months I've bought it for $5 a jar in Seattle and in Nevada, so it just looks like good old-fashioned gouging. Try harder Amazon.\"\n8821,B00060PTLO,A3VPSXM95NEODM,LaRee,2,2,5,1307664000,Great product!,This is a great product when in a hurry!"} {"input": "?????m m s ???????????????e e?pr?????????ghg?? ?MyM????oro???se??lsl???t ?fof?? $ $3$??4949 9 b ?????e.e???????? I' I?? t????????????????usu?????y ?????????????t Mt ??xix?????????????eve?venve??????pep????. I. ??????????zoz??????usuus?????????iri??????????????? le l?????xpx???sis???ve tve ????????????????????????828??????????????A7A???QNQ???????????????????????????161??????????re?atat ????hahav?e ???? ha h?????????????????????n ???faf???ofo?????tat??????offof????????????????????????????urcur???se??????is ?waw????o ?????????????????????????????ipi??????he??????uaua ua tua tut??ne???????????????????decde?idi????????et?????????r jr ?????????", "output": " I'm surprised at the price though. My store sells it for $3.49 bottle. When I'm traveling I can usually find this at Mexican markets even cheaper. I love Amazon - usually their products are less expensive than buying at stores.\n8822,B00060PTLO,A7Z1QNOE2VLKD,Becky Elam,2,2,5,1165363200,Great to have on hand,\"I have never been a fan of instant coffee, so the only reason I purchased this was to use in a homemade kahlua recipe. The kahlua turned out great so I decided to get another jar to hav"} {"input": "?? o ?????ndnd.d????????teteaea ?????kekere?????????s ls lilivi??? f fof???yey???????????t t??????????mam???????????????nin??e ??o ???ve? a????????????ptptit??on on? th t???t tt ??st?ese?s gs grgrer?????????????a ga ????????????????????????????iouiousu??????????000??606???LOL????????????????,E,??astas????????MeM???er???,1???,1??????????????????of?fefeefee ??ut? A????onon'on????????????????????????????????????d od of?????????ffffeff?????????????????ccc???????????????????r ??????eveve??????f f???????al?????re????????su?????????????????? b ??an?????????t ???ded???????????????????????nnn?????ete??????in in? a ??stost??????????????????on?????????", "output": "e on hand. As a tea drinker who has lived for years without a coffee maker, it is so nice to have an instant option that tastes great and has a good kick.

Delicious!\"\n8823,B00060PTLO,A2KR22BSYTT9IG,East Coast Member,1,1,5,1341705600,great coffee but Amazon's price is too high,\"I am very fond of this coffee, and I won't accept substitutes for it. Several of my local stores have substituted another brand. I just order it on-line when I cannot get it in a store. HOWEVER, Amazon's price "} {"input": "????tot?o o?????? I ??'s'?????a a j ??r r?inin n????ala????????????????????606???????????525212?????B,B??????? A ??. B. ?????????????,13,1???626???0000,00??????????????fff????sos??exe???????????????????,???? h???? b ?eeeenee?n un ???????????in????????????sss???co???????oro????????a ???????owo?????? bu b??????????????????l sl ??pe??????????????????? a a????????????. I. ?????????????neneene???ed ed?????or????????????????????????????????rere re???????chc?asa???? bu?t t It ?????????????9999 ???????e ane and? t? tha that???????????????de de????????? a ????????? th??????toretor??????????y,y, y,? it it it??????????????helhe???????at?at aat ??????y ry ??????ab?????pri??????OnO???", "output": "is too high. It's $4 a jar in local stores.\"\n8824,B00060PTLO,AF2O1521KM0JB,JoAnne A. Bailey,1,1,5,1334620800,Why is the coffee so expensive at Amazon?,\"I have been using this instant expresso coffee for about a year now. I buy it in our local supermarket for $3.49 a 2 oz. jar. I originally needed it for a brownie recipe and looked here to purchase, but I saw the $9.99 price and that certainly made me take a ride to the store. Luckily, it was on the shelf and at a very reasonable price. Only "} {"input": "?ononen???????????????ara?reare????????????????/>/????r /r ?????????????????l l? st sto stororeor?????fof??ore ore????????????s ??????e.e. .????????????????? w ??lll?????? i??????a a va ??????esesses????prp???????????????????se se?????owow w?????juj???t it in???ror?????es,es?????????????wow????????on????? a???????????hah???????d ??? m mam?????????????????????shash?????????????????ha?nkn? y??????????,B,?000??606???????3E3???????????????co????????vov???????,3,?????282??434?????????fe???????xcxce???enentn?? p???iceic?e he heherhe????????????????---??$2$???????forfo?????????????????????$2?????????ce?ce fce fo?for for?? a s a ??ingingling?????ou???ce ???????r fr ?????a 6a ??pap???? ??????", "output": "one store in the area stocks it.

Check your local stores before you buy this online. Chances are you will find it at a very lesser price locally. I use it now not just in brownies, but I add two teaspoons to a protein shake, and it makes a great coffee shake.

Thank you.\"\n8825,B00060PTLO,A3ED5YR0JS7AAY,Recovery Advocate,2,3,4,1282435200,Coffee is excellent; price here is confusing -- $21.99 for 2 ounces?,\"Is this $21.99 price for a single 2-ounce jar or for a 6-pack? The "} {"input": "???????????? o ???y y???didici????? t ???????????????isi????? 2 ????????????????, o, ?f f??ouo????, ?????ridridi???????????xpx???????????? i??'s's ????ooo?????ala???f ????s s fs ?forfo???????????? P ?????????????rsrs,rs??????????????????????se?se????????ofoffof?????tst???f ?f isf i??ex????le?????? u ?????????????????n tn ???????????????????opo??ingin????? fi f????a ????l ?on??????on??\"\"8?828?????????????????6J6?V1V??????????at???adyad?????????????????0,???asyas????????derde???grg???at ?????ece???es?????????a ????ror?????????t et ??pr?????????????gregr?????in ??????????. I. ????????????y ?????????the the??????????oneon????????, b, ?butbut ???????t bt ????? it it?", "output": "description only indicates that the price is for 2 ounces, which, of course, is ridiculously expensive. But it's a good deal if it's for a 6-pack. Previous buyers, can you please advise? The coffee itself is excellent; I usually buy it in the store and was hoping to find a deal on Amazon.\"\n8826,B00060PTLO,A106JV1I3L7HAP,yatlady,0,0,5,1350777600,Easy to order; great in recipes,\"Medglia D'Oro instant espresso works great in recipes. I'm not crazy about the stand-alone taste, but didn't buy it f"} {"input": "?oror r t ??????uru????????????. .?AsA?????e ???????????sts????I I??igi???????????unu?d ???????? l ?????r pr ?rir??????????????????t ???oko??ed ed???verve??????????????oulou???????????d ind i????????espespr???????????? b?????????so tso ?????????????s ??????? and an????easea?sonso?aba?lel??\"\"???272???????????O,O?????D5D??????313???????????????494929????00??????mamada?? c ????memelme????????????!,!?\"I\"I ????????????????? s sa s??ewe????fo?????????????ItIt't?s ??????????????????????sese se??????madma??de ide ic????ca????ele???macma?cchcc??at????????????? $ ???????????????? : ??r />(>????ono??t ???????f f? it i????juj?????????butbu???? h ha h???????? sl s???ht????hochoco?lal????", "output": "or that purpose anyway. As some have suggested I might have found it at a lower price in a store, but looked everywhere and couldn't find instant espresso in any brand, so this order was easy and reasonable.\"\n8827,B00060PTLO,A2OGD55O0KF31J,mjl,0,0,5,1349222400,homemade caramel macchiatos!,\"I bought this from safeway for about $5. It's awesome in making those homemade iced caramel macchiatos that cost $4 at starbucks! :)

(I don't know if it's just me, but it has this slight chocolatey "} {"input": "??????tat????????itit t??????????????bsbsosolo???telte?? d ??????)\")?????8,8??00000????TLT??????????EFE????1T1?????at??BeB????????????484878??????0,c0,???mem??????????????????????????rereare????????????????astas?????????????wow?ululdl????t ????????? a??????????ini???? th???is ois ?nene.ne????????????????? s ????l l???e se ???????????er ???in????????????????????????000??????????????????????,S,?hahalha??????ri?????????5,5?,13,1???????0000000???GreGr?eatea??fof?????????????I lI ????????????on??g cg co???????la??????????????????ak?????????????????????usius?ing????t f??or ?neneane???ly ??? y ????s ??? m ??y cy ??oco??????te c???? c????kieki????and??????r ??????es?????", "output": "aftertaste to it that's just absolutely divine)\"\n8828,B00060PTLO,A1JCHHJEFUN11T,Great Bear,0,0,3,1348704000,comment after finish,\"This is really a normal taste coffee. I would not buy more after I finish this one. In fact, I will still be sleepy after drinking two cups!\"\n8829,B00060PTLO,A1GYEGLX3P2Y7P,Shala Kerrigan,0,0,5,1343520000,Great for baking!,\"I love the strong coffee flavor of this for baking, and have been using it for nearly 20 years in my chocolate chip cookies and other recipes.
??????>W>WhW?hilhi?le le?????????????????????gog?odo???????pupulu??eded ed? sh s???? of o????prprer??so????it'it??????? of? t??????st???????antant ?co?????es es???vev?????????????. I. It. I?????????????????????ll??in?????????ed ged ?googo?odsods ?????????????????????????????y.y???????,B,????606", "output": "/>
It's also tasty to drink, For a portable mix, I'll use instant dry milk, this coffee, a bit of unsweetened cocoa and a bit of sweetener. Then just add boiling water and stir well to make a drinkable instant latte. It's not bitter or burnt tasting like some instant coffees can be.

While it doesn't taste as good as a pulled shot of espresso, it's one of the best instant coffees I've ever tried. It's ability to mix well into baked goods ensure it's spot in my pantry.\"\n8830,B00060"} {"input": "P???O,O??2Z2??????????4I4??????????0,0???????242404???00??0,\"0,??????hoh??????ata??????? \" ?\"f?rerese?????ouo?????????\"\"\"\"\"???????????????????????????ele???knk???????????????p p?sos??I'I'v'?????????????????of of??a ca co?????????? a??nd nd?????ve???????????????t,t????????????????????????????????????????????t i????an???????????????????????? i in???olo???or???hotho?????ere?????????es es???????????????it?????chcho?cocolco????????upu??????????m m?????????????????aga?li???????????I bI ??????????duduru????????????????????????fo??????????ol??????????????????n In ???an? f??????????nlinlin??????? m ???? c???eapeape????thathantha????????", "output": "PTLO,A2ZXWKYIOTGB4I,W. Alao,0,0,5,1324080000,\"for those that drink \"\"fresh ground only\"\"\",\"I used to work at that well known coffee shop so I've become a bit of a coffee snob and I never drink instant, but if you are looking for a really robust instant coffee that dissolves in cold or hot water and goes great with a little chocolate syrup and cream you'll enjoy Medaglia d'Oro, I bought it during a run to the store for a few dollars cheaper than I can find it online, and much cheaper than a 3/4 l"} {"input": "??????????y y????????? th t?????????iei?????????????????B0B???????????????????RFR??6O6?????es?????aya?????aua??????ofo? T??xtxt.t. .??????????erer.er.,.?????5,5?????878??404???????bub??????????????I I???????? th?isis ??????????on?????????????????????????????st???????????? f ?????????d d w ????????????????????? in i???in????????ararbarbu???????I tI ????????? an andn???couco?????t ?be??????? it it!t! !??I aI ???????ooo?kek???????????prp?rodro?uc?t ??????opo???th??t ????????????oc?er???????????????????????stostocsto?????????83283????????????????????7U7??????,\",??????? \" ?\"a\"am\"a???inin2in???3@3?yay???????????,0???0,50,???13113191????20200??????mm???..,..????herhe??", "output": "b bag they sell in the groceries stores.\"\n8831,B00060PTLO,A2DOAHZCJRFM6O,Vanessa Taylor author of Text. Love. Power.,0,0,5,1322870400,Starbucks be gone!,I bought this because none of the instant coffee was strong enough for me and was tired of waiting in line at Starbucks. I tried it and couldn't believe it! I am so hooked on this product and hope that my local grocery store continues to stock it.\n8832,B00060PTLO,A28M2B77UM1TSX,\"amazin \"\"amazin2843@yahoo.com\"\"\",0,0,5,1319155200,Mmmmmm...,\"There'"} {"input": "???????????????????upu?????????k k???sps?????????????e ??? e ?ndn??????ala?? I ????????knk??w w???????'s'?????????th????upupeup??? ma m??ke?????????????ymy???re.re??????????it?e e we ??y ??????ininging ???????wew?????, i, ???coc??????????????????f if ????on????????t sut s???mermer'r?? d??????????????????????????????UCU????D,D???????ellel?mo?? \" ???????ty???he??????????,5,??121?????????0,T0,?hi????????? A ?ctc????on Pon ?????????is????verver-ver??pripr?????????????????????????odo??????????????fofor??????. R. Re?????? ??????????????????ror?????the??????????????????????????ryry ????re?? fo for?or $or ??????????????????pricpri????ou??gerge????????the?? ma??????wi??", "output": "s nothing like a cup of black (espresso) coffee to end a meal. I don't know why it's not on the super market shelves anymore. My favorite way of using it, however, is cold with plenty of ice on a hot summer's day.\"\n8833,B00060PTLO,A18FY1PKUCS4BD,\"C. Wellmon \"\"Reality Check\"\"\",0,0,5,1273017600,This seller Action Packaged is over-priced!,\"This is a great product, but $21 for 2oz. Really? You can get it from other sellers or at the grocery store for $6-7. Show this price-gouger what the market will"} {"input": "??????lyl? b ??earea???????4,4?B0B????0P0??????????KEK???YYY????????????????SaS??tit????????????757??444404????hah?????????????pap???????ha??????????d ?th??? p?????????????is ??????INI?? i?t t it imi?mem?????????????is uis ??????????pup?????????????prp??????? in i?????????????ioiouio???????????????proprod?uc?????arear???????vavaiailai??????????is?????????on on?????I ???????????to????lpl????t.t????????????th???? y? you yo? f ?oror r?????r qr ?uiu?ckck ????????se ??in ????ur???????????????sts?????nd Ind ???????????he he w ???? l ???k k tk ??to oto ???er?????????????utu??ure????????????????????????????????60P60??LO?,A????5P5??????040???????DeD?????is?is \"is ?????????ing ing???", "output": " really bear!\"\n8834,B00060PTLO,A1E4IKE4VYYU26,Mario D. DeSantis,0,0,3,1267574400,thank you,\"The party I had you send this product to, is ENJOYING it immensley. He is unable to purchase this product in Arizona.Obviously, certain products are not available in his location and I was happy to help out. I want to thank you for your quick response in securing this request and I am sure he will look to order it in the future. Thank You...mario\"\n8835,B00060PTLO,A2Q15P4SMCF04F,\"A. DeRubeis \"\"Shopping Res"} {"input": "e?????????\"\",\"\"?????????????????????tyt??plplul???????ene???entent t?????aka???????????????????? t???????????ininsn????????fff????fof??? wo w???. .?????on??t ????????he he????????d d cd ?????????cof?fe??????????????????e a??ror??s ??????????D'D???? i???a ?????????e ??in in??????tonton.n?????????????oko?s s ms ????e i???????????? th tha th????????????I ????s as ????????y hy hoh????????????????????????st????????????re?????bub??????????wa???????????n a?s ?????????????fee??????? g ???????????htht ??????????hasha?????????e e ce ????????encencyc??????espespresp????o ?????????????????????????te?. ?????????????ly?????ing?ing ming ???re re???????????????", "output": "earcher\"\"\",0,0,5,1263168000,Tasty plus convenient to make at work,\"I wanted to have an instant coffee for work. I don't like the standard company coffee at work. I came across Medaglia D'Oro in a HEB store in Houston. It just looks more interesting than coffee. I was actually hoping it wouldn't be as strong as espresso but not as watered down as instant coffee. I am glad I bought it. It has the same consistency at espresso but not as strong in taste. I am probably using more water that what"} {"input": "? i ????ugu?????ede? o ???tht?e e??????titioi?????????????????shs???????o o? I I????????t t?????itittit???????????lll???????????ng ng?mem???????????rur?????prp????????ininkin??????????????? it i????????????????ak ak??utu????t wt ?wouwo????dodo ??in in a a a?????????? I w I ???l ???????is???oror or?flf??????ingin??????????????se?????????????????????????LOL????NIN??????SOS?????????????????sks???????????????????0,I0,????asas ?juj?????hah?????wa????????It It????????t t I??????lol?????ng ?????????????????????????????in??????prepr?????o ino i??????????fef?????A A???itt????e exe e???????????? o?? w??????????????????????????W1W???????????he?ryr???RoRobRo?????on on??", "output": " is suggested on the directions. I work 3rd shift, so I think it is fitting the bill of keeping me awake! True espresso drinkers may think it is kind of weak but it would do in a pinch. I will use this for flavoring drinks & desserts also.\"\n8836,B00060PTLO,A3NIXRW6BSOM8M,Sandra Rogalski,0,0,5,1253664000,It was just what I wanted!,It was what I was looking for. I had a hard time finding expresso instant coffee. A little expensive but oh well.\n8837,B00060PTLO,AWJKW1MLPEAYB,\"Cheryl Robinson \"\""} {"input": "??heh??\"\"\"\"\"???,0,0,,0???121????????00,00?????lel???aba??le le????ono???????oro? f?????????????????????????? i???,\",????????????ingin??????????? M ?????cic?????oao????an?? r ?an?? ou outut ???????ffeff??. .????stost????d ?ata?????ara??ete???in in?????????????????? co?????????????????????????ar ar??? t????s cs ?cofco???e-????mem?? e ?????????e te ??????????????? ta t??????iti????ow?? i??????tatal?????????????????s is ?is is??ns????nt?nt???? ????????? m???????feefee ??????r ar an????or????????d td to???????????????????l l????????????????on.on. ????????utelute?????????memetme???tretr?eatea??\"\"??????B0B00??????LOL?????XHX?????RTR????????y ???????????,0??????12??????????????????", "output": "Cher\"\"\",0,0,5,1245888000,Unbeleivable strong flavor for an instant coffee-Love it!,\"I was camping up on the Mendicino coast and ran out of coffee. I stopped at a market in Gualala-cute sea coast town and bought a jar of this coffee-seemed expensive to me-until, I tasted it. Wow! its totally amazing! This is instant?? why use my coffee maker any more? Hard to find, though. I'll buy it on Amazon. Absolutely a gourmet treat.\"\n8838,B00060PTLO,A3DXHNFAURTSIX,Mary E. Nevling,0,0,5,1240272000,Medaglia "} {"input": "??'O'??????sts?ana?t t E EsE????????????????I I?????lyl?????? e ?espes???????????an????????????????ththeh??ststostoro??????herhe???????????? I?????ve ve sve ??????????????????????k k????,<,M/>???????????????????9,9,B,??????PTP?LOL??????PBP????8K8????,\"?????CofCo??mam????\"L\"????e te ?????oko??????????,1,???????404????????antan?????????????????????g,g?,\"I,\"?I lI ?????????s is ????????????kik???---???????????cic??????????????br?owo????es,es?? ca caka??????andand ?juj???????????e ????????????????a ??? w??????fuf?l.l???88??40,40?????????????2K2??????????2K???an??DiD???ckckxkx,x???????????????????akakeak????mom????t ?t fot f????????????,\",\"T,\"Th????????strst???? c??????", "output": "D'Oro Instant Espresso Coffee,\"I really love espresso. I cannot find it in the stores where I live so I have send for it.
Thank You,
Mary E Nevling\"\n8839,B00060PTLO,A3V6PBNPE8KEIM,\"L. Coffman \"\"Love to Cook\"\"\",0,0,5,1167782400,Instant Expresso for Cooking,\"I love this item for cooking--it is especially good in brownies, cakes--and just a little bit in hot cocoa is wonderful.\"\n8840,B00060PTLO,A2K38E6J2GX62K,Jan Dierckx,0,0,5,1166572800,Take a moment for yourself.,\"This is strong coffee "} {"input": "??????tht?????ala?liali????????????????????????inin ???????isi???ufu??ici???????????? ca c??????????????????????????ere?? o ??theth?????????t wt ????l ll ??ses????????lal?????. T?he?he whe wa??????hoh???????????????? wa w??? a ????????????se?????????k k???ithit?????mam?allal?l l????????????????????????????????teute?????????telte?? y?ou?? th??? t th?e ???e ?????????ugu?????is is????????????BuB????hah??at cat ????????? T ?he??fl???????????????888848????????????O,O????2I2III??1V1????????he?????????RaR???ke????s ?????nin?iniin??????????????989??????,T,ThTheThe ???????????ODO? c??offof??????????????????????????obo????and? t??????????????uteut?lyl??????rea????st st?", "output": "like the Italian espresso. A teaspoon in a cup is sufficient. Take care you don't boil the water, otherwise it will loses its flavor. The water should be between warm and hot. I use it black with a small lump of brown sugar. A real amateur will tell you that the use of any sugar is sacrilege. But what can I do? The flesh is weak.\"\n8841,B00060PTLO,AEQ2II01VPSY2,\"Shelley A. Radtke \"\"s giannini\"\"\",0,0,5,1149811200,The easiest GOOD coffee ever,\"I am a coffee snob, and this is absolutely a greatest e"} {"input": "??????????o o?????????????ntn????fff???. .??????eae??llylly ?????????????????? b ???????????daday????owow w I I I???scsco?????????????????????m m? It I???iai???, s, ???I ?????????????!!\"!!????????000???0P0????????????????????kyk??????on???,0??5,5???????565?????????????????av???????????????????veryver???????al??????.\".???I ???????????????an?d d wd ????? w?ata???hinhi??????????????????????\"\" \"\"??n n??????ooo?d ????nnn???????????k k??????????, a, ???????? as a?, ?????ng?????????????iei??????mamaka??????reresresss?? b???own???????WonWo???erfer???!\"!\"?????????060??????,A?????????SIS????????????2,52,??????????????,T,??????????CoCof??feefe???????????", "output": "asy way to have excellent coffee. Got really tired of grinding beans everyday, now I discovered this!! And I am Italian, so I should know!!\"\n8842,B00060PTLO,API4FE4B5IGQC,Sky London,0,0,5,1142985600,\"Wonderful flavor. Used by \"\"Everyday Italian\"\".\",\"I spotted the brand while watching \"\"Everyday Italian\"\" on the Food Channel. I drink it alone, as well as, adding it to brownies to make expresso brownies. Wonderful!\"\n8843,B00060PTLO,AEM3Z7XPYSIDC,pt8648,2,5,1,1304985600,The Worst Coffee,Medaglia D"} {"input": "??OrO?? h ???????bebe e????????????ofo????????????verver r????. .????????????????usu????flf????????d ????or.or?. Y. ????????????????y fy ??????????B0B000????????,A,A5A????????????????????????????,2,????1,1?,11,1???????????hih???????ff ff??????????????f f??ou???????efe??r ?frf?resre??lyl??mam?adead??????ese???o b????????etiet???????st?anantan???????odod od??n ????in?chc??????????????????nd nd??ururo?pep?e ee exe e??????ve??? a? and an??????? a???e se ??????????????????ili????e ?????e ???hichi???????'t'???t ???????ad.ad?????????????d id ?????? fo f???????g g??????s a? c co????? f???????????? c????arardar?s,s????c.c.,.??????????s a bs a ???ververaveraga?????t ????teste????ckc???oto?????????????", "output": "'Oro has to be the worst coffee I've ever had. It had an old musty flavor and odor. You get what pay for.\n8844,B00060PTLO,A5U6KECKJOT5I,Ronald E. Geary,2,6,1,1166918400,This stuff is nasty,\"I of course prefer freshly made espresso but sometimes instant is good in a pinch. I travel around Europe extensively and there are several brands available there which aren't at all bad. This brand is OK for using it as a coffee flavoring in custards, etc., but as a beverage, it rates rock bottom in my boo"} {"input": "?k.k??????????040???????,A,???FSF??????RKR??????? A ????????LoL??? C ?loloto????\"\"???????????202??242???0,?????????????? Co C???eee?????oveov??th?isis s?coc?????????odo???????????he??la???????????????????????????????? th t?????malma??????????????????n'n??????e ????orordor?????? f????quequ??tlt?y.y?. I. ???????shs?ipi????ici??ly?? to t???:):?????????????????gag???????????????LUL?????????????U7U???????,\"S,\"??????ankan????????????????rinri???????\"\",\"\"??????5,15,135,1?????????????????rfr????????????or or???????????????????????????????????ly????i i????as eas ?????????????ee ee?????? the?????ps ps??????????????????? i i??????? tha th????????? ar a??re sre ?? m ???", "output": "k.\"\n8845,B00465VT3M,A2KFSQ6G9DRK95,\"S. Amato \"\"Love Clothes\"\"\",0,0,5,1320624000,French Roast Coffee,\"Love this coffee, good flavor. The large quantity lasts longer then the smaller boxes so I don't have to order as frequently. It did ship quickly too :) I would order again!\"\n8846,B003LUZ07O,A38XW60U7T36B1,\"S. Frank \"\"Hungarian Princess\"\"\",0,0,5,1346889600,a wonderful treat for the pups,\"these arrived very quickly & i was excited to see how the pups would like them. i like that there are so many"} {"input": "???????? p ??????????????e ae ???aya?????????????????ege?????ana???thith????????????? s sws???t t? po p?????? so s???????????????????????????ouo??????????????????? t ?theth?????????s ???????????estes??! ! ??????? inc in?????????e ce ???????, ,????????ing, ing,?flf?ava???????unun.n?????de????iti??lyl??wow???ld ld??uyu????????????n.?\"\"????7,7,B,????????????????????????????????HaHay?????????????????????????????,N,??ot ot????????????I I??asa??exe??????ngn?????????????ie???s wes werereer??drd???????????????no??????steste ??????ra?????????????arkark k?ch?????latla????????oooodo?d bd ??????oo oo????uncun?chych????84????B00B0?484???????AYAY6Y??????HNH??????????????0,50,??????616??", "output": " in the package. i've always held in high regard anything rawhide & sweet potato so this was a no brainer....our pups love both! these sticks are the best! they incorporate chewing, gnawing, flavor & fun. i definitely would buy these again.\"\n8847,B002SRUYL8,A1OTPJIWASFMLO,Fiona Hayes,0,0,3,1303603200,Mediocre,Not quiet what I was expecting. The cherries were dried and could not taste the brandy. The dark chocolate was good but too crunchy.\n8848,B0048IAKP0,AY6T6TT8HNYT5,Misty,0,0,5,13226112"} {"input": "??????ese?????????? c ?ouo??? b ?????????lel???hihici?kek?r r????????e t?asa???e ie isi?????????????prp????????'t'??babada?d ed ???he?r.r?. M. ???????????t st ??????ururyr?????eakea???????st????an???????????0000400484?IAI??P0P????????K2K??343??????annan??'s'?pep?nan???,0,???0,50,????040?????80080???????????????GreGr??eat eat??????????????fuf?ul ul???????????????????mom?oto?th.th. ?CoC?????????? li l????????????????????re re o ??????wow??ouldould ??????onon on???? o??????????????????butbu???verve?ry ry?????, ??????worworlr????????????????????????????ede???gragr??????\"\"????????030?????????????????????R,R,Z,?????,1,1,,1??,1,5,1,?5,15,????????0000,00?????at at S ??????Th??? s??????hah?? o??? o???????? bes be???????", "output": "00,Awesome,Gravy could be a little thicker but the taste is great. The price isn't bad either. Makes great sailsbury steaks and stroganof.\n8849,B0048IAKP0,A17JWZK2O34FS2,anne'spename,0,0,5,1304380800,Delicious!,\"Great stuff! Wonderful beef taste, very smooth. Could be a little thicker so more of it would stay on top of the potatoes, but very good, and worlds better than other packaged gravies.\"\n8850,B003639FQ8,A2KYPW9FX7BZJR,Zmack,1,1,5,1281830400,Great Sauce,This sauce has one of the best flavo"} {"input": "rrsr??I'I??? e ??????asa???????????e'e??????????bab???????beb?????n n??????????????lil????? It I????as as d ded????????????and? t???????go??????????????f f t???????????? n ?????????????? of o?????st st???????eroer????????s ds ???e te tot????he he????rar??bib??????????????????epe??perpe??????????s ss ??????????????????th?????????????y.y??????,B,B0B?010???NMN?8Y8Y,Y,A,A2A2B2???E3E????G4G4L4?,S,???MiM?????????????282??????00??\"R\"??????LiL????????e ????????????inain??????????????????Ju?ic????????????????me fme ?????r ?????t t??????????????????????????????????es hes ??????st????e ??????t a??????? of? s?????????????t it ???????ot ot tot to??o so ????et.et????????fof?", "output": "rs I've ever tasted. There's a good balance between spice and garlic. It has decent heat and tastes good on a lot of things. I'm not a big fan of most Habanero sauces due to the extra bitterness of the pepper but this sauce blends everything perfectly.\n8851,B00125NM8Y,A2BWJE33YXG4L,S. Miller,1,1,5,1280361600,\"Roses Lime Juice the \"\"Original\"\"\",\"Roses Lime Juice has that lime flavor that the knock-offs do not have. Roses has just the right amount of sugar so that it's not too sweet. Great for"} {"input": "? m ?aka??ngng g??????kinki????? g gigimi??ete???..v..?????, ,???? o?????????eqe????????????vovorvo?iti??).). .? S ??????????????????????????????t t s ?????????or or?????????? t th theh????????gingi??????!\"!?8?????B0B???UJU??????????HMH??TDT?????????yGy???????????????52???00?????od??, b, ???????????????????????????????? a????a ga gag??blble??, b??????????????????????ror???????????ma??????????tedte??, s, ?? I ??????no???ded????????ucuchuc??? w????????in???????????lyl?????t ??????in ???????????????apa?????te?????at?? th??? \" ???larla??e\"e??\"\" t\"\" ??????was???notnot ?al??????t ????ge???????????a ??rouro???????????prp????imaim????????????????al?????nd?nd mnd ??ybybeb??", "output": " making any kind of gimlet...vodka, gin or even tequila (my favorite). Since liquor is expensive don't settle for less than the \"\"Original\"\" !\"\n8852,B000UJ88LO,A1X6HMGTDRQ95B,SkyGirl,0,0,3,1261526400,\"Good, but not great\",\"I purchased this as a gamble, because there was NO product information listed, so I had no idea how much I was getting or exactly what was in it. I was disappointed that the \"\"large\"\" tin, was not all that large. It was a round tin, approximately 4 inches tall, and maybe 7"} {"input": "???????????ese????????. .????waw??????????tht??t t??????????pep?????lyl??fofor? t?he????icicec?????????beb???nen???? t? the th???????????????????insin????????????fif???ultul???o o? te telell?????m m????? pi p???uru???????he ??propr???ctc?t it ???????????????????t ?fo?r ??theth??????????????????????inging ing?????e. e.?? I' I??d pd prpro??????? bu buyu???ro????? them the???????????????????????????363???VHV??????????uc?ili???e Me ?????acoac?vev?ellel????,1,1,,1,4,4,4,14,???818???????????????al al? wa was?????????t bt ??ttt???????n n??ha?t'??????ailai?????????Th????is? t??????????of of????????????ada????????s. ????????exe??????????e, te, ?the??????derde???????????rere re?????y ???fuf????????????????????", "output": " or 8 inches across. I was hoping that Large, especially for the price, would be one of the large and tall tins. It's difficult to tell from the picture. The product itself was good, but for the price, I was expecting more. I'd probably buy from them again.\"\n8853,B001QDD2IM,A36J0VHZ1295R4,Lucille M. Iacovelli,1,1,4,1258156800,\"Not real wasabi, but butter than what's available.\",\"This is the best of the ready-made kinds. In my experience, the powdered kinds are truly awful. The other ready-"} {"input": "m????????????????e ???????uru??????lol?w w?mum?st????? T ThT?isi??ono?????????????????????ra????????d d?????rearealal l??as????, ,??utut t??? w??orkor????????wi????sus???hi.hi??br??????????????????ma?ke???????rea??????ktk?????????????????rir???????????xex?????????????n on ???d Kd ?ete?????p ap ??? a ????????ofo?????????????????d Sd ????on??ingin??\"\"8888??4,4,B,???????2I2?????????B9B????KJK????????????????????686???????????????????or or tor ??is??????uc??????????????????y ???y ??????????ashas?himhi?????TheTh?????totomtomem????????iceic???????????????stansta??in?????? Th Thah??????????o m???h!h????????????usiusininein?sss??s wis wit????the?m m??????????5,??B00B0???G6G???Q,Q?,A3,A3V3VLV", "output": "made brands taste like pure yellow mustard. This one is made with horseradish and no real wasabi, but it works well with sushi.

It also makes a great cocktail sauce for shrimp when mixed with plain old Ketchup and a pinch of Old Bay Seafood Seasoning.\"\n8854,B001QDD2IM,A20DKKB9S1EKJA,M. Vick,0,0,5,1316822400,Beat size for this product,This is the only way to eat sashimi. The customer service is just outstanding!!! Thank you so much! Will do business with them soon.\n8855,B002HG6Z8Q,A3VL"} {"input": "??636?FWF?????L,L??ivi????????4,4???26326????????\"G\"???d,d? b ???????coc?mpm??????? t ??o oo ???????????????????????? g ???????frfrer??????????t ?eve????????????????????????asas s??????????????????????????? t??he he W?????????????????????????it?ese???arear??????gig?ngn??er er???????the the???????????ici???????????????e 5e ???????????usu????ot?????are are????ta?ststi??? W???????esnes?????ovo?? c??hochoco?????? ch?????????kieki????.....??rigri???? I? I k I ???? I???????s ??av?????? t th the the ??????????nd? f???vo???of????????? c ch????colacol????ch???????????s is is???????ok???in in???????????????d md my???au?gh???????????usbus??andand ?bob?othoth oth? ag a????e ae ??????????? they the??????mymy ", "output": "263FW0O1JL,Rivka,3,3,4,1263513600,\"Good, but no comparison to other WOW's!\",\"I am on a gluten free diet but even before I learned I was sensitive, I LOVED some of the WOW cookies. My two favorites are the ginger and the oatmeal which I would rate 5 star because both are fantastic! Who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies....right? I know I always have but the texture and flavor of the WOW chocolate chip cookies is just ok in my opinion and my daughter and husband both agree although they are my "} {"input": "??????dad?????ere????????ririti?????d d I I'I????????????????? s?heh??????ovo??? 1 ????shs??'s's 's 6 ???????????d ??o o??herhe????????????????????????ld ld?????? st s?????8??????000???G6G???????????????????,R,??????,1,1,1???3,????????????????????????????heheshe??e ce ?????????????d hd ?av????beebe?n ?????er???? w??ul?uld uld??uyu????????gag?ini?n in if????????ipi?????? wa w???????o ????ici????ousous!s???????inkin??? it it???ded????p p b??in?? l ?iki????5 ???????s ????? a a?????????y cy ???okiok????????t ???????fff??8??????00??????????????181?????VQV?Q,\"Q,??????lml??an an???ThT??????????5\"5??????1,?5,5??????????00,??umummm??- -??gregr???????????????ies.,ies.???he?????????????????", "output": "granddaughter's favorite and I'm pretty sure if she was over 13 (she's 6) she would do her own review and it would be 5 star!\"\n8856,B002HG6Z8Q,A2WWB48WU61DO3,Rachel,1,1,3,1336262400,Eh...,Honestly these cookies could have been better. I would buy them again if the shipping wasn't so ridiculous! I think it ended up being like 15 dollars for a few tiny cookies. What a ripoff.\n8857,B002HG6Z8Q,AAKO51858RQVQ,\"D. Holman \"\"The Holman 5\"\"\",1,1,5,1331251200,Yummy- great for parties.,\"These are the best g"} {"input": "?lul??ene???rereee???????????????d.d?????????ckckek?????oodoo?lel???????????????atat!t??????????????at????o so ?????????pap?artar??????r ????ve ve f??or or a???????. ?I I???shs?????? w????e a???iti????????apa??er,er???ut?????????e ??or?????????888?????000?????????A1A??MCM??0X0??????????????,0,??????????404????0,???????????o ?gog????????s ??????????? are are s are ??? go g???ood. ood.???????ve?????lol?????????y gy ???nd?mom??????????e ????????????????butbu? g??lutlu????frfrefr?????Thi?? c????okieoki?????????ftf??????h ?I I lI li?????????hocho?????????????????????????igi?hth????????litli?????????????????me me p ????le?le Ile ??????? t th the???????ATA??????y ???ppppypy.y..????????00100????989", "output": "luten free cookies around. The Snicker doodles are also great! They are great to serve at parties or have for a snack. I wish they were a little cheaper, but they are worth it!\"\n8858,B002HG6Z8Q,A1JMCY0XKUXT6X,L. Ott,0,0,5,1293408000,This are so good.,This cookies are so good. There very close to my grandmothers home baked cookies but gluten free. This cookies are soft which I like in chocolate chip cookies but might be a little chew for some people I think there GREAT. Very happy.\n8859,B00180O98"} {"input": "?????4B4?Y8Y??0T0?????1,1??????????? \" ????????????????????838????808000???????mim?cacal???????y y c ???????eses s???????????????????????????????????????????????????????er er? wo w????t tt ????????????at iat isi???notno????????ece?????? on o? t?????ooo???????????????ve???????uru????e ???????eie?r ?eae???????ababibit?? a??????????ifi???????. ????????l l???????????????????????inindin??y y gy gagava????????sasamampm??????? Pr Prorowo?????????????????y any a??nd wnd ??ili????? o??????cat cat?????lul?uteut?????????? it i?????e ????????????? to tou????????????'s'????????????s ?s ars a????nicni??. ??ot???? of of??y ?ca?????havhavehav??beb?enen en??? E ?????kibki???le,le, ,??ut?? th????????????????", "output": "0,A14BY8J0TQIBV1,\"B. Walker \"\"sdbarb\"\"\",2,2,5,1283212800,Economical and my cat loves it,\"Cats are finicky animals and what one loves another won't touch - that is not a reflection on the food itself. I have two Burmese and their eating habits are very different. My local Pet Nutrition Center kindly gave me a sample of Prowl the other day and while my one cat absolutely loves it, the other won't touch it. That's why samples are nice. Both of my cats have been on Evo kibble, but this one cat who n"} {"input": "??????????????PrPror???? h hah?s ????aba????ofo????????ngn??????????????? t??????????mym??????????????ltltet??????ve??????????at at w ?wilwi?l ?????????????????foodfoo??????? S ?o o f??????o o bo ?????????? al alsl??????????? up u????????????s Is I'???????ede?d wd ?????????????????aia??iningin????????????rer???mmm?ene??????????ai???????????e ae ??d ?????????????de?????????????????? i ??????????ca?????????????s hs ?????????????0,0????????????A2A2929V9VDV????????RYRY,Y?\"F\"FaF?????\"\"\"?faf?????????????????????82828???202????????????????iveiv????????????alitali????foo?????I ??ee????????????????? it i???? a?????gh gh?????????????????????d t?ha??????", "output": "ow loves the Prowl, has a habit of throwing up and I'm on the prowl myself for an alternative food that will help her keep food down. So far, no barf. She also laps it up as soon as I've added warm water - no waiting. I highly recommend you obtain a sample and let the cat decide, as the food is economical as well as healthy.\"\n8860,B00180O980,A29VDP5XCJV6RY,\"Falin \"\"falinperth\"\"\",2,2,5,1282867200,\"Less expensive, high quality food\",\"I feed prowl because it is a high quality healthy food that does"} {"input": " ???t t?brb??aka? m ?? b????ete?. .??????????????chech????r r t ????????er???????umum m???? f ?ooo??s ???elelll???????????vav???et??????????????t ????????????????????????????y dy ?????ididede ?to? p??????????????????????it it?????????????d,d?????????????x x???t wt ?it????????????????it ?????ini????? b?efe?????se???in??. ??MyM???????n ??eoe???????????????ntn??rere ??timti??.<.?????????????tedte?d md ?? c ca c???ono?n Pn PrP?????????usu???????etet ??fff?????????re??e se ?ama???????????????? r ?igi??????waywa???witwi???????????????????????????he??d ????ly ly???er?er her ????\"\"\"?????????\"\" \"\"???oodoo??????????????t ???ranra??it??????ing ing???????????????lthlt???????in in???", "output": " not break my budget. It is much cheaper than other premium wet foods (Wellness, Weruva, etc), and my cat seems to like it. The only downside to prowl is that, since it is dehydrated, you must mix it with water and wait 10 minutes before serving. My kitten meows at me the entire time.
I started my cat on Prowl because my vet offered a free sample. She ate it right away with no problems. However, she'd only ever had \"\"healthy\"\" food, so I was not transitioning from an unhealthy grain fil"} {"input": "???? ( (b(??????????????y y??????????odo????? / ?>I>?t ???????y ????y y ty ?? d ??geg?st???ndn??????beb???????ut?ioi?n n? fo foro???ata????????????ststist??n ???obo??lemle?s.s?????rer???mmm???????????????????????????) ??thathatat at???u u????????????e ?????le????d d gd ??????????????\"\"??????????????????????SNS????????,E,???n,n??????????????00000?????????prpropr????????dod??????????tet???????????is?. ??I hI ???ve ve????????????????????????rar????????????foofood???o ?????????n mn ???ca??????????????????me???genge?cycy.y??????t yt ????????????l ???the the??????????????decde???????to to???adad ad m ????????er ??? a???uiu??? b bu b????????vehvehih??lele ??for?????e ane a?nd ???????", "output": "led (but addictively tasty) food.
It is very easy to digest and may be a solution for cats with digestion problems. I recommend (like another reviewer) that you order a free sample and give it a try.\"\n8861,B001QW6LMW,A10OUSNLYGG1SD,Erin,1,1,5,1330560000,Dog Approved,My dogs absolutely love this. I have been looking for a natural healthy food to store in my camper in case of emergency. Last year with all the wildfires I decided to load my camper as a quick bug out vehicle for me and my thre"} {"input": "?????????????????eee???????????????????iei??? dr d?y y b ????e b??????????bbb???e b??? i itit ?????s s???????????f f?????. ???????????????w w?????????????ehe??????????????????????????ererser?????takta??????ie?????????mpm?????????????e ae ?????thi????????heh???perpe???????????????foforfo??????m a??????eciecidi?dedde???????????t ?a ???????y ??dog??????????????????????????????????????geg?????omeom???nowno??????usu???????????????l al ??boubout?????????????888??????010?????????????????????????an???ar??? D ??????1,1???????101050???????VeV?eryery ??????????\"M\"My????????????????d ??????? It I?'s'?????????o fo ?ixi??? an andnd ???????ea?????????", "output": "e dogs. I have been vacum sealing thier dry blue buffalo kibble but it takes up a lot of room. I read a review about this dehydrated dog food from a person takes thier dog camping all time and this was the perfect solution for them and decided to give it a try. My dogs let me know its supper time when I get home now because they are all about this food.\n8862,B001QW6LMW,A338WJQLX5J1MH,Joan Marie Davis,1,1,5,1310515200,Very Pleased!,\"My dogs both loved this! It's easy to fix, and very healthy. I w"} {"input": "??? a ????ada??????d d??????e e??ror?????????did??? f??????y dy ???s ??efe????e te ????ngn????????OnO?????????y doy d??????????vev??ralra?????d ????????????ThT??????as ????heahe???thyth????????????ve ve????gegese????????????ha?????????verve????????ed??wiwiti????????ie???ususis?????????????r tr ????pep?ed?ed ued ??????????????????r mr ???????????dogdo???????d id ??????kek??????tretr??ele?????ellel???DeD??????????????????? t? thi th?????rodro????????868????????W6W??????????????????????????????inioini????????????777???????MyMy ???ckc?????????vesve??itit!it??\"S\"?????????????????????????????-d-?????????og,og??so???????????ed ed led ???????? or orgr??????na??????????????On??", "output": "as already sold on the frozen raw diet for my dogs before trying this. One of my dogs has several food allergies. This was a healthy alternative suggested to me that I am very pleased with! I tried using hot water to speed up the process for my hungry dogs, and it worked extremely well! Definitely recommend this product!\"\n8863,B001QW6LMW,AGO08CYTWMRP,AlwaysAnOpinion,1,1,5,1307750400,My cockapoo loves it!,\"She's not a particularly food-driven dog, so I've tried lots of organic/natural foods. One "} {"input": "???ata????e e????????????????vev??????ana????????????????????????????ehe????????????d.d???he????? b ???????????????????el?????????????????dradrat???????????????ucu?????????????'v'?ve ve s?????????si???? ho h???waw????? to t?o so ???????theth????????s ?????ng;ng??????rwrwiwis?e,e, ???????????????????????whiwh??e ???e ?????????????it. it.???hishi??dedehde???ra????? op o???onon on???kekes??upu? s so so so??????e ????? c???????ed ???o do ???alial?inging g wg ??????????y y cy ????, ??????????????as as???he'he???????y,y?, I, ?I'mI'?????py??. I. ? t????????????????????????????????????????r jr ???st st????????????????????????????faf???, s, ?o ?gog??????888???,B,??????????,A,AEA????", "output": "that she consistently loves is any kind of Addiction's raw dehydrated food. She can barely contain herself while it rehydrates a bit. So much so, that I've started using hot water to speed the process along; otherwise, it's just such drama while she waits for it. This dehydrated option takes up so little room compared to dealing with clunky cans, and as long as she's happy, I'm happy. I try a different flavor everytime I order just to keep her interested. So far, so good!\"\n8864,B001QW6LMW,AEXV0U"} {"input": "????????,\",?GrG?amammm?? M ???\"G??ramra?mmymm??\"\"\"\"\"???,1??5,5???878????00???Gr?????????????????????? o ?? t ?????????I'I?veve ???waw????????????? g????to to????????????????????????????????????frfrorozo???????? i ?? t to t?ookoo???p p t???o mo mum??h h???????? o????????????e/e??????????s ?wew?????????????????????????????????cec?????????????e a?????????dicdictc?ioi?????nd nd??????????????????????? u us u??- -??????????lil??????sps???ce ce????ou????up????rdr???nd?????vivid????? h ????ththyth???die??, ,????????it?????mimixi???????f f???????g Eg ???????????lel??????d fd ???shs????uiuit?s ?????ve???????????????? our ou?r Cr ??ir????????? h???????????y hy ?apa??????mpm?er?", "output": "23G2GTY,\"Grammy M \"\"Grammy\"\"\",1,1,5,1287360000,Great raw diet food for on the go!,\"I've always wanted to go to a raw diet for my Cairn but in its frozen form it took up too much room in our RV fridge/freezer as we travel/camp a lot! A friend recently told me about Addiction and this is the answer for us - takes up little space in our cupboard and provides a healthy diet, along with a mixture of Wysong Epigen kibble, and fresh fruits and vegetables that our Cairn loves; he's a very happy camper!"} {"input": "?????e e?cac??????????e ??????iti?????o!o? W ?????????? t??????????????? b ??????????????????on on t????????oro???ara??et?????????????????????ryr????e ???thetherthe????????????????hah??????????om?? ti t???????? tim ti???- - ( ?dodon????n n?????????????????oveov?????????iodio??????? time tim??????????????????????????????????????\"\"?????,B,????QWQW6W6L6????A2A???GNG??8Y8????????H.H????rovro???????????t Dt ?????????viv?iewie??\"\"?????0,????????????????????????lo??ve ve ive ?????????oteot?e te ?thathat????m ???t ?????ommom??????????? f??????????ca??????????????????y ky ?????d of?????????? ba b???is:is: :????e t????tyt??pespe?s os ?????im???????nen???????neneene?ed ???????", "output": " The cats at home love it, too! We've only tried Brushtail but get the Venison treats for variety. I'm sure we'll try the others, too, for a change up from time to time - (done in moderation and over a period of time so as not to upset the tummies!)!!!!\"\n8865,B001QW6LMW,A2XPGNJ8YUPHM0,\"H. Grove \"\"Errant Dreams Reviews\"\"\",0,0,5,1340755200,Even cats love it...,\"Note that I'm not recommending you feed your cat dog food on any kind of regular basis: the two types of animals generally need differe"} {"input": "??? k ???????????odo?ds ds a ?ndnd nd??????????? H ????vev???? at a?t tt ???????e ??????????in?g g t????????fifin?????????????????? d ???????ateat?d d? fo f????????????thoth????t ?mym???????wow?????d tod t????ratra??, ????????????? t?he? o?????????????d ???????? fo??????tha??t it ?????????a a h ???????????? of o????rotro???????????????????calca?????????????????ri????????????ababeb?????hi??h h c??????????, s, ??? I I d I ??????ded ded??????????t t?eme?????ri????????????????so???????? ad a????e i??. ??'v'??? si s????e fe foe fou????d a d a c? cat?????ci???? f????or????????????????????an???, b, ???????ll ll???????lyly ???????lil???le? o of? t????????? an a????????????????????????", "output": "nt kinds of foods and nutrients. However, at the time I was having trouble finding cat-specific dehydrated food that I thought my cats would tolerate, and this was the one dehydrated food I found that included a high amount of protein *and* specifically mentioned taurine on the label, which cats need, so I decided to use it temporarily. The cats absolutely adore it. I've since found a cat-specific flavor from the same company, but I'll probably use a little of this now and then as variety.
"} {"input": "?????/>/???e e c ?????????????????ana??????? s ??ini????????heaheala?????? an???th????????????????omomim???????????????henhe????????rere e me ???insin????????????? I ??????????ed???it ????????????strst?????????????????????at/at????????????????????????????????ere???????????????????f f??????????e we ???d ??????????l cl ??????inlin?????????s tos t??????ee ee??????????????????rotro?teite??????urcur?????????????????????cic???s s fs ?fewfe????????????????? t??????on????ma????e the t??hem hem? si s?ckc?????????mi???d d td tod t???hihichi????, ???????y, y,?ra???????, an, a???????malma????????nt nt??of of? fi f????????????????????????????brusbru???ai?ail ail i???????????is??'t? g gr g?raira??", "output": "
The cats' coats look and feel shiny and healthy, and they definitely vomit less than when fed more mainstream foods. I also mixed it with some straight ground raw meat/organs/bone to make sure they were getting plenty of meat. The wild brushtail certainly seems to agree with them as a protein source, and there are precious few protein sources that don't make them sick (I'm limited to chicken, turkey, rabbit, and a small amount of fish usually). Because the brushtail is wild it isn't grain "} {"input": "?fef????ana??????? s ???ulu?????vev????ene?tyty y??f f????e re ???????????????? A ??????????rdrdidini????o o? th???????an?????t't???????????opo????????????????????????so so? th??is is?is????????ponpo???blble??????????helhe???co????????? the??????estes???????????l l?????????????????????ls?????? l lil????????????????s s ns ?????to to????????????????1Q1???????A1A????RFR?????G5G??????Fa?????,0,,0?5,???????202????A A?????t t????????pip???y ??????????????????????????????????sisinsi???????????????????????????????????????????il?? an and an??mymy ???ttt????gig???l al ??????uteut?????OVO??? i???????owo??I ??????????????????argar?gerge??r par p???ag??????wew???ono?", "output": "fed, and thus should have plenty of the right nutrients. Also, according to the company, it's an overpopulated nuisance pest, so this is a responsible way to help conserve the forests brushtail devour and the animals that live there. What's not to love?\"\n8866,B001QW6LMW,A1STLRFIQ8KG5,Fan Fan,0,0,5,1315872000,A must try for picky eaters!!,\"I started out by purchasing the 4 oz trial package of Summer Brushtail and my little girl absolutely LOVED it!! Now I am getting the larger package so we don'"} {"input": "???????ououtu?? ??? C ?hih?????? Cr Crer????????fff?????????erger???????????ltl?ryr?y ay ????????insin????d ??????????????chc???????tedte?????? r??????ata?t dt ????t. t.? S ??incin?????e e ie isi??s a s a?????le?????????ietyiet???shesh?e we ????????????d md ??atat at??????????????ed ??? h???????????? fo f????????????????he he? he????????lefle????herhe?r wr ???????????????????l ??????im???. ????????????????????terte???atiat??????to tto ??e ??????beb?????? t????????ne???????omo?????3 3???nd nd?????attat??? ac a??dsd??s ans a???????????????? br b???th??????in?????he???hasha???beebe???n onn on ????????her her???????uau????y ???????????????????????????????????????to mto ?mixmix x??witwi????kibki????????????????", "output": "t run out. My Chinese Crested suffers allergies to poultry and grains and was pretty much limited to a red meat diet. Since she is a hairless variety she was on a red meat formula coated in herring oil for her skin. The herring left her with fish breath all the time. This is a great alternative to the fish because the richness in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and no more fish breath!! Since she has been on this her skin quality is much better. This is also great to mix with kibble if you have "} {"input": "??????kyk???????? e ??tet?? l?iki???I I????????????????tbtbsb????p ????????????????ndn????????nd nd?????it???? h ?????y py ?lal??e ?eve??????imi???\"\"?888868?????????5E5??????????????AYA????IvI????????ovo??181?????????757??????????he he?bebese?????cac?? e??????????????rer??lll?????????st??????af af??I hI ???? t??????????t ????????????fif?indin???????betbe????? th t???????????????????????????????is ?ononen?????IlI???????????s os ofo?????????yo?????????????????e ??oco?????cofco??????????kerker ?????????eme?bab??????menme??????ikeik???olo?gegerge?rs rs??????????????????? a????????????bub?rnr????d and a???st??????????keke ????????????????s ns nan???????or ????unu??", "output": "a picky little eater like I do, just mix a tbsp up in the kibble and you end up with a happy plate every time.\"\n8867,B001EQ5EQE,A31LX0K4MEAYK7,Ivan Ivanov,18,20,5,1175644800,The best decaf ever,\"This is really the best decaf I have tried... It is hard to find any better than the italian decafs like this one or Illy. Unless of course you are the average local coffee drinker used to embarassments like Folgers or accustomized to all the overburned and stinking like charcoal brands named for an unkn"} {"input": "??wnwn n???asasos????re??chc????as???????lil???n Rn ??????ete????????????????????????????????thith?????????????th th????????????????an??????eee????NoN??????????ioi???????????al al??????????ici?????ast???mom????li??e e te ?????ada?????????????nen????ooo?d ????viv?????.....???????????1E1???????????ENE???????????????????????s\"s??\",\",9,??????121?????????,E,????????????????,\"I,\"?????mam?allal?????????????zzz?a a?????????prp?????????de????????????? P PrPre??s)s???????????????????to to???????ownow??onon on mon mym????caffcaf?????e ie ????????? ha h??????eanea???d md ??????? t?????????? w????le le o????????????????????????????n mn me??????????rn rn??r ?????t t??", "output": "own reason French Roast, Italian Roast etc... (believe me, they have nothing to do with French or Italian coffee). Not to mention the local decafs which taste more like tea made out of burned wood shavings...\"\n8868,B001EQ5EQE,A114ENJ8LDLMR2,\"TAR \"\"Mr Ribs\"\"\",9,9,4,1242086400,Excellent decaf,\"I normally drink Lavazza Rossa expresso (made in a French Press), but in attempt to cut down on my caffeine intake I have weaned my self to decaf. while other decaf coffee has given me heartburn or just tas"} {"input": "t?????wfw?ulu?, ,???isi?????aza??? h ?????????????? W ????????????????????e ????????????th?????ssssas?, ???????????????as as?????tyt??????????????????????la??????, is, i??beb??utu?tifti?fulfull?????ooo???????????t at ???????????terte??????? o???y ?????????????????????hehe ??????e te ????????????????? to t?????y iy ???bubuy????????an an ( ???????????????????cuc?????????t)t???????????????$3$?????????????????????????????e ?e ame a???nt?????Ro???a.a????????s b??????????????? d ????????????I hI ?????eve??r r dr drd??????????????????5E5???????NNN?545?ESESNS??777?G,G??????sa???. . J. ???????en???????????4141212121616016???????s ds ???????NDND D??????lelen?t!t??", "output": "ted awful, this Lavazza hit the spot. While it is not quite as rich as the Rossa, it is still has plenty of rich chocolatey flavor, is beautifully smooth and not at all bitter. The only downside I have is the price tag and the need to buy it buy the can (rather than the vacuum packet). Its a full $3 more than I pay for the same amount of Rossa. It is by far the best decaf that I have ever drunk.\"\n8869,B001EQ5EQE,A16NN54ESNY77G,Melissa C. Jurgensen,5,5,5,1304121600,It's decaf AND excellent!,\""} {"input": "??'v'vev?????????????????????oro??? d ?????????re?????fo????????LoL????????353??. .?TrT????????????e fre fror????????????eryer??????????t t t th t?he ?????f f wf ????nen????????????????????????????d Nd ??????'s'???????????????????rinri??????????????????????????thath?????eae??. ?NoN????oo????lal?vov?????or ?es???????, ???and and??usu????????????????cic???. ?? t??rieri???th??????????whiwhimi?????????e oe ?of of? th??????????nd???????upu???????????????????he?re??? on on?AmA?mazma??????????wawaswas was???loolo?????wiwit???my????risri???????????'s 's???chc????? h??? f fl fla flav????????????ma? i ??? ex excx????????????av?????gngne???up?????? th???????????hipmhip??????????thisthi??????", "output": "I've looked everywhere for a decaf espresso for my DeLonghi EC355. Tried coffee from the grocery store but the decaf was never espresso grind, ordered Newman's decaf espresso grind on-line and it wasn't that great. Not good flavor for espresso, and just OK for cappuccino. I tried this on a whim because of the price and the super saver shipping here on Amazon and I was floored with my frist cup! It's rich, it has flavor, the crema is excellent! I have signed up for the auto shipment of this and c"} {"input": "?ouo????'t'??beb???????????I I c ??????????y y????e ????????????tat??iai??????fef??????? I I???????????n hn ??????o o????aveav????????R R??????? It I???? t?????ndn?d id ??.\".????707??B0B??????EQ?E,E??????????YKYKAK???????o \"o ???????eaeadea???????????121??????606????????t Dt DeD?????FiF?inain???ly ?a a?GRG??ATA??????????????? a a ?re??????????????????? c????????????????????????e ?????ot ot?????????????????????e me ???ke?t ???????areare ????????????? t? the the the???????????????????a Ca CaC??re??????upu?????????matma??????????????????????o-o- ??it it?????s ????????????? the ??????? f?unu??????????????aca??????????ce????????????grgror?????????????????", "output": "ouldn't be happier. I can finally have excellent Italian coffee and I don't even have to leave home OR go to Italy to find it.\"\n8870,B001EQ5EQE,A2LDWYH3UYKAE9,\"Jo \"\"Codehead\"\"\",2,2,5,1294617600,Great Decaf,Finally a GREAT decaf. It has a really wonderful and complete flavor- not like a lot of the decafs on the market that are just missing the kick. I use a Jura Capresso super automatic to make my espresso- it works lovely in the bypass funnel on this machine (since it is pre-ground). The flavor "} {"input": "???ana????????????????????????cac??????non??s as ??? l ?????s.s???????????y y?eve??ryr?y dy ?????ece?????????essessoso.o????hah?????t t????????????????????????nd??I'I?????????d ad ???oto??????e Ie ?????????????????pepereraer????e ie ???????oror/or/ /?????iti????utut t at ?at at a????????????e te ?????????e t??????llylly ?????????n'tn'??????th th??t.??????????1E1EQE???????????0B0BDBDRD??????,E,?????????????,1,????535??????????llllell??????odo??????????????,\",??????zaz??????f ????????o ??asa???????????????in??????????????ada???????????s Is ?????ed?????????????????laslasss???? ma m??????? a??d ????is ????ac??????????? le???????pe????????????????????????un?", "output": "stands up nice to milk for capuccinos and lattes. This is my every day decaf espresso. I haven't found anything better and I've tried a lot. The Illy decaf is comperable in flavor/ quality but at about double the price the Illy just isn't worth it.\n8871,B001EQ5EQE,A3B2Q0BDRNII3S,Epicure,4,5,4,1233532800,Excellent product and price,\"Lavazza decaf espresso was the best tasting of the 6 leading brands I tried in my Gaggia Classic machine, and this 4-pack was the least expensive per can that I found"} {"input": "? o ?????? i ??tet????t.t?????????indin?? is i???oto?????????in?e ????ugughg????t ????ece???????chc?heahe?????????????ri?????????dud??ede?????????????t dt ?????????? fi f?ine???????????????????????????? p???????????????8?878?2,2?????EQE????E,E??2G2??DGD????????????????a,a?????????????242?0000,00?????????????fff??????????vev??????s cs ???fe???????????????????it??????ffeff????tetedte??????????????pr????????????????or dor ?ara????trt???g g c????????? and an?????? i is?????????888?87387??,B0,B???1EQ1E??EQ?EQE,EQE?????9T9????????????imi???????????????????????????????121??????808???????????ent ent????????sps???ss??!,!?????is ?????excexce?????nt nt??espes?pre???? a?? and and?", "output": " on the internet. The grind is not quite fine enough but 3 sec in a cheap non-burr grinder produced the correct degree of fineness for a mouse's tail and perfect crema.\"\n8872,B001EQ5EQE,A2GFDGHAODEBX8,Jessica,1,1,5,1329782400,excellent coffee,\"We love this coffee alone or mixed with caffeinated coffee. Our preference is for dark strong coffee, and this is both.\"\n8873,B001EQ5EQE,A1RD9TDF3FLB60,\"Jim Mangrum \"\"Jim Dandy\"\"\",1,1,5,1294012800,Excellent Decaf Espresso!,\"This is excellent espresso and w"} {"input": "??rkr??????ata???????????????i i E ????5.5??????a a??????????????????? t???st,st?? I I???????re????????????????????erereerene???????????????????????e ????aza?????????????????????oto????????????????????, ????ma???????????or.or??. I. ????????ee????????????????? o ?????????sos?????telte?????and ?????? ex e????????????????lllloll??s ???e te ?o ??????????thoth???t bt ?beibein??????te?????????si?ng????leele??.<.<>
If you are new to making espresso, save yourself some stress and start with this. One of the keys to gaining proficiency is reducing the variables. Yes, grinding beans yo"} {"input": "?uru?????????l l?????????sls??????y y f ????????esespes??????, ,???t ???????????????????????s s w???t t dt ?????????eded d??o ?????????????ini?????????????????YoY???????pip???? ?????????????so so m ???er??????????youyo?u au ??????????iei??????????hih????????????????????y ???rouro???? es?pr??????????????? b???????? mu m???????tet????oso???????????????????ent ent????????????????????????????????000010????EQ????2E2E7E??5252B2??8383H3??I,I??????? t??????????sh?opo?????1,1??,5,???????????????????coc?ffffef???- - a???????m m???eryery ????ckyck??\"T\"????????????????ff???????you you??????????ll????at????????ded?cac??? T ??????ava?oro???????????er????", "output": "urself will get you slightly fresher espresso, but when there are problems what do you need to fix? The grind? The roast? Your tamping? The espresso maker? Once you are proficient with this excellent expertly ground espresso, you will be in a much better position to experiment with grinding your own.\"\n8874,B001EQ5EQE,A2E7P52B783HTI,Marina the picky shopper,1,1,5,1273536000,Great coffee - and I am very picky,\"This is great coffee, you cannot tell that it is decaf. The flavor is just perfect"} {"input": "?????lll??????ncn??d,d?????? bu b???ed??liliki?????ararbrbub?????an?? m ????s s gs ??????rerememama.ma. .??WoW?rkr???????????iti?h h???y Jy ?ur??????re?????????uc????? m????ininein????? b??????????????r-r???????????????????????????????????????????????t tht t???????ntn?????878????000?????????AHA?????????KCK?M,M??. ??vev???,1,??????,12,1??????00?????????????cacafca???????ressres????ro??ndnd ?d cod c???eeee,e????????ee????sis?ing???????????????????eveveverve??????ar??????????????????????sfsfif??ed.ed??. F. ?oror or?? d ???caf???it??isis is??????an???sa????????????a ra ???????????e ??oror ??????????????ni???????ne???of of???????estes?t dt ??decadecafa????ff????????????st?????????????00100??", "output": ", well balanced, not burned like Starbucks and makes good crema. Works nicely with my Jura espresso-cappuccino machine. I bought two four-packs already and going through my 6th jar at the moment.\"\n8875,B001EQ5EQE,AH8GFZJP4AKCM,B. Avery,1,1,4,1270512000,Lavazza decaf Espresso ground coffee,\"I've been using this coffee for several years and I am quite satisfied. For a decaf, it is rich and satisfying, a robust taste for the early morning. One of the best decaf coffees I've tasted.\"\n8876,B001EQ"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????????,1??????????,I,ItI? i ???????????????????????????????s ds ??????eie??????????heh?? i?????memese?s ts ????????rsr????????????cucupu???? e ???????o o co ???ffeff??, ,?????? a??l ??in ???e ?waw?y y??owo?? th??????????????????tedte??? T ??????bub??st st?????????f ???????????????ouo????????e te ????????st dst ???????????pr??????lolovoveverve?????????????d id ???????? l ???tltlele ???ecrec???, ????chc??????t ot ?of of u us????????ansan????oulou?????????????????????????????dedecde?cafca?ffe???????????ow???????????e w???mmm???. . ? I' I???????????????????is c?????fee fee?????ses??????????arsar????? a?????????the????????? pr p???grg?rouro?ndnd nd cnd co?coff??", "output": "5EQE,AML351UD1T9IF,Paul C.,1,1,5,1268265600,It is hard to believe that this is decaffeinated.,\"When it comes to flavors in a good cup of espresso coffee, it is all in the way how the beans are roasted. The robust flavor of this coffee should make the most desiring espresso lovers proud. And it has a little secret, which most of us Italians wouldn't admit in public, it is decaffeinated. Wow, a double whammy. I've been using this coffee for several years now and no other decaf pre-ground coffee"} {"input": "??????????????????????000???????????????TUT?111??????\"L\"?????????????s s \"s ???????,1,???,5,???????686??????ere??????es????????,\"T,\"???????is sis ?imi?????tht?? b ???t ????????or? m mam????? e es esps????so?????eye???ana??????????????????????f f tf ??e ?co?????????????????????????er?yty?????g eg ???? o?????????????????????IlIlll???????y ay ??????????regre??lal?????ariar?etetyt????? \" ??????ma ma e????????????????????????wew??l l wl ????????e e me ???????????: :?????????????shs?ouo?ulduld ?be????????onlon???????????ngng ng e?????ss???. O. OfO??cocouco????????????????o ????w w? wh w?????youyo????re ???????????????.\".\"????????????????,A?252???M3M3Q3???????????????", "output": " comes close.\"\n8877,B001EQ5EQE,A1L1EHTU11S50F,\"Lorenzo Fabris \"\"LF\"\"\",1,1,5,1211068800,Perfect espresso,\"This is simply the best decaf for making espresso money can buy. At a fraction of the cost, this coffee beats everything else out there, including Illy. Try also the regular variety and \"\"crema e gusto\"\". They are all well worth the money. Note: this coffee should be used only for making espresso. Of course, you have to know what you are doing as well.\"\n8878,B001EQ5EQE,A25C2M3QF9G7OQ,Comdet,2"} {"input": "?,3,??????????888????????ede????????o o????ese??rer?esses?????????\"I\"? t ??ouo?????I ????????cac????????????? e????resre????????????t at ???aya?????d ???????????????or or?????????????????? a a???de??ratra?????????tonto?ne ne t?o ?an??????????????????e.e? I? e?njnjojoyo??????ngn??????????????????????t bt ?????r ???ff??????????????????????brb??????????????????????????????thath????????s js ???st st???in????????e ??????g sg ??ufuff?. ??????zaz?????cafcaf caf??????????????????????fufulu?. ???????, ?????-b-????????bub???nono o bo ??????????????????????, ?????????nd????????????lyl?????????????ot????????
Well, it turns out that I was just drinking the wrong stuff. Lavazza decaf is absolutely delightful. Strong, full-bodied, but no bitterness. Nice crema, smooth and rich. Really hits the spot!

It does, however, have a b"} {"input": "????mom?????afa???????????????erer r?????????????????, ,??utu??I I???an an f ??????????????(I(?????er?y y????????????o o???????ne???????????????????yo???prp?????lyl????????no??ici???????????t et ????????????????????? a??????blebl??. ??????ve???ifi???????d,d?????? pr pro pr?????? s st s?????????k k????????????s ts th?ata?????????r ?/>/????????igigh?????????mem?endend.d????878???????EQE???????2Z2?LCL???FRF??RLR?????????n Wn ?????????????\"F\"???????????????????????????,A??????????????,\"I,\"I ????ldl??prprepr????????????k ??the????????????????????? t???e t?????????ut ????? I ??????not????????e t???????fefeife????I ??????e thie th??. . . ??t ???s as ????", "output": "it more caffeine than other decafs. Not much, but I can feel it a bit (I'm very sensitive to caffeine - if you're not, you probably won't notice it). Not enough that it causes a problem. But even if it did, I'd probably still drink this - it's that good!

Highly recommend.\"\n8879,B001EQ5EQE,A2ZLCLWFRIRL2A,\"John W. Westcott \"\"Fr John\"\"\",2,3,4,1220572800,A solid Decaf,\"I would prefer to drink the regular Lavazza all the time, but when I cannot handle the caffeine I use this. It is a ver"} {"input": "????????coc?ffffef?e.e?????88088????0101E1?Q5Q???????????????????0,D0,??anannn?e e????????0,???5,5,1,????616???????????????????az??????????ocockck!k??,\",\"M,\"?????????& ?I I????????va?zz?????????????????faf???????is???ece??? e ?????essesso???????????????????s ?tht????????????????n n???? h ?avave?????????y y dy dad?y,y?????????wiw???ou??????ryryiry???? ab abob??? m mym???????in???upu????AmaAmaz?????yo????arear???????mem???????????????????plpla???????????derde??? it??????????? 4 ????aysay???oror or????e toe t???ececeec?ivi???????????????e ??& S& ?????is??a ????????????????to??????????? re????? a?????ala??????????????????fe!fe?????881881,1??????????EQE,EQE?,A1,A??????????OPO?????", "output": "y good coffee.\"\n8880,B001EQ5EQE,A1OJU4I8E96AF0,Dianne Lister,0,0,5,1341619200,\"Lavazza & Amazon, you rock!\",\"My hubby & I love Lavazza, our absolute fave! This decaf espresso is just as good as the regular. I can now have it every day, again, without worrying about my BP going up. Amazon, you are awesome! From the time I placed my order, it only took 4 days for me to receive it. Subscribe & Save is a great service, too. I will remain a loyal customer for life!\"\n8881,B001EQ5EQE,A12WVAXWII6OPK,Jes"} {"input": "?sis?? M ??????????,2,??????272?????0,T0,????eses s?prp?oco???ses??,I,???????lyly y?????r r???ustus?telte???????fff???????d d??ofo????????????????sedse???o ?????????????????th?????ameam?e a????????ara??es???????. . I ???????d t????????????????cafca???????????????d I d I??? e??????????????ppp?????tedted.ted??ItI??s s r???????obo??????????? y ??????????iti????at???????? de d?????feife????ed? a?nd??? tas ta???????????? i????propr???????. ?? o???er???ed ted ?the?????????????????????????????????????nd ??????th?the ??????e te the t?????????????t ot ?pep???ed ????t i????????n dn ????????..?8?88??????1E1???????????9Q9?MVM????????DoD?????ar????La?????nsn???????lovlo?????of of m me????", "output": "sie Mejias,0,0,2,1341273600,Tastes processed,I usually order Bustelo Decaffeinated coffee and I am used to the taste being the same as regular espresso. I tried this Lavazza decaf espresso and I am extremely disappointed. It's really obvious when you taste it that it is decaffeinated and tastes like it is processed. I ordered the 4-pack and would really like to send back the three that I haven't opened yet if I can do that...\n8882,B001EQ5EQE,A3229QMVXFPNH,\"Donnamarie Lapczynski \"\"lover of mercy\""} {"input": "???,0,??????131343?????????????cic????????coc????????asa????? k ??owo??no?tht???? a ????t t???????????ete?thoth????f f??????????????????t ??????hth?t It ???????????e e? th?isi??????y.y??I ????ala??????????????is?????ateat???prp??oceoc??sesede????????????a ??????rfrfuf??????????????????????????sos???la??????tot???e ??9.9?????af???in??frf????????efefu???????????????ll ll?????????????e ie ???re???????????the the???????? ha h???????eded ed o of o??de????..?888?88388?????1E1??????,A,?????7F7?????????ene??,0,?0,?5,????????????DeD????????????????cec??????????li???y py ???????t wt ????? r ??mim?????me????? It I???????????????t t???????fe????????er???????oro????", "output": "\"\",0,0,5,1340236800,delicious chocolatey taste,I know nothing about this CO2 method of decaffeinating but thought I would give this a try. I usually buy the Swiss water processed. This had a wonderful chocolatey taste. It also claimed to be 99.9% caffein free. Hopefully this is all true because it really is the best I have tried of decaf.\n8883,B001EQ5EQE,AV8HZ7FZLAPGQ,Ken,0,0,5,1338595200,Decaf Espresso,Excellent quality product which reminds me of Italy... without the caffeine. Perfect for aft"} {"input": "?ere? d ??nnn??????????????? e efe?????????? to t???mumucu?h h???ff????e.e????88488????010????EQEQEEQ????????????????,N,NON??E,E,0E,0,0????????838????????????????????a a??????????????????????s ??????ede? t????????????? a a??????e e Ie ??????an an??es??tauta??anantan????? ou o??????ntntont?ownow? a?re????????oto???ed????????the????af?fif??lia?????dedelde?????????????zaz???????I aI asa?????????????????????at that t???????wewed?????????? re res re????????????????????????s.s???????mem???????????????????aza??????????de???d ?an?????I amI a?? no not??????????WhW????? g ????t ?????????????????celce????nt ?cuc?? o??????fe?????????????????????st???ra????flf?avavoav?? w??ithitho?ut? s??", "output": "er dinner without the effects of too much caffeine.\n8884,B001EQ5EQE,A3M84VMTYCG5L3,NONE,0,0,5,1328313600,Just like at a restaurant,I've always enjoyed the decaf at a little Italian restaurant in our downtown area. I noticed that their affiliated deli sold LavAzza and I asked if that is what they brewed for the restaurant and was told yes. I immediately went to Amazon and ordered and I am not sorry. What a great price for an excellent cup of coffee! Now I get the restaurant flavor without spe"} {"input": "?????????e e????tat?ururar?ntn????icicec??????????????????????????QTQ???????ono???????????????????131?????????,d,??????????r r?yoy?????????mom???? a ????re????di?????? h ?ava??????????? t???t t dt ??????ot???ititete ???????st??????????imimpm???y ay ?an an????????lel????????. ?dzdzz???????00???????????P6P????????PZP??,B?????????te te??????lil??????????????????????????othot?? to to to???????astas?????????hih??????????o ??is is d???liclicic?????????????strst???????????notno?t tt ???????????????????????????????and iand ????????ri??ic????? m ??ki???ng cng ?????????no.no?. . ??????????????is pis ?????ablably?????????????e.\"e.????????,B00,B0????5E????A1A?????BBBBDB????AMA???", "output": "nding the restaurant price!\n8885,B001EQ5EQE,AFJPNDNQTTC91,Donald Zeboski,0,0,5,1320710400,decaaff for you,Very smooth and rewarding to have a decaff that does not bite the taste buds. Simply an enjoyable coffee. dz\n8886,B001EQ5EQE,A3P64EVP39YPZ8,Bernadette Cirigliano,0,0,5,1313798400,Smooth to the last drop,\"This espresso is delicious. It's strong, but not too strong, and full-bodied and it's terrific for making cappuccino. This brand is probably my favorite.\"\n8887,B001EQ5EQE,A1Q4UTBBDW6SAM,\"E"} {"input": "?????ttt??e e?\"\"\"?SAS????ofo??????,0,????????????202????DeDece??ntn?,\",?ThT?isi???ec?????????????? i ????????iui?m m R ?????? n ???t at ???????ror???????????????????????????utu???????????e ?de????????????????????????????????????he??? re r???ewe??????????nkn???????????s ?grgro??undun?????????inein???????????????????,A,????C6C??????????????le?????????reere??????? \"\" \"??MarMa?le????????????????,12,1???494??404???PeP?????t ???????cuc??????ava????????????y ??? t???????aza??????len??s ?????????? h ha???????mom???in??????????????an?d ??canca??t ??? w ?it????ut ut? a a g gog??d ??sps?reresresss??????lend??????y hy ?????y o?????????????????f af ?????e ????????", "output": ". Kittle \"\"SAHM of 3\"\"\",0,0,3,1296432000,Decent,\"This decaf is OK. It is a Medium Roast, not a dark roast (says it on the can, but not in the description here). Also, unlike another reviewer, I think that it is ground very fine.\"\n8888,B001EQ5EQE,A1UDC6QRUN4BOK,\"Marlene W. Greenberg \"\"Marlene G.\"\"\",0,0,5,1293494400,Perfect every cup,I have tried many of the Lavazza blends as I MUST have my morning cappuccino and can't be without a good espresso blend. My hubby only drinks decaf and we have fou"} {"input": "????ththih??????????o o??????????s ??ooo???????hehe ???gug??????????????????. .? M ???? t?imi???s Is ???????????????????1/?2 2 f2 ??????la??e e de ????????-m-??-u-?p.p?????ul?dndn'n??t bt beb??????????it??????9,9????????EQ????2I2IHI???UAU??HMH???W,W??????iscis?????mpm??r,r?0,0??????292????808??????????valva?????forfo???????????I aI ?m m?non???an???espes?re????o so ?no????????? r ???????y ???????an??????????????????????????????'m'm ????????????es???????????eneen????lyl??????????? a a??????????mim?????????????s.s???r r /r ??????????????chach??????theth???????zzazza ??????????????as oas ?????f f???e e Ae ??????????cafca?????d pd ???????asedased d a?????? s ????e ?????????????", "output": "nd this blend to be just as good as the regular blend Lavazza. Many times I blend it 1/2 and 1/2 for a late day pick-me-up. Wouldn't be without it.\n8889,B001EQ5EQE,A2IH8UUAUHMGLW,J. Wischkaemper,0,0,4,1293408000,Good value for money.,\"I am not an espresso snob. I may roast my own beans for drip coffee, but when I'm making espresso it's generally going in a bunch of milk and syrups.

I purchased the Lavazza because I was out of the Alessi decaf I'd purchased at the store and the Lavaz"} {"input": "zzaz????s s a ?????????ala???????mym????rpr????????????is???????????y ???????????????????????nen?????????? th t??e se ??mem???????I I???aca????????????derde??, I, ??alalsal???????????????????aza??za za????????afa?????re?????????????????ly??????n'n?t ?????? to t????e ae as????????????????ly???????????????ingin???Fo??????????? p?????, ??????????? ca c?????ob?aba??????????????????????e de ?dec??reare???ed ed qed ????iti?y.y???r ????
If you're drinking it straight, probably not a good choice. If you're mixing it, it's more than adequate.\"\n8890,B001EQ5EQE,A18SVL5RCBIR4G,RunningGirl,0,0,5,1289779200"} {"input": "?,B,???? c ?ofofff?????????,I,? r ???????????????? P ?????????????? I I ?????????k k???? th t?he he???ata???????ouo????????ri???k tk ??he ??????????????fof????????????????bsb???? t??????ada????me?????atat ???an???????t it ????????????????????? l ??? t???????????????????????????????????of? t????ItI???????? cof coff???es es?on??????????????????sitesit??????? I f I ????????????????????zoz????????non?????ca???????????celce???nt? e es e?prp??????fo????????????????????! T! ?ha???????????????????????,B0,B000??????????353585?A1A?GEG??????????????er??????????88?222???????BetBettt?terte?r tr ??anan ????ce???co?????????p p????????????usu????useused????????to to", "output": ",Best coffee ever!,I recently visited Paris and when I came back to the States I couldn't drink the coffee. So I found a French website that had some great brands but it cost and arm and a leg to send them here. LavAzza was one of the Italian coffees on the French website and I found it here on Amazon!! So now I can have excellent espresso for a decent price!!! Thank you Amazon!!!\n8891,B001EQ5EQE,A358A1GEYJG7CD,J. Greer,0,0,5,1288224000,Better than pricey coffee shop coffee!,I just used this to "} {"input": "????e e??????? a ????sps????sos??????itit t?????ono?????f tf ???????????astas??????f cf ?of??????thathata?t It ????????????????I I????? ab a?????te?lyl??????????????ut ut??t ?????so?ooo???????????????????????ntn????????????????????I c??? h ha h??????????????? ( ??? t???????YuY???????????????5E5?EQEEQ??????0B0BQB????????????a a???????geg?????????121???434?????,G,?????? it it' it??????matma??????? t ta t???e.e???,\",????????av???zaz?a ra ??gug???ar ar???sprsp??sss??????th???????? c ?????????y ??????ararlar?????s ??I c???sis?ded???? it it??????momoomo?????t ?????????of??ala????????????pep???????????r ?????isis is?de???????in tin ???????????can????????????????????????????", "output": "make myself an espresso and it was one of the best tastes of coffee that I've ever had. I was absolutely surprised but it was sooo good. I can't wait until the morning so I can have another cup (or two). Yum!\n8892,B001EQ5EQE,A1MH0BQU601U4H,Vera C. Karger,0,0,5,1282435200,Guess it's a matter of taste...,\"I buy Lavazza regular espresso in the black can pretty regularly, as I consider it the smoothest tasting of all in the supermarket.
This decaf in the green can is just as good, but lacks "} {"input": "????????????????????????? / ??C>?'e'es???lal????????????,B,??????5E5??E,E??1B1???G8G????????,A???????rir?????????????,1,?282???????????reare?????offof?????..?????hih??s is ??????????????????????r fr frf??ene??s,s? w wh w???????????????llyll????omo? I????????useuse ???????????. . ???eyey ???ghg??????coc?????d ??????Th????alalsal?????????ava???zaz??CrC?remre?ma ma??????????of?????????s,??2.2?2-2??????????????????ve ve?????????????????e ???at tat ???????????use ause ???????h ??kinki??nds nds??????xcx????????????e ge ??????????", "output": "the kick of caffeine.

One reviewer loves Bustelo; well it's a matter of taste. I found Bustelo to be harsh and unpleasant.
C'est la vie.\"\n8893,B001EQ5EQE,A1B3YG8RXGIN2T,A. S. Primavera,0,0,5,1281052800,Great coffee.....,\"This is the coffee that our friends, who are originally from Italy, use every day. They highly recommend it. They also use Lavazza Crema e Aroma Coffee Beans, 2.2-Pound Bag. I have had both of these at their house and both kinds are excellent. We get it usin"} {"input": "?g g?tht?e e??ububsb?crc?ipi???ono???opo???????????????????????????????isisc????????? f ?re???????????????????B0B????Q5Q????,A,?????JTJTCT??X2X?????CRC???????????5,5????????606???????????afaf f?????????????lol????????l l???verve????wnw?????????ldl???t ft ????????? de?????exe??prepr?????????????atateat?lyly,y??AmA??zoz??????????? m ??e we ???? t?????????????????????????????????asa???a ta tatas?tyt?????????co????????erier??????????????n ??????????????????????t ft fit f???er???????????prodprodud??????????ty?. . ???'s'??????in-in?????sis??????ion????. I . I??????????????menme?????????????ecaec?affaffef??????d ?grg????????????????88988959???B00B001??????????Q7Q??????M7M??", "output": "g the Subscription option which gives you a great discount AND free shipping.\"\n8894,B001EQ5EQE,A1EO8JTCUX2B0U,CR Kevo,0,0,5,1259625600,good decaf espresso,\"I looked all over town and could't find any decaf expresso. Fortunately, Amazon provided me with the Lavazza alternative, and it was a tasty and welcome experience. The can is pop top, so no cut fingers. The product is tasty. It's a win-win situation. I highly recommend Lavazza Decaffeinated ground coffee.\"\n8895,B001EQ5EQE,AVQ7O2ZXPM7UW"} {"input": ",,\",??????????????\"\"?\",\"????????????????????????????esessessos?,\"???'v'?????lyl????ede????isi??????? b ????iti????????????akake??????t ot ???????nin?????? W ?????re? s ??rpr?????? b?ececaec?????????????cafcaf,f???butbu???? c ???ldl?????????ep ep?fof??????rsr?????????????? to t??? bed be????????????oooodod,d???thoth?ougou????????6,6??00?1E1????????161??????????????ava???d,0d,?????,1???????00???????t nt ??t ???ala?? es e?sprsp???????I I? wa w????????????????le????t unt u???tit????iedie??????????oror or????????????? gr g?????s ???ysy???????l;l???????ht?????wnw?????t tt th?? t?????calca???????????????????ckc???????realrea????????essoess??????????decadec????????????????? a???? od o????no?not not??", "output": ",\"Addie \"\"Addie\"\"\",0,2,3,1261958400,decaf espresso,\"We've only used this once, but it kept us awake most of the night. We were surprised because it's decaf, but we couldn't sleep for hours after going to bed. Tastes good, though.\"\n8896,B001EQ5EQE,A16TUVM8A3DV9C,David,0,4,1,1273536000,Just not real espresso,\"I was hopeful, but left unsatisfied. The color of the bean grounds says it all; a light brown not the typical dark brown to black of real espresso, even decaf. Taste is weak and odd, not ri"} {"input": "??? a ??? s ???????????aiaini????non?????????????exe?trt???$$$??????????????afa???BuB?sts????????stest?????8??979?????????????????9K9??PXP????????????x,x????????,12,1????080??????ot?hih?ingin? l ????e Se ???????????????e,e????????????ordor???ede????????cof??????????eadea????????????oth??????????AmA????????nd ?on???th??????teteste???? I I u ????????ie???erser???????????tot????????????????on???? p pup?rcrch?????????????m m????????????????????????????so?????????ofoffof?????. I. I . I???????????????rev?revilrevi?lele ?????????so mso ??????????t ht ??????. I??????e be bebeee??? us u????? St S???????s s fs ????????????MyM?????az????????????????????????I wI ??????????", "output": "ch and solid. Certainly not worth the extra $$. Recommend Cafe Bustelo instead.\"\n8897,B001EQ5EQE,A2L79K9PXZISP9,S. Cox,3,11,1,1217808000,Nothing like Starbucks coffee,\"Before I ordered this coffee, I read reviews both here at Amazon and on other sites. I used reviewers comments to base my decision to purchase it. I am a lover of Starbucks Espresso Decaf coffee. I have my own Breville espresso machine at home. I have been using Starbucks for years. My Lavazzo coffee arrived and I was eager t"} {"input": "oo o????? i ???? t ???? ?????????????e te ???????????d bd brb?????????????????????I aI ??rer?ada?y y????????????????e de ???????in?tet?ed ed??????ses??????????dy dy??non???? I p I ???????????k k???ff???????nsn??????ro?????????????t pt ?ul???d d ad ??????????????????????? I p??t ?it?????mymy ?????? o??????????????? d ???d nd ?????ata????????????????????? s ??? w?????????? it t it ?????fof?????????hah???????of?f f t??? to my to m??????????????????????di???????re re??????????ou ou??re????kek???me me??nd? e en??oyo???nl???blb????????????off???????NONOTO???????????pr??????????f ??????????fer fer b????n ????an ?co??????, g, ????? it it ??????????989???000???????E,E,A,A3A???", "output": "o give it a try. I opened the tin to find brown coffee - while I already knew I would be disappointed because I already know I prefer Black coffee beans to brown. While it pulled a decent looking cup, I put it to my mouth only to find it did not match my tastebuds. One sip was all it took for me to hand it off to my husband. So. My verdict here is, if you are like me and enjoy only black bean coffee DO NOT buy this product. If you prefer brown bean coffee, give it a go.\"\n8898,B001EQ5EQE,A3JJV"} {"input": "??????G7G???,\",????ana? C ?. .???ivivevere??????ava??mam??????????????????373????0,0,D,???????e e?????????? t ?????????????ese???,\"???ma?y ??????pr??????????????????f f y ?ouo?????? ex e??ece????????????????? a??????????????????r r???ourou???????????????????hi?nkn????????????tet??????????unu???????????MaM??gigin?????????????wh?????omombom????ed ed????? m?ili??k ik ??????pupucu???????I I????oulou??da da???owo?????????\"\"?888?999???0000900??????????IUI?7S7????????????an?nan???an??????,2,,2,2????????9289289??????????????????an an r ????????Th????ele????????ly ??????? a???????????????????icicocorco?????in??????????ell????????. ???TherThe?re ??s ????ualua??????ly", "output": "5N6JSG7PT,\"Susan C. Chivers \"\"javamaven\"\"\",1,8,2,1170374400,Don't be fooled by the word Espresso,\"t may be expresso grind, but if you are expecting lovely dark aromatic coffee for your espresso maker: think again. Bitter when drunk on own. Marginally better when combined with milk in cappuchino. I shoulda known betta!\"\n8899,B0092X7OGY,A1IU7S4HCK1XK0,Joanna Daneman,2,2,5,1109289600,The black bean rules!,\"The Jelly Belly people actually put real licorice in these jelly beans. There is usually only"} {"input": "??????????heh???ici????iceic?????nsn???n n?? b bab?g g?????????????????????? i??f yf ?????????????????, ??youyo????an an??uyu?? th t??????lo?????????????e aue a?ththethene????? ta t??????g ag ??d ?????????????????????'t'?? be bea be?????????????? f ??? f?????or.or.\".???????????2X2????????????GHG???????,M,??. B. ????hih??ll,ll,1,?,1????,11,1???????????ThiThisis ?isis is????????????Je??lly??????,\",?????aveave ???t ????? cr cre???or?/i/?????????ofo????????????????lly ?????????????pop?????????????????????????, t, ????? th?isis ?is?is ois ??????astas????ic????????????????????????????y Be???????????ll????????an Jan ???????ea???s as ???????t t it ???????????aldal????eagea???an lan li??ed? t???????", "output": " one of the licorice beans in a bag of assorted beans, so if you love licorice, you can buy them solo. These are authentic tasting and really good. You can't beat Jelly Belly for flavor.\"\n8900,B0092X7OGY,A2SIPYGHXKDRPR,M. Barnhill,1,1,5,1134518400,This is an amazing Jelly Bean,\"I have met the creator/inventor of the Jelly Belly and I can report with full confidence, that this is one tasty Licorice Jelly Bean. A Jelly Belly is smaller than Jelly Beans and that is why Ronald Reagan liked them so "} {"input": "??????????????sos???????vov????? f???????isi? L ?????????????STS???S!S??8??010?????929??????????????????W4W???,An,A????2,2????????09609?515??00???oto???????????????t,t???????e je ?????????????er?e ?vevereryer????usu????????? t th the????????d d u ????????????meme ????a a???????e ???ithit??utu???????llyll????ellel?? l lol????? th??????????????????????????????????jel?ly?????lly??????????????????????????????????? th??y y wy ???? a ac actc????????jel?????y bely be??llyslly???. I. ??????th?themthe?? as a????gig?????soso so?????dnd?'t??????????ofo?f tf ??????bub??????wawasa?????d gd gi??in??????gifgift? w???ere???????idnid??????emem em??????ththe?????ere?ere aere ?????????????iai????????e Ie ????babag", "output": "much. My personal favorite flavor is Licorice. 5 STARS!\"\n8901,B0092X7OGY,A1O1C1RWAZCW4S,AnGC,2,3,1,1309651200,Not what I thought,\"These jelly beans were very unusual when they showed up. They came in a package without a jelly belly logo, the jelly beans themselves had no jelly belly logo, and I don't really know if they were actually jelly bellys. I got them as a gift, so I didn't try any of them, but it was odd giving a gift where it didn't seem like they were anything special, like I'd bag"} {"input": "????????sos?????????ic???????? b ???????????????grg?????y y sy ?tot?oreor???or or????ete????????igi?????????????? wa w?s ??isi??????????. .????d ???????e ??theth?????????????? I???????????????????????y ty ??????????????????werwerer???????re?ala??y ?jejelje??? b??????? ????????????????????????ll?????????g tg ???m m? th t??????????020????????7O7???,A,????????????F9F?????. C. ??rrr? \" ?\"t\"tit????????????\",\"???,0,,0??,1,???????606?00,00??el?ellyell?y By ??????,\"J,\"?us???be?????? I? I s I ??????an an???????ofo?? th?ese??se jse ??????????????????to to????????st? s?????n ??????????????gi?????????rar???????????a ?????t ant a?? e ???????a ????ckc????????????????????????dto my oldest son in Roswell, Georgia. He travels
a lot and enjoys a snack while he is driving andr /??hihisis ???????????????ic?????????or??????sps??????????sos???he loves licorice jelly beans.

This would make a nice gift for any special person
in your life.\"\n8903,B0054TWR9O,A2V9INB3YNERSI,NC Mama of 3,2,2,5,1328054400,Great for busy families,\"I have 3 children under the age of 8 and work fulltime, so we are always on the go. The Happymorning product line has helped us immensely, not just in the mornings, but for afternoon snacks as well. It is an easy way for my kids to grab a healthy snack while completing homework before we rush o"} {"input": "???????????r r????????????n n??????????????t ?isi?????????????y y?????k k??? t???s s is ??????iri??????????es? a?ndn???????????hah?vev???????orror???????? w ??????????????????????????e ae ????????? b ?????????he?????????not not?gogoio?????? t??radra????????????????????????????? T ?????????????an???????ara?ti?????????s ms ?y ?????????s's?????avoravorir???e -e - -????????fteft???fif??hth?????r ?????????????????????B0B??????R9R??????????3U3?VLV??646??\"M\"???ti?? K ??\"\"\"?????????????????5,5???????11211???????????ornornin??????upeup????BanBa???????BabBa????????????????lavla????? and an?????at?????????????????an??? a an?????????? i?????. ??????????", "output": "ut the door to afternoon practices. It is also an easy snack to toss in their lunchboxes and I do not have to worry about what they are eating while at school because they are not going to trade away their favorite snack! The Super Banana in particular is my childrens' favorite - they often fight over the last one!\"\n8904,B0054TWR9O,A2L1NQB3UVLU64,\"Martin K \"\"Martin K\"\"\",0,0,5,1311811200,Happymorning Super Banana,\"Baby loves this flavor and great because all organic and no crap in it. I give thi"} {"input": "?? t ????ere???????????????????r ??ininnnnener?????????stst st????????????.\".???909????????P1P??6O6??AGA??????U2U???????????????,1??5,5,15,??4141212712???00???????ctc???? m????iti??????????ThT???e e te ??????s as ????????ec??????or mor ??????????????????????????he he????????????????s,s?????d id ?it it??as?? to t????ucuch?? fo f????isi????????????????????? T ??????lanla?? tr???ts????re ???rfr?????. . ??????ononln?????-1-?????????????esese???????? tr????s ??????????????????????s ????e.e??????useus???????un?????t bt ????????'d'????????berbe????to bto ??y ?????????so Iso ???????????AmA????????????????be be??????av???? N ?o ?????????ri??? a?????????ni??? o????????", "output": "s to her breakfast lunch or dinner, not just for morning.\"\n8905,B0043P126O,AG08SJ3U2ZV6J,Face426,1,1,5,1341273600,Perfect fo my little dog,\"These treats are perfect for my little dog. I tried the assorted flavors, and it was too much for his sensitive stomach. The plan treats are perfect. He's only 10-11 lbs, so these small treats are just right for his size. I used to run out before I'd remember to buy more, so I am doing Amazon's subscribe and save. No more worries about running out.\"\n890"} {"input": "?????????????,A,????JRJ????6U6??KIK?????????e e????unu???,0,?????????????606?????mam?lll?????cuc???,b,??????vev?\",\"??MyM? t ????????????e le ?lovlo?????????e be ???????.H.HeHe ???????????????????? h hih??is cis ????????????es? t to t?????????????????p p?????????????????????????????????????????????or uor ?untun????? he h??????????? t th???????y ???re ??easea?????????s s ss ?ma??????ut??????????????? he?????ves?????????????d ?????flf????oreor?????nesne???ut? h????????????????????????????????????? a?????????????lil?ikeik????themthe???it??her??????usu?se ??? t th the?????????????????????did? y ???? ta t?ke?ke tke ?the????????????????????????ve?? ? M ?????????", "output": "6,B0043P126O,A3GZJRI6F6ULKI,Lorraine Rotundo,0,0,5,1348617600,\"Small biscuit,big love\",\"My tiny Maltese loves these biscuts.He is always ready for his cookie.He goes to the place I keep them in and stands there looking at the door untill he gets 2 of them.They are easy for his small mouth to chew and he loves them.I tried the flavored ones but he did not like them as much as these and I didn't like them either because of the colors.Amazon why did you take these off Subscribe and Save? My furbaby"} {"input": "??????otot t?????????????tht?????????? I ????lel?asases??????????se se???????????????ibi?e ???? S?ava??.\".?????????????121???,A,??V2V???P9P?2E2????????????????????ololelemle?????GuG????\",\",0,0,0??????343424??42?????????ogog g??ovo????????????y d???? lo l???? t??es??e se ?ma?lll? b??????????????????????????????in?????ithit? t? the th?????d ????????????? th?????i i??????????????cyc?y fy ???????ed ed? on o?????and???shesh???????ed ???????????ll???cacara?re re f ??? t th tho th?se????????? b?ou??????omo???????re ore ofo?? th??????????smasm???????iscuisc???????????????as as?????? a???ain??????????????ee?????????????????? a? and an??????re??????????brb??????. t???????????12 12 m ??????", "output": " is not happy about that,nor am I! Please put these back on Subscribe and Save.\"\n8907,B0043P126O,AZV26LP92E6WU,\"M. Hammond \"\"ColemanFlGuy\"\"\",0,0,5,1342742400,my dog loves these,my dog loves these small biscuits plain. she loves playing with them and then eating them. i tried the fancy flavored ones and she seemed to not really care for those. then i bought some more of the plain small biscuits and she was happy again. they help keep the teeth clean and to freshen the breath. they have 12 mineral"} {"input": "s??ana????????ini??. .??????????sos??e e???????????????????t.t?????????????apa??????ithit??????????????????????????????S,S???YDY??8I8I5I5K5KVK?NFN??????????????aca?e ?\"\"\"\"K\"?????oro????\",\",0,??????131???????00???????DiD??????. ?????????MyM??????aga????asa???????d ?????1s1???????re?????ed???n n????????????????ece?ct ct???????ioi??. ??????ap? f ?????? the the????? wi w?ith??non????????le le????????????????????? e ??sys??y toy t????perperaratatete.e?????????? fe f?w w????st?????? I ?????il????????rerec?eie???ed ??ns???erser????????????????nen???????he 1he ???????n ??????f f s ?????? is is is m ?????sms????????????????ou?????itit ????????????bo????? the???izi??????????", "output": "s and vitamins. they add some variety to her diet. i am very happy with this product.\n8908,B009D668KS,A1YDQ8I5KVNF8P,\"Rangermenace \"\"Kinglord\"\"\",0,0,5,1349308800,real Diet Dr. Pepper,\"My package was mailed out 1st and received on the 3rd in perfect condition. The tap fit the BIB with no trouble or leaks and is very easy to operate. I had a few questions; I emailed and received answers fast by the owner. The 1 gallon box of syrup is much smaller than I thought it would be, about the size of a med"} {"input": "????????????????????. .???????????????????????????????? w ????????utu??????????????????????????d sd ?????????in????? f ?rir?????. T. ThT???????st??????????????????????????????? in in???, ,?????????sesecse??nd????nd ?to????????to??? ci?rc??le le???s 2s ?? oz o??????????????d ????????? to to ???????????eses ?juj?st???remre???beb????????er cer ??????????g g????????er???????eme??vev?e 4e ???????? wa wat wa?terte??????theth???????terter ter???????????l l ol ????er fer ????????????????????he 6he ??? oz. oz?????????????1 g1 ?????????BsBs ???????????? wa???????es???t ift i???thith????????????fof????????????????????ing hing ???? p ?ri??????for for? th?e ????galga????????????????????", "output": "ium cheese cake box. What I do is drain syrup into a washed out Sodastream container and store it in the fridge. The Sodastream syrup cap has 3 circles in it, bottom, second and top. The top circle is 2 oz. so you would fill it to that 3 times just remember after carbonating you water you remove 4 oz of water or the 1 liter bottle will over flow when adding the 6 oz. of syrup. 1 gallon BIBs are a good way to test if this is right for you before paying high price for the 5 gallon BIBs.\"\n8909,B000"} {"input": "????????A3A?????????464??J,J,\",????????????rt? \" ???ob?????????1,1??????282??????????? c ?ata?s s????????isi????rodro???????????non??t ct ???????? p ???obaob??????????????ov???prpripr?cecede???????t ??verve??y hy ???? q ???????????????ene??????? m mem????byb????????????????????????????????????????????rt???????????0,???????????686?????WeW?????????cancannnne???????????, ,????????VeV????r r????????? pr p????????????????????????????????in??????????t ????ndind?????????????????? ex extx??????? w wew??????????????uct??????????????o o?????????????s.s??????? t??????????se se? th t??? en e?????????????notnot ??no????ing ing i ?? m?????????????inerine", "output": "S9K0IA,A3SLCKFO3R46XJ,\"Robert Robert \"\"roberto\"\"\",1,1,5,1286150400,my cats love this product,It is not cheap... probably a little overpriced... but very high quality ingredients. NO meat by products\n8910,B000S9K0IA,A3PPGYCSQXK1GI,Bart A. Smith,0,0,4,1316476800,\"Wellness canned cat food, case\",\"Vendor shipped promptly and the product arrived in excellent condition. This is an extremely well made product containing no grain fillers. I had to purchase the entire case, not knowing if my feline diner"} {"input": "?? w wow????????????kek??????????ou???????? b ?????????????????????????????????????ama????????????????f ????lecle???????????s ????????????????????????????\"\"8??????????IQI?????????????EEE????5,5?????????rlr????????????26?????????????ininan????????????????????'t'????rkr? f ??????e p?????na????????????????????y y???isi?s ps pap?artar???ululaul???YoY????TeT?? a ????in in?????????????????????????????????????????????? Th T??????vov???????the?????????????????ennen??l l s??????? v ??????dom?????ant,ant????????????a ???rtr????of sof ???klk???????????????????????????t ?????? I ????? ho h??in???????or wior w?ithit?h mh ??????nininni???th?", "output": "s would even like it. It would have been nice if the vendor would allow sample purchases of select varieties rather than an entire case.\"\n8911,B000PIQ1HS,A3RLMRU7EE8595,PerchTwirl,1,2,2,1268265600,One dominant flavor that didn't work for me personally,\"I would not buy this particular Yogi Tea again because I hate the taste of licorice/anise. The flavor of the licorice and fennel seed is very dominant, making it a sort of sickly sweet flavor which wasn't what I was hoping for with my burning thr"} {"input": "???t.t?? I I I?????? a ???ete??????????????????be be??omo???hi?????iti????oro?????????????iki???gig??geg??? w wh whi?chc???? w? why wh??? u usu??ala?lyl???????????????CoC??????????????????????? t th t?????me???uru?pop??????r ?/>/?????r />r /????????so??re re???ror????, i, ??s ??????????????????fef??? th???ougou?h ?? y ???????????or ??f f i it i??????????????????bl?e ???????????? bu butu??th?is?? te t????diddi?n'n't't ???o to ???????????????????WAW???????????????????????????????????????00??,\",??????????????????non??????ut???????er???gog?????????????????thoth???e we ???????????????????????a ga ???????????????????andan????apa????????????????or ??faf?????????", "output": "oat. I think a better blend would be something with more \"\"heat\"\" like ginger, which is why I usually drink Yogi's Cold Season instead, for the same purpose.

With a sore throat, its reasonable to suffer through a yucky flavor if it makes a discernible difference but this tea didn't do that.\"\n8912,B004OVCWAW,A3OFZFLLURJNVZ,P David,4,4,5,1339200000,\"These are NOT granola, but are very good\",\"Oats, for those who may not know, are a grain with a size and shape like barley or 'fat rice'. "} {"input": "?????????????????????????ysy??????? th??e oe ????grgror?oatoatst????e ????pap?are????????eded,d????????cuc????????????????????????????????????oatsoat??s ars a??????e pe pre p??dod?mim?????t ft ????? an a?? a????????????????????in in???????????????????x x??or or????anoan????????el???ut?? oa o??????????????????????????????????????? b ????????? o???ts ts??????ha?vev???????chc??????????????venve???????????????????????oa???????????????d wd ???? S ??????????????juj????????????????und und????????????????????????????????????crc?????rsr??s ar????????????????ounou?????ats???????????????????at fat ??????????????????????????????????s,s???", "output": "There are three basic ways that the oat groats are prepared: rolled, steel cut, and ground. In the US, rolled oats are the predominant form and are the type found in the Quaker Oats box or granola. Steel cut oats are associated with Ireland and are basically oats that have been chopped into even sized pieces. Ground oats, associated with Scotland, are just that - ground into relatively fine pieces. These crackers are made with ground oats, olive oil, wheat flour, wheat bran, skim milk solids, sa"} {"input": "l?????????aka???g g???????????????? t???rere ?isi? n ??? su s????????????????????is is?????????at at tat ?????nd?????heshe?????e ??notno????? k ?kinki??nd ond ??????????? th????????????plp?aiain???al??thoth?????? e??????? the themem m?????????????????????????re???ese?????????o bo ?e ??????d asd a????????????r ar ?????????, o, ????er??????iti??????it?????????????????????????????????he?????????simsi????e oe ?atat ???????th?at????????? a?ppp?????????????????ca??????????udu??s a?ccc?usustus?tomto?????????????? fl f?lavla?or?eded,ed?, s, ??alt?????ac?????????eye??arareare are??ele???????????nd wnd ????es??me???????????????od????????????????????????W,W????????????RMRMGM?,L,??uru????", "output": "lt, and baking soda. Note that there is no sugar and that salt is listed at the end. These are not the kind of cracker that you eat plain (although I enjoy them that way), but instead are designed to be used as a base for a canape, or served with a bit of jam if you want sweetness. These are simple oat cakes that may not appeal to the American taste buds accustomed to sweet, flavored, salty crackers. They are delicious and wholesome and make a good snack.\"\n8913,B004OVCWAW,A1PHFW8IB5MRMG,Laura R."} {"input": "??????????242?515????00,00????????ardar???InIn n?geg???????????keke e???????'s'?????dud???????????????o o??????d od oro?rderd????g g?cocooo??????tht???s ys ?eae??????????????????cacaka????????????en?????????????????e ????avoav?????????ery ery???ldld ???heahe????mam???e ?li???????ri???uiu?t?t??? b ??t ?????tet????rer??is??????????????????????re re? ch chehewhe?????nd nd? ma m???????????k k??of of e ??????????ardbard?boabo???????????????????????????, , w, ????????ese???, a, ?????wit?????eanea?ut?? bu b????????. The. Th??????????????blb?????ith???????????ttt?terte??????????????ne? e??se? h ???????????re???? b?ete??????????????? t??????????????00400?????AWA????4U4???????????JoJ???n Wn ?????", "output": ",3,3,2,1324512000,Cardboard,\"In general I like Walker's products. I tried to avoid ordering cookies this year and try the oatcakes. They aren't very good. The flavor is very mild wheat (maybe like a triscuit?), but the texture is off-putting. They are chewy and make me think of eating cardboard. I tried them with soup, with cheese, and with peanut butter. They were tolerable with peanut butter. Maybe someone else has discovered a better way to eat them?\"\n8914,B004OVCWAW,AA4U8RXXOLEEK,John Wiley,"} {"input": "???0,???131?484???????0,O0,??tct??????,?????????????kik?inging g?ofo?????????in?????????????cakca???????????????????????????theth??????redre????tst???I ?????t t s ses???Oa?ts????????. ???re re?? the thes??????ca????????thoth??t ??????/????r /r ????????FlFlol??????ege???aba?????ili??s, s,?????r,???WheWh???t Bt BrB????????????Su??garga???????s,??????????????????ilkil????owdow?????????????????nt\"nt????????0000000???????????QXQ??????????????GrG??????????????949????606????WheWheeWhe?-D-??ggg???????s ??????? o on o????????????ryr???is?????IfI?f yf ?????tatartart????oko??????it???yoyouyo??? fi firire???tooto????ghg?????????????wilwi??????t gt ??????????????yiy??ing ????n n???arkar?????Th???fi??", "output": "0,0,3,1348963200,Oatcakes?,\"I was thinking of purchasing these Oakcakes. However, in reading the ingredients, I don't see Oats listed. Are these Oakcakes without Oats?

Wheat Flour, Vegetable Oils, Sugar, Wheat Bran, Invert Sugar Syrups, Salt, Skimmed Milk Powder, Raising Agent\"\n8915,B000LLIVKO,A3UQXHI88S7XAX,D. Greene,0,0,5,1294617600,Whee-Doggy,\"This is the only way to fry fish. If you start cooking with your fire too high, the fish will not get those annoying burn marks. The fish"} {"input": "??????????ene???????nin????gogololdlded????????? ?????????????? t th t??????h h???lll???????oeo?es ????????????????????????ini?????????????herhe???idi??. ?????????????????. ?? a ad????????chch ?????oldol?d bd ??? s?????????? an?d ???pi??????f ????????????????? th???mimixi??????????? the?????????????ishis????????ak????????. ??WeWe e he ?????????en uen usu???????????tu?ff? f???????rsr???????????? p????????????? ev e??ryr???????\"\"???????000??LLL??????ATATST??WVW?????????\"A\"?mbm??? F ?????????????\",\"??,0????121??767??00??00,00?LoLovo???????,\"I,\"InI???????????????????dud?????????????medmed d \"d ?????unu?????lel??,\"\",\"??????????????t wt ??????????????????ing?", "output": " fries evenly, a nice golden brown. It adheres to the fish well and does not come off when flipping to the other side. It tastes good. I add a pinch of old bay seasoning and a pinch of sugar, shake up the mixture and then add the fish and shake again. We have been using this stuff for years and I make perfect fish every time.\"\n8916,B000LLIVKO,ATSAWVR11NPPS,\"Amber Fox \"\"Amber\"\"\",0,0,5,1237680000,Love It!,\"In spite of this product being named \"\"Cajun Style,\"\" please don't worry about it being "} {"input": "????????oto???\"\" \"\"???? h ????jujusu??????????????????????????vov??; ; n ??ot ot????????rprpop??????g g??????????too???la????????????????????????????????????nd?? a a?????????????????????????as as??he????st? f?isi???????????????ed??????/>/?????r />r /????ugu??????ono?? fo f?? t??oso????ho?????e ??????ly ly???????y fy ?is?h h ih ??????coc?ombom???e ?th???prp???ucu??t wt ???th th? co c???????????fof?????????ing.ing?????us???????????????tio.tio???????????????yi???? it i?????????y ???????????on on???????monmo??y-y?????????????? o ??? th?????????????in??????????azoaz????s gs grg??at????????????sa?????????????.2.????????????????redre?????????????it ?????? th???", "output": "too \"\"hot.\"\" It has just the right amount of flavor; not too overpowering and not too bland. I fried some whiting with it and a family friend said it was the best fish he ever tasted.

A suggestion for those who like really crispy fish is to combine the product with corn meal before frying. I use a 50/50 ratio.

Buying it this way from Amazon is a money-saver because of the free shipping and Amazon's great price. I saved about $1.25 a box (compared to buying it from the s"} {"input": "?upu????????t)t).)??????????avaviv??g g?iti???????????????????????????????nvn?????????I I?fuf???y y r ????????d d Gd GoG????? D ???????juj?? F ?isi????ryr??????. . I ??????????????????????????????yiyin????????????ma????.\".\"\"??????B0B??????N2N????1O1???6E6????????????t ???????????????,0,,0??,1,???????404?00,00????????????geg?e oe ?????in????????, b, ???t st ????????????mim?issis??ing?\",\"??????de???????????or? m???bib???????????????t bit bir?????????nen?????????????????nd??? o ????????a a c ????le? o??f gf ???did?iesie??????????, ????nd tnd ?thi??????????????ovo????????choch??????????, and, an????m m am ????aysay?????????????????????s s ts ??? tr t???????", "output": "upermarket). Also, having it shipped to me is much more convenient.

I fully recommend Golden Dipt Cajun Fish Fry Mix. I believe you'll be pleased buying it from Amazon.\"\n8917,B002BUEN2S,A1OEN6ELBDFLI,Light by the Moon,0,0,2,1314230400,\"On the verge of being good, but something's missing\",\"I ordered this for my birthday. I got birthday money from family, and I ordered a couple of goodies, perfume, and this cocoa. I love hot chocolate, and I'm always looking for new ones to try. Bas"} {"input": "??? o ????heh??fifiri????rer?vivieiewe????ded?cic?????tot??gog????heaheada????????dederde?? ????ili?l l????bab???? n ??????orordor???. . . ???????????????f f????????? w wa wata????????????? to t?????? t???ck?nenese???????t at ???o o ho ???????o mo ???? o??????ara?tit??ficfici??al al?????????????????????lil???e He ?er???????s Bs ????? R ???????ry?????coc??latlate?????? b???teterte?? ??????????????iningin??????sps??on????l ol ??????????bl?????ne????????en en???????re???????co????? to? to g to ???ve ve??? a??????????ry ry bry ????st.st. ???????????????????it it? do d?????ot????an????p p?????????????????????????????????????????????????????g cg ?????ovo?verver r tr ?timti??????usu??ing?ing iing ????? a???stistir???n ??", "output": "ed on the first review I decided to go ahead and order. I will probably not reorder. Mixed by itself into hot water it seems to lack thickness. It also has too much of an artificial raspberry taste. I like Hershey's Bliss Raspberry Chocolate much better. I've been adding one spoonful of the Cobblestone Kitchen to my regular cocoa to give it a raspberry boost. But, by itself, it does not stand up to the test. I plan on finishing the three remaining cans over time by using it as a stir in ad"} {"input": "??????? t tot?????????????????????????BUB??????A2A????M8M????????S,JS,???????????,0,??????????656???????he???????gog?????ndn??????n tn ?the?????is is?wow??ndender??????????????tonto??e Ke ??itcit?????s ?IrI?is???????????????ocooc?? m ??????????? t???????????????lul?xux??????s ts ???ti?ngng g????????????????????????????rigri????????????hth????????cocco?????? u ????????????e ??????rar??????????os os???????????? d ded??????d id ?it it w???as was ??????????????????????????????????e ??lal??????????ch??????????????????????????????t at ???????????ur?????????? do d????????be?d ????? p ???????ureure ???? a c a ????????f ?cuc??s ??ogo?et?????????juj??t ?", "output": "ditive to other cocoa.\"\n8918,B002BUEN2S,A21C1M8B8DG17S,John Abbott,0,0,5,1302652800,There is good and then there is wonderful,\"Cobblestone Kitchen's Irish Creme Hot Cocoa mix has got to be the most luxurious tasting cocoa on the market. We originally bought this cocoa to use as a base for Frappuccinnos but quickly decided it was way to good to waste in a mix. The flavor is rich and smooth. We have made it a part of our winding down for bed time procedure - a couple of cups together and just r"} {"input": "??lalaxa????? / ??????????bbb???????? K ???chc??????????????????????????as as?????eliel????usu???ndn??De??????????????????? a?re??????g g??????mem??????????????????B0B???????????????YMY?M1M??????????in,in???,0,,0,5,5,5????????606?????????????????ete? w ?????????antan????????????????????????ccccec?????????ewe?????????uru????????????????????????tht??s ???????????????x.????????????s is ?????????y ????asy asy t???????????????????????????? wi w??ith ith??imi???le le?????????????????y ???????y ??as?ic??????????????????????le ile ??????????????? way wa???? c???ki?ng?????????????im???.?????ghg???it it i is???y ??hi????opophp?y y t?ha", "output": "elax.

Cobblestone Kitchen refers to the cocoas as \"\"Delicious and Decadent\"\" and they are being extremely modest.\"\n8919,B0011ULFVG,A39A0YMM15P5ZI,Shin,0,0,5,1347321600,Very easy to get what I want,\"After several less successful stews with curry powder, I turned to this curry sauce mix.
It is incredibly easy to get delicious curry stew with simple food stuffs, only with my basic cooking skills while imitating the way of cooking curry in animes.
Though it is my philosophy tha"} {"input": "tt t??????cuc???ini?? s ??????????????????m m???????????????????????????stst ????????derde???????????????????encen?????????????ctc????????????????waw???????????????? si sim?plp???prp???????????/>/?????????? p ??obo???????is tis ?hah??????is????? m ??????????me me?? tho th????h ih ???????????ledle????????m hm ho?????898???,B,????????????2T2???????7U7?????\"M\"???????????de? \" ????????idideid???\",\"???2,2?????474???????0,W0,???????wa??????th?ici?????ucuckuc??,\"?????????????????????????ryr?y Ry ??????br???????????....w..wa..w???????????, I , I? gu g????, ?a ??itittittl", "output": "t good cuisine should be made from scratch, but his time I just surrendered to its convenience to get exactly the taste I want with such a simple process.
One small problem is that it is too mild for me though it is labeled medium hot.\"\n8920,B0011ULFVG,A2T8NBMC87UAOV,\"Mike Kilbride \"\"Mkilbride\"\"\",0,2,2,1347235200,Whew...way to thick. Yuck.,\"My first time having Curry Rice.

But boy, I cooked this stuff exactly how you're supposed to.

Taste...wasn't bad, I guess, a littl"} {"input": "???????ror??????tht????h.h.<.??r r?????????ITI? w ???????????lil?????iceic?????????.i.iti??????????-b-??ara???????? t??????????????prp???????????sese.e?????????????/>I />I?dod?????th??????????geg?et et???t at ?gag????????????s ????s ????d ????fff?, ?????????????????cuc????y my ?????? v ??dedeoe??????useus????ftf?????bub???...?non?t ?????me??????it? i???????????????icickic??.
IT was thick, like ice slush...it was over-bearing and the spice was pretty intense.

I don't think I'll get it again...I guess it's good stuff, seen it in some curry making videos...used often, but...not for me, as it it is way to thick.

I had potatoes, onions, and pork prepared to perfection mixed with it...and I could not taste them, at all. I could not taste the pork, or anything. Only the Sauce.\"\n8921,B004FZX2YC,AFV1DRHE0S4NN,D. Mutti,0,0"} {"input": "????????13?6060000000,00?DiD????oio?ntn????????????? t??????????????ece????e ????????????????????????????????? n ?oto???ava????????????? is i???????????t lt ????tosto?????????????.<.????????? fo f?unu?d d?????????????lsl?s bs ?ada??????????ot ot??ixix x?????????????????????????????????d ?????drd??????????????????????????2Y2?C,C?A1A???????EDE?????????????????ropro???????????????404???ItI???idi????????????????????????????hasha??????t diet died????????r ???/>I/>IfI?????r ???babybaby ?y hay h????????ala??er????????? y????????????prp??????????ththi?????ufu????? a????????lol????? you????ab???????????erter?????y ?????? e ????????nnn?????s s es exe", "output": ",2,1349136000,Disapointed,\"We tried this formula because it is lactose free, my baby does not have any other issues, just lactose intolerant.
We found that it smells bad, does not mix well into water and my baby would not drink a drop.\"\n8922,B004FZX2YC,A16I9RP5EDWM57,J. P. Lathrop,0,0,5,1340582400,It didn't kill my baby,\"My baby hasn't died yet.

If your baby has food allergies and your doctor prescribes this stuff... and you love your baby, it's certainly worth every penny. As ex"} {"input": "?pep?ctctet???????????hth??? i ????titili?? a ????????????e'e??s ds ?oio?ngn??wew????????232?????1D1??????????????????????DaD???????????????,0,0,,0????343???????00,00???y ???????NoN??????TheTh????????????beb?????????lal??????ipi????????????????????????????fef?. .????????theth?????????ici?????utu?t it ???????????????????ec???????the?y ?????t ft ?????????????ouo??????aba???t ??????th?the the????ounou?t ??????????gug??ar????eses es????e t?o o??????????nesnessss ??????eme?. ?? So S?????????ooo?????????????ovo???????ol??????????????l ll ?lovlo??ve tve ??????ch?ipipsip??????92492?,B?????WEW?????????YSY????????????????5,?????636??????\"A\"????al???8 8????ce???????lt????", "output": "pected, my daughter is still alive and she's doing well.\"\n8923,B001DGH03A,A2LJVBPN91XW7H,Daniela Shultz,0,0,5,1344643200,Buy These Now!,\"These are the best chocolate chips I've ever tasted in my life. Yes, they are pricey but it doesn't matter because they last forever and you use about half the amount of the regular ones due to the richness of them. So so so good. If you love chocolate, you will love these chips.\"\n8924,B000JWEE74,A2HTYS3T1F7F2Z,J,4,4,5,1238630400,\"Ate all 8 pieces in <48 "} {"input": "?hoh???????iti??????sps??t ?foforor r c ????ini????? st s???????nonot???????ppp????..\"..?,\",??????t ?th?eyey y??????????????tyt????he???????????? b ????? sof so????????? w wa w?as as?????????????????????????t.t. ?????ene????????????????? a???d wd ?????????risri????????howho???????it????s.?????????y Iy ?I aI ??????????ana???????esses??????????????? fr fre??e pe ?????ctc???????????????it???????sposp?????????fi?veve ve??????es?. ???????????? c?????????????????iei????????????on??e we ???????st st??????????????????????ur??th th????llollowo?????pre???????????? a??????????? y yoy????iki?e ??youyo?? c?????????su???????????????? sof???????????????????????????", "output": "hours. Hit the spot for cravings, stomach not so happy...\",\"...but they were very tasty. They arrived a bit soft, which was fine, as it is warmer out. I opened the first one and was surprised by how good it was. Usually I am less than impressed with sugar free products. But these hit the spot...for five minutes. Then, I was craving another piece. Second one was just as good. Third and fourth followed pretty quickly as well. If you like your caramels super chewy and soft, then you don't need to r"} {"input": "e???????????????e.e???????n'n??????ri??????te te t???????????????????????????????ndn???????????????????? i ?n n t? the?????????ovo????????. ?????????t mt mom?????????I hI ?????oneon???????????co???eee????aca?????I cI ?????dn'dn?????????usu????????t t at ?????e ?e ane a?? I I ??????y y? se sececoecon?d d od ond o????????????????. The. Th??re??????eraer????????????ereer???????????????????yoy??????????????ara?ramra??????????tlt?e ??????????????????????????????????carcarfr??d ?????????s s bs ??????? fa f?????my? s??????????s ns ????????y y wy wiw?????????????????????????????I h?ava??ve nve no? m mo m????ca????ele??????f yf ?you???re? c???????????????s,s????????wawanantn??ththeth??", "output": "efrigerate these. I didn't refrigerate the first four pieces. The second four, I stuck them in the fridge overnight. The next morning, I had one as a pre-coffee snack. I couldn't have just one at a time and I ate my second one soon after. The refrigerated ones were just as good, if you like your caramels a little harder. Unfortunately, since I scarfed down this bag so fast, my stomach is not happy with me. And I am unhappy as I have no more caramels. If you are craving caramels, don't want the s"} {"input": "????r,r???????????????e e?????iti??????????s,s??anand???????????????????????oneon???araraar?????a a??aya?????en????????????fof??????????929???B0B?????EEE?747???1A1????ZRZ?DBD????????? L ????maman??\"\"\"??????????????????727242???????????ug??? F ??????an?andyand??\"J\"?????????kek?????????st?????ugaruga??frf?????e cane ca??????????blb??. ???o o????y ??????????????and????es aes ????????????????????????????e,e???ndnd ??thath?????s ????????????????te?????????s.s?????????do???t.t.\"???????,B0,B?????????????????????MCMC,C????,1,???????333363???????????,W,?????ounou??????hese????????????? ca????????????e ?lul?????ou??????????????????pip?incin?h ?????????", "output": "ugar, don't mind the maltitol effects, and can be content with one caramel a day, then these are for you.\"\n8925,B000JWEE74,A1A99RZRDB9DUN,\"H. Landman \"\"HLL\"\"\",3,3,5,1257724800,Best Sugar Free Candy,\"Judy's makes the best sugar free candy available. So many sugar free candies are overloaded with aspertane, and that has its side and after effects. These don't.\"\n8926,B000JWEE74,AE3IVYC5L4PMC,DMH,1,1,5,1336003200,Yum,We found these sugar-free caramels to be luxuriously delicious! a pinch of sea sa"} {"input": "?????????tet????????????te?????????????????????????????????????ttltt????????????????? i??????????????li?tyt?!!?????,B,B0B???E1E??????A3A???0X0?????????????r,r???????????656???00????ry??????h ??teate?????he q??????y ???????? t?eae????is 5is ? s????????????n n????le?? b???????????? tr t?????????????????????????????ou??????lsl??? s sk s??????????????????????????????????W,W??dadama?????????27?????????\"G\"?re??????ricri???????reatrea??gig????,\",?????12??????????a ?????????????ded????????sese e Oe ?mam??????????????????? t??????????wo wo????????????????????makma???es ies it??????pep?????????????? pa p???k ik ifif if??ouou ou???????????", "output": "lt heightenes the buttery sweet flavor.
Price is a little high but worth it for the quality!\n8927,B001E1AKMM,A3UX0X2KM95YN3,Barr,0,0,5,1349654400,Very fresh tea,The quality of this tea is 5 star-it is in sealed bags. We're trying it out to see if helps our nails & skin.\n8928,B009AVDFCK,A2PQT2JE8ZUR8W,Adam,2,3,5,1270425600,\"Great price, great gift\",\"The 12 pack is a great gift idea because Omaha Steaks packages them in two boxes of 6. This makes it cheaper than the 6 pack if you are buying "} {"input": "????????ana?????e qe ????tit?????????????? a ?????????sts????????????? t to t???. . ????????I'I???????? ot o?theth???????ha ha Sha StS?eae?????????????????havha?ve ve???????????hasha????????????s gs ????ts,ts???? I??????t ????mem???t ot ??????te?.\".?????????????DFD??K,K?????????????Y,Y???????rsr??le? \" ???or?i\"i\"\"?????????121????????????????????????????t ???co????oeo???????ava???mum?????????or\"or?\",\"\",?????e ?st??eakeakseak????me???ut????????????d,d, ???t ???????acoac????doedoes??????hav???mu??????av?avoravo???????????'t????eme???????????o to ???the sthe ?stesteaste??s.s???Th?????zez???f f??????????????????????????????? an a?????wow???d ??recre??mm?en???it?????????yoy?? a??? l ?oo??", "output": "more than one quantity. Omaha is always fast at shipping too. Though I've had other Omaha Steaks products, I have only purchased these as gifts, so I can't comment on taste.\"\n8929,B009AVDFCK,ANIXLKPOLYWUY,\"cleversole \"\"Lori\"\"\",2,4,3,1239321600,\"Steaks are OK, but bacon doesn't have much flavor\",\"These steaks came out really good, but the bacon doesn't have much flavor and doesn't seem to add to the steaks. The size of the steaks are perfect though and I would recommend it unless you are looki"} {"input": "?ngn????????????ofo?????????lal???????????????????FCF??,A,???HZH????????YQYQ,Q???? D ?or?????????\"\"\"\"\"?????,5,??121????222242?????????tat?????ng ng? an a?????eae????ifi????????????????????????ese??????????????????????? f??unu?? t th t????????????o eo ???y y????????????nd ??er???ta?ststysty ??hehen??????d.d?. I?????????d td ???????? t??????????????ama???y ?an??????????????gi?ft?????? they the?????????????d thd the????????????????????????????J3J????E,E?????????????0,?????????????????????????????an,an?????? i ???????t ?????co???ananyan????????????e a??????er??????????pop??nd??? M MaMaya????dad?rkrkeker?. ????????????????telte?????f tf ?the??? soi so??il iil isi", "output": "ng for a lot of bacon flavor.\"\n8930,B009AVDFCK,A3AHZYRP1R90YQ,\"K. Dora \"\"KDD\"\"\",3,6,5,1230422400,Good tasting and great gift.,\"After purchasing these steaks for myself. I found then to be so easy to store and very tasty when BBQ'd. I decided to share them with my family and friends as gifts, they just loved them.\"\n8931,B002OKW5GQ,AHQXHYFJ30HZE,Godzilla415,0,0,1,1325030400,Plant in a Can,\"Good idea but the company should use a better soil compound. Maybe darker. It's hard to tell if the soil is"} {"input": " ???t t????????????eseses???????pop???? b blb???? a ?wawaya? w wh w?en?????ata?erer r ir ????????????????ou?te????ndnd nd???????????????t tt tot?????????????????????????????????????????????leleae???t wt wiwit?? s??oiloi????ou???????ele?ll ??????it??????????RiR???????ow,ow, , I, ?????ll ll gll ????? it i???mam???????????s os ?f f???te?r ??????ly ly???????????????pep??s.s??????????sas?pp?????????witwitht??????????????t.\"t.??898939??????606???????A3A??????????????????????????????????? H ??it!it???????????????dr???en Len ??????????sousouru????mmmmym?y vy ??????????ThT?????????y y ly ???ed?????????ur ur?????????????????????, ????????as,as?, I?????????????th????????????werwe??? a ", "output": " wet or dry. Present compound blows away when I water it. Finally sprouted and I'll transpant to a regular top soil when it grows more. At least with soil, you can tell when it's dry. Right now, I will give it small amounts of water weekly until that happens. Very disappointed with this product.\"\n8932,B0060AOSGG,A3BI6M7UY4T0ZS,EW,0,0,5,1344816000,A Hit!,\"My grandchildren LOVE the sour gummy vitamins. They really liked the sour gummy worms by Rhino, but alas, I can't find them. These were a "} {"input": "????? s ????????????e.e? T ThT????igig g p ????????isi??kek????????????frfro????ata???g ?mom?rer?e te ??????????939???????UFU?VXV?????????????GYG????????mama,a?0,0???5,5?121?????686808?00,00???ce?????t t????????????wawasa???????tot?????????????????on on??as?? th t?????ro???????in in? th??iri??????cerce????s ss ?????????????????????????????????? wa was????did?vi??duadu????????ice???????????no???whw?????er er????re? w??????????????????????? th?????????jaj???.Though the shipping was individually priced, don't know whether there was any option to pack the glass jars.
Anyway, I liked the fast service.\"\n8934,B001EO76US,AJMKEM6LRUHN3,\"Manzanita \"\"Nature Nerd\"\"\",0,0,5,1261958400,Wonderful pasta!,\"From taste to texture, Bio"} {"input": "??????????aka?????heh??beb?estes????????I I????????verve????????????????nen???r ??uyu?????????ror????????oro???e bre b???d d??as??ta ta a ???????8???????????0A0???,A,???SHS?V5V?ZDZ??RLRLTL??????ElE??isi?????obo?????????5,15,????5,1?303??868??404????he?? pr p?ici??????ri?????????????? a a?lil??tlt?????????e ????at at????????il il t?????o eo ??d.d????????? tr t??at?????re re t?????????ctct t st sisizi????????imi????nd nd????????s ?????????????????????????be?? a ?????le???????????mom?????????????????????????GrG??????????d ??????????e foe fouo??nd ?th??ses?????Am??zoz?on,on??????'s'??????????????alsal?????I wI ???? s sasaya?????????? tr tri tr??d ???????fff??rerenre???????????????ng ng????? t", "output": "naturae makes the best pasta I have ever eaten. I will never buy cheap grocery store brand pasta again.\"\n8935,B0007A0AP8,A74SHV5ZD3RLT,\"R. Ellis \"\"Bobby\"\"\",15,15,5,1303862400,The price is right,\"We have a little Maltese that we spoil to no end. These treats are the perfect size for him and he loves them.

He can be a little picky. Among his daily treats are Greenies and since we found these on Amazon, Zuke's Jerky Naturals. I will say that we tried two different kinds. Along with t"} {"input": "?heh????????????????? < ??????f=f???hth??????????????ono???omo?/g/?????????t/t?????????????????????????ll??????????ckc???????d Vd ???isi?????????????????????, ?????ncn???PoP?uc???/a/?????????????/>????????????ara?????????????????? W???????????penpe??????????, y, ?youyo???????? a a b ??g ???hifhi?f f??????????trotr?????thetheyey ????????he??????prpropr???????re???????vov????l l????????????????? d ??dndn'n?t t t??y ??????. ???e ?WeWel?ln???? t??????????????????????????????????????????ttltt??le gle ?????likli????bob???h oh ????the?? tr??at????????Zu?ke??????n ??vev?????e ???ellel??????. . P. PlP??us us??????????chechea????????????????ve?n ???????. ?", "output": "hese, we tried the Wellness WellBites Chicken and Venison Recipe Dog Treats, 8-Ounce Pouch.

The Zuke's are really potent. When you open the bag, you catch a big whiff of how strong they are. They're probably real flavorful because of it (I didn't try one). The Wellness treats seem a little dryer. While our little guy likes both of the treats, the Zuke's win over the Wellness. Plus they're cheaper so that's even better. "} {"input": "HHeH? c ??????geg???????ghg???f f?tht??????? / ?><>?????????????? tr t???? t???????hrh?????\"h\"??????/w/???????????????????ror?dud?ctc????????????\"\"??ZuZ?kek???????????????? - ???????t ??????????????????????????BoB?????????????????????/a/?????????y y????????????????????????????oso??????mum??h ?????theth???re??????????? /> />[/>?EdE?????AuA???????????01?????

We also tried the Zuke's Z-Ridge Mini - Carrot Fresh Breath Dental Chew Bones, 15 Count Pouch made by Zuke's. He doesn't like those as much as the Greenies.

I would say that this product is one of the best we found for our dog. Plus we were able to take advantage of the free super saver shipping as well. These are highly recommended.

[Edit: August 14, 2011]

He s"} {"input": "t?ili?l l?lol???s s?tht??m!m??brb? / />/???????????????d d???????rtr??????ngng g??????????e e? gu g????????ele??????? l li lit????e se ??????????????????????????????????????????it?????l ???sys????o go ?givgi?ve ???? t?he???????. . S ?in???e te ???????? mo m?isi???????????????t tt ???????? i??sis??de de??ndn???re???s is ???????ar??ounou??????????ll.ll????ThaTh??t wt ????????????????vevenve???????????????in???it??. ????????????????hi?m ??????????? t th? the the W We?????esses?s t??reare?????????'t?????? s??????? s?in???????????????ere????
/????? />??EdEdidit?: :????tet??beb???292?????????????/>???????????ne ne???se??no?????????at at t?????se??? d ?????????????????????st cst ?ou?", "output": "till loves them!

We've had to start giving our little guy Remedel for a little shoulder injury he had. These Zukes make it real easy to give him the pill. Since they're moist, we just put the pill inside and press it all around the pill. That way he doesn't even know he's taking it. Trying to give him pills with the Wellness treats doesn't work so well since they're dryer.

[Edit: September 29, 2012]

Anyone else notice that they seem different?? The last coup"} {"input": "????????s s?wew???????? w??rer?e de drd???er er???d d?brb????le????ThT??y y? al a??????re???????s ps pop?tet?????????he he o ???herhe?????s ??werwe??????e ????????????m m????????????????????????????re?re. re.?????onon'?????????????????????e ??ou??????wer?e ????tit??????????????so so?? the they???ri?ed? o????byb????????mem????he ???were????li?vev?????or?? if i????????????pe???chach??????. ???????????????????? an?????????ow ow t????????n n??????. A. ????tt????????ppp?????????????939??????????APA????????TUT???FQF????????lal???? the the????rmr?????,9?????????????????????????y y t???????????????????????????,\"I,\"??????? a a?ge????trt???????????odo???le. le.??????an??", "output": "le packs we bought were dryer and brittle. They also weren't as potent as the other ones were. He doesn't seem to like them as much any more. I don't know if the bags we bought were partially opened so they dried out by the time the were delivered or if their recipe changed. I'll buy some more and see how they turn out. A little disappointed...\"\n8936,B0007A0AP8,A1RLLTUBCFQV22,Paula the Gourmet,9,9,5,1292630400,\"Safe, easy to chew, tasty (for dogs)\",\"I have a geriatric mini poodle. He can't"} {"input": "????????????????oro???awawhw?????????????,b,?????????e te ????????????????enenon????? an a?? s????l l?????????so??????????????????????????????eme????????????????r ?/>/??????????at????????????th?at??????????????????ar???dod???ststi?c c?? and an??itit it??????nun????ctucturureur?d ???? th?????????939????????????????????8F8???595??U,U????sense????????se???ch???????????????606???00,00????wyw???????????????????????????er er????eses es? th the?????ouou ou? ca c???????? th??????????????????????????????ma???er????eaeatatsat?????93893???????????????LVL???GFG?????4A4???udu???th th???????ll????,3??????????202????,Be,B????r ??????de???????????????????", "output": " chew biscuits or rawhide textures,but these treats are soft enough and still provide some workout for his gums and remaining teeth.
I appreciate the fact that the ingredients are domestic and it is manufactured in the US.\"\n8937,B0007A0AP8,A3NWHK8FRD594U,essential researcher,9,9,5,1224460800,chewy treats,My golden retriever loves them. You can chop them into squares if you want smaller treats.\n8938,B0007A0AP8,A2LVQ1GFITAW4A,Judith Bellville,3,3,5,1315872000,Better than dessicated liver or p"} {"input": "e???????????ThTheh??????e ??oto????????ugu??? d ??rar???e ???erker?y y????????waw?????????????????t st ???????sos??t,t????????sqs????????????y ????????? e????lyl??????????????????????????s (s ?????????????? sq squ?????? an a?????y py pup?uppup??????il????????????NGN????????eme???????????ng ng???????????????????????marma?kek???\"\"?898939?????00?7A7??APA?8,8??????8G8?HWH???????,\"T,\"?????????icic c????????????2,52,5,5?????????00?????????y ty tat????????????MyM????????????ththe? h ???????se????ea???????ll?? an??????????? th the???????????iai??????????????he???????????? he hea??????, m, ?????????ewe????lo????????ie?? tr? trea?ts????????????perfper????????", "output": "epperoni!,\"These are not the tough, durable jerky that I was expecting, but small, soft, chewy squares. They break up easily into tiny BB sized balls (maybe 12 per square) and my puppies will do ANYTHING for them! Best dang training aide on the market!\"\n8939,B0007A0AP8,A134M8GHW35L42,\"Tomboy Chic \"\"SJ\"\"\",2,2,5,1309651200,Healthy tasty treat,\"My dog loves the how these treats smell and taste - they are special treats for her. They're healthy, mildly chewy, low calorie treats so it's perfect. The"} {"input": "?? a ?rer?? a a g ???d d????plp?imimem????????????????ar??????????????????reare???????????????n n??re??? R ???chc???????????usu??ala?????????????????????????r 4r ????????????lel????aia??????\"\"??949???????????????????????????8,8,H8,???pyp???retre????????,2,,2,5,??????212?????????? d dod??????????\"M\"?y ???????????????????????ea????en ten teterte??????????????he????????????????y ?????????\"\"\"\"s\"????????????ea??????? b ???????hi?????ackac??????????????????????n w?????????im???????????00000??????P8,P8,A??????????????,S,???????,2,2,??????????????00,?OnOn n tn ?????????????? do dog????????????e ?e hee h???th?y ?y try t?rea??????????? t th the????ececaec??", "output": "y are a good compliment to her regular chicken jerky treats (from Canyon Creek Ranch.)
I usually divide each into 2 or 4 pieces while training.\"\n8940,B0007A0AP8,A1D4BY1MP53AR8,Happy retiree,2,2,5,1283212800,good dog treats,\"My Murphy (soft-coated wheaten terrier) loves these treats. They are his \"\"special\"\" treat that brings him back in a heated run when we call him!\"\n8941,B0007A0AP8,A3HPCRD9RX351S,Spudman,2,2,5,1225929600,On the Lamb,\"Our dogs love these healthy treats. I like them becaus"} {"input": "?e e????????????o o?whw?????????? o ??????????????????? s???????????? m ?aka??????????????? t???????????????itittt??????????????iciceic?????????the the? fi f??sts?t it ???????ene????????????ana?????????n ??uxu??uryur???????a da ????????????898??????????0A0APA???????????????YCYC,C??NomNo? d ???PlP?lumlumem??????,1,??????606????????????????????e, e,? co como??????????????????????????????????,\"I,\"????oug??t ??????????????????????in???????it it??asa?????????????ododud??t ????????????d td ??????????????ferfe????????kak???????li???t ????????????????e-e-t-??????????og og? sh s??pep???gagaia???????gr?as???????????????ou?????. U. ?nfn??????????????it ??", "output": "e they have no wheat, corn or soy in them. The soft squares make a nice sized treat for our little girls. Notice that the first ingredient is lamb, an uncommon luxury for a dog treat.\"\n8942,B0007A0AP8,A1N839CM5GMCYC,Nom de Plume,1,1,1,1341360000,\"Tough, brittle, completely dehydrated, and unsafe.\",\"I bought two bags of these, thinking it was the same product that I used to buy in different packaging (light blue, with a see-through dog shape against a grass green background). Unfortunately, it wa"} {"input": "?s s????????????????????????e te ?????????????e tre t?????s ws ???? a ??tutuau???ly ly?lil??????erker??---? t to t?????????????tlt?le.le??????????y ???? s so s??t ???reare??????????? h ?????????????????????????????????????he??????kedked ????????e ?hoh?rrr?ribriblb?le le??? thin thing?s;s??????d ???? to???????m m?????????????????????????? t?????????ke'ke???????????atuatururar???\"\"?????????the the???the???????????? ( ?hth?ttptt??????ww.ww?am?aza??on.on????????????JerJe?ky?????????s-s-Bs-??????????0000000????PYP?) )???ve????????s b??????????t at ???? so??????????'v'??ve nve ?????????????ror?????m wm ???? t?????????????????????????is is??????? wa w???????ne???pa????gi????, a, as, a???I hI ??? t????", "output": "s completely not the same thing! These treats were actually like jerky-- tough and brittle. I give my dog soft treats because he doesn't chew the damn things, and he choked on these horrible things; I had to toss them out.

Note that the \"\"Zuke's Jerky Naturals\"\" with the other packaging (http://www.amazon.com/Zukes-Jerky-Naturals-Beef/dp/B00008DFPY) have always been moist and soft, and I've never had a problem with those. I suspect that this batch was not new packaging, as I had thoug"} {"input": "???????????ryr????????????ini??? t ????? m mam????????????mem???????s s?????uau????y fy fef??d ??y ????, ?????????????????ono????????????r r??????? I???ananyn?y cy ???????the??? w wew??e ????PLP???????????ferfere???t tt ???at????????non?t ???????? f??eedee????????????949???????????P8P???2P2P6P6Q6???8V8????5E5??????????1,1???5,5,1????737????00,00,L,LaL?? l ??????????,\",??'m'??????tat?antantlt??????kik??? f?or??????th????????tretr???? t??hatha????re re n ?notno????aza??????ene??ivi??. ??????se ?????????e ofe o?f tf ???? be b?????????lsl??I ?co?ulu?????indin???????????????????????/o/?ununcn???????y Ly ?????absab????????????????????an???????????????????????????oo.oo??. T. ????????eatseats ?", "output": "ht, but very old packaging; these may be the same treats I usually feed my dog, just having sat on a shelf for years. In any case, these were COMPLETELY different treats, and not safe to feed my dog.\"\n8943,B0007A0AP8,A2P6QIM8V4Q35E,Ryan F.,1,1,5,1337731200,Lab loves them,\"I'm constantly looking for healthy dog treats that are not crazy expensive. These are one of the better deals I could find when considering cost/ounce. My Lab absolutely loves them and they are good for him too. The treats a"} {"input": "??? s ???????????????????????is is?????????????y y??ogo????????????????????y ??????????????????????????ece???????????geg????al?ly????????ivi????y y dy ?????????????nen?????????????es es??omo????hinhi????????. . ???????????t kt ??????????????? p???????????us?????????????melmell???????????t't?s s ns ???????????ly????fef?????? s?????, ??ut?? st s?????????????????t yt ?????????t wt ?????to????rrr?y ??? a?????? w?it???yo????????????????????????I dI ?efe?ini???el?y y ry re???????????thesthe??????r ar ???????s.s??????4,4?????????P8P?????707????????????????rlrl1rl?????????131333?727????????????????????\"T\"?????????????????????????", "output": "re soft and moist, which is a plus for my dog. They could easily be broken into smaller pieces, but I generally just give my dog a whole one when he does something good. I wouldn't keep them in my pocket because they do smell a bit. It's not an overly offensive smell, but strong enough that you don't want to carry it around with you all day.

I definitely recommend these for all dogs.\"\n8944,B0007A0AP8,A2770QFX87C5W5,vetgirl12,1,1,4,1337299200,Great treat!,\"These treats are one of my"} {"input": "???ogo??s s?????????????????? t ?????cocomo???nyn?, ,?????????? a ??????ofo?????????????????andan????????????????????re re???om?? th? the the?????????????000???A0A????????X2X?????717???????????????oko?ie???????\"\"?????????13????202????????????????????????e ??????????????t ???y y ey ?????????? tr tre???????????tot?????????o ????y by ????uiu??????bu???????????? thes the??e fe ???? al a?????????? fa f????????????????oco????????ufu??ere??????????risrist????????????werwe?????????????????r ?do???????il??????????? a???th???????magma??inain?????????????nen???????? these these.e?????????????d'd's?????, ????o to ?totto???llyll????oio??s ?heherhe????????????????t st ", "output": " dog's favorites! I like this company, they make a lot of great treats, and the ingredients are from the U.S.\"\n8945,B0007A0AP8,A1NX28NAP713YX,\"MichiganHokie \"\"AAB\"\"\",1,1,5,1332720000,Dogs love these!,\"We normally don't buy expensive treats (tend to stick to dry biscuits), but we got these for all of the family dogs as stocking stuffers for Christmas. They were a huge hit! Our dog is willing to do anything imaginable to get one of these. My boyfriend's mom, who totally spoils her Portie, hadn't s"} {"input": "????????ses????????????????? d ?ogo??lol??ede??th?es??????e ????zyzy y??? w wew?lll???sos?????? we w??????t ????????? b?unu??h h????e e we ?????????????n on ?outou???????????????????tut??????ndnd nd t??herhereher?????re nre ????????y iy ?ngn??????????????ththe?????????????forfo??????r pr ???ch??????????????JuJ????tot???lal????y,y?????se???ono???????????y ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????s ??of of????????oko???li??ke ke??re?????????? p?????ct?. ????????y, y,???????????do do?????cac?????????on?onsuons?me??????????????????t et ??enthent??usius?????????????????????????? r ????????????????464??????????P8P?,A,?????2D2?????????????tet????", "output": "een these before, and her dog loved these like crazy as well, so she went out bought a bunch more when they ran out. Also, they're natural and there are no shady ingredients, so they are good for your pooch!

Just to clarify, these don't actually have the consistency of jerky. They are little squares of what looks like pressed meat product. Clearly, our dogs do not care and consume these with great enthusiasm, so still very highly recommended!\"\n8946,B0007A0AP8,A2F4M2D86E6F4A,smontes,1,"} {"input": "????????959??32??0,0???????lyly y????ata?????lll????e.e.,.???????????????????exe???ll????????????e ae a a???ihi?uau??????hoh????s ??on?e ??beb??????? t? tra tr????????????s ????? in i?? ag a??????y ty ??aiainai???????????????????eatea?ts ts??????????ithit??????????????? as a??????????e ee ????y t??o bo ???reakrea???????????? p ?ie??????????????enoen????h fh ??????e te ?? c?ar?ryry ??? m???????et????? g grg???????????????????r ???????????????VEV????????????sis???????????????????????y hey h???at????????ing ?????????ngng ng???esses???????d ???????????????????? NU N??S S???en? h??e h?????s ms ???????en ten ???????????????br???????????????????????smsmasm????? s?????ed ted ??", "output": "1,5,1329523200,The only treats I'll use.,\"These treats are excellent. I have a chihuahua who has done obedience training and is now in agility training. I use the treats to aid with his training as they are easy to break into small pieces yet big enough for me to carry in my pocket and grab easily.

They have NEVER made him sick no matter how many he eats during a training session and he goes absolutely NUTS when he hears me open the bag.

I've purchased the smaller sized tre"} {"input": "????????????s,s?????????????eme????? be be e h ?????r r????????e te ????bibigi?? to??ofo???? a a a s ??ala???dod??????? t??reare?????????tooto??did???????????o so ?plp?iti??ini??????????????????? S ????? f ??indin???????????????hapha???d od ?????????????chc????asias????to?to uto ???????????in??????brbr r /r ???
They CAN get hard if the bag is left open so you need to make sure to close the bag immediately. I read another poster mention that putting a damp paper towel in the bag will restore the moisture to the treats, so I'll have to try that if I forget to close a bag, which happens."} {"input": "????????? a ??heh????hyh???ndn??prpraracra????????????????? r ???allal?y ?glg???????????????ses?.\".???????????????????2V2?TUT???????SRS????? M ???????????5,5???????????????dyd???forfor ?DoD?gsg???!!,!!?\"E\"ErE???????????ocochc?????VEV???????????rea?tst??? H ??'l'????? t????????r cr coc?????? j ??stst t?????ete??hih????????
Overall a healthy and practical treat! I'm really glad I found these.\"\n8947,B0007A0AP8,A2VTUS9BSEESRH,S. McLane,1,1,5,1324339200,Candy for Dogs!!!,\"Ernie, my pooch, LOVES these treats. He'll do trick or command just to get his Zuke!
Seriously, these things will make your dog do anything....so, buy two bags!\"\n8948,B0007A0AP8,A203H6NXA2O9IX,P. Jevtic,1,1,5,1322352000,soft and yummy,\"Great product, I am new to the brand but have fallen in love with these products. Not as soft as o"} {"input": "?????????wew????????s s?toto o??????????????????ckckek??. .??????hah???????fif????in? s st s????s,s???????e e be ????? pl p?????? to to????y iy ?s ??????\"\"8???9,9????????APA?????????????9494694????????????ackac?????,5,5,5,1,13,1????????????????????ogo???ovo?es???????e te trtre?at????????????????????????????to to?????????lel????????'s'?s ss ??????cuc???????t ?????????y pi???? a ???ut?????????. H????ono?????eatea?t at ??y ?????????, ??doedo?esnes???????? m ???st st???ke?ke \"ke ?????eat\"eat\"\"?????eat??? a??nd nd???????ea??????????BeB??auausu??????? thi th?????he he???as as??????mam????an????geg??????????? e???plopl??????s fs ?????ngn?????owo??????????????????????????????WeW??juj????????te?", "output": "ne reviewer states to replace a pill pocket. Very hard to findbin stores, so the best place to buy is here.\"\n8949,B0007A0AP8,A3IVKHFJTX946Q,Pepper Jack,1,1,5,1320019200,My picky dog loves these treats!,\"My dog is very picky, to say the least. He's super cute, but is very picky about treats. He won't eat any biscuits, doesn't like most fake \"\"meat\"\" treats, and won't eat bacon. Because of this, he has hurt many an eager pet shop employee's feelings. However, he LOVES these treats. We just adopted"} {"input": " ??imi? f ??omo??????shs????ere?????d d h???????????????????????????????h h? hi him him ??ucuch???ThT??ses??trt???tsts ?ara?????kik???? tr trar?????????????????sis??????e'e???????????stst ?????????? fo f?? t???m.m???????????????????????????????, ????????cac????????????????????????? sm s??????????????. T. ??TheyThe?????? d?????????f f????ou lou ???vev?e t??he he? pa pac??aga?????????, so, s??th?????????????e e se se??aleal????eacea????????????????????I I???????????????????mosmo?? o ?????? o?th???r rr ?????wsws s ws whw?henhe?????aya??th????????t tt ?the????????faf???????c c????eateats??\"\"?????,B,B0B?00?????????????YYY???????P,P?????v,v?????????????525???????????????????????", "output": " him from the shelter, and his previous owners didn't teach him much. These treats are making training so much easier. He'll do almost anything for them.

They're pretty big, so you can rip them up into much smaller pieces. They will dry out if you leave the package open, so they have to be sealed each time.

I know I'm echoing most of the other reviews when I say this, but these are fantastic treats.\"\n8950,B0007A0AP8,A1Z1MYYU3P2V5P,Cdenv,1,1,5,1314835200,My dog's favorite tr"} {"input": "??????????ogo?????????heh?esees? t tr t??????????????????????? ??????????ea??????????????n ???alfal??????????. . ?????????????lel????g ???s as a a??????8??????????A0A???8,8?????????O0O????O,O??ifi???ofo???e,e????,3,?????????202????oto????ppppyp??????t t tt th?is???????????og?????????????????????enen ???????????he ???????????????????ItI????????d ad ana??d sd ???????mesme??mym???????ili?ll ll???????????????????????????ll jll ??ustust ?????????????t'st'?s qs ??iti?????ardar??8????,B???070???????,A2,A272???8V8?4O4?L2L??????????????????????000?,t,??rea???,G,???reat?????????????dog?????????????????????c c?????????????????????????????????????r ???", "output": "eats,My dog loves these treats in all varieties. They are easy to break in half as well. The resealable bag is a plus.\n8951,B0007A0AP8,A2Z5RSZZO0GWLO,Lifesofine,0,0,3,1349395200,Not happy about this,If your dog likes Naked bars then this is the same consistency. It's hard and sometimes my dog will eat it sometimetimes he'll just leave it. It's quite hard.\n8952,B0007A0AP8,A27ZB8V4OL2JMT,KC,0,0,5,1346976000,treats,Great! I have a dog who is very allergic to lots of stuff and this is safe for him"} {"input": "??bebece???????f f????grg?aia?? c ???????eae???ete?????????????ogogsg????vev?????????????? u ??e ??????fof?????rairain????????????????5353,3?????7A7????????????????H1H???kuk??????,0,??,0,,0,4,?,1,???292????00???rer??t ????????,T,????s is is???????? p ???oduod????wiw?????????? pr p?????????????????d td ??? t??ea??? an andn???????verve?????????d ?d wid w??????????????????d ?papacpa?????????95495??????????????????????????????se? J ?????0,??????????????????????????t dt ??????????????????is ?a ?????????????????shshe???????indin?d od ??? ou outu???in in? th??e we ?????s ls lo?tst?s ss ??????????????????gog??????????ngn????ooloo????????????????????????shash?????? them the??????", "output": " because of no grain corn wheat etc.... the dogs love the taste I use them for training
...\n8953,B0007A0AP8,ALCNWWMHU8H1Q,kulnipa,0,0,4,1342915200,treat for dog,This is a good product with great price. I received the treat and was very pleased with the product and package.\n8954,B0007A0AP8,AR32T3627EWQ0,Jesse JJ,0,0,5,1342224000,Very exalant dog treat,My dog is a service dog and she is kind of out in the woods lots so this is a very good training tool and treat Plus I can share them with "} {"input": "????ere??dod?g'g?s s?ifi???????????8898959???????7A7??APA???A1A1Y1?V4V?ESESGS?????XYX??MeM?????????????????????404??????????????????? do d????????s fs ???????????re???????????????????o o? se s?ee ee????lel???? i?????he he??or?nin???????????????e he ?imi?????ewe?????95695????00000??7A07A??P8??????????9B9??D2D????????????0,50,5,?????????????????????mbm??????????ea?????????awa?????????????LamLa???????????ftf??????eatseats ?ara?re re???????????????????????????????????????? ???????er????a ba ???g hg ????an?d ??????????e toe t???e ?on???????y ??????? s?????od???????????????????????????????t ??er?erky???????es??(a(????oxo?????????an an?????lyly ??????lilit??", "output": "other dog's if I see fit\n8955,B0007A0AP8,A1YV4ESG5YZ3XY,MezzoMom,0,0,5,1341878400,Great Treats,My dog lives for these treats! Can't wait to see us leave in the morning when I give him a few.\n8956,B0007A0AP8,AY9Q2GOI9BZD2,Kellie,0,0,5,1340841600,Zuke's Lamb Jerky Treats: 2 paws up!,\"The Lamb Jerky soft treats are the first product we tried from Zuke's. They were a big hit and continue to be one of my little schnoodle's favorite treats.
Soft jerky squares (approx 1\"\") can easily be split i"} {"input": "???o o 3 ?-4-? p ???????????????????????????r ?????????????y y???????????????????????????????eciec????y ???????t t????n n t ???????ara?d ???s ts ths t?he he Zhe ????????????????????kyky.y??brb?????????ugu?? s??????????msm????????????????? w??????hehe ?re???????????????????????????:/:???????mamaza?????omo?????/pr/p?odo???t/t???020???BMB?7C7??\"\">\"\"??????'s 's 1 ??????????????????s ??????re???????????t ?BuB?uttut????????lul????errer??????????????????e'??s Ms Mi?ni??????? C ??ici?????????he?????. . ??????gug????? we w????? st s?ic???in'in????????Zuk???????898???????????????A3A?????????MDM??????axa???ll??????in????rgr?g \"g ??DrD??????????????131????????", "output": "nto 3-4 pieces. We use them for her training/play sessions and she seems to especially love it when the reward is the Zuke's soft lamb jerky.
Although she performs just as eagerly when the reward is the Zuke's 16-Ounce Mini Bakes Dog Treats, Peanut Butter n' Blueberryz or the Zuke's Mini Bakes Chicken n' Cherry. So I guess we're stickin' with Zuke's.\"\n8957,B0007A0AP8,A3S3L24L3MMDXR,\"Maxwell I. Ginsburg \"\"Dr. G\"\"\",0,0,5,1338768000"} {"input": "?????????????S,S?????????????ici???????????ata????al al?????ucu???????mym????usu?ehe????????????????s ds ?ou?blb?e e???????y dy ?dogdo??. . ??heh????????????r mr ????????????????????????????bub????????do??????t mt ?eae?n ?I ????t ???o to ??kek?????y cy ch???cec?es.es??. t. th?????se?eme??lil?????uau??????tr????ts ts?????????rer??ll?????jojoyo????????. I. ??????????????????????????????????????????????s t????????. ?????????????iteit?????????he?? a?????????????B0B?00?7A7A0A???????????X1X???J5J????????he??,0,???????333383?424??????????ts dts ??????????????????????WeW?????e e te ??o ???atsats ????????ur ur???gsgs.s???hehe he??catca????????d ?to????ikeik??e the t??????????bubutbu?", "output": ",GREAT TREATS,\"I try to stick to all natural products in my household. That goes double for my dog. she is a super mutt with a strong stomach, but that doesn't mean I want to take any chances. these seem like quality treats and she really enjoys them. I have purchased several flavors and she loves them all. will definitely buy them again.\"\n8958,B0007A0AP8,A1KAPGX1EPJ5VN,Stephen,0,0,1,1338422400,Pets don't like this one.,\"We have two cats and four dogs. The cats seemed to like this treat but "} {"input": "???????gsg????rnr????????he??????????????????????? t? the th??, ,???ChC?iwiwew???????eaeat?s ?juj???????????vevere???thith???????d hd ?????????????????????????e te ????? i??????????????????????ono????? f ???????8???????00??A0A??????????5X5?SWS????????coc?ttt?????????????5,5,1,?333?????????????s ls ???????????\"T\"?????????????????????????????? w wa w???'t'?t st ?ur?e e me ??????? w??????????? th??????????????e re ?????????????????????ButBu?t t?he????ovoveve ????m.m?????????????????ed ????e!e??\"8\"89????????????AP8AP?8,A8,A1?RJRJ4J?WFW????????????bab??????????????????no???comco??????????5,15,??????????????????andan??????d fd ??? y ?ou??r dr ?dog???MyM?????", "output": "the dogs turned up their noses at it. One of them, a Chiweenee, eats just about everything and he would not touch it. He tried it and left it laying on the floor.\"\n8959,B0007A0AP8,A1OI15XSWJ8FFX,Scott Butler,0,0,5,1337644800,Dogs love them!,\"They smell rather smokey, so I wasn't sure my dogs would like them. They are rather particular. But they love them. Just re-ordered more!\"\n8960,B0007A0AP8,A1RJ4WFMUJAY6,\"greban \"\"jwilkinstn@juno.com\"\"\",0,0,5,1337385600,Tasty and good for your dog,\"My Bost"} {"input": "??????rrr??????????????esees????ThT?????rer? g ?????????g g????????????? B ?esesies??es? b ?eie????tatasa????????y ??????ada?? i in? A ?????cac??????????? they the?y a????non?uru????in???? H ?????????????menme??!\"!\"\"8???1,1????00700?????8,8??2D2???????DJD?151?????o,o?????5,5??????????00,00???????????t,t??????g ???????ZuZ???'s'??trt????s ??nd?????????e ??is is????????ptp???????????????????lil???? th??? a??s ms ?????????? the the?ch????????utu????????stist????ke?ep??hi?s ?????????. ??????? b???cuc?????? t??? them them???????????atat ????????lal??????????????????e oe ononlon???????ng ng ong ????????????????????????wi???????t ht ?his?? at a???????on.on.on.8???????????????????TUTUTUTPT?", "output": "on terrier loves these! They are great Kong toy fillers. Besides being tasty, they are made in America... and they are nourishing. Highly recommend!\"\n8961,B0007A0AP8,A2DDKFU4NDJ15K,sao,0,0,5,1334102400,great treat,My dog loves Zuke's treats and this one is no acceptation. He did not like them as much as the chicken but they still keep his interest. I will be cutting them up to use at puppy class. Zukes are the only thing other than hotdogs that will get his attention.\n8962,B0007A0AP8,A25TUTPH"} {"input": "?Y9Y?2T2???????gag?????????????33833?????????????????oro???rar????????????? t ??????? t???????????g g??ndn? w whw????e he ???is? a??????????????er,er???he he????????y ly ???????????. . T????????a a?????????????ooo??sis???????brb???????????????????cesce????????????070??????????686????SIS???????re???????????,1???????????OuO?????????chc?na????er ?????????????s Js ?er???????????????????? mo m???????????????????????es????an?d ?????????n ln ??ar?nen?????w w?? to to????go go? to???ed??? i?????????????????????????on?????? Z????????????????a ?????sissists??ntn??????????????ur?ur pur ?????ovoveov????????????????e he hae h???????ghg???????????", "output": "Y92TQ6,Lungard,0,0,4,1333843200,Terrific for Training,\"I use this to train my dog and while he is a picky snacker, he usually likes these. They go a longer way too since I break them into pieces.\"\n8963,B0007A0AP8,A1468YZWSIX2,Lauren R.,0,0,5,1330646400,Our mini Schnauzer LOVES Zuke's Jerky Naturals!,\"My 4 month old puppy loves these, and has even learned how to \"\"go to bed\"\" in order to get his paws on one! Zuke's is quite a consistent brand, and our pup loves everything we have bought by this c"} {"input": "?????????? f faf???????huh?sbsbab??????and and?????????????ngn??wew???????viv?inging ???????????y ????????????????????????????????s ?mamada????????ererir???. ?????????????????as?????????oror r????litli??lel??????chc????er???????mom??????? th????petpe????????????ouo?ur ur???????????? i is i????????????\"\"??????????7A7??????ADA???OHOHTH??XTX????????nnn?nyRny???,0??5,5????040?737363??????????????es??tht???se!se????????????????????????ing ing??hehelhe?te?????????????????tl??e pe ??????????hishi?????in?????????me??. ?????? tr t???????????of?? fo f???????????, a??nd nd? so s?????????s ??????on'on??t et eaeateat eat? at at t at ??????????????erger?gicgi? t??????????????ha?s ?no?? pr p????lemle", "output": "ompany so far. My husband and I like knowing we're giving him a tasty treat that's also natural and is made in America. Amazon usually has these for a little bit cheaper than most of the pet stores in our area, which is also nice!\"\n8964,B0007A0AP8,ADIQOHTOXTDBZ,JohnnyR,0,0,5,1330473600,Buster loves these!,\"Buster is a recovering shelter dog, and a little picky in his eating sometimes. I've tried a lot of food/treats, and some things he won't eat at all or is allergic to. (Note: he has no problem"} {"input": "??????????????????????????????????????????r ?/>/>T/>???????????lil?????? p prp??dud??????????owo? h ?????ava?oro??iteit?s;s????'ve'v?e te trt??eded d???ve????????????in in??he? Z ???ke'ke????ininein?, , a, ????????lovlovevesve????????????????????ere?kyk? N ?at?uru???s ????? h?asa????????ngn????ele?????th????????????????avoav??? to t?o,o??I I???esesses????andan??d hed h?????allal????oeo?????????thattha???????>
The Zuke's line of products are now his favorites; I've tried several items in the Zuke's line, and he loves all of them. The Jerky Naturals Lamb has a strong smell, (thus a strong flavor too, I guess) and he really goes for that.

USA made too, so all in all, highly recommended!\"\n8965,B0007A0AP8,A1MFZ0FW6B4760,\"A. Murray \"\"annetxa\"\"\",0,0,5,1329955200,Good healthy dog treat,I am impressed with the quality of these dog treats. Amazon seems t"} {"input": "????ele?l l????????rer?????fof?r r??he???????prp??cec??ana????????? c ????ini??????o oo ???????????????????fuf?????. .???? d dod????????????????????lal?mbm??????????????th?????????l vl ??eryer?y gy ??????????ece????????????????????????imimam??????????898???,B,?00000????????????????????C9C??????????????????????777?606?00,00,Y,YuYumu?????????????OuOur?????????????????????????s ts ???sese!se? S ???he whe ?ouo???????????thith?????????????????????????he ?????????nt????? and an?????????????? I?????????????????g sg ??omeom????ing??????? fo f?? h ?????wew????????????he bhe ???g fg ??r ??????? da d???????w aw ??and and?? the they the??re????tilti?????s ss so?????? e ????, , w, ????? i ???", "output": "o sell these treats for the best price and I will continue to order these in the future. My dog really likes the lamb variety and they smell very good. I reccommend these to any animal lover!\n8966,B0007A0AP8,A2D2T87EKVDPC9,PuppyMom,0,0,5,1329177600,Yummy Treats!,\"Our 3 month old puppy loves these! She would do anything to get one. I love the ingredients, and knowing that I'm giving my dog something good for her. we've had the bag for a few days now and they're still as soft as ever, which is g"} {"input": "??eae?t.t??ThT??????????? d ???????s ??????????????hah????????? m me???? th??????????????????o ????????????? : ?????969????000?????APA???A3A?RGR????0X0X1X?????7,A7,??. H. ????????ellel??????????????646????????????????es?? th??????????????????rea?t ????eatea??s!,s!???lovlo??????at ????????areare ????????????? ?????????????????????th??????e ??f f??????ea????????????????????8989689????B00B0??007A007???AP8AP????????5MJ5M?????ADA?,h,??????????,0,,0,0,0,??5,???272787????00?????????at???ralra????????????s.s.L.??mbm???????????? i ?????????????????????????ur?????????????lov???????????t ?????????????ititet?. ???????????eme?is???????o to ??? o ???er??? dog do", "output": "reat. These treats do kinds smell...but that should mean they're delicious to a dog right? :)\"\n8967,B0007A0AP8,A3RG5M10X1TPN7,A. Houdashell,0,0,5,1328486400,My puppy loves this!,\"These are great treats!, love that these are all natural! Plus my puppy loves the size of them easy for him to eat\"\n8968,B0007A0AP8,A249A5MJ3O7MAD,hotshot11,0,0,5,1327881600,Jerky Naturals Dog Treats.Lamb 6oz.,\"This is very good dog treat. Our Chihauhua loves them. It is her favorite. They are semisoft,so the older dog"} {"input": "?? w ??????ewe??tet???th th c ??? e ???????????????696?,B,B0B??????APA????????BGB???????????????????????????686????00,00???????omomem???ununnn?????????????? d ?????jujusu?t t???????????e t??eae???????nen?e oe ????????ono?????????????t t bt ???????? a???????. . ???????deder???????s ts ????h ????en'en??t tt th?? b ??????ThTheTh????????ts???re?re ere ???y y fy ??????????o co chc???????????em???lil?????????youyo?????????????lll??????????whw??oleol???he'he?'s 's?sos?o eo ????r r tr tot?o go ???????????OhO?????????????????r fr ??????s ????????89??????00???A0AA0AP?8,???????????0H0????20??2a2???????????5,????????20???????????????!,!,D!,?DogDogs???ovoveov?????!!!???????? t??e ????????in?? th???", "output": "s with few teeth can enjoy them.\"\n8969,B0007A0AP8,A3MGVBGYQAZ7PA,Granny9,0,0,5,1324684800,Dogs come running!,\"Our two dogs just love these treats. One old and one younger but both are active. The older dog's teeth aren't the best. These treats are easy for him to chew. It seems like the younger one swallows them whole he's so eager to get them! Oh, and watch your fingers too:)\"\n8970,B0007A0AP8,A205U9VCA30HQE,2012avalon,0,0,5,1311379200,Great treats!,Dogs love 'em!! I mix the treats in their"} {"input": "??????????????d td tht???????????????? w?itithit????????????..??979??????007007A7???????2O2OLO????????????????????????????????????????in??rer???ene????????????????????s es ???????????re re c ???????sks???????GrGrereareat???????????ntsnt???andan?d md mym?y d???????????????e. e.???he'he?????????ckck ?flf?????????em??? v ?verve??y gy ?????????at???????????????????00?070????P8??,A2,A??????????????????nan??E.E?????nen??????????agageg????ve????\",\",0,0,????????????404?00,??????do???????t!t???????????????s ars a?????obo???????????heahe????????t tt ?tretr?????????????????ven???????gsg?? T ??eyey ey?????ll ll??????ood?? I I??????allal??? wa w????????????hehemhe??????? ha h???en'en????", "output": " dog food and they wolf it down within a minute.\n8971,B0007A0AP8,A2OLIJAR21U6DS,Nikki,0,0,5,1311379200,Good ingredients and my dog loves em,What more can I ask for? Great ingredients and my dog loves these. She'll do back flips for em.. very good. great price too.\n8972,B0007A0AP8,A2ZJ1DD9860K2J,\"Donna E. Poyner \"\"Mortgage Maven\"\"\",0,0,5,1311206400,Best dog treat!,These treats are probably the healthiest treat I've ever given my dogs! They smell so good I actually want to try them (but haven't do"} {"input": "?????t.t??.....??yey??!)!).)???y y????ogo?s s???sosololul?tet?lyl???ovoveve ?ththeh?????????????????????1313Q3?????????????DeD????????????0,0??????????????00,00?,Ba,B???eye??s ????????e ?????t,t?????????e tree tr?eatea?????? a????nan?atuat?rar?????????????gog???? ab a???ut ut?????????? m ??????????? o ??????????????ra??????????shshehe he a?ppp?????s ts ????????y ?????????e ???zez??ana?? t ththe??????????e ase a????ellel????????he the ????te te? of o????KEK???????97?????00?007A007A0???8,?????K9K????????Y,Y???????????ulu???????,0,????????212?13413?404?00,???????????lovlo???????????????????????????????????????????th?????ukuke???mam?ke????...h...hoh????ere?? I????????? the th???????????????s t??????", "output": "ne it.....yet!). My 3 dogs absolutely love them.\n8973,B0007A0AP8,A13QW5FDZ1EQPE,\"Dee \"\"Dee\"\"\",0,0,4,1303689600,Bailey's favorite treat,\"These treats are all natural so I feel good about rewarding my one year old yellow labrador, and she appears to really enjoy the size and the texture as well as the taste of ZUKE'S.\"\n8974,B0007A0AP8,A29DK9VBXKNB6Y,Angela Mccullough,0,0,5,1302134400,My girls love them,\"My 2 doxies have liked everything that Zukes makes...however, I think the lamb jerky is their f"} {"input": "?????????????cec? a ana?? s ?memelellllyl???juj?????hah??????ogo?????tst?.\".????757??B0B?0000700????????????P2P????????????usaus?an an??????????????nd?????????????????,0,0,0??????2929429??636?????,Bi,B?g ????????????????????dordo???,\"L,\"??????rerene??????????????e ?????????ateat???????oso????????ersters??????????????????????????, t, ??ese???ZuZ??????ara??????????? top to????? th t?heihe?r r \"?????????o ?ananyan??thith?ngn?????????le???????an ???????????????????. .?????????????ufufff??in??????, ????itheith??????97???,B0,B????????P8,P8??DGD????PJP????9Y9??SeS???????????0,????282???????00,???????at at F FiF??????it??,M,?y ???iniin???????????????er er???ustus?t lt ??vevesve?s ts ??thesthe?se ???reare??????ha??", "output": "avorite...nice and smelly, just what a dog wants.\"\n8975,B0007A0AP8,A2XB5P29LJ8Y6S,\"Susan Royce \"\"K9 handler/Lab lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1294963200,Big hit with the Labradors,\"Labs aren't known to be picky eaters (gross understatement, I know) but wow, these Zuke's are at the top of their \"\"we'll do anything, just please can we have one\"\" list. No toxic stuff in them, either.\"\n8976,B0007A0AP8,ADGNULPJEIO9Y,September,0,0,5,1280448000,Love at First Bite,My Miniature Schnauzer just loves these treats! That'"} {"input": "???????beb?????????????cac???????????????re???????979?????????????????????????????FlFlol????????????nsn?,0,?????,1,??????848???,P,??ckc??dodogdo? p pip???,I,??????a a? re r??????????????? w?hoho ho? re????es?? an anyn?????????? bi b?????????pep?e te ??????of???????????????????ea???????????ftft t tt trt t??reatreatsreat?????????vesves s ts ??esesees?.?????????????AP???????????????Z2Z???he???yay?b b?????nnn?ny1ny??????????5,15,??????686????????????eme??MyM?y my ?????uru??????????????lovlovelov?es ?????se se????????????sosomso??????????????he he m ?????????atsat?s is in????????en en??????ca?????ve??????????w ???ror?ugu??houhoutu???????????????????????? I I???o no ????????????????????t ovt ove", "output": "s the best review I can give doggy treats.\n8977,B0007A0AP8,A123G253XL4O17,Flower w/ thorns,0,0,5,1277078400,Pick dog pick,I had a really picky dog who refuses any kind of biscuit type treat offered to him. He eats some soft treats and loves these.\n8978,B0007A0AP8,A1V7ZIOCCGFLZ2,\"henryab \"\"henny1\"\"\",0,0,5,1271116800,Loves them,My minature schnauzer loves these treats! I sometimes get the mini treats in chicken so I can give him a few throughout the day or on walks - I do not want him to get ove"} {"input": "?????????????e e??????????????????? ????????????????rer?coc??????????m:m?))?898979????????A0A????,A,??2U2??P2P?????SCS?????????a Va ????SoS??oso???????????????????121262?999???????????t ?????ksks,s????????????????es???????????????thetheythe?????'t'????????????????????grg????????????????
They come in a resealable bag which is good - they do get a bit hard if they are not kept sealed up.\n8980,B0007A0AP8,A2ARINJE5QG7SL,\"R. Cresci \"\"babeebluez\"\"\",0,0,5,1267142400,Loves it!,\"Our Bischon Loves these treats, so does our cat! And we love that they have f"} {"input": "??ese????rur???? a ???????gig?es? i ?? t ????? Y ????!\"!????818????00??A0A???8,8,A,?????606?OJO????5V5?,J,?? K ????ara??,0,??????????????00?,L,??ve???hih?????reareata???????????wiw???????juj??????ouo??t at an????????????????????????????????????????t ct ?anan an?bebe e???ut ut???sis??y ???toto ???r ???????pip??????fo?????????????InI???redre???????????????arear??gog????????????????????o o io ??l ???????ts ????? g ?givgi??ing? t????????g.g??????? wa w?? t? the the ????????I I???rcrchchach?aseas???????s t????????828?,B??????0A?P8?????????????KOK???KaK?are?????????????????5,15,?????????600,600????og og? tr???????????????????????in????????ere?????eemee?????????????thethe ???ck?????????", "output": "resh fruits and veggies in them! Yeah!\"\n8981,B0007A0AP8,A3AQ260OJPMF5V,J. K. Carr,0,0,5,1267056000,Love this treat!,\"My dog will do just about anything for this treat. Also, each treat can be cut easily into for small pieces for training. Ingredients listed are good quality. I had no ill effects from giving to my dog. Beef was the flavor I purchased this time\"\n8982,B0007A0AP8,A3CN2DYTFKCKOG,Karen L. Brown,0,0,5,1264809600,\"Dog treats , Lamb\",\"My Min Pin, Snickers seems to enjoy the heck out of t"} {"input": "?heh??????????trt???tst?? T ???y y????? th t????ere?????????????? h hihisi?? ti tini??y ly ?????????????????nkn???ou??????838?????????APA???????????8S8????????????0,0????????????????????ovo???????????????????ede???????????ogo?????? Z ????'s'???in????????????s ps ?????????????????w w?????????he ihe ??????????????e ne ???edsed???????????????????al??? tre tr???ts ts?????????lyl?????sidsi?????????????oyo????ndnd ????? the th?e m???dld????????her her??ve?rlr??astas????????????????????????? h???????????????????????. . W. We??????????nd nd Z?????????????eryer?yonyone????y ??????lol????th?????ndnd ??????ar????adadede de??it???outou????????????????????????dud??ctsct?", "output": "hese small treats. They are the perfect size for his tiny little mouth. Thank you.\"\n8983,B0007A0AP8,A3NEMVXL8S9FWW,DenaC,0,0,5,1252713600,We Love Zukes!,\"We started off our dog with Zuke's Mini treats as puppy rewards. Now that she is bigger, she needs more. These natural treats fit easily inside her kong toys and in the middle of her everlasting treat balls and give her something different. We recommend Zuke's to everyone. My dogs love them and they are made without corn fillers or by-products,"} {"input": "?????????rer???????????I I????????oro???????????????ng?????? tr t???????????????????????????????????1SW1S?D,D???????????0,0????,1,121232373797?393?20200??????????????????????ThT???e e te trt????ts ts????? o ??er??rerea???y ??????????? ou o?ur ur???????do????????y'y??re re?????????in?chch ch?sqsquq???????????????? th?ey??'re'r?????ooo???????????????r lr lal??geg?er ????s.??? a????o ro ???????????e te the thah??? th???????????????????ityit??in??re??????ts ???d ????'t'??????????????dogs dogs t? the????el?li???????? M ?????bonbonen??es des ????8???5,???????????????LDL???QHQ???8Z8?H,H,O,??lyNly????????????12??????????OnO????????????????faf????ititeit???re?reat????????????go go c cr c?????y why w", "output": " which are 2 things I check for when purchasing any treats.\"\n8984,B0007A0AP8,A1S2636G5V1SWD,Seravieve,0,0,5,1237939200,My dogs love these,\"These treats went over really well with our three dogs. They're about 1 inch square pieces, so they're a good size for our larger dogs. I also really like that they have high quality ingredients and don't give our dogs the smellies like Milkbones do.\"\n8985,B0007A0AP8,A26LD9FQHTM8ZH,OlyNomad,0,0,5,1218240000,One of the dog's favorite treats,My dogs go crazy wh"} {"input": "????????????lll????heshe???? T ?he???????????????r r??????in?? t to t??. ????puputu???theth????in in t????r ??????????????????????????????s ts ?????????y fy fo?r r ar ?????????898?????????????8,8??????????SRSRUR???????rir??to?????????AnA?totonto???auau u?\"\"\"?Th?ri???????y\"y???????,5,?????????????????????ana????????????el????y ?dod?????????s tos t???iki?????????????????????LeLetet't's'?????????????ononeon????an an???fef??????e ???????????????thesthese??????????????0A?P8?????Z3Z???????QJQ???ar?k,k???4,4????323????969?????NoN?t ??????????JeJ????????????s ???ff?????t ???????????om???? the the p???????s ????d td ??????scs????????, ,?????t tht t????e ae ????????????", "output": "en they smell these. They are great for training too. I put them in their kong toys also and that keeps them busy for a while.\n8986,B0007A0AP8,A2SDX3T7BSRUXJ,\"Christopher N. Antonneau \"\"Thrifty Guy\"\"\",0,0,5,1206748800,Dorkie want a treat,Well my dog seems to like these very much. Let's see if someone can offer free shipping on these.\n8987,B0007A0AP8,ASLZ3DF5OC9QJ,Mark,2,4,4,1327449600,\"Not Really \"\"Jerky\"\"\",\"It's difficult to tell from the pictures and the description, but these aren't really"} {"input": "????rkr??????????sts???psp???f f?????????? a ara??? sm s????isi????????????????????eatea???ma??e ???omo?? me mea?eat eat????d od ??he???????????????- -?I I??upu???ses???????gog????????medme?????????????????????? P ????nglng??e ve ?s.s????po????o ?????. ????ywywaw???, o, ououru????? s????s ???????????e -e ?????????re re? it i?????????ucu???ed ed??he?????desde?????TheThe ?????????mbm? a????sas?almal????vavar?ie?tit??????????ie?????????????ea????in in????e b???????????????? ?? t??????????at ???r ??????r dor d????ma??????in tin ???????, ??????usu?????t ???????????? w ?????op?in?g ????????????B0B000?????APA???????????????????re??????????????????????????????00,00????b ???", "output": " jerky (dried strips of meat) but are smallish, moist, chewy treats made from meat and other ingredients - I suppose meat goop formed into a shape. Think Pringle vs. a potato chip. Anyway, our dog seems to approve - not sure it even touched the sides! The beef, lamb and salmon varieties she tried all disappear in the blink of an eye. A tasty treat for your dog, made in the USA, but just not the jerky I was hoping for.\"\n8988,B0007A0AP8,A1UVI5ZUG7C3M8,Gregory Hatfield,1,4,1,1332547200,Lamb Not"} {"input": "??????????ini???????????????rir????????????????r r?ththeh????odo???????????es????t st ??aysay? a ?????ea?tsts ????e se ?ou???eded ed??????????????????????? La Lama????????icice???er?kyk???????? an and an???????ays? o ???????pap??????e te ???????b ?????????????ewe?????lal??nd.nd???????s ???huhugu??????????????tat???????????????ro????ct ct???n t???he phe ???????t pt ???????er?????????????????898?89?????????????????8D8????7B7??????????????????oeo?erierin?g,g?1,1????,1????????????????bub????????somso???????? th??????????ithit??en?????ia??????????chchih????????s ls ?ikikeik????hishis ????at???bu????he?y y d????????eat?????????????hu??????. ???hey???????????an??d ld ", "output": " Sourced in USA Like Description Says,Under the product features it says all meats are sourced in the USA. I got the Lamb and Rice jerky today and it says on the package the Lamb comes from New Zealand. That's a huge misrepresentation of this product on the product page. Very disappointed.\n8989,B0007A0AP8,A2BO8DD8L7BP7C,William A. Koering,1,4,2,1314489600,\"Ok, but not something they eat with enthusiasm.\",\"My chihuahuas like this treat, but they do not eat it with enthusiasm. They hesitate and l"} {"input": "??t t????????????????????????909???????????C,C????ZBZ???????989????ooo??????????????333?33433414???00?,E,??????en???????,\",????????ueu????????ndn??????ll??????? is i??exe??elellel?lenle?t!t?????ovo?e ???????????????????????frf?????d gd ??????e ????me me??? t????????????rryrr?????????il??a ?(a(???? a a?????le????heh?er er D ????????ara??????????????????e a????grg????, ????????his his?? is is????????mym???????it?itesite?????????????????????nilnill??? ta t????????ded?eliel?cic??ousou????????????er?????????. ?????sus?????????????? a? and and ??sugsu???? to t? m?y ?????????ut tut ???????????ese?????ne???????????????????recre?????????it!it??????????????????,A????????XVX?", "output": "et it sit quite often.\"\n8990,B005CT9GMC,A1LZBJLZLXX98Q,bookworm,0,0,5,1333411200,Excellent tea!,\"This blueberry and vanilla tea is excellent! I love all kinds of tea, and friend gave me some of this blueberry and vanilla (and a couple other Dilmah varieties). They're all great, but this is one of my favorites. The blueberry vanilla taste is delicious but not overpowering. I usually add milk and sugar to my tea, but this one doesn't need it. I highly recommend it!\"\n8991,B001QED11E,A19Q2E54XVE"} {"input": "??????dnd???ShS?ata???ckc??????5,5???????080808?????????????????ce? f ??? m ?? d dod??'s'??'s'sp's???iai??????????????????ththrh????gh gh??????????????p-p-B-BiB??????re re????fif??ulultl???????????????t ??tot???s.s????y ???? i???????????t ??????????onlon?????eaeatea?????????????????arear???????????ioioso?, ,?????y cy cac?????ts ??????????????????????es es????d ???????e ????????eme????nd??ic?e ???????? S?na????????s ars a???he?r ??????a sa ????????????????d ???she she????wsws ?whw??????????????n ??????and??. ????e re ??????????????? w ??????????????????on???th???????????or ?????????????????er? a????????p p??t ???wnw???8?999??????1Q1??D1D1111E1??????33U33??", "output": "77T,Edna Shattuck,0,0,5,1334620800,excellent choice for my dog's 'special' treat,\"Bought through Amazon as Snap-Bits are difficult to find in pet stores. My dog is on a diet and the only treats she can have are few Cheerios, baby carrots cut into little pieces (and yes she eats them) and ice cubes. Snap-bits are her extra special treat and she knows when they are in my hand. She really likes it when I roll one along the floor for her to chase after and chomp it down.\"\n8992,B001QED11E,A1533UHM"} {"input": "????????????ici?iai??????????\"\"\"\"\"??0,0?,0,,0????292???????????oto????????idi?????????????????gsg???ovo??,T,?????????????e ???ttt??????????ngng g t tr?eae???sis????????kik????????? ca c???????????????????d ???????????????????????? I ??????ininen????????????????????????or?????????????????gs gs??s ?a ?????e re ?regre?????????ed??????at.at???????y ay ???e a?????t tt ???e se ????????? n ????el???aca???????3,3,B,??00100????????????????????D5D??????????????????????????????????er????ligli?hth??????????????????????giogi????????????o,o, ?ve?????asastas??t set s?erver????! ??????????????yey??????????????????????????ordor???????is is????????????", "output": "87FNCQ,\"Felicia \"\"ohai!\"\"\",0,0,5,1294185600,Another Canidae product my dogs love,These are nice little training treat sized cookies that can easily be gobbled by my 50 and 75lb dogs. I imagine they'd work good too for the smaller dogs as a more regular sized treat. They are about the size of a nickel each.\n8993,B001AG9X6K,A1K0U6C1X2EHD5,whinny06,0,0,5,1341014400,Tea,\"Very light in taste, but very giood, ty! Also, very fast service! I really enjoyed this prodect! I would order this again! Ty!\"\n"} {"input": "??999??????????????A5A?????WHW??????????????,1,?????????????0000000????????????????????usus s c ?ofo????!,!,\",????????huh??? c??offoffe?????????????????ovo????????????s ???r r m ????ingin??????????quq?????? b ??fo?????eae??ininging ing??for? w ?????in? t ??e e me mom?ornornin??ing.ing?? W ????? t?????????????y ????ic??????I pI ??refre???r ar ???ol??????ror????co????????????? thi th????in?in tin ???????????ing. ing.??????gag????PuPucuckc???rerenre?ch???????????aba?????????ly dly de??????us????????????????t t a?t ?????????terter,? a an??? ma mak??? a??grg????????????????f f c? cof co???????I ???ulu??????????????????????????????????????? dr d??nknkenk???????89989??????06N06??IG?4K?????????????????", "output": "8994,B006N3IG4K,A5U24IWH64IFF,Kimdoll,1,1,5,1302480000,Absolutely delicious coffee!,\"I am a huge coffee drinker, and love the k-cups for making one cup quickly before leaving for work in the morning. While there are many choices, I prefer a bold, strong coffee first thing in the morning. Wolfgang Puck French Roast is absolutely delicious, strong and not at all bitter, and makes a great first cup of coffee. I would highly recommend to all bold coffee drinkers!\"\n8995,B006N3IG4K,A1RVCWFP3SC3GU,C"} {"input": "a????????????5,5???????363????????????????aya?s s?drd?????TiT??mom???y'y's'?????EmEmem????????????ghg????e ?????d d????????????ingin?? di d?????enentn???NoNot??????mam?????ececac?????????hooho??????om?. ??We We? we w????plp??asa??????y sy ???prp??????????????s s hs ??????grg???t ??????e w????? a a????l l?bob????? f????????????????????ff??e ????????mim????er er???de?? so s???????????????????cuc???????? 1 ? K ??????????????????????????????RQR???PRP???ThT?????????????????????\",\"?,1,????,1??99??010?60?0,0?GoG??????ufu??????ood ood?????tletl??e fle f???????d cd ??ff????????????????af???rnr???????ckc????????. A. A A????????????????s ????hohouho??t bt ????ing ing o?????????????", "output": "akediva,1,1,5,1300233600,YUMMY,We always drink Timmothy's or Emeril's. Thought we would try something different. Not too many decafs to choose from. We were pleasantly surprised that this had a great taste with a full bodied flavor. I like my coffee on the milder side so I can even get 2 cups from 1 Kcup.\n8996,B006N3IG4K,A12SO47JRQGUPR,\"Thomas Smith \"\"tjaye\"\"\",1,1,4,1299801600,Good Stuff,Good subtle flavored coffee for the mid-afternoon pick me up. A bit of sweetness without being overdone. Wish"} {"input": "? i ??????????????????? w wh whoh??????ana??????????????????????? t ????????????rir?????? c??????????t.t..8?999???B0B?????????????????D2D????????oto?????????eee???????????,1??5,5??292????????????livli??????????????prp??????????????an??????????ChC??f'f????es??????CoC????????an (an ????????????????????????y y w??at???he??????d d?????ilillil? b??? D ??????????, ,? bu b????????????tr???????????????is is??? a?? lo l???????????????????????y ???? pl p????anantan?????asteast?e. e.??????????????????????? can ca?????nknk nk? th??is is cis co?ff???????ckck ck? w/ w????the??????????????????????er??????????????. T. ??????of???e ?????????urour?????????di???", "output": " it was available in whole bean as I like it stronger then the Keurig cup can make it.\n8997,B006N3IG4K,A86RUZGD22FDR,Another coffee drinker,1,1,5,1299110400,Delivers what was promises,\"Wolfgang Puck's Chef's Reserve Colombian (Dark Roast) is basically what they said it will be. Dark roast, but not too strong. Acidity is on a low side, but with plenty of pleasant taste. At the same time you can drink this coffee black w/o the need for the sweetener and/or milk. This coffee is in European traditio"} {"input": "n????????????????????anyan? p?eoe??????? w??????rer??????????????tet?r r???????????????t ??f f?????????????????????????yoyouyo???p.p????????????N3N??G4G??????????K2K??BIB??????. L. ??m,m,1,?,1?????2929898398??????????y my mom????????tht??????s ??????????ava??rfr???? as as ???????????trt???BoB??dsd??\"\"\"\"\"?????????????e ?mo?????SES???L L i????????? wi w???l el ?????????????knk????????t ?????????an?????? t???????oko??????????????????????????brb???><>?r />B>??ld?????tratr?????? c ??fff??e e ie ??????msm?????????????oeo????ot??????????????????coffcof??????????????????????er, er,??t ??????????s ??thath????????in???ududed?ed ed???oreor??????d ??????the the? cu c?", "output": "n and will please many people. I would recommend it after dinner, but not if you need a jolt to wake you up.\"\n8998,B006N3IG4K,A3LQS08K2OBI5Z,J. Lim,1,1,3,1298332800,\"My mom said this was not as flavorful as other \"\"Extra Bolds\"\"\",\"This is the most USEFUL info you will ever need to know about K-Cups, and one that took me forever to discover:

Bold/Extra Bold coffee in terms of k-cups does not mean that the coffee itself is stronger, it only means that they included more grind in the cup"} {"input": "?????????viv??????????tht?????????????coc????e.e??????><>
There! Now you know.

My mom goes for the Extra Bolds only because she has been addicted to caffeine for over 40 years now, and she's frugal and thinks this gives her more back for her buck (or rather mine, since I buy it for her).

Unfortunately, out of all the Extra Bold k-cups she's tried, she claims that the Wolfgang Puck is the weakest tasting. She's tried it in both the medium & small serving sizes format, and both hav"} {"input": "???????????????s-s????n-n?fuf?????????????ini????????/>/????????f f???u u??rer?e le ??????????or or???????????lavlavovorvo??????sts???ngn??-ta-t???????coc?????????? t ???e
If you are looking for a rich, flavorful, strong-tasting coffee, try the Van Houtte Cafe Honduras Medium Roast, Extra Bold Coffee, 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2).\"\n8999,B006N3IG4K,A4L2ALOJ53R96,Squib,1,1,2,1297728000,\"Weak, even on small cup setting\",This coffee brews very weak - like a light roast. W.P. Chef's reserve pods are just over half full. Put pod on scale an"} {"input": "dd d???????????ese??????????wgw?t t???anan n??????l l?pop???????????????h h???ormor????????????????? b ??????????? l li liki????cofco???ee ee???hatha?t tt ?????????e ????????9??00?,B,?????????????????W0W???ZGZGFG????. ????geg?ttt????????lyl?????\"\"\"\"\"?????????????828??????eae??lyly ly????????????d,d??????????? to t?? li?ke?????????????????????????vev?e te ????????????????????????? K ????psp?s as an?d ???????????????asaas???ly???uru???is?????ThT?????????????????imi??prepr???s us ??????ittit????????????stest????????t ?????s ans a??????????ic?ke??in???????????a ?????????????lsl??????????????????in???????????st ???eses es????????????????????n ????? cu c", "output": "d it's 15% less coffee wgt than normal pods. Stick with normal pods or extra bold if you like coffee that taste like coffee.\n9000,B006N3IG4K,AQ6SHOW0VMZGF,\"K. Padgett \"\"familyof5\"\"\",1,1,2,1297382400,Really Disappointed,\"I wanted to like this coffee, I did. We've tried other Wolfgang Puck K-Cups and have been pleasantly surprised. This just did not impress us. Bitter aftertaste, and it has an almost sickeningly vanilla flavor. Smells great while brewing, but just does not live up to it in the cu"} {"input": "p???????????lyl??????ppp??????????cac????? I I?????hah?????????????d ad ???????????hih?? p ??????? t ????t wt ????????????? no n???t wat w???t tt ??o do ?????! !?????????????th??ugu?h.h???????????6N6???????????????VUV?????K,DK,????????ot?t,t,1,????5,5,1?292??????????????????e Se ???????????lol??????? p??????????????? f ????????????????????????????????????????????????e ????????ffffefeee????????s,s?????????mo?re??in?????????????t at an????????e fle flalavla???????vav?????iei???. . ???????????comco??????es tes ??? t???????????he ???lalanla???????????????othot??????????????????AmA????on on h?ada??????EAE????????????? the?????and??????is iis is????omeomet?hi??", "output": "p. I'm really disappointed because I now have a box and a half of this product that we really do not want to drink! Great price though.\"\n9001,B006N3IG4K,A1YKQFG1VU6AZK,D. Prescott,1,1,5,1297209600,Drink The Spirit of Aloha!,\"I purchased these for my mom and she loves them! She does not like bold coffee flavors, but is more into the sweet and more flavorful varieties. This one combines the taste of the islands with a smooth, nutty flavor. Amazon had a GREAT price on these and this is something"} {"input": "???hah?? I ??????aca???????????????ndn?!\"!\"\"????2,2???00600??3I3IGI???????????XXLXX??????PaP?????????,1???,1,1,1,?292??????????????at at?????????????y cy cucupu??,\",\"T,\"ThT??????? a a????d d?????f f??????????????'v'?? n ????r r?????rere re?????a a???????????????????????s ?ini?????y ???????t't?s s es ????remre???? i?rrrri?tat???ingin????????????th?? gr g?ou??????????????????d ?mam????ne???????de??ibi????ateat????chc?oo?????????syssy?stest?????atat ????????th???????????????,B0,B??006N006????4K????TQT????????????,\"K,\"?????????cec????????rcrcerc?\"\"?\",??????2,12,?12912??515?????0,\"0,??f ???? w????????????????????ee????????..???ut??????rwrwi????YUY??\",????????????????is is ais ???????? f ??", "output": " that I can actually recommend!\"\n9002,B006N3IG4K,A1KE7XXXLYIXL,Patricia,1,1,1,1296864000,\"Great taste, lousy cup\",\"This is a good decaf coffee, but I've never before had a k cup dump the contents into my cup. It's extremely irritating to deal with grounds in the cup and machine when deliberately choosing a system that avoids the mess.\"\n9003,B006N3IG4K,A3TQW5KBBPZHNC,\"K. E Pearce \"\"kpearce\"\"\",1,1,2,1296518400,\"If you want a flavored coffee, okay... but otherwise YUK\",Warning: this is a STRONG fla"} {"input": "??oro??????????r ??/>I/>?????ugu????????????? w ?ou???????BlB???????????n-n?y.y?????????????t it ?is is l ???????. r. ????????vorvo??????????ete?thi????. Y. ??k.k?????????????????,A,??????NEN?????474???????cMc???????????????????? f?????iti??????? the th??????????????it?????????t ut ?????lyl??????k k?????????????is????is ais ????????????????????????????I ??ele?t ??t ???????ed?? a a???????????g.??909?00500???B00B0???????K,????????7L7?????P,P,T,????esaes?????????29????????,I???lanland??EsE?????!,!??????ed??????????????wiw?????? a ??????????????????????????! !????????????????????m ???? s?ug????????????????e. e.??WiW??? t????is kis ??cuc??????", "output": "vor.

I thought that this would be Blue Mountain-y... oh no. It is like... rum flavored or something. Yuk.\n9004,B006N3IG4K,A2TPOYNEEWCB47,Deb McM,1,1,5,1296432000,A favorite at the office,I admit I don't usually drink decaf but this is a favorite in my office and I felt it deserved a good rating.\n9005,B006N3IG4K,A2L02N07L0RG3P,Teresa,1,1,5,1296345600,Island Escape!,I tried this flavor within a variety pack and LOVED IT! I usually add cream and sugar to my coffee. With this k cup I ad"} {"input": "???????????? c????????ana????ouo?ndnd nd????????did??????????? t?o o?????an?y y??ugu??r!r? ????waw?s s s???????t ???????????t ant a????as???????????????a a p ???a ?cocolco?????? I ??aba?????utlut????????? th t???????????????? p???????? t? to to??????up?????????????????nd???????ono??th???????!!????????00600???????????????????????????oro?y ????RoR??????????n \"n ???????onon\"on\"\"????????????????????JuJ??????????????yoy????????lolovlo?????????hi?s ???olfolfgf????????????fff?ee????????????atat.at. ????e ve vav?anian??la? f??????????is?????????gh?t.t??SoS??? r???iei????sasaisaid??????as???????so so?????????ot ot?ene???ughug?????avoav??orinori???????????on'on??t pt ????????ntn", "output": "ded coconut creamer and found that I did not have to add any sugar! It was so sweet and light and tasted just like a pina colada. I absolutley love this k cup and am planning to sign up for subscribe and save on this one!\n9006,B006N3IG4K,AN4C6KUWQOCQY,\"Gregory D. Roughgarden \"\"Shannon\"\"\",1,1,4,1296000000,Just Right and you will love it!,\"This Wolfgang Puck coffee tasted great. The vanilla flavoring is just right. Some reviews said it was not so good, not enough flavoring, etc. Don't pay attent"} {"input": "??ono??tot?? th t???????rer???????poposo?????????herhe????I I??????nen????? po p????d ?fof??????????????ndnd ?I ????e ????????an?????fff????????-c-?????. T. ??????is is????????k-???????nd nd???????????tat??? t???pup??????e ???hishi??????or? b???????????????e nee n??????ve ve????edbedba????. I. I ???????? he h????????????d dd ????????????????? t????????????????????ldl?????e ???it ait ?????????t t wt ??s ?????????????????????????????? fr f?an????iseis????????????ou ou????????????y ity it.????????????????terte????????th????k k?????????????flfla???orsor?s ls ???e e f????????an???va????????e ?????vorvo???????7,7????6N6????????2U2?????????????????masma????????pep???", "output": "ion to the bad reviews posted on here. I have never posted for a product and I have tried many different k-cups. This is a good k-cup and don't hesitate to purchase this flavor because of the negative feedback. I almost hesitated and didn't buy it and then I figured I would give it a shot. It was worth it to pick the vanilla francaise flavor. You will enjoy it. It tastes better then other k cup vanilla flavors like folgers and van houtte flavor.\"\n9007,B006N3IG4K,A2UCZAWAN5QMJQ,Thomas F. Harper J"} {"input": "??????,1,,1?????????686??0,0?\"G\"?ooo?????fff??e,e? b bubutu????tst?????????????????ava?????\"??,\"?I I?sas???????????????????????? thi th??s Js ?ama????a a????????????????e, e,???????e ?????????rs rs a ala?????eemee?? to t??waw???????????? w?hehethe?????iti???????????????????ll?a,a????ra??????rur????????ff?????iqiquq?????fl???or?iningn?s.s?????????r ?r />r /??iri??????off,off??????????????iningin?? an a??????????????????????al??. .? S ???? v ?vanva??illil??????????????tlt???????ese????kek????ff?????it?????????????is???????????? it i??????????? /??????aca??????????????ranra????????????????????????k ?up?????sos?? f???? k ??????????tente?n an ?????it ?????urrur???d t??o mo me?me tme ???", "output": "r.,1,1,4,1294876800,\"Good coffee, but lets clear up the flavors?\",\"I saw the good reviews of this Jamaica Me Crazy coffee, but the reviewers all seem to wander around whether it has coconut, vanilla, caramel, rum or coffee liqueur flavorings.

First off, I'm not getting any coconut from it at all. Some vanilla, but it mostly tastes like coffee with baileys irish cream in it.

In fact, after I drank a cup I had to go pick up my son from kindergarten and it occurred to me that"} {"input": " ????e e o ????heh?????????????????igighg?????????? w ?asas ???????????pipiki?????????e ?????e ???????????fof??????????assas??????letle????????????r /r ?????????????????oooodo????????????menme???????o o ao ??????????o lo ?ik???s fs ??????????cofco???e.e. ??????????lyl?????????ing ing?ele???e le li?????????????????????ed aed ?bob????202???????????t kt ?-c-cucupup p? fl f??lavolav?????9909???????6N6??IGI?????????3X3???????,M,????. ???wmwmam?an,an????????????????0,0??????the???????\"W\"??????o ??manma??? ch c??ici??es es????, ,? I ????ougou??????????l l g ?????? thi thisi?s as ?????.<.??? / />??????????ut sut ?????????????????faf?????y f????????????????s ?????????s ?????t.t????????,B0,B?006??????", "output": " some of the other parents might think I was drinking spiked coffee while we waited for the class to let out! :)

But its good. I recommend it to anyone who likes flavored coffee. Not really anything else like it and I've tried about 20 different k-cup flavors.\"\n9008,B006N3IG4K,AZWC23X2AZAQC,M. C. Bowman,1,1,3,1294704000,Not the best,\"With so many choices now, I thought I woudl give this a try.
The Donut shop Decaf is by far my favorite and this one falls short.\"\n9009,B006N3IG4K"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????1,1,1???????29??606?0000,00??ere???????tht? N NoNot????????????ususesede? t tot??????????ububsb????????ndnd d sd ??????iti??????e Te ???motmo?thyth?'s's s??oro????????? b ??? d du dueu??to????????ctc??th???t t???????????on on????mot??????juj????ed ed??o ??????, I, ??wew???????????ga?????????????????????????. .? P?????????????rpr?pripr??sedse??, a, ?andan????mum???????y ty ????????????????????e me mu?chc??????er???????????Ko??na!na?????????msm?????????re????????herhe????????t thet th??e tae t????e se ????l l???tat???s ???nin????wa?rmr????ll???-b-?????flf???or??? G ????????????o so ?stast????t th?? d???????h,??anand? I ?I l???? t??????????f f???is???of??????????????B0B??", "output": ",A3S9V8OLQENVK8,readingaway,1,1,5,1292976000,Very Smooth Not Acidic,\"I used to do the subscribe and save with the Timothy's World Kona, but due to the fact that the price on Timothy's jumped so high, I went to Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed. Pleasantly surprised, and I must say that I like this one much better than the Kona! It seems much more smoother, but the taste still retains a nice warm mellow-bold flavor. Great way to start the day! Oh, and I love the name of this coffee ;)\"\n9010,B006"} {"input": "?????????1H1???????????????????????1,1????,1,12,1?????????,T,??o o??????fof???????I I b ?????????is????cacaua?sese e A ???????????DRDRAR?STS????????????????d ?????????????????????us?uau???? b???, ,?sos????????????t I't I'd'?????????????????ewe??????non??????y ????????????e e Pe ????????on??t ???op?????ic?????????????????????????????????e.e??????????as as????itittt??le le??isisaisapa?????tit?????????????????????????????????, b, bubutut ut? wh w????I ??????? a l a ?ara????cu???(m(mym??KeK???????????? si s????????????????? lo l?????????????on?ong ong?????- -?vev?????igigh??????????or.or???????makma??s ?a a va ve??ry ry wry ???????? o??????????. ?WhW???n I????rew????he he??", "output": "N3IG4K,A1H703P9ALYVM6,Lisa97225,1,1,3,1292630400,Too Mild for Me,\"I bought this because Amazon had DRASTICALLY increased the price on what I usually buy, so I thought I'd try something new. I normally drink Coffee People Donut Shop, which is a nice, strong cup of coffee. This was a little disappointing. It's called a Medium Roast, but when I brew a large cup (my Keurig has 3 size options), it looks like strong tea - very light in color. It makes a very weak cup of coffee. When I brew the sm"} {"input": "?ala??ese????upu??????ibiblb??? i ???s s?a a t ???y y???? b??????, ???t ?????????? a a??????????????????ngn???of??feefe????????????????trt????heh????????DrD?ivi?e ??r r?????renrentn???, b, bu, but???hi??????e ie ???juj??????????aka????? l?igi??????????????OdO??lyl???non???gh,gh???he?????st??????? I I???rieriede???????????????????????t it ?it ????????????on??...??????????????en en u ???? t???weweaweak????????????????? t??????'v'veve ve??????????????in?g ????????stronstro????????????????it?'s's 's??harhardrd ?????????ckc????to \"to \"\"\"\"b\"????????????\"\"\"\")\"\"?????????000?????G4G?????5R5????A6A??????,M,????or??????1,????????717?????? m?????????????????????ses??????I wI ???n'n't'?t et ????", "output": "allest cup possible, it's a tiny bit better, but I prefer a large cup of strong coffee. Think I may try the Rodeo Drive or Sorrento, but this one is just too weak and light for me. (Oddly enough, the first time I tried Donut Shop, I thought it was too strong...as I had been used to weaker coffees. Now that I've started drinking the stronger varieties, it's hard to go back to \"\"brown water.\"\")\"\n9011,B006N3IG4K,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,1,1,5,1292371200,A must have on my carousel!,\"I wasn't expec"} {"input": "?tit?ngn??tht?????????????e se ??????????????????YeY???????asa?????mom????????ishis????????? t???ic?????? a ???rer?????????t ???t ???ese????????asteast???burbu?????????hi??????oto???????????????????????????as???s ???in? a????yey???????ere????????d ???? fu f?????nd??????ky,ky?? bu b?????????is???????????????????d wd ?it?????????????ll ll??efefif??initini??lyl???????r ar ?????. ????f yf ??????????a sa ??????er????p p????? the th????rn???????witwi????t ?????????????, , g, gig??e ???????one??????y.y????010121?????????G4G?K,K?????EOE???CPC?????,D,DaD????L.L???????????????????????808???00,00????????ng ng P ??????????????????ry ry???odo????st????????rodro???t t b???????", "output": "ting this one to be so rich or full! Yet it has a smoky finish that is typical of a French roast but doesn't taste burnt. I think alot of times a French roast tastes thin and yet bitter instead of full and smoky, but not this one! Very pleased with it and will definitely order again. If you like a stronger cup in the morning, without being bitter, give this one a try.\"\n9012,B006N3IG4K,A30XEOBZCPH9KS,Dana L. Nickerson,1,1,3,1291680000,Wolfgang Puck Columbian,Very good tasteing product but I ne"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????????? o ???????-6-606??????????y y ey ???oyo??????ded??????????????????????A3A323??????????????????????theth???????????????????????,D,?ele??????????????????????waw???????fof?????ete??????????e oe ouout???????KcK???????????????e ?me???????, ??thethe the?WoW????????????'s'??co????????????????????????????. I. ???????????????or?????? A ANA???????o ??????????????th th???? f???ll ?????ed??J>???9???????????????K,AK,??G1G????MPM?????????S S????????????????????040?707??00???? st s??on?????et et?? bit bi???er er b????????s a? F ?????????asa??????????????????????? bra br????????-c-cu??? wi?th?????? e ?", "output": "ed to use it the smallist setting on my B-60 to really enjoy the depth.\n9013,B006N3IG4K,A324GNX6R2MF9V,J. L. Sutherland,1,1,5,1290556800,Delectable!,\"I am still waiting for Peets to come out with Kcups, but in the meantime, the Wolfgang Puck's coffees are filling the bill. I really like Sorrento AND Rodeo Drive---smooth and full bodied.
JS\"\n9014,B006N3IG4K,A2G1X3QMP6F3EK,MKS in San An,1,1,3,1290470400,A strong yet bitter brew,\"As a French Roast fan, I bought this brand of K-cup with high ex"} {"input": "?????ata?ioi??????on?sisidi???????????nan???????????????????????????????pop????????????????? he h?????? ar a???a ?ana????????bob???????????????t ????vev??s as ?a ba bib?????????????sts??????????I>?f f?yoy?????????????r or ofo?f tf ??e ?mom??????????????????? I I????ldl?d rd ?recre??????? t???????????????????\"\"\"\"h\"?????///???????azazoz???????????????????0000202L2??1Y1???????of???e ?????le? K ?????????????????????????ExE?trt??????????????????????ri???????????????k k??? 5 ??)<)??a>a> >?????????? It I???????sms????? b????????????on????????????????????????????????versver????????????????????likli??elyely ?????kinki?ng ng? fo f???\"\"??010?5,5?B0???", "output": "pectations, considering the name attached to it. I was disappointed. It has a hearty aroma and full-bodied flavor but leaves a bitter aftertaste.

If you're a lover of the more robust roasts, I would recommend trying the Coffee People Kona Blend Island Style, Extra Bold K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50) instead. It is a smooth blend with none of the bitterness that delivers that kick you're likely looking for.\"\n9015,B006N"} {"input": "???????APA??????????????????CoC???????????????????????,5,??????656?????,D,?efe?ini?????y y?a a??????????kfk???? i ????????,\"N,\"?????????olo??????????oo ?wew??k.k?..????? bi b??????? G ?????????toto to?st?ara???ifif f???uru???????????????????????????????????. ???????????????d Id I I h ????????dedde????e ?????gag?angan??????????rerea????????n n?????\"\" \"\"?lil??????????????????????ivi??\"\"????????? t???????????inging g rg ????????????????????3IG3I?????????????MZM???,\",\"K,\"????ad??????????????ofof5of?\"\"?\"\"\",\"\"\"???????????????00???????t,t?????s ??flafl???????????????n'n??????????th?is????orlor?????butbu???sn?'t???????????. I. ?n ????????????, i, it?'s'????", "output": "3IG4K,AP03SDCDB6RBD,\"E. OConnor \"\"erdoreen\"\"\",1,1,5,1288656000,Definitely a good breakfast indeed!,\"Not too bold, not too weak...not bitter. Good way to start if your not into the real strong coffees. My husband and I have added the Wolfgang Puck \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" line and the \"\"Rodeo Drive\"\" flavors to our buying ritual.\"\n9016,B006N3IG4K,AQ6SHOW0VMZGF,\"K. Padgett \"\"familyof5\"\"\",1,1,3,1287878400,Decent,\"This flavored K-Cup isn't out of this world, but isn't horrible. In my opinion, it's way"} {"input": "????????lal???orfor??????????hehe ?????????????? H ?????nun?????CuC??????????e ?fl???or?ede????????????????hoh??ses???an??????? w ?????????wiw????????????e ae aga???in.in??Wo???????????????171????060????G4G?K,K?A2A??454?ZFZ???????????rdr?oso?????????282?727????00?,M,MiM???ere????an??????ctc?????????????d ?????iii??an ??HazHa????ut??????????????dididi??????non?w w????t t tt ?o ??????????ut???????urnur????outou?t it ?it'it????????? g ????????????????vovorvo?????as as??aya????????ut ??nonno?netne??el?ese?s ??????????????????ve??itit ?on?? su s????rir?????on on non ??????lonlo??????????? G ??????an Can ????????te te???kek???????he???on???????????avo??????????ororeoredore???K-cK-????.\"??????", "output": " more flavorful than the Wolfgang Puck Hazelnut K-Cup. We love flavored coffee in our house, and so I would go with this one again. Worth a try.\"\n9017,B006N3IG4K,A2D45ZF2E3819G,pardos,1,1,4,1287273600,Milder than expected,\"Never had Hawaiian Hazelnut before so I didn't know what to expect, but it turns out it's pretty good, not as flavored as say DD, but nonetheless pretty good. I have it on subscription now along with the German Chocolate Cake, another one of my favorite flavored K-cups.\"\n9018,"} {"input": "?B0B??6N6????????????F2F202????0101W1??????ala?igi??????,1?,5,?,1???????????????????t t i ?? B ?????ofo??????????????????????????????in????a a?coc?????????ere??????????????d ad ?ndnd ??easea???ono??????????????????t wt ???th th a a a g ?????????????????????????????,B??006006N?3I???????QNQ???????????T.T??. ????????????,1????????????00??0,????????????????????????????cec????ligli?????????? c???????????????ele?????????????? br b???????????s ???????? an a??????????????????????????.......?????d fd ??or or??????e m??????gsg?s ws ??????????????????????????????t bt ??efoef??e.e?. W. ??oulou???????????in.in??????????????????,A?1N1?0J0JVJ???????D2D?,\"", "output": "B006N3IG4K,A1GW3F20WIZ01W,A. Waligora,1,1,5,1286496000,Breakfast in Bed Coffee K-Cups,\"This has made me into a coffee lover! Very mild and easy on the stomach, but with a great flavor. Love it!\"\n9019,B006N3IG4K,ABQN42N7ICNZQ,T.O. Perspective,1,1,4,1285200000,Enjoyable cup of coffee,\"Nice, light cup of coffee. Definitely not a bold brew but it's smooth and gentle on the stomach.....good for those mornings when you over did it the night before. Would buy again.\"\n9020,B006N3IG4K,A1N0JVDW4YVYD2,\""} {"input": "????????????eeee\"e??????,1,,1?5,5???????727202???SmS?????????????hth??????????t ?coc????e,e????? i ??????????????ancan??d ??andan??sms????h ??????????????????t ?foforo?? a ??irirsr??????????th????aya?????????????????K,K?A1A??EJE???ZGZ?Q2Q??????ElE???ababeb????????????????????????????????????4040000,00???nd??erfer????????offeeoffe???????s is ?is ???????t ?????????????nun????????????????th ?????????????????th th nth non?? ch c????cacal????tet??tat?????? M MyM?????????and aand an?and ????iki????? s?????????thath????e'e'v'?ve ve? or o????????t ?????ce ce d???????y y fy ??????????eue???? m ?an?????ctuct?????. ??O O???ADA??? tha th?????????nowno???????????e oe ???AmAmamazmazoz???th?????? s????????be be? an a?", "output": "J.S. \"\"Coffee\"\"\",1,1,5,1285027200,Smooth and light breakfast coffee,This is a very balanced and smooth light coffee great for a first cup of the day.\n9021,B006N3IG4K,A1DEJHEZGQ214W,\"Elizabeth K \"\"Elizabeth K\"\"\",1,1,5,1283990400,Wonderful coffee!,This is a great cup of hazelnut coffee; smooth and balanced with no chemical aftertaste. My husband and I like it so much that we've ordered it twice directly from the Keurig manufacturer. SO GLAD that it's now available on Amazon through subscribe and"} {"input": "? s ?????9??222???0000606N6???G4G??,A,A3A353??????????????????mym?????ana???????re?????y\"y\"\"????,4,???,1,131333?151?969????????????OTO???????????PLP????????????????? h hoh?????????????????????????????????????WhWhah??????????????????? a? G ????RIR?C C????????????li?????ha???coc?????s ms ???????? c co????eesee?. ?????????t it ?is is??ayayiy??g,g? b?????????????phpho???o Io I I s??? a??????, i, ???????????ththe?? co c?ff?????typty?????????aveav???is ???????????of?fe??? t ????????????????????????101???????????????????????????????????yo?????e ????inkin???????s as a ???AVA???????? coff cof??????????????e ine i?????ie???????n in ?????????rab?????co???fee????????lal", "output": " save!\n9022,B006N3IG4K,A3504B9G5BJJM8,\"Jeremy Agran \"\"iamreality\"\"\",3,4,5,1331596800,IT IS NOT DECAF PEOPLE!!!,\"I'm amazed how many are being so easily fooled. What you're seeing is a GENERIC ingredient list that covers multiple coffees. What it is saying, based on the photo I see above, is that IF the coffee type you have is straight coffee, then all it contains is 100% arabica coffee... But IF what you are drinking is a FLAVORED coffee, then the ingredients in it are Arabica coffee, and fla"} {"input": "v????ngn????????????????ata???????? d ??????ingin?????a a???????vav?ri?ete?????heh??? it i???onontn??in????rar????????fff????th?????????????????ffffeff????ateatede?????????thyth?? A AcAcec?etaet?????????????????ardar???brb??????r ???????f f y ???????non??t ht hoh?ldldid???????ec?????varva?rierietrie??????en?????????????? de???caffcaf?????tet?? b be??nsns!s? ????????????????????e the t?????????????catca??h h??lll????ingring????????s ts ??????????? to t????ic??hevhe??er er??var??????????????en?????bebe be?????kinki?????????????????????????????hinhi?nk nk???opo??????lollo????????????N3N?IGI?????????????????????ta?cic??????gog?????\"T\"???rifri???????\"\"????,1,?????????????00?,F,????ORO?EDE????????", "output": "vorings... But IF what you're drinking is a DECAF variety, then it contains Arabica coffee that has been decaffeinated with Ethyl Acetate, as is standard.

So if you're not holding a decaf variety, then there is no decaffeinated beans! It is nothing more than generic catch all ingredients that apply to whichever variety you happen to be looking at.

Sheesh. Think people! lol\"\n9023,B006N3IG4K,A1B5T3IUHLZ2UU,\"Stacie Gregory \"\"ThriftyMama\"\"\",7,10,1,1295222400,FLAVORED COFFEE?"} {"input": "???????ere???ini???????ese?????????????es es i???mem???tioti??????????????ouo?????thisthis s??ofo?????beb???? f ????oro???. .?I'I???????l l??oto??sus?re???whawh??t ft ??av????? it it??s.s?. S. ???me me????????? nu nutut.ut?????????????sss?sumsu??? t????????????????offof???e we wow???????? si s?????? t?????e ????????ounou??aiainai????ff?????hihic?? J??????????????wnw?????????????????????????????umu??????t!t?????????fl??????red red????????es ses ???????????????apappp?????????????ow ?????2 2???xex?es es oes ??of sof ???????hoh???????????fefee?. ???????????ysys ?????or?????????sms??ll????????????? so so so?????????t nt ????????t ???fo???????pe??ed??it???????????????????????????????? to to", "output": "?,Nowhere in the description does it mention anything about this coffee being flavored. I'm still not sure what flavor it is. Some type of nut. I wrongly assumed that Jamaican coffee would be similar to the Blue Mountain coffee which Jamaica is known for! How silly of me to assume that! I hate flavored coffees so I was so disappointed to now own 2 boxes of such a horrible coffee. It only says flavored very small on the box so I didn't notice it before I opened it. Hopefully I can pawn it off to "} {"input": "??????ororsrs s?????????sos????rer??????????????fff??????lavla??????????feefe????? m ???ele?????020???B0B?060????G4G???????CEC??????7X7XZXZ,Z?????4,64,??1,1,1????595????00,00,m,?????????g,g???????????? t ????ded????????????oeo??? it i?????ti???????t ???????????????????d c??ff??ee.ee???ByBy ????e ne ??????? th?ouo??hth??????????????????an an? Bl B?????????????????nd nd???t ???????????????it??????????????????????elnel?????????t vt ?????gogooo???????,B?00??6N36N??????A1??????CAC???4I4?K,??dhdha???? \" ??????exe?????????1,?????606?????????-F-FlF?lav????d ????fe????ri?nknkek???????????,I,I ?????in????????????????d ??????????? the th????????s.s???I ????sts?ed??????on", "output": "visitors and buy some regular bold coffee-flavored coffee for myself!\n9024,B006N3IG4K,A16ZCEER1OK7XZ,gp,4,6,1,1305590400,misleading,No where in the description does it mention that this is a flavored coffee. By the name I thought it was a Jamaican Blue Mountain blend but its flavored with a weak tasting hazelnut. Not very good\n9025,B006N3IG4K,A1IC75BCAGQ4IK,\"dhalex \"\"dhalex\"\"\",4,6,1,1296604800,Non-Flavored coffee drinkers beware!,I was in a hurry and did not read the reviews...I trusted amazon"} {"input": "????????????ioi?n n??????????d ???????ndind?????? it i?t wt ??????ava?oro????coc???eee??an?????at? i??????????????aia????????????s vs ????????????y fy ????or??????????an????? s ?o o? it??isi?ntnt ?????????????feefeelel l??heh???ed????020??????????G4G?????????????XNX?????debdebib????,2,????1,1???979???????,H,????il??y Fy ????????????oto?t Ft FoF?? U ?????????????????? w wa w?????Ja???ic???????????????as??, ,????????????????it'it??????plply?????????????la????????of????. ??????????avoravor r????asteast?? a???????????- ?????e fe ??????????e se ????p p f?????vorivor???????e ????????re??????ffeff????ri????rsr?s is ?????ur ur??????e a??????????? u ?s ?co??????????????????", "output": "'s description and it did NOT indicate it was flavored coffee and that it was NOT Jamaican...it is very lightly flavored with vanilla so it isnt too bad. I feel cheated.\n9026,B006N3IG4K,A286C5PALVXN5R,debij40,2,3,1,1297123200,Heavily Flavored - Not For Us,\"I thought this was a Jamaican blend or roast, but turns out it's simply a heavily flavored coffee. The flavor tastes artificial - like fake maple syrup flavoring. We have three coffee drinkers in our house and none of us could get past the f"} {"input": "i??sts???????ipi?????????I I?hahava???tot????????????????????????????f f?????o ????????n'n?t ??o o to ???waw?????????????000??????????????Y7Y???????A,A???????ugu?????2,2???1,1?????828???00?,\",?????JaJ??????? a?????????????an?oto?????????t,t, ???????????of??????,\"?????????????????ulu?d ?rereqrequq????????????fefee?????????weeweet????tit??????al al??????????s s t???????la??????idi??ntnti????????s ss ??chc??? T ??henhe????????whw?o o ro ????????????keke ??????????????????d ????is is???y ??????????????????ngn????????????sas??????ti??g ????????d ??upu? o??????????. ???is??????ff ff????????????????????magma?in????ew???????OwO??n En ExE?trtratr?a Ba ??", "output": "irst few sips. Now I have to find a home for the rest of it so it doesn't go to waste.\"\n9027,B006N3IG4K,A1BP3Y74NK3XTA,shutrbug645,2,3,1,1295827200,\"Not Jamaican at all, just another sweet, flavored coffee!\",\"I wish Amazon would require any coffee with sweet artificial flavorings to be plainly identified as such. Then folks who really dislike coffee adulterated this way could avoid getting another disappointing flavored cup of coffee. This stuff tastes the way I imagine Newman's Own Extra Bol"} {"input": "???????eee???????????????iti???????????????ili?????????????????????eae????umu??????????????????. .???huh??????!!?????????000???????????????C2C???USU???????????sds??re??t,t??,3,??,2,,2?121?28728??464???00,00,G,GrG????t nt ?????????I I??????t ???????oror r? it???I dI ????????ou??????? 6 ??????????????feefee ?eve??????????ingin?????'m'???lwlwawaya????ooo??ining?????? a a??????lal????????????????e ie ?it it??????????I dI drI d?ana?nk nk?????????? wo w????? no n???or??????????. ???????????????????????????5M5??DUDUPU???????ono?????????nbn???????3,???????????????GoG??d,???ut?????t mt ???????orior????????lilikli?????????, ?bu??????ot?????????????is?????????????", "output": "d coffee would taste with curdled, spoiled Bailey's Irish Cream dumped in it - nasty. Shudder!!!\"\n9028,B006N3IG4K,A1PGA8C2EAUSBT,funlinesdirect,2,3,2,1287446400,Great name but I didn't care for it,I drink about 4 to 6 cups of coffee every morning - I'm always looking for a new flavor - so I gave it a try - I drank it but I would not order again. steve\n9029,B006N3IG4K,A2GT5MEDUP5YCF,Donna Bollenbach,2,3,3,1286409600,\"Good, but not my favorite\",\"I like strong, but smooth coffee. This coffee is st"} {"input": "???????????????utu???????tlt???onon on t ?????????? s ?idi???????mym?????????? h ??vev????astas??????theth???????ng? b?????? t??????????e ??ucu?h h m mom???. ????huhusu????????????????s as ?a ma ???????????? c ????????????? w ??ithit??????????????????????nonotno??????????orior???e ee eieitithitheith???????????????????????menme?nd nd? it i???????????e e we ???o lo ????????? lit li??????????????????r m?or?????????? of o?????e.\"e.??????????????G4G4K4?????????XZXZ4Z????????????y Jy ??. C. ???asteast???????????????in???????om??\"\"\"\"\"?,2,?,3,?3,23,?????565?????????heshe?e ?K ??????????e Ie ????????????????NoN?????????iri?????????????????ve ve? ow o?????a a Ka ???rir?????????ou?t ?????ar??????", "output": "rong enough, but a little on the bitter side for my taste. I have tasted other strong blends that I like much more. My husband, who likes a medium roast coffee, is OK with this coffee, but it not his favorite either. I would only recommend it to someone who likes a little tang in their morning cup of joe.\"\n9030,B006N3IG4K,A2FFQ7KXZ4IF53,\"Betty J. Castellucci \"\"Barspinners Mom\"\"\",2,3,2,1285632000,These K Cups Have ISSUES - Coffee Not Bad,\"First of all, I have owned a Keurig for about 4 years now,"} {"input": "???????????????????????????of?fef??. .??DuD????g g???ata??????, ,? I I????ve ve h????????ccc???ioi??????upu? t??????idi?n'n??t ft ???????n ???????ctlct??????????????? the th?????????????????????????????? /> /??????????? s ??????????????????ed?????sese ???fof?re????bob???ere????tot?????????? s???????bo???? S ????e e Ie ??drd???k ??y ????fe??e fe frfro?m m??????rmrmam?? c??????I cI ????n ten t???????? th? that tha??????????????lal??????ininkin?????????????????outou????????????cof???????rouroun?undsund????????s.
I probably should have returned these before I bothered to open the second box. Since I drink my coffee from a thermal cup, I can tell you that taking that last drink to find your mouth full of coffee grounds stinks.

I have had to throw out at least 6 cups of coffee. Its a bit like Russian Roulette, and I've started straining it"} {"input": "? a ????????brb??????????????I???????t kt ?knokn?? w wh w??y t", "output": " after I brew it.

I know that its not my brewer because it is not happening with the Green Mountain, Timothy's or Tully's that I also use. The good cups are a bit weak for my taste, but the flavor is ok. Definitely prefer not to waste $'s on a product with a manufacturing defect.\"\n9031,B006N3IG4K,A3GFZIL1E0Z5V8,bloomen1,0,0,5,1351209600,Rodeo Drive is Crazy Good Coffee!,Rodeo Drive is my absolute favorite and I'm ready to order more! That's if I can find it.
I don't know why t"} {"input": "?????????????????nun?iningin??iti???brb????ItI????????? v ???y ?faf?????909????B0B?060????????A2A????SCS????????????????mom??,0,?,0,0,,0?????515???32????????d,d??????non???????gag???g Pg ??????oo?????HoH?oneon????y,y????hah??????? ad a?mimit??????t It ?I eI ??????????????????beb?ttt??????ha?????????to? s ?aya?????? t??is?? is i??????co?????e -e ???n ??????????????te?????d ?????????????????????????, ???????????????tisti???????????ala?l.l?. I. ?????????????in???????????????????ol???????Pu????'s ?????e ie ?????tat???????to ???????????????s is itit ?ses??????ex??????atiat???s ????????????ghg????????e ???????????????k k kk ????????et ???at??????????", "output": "hey are discontinuing it.
It arrived very fast.\n9032,B006N3IG4K,A21VWSCGW7UUAR,Ian Wilmot,0,0,4,1351123200,\"Good, but not Wolfgang Puck good\",\"Honestly, I have to admit that I expected a little better. That's not to say that this is bad coffee - in fact it's quite bold without being too acidic, and pretty satisfying overall. I think my main problem is that Wolfgang Puck's name is attached to it, so perhaps it set my expectations a little high. I have a Wolfgang Puck knife set that I adore, "} {"input": "?ana????????ryry y?hih?????????????????hah???? p ??idi???forfo????. .?????s cs ?????e e????s os ????al??? s????????????????or?????it it a ??????????sts??????d ???or or???????ini?g g t ??at????????????????????????ffff ff????hi????h ith it ??id?n'n??????????o po pup???????????e ???eae???asastas??????????andan??????aicai?a a????????y ????????sa?????imime?????e ????akakfak????????????????the???????, i, ????????in????????? t?????????????????ee???????ed?????the bthe ??estes?????t t w???????????????????esses?????????????????????K,K???5Z5?LGLGXG??ULU??G8G????????on??????????????????646???????odo??CoC?????????? A ????????????????????????????????ed ced co?coffcof?????frofr", "output": "and is very high quality for what I paid for it. This coffee was on sale, so it was well worth it also, I just hoped for something that would knock my socks off - which it didn't. I also purchased the Breakfast blend, and Jamaica me crazy at the same time. The breakfast blend was the best, in my opinion, and the jamaican coffee smelled the best, but was the least successful.\"\n9033,B006N3IG4K,AZ5ZLGXWULUG8,Mama Longlegs,0,0,4,1350864000,Good Coffee from Amazon.com,\"The Breakfast In Bed coffee fro"} {"input": "???WoW?????????ucu???????a a??ooo????ede??????oao??t t???fff?????????huh?sbs???d,d??????????lal????????????ini????????????????????????????????????lsl??????????d ld ?liklike? t th t??he che ?????? m????? if i??????er?????bib?????????????????????????t at ???rivri???????iteit?????? a??tet????????????\"\"????4,4???????????????Q3Q?GVG?Q1Q??HUHUFU?????aza????an?,0,????????????????????te???sss????????te??????'m'???????????rmr??????????????????????????is is??tutufu???????disdi??ppp??inintin?tinti?????BaB???ed ?upu????????????????????eviev???s,s????????????????????????????????? the the???????s Is ????????????????????????????? t?? they the?y my ??????????ha????", "output": "m Wolfgang Puck is a good medium roast coffee. My husband, the regular coffee drinker of our house, likes it, but feels he would like the coffee more if it were a bit stronger. The product arrived quite soon after ordering.\"\n9034,B006N3IG4K,A34Q3GVQ1CHUFT,Amazonian,0,0,2,1350691200,Tasteless and watery,\"I'm not a gourmet coffee critic, but this stuff is disappointing. Based upon previous good reviews, I suspect that the coffee in the K-cups I received is not the same -- they may have changed"} {"input": " t ??????nun??????????. .??????????????????? D ??????????eceec??vevede??????ifi???ese??, ,??????????????asa?te??????. . ??????????? a ?ror??ma ma????n n? it it't?'s 's b brb???in????????????????? ?????????????\"\"??030??????????????AKA?????QXQ?????X,X?\"L\"?????????????ricri??????om?EsE???\"\"\"\"\"?,0,?,0?????35???????????ndnded????? K K-K????s,???TheTh????????ng????????ofoffffefeefe??????????ReR??eeeer??ve ve C ??????????????? i?????ntn???stist???????????????????????. I. ??de???iniiniti????y ry ??????ene?????????????????o o ao ananyan?????????????s ??????????cupcu?????????fee?????0303603?,B???6N?3I??G4KG4K,K,AK,??O1O?Y1?????1P1??????????????????494?????00???????????te?????????e WPe W", "output": " the manufacturing. The Wolfgang Puck Decaf I received is lifeless, watery, and tasteless. There's no aroma when it's brewing in the Keurig. Never again.\"\n9035,B006N3IG4K,AKLY1OQXAPD7X,\"Larraine Derrico \"\"MomEsq\"\"\",0,0,5,1350345600,Wonderful K-cups,\"The Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Chef's Reseerve Columbian Decaf is fantastic and very delicious. I definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants a great cup of coffee.\"\n9036,B006N3IG4K,A3O1Y1F3IJ1P5D,PatiC,0,0,5,1349740800,My favorite of the WP"} {"input": "?????upu?????????????????ava???. .??????????????bob?????r. r.???????y y i itit ??it??h Fh ???encenchc??????lll??????????. ???ata??????????????enen en? ha??ded?? t ?? f fi fini???????????opopep?????y ??????????????????inuinueu????????????????????4K4??A2A??????????YLY?H,H,D,????????,0,,0????????????????d ?????,\",??ofo????? ta t?????s gs ????t,t??????th??e ce ???????????????????????n ???????g.g????ha????????????at???s!s!!!! !???????quq???????????oio??te????????????????lil??e ???????????????????fe????\"\"????8,8??????3I???????????DTD???????,\"G,\"??????ufu??DiD?????????J\"J\"\"\"\"\"\"\"????0,?????????????????mewme???????????oioinoi?ntint??g,g????erher???????????????", "output": " K cups.,Nice round flavor. Not harsh or botter. I enjoy it with French Vanilla creamer. Lately it has been harder to find. I do hope they have not discontinued it!\n9037,B006N3IG4K,A2A1327CU1ZYLH,Dusty,0,0,1,1349740800,Bad Cups,\"Coffee tastes great, but the cups get torn apart when brewing. What a mess that is!! I am quite disappointed because I do like this flavor of coffee!!\"\n9038,B006N3IG4K,AEI6MBDTGGIQU,\"GeekStuffDiggit \"\"DJ\"\"\",0,0,3,1349740800,Somewhat disappointing,\"Perhaps my expectat"} {"input": "????????rer????????ghg??????????????????????????olo?fgfgag???????k\"k?\"\",\"\"?? I I e ?????? t??????imi???resre?se??. ??hihishi????to to m ??? ta t??????????er?y y ay ??????e ???astas?ini??????fef?????????????????????????lel????? a???ed???? r ror??????????th?ata???s ws ????? it i?t it ist i????owo??????????????stst st?????o blo b?an?????r r??y ???????????????????????????anantan?t dt ded??afa???????????????ra?ct??????ryr????????MoM???ta????CoC????????DaD??k k?????c c D De D???????????????hth?????????.a.am???????comco?????????????????N3N??2S2?K\"K?????????????????n Cn ?CofCo??????????????????agiagicagi?????????????tiotion?? Pa P?ck??????KeK?uru?ig???????rsrs ?242????????????, o, ??????????", "output": "ions were too high. When I see the name \"\"Wolfgang Puck\"\", I expect to be impressed. This (to my taste) is very average tasting coffee. To be fair, it is billed as a medium roast, and that's what it is. However, it's just too bland for my taste.

If you want decaf with more character, try Green Mountain Coffee's Dark Magic Decaf Green Mountain Coffee Decaf Dark Magic, K-Cup Portion Pack for Keurig Brewers 24-Count, or Emeril's"} {"input": "? J ????????p p?????f f < ????????\"\"\"???????/w/????????ono???????????ododud????????616?????\"\"?>E>??ere??l'l's'?? Ja J?azzazze????Up Up?????F F?????-C-??????a>a?. . T ?heh?? a ??????arkar???????????tht???????????????????ntn?????il????????????????WoWolo???an??????? m???ghtght ??????????????????????????????????????060?????4K4?,A,??OEO????O4O????????. L. LaL?ckc?????0,0???????494???????????????ang ang?????? K- K?????????af,af????s s is ??????wiw?ifeife'e's's 's????????e.e????he he??re??????in????at???e ???????????nsn???????????????????lo??ns ns o ofo?f vf ????ou??s t?ypy??s ?????????????????????ifetife????????????ssuss????????????????????????????he ihe ??????? m my? w?????????", "output": " Jazzed Up Decaf Emeril's Jazzed Up DECAF 48 K-Cups. They are darker roasts though, so if you want a milder coffee the Wolfgang Puck might be what you are looking for.\"\n9039,B006N3IG4K,ATOEUHIO4IU5D,W. Lackner,0,0,5,1349654400,Wolfgang Puck K-cup decaf,This is my wife's favorite. She grew up in Seattle and has consumed countless gallons of various types of coffee in her lifetime so I assume this is good coffee. She is also my wine taste"} {"input": "???????????????????s ms ???? m ?????sesenensn????vev???hah?????????909????????N3N3I3??????????????6M6M1M??,S,?. .??AL???R,R???????????????????itittitte??r tr ??astas???\"I\"????ieieded d???is????odo??uctuc????????????? th?e ?????t it ?it it? ha h?????olfol??????????????????. ????????ldl????????tut??? w ??????imi??th?y'y?????an??????hi??s ws ??????y ???o o? st???ngn???????????????????re?aka????????fff??????or????iki??e ae a ??ininnin?????cofco?ffeff?????I ???lll??non????????????????????gaiga?in,in??????? wa w?y ???oo oo???pep?????ve ??????????to????????he???????????????6N36N?????????????????L,L???el?di??ne ne?????????????,0?,0?,0,5,0,5,5?,13,1???????????on?????????cof??feefee,e,\"e,?????????s ?", "output": "r as her palate is much more sensitive than mine.\n9040,B006N3IG4K,ALTEZ1X2X6M1N,S. WALKER,0,0,2,1349568000,Bitter taste,\"I tried this product solely for the fact it has Wolfgang's name on it. I should have stuck with Timothy's brand. This was way too strong to be labeled a breakfast coffee, more like a dinner coffee. I will not be buying this again, also way too expensive compared to the others.\"\n9041,B006N3IG4K,AB29IDVYAYDL,\"Neldine \"\"Neldine\"\"\",0,0,5,1349222400,Wonderful coffee,\"Love this c"} {"input": "oofo????, ,??utu? c ?anannn?????buybu???????????h h?rer????ara? o ?????????????m m??ou???????????SA SA C ???nenerer.r???????????????? in i?????crc???????ini???????????? a?????? a??????????424??B0B?060?N3N?????????????WIW??????????ul??????r ??????shsh ???DiD?rtr???????????131??90???606???????faf????it??????cupcu????et,et,\"???????????????? K ?????????????????in????re??????????????????se????ralral l???????????????????????, W, ????gag??g ????????JaJ????????e ???razra??y iy ??s os ?????????????? an a????? w??????????itite????????repre?????????????? t???? f ??lavla????\"??????????????????????EEE?????YOYO,O???????,0?,0,0,0,?0,50,???13413??????00???????vo??it???", "output": "offee, but cannot buy it through regular outlets, so am gouged by SASA Corner. Really sticks in my craw paying more than a buck a cup.\"\n9042,B006N3IG4K,A2LVB3GWIUA4EN,\"Paul Oyler \"\"Flash McDirt\"\"\",0,0,5,1349049600,Our favorite k-cup yet,\"We were given a Keurig for a wedding present, along with several variety packs. So far, Wolfgang Puck's Jamaica Me Crazy is our favorite, and we will definitely be repeat buyers of this flavor.\"\n9043,B006N3IG4K,AYQ8DEE36K6YO,Sharon,0,0,5,1348876800,My favorite!,"} {"input": "???hih??????mym? f ??????????ata????????ngn??cuc????f f c??????????icicec??flf?????, , j ???t t?ri??hth?t bt beb???oreor???????????????????????????????????kik?ingin?g tg ??????????????d Id ?????????eep? c? com co??ing? b ??ck?? fo??????????040444?,B,B0B??????G4G????2V2?373737????LXL???????. M. ????,0,0,0??,5,?????????????GrG?reare???FlF??????? C CoC?????????????grgre??t ?fl???????????????????re????????????of?offe??????fif???e ye ???? ca c?? h ????e me ??ore????????? cu????????is?????????????????t fet f??l l ll ???????????ooo?????? o???????????????????????????????????????? a a g a ??????fl??????????h th ????????????????????????IG????,A1,A??RQR?????????W,SW,???????,0,0,0,????,13,1?", "output": "\"This is my favorite late evening cup of coffee. Nice flavor, just right before retiring for the night. Keep stocking this brand and I will keep coming back for it!!\"\n9044,B006N3IG4K,A2V373EQ0LXUUW,E. Mack,0,0,5,1348790400,Great Flavor & Coffee,It's a great flavor and makes a great cup of coffee. I fine you can have more than 1 cup of this coffee and not feel like it's too much of a flavored coffee. Puck has captured a great flavor with this coffee.\n9045,B006N3IG4K,A1IRQWXJ4CWBW,Speed,0,0,1,134"} {"input": "8878707???00???ewe?????????????redred d???????????????sus???????????e e??????ifi? t ??????tatata?ede???????ERE???ini???????ese?crc????????????????cocof??feefe???thath?at at?????????lavla???????????????e the t????????ndn????reare?????t ?????ee?? i?????????????in???????????????wawaswas ??????????????n ???????????d td ??????????a a????????????iti?t wt ???????????????????????????,B0,B00??N3N???????????F4F???????????,0,????????????????0,s0,???????ppp???intin???????I oI ?ordor??????3 3?????????????????????.......???????????????????????boboxbox x??????????????????re Pre ??DSD???and???????r r?????? K KeK???igi?g, g,???????????t t rt ??????n tn ???????????????????????????", "output": "8704000,Beware! Flavored Coffee...,\"It sure would be nice if they stated ANYWHERE in the description of this coffee that it is flavored. I love the Bed and Breakfast coffee, it's just plain coffee, so I was surprised when I received the Jamaica coffee and it was flavored. YUCK!\"\n9046,B006N3IG4K,A2AH0F4QCJYD1A,kk,0,0,1,1348012800,so disappointing,\"I ordered 3 boxes of 18 each.............and opened one box to find they were PODS and not
for Keurig, AND I can't return them!!!????? Yes,the"} {"input": "?????? f ??????????????????g g????????/>/?th?e ????? pr p???????isi?s ws wew??? a ??????????? I I I?????oso??t dt did??????in????????474??????N3N????K,K?A1A???????8U8?????,c,???????,0,0,,0????????404?00000??????????ofo?????I ?????e te th?? W ???????aga???????????oro???????????????a a??????????????????????????s s ms ???iui???????? s soso ?it???s ?????????????????. H. ???????ono?ndend?????????vo??????hoh?????????????????oreor???????feefe?????????? m?????avo????teste??????8,8???????????K,AK,?????CSCSTS??????????mmymm??????FaF?iri??????????????676?????ThThe??????????offeoff??????????????????hah?aseas???????????te???????????????????????y y vy ??ririori??s ????", "output": " pods fit into the Keurig but
the end product is weak and awful. I am most disappointed\"\n9047,B006N3IG4K,A1X1SE0D8U0XDL,cindy,0,0,5,1347840000,Yummy Coffee,I love the Wolfganag Puck flavors. This Vienna blend is very nice. It is medium roast so it is not too strong. Has a wonderful flavor without being a flavored coffee. One of my favorites.\n9048,B006N3IG4K,AQOFXCSTJ7HVG,Pammy The Fairy,0,0,5,1347667200,The BEST coffee EVER!!!,We purchased an assorted package of K-Cups (by various make"} {"input": "??s)s) )??????????l l???? c coc????????????????y y F ??VEV????I I??????????????ses???????re?asa???????????????tet????????anoanoto?????????????? It I?????????dedel??????s ??andan????????S DS ?ELE???????????!!!!!9???9,9??????????????5O5ORO????6N???N4N????????????2,2???????808???????????se???ede????????????????????d.d???????er???????????????f ????????se se? ha h?aveav??'t't 't?????????????co??re?????????????I bI ??rewre?? th?eme????? e ed e?gege e oe ????????????????????? a? and an?d cd cod c??????????nd????? e????ywy????????ot?? fu f??????????an.an?. I. ???mam???ha??ve ve j ????????en ???????????we?? go g?????????I wI ??????t bet b?????????g g? th??????????????050????????N3IN3", "output": "rs) and of all the coffees THIS is my FAVE! I really can't see any reason to ever taste-test another flavor! It smells delicious and TASTES DELICIOUS too!!\n9049,B006N3IG4K,A35ORS2L6NCVN4,wohlf,0,0,2,1347408000,poorly sealed,\"The coffee is good. However, at least half of these haven't been sealed correctly. When I brew them the edge of the foil pops open and coffee grounds go everywhere. Not fun to clean. It may have just been the batch we got, but I won't be ordering these again.\"\n9050,B006N3I"} {"input": "??4K4?,A,???????4U4UWU????KeK????????????707????????????? f ????oro??WeW??l l??hehe e??????????ama?melme??????????alalel???? I ??????????????????iti???? sh s????????????e ????????ata?????h h???????????ndn???????????????????d bd byb??????????????????. ?AnA???waywa???I qI ??????????y ????????I ??eve????bub?y ???????????????so???ve?????????????pyp???????th?????????????????? de d????????? n ?ot????????avoravo???ite ite??as as???us???ll?????????? b bo b??????????s as ?????????????????rlr??ly mly ????????515???00????????K,AK,??????????????????????ioiouo????,0,0,0,?????????767??000000,?TaT?????????????????'t'?t ct ??????e te ????????? fr f?????the??la????t cut c??????", "output": "G4K,A1OG07N4UW1W,Ken,0,0,3,1347062400,Decent flavor,Well the creme caramel was on sale so I decided to give it a shot. Plus the fact that each K Cup is individually prepared by Mr. Puck himself. Anyway I quite enjoy these. I never buy flavored ones so overall I'm happy with these but they are definitely not my favorite as I usually buy the bolder ones and these are fairly mild.\n9051,B006N3IG4K,AGKSJ70C1ZBQD,dunkalicious,0,0,2,1346976000,Tastes like i didn't change the kcup from the last cup,\"Hon"} {"input": "?????? t ???????????imi??????????????????????????y ????????o o????????chc??ckc???????kek????rer????????I dI ???????le???e ????????????????y ly ??st???????????????fef??e me ????r.r???????????ee?, ,????????????????????l l?????e ??iti????. ?MiM?ghg?t ??????eal eal?? to ?sosom????e e we ????lil?????????r ?cocofcoffcof?????on on??? the the w wew???kerke????ideid??????????????????????oao???????? pl p????????th???????????2,2????6N6?????????????????T1T?????awawnw?,0,0,0?????131???????00?,K,?? cu c??s ????fi?gug??ed? a ?????????bl?e,e???ovo????????????or,or?????????of????? the c the cu?psp???????? 2 ?4 4??ou??????????????????????/m/?????????????????y'y???????????pospo?ed????", "output": "estly the first time I tried Jamaica me crazy I had to double check to make sure that I didn't leave the pod irom my last cup n the coffee maker. Weak coffee, flavor didn't appeal to me either. Might appeal to someone who likes their coffee on the weaker side. Wolfgang's vienna roast was pleasant though.\"\n9052,B006N3IG4K,A2C41ED481T1UD,Dawn,0,0,2,1346803200,K cups disfigured and unusable,\"Love the flavor, but 12 of the cups in the 24 count box were misshapen/melted, as if they'd been exposed to "} {"input": "??????????ngn?????lil?ingin?. .? M ?y y??usu?bab???????????o o???????????????at??wewere?e e???????????ed??????I'I????????retre?????ing??????????t ???????inlin?????????????????ono?????? ha h???cacaua????????is.is????????????????????psp????? s??????????????????y wiy w????????????????????????????in in? th????????????909??????????????????????????????????????kek??????,0???5,15,?????????00,00?WoW??fgfgag???d Pd ??ckc???s Bs ???????sts??t int i?????ed Ced ????????????? g ??ot ???????????y ay ?? f????t a???????????hih???????????????????ununnn???? l ????????ur????pecpe??al????????????? ha??????????ed ??an?y y Ky K-K?????????ee???, s, so???? in i???assas?????????ck??", "output": "heat during filling. My husband used two of the ones that were not affected, so I'm not returning them, but certainly wish quality control had caught this. The affected k cups are so misshapen they will not fit into the space in the Keurig.\"\n9053,B006N3IG4K,A1QTAGJ7GA1MH8,beejaylake575,0,0,5,1346716800,Wolfgand Puck's Breakfast in Bed Coffee,\"Never got a delivery as fast as we did this time. We were running low on our special coffee. We have sampled many K-cup coffees, some in assorted packs "} {"input": "????????????????s s?is? t ??????stst.t. .? I ????s ?mem??lol????????? b?iti?tet???????ala????????tat???y y??????????.\".???050???B0B??6N6???G4G???????????????????????????,0,??????131343?616191???00???????????vov????e,e?\"T\"??????is ????????nd??????riritri????????????? br b?????fasfa?? i?? b??d ?flf???????I I??lovlo???WoW??????????????????e.???????????ittit?????ol???r r t?????????????kf???????????????????ili?? s ?????????????5,B5,?????????????????????????????. ???????????????13413????????????????akfak??????in in??????????????????ooo???????????????astast ??cofco????. ??????rmr????????is ???????? de d??afaf.f??,\"????????s os ????fa???orior??? K ????", "output": "and decided this is the best. It is mellow, never bitter and always totally enjoyable.\"\n9054,B006N3IG4K,ABWBD9KOYE3CB,Gabbiesmom,0,0,5,1346198400,Second favorite,\"This is my second favorite after the breakfast in bed flavor. I love Wolfgang Puck coffee. It's a little bolder then the breakfast in bed, but still smooth.\"\n9055,B006N3IG4K,AW0WY0VEA5V4U,J. R. Veatch,0,0,5,1346198400,\"\"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" - Great, smooth, medium roast coffee. Confirmed: this is not decaf.\",\"This is our favorite K-cup"} {"input": "?????????? M ??llllol??? an a??????vov??????<>??????????, ,???????ede??????lel?????p p t ththeh???????????ofo??????theth???oror or???????isi???????????????t it ???????????????????????e ???re?cec?ivi???????? W ?? C ?????????
Also, I wanted to clear-up the question of whether or not this is decaf - it is not. See the response I received from WP Coffee:

\"\"Is Breakfast in Bed K-cup actually a decaf coffee?\"\"

\"\"Thanks for reaching out to Wolfgang Puck Coffee. The Breakfast in Bed is not a decaf blend....\"\"

Mandy M
Customer Service
Wolfgang Puck Coffee\"\n9056,B006N3IG4K,AZ70IOEOST19G,Jim,0,0,5,1345766400,Hawaiian Hazelnut Al"} {"input": "?????????????????????heh?????????? H Ha H??ele???? i ??????????ririti??????????????????????????????????ut???it'it????????????ut ut out ?of of?sts???ck ck o on on ???????????; ; i?????????tht???t at alalll??????theth??oto???r r P ????????vo??????????????blb????????????y ?????????blebl??????????????up up???ricri??e a????????????????y ?????????????m,m?, b, ??????'s???ri??????uc??????s ?wiw?????????om om????-p-????y ????el??lerle???????????????ee???????ilail??????????ctlct????ro??m Am ???????.co.c?????r ?mom?????????????m m wm ????ini?????????????????????????ce???????24?-p?????is????????? fr????th?????heahe??????????????ty ty???tat???????whw???? i???????", "output": "ways Out of Stock,\"The Hawaiian Hazelnut is my favorite K-Cup flavor from any vendor, but it's ALWAYS out of stock on Amazon.com; it seems that all of the other Puck flavors are available for a very reasonable $16.54/24-cup price and sold directly by Amazon.com, but HH's price fluctuates wildly from 3rd-party resellers and hasn't been available directly from Amazon.com for months. As I'm writing this (8/24/12) the price of a 24-pack is $34.99 from the cheapest 3rd-party retailer, which is absol"} {"input": "u????? r ?idi?ici????usu??? A ????ONO???????cac?????????????? t ??????waw????an an? Ha Haza????ut???????????wa?y ?yo?????????? the th?e oe ????????avavovoro?s?s????ThT??????t ??????????oulouldl????kek????????????????????? r?eve???w w????outou????????????????lll???????????????I ?lil??? t?????ror??????..??????????060????G4G?????????Y5Y?1S1????,C,???L.L??????????,0,,0?3,3???454????????\"G\"GoGooo????????, ?????ses???????????oso?? s??o to ththe????re re?bu?????????????hihilhi??e be ???wiw?????????????????????????????ste ste?????????y ??????an????il??????????????ctect????????I ?bo??ghg?????t ft ???? a a?didisdiscs???????????????????ono?????????useus?????????????????????", "output": "utely ridiculous. AMAZON, why can't you stock the Hawaiian Hazelnut the same way you stock the other flavors?? The fact that I would take the time to write a review about this should tell you how much I like the product...\"\n9057,B006N3IG4K,AQDT7OY51SR4J,C. L. Piper,0,0,3,1345075200,\"Good taste, but seals are loose so they're busting open while brewing\",\"The vanilla coffee taste is pretty good and mild, as I expected. But I bought it for a discount from the Amazon Warehouse (otherwise K-Cups ar"} {"input": "???? l ?????e ???pepene?sis????? W WhW??en en?????????????tht????????usu??????????????????ara???trt????g g??? g ????rir?????????? s ???????????????????><>????/>/>A/>??s Is ????????????????????rar??????????????fof?????momononton??? or o???wow???roromo?????, ????th????????? tr t???????????? r ri r???????????????alsal?so so????????????e se ???????????????eme???????ghg??????????y ny ?norno???????????. T. ??hishi??????????????????????e ???t wt waw??????ttitt??????????azoaz????????rehre????se se????? the?????????????????????????????????? e???ece????, ???????hah???????????????????s bs bub????????????????????????????????is ???????????, a????I'I??ve ve?????", "output": "e a little expensive). When Amazon does this, it usually means they are trying to get rid of this stock quickly.

As I expected, the expiration date is for a month or two from now, so they were trying to get rid of them. I also noticed the seals didn't seem as tight as they normally are. This also could be because it was sitting in Amazon's warehouse in the heat all summer.

As I expected, about half of these K-cups burst open while brewing. (This is not usual, and I've tried"} {"input": "? m mam????????ere???t t???????????hih?????ded? t tht??m m????k k???????leale????? w waw???????????????yiy?inging)g???andand and????t tt ???????as as???????? bu b????????ili?? t?????????cec???????ttt??????inein????he???K-K?cuc?upsup??ara????????????ed ed? fr f?om????????????????????????????????pap????????theth????????? lo l???????????060???IGI???????????2P2PBP????????c,c????,5,??????90??404????????,t,??is?????juj??????he he?????????????????????????????d d?ay??? t??????????is??sms???????nd???????an???????my????????indin?d td ?????? l????????????d t???hah?????????upup up????le????????d fd ???????fewfe???in???ese?s. s.???atat at???????t.????????00?????G4G4KG4K,??????A8A?MRM???", "output": " many different brands.) This made them leak (so clean-up was kind of annoying) and not taste as fresh, but it still tasted decent. Bottom line: When K-cups are discounted from Amazon Warehouse, be ready to pay in other ways! lol\"\n9058,B006N3IG4K,A3H1EQD2PBC085,jmc,0,0,5,1344902400,yummy,this is just the perfect thing to end a tired day. the taste is smooth and warm and creamy. i find that i look forward to having a cup while i read for a few minutes. what a treat.\n9059,B006N3IG4K,A1USRA8MRKQ4"} {"input": "????????y,y?????3,3????454555565????????? c ???fef??????????F!F???????sos?????????w w??oeo?? n ??t ??aya? o ?????????ThThiTh??is cis ???ffeffee?? is i?????d d?????????????????tlt??????????????? d???????????d ???????????????????????????????e be ???????an?????????????ecaec????I ???????bo?utut ??ou??????? d???????????e ??????????????????? In In ??the???ic???????? b???to?????? bo?????s ???????????? i????????????????????? e ??????conco?????? l ???????????????SoS???????????pp?????eded ??????is????ca??? an a??????s ???ot ot? sa say???? p pa p?ageage ????? o??de?ri???????6060,?????????4K4K,K?A2A???????????????????????????0,40,????34434?????000000,????", "output": "WZ,Missy,0,0,3,1344556800,This coffee is DECAF! Just so yah know does not say on page.,This coffee is good and has nice subtle flavor. I am disappointed though because I looked at the bottom and it says decaf. I dunno bout you but I drink coffee for the caffeine. In the picture on bottom of box has text but it is so small I did not even consider looking on it. So just disappointed that is decaf and does not say on page when ordering.\n9060,B006N3IG4K,A233FGJF65UXM7,Stephanie,0,0,4,1344384000,good"} {"input": "??????llllal?????fef?????????????odo???an???lala la???offof??????????????????????thethe e???????????tat??n ?????prp?????? th t??? o ?????????????????????????????vovoro???????B0B000?06N06??????,A,??????????????????. C. ?. ?????????????????????????????????????????121????????gag???????k k?HaH?????an???aza??????????upu?????????,\"W,\"??lf??gangangn??????? Ha??waiwa????n Hn ????????????????????????????????r.r?????oodoo??mem?did?????????????????????iti???HaHaz????nutnu?t f?????????????bob???????joj??aba?????????????f f???e ?dad???????reare?????lil???e te ???????????????06??????6N6????4K???????O7O????????,g,grg????ie,ie???0,???????030?848?????????or??", "output": " vanilla coffee,This is good vanilla coffee. I got this and the green mountain and prefer this one. It has a nice sweet flavor\n9061,B006N3IG4K,A3NN3VV31VGXRC,\"M. C. TAYLOR \"\"Marie C. Taylor\"\"\",0,0,5,1344211200,Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut K-Cup Coffee,\"Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut Coffee for Keurig brewer. Good medium strength coffee with Hazelnut flavor. Full-body, enjoyable anytime of the day. I really like this coffee.\"\n9062,B006N3IG4K,A30YTO7OKNNOKX,gracie,0,0,5,1344038400,The Sorre"} {"input": "??????? s ????????????????? g ???? b ?????? ?NoN????????tat?stste??,\",????eae????????????olo?????????ckc?'s's ??-C-?upu?s,s??????ara?r ar ?????????nen???I'I'v'?e ??????????venven'n?t t l ?lefle??????st?omo??chc????uru?????...????????????????>t>?thith?? w ?asas as???y fy ???????imi????????ing ing???????e ????re???o ????????ada?e ????astas?t at ????pup??ch?as??????????? W ????hoh??????????on ???ricri??e de ?????? I ???????ealeall?y ??haphappp????????my????urc????????????????e ???????e S?ororror???????????????I wI ??????exe?pep?ctc?????a a Ma MeM????m ????????????????????????bl????. ??No???itittit??r,r???????c c?????????????????????ve????ou?????????????????e ??aftaf??? t???t ????rstrst ", "output": "nto is soothingly smooth good blend! No after taste!,\"I really enjoy Wolfgang Puck's K-Cups, so far all the ones I've tried haven't left my stomach churning..and,

this was my first time trying out the Sorrento Fair Trade Roast and purchased it on a Warehouse Amazon price deal. I am really happy with my purchase. The taste of the Sorrento is what I would expect of a Medium Roast = A good, smooth blend. No bitter, acidic after taste, and leaves you wanting for more after that first "} {"input": "?cuc?????(A(AtA? l ????????????????e)e????????t't?s s?dod?????????eavea?????? w ?it????????????????es\"es?????????????????????t t rt ??ghg?t t \"t ??babala?ana???????????eee??????????????aia???????????????????????????r /????es,es???????l l b beb??geg???????an???theth???2424-4??ou???????????????n n????????????????????????s ps ?aca???/>??
5/>???tat??????909?6363,3???????IGI?4K4???????P2P?????????????????4,4???????????,C,????e ?????xpx??????????????????????????alial??????? as a??????????????????????t, t,????se?????????ri?????NeN????ti??????????????????????????ra ra f???????llall?arsar?s as ??d ??uyu???the?the cthe ?of???????????????90690??????????", "output": "cup! (At least, it left me)! :p It's doesn't leave you with the \"\"shhhakes\"\" either, it has that right \"\"balance\"\" you need with your daily cup of coffee.

Yes, I will be getting another 24-Count of this when I am finished with this pack!

5-Stars!\"\n9063,B006N3IG4K,A9NTRP272B3HT,Judy,0,0,4,1343692800,Close to expiration date.,\"Coffee quality is as good as expected but, close to expiring. Next time, I will spend the extra few dollars and buy the coffee localy.\"\n9064,B006N3IG"} {"input": "????A3A?????????KKK???????ChC??mpm????????????????????????????? f ??????'m'? a ??????????????????????o Ko ????????cofco???e,e??????? d ??????w w?????t I???asa??????????????????????ede?????? the the ?????k k?????ucu???. . H. ??????????????????????????????K-K??????ro???ce?????nin????????alaal???????????????????????? wi w??????????????tootoo too??harha?????????????????n'n?????hi??eveeved?ed aed ???th?in???lil???e we ???? I ?????????e ??????????????????????? pr?es?????????????y dy ??ipi???macma?chich??e,?????ut iut ?????????????elyel??beb??te???????an tan ?the???t-????????te?ternter?at????e, e, Ce, ?????????????????\"\"???656????00600??????4K,4K,A????V7V7J7?8B8????????????", "output": "4K,A3C29AIJ00KKH3,C. Champion,0,0,4,1342483200,Best so far,\"I'm a relative newcomer to Keurig coffee, but I do know that I was generally disappointed in the drink produced. However, the Breakfast in Bed K-Cup produces a nicely balanced, not-too-thin cup without being too harsh. I still haven't achieved anything like what I can make either with my french press or with my drip machine, but it's definitely better than the at-work alternative, Community Coffee.\"\n9065,B006N3IG4K,A2XXV7J8BICR0Y,Kelly,"} {"input": "??,0,0,???????393969686???????????????ata???????? c???????\"I\"??????????ke ke??????????? c?up? o???joj????????????????????????ce??????????????????????????d ????lanla?ncenc?ed.ed??Th??????is ?????????????????????????hahan???yoyouyou ????f ??????????????????????????ece????coc?off???????iciceic??\"\"?????????????G4G???A1A??6B6??????????????????,0??,0,,0,5,0,?????????????????????? i??n bn ???????mo?ot???????h ah a ?hi?ntn?????flf?????????????m m??olo??ne?????ete??rir??????????????????????\"w\"??akeak??????up\"up?????t t c??erter???inlin?? e ?????aba??e!???????,B,B0,B??????????,A2,A??????7Y7??????????????DoD??tot?or or Mor Ma????\",\"?????????????????0,e0,????lllle??", "output": "0,0,5,1342396800,Makes a great cup of coffee,\"If you like a balanced cup of joe, this is a great choice. The coffee is smooth and balanced. There is no bitterness or bite. Thank you Chef Puck for this fantastic decaf coffee choice!\"\n9066,B006N3IG4K,A1V6BPQW9D6LTU,Karen S,0,0,5,1342310400,Breakfast in bed!,\"Smooth with a hint of flavor. Medium boldness yet rich in taste. Not a \"\"wake me up\"\" but certainly enjoyable!\"\n9067,B006N3IG4K,A28IUU97YHYZSL,\"Dr. \"\"Doctor Mac\"\"\",0,0,5,1342310400,excellent"} {"input": "????sts????? s ??coc??????????????f f? th t??????????????????tht??????????????????s ???eenee??????????????? wa w??????????? N ???t tt ??????ldl?????????? b???????oo???drd??????????tarta?t t t??????y ?????9??????00006????G4G??,A,???????????????????????????,5,???343??13????00,00???st???ofoffoffe????vEv?R!R????,\",???????st??th?????????t It ?????k k fk ?????????to??eve???y ???ornor?ininging ing . ?????mam??????????????theth?e be be??????????ing ??cofcoffcof?????????9??06906?????????????,A9,A??AFA???????????my???????4,14,1313413???????????????????? f fo??r sr ?????g g cg ?????ee ????ver????????????y ey ?????????s ??oneon???????'v'?? t tr t???????nyn????????????p 5p ?????????????", "output": " taste,My second purchase of this cofee & like the first cup it has been wonderful to wake up to. Not too bold or brash but a good drink to start the day with\n9068,B006N3IG4K,A2HRXM964URLTL,Rocker54,0,0,5,1342137600,Best Coffee EvER!!!!,\"The best thing that I look foreward to every morning . It makes my day ,the best tasting coffee ever\"\n9069,B006N3IG4K,A97AF3CRCOYG3,emy,0,0,4,1342051200,Good coffee for strong coffee lovers!,I really enjoy this one and I've tried many! In my top 5. A little pr"} {"input": "???????utu???????oro??????gag?????????imi?me me??????? f ?????????????????N3N?????????0Z0???Y1Y?????,\",???ulu???. .?????ono???????????0,?4,4?????969??????????????f f?yoy???????e fe flf??vov???? c ??????\",??I I???? p ??urcur??asa???? th t?isi?? pr p???ucu?????????inging g???t mt ????t ????????a a?????vorvo?redre??prp???uc??, ???????fof??ore ore??????????ed ?????ookoo?kedke??????? t? to to??ee????ata??t tht t???????as as s????e re ???????s ?tot??? c co c????ut????????????? / /> /?ThT?? f fi firi?sts???t thit thining???????????????is ais ??????", "output": "icey but will order again sometime in the future.\n9070,B006N3IG4K,A5C0ZLGY1M2HU,\"Paul D. \"\"frontman\"\"\",0,0,4,1341964800,\"Good, if you like flavored coffee\",\"I too purchased this product thinking it might not be a flavored product, and before it arrived I looked it up to see that there was some rumor as to a coconut flavor.

So, lets get this out of the way. *********Do Not Purchase this is you do not like flavored coffee. It is flavored.

The first thing you notice is a deep "} {"input": "???????t t a ?ror???? a??????????? t ???????????????????????????tit???. .?????????iaiala???????fefeee???????ooo?d,d???????hth?????????ut? a???????????????????????????hih????????leles?????????elyel????ithit?h th ??????ava?oror,r???whiwhic???brb???????????????????dad??????????latla?????????????????????????terte??es??.<.???r /r ???????>T>?????finfi?nisnishs????s ss ??mim??wew????????colco??latelat????ama???????co????e ?????????????????????co?conucon?ut.ut??br????has a definite dark chocolate taste without the bitterness.

The finish is semisweet chocolate, Jamaican coffee and faint toasted coconut.

Bottom Line: if you like flavored coffee with coconut/hazelnut/cocoa profiles, you will like this coffee.\"\n9071,B006N3IG4K,A1E0LHSBE2FQME,Kathleen Bennin"} {"input": "?geg??????,5,?,1,?343??797???00??WoW???????????k k????oro?????!!!?????????????e Ce ??aza?? i ???????wew??omo????momooo???????fef???????????oco??????????????????????? t ??sts??????????????? c????????????????????????e re ?eae?l ????on?????????.H.??ighighlh???????????????909???,B,?00?6N6?????K,K?????7U7?????S1S????CECEME????,0??????,13,134??????00???????t,t????conscon?????????????????? p ????????????????medmedid??m m????astas??????go???????????????????????????????????om??????????erver???????????????s ?????t o????a va ???????y 3y ???????????at at? I I b ???gh???????????AmA???on?????incin???I'I???????????assas?????? th?at??I ??????ferrfer??d ????????????", "output": "ger,0,0,5,1341792000,Woflgang Puck Favorite !!,\"Jamaica Me Crazy is an awesome smooth coffee, Light Coconut/Vanilla flavorful taste.
a good coffee if you don't like real strong coffee.Highly recommend.\"\n9072,B006N3IG4K,A1I27UBHKLS1X9,CEMA27,0,0,4,1341705600,\"Great, considering I usually prefer a light/medium roast\",\"I got one K-Cup of Wolfgang Puck's Colombian Reserve dark roast as part of a variety 35-pack that I bought here on Amazon. Since I'd always assumed that I preferred the less-bur"} {"input": "????????????????lil??????? m ??did?umu???oao??t,t??? w ??as as?plplel??asaas???????????????????????????yey?????????????????ofoffof?????????????y t??????? I??????????t,? f??lll?????d d??????ly ly????tet??????????????? i inin ?????????????????n ????efe?fof??t ?????dildilul?te?????a a la ??tt??le,le??bub???? m?ay??????gutgu??????ouo??gh gh? to t?o to trt?y ????????ozo?????????????xtx?????me me? ar a??unu????9??????????3I3???K,K???????????????,C,????????,0,0,,0,5,????????00????????????????????eleli??ioi???, ???????wa????to?????eueup????????????????????????e ae ?????????????????????????ffeff???????vorvo???..??????????ul??????????????????????3I????K,AK,?1K1??", "output": "nt flavor of a light or medium roast, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the way this coffee sat on my tongue. It is sweet, full, and gently bitter. I brewed it in a 9.25 oz. cup in an effort to dilute it a little, but I may be gutsy enough to try a 7.25 oz. cup the next time around.\"\n9073,B006N3IG4K,A2PSTA7LEQM6BV,Cherie,0,0,5,1341360000,MMMMM,\"Smooth, delicious, can't wait to wakeup with my coffee! I love all the Wolfgang Puck coffee flavors...never a dull flavor!\"\n9074,B006N3IG4K,A1K8H"} {"input": "D??????????????mi??????????,0,,0???????272737??????????????????fef??????????is? o ouo???????? t ?????????ngn?????????????????????????????sos? g ??????????????? I ???is????????derde???????di?umu? b ?le?nd??????????t ???r r ar ??????ime??????aya????????ul????????t ??????????757?????????G4G??,A,???????????07???????????????????13?41??141???00,00,B,?????HiH?ghg????alalil??y ????????????is????????estes??????up up c???ffeff???????? we w?????e ????? a???e e te ?o ?fi?nd?. .??????????ch ch????vov???????? a a?????umum um???ror????. ?????lol??? t????is ois ?????????,B????????4K?????????????????????????????5,05,??0,0,40,????????888????????llsll?????????", "output": "DY3MA302W,tamimichelle,0,0,5,1341273600,Wonderful coffee!!,This is our first time trying the Wolfgang Puck coffee - so glad we did!!! It is a wonderful medium blend and great for any time of day! I would buy it again!\n9075,B006N3IG4K,A3B1YVT7CWF07Y,Archie123,0,0,5,1341014400,Best High-quality K cup,This is the best k cup coffee that we have been able to find. Very rich flavors and a medium + roast. We love this one!\n9076,B006N3IG4K,A3LXOMANBRFQJG,suaimhneas15,0,0,4,1340668800,Smells amazing!"} {"input": "???????oto??a a????????ava?????????????faf?????sus??lll?y y I ?????????la???ese???iti?????????????????s.s???????ene????enenten?????????CuC??????????an?????????????????mom??th???????????????????????en????????????re??????. T. ThT?? f???????? was wa?????ono?? e????????to to????????????ly?? wi w????????; ; I? a???eded ed aed ?????tltlel???????????????????? I?????????????????????????a ca ???????????? bu b????the? f? fla?????????????????????????????usu???????niqni???????????????he?????ou'ou????????the????????????????thithin???did??????ntn??9909??7,7?????N3N???????2K2????7D7?????????an??????. ???enrenry?????,5,??131????????0,??olo????angan?????", "output": ",I'm not a huge flavored coffee fan. Usually I prefer lattes with flavored syrups. A friend sent me a K-Cup to try and the smell was mouth watering before it even finished brewing. The flavor was strong enough to drink it only with milk; I added a little vanilla syrup when I reheated it. I am not a coconut fan but the flavor is barely there. It is just a unique taste for when you're in the mood for something different!\n9077,B006N3IG4K,A2KORU7DW4A6TA,Sandra A. Henry,0,0,5,1340150400,Wolfgang puck"} {"input": " ????????vav????lal????????isi?e,e????ovovev?????????????????? w ?asa? t?????esests???vanva??????????????? o ot o?????s Is ?I tI ??iei??. . . ?? w?ouo?????????????????????s ???be?ttttet?????????????????060??????K,K????????????TNT??????????????5,5????????40???BrB??eakeakfk???????????????? t?????,\",\"F\"??????astiast??? ta t????e, e,?????th??\"\"\"\"f\"?????\"\",\"\"? n ?o o???????????rtr?????????airairs???re????????? cr c??reamrea??er.er?. W. ????? mo m??? c ca can????????????ror?????co???ee????hi??s hs ???????????????????????????????????3I???????????PHP???????????? of o???,0??????13?????????????e ??????es????flaflava??vorevor???????????????????hahadhad!d?????????????????????? e???", "output": " coffee vanilla francaise,I loved this brand. It was the best vanilla flavor of others I tried. I would buy more if it was a better price.\n9078,B006N3IG4K,A30YO350G5STNG,Leanne,0,0,5,1340150400,Breakfast in Bed is a treat,\"Fantastic taste, smooth \"\"feel\"\", no nasty aftertaste, pairs great with creamer. What more can one want from a coffee? This has become my favorite.\"\n9079,B006N3IG4K,A3OCQKPHVDJBF5,Mom of 2,0,0,5,1339286400,Love it!,Best flavored k cup I've ever had! I recommend this for ever"} {"input": "????????rer?????lal???????'v'?e e?gigivi????????? a ala????y y f?????????nd???????????hoh??????????0,0,B,???????????A1A121???0I0??????XHX??????????ne? B BiB???????????my??????????,0,???0,50,??????????00?????ziz??????I I???????????????atat at??????????????????lil??????????????????ladla?d Id ???ordor?????d id ?it.it?. . ?WhW???????????????upu? o ???????y ???????????????cooco?l ????????????????????????????3I?G4G4KG4K,?AIA??J4J???????????????????????????????????????????????????????astas??????eded ed????????????e ??????o ao ????????? Wo W??????????uckuc??CoC??????????kfakf?????n n Bn ????????????????ast)ast??K-K-c-?cup???????????????? a??grg???????y ", "output": "yone. Great flavor! I've given it to all my friends and they get hooked.\n9080,B006N3IG4K,A12UV0I45RJ6XH,\"Christine Bierma \"\"mommybrain4\"\"\",0,0,5,1339113600,Amazing!,\"I didn't know what this would taste like, but I'm so glad I ordered it. What a perfect cup of yummy coffee for a cool summer morning!\"\n9081,B006N3IG4K,AIVJ4ZDNGL1O1,Gloria,0,0,5,1338940800,Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed coffee,\"Wake up to a cup of Wolfgang Puck Coffe Breakfast in Bed (medium Roast) K-cup for Keurig. is a great way "} {"input": "??? s ????????uru????????????????itit ?dod??? a ?????????????y y?itit it??nd? y yo y?ou ou??ili?? b ?????yiy????????.<.???r /r />/???r ????hoh???AmA??zoz??n fn ?or?????fgf?an??g Pg PuP??????fff?eee??, B, BrBre??kfk???????????\"\"9???2,2?????N3N?????,A,???MKM?????????M,M?????an an???tztz,z??,0????????595?????,B????d Gd ????t ???????,T,??isi???????fa????????????????offof???????d d id ?????????????????ur??????ou?????????coc????????????????????????????????????r Wr ??lf????ng ng c co c????????????thi??????????byb??fa?r ???the the? be bes???????e ????????????r pr ????cesce?????????s ??????loloto?t ot ?????he??????ce?ces.ces???ThiTh?????????exe???????????ff???? to t?????artart ????????????????90908", "output": "to start your day, or just sit down and relax. Try it and you will be buying more.

Shop Amazon for Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Breakfast in Bed\"\n9082,B006N3IG4K,A1NMKHIFGUZSMM,susan katz,0,0,5,1338595200,Bold Great Taste!,This is a favorite in the office and in my house. We burn through this coffee. I've tried a few of the other Wolfgang coffees and this one is by far the best. I've seen better prices for this at a lot of other places. This is an excellent coffee to start your day with.\n908"} {"input": "?????060???????,A,???????QWQ?????,\",??hahara?????\"\"\"?LiL???n'n???a a V ViV??????cac?????0,0???5,5?????????80080?0,G0,????t t????????? g ??????????????ar????d =d ?????????????????wiw???e se ???????????f f k ???upu??????????????????igig g ng ?????????????????ckc??, ,????lyl?'s'?? D ??onuon??t Ht ??usu?????????? D??onu???????? a an a??????????? h ??????omome?????????????mom???????th??? t to tooo????ateat??y y (y (w(?ea??) )??r ?????bibit??????ststrst????).)??? t???????re?aka???????????????aseas????? t??????vivievi??s s as ????I I wI ?????????????????????????'s 's?????ororfr????wi????????ei???????on??????????. ??????????????????????p p?????cofcofff?eee??frfro???? a K a ???ri?g g tg th??? t???", "output": "3,B006N3IG4K,A53FNA3QWZQXM,\"Charles \"\"Livin' La Vida Loca\"\"\",0,0,5,1338076800,Great blend to get the day started =),\"I've tried a wide selection of k-cups including the big names like Starbucks, Tully's, Donut House, Dunkin Donuts, etc and they all have something in common.. either too watery (weak) or too bitter (strong). I tried Breakfast in Bed based on the reviews and I was not disappointed. It's flavorful without being strong or weak. It's hard to get a cup of coffee from a Keurig that tast"} {"input": "??s s????e e??t t???s s bs ?????? l???e ???????ala?????fef??e me ??????e.e...???hi???k-k??upu? i???th????????tit?ono??????lll??????????????????9909080??,B,??0606N6?????K,K?????K9K??ZRZ?????E,E?ma????a ????????,0,???,2,?????????????? L ????????lfl???????ucuck?????stost????????????????????an????uc?????ststast???anantan?s,s?co????warwa??????????????????prp???????????l ???? b br??nd??????????????????inein?e ae are a?? a??mazma????, , i, ????????????al fal faf???????t tt ????? cr cre???????ramra????co??????????as??????????o o?????al cal ??coffcof?feefee ???????, , n, ?no no????t ???????ram?el???? c???me??, i????brebr???????? a?????? of o?????eamea?????ili???????????????????????????ste?????s fs ???", "output": "es like it was brewed like a normal coffee machine.. this k-cup is the exception.. I'll be stocking up.\"\n9084,B006N3IG4K,A3KEK9BZR3STME,martha morales,0,0,2,1337990400,A Loyal Wolfgang Puck Customer,\"love the wolfgang puck restaurants,cookware,brand endorsed products, all his brand products / cuisine are amazing, i am a loyal fan, yet this creme caramel coffee is tasteless, no real coffee flavor, no hint of caramel or creme, it brews like a bit of steamed milk, that somewhat pasty tasteless feel"} {"input": "???? y ?????pap???tet????ooo??????????????tedte?????i i a?? s?ucu?? a a a?????? f ?????? a???????????????????uc???. ??sadsa?lyl?????????????fuf??dsd???????non?? r ?ete????n bn ????????????hinhi?? f????????????re??no????re??????????????????????3I3???K,K?????????4I4??????kjk?????kj,kj?????????????????????????t!t?????dnd?'t'???reare??izi????? w?asas as f?????reredre???and??????ghg????whw?????? ha h????? f fi f????????????????????????? li l???????mim?ca????????. G. ????????awa???????????t t dt ??????at wat wow?????????6,6????????????????20???Y6Y?????PaP??ke????????sonso???????,1????292????0,???????utut ???t ????????t,\"t,???????????? the th???re????MoM??nt???in in???", "output": " on your palate. soooo dissapointed as i am such a loyal fan of all his brand, products. sadly,a waste of funds, did not return because i think food items are none refundable.\"\n9085,B006N3IG4K,AEZAWUB14ICW8,lkjljlkj,0,0,1,1337731200,Hated it!,\"Didn't realize it was flavored and thought, when I had my first sip, that it tasted like chemicals. F-. Gave it away the next day at work.\"\n9086,B006N3IG4K,A9HY20STY69X4,Parker Brinson,0,0,3,1337299200,Good but not perfect,\"Good, but the Green Mountain res"} {"input": "????e e???????a a?????ete??er?????1-1????ana??????ala????????? S?????ofo??ta?????????iti??lel??????e.e??????????060?N3N3I3???K,K???FXFXMX??????6L6??????????n,n???,0,,0,5,????373???????,w,???lfglf??angan???ucu???????????eae?????st st???????????????????lal?????wo????????chcha??e e te ????????nd?? of o?f cf ?of??eee????gaiga?????????fl???????????????r r?????all????nd nd pnd ?ririci??????????????????besbest??????unu???an???????9??????00???3I????????????0F0?????????????????????0,50,?????????08008??????????co???feefe?????te????????d md ?????????????? cu cupupsup?s a??????bi?t ??????????or ???y ty ?tastasttas???? I ?I wI ?????????ethet????g sg ?????????d ???????. . ??????????fee?????", "output": "erve Sumatra is better by 1- 1 and a half stars. Sort of tastes a little stale.\"\n9087,B006N3IG4K,A3FXMBMYVO6LPW,allison,0,0,5,1337040000,wolfgang puck k cup breakfast in bed,Wonderful flavor would purchase this blend of coffee again light flavor not bitter at all and price was great the best I found anywhere\n9088,B006N3IG4K,A3FLB2I0FYHWWA,K. Pereira,0,0,5,1336780800,Smooth coffee taste,I find many of the K cups are a bit bitter for my taste. I want something simple and smooth. This coffee is w"} {"input": "????????l!l!!????????????????,A,??PJP??7Y7??V3V??????,An,A?ndrnd?eae???????????????444?00????????ouo?s s???????iai?? c ????????????fgf???????????????lomlo?????????ffeff?? i ??s ds ??????ou??? ?????????????????a a???ooo???????????vov?rf?????ara??????????????? l ??????????mam?????????????t ???????erer er?or? a????????uau????y ?ththath?t ????????????????????leale?asaas?antan?????????????????????? a b a bi?bit bit????ene?????, , l, ???????l l???????, , b, ??????th?????it?'s?????th????????????????venve?????e e a???????????ionio?????????????????????te?????recre??mmm?en???????is cis ??coffcoffe???????othot????????????????6N36N?????????????????????C.C???re?nkn??????0,", "output": "onderful!\n9089,B006N3IG4K,A1PJX7Y2V3SICE,AndreaF,0,0,5,1336694400,Delicious Colombian coffee!,\"Wolfgang Puck's Colombian coffee is delicious! I find it to be a smooth and flavorful dark roast with a lovely aroma, yet without a bitter or acidic quality that might leave an unpleasant aftertaste. It is a bit expensive, like all k-cups, but I think it's worth it due to convenience and exceptional flavor. I definitely recommend this coffee to others!\"\n9090,B006N3IG4K,A2JQFUFU3ADIV8,C. krenkel,0,0,"} {"input": "????????767606??00,00,T,????????vev???????????????????ofo???????fefeeee e??????????utu???hi?s ??olo?????? V ?iei?????????????s gs ??????No???sts?????? bu b????????lol???????????Th?????ava?????d cd ?cofco?fefeefe?s ?ara??? ge g????ingin???? m?y ???????s a??d ??thithis???????st??? a g a ??????veverve?????????fe????????or.or???????????????????????????????????orsor???????????Wo?ululdl???????????..?????,B,???????G4G????????????3J3JBJ?GOG???ut??h Bh ???????0,0??,5,????????969????????????cuc??? of o?????????? t????y ?????y ?y a y a? go g????????????of??????ItI?t dt ????????ve ve?? me me? a ????????in tin th?e ?mom??????. ???????????????????????????????????????uc?e ????????????", "output": "4,1336176000,This is very good!,Not much of a coffee drinker but this Wolfgang Vienna brand is good. Not strong but a mellow taste. The flavored coffees are getting on my nerves and this is just a good everyday coffee flavor. Everyone in the family and visitors like it. Would buy again.\n9091,B006N3IG4K,A12UZWJ6N3JBGO,Ruth Brandy,0,0,5,1336089600,A great cup of coffee,I truly enjoy a good cup of coffee. It does give me a lift in the morning. Wolfgang Puck really knows how to produce a fine cup. "} {"input": "????????????2,2???????IGIG4G?????4D4?484????KWK?7C7?,m,????nonomo?uru????,0??4,4?131333??????????????s!s?????????????rvr????????????????y y f ??????????????????prpror?????????????ono??tat????ly ly??????ngn???or?????????ha???elnel??t ??cofco??????????o o????r tr ??????s ?????bebese?????????????? g ??ee????ouounu???in?...????909?09309??,B0,B????????????????????????JoJ??an an????ArA??????,0,?????????????00??????????????,\"M,\"???faf??ili????is is f?????????of??feefe???????????????????????????st st???ff?????????????-c-??psp???th????is??????pr?????? f??r ????????90990?????????????,A,A3,A????????FLF?8N8?????ll??????,2???5,??282????????????????hih????? l????", "output": "Thanks.\n9092,B006N3IG4K,A64D484BZKW7C,mai nomura,0,0,4,1336003200,thanks!!!,\"great service and delivery for a really good product. i am constantly looking for a good hazelnut coffee and so far this is the best, along with green mountain...\"\n9093,B006N3IG4K,A2UQQU7EZCUEA,Joan M. Arbach,0,0,5,1336003200,Best coffee,\"My family is full of coffee snobs. If you like robust coffee and use k-cups, this is the product for you.\"\n9094,B006N3IG4K,A370EX6FWFL8NE,Hollyb,21,21,5,1287532800,YUM!,\"While I love "} {"input": "????????????????s,s??????d ??eve?ere???rir?????nyn???of of????????fgf???? P ???????????????? m ??????????????????????????????????is?? w ???? t????????????????NoN?t ?????y iy ?????? the a the ?ror??????????????, , t, ?he??????????????cec??????t at ?s ??????? I??????????y cy ????????la??ck ck a??????hishi??????ha????o ???ittit?????ftfteterter ter?????? a??????e ???av?????sns????????????????. ?????????lavolav???????a va ve???y ly ??lighlig????????????nd?????????????????????iui???????. ????mumusu?st st a????it it???????????? a a??????le le??????????????ut ut?? a \" a ???????????? fl??????. ????????E!E??????very???one one???????nd mnd ??e we wa?ntntsnt???????.....?????????e ???????", "output": "flavored coffees, I had never tried any of the Wolfgang Puck line. This moved to the top of my favorites list with the first cup! Not only is the aroma delightful, the flavor is excellent as well. I drink my coffee black and this one has no bitter after taste and the flavor isn't overpowering. The flavor is a very light coconut and the coffee is a medium body. I must admit that I was a little hesitant about a \"\"coconut\"\" flavor. DON'T BE! Everyone around me wants a cup....I refuse to shar"} {"input": "??????????B0B???????4K4???????????KOK???T,T?????rir??????FoF?rmr????? & &#&???????????????ieie&ie?????????????????,12,1???????????????????????t ?TeT???? J ?ar?ririnri????BolBo??????cec????avavov??????? a a???????????f f C????ee???????????????ucu?k k???????????st???????????e, e,?bobol?????????ooo????old????????vorvo???? c ???? of o????????ee. ee.? I ?????????????? h ????=\"=??hth??p:p?///??ww???????n.n???m/m?gpg???ror????????????????????of?????PeP??????????a ?????????gangani?c,c???ar??k Rk ???astas??????????????????g g Bg ??rewre???s,s?????Co???????-Cu-C?upsup???PaP??ck ck?????????>,>???????????????ld?????????????ang???????s ?????????oa???????????????????", "output": "e!\"\n9095,B006N3IG4K,A2SZLNSI5KOQJT,\"Carrie, \"\"Formerly "Sister Carrie"\"\"\",19,20,4,1281916800,\"Bold, but Not Teeth Jarring Bold. Nice Flavor and a Nice Cup of Coffee.\",\"Wolfgang Puck French Roast is a nice, bold (not too bold), flavorful cup of coffee. If you like Coffee People Extra Bold Organic, Dark Roast Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2), then you should like Wolfgang Puck's French Roast.

This"} {"input": "?????????????t t h ????? d ??????????????tht??????????????ee?????? a???????????????iniin????- -?? a g a gog??d ??????e e???????momormo?nin????????????of???ee.ee??brb??/>/???r ?r />r /?ReR???????????????/>???????(N(NoN????tot????nun??aca?tut????? a????a ca ??nsn?umu??r,r, ,???????h yh ?????????d ud ?????????????????????????????i.i???, , h, hi?nt????????????mo??????inini?????rarata????????????????ada???erter??????????e ?\"\"\"??????????? ar a??????????????ce ce??om?????????????????\"\"P\"\"?ro?????z z??es? b ??onson????memenme????\"\" \"\"?????????????????momom??????!\"!????- w- ????????????????????y ?????? I??t tt ?????me??????????o ?????????o o po ??urcur????e ?e the t?????cofcoff??ee ee b?", "output": " French Roast has a deep flavor with a hint of sweetness and a smooth finish - a good choice for a morning cup of coffee.


(Note to Manufacturer: as a consumer, I wish you would use real coffee descriptions(i.e., hints of xxx, smooth finish) rather than fluff advertising like \"\"Bring the aromas of France home with you and \"\"Profitez des bons moments\"\" (enjoy the good moments)!\"\" - what does that really mean? It took me awhile to decide to purchase this coffee be"} {"input": "??auausu?e e??????????????ono?????e ??e ???????de?? o ???whw??t t??????pepece????\"\"??090?????????????,A,?????NSN????OQO???????????????FoF????????&#&???;S;???????Ca????e&e????????,2,?????,5,5,?????434???????olo??? M ????umu??????? C Co C????????????????a a Ha ???t ?of???????????d d????????. N. ????????ici?????GooGo?????????e fe ??or or y ???r r????nin?????????ee ee? if i??????????????????um,um???????tlt?ly ly b ???? f ?la???or.???ViV???????of??????? n non?? a ?????l l????????????e, e,???????iu????????????????????????? sh s?????????????????????or./????r /????????a Ca ???offeoffee? H HoH???se se h ?????????of??????ickic????????????refre????????:/:???????mam????.c.??", "output": "cause the description gave me zero idea of what to expect).\"\n9096,B006N3IG4K,A2SZLNSI5KOQJT,\"Carrie, \"\"Formerly "Sister Carrie"\"\"\",23,25,5,1282435200,Solid Medium Roast Coffee with Just a Hint of Bold. Good Flavor. Not Acidic.,\"Good choice for your morning coffee if you like a medium, slightly bold flavor. Vienna coffee is not a real bold coffee, so medium roast coffee drinkers should like the flavor.

Vienna Coffee House has less of a kick than W>???????????uckuc?????????????t t??DaD??k ??????),)????-C-????t ?K-K-c-????????ckc???f f?????a>a????bubutu???????tlt??????? t ??????a ?hrh?refre?=\"=??????:/:?????????zozono????m/m?????????uctuc?????1C1CHC???????????????????????on???????? M ????????oa?st???????????????or????????g Bg ?????????????????? K- K????s s (s ???????????????? /???br br /br />???????e me ??????????er?? p ???easea??????????yoyouyo?? c co??????????????ioi??s ???? the th?????????errer??????anandan??gigivivev?????? co c?????????o ???fo??", "output": "/gp/product/B003VXFL1Q\"\">Wolfgang Puck French Roast (Dark Roast), 24-Count K-cups (Pack of 2)), but a little more than Coffee People Donut Shop Medium Roast, Extra Bold for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2).

Good flavor, slightly sweet with a good bean taste that isn't tough on your stomach.

To the manufacturer: please revise your coffee descriptions - they are terrible and give the consumer no inform"} {"input": "???ioi????? t ?????lalava??r/r/s/?????????coc??????fe???uru?ede??????????????? u ????? b ?????he????????????e f?????ririgi???t ot ????????ded?scs??????on?s.s???????,B,??060??????????????1M1??T9T????????????????????y,y,1,??,1?????????????????non?othot?????re???????? K ???upu??????????????????theth???????, f, fufulu?l-l??????????????r or ????????rk-rk?????????????. ?????????????ghtght ??????rsr???????????aca???????I wI ?????ed ?????im???inin in????????? a al all????f tf ??the the????????????K-?cu??????????I cI ???uldul?? fi f??d.????I iI ????tiati?ll???ses???le???????????n'n???????DaD?????????????????????tot?\"\"? c?? coff???ee, ee,???t t It I I dI ?diddi???????opo??????re.re??????????", "output": "ation on the flavor/style of coffee featured. If you want us to buy the coffee, be forthright on your descriptions.\"\n9097,B006N3IG4K,A17HMM1M7T9PJ1,Timothy B. Riley,14,15,4,1282176000,Another great dark K-cup coffee,\"I love the rich, full-bodied flavor of a dark-roast coffee. When I bought my first Keurig machine I wasted no time in ordering all of the dark roast K-cups that I could find. I initially settled on Newman's Own Dark Roast as my \"\"go-to\"\" coffee, but I didn't stop there. I like t"} {"input": "?????????????????tit????????????????????????????????????I I???????nedne??????????????ee?????plp??????rgr????c c??xtx??????????????????????????????????? I????????????mym????????????????????????fi??????????????. ???????eeeekee????????????st??ing?????????????bibiai?an an??ara?????as????????????????????????????????????????????????????ed ed???????????bub??????????????ut??te)te???? and and?????????????????????????????????is mis my??????????????of of? it???????><>?
After brewing a cup (I used the 7 1/2 oz. setting) the first thing that I noticed was that it didn't have th"} {"input": "?????rer?shs???????????????a a??????????????eee?????plp????-B-BoB??????es?, ,???????????e ????????as???non???????stost??y.y? ???????? y ???r r pr ????????????????umum m a???didit???????????cec?????????????????t ????????????????titioiono???igi??????waywa?? T ??? f????????????ur???risri??ingin??????n ?wiw?ith?????in??????????????utu???g ??????innin?amamom?????????????? a a s a ??????, ?li?ngn??ri??????????an?t t bt bi???????????????eaealea????li??????????????e ???ut ut???????k k? th?????? wi w???????ckc???witwi???????????????????????a ???????????????????ll bll ???????aca??????????d.d?????????????I wI ???? k ???????????ing ing?????sos????hi???????????", "output": "at freshly-brewed aroma that the Coffee People X-Bold does, however the taste was another story. It hits your palate with medium acidity and a nice, sharp bite that gets your attention right away. The finish was surprising clean with a hint of spice (nutmeg or cinnamon?) and just a slight, lingering, pleasant bitterness. I really like this coffee but I think that I will stick with Coffee People's Extra Bold and this will be my back-up brand. However, I will keep looking for something new. Wh"} {"input": "??????wsw??whw???????????fif?????brb???><>???????????????????????????ama??zozonon.n????/g/????ror???????000??????YYYY\"Y???NeNewe?????s ??wnw???????????????????????iai?l l Bl ?lel??????????????d)d???????psps ???r ??????g g????????, ????????????????es es???acackc??ofo? 2 ?????????? /> /?>????909?????????????????SZS?????5K5???JTJ??\"C\"?????e,e, , \", \"\"?FoForFormr????? & ?????????er?????rrirr????????????????0,30,????818?????????????????stast??????", "output": "o knows what I will find?

Newman's Own¿ Organics Special Blend (Extra Bold), K-cups For Keurig Brewers, 24-count, Boxes (Pack of 2)
Coffee People Organic, Extra Bold K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 50) [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging]\"\n9098,B006N3IG4K,A2SZLNSI5KOQJT,\"Carrie, \"\"Formerly "Sister Carrie"\"\"\",10,10,3,1281916800,\"Not Outstanding."} {"input": "????????tot? M ????????????? S ?????????????cicidi??c.c?????????e e?????nan??????olo????ngn??????????????to to?? the th?iri? c ???fef??es,es?, b, ?utu??th?e ????ffeff?ee ee??????????????????ve ve?????ot ???????de??ir???.<.????/>/????????? t? thi thisi????aseas??????th th???????kfk?????????????, ?I I eI ?????????????????oro?re re????????ulu? c?????????offof???????? d??????re?????????reare?kf???? i ?? B ??d\"d??? is i????????????ht? s si?????? t th????medme???????oasoa???????????????????????????????????????????????oror.or?. . O. ????????lul???????e, e,???????? s????????????????d d nd no?t ??cicidci?dic? a????????????/>???? /> /???be?tttte?????oio??e,?e, ie, ??????????????????????re??", "output": " Light to Medium Roast. Smooth, Not Acidic.\",\"I love the names Wolfgang Puck gives to their coffees, but the coffee descriptions leave a lot to be desired.

In this case, with \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\", I expected a much more flavorful cup of coffee than delivered. \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" is on the light side of the medium roasts and has a mild, but not very memorable flavor. On the plus side, it is a smooth coffee and not acidic at all.

A better choice, in my opinion, is ,>???hih??????sos????????????hehe ??0 0?????.<.???????A>????D:D??AnA???theth?????????????????????? b ???????s s Coffee People Donut Shop Medium Roast, Extra Bold for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2), which also comes in the 50 pack.

ADDED: Another nice, smooth medium blend is Timothy's World Coffee, Kona Blend for Keurig Brewers, Medium, 50-Count K-Cups

ADDED: for those who prefer a lighter smooth blend, try a??(l(??inkin??????prp????ct???desde????????n ????????????forfor r br ??????pripr????g)g????????,B,???6N6????4K4???????F3F????6V6??8,8,J,???n ??????re?lll?????????????????80080??????s cs ???fe???is???owo??????????????????????? m ??enten??ononeon?????????????????????????????ff ff??????saisa????????????????ed aed as????uchuc? o ??????????totomom om??f f t???????? (i (????mam??? p ????????????????????? cu c??????????????? sa s?????? su s??????????ngn?????????ti?tiontio?. .????????, ?th?e ??????box??? I???recre????ed??????? d??????ren???co???????", "output": ">Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Roasters 80 K - Cup Colombian Fair Trade Slect Medium Roast Coffee (link for product description only, not for best pricing).\"\n9099,B006N3IG4K,A3A50F3ZWJ6V68,John Passarella,9,9,2,1326844800,This coffee is now DECAFF!,\"One reviewer mentioned that this coffee was decaff and said it was listed as such on the bottom of the box (in small print). I checked my current box and saw no such labeling information. HOWEVER, the new boxes I received are a different color, wi"} {"input": "???????????????????????????????iiiiai???????????? an andnd ?NONOWO????e e?????????? t?hehe ????? sa s?ysy? i ???????ded????????????de?cacafa???coc?????????????? l???????the the??????????????????wa????de??af???inin ???????ornor?????, w, ?hi??????????????I drI d??inkin??co???????????><>?
Unfortunately, I am unable to return this item to Amazon because of their return policy, which is why I'm writing this review, to make sure others know the coffee packaging has changed and it is definitely labeled as decaffeinated now. I would give more stars for flavor, but the lac"} {"input": "?????? of o??????l l n ?????ficfi?????? i ???tht??????dud???????crc???????????????????ofoffoffef??e ie ??????cafca?????kek?????e fe ??ele????????I I?????ede????? mo m??????????????????????uyu??????????????g Ig ??????d d nd ??????????othot????????????rer???????000??B0B???????4K4?,A,????B6B?OXO?????????????ondon???rzr?????iania????????????????????re??at ??upu?????????????\"O\"?????????????? t????????? o??????reakrea???astas??in???????????hadha?d bd ????omeom????nsn???????onuon?ut ut?HoH?????an??d Cd ???offeoff??????p,p?????kik?ing??????????at bat ????????d sd ????oth? \" ??????kinki???quq????? br b???. .????e foe f???d ???oursour???ve?s ???????ing uing ???????t at ???iti?t st ???rtr??t int i??n thn then th????????????lal??or???", "output": "k of official notification in the product description that this coffee is decaff makes me feel as if I tossed my money out the window, buying something I would not have otherwise ordered.\"\n9100,B006N3IG4K,A1PCB6OXKWKLBL,Raymond Arzounian,9,9,4,1316476800,Great Cuppa...except,\"Ok, now on our third box of Breakfast in Bed. We had become fans of Donut House and Coffee Shop, looking for that balanced smooth \"\"Dunkinesque\"\" brew. We found ourselves coming up just a bit short in the strength/flavor ar"} {"input": "eeae???????????????wew?re???ada????n n??re???????e ae ????????????????addad???????n an ????t t????EmE?er???'s'???????????????usu????arkar???oao??tst???????????blb??m m????????wiw??? t ???????? B ?????ooo????????????????l l?????a ?????d ed ?????pepen?????(W(???????????d td ?????ama????????owo???????????lesle??????????e)e????????on on????? ex e?pe???rienrie?????????????e are a??????? s?????? T ??????????ptp?\"\"????n ???re???sesepse?per????e oe ?ccc?????onson????????????? bo b?xex??????????asedased ????????el????we???????\"\"e\"\"??pl?????????K-K???????????????????????ing?? br b????????thath??? se s??????????e ge ??????????????????verve???andan?d id in??th?the the??eueururi??????????r ???", "output": "ea. Corrections were made in brew size and eventually adding in a bit of Emeril's Bold or various dark roasts. Well problem solved with the B in B. Smooth and flavorful and a good eye-opener. (Was worried the name somehow implied less caffeine)Based on our experience in these areas, 5 stars. The \"\"except\"\"? On three seperate occasions out of two boxes purchased seperately, we had \"\"exploding\"\" K-cups! A small pop during brewing that sent coffee grounds spewing over and in the Keurig, counter top"} {"input": "????????ofo???e e c??????hihisi????????????e ?????ere??ANA????ur??????tit???? ho h?ousou?????????????eryer???mesme????????uiuiri?????????uguggg????g ag ??????????? c?????in???????ded????????????????????????????s 1s ?????r.r????m,m????????????? m???????????????ing?????and ????ereere.??????????ly????????d bd ???? o????theth???aya?y ty ?? s???????. P. ?????.\".??????????????????????9Q9????K4K??F,F???re??????. . M??ororere re?????????ooroo?????,9,?????????595?777???????r ???vov?orior????????av?????????????or or s???????d ad ????????cacalca?llyll?y ny ?owo?????????????????er?al????????s. s.???hi???? hap ha?ppepp?nsn???? b ?e ??ourour our???vo??ritri??, , a?????????ave ave t?????miminindin???????usbus???", "output": ", and coffee cup. This at our home brewer AND our vacation house. Messy. Very messy, requiring unplugging and careful cleaning inside cup holder and area. Minus 1 star. Umm, exactly who makes these things and where...hopefully a road bump on the way to sucess. Peace.\"\n9101,B006N3IG4K,AQQ79QLD9K4OF,\"Brenda H. Moore \"\"BAM Moore\"\"\",9,9,5,1285977600,our favorite,\"I have this flavor shipped automatically now, along with several others. This happens to be our favorite, and I have to remind my husband"} {"input": "? t ???? tw t???????? n ????? to t????sts?????????????????shs?????ntnt.nt? ???sls???????oco??????????a a?????????oror r i ??????????ini??????ele?ligligh??????????????or??in?g.g???????ovo???ly????ro????? an a?nd nd???erfer??ctc????? o ?uru????astas???????????????????????????t o?????????? up u? i?????? m ????ninni????9919??2,2????????????A3A??????????P3P3D3??,A.,A????hoh??e Je ?r.r.,.????????,1????898???????Ou?tst??????????????????????????????????????????????-c-???s\"s??,\"F,\"???????ou???????????????????????ho ho?ro???????y ?ow???grg?ee??n bn ?????????????, ?????????????ma??rar??????????????an?y ?????????vav??iei??????????????????ROR??? c ?????????", "output": " the two boxes need to last until the next shipment. A slight coconut aroma and flavor is so amazingly delightful in the morning. Not overly strong, and perfect for our taste buds. Our favorite part of waking up in the morning!\"\n9102,B006N3IG4K,A3R7R8ARVN2P3D,A. Kehoe Jr.,12,13,5,1285891200,\"Outstanding, Bold, Lively Sumatran. best of the K-cups\",\"First you must know I am one who roasts my own green beans at home, including Sumatran, but also many African varieties. I like a STRONG cup of cof"} {"input": "??????I I u ?????????s s?????????????????????????????aca??????? fo f?????????????eae???????????ing???at??? f????????gug?????????????????/>/><>???r /?>S>?????rar?????fff???????nen?eraer????????? a????ryr?????????earea???y ????tet????omo????ouo?????esesces??????itit it????????????ta?????? a???oso???. H. HaHav?in?????iei????theth?????????????aia??????ndn????????????????? for for??-c-cu-c?????????????????s bys by ?fa???????be???? I???is?????t at ??????????????????????ouou ou w??????ge??????? S??tartarbrbubuc??s ????fr?om?om rom ?roaro?????? y ?????????, b, ??????????????????the fthe ??????or eor ???????s ???????ooo?d d Sd Su???????ran cran ???????????ec???allallyall?????????????????", "output": "fee. I use K-cups at work because we have no facility for rinsing/cleaning/getting water for a regular machine.

Sumatran coffees generally have a very rich, earthy taste; some would describe it as being \"\"tangy\"\" almost. Having tried the two other main brands of Sumatran for K-cups, the Puck is by far the best. It is not as bold as something you would get from Starbucks or from roasting yourself, but it has all the flavor elements of a good Sumatran cup. It especially has that nice ea"} {"input": "?rtrtht?????????????????? a afa????????????????????r r????
IMPORTANT: If you are looking for a k-cup that you will use on any other than the smallest cup setting, this coffee is not for you. In my opinion you get a Sumatran because you love strong coffee. Watered down it loses its distinctiveness. Get a generic french roast if you want weaker coffee with some flavor. I make mine with 2 k-cups, at the smallest setting. By camparison, I would give a Starbucks Sumatra mandheling a 10/10 rating for boldnes"} {"input": "??????????ckc???s s????utu??????, ,?tht??????drd?ici?????s as ??????r r / ?>I>????ghghlh????ece???mem?ndn?????s ??????e ???r r br ?????co??fe??????????????????????? u ????th?e ???????sts???????setsettttitini??????????ll??????beb?e de ?is???????tet??????????-c-???p Ip ???ava???????????????????????????ed ed med ??????????man?, ???????y'y???? Do D????????p,p????????????????????????r ???AdA???????? I I I??????sis????????iedie???????????????????? Su S??????an,an??, an, a????????????????oneon?????ara?????taltale??????bib???er?. . I. ??wi????de????????????????witwi??th Pth ????'s's.'s??????3,3,B,B0B????3I3IGI?4K4??????2E2????NBN??????- ???JaJ?anean????re?????verve??????????3,43,4,4,1?282???????", "output": "s. The Puck is about an 8, the Diedrich is a 4.
I highly recommend this coffee for bold coffee lovers, provided you use the smallest cup setting. You will not be disappointed. Best K-cup I have had yet, and I have tried many- Newman, Timothy's, Donut Shop, Diedrich, etc.

Addendum: I have since tried th Green Mountain Sumatran, and gave that a one -star. Stale and bitter. I will definitely stay with Puck's.\"\n9103,B006N3IG4K,A8M42EXA7NB5L,\"-- \"\"Jane Eyre lover\"\"\",12,13,4,1282694400"} {"input": "??????????????, ,????????, A, ?????icaic?non???????????fef???????????????????fgf??angang g??????????le????ndn???????waw???ce?rtr??????y oy ononen??of?????????????????????or?????d ????????er er??oxo?????????e e te ?????????????????????it.it???ThT?isis is???is ais ???????????me??????ror?????????????cofco??ee??????????verve?? s??moomo????? wi w??? n?????ttt????????????????????y ??????????ou?? en e??????????t St ??????????ly'ly????????????????ribri?boubo???yo?u u? wi??????keke ?e the t????blb????????TheTh??????????is a??????????????aka????????????????en en??????????t int i?????????ri??g eg ??chc???mormorn??ing?????????????N3N?????????????WKW????D,D??????e ???????????", "output": ",\"A very nice, smooth, Americano style coffee\",\"I bought a Wolfgang Puck sampler and this was certainly one of my favorites, so I ordered a bigger box and have truly been enjoying it. This is a classic, medium-roast cup of coffee. It's very smooth, with no bitterness. I would say that if you enjoy Donut Shop, Tully's Kona, and Caribou, you will like this blend. The label is adorable and makes me smile when I pop it in the Keurig each morning.\"\n9104,B006N3IG4K,A119HR3WKJPKD,Carrie H,0,0,5,133"} {"input": "????323?00???y y??avavov??????????p,p?,My,M??fa????????FlFlal?avoav???d d? co c????????????? i ???????????????e ???????y oy ??????loloco?ala????????????????r r???ricri????hah???????veve e fe ?????????an??????al???to???s ???s ws ?ele????????,B,B0B??????????A2A????????0A0??VNVN,N,G,???E,E?0,0?,0,,0?5,????????00??0,B0,?????COCOFO?????EVE?????BE??? T?????G G???VERVE?? C???FE???BRB?????????????ORO??????OVO?VER???????R ??????ND? T???????????. . I I I?????????????????????EE.EE???????SHSHOH??????RYRY RY ARY ? S???????????????EE????????? AG A?RER??EE. EE.??EV?????????????A DA ?????RE??????ASTAS????????????? S???? YOU YO??MAMAYMA????T ?LIL???????????????TH?????????. I. I ??ALWAL?AYA??????????????DOD?", "output": "6003200,My favorite k cup,My favorite Flavored coffee!!! This is not available in any of my local stores. Better price than I have found at any local stores as well.\n9105,B006N3IG4K,A2N3Q3TZW0AIVN,GENE,0,0,5,1335744000,BEST COFFEE EVER,\"BEEN TRYING EVERY COFFEE BRAND AND FLAVOR FOR OVER A YEAR NOW AND THIS IS IT. I JUST LOVE THIS COFFEE. YOU SHOULD TRY A SMALL BOX AND SEE IF YOU AGREE. EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT TASTE FOR COFFEE SO YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT, BUT WORTH A TRY. I ALWAYS SAY IF YOU DON"} {"input": "??? B BUB???????????TIT?CKC????YOY?U U??????????????N.N???????????????????A1A??????????????????DiD???ene??hah???r,r??????,1,??????????????????????????????????,\",\"I\"?? y ??u u l ??????????????d cd ?of?fe?????????s os ????ha???a ?hih??nt nt??? c ?????????o o i ???? T Th T????is? m mym?? fa favavoav????????????e be ??y fy ?ara?. ?????oko???????????????????sts???????????y my ??????????919????????N3?????????EIE????????J,J,D,?axa??????????13313??????????????mem??CoCofCoff??????lol??ve ve?????? co c???????GrG???????????e ane andn????????????????stast????????? mo m?orn?????. I. If. I??yo??? li l?????????re?????off??e e ye ?????ili??????ke ke?? thi th???9????????06N?????????????WYW???????", "output": "'T BUY A LOTTO TICKET YOU WILL NEVER WIN.\"\n9106,B006N3IG4K,A1XLT6SJ6VRGBB,Ron Diefenthaler,0,0,5,1335312000,Coffee Makes Me a Crazy,\"If you liked flavored coffees, this one has a hint of coconut to it. This is my favorite coffee by far. I look forward to my first cup every morning.\"\n9107,B006N3IG4K,AI4EITBWO8R9J,Daxi,0,0,5,1335225600,Awesome Coffee,I love this coffee. Great taste and great way to start your morning. If you like flavored coffee you will like this.\n9108,B006N3IG4K,A34JVMWYGY74QE,"} {"input": "?????rsr?????????5,5,1,????13??????MyM?????oro?????K-K?CuC?? s ?o o????????????e Ke ?K-CK-?????ar?????????????????fef????????????????????????t t s??il?l l??er?y ??lal???????? I ?????????????????????? t???????my??nen?????shish??????????101?????????????????????3A3???????????????????????????????????51???????????gogooo?d d ad ?????l!l??????????!!??,T,?????????????????????lel?????he??????????anyan???othot???????avo??????chc???????????????iii??? H HaHazHa??lnlnun??? is i?s gs ?????t! t! ?????????????????????AWAWeW?????????????????????4K,4K?????????????????????????????,0,0,0,0,,0,0,4,4,4?,13?343???646???00,G00,GoG???????????? G ???reatrea?????cec??,\"I,\"??????", "output": "ashersmom,0,0,5,1335139200,My Favorite K-Cup so far!,\"These K-Cups are great! The coffee is mild and yummy, but still very flavorful. I love this, cant wait to get my next shipment!\"\n9109,B006N3IG4K,A35UWJL3AGIHBM,Adam N. Rubenstein,0,0,1,1335139200,Not good at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!,This flavor is horrible. There are many other flavors much better. Hawaiian Hazelnut is great! Breakfast in Bed is AWesome!\n9110,B006N3IG4K,AGWU5LPTJHRYX,J. Beckmeyer,0,0,4,1334966400,Good Coffee - Great Price,\"I caugh"} {"input": "?? t ???????s as ? \" ?????????ses?\"\"\"\" \"\"???????$1$181???9 9??oro???? K ???????. T. ??hishi??????????????t et ?????????e e?wiw??th th????y Wy ???????g g?PuP??????ffffefeee?.<.?brb?r /r />/???????????DrD????????????is is???odod,od???????????????ee.ee???oto?thithini???????????????????re??????????????st??????????????????????????t ?ata???thi??????ce??????????????r ??e.???????'s'??????? b ?brabr???????at??I ?li????a ??ititt??le ?????er?, ?, bu???wiwitwith?th Kth K-????ps,ps???cosco?st st????er uer ??????????wawaywa???????????????hah??ve ve??o ????tot??????????r r /????????????it ait agagaagaiain????????8/8??cup??????????ro??????????????????fuf?lll?? pr??iceic???????ou???????????r er eyeyey??????????, y, ??????", "output": "t this as a \"\"Warehouse\"\" deal. $18.09 for 48 K-cups. This was my first experience with any Wolfgang Puck coffee.
The Rodeo Drive Blend is good, average coffee. Nothing exceptional. I prefer a little stronger, bolder coffee, but at this price, it works for me. There's other brands that I like a little better, but with K-cups, cost per unit is always something I have to factor in...
I'd buy it again @ $0.38/cup, but I probably wouldn't @ full price. If you keep your eyes peeled, you can"} {"input": "?????aya?? f ???????????????????????????veve e??????????????t at anand?????????p p???????????????????ses??\"\"?919111?????060?????????292???????????8,8???. . A ????rsr?ono????????derde??????0,0??????333343??888????????????????????coc?????e p??????,\",\"T,\"??????is ????????????ee.ee???? a??????of????????????????????t ??ddd???????m om ??? su s??ar????nln????s is ?????????????????tet?er)er??????rur??? e en??????????fee.fee. ?. I???????tr?????mam???????ffe????? t?????????co??coffecoff????or?or Kor K-K?cuc?upsup??. ?????is iis ????????????????????????????????s ??ma?????? to too?. ?. V. ?ereryer????oo?????????????le le????????t ????avo??????t ??????owowe?ri??g.g???919?????00???3I", "output": " always find a good deal... just have to be patient and stock up when the deals arise.\"\n9111,B006N3IG4K,A29NA3RIZT5CH8,\"M. Anderson \"\"Manders\"\"\",0,0,5,1334188800,YUMMO! I am a coffee purist,\"This is great coffee. I am a coffee purist. I don't add cream or sugar (unless it is weak or bitter). I truly enjoy coffee. I have tried many different types of coffee for K-cups. This is my new favorite. The price was amazing too. Very smooth and subtle hazelnut flavor, not overpowering.\"\n9112,B006N3I"} {"input": "??????VZV??????????M,M?????????????????333?33833?434?202?0,??????????????\"W\"WeW??l l?????ere?? l ?????????oro????????????offof?feefe????at??????? m ???????????????????????????? w???????iningin??????d thd t????????????????????ede?d t???e ce ???ffeff?? c? cup cups? w???we?????si??????????????ougou???????????????ckc??????of??????????and and????????????boboubo???t alt a?ll ll?of?of tof ???m m???????????e ????????ing ing a????? m??oreor?e b??xexes???????????????ea??????fe??, ??????? r ???ul??????y y p?????????????.\".\"\"9???13,13???????IGIG4???????CAC????????T,T?????????. ??hoh???????y \"y ?????ank??\"\"\"\"\"????????5,135,1?33333???040??????????????ffeeffe????????e ie ??t ft ?frofr?????me?ononen???????", "output": "G4K,AVZO61Y9E8EQM,rmb92585,0,0,5,1333843200,Great Coffee,\"Well we were looking for another coffee that would meet or exceed the k cups we were using and this has far out tasted the coffee cups we were using, I have bought almost 6 packages of these and used just about all of them and will be ordering a few more boxes here soon. Great coffee, from a regular guy point of view.\"\n9113,B006N3IG4K,A1KSCAV1FE0OLT,\"Frank J. Ohotnicky \"\"Frank\"\"\",0,0,5,1333670400,Great Coffee!,\"Take it from someone who wa"} {"input": "???????d d????otot t?ofof f???fff???????????????????????E!E???????\"B\"?re???faf???????????????????????????????????t ft ???????, r, ????tet????????ctc??????ndn????????????tat??????? h ??????eee?????????????????er???re???????nt?aia???????ch??sas?ysys ???lo??. .????s ??trutrueu?e te ?o o???s ??????????fe??????or or t????????????\"\"?919??4,4,B,?000??N3N?????,A,?1S1?????????????CoC????elelo?ve???????0,0??,5,??131??????0000000???????tantand????!,!?????????????????????s ????????????opo????????? st s????????eyey ???????ot ot????w w t? thi th?? w ??as as? a a???????????????????ut ut i??? cl cle??????????????ha?t ??t ???. ?????????????did? o?????? s?????????????t ???", "output": "s tried a lot of different K-cups, BUY THESE! The \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" blend is full of great flavor, roasted perfectly, and more importantly I have been choosing it over Green Mountain, which says a lot. It's true to its name, perfect for the morning.\"\n9114,B006N3IG4K,A1S4QFFW5DSC6C,Coffeelover4eva,0,0,5,1333584000,Outstanding!,\"Reading the previous comments people have stated they did not know this was a flavored coffee but it clearly states that it is. Atleast it did on the sight I bought min"} {"input": "e????????????????????????hth?????AmA???????????heh??sesece?uru?????????????????????????a a???????????????????? c ?????????????????g g??????????????rewrew ???),)????d ????????????antan?t wt ??kek??upup p?an???????????\"\"?????,B,??060????G4G????333????????????????eanea?????\"J????????????????979???????????utu??in??????????????????dididdi????????????hih?is is?????a ?co??on??????av??????????????????????????n ??a va ?????tyt???????????????it ??????????????????me?????elelyel????????????coco??nutnu??an???????gh???????????????????ke? s ???et????????????????????s ns ??????????, I, ???????it???e sue s???riris??ed ed???????e fe ??lavla???", "output": "e from. I was only brought to Amazon for the secure payment feature. It's a delightful flavored coffee, (depending on how you brew it), and is a pleasant wake up any morning.\"\n9115,B006N3IG4K,A33NXNZ79H5K51,\"Jean M \"\"JM\"\"\",0,0,4,1332979200,coconut in the morning?,\"I did not know this had a coconut flavor or aroma as I got it in a variety pack. I put it in this am and immediately smelled coconut and thought oh no I don't like sweet in the AM. But its not sweet, I am quite surprised at the flavor "} {"input": "???? h ????? l ?????iti??????????????ke ke??????????mom?????g.g???? b ?utu???it it???s s???ninicni????????????????mem??????? I I???? w???????upu?? in in n?????????????????ge? o ???????oco????an han ?heahe??ining?????ri?????an man ?????????ellel?????????????????????????????9????,B,??060??????????????????????????????????ror?????\"O\"????? V ???D D??he?????????????????,0,??,0,,0?????323???28?????or??????????ang???????ovove?????KeK???rigri?g cg ?????????????????????????????er?imi?menme????ing ?wiw??h h?????????feefe???????????????hrhre????\"\"h\"\"hthtt?????www?????aza??????????????dud?ctc?/B/????????????>W>??????ng???ucuckuc????ffffeffeeffe????????????amameam?????4-4??????", "output": "and how I like it. Would I like it every morning..NO but it was a nice change. Made me feel I was waking up in a Jamacian cottage on the ocean hearing carribean music, well maybe not but it was close\"\n9116,B006N3IG4K,AAPFN1BADMWMC,\"Giancarlo Croce \"\"Offer VOID where prohibited\"\"\",0,0,3,1332892800,Sorry Wolfgang!,\"I love my Keurig coffee maker. And I enjoy experimenting with new coffee flavours. Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Creme Caramel, 24-Count "} {"input": "?????psp????r r??eue?????????????????k k?ofo????????????mem????????????????????????I I????????????????h h??re?????????????ara??????. I? e ??????ikikek??????gag?????ucu?????utu? h ???????????????????????ur???????????isis is?? d did??apa?pop?????menme?nt.nt????'s'???oto?t at ?????? I????????????s ???????????ded???th th????flfla?vo?????EvE?ven???usiusin??????????ala??l cl cuc???????tit????????????ma????????? n nin?iceic???????? the th?e te ???????is ???????waw?????. ??BlB??????, t, th???? cof co???????????????hth????ch?????al??????rt??????. A. AdA????ng ng??xtx?????re???????d sd ???????er???masmasks??d d td ????af?????tas?????, bu, b?????it dit ??dnd???t a?dd????y ?of????????????????", "output": "K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2) seemed to be a safe choice. I love coffee with cream. I love caramel. I even like Wolfgang Puck. But his Creme Caramel flavoured coffee is a disappointment. It's not awful. It just lacks a certain depth of flavour. Even using the 'small cup' setting, the aroma is very nice, but the taste is a bit watery. 'Black', the coffee has a slightly chemical aftertaste. Adding extra cream and sweetener masked the aftertaste, but it didn't add any of the caramel cre"} {"input": "??mim????????????exe????tit???. .????????t;t????e e c ??ffffef???????e ????vev????mi?ldl???anandn? t??he he??ara????? t?as???????????lll???????grg???at.at????orrorry??????????????????????ra???????? o ???????????????????????????N3N?IGI?4K4?,A,???M0M0G0G2G???????,l,?is???11???????,1,?????????00,00,J,??sts?t ot oko??y,y?????liklikeke ???????????????offof??e ???????juj????did??????????llyll?????e ???? t?????????. . ???t ?????? wh w????????????????????????st st?????d d bd ?iti????? ???UnU?????????????I ????? a??ot?he???? who wh????????????? t???????upup.p?. . I. ?????????up? s????????atatrat?????????ve?ve (ve ?alalsal?o ??a da ?????? an????re????????????????????3I?????????VRV?????", "output": "aminess I was expecting. In short; the coffee taste is very mild, and the caramel taste isn't all that great. Sorry Wolfgang, but I'm afraid this one is a yawner.\"\n9117,B006N3IG4K,AOLM0G25WI2T2,liss711,0,0,3,1332720000,Just okay,\"I like dark strong coffee but I just didn't really care for this one. Not sure what it really was, almost a tad bitter? Unfortunately I have another whole box of 24 to use up. I picked up some Sumatran Reserve (also a dark) and prefer it.\"\n9118,B006N3IG4K,A1GZVRXW89K"} {"input": "?ZSZ??,k,?awa????ere??????????323?????????er????? e ??er???dad???????feefe?????????ve ve???????mam??y ?????????t ??-c-???? a ???????????s ???ma??nen??? my m???????ritri???fof???????????????????????????? the th???????????????????????????????????????t t??o ???ldld.d. ????????????????al?lyly ?????k ?mym??y coy c??????blb???????theth?????????al????e ie is??????y iy ?????????? to t????????????????????t t ft ????avoravor r? an???????????????????????9,9?B0B???????????????????????M,M????????a Ha HiHid???????????????212???????\"T\"???? mu m????cac????????re??????????no????h ch ?????e\"e??,\"I,\"????????iki???yoyouyo?????????redre???cof???????????stest??e lie l???????coffecoff????", "output": "ZST,kawtamer,0,0,5,1332547200,Perfect every day coffee.,\"I have tried many different k-cups and this has remained my favorite for the longest time. It is the perfect balance, not too weak and not too bold. And since I usually drink my coffee black, the flavor alone is very important to me. It' has a great flavor and not too acidic.\"\n9119,B006N3IG4K,A24ROQVJCANCDM,Cynthia Hidalgo,0,0,3,1332115200,\"Too much caramel cream, not enough coffee\",\"If you like your flavored coffee to taste like coffee, t"} {"input": "???? m ?aya??non?t t????????????????????????t tt ????e e te ???????fef???ata??????????theth??e tre t????l ??????brb????????????????ll??r ????? s si s??ese???????e a e a? bi b?t t bt ?betbettt????????202????????????,A,?W6W??????????????????ilillllill????,0,???????333??767??????\"G\"????????????????????????e\"e?,\"???????n hn ?ada?????????????????e ge ???t ot ?????????????????????t wt ???????faf????it??????????? n??????????????Gre?????????????.\".\"?919?????????????K,??1E1????????????,s,?????iri???????5,5,15,?1331331?????00???????????????????????????t it ????????t tt ta?????g g?????????dod??????????????????????or or????reamrea???????? i if if f? yo y????iki?e ?sws??????????", "output": "his may not be for you. I couldn't taste the coffee at all in the travel size brew, but the smaller brew sizes were a bit better.\"\n9120,B006N3IG4K,AW6Q58EC6QC5G,anne williams,0,0,5,1331769600,\"Great Coffee, Great Price\",\"Amazon had this as buy one get one free and since it was my favorite, I could not resist. Great purchase.\"\n9121,B006N3IG4K,A1EVNOCJ8RKX36,spitfire,0,0,5,1331596800,great taste,\"this product is great tasting and you don't even need sugar or creamer, but if you like sweet coffee"} {"input": "????????y y?? l ???????????????????eae???????????????????? t ????????a ????fef?ctc?????????????waw?????? t?? e eve?er??y my mom???????????????????6N6????4K4?,A,?????BRB?????OMO???????????????????????????hh???....,..????????????????????????????????re?? m ?????????????? w????????? me m??iui??????????????nd nd???t it ??????????????????????????????????ono????????argar????????sizsi????ete??in??????12312???00??????G4KG4????????????????????????????4,4????141????????re??ttytt???ooo?????????,\",?????????????oo??????t ??????????????e. e. I??????s a ls a ??ttttltt??? mo m?????????????????????????????????stst ?asa????od??, b, bub????????", "output": " i'd say a little sugar and creamer would not hurt, this is a perfect product to wake up to every morning :)\"\n9122,B006N3IG4K,A3GN7BRTTCMOMM,Kika,0,0,5,1331596800,Ahhhh...,This coffee is so smoothe. I brew my morning cup with the medium cup size and it is delicious. It is a little weak on the large cup size setting.\n9123,B006N3IG4K,A7JCNKDASI7R0,J. Epps,0,0,4,1331424000,Pretty good coffee,\"This is a smooth not bitter coffee. It's a little more pricey than some which are just as good, but it has"} {"input": "?????ooo?d d?????? f ??????????????cac????????mem?????t.t.\".?????????060??3I3IGI????A1A????V1V1V1?AAAA0A???,g,???gcg??4,04,?,0,0,???131333?????60600???????s s???????I ?????hth?????????????????????hih??s ls lol?????y y a an??????????? s?????????I b??ougou????th????? p????????????t dt ??al????????????????????06??????????????????8G8?????????????????? \" ???aua??????? in i??NYN??????,0???????????????CrC??zyz??ini?????????????? s sa s?mpm???e pe ??????ododaod?y ???????e Je ?????ca? M ???????y ?????????????????vo?????????????????????t ???oo oo p?owo????ulu??no????as???????????he????ingin?. ????????????en????thethe ?WoW????GaG??g ????k ????????????6,6,B??????", "output": " a good sweet flavor, and I can recommend it.\"\n9124,B006N3IG4K,A1JVFV1VAA08X,gregc4,0,0,5,1330905600,Tastes great,I bought a small 3 pack of this locally and liked it so much I bought the 48 pack. Great deal on Amazon.\n9125,B006N3IG4K,A38U1PX8CI8GF3,\"Teresa Becker \"\"Laughing in NY\"\"\",0,0,5,1330732800,Crazy indeed,Bought a sample pack today of the Jamaica Me Crazy and love the flavor. The flavor is not too powerful nor was it overwhelming. I'd recommend the Wolf Gang Puck k-cups.\n9126,B006N3I"} {"input": "?????AIAIAI?????OUOUGU???T,T?????ntn?????ra????\"\"\"\"\"??????????303050?606???0,?????t ?????????d d???????aba??? P ??ici??????????????????dod?on'on????iki????????? c ???????? I IfI? y ??????????ea??????ofoffof?feefee,e? t tht???????? b ???enden??????????at?????ic??e fe ?oror ???????OtO???er er???????????????re re?????????at iat ?????????????, w, ??hichi?????is pis ???????ly ??rur??e ie ??????????????????????????????????br??????????I ?????????e f????????????????????fuf???????en?hahanancan?? t?????as?????????? the? p???ce??????????'t 't h???t t tt ????????????????????121?7,7??????3I3???????????J5J??????G,G???ada?????????,0,0,0,???5,15,???????????YuY????????????s is ????the???", "output": "G4K,AIATM4VOUGQOT,\"Brant \"\"brant\"\"\",0,0,5,1330560000,Great Taste and Reasonably Priced,\"I personally don't like strong coffee. If you like weaker coffee, then this blend is a great choice for you. Other reviews on here say that its too weak, which is probably true if your used to something strong.

I also use flavored creamer to further enhance the taste. For the price, it can't hurt to give it a try.\"\n9127,B006N3IG4K,A1V0NTJ5GUBE2G,giadagamma,0,0,5,1330300800,Yum Yum,\"This is the sm"} {"input": "?????????????beb??????st???????????????????????e te trt??????? It I?????ot????ttt?erer,r??????tot?? w ??akak,k?????t tt tot too?????????????? r ?rigri????????282??????????????????????????????????,0,,0????333????08080800?,C,???????fgf???????akeak?????????-c-????,?????heshe??????????????????????re re? al a?????????????????ckc?'s??k-?????????????????????????????????????????? p pep?erferfe?ctc?lyl???, th, the???tastaststeste ?isis is????????vav?blb??? M ???huh?????d ????? I I?????hoh?ookoo????????????????The The? pr p?????e ise i????????co????ded????g ????? a??????ing ing???coffcof???e t???????!!!??9919???,B??00600??????K,?A3A?????????????????ba?????????????13?????300830080?????LGL???????UCKUCK K", "output": "oothest and best tasting Keurig coffee I've tried. It's not bitter, not too weak, not too strong, just right!\"\n9128,B006N3IG4K,A1UC50DYFPSXYD,ATC,0,0,5,1330300800,Can Wolfgang make a bad k-cup?,\"These are awesome...as are all of Wolfgang Puck's k-cups. The coffee is smooth, the cups brew perfectly, the taste is unbelievable! My husband and I are hooked on these. The price is great considering what amazing coffee this is!!\"\n9129,B006N3IG4K,A3KHF4HNHSQYZ0,sambakervb,0,0,5,1330300800,WOLGANG PUCK "} {"input": "??????H H????STS?,W,?????ANA????UCU?K'K?S S????ENCEN??????????AS??? D DED??? R????STST ???????????????????T T I IN I???HEH?????????ONO?????????????S ??ITI?? A???????????RAR?????????ER.ER?...... ??H ?YEY???????????,B,?????????K,K???5050202W2?434??????Z,Z???rar???????bab?????0,00,????????212???????????????chc?????sts?,\",\"I\"????e te ????? e ?ve??????ngn????FrF?renre?nchnc???????????????????tht??????????????mym??????riritri??????????????????????????????????ta ta???rimrima? a?????theth???????es?t t Ft ??????? ro r??????-c???????????????apa???????en????lfl???????uc????s a??????ososes?e t???o ao ???????gligligi???lele.le???????????e he hah?? t?????????? s?????? sm s???????????????", "output": "FRENCH ROAST,WOLFGANG PUCK'S FRENCH ROAST HAS A DEEP ROBUST FLAVOR. I PREFER IT IN THE AFTERNOON... SOMETIMES WITH A SHOT OF GRAN MARNIER... OH YEAH...\n9130,B006N3IG4K,A3502W435NLGAZ,taramarabobara,0,0,5,1330214400,Nice French roast,\"I've tried every single French roast K-cup, and this is one of my favorites. The Starbucks and the Barista Prima are the two best French roast K-cups, but the gap between Wolfgang Puck's and those two are negligible. This one has that great sweet smoky flavor that"} {"input": "???????????????ene?chc????asa????????????veve.ve????????????????????HRHRAR?????????????m m T ??0,0???????????????????fgfgag??g'g's'????????????ThT?????????? m ????ifi?????faf????????????????????HazHa??en???t bt ???????sh???ha??s ts ?????????????is is his ??r r??\"g\"??? to t??????te?r ????????dad??y oy ?? b?eie?????????redre???????????????????as as??????ti???????s ??????????oulould????????? f??????????????????????????3I?G4G4KG4?????6NF6N?????????7,7????????,0???0,30,3,3,1???969??96096?00000?0,I0,?????ouldouldnd??????????? b????,\"????????????co?fff???e ae ??as pas pap???????????bobol????\"\" s\"\" ???plple???????. ???hi??? I ??????? i???flf???avoravorfrfuf?? I????ul??dn'dn?????all?? it????ld?", "output": " every good French roast should have.\"\n9131,B006N3IG4K,AHRASE2UFPFKK,Tom T,0,0,4,1330214400,Wolfgang's Hazlenut,\"This one is my wife's favorite of all the Hazlenut blends she has tried. This is her \"\"go to\"\" after a busy day of being retired.
Delivery was exceptional as usual, could not ask for much more.\"\n9132,B006N3IG4K,A26NFIQ7KWI8Y7,kt rose,0,0,3,1329696000,I wouldn't call it bold,\"I got this coffee as part of a \"\"bold\"\" sampler pack. While I found it flavorful I wouldn't call it bold."} {"input": "???????iri?sts??WPW???????????????????????t t wt ??????I I??ouo?????xtx????????????ere????????????fef?e e??????????????????t pt ????????????????r ???FoF?r ????ferfe????e ???rprpop?????mym?y iy ?n n?????e ??????????a a???ara????????????cac??????br br???>Gr??????ou?ountountaount?in?????vGree
Gre?en ?????????????k ?MaMaga???????????????????????????????????iei??: :?????fe??e Pe Pee P", "output": " My first WP k-cup was French Roast which I found extremely bitter. This coffee doesn't have that problem.

For reference purposes my in store drink is a Starbucks Americano.

My favorite k-cups are:
Starbucks French Roast
Starbucks Caffe Verona
Starbucks Pike Place Roast
Green Mountain Xtra Bold Sumatran Reserve
Green Mountain Double Black Diamond
Green Mountain Revv
Green Mountain Dark Magic

Other k-cups I've tried: Coffee Pe"} {"input": "?opo????????FuFueu?l l??????? M MoM????????????????????ece?????EmE????l l Jl JaJ?zzzzez?d d u ??? De D??????????????s s?CaC???e ???eroer??????????e ?????le????aca???TiT?geg???? S ??ararbar??????????????en??, , S???tarbtar?buc??? B?rereare?kfk?asa??t Bt ?????????tartarb?????ks Sks ???????????????????uc??????????????t,t??Gr????????untun?????LaL????????LoL?????, G???en?? Mo M???????n Fn FrF?????????stst,st??????????? Mah Mahoh????y,y??Wo?????????????????tr?????????aya?????EmeEm?erier??????? Ea E??????????????,B,?000???3I3???????GYGY8Y???????????????????????????????????00,00??WonWo????????????????????????????usu?baban?? u????????????????????????et?????nd????ayiay?????thath?????????", "output": "ople Jet Fuel ,Green Mountain Dark Magic Decaf, Emeril Jazzed up Decaf, Starbucks Caffe Verona, Coffee People Black Tiger, Starbucks House Blend, Starbucks Breakfast Blend, Starbucks Sumatra, Wolfgang Puck French Roast, Green Mountain Lake and Lodge, Green Mountain French Roast, Caribou Mahogony, Wolfgang Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya, Emeril Big Easy Bold\"\n9133,B006N3IG4K,A2GY8OFEBD9YT9,Keri-Ann,0,0,5,1329436800,Wonderful tasting coffee,\"My husband used to like the Nantucket Blend saying that it was "} {"input": "???ese????. . ??????hehe he??????????s s???????ndn?d id ?????tht?????lyl????????????nkn????????????????erer r????vov????????????iki????????g g???????????is??????????????e..e.?.m.????????andan???s ?????y ty ??????ororior???????r ???????????????? sa s?????it'it?? t?????onl????????he ???in????????f yf ?????????????????????er???ded?fif????????????????s o?????????????060????????A1A???505?????SXS???????????,5,?????????????????? th?????\"I\"??????k ??my my??????? b ??lacla????? q ??????y y iy ???a a????t!t??????????is anis a?????el????????????????????????????????? co??sisissi?stest?encencyc???and????????t ?amamomoumo?????? k ??????????ve? a????th????olo??gag????", "output": "awesome. Then he tried this one, and it's the only one he drinks. I drink other flavors, but I like taking sips of this one for sure...my husband is very territorial over these cups and says it's the only one he drinks. If you're a coffee drinker, definitely try this one!\"\n9134,B006N3IG4K,A1UC50DYFPSXYD,ATC,0,0,5,1329350400,LOVE this!,\"I drink my coffee black,so quality is a must! This is an excellent medium roast with a smooth consistency and perfect amount of kick. I love all the Wolfgan Pu"} {"input": "?ckc?????????????????bub???ththih?s s??????sos??????y y????????????!\"!\"\"9?????B0B?????IGI??K,K??282?????????272???NiN???olaolasa?s Bs ????????????5,????????00?????????????????????ri????????OneOn?e o??? my?????????ororior?iteit????it??????fuf????????? c?oco???ut??????????? v vev?ryr???nin??????????or.or??????????????? is i???????enenjn????ed ed???????ut ???????????ugu????, a, ?????????lll??????????????e o?ne????????r r f????????s ?????????????ve??????????????in.in?. S. ???????? my????the????????rit??? a????VaV??ili????BiB????????, B, ?????r ????fe????????????????????????ndnd ?DoD???????????\"9\"?91391?????????????K,AK,?????????????????????ne?????", "output": "ck coffee k-cups, but this is absolutely my favorite!\"\n9135,B006N3IG4K,A286A0ZQ053275,Nikolas Britton,0,0,5,1329264000,One of my top favorites.,\"One of my top favorites, it's infused with coconut and has a very unique flavor. This coffee is best enjoyed without cream or sugar, and it will ether become one of your favorites or you'll never buy it again. Some of my other favorites are Vanilla Biscotti, Butter Toffee, Hawaiian Hazelnut, and Donut Shop.\"\n9136,B006N3IG4K,A3TX6CWSZL02PW,\"LaVerne \"\":L"} {"input": "????????????????,1,??????484?????ooo??????tit?????ofo?????I I??rir????????? o ???????feefee e??????I bI ??y y?????eraerala????????????tyt?pepese?? I ???????? th t?????ara?????lal?????? t???????lel????nt????????ng ng??ititht?? a a n ??????????a wa ??hilhi?? b??ewe?winwi??. ?ThT???ere ere??is is?????????????????o ????????aya???????????????? cu c??..???????????????????????WSW??L0L????????????????????VerVern??????0,???5,??????????????reare????CofCo?????!,!???????????? ta?ststyst??????ffee????????????ce ce? ar a??????????t it isis ??rerewrewi???????????is??non????????????????????l al ?????????ryr????atiat????iningin??????? al?????? wa w???????????????????????ee??. I. ?I cI co???????e te tot?", "output": "aVerne\"\"\",0,0,5,1329004800,Good tasting Coffee,I drink a lot of coffee and I buy several different types. I found this particular one to be pleasant tasting with a nice aroma while brewing. There is no after-taste so you always want another cup.\n9137,B006N3IG4K,A3TX6CWSZL02PW,\"LaVerne \"\":LaVerne\"\"\",0,0,5,1329004800,Great Coffee !,\"Wonderful tasty coffee with a nice aroma as it is brewing. There is no after-taste at all and it very satisfying, you always want another cup of coffee. I continue to "} {"input": "???? i ??????????????N3N?IGI?4K4?????????SZS?????W,W???????????????Ve?????????????????????????????????vovoro???????d d?????????iei????? v ??????ic????????r r????h h n non????tet????????? I ?t t g ?ivi????????????ice?????grg?ranra??ce ce?????e ???ewe??ngn???nd??????????ryr???????????ng ng??????????????aveave ???????? a???tht???????????13913???????????K,???????????????????n n????SMSM\"M??\"\"\",\"\"\"?,0,,0,0,0,???????????????GoG?????????bib????????k k?????fu??l ?????or??????????????incin???????????????????????????gr??at???????ng????????????ttt????????????????????hanha??????????l gl ???????? c?????ee ee?????????????,B??????????,A?1D1??", "output": "buy it.\"\n9138,B006N3IG4K,A3TX6CWSZL02PW,\"LaVerne \"\":LaVerne\"\"\",0,0,5,1329004800,Nice flavorful and full-bodied.,A very nice flavor with no after-taste. It gives off a nice fragrance while brewing and has a very satisfying taste. You have to have another cup!\n9139,B006N3IG4K,AK7QWUSSUT6KS,\"John \"\"JSM\"\"\",0,0,4,1328918400,Good Columbian,\"Dark and full flavored, but distinctly Columbian. This is a great morning coffee. Better cup of AM Joe than you will get at a coffee place.\"\n9140,B006N3IG4K,A1DDF"} {"input": "QQMQ?????????????????????????????????????BrB????faf??? i ????ede????????,\",??heh??????????mam?nyn??????er?????K-K??CuC??????????????omo????????????? i?n n????? st s??????????brbrar?????????????r r????bob??????????mom?ostos????????sus??geg??tet???WoW??fgf???g g???ckc?????????????ea???as??? in?????????he ??????hahadha??????? o on??? the th??shs????????d Id ????as as????????apa??oio??te????????I ????????????????????????????????usu????re????????????????????? s???????????????????? e ????? ne n??????????er.er.\".\"\"??141??,B???????????????BVB????????,K,???????0,50,5,????????????????ga???????????howho?w tw to?????????????y ?fa??vorvo?it?e ?of?? th", "output": "QMQ6SW6BM,Tina Salas,0,0,5,1328832000,Breakfast in Bed review,\"There is so many different K- Cup to chose from. So I asked in the store what brand and flavor is bought the most. They suggested Wolfgang Puck Coffee - Breakfast in Bed. The only had a few on the shelf and I was not disappointed. Now I am hooked. For you people that use creamer, this coffee is so good you will not even need creamer.\"\n9141,B006N3IG4K,AF0RBVW29WQNT,K2P,0,0,5,1328572800,Wolfgang knows how to brew it!,\"My favorite of th"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????????? t ????ng? a ?????????? f ???????????????av?????????sas?????????????????gogooo?????avavoav????????is?tet?enten???????????????????????????erderdod??????????ddd???? fl f??????. ?????????????????oao????CoC??omo????an an??????f ??????e ??ro?m m??? the the W??olfol?????141??,B,?000????????,A,??THT???????DRD?NCN?,G,??or???????????,0,?????,1,???????????????????t Ht ????lnl?utut ?????? the ther the?????e ????????????????????????HazHa???????fl?flavfla?vor?????????????????. ???ThiTh???????y ???????? the b the ??st???. T. ?o o???????????'t'??????ut???shs????9???3,3,B??????????????????8M8?????????????whewh??????????????5,15,????????", "output": "e Wolfgang series discovered when trying all of the flavors in the available sample pack. Very good flavor, consistent with each pod and not overdone with added flavors. Very good dark roast Colombian cup of coffee from the Wolf.\"\n9142,B006N3IG4K,A2TH3R48TMDRNC,George Olijnyk,0,0,5,1328486400,The best Hazelnut out there!,We have tried all of the Hazelnut flavored coffee brands. This is by far the best. To bad it isn't an auto ship.\n9143,B006N3IG4K,A3DSBTY8MFCC1U,bitchwheremyPBJ,0,0,5,132840000"} {"input": "0??????t t b ?????????????oror.r???ThT???re're???????mum?chc??I I???????y y??????ha??????alalrl????y y by ??en???aia???????????????????????thith??????????? r ?rea?????waw???'t??exe????tit??g g???????? i ?????t at alt a?ll,ll, ,?????inging ??as as???????t ????????ly ly?????????????????????????????????????????ly??????? th t????????? of o??????or??? T ToT?o mo ???it?????sn???t rt ?????????????????????con????????mucmuch? a ??as ias ??????????sts??trt???ici?calca????????in in??en??????. I. ?t't???????????????????e fe ??????ed?? co c????ee.ee. ?AnA???????????or?????sn't??? too to??????pop??????????????, ?it??????ll ll????????????e coe cofe cofff?????tasta??e.e??????s j??ustus???igi?hth???9?141?4,4?????N3N???", "output": "0,Great blend of flavor.,\"There's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. But when I brewed this coffee I really wasn't expecting to like it at all, seeing as I don't normally like coconut flavored things. But I really like the blend of flavors. To me it doesn't really taste like coconut as much as it does just tropical-ness in general. It's like.. palm tree flavored coffee. And the flavor isn't too overpowering at all, it still has a nice coffee taste. It's just right.\"\n9144,B006N3IG4"} {"input": "????????2Z2????HAH???,An,A???0,0,0,0,,0???????141?080??0,0,\"0,?????????????????? v vav??ili????,\",??hih?? i ???? d ???k,k???????????ewe???????ere???thath?an an??imi??th?????FrFrerenre??h ????????????????????????im?????????????s ????y ????????????????????????a.a????????s ?mym??????? \" ??tat???????sts??? s???arcar??ini?? f ??????????estes???????????lalavla??????coc????????????????????'s 's??????????inkin???????? Ti??mot??????wawaswa????leale??an??t bt ?ut??non???????????????????? as as t as ????. ????it??????? ha h??????re re? va??nil???????????????? wo w???????????? han ha???????? f???????????????????6N6???????A3A?????KZK???XOX?1,1???????????????13213????????,G,????????", "output": "K,A85X52Z0RZHA8,Ann,0,0,4,1328140800,\"Only a 'HINT\"\" of vanilla\",\"This is a dark, smooth brew (darker than Timothy's French Vanilla), But as with Timothy's it has only a slight hint of vanilla. This is my third \"\"taste test\"\" searching for the best vanilla flavored coffee. Gloria Jean's was undrinkable. Timothy's was pleasant but not as deep a roast as this. If it only had more vanilla flavor this would be my hands down favorite.\"\n9145,B006N3IG4K,A3ZCQOKZT8XO1,Seep77,0,0,5,1327795200,Great fla"} {"input": "??oro??????e e?????d d l ??tst???????ava?vorvo?????????????????ththih???s ons o????is is??? f????????????????????????????it??terte???? a??????????????flaflavavo???d ?????????or??????????????????????????????????????tete te o?f ?????????9??????000????????????PYP?????XPX????????????,5,???????080???????ea?t ??cof???????the???ror??????????sos?????? l lo l?????hehe ?????????????????ete?????????iningn?????? the th?????nin?????? pr p?romro?ptp????????????????????????inainat????????????????faf???avoriavorit????????????????????????474??????????G4KG4??????T6T???PFPFPF???????ie?????????????,1??32732?444?????????????t,t????????????earea????????? the?????ri", "output": "vor,\"I've tried lots of flavors of coffee and this one is my favorite! Great taste, not bitter at all. A great flavored coffee for people who don't really like the taste of coffee.\"\n9146,B006N3IG4K,A2NPYVLJ7XPKS3,cas,0,0,5,1327708800,great coffee,\"the aroma is awesome!! love the flavor, really gets you going in the morning. prompt delivery, this is definatly my husbands favorite single cup coffee\"\n9147,B006N3IG4K,A1XPT6TAPFPPEM,skier4ever,0,0,4,1327449600,The Best,\"After 5 years with the Keuri"} {"input": "??, ,?tht??????????????t t????IfI? y yoy???lil??????memede???????ene???????pep???????? I?????mom???th,th????????s ????tet??. N. ??????te???ed ed????????n en ????herhe? s ???????????141???????N3N????????????R9R???????????RiR????,0,??????131323????????????????I I??m ???????????????????????fe?????????????????????msm???? b??????????y y??imi?????????y by ????k k c?ofoffof??????????? my m??????????????idi??a a wa ???????y wy ????????????eue????????????????????y ??the????riribri??? r???ulu????????????????????dsd?s, s, w wh w????? ar a??????bubutbu???????????????drd??????????ununln????????????s as ????????????????e e se so?????????????????><>?????????on??", "output": "g, this is the best . If you like a medium blend, it perfect. Its smooth, and has taste. Not watered down on either setting.\"\n9148,B006N3IG4K,A3J0QAR99EITWT,J. Riggs,0,0,5,1327363200,Yum!!,\"I am not a huge morning coffee person as this seems to be the only time of day black coffee upsets my stomach. No idea why. My work got a Keurig recently and buy the Caribou regular and morning blends, which are ok but I can hardly drink them unless there's a creamer of some sort in them.

So on a"} {"input": "??rer??ene?t t???????o o?????????ere???????heh??????????? K K-K????s s?ana?d d td ??????nen????ugughg?t ?mymy y?????????????????allal????????????????????d cd coc?offof?????anandan?????????????????odo??????? I b I ??????????181????????ckc????????????????????????????ioi???! !??????????????flafl????????li???????????fifini??????????ereer?????and and? do d??????t lt lel?????? b?????er er??ftf???????????????????????????????????????????ellel?s ????gog?????my my???-w-?or??kerke????havha???dod??e ?????????????????????de???????????meme me???hatha?????????????????????/>/??
Obviously if you're a coffee connoisseur this won't be for you, but if n"} {"input": "??????t it ?s s???????iteit??????????a a????ot.ot??????????????????? f fof????????sis??? f??????heh?e fe flf???or???non?????????????etet!t?????494??????????????????????DQD??9,???????????,5,5,5????737???????????????or????????inin!in??????ga??????ckc? m??kek?es es?? the the ??ESE?? c ??????! !????????????????????????????????????????????????it????! ! I! ??????d ????finfi????????????????is is??????????5050,?B0B00B006?N3?IG???,A???ASA?????????????????,0,0,0,0,???????????3200320?0,M0,MaM????????????l l???ke??yo??? ar a??e he ??????????ak????st st i??? be b??.,.??av????????????????y sy si?ng??e ?????of???rereareakrea???????? B???????????the??ri?gh?t ?kik?????? b?re??????waw?????", "output": "ot it is definitely worth a shot. And the best part for me, aside from the flavor, no stomach upset!\"\n9149,B006N3IG4K,AIKS2Z0SGDQL9,s.pugh,0,0,5,1327363200,I would order again!,Wolfgang Puck makes the BEST coffee! The package arrived on time and in perfect condition! I would definitely order this again.\n9150,B006N3IG4K,AHRASE2UFPFKK,Tom T,0,0,5,1327363200,Makes you feel like you are having breakfast in bed.,Have enjoyed every single cup of Breakfast in Bed. Just the right kind of brew to wake up"} {"input": "????ese?????????nen????????ete????????rtr??d ????????????s s???vevene??????????????joj??????whw????e we ?ata??????????S S s soso so?? c ???????? G ?????s es en??????g ??????w w????????????515????060??????????U8U??????????,A??????????????????????,M,????????????????????????upup!p????I lI ????????s ???????????he ??es?t ??hazha????????????????????I ??????fof????it ??o ????????ala?le le b be b?????se se??????????????????ivi????thath??an tan th?????????? bra br???s.s????ls?o,o? a?? a?????herhe?r rr ??????????????, ?????oeo??????y dy ????????n ???????ottotto?? o???th?the ???ckc???ge!ge??????????????????????????????????????????????desde????????????'v've???not?", "output": " these old bones and get me started on the day's adventure. Also enjoy it while watching NCIS so I can join Gibbs enjoying a brew as well.\n9151,B006N3IG4K,AWU8B9JFO1BIE,Amy G,0,0,5,1327276800,My favorite hazelnut k-cup!,\"I love this brand! The best hazelnut flavor ever! I wait for it to go on sale because it is more expensive than the other brands. Also, as another reviewer noted, it does say decaff on the bottom of the package! It really should state that in the product description. I've noti"} {"input": "???????? p ?aca?kak????????m m????????th?????????ono???????non????tat???e te ???s s bs bub????an?'t'?t it ????????????? ar arer?????????lele.e?????????????l pl ??????ses???????ca???????? f???????is?? so s???????oth.oth????????????N3N??G4G?????TJT??????????3,3,B???????DrD??????????,4,??????????????????????ENE?T T???zez???utut ut??????? f????????????uriurigi??brb??wewere??????????e le lol?????beebe??????an???? f?????oreor??? co c?offof??????????????we we g ??ot ot??????KeuKe??????re??????e ??????????????????orortor????????o o so ?????le le??????nyn??????ferfe??????la??or?s s os ????????????????ssissibi???? ????????????????????o ???????????-s-???????????lnuln?????????waw??as <>?????????????????????????????????nut????lowlo???s als allll ll o of??? the th?e oe ???herhe???????lnu?????cuc???????t ot ??of tof ?????watwa???????????s ss ???kek???????????????????????", "output": "href=\"\"http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029XDZKI\"\">Gloria Jean's Coffees,Hazelnut K-Cup Portion Pack for Keurig K-Cup Brewers (Pack of 50), which was absolutely awful. We've always enjoyed hazelnut coffee in the past, though, and vowed not to give up. I ordered a sample pack of Wolfgang Puck's hazelnut directly from Keurig's website and hoped for the best.

Thankfully, Hawaiian Hazelnut blows all of the other hazelnut k cups out of the water. It is smokey and delicious without"} {"input": "??beb??????ara???????ovo????heh??????? ???he he????el????????lll??????? t ????? l ??????ctc???? h?????elnueln???????????ouo??????in???wowou????????????????? a a?????eee?????????????????????fof?????????d,d, ?bub?? w???????????????ppp?oio????????? th t?he ?pap??????????nen?????????????ff???? fr frorom????e ????fgf?????????k bk ??ranra???? bef be????????????????sis?????????er????cec?e we ?????HaH?????????????????ha????????ititeit??y ????te?????????????stest???????????ing ????herhe??????ietie???es.es.<.???????T/>????ha?????nut????????????????ttytt???ololdol?????????????did??????????? is??????????t ??theth?????? n??? bi b?ittitteter??????????aciac???????????", "output": " being dark and overwhelming. The hazelnut really does taste like actual hazelnut, which you'd think would be something a coffee drinker could take for granted, but we've been disappointed in the past. I'd never tried coffee from the Wolfgang Puck brand before, but our positive experience with Hawaiian Hazelnut has definitely gotten me interested in trying other varieties.

The hazelnut flavor is pretty bold and full bodied, which is nice, but there is no bitterness or acidity to be "} {"input": "????????????s s?sus???s ??e e?juj??? f fif?????in???????????????????r r?????st,st???utu????opo?lel??whw?? e????? t ????r ????fef?????ro???? an a?nd nd?????? mi m????t nt ????en?????????? bl b????nd and ??? mu m?chc??
We'll definitely be repurchasing this coffee when we run out.\"\n9153,B006N3IG4K,A344NCOMEAF75I,Daniel's Mom,0,0,2,1327104000,Where's the caramel creme?,\"If you like to taste the \"\"flavor\"\" in your flavored coffee, skip this one. I've struggled to taste the creme caramel flavoring that is supposed to be in here. The coffee flavor is also sli"} {"input": "?ghg?????????ere?? b?utut t????????ulu?? j ?????????y y ty ???????????????????????????????????ingin??????????????ndn?d Gd ?re?????????taitainin,in????lorlo???????????????? H ?????e ???????? be b????? t???s ?s ons onen??????????000???????????????QMQ?UOU????,P,??inkin????,0????131????????????st??????n cn ????????),)???????e te ???????coffcof?????????????e ??f f??????l l? ti t??? f fa fav????te??????????s ??????es??????avo??r ar ????? l???????e ?????t ????astas??????/>/?????????CEC??LEL???!!!!!????15??5,B5,??????????,A?3M3?????S9S?OXO????????????0,30,3,3????????202??00,G00,??????or????????offof???????lo??????????????????ha?vevenve?'t'???ou?oundound ??????pep??fe?ctc?\"\"???????????", "output": "ghtly bitter, but that could just be my taste buds longing for some flavoring! I'd recommend Green Mountain, Gloria Jeans or Van Houtte brands before this one.\"\n9154,B006N3IG4K,AR92LPQMUOABQ,Pinky,0,0,5,1327017600,Best darn coffee :),I love this coffee - it's one of my all time favorites - it has the best flavor and I like the light roast.

EXCELLENT!!!!\n9155,B006N3IG4K,A3MEI1AS9OXDMC,jbs,0,0,3,1326931200,Good morning coffee,\"I love my Keurig but haven't found my \"\"perfect\"\" cup of cof"} {"input": "?????????????hoh???????????????s cs ??????????rerefe??????me?did??m m????w,w, ??oto????????r ???ror????. B. ????????? i ?n n????d id isis is??????hoiho?????o o??farfa?.\".\"\"9919???,B,???????????A3A????QYQ????8C8?UXU??????????????????4,4???????????????????????????????e ce ????????????????????a a????fe????????as????????? t???????iviveiv????es?????????????eve????wa?s ??????????te??d wd ??ene?????pep??????????????????? an a?????ounou?????????he???????ic? w??ap?????????????e t??????????????K-CK-?CupCu?ps ps???????lll??????????????ananian???????????therthe????????????sis?blb?e e be ???????????????????? af a?teterter ?cac??????????nwn??rapra?ppipp?ing????????????????", "output": "fee yet, although this comes close. I prefer a medium brew, not bold or strong. Breakfast in Bed is my choice so far.\"\n9156,B006N3IG4K,A3KM1QY47M8CUX,BlondieGirl,0,0,4,1326844800,Tasty but defective cups.,\"I love Sumatra coffee and was excited to receive these K-Cups however was disappointed when I opened my Amazon box and found that the plastic wrap holding the two boxes of K-Cups was full of grinds meaning that there was a possible blowout of a cup... after carefully unwrapping the boxes and a"} {"input": "???eme???ini???????ete? a ?????????????????????dsd????ereryrywy??????as????ssssis???????opo????d d????????stst ???????????? c??psp?????????inein?, , h ??????r r???e e se ????????boxbo??ev??eryer??????????????ver??????? fi????????????nd?nd Ind I ???d ????????????chc?? on one??????????nd ????t t 3t ??????? the the?????????ere ?ded???????????e ?????thethe e t?op??????????amampmpemp????n n????anan ???glg???an???????????indsinds ?ha?d ???????ed ???????whewh?ere???????ow ow s ????????r ????????????????? th???????? de d????ti???e ce ????????wewelwe??. . H. ?ow?????????????????? t????????????s ??ooo??????1515757,7?????????????2S2???NSN???KOK????????rrr?rieri????????mem???????????????????", "output": "ttempting to get as little coffee grinds everywhere as possible I opened the first box and all cups were fine, however the second box every kcup was covered in fine grinds and I had to clean each one and found that 3 of the cups were defective due to the top being stamped on at an angle and the grinds had spilled everywhere. I now see other reviews stating they had defective cups as well. However the taste of the coffee is good.\"\n9157,B006N3IG4K,A2SZLNSI5KOQJT,\"Carrie, \"\"Formerly "Sister Car"} {"input": "?????#3#???????????3,3,1,131?262???????????????oco?ono?utu????????????? A ?????? A??tetere?tat?sts????? Mi Milildil???? M????????????.,.?\"J\"????ici?a a???????zyz??isi???????etet,et???????????????rer???????eeee ee?th???????????????????erter??????. . ??t ?????oto?t at ??bob???????nd?, ?????ra??????? a m a ??ld????? me m???iumiu?m bm ??en??d t????t lt le?ana??????e e???????????><>????r />r /??????is????????nln????notno?t at a t a f ???????upup p????????????????eeee ???????????rdrd ????ffe????ri????????hoh??le?leanlea???????rdsrd??th?the the??????? t? to to???oldol?????nd?????? w?????????sis???????????ece?????d cud c??? of o? m???ni?ng??????????????rn???????????? u ????????????????????rt??????eeee.ee???", "output": "rie"\"\"\",0,0,3,1326672000,Sweet Coconut Flavor with A Mild Aftertaste. Mild to Medium Blend.,\"Jamaica Me Crazy is a sweet, coconut flavored coffee that has a mild aftertaste. It is not a bold blend, but rather a mild to medium blend that leans more mild.

This is certainly not a first cup of morning coffee for die-hard coffee drinkers who lean towards the medium to bold blends. I would consider it a second cup of morning coffee, afternoon pick me up coffee or a dessert coffee.
Flavor is OK. I would like it better if the aftertaste didn't linger. For a flavored coffee, it isn't bad & if you are a coconut fan, it is a blend to try on for size.\"\n9158,B006N3IG4K,A3M2ESK4WEGOCS,P. Donahy,0,0,5,1326585600,It's Wolf!,Truly not much needs to be said because it's Wolf and to wake up to his coffee here at the house is fantastic!\n9159,B006N3IG4K,A21CZIJ7LXR1A1,\"Olinda \"\"Steady Shopper\"\"\",0,0,4,1325203200,\"Good, not Great\",\"I expected more flavor from W. Puck. Though t"} {"input": "???? c ????????????tat???????????iti????????????e e ce ??rar??????lal????????exexpx?ecectc???????????? m ?y y??pip????n.n??????????el?????aya????el??? dif di?ffeffere?????y.y?????e pe ???cec?e ie ??is ois ?kak??????wow???d d??otot ????co????????his his?pr?????? a at a?t at ??l.l???????? g go???? pr p???????. T?????it,it???????????iki???????9???????????IGI?4K4???????EA?Q1Q???????JaJ??nieni???ududgdgig???,0,?0,00,0,?????????404?000000,???????????llall????????????fe?fee fee???????I'I???? tr tri???d ad ?allal?l Vl ?VanVa????????off?ee?? K- K???upsup????d ??y ?y fay f????????is?is tis ???????????olo?? G ??angan???uc??????il???????ncn?caica??????????????????????????pe?ri???ncenc????ata?t lt ?lasla??s ?waw???????????? c co??????????????", "output": "his coffee does taste good, it didn't have caramel flavor as expected. This is my opinion. Someone else may feel differently. The price is okay, I would not discount this product at all. It's a good product. Try it, you may like it.\"\n9160,B006N3IG4K,A3EATEAQ12T5CU,Janie Hudgins,0,0,5,1324944000,Best Vanilla K-Cup Coffee Ever!,I've tried all Vanilla coffee K-cups and by far this is the best! Wolf Gang Puck Vanilla Francaise is a smooth vanilla experience that lasts way after the coffee is consum"} {"input": "?ede?????????t t??ouo?'l'?? l ??vev???t!t????616?????6N6????4K4?,A,?????F2F?CJC??5T5TKTK,????k,k?????????????767??????eliel???ouousou???????ama????t ?a a????????co???????????? I ???asa????t et ?????eded ed? ab a????????????????????ut ut???????nen?????????????????????on?????ov???? ?ThThehe ???ava?oro? i is i??????ece???????????owo???????????he he????avoav??????????????ulu??????otaotatatit????????nd nd i??????ll????????odo?????????????????3IG3I????A2A??6J6???????????????????????CSC?????????????????00????????????ucu??????aka?????t it ????????ThiTh????? is m is ??????????r'r's'???favfa?????ite ite??????p pp ????????. M. ????d md ??didiui????????t it itt it ???????????t ?????????ingin???o ??", "output": "ed. Try it you'll love it!\n9161,B006N3IG4K,AMAAPF2CJN5TK,pelk,0,0,5,1324857600,Delicious!!,\"I am not a huge coconut fan, so I wasn't excited about trying this, but with one sip it definitely won me over! The flavor is perfect and is now one of the flavors in our regular rotation. And it smells so good!!!\"\n9162,B006N3IG4K,A2T6J1XFG5O554,J. C. Brown CSP,0,0,5,1324771200,Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed,This is my daughter's favorite K-cup product. Mild medium roast it is the next best thing to ha"} {"input": "????g g?WoW?lfl???????????ingin??brb?eae?kfkfaf??t t??oro??yoy??????????????chc???????636?????6N6???????AVA??????E8E???????KaK????????????????aca??shs????????y\"y?????,0???,1,?????????????????s ??????????????! !??????????????y ?????????????????en en????????????????ganga????????????amamam?aicai??????CrCrar?zyz?????fff?????????my my??????g.g?????e ie ?is is??????????????????ono????????ee??s as ???????????lyl??????????????oneon?e -e ???e ??????????????????? r ???comco????????????????. C. ????? you you ?????????? t th??????????be???????????????????????ttt???????ww.ww?????on??co???gpg???????????????????????Wo????an???PuPucPu????????????????ca", "output": "ving Wolfgang cooking breakfast for you in your kitchen.\n9163,B006N3IG4K,AVECXTQE87CGQ,\"Kathy Shankle \"\"Dachshund Lady\"\"\",0,0,5,1324598400,This is the best,\"WOW! That's what my husband said when he tasted Wolfgang Puck's 'Jamaica Me Crazy' coffee for my Keurig. He is not a fan of 'Strong' coffees and he really liked this one - We both do. I highly recommend this one. Can you put it on the Subscribe and Save??Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Jamaica"} {"input": " ????????y,y? 2 242????????????psp????r r??eueuru????BrB????????????????????????919????????????????????XFX??????SYS?????,0,???,5,5,5??32324?????????y y????????? f???or?????K-???????I'I?m m??????????s fs flf??????????????????????oneon??, b, ???t it ???yo???ene?????????????????onon on??thethe ????ete??r ?ana?????oreor???????????????????en???????????????????????. .?ItI????????t wt whw?ata?????ou???d cd ???l l al ???????????\"\" \"\"???????????an????eae??s.s???I wI wowouwo?uldul??????ri???????????ili?????nd nd f???????????\"9\"?????B0??????IG4IG?????????????????????????????0,???????24???????????????ousou??????????st st r ????????y gy ?????????uriur????????ee ee????er", "output": " Me Crazy, 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)\"\n9164,B006N3IG4K,A21QTXFX6USZSY,RKB,0,0,5,1324598400,My personal favorite K-Kup.,\"I'm sure this flavor isn't for everyone, but if you enjoy your coffee on the sweeter and more flavorful side then you should enjoy this. It is not what I would call a \"\"strong\"\" coffee by any means. I would describe it as mild and flavorful.\"\n9165,B006N3IG4K,A1DPAA6Y169RAW,Chelscutie,0,0,5,1324598400,Delicious!!,\"I just recently got a Keurig coffee maker"} {"input": "? & ??????sts????d d?????????e.e????eue?????????????a a c ?????? f ??r r???????????s,s????t t 2t 2 ????e.?? A AwA??ili?e ?bab?ckc???????????????l ????????d ????????utu?t ct ???fefeee??tht????????????????????????. . ??o,o????ded??????d td tot?????y ty ????? co c?ff??ee ee???????ecaec?usu?? i???ha???? coc co??conucon?ut ??in ??????I ??????d d md ??????stst st? cu c?????????????ingin?????? s????????VEV??????trotr??g ?of????????ut ??o ?of????URURSRSES???I cI ??ululdl????????it ?to?????????????????????????d d dd ???? a?? bi b??????????????????st sst ????????????G!G?????t ?is??????e ???li??hth?????????????NGNGLNG??Y rY re???mmm????????ifi????ou ou????????cocococ????t c?????e.????o ???ittit??? a?ft???????e,e?", "output": " & registered it online. Keurig sent me a coupon for buy 2 boxes, get 2 free. Awhile back, a local bagel shop had a coconut coffee that I fell in love with. So, I decided to try this coffee out because it has coconut in it. I brewed my first cup this morning & it smelled VERY strong of coconut so of COURSE I couldn't wait to try it. After it cooled down a bit I took my first sip. AMAZING!! It is quite delightful & I STRONGLY recommend it if you like coconut coffee. No bitter aftertaste, "} {"input": "??itiththeh????????sos???????????ot?????ofo????????. .??AwA????mem????161???????????4K4?????D2D??????????jaj??????,0,0,,0?????????????,g,gogoo??????fefeee???????s s?rer???????????????d wd ????????????????? i it??????a a????e ???????????????t ?a ????ootoo?th finish. I would order this coffee again.\"\n9167,B006N3IG4K,A1FOEVZC4O177K,\"L. Merrick \"\"My 4 Boys MOM\"\"\",0,0,4,1323475200,So close to Island Coconut K Cups,\"When I coulnd't find Island Coconut K cups anywhere, I found this and decided to try it. Although it is not exact, it is so close it puts a "} {"input": "s??????ono???aca??? ?ThT?????????? i isis s????????????????????????????cac???????e ???????NTN??????????????inlin??????????????????andan? w wow?oulou???????er er?????? a????aga????...????????e ????? i????????aba??le le?? and and ???lalanla????????ut?ut iut ??is nis ???!!!???919161???????N3N3I3?G4G?????7L7??????????,A????????s,s?????5,5,1,????383????00,00??????????????is ?is???y y a???olo?ut?e ???vov???te???????????lavla??r ???????er???????? s ????????itit it????????n ??-C-???s!s????????I'mI'??????d id itd i??is??????inein?????sis?ve???????????????G4???????MZMZSZ??????????????. ??el?dad??????????????ly\"ly????,0,,0,0,0,??????????????????????????????ofo??eeee,ee???eae??fa????????", "output": "smile on face. The coconut is not over powering, but you can taste the HINT of it certainly. I love this and would order again and again...because THIS is available and Island coconut is not!!\"\n9168,B006N3IG4K,AC7L448IWKJZV,Angeleyes,0,0,5,1323388800,Favorite!,This is my absolute favorite coffee flavor out there! I'm so glad it comes in K-Cups! And I'm glad it is so inexpensive!\n9169,B006N3IG4K,A1YRMZSCQJC6BL,\"B. R. Feldan \"\"Gucciholly\"\"\",0,0,5,1323302400,\"Wolfgan Puck Coffee,Breakfast in Be"} {"input": "??????????,I,????ndn???hih???pap??????lal???????????????????????????ala??cocofofff???e se ??opo????offof???????D.?????????is??????mpm???mem?????? t??????kek??????????????????is????????????? br b???nd ?????? c????????919?????????????K,K,A,????????????G,G????nsn????icuoicuouo??s Cs ?ConCo??umu??????$$$???????0,????323?????6060000,00,O,???e oe ?? t??????sts??MiM??d ?????????adadead???????ve ve??????as??????????????????????????s ???t mt ??? ho h??????????t nt non?w w b????????wewe ?lo????tot??????????????iti???????fferffe????????????. ????????or??iteit??is???????thyth?'s'????????oreor??????sprsp?????????????? I I l?iki?ke ke??????? c???????????t ???he???????at at? pr p????????", "output": "d K-cups\",I find this particular brand as good as the local coffee shop coffee (D.D.) which is a compliment to the maker. I have made this particular brand my #1 choice.\n9170,B006N3IG4K,AYOMAHLWRQHUG,\"Conspicuous Consumer \"\"$$\"\"\",0,0,5,1322697600,One of the Best Mild K-cups Made,I have at least 4 dozen different k-cups at my house right now because we love to experiment with different flavors. My favorite is Timothy's Rainforest Espresso because I like a bold coffee. But others that prefer som"} {"input": "e?????? m ??ldl??r r????????? B ???????????in in???d d i ?? t???????favfavov?????. . ?????????t ?????utu??????????n n m?????????????on??????????? I I I??ava???????ha?????????e ???????????????is???in??e ???????e e oe ???..??????????????4K4?,A,?1T1T0T?????????????????????????????????????????202?00,00??????????eeee ?e ise i??????????????I I nI ?????????????? o on?????????????????ut?????n ?I ??????????s ons o??sa????I ????????????????????ve ve? it?? a ????????????as qas ?????????re?????????????????????allal????????????????e.? ???????ve nve ???w aw ?????d id ?????? my m?y ly ?lisli?????????????? K ???upu????to to bto bu????????2,2????????G4???A3A?15????", "output": "ething milder say that Breakfast in Bed is their favorite. I like it to but only when made as a stronger brew. I have purchased maybe 15 boxes of this since it came out.\n9171,B006N3IG4K,A1T0C6ONSQLGR9,Debbie Cardenas,0,0,5,1322611200,This coffee is very good.,\"I normally drink only Donut Shop, but when I saw this on sale I thought I would give it a try. I was quite impressed with it and really enjoy this one. I have now added it to my list of favorite K-cups to buy.\"\n9172,B006N3IG4K,A315FCBN"} {"input": "?G3G3X3??NDN????llllil??????McM???ghg????????????????????isi??????ntntet???\"V\"??????? f ?la???r r?????ara???? n ???ici??????. .??AcA???????????? n?????t t??????????? e ?????????????reare????astas????????? an andn? H ?awa??iii???????????t ???????????????r ????oicoi??s.s??9??????????????K,K????????080???848?J,J?????ingin?????d,0d,??0,????32?????20???????????,I,I ,I???????y ly ?likli?????e e fe ?flaflavavo????f f? th t???????! !?????????????? ac aci?di?tyt????ut ut???il?????????????????! ??????????ve ve?????????e ite i??????????????????????am??????????????blebl???in?????????????????????????e the t???s ms ??????919??4,4?????N3?????????PJP?Z5Z?NWN????8G8??????????,0???????", "output": "G3XRND,William L McHugh,0,0,2,1322179200,Disappointed,\"Vanilla flavor is barely noticeable. Acidic taste, not at all what I expected. Breakfast in Bed and Hawaiian Hazelnut are much better choices.\"\n9173,B006N3IG4K,A2ZM4BI08T884J,Irvingwood,0,0,5,1322179200,Love it!,I really like the flavor of this one! It has a low acidity but still full of flavor! Now I have to have it every morning and I am having trouble finding another one I like this much.\n9174,B006N3IG4K,A34PJZ5NWI628G,49erinnc,0,0,5,13"} {"input": "2??????????????b b??????????????ctc?????????????????ror????????ngng g???????????????ntn???????? t??????of?fe??? ???hah?vev???????????????????ara??rietrie?????????????????????????????avoav?ri??????CoC??ntrntrararraryr?y ty ?o o? so som so????????????? d ?????t ft fif??????t tt ???beb????????t ????? an a??????????, ????quq???e ??????bub?? w ?it????????????? n ?????????????????????????????????sms?ooo??????and and??ea???s ?????reare?????????asa?????????????? r ??????????on????????????????hishi????is ais ? g??oodoo??????propr????e ??????????iui???m rom r????????????????????????d ad ?? I? I w I ??oulou?? n?or???????????ferfer fer??ut?????????ly?ly sly ?????ng ng?????ghg?????", "output": "21833600,Superb coffee,\"I'm actually suprised from reading some of the rants about this coffee. I have tried 20+ K-cup varieties and this is by far my favorite. Contrary to some reviews, I don't find it to be weak at all and in fact, is quite bold but with absolutely not hints of being bitter. Very smooth and leaves a great aftertaste. I prefer really strong coffee and this is a good compromise for a medium roast as it's not as bold as I would normally prefer but certainly strong enough to s"} {"input": "??????? m ?y ?prp?efe?erererenre??ese??????/>/??????????????????????????????????? J ?????icaic????????zyz????????er??sis?incin????????g g????????ri??????????????????????ckc?.\".?9???5,5??????????????PSP?????????????tat?????blb??????,0???????????606???????????isais?????????d,\"d,?I ??ece?????????ugughg???????????k ok ?? t????????????atat at??ed? B?at????????????d.d???s ??itsit??br???in?ing,ing??????mem?????????????f ?yo???lil????co?co??ut?).)?? T ???e te ??sts?? i ????t ???d,d, d, b bu b?????????, ????ha????ha???t art a?????????????terte?r tr ??tasttas??????at ??manma??????????ed ed ced ???fe?feesfees ?????. ?I ???????t ???????????????e ??????????te???????. ?BuB??????????n'?", "output": "atisfy my preferences.

I typically drink Wolfgang's Jamaica Me Crazy but ever since trying Rodeo Drive, I haven't gone back.\"\n9175,B006N3IG4K,A1PSRW4LC7Z1BU,Italianblend,0,0,3,1321833600,A bit disappointed,\"I Recently bought a 3 pack of this coffee at Bed Bath and Beyond. As its brewing, it smells great (if you like coconut). The taste isn't bad, but for me, it has that artificial after taste that many flavored coffees have. I gave it 3 stars because it's not terrible. But I wouldn't"} {"input": "??????tht?isi?????????aga?aia???????????????????????????????? t??sts??? I??????dnd??t t????comco?????????????????????? r??????????????? s ??????????? co coco?conco??t ??in in??????e ie in?st??????f f yf ?????an?t ?????co???ut ut?????ee?????171767???????????????AQA???KKK?4Z4Z8Z????????????????,0,????????212????????????rir??????????lil???????? a??????????????t a????an an????????????????ffe????r cr co?????t ????????t ?mam???terter r ar ???d wd ???? I???????????e ??????er???????????????cac???????????I ????ese?stlst??????d nd ???????e te the t??? i ?it it??????????????? c? cof????. ?????????ma???? that tha??t itt i?????es??????????? b?????ing???????????????me tme to", "output": " buy this coffee again. If you're sensitive to after taste, I wouldn't recommend. I'd Grab a dark roast and throw some fresh coconut in there instead if you want a coconut coffee.\"\n9176,B006N3IG4K,A1AQYSKK4Z8A9U,j. cottrell,0,0,4,1321315200,Surprisingly delicious,I am usually not a fan of flavored coffe or coconut for that matter and when I bought the sampler pack of Jamaica Me Crazy I honestly did not see that it was a flavored coffee. The aroma that it gives off while brewing transports me to"} {"input": "?????????????isi???????????????????he??flf?lavla?????????he ??????e e????vev?eryer????btb??e e ae ???d ld ?????s ???????er? t???te??????lll??. . A ???re???t nt ???? ad a??????? t to t??mym??co???????????????????,B,?????????????OZO???9696M6????LYL??????????asias????0,0?????131????????00,00,B??st?????????????????????????e ?beb????????????co?????? av a??????le???n ??????s!s????? Th T???fl?????? is?????????????????????????????????????????????ranra?????????fof?or ??????????????in??????y wy ????th th??ryr???ing.ing?\"\"9????????????G4?????EHE?????IGZIG?5R5RCRCCCC,C?????y,y?????5,??1321321???????????el????????odo?????????????????,Th,T????????oneon??ofof of? th? the the???st??", "output": " a tropical island somewhere. The flavor of the coffee is very subtle and leaves no after taste at all. A great new addition to my coffee line up.\n9177,B006N3IG4K,A2OZPL96MVDILY,Timweerasiri,0,0,5,1321142400,Best Coffee ever,\"This is the best tasting coffee available on k-cups!!!! The flavor is amazing, it is more expensive than other brands, but for a reason. Definitely worth trying.\"\n9178,B006N3IG4K,A2EH92EIGZ5RCC,Misty,0,0,5,1321056000,Excellent Good Tasting Coffee,This is one of the best c"} {"input": "????eeeeses s?I I??ava??????r r? ha h??????r mr mym??????????? It I? i ????????e ???ooo?tht??coc??????. . ?????th?????ricri??? is i??????????????????I cI ??ulu???????. ????????? be b?e be ????ingin???mormo?e.????797??B0B????????K,K???????????????????????,0,???????????838??????wew?????e Fe ??????????????????????I ?????????esses???????? t ????????????....w..???????e Ke ?cuc???s as ans and?????e e te ???m m???ouo??????????????????????????an????????e se sue s????????lasla?????????g ?????????????a ba ??????ndnd ????????ous?? fl f?lavlavov????919????????N3??IG4IG????2D2??????????AJA??,Ma,M?????????????,0,0,???????????????0,g0,??????????ee?????????d ???????d thd thi????cofcoffcof?fee????????, , i??", "output": "offees I have ever had for my Keurig. It is a nice smooth coffee. And the price is the best price I could find. I will be buying more.\n9179,B006N3IG4K,A21FD7O2HHT2ZS,JackieD,0,0,5,1320883200,Awesome Flavor,My husband and I are obsessed with this coffee...we take Kcups and hide them around the house because we wanna make sure it lasts a long time! Such a bold and delicious flavor!\n9180,B006N3IG4K,A2DYTGGZK3JVAJ,Marlania Jones,0,0,5,1320796800,great coffee!!,\"I had tried this coffee before, it "} {"input": "??????ndn??rfr???????????h h?ana???ririci???????? f??????ede??, b, ????????????bob??d.d?. I. ????ul???????????????t tt toto to????on?e.e??????1,1??????3I3IGI?4K4???????????????A,A??????gngnen?????????????????00000?????d ?????????????remre???m m????????????????? th thih????ofo??????????? th????????? wa w?????gn?ifi??????lyl? m ?????????????? t?????? the th????????MoM?????????or???anian?ic,ic??????? tr t??????????tr????????????????eeeenee???????? fo f???????????????ololfol?ga??ng ng?PuP?????????theth??nan???????d td th???????<>???r /r ??????????????????e oe ???ly ly???????????rkr?????????on on????? ma mararkar?ete?????????????????????y ?wiw??????. ????s ??????ood????", "output": "is wonderful. Smooth and rich, full flavored, but not too bold. I would recommend it to anyone.\"\n9181,B006N3IG4K,A2WOS4V9Q66Y9A,W. Wagner,0,0,3,1320624000,Good but not a premium coffee,\"I tried this coffee, even though it was significantly more expensive than the Green Mountain (organic, free trade) Sumatra that I have been using for some time. Wolfgang Puck has the name and the rep.

If this were the only Sumatra dark roast on the market, I'd be really happy with it. This is good cof"} {"input": "????????????????/>I/>ItI???s s?nonoto??ouo?????ndn?ini??????????????????? t ???FoF??gegerersr???????????????t it ?????????e.??UnU???rtr?????????????????????, ?I I???????????????????????ene??MoM????????SuS????????br? /?><>
It is not outstanding coffee. Compared to Folgers, this product is awesome. Unfortunately for Mr. Puck, I am comparing it to Green Mountain Sumatra.

The organic and free trade Sumatra from Green Mountain is better to my taste, and it is cheaper. Mornings are good.\"\n9182,B006N3IG4K,A1VXKZFFKE24DC,Daisybird,0,0,3,1320278400,Good coffee bad packaging,\"The coffee is good,however the k-cup is not packaged well,the coffee machine barely streams coffee,more of a fast drip. T"} {"input": "?????????e ie ??eae??????t't??s fs faf???,r,??????????838???000??N3N????????RCRCNC?V6V?????????????????5,5,1,131????????00,00,L,???E E???????????as as?a ????????????????????????????????memea?? w????t at ????????????g g? to t???o ???ithit????????s ???????psp???????tat??tet?e te ???????????????????waw????????????????????or or? wa???????lyl??????????????? wa???????????????? a????ter ter? it? it h it ?????????d ?dodowdo?n.n?????????????????????, v, ???????????????????????????\"\"9\"????,B???????G4?K,K,AK,??????ASA?P1P?????,L??n ??ar????,0,0,0,??????????565?????oo?????flavfla????? s???????????????????????????a ???????zyz??bebetettt???, , b, ?ut??????????????ut ??????", "output": "he whole idea is it's fast,right?\"\n9183,B006N3IG4K,ATRCNV6LIH9R6,KyKy,0,0,5,1320192000,LOVE IT!,\"It was a bit of a risk to order this, I mean what are you going to do with 2 boxes of kcups that taste terrible? But this was delish, the flavor was really good, and it was still awesome after it had cooled down. It has a coconutty, vanilla flavor, very nice!!\"\n9184,B006N3IG4K,A35OY2ASP1MP5M,Lyn Barr,0,0,4,1320105600,Good flavor & strength,\"I like the Jamaica Me Crazy better, but when it's out of sto"} {"input": "c??????isi???? m ????ece?ono??????????????/>/??????????????t t???nin??e e f ???vov???????rer???????????????bebeieini???bib?????.\".???181????000?6N6???????????????????????????y Ty TuT????e ???????????????,0?,5,????191??464??0000,00,I,??re??????liliki?????is????????????????s as ????erser?????????????is???t ??it.it??????I'I'l'????????????????(a(??????aua?geg???????????imi???faf?avoav???????-c-???????????othot??'s's 's M ????????t Mt ?????????????ififof???????????\"\"????hi????????ar?k)k???????????iai????????????oa???s ??????????????????d ???? h ????????????????????????????is Sis ??????????????????iei?????hadha?d id ?it,it????????????? it i??, a, ?????o ???", "output": "ck, this is my second choice.

It's got a nice flavor & strength, without being bitter.\"\n9185,B006N3IG4K,AFBCIQXH9FLDM,\"Harry Tuttle \"\"Citizen\"\"\",0,0,5,1319846400,I really like this one!,\"Taste is a personal thing, isn't it. So I'll just tell you(as a gauge) my all time favorite K-cup is Timothy's Midnight Magic a \"\"california roast\"\" (which is dark). I'm partial to dark roasts and probably would not have even bothered with this Sorrento, but a friend had it, so I tried it, and lo and"} {"input": "???????????????vev????????????idi???? f ?ini???tht?isi? b??????eve??n n???ttt????????????k'k????????????????????chc? i ??????????k k??oaoasa????????e'e???? w????????????????????????? he h??? -?????? wo w?????\"\"l\"\"????????????omo?????????????????????e'se's ?nonot? a???????le?le ele ev?????????????????me??s as ata?????liligi?hth????????rer???umu????I sI ??ay ay???'s?????th?? it???. Th. T??ses?? wi w????????????????????? me m????S:S??????????titio?????whiwh??ch ch??????s a?ppp????????? as a?????????y ???????? wh???????? tr try????????????????useus?e te ????????????? 1 ?????????????? to to ?????ck ck??????????????uteutede?????he fhe ??????????.\".??919181868???000????IGI????A3A????", "output": " behold - I'm very glad I did. I find this blend even better than Puck's \"\"Kopei Ray\"\" which is his dark roast. There's a whole lot of good flavor here - the word \"\"luscious\"\" comes to mind. This one's not available every where and comes at a slight cost premium. I say it's worth it. These will be a regular for me. PS: A suggestion (which seems apparent); as with any k-cup, when you try a new blend, use the plain old 1 cup setting to check it out undiluted the first time.\"\n9186,B006N3IG4K,A3LD9J"} {"input": "??????????????0,0??,5,5,5??????????0,?LoL?vev???hihisis s?crcrer???? c???????\"T\"???????????????rir????????????????????ibi???it??asa?s ms mem?didiui????ara??????reare???????d rd ??????????????y ?coc??????tente?????????? o ??????up???????? ac a????????????????i'i???????lyl????ada??????????????? on o????????????,B,?????????K,??272????3838Z8??XUX???????????????0,???1313113??989????????????????ry ry???lilic???????cofco?????????????????AmA?????????lsl???????????vorvor r?non???. ?????aveav???????????ini?g g f?????it ?????e e Ie ???asast???????????sts?t yt ???????. I . I???????theth??????????t t y????? sel se?????it iit ?? a??????ck???????????thantha??????ingin????\"??????,B0,B???????", "output": "2MJQ2JZK,Ann,0,0,5,1319587200,Love this creamy coffee,\"This is my favorite KCup. I'd describe it as medium-dark, creamy and rich. And very consistent. A lot of k-cups seem acidic to me, so i'm really glad i found this one. :]\"\n9187,B006N3IG4K,A27D1T38Z4XUVJ,Mickycol,0,0,5,1318982400,Tasty,\"Very delicious coffee, thankfully Amazon sells this flavor now. I have been waiting for it since I tasted this last year. I like the fact that you sell it in a 2 Pack rather than a single.\"\n9188,B006N3IG4"} {"input": "?????????????NTN?8X8?????????liali????????131???636?????????? m mym?????????e,e?????t it ?? c ???e e????????????????hah??r r???esesss???????????????ghg???????uru??? M ??chc???e,?????????????????aba???????sas???????????????y oy ??????upu??? K???up?????????ou?t ??? t ???????or???????????ve ve?????n a??re??????lyl???re??????????? c????ee?? so???????e ???????co???????????????g g og on????or? m??????????t ????in?? a?? Ke K???rig???ac??????????????ir ir? sa?????????? s??ens???????????????????????????????stste???????? K-C K-??ps???????????de?? a ????e ???????y ????????????????de ????? at?????????? / ?><>??r ???????????????????", "output": "K,A2D1LPEUCTNT8X,Ali Julia,0,0,3,1318636800,\"Not my favorite, but it came in second\",\"My hair dresser's salon bought a Keurig Machine, so I have been able to sample a variety of K-Cups. K-cups are about 10 times more expensive than a regularly brewed cup of coffee so I have never considered buying one for myself, but having a Keurig Machine at a hair salon makes sense! People have a variety of tastes and K-Cups can provide a nice variety and freshly made one at that.

The salon has a n"} {"input": "i??e e?????etetyty y?????????s:s???????????????????????????imi???????s, s,?anandan???rer??n n?????tat?????th??????nsns s??eueuru??g)g?.<.?brb? / ???Wr />?OL????ANGAN?????????EFE??????????????OLOMOLO??????????????STST
Everyone's taste vary, but here is my assessment of the ones that I have tried so far. Wolfgang Puck was my second favorite. So far, I like Folgers the best.

Price per cup: 69 cents (package of 36 for $25)
Earthy flavor, fruity and nutty flavors come through.

WOLFGANG PUCK CHEFS RESERVE COLOMBIAN DARK ROASTa>???????perpe??????????.<.Pr>P???ce ce?????????????????s ??????kagka????????????r $????)??????????????weweaeakea???idi??????nd????????er??????and and????s ???trt???ge?????hah?????e ?e ote o??therthe?s.s.<
?Price per cup: 69 cents (package of 48 for $32.98)
A dark roast with caramel and earthy notes, slight burnt
and papery flavors.

Price per cup: 60 cents (package of 50 for $30)
A bit on the weak side, kind of papery, and less astringent than the others.

Ali Julia review\"\n9189,B006N3IG4K,A2XV44TFMMFNI7,Robert Adamo,0,0,5,1318550400,Delicious,\"Delicious coffee, good medium blend. Its hard to find something that i"} {"input": "???t t???o o????? o ?????????ldl? w??tht??K-K??upu???????t tt ?????flf????????s ??????ctct.t???WiW?lll????????aia??.\".???????????N3N?IGI??????????PKPKKK????????ea??????er?,0,?0,00,?????313?858???404????oo???coc?????,\",????d ????????. . ????????????????????ububtbtltlel??????non?????er??????????. ?????????????n,n, ?th???????is ais ??????????????????????e be ?????ee?n ????????????????????the??????????????vor????????????e ???n mn ????????????9?19??,B???????????A3?????PMPMRM?????A,A?????????n,0n,????????31731????????.....?,\"???????gog??? q ??al??????it??????no?????t at ?????hah????????pecpe?ctect???. I. ??????????????ke ke? ca c???me?????????????????????", "output": "snt too weak or too bold with K-cups, but this flavor was perfect. Will buy again.\"\n9190,B006N3IG4K,A3QXXNPKKNKKVE,meadeweber,0,0,5,1318550400,Good coffee,\"Good flavor. Coconut flavor is subtle and not overpowering. In comparison, there is another coconut coffee by Green Mountain in which the coconut flavor is overdone in my opinion.\"\n9191,B006N3IG4K,A3H6IRPMRG40IA,Stallken,0,0,2,1317772800,...,\"While good quality, it was not at all what I expected. It smelled like caramel and vanilla, but it"} {"input": "? t ?asa???????keke e s ??????hth???lal??????fff?eee???? w ??????????????????????????919?????????????K,K??????9M9???AHAH1H??????????as Mas ??????ccc???????,0,,0??,1,?????77277??????????ana??????ck ck???????????????e e ce ????ee???is is????st st??K,K, K, a ?? li l??ttlttlel?????????????rir????????????ttl???hi???? an a????? i?????t ?wow?????????????????nen??????????B0?06?????????1Q1???W1W??9E9?BWB??N,N,\"???????a Ra ??????\"g\"????riari????????0,20,??13??????8080080???ere???we?ak????wa???????pripr??????????indin????????? w we w???????????coffcof???????. . ????????????????????or or b???????? o ?????????upu???????????????????????,B?????????????????ASASPSP1P1M1??5M5???????ar?????,0,0,,0,0", "output": " tasted like straight black coffee. I was pretty disappointed.\"\n9192,B006N3IG4K,A1ZHT9MVWAH1VA,Thomas Mastracchio,0,0,3,1317772800,Wolfgang Puck Dark Roast,\"The coffee is just OK, a little weak. The price is a little high and it is not worth the extra money.\"\n9193,B006N3IG4K,A1Q8SW109EBWFN,\"Gloria Reed \"\"gloria\"\"\",0,0,2,1317772800,Very weak,I was surprised to find out how weak this coffee is. It has a good flavor but even on half cup it is very weak.\n9194,B006N3IG4K,A35OY2ASP1MP5M,Lyn Barr,0,0,"} {"input": "???????????0000,0????faf???rir??????zez?????????fef???\"T\"?? m ??e, e,????s s??????????d,d??bab?????????la?vo?????SoS????????or????????psp?????m m?????lil?????????????lnuln?????? t??o ?li?????t ont o?n cn cocofco??ee?????hihishi????e ???????t ??rigri??ght.ght????????B0B?????IGI??????????OEO?????U,U?????????on?,0,?0,00,???????????00?????me?lll?????????????testes ?????????????????? a ??????????me???ed??up????????fif??ce.ce?. A. AnA?????? ta t?????????s go???????????smesm????. ??? fo f??ndnd nd???it tit ????????????????????????????????????????????1K1????7H7??????????rar??mym???????????????????????icaic?????CrCra??y.y??.....????????ood!ood?,\"?????????rprprp????d ????????????", "output": "5,1317340800,My favorite hazelnut coffee,\"To me, this has a good, balanced flavor. Some flavored K-cups seem too light on hazelnut, or too light on coffee. This one is just right.\"\n9195,B006N3IG4K,A21M1FOE91J3U,B. Jackson,0,0,4,1316736000,\"Smells good, tastes good!\",This k-cup actually smelled up the office. And it tastes as good as it smells. I found it to be very flavorful.\n9196,B006N3IG4K,A2SQ8N1KG3L7HU,Happy Grammy,0,0,5,1316563200,Jamica Me Crazy.....So Good!,\"I was surprised to find out "} {"input": "?????coc??????frf?????? s ????lel?????? c???conco?utu???????? ?I I?????????? sa s????????? k k-k????????????y dy ????????t ???ava?????????wow???d ??iti???????????????????ata???????????????????in?? th t???fuf?utuut?rer?????????????????????rir????ingin??????????????rar????non??t rt re??????????????????????tst??jujusu????no????ing ????ik??? i?????????????????????????ngn????ro??ughug????????viv???s ??????lizeliz?ed ed ied it?????????con?????n ??????????????asas ???hat??????e t????????????o yo ?umu????, l, ?????ing????????ntint??ing ????????????s ??heshe????nt???????????????????????o go gog????or or??? a ???? am a??re?????y gy ??ladla??I ?????. ?EvE??????e e Ie I I hI ha??ve ve??", "output": "the coffee from my sampler had coconut in it. I bought a sampler of k-cups to try different flavors and would sit aside the ones that I liked to order in the future.

After drinking Jamaica Me Crazy not realizing the ingredients just knowing I liked it. When ordering, reading through the reviews realized it had coconut in it and that was what made the taste so yummy, leaving me wanting more. I was hesitant to buy but decided to go for it and am really glad I did. Everyone I have sh"} {"input": "????d d????????????uru????ses?????h h????ese??????????9??????????????K,K????DFD?????????????????? C ???pep??????????313?636????????y ??????ritri?????CuC?? y ??????????t t a ????flf?????????????nin?????y dy ???????besbe???????K-????????????????nd?? it i????????? f???d ?d fld f????????K-K-C??upsup??s ths t?hatha??????????it????????????????g g??ouo? l??se?? th t??????lavolav?????????????????????????be be??????????? d?ri???????waw?????. H. ??????????????????????????I hI ?hav??????nd???a na ?ewew w???avo??????in?? th????????iai?an an?????????t!\"t!????989?,B???6N??????K,AK,?????Z5Z???????????????? K??????ili??????mum???c c l??vrv?\"\"??????0,50,?5,15,????13??????????", "output": "ared my coffee surprise with loves it too.\"\n9197,B006N3IG4K,A2ODF71DQGA3QS,Rebecca Cooper,0,0,5,1316304000,My favorite K-Cup yet!,\"Light and flavorful definitely describes this K-Cup. I often find it hard to find flavored K-Cups that aren't either 1) so strong you lose the flavor or 2) so light you'd be better off drinking water. However, I have to admit I have found a new favorite in the Hawaiian Hazelnut!\"\n9198,B006N3IG4K,A1SPFZ5BOIMIXR,\"Gracia K. Brailey \"\"music lovr\"\"\",0,0,5,1316131200,First"} {"input": "??bubutu?????t lt lal??????????????y y??????????!,!????????? T ?HIHISI????????. .??????????????y oy ????? a ??????????s as ??????d d?? n????alalll????rir??? j ?jusju?st st ost ?????????f f???fff?????????e ???ornor??ingin???????NoN??w Iw ?????????aiaiti??an????avaveve ????d ad ?an an a??tet?erner???????????????I ????t t st ??????.I.???oo??k fk ????????????????ngng g????in?in tin tht??????orniorn??ing ing? ju j?ust????????e ?????????????????ing ???????of?????? T TA T?????????A A??OTOT ??????????????EEPEE???????????thi???on???!! ?????????????on ton ??????t ????hi?????????ettet?tintingtin?g og ?on ??? K ???????????it it????????????????????a ?whw?hilhi???brb???????anandand and?????????? i??s ss ??????, ??nevneve???????????and", "output": " but not last time to buy this one!!,\"I LOVED THIS COFFEE. I just got my order a few days ago and I normally drink just one cup of coffee in the morning......Now I can't wait and have had an afternoon cup, too. I must say....I look forward to getting up in the morning just because I know I'm having this coffee!! TAHT SAYS A LOT FOR A LTE SLEEPER!! Try this one!! I like it on thenext to highest setting on my Keurig....it has an awesome aroma while brewing and the taste is smooth, never bitter and"} {"input": "??????? i ???sos?mem?th??ngn?????t t??hih????' '?????????ghg?t ??ruruiu????????wiwit???????????t ?sis???????...?th????? the??????????????ip?? is is ??????????erfer??ctc??????, ,??????NeN??er????? a???ererter?asa????????it????nen?esses?s. s.????m m???????pyp??????havha?????unu??d td ??????????nkn?s ???????ng??! I! I I hI ???e ?non?w w?ALA?????????????????????????????ookookwk?arare????????????the ???????e te totooto??????999???????3I3??????????LUL?A9A??????LiL??a,a????,5,?????616????????umu?-o-????????????? ar a??????????????????! ! ????????????ps ps?????klk????????????? p pi p?ec??????????????menme????????????? a as a?s ws wes wele???????oio?????????gh????????? to?? or o????er ter ???this this???offof?", "output": " there is something that 'hints' of a slight fruitiness with the first sips......then the end of the sip is just a perfect brew, too. Never any aftertaste or bitterness. I am so happy to have found this!! Thanks Wolfgang! I have now ALL of your kitchen gadgets cookware and now the coffee too!\"\n9199,B006N3IG4K,AB6G1LUA9TG2L,Lisa,0,0,5,1316131200,Yum-o,Best K cup around. A must try! Amazon ships quickly and in one piece. I'd recommend the coffee as well as going through Amazon to order this coffe"} {"input": "???frf??????????? y yoy???????a a?grg???? e ?xpx?ererir??????????0,0??00?6N6?3I3??4K4?,A,?20????????????????lyl??????????0,40,?????616???20??0,O0,?????????????????o o???t ???????????????asa??t bt blb?????????t it ?????as as???n sn ???????nd nd????????? at a????ricrice????oulou?d ??????????ut.ut?????????????as?as was ??????as as sas ????e b???reakreakf????????lendlen?????????o o bo ?e.e. e.?????????.9.92????,B0,B?????IGIG4IG??????????????????PCP?????????????4,14,?????????00,00??????????????ololfl??an???PuP??????????iteitel????????????????coc?????e fe ???????????????????bsb?solso?ut?????lol???e te ???????nc??????????. ?. T. ThTheThe ?????????uaualua???????????? go g?????ulu?ll ll?????????ofoff???????????", "output": "e from. Thank you for a great experience.\n9200,B006N3IG4K,A20MY469I6A87C,Kelly Sain,0,0,4,1316131200,On sale,Usually do not get the breakfast blends but it was on sale and decided at price would try it out. It was not as weak as some breakfast blends tend to be. Not bad.\n9201,B006N3IG4K,A1FFP0ORCC7YH9,PCDogMom,0,0,4,1316044800,Best Coffee,Wolfgang Puck definitely has the best coffee for the money. I absolutely love the French Vanilla. The KCup actually makes a good full cup of coffee. it cou"} {"input": "??????????ada??????????? bu b?t t??vev?????????????????? g ???????I I?????? p ??????????????ses?o o?????????tht?????upu?????ouougu????929202???B0B??????G4G?????9S9??ESE?????????rir???????0,0,0????131??????20020????????????e e Ce ????y ?????uru???ava????????????????fa????Ja??maima????a Mea Me e C????????s ??a sa ????ghtght t ot ????????????????????????t t i???s a s a v ????y ny nin??????mpm?li?????????????ta????e o?f f cf ?????e.e. ??ThT?he ??lal???????????????????enoenou???????????te,te?????????st st? sm s???????it?????? ov o??????????ing ing t????fl???????of of?????????????. V. ????y gy gogoogo?????929??????00600???3IG3I????????CWC??????????????ho??peper??,0,?????,13,1???353??????????????", "output": "ld be a tad stronger but overall it is really good. I still prefer the Senseo Pods to the KCups though.\n9202,B006N3IG4K,A99S0ESOW9T1M,krisbees,0,0,4,1315872000,Jamaica Me Crazy is our favorite K-Cup so far,\"Jamaica Me Crazy has a slight overtone of cinnamon that is a very nice compliment to the taste of coffee. The flavoring is strong enough to taste, not just smell, without overpowering the flavor of the coffee. Very good.\"\n9203,B006N3IG4K,A164CWVVCKKBOW,EBBshopper,0,0,5,1315353600,\"IMO, per"} {"input": "??????\",\",I,????????????ofo?fe?e e????? a ???????h ???????f-f?????????????????? ha h???lnl???????????????????????????????????????????????????????g g??uc?????exe??????ntn?t rt ??????????t wt ?????????iniin?????????ut ut n ????ovo??erperpop????????????????????????????929???,B,??060?N3N???4K4??????XLX??????????????????ili?????t \"t ??????????????hohopo???er\"er?????,8,??????????363606?????????????t st ???????????hth??co??ffeff???? G ??oodoo?????????????????????????notnot ?t wht w???t It ????ex???????????h ???? W ????lfgalfg????????????????????????????????fgf??????????ha???co??not??????????of aof ???????????arkar??????????ro???an??sts???? c co cof??fee?", "output": "fect.\",I drink my coffee with a splash of half-and-half. Other hazelnut k-cups are too bland for me. I much prefer Wolfgang Puck's excellent rich roast with definite -- but not overpowering -- hazelnut flavor.\n9204,B006N3IG4K,A1HGXLP6WATS4B,\"F. D. Gillett \"\"Comparison Shopper\"\"\",8,8,5,1285113600,\"Excellent smooth, light coffee. Good anytime.\",\"Definately not what I'd expected with the Wolfgang Puck name on it. To me, Wolfgang Puck has conotations of a heavy, dark-roast European-style coffee."} {"input": "???? t tht????hth??????????ada??????????????????????fff????????? h ????????httht?p:p?????????azazoz????????????odo??ctct/ct????1D1???V6V?????????????s s?WoW?????????????????????t ???ene?? f?????????? B?????erser????????ununtn???-C???s ?(P(??ckc????????/a/????????thith??????????ese?s is ?t ???t.t????mo????? an a???bab??ana?cec?? i?????realrealll?y ??? g ?????t ft ???????????????sisipi?? ti t???????????????????????????????he??? w ??illil?????????e ?a a ca ???????????t at ?????????????????? wi w????????ee ee o???????????????????????????????umu?????????????????? Br??????ast??????ed???????nd and ?a ta ????????eryery ???? i??????????????memeome??? w????????t t t", "output": " I thought I'd already found my perfect coffee in Timothy's World Coffee, Breakfast Blend for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) but this one edges it out. Smooth and balanced it really is great from the first sip till the last drop.

There will never be a coffee that all coffee lovers will agree on but if you like a light-medium roast, give the Breakfast in Bed blend a try. Very low in acidity, someone who can't t"} {"input": "???ere???? t ??e ???????? i ?????????????????e abe a???????ene???????????bleblen?d.d??????????????????ndn?? co c???rararra?????o po ????lal??????iei??, ????????????t ct ?????????s ts ????cac?lll?y y hy ??????? in i?????????e te th???????????? r?oa??? c????ffeeffeeses,s????????????????????????? to to???????e e ae a e a?????k rk ??????buburu???????????mem??????????????????ThT??s ????????ll ll??ef???????????t ??ouo? g???ing?? in??????????????????? go?odo??????????????????????????o ?o pro p????????????k r???????or or e????????oldold ????ululdul???????????????k ek ?elsel???????????202??????????????A3A??J0J??NZN???????,S,??an?????HiH????131??,15,15,????292??????00000?,G,GoGoo??????asteast???", "output": "olerate the acidity in coffee may be able to enjoy this blend. But, be aware and contrary to popular belief, light roast coffee is typically higher in caffine than the dark roast coffees, the extended roasting to produce a dark roast burns away some of the caffine. This one will definately get you going in the morning in a good way.

Those who prefer a dark roast or extra bold should probably look elsewhere.\"\n9205,B006N3IG4K,A3PJ0TNZOJ2MCI,Shannon Hill,13,15,3,1299456000,Good taste bu"} {"input": "????ece?reretetlt????????????????isis s??????bub??????mym?y oy ?pip???ono???????e ???????????ee????ececaec???in?????????ulu??d bd be????????????? h ha???e se ??chc? i????????ara?????????????????????????g ???????ttt??rsr????????????is????ene???ly rly ???ly ?upu????????to to????? me me ???in??? in????????????????????? p ????????????????????of?????????????????n 6n ???oio?int?????????????????is.is???SeSeve???al????ornor??ningnin??????????ttttitt?????ea??aca????????????????????????oidoide?d ????????????????????? t to t??????????eveevere???l ol ot???r r????avoav??????????????????e ??????themthe??????????thi?ngng ng??nen????????r ar ????otheoth?????boubout? c ca c??????ine.ine???????????", "output": "t secretly DECAF,Taste is good but in my opinion coffee that has been decaffinated should be required to have such info clearly visible warning in big red letters before I mistakenly rely upon it to get me going in the morning. Small print on the bottom of the box (I mean 6 point font) tells this. Several mornings of splitting headaches could have been avoided . . . this caused me to check several other flavors online and none of them say anything one way or another about caffeine. I don't kn"} {"input": "o?w w???? t ????vov?idi????????oro? o ?????r pr ?ror??????????????is is??nfn???????ldld ????clc??????? st s??????ono? e ???eryer??coc???eee????????le??????6,6,B,?????3I3???????KQK?????999???797???ananen?????,1????????????????,1 ,1 d ????n 4n ???????????o ????????on???????e he ??????????ed??????????for???mym?y py ?ururcr???????????????t bt ??????????????????????? st??????? t??????????uriur?????????????????????asa???????lil????le le t????y ???????? li l??????????????????????,A?????5X5XBX????????????? S ??????????5,??12812????080???00,W00,?????an?and ?????????????????????????ThT??????ff?????aya????????????????t but b?? i is i???????allal???? l li lit li??????strst?ronro?ngeng?", "output": "ow how to avoid this for other products but this info should be clearly stated on every coffee for sale.\n9206,B006N3IG4K,A1KQ31B1998R79,Laney,13,15,3,1284422400,1 down 47 to go,Too bad no one else had reviewed this before my purchase. It's not bold or dark enough to stand up to the Keurig's 3rd button and tasted a little tangy for my liking.\n9207,B006N3IG4K,A1AND5XBFJ7L76,Jamie Stell,7,7,5,1289260800,Wolfgand Puck Rodeo Drive K-cup,\"This coffee says medium roast but is actually a little stronger"} {"input": "????WeW??????????????d id ????????????e e oe ??????vov?rir??????IfI?????????t ??????????????????cac???eieininene ???????????tht?????? t?heh????ne ne????? yo y??!!!???AlA???, ???????angang g??ucu???????????????????ed????s gs ????????????t sot s?????ono??????????B0B?????IGI??????????TTTT7T7T7T8T????,L,???dad???????????,1,?292979???????????ici??????\"I\"?????????remre???be?r ?whw?henhe??????? ha h?d ??a ca ??? o ????cofcoffcof?????? d ded??ic??iouio??? I I I? im i??medme????elelyel? w???????an??othot???????. ?. T. ?????e ie ?????????????tat????, , n, ????????????mim????????asteast??e yoe y?????t ??????????an???????????????coffecoffeeeesee??s, ns, ??????d a???terte??????????t't?????ustust ???????lowlo???????????????????", "output": ". We loved it and it has become our favorite. If you want some coffee to \"\"caffeine you up\"\", this is the one for you!! Also, Wolfgang Puck's Breakfast in Bed is great...not so strong!\"\n9208,B006N3IG4K,A2L7M1TT7T843O,Linda Fox,6,6,5,1297209600,Delicious,\"I can't remember when I've had a cup of coffee so delicious, I immediately wanted another cup. There is no bitter taste, no funny chemical taste you get with so many flavored coffees, no odd aftertaste. It's just a mellow, gorgeous, hazelnu"} {"input": "????iti????????chc??ofo?-t-th-t??-i-?sls???????upu????????fef????????????did????? M MyM????vov????? I ?'v'??e ee ???? t ???eded,d???????'v?????????????!\"!?9?????B0B000??????????????6Y6???????????. ????????????nd nd???????????\",\"?6,6??????????????????? a??s gs gogooo??????????is ???????????????feefe?????ut ut?????????'t't ?????e ae ?????uchuc??????vorvo???? t??he he??an??????????????????rar?????????????r ?????????????sos???th?????? tha th???t hat h???????t ?of????lav???, ????wi?th???????????. ???????u u? ar are????ookookiook?????????somso???thi???????t ????mo?????????ee ???an???????????????????????92??0,0,B???????????????3P3???CKC??Y6Y???????????????????", "output": "t-with-a-touch-of-the-islands cup of coffee. Outstanding. My favorite I've ever tried, and I've tried most!\"\n9209,B006N3IG4K,A3VS66YC7IXCC2,\"J. Hytree \"\"2nd Time Mom\"\"\",6,6,4,1286323200,Not as good,\"This is very good coffee, but it doesn't have as much flavor as the Van Houttes creme caramel. If your looking for something that has a lot of flavor, go with the other. If you are looking for something that is more coffee than flavor, this is it.\"\n9210,B006N3IG4K,A3DZ3P2OCK2Y6E,dogman,6,6,4,1284"} {"input": "???????,I,???ououlu????????? a ????????y ????????? i?s ???? b????????????d d Kd K K c cuc?? c co c????e e Ie I'I???????r r???d.d???ooo????od??? n ?????????????o o????wew?????aroar??a a ( ?????????????????????????????n fn fl??????ed ed??????s)s?. . I. ????????????????e ae a a la ??????????????? t????????????HaH????????Ha????nunutu?, , b, ????it???? c???????lyl???????????ed?iui????od??????????? I ??????????in???ovo???????????er.er????212??????????????A1A??949???????OUO?????. ???lll??ama????\"L\"??????????\"\"??????,5,????????????00,S00,???ot?h ?????eliel?ishis?????????????s ??arear???????????? W ?e ??????plp???????????????????????? t th??e le ?ow? a????it??y ay any a?? s ?", "output": "768000,I would buy it again,\"By far,this is the best flavored K cup coffee I've ever had. Good body, not bitter, no flowery aroma (like with the Green Mountain flavored K cups). I like my coffee a little stronger than Puck's Hawaiian Hazelnut, but it is certainly a fine, medium bodied,coffee I could drink over and over.\"\n9211,B006N3IG4K,A1Z94P94HPWOU0,\"M. Williams \"\"Lucasmommy\"\"\",6,6,5,1283558400,Smooth & Delish,These K cups are wonderful! We were pleasantly surprised with the low acidity and sm"} {"input": "??ototht? f flf????r!r??????RoRododed?? D ?ririvi???? c ??????????n n??????opo??????????????isi?t!t??????????6N6N3N?????,A,???????????PHP???????????,9,?????12912?141???????\"M\"?????????????? c co cofo??ee???????????????e ????????? fo f?? a?????????????????la? K K-K?cu??, ????????le???????? th t?hishi???????????on??fl????????????th???????s rs ???eded ???ghg??????thantha?n an an?????????????????????vo?????????????????t tt ????????????? a????????????d od ??????red red? a ???ouboubl???pap?ckc??????????????????????????asaas?????????prp?risri??????????is??a a???ch???????ng??????????????????ast????????or?????that that????????????????????????????????ere????t t ot ", "output": "ooth flavor! The Rodeo Drive K cups are on our top five K Cup list!\n9212,B006N3IG4K,A3RFU2E6SX9PHG,DRenee,8,9,5,1291420800,\"Mmm, mm, great coffee aroma!\",\"While looking for a top rated vanilla K-cup, I stumbled upon this combination flavored cup that was rated higher than any of the vanilla flavored cups at that time. I took a chance and ordered a double pack from Amazon and was pleasantly surprised. This is a rich tasting medium/light roasted flavor that appeals to several coffee drinkers at o"} {"input": "?uru???ouo????????????????????????????t t it ????????nen???????tht????ada??ititit??????????????rsr??arare?????????es??ar?????r ??thoth??? o???????????????t ct ???e ???????????????t ??????????????????????ifi?y ?th?????s ????????m m?????????????ast????????????h h???? m?ed?????????????????lel???????s os ??? ou o???KeK????? C ?????ee ee??????r\"\"???????????????70 70 P PlP?latla????um ????????????????e Be ???wiwinwi?g ????tet?????????????le le????????fe????????a ba ??????????????????d nd ne?????????????wo wo??????es??e Ke ????????to to m?aka????oneon?e ee ???tratr??la?????????????????", "output": "ur house. There is a hint of built in sweetness so that additional sweeteners are not necessary for those of us who don't care for super sweet coffee. I would classify this as a medium roast and tastes best with the medium sized cup selections on our Keurig Coffee BrewerKeurig B-70 B70 Platinum Single-Cup Home Brewing System. People who prefer extra bold coffees would need to use two of these K-cups to make one extra large travel mug of"} {"input": " ????????????/>/?????????aia?????????????ouo?????ha????ixi???g g??hih????lal?vov?????????????????????????????????????a a?la???????????g ?????a ma ??sts???????aba????????imi???e ate at ??ourou??hoh??se???????mo??????????????mbmbob??????????????????maima?cac???????razra?y y???ithit?????????????????????ww.ww??amaam?zozono?.c.????????ror?dud?ctct/t/B/?000?????VQV????>V>?????ou????e Fe FrFre?????Va????la??K-K-C-???????????????????????????????ntn?????ese??????? o?????????????azlaz??nun???????refre?f=\"f=?????tp:tp?://://w??????amazama??n.?co?????p/pp/?proprod?uc?????03?95??????????Van Van?????????????nu?t ???????????????K-?????? fo f?????eureu?????re???????????????????????(Pa(P?", "output": " coffee.
That said, we have found that mixing this flavor with other flavors to make an extra large serving is a most enjoyable pastime at our house. The most popular combo's so far are Jamaica me Crazy with Van Houtte French Vanilla K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count Boxes (Pack of 2), HazlenutVan Houtte Hazelnut Decaffeinated K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count Boxes (Pac"} {"input": "k?????2)2?V>????HoH????????????????????osostos?????icaic???????????LiL??????????????????unu?t t??-C-Cu-C??s s?fof??????ririg???????rsr?????ackac??of???????>.>???n n??????ndnd,d, , T, ???????? on o???of???theth?????????????ili????????orsors ??forfo??th?????????????o o?????????quq?????vivis?????? a ??d d?????????papala??????????????????????3,3????6N6??????????NQN????F2F?282????????????????5,?????747???000000,0???????????????strstro??g,g????? n ????bib????er.er?????????????????????? on??e o?e of e of??mamazma????s ??riridri????????s.s?? D ????no???fif???????????????vi????????", "output": "k of 2) or Costa RicanVan Houtte Café, Costa Rica Tarrazu (Light Roast), 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2). In the end, This is one of the most versatile flavors for those of us who have frequent visitors and several palettes to please.\"\n9213,B006N3IG4K,ATUNQTRTF2285,twin mom,8,9,5,1281744000,\"Yum! Rich, strong, and not bitter.\",Bought this during one of Amazon's Friday Sales. Did not find too many reviews sinc"} {"input": "e?????ses??ara????????y y?nen??. .???????a a???ana???????????????y py ???asa??????WeW??????e oe ??? c???????????? an a?????????????d td ????????????????????GrGre???? ta t?astas?ini?????????????? co?ff??ee!ee????141??????N3N????????WXWX8X???GYG??????????????????????????????\",\"???????131??????????YuY?????ha?????????hi????????e e ie ?? s???prp?????????????iciic?????? We W?e ne ???verver ver????d ad ??????????????? th t?he he k k-k???psps ?????stist?ing?? m ????e ?e ite i????is ais ????fe?????? t??e ?????ffeeffe??????er????? Th Thihis?????fe??????is a is a?????le??????????????? w ???e noe noro??malma?ly???prepr???????r ?????????butbu???????????????itithit? g ????????????????????orwor???????????????", "output": "e these are fairly new. Took a chance and am very pleased. We like our coffee rich and strong and this one delivers. Great tasting dark roast coffee!\n9214,B006N3IG4K,A2WX8REGY23RQU,\"Elakshi \"\"brighteyes\"\"\",0,0,5,1314230400,Yummy hazelnut,This coffee is surprisingly delicious. We never had a problem with the k-cups bursting; maybe it is a defect on the coffee brewer..? This coffee is a bit less strong than we normally prefer our coffee but it makes up with great taste. Look forward to my mug e"} {"input": "v?????????ini?????ouo?????????ititetele????????mem?????? a ana??????????????????in??9????,B,B0B?????IGI??????????????1H1????,By,By y Hy HiH????????,0,0,0??????????303?????????????????????ala????????????cacarare??fof??????????????? to t??????????????????????????e ?????????? f??ava????????it.it????????? s ????k k??it?????????s ??????an?????ousou???????ndsnd?? a al a?so?????????????????????olold??????21621?,B?????????????????????????SaS??????????5,15,??13?????????gregr???????????am?????????????????ugu????????????????????????????????????. R. ?ec?????nd???d f??????????????????nkn???????t ???????.9.???????????IG?????1X1XOX", "output": "very morning. Would definitely recommend it and will buy it again.\n9215,B006N3IG4K,A29DK932WF1HWV,By His grace,0,0,2,1314230400,Coffee,\"I personally did not care for the coffee, too mild for me and a little \"\"nutty\"\" flavor in it. I will stick with Tully's Kona and House blends, also Emeril's Big Easy bold.\"\n9216,B006N3IG4K,A4TQYZPJ1V8M6,Sam00,0,0,5,1313020800,great,Exact same as the ones bought at the store only a lot cheaper. Recommended for any Keurig drinkers out there.\n9217,B006N3IG4K,A1XO"} {"input": "?????????STS???iti???????????0,0????,1,???????000?00,00???????????????HaH???????? Ha H??????t,t??hih?? i is?????#1#??fafava????iteite e???fff?eee???BlB????ini????of of????el????????????conconu?nut nut???e ?????fecfe??????????????????r r?/>/???r ????ueu??????????????waswa??I I c ch c???????????????????hi?s ???an??? wh w?en????????????????????????nyn????theth???????? o?? K ???????frf?omo?????azoazon????181????????????????TJTJLJ???GUG??????????itait?a Ja ???????\"A???an?????????\",\",0????????12??????00,00,B00,?????flflalavla????????la??le?????f yf ??u u??????yo?????????????you you????ed ed??? t?????????K-???????SmS???????asa??????ithit??????? a a???ligli????hi???t ot ???????or?????????ve?", "output": "WOPD0JNLST,Rita G. Wood,0,0,5,1312848000,Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut,This is my #1 favorite coffee. Blending of hazelnut and coconut are perfect. Thank you!!

Question: why was I charged postage on this brand when I have never paid on any other brand of K-Cups from Amazon\n9218,B006N3IG4K,A2HTJL1QGU8H61,\"Anita Jolly \"\"Atlanta Ace\"\"\",0,0,5,1312761600,Best flavor available!,If you like your Keurig you need to try this K-cup. Smooth taste with just a slight hint of flavor. Not over"} {"input": "????????g g???????????????dsd?????????w w??????iti???9????????????????????????????9Y9??????????K.K?????????????,0,?,0?,5,??131313??????00????avoav??????????he???eueuru????CoC??fefeee?e K??????????????????ur ur f??????te??????up up??????e,e???????????????? a ????????e ???????(a(???????????? se s?eemee????????????????????????psps)ps????aveav?????????????sasama?me me?????ralra????????.....???929???????06N06?????4K,4K,A?303??ZVZ?????????,\"??or??rieri???????Mo??ri?rie\"rie???????0,30,?????151??20????co??ffeff????ovo?verver,r???or????????????????\"\"????f cf ???????? N ????????????????anian?????????????????????????????? NO N??????coc??onuon???????- ??????is?????", "output": "whelming like some brands. My new favorite.\n9219,B006N3IG4K,A379IHYN4WSQ9Y,\"George K. \"\"gpk684\"\"\",0,0,5,1312156800,Favorite Of The Keurig Coffee K-cups,\"This is our favorite k-cup coffee, it is strong - and taste great (although it seems that many of the k-cups) have nearly the same overall taste...\"\n9220,B006N3IG4K,A306ZVR6MU456T,\"Morrie F. \"\"Morrie\"\"\",0,0,3,1311552000,coffee lover,\"More than a \"\"hint\"\" of coconut! Not very much vanilla. Being a vanilla fan and NOT a coconut fan - this is OK.\""} {"input": "??929?????????3I3??4K4?????????EBE??????,\",???????????????????????????????131?????92???????????????e.e????????is??? g ????????tit?????-c-??????omo??????????o o?drd??????????????????????????fe?rsr?????????? fu fulu????lalavlavov????????stest???I I w??????????????????????,B??00600?????????????R4?????RNR??,G,?eoe???e ???????k,k??,0,0,??,1????????00??YoY?? d????? h hah??????????????? f????????????lovlo???usu????g Kg ? C ???s!s?????????????????e e t???????o ??????????????????????? I ??????????alall??????????on??????k k rk ???astas?????????????t it ?????????tet?? a? and an??????????ndndend?erfer????? fla fl????????????????????????????y ty ???", "output": "\n9221,B006N3IG4K,A2M3I5JEBZJR40,\"Ernie \"\"WardenKeeper\"\"\",0,0,4,1311379200,Works for me.,\"This is a good tasting K-cup from a guy who drinks coffee black and prefers a bold, full flavored taste. I would recommend.\"\n9222,B006N3IG4K,A2TH3R48TMDRNC,George Olijnyk,0,0,5,1311292800,You don't have to look any further,\"I love using K Cups! Although I have tried so many \"\"bad\"\" coffees. I have finally hit on one dark roast coffee that isn't bitter and has a wonderful flavor. You don't have to try them"} {"input": "? a ???? t ???????? a a????????????????????e.e????222232?,B,????N3N3I3??????????????????????????,0,?,0??5,5???????????????????d bd ?e e?????????\"b\"?????flf??????????????e ee ??????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"???k k????????????????e ??bes?t t f??????????of????????er.er????o ?afa?????????????????????????o alo a???ysy????????????????????????????????????????????al??????????????it????????ntn???? c? coc co???????as??te te? bu b?????? re r???????????????stestesstes ??????????fee???usu???? the th??????st cst ??????????r.r??.. ..????????????????????????????!!!!!?!!???????????ly??? rec re????????!\"!\"9???4,4??00???3I????????????2N2?????9,9,R,??????oso?ha???,0????4,?????121????", "output": " all, this is a perfect blend coffee.\"\n9223,B006N3IG4K,AJ0TLOTIBWYTW,L. Howe,0,0,5,1311120000,\"Should be titled \"\"best flavored coffee ever!\"\"\",\"Ok - so this is the best flavored coffee ever. No after taste that seems to always occur w/flavored coffees & its not even really flavored, it has hint of coconut taste but it really still tastes like coffee just the best coffee ever... mmmmmm... add honey.. yummy!!!!!
Highly recommend!\"\n9224,B006N3IG4K,A1NASHF2NH7WV9,Rev Shoshana,0,0,4,1311120000"} {"input": "??????ere??y fy faf?v v???cuc???????????????gag????????????cupcu?s s a ????????????????dad??????????????????????e se sms????th th? an a??????ici?????s a??nd ?JaJ?????????????zyz??????my my f ???v av an?d d????e be ???????????t ?flflal????redre??????ffeeffe????? th the the the m ???kek????????????????????????iti??????????????pap????????????,B,B0B??6N6????????9E9??????????3,3,\",??. ?AlA?lfolfon?sos????CAC??re????????????,5,????111101??363???,P,????????blb????,\",\"I,\"???ve ve? al a????????te???????????????or???????uc???s bs ??rnr??-b-?it????????stest??. T. ???????????re?????????nd, nd,?????? s st s????????ithit?ou???????bu??n ????st??ng??????????????FYF????lol?w w???alali????be??????????uru?????d tod t??", "output": ",my very fav k cup coffee!,Wolfgang puck k cups are under the radar - their coffees are smooth and delicious and Jamaica Me Crazy is my fav and the best coconut flavored coffee on the market. Island coconut is quite poor in comparison.\n9225,B006N3IG4K,A9ELUY7JBX3K3,\"I. Alfonso \"\"CAdreamin\"\"\",0,0,5,1311033600,Perfect blend,\"I've always hated the Peete's or Starbucks burnt-bitter taste. This is a great blend, still strong without the burn roasting.

FYI, low quality beans are burned to h"} {"input": "i??e e???'s'? b bab?????????\"\"?929??????060?????4K4???121??VLV?????????,D,????? R ?????????,0,,0???????????00???xcxcec?????????????????????????????????????????eee?s ?????????s fs ????????e be ?ili?????ThT??????????????????as as????d ?????????ici??????? Tu Tulu?llelleye?'s's 's? bu b????????ala???y cy ??????????????????????olo?????? w ???????????????????u u??????? it i??ono? s ?????????y iy ???????227227,7???????????????????????T0HT0H1??????????pe???????????????????00,??re??????????,\"T,\"?????co??????????????????????? G??????MoM?ounount?????????ucu??ketke??blb??????. I?f ??????liklikelik???????, y, ??????????e ???????????????????ththethe the??M M p ?????????", "output": "ide it's bad taste.\"\n9226,B006N3IG4K,A121VLJBL8T0H1,David Rupert,0,0,5,1310601600,Excellent Brew,\"I like the darker roast coffees and this fits the bill. This is every bit as good as Deidrich and Tulley's but typically costs more. I guess Wolkgang wants a cut. If you catch it on sale, buy it.\"\n9227,B006N3IG4K,A121VLJBL8T0H1,David Rupert,0,0,3,1310601600,Pretty Good,\"This coffee is a lot like the Green Mountain Nantucket blend. If you like that, you'll like this. Generally, the GM product co"} {"input": "????????s,s????t t????????s ??n n?sas???????????????N3N?????,A,????5I5???????161??FrF?????????????on,on?????5,5?131????????????????? M ??????????????e,e??????????????odo???????????????r,r???thath?????wa?? t???d!d???GrG????t tt ??astas?te!te???????lll??????asaseas?????????????92922???????6N36N????????13713?????FTFT6T?MGM?????????0,10,????31031??16916?60600???????on'on????njn???????is is?\"\"\"???offoffe?????????????????ca??????t ???????? t????????????????ee.ee????It It????flf????????ss.ss???????w w????e ge go?????????wsws ????? th????????????????????????????? a??? n???w Iw ????????? w??????? bu b???h h??????cuc?????????? d??on'????????t tot t?????nknk ???????????d ?", "output": "sts less, but this was on sale.\"\n9228,B006N3IG4K,A3SP5IXXXYWG16,Francie Johnson,0,0,5,1310428800,Jamaica Me Crazy Coffee,\"It was as good, if not better, than I was told! Great taste! I will puchase it again.\"\n9229,B006N3IG4K,A137QZWAFT6MG2,EB,0,0,1,1310169600,\"I don't enjoy this \"\"coffee\"\"\",Probably because it doesn't taste like coffee. It is flavorless. I saw the good reviews and thought I'd get a couple boxes and now I'm stuck with a bunch of k cups that I don't want to drink because I'd r"} {"input": "a????????????????????? a ???y oy ???er??k ?cuc??????? e ???r ?trt???????AsA??????cac?an an??????I'mI'm m????????an?an oan ????????????????. . ???heshe????rere ???? w ????? e?ve?ver.ver???????B0B??????????A2A???XQX????ZXZ?IYI??????at at??he? C ??????????????????the Cthe ??tlt???????\",\"????0,10,?,1,??????686????????the?re? w??ereer??????othot??r r cr coc???eeee ee??????????????,\".,\"???????ll?????????????ifi????? o??????????????ptp????????e ?exe???usust????. T. ????????feefee e he hae h???? v ?????????cocco?conco?????mem??ll ll bll bub???????????????or???wowo,wo, ,? I I?????t ?????????. ??????????????chc?????????in ?an?????I'm I'm h ?havha????????oubou??e ????? g ????????it it?????. ???????????????e ????m ??WolWo?", "output": "ather literally drink any other k cup I've ever tried. As you can see I'm not a fan of these k cups. These are the worst ever.\n9230,B006N3IG4K,A2JDXQHOPZXIYX,\"Kat the Catlover \"\"Kat the Catlover\"\"\",0,0,1,1309996800,If there were no other coffee in the house,\"...I will drink this if all other coffee options are exhausted. The coffee has a vanilla/coconut smell but after a sip or two, I can't drink it. Would not purchase again and I'm having trouble even giving it away. I expected more from Wolf"} {"input": "?gagana???????????????B0B????????????CLC??????????,M,???FrF?????????,0,,0?1,1,11,??090?919????00,00,c,????????\"I\"I I l ???????????l l????????????????d wd whw??n n t ???s ??????????????I ?????? D DID??????????????arardar???? an anyn??????oro????t at ???? o ?????offof??????? ca c?????el\"el\"??92392?2,2,B??00600????????????????????????ili?????????????????????0,30,3,3????????00??????remre????????????rsr???????????????th???????????????trtra?????d d Kd ??????????????s ans a?????????????ioi????ly??????????????????????????and and???????de????. ???????????thrth??e ?????ga???????k ????offeoff??????ve??al???????s ??????RoR???? D????????lenle???? Fr F???chc?????????????SuS?", "output": "gang Puck.\"\n9231,B006N3IG4K,AJCL124WAUGB9,M. Freyder,0,0,1,1309910400,caramel,\"I love caramel and was excited when this arrived. But I AM SO DISAPPOINTED. Hardly any flavor at all, of coffee or caramel\"\n9232,B006N3IG4K,A10H24TDLK2VDP,William Jens Jensen,0,0,3,1309824000,Unremarkable,\"First, let me say that I prefer extra-bold K-Cup coffees and only occasionally drink a medium blend, and never decaf. I bought three Wolfgang Puck coffees several months ago: Rodeo Drive Blend; French Roast; and Sum"} {"input": "???????opopip??????. .????????????????????e de drd??????lel?????????? th?????o o????????sus?????p p?????a fa fef??????????????????????????????omom m????fe???PeP???????????a Ba ????????rgr?????????enden????????????????????ckc??TiT??????EvEvev?????????? th????????e,?????ougou???, i, ??????nen?ew ew?????ri??????a ??????\"\"\"\"h\"????:/:///??????????on.on???????/p/?????ctc???????????????GrG??????????aiain???????va??????se????????ef??er er a????trotr????????????????????fe??????en??at???? the ???argarge?????? s???????????????????????????????Green Mountain's Revv. Those who prefer a strong, dark cup of coffee (even at the larger mug setting) should try that brand.

Previously, I had found the dark-roast Green Mountain coffees rathe"} {"input": "r??bob????g,g? b????ReR??????vev???upup p t ????????ypy???????? i in??????ng????ana???????????AnA?ototh?????re??t t Gt ????????ununtntat??????fff?????????????????resre?????????????ou???????????dod?????t ??????? it i??????? the th????????? te t????????e ??????? h????????????n bn ???ck??????mom???????sto??????ucuchc?h ah ?s ????d Bd ??athat?h a????Be?yoy????. ??????????????????tet???????????????th??????rsr??????????????????????ttt???????????????.c.??m/m???/p/prpropr?dud?????000040????7Y7?Q\"Q\"\"?????????s ?????EaE????????/?????/>", "output": "r boring, but Revv lives up to the hype, both in strength and flavor. Another great Green Mountain coffee is their Espresso Blend (though Amazon doesn't stock it, so the prices tend to be higher here than in brick-and-mortar stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond). Finally, a favorite regular over the years has been Emeril's Big Easy Bold. It's a very nice coffee, though don't expect the New Orleans experience of chicory flavor.

"} {"input": "?????????ininen?: :???????????gog???roron?? w?????????????gag????PuP??k k???fff????, ,???t ?????????asa???????????o no ??????????????ama?????????avavav????blb?????????cofco?????????????B0B?060???IGI???????H2H242??DLD???VDV??,W,???li???????? J??????,0,0,0??,3,??????828???????????ara?????????iri?????le?????????????t t It ?????fe????????????d ?K-K????????fe????????????y oy ??????????????????k ak ??????umu????en???, a, ?????????????cafca?????????hth???????????lfglf?????Pu??????????????????? m????????go??: R: ??de??????????????? F ????????????????and ??um??????KoK????RaR??a.a. ???? t th???? a?re? q ???????dridr?ink???????th?ou???????y y d???o noo n?", "output": "Bottom line: You won't go wrong with the Wolfgang Puck coffees, but for my taste they do not stand out among the available bold coffees.\"\n9233,B006N3IG4K,A10H24TDLK2VDP,William Jens Jensen,0,0,3,1309824000,Unremarkable,\"First, let me say that I prefer extra-bold K-Cup coffees and only occasionally drink a medium blend, and never decaf. I bought three Wolfgang Puck coffees several months ago: Rodeo Drive Blend; French Roast; and Sumatra Kopi Raya. All three are quite drinkable, though they do not"} {"input": "???????????? t ????????????????exe???????ldl? b ?lelene?????????????????eoeopo???????nana ??????? O ????????????????????????????d Bd ????k k?TiT??erer.r??EvE???????tet??????an an t th?????? th??????????????????ava?????te,te, ?r /?PrP???????????????????????????da?rk?-r-???????????en M?????taita????cof????????th???r br ???????? bu b???ReRevRe?????????????????? h?ypypep?????th???in ?st?????????andand and???", "output": " measure up to a few of the extra-bold blends from Coffee People: Kona Blend; Organic Blend; Jet Fuel; and Black Tiger. Even better than these, though, is my new favorite, Green Mountain's Revv. Those who prefer a strong, dark cup of coffee (even at the larger mug setting) should try that brand.

Previously, I had found the dark-roast Green Mountain coffees rather boring, but Revv lives up to the hype, both in strength and fla"} {"input": "???????nonoto???r r??rer?????re????????????n cn ??fff?eee????????????sps?????? B ???????????????mamaza???????????????????t,t??????he???????????????????e he ???????he???????n ?????????????-m-?or????????oreor?es es ses ???h ???????d Bd ?????????????ondon??. ????????, ?????????????????ara???????????yey???????????????????????\"h\"??tpt??????????????.c.????gpg????odo??uctuc?/B/??????W7W??Q\"Q???????????s B??? E ?????????????????????????y ??iciceic????ff?ee???????gh???dondo?n'tn'???????????????? O OrO??????s es ??pe????????????chich???oryor??????????br???????????ot??????in??? Y ???????????o ???????????? th?e ???????????uc?????coffcof??????", "output": "vor. Another great Green Mountain coffee is their Espresso Blend (though Amazon doesn't stock it, so the prices tend to be higher here than in brick-and-mortar stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond). Finally, a favorite regular over the years has been Emeril's Big Easy Bold. It's a very nice coffee, though don't expect the New Orleans experience of chicory flavor.

Bottom line: You won't go wrong with the Wolfgang Puck coffees, b"} {"input": "????fof?r r????tatasa?tete e????????????t st ???????????mom??g g?????????????????????????ese?????????B0B?060????G4G????7J7?CNC???????R0R????????????0,???????????????????le?????cofco???ee,ee??hihisi????????exe??el????t ????????did???????????????????a a??????r ??tasta???. . I. ???????????????WoWol???????????????????s as ??????????????d ad ??th????????lil?itt??? m?ororeor??ex??enensen??vev??th??????mem?????????????r ???CuC?ps???929????????????4K??,A3,A3Q3?DKD???WBW??????,v,??????????13????39239?????????aicaicac?a Ma ?????????K-?????,\",???s as als a???ysy???????VEV??????is cis ??????? i it i???????????????nlnlyl????nd???????y fy ??????seselelfel?. ?????????n ???????nd tnd ????? is i", "output": "ut for my taste they do not stand out among the available bold coffees.\"\n9234,B006N3IG4K,A7JCNKDASI7R0,J. Epps,0,0,5,1309392000,Excellent coffee,This is an excellent full-bodied coffee without a bitter taste. In general the Wolfgang Puck coffees are quite good although a little more expensive than some of the other K-Cups.\n9235,B006N3IG4K,A3QDKPAWB7GDL2,vem,0,0,5,1309392000,Jamaica Me Crazy K-Cups,\"As always, I LOVE this coffee, it's about the only kind I buy for myself. The turn around time is"} {"input": "??????ifi??????????????????aba???t t????eee???s s???rtr????f f??????????? I? o???????ndnd d???aveave ?????????t bt ??????????????ctc??tit???????????y y???????????????ryr?ththith?????boboubout??????????dud?????????????????IGIG4G?K,K,A,??2I2???ETE??KMK?DBD??????????SoS??mem???????,5,?????92?????00,00,W,?????ana???PuP??????ururi?????up up???????,\",???????of???? i ??? a a s a ??ooo??th,th?????????????????e ????????????????????????ba?d ?afa????????/>/???astas?te.te????????ef=ef=\"=???ttttpt?????ww?.a.?????????????/p/?????????B00B0????????????WolWo???gangangng ng P????????offe???????eoeo o??????????????????umu???oao??ast)ast????4-4??????????up?s s fs ???? Ke K??ri????????????????k ok ????", "output": " terrific. When I have about a week's worth of cups left, I order and have the next batch in perfect timing. Very happy with everything about this product.\"\n9236,B006N3IG4K,A32INVETIKMDB4,Bonnie Sommers,0,0,5,1309219200,Wolfgang Puck Keurig Cup Coffee,\"This coffee is a smooth, yet robust taste that does not have any bad after
taste. Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Rodeo Drive Blend (Medium Roast), 24-Count K-Cups for Keurig Brewers (Pack of 2)"} {"input": "\">???232????000????????,A,??????????TZT?Q,Q?JoJoho????????ili????k,k????,5,???????????????stst t? Ri Rigi?????????????????????? h ???e ??ririeri?d d??ana????rar????????????umu????asa?????offof??????owo?????, ,??hih???is? m my my y???????????????????? t?ri?????????itittt??r;r??sos????????e toe t???lil?ighig????so???me ame ??????????????; ??????????ononeon???????e ???is jis ???t ??????? S So???????????????e t?????oto?theth????????????ala???????fedfe???????and and??????????????d,d?, t, ??????rourounu??ds ds?????ter? o?????????th????ee??????of of???????????????????????? a???? ha h?? t to????e ce ??????ed ed???hichi?h h i is isnsn'n?????????????????st ??annan??yiy??g.g?????????????? pr pro???????", "output": "\"\n9237,B006N3IG4K,AHOLU32W82TZQ,John R. Drillock,0,0,5,1309132800,Just Right Anytime of Day!,\"I have tried many brands of medium roast coffees however, this is my favorite. Some I've tried are bitter; some are too light; some are too strong; but this one for me is just right! Some brands more than others come in all puffed up and when punctured, the grounds filter out into the needle of the Keurig coffee maker and has to be cleaned which isn't difficult, just annoying. Never had a problem wi"} {"input": "????????e.e???BrB?????asa???inin n??????????? a ??re re s ??????, ,????????????hth?t at ???????????????????????ht? s???ckc?????th?????ddd?????????????ere? a???????as????????????????????ctc??t ant anyn???????????aya??. E. ?njn??????929232?8,8?????N3N?IGI??K,K?????????I7I???ZFZ??????????,0??????090????404???????????????th???????????of???????,\"S,\"?omo??tit?imeim?es es?wew??????e ae a a????blble?????????ing? t th t??????????beb???usu??????y ??arear?????????o so ???on??????r ur us???????????????? ord or????????????blebl????????????????????? g ?????--?juj????ri???????????????a sa ??smoosmo??????blenble???????????????erfeerf??t ?????a ?mo??nin???????? of o????????--??? a???ti?me??", "output": "th these. Breakfast in Bed k-cups are smooth, not too light and not too strong, right smack in the midddle. No bitter after taste either and perfect any time of day. Enjoy!\"\n9238,B006N3IG4K,A10SVA00I7XVZF,Prudie,0,0,5,1309046400,\"Great, smooth-tasting coffee!\",\"Sometimes we have a problem ordering the k-cups because they are way too strong for us--even if you order medium blend. This coffee was great--just right! It was a smooth blend, and was perfect for a morning cup of coffee--or anytime! "} {"input": "??????? d ded?????????????derde?????in??????393??????N3N???????????????????,L,?????ggg??0,0??????????????????ithit???r Ir ????? a a a????d bd ?batbatct?????...??.,.????...o...???tht?????odod ???viv??????' '? ta tasa?????udu?????????aka?????????????omo?e e??is??????intin??????????/>/???????????????I'I????otot ot???omeom??crc?????????ttt???????e me ??????t bt ?????k sk ???????tot??????t>????ougou??????e de ??y\"y\"\"? c??offof??e ?????kek???????d d sd ?ay??????????????????????????????????CaC?????????ene??????????????d ???????????t ????'t'??hoholo?ld ld????????????????????en????
weak coffee. I'm not some crazy \"\"gotta have my jet black sludge to get
through the day\"\" coffee drinker - I'd say my favorite (and my wife's) is
Caribou Blend. This blend is WEAK, it can't hold half-and-half or even
just whole milk without being wiped out. Now, I will say I brew"} {"input": "??????n
t />??the ??????????on'on't?????d ???! !?????929?????????3I3IGI??K,K??????????UMU??RFR?????TTT??????????,0?,5,?????868??????0,G0,??", "output": " it on
the \"\"large cup\"\" (9.25 oz, I believe) setting on our Keurig, so maybe it's
a bit better on the 8oz setting, or even the small setting. But Caribou (we
also like Donut Shop, Green Mountain Kona Blend 10%, etc.) can be easily
brewed on 9.25 and hold a good bold taste. This coffee doesn't
hold a CANDLE to any of those. Now I'm stuck with 40+ of these. Blech...maybe
the guests won't mind it! :)\"\n9240,B006N3IG4K,A3GD4JHMSUMQRF,SCOTT & JUNE,0,0,5,1308614400,Gre"} {"input": "aatat t f ????oro?????odo????scs??ipi????????????s s??????ctc???HaH??s ts ?thethe e???????roaroas??????opo?ulu??????offoffef???????or??????, ???t ????????er???????????of of???? fa f??avoravori????????????\"\"???414???000????IGI?4K4??ASAS7S7R7??????????????pyp???,0?????303???141??????????ana????uc?????????a,a????????ed?? th t??s ?byb????????????????????so so??????????????????????????w w? fa??vorvo??????f ???ineine.e. ?ItI??s ??????an?? s????ng???iti??????????? b??ittit????????2,2?????????G4KG4???????????676??MNM?,B??????ononson?um?????,0,0,0,??4,4?????????????????BaB??? S Sm S??????????t Bt ???????????ntntynt?y Sy ????????????????????tr???????,\"N,\"NON?TET??????his ??????is ?beb?????? fo f???", "output": "at flavor,\"Good description of this product. Has the over roasted popular coffee flavor, but, not overpowering. One of my favorites so far.\"\n9241,B006N3IG4K,AS7RBXW90EGRQ,Lippy,0,0,5,1308614400,Wolfgang Puck Sumatra,I ordered this by accident and I'm so happy I did. This is a new favorite of mine. It's nice and strong without being bitter.\n9242,B006N3IG4K,A3OXRFCJI67IMN,Bold Consumer,0,0,4,1308268800,\"Not Bad! Smooth, Not Bitter, Plenty Strong But Not Too Strong.\",\"NOTE: This one is better for m"} {"input": "?e e?????????????????????????ini??????????ma???????????????r.r???? / ??
This is my first time to try Wolfgang Puck coffee. I have mixed feelings about it so far. The Rodeo Drive Blend is a little more 'bland' than I'm used to, which is great for people who prefer that. It's just a different taste, which is good or not-so-good, depending on each person's preference. Personally, ever so often I take a sip of Rodeo Drive Blend and think that it almost tasted like dishwater. Then that goes away and I enj"} {"input": "?????heh????stst t??? t th t????????????????????????????????reare??????????bebece???ses?????is???????????onongon???ndn?????????? I' I?m m????d ??????utut ???'s'????????y gy gog?????????????e ?????????e ??????????????mam?????????????r r?????rir???e be be?ca???use use????t ist i???????????????????
Will I buy this again? No. It's good, but it's not my preference, and I might as well buy the ones that make me rave on and on about how good they are, usually Tully's French, Kona, Italian, and House. Those may be too strong for some people, and the Rodeo Drive Blend does"} {"input": "??hah?????????wnw??????ueu??tat????e we ??ici?h h m ???????????apa??????????????coc?fff?????rir?nkn????????????h ????????hinhingngsgs,s, ,??????allal??? a a??????e ????? t??????? m mo m????????gsgs,gs????tht?????ffeff?????it'it???????tttte????? t ta t???????????????ly???a ma ???ttett???????????yoy????????????????????????????in????????? may ma????????to to???????????????ese????iai???y ????yo?u u cu ???????d ??????????????????????, ??r ?dod????ke???????, k, ??epe??????re???st fst ?????ue???????????????????????N3N????????????????T5T??E,E????????????NCN??????\"\"?\",\",0,0,0?????131???????????GrG?reare?????coffcof??????ro????mamatmatimat??????????????????ll???lol??? t??????", "output": " have its own unique taste which may really appeal to some coffee drinkers. As with most things, actually a little more than in most things, with coffee, it's a matter of taste and probably a matter of what you are in the habit of drinking. You may want to try this one, especially if you can find it in a sample packet, or do like I do, keep the rest for guests to try.\"\n9243,B006N3IG4K,A12BJ9GOL0T54E,\"Andy L. \"\"NC_Andy\"\"\",0,0,3,1308182400,\"Great coffee, problematic k-cups!\",\"I really love this co"} {"input": "???????????t t?????????????????. .???????????????bo?????????d od ????????odo??????????ili? s ???ararar????????m m?? the th?e ce ?????????????s gs ??ouo?nd?s ???tot???????re????????d md ?????offof????????. . I ????????uau??????re?did?????hih??h h?????????l ???????beb?????e ???????????n ?ththe??k-k????????????????????kek???it it??asas as???resre??sursu????bub??? fl f????? and??????klk???d.\"d.?????????060??????K,K?A1A????9G9???????????nd???L.L. ?????????y\"y?????????????818??????????????????an???????e i??????as cas co????????ava???red?????t't??????????????????red,red??????????????????ke??it???????t.t????????as aas ???ua?ll?y ????????????in????????????????", "output": "ffee, great tasting and bold. However, on about 1/3rd of the pods, the foil separates from the cup and blows grounds into the brewer and my coffee cup. I can usually predict which ones will do it because the foil on the k-cup is not puffy like it has pressure, but flat and wrinkled.\"\n9244,B006N3IG4K,A12BJ9GOL0T54E,\"Andy L. \"\"NC_Andy\"\"\",0,0,3,1308182400,Didn't say anywhere it was coconut favored!,\"It's coconut flavored, either you'll like it or not. I was actually surprised since I'm not a big"} {"input": "????????????????, ,?bub???? l ??kek?????????of???e.e???NoN?????????oro??tet????butbu????cec?? on on ????asa?????\"\"?????????????G4G??????????????G9G?,\",??????????????????????????l Ll ??ee\"ee?????????5,15,???787???808????ouo??hth???thith?is is f??or or a ?? fr f????d,d??MyM??????nd??sas???s ss ?hehe he?????????????cofcofff??????d ???as as??????????????lel???o o??inind???it it i ??? th t?he ?????l ??to???es es?whw?????wew??????????????sh?????????? k ???w w t??ata??AmA????on on????lsl??????? ab a????????th???g g?????????????antant ?- -??????? a??nd ?????? sh s?hiphi??????. ??????????????e be ?betbettt?terte??.\".\"??????,B0,B???????????3V3????R1R?????????????. ????????\"\"b\"\"????????,0??????13???83????????", "output": " fan of coconut, but I liked this coffee. Not my favorite, but nice on occasion.\"\n9245,B006N3IG4K,A8T336KRVSKG9,\"Cheryl L. Snyder \"\"Cheryl Lee\"\"\",0,0,5,1307836800,bought this for a friend,\"My friend says she loves this coffee and has never been able to find it in the local stores where we live. Aha, she did not know that Amazon sells just about anything you could want - no tax and free shipping. What could be better.\"\n9246,B006N3IG4K,A3VQALR1NOYTL5,\"R. J. Haley \"\"bn2it\"\"\",0,0,4,1307836800,yum"} {"input": ",?????ele????????ngn???hehe e???????????faf???????????vorvo???te,te??????houhougu????????????e te ??????k-k-c-?????????????hehe he? fl f?av?or? i ?s ???ooo?th???????el???ghtgh???l.l????sus?uggug?????trt???????????????nd nd?????????? k- k?-cu-c???mam??hih???!\"!?????7,7,B,???6N6N3N?IGIG4G???????4H4????????????????????????,4,?????717???606??,W,WiW????? w wew??????????????????????????????ut??coc???????e ae ???????trtrotrono??????? t???????zelze????ut fut ???????????????ooood?? th?????? an??d Id ?I wI ?ou?ouldoul????????se???it ??gag??????92????????6N36N???G4KG4?????????????????????iri?scs????0,00,0,??,1??30730?????????????????????KcK?cupcu??,I,???????? the the the t ta t??????????????????nd ??thath???ma??y ?ofo??", "output": ",\"hazelnut being the household favorite favorite, I thought I'd give these k-cups a try. The flavor is smooth and delightful. I suggest trying this brand for your k-cup machine!\"\n9247,B006N3IG4K,A33W4H88UWCIJG,Nola Brech,0,0,4,1307145600,Wish I were in Hawaii,\"This is good, but could be a bit stronger in the Hazelnut flavor. It is good though and I would purchase it again.\"\n9248,B006N3IG4K,A1TG50OP3GC5W6,M. Hirsch,0,0,1,1307059200,Poor quality Kcups,I love the taste but have found that many of t"} {"input": "???????? e ?????????????he he?glg???e oe ?? t ??he ??????????????????ece??????????????????????????cu?cup cup e?xp????desde????VeV?ryr???????????????????. . ????non???????? I I I?????????y ty ????s bs ??????????????2424949,9,B,?????3I3??4K4?????????4646M6?????????????????????y\"y????????????????????????????cofco??????I I lI ????e Je ????????????????????fe??????????verve????????????vov????????????????????????????????????? it i?????????eat?????????????????? co c????? t????t s????s os ???a ??ururnur?????oror or???ur????FrFre??? c??????????????9?252?????????????????????ZRZ??????????e ???????,0,0,?0,???????979????????????le????????chch ?", "output": "he cups explode!! The glue on the side of the cup becomes undone and then the cup explodes. Very hard to clean up. Do not think I will buy this brand again!\n9249,B006N3IG4K,A2WBPNC46MMHYV,\"Ceil \"\"ceilmary\"\"\",0,0,5,1307059200,Great coffee,\"I love Jamaica Me Crazy coffee. This version is flavorful, the price is pretty good, and it sure beats the office pot coffee that sits on a burner for hours. Fresh coffee, fast!\"\n9250,B006N3IG4K,A2VBTN6ZR67YOF,Mike Jacobs,0,0,3,1306972800,A little too much b"} {"input": "?????????? & ? a ??????????????lel????ofo?????????????flf???oro?? an a?? m ?or???of??????????c c?? and and ???ittitte????of?fef?????????????????????? p plple????e ae ????shs???????? a????an.an?????l l??ini?????????????????? r ????????of oof ???????fif???t.t???????,B,?????????K,K?????????????????oso??tonto???????????????303??717???00?????ooo????aia?lyl????????????????fff?feefe????? b?????????? o????y y dy ????ly ly? fa f??????es?????t't?????????????????strst????????????y oy ??????e fe ????ch????oasoa??????????it'it??'s a's ????????? as as as b as ????????????????????y toy t???stast??t ???? d ?dayda????????????????G4?K,K,AK,???X3X????????WPW??????????????????13013???????0,?OnO?ne ?of", "output": "itterness & acid,\"This is less of a \"\"bold\"\" flavor and more of an acidic and bitter coffee. My wife is easy to please and she's not a fan. I'll finish the box but I reach of others first.\"\n9251,B006N3IG4K,A38S7IRMROBB9C,BostonFrankG,0,0,5,1306713600,A Good Daily Roast,\"This coffee has become one of my daily favorites. It's not quite as strong as many of the french roasts, but it's also not as bitter. A good way to start the day.\"\n9252,B006N3IG4K,A1GX3GDJJI18WP,P. Thorn,0,0,5,1306368000,One of"} {"input": "?????????? f ???????? k ??cuc??s.s???ThT????is???????????????????????????st st???he he?WoW????????????????????????e we ??ordor?? th???t ct ???es?????????d wd whw??????????????is ?????igighg?????????hah?s s as ?????uru??????eee?????s ?????gog???????????????hohouo??t bt ???ingin??????????????. ???????ck?????????????it???????????????????, ??????'d'????????????e e te ?????dsd??????????t ?????ofo????????????um??????????????????????????cupcu??, a, ??????????????????????ou???re?????kik?inging ?fo???????????????????itcitchc???????ithith ith?????? M????????????????larla????????? C CoC????????????????Br?eae???as???????d.d??brb????r /?? g????", "output": " the best for Puck k-cups.,\"This is my favorite so far amongst the Wolfgang Puck K-Cups. The word that comes to mind when i sip it is \"\"Bright\"\". It has a natural sweetness and good flavor, without being overly heavy. The packaging lists it as a Medium Roast, but i'd put it more towards the light end of the spectrum. It's a very enjoyable cup, and i'd recommend if you are looking for something to switch up with Green Mountian's popular Vermont Country Blend or Breakfast Blend.

I gener"} {"input": "?????????ene???????en en?????????? w ?iti????????????????????????avoav??????????tit???????????a a????ancan???ie,ie? J ??????ca ca???????????????t tt ??isi?s rs ?regregug?????cuc????s ??uiu????gog?odo???9929?535??B0B?????????????????VKV?333????????ele?eye??????i,i,0,0,0?,0,,0?????????161?????nen?e oe ?f f m???????????es!es!,!?????????ha??d ad ?allal??of???????????usu???eue?????????cec??????y cy ???? o?????????rkr??????????me?????????????????????rieri?? p ??et????????????????th???vavar???????-c-?????. T. ???????????e o??????tot????? fa f??????itesites.??????ve tve ??????????????????, a, ???d td ??????????fuf????????????????????????????92592????00??6N36N????????????????7U7?S1S1,1", "output": "ally haven't been impressed with the Wolfgang Puck flavored varieties (Vanilla Francaie, Jamaica me Crazy), but this regular cup is quite good.\"\n9253,B006N3IG4K,A2TIGI9VK33WPQ,hazeleyesjudi,0,0,5,1306281600,One of my favorites!,\"I have had all of the various Keurigs since they came on the market for home use. Thus,I have tried pretty near all of the various k-cups. This is one of my top 5 favorites. Love the coconut in it, and the wonderful coffee flavor. YUM!!!!\"\n9254,B006N3IG4K,A3FC2JIO6T7US1,"} {"input": "S??????????????303???????0,???ryr?????????ede?????????????chchah?????? a?????s s? wi w?????mam?zoz??????is is????????wa???non?t t??ha?t ???exe????????bub????njnjoj?????itit it g ????atlat??. .??????????????? f fof????? st s????????????????????or?????????terte???trytryiy?????it ?????jo?ye???????a la ???????????was lwas ???hth?t a?ndn??sms?ooootooth?? an a??????? n ??????er????te?. . . ?????????????????d ??thith???????othot???s.s?9?252555??B0B????????K,K,A,A3A????????????L,L???memesme?????????eyey,?0,???4,????????404????? bo bolo???er ???oluol??????,\",?????????ColCo?????an?????????????????s is ????bob??????ververar???????????????????????????????????ici?e ??smesm??????????ta???????????", "output": "Shorty,0,0,4,1306108800,Very satisfied with my purchase as always with Amazon,This coffee was not what I expected but enjoyed it greatly. I was looking for a stronger vanilla flavor but after trying it I enjoyed it a lot. It was light and smooth and left no aftertaste. I would recommend this to others.\n9255,B006N3IG4K,A32B6XWNR55SRL,James W. Durney,0,0,4,1305590400,A bolder Columbian,\"I like Columbian coffee and this is above average with a good dark color with a nice smell. The taste is bold"} {"input": "??r r???????????geg???utu???oto??????????????????ttt?er?????????????? \" \"\"\"????ono???\"\" \"\"?????mbmbi??????????e ce cocomco??????g g???????????odod d?????ingsing???? t???????????????????????????te.te?\"\"????????060???????????Y2Y2U2???????NWNW,W??????????????,1,131?050?595?????,I????kek???????mom????????????mam???y ?????????????????????????????????????????a a???ghg?????ng ng???????????aya?????????da???sa???).). ?????likli?ke ke??????????,B0,B???????G4KG4????XKX???VRV?ZCZ??X5X???\"W\"??orkor???of ?????\"\"?? P ????????,0?????????535?????????st? O ????ofoffof?????????????offeoff??? is i???us?t ?OK??????????????????? al?????????de??rinri???????ea???. W. ???ld???????", "output": "er than average but not unpleasant or bitter. This is my \"\"strong\"\" Columbian coffee combining all the good things of the type with a bolder taste.\"\n9256,B006N3IG4K,A18Y2ULJ1RPJNW,It's me,0,0,4,1305590400,I liked it,smooth. I normally drink dark roasts but purchased this on a lightning deal (or maybe a friday sale). I like it.\n9257,B006N3IG4K,A2XKR4VRZCKX55,\"Work of Art \"\"L P Art\"\"\",0,0,3,1305331200,Just OK coffee.,\"The coffee is just OK. It's very mild, almost bordering on weak. Would buy it"} {"input": "??aga???n n?ifi???heh????????????????t.t??????????????????,A,???????JNJ?????????????nyn?????????tot??yfy????????0,0???????050?151??????GrG???????????,I,I'I?????????????????olo?????????????th?????is is???e e ie ??????? of o????????orori????????????nin???????????????sts???ngn?????929????????6N36N??????????IJIJEJ?575?A1A??ZEZE,E,g,????????0,??????????????????cac?????e fle f??????ulu????????t t tt ??????? t??? r?????????at?ioionon ?of?????????????????????????????????reredre?d cd ???????????????cupcu?p ap ???aya?y oy ??of tof ??????????????la?lavolavor????co?????????????????s ?????n ??theth????????s.????owo???????ou?????????? w??th?????????? P ???????", "output": " again if the price was right.\"\n9258,B006N3IG4K,A2OLLSGJNOCP9A,\"Anthony Foti \"\"tonyfoti\"\"\",0,0,5,1305158400,Great Coffee,I've tried every bold k-cup and this is one is one of my favorites. Very nice flavor and strength.\n9259,B006N3IG4K,A26RIJE57A1XZE,gigip,0,0,3,1305158400,Jamaca me flavorful,\"Bought this on the recommendation of my son. Not a big fan of flavored coffee, but a cup a day of this lightly flavored coconut coffee puts me in the islands. How can you go wrong with Wolfgang Puck?\"\n9"} {"input": "???0,0???060?????????????NMN????16616???????StS???e e??????????????0,00,?0,10,???303040494??????????????????????????rara,a?ThT???????fef??e se sas???????????asasts??& &???????BoB?????????????????????????????aka???????????? b????s ??utu????????ofof of F ????????9929???1,B1,B0?06?N3N3IN3????????????????????SteSt??ene????????????????????,13,130?424??444???????ve?????ra??????cu???co?????,\",\"W,\"???????ve ave ?a Ka ???????co???????makma???. ???ne ne??? t ??e ????e ??en??fif??? i ??? th t????ppp????unu??????? e ?xpx???imi?en??t wt ???h h??ifi??fferffe????? K- K??up???????????ve alve a????dyd???????????? a????corco???????me me??ee???????tyt??????????????????un????? on one???as??e e s?om??ethet???? t?", "output": "260,B006N3IG4K,AD161NMNO166D,\"C. Stine \"\"Stiney\"\"\",0,0,1,1304985600,Wolfgang Puck Sumatra,This coffee says Dark Roast & Extra Bold and.... IT ISN'T! It's weak and barely beats out a cup of Folgers.\n9261,B006N3IG4K,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,0,0,4,1304294400,Above average K-cup coffee,\"We have a Keurig coffee maker. One of the side benefits is the opportunity to experiment with different K-cups. I have already tried half a score. Some seem pretty tasty at first--until one taste something th"} {"input": "?????????????ete???r.r. .????? e????y y?K-K????s ???????????????hih?ghghlh?? d ?ono???????????e te ???????????th???at?????????????????I hI ??ve? t ?rir??????????????????lfl????? P ??ckc??s ??????bib?an???????????t ??oio???????????f f?????be??????prp?odo????s ?s th?????????????????????????? b???d ???astas????ala???????????t st ?strst????????????t ?????????????????tasta????????????>
Wolfgang Puck's Columbian Dark Roast Noir is one of the better products that I have tried. It has a bold taste, although not strongly so. It is also smooth tasting.

It is now on my short list of possibilities for my first morning cup of coffee. So, I am pretty happy with Wolfgang Puck's product here.\"\n9262,B006N3IG4K,A3DRMWICV8EU16,kh,0,0,5,1304208000,Jamica"} {"input": "???????aza??,\",??????is? m ????ava?ororir?????????e ??lal?????????????aveave e ne ?otot t??adad d id ????????lol??????mem????????ot? h??? d ded???????????????????tilti??????????????????????????????e te ??????????ad???or???????mom?????????????????IGI????????????????EPE??CaC????????????,0,?????????????202???,\"N,\"??iceic????????la??????????d cd ????????cofco?ffeff?????????ve ve??????????????????????????????????? m???????? B ??????????????nd? I???????e oue o?r r????fe????bolbo??. ????????????guguiu?????????mam???????????????nd ?sts???te?????????ithit???????????????????ete?t Ft ????????????????????????st???????? fa f????ritri??????????th???", "output": " Me Crazy,\"This is my favorite coffee flavor and I have not had it in a long time. Forgot how delicious it was until we ordered the k-cups. Love them, already ordered more.\"\n9263,B006N3IG4K,A39T5KIOR3VBEP,Carl Schwartz,0,0,4,1304035200,\"Nice rich flavor, good cup of coffee\",\"We've only been using the k-cups about 2 months. Both my wife and I like our coffee bold. I've been guided by amazon reviews and started out with Coffee People's Jet Fuel. Although that is still my favorite, I got this "} {"input": "??????????asa?????????????? s ??????ndn??wow???d d sd ?????????????????????????????chochoio????? I ??????????????iei?????fff????PeP????le'le???????????geg??????clc????????rdr??????????a ??non?????????. ??????????????iceice,e? w?????????ndend????ve??y-y??????????mom???????th??????ld ld? si s???????????????????lyl?????????646?,B,?????????????H4H?????????4X4??E.E??????????????????303?333?????????ooo?d ????vov?????ut??????????quq????ityit??????????ava???????????????????is??gogoo??????????????????????????????????llall?a wa ????????beb???????? s????ongon?????????no?not not?? the th???ololdol???? c ???fe??? b??????'s???a na ???????tet?????????", "output": "French Roast on a Friday sale and would say that it's my new second choice. I have also tried Coffee People's Black Tiger (a close third) and Kona (not a fan). This is a nice, well-rounded every-day cup, more on the bold side but not wincingly so.\"\n9264,B006N3IG4K,A2H4VXPVPO9V4X,E. Andresen,0,0,3,1303344000,\"Good flavor, but bad pod quality\",\"The flavor of this coffee is good, it has a nice balance of Vanilla without being too strong. It's not the boldest coffee, but it's a nice afternoon tre"} {"input": "?ata??????????r r /r ??ThThah?????????????, ,??????? h??????obo??????????????????? po p?dsd?. .?????n n???u u?????????? u upup p??o o??hehe he??????????u u cu ????seseee?????????????ara?? g ??????? o ???????e oe ofo?? th the th???ili???????rtr???????? th? the the????????????ca?ususe??s as ????? f ???l ????gr?????????henhe?n yn ?????????????????????anandan?d ad ??sos???lol?????up ???the the?????????????oto?to???????????podpo???????berbe????????????????? 1 ???????????er??y 5y 5 5???????????ha??????????????????929????B0B?060?N3N?????,A,AUA???LJLJJJ????YXY???SyS??????????????020282???????GrG????????????????????????aga???n,n?????????? the ???sts????? of t of ????s c??????? bu b?????in min ??y ly lal????", "output": "at.

That being said, I have had problems with several pods. When you hold them up to the light, you can see that there are grounds outside of the filter portion of the pod. This causes a cup full of grounds when you brew the coffee, and also clogs up the pin at the bottom of the pod chamber. I'd say about 1 out of every 5 or 6 pods has this problem.\"\n9265,B006N3IG4K,AU82LJJJ1KYXX,Sylvia,0,0,2,1302825600,Grounds for not ordering again,I love the taste of this coffee but in my last o"} {"input": "????????????r ??????????utu??evevev??? o?????????????????????r ??r ????p ip ??? th t?he he????terte???l l???????????????????? g grgror??nd??s fs ?????????????????? th????????of of???????e we whw?ici??h wh ???????s ths thehe ?vav??ueu?????????????????????????????? W ???????? n ?????????co??rer????th?????????????acackc?kagkagig??????? w ???l ???????de?r ??????????????e o???th???????te.te???262???????????4K4??A3A????T1T????????????????ishis?????,0???,1,??????????????UPU?? WO W?LFL???NGN??????????boubougbough?????hishi??????????forfo???y ??eue??igi??co?????????????andan?????????????????????????????????????besbe??????inging ing??????????????nin??????lf??gan???????s t?", "output": "rder of four boxes about every other K-cup has a tear or rip in the internal filter and thus the grounds flow through into the cup of coffee which wastes the value of the coffee as drinkable. Wolfgang needs to correct this flaw in packaging. I will not order again because of the waste.\n9266,B006N3IG4K,A3LHXT1TZ1ZYOW,curt bishop,0,0,5,1301529600,K CUP WOLFGANG PUCK,I bought this coffee for my Keurig coffee maker and I really like it. Smooth and the best thing it is an organic. Wolfgang uses th"} {"input": "?????e ?beb????bebeabe??s s?fof??????????fef????? B ????yoy?u u w ???? b be b????eae?sas?????????prp?????..????????060?????4K4K,K?A1A???????LAL??P4P4P4P,P??aga????????,0,,0????30300?????????WoW??????????????of???????????? C??????????????,\"g,\"??ea????????ng????????????????, ??utu?????t ot obo?????ou?ouslous???????????andan???????????????rtr????????ooo? b ba b??????????????????ur????????on???ubu?scs??ribribe?be abe ????????????mom??????????,B????6N36N????????????OMO???????,D,?on??????0,?5,??????????0,???????? t???????cic??????esses???????is?? th t??????????? a????ndnd ??????????in in???????rnr????????????????? ?I I????? i???. . ???????????????????696????", "output": "e the best beans for his coffee's. Buy you will be pleasantly surprised.\n9267,B006N3IG4K,A1JFOQKALAXP4P,magab55,0,0,5,1300838400,\"Wolfgang Puck Coffee, Vienna Coffee House\",\"great tasting coffee. strong, but not obnoxiously strong and no nasty aftertaste. too bad, it cannot be purchased on subscribe and save anymore.\"\n9268,B006N3IG4K,A2Q3D0OM8JNJNG,Donna,0,0,5,1300752000,wake up to deliciousness,This is the best all around 1st cup in the morning coffee ever! I love it. Perfect flavor.\n9269,B00"} {"input": "??????4K4???????????3Y3????,C,???hyh????hah???eye????,0,,0??,1,?????656??????rer???fafasa?????,B?????????e e?????iei??? c ?????????ha????pup???ha??ede???????????ono?. .? S ????y ????isi????t it ????????????????????????y ly ???????????lil????????????27027?0,B0,B0B??????????????F0F?2Z2??????????plp????,0,0,0,????????494?92892??00,?????e Ke K-K?????FrF??ncnch?????ast?,\",?????ve tve ?????blb????? s ??????????????????o ???????? o ????ouourou?r \"r ??????crc??????? Sa S??ave\"ave?\"\" \"\"????grgrar???????????????r pr ??????brb???>t>????? w/ w???????. ?????????????is???pop????????o ????rnr??to????y i??t wt ??? n ???o loo l????????aia????blebl????????d ??propr?gr?am?.<.????????am?????????ufu??ctc???????", "output": "6N3IG4K,A274OIG0K3Y411,Cathy Mahaffey,0,0,5,1300665600,Breakfast...,By far the tastiest coffee I have purchased from Amazon. Sorry it isn't in the Shop and Save any longer. Delicious!!!\n9270,B006N3IG4K,A1UCF02ZD1ML5M,haplu,0,0,5,1300492800,Fave K-cup French Roast,\"Love this blend, so was delighted to find it on your \"\"Subscribe & Save\"\" program (at a better price
than w/Keurig. So REALLY disappointed to learn today it was no longer available on said program.
Shame on manufacturerer!"} {"input": "?????????000??N3N???????1J1J1J1X1?????UYU????,R,?obo???????????????????????????40040???????nin??? t ???tet????????e ?????? a ?????????????er?????K-K-C-?upup p???????????ndn???hih???????????????te?????????s ??????ndend?erfer?????????????????????????rigrighg?t ???ou???????HaH?????????????e te the t??????????be?????ioi???, a??????is?????????????????cacanan'an???????????????????????3I?????A3A3K3KSK?V9V??A3PA3??????????????0,30,?????040???????????t ast a????eee??t a????th??? F?reren?chc??????????????????\"I?? ad a???????????????????encenchenc??????ll?a ??cofco????????be?be hbe ???????????????????? s???de.de???ThT??????n'n??????????? m??ch?? st s??????er ???coffcof??", "output": "\"\n9271,B006N3IG4K,A1J1XVORAUYTTV,Robert Fleming,0,0,5,1300406400,Very nice taste,\"I have tried about 25 different K-Cup flavors, and this is my favorite. It has a wonderful aroma, and just the right amount of Hazelnut. Use the subscribe option, and this is a deal that can't be beat.\"\n9272,B006N3IG4K,A3KSV9A3PE3M3M,PNG,0,0,3,1300406400,Not as sweet as other French Vanilla coffees,\"I admit, I like my French Vanilla coffee to be heavy on the vanilla side. This isn't. It's a much stronger coffee"} {"input": "??brb???? m ??????? m mo m??????gag????????????????s s?nen????????????????????heh?? co cofo??????lal??or???????????????r ??????, i, ?t't??s as ??????????????????????vev???????????fe??reredre????an??????????????????????????????or???he?n ????? o???asa?ioi???lll????????????????? I ????kek???thathat?? it i??coc??????????????ckck ck??????????????am???????ese?s ts ??ror???????????????????s ?s ans a??d Id ???dondon'?t t ht ?????? to to??????????????????te??????272??????????G4G4K4?????????RARALA?????MrMrsrsHs???meEme?c,c???????????99799?????,\",?GrG?????CoC????e,e????ea???PrPririci?????I bI ????th??????it??????????????????av?????????????????????????and ?ar????. . ???", "output": " brew, meaning more sugar and creamer is needed to tone down the coffee flavor. On the other hand, it's a reasonable alternative if my preferred brand (Van Houtte) isn't on sale or when it's occasionally out of stock. I like that it comes in a 2-pack because our family goes through a lot of k-cups and I don't have to order quite so often.\"\n9273,B006N3IG4K,AA10EFTRAL2CK,MrsHomeEc,0,0,5,1299974400,\"Great Coffee, Great Price\",I buy these with subscribe and save. I like the flavor and aroma. Goi"} {"input": "??? o ????on??? t ????ana?? I ?? am a??????????????? th t??????????????????N3N??????????????????????ene?NaN?????????,1,????808?161?00??WhWhah????'v'veve e B ????????kik??ng ng?FoF?????I wI ??????ryr????????ed ed????n ????recre?????????????igig g cg ?????? m ma maka?????s s as ??ChC?????mam?as as??????????????ulu????????it?????pup????it ?tot???????????????????????????reere???????s ?????? I I' I????ha????????????ve ve???rur????????? f ????d wd ???at at??? th????????????oodoo???????f ????????????st????? th????rar???s ?????????ed????????eitei??????????????????? or o???????????????? / ????????I ????????????????bubucu????????????????coffcof??fee fee??????kerker,? o? or or f?????", "output": "ng on month two and I am not tired of them yet!\n9274,B006N3IG4K,A3POR4Z3ZVKGME,ZenNana,0,0,5,1299801600,What I've Been Looking For,\"I was very excited when I received a Keurig coffee maker as a Christmas present, & couldn't wait to put it to use. However, in the three months since I've had it, I have struggled to find what I think is a good cup of coffee. Most of the brands I've tried have either been too weak or too strong.

I am not a \"\"Starbucks\"\" kind of coffee drinker, or fan of"} {"input": "???ana????????oro?????ofo?????????????t t?lil???????regregug?????????of? c?????e ????t ????????gog??????ene??iti???????wiw?ngn???& &??????? s ???ootooth???whewh???? d ?rir???? it i?????in??ll????ju??????ikeike ?????ili?oco???????????thith???ono??e ie ????\"j\"??????????\"\"??????????????3I3??4K4?????OVO?HKH????4U4UOU??,\",????????????iei?????????????????????????????????wew?????????????????????r fr ???vo???????????????ut ut? a a???????????????????st nst ??????????????????????????????ada?????rea???? ta t?astas????????????00??6N36N????K,?A3A?????????0L0????????????????????454?60600??????????????????? lo l????????hih??????coffecoff????????????me.me??????????", "output": " fancy flavored coffees. I just like a regular cup of coffee that smells good when it's brewing, & tastes smooth when I drink it. Finally, just like Goldilocks said, this one is \"\"just right\"\".\"\n9275,B006N3IG4K,A2ZOVHKYDH4UOJ,\"ark76 \"\"Annie K\"\"\",0,0,4,1299715200,Yum but weak,One of the weaker flavored coffees but a yummy one. Almost no need for milk as it is already creamy tasting.\n9276,B006N3IG4K,A38TAEK5BQ0L8Z,Karen,0,0,5,1299456000,For true coffee lovers,\"This coffee is awesome. Kinda bo"} {"input": "?????wiw??h h????wew???nen??????????????t t?mym?????????? w???h ?InI????????????????????????cccchchihiai?dod? c ?????????????????????????theth???????????ti???????????????????4K4??A3A??LWLWRW?GLG???????,L,?????0,0,0?????????????00,00??re??????fff?????hehe e ce ??????????????eateat.t????en??t st ?omo????imi????????amaam????a aa ?andan???oto?????lol?vev??????? cof co?ffeff??. ?????? to t????????????k k??om?e ??as as? we w?ellell.l????27827???????3I??G4KG4K,?????PSPSDS?????1D1??????. B. ???????????????????????????w\"w?????,0,0,0,??5,????98898858????????eryer?????d d Cd ?of??????? g ??t ?????????????? p ?uru???????????????????????bob????????ffeeffe?????????to???finfi?? t? the th????nesnes ??????e e be ?????", "output": "ld, with a sweetness. Excellent my son says with International's Carmel Macchiado creamer you can find in the dairy section.\"\n9277,B006N3IG4K,A31LWRGL7B9Y7P,Linz,0,0,5,1298937600,great coffee,The coffee was great. Spent some time in Jamaica and got to love the coffee. Nice to get in back home as well.\n9278,B006N3IG4K,A2LNPSDCRPQ1DW,\"C. Bartholomew \"\"C. Bartholomew\"\"\",0,0,5,1298851200,Very Good Coffee,\"I got this with the purchase of 24 different bold coffee k-cups to find the ones I like best, "} {"input": "??????? f ?ara???hih?s s???????????????? I ????????????e e b ?????????????????omo?e,e? b??????? is i????t ?sus????????????????te?????h ????e 'e ???trt??????d'd? v ??ariar??????. ???????????????h h ah ??d ?nonot?????arlar?y ??as as??????????????????????????????????????y boy b??????en??????????????????d' d' f????????????????a a ba ???d t?????te ite ????ouo????ou???????????ne?????as sas ???onongon?????thoth?????????badbad ??ftf??tertter?as?????????fecfe??t ft ????me??????????000?????G4G?????????????????????,0,???????292989???????,G?oo???k-k?cuc???????????ulu?l-l??????d d cd ???????????????????????thi?ng???difdi?????????? s?up?plple?????????????????????e ?I ?????", "output": "and so far this is my favorite. It may not be bold enough for some, but it is not supposed to compete with the 'extra bold' varieties. This was smooth and not nearly as bitter as many bold coffees. So many bold blends have a 'burned' flavor, leaving a bad taste in your mouth, this one was strong without the bad aftertaste, perfect for me!\"\n9279,B006N3IG4K,A2GYDZ6RN1UWJM,GWP,0,0,5,1298764800,Good k-cup,I like full-bodied coffee and to try something different to supplement the standard one I use. "} {"input": "??ThT???????????waw????????ctct t??????????pup??pop???. .???????????RaR???fo????????prp????o o????????????????ndn??rdr??ononen??????t ?????illil?l ol ???????hi????????..?929?????000????????????????????????grg????????0,??,1,121?989????????RiR????an?????????????????????ar???melme?????????????y ???????????or?iti???? G ?re?atat at??????????????????????????aka????it?h ????????????? ca car???????ror???????????,B0,B???6N36N????????RBR????F3F??????,B???kmkma????,0,,0???5,??12912????????????????????ee ee??,\",\"I,\"??????????????? c?????????and and l ???????????????? coff cof??fee,fee???????is bris b?????????th????es?? f?????????ha??ve ve???verve?????????. I. ????????ouo", "output": " This coffee was perfect for that purpose. Timothy's Rainforest Expresso is still my standard one...but I will order this again.\n9280,B006N3IG4K,A26OE2P0ESL9PH,grjudy,0,0,5,1298592000,Rich and wonderful,\"Creme Caramel is by far my newest favorite! Great coffee flavor, not too weak, with a wonderful caramel aroma!\"\n9281,B006N3IG4K,A2RB1UIF3W1G8C,Beckmayo,0,0,5,1298505600,Great Coffee !,\"I drink alot of coffee and love hazelnut coffee, this brand has the best flavor I have ever tasted. I have bou"} {"input": "??????eve??raralal l?did?????????brb????s s??????????ono????? t????????! !???t mt mamayay y?????????? do d?????????rer???????t ??????ortor????t.t. . I???????????y ?????????nd end ?enjen??????????eryer?????????.\".?????????060?N3N???????????QRQRGR?KUK??????????????????rtrtit?istis?\"\"?\",\"?????2,??????????????an'an't'??????????????????t Ct ???mem?????????acacuc????e e Ce ?????e!e??????????? a??o o????????????????ug??????me????????????????????????????????????. I. ????????????fectfec?? b??????toto ??be be??????????????e e te ?????? I h I ??????????he??d fd ?forfo? A ??YTY????? s????la??. ???henhe??????????ede?????ou?ldl???'t 't?? fin find????????????d ?d fod f??????????????on???????", "output": "ght several different brands and this one is the BEST! It may be a few dollars more but it is worth it. I absolutely love and enjoy it every morning.\"\n9282,B006N3IG4K,A3T4UQRGKU4SPG,\"Cherlin \"\"Artist\"\"\",0,0,2,1298419200,Can't find the perfect Creme' Br\u00fblée Coffee!,\"10 years ago my daughter brought home Creme' Brulee' for the first time. It was perfect, beans to be ground. Since then I have searched for ANYTHING similar. When I realized I couldn't find it, she had forgotten what one she p"} {"input": "?????asa?ede????? / />/??
This one has a strong flavor, but it tastes fake with a strong after taste. Unfortunately it is one of the better ones. If anyone reads this and knows what ones (Carmel and Vanilla), taste great, please post here.\"\n9283,B006N3IG4K,AQMVY521YJDBE,gg,0,0,2,1298246400,\"Yummy coffee, not a fan of coffee grinds though!!\",\"I REALLY like the taste of this coffee! My only complaint is that the coffee grinds end up in my coffee. Not a huge fan of that and even though I really like th"} {"input": "e???????e oe ofo??????????? n ????????r r?aga?aia????????er???????9929?????000?6N6???????A1A???????????????????????EN,EN,0,????????989828????????????????????of??????My?????or?oritorite????????????????????ipi???????????????????????e e o?nln?????robro?lel??????????????????inkink k???????????chch h ch ??offoffeoff?ee ee??owow w???????????????????sos?o m?ucuchuc??\"????5,??B00B0???????????KWK???WDW??????????????? J ????????????12?????00800??00,???????????????ri???????????????s is ??????????my?????????e ????up?s.s?????????????? d ??????????e ??witwi?hoh????th???bib?????????????????????igi??????ec?om?????dedde????????????????G4KG4????ZDZDODOLO?LIALI?DXD???ZXZ", "output": "e taste of it I will not order again, bummer!! =(\"\n9284,B006N3IG4K,A1NLRUENKRUX3E,TIM LINDEN,0,0,5,1298246400,My Favorite Coffee,\"My favorite, I have it auto shipped through Amazon. The only problem I have is I drink way too much coffee now because I like it so much.\"\n9285,B006N3IG4K,A3KWN5WDEUEJ9V,Brian K James,0,0,5,1297900800,One of my favorite K-cups,This is one of my favorite K-cups. It's a rich dark coffee without the bitterness of some. Highly recommended.\n9286,B006N3IG4K,A2ZDOLIADXFMZX"} {"input": "???ata?????,0?,3,3,3???979???444404????K,K?????????????????????????tet???????????????as as??????strst???g g??no?????????mym? h ????????????????? o ????????odo???????? d ??????g bg ?????ing?. ?. I. ???????????wow???t ??????as????hih?s ????in?..???878???????????????8W8??C8C?XIX??VAV?6464,4???????????,1??????????????????ioi??????????is?????????oriorititete te o?f f t th the the the??lal???????????feefe??????ama??????us???allally???? fa f?an an???? co?co??utut ?bu?t ???????cofco????????????cic??us????????????y-y???oco??la????????????????????????N3IN3?????????M4M???????NJN????off??ee ee Bee ????,0,0,??????12912????161?00???????? F ????ririt?e,e?\"Y\"?um??my,my?????????andan????????????????", "output": ",Cathy,0,0,3,1297814400,OK,I thought the coffee tasted fine. It was not strong enough for my husband. Several of the pods burst during brewing. I probably won't purchase this again.\n9287,B006N3IG4K,A38WQC8XIEVA64,Lisa,0,0,5,1297728000,Scrumptious!,This is my favorite of the flavored coffees. I am not usually a fan of coconut but this coffee is deliciously coconutty-chocolaty! Love it!\n9288,B006N3IG4K,A1T5M4BXCFNUNJ,Coffee Bean,0,0,5,1297641600,My New Favorite,\"Yummy, mild, and delicious. My n"} {"input": "??w w?faf?vov?ririti??? M MiM??d d?????omo??ara?????????????????????????\"\"\"??????????ele????????????te te???ke?????????il?????t t tt ??ulu??? a a????????roroaroas??. .??le??????t it ?in in?ththeh??????????????keske??yoy????lal????o ???????? go g???d cd ?????f f???ffffeff?ee.ee????282?????060??3I3??????????NXN?????OSJOS?,D,???ScS???????????121??757?????00,00?GrG?eaeata?????vo?????d cod c????????lflfgfgag????????????fe?????arear?????at? a????????CrC???????????? i???ononeon??????y y fy ??vo????????I I?wow???????????????th?????????e ???? p ????????????likli???????????????or.or???29?????06?N3???????VWV?????????????CraCr?????????????????0,40,????29729???606???????????????fee????????????nt nt", "output": "ew favorite! Mild in comparision to coffees called \"\"rocket fuel\"\" and taste like motor oil, but truly a medium roast. Pleasant in the morning. Makes you glad to have a good cup of coffee.\"\n9289,B006N3IG4K,A5CEPNXXOSOSJ,D. Scott,0,0,5,1297555200,Great flavored coffee,Wolfgang Puck coffees are great and the Creme Caramel is one of my favorites. I would recommend this coffee for people who like a mild flavor.\n9290,B006N3IG4K,AVWTLFMCTFKW1,Crazy Mama to 3,0,0,4,1297296000,Decent coffee but I wasnt "} {"input": "w?owo?????????????????atat ???cac???????? th?e e ne ??mem?????????? t???? I ????ululdl?????wo???????????????t ???gog?????????????????????th?????????????ulaul???????????????IGIG4G4K4K,K???????????E7E?????oro???ac ac???\"To\"T???\"\"??,0,??,0,,0????29?????????????ribri????????????metme??????????????????????????????fff???????caucaus??????verve??? p ??????? wh w???????????????y y????or???e e (e (J(????????????????rilri??s ??igi????te???????ldld)ld????ikeik??????? o???????????????SuS?mam?atrat????????????f mf ????????ritri?????coffcof???s ???????ll.ll??????><>???r /r ??I ??????????????????????????????????????? or o??gag???e ie ????????ror??g ?lal???????????????is is?", "output": "wowed!,I thought that because of the name attached that I would be wow-ed...its just a good average coffee nothing spectacular.\n9291,B006N3IG4K,ATQCO4O4U8E78,\"Toriac \"\"Tori\"\"\",0,0,1,1297123200,Horrible: did something happen?,I bought this coffee because several people who also liked my favorite (Jet Fuel or Emeril's Big Intense Bold) liked this one. Typically Sumatra is one of my favorite coffees as well.

I am wondering if they made a bad batch or gave it the wrong label.
It is *"} {"input": "????????????????t t i isi? e exe???ememem??????????????mom????????????? N ????? s??????? me m???ere??ofo? m????amamimilmily?????ede????t a?????hah??????????????uauala??????/>/?
I'm going to contact the company to see if they'll exchange it or refund me. It is THAT bad.\n9292,B006N3IG4K,AD7SKPC2E4FBW,Julia,0,0,1,1297036800,Misleading Flavor Name,\"As coffee in general, this Wolfgang variety was alright. However, I was expecting a \"\"Creme Caramel\"\" taste, or something similar, and I don't feel this delivered. I tried multiple cups at differe"} {"input": "?ntn??????????s s??????????????????????dididi???t t d?? i ?????????. .?????????rkrkek????d ad ?s ?????????????????????et????? cou co?ldl??non???????? a?????ini????????? t?????????????????????????????000???3I3?G4G?????????????????????acrac????,0,?????????????????mmm??????prp??feferfe???ili???????????? c????fee?? an???I'I???e te ??????????????di??ffe??????????????????I'lI'???????????? t???is ??????he???????r rr ?????????????ri?ghghtht t ot ??????mom?????an?????? a??????ittit?terte??es?s.s???us????????ata???????? j????????????????on pon pr??????t ???me?me sme sus??er???as?????????????????????ri????????????I sI ???????y ???co???ene?????.\"????", "output": "nt cup sizes and this coffee just didn't do it for me. It is marketed as a flavored coffee, yet I could not taste anything beyond the flavor of coffee.\"\n9293,B006N3IG4K,AYHH3IL637HZJ,bacacre,0,0,5,1296864000,yummy,\"I prefer mild to medium coffee and I've tried so many different k-cups but I'll stay with this one the other reviews were right on , smooth and not any bitterness. Just a great cup of joe. With amazon prime it came super fast, if you're not a prime member I strongly recommend it.\"\n929"} {"input": "??????6N6?????K,K,A,A1A1K1??????????????trt????????????,12,1?????????0,C0,CuC?????????? D ????????e,e???hih?s ???????ooo?d d?FrF???chc????asa?? c ??fff???? a??????ghg?h ih ????????d bd ?e ????????????????? I ??????eve?verve?????????????a ??? cu cup??dud???????????????????ntont????????. ????s ?????????y ???????atiat?????o ????l l??it????????????? t?heh??e cue c?????d d md ????????whw????????be???ateat?????choch???????????st???????? a??????????????s.s?????29529??,B0,B????????K,???????707??????G,G,K,?er??????????????????0000,00????????????????????flf????r,r,I,???????aviav??????????st st??it?? m?y y ny ??????uru??????ch?chinchinene ne?- -??????ing ???t ?a ??????????????????", "output": "4,B006N3IG4K,A1KE7XXXLYIXL,Patricia,0,0,1,1296864000,Cups Can Be Defective,\"This is a good French roast coffee, although it could be a little bolder. I've never before had a k cup dump the contents into my cup. It's extremely irritating to deal with grounds in the cup and machine when deliberately choosing a system that avoids the mess.\"\n9295,B006N3IG4K,A1URVJ70108OZG,Kerry,0,0,5,1296777600,love the dark rich flavor,I am having a blast with my new Keurig machine - trying out a bunch of new flavo"} {"input": "?????ncn???????????????? R ????t.t???t't's'???????ana?? f ????????l l????????????arlarlyl???????????unu???????????y ???psp?????ouo???????????????????????????????????????s t??? fi f????????larlargr??????????hih?????orkor?????br br?????ieiede?????? ch chohoco????????ono??t t??????r r??????????????????d ld ?????? it i??????/>????????????????????e ??????ar?????? pr p???????? t??????????ribri?e ????????????????????IGI?4K4?????141???????????????omo??????SAMSA?????????????????????00???????????????? of o????ffffef???????????????????wi??? M ????????? d didifdi????en???blb????s,s??????????????? f fa f???orioriti????????rs????? l ????s ???? to t???", "output": "rs including the Dark Roast. It's nice and flavorful - particularly since I run each of my cups through the small cup brewing cycle 2 times to fill my large mug. This works.
Tried the chocolate donut flavor the other day and loved it.
Love the convenience and bargain prices of the subscribe & save.\n9296,B006N3IG4K,AB314H3A49TM9,\"USAMom \"\"USAMom\"\"\",0,0,4,1296691200,Very good cup of coffee,\"I am impressed with Mr Puck's different blends, this one is a favorite of ours. It lives up to th"} {"input": "???\"\"\"???????????????????me,me?????????????????t t???????????????????grg??ata?t wt ?hih?????re?wiw?????wi??????y y?????in.in??????7,7????????G4G??,A,????N1N????????G,G??FMF?AMA??,0,?,0?????????????00,00?????at at D DeDea????????????alal ?????????????narnaro?unu?????WhW???????????rerenrencn?e e fe ??????????????????????????????? w ???h h????????venvend??orsor?????ot???????ac?????????????????er???????????d id ??!!????8,8,B????????????A3LA3LUL??????????4,4???ha???????????????\"Sh\"S????n\"n?\"\"\"\"\"?,0?,0,0,0,?????????????????st??CoC?ff???????????????????????????????????????????????????s ??????!!!! ????????????nc???va??????a ca ?re????r r???n an ????????", "output": "e \"\"medium roast\"\" name, full bodied, not acidic and smells great while brewing, will buy again.\"\n9297,B006N3IG4K,A35FN1VLTTPT3G,AFMAMH,0,0,5,1296691200,Great Deal!,Great Deal - GREAT turnaround! What a difference from other orders I have placed with other vendors! Got the package the day after I ordered it!\n9298,B006N3IG4K,A3LUQ5KJW9WA14,\"Sharon R. Dapp \"\"Sharon\"\"\",0,0,5,1296518400,Best Coffee Ever!,\"If you like vanilla flavored coffee, this is it!! I put a french vanilla creamer in and no ot"} {"input": "???r r s ??????er? i ?????????????hah???? it i???veverve?? d ????anandn?????????????s os ?rdr?derde??????d ?sos????????????????t.t???????,B,?????????K,K?A1A????????????8,8????. F. ?ele?dmd????????????????0,0??,5,?,1,???????????????????????,\"???????ofo??ee????s Bs ??????????????????????????erner??????????????????lyl?y fy ??????in????????????????????????so so s??corco??????????????????th??????glg???e see s???? c????????????ingsings ????d Id ????????. ????????????????????????k k????????re? i in????????? t???????????olfol????g g P ?ucuck??'s 's????????????????????re???re????\"???????B00B0?????IG4IG????????????KJK??O,O?TiT?????????,0,?0,???,12,1???25?92???", "output": "her sweetner is needed. I have it every day and I'll always order ahead so I don't run out.\"\n9299,B006N3IG4K,A1CPUVKY7OP4V8,\"J. Feldman \"\"JF7FSU\"\"\",0,0,5,1296259200,High Rating!,\"This coffee is Bold and none of the bitterness that is usually found in bold coffee's. It also scored exeptional in the single serve coffee ratings and I concur. There is a lot of dreck out there in K-Cups, this and Wolfgang Puck's Hawaiian Hazelnut are great!\"\n9300,B006N3IG4K,AT8JX7T3CKJKO,Tim in PA,0,0,2,1296259200,"} {"input": "??????y y???????tet???? g gog?ot ot??????isis is???lol?? c ??????????nan?tit??e e??? m???????alal al J ???????????? i??t jt ???????????t mt ?eae???????????I lI ?iki?????ror??????????????t tt ????????d ad a ?????????as?te?? th t?hatha?????????????'t? c??re???????AlA??o,o? 3 ???? t????????????????me me??sorso??????mamalma??????tioti?????????????????????ri?ndndsnds ?ini?????my my??????notno???????whw?????939??????060??????K,K????747???????UXU?????,0,????5,5???969??868?404???VeV?ryr??????????er???sms??ot????? and and????avoav??fu???????????edied????ro?as????? I I w ?????????ana?????????ri???????????s s ks k k??????? and ???????geg?? i?? a?gag??????????5%5? o?????ea??????????me tme ??? it????d ???m m?", "output": "Not my favorite,\"I got this is a low cost alternative to my normal Jet Fuel and it just didn't measure up. I like strong coffee but this had a bitter taste that I just didn't care for. Also, 3 of the cups had some sort of malfunction and dumped their grinds into my cup-not sure why.\"\n9301,B006N3IG4K,A1574S23MT2UXT,MG,0,0,5,1296086400,Very tasty.,Very smooth and flavorful for a medium roast. I was pleasantly surprised by this k cup and would get it again. The 25% off deal drew me to it and I'm g"} {"input": "????..???????000????????????????7S7?????V,V??JAJ?C.C??ata???????????????????ere??\"\"\"\"\"?????,2,??????????????oto?????? f ????????? t??????ofo???e.e...????ThT???s cs co??ffeffee??????????????e e me ?????????????lil??????????? F ???ncn??????????DoD?nun???????????????????????????????????????e ?fl???vorvo?r ar atat at??lll?????????d d????????????????????????????? tha th?????t ???????diddi???????e ????????owo?????????????????ut? I ?????????????????????sss?s ms ???k ???ustust ?t tot tooo????????????????????????? bu??????????n.n. ?WiW????I ???????????? 4 ?5 5???????upu?s s ts ?????????????????????6N6N36N3I?????A1A?????????????????????????????", "output": "lad.\n9302,B006N3IG4K,A3W0C717SJHQ3V,\"JAC. at home \"\"Busy Shopper\"\"\",0,0,2,1295568000,Not much flavor to this coffee...,\"This coffee is not a true medium roast like Caribou French Roast, Donut House, etc. there was not much coffee flavor at all. I found it to be so weak in flavor that not only did I have to go down a brew size, but I also have to add less milk just too drink it. I will never buy it again. Wish I didn't have 45 more cups to go thru!\"\n9303,B006N3IG4K,A1D1UB7995POKS,Mrs. M. M. Alber"} {"input": "??,0,????2,2?????797?040???0,W0,??????????s s???????????????????ndn??????leele????,\",???????ereer???Wo?lf????????ucu??'s's 's?? c ?????????????????????????????rerepre??tat????? a?nd???y ?????rir??????????hi?s ?????????antantst???bob?tht???????hichi?h ????????????owo?????, ,??????I ????nkn?????????????up up??????????ea?????????????????tasta?????non????ffffefeee?????t t wt ??? a????f ??I wI wa??s ds ?????iningin????ot ot??at????. I. ??I waI w????????did??????in???????????????????as??????ly ly???????? c???? w wh????? I I k?no???????????odod.od. ????ry??????f Gf ??????????????????????per!per????????B0B00???????K,K,A,??????0W0???IDI??????himhi???,0?,0,0,0,?????29?47????00000??????at ???", "output": "s,0,0,2,1294790400,Wolf Gang's Kcup Breakfast Blend a Sleeper,\"I ordered Wolf Gang Puck's k cups, largely because of his reputation and my experiences at his restaurants, both of which are good. However, when I drank my first cup of the Breakfast Blend, I tasted no coffee...it was as if I was drinking hot water. I was very disappointed and will purchase only those k cups which I know to be good. Sorry Wolf Gang, this is a sleeper!\"\n9304,B006N3IG4K,A2FMH70WTSIDF6,Whimsy,0,0,5,1294704000,Great bre"} {"input": "??????isi??????? f ?????iti?e e??f f?ala????????of??????I'I?????????. .?SmS?ooo??????? f????????????????t t?beb??????????????? c ?????e,e???????????in?????????????????????? da d?????????,B,B0B??????????????????SYS?NEN???,j,joj????,0,?,0???????????606??,A???????f ?a ????????inintintmtme??t.t????????????ece??????? a m a ??????????ama??mel mel?????vorvo?????????????cof??fee?????????????????? and an????ou ou????????????t t mt ??kek?e o????????????mel?????vo????????6,6????6N6N36N??????????C0C???Y3Y??T7T7J7????hi?lsl?te?? \" ???????????????????????????7607600?????ono????ar???RoR??astas?????????????is ?????bob???????e se st??????estes?t Kt ????p ??????pup????????? ?", "output": "w,\"This is my favorite of all the coffees I've tried. Smooth and flavorful without being a flavored coffee, its a definite treat anytime of day.\"\n9305,B006N3IG4K,A16SLC7GSYNE12,josey,0,0,3,1294617600,A bit of a disappointment.,\"I was expecting a mellow caramel flavor, but this coffee is a bit sharp and you really can't make out any carmel flavor.\"\n9306,B006N3IG4K,A2FIC05DY3HT7J,\"Philster \"\"Philster\"\"\",0,0,4,1294617600,Strong Dark Roast Coffee,\"This is about the strongest K cup I've purchased. I"} {"input": "???ikikeke e?mym??coc??fef?e e se ??????, , a ????????rer??????????????upup p c??????????kerke????lwl?aya?????rcr???????FrF?renre???????????hoh?????eae????????rerewre????????????cofcoffffeff??????rerew???????????in in????????????chich?inein?e ae ???????????????????ili?l l???efief???????y py prp??viv??? y ????????? a ????????cu?????? co???????????cec??? b?????????????? m??????????d ??????????e sae s??????????????????o o??????????????wi???????????????se se??? cu? cups cup???ntn??????????? de d??an????? a an?? t?? then the???????????????????????? cup???????????????????????a ????stronstro?ng ????????????????????ugu??????p yp yo?ur???yey?bab??????????..<..?brb?????????>O>OfO????ur????", "output": " like my coffee strong, and before buying a K cup coffee maker, always purchased French roast whole bean and brewed strong coffee. Brewing this in a K cup machine at an 8 ounce cup will definately provide you with a strong cup of coffee. Since I brew a cup for my wife and I at the same time, I run two 8 ounce cups with one of these K cups into a small decanter, and then pour into two coffee cups, which still yields a strong flavor, but not enough pop your eyeballs out...

Of course, "} {"input": "???????????o o????????tht???????? cu c?up up?????????e ?????????wnw?????hah???, ,???ic????t t??ese?s s ts ?thath?????????? ce c???s ???????????on on????e ce chc??????????????????br????ingin??? I ??????????t t Kt ??cu?ps?ps aps ara?re re g ????????????tot?o ao ???2 2???ncn?? c? cup?????d ?????????es es????????eae??????????????mum??ch.ch?..? ??utu????thisthi????????????mym????fef???and???????????????????????fixfi????????????????????????????or ?yey????, ??ndn?d bd br???winwi?????????????iti??? on o???? K c K ?????s ????????icaical?.\".??????,B,????N3N?????????????D3D333??????ul??????eelee?ty???,0?????292????????????we????,\",\"I\"I ???m om on?lyl???dridr??kik?ing??????????it it w wo????????????????, an??", "output": "brewing two cups with one K cup drops the price down in half, which at less than thirty cents a cup is on the cheap end of K cup brewing. I find most K cups are good for up to a 12 ounce cup, and 16 ounces would weaken them too much... But this works for my wife and I since I have been fixing a cup for each of us for years, and brewing two cups with one K cup is economical.\"\n9307,B006N3IG4K,A42G11QD33NYH,Julia Keelty,0,0,1,1294358400,So weak!,\"I am only drinking it, so it won't be wasted, and "} {"input": "I???ava????????????????????????ofo?????????????ro??????????I ???mem????r r w???????????coc?offof????? I???isi????????y wy ?????ThT??????????????lal?????????????is???ini????I ???ve????remre????????????ndn????? a a? hu h??????? fa f????????tht????la???? s??????th th? an???????is???ncn??y oy ?of of???????cofco??????????non??? im i???????????????????he???????????????????????????????????????B0B???N3N3I3???K,K?A1A?PTP????????B0?????????????heher????????121?????????0,T0,?oo??bibit???????????oko?y,y??MyMy ??av??????e ce coe c???eeeesees ?ar???????????????? ro r???stsst????ke? F ?????h,h????talta????? a an? and and? Fu F??? C Ci Citityit???????????????????????astas????s ?s a s a????, ", "output": "I have to rotate it with a Coffee People product, so I remember why I like coffee. It is really wan. The strongest flavor profile is tin. I love creme caramel and am a huge WP fan, but the flavor strenth and consistancy of this coffee does not impress. Choose another - you won't be sorry you did.\"\n9308,B006N3IG4K,A1PTWKRXLBKB0Z,Bryan Beecher,0,0,2,1294272000,Too bitter and smoky,\"My favorite coffees are the big dark roasts like French, Italian, and Full City. This K-cup dark roast has a big, "} {"input": "?bob?????????????????lacla???????????? ????? le l???????????????sss?, ????????????????d ad aca?????rer???????????igi?????nd?????????????isi???????????aba?lel??? I ????????????????? ro r???tsts.s??fof???? the th?????????????????en? M ???, N, ????an????????ono??? S ???p p?mum????????e te ????????????ne.ne??????9,9???060??????????T8T8L8??GWG????M7M????????????????,0,0,0???5,5,1,121????????????mmm???????????????is?is cis ???????in??????ev????????rnirniningin???juj?st? l??ke????????????????reare?kfk??astas??????????. ??I ??ordor??????th???s 2s 242?/2/????????hiphipmp????????? the??????????c c 2 2 ??????s ????????I ?ususeuseded ??it it??????y y by ???forfo?re re???????????????men?????", "output": "bold flavor, but lacks balance. The level of smokiness, bitterness, and acid are way too high, and the result is not enjoyable. I liked the dark roasts. for the Keurig from Green Mt, Newman, and Donut Shop much more than this one.\"\n9309,B006N3IG4K,A1T8LRGWQ6QM7Z,Carla Stanley,0,0,5,1294012800,Yummo!!,\"I want this coffee in bed every morning, just like it's name \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\". I ordered this 24/2 box shipment on the automatic 2 months plan. I used it up way before the next shipment so "} {"input": "?????????????? p plp??????????????onontn??. .? N ????isis s???oko??????????????????f f?????k.k?????????????????????????????aca??????????????is is?a a??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,0,?????,1,121????????????????\"T\"?hih???????????????????????? u ???? t????????????????????????????????cuc?????idi???????????????????. ?????????, ,???wow?oulou????t ?bub?y ?????????????aia??????93193????00??6N36N?????????????????????????JaJ????????\"E\"???ma???????,0,,0?,0,????29????080?????y ?nen??w fw ????rir???e ke kckcu?????? l lo l??in????????????eee???????s ?????th????d ????????????? t??????boldbol????", "output": "I changed the plan to every month. Now is looks like it's out of stock.....ugh....I hope it comes back soon. It is a delicious choice!\"\n9310,B006N3IG4K,A3ICEX9YGL38R0,summerskies,0,0,4,1293840000,taste,\"This product takes getting used to. Only after using about 3 K-cups did I start liking it. However, I wouldn't buy this many again.\"\n9311,B006N3IG4K,A307QOFD9Q7RKQ,\"L. Jamrosz \"\"Elimama\"\"\",0,0,5,1293580800,My new favorite kcup,I'm loving this coffee!! It's smooth and bold but not too bold. It"} {"input": "????mimini?????? o ??????????????of?????????????asas ??????r.r???????????? ve v??ery ?gog????cucupu??????cofco????????????? a ??????????? re r???lyl??????????????????????????????????????????????????grg?anan,n?0,0?,0,,0??????93493???????????? co c????????lil?????????vov??????????????????? P ??????ror?oduod?????s bus b????heh?????fe???????????????????????g.g????????he?re??? is is????ea???????vorvor ??- a- ??????????te??????????????????ro??????st??????????????????? al a????theth????al???uc??????????ts!ts??????????????939?????????3I??????????CZC???????????. S. ??huh????n,0n,?0,00,???1,11,?129???484???00,????fecfe??????????? is????the the?????????", "output": " reminds me of starbucks coffee but not as bitter. Very very very good cup of coffee. Give it a try. I'm really glad I did.\n9312,B006N3IG4K,ANU97DL0YU2GC,mary agran,0,0,2,1293494400,Weak coffee - little flavor!,I love Wolfgang Puck products but the coffee is very disappointing.
There is a weak flavor - almost tastes diluted!
Some troll must have changed out all the real Puck products!
Libbie\n9313,B006N3IG4K,A2YAOCZ9DT7I01,R. Schuman,0,0,1,1293148800,Defective,This is the 1st K-cup"} {"input": "??????eee???????I I?ama??geg???ini??? gr g????????????? co c??????? It It ??s ?oco??????g ???ououtout ???ere???????????????????oto??hahadha???????????????wiw??th th???heh??????????????????ureurese??? I I w ????????????rdr????????4,4????????G4G4K4???121??????XGX?????????e,e????????????????????ettet?er?er ter ????????nutnut ?????!,!?\"U\"????l ???trt??????????a a???off??????ousou?e,???????t St Sht S?hopho??????????????????????? au a??omo??atiat?c c? mo m?????y ?????ve??????????nan??????ee????usu???????????????de??? th????????? S ????????????????????? wi w??????ut aut ????????????????????????????????cu???? I I k I ???????????????wi???????????????????IG4IG????383???????", "output": " coffee that I am getting grounds in my coffee. It is occuring about every 3 cups. I have not had this problem with other K cup manufactures. I will not reorder.\n9314,B006N3IG4K,A12KUNIKXGX3U1,Anne,5,5,5,1294444800,Better than Donut Shop!,\"Until I tried Vienna Coffee House, Donut Shop was the one I had on automatic monthly delivery. Vienna Coffee House is a tad bolder than Donut Shop but very smooth without any bitterness. From the first cup, I knew I had to switch.\"\n9315,B006N3IG4K,A38NL22J79"} {"input": "??????\"P\"?????J.J?????nen????????????ghg???????????121?????28028?00??????rir???????????????llll ????????????I I???????uru??????d d?sos?????????lil??e e te ????????ncn?ch ch???????????????. ??????????re???lyly y???????????????n n u ?????????? th t????ar??e-e-c-?upup up b bu b?ttt?ono???????ikeik????????????eee?????ece??ioi???????????????is??????re???????????s ?????????/>/><>??????????nsnsis?ded????ysy????????????ly ly a?????terte?????????????uriur?? c?of???e ?????ini?ne ne??????? o of o??????es?????rcrchrc?has???. ?????????????? co?ff????????somsomem??????exe????????? at a?????0-0?????????p,p, p,? th??????????????????no????? c??????????and??, b, be, b?????????????", "output": "JOH1,\"Paul J. Shane \"\"InTheRough\"\"\",5,5,5,1286928000,Favorite K-Cup,\"Of all the K-Cups I have purchased so far, I like this French Roast the best. It has a really bold taste even used with the large-cup button. I like other coffee selections too, but this one really stands out.

I consider myself an early adapter and the Keurig coffee machine is one of my best purchases. Although the coffee is somewhat expensive at $.40-.50 a cup, there is no waste, no pot cleanup, and, best of all, gr"} {"input": "??ata??????????????????y y????????ea???????????? th t?????sts???????????ususeus????? a ??????????????????reare?? c??offoffe????????st st?????????????th??????akakik?ingin?????ulu????????????ca??n gn ?????ourou?r br ?efe???? a???????????rar?????brb?r /r ?????????????icicec????????????ara?r rr re????lel???????h h a????????t ??????ror???ryr????or??es es??rere ?no?w w? ca car??????ing King ???????????????????????????????????s ??????????????conco????????????????????????N3N???4K4???????WPW???ZMZ??????JoJ??????re??????????????????n ?trt?? B ??????oxo?????????????,5???,1,??838?????00?,\",\"G,\"GoG??????????y,y???oneon?????????????????? fl f?????????????????????on'on", "output": "eat coffee. I usually get up earlier than the rest of the household and can have my great coffee almost instantly without making a full pot that can go sour before all being drank.

I notice that regular retailers such as Target and grocery stores are now carrying K-Cups, but buying online costs less and is more convenient. pjs\"\n9316,B006N3IG4K,A2KUUWP4ZZMOBP,\"Jolly Green Giant \"\"You can try Birchbox too! ...\",5,5,4,1283990400,\"Good quality, one of my \"\"go to\"\" flavored k-cups\",\"I don'"} {"input": "????????????oto??????????rer???????psp???????pepeoe??????av??e be ??ene??rar?aviav??????????WoW????ana???PuP?????????????????I I??????ththih????????????????????????????????????????y fy ??????????????ee ee???ithit?? a ??????m m?????????verve??????????????????????????alal al????ups ups?????????????????????popor????ly?? sh sheh???vedve?????TiT?????????????????????ps ps???? fa f????? of of ?th???????????so?me?????s ?????????r ??????????????sys?rur?????????, , a, ?andan??????am????????????cec?ellellelenle?t ???ata???asa??????????????? des de??serse???. I????????????????????????up? a?dd???????th?????????????????????. It . It????verwver????????????fla?????\"\"????", "output": "t drink a lot of flavored k-cups, but people have been raving about Wolfgang Puck's k-cups, so I gave this a try. It's definitely a good quality flavored coffee with a medium body. Overall, I have enjoyed several cups of this and have temporarily shelved my Timothy flavored k-cups in favor of this one. I sometimes add sugar free vanilla syrup, cream, and cinnamon. It's excellent that was in place of dessert. I also tried caramel syrup added to this... don't do it. It overwhelms the flavor.\"\n9317"} {"input": "??????????????????????????W,W????????fff????????????????????,G,???? m ????????????gtg?h h c ????ee????lol??????????????? n ????it??ere?????????d ld ????s os ????????co??fefee??tat?st???an?????isi??????????????e be ????????ldl?s s us ????????????????????gag??????????it???n n? th t???mom?????????or or t?????firfi??st st???up up a??? i?? t??????venve?in??????????????????????nitnite???????????????????????????????????????????????????HLH?F,F?,Am,A??????????????????rstrs????1111,1???????????????w.w???? bo bou??????????????????????????drd?????alalml?mosmo?????????of t???m ????????????izi???????????????????or or ror re???????? me m?????. I. ?t ??????", "output": ",B006N3IG4K,A2LCJO2VEPDZXW,barb4coffee,5,5,5,1281657600,Good medium strength coffee,I love coffee with no bitterness and lots of good coffee taste and this one fits the bill. Holds up well to milk & sugar-I love it in the morning for the first cup and in the evening just as much. Definitely would buy it again.\n9318,B006N3IG4K,A24B9YQ1YWFHLF,Amanda L Brocklehurst,9,11,1,1340841600,Ew.,I bought a 24 pack of this an drank almost all of them before realizing what the flavor reminded me of. It tastes"} {"input": "???????????ogo????????9???9,9,B,??060??????K,K,A,?KKK???Y5Y???SES???????????????????????404??929??00,00????????????te,te? s ???faf????,\"?????????lol???? l?????, t, ??????ofo????????????????????mym????????????? i ?? h??????????? me m?did??m m???????d d??????? w?????, ?????? o ???????? is i?s ns ????????????????????t'?s ???chch ????ele?????usus ????????????feefee.????I hI hah????to??d ??ve????oneon??aba??????????e, e, Ie, I'I???????n ?????????? G ?????????ntntat??? l??????s os ov?????? W ????????g Pg ?ucuckuc?????????????????andan?????????????ikeik??yo??????ff??????????????vorvo??ul????nd nd??delde???????????????????????bu??st st???????????hi??s c?????????????", "output": " like hotdog water.\n9319,B006N3IG4K,AKK49Y5DWSEND,ZombieLuv,4,4,5,1294099200,\"My Favorite, so far!\",\"I love, love, love, this coffee. It's easy on my stomach yet it has a rich medium roasted flavor which, in my opinion is not bland at all. It's such a delicious cup of coffee. I have told everyone about these, I've even converted Green Mountain lovers over to Wolfgang Puck Rodeo Drive brand. If you like your coffee fully flavorful and delicious, but not too robust or bold, this coffee is for "} {"input": "?yoyouo?? ?? h ????????ede? M ?ANA?? K K-K-c-??? b ???????????lyly'y??????eee?? M??ounou???????????????????????????????????????????????ranra?????????????????????? Mou Mo??????????ssssis??????????????????????. ??????????????N3N3I3IGI???,A,????????????Z,Z??????????????????121282???606??????????????????????ses???????e e fe ??av???????ece??????????????????????????????eded ed?????se se?dadayaysy???????meme me?vav????titioti??on oon ?? h ha h?????nutnu??, f, ??renrencn????an?ili???????????olo????????????????????????????, I, ????ou???????d ??iviveve ve??????tr???? N ?????????in?????d d Wd ?ololfol?gag?????????'s 's?k-k???????I I wI ?????????ing ing?? the th????????????????as??????", "output": "you. I have tried MANY K-cup brands, Tully's, Green Mountain, Emeril's, Donut Shop, etc... and this brand is equal to Green Mountain, possibly even a bit BETTER. :)\"\n9320,B006N3IG4K,AMEEXXHSFDS3Z,Tito Lover,4,4,2,1287360000,Just blah...,\"It seems the flavor selection on Amazon has been limited these days to some variation of hazelnut, french vanilla or chocolate so when I saw this one, I thought I'd give it a try. Never having had Wolfgang Puck's k-cups, I was hoping they'd be as good as the W"} {"input": "oolo?fgf???????????????????veve ???d d??????tet?l l???????????????????????e ae ???????of??mym???ooo???????????, ,?? w?as???isi??????????wow?????'t'?t st ?????????th??e we ????t ?????? ha h????????heh??????????s s ps ?????y ???akak ak a an??????????????????????????????? I f I ????????ke ke???m ??????????co????????ata?t'st'??beb?????????????????????s ts ths t???????ve ve ave ??????????en????????. ??????othothe??????????? th????????????????????????????y ?????eezee??d ????????????????? I'????et?tit?????efe???ve????????????????????????????ookoo???? f ?????a wa ???????fl????????????????????????????????????as??? l li l???e me ??uchuc???????yty??ining", "output": "olfgang Puck coffee I've had in hotel coffeemakers that were a part of my room but alas, I was mistaken. I wouldn't say it's the worst I've had but the flavor is pretty weak and the coffee itself is too. I feel like I'm drinking coffee that's been made with grounds that have already been perked. In other words - the flavor seems to be already squeezed out of them and I'm getting leftovers.

If you're looking for a weakly flavored coffee that doesn't really taste like much of anything"} {"input": "?? t ?????????????pop???? I ?? y???????lol???????????beb?????, ??????? f???vov????, s, ?tit???????????reereene????ounou???in? w??????????? A ??????n dn ???sns??????????????????????or??????epe???th??ou???? th t?hirhi??????tyt??vev?enden?dordo???whw???wawan??????ch????????? f??????????????212????060?????????????FIF??DND?????,\",????PrP?rieri??????HaH?????esees???ri?rienrie??????????????868????????????????s!s?????????g fg ???r ar ??????f ???fff??ee.ee???hi?s ?????????????ic??de??caf? c????????????????????????????f ?bub????heherhe??????????ma??????????er???th???y ey en?joj?y.y?????ve??????? dr dririnrinknki??ng ng???momotmo????s s ds ??????CoC???????????nd nd??????ugu????????????", "output": ", this is your pod. If you're looking for better, richer flavors, stick with Green Mountain which sadly Amazon doesn't seem to carry anymore except through third party vendors who want to charge $60 for a box!\"\n9321,B006N3IG4K,A2H74FIBDN5NMR,\"M. Prieto \"\"Havanese friend\"\"\",4,4,5,1286150400,Delicious! Amazing for a decaf coffee.,This is a fantastic decaf coffee. My parents love decaf but there aren't many out there they enjoy. We've been drinking Timothy's decaf Colombian and we bought this to t"} {"input": "????iti?? F FaF????????????wowouo?????efe??nin?????y by ??y ???????gag?????????agaag????????s ??????? a??d d nd ??????ittit???????t'st'??no?????pep???????????? d???'t't ????????????o ?????????????????in????????????? r ??ala?????re??t ?????mbm?????????????????e.e?. Y. ???????on'ton'?????s ???????????nen?????????000???????????????????????????onnon????????????????????tonto???\",\"???????????????????????????up oup ?of of? co?ff?????????? m ????of??e ??????????????er ber ?????????efuef??? si s????. . ???????????????????????gregr???????up o??????ffe?????????rere re?????o ???mo??thyth??????unununutu?????pp?e.???????????vov?????ut ut??????????. . T. ?ThiTh???is???", "output": "ry it. Fantastic! I would definitely buy this again and again. It's smooth and not bitter. It's not super strong so don't expect it to be like a cappacino. This is a really great Colombian cup of coffee. You won't miss the caffiene.\n9322,B006N3IG4K,A2ZAO73BLTJ69P,\"Bonnie Caroprese \"\"bonton\"\"\",4,4,5,1282867200,Great cup of coffee,I like my coffe of the milder but tasteful side. I thought this was a great cup of coffe I compare it to Timothy's dounut shoppe. Full flavor but not acid. This is fo"} {"input": "???????????hoh??????????????????upu???? c coc???????????????N3N?IGI???,A,????????P6P??????RiR?c,c,6,??7,7????292????60600????????? ag a????,I,? t ????d d?? d ?ouo??le? b ??xexese???f ??hih???wh???? th t??????????ho???????????I ??sus?????? or o????????s us ????ai??aba???. .???????????????????isis is p pr p?ete?????ooo????????????susucsu??????????????? o of????????????re???ed ed???? u un????nknkakab?le?. ?????????????owow w?????????????fee?????????as????????????????harha??????????en???????????????re??????s as ???????did??ata???????ntnt nt???????terter.r. ?????ckckick??????mem?????? the???????th???????????ououn????in? t????????????????d thd t???t tt ????fif??te?? w?????", "output": "r people who want a lighter cup of coffee\n9323,B006N3IG4K,A2ARL5R5P6EL7D,Ric,6,7,1,1295136000,Never again,I tried a double boxes of this when the Donut Shop coffee I usually order was unavailable. While the coffee is pretty good the cups suck. A full 1/3 of the cups brewed are undrinkable. They are slow to brew(coffee maker has to work very hard) and even then the cup retains an inordinate amount of water. Checking some of the cups that left grounds in the brew showed that the filter was no"} {"input": "?t t????????? i ?????llllel??? ??heh?y ??ouo??????????????????????? th t?????????lil????ed ed????????? st s???ll ?wow??ldld ld????y ty ??o o?mum??h h???????? al a?????e ?????stedste??????eee????I I?????eve????e ???????????xpx?????ncn????a a??efe??????ve ve cve ?????????oro? t?????????????se????????ay ay??????????ce?????????939323?????????IGI????A1A????????UFUF6F?CSC??\"K\"???he??rinri??e Ae ????mimiti?? \" ??\"Ka\"K???????????????292?282????00??????ve ive ?it!it??JaJama????n n?MeM??????????? th????????co????e.?? I ItI???is ?????t tot t?oo oo???????????????????????????????e. e. ?NoN????mpm???????????????HiHigi???????????????it??????????????????????H9H????DXD????????????m,m????????????", "output": "t properly installed. They could sell these at half the price listed and you still would pay too much due to all the wasted coffee. I believe we all have experienced a defective cup here or there but these are way beyond acceptable.\n9324,B006N3IG4K,A1FTO7E15UF6CS,\"Katherine A. Smith \"\"Kathy\"\"\",0,0,5,1292889600,Love it!,Jamican Me Crazy is the best coffee. It is not too strong and has a unique taste. No complaints here. Highly recommend it.\n9325,B006N3IG4K,A1WH998KDXZB7A,H. Drum,0,0,3,129245"} {"input": "??????ItI??????????????????????????t ??gag????????????????????fef????????????ld?????e ?????????????????? r ???????er er? wh w??????d ??? w???n'?t ?st?ror???????ougoughg????????on????????? wa??????????????? i ??????d nd ?????verve????????flf???oro??? I??????????????????????????ili?'s's 's??????????????????and???????????he he??????????opo??????????ch???????????????. S. ????arar ?I'I??????ve???eveveev????????ing bing ??????????????pep?eopeo?????????t ??????????????????. ??????ou??????????on?ong ong????????????????y ???hishi?????????f yof y????????????aka???r cr co???????hahatha??????????????????????????'d 'd? pr p?????????????y t???is is", "output": "7600,It's okay but I won't buy it again.,I like bold coffees and should have trusted the other reviewer who said it wasn't strong enough. This one has a watery finish to it and not very much flavor. I'll be going back to Emeril's Jazz'd Up Decaf and trying the Coffee People's French Roast Decaf. So far I've loved everything by the coffee people except the organic blend. If you like strong coffee don't buy this but if you like a weaker coffee that you can see through you'd probably enjoy this "} {"input": "?ono??..?????????6N6?????????????????CBC??????????ses???????????????????????????????r\"r????0,0??,5,5,5???????????????????????beb??? f flf????????k-k??upu??????s s??????onlon??????????????????????????he he?be????ara???????hilhile????rewre???g.g??????????be be??ndn?d sd ???????????????y ty ??????????????????????????????AHA????????en????B,B???0,????????070727??00,????????????!,!??? l ?ovo??????is ???????? I ?I aI ?? n??ot ot? a a??strst???ng ng?????feefee ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????s s ws ???th th? it i??wowor?kik?????n n??????isisiis???artar??????????????er,er, ,????wa?????ete?????e pe ?????fectfect t t??ast?in?????????????????????", "output": "one.\n9326,B006N3IG4K,A29Q8UIT5FCBV,\"Tennessee Traveler \"\"Tennessee traveler\"\"\",0,0,5,1291593600,One of the best flavored k-cups,This not only tastes great but has the best aroma while brewing. Subscribe and save is the way to go.\n9327,B006N3IG4K,A2Q8K6RAHF7L24,Wendy B,0,0,3,1291507200,Great Taste!,\"I love this coffee! I am not a strong coffee drinker and this coffee is perfect! I have no problems with it working in my Cuisinart Keurig Brewer, I aways get the perfect tasting cup of coffee.
???????? g ?????iti?????tat?rsr??beb?????????????????????aca?ksks ??????????????? 1 ????????s ??????oto????????????t ??????????uppup???????????ve?.<.??????>T>ThT???????????-c-?couco????????ck ck??f ?f 2)f 2?????????d wd ????????e ce ??rrrrer?????????t ????K-?????????? is is s a??????????????? h?????????????????????????4K4?,A,???????VPVPEP?????mamarargarga?????????????????????919?????00000??co???????????????? o???t dt ???????????????s an?d d t??isis ??? a a a???lil?cic???s ??????????????wa????????lel???????? ha h??????????????wi??? b??y ?frf???????in???????,B0,B0000600?6N36N??????????????747?GNG????shs???an?mamanma??????4,?12?9191091??????????????st?", "output": ">
I gave it 3 stars because one of the 2 packs contained only 13 K-Cups and not the 24 that it was supposed to have.

The decaf 24-count (pack of 2) arrived with the correct amount of K-cups and is as yummy as the high test!\"\n9328,B006N3IG4K,AP1H1S9VPE0T7,margaret rodgers,0,0,4,1291248000,coffee pod,trying out different pods and this is a delicious one. service was excellent. no hassle at all. will buy from again\n9329,B006N3IG4K,A39YGYJD74GNLO,shelanman,0,0,4,1291075200,\"Interesti"} {"input": "????flf?ava?????brb???????????upup\"p???I I???sns??t t s???re re?????t tt ?????pep???????h h???e e?WoW??????ng ng????k k? co c???????????t It ???m m?plp???????????????? / /> /???e ??????????????????? m ???????????t.t?????????????????????r or ???? a r a ??????????? so s????????thethe the???????????????ouo???????????g-g???ndn????????it ???????????er????????e'e????????a ??it???le le???????metmeth????????????ateat????? t?????????or.or?.
The Sorrento is a good medium roast. It is a bit darker of a roast than some of the other mediums out in Keurig-land, but it isn't bitter. There's just a little of something chocolatey in the flavor.

My only complaint is that this coffee, like most of the Keurig cups that don't say \"\"extra bold\"\" on them, they brew up pretty weak if you do a larger mug. I typically "} {"input": "b???? t ??e e???252??ozo? s ???????????n n? th t???????ysy??? b ????????????????????e ????????????e.e?????? I I???rewre????????????lalara?geg????upu??, , i, ?????sts?????ese??ouo????????????/??????????yoy?????? o????????fef?????????t Kt ?-c-???????uau?????mam????e wee w???????fe??? y ??u u w wiw?ll????ininkin??????????????arear??re???????ea??????????e te ?????tedte???????ew???????????????????????hih???co?????????????????in in???r ur unu????????fufulu? - ?? t????re're's's ????????????????? i in i??n th??e Ke K-K-cK-????????????herhe???????norno????????????????bob?????????????????it ????ewsew???????ak???.\".??????,B,??????IGI????A2A?PMP?????????????????????????0,50,", "output": "brew the 9.25 oz size, and on these guys I bumped it down to the 7.25 oz size. If I brew it in the larger cups, it just comes out too weak.

If you are one who feels that K-cups usually make weak coffee, you will think that these are really weak, and be tempted to brew 'em two at a time. This coffee is not plain or unflavorvful -- there's just less coffee in the K-cup (or rather the normal, not extra-bold amount), so it brews up weaker.\"\n9330,B006N3IG4K,A2PMQ8D3JEBTXG,Matroskin,0,0,5"} {"input": "?,1,?292909??????????????lal??ouo??????????????????ffffef??, ,??????????????????????????????????????????asa????did?umu???????ana???????? fl f????ur??????????eaeata??wiw????????sus???r r????? sp s?????????????faf????ililklk.k??????????00600???IGI?????????????T6T??Z,Z,W,???????0,00,???1,11,?12912???????00,00??ucu?????hishi??waw??? th t??????????t t ft ????????????????????vev??????????d id ?????upu?????????chc?????????y dy ??????????????s ??of ???flavfla?????????????????????me?????????????????e be ????????????????????????????????????????ke ke??ut????y ?chchechee?se????????? t????????????????????I eI ??????tedte???????????????k tk ?????or?????????", "output": ",1290902400,Nice flavour,\"I like this coffee, its nice to drink it in the morning. It has medium body and full flavour. Goes great with raw sugar and splash of non fat milk.\"\n9331,B006N3IG4K,ALMBZNEFJT6VZ,Wrena,0,0,1,1290556800,yuck,This was the nastiest flavored coffee I have ever had in kcups. I purchase many different kinds of flavored coffee and caramel is my favorite but this one made me gag. It smelled like buttery cheese and the taste was not what I expected. I will stick to gloria jeans "} {"input": "???? t ???oto?????????????????fef???? T ThT?????asas ???????????????an????ucu?? k ??????andan?d wd ???? b beb? t??e ???st???????ere????????????????????ouougu?????????????????????????????t It ??????????? an a???? I o I ???????th??????????????????ririei???????????????iti?t ct ????es es? wi w??? t???? bo b??????????????nan????????s.s.?????????6N6??IGIG4G???????XSX?MNM?????CNC????????????????ma?n n???arartrti????????????indin???\"\"???0,0,0???????????808?????nd?er??????????oreor?????ff?ee?????????????????or????????l ?????thith?ingin??..??????...l...???e ???the the??la?????? th the the ??????, ????????????????????th?the ????stest????? I h I ????nestnestlt????o o????????? f??????", "output": "and timothys flavored coffees. This was my first wolfgang puck kcup and will be the last I order of his brand. I thought maybe I got a bad cup but I brewed 3 and I opened the other box and tried those since it comes with two boxes and same nastiness.\n9332,B006N3IG4K,A3MVXSMNSKKLCN,\"Peggy D. Coleman \"\"artistically minded\"\"\",0,0,5,1290556800,wonderful flavored coffee,\"I'm a sucker for caramel anything.........love the flavor, the aroma, and most important the taste. I honestly do not like flavore"} {"input": "??????fef??s s??????????????????utut t?I I?????e me ?ada??e ae ????xcx?epe????n ???????????oneone!e!\"!??????,B,??????IGI???,A,A1A???1B1??XAXAVA??484?????andan?????0,0???4,4???????28828?00??????????????????I aI ?? t???ining???????di????rer??t ???ff?ffeeffe????????????hichi???????s ???lil????beb?????????????????????gog????????????litli?????sts??????? t? tha th?? I? h?????expex????????I ??????????aya?????????a ba ????? b????????????????????? h?????no???????? th????????tr???\"\".\"\"??. I . I???????????????ngn????????????????er ??up?? se s???in??????????????pe?rfr????? th??????TheTh?ereer???as? a ????littlit?tletl??e afe a?????????te,te?, b?ut??????????? mo m???e te ????an oan ???????cof???eesee???. I ?wowouo", "output": "d coffees in the morning, but I have made an exception for this one!\"\n9333,B006N3IG4K,A1RU1BKXAVU488,Sandi61,0,0,4,1288828800,Good N Strong,\"I am trying many different coffees to see which one's I like best. This coffee was good, but a little stronger than I had expected. I know it say's extra bold, but others I've tried have not been that \"\"extra\"\". I ended up putting it on my larger cup setting and it was perfect then. There was a little after taste, but not much more than other coffees. I wou"} {"input": "????????mmmmem???????ifi??yoy?? l lil???????????? c ??fff??ese???????????s s???t t at ???????ng???????????????o.o????????????????????????hih????gag?????????4,4?????N3N?????,A,???R6R??OJOJQJ??P4P?????????????ele?????0,0?,0,,0?????888?????00???????d ?li???? bi b??te???????ngeng?????????????????????????????????????flf??vov???????eve?er????????bab?andan????????ie?ndnd ???????d itd i???????????006006N6N36N????K,K,AK,APA????DCD???????,\"??. ????????r \"r ?????ororeor???????,0,?????????656?606???0,W0,?????ganga?????ck????orror???????????????e e he ???????????????????outou??ev????????upup up? of o??re??ulu?????cof????????? th t????????We We????????? t????fl??????kikinki?nd.nd????????", "output": "ld recommend it if you like stronger coffees, but it is not as strong as an espresso. I intend to purchase this again.\"\n9334,B006N3IG4K,A24R6COJQHP4DL,Vickie Mueller,0,0,2,1288742400,Tasted like bitter oranges,\"I thought it had a bitter orange flavor, however my husband and friend liked it.\"\n9335,B006N3IG4K,AP03SDCDB6RBD,\"E. OConnor \"\"erdoreen\"\"\",0,0,3,1288656000,Wolfgang Puck Sorrento K-cups,\"We have tried just about every k-cup of regular coffee out there. We don't do the flavor kind. My hus"} {"input": "?????????????heh???M M????andan?????t t???? th t?????offof??es???????ili??d (d (e(????????????????????????? r ??????...????????oro???? li l????e ??or??e oe ono??????????um???oaoasoast????kek?e te ?????omo?me me???f tf ?????ulu??????anandand and???ariar?bob?????????. .?????????? to t??beb?????????e we ????????ay???or????ini??????????me ????and???? on o????????iki?????? ce cer??aia??????. ? B ???t It I ????????????????????????fgf??????????? lin linen?? ????????e thie thisi?s fs ?lal?vov????is is?????????????????????????, ????????????? be b????????on on? th???????d sd ??dede de????????li??ttltt?le le???????????????It It i????stist??? n ??t ?????d ???fff?????juj?ustus?t nt ?????s ?????????s ths t????\"R\"??????DrD?????\"\" \"\"", "output": "band loves the GM brand most of the coffees are mild (even when they say medium roast)...I go for a little more on the medium roast like the some of the Tully's and Caribou brands. It used to be that we were always ordering the same brands, once we liked a certain one. But I ventured to try the Wolfgang Puck line. While this flavor is touted as a medium roast, it seems to be more on the bold side with a little bitterness. It is still not a bad coffee, just not as good as the \"\"Rodeo Drive\"\" "} {"input": "?????????aka??asa????n n?????\"\" \"\"????????????????????????tet????sss????I I?mum??st st s ?????hohouo???, , w we w????vev?e ne no?w w?adaddd????????lal????? 2 ???????orsor???????????????????????yiy??g ???ituit???????333363???000?6N6??????,A,??????6U6????EQEQ2Q????????????ps???????????erver???\"\"\"\"\"???,0?????????????00,00???????/r/?ricrichch,ch??????e ???????????????????e a??d d?????s is is?????ad????fff??????????????eemee??s ms mu?chch ch s sm smo?????????????r /r ????????????????????rar???e ie ?????????????ve ve??????????ly ly???idi??????aca????. I. ????ou???????dd dd???????????????????????k ?????????ch cch ?????ee ee???????is?is fis ???lsl?s ts th??????id?????mymy y ny ???????????????6N??????K,AK,", "output": "or \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" k-cups which has no bitterness. I must say though, we have now added the latter 2 flavors of Wolfgang to our buying ritual.\"\n9336,B006N3IG4K,A3Q81K6UMFHEQ2,\"Prudi Dempsey \"\"readervt\"\"\",0,0,5,1288569600,smooth/rich,I like a dark rich coffee and this is a tad different. It seems much smoother and
I tend to nearly crave it when I have a slightly acid stomach. It sounds odd and
I know I drink too much coffee but this fills that acid tummy niche.\n9337,B006N3IG4K,A"} {"input": "???????RCRCOC????????lil???????????????SeS?a,a??,0?,5,?????828??404??00,00?????????????????rir??? t?????foforo????????rsr???????? th????????????????????????????vovor?????coc?????????????????????????????????co??????????? b ??did???????? n????????????????????????MeM????????is?is jis ?usu???whwhah????????????or ??????????????pipicickic??me???????or or tor tot????????????d ?hahavha?? a??????????ateate ???il?e ??on on????y fay f?????????????????????????esesoes????????????????????????\"\"??333?8,8?????N3N?????,A????SYS???UUUUIUI6I????FlF?lorlo??????ou????wifwi?????????,12,1????????????????????????an???????s ??strstroronongon? c ???????? I?????? m?????????", "output": "3Z9QN0RCOHEY,Bibliophile By the Sea,0,0,5,1288224000,Awesome Taste,\"Tried this for the first time this week and it is now my favorite coffee --with a hint of flavor (coconut). Full bodied, and no after taste, Jamaica Me Crazy is just what I love for an afternoon pick-me up, or to wake up and have an immediate smile on my face. Seriously -- It's Awesome! Highly Recommended.\"\n9338,B006N3IG4K,A145SYEZUUI61I,Florida Housewife,0,0,3,1287705600,Bland,\"My husband likes strong coffee. I like medium. N"} {"input": "???tht??????? o????? l lil?????????pap???????ar???ne????????e e je ??????isnis?'t't ????h h f ???????????????inindnd.d???coc????e ????????mem?????????likli?? t ?theth?????????????????????ttt??er.er????We'We?????rir??k k?????? un u????????????????????t it ??????????asa??????????wew???choch???e,e??anandan? i??????laslast?in?????y ?tot?????ongon??????????000?6N6??IGI?????????PWPWQWQSQ???????LML?????????????181?????????????e ?????? P ????blebl???\"T\"??e ?????????s fs ??inein??? bu b?? t?????K-cK-???????????????as? o op o?ene??????t tt ??????alal ????????????brb?????ing ing???rocro??????????????ha?? o??? o oc o?????????????ultul??ng???n ?????????????????fff?feefe???ro?????? ?????????nevne??", "output": "either one of us like this particular one. There just isn't much flavor of any kind...coffee or caramel. We like the vanilla one much better. We'll drink this until it's gone...but it's the last flavor we choose, and it's lasting way too long!\"\n9339,B006N3IG4K,A1M1EPWQS8LWQY,LMM,0,0,3,1287187200,Possible K-cup Problem,\"The taste is fine, but the K-cup container has opened at the seal during the brewing process on more than one occasion, resulting in a mouthful of coffee grounds! I have never"} {"input": "????????isi? h ha h????n n?wiw??? a ananyn??????? b ?????????K-K-c-???????????????hoh??????? is i?????????????m m????????????g g????k.k???????,B,B0B??6N6???G4G???????????????PHP?,\",????????????unu?tet?er6er????????????????????00?,J,????????????????? t? the th???????????????? c ????feefe??, ,??????isis is???e ??????y ?????????????????la?vov??. .???????faf?????? we w???????? th??????????t ?cu??p sp ses?ttt????????s ds ??????????????????on?'t'???e ?????ing? i??t at ????in.in?. . ???????co?????????????momot?????????rldrl??????????????????est??????f f Ef EsE??re????? in i??stest???????????,B0,B????3I?????A1A1Z1???AVA???????7,7????. M. M.M. ???llell?????GrG??nd?????\"\"\",\"\"\"?,0,,0???5,5,1?28", "output": " had this happen with any other brand of K-cup before and hope it is not the norm for Wolfgang Puck.\"\n9340,B006N3IG4K,A2V7T3C2T2RVPH,\"Zato \"\"spyhunter66\"\"\",0,0,3,1286668800,Just OK,\"I prefer the \"\"extra bold\"\" coffees, so this one really lacking on the flavor. It's fairly weak, at the smallest cup setting its drinkable, but I won't be buying it again. I'd recommend the Timothy's World Coffee, Rainforest Decaf Espresso instead.\"\n9341,B006N3IG4K,A1ZZMAVRCBL357,\"K. M. Alley \"\"Grandpa\"\"\",0,0,5,128"} {"input": "????969??0,0?????? F ?ana??????gag??g'g????????????????????????afa???????obo?????????????t t?????? w wew??????????? in i???????????????????????p ??f ?coc?offof??????343?????????????,A,??SZS??????????????anan ???????vesve?,0,0,????,1,??????20200??0,D0,?????ioi????????ThT?????s ?????????e te ????????ooookoo????????????????nkn???g g????sos?????s ????????up?????ery? n ??iceic???.......?...??939???????006N006??IG???????N4N4242N42?????????????PePer????????????,0,???????20???????????t vt ?????????????or,or,\",????????????????av??????....n....????????pop???????????????????????he???iri????bob??????????????????????wa?????????lighlight?????th???????????????avoravo", "output": "6409600,K-Cup Fan,Wolfgang's Reserve Columbian Decaf is probably the best decaf we have had in a K-cup. Very good cup of coffee!\n9342,B006N3IG4K,A1SZ17MY9XG6KD,Alan J. Neves,0,0,4,1285632000,Delicious....,This is a coffee that I look forward to drinking as soon as I wake up! Very nice......\n9343,B006N3IG4K,ABQN42N7ICNZQ,T.O. Perspective,0,0,5,1285200000,light vanilla flavor,\"Light vanilla favor....not overpowering. Nice coffee, the first box that was purchased was too light on the vanilla flavor"} {"input": "?????? ar a?????????ururpr???????lyl???hehe e?????????waw??????h h??????r.r???????????????w w??????ritri?????9??????000?6N6N3N3I3??????????KRK?????????????ar?a a D ????ortort t????????eae???????????????????????,G,?????????fef??,\",\"W,\"????????????KeK????? c ???????makma?????????av?????rieri?????nyn?y cy ??????s.???????????????????????WoW??fgf??????????????new new???????f ???????s ????d ad ???????????????? a?????? h ?isis is??e ????????????????hishi?????????????????????????reare??t ft ??????, , n ????it?????We? w??????????????????? a ag a??????????????06??N3IN3IG??????????????????5,G5,?????????????????,0,0,0,?????????????????oodoo????coff??????", "output": " and aroma....surprisingly the 2nd box was much better. One of my new favorites.\"\n9344,B006N3IG4K,A3T1MKRIGDGEQ,\"Barbara Decort \"\"auntbea73\"\"\",0,0,5,1285113600,Great coffee,\"We love our Keurig coffeemaker and have tried many coffees. Recently discovered Wolfgang Puck's new line of coffees and are pleased with all of his we have tried. This one is smooth with a great flavor, no bite. We would purchase this again.\"\n9345,B006N3IG4K,A20JB7C7735475,Gerry Mcdermott,0,0,5,1284768000,good coffee,\"Th"} {"input": "??s s?????????? b ??????lil?cic???s ???????????omo??????htht ?????????????ere????????????????????????kek?????t at ???a ?plp??????t ????ngngeg??frf?????ulu?? b bo b????????????s.s???????,B,??????IGIG4G??????????????????????????????so????,0???????46?????????erferfe?????????ss???K-K?CuC???\"W\"??????????ng ng??oror or????????ng ?K-????????t ?????ld ld h ???ld ???????????????????????prepr??????????????a ga ????????up ?????????e!e! !?NoN?????????????????????????p, p,?????ou???re re????ki?????????a g?????????d ??K-C?up???????????????????????006006N????????353?????OFO???????????zaz????? M ???? \"???????????\"\"?\",\"????????12812?????????????", "output": "is is a mild but delicious coffe....some might say \"\"a dessert coffee\"\". I really liked it as a pleasant change from full bodied flavors.\"\n9346,B006N3IG4K,A1WW2AS8M640IL,Larry Robertson,0,0,5,1284681600,Perfect Espresso K-Cup,\"Was looking for a strong K-Cup that could hold up for the perfect Espresso and for a great cup of coffee! Now receiving on auto ship, if you're looking for a great bold K-Cup, this is it.\"\n9347,B006N3IG4K,A35YSZNOF1ZI6T,\"Elizabeth Mark \"\"Elizabeth\"\"\",0,0,5,1284681600,One o"} {"input": "f???????vov????ese??\"I\"??rer??d d????????????????ev???wsw?????????s cs ????eee?????ana???theth??? si s??????d ???cic????????????????a a t???????????nowno????e ???????????ri?te?s ???and and????ililll??beb?e o??de????? i?????aia?n.n??ThT??????tete te??s s gs ?gregr?eatea?, ,???????bub?????????????h h???at?????an????????????e se ??????ndn??it???????l hl ?????????????9???8,8,B,?000??????????1G1GDGDFDFWF?????RIRI4I4M4????????00????,0,0,,0????282838?34734???????xcx??????????????,G,?????????fe???????????nin??? b bob??????astas??????????ede????? ro r?????co????fee.fee???????????????????avoav???????GiG?????????whw???????34???????6N36N?3IG3I????A2A2K2?3J3???8K8?????????????ry????ve???????????", "output": "f my favorites,\"I read several great reviews on this coffee on another site and decided to give it a try. It's now one of my favorites and I will be ordering it again. The taste is great, sweet but bold enough that I can do a large size and it still have flavor.\"\n9348,B006N3IG4K,A1GDFWGKJARI4M,Jaykid007,0,0,5,1283472000,Excellent coffee,Great coffee. Has a nice bold taste for a medium roast coffee. This is my new favorite. Give it a whirl.\n9349,B006N3IG4K,A2K3J2X8KDY47N,\"Jewelry Lover \"\"me\"\"\",0"} {"input": "???????282??????000????????h,h?????d d???ava??r r?? n ????????????????????vorvo?????? o ??????brb????????????ugu????????o o????k k? at a??????FrFrir??aya????lel????or or????????eae??????le????????notno????? am a?????? d ?????????veve ?beb?????????anantan??? s?uru???risri????????????as??????I I dI dod?o lo ?iki????????an??whwhah??tevte??r ????????????????VanVa???????????????????thith??????????s ?????nifnififici???????mi????????av??????????????oodood ?d tad tas????? c ???fef???I/>IfI??yoy??????? f????vor??????coffcof????????u'u?lll???oso?? l???ele???", "output": ",0,4,1282262400,\"smooth, mild flavor - not as strongly flavored as other brands\",\"I bought a two pack at the Friday sale for $20. Reasonable, but not an amazing deal. I've been pleasantly surprised by the taste. I do like the Van whatever flavor French Vanilla K-cups, and this contains significantly milder flavoring of a good tasting coffee.
I would and have served it to company and highly recommend serving with milk or cream.

If you like flavored coffees, you'll most likely e"} {"input": "??joj?????????????????????lil?keke e?iti?????inin n?????blb??ckc?? y??????? pr p????????hah???e te ???is.is?\"\"9???????????IGI????A2A??????????QJQ?T,T????????????????????y &y ?#3#?4;4??????????rrrrirr??????;\";??????0,????????767606??0,???did????????t.t. ???oucou??? of o???????????. ????????didicdi?. ??????at at????h h Mh ?????,\",\"N,\"?????????????ofo??????lel??????hatha??ha???a a??hinhi??t ot ?????????la la? an a?????totou??????????????nessnes?????????????????????????????????????ama??????co???gpg???????????????WIW??????????ririlri????VaV?ani????a Ba ??eanea???am???, M, Me?????m Rm ?????t Ct ?of?????fof??????ri??????????, ?242?-C-Co???? K?-C?????????????????/a/a>a????????????=\"?\"h\"???", "output": "njoy this one. If you like it plain and black, you'll probably hate this.\"\n9350,B006N3IG4K,A2SZLNSI5KOQJT,\"Carrie, \"\"Formerly "Sister Carrie"\"\"\",0,0,4,1282176000,Medium Roast. Touch of Sweetness. Not Acidic. Great with Milk.,\"Nice medium coffee blend that has a hint of vanilla and a touch of sweetness. If you like Emeril's Vanilla Bean Bam!, Medium Roast Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2) or 4/>???tat????s bes bece????????????????ke? j ??ustus?t at ?????????or???vav????????la????????r /???????????????????e oe or???????d and a?notno???? b ???????????????fe???an?????????????la ???????????????????e ?e a e a???ittit??????????????????????fif??rstrs???????????1,1?????????????1Q1??????TFT????S,S?????", "output": "://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CHJ03I\"\">Gloria Jean's Coffees, Cappuccino for Keurig Brewers, 24-Count K-Cups (Pack of 2), you should like this blend.

I drink this as an afternoon or dessert coffee with a splash of milk and a sugar packet.

4 Stars because I would like just a touch more vanilla flavor.

1/21/11: we ordered another box of this coffee and the vanilla flavor seemed to be a little stronger than our first box.\"\n9351,B006N3IG4K,A1Q0KDV0TFU1OS,Wendy"} {"input": "?????tet???????????191??????????sts???kak????????ded????????.,.???ststest?????????. .? N ???t bt ?lol??n ???????? Hi H?iddid???n in ???????faf??t ????t ???is???is ????????????????????????ofo???????OnO?????lal????tot??fif????????????t it ?is ????ththeth???????????????????????NotNo?t wt ???? I I I?????????st???????? in i?n t????mom??????..????????????IGI??????????????????????????????,3,,3???????????????00,F00,FlF????oreor????ofoffof???????I aI ?m ????????????????lav?orore?????????????????????htht ?I ???d d rd ???d ?d thd t???????rir?????on on o??????s ????dud??????eryer?y cy ??????ullul???bubut??nonowno?????e de ????????????y ????????????th??????t wt wat w????? fl???????d cd cod c??????", "output": " Carter,5,8,3,1319500800,Just Okay - Hidden Decaf.,Taste is okay. Not blown away. Hidden is the fact that this is truly a decaffeinated coffee. Only place to find this out is on the bottom of the box. Not what I want first thing in the morning.\n9352,B006N3IG4K,A3GXD534HVVBYM,P. Preston,3,5,1,1298160000,Flavored cofffee?,I am not a fan of flavored coffee and I thought I had read the description of this product very carefully but nowhere did I see any indication that it was a flavored coffee. "} {"input": "??????? t ?heh?????crc?ipi???????ofo? t????????eee??? of o?fe?rer?d d b ????mam????????????????? s ?? t???? t?????????????????sts???on ????tot??whw?????ouou u????????chc?????????vev?n n?? the????????????????????????????itittt????????ptptipt????????????????ghg????assas?????????t i?????s Js JaJam?????n n cn ?????????353????000060?N3N??G4G????????????????????m,m,1,?,2,???,1????191??404????????icaic????e Ce ????y ??????blb??????useus???? p ?purpu???has????????????eaeanea????????????andan??itit it??????re??????hih?????JamaJamaiJamaic?ica ica????????? i ?????????????????e toe t??it?????????oro?r ir ?????err???blebl?e ae ?????t t tt ????teste??li??e ??hehe ??????????????????? st s?????. O. ????er er??eoe??????", "output": "I wish the descriptions of the coffees offered by Amazon were clearer so that there is no confustion as to what you are purchasing. Even the name of the product is a little deceptive since one might assume that it is Jamaican coffee.\n9353,B006N3IG4K,A3F8X31S4R8IXV,Tom,1,2,1,1327190400,Jamaica Me Crazy Terrible,I use to purchase Jamaica beans locally and it was great. This Jamaica me crazy is nothing close to it. The odor is terrible and it tastes like the coffee is flat or stale. Other people in"} {"input": "?????ses??????????d d id ??????d cd ????????t gt ??t ?????????????????upu?. .???????d ??????????????? cu c?????in in??he?????????????????????G4G???????????????????????????strst??ngn?,1,??2,2????323?333?888?88088?????????wawas??????ourou???on???????yo??r ?????????on on???????\"T\"???? c?ofo????e te ????????????flf???or???? a an a????s s ns ??????o o s ??????g, g, b ?????? ha h?aveav????????y iy ??????????????????????????????????ur?????????onaon????rerewre????. T. ????co???????????????nd snd ??????????th????whw????? the th?e Ke ?-C-?????????pup???tut????????????????????(t(????????????????????t get g??s ??????ed ??????? the??????le?????d ?????so sso ?????????t tt tht t?ro??????", "output": " household tried it and couldn't get past the first cup. Pitched the remainder cups in the trash.\n9354,B006N3IG4K,A25UTJ1AXFC0Z9,Judy Armstrong,1,2,1,1323388800,Don't waste your money or your Keurig on this!,\"This coffee tastes very flavorful and is not too strong, but I have to say it almost ruined my months' old Keurig Personal Brewer. The coffee is ground so finely that when the K-Cups are punctured by the needles (top and bottom), it gets packed into the needles and also sifts out through th"} {"input": "ee e h ?olo?????ada?????????????????? g ????????????he???????? c??????????ingin????vevere??????tyt???????????????????????????????eacea??????????pup?????????a ???????????(4(???K-K???upsup?) )? an a????idi??????ve?????????????????????????????? r re?????????????????ndnd ?????????????t it ??????????e o??????????whw??ch?????????th?????????????????????y ??ff?or????at at??????ti????????sense?t t at ????????? of????????????????????ol??gag???g Pg PuP?ck??????????????????????fofor??? a \" a ??cocooco????????????????lettlette?????????le????ing??re??eie????????y ??comcommcomme?????I ???ve??????????ivi?????ny?? fu fur?th????????acactac?t f?????? the????9?", "output": "e holes made by the needles, going into the coffee cup creating a very nasty \"\"sludge\"\" in the bottom of each cup. I purchased a pack of 2 (48 K-Cups) and didn't even use one full pack. I do not recommend this brand or blend. It is a waste of money, which is something I couldn't really afford at this time. I sent a letter of complaint to the Wolfgang Puck company and, except for a \"\"cookie cutter\"\" letter acknowledging receipt of my comment, I have not received any further contact from them.\"\n93"} {"input": "?????????3I3???????????????2C2????. .?LaL?????????,1,,1?,13,1???666???????????????????????ono???????nfn?????nan????????????ucu?h h??????????l l???????owo? a???????????ini??? I' I????????t ???????tlt??????d d?????????, ??so so? I'?????????????g tg ???????????????uckuc??????nt??l ???theythe?????????????pe????????????????????s)s??????ho?????t It ???waswa???????????????????????????co??????????????????????ganga??????? n ?????????????as,as?????????roronro???. U. ???????????????????????zeze e oe ?? m?????uru?????????feemfeemam???r,r??????se ?k-k??????????? a ?we????????????????????????re re l ???ke ??????????????????????????o no ????thinthi???", "output": "55,B006N3IG4K,AJZ41FI5FK2CH,C. LaRue,1,2,1,1300665600,What a waste of money!,\"Unfortunately, I'm much too frugal to throw away something I've spent perfectly good money on, so I'm continuing to use these suckers until they're gone (hopefully in a few weeks). I thought I was buying a decent brand of coffee, given the Wolfgang Puck name, but alas, I was wrong. Using the middle cup size on my Keurig coffeemaker, these k-cups make a weak cup of coffee... more like brown water. No taste, no nothing. "} {"input": "?I I?sws????????tot?????????lll??sts???izi????????????????????????????????r,r??????ststistili???????????????aba?????????????????????e te ???????o ?????????????. I. ?????'t????????????????????th???????????????????nknk k??o o Io ?I c??an an? or o?ded?? s? som so???????????? s?????e tae t??stest????????e ????'t??wa??????????????y.y?????????000060????????????VZV?????????????????????,1,1,1??,1??????????????ada?d td ?????ing??????eee?,\",???????????????????????????????????PuPucu?????ama???????????????????eie???????????tiati???????undun????ut ut?fe???t It ????????????? g gog????? a???ul?? r???????????????n'tn'??dr??ink????? c? cof co??????????????", "output": "I switched to the smallest size cup and it's marginally better, but still barely drinkable. I wouldn't serve these to guests EVER. I can't wait to be done with these boxes of junk so I can order something with some taste. Please don't waste your money.\"\n9356,B006N3IG4K,A3KQVZ95S7AX0P,jeaniemarie,1,2,1,1296000000,bad tasting coffee,\"this was terrible coffee Wolfgang Pucks Jamaicamecrazy, I received a partial refund but felt I should have gotten a full refund as I can't drink the coffee and had to"} {"input": "???hrh?owo??????lll???waw?????lsl?? h hah?????o po ????shs????iningn? a?ndnd ?????ldl??non????????????????wow???ld ld?lil??e e????????nsn??e te ???????????353?7,7??????????????363???ZUZU3U3I????Z,Z????altal??? J ???KeKeee??????r.r???????????????\",\"?1,1,2,????,12,1??????????,A ,A?plp?eae???ingin??????of? c ?????ee,ee??I ?????????????astas????????trt?????????????s s??????ee ee j ??sts?????hth??fo????? t??????? t??????onoon??????????of???y y?????-t-???????????es es f ????????????????????????????ng? o???????????????????????oyo???????????????SaSad??y ?wiwit?h h??????????t ????????p cp ????\"\"?\"\" s\"\" ?????????????????????????????????????lol??????likli?????????? is i???????", "output": " throw it all away. Also had to pay shipping and should not of had to. I would like a response to this.\"\n9357,B006N3IG4K,A336QIZU3I4C3Z,\"Walter J. Keegan Jr. \"\"Avant1963\"\"\",1,2,5,1294099200,A pleasing cup of coffee,\"I found the taste and strength of this coffee just right for it to gain the honor of one of my \"\"go-to\"\" coffees for my Keurig. Not too strong or bitter, I rather enjoy the flavor. Sadly with the recent \"\"K-cup coup\"\" staged by Green Mountain Coffees, it looks like Amazon isn't car"} {"input": "???ini??????????????ng ng??ucuckc? c ?ofo???????anyan???????????? m ????ubu??????????d ????e ?(a(??? m??????????s)s????llll l???????? g ??o eo ?????he???. .??DeD???????????????????s cs ??ffffeff?ee ee?? s ???????????? ca c?????939?585???000??????4K4??????????????N6N???????????????,2,?????????????00,00???icicece ?????????bu?????ry??????????he?????mam???????ea??????????????????????ic??e ae ane a????momooo??????????t ??is ?ve??y,y, ??????????????????????waw?ant????????????????is ois ???????ththeth?ereer????? v ???????????aia?????????????????be????????ve????utu???????t ?cac????????????ene??????????????ak???????malma??er? c cu c?psp?????? is is v?????y wey wea?????", "output": "rying the Wolfgang Puck coffees any longer and my Subscribe and Save (and my business) will need to go elsewhere. Definitely give this coffee a shot if you can.\"\n9358,B006N3IG4K,A37FXNMMRY5YN6,B. ODonnell,1,2,2,1291766400,\"Nice flavor, but very weak\",\"The aroma is pleasant, and flavor is nice and smooth, but it is very, very weak. I really wanted to like this one as there are very few available on subscribe and save, but I just cannot recommend it. Even making smaller cups it is very weak. I"} {"input": "??? g ?oio???????????????????????????????gagan??icsic?????rar?????? a ??????????????cuc????????????????9,9????6N6????4K4????6E6?????????DTD???&a&??p;p?????2,2???,12,1?878?????0000,00??????????ada????iei?d ??????????????????????a ???sesere???????d fd ?????d id ?t t?ded???iciic??ousou????????ror???????????????vavai?lal???e ?on??\"\"\"????????beb??????????\"\"?? so s????re??? t????re?????????? o ???????or? W ??olfol??ganga?ng ng P ?ucuck????????sbs???and and land ????? i ????????I lI ?????ththe????lavla??ourou?????????'s ????????ak??????omo????????on ton ???????GrGreGree?????????ainain.n???????ve ve???????derde????????????????????????????36036???????3I???????6S6?HOH??????????K.K??????????", "output": "'m going to stick to Newman's Own Organics Extra Bold as my go to k-cup for now.\"\n9359,B006N3IG4K,A36E05Q5W3M6DT,P&J,1,2,3,1287878400,weak,\"I had tried Green Mountain Sumatra Reserve and found it delicious and strong. It's not available on \"\"subscribe and save\"\" so I read the reviews and opted for Wolfgang Puck. My husband likes it and I like the flavour but it's very weak in comparison to the Green Mountain. I have to order something else for me.\"\n9360,B006N3IG4K,AQ6SHOW0VMZGF,\"K. Padgett \""} {"input": "?????ili?yoy????????,2,???,1?282????????,\",???????????, , N ?oto???rer?ata??????????????zez????t ??????e,e????ut ut???isi????sts??did????t ??ava??????????????????????????????????????KiK????of???n n tn ???????k k???ideid???in in??????????????'l'lll????eepee???ooo???????????1,???????????????YDY??707??????,T,??????me??????????,128,12????68068???0,G0,???????in?ind!ind??????????????of???????????roromo?? i?s ?asa???el??cicioiouio????????????????. . M. ?????usbusbab????????????????????????????upu???????????????????????iceice ?? m mo m???????????e'e's's ??????ing ing?? c??????????? t ti t?????s a s a????????939???????????????????4P4??94H94???????\"M??. W. ??????amsams ??????casca?mom", "output": "\"familyof5\"\"\",1,2,3,1286236800,\"Meh...Okay, Not Great\",\"We love Hazelnut coffee, but this just didn't have enough coffee flavor in it for me. Kind of on the weak side in my opinion. I'll keep looking.\"\n9361,B006N3IG4K,ABDYDR7003IRO,T. Palmer,1,2,5,1284768000,Great find!,\"Love this coffee! The aroma is as delicious as the flavor. My husband would typically have a cup of coffee once or twice a month, now he's having a cup several times a week.\"\n9362,B006N3IG4K,A1Z94P94HPWOU0,\"M. Williams \"\"Lucasmo"} {"input": "???????????,2,??????555???000???????????vov?r r???????????????????????????????t t????riribi???????d d??? f??lavla?????d cd ????eee????????? th t?????nen???is is????? fo f???usu???????ot?h h??ovo?e ????????????ririvrive?????????e ae a a???od???re???d ?th?at??????es es????is ??cof?????????????heherhe?????????939363??,B,?????3I3???????D3D?S3S?KHK?????060???tlt???2,??????292??????20020?????????er???? f?????or ??ndn????????????????? lo??ver????????re,re????????nd nd??? this thi???????ee ee?????? g??reareat?at aat ?????rs?????????s ?I ??????????havha????? it i?????????nd nd mnd mo???????????????????st st?? it. it???? t????????????ttt?????th??e ce ?????????????????o wo wawatwa????. ??lsl??, ??????", "output": "mmy\"\"\",4,7,2,1283558400,crazy flavor combination.,\"I admit, I am not terribly fond of flavored coffees. But, this one is not for us. We both love the Rodeo Drive. I have a good freind that loves this coffee. I sent her ours.\"\n9363,B006N3IG4K,A1D3S3KH6T7206,gtl3,2,4,1,1297123200,Overpowering flavor and watery- Coffee lovers beware,\"I found this coffee to be great at first, but as I started having it more and more I came to detest it. On the large setting the coffee is WAY too watery. Also, the fl"} {"input": "???oro?????????, ,?????????????????????????indind ?ofo? t ???tet???lil??e e b ?an????????????????r />r /???? is i????????tyty ??ooo????????ftf??????? o???????????????erter???of??eee??????????????????????????????kinki???a ga ???ssss.???????????6N6??IGIG4G???A8A?????????A9A??????mbm?er??????????????????????????????1,1????93893??00???????????????????intin?????,\"????? d ??????iteitele??????t at a t a??cofco???e ???nnn????????????ut ut t?????????ff ff?????ada???????????????isapisa???in??????????????? I I e exexpx??????????????an??g Pg ???? p???????????ha??????????????????? ??hih????????????????????? an a???????????t st ??????????????????ut ?????s os ?? c", "output": "avor is very, very overpowering and kind of tastes like bananas.

It is a pretty good mid-afternoon or evening desert coffee, but other than that it is kinda gross.\"\n9364,B006N3IG4K,A853R31RZEA9A,\"Kimberly A. Pernia \"\"Kim P.\"\"\",2,4,1,1293840000,What a disappointment,\"I am definitely not a coffee connoisseur, but this stuff is bad. It is a disappointment because I expected a Wolfgang Puck product to have more \"\"class.\"\" This tastes artificial and it can't stand alone without tons of c"} {"input": "???????ndn???????????. .????????oto???????gag????\"\"9939363656?????????????????????????F7F?????g g????????,4,?????292???767????????????!!??????????? ????????????s s??????sts???????????????????????t ???s gs gog????????h.h. ??????????m ?ththith???????yny??????? i ?? o ?nene ne???icickc?????????????ala?le le???rlrlilin?????????????f ???????keke e te ????t ft ????oro?, ,????? y ?youyo??????????????????oneone,e????f y?ou??????t t lt ???????????carca????ara?rd rd s????????ne????????he??d td ??????? o ou o????????????????? c????????m ????in??in cain c??????, ??????oreoreded ?coc??????, t, ??????????on????????????????one one??it?????????????????ve????????????????????", "output": "ream and sweetener. Will not buy again!\"\n9365,B006N3IG4K,A222AGYJ4N33F7,Greg Keats,2,4,1,1292976000,Ewwwww!!!!,\"Really? Who blends this stuff and decides that it is good? Ugh. I can sum this nastyness up in one quick phrase. Stale airline coffee! If you like that flavor, then you will love this one, if you don't like thin cardboard soaked, never washed the pot out, and the water came from a tin canteen, flavored coffee, then you won't like this one either! I would give this zero stars if "} {"input": "????ouo????? W WOW???????????tht?????????????????of????e te ????t It ??hah???????r r?ha?d.? ???????e We ???fyf???????????s s as ????????????is?? on o?? th????????geg??ana???I I eI ?????????????, ???????knk?nownow ???t ?????????????of of? hi h?????????????????????????esesos?????????????????avaviav???????????exextex????meme!me! !????he he p???????? sa s????????? B BoB????, b, ?butbu??????????'t'??t tat t?????ex??ra???????? I????????????????????????t t st ?somso?????rouro??? i in?ststastan?t ?????????? t??? m??????o mo ???ke ke??t ??????????\"\"?939??6,6?????????????????USU?????????????rs2rs?????,0,0,0??,1???343????202??0,??not????????TheTh??????????????ed ed? bi bit??terter ????????ke ke ike ??????", "output": "I could. WOW, likely the worst cup of coffee that I have ever had. I hope Wolfy reads this as his name is on the package and I expected more, now I know not to buy any of his signature products, awesome, thanks for saving me $$ next time! The package says Extra Bold, but it doesn't taste extra bold. It's almost like they put some ground instant powder in the mix to make it stronger.\"\n9366,B006N3IG4K,A1KJDUS91L5OOE,bears22687,0,1,1,1343952000,not good,The coffee tasted bitter and like it was "} {"input": "??????? ?I I?????nen???????????????????iti??sts?ili???????????????????????????? W ?????????????er er????????????????7,7??000??N3N??G4G???????CVC??FLF???????????????t ??????????????,0,???,1??????969????????ealea??y?y???????m m????zez??????????opoplp??????e he ?????????? t?????prp??dud???t. ??????????a a???????er ??????????rkr???re??s,s????????????????????????ingin?????????????or?????????????? a???il??derde????p p?????ofoffof??????thi???????omompmpl????lyl??????ele?lesle??. ????????????????????????????ioiouo??????o o?????no???ne one ???????hoh??? u ??? in i?????????????????????9??36836??,B0,B????3I?G4??????848????????????????????", "output": "burnt. I cleaned the machine and it still tasted bitter and burnt. Will not order this again.\n9367,B006N3IG4K,A1AOCVNFLPJVUV,\"Pagancat \"\"pagancat\"\"\",0,1,1,1341964800,Really???,\"I'm amazed that people are happy with this product. I'm not a drinker of the dark brews, French roast or anything, but even for a drinker of a milder cup of coffee, this is completely tasteless. The initial scent is delicious, too bad none of it shows up in the actual coffee.\"\n9368,B006N3IG4K,A3P84TZX9X1B3X,\"KIMBUYS \""} {"input": "\"?kik???????????????,1??393?????????? f ??????????????????,I,I I???? t ?hih?s s? th t??????????ece?????????g g????or????????????????so so???romro?????????????? wh w???? I ??hah?????????ede????l l o ??f tf ????????ororsor?????thithis????e we ????????????????ha?????????t ??????iei?w.w..??????B0B??????????A2A262????Q7Q??WIWI8I?????t ??rosro??,0?????????????00????iti??????ToT???? t? thi this??????????????xtx????melme???bi?tt???? ???????eded ed??it it???????????ded???a da ???????nt???upu???????mamad??????af??aia?d ???????y oy ?othot?er????????????????t It ???diddi?d ld ?iki???th????????????????????aya???????????r ?????? r re????????????po??sesses ?mym???????????drdri????????", "output": "\"kimbuys\"\"\",0,1,2,1339286400,No flavor - very weak,I got this through a Decaf Keurig assortment pack (also from amazon) and while I have enjoyed all of the flavors - thisone was so weak - I had to post a review.\n9369,B006N3IG4K,A26NFIQ7KWI8Y7,kt rose,0,1,1,1329696000,bitter,\"To me this coffee was extremely bitter. I dumped it out and made a different cup. It made me afraid to try other WP coffees but I did like the WP Sumatra Kopi Raya.

For reference purposes my in store drink is a "} {"input": "?StS???????????ere?????o.o???r r / ?><>?????????????ri????k-k?cuc??????e:e???????????????s ?FrFrer?ncn?h h?????????????????uc????????????eroer?????
G />?????????????n n?XtX????????????ata???? R??????e
My favorite k-cups are:
Starbucks French Roast
Starbucks Caffe Verona
Starbucks Pike Place Roast
Green Mountain Xtra Bold Sumatran Reserve
Green Mountain Double Black Diamond
Green Mountain Revv
Green Mountain Dark Magic

Other k-cups I've tried: Coffee People Jet Fuel ,Green Mountain Dark Magic Decaf, Emeril Jazzed up Decaf, Starbucks Caffe Verona, Coffee People Black Tiger, Starbucks House Blend, Starbucks Breakfast"} {"input": "??????d,d????ara????????????rar??????fgf???g g???uckuc????????????sts????re?????ouo?????????kek?????????geg??????reenree???????tai??????enc?????as??t, t,???ariar??ou??????????????olfol??an????????? Sum Suma?????KoK???? Ra R??a,????????????????? B?ol?d\"d?????0,0???????IGI??K,K???5S5???????????,B????nt nt??. .???scs?ch,ch????,2,??????70?????????? a a f ???????????????nd??\"C\"CoC??fef????? a????eryery ?????????????hi???????omo?? p ?eoe????????ke ke????????? tha th?? b ???deder???????????????????????th???????f ?????????er????????????????????????????????? a ???????s Bs ???tltle?st????????????a ?????????erver????. ?FoF???? the th???recre?????????????ththe????????", "output": " Blend, Starbucks Sumatra, Wolfgang Puck French Roast, Green Mountain Lake and Lodge, Green Mountain French Roast, Caribou Mahogony, Wolfgang Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya, Emeril Big Easy Bold\"\n9370,B006N3IG4K,A25SQ33WVST1HV,Brant L. Rusch,0,1,2,1327708800,Not a fan of this blend,\"Coffee is a very subjective thing. Some people like coffee that borders on tea, others like the stuff that a certain national chain named after a famous Battlestar Galactica pilot serves. For the record, I love the slightl"} {"input": "??????? t ???????? D ?unu??ini???ono??????????????? I ?????d d td ????st?ufu???????????\"\"\"????????theth?????aia?in\"in????o o??e ???kinkin ?tot???????drd??ateat???????????? a ????? F ????????y yy ?eae?????wew???tit?llll l?????????atedate????????...?..w..wiw????momoso?st st? bi b?????????ra??ndsnds ??? p pr p????ror?ounou???????????????????dedde??????????????????????g g? ou o?ut ut????????vovor? i ??? it i?????ut ??????, ??????r tar t???teste???????ar???
With my Keurig, my favorite coffee was Paul Neumans Extra Bold....because it didn't seem Extra Bold. Until you buy 80 of them and get tired of the flavor. Then, my favorites wer"} {"input": "??????????????s.s??????t t?sos??????ngn????ppp???????????????rar????????????iei?wsws)s) )???????????????????????????????ng.ng?????ththeth????? they the???ono?'t'?t pt ?utut ??s s????? i ???? the??????????????????????? th???blb??????th?the the????????????????? the be the b???????etcetc.c?????????tet??ed med ??????on??Ca??ribri???????????????bab???????? the???????.<.?????><>?????/>S/>?????lfl???ang???????go??t tt ??the ????? t??????4 4??????ereer???????vovororsor?????????????, S, ??rrr???????is? n ??????y fy ?????????of? t th?? the b???????cucurcu????entlent?y ?CoC???????? C????????ese??rvr???????????s s as a a???????????ren??????whw???????beb?????ve ve???ardar????????cofco?????????????s ws ????????onson", "output": "e the Caribu's....but something happened to that brand (see reviews) and I agree, they did something...either they don't put as much in the cups or they changed the blend, the sourcing of the beans, etc......wasted money on Caribu and wont go back to the brand.

So Wolfgang Puck got the nod, tried 4 different flavors. This one, Sorrento, is not my favorite of the bunch (currently Colombian Chef's Reserve). It has a bolder strength (which I believe hard core coffee drinkers would cons"} {"input": "i????????iui????????????????t t ht ???????????????rnr?????ava????to? i????????????????????ene??er er?dod?n'n????????????or???hih????????? thu th??s Is ??m ??????????????????ed.ed?????????gag?in??? it it???? a?? st s????????????????r /???? thi th???? if i? y ????prp?refrefef???????igi?hth?lyl?????????, s, ???????ly ly??????????????????????yo?????????????????????????????????????li??????e ??ha???ct??????f tf ?????ol???bi?????????s s Rs ??????????but?????????????????roron?????????er?????s ts ?thath?????????t ??????mym??ta?????is??????te?d ?to?wa????. . ???????????li??ve??????????gegetet et?????d ???????? co c???feefee fee???? th?? W ???????g g P ?", "output": "ider Medium), but to me it has a simple burnt flavor to it. Cream and Sweetener don't correct for this, and thus I'm a bit disappointed....but again it was a stab in the dark.

I think if you prefer a slightly bolder, slightly more burnt flavor in your coffee...this may be for you. I like the character of the Colombian Chef's Reserve, but it is not as strong, and perhaps that is just what my taste is slanted towards. I don't believe you can get a bad cup of coffee in the Wolfgang Pu"} {"input": "cckc???ini???????????????????sas??????e se ???????r r??????????????????????dsd??????717??B0B000?6N6???G4G??,A,????????B4B??????????????hih????\"\"\"?\"bo\"b???????????????0,10,?1,11,???????080?????????T T???????????????????ADA????????????gagan??????????????????????????CrC???y ????????????????offof?????I'vI'?ve ve?ev?er?er her ?????br??????????w w????ouo????????????? a ?????????????! ! I????????e le ???????l l??cocco?????????vov??????????/>???????????????eve eve s? som so????????????????his???as??????????????????marma?????????. T. ????y sy shsho?ulu???????iri??????37????????????????????????????????????? M. M?????papar???????\"c\"???????????????", "output": "ck line however. Can't say the same for some other K-cup brands.\"\n9371,B006N3IG4K,A3D4W0Z1B4P2Q0,\"borderchick \"\"borderchick\"\"\",0,1,1,1325808000,WORST COFFEE I'VE EVER HAD!,This Wolfgang Puck Coffee Jamaica Me Crazy is the worst coffee I've ever had!
I threw it out right away after one sip! It taste like all coconut flavoring.
Hard to believe someone thought this taste good and was marketable. They should be fired!\n9372,B006N3IG4K,A2BUR03REASIKQ,\"Nathan M. Scaparotti \"\"crankywanker\"\"\","} {"input": "???1,1,1?????????20???HaH????????!?!???ghgh.h??.. ..????whw??????????????az????????e fe ?????hih???iti??m m?did?????????te?????????????????zelze?lnuln????????????? I ??????e be ??enen ???okokik??????????owo??n fn ??????????????????ryr??ingin????o go ??????????????. ??ThT???ughug??t it ?? w????gog?in?ing ing? to t?o bo ????????e ????????????kek???????????????ee????9??????00???????????????????????????????\"\"\"?????rewre??m5m515??????0,10,?????????????0,?????oco??re,re,T,??is????offof??????is ois on???????????re re?????????tyt?????dodo ?????li?ke??? h????????????ic ic??????????or or?????????e e i?????en???????cof???????utdut?????????hi????? we w??????????? o???er? d?????. T. ?", "output": "0,1,1,1320019200,Hazelnut?!?,Ugh... no where on the Amazon page for this item did it state that it was Hazelnut flavored. I have been choking this down for a month just trying to get through it. Thought it was going to be a Blue Mountain-like Jamaican coffee...\n9373,B006N3IG4K,A3UROAHZHOIMTR,\"Maria \"\"andrewsm51\"\"\",0,1,2,1318896000,Mediocre,This coffee is only mediocre in quality. I do not like a highly acidic coffee nor do I like it when the coffee outdates within 6 weeks of the order date. Th"} {"input": "????nln??????sos??????????t t??oro???????ata???iei???wiw?????thith?????usu?????????e ie ???th??at at??????d ??ere??????????????it?????????? a????????t It ?????????????????????????? I ??????ot ot??ececo???????ththi??? co c?offof?feefe?..???????????3I3?????A3A??????DODORO??????no????????1,1???????????????gog????co????????googood?????????ItIt t it ????????iui?m m rm ????????lealeas???????ff??????????rar????????grg????????????????????????????lenle???. I. ?I bI bob???????????????????????????ea??? th t????????????????????????????2V2???N3CN3?????LoL???????????????,1???13113???????????mp????????????er????????IfIf f???ur???????????????re ??????????", "output": "e only reason I am not more dissatified with this lousy coffee is that I paid very little for it by using a credit I had at amazon payments. I do not recommend this coffee.\n9374,B006N3IG4K,A35OHTADORNP7N,noname,0,1,4,1316476800,\"good coffee, good deal\",\"It is a medium roast pleasant coffee, comparable to green mountain's breakfast blend. I bought it with a very good deal though.\"\n9375,B006N3IG4K,APYN2VSN3C9PM,LoveMyKeurig,0,1,1,1311465600,Simply - It's terrible,\"If Keurig brewers were evaluated "} {"input": "???????? p ??rtr?????????????, ,?????????ouo????beb????t t???? bu b??????s.s???olo??????????? - ?????ncn???????????????e ?Fr??????is is i ?????exe????aba?lyl???????bl?????fff????????????????????????ngednge??oa?????????anandan????????p p???te?????????????????r.r. ??MiM????????te ite ??is lis ????????e be ??????? ou ounu?ncenc??????????????????????????????????????ou?outhout????????? h???????????????????? ap appp???????????ti???????????????????e ??lealeadlea?????????? im i???didiai??????????????nesne?????th????????mp???????ulduldnuld?'t'???????????????????????? ca c??pabpabl??? of???????????uchuc?????????????????????????????????????????????k k l???", "output": "by this particular K-Cup, Keurig would be out of business. Wolfgang Puck - French Roast Melange Francais is inexcusably terrible coffee. Aroma hints of singed oak leave and the top note is simply bitter. Mid taste is like the bottom ounces of a days old Kwiki-Mart carafe. Mouth feel is harsh and leaves an appalling coating. The after taste leads one to immediately brush ones teeth. I simply couldn't believe my Keurig was capable of making such a bad cup of coffee, so I tried again a week late"} {"input": "?r r w ?????sas??e e?????????????ses??????aga??-t-tot?????????????ede???atatet????????avaveav???o o????????? w wi w?????????er ber ??????s ls ????????ene??MoM??ntn???n,n??TuT???leyle??, ????r Er ???rir??????????????e Ie ????nowno? t ???? h ha????????????????????ofo????????a wa ??????f ???outouth???? a????harhare?????p.p????????????????????????re re???????????anandan????? K??????????????????ve???on?????he???????harharehar?????????????????th oth ????????????????offeoff??e Pe PeP?????????????????gerger ????????????. ??owow ????????222??????????????-c-?????????????inin in???e ??otottot??????rawra???????????inaina a ca ??????????o go ???t rt ????d of???????????knoknowow ow????????????t tt th????", "output": "r with same results. I use average-to-good filtered water and have no problems with other brands like Green Mountain, Tulleys, nor Emeril's. Everyone I know that has a Keurig learned of it via word of mouth or a shared cup. Usually the results are stunning, and the Keurig invasion lives on. When I share I'll stick with offering The Coffee Peoples' Black Tiger or Jet Fuel. Now I have 22 more WP/FR K-cups sitting in the bottom draw of my china cabinet to get rid of. Let me know if you want them, "} {"input": "???????????????rrr???????????vev?n n???????????????? ?SoS?????????????? b?utu???????????PuP?ckck k??????r r??????h h????astas??????npn???????????hoh?orror??????, a, ?????at at???cuc?p p p ????????I'lI'?? n ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ere?rinringngsng?????373??,B,????????4K4?,A,?????????ZYZ??????????????????0,0??????303??????00???or????lel???hih??????????as????????ke ke?????e te ????ccccoc???????s.??????????????????keke ???t et ???he??????????ndn??????????rowro??????? o???..9??37737?,B?00?????????A1??JFJ??979???????,\",\"T\"???? RE R???? RE????W W?\"\"\"??????????? tr t?ut???????eve??ewewsw???????????,13????????00,00,T00,??errer", "output": "as I'd be embarrassed to even give them away. Sorry Wolfgang, but what the Puck - your French Roast is unpardonably horrible, and at K-cup prices I'll not be duped again. I'll stay away from any of the other WP offerings.\"\n9376,B006N3IG4K,A1SZG52GFZYEUX,J. W. Walker,0,1,1,1307836800,Horrible,This stuff tasted like pipe tobacco smells. My Son didn't like it either and I ended up throwing it out.\n9377,B006N3IG4K,A1MJFZ975LIEHE,\"THE REAL REVIEW \"\"Only 100% truthful Reviews\"\"\",0,1,5,1307577600,Terr"} {"input": "????????????????????ese??mem?? I ?????? b ???d d???????????????? F ????????oao??????rewrewsws.s????????? a a a?trtrur?ly??wow??ndend???????R R? bl blel???. ??????s ????????????ch ch? FR FR, FR?????????????????????r ?????????????????????????????????BOB?LDL???????????OPO??????????????ostost ???????ve???tritr??d ????ve ?????????? a an a?????????fu???, e, ??????it???????s os ????????ini??????????.\".??????????6N6?3I3??4K4???????8R8???6J6JJJ?????ololyol?OWO??annan???rar??ke????,1,??5,5,1,13,1303??????????????gog????????cofco??????????????T!T!!?????????????????????????1212.12??0 0????? bo??????rdr??ereer?ed ed?4 4??????!!?????????????????deade????as? t?????????? i???????rea", "output": "rrific!!,\"Simply Awesome. I love bold coffee and love French Roast Brews. This is a truly wonderful FR blend. Dittos for Deidrich FR, both are awesome.

I also tend to like the BOLD COFFEE PEOPLE KCUPS...Most all I've tried have been bold and flavorful, each with it's own distinct flavor.\"\n9378,B006N3IG4K,A3SFS8R1T6JJM9,PolyOWannaCracker,0,1,5,1303171200,Just got the coffee... LOVE IT!!!,\"I got the coffee for 12.50 per box. Ordered 4 boxes!! Such a great deal, as the coffee is a grea"} {"input": "t??????????r r??????????f f?ana???????????ses????????se????????e we ???????e he ???iningn????????s ws ????????????rer?????in???????uyu???????????shs????dnd?????revre???? t th????????????????????s ????? is is??????????propr???uctuc?t t????????? the the the??????????????>
If anyone is upset because of the website having issues when they were trying to buy it, they shouldn't review the product poorly, as it is not the product that is the problem.

The problem is that you're jealous you didn't get such a great deal on the coffee. Grow up kids, this coffee is great!!! Will buy from Amazon.com, LLC again for more K-Cups for my Keurig.

ALL OF MY COFFEE ARRIVED PACKAGED WELL AND IN NEW CONDITION, NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!!\"\n9379,"} {"input": "?B0B???N3N??????????????5G5??????????ili???? L ??????????ndn????,0,????????898989?656565????SaS?????????!,!,\"????????????mmm????ede?????????ses?e we ????????????????????d ?????? ro r??????ofoffffef??, ,??????ana?????????atrat?????pip? R ?????exe?????????e ????????????????????????s os ono?????mom????????? a??????s a????oodoo????????????????dayda?????383???????????4K??,A1,A?????????????????????????????????????eve??r ????????????????????????l ???imi???ingin??OkO???...T...TOTODO??????151? t????????pap????????ded????o ??utu?????????? fo f??or sor ?ala??????12????????????????????hishi????????????menme??????s o???????????????????r ???r /?????", "output": "B006N3IG4K,A3K0OWGS5G12L4,\"Cecil B. Lee \"\"mtmynd\"\"\",0,1,4,1289865600,Satisfying!,\"Highly recommended for those who appreciate a good dark roast coffee, Wolfgang's Sumatra Kopi Raya excites the flavor buds and ignites one's morning... always a good start to any day.\"\n9380,B006N3IG4K,A194XR1O94JG3T,S-LY,1,3,1,1302825600,Never got a chance...and still climbing,Ok...TODAY 4/15 this company decided to put them up for sale at 12.50 per 24pk... This advertisement was on SLICKDEALS.NET

Well."} {"input": "??. . W ?ene??????????????????frf?????d ???he he???????????? m ?????????asa????w w???????6 6?????ar????????????????????d ???e ?????ofo??????carca???????????????????????tet?? 2 ?0 0 m????s ts ?to to?????????????????flf???e ???d ?????????????????la???in???????d ld ?ininkin????br br???r />W>?WelWe?ll ll?????????????in???????????????????ereer?????????959?? fo for??????????aca???????
Next.... I waited 20 mins to see if it was a fluke and SD.NET started claiming dead link.

Well upon refreshing again... they were now 44.95 for one 24 pack...

Hey RIDICULOUS SELLER..... GET WITH THE PROGRAM ...IF THIS IS YOUR WAY OF RECOVERING QUICK MONEY...I THINK PEOPLE ARE MUCH SMARTER THEN THAT UPON PRESSING CONFIRM MY ORDER>..... ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO"} {"input": "??YOY???????????? S ?O O?????????????????1,1????????????????RURU9U????QZQ?????mem???ici???????????,2,??,12,1??636???32032??,B??????????????tot?????????ara?????????? t ????ksk??????ndn??? of of????????????????????????ve??????????????????ard.ard???OrO????ic? B????????????utu????????????ti??l l?????fafava??????38????B00B0?06N06????4K????DLD???B5B??????,R,???h h?A A????????????????98986?888???????????STS?? co c????????Th??????????? i ?????????????an? a?????l bl ????er? a an and??????ongon????????? c??annan?????????e te ?????????l Nl ?????????????t at ????!!!!!?!!!????? n ???????? th t?????ro?dud?ctc???av?????ur?????eye?!!??!!??93????B0B00???????????XFXF1F????TEHTE?", "output": " YOU FOR BEING SO UN-TECH-SAVY\n9381,B006N3IG4K,AD2QRU9ZXBQZ1,Domestic Gnome,1,3,2,1286323200,Bitter w/ overtones of cardboard,No thanks. Kind of bitter and has slight overtone of cardboard. Organic Bold and Donut Shop are still our faves.\n9382,B006N3IG4K,AGDLI9B52XZYC,Ruth A Henry,0,2,1,1329868800,The WORST coffee !,The worst!!! it is just plan awful bitter and strong and you cannot taste the Hazel Nut flavor at all!!!!! Do not buy this product save your money!!!!!\n9383,B006N3IG4K,A1XF1C7TEHC"} {"input": "??TKTK,K?????0,0??????292?626??929202000??????????????????????????rer? m ??argar?????lyl???????????????????????eee??????????an??bub????? t th t???????????????? t????????????????s.s?????s ???????????????feferfe??d ??at ??191??959?????d Id ??????????????to???uru????ses?e ie ???bu???????immimmem??????????????????????6.6.9????ItI??????????rearealallal????????????.9??? an????is is c???????????????or??? a???y iy ?????reasrea??. ??????????ll???????????????ded?????on on?????erier???? IN I???????COC???????????????s fs ??????5.?????????????????o to ????????t'st'??a a g?????????al oal ??????L L? co cof?????. D. ?o ?????????t tt ???lol??????????usustust ???????????????????hat'hat", "output": "FTK,jim,0,2,3,1296259200,Wolfgang K-cup,\"K-cups are marginally better than good coffee that I can buy at the store for 1/2 the price or less. This product was offered at $19.95 and I was willing to purchase it but it immediately went up to $26.95. It is not really worth $19.95 and is certainly not worth any increase. Additionally, what's the deal on offering INSTANT COFFEE in K-cups for $15.99 leaving us to think it's a good deal on REAL coffee. Do you want to lose our trust (business)???? That'"} {"input": "???? g ??odo???????????????????????????????b\"b\"\"9??848????????IGIG4G??,A,?????????6C6????DeD???ses???????tht?????????????????12????TaT??tet????kek??olo????????????hoh????t t??????????????waswa?????????ho?????????HaHada??????cuc????ndn???????????????????????wa???????usu???????????t bt be????????nedne?..??????,B0,B?????????K,AK,???????VUV?????????????????bab?????????????3,3?????????????00,C00,????? o ???ferfe???ucu?h h? gu g????ancan???\"I\"????ded?re?d d td th???vav??????????ffeff?????????y cy co??llell???????????ildil?????????????????teltelyly,ly, ,?????? w?er??e se shs???pip?ngn??????????????????????????rrirr?vev??????????? k ????????????????d ???????le??ge ", "output": "s a good way to do it!!!!!!!!!!
jb\"\n9384,B006N3IG4K,AY2K56GDX6CBD,Denise M. Guthrie,1,4,1,1292371200,Taste like old socks,I thought this coffee was really horrible. Had one cup and will throw the rest away because it can't be returned.\n9385,B006N3IG4K,A2CR1R7VU63YPT,\"gbosco \"\"band mom\"\"\",0,3,3,1284163200,Can't offer much guidance,\"I ordered the vanilla coffee for my college age children. Unfortunately, there were shipping delays and it did not arrive until the kids had returned to college "} {"input": "???r r???e e??alalll??????????. . ????ata?te te?????omo???whw?????he????ini???????????hoh?omeome e fe ????????????---? i ?t t????????????????????????theth???????????????????????ede?????e ?????????n tn tat????????????????????d vd ?????? I?????ve ve??????as???n t?????????????isi?????l ?be?????????ffeff????????????? sa s???????????e ke ???????????????KeK?uru??? h????????????????????????????????????????????hlh?ly ly b?????? c????????y ???????and? l ??????thath????I sI ?av?????????? o?f f????????y ??????inging ing??????me????????a ta trt???avelave??mum??????????th?????????????to?????? $ ???000????????cu?????n t??he ???????????k.k????av?avesave?????ll tll ???", "output": "for the Fall semester. Update to come when they finally come home for a break -- it may be a while. The other coffees I have ordered have all been tasty and a very good value, I have no reason to believe this will be any different. I can say that the k cups and the Keurig have been delightful. I enjoy having a freshly brewed cup every time and like that I save a bunch of money by brewing at home into a travel mug rather than stopping to drop $2.00 for a cup on the way to work. Saves all thos"} {"input": "??????????ama?????????????????????6N6??????????EXE????????Z,Z?????????erer,r?????????878?????????????????????????erter??????an?????????????e ?????????s ?????e toe t?? av a??????\"I\"I I??ouo?ghg?????????heh?e Ce ??eme???????ameam????????????HaH?????utut ????? a???????????n'n???????????? a?????t et ??????? m ??????????????ede???????????????flflal???r r???????????????????????e ce ?????e ???????f if ?is ?????an????nln????e te the t?he he Che ?????????oneon?????is????????as as????as????bib??????????????ste????likelik????e ??flafl?????????????ici???????????????????????s s as ???artifarti??iciic??l ??????????????ata???it it???tut??????????teste?s ls ?lik???? a c a chchehemhe??icaic??", "output": "e styrofoam cups too!\"\n9386,B006N3IG4K,AMEEXXHSFDS3Z,Tito Lover,1,5,1,1287360000,Yuk! Twangy aftertaste and weak coffee make this one to avoid.,\"I bought both the Creme Caramel and this Hazelnut kcup and I couldn't tell them apart even if my life depended on it... The flavor is pretty weak and the coffee itself is too and unlike the Caramel one, this one has a nasty bitter aftertaste like the flavor is artificial. Yeah, I know it's artificial but I hate that it actually tastes like a chemical!"} {"input": " ??YuY???????? / ??
This is one of those coffees you can serve to company who doesn't know good coffee or people you don't want to have come to your house any more as one cup of this and they won't be your friends after it! It really is quite bad.\"\n9387,B006N3IG4K,ABQN42N7ICNZQ,T.O. Perspective,0,4,4,1284076800,Not Extra Bold,Definitely not extra bold...medium roast at best. Not particularly memorable...doesn't have a good coffee aroma...but it's pretty decent tasting. At this point I'm not s"} {"input": "??????????wow???????orordr?????939???????6N6N3N??????????????????????????????????????,5,???,1???212??929??00,00??or??????e ce ??fff??????isi???????????s ????????fuf???y y ty ????????????nonoto????odo?????? wo w???ld ld???hinhi?k k w????gag???????? wou wo????????googoodod od?????t bt bub??y t??hishi??????????thith?? i???? r re reve???? o of??? p ????le???????e ae ????????eopeo???e ie ini????????p p w????????????iti??no????oo???????,B?????????????????6K6???????,\",??????????\"An\"A?ndrnd???????3,3,3,3,,3?,5,,5?,13????????????????bab?lal????e,\"e,???? n no not? a ???cof????????b.b??IfI?????waswa???? d????????????????????????????sts??????????????nt ??????????upu?????????????it????it??le????", "output": "ure if I would reorder.\n9388,B006N3IG4K,ATXHMAP3ED09F,Stephen J. Lewan,0,5,1,1322179200,horrible coffee,this coffee has a very funny taste to it not good you would think wolfgang it would be good dont buy this coffee this is a review of 6 people there are 6 people in my shop we all hate it not good\n9389,B006N3IG4K,A230IB6KZBNHZY,\"Andrew \"\"Andrew\"\"\",3,3,5,1344556800,Great balance,\"I'm not a coffee snob. If I was, I doubt I'd own a Keurig. I just want a decent tasting cup of coffee with little cle"} {"input": "???????????? /?>
I've tried many of the flavored coffees, but they're too gimmicky for me. Starbucks brand tastes burnt to me, even their blonde roast -- in stores I mean, I have not tried the Starbucks brand kcups.

I like this breakfast blend because it's not too dark, not too light. It tastes like what no-frills coffee should taste like. I order the biggest size to get the best value.

Update: I just tried to create a review for the \"\"Jamaica Me Crazy\"\" coconut flavor, whi"} {"input": "????????ouo???t t??asa???ere??????????ndn??????ovo??????co?nunutu????????????????cic???? th t???????????gig???l l????iei????????or?????re?????????????d.d??\"\"\"\"\"??939393???????????4K4K,K?A3A?1G1?????W2W????????. . M. ???????nd nd??????????er\"er??????????????030353??00???DiD???????intin????????????is nis ????BOB?LDL???ofo?fef?????I ??????????????????o to ????? n ????????????ffeff????.....????????????????y,y?????m m????ap????int???????I woI w??ld?????????is?????????as?as aas ????DID???????? it i?????ouldoul??????????? l ????????????ME?DI??????? wo wou?ouldould ould h hahav?????????iti????????er? r ra?????????????e t???s s is ?is ???ul????? ME M???IUMIU??????ngn????? cof??feefe??????????????", "output": "ch I thought was terrible. (And I *love* coconut.) I should specify that the original review was for \"\"Breakfast in Bed.\"\"\"\n9390,B006N3IG4K,A31GKRAQW2HT4Z,\"S. Moreland \"\"#1Sinner\"\"\",3,3,3,1304035200,\"Disappointed, this is not BOLD coffee\",\"I was so excited to try a new BOLD coffee.....needless to say, I am disappointed. I would rate this coffee as a MEDIUM. If it would have been listed as a MEDIUM, I would have given it a higher rating because this is truly a MEDIUM strength coffee in taste and "} {"input": "????????????????????????ini?k k?iti????????????????imi???? fl f?lavla???? is i? s???oto??, ,????????tet??r. r.???????ll,ll??????shsh h???ata????????????ve????ded???????omeom??mo??e ?????FuF??????????????igi???.\".??939????B0B???N3N?????,A,A1A????3P3P9P?????M6M????sas??727?252??3,3,3??????????????,\",??oo??d s??????????????????ceced???????????????thith??????????, b, bu, b???????? wi w?????ubu????????anandn?d Sd SaS???e, e,?????ono???????????????????? th???????????????????????? B?????d.d???????ven???????is??ononeon????????, b???t st ??????th???ere ere??re?????????????ro????????, i, ???'s 's p ?prepret??????sys?????pip?ickic?????????????e ???????????????? a a? fe f?????ck???. ??I w?", "output": "flavor. I will still drink it from time to time- flavor is smooth, not bitter. Overall, I wish that I would have ordered some more Jet Fuel or Black Tiger.\"\n9391,B006N3IG4K,A1H703P9ALYVM6,Lisa97225,3,3,4,1297814400,\"Good stuff, but overpriced\",\"I do like this coffee, but even with Subscribe and Save, Amazon's price is higher than K-cups at Bed Bath & Beyond. Convenience is one thing, but since there are BB&Bs all around me, it's pretty easy to pick up my coffee there and save a few bucks. I wi"} {"input": "????AmA??????????????ici?????????????????mom??e ???????iti???????????d ????????re re?????????velve?? i ?????????idi??? B ?utut t?????????????, ,??ede???? r ?oaoasa?????????. . . ????t qt ???iteite ?????strst?ronrongn? a ?????d ???????bu?????????????????????th??????????reare????astas?????BeB?????????????????y ???????????y ?????renre?to???????????????????????tl?e e be bobolo?????????????0000606N6N3N??????A2A?????????????????kikiei???????????29??????????ve?????????????ng ng?frf?????????an??g Pg ?ucuckck,ck??So? h ?her??????an?????? e??????? o??????????????????cucupu?????bo?????????????????????. I . I f fi f??????????ellel??????????????????y Suy S?????a'a????", "output": "sh Amazon would price their coffees more competitively - I'd buy here exclusively if they did. But this is good, medium roast coffee. Not quite as strong as I'd like, but a little stronger than the Breakfast in Bed version. I may need to try Sorrento and see if it's a little bolder.\"\n9392,B006N3IG4K,A29BHW9YT2FZ77,JackieTH,3,3,3,1296432000,Average offering from Wolfgang Puck,\"So here is another example of a 48-pack of k-cups I bought \"\"untested\"\". I figured, well, I really enjoy Sumatra's bo"} {"input": "l?????????????d d???chch ????? a? b ?it?????????????????????????????y y?non?????????gag??????ckc???????????????????????????????beb??????????????????
So, this is utterly average in all departments. It's not very bold or rich, although I can say it does have the bitterness, which is a bit unbalanced as it lacks the richness. Purchased only because it appeared on the Subscribe & Save at a great price per k-cup. That makes two WP's that have been run of the mill at best [Sumatra & French roast]. Next tim"} {"input": "??????l l???e me ????e de ?????rnr?????????????????3I3??4K4K,K??292?BHB???????????JaJaca???eTe??,3,?????????????????????aga???????????????????oao????\"I\"????al?????likli????????? t ???ingin???upup p???ithit???????s ????????relre?????????-c???????s ????a a????ingling??e fe ?????or.or?? E ??ce????ono? t??????????le le???????????????????????d ?????eee???????? as a????????h rh ??as??????????????reare???????????? S ?????????ololfl???angan?????????????????????? tu turu?rnern??????????mam??????????????????e we ???????ve???ththoth????h Ih ?I hI hah??????????????????????, ?non?? I?????ve ve??????????
It's fairly non-descript for a French roast. "} {"input": "????????ara???a,a?????????????s s?mum???? c ???????? t ?????oro?????????, ???????rir??h h????encen?????as??????????????????????vev?en en d????iki???iti???????s 's 'o'?????????????r ?????????ce ce??????d,d, ?????cccce??????? w ?????ut? c????????nt.nt. ???t ??mayma?? ma makake??????????????????ese?st st?? cof co???????for for???????????in?? s ???????????????tlt????????????????????????????????????? ri ric????brbr ?/>/???r ??????????? i?????ld????bo????, a????????? an???I ????????????????ing ouing o????? m??????y ty ???ke??? i? it it?????hanha??????393????????3I3???K,K?A1A???????5V5?????,\",???????A.A??DaD?ay ay??????????????,3,,3,5,???292?565??444????????????ildil???upu?????", "output": "Decent aroma, but taste is muted compared to, for example, a Diedrich French roast. I don't hate or even dislike it, it's 'okay', and for the price I paid, is acceptable without complaint. It may make an acceptable guest coffee for those wanting something a little bolder without being over the top rich.

I'd call it mildly bold, average, and I won't be going out of my way to keep it on hand.\"\n9394,B006N3IG4K,A15281ZG5VT4GA,\"Marci A. Day \"\"Marci\"\"\",3,3,5,1295654400,Great mild cup of c"} {"input": "????????????????????K-K???? s ????ara???????lul??????NON? a afa?te?????????whwhih??????????????????????geg?????s.s???????non????cic??????????bib????ter,ter??????????????t Mt ?ILI???cuc???of?????fe??? w wh w??????????????????????t ???rpr???tst?????????I I????h ??othot?????????????????????d td ?????????????????????????eye??????e ae ? b ?ad?????iei??? ba bas?eded d od ?on on???????owo??????upiup???ityit??. D. ??on'on????uyuy ????????????????coc???????ndn??cocomcompmpl?aia????ece????????????????olo??????????????????????? ru r???????????????th??\"\"\"????????????????????????????? mi m??????????on??????????forfo????????dad???????st??, s, ?lal?p ????????????cofco?", "output": "offee,\"My favorite K-Cup so far. Absolutely NO aftertaste, which in my book is a huge plus. It's not acidic, not bitter, just a great MILD cup of coffee, which is exactly what it purports to be! I wish other people would read the description before they give a bad review based on their own stupidity. Don't buy a MEDIUM roast coffee and complain because it's not bold! Also, as a general rule the ones with \"\"Breakfast\"\" in the name are milder. I don't care for bold, dark roast, slap you awake coff"} {"input": "??e e s ??????????n'n???bub??????olo????ofofff?????????????????lal??n ????????t wt ????????.\".???????B0B000??N3N3I3IGI????ABA???QAQ????OYO????????????ol????n ?????n \"n ????????dydy\"y\"\"???????4,4???878?????????????????????bu?????????I'I????re?????so so??????????ewe????????????????rar???????????ariarie???????f f?K-K?cuc??????? co cof co?ffeff??????????????????????????ece????????? d ?????iki????????lalavlavov?? o ??? th???s cs cocofco?????????????d bud b?????????????????s ??????????rengren????? I?????????at????????????????????????in????????K-cK-????.....??I I aI ama???ccc?cuscu?stost????d td ???????bu???????strst?ren?????????d Id ???????????????y ??eue???g g??????????-c??", "output": "ee so I wouldn't buy a bold coffee and then complain that it was bold.\"\n9395,B006N3IG4K,AB0EQA6NXOYZA,\"Karen Solomon Dunn \"\"Homebody\"\"\",3,3,4,1287964800,Well-rounded but weak,\"I've read so many reviews on the many brands and varieties of K-cups... coffee preferences are so subjective. I did like the flavor of this coffee -- bold but not bitter. As to \"\"strength\"\" I wish that there was more coffee in each K-cup... I am accustomed to Starbuck's strength, and I have to set my Keurig to medium-cup"} {"input": "???????????ete? t?????trt???gtg?????????????????????otot ???s cs ??????????????????????????????ueu?l l???utut t It I I fI ??????????Fu??? t??????ttt??r.r??/>I>?? W ?olo???????????????ldl??????mom?????cofco???? t?????s ???????? t th??is ????ld? b ?e ???pep?erfer???ct ct???????????????\"\"????????????IGI??K,K????KMK??JMJMSM???TXT????????SDS??????????????????,n,non???hinhi???????iai?l,l?????lfglf??ng???????????BrB??????????? B ?????????a a m ????h mh ?????flflal?vov?orforfuful??????????????????????????????????????????939???????????????AQAQ8Q888????????IPI????????????????ili?l,???????????????????ese?st st Ist ??????K-CK-CuC?up up????????ad!ad?,\"???????????e ???", "output": " size to get the strength I need. This is not as cost-effective as -- say Jet Fuel (but I found Jet Fuel too bitter.)
If Wolfgang Puck would add more coffee to its K-cups, this would be a perfect coffee for me.\"\n9396,B006N3IG4K,A33KM1JMS3TTXS,JBCinSD,3,3,2,1287878400,nothing special,\"Wolfgang Puck's \"\"Breakfast in Bed\"\" is a much more flavorful and robust medium roast than this one.\"\n9397,B006N3IG4K,AQ88ZVCT54QIP,Isabel E. Averill,3,3,4,1285804800,Best Iced K-Cup I've Had!,\"This coffee has"} {"input": "? a ???????trt????cac???????e e??????????o io ?it'it?????????? f ?????????????????????????dad??? ???e ??lal??????????ot ot b ??d d wd ???n ???????????????????? s????s ??a la ?????e e o?????????><>?????>Y>YoY??????????usuus??????????????????????l ????verve???????????????.\".????????000????IGI????A3A???????7A7?????????3,3?3,???121?????646??????????????? sm smom???????????????????cuc??????????????????hahavaveav???beebe???en??????????????????? of of??????????mamat???????????ayaay?????????????????????????????????e e le ??????????? W???????????? de d?????ou???????vorvo???????????sfs?yi???...??no???so?????????????be be? bi b?itt??er,er?, a, ?????not?", "output": " a very tropical taste to it, so it's perfect for iced coffee on a hot day. The flavor is not bad when heated, but it just seems a little odd.

You don't usually think of tropical beverages being hot.\"\n9398,B006N3IG4K,A3IR834T7AROBT,Ed,3,3,5,1285286400,\"Pleasant, smooth and flavorful cup of coffee\",\"We have been enjoying our order of W.Puck Sumatra Kopi Raya dark roast coffee K-cups for the last week. We find the delicious flavor very satisfying...not so strong to be bitter, and not "} {"input": "s????????asa?????tat??tet????kek??????rer?????te??????????????e ??????????t.t?. T. ?????e i??s js ???? t??????????????????? h ??????nen??????????????t a????????aba?lel??e coe cofe co????????perpe??en??????????t ?????????? n ?ici????in?????????????ana???flf?????????????ma????????is is?????t ast as ?st????g g a?????????????o,o?, b, ???t mt ?mayma??????e ????????lo?w.w???LiL?????? s sas?idi?, ??????easea????, ?sms????????andan???flafl???orfor?????????393?????0606N6????4K4????B6B????????DMDM,M??????? D ????????ul??????\"\"\",\"\"\"????????????28628???????ete?????????d fod f?or ??ece????I I????????????? o ?of ????????????????????????????av?e ?????????????is????????is pis ????????", "output": "so weak as to taste like colored water. The coffee is perfect. There is just the right amount of heartiness to make it an enjoyable coffee experience, and it carries a nice lingering pleasant flavor and aroma. It is not as strong as an espresso, but maybe one step below. Like we said, \"\"pleasant, smooth, and flavorful!\"\"\"\n9399,B006N3IG4K,AWB6OLPRMCLDM,\"Lucky Dog \"\"Paula C\"\"\",3,3,5,1285286400,pretty good for decaf,I am not a fan of any of the decaf k cups I have tried but this one is probably "} {"input": "???? b ????.I.? l ?????st???????ofo?fef?????? h ??s s c????es es???????? cl c?????tot? w ???????????????pep???t at ??th?????????sas???????iui?m m????????949????????????????QQQ????????4O4?F,F,\",??????a a????MoM?oro????????? Mo M???????,5,???????282???777??00??????ere????lyl??yuy???????I w?????ntntrt?igi????????????? p???????????????????????????an an??exoex???? n ?amameme,me???????I w??snsn'n??????sapsa???????????????????is ais ??????er er?sos?o so ??????????conco??t ??????????????????aka?keske????????so so???????ouousou??????????????ikeike ?e ste s???ongon????ff???????????????is is pis ?perperf??????oror or???????bab???????and Iand ?. ??????et et????????????gulgu????? n no n?? a??nd nd ind ??'s'??on??e oe ??????", "output": "the best.I like strong coffee and his comes pretty close to what I would expect although it says medium roast.\n9400,B006N3IG4K,AQQ79QLD9K4OF,\"Brenda H. Moore \"\"BAM Moore\"\"\",5,6,5,1285977600,Wonderfully yummy,\"I was intrigued how this particular blend got such an exotic name, and I wasn't disappointed. There is an ever so slight coconut aftertaste that makes this so delicious, I don't like strong coffee, and this is perfect for my husband and I. I get it send regularly now and it's one of our "} {"input": "??ava?ororir?????? S ?????????????? J ????ici???????rar??????????????g g P ????? W ??????ng?????????????titiei?r r????an an??????tht?????????????949?????000????????,A,??OMO?????????????on???????usu???????mem?er ?????????5,5??????????????????quq?????ele??????????d ??MedMedid????????????????rieri?????is???cofco???? o???a ??????dod???????????s ts th??????????????d ??thetheyey ?????????????????????????e te ?thath???????????iri???cof?fe?????????????ewe?????????????????????thothos??e o?? u ?? t???????????????oldol??? I I???ew?eded ed 5ed ???? c? cup cu?????br br??><>?
As an earlier posted noted, it does have a slightly flavored quality "} {"input": "t?????e e???????????????????????ana????????ror????????????????????????????e ie ???'t'???????ousou???????????????????? d ????????????????t ????????cofco???????????????????blb?lacla??????????????????ououg???to???notno?? f ????th??ses?e oe ?????????????????te?ntn???????????????r />r /????la?????n tn trt??in???????????????????????inein???? Wi W?????he'he??????????????????????????????,B,?000???????K,K?????????XEXENE???,n,?qsq????????1,11,????515??40?????????????????is is?????? st s???????????VOV???D D????offeoff??????isis is iis ???????????????????offeeoffe???? t??e ?????ri?????????oulouldl??lel???????? to to to??ele?lieli???????????????????????????lavla??", "output": "to the taste that makes it stand out from other coffees. The taste isn't obvious enough to turn off drinkers who want their coffee \"\"regular and black\"\" but strong enough to note for those of us that pay attention.

I plan on trying all of Wolfgang's line. Wish he'd offer a variety pack.\"\n9402,B006N3IG4K,AAFRCVB8XENT1,nqss,7,9,1,1296518400,WARNING... this is a strongly FLAVORED coffee,\"This is not regular coffee as the description would lead you to believe... it's artificially flavor"} {"input": "???????? i ???????????frf??????????????????????th??? y ??????????????e ?th?????ava?oro?????hah????????????????????d hd ???ed?? it i????????ourou?rsers??, t, ththathattha?????ld???????y py ???????m im ???ththe???????????????asas ?????????????????'s's ???????????on on???fuf?nd?????????????????sas??d ????????????????heheche????????nfn???mamatma?tio??????th?the ??propr????t ????????949????????????????????????????E,E??????????????????????????080??00,00???????????I I?????????? my m????? t????????????ewe???ed aed ?????????????worwo?????????????ofo??????av???????????????ete??! !????????mem????????????othot???????????????? w wa w???????????????", "output": "ed, and it appears from the other ratings that you either love the flavor or hate it. My household hated it. Of course, that would be my problem if the description was accurate, but it's not. Amazon refunded my money and said someone would check the information on the product page.\"\n9403,B006N3IG4K,A12DVG1FD6DEQE,ChickLitLove,2,2,5,1338940800,Dee-lish,\"I just got my box today and brewed a cup after work. It's one of my favorite k-cups yet!! I recommend it. Smooth, doesn't taste watered down, and"} {"input": "????????????????????????????????????o ?????????????ini????????????aca???????????4,4??????????????8R8?8888Q8?????????????n Tn ??. M. ??????????????????????0,0????????st st H ??????????????!,!???????an????????s ??????iai?????????????????????????K-CK-????????ln??????? I ?????e ????????thetheme????l.l??????????ed?????is is l ???????????????????????sas????????????outou????????????ganga????PucPu?ck ck???????????????inging ????y ????t ???????????????????upsups,s????clc????????????flf??????. B. ???y ty ?thi????????e ye ?ou????????94??????????????,A??F5F?ZNZ??JVJ?????????????????????????????????????????????fef?????o ????", "output": " no bitter aftertaste. The cups also look pretty in my k-cup rack :-)\"\n9404,B006N3IG4K,A28R88QFHN203B,Sean T. Martin,2,2,5,1337558400,The Best Hazelnut K-Cup!,\"Wolfgang Puck's Hawaiian Hazelnut is the best K-Cup Hazelnut and I have tried them all. We ordered this large pack, because we sadly found out that Wolfgang Puck is discontinuing many (not all) of their K-Cups, including this flavor. Buy this while you can!\"\n9405,B006N3IG4K,A1F5ZNMJV28M6X,J. Stanwyck,2,2,5,1337472000,great coffee,\"So far,"} {"input": "??ofo????????????????KcK?????????????????d,d?????s ????????fafav??????????isishis???????rer???n n????????omo??????????ri?ngng g???sts????? C ?????????is sis ???????????ivi?idi???????????r ???sls??ke???????????????????t ??it????????????????????????????????????????6,6,B,????N3N?IGIG4G4K4?????MJM?9F9?????CPC??????re1re??????,5,??131?????????????st st??????? Co C???ee?????????hth?????e Ke KuK??????????????I ????? t? the?????kik????ririgri???????andand d????????????????NaN??tut?????????????. R. ????o o?????ve ????s ns ?????????????? fa f??avoravo????????????s vs ????y dy ?delde????ou???an?and and s?????th.th..994940????B00B0?06N?3I??G4KG4????XVX?OYOY9Y???????,\",??????????. ?????", "output": " of all the decaf Kcups we have tried, this is our favorite. Wish it were on the automatic ordering system. Coffee is such an individual like or dislike but when we use it with an 8oz cup of water it is great.\"\n9406,B006N3IG4K,A1PMJ9FR4X1CP4,Mare17,2,2,5,1332892800,Best K-cup Coffee!,I bought the Kuerig because I love the Dunkin Original and Green Mountain Nantucket Blend. Rodeo Drive has now become my favorite. It is very delicious and smooth.\n9407,B006N3IG4K,AJXVOY9PS5UUP,\"Delores M. Wadic"} {"input": "?? \" ?\"M\"???DeDeee?\"\"?????,2,,2?5,5???????????????????g g????????????????t t?????????????????????hah???I ?dod????????eedee???????????ini??, ,? I I??havhavev???ouo???d td th???? th t????????????????????cafca????????re???????sts??????. .??? I r I ?????? c???n'tn'???telte?ll ll??????ifi????renre????, t, ??????????e. e. ????????ee????havhavihav?????????????in?????????ooo??d dd ????????????????th????????isis ??it.it.\".???????B0B?00600????G4G????????????0000C00??????ebebib???606???????5,15,???15???808???,Wh,W?????a g??????????ofo????????e,\"e,???mem???????????????????????reacrea?????? a????cacaf??????????K-K???????thattha?t I??????in?????o so ???????? for for r l ????????????. H. HoH????verver,r?, I, ??'m 'm?????", "output": "k \"\"Ms Dee\"\"\",2,2,5,1332115200,Wolfgang Puck Decaf can't miss!,\"When I feel that I do not need more caffine, I have found that the Wolfgang Puck Decaf is a great substitute. I really can't tell the difference, taste wise. I had been having trouble finding a good decaf. I think this one is it.\"\n9408,B006N3IG4K,AHTACNRCJ00CG,bluebird60,2,2,5,1331596800,What a great cup of coffee,\"Sometimes I feel when I reach for a decaffeinated K-cup that I'm going to settle for less flavor. However, I'm compl"} {"input": "???????hah????y wy ???? t ??isi?????dud?????? d ??n'n't'?????????????????? a ??yty?thi??ng.ng???vev??ydy????????????mymysyses?elfel?????? r ???????g g cg ???????coc??????????? w ??????efefof???e se ??????????in??erer.er?????is is???????? j ??st??????? w???t ??'m? l ?????ing??fo????9949???????6N6????????????????UEU?ILI????omo?m Fm ??2,2????,1,???????????????yayaba???????vov?????I I gI ????? 5 ??????????????????????th?????cofco???????romro?????re??, ,??????????? t th t?hat??????????????????e e de ???????????????t ???rewre?s ???????????????????cup?????co???fee???ve?ryry ry???????????d ???omeom??????& &???2 ?????a ???it ??? E ???ala?, ????????????????eatea??t ant a?? t ti tim ti????br?", "output": "etely happy with this product. I don't feel I'm missing anything. Everyday I treat myself to a relaxing cup of coffee after work before starting dinner. This product just fits what I'm looking for.\"\n9409,B006N3IG4K,A27YKN5IIUEILY,Mom F,2,2,5,1329782400,Enjoyable flavor!,\"I got a 5 k-cup sample box of this coffee from Keureg, and I find that it is my favorite decaf coffee. It brews a smooth tasting cup of coffee every time. I add some 1/2 & 1/2 and a bit of Equal, and it is a treat any time.
G>???????????????????tht????????eee?.\".?????????060???IGI????A3A?????????????????????lll?,2,2,2????,1,??????767606?????eae???????????????????????????????????????s as ?????verve????oooodo???ThT?????ar???cuc???????????r or of????????????????ioi?ousou????????????tat????????????ca????????????ere?????ichic??? f????or????????sos?????is???as?? a a??????go??od od???alual??????r tr ????prp??????I'I??ve ve??????mem???ede???hi????????uctuc???????????? f?ri????s.s??9???1,1?,B0,B???????????????FPF???CCC??VOVO,O????????or?bib???????5,????848?868???00,?MyM??FaF??avoravo??????????,\"??? w ?????????????????????dedde??????s ??????????????is ois ou??????????????????", "output": "/>Glad to have found this coffee.\"\n9410,B006N3IG4K,A36HUF7VGTJZ8M,DHopewell,2,2,5,1329177600,great decaf coffee!,\"Wolfgang Puck coffees are very good. This particular flavor of decaf is delicious - doesn't taste like decaf at all, very rich & flavorful. Also, this was a very good value for the price. I've recommended this product to several friends.\"\n9411,B006N3IG4K,A3CTXFPNJCCUVO,Keith Corbin,2,2,5,1328486400,My Favorite K-Cup,\"My wife and I have decided hands down, this is our favorite K-cup. "} {"input": "???????trt???????lol????f f?????rsrs,s?? an a?????????ShShoh???????CaC???bubu u????????????re re???????????ststit?????????er??? H ?????????th????hah?????????y sy ???idi?????????ava???????????????umu???????????mom??? a???bolboldl?d fd ????oror or? wi w??h h a a a s a ???ot????????h.h???xcx?celce??enentnt ??????r ????????st??????????ea???????ce???????????????????????????ay ay????????????????????????ce cce ?????????????as???????ed?!/>A/>Al??????? se s?????????????????werwer ?????????????????th ?????y ???????????????????afa????er aer ????ut ut?????????of?of tof ??thestheses?????????????????????????????????y ???????????????????? o???herhe???revre????", "output": "We've tried a lot of others, and Donut Shop and Caribu Daybreak are certainly still up there. However, this has a very solid body flavor with a medium roast. Almost a bold flavor with a smooth finish. Excellent flavor versus strength. Really nice to get up on a lazy Sunday morning and have a nice cup of Breakfast in Bed!

Also, I see another reviewer had problems with messy K-cups. I can say after about 6 boxes of theses, I haven't had any issues. Very unfortunate for the other reviewe"} {"input": "?r,r?????????????????iti?t wt ??????tht??r r??sos??????????r /r ???????>G>?ivi??????a a?trt?????????????????nln?????????????th????????ana?????sus?????????????????????????A1A101?????????VDVDPD?????llill?????????Je???????????????989??????????????kak?blb??????rsr??, , l, ???????sasaya??th?????????fe?????tr??-b-??????-C-??? c??ffffe??s ??????nl??????????onaon?????????k k?????did?umu????????, a, ?????????r dr ?ece??f.f????????hth???thrth?reere??WoWol??????????????????????????al al m?????????????????????ve??BlB????? F FrF???????oao?astas????and???um?????????? R Ra R?????AlA??? th t??????rere re?quq?????????ka????, ??????gh gh t th????????????????????up up?????a fa ", "output": "r, but looks like it was rather isolated.

Give it a try, you'll certainly enjoy it, the wife and I sure do!\"\n9412,B006N3IG4K,A10H24TDLK2VDP,William Jens Jensen,2,2,3,1309824000,Unremarkable,\"First, let me say that I prefer extra-bold K-Cup coffees and only occasionally drink a medium blend, and never decaf. I bought three Wolfgang Puck coffees several months ago: Rodeo Drive Blend; French Roast; and Sumatra Kopi Raya. All three are quite drinkable, though they do not measure up to a f"} {"input": "??w w o ofo??????exe???a-a????d d?????????????CoC??????????????????????????????nin??? Bl B??????????????; ???d ????????????????????????????an?? th????? t? tho th??ghgh,h?, i, ???mym???????????iti??????a ha ???f=f?????????????????????????gpg?/p/??????????030???????????re???????ntn?????s ???????a>a????????????????????????trotr??????????cuc?????????????????????????????????mum?? s ??ttttitt???????????? tr t???????????????????><>Green Mountain's Revv. Those who prefer a strong, dark cup of coffee (even at the larger mug setting) should try that brand.

Previously, I had found the dark-roast Green Mountain coffees rather boring, but Revv lives up to the hype, both in strength and flavor. Another great"} {"input": "???????????ntn???n n cn ?ofo??????s s t ????r r??????????BlB??enden???????????????n n dn ????n'n?? s ?tot?ckc?????????ththethe e???????? te t???????????????r ????? t????n in ???????k-k?????mom?rtr????????es?es ses ?ucu?h ?????????ata???an????????????FiF??ala?????? f faf?????tete ???gug????????????????????ha????beebe?????????????hth?????????????????co?m/m??????odo??uctuc???000??M5M?????\"\"?????????????????????????/a/?????t't?????ve????nin?iceic??co????????tho?ugugh???dondo????????????????????????????expex???????ce ce???????icoic?????la????.<.?br?????????/>B/>????omo??????? Y YoY??????????o ?????????????????????????PuP???k ck ??coffcof???????????????y y ty ???????", "output": " Green Mountain coffee is their Espresso Blend (though Amazon doesn't stock it, so the prices tend to be higher here than in brick-and-mortar stores such as Bed Bath and Beyond). Finally, a favorite regular over the years has been Emeril's Big Easy Bold. It's a very nice coffee, though don't expect the New Orleans experience of chicory flavor.

Bottom line: You won't go wrong with the Wolfgang Puck coffees, but for my taste th"} {"input": "?eye??????otot t???????ouo???ama?onongn? t ??????????blb??e be ??????????ese?.\".?9?????????????4K4????1W1????909???NFN??,D,???T.T?????????????????,4,????????????????hth??CoC????????la??oro?ede????ff?ee????I I?????sus???????????????lavolav?oreor?? c co??????drd??nkn??????????I dI ?????ke???????x x???????? up u? e ??????????????????????hi?????????????????????????flaflav????????????. ??he? c???????????????s ????????????????andan??????oeo??????????ithit?? th the th???????????????????es?????? the the the c???conco?????ItI????????iciceic??su???????ririnri??.\"?????4,?????N3N3IN3??????????FIF?????NMN?R,R??????ri??????\"H\"?av?ananean???e fe ?ri??nd??\"\"\"\"\"?,2?????,1???05505???????RoRodo", "output": "ey do not stand out among the available bold coffees.\"\n9413,B006N3IG4K,A31W55J90T8NFF,D. T. Socci-Brown,2,2,4,1305936000,Light Coconut Flavored Coffee.,\"I am usually a non flavored coffee drinker, but I do like to mix things up every now and again. This is a lightly coconut flavored coffee. The coffee itself is a medium brew and it goes well with the tropical undertones of the coconut. It is a nice summer drink.\"\n9414,B006N3IG4K,A2H74FIBDN5NMR,\"M. Prieto \"\"Havanese friend\"\"\",2,2,5,1305504000,Rod"} {"input": "??? D ??????????lil?????????ffffef???????ve? q ??????????????offoffe?ese??????????????????grg?????????y y?whw????????useus??holho??s ??????????? I ??'s'????t ??????????t ????????????????eie?????. ?????'s p's pep?????t.t??? l????e i??t.t.9949??5,5????6N6??IGIG4G??????X8X?LSL?????????MeM?????a ??at???,2,????4,4,1,????????????rerete???????d d????????I ?????chc???????DeD?ecaec????????asa????????????????????nt??????????hehe he????ririgri????ch???e.e??????as????????????resre??????????????ribri???????????ve ove ???????.<.??????????????hishi?????????????? li l?????????????????? I ?li??e.??????????on?????e me ???dld????????????????I tI ????? i ????t t wt wa?????", "output": "eo Drive - delicious coffee,I love quite a few coffees but this one is grabbing my whole households attention. It's not bitter but it's not light either. It's perfect. I love it.\n9415,B006N3IG4K,A2NX8LSYRITNZ8,Melissa Patel,2,2,4,1302048000,Pretty Good Decaf,\"I switched to Decaf and was looking for a decent cup on the Keurig machine. I was only interested in Subscribe and Save options.

This is a fairly light roast, which I like. I brew on the middle setting and I think if it was bre"} {"input": "w?eded d?????lal?????????????????????t t? wa w?????? l?????.\".\"\"???????000?????G4G4K4?,A,???????S4S??9X9?????rar???????\"\"\"??????shs???pep????????,2,,2??????????????NoN?t ????faf??????e,e???????????????????????vorvo????????????????ththeth??e,??????d thd t???e ?????????????????????nen???????s ??? o ?oneon??e ofe o???my my????????????????????d d Id ?????e e te ???????????????????????????No???t mut m??h h??la????????th????????????????????????d vd ??ariar?ou?????????????????er???. . ?OfOf Of c ????rsers????????????????at???? o??? ta t?astasteast?e, ???????????ne??dodoeo????t ??as?aste?? al???????????????ItI???????????d ??????t ist i??????t kt ?????????????e -e ???iki??e a??", "output": "wed any larger I would think it was too light.\"\n9416,B006N3IG4K,A2YDF9ZS4D9XLU,\"rainbow \"\"busy shopper\"\"\",2,2,3,1301875200,Not my favorite,\"Of all the K-Cup flavors that are out there, and there are many very good ones, this is one of my least favorites, and I have tried almost all of them. Not much flavor to this one, even if you add various types of creamers. Of course, it is all a matter of taste, but this one doesn't taste all that good. It is not bad - it is just kind of there - like a g"} {"input": "???ere??????????? ????????????ngn????ses??in??teteaeada??\"\"9?????B0B000?6N6?????K,K??1818A8??GWG??IEI???????ana?ic???????????????,2,,2???131????383?????? c??????????,A?bsb???????????vev??????gag????PuP??????????????? K ????upsup????????? t ththeth????????????? r ??????????r r??ut??????????st?ror???. ?????????????et!et???????????6N36N???G4KG4??A1A13A1???FWF????????????????636??,2,??????????696????00,W00,???lfglfga?ng????????of???????odeod?????????e ble blel?endend d??????m m?????????cuc?up up f?????????g,g?? h ????????ch?as?e ???isi????ff?ee????????????????????usu?bab?andand ??????????hashas ???grg?ea?t ???astas????and? i?t t it ????? go g?????cupcu???of of???????????9,9?????????4K??,A1,A??", "output": "eneric coffee. Try something else instead.\"\n9417,B006N3IG4K,A18A5GW4IE1XPU,Janice M. Howard,2,2,5,1300838400,K cup Coffee,Absolutely love Wolfgang Puck Rodeo Drive K Cups. It is the best. Nice rich flavor but not too strong. Best one yet!\n9418,B006N3IG4K,A1379FWJ8KNUVG,sherriw63,2,2,5,1299369600,Wolfgang Puck coffee rodeo drive blend medium roast K-cup for keurig,I have purchase this coffee several times my husband said it has a great taste and it is a good cup of coffee\n9419,B006N3IG4K,A1SE"} {"input": "W????????VGVG,G??????????????????coc???????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?????????????969??000?,J,??????a a??????ppp????????? a???ugu?????? o ????????????????azazyz??????eee?. ??????e ???s s a???????in?????lil??fe fe w whwhe????????????ala???????ffeff??????????an???????tht?????????????? b ?????????????er er i ??in tin ???e be ???k ??????kek??d ad ????ro??ughug??????a a pa ???ndn?d od ????hih????cof????e a???????????????????llllell??s.s???EvE?ereryer??????? so s?????????????????????????????????upup p o??????????resreshs??? m ma m????????????????????ou?ldl?d rd ?reare??????temtempm?????????????aca????????nsn?????? c co cof???????ai?????. Ev. E????????????????????e ?????, , a, ??and and?????????ck ck?????ei", "output": "WF8U8W31VG,\"P. C. Romaine \"\"coriroma\"\"\",2,2,5,1299196800,Jamaica Me Happy!,\"I am a huge fan of Jamaica Me Crazy coffee. There was a time in my life when I was totally caffeine free and off the dark stuff, but a customer in the bank I worked at brought in a pound of this coffee as a gift to the tellers. Every time someone walked by my desk with a cup of this freshly made joe, the smell would really tempt me to go back to consuming coffee again. Eventually it broke me down, and I am back to bei"} {"input": "?ngn???????l l??????????eee?e de drd?????????????????d od ofof of i ??! !??????????owo? h hah???????????????????????????ritritet???????in???????????????e oe ?????????????ttt??r r? th t??n n????????of ?JaJ????a ????????????s as a ???cup cup?????te???d ?wiw???????e ne ????????????oyo????????????terternter???????l ?Cr?eae??????n ?????? h hi h???????? t?????we?et????co????. .? U ???????na????ly,ly??we? o on o??y ????????????rigri?g ag ?at at???????????????????????????????e n??ow)ow????????????????????? w wo wor???? to ?enenjn???????up??????'m 'm t????????????????e a e a????????nt? b?oso???whw?? k ??ow?s ?ho???toto ????????????e toe t?o wo ???????????????up??????????! N! ?????????ca???", "output": "ng a full time coffee drinker, and proud of it! Imagine how happy I was to find my favorite brew in a K-cup! The only thing better than a cup of Jamica Me Crazy is a cup sweetened with the new Almond Joy flavor International Creamer in it to highlight the sweet coconut. Unfortunately, we only have a Keurig at our office (I'm in Real Estate now), so I have to go to work to enjoy a cup. I'm thinking I have a brilliant boss who knows how to get people to willingly show up to work! Now if I can j"} {"input": "??stst t?????rer??????? t ????????????? te teme?p p???????????? i ????????????????? I ??????????????????0)0??????0,0?????N3N???4K4??????????SJSJWJ?080????????????????,2??5,5???????????0,N0,????????????????of? c???????????????hth?????????ududgd???glg????????useuse use???y fy ?????????????????????????? B BlBlelene?d ?wa????????????oco???.......?????nd?? I I??????verve?y ?????ili??????prp?????! !??t't?? n ??????????ig???? a????????????????????????????????????????????????ulu?? h ha h??????delde????ouousou????????? and???????????????????????????? r ????er?????en????of?offeoff?????????????? cl c?????????????????? a ?li?ttttlt????????terte??????", "output": "ust figure a way to use it to temp more buyers into our office - I'd have it made ;0)\"\n9420,B006N3IG4K,A3NVNHJ1SJW080,E. Vanketel,2,2,5,1298764800,Nice mellow cup of coffee!,\"I bought this grudgingly because my favorite Timothy's Italian Blend was out of stock...... and I was very happily surprised! It's not as \"\"big\"\" and winey a brew as my favorite, but was flavorful, had a delicious aroma and was smooth. I tend to like rather potent coffee but I have clients who prefer a little lighter cup.."} {"input": "????????????lll???? p ?????????I I??il???????????????????ini??????s ??ofo??????ThT???ksk?s Ws ???????ng!ng???949??1,1,B,?????3I3?????????M1M????T8T????????dad???oxo??2,2???????989??606??????o o????d!d??????thith?????????????a la ?????????? h ??????t ?????? of o????ff????. . ??????ve ve?????. T. ?????????or or???ara?tst?s os ????????????????????????????? b bu???????? so s???t ot ??????php???in?????????ut?, ??????????, ??andan????m.m. . ????????????s ??????ioiou????????niniqi?????anand?????????t et ?????????????????witwi??????t sot s?????????????bob?ar??????????????????????????2T2???60X60????????????????????????????????ewe?????ororior???????ThiThis?is ois ????", "output": "... this will be perfect! I will happily keep buying this coffee. Thanks Wolfgang!\"\n9421,B006N3IG4K,A2L7M1TT7T843O,Linda Fox,2,2,5,1298160000,So good!,\"I think this is a love it or hate it kind of coffee. I love it. The flavor starts out similar to butter toffee, but then sort of morphs into coconut, pineapple, and rum. I think it's delicious and unique, and I don't ever want to be without some in my cupboard.\"\n9422,B006N3IG4K,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,2,2,5,1291852800,New favorite!,\"This one w"} {"input": "?????????????ppp????t!t??????????hih?????????????????????????????????????ede??iti???????mom?????????ithit??????????????nd nd w?e e b bo b??????vev??????? I ???ava????ot??????an???di?fff?????????indin?s s????????????????????????t ????terte??????ing???????????? I ???????? I c I ?ouo???????????????th??????????????????and and band ?????k tk ??geger??fof?? t?????????????????henhe?????an???t a t a r re??????st????????????f cf ??ff???????????????????????????????????????????ith???????????????????l ol ??????e pe ??alaal????????????intin????????????lavla???or oor ???????????????wit???????????????of??????kinki?????????????tlt?y ???ala??????????aba??", "output": "ill not disappoint! I got this yesterday and my husband and I tried it this morning with breakfast and we both loved it. I have gotten many different kinds of the k-cups to try but after trying this one, I think I could be happy with just this one and black tiger for those mornings when I want a really strong cup of coffee. The rodeo drive blend is delicious with a nice round feel on the palate and an interesting flavor on the finish with just a hint of smokiness. Perfectly balanced and abso"} {"input": "?????lyl????????fuf?????PlP???? I ???ava??????ada?mim?????I ?lol??? t???????????ThThe? d ?????ereer??t t c ???lorlo??lo??ksk? v ???y ???????????on? m ??y cy ????????????????e ????????????s.s????424?????????IGI??K,K?AJA????????????,M,?ararkar????????121???474?04?00???????f f???????????-c??upsup???????ve ????????ana???????theth???????ps ps????t ??????avaav?????lel???an??d td ??????????? ou o???????????We We??rer???r ????????er,er???ol??derde????lavla???????????isis ?on????????th?????rkr??????????sas????????? it it't????uiu???e se ?momooo?othot???????4,4?????6N36N?3IG3I??????????????????,T,TrT????y Ly ??. B. ???????????????????0000,????????and and???lavlavolav???fulfu?,M,My,M?y hy ?ususbus??and????bo??? l??????", "output": "lutely wonderful! Plus, I have to admit...I love the label. The different color looks very appealing on my carousel with the other k-cups.\"\n9423,B006N3IG4K,AJS7THAS9CZ59,Mark,2,2,5,1290470400,One of the best K-cups,\"We've tried many of the K-cups that are available, and this is in our top 3. We prefer a darker, bolder flavor, and this one hits the mark. At the same time it's quite smooth.\"\n9424,B006N3IG4K,A1KLHGBZC9PHGH,Trudy L. Bien,2,2,4,1289865600,Mild and Flavorful,My husband I both like a "} {"input": "m??ldl??????ini????????????????????hth???e ?????ld ld??????????gag??????ckc??BrBrer?aka????t t it ??????d ad ????y.y??? We W???????????????????uru???isi?ed? b ????????????????????????????t wt ??????????????ittit??????????? so s?????of ?th?? s????????? ta t????ingin????????'s'??. ??We We?????????? sa s?????ieiedie????????ll????????????????is????????lol??g ????me!me! !???????f f??????? on o?????ete??????ususbsbab????toto o t?????th??the nthe ?ama????it??eraer??llylly!y??????,B,?????????K,K?A3A??????UZU?????N,N?????????WiW?illilliliaiam???2,2?,2,,2?????898?????????????TaT???astinasting??CoC???????????is kis ????? i???????e ofe o????????????????????? wi w?ithit?????ffe??????????????????el???nd?? Bl B?", "output": "mild tasting coffee. We thought we would give Wolfgang Puck Breakfast in Bed a try. We were pleasantly surprised by the full bodied taste but without the bitterness of some of the stronger tasting coffee's. We are very satisfied and will be drinking this for a long time! Now if I can only get my husband to take the name literally!\n9425,B006N3IG4K,A3VR5ETUZKF3IN,Michael Williams,2,2,5,1289779200,Rich Tasting Coffee,\"This k-cup is one of my favorites along with Coffee People's Jet Fuel and Bla"} {"input": "?ckc??TiT???????IfI??????lil?kek??a a s ?trt?ono?g,g??????????fef?e,e???hih???????????????e be ???????949????B0B???????4K4??APA???????????????????????? \" ??er??????n\"n????????5,5????????????????nnn??????????????fe????????????????on????????t tot t?? w?????????ooootoo?th th? wi w????outou????e ???ittit????????????ea??????????e fe ??????????????inintin????????strst????????????????????????????st???? ty typy?es????????????????????e te ?????rcr???se? t th thi th????????????????ou????ava???????e bre b?????s.\"s.??94?????00?????G4?????????VRV????353?????. ????????? \" \"\"?Gr????pa????????2,52,?????86486???????????? F ?anan,an?????gag????s ????eoe???????????????????", "output": "ck Tiger. If you like a strong, rich coffee, this will fit the bill.\"\n9426,B006N3IG4K,AP03SDCDB6RBD,\"E. OConnor \"\"erdoreen\"\"\",2,2,5,1288656000,A Winner cup of coffee!,\"Not too strong, not too weak...smooth without the bitterness. Great anytime for those not into the strong \"\"grow hair on your chest\"\" types. We will continue to purchase this as a part of our favorite brands.\"\n9427,B006N3IG4K,A1ZZMAVRCBL357,\"K. M. Alley \"\"Grandpa\"\"\",2,2,5,1286409600,K-Cup Fan,Wolfgang's Rodeo Drive does make a "} {"input": "??????ololel???upup p? of o? c??ffffef??? I ????s s? on o???hehe e se sas?meme ??ini???????????????????????go??????rnr?????????????? w waw??e ??? w wi w???????????000????IGI?4K4?,A,??????????HEHEKE??,\",????????\"\"\"????e ??o ??????????,2???????515?131???????olfol????g ??ucuckc????????e fe ????????igi?????????he???? coff??????s ????????? th the???liglighg?????ded???????????????????m m????????? I I?????????????????????????????e ie ???????? e ?ve?n ???ou??? i??????? a a? go goo???vav???e ??????as???????9,9?,B0,B00????3IG3I??K,?A1?????H3H???8D8???????????G.G??????n,n????????????????????????iai?an ?????f,f,I,?????????????ses?eveev??al?????cafca?f Kf K-K??????an????hav?e ???ounou??d td ????s ts ?to to", "output": "good ole cup of coffee. It is on the same line as Donut Shop. Very good morning coffee to wake up with.\n9428,B006N3IG4K,A1QH0VOIN1HEKM,\"K. Poe \"\"Love to Shop\"\"\",2,2,3,1285113600,Wolfgang Puck coffee for Keurig maker,The coffee was more on the light side rather than medium roast. I don't think I would purchase it again even though it was a good value purchase.\n9429,B006N3IG4K,A1Q3VZH3TP8DFN,Janice G. Brown,2,2,5,1284768000,Colombian decaf,I have tried several decaf K-cubs and have found this to "} {"input": "????tht????besbe????????usu????d d??oeo?s s?????????????afa????????????????y ?fof??nd?????????????????ll ll??ririn?k k b?ec?????e ie ????as? a ? l??????e b?ololdl??? t??????????nd??it??????odo?????fef?e ??????????????e e h????e e fe ?forfo??????????????????eve?????oneon????eme????????????????????ll ll bll ?? o oro????in??????????? a????ag?????9???????????????,A,???????VVV???????????????iei????????????????????????????ff,ff???hishi??????ee???????or or????se?? wh w???li???ke ake ????????????busbu?? f??avavoav??????????????mp????????t it ??it. it.?????????????????????????a ma ????? and an???rer??mem????to ?????????????e ee ????? M????????????goego?? f fo f?????????ust", "output": "be the best. My husband does not like decaf but has finally found this one he will drink because it has a little bolder taste.I find it a good coffee to have in the house for company because everyone seems to like it. I will be ordering it again and again!\n9430,B006N3IG4K,A16K66OVVFCCBD,Miss Ellie,2,2,5,1284681600,Good Stuff,This coffee is for those who like a strong robust flavor. Nothing wimpy about it. I like just enough cocoa mix and creamer to take off the edge. My husband goes for the gust"} {"input": "?o.o??GrG????????????e-ue-upu????-t-??????rnr?????brb?????LoLovo???iti??????????????IGI??????????WOW??RJR????,G,??ryry y?????nfn????????,5,5,5????464?????????????????????ThT??s s i is i??ana????cecel??enentent ????????ere????t ???or or a ??y ???me????asa??????????ururpr???iseis??????????quq??????????????????????is????????2,??????N3IN3??4K??,A1,A1C1????????IPI????????ly ly????????????????????84484?????????arearel????any??????illil?? a ar a???a a??or ?????or?,\"????cocof??????????? k ??up?????????????k.k???As??????????????????????????se ?????????????????g.g??. I. ?????????the?????????a ta ???????barbare??????tet????bl???.\".\"??94394??????????????A2A??VXVX1X???EFE????Q,Q????", "output": "o. Great wake-me-up-in-the-morning brew. Love it!\n9431,B006N3IG4K,A154WMWOARJHLI,Gary Rosenfeld,2,2,5,1284681600,Great Coffee,\"This is an excellent blend perfect for any time. Was really surprised by the quality, flavor and finish.\"\n9432,B006N3IG4K,A1CSRU8Z5KIPV6,emily p jenkins,2,2,2,1284422400,barely any vanilla aroma or flavor,\"As coffee, these kcups are just ok. As \"\"flavored\"\" coffee these are disappointing. I found the vanilla to be barely detectable.\"\n9433,B006N3IG4K,A2NVX117EFIW7Q,Bing"} {"input": "??????????????484??0,0?????ofofff??e e????????t tt ??e ????t ???????,\",??????????????ngn????isi????offof????????????????????s.s? ???????????rlr????????????????oo???vevererper????????????????ad ad????lil??????????????mama.ma????t't???OK??????ee????????????????l l??????????????ththi????nen????aiain?? be b?ecaec???e ???????? are ar??????????????????oneon????????ga?ugu??????????ewew ew?????????????my?? fa f??????????arear???????????opo???????ut????op????????????ntn?????DaD????????c,c???CofCo??ffeeffe????op???????ganga?icic ic??????, E, ??????'s???????????Bo?????, an, a??????????????????lenle??.\".????343????????IGI????????????????4M4?????????????????", "output": ",2,2,3,1283644800,OK coffee but not the best by far,\"After receiving this coffee I made a few cups. It was fairly smooth, not too overpowering, and had a slight mocha aroma. It's OK coffee. I likely will not purchase this one again because there are so many better ones. To gauge my review for others, my favorites are Coffee People Donut Shop, Green Mountain Dark Magic, Coffee People Organic Bold, Emeril's Big Easy Bold, and Tully's Kona Blend.\"\n9434,B006N3IG4K,A1GDFWGKJARI4M,Jaykid007,2,2,5,"} {"input": "??????727???????????tut????????????????????????????????igi??????????ndn??. N. ??? s?????????th??????????? m ???????????????!?\"\"???????????????K,K???????9Q9?676???28???????? A ?nnn????????1,1???4,4????????????WoW???gag????????????????- -??umu???rar???????????????? Ke K??uriurig??????? c????????asa?????a ????ama????\"\"\"\" \"\"???????ioi??????en en?????ordor??ereer??d od ?ur? K??ur????BrB??????? I ????????y ?faf???????????orior?????????ava?e ????derdere????thith???co?????????verve???????mesme????om?????zoz???. ?It???is ??????k k rk ro?as?????utu????????????trotr????\"????6,6????????IG4IG??????HJH???VHV??APA??????at???????,1????5,???34134?????????????s ????", "output": "1283472000,Good stuff!,\"Nice, smooth cup of Joe. High recommend. Not sure why there is not more reviews?!?!\"\n9435,B006N3IG4K,A1SUGP9Q67CP28,Judith Ann Horne,1,1,4,1346716800,Wolfgang Puck Coffee - Sumatra Kopi Raya for Keurig,\"This coffee was in a \"\"sample\"\" selection when we ordered our Keurig Brewer. It was by far our favorite! I have ordered this coffee several times from Amazon. It is a dark roast, but not too strong.\"\n9436,B006N3IG4K,A1QHJCHVHQAP4I,heathbc888,1,1,5,1341446400,Tastes grea"} {"input": "??,Y,YoY???geg?t t a ?????sis????ntn?t ct ????????????? w ??tht? a a a?????? of o??hah?????????A A?????? of of??????????? i ??????outou???? s ?????????thath?t ?tatasa???????????..?? wh w?????s ns ????????????aba???? t?????!??????949434????000?????G4G???????YPY??????CKC????????????e,e????????????????????estes????ra??el????????,T,?hehes??e he ?havha??e a???????????????me???????or??????ou????st?????????did?umu????re????????????????????es??????????el fel ?????oreor?????????I'I??? t?rir????????????l rl re??????r tr ??????????,B?????????K,???9N9?????????????ik??? N ????,1,1,1,?????,133,13??????????????Lo??ve ???????ThiTh?? C ???offe??!!!???????????o ????????therthe??????? o?? of c of ?", "output": "t,You get a consistent cup of coffee with a hint of hazelnut. A cup of hot coffee in about 20 seconds that tastes great... what's not to like about that?! :)\n9437,B006N3IG4K,A3RQYPFPM58CKP,Norah Rice,1,1,4,1339459200,Best caramel K-cup!,These have a stronger caramel flavor although still a medium strength coffee. The best caramel flavored K-cup I've tried! I will reorder them.\n9438,B006N3IG4K,A19N301CQ8IWW9,Nikki N.,1,1,5,1336953600,Love Love Love This Coffee!!!,I want to try other types of co"} {"input": "f??eee??????I I?ama? s ???????????????s s??nen?????t ????????????????? a???????? e ?????????hishi?s is ??????????ror??sts??? M ?ede???m ???????????????????ooo???????????????????se? d????????????hazha??elnelnun??? fl f????????????ry ry??ici???ana??????????????????? i ???????erber??. . I. ???havha?ve ve??eeeenee???????????th??????lflfgf????????k k Hk ???aia?iai????????????????at???eae??? 6 ?? mo mon??????????????ve????????????plp????e.e??. G. ?????????? tr t?????9???9,9??????3I3?????????????????????r.r???ew??an?,1,???,4,??,13,1?????686????????????????????er er???cu?????????????ed,ed?lol????ve thve t??his his R ??????DrD????????ha???????eryer????????blb??????asteast?e ie ?????lsols?", "output": "ffee but I am so stuck on this one that it's hard to try anything else! This is a mild roast. Medium or dark roast is too strong for me these days. The hazelnut flavor it very nice and every cup brewed is superb. I have been drinking this Wolfgang Puck Hawaiian Hazelnut for at least 6 months and it never fails to please. Give it a try :)\n9439,B006N3IG4K,A33BX5D4DKN65U,Mr. Newman,1,1,4,1333756800,one of the better K cups I've tried,love this Rodeo Drive it has a very drinkable taste is also "} {"input": "g???? a ????????s s????ootoo??? I ??rer???memene???????????????????is is?????????0,0??????3I3???????????????8G8?CKC???ili??,1,?????????????808????ele???????,T,ThThi??????????????t dt ????????????ffffef??e ee ???????t d????s ns ?????mesme??????????r sr ??????? i?????????ini?????????st??????????????????ev??????????????????ve??????tot???????1,B1,????????4K??,A3,A???CRC??9N9?U0U?323?7,7?????????ara????hoh?????,1?????????353?????00,??????it?????,\",???????????????????????????letletet??y ???vo???d ??? D ??nkn?in? D?????s ????wew?d ???? th????stostorsto?????? a???????. .????????ed ed????rewirewin????????n mn mym???????????????lsl?????????t t??e ????????rew rew a??? and t and ?", "output": "good and it is smooth! I recomend that you try this one.\n9440,B006N3IG4K,A1MHY69POZ8GCK,Lily,1,1,5,1333756800,Delicious,This is the most delicious coffee ever It does not mess up your stomach it's amazing and tastes wonderful and everyone at work loves it too\n9441,B006N3IG4K,A3LZCRW9NU0327,Tinley Park Shopper,1,1,5,1333584000,Favorite!!!,\"For years, I've been completely devoted to Dunkin Donuts brewed at the store and at home. I tried brewing DD in my K cup and I also bought the Eco Brew and th"} {"input": "?? a ?????? D ?? k ??cuc?????????ulu??? S ?????????ses???chc?????hi??h h??ndn???????oro?????????????????????r ????????al???????ded?????? c???s ?ono??th??e me ??arkar??t,t???????al???? fo f?unund?????d ld lo???d ??????ana????????dedecde??f f cf co????? k??????. . ?????s is ?????the the??onlon?y ????????????n fn ?????ththe??? so s????????e Ae ????????????????????????????????????????????????????owow,ow??memededied??m ??????????????????????????er????????????y oy ????????an??????????? a ????k ?????. T?ry???????????I haI h??ve ve?????????????y y t???ubu??e ??iti?????y y oy ofy o????the ??????????????????????hirhi?????????????????????ps????????he?y ??????????????", "output": "e actual DD k cups. Awful! So I was searching high and low for a new coffee. After trying all the decaf k cups on the market, I finally found and loved Wolfgang Puck decaf coffee k cups. This is the only place I can find them so I hope Amazon never stops selling them here. They are mellow, medium roast and I enjoy them every day. Any other brand is just a back up. Try them. I have never had any trouble with any of the cups and I'm on my third order now of 48 cups. If they had a problem,"} {"input": "???????????ixixex??????<>????????????????????ata??e be bebeie?????????onon on???????, ,?202010??. .? I ????????????o o????????????asa?????????????????hishis ???????????????aya??? I????as???uiu??ed????e fe ??r ???????????????????????????????????othot??????up up???????????is?? in incn?????blb???????gaganga??????k ??????f kf ????p.p. . ??le??????????????????????mam?zoz????????????his his?????t ot ?????????????cricr??ti????????????????????????urtur????ry??ingin???????????ur????e thae that????ala??ay??s rs ????????r tr ?to ?or?????????as ??????o ??????????outou?t o????thith???????derde?fuf??????fe?fee.fee??????????????????,A,?393???????????????????????ShS?helhe??", "output": " they've fixed it.

This is an update being done on July 7, 2012. I continue to drink at least two cups of this coffee EVERY day. It has ruined me for other coffees as I measure every other cup against this incredible Wolfgang Puck Decaf k cup. Please, please, PLEASE Amazon, make this part of your subscription service. My head hurts trying to make sure that I always remember to order so as not to ever be out of this wonderful coffee.\"\n9442,B006N3IG4K,A39KT4ATF5Q9UB,\"Scott R. Shelha"} {"input": "???? \" ?????????????\",\"???????????151???00????mom????????er?,I,I I??????????kek? m ?medme????????????????fff???e be ??????isi???is is a ?????????tot???????????????????????d ??????????t t it ???????????it?????whw?ene?? co como??????d td to?????????????????????s.s????????00??????????????????????3,?WiW???iai??????????ono???????,1,13??262636???????????faf?????????????rerea????????????o o so ??????yoy?uru????????h ?????tst?s ns ?ot???oooo oo???ro??? b?????????th?????gh??????????????ur? m mo m???????waw?????????.?????????6N??????K,AK,?????????????,S,StStet????????PeP????????,1,?????,13????????????????sfs?????xpx?????????????????????? co?", "output": "mer \"\"AeroScott\"\"\",1,1,3,1333152000,Almost Bitter,I really like medium strength coffee but this is a little too bold to be considered medium. It is almost bitter when compared to other medium coffees.\n9443,B006N3IG4K,A2K04TXWAV3PZ3,William D. Dillon,1,1,5,1332633600,Breakfast Delight,Great product to start your AM with as its not too strong but just the right tast for your morning wake us up.\n9444,B006N3IG4K,AQQLWCMRNDFGI,Steven A. Peterson,1,1,4,1322870400,Successful experiment!,\"Our Keurig cof"} {"input": "???? m ????????????????????????????gig??????????ea?r.r?????????????plp?ea????????????is????viv??e e ie ??is tis ????????erier????????????iti???????ouo??s cs coc?offof?????????s.s????me????????????d d??ele????oto?the????????????. ???????????ooo??????; ????ome ome a?re????bib????\"o\"??off\"off??? on on ???????????????????ThT?????????anangn? P ?ucu?????ododuduc??????ononeon???????????oreor?????????fuf???????ririmrime??ntsnt???????? the th?????????????hinhi?ne.ne???t ???s ????ricri?ch ch???????????st????????maima?????mom???th.th???????????trt???????????or?????t ????dod??s ????e ???????.<.S>?????the???wo????????????nkn?????????y y??ou?sesehe??oldol??ar??????iteit?e p????aseas?", "output": "fee maker was a great Christmas gift last year. One of the pleasures of this device is the experimentation with various coffee blends. Some have worked well; others have not. Some are too mild; some are a bit \"\"off\"\" on taste.

This Wolfgang Puck product is one of the more successful experiments with the Keurig machine. It has a rich taste and still remains smooth. Not too strong a flavor, but it does have flavor.

So, the two coffee drinkers in my household are quite pleased"} {"input": " t ????????????????ewe?.\".???????????N3N????K,K,A,?3K3K9K9Y9????GEG???????ete????,1?,3,3,3????????????????? bu b??????t gt ????????????????? i ???oko????????cec??????????????????????as as?????????unu????????????kfk?????????d.d?????juj???t dt ?????????????????go?????????,B??00600?6N36N?3IG3I?G4KG4??????6U6??????C6C6G6??DrD????????d ?A.A??????leyle????1,??????7777777????????ast????ut???????sis???????????????????at at?????????d cd ????ee??????rt???????, ,?K-K?????s as ???????????? to t???????ens?iv?e ??or??????????????e ???????????? no n?? u ????? t???????????????us????????????????????of????e me ??chc? o?????????me??????'s 's a??sos??he????ulu???????", "output": " to drink this brew.\"\n9445,B006N3IG4K,A3K9YKYVGEENPI,Beth,1,1,3,1317772800,Okay but not great,This coffee is okay but certainly not as good as Green Mountain's Breakfast Blend. It just doesn't taste as good.\n9446,B006N3IG4K,A19P6UUJKZYC6G,Dr. Donald A. Hawley,1,1,3,1317772800,Tasty but Expensive,\"This is a great flavored coffee nevertheless, K-cups are getting too expensive for everyday home use. I am now using the filler and using my own ground coffee much of the time. It's also helpful to loo"} {"input": "??????????ere??prp????????????????s.s????????B0B??6N6??IGI???,A,???7R7????????3D3??????????e Je ??????,1,,1??????303?????00,00????eae?????utu?????????fef???????????sts???y y o??n n??????bib???????nsn????????????????ava??????????ectec???????????? r????re???????????????????e be ????lel????e ????????at ????? l??????????r Sr SuSumu?????????????????????k-k???? i ??????????????, b, ???t st ???????????? af a????????? i is i?????so so s ??oo?th?. . M. MyM?y cy ??????coc???????????????????s ns ??????ststest?????e ?????olool???????bebeabe??????t rt ??al????is??mim??????? th t?????????????????? a a c a ??lul???????????????????le le t th?e e Se ?SumSu???ra?n n Pn PuP?ckck ??????????in????", "output": "k for other price alternatives.\"\n9447,B006N3IG4K,A3R7R8ARVN2P3D,A. Kehoe Jr.,1,1,4,1313020800,\"Great, but not perfect\",\"I roast my own Colombian beans at home so I have a perfect \"\"10\"\" for reference. Right off the bat let me say that just like their Sumatran reserve, this k-cup is not bitter, but smooth. The aftertaste is also smooth. My chief complaint is it does not taste like a Colombian bean. It really is missing the deep flavor of a columbian coffee, while the Sumatran Puck K-cup definitel"} {"input": "???????????????????????????????8 8?????ockoc??????????yoyouo????????????y ?grgrorococeoc??y y sy ?tot??ese??????????????isi??in?ctc??????oror or???????hih??????upu?????????????? sa s?????????in??l l???????????????n in ???th?????????????rec??om?????? th??????????umaum?????? ov o?er????????????? l ????????????????co?ffffefeeee ee???lavlavo???. H. ??????r,r????? yo you you ????? lo l???????????a ??????????stost??????????t-?bib?ttt?????????????thith?is ?????????? i ???????????????cec??????????????????????ai?????st? b??cac????e oe ???????????????as??????????,B,?????3I3?????????????????????????????????030????606???????y ??we?ete??????????ve??????", "output": "y has a Sumatran taste. The \"\"8 oclock\"\" brand you see in many grocery stores has a more distinct flavor than this k-cup. That being said, my final recommendation is that I would recoommend the Puck Sumatran over this if you like a distinct coffee flavor. However, if you are looking for a not-too-stong-but-not-bitter coffee, this Colombian is a great choice. I would buy this again just because of the smooth taste.\"\n9448,B006N3IG4K,A1XAUZ08A5EXJA,Ming,1,1,4,1303689600,Spicy sweetness!,\"I've alway"} {"input": "?? b ??ene???rar???????????????????ie??????????? t ?theth?????????s (s ???????elel,l???????????er?????????????????e ????vov??????olo???en en?????????????, ??pip????????an an????cocol?????????????fff???????me????????ses????????????resre??in?to?????????ingin?g Ig ?'m'?????pyp?????????e ue ????o!o?
To me, Jamaica Me Crazy's definitely got a pervasive coconut taste fairly similar to Dunkin' Donuts coconut flavored coffee, but it's also got a lot of the flavor characteristics I've come to expect from K-Cup chocolate brews. Barely any of that acidic aftertaste"} {"input": "???hah??'s'???????? i ?nen??????lel??wiw??h h??rtr?ifi????alal al????????????????????iteit????????????????y ??as as??????ot???????????vav???ete????. .????e,e????e ????e'e's? p ?????????ornor???????th???????e e ie ???ha??????sus???lele le???? so s?php????ticti???????bub???????????????ma???????hishi??????????????????n!n????4444949,9,B,?000??HEH????Q,Q??191????????K0K??S,S??ovo????y ?????1,1?,1,,1?5,5???636??131363?????????????????????????the??????????????y ????mer?an??an??????????thes????????????????????????????????????ingin???????????o so ?me??l l??? li l?????????t ?t tht t???? is i??????????????????lo???es ?????eatea????????I'I'v'??????????d td thd t?heshe???????????????andan", "output": " that's almost inevitable with artificial flavors, and definitely not as watery as many other K-cup varieties. Sure, the name's pretty corny and the taste is hardly subtle or sophisticated, but that's what makes this cup of joe so fun!\"\n9449,B000HEA94Q,A19Y0R4VNNK0QS,love my dog,1,1,5,1263513600,my Pomeranian loves these treats!,\"My Pomeranian loves these treats... he eats one every morning! They do smell a little, but that is probably why he loves to eat them. I've ordered these many times and"} {"input": "??????r r?hah???????obo???????tht??ththeth?? b ????????????d wd ??en?? th t??????????.\".??949???,B,B0B?00????????A4A???????????Y,Y????1,1?????????919101????????erermer????????????????????ritritet???MyM?????l l h??s s ls ??????ththe??? f ?????wow????????? W ?????????????????tat?ili???????t,t???????? J JoJ??????????ng????????????d thd t????????????d t??????nun????tut?????????isi?s is ??????????????????????tst?????hi? G ??irlir???????????????1,B1,?????EA??????MIM?????????????JaJ???? A ??. \". ???&A&????,1?,2,?????????040??????or????blebl??pap?????gingi????? p??urcurchcha???????? o?? t?????? an a?? t?? they the????????????ithit????????????????????????????it???s ????????", "output": " never had a problem with them being opened when they arrive.\"\n9450,B000HEA94Q,A41JQE7UEDX7Y,GS#1,0,0,5,1291075200,German Shepherd's Favorite,\"My girl has loved these for two years. When the local retail outlet, Trader Joes, no longer carried them-we found the manufacturer. This is one of the few treats Wilhi Girl enjoys.\"\n9451,B000HEA94Q,AMIPRQWY4IMC5,\"Jay & A. \"\"J&A\"\"\",1,2,1,1240704000,Horrible packaging,\"I purchased two of these and they arrived with the package split and the items all over"} {"input": "??????boboxo?? I ??coc???aca??eded d??????on on a ??????eye?????????????rer??ouo?????he???? al alsl??????ivi??? w ??th?? th??????kak?????????????az?on?on won ???s vs ???y ?co??rtr??????????prp?????sis?????? as a?????????, I, ??????oto???revre????????????m m??tst???????ca?????????????????????s ss ???hoh?orror?ribri????th???t It ?I hI ??????givgi??????????trtry???????aia????????????00????????AUA????383??????????ili????BeB??ll ll????????????????????????????????????RRR????NON???OOO????????SO???????????????????????????????????WSW????? GE G???ANA?N BN ???ED??????????. ???????Y ??????????????????????????NOTNO??????????????? SM S???L L?????HE???????F ????LLSLLS,S???", "output": " the box. I contacted Amazon and they sent two more out, these also arrived with the packages open. Amazon was very courteous and professional as always, I cannot review the item itself because the packaging is so horrible that I have given up on trying again.\"\n9452,B000HEA94Q,AUZDX389VTJ1X,\"Lilly Bell \"\"shoelover\"\"\",2,6,1,1221436800,\"SORRY, NO GOOD!!!\",\"SORRY, AS I STATED ON MY OTHER REVIEWS MY GERMAN BREED, G.SHEPH. IS VERY PICKY...AND HE JUST DID NOT CARE FOR THE SMELL OF THESE BEEF ROLLS, HE"} {"input": "???????OTO? E ?VEV??????????????E ???????????????2N2????NIN??F.F?..?????RYR??????STS?????!! !!????????????????????? TO T????????????????????????AR AR? TO TO TO C CO?NTN??NUN????Y Y????IEI???\"\"??????B0B??????XCX??,A,????RTR????7D7?????TiT????ava???s,s???????121???343???????ere?????c c????sos???ete??????rcr???????????????????????oro????????e'e????????????????????? n ?????? tr t?rieri??????????ana??????? cas ca?ssoss????t t???????. ???t wt ?as?????ic??ou?????????????geg?????????el???????????????????as gas ????. ???????ne?????????or????????????..??????,B0,B????64????,A??8Q?C6C????J4J?40Z40ZAZ???. ???kek????????5,15,????????????y y cy ?catca?s s ls ??ve????is??????", "output": " DID NOT EVEN CARE TO COME CLOSE TO TAKE 2ND SNIFF....SORRY, NO STAR!!! BUT IT TRIGGERED ME TO GIVE IT AS LEAST 1 STAR TO CONTINUE MY REVIEW.\"\n9453,B000ZPOXCQ,A164RTALM7DCPB,Tim Davies,3,3,5,1256342400,Terrific cassoulet,I purchased this cassoulet for my wife's birthday dinner. I never tried this brand of cassoulet before. It was delicious. The sausage was excellent. The duck was good. The general flavor was superb.\n9454,B000N648QS,A38QC66S2J40ZA,T. Baker,2,2,5,1332547200,My cats love this stuff"} {"input": "?????ExE??????????uau???????ete??fof??? w ???h h??o o???ere???in??????????????ll????????????????????nhn?????hyh????????????????????????ed??????????????????el el?????????zizipi?????????????to????????, ???d ?????????????wow???? t th t?????????? g ???ve ve?? the th????oo???????????????????????ofo? t???????he????????????. M. ???????? ca c?????geg?et et???????????it??????th??????????s ????y ?y coy c??????????????????????????????????? P ??rimri??????beb???
Still in doubt? Try this test:

Open a can of your current cat food and smell it.. then compare that to any flavor "} {"input": "?????ere????????t t????????????yoy??????????????r r??????????????iti??????????????????????????????unu??s ?of? - ???????????d d???- - f?is??? N ???????????d ed ?xtx?rur???????oko??????????????stist?????br?owo?????????????t yt ????????d ?mim???????fof??? wh w??? c??????????????????er er????????ut ut a??tu???? fo foo?d d id ???????????pep???????of??whw?ic?h,??????pop?st????????????er??????????ink'ink????ri??d ??????????????????????????s ????????as as?????ece??l ???????. ???????to to? cl c???n ???
When it says fish, there are huge chunks of -you guessed it- fish. Not a weird extruded-looking grey or stinky brown paste that you could mistake for what comes out the other end, but actual food in a can. Speaking of which, the post meal 'litter box stink' period is dramatically reduced as well, as is fecal volume. Less to clean :)

Give it a try.. remember to mix it with your old food for a day to two to ease the transition, but your"} {"input": "?????? w wiwililll? t ??ana?k k y ????????????????5,5?B0B???????????VOV??????????N,N??????????? B BlB???????ararur???????????5,??????????00,00,M,?????????ovo?????rdrdud???ene??????? ca??ts ts??arear????oreor????????????????????????????????hahanha????????????????????erer ???t ?????. . T Th T????????eraer???y y l??ickic?????????ateate ?clcleleae???. E. ??venve????????????? wh w????????????jusju?????????????????????me?????,\"\",\"???an???????o ????ueaue?k ???out ?an?????ibiblb?? m????? wh?en????st??????ututtt??ngn???????ono??????????? T??????????????s ?????????????he??r qr ????????????????ny ny??????????ooo??(n(??????????????????ornor?, ???c.c????I ????? b be be ????er??ingin????", "output": " cats will thank you for it.\"\n9455,B000N648QS,AVOJ0VK0G7MVN,\"Elizabeth Blue \"\"Karuna\"\"\",0,0,5,1345334400,My cats love Turducken!,\"My cats are more enthusiastic about Turducken than just about any other cat food. They literally lick the plate clean. Even my LaPerm, who usually just gives me \"\"silent meows,\"\" manages to squeak out an audible meow when I start putting this on a plate. The ingredients are much higher quality than many brands, too (no by-products, corn, etc.). I will be ordering mor"} {"input": "e????949??6,6?B0B???????UGU??A3A3J3J9J??????O5O????nin???iei????0,0???????????????,s,?????beb?????????oro?????li?cocor???ice ice????? ????????????vever?????rdrd d??tot??eae???iti????as as i?n n a ????????bab?g g???????????????d d ????????t ??????ototht?????li???????????????00000????????????????????7L7????????dgd????????,3,???????808???????????????????? D ?ouo?????gbg????s ???????,\",????ikike???theth?e Se ???se???????????aca???nen????d ??belbe???????????????an????????????gog?odod od???offof???? H ?????ver?, , I I ????ve ve bve ?????did??????in?????wiw???????????????o coo c?????????? t???at at???????ded??????????????????????e Ege E??????????he he? po p??????re re???????di???", "output": "e.\"\n9456,B003ZJ4IUG,A3J9SX5MWO5QY,nickie/c,0,0,1,1322179200,strawberry licorice,licorice has no flavor very hard to eat it was in a seal bag but it hard not soft like other licorice\n9457,B000UBDKII,A25EE3X3GQ6M7L,Old Codger,3,3,3,1219968000,Better than most Douwe Egberts blends,\"I like the Senseo coffee machine and believe that it can make very good coffee. However, I have been disappointed with the Senseo coffee pods that are made in Belgium by Douwe Egberts. The pods are not individ"} {"input": "??????????????????d td tht?????fff???e oe ????n n?dod???????????????rer?????????pop??????????onontn??????????iti???????????????chc???????????in in? a a??eae????????ryr???re?????????lal???????????eoe???????????????a a C ???????????????????feefe????odsod??se???? to t??????????e be ?????? t???? m ???st st S ????????????????????????????ieied?. ?????en??????????re??ferfe????? bu b?????dsds ds? fr f????TiT????thyth?'s'?s Ws ???ldl?d Cd ?CofCo?ffe??. . T?he???????????odods??? con co?????????mosmo?????????????????co??fe??????s ths t?????SensSen??seo seo?????ods aods ???d t????????ultul?in????????? i ?is is????perpe??????????y ?viv?????? h?avaveav???ouo????????????e Te ??????????????wilwi??????????????", "output": "ually wrapped and the coffee often does not taste fresh. The pods also contain too little coffee which results in a weak, watery brew. The flavored Senseo French Vanilla Caramel Bistro Coffee Pods seem to me to be better than most Senseo blends that I have tried. In general, I prefer to buy pods from Timothy's World Coffee. The Timothy pods contain almost twice as much coffee as the Senseo pods and the resulting coffee is superior, in my view. I have found that the Timothy pods will work well in"} {"input": "?????????????mam???????????????????????is??????????d sd ?mom?????? b ???oro????ata?????? t th??e l?????????se se???????ing???e pe ?????????? a an????makma?????? o ouo????????. ??????????ustust t? us u?????????????????????de? b?? D ???????????????????th??????lenle???????585?????00U00??????????????????????\"W\"WiW??lil???????CaC??n n?????KEK???\"\"???2,2??,5,????414???0000000?00,00??????????????e Pe ????????????? po p?ods? u??ed?????be?? so s??d d id ???????????????????ete??????????????????????????????????lasla??????? t th the? the p the ??????ava???????????n sn ???????d i??n fn ?????????????????????????????????????????up.up????????I ??????????e ???????ou?", "output": " the Senseo machine if the pod is moistened and smoothed before latching the lid. I use the single pod holder and make a 4 ounce cup. If you must use the Senseo pods made by Douwe Egberts, try this blend.\"\n9458,B000UBDKII,A37WG4QLQYV1EF,\"William B. Carn \"\"PAKEHA\"\"\",2,2,5,1341360000,Senseo Coffee Pods,\"Coffee pods used to be sold in Safeway and Target etc. stores in my area. In the last year the pods have not been stocked in favor of the new single brewer style K-Cup. While I can locate many sour"} {"input": "???s s?ono? t ththeh??????????????avavev?????????????quq????????ded?lil??ververyr???????rer?????????????iceic?????bub???????????????omo? A AmA??zoz?on.on.<.????/>/????????a a Fa ?????????????????rinri???r r Ir I I fI ??indin??th??e te ????? i????on????ta????????e p???????????epe????resre?h ???r ?????thsth????I ???????llllylly ??????2 2??odo???pep???????r)r?? T ??????????????????????? i?????????????????????????fefeee???????? Te T??????we??r Sr ???ingling?????erver?? P ???????ver.ver. ??????h ??vever????te?????????chach?????????????????re?????le??an???????????????????cofco?????????.\".?9????????????????????????????00F00?????????????????,2?,2,1,2,????83832320??????????\"T\"ThTheTh???", "output": "ces on the internet I have found that quickest delivery at a reasonable price is buying Senseo from Amazon.
Mostly a French Vanilla drinker I find the taste is consistant, the packages keep fresh for months, (I typically buy 72 pods per order). The pods work very well in my Bunn 35400.0003 Coffee Maker Tea Brewer Single Serve Pourover. I wish every item I purchased was as easy reliable and quick as these coffee pods.\"\n9459,B000UBDKII,A3F9KSS9J4R00F,A. Franklin,2,2,2,1220832000,Bland,\"These "} {"input": "??odo?s s?ara?? r ??????????ndn?????????????? t ???m m?????usu??????hoh???hth? t?????wow??ldl????kek????nin?cec??????????????????ThT?????o o??otot ?????e e me ????????????ntn??????? re r????larla??co??????po?????I I wI ?wouwo??????????urcur??????ththethemthe???????, ,?????do? I??????????????them?.\".????606??????????????111???PRPRER?6N6????????????????????????????????????????????????????feefe????odsods,s,I,???purpu??ha????????????podpodspod??????? A ??????'s's ?sus????rir???????????????????m ????r tr ???????????imi?? t?????????????????????????????ceice???????????????????d thed th??????????ere ere??re?shs???????verve????la??or??????. I. I ???ve? u ?????????s fs flflafl???????", "output": "pods are rather bland. I purchased them because I thought they would make a nice dessert coffee. They do not taste much different than regular coffee pods. I would not purchase them again, nor do I recommend them.\"\n9460,B000UBDKII,A11VAPRE6NXHT7,JoAnne Kerr,0,0,5,1341014400,Senseo Paris Coffee pods,I purchased these pods using Amazon's subscribe and save program for the first time this year. The order was received promptly and the pods were fresh and very flavorful. I have used this flavor cof"} {"input": "???? p ?????sisini???????????????7 7??andan?????e ?non?t t??????did??apa???in?tet?????verver.r? ??????ulu??????????????aba????tot????????ueu?e re ?ece?????ingin?????m m?????????zoz??????????00000000U0?????????G9G??????I1I???,C,???????????????,0,?????????07?555??20020?????ses????podpo????????asa????to to???indin?????aveav???? se s????o ???fff?feefe?e me ?makma????????????????????? y yey???s ????. ???????????????? y???ear,ear??????d ???not not?????d pd ??podspod?s ss ???d ????????? i ???????l l s??pe????rkr????????????????theth??????W.W?. J. ??sts??ha?pp???????????me? a?crc???s ?th???????????????? we w???t ot on?????to-to?shs??p p??????????????nthnt??s fs ????????ti????al al s???in???. ????havha??????aya????", "output": "fee pods since January 2007 and have not been disappointed ever. Hopefully I will be able to continue receiving them from Amazon.\n9461,B000UBDKII,AXG9FY6B6I1ME,Carolyn A Lynch,0,0,4,1340755200,Senseo pods not easy to find,\"Have a senseo coffee maker given to me a few years ago. For more than a year, could not find pods sold any more in local supermarkets - even at the big W. Just happened to come across them at Amazon & went on auto-ship every few months for additional savings. I have always li"} {"input": "???????????enencn????????????????????blb????????re.re??????l l???????????h bh ????ed???ete???r r?????????????????????????cuc?p p??f ???????????????re??peper????t.t??I'I?m ?juj????hah?????????????????notno?????????? t??e ????????????r ?????????exe?????oko???oro????????????????dsd?, ,???????therthe???????????????????00000?UBU???????????????D5D????,\",??. ????rir??????????????????,0????131???????????????o ???ariarisi? F Fr F???????an??ill?a ????????PoP??????????y ?????????d cd ??????s.s?. . ? Fr Fre Fr???? V ?VanVa??ll???????????????????I ???????is????SenSe????????????off??r r mr ???e ????avoavor??????????????????oul?d ???so??????????if????", "output": "ked the French vanilla so no problem there. Still like fresh brewed better but if you want a quick cup of coffee,these are perfect. I'm just happy that I did not jettison the coffee maker & will next look for the Sumatra pods, my other favorite.\"\n9462,B000UBDKII,A2K1ZNGMJD5P1T,\"L. Merrill \"\"OH Lady\"\"\",0,0,5,1340409600,Senseo Paris French Vanilla Coffee Pods,I enjoy flavored coffees. French Vanilla is a favorite. I only wish Senseo would offer more flavor varieties. It would also be nice if a v"} {"input": "??rir?????????????????????eeeeses s??????d bd ??????????s as ??????????? ( ????mpm????3 3???zez????????d ???FrF????? v vav??ili??la la o?????? of of???????ferfe?renrentren???varva????????? T ThT????e pe ?????????????y ty ??????????d cd ?????ere??????????a ?sts???re ???ricri???????????mom????????ene????????? pu p??ch???????????????oto?????????toretor?????????po?????????????o ?????????????????464???????????????575777????????737?3,J3,JeJ??????y Wy WiW?ilsil???????????????????????eliel???ou?s,s??I I??usustus????????????FreFr?????????illil????????ee!ee! ! ???????gig??vesve?????dad?????????t ?st???????as??????us???????? cu c????t ??????e,??????????waw?????\"\"?????????0U????????", "output": "ariety of flavored coffees could be sold as a pack of 6 (example 3 hazelnut and 3 French vanilla or 2 of 3 different varieties). These pods are easy to use and cheaper than area store prices. It's more convenient to purchase online. Not all stores carry pods for Senseo coffee makers.\n9463,B000UBDKII,A5770UCEX3S73,Jeffrey Wilson,0,0,5,1340409600,Delicious,\"I just love the French Vanilla Coffee! It is gives my day a great start! Easy to use, one cup at a time, with no waste!\"\n9464,B000UBDKII,A3"} {"input": "???AAAAUA?????????????rir???????????131??030?232?32032????????? P ????ucu?t;t??hah??d d??????ndn???????????????????????????e e?SeS????o ???????? I ?????ea??y,y, , f?asa?????????????????????????h h?????????????????cacala??afa?????????e oe ofo?????ma??? o ???????????chch-ch??????????of???????? Am A???zonzo??is?? th??? on onln????????? I I???????????? c???????tente????????????????????????? the ????????????????anan!an????????????az??on on aon ????Se????????949?656???00?????KIK??????5M5MLM??????RYR?0,0,C0,ChC?ri?st??????????onton?t,0t,??????????9494094???????????sms??ll????????tasttas????????????atcat?ch ch??????oro??ribri???. ???inincin???????????ul??????????????????????", "output": "GUAAUFHTCZ6T,B. Bright,0,0,5,1340323200,\"Great Product; hard to find,except at Amazon!\",\"I love Senseo Paris! It's easy, fast and great-tasting, with never that chemical aftertaste of so many of the French-vanilla coffees. Amazon is the only place I can find it consistently...so I have it on the subscription plan! Thanks Amazon and Senseo!\"\n9465,B000UBDKII,A1Y5MLT9IW3RY0,Christian Termont,0,0,1,1338940800,Awful smell and taste.,\"This batch was horrible. Since most regular coffee were out of "} {"input": "????????I I??ririei?? t?hih?????e.e??????????????????????s ?s aws a??ulul.l?. . ???????????????????ava??r.r????????????UBU???????1K1????0Y0?????????E,E,0,?????,1,131??505??????,A,Aw,A????me??????eee???????st st???????????eve????s ?th??????idi??iti????????????????? ta??????? I I????al????????grg???????????k k?it? t?????? w ?on?????????? I g I ?????????s a???????at???? o of of f?????on???????fe????????I ?lol??????it sit ???????, ????????????????????????????larla???????avoav??ed???????????he????ly???? thin thi???? tha that???????????ad iad ???????????'s 's?????fif?????allyall???fla?vo??redre?????I caI c?re? n??ot ot b ?ece????????? th?????????????t bt bet b?ecaec??use?????????????????or", "output": "stock, I tried this one. It tastes and smells awful. Do not buy this flavor.\"\n9466,B000UBDKII,A1KRGY0Y3BHCPC,JE,0,0,5,1335052800,Awesome coffee!,\"Just read the reviews that said it had a chemical taste - I totally disagree. I think it tastes wonderful! I guess its all a matter of personal preference. I love it so much, I cant go back to the regular unflavored coffee. The only thing that's too bad is that it's artificially flavored. I care not because of the taste, but because artificial flavor"} {"input": "?????e e???obo??????????????????????????????t It I I??????ththeh???asa?????nynywywaw?y!y????????o co ??ulu???????ly?????? na n????????an????a a? fl f??????ngn??????isi?s ps ?propr??ab?ly?????????pep??sis????, b, ?????????shs??????dodo ??it it????wa??y ty ?to to g gi giv??????????????????s as ????????r pr ?????????UnU??????????????????an????????ani?????todto?????????nonno?-n-??tu?????????redre????tsts ????? the th???ueu???t ft ?for? l?????????rofro?????, w, ????? i????????d cd ????menme?????????ns???, , y, yoy?????ede??to?????artart ??usius????? nat natu???????ani????????vovorvo????st?ea??d od ?????????cic???al fal fofor???????????th th???????????st??????.<.???????????>B>?ButBut t I?????????????????????ste ste? an?d ??", "output": "s are probably not too good for me. But I love the taste anyway! Senseo could easily use natural vanilla flavoring, it is probably more expensive, but they should do it anyway to give their customers a better product. Unfortunately too many companies today use non-natural ingredients in the quest for larger profits, which is a sad commentary. Senseo, you need to start using natural vanilla flavor instead of artificial for the health of your customers.

But I still love the taste and ca"} {"input": "n?????????????????????????????? S ?????? c?of??feefe???????eneen??????s s?????????????. .?????????????????? t ?????aca?hih??ese??????ada???????e fe ?????????s ??? S??ensen??????ff???? is???????????????l..l.?????????e ??????aciac?????frofr???h oh ???????ttt????. I. ???se?????????anian???????????? t??o ?????ch ch???????????n n e ???n ?????er???asastste??????iri??????ucu??????????????he?he nhe ???uru?????an???????????????????be?? th??? i????helhe??in?????ithith ??the? t??astas??????????I ???waway?????? o???? my m????????????????????on????pripr???lel??????hichhic???????s i?????enen en?????e we wo?????????
All in all, a great coffee and cof"} {"input": "f??e e s ??????????????????????????????? n ?ata??rar????????? S ???????????????e he ????????????????????????! !???????oulou?????obo????y y????????????????cu??stost????????????????? : :):?\"\"????7,7??000????????,A,A3A??QTQ???G2G2222C2CEC???????????n,n,0,?,0??2,2?????????????????ici?al???ftf?terte???astas?????????ghg??????????????e coe c????????????????????????thethe ?????fee???,\"A,\"????????????????????????iciicioi??????? wa w?as ???ryr??????????intinte?????????????????????he he?????offeeoffe?????????????????????ic?alal ?????tertter????e ???? c?upu???????? cu?????????jusju??st ost ???e.e??????n ????????????wsw?????? cr c??at??????ch???????l sl ???rt rt o???????????", "output": "fee system, just please start using natural flavor Senseo, for the health of your customers! You would probably have even more customers if you did. :)\"\n9467,B000UBDKII,A30QTPDG22CE0F,Ann Alan,0,0,2,1325030400,\"Chemical aftertaste - thought it was the coffeemaker, but it was the coffee\",\"Although it sounded delicious, I was very disappointed in this coffee. The coffee has a strange, chemical aftertaste ... cup after cup, not just once. Even when it brews, it creates a chemical sort of aroma. I"} {"input": "????aca?t,t???????????uru?????glg??????vev????? c ?ofo??????rer???????????????????????d td tht?in???ingin??????e pre p?????????????????rewre????????????umu?ed???????as as???le??????verve????????ct?ur????????astas???? or o??????? a????erterta??te? c?????ing ?th???ugughg? i??????????????????ve?n ??????????d thd t??????????????????????er er?(B(????? t?? s?????owo???????????????????fterfte??????. ???ma?????e oe ?????sursu?prp????? wh whe????a ma ????????te??????????????a na ?newne????????????????re???la?????????????????t ft ??????????an??????e ??ele??????????at??????????????????s ???????co????????????? we???????? c cu c?p p?? of of???he he?SeS?ensen?seose???????la????", "output": "n fact, because our single-serve pod coffee brewer was new, I started thinking the problem was the brewer. We assumed it was a left-over manufacturing plastic or metal aftertaste coming through in the water. I even e-mailed the coffee machine maker (Bunn) to see how to remove the aftertaste. Imagine our surprise when a month later we opened a new pack of pods (regular Colombian, not flavored) and were delighted that our machine makes great coffee. When we made a cup of the Senseo Vanilla aga"} {"input": "?????- -?????????e e??????????????e ae ???????mama.a? ?PeP?rhr?????????s ts th?????????fif??iaiala???????rsr?????ses?d?d????e ??or?ewe???????\"\"?949??????00?????III?,A,???LEL???XPX???F3F???D.D???????,0??????????20??00,00??????????????????seseose??????s ?????????????? o ???????av????????????o ???????'s?? al a??????????ea?t ??????????ff???. ????at? p prp??????ro?m m???????????????0000000???DK?????????????????????dad???????5,15,13?????19219?????????? t?????? r re??cucuecu????????ns??????en???????ili????!,I!,??????????????????ded?? o????? fav fa???????? cof??????e froe fr??????mazo???. . ?????????th?????????????the??????ffeeffe????? e ?easeaseeas??????????????t.t?", "output": "in -- back came the off-taste and aroma. Perhaps it's the \"\"artificial flavors\"\" used? Be forewarned!\"\n9468,B000UBDKII,A3KLE11XPJTF36,D. Moe,0,0,5,1320192000,great coffee!,Senseo Paris French is one of my favorite senseo coffee's always a great cup of coffee. Great price from Amazon!\n9469,B000UBDKII,AR4RN10Y6JYTY,Linda,0,0,5,1309219200,Amazon to the rescue for Senseo French Vanilla!,It's so easy to order our favorite coffee from Amazon. We love the taste of the coffee and ease in brewing it.\n"} {"input": "?949????????????III??A1A????LOL??YSY?????,\",?P.P?????????n n?????vvv?????????????????0,50,5,5???060????00??????????????WeWe We????????????a a?????ofo? t?????????oro??????oveov??????????eoe?????????e ae ???????iri???????mem?? s ????????????ve? t th????bib???????? u ???e de ??fff??????t ft ?flaflav??????? c??offof??????d ????????????????????????????????????????in?? se s??onondon????. W. ???juj?ustus?t ut ????? l??ot ot????????FrF???????????la????94794717???00??????????1J??T3T???????????????ggg?????,0,4,0,4,4??30????????????nsens???????????????????????????? t?????????????lel????????????k k???????????????y ?????????????it????????halha??f sf ???????????", "output": "9470,B000UBDKII,A1J87LOAYSMHO9,\"P. Parchman \"\"Savvy Shopper\"\"\",0,0,5,1306368000,We Love It,We go through a lot of this flavor. Love the Senseo machine and their customer service. Love the ability to use different flavors of coffee and tea. Everyone can have their favorite in seconds. We just use a lot of the French Vanilla.\n9471,B000UBDKII,A1JFT3GKXRL3ZH,T. Sigg,0,0,4,1303430400,Senseo Vanilla Coffee Pods,\"Good taste, a little on the weak side especially since I mix it with half soy milk aft"} {"input": "e??????? b brb????????????????????nen???????????????????00U00UBU??????????????QFQ????????????????????????????byb??????,0,0,,0?????020?040484???0,???vev?????,B??????????e ?????????????d. d.??????sos? g ??????????ndn?d id it??he?????????useus????????????es? h??ad ad???????????????ingin???????????????????la?????????,B0,B00????DK???????????????GGG??,\"M,\"????????????MiM???igi?????????LovLo?verver\"r?????,0,0,0,?????292999??????????????? I????????????bab????????he he?pap???icicuic????????kak????es hes ???ad aad ?? o ??f f???st???. H. ???????, ,???he he she ses????? g ga g???????????mpm??letle???????????nd????dnd??t ???ven? m????e me ????ene?????themthe??babacba????I ?????ve ove ??ded???????", "output": "er it's brewed. Delicious nonetheless.\"\n9472,B000UBDKII,A1YQUY2VQFZQ2K,\"Gail J. Bayern \"\"Gailby\"\"\",0,0,5,1302048000,Love it!,Best coffee in the world. I'm so glad I found it here because other stores had stopped carrying flavors-only regular.\n9473,B000UBDKII,AWMY6414634GG,\"Mac Maven \"\"Michigan Mac Lover\"\"\",0,0,1,1299024000,I think I got a bad batch,\"The particular packages had an off taste. However, the seller gave me a complete refund and didn't even make me send them back. I have ordered thi"} {"input": "s???teteme??beb????e e????????y y????? f fif?????????????????????????????????151????eve??????????,0?????292??????????????????????? fl f????or,or?????????? th the????iri???SeSene??eoe????anandan?d cd ????e e pe ???????????????????? i??????????????utu?? f?av???????????????????????????a ?????????ed ced ?cofco???????????se???????????or or????rmr?????cofcoffcoffe????eae???erser?s as ?and?and tand ?????????????????????s ts ?????????????????????te ??????????ll?. .????t ist i???re??t ??? u ??????? a a?sisin??????????ve tve ???e ??re?? s???????????? a??????????????? b???????[w[?????? is i???????????se]se???????e poe p?od od? ma m?????????????????????????askas???????re??????", "output": "s item before and they were fine.\"\n9474,B000UBDKII,A1XKL83T4US153,Bev DeLong,0,0,5,1298851200,Great Vanilla flavor,\"This is the third Senseo brand coffe pod I have tried and it is my absolute favorite. I have tried Vanilla flavored coffees from several major gourmet coffee dealers and to me this coffee has the best Vanilla taste of them all. It is great to use in a single-serve type brew system or in a small 4-5 cup brewer [which is what I use]. The pod makes cleaning the brew basket a breeze an"} {"input": "d??yey????heh????????????ciciei??????ouo????????ror??ndn??s ts ????????a a g??????trtre????????????e be ????????????????kek?????????eee?e a????strstro?????????mem???????????waw??nt ????? c?of???????????? t????pop????? a??????????????? a a????ickic????????nd bnd ???? c cy c?clc????????ou?? li l??????uru????????????????????????????????ou wou ???????likli??????ses????????????????ea?????upup p????????. A. ????, , t, ????????????is??????????????? a ?\"\"????????????ndnd ???????ptp??on???, ?????ch ch????a ?wo??ndend???ulu? w ????of???????rinri???yoyou?????f f of ?of ??plepl?enten?????????????????an???????? yo?????????????us???ch?oo??? t???????????????????????", "output": "d yet there is sufficient amount of grounds to give a good strength to the brew. I don't like my coffee as strong as some, so if I want more coffee I leave the pod in and simply run a quick second brew cycle. If you like your coffee \"\"normal\"\" strength you would likely use a new pod for each cup brewed. Also, this coffee is available in a \"\"Subscribe and Ship Option\"\", which is a wonderful way of assuring yourself of plenty of coffee at hand when you want it; just choose the frequency of shipmen"} {"input": "???ana???????? i ????o o???????????474757?????00U00????III??A2A??????????AUA????????e Ce ????ini?????????????????????,0?,5,?????818??525???????????????????????WeW????????t wt wiw?????????? c ?????????????ffeff????r r???????????????????????? Wh W?at??????reare??????6,6??00?0U0??????????????TC????????coffcof?????????????????????????????????????????,??????????????????????????? th t???s ps prp?????t ??or? s ????????momon?????an?d d hd ???e ????oyo?????????????????????utu???hi?????ded????is is??????????. ???????? c co c?????y y??????????handhan?s ??????????????????????od?????ionio???\"9\"?????????00UB00U???KIIKI????XIX????????1D1???????stistin?e ??", "output": "t and leave it to Amazon!\"\n9475,B000UBDKII,A2VRSADIZLOAU3,\"Anne Cummings \"\"annebanana\"\"\",0,0,5,1278115200,YUM,Great coffee. We mix it with Godiva chocolate coffee or regular medium roast. What a treat\n9476,B000UBDKII,AMMBPTCTCZSN2,coffee lover,0,0,2,1274659200,what happened?,\"We have been purchasing this product for several months and have enjoyed it in the past, but this order is inferior. Did the company change hands or outsource their production?\"\n9477,B000UBDKII,A4XIB9DUHMR1D,Christine A "} {"input": "??????,0,????????707050????000??????????lyl? D ????????????????SeS?nsn????????coc???eee????kek????????y fy ??vov??????apa???iai????e ae ??????ariar?is is????????VaV?????la la C ??araar??el? B ?is????o Co ?ofoffof??????????????????y ????? pe p??????????????of of?ri??????????????????? ???????sts??????'t'??????????mim?ngn? o ?or or?susubu????? b???????????????. . ??hihis????????e pe pee p?erf?????????????stast?????ouo??????????????????????IIII,I?A1A????H7H?????S9S???JaJ??e'e?s ?????????5,5????94?757????????????off??????or or aor ???googo???prp?????,\"S,\"??ns??eo eo???????re?????????????ded????????????????eciec???????he??Pa??????vav???????????????????????????????ppypp??y to??????", "output": "Clark,0,0,4,1270598400,Absolutely DELICIOUS!,\"The Senseo pod coffee maker is my favorite appliance and Paris French Vanilla Caramel Bistro Coffee pods are simply the perfect blend of richness and flavor. The taste isn't overwhelming or subtle, but just right. This is the perfect way to start your day!\"\n9478,B000UBDKII,A1NX3H73ZM4S9C,Jake's Mom,0,0,5,1269475200,good coffee for a good price,\"Senseo pods are getting harder to find, especially the Paris, vanilla/caramel flavor. I am happy to find "} {"input": "?tht??ses?????AmAmam??????t t??????? g ??????????, ,???????????????????????????????????iceic??????????????????I,I???HHH?????????UWUW,W???????,0,,0??,1,121??616??565????????????gogoogo???????????ofo??????????????hah??? on o??????????????cu??p cp ??offof???????kerke?????? u ?????????mak????unu????of hof ????????????? one?????? th?????bub??t yt yoy??????????omo????????I ????? w ??????????????????ThT????ene??seose??pop????????????d d fd flf???or?????'d'd ?????e te ???? a??? s?????????????????useus??????????????????the cthe ???????????????????bib??????????? m?y ??????e. e. I?????the ?????es???I hI ???e ??o o p???y oy ?ve????5 ??????I ????????????????????????", "output": "these on Amazon at a very good price, especially at the subscription price.\"\n9479,B000UBDKII,A1HHQQ0JTTZXUW,Jim,0,0,4,1266105600,Makes a good cup of coffee,\"My wife has one of the one cup coffee makers. I used to make fun of her for the one cup thing but you know; sometimes I only want one cup too! The Senseo pods have good flavor. I'd rate them a 5 star but if you use only one pod the coffee is a little bit weak for my taste. In the stores I have to pay over $5 when I can find the French Vani"} {"input": "??lal?????????g g????? o ????mam??????? t?he??????????6 6???s s???????chech??pep??? e ??????????????? t th the th??????????? r ???????? d ??????????9949484???????????????????NON?N5N??????,\",??????????WoW???????????????0,50,???????888??????????????o ??inindin????????????risri??CoC??????????!!!!,!??hehewhe????Am???? gl g??????????d ??????????????????ris ris??????ch ch????ili???????ama??????????o Co ?????ee ee?????s! s!?????????????oco??????????s es ???????????????????y ty ?the??????momor???or?? ar a?????????ingin????????????or ???????????????aga???????????bagba????????hoh???????????????verve??????????????sus?bsb?scrscri??????on ton ??me?? fr f??????????????y uy ", "output": "lla. Buying them on Amazon in the pack of 6 was much cheaper, especially with the automatic re-order discount.\"\n9480,B000UBDKII,A3QR4NON5PWNHS,\"Laurie \"\"WonderMom\"\"\",0,0,5,1256688000,So glad to find Senseo Paris Coffee Pods!!,Phew! Am I glad I found these Senseo Paris French Vanilla Caramel Bistro Coffee Pods! All of my local stores either do not carry them anymore or are charging over $5 for one 16-count bag. The 6 bag pack should easily cover the 3 month subscription time frame as I only u"} {"input": "??e e?????????a a????????hehe ?????????????????g g i ????????????????aga????s es ???????????????????????????ththsth???? t th?????????????I I?????????????re ??????????????hlh???????mmmmem??d ?sus????????????????e ????om????? r ?re-re??rdr??????sts??????ThaTh?????ouo??AmAma???????m!m????818?,B,??00??????????????MWM??KPK???6,6????iai??????????,0,,0????252????404?00000??SiS???ly?????????? - ?? I???????????????????????? thi th???su????????io?n n?????? i?t ?ea????,\",??en?se?????is mis ??y fy ????????? co c????????????? O ?????l l?????????eeee ?????s Is ???????rieriede??fr???????????an?????he?her her?brb???ndsnd?????????? co???ing? b???????????????. I. ???????con??", "output": "se one pod a day. The other great thing is that the package's expiration date is many months in the future so I know they are fresh! I highly recommend subscribing to the automatic re-order system. Thank you Amazon.com!\n9481,B000UBDKII,A1TF8WMWWKP2Z6,Julia Wolfe,0,0,5,1255824000,Simply the Best -- I order consistently & this subscription makes it easy!,\"Senseo is my favorite coffee maker. Of all the coffee pods I've tried from Senseo and other brands, I keep coming back to Paris. It is consi"} {"input": "???????? a ?????igi???????????????????????????????iti?? in i?????e me ???????beb?????????????????it????????????????oro?ede???podpodsd?????????omo????????rcr??. ??????????eme?. ???????ve ve??y ??????rir??tit?????????ckc???????????nd mnd ma?ke??????asa?????r r????
I love coffee, and I do not drink a lot of it. So I want something that is a delight, and I want to be able to have a supply available so when I run out, I don't have to go on a hunting expedition to get it. This plan is perfect for that need. You can skip a shipment if need be, or increa"} {"input": "??? y yoy???????????????isi??????????, ,???????????efe?fef??t ???????????stostor??????andan??rer???aba????ini???vav?ili??????????brbr ???r /?????????????????????????????484??,B,?000??UBU??KIK?????????SZSZZZ???????????pip?????m m??????????ovo????\"\"\"\"\"???,0??5,5??252???141???????re?????cof?????, g, ???at????????\",??????r ????is is?????beb????? g ??????wa????o ??????????faf??or???????ff???. ?? It I?????????????re?????????rd rd?????????it???at ???????????????????utu????????????d id itd i??t evt e?venve????????? t????????re??ioi?????? pa p??d ????????????? ar a??rivri?????verve???????klk???????? a????????????????????owo???oror ??the???exextex??shshih??me???t.t.?", "output": "se your order. It is flexible, more cost effect than the stores, and reliable in availability.

What more could you want?\"\n9482,B000UBDKII,A4PP9PSZZTI11,\"ShoppingMom \"\"coffeelover\"\"\",0,0,5,1254614400,\"great coffee, great price!\",So far this has been a great way to order my favorite coffee. It has become really hard to find it at the local stores but Amazon had it even cheaper than I previously paid for it. It arrived very quickly and I am waiting any day now for the next shipment.\n9"} {"input": "?484??????00U00?BDBDKDKIK??????787??D2D?1S1????,\",??????????J.J?????ldl???? \" ??????????????????5,5?121???505???00000??????????ses????,\"T,\"???????risri? B ??sts?????? m ?? 2 ?ndn???ava??????????avoav?????????nsn???????s ??a na ?????????ld ld????vo?? t ??????oeo??s ws ??ll????r ?????????????????n pn pip???eme????. I. ??????????????????????????opo?????or ??????????????isisiis?tsts s ts th????? an a?????????????????????????????????????????he??re.re?. I?????? my??re????????ouo?we????beber?ts????????????a ????al????urour??eae?n ?????, ????y ???e ?????????al????????????????et??ropro???x x?? tha th??????????? it i????????).)?. I????????????????s ??????????????????????", "output": "483,B000UBDKII,AXK78WD21SG4Q,\"Patricia J. Hauldren \"\"AlleyPat\"\"\",0,0,5,1251504000,Love Senseo!,\"The Paris Bistro is my 2nd favorite flavor for Senseo.It's a nice, mild flavor that does well for a late afternoon pickemup. I've enjoyed Senseo in Europe for years on my visits there and waited till finally, it was available here. I get my regular Douwe Egberts coffee at a local European Deli, only one in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex that carries it (Henks). I think Americans expect stronger flavor"} {"input": "?????????iri???ofo??????hah?????e e Ee ??????an??. .??????????????y y??lal??????????sts? t? the th?????????????????484?????????????????6A6????7X7????????????\"\"\"\"J\"???????????????????????\"\"?\",\"????????????????00,00????llllsl????and and t??????????nyn?,\"???, ??????ee ee?dod?es????????????? t?????????????????????menme????ene??????????????tit??????????????geg?? o of o???????risris\"s???an????????? w ?anannan????ririnri?? i?t.????esesses??????????hav??????? thr th??? i?????wayway.y??????????????????????UCU??????????????????????????????????????84084???????t ot of????????????? ha h??????????????????????????????ch?????il??? c????????????thith????", "output": "s in their coffee than the Europeans. This is mildly flavored, just the right touch.\"\n9484,B000UBDKII,AWI6AO4B7XM3D,\"Mandy \"\"Josie's und Mike's Mami\"\"\",0,0,1,1251417600,smells and tastes funny,\"Hi, coffee doesn't smell or taste great. I recommend Senseo Vienna. Still have packages of \"\"Paris\"\" and nobody wanna drink it. Guess I just have to throw it away.\"\n9485,B000UBDKII,AFNUCXXEIE4PA,I. K. Bradford,0,0,5,1246838400,Best of the Best,I have tried other brands of French Vanilla coffee and this is"} {"input": " ???? b ???t.t. . ???????????????ndnd d???t.t.??????B0B??????KIKIII????IQI????????????. ??????????,0,,0?????????????????????QuQ???k k?CuC?????? Co C????????ic?????ava?oro???????????????????????????????. ?????????????????aya??????lolouo??s ws ??en? I ?? br brerew???????? wo w?????94948487487,7???????DK?II????????P5P??????????????a Ja ??????psp??on on??????iseis????rosro?????\",\",0\",???????12312????????0,m0,??y ny ?newne?????sessesss???on,on??????????ouousou???cac??????????????????????????my my????????, ????im?????an????sense????????????????he he?frf????? v ?????la?? co c????? p ??????????useus?????????d ad an???se?le???t tt ????2 2? cu cup????????? as a????dod?????????st??????????feefe??", "output": " the best. Highly recommend it.\n9486,B000UBDKII,ADIQ5LAAYNP2A,N. Wolski,0,0,5,1246406400,\"Nice, Quick Cup of Coffee\",Nice flavor and great aroma while brewing. Everyone is always jealous when I brew it at work.\n9487,B000UBDKII,A1AU2UP5PIFMBL,\"Tanya J. Simpson \"\"paiselyroses\"\"\",0,0,5,1233360000,my new obsession,\"if the house catches fire, I will grab my husband, amnimals and senseo. I love the french vanilla coffee pods. I use one pod and select the 2 cup option as I dont like strong coffee. "} {"input": "??YoY?????????nsnsts??ntn?lyl?????ll ll???????????thth h???e ????????????s s???????? of o??????coc????e.e?? U UsUses??????????/ / c ?????? fre free???an???lal????reare???? a ?andan? y ?????havha?ve ve????????????????cucupu???of of???offof????????????????????DKDKIKIII????D3D???????????????. F. ??????an?????ma?rtr??????ie??\"\"\"\"\"?????????????????????ns??? P ?ar????Fr?en?????an?????????????????trtror?????ffeff?ee ??????,\"H,\"???????????ysy??ca????youyo??sas?????????!\"\"!\"??? ????????dedele??cic???????y ?????????up??????????????????????????????an?????meme ??????? d ????\"????9,9??????UBDUB???II,II?,A1,A1H1????QRQ??????Q,Q,B??????????????deade?????????????242?????00,c00,co???ffeeffe??pop?????", "output": " You will instantly fall in love with the foam that is on top of the coffee. Use fat free/ carb free vanilla creamer and you have a mighty tasty cup of coffee!!!!\"\n9488,B000UBDKII,A2D3GN05FAX883,\"K. Friedman \"\"Smart Cookie\"\"\",0,0,5,1231286400,Senseo Paris French Vanilla Caramel Bistro Coffee Pods,\"How many ways can you say \"\"YUM!\"\" ? It's a delicious way to wake up in the morning--or to enjoy any time of the day.\"\n9489,B000UBDKII,A1H4VNQRPSAURQ,Barbara A. Nadeau,0,0,5,1230249600,coffee pods,I "} {"input": "????e e?????????eee????????????? I ?????ve ve t??????ctc???????AmA??zoz????ele?lsl??? the th???????????????ThT?ana?????????909?,B,?000???BDB??????????????????0,?????????. .??????on,on????0,50,5,5????86869694?????SeS???seose???of????????????????????????????? the the b ??estes???????????and and??? the ????????????????????? C???ckc??????????lo?cac?al al?????? p ????eses es o on o?n tn ??????on??????????????????????????????????hyh????????????????????????????re??????geg???therthe??????1,1??????UBDUB??II????FZF??????P8P???????. R. ?????????????????????????????????????t ??????????ac??\"\"\"\" \"\" c?of?offeoff?????\",\"??????????rea????????????y t????????????somso????????", "output": "love the coffee pods... And I love the fact that Amazon sells them in bulk.... Thanks...\n9490,B000UBDKII,A36ARE391UEZG0,Amanda E. Gibson,0,0,5,1228694400,Senseo Coffee Pods,This is honestly the best coffee and the best deal anywhere. Check out the local store prices on this wonderful coffee and you will know why amazon and senseo are so great together!\n9491,B000UBDKII,A2FZ46813P8MXQ,J. R. Cooke,0,0,5,1227571200,\"If you dont like \"\"black\"\" coffee...\",This is really the way to go. Add some creame"} {"input": "?r r t ?? f fuf?????r ??nhn?????????? fl flal??oror ???????? b ????d.d???????????????or??a a??????rir?ptp????? to to ??havha???????????????????ve?????????. ???????????mem?????eryer?y my ???ninini?g g????????. ???????????t ?wiwiti???????????HoH???e Ce CaC???????????????2,2????????????????????????QLQ????????????. D. DaD?mrm?renre???????dsd?s as ?loloto??????????,1,??????98498????????t ?tat???iningin????offof??????he?he che ?????????????reredre?????gr??at??. . ???????????????????t ???coffcof??fee ???thisthi???????or ?yoyouyo??.9.???????????????????????????E0E?????. D. Do. D????????????12122???????????? H???????,\"W,\"???gog??????????se?????coff??ee ee???ke??r tr ???????? a a p ??romro???????. I??hahadha", "output": "r to further enhance the flavor of this blend. I signed up for a subscription to have this delivered every month. I drink some every morning at work. Works great with the B&D Home Cafe system.\n9492,B000UBDKII,A12S060U987AQL,\"Joanne L. Damren \"\"reads alot\"\"\",0,0,5,1227398400,Great tasting coffee.,The coffee I ordered is great. If you want a sweet coffee this is for you.\n9493,B000UBDKII,A23Y0GTBQWWE0Z,J. Dorsey,0,0,5,1221264000,I'm Hooked,\"We got our Senseo coffee maker through a promotion. I had"} {"input": "????????????????????ryry y???????????pup???????????????????ofo? c ?????????????????????sbs????????? I I??????????m m???????????vev?????????????isi?apappp?????ed??. W????ovo??????soso ?mum???????????ve ve tve ??????sevse???????????e e ae ???????theth??????????????????????????te??????????????????????????? wo w??????????????uctuc?t at ???????wawaswa????? a l a ??t t lt ??sss??co????????iningin?? th???????? in i?nstns?teate??????mam??????????t ???of cof ??????????n fn ?aca?????I tI ???inkink k??????????? l ???? mo m????????ee??? we ??????t tot to ??ry????? t??????ariar???ie????????the the S ????eo?????????popod???????r r???? the p the ?pod?????ithith h??TheTh????ari???????????flf?av?????????, ", "output": " always wanted to try it out. I purchased a variety of coffee pods and my husband and I tried them out. We have yet to be disappointed. We love it so much, we have told several people about the Senseo and they have gotten them as well. This is a wonderful product and we waste a lot less coffee using the pods instead of making a pot of coffee. In fact, I think we drink a lot more coffee we want to try all the varieties of the Senseo coffee pods. Pair the pods with The Barista Blend flavor packs, "} {"input": "?????bab??? a ??????joj??.\".\"\"???9494,94??00000??BDB??????ONO???MGMG5G??8H8?????????\"\"\"???????????,4,??121????848484???,s,???se???????eee???????,\"T,\"???e pe ?????????????frf???? a????quq?ici???????tetere? o ?rdr???????????. .????????????? t?????????e ?th????????theth???????????????????????????ara?? a???????????????????flf?ava??????? go g????????????????????????????????????th??? b br bra??????????ffeffee??.\".\"?949?????00????DK???,A,A1,A???MWM?????????????ridri????????ng????????????of??\"\"\"\"\"?,0????4,?????????00??WoW??de???ulu????????? f ???avoavor?or nor ?ee???ds tds ??o bo beb???????????,\"??ve????l,l???thi??s ms ????es es?? a g a ?????????????p p??f f c???????, e, ???ececic??????", "output": "sit back and enjoy.\"\n9494,B000UBDKII,AONLGMG5J8HAH,\"krc \"\"krc\"\"\",0,0,4,1216684800,senseo coffee pods,\"The pods arrived fresh and quickly after ordering them. By ordering the coffee through the subcription program they are a good value. The flavor is good, slightly bitter after taste to this brand of coffee.\"\n9495,B000UBDKII,A1OKMWKTNUJ6L2,\"Bridget Young \"\"YoungMomof2\"\"\",0,0,4,1205625600,Wonderful aroma - flavor needs to be stronger.,\"Overall, this makes a great fast cup of coffee, especially i"} {"input": "???yoyouo? a ??????sts??gog??ngn???????????flf??vov???d ?crc??ama??r r????????????er er??????????????? I ???????????????? to to???keke ?anan an??ozo????????????fefeeee ee a??d ?????????asases?????????? w ?it?????????re???tht????????,B,???00U00??????????????747??2X2??????APA??Y,Y???????,13,1?323?????????ILI???????ETE?URU?NIN????????????????isi???????????????????e p?????ctc??????grg??reatrea??t ant and??re???in????????????e be ????th???????????????????????????????is is?la???? or o???????hah?????????????????????????????????????????49749???B00B0????????????????B9B??JIJ???????? the???ea?????\"M??? the the ????????????????,12,1??????32032????????????or??????non???", "output": "f you are just going to add a flavored creamer or sweetener to it anyway. I use two pods to make an 8oz cup of coffee and I am pleased overall with the strength.\"\n9496,B000UBDKII,AMGPG1A74I2X7,UNHAPPY,3,5,1,1332201600,WILL BE RETURNING,They kept raising the price. The product was great and remained the same but they kept raising the price. This last order I have had enough and will be going back!\n9497,B000UBDKII,A2TXH37B9XJISL,\"M the Pearl \"\"M the Pearl\"\"\",1,2,5,1217203200,Perfect for the non c"} {"input": "??fff???????b,b??????no???? c ???????sn?????babara???????ini?kik?????? cu c?p p????????, b, ?????y ????????cac????ototht???????dsd?? a ?sts??????mum??????????????????????????????????????e Se ???????????????ar???pep????????or?? th t????????arelare?? t????s s 2s ?-m-??????? t?????????????????ac??? bo boxo?????????????????ou???????????????????venve?????? t?????????d ld ??????e pae p?ack????????????????henhe???wow????? u ???????????????????????????ing???. ??onondon??rfrfufulfu??????????d ??worwo?????el?l ?wi?????????la???????????????I'???????????????????????vedve???y ???oio???????????bucbuck???????ery ery? mo mor mo?????ing wing ?wilwi??l gl ??o to ??o mo ????????????????", "output": "offee snob,\"I'm not a coffee snob, barely drinking a cup a week, but my significant other needs a strong mugful every morning. The pods and the Senseo machine are perfect for this; barely takes 2-minutes to brew. The 6-pack box comes out to about 30cents a cup even with the added latte packets (60cents when two are used for a strong mug serving). Wonderful aroma and works well with the flavor packets. I'm hoping the money saved by avoiding Starbucks every morning will go to my potato chip ad"} {"input": "d???tit??n.n??.....??9949???????????????ASA???8X8????V0V?EKE???iai??????????????,4,?,1,11,1????646???????????????? b ????????????ong??eneno??ghg?????????????? fi f?rsr???????hah?ses???f f???ensense??????fef????????????e p????aga??????????????????????offeoff??? ma m???hinhi???is???nfnfl?????????????????t ????in?e ?tot????y ???is???????ch ch??????la???????AmA?aza???. ??????e we ???????????????acactac???e e w?????th?????bulbu??????????e.e??HoH???ve?r,r????????notno???????????????????????ith ith????e fe ????????????ara??ngng ng?????????th th??????I ?go????ro?? o?????????????????????????????the the c????tet?ri????n n?????????????il?di?ng?).). ???isis ?????????????llall??", "output": "diction....\"\n9498,B000UBDKII,ASBU8X0JWV0EK,Xiaodong Cai,1,2,4,1199664000,good flavor but not strong enough,\"This is my first purchase of Senseo coffee pods. The package coming with the coffee machine is unflavored, so I went online to buy this French vanilla from Amazon. Price was surely attractive with this bulk purchase. However, I am not totally satisfied with the flavor, comparing this with what I got from other coffee vendors (e.g. the cafeteria in my office building). This French vanilla f"} {"input": "??omo???????o o??s s?????? b ??? i???'t't ?????ngn???enoen???????????y,y?????????????????wiw?????thith???cocom?bibini?at??ono????????????????uau?????? an and an???I wI ???l l? tr t??????ifi??????t ?flf??vov???????t tt ?????\"\"???999?????????????A1A?????C8C????5959I9??????ie?????,4,4,,4????242?????????ce?????? f ????????ThT???is iis ????a ga ????? c?????e ???th???xcx?????entent ????????? Y ??ou ou???????d ???????????od? f????? d?????????or?e ??robro??st????ff?eeee.????????aroar??????????th???e aie a??????????r cr ????? is is b?????????????.\".\"??505??????0U0??DKDKIDK????LLL????8L8????ININ,N??????????????,5,???????484?????LoL??e ??y y Sy ???????,\"I,\"??ve?????en en?????ugeug????????????????????", "output": "rom Senseo is good, but isn't strong enough. Anyway, I am satisfied with this combination of price and quality and I will try a different flavor next time.\"\n9499,B000UBDKII,A1PMZLC8JLT59I,Tassie,2,4,4,1192406400,excellent flavor,\"This is a great coffee with excellent flavor. You can add an extra pod for a darker, more robust coffee. The aroma fills the air as your cup is being filled.\"\n9500,B000UBDKII,ALL80D8LHPAIN,iamtakoda,0,1,5,1336348800,Love my Senseo,\"I've been a huge fan of the Senseo c"} {"input": "?ofo??????aca??????eve??? s ????????????????ce?????? i ?in in F ??ana?ncenc?. . ??pop?? r ??????????????, ,??I fI ?ouo?????oneon????d ????? n ??veverve?????kek?d ?????. ???heh??????? F?re??nchnc????anian???????s ms ??????????e,? a ???? I I????????????ve?ve cve ????????s fs ???om om???he?????????????me??????iki???????????s as ??fteft?????????re?wew?? a???????. G. ?????? st s?????\"\"???????????????????????????????,l,leleie?ikiik???,0,?????????????????????eoe????ri????FreFr??ch???????????????e ???????????????????????????la??or?. ???geg?? i?? e??????? m?????s.s??????????rea???????????havha???????thith?inkin??????????ttt??ing????????????????t jt ??sts???comco???s ts tos t????????", "output": "offee machine ever since I experienced one in France. Upon returning home, I found one and have never looked back. The Paris French Vanilla is my favorite, and I often receive comments from others that it smells like pancakes after I've brewed a cup. Great stuff!\"\n9501,B000UBDKII,A3FQBVOCTKPLV2,leikika,0,1,5,1335139200,Senseo Paris French Vanilla Coffee Pods,it is a good coffee flavor. I get it every 3 months. it is great to not have to think about getting the coffee. It just comes to the doo"} {"input": "?r.r??????????00U00??DKD?????DBD???NVN????HUHU5U?,C,??rir????nen? Q ????t,t,0,?????5,15,????575?????????????????e,e??? u usu??ualua??tht???????????????he?????????co???????aka?????? o ????????in??? ??hehe ?????????????????asa??????????or??I I p ????ferfe?????? t? the th???th??rsrs.s????030?????0U0??????,A???818??????????????? S???????????????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"??????????525272?13?????FoF????????????????????????,\"I,\"?????????????????????odo???????yoy?ou'ou????????o Ho HeH???????reare??????????????ar,ar, ??????vy Cvy Co????????am? i???????r cr ?????????????aya?????? ca c????????????wow?nd??????????st???????????????????????????????o Co Co??????MaM???er ???you you????????ve ve", "output": "r.\n9502,B000UBDKII,ADB41NVPQYHU5,Christine Quart,0,1,5,1328572800,Great Coffee,As usual the coffee for the Senseo coffee maker is outstanding. The French Vanilla has the flavor I prefer over the others.\n9503,B000UBDKII,A3U818OPQCWOAW,\"Jim Staine \"\"JimBob\"\"\",0,1,5,1252713600,For Real Coffee Drinkers,\"I love these Coffee Pods! If you're into Heavy Cream, Heavy Sugar, Heavy Coco & foam in your coffee, you may not care. Smells wonderful, tastes even better. With the Senso Coffee Maker you can have "} {"input": "???????ofo? t tht?????????? ta tasa??????????eee???in in???ououtu?????????????????re re?????????????????????ono????FuFu u???????iti???????????????????lll??????????>A>?ftftet?r ??thith??????????in???unu?????????????????????????g ??timti???????????medme?????????? s ??????????kik????????????? o??ver??????????????????????ti???????m m Am ????????comco????at???????????ai?n n???vaiva??ilabila???????????mmm??medimed????????????????y oy ??ded?er.er?. I. I . I?? was?????sas???oioin?tetedted d t??o lo ??ara?????thatthat ?????on'on???????????viv?????? o??????fo??r a???????????????l l il ??'s'????the the????y ????????????????????? wai wa?it it a?????onthont???????L.L?????????????BDB????????????", "output": "a Cup of this great tasting coffee in about 1 Min. If you're into the above mentioned Fu Fu additives any coffee will do.
After this item being unavailable for a very long time, I assumed they had stopped making it. I was overjoyed to receive a notice from Amazon.com that it was again available, so I immediately placed my order. I was dissappointed to learn that I won't be receiving my order for a month. Oh well it's the Very Best, so if I must wait a month I WILL.\"\n9504,B000UBDKII,A279BSGL"} {"input": "???VKV?????obo??????????????????1,1??,1,???656??12012???????nsenseoeo o??????????????h h??????lala a?????????????????t ?????in??. ??????????e e?tot?o ro re??memme?be?????o oo oro?????????????e ????er?????????????>Y>??MMM?????!!!!???050?????0U0??DKD????ACA?16????P1P???OGO???. ??????????,1,,1???????????????????????ffeff???,I,????????hih??????????an?????????????conco??????????????????it it????????d td ?to to????????mam???cac?????9???????????????,A????????16????????omAom???????????20520????????DiD?????????tinti??????????is ?????????ledle??\"\"\"??ededied???????????? I ?I wI ????d ??????????? st sta??????????????????????fee.fee???????????????????????????", "output": "4JVKK0,Robert S. Tinsley,0,1,5,1216512000,Senseo coffee- French Vanilla Caramel,Excellent tasting. Will have to remember to order some more later.

YUMMO !!!\n9505,B000UBDKII,AC1637YP1NQOG,S. Barker,0,1,5,1209686400,great coffee!,I love this coffee and it is so convenient to have it shipped to me automatically!\n9506,B000UBDKII,A1NEDBJA16RS6A,TomA,6,11,1,1205366400,Disappointing,\"If this was called \"\"Medium Roast\"\", I would give it 4 stars. It's a good coffee.

But this is cal"} {"input": "???d d?????chc???ana????????????l,l??????????????iei????????????????thethe e??????????s ns ???????r r?????????LeL??????????????????il?????????ar???amelamel l???? p???????s ms ??????????????????????????fef??????????????????????yoy???na???me ime ???????? i???????????????? ca c??aramara??l,l, l, I ????????it.it.
Let me say that vanilla and caramel are perhaps my favorite flavors... coffee, ice cream, candy, you name it... if it's vanilla or caramel, I love it.

With the exception of this.

Where's the vanilla? Where's the caramel? And don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to say that the flavors are too mild. I'm saying that they are NON-EXISTENT. And therefore, based on the name, this coffee gets 1 s"} {"input": "??ara??????070??B0B???????????2H2????2R2?????????????aua??ieie e??????????hlh???????????li???eee?\"\"??????,4,?????464???808?00,00????d d???t t???????????????n ???????????????????ut????????rs rs?????????????sigsi???????????????????????tewte?is???????sos??????ama??????dod???????ca??ryry ????. G. Go???d pd ????????ouo???????????????e t?????reree????????ingin???whw??chc???????????er??taita???????????????????? a??huh?????????y ?????he??????????? m ma????????????????????makemak??coc???????anyan???ththether?????????ougou???? T ThT?hishi?????????? so s?????????\"\"9\"??080???????????????????????????,\"???? \"\" \"????\"\"\"??0,0?2,2??,1,12,1?????161???????se????????", "output": "tar.\"\n9507,B000UBDKII,A2HJCM2R7DSN8B,\"Ms Laurie E. McLaughlin \"\"tigi litlee\"\"\",1,3,4,1194652800,Good but Folgers version is better.,\"Good but Folgers version is significantly better tastewise and so far amazon doesn't carry it. Good price though, and I like the free shipping--which I'm not certain will last. Having a huge supply of these on hand makes it's hard to make coffee any other way though!! This is just sooo easy!\"\n9508,B000UBDKII,A2W3RKYJIZRO7U,\"MQ \"\"MQ\"\"\",0,2,4,1219881600,Senseo Paris "} {"input": "?CoC???eee?????????eae??? r ???????o o g ?ooo????of??feefee,e???????ngn???????? h ?????????od ??ypy??????????????ininen????heh????nsn????????????????????iri???ara??????onson?????????????????? o ??????offeoffee????????. .??f f???ou ?drd????? on o????r ??????up????????????? pe p??????????y ????e we ?worwortr?th th?????????????of tof th?? m???????????????????????????????????????A2A???????PGP?2P?????????ar??????,3?,5,?,1,??????363??00,00?olo?d ?????? g?????????????????????????ter???????? i???s ????n n?????????????????????incin???????????????????on???lulumu?????ll??????????? in i??????????in in min mym????ea???th?the ?tat??asteast?????????????????????n ????", "output": "Coffee Pods - easy route to good coffee,\"So long as you have a pod type coffee machine, the Senseo Pods, in all their variations, make a good cup of coffee easily. If you drink one or two cups of coffee per day they are worth the price of the machine and the pods.\"\n9509,B0037QTLU4,A2PTZF2ZPG2PQ8,lee carter,3,3,5,1326153600,old timey goodness,\"this stuff is terrific! it's been at least 20 years since i have seen damson plum, jelly or jam, in stores in my area. the taste of AMISH MADE damson plum"} {"input": "???amam m w ??s s?????????????memem???????????asas ?? s ????tht? t ???????? an andnd d?????????t wt ?????????beibe??????? s??????????????oro??????hih????????? ag a????????????B0B??373???LUL???A1A?????????????????????0,???2,2???????????????t ?OKO???????????ha??????????frf?????????????????? l ??????????? j?am??? thi th??????????? the th????????or or y?ou???????ou???d hd ?????????n an ?????lal?????. A. ??? y? you yo?????????is ???????????9??????????????U4,U4???????????????????????st?????,1,,1???????????????????mym?,I,???? you???havhavehav???notno???????d td th?????comco???inain?tit?on??? you????alallllyll?????oul????ot?alallal?y ???????? f fl???or???????????????ror???????", "output": " jam was just as i remember. it has a smooth texture and is sweet without being too sweet. i will order this brand again.\"\n9510,B0037QTLU4,A1CHPZ1YCZKKE1,Jim Ed,0,0,2,1332115200,Just OK,This jam has little fruit taste. If you love damson jam this is not the one for you. It could have been any flavor. All you taste is sweetness.\n9511,B0037QTLU4,A804FIHJ3P9UI,W. J. Costlow,1,3,5,1315008000,Yummy,If you have not tried this combination you really should totally awesome flavor mix great on roast por"} {"input": "k???????????????????????????????????????????????????????e e?ana???us??????ckc???????r /r ?????????uyuy y???????grg????t st ??????????????t ???????????????an?????????????121??B0B?????????????O9O??YZY???SOSO4O4O4?,\",?NiN???perpe???lll? \" ?????herrher????\"\"???????5,5?????????00??GRG??EATEA?!,!,\"?????s is ???????????????imi?????????? or ord orded?????????????m,m, ,?????? aga ag?????????????vicvice???????????erfer???????????s i?????esses???????? h??? w????????????in????as?? pa p?ackac??????, a, ???????????withwit????w ?ququiu?????????????????????????. .????????????ordeord????? a???????????? the?????????????ou!ou????51????????????????IYI????????????????", "output": "k or to just dip pretzels in or put it over cream cheese and use crackers
Would buy again great service and got here sooner than expected\n9512,B0005XOJEA,A1EO9RYZCJSO4O,\"Nipperwill \"\"sherry_d\"\"\",0,2,5,1140739200,GREAT!,\"This is the second time I have ordered from them, and again, the service was wonderful! I was impressed with how well everything was packaged, and also with how quickly I received my order. I'll be ordering again from them! Thank you!\"\n9513,B0005XOJEA,A1IYFZXWIMJZ1F,\"MARI"} {"input": "??\"\"\"??????\"\"\"\"\"?,2,?,8,???????424??686????mym?????????????VEV????ENE???????G G???VAV????????R R??6 6???? F FO????????CHCHIH???RER?? T TOTO O????INKIN?????????THT??????? F??AVAVOV?OR OR?????NON?? T??????????T ST ????????????????MY MY???OCOCEC???????????????? I I??????????IN IN??????????????RE RE???????BUB?? I???959???????????????????????????????????????aha??? \"??????ky ky?E.E????ah??am\"am?????????,1,11,11111911909?05205282?????? w ?????????uru???hasha???tht??s s p???????????????e ?OvO?????ne????We ????????? of o???????????????????????t t ft ???d d???????????? t?????al?????????????????????????????he??? u ?s?s?\"\"?959????B0?00?????????????PGPGDGDND????????????????", "output": " \"\"MARI\"\"\",2,8,5,1124236800,my olvatine,I'VE BEEN BUYING OLVATINE FOR 16 YRS FOR MY 7 CHILDREN TO DRINK. I BUY THE MALT FLAVOR AND NOW THEY DON'T SELL IN ANY OF MY GROCERY STORES THAT I SHOP AT IN CHICAGO. WHERE CAN I BUY IT\n9514,B0005XOJEA,A1HYYRWN6X21TQ,\"Becky Graham \"\"Becky E. Graham\"\"\",0,6,5,1119052800,We want to purchase this product,\"We love Ovaltine! We buy all of the flavors! We cannot find Ovaltine in the Malt flavor, anywhere! Can you help us?\"\n9515,B0001M10OW,A1SO1PGDNVMLXC,kalyson,5,"} {"input": "??????191949????202???????????? ba b??ini?? p ???????yoy????ana????y.y????????? g ?? t ?o ?????????oro?d d w ??? s ????, ,???u ??ili?l l s?????thith?s:s?????/>/??r /??????????????benbe???????n ??????????(1(?????????),), ???????foufo??????????TheTh????mf????d Cd ????an????fo??????te?????????????????????fordfor?????in???????der?, ????e fe fif??st??????iui?????????????????????????er.er????....]..???????????BakBa?kinki?????wd??er er??????lyl??????????????ly ly?aca?cec??????????? i ??? ac a??iei?????mom??e e de ?????????????????s s???nd nd w??????????xpx????????????n un ?????????????for?????as as???? cr c?reare?????f tf ???????????????????????????????lcilc????????????sp???", "output": "5,5,1194307200,The best baking powder you can buy.,\"If you go to the Rumford web site, you will see this:

\"\"In 1859, Eben Norton Horsford (1818-1893), a co-founder of The Rumford Company, formulated and patented Rumford Baking Powder, the first calcium phosphate baking powder. [...] Rumford Baking Powder quickly became widely accepted since it achieved more dependable results and was less expensive than using crude formulas of cream of tartar and baking soda. The calcium acid phosphat"} {"input": "ee e?????????????????g g??owowdw?ere??waw?? a ??????????????????????????????????????re??m m???????????\"\"\"?/??????>I>???ada?d rd ???????did????????????????????????lal??? ba b?????????????si?ncn?????????????pyp??an??d bd ???????????in??? ???????powpo?wdewd?er ????s ns ??o so ???????????????and????? wo w???????rea?????AlA??o,o???? h???as nas ????????inuin?????????, u, ?nln??????oso?????mmm?????al?????????????ererser??. ?????scs?covco???ed????????ananyan??????s ??????????sss????????bakba???????e ??????so so??I wI ?????hapha?????????indin????????????? al?????????????????? re r??gulgula???????mmomm?on on??????ing ????deder???on??th???????ketket.t.\"t.\"\"9?????????1M1???????3L3", "output": "e in Rumford Baking Powder was also considered to be healthier than cream of tartar.\"\"

I had really disliked baking with regular baking powder since it was soapy and bitter tasting. This powder has no such problems and it works great. Also, it has no aluminum in it, unlike most commercial baking powders. I discovered that many chefs and professional bakers use it, so I was happy to find a superior alternative to the regular, common baking powders on the market.\"\n9516,B0001M10OW,A3L"} {"input": "??????GPG???9,9??????ididgd?????4,4??,5,????????????????umu???????????????????eded d???umfumfof????????? y ???????????????n'n??? fi f????RuR??umfoumf???????t ????e ge ?ror?cec???????ustus?t ft ??????????????itith??????????????t ???? co cou???????aza??????????????????? u???d ???isi??br?an?????incin???????????????????g g????????????????? p ???ene???? h????????959??????000??????W,W???????FKF???W6W??2,2?????????????manma????????????????????????onlon???????ngn??pop???er???????? u???.,.?????leale??????tot????? R??mfmfoforfo???????????MoM?th???????SheSh????????????????????e te ????ba??????g pog p??de?????f af ???othotheher????ne ne?????ususeus??????????fo???????e ne ???", "output": "2G0OLGPX59,Nic Ridgway,4,4,5,1218240000,\"aluminum free, have used Rumford's for years\",\"I couldn't find Rumford's at the grocery, just found brands with aluminum, but of course Amazon has it! I have used this brand since I started cooking as a child at my parents' house.\"\n9517,B0001M10OW,A1ZY80FK93W602,Cleone Sherman,4,4,5,1214784000,The only baking powder I will use.,\"I learned to use Rumford from my Mother. She could always taste the baking powder if another one was used. Therefore, we neve"} {"input": "?????????????t t?ini?????? ho h????????????????????OWO???1W1??V8V???JUJ????7,7?\"L\"L.L??????????????????\",\"?????,1,??????????????rdr??? a ??babaka??ingin?????ded???????????????????????hih?????????????????????????ItI?????????t ??tst???????????????????????????????????????????e ?????????ata?????????the the?????????????????????????????????nd????????????????????oio?? t?????????????????????????or?? a ?rerefe??????9?51?9,9?,B0,B???1M????OW,OW,A?????????????????????,0,0,0????,1??????484808?????un??????????????????????ucu?????UTUT T?? the th???????id?????????at at????????ve??chc???????. W. ??henhe????????????t tt th???????? of o?", "output": "r had Calumet in the house.\"\n9518,B0001M10OW,A1WVV8A6JUAY47,\"L. Speid \"\"morica\"\"\",1,1,1,1286582400,Hardly a baking powder,\"After a few uses, this powder spoilt a cake. It has lost its raising power. It is still well within the expiry date and the container has been kept closed and in a dry place. Avoid this one. I plan to ask for a refund.\"\n9519,B0001M10OW,A2EE7TW6BBWILC,VeeJay,0,0,5,1350604800,Stunned,\"I love this product! BUT the downside is that I was overcharged. When I saw that the cost of "} {"input": "????? p ????ucu?????????0.0??? I ? a ?????????????iti?t mt ??ana???????00????r r? a a?????? W ??ene? I????ceceie?vev?ed ed?ononln?????e e?????? I ??????????????o o????y ty ????lel??astast.t??? f???????s s as ????????????????pop????????????????????????????????????????????????as????????????????re????re??ueu?????? m ?y ??????????????!!!!!?!!!!!! !!!? R RuR????rdr????????e oe ????????es?????????????ded?????????enten?ly????? th? the the???rkr?????!!! ?????????????faf?????tha???t itt i??s ?s als alul????????????????encen?????????????????ch???????????is pis prproprodprodu????????m tm ?the???grogr?ce?????????????????B0B???NDN??????????F2F??8D8????KTK???it??????0,???131????????????????rd", "output": "this product was $10.00 I assumed that it meant $10.00 for a case. When I received only one can, I was stunned to say the least. A few days ago I happened upon this product at a grocery store. The 8.1 oz was $1.29. I am hereby requesting my change back!!!!!! Rumford is one of the best baking powders presently on the market!!! I like the fact that it's aluminum free. Hence, I will be purchasing this product from the grocery store.\"\n9520,B000NDOB2C,A386F2L8D8Z3KT,Kitel,0,0,5,1330992000,Love ord"} {"input": "e??????frf??? P PaP????a.a???om,om????????ene????????????????ici??????? se s?enten??????m am ?????????y y??viavi?????????????????????onondn?ede??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? as a????????? It I????re????vev???????????????????????? ??????? o ??????????????????llalla.????!\"!??????,B,?????????????????????????????byb????????131?353???????????????rtr????? fro fr?? H ???g ?????????????pe???ed ed ted ?the??bob??? to t?????????????????s ??f f c?ho??colco????????ll oll ??er???he?? tr t??????????olaol??????????o bo ?????? t?hah??an Han ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ko?????I I dI ???????ara?? t? to to????", "output": "ering from Paella.com,\"Excellent customer service. I sent them an inquiry via email and they responded quickly, via email and followed up with a phone call as well. Item received faster than expected! I love ordering from paella.com!\"\n9521,B004BGDGFA,A2JZA6LL9PBRUY,Colby,0,0,1,1335052800,\"\"\"Imported from Hong Kong\"\"\",\"I opened the box to find a huge mess of chocolate all over the tray. Chocolate was no better than Hershey's and worst of all, it is imported from Hong Kong. I don't care to eat "} {"input": "???odo?????e e????????? a ???ere?? al a?? t ?????????ntn??????????????sas????????ssuss???? L ??????lsl????herhe???9959??????040?????FAF??????QUQ?5Q5?????????????e e Le ?????u,u?????1,1?????868??????????le le o ??????????ede???????ThT???s is ?????????irsir????????????hah?veve ???verve?????????????????????oto????t ??????????gogo o???????????????????????? e?????????ve ve????r r mr ???????????3,3????????8Q8???????QEQ??WOW?????????an??a ??an??fo????,1,,1?,1,????,132,13????04?????????????????ss ss????????in????e,e,\"e,???ha?ve?????????s,s????one one????????ts ts??et???????d asd a?????as??t r??????????ststlst??y sy ?he??????????? th t?he ???????????????one ????????????????", "output": "food made in China after all their countless product safety issues. Look elsewhere\"\n9522,B004BGDGFA,A19FQU5QATVGGX,George L. Leu,0,0,1,1329868800,Stale old and inedible,\"This is the first review I have ever done, but I could not let this one go bye. This was the worst ever, save your money.\"\n9523,B000N648QI,A3GBQEUWOFIPAV,Jeanna Lansford,1,1,5,1327190400,thank goodness for grainfree,\"I have two cats, one who eats wet food as a last resort (mostly she licks up the gravy), and one who has food all"} {"input": "??rgr?iei????????nsn????????s ????????blblyly y???ckc?y ?????'t'????t ????????????re????at? t trt?reare????????e fe fof?????????????????????? t??????sts??????? f???????es?, ??????????ca???????????????????????????????tct??????es?????????????????????????ns???is???????????????????????????????? l ?esess?? th???n $n ??????????an an?????????????o io ????????????????????????ororir???????????????mosmo?????av???s ?????????????, h, ?olo?????????????????????????????x x?????; a; ??and and n?atatuat????? ch c?hoiho??????brb??/>/??
she still licks up the gravy, and eats about half her bowl. He eats his portion and f"} {"input": "?ini?????? h ??????????????????itiit????????????in???????????????????????????????????in??th????????????????'s's ??????????????? a???? i i??????????????en en????? me m?momo mo????, ???? l ??????????me ????? i i i j i ????????????hi?????????????????henhe? i???????n ???????????
this has quite a bit of juice in it, which is good since most cats don't drink enough water anyway.

as for me, i love this food b/c it doesn't smell to high heaven, and i haven't died from litterbox duty as of yet. ;) (get it? duty--dooty? hehe)\"\n9524,B000N648"} {"input": "?QIQI,I???????????XDX???????????a,a??????????????808000?????d d p ??od????????rer?????rir????,\",????????????oo??s ?????????e e???memetetht???????? w ????????ke????? y?????????at?? a a??hah?????????????y y????nen?????I I? wa wasas ????prepr????????????it it???????????????????????????????ca?????????????n tn ??theythe???ateat?e ie ?it.it???????onontntat???????????izi?????ece????????hrh????????uru?????.....??oto???????igi?????????????????y fy ?forfor ??????????s ??to to e ?????????y ?ha??e ?????en????????????????????kenke?n bn beb???????andan????the the??lonlo???ststrst??????pi?????????n thn t????????????????????????????ittlitt??????????????? s?eeeeme??d ??????????touto??? e?vevenve", "output": "QI,A35R32TA60XD57,M. Torma,0,0,5,1328140800,Good product...great price!,\"This food looks just like something you would make for your pet at a Thanksgiving day dinner! I was impressed with it when I opened the can, and my cats were when they ate it. It contains nice size pieces of shredded turkey...not too big, making it easy for my kitties to eat. They have gotten the Tiki cat chicken before and the long stringy pieces in that kept them busy for a little bit and they seemed kind of tough even"} {"input": "???oro? m ?????????????ldl? t ????????????????????. .????????isi??????usu????????????t ?????????????owo?lsl???ndn?d td th???y ty ?tooto??????r ??????????????????re re??is is??????d d ad ?????? t????sis????????????????????th???cec????????utut ????????t/t??????mim????????????iddiddld????is is wis ???? p pap???????. I. ???id??'t't t ft ????????????waw??????????????e ????quiqu?????????????????????lol?o fo fo??????????wa?s ?????y ???boubo??????t ???????????PlP??us,us?????rou??????aza?????????????a a??????? pr p????? fo????????qu???????????????525???B0B000?00000050??3D3?????ZYZ???????QZQ??D,D,\",??obo??????????by by??\"\"????5,75,???????????????????t ht ?????? t te t?????? d ?", "output": " for me when I would try to break them up. Not this, I just spooned it into their bowls and they took over from there. There is liquid around the sides of the food in the center, but the meat/vege mix in the middle is well packed. I didn't feel like I was getting more liquid than food, like Halo foods so I was happy about that as well. Plus, through amazon, this is a great price for this quality food.\"\n9525,B00005V3DC,A2ZYCEEYBUQZND,\"Robby \"\"Robby C\"\"\",5,7,5,1176249600,Best herbal tea for di"} {"input": "??ese???onon,n??? y ???????????????????prp??????? yo you????ede???????????? c ??????? o ??????aga??. .?ItI??????????????omomem??????????ar?e ?ststrstrostr?ongon????? tha th????????s.s???525????000?00000??????????????????1,1????????on,on???????131??????????????od,od???????????????????????????????oro?, ???iqi????ini????l ??????eae????thathat????veve ve tve ??iei????brb?r /r />/??
This tea is effective for cleansing one's system, but is not as harsh as a regular laxative. It can be consumed daily or as needed\"\n9527,B00005V3DC,A8KY7S48EW7LW,\"A. Daly \"\"AD\"\"\",0,0,5,1350172800,The Best Cleansing Tea I've"} {"input": "?????????????ve???ses????hih?? b brb??????oro??????s.s??????????e e??eee????g g???????? u????? a ?tet?????????????????hah??ve ???????????????th?isis is?????? I??????u'ru'????????o o????????????????????????? b????ususeus???it it??an?????k k???????lel??totooto????ellel?????f yof y??????w ?whw????????????. J. ????????????fuf??????????rstrs??????????f ???????????g ????????trt???????????ipips????YoY????????e ?e a e a???su?ltl??????orornorninining???r ???rlr??????f f y???????llollow? i??t wt ???? l?ototst???????????????8,8?B0B????RZR?????A2A???????????VRV??????torto?? b????,0,0,0????????????808?00,00?? a?????? ad a?ul???????STS???????????thi????????????????ve ???????in in m", "output": " Ever Had,I've used this brand for years. If you're feeling clogged up or ate a massive meal have a few sips of this tea. If you're new to it make sure you're home because it can work a little too well if you know what I mean. Just be careful the first couple of times using it and try little sips. You'll see a result by morning or earlier if you follow it with lots of water.\n9528,B003ZRZN7K,A2GEZJHBV92EVR,History buff,0,0,5,1345852800,I am an adult & I STILL love this.,I always have this in m"} {"input": "???hoh?????????ririninkn? i ?? a ??? is i??oror r m ?????????????????????????????????????????????????aveav????????????????????????oto??mim?indind d???e e le ?????????????s ??????us??????????????????BrB?????????????????B0B?????????,A,?2T2????1F1???????????YoY????a,a???,0,,0,3,?????????606?00,00,w,wrw????????e ????tl????????e ????????????????e ce ?????????????????aia?iai????ununcnch??. . m??y ky ???????ve? i?????ththe? o on o???????as?on? i?? to t??????????????????? th t??????????????????????????????????rer???ivi????????????????????????????????????????r ?????lelesles les??o ??y ?y kiy k??s ?????????????ththe????????????????????????o ro re????", "output": "y house. I drink it as is or my favorite is mix with sprite. Oh So Good!! I have some every day. I do not mind the larger bottles as I use so much of it. Bring it on!\n9529,B003ZRZN7K,A2T0KQ1FORA8B8,E. Yousha,0,0,3,1323561600,wrong size bottles,there is not much one can say about Hawaiian punch. my kids love it. the only r eason i took off 2 stars is that i ordered 8 64 oz bottles and received 4 128 oz bottles. i need the smaller bottles so my kids can pour on their own. i will have to revert"} {"input": "???????????????????upu???mam?rkr???????? fu f??uru??????????n n??????? n ??????????????010?FAF??????ATA??EDEDLD?????????????????????,1,,1,5,???212?????202?????reere???????????????????????n ?tet??????t t it ??????ooo????????e fe ????????ses?????th th??? T ???????????????????313?????01F01?????????BBBB7B???????BHB??,S???????.,.???????????????00??????????????????????????? te??a aa ???????????????????????????re?flf???? an a??????????????????y ?y hoy h?????????????t tt ??? d ??ctc?????????????mem?enden?d t??????????????????. ?????????????mazma??????????????ingin?????????????????????????????????3B3B33B3M3??????JKJ???,R,?????,0,,0?,0,??5,1???", "output": " to going to the supermarket for future Hawaiian punch needs.\n9530,B001FA1JN6,ATDEDLSD2I9SI,S. Benkel,1,1,5,1210723200,Green tea,I love this green tea. It is a good price for my use with my Tassimo machine.\n9531,B001FA1JN6,A3BB77YE2CHBHO,Susan A.,0,0,5,1325548800,Most convenient and best tea around,My husband has acid reflex and this is the only hot drink that the doctor has recommend that he can drink. Thank you Amazon for carrying this product.\n9532,B001FA1JN6,A3B3MWE2FOJKFE,Ryan,0,0,5,1262"} {"input": "??????0,0????sos??????odo? o ?? G????n n????,\",???gog????hih?s s?????????????ndn????e ?????????? S ShS??????t ????????????aka?ere???andan?????? t?hi?????????????????isciscscs ????h,h???????? g???ngn??????????????t ????tet??????sh?ouo?ldl??????havha????????????????ak????????????????ece?????e i?t ??????????? p??????????????????iscsisc????????????????????????en?????????h wh ??lll????the??????ghg??????t t ct ??????! !?BtB???????????reare??d td ????, ????????????k k ok ou??t mt ?? s???llell?????????? a an a??????????? se?????? w ????????????????l ???????????? an??????e e i????????wit?h h ah ?????????????????t et ????yo????e che choh???????????????er ??", "output": "131200,Awesome Good ol Green Tea,\"I got this for my mom and she loved it. She just got a tea maker and with this 3 pack of 8 discs each, she is going to have a lot of tea. I shouldn't have gotton the awake tea for her because it was only 1 package with 7 discs because it is more expensive. Oh well, the thought that counts! Btw if you read this, please check out my seller profile and items i sell. I will star to sell stuff soon and once i talk with amazon i will let everyone choose super saver sh"} {"input": "i???????????????trt??????????????????????e ???sts?????????ata??????????'t't ????????????coc??????????????ayaysy??? th??s ???? i ?????????????? r ??cccco???????????s tos t? e ???ryr?????wh????????s t?ea?.\".??959???,B,B0B???????N6N????????????5Q5QDQ??????TuT????le,le?0,0,0??????????25625606???????at at???????g g????????????????????????oyo?????thith????????????????d ???????????????o ??????????????????????Gree???????????????? I I??lovlo?????y Ty TaT???imimom????????????\"??????????FAFA1FA???????NUN???DVD??????????????????,0,0,0,?0,50,???202?00700????00????GreaGre????????????,\"?ThT??????????e qe ??????st??? way wa????????e ??????????????cupcu? o ????????", "output": "ipping. I am a true seller and give the customers what they wan't in perfect condition. Anyways, this tea is great and i reccomend this to everyone who loves tea.\"\n9533,B001FA1JN6,A1KQK3HLB55QD6,S. Tuggle,0,0,4,1259625600,Great tasting Green Tea,\"I really enjoyed this Green Tea, and I can't wait to try making it as a Green Tea Latte... I love my Tassimo machine :)\"\n9534,B001FA1JN6,A2NUQXDVZE9VY7,K. Nolan,0,0,5,1200700800,Great green tea,\"This is the quickest way to make a darn good cup of green "} {"input": "?tet????????asa??????tit???l l????????ava??ngn??????p p?????????hahatha?????n'n???brb???ede???bub?????isi??is?????y y?????e!e??????????0101F1FAF???????????222232??R0R???????yry????BuBut????????GrG?ama??a\"a?????,2,???????????0000000???????ter ter T ???????r r?? the th??????t yt ???r,r?????????sis??????chc???e ?????????????????tea,tea???as as???l ????????fef????????grg?????????ackac????????????????????y iy ??pop??????GeG??ma??????????? wh w??????re????????estes??????? the the??????.<.?br???????????????? 3 ? T?????????????????est est??????in????????arlarl ?????????????#2#?????????????is?????????ings ings?????????a
We use 3 Teas: #1, the Best is Twinings Earl Grey
#2, next best is Twinings Green Tea
#3, next best is Tazmo Awake Black Tea."} {"input": "????????T/>ThT???? t ???? a ??????????????& &??????u u??????ete??????e ge ?ooo?? n ??????????????????tat?????eye??????????????????????????????????themthe??eve????????????535?????0101F1???JNJ?6,??A1QA1??????V2V??626??????????,1,??,12,1?141?353?20200?????sts???s ls ????????idi????ateat??????????k k????m nm ??ot ot??????????????rir???erer.er???????????????tyt???wfw?ulu??ta????ingin?????fff??. . ??????????????????? o on??e be ????, b, ????us?????????ror??????iti???outou?.\"?????7,???????????,A,??M4M4Q4???????Z7Z??,L,??mpm?????KaK?????i,i??????,1??484????20?0,0,D0,????????????????????SoS?odaod????racrackc?????????n myn m???pi????????????stst ???dada ?crc??rackrac?ker??????????????????", "output": "

These teas are all great & if you can get some good natural North Dakota honey to put in them, you will like them even more.\"\n9536,B001FA1JN6,A1QA8CFOV2I62J,Pat,0,7,1,1214352000,tastes like tepid water,\"I think I'm not a green tea drinker. This is pretty awful tasting stuff. Glad I bought just one bag, because I'm throwing it out.\"\n9537,B0088F94EC,A1M4QA4AT87Z7U,Lampton Kamalii,1,1,5,1348963200,Diamond Head Bakery Soda Crackers,\"In my opinion the best soda cracker on the planet, if"} {"input": " y ??????kek????????????????rsr? D ?iai????????ke?keryker???akakeak???ththeh??????iei?????cracr????ker\"ker?9????,B,??????????,A,????XFX??????????????????lll??????5,5???272???606????????????????. .??????????????????????e!e?????hahava????rir?iedie???????????????omo??ththethe the????????????????s t???????????d ???hee?????ri???s s t?????se??em em?? to to???aveav?????om?????he ???????e th?????????. ?????????????????????????y ??takta?? t?????????????????????????????????????????avavoav?????nd nd????tut?rer???????????????t,t? b????th???????????ackeack???d wid w????????viv?itait????????d ????????????ne ne???ed????ImI????inein?e t?e thae th??t -t ??????ili?tyt?????????ik??????chech?eesee", "output": " you like or love crackers Diamond Bakery makes the tastiest cracker\"\n9538,B006U9EW40,A65AXFDTYLRZ0,VinCampbell,0,0,5,1327536000,Move over Mr. Standard Cheese Doodle!,\"I have tried them all - from the top name brands to the baked cheese crisps that seem to have become the craze these days. These cheese puffs simply take the cake! Not only do the pack all the flavor and texture one would want, but they are packed with the vitamins and proteins one needs! Imagine that - a guilty treat like a chees"} {"input": "?? d ????lel??isi??non???a a????ltl????????rnr?????????959???,B,??0404T4???UVU??????????4J4??C7C??N,N?????0,0,0????,13,1??????00000??,D,???????????d,d,T,ThT???? hu h??e e be ????????????????????nt???inein?????????hihithi??? an andn?d cd crc?????ed)ed?? ch c?hocho????te?s ??thath?????ereer??????le??????mem????d ?al??????????????????e oe ?????he he????????oo????????oro?k k??????????n n??????????????ncn?e ??the???????kedke??sos?????????????????? w??????a wa ?asa????anand?????isapisapp??oinoint?????! ? W WiW????????????????eveev???pup?????asease ????m ??????????lerle???agaag?????????B0?00????????????????N6N???????. .??????n,n,0,0,????????????????ChC?hilhi??? pi p???????Th????????indin?????????????ch???", "output": "e doodle is now a healthy alternative!\"\n9539,B004T9YUVS,A12BVUR4J6C78N,SMM,0,0,1,1337040000,Disappointed,This huge bag of chocolates contained old (white and cracked) chocolates that were completely melted all over the inside of the bag! Noone at work would even touch them since they looked so sad and gross... what a waste and disappointment! Will be wary to ever purchase from this seller again\n9540,B000JSQKNE,A328DJ95N6OXN9,R. Larson,0,0,4,1310947200,Chili pickle,\"This reminded me how much I "} {"input": "e?????????iai?????????? I?? w waw?s s???????????gog?odod d???ickickl?????? / ????????????????/>*/>???t ?ses?eme????a a?????sts?al?????????????????????????rir???????????utu??it???diddi?????ini?nd nd????tht????I I??????ly ??????????????picpi???le,le??an?d ????d d md ?????at???????????????t ?????????intin?????????? I???oko??????rouro?nd???????????????????????cec?????????nd???????) )???n an ?????therthe???????b b????ChC?????????hichi?h h???as as????????(S(?kok?okiok???? I ???????n n On ??? P ??rkr????????????????? it i?t ct ?????? f??????exexax??????????????????SkoSk????????????tha??????????'s'??drd???ve ve? aw a????. ???ha???????????????stast?????????????????. T. ?he???", "output": "enjoy Indian pickle. It was basically good pickle.
* it seemed a bit stale
* it was fairly pricey
But it did remind me that I really like Indian pickle, and told me that I could get it on the internet, so I poked around a bit and found a place (ishopindia.com) in another suburb of Chicago which was closer (Skokie; I live in Oak Park) so instead of it coming from Texas, it came from Skokie (less than an hour's drive away). That solved the staleness problem. Their "} {"input": "???ici???????????????????????2/2????? A ?mam????'s'??pr????es.es????????nkn?????zo?????????emiem?????????????t ?I ?????ldl?d ld lol???.\".???????B0B?????QKQKNK????121??X7X7L7???????4,4??uru???????or or D DaD?????????????????000????????ufu??!,!????????????????????????brb??/>/?????s is ????????riori??????gog????pipic????????m m P?at?????? w ?iti????????of???????????at at? an and??????lesle???????????chich???li li?????cesce???????????????????dipdi?????????????????ut ut??in??ishis????th?????? a????????????????????????????????????????????sagsageg???????????wow?orkor?????????ifi????????cecerce????inlin???? as as w????? as?????????????????ngn????????????????????This is a seriously good pickle from Patak's, with lots of salty heat and endless chunky chilli pieces. I bought it to dip popadoms in, but finished the pot as an accompaniment to slow-cooked pork sausages, and it worked beautifully - certainly as well as a full-bodied English mustard.
If you like a bit of heat, as well as plenty of flavour, you'll enjoy it.\"\n9542,B001EO67V2,A13FG69FS9AHEI,Paul Chartrand,1,1,5,1301270400,Keeps me in my Mother-in-law's good graces.,My Mother-in-law simply loves these candies. She is on her fourth tub since Christmas. She prefers them over the Sunkist Fruit Gems I hope they remain a stocked item.\n9543,B001EO67V2,A2Y4KVGTEEC2H2,C. Lechner,0,0,4,1349913600,Soft and slightly chewy,Soft and slightly chewy candy is optimal (not gummy) to me and"} {"input": " ???????????????????he he f ??????????? g ?????bub?????t t gt ??reare?at.at??Th?eyey y? ar?????????????????????th th????????????eee??ene????hemhe????????????? ar? are are n??????????wi?????? t????????? c ?????????????lll??pup?rcrchc??????? them the??????in.in??????????????7V7????????VAV??NNN?Q6Q606??MiMici??????WeWel???????????????????????????????OOO??????T,T???????????? are l are lol????????????????ar????????????n tn ???se?????e we ???t ????? ar are????????ing ing?? for fo??. T. To. T??? sw???????????????d md ?y y fy ??????, ?????n'n't'?????inkin????e w???l ?????????in????????e a??????????????00??1V1????8,8,A??????????????????ncn?????ntn???\"\"\"?co?????????t1\"t1???????????????????", "output": " these are that. The flavors are good but not great. They are heavily coated with sugar to sweeten them up as they are not sweet without the sugar coating. I will purchase them again.\n9544,B001EO67V2,AD9R8VATNNQ60,Michael Welch,0,0,2,1311552000,WAYYYYYY TOO SWEET,\"If you are looking for a sugar high, then these are what you are looking for. Too sweet for me and my family, I don't think we will be ordering these again.\"\n9545,B0001VWGW8,A1IWZAYY9GTLGL,\"concurrent1 \"\"concurrent1\"\"\",0,0,5,1334966400"} {"input": "??BeB?????????????????????er??trt??ede???\"I\"?????????????e e????????lll?????oro?r ar ???????????????????????????????????ono???? pl p????e Ie ???ouo?????ini???iti???asa???mam?????co????????ou?ghg????a ja jaj?? o ?????????????????de???wow?????????????????????????ci???????????. . ????? ch?????wa????thethe the????????????????mad????????an???ou??? t????????s ?????????????er rer ????????oeo??es mes ???????bib?g g????????????????????????r ?????????????????????????wiw????? b??????of a????ickic??. . E. ??verve?yoy???????s bs ???en en?????????????????????????k ????s ds ?ueu???o ?th?thisthi?s c??hil?????????. ????????????? bu b??y ty ??the ?????????????????", "output": ",Best chili powder I ever tried!,\"I had a recipe that called for a lot of dark chili powder and the only place I could find it was amazon.com. I bought a jar of this and it made two batches of the chili recipe I have. The chili was the best I'd ever made. I can vouch that this chili powder really does make a big difference in the flavor of a chili. It is rich with a bit of a kick. Everyone has been crazy for it, and I think its due to this chili powder. I'm back to buy the bag this time!\"\n9"} {"input": "??464??????????????????????????P,P?NYN?????,0??5,5,1,??????606??0,?NuN??????pip??e.e????MoM???????n n??hah????????rir???bub?ut ut t th t?isi???s ????ereryer?y ny ????? t ta t?????sps??????????????????th????? o ???er??sp????s.s???????is????????????????n ???grg???iei??tsts ??n ???st???????an an???????PoP???????????vov????54?7,7????1E1????????BYB?7J7?K4K??????????. F. FrF????k,k????????5,15,??????929??????????????????????????????,\",\"W\"???hoh?ut??????????? th????????hanha??s ??????n thn t????es?????cocon????????????rodro????t It ????????eded.d. ??????????????????????erier?ieniencn????????ve ave ?????????????????y y by ??ittit???????????ut?ut tut ??????oneone ???s ??????????lel?e ee ???", "output": "546,B0005XN6GM,A2XKJ1KX6XUHYP,NYFB,0,0,5,1331856000,Nutty Spice...,More iron than turmeric but this is a very nutty tasty spice that I mix with all other spices. This is one of the main ingredients in most Indian Curry Powders. Bravo.\n9547,B001EQ5IPQ,ABY7JK4WXWZYJ,C. Franek,25,26,5,1214179200,Straight from the coconut!,\"Without a doubt, this is hands down the best coconut water product I've tried. The others I've experienced have a flat or slightly bitter taste but this one has that subtle esse"} {"input": "??cec????????????ese???ofo??????nun?????????drd??????iri??????????m m a???????ly?? op o?????d rd ???? co coc??nu?t.t???LeL?et et????te?lll? y ?ouo?? t ???s ??is is?????????t rt ???frefr??????, ????????ng???????????????????g g??????????????????????????????????????e te the t???????????atoat????????????????????????????????? w?????o o s????? o???f af ?????????9????????1E1EQE?????????IOI??C1C101??????,H,?on?es???????,1????,1??????????????????besbe?????co????????????z z??rir??????????br??????????ee?? d?ri???????????????????asa???3-3?? y ye y???????and and?????????????????? li l?iteiter??????????????????????be?????u/>???forfo????at?leleye???????", "output": "nce and sweetness of coconut water drank directly from a freshly opened raw coconut. Let me tell you, this is the most refreshing, hydrating, and re-energizing elixir you can partake of. I'll take this over Gatorade any day of the week. Great way to start off any day.\"\n9548,B001EQ5IPQ,A3EIOMC103PG7W,Honestly,13,13,5,1314835200,best,\"best coco water - plz bring back.
i've been drinking it for the last 3-4 years and this ONE [only 1 liter pack] is really the best.
unfortunatley, the m"} {"input": "???????eee??s s??? h ??????isi????????????? - ???????? s?ha?mem?!br /????kedke????- 2 ???????the small size product is not at all good - only this one.
hope this company gets some common sense and continues this product which was so good.
ONE large - 5 stars
ONE small - 2 stars
ONE kids - 1 star
ZICO - upsets stomach - 2 stars
VitaCoco - tastes awful - 1 star
Bluemonkey - 3 stars
AmyBrian - 4 stars
C2O - 2 stars
naked - 2 stars
nirvana - 2 stars\"\n9549,B"} {"input": "0??????????A1A?8I8?????????????????iti????????????????202??,R,???????ini?? a ????????iningin????????????ing?????? d ??????ththi?????????????ateat?? e ?vev???????????ouo?r ?????e.e????????????e ?sos?me?whwhah????????? ob obsbse?sss??????????????????????? s??bs????ptp??????????e ???????????????ac???o ???d ????n n tn th??????????????e te ????????????????????????kek???????ttt??r.r??????asast?????lel?an???????????????????????????????????????????????ou????it,it, ,?? I j I juj????fe????????????ftf?????ri??kik??ing ing??????????????????????????ta????????????nutnu?t wt ????ter ter iter ??????er?????????????d ??as??te te?? to to?????ut?????????????", "output": "001EQ5IPQ,A18IZ3RTL9SD4V,K Sprite,8,8,5,1260835200,Refreshing and amazingly satisfying!,\"We drink this coconut water every day in our house. It's become somewhat of an obsession. We used to have a subscription to the 12 pack of vitacoco and when that ran out we tried this instead. I like it better. It tastes cleaner though I can't describe what's different about it, I just feel better after drinking this than drinking the vitacoco. Coconut water in general has an odd taste to it but it's still r"} {"input": "???????sws??????????????????????resre????? w whw??????? d ???inkin????????????????ll??y hy huhunu???????????????????????enen en????????andan??it???????????f lf ???e e? a a????teteie??????????r r e ??????y dy ????ink.ink????t st ?????????????????h h???????vev?????????an??asa?stistici???uru?????????????????555???????EQEQ5Q?????A1A?1V1?????????????PaP?????????,5??121??50?24??00000?0,\"0,???????ly ly?????????????????uraur????????r!r!\"????I mI ??ke??????????waw??erer er????arartr??????????????re????menme???wh???????I'I??? e??er????sedse???r ?????????gi???????y by ???????mum?ch?? be b??????- -? an??d hd ??????iei???????????????????fe??inein?????? g??iveiv?????? an? o???rar??? f??????ing ing", "output": "eally sweet and feels SO refreshing when you drink it. If I'm really hungry I drink this between meals and it's kind of like a protein shake or energy drink. It settles my stomach and gives me a fantastic burst of energy!\"\n9550,B001EQ5IPQ,A11V7W73DYY0A,SoPasGal,5,5,5,1245024000,\"A truly energizing, natural elixir!\",\"I make coconut water a part of my daily regimen, whether I've exercised or not. It gives my body a much better - and healthier - boost than caffeine, and gives me an overall feeling "} {"input": "??????????????. .?????????????????????eve??????????heh????????????idided??????????couco???????brb??kek???????in???? l ???er? b ?????????? da d??y ly ???????veve ve????en en??oioin????????1,1?B0B????????????????S3S??????????el??????????333?909??????????iei?????f Af ?????on-on???hiphi??????2;2; ;???? O O.O.N.???????????? 5 ??\"-\"---? I?????? b?uyu?????????????AmaAm???on,on???????????? di d?????????tedte????????e se ??hip???ngng.ng?. . ?????????????????me me????? one on?????????ardard d bd ?????????? th???????on??aia??er???ox??s ?lol?oso??????in ??????????? ba b????? On O????asas as???????????????aka?????????o to ??the the b??g,g, ??wow?????? d de den???ted,ted?, a, ?????? one one?????????????????fr???", "output": "of well-being. I recommend this to everyone, the only downside is one could go broke drinking a liter box every day like I've been doing.\"\n9551,B001EQ5IPQ,A14MZ6S31SY3KV,Quell,4,4,2,1339027200,Review of Amazon-Shipping=2; But O.N.E. Drink = 5,\"-- If you buy this from Amazon, you'll be disappointed at the shipping. My box of 12 came in one cardboard box, with the 12 container-boxes loosely in a plastic bag. One was smashed, so leaking into the bag, two were dented, and one was coming open from "} {"input": "????????tot????????? t ???e pe ??ddd??e ??f f??????????ata??r r????????????????????????????????ndn?d id ?? s ????le????????????????? r ???cic???????ki??? w???erer.er??IfI??AmA???ono????ntn??????coc?????ueue ue????lil??????the the????????-3-?????, i, it????????????????????????????????????erer.er. er.???OTOTET??, h, hoh??????????????aba????? to to??????ChC???? wi w?????AmaAm????????????????efefu??????eveev??? th tho th????h th ????it????isi??s a s a???????reret??????le?????cec?eryer?????????]<]???????- -???????revreviv?????f ???????in?k:k: :??????dr?in?????????????SUS?????ORO?????????????? o of????itait???oco??????ooo???\"\")\"\"???????coco(co?to???sws?????, ?????as as????dri???????????????", "output": "the bottom due to the puddle of leaking water in the bag. I opened the bag, and it smelled awful from the rancid, leaking water. If Amazon wants to continue selling the 12-pack-33oz, it needs to package the shipping better. [NOTE, however, I was able to Live-Chat with Amazon and get a refund, even though the item is a \"\"non-returnable grocery item\"\".]
-- AND, review of the drink: The drink itself is SUPERIOR to the taste of Vita-Coca(\"\"good\"\") or Zico(too sweet), so as a drink, the O.N.E, "} {"input": "????lll??????lil?????rir??????????m m??????? c ??????t t??ut???in in t ???e te ???????? ????????????bab?????? t?????ndn?????????????lel???ere???e ce ?????????? o?????????????ipi????? fr f??m ?AmA?azazoz???-- AND, In a second comparison, the multi-pack of Vita-Coca-33oz comes SUPERBLY packaged in the shipping box from Amazon (as EACH 33oz container is invidually protected in a cardboard sleeve).
-- Hope that helps (and, Thank you Amazon for letting me have a refund on the damaged box, but it will be more helpful if you can protect the "} {"input": "b????????ttt??r r??oro???????????iti?????????????525??B0B?010????IPI??????MTM???????????. .?????????????5,5???666???????,A?lll?-a-?????????frf??shshmsh??ntnt.t?,\",\"A\"?s ???????ereer?d d ad ???????ckck k o?f f????????CoC????????atate????I ??remre?memme?????????kik?ingin?g \"g ????elelvl????????????eaear?????? I??????????o do ?????????????????????. ??????????????to?????????asa???????waswa?s ws ???????????????????????????????????to??? m ?y ?????t t st ???? I ?wawas???????ed!ed? ??ot???????????????????dedde????th????? p?????ssiss??m m Im ??neneee???? f?????my my?????????????crc?am??s,s?, i, ???????a a ma mim?????????easaeas?????lal????. ??????aba???ut ???????????? I? I c I ?anan'an?t ????it ?", "output": "boxes better for shipping it to us).\"\n9552,B001EQ5IPQ,AUZMT7LAXJRDF,J. Johnson,3,3,5,1266364800,All-around refreshment.,\"As I ordered a 12 pack of O.N.E. Coconut Water, I remember thinking \"\"Twelve? What on earth am I going to do with 12 of them?\"\". An easy way to get potassium was what I was looking for, but when I took my first sip I was hooked! Not only is this loaded with the potassium I needed for my nightly leg cramps, it has a mild, pleasant flavor. Talk about refreshing; I can't wait f"} {"input": "??? s ????????????????ereer??isi??ana? i???tat????coc????????????titioi??? a???????????????????????????????anandan?????????????????in??g ag ?bibili??????ouo???????a a????????d.d?????vev?????ede?????????????s,s???????????????? ac a??????asas as??\"r\"?????????????????????????????????????????????. o. ??????conco?????????????????????at? m??an?????????st?????MyM?????pmp???????????d d ed ?earea???????????exe???ctc??????d ??????????erfer???????hapha???. ??f ?????wawanwa?? e el???????????????a ????ici?????s, s,???????????rmr??????s ??s ????r ?????????????????s ms ?????????????????????rinri??????wew??veve ve p????????????ere'ere'l'???? be be???????", "output": "or summer now! There is an instant cooling sensation, a pleasant, smooth mouth-feel, and a thirst quenching ability you wish a soda had. I've tried other brands, but they come across as \"\"raw\"\" or harsh; for me O.N.E. is the V.S.O.P. of coconut waters (to me, that means the best). My shipment arrived earlier than expected and was in perfect shape. If you want electrolytes in a delicious, healthy form, this is your stuff. As far as my hesitancy on ordering a twelve pack... there'll be an orde"} {"input": "?????????????????????????????ririvi?????sos?????????????????????,A,??????????????,A?????????????131????151???00,00??????????? t ???e me ???kek??t tt ?????? r ???????????? c ????e fe ???? t th??????????f f? as a???an an????????????????me?? a?????????????con?utu?t t??reere??CoC??????????es?????? in i? a?????an?????????? u ??? e ??verve?? p pa p???t ot oft o??????????????????????????????????????????es?????????nkn??????us??t p?????????????????cocococon????of???????????. . ???????? wa w????????? te?????????????????????did????cuc?????ut??????????k w???hen hen??????????to???????onutonut ?wa???r.r?. A. ?nd????lo?ve????????e.??959???????????????A1A???", "output": "r for another twelve pack arriving soon!\"\n9553,B001EQ5IPQ,A3HQDWMD1BBNPX,Archie,2,2,5,1342915200,Closest in the market to the real thing,I come from that part of asian subcontinent named after the coconut tree.Coconut trees are in abundance and we use every part of the tree imaginable. when we want a refreshing drink we just pluck a tender coconut off the tree. What i wanted to tell u is that I am a difficult nut to crack when it comes to coconut water. And I love the One.\n9554,B001EQ5IPQ,A15SC"} {"input": "??????303?5T5?,\",??ele????????aua???ana??????ug?????????????????????????????????????????MaM???ingin????fif??,\",\"I,\"??????e Ce CoC???????WaW???r ?????????tht???.N.?.E.E.E??10100??? Co C???????Wa??terte?. ????????rir????????????co??????d.d??????o o??????????e toe t??di??crc???it??????????????utut ?fof???sos?mem???????????y cy ?????nutnu?????????kefke??fir fir???????????ucuchc??????quq?icickic?????????????ing ing Zing ?????(s(so????imi?mesmes ????????????????s -s ?????ulu???????t 7t ??????????. I . I???????t pt ???sus????to????????whywh??. ??he??????????? Zi Z????????????s s gs ?????????.N????????????e the t??y ??ve?rhrhe????????????????? O. O.N O.????????????????????it?it iit ??????genge???????", "output": "LBWUJ305T,\"Belle C. Vaughan \"\"VaughanGrading\"\"\",2,2,5,1271203200,Best For Making Kefir,\"I make Coconut Water Kefir with O.N.E. 100% Coconut Water. I've tried using Zico brand. I do not like to discredit any brand, but for some reason my coconut water kefir goes bad much too quickly when using Zico (sometimes within 1-2 days - should last 7 days). I do not presume to know why. The taste of Zico is not as good as O.N.E. Maybe they overheat/process it? O.N.E.'s package says it is \"\"gently pas"} {"input": "?tet??rir??ede????I />??? yo y?????????e te toto to?????n ????????ma?ke????????t ?????????????????????????????
If you'd like more information on why Coconut Water Kefir is so great for you go to [...](No, I am not connected with Body Ecology.)

If you'd like to learn how to make Coconut Water Kefir go to [..]

There's also milk (cow's and goat's) kefir that are extremely good for you. Kefirs are used all over the world for health and nutrition -- just not common in America ... go figure.\"\n9555,B001EQ5IPQ,A3RSPHC95H300C,John Sawka,1,1,1,1349222400,ONE Coconut Wa"} {"input": "???????????????ata????ele???????????\"M\"????ifi???????lyl??????????N.N??????on????????????? t ???????????????o o????ip ip???oulou?d d???????????? wa waya???????o ?hah???????gog??toto to??????to?re?????ryr??otothot?herhe?????????????????. ? I??????ereer??d 6d ? c ???????? 1 ????????????????????oboblb???????????????henhe?????????????????????? se s??????ckck k a????????????????????I gI ??es???????n ????????ddd???sss??????????????del???????????n ?KeK???????. ??????????????aia?????????sesse???????? w????h h?????ara?????? bu b???????????gregr?????conco????????. ???????the the????????er???????ll ????aleal?ed ed??????????d 2d ??ofo????he ?333????????????xex", "output": "ter - Love / Hate Relationship,\"My wife really loves O.N.E Coconut Water. I thought via auto ship would be a great way not to have to go to the store every other day to get some. I ordered 6 cases of 12 ea. The first problem occurred when case number one was sent back as undeliverable. I guess a San Diego address would be undeliverable in Kentucky. Of the 5 remaining cases all of which did arrive but in not great condition. All the cases were still sealed but 1 had 2 of the 33.8 ounce boxe"} {"input": "???sps???????ene??????????? w wew????? o????????????????????????????????????????lel?????????????d ad ?????cic???????????????re????re ?????anc?el??????the?? au a??o o?????????????e ?????????? t?????????? t???s ?????? t?????oco??l l????er???????. ???????????? be bet?????????t ?mom?oreor?e te ?imi?me me c???sus???ing?????d hd ??????er.er??????????????????????nin???e ke ??owo???????at????? c? cas ca??????????in ??????prp??????flf?limli???????????fef??????? l ?lovlo???s ts ththe??????????????????000010???5I5???,A,??????????H2H?????????ut?????e,e???????????5555655??00???aba?ulu????,I,????????ovo???? coc co?????ut wut ???erer ????? k ??indin??????the?the mthe ????t ht ???ve.ve??.......??", "output": "s split open and there were 3 other boxes in other cases that were stale (really had a rancid smell). Therefore I cancelled the auto ship and have gone back to picking this up in the local supermarket. Works out better, just more time consuming and heavier. It would have been nice knowing that the cases were in fact pretty flimsy. My wife still loves the product.\"\n9556,B001EQ5IPQ,A1GS8RWMAZH2F5,coconut zone,1,1,5,1344556800,Fabulous,If you Love coconut water this kind is the must have.....I "} {"input": "??m m???????? s ???????? i ??? ar arrr?ivi??????n tn titimimem??????????aga?????? p ???????????to?????ve?ntn???????e.e...???????575???000????5I5??????RARAGA???????????????????????????373777??202????????. .? c ???conco?????????????????? c????onuon??????terte??????sos??? b ????ndsnd???rere re????????ICI?????????lal? s?????at???on??s/s/S/SaS?fefewfe??????????ll??????ulu????????????????ck??nin??g,g, ,??????frf??om om? co????????????????????? /> /???????????? v ?verve????????d tad t???tinti?? p pr p?????ct ct??hoh???????ICOICO O i????lwl??????????rsr?st st??????????????????????????? of o?? be b?in??????????????ckck'ck??? S ?????? is???????????as????? p??????????????.E.E..E?????????????", "output": "am on auto ship and it arrives on time and packaged to perfection to prevent damage.....\n9557,B001EQ5IPQ,A2RAG9JZXYD4FZ,MadamB,1,1,5,1343779200,O.N.E. coconut water,\"We love coconut water.....some brands are really ICKY....Zola sold at Von's/Safeway is really awful: sweet and sickening, made from concentrate.

O.N.E. is a very good tasting product though ZICO is always my first choice, but has a history of being 'out of stock'. So it is often a case of purchasing O.N.E. 'cause ZICO "} {"input": "???????????abablb??. .?????????????s ?wewele??? I ?????neneveve???????????????ve??le??????????????????????? w ???h h???????????????????Q5Q??PQPQ,Q??????????????,M,?????,1,??????131??????????O.O.NO.N.???? aw a?fuf??????ere??en??????iri?sts??????????idi????t pt ????ha?????????????????????ugu???AmA???????????at?????oco??????????y y s ?stost?????????y ???????????????flf?lecle?????????propr???????????f,??????????????in in a?????????? I I????????????s ls la??st st w????? ne n?????????????????????????????er??beb?????????????heh?ar??d gd ?ooo??? th t??????. . T. ?he?????te?? of???????s ???mom?st?st lst ??keke ?????????????????n ?????????s ???hatha??ha?????", "output": "is unavailable. O.N.E. ships well, I've never had one arrive leaking (as I have often with ZICO).\"\n9558,B001EQ5IPQ,AM4V5VGXP99YA,Matty,1,1,1,1335225600,O.N.E. awful experience,\"First off, I didn't purchase this product through Amazon, but at a local grocery store, so my review only reflects the product itself, not Amazon in any way. I bought this last week never having tried coconut water before, but I heard good things. The taste of it was almost like the smell of lawn clippings that had bee"} {"input": "?? d ??????????????n ?????????????? l ??????imi??? ?TaTasasts??d ??fff? a an a??????????????t mt ??????me??l l??o o???????????n'n??t kt ??????f ???t wt waw????upu??????????????????keke ???????or or???????as Ias ?I nI ???????rir??ed ?????efefo????? bu but? p ???in??g ag ???????? as a??????????fef???????????ed???o ?????shs?????of??. ???????????n in ???? fo f??or aor ???????????????te??????nkn??ing?????. ?. I . I????'t?????????? it it it???as ??usu?????coc???????????????????aua?useus????f i?????I ???id id???????????????????viv?????t ?O.O?N.N.E.E.E?????????? I ??????????????ngng ng? if??itit ???????pp?????????????????????????????????????????? b ba b?atcat??????????theythe? s?ti????ha", "output": "n damp and out in the sun for a long time. Tasted off and had a faint mold smell to it. I didn't know if it was supposed to taste like that or not as I never tried it before, but paying as much as I did I felt obligated to finish it off. I've been ill for about a week after drinking it. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or the cause of it. I did email customer service at O.N.E. the day I drank it asking if it was supposed to taste like that or if I got a bad batch, and they still ha"} {"input": "?????????plp?????????e.e?????5959,9?B0B??????IPI?Q,Q??????ZLZ?IVIV9V???????. .?SaS????????,1,,1?????656??????????coc?????????????????????...?? t????????????lal???bab??????????t ????fef?????Co?????????????ana??????????????eneen??????ar?? n no??????????????? p???????nan?? a??????????on??allal????waswa???so so????????????hah?ve?? an???ppp????unu????y ty ?????rcr????????????k.k??brb????????r />r /???????isnisntn??????????al???? t? tha th?????ververyr?????????????????????????????????sts??????ve eve ???perpe????cec???????? te t?????????e ?ch????eses,s??????th???????????????????????aua???
What isnt phenomenal is that every single box in my 2 shipments must have experienced some temperature changes, or, they were discounted because
of a faulty snap-closure. At any rate, almost ev"} {"input": "???? s sisini???? c ??????????heh????????????????e le lilidi??brb??kek??n on ofo?? ( ???heheshe???????ve?????? o?r r?itit it????????lll????????????ff.ff?????????? s????h ah ??????????, ,????leslessss s Is ??????????????????carca???? w??????me.me?????????????Q5Q?????A3A????9R9????EXE??????????????TaT??lol?r,r??,1???,1,12,1262?484??????????on??ut ut??????,\",\"I\"???????????????isi??prp???uc????andan??ot????????????????? th the??111??????xex?s ????????sas???es es a ?????t ot ???????????????ch???????????????????te???????aga????????he ??????????grg?eaeateat ??????????propr???ctc????????????????????????????? sh s????????????SiS??????????????????? A ???couco?untun???I ???????????", "output": "ery single carton either came with the lid broken off (adhesive gave out) or it eventually breaks off.
Not such a big deal, unless I want to take a carton with me.\"\n9560,B001EQ5IPQ,A3AL29RQ8UEXYG,Arthur L. Taylor,1,1,5,1264809600,Coconut Water,\"I was buying this product and others like it in the 11.5 boxes but it saves a lot of money to purchase it in the 1 liter packages. The taste is great and the product was very fresh with a good shelf life. Since I have a Prime Account, I received pa"} {"input": "??kak?????n n j ???t t?? d ???s s?????????????????ipi??????????EAE???????????yoy???????????conco?utu???????????e ??? do d??\"\"???616?????1E1??????,A,???CHC?????1Q1??????????ada???,3,3,3,4,4,4???????????00???at????? av a????????f ?????? 1 1,???????ve ve?????e coe c???nu???????????????t ?an????????sh??ing???pap??ckeckeded ?????? po p??asa?sis???. ????????uzu???linli?????????n ????????ele??????ate???, d, ??????. I. I . I?? don do????????????????????in????????? l?ot??of? t th t??????????utut ut? th??????????ed??re?????????t,t, ??????ati??on,on????????lavlavov?????withwit?ou??t a?? lo???????the???ununkn??????or????lo??????? tha th?at at? ot o?the?????????????me me? wi w?????5 ?????s.s???r ???????????", "output": "ckage in just 2 days and with free shipping. GREAT DEAL if you like coconut water like I do.\"\n9561,B001EQ5IPQ,A7ICHINJY1Q01,avidreader,3,4,3,1332374400,Rating average of 5 and 1,\"I love the coconut water - light and refreshing, packed with potassium. I was guzzling it down like, well, water, daily. I don't really enjoy plain water a lot of the time, but this provided refreshment, hydration, and flavor without a lot of the junk and/or calories that other drinks come with. 5 stars.

I w"} {"input": "??????oko???????????? t ?????ntntit????????uyu?????????????conco???????????????lal??????it????subsu??crc???????????????????????????????????r /r ????????????cic?fif???lll????hah?????????ri???? i???????ribri??e.???? st s???????????????????????????626?,B,???1E1?Q5Q???????????KXKXSX?CWC?0C0??MiM?????????????404?757????00,00??????????????????propr???ctc????omo????????ele????????????????chc??ouo?t ?????ou??????bu??in?ing ??????????????????????????????er???d 1d ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? sa???????????t It ????ougou?hth????romrom ????re?????t tt ??????el??????????????????me?, ?ThT??????tl?ese???havha??ve tve th???", "output": "as looking forward to continuing buying it and consuming it regularly with subscribe and save. However....

Price, specifically change in price, is terrible. 1 star. I cannot say more.\"\n9562,B001EQ5IPQ,ASV0OWKXSCW0C,Mizba,4,6,1,1340755200,Do not buy this product from this seller,\"People watch out if you are buying this product online. I've ordered 12 bottles of the O.N.E, I was expecting this to be same as what I bought from store but this seller disappointed me, The bottles have the s"} {"input": "?eaeala???ror???n n??????????asa??????? th t???????nun?????teterter r??????????????????????????'m'?????e ???atat ??????????????????????????whowho o?pap??kak????????????tlt?????????? wa w??????????reareaka??????????????????e ??????????y my ?on????????????????ucu?ct,ct????ll???eve???????????s ???lil???????????????????????apa??????herhe?????????????o tho t?????earea?????stost?oreor???????buybu???????? / ??????/>???????in??????r tr thr thih??????????????0/0?????????
my rating for this product is 0/5.

In short, Seal broken, Diluted and Not comparable with the one that I bought from store.\"\n9563,B001EQ5IPQ,ALA3V9FT4SSTZ,casso904,2,3,4,1307577"} {"input": "????????? b ?ese??, ,??utu??non???????rir???????'v'?????????ses????ala?????????????????s is ????rur?e ????????????e ????frfrer?eshes? c ??????? w ????????????????????????oro??????????? T ??e ???whw????????????ri??ce ce???????????????????????????????????????????aba?ououtou??$5$??????er?????????? a???????????????geg??t i?t ?????$4$?.9.????t ?????????. T. ?The???????????dvd???????????????????y ???ly?ly hly ???? m???????????????at aat a a t?????, b, ????I'?????????f ff ?????????g g? it it ??andan????????????????helhe??????of of????????).)???????????m ???????????????an?????????????????????????????he ?????????????mym???????s ans a?nd ?????", "output": "600,\"The best, but not in price\",\"I've tried several brands and this is true to the taste of fresh coconut water, though slightly more dilute. The \"\"wholesale\"\" price here doesn't make much sense to me. It's about $5.75 per liter in an 12 pack. I get it for $4.99 at Publix. The only disadvantage is that they only have maybe 4 or 5 at a time, but I'm one of few buying it and I sweep the shelves of it (LOL).
I'm 37 weeks pregnant and this helps decrease the swelling in my legs and keeps"} {"input": "????????????????ede????I I??????????ere??????e ae ?????ege? c crc????? l?????I ??idi????????????????t ?????nan????. ????????k k??????????sis??????ke??????????????????ce??????????th??????nd?en?encyency ???waw?rdr????gesge????ioi?????????????, ,? th??????????ar?????te?tenttent ??s.s??????????????????????isi??????????????????. ?????y ?????????ar?????th?????ir??????????pr??????ant ant w wo w?????????????abeab??????wi????????renre????????es?????????????????????AAA??????O2O????H,H??????mim??????an??????,0,???,1,??,13,1353??????00???xtxtrt?????? d?????????te????HiH?,<,?brbr ????????????????????poinpoi???????th??th????as?????????mentmen????re?", "output": " me well hydrated. I don't experience any leg cramps like I did during my first pregnancy. I think the potassium makes a huge difference. And with a tendency towards gestational diabetes, the low sugar content vs. other sports drinks is a huge advantage. They should market this directly to pregnant women with diabetes (with no renal issues).\"\n9564,B001EQ5IPQ,AA2104NO2VE8H,Lakshminarayan Iyer,0,0,1,1351209600,Extremely dissapointed,\"Hi,
I am very disappointed with the past shipment I rec"} {"input": "?eie??ede??????heh???????????????atatet?r.r??????f tf ??e ?????????ereer????????????????the the?????nu??t wt ??te????asa??????????<>?????????????.L>??????????????1E1EQE???PQP??????FQF????????????????,0,????????484??01201????0,O0,???.E.?. ???????nut nut??????,\",?????ve???????????????. I. ?I wI ???te??d sd ?????thith????????th??? an a?nd nd g ???od od????????????at at????????ha??????????sus?gag??????chc??mimici?????????????s ?as??????lt???nan?????o o?? wat wate??. . T. ?ThiTh?is is??????????????????s ???????? w???????????ter ter?? tha????????rs rs? I I??????????????t t it ?????????????????s ts th??????y &y ????riari???????d,d????????????efefef???????????t ????e se ????", "output": "eived of the ONE coconut water. 3 of the boxes were leaking and the coconut water was spoiled.


Laks\"\n9565,B001EQ5IPQ,A3GMFQ1ON2CTDJ,Joanne,0,0,5,1348012800,O.N.E. Coconut Water,\"I love this product. I wanted something healthy and good tasting that didn't have added sugar or chemical sweeteners as an alternate to water. This is it. I like this coconut water better than others I have tried. It isn't as sweet as the Amy & Brian brand, which I prefer. I do not use sugar"} {"input": "?????? f ??????ththihisi???rar??nd nd???????????????????? t ta t?????hah?????????????coc?????????????????stast???in??????????ofo?????????????ilil.l???????????????????fo?????as??s ????ncenc???????????. ???t at ????so hso ??????lol??????????th??????????.\".???????B0B????Q5Q5I5????A2A??????????????wiw????????????131?464?????????????????????,B,Be,B???????????????????'v'?????????d -d ?? an a?nd ????e e te ??????????entyent?y oy ???????r r br ?brabran???? I It I??s ??????????y ??????????????coccocococ?onuon?????te?????????????EQEQ5EQ???????????9B9BOB????????????????????454?070??20???????????oco???ut??????????????????? b??d ??? a?????? h????????ad ?exe??????", "output": " so I found this brand to be the best. The taste has also been consistent since starting my use of this in April. I have purchased four cases since June 2012. It also has a lot of health benefits.\"\n9566,B001EQ5IPQ,A2S3RH5CLKYY5V,wizard,0,0,5,1346889600,Great Product,Best coconut water I've tasted - and I've tried plenty of other brands! It's a must buy if you like coconut water!\n9567,B001EQ5IPQ,A23GJV9BO55ZG4,Viva,0,0,4,1345075200,I HATE coconut BUT,\"This was not bad at all. I had a bad experien"} {"input": "???????h h?????CoC?????cacaia???ndnd d???mem???ana??????andan???? w??????????lel?!!!!!??????????????????ngn???????????lal?????th?????????non?????????????????rer??????ouo????????????o Io ??????nenere?????s ts ??????y iy ?????I w????sus???ri?????whw??? i ?it ????relre??y ty ???????lilikli??? co c????ut???????????????????????????ici??l l s?tr????????????????asteast?? I? I u I us??al?????????????????m m?????thi???????con??ut.???????????odo?, , b, ??????????, e, ?????FoF??or sor ?????????????????tst??????????????? I ?????????????????????, be, b???us???????ar???????nu?????teterter r??s ????d ?????yoyou?. ?????????y ?y try t???ed ed???he he???????????????le????????????gug?", "output": "ce with VitaCoco acai and pomegranate and it was horrible!!! It had that strong coconut flavor that I do not like. I had already bought this so I was nervous to try it. I was surprised when it barely tasted like coconut. It doesn't have that typical strong coconut taste. I usually stay away from anything coconut. Candy, food, beverages, etc. For some reason it gets me sick. But I wanted to try this, because I heard coconut water is good for you. I already tried the mango, pineapple, and pink gua"} {"input": "??? f ???????? T ??eye????e e???lil????????????????avaav?????mym????????tet?????????. b. ??????????y ??????ititeit???????ono??????? d???????reare????y ty ???te? t ??ata???????????????????????, , t???????wiw?ll????????????????????.\".??959???????????IPI?Q,Q??????????????,b,bbb??????????????434??060???00,00??????????ocooc???ut ut??????!!!?!!!!!???Th??????is tis ?????ESE?T T?cococco????????te??r!!r!??!!!!!!!??????'t't 't g??????ou?ghg?????) )?????????????h ah ??????????????lel??asias?????as????! V! ??itait?????? i??s as ??????r r????de???????????uctuc??9??56956?,B???????????????????????????ita? V VaV???????\"\"\"??it????ariar?a\"a?\"\"\"\"\"???????5,15,??????????00,T00,???????? c?????????????", "output": "va flavors. They are delicious. Pink guava is my favorite. O.N.E. brand is my favorite. As long as I don't really taste that strong coconut flavor, then I will keep drinking this.\"\n9568,B001EQ5IPQ,ACE2UV64BSIM0,bbrown,0,0,5,1343606400,O.N.E. Coconut water!!!!!,This is the BEST coconut water!!!!! Can't get enough : ) It has such a smooth and pleasing taste! Vita Coco is another wonderful product!\n9569,B001EQ5IPQ,ABA4NHWYB9TS,\"Rita Vazquez \"\"RitaMaria\"\"\",0,0,5,1339545600,The Best coconut water "} {"input": "y????????????????????????? c ?oco??????waw?tet??, ,???????? t??? b ?????????er???????nen?????????oubou???. . ????????tente???????????ndn??ifi????? d???cidci???tot???????riribri???? tha th??? is i?????????????terte?? de??al!al????575707??B0B???????PQP?,A,????1Q1???4D4??E7E???CoColCo??????????5,5??????????????ve? t????wa???????ateat?e t??he he?prp????????????? the??e ??????4.4.3.?????????????? h??al??? f ??od?????oreor????????????ici????ucuckcksk??? I ???is?????e oe ?????e ?be?st? t??????????????????????s as ??ou??????ou?ghg???????????????IP????A10A10Z0?VHV??TUT?MQM??484????anian?????. ????????????????969??800??????????oc??nu????at???, ????8 8?OuO?????BoB??????PaPaca???ofof of?????", "output": "you'll have,\"If you drink coconut water, this is the best commercial one. No doubt. Consistently good and if you decide to subscribe that is even a better deal!\"\n9570,B001EQ5IPQ,A1L31QCQ4D6E70,Colleen,0,0,5,1336780800,love the water hate the price!,I get these for $4.34 at my local health food store - their price sucks! It is one of the best tasting coconut waters around though!\n9571,B001EQ5IPQ,A10ZVH9TUMQ748,Janice D. Yen,0,0,5,1320796800,\"O.N.E Coconut Water, 33.8 Ounce Boxes (Pack of 12)\","} {"input": "?ThT??? i ???????w w??aca???????????????????????waw??????Th?????????????comco?????teltelyl???????ereer???t ft frf?????rer??ioi???????ckack?????????????stest?es es??iki???????????ono???t wt wawatwa???????????????????trt?????????,B,B0B??1E1?Q5Q??????????BEB??????N,N,\",?????\"\"\"\"L\"??brb?ara???LaL?dyd???\",\"??????,1,????454????????eee????????????ralra????????g,g????????e te tre t?????ththrh???????????of???????????????????????????????faf????????. ???????????????????at?aturatu?????????. ???foforortortut???????????????cec??is??????t ?hi??h h f??? m ??e. e.???????? be b?????es ???????????????a sa ????crc?????????????or ?????????????we???????????????????bab?ackac???? i?????", "output": "This is a new package of O.N.E coconut water. The taste is completely different from previous packages. It tastes like real coconut water from a coconut tree.\n9572,B001EQ5IPQ,AIDUUBEUL3XHN,\"Kim \"\"Library Lady\"\"\",0,0,5,1266451200,Sweet and natural tasting,\"I have tried three brands of coconut water and this is my favorite. It is sweet, but naturally so. Unfortunately the price is a bit high for me. If it becomes available as a subscription and/or the price lowers, I will switch back to it. I"} {"input": "????ieiede?????? a ????????????? to t?o bo ?e e??????????r r???nd nd bnd bi????r r fr ??????????te?? ????? u ????? R ????????an???????????t it ?s ?nonotno???? h heh??ltl??y y ay ??as ias itit ?????????????and and??ata??????ded?????????I lI ???e ???????????ut ut????s ??????the?????????????????????????ri????e ise is ?????t.t?\"\"???????000????5I5?????????A1A121????Q5Q5,Q5???rarawawbw???????????????1,1??,4,?????111101?????????????oco??????????????ry????y'y???????????ioi?n,n, , o, ????? c ??????ut ut wut ????? i???ma??????????????????????....n.?????????????s cs ??????ed.ed??????????????????????li??????ho ho???devde?????????????us????ssss ???t ?th??the cthe ????nu??????????????th????hihilhili???", "output": " tried Zico and found it to be a bit sour and bitter for my taste. I am using Roland cans now. It is not as healthy as it has sugar and water added, but I love the coconut bits and the taste is good and the price is right.\"\n9573,B001EQ5IPQ,APRMMA127QLQ5,strawberryshortcake,1,2,4,1341100800,o n e coconut,\"for everybody's information, o n e coconut water is made in the philippines..not brazil as claimed.. it was only a brazilian who developed the business but the coconuts came from the philippi"} {"input": "?????.<.\"\"???tat?????co co????% %????? C ?????utu??????????????OuO?ncn?e e? Co C??????????(P(PaPaca??????????/a/?????????B0?010????IPI???????????SBS???????a ?OgO??es?,1,1,1?????????????80080????????gog???????DuD??e te ?? a a ?????????in?????????????? of o?f tf ththith??s is ????, ?it???asa???????ne?????efoef??????venven n???????????????????ro???glygl??????????????????he?????????????????????dod???????????r r??obo????????????? or o????redre??????gagai?????? t? thi th??????me me??????????e ??????es wes ??????????d.d?????????roromro???????????????e p?????ct? i ?????reare?????????????????7J7???????X0X", "output": "nes..Vita Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water, 11.1-Ounce Containers (Pack of 12)\"\n9574,B001EQ5IPQ,A2YKW2UQSB7QK,Ana Ogles,1,2,5,1261180800,never got it,\"Due to a failure in the packing of this item, it was returned before even getting here. I strongly recommend that the packing department does a better job, because i ordered it again and this time one of the boxes was damaged. Apart from all that, the product is great.\"\n9575,B005HH17J4,A21UX0"} {"input": "????????????????????,0,???,1,???????030??????HOH?RRR????? T ??STS?INI?G,G????nan??????lyly y F ???????ChC??????? b ?????? t ?heh??e e f ?????????????????herhe????o o?????? t?he???ur?ryr???????chc????????????thmth????????foofo?????mymy my????????????d d dd ?????????????bab??????????????????????????
Thought I would give him a new kale chip flavor--BBQ--as part of his Christmas gift. Although a different brand than we typically eat, they sounded good. First, I was disappointed to see these chips are not kale in its natural curly form but pressed into round, "} {"input": "????????????????ngn?????????????????????????????????oro????ivi????g tg ththehemhem.m?. I. ?I sI ????????????t t ot ?utu?????????????????????y hy ?us????d ??????????????????????oulou????t ??in??????vev?n n???????ipip.p???r r??><>I/>??hah????????????????? tha th????????????????uru?ne???????????????????????????????????????????????00V00?6F6?TTT???AZA?????8B8B5B??????????P.P??\"\"\"?????\"\"?????????????161?48480800???????????????ItI??DeD?????????????????????????????????????re????wew????????????????? h heheahe???????? pr p????????? t? the the ????????ve??? yo y??ou Mou ??????keeke?????????????????? It I?????????????????????????????????????", "output": "dog-snack-looking discs. Luckily I tried them before giving them. I spit it right out! Was it just me? My husband also tried one and couldn't finish even one chip.

I have a pack of 4 that cannot be returned... what a waste of food and money!\"\n9576,B000V6FTT0,AZMY6E8B52L2T,\"J. P. \"\"J.P.\"\"\",4,4,5,1331164800,I Still Like It Despite The Problems.....,\"As another reviewer noted when you heat this product in the microwave, you MUST keep an eye on it. It tips; it pops and eventually spills "} {"input": "??????????????wew???r,r?????????????????eye??????????????????????????ngn? i??? ev e?????202???? s ?ececoc?ndn???????????????????e ?heh???????????????yo????anan an???????????????llill?????andan??ti???pinping???ec??. ???lsl?? t??????????????????????????????oto???????cec???????????????????????p bp ??????????allal????keeke???? s?????????rbr?????????????at at?le?????fif??is????? the the??ou??????????????te???????SiS?mp??????????f f gf ??ava?????I I gI ??????bu???????n sn ?stist????? f??eqe??????ly ly? ca???t ???????????revre????????? f??om??????????????r r??><>?
Despite these problems, I give this product 5 stars. I do this "} {"input": "bbeb?????e e?iti???????rer???????????en?????????a ?nun????ancance?. .???????????r r s ???iui???????????e re ???ulu???r tr ???e ?????????????????od?????is?is sis sts?ili???????????????diudium???????????thethe ???????????????????vav?lulueu?????d ??????????o o????coconco?tat?ainai???? ma m????it??????od?? to t??go?? sn s??ckc?. . . ?CoC????ariar??g ??the?????????????????????????????. ??a la ??????????????????it??mum???h ch ??ea???????????????az???. . ????recre??mm?????????????odu?????utu????????ou ou?????d md ???????????????to? a?vov??d ?????pr????????s ths t?????????? t????????t t ot ????????????????????00?????????????CZC?636333??????\"D\"?. ??????????????????????,5,", "output": "because it is more a convenience than a nuisance. With lower sodium than the regular type of soup (this product is still 730mg of sodium, 30% of the recommended daily value) and an easy to go container make it a good to go snack. Comparing the price per each on Amazon vs. a local store finds it much cheaper here on Amazon. I recommend this product but ask you head my suggestions to avoid the problems that appear to affect others too.\"\n9577,B000V6FTT0,A38OZCZ633Q0PQ,\"D. Yates \"\"Shawty\"\"\",2,2,5"} {"input": "????????727????????tet? g ????, ,???????????ThTheh???????e ge ???????? l??? c ca c????????? k ???p p???hemhem m i ?? m ????????e e fe fof???whw?henhe??????????? li ligi????????h.h??I ???????????iceic?d ?th?????theth????????lowlo???????????????????????at????????????sodso??????????????so so??????ay ay???????????????t ????????on???ele????????????0000000??????????????????????????????????????3,3?,13,1??????20??0,P0,??ast???no??????????? at a????????nd nd o?? s?????????Ev??????timti?? I??he?at??? t??????arartar??cuc?lal???????p ip ?????????????ava???????????tataia????????e ?e a e a????pip???????ndnd ?????pop???ed???? o??f ????the tthe ??????????????????????r,r??????????le", "output": ",1302307200,\"Taste good, low cal\",\"These are good and low calorie. I keep them in my office for when i want a light lunch. I don't noticed that they are low sodium, but i don't eat a lot of sodium anyway, so it may taste different to someone else.\"\n9578,B000V6FTT0,A3MGLZCFNQ64T,Evan Wilson,0,0,3,1328659200,Pasty noodle mash at the end of serving,\"Every time I heated this particular soup in any microwave, the container made a popping sound and popped up off the turning tray, fell over, and spille"} {"input": "?? o ouo????????ou????????????????efe???e e? it i?????lll???????? co c????????????ou?????????ndn?????????????????? t??? n ???dldle??s as ?????????????e te ??????????to????andan??yo????re????????????? v ???y y??ntn???????papasastas?????oodoo?????????????theth???enden????f tf th????????????9?????????????????????4343D3???PGP????????allal???????????????808??,W,?????re are ara??????????????????????????it ????????babada??th???????????????????????????????????????????lonlo?ngeng??????t ???? a??????????e ie ???????????????d.d??. N. ??w w?????????e e i?s ???????n an an??????????st st??????ppp???????????t ??????????bebefbe?????????????s a? g????????av?", "output": "d out. If you can catch it before it spills over completely, you will find when eating that the noodles all gravitate to the bottom and you are left with a very untasty, pasty noodle mash at the end of the serving.\"\n9579,B000TFKMSG,AZI5F43D9NPGX,B. Hall,0,0,5,1318204800,Where are you Stride Fruit Gum?,it is too bad that I can't find this product locally any longer. It was a favorite in our household. Now my source is Amazon and I'm just as happy with that as I was before. It has a great flavo"} {"input": "????hah???isi????????????ng???????,B,B0B000???FKF?????????????????EWE???????amamim????????????shs?eae??x\"x????0,???5,5???????363??00,00?FoF??eve?????rur???t it ???????????er? f??????iteit?????????????ingin?????fef?ereer???????????y fy ??????s ????????????lul????ng ng??????????itruitr??????????rb??it it Sit ??????? F ?FreFres??a,a?, O, ???bitbi?t Ft ???????us us??ru??tintinin?, ??????????uituit t St SeSen????ioi?onson?????????????er?, ???????????opo?????????istist,????d ?StS??idide? A ???????????ara?????????????coc??????????thath????StrStri?riderid????re???r ??????????????he???????.<.????/>/?????????herhere??????a ra ????l bl ??????of? f??????????? n ???????-t-??????????ee??????) )??s ???????op op? a a", "output": "r that is long lasting.\n9580,B000TFKMSG,A2VP0DDTQ1V8EW,\"Benjamin Lee \"\"thesheaux\"\"\",0,0,5,1222473600,Forever Fruit is my forever favorite,\"After trying different citrusy flavors of gum (including Orbit Citrus Mint, Orbit Sangria Fresca, Orbit Fabulous Frutini, Extra Fruit Sensations Island Cooler, Trident Tropical Twist, and Stride Always Mandarin), I have concluded that Stride Forever Fruit takes the crown.

There is a real burst of flavor (and natural-tasting sweetness) as you pop a "} {"input": "??iei?????? y ?????????h,h???????ltl??????????dod??????????????????????????????fifin????????????? it???????????insin???????????????????or?s ???????????aba??????????><>????r />r /??????????????????ucu???????????????te? t???????? fi f???????????????????????bub????????????? yo y?????keke ??y ???????estiest????n ton t???????tr?????FoF?oreor???er er???????????????????????????????ala??????hah????ou?????'t????venven ???antan??t tot t?o t???? an a????????????????,B,?????FKF????????????EPE?????L,L????beb????ReR?ici?????????????????\"\"??????????222?????????VeV???y ty ????y y gy ???????rrr?rivrive???????ry sry ??????????????????????????????????", "output": "piece in your mouth, and although it doesn't last \"\"forever,\"\" it definitely holds its own against each of the flavors mentioned above.

Feel free to conduct your own taste test to find your own favorite, but I suggest you take my suggestion to try Stride Forever Fruit. Who knows...you may realize that you won't even want to try any others!\"\n9581,B000TFKMSG,A21YEB2EPF2YTL,\"Robert Reichert \"\"RReichert\"\"\",0,0,5,1221177600,Very tasty gum!!,Arrived very speedy and the gum has an excellent"} {"input": "????ava????????isi???????????chc????????gu????959585????000???FKF??????????BPB??????323?2,R2,???????????121?????????0,G0,???d d?????????????Th??????is ais ???????????????he????f f?yoy?????? l ??ookookik???? to t???????????????????????to to???ga???????????????'s 's???weeweete?, ,???d d dd ???esnes????????????trt?ronro????sps??artar?ama???????e,e????or or????????????????????It It????????? la l??st st??????????????e ???????????ciciai??s s as ana?nd nd '??or???verve???????????????????????d d yd ????toto to bto ???iei???e, e, b????tht?he ??flafl????????????????er er? th t??n n????????f f sf su??sugarsuga???essess ???msms,s???andan???????as as????ici??????k k???? fl f??????whw????yo???????????iteit?????????veryver????e i????", "output": " flavor!! This is a gum chewer's gum.\n9582,B000TFKMSG,A37DBBP04I2H32,R.P.,0,0,5,1220227200,Good Fruity Gum,\"This is a good gum to chew if you are looking to switch from sugared to sugarless gum. It's sweet, and doesn't have a strong aspartame taste, for being sugar-free. It doesn't last 'forever' like the commercials and 'Forever Fruit' name would lead you to believe, but the flavor lasts longer than a lot of sugarless gums, and it has a nice kick of flavor when you first bite in. Everyone in my"} {"input": " ??ama???y y l ???????????????????? S StS?????.<.???r /r />/????????ono??????????e e?????s ws ???? t??e ????ke??-b-????????????cocolcololor?ede???????gig????????????????la?vovorvo???????????020??6D6DWD???????PTP?????????????????????de de???????????ingin?g Ig ??neneee??????????t ????e\"e???????,5,???292?111????????????u u??av?????br???? t?????????????. ??????ikikeike ?mem???????cac???????? e ???oyo?????????licli?????????????????????????arear????????rer???erver???????thesthe???arare?? re r??l ???????? pr p?resre?serse??????????uspus????????????????. ????y ??neeneed????????did?ing???????????, w, ?atateat???ing????????ntn?????re,re?????relre??ly cly ?cosco???titicti????areare.are?????????se?se ose ????? w ", "output": " family likes this flavor of Stride.

Don't confuse this with the darker-but-similar-colored-packaging 'Mandarin' flavor.\"\n9583,B002C6DWP0,AGKPTMTR3UX1R,\"J. H. Minde \"\"Everything I need is right here\"\"\",9,9,5,1291161600,If you have a brown thumb . . .,\". . . like me, you can still enjoy the delicate beauty of bonsai. Carefully preserved, these are real bonsai preserved in suspended animation. They need no feeding, pruning, watering or plant care, merely cosmetic care. For those of us w"} {"input": "??? d dod?????hahava?????????????pap???????e oe ???????l l????????????????????, ??????????e ??????????????????, a, ?????he????????????????tsts,ts??????????????????????????an an????????????th????unu?????? o ofo?????????????????????????????-t-trt???ke??????reasrea??onaon?????prp?????? a ??????ryry ?at???????????9?585??????????WPWP0P??????????????AXAX,X????????J.J???on?o,o???,8,,8????303??757?????????????????le le??re?????????rdr?????????????????MoM?????????????ublublele ?????????????rverv?????nsn???i Ti ???e ????ThThe??????????????????????????? Tr T??????????
Both trees came packed so as to not move around in "} {"input": "?tht????oxo?????????????????y y fy ???????ouo??d d??????asa??????????????cuc?????????? b?ox?. .???????????????????????le?????????????? /????he ??????? ar a???????oulou???????gogoro??eoeou??????????????eye????????????clclo?????o o????????????????hohowo?????????r ???SiSinincincec??????????????????ded?, ,????h h w ??????????????hthtltly?????fef?????????? n non???in???????????????????romro???the?iri???ve??ralrall???ea????.They spray foam around the base and let it cure in the box. It creates a very stable platform.
The trees are absoulutely gorgeous!!!!
They look very close to the pics they show here.
Since they are hand made, each will look slightly different, but nothing that detracts from their overall beauty.
By the way, Bonsai-Boy does not manufacture these.
They are jobbed out to artisans in other parts of the country, hence the wait of at least 14 days to get your ite"} {"input": "???????????????????????lyly ????????????????????d ??recrecoc?mem??nd nd??he???e te tot??????????????asa?s as ?????e e oe ???? the th??? t????????????????????dod???????t ht ???????????????umu??.They are truly works of art and I'd recomend these to anyone who has a love of these trees, but like me, does not have a green thumb.
The communicaton with Bonsai-boy is good and they endevor to answer any question you have.
Did I mention how beautiful these are? LOL!\"\n9585,B002C6DWP0,A1FDQJIOG8V8S8,Debbie E Thomas,4,4,5,1321488000,Bonsai Packaging,\"We have purchased two trees and both were gifts. The first tree was thoroughly packaged with some type of foam insulation total"} {"input": "??y y???rrr???????????e e????????mpm??resre???????ExE?????enentn???????tit???? ??????ece?????? tre tr??? ca c???e we ?it?? n ???in??????tioti?????t ???th???????d d??????????????????e ????????????????f f????????. . . A A A c????lele le???f sf ?mam?ll???imi??????????ro?kek?????????????????ch???????????ackac????????????????????????sul?atatiat???.<.????/>/><>?????????e ge ???????s ??\"a\"as??????\"\"???y ?????????????????????????fif????????????, ,??????????? thi th?is is????????????? a?????????????. ?Th?The The??ifi?ft ft t??????e wase wa????tutuau????? pr p???????????????????d cd ??reare????e a e a?????ch bch ?betbe???r ???ckc????????????????ee????????????????????ic????????????", "output": "ly surrounding the tree. Impressive. Excellent condition! The second tree came with no insulation but with a cord attaching the tree to the bottom of the box. A couple of small limbs were broken off. It is much better packaging with the foam insulation.

The gift was \"\"assumed\"\" by the recipiant to be artificial (fake), which in this case was not a good thing. The gift tree was actually preserved. It would create a much better packaging if the tree came with a certificate stating "} {"input": "??????????- - l ??????????????d d o ???????fif?????.<.?????????????ovo?????he he???reere????????y y??adaded??????lll?ene??????????????????020?C6C?????????7Z7?????????????arkar??W.W???hoh???????,4,,4,5,??131??888???60600????????tet??????aua??if?????MyM??????e ae ?ndn?d Id ?? or o?de???d ???????????ctc?????????r br ??sss??s ????rthrt??ayay.y??? We W?????????????t qt ????????????????????pap???ex?trtrar??fo?????e ??????????, b????????er???????? hu h???????????pr??oduod????we??????????d wd ?????in ???????? c ?????????????????????????Be?au?ti?fuf?????????????? ev e???????iteit?e r??viv???s,? b bu???th?thisthi????????????ortor????????????. ??????e ???onson?aia???????? an???????", "output": "the type - live, preserved or artificial.

Love the trees! They made excellent gifts.\"\n9586,B002C6DWP0,A387ZMAE45NJZF,Mark W. Thomas,4,4,5,1318809600,Absolutely Beautiful,\"My wife and I ordered this product for her bosses birthday. We received it quickly, but we did pay extra for the shipping, but we were in a hurry. The product we received was in perfect condition and Absolutely Beautiful! I hardly ever write reviews, but this one was worth the time. I love Bonsai trees and will "} {"input": "??????????????????????r r???? j ???? l ???e ?th????fof????ysyses??f f???????e ne ??????????e.e??????????????????????thath?????????e ae ??????d d????????y ?????????????e.?????878??B0B???C6C????????464??2V2??????181???. ?????dende?????????????696???????????propr??????wiw??? m???????lal???,\",????? l???kik??????????????? pr p??se????d ?????aia??????????????????????????? g ?????????????s ???????d ld ???? a?????????????ioi??????????in?? t????????litli??????on???er er????????exe???????????ut ut??I gI ?ueu???????m m???oio?le???????????????????????????as???????res?????ing w????????????????cemce?menme?????????to to????e be ???????th th???????", "output": "definitely buy another one just like this for myself in the near future. This is a product that can be admired for many years to come.\"\n9587,B002C6DWP0,A146K2V3U5EF18,M. Sidden,3,3,4,1310169600,Nice product with minor flaws,\"Been looking for a nice preserved Bonsai for a friend who can kill grass and this seemed like a great solution. Shipping took a little longer than I expected, but I guess I am spoiled with Prime. Packaging was interesting with the bowl 'cemented' into the box with spray f"} {"input": "ooao?????????nin?????????????????????sosolo???????????? a ???oso???????geg????? g ?getge?????????lol???e.e?? B ????????????????litli?terte????ly ly c ???????ouo???ofo??? its its s? pa p????????????????????butbu??????ageag?aba??????????????????he he phe ?piepi???e ie ?????????s ?????????????dod????, d, ??????iteit?????oto?t at ?? g??oodoo?????????????????he??ili???st????tioti??????????il????????????iecie?????????ill?? pr p???????ly dly dodo do? so s????????????????????o ?gig??????????it???le le m ?mormore????ar????????????????ese??????????????frfri????????????????l anl a??????????re??ni???????????hedhed ??????????????????????????????????ucu???\"\"9???8,8?????????P0P0,0,A,??9D9???", "output": "oam. Definitely held the piece solidly, but I almost damaged it getting it loose. Be prepared to literally cut it out of its packaging. A pain, but manageable.

The piece itself was fairly well done, definitely not as good as the one in the illustration, but still a nice piece. I will probably do some light trimming to give it a little more character before presenting to my friend. The bowl and stone are nicely matched and the tuft of moss is a nice touch.\"\n9588,B002C6DWP0,A39D12E"} {"input": "????????,J,????n n????ebebeb?r,r?1,1?????????????00?????????????rer????????????????fof?????????? c ????????????on? a?????????ror?omo??cocofo??ee?????lel?????????l al ????????????????????ioi??on pon ??????? I ?????ve ve??????????????????dsd?s ts ?hahatha?????????n'n?????????l ll ????ve Bve ????????????????? th t?heyhe???????t.t? ?????s vs ??ryry ???convcon??ncn?in????????h h i??????be???xpxpep??????? con co??idi?????? t???? t? thi th???????????? r re r????????? th?????????en ???resre???ve????????><>???r /???????ee??dodoeo?esnes???t ht ???????????????? t??????ctctut??re,re???nd???????brabr?ancan????????????? m??????????/w/????, ?bu??????????ll ll???????s fas fanantan???????????????????", "output": "5BEQ5D7,Jason Stieber,1,1,5,1330992000,Beautiful Tree!,\"This makes for a great centerpiece on a dining room/coffee table as well as a great conversation piece! I have to convince friends that this isn't a real live Bonsai tree when they see it. It's very convincing, which is to be expected considering that this is just a real tree that's been preserved.

My tree doesn't have the look of the picture, and the branches are much more bushy/wild, but it still looks fantastic. I could alw"} {"input": "?aya?????imi???t t??????waw??????????????????oro??????????bub??t It ????????? h hoh???????????????????s is ????????????ucu????????????pepebe???????ooo?????????????ar??????????n n???????y y w wo w?????faf??????t.t???r r???
Overall, I'm very pleased with my purchase!\"\n9589,B002PO09MS,A16HREV5UC8V57,P. Orr,7,7,4,1321833600,Fondarific Fondant,\"I bought this fondant to use with young teen girls who had no experience with fondant. We used gel colors to make several different colors, and the gel colors worked beautifully with this fondant. We "} {"input": "?????????eeeede????? e ?????????e ce ????????????????????s s t???geg?t ???orgor????????sus??tst????ThT????????? th t???????lil???????s ?????????dad??t ?wa????otot ot h ??????to to??or?? w?????? I??????? ca c????????????????ydy?oho?????enen en??????canca??????k wk ???????is???????antan?. ?. A. ??D D?????????ed ed?????, ????????????????????????????????????an???????????????????????t yt ???????l l? it i????????????? yo?????????????cakca??????????????????da????t yot y??ou wou wi??????????????an????????????it ait ?????????as as las ?loolookloo?k ak ?????????ThiThisis ?is???????????????????? co c??ksks ks???ho ho??????????r ??re??????s ??????????nd???????? go goo???????909?????", "output": "didn't need the expensive cake decorator colors to get gorgeous results. The other thing I liked was this fondant was not hard to work with. If you can work with playdoh, then you can work with this fondant. AND it tasted good, too! I have tasted other fondants and it looks pretty, but you peel it off before you eat your cake. With this fondant you will actually want to eat it as well as look at it. This is a good choice for cooks who like their creations to look and taste good.\"\n9590,B002"} {"input": "?????MSM??????????????9F9F,F??olo??y1y?????,7,????131??????????????asa?????d d????? i ??iti?iai???y y??????hth????ovovev?????????????????????????o o?????? wi w??? a?ndnd ????????blb??????cec????????????n n??????e ??? b ?uyu???it it? th thr th????? A ?????on on? wi wit wi??? th???? s ????????????d ?sas??ve ve????grg????????????????????????ttt??y e?????????ve ave ???????????? be b??teter???????????????????wnw??MMM?????hehe he???????????uffuf??????iki??????????????????????rorolro????????thith????enoen???????I hI ???????trt??????e we ???????????. It. I????????as? n ???t t??????????y wy ?hi??h ?????th???????blebl???I ??ranra??????????? I???????? the th??DuD???????????t ft ????m Mm ???ha??", "output": "PO09MS,A3R7ATFBOPRY9F,Dolly111,6,7,3,1301788800,Not as good as I initially thought,\"Love this stuff, very easy to work with and reasonably priced if you can manage to buy it through Amazon with thier subscribe and save program, otherwise it is pretty expensive and you are better off making your own MMF. The Wilton stuff is like rubber and hard to roll out thin enough. I had no trouble with this. It also was not too sticky which was the problem I ran into when I used the Duff product from Michael"} {"input": "????????????????is? t???????????????t t It ??????????????????????????????????y oy ouo?t ?????f f???? w ?an???yo????pip?????? to t???????ene???????ici???ly ly????????mem???????ete???????rdr????ou ????? n ??????????x x???????????????????????????st??????????compcom???ishish h?? tha th???????????????????? o??????????????????????????????usuusuau??????????????????????????????????????is????????????????????????????trt???elyel?????hitehit??????????????????? a an????quequ???at at??????so so? yo???cac?????sis??????????????????????s ???????t ??????????? yo you???????????????r ?????DAD????1/1????????????????????????????????", "output": "s. So far this is the best fondant I have used. It really doesn't dry out so if you want your pieces to stiffen up quickly or become completely hard you will need to mix in gumtex, tylose or gumpaste to accomplish that. I love the taste of this fondant too, I don't usually like fondant icings but this one is really good! The white is truely white too, not cream or antique at all so you can easily mix in other colors to tint the color you want.

UPDATE 1/6/12
Lowering my stars from"} {"input": "? 5 ??tot? 3 ????????/>/?????iri???? fe fewe? b bab???heh??????????????ficfi????????????????????? w???????tht??????????????, n, nin???????sisisi??????????????usu??????????? fo f?????t ?ana?nd nd h ???e e pe prp?retre????mum??????????ve??????????????th????????????ded????y oy ???. ????as????????????????n n? Fo F??????????????l l? my m????????????e ???of oof ???????????????t ?fef????lil??e e de ??ini??? fo????antan??????????ch??aseasede????? c???or??? F? Fon Fo????????????r tr ????????t ?????????????and and???????????? n ????????e ie ????????wa????thethe ???obo???????ut ut??????wewerwe?????ALA??Y Y??????????????notnoth???????????????en???d ????endendiend?????? e???????????rs????r sr ", "output": " 5 to 3...
My first few batches of Fondarific were great, easy to work with, good taste, nice consistency etc. I use alot of fondant and have pretty much used every brand out there plus made my own. I was totally sold on Fondarific until my last couple of orders. I didn't feel like dying fondant so I purchased the colored Fondarific for the first time(Pink and Red) so I'm not sure if that was the problem but they were REALLY soft. Like another reviewer I ended spending an extra 3 hours or s"} {"input": "?????????????y y????e e a ana????ece????????? b ????????? h ?????????epe????????? t?????????????????frf???zez??????? it i????????????ubu??lelede???????????????????????????s s?????cuculu?ouo???lil?????????inging ????????ltlti??ng ng????ffyff????????????????hih?ing???????at?????d ??? w wa w???OcO??????????huh?????????waswa???defdefif?????elyely ???????????obo???m.m?????????????????f ???????????wo????????????????????ickicki????er ther t????????? s so s?????eceec??s ks ?kepke????sti??????ng tng ?????e ???at at?????????????????????????r sr shr s????????ing)ing??????faf??????h ???atc????s os ?of of??la????? tha th?at ?I I pI ???????????????????at ?an?????idnid???????????thesthe??????????", "output": "o to cover my cake and decorate it because I had to keep putting the stuff in the freezer and it tore and bubbled all over the place. It was ridiculous like working with melting taffy. I live in Washington state and it was October so humidity was definitely not the problem. My last batch of white was workable but also stickier than usual so pieces kept sticking to the mat (even with cornstarch or shortening). So far both batches of black that I purchased were great and didn't have these issues. "} {"input": "??????? t tot???grgrer?e ?wiw?tht????????????????s s?????e te ?????????????isi?tat??cyc???is is????kik????wi????? thi th?is is pis ???dud???????????????????ooo??????chch ??it it????????BEB??T T??stustufu??????t tt ???????utu?t yt ??????ve????????????????????gerge?s ???d d??opo???????????????????. ???????gigivive???????????????re sre shs??? s???cec?????fi??rstrs?t ft ????????ers?? of o?????????????????fecfect?????????????????babba?????????ma??????????ara???????????on?dadanantan??????? in i?????????heyhe??y ary a????t ?????? s?nun????????919????????090????????NXNX9X?494???????cacanca???????r,r?????????262?????0000,00??gregr??at at???????ant!ant!!!?,\",?I ????e ???orkor??????????????????did???erereerenere??t t???", "output": "I have to agree with other reviewers here that the consistancy is lacking with this product. If you get a good batch it is the BEST stuff out there but you have to cross your fingers and hope luck is with you. I may give them one more shot since my first few orders of white were perfect but I will probably also make some marshmellow fondant just in case they aren't up to snuff.\"\n9591,B002PO09MS,A1APNX949WWPKR,candycaker,3,3,5,1326326400,great fondant!!,\"I have worked with a couple different type"} {"input": "????????ndn?ana????????????, f, ?????rir??????andan??????????e.e? I ?????????y,y??sos?rrr????????????????????vev????errer??????????danda??. ???err??????????????????ded???ifiif????????eae??????????oftof??????????sofso???????styst?????sysy y ty ?? w????????h.h????alalwl?waywa??????????????juj??t ????asaseas??????????t t ot of? m?????in?? fo f????????. If. I???????????????? for fo??????????????????? f????ndernde????????????????EnE????y cy ca????s!s?!\"!?????????????????,A,??282??????O4O??F,F??ddd???????????????33633???????????????????ghg????thith???? fon???????????verve?????asyas?????????????????? i???????????????????so?? th t?e ??ede???????????????ed?? th???????dud", "output": "s of fondants, wilton, fonderific and satin ice. I must say, sorry wilton but you have terrible fondant. Terrible! Anyway, fonderific is great, its soft, stays soft, tasty, easy to work with. I always have a tub just incase I run out of my main fondant. If your looking for a starter fondant fonderific is great! Enjoy cakers!!\"\n9592,B002PO09MS,AC28MWUO9O45F,addy411,1,1,4,1333670400,Great,I thought this fondant was very easy to work with and it tasted great! Also the wedding cake i used this produ"} {"input": "????????????ede????t ?????????????tht??????????????????? an a?nd nd??????r gr ??????lolovo?ed??? the th?????????9?595???????????????3A3???666???????????ueeue?????????????????????????,F,????ara?rifri???? Bu B????????ama? F ??nd????,\",??mam?????? fo f??????????m m Fm ?????ri???????SoS?????? c?on?????en?t ????geg??????????ugu?? A ?????on!on??????y ty ?? u ?ses????????????te te?? and an??wowou?ldl???defde????????????????????it it???r ??????e ?????h ah ???asassas??onon on f???????????????????????59???????POPO0PO???????????????2L2??R,?????????er,er???0,?????????????????? f????????? c????s,s?,\"T,\"????? pr pro????????????d w????ll fll ??r ?????ll ll cll ??????. . ?ItI?t a???? t ta tas?????", "output": "ct for turned out awesome and the bride and groom and their guest loved their cake!\n9593,B002PO09MS,A3AUV66BA16V2R,Queen Baker,0,0,4,1351036800,Fondarific Buttercream Fondant,\"Amazing fondant from Fondarific. So very convenient to get it through Amazon! Easy to use, nice taste and would definitely recommend it for anyone with a passion for cake decorating.\"\n9594,B002PO09MS,A3MCMXXC4A2LLR,N. keller,0,0,3,1350604800,only for small cakes,\"This product worked well for small cakes. It also tasted g"} {"input": "r????? ???????? c ???????vev??r 1r ?????????? i?t t??????wow???d d?pup??l l????????????r wr wawasa??? h ????????????????????????st st????????????prpror????????????????2P2????????????UHU?H7H???454??????????ak?????????????929??22422??00,00?TaT?????????atat at?????????????bob?outou?t i?????????????dad?antan?????asteast?es ?????d bd ??????????????or???????????????????????????????. . I. ???????ryr????ft????????????rere re?????????????????????????????????beb????????????????????????????ara???to to??el?????ake?? it? n ?notno???????????????????????????ut???????nd????ol?????but? i?????s ??????????? b????lele.le?. M. ???????????????in?????????", "output": "reat. For any cakes over 12 inches, it just would pull until their was a hole in it. It is almost too soft a product.\"\n9595,B002PO09MS,AMO5CUHH7WS45,CupcakeBaker,0,0,2,1349222400,Tastes great but that's about it.,\"This fondant tastes good but does not work well for decorating cupcakes. It's very soft and the more you mix in color, the softer it becomes. I added powdered sugar to help make it not stick to my mat, cookie cutters and tools, but it was a constant battle. My major complaint with th"} {"input": "?????ono??????????hah?t ???????snsn'n???????????I I???de??????????????3 3??????ini???advad????e e????ici??????????????in in??????asa???????????ltl??? f??????????nd????????ere?en??????????. ????? mo m????????????dededded d t??????? the??y wy ??re???? s so s??t t tt ?thath???????n pn ??ickickik??????eme???????istis????????????????. ?I ?????????????????????????? a a?????????????ed fed ??an an????frfror???????????? wh w??????I wI ??????o ??or???? for fo??? h ho h???s,s?, o, on???y ty to? c ?comco??e he ???? t?????emiem?????? de d???????????????????????????? a t a ??????????ve?????'m'?m gm ??in????ing to ing to???ry ??????????????????????????? to???????????????????s ws ??th???????stist???????s s as ", "output": "is fondant is that it doesn't harden. I made decorations 3 days in advance (which I've done in the past using Wilton fondant) and they weren't drying. The morning I needed them, they were so soft that even picking them up distorted the shape. I ended up having to place a high powered fan in front of them while I went to work for 8 hours, only to come home to semi-dry decorations. Because I have a ton left over, I'm going to try and mix gum paste with it to see if that helps with the stickiness a"} {"input": "??????????????e.e?????o o n ??? r ????mmm???nd nd??????prp?odo?????????ouo????????iningin????????ata??????wewere?????????????ana?????????????ecoec????????? tha th?? r re r???iri??????????an???dr??yinyi????????????????????o so ??????????????ot ot b ????uyuyi?????????pr???????aga????.\".?9????????2P2POP???????????????CTC?????cr????ed4ed????0,0???5,5?131???????????asa???e Ge ????t!t???hi????????????tasta???????????nd???is is e ????y ty ?? w ????????h.h????????????????????????ta?????????y ly ?????? k ????????????mam??ke ke??it it? pl p??aba??????????????????959????,B0,B?????O09O0??????????9U9??????,A???cic?? M ????ormor???k,k???0,?????????????????ondaond??????????????BeB", "output": "nd drying time. I do not recommend this product if you're trying to create flowers, stars or any type of decoration that requires tools and drying time. Needless to say, I will not be buying this product again.\"\n9596,B002PO09MS,A1HRKJD8OCTG9H,crazed4ou,0,0,5,1346716800,Taste Great!,This fondant taste great and is easy to work with. Easy to roll out and takes very little kneading to make it pliable to work with.\n9597,B002PO09MS,A5GF239UXSUIV,Alicia McCormick,0,0,5,1341532800,Fondarific is the Be"} {"input": "??????s s??lwl???????????????????????????????????????????????????lyl????? i?????????asa???toto o u ???????oveov??????????wiw?ll????onton??????to????se se? it??fof??????????????????POPO0O??MSM????UIU???VVV?????????????????nbn?er????????,1,????666???????an????????????is?????????????Y Y b ?betbe?????????????to????????????????s ans and????eveev???????????????astyast????????????in.in????ThiThisis ??is is ais aca?tut?????? ed e?ibiblb?e,e?????iki?ke ke?????ucu???s a?s ands an???? v ve??????????????????itith?.\".?????9,9??????O0?9M???AVA??T6T????XDX????????? Be B???ond??Th??e Pe ???????,0,0,0,?????????363???0,???????????y ???ast?asty asty? an?d ??????????or??????????I'I??ve ve??????d Wd Wi?????", "output": "st,\"As always, Fondarific is awesome! Covers cakes wonderfully and it's so easy to use! Love it, and will continue to use it forever!\"\n9598,B002PO09MS,A3UI9XVVVFFCAM,chefvandenberg,0,0,5,1340668800,Fantastic!,\"This is EXTREMELY better than Wilton!!! Buy this and never use that nasty stuff again. This is actually edible, unlike products and is very easy to work with.\"\n9599,B002PO09MS,AVCT6T3AXD26G,Way Beyond The Pages,0,0,5,1338336000,Yummy! Very tasty and easy to work with.,\"I've tried Wilton'"} {"input": "?s s????????????forforer????hih???????????hoh?rrrrir???? a ????????'t'??tht?????as??? to to o???????????????????????????an???????mam?ziz??????????kek??s cs ??lolor?????????????????????WiW????????????co??lorlo?s,s???????? v??????easea????to to???????????????'s 's a???it????????d d wd whd wheh????????????itit it??????? t??? c????taita?????????????????popopo?????t int i????????icricror???ve????? 1 ??se???nd????????? b??????? s ???????ou?ghgh ??????me me????? wor work work ??????This fondant tastes soooo good! Like cotton candy. Delicious!!
I made a 3 tier birthday cake using this stuff and I still have some fondant lef"} {"input": "???????.<.??? / ?>M>???????s s??????????????\"\" \"\"????????????????????twt??? ti t??????erere??4\"4?\"\" ?????????? th the? 6 6\" 6???????? wa w??s 8s ??????allal????????????ede???????fof?????????????????????EvEve??yoy?oneon????? th?????rtr??y ly lol???ed ed???????????????????MSM???1E1EQE?M5M??MBM????767????????heshe??????acackc???wkw???????????so?sofBsof?????????????0,?????131???????60060???I rI ?????????antanteteded ???????e ?th??is is????ndand????,\"??I dI ??d d ad ???lotlo???? r ????????? on o????is??fofon?????? an?d ?????ally? w? wan wa??tedte??d tod t???????????owowe???? i???juj??????????t wt ?worwo???????????WhW???????????????it??????????????????ckck,ck??????????? i is i????????????????e the t???t it ???ici??te", "output": "t over.
My tiers were 10\"\", 8\"\" and 6\"\". The first two tiers were 4\"\" tall and the 6\"\" tier was 8\"\" tall. I also used this for decorations.
Everyone at the party loved it!\"\n9600,B002PO09MS,A1EQM5VMBPQZ76,\"DutchessofBlackhawk \"\"DutchessofBlackhawk\"\"\",0,0,3,1336521600,I really wanted to like this fondant!,\"I did a lot of research on this fondant and really wanted to like it however it just didn't work for me. When it arrived it was hard as a rock, but there is a card inside that indicate"} {"input": "???aba?????????0 0???coc??????????? m mim?crc???????????? ma m???????????ere????????????????ThT????rer????????d d?????k wk ?????. I. ??????????????h h?????????????e ae ??nd nd??????er er??????rk????????????????an???????k ck ??????re???????????????llllell??????t nt nin??????. I?t t dt ?oeo???sas?y ????o ??hoh????ni????????owowdow?????????????eee??????????t't?????retre?????alalsal???. I????????????colocolor????g ig ?it it??????????????????e whe w?hilhile????????????theth?????? i ??it wit ?????sts?icickic?k tk ???? you yo????????????d yd ?youyo????? work wor????rfr??cece.e?????????ITITET?????ee???d d pd ?????dereder??ed sed ?????????hilehil?????li?????it ?ou???. O. ?????wi????????????k tk tok t????????????on on???t ?I I???", "output": "s about 30-50 seconds in the microwave will make it easier to work with. This really did work well. It made it much more pliable and easier to work with. The fondant took color real well and rolled out nicely. It does say \"\"no shortening or powdered sugar needed\"\" that's pretty false. If you're coloring it you do need some while needing otherwise it will stick to your hands and your work surface. I DEFINITELY needed powdered sugar while rolling it out. Otherwise it stuck to the silicon mat I use"} {"input": "?. . A ????? a ?????????oro????????????????????????????????????e ie ???????????????????d ??somso?e e te ????? in i???????ef????????????????e ??????????be? r?????????????????????????????????????OtO?the???????e it????????r r tr ?tooto??????????r ???F>??inain?lll?ly,ly, ????? mo momo??????? t????????????d,d??????inging ing???e ???????????????dad????????????cakca?????????? m mu m??????ore? d di d????cuc?????to to? wo w??k k????????an? I ?????????ed.ed?. I??????????pip?ickic?y ??on on? th??? th????????. ?????? thi????it????? imp im??ss?ibi?le?? to t????? f???????????thith?in ?????itit ???????d std s??retretct?????d ?ge????????s. s. I? w???ll ll??????it ???????????somesom?????????????", "output": ". Also, after coloring and putting it in the microwave it definitely needed some time in the refrigerator before it could be rolled again and placed on the cake. Otherwise it was far too gooey.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived, laying the rolled out fondant on the cake. It was much more difficult to work with than I imagined. It's very picky on the thickness. Too thick it's impossible to lay flat, too thin and it would stretch and get holes. I will say it did get some 'elephant sk"} {"input": "??n'n???????? a ??????atatit??????waw?????????????????????ouo??t ut ??????????moomo???in??????????????e ??in???l pl ?????ctc?t lt lol??????????. .????hah????I ???s ???lilitli??????it? r ??ustus??? I????ed???????????a ???????????ke ke????ororar?atiat???ing cing ???????????havha?e ???ugu?hth??????????ded?????????g fg ??r r??an?????earea?????ut ut h ha h??venve???????e ?a ?ca?????? t?????as????-6-6 6???????????us?????ve?????????er??? the????iltil?????raranra???????????????????orror??????, e, ???????in??????s ??ara??d td ????or??????????????
The flavor was fine on it's own, but as most fondants, it's incredibly sweet..incredibly. Despite the im"} {"input": "p????????????r r p ???????wew??e ???ili?? p????????iti??????tht????aka???ana???????ng????????????????????????
In the end the cake looked wonderful and people were pleased but not sure I'll be using this brand again.\"\n9601,B002PO09MS,A1YVX7XYRMJO8W,fairytale,0,0,5,1333756800,fantastic fondarific,i usually make my own fondant but decided to give this one a try.it was an absolute pleasure working with fondarific wedding white.since its cold here at the moment the fondant arrived stone hard so i had to break"} {"input": "? s ???? a ?pap?????iti?? a?????fef??????heh?????????????crc??????e fe fof??????n sn ??coc???????tet????????????????grgrer??t t wt ???kikin???????h ih ith i?????nonoto???????????????? a?nd??? h??????????? t??????????????????????ve??????????to to?????????t a???nd cnd ???????????? ti t??ereer??d cd ?????9?606????????O0O???S,S??2Z2????1M1???D1D??Z,Z?????????????,0??5,5?????????????????????an??,I,????rcr?????????is???????ntn?????????ed????????ke????????????s ms ?????ing.ing?? I ??ha????????ed ed??umu?merme??usus ???????s as an?and and???????madma?e ?????????fon????????ThT???s Fs ???nda??????????????????ea?????o ???????????. ???ama????????te??ur ur????er???????????????", "output": " some apart with a knife and heat in the microwave for ten seconds after which it was great working with it.im not a professorial and i have to say that this fondant was very easy to roll out and cover a two tiered cake.\n9602,B002PO09MS,A2ZHMZ1MP4D18Z,Jessica W.,0,0,5,1320019200,Best Fondant,I purchased this fondant for a wedding cake that I was making. I have tried numerous brands and even made my own fondant. This Fondarific fondant is easy to work with. I am an amateur baker and will purch"} {"input": "a????tht??????????? a aga?????9?6060303,3???????????????2V2VLV????????????????????????????????????,\",???????lll???????????????ct?, ,??????????tyty ?????OTO??????????enten????????????????????ana????ubu??????????????????????????????????????en????????????????ve? m??????????eme????IfI???????????????????or????fo????????????ulu?????figfi????ne??s o??????????????is ??oto??t tht t?????fondfon????????or yor yo???. I. ??????, h, ???eve????????????????????ing ing????ndand????????wiwili?ll ll f????????????????????t dt ?doedo????????ryr??ou???????? i?????????????? co c?????????????, ????t i???????????on???cu??????g ????is imis i????si????????", "output": "ase this product again.\n9603,B002PO09MS,A1S2VLDEEZAS3N,taytay056,0,0,3,1318204800,\"Generally a good product, but quality is NOT consistent\",\"I have ordered many tubs of fondarific in many colors, and generally don't have many problems. If you are looking for a fondant to sculpt figurines out of, this is not the fondant for you. It is, however, the best tasting fondant you will find, guaranteed. It does not dry out which is lovely for covering cakes, but is the reason sculpting is impossible.
???? /?????????in in???????d ad ?????????? t???????????????????????? f? fon fo????????? m???????????k k??????????????????????t w???????????, a?????it ?lo?????????????????", "output": "/>
This last time I ordered a five pound bucket in wedding white, it was horrible. It was so soft it was almost gooey. I had my AC at 65 degrees, placed it in the freezer for awhile, and it was still stretchy and soft as if I had been kneading it forever. I even added some gumpaste and a ton of tylose to try to stiffen it a little, to no avail.

I was in a bind and had no time to get or make more fondant, so my cake took 3 times as long as it would have, and it looked horrible. I "} {"input": "wwaw????ereryr?????????????????? / />/??????/>I/>??????s ????usu?t t?????? b ?ada????????????????e.e??????????????????????????????er?????????????meme me????d cd ????????t ft ????????? yo y????????t gt ????????? l ???? I?????d.\"d.????????????O0O?????AUA???????????????. S. ???????,0??5,5?????????0000,00,E,??????????????????ed ed??hi???????ana?????????????????????????to?????cac??keske????????BuB??????????theth??????????????iseis???? T ????????????t ?????omo?????????rere ??a ha ??ugeug??????????? f??????????????????br?igi???t wt ????e ????????ke??????????????th?????ltl?????????????????????????????????????? di????. ?????is ????", "output": "was very disappointed.

I guess I just got a bad batch this time. I would suggest that you order ahead of time and check it first so you don't get stuck like I did.\"\n9604,B002PO09MS,AUXRFG41XNAI3,P. Souza,0,0,5,1318204800,Easy breezy!,I used this fondant to create dice to add to cupcakes for a Bunko for the Cure fundraiser. They came out awesome and were a huge hit! The fondant color was bright white and worked great with the Wilton food markers (for the dots on the dice). This fond"} {"input": "?ana???isi????????rer?did?????????y ty tot???????wiw?tht? a ???????tat???ed?????ici??????? E ?vevenen n t ????????fof?ondon???????????s is ??n tn ththethe the???owowdw????incin???di????????????d ?????????te!te????????????waw????d tod t?????????????????????agagag?in?...????????????????an?and ??agaag??????606???B0B000???????????ZEZ????WOWOPO??4R4RBR??????????BaBas?????????????????030????????astrast???chc??f f s st s??ndnda??rdsrd?????or??????as???? t???? a an a??? pa paca??ag???????????ly????????????hih??is fis ???? my m???????te??????????a ????????????????and land lo???s ???nd???????????riric?e ???is gis ???ata?????for afor ????b b?????9?60?????00200???O09O0???S,AS,???WFW?????JEJ??????mam???????????????282???0,????", "output": "ant is so incredibly easy to work with and it tasted delicious. Even the non-fondant lovers in the crowd (including me) loved the taste! I look forward to using this product again....and again....and again!\n9605,B002PO09MS,A2ZE9XOWOPC4RB,Dejuana Bastine,0,0,5,1314403200,Pastry chef standards,My order was on time and packaged correctly. Bought this for my daughter who is a pastry chef and loves fondarific. Price is great for a 5lb tub.\n9606,B002PO09MS,ASHWFZKBKJEE9,tumail,0,0,5,1308528000,Easy"} {"input": "?????????????????????????? t???????????????ara?ifi???????????da??t ?in? g ?ene??????????is is??????????????????????????e ????? a a?????????????????????t wt ????????????as????did????????????????olo??oreor????????????????? tw twowo wo t???????????ba???????????????????????????inain?? p ??????????????????ata???????re??sy???969????????POP??????????2T2TDTDFDFYF?????Y,Y?RoR??manma??????,1,,1,1??424?????00?????s s is ???????e fi?rs????revreviviei???I I h ??vev?e ee ????r wr ?ri????n.n???,\",???.s.????????????????????riori??s.s. ????????????????????? w??ereer????????????on????. I l. I lo???????????????????????????ver ver??ete??me???ow????????I a????????g ?th", "output": " to use,This was my first time using Fondarific and fondant in general. This one was really easy to use for a baby shower cake. It worked just as indicated. I also colored it and made a two tier cake (baby blue and white). the final product looked great not greasy.\n9607,B002PO09MS,A1IM2TDFYXYCBY,Roman,1,2,1,1342742400,This is the first review I have ever written...,\"...so you know I am serious. I would give it a 0, were it an option. I love Amazon - they have never let me down, so I am hoping th"} {"input": "??????mem? t tht?????? f ??????????????????????lal???????????????????????r /???????????????????????hah??d,d??soso o?????lll???????????encen???ses????nsn??rur????ono?????d d hd ??ata?????it it??vev???????????an an???????????????ed ??????????? the ?mimici??????ve.ve???????????ed ?????????????? a?nd?? sm sme?????????astas??????????????????cac???me tme ????rolro????g,g???I cI ?????????ll ll????????????y ty ???t ?th??????s ?????????????? c????????????????e ene e?ou????????????????ll oll ??????theth???????????????????sedse?????????arcarchch,???? the ?wawaywa???I wI ???? ta???hth???anandand ??it ????????????k tk ????????y sy ?????????????????wewerwere???????warwa?m ???? we wete?t, t,???et et?", "output": "ey come through for me when I file a claim with them.

The product was rock hard, so I followed the enclosed instructions and heated it even less than the recommended time in the microwave. It kneaded easily enough and smelled/ tasted good. When it came to rolling, I could tell immediately that this was going to be a challenge. Sure enough, it tore all over the place. Redo. I used cornstarch, the way I was taught, and it still stuck to every surface as if it were too warm or wet, yet c"} {"input": "?rar??????????f f?????????????drd?????oto?hih????mamada?????????pep???tet?????????owo?????d md ????????????s as ???d dd ?dradrapape???????nyn??????DuD???in?????????????????ri?? f ?ror?????????llllilin?? s????????e toe to ??the???aka????????rip???ped ped?????????????????s ???nd nd? th????appap?????????????? the??????????ed??? in in???????te????????????NoNo,No?????????ot?????l ??it ????????????ese?, ?????????????????????eveev?? t????ghg???????ac?kak?gig????sps??cic???????????????s is ??????????cecesesses?????) )????????s.s???he??????\"\"???????000??????????????????????0,0,S,SaS???????1,1???,1,,1????????60??????????es??????????????uctuc??????????????to??????", "output": "racked as if it were too dry. Nothing made it cooperate, so I lowered my standards and draped it anyway. Durring the two-foot trip from the rolling surface to the cake, it ripped in several places and the application to the cake ended in absolute disaster. No, I did not roll it too thin. Yes, I used cornstarch (even though the packaging specifically claims it is unnecessary.) It sucks. The end.\"\n9608,B002PO09MS,A2MVQVDAYL6OF0,Sandy R,1,2,1,1341273600,Gummy mess,\"This product was so easy to work "} {"input": "??????????????3/3????? m ???? a ????????????r r 1 ??0 0?????er?????????????? c ????aka?????th?e ??olo?????ng? d ??y y??? di d????????ama???usu????g ag ?????fef???????ol????ofo????titin?? Ic I??????he he??lolow??ers???f ?bob?th??????danda??s ????e ?????, ?????????????????in ain ??n an ??????ghg?????????????????7/7??????I ????eneen??????e ce ??nt????????? f fl???????????????th tth ththe??FoF????rir???????nd nd? th??????werewer?????????Th???e fle f?low????s ms ???????????SatSa?tinti???????????????fecfe????? I l I ???????????contcon????????of of???ond?ara???ficfi??fl???owerowe???????n on ???er ??????? to t????????????? w??????????????up up???ai??????????uru?ne????????????????????? k ???ow,ow??li????", "output": "with. On 6/23/12 I made a little over 100 flowers for wedding cupcakes, the following day I did the same using a different color of Satin Ice. The flowers of both fondants were firm, I stored them in an air tight container. On 7/2/12 I opened the container of flower made with the Fondarific and they were soft. The flowers made from Satin Ice were perfect. I left the container of Fondarific flowers open over night to see if they would harden up again, they turned out \"\"gummy\"\", you know, like c"} {"input": "??ewe?ede?????, ,?????? i ????ror?????? l ??sss??sts????y ????n n t ??is??mem???. .?????????????????oio?ntn??????????s ???odo??????????????????? I I m ma m??e e???y fy ??????????rlr??, ????havha????????????uru???????????????e ??????aka???101?????oreore ?fl?ow??????????????t t??ece??mmm????d td ????????????????????B0B?00200??????S,S??2J2??????????????????????????????070?202???????y Dy ????????????g,g??I I wI ??????????disdi??ap?????tedted d wd ???????hishis ??????????? I d I ??????????????????????? the th??e fie f???t ???timetim??????? th?at? w????????istis?????????y ?clclal???????????????????? c ???????????ledle???utu????????? t?? then the?n mn ?oso????rar??????so???ou??????????", "output": "hewed gum, which is probably less sticky than this mess. I am so dissappointed in this product. Fortunately I made my flowers early, I have time to purchase Satin Ice and make 100 more flowers. I do not recommend this product.\"\n9609,B002PO09MS,A2JPEHRFNKB1CG,CBear,1,3,1,1313107200,Very Dissapointing,\"I was very dissapointed with this fondant. I decided to try it for the first time, and that was a mistake. They claim that the fondant can be rolled out thinner then most brands, so you can use l"} {"input": "??????? d ??coc??????????????????????t t? tr t??e.??EvE????juj?sts?????lilini???????????? 1 ???????? t?????????te??????????? f fif?????????????????????????e te ??????????? it ??????????harha??? to t????moomo??h h??? it a it ???ounou??????????e.???t ????????????????????? fo f?ondon?ana??t st ???ot????????? n ????????de de????mootmoo??lyl???ve?ver ver??????????????????????????ver?????????????ranra?? a ??????????????????????stisticsti???wiwitwi????il???????969????????POPO0O???????????????4040Q0?W,W???????????????McM?????\"\"\"???rvr???or????????????????????????????????????at????,????????????? u ?usuus??????y hay h????????ngng ng r rer??iei?wsws.s??? e ???????ne ne???????????", "output": "ess to decorate more. That is not true. Even just rolling it out to 1/8in it tends to tear. Once I finally got it on the cake to cover, it is very hard to smooth it around the cake. It is very sticky, the fondant smoother does not glide smoothly over it. All in all I will never buy this brand again, I am going to stick with Wilton.\"\n9610,B002PO09MS,A25VJ48VZP40QW,\"Elizabeth A. McCoy \"\"Purveyor of Paint\"\"\",1,3,1,1303430400,Old batch?,\"Fondarific usually has glowing reviews... everyone on the cake"} {"input": "????rur??s s s ?????????lol?vev???????????ata?chc????s ??????????d d??????stst t??rarapa??. . ?VeV????did???????ntn??ingin???. W. WiWili?????????????????in?? m ???????ll?owow w???????nt.nt??????chech????er er???d ?WAW????????????? wo w??k ?????. ??AlA????????????????????????????n'n't'?????????t bt beb??????????e we whw???????as as s?ucu??????????HaH????????????? be b????se?????ranra???????? t??mem???????akeak???MFM??? for for ???the the???????? wa w???????????????? T ????HEHE ?????????????????????HAH??????????????o o uo ?use???????????r /??????ve? w?????kingkin?? wi w??? F ???????????nd nd???????t ?t tht t??????yby?????????????????????????????????ti?meme,me?????????????????????", "output": " forums seems to love it. My batch was either old or just crap. Very disappointing. Will go back to making marshmallow fondant.... cheaper and WAY easier to work with. Also bought the black but didn't open it because the white was such crap. Had to use it because I ran out of time to make MMF for the cake I was making... DUE TO THE FACT THAT I PRE-PURCHASED fondant to use.

I love working with Fondant, and thought that maybe I'd use something easier this time, but it wasn't. Good"} {"input": " ??ucu?k k????????isi????? / ??????????sts????????ere??????????????????????111???????O0O?????????????????L,L????????????????????????????D D??????NCN?????, ??????????????T T?????????????????????????k sk ????,\"????????????????????rcr????m m????did???????????on?????, ?5-5-P-??????? IS I?????????????????crecr???!!!?????! !????usu?????cec????????????????, ??????????????????????ousou?????? I h I ?????? w??edded?dindi???????atatuturu?????y, wy, ???????houho????????? ?????! ??????a a????on ron re?tuturtu???????????????shosh?????????ustus??mem?? d?????????,B???4J4?????????161??939????8I8???????????,12,1???4,????32???525???????ececk??ed ed o????mymy y?", "output": " luck with this.

Taste however, was quite good.\"\n9611,B002PO09MS,A8Z0CTAT6WV3L,angel,0,4,1,1322438400,\"HARD AS CONCRETE, IS THIS HOW IT SHOULD BE? I don't think so!\",\"MY Fondarific Buttercream Wedding White Fondant, 5-Pounds IS as hard as concrete!!!!!!! I just received this today, I can't use it, obviously, I have a wedding on Saturday, what should I do? HELP! This a non return item, what should a customer do?\"\n9612,B004JHIBV0,A316Q93V3S8IRB,Yuckus,12,14,5,1322352000,Checked off my b"} {"input": "???keketet t?lil???,\",??????????rsrst?????????f f?????????aka? c ??offof?eee???????? ho h???ifi?fiefi???????t tt ?????th?????eae? g ????????meme ???d ??????????????reare???? w??antan??ed ?tot???ryr??itit,? s sos?o oo ?n ??y ??????et et l?????it? w?en???????????????????is???ama?????????e ??irireir?????????? t??he he p?????????????????ly ?????????he ??????????he????????????realrea??y ??? s???????????er er???ackac???e,e, , m, ??????ha?lfl??th?atat.?? I ???????????????????g g??????????????m ????rilri???ed ?I ??????ed ied ??. ????????berbe????hen???hoh?oppop??ng????or or??op????LuaLuak????????ma????????e ye ??u'u?rere re???????????????ivivi??????????anand???notno??a ????enden?????ichic???an??????????????", "output": "ucket list,\"When I first heard of Kopi Luwak coffee I was horrified, but then the idea grew on me and I decided I really wanted to try it, so on my bucket list it went. To purchase this same package directly from the producer is nearly twice the price. There's not really 16 servings per package, maybe half that. It is pretty amazing coffee and I'm thrilled I tried it. Remember when shopping for Kopi Luak coffe make sure you're getting 100% civit coffee and not a blend which can have as littl"} {"input": "???ata?????? 2 ?????pip??????????????????heh????ouo???????????????ak.ak?co?????? i ??fo??????owo? c??viv???????????? p ???????d d???d ????w tw ????re????he?? pe p???????????\"\"??????B0B???JHJ????0,0,A,?2A2?????????????,Bl,B??ndndondor???????????????04???????????he????????of?? t th??????ucuckuckek?t ?????\"\"????AfA?????dod??ingin? a???ONO??????????????????rereareada?in?????????????????????- - I ????????????rokro??????????nd nd?????hah?se?d ??thith?????????????th?dad????????????????? it i??????????AtA????irsir??, ????waswas ?no????mpm????se??- ?????????????? I I I????????er?pap?idi?????????e ?????ad???????????- ??????????????????ed ?itit it??????????se?", "output": "e at 1 or 2% Kopi Luwak coffee. Check out realkopiluwak.com for info on how civit coffee is produced and how to brew the perfect cup.\"\n9613,B004JHIBV0,A2AHE8W3QUV1IW,Blendorama,6,6,5,1337040000,\"Another item off the \"\"bucket list\"\"\",\"After doing a TON of research and reading about Civet coffee- I finally broke down and purchased this for my birthday, just to give it a shot. At first, I was not impressed- thinking that I just overpaid for some upgraded Folgers- but then I figured it out. The sec"} {"input": "?????????hih??????????????????? i???????ma???????????????AtA??????????waw??s ms ?????????5 5?????????????mem??????????????????feefe????t-t- ?tht??n n?????????at??ba?????????????????usu?in????ppp?roroxox.x??????????????s ?????re??hlhlyl???ro???d d?????????????waswa?s As ?MAM?ZIZ??????????????????nd??????????sws?ee??nen???????????is cis ???????????????ele?iei??????????????tet???????????ing??????????yiy????at??le???t ???cec??- I????or or??oneon????????e ??ooo??????fof?orwor?????????????nexne??t t??imeime e Ie ?I c???????tit?fyf????????????????????ececic??al al????as???on on? co???????????616?????????????????????????Q4Q????????????c,c???????131??474", "output": "ret to this coffee is making it in smaller batches- At first I was making 4-5 cups at a time in my small coffee pot- then I cut that back to a two cup using approx. 3 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee- It was AMAZING!!! The depth and natural sweetness of this coffee were unbelievable. Definitely something worth trying at least once- I for one will be looking forward to the next time I can justify purchasing this special occasion coffee...\"\n9614,B004JHIBV0,ANB2IL7WGHQQ4,BozemanEric,7,8,4,13247"} {"input": "???202?0,0,N,????rorobo?????????? s sas??????tct?h,h????tht????????????????????? po p??t ???rer????????? re r??pop???????????????????e ?????re??d od ???? th??????me me b???ch? f fo f?or or?????????e he ho?????y y??????onson???ndn?d hd ????non?o io ?lll???????????????????????????????atat.?? T Th???e ??????????????ftf?er??asastas???????????r r??howho?????????yoy?????????????Th?? o ????y ry ?rea??????thath???????vev??????????????r sr ???????????thattha??I ?????ld ld??????sonason??????? l ??????????????????????????ast.ast?????????????te??????? say sa?y ty ??????e ?????????????? the s the ??samesam?e le lol??t a???ba??????, ,????n thn t??????me ???????ChC?rir??tmt??s ?EvE???????Ch?????????????????????", "output": "71200,No problems from same batch,\"I thought that I should post a review in response to bad cat. We ordered off the same batch for the same holiday reasons and had no illl effects. The coffee was great. There was no tart aftertaste no matter how strong you brew it. The only reason that I gave it only four stars is that I would personally of liked a litter darker roast. I just wanted to say that we drank off the same lot as bad cat, in the same year, Christmas Eve and Christmas, with zero he"} {"input": "???????? o ?r r i ?????idi????s.s????? j ??????????????????????omo??????? e ????.\".??969???????????BVB?0,0?A2A???????PTP???????????????nwn?????????????737???606??????odod od????????????????????? y ??u u??wanwa??t 1t ???% %??????????????????isis is????????????odod ?????????????????????????ata????????????????nenere?. ???????????????????? s?om?e e oe ??f tf ??e ??tut????I'I???????????t ?????????????????????ha???????iai????la?sss?????????opiop????????????ng?????. ?. I'. I'v've'v?e s???ve?d ??thithisthi????or or??ueu???????????????s ????????????????????it??on??????????????asias?????????? m????? it i???????renre?ch? p?????, ??ri???????d i???????e spe s", "output": "adaches or ill tidings. It just might have been something else.\"\n9615,B004JHIBV0,A2Z84YK7PTQIA,Cody A. Conway,3,4,5,1337385600,\"Good beans, OK price\",\"If you want 100% Kopi Luwak, this is a good method to acquire some in a relatively cheap manner. It's not as good as some of the stuff I've had, but it's definitely in that special class that Kopi Luwak belongs in. I've served this for guest, given it as gifts, and enjoyed it on special occasions. I've made it in French press, drip, and in one sp"} {"input": "e??????????????????reresesss??!
To truly enjoy it, use about 8 grams of beans per 7 ounces of hot water used to brew. This is the appropriate ratios. Serve black, no cream or sugar as this will ruin your treat. This bean isn't for everyone, but don't worry! It's not an acquired taste, its just a different taste :-)

Product arrived fast thank to prime, fresh as I wanted, and the beans tasted just like they do when I buy them locally from Rao's Bakery here in TX (same beans same com"} {"input": "?????).)????????B0B?040???IBI???????????????YXY?,\",???epe?????? S SzS?????an????????te????????????????????181?????????pipi i??????????????fff?????? s ??????. .? T ??????sts? c?of???????????????is?????????????????????? b ???????????????ata?t ot ?????????????????????????ene?nyny.ny????61761???00?4J????BV0BV??????????????????????hi??????????323???????????????????????????s es ?????eded d????????????t At ??????? is i?s ss ???????????? K Ko??? L????????????evereve?? t??????????? w?????a a??ugu????isisais?ppp??????????be???????? the???????nono no????ma? a?ndn???????????t at ???. . I. ?'m'??????????? th????? the?????ent????talta???????????????se ?", "output": "pany).\"\n9616,B004JHIBV0,ASHMA5PKLQAYX,\"Stephanie Szczepaniak \"\"Stephanie\"\"\",1,2,5,1331856000,Kopi Luwak,This coffee is smooth. The best coffee ever. It is pricey so I will not be buying it that often. But worth every penny.\n9617,B004JHIBV0,A134FBOXQATW1H,Soo Shin,0,1,1,1329868800,Stale beans,\"I was excited to see that Amazon is selling 100% Kopi Luwak. However, these beans were a huge disappointment because they had no aroma and flavor at all. I'm guessing that they sent stale beans because t"} {"input": "????e e???s s??o o????astast t????????????d d????????bab??????????????JHJ????????????????????,1,?????????3,3,1????,1??????????????d d ??at?? be b????????????????????????????a a??????????k ??????????????ck????lil??t,t? b?utu??mym???ifi???e ane a?d ?????? a ??????? of of????? a?nd?????th th?? of ??s ?????????????????sis??????????a ha ??ad???????????????????pr?of?????????hatha?????????????ses????????hrh??????????and and t th?is????y ??is ??????????????????????????ro?ug?h h i ??it bit ???????????????????????but but??????????t l??????????lml???????er??? bef be??oreor???????????ar????????? i???yoy???? wan wa?nt nt?????it??????????? s si s?ickic????and ??lm???t ", "output": "here was no roast date printed on the bag.\"\n9618,B004JHIBV0,A34FZWZ8GVRWAU,13Stones,3,10,1,1324771200,Bad cat beans,\"I bought this to take a check mark off of the bucket list, but my wife and I had a cup of this and both of us immediately got sick with a headache and vomiting profusly. What made it worse it's Christmas and this day is shot now. We're coming through it but I'm sorry to say but my bucket list was almost over before it got started. Try if you want but it's made us sick and almost "} {"input": "?????????????tatala??????s s i ?? a ??????????????d d?????????fof?????????616191??????JHJ?IBI?V0V????CAC???0X0????LRL?J,J???????????1,1????3,3???1919819?464?????????????? w ?????????????? th t???????????????????????????????waswa??vev??????????????????????????????? m?????? i?????????he? t?imi??????????????????????????ses???? it?????626202?0,B0,B0B00B0??NCN?XRX????????????????????????????????a ?\"\"\"???er??????,8,????5,5??,117,11??61661??????\"G\"GrG???? s ???vivici??, ???????????????!\"!???????? t th?ririlrilll??????o fo ????d ad ??????????or?? sm smomoko?????pappa??????? t????????????? is i????the the????????\"\" \"\" t??????- ??on?????????????????????????????, ??", "output": "in the hospital. This is a Christmas I'd like to forget.\"\n9619,B004JHIBV0,A2CANP0XWE8LRJ,Merrymary,1,11,3,1319846400,coffee,\"I wanted to try this coffee once in my life. I was very happy with the company that mailed it, and the timely manner in which they sent it.\"\n9620,B000NCXRSM,A29KDCYXI01NRD,\"Sharon Kromka \"\"Sherry\"\"\",8,8,5,1176163200,\"Great service, Great product!!\",\"I was thrilled to find a source for smoked paprika - this product is the \"\"REAL\"\" thing - wonderful, smokey flavor. Also, sp"} {"input": "e?????ses??????????????l l????usu???g g???isi??????????fof?? a ?????????????? s?pip??ese?????????????????????3E3?SGS?????QIQILI??????????????????????202???????????gsg?????celce???ntn?????dud?????go????????ice ice??faf?astas?t st ?????pinpi?ng ng???????????????????????idi? t?o o s?????coc??????er? b??????!!?????,B???????????,A2,A??????????DDD??,\",???????so??n \"n ???rer??????nt??\"\"\"\"\"????????,5,12,5,1????101?????GrG?????t prt p?????????????????e ie in??????al????????in???????oio?????d ??it it???????????????o ???indin????rt??ainai?????????s.s?. I. ??waw??????????????????????thith???????duc????????atcat?????????????????????????????????netne?????...????????s bs ?", "output": "eedy service. I will be using this website for all my gourmet spices!\"\n9621,B000NCXRSM,A3ESGWN65QIL17,Vick,5,5,5,1179187200,Seasonings,Excellent product! good price fast shipping . needs an insert in lid to seal container better!\n9622,B000NCXRSM,A2FWVNG7ZPQDDO,\"G. Lawson \"\"Great Aunt\"\"\",3,3,5,1288310400,Great product!!!,\"I live in a small city in Illinois and it is very hard to find certain products. I was so pleased to see this product. I watch so many programs on the food network..Neely's be"} {"input": "?????ono????? w ????????hih???prpror????t t????mam?kek?? th t?eie?? r ??????he?????????????????????y y? I I m???y ay ?ddd???yoy?????oulou???????? t???????ere??????cec?????????ghg?????????ckack???????t wt ????wowon????????..s..????????????????oro??an?d ?????????ThT????????????????????????ct????????er?erfe?ct??????e. ?????????ou??????????????????e ie in???a sa sps??cic?????y sy ??????an??????d d a?lml???st st????????arsar??????????????????????rer???ow????????oun?????s iss i?s i??????????????h bh ?botbo??????????it??????ayay ay???????????????????al??????????grgre???????? o??n tn thn the??????????????papaia???7.7??? f?or?? th??????st????????????theth?????????was was???", "output": "ing one. I wanted this product to make their rub. When it arrived..quickly I may add..you could smell the powerful scent through the package. It was wonderful..strong aroma,color and flavor..This is the perfect product in a perfect size. I once found a small bottle in a specialty store and paid almost 8 dollars for 4oz...I'm not sure how many ounces is in this 6 inch bottle, but it is way more than 4oz.. I also got a great deal on the shipping..I paid 7.95 for the first item and the rest was shi"} {"input": "????d d f ???????????t t?????????at!at?????ovo??????s s??ror?dud??t!t???\"\"???????????????????????O9O?????8L8L,L?????????????????393?20200?00?????r r?non???ses?????,T,ThT?????waw???????sease?l l??? a ???????????????????ap ap??????????nen?? s???????????????????????????????a a??ada??????????????. W. ?????????????????????????n on ??????????so so???????e te ???????t ?????????????????????????????????????4,\"4,???ce????????\"a\"????????aba????????????\",\"?,1,,1?,1,??,1????????????????????pr????. ???????????????BaB????????????????????? t?????????in ???of tof ???? wo w??????????????\"W\"??nd????????????sonison??? f??????? the b the ?????????\"\"?", "output": "pped free...can't beat that! I love this product!!!\"\n9623,B000NCXRSM,A2G247O9SQN38L,Scrappy,2,2,1,1339200000,Jar not sealed,There was no seal of any kind on jar. Cap had loosened slightly and some of the paprika had spilled out. Would not chance using an open jar so in the trash it went.\n9624,B000NCXRSM,A1Q7A78VSQ5GQ4,\"Nice Lady \"\"a reasonable person\"\"\",1,1,5,1340323200,Superb paprika. Great for the Barbecue. Do you know the origin of the word Barbecue?,\"Wonderful seasoning for the barbecue \"\"r"} {"input": "u????????????????????????????????????????kak??rer?ealea?lyl?????ana??ese???heh??flf?ava????? of o???????ara??????d d????????asa??????????????es.es?????????????????????ryr??ap???etiet?zizini??? ap a???araraar????.<.??????????????????????????????d ?pr??????wew????????????????????????. W. ?????d bd bub????????????????????>Q>???????ou? k ??nowno??????????gingi???f ??????or?????????cuecu??
Fast shipping, good price, well sealed, no problems. Would buy again.

Q: Do you know the origin of the word Barbecue?

A: This word originated from the cooking methods of the Barbary pirates who ate most of their meals cooked outdors on an open grill/flame. Hence: Barbecue.\"\n9625,B000NCXRSM,A27V1ZNKMOP8L9,joe"} {"input": "??obob,b????,4,4,4???151?878????00,00,g,???d d??ro??????????BaB?????Q,Q,T,ThT???????ese???????d d fd ??????r tr ?? B Ba B?????????venve??ifi? d ?????????heh????ven????????????e ue usu?ede??toto to????e ??????kekeye????lavla?ver?????fo????non???????????a ???tst?????????????969????B0B?00000??????M,M?A2A??NCMNCMTM???6O6??5R5??,E,?????????ini????????????????96896????????????????or,or,W,?owo? s ???okeok????weweee??????pripr???a ia ????xtx????ele???????????????????????????uc????????asa??s abs ablb?????to fto fito f?????????huh??e e c???????????????smoksmo??????pr??kaka ?foforfo???????lll??????od od pod pr??????? f?ou????????????wa??????rearealreall?y y gy ??????????????????????????????????????????????if if????????ll???", "output": "rob,1,1,4,1315872000,good product for Bar-B-Q,This gives a good flaver to Bar-B-Q even if done in the oven. It can be used to give a smokey flaver to food not done on a outside cooker.\n9626,B000NCXRSM,A2NCMTXW6OK5RT,Erik Martinez,1,1,5,1299196800,Smokey Flavor,Wow smoked sweet paprika is extremely hard to find in stores luckly I was able to find this huge container of smoked paprika for a really good price. I found that it was a really good spice to use and it makes food taste as if you grilled "} {"input": "i??????a a????rcr??ala????????whw????????????????????e e???????hoh?t ????????hth?t lt ???e ???..??????????????????323?9T9??H0H?????????????s ?????il?so?????,1,,1??,1????343?????????????PaP??????????????tht????????ked ked s ????????????a ???????? th t???n on ot?????????????????wee???t pat pap?????. ??????????????? at a?????????????le le?????e.e.e.???????0000000???????,A??????????TIT??,R,RoR???eye???????ke?r,r??,0,0,,0??4,14,131?????????????????conco?tat????????????????????s gs ??od????????e ???contcon?????? w ?il???ke??????????????????????????????????????se se?????? sp spipicice???????????????wnwn ?????quq??????????The? c??onton????????????????????lal", "output": "it on a charcoal grill which is awesome. Give it a shot you might like it.\n9627,B000NCXRSM,A329T6H0S1JXXN,Thomas A. Wilson,1,1,5,1289347200,Smoked Paprika,I like the smoked sweet paprika better than other styles of sweet paprika. It came fresh at a reasonable price.\n9628,B000NCXRSM,A69D8M35YLTI4,Rodney M. Baker,0,0,4,1342396800,Handy container,The paprika is good and the container will keep it fresh for some time. I use these bulk spices to make my own barbque rubs. The container is also recycla"} {"input": "?blb???fof????eee???ngn? t ???????????d d r ??bsb??9???9,9????00N00???????A2A2F2?????????I9I939?,m,???????????5,5????101?????????????????'v'vev?????n n t?????????????d ???????????rir??????r ?????????????in in???he he?smsmom??????????????????is is tis ?thethe ?aba?bsobsolo???????sts?? th?atat ??I'vI'???????d.d????????????t bt ?ut?? st???????????ll ll????????vov?????ou ou???????ror?? p ??????a a wa ????ououtou??????????????????????????????????????????????????? st??????????coc??????????????uf?????????0,B0,?????CX??????1K1?????QQQ???2G2?????ilil il??ici?????????0,50,?????888????00???smosm???? h????????????????ka,ka????lolov?e,e?, l, ????ve tve ???????????????????d itd i?????????s ", "output": "ble for keeping the finished rubs.\n9629,B000NCXRSM,A2FF6O16COSI93,mehteh,0,0,5,1341014400,BBQ Rub,\"I've been trying to find a good paprika for a rub used in the smoker. This stuff is the absolute best that I've found. It's sweet but still has all the flavor you want from paprika without being overly smoky. If you make homemade rubs, I strongly recommend this stuff.\"\n9630,B000NCXRSM,A1KLMJAQQ6I2GS,Gail Ticknor,0,0,5,1278892800,smoked hungarian paprika,\"I love, love this stuff. i add it to meats "} {"input": "f?oro???????????mom???y y?tat?????? i ???????t ???????????? o ?ththeth???????????? b ?ror???n sn ?????r tr ?o o????????????????????????ar-ar?b-b????969??????????????????5E5??????DKD????DaD??a ??????owaowar?d,d,0,??????????383?242?00???ououlu?? b??????????romro?????????????????en???????????????he he?????????????????????????clc?umu???d,?????ld??? ben be????????????????????in?????genge???????oweow??erer ???waw??????ththith?????????annan????? so?????????s ??ele?ll.ll??????????????or?????????????????nt?????s \"s ???hi?????peppe???r,r???rlr?licli????????????????????????????????ed??????????????0N0NC??XRSXR?SM,SM?????BVB??HEH???ZTZ??,\",???renre?a ???vanvanon???????????ov", "output": "for a great smokey taste. i use it with herbs, other spices an brown sugar to make a super rub for bar-b-q\"\n9631,B000NCXRSM,A3R5EAPPUTDKHL,Dava M. Howard,0,1,5,1297382400,could benefit from anti-cakeing agents,\"This is the smaller jar. some what clumped, could benefit from anti-cakeing agents; however I wanted this for canning so it works well. defiantly worth the price. contains \"\"chili pepper,garlic,coriander,cumin,clove(all smoked)\"\"\"\n9632,B000NCXRSM,A2F0BVHHEY4ZTQ,\"Irena Ivanova \"\"Red Lov"} {"input": "?e\"e?\"\"??????1,1????????808000?????y y??isisas???????ede???????ded?ereer?? ??mom??? p ??????????nfn???tut??????y ????????????????????sws????????cac??????ana?d d???????????????????????????? p???mim??????????enden??mem?????e se ?mo???ke pke ??????????????????????ed fed ??r ??????????????????. U. UnU??ili??to?dad??????????h ????bebe ???la????????il?????????t t????ei???????yty????? o????????????????? c ???????. ?Ve??ry ry????????in??tedte????????,B,???????????????????V9V???R3R??????????????heyhe?y \"y ???ici??????????FoFouFo????????,0?,1???3,???????80?????igi?????????ve???????????????????????ifi?????????y ??????????ha??l Cl ???eke?? pr??dud??", "output": "e\"\"\",0,4,1,1316908800,Very Disappointed,\"I ordered Smoke paprika, unfortunately i received regular sweet. I called and spoke with a gentleman, who promised to send me the smoke paprika and apologized for the mistake made. Until today (1 month maybe 2 later) still haven't received anything or heard from the company. Very disappointed.\"\n9633,B000NCXRSM,A1MFZTT3V971R3,\"M. L. Fouchey \"\"Michele L. Fouchey\"\"\",0,19,3,1276128000,big jar,\"haven't used it yet , but if going by past Marshal Creek product"} {"input": "?? . ??????shs????????????d.d?????????????222???96,96????????????????????ere??totoo?????????????????????????????,1???????????????????????e de ????ili????aya?:<:??r r???PrP????????eae?tut?rer???:1>??????????????? Pa P?????????????EZ????????????illil?? i ????eacea?h h?pap???????? />???????????ara?????????????????????/>????
r /????????Z ???????????s fs ??eateatu??????????????????QuQ????? M ????????ala???????d Dd ?ococ c H ????sonso???EaE??h ??? i??????????lyly ly????????????? inc in????????????????????in?????????y rey r?fi???s.s??Product Features:
12 Blister PEZ Packs
3 PEZ candy refills in each pack,
Disney's Cars Pez Assortment

Product Description:
Cars PEZ dispensers featuring Lightning McQueen, Mater, Sally and Doc Hudson. Each is individually bagged and include two great tasting candy refills.

I only got 6 blister packs and only got 3 of th"} {"input": "???4 4???ara???tet??????lsl??????????????????wew???????????????????ioi??sls????????????a a \" ??6 6????pep??ses????? i ??? th???tit???????? th???ghghth????ata??????????????????????d ???????? 12 1??pa??k k ak ?????????d ??? d?????????se????????halha?????? t??????ricri???e the t???t wt ??????????????????F!F????9??353????????????????1V1???SRS????????????????12????????????lil??io?us???,\",\"T\"?hihis? i?s ?ononen?????th??????t ??????????? bl b???????I hI ?????????r hr ??d!d??brb??????????????????????exe???remre???ly ly??re?????????????????ThTheTh?e fe ?????????mbm??inain?????????????in???????????????? o ?of of? nu n????an??????ed????uiu????????????????????", "output": "e 4 characters. Also the picture showed 12 packages. Obviously they put a \"\"6 dispensers\"\" in the title (I thought that to be a misprint) and took a 12 pack and busted it down and sent me half for the price that was for 12. RIP OFF!!!\"\n9635,B001COE2RU,AZL1VUHSR6LS9,Ryn,3,3,5,1235520000,delicious!!,\"This is one of the best mixed nut blends I have ever had!
Everything tastes extremely fresh and natural. The flavor combination is amazing - perfect mix of nuts and dried fruits. I really like th"} {"input": "??t t???isi??????d d?????????????udu????eae?nun????????m m??????d od ???nu?????en????ala???????incin??????? p??????s.s????????????alralre????! !??????wa?????re?????hi?????????????????????????acackc??????/>/????????????? th t????rir??????????????bl?ble ble????????de?????????????????o ???????s,s???vev???????????is nis ?????????an?and and??????????? gr g????????636?????????E2E????????BBB??????????EPE?????????????????00??,G,?????? pr p??????????????????ve??????????????????ngrng??did???????s ?grgregr???????and aand ??gog??????alaalan??ce ce? of o??drd???? f??uiu?t ??nd?????????????ur????????? en enjn?????????????havha??????ro??bl????????????? i in???? the the", "output": "at this blend doesn't include peanuts - I'm tired of nut blends always including peanuts... enough already! This was a refreshing change and a great snack.
I also feel the price is reasonable - considering there are no peanuts, everything is natural, and it tastes great!\"\n9636,B001COE2RU,A1YFBBTKUI72RU,EPNM,0,0,3,1317600000,Great product but expensive.,The blend of ingredients is great and a good balance of dried fruit and nuts that our family enjoys. I was having trouble finding it in the "} {"input": "???????????????????????????o o????????htht ???wowouo???? sh?????or?? th????????nen??? I ?waw?????ppp??????????d id ?t t bt ??????????? a ?bob??????w w????????????it it???????????????????????????????????? it i?t u?p ?at????lo???????or?????????????thith???? I ? I wi I w???l ol ??ordeord???????????? on???nene ne????????l ???mpm???y ky ?eee?????????es es? op o????whw????? I s I ????p lp ??????????636??,B,????COC?E2E??????????V3V?????????XTXT T \" ?????????0,0???5,5,1,?292???????00,00?,\"T,\"?????allyall?y ay ?????????? t??????he??????iei???erser????? this thi?s is is??????gregr??at!at???\"I\"??????????????all all?????????ama???e ???????????????????????? an???juj???? lo??ede?????ThThe??????picpi?????up????????", "output": "local stores that I shop so I thought I would shop for this online. I was happy to find it but unhappy about how much more it costs to order online than picking it up at a local store. I don't think I will order it again online and will simply keep my eyes open when I shop locally.\n9637,B001COE2RU,A3MMNCV36JK8GO,\"XT \"\"XTL\"\"\",0,0,5,1298937600,\"Totally agree with the other reviewers, this is so great!\",\"I tried a small cup of sample at my local BJ's store and just loved it.Then I picked up 1 pack "} {"input": "?????????????lel??????t t??????????? f ?????t ????????????? p ???????AnA??????????????go?????????????????? th?????ici??????????????t ???????? a??? Am A????????969??8,8????1C1???2R2?????D5D????0D0??????????????e ????azazzaz????????????????,1,??????????,m,?y y?????orioriti???????foufo??? j ???????ouo???????????????????t t?????????????y ay ????ictic?????????????n'n?????????? a?????????, h, ?owow ow? co c???????????????s ?th???????????????????????? to t???my my?momor??in??????????reare???????asa?se se??ri????????????????r />r /?????????e the t??????????????d ????????????auaus?e ??of of?????eae?????????????????44444?1N1???,A?????1R1??NO??4H4??", "output": "from the table right away, even forgot to check the price. Anyway, I will go back and see if the price is better at BJ's or at Amazon.\"\n9638,B001COE2RU,A1D5QLQ0DO5CP7,\"Jzin Me \"\"jazz lover\"\"\",0,0,5,1291334400,my favorite,\"I found just enough of this product to be totally addicted. Now I can't find it anywhere, how come?
It was the perfect blend to add to my morning hot cereal. Please bring it back.
I agree that it was good in part because of NO peanuts.\"\n9639,B004441NX6,A1HEB1RHNOB4HK,"} {"input": "???????,0,??,0,,0???????????000????odo?????????ede??????????a a?????????kek?????????la??ieiese????a.a?????????????????????mym??ele????????????el???????aga????????????ouou.u???646??????????????A3A383?????????????????ftyft????6,6,1,1,,1???080?262686??00??????????????????????????uru?????ililyl??????as?????????????eded ed????????????? pr p????ct?, ,??????????????????????WeW???????????????????????????????????aba?lel???????????????????????tr???????????????????? D ????o.o??. Th. T?? n?exe??????y, y,???e t????ied ied? a a f a ?????????letle????????????????????letelet??????????????ve????the??????re?? to????????????????hehe ???????s s ps ???ett", "output": "Gladys,0,0,5,1340755200,product,I used this in a gift basket for a ladies tea. I like the product myself. Very nicely packaged. Thank you.\n9640,B001LXYA5Q,A38X8FJNFHIV6V,Crafty,2,6,1,1308268800,No effect on anyone in our family,\"I was quite excited to try this product, so I bought 4 packs. We opened one, and I tested a half-tablet. No result. My wife tried the other half. Ditto. The next day, we tried a full tablet, letting it completely dissolve over the entire tongue. I found the tablets prett"} {"input": "???tatasa??y ????????????????????y ?????e fe ?ouo??d d????? t to t?? c ??ala????y toy to ??????? A ?????????gag???????????????????????????th th????ono?????????????????????????????????er er????????????? di d???????blble??????????? h ??r ?????e ?ofo?????dsd????r ?????r ?r />r /?HaHapa????y ??????e,???? the the???mpm??anyany ??? g ??????????????????????r t??????theth?????????????????????t ????????????ve ve???????????ththathata?t tt ????????????d.d????wa???????in???? for fo??warwa???????????in??????????????? an a?????????ing ???????\"\"??????B0B???LXL??????????????OAO??RLR??????????????orior???????e,??????????888???12012?????ererr????????????????????????", "output": "y tasty themselves, while my wife found them too chalky to enjoy. Anyway, again there was no effect with lemons, chili sauce, etc. Our daughter also had no discernible change in her taste of foods.

Happily for me, the company is going to refund me for the other three packages. But I would have preferred that they'd worked. I was looking forward to bringing them out at an upcoming party.\"\n9641,B001LXYA5Q,A3D14AUFOAZRL9,Nondas Indoria Sable,2,6,1,1298851200,Mberry didn't work for me :-("} {"input": "???????????????ono??'s's ?tat???e e?????s as ??????????????? T ??????????????diddi?n'n?t ??oro?????????. . . E ???????????iti??? t ta????? a ??????shs?????????9?????????LXL????Q,Q???O4O???FEF???ATATWT??,J,???????????????2,72,??1,1??252?696??727??00,00?????????t wot wor?????????????????vedve???n n??????? t???????????on????????????????????????ed ed?? to to? di d?????????????????????? e ef e????ct ct??????? o???? the th???foofo????s ths t???t It ??????ed.ed?9???3,3,B????????????????????5656T56????????rewre??0,0?????????47647?????????????????? g??????????????????????kik??????????????waswas ?????????eae???? a h a ????pep???er??, b, ??t ?????????? r ???????ta??????????????", "output": ",I guess everyone's taste buds are different. This product didn't work for me. Every food item tasted as it should :-(\n9642,B001LXYA5Q,A3O4EQFELGATWJ,Joshua Willis,2,7,1,1256947200,Doesn't work for me,Dissolved an entire tab on my tongue and was disappointed to discover that it had no effect on ANY of the foods that I tried.\n9643,B001LXYA5Q,A2PNZCR7V56TF9,Andrew,0,4,2,1284768000,Didn't taste good for me.,\"After taking a tab, I was able to eat a hot pepper, but it didn't really taste sweet or g"} {"input": "?ooo?d d????????????????t ?vev?ryr??hoh??? T ???n n?I I?trt?????????????en?nen??????????whw?????????????d hd ??t ????h ???????????????in?????stest??Th?????? a a a???????ded??????t ???????t w?????fof?? m ?me.me?\"\"?????????????A5A???????DXD????????????????manma????????,1???????808???????NONOTO???or??k fk ???????at???????????????t ?mym?y my ?????ry ry?????????om om m??????????on?lil????ho????????????e i??????cucuru??? my m???????t tt tot too????????????????th?e ??dirdi????????s ts ????he???????r,??????????????????????t to???disdi???lvl?????ompomplp??letelet?lyl?????? my my? to????????????????ieiedie?????sas???????in??????????othot???????????????????? t?????? at a????", "output": "ood at all, just not very hot. Then I tried some cayenne pepper, which remained hot with no alteration in taste.This is a nice idea, but didn't work for me.\"\n9644,B001LXYA5Q,A26CDXTEEGGWDK,S. Otmani,2,8,1,1326844800,Did NOT work for me at all!,\"I bought my mberry pack from mberry.us online hoping to use it to curb my sweet tooth. I followed the directions to the letter, allowing the tablet to dissolve completely on my tongue. I then tried balsalmic vinegar - nothing happened to the taste at all"} {"input": "?????????????t mt ????????e e?bub?rnr?????????tlt?e.e???????????ed ed??oto????ucu???????othot???? h??ppp???nedne??????in in? ex e????????????????ngngung?????????? a a???ot.ot????????????????????ara??????????? n????in??????ppeppen???????????????????ri?????????????????ondon?????leletle??????t it it????????????no?????ing ??butbu??????????????? m?y y ty ?on????? H ?UGU??????????f f m????????????????????in?titinti?????????NON?? W ???K!K???969646?5,5???010????A5A????????????????????yby?ilil il??oro?se?tt?????????????,2,?????,1???????????PaP?assas??????he???????..??ava??????ursur??????SomSo?????nkn??,\"???????uchuc? t??? sa s???????????????? the th???????????????????????", "output": " except that my tongue burned a little. So I tried hot sauce - nothing happened again except that my tongue burned a lot. Then I tried regular vinegar - nothing happened again. I even tried taking a second tablet, but it still did nothing but slightly burn my tongue. HUGE waste of money. Super disappointing. DOES NOT WORK!\"\n9645,B001LXYA5Q,A2PNCZT8WTWT3A,\"Sybil Dorsett \"\"qvcnut\"\"\",2,8,1,1295222400,Pass on the HYPE...Save Yourself Some Bank!,\"Not much to say, other than the product solicitation i"} {"input": "?s s?ala???????? I ?????efe???llyll?????????d d????????recre???????????????acackc????ngn???????????????????ir????e ?FrF??iti????????????????????re???????we??????????????ir??cuc?????s as as???????? t???ses????tat?tot???hih??????????g tg ???????????f Mf ??aryar????????????????????\"\"B\"\"??????????????????????????? th thi th?????? on??e te ??atat at?????t ??aka?????ThThe????onion??????????\"\"!\"\"???969???????1L1???A5A??,A,????????H7H?????,Be,B???????9,????????????????????????????????ncn????????????????eee?????ftf?er???????????as pas ?????????????as eas ??cic??ed? a????t ?????? a an??????????????????????????????t ft ??r ??y ?????????s ????????????", "output": "s all hype! I carefully followed the directions on the packaging of the \"\"mberry Miracle Fruit Tablets\"\" and the results were about as miraculous as one of those potato chips baring the face of Mary Magdelene! Sorry \"\"Believers of Miracles\"\"... this is one that won't make \"\"The Tonight Show\"\"!\"\n9646,B001LXYA5Q,A8809DTFH7819,Ben H,2,9,1,1329696000,Notification of Cancelled order 2 weeks after order was placed,\"I was excited about these and had organized a whole event for my fiancee's birthday aro"} {"input": "????????ses???????????????>P>????????n n?orordrdedere?????? i ????dvd???ce???nan??????????eke????????????e.e?????????r ???????er er?????????????? wa w????????I I???????????? no n????????tiotiono????????y ??ordor?derde??r war w??s bs ???ing???canca?????eded ?fof?????me??????????????? y ????????? d ??tetertermter??????prprorobo??eme???ThT???????????te????????????prepreae?ad ad? th t??????????betbe???????mam???on,on????s s ss ?upu??????????d sd ????me mme my????????????knknon???n fn ??actac?torto?????????????????????????????????on?????????y fy ??r ???e ??lul???????.r />Placed an order well in advance, namely 3 weeks in advance.

After two weeks of waiting, I received a notification that my order was being cancelled for some mysterious as yet to be determined problem. The email attempted to spread the blame between Amazon, its supplier and some mysterious unknown factor, ultimately taking no real responsibility for the blunder.

Color me frustrated and confused because while they said they are stopping all orders for "} {"input": "??????????????g,g???he??????????????????e ?????? s ??owo?????????????????????????????????????r or ?????????r ??????????????????????????????? wa w???????????apa????????????????????? b be????????????????ny?????resre??????????s vs ves v??ery ery????hyh?????hy? a? and an?????????n n??y ?exe???erieriei???e,e???????????????y ?????????p p?????????u u?????????t t jt ???t ????or????, ???? wa?? a? w????? s sl s?lewle?? of of f??????????ata?t gt gogoto???????llllell?????????????y s????????ownow???up up????? ta t????????????????????he??rebre???????????????????ege?????????????????????tttte??????? i????cic?phphe?heraher???le ????bob???jumju?mbomb????atat at??????????hinhi??", "output": "the time being, their company website still shows the product in stock and ready for orders.

This to say the least was very disappointing and more so because the company's response was very wishy washy and lame. In my experience, when a company screws up (mind you it wasn't just my order, it was a whole slew of orders that got cancelled)
they should own up and take responsibility thereby showing some integrity, rather than mutter some indecipherable mumbo jumbo that does nothing "} {"input": "t?? e exe???????non???????? t ?????usu?to??????prp?obo???????????????1L1?????Q,Q??????3H3?OCO?????O,O???????????6,6,2,???323272?707080?????????lll????????cac?ll?y y??????????intin????nen?????amamim??????? j ??al??????????????????????t t??????isis,s????????e ???tut?????ro????????????????t tot t????????ttttyt???????pre?????????????????s ous o???, i, ???yoy?????t ?????????rur?????rolro???upu???th?????eatea?????????us?????????????????tastast?ese??????erereer?????????????? m ????????pepece?????ThT??????ThThaTh???????????? n?????????nonowno???????'T'T T????????is is p??????ct,ct?????????????????????????nexne?????imeim????????? at at t Wt ?al????artar??. . 2. ?????ar ar??????????", "output": "to explain nor solve the customers problem.\"\n9647,B001LXYA5Q,A224O3HOC1XCZO,Lucius4,0,6,2,1327708800,1 Pill = Basically 1/2 a Flintstone Vitamin,\"I'm jealous of whoever thought of this, but the actual product turns out to be pretty unimpressive. It turns out, if you eat half a fruit roll-up, then eat asparagus, the aspragus tastes differently than you might expect. There. That's all you need to know. DON'T buy this product, just buy some Gushers next time you're at Wal-Mart. 2 star review bec"} {"input": "??usu???I I????????????????????,B,????LXL????Q,Q???JMJ??????????????????mmm????s s???\"Sh\"Shah??????????212????????????00????????????? n no n???????????????sas?????it it?wiw???.....???????did?sss?olo??????? e ????????????????? mo m???? a ?????theth??????e be ???????grg????s ??????????d ????????. ??????????????????????????????????nsn????d ????????????????? t?????????????bub??? it? it d it ??didndid?nt nt?? mak ma????thethemthe??????? g???????..????mam???s ??????y ???uru????hin??gs gs? sl s?????lyl?y sy swy s??et???????bu?t ?????????LEL????969???,B,B0,B?????????Q,AQ,?????Y6Y?????????????,9,???1,1??????????00,E00,???????,\"???ll?? I ????????th?thesthe?? t?????ve????????????", "output": "ause I like Gushers.\"\n9648,B001LXYA5Q,A3JMKGJK95M48J,\"S. Cummings \"\"ShayFL\"\"\",7,21,1,1232150400,Did next to nothing like it says it will.....,\"I dissolved an entire tab in my mouth and then ate bitter greens and it did nothing. I added some vinegar to the greens and it did make it a tad sweeter, but it didnt make them taste good.....It makes really sour things slightly sweeter....but NO MIRACLE.\"\n9649,B001LXYA5Q,AA6G9Y6FCQIUW,Sam,1,9,1,1317772800,Ehhhhhh,\"Well I bought these to have a \"\"Food Tr"} {"input": "??????g g P ?????\"\"\"????????????????????d d???????????efe??????????????ono??????memeses,???trt???be?rrr??es????????????????????????????????????ruruiuit?????????????ar???d d wd ??????halha??f af ?a pa pi????ea?chc????s ps ??????????????????re????I tI ????????????????e oe ????????monmo?????????????????????????r br ?utu??non?????y my mumucu?ch,ch???thoth??ghgh ?I ?wa??s as aba??e ???? ea eata?t it ??????????? li lik li??????????????????????d w????????????????????????e o??????? ac a?idi???????he he??????it. ?????henhe??????????the?r ???????of ???pillpil????????e ??he????????uctuc?ioi??s ???????????????th tth ?the?the pthe ???????stast???d ??? t?????????ll??????????????d ad ?????. ?????", "output": "ipping Party\"\" with my wife. I had a spread before us of lemons, limes, strawberries, blackberries, oranges, and grapefruit. We both started with half a pill each as per the reviews here. I then took a bite of a lemon. I guess is was sweeter but not by much, though I was able to eat it. It was like a sweet + tart food which I guess is because of the acid in the fruit. I then ate another half of pill because the instructions that came with the pills stated to take a full one. I tried again. It ma"} {"input": "?????heh???????????????le? b????nonoto?t st ????? s ?wew????????????ldld d????? be b??????le tle ?? e ?eatea???????????e be be???apa????. I. ?????nt nt????to to?????????? f ??????s as ???d td ??the the????????iningn???Yo??????????titilti??????stest??????tat?artar????????????et???ftf??????????MyMy y?????????d ?????????WeW?????? m ?akakek??????????????????ata?t lt ?????ns,ns??????????????ts ts t to t???it????????????in????lem??????????????? I ????????appap?????tedte?????????e pe prp??????waswa?s cs ??heahe????????h ??????t ????????unu????thinthi?ng ng??? d do d?????ith ith? my m??wi???????ll????????he??????f f?????frifr????????? s???????? t???????y.y. y. T ???alall??????pe?????????????????parpa????? a??????", "output": "de the lemons bearable but not super sweet. You would not be able to eat an entire be happy. I went onto the other fruits and the same thing. You could still taste the tart with a sweet aftertaste. My wife said this, \"\"Well it makes it so you can eat lemons, but who wants to sit around eating lemons all day?\"\" I'm disappointed BUT the price was cheap enough and it was a fun thing to do with my wife. I'll pawn these off on friends and see what they say. To all the people who threw parties and rav"} {"input": "????????????????ouo?t t h ???????????? l ?????????????????????isi????????????????'t'????????????????????ada??????505?????????A5A??,A,A3A??????9H9?????????????????????????232???????00,00??id????t wt wot w???? fo f????e.e????t dt di??dn'dn????or?????or ??e.e. e.?????????tst??????????????oulou??dn'???????????t lt ?????????????hoholho??? ta t?blb?????isissis????? b?????????????????e t????????????????keke ?????????65??????????????????1J1JNJ??525????,\",??upu?????oioin??ere?pup??\"\"??,6,65,6??65????,12?34???606??????epe?, , i, ???????s!s???????????odo???????????iteit?????worwo???.<.??? / ?>I>???waswa???notno???????e t?hahat???? wa w???????pospo??????o bo ???????the?????????????", "output": "ed and raved about how everyone loved them, my guess is that they didn't want you to feel bad.\"\n9650,B001LXYA5Q,A30SZD69HPEDB2,Chernobog,6,25,1,1234483200,Didn't work for me.,It didn't work for me. Maybe its because I couldn't get past letting the whole tablet dissolve because to me the tablet tasted like vomit.\n9651,B001LXYA5Q,AHNQ1JNX52P01,\"Pup \"\"pointerpup\"\"\",65,65,4,1234656000,\"Yep, it works!\",\"This product definitely works.
I was not aware that i was supposed to break the tablet in ha"} {"input": "????????ere??eae???????????????aba???t,t??I I?????? l ??mom?n.n???????s s???????? t??o o?????t!t!I>???????????ho????s fs ????????????????tot????????????o ?i i??ououlu????????????ar?????od.od??????>I???????d ad a ?????????????he? n nenexe?????y.y??? a??????????e le le???? t???????????????????. ???????, i, ?? t????ted?????????????????it?h h 5 ??pap??ke???????sps??????. ?????????t ???ast????????reregre???larla????gag??. ?????????gu???????????????he?he she ?swesw???????tete ?????juj??????ff???????????????ala??o ???????????e ?e che c????e,e????????????lil???????????? ch che????e we wiwit?? s?we??????er er?????????? /????????????????orkor?????me???", "output": "lf. After eating a whole tablet, I ate a lemon. It was WAY WAY too sweet!
I waited 2 hours for the product to wear off so i could eat regular food.
I tried a 1/2 tablet the next day. I added some lemon to a glass of water. To me, it tasted like lemonade with 5 packets of splenda. It didn't taste like regular sugar. Which i guess is good. The sweet taste was just different.
I also ate cottage cheese, it tasted like cottage cheese with sweetener in it.
The product works immedia"} {"input": "???????????????y.y??NoN?? wa w?????????? t th?????????????????????r /??? t????k k??????prp?odo????? wi w?lll????????e ????hihilhi????br? / ???????????ftfte???th????????????I tI tot??????????????blble?????????????????????????blebl????I mI ??????nonoto??er?????????of of l le l???n n?? wat wa??? a??d d??? the the???????????waswas ?????????????me??. N. ????????ly????eee??? t ta?????????e ???????????ropro????????????uru??mim????gege ??maymay ??araryr???????? thi this thi??????????????????", "output": "tely by the way. No waiting for this to work.

I think this product will last me a while.
The day after this review I took a tiny nibble of the leftover 1/2 tablet.I made another glass of lemon water and the lemonade was perfect for me. Not overly sweet, tasted like a lemon drop ;p
Your mileage may vary with this product.

I've heard that other brands taste a bit better than this one.
I just ordered a pack from another company. I will report back.

I "} {"input": "???vev? a ??HUH??E E???eee????????????????? tr t???ngn?????????e se ?????we??????? I' I?'m 'm????????????????????????lll????lpl? m me?????????????????????B0B????????Q,Q,A,??????????EXE??????. R. ????????????????????????????NeN?ata??????t nt ???????owo??wiewi?????,\"?AfA???r r?rerea???ing????????????????????????thesthe???ouo?ut ut w wi??th th fth ?rir????s,s????cac??? sa s?????isi??????????????tat???????????ta????bu????? ar a????????????t. t.???????is is?????sw??????to to????e pe ???????????upu????sw?????????????er???????e ???????ne???, r, ?resresu??????????the????mam?ay ay??ar????brb???????????????nd?nd tnd ?????????ta????????????t ?????e t??in??s ???sw?swee??????s ???", "output": "have a HUGE sweet tooth and I'm trying to lose some weight. I'm hoping these tablets will help me with that :)\"\n9652,B001LXYA5Q,A3NRI97XEKEXJH,M. Russell,38,41,3,1239494400,\"Neat, but not \"\"wowwie!\"\"\",\"After reading reviews and testing these out with friends, I can say this: Everyone's tastes (and tastebuds) are different. What is not sweet to one person is super sweet to another. So be ye warned, results for these may vary.

I found that the tablets didn't make things \"\"sweet\"\" as muc"} {"input": "???itit t???????????????e e?sos?????????alalml????????e e ae ????????????fef?ctc????EvE???????????????????lel?????????????d d????????? i it i????????ouourou???ici??? is i?? st s?ili?????????????????????ledle????????'m'???????????????????inging ??? b???eae????????hemhe??????????????????????????????ug?geg??????????
Tried out a few beer types, with mixed results: Beers that are fruity/citrus ended up gross, as it would taste like I mixed in a mouthful of juice with the beer. Dark beers like an Irish Red were my favorite.

I really recommend going out to"} {"input": " ???? s ?o o y ??????n n t ??????????ete????f f????ngn??? C CeC??tat???????dsd? w ??lll???aka??????????? su suru?prp????e (e ?rar???????ese???????? for fo???xax????e,e??wawasa???????????ifi????ene?t ????? ve v???????????????????010????????????AX???????????????VeV????????ItI???? G ?????e &e ? L ???????????????? . ...??\",\",2,????1,1????232?????40400??????MA MA?MIM??!!!????,\"W,\"?owo?????????????????CTC?T sT ?????????????, s, ???ckckick??ing ing???su??t ???omo?????????????????utu???t ?de???????ly???????er?s!s?????y ?????heh??????d ????????????????????????an?????????????or????????inging\"ing?????artar????s. s.??????????verve??he?ar??d od ???? the??m bm ??????????ut ut???????d d td to??gi????it?", "output": " eat so you can try a variety of things. Certain foods will take you for surprise (ranch dressing, for example, was notably different and very good).\"\n9653,B001LXYA5Q,AXCQAX1RVO3SW,\"Nada Vergili, Italy Guide & Language Teacher ...\",29,31,5,1235606400,MAMMA MIA!!!!,\"Wow, I DID NOT EXPECT such a quick, shocking result from this product, but it definitely delivers!!! My brother told me about these tablets and the \"\"flavor tripping\"\" parties. I had never heard of them before, but decided to give it "} {"input": "????????usu???beb???????????????m m???????? s?o o?????lyly ??strst???????????????f f???RiR????????????????????? n ???????????of?? no n????tyt????????AnA????????????abablb????s Ws WOW????im????????????? j ju j?????ooo?????e,? h ??????le???n,n, ????????ilail???????????EEEETE?! !?? a?????????d ?? s?ip????????iania??i i????e.e?. .??WE?????????????rer?ed ed?? s???on???? o??????te? v ?in?inegine?ara?????? a s a ????l ????????????te????... ... S????T.T??????ha???n'n't'??????????????r ??????????????????????oneon???????latlate??? I ??wilwi??!Anyway, the tablets WORK immediately. I just took one, had a lemon, and voila': it's SWEET! I also tried a sip of Chianti wine.. SWEET.... I poured a spoonful of white vinegar in a small glass of water... SWEET... I haven't tried beer or other things, but sooner or later I will!
The best thing I see coming out of this is that I FINALLY don't need to sweeten my tea! I'll jus"} {"input": "?? s ???????????????????ana???????t wt ???????e te ??????brb? / ????????? p ????haphapsps s I ???an???????????????????????????at??????? i?????????????????a ?????did???????t-t???????????e e pe ???????????????????????????9?????B0B??1L1?XYXYAY?5Q5??A2A???????????????????????le?ar??????,16,1??4,??232????363?00?,i,it???????????? sor so????????o ???????????????????????????????????fff??ct????e ae ????ve????????????ryry.ry??HeH?????re????????????ks?: :????on???y ly ?????????????????in??????, n, ?oto??? h ????s.s. s.?????????t tt ???????? l???? o of? t? the the ?????????berbe?????????????s. s. $s. ?????????? they the????????????????????t ast a?s Is ?I hI ?????reare???", "output": "t squeeze a lemon in and that will be that.
Hmmm... perhaps I can add lemon juice to soda water and it can turn into a new diet soft-drink!! The possibilities are endless!\"\n9654,B001LXYA5Q,A2R8AISN4HCTW4,Nimue McCleary,15,16,4,1239753600,it works... sorta,\"I do reccomend this product, as it is effective and very fun to try. Here are the setbacks: It only lasts around 30 minutes, not 2 hours. I bought these in lieu of the actual berries ($90 vs. $10) so they weren't as potent as I had read a"} {"input": "?bob?utu?/e/??pep?????? N NoN?????ele????? t th??? d ?????????????????????imi???????e e d??eliel????ousou?????????????????????o o mo ???e ????????????????????the Ethe ENE?TITIRI???susursu?????e oe ????????r tor t??????????????????coc???er ?????????youyo???????? b bubudu???????????000????YAYA5A?????????3J3???JMJ??9,9??????????????????????050?????? k ????? wh w?????ouourour our?????kik???????????es ies ?????????fof???? tha th?at ??oooo,o??????icaic?????th???????????s cs ?????ge ge t??????y ???you you?? tas?te??ac???ic????in???s, s,????????????insin???ada???as????????et.et?????????ta?????????e ae ???????g ?????monamon?????????????????mim????????????????????????????????????????? b bu b???hoh", "output": "bout/expected. Nonetheless, they do work! Lemons and limes were delicious!
Oh, be sure to move the tablet over the ENTIRE surface of your tounge in order to cover ALL of your taste buds.\"\n9655,B001LXYA5Q,A1PGOV3JXFJMP9,Catch22,20,23,4,1276905600,I know what your thinking and yes it works for that too,\"Basically these tables change the way you taste acidic things, they will instead taste sweet. Lemons taste like a strong lemonade. Some of you might be thinking, well that's fun and all but ho"} {"input": "???????d d?????????????tet?? ? w????????????????eee?????? a ?????omo??????GiG??? i ????????y yy ?ou???????????????????????aia?????????????????????? th???????????? mu m?chc?????????????????????ha????o o co ?conco?viv???????????? m??????????????????????s ???????????? j ???st st?????nd??????it.it???????????????A5A????131?????????6H6??,P,PeP????????????222??848?????UnU???????????????????w aw ????????????????????????????re??????????????????????????ThT???????fff????as as uas ?nb???elieelieve?????????????????????????????r ???????????????????? c ???????, ???????ch,ch???a ra ??red red p ??????r ar ??????an oan ?????e.????t wt ?????????", "output": "w would my lover taste? well, kind of sweet(men and women). Give it a try you'll see. My only complaint is that they made them look so much like a drug that I had to convince some of my more prudish friends that it was just ground fruit.\"\n9656,B001LXYA5Q,A13GG2CONW46H4,Pete,9,9,5,1322784000,Unbelievable!,\"I saw an article on Yahoo and figured I would give it a try. This stuff was unbelievable. I ate healthy foods for the first try. Some carrots, spinach, a red pepper and an orange. It was probab"} {"input": "??y y??????????????????ada??eve???? ta t??????? It I???????iki???????????????????????t pt ???kekedke???frofr?m m???????OnO???????????????????ulu??d sd ???e te ???s s bs ?????in?????n an ad???????n!n?\"\"???575??????LXLXYXYAY?5Q5?,A,??????????????????????????,1,????83833????,I,??????????andan???????????\"I\"???????????????????an????????yfy?frifr?enenden???o o???????t t ht ????efe????d ??o ???ry ry??? w ??????????????????????????iedie??????xpxplplal?in? t??????????? i????s js ???t t f?????????????????lll?????????????????????viv????????????????????????f f??????? I ??was????????? to? p??????????im.im???????ysy?????????????o ???????????e ane a??????????upup p???", "output": "ly the best meal I had ever tasted. It was like I was eating a fruit picked from Eden. On the downside I could see this becoming an addiction!\"\n9657,B001LXYA5Q,A3396CSGAR1JHH,Sarah,9,9,5,1321833600,It works and was fun.,\"I got these for me and my boyfriend to try but he refused to try it with me... at first. I tried to explain to him that it's just fruit put in a pill form but he was convinced it was some type of trick I was trying to pull on him. Anyways so I went to the store and picked up som"} {"input": "????eme?????????eses,????mam????????iwi??, ?????meame???????t t??????(w(??????? a ???olo?????? h ??ateat?????????????, ???urur ????dyd???????????????????. .? I I????t tt ?heh??pip?lll??did?sss????????????????????and????????ed ed??????ryryiy??? a?????????OnOnen??th???? I???recre??????????????I ?????'t'????????? to t??trt???????????????fofoooodo???????????geg??????????????????mpm??arear?????????????at at i ???frfror?????? m?y ????????nd?????????????????e le le?????????????eve?venve?? fl f?????in???. T. ?he??n In ??to?ldld ???im im????tr????????????????????????ly ly??????????????out????????ng ang ? f??????. Th. T???? I ????iedie???somso?me me??????out bout ???er.er?????????astas??d ??????", "output": "e lemons, limes, tomatoes, kiwi, oatmeal stout beer (which I absolutely hate stout beer), sour candy and some red hots. I let the pill dissolve on my tongue and started out trying a lemon. One thing I recommend which I didn't do was to try out all the food first to get something to compare it to. I sat in front of my boyfriend and ate a whole lemon without even flinching. Then I told him to try it and he could barely lick it without making a face. Then I tried some stout beer... it tasted like c"} {"input": "?????coc???????iti????????? o ????aha?????. .?I I?????????lyl??gog????himhi? t tot???akakek???????? t??e ?pip???????????????????????fuf?? t ta?????????????! !?????????mam??in?? h??? m mu muc?h ????????kedke???!!???????????????????endended??????to????l l? my my y fy frf??en???s as anandn????????????mm?????????????u.u. ?ItI????an an??????????????cooco????????????????????????g ???????e ????? ca c?????t t at ????????????on on w????houho??t mt ????ing????faf??????969????????????????212??AVA???O4O????9,9??ebebgb?????,1,??????5,5?,12,1?363???606???????????????????did???????ing????????????????????????????? 1 ????????????geg??e lie limi?me,me, ???????????????????lyly ly??we?????witwi", "output": "old coffee with a hint of kahluah. I eventually got him to take one of the pills. We had sooo much fun tasting foods!! it was amazing how much it worked!!!! I already recommended it to all my friends and now I recommend it to you. It can be a really cool party trick by betting someone you can eat a whole lemon without making a face.\"\n9658,B001LXYA5Q,A21IAVTZO4PLA9,webgrunt,10,11,5,1236816000,Amazing,\"After dissolving one tab on my tongue, I ate 1/4 of a large lime, and it tasted mostly sweet wit"} {"input": "??????? a ???ini????f f?????nen???? ??????????????????????e ?????????????utu????????????????????at?????d ??????t ut ???????????omo?aca??. .? I ???????t ???tit????ana???????????ce???hehenhe?n In ?????????slsle?????????????????parpa?slslesl????????????????sosom?????????ttt??????????. . ?????aclac??????????????ed ed?????????????ll?????????????????????????, b, ??????? a????????????????s Is ????????????????ith ith??bitbitt??????????????????????????ll,ll????ell?????rthrt?????????????????????????????????mazmazizin???????????ma????????? ta???e.e???????
Still, well worth the price to experience this amazing transformation in taste.

Edit: I had a craving for blackberries and bought a lar"} {"input": "?geg???????ininen????????????????????rer??????????????oro?????????ana?ne?d d? on on n?eae????? t??????????at at????e se sie s?ttt???g,g???utu???ftf??? o?????r ????????ou?ldl?n'n?????????emem-em??-th-t???? we wer????????????????andan????ardar????????????t.t??????remre???????d ?????at Iat ?I hI ???????????f tf ???????aba??et???le???, ??????????ede??????????ndn????????????????nt???l il ?????sss??????????? t??????ft???er ter ????????????rir???s ts ?????????????????ly sly ?????, ??????wa??????????o fo ?????h h????????????969?595????010???YAY????????????RAR???292?9,J9,J.J???ama????????????????????,M,??aza?????????????ber??y ?????s ws ?worwo???????????rinri???????????ste???????", "output": "ge container of them from a warehouse-type store. I planned on eating them all at one sitting, but after one or two I couldn't eat them--they were mostly sour and hardly any sweet. I remembered that I had some of these tablets left, so I rolled one around on my tongue until it dissolved, and thereafter the blackberries tasted pleasantly sweet, so I was able to finish them all.\"\n9659,B001LXYA5Q,A2EBCYDVRAVX29,J. Hamer,6,6,4,1324339200,M-azing!,\"The mberry tabs work by altering your taste recept"} {"input": "?oro?s s?????????????r r?tat?sts?????????????????????? I I'I?????hih?????????????????????aca???????nd????usu????tht???se se??oto????????????????????????r mr ?????????e ???ubu?. ??he? s??udu?????????????yiy??g ?????didifi????en??????r r fr ???od od????????????astas????hehe he rhe ?????ts?. . I. ?I'vI'????sesedse???hi???brb???????????????memeses,es??an?and and iand ?????emems????????prp????????nsn???????ent ient ?????????????ti?ve?????s a???????lilit??????he ???????aya???? ca can?????crc?????????????ct???? t??????????s is ???? it it m ma m?????? a l a ????????st?? l ??ke? a??????????????????\"\"\"\" \"\"????????????/c/?ara???????. I????????????????te???a sa sus?????????ndndyndy-y?li??????sw?eeeetee?", "output": "ors and make sour tasting foods more sweet. I'm a high school science teacher, and I used these both in my classes and for my science club. The students love trying out different sour food items to taste the results. I've used this brand several times, and it seems to be pretty consistent in it's effectiveness and quality. The best way I can describe the effect of these tabs is it makes a lemon taste like a lemon \"\"shake-up\"\" from a fair/carnival. It does not create a super \"\"candy-like\"\" sweetn"} {"input": "????????????????????????d d?????eae?????????d ?????aya????????????????????????t t o ?f f?sos??r r???????????e se sws????t tt ???????AlA?????th?????o o n ????lal???t at ?????herhe???????r ar ??????????????lilikikek?e 1e ???2020 0?????????????st st?? be be?????????????????????y ty ????tasta?????????????????????ly ly??ftf???r dr ?disdi??????ing?? th?????????? y ??ourour our? mo mou?th??????????????????e,e???he????????e be ???en en??????????tagta??????????lel?????????m m?? the???????????????????ctc?????????????????????5-15-??% % i???? a g a ???oupou????-3-??? peo pe????????????. ??he?????????re ????????????????????????????? p??retre???y uy ???????????eri???ce??, I, ???????iti????", "output": "ess (which I think would be really weird anyway), there is still a hint of sour behind the sweet taste. Also, they do not last anywhere near an hour, more like 15-20 min., so just be warned, and be ready to taste things immediately after dissolving the pill in your mouth. In my experience, there have been a percentage of people for whom the tabs are not effective, maybe between 5-15% in a group (1-3 people per 20). The tabs are somewhat expensive, but as a pretty unique experience, I definitely "} {"input": "?rer????mem?ndn???????g g????ata?t lt ??????ono???????????B0B000??????5Q5?????CUC?7S7???J6J6V6?????????D,D?5,5,5????????141?242??00,00????ZIZ?????????\"I\"I I j ?????dididi????????st rst ??????? a?????k k???????????I ?sas????????as????rrr???es,es?????????????s,s???????????????????????? s??ucu?????oao??????????????er?, ??oraor?angan?? j ju j?????? an a???yoy????rt.rt???iri???????????? l????????????he ?????????tit?????xax????e ???????it??I ??????????????d id ?????y ly ?lifli??????????ede?????????????????? t??ining?. ??he?????????????e fe ??????s ts ta????ed ed??????????. ????he uhe ????????nen???????????as??????????he ?????ngeng??????????aza????????????????????????", "output": "recommend trying it at least once!\"\n9660,B001LXYA5Q,AWOCU7SINJ6VJ,Mandy D,5,5,5,1321142400,AMAZING!!!!!,\"I just did a test run for a work party and I sampled raspberries, strawberries, lemons, limes, Tabasco sauce, goats cheese, beer, orange juice, and yogurt. First off, the lemon was the best tasting example of fruit I have ever had in my life. I wanted to eat the whole thing. The rest of the fruits tasted delicious. The unsweetened yogurt was good, the orange juice amazing, and the beer much s"} {"input": "?wew?ete?????????gog?????chc?heehe?sese ???dnd????asa??????????umu?????? m ?????? t?????????????aua???????ntnt nt???vev???????ici??????????angan????????????? O ?ve????????????veryvery ???n ??????????????????????????????????er??ene??ce!ce???????????????A5A??,A,??EWE????RGR?????????????????,1,????7777277?????ItI?t dt ?????????ngenge ??????????????as????..????????????????ge ge????? wa w?????ou ou? ta??????????notno???????????????????????ct ct? th?at??yo?????? e??xpexp??????????????or?????? a ???leale???????uru???isi?????????? a????????????risri?????t ????????ouourou?r ar ???????st st??????ts ts???????????????????beb???r tr ??????????????????rtrt ??of of?????", "output": "weeter. The goats cheese didnt taste that yummy to me and the tabasco sauce didnt have a noticeable change in flavor. Over all, a very fun and effective flavor changing experience!\"\n9661,B001LXYA5Q,AOEW3ERRG9UGN,Kayla,5,5,4,1317772800,It does change the way you taste...,\"It does change the way you taste but not to such a great effect that you are expecting. It's more of a pleasant surprise and not a OMG! surprise. It makes sour and most fruits sweeter. It makes beer taste like some sort of sugar"} {"input": "?? j ?????????????dod??'t't t?lil???e be ??????? I I??ouo?????????toto o t??????eae?? c ????????andan??wiw???????????re???????????????????mmm?????????????nd?? th t?hishi??prp??dud??????? I? I o I ?????ne????a a?????? a a??????????????t ????outou??????????o ?an?????r.r?????ou??????????????????????????s ??as as??????su??geg?????on on???? p??????ge ge???????????????estes????????pplpp????????????pep????erser?????????mem??????????????ata?????????ed ed??????????nan?????iti?????nsns ???????ar???. I ????????xpx???????????nd??????hohowo???? w????????? f ?forfo?? yo y??????????esnes?n't????????? a??? f???dsd??????????????????????????me???????s ???????????", "output": "y juice (and I don't like beer). I would like to try cream cheese and wine which are supposed to be yummy. I recommend this product and I only need a half a tablet to last about 45 min to an hour. I wouldn't dare try spicy foods as they suggest on the package but they suggest pineapple, cheese, peppers, and limes. Lemon in water tasted like lemonade with tons of sugar. I would experiement and see how it works out for you. It doesn't work on all foods though like potatoes or meats, as it mostly a"} {"input": "?ltltet????????????r ???r tr ?????ta?????????.\".??????,B,????????5Q5????W2W???5Y5??XAX?MHM?????????nsn?ene?????????MoM??????????????????40400?0,0????????????????ucu??ese???,My,M?????ghg????r hr ??? ??????y y ty ??????????????181?????ir???????pap?????????hatha??a a? su suc?ce????? T ??he he???????s ?ar?rir????????ad??ofo?????hedhe???le le??o o????????????????????te ?ono??oto????????msm???? Th T??????? h????????????????ryr???g g????t st so????????ds ?????t bt beb?cac?????????t a??????leletlettlet??ng???????tabta?????????????n t?????? mo mou???????verve?ryory???e he hahadha??? g ??????????????????lll????????ed????em?. ???e'e????????mmm?????ingin????????o ???ver???nen????????,B0,B???1LX1L?", "output": "lters your sour or tart taste buds.\"\n9662,B001LXYA5Q,A1W2XU5YMXAMHU,\"J. Hansen \"\"Busy Mom\"\"\",5,5,5,1307664000,Miracle Fruit Success,My daughter had me buy these for her 18th birthday party. What a success! The tablets arrived ahead of schedule so we could concentrate on other items. The kids had a fun time trying out sour foods that became sweet after letting the tablets melt in their mouth. Everyone had a great time and really enjoyed them. We're recommending them to everyone!\n9663,B001LXY"} {"input": "????,A,?????????GDG???????????e e?????????????????????,5,,5??????????808????????GRG??ATAT T????????tit???? ????????ufu????????????????????I I?????eae?????????????dsd??????chc???????????? h ????, ?????????y ????????????beb??rsr??? E ?????????lel???? t ?????????ikeik???rir?????????momonmo?????. . Y. YoY?u'u??????t t??o ????????????????\"\"????4,4???????????????I2I??O6O?BYB?????????????y,y??4,44,???????282??????,B,Bl,B??ownow??AwAwaw????!!,!!,\"???????????d ??theth??????bsb????r ????????????rs rs? \"\" \"???????????ppp??ing???????????????ve??????r ??????????? o ??????fo?????????????te?????co?????????????????????? to?????er???ncn????hi??", "output": "A5Q,A1BX7PE0IGDK9L,\"Daunte \"\"go gamecocks\"\"\",5,5,5,1234396800,Wow,\"GREAT for parties. This stuff actually works. I was eating War-Heads, which I normally hate, like they were gummy bears. Eating a lemon tasted like drinking lemonade. You've got to try this stuff.\"\n9664,B001LXYA5Q,A31I2WO6BYCG9X,Miss Jay,4,4,5,1302825600,Blown Away!!!,\"I purchased these tabs for my daughters \"\"flavor tripping\"\" party. I have never tried them out before so I invited a couple of friends over to experience this "} {"input": "????? m mem??????????? a ??????????????????? g ???????verve??????????ere????, a, ?ndn?????t tt ?????????g.g?. T. ??e ?fif??st? i it i???????t ????trt?????waw?????????????????????????ite??alalll???????n n????y ???cacaua??????????werwe??? so s????????????????y.y????xtxt ??????????did??ll ll?pipici???le le??????? t?????????kek??? s???????????le.le????e ee ??????????????chc????? and???????????andan?d cd ??oulou???????stost??????pi??? o??????????s s?????it it????????e t??????????????re?????belbe????????? W WeWe We??????ha???? b bo b?ottot????????????p d??????inein??e ane a???????waswa?s ds ?????????????he ??strstrarawrawbw???rrirr??s ??????????eleliel?iciic????? th?at? w we we we a?????? the ?????rere ????l.l????", "output": "with me. I set up a spread our items, gave everyone a mberry, and got to tasting. The first item that we tried was a lemon and we were literally blown away because they were so sweet and tasty. Next came the dill pickle and it tasted like a sweet pickle. We even tried ketchup and mustard and couldn't stop dipping out fingers in it because the flavors were unbelievable. We also had a bottle of cheap dry wine and it was delicious. The strawberries were so delicious that we ate the entire bowl. Fru"} {"input": "??? r ???lul??s s w wew??e e?????????o.o??ThT??s ??????????????th???????????mym??????hth???? wi w?ll?????oyo???????er ??????????? I I????ll ????????ng?????ses??e tie timi?????????imeim?????????9???????????????????????????E6E???????s Rs ????il???am???4,4??????????78?????FlF?ava?oro??????pip???????fuf???,\",???te??????????????????clc?????li?nen???????????????????????lavla????tr?????ng?, ,???????t lt lol??kik???????????ac?????????ese?s as an?d ????????prp?????????????????hesehes??????????blb??????????azazoz?on.on??????????????d ?d th?eye???????????????? th??????????? the the a?ctctut?????er????s ????e ????????d t??, ?bub?ut ut???????ur?ne?d ?ououtou??????????", "output": "it rollups were great too. This is something that I know my daughter will enjoy at her party and I will be trying these time and time again.\"\n9665,B001LXYA5Q,A788O3EVM2RE6,James R. Williams,4,4,4,1298678400,Flavor tripping is fun!,\"After reading an article online a while back about flavor tripping, I went looking for miracle berries and was surprised to find these handy tablets on Amazon. I was worried they wouldn't pack the punch the actual berries were reputed to, but they turned out to be a g"} {"input": "?rereae?t t??????asa?e.e????????????????s s?trtrur?????hatha???????????????????????? v ?????s ???y py ?????n,n???????by by?????????s ?????????????????????????????lll??????? w??ereer???????????? at at ??umu?ereroer?ousous ????????????ofo?????ene?ndsnd????nd nd??????y.y??I'I??ve ve???ounou??nd tnd th??????? b?????estes?t h???s ?????d td ????e ??in????r,r??????????t ct ????rusru?????e ???????, ???me?????????????????it jit ?????e. e.??or???????ll ll?????frofr?????????????????????????ete??(y(???????? th?? the p the ?????????hereher?????I I?????????non???????terter ??????????lpl??ing??? the??????egaeg???????????ar????????????re ire ???????ti???, ????th th??? the ?ch??angan????????????????????????", "output": "reat purchase.

It's true that how effective they are varies by person, and by the foods you try them with, but overall these were a big hit at numerous gatherings of friends and family. I've found that the biggest hits tend to be vinegar, and tart citrus like lemons, limes, or grapefruit juice. For me all go from being sour to very sweet (yes, to the point where if I didn't know better I'd be gulping the vinegar down). Dark beers are interesting, with the changed flavor still usually "} {"input": "????ewe?hah??????oyo???lel???????? o oro?????nkn??????????e e???????????????wew?ete???ece??omeom?????oyioy?????ndn???npn???asa????. . I. ?????????????ortorth????ryiry?ing??juj??st st????????????????ectec???bub???kek?eepee?? th?at?????mim???????en en??????????th??ing???s tos t???????iti?????????????s ??in in ain ???????????r /r ????r ??????ve ve??????ede???????????imi???????????????????????????in ???????????meme me??????????ri???ngng,g, ???????????????vavaiva?ilailab?ableabl??????????????mam?ainai???????? s st stot?????or? t to too to?????????????ha?????to to????? so s?????? of t of ??????????????vesve?????m m??ele???????????????????????, ???????????? e?ff?ec?ectiect????????se ?????\"\"???????000??", "output": "somewhat enjoyable. Foods or drinks that are already very sweet become cloying and unpleasant. It's still worth trying just to see the effect, but keep that in mind when choosing things to try with the tablets in advance.

I've ordered these 4 times, and hope to do so again (at the time of this writing, they are not available). If they remain out of stock for too long, I'll have to try some of the alternatives. I'm reluctant to do so though, knowing how effective these are.\"\n9666,B001L"} {"input": "X????????YFY???????J1J?W,W?,An,A??nyn?mom?????????????212???????????????fufunu? - ???utu???????????????????????????y y????????????I I????d ad ? f???????????pipini?g g p ??????fo?? t???????e ?????? di d??sos????d ?????????et????????r tr ????????????????????????????a pa ????e ?fu???????lelemle???s,?? li limi???????????therthe????ur????????? T??? e ?fff??????????immim?????????? and and???aza?????????????e ??????in?????sts??ri?cacala????ththrth???ghg??outou????he he whe ????? o?????l.l. ??. We. W????so???ri????????s ??f ????egegag?ar,ar?? mu mus??tarta?????y t????????????????al?lyl?y yy ?um???? a??????????????????????????? fr???????. We. We . We??ad? a???????????di????nen????????s ??", "output": "XYA5Q,AUYFLO4G86J1W,Anonymous,4,4,5,1292198400,So much fun - but don't forget the Tums!,\"My friend and I had a flavor tripping party for two. We each dissolved one tablet on our tongues and then dug in to a plate full of lemons, limes and other sour items. The effect was immediate and amazing. We were laughing hysterically throughout the whole ordeal. We also tried shots of vinegar, mustard by the spoonful (really yummy) and several other types of fruit. We had a blast finding new things to"} {"input": "????y.y???I I? th t?ini?? n ?exe????e'e??? g ???ingin? t to t?????e ???????grg???p p????????????????????????s s o???????????we??????ve???????????????? c ??n n?????t ?ththeth?e te ????????????????????lesle???en en?? the th?????ece?????ReR????beb?? - ????????????go?????? to ???????????vov??????????ing ???artar????f f y????r or ?????????????? a???????d. d.???ftf???????? we w????te,te, ??????????????ded?? i???r /???????s ???????????????????errer?????????????rir??????fof????? the the??????????????????????didid?????wow???k fk ?forfo??????????the??. ????dgd?????byb????me???of of??????rev???wsw???he??????lls lls e ??????r dr ????'t 't??or?ork ork????????????? o?????????er???", "output": " try. I think next we're going to have a big group over to play around. As other reviewers have mentioned, you can split the tablets in half to lessen the effect. Remember - if you're going to have a flavor tripping party of your own, pack some antacid. After all we ate, we really needed it.

Updates 12/20 - I gave mberry pills to friends for the holidays. The pills didn't work for all of them. Judging by some of the reviews the pills either don't work for everyone or not every p"} {"input": "????????????????e pe ???ene??y.y?????coc???aca??????????????? w ??o o?pup???????n n??????????????????nun???actactut????????????????????????? m?????t ?????plp????me?????ata????????ivi?????the the??eoeopo?plepl???????ada???a ba ??d ???????en??????ExE?????llenlle???cuc?sts??????ses???ici?ce ce?????? aro ar??????. I. ?????????who???he???????????co?????d ?????????? the the? ta t?blb???s s as ?????y. y.??IfI??????????????????, ,??????????????????????????676??B0B????XYX????,A,??HGH??????????????????er,er????????242???????????????le le??????????????ab?le?letslet?,\",?A A f frfrir?ienie????efe????ede?????????? thes the?se se????nd tnd to???????e the t???????????????\"f\"fr??aka?in?ing ing?????om????????????", "output": "ill is the same potency. I contacted the seller who put me in touch with the manufacturer and they are sending me out a replacement batch to give the people who had a bad experience. Excellent customer service all around. I still wholeheartedly recommend giving the tablets a try. If it works for you, it is really amazing.\"\n9667,B001LXYA5Q,A5HG0O6UAV3NL,M. Meyer,3,3,5,1240012800,Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets,\"A friend referred me to these and told me that they were \"\"freaking awesome.\"\" I decid"} {"input": "?????????vev? t??eme??????????sus???rir?sis?????? th?????????exe?trt?????ly ly?????? ???????????ata????????ststet?????? the??????ililel??????y ay ????didis?sos??????????yoy?ourou???on?????is???????t ht hoh????d,d, ???????????????coc?oulou????????le??at?e.e????r /r ?><>?r /????????? d?????olvol??d ???e ae ???????????????s s??????ed??????ese??????????????????????me lme ???????????????s ??nd???????????? s?????f ??????????lll???????????and?????????????????t ?????????ll??????. ??ThThe?? le l??????????????likli??e a???????????opo?????????????and t????li??mes???????????????????????????????????????????our???horhori????????and ??????????ryryiry?", "output": "ed to give them ago and surprisingly they work extremely well. I found that the taste of them, while they are dissolving on your tongue is a bit horrid, but nothing I couldn't tolerate.

After it dissolved me and some friends decided to test it. We cut up some lemons and limes and decided to see if these really worked and to our amazement they really did. The lemons tasted like a 'lemon drop' candy, and the limes were very refreshing. We then expanded our horizons and started tryin"} {"input": "????tht?????thith???? t?????? w ???? i ???????liliki??. . W ????ouo??d d???????????r fr ??odo?s ?????????cecele????????nd?????????non???????????????ll ll????????????????????????????????????????????hohowo?eve?verve???????e ?e exe e??????????????????????????me me l ??astas?????ou???lyl???????????rsr?. ??????as as??????????????????????????????9?????B0B??1L1??YAYA5A??????????M6M???????ar????????,7,?,9,?,4,????????242??????t ?????s,s?, b, ???t w???ch???ut????????????? a ?nen????prp?????????????? d ????????????????????????????????????????yoy???????ded??to?????? a??pap??????he?????????????? g gug?es??????????artaart??ke ke?????????????????", "output": "g other things to see what it was like. We found some other foods to be excellent, and others not so much. All in all it's very fun.

They are, however, quite expensive. The effects on me lasted roughly 1-1.5 hours. So as a novelty, hurray for these.\"\n9668,B001LXYA5Q,A2H2PMNM66SGD,Sarah King,7,9,4,1258502400,\"It works, but watch out!\",\"This is a neat product, and it does what it says it does. However, if you decide to have a party where you invite guests to partake of handfuls of ra"} {"input": "?????????rrr?????????????????e,e?????????????ce????????????????, ?????a a??ara?rieri?tyt??????????????emsem??whwhih???? ar arer?? so s???????? m mim???clc?le le?????????????o no ?oto???????????????????mem????ththeth??????idi??eraerab??????fef??????????????hahava?????????ir?????????????????????XYX???Q,Q??????????KLK????????????????343???484????????? c??????I I????????????ses?????terte????????g ?????????em??????? so som so?? f???????? I ???as????????kek???ic??l ?????????oulou??d ed ??venve????al???y wy ?????????????ablyably ??and???????eveev?en en?????? sk s????????????????????????????????????ut ut?????????????????y dy ??? wo w???! ?ItI?t mt ??ke??s as ???th??ng????", "output": "w cranberries, lemons juice, tabasco sauce, beer, mustard, and a variety of other items which are sour, the miracle berry can do nothing at all to augment the considerable effect this will have on their bowels.\"\n9669,B001LXYA5Q,A2A01HAVBKLDW6,Ben,2,2,5,1347148800,VERY cool,\"I ordered these after hearing about them from some friends. I was very skeptical if it would even really work noticeably and was even more skeptical about the \"\"pill form\"\". But WOW! They really do work! It makes anything bit"} {"input": "???? o ?r ????r r tr ??sts?? i ini???????y y??????. .?????????????w w????????????????????fif?????ly? t???????eye????????we??eteet???. B. ???????????????tit???????e we ?????????????. ????reare??????????t ??vev????wanwa????o o??????? a at a??fi??????????????????? i? i h i ??d ????. I. It. I????st????lil???????e se ?????????????????st fst ??ava???fuf???????nan????ev???er. er. S ??erier?????ly,ly????????????? c ??????????ofo???????????n.???????mos?t ??couco?uldul????????ie????? it. it?. W. WhW?????a fa ???w fw ??????s ??wer?e ???????????e e t???m m a??pip?ll??????? an???wewe we?????l ofl o?????e s??uddud??? l?eme??????????????????????????????????\"\"?969????????LXL?????????0Z0?????????E,E??JeJ", "output": "ter or sour taste instantly sweet. I tried a few things and could definitely tell they were sweeter. But the most noticeable was the lemon. I really didn't even want to try it at first but i was told i had to. It tasted like the sweetest and most flavorful lemonade ever. Seriously, it was like candy all of the sudden. I almost couldn't believe it. When a few friends were over i gave them a pill each and we all of the sudden lemons were the best thing ever lol!\"\n9670,B001LXYA5Q,A2Z0ZK5RALU4QE,\"Je"} {"input": "???enen n??\"T\"?????????\"\"\"\"\"?????,5,?????????16016??,C,?heh??? P ??????????rar??????I I??????asases????hih?????r r m ?????????r wr ?hoh???? c ????????y ???????????????e e??????fufulu???he??motmo???????. .????????????????t ????emoemo,o??????????? e ???eryer????????becbecacaua?se???ve?????hinhi?ng ng t ta t?astas??????????????l al ???????waw???????????????????????????????????er er???? ea e?????????hinhinghin??. S. ???????????meme me????d ad ??ke?????e te ??o oo ???derde???????hihishi?s bs ??becabec???se ?an? o ????????y ny ????se ?????at sat ????is????ieien???????h h s??????stest?????. ?????ng????her her sher ??????????????????????ll??????????????????????????????ly ly? en e?????????t mt ma??????ng thng t?????????????", "output": "nben \"\"TX Hokie\"\"\",2,2,5,1345161600,Chemo Patient Miracle,\"I purchased this for my mother who is currently undergoing some powerful chemotherapy. During her first chemo, she hated everything because everything tasted like metal and it was short of pulling teeth to get her to eat something. She called me and asked me to order her this because an oncology nurse that she is friends with suggested it. During her second chemo she ate all her normal foods and actually enjoyed it making the entire proc"} {"input": "??sss??ofof f?????ngn?????????????????????l l????????. . W ??????e ????????y y?tht??????he he? wa wasas s es ?????????????????????s ????????????????? mo m??????mem??iai?ateat?????????1,1????1L1LXL???5Q5?????919?????????????rpr???????????????00????????fff??????????????????odo??s as ?????mormo??????????blb??????????????. ?????????????ama???????ege?ar??????????faf????ly ly l ???e ??????tot???be be??ne???????? m???????remarem?arkar??bl??e.e.9????????01L01LX??????????????????????????????5,5??????????????????????re are ?????????I gI ???t tt ????????bl?bletble???????ryr??th?themthe???????????????f tf thf t?????reare?allal???wow?????????d td ?to to m???sus?prpri????ththetheythe???????? t? the th", "output": "ess of eating during chemo a small miracle. We were so happy that she was eating because of this that we ordered more immediately!\"\n9671,B001LXYA5Q,A2W91FNDURBJEB,serp,2,2,4,1329696000,fun,Effects with some foods are more remarkable than others. I found balsamic vinegar tasting fairly like wine to be one of the most remarkable.\n9672,B001LXYA5Q,A1HMK2OTMF0WU,Hdamc,2,2,5,1327449600,Lemons are amazing,I got these tablets to try them out to see if they really worked and to my suprise they do and the"} {"input": "?? m ???????momononsn??????????????g.g??????????????????????????on????e ??isi?????? n ??ot ot t???te?? mu m??? b beb???????o o? me m??????? a ????stist??? t??yiy??g g s?omomem???????969676??????1L1????5Q5???????????4G4??????????ala??????\"\"\"???????????????pip??????\"\"\"\"\"??2,2?????????73673???????ooo??sws?????fof????my my?? tas ta?stestese?????????????eae?adiad?ing?? mo m???t ot ?? t???????iei?????????? e exe??ece???????????????????????te?????ossos?s. s.????t dt dod??????????????? no????????, ???????????????veve ????????????????) ) f?lal?avoav????o o io ??.<.??r ???
My first taste was of a strawberry. It was way too sweet for me. Almost tasted like I h"} {"input": "????????tot?????f f????????????e e???????ere??y,y???r ??????su???????????????????????I I t?rir???????????????y,??????????ry,ry?, p, ?omomem?????????ses??????????????ereer?e s??????r,r??bub???I ????????bl??????awaaw??y by ?y ??????????????? the th??y ty tat?astas?????juj?stst st? su s??prp????????t ht ?howhow w m ??????asteaste e be ???????ve????????ed.? ??????????????mom????????ry????e he ????????????hth???bobouo?ut ?th?e ?le???n,n??????????????????????????! ! ???atateat?????f ??????????? b?????e ?I ????????d id ???wa?s ???o o???????foforfo????. ?????????????gragr?????????vov????????eke? y ?ogo????????? t?? the the? fr f?????????????menme???????? a?ndn?????????????????????????", "output": "ad put tons of sugar on the strawberry, or even sugar substitute. Next I tried a blackberry, blueberry, pomegranate seed....they were sweeter, but I wasn't blown away by how \"\"good\"\" they tasted, just surprised at how my taste buds have changed. Next up, a lemon! Everyone has been right about the lemon, it tastes like lemonade! I ate half of a lemon before I decided it was too sweet for me. I put pomegranate flavored Greek yogurt over the fruit I just mentioned, and had a bite. TOO SWEET f"} {"input": "??? m ??! !?????????, ,?sos??????????????????? d ?aia?????????????ara??????????????????rmerm?????????????????? E ??verve??????? i ???????????????????ege?ar???????t ??? D DED???CIC???S!S??. . ???????????????????????????, ????????????????sss????mam????d.d?????nte????stistin?????I I????????y ??????th????regre??lal???????????unu?????reredred,d?????????on'on??????????????????????????OhO??, I, ???????????????????????fl????????co?????? w??????-y-yuy?ckc??! ! ???erereer????????????ol?atateate ate?????KYK???????????????. I?????s ???? b ??????????????s ????????usu?? t????????the ?????r ??halha?f ???????????on?????????????????????????", "output": "or me! Next up, some fermented spicy daikon (ever hear of \"\"Dave's Gourmet Korean food\"\"? Everything is fermented in vinegar and it is DELICIOUS!). The vinegar taste was gone, but the spiciness remained. Interesting. I actually like the regular flavor, unaltered, so I won't be having that again. Oh, I also tried chocolate flavored coconut water--yuck! There was a chocolate CHALKY taste to it. It has now been 30 minutes and I just tried the other half of the lemon. It still tastes sweet "} {"input": "?toto o?????????????????????????????????gig???????? ( ??ro??????ava???s s?????ana?????whw??chc??????theth????????????????t t h?asas s cs ???angan??????????????thathat??????plp???????????????????????????????
I'm giving the mberry four stars because it DOES do what it claims, it's just not my preferred way of tasting things.\"\n9674,B001LXYA5Q,A15VWJF3E3ECJL,Zach A. Skelton,2,2,5,1325808000,just as advertised,Make sure you salivate a lot and don't swallow for best results. They'll typically last a few hours. They're a big hit for guests. "} {"input": "??????anan n???????????????tht????????????????????????ononen? o????????????n'n??????k k???? w???l l??????????????????sts??????????????????????s ????ereer???s ???????????ic?eae?????efe?fef??????676???B0B?010???????,A,?????V3V3K3??????????????GuG????aia?????,2,,2?????????????????????ufu??,\",?ChC?????????ew???????????????????????????????????????d ?????ncn??????????usu???????????eaeat?????????????it it???????sss?????en?????????????d sd ????th??????eneen???itiit??????os????????????????o co ??????????on on???????????r r br ????????????????????itsit???????6,6??????????Q,????KOK?????HFH?????,Br,B??gig???te ???????????????", "output": "You can even get by with half after you've had one or two. Doesn't work too well on liquors but most sour and acidic foods there is a very noticeable effect.\n9675,B001LXYA5Q,A1VNOV3K0GS14L,Nikki Guerlain,2,2,5,1296518400,Neat stuff,\"Chewed a few of these and ate cheese, hot sauce and a bunch of citrus. Pretty neat stuff. If it was less expensive I could see this benefiting those who'd like to cut down on their sugar but still enjoy fruits.\"\n9676,B001LXYA5Q,A1IKOG44PHFNYS,Brigitte Hoch,2,2,4,1290"} {"input": "????????????????rer?e se ?? p ?????????? w ???????????????????mamat????????PeoPe??????????????itit-t?pi??? e ???ryr??????????????. . M. ???????? d dod??????t lt ???????????er,er?????????? n ??????????????????????????????pep??iei???e ????????d d?it???????????????an?????e ????????????????ulu?dnd?n'tn'?????????y ????. . T. ?????????s ?it??woworwo?rkerk?????and????????????????????????????DEDEDE???????wbw??rrr?ieiesie???????llllilliningin???????y ?????e ???aia?in in??usu?? f????????????????????????. L. ?????s as ?????????????.\".???????B0B???????5Q5???????????????8,8????. C. ????????????????????,2,,2??????535303???????????UnU??quq?????I tI ???????heshe??", "output": "816000,People are so picky.,\"It works, that's what matters. People have to nit-pick every little thing. Maybe it doesn't last forever, but it's not meant to.

My experience - melted it on my tongue and ate some foods I couldn't normally eat. This means it worked, and real good. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: strawberries!!! Willing to buy these again just for eating strawberries. Limes are tasty too.\"\n9677,B001LXYA5Q,A26L5GB12EMSJ8,\"J. Cornwall \"\"JPC\"\"\",2,2,5,1255305600,Very Unique,\"I took these "} {"input": "??????????????ene?dsd??hoh?usu?? a????????????????iti????????????ese???????????????ckckik??g ??????e ????l l?????????????it??????????? fo f???????w w?????te??, ,?????????y y? di d????????eve?????????ing sing ????, ?????????eee????WeW????rieriedrie?????on????lil??????ev?en???ou?????ndndynd?????he he??eie????th????????????????????t at ?????t t tt ?????????????? swe sw?eetee???????s,?s, ls, li????or??angan????. T????se se???re re????????or??????????????tyt??\"\"9??????000??????????????JFJ???????????anandan?en????. T???ma?????2,??????404070737?606?????????ooo???????non???mirmi?racra???????fo??????????htht ?????????dud?????????d ?????veraver?????vivie?????aya????ing ting ??at?????is ??", "output": "over to a friends house and tried them with amazing results. After sucking on the pill and letting it dissolve for a few minutes, it really did make everything sour, taste sweet. We tried lemons, limes, even sour candy. The weird thing is, they didn't affect the taste of sweet things, like oranges. These are great for a dinner party.\"\n9678,B001LXYA5Q,A2PGOJFX4F8J3Y,Branden G. Thomas,2,2,4,1244073600,It's cool but no miracle,\"Before I bought this product I read several reviews saying that this st"} {"input": "??fff??????ama????????????????????????ryr??thith??????????????t.t???o o????hoh????????????? t tr t???????outou?????????????prp???tyt???????????????t wt ???thth th?? the th??????aga?????s p??????. A. ??ou?out out??nene ?????????????er Ier ??????????????????? tr?????????????umu???????????ingsing???iki?????????????????????????????????????????ameame ?? f ??w.w???????d ?????ke eke ????yt??in????????????????????????????o to ?the??pop???t ??????????y ???????it'it???????zinzi?????????it?????d wd wo??????????? su s??????s ??????thi??????????????googo?????r r ar ?????????????????????????er ?dod????????? f????????? i it????st??? it' it??'s a's ?????al.al???????,B,???1L1", "output": "uff was amazing, that it made everything super sweet. So I thought I would try it out, and it is pretty cool, but not worth the outrageous price. About one minute after I sucked the tab I tried eating numerous things like limes, lemons, and oranges, just to name a few. It did make everything that's sour sweet. Not to the point of \"\"oh my god, it's amazing\"\" but it did work. So to sum this up, this stuff was good for a one time deal, but after doing it a few times it lost it's appeal.\"\n9679,B001L"} {"input": "????5Q5??A8A??7I7???????T6T???????ppppepe,e??,2?????????535?????????????lll?????????blb??????o o???????utut t f ?????I I?rer?????????he he?????rir??????????????lfl???????????wow????????????????????????yoyou??ha????????????sus????????????le??????ueu?????????????ad? d????ntn???ononton??ctc?????????e ?e tae t?abl??et et???????. . T ThTheTh?????blebl?????????????quq?????faf?????in in???ur? m mo?ut????????????bl?bletble?t mt ???????????lil?ittit?le???brb???????r /?????ri???????in???????????? tabl tab??????????????????resre?sulsultl??????????ri???????h ?????????d ????????????ettet?ere??????ultul??. ????????????????????????????????????s s as ?????stist???? a a b????????", "output": "XYA5Q,A8H7IAFIQ7GT6,J. Suppe,2,2,4,1239753600,Works well,\"The tablets do work but from I read in the description that half a tablet would work- it does, but you have to make sure your whole tongue and mouth had decent contact with the tablet piece. The tablet dissolves quite fast in your mouth so 1/2 tablet may be too little.

I tried again using 1 tablet and had good results- then tried with 2 and had slightly better results. The effect was pretty good. Lemons are still a bit sour "} {"input": "??????? r rar?? b ????????nonoto????at???ada???????pep????????s ?????ici?????lyl????ese????????? t ???? t??????. ?????mesme?????e ??n n????????????????? l ?????le le??ouo?r r b????????eded d?quq?????nin?iceic?. . ?????ala?? I ? c ?????d sd st?ili????notno????t ?????????h lh le??ono??oro??????? an a?????e ???idi???conco?te???????????h gh ???????????????????t ????????in????oo??????????????B0B?????YAYA5A?????????????????,E,EdE??????,1,???????343????????????racra??le ??????ed,ed????thisthi????????????at pat ????????? i i? ga g??????fef?w ???????? a??aya??????????????d d fd ?frifr???ndsnd???????heh?????l l ll lol?????itit.it?????????????????????????????????????weweeweetwee?????????n ???", "output": "to eat raw but its not that bad. Grapefruit is particularly awesome with this tablet. Limes were in between- still a little sour but tasted quite nice. Overall I could still not eat too much lemon or lime and the acid content of both got me worried about stomaching too much.\"\n9680,B001LXYA5Q,A2GP8OWF7OMV9G,Edgar d,1,1,5,1349827200,miracle indeed,\"this is a great product. i gave a few tablets away to family and friends and they all loved it. it made anything with citric acid sweet,and even mad"} {"input": "?e e??omo??e fe ??uiu???????????. .?ititsit?s as ?????????pep???????????????????et?.\".?9??????????XYX??5Q5Q,Q???RDR??NXN??????????ece?kyky,y???????????????????????????????????s ts ?aba????????????????? f ??n n? to to o??ryr?y oy ???. ??????????ts,ts?????????????, , a, ana?d d?????????ndsnd??????lolovo??????eme???????wer??????coc????????on???owo???????th????wow???????DoD??non?t t?drd???k k??????e be ?????t ?or??????????ce ce? th t?????? I ItIt ?????sisicsi?????? swe sw?????ec???????????e ????????dddded???an?and and??? the the????d ???? it i??! M! ?My My???avoavor?it???????frfrefr???????ea????????????????? o????imi????. (. ??im?es????????we?eteteet?er er????????????????????on?????????????????????", "output": "e some fruits sweeter. its a real experience for the palet.\"\n9681,B001LXYA5Q,A3RDKNXLHRCIPM,Becky,1,1,5,1347667200,Flavor Trip,\"This tablets were really fun to try out. My parents, my siblings, and my friends all loved them and were so confused on how well they worked. Do not drink store bought orange juice though! It was sickly sweet because of the sugar added and the acid in it! My favorite was fresh pineapple and sucking on limes. (Limes were sweeter for me than the lemons)\"\n9682,B001LXYA5Q,A"} {"input": "???????????NPN???VeV?????a1a101????1,1????????141??????????????????hih???????????mam??????????ntn????????????iri???lele ?????t ??????so?????an??hah??????????????somso?? b????????ala?l l????e t???????? / ????????????????es??t ct ???ngn???s ms ???huh???an?????????non????????????ini????ti????frf?????s &s ??????r ?beb??????? S ???????ouo???????????berberr??iesie????lul????berrber??????ra????ber????????lal?????????????????????????????? a??plp???????????lil??ke ke t???????????usustust ????????ofo???????pl????????h/h?????????t tht t?? h??ig??????????????????????s ??????????????kikidi?????????????ititiit??ing ing??????????ir??????
The biggest changes my husband and I noticed were in eating fruits & other berries. Store-bought strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, oranges, and green apples tasted like they were just picked off the plant/bush/tree at the height of ripeness. It was like being a kid again and biting into my first :)

"} {"input": "?? d ??dnd?????????e e??????hah??????t ?ala?l l w ?iti??????????????ittit????????????????ofofff??????andand d td te??s ???????????utu??????????????????????????????hoh?? s ????ce ce??????????indin??of??????s.s??. Sa. S??ororyry ???in??s ???????????ese???????meameatat at?????a a? sl s???????????????wew???????? b???? no n?????g ???ATAT T?? not no??ce????????we??????hin????s li??????and?????????ke?????????????????????????????????????????????ableabl???????><>?????????????elelyl??????????????????? t??e ????able?????????????ll??ovo??er er??????????????anand????n'????chech?w w??- -??leale?????it it o?? y? you yo???? ton to?ngunguengu????ntint?????it dit ?disdissssossolo???????? /?>
Definitely make sure you get the tablet to slide all over your tongue, and don't chew -- leave it on your tongue until it dissolves.

If you're a "} {"input": "?fafana????????etet,t?? su s??cuc???????rur??????utu??cac??'t'?????????????ror?????????????rmr??????????et???????yoy??????f ???????r r????????? th t?es??. .??????????h ?????????????or or? th??e f?unu???????????????????t ?:):)\")???????????LXL?????,A,??????VHVHLH????????????nyn??????5,5?????999???????????????????? ar a???????om?????FiF????t t?????s s fs ??irsir???, t, ?the??se ???tut??llllyl??wo????????????d td ???????????????enten??????????and and t?????al????????ed ed? a a??????????????f ??????ava?????????????he???e ae ???reare?????it?'s????????????????ded??finfi??????y a?????reatrea??exe??ererier?????\"?????????1L1LX1L????Q,??????SMS????????????re?ndn???????????33", "output": "fan of sweet, succulent fruit, but can't get fresh produce from farmer's markets, do yourself a favor and try these. It's worth the price for the fun, at the very least :)\"\n9683,B001LXYA5Q,A1I4RAVHL693YV,Anthony,1,1,5,1337990400,These berries are awesome!,\"First things first, these actually work. I tried tons of different foods and they all tasted a lot better. If you haven't tried these already, it's a must. It is definitely a great experience\"\n9684,B001LXYA5Q,A24VFSMK05PXXJ,Durrendel,1,1,5,133"} {"input": "?575?????00,00???ded????????e ???tet?????????????????????? a ??ouo????????????????????????????he???? th the??? ou o????????ereereded ??????ckack????e ane a???????????? f??? f???????? ov o???????terte?????ugu??????????? t?ri????????????venve??ngn??ofo???????vov???trt????????\"\"?????????????????????hat hat???????, ,??????????????????elelfl???havha?? a????ddd???????????????????estes?? b?????????????houho??s ????????rd??????ytyth?in???????te????? c???????telte?????????????????? an???????ing Iing ??veve ??hadha?????????. L. ??????????????st???wbw?????eses,es???????????usust????????ranranbn?????????????OJO??, a, ?????????????e.e. ?ITI????l l w??????ompom??????????", "output": "5744000,Made for one interesting night!,\"Heard about these and simply had to check them out. Ordered a package and invited a few friends over after a huge shopping trip for an evening of \"\"flavor tripping.\"\" That is exactly what it was, the tablets themself have an odd taste (not the best) but for two hours afterward everything we ate was completely different from anything I've had before. Lemons, kiwi, strawberries, cheese, mustard, cranberry juice, OJ, and a lot more. IT all was completely dif"} {"input": "??ere???????????s s l ???????pep?????cic????????????odo?????????? f ?????t tt tit??????????????g ????s ss ????????????????d (d ?????????????lul??ioi??s)s?????h h?????????????ndended??????atati???????lel???lemle????????????en?????????????????werwe?????????oro??????????????r /r />r /??he??????alalll????rere ??????????????I wI ????????????????????????? any an?????????????? f?oooodoo???????????010????A5A?Q,Q,A,???????????UXUXFX???ege???,1,??????131????????00,00?????????ororkor??????ada????n n???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????forfor for a???????????????????????? b?????????????iteitelite?????rtr????? tr t????\"9\"???6,6?????", "output": "ferent and was like experiencing these foods for the first time. Everything was sweet and tasted (with few exclusions) much better. I ended up eating whole lemons by the end because they were my favorite.

These really are amazing and I would recommend them to anyone who likes food.\"\n9685,B001LXYA5Q,A3FCYRTZX25UXF,Megan,1,1,5,1335225600,Really Works!,\"Had fun with my family with the mberries, they absolutely worked for all 5 of us and it was a blast! Definitely worth a try!\"\n9686,B001L"} {"input": "????????3H3?????171???9T9TZT???ara???????????,1????969??????????eaeala??y y???????????????????? di d????el?? m ??y fy ??????????? c ???cecerer ????iei????an???????????an????????t t bt ??????????????sts?????s s ns non?o go ????????l l???????rar????e be ?????y gy gag?vev??hih?? a???googo??????????ga?ininn?96???????1L1??XYAXY?????????MWMW0W?????????usussus?????????,1,1,1,???,1?????????????ber??????bsb???er??y iy ?intin??????????. T. ?????????????????????sns??nt tnt ????e ????????????????????el??? p ????????????????he bhe ??st??????f ??we we????????? t???ry iry ?? w wi w????????????le le???????y ??it???????????ealea???y sy ????????s ts ??? f??????????ts kts ???????ra??y.y??????????????", "output": "XYA5Q,A3HKCQX17RT9TZ,Barbara,1,1,5,1334966400,It really did help,It really did help my father is a cancer patient and. Didnt want to eat because the taste was no good.well the miracle berry gave him a good taste again\n9687,B001LXYA5Q,A3VJMMW0OHTE9J,aussie1492,1,1,4,1330473600,Mberry Tabs,Very interesting. The tablet itself doesnt taste that great but it melts pretty fast. The best stuff we found to try it with was apple and any citrus. It really sweetens the fruit. Its kinda crazy. It was fun.\n9"} {"input": "???????????YAYA5A5Q5Q,Q??????R8R??????8U8???????b b???\"Ja\"J???????,1,?????,1??262??????????????g.g???I I j ??????????????e e????rrr??????????????t ct ?conco??????????????????l l?????wow??k.k????????????co??ce??????ene???????????????????d d?it?????t w?????????glglyly y fy ??????? a ???fif????????????vev??????t wa????n ????e te ?on??????. I . I?did?????t nt ?notnotit???? an a?????ing???FiF???st ?????????????ed ed??????????pep??? I I? me m??n ?n thn t?isi???????the??????t dt ???????????gragr?apeap??I ??ada?d ed ??er??????ed?????st?ara???????????ll ??????rur????s a??????????????ulu??????????ng.ng?. P. ???plplele ?????????????????????????????d ???e ????on?????????????????ngsng??s wis w?", "output": "688,B001LXYA5Q,A1KVVR8NF2T28U,\"Jacob \"\"Jacob\"\"\",1,1,5,1326326400,Amazing.,\"I just bought the mberry with slight concerns that it will not work. All those concerns went away when I tried it. It was a tingly feeling at first where ever it was on the tongue. I didn't notice anything. First thing i tried was a grape. I mean this was the most delicious grape I had ever tasted. I started try all the fruits and sodas i could. Amazing. People don't realize that you should use it on fruits and things wit"} {"input": "???aca????????ItIt t????sus?????ede?????????????m m???eeeetetet?r.r?????hoh????h ih it???diddi?????ke ke o ????ofo?????????iei??????????????waw?sns?'t'??????????????????ici?????????????te??????mem??????????tedte????ke????????????? I w I ??oulou??n'??????geg??t ???ti????? a b a ???????? l?em???????cac???? t th???????????fef????s ys ??ourou?? to t??????????t yt ??????to???ch?. ????????you you???????es????you?????? th the th?????????????? w ?wonwo??? w????????????it pit ????aba?????ili????VeV????plplel???????????????????????????????????????????nnn??????4,4????????404??????un tun ????????????????ry??????ealea???? t???y'y?????????????amaam????ng ng???????o eo ????lelemle???????yoyou", "output": "h acidity. It is supposed to make them sweeter. Although it did make one of my cookies sweeter it wasn't nearly as dramatic as when I ate a lime. It tasted like lime-ade. I wouldn't suggest eating a bunch of lemons because this only affects your tongue. Not your stomach. When you buy these you run the risk that it won't work, but it probably will. Very pleased.\"\n9689,B001LXYA5Q,A3UHEWOFOS983L,shmann,1,1,4,1323302400,fun to try,\"fun to try. really, they're just an amazing way to eat lemons. you"} {"input": "??????babasa??ca????????????????ono????n ?????r r?????????????????????????????????r ???I I????'t'????ll????????????????????wew???????????????eemeem m?????tyt???ucu?h h t???e se sas?meme ??? m ???????
??????????????e ???fuf?n ???????????????????theth?em em? fo f????a ma ????????di?????xpx?????????????????????????gsg???????'r're're ???????t ot ??????d ?????????????969??????????YAY??Q,Q??????????0R0??????????,1,?,1,1,,1?????202??646???00,00?WoW??????asas as e?xpxpexp?ctc??d,d,T,???? ef e???ectec??wa?s ??????asas ???????be??d a????????ede???????????t 2t ?????? mi m?????tes.tes?????d rd ???????nd??trt????g ???????yoyouou'ou??'re 're?????re????????ou???on???t bt be?????sapsa?????", "output": " can basically squeese lemons in water and it tastes delicious.

I can't tell the difference between brands. seem pretty much the same to me...

they make a fun gift. don't buy them for a mind bending experience, they're not drugs; they're a sort of food sweetener.\"\n9690,B001LXYA5Q,AOY88K2ZG0R2B,sashko,1,1,5,1320364800,Worked as expected,The effect was just as described and worked for about 20-30 minutes. I'd recommend trying it if you're interested. You won't be disappoint"} {"input": "?ede????????B0B??1L1?XYXYAY?5Q5?,A,???2C2???656??MPM???ScScrc??msm??awa??????????????????????!,!???un!un??????????tat???????????????????ng????TrTryr???t!t????????????drd?an???a a????lel???????le le????????????????????? u ?sis????? thi th?????ui?t t? th tha th?t't????????ele?l l????????????????,B0,B?00100??XY?????????O5O??????B01B0??????eme?y ????????????????????????????????????ry???! ?DeD????it????????ks????????????onon ??????????????al?lyl????????ed ed?? thi this this,s????????it?it wit ??????y ?fafam???? a? and an???my my???d ??as?????????tit???al al a???fi????st bst ??t ????????e te ?????a a ba ????????????????????e e we ???????????????????! Th! T????????????hishi????????as?????ce?", "output": "ed.\n9691,B001LXYA5Q,ASS2CPF65HMPU,Scrimshaw,1,1,5,1308700800,Fun!,Fun! Changes taste of so many things! Try it! We almost drank a whole bottle of lemon juice after using this fruit that's how well it works!\n9692,B001LXYA5Q,A1VPO57JDOB01N,Jeremy Camp,1,1,5,1294704000,'m'azing mBerry's! Definitely works and is a ton of fun!,\"I really enjoyed this, tried it with my family and my dad was so skeptical at first but when he took a bit into the lemon he was flabbergasted! The look on his face was pricel"} {"input": "????????estes? f ?????????s s??????????????????s ys yoy?? e ?????????????ono?????????e e me ??oreor?e te th??????????! !????h h?????????wiw??h h mh ???????err????????r tr ?the? p ????????ici??h ih ?is is??? bi b???????p p???? t ?aba????s ?ana???????t tht t????????????errieerri?????hichi????re?????? t?? c ?????byb?. ??????????idi??it???asa??????lyl? a? c?ou??????????????????????me ??????????????????????inuin???s ?????????. O. ????????????he ???????s ws wi????juj?????????????????????? wi wililll? m?????????enden???ui?ckc????????????????????????id??????hi????????outou????usu?st st??????eve?????thith???g pg ?prepr?????????and and???????? ta t?????bebefbe???????????keke ke?? it! it???????????1L1??", "output": "ess. Best for groups of friends unless you experiment alone but the more the merrier! Wish it came with more berries per the price which is a bit steep for tablets and not the real berries which are hard to come by. People said it lasts only a couple minutes but for me it was a decent 15 minutes or more. Obviously the lemons with juice and other fruits will make it end quicker since there are liquids washing it out. Just have everything prepared and on the table before you take it!\"\n9693,B001LXY"} {"input": "?????????????????????iti????lol???r,r?????4,4?,12,1??????808???MiM??aca??? b ???????????????= =??????????????????????ses????????????????ac????????????????? m ???racra???in????????reresre?????????opo????????o o????ece????????????ve ve?????? t??????s ??????? T ?????fff?ecectec??????????????????????????????pr?????????y ?????inin ???????????d md ??????or?????. ??????????wawaswa?s cs ??????????y iy ??in lin ???????????????lem????, ?, an, a???? tho th????????non??????ly ly??njn????th???flflalavla?????f f?????????t ?nun???????? t th??????????l.l???or?or sor ???? t? the?????????? was wa??????????y t????sws????, ??????thetheythey ????ve ?upup p??ftf???r ar ???fewfe????????????", "output": "A5Q,A2Q3CMDWRA3TOX,kittenlover,1,1,4,1288828800,Miracle berry + lemons = AWESOMENESS,\"I was researching the miracle berry protein miraculin for a research proposal, so I decided to give these tablets a try. The effect was immediate, and lasted approximately 20 min for me and my coworkers. Everyone was completely in love with the lemons, and those who normally enjoy the flavor of lime went nuts over them as well. For some the effect was actually too sweet, and they gave up after a few foods. Othe"} {"input": "?? f fof???s/s??????aga?????es????????? b ???????????????????????berrber???es ????stst t? th t?????????nen?????????d wd ?ini??????????????weeweete?t ot ono??? the the e te ?on?gug???????t nt ?????? g ?rereare????????? t? thr th?????????????????????eses ???????????s as ???d id ???sw?eeeet???? y ?????quq??eze??????????????ntn??? it i??????t ct ???????????s ????t c?os???efe????????????????ietie??aia?????ut?????s ?s a ????????ar???r ??ri???? to t????ararear?????????????are are?ene???ertertaertaiainai??ingin??????????????????Q,Q,A,???????RRR?????????????????4,??????565606???,t,??????e tre t????????ItIt It?????s ??????laslast???????a ?fe????????????????kek??e soe s??????????????????ri???????6969569?????????", "output": "r foods/beverages tested were blackberries and raspberries (lost their tartness), red wine vinegar (sweet on the tongue, but not so great in the throat) and Corona (loses bitterness and is sweet if you squeeze some lime into it). It certainly is not cost effective as a diet aid, but it's a great parlor trick to share when you are entertaining.\"\n9694,B001LXYA5Q,A2A3RBSRR4G1RB,scott,1,1,4,1288656000,taste tripping,It works and lasts for a few minutes to make sours sweet. Its trippy.\n9695,B001LXYA"} {"input": "55Q5???1Z1???H5H5C5????UPUP0P?????????????????????53?727?????????????????ouo????????????????tatasasts?? tr t??????yoy??????? t???? try try y????ses?? S SoS???????????????e se ???ara????????. ?ApAppp???es,es???strst?rawra??ere??iei??? an a???or??????es wes ?ili???????e e le ????e te ?????oso?? d ded??????????????????????eve???r hr ?????????????keske???or????????pap?????ac???viv??y ?whw???????????????? m?????????ver? t th???\"\"\"??ono??er???? v ?vinvinen????\"\"\"\" \"\" a????\"\"?cac???????????????????9???????????????????MUM?00????D3D??????. F. ??????1,?????,12???????????????y sly s??ghg??t et ????????????????? t???? mi m?irair??le??????? d??es??????????????or eor ????eryoery????????????ve???y ly ????", "output": "5Q,A1Z53H5C6RCUP0,music fan,1,1,5,1285372800,It's miraculous!,\"For a real tast treat, you have to try these. Sour foods taste sugary sweet. Apples, strawberries and oranges will taste like the most delicious fruit you've ever had. This makes for a fun party activity where guests will marvel over the \"\"wonderful vinegar\"\" and \"\"candy-like limes\"\".\"\n9696,B001LXYA5Q,A3EMU00SV6D3TN,D. Frost,1,1,2,1277078400,Very slight effect....,\"Maybe the miracle fruit does not work for everyone. It had very littl"} {"input": "?? e ????ctc???????I I????d d?????? s ??????????????????????ala????????????? p?ili?????sss???veve ???n mn ??????????ete???????????????????????asa???????rsr???, a, ???imi????????tit?iceic???????????, t, ??ata?t it ?????as as????????iteit??as??????????ndn?????g g???????mam?????????eeeen?????thoth?utu?t tt th?????berbe??????ut ut j ????t st ???ghg?????. A. ?????????????????d ???????swswew????????t ????? i????????????????t ot ?f f s so s??????????????dsd??????????????, ?????egaeg?????????????????ss,ss??????????????s, s, c????esees?????????????rer??????????ed fed ??ui??????????????ha??????ry???it???????pa???. ?????afa?te?????????a fa ??????????????????ldl????", "output": "e effect when I used it. I started with a clear pallet, let the pill dissolve on my tongue etc. Then I tried the classic first, a lime. I noticed, barely, that it was not quite as pucker inducing as it may have been without the mberry but just slightly. And it did not add any \"\"sweet\"\". It just inhibited a hint of sour. Other foods like vinegar, vinegar chips, Guinness, strawberries, cheese, etc. Many recommended fruits and foods have very little impact. And after just a few minutes, I could not"} {"input": "???e e???????????.<.
So, either, some people just don't have the same level of effect or much of the miracle berry effects are group dynamics and heightened suggestibility. Either way, they were a let down.\"\n9697,B001LXYA5Q,A3G1GQAY8ZR1K8,\"Jessie Wachter \"\"JWalk\"\"\",1,1,3,1263254400,Fun but not as effective,\"These tablets did work, but were not nearly as effective as I had expected. I set up an entire spread of foods, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, liquids etc to try and when my friends and "} {"input": "????????eded d??????aba??ete??????did?sss?????????????nln?????????? on o??? c ?????? t??ini?gsg?s as ????????????????????????????????????????e (e ????beb????101??mim???????????????????????STS?????????LDL??????thath????????????????????e ???????????????,1,,1????????363????????ettet?y y Fy ?????,\"????fo????????????ab?leletle?? t???????????ty ty??????????????t ?didisdiss??????g g????????????????? y ?????????????????????????t ??in ?hah????????othot?herhersr?????ggegg???????AnAndnd nd????????ele?????????re re???????ve ve?? the th??e tae t?????????????????r Er ?????????ng???????I mI ??ss?ed?ed ted th??????????????????????????di??so??????????the tthe ta????????? wh w?", "output": "I allowed the tablets to dissolve, they only worked on a couple things and only for a very short period of time (maybe 5-10 min?)\"\n9698,B001LXYA5Q,AST715OJDJXLD,\"Katharine Williams \"\"Kate Williams\"\"\",1,1,4,1262736000,Pretty Fun!!,\"We found these tablets to be pretty fun! I suggest dissolving a full tablet in your mouth, not cutting it in half as others suggested. And definitely be sure to move the tablet around your ENTIRE tongue...I missed the back of my tongue when dissolving the tablet so whe"} {"input": "?nen??ere????? s ????????????????a a?hih???????????rer???????????/??????????eveveever????t ???s s???????????????????????e he ???????? ta t??????????ge????????????e!e???????????d ld ???ono???????????????ef???it????????????in??????????d ??otota???????????sos?????????????s,s, s, ws, ??????d ?so??? s??????????ll ll????klk???s, ?????ge?ges,ges????hishi?????????d wd ???????????ndnd nd??????rubru?????? g????????uitui??t tot t??beb????so?????????MAM????G.G????he ??????pi???????????????o ????ch ??????????t ?pi????eses,es, , I, ????ad ad? to to ???oubou??????????????jajara??r tor t??????ke ske ??ureur????????????'t'??????????????o ????????tit?????rlr??ly dly ?????????s, ??", "output": "never I'd swallow I'd get a hint of the real flavor.

However, it was definitely neat to see how the tablet changes your taste!! We tried lemons, limes, grapefruit, buffalo wing flavored potato chips, sour patch kids, warhead sour spray, dill pickles, oranges, whiskey, and wine. I found the ruby red grapefruit to be absolutely AMAZING. The dill pickles tasted so much like sweet pickles, I had to double check the jar to make sure they weren't! Pinot grigio was particularly delicious, as"} {"input": " ??????abablb??????????ror?ugu?????he he????????sss????????g g????????? s?????????r ??><>??r ?????ana??????????????? j ???t ????????????????????eetee??er er???an????????? T ?????lemle??nsn??????e se ?stist?lll??? b bib??? so s????????????????????lfl?????????????licli???????th????, w, ??ici?h ?I ??????????nkn?????ou??d ????e ?do???? wi w???????t th?????????s!s?????????????? r ??byby y???????????????????? by b????? t????beb??????in in?????????on???????/>???

Oranges were okay, just tasted a little sweeter than normal. The lemons were still a bit sour but I found myself eating 4 slices of them, which I don't think I could have done without the tablets! I swear, the ruby red grapefruit was by far the best, in my opinion.

We found that the more sour a food, the more drastic an effect. I definitely recommend trying these tablets with a full fridge so you can experience "} {"input": "????????????f f???odo?????????????omo?????????????, ,????ono?s,s, , a, ?????ili?? p ?ici??????ara??e ae a a?mumusu?? t?o o??ryry y wy ??ithit? t?heh?????????><>
They're great to try with friends, as the novelty wears off after one or two tries. As long as there are new people around though, it's fun to see other reactions to the tablets. Definitely recommend!!\"\n9699,B001LXYA5Q,AJXRXTXGA858O,Simon Clark,1,1,5,1254355200,Brilliant product!,\"I took one of these tablets, and the results were instantaneous. I drank some pure lemon juice, and it tast"} {"input": "??? l ??kek? ????????eee????eme????????????????? t ???????ieied?????????sps??????????????ed????????????he?????rieri???????????????? w??????li???ou??, ???d ??omo????????????????non?????????ly ly l? lik li?? c??????, ?????? a ???????????g g???? lit li???????????????ama????????????? wo won??derde???l l???t tt ???te?d ??????th?e ????le????????????????coc?ommom????? th??? p ?ror????????????useus????it wit ??llll ll a???????????????????t ??????????t t??ast?in??.\".?????0,0????1L1?????????J1J??????????3,3,\",????????w Mw ?ooo????\"\"\"\"M?????????????????????????????????ctctuctuaualua??y ?????!!!????????iri??????did????????hi?????? they the??wow???d ?????????ut ????", "output": "ed like very sweet lemonade. My Sister then tried it and spat it out immediately. I then tried a lime, which was delicious, and some cheese. I do not usually like cheese, but i after eating a little bit i was amazed at how wonderful it tasted with the tablets. I highly recommend this product, beacuse it will amaze you the moment you start tasting.\"\n9700,B001LXYA5Q,A2J1LWMV1VZBE3,\"Matthew Moore \"\"Mmoore\"\"\",3,4,5,1232323200,They Actually Work!!!,\"At first i did not think they would work, but i bo"} {"input": "??????tht???????erer r???????? t??? s ??????ifi??????iewie??ofof f??????????????????cidci????????????? them the?????t ?????eee?. .??ft??? i ????t ????m ??i hi ????????????????????g sg ???????st??????????????????k k? a a????????????????????????????????????????????????. . A. ???zizin??????he?y ?wow?????!!!?!! !!???????s ????awa??????e pe ????ucu????or???????e ??hoho ???????wiw???d ????????or??????????????????????f cf chche???istis??????)\")\"\"???????000?01L01LXL?YAY?????NXN????FMF??????????????????????????????????irair?clclele le? ac a??uau???????????????????????TheTh????????????ha?????????? i?????????isisois???????? th???????alal al b????rieri????IfI?f yf ??? w", "output": "ught them after reading the scientific view of them and then decided to buy them just to see. After i got them i had to try something sour just to see, so i took a half tablet and put some lemon juice on my tung. Amazingly they worked!!! This is an awesome product for anyone who likes wired things or just has a liking of chemistry. :)\"\n9701,B001LXYA5Q,ANXK1IFMW4QSU,Suika,12,18,1,1282262400,Miracle actual fruits wayy better,These tablets hardly work in comparison with the actual berries. If you w"} {"input": "??????????????ipi?????????n n b bub????? bo b?? o ofo??? the th???????????m m????cic?fif??um? b be b??????? or o???????yoy???????n pn ???nt? i ??????? o????????ingin??????????? th????pilpi????aba?lelete????InIn ???y o?pi?????????????????????Q,Q??8J8??????6J6?????????ankank k G ??rifri???tht???\"F?Gr??????????,4,???,4??????????????t ??????s as asas as????te????,I ,I???????twt?wo wo l le?????? af a?teterte?r dr ????ololvl?in????????tabta???????? m ?? m???????????????ede????????ikikek?e le ????????. ?. O. ??????????. ????????????e re ?ece?omo???????????ablab??t.t??????????????????????or or m???????????? ar a???? t??d ??????????????????????????.9.????????????A5A5QA5?????????FGF????TWT?,J,??????", "output": "ant flavor tripping then buy a box of the Synsepalum dulcificum berries or grow your own plant instead of wasting money on the pill/tablets. In my opinion.\n9702,B001LXYA5Q,A8J6QQIG6J6UB,\"Frank Griffith \"\"FGriffith\"\"\",4,6,4,1233532800,It works as stated.,I tried two lemons after dissolving two tablets in my mouth. It tasted just like lemonade. One thing. The package recommends 1 tablet. That didn't work for me. If you are a tad overweight two is better.\n9703,B001LXYA5Q,A3HHBAXFG17TTW,Japeyez"} {"input": ",????,5,?????????????MiM??aca????FrF??iti?????????????ses?ene??????????dud???????????????ndn? I ????sts???????o o? tr t?y y?????????????????????t ?????????eses,?????????????d ????anan an??????and?????nkn????????ju?????th????ee tee ????? a??????????/>/???t it ?is is????????le?? pi p?????:):)\")\"\"???????????????Q,Q?????????????LYL???????????ui???????????929???404???????????s a??vev?????sedse????????????????????s ??????? it m it ???????imeim??????le?????sws??????????? wa wasasns???????????? a as????? t? the the ??????????ieiewewsw?????????. ??????eme??n ????????li????????ortort ?????????????????. I . I??????????????????????????????????????? d??", "output": ",2,3,5,1322611200,Miracle Fruit Tablets,\"I seen this product on Dr. Oz and I just had to try this out to see if it works. Yes, it works and I can eat and drink lemon juice three times a day.
It is a miracle pill. :)\"\n9704,B001LXYA5Q,A37H2JD9C8A2LY,Dung T. Bui,0,0,4,1349222400,works as advertised,\"I used the tablets and it made lime and lemon sweeter. It wasn't as sweet as all the other reviews claimed. The lemon tasted like a sort of ripe orange. I let my grandma try it, but she said it did"} {"input": "?????wow??? f ??????????979707????000????????,A,AUAU9U????????????JoJ????????????4,4????363?????00,00????t wt ???rksrks,s????????t t at ???????ctc???.\"??????ot????????????????????????te???????????? ef e????tst?????y y f????????????tot????????. .????? t tat????????eme????????????????????????? ho h???????????????or mor ????isi?????????????? i ??t dt ?????????????????????????y ??we?????????????it?iai??????asteast??ofo??????th???????as as????nt?ic????, a, ?????it it??lo?????gog?????????ter ter??????ter tter ?????iri????????????????????????????ou????????????????s ls ?????????????totootooko???? a???sicsi???????weeweetweet weet???????y fy ?????or ????t ?????????e ??ou", "output": "n't work for her.\"\n9705,B001LXYA5Q,AU9932BAWKPE7,John Doe,0,0,4,1343606400,\"It works, but not as expected.\",\"As other reviewers have pointed out, the effects vary from person to person. Each tablet seemed to last up to a half hour (longer for my sister)and while it did make things noticeably sweeter, the initial taste of something was identical, and it slowly got sweeter after the first half a second. Oh, and sour/bitter drinks like Monster took on a sickly sweet syrupy flavor that may leave you"} {"input": "??????????????????? a?????????n'n??t tt ?ryr???????????????in?????????t tt tat t???????????????? bi b???ododdd? o?? y ??????on??????bub??t at ?as as?sos?onon on??????????s ?????? th t?????????e fe ???vov???ana??d fd fufumumem???wew???????erper?owo?werwe?in???y y ay ??fu??????????B0B?????????????????TQT????5,5??ama??????????131????161???????,\",?ThT??y ??????????souso???????????????fofor??? a b a ??????????omo???imi?????????????????????????????r..r.?????????????eltel??y iy ????????70??,B????????????????0A0??EME????????????,0?,0,0,0,???5,15,????????????????le????uiu?????????????ve ve???????????a fa ?????im?????????????nd nd????isis ???????ing.ing???as??????????????????????", "output": " feeling a bit ill after. Don't try Apple cider vinegar, it tastes fine if a bit odd on your tongue, but as soon as it hits your throat the flavor and fumes were overpoweringly awful.\"\n9706,B001LXYA5Q,AIITBX9TQHSH5,James,0,0,3,1335916800,Eh,\"They do make sour stuff sweet for a bit, but sometimes it gives it an odd flavor... great novelty item.\"\n9707,B001LXYA5Q,A2XEE0AQEM5CCT,Daniel,0,0,5,1329004800,Miracle Fruit Rocks,\"I've had this a few times before and it is amazing. Last time I had it a half"} {"input": " ???????????nen?????e ????????????????????????????t ct chc?????? t?????????????????????o bo ????ut?????????????????t ?an???????? wo woro???????ata?t $t ?????? d????. . I??????e te ??????? it a it ??so??????????????me??????????ded????????s ts toto to??ryr????????s ???nd nd l???????re???y y??????theth?????st,st?????er ?????re?ttt????cooco????tooto?????????????LXL?YAY?????PFP?IDI???????ARA?????t,t??,0??????????929202???GrG?????geg????ogo????????de???????mbm?????? ta t???et??s ws wos w????????ea?eat.eat?????e t??????????????? th the th??e sue s???gesge??ed?ed ped ??????gsg???s ands an??mo???? of o?f tf th?themthe???ada?d sd ???e ?e soe s??????f ff fuf??n tn ???????ftf???r er ????ng?????????????????????0000100???XYAXY?A5QA5????", "output": " pill was one dose so I thought this was a bit cheaper than it turned out to be but it's still great and well worth it at $2 per dose. I like that it also came with some recommended foods to try. Lemons and limes are by far the best, beer is pretty cool too.\"\n9708,B001LXYA5Q,APFIDN46T4CAR,Matt,0,0,5,1328659200,Great get together idea,The mberry tablets worked great. We tried a lot of the suggested pairings and most of them had some sort of fun taste after eating the tablets.\n9709,B001LXYA5Q,A33"} {"input": "P????????C1C??,\",????????????????????ono?????lal??????/ /????????DeD?????????????5,5,1,?????585?404???????e e???????????????????,\"?????????????? a ??? d ded?cic?????????uyu???hih???????ucu?? b?????useus?e oe ??????????d dd ????????????pr???e)e).). ???????rkr?????and? i???????????? c???l.l??????????wew?????? d???recre?ctict????s bs ??????????? a a w??????e tae t????t t ot ??????????????and??????????it?????????????????????????????????????le?????????ve????????????putpu??????????????uthut? j ??????????????????t itt i?????te??????? a????weewe?????????????????????????onlon???????????t t?????e o????????. . I???????d hd ??????????????EPE?", "output": "PGSQRLN0C1Z,\"J. Stern \"\"Professional Slacker / Master Degre...\",0,0,5,1326758400,These Are Seriously Cool,\"I was curious and decided to buy this product because of it (and despite the price). It worked and is SERIOUSLY cool. I followed the directions by putting a whole tablet on my tongue and letting it completely dissolved. Sliced up a lemon and very warily put it in my mouth just to find that it tasted like a sweet lemonade. There was only a slight tinge of sour. I would have happily KEPT"} {"input": " ??????g g??????s,s???s s????????????????????????? t?????????????????????????meme ?to??sts???. .??????????n ?bub????g ????? m???? o???????s ps ??????? i in??? the??fuf???????? It I???or????an???????an??asastas????\"\"??717???????LXL??????????????Z7Z7R7?????????eee?,0,?????,1,131???????80080??????????????????????iti??????????ngngsng??????e ??????? sw s???????omo??? th????s ??????at at???????ouougou??????????er,er???thith??is dis ?deldelilivli????????as ???trt????lyl???relre?lialiaba????????d i d i??recre?????????y py pap???????????ay ay??????. ????????????????????????????!\"!\"??????????????A5QA5?Q,AQ,????????LAL?????,\"P,\"???lilip???????????????X\"X??\",\"???????????????????MAM", "output": " eating lemons, as they were delicious, the the acid on my lips told me to stop. I plan on buying MUCH more of this product in the future. It works and is fantastic!\"\n9710,B001LXYA5Q,A2QQPCYJZ7RTBS,JayLee,0,0,4,1304380800,Wow.,\"It was crazy, it made things taste super sweet, some things not at all though. However, this deliverer was extremely reliable and i receiver my package a day EARLY. A first for me with Amazon!\"\n9711,B001LXYA5Q,A5GTXAFALAHS6,\"Philip Graham \"\"BlinX\"\"\",0,0,5,1300665600,AMA"} {"input": "????????????????d d b brb???????tht?isi???????????????rtr????????wew??????????????memese?, ???momono?????????es?????????????????e ?ini??tit???????tet???? t??????blb??t t it is??????????????????????st?????????it?????????tilti?l il ??'s'?s ds did???????????mpm?????lyl???on on????????ongon????????ti????????AfA????????????souso?r r fr ?????????????????????????mesme???????e le lie likike?????e Be ????? so s??????and?????? h ha??? e ???r ???????d id ?? y??????lifli??????????????????VOV???? th? them the? : ????979??2,2????1L1?????????????????????????zzzzz?????,4,?,1,12??????80??0,m0,mbmbeb?????MiM????le? F ???????????????????????????????ut ut?????? fo???? s???????timti??. ???", "output": "ZING!,\"My friend brought this over for a party, and we tried the limes, lemons, oranges and bananas! The initial taste of the tablet is pretty nasty, but just stick with it until it's dissolved completely on your tongue, coating it. After that, sour fruit like lemons and limes taste like the BEST sour candy you have ever tasted in your life and you will DEVOUR them :D\"\n9712,B001LXYA5Q,A2O8NZSY5H5BB2,Zzzzz,0,0,4,1282780800,mberry Miracle Fruit Tablets,\"It does work, but only for a short time. Yo"} {"input": "?u u??eee??????did?sss????e e?????????uru???on??????????heh?n ???t ??????????????!\"!???717??????????A5A5Q5?????UWU?2S2?APA??D5D???????????????????707?????????????,\",\"T\"?????sts??????????????????? wa w?rnr??d ???he he?efeffffeff??t ????sns?'t'??????????? l ??????????omo?? p pep????????? i????????ili????mam??????????????enden???????????riedrie???atatitin?? a?? le l???? s????????????????????ZIZ??G.G??????????th????????ct ct? st s?????? t??? we w??????ff ff???????lyl?????????????le???of of??????9797197??4,B4,?B00B0??????????????????????????????ce??ll,ll????0,50,??,12,1?27427????60600???????????e ?exexpx???????t,t???????? i?????????????nd????????y ??? s???????an an e??????", "output": "u need to dissolve it on your tongue and then let the fun begin!\"\n9713,B001LXYA5Q,A1QUW2SAP3D58N,Chris,0,0,4,1277078400,Awsome,\"This stuff works, but be warned the effect doesn't last very long for some people but it is still amazing. My friend and I tried eating a lemon slice and it was AMAZING... until the effect started to wear off slightly in the middle of it.\"\n9714,B001LXYA5Q,A25Y36P937HMDE,A. Purcell,0,0,5,1274313600,Fun little experiment,\"A very interesting and fun way to spend an evening"} {"input": ".. .????????????????lfl????????????whw??????????????r,r, ,???e se ??????d d??vev?????ini?????????oto???????????????????????????????????sa????????????gag??????????s to s to??ar???ada?????om????????????????????????????????so??????????????ch,ch?????????????? a?dvdve??????? fo f?????????ououtou?th.th?????151??B0B????????Q,Q???????RKR???A9A?XCX???????????????uryur?,0,0,0????????71171111161???????rar???????????..?.,.?????? a????????pep?ensen????, ?????nen?????r tr ?thath?????????? I ??????????????es wes ???????t st ??ysys!s????????somesom?????????,B?0000100??XY?????A1A????????????????????????ububib???ge ge?\"\"\"??SabSabrb??????\",\"??????????797?20200????????? D ????ferfe", "output": ". The tablet itself has a somewhat tart flavor, we sampled everything from cottage cheese to beers to fruits to salt and vinegar chips to warheads. Some differences were astounding, some not so much, great little adventure for your mouth.\"\n9715,B001LXYA5Q,A2ZVD0RKL9A9XC,John Canterbury,0,0,5,1271116800,Miracle Berry....,\"Just a tad expensive, but neater than heck!! It really does what it says! Awesome!!\"\n9716,B001LXYA5Q,A1EZIXFQRHQTZ,\"Sabrina Grubidge \"\"Sabrina\"\"\",0,0,5,1267920000,Fun & Differ"} {"input": "?ene?????????wew?rer???????ndn?????????????t ?????y wy ???re re????????ele????unun.n????? f ???????????????????????????????????? a a?????sns?????????s.s???????yty??????????????????titici????blybl?????ete?? e ??????????????????????????enden??????????ti?ngn???????a ?????????odaod?????????????????m lm ???????ing fing ???????????sos??e ??????????????????????\"\"??????B0B???????????????????5C5???L,L?KeK??lel???L.L?????????n,n???,0,,0???121??????202????????e a??re ??????????The??e ???????? a??re ?quq?????????, b, ?butbu????hey? d????or??????????ava?? a? a s a ?sorso???ofo? c ???lkl??????????s s ys yoy????et?? th the th????????????????????ueu????????????????", "output": "ent,\"They weren't mind-blowing, but they were definitely fun. So far I've tried mine with a beer and a few snack foods. Everything did taste noticeably sweet, especially the beer. It ended up tasting like a cream soda.

I'm looking forward to some more experimenting :)\"\n9717,B001LXYA5Q,A352MIKJ45COAL,Kelley L. Harrison,0,0,4,1265587200,These are weird!,\"These tablets are quite odd, but they do work. They have a sort of chalky taste as you let them melt on your tongue, but if you get"} {"input": "?????? t tht?ata???????????????????????? W ???at????????????????????lil??ese??????angan????????ede????????????????????????????????????????????. T. ThT??y y? ar arer?e de dedef????ate??y ????th?? a a??????????8,8??????XYX??5Q5Q,Q???????????4Y4???????AnA??????????????????????????????lyly ly w ??rkr?????????forfo????????iteit?????moumo?????? t??????????is is????rrr??? pr pror???ctct ct????allal?????????d fd fo??? my m???????????????. ??nfn???tut?????????????onlon??????????????????ut ut 1 ???????????????????????st.st???t t st ??ilillil????????????????ll????????xpx????ienie?????????>T>??????????????s ts ???at ???ereer??th?the the????????es?????????????????reamream m?????esees", "output": " past that the effect is amazing. We ate whole lemons and limes. Oranges tasted like candy. It lasts for quite awhile too. They are definately worth a try.\"\n9718,B001LXYA5Q,A1UTDZUDS34YB7,L. Andrews,0,0,4,1263859200,\"Totally works, but for a limited amount of time\",\"This mberry product really worked for my friends and I. Unfortunately, it only worked for about 15 to 20 minutes at most. It still made for a really fun experience!
The food items that were the most awesome included cream cheese"} {"input": "???????ede????kek????eee?????????????????uiuiti?? (t (?????? s ???eetee???it?hoh????ada??????ugu?????????ono???? (ta (tas??tedted ????ke ke???heyhe???????????????????????????adead??????\"\"??????d ??arariar???s ????????ene?????????eeree?????st??? d ????????? t?as??e ???l l??ogo????????Definitely worth the $15 bucks if you are a foodie and want to experience this food trend.\"\n9719,B001LXYA5Q,A1L00F5RGURLCU,Jamie,0,0,4,1261440000,Miracle? No. Fun? Absolutely!,\"Bought some of these after getting frustrated about not being able to grow the plant at my house (for those cur"} {"input": "??ouo??????lil?veve e??n n?NoNoro??heh???n Cn ?????????a)a).)??????? a ?alwal?????beb??????trt?????????tet???ses???ingin??nun??ereroer?ousou?????????????thethe ??????????????hah???????????t,t??????s ?a a? bi b??????ptp???????????><>?WhWhe???I ??????????????geg??????opo?pep??? a a??????????leletle???in in??????????????le??????sws???h h???ou?nd?????en?ti????????????????????????????????????forfo?r tr ?the??flflal?avoav??????????y oy ?????? h?????????HaH?w w??????s ????? a?? any any????????ara???????ha?????wh????????tasta???s ??????. ???or or???????????dod????t kt knknon?????dondo??????????????s ???????????sgs??ststist????????indindada ??blablana?????to to b?????????????ft?????????????", "output": "ious, I live in Northern California). I've always been intrigued after seeing numerous videos on the internet. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical.

When I got the package, I popped a whole tablet in my mouth and let is swish around my entire tongue until it dissolved. As for the flavor, if any of you have had Haw Flakes from any Asian market, that's what it tastes like. For those who don't know, don't worry, it's nothing disgusting. Kinda bland, to be honest. After is dissolv"} {"input": "?????tht???????? t?hih?????? tr t?iei??????????imi??. .???????????SwS??etet.t??????t ot ovo???????we?et????????????????????????? o ?????????a la ??????ded?????st st?????? o of o????????mim?????g.g?. ???????p,p?????le?????derder r vr ?????garga?????????????SweSw????????ese????t tt ????????aca?????????????????cidci??????????omo?????opo?plepl?????, ?????????ee ee????t ????y'y?rer??????????. L. LaL?????esestes??????????????????as??????difdi?fef??ene??????????? e ?????ctlyctl??a ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? I ??????????????????0-0????????uteut???, i, ????????????????????????er???? h ???r,r, ?, it, i???????on?e.?e.??????????to?? l", "output": "ed, the first thing I tried was a lime. Verdict: Sweet. Not overly sweet, but still sweet. Kind of like a lemonade just a tad of sugar missing. Next up, apple cider vinegar. Verict: Sweet. Doesn't taste exactly like apple cider like some people say, but I see what they're saying. Last test is cheese. It tasted different, but not exactly a big change.

As for how long it lasted, I would say after 30-45 minutes, it started to fade. After an hour, it was gone.

Bottom l"} {"input": "???e,e??????asa??????tot?? tr t????t ???t ?anandn????????????in????????e e t???in???ou??t mt mom??e ?ththih??ingsing?s is ??????????uru????????????????????????ava??or-or-t-???????ing ???????????????? g ????d bd ?????????vev????re??\"\"???202???????XYXYAY????????WHW??????4M4?????????????????????????767??????mam???????????!,!?????????s ms mym????rsrst??????????h h?? the th?e me ??????le le???????es es??n ?????ra???. W. WeW???gotgot ?? b?????h oh ??????rienrie??????????????ve????????????????????thith?????OrO??ngn??s ?????????????he?? or o??????sls????e ce ??????????????????s ????asteast???????????????????????y fay f??????? i?s s t???????????????????s t??ata??t art a?? a av a?????blb???th", "output": "ine, it was fun to try it out and I will definitely be trying out more things in the future. As for hosting a flavor-tripping party? Maybe a good business venture.\"\n9720,B001LXYA5Q,AW49WHWRPI14M,D. Napoleon,0,0,5,1260576000,Amazingly Fun!,\"This is my first time with the miracle berries in general. We got a bunch of friends over and everyone brought something. Oranges taste like the orange slice candies. And lemons taste like lemon drops. My favorite is the Christmas Beers that are available th"} {"input": "?isi?????? o ??????r,r???heheye??wew???????????lil???e ae ape a??????????. .??vev?????????d d?????????ery??hih??????????d ?????????reare????ele????. ???????????\"\"?????,B,?????XYX?????AHA?4Q4??4E4????????,Av,A?????idgid?????????n,n?0,0,0???,1,?242????????,\",\"P\"?re???y ????????utu????????????????in??????????? t????letle???de???iniiniti????????????????????????????????e le ?????????limli???????????????rur???. . . ?????it???????????? th?e ???????of????????????????t.t. ???????????o ho ???d ad ???????ereer?ststist??ing ing????????????????sesse?????????ege??????ut?ut sut ?????????????tut??????????thinthi????oror r br ?????an??????ine.ine????The The t ta?????s ?????????it it pit ?ri??????", "output": "is time of year, they were almost like apple cider. Everyone had fun. Everything arrived fast, great seller. 5 STARS!!!\"\n9721,B001LXYA5Q,AH4QJ4E65EA75,Ava Ridge-Merican,0,0,4,1249948800,\"Pretty cool, but not life changing.\",\"These tablets definitely made things sweeter -- like lemons, limes, and grapefruit. But it wasn't to the point of sheer amazement. They also had an interesting effect on cheeses and vinegar, but still did virtually nothing for beer and wine. The tablets are a bit pricey bu"} {"input": "?????????o o?????. .?????yoyouo??vev????t ??????????eyey,ey? s ??rer??????????????a ta ??y,y????t ?ifif ???u'????lol?????????or or????????????????y ??????t ??????ki??????????t bt ?ror????lil???or ?sos?omeomet???????lo???????ses?e le ??????th??? t th????is??non?ot ot???e ???????????????pep???me?ntn?????? n???ot lot li???????????????????727????????????Q,Q????4X4???OKOK5K????W,W?????????????????777?????00,00???????oio?intin??d,?\"I\"???????????? thi??s ws ????????tit???????odo????at??????ferfe?renre?nt nt??????, ??????????????????????????????? an?????????e tae t???letle?s,? a??? h ?helhe???on?????????enten??arare?????????the the????????. W. ?????? I I?co??ulduld d sd ?????????????werwe???????", "output": "t they do work. If you've got extra money, sure, give them a try, but if you're looking for some amazing way to get your kids to eat broccoli or something along those lines then this is not the answer. Fun experiment, but not life-changing. :)\"\n9722,B001LXYA5Q,A3D4X61OK55P1W,Dafoid,1,2,2,1327795200,Disappointed,\"I've tried this with multiple foods, at different times, and with anywhere between one and three tablets, all held on different areas of the tongue. While I could swear there were minor"} {"input": "???????ese???????????????????????isi???????t t ct ?chachan???????????????????????wew?ereer???????? I ??m m??????????? th t??????????????ri?es? a??? a??th??????????????y fy ??????? an a?????????????xpxpep???????????????????s is ?incin?re??????????pe???le?????, ?????????? any an?????ng ?nonotno????????????????d d gd ?o ???or or? th???e ace a????? f ???it??????t tt ???e.e??????3,3????????A5A????3L3????????????????dad?????????????????60060???????ntent??????ng?????????????????????nen????? mi m????????at??????waw??s ts trt?????????fef??erenere??? th???????? m????????????astas???????????????ng????ghg?t ?????????????an?????????asteast????ffffeff???????????????", "output": " changes at low quantities, this didn't change no matter how many were tried. I'm sure that the Miracle Berries are authentic, but my friend and I didn't experience anything as incredible as people say, or even anything noteworthy. I would go for the actual fruit next time.\"\n9723,B001LXYA5Q,A3LN60IAQQKHAE,Seadawg2k,1,2,5,1317600000,Interesting,\"It works. i took one, 2 minutes later i was trying different things in my mouth. Last thing im trying right now is beer and it taste different and sweat."} {"input": " ??f f??ououru? i?????trt??ini??????? th t??????gig?????????e ae a a?????????????? tha thata??????ono?????????????????????e ?bub??t w???????????????s as ?s ???did????wor?????r ??me me??????ew.ew????727???????????????????????????9,9?????????????????00?838?848??????raraca??le le?????? a as?? se seeeenen n u ????????DrD???OzO??????? t?aba?le?????hichich????s rs ???ererrerre????to to???s ts ????????aclacle??beb??erryerr?????????????di????????????????unu??plepl??sasana??(t(???????????????????????le???? d???????ve ve????????????????wiw??hi??????????????????????????????????te te?? l???onon ??????????ast??e se ??ee?????????????????????? of o???????t. t.??It It? co c????????????????t ot of?", "output": " if your into trying new things give these a try. i read that it wont work on some people but well chalk this as a did work for me review.\"\n9724,B001LXYA5Q,A3N4GH3C2M6039,~Bobbi~,1,2,3,1300838400,Miracle Berry as seen used on Dr. Oz,\"This tablet which is referred to as the miracle berry is used to distort taste of unpleasant(to you) items. You can let 1 dissolve in your mouth,swishing around once or twice, then bite a lemon and it taste sweet. It is an odd sort of sweet. It comes with a list of "} {"input": "???eme?????????????? i ??????h,h????????,s,?trt?awa??????ese???????e.e? I ????s ?????g g??? t ?????????d d????? t?????????????? the th????ltl????????flf??????hih??????in??g tg ?????????????????????t ??OEO?????? m ma m???????lt lt??????. ?????sus?rer???of of a????se se??'d'???????????it??????????????at at????????????????????????????????????9979727??????1L1?XYX???????0N0???????????????????aw??????1,1????????????202?????????wiwitwi???????????????n rn ????????????rerevre?????s hs ??re??????s ?????ou???th?at??????er????????????????rere ??????te???veverve????????????lyly.y. ?????fif????????????ve???????????letletsts s ds ??????th?????eve???n tn ???", "output": "items you can use it with, lemons,strawberries,cheese. I was using it to try and mask the taste of the salt water flush while doing the master cleanse. It DOES NOT mask salt water. Not sure of a use I'd have for it. It does what it claims, just not needed for me.\"\n9725,B001LXYA5Q,A30NIP79KXNSSC,T. J. Hawkins,1,2,4,1273795200,Works with a caveat,\"In reading the reviews here it is obvious that different tastebuds are affected very differently. At first I believed the tablets did nothing even thou"} {"input": "???????????????????ono??????iti????????????ndn???????????????tat????ed ed???ittitteterte?r tr ???mem?????wew?ete????????????????????????????st?????? s ?we?et?????????as??????????????????? t??????ol????????? of o???????????????ffffeff?????????????????f ???me???eoe???e ?bub????hehe he??????????re??????s ms ??????????y ?????????ItI????as ????n n???????? p pu p?re??????????ici?ce ce??????I ??????cedce???????????????. ????????????ta?????d ld ????????????????????theth???ror????????????????????ju??st st m?ayay ???????????????lyl?y a??s as ?????rtirt?????????????????262??B0B????????????MBM???545444??OGO?????????ithit?????,2,?????030?454????????", "output": "gh I used a whole one. Bitter foods and drinks still tasted bitter to me. Sweet foods and drinks didn't taste any sweeter. I was prepared to write the whole thing off as placebo effect on the part of some people but the positive reviews made me try again. It was when I drank pure lemon juice that I noticed a difference. Pure lemon tasted like lemonade. So the product does work, it just may not work exactly as advertised for you.\"\n9726,B001LXYA5Q,AHMBYY544LOGG,J. smith,0,1,2,1350345600,Not "} {"input": "???????ece???????? c ??mpm?ete????????????????????ror??????s ms ??????????????????????????ed?????????????????????????hah??????thith?????????? s ?sinsi?cec?e ie ????????????lel?????????wsw???nd?????as aas ? s??igighg?????hih???herhe??????ce.ce????r /r ?><>?I>????????no??t st ??????????????s vers vers??ionio??????thethe the???rodrodud?????????r ????le????????sionsio?s ?s mas m???????ororeor?e ee ef?fe?????????ut ut?", "output": "as effective as competitor,\"I tried the Frooties mBerry and the effect lasted one hour for me. I purchased this version since it had excellent reviews and was a slightly higher price.

This version lasted only ten minutes. I tried tablets out of three different packages from three different batches to make sure it was not a faulty batch. The results from each test was the same.

I would not suggest this version of the product, other tablet versions may be more effective but w"} {"input": "???ldl????ggg?????aca???????ere???????????7,7?B0B?????????????????????????????????????????????????????t ?sas????????????iti?? d ????ppp?oioini???????hehe ?????? d???'t'???????tht??at at???????it????????ofo????ftf???????????ririeries??????????????????? a?????he??????d id ?????s o???? the th?e se ?sugsu??es????????????????????. ???heehe??e.e. ???????????????????????chc?, , b????????????tat?????????????????????ch???e e ie ???aga????.\".\".\"???????????XY????Q,AQ,A7A7W7?A3A???????????????????,0?,1???????242???808??????t at ?????d,?????as?????aba?????????????????????er?????? foo fo??????? th????igi?????? o ofof ?????????dad??????? M ????st tst ?????", "output": "ould suggest actual berries.\"\n9727,B001LXYA5Q,A2QUEVV6UTSZ1N,tsquar3d,0,1,2,1334966400,Not satisfied,\"Quite disappointed. The pills don't last that long (it wears off after a few tries per pill) and not all the food items on the suggested list works. E.g. Cheese. Maybe it was a bad batch, but I'm not taking the risk to purchase it again.\"\n9728,B001LXYA5Q,A7WA3UXGC1HYO,Alexander,0,1,3,1332460800,Not amazed,\"I tasted about half of the different foods on the big list of recommendations. Most tasted"} {"input": "???????tlt???????????t.t???????gog?? a ?????????????????????heh?????th???????? t?????????ngeng?????????tst?????????????????et?????/m/????ar??? an a??d Sd ?ala?t-t?????????ch??????????????in??g tg tat????????????????????????????????????????????. A. ?????????????????????ted ted??outou??, e, ??????????reare????? di d????re??????????he the ??o o???????pe?????e Ie ?????d id ????????????medme????o ho ha??e ?aba????????????ctict?????? w we?????OnOnene ne????perpe?????????????????????? a????d thd t??he ohe ?oth????onone?????bitbi??????????thath?????????ou ou?????d d t?????????if? y ?????????????es???????????wo????????bu?????????in???9?????B0B???LXL????????????", "output": " slightly different. Some got a sweet tickling in the mouth. I got the strongest effects from vinegar, ketchup/mustard and Salt-vinegar chips. But nothing tasted miraculously better as I had expected. As others have pointed out, everyone reacts differently. The two other people I did it with seemed to have about my reaction as well. One experienced a bit stronger and the other one a bit weaker than me. You could try this if you are interested but I wouldn't buy it again.\"\n9729,B001LXYA5Q,A1I7IWU"} {"input": "G??????1,1?? C ?hah?rlr????n n?????rtrtst????0,0????,1,13,1????????????????????????????????er???li?????. .??????????????????????????????????ngn?ed??ththeh?????????o o?????????????.<.A>A A s sos???????angan?ge ge??? d ??????????ItI???????????orkor? o ???an??th???g g????????????..??????????????????????DPD???????????? F ??,0,,0???5,5????????????????????????!,!??????s ss ??????????allyall???????, ,????keske????mom???????stest???we??et.et?? G ????? to t?o ao a ?fr??????, s, ??????????it???????ordor??????????????ve ????????????????. ??re????pap??????????, t, ?????be?rrr??????h ?????????ts ts? of o?????dsd?? w ????????????????? f fl f?????????????????", "output": "GWT9DY1,~ Charliann Roberts ~,0,1,2,1324684800,Miracle Berry,Worked very little. Sweetened fresh pineapple but changed the taste to a bit bitter.
A sour orange it did help. It didn't work on anything else at all.\n9730,B001LXYA5Q,A1008DPSP6KC9J,Lee F,0,1,5,1305504000,Really works!,\"This stuff really works, makes lemons taste sweet. Gave to a friend, she loved it and ordered 3 to give to her friends. Great party idea, try mberry with all sorts of foods, will change their flavor, fun to expe"} {"input": "?rir????????979?313???????????????4A4ADADRD?040??A4A?4XA4X???LaL???????????????474????00000????????..??\"F\"???????????????????????ngn?? t?asastas???????tyty ty??ada?. .??????????n n????dld?????e ???????????????????????????youyo?ur ur????ngung?e,e????????????ou????'t'??????S S b??ad.ad???utu???????????did?dn????non???cec???ucu????????????n tn ???????????? f ?????????mom????????astedaste???wew??????????????????? I??????iceicede???? I c I ??onsonsions????redre?d td ?????????????t at ??????? b bu b????the???????st tst ??????d sd ?????????o mo ?? t?????t I t I???vev?????????????? the?????aia?in.in???????????????YA5YA????????????O4O??9,?MoM?ha???????????????????121?00?000,000?mamagma??icaic????????s is ???quq?", "output": "riment.\"\n9731,B001LXYA5Q,A34ADR04XA4XA9,Lauren,0,1,2,1294704000,Nasty...,\"First of all, these things taste pretty bad. If you can handle the taste while they melt on your tongue, maybe it wouldn't be AS bad. But I really didn't notice much change in the taste of foods. Lemons tasted sweet, but that's all I noticed. I considered trying two at a time, but they just tasted so bad to me that I have never used them again.\"\n9732,B001LXYA5Q,AEHDP7D3JO4D9,Mohammad M,0,1,5,1270512000,magical!,this is qui"} {"input": "??e e??????????????????ini??????lal??????????ege???? an a????? w ?????????????????????e se ??rur???????t it ????ere???in?lyl?? wo w????????in??..????3,3?????????5Q5??A3A????KSK?????????\"K\"????????????conco????l l?\"\"\"\"C\"??????????nln?linli?????opo????\"\"??????,2,??,12,1?????????0,N0,?????????e te ?????????lel??wewe ???ereer???????ti???????,\"A,\"????????eadea????????????????s os ono?n An ????onon on?? and an?????????????ing fing ????d i???????????ine ine?????????????ri?ene???????????? a??????????????ul?ge??. ????????????????en?????????ho?? to t??????, , t?????e oe ?????????st st?fef???????????fteft?er er ter ????????????. . A. ??????????????????d ??thath?????ili??? ou o?????????????", "output": "te neat! i could drink a glass of vinegar and it would taste just like syrup! it is certainly worth trying.\n9733,B001LXYA5Q,A366SKSB79ZYZG,\"Kevin P. O'connell \"\"Critical Online Shopper\"\"\",0,1,2,1262736000,Not quite the miracle we were expecting...,\"After reading the reviews on Amazon and researching food ideas online I got some friends together and we all divulged. Out of the seven of us who took it, three of us just felt sick after the process. All of us concluded that while our taste buds "} {"input": "????? p ??aya?????????ksk?????????????????????? n??cec???????????????ri???????? w?????n'n???????????? th???gsgs ???sts?ede????????????????????, ??I wI ?ou??????????????as??tedte????????kik????ofo?????e ?ly??he??es es b ??t ?no??t vt ??eryer???????????????????????????ng ng?? t??iei?????ata????????????ror?????????r ?????olo???ing????????????? m ?y ?????ueu??????? C ??ooroo???????????????tasta??????liklikeke ke????????????????????nerne?????????????il?????????????on??????mem????to to??????tht???, ????????metme??????a ?nin???e ce ??oldol??????s ????????is is?????????????u u??????????..???????????????????????lel?ft???? s???ndn????????????", "output": "were playing tricks on us, they were not necessarily good tricks. I wouldn't say sour things tasted sweet for instance, I would say they tasted weird kind of like lychees but not very good ones. The only thing I tried that really improved after dissolving the pill on my tongue was a Coors light. It tasted like a pretty good Pilsner after the pill, and everyone seemed to like this, but sometimes a nice cold Coors light is just what you need, so... If you have nothing left to spend your money "} {"input": "o?n,n??????????????heh??????t ???????e ie ?n n t??e ????????bub????on????????ctc?t at ????????e,e???????ses??????????non???????????????pe??????xp???t ???????????ac???? a??loloso??????????????????d d????n ?yoy????????t ft ????????????oin??mem???????????????????????UKU???7C7?????????ererer?????,2,????1,1??????????00,00,N,?????????????,\",??? h hu h??baban?d d ad ????? w we w????exexcex??????????ryr????eme??????bob???htht ????eaeap????????????????????????????????ppe???????eee????????????????he he???lyl??????????? no n??ic???????y dy di???er??ncn??????waw?????the the????on??????????. ???he ????????????????y ?ea?????????t ???eca??useuse e i??????????", "output": "on, this isn't the worst choice in the world, but don't expect a miracle, because that is not going to happen. Expect a stomach ache, a loss of appetite, and then you won't find disappointment.\"\n9734,B001LXYA5Q,AUK7N7CQXUQX4,Meredith,2,5,1,1325894400,Not Impressed,\"My husband and I were excited to try them. We bought pineapple, beer, lemon, lime, hot peppers, cheese and wine. The only thing we noticed any difference in was the lemon and lime. The lemon was pretty easy to eat because it added so"} {"input": "??? s sws??????sss?????? r ??????nedne????it??????? t ?hoh???h.h???????chch h???? o ??ne ne t???????did???olo???e oe ?? o?ur? t??ongon?????????????????so so?non???sus??????????theth?e pe ????????waw?????979??????????????,A,????282?????????????gh?????????????44440400?00?000,000????????o o?? tab ta?ble?????????????????????? f ??????? tr tririe?d ??????e te ??????s ???fof??????????????????????????????????ds ds w???d ?d sed s???????????????onlonli????, b, ???t nt no?????? n????effeffef?????wh????????????????d t???em ??? s???????????????n en ???? t????????????plepl????abl??etset??at?????ce.ce?????be????gog?????bab?????tctchch ch??r ??????e w???ha??????????????sts?? b ???ds,ds??, bu, b????n ?????", "output": "me sweetness - it remained quite sour though. We each let one tablet dissolve on our tongue as directed so not sure what the problem was.\"\n9735,B001LXYA5Q,A1WV28JTFFOSCO,Dright,5,10,1,1274400000,\"Placebo tablets, I think\",\"I and a friend tried these tablets before sampling various kinds of foods we'd seen suggested online, but noticed no effects whatever. We used them as suggested, then even tried multiple tablets at once. Maybe I got a bad batch or maybe we have unusual taste buds, but in any c"} {"input": "??????t t??????ere??????????????ingin?? M ???????e ???in?? I I I????ulu?? h ???ve ve???iei?????????????? t?heh???????s ??????ada??????????????????????YGY??????MYM?EOE???hahaiha?ded??3,3?7,7????292????646??????????????ing????ftf??????????? s????????glg???????????iewie????????t tt ??????????ctc?, ,???????ideid?????????????????????fof???????????????????????????brb?????????>A>???????folfo????winwing?? th?e e ie ???????????s,s???????????????d ?? v va v?ri?????????iteitem???????????????????est?ed???????????????in??. ??on???????hi??h h????emeem???????????an?y ????ec???????????onsons,???????ticti????a ???????t t???asteast?e ce ????????????eveever? t?? the ????", "output": "ase it was very disappointing. Makes me think I should have tried the berries themselves instead.\"\n9736,B001LXYA5Q,AOYGPHW4YMYEO,Shaide,3,7,1,1296086400,Does nothing,\"After reading several glowing reviews about this product, I decided to buy it and see for myself how great it is.

After following the instructions, I taste tested a variety of items, that were suggested on the packaging. None of which seemed to have any affect. On lemons, I noticed a slight taste change, however the lemo"} {"input": "????????????????r.r.<.
Bottom line; the product is over-hyped, and in my opinion, is not worth the buying. I know it's definitely not something I will ever purchase again.\"\n9737,B001LXYA5Q,A1W756258PFV0,Casey,0,2,2,1346198400,Nothing Miraculous Here,\"StumbleUpon users, be wary. I was browsing when I stumbled upon an article about miracle berries- a cool new fad that apparently causes things to taste different than they normally would. Naturally, I tried to see where I could get my hands on"} {"input": "???omo?????r r??????cec?????????????e me ?????? M ???????????itit t?????letle??, ,???did??d sd ???me me??????rcr??. .? I I a I ala???????ooo?k k????a a??????????viv???????????tet??nan???????be????????yiy?????????????ono????aza????????????????waswa??re???????????????????fif?gug???d,d?, i, ???it????????d ad ?s ?s ads a??????????. T??he he ahe ????resresss??????????????? th t??????????????????an???th?e ??AmaAm?????usu???????????s as als a??so so?????????red red??????????????????tigtigag???????s ?my?????y ??????ct????????????????????pacpa???- -?on??e fe ?for???????nd ????????????frf??????.?AfA???r ???th???f f uf ?us us? tr t?????????????????e Be BeB???ry ry? ta t?ablable???????????", "output": " some.

Once I found the mberry Miracle Fruit Tablets, I did some research. I always look at a lot of reviews and alternatives before buying anything on Amazon. The price was relatively cheap, I figured, if it worked as advertised. The aggressive claims on the product's page and the Amazon user reviews also furthered my need to investigate this mystery product, so I bought two packs- one for me and one for my friend.

After both of us trying the Miracle Berry tablets, I'd hav"} {"input": "????o o?sas????hah?t t t th???????ucu???isi???????????????????????????? the the the?????????cec?????, ??????????????????????????? / ??????/>?ThT???????????????????s as ?bobouo??t tt ??????????ete?s,s, s,??ou?????expex???? t?o ?????? a a??????? Wo W????-e-???ueue ???????as????????????????ada?????th???????????????????, a, ????th?ou??h h??????????tsts ts????chc????????????????s ??? m???????????????????re??e, e,????s ?mum??????????ubu?????? tha th????????????bab?????????- -??????nozno??????rieri?es es??????????????d t????????????????casca?e e f?oror or?????an?????????????????????be mbe ?????????bub??ds ds???????ay?bebe ??usu??????iti????re??????????????y f?ri", "output": "e to say that the product is extremely overhyped, and the experience was, unfortunately, lacking.

The way mberry talks about their tablets, you'd expect to have a Willy Wonka-esque food tasting bonanza. Sadly, this isn't the case, and though the tablets do change the flavors of many foods to a degree, it's much more subtle than you'd probably like- no Snozzberries here. I found this to be the case for me, and I was hoping maybe my taste buds were maybe just a bit more dull, but my fri"} {"input": "???????pop??????????????????????encen?????????I />I h ha h????on?????????d thed th???se ase ??? fr fre??????plp??s.s???r r /?>????????d pd ???????????????????f f????????????????be??????ining?? to t???paypa???", "output": "end reported the same experience.

I'm giving the product 2 stars, not because I hated the product, but because I was very let down with the experience and taking that fact into consideration, I don't think it's worth the money.\"\n9738,B001LXYA5Q,A2VLTKP1QN3DCQ,\"D. Dillon \"\"A+ tech\"\"\",0,2,2,1331596800,These DO work and ARE cool. But... $18???,\"Not worth the cost.

I have only had these as free samples.

I would pay $5 for a pack of 10. I may even be willing to pay $1"} {"input": "????? f ????????ckc????????A>????????????e e????n n???????? to t?tat???ror?bbbbebere??.<.??????????????????????slslyl???$1??.9.999?????WAW??? to???????.?????????????????????R R???????????????????hoh?? i??t wt ??????.Anything more than $10 is total robbery.

So, obviously, $17.99 is WAY too much.

This product is SUPER cool, and I LOVED how it worked.

But, really? $18.00?

Mberry should Market their product as a food enhancer, not as a \"\"Flavor tripping experience\"\".

If Mberry does that, and prices their products reasonably, it WILL gain customers.

Keeping there product around as a \"\"Flavor tripping experience\"\" will s"} {"input": "????lyl???akakek???????????????faf????9?737?9,9???????????????OCOCPC??????????????????ElE??????\"\"\"???????????2,2????????????????orkor???? S SoSorortor??ofo????????????tht??????????????? t ????????????unu?chc??????or??. .???????of of????????? tr t?iei????????ab?????? ta t???????ara?????s fs ??????????????ici??ed ??????????????. . A. ????hah?????in?????I gI ???????, ??utu????????????idi??????nd???wew??????? to t?????????????bl?et????ac?h.h?????y ??repre????????????????lal?avoav???????????????th?e ??????????hey hey? tr tri tr??????????an????iteit?msm?????????????????????????ono??????se???????????? wa w???????????????????we????????reporep????ed ???", "output": "urely make it a passing fad.\"\n9739,B001LXYA5Q,A2WOCP6ERLJD3B,\"George Elliot \"\"Andy\"\"\",0,2,3,1276041600,Works - Sort of,\"I bought these tablets to try during lunch at work. Four of us each tried one tablet, tasted various foods, and noticed no difference. At that point, I gave up, but two intrepid friends went on to try four tablets each. They reported strange flavors in some of the foods they tried, but many items remained unaffected. Among those that were was a fruit punch Powerade reported to "} {"input": "???????soso o????ete???? t ????????ryr???epe???sis?????lil??????ini?kik??????????????????ndn? a???as????????????????ene???y ?ta?????????ke ke?????venve?????????ththeherhe????????????ooo???? we w????imimpm???????nen??????ele????????????????????l,l????? we wer we???ununinimimpim???????ed wed ??thth th???????????????. W. ???le????eye?y dy ??????cocomo?mplmp??shs?????iri???????????????????????????????????? a l a ?ot?????? tab ta????? b ???forfo????????????????????otiot?????????AnA???? the????????en?cec????????h h fh fuf???????????the??????????????????erineri????owo????any?????le??s ???????????????????as???ea????y hy ?????????????????????????????????,B,?????XYX????????", "output": "taste so sweet as to be very repulsive (like drinking pure sugar), and a cashew which apparently tasted like heaven. Most other affected foods were impacted negatively.

In all, we were unimpressed with these tablets. While they did accomplish their flavor-changing purpose, it took a lot of tablets before any change was noticeable. And the experience, though fun, was rather pricey considering how many tablets were required. I was really hoping for a bigger impact.\"\n9740,B001LXYA5Q,A20C"} {"input": "4???3R3?FKF?????D.D?????????????????262686???767606?????????fefece???isis s b ???????????????????????dedef????tet???????????????????? m mom??e ??????????????????????enendn???ovo??????apa?pefpe???????????????????????????????????????????????er,er??????stast??????????nd?s ????ry ry??wew??t,t????????????????????????? i???????wo???????t ???starsta?????????? an a??? en?dsd??????terte???????ter???? t??????th??e a>t>????????????????????????????????en???????????????????. ?Fo??r mr ??????????itt?er???esses??s sus s?????dedde???a sa ?ma????am", "output": "4W03RFK0M6,D. Cherian,0,2,2,1268697600,The effect is barely perceptible and definitely not worth trying more than once,\"My girlfriend loves grapefruit, but I absolutely hate the stuff. For her, it starts and ends very sweet, for me (and most people in the world) it starts sweet and ends bitter. After we tried the Miracle Berry Fruit Tabletstablet, there was a small difference for both of us. For me, the bitterness subsided a small am"} {"input": "?????---????????????no???????????tht???en??ioi??ini?????????heh?r,r?????????????uiu??????tetede? l liliki??????e oe ???? the th?????wew?????st\"st????????????????????????????><>???owo??ve??r, r,???????ala?????ata???oror ??????ofof of u ??????????????theth?e le ????onson?????d ld ????s.s??????? o??f wf ?????h t???????no??ticti?????????????????HowHo?????, ???? e??????t ot ???a a??iningin???????????????????????plp??te??????ththith??????????????????bebe be? ho h?one???????? hop ho?pedpe?d e??????????????ulu?d d l?asast?????????to??anan an????????ut????s is ?????????re re??????????uitui???????????????nun?????forfo?r tr th??sese se?? thi th???s ????? pa paia?????202???????????????????/ / s???ppp?????", "output": "ount-- not even enough to worth mentioning. For her, the grapefruit tasted like one of the \"\"sweetest\"\" ones she'd ever had.

However, the real treat for both of us came with the lemons and limes. Both of which tasted noticeably better. However, the effect of a single tablet wore off completely within 5 minutes. To be honest, I hoped each tablet would last closer to an hour, but as is, you're paying quite a bit per minute for these things (we paid ~$20 for ten tablets w/ shipping)."} {"input": "????????
Would I try it again? After the tablets we have left are finished, I think not. I already enjoy gala apples, bananas, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries without this tablet-- I can live a perfectly happy life without ever eating grapefruit, lemons or limes DIRECTLY (lemon and lime are fine in foods).

If you're dead-set on trying these tablets, try it with some of your friends, but don't expect too much.\"\n9741,B000KFXEYE,A3P3U42S4A2YHQ,C.E.,10,10,5,1228867200,AMAZING!,"} {"input": "????isi??????f f?is?????????????????????????? I ??????? i?tst???????gogooo????????????????a fa ?????????????fef?ctc?? n ????tot??????etet ???????ar??????calca??, a, ??? n?????????????d ??to to??asast???fuf????????????????????etyet?? sm s????th th????? ab a?????te?lyl?????rferf??????????d td thd t????ololiol?dad???????altal?????? w ??????nk???????????????nd.nd????????????????ansan???I ??????r i????????????????????????????????y fy ???il?y ??at at???????????????????????????????????, a??????????????????? mo m???????????????artsart?????????t b?????tsts ??????????????ikeik??????????????????????????? w wi w?thth ?????h h bh ?????d cd ?oo???eses ????alaloalono?e ??", "output": "\"This stuff is transcendence in a can! I swear its that good. The vanilla flavor is perfect, not too sweet to be artifical, and not too malted to taste funky.
Its velvety smooth and absolutely perfect around the holidays. (although we drink it year 'round.) Like other fans, I order it by the case for myself and my family at home, I take a can or two to work, and usually giving more away as parts of gift baskets and things like that. Its perfect paired with fresh baked cookies or alone wi"} {"input": "??????gog????????????? y yoy????ana???????????lel??????ndn??fef?ele? r ????xex??.<.?????????ono????rir???k ck ??fff???, ,???o Io ??????conco?????????? c????????????????????????? st s?ufu?????? am a????ingin?? ?GeG???????????d yd yo????ili??l sl ??ee ee???aca???y y?????????????\"\"?????,B,????KFK?XEX??????A0A030????????????????????,1?????????42642??606?00,00??????en en??????cuc????!!,!!??AtA??mym?y hy ????????????ll??????oto??????illil??? T ??is??????????ESESTS??????chc?hocho???latla??-t???e ??????????????????????d.??????am am?? a l a ??????????????????c,c???????owo??I ?????????????n'n?s ????ncnch??VaVanVa????????y ty ??the the c ca c??e ?beb??????????????????????pap??e ???????????????", "output": "th a good book when you want to snuggle up and feel relaxed.
I dont drink coffee, so Im a connesiur of cocoa-type drinks...this stuff is amazing! Get some and you will see exactly what I mean.\"\n9742,B000KFXEYE,A2A03I7HIJV44,mudclam,10,11,5,1214265600,Heaven in a cup!!!,\"At my house, we call it Hot Vanilla. This is the BEST hot chocolate-type drink I've ever tasted. I am a lifelong chocoholic, but now I order Stephen's French Vanilla by the case because all the others pale in comparison, "} {"input": "???d d?????????????????t ??????????oro??????????????????????????????????????cac?????????. ? M ??????? a t a ????rifri?????gifgi?t ???????????????????????434???000??????YEY??A2A???Q5Q?9V9????YLY????????? M??,4,4,4????1,11,????????????isi?apappp????te???\"I\"??????d ad ??????e ???sis??ivi?????????s ???????ou????????????ve ve?????????????????f af ??????????te???????e.?? S ?ece??????????ad?????????5 5 s????onfon??lsl??????????geg??t at ??any any????????and?????????????n'n'tn'?t t????e ????ke ke???e ???????atate?. ??t ?t ta?????????? l ??????????in???????or or tor ?the? y ???ng?????plp??e oe ????????????????in????as? d???nknk k i????the????'s'?, ?????????didid????", "output": "and I just don't want them anymore. You won't regret springing for a case of it. Makes a terrific gift too. Mmmmmmm......\"\n9743,B000KFXEYE,A2OOQ59V7YWYL1,Gloria M.,4,4,1,1322870400,Disappointed,\"I read all the positive reviews and thought I'd give it try. First of all it tasted stale. Secondly I had to use 5 spoonfuls just to get any taste and then it didn't taste like the chocolate. It tasted more like Olvatine. For the young people out there, Ovaltine was drink in the 50's, Which I didn't "} {"input": "???kek??ana????????????????? h ??vev???ififff?????? t ?asa???????FoF???mym?????????wow?n'n??????????????????????aiain??????????????bobouo???t ??heh????????????????????????????????me me??????decde??dededde??????ryr???thath????. I. ???????????????s.???????an'an???????????? the th???if??ferfe??????????t I't I'd'??rerecre?????????????????ChC???????te ???st?? st statayta?y ay ??????????????on??e we ?itith???????????????????????????????????????O0O????OGO?????N,N,\",\"D\"???????ormor???k ???joj??????????4,???????????282808?????he ??besbe???????????ol?at?e ???in tin ????e woe w?????????he??????????????????????????????????? ch c???ol??te??????he????rlr?????wo?n'n'tn'???rir????", "output": "like any better. We all have different tastes. For my part I won't be ordering this again. UPDATE: I bought the Milk chocolate at the same time and decided to try that. It was delicious. I can't explain the difference but I'd recommend the Milk Chocolate just stay away from the one with the marshmallows.\"\n9744,B000KFXEYE,A2O0KS3OGQMIHN,\"D. McCormick \"\"joy2ooo\"\"\",4,4,5,1188172800,The best hot chocolate in the world,Stephen's Hot Chocolate is the best hot chocolate in the world I won't drink a"} {"input": "????????r r???? c ??????ata??. .????????????VaV?????? I IsI? m mym???????nan????ava?????????747????????FXF?EYEYEY??A3A3K3?YQYQ0Q0I0?????????????????????????????????????????ho?????????ri??? e ?vev?er,er?????????s ???????y dy ??rkr???choch????????????????????????? q ?????lyl?y ay an?????????????? h??????????. N. ???????cksck???iki?e ??mosmo?? o?? t ?????????????????. M. ??????ho??????e ??????inein?????????ses????? e?njnjojoyo?y ty ????t bt ???????????????oc?????te ??ovo????s ts ?????? enj enjo???y thy the????????????????f df ?????? cho??????????????t mt ?is?s ?s ths t??????979?????B00B000???????E,AE,A1A??????????U8U?I,I???????CoC?????????????6,????????????00,00??No?t ????????ve?", "output": "ny other hot chocolate. The French Vanilla Is my personal favorite.\n9745,B000KFXEYE,A3KYQ0IPCCQPEV,A. Wirtz,5,6,5,1286064000,Best chocolate drink ever,\"This has a very dark chocolate flavor that mixes quickly and smoothly in hot water. No chucks like most of the other brands. Milk chocolate is fine for those who enjoy that but for real chocolate lovers that enjoy the true flavor of dark chocolate, don't miss this.\"\n9746,B000KFXEYE,A10THUY91ILU8I,House Connoisseur,5,6,2,1196467200,\"Not if you've "} {"input": "???????? r ????????????????????er??????oko?????????????ugu????tet????n'n???????bub???I'?????????????????th??? re r??????????????oco????? c coc?ocoocoao?? ?DeD????????????e ???????????oro????????th th???onson?????????????ughug?????? t???????????????????ariariei????? D??????????????????????????????t et ?????tit?????it it????????likli?????the the rthe ????????????siosi???????n gn ??o fo fof???itit.it?????'s? m ????????????????????????fat?-f?????? hot ho??co???a ?????ietie?????bubutbu?t dt dodoeo??????????????????o ?re??????r Sr ?SteSt????????HoHot?ot Cot CoC???a.a. a.??????????ing ing? ba b????????????????sts??????9???7,7?B0B000??????YEY???1E1??????????????????????????aryar????", "output": "had the regular version, otherwise okay\",\"I'm a huge Stephen's fan but I'd only ever had the regular Milk Choc hot cocoa. Deciding to be a little more health conscious I thought I'd try the fat-free variety. DON'T! :) Okay, if you aren't expecting it to be like the regular version then go for it. It's much better than other fat-free hot cocoa varieties but doesn't do justice to regular Stephen's Hot Cocoa. I'm going back to the good stuff.\"\n9747,B000KFXEYE,A1E47XKSFNBCJ0,Pat Louise Gary,2,2"} {"input": "????????????000??FaF??????????,T,ThThihisis s??????ctct t??is is???t ??? t ??hishi????????- -???????????e e??????lalata?????????????ikeik??????perpe???????????????????????????veve ????th th? th thi???? I I I????d id ???????????????and and???????????ld ld? fi f???d id itd it ??agaag????????????is??papasa???ChC????????? ti t????????????????????ea?????????temte????????heh???????????th??????st?ocockoc??d ???.<.???????I lI ???????...??..?????????????00??KFK??????A2A???JMJ?????????,J,???mesme?s Rs ?????aya?????????29???????????ryr???googo???????????a,a???or??????????his his? as??????e pre p???e ????as cas ???tataita????????htht ??????? c ca c??s ???????????thath???$3$????????????rer????wsw?????ere ere???", "output": ",5,1296950400,Fantabulous,This product is out of this world - if you like chocolate and you like peppermint - you will fall in love with this. I had it years ago and never could find it again until this past Christmas time at Costco as a seasonal item. So when I found this I stocked up.
I love it..........\n9748,B000KFXEYE,A2BIJMB2BITQUM,James Ridgway,2,2,4,1290470400,Very good hot Cocoa,I ordered this as the price was certainly right (6 1lb cans for less than $30) and the reviews were goo"} {"input": "?d.d.<.?brb??/>/><>????????????is is???????nln???? s ?tet?????????????????????????????. .???????????? j juj???????????anyan??????????????????d d?????????????ma????????????ta??????prprer???????????????????? b ????????????e ??????co?nsn?sumsu??ing????????????????'s'??????h h?? to to?????????k k????d md ?melme?t ?t cht c?hoc?olola??te ???????????????????????? /??>Vr />??????????????e ???and and d ????ol??ese????lll??????lwl?waywa???????e a e a???ittit?????????????????sas?ys??????????????????", "output": "d.

This is certainly a step up in the hot cocoa market. Better than just about anything you can find in the supermarket. I certainly prefer hot chocolate - but it can be time-consuming to make and it's tough to heat milk and melt chocolate at work or in class.

This is the perfect compromise for when you want that chocolate drink and aren't in a position to 'do it right'.

Very good taste and dissolves well. I always use a little more than it says on the can - with"} {"input": "??????????????hah???????? i ??????'t't ???l l d ?isisss?????????hih????s ?????? p ??oboblb??????rer??????????r ?????erter????????????me??ded??????494???????????E,E???????????????????anean?t ?????????? \" \"\"\"???atsat?Ja???iei????\",\",2,??,2,,2????????????00,00??umu?????,\"I,\"??????????ed ed?? thi th????????ctc???s ??????t ???r ?????????hoh?????????????????is????co???. . ?WhW??????e ?????????pe??????????????????????????????????????a sa ??op???? s?to??????????????fif??ur?????ha??t w??????he ????????? it. it. ?. H. ?????LiL?????? di d????shesh???????????????????d fd ??????a wa ????to?????????? d??????on on l????? ??????????????????????waswa????????????", "output": " some cocoa that means it won't all dissolve - this is not a problem here.

Certainly recommended.\n9749,B000KFXEYE,A1LQQIADJGWIH3,\"Janet L. Cooper \"\"CatsJammies\"\"\",2,2,5,1274918400,Yummy!,\"I purchased this product as a gift for my mom who simply loves this cocoa. When the local supermarket where she purchased the cocoa stopped stocking it she figured that was the end of it. Ha! Little did she know that I would find a way to track it down on line. And on Amazon! She was surprised a"} {"input": "??d d????????. .?????? pr p??????s s???????????? t ?????????. . . I ?????ldl???nln????e ???rer????????????????????????????????mem????????????00000???XEX???????P8P858??INI??DMD?RFR??????????bubu u????????????????????,2,,2?????????????,T,??????sts??ho????????lal??????hishis ??????????????s ?fa?vov????????????????????????The???ididsd?s f??vovorvo?????flf????????????? c???hocohocolo???????75????????????????????LYL????????PaP????????,1,???????????????ncn?????????HoH???ChC???????????????as????????,\"I,\"????n ?????????his his? pr????ctc???? a???ed????d ???????????????????????????????????????????s ???th????????? f ????or?????pop?", "output": "nd pleased. The price is good, as is the cocoa. I would only be more happy if I could get an assortment.\"\n9750,B000KFXEYE,A2VP85SINWDMRF,\"Nihonkabu \"\"Bibliophile\"\"\",2,2,5,1235174400,The best hot chocolate,This is my family's favorite hot cocoa brand. The kids favorite flavor if mint chocolate.\n9751,B000KFXEYE,A3OFGBLYKZOEVF,Pamela,1,1,5,1345507200,Incredible Hot Chocolate with Raspberry,\"I ran into this product at a bed and breakfast. Unlike most hot chocolate mixes with another flavor compon"} {"input": "??????tht??????????ryr?????vov????????????s ?ana????????????nen????????????????????e.e. .? Y ??? d ??n'n?? g ??t t jt ?????????nt???f f??????ata??????????s ?????????ou?????te?????????pb???????????????????????????????????st????????????y ?ve???ry ery ????????????HiH???????ece??mmm???d.d??????2,2?????KFK??????????????????J3J????iei????????????????????303?????????????'s'????????????????ocoocoao?????????y Cy Ch?oc???lat??????????????????(P(???? o???????,\"T,\"?hi?s ?????bsbso????telte?? d?????????. ??BeB???us?e ??it it???? in i????????????m,m???????????aka????????????onongon???????????s ?yo??????????bubudu?s ??????????????d id ?insin", "output": "ent, the raspberry flavor in this is an equal partner with the chocolate. You don't get just a hint of it that soon gets lost. You taste the raspberry with the first sip and the last sip....very very enjoyable. Highly recommend.\"\n9752,B000KFXEYE,A1SIXOS1U9WEJ3,Elie Murphy,1,1,5,1335830400,\"Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa, Cherry Chocolate, 16-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)\",\"This is absolutely delicious. Because it is in powder form, you can make it as strong or weak as your taste buds allow. I add ins"} {"input": "?tat???????gegere?????? m ?????? ma m???ingin??????intin?? a ??????a.a?????????????cuc???s ts ????????tntnenesnesss?. . . ??t ???????????S S?????????????????olaol????coc?????????????ese???- -??????????????ve ve l ????????incin??????ldl????d!d???r r / ??I/>I I?????mi?ne?? th t?????????????????????tit?ono???ro????????????????????eve???ralra? o ?th?er????ava????s fs ?ro??????????????. T. ?TheTh???subsu?????????????????am am?????????????????????inc??????ra???l.l??YoYou??????????????? the the f fr f?reqre??????y Ay ???? th?? the a the ??????ss ss???o wo ??hichi?? i????????????????????????ed????????,B,??00???XEX?????????????666?JVJV,V??????ie ie???eanean,n,1,?????3,13,131?????????,g,??oodoo??non??????????", "output": "tant Folger's to mine, making it into a mocha. That also cuts the sweetness. It really DOES taste like chocolate covered cherries -- a treat I have loved since childhood!

I get mine through the \"\"subscription program\"\" along with several other flavors from Stephen's. The subscription program works well for me since I travel. You can change the frequency AND the address to which it is to be sent as needed.\"\n9753,B000KFXEYE,AA1JL2IMV66JV,bonnie dean,1,1,3,1332374400,good not great,I "} {"input": "?????a a l ??????????sasapa?oioini?????????????testes ?????????t ??????stst ?????????????????????????. L. ?ana???????heh???????????????????BuB???????????????????ugu?ara????????????????????????????????????? a a???????????n n? th???????????????545??B0B?00??FXF???E,E????????XOX??????,J,????????,1,,1?5,5?,13,1?222?616??202??,a,ama???in???,\",???????nd nd?? the the ??????????????lml???????????? ce c??????????????????????henhe??i i wi ??enten????ackac? a???????la?????? the?????????t ht ???????ymy??????????????????????vsv??s ans a??nd wnd ???grg??????????????y d???dn'dn??? ha h??e ????eie?ithit???? i?? wa w?as as s ?so so h????????fo??undun???it ??on on?????on?on aon ????????????????????th?", "output": "was a little dissapointed. It tastes good. It is just a little watery tasting. Land of the lakes is better. But they dont have sugar free. So for sugar free I can give a heads up on this product.\n9754,B000KFXEYE,A37HQ91XODAEPT,JGood,1,1,5,1322611200,amazing!,\"i found the packets at walmart for 57 cents i believe, but when i went back a week later they didn't have anymore! i also checked cvs and walgreens and they didn't have it either. i was so happy i found it on amazon and in cans which i thi"} {"input": "??? i ???? b ?????????????hah???????et???be?????????? g ??????rer??????ucu?t.t???hih??????de???????lyl?? th??????t t???t ????????????'v'vev?e ee ??verve????d.d?????e p????er???????????????? p?????????????????? p pe pepeppep?????ntn????????hoc??olaol?????i'??ve ve h???d. d.???????????at?atelately???e e b?????ing ing???re? w ??enen ????unun ???t!t!\"!\"\"???????????????????1J1????VXV?????P,P??????A.A??MoM?ousou???1,1??,5,??131???969?9696096??,T,??????st????I I? ab a??????????????e te ?thith???st??fff????????????????????????????eaceach??? c ????(o(oror or??wow?) ) f ??or or Cor ??rir???????ev????????????????t t wt ??????wa??????????????. ????'ve'v??nen?eve??????????????????????????????????ve??no", "output": "nk is a better deal than packets because you get more product. this is definately the best hot chocolate i've ever had. the peppermint isn't over powering like most peppermint hot chocolates i've had. i'll definately be buying more when i run out!\"\n9755,B000KFXEYE,A31J8ZDVX0BKYP,Anon A. Mouse,1,1,5,1320969600,The best!,\"I absolutely love this stuff! My Dad used to give us each a can (or two) for Christmas every year, and it was always a favorite. I've never been able to find it where I live no"} {"input": "??, ,?I I?shs????d d?????non??? t ???chc???k k???????! !?????he?????????????????? ta t??????a a v ?????????I dI ?idi????????e,e?????????ve ve???????trt???ed ed?? the th?e re ??edued??????????????????heherhe????? a ala?sos????ke???????ke?ke ike ?????????of?????????eae???of??????er er??????????ed????li?????e be ???????????????t ??????????????????? g ????d (d ?????????????????'s's s ns ???????? ou o???? the????????? ca c????o ?th?????\"\"?????,B,???????????A2A???A4A???????YDYD,D?\"T\"????????. M. ?????lll?????kitki?????n mn ma????????,1,??????????070???????????asas as?????r ????ste????????ste,ste???I lI lilik?e ?????????????GoG?ourou???? H ??????oco?oao?????????e ??????????? M ???????ecaec?", "output": "w, I should of known to check Amazon! By the way, I've never tasted a variety I didn't like, but I've never tried the reduced fat kind, either. I also like to make it with coffee instead of water when I need a little boost, it almost makes coffee taste good (sorry, but there's nothing out there that can do that).\"\n9756,B000KFXEYE,A2L3A4NG6X7XYD,\"Terry L. Merrill \"\"kitchen master\"\"\",1,1,5,1305072000,It has a far eastern taste,\"I like Stephen`s Gourmet Hot Cocoa , White Chocolate Mix ,becau"} {"input": "?ses???? m ??????? ta t??????????????????????????e Ce ????olo???? , ?????tat?astas??????????oso?????ene?????al al???????????????????e ?e A??????????????la la? i ?? w ???ldl?d d ?????????? c ????????s s s c co c??????????????????al????????????s ???nln????? th t?? o ???herhe????????????php??nsn?s ws ??????chcho??colcola?te?te te ???????has has??lol??? of o???clc?????.I.???usu???? ha h??????????y ????hanha??yoy?? ????tephtephe??? ,I ,I ??eae????y ey ???????ipi??ini??? wh whi????????????coaco??????in???????rir???d d td to??????????????delde?????????????s s cs ???????????????????? im i???????????how how???ele??licilic??????????? ?????glgla??d ????uru???????????????????YOY??????PHP???? , ,????us????", "output": "se to me it taste like Arabian White Chocolate ,the taste is almost identical ,if it had a little Arabian vanilla it would be a copy cat. This cocoa to me has alot of class ,unlike the others this Stephens white chocolate mix has alot of class .I just have to say Thankyou Stephen ,I really enjoy sipping white hot cocoa again. A friend told me how delicious this cocoa was ,I never imagined how delicious . I am so glad I purchased it, THANKYOU STEPHEN , A custome"} {"input": "??? f ??????????????ere????MeM??rir???????????000?????EYE??,A,????????3XH3XH2H????????????????????? \" ???????waw?ainai??????????????????????646?????????t Ht ??t ?????????e ???erer,er?I I??uru????sesede????isi? f????????irirlrlfrlfrf?????????????vedve?????? s ????f f???????heh??XmX??as as? pe p?erier?????????????ha???????ppp???????ch????ouo?ldl????st? s?ev??????mom????????????,B0,B?00000??????YE,YE???7N7????????????????????????ho?????????????????????\"\"???????????????????????t ?????evereve??tatas????????????????????????????nnn??? b beb???????????? I ?I aI ???????????????????????????s abs a???? c????????????? u ????il il?? t??????? si s??????????. ??", "output": "r for life ! Terry Merrill\"\n9757,B000KFXEYE,A33XL3E3XH2VW4,\"Carl Wainwright \"\"carl wainwright\"\"\",1,1,5,1298764800,Best Hot Chocolate ever,I purchased this for my girlfriend who loved this stuff over the Xmas period. Now she has a supply which should last several months.\n9758,B000KFXEYE,A27NTHPTRXB766,\"Sandra L. Thornton \"\"typingterror\"\"\",1,1,5,1297987200,Best I ever tasted,Without a doubt this cannot be surpassed. I am always so conscientious about calorie count until I took a sip of this. I "} {"input": "??????juj????rar???????????r r?????iai??????????. .????????e e?cacat??s s??ososes???????????hih???????? t th t???????????????cec?enten?????t it ??s hs ????????beb??????????????????s ms ??????????A.A??????????????????is is??????y Iy ????????????????????????????????masmas.???????????ooo?????in????????ve ????????or or??elsel??? I I????uldul???????????hidhi???itit.it..???????????FXF??YEY???3T3TLTLSL??ZPZ????????????????????????????1,?????97??232?????????????????\"S\"?o ???????????????oco??????????????BuB??????fr????, ,??????d havd ha?ve ????????????????????????????????????? c??????fo???????????????????lyl???????????????????????????", "output": "will just ration it for special moments. Even the cat's nose was twitching from the delightful scent. It is hard to believe that it was made in USA. If my daughter is lucky I might send her some at Christmas. It is a good thing I live alone or else I would have to hide it.\n9759,B000KFXEYE,A3TLSKZPPH6OV1,Matthew Brillhart,1,1,3,1297123200,Pretty good,\"So I am a huge Chocolate Peanut Butter freak, and have been looking for a peanut butter cup cocoa for a while. I finally broke down and ordered thi"} {"input": "???????r r? a a??????ono??????????ngng g? an a?d d h ??www???g ??bob?utu????????????????mitmit ????????????????????????ctc????????????irsir?t ??????????t t ft ?????????s ls ?????wow?? s ?????tlt???????olo???????ate??????????????? fe f??????? s??????????ofo??????????????y ???????d ?it??????????????????????????????????i i????ece??ed??????? thi th????was???ad???????? wa w???????wa???at? w??????? and and??adad ad?????????choch?ici???????he nhe ???????????????idi????to????????it ait ????in in??????????????????????oao?????????????th th????????????????????? G ????????????em?????????????????sus?????'m'? g ?oi?????? t???y ay ?????????me????????????", "output": "s after a few months hemming and hawwing about it. Now I aadmit to not reading the directions the first cup and at first was like wow slightly chocolate water and added a few more spoonfuls of the mix to my cup and it improved but was not quite what i expected and this was made with water(I was at work and had little choice) The next day I deceided to try it again at home in my hot cocoa machine with milk and there was a GREAT improvement!! So as a result I'm going to try an experiment tonight a"} {"input": "????mamaka?e e?????ak????n n?????????ndend?r r????? t???????!!!?? I ??????d id imi?? a a?????????ut???????p p???ea??????9?????????????YEY??????????WZW?????NeN??a ?K K?WaW??shsh,sh?1,????,1??939???????,S,?te????????andan???an???????a,a??? y ???????????????????theth??????????? Ca C????ycayc?????oc??? y???????ed ed??o o t?????????????nln?????????????????????????????????t ft ??????????????s gs ????at at???????????ThT?????????ror??blebl?????s ts ????????????????????ara?rouro??????????t it ist i??on????????????? i in i??st???ese?????????st?ma??s.s.??76????????FX????E,AE,??AHA??P6P??QXQXXX?SLS?????ane????????ar????,1,1,,1??,1,5,1,??????373??12012??00,G00,???????oto?????????????\"I\"?I tI ??", "output": "nd make a shake in the blender with the mix!!! I said im a peanut butter cup freak!!!\"\n9760,B000KFXEYE,AQY8Q7E8WZQ01,Neva K Walsh,1,1,5,1293667200,Stepens Candycane Cocoa,If you haven't tried the Stephens Candycane cocoa you need to try it but only if you like chocolate and mint flavors. It's great tasting. The only problem is that I want it year around and it is only available in stores at Christmas.\n9761,B000KFXEYE,A1AHYP6EQXXSLN,Janet A. Starnes,1,1,5,1292371200,Great Hot Chocolate!,\"I tri"} {"input": "?????tet?php???'s'?????????????ini????rur???lel???hotho??????????????????????????????????????????????s ????????fulful,l, ,?I I????d td tot???ete?????????????,B,??0000K00?FXF???E,E,A,???????????MUM??msm??????????????5,5???????080????LoL?????????????????in??????? a??t tt ??????????????torto?????'v've? t??????????? al a??? an??????????mi??g g?????????th????????ana??????ol????? ?? c???????????????reare????????rinri??k tk ????????????????????????????????????? b?????????st? e ece??non???icaic?l ??waywa??????????????????s ????????me?????76????00???KFXKFXE??YE,YE???MFM??????R0R?????????????????????????5,15,?????78?????????he??????????????", "output": "ed Stephen's Chocolate Mint truffle hot chocolate mix at a Church function and it was wonderful, I had to get some.\"\n9762,B000KFXEYE,AO8H4TVN5RZMU,mspriss678,1,1,5,1278460800,Love it! Hard to find this at the grocery store,\"I've tried them all and keep coming back to the Belgian chocolate. A chocoholic's dream. I drink this every morning and this seem's to be the most economical way to buy it, 6 cans at a time.\"\n9763,B000KFXEYE,A6MF72NZTR023,Jamie R. Samson,1,1,5,1266278400,Stephen's Hot Candyc"} {"input": "?ana??????oaoa a i ???tht??????????????ava???e bee b???????????g g S ???????????an????????Co????????????????????rsr??????r ??alalmal???? c ?????????????????????????imimem?? b ??t ??????????ouo?????????????? t?????????ycayc????????????? t????co???coa coa?? tha th??????e ?????ooo????oodoo?! ! ?YoY??? ca??????????t a??s ss ???????????ea????????ou ??iki??????????????????or???e coe c??oa???or ????????????th???????????ec?????s ???????????ke???it it a? l li l???lel?e se ??????er??? i??????????it ???????????ocoocolocolalat???????te te????? a???????????????cancane???kicki???! ! ????????t kt ??????ha??????se se???o to ??lll????ou ?????????????? ab a?????????y oy ??????????is ?", "output": "ane Cocoa is the best!,\"We have been drinking Stephen's Candycane Cocoa for several years. Our Walmart carries it at Christmas time, but they run out fast. It's the candycane pieces in the cocoa that make it soo good! You can make it as strong or weak as you like it, by adding more cocoa or more water than the directions say. I like it a little stronger - it gives it a bold chocolate taste with a strong candycane kick! I don't know what else to tell you except it is absolutely out of this w"} {"input": "??????????????????eded d????? c ??????????ono???????????r,r??ana??d Sd ????heh?????????????????coc???????????e se ????????nkn?????????????????beber? n????tot?????? it i??ala???????? o ?????????ingin?????????
Honestly, the only thing I would change about this product is the number of cups of cocoa per can. It calls for 3 1/2 rounded tablespoons of cocoa mix per 6 ounces of hot water. When Sara and I make a 12 oz cup each and each have a refill, we can almost kill off one can in a sitting. (Yes, it IS that good!) I wish Stephen's cou"} {"input": "?????????????tet?????? o ???????iti?t ut ??????lal?rgrgeg??r cr ??nsn????r ??????r /r />r /?????????????e ???????????????r pr ?????????????????????9????????00K00?FXFXEX?????????1Q1??C1C??????MaM?arcar?? \" ?\"M????????\"\"\"\"\"???????????????????????he??????????????????????????coaco???WeW?ellel?? I ?I lI lol???? ho h???????????????????? t??ululyly ??ifi?feferereer???. .??????????????????bibit??s os ????????y cy ?can?e ??ixi??????ntont????????????????????????is ??a ra ??????hi???????ar????????????th????????? o????\"\" \"\"??????????????????IfI????? a??? s ????ononeon????at??????????????????ppp??rm?????t int i??n yon youour??????????????you ?juj????????????????????????????", "output": "ld concentrate this or put it up in larger cans.

I hope I have helped in your purchasing decision.\"\n9764,B000KFXEYE,ATY6Q1Q1C1M6N,\"Marcy \"\"Marcy K\"\"\",1,1,5,1264982400,Stephen's Gourmet Candycane Cocoa,\"Well, I love hot cocoa but this is truly different. It literally has bits of candy cane mixed into the cocoa mix and it is a refreshing \"\"warm you from the inside out\"\" hot cocoa drink. If you are someone that isn't sold on peppermint in your hot cocoa you just have to try it. The peppe"} {"input": "r??????isi???????????lel??????ve?????le???????tot?????e pe ??????? T ??????did???er???? f ??????????oto????co????????????????veverver ver e en e????????9???????????XEX??????????0P0??????????????????l l???\"Te\"Tex????????\"\"\"\"\"??1,1,1???????484?????????????????????????????????r r r ??????????y huy husu????d d i???????gege e fe ??an an??f f h?????coccococoa??????????rir???????m ??????????????????????hehenhe??????ananuan???BuB?????r Cr ?????????????????t ????????????as ??????????eanea??????????????s ??????????????????????memele??????????????el?ic?????? tr t??at???. W. ???hih????ly ly rly ?recre?????ndn??ththithis??????ucu??? an a???????????y iy ?? a???????????,B??000", "output": "rmint is very subtle but very pleasing to the palate. Truly different from any hot cocoa that I have ever enjoyed.\"\n9765,B000KFXEYE,A17IIS0PQXP257,\"Texas Gurl \"\"TexasGurl\"\"\",1,1,5,1264896000,Deserves more than a 5-star review,My husband is a huge fan of hot cocoa. I surprised him with a 6-pack of Stephen's Peanut Butter Cup Hot Cocoa. It actually has little peanut butter cups in it. They quickly melt into this delicious treat. We highly recommend this product and will buy it again.\n9766,B000"} {"input": "?????????3K3??L5L??????UWU?????????????,5,???????868??????rer???????n n???en???ada?e e??iti?????ateat????????igigig?????????ceceie???d d t th????????????fff???????t ct ????????ate ate??s ????gifgi??? a??d ??????????????????did??????????????????????rucru????nsns ?sas?y ??o o??????????ithit???????, ???cac????????? the th??????????t ?????????resre???tst??in???????k k?flflafl???????????????, ?th???????????????????????????????????ev????wi????no????????addad????d thd t?is?????????????????????choch?????te?????int int t??????????/>/???????????ausau?se ??it ??????????reqreququiu?re???? milk mil????????????????? at at ??????????????rmrm-m????drd????k ok on????????????????", "output": "KFXEYE,A3KSL5YJR7VUW4,Meghan,1,1,5,1263686400,Great even when made with water,\"I originally received this Mint Truffle hot chocolate as a gift, and was a little bit dismayed that the instructions say to mix it with water, because in the past that always results in a weak flavor. Amazingly, that is not the case with this mix, even with no milk added this has a great rich, chocolate-mint taste.

Because it doesn't require milk, I can keep it at work for a warm-up drink on cold office day"} {"input": "????????uau??lyl? p ????? t ??asa????????f f?????????y ??????????????????????????????????p/p????????????????555??\"\"????????????????cec????cyc????????d ?????????le????mbmbl?????????Aladdin 16-Ounce Recycled and Recyclable Tumbler, Lily then add hot water from the dispenser at work for a perfect mug of hot chocolate.\"\n9767,B000KFXEYE,A3QSMHKO2E940X,\"Betti W. Skrederstu \"\"bettihomemaker\"\"\",1,1,5,1261612800,Absolutely the BEST!!!,\"I bought this hot chocolate at a grocery store because it looked interesting. We like to drive around our neighborhood and look at the Christmas l"} {"input": "??ghg?tst??? I ? a ??????????? t ????rir??????t t??????lal????????e ?ene??oyo??ingin????hishis ??utu???????OhO?????????????hi?????????????atateat???asas ?????????le?. ??heh???????????? th????ana???o o mo mam??ke ke???? I I ?????pip?ece????????anandan???canca?????and????in in???? c????????????wdw????. I. I ????de de i??t tt ??????y ?th??at at??? they they ?sus?ggggeg???????wiwit?h ?????????r,r???????il??. ??ItI????????????????????????t t t????????t ?amamoam?ounou?t ?ofo????ppp???????????vov????????????????????umumpm?????and and????????exe??????????to to??? the ????? d???????. I . I????????????????ses?e ???thattha?????????????????his ohis ????ma??on???????????????????that? t???????????????re?????", "output": "ights. I always like to drink hot chocolate while enjoying this outing. Oh My Gosh! This hot chocolate was incredible. When I opened the can to make it, I saw pieces of Candycane candy in the chocolate powder. I made it the way that they suggested, with hot water, not milk. It was so creamy with just the right amount of peppermint flavor. There were no lumps and it was excellent to the last drop. I am thrilled to see that they carry this on Amazon because I know that the grocery store only"} {"input": "???????????? f ??????e e?????dad?????ndn?d td ??????ricri?e ?????mam??????????????ese???th????I I?pap????\"\"?????,B,?00000?????YEY?,A,???Z1Z??CFC???????rer????? N ??edeed????ocockc?????,5,?,1????????????I aI ????????\"T\"????e ???????????????????ThThiTh???sts????????????????h ???????e je ???st st???e ??????????. . ??????? t??????the??????nsn????????????tet?????????????????ve ????????????on ion ?in in????e p????????TheTh????????????onongong ?waw??????o.o. . ???? p??er ??????????oso????is is??????ctc?????????????g ???the ???????iduid?ala?? pa p??kek??s ??t ??thethe ????oceoc??????????e ofe o???th???????????????????????d pd ???????????ywy????????????????????uffuf?f if is??is sois s??", "output": " carried it for the holidays and the price on Amazon is much less than I paid.\"\n9768,B000KFXEYE,A4EZ1HCFW1UN,Kreg A. Nederbrock,1,1,5,1261440000,I agree!!,\"These folks are right. This stuff is very rich and we just use skim milk. Richer than the expensive chocolate shavings we have splurged on in the past. The tins go along ways too. The per serving cost is a fraction of buying the individual packets at the grocery store of other brands, but I would pay more anyway because this stuff is so g"} {"input": "???????WeW??juj??t t?hah????? o ??????ana?????????ses?. ???????t t wt ???h h??????????eee?????????it???p p?????om?????????a a??cec?e c?rereae???????msm? l ?iki??????y ??????????????????????h h mh ??????f f??he?????????d ????? the th?????????????? n nan????????irsir?????????????????dsd??re???????heheehe?se????p tp ?the?????????????????bob?????????????????????\"\" \"\" o???????????????????????????, ,????????it?????????CocoCoc???????AnA????????wow??????la??? up up up????????????????e ??a la ???????????????bub???????, w, ????d ??ou???????? e ??????????????????????????g'g?????????? M ????????????No??????????n'n????????????????????????", "output": "ood. We just had to order another case. Try it with some coffee. Mash it up in some vanilla ice cream. Seems like they could sell it for much more if they got rid of the dude's first name. First name only brands really cheese up the product. How about \"\"Cocoa Passions\"\" or \"\"Divine Cocoa\"\" or even, \"\"Serenity Now Cocoa\"\". Anything would Glam up the product name a little. I am a builder, would you buy an expensive house from \"\"Kreg's Stately Mansions\"\"? Nope. Doesn't matter how choice the "} {"input": "w??????????????sos???????????????yoy????????vev????grg??ata? p ??????????'l'?? s???p.p?????wew?ll???????????????????lol??...??FiF????????????????????9???9,9?????KFKFXF?????????????????ZYZY,Y?????????????????????????,1,,1??,1????838???????????ChC?????? Ch C??coc??at?????????????????????????s.????????????????fof?or or???????????to????plp???????????????y y f?????????????????????????????????????ate)ate?HoH????????o mo ??xex??? an andnd d???is????????rk??s qs ?uiu?iteit????ellel????? t??????????????????????eepee??????the?????od od??????????0,0,B?00?????XEYXE???,A2,A?????????????????????????????????????????????000,000,G,??reareat????????", "output": "work is. I am sorry, Stephen, you do have a great product, I'll stop. Oh well, keep the prices low...Five stars, brother.\"\n9769,B000KFXEYE,A2M9AY4DOPMGZY,Celestia L. W. Getgen,1,1,5,1260835200,Best Cherry Chocolate that I have come across.,I was looking for something to replenish one of my favorite Black Forest(Cherry Chocolate)Hot Cocao mixes and this one works quite well and tastes even better. Keep up the good work.\n9770,B000KFXEYE,A2OECBBTB7TR4D,Loween P. Stone,1,1,5,1260576000,Great tasting"} {"input": "? h hoh????ho?coc??ata????????????????????GoG???????HoH??? ch cho????????????????ivi????????klklyl?????d wd ??e he ???ve ve?beb???????oyo?ini?g g??????r r??????asa???t a t a????????owo?????717?????00K00?????????????????????????. P. ?aqa???????????????r\"r?????????,1????232???????????GhG???ar?ded????, ,? bu b???no????????????????????hth??????????????? S???????n'sn'?s Gs Go??????t H????????? m???. ?????????retre????gogooo??d fd ??r ????????iceic?? ?????????it????????????ysys ?????????rdr?delde??????????t tt ????s ds ???????the the????????????????????97797???,B0,B?????????????????????????????as????????????????????151???????re?????CocCo?coa?,\"???????????????", "output": " hot chocolate,I love Stephen's Gourmet Hot chocolate. It arrived quickly and we have been enjoying it for at least a month now.\n9771,B000KFXEYE,A18L8D4OGF5XE0,\"P. Paquin \"\"re-cycler\"\"\",1,1,4,1260230400,\"Not Ghirardelli, but not bad.\",I just bought a six-pack of Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa mix. It's pretty good for the price. My favorite will always be Ghirardelli -- but this does the trick in a pinch.\n9772,B000KFXEYE,A1NH8W1SDIAVHE,Thomas B. Reed,1,1,5,1258156800,Great Cocoa,\"This is the per"} {"input": "f???? c ?oco?????o o s ?????? a ????rer???????????t tt ??????inin/n???ddd?lel???exe????????uru? l ????d d?????. .???hah????to to???????it???? a?mam??????????????it wit ???????y ???ai???????????T T w ????????????????li???????? s???????????????eded ed ied ??????hoh???????? i????????ese??????vov??????t Ct ?ChoCh?ocooc?????????????????Cho???????????t,t????d ????????hocho???ata???ara????lslsos???????????????????B0B000????XEX??????????Y4Y?4A4????I,I??????????????????1,1?1,?5,5??????787???00,00,V,VeV?eryer??????y ?????ybybe?????itittit???le tle ??????chc??????????? w???????lk?,\",????????? e ?enjen???ed??th???????????ll?????????ly ly bly be???ur??????ing???????r fr ??????????????", "output": "fect cocoa to sit by a fire/listen ot the rain/cuddle next to your loved ones. I had to order it on amazon, since it was only available in UT where I used to live. I'm so glad I ordered it! Choc Rasp is the best flavor but Chocolate Hazelnut, Chocolate Mint, and Milk Chocolate are also excellent.\"\n9773,B000KFXEYE,A2H3LYY44A3BRI,Andrew P. Boysen,1,1,5,1255478400,Very tasty - maybe a little too rich if making with milk,\"I really enjoyed this, and will probably be purchasing other flavors as well"} {"input": "???????heh?????? r ?re-re???????????????eee?msm?????t ????????????em em??????olo?d ?????. .?????????? s??mem?????? a????ittit?lel?????????????????t ????????in???????????????ryr?????re??? a??d ????????????????y gy ?????. . ?ThT????????st tst ?????????????itit,it, ??? w???s w??????ili?????andan?????????? a l a ???tl??e te ??????chc??????????????????th???????t wat w??????????ivi??????pep??iai???????????????????????ng ng????im im m mi?????????????? si s??????ovo?????????cocomo???????on????????????d ?wa?te????, an, a????t ??as????s Gs GRG????????and and???????????blb???st????????????????????????????????????????????ng mng ?????????????????? ov o????ti?", "output": " (if they are re-stocked - it seems that most of them are sold out). I wanted something a little better than what I find in my area grocery stores, and this was really good. The first time we made it, it was with milk, and it was a little too rich for me (which I thought was impressive, especially as I was only using skim milk), so I've since moved to a combination of milk and water, and it tastes GREAT (and I'll probably still make it with just milk, after adjusting more towards that over tim"} {"input": "??????????????????????????????????????????????????lel??sts???????ioi?nsn???igi?hth??nonowno??, ,????t et ?ve??????y y wy ?????as???????????? has ha?s es ?????????????979????????????YEY????989?OWOWPWPQP?0U0??8R8?0,0?\"S\"????n ??oeo??????\"\"\"\"S????????????,1??414161??????,J,????????????waw????ed,ed?????juj?????enoen?????????heh?e re ????beb????????te? w??????ut ut??eie?????????? bea be??????????? p pup?????se???ororeor???? t????????????whewh?? m?????ppp??????pl???????????????????le??fif??????????????ra?????????ho???????? b???ut nut no???? I k I ????? wh whe?????????????????????????????l l bl ????????????????????????979???????????????????????????????????", "output": "e). My house is known for hot cocoa (we have at least 7 options right now), but everybody who has had this has enjoyed it.\"\n9774,B000KFXEYE,A398OWPQ0U18R0,\"Susan Moehrle \"\"Sue\"\"\",1,1,5,1241654400,Just what I wanted,Has just enough of the raspberry taste without being over bearing. Will purchase more in the future when my supple depletes. I had trouble finding a good raspberry hot cocoa but now I know where to get it. This site will be one of my favorites.\n9775,B000KFXEYE,A5SMZ2V4ESBJ7,True Be"} {"input": "?????,1,??????????????0000,00???ntn?asa????ala??????lil????????????ou?????e e???rkr???hohoco???????????shs?? yo y?ou ?????????????uau????ty ty??ar?k ??chochococooc??at?????????????????is?????th?????????????? i ????vev????????????????????renre???????????? ch cho?????????ix?ese??????????nen???????? a aba???? o ??the?????in in???'s'???????????sss?s as ????????????????????????e ??and??????, ,???????????honho???y oy ??? ci c?????????????????? h?????e a e a?????tasta????????pap?????oao?.\".\"\"?979?????????????????282????????T0T???????????0,0????,1,1,1,?343?939393??202??00,H00,????????????????????th???????ugu??? A ?dd????????????????usuusua?????????????sus?ugaug????dd????", "output": "auty,1,1,5,1233100800,Fantastically Delicious,\"do you like dark chocolate? wish you could find quality dark chocolate cocoa mix? this is the real deal! i have tried a few different \"\"dark\"\" chocolate mixes. this one stands above others in it's smooth'ness and creamy quality. nice and dark, add some honey or cinnamon and you'll have a fantastic cuppa cocoa.\"\n9776,B000KFXEYE,A2287CG3NDET01,bebex07,0,0,1,1349395200,Horrible,\"I ordered the No Sugar Added version. I usually like no sugar added o"} {"input": "?????? s ?ugu???????duducu????- -??????????? y ??????????????hocho??????????? B ??????????????asas ???????????????e te ??????????re??iei?????????? t ??????????e ????ltl????. ?????d ?????ses?????????????onson?s os ofs o???he??????????????et et????e t??ast????I I dI ???'t'??knk?ow????hatha??t tot t???do do???????????er???????. ?. I . I w??lll???????bl???????ateat?e..e.????7777777,77,B,B0B??????EYE????NHN??????????1,1??????????????????????343????565?????????????BeB?????????veve ??e tase ta????d sd ?????al???????????????????et pet pr?ododuod??????????????ChC???????ate ate???aspas?beber??y ??????y fy ???????te.te????????????????????thethe the a ?????delde?liclicic????? ??? co con???de??????my? o????? spl sp", "output": "r low sugar products - ice cream, yogurt, hot chocolate etc. But this one was terrible. Like the other reviewer, this tasted like ovaltine. I had to use like 5 spoons of the powder to get the taste. I don't know what to do with 5 other cans.. I will probably donate..\"\n9777,B000KFXEYE,ANHTWUP61X9W1,Phyllis DeVol,0,0,5,1348185600,It's the Best,\"I have tasted several Stephen's Gourmet products, but the Chocolate Raspberry is my favorite. It's creamy, smoothe and delicious. I consider it my one spl"} {"input": "?ururgr???????????????????ava?????????????y y??????ngn???ndnd d???????????ha??????? f?av??????????????? w ??ithit? m my my ????????? j ??????an?????ge??t et ene????h ??f f i it??? H ??e he ha????????????????????????????????????????????in??g ig ??e ?crc?????????????????????o o to ?????????????mem??????. ??????????????? ho h?????co???mim?????????? ev e??ver ver? ta t??????????????????al??one?? wi w??ll ll????????u u???????????of???? a????????????s ???hatha???????erferfuf?????????????ev?evereve??????. O. ?ccccac???????lyl????I wiI w??????????in?? ho?pe????????wi?willwil???????has??e te ththetheithe???ow???? S ??????????GoG?ourou???????????s th??????st ?????coa coa?????. ?????wil???", "output": "urge for myself. I have a cup every morning and have now shared my favorite beverage with my son, who just cannot get enough of it. He has created different recipes with it, one using ice cream. I will stick to the original method. It's the best hot cocoa mix I have ever tasted. The aroma alone will draw you in. I am often asked what is that wonderful smelling beverage. Occasionally I will share in hopes they will purchase their own. Stephen's Gourmet makes the best cocoa ever. I will d"} {"input": "???nkn???t t a ?????????s s ts ??????????inuin???????????it????????,B,B0B??????EYE????????1T1??????P8P8,8,\"8,????????ofo?????\"m\"?omo?????????t\"t?\"\"\"\"\"?,0,?,0?,5,5,5?????646?????????-u-?????,\",??? lo l??????isis ?st????????????????y ????oro??????of of???????????s s Is ??hah??????rieri??? I ?????fefeeeele? l?iki????????ave ave? to t??????????e ??????????????colco??????owowdowded??? to to to????????????????????????????????e,e????t ??????????????. . ????d td tat???e t???????????nyn??ofof ??????th???r sr ?????????????. ???wiw???????? i??????? th??????s s as ????d thd t??????????is?is fis fof???mem??????y hy ??????????ve???????????k ck ch??????????.u.unu?????he?????????d the?? am a????????????", "output": "rink it as long as they continue to make it.\"\n9778,B000KFXEYE,A2ZOO1T50UXRP8,\"Mother of 2 \"\"momknowsbest\"\"\",0,0,5,1337644800,Yuh-uh-um,\"I love this stuff! This is my favorite of the flavors I have tried. I do feel like I have to add quite a bit of chocolate powder to get it to the flavor that I like, but that is okay. I'd take this over any of the other stuff any day. Swiss Miss is for the kids and this stuff is for me. My husband loved the milk chocolate...until he tried the amaretto. I j"} {"input": "uusu????????????h h??thithisi??????us????????????t ft ???????????????????theth??oto??therthe?????????????EvE?venve??????????I dI ?????t lt ?????????????????s s m????? a ??l l????????????????s ??oco???? th????? h???e ???iei???is??? the???ricri???st???????????????????????????astas????lik?????????? i ???????????ere???????l.l????????????KFK??EYE??,A,????KPK????CSC????,M,??rkr?????????????????????????202?00,00?GoG???d Cd ?oc???????????????bsb????uteut?????????????????????. . V. ??eryer???asasyas????????????us??????????aterate????????fo???he????????????.<.?????>S>????????????? thi?s ????????????elellel?????979?????B00B0??????EYEEY????ZOZ?????????????. E. ????ar?", "output": "ust stick with this because I haven't found that I like the others as much. Even though I don't like the others as much, all of the Stephen's cocoa that I have tried is the richest out there. It doesn't taste like I mixed it with water at all.\"\n9779,B000KFXEYE,A2U2KPK9XCSXW3,Mark J. Turner,0,0,5,1334275200,Good Cocoa!,\"My wife absolutely adores this cocoa. Very easy to make, just hot water which for her is a plus.
She prefers this over Ghiradelli.\"\n9780,B000KFXEYE,AIZOWYRKYSHGR,F. E. Harr"} {"input": "????0,0??,5,?,1,131?3333333??484?????wew??????,\",\"T\"???????????????????BEB??????t t?chcho???????????????????????????????at?????????ricri????? t??????????eaealeal.l. .???????????????ed?????????nd nd?????????????. . A. ??\"\"???????00????XEX????A2A2G2????????BSB???????????????33????848???,h,????lnl?utu??!,?\"I\"???ovo?????ze???utut ut???melme????????y cy ??????????????gug??re re????????ll all ???so ??????reare???tot??????ve ive ?t t it ????? cu c????????????hochocohoc?????. . U. UnU??????????ly? t? thi th????propr??ucu??t dt ?oeoesesnes?'t'?????e ???????????g g???????nutnu????el?in????????? a ?????lel?????????????s ss ??????a ????????????????,B?????KFXKF????????????????XQX?3,3??????????,0,0,,0,0???,13?", "output": "is,0,0,5,1333324800,Awesome!,\"This really is the BEST hot chocolate I have ever tried! And at this price, a terrific deal. It was delivered fast and as described. A+\"\n9781,B000KFXEYE,A2GUXMZO9WBSL8,Fay,0,0,4,1333238400,hazelnut!!,\"I love hazelnut smell in my coffee so I figure it will also be great to have it in a cup of hot chocolate. Unfortunately this product doesn't give me a strong hazelnut feeling, just a little. Well it is still a good one.\"\n9782,B000KFXEYE,A1FIVRNFCWZXQ3,Sirzak,0,0,5,133"} {"input": "?????00?0,0??????????,\",?????? t ?????asa???? m ??lkl? f ???e ???odo???t.t. .??li??????????????????cocoaco????????????t ?ses??????ininging g??owo????redre??????. ???U U??, ????????????de?????y ????????pep????vev???????????????????grg????????????? in in ?????re?a.a?. I. I I????????? m??? o ??????? a??d ?GhGhi???????li li????????e ???????????.\".?????????????????????????????????????y ??. ?VaV??????????adanada????0,?????????080??????????????????????OKO? h??ot ot c co coc coco????. I . I? ha had??????n un ????ing ing??????????????????????, b, ??????antan????????????thith????oror or a a a c a ???ngn????????????te te?????comco??araraar?ablable??, b, bu, b????????or?????????????????????t it ist i?", "output": "2720000,Delicious,\"Enjoy the taste, milk free product. Ilike milk in hot cocoa, just can't see adding powdered milk. B U T, it is considerably less expensive at a local chain grocery store in my area. I prefer a mix of this and Ghiradelli \"\"Double Choclate\"\".\"\n9783,B000KFXEYE,A3RDY9QJ98B0QG,Fijoy G. Vadakkumpadan,0,0,3,1332460800,So so,\"This is an OK hot cocoa. I had been using Land O'Lakes product, but wanted to try this for a change. The taste is comparable, but the portions in each packet is "} {"input": "?????lel??? I ????????lil??? L ??????????????????oco?????ete???????979???,B,???00K00?????E,E,A,??RHR???????9R9????????????????????\"\"\"??ol????Vi??????????????????323292?868??808????????????y y??????ShS?????????n n????????Th?????is ???????st???anand????an????ococooc??????and and?????????ea?? b?????????????y c??ane???????t ??????????????ot?????al?????ha?????? M ?????????????????vev???in?? th t???????????brbr r?/>/???AfA???r,??? it' it??????????", "output": "smaller. I still like Land O'Lakes hot cocoa better.\"\n9784,B000KFXEYE,A3RHPBNP2N9RJB,\"Dolce Viognier \"\"Dolce Viognier\"\"\",0,0,5,1329868800,Real Candy Cane Shavings In This!,\"This is the best candy cane cocoa, and it has real bits of candy cane. Don't worry, it's not totally sharp... Most of it dissolves in the liquid.

I mix my cocoa with a battery operated frother, which uses every single bit of cocoa, so there is not a single bit of cocoa on the bottom.

After, it's really a"} {"input": "? p ???pe?rmrmimini??????? o ?f f? ch c?ocococ??????????????????????velve??. . R ??frf???hih?ingin???I'I?????????????
This is a must with milk, though I think you can do it with water... but milk is best to get the full flavor effect.\"\n9785,B000KFXEYE,A34MS72A45UK2D,Donn Hilton,0,0,5,1326326400,Stephens Gourmet NSA Hot Chocolate,\"If you've read the other reviews about Stephens hot chocolate, well, the same for this one. It tastes rich and good. I'm diabetic type II and there is nothing else in hot chocolate that comes close witho"} {"input": "u??????ngn???????d d??????sus????????aba?betbe??????ala????????????????fifieiele?????????it it?coc???es es t ??????????yoy??????????????????????????glg??? t? tha th???????he?????????????s ??????????InI?????????hi?nyny y wy ??????????????therthe????s ??? bi b????????????hidhi??????????????????????mpm????????l l??? t?????th??y ??????????l ???it iit in?????????an????????? sh s??????ro?sss?s t?????orordor??r.??Th???? is???????ad.ad?????????ansan?????????????????????????????othot????????????????????????????????????????????is is??????????????????????, ,???????????????der der g??ar?????????a ????????????????pheph????????t dt ???n't?????????", "output": "ut being loaded with sugar. Diabetes really narrows the field when it comes to things you can eat or drink so am glad that Stephens makes this product. In every shiny white cloud there is a bit of soot hiding somewhere. The lump of coal is that they don't sell it in Canada and won't ship across the border. That is so sad. Canadians having to deal with yet another item they can't get. Not sure why this is whether US government, Canadian border guards with a grudge, or Stephens just don't want ext"} {"input": "??????????wow?????????????????????oror or??rir??????????????????ripri??????????????an?d d????????? b????k fk fo?????. ?????d sd ??????????????000??????????I1I???M4M???484???????errer??,0,?,0?????????????????epe???????????????????????a,a???????hasha?????orior???????????????al??????. O. OfO???????????????g ?th????????aya????????????????alwal???????????????????? A ??mazma???.c.????????????nd ??a ra ????lyl?????? d de d?????on ???. ?????????????????????????????????ho???????s as ???? wi w??????e te ???in?????????????? of o?????????????s whs w??????????????????an??and uand ??????it????????????????????? good goo????rodro?ducductc???????????????", "output": "ra paper work. Thank goodness for friends who go on trips down south and bring it back for me. Good stuff.\"\n9786,B000KFXEYE,AI13RM4X048SG,Sherry,0,0,5,1326326400,Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa,\"Purchased original can at Walmart. Of course, during the holidays - it wasn't always there. I got on Amazon.com and found a really good deal on it. My family & I LOVED it thru the holidays and will be taking a canister of it with us when we go camping and using it year round. Good good product & taste!\"\n9787"} {"input": "??B0B?00??????????171???????????,\",?D.D?T.T. .?\"\"\"\"m\"????????ngngeg??\"\"??????,5,????232?646????0,??umu??????d d??????????????ummum??????,\"M,\"?aka????er?????????on?? a an a?nd nd u ???e he ?alalfl??? h ????? to t? t??? o ????????rir??????????e,e? m??yby???a a???????????ppppe?d ??re?????opo???????d ???????????????? m???????n tn ?he??chc???ir,ir??????t st ????, ?????e ?????on????????gagar?????umsum????????????????????begbe?????? d???cec?e ie ????????he?????? Y ??mm???????????????io????. . I. ???? p?ur????????????????????? at a??nen??????????????????????????n nn ????????????????????????????????????? it i???p ????????????'r'?????????????????????mam???????", "output": ",B000KFXEYE,A217RWSFWVBD6T,\"D.T. \"\"music_monger\"\"\",0,0,5,1323648000,Yummy and warm in my tummy!!!,\"Make per directions and use half & half to top off for richer taste, maybe a little whipped cream topper and you have have a melt in the chair, soft spot, where visions of sugar plums and the like may begin to dance in your heads. Yummy and so delicious. I've purchased twice, first at near $13-each for two, then near $5-each for six of them - chalk it up to when you're buying! I should make clea"} {"input": "??????????????oto?????????????nin????????????ses???????????????????wiwin?g g a ?????????????ene?????????cac????????????rtr????? th the??vav????????????????????????ansan???ti??n.n. .???????e ??????? me m?e te ????????ra???????????????ia???? s ?????ctect????????????ReRetetat???????le??????????????ryr???ing ?????????????, a, an?d ???????me?d d rd ?reare?asoas???????????en en t??e ?????? f ?????????????????????????o co coc??????te te???????rchrc???e.e???? I h I ?havha??? no no ????????????????? se? sell sel?????ndn????????????ly???????ded????????r sr ????????s os ???? thi??????n ??????? a?????????????????chachas?ase ase??????? sen se????? T ThT??nkn? y ?????????????????hih?", "output": "r that I do not regret my initial purchase, I was merely showing an example when timing can play a part in the value of this kind of transaction. Please allow me to elaborate that I initially selected Chadwell Retail sellers as I was trying the product, and it seemed reasonable given the value for two to select them to complete my purchase. I have no qualms with the seller and would openly consider their services on this open market again as the purchase made sense. Thank you for reading this"} {"input": "???ara????????r ???????????????tit??????? ad a???ancan???????888????00?????????????T8T?C6C636?J2J2,2?K.K. .???????????,0,,0??,1,??929??63063??00?,S,??????????!!!?!! !!?????????!!??,\",???????????????heh???????y y???????at????????????t t???????? Cu Cupu?????????? an a????????ar??e a?????????????? thi thici?????d ???????? e ?????iai????????????????????wiw????????ittit?????????????atat at??I rI ??????????????s ts th????th????????'t'???vev??????????????and and t th??at ?it???ixi??ed ed? to t??et???????ry???????????likli???????t bt ????????????????????????up up a an??????ickick ????th?the the s??oooonoo????????????ly????? fa fava????te??????chc???????????????????er ???????ors ors??re??", "output": " far and for your consideration in advance.\"\n9788,B000KFXEYE,AI0X4T8C63J2,K. Swanson,0,0,5,1292630400,Soooo good!!! Perfect!!!,\"I also tried the Cherry Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cup flavors and they are amazing! So thick and creamy, especially if you make it with a little milk! What I really like is that they aren't overly sweet, and that it mixed together very well, unlike most brands that just clump up and stick to the spoon. Definitely my favorite hot chocolate! The cider flavors are g"} {"input": "?????????????787????????????????????OLO?W7W???????????dad?d d??????kd??????,0,??????1212812828252????00????????????????aza???nun????ot? C ???????ateate,e???????????imi????? th t????ese??????????co???????ixi???????? e ?????usu????????e e fe ?la????r ir ?????ndn????ulu????he??????????????????????ut ut o ?????????????az???nu?t ????????is???ubu????????????st??? l????e ye ???u mu ?ad?e ?iti??t frt f???? sc s?????????????????????????????'s'????????ul?t ?t tot t?????????????????????????n An ?ma??on????????????????????\"9\"???????????????E,AE,A2A????????L1L?????JeJen??if?????udu?mum?????????????12??595??52?????ot?????????ke?d.???..,..??I ?????re??d td th??", "output": "reat too!\"\n9789,B000KFXEYE,A12OWMOLW72GBN,\"Packdad \"\"Packdad\"\"\",0,0,5,1282521600,Stephens Hot Hazelnut Hot Chocolate,\"This is simply the best hot chocolate mix I have ever used. The flavor is wonderful, whether you like hazelnut or not (the hazelnut flavor is subtle.) It tastes like you made it from scratch rather than a mix. It's difficult to find, so locating it on Amazon was a great find.\"\n9790,B000KFXEYE,A2ZIBOQJ2L1H4W,Jennifer Gudmundson,0,0,5,1275955200,Totally hooked....,\"I ordered this"} {"input": "???bobouo?? a??yey????????????hah????????????????rdr?????????sis?????????????e ?I I???aveav?????????it???????????????????t s???????????????ve??????????tetente? r ri r????????AmA?????on aon ??????rderd???ed ed?????ls??????????????n n mn ???????????????????n In ???m m??feefe???????????????arlar??????????, ???? i it????? w??????hih?ppp?????????????elelieliciciicioi???!!!???????????????KFK????E,E??2D2???????B0BB0??????. ?????????????????????00,00???de?????????av?or?it????DelDe????iouiousu?????????--j--??????likli?????????colco??tete te????????????????? I ?????????????li????it?????????????????. ??????gig??????????tst?s ts ths thi??s ys ??ar?!!????2,2??00?????????", "output": " about a year ago and have repeatedly ordered it since. Everyone I have shared it with has loved it so much they have also gotten right on Amazon and ordered it also. I mix it in my coffee, and when I am feeling particularly naughty, top it off with whipping cream. Delicious!!!!!\"\n9791,B000KFXEYE,A2DQSVSRB0BI10,J. Bell,0,0,5,1264723200,A definite favorite,Delicious taste---just like a chocolate covered cherry. I especially like it added to coffee. Will give as gifts this year!\n9792,B000KFXEYE,A"} {"input": "3??909?CEC?LVL?LOL????,\",????cic???????????????????,0,???,4,???????????0,???t t e ???ctc??y y????????? t ???rar????tht?????????ugughg??????????sts?tlytl???asa????????heh???revre???????I ???ala?ly??waw???tedte??????????????e ?????????php????????????????on on??idi????t ht ???????????st????????????????????an?d d td ?????????I wI wow??ldl????????????t it ?is ?????te,te?????n ?th?thouthoug????????????????inin ?????????le.le???in??cac???e ye ??????idnid???????????????????! ! I????????????e ????wa?????n't cn't ??oco????????????di?????????????????????? t??o eo ???ecectct.ct.<.
The best way I can describe it is that it tastes like a vanilla milk"} {"input": "s??????????????? I ????ppp?ene?????lol??e e??????????il???shash??????????oro???????????????tet??????????????te? d ??ininknkik?????????????fif???re???, b, ??????mem??????I ????????????????ede?? to to o to ??isi???????????ftf????????????????????????????an??????? s?????????????????????ppppopporortor????tit?????? t??????t t mt ??y y jy juj??t ?beb???????????????f f??en?tat????????xpx????\"\"?????? ch c??hocohoc????te ????d Id ????ve?????re?????? m my m??sls??? b?ra????????is??????tereteres?????g ag ??????????renre??????????????? d dr d???? i???????d ad ??mo???? li l??????, ??ut???????? wo w?oulou?????????picpi??? th theh?????t ct ch??co????????????????. D. DeDefe?????ele???wow????????", "output": "shake, but hot! I happen to love vanilla milkshakes way more than chocolate ones (but hate drinking milk, go figure), but somehow, I haven gotten used to this product after about a week. I have 6 cans now, so I have many more opportunities to try! It may just be that I sort of mentally \"\"expect\"\" hot chocolate and I have to retrain my slow brain! It is interesting and different, and I still drink it, and almost like it, but still would pick pick the hot chocolate over this. Definitely worth a tr"} {"input": "y???f f????????? v vav????lala.a.\".??????,B,????????YEY????????HOH????PYP??????tht??????????????????????_k_?keyke?????0,0???5,5?121??????404???????????????????????????????????????mym???????utu??????????????t ?chc????olaol?ateat????????????????????????ot ot?????a a??????ll ll???er???tat????bub?? I??????? be b?en??????le??????????iti????????rer????????? I ?lol????????so so??ucuch???????? I e I ??????????????????????????li?linglin?g sg ?so so tso ???at ??I cI ??????????it?it ait ??l l???e ???ay ay o??? th??????t t c???????to???. . ????????????????????k k????????? to t???it ???????????.\"?9?79?????????????????????????SOS??????????? \"??????????????????\"\"?", "output": "y if you like vanilla.\"\n9793,B000KFXEYE,A108QRHOAW6PYQ,\"Katherine Alexander \"\"kri_key\"\"\",0,0,5,1260230400,So good I order it online!,\"This is my absolute FAVORITE hot chocolate! Stephen's Gourment Hot Cocoa is all over Utah, but I have been unable to find it anywhere else. I love it so much that I even pay shipping and handling so that I can enjoy it all the way on the east coast, too. It's SO good! I look forward to it every year.\"\n9794,B000KFXEYE,A1W46G8R5DNSO6,\"S. Baum \"\"Voratious reader\"\"\""} {"input": "??0,0??,5,??????888848?????ThT?e e?????????????????ixi?????r!r????????????????fafara?????????t ??????ho?cocolcolal?tet???'v've???ve??????stest???????????he ???he??????vov?rsrs ??arear??gog???? e?sps??cic?ala?llyll???????as???berbe???, ?bub???th????????????????????????????sese ???ustus??????????????????t ???astas??s ?????????????ama???\"\"???959???????????E,E???NXN?????OQO??????????oc??,0,0,????????????????????? t?????????????????y sy ??co?????????????????????e ????????????????????????????de???????? th???????????s.s?? I ???nevne???????????t yt ????????d d hd ???????????????????ar?????????????????? I???????????????upu????????terte??", "output": ",0,0,5,1259884800,The best hot cocoa mix ever!!!,\"This is by far the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted! All the other flavors are good, especially the raspberry, but this one is my favorite. I use just hot water, and it tastes rich and creamy!\"\n9795,B000KFXEYE,A3NXNY3NOQW0O0,B. Rock,0,0,5,1259539200,Great taste,\"I am on my second can, I ordered the case of 6 and I keep it hidden from the grandkids. I never thought you could have good tasting dark hot chocolate. I just heat a cup of water i"} {"input": "n??tht?e e?????owo????e fe ????808???????????????????he???hoh????????? I ????????lvl?vesves s cs ??mpm??????y y??iti??? st s??????????979???????00K00????????2A2????W2W2F2????BIB?,P,??hosho?????r Er EsEss???????,0???,1,?252??????00????????ch?ese??t tt ??st???????t ???co?? I??????ve??r tr ta??stest??????????????????????????????s s hs ???????????ve???????????????non??t rt ??ealea?iziziz???? ho h?ow ow????d ????????????ing ???o bo ????????r r Ir ????an?k k? th????ir??????????psp????????s hos hooo??????????couco???d nd ??????????????????????gag???????????re??????????????????????? c??????????r ????ver?????????? an???ev??????????sev????al al??????to???????????????e ????????", "output": "n the microwave for 80 seconds and add the chocolate. It dissolves completely with stirring.\"\n9796,B000KFXEYE,A2A4WXW2F64TBI,Phosphor Essence,0,0,5,1258329600,The richest tasting hot cocoa I've ever tasted.,I bought a can of Stephen's hot cocoa over 5 years ago not realizing how good it was going to be. After I drank the first few cups I was hooked and could not find it anywhere again. I ordered it directly from the company for several years and even took several cans to the UK with me when we "} {"input": "???????ov?????????????rer????????????????????????????????????o ??????d thd t??? b ??????ono???ma??on?????????????? f ?????r ?????as???s ?alallll l?????erser?s Is I'I'vI'?ve ve???rieri?????? y ?ouo?????ove ove???arkar???hoh????????????????????????????????????d t?????????r fr ????or??????t wt ???????????????????? be b????????????juj?????????????? m???y oy ????? s ???????or or????ckc????? st?ufu??????????ChC?ri?st????.<.?????????????? al alsl?? l???e ????t ????his his???omeom?????????an????????????opop p????????????????????????????????????ocooc????????????????????????ju??st ????????????????owo??derder ?????????sis?????f ?yo??r r mr ?????upu?. ??hehe he?prp", "output": "moved over taking care to make them last. I'm very glad to find this brand on amazon as it's rich flavor surpasses all others I've tried. If you love dark chocolate this is it. I haven't tasted the other flavors but would be willing to bet they are just as good. I may order some for stocking stuffers for Christmas.

I also like that this comes in a can with a scoop so you can make it more or less chocolatey as you like or adjust the amount of powder for the size of your mug/cup. The pr"} {"input": "??-m-mem????rer???????????????oso???????????? c ???mesme???????re re?su??pop???ed ed?????e e???? a??n 8n ????????????????????????e ??2o2??????????ackac???????s ts ??????ror????????????on?????ilillllsl?s ys ????? mu??g hg ha??? w ???????????'d'd d ld lil??????ryr?y ry ??????????????lalat?????you you??ana???????????????? and?????? wa w???r.r. ?????re??ll??y dy ????????????????ma?????????797???B0B?0000K00????????????????2V2VIV?0W0??????????ne??????????????0,0????,1,???????606???????????e ?????venve???ha??t ct cat c???? s?????????????? d ????????????????y d?????????p tp ??????????????'s'??????????????8,8???00000?KF??XEYXE??,A?????????????L,L???reqre??????????linelin???uyu?????", "output": "e-measured packs that most hot cocoa comes in are supposed to be for an 8oz cup and most mugs are 12oz so 2 packets is too strong and one only fills your mug half way. If you'd like very rich hot chocolate you can use 1/2 milk and 1/2 water. You really don't need marshmallows.\n9797,B000KFXEYE,A3MAAQO7N2VI0W,Jacqueline J. Spratley,0,0,4,1255737600,Chocolate Heaven,What can I say??? This is delicious on any day. Sip til your heart's content.\n9798,B000KFXEYE,A3J9I0EWZZ9TNL,Frequent Online Buyer,0,"} {"input": "?0,0????????????????STS????? c chc?hocho?????????ata????????ovo????????????lal????bub?????n'n?t ???????mim??k:k: :??thith?? i is? T ???????? h??????????latla???I'I???????????????? j ??ustus???????????????979?999??,B0,B00????????,A,???T9T?4T4???070787??H,H????lanla?????WhW???e ????BAB??????????\"\"\"\"\"??0,0,00,???5,15,12????858??0000,??????????????oao?,\"?????????th?thinthi?? t th t?????????????ttett??? ho? hot hot???????????????????????????????e)e??on on??????ara????????n ??????henhe????. I. ???????????????e ?????rer?????????an????????fof???????????x-x?????????s.???????ve??????e Ie ?????????????? a?????I'mI'?????????ppp?iei?????o b????????adiad???? it i??ar??????????ononlonly?? is i??", "output": "0,5,1252368000,BEST hot choco with water!,I love hot chocolate but don't drink milk: this is THE BEST hot chocolate I've tasted using just plain water.\n9799,B000KFXEYE,A11T94T0X078LH,\"Alan L. White \"\"MBA student\"\"\",0,0,5,1240185600,No better cocoa,\"I don't think there is a better hot cocoa (especially at this price)on the market than Stephen's. It lasted me the entire winter and made for awesome x-mas gifts. Now everyone I know buys it and I'm even happier to be spreading it around. My only issu"} {"input": "????????????????h h??????????????vev??????????????????????????? m????, ,????ele?nunutut,??????ulaul??????????????????anandan?????????re??? w???uldul??????llyll?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0,????????????????y Fy ????riritri?????cocoao????I ???????ll???f ?????????????????????????'s'???ou???????in??????????? thi th???????s ???????? my m???av??orior??te.te. . T. ??he he????????eoeopo?lel?????? my my??famfa?????ha???????fe???????????????s (s ?????????lovlo?????????????, ??butbut ???????????reere????? B ???gig??an an?DaD??ark ark????????????? t??? f?oror or? th?????????llll-ll-p-pup????????????in???????????????
I like m"} {"input": "????????????h h??????????????d d????????????? an andnd ??tat????ingin? o ??? w?????????odo??????????oao???????????e te toto o???????????ata??mi??????exe?????????thothou???????????in?? t ???at at???ch?????????ateat????lavla????A/>AsA????n an ???eded ed????usu??????php??????????????s ls ???????????lul??????????\"\" \"\" - ?- -? ta t????ing ???e ?????????????? o of o? c????sis??????????????????hosho?e e oe ?f ?????ho?????????????????tente??co?????iniin?????dd??????????ch??????????????altalt ???a c?omo????????????ienie?? i?????????????????808010???????FXF??????3E3?????SLS??????,\",\"J\"???????? W WoW?????r \"r \"\"????ncn??????5\"5\"\"?????,0,,0????23233???????,F,????????????", "output": "y cocoa with a little added milk in it, and starting out with a good DARK cocoa allows me to achieve that milky texture without sacrificing that rich chocolate flavor.

As an added bonus, Stephen's cocoa is labeled \"\"Gluten Free\"\" -- taking the guesswork out of choosing a cocoa for those of us who must avoid gluten-containing additives such as barley malt (a common ingredient in chocolate).\"\n9801,B000KFXEYE,A3EO1GNSLFG332,\"Julie M. Wolfer \"\"Etincelle15\"\"\",0,0,5,1233187200,French Vanill"} {"input": "?? C ??coc??????owo??,\",????s s?????f f h ????????????utu???y y??????????????astas????????y sy ?????h h a an a????????????????t t???th?????????????lkl?????????????e ???anian?lll???????yo????????'t'??ta?????? th t?????????????????????sis????????????/>/???????????it????????wow???th ??it!it??9?????????????YEYE,E???????CLCL8L????????????????aca?ifi?????????????????????????el????ou????ot??????????????????????tepte???ensen?????????ateate ???????errer?ry.ry????????????be?????'v'????????????. O. ???????????????????rir??ed ?wew??e ??it??ter??????juj?st????????? ta t??????????????????????????????????????????? /?????????? a????????", "output": "a Cocoa-- Wow!,\"This stuff has an absolutely incredible taste. Very smooth and you can mix it with water or milk. If you like vanilla and you haven't tasted this stuff you are missing out!

Get it, it's worth it!\"\n9802,B000KFXEYE,A3PIH9CL8XHI1R,Judy in Pacific NW,0,0,5,1207353600,Delicious hot chocolate,\"I love Stephens Chocolate Raspberry. It is the best I've ever had. Other brands I've tried were bitter and just not as tasty.
It stirs in smooth, no lumps.
My order arrived q"} {"input": "uuiu?ckc??y,y????stst t?asa??prp?omo??????????? a a?vev?ryr? h hah???????????????????????ro??????ana?d d???????????????????????????XEX???,A,???????EPE???????????????iania???????????rir???er??????,0??4,4????404????00???ooo???????????o Fo ?lalava?????I I? tr t????????????????n ?ma???????????????tet???????????nd??waw?as as????as????????ur??pripr??????ItI??ha???? g gog????d amd a??????????????r ar ??????????????e ce ???????????????????????is gis ????????????it? i??????y coy c???eee?e fe ??or or?????omeom??madma????????ha tha ?as??te.???????,B???0K0???????????3V3???L6L?????????du??cece,e???????111?????????00,d00,?delde??cicioi?????,\"T,\"????????ia??????????????????????theth????st? h", "output": "uickly, just as promised. I'm a very happy consumer of this product and the supplier.\"\n9803,B000KFXEYE,A2YM8BKEP0TBOT,\"Xiao Lian \"\"Mocha drinker\"\"\",0,0,4,1204070400,Good Amaretto Flavor,\"I tried this unknown manufacturer \"\"Stephen's\"\" and was pleasantly surprised. It had a good amaretto flavor along with the chocolate. The aroma is good. I use it in my coffee for a homemade mocha taste.\"\n9804,B000KFXEYE,A3JV3V5DL6F3GA,mtsdulce,3,5,5,1191801600,delicioso!,\"The belgian dark chocolate is the best h"} {"input": "??????co?a a????e e????r r h ?????? f ???r ar ???????????ar? d ?auaugu?????r a????eses.s?????????????????ouo???he??r cr ???ocooc???te???????????ingin????lyl????????????? c???????????????????????????????????co??coa?? su s???? pa p??????d thd t???????t wt ??????????????????fe???s ts ?to to? dr dri??????????th th jth ???????armarm m w wa w?????????????????ili??????us?in??????????kek???????as??????ke?????????? cho ch??????e\"e?????????, , t?ooo????989808???B0B???KFK????????????GJG?????3G3??????????g Mg ???HeH?ealea?????????????????80????as??e ?????nd???????????I LI ?????????????????????????henhen n?????????????????????? th???is kis kik?????I fI ?igi??ureur??? I' I?d ?gig?iveive ????????", "output": "ot cocoa I've ever had so far and my 4 year daughter agrees. She pinicky about her chocolates preferring only to eat dark chocolate and this dark choco. hot cocoa sure passed the test with her. She prefers to drink it with just warm water instead of milk as using milk makes it taste like \"\"milk chocolate\"\". I do, too!\"\n9805,B000KFXEYE,A21P1QGJAKNZ3G,Handling My Health,1,2,3,1259884800,Taste is individual,\"I LOVE dark chocolate so when I saw the reviews of this kind I figured I'd give it a try"} {"input": "??? N ??w w????????? a ??????terte?????????????????????????? g ????e ye ??u u???e ?????ere???????????is?????????????????????????????te???????????????????l ??ese???????????????????????????
Belgian:150 calories per serving, serving is 3Tlb mix and only 3/4 cup water or milk.
Nestle: 80 calories w/water per serving, serving is 2Tlb mix and a WHOLE cup of water.

Belgian: Total Fat 3.5g, Sodium 240mg, Total Carbs 27g, Sugars 22g, Protein 2g

Nestle: Total Fat 3g, Sodium 170mg, Total Carb"} {"input": "??????? S ???ararsr?????? P ?ror????n n???<>?????/>I/>??????????????tht??????????????????????ctc???d bd ??t ?????????????isishsh h?iti???????????? f fa f??ct ct?? tha th??????waw?? j ?????????sws?eee?????r ????????t It ISI?????ama?????butbu???jusju???????????????????n In ?????????he Nhe ?ese??????I oI ???y y u ????????????????????????ofo?????? c ch c???????rur????????'m'????????????????????????????n ??ix??????????lg?????????????wi??? t???????stl????????it'it????????I I cI ?an???????e ?e abe a???t ???t d???????????????????????????igi?????in???ug????????? so s????????thantha?n tn ???? Ne Nes???le le???????????? ar a????ryr???g g????????????????????ingsing????? m?", "output": "s 15g, Sugars 12g, Protein 1g

I first mixed the Belgian mix as directed but couldn't finish it due to the fact that it was just too sweet for me. It IS creamy, but just too sweet. When I use the Nestle I only use 1/2Tlb and a squirt of dark choc. syrup and I'm happy with that. So I then mixed the Belgian as I do with the Nestle and it's ok. I can't rave about it due to the fact that it's higher in sugars and sodium than the Nestle and if you are trying to watch those things you mi"} {"input": "??????????tot??tat???? th t?ata??ini??????nsn???ere???ioi?on.on????????o ?mem????rkr???????lal???e se ????ldl?n'n???????s s???eee????????????er)er???????????????????, ,?I'I'm'????????ha???????y y???????????darda?rk rk????????????????? e ????? ad a??? so s??????????eteet?????????????????wdw???????????mixmi????????????br? /????r ?/>?BuB?????as Ias ????????????t'st'????ll ll???????? i????????al????????? I ?jujusu???wiw?????????????????ve?ve lve lil????????????utrut??????????s ???on??????h h??????????re???????????? />??????ada??????st st??????????thathatat at????????? y ?youyo?? do d???'t 't l ??????????Y Y s???weetwee???hotho?????chocochoc?????????808??,B,?????FXF?????????????Z8Z???6,??at", "output": "ght want to take that into consideration.
To me dark chocolate shouldn't be as sweet(or sweeter) as milk chocolate, I'm sure that's why I prefer dark chocolate. I'll even add some unsweetened chocolate powder to my mix at times.

But as I've said it's all in your individual taste, I just wish they would have listed the Nutrient Facts along with their ingredients.
Not bad, just not all that great if you don't like REALLY sweet hot chocolate.\"\n9806,B000KFXEYE,AFOA99PIZ8BT6,Kat"} {"input": "h??yny??????5,5???????080??0,0??iqiquq???????????\"S\"????????s s i ??s as ?????????????he he??????hoh???????????? I ?? ha hav???eve?verve?? ta t?sts???! !? I??t it ?is is???? cr crer??mym??anandn??????????s.s. . E ?????????????????????????????is???xcx?el????????MyM???ho?????????ly ly?lol??????t.? ?I ????'t'????owo??an??y sy ??????s i???????????????????????????? w wewe ??arear???thrthri?lll?ledle???????e a??????to to?orordor?derde?????? thr th????????????????80????????FXF??????????2F2???????????dgd???????LaL???????BLBLa???\"\"????????,1???????????HoHot????co?a,a?I ?li???e te the t??????te??????????????te ate ??and and??????t. It. ??????????el?ell ell well ??en? I????de????????atateat???????????????????? a? w", "output": "hryn,1,2,5,1235260800,Liquid Heaven,\"Stephen's is absolutely the BEST hot chocolate I have ever tasted! It is so creamy and delicious. Every flavor I've ever tried is excellent. My whole family loves it. I don't know any stores in the area that sell it, so we are thrilled to be able to order it through Amazon.\"\n9807,B000KFXEYE,A2SP72FW0SBIFD,\"Edgar B. Land \"\"EBLand\"\"\",2,4,4,1173916800,Hot Cocoa,I like the taste of chocolate and mint. It mixed well when I added Hot water. Next I might try a w"} {"input": "a?rmr?????????808080??????????YEY????TET???????TGT??????????????????????????????????asa??????????unu????ltl???????isi??????????cocono???in???pap?artar????lyl??????????????????s ????????is is?????????ririmi??????? to t??????? he h????th.th. .?I I?wowou???d rd rar?????????y my ?oro??????????ro??ducduct??????h ??????????????tai??????nsnsfs???s.s????????0000000???????,A?????????A9A???9,???????????fo???d \"d \"\"\"????????????d\"d??\",\"????????292949??????????? a????????????????????I bI ???ghg??t at ?????????????????ufu???????k k?????????e)e?? ba b?????????????oso????????????????????mi???aka???????is is iis ?????alfal????st?epe?? ab a????????????????????is?????", "output": "arm milk.\n9808,B000KFXEYE,A1TEJOKNL0TGBE,Clair,1,3,3,1325808000,Great tasting but unhealthy.,This product contains partially hydrogenated oils which is very detrimental to your health. I would rather pay more for a product which does not contain transfats.\n9809,B000KFXEYE,A253XKAR4A93Z9,\"John Stafford \"\"johnstafford\"\"\",1,3,2,1294099200,Not a gourmet product,\"I bought a case of this stuff (Dark Chocolate) based on the positive reviews. Big mistake. This is half a step above Swiss Miss. It is defi"} {"input": "?????lyl??non???????o o? th t?????vev????? A ????????????????rarana????????????????omo??????cec????????ese????????adadbd???????ve????????????veryver?y fy fef?w w g ??oc????y s??tor??????br???><>??????????a a????tht?????????????????????o co ????ocoloco?ata?????????? ing in??????????????ch ch???f ff ??atsats ?????fif???lerle??. ??????????????oco??a aa ?????e ??secseco?nd????????????? an??d cd ???co????te ???????????? an? and and????th ith ???????????????t't's'?s ms ????e le ???????????????????????phphe?????ch?????lat??????s bs bab???ve??? l???????????????ttt???????mam?, , t, ?thith??????????t ??????lvl?????????????????????????pupururcurch???????????????????EYE???AGA??NPN???98A98???????", "output": "nitely not up to the level of Archer (Target brand), Twinings (some grocery stores), or Cadbury (overseas or very few grocery stores).

Cocoa is the 4th ingredient. No chocolate as an ingredient. Bunch of fats and fillers. Archer has cocoa as the second ingredient and chocolate as the 4th and 5th ingredient. That's more like it.

Stephen's chocolate has bad/very light color, little aroma, thin, doesn't dissolve. A very disappointing purchase.\"\n9810,B000KFXEYE,AGLNP598AF6CW,Sa"} {"input": "???????????????????010??808????????????????????????????????e ?ana???????lwl??????ryr????????????s,s????????isi????????????????uteut?e we ????t t ct ???????????????????e ?I ??avaveve ve?????? ta t??stest???? I ???????????g ????????????????d ??so so?????????t 2t ??????. .???te??r 1r ?? cu c??, ???????ew ew????????nsn???????. I. IfIf f??????????a a?????????rerea?t ???er???????????????????ada?d d 3d ?????????????? of o???thethe the??????y ??uiu????????m am a ????r or ????ar?as?????o o c?????????????????????????e me ????????t c????????????????! !???dd dd???oreore ???f yf ????????????????????ocooc???????9??111?????????EYE????????????????????????????????", "output": "ndiC777,1,4,1,1294012800,Awful!!!,\"I love hot chocolate and am always trying new ones, but this was the absolute worst cherry hot chocolate I have ever tasted!! I was hoping it would be good so I bought 2 cans. After 1 cup, I threw both cans away. If you want a really great cherry hot chocolate, add 3-4 teaspoons of the cherry juice from a jar of maraschino cherries to your favorite milk hot chocolate. YUM!!! Add more if you use dark hot chocolate.\"\n9811,B000KFXEYE,A2P0JC3HKUETS3,\"J. G. Wessel \""} {"input": "???lil??tetere???????? A ????\"\"???,5,?,3,???262???838??????????????????e ue ????o o????????e~e??????ede??up???????????????f f t???e Se ??tepte??????s cs ????olo????????????y y??????? ca c??????f tf ??????tep??hen??????ene??????nin?????????????coccoco???\"\"???? r???????????????o ???li?eve?ve ve?????????????it?????fef?????????n ?????? b ?????????????d d nd ??????????lievlie?ve
\"\"cocoa.\"\" I really wanted to believe the 100% positive feedback on here, but you should never believe
what you read, right?
I guess the 1st thing I look for in a cocoa is that the liquid has some body to it. This seemed just
watery and weak....it looks like a no-fat soymilk.
I added MORE than the reco"} {"input": "????????????????????tht???ses?rvr????????e ??????t t wt ??s s s?titili????????sos?-s-??.<.$/>??????an????or or??? s??????????????????????getge?t tt ?????????????? t? the the the s the ????andaand???????coaco? f??r ?999???????????sas???e fe ?????? /?????????????????????????????????
?????tet?ed,ed????aza???????????e ie ??s bs ?????r ????an ???????????actac???????????????????????????????????????????ror?ougou?????

?I ?wow?", "output": "mmended amount for the serving size and it was still just so-so.

I am just not impressed with the way the powder globbed together and clumped and stuck to the spoon~yuk.
$5 a can for 12 serving when you can get the packets of the standard cocoa for 99 cents on sale for
the same amount of servings?
Granted, Amazon's price is better than the manufactures website since there is NO shipping through
here and shipping is at a premium through Stephen's Gourmet.
I wou"} {"input": "?ldl??sas?y y??????????u u???????????????????mem????????ewe???????????, , d ?????t t b bob????????????g g?????????eye??tot???uyu????ve???? a aw a?????????2,2????00K00?FXF???E,E??????V6V?????JXJ??????i,i???????131???080??60600???????????????y Hy ??????????ed??????onuon??????????foforo??????atelate?y ??I dI ??dnd??t t nt ??ti??e ???hishis ???????????????????thethe ??????????????????????ll ll???e ge ?????????t at ??way????????????s &s ? f ???milmi??????????????? min mi????????br br? /> /????????????es es a???????????li??ke ke?", "output": "ld say unless you have tried this somehow elsewhere first, do not bother wasting your money to buy
6lbs of cocoa mix at one time. You might end up doing what I will have to do when you don't like it.
give it away~\"\n9812,B000KFXEYE,A2WF6V6R7MQJXX,DeSi,2,7,2,1317081600,Has Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil,\"Unfortunately I didn't notice this until I received the product. I guess I'll be giving it away to friends & family that don't mind it.

Tastes artificial like c"} {"input": "????????rer??????????/>/???r ?/>????????ene????????>S>????????wew??????eyey,y???ala??odo?exe????????arartar???????????????ata?ede????????t ???l,l??????a a??PrP??????ed?????h h?????alial?),), , C???????????????????????????????????, ???atuat???al al?& &????tifti?????? F ??????????odiod????????ininain???e (e ?? M Mi?lk????erier??????e)e?), ),??al???, M?on?o o?ana??????????????????ipi?????????????????ate??????ra?ge??????? So???LeL???th??in.in????818?3,3????????????A2A???????????????. .??????????7,7????????888????,T,???o so ?????????isi??re?viv?????? f ?????theth?????ar????????????????ostos???????likli??e de ???????hoc????????????????????????????????te??????te ", "output": "offee creamer.

Sugar, Sweet Whey, Maltodextrin, Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Cocoa (Processed With Alkali), Corn Syrup Solids, Non-fat Dry Milk, Natural & Artificial Flavor, Sodium Caseinate (A Milk Derivative), Salt, Mono and Diglycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Soy Lecithin.\"\n9813,B000KFXEYE,A2U970XTEGKH0P,E. Miller,2,7,3,1289088000,Too sweet,\"This review is for their dark chocolate. Most who like dark chocolate are into the pure chocolate taste "} {"input": "??????tst?????ltltht???fff???ts????????ththethe e????????????????t at ???wiw????gog???????????????????t nt ??????ara????????keke e ie ??????????sw??????????????ede?d sd ????? t????????ene??t ???????????y swy s??et?-f-?re????????iei????????in?? i??? T ?????????ntn????????????n'tn'?????????????????????l l w ??????????r cr ???????tet?!r /???????gig???????????????? st s?????????fof?or or???????????????ch???????e ??dridr????prp????ct?????ce??th?theithe????????? m??????comco????????????t et eve???n mn ??????ne?????????oso?????????????or tor ?????\"\"9??????????????E,E???????????ETE?S3S??????G.G???????????GlG???????????????????\",\"?????,2,,2??262", "output": "and its health effects...not the sweetness! Just as with good coffee, its not necessary to make it overly sweet or flavored since there aren't that many sweet-freak-fatties drinking it. The ancient Incas didn't use any sugar at all with their chocolate!

I did give it an extra star just for having a dark chocolate drink product since their aren't many companies that even make one, so kudos to them for that.\"\n9814,B000KFXEYE,A2P0JC3HKUETS3,\"J. G. Wessel \"\"Glitter in the Air\"\"\",2,7,2,126"} {"input": "6??????0,0??ana??????????vav???????????????mum???? ???heh???ththihisi??is? f?????ouo?????,\",??ndn??????????????cac?????f f?????????hehenhe????chc???????te te r ????ere????????????????????????epephep???????????ch ch??????????r r????\"c\"co?????????????alall?y ?????????o o??????vev?????????? p ????itiitivi?ve ve????????k ??????re?????????????????????er?? be belelilieli????w/>?hah????????????, r, ??ghg???<>?????
?????????????ke????me me???", "output": "6883200,Wanna drink vanilla baby formula? Then this is for you....,\"Ended up with a case of the Stephen's chocolate rasberry and a case of the Stephen's French Vanilla
\"\"cocoa.\"\" I really wanted to believe the 100% positive feedback on here, but you should never believe
what you read, right?
I guess the 1st thing I look for in a cocoa is that the liquid has some body to it. This seemed just
watery and weak....it looks like a no-fat soymilk.

It kind of makes me thi"} {"input": "?????? b ?????fof????????????????????????????????????whw????????????e ae ????? v ??nin????????????ilkil??????????????????o do ???????ini?????t bt bubutu??itit ??s ????t ct cr??ama?y ??????h h??n n?????????ono????????????y ay ???sus????????????????????? a ??????????????????????????en???????ouounu??t ft ?????the????????ng ng???????????it it??as????il?? j jujusu????o-o??????milkshake is close to describing it but it is not creamy enough in my opinion to qualify as such.....

I added MORE than the recommended amount for the serving size and it was still just so-so.

I am just not impressed with the way the powder globbed together and
clumped and stuck to the spoon~yuk.
$5 a can for 12 serving when you can get the packets of the standard cocoa for 99 cents o"} {"input": "?n n???lel? f ??r/???????????mom??????f f???rvr????????r ?/>?????ntent??????aza???????????????beb?ttttet???????? th the? m ?manma???aca????ese?????????????ce???????e ie ise i??????hih??????????ouougou???????>h>???????????????ng????????? p???????? th thr????h h????php????s s Gs ???rmr???????????????????????????s ???? h ??????????? th thi th??is sis sosomo???????????????e fe ?irirsrsts??, d, ???????????herher her???st??????youyo?????????tot?o bo ?uyu?6>?lbl???????????a ma ?????????e ????????????????t et ???d ud ?????????wh???????ili???????????????????????????t ???kek????????
the same amount of servings?
Granted, Amazon's price is better than the manufactures website since there is NO shipping through
here and shipping is at a premium through Stephen's Gourmet.
I would say unless you have tried this somehow elsewhere first, do not bother wasting your money to buy
6lbs of cocoa mix at one time. You might end up doing what I will have to do when you don't like it.
give it away~\"\n9815,B000KFXEYE,A2M9ANEOKBVD2D,Vinegar J"} {"input": "???,3,???????????757??0000,0?????rir????????itit t???????????????? c coc??pap????????????t ot ???rar??????op????y ??????????d td ??? F ???ncn?ch ch???????????Th??at at???????e se ???????ono? I ????icickc??? o?n ?????I ??????vev?????????????????????????????shsho????d cd co???acact?? a a??uyu?????????? s?hi???????????bsb?ti?tutututi??on.on???818161?????0K0???????????52???AOA??????????????????,1??121?8181081????00??????????????????????????????????????????htht ?????or?.,?????????t ??om??????????is cis ??????lat?e ???? m ??y my ???????????????????veve ve m?ucu??ch cch cac?????ineine.?????he uhe ??sedse??d tod t??????????estestltlele le?hohotho??????????????at ???????????????e fre f????????", "output": "im,3,9,1,1291075200,Surprise...bait and switch.,The company does not operate properly I ordered the French Vanilla. That is the selection I clicked on and I recieved the White Chocolate. They should contact a buyer BEFORE shipping a substitution.\n9816,B000KFXEYE,A39Z52KPAO8YR7,Skyclad,1,15,1,1281052800,Warning: Make sure you're buying the right flavor.,\"I bought some of this chocolate for my mother who can't have much caffeine. She used to drink Nestle hot cocolate, fat free-caffeine free, but "} {"input": "t???? s ????????????ngn???? i?? c ?????????????yoy?????????to to b ???y iy it???nln??y ty ???e ee ???????????aya??????????????s.s? A ?nyn?wa????? s????????????? ch c??????????la?vov?r r? of o????????????on???????????kek?? u ???? inf in?????d ???unu?????????????s ls ??w ???? ca c?????????o ???????????? B ????????????fo???mom?????101? b???????????. . W. ?????t ?????todto???????????pe????ed ied ??it uit ?? a??? a?????????????ns?????? m??ncn??????ocooc??at??e f????vovorvo?. . I. ??th????????he????????????????????nd???? I???chech??ke?d ?????ord??????d ????????????????deede????ord???????????????????????. S. SeS???????????????????????????TLT??????? sa??????cec?", "output": "they stopped making it in canisters so you have to buy it only the expensive way in the puches. Anyway, I saw the milk chocolate flavor of Stephen's on here, looked up info and found out it was low in caffeine so I ordered a BUNCH of it for mom. 110 bucks worth. We got it today and I opened it up and all of the cans were minct chocolate flaovor. I thought they sent the wrong kind... I checked my order and found out I indeed ordered the wrong flavor. See, the canisters look EXACTLY the same excep"} {"input": "t??tht?????lkl? c ?????????e fe flf??????????????ala?l l????????trt??p p i ?n n tn ??e ?????lel????????he he??????ch?????at?????????????l ???eee??n sn ????ip ip?????he????????. .??????s ?th?????????ifi??????????????eenee?????e ce ?an???????????nd nd? si s????? th the the ?in?????al al???????aia????????s ????????????re????? sm s???????t'??????????o no non?t t st ???? su s?????????tlt???????ferfe?ren??ce.ce????es,es, ??itsit???????nin?????????y fy ???????????th??????eedee?d md ??oreor????????????????? art ar??????????the?the cthe ???????????NoN?????????????, A, ??azazo?n ???ul?d ???????kek???????ckc?????en??????????????ll ll w ????unu???????????ecaec????? it?s ???fof?odo?\"\"???????????????an??????", "output": "t the milk chocolate flavor has a small brown strip in the middle and the mint chocolate has a small green strip in the middle. That's the ONLY difference between the canisters. And since the initial thumbnail images on Amazon are so small, it's easy to not see such a little difference. yes, its' technically my fault, but they need more difference in artwork on the canisters. Not only that, Amazon would not take it back, even though it all was unopened, because its \"\"food\"\". and the company who "} {"input": "????????????????llllyl?????d d????????????????????ksk???o o?????ouo??????? h heh??e ?I I?????, 1, 111??????????????????f f??????hoh????????????????????????????????818????00000?????9Y9????????????R1R????????serse?????e te ???????e woe w??????????1,1???????????????NGN???????????MUM??? - ???????????????RERENE????ROR??????????????s as ??? hor ho????lele ????????????? to t??????????????????????????????? u??????????????to???????????????????ugugag?? - - -????????lycly????ic ic????) )? in i?????????????????????????ne????an????onlon??? a a???nin???ul?????????????? the the ?????????hichi????????e soe s????????????in?? th??????????? f?????????", "output": "makes it basically said \"\"Sorry, but it sucks to be you\"\". So here I sit, 110 dollars worth of hot chocolate which no one can use.\"\n9817,B000UJG79Y,A225GHHXIBR1AV,in service to the worlds,0,0,1,1323820800,CHANGED THE FORMULA - TOTALLY DIFFERENT PRODUCT,\"This is a horrible step by POP to change the formula. They now use cheap 'maltose' (barley malt sugar - HIGH glycemic 105) in place of most of the honey, and only a miniscule amount of the herbs which were so effective in the original formula. "} {"input": "????E E?????????ntntmt????????????????????OPO???oror r????????????????ndnd nd???eae?apeap???????heheihe????oncon?e-e?????????????prp??dud???ts.ts???r ??????r /??????iti?????he he??????r rr ??????erer,er??I I?????????????????d td ?thith??? to t??ev????ononeon??? N ??? I ??????????????????? w???y ty ????????? cl c?????????rec??????????g ag ?anyanyty?thi????byb????in??????????ce?????????ou????????uru????s Ws WeW??????s ?????????hih???????????ormormum????????????????????clc?????????? w???? p ???ttt????????\"\"9?818181?????00U00????9Y9?,A,ASAS9S?????5X5?????????bob???????. M. ????????????BOB??????\",\"????,5,?,1,????878?363???????????MYM??????????????????I LI LOI L?????????????Y L?????", "output": "HUGE disappointment, and shame on POP for corporatizing and cheapening their once-outstanding products.

As with the other reviewer, I once recommended this to everyone. Now I will go out of my way to steer clear of recommending anything by Prince of Peace. Try Source Naturals Wellness homeopathic cough formulas - they're much cleaner and work pretty well.\"\n9818,B000UJG79Y,AS9UJTG5XBWYP,\"Deborah D. Milgrim \"\"DEBORAH\"\"\",0,0,5,1200873600,I LOVE MY HONEY LACQUAT,\"I LOVE THE HONEY LACQUA"} {"input": "?T,T????????????? U ????? I?????????????, A, ??D D????????HARHA?ININGIN????T WT ???? O ???????????????????B0????,A,?3P3???MUM???QCQ????????ElE?lil???????????,11,1????????????????????????icicec????? m mim?sls??????g,g????????????igighg??????pipin????atatet?????s as ad???????theth????a a???????????geg?????????????????????????ot???????????????ouo??????ce?ce ice ?????????? a ???rivri???????it wit ????????????cence???te?tea,tea?, b, ????????????????????????ing? a??? t???? wa?it?????????????o mo ????loclo??? t??? h?ou???????t t t?imi??e.\"e.??98?????????????????BDB??NBN?????K2?,J,????????M.M????????????,1???????606???????????'s'???????????ul????????????????llyll", "output": "T, I HAVE BEEN USING IT FOR YEARS, AND I AM SHARING IT WITH OTHER'S\"\n9819,B000GB0VAM,A3PC3MU9CQCGSF,R. Elliott,1,1,2,1179187200,R. Elliott,\"Price was misleading, once the high shipping rate was added, the tea was no longer the 'deal' it was promoted to be. Although once it finally arrived, it was half decent tea, but NOT worth the shipping and the wait, will go to my local tea house next time.\"\n9820,B001EQ5CK2,AIBDONB6UWSK2,Jeffrey M. Ault,1,1,5,1301097600,Jeremiah's coffees rule!,\"I love really"} {"input": "????odo?????????????????faf???, ??go go t ?? g gr g????????gtg?hsh? t???????? th t?e e be ?????i.i?e.e. .???resre??lyl????ouo?nd? b ?beabe??s,s????re????waw????????mam???lal????????feefe??ma????????c.c. ?????????????exe???????????????????????tut?????ly aly ?????? J ????????'s'???cofco??????????????ha??ve ve???????????f f????????????????s os ?n-n???nd????????? ti t???????????????????? Bl B???????????????????????, ?tr????thithis???????thetheie????????st?????YoY???wi????????????????????????????????????828?1,1??????Q5Q?CKC??,A,???????21???????????ici??????????????conco??????\"\"???????5,5?,12,1?21821?414???00????xcx??????????????, e???????enten?t pt ??????????????anian?", "output": " good coffee and, in fact, go to great lengths to brew the best i.e. freshly ground beans, purest water, immaculate coffee maker, etc. I have been extremely happy with virtually all of Jeremiah's coffees; and, I have a number of different beans on-hand at all times. The Breakfast Blend is stand-out. Also, try this and their Fogbuster. You will not be disappointed. AAAA++++\"\n9821,B001EQ5CK2,ASCZCV721U1T3,\"R. Richards \"\"joe consumer\"\"\",1,1,5,1218412800,\"Excellent taste, excellent price for organic"} {"input": "?????AnA????????c c???????????????????????????popouounu????wiw??????????ibi????????????????th ?grg??????????????ou ou???????be?????hahatha?? T ??isi??isis is?mymy y? on o?????cofco?????????iceic????? n ????. I. ??????????????????ve ve? th?????thath????tat????ckc???s as ?????????of of? th?e e we ????????????????????K2K?2,A2,??????VDV???????????iai?????????????????????808???????????????,I,????????ordor?????????????iahia????PiP??????????e Oe ??rgarg????????aka????t ??????????????ea?n ??CofCo?????mom?????tha?n n 5n ?????????howho??ve??????????ast ast? lo loto??I ???ceceie????????? r ??realrea??????????alalilitli?????ot?????of bof ???kek???co?coffcof?????????s a??????????????????e ??????ele??", "output": ".\",\"An organic coffee for less than $6 a pound (with subscribe and save) with great taste, you can't beat that. This is my only coffee choice for now. I would rather have this than Starbuck's any day of the week.\"\n9822,B001EQ5CK2,A1G5TTVDDVZSQL,Julia Cheng,0,0,1,1351036800,Disappointed,I have orderred Jeremiah's Pick Coffee Organic Breakfast Blend Whole Bean Coffee more than 5 times however the last lot I received with really bad quality. Lots of broken coffee beans and very oily. Hope the selle"} {"input": "?????????????whw???????????..?? m ??????????????????????989?????000010??Q5Q?????????DND???????????iai??,0,??????????060????????????????????????s s? co c?fff??e e?????he????en?ala??????????tat?????an?? v ??alual????I'I?m m????????????????????????e ande an????isis ???????dad???y ?????w, w,?? t ty t???????????? th thoh?????2 2?lbl???a a? mo m?????????o.o??Th????coc???feefe??????????????????t ft ??av??????nd nd??????????????r or ???spspipicpi?????beabe????????????????eaeaka??????????????????dod?????????????00100??Q5Q5CQ5??????FMF??FB????B5B?????????????????????????3,13,13?282??57257???00,?St?alaleal??????????????ly dly ??????oio?????d id ?????is????off?????????s ???????er", "output": "r can check what happen...I may not try it again.\n9823,B001EQ5CK2,AKALDNM2XMFB1,Brian,0,0,5,1347062400,My Daily Brew,\"This coffee is phenomenal for the taste and value. I'm on subscribe and save and this is my daily brew, I typically go though 2 lbs a month or so. This coffee has an excellent flavor and is not bitter or spicy, beats Starbucks breakfast blend hands down.\"\n9824,B001EQ5CK2,A3FM9FBCAXB57H,Kelly A. Rogers,0,0,3,1328572800,Stale,I was really disappointed in this coffee. It's a darker"} {"input": "????????????????as??exe?pep?ctctit????an???????bab?g g hg ha?s s?????????????n ?dad???????????????e te ??astas???d qd quq?????????????????d.d??????,B,?000???????????575?????GTGTFT????????????????????5,??????????????????s Ss ???prp??se???,\",??? s????sesse??????????????????????e e a??romro?????? th the th?????istis??nin???g bg ??????????welwe?l l??????? s???is????????????????????????????????I I??ubu?????????d td ??is?? be b?????he?????mazmazozon??drdro??pepedpe??StStatarta???ckc????umu?????????????????????crc?????& &?????e pe ?????ramra?.r />I>I >I?????? c??eraer??????on????????????????intin??o ao ????issis????ThT?????????????????????", "output": " roast than i was expecting and the bag has no expiration date. My coffee tasted quite stale and old.\n9825,B001EQ5CK2,A357VUS0GTFDAF,L. L. Lynn,0,0,5,1319500800,Senses Surprised!,\"My senses were surprised by the aroma of the glistening beans as well as the satisfying flavor of the brew.
I substituted this bean when Amazon dropped Starbucks Sumatra from their Subscribe & Save program.
Now I would never go back.
I use a ceramic cone drip filter into a Nissan Thermal Carafe for our "} {"input": "???ewe??????????\"\"???262???000?????????A1A?????8O8?????????loloho????????????01?????00????????????????grg???reat reat???astas?????????????thethe ?????????stist??????fff????ata????? m ?????????????????????????? or o??ganganin?????mo????????????????fe????????yoy??r ??mormo?????????w.????82782????????????2,A2,????TZTZCZ????VDV??7,K7,KaK?athat????nen???0,00,???5,1????????????ThiTh??is iis is????? b?????????????????geg?t ???????h,h?????d,d???????????????????? th??is ????????????????????????? am a?????ic???d.d??????????????????? the th?????????f af at???????t st ????????", "output": "brew.
For an organic bean, this Breakfast Blend is top of the heap.
{{* *}}\"\n9826,B001EQ5CK2,A18F1K8OZ4T145,AlohaK,0,0,5,1301875200,\"Great price, great taste\",This is the best tasting coffee at the most reasonable price for organic! Smooth taste. Perfect for your morning brew.\n9827,B001EQ5CK2,ANGRTZCX57VD7,Katherine,0,0,5,1301788800,This is the best coffee,\"You get a fresh, bold, thick flavor from this coffee. Never bitter. I am addicted. I blend it with there decaf at night so that I"} {"input": "????n n?sls?eee??. .?????t t???ici????????8,8??????Q5Q5C5??2,2,A,APA????????????,s,????????????y,y??????????595??????????ea?????????? g ??reare?????????\",\"?ThT??????s ???cocomco?? o ououru? n ??? c???fefeefe????????ic?????r ??????????????????????????? p?????????r ar a ?????????p p??f f??rgr????ic ic c??ff??????BeB????s a??? m ??did?????????t at an??d vd vev???????????????????????1EQ1E?Q5CQ5????????????????8X8X,X???????cfc???????????????????12???00,G00,?????at cat ?????e!e????he he????gan??ic ???rea????ast? b ???ndn??????????????li?????ili????lal??????????is is?ve??ry ry??????????????????????????????ani????? coff cof?fee?????wiw??l l????in??????y by ??????????????e ie ????????", "output": " can sleep. Great price.\"\n9828,B001EQ5CK2,APIIRLP1JR2VI,spunky_m0nkey,0,0,5,1295913600,\"Great coffee, great price!\",This has become our new coffee of choice for the mornings. It's a good price for a solid cup of organic coffee. Beans are medium roast and very fragrant.\n9829,B001EQ5CK2,A29Y47RA3VZB8X,organicfoodie,0,0,5,1290211200,Great coffee!,The organic breakfast blend has an appealing mild flavor. It is very reasonably priced for an organic coffee. I will definitely be buying more in the fu"} {"input": "??????9???0,0???????????????????????TUTUTU??????????????????????er??????5,5?????444????????????aha????rgr??anian?????reare??faf?????lel???.,.,\",?A A????reatrea??coc??fef??????????????????????????non?????????. .?YeY?et et?it????ast?ese???????????as ?it????????????????????????? b ????????????inintn???????????????????????????mmm???9???????????????????????????????B.B???el??ls,ls???????,12,1????????00,??????????feefe???,\"T,\"????s is ?????????????????h ???? co c???ee????romro?m Jm ???????ah'ah's'????????Th???????????? co??ffeff?????????????????od od???????????ogo????te??????????er,?? it i?????????? a????ldl??yey???ta????????? cof??????yo?u ??il", "output": "ture!\n9830,B001EQ5CK2,A2OCQJVN274TUT,Beth Landers-Chidester,0,0,5,1280448000,Jeremiahs Organic Breakfast Blend.,\"A great coffee, that is medium roast, not bitter. Yet it tastes as good as it smells. It is also well bagged to maintain optimum freshness.mmmmmmm\"\n9831,B001EQ5CK2,A399LZW1FMRWU2,B. Wells,0,0,4,1265932800,Good Coffee!,\"This is my second batch of coffee from Jeremiah's Pick. This is good coffee but not as good as their Foglifter. However, it you like a mild yet tasteful coffee, you wil"} {"input": "l???iki???tht??????????fef?r r?????t t s sts???ngngeg???????????ugughg? h ??????????re???rerenrenc?e ?????????????lifli????.\".\"\"?????????1E1??5C5????????????????????????????????252555????404?00,00????? n ???????t ????vov??????,\"???? J JeJer??mim?????????? ba b?? o ???EtE??????iania???of??????is is??????????????????????????eee???lo????????forfo?r ar ?????? r roroaro??st st?wiw?ithit??sis????????????????????????????????????????ro???st,st?, b, ?????????????fee??????????????????????????ou????????e ee ???????d.d. ?StS????l al ?????d ?????????ut ut I????????? h??????????????????n ?ge???eraer????????????????? l?????????????eremere????????????, ??altal?thoth???gh gh????ete", "output": "l like this. I prefer a bit stronger brew though hence my preference for the Foglifter.\"\n9832,B001EQ5CK2,A13O0NYTF2AFL6,kallo,0,0,3,1255478400,\"OK, not that flavorful\",\"The Jeremiah's 5lb bag of Ethiopian coffee is often sold-out, so I've been looking for a good roast with similar value. I'm OK with a more medium roast, but this coffee seems more mild then I would have expected. Still a good deal, but I wish it had more flavor. In general, I've had good luck with Jeremiah's brand, although somet"} {"input": "??????ththeh??????????????????wew??l-l??????? a??????????ouo???d bd ?e.e???????,B,???1E1????????2J2???Q9Q?2W2WYW??AAA?????ava???????we?????????lml?awa?????????????????353????00??????FaFar??????????????????ed???vev???????? a??ououtout t tt ??? t????sas????ono??????????????????????????????????ed????????????????recre?eie?ve?????????????. .? I I?????cic??allal???????????the ??rir???? an a?????????eeeed??????????????.\".\"9??????????????1E,1E?????????IDI???HOH??????????????????656?4040840808??????t t ct ?????? sa sayay ???????ood?...?,C,CiC??nan??????oao????????????????????? a a???????????or??????????y ???mimili???? I?????googo?????????????????????onton??", "output": "imes the bags are not as well-sealed as they should be.\"\n9833,B001EQ5CK2,A2JXAQ92WYPAAR,\"David Schweizer \"\"Almawood\"\"\",0,2,4,1213574400,\"So Far, So Good\",\"I liked everything about the transaction, although I am sure that I ordered ground but I received whole bean. I especially liked the price and the speed of delivery.\"\n9834,B003W07D1E,A1AYC9H2IDHJHO,G0rm@n,1,1,4,1306540800,What can i say its good..,Cinnamon toast have always been a favorite for me and my family.. Its good and crispy if u dont l"} {"input": "??? i ?????g g??n n?????????????...??????> > A ???faf?r ??????????????e e ie ??s s as ??pr??????????????? d de d???????????nknk ??????sts??????cac?????????????????????????r ????????????????k a?????????????????????bubutu?t .t ??. .?????nt????????????????????wi????? the th??????? i s i ????????????zoz??????????????????????????mi?????jusju????????theth????er??????????????ot??s os ?? s su sugu????s a????????ccecc?seseded ???rbr???so???????wiswi????nd?nd snd ?????sh??????????????3W3W0W???1E1??A1A????????7676Z6???????????????y,y??,1?,5,?5,15,????13513?686????grg???????????lo?????????cecerce???????????ch?????????????od??????andan?????????in?ing ing? wa wasas ??gregr???????", "output": "et it sog in milk to much..
As far as price value its a pretty darn good deal.. i think at costco u can get a similar price for there twin pack according to my aunt but ... i dont have a membership with them so i stick to amazon.. ENJOY.. just keep in mind just as other cereals it has lots of sugars and proccesed carbs so eat wise and stay sharp.\n9835,B003W07D1E,A1RRF0PYT76Z4G,Debra Dailey,1,1,5,1301356800,great!!,\"We love this cereal. I purchased this product and everything was great! The"} {"input": " ???rer????????gog?odo??unu????????. .????2,2???????? c??urursr???????????y ???? a ??re????????enen n????e ce ce???realrea??????????liliki??????? we w??????????????eat eat???heshe??????? s ?nan???? mo m?????????????thith?????? w wo w?????????????????????????s s cs ????ealea????989??6,6,B,?000??????1E1?????AQA?????BRB???????????re??????????,0,0,0????????020?????????innin?????t ??rur?uncun???????sus?????? this thi???er???eal eal? ta t??????????googo?????ThT???????s ?s cas c????????????an?d ?????lyly.ly?? I ?????????????ea?????dnd???????????83???????3W03W????E,?????2M2??????7O7OQOQ,Q?????detde????0,?????????????0,\"0,?TaTas?????????????n,n, ??butbu?t at ????????????ch???????\",????????????????", "output": " cereal was good until Jan. 2012, but of course my family has already eaten the cereal gone in like two weeks. We do eat these as a snack more than anything. I would recommend buying this cereal.\"\n9836,B003W07D1E,AEOAQGZMVBROX,\"jlr \"\"redrobin\"\"\",0,0,5,1310256000,cinn. tst crunch,As usual this cereal tastes so good! The boxes came quickly and timely. I wish this deal didn't stop!\n9837,B003W07D1E,A25C2M3QF9G7OQ,Comdet,0,0,4,1307923200,\"Tasty on its own, but a bit too much sugar\",\"This is one of "} {"input": "???e e???w w???rereaeala?????ata? I ?? fi f?????er?? t?????????? o ???iti??s os ??????????nan?????? a????????????CrC???chc??????h h? a a??nin?ce????????onon on???????. ??t ???????????eee????hoh???veverver ver??????????r ??o o m ?ixi? i?????????omomem????ingin??????????????erier?oso??whw??n ?ea?????????????????????????incin???th????ugu??r ?cac?n ??????ver????owerowe????ing aing ??????????? cl clol?oseos???? t??he he? bo b????m m??? t??????????????><>G/>?ooo???vav???????f yf ??????n n gn ???????????????????????iceic??????????or??whwhewh?????theythe??rurunrun ?????????????????????????????????ACA????O5O?F,F??NiN??a ????????d ?????????????????\"\"\"\"\"????????,13,1303??????????????momonmo?????????", "output": "the few cereals that I find very tasty just on its own as a snack or as dessert. Crunchy with a nice cinnamon flavor. It is very sweet, however - I prefer to mix it with something such as Cheerios when eating it for breakfast since the sugar can be overpowering as you get close to the bottom of the bowl.

Good value if you can get it on an Amazon price dip and/or when they run a promo.\"\n9838,B003W07D1E,A27CKOACMX8O5F,\"Nina J. David \"\"betty crocker\"\"\",0,1,2,1301356800,Cinnamon,Love the"} {"input": "????nnn????n n??asasts?e e?????????????????????????????isi?????mym??????ere? w wh w???????????????????????e se ???????? c????????t et ?????t ??????r.r?. N. ???????????????????????nnann?amiam????????r r ar ???d cd ????? the the ???ga???????????????????????EOEO3O?????1S1???icicrc?rojro??e,e???????,11,1??????????SlSlul?????I ??????cracraza????????t tt ??????????????? T ThT??????????????s sis s??????fif???ede??????? a a????vov?????????????ed ced cac???????atat at h ????????s os ?? s???????in in iin it?????fi???????????th?theithe???cu???????tlt???????????er er??ub???????????re????boubo?????in??he???lolonlo??? wh?ene??I ????as aas ?aboab????????????olo?????oe???????????????hatha??????8 y8 ye??????", "output": " cinnamon taste but way too sweet. I gave this to my Mother who loves sweets and she said she couldn't eat it either. Need to promote the cinnamin dlavor and cut the sugar\n9839,B0007OVXLO,A6GMEO3VRY51S,microjoe,1,1,5,1123891200,Slurp,\"I was crazy about these as a kid! They are tubes simply filled with a flavored powdered candy that has tons of sugar in it. I first tried their cute little wax paper tubes that were about 8 inches long when I was about 7 years old. Goes to figure that my 8 year old"} {"input": " ?????utu??s as aba???? t ????????????????sedse????? ta t??e ?ou?r r?chchah?ngn??e te tot?????e le ?oco??l l????????anancan??????????ThT?????????????rar????????????, a, ????oro?ranrang???????????? o ?????????????lal???orsor??????se??????????? g???d.d????ut ??????e ae ara??re are ?alsal?????he he??igi??????????????????????? t????????????holho??d td ????eqe??????????ofo???????????????er???????????????????????????????????of?????????????of 3of ??? tub tu??s ???????????????????ui ui????????ch???ry?????d ?d ord o????? f??????????????s ofs o??fuf?????omo??? the th????lll??y Wy ??????????tor?y.y?\"\"???????000??7O7OVOVXV???????????????????GaG?????????????0,??????????808??,P,?ixi??y Sy StS??ix ix", "output": " is nuts about these now. We used to take our change to the local conveniance store. They came in grape, cherry, and orange, lime and other fruit flavors. Those were very good. But there are also the big 21 inch thick plasitc tubes that hold the equivelant of 20 of the paper ones. This offer gets you a case of 48 packs of 3 tubes each in grape, maui punch, cherry, and orange flavors. Lots of fun from the Willy Wonka factory.\"\n9840,B0007OVXLO,A1X0GMN0I0SBKQ,Galdurfalki,0,0,5,1295308800,Pixy Stix "} {"input": "?????s s???? a ????????? to t?? th theh???????????rer???????eee????????tetererarata??????o ??????oro??????? T ??????coc????????oneon?eryer???????????astas???????????e ???eye???????n n 1n ?979?? w ?????????rsr??????d ??????????????????????mom????. ???????????e t???????????????ed ed?????????????aca?????es es??? t??re????stist??ckscks ???h h???????????x)x),)?????y ???????????????????av???ed????????? so?utu??therthe????????????????? l?otot t???ngn?????????????0000V00??OEO??????????E2E2Y2?????,\"??????rtr?????\"T\"Te\"T???m Lm ???iti???????????????????????? D ??g'g?s ?BeB?????ri???end,end?,\"T,\"??ThesThe?????????? fil fi????????whiwhid?e ????????????????????????????????ow ow????", "output": "shows you a tunnel to the past,\"There has been no alteration to the formula. These confectionery treats taste just like they did in 1978 when I first used to pour them into my mouth. And since they are wrapped in smaller packages of three sticks (oh sorry, stix), they can be savoured (savored for my southern friends) for a lot longer.\"\n9841,B000VTOE3E,ACP54ME2YI1AI,\"K. Burton \"\"Term Limits\"\"\",0,0,5,1265587200,A Dog's Best Friend,\"These fruit filled rawhide donuts are wonderful. Our yellow lab "} {"input": "????? n ???s s ws ???n n???????????kek????????? o ?f f??he????????? B ?es???????????????e ?????????he ??????henhe??????????oto?t ct ???????ngn???????????e le ?????e e pe ?????????f tf ?theth???rur??it it??o o????p p???????????????e f???st?????????????vev???????fr???????ar???????????he?he lhe ?????????????????????????g mg ??????????????????????enden??????ut tut ?the??????????fif???iteitelelyl????? dog??? b???est est???ie?ndnd!d?! ! ?CaC?????rer?????????? the?m m em ?????????????????4J4???222????????GZG????5A5??Q,Q???????????????????????y ??????lolov??e ie it????????tot???olo????????????on??????he ?grg?as????????????t at ??? s st????????????????areare are?ea????????????", "output": "goes nuts when we just take one out of the pantry! Best eaten outside or on the kitchen floor, not carpeting, because little pieces of the fruit do drop out during the feast. Our dog loves the fruity part so much he licks them up!
A dog may be man's best friend, but these are definitely a dog's best friend! Can't recommend them enough!\"\n9842,B004JBB22G,A38A4GZNCV5A0Q,JAM,3,3,4,1300147200,My dogs love it!,Easy to follow directions. The grass grew fast and strong. My dogs are eating it righ"} {"input": "????owo????????????????????????????????????434???????????????3K3?????INI??????????????0,0,0????????????????????ea ea????????????I ???ugu??????isis s?foforo???????????????? an????? L ????S S?it????????
Its insanely easy to grow. It seems like it grows an inch by the second. 1 square will definitely last me for more than a few weeks.

If you're looking to grow your own wheat grass, look no further, this stuff is awesome.\"\n9844,B004JBB22G,AA60IYPQY2D4P,magictraveler,0,0,2,1319587200,Not like the wheatgrass in stores,"} {"input": "????lyl???????????????mymy ??re??? S ???????????lll???????????????in in???????????????se????????WhW???e ??ooood???????s ???????ut ut???? is i???????????did???????????m m?????houho??se se??? I ?????????????????????? fr f????????????????????????????le????I hI ????e ae ?a ba bu???y ??????njn?????wh???????????????????t,?? so??????????????????????????????or or??herhe?, ???ut ?waw?antan??d d??????????????n ??in????????s ?exe?pep?ensensi??ve ve??????reqrequq??????????????????????????????????I ???????t tt ?theth?esees????????????ece????????to g?????????????f.f. . F. FiF??????????????????????????mpm????????????????????????????sh??????d md ??????", "output": "\"Only one store in my area, Sprouts, sells wheatgrass in their produce section. Whole Foods sells it, but it is a goodly distance from my house so I only get wheatgrass from them once in a great while. I have a bunny who enjoys wheatgrass as a treat, so I go to Sprouts to get it for her, but wanted to grow my own since it is expensive and requires frequent shopping trips. So I bought these kits and decided to grow it myself. First I have to say I was impressed at how quickly they shipped my orde"} {"input": "?????o o I ????????????? s ???edsed??ono??????????????????????????????????????heahe?????sss??????????????e ce ?????????? i ??????????????rer??????????? e ?????tot???????????????????????????danda????????s a?????????????????????r /r />r /??????ve ve??????ay,ay???????gh,gh?, t?ha????hehe ?????? d????????lo??????????????? t th the th????ea???????ss iss ?? s????resre?. ?????????desde?s as ars a?re re???ay ay?????????????????? a an????????????????theth?????ickic??????ofo????? w????tg???????????usu??sed sed???????????????????????? I?????? p pi p?ictic???????utut ut??????????d ??????my?????er???s ??????????????????????iti?t t????s ns ??? c??????er??????I ????", "output": "r. So I planted the seeds on Friday and by Sunday night, I had wheatgrass sprouts like crazy. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and deliver abundant grass as promised.

I have to say, though, that the grass doesn't look at all like the wheatgrass in stores. The blades are way taller (8 inches) and about twice the thickness of the wheatgrass I am used to buying for my bunny. I took pictures but discovered that my camera's memory card doesn't fit this new computer, so I can'"} {"input": "tt t?shs??w w????sps??ctc?ivi??????????? p pi p??ctucturu?e ????????RaRata??. ?????????????s ???ve? s???sis?itiit???????es????????????????????? h ?havha????? b be b??cacarare?????whw???????????d ??heh??????????????elel ?????????di????????s gs ??asa?????????????????t ???????????????????????eaeadadyd???????????????th????????????gregr??w gw ?gragrasassass ???????nen?????th????????????ed ?????????he he????ss? i?s ??????????fnf??, ????t at as? a????nnnnynn??ow?ne??????????????????????? ow o?ne??s ????????????at at?? thi th?????????????????ke????????ea???????????????resre????????????????arearenare??n't ????pr????????????sa???????????likli?ke ??I w?as????989848??????????", "output": "t show prospective buyers a picture of it. Rats. Since bunnies have sensitive digestive systems and you have to be careful what you feed them, I don't feel safe feeding this grass to her. I can't return it because I aready cracked open the kit and grew grass from one of the three seed kits. The grass is probably fne, but as a bunny owner, I want other bunny owners to know that this grass isn't like the wheatgrass in stores, jut so they aren't surprised and disappointed like I was.\"\n9845,B004JBB2"} {"input": "??G,G?A1A1J1?5J5JGJ????????P,P,C,??????????????5,5,1,??????????????? t tht??? P ??t t G ??asa????????????as as??????????ouo?blb???????in???pep??????ss?????????????? i ????y ???eae??????ded?cicidi?????? t?aka????????????????????????????. .??heh???????????????eaeasea?????????????? th t??? gr???????ewe?????????????. S. ????????hahav???????????e ce ??t ???????owo?????????bob??????3 3????????????????? a???nd snd ???????at at????timti?e ?????d thd t??????????????????????I h???????rer?ecoec??me?nd????????ro?????t.t.?????????1E1??????????????????????\"J\"????????la la \" ???nnn???????,9???????????6006000??????????????or????mom????? on o????e ???lalatlate????I ???", "output": "2G,A1J5JG006RJJKP,Charlotte,0,0,5,1315785600,Love this Pet Grass Kit!,I was having trouble finding pet grass consistently in my area and decided to take a chance using a grow kit. The kit was very easy to use and the grass grew like crazy. Since I have only one cat I am now using about 1/3 of planting soil and seeds at a time and this works out great. I highly recommend this product.\n9846,B001EQ5KRM,A35TRUGBY8NNBI,\"Jezebella \"\"Anna\"\"\",9,9,5,1295136000,\"Bright flavor, smooth on the palate\",\"I tas"} {"input": "??ede???hih????????a a??????RiR??????????????? ti timi????????. . T ?????????r r??????????, ,??????tit????ana??d fd ???????ItIt ??????????ele?????toto to????th th??????nd??coc??????????????????ngn? n??? cl clul???????? te t?????????e be ???????????y ??la??????te?r ??t ???as as??????????????e tee tea???????? i?s ?????, ????????itit it?sms??ot???????? no?????ttt?tinti????ss oss ????????y ???????. I . I?????????botbo???????atateat??????d wd ???????lkl???????????th??????avoav???wa????ot????????????he?he fhe ?lalavla?vorvo??r isr is s ms ?????????nsn?se se???bolbo??? t th???? mo m?st?????ch????'v'?? h?????mam????????????s ss ????m bm ?la?nd?????co?mp?????????NoNototh??ing????f-f?pup?????????????se???s ?s mos m??", "output": "ted this Matcha from Rishi the first time today. The flavor is bright, assertive and fresh. It mixes nicely into both hot and cold liquids, leaving no clumps of tea at the bottom of my glass after it was whisked. The tea powder is fine, giving it smoothness, no grittiness or grainy feel. I had it both in water and with milk; in both the flavor was not muddied. The flavor is more intense (bold) than most Matcha I've had, making others seem bland by comparison. Nothing off-putting, just seems more"} {"input": "????ncn?????????? I ??????????????????p p g???????????????????????ac??ete??hoh?oldol?????????on???????ese???????f f??at??????????? gl g?ada?d td ??isis is? or ordr?????????????? pa p?ack? o of o?f 2f ?????????????canca??????????????????? th t?rorou???h oh ??one one????????????????848?7,7??????????M,M???????Z6Z???FFF?????mam?MiM???????????111????00???heh?ealea??thyth?????re??hi?????????????????er,er,I,?????????????astaste?????????????it? i is?is vis ?????????venve???enten?t tt ????useus????y ?????ana????????s ???????? t? the th?????r ir in?????? o???????a oa or??????? & &l&??;j;???? p po p????th????owo??derde???????ozo??????er er????????? and?? sh s???????lll?????????tit???????????? bo?????y y ty ?to to??", "output": " concentrated. It has a good crisp green color, and each packet holds about one tablespoon of Matcha. I am glad this order was for a pack of 2 because I can see myself going through one box quickly.\"\n9847,B001EQ5KRM,AFQNO0Z6C1FFD,MamaMia,1,1,5,1311984000,healthy refreshing tea for summer,I love it. Tastes great and it is very convenient to use. My husband drinks that in the car instead of soda or juice <just pour the powder to 32oz water bottle and shake well - directions on the box say to us"} {"input": "?e e???0m0????6.6??????bubutu?????????????????lyl??sts?ror????????e ??????? b??ttt??????mym?????s ???vev?e ie ??????lovlo????t.t????????????ooo?????? box bo?????????202??+ +? ta taxa????ere?????? c???n gn ??????? box boxe box????oro?? th t????rir?????f f y??ou ou??useuse ????????????????(c(??????tl????????????????????????????????ve ??????????????th th????????????????????,A,?????3A3?????????,Ad,A????????aldaldwd????????,4,??13?????808????GrG??atat ???????? b?ut?????????????????????is is??????grg?????t tat t???????????????????????? a???verve??????altal?thyth???andan???????ti????s ts ???????????????er?? to t??hah?ve????e ???????esees??????????????????bebe ?????in????? s???", "output": "e 500ml(16.9oz) but the tea is really strong so we use 1L bottle)> my kids love it I love it. In Whole Food 1 box costs $20 + tax. Here you can get 2 boxes for the price if you use all promotions (currently 35% off) still quite expensive but well worth it!\n9848,B001EQ5KRM,A3B1V3AUUV13R6,Adrien Caldwell,0,0,4,1330128000,Great tasting but a bit pricey .,\"This is a great tasting tea. I know it is a very healthy and nutritious tea. But in order to have one of these a day I have to be willing to spen"} {"input": "????????asa???????????????fof?????????????????'s'?s ts ????????ara?s ??????????d ad ??tet???itit ????s us ?????sis???????????????stist???y ty ????exe???????
I mean, for crying out loud, it's a sixteen ounce cup of tea. I know people spend more at Starbucks for something less healthy but I just can't afford to have this everyday. I can use that sixty bucks for a lot of other things. In fact, I decided to use the sixty dollars and buy dark green leafy vegetables at the supermarket along with other nutritious vegetables. Actu"} {"input": "?ala????????nln???neneee???????pep????????aca???????????????mom?????peperpe???monmo????????????????lol?????????????I>????owo???????????????olsol????re re?????????? to t??????he??????????quq????tyt???? R RiR??????????????a ba ?utu??????ll???titicti??????????????iri?????????????(C(????coc????????reare????re ??sls??nd?'s's ????reenreen ?????? and an?d sd ?ava?e ?????????a bia b??????????y.y??br??/>?
I know the polyphenols are supposed to be the highest quality in Rishi green tea but I will stick to buying Kirkland brand (Costco) or Treasure Island's green tea and save quite a bit of money.

An acquaintance of mine told me about this tea and how it was really good for the immune system. Due to my challenges with illness and deciding to follow the advice of a person who spoke highly "} {"input": "o????heh? h ????????ene????tst??ofof of????s ??eae??I I??ece???dedde? t?o o b bu b???it???????rtr?unu??????, ,???geg?t t?????d ??????????? on o???a ra rer???lal?????sisis??????????????????eeeeke?????????waw???????????ea????????ngnge??????ovo????????????????????????pep??????????????????????????????ototh???????????ro????mym???????? a? and an???the?????????????????me?ntn????? my m?????????or????upu?pop??ts????????????????? no no????????????????????????????wouwo????bu???itit it i???I ??????????y ay ??ou??nd nd???????????mom????????????ly ly??????ju???? on???teteate?????????????ly?????????????????????????????rthrth ????????/>/?
The only reaso"} {"input": "n???'m'?????ini??????? p prp????ctc???????sts????s is ???????usu???iti?t dt ??????tasta?steste ????? g?????????????lll?????ithit??? f?ewew w??ro?????s ??? l ????????????????????????ded?????????????????.\".???????????????RMR?,A,???4L4??0H0????????????????????ectec???????mimmi?????????????????636?????,D,??????bob?????????rs??, ,?????????uc??????ctuct????????non???whw???????????????r /r ?><>???r /????hatha?t y???ou rou ????ly??? get ge???????e ?????????????s cs ????lledlle?????????s\"s?\"\" \"\"????????? f???????vov??????bo?ttt??????????. ??????????????????eveev?n n sn ??y ?????? si s????????????????s ss ????? f??????br br?/>? /??I'mI'??no????keeke?pi?ng?????sos???????????", "output": "n I'm giving this product four stars is because it does taste very good. Especially with a few droplets of liquid Stevia extract added to the mixture.\"\n9849,B001EQ5KRM,A2V4L80HBJVWLJ,\"gadgetcollector \"\"mimi\"\"\",1,12,1,1311638400,Don't bother,\"First, the product pictured is not what you get.

What you really get is are tiny packets called \"\"sticks\"\" suitable for flavoring bottled water. The box doesn't even say what size bottle it is sized for.

I'm not keeping it so I can't te"} {"input": "?????????owo???t t?????????????0,0??000????????????1X1??????2L2L6L??????????????????eae??ere??\"\"\"\"\"????,1,,1???,13,1????????00,00???????? Y ???.....?????????? U U T ????.....??????? E ??????????A SA ??? E??????????????????????,\"I,\"????it??? q ??????a ????lel????????????????ngn???????????????? b?uyu?????KEK??????????????????ACACHCHEH???MOUMO????? m?????????????byb??????MEM???OOO???????????f f??ou?????????????????ivivev??????????hdhd ??? s ??????????r r i??? ??????????qu????????????????s ws wew??????????????????????tuturtu?????????s ?gog???memete??????????inainal???????D gD ?????????????nd.nd?......a...????r r rr re????????????????s ps ???ctuct?ureur??an????", "output": "ll you how it tastes.\"\n9850,B000LR4HYW,A2A1XYSB692L6J,\"Patricia \"\"A Reader\"\"\",1,1,4,1304985600,Y U M M Y...........B U T......I ' V E......T A S T E D.......B E T T E R,\"I waited quite a while before following my impuslse to buy SMOKED SALMON AND SPINACHE MOUSSE, manufactured by GOURMETFOODSTORE. Of course, it's expensive, and I ahd to save up for it. And it's quite caloric, as well. However, the picture of this gourmet treat finally DID get to me, and...after returning to this picture and th"} {"input": "????????????????rar????????????????????????isistis?t it ?????? l ??ngn???. . ?????me????it it?waw????????????al al??????\"\"\"\",\"\"???o o?????????????????????WeW?ddd?????????????????lll??ama???????????????????????br br????????/>W/>?????????????aga??????rivrive???a a????it ait ??????tht??????????, ?(t(to????????????????????t ?????'s'?????????????????????t ???????it afit a????????????????, , (????????, to, t???????????) ?????epe??????inindin?din?? m???selselfl???????????????????? r ?rea????????, a, an, a?d ???w ??eveeven??? the????eee????avave?s ?????y ????????r,r????????er??veverve???????ca????????t ??????????????????????????? at a??le???t ?TRT?? t???????", "output": "is product several time.....couldn't resist it any longer. For me, it was my \"\"royal treat\"\", to celebrate the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton!

Well, my package arrived a bit after the wedding, (today, actually) --but that's because I ordered it a bit after the wedding, (May 6, to be exact.) I kept reminding myself how expensive this really is, and how even the Queen saves money whenever, and wherever, she can....but it was no good. I had to at least TRY this stu"} {"input": "?fff??..??t t???asa?t ??????????????
The package, marked \"\"Perishable\"\", had stood out in my hallway for a few hours, as I was out this morning. Upon opening the outer cardboard box, then the inner styrofoam box, (repleate with cold-bags, to keep the pershable food inside fresh), I came across a small brown-cardboard box which held my Smoked Salmon Mousse. Inside, was not one big package, as I had expected, but, instead -- to my delight -- sixt small black plastic tubs! It seems, happily, that n"} {"input": "?? m ?????r r??????????yoy???????? o????hih?????mom?????????monmo????????????????l l??????s ????pap??ke??????????????????????ittit???????????la????????bsb?????????????????ntrntrar??????????y y w?????????????ked? S???lmolm?? M??????se pse ????????????????????????????f ????????????????ow ow???????, t, ?thathat?????lmoslmo???????????????????????????erser?????the fthe fofooo????????in.in?. . ???????be???????s \"s ?\"T\"TeT?errer???rsr????????????????igi?g lg ??ttttett?????????????????????????????????????????? A ??????, (, ???????????te??????\"\"??????????m)m?,<,????/>/??? \" ????????\"\" ????ans?????????\"\" ??in in?FrF???????. T. ????????uckuc??s o??????e se ???de de???nd nd", "output": "o matter how much you order of this Somoked Salmon Mousse, it will always be packed in these elegant little black plastic tubs. The black contrasts nicely with the Smoked Salmon Mousse peeking through both sides of the large yellow label, that almost -- but not quite -- covers the food within. The label says \"\"Terroirs d'Antan\"\" in big letterss, and I take it this means \"\"land\"\" of Antan, (and not \"\"terrors\"\" therefrom),
as \"\"terre\"\" means \"\"land\"\" in French. Three ducks on one side and "} {"input": "?????rar????t t??????????????????????????????ra???\"\"\"\"T\"??????r'r?s s??'A'????n\"n??????????????????g\"g??\"\" t\"\" ??? y ?????? l ?ab??????????????an an? se s???, i, ??????e fe ???????hth???isi???????, a, ???ugu????uiu?ldl???g g??????lo?????????????????h h????tet?????? a??????????d,???????t bt ??????? thi th?????? s?mam????? l????terte????, ar, a????????????s,\"\"The selection 'Terroirs d'Antan' revives ancient recipes from the vearious terroirs of France. Enjoy.\"\" But further down the label, it is revealed that the product was 'Made in USA - Distrib by Optimus, Inc., Miami Fl 33138.
The larger box in which this individual serving, (actually, containing 3 servings -- 7 ounces), black plastic box came, described the contents as being \"\"Packed in Aspic\"\". And so it is. When the vaccum-packing, transparent plastic covering is removed, there still is another transparent layer to be removed. My own experience with \"\"aspic\"\" had heretofore been, mainly, with learning of the title of a movie, \"\"A Dandy In Aspic\"\", starring the late, (and really great), Laurence Harvey."} {"input": "????????? y ???????seseeee ????????ieie ??? a ????????????verver,r??rer??????????wnw?????t ?????????????????ptptttththath??????????omo???sosoro??????fof??????fff????WeW??????? I I d ?is??????????????n tn ?????g g???????????bebe ???????????????e toe t?? o?p p op ?????????????????ussus??????thatthat ???????????lal??????????????porpo????? p ??lasla???ic ic??dod????????that that a??re re s?????????s us ?useus??????kek?????ror????????????ardardbdbob??ardard ard????????????????????????wh?at?????????? re r?emoemov????. . ?????pep?????trt??nsn?????ntnt ???????????????? -?????boubo??????? in i?chch h?????k.k????????????>W>???????in????????ha?????????????????????nt nt????????????????as? t ti t?ime", "output": " I have yet to see the movie -- and have never, really, known what 'aspic' is, exceptthat it is some sort of foodstuff. Well -- I discovered, upon taking what must be aspic off the top op of the salmon mousse, that it is similar to the temporary, plastic 'dots' that are sometimes used to keep products on cardboard backings, but are (somewhat) easily removed. A type of transparent jello, actually -- about 1/8 inch thick.

Well, finally I had the mousse in front of me, and it was time"} {"input": "???????? i ????brb? / ????r ?????? f ???????????????ded??????n n???ha?????pep??tet????? p ???????s bs beb???????????????????????? is i??????????????????????. .? T ThTheTh????????????????flflafl??????DODOEO?? c ??????????ghg???ono??????asias?????an????????????icicec??????k,k??smsmosm??????salsalm??????????ur,ur, ?in?????? ???t ??theth?ereer??????ar?????o lo ?????e ??f f????????????????y y????h h?????kedke?d sd ?salsalmsal???????????? he h??????????be? m??????te??bub????ca????upupop???????po??ke?t\"t????? t th?????almal???????????????????ororo?????????????wiw??????the the? cr c??ama?????heeshee???. ????ananyan?y ey eve?????????????????ct ct s sh sho????d hd ????????en en???????d ad ??????????? Ch C", "output": " to eat it!

The flavour was milder rhan I had expected -- perhaps because \"\"Cream Cheese\"\" is the first ingredient. The smoked salmon flavour DOES come through, on occasion, and it is a nice, dark, smoked salmon flavour, indeed! But there is far too little of this wonderfully rich smoked salmon flavour here. (Maybe my taste buds came upon a \"\"pocket\"\" of the salmon that had not thoroughly mixed with the cream cheese. In any event, this product should have been labled as \"\"Cream Ch"} {"input": "e?????????SaSala???n n M MoM?????????????us??e \"e ??crc???m m??????se\"se?\"\" \"\"?????he??????t t i??grg?????????????????????????kek?? s ???????\"\" \"\" i\"\" is???hehe ???ghg????? ing ingr??????????st???, ?????t ot ????7 7?? ing??red??ien??????????\"\"?\"\"sp\"\"s???aca?ch\"ch?????????????????????? ( ????????????t ??asa?s ms ??ded??in??????USU?A,A???remre????berbe? - ?? a??nd ????I I r ?rem?????ber ber???????ctlct??, ?????gredgredi??ent??s hs ???????????????????ed ied ?????????didindi?ng ng??????????????????es????????????\"\"???in sin ?????? o??????????????? ti t??lel??????? ? ?IfIf f nf ???????????????????????????????????oko??d ??????????ousou?se??hah?????????, ??????? M???D D???ava????????it it????teteste???????UNU?", "output": "eese and Salmon Mousee\"\", because \"\"cream cheese\"\" is the first ingredient listed, and \"\"smoked salmon\"\" is the eighth ingredient listed, (out of 17 ingredients), and \"\"spinach\"\" is the fourteenth. (This product was made in the USA, remember -- and if I remember correctly, ingredients here must be listed in descending order. But -- does this
\"\"in size\"\" order apply to titles too? If not, it should...

The smoked salmon mousse has, again, a very MILD flavour. it tastes very UNs"} {"input": "?????ara??tot????????????????????\"\" \"\"?? h ?????????d id ???wow????? ??ere????????ama?????????crcre?am???he???????????????lml??? th????amoam???t ??????????????????, ?????t it ???????STS? t??sts??????????xoxoto???al?????????????ndn????????????????????????????r ?????r ?????????????????ckc???\"\"t\"\"????\"\"?, ??owo??ve?????????efe?????ele?? r ????????????????????????imiim??ar???o o ro re???aua????t ???????????ar??????????????????????heyhey ?????????????mam???e oe ????\"N\"??. ??\"\"???lalasla???????????ordor???????????????????ic ic?GaGar????????\"\" ??????le?? I I?????d ad ????????????????LYL???????, ?or?? No?????pl??????????re sre ????e te ?????us?", "output": "imilar to the NY-type \"\"lox\"\" I had hoped it would. Here, the amount of cream-cheese SO overwhelms the amount of smoked salmion, that it ALMOST tastes like exotically spiced, and flavoured, cream cheese!

The little black \"\"tubs\"\", however, are definitely re-usable. Of a size similar to restaurant trays for artificial sweetner, they are happily made of \"\"No. 5\"\" plastic. According to an \"\"Organic Gardening\"\" article I read a while back, ONLY No. 5, or No. 6 plastic are safe to reuse"} {"input": "????SoS??????????????????????????????????usu?????? h ???d ?sus???r r a ??d d ad ????????????wew?ete????r ?????????????????????? b?us??inein???s cs ????s,????????????oro??????????????mim????r or ???ece??????????heyhe?????n an al?sos?o bo be???useusede???s ?\"\"\"?????????coc?onton?????????ntn??in???s,????????????ld????????????????an??? no n??????????ttltt????? a??y ??????????incin??udu???g,g????forfo??rer?fef????cece)e????bobouo????????ror??ndnded???????????????????????????trays for

\"\"Vita\"\" foods, (available in New York's Waldbaum's supermarkets, and probably other areas as well, sells a someked salmo"} {"input": "???anandn?????ama??chc??????????????????????????????????????. .? I ??r dr ????es nes ??t ???????spisp???????chchich????, ????????omo??to???or???manma?y y? of o????he he????????ingin?re????????in? t???????okokekede?????mo??n Mn ???????, s, ???d ?????ouourou?mem??FoF?odo??to?re???????????????a a??????, , r, ????nd nd p ????tit??????????s s is ???ha???????????kekedke???la??????n ?itit,it, , i, ?it ?tat????????????????????ed????????mon tmon ??????????????s s ks ???d ?????????????????????????????????????????????????ore???I I??????in??y ???????????????????????? th???s Vs ???A A????dud?ctct,t?????d o???????????????????????????? in?????????????????????. o. ???????????????", "output": "n and cream-cheese spread, at 8 ounces for under $3. Ir does not have spinach, chives, eggs, tomato, or many of the other ingredients in this Smoked Salmon Mousse, sold by GourmetFoodStore. It comes in a white, round plastic tub. As it has more smoked slamon in it, it tastes more like smoked salmon to me. As it's kind of inconvenient for me to go to a land-based store, I certainly hope Amazon will offer this VITA product, and others, (like their herring in wine sauce), soon. otherwise, I'll "} {"input": "??ava????p p???r,r??ana???????d ud up? o ??????????????????????whw??????xtx??? g ?? t ??o Wo ?????????????????SmS????????????n an ???????????????sss??????????????NaN?atuat??????? b beb?????rer????????he?????DOD?ESES S? ha h????mo?????\"\"s\"\"????\"\"????????? a??? D ?????????e we ???h ?????se se????????????e se sps??????????????????????????utut,t???nln???????he ??????????kedke??sa????????????????????????????????????????moremore ???mokmokemok???????????????. ???nd??????, ?whwhewh?????? i is????idi????and and??on?????????????d,? t???e m?????????ng ng???????????rsr???in in f?????, , d, ?doedo???????????????????/>??????. O. ??????oreore ???????????????????metme??oooodoo??to?", "output": "save up for, and load up on, this Vita product when next I go to Walbaum's. The 'Smoked Salmon and Spinach Mousse Pate - All Natural,\"\" being reviewed here, DOES have more \"\"snob\"\" appeal, and DOES come with those nice little space-saving black tubs. But, unlike the Vita smoked salmon and cream cheese spread, it has more smoked-salmon taste. And that, when all is said and done, in the end, the main thing that matters in foods, doesn't it?

P.S. One More Plus: The \"\"GourmetFoodStor"} {"input": "???\" \" c ?????ogogug?? w ???????? i???lul?????????h eh ??????????????????ana??????atatiat????????ouo?rmr??????????????byb?y iy ????lfl??? D ????yoy????????HOH??????Y Y????eses ??????oko??ed ed??alalmalmo???????????????HO????an???????s ??f ????????? W ??????????u u b bu b????any????ingin???ele??se)se?? fr f?omo??\"\"?GoG?????????????????, ???????catcatatalta???guegu?e i?????t ??onlon?y ??????????er?in???..??????verve?????uc????ionio???? ?MaM?????? f??????????ickic??\"\" \"\"????????an??d fd ????ed????????????ifi???l cl cl????ed??????tosto???????? al?????????go????metme??fo?odod od????????????????????????rme????????al??oguog??? in in in?????? wa w?????thath?? o??e!e???????ksk??????urm????oo????or???", "output": "e\"\" catalogue which is included with every pruchase is an education in gourmet food, all by itself. Did you know HOW MANY types of smoked salmon there are? HOW many types of caviar? Whether you buy anything (else) from \"\"GourmetFoodStore\"\", this catalogue is not only mouth-watering...but very educational! Made on fine \"\"slick\"\" paper, and filled with beautiful cloured photos, (and also high gourmet-food prices), it is a \"\"gourmet\"\" catalogue in more ways than one! Thanks, GourmetFoodStore!<"} {"input": "??????
One More Minus: Sadly, my food came packed in \"\"peanuts\"\". No -- not the edible type of peanuts....the STYROFOAM type of peanuts! It's impossible to open ANY package packed in styrofoam peanuts, without getting at least some of these innocuous-looking, but incredibly annoying little pieces of styrofoam, all over your floor! GourmetFoodStore is not the only manufacturer/ seller who does this of course....but one would think, with the wonderful, (and espensive) gourmet products they "} {"input": "?????????ata???????????????????rk??????wow?ulu?d d?????????????ooo????????????????????????????ini??? to to o?????cucusu??om???????????ouroursr?se,se?????????S S??? the ?TITINI?Y Y??dvd?????gege e ie ??????????so?????????????kedked ???in pin ???anuan?????????????????rcr??????????isiseis?e pe pip??????ing uing ????????? sm s?malmall??, b, ?ut????????vatvatit????????????????eacea?????????d-d?ded???????erser?, ?????????brb????????????OKO? - ???????w w???lolorlo???es es???e ?????????????s ws ?aya????andan???ifi?????????????mal??????????n n i????in????you?????????????????????ro?????the the B BiB???le)le????????ing sing so???????????ing.ing???HoH??eve????, I, ??????????????????????????????????????desde?", "output": "sell, that this up-market marketer would pack their food with something less annoying to the customer? Of course, there IS the TINY advantage in having something packed in peanuts...one gets forced excercise picking up these small, but aggravating, strofoam peace-of-mind-destroyers, off the
floor. OK -- a few calories are used in this way, and, if you are female, you can imagine yourself to be Ruth, (from the Bible), doing some gleaning. However, I prefer to have MY fantasies when I desi"} {"input": "?rer? t ?o o??????tht??????????????cec??????????? _ ??_ _ d ?????????????cerce?????, ???????? h????????sese se??hihini????sus????????????????????????????rc????????n mn mem????????pe????????????????geg?e -e ---?????pecpe??ala???????????chch h a????????????dsd??????rir???????????????????????? tr t??ly??????????????????1 1??????????????viv???? on o??????????s \"s ?\"n\"?????? to b to ???????????in in??????????????hth??be??????iei?ed?ed????PLP?EAE?????????t mt ??kek?e ie ?t ????e ????? $ $1 $??? ?BuB?bbb????wrw????? and and ????milmi??????????c c???????????????????????????????tedte??byby ??????omeom?er!er! !?????????????????????? l ???ds??????????????????f f??al????", "output": "re to have them, and to excercise when _I_ decide to excercise, and NOT have these things suddenly and unexpexctedly forced upon me when opening up a package -- especially from such a luxury-goods emporium as GourmetFoodStore truly is. Perhaps a $1 charge for having one's goods \"\"not to be packed in peanuts\"\" might be applied? (PLEASE don't make it more than $1!) Bubble-wrap and similar plastic space-fillers are SO appreciated by customer! And less aggravation leads to less buying of calmati"} {"input": "?vev?? a ??? p ?????????????s.s??????????lyl?? al a????in????oro? M ?????mom???y ?????????????????????ete?FoF????????? ?????????on????????heh?????\"s\"sus??????????????????????r cr ??sts???????????deadearar ????urmur???tFotF?????tor????????nkn?s!s??????1,1?B0B??4N4???????????DZD?????P8P828????ewe???s Ms ??. S. SmS??th???????????????00????????????er?????? J ????aicai?????ThiTh?????????????????????er ter ????e e te ???e ?????ingeringe??be?????????tat?????????????veryver???strst?????????erer er aer ??le.le?. ??????as as?? b?it???????????. It. I?????swswew?????nd nd w??????refre???????????, ?non?????????????? so s??????oeo???????????thath??????????? mo m???aseas?????st????????????????????", "output": "ves and pain-relievers....possibly allowing for MORE money to be spent at GourmetFoodStore! Please consider these \"\"suggestions for happier custumers\"\", dear GourmetFoodStore. Thanks!\"\n9851,B004NWA9OI,A1A4DZN8UXP824,Lewis M. Smith,0,0,5,1322352000,Ginger Beer from Jamaica,\"This is what I consider to be true ginger beer. It tastes like very strong ginger ale. It has a bite to it. It is sweetend with refined sugar, not raw sugar, so it doesnt have that strange molases taste.\"\n9852,B001EO7GXA,"} {"input": "??3D3?????????DNDNWNW,W??????ifi????1,1??????????????0,0?????GoG?odod,d?????????hrhroroo???????t ?wew???e se ses???????e ???? l ?aba??le??? li l????th????ici???re?? t???y y????????????d rd ???d ad ?????????????elel.el??????????????????? c ??????d ???sts???????m m t??? h?ada???????y ???????ic?????????????????????e ?????????????????isi???olool?????soso o???????w w??? them them ???????????r r??????????????????e ??????????? my m???????sicsick??. T. ??er????????dad??????dede de? on o???????????f ???????????????3 3?whw??????????????????a a w?ha???th?at?????ansan????? I????????fifin??d a?????????nan?atiat?????? t th???????e ????????. I. ??wiw???????????y ty th????????", "output": "A3DG5D930TZDNW,B. Stifle,1,1,1,1333756800,Not Good,\"The mushrooms that were sent were not labeled like the picture, they had the old red and black label. When I opened the can and tasted them the had a very metallic taste and the inside of the can was discolored so I threw them away rather than take a chance of making myself sick. There is a date code on the top of the can of 0303 which I have no idea what that means and I can't find any explination of this code online. I will not buy this brand"} {"input": "????shs????msm???nyn???????????????us???????????? a?ndn?????????bob?ugu???????y y??ara???????????? mu??shrshrorooroom????? t ???????t ??andan?d Id ????????????r hr ????????m tm ???tete ???kek?e te ???sese ???d.d??9???????00?KJK??????????767?9U9?????????S.S?. L. ????\"\"\"????????? a??di???hih???\"\"???????????979??????0,?MMM??????I ?????ht????????????????f tf th????e fe ??????ftf?s ?????????????????p p b????????I ????ldl??'t'??????st????ThT?????re re???????n ??????????? h?ala?f ??hehe he??????lrl?????. . . I. ??????yiy???????ew? m??????????ndnd nd o??t t ft ?forfo?r cr ?????????!!???854854,4??????KJRKJ?????,A1,A????YUY??1X1???3W3????. ??. ??th?????? \"???en???\"\"\"??????2,2?????79379???0000,00???", "output": " mushrooms anymore. I am a mushroom lover and I have bought many large cans of mushrooms in the past and I have never had them taste like these did.\"\n9853,B000KJRF40,A2MU769UQOS7ZF,\"S. Luw \"\"aspiring audiophile\"\"\",8,8,5,1197936000,MMmMM!,I bought a few boxes of these for gifts and opened one up because I couldn't resist. They're so damn good I ate half the box already. I'm buying a few more to hand out for christmas!\n9854,B000KJRF40,A1VY2YUD1XQN3W,\"J. K. Atherton \"\"Kent\"\"\",5,5,2,1237939200,Not"} {"input": "???????sssses??????waw??????? d ?isi?apa????ntn????????????????lil?ityity ?????????hoh?????te??????/>/?IfIf ???????ntnt nt? th the th????STS????'v'????ouounoundn??? tha th?????????M.M??s ????????????liqli?????????????????????redredi??????ooo?????bub?t t y ?????ILI?????????? p?????????????B0B??????????????????2U2????S,S?????y ???????????????????????\"\"?\",\"?4,4???5,?????????00???xcx???in?????????????lel???????????s ???????the?????tyt???o o??erser???????????????????????????are are????y y t????????nin?qu??????????85???????????40???2E2??4N4?0U0?NKN???717?,s,?????erermer???????????,1??16516??36?????????arar ar??????????HaH??????t tt ?asast????????ch?????at????yey???", "output": " impressed,\"I was very disappointed with the quality of the chocolate.
If you want the BEST, I've found that Ethel M.'s chocolate liquor barrels are incredibly good - but you WILL pay the price!\"\n9855,B000KJRF40,A2PK7EVJ2UCDAS,\"Mary J. Borchardt \"\"rebelly\"\"\",4,4,5,1168473600,exciting,These little chocolates were the party go ers for the season!!! They are very tastey unique item.\n9856,B000KJRF40,A2EN4N0UNKIG71,shoppermom,10,13,5,1165536000,so far so good,\"Haven't tasted the chocolates yet b"} {"input": "????????????pip??g g w waw???????????t ??????he?????oko???????eye???????pi?ctctut?rer????????llll l???????t ct ?hrh??????????? th? they the???asast???gog??????oo?. ???????, i, if??????go???????????y toy t?? th?? c coc???????s s ws ??????e ?????cac?an an??ava??????????????????858????????????0,0???T7T7B7?NDN?6G6????KHK?????sh?? J ?. ?????iningin????,2,??????121???????00???????????? E ??fef??ctict?ve??\"I\"??????????? th?????????uctuc???s ??a Ca ???is???as??gig????????????s ps ???????????????????ed ???????he he? ch c????lal?????is ?????ec??????quaqu????y,y??ththeth??e gee g?????????????????in?????????????ulu????????????????????, ????nd end eaeatea?????a a fa fe????choch?????????is?????ec??????", "output": "ut the shipping was very fast and they look as they were pictured. we'll see at christmas if they taste good, too. also, if you go directly to the company's website you can save a few bucks.\"\n9857,B000KJRF40,A2T7BND6GI2AKH,Trisha J. Cunningham,2,2,4,1269561600,Unique and Effective,\"I received this product as a Christmas gift, and was pleased when I tried it. The chocolate is of decent quality, the gelled liquor filling is flavorful yet not too strong, and eating a few chocolates is effective f"} {"input": "o???rer?????????????????ara?????y y???????????f f????????inkin????coc???? i ?????????tlt?????????houho????t it itit ???????plp???????ly?????qu????????????????????iftif?????????????KJK????0,0?????????????????ili?????????,2???,1,??????????????mym???ThT??????????imi???????????fu?l!l! !??WeW???????????????????????????y ny ??cecel?????????????????????d md mom?sts??????????????uru?????????eme?????ainai???????,B??00000??????40,40?,A3,A3C3???????FVF??2B2???????d ????????,2,2,2,??5,????????40?0,???isi?????????????????!,?I ?????????is ?????my my???????er???? and and??on??????????????????e ?????da?ysy????nd ???w w??ea???s Es ?????Th?????ovo?????????", "output": "or relaxing after a hard day at work (if you drink alcohol infrequently). I thought it was a pleasantly unique and thoughtful gift.\"\n9858,B000KJRF40,AKU1FTWAA4ORS,Gail-Storm,2,2,5,1232668800,Yummy!,These are simply wonderful! We found them fresh and very nicely packaged. I would most definately purchase them again.\n9859,B000KJRF40,A3COSH6F5FVE2B,Leonid Furer,2,2,5,1232150400,This is a GREAT gift!,I sent this to my daughter and son as a gift for the holidays and New Years Eve. They loved these "} {"input": "v???? m ???????ici???gigifi?t t??o o b ???shshah?????????????????opo?????????????e le lil?????r fr ??????d cd ch???????????????????n n?peperpe??????????????n ??????er??????????????????????ctict?iveiv???? pa p???????????????????JRJ???0,???CHC??????????,R,????icickic???????4,4,1,121??050?????00,00??????????????ofo??????ordor???? th t????????????to??????? to to ?oto??ererser?????ThiThisis is????????????????! !??????????e te ?to ???????I hI ??????????n ??????????uc????s ??????esees????re?????y ey ???????????. T. ?ThiThisThi???????????????????ec?????????????cac???? giv gi????cho??????????????s i???????ferfere???????? ca c???????? p???????????????gug??????to?re??s i????an???st", "output": "very much. Nice gift to be shared with many people.
The liquor filled chocolates arrived in perfect condition and were securely but attractively packaged.\n9860,B000KJRF40,ABCH3V9O9QEPF,R. Hicks,2,2,4,1230595200,Great Gift,I often order this product to give to others. This is a GREAT gift! Everyone to whom I have gioven this product as a present really enjoys it. This is more special becuase anyone can give chocolate. This is different and cannot be purchased at regular stores in many st"} {"input": "????????????????KJK???404???151??9B9?????????,\",????GwG?ini??????????????vevere?\"\"???????2,?121262????848??0,?????e'e?s ???????ququou???,I,I I l??oveov??????????????? c ???coc???????? I ??????ivi????th??????????gig?????ndn??????????????l-l?????e le ?liqli?????non????????????????????. ?. I. ?????as as a?lml?oso?st st??s ??????he ?????????ada?d bd ????n cn ?utut ?????????etet et??yry??????nd ???????e ??lcl????????okoke??????. ??????????????d wd ?ou??dnd???t et ?ve?????et ?????zzz??frf????? the?????. T. ??he ?????????? i ???????????????- -?????????????HeH????heyhe?'s????d ????tlt??? bu b????????????????as ???????????????t.????????????????????????CEC?????696????????", "output": "ates.\n9861,B000KJRF40,A15P9BXEEJLGU2,\"T. Gwinn \"\"sweets lover\"\"\",4,5,2,1261958400,Where's the liquor?,I love liquor-filled chocolates. I received these as a gift and found the gel-like liquor not to be very strong. It was almost as if the liquor had been cut with sweet syrup and all the alcohol cooked out. A young child wouldn't even get a buzz from these. The chocolate itself was OK -- better than Hershey's and Nestle but not as good as Godiva or Lindt.\n9862,B000KJRF40,A2EN12CEAF5E69,Calaver"} {"input": "????????,6,?,8,8,8?????????000?????????ere??????????????uou????????ereer?????????????????y ?mi????????????????????????????hohono??????g'g??s cs ????olo???ese????d ???t t tt ??????????by by??isist????????????????????????????co??me.me????????????lalatla?????????? a???????????????e ???qu??????????????..d..??on'on???????? th t???????????th??? i?????e.e..??\"\"9???????000?KJK?????????898939???Z8Z?R7R?????????????????????????????????????ed ed??cho?????????????????????? m?????sasat??isfisfi????????he bhe ??? o of o??????ololaol?ate????????ed ?????? in i????meme me???????????????. E. ??????????njn????ed ?????? so s??????????????am? p???tit?ngn?????????", "output": "as Brad,6,8,1,1229040000,NOT Very Special Liquor: ordered this mistake by mistake,\"I meant to order Anthony Berg's chocolates and got this one by mistake...yikes, not a good outcome. The chocolate is poor and the gel-like liquor is worse...don't make the mistake that i made...\"\n9863,B000KJRF40,A25893P0Z8R7U2,Sam,1,1,5,1324944000,Liquor filled chocolate gift box,\"Very much satisfied! The box of chocolate arrived just in time for the party. Everyone enjoyed them so much that I am putting in anoth"} {"input": "???????er???oror or???w w??????????hrh????\"\"\"?hth?tpt?:/:?/w/????ama???ono???????p/p?????????????KJK??????????????????????iqi???????llllelede??ChC?oco?colco??tet?s s?484???ouo???????????????????ayay ????????x x????????????GifGi????????/a/???9????,B,??????????,A,?????1U1??X5X?JLJ?????????e Fe ??ndn??r,r???????,13,1????070????,G,???????????????? i ????a va ???? u ??????????? f??or ?ananyn???e.e? ????????????s ????y ???od????d ????????????????? i? is is????????????reat???????????to to???????????tyty ???????ve ve???he he????????????????wiwil????????????ngn? t?o ??????????????????????? w??th??????? t???????????????? go g?o po ???ttttytt?????. ????????????", "output": "er order for new years.Very Special Liquor Filled Chocolates 48 Count Christmas Holiday Gift Box Chocolate Gift Pack\"\n9864,B000KJRF40,A3MZS1URX5JLMQ,Value Finder,1,1,5,1323907200,Great Gift!,This is a very unique gift for anyone. Chocolate is very good and the presentation is great. Great to take to a Xmas Party to give the host. Eveyone will be fighting to get to try a few. And with 48 in the box it will go pretty far. It is not s"} {"input": "???onongn???????????ete??grg???????????????????liliqiquq??????lllli????9?????B0B?00??JRJ??404??A3A303???PDP?SAS???????\"C\"?he?????WaW??????\"\"\"???herheryher??????1,1?,1,,1??5,15,?262????161????????????????????\"I\"?????ugu???????s s???????y cy ???wo??????s fs fof???????ntn?in????s ds ???????????????d id ???????e ????iei??s.s????I wI ??????al??????odod d ad ana????I w???ouldould ?pup???hah??e e ae ??????????o o?????????????? a??????????86686????????????????6B6BIB???S0S???????????ly??????????????ch ch???????????????\"\"??????????252?????202???????????????????oco??????????????????hih?????s as ???????????????kedke??????verve?ry ry????ch.ch????r /r ??????ama?????? go goo???co??????on?????", "output": "trong but you get great flavor of the liquor filling.\n9865,B000KJRF40,A30HXPDSAF0ZU0,\"Cheryl Walker \"\"Cheryl\"\"\",1,1,5,1267401600,would buy again,\"I brought this for my co-workers for Valentine's day, they loved it, rave reviews. I was really good and I would purchase and plan to purchase them again.\"\n9866,B000KJRF40,A3C6BIUJS018BC,\"Carolyn G. Gustavich \"\"Noelkimberly\"\"\",1,1,5,1255219200,liquor filled chocolates,I bought this as a gift. He liked it very much.
It came in good condition and "} {"input": "?????????e.e???????????tet???? A ?????++??9?868676??B0B???KJKJRJ??????????D3D???????,L,??????????,1,?????969????,s,???????ol??????? k ??owo? h ????????chc????olaol?????uru????????t ?????????????it it????s ???old?old? T ?hah????s hs ?howho????heshe?????rer?e ae ????????????????????????????ligli??????shsha???e oe ?????????????f ????????????????ThThaTh?????????usu???????'t't ?????te te???????????t t???????????ini???ideid?e we ???????????????se cse ??????????????t ????????????????000?KJ??????,A2,A????G6G???????????onon ?P.P????????? \" ????li?ta?ryr??????ororior?????????????????595????00,00????????ChC??????????if???,\"S,\"???????????? m ?????????r ??????????e ??", "output": "good time.
I rate it AAAA++++\n9867,B000KJRF40,ACL45D3AEGNWM,Lola,3,4,2,1200096000,seemed old,\"You know how the chocolate turns light brown when it gets old? That's how these were at the top. They were that lighter shade of brown as if they were old. That part just didn't taste right, but the liquor inside was good. These candies weren't fresh.\"\n9868,B000KJRF40,A2WYNG6JT8HMJH,\"Jon P. Wolland \"\"Military Historian\"\"\",0,0,5,1331596800,A good Christmas Gift,\"Sent this to my brother in Seattle an"} {"input": "?d d??????vev????????????????ava????????????tat?????????oco?????e,e?????????????ele??????????d.d??????????9????,B,????KJK????????????????I0I00?6,6??????0,00,???????????00???????????s,???hih?s s??????ctc???????????????????????r r t???ed?????y ly ?iqi?????????eded ?chchoch???olaol???????????????????????bub?t ???????????aya??????????werwe???? g????t ???ttt?????ururpr?pripr????. I? a?? n ??????????????????????g fg ?oo?? o ??????????bu?t ?????e ????????littlit??e ?????????hah???????????colacol????s ts ????????????????wiw?th???iq?????, w, ?????????nin???elyel??????ed ?????????????. S. ?????????????? we???????ronro????? th tha th???????rs???n n??????", "output": "d he loved them. Good flavors, great tasting chocolate, they were well received. Cheers!\"\n9869,B000KJRF40,A11YSZW8CJI006,BOB,0,0,5,1330128000,Delicious,\"This product is great. I have never tried any liquor filled chocolate candies/chocolates but I got to say, these were a great little surprise. I am not good at describing food or candy, but these were little bottle shapped chocolates that are filled with liquid, which is nicely mixed with liquor. Some of these were stronger than others in a sens"} {"input": "???????????e ?????heh????ouo????? r ???lll????????????????ly,ly, ,??????e o?????s s???ou ou o ??ly????st???chc?oco?olo??????????????????????????? the th??????????y y fy ?rir?ene???????????y ?se??em em??ea????y hy ????????????? they the?y ty ????d ???. .????re??????fof????????ferfe????????ocooc????????????????????iniin?iteit???y ry ???????????????????????????????????????havha????????e ce cae c??ef???, , t, ?thethesthe???????????????????????????? t??????so so???????????tit?on?. ???reare??????tltletl?????????????????lfl?????9989?????000????????????U3U?PEP?????????????????????????pm?an?\"\"???????????272????????????????????iquiq????????le???????xcx?elellel??nt?????rcr?", "output": "e that some of them you can really feel instantly, while others you only taste chocolate.

I shared these with my friends and they seem really happy when they tried it. There are four different chocolates. I would definitely recommend this to everybody. You just have to be careful, these chocolates have liquor in them so use at caution. Great little gift...for myself :)\"\n9870,B000KJRF40,A1HU3PE4LKXLCV,\"The Bopman \"\"bopman\"\"\",0,0,5,1327622400,Chocolate Liquor bottles....Excellent!,purch"} {"input": "??????tht????fof???????????cic??????????or??? a b a ????t ct ???????????. .??ThT??y y?REREAE???????joj??ed??????????????te?????cec?????????????????al?????t.t???????eivei?????theth????temte?????????d sd ?????????????????. ????????????????it?? e????yty????ing.ing????lll???????????m ?????????in?.....????717????0000K00????404????????LJL??????????????????0,00,???,1,???????808?00,00?????? g? gif gi?????????is dis de?????ouo????????????is ???????????????????d ???????????fr???endendsd???DadDa??fo???????istis????????????arar.ar?????????ookoo???re?reatrea?????????????o ??????????????ysy???f f?????? l ??ve??d td ???????????er???????????y ay ?????? the the?????hoh?????as ????", "output": "ased them for as a special gift for a boat christening. They REALLY enjoyed and appreciated receiving this unusual gift. Received the item in good shape and quickly. very pleased with everything. Will order from them again...\n9871,B000KJRF40,A3KQ40LJPCEEZX,Karalynn,0,0,5,1325980800,Great gift and is delicious!,Gave this as a gift to my Dad and my boyfriends Dad for Christmas this year. They look great and i got to taste a few myself and i loved them they were so tasty and the alcohol was very"} {"input": "?????????????????????as as??????d d???????????????KJK?RFR?4040,0??????????K3K3CK3??6,6,H,????????313?????0,50,?????????40??????as ?gig?????????ugu?hth???hih???????????? f ?oro????????????????st???ri???d,d?? wh w????lolovoveves?????????tete e??????????es ??????or or?????????????? s ?????????????r ??gif?t ??? f??indin???????????????inein?? t????????y cy ?chech????????lel????nd ??aiaid???????ou ou???owo? m ?????????????. S. ????cocouco?ldl???????iti????????????????????????????o ho he?? t th???????BeBea???is??????st????????t at ??????????emyem???ara?ti?n n l?????????????????? I???m nm ????mi???akakek??. . T. ????????e ge ???at??????????an?????????????ng ng?????????????", "output": " real tasting. It was a good buy.\n9872,B000KJRF40,A3JOBP1K3K3CS6,Hybrid1231,0,0,5,1325462400,xmas gift,\"I bought this as a gift for Xmas for my best friend, whom loves chocolate and loves liquor as well. When she opened her gift to find this, she shined the only cheese smile and said \"\" you know me so well\"\". She couldn't wait to try them. According to her the Jim Beam is the strongest and the Remy Martin least strongest if I'm not mistaken. They are great tasting and the filling is a gel cons"} {"input": "?isi?????e e a ???????????coc?lal?tete te?????? a????ele??? O ??lyl???hihiningn?????????????????asa?????????????? t th????????????? n non???????reare?ll??y ty ?? c ????????????utut ??????????????????????????? ca???e ????beb???????????????????????he????????????????????te??????????????????????? gr gre?????????fof?or ???anyoanyon??????? lo l????es ces ????ol??????andan??????????????????????d ????????????therthe?????????B0B??????F4F?0,0??????????????,\",?????n Pn ???ueu???????\"Jo\"J?ohnoh?????????????121????????????????????w w???or ??????ft,ft????????th????? to to???????te???as???????t t f???????????lidlidadaya??s as ?????????????????????????the rthe re?????", "output": "istence and the chocolate great as well. Only thing i didn't like was the dents on the packaging, noting really to complain about or call the company about cause my best friend loved it either way.These chocolate liquor bottles are a great gift for anyone who loves chocolate and liquor and don't mind them together.\"\n9873,B000KJRF40,AXU8RH1DEV21H,\"John Piquette \"\"John P\"\"\",0,0,5,1229904000,Good Review For a Gift,I sent this to my sister as a gift for the holidays and New Years Eve and the review "} {"input": "??????????????????????????????????????sts???????????ouo?????ovo??d ?????e ?bebefe???????d ????er?????????????or????llllelled???????????????..???????????? t????????????????th th?????????plp??????747?????00K00??????????FZF?323?????????????????????a,a?1,1??,5,5,5???????????,V,??????????????????!,!?\"S\"?upupeperpe?????????????ngng!???????????????ed???????ho???????????t,t????t t wt ??????t ??hrh???stmst?????????eae?????non??????????iewie?????n.n????ut ut??? the the? ch????????s ??????in???xcx?????ntn???????????????????t ?li???e pe ????????. ????????????ada????????????othot???r cr ?????????????????????he ??????????????iteit???e ande an?d sd ?", "output": "from her was that she and all the guests at her house loved these before and after dinner liquor filled chocolates...... Nice gift to be shared with many people.\n9874,B000KJRF40,A2XFZ32U7TX7EZ,Glenda Rivera,1,3,5,1197504000,Very Fast Shipping!,\"Super Fast Shipping! I haven't tried the chocolates yet, but will at Christmas and leave another review then. But the chocolates came in excellent condition and just like pictured. I followed advise on another comment - to go to the company website and sa"} {"input": "??e e?a a???w w??????????ana??????????????????KJK??F4F?????????????DDD????. ?S.S???oro???????3,3,5,5,??191999??777????,L??quq??or or???????????coc????????????iqiquiq?????il?????????colco?????????????????????fecfe????????????????????????cuc???lyl????????????ctict????????????????i i??m m???aba?le???? c??????t ????????????????????heyhe???werwe???????chach??????or?or a???????. T. ThThe??se?cu??re re pre ??ck???????????venve????ed med ?me me??????????????????e ve ????????????????9???????????RF????????XVX????????????ererter?t Jt ????????????????????????????MuM?uchuc??????????? tha th?an an t?????ici???????????????e te ?to to??el?iei?????????ve?????? t?????????uctuc???", "output": "ve a few bucks. Thank You!\"\n9875,B000KJRF40,AC8R009YOODDS,L. S. Norman,1,3,5,1199577600,Liquor Filled Chocolates,The liquor filled chocolates arrived in perfect condition and were securely but attractively packaged. i am unable to comment on the flavor as they were purchased for a gift. The secure packaging prevented me from sampling the various flavors.\n9876,B000KJRF40,AFM5XV7HB6QCF,Robert J. Paolino,1,3,3,1197849600,Much smaller than the picture leads one to believe,\"Delivery of the product wa"} {"input": "?? q ???????????vev?????? i ???msm?????e se ??????????ana? h????????????????????ini?????exe????imi?e ??????ldl?????er???theth???????er ???????????7,7?????KJK?????,A,??????????????,D,????0,?2,2??????414?666?40????verve??y cy ???l l??????\"I\"??????th??ses??fof??r mr ????????iei?ndn???forfo?????risri????????he?????????????????lelerle??ththe???whw????????????????????????d bd ?e ????????????????????????????? t th????????im? y ???t ot ?????????????t i?????????e we ?????ll???ava?ve ve? fu funu??trt?????? th the??????he he????? ca c????????dad????earea??lieli???????n w?ha??? am????? s?aia?????????????? co c???e w??????????????:):?????787?????1I1??EGE?PQP?????????????????EuEugu??", "output": "s quick, however the items are smaller than how they appear on line. Next time I would order the larger size.\"\n9877,B000KJRF40,A3MY9DMD5VXHZL,Dev,0,2,5,1324166400,very cool gift,\"I got these for my boyfriend for Christmas. They are a bit smaller then what i figured they would be from the box, I havent given them to him yet of course but i am sure we will have fun trying them. The box came two day earlier then what amazon said they would come which is nice :)\"\n9878,B001IZEGPQ,A3H6HY5XRNFLZ4,Eugen"} {"input": "?e e?????tst???????1,1??,1?????????0,??hah?t't????hehe ????????th??????papaca??aga????????????theth???wiswi?e e ge gog?odod d??????redre?????d td ?????? thr th??????arar ar r re r???????????al??y ??????????????????????????????ili???to to s se?????? a??vav??????????????????????er????????????ap?prp?oao?????????????ppp?????mam???????????ieieciece? a?????? b??????sss????????st st?? the the the? wr w??????ayay ???d ??havha?vinvi???????gu?m ??hoh??????????? th?? the p the ??????e e le li?????????non?n,n?? fo foro?revre?????????/????????????gum?????selse?????s ds ????nt??????????forfo???li????????????????????wew?nt??y fy ?????mi????????????????, p, ??????a ???????ta?blble?? pu punu??????and?? im i???????", "output": "e Zaretskiy,0,1,3,1276732800,What's the deal with the packaging?,\"An otherwise good gum reduced to a three-star review by really mind-boggling packaging. I fail to see the advantage of the foil-covered capsule approach. I lose approximately one piece a pack by pressing just the wrong way and having the gum shoot out of the package like a cannon, forever lost.

The gum itself is decent, lasts for slightly less than a twenty five minute car drive, packs a comfortable punch, and improves "} {"input": "????????????????itit't?????????????ndn????????????????t ??????????th????????papaca??aga??????sos?????????????????????????e.e?????797??????ZNZ??H4H?????????06T06???????????????erer7er??????,5,?????040474???????????omeome!e??\"F\"?asast? s?hih?????ing,ing????????we?????????????????????????????as as?????rir??????AlAlsl???, v, ???y ?ta????????????ly???recre?comco??menme??????????odo????t tt ?o ????????lo??????????bu????9???????010??????M,M??????????R6R?VBV?,\"?????????\"Fa\"Fan???????????????3,???5,???????565??????????????????????????ithit????o a??????ve????ThT???????re?????????????????act act? wi w?????t ????????it??????. M. ???st ?ofof f t????cocom???", "output": "breath. Still, it's not outstanding, and doesn't overcome the poor packaging, so won't be buying any more.\"\n9879,B006ZNZH4K,A1XMI06THND528,Wolflover73,0,0,5,1330473600,Awesome!,\"Fast shipping, items were packaged nicely and are as described. Also, very tasty :) Highly recommend this product to anyone looking to buy.\"\n9880,B001EO5RMM,ATMQEI1LKR6VB,\"Shevi \"\"FantasyWeaver\"\"\",3,3,5,1274745600,Real stevia extract with no additives,\"This is real stevia extract without any additives. Most of the compan"} {"input": "??????hah????????? to t??????????????????????e ?????????el???ngng ng? st????ia ia e ??????????????ede???????????? t???????????e e fe fif?????????????ficfi??????????????s,???utu?????????? th????????????????'s'??ex?tr?eme????????????????????ana?s ??ouo???????ha?????o ?usu???? s????l ??????????????????, a, ???????????oulou??????????? wi w???????????????????????lanla??????utut ut??????n an a a ca ???????????????vi???al??o ??asasts?teste?????litlittt?lel??????. . . .? di d?iffiffef????????SoS???????crc?ribri??? it????s ts ?????inging ing l?iki?ke ke???co???cece,e??????? n ??????th???????????. I. ?????????????rtr?tinti?????th??th????????es?? a???????????????????????th????", "output": "ies that claim to be selling stevia are really selling stevia extract combined with other things, like fiber or artificial sweeteners, but this is the real deal. It's extremely sweet, which means you only have to use a small amount at a time, and you should melt it with hot water if you plan to put it in a cold drink. Stevia also tastes a little . . . different. (Some describe it as tasting like licorice, but I never thought so). I suggest starting with the smallest amount and then upping the qu"} {"input": "a?????????????yoy????ini???? l ?eve???????sws????nen??? t ?hah???????????????????????BeBece?auausu?? o ??????mam????????????, ,?????????? the th??????????????nerne??????????????I lI ??kek???????????????????highi?hlh?????ecoec?????? i ??????????B0B???????MMMM,M?AXAXJX???YBY??????N,N,\",??????????????? \" ???ar???????????????,2,?????,1,121?????????,G,??????????uc?????mim???es ???????????????????????????we?????ea???????iai???xtx???????is ??owo?????????uru????????????????????e ??upu?po???dld??????????????s ??????th??????????????????????????ununcun????????????????????wow???????????????????????????xpx??????ve ve???atuat?????, n, non?", "output": "antity until you find a level of sweetness that tastes good to you. Because of stomach problems, this is the only sweetener I use, and I like it very much. I highly recommend it.\"\n9881,B001EO5RMM,AXJ1QYBUL86ON,\"HarpswellWoman \"\"HarpswellWoman\"\"\",2,2,5,1296086400,Great product - mixes easily and value-priced,\"Sweet Leaf Stevia Extract is powdered, pure stevia. There are supposedly 400 servings (1/40th of a teaspoon) in a .4 ounce container, so it works out to be a fairly inexpensive natural, non"} {"input": "???ugu????sws??ete?ene???????????etaet??????????????????leslesss???hah???????????pep?????????? a ??????5 5?????????????erv???????????ubu???rir??e e? an a??????e ??- t- ???ug??????wiwilwilll?????????????????????me me???????? up u????e ?coc??tat?????? l??????????????. .? T ???????trt???????????????ee?????????????????????????????t ?ofo??su??garga???????????????????ucuct?, ??????t t ct ??????insin???????????ve?????AlA??????? . ??????????on????????????????????????? and an????????sh???er???????????? i????asa???????????y wy ??????youyo??? and and and??se???????????e ???aya?????????me?????ou???couco????eve??????ta??h ?????????????????????itithit??", "output": "-sugar sweetener and dietary supplement - less than 2 cents per serving and 1.5 cents per serving with Subscribe and Save - though it will take you a long time to use up one container, let alone four. This extract has the sweetness of 300 - 360 times that of sugar, is a Kosher product, and it contains no additives. Also the .4 ounce container is fairly small and has a shaker top, so it is easy to carry with you and use if you are away from home. You could even attach a very small spoon with a"} {"input": "??????????anandn? t ?o o?????????????er er??????u u?????????? b????????mom??e ????????e we ????? yo y?ourou???????ingin?????????????ta??????ou?t t u ???ngn????????n ?????an??????m m????????????????????????????? w??????????mim???es es???airairlr????el?l l??????t t dt ???inkin???????????as???to?????????????????????vov???? in in t in ?????????t mat m??y t?aka????youyo???omo??????????????ffeff?????????????????it??? w?????????to??????????????????o go ?getge?????d ????o tho t?? t ta tas??te.te????he??enenden???resre??????s ??thathat?? fo f???????????????????of of?????????or sor ????vinvi?ng ng??????????????l sl ????????er ??tha?????????????t i?n ??????co?coffcof????or?????????rinri????the???ay?", "output": " rubber band to the container if you wanted to be even more precise with your serving sizes. I started out using this in tea and I am now using it in my coffee as well. It mixes fairly well in hot drinks. It's easy to get used to the flavor in tea, but may take you some time in coffee. I think that it's worth it to take the time to get used to the taste. The end result is that for every teaspoon of sugar or serving of artificial sweetener that you ingest in your coffee or tea during the day,"} {"input": "????????????e e s ????????????????????????upu?????????????????????????????????????????????????? g ?umu??????????sos??????tudtu??ese?s ts ???????r ???????????????????????????????????ono???f f w??hithi??e ge ????????????????????s 4s 4 4? gr g?????????????????ratra??????????????of of sof ???????????5 5 c?al??rir????. . ????????????al?lyl?y hy ???????te??aspas?poopo??????????????????g ?????dad???????ou??r h?otot ????????????????????be be????ining??????calca?????es es????? da dayay ay?- -?????????????????f ?th???????ommom?????????????????ie ie??er???????redre?????????????lpl???????lo?????terte????????????ssss.?????he he???lavla????? of of???????????????", "output": " you will be substituting a dietary supplement that has been shown to be healthy to your gums and in some studies to lower high blood pressure. Every teaspoon of white granulated sugar has 4 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar and 15 calories. If you normally have 5 teaspoons of sugar during the day in your hot drinks, you would be saving 75 calories per day - a good portion of the recommended 100 calorie per day reduction to help with long-term weight loss. The flavor of this pure extra"} {"input": "????coc??????s s????y y??ava??????????????????????????d d??tet?viv???lel???????ehe??????whw????????????????????????? w wi w?????usu??????at???????e e?????????? A ??????????????ede?d wd ?witwith???ruruvu?????? o??theth?????tevte???????us us???he???????te?nen????ro??????, ,??????s c??onson????eraer???? l?????????nsn?sivsi?????nd nd t th?e ?tat??te????????????????mum?????lal????????????????waw????????enhenhah????? th? the the f? fla fl?????????d itd it ???es?n'n??t ct co??flf?????wi???h yh ??????iei??????imi?????co????de??r ar ?????g g?? s??uiuiri???t oft o?????????????????????????????????????you??r br ??????geg???????? l????ini????????????? p??erfer???????g ag ?a ha ?????????????ipi????. C. ", "output": "ct compares very favorably with that of ground stevia leaf (blehhh!) which if you add it to tea will just float on the surface. Also as compared with Truvia or other stevia plus other sweetener products, it is considerably less expensive and the taste is pure - not multi-layered. If you want to enhance the flavor and it doesn't conflict with your diet regimen, consider adding a squirt of honey or a dash of table sugar to your beverage. I am looking forward to perfecting a hot cocoa recipe. C"} {"input": "????????????????cocoacoa a??eee?? t ??????? f ???????????????????ivi????????????non???????????? to t?????????????????????????????at at???lll????akeak????mem???????????tat????n n???????????????ly ly???quq??????om?bib?????? st??viviavi?????????????????????????????????.<.??????InI?????????irnir??sss???? h ???ve ve?????????????????via via????????????????d ????foufo??nd nd tnd ??at?????ha????an an? al a??????co?ol????????ec???????y ?to?????????? co con co?????????????ss? s??????nes????????????????. M. ????????????er?? c co??me ?????sinsi??????????ngng ng??acackc?????? an and an?????????sus????????y ay ara???????????erabera???????re re ere ?????????ve pve ?perper ????vi??g.?????", "output": "hocolate and cocoa seem to mask flavors very effectively. I am not sure how to use stevia for baking. That will take some experimentation and most likely require combining stevia with other wholesome sweeteners.
In all fairness, I have only tried Truvia once in tea, and I found that it had an almost cooling effect on my tongue and considerably less sweetness than stevia. Many sweeteners come in single serving packets, and as a result they are considerably more expensive per serving. Why "} {"input": "??oto??????????tht?????????????ucu??????????????EOE????????????????????????e,e??????????242????00??ded?lil????usu??????????????ituit???????????eae?f f??te??iai??ExExtx??????isi????????st????????? s????????????????e Ie ????????r ?????d,d????ithitheh??r f???r br ?bevbe??veraver???? o or? f ????????ini?????????????????????cec???????d,? s so s????????????a ba bib?? o???????erier?????tatta?io???????????????o to ??????????; ???t ??aftaf???????????????nd nd t???? am amom??ountoun??????????????????????? ab a????ut??????aba????????????????????????iceic?????ghg??????????tast???????????????????te?? p? pro pr????????????????????astas?????????betbe??ter???????????", "output": "not start with a pure product?\"\n9882,B001EO5RMM,A128GMM6QJP2V0,Jane,2,2,5,1262476800,delicious sugar substitute,\"SweetLeaf Stevia Extract is the best tasting sugar substitute I've ever found, either for beverages or for cooking; but it's VERY concentrated, so it takes a bit of experimentation to get it to taste good; but after you've found the amount you like best, it is absolutely fabulous; it even has a nice slight aftertaste (that when adjusted properly), makes it taste even better than plain"} {"input": "???????ugu????a/>??oto??????????????????thath??? it i????esesns???t mt ??x x?eae?sisili?????????iqi??????????????th th????ctc?????????t ?beb???memes??no?????????? ei e?????????'s'?s ms ?ucuchc?????????????????othot????????etLet??????????????te??iai??lul?s ???????? su s????ses?????????????? e????????????????ia?????????s as ????????????te te t????'s??no??t nt ???rlr?????????liclicic???????? St??vi?a ?ExExtx????????? it it???es?n'n'tn'???????????????h bh ?betbe???er ???????????? /> /??brbr ????????t ?t wit w???h Ah ??aza?????ououlou?????????????????????????????????er er ser ????e 0e ??????? Ste???? E ??tr?ac???????????rsrs;s???om?????mesme???hehe he s sm s????? on o???????? al???th?????", "output": " old sugar;

another drawback is that it doesn't mix easily into liquids, but with practice, that becomes no problem either; it's much better than another SweetLeaf product SteviaPlus that's supposed to mix more easily; but SteviaPlus has a weird taste that's not nearly as delicious as Stevia Extract & it doesn't mix that much better either;

I just wish Amazon would always keep in stock the larger size 0.9oz Stevia Extract containers; sometimes the small ones are all that's "} {"input": "????ililal??????989?????????????????????????????T.T?????e,e???,1,,1???,12,1?98???????????e e T ??isi? S StS????a!a????ThiTh?????????????orior?te?????m m???????vi?????????????lyl????????????????????????mam??? b ?????le le?la???s ????????????????????????????ainaine?r r???????me me??????heh???timti?????? w ???????? a??? ho h?????????????o ??thethe ???????????????SteSt????? th t?????'v'?ve ve??????????nd nd???????????is?is ais ??gogooo???????ana???. A???nd tnd ?thethe the????ce??????rereare??????98898???????????RMMRMM,????TPT?9K9?????4C4???CoC??gug??????????????????0000,????od od? pu p?????????I I r re?????????????????ia aia ???ou????le ole ??? we w?eekee???s ags a?go go????????? is is????celce??enenten???MyM??on???", "output": "available\"\n9883,B001EO5RMM,AF1KDL31TZHYS,T. Gore,1,1,5,1298419200,Love This Stevia!,\"This is my favorite form of stevia. It's highly concentrated, so one small bottle lasts a long time. I have a container near me all the time; at work and at home. It's also the best tasting Stevia that I've tried. And Sweetleaf is a good company. And the price is great!\"\n9884,B001EO5RMM,A2STP9KSCGM4CT,Couguhl,0,0,5,1342569600,Good purchase,\"I recieved my stevia a couple of weeks ago and it is excellent. My only "} {"input": "pprp?obo????????????????????????????nen?????er??????tlt????????th?ana??????????? fi f????d,d?????t tt ????????? a ????????f f?????iai?????sus???ici?iei?ntnt nt ant ???????????????????????????????? an andn??? h?????????????d md ???h.h.<.??????OvO??rar??????????the???????????????exe????llell???????????????????????????????????????????herhe?????,5,???????????????????????????estest,t?\"O\"???y ??????????forefore ??havhave????ta???????? be????er er? ch c??????ateate ???ve??????????????????rooroon????and? t? tha th??????????g g ag ??? a?????????wa??? ???????rkr???????la?te???? is l is ???ioi???????????????veryver?????icictic?in??.\"???????,B0,B??????G9G????????????????,M,", "output": "problem is that the four containers were little more than half-way filled, but the total amount of stevia is sufficient and I've been using it everyday and I have not used much.
Overall, for the price, it is excellent.\"\n9885,B0006PXT6G,AHO87SDLFLP9O,Catfisher,3,3,5,1186444800,Best of the Best,\"Only once before have I tasted a better chocolate covered coconut macaroon, and that was long ago and far away. The dark chocolate is lucious and it's very addicting.\"\n9886,B0011CVG90,AIMG5VWOFONVD,M"} {"input": "?? H ???fmf??n,n?????????454??484?????grgrer?????????????t st ???ckc???y y???????tht????earear r???????????d ??????????hih?? o??n ??hihilhi??????????g g??t ????????ere???rkr?ete????????????????vev????????????8.8?595???????????????an???juj????????lal?? t??????asa?s ws whwhawhat????????s as ????ingin??????? t?????????? p ??????is???????wha?????????r br ?????????r ??????JuJ?ustus????omaomat??????ctc?uau?al al??ebe???????. I. ?????y ???????????whywh???????is????ic????s ????????? fr f??????????????????????? the??USU??? ??????????????t a?????????????????iei??????? I??gug???????er?yoy?????????????ke???????in??. ?????e oe ?????? the f the frfrufr??????????m m???????????", "output": ". Hoffman,0,0,4,1345248000,great all fruit snack,my 26 month year old spotted these on his own while shopping at the supermarket and I had to overlook the $8.59 for 3 oz bag and just be glad that was what he was asking for. the amazon price is somewhat better but higher then Just Tomatoes actual website. I only question why at this price is all the fruit not sourced from the USA? I find that a bit hard to believe but I guess everyone has to make a living. some of the fruit is from Vietnam. T"} {"input": "?heh???rur???? o ????he??????? s ?ata????iei??????????????????????r r????nanaca?k.k??????????????????he ??????ttt??ngn?????ed ed???? a a????n sn ???ara???na?ckck ck? as as ??a sa ??ece??ala???????at hat ????fuf??????????????blb??????is?is ais ?ppp??????atiat????????????itsit????? th????r nr ?????al????tatta?e.e???????3o3????aga????????ava???a a la ????????it it????e ?????n In I I??????d hd ????e t???ug?????????ore ore???yiy??????888??,B,B0B???1C1???909?,A,?????????????????????????nc???0,????????????80800????ununcunch???& &???????????????????ryr?????????whewh???????????????is???????????ablab??e. e.???I bI ????ht??????? fo??? my m??????????????d ad ??nd nd???????????? h??wew????????y ????e a???", "output": "he crunch of the fruit satisfies when in the need for a snack. the fact that he is getting used to a non sugar snack as a special treat hopefully will establish his appreciation for fruits in their natural state. the 3oz bag does have a lot in it more then I would have thought before buying.\n9887,B0011CVG90,A39VNRG8P49QED,rooster_ranch,0,0,4,1321660800,crunchy & tart,\"These are very handy when fresh fruit isn't available. I bought them for my 16 month old and I to enjoy, however they are a li"} {"input": "???????????rur???hyh? a ?????ououru???oro???????? e ???????????t ?frf??????he he????, , m ????????????f f??????r t??he ???he??????????????????????????ri????iesie??????le????????????????????eye????????cec????to hto ???ve ve o?? h ???nd,nd, ????ey ey?lol????e soe s???????????r ?????nen???????n ?st??????????????al? o?r ?????????????????????forfo????????.\".\"\"???88?????00C00????PKPK,K??????????????????????N N????????????,2,??,2,,2???131???929??202?00,00???ve?????????,\"T,\"?he??????e ????re???????re???ioi?n ???? ou o???????????eme????s.s?????reat????????leble????e ????????th??????????????????????????e ce ???cocolco?????????ve???????styst??????d bd ????ievie?????...?", "output": "ttle too crunchy and sour for her to eat straight from the bag, maybe some of other the other dried \"\"just fruit\"\" varieties are less tart. Overall they are nice to have on hand, they lose some of their tartness when stirred in cereal or yogurt. Also good for baking.\"\n9888,B000CPSPPK,A1DRXQZP9WEF3Z,\"I SRGN \"\"I SRGN\"\"\",2,2,4,1307923200,Loved them!,\"They made a great impression on our family members. Great to celebrate the birth of our second Child. The chocolate was very tasty, and believe me..."} {"input": "???????w w??????lal??e.e? = ????????,B,???00C00???PPP?K,K??2P2?????????8W8??,m,?iki?????????,4,???????494?????\"G\"?ooo???????????te,te??????????????????????ouo???????ese???cic???rsr??????sos?????ubu?????????ono??????????yby??????ovo??????????hoc????ateat??on??????no?t ????mum??????????bb????gu????one???. ???????? h ??????????????prp?????????????pep???le???aia?????????oc?ol???te te?wawasa????tut?ala?????????????oodood!d!!!??????d ??????????? ov ove????????????????um um?????????in??????????r ????????????th???ing ing??? wi w??????wa?????????y ????????ou ou??orore????????????242?. ?. T. ???????d t??herhere????? n????? ' ??jumjumbm?bo'bo???acackac??????us?e ?????????", "output": " I know chocolate. =)\"\n9889,B000CPSPPK,A2PJNKVFKR68WG,mikewiz,1,1,4,1327449600,\"Good chocolate, nice packaging\",\"I bought these cigars and some bubble gum ones. Everybody loved the chocolate ones...not so much the bubble gum ones. Besides having a nice presentation, people said the chocolate was actually really good!!! I'd buy these over the bubble gum ones again.

The only thing I wished was if they gave you more than just 24. Too bad there was not a 'jumbo' pack because these cig"} {"input": "???????ntn???????????9090,0??????????????????777????????hoh??trt?????0,00,0,0,30,?????????????????mam????????s fs ????prp??ororior???y sy ?????????????????,\",??an?'t't ?????????????utu?t tt ??? p?????????itsit????????as?? a a????t ?????frf?????s s is ??????if??ornor??a a w????????juj???????????irirtr?? a?????????????????6 6 d?????????r ?????pi??????????y ??????d.d?. . ??????selse??????????????ly ly???rnr?ninni???beb???forefor???shi??????????tit?????????????????????beebe???ababnab???????????????d ???????????coc?oulouldl??nonotno???????eldel????sps??nsn???????????????geg????????d ???????ft??????it?it iit ?????? h he?????????????medme?????????????not not???????????conco?nsins?", "output": "ars went fast!\"\n9890,B000CPSPPK,A2KSEH77E4SWFI,holtrop,0,0,3,1349222400,how many days for priority shipping?????????,\"Can't say much about the product itself. was a gift for friends in California who had just given birth and it arrived 5-6 days after shipping totally melted. The seller gave early warning before shipping stating the weather had been abnormally hot and that they could not be held responsible for packages missed and left to sit in the heat. I assumed that was not an issue consid"} {"input": "?ere??ngn? m ??????? w???????????r r h ??mem?e ae ana??? aw awaw??????????ckc???e ??ouo?????e ???ri???ingin?g ag ??????????????????chc???????ri???????????pip?????ad?????ono????????????arsar??. .???????????uc??????????re? w??hoeho?vev?????????re ????ining???the?sese ????????ve?????u u??bsb???????????if???s s bs ??????????????????r /r ???usu?t ?????? f faf??????????????o s??????????ll????????ve??y ??uiuicickic??????????????s ????? r re????????s ts to????y cy ?conco???????. ????forfo??????teltelyl??????di?dnd?????????????????er aer ?anyany ???formfor???? c????????atiat???n tn ?thoth?ougou???. ???????????????????wi?????on???y ay ?wa?????nd ?gi???ng???????????hanha????????blblel?e ge ????????", "output": "ering my wife was at their home and aware the package would be arriving and I had also purchased priority shipping (additional $8+dollars). No such luck. Be sure whoever you are buying these from gives you absolute specifics before you buy.
Just to be fair, I have to say the seller was very quick and courteous with responses to my concerns. Unfortunately she didn't even consider any form of compensation though. I really hate throwing money away and giving a less than memorable gift at t"} {"input": "?????????????.\".???????????????????????L7L7Z7?EEE????????????????????,1,?????080?????????? K ????bub?t t??hih?is is??????????ngn???????me????????????d d??????vev???????incin??????????????s as ???????. . . ?????as as?????????? bo b???????????iseis?ed ed? th t??????bu????ovo????????????????????????lyly ly??????????????????bab?ckc????????iningingtg????????????hilhi?????o ????????????oyo????isis ?????????????...?????????ryr???????nanatna??????th?????????????????ut?????? i????????????ardar?d t?????e we ???????????????????????????????hohow????odo?????????????????s..s.?? V ?ereryer?????????? m?????ng ng w????????go??????d ???hinhi??????????", "output": "he same time.\"\n9891,B00961CUXO,A2HL5L7ZEE8MX3,D. Moore,0,0,5,1349308800,\"Miss KY, but this helps bring me home...\",\"I used to live in Winchester, KY as a kid... I was actually born and raised there, but moved to Montana in my early 20's... I moved back to Lexington, KY a while ago and can enjoy this anytime now... I'm very fortunate in that aspect, but out west it was so hard to be w/o... Can't say enough about how good this product is... Very good for mixing w/ some good old Shine or Bourb"} {"input": "????????ItI??s s?????ngn???????, ,???????tht????????e e?yoy?uru??????????vavara?????..?????r /r ?><>??????gi????????a ta ???????????????????????????\"\"???929????????????,A,?323?3R3??????DKD??A,A???RyR??nSn??pivpi??????,0,,0,5,5,5????????404?00,00??ese???????? A ????????ntn??ckc??!,!????????????e ?beb????th?in??????ut? K ????uc????? It I?t ft ?ar? e ???ee????????ot??er? G ?in?ingeing???AlAle????ododud?????on on?th???mam??????- -????oth oth??ece?cauca?????f f?????ded?????????s tas t??stest???????becbe???????nln?likli?? m??????ththe????GinGi??????lele ?????????????????desde????????ineine e f?oror or???????????a sa ?hohot???????????..?????????0F0?????????????????????????????? P ?ic????????????,11,1???", "output": "on... It's a ginger ale, but nothing like your typical variety...

give it a try and see for yourself!!!\"\n9892,B00961CUXO,A323R9LLM6DKDA,J.RyanSpivey,0,0,5,1349222400,Best Thing About Kentucky!,Ale 8 is the best thing about Kentucky! It far exceeds any other Ginger Ale product on the market - both because of the delicious taste and because unlike most other Ginger Ale drinks it includes caffeine for that extra shot of energy.\n9893,B000F47E00,A2OLKV9F2S7O6N,James W. Picht,17,17,5,11560"} {"input": "3????00,00?\"f\"?????????????ici????s,s?, a, ??? c ??eae????,\"V,\"????lll?a a????nsns s??????ala??y y???n n???????olo??????fof????????????joj?? s ?upu??????????? T ????? p ??ic??????ke????????????antan??????????????inin ???????isi?he????????????????????m,m????nd nd???nstns?????I I?us?????????? b be b?????asa??????????????anandan????????????lsl??????????????????????????????hes???????s ????????????gogoogo?? d?????(l(?es????hahan?????????????? su???????ke???pr???????????????I'I????????ingin?? to t??????? the th?????????almal???? r?ececkc??????s abs a?an??????Va????illaill???????????????dod????provpro???????????????????or ????????ingsing????ke?ke rke ?????????????an????", "output": "32000,\"fragrant, delicious, and cheap\",\"Vanilla beans typically run 6-10 dollars for two at major supermarkets. Those prices make me reluctant to use them in most dishes that call for them, and instead I use vanilla bean paste (Williams and Sonoma sells a very good product). But these beans are such a good deal (less than a fifth the supermarket price) that now I'm willing to use them with almost reckless abandon. Vanilla beans really do provide superior flavor to things like rice pudding and cu"} {"input": "??????????????????? i ?????rer???????mom?????????????mo?????uxu??????s s fs ?la?????tht?????????????????ctc? d ???s.s??ThT?es????????s as ??????????????, f, ????ra???????????????y y?bab????ed.ed????????re ??ada????scscac???? van va????la la???????????????re?????y sy ????e ce ??????scesc??ntinti i??? b be????fef????????????????????????????????????ngn???????? t????????????nt???????an???t dt ?????ct ct???????????????ce ce??t t at ala???????s s ps ?ror??????ha????????meme ??a fa ?????????????ete???????????????in???????????000???????????????MIMI7I?QPQ?NNN?????????????????????????????????????????????an?????????????????????rearea ???????? f ???", "output": "stards and vanilla ice cream, a more complex, more luxurious flavor than vanilla extract does. These beans arrived fresh, fragrant, and tightly bagged. They're Madagascar vanilla beans, considered by some cognoscenti to be inferior to Tahitian beans, but not being one of the cognoscenti, I can't detect much difference at all. This product has made me a fan of internet grocery shopping.\"\n9894,B000F47E00,A248BAMI7QPNN6,S. Reid,4,5,5,1165190400,Excellent Buy!,\"Vanilla beans in our area cost $6 for "} {"input": "??nen???ndn??????? $ $1$?????r r??wow?. .??? l ??????? m ??ke????????????????????????????????????????ke vke ??????????lavla???????????????????eqe?????s s??whowh?????????. ? I????obo?????y hy ??veve ???????????????plp????????anianilani????????????????utu????tht??????????????????ntn?????iceic?e oe ?on on? th t???s is ???m,m????cac????ses??e the t???????el????????ordor???????ini??????I nI neneene????o.????ha????????????\"\"??????????????????2A2????????????????. H. HuHununt????\"\"\"??.e.?????,1,?????????????????I ???????????r br ???y vy ??????????????ata??th??e se ste s??????????????I pI ??????????a ?CuC??????????eleelece??????????????? m???????????????\"\"h\"\"hth???????????", "output": "one and up to $11 for two. I like to make my own vanilla extract and I also like vanilla flavored sugar which requires whole beans. I probably have a lifetime supply of vanilla beans now, but with Amazon's excellent price on this item, I can use them freely and order again if I need to. Thanks Amazon!\"\n9895,B000F47E00,A2AKY45IOUE51T,\"P. Hunter \"\"p.e.\"\"\",1,1,5,1284422400,I will never buy vanilla beans at the store again!,\"I purchased a Cuisinart electric ice cream maker Cuisinart ICE-20 Automatic 1-1/2-Quart Ice-Cream Maker, Whitethis summer as well as a couple of great recipe books (The Perfect Scoop by David Libovitz, and The Old Fashioned Ice Cream Cookbook by Joyce Deuker). Most of the recipes in each book call for vanilla beans (in fact, almost insist on them!) - have you priced them recently? Yikes. So I turned to my trusty Amazon.com site, searched for vanilla beans and found these. I could not be more pleased - they "} {"input": "a????????????????blb?le le a ????hah????a a?ve????????????avoav??? I ?????????????????kek??????????????meme e ie ????aca????ese?????????, s, ??????e re ???aia???erer r???????????????hoh?o ko ??????an???la?????ansan?????????????ncn?hyh???AfA????????????so??????th????????????? mi mixi???????I ????????????????nd nd????????t int i???????????h ????????????extext ???me? I?????????????e ???????????a ????????????n'????havha?????o so ???ama????. ????igi????? re r?????medme????hishi?????dud??t.t???????????????E0E????????EOE??????????ac?????????????????????????????ttitt???\",\"???????????????00?????frefr?eezee???e the t??m,m???hi?his his??s ????????????? on o?????????", "output": "are moist, flexible and have a very nice flavor. I particularly like that they come in packages of two, so the remainder stay fresh - who knew vanilla beans weren't crunchy! After I have soaked the ice cream mixture, I dry the bean and put it in a jar with sugar so next time I see a recipe for vanilla sugar, I won't have to scramble. I highly recommed this product.\"\n9896,B000F47E00,AMZ6FEOEHBCFO,\"Jacqueline L. Patti \"\"jackiepatti\"\"\",0,0,4,1334620800,I freeze them,\"This is a good deal on whole va"} {"input": "n??lll???beb????, ,??hih??? I ???????????e e?????????ngn???????? e exextx????t t?????h Eh ?vev???????????????r /??I sI st???????????? t??????eee??er??????????rvr????sos????????????wh????e be ??????g sg ?so so????y ??t t ot ???????d d???????ing ing t???????k ???ealea??????? thes the?????????????00F00F4F474?????A2A????????XD???????????????????hewhe???\"c\"????????????????\"\"\"\"\"\",\",0,0,0??????????????????st??????????????s,?????????????????or??? the???????????????ege???ivi?????????be???????????????. ?????????kek??? m???????????? fr f?reere????????????????ack????e oe ?????? or o???????? wh w???eve??????ululd????????????????. I. ??????????????????????a ???", "output": "nilla beans, which I mostly use for making my own extract with Everclear.

I stick them in the freezer to preserve, so it's worthwhile buying so many at once and getting the bulk deal on these.\"\n9897,B000F47E00,A2AZQPXDJXD6WG,\"Donna K. Mayhew \"\"chocaluah maker\"\"\",0,0,5,1226275200,Best Vanilla Beans,\"Great product for the price. Only negative would be the packaging. Since I keep mine in the freezer a single package of 24 or 30 or whatever would be sufficient. I make \"\"Chocaluah\"\", a cof"} {"input": "?????????????? l ?????????????ulu?t t????e ae asa? a????rur??????????????eae????ThT?????beb?eaneansn???????????????l l?????h h t ??????? fl f??vov?or or oor ?? t????sasaua????????98???????474????????????????????KrK??sts??????????????lsl????\"\"\"??????????????????0,00,?0,40,???????080???00,00,G00,?????????or??an??????????????????????????????? h ???????????????la la?????e cre c???????SlS??????? s????????????s ???????xpx??????, ,??????????????flafl?vo??????????cece ce o ou out?wew?ig????ex??????ve???????? bo b?????t bt ???ansan?????89???????????????2222J2??????WIW??595???ur?????rlr?,0????????21621???????00,F00,???? p????????Go????????it??,N,?ic?? a?????na?ti??ve ????", "output": "fee-chocolate liquor for adult use as a syrup over ice cream. These beans add additional depth to the flavor of the sauce.\"\n9898,B000F47E00,AAMNXFMTJXF60,\"Kristine A. Michaelson \"\"Jigandminnow\"\"\",0,0,4,1219708800,Good flavor and value!,\"Purchased for making homemade vanilla ice cream. Slightly smaller beans than expected, but overall flavor and price outweighs expensive local bought beans.\"\n9899,B000F47E00,A22J92A80WI059,curl girl,0,0,5,1216598400,Fair price. Good quality,Nice alternative if y"} {"input": "?ouo?????????????tht?????ococa????. . ?GrG??????????fof?? t????ava?idi??????..????????????7E7???,A,A3A?CMC????HMH???JSJ?P,P????????. ??ewe??? \" ?\"M\"?omo?????????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?????????????????????????vav???????I I h ?av?e e a a a?????????ourou???t ????ere??????????????????????????ou??????? d ???????t it iti???????????va???????????????or.or????????????????????fo???????ll????????????????s fos f?or or?ea???????ip?????On?????????????hoh?????????????????????????? a????? - ??$6$??????????????????????issis??'s'????x x????s a??? in i?????dibdiblble? b??y y????juj?????????????????????????????beanbea???ara?????????????? th????????????????ver???????. ?", "output": "ou can't find them locally. Great gift for the avid cook.\n9900,B000F47E00,A3CM3GMHM3QJSP,\"Jodi M. Lewis \"\"Mom2MNtwins\"\"\",0,0,5,1214265600,Great value!,\"I have a small gourmet catering business and have a couple of dessert items I use vanilla beans for. One recipe calls for 3 full vanilla beans for each recipe! One can image how expensive that would be at $4 - $6 per bean! This Melissa's box was an incredible buy at just over $1 per bean...the beans are supple and their flavor is very good. "} {"input": "A????non???erer r????????? m ????ioiono??d,d????????re?????????????????vev???ed ed?beb??? b?????????os??????pop??????the??y ay ???????????enten?! !????????lyl???recreco?????????????????????fo??????on????????????????? o ofo???an????????????????whowho ???????nd?????????? to t??????????????????????dod?on'on???????????????? t? the th??? wi???????aia?in in???????????us????????venve???? ha h????thath?t ???sus??????? a????uiu?ckcklk???? as as???????????, ??????on'ton'??????ectec????????????????????memen?????????????????????????????????????????????????ani?????. . D. ?????dyd??????????, ??????or\"or?????1,11,??????????????,C,????????????!,!??y ???????", "output": "As another reviewer mentioned, they are not the most coveted bean but for most purposes they are excellent! I highly recommend this purchase for anyone who uses a lot of vanilla beans or who can find someone to share them with. I don't know how long they will remain fresh because I haven't had that issue, but as quickly as I use them, I don't expect to. This is a tremendous value!!\"\n9901,B00448RTKS,A30BGU90EQOXXS,\"Daniel T. Darmody \"\"Author, Author\"\"\",1,1,3,1315958400,Cats love it!,My cats al"} {"input": "?l l l ??????hih??????dud??t t?????????e ?????????e ????????????lalava??????I I d dad???e ne non????????utut ???????ses?e t?re????????????ghghtht ??????a a k ??????upu??????g!g?9?????B0B?????RTR????A1A?????????5B5????????,0,??,0,,0,1,?????????404????ooo?or ????ty??\"B\"??ottot??? l??inein?????is????ded??????at??????????????????????ve????????????a a pa ??obo???m ?wiw????hi????at??????rir????????????e ?????????????\"\"\"\"C\"????zyzy ?CrC?????? j???t ??idi?????????????????????????????????mpm????????????f ??????ar???????gsg?s. s.???ot ????? to t? c ?????????????er er??????????digdi???stist???????90???????????????303?????????????????????otothot?????catca???????", "output": "l love this product just like they love the other flavors. I dare not run out of these treats or I might have a kitty uprising!\n9902,B00448RTKS,A1H3FJR4GY5B46,Cleo,0,0,1,1296086400,Poor Kitty,\"Bottom line, this made my cat projectile vomit. I've never had a problem with him eating Friskies before but, I knew \"\"Cheezy Craze\"\" just didn't sound right. It came as a sample in one of the larger bags. Not fun to clean up after partial digestion.\"\n9903,B00448RTKS,A307G3NM948620,\"S. H. Roth \"\"cat lover\""} {"input": "?????,1,??????363??????0,?????????????? c ??????? c cr c???????r r?tht?????rtr????ixi??an?? m ma m?ini????????????????????????????lll?s ?????$1$1.1?????r ?/>/???o $o ????????????ch ch???????lol????????????? so so ???????????in?????????zoz?on on???pip??? t?o ??????? b ?etettt???to $1.89 a pouch in my local stores, so I was looking on amazon hoping to find a better
price. I looked at this listing because of the price of $6.48, assuming it was for several
pouches, like most of the other listings here. But no number of pouches was listed and the
only indication comes from looking at the shipping weight: this ia apparently the price
fo"} {"input": "????????????pop????????????is is?? p???????????h h??mam??????????????ese?????e ne ???? al a????????????????/>/???d d??ou?????????lll?? g ?????ipi??????ffff f???????ayiay?????I I?????????????iewie???????ri???????ca??ne????????????, ,??????e te th??????vievi????????????????? wa w?s ????????ing ing??????????????????forfo???????????????????>ac>a????????mbm????wa?s ??notno???pos?te????and??????????d ?upu?????????????????anan!an???????????????101?S,S?A3A?????555????QJQJIJ???????,0,,0???????????00000?0,H0,??????ua???????ToT?p ????????aha????????ananianilill?a ??beabe?????th?thesthe?????????ou????????e te tie t??es????iggig???r tr ???????????gug???????hi??????????????
/", "output": "r a single pouch. This is a problem with amazon--quantities are not always posted
and you can really get ripped off overpaying. I saw one review for Friskies canned
food, where the reviewer thought she was ordering a multican pack for $12 but the
actual number was not posted and she ended up receiving ONE can!\"\n9904,B000LGE10S,A3VYKQ550UOQJI,PH,0,0,5,1344816000,High Quality,\"Top grade Tahitian vanilla beans, these are about three times bigger than the regular Tahitian beans.
"} {"input": "???????ene?? q ????iti?????????didibi??????omo???????????oro??????hlh?????coc??????ed?.\".?????5,5?????????1I1???????O3O?????????A.A. ???????????ici??????????????????????????424202??????????er?????ooo?d ?sus?????,\"???????????????????asa?????uru????????????ed?????????y ay ?arear???????. ???????????????????????? b????????. I? u ?????theth??????????t ?????????? i??? sa s?alaal????????co?le??la???????????????????????????eye?y cy ???? re repe??????ha????ofof ???????at at??? in b in ??????????????????????????????????f if ?? w ??as as??lowlowe????? m ??????????????????? i?????t wt ???????metme?thith?ing??elelsel?????????????firfi??medme?d id ?????the ?ot?he?r r??", "output": "Excellent quality, incredible aroma and flavor. Highly recommended.\"\n9905,B001CGTN1I,AWFBCO3SYHCDU,\"A. Jackson \"\"icetealover\"\"\",128,130,5,1242086400,Lowers Blood sugars,\"I bought the Navitas Naturals Chia seeds. They are great. I put them in a shaker bottle. I use them on sweet potatoes, in salads and coleslaw and just learned that they can replace half of the fat in baking. At first I didn't know if it was lowering my blood glucose or if it was something else but I confirmed it the other da"} {"input": "?y.y. . ???hah??????????d ud ????g g????? se s?????ana????????rnr???????oooodo???lul???????hoh????? t?o o???????????? I? d ????????toto to???????us????????e s??eedeedsd?s as aga???????nd nd???????in ain ?????????s ??????oo??????????drd?op??????????e ?????s ???????? o ?????th???????chc????????in ??????ete?????????????ditdi???on on??f f????a ???ed?????????????????. ????????????????????gegelel l???????ha??? o?????????????? r ???????????y ??arear????kek?e ee ?ata??ng??pop???????seedseeds??????ch ch???????????????????????l ??????ot??????????????? ????????? is i??s a s a?quq?????????rodro???t ?????????????rer??????bl????????ed.ed????. I w. I ??????defdefif?iniin?iteit???????ti", "output": "y. I had stopped using the seeds and my morning blood glucose shot up to the 140's. I decided to start using the seeds again and within a few days my blood sugars dropped to the 120's and the only thing I changed in my diet was the addition of chia seeds. I love them. I haven't made the gel yet I have only used them raw and they are like eating poppy seeds which I love. Hope this will help other diabetics. Navitas is a quality product and is very reasonably priced. I will definitely conti"} {"input": "?nun??????bub??? th t????????060?,B,?000???????I,I?A1A???2X2???CSC???262?????zgz?????? F ?ana??????00??????????040??00,00,D00,DiD???ovo??????????????ntn?uru?????WhW????? f ?????????? I I??asa? p ?????anantan?????h h?mym?????sts????????????reare????n ???????????????????ou?? t?????ono????????he???tht??beb?????????of of??hihiahi???eee?????ThT????????????ed?????????????3 3??ata???y a???????an??d bd be???usu?? h???????????in? f???ctc???? i ?????rtr???????y ?????ega-ega?-3 -3?? fat fa?????y aciy ac?????I I wI ??????????????????enten????????????ithith ?sos?me????ingin???????? th???????????????????th????ca?n ?papacackac????????????????????ant ant?????erter??astas???These seeds are so tiny"} {"input": "?????d d?????lal?????ese???????? y ?????????????????ini?????ere???????or or e ???? j ??ici?????iti???????????re????zizin??? yo y?????ve???ono??????d td th???? I I I??????????????????????????ing? t???esees????????????? b ?re????????????????? fu fulu?????????er??????????iaia a???eedeedsd??ara?re re m?ororeor????????????t tt th??????????????????????????d ?????? them the????????????????ound ound???2 2??????enden??????on on????? se sel se????),)???????s a????w w????????????????f yf ???????????????????????potpo?????????npn???????????????? fi f???????????plplepl?emeem????s, s,???????????????re are ?????reatrea????????at??ve?, ?????fofor?or nor ?newne???or ???pepecpe?????????the??????????ar???", "output": ", and so flavorless, that you can mix them into cereal, or even juice, without ever realizing you have consumed them. I have also found that adding these seeds to my breakfast keeps me fuller longer.
Chia seeds are more convenient than flax seeds, and a pound of them, costing around $12 (depending on the seller), lasts a few months.
If you want to avoid the potential unpleasantness of fish oil supplements, Chia seeds are a great alternative, and for new or expecting mothers, they are a"} {"input": "???????????????ene?????????????????s s g???tit????????????e e?????s ???????ti??????raraia???he??????ana???dedeve??lol?opmop???t.t?????????????, , y??ou ou???????t ht ???ve ve??o ???????nsins????????mom???????odo????????????????did?ing???hih??????????ur dur di?????????is is????????derfderfuf?????allall-l???????????????????????at ????????ece?????????le?ssss ??in?in bin ?????????????d d cd ?????????????????????br br??????? w?????d hd ???????????????hatha???????ee????????ononson???????????????????????????????????\"\"?? wo????????ferfe?r sr ???????h mh ?mormore??ththa???????wdw??????blebl?e oe or??namna?men???Lastly, you do not have to be considering motherhood to consider adding Chia to your diet. It is a wonderful, all-natural supplement that is perfectly painless (in both taste and cost) to undertake.
Who would have thought that the seeds responsible for the (infamous) \"\"Chia Pet\"\" would offer so much more than a gawdy table ornament?
Highly recommended.\"\n9907,B001CGTN1I,AUBJ799D34OP"} {"input": "?????ndn??,8,????4,4??????191???????????????????????????????????????rerea?????? I ? t ?????o o??????????y ???tr??tit?ouo?????????rbr????ododsod?????????? ta t????ca? b ????it???????????????wiw???????nu??tri?ti???????al???. ?I ????s is ??tr?od??cec?d d t to t??????????????ndnd nd?????????????ly????????????????w cw cacarca????????????t itt i?t i?????????????????d.d???t ??????bs????????s ???????t i?n ????uiu???s a???nd pnd ??ffffsf???????????mim???????e oe ??? ta???????wi??????sts?????????? se s????????????an??d td ???t't????????? it it??????s/s??????????e)e??. A. AnA???????????e ofe o?f mf mymy ????or?????????????MeM???????????????????????hiahi??????????????", "output": "D,Cindy,82,84,5,1241913600,healthy & fun food!,\"For health reasons, I try to eat highly nutritious low carb foods. I love tapioca but it's 100% carbs with no nutritional value. I was introduced to chia seeds and it is a highly nutritious low carb food but it is also a fun food. It absorbs 12x its weight in liquids and puffs up and reminds me of tapioca with a strawberry seed inside (and that's what it tastes/feels like). Another one of my favorites is the Mexican drink called: Chia fresca, which"} {"input": "? i ??????????lyl????????????a a?????s ?????????ada??. .???????vev?????exe???????cec?e ie ?? y ???????????o ko knk??w w w ???????s ???????????????????????addad??????????uiuidid d wd ?ili?ll ll c??????????141?# #?ofo??hi????? n ???ri???????fof????????????d t????k ??????????d md ?akakeak????uxux ????????ca pca ???did????????????st st c?????????milmi??", "output": " is basically soaked chia seeds in lemonade. You have to experience it yourself to know why it's so popular. One lb. added to liquid will create 10-14# of highly nutritious food.

Chia seeds (best known for the chia pet) are high in protein, 5x the calcium of milk and high in Omega 3 oils. Chia seeds are seeds of an herb and are grown in Mexico, south & central America and were the food of the Aztecs.

I would think you could make faux tapioca pudding with just coconut milk,"} {"input": "???hih??????dsd?????wew?????????bubutu??I I???n'n?t ????????????????heh? c???a ?????d d??????? t?he?????????????k k????????t't??????faf????? ( ??ana?????? coc co????ut ut mut ??????????????????????ds???????????????? t??????????aka???????it????? cu?????? w???????4 ??????ps ps??????heyhe??prpror???in??, t, th?en????????? on o??? cu?????????????????????????an????????itit it h????????????????????????cac???s os ofs o???cocco???ut??????????????????nerner.r??SoS????????s Is ?I cI ????? a? p????????????crecr????????sese se?????????cancan ??????????in,????innin??amoamon????d ??????thath????oror or??????nunutnu??????????or ?a ??pumpu??????????????oc?????ddddidd??????????,B,????", "output": " chia seeds & sweetener, but I don't know how well the chia would absorb the coconut milk since it's so fatty. (Can of coconut milk, 1/4 cup chia seeds & sweetener to taste) I make it with 2 cups of water, 4 scoops of whey protein, then I soak one cup of chia seeds in this and when it has plumped up, I add 2 cans of coconut milk and sweetener. Sometimes I cream a package of cream cheese into a can of pumpkin, cinnamon and add that for more nutrition for a pumpkin pie tapioca pudding.\"\n9908,B001C"} {"input": "?GTG????????BPB?NKN???????,C,??ndn?y y??. .???rrr??????,3?8,8???????????40040???????? q ?????tyt?, ,??????????????ctc?.\".??????a a s ?????????? a a???????, h, ??????????????? a ad a???????????????????mam???e ce ??hiahi????l l???y my mim???ingin? t?hehemhe???????????r ?????????pep??????lel???????ofo?????????????n ?????r tr ??????????????????t,t, ??at??meame??????oo?????s ?. ???. . . .?????????vov?????????????????????hah????a ??leleale????????ununcn?????hi??s bs ?????d id ???????????alial?ityit?????? I I????ldldnd?????heshesis??????????????me??nd ???????????B0B000010?????????191?????????????,An,A???????asasqas???????????,5,,5??????484?00?0,?\"G??????????t et ??????????\",\"\",????esees?e s?", "output": "GTN1I,AENBPNKPFDGH3,Cindy S. Harris,36,38,5,1240790400,\"Great quality, awesome product.\",\"Chia seeds are a great, healthy food to add to your diet. I make chia gel by mixing them with water (1/2 C. per tablespoon of seeds), then stir the gel into yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies . . . it's flavorless and the seeds have a pleasant crunch. This brand is high quality and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.\"\n9909,B001CGTN1I,A19MQQ1YD1YV4E,Angela Vasquez,37,40,5,1258848000,\"Great, but eat fast!\",\"These se"} {"input": "???? a ara???pep????ctc???????oso?????????? y ???????????????????? B ???t yt ??????????ono?????e qe ????klklyl???????????edsed?s ds ??awa? m???????e ??ui???????????????????????????????ouou ???ll??????ic????????hemhem ??????yoyou????ee??????????????????? d ???non??? dr d???? w ??????? st s????????hah?????takta?ene?? th????????igi?hth??????????popoo???????????????????????????? a???lal??????????????befbe??????y y???lil?ighig?????????????d ????????????????gig?????????eliel??ing ing oing of?????????????????????se?ve???????????iviiv??y y ty ??????????e ???and and???????????????????????????????d t???o tro t??????????????????al? t??????ououlou?d ????????", "output": "eds are perfect for tossing into yogurt or smoothie. But you must consume quickly. The seeds draw moisture quickly causing them to swell. You will be picking them from your teeth for days if you do not drink with a staw. I have taken them straight from a spoon and washed them down with a glass of water before my \"\"light\"\" lunch and they really do give a feeling of fullness. Do to a severe sensitivity to caffeine and any sort of stimulus, I wanted to try something natural that would not rais"} {"input": "?????????ses????uiuici?kek????y ???????ara???ana??????t ??????aka????????????? j????????????heshe????? t ??????ic??. ?????n ??? dr d???????????????????????????????????ili?? f fef??l ??????????????e ae ?????????????nan???? ?????????? a???ul????ror????ede???aba???????????? s ???????????? a ? a fe a f???mim?inuin??teste???, I , I? fe f??l l nl ?ic?????? f fu f??????????se ?cac????????????????to to????powpowdw?????d dd ??in???? a ???????? re reaeadea??y ty ????o ???????(m(???????????????? an a??nd end ??venve?????o ?????????????????????????eliel?ev????? w ?????????y,y???????????cocon????me me qme ????????oro???youyou u w?????l nel n??d ????????, ???????uru???n inn i?????a ja ??ellel????conco?????en?", "output": "e my pulse, quicken my MVP heart and just not make me overall jittery. These do the trick. When I drink a meal replacement drink, I still feel hollow inside and want to snack. By adding a full, rounded table spoon of seeds after a few minutes, I feel nice and full. These can be tossed into a powdered drink, a canned ready to go drink (milkshake type) and even into a vitamin water. But believe me when I say, you must consume quickly or you will need a spoon, they turn into a jello consistenc"} {"input": "???quq???????.w.?hih?ichic????tut?ala?lyl???????????? e ????ere??? Y ?ouou u?cacanan n b?ulu????? a?????? ca c?aloal?????????????sns???????y sy ?????????in????????????n on ??????????????????toto o?????crc????????????????e Ce ????????????. E. ???oyo????????,B,??00100???TNT??????ZWZ????????O0O??????huhua???????232?,5,???????????00,00??????????????????ri?ti????al al b??????itsit??????????????? a ar are???ncn????ibi???????ereer?e ae ?re???????????????t:t?/??????????????dindi??????????ie??? C Ch Chi????os????se??? th t??????he???????cecen????????? th??????????ata????ateat??????tyt????????lilin?????????ndn????????????????allal???????????ia????????????????60?% %???", "output": "y quick....which actually is not bad either. You can bulk up a 100 calorie pudding snack by stirring in a teaspoon or so. Many ways to get creative with the Chia seeds. Enjoy!\"\n9910,B001CGTN1I,A1ZWM7T7R6MO02,JoshuaRM,22,23,5,1300233600,#1 superfood,\"Nutritional benefits of Chia seeds are incredible. Here are a few to start:

*According to studies, Chia possesses the highest percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids(linolenic and linoleic) of all crops. Chia seeds contain 60% ome"} {"input": "??????????y y a ????????r r / ?????r /r ???ThT?? p ??????n n???????????????????????he??r tr ?hah?????????????????????grgrar????? U ???????ot????????in?????? i??s as ?a ca ???????te te?????????, m, ???nin????th?????it ??????the????pr???????????????e ????????????????l ?????????????????????9 9? to t?????????chc?????seese???????gh?t t??????????????????????/>?/>*C/>*Ch??ia ia s ???ds?????????????????????????? gm g????????? o?? c?????????s ????????????e ?4 4 t????????????????. ??uru?r br ????y ry re????????????leale?????????m o??f ff ?fibfi???r ar ???????????????????????????>
*The protein content of Chia is higher that other nutritional grains. Unlike other grains, it is a complete protein, meaning that it has the appropriate balance of all essential amino acids. About 19 to 23% of chia seeds weight is protein.

*Chia seeds are high in fiber, a 15 gm serving of chia seeds will provide 4 to 5 gm of fiber. Our body requires at least 35 gm of fiber a day to stay healthy.

*Chia seeds contain boron which is essential for b"} {"input": "???e e?????????brb???><>??r ?????????ses???s s a ???e re ???? i ????????umu????bob??t t 2 ??????? c?hi??a sa seseese????coc??tat???s ??????g g o????????????????????arear??????121?????????r ar ?a ca ????? of ?????????????????/>*?????? se s????? ha h????2 2 t2 ?????s ms ?or???pop?ta?sss????????????????.
???gag?ardar?????????????asa??????hi???g ng ?????????????????s ???????????????, i, ?t ?al?soso ???????????y y????????y ?gig??????????????????????? bi b?????t ??? \" \"\"\"?????????ut\"ut\"\"?? oa o?tmt?meameal????????????????quq???????y ??? t????????? cup cu????????????????", "output": "one health.

*Chia seeds are rich in calcium, about 2 oz of chia seeds contains 600 mg of Calcium, as compared to 120 mg for a cup of milk.

*Chia seeds have 2 times more potassium than banana.

*Chia seeds have 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries

Regardless of the astonishing nutritional values of Chia seeds, it also tastes very good. My girlfriend and I make a big pot of \"\"steel cut\"\" oatmeal at night (the quick way is throw a cup of oats in 4 cu"} {"input": "?psp???????????????????ana?d d?juj??t t?lel??????sis?it it????erner????t)t???pup?t t i???? g ??????ele???????? C ????????????????????????t mt ????????yoy?????ve?? a ?wow????erfer??????????asa?st st?th??????oulouldl?d ld ?????????????????enend????? on o??hoh?w w???anyan?????plp?? a????????????????ee???????????????a ???????le cle ???????????????ut ut???????????????????????r or ?ownown ????????????????????ddidd??????????r /r ?????????????????re mre ?manma????????????cipci????fof?????????ing Cing ????????????tmtme??????s ms ????????????????????. ???????????eaeat?????Ch??a ????? y????????????????????????? T ????????st????????????????????????????ho????a ta ?", "output": "ps of boiling water and just let it sit overnight), put in a good helping of Chia seeds, and the next morning you have a wonderful breakfast that could last all week depending on how many people are eating it. Feel free to add a little cinnamon, peanut butter, fruit, or your own oatmeal favorite additions.

There are many other recipes for eating Chia, but oatmeal is my personal favorite. I started eating Chia last year after reading the NY Times Bestseller 'Born to Run' about how a tr"} {"input": "????????MeM????????ththah?t t???at at??hih???wiw??l l???????bebeebe????sms???e e te ????ccc??, , a, ?????????rur?????? to to o?????????????????????acaceac???????????????? da d???? O ??????? th???prp?????????ntntrtritr??utu?torto?????????? tr t??????????????????????????????????????l pl ?hyhys???????????????????????theth?iri?? di d?ete?????????? of o????the the?nun?utrut????t-t???????????????s.??????????????????????????????????????er er??prepr?vivioi?????????????? to???in??????a 2a ???????????????n ???th?????ch??????????did????, I, ???????d cd ???????????????? an a????????????????wew??????????????????????rstrs???26-26??il??????????on!on! !??????d td ???????chia chia s?????s hs ha", "output": "ibe of Mexicans that eat Chia will drink beer, smoke tobacco, and then run up to 500 miles in a footrace the following days. One of the primary contributors to the tribal Mexicans' seemingly supernatural physical ability is that their diet is full of the nutrient-rich Chia seeds. I haven't put in 500 miles. But after previously failing to finish a 26-mile marathon without chia in my diet, I added chia to my diet and my knees allowed me to finish my first 26-mile marathon! Could the chia seeds ha"} {"input": "??e e?heh???????? t ????????. .???cec???aia??lyl?? ha hadad d???rer????????y ay ?????y ????intin?? f ?el??????????????????nd nd????????t at at?? a a m ma m??????on on???????\"o\"on?????????????
I started out paying an arm-and-a-leg at Whole Foods for Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds, but have since started buying it on Amazon for a fraction of the price. Buy some Chia seeds and make a delicious bowl of oatmeal for one of the healthiest breakfasts possible.\"\n9911,B001CGTN1I,A2E3WMF9RWW2X2,K. Duvall,20,21,5,1246406400,Great product.,I make chia gel with"} {"input": "???hih?? a ??d d a??????lal??geg???????????????????gug?rtr????????????????????????ingin????I I??rir????tot?o mo mam????coc?????????ithit?????????????????t ?waw??s as a ??aia???????????????????????????????????s ts ?????????????????????????????y ???to sto ??????lel????????????????????????dud?????tooto?????ce?? th???????????????lll????o o to ?????. ??VeV????????at??????????easea??y ty toy t???eateat.?9?????????????1I1I,I?A1A??????????7U7??????e ????al???istis?????????????252????????????ovo?ve ve?chc???a sa ses???s!s??\"C\"ChC???????dsds ??re????? am a?mazma???ing ???utrut??tit??????po???erherhoh?????????d ???o m?e,e?????? d ??on'on?t ??vevenve??re?al??????????????????ththith???????", "output": " this and add a large spoonful to my yogurt and fruit in the morning. I tried to make cookies with the gel and that was a failure! Great for subbing in sauces to add bulk without fat. Easy to sprinkle on top of any food product too since they have virtually no taste. Very versatile and easy to eat.\n9912,B001CGTN1I,A16R7DARMGF7U8,Kate McCallister,17,18,5,1258675200,I love chia seeds!,\"Chia seeds are an amazing nutritional powerhouse - and to me, they don't even really taste like anything (whi"} {"input": "c???????????iti????; ;?????????????????????????????????grg??????????nklnk????????ala???s,s????ded???????????????e,e????????o ???kek??????????????ddddiddin??????????????????s as ?????????
Also - I wanted to add that this is a really good price. My co-op charges almost $20/lb. for chia seeds, and Amazon has them for just over $13!\"\n9913,B001CGTN1I,A1E7G56OX03JKO,Ranch Girl,23,26,1,1281225600,Rancid!,\"I love chia, but I have gotten two different packages of this brand that were rancid. The expiration dates were over "} {"input": "???yey????????????mam???? d ????n'n??????????????rer????????????NaN????????????I I??????????? t ?? s????????????e ????dsd????r ??????to??????k k????????????????ld????????e ????w ow ?oneoneses.es. ????wiw?????????????????chich?a,a?, b, bub???I'I????????? t? thi thisis ?????????????ow?????\"\"?999???????????????????????????I4I??\"M\"??????????????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"????,11,1??????????????0,A0,?ddd?????????????????? t????????????????st?????????????????se????cec??tlt?y ????????????ng? a??????alall???? t?????r pr ????itiit????????it???es es???????? O ?me?????????????????????ec???tingtin????to tto ta????????????????? and and????????????????? me m???????on?? ?", "output": "a year away. Amazon doesn't allow food returns, and Navitas said I would have to ship them the seeds for them to check before they would send me new ones. I will still enjoy chia, but I'll avoid this brand from now on.\"\n9914,B001CGTN1I,A34BZM6S9L7QI4,\"Mandy \"\"mandy\"\"\",10,11,5,1292976000,Adds a great texture to foods,I just started eating these recently after hearing about all of their positive qualities and the Omega 3 bit. I was expecting to take a spoonful and swallow it like medication. I"} {"input": "n?sts??ada????????????????????t t???toto to??y y????????rrr???kek????????????????????????????????????dsd????ele??????ana?d ??ivi?e e te ??the the k ????? a? l ?????????????????????????tut????. . ??t ??????ndsnd??????of of???????????an an???????????eses ????t ??addad??????????oco?a a????lylycy??ee????????? to t??frf???it ???ooo?????????????????????at???. B. ?e ??????????????????r ???u u??eatea????thesthe????tha????he?hey hey?????li???????????k sk se?ed???an??d t????????m m???? lo l?????? to s to st????? be b????ene??????????????. I. ??????k lk ????????????????????????olo??d rd re????eckec???????????????????accac??????????r ????mo????????????????????s ?s afs aftfteft??? ea e??in???", "output": "nstead I decided to mix it into my strawberry kefir. I LOVE the way the little seeds swell up and give the kefir a little bit of a chewy texture. it reminds me of those Asian drink places that add the Tapioca or lychee pieces to fruit smoothies. They are great. Be aware though after you eat these that they are little black seeds and they seem to love to stick between your teeth. I look like some kind of nasty old redneck with chewing tobacco all over my mouth if I don't floss after eating t"} {"input": "?heh??.<.????????r ?/>????? b ??? i ???a a????? s ??zez????d d?? t ?hi?????? w ???? l lal??????????e.e???????th th??he????????9?919??????????????AXA???????????5,5,M5,?ara?rilri??? B ??ugughghmh?anan,an,1,?????,5,???????????????odo???????????I ??ono??????????? c ????a sa ?eeeede?s ?????????lyl?????\"s\"??pep????oo????????????????brabr??????????????????eryer???????qu????ityit??????ve ve???????????er?????ndsnd??????? th?????LOLOOO?????ttttet??????????ncn??????????????t tht t??m m s??pripr?????d ????????????????cerce??????????s ns no???????????????????? b????th?????????er-er????????????nd.nd????????????????N1IN1???HFHF9F??XMX????????????heherhe????6,??5,1???????606??00,\"00,??????", "output": "hem.

This bag is a nice size and I think it will last a while. Worth the price.\n9915,B001CGTN1I,AXJGCAD36N915,Marilou Baughman,10,11,5,1254873600,good quality,\"I don't know if chia seeds are really a \"\"super food,\"\" but this brand seems to be very good quality. I've bought other kinds, and these LOOK better. And since I only eat them sprinkled on my morning cereal, it's not that expensive to buy this higher-priced brand.\"\n9916,B001CGTN1I,AHF94XMY23UDC,Heather,6,6,5,1305849600,\"Good f"} {"input": "o???????????lyl?????????????????????t\"t?????ede????????????????ini??mym??hoh?????holho???, I, ?? al a??????????e fe ?????????????????he??p p??????????r sr ??aca?ki??g,?????d cd ?????????????ed ed?prp?oto?eie???????????????umu?????????????3s3???????????ly????ornor???? s???????ese????????????u u???????? c??hiahi??????s ??? s?????????utu?????????t pt ??rsr????????????????????tasta???. . T. ???y ?????'t 't?rer????????ve??????????te,te???????????????????????usu???no?t ????????ing?ing Iing ??wow???????????????????t at ?a sa spa spopoo???ulu? o of o?????????????? ar??e ae ?????mpomp??????t tt ???? my my? da d???????ut????e be ??ca?us????he????????e a e a??????????????nt ont ofo???????", "output": "or your belly, good for your heart\",\"Seeds are a staple in my household, I always have flax for baking, hemp seeds for snacking, and chia for added protein, iron, calcium, and omega-3s in my daily morning smoothies. I know you can add chia seeds to salads, but I don't personally prefer the taste. They don't really have any taste, so they aren't bad, just not something I would personally eat a spoonful of. Chia seeds are an important to my daily routine because they have a decent amount of iron a"} {"input": "?ndn? d ?ono?????????mym????????????????ereryr?y sy ??nsn?iti???ve ve?to? i iri??? s????????enten???????????????????eaeatea??????????ede?????????ete???????? d????torto??????????????? t???? to t??????????my ????????????e e a??nd ?? a ar a???bob??? g ?lal?????????????????s Ns ??????????makma?????xcx??????t ???rodro?ucuct???????d I???av????????as???ed med ??nyn????????????????????????????????????er er???ghg???????? is is???????????????????????????????????s, fs, ??????????s, ?mum???er?????s, ????? p po??de???, w, ???????????s, a?nd??????i bi ??????es.es. ????????waw???????prepr?????????? t?????frefr????????? and and and???????y.y????hah??? n ?notno??t not n?otiotici??????y ??????ss???ng ng?", "output": "nd don't hurt my stomach. I'm very sensitive to iron supplements, and don't eat meat, Chia seeds is something my doctor recommended I try to add to my diet, and he and I are both glad I did. Navitas Naturals makes excellent products, and I have purchased many of their brand items. In my freezer right now is their raw maca powder, cacao nibs, flax seeds, mulberries, acai powder, wheatgrass, and goji berries. I am always impressed with the freshness and quality. I have not noticed any processing r"} {"input": "??????????? t ????????????????an?d d???heyhe??????ysy???????????ese??????????????????o o??????s ts ?o o ho hah??????mum?????ete??????????????????mem??th?????y ???cac?????????FoF????????? t????pr?????isis ?????????le??????faf????????????????????????????????monmo?nd ????k,k??????????of???????????????????????g g G ???ss????????e ???oooonoo?????????eve?????????ut??????is is??????????y ???????, 1 , 1????????oon oon c??iai??????s,s?????tabtablblebl????????em???????ds ds?????hemhe??p pp ?????????owo???????????le????on??????o ????s,????????ugeug???????ulu?s ?????spisp?inain??????? ba b?????, ????nd ind ?????ThT?????idi?????????ver?????????????untunti??????", "output": "emnants in their products, and they always arrive fresh from Amazon, who seems to have a much better turnaround time than my local Whole Foods. And the price is unbeatable. My favorite smoothie is 1 cup of almond milk, 1 scoop of wheat grass or Amazing Grass, a huge spoon of whatever nut butter is in freshly made, 1 teaspoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon hemp seeds or hemp protein powder, 1 tablespoon cacao nibs, two huge handfuls of spinach, a banana, and ice. This tides me over from 6 am until I ea"} {"input": "????unu????ara????d d?1.1???ThT?? C ??????????????????????????????he?? g ??l l??p p?????????????aca?t ?wiwitith???????d,d???thetheye????ava?????????????g g f?ulu????? fo f????lonlo?????????????????toto o??ivive????????????????????ritri?????????????????????????ofo???nc?????oraor???on?????t ?????????aia??, ??????tasta?????????ackackik???. ?ItI????????????tyt????????iteite e t?he??r ?clc?laila????. I?????re??allal?????????????lavla???\"\"???????is??h th ??theythe???????????eadea?????????????eve??ve mve ??st????opo?le???ou???d wd ??antan??????????sns?ac?????? th t????? as as ?????????.\".???????B0B0000101C1???N1N????2D2DPDPYP?MNM??2H2?????????el??????ansan???,6???????99999???????\"L\"??????of of??benbe???", "output": "t lunch around 1. (The Chia contribute a lot, since they gel up when in contact with liquid, they leave you feeling fuller for longer) I'd prefer to give 4.5 stars for nutritional benefits and ease of incorporation, but like I said, the taste is lacking. It is not nutty, despite their claims. It's really a \"\"non-flavor\"\" and wish they didn't lead you to believe most people would want to just snack on these as they are.\"\n9917,B001CGTN1I,A2DPYMNI2HCIOI,Angela Evans,6,6,5,1299974400,\"Lots of benefi"} {"input": "????????????lll???????????????ianiansn??????????,\",???ia????ede??????????????????????? am a???????????. .??ThT????????????roromo????????s s Ns NaNatNa????????brb??/>/><>???????) )?????vidvi???e a e a????????????aya??????????????????????ds ds????yoyouour????odyod????annan????????????????? fa????????????n n??itsit????n ??????heheyhey ?y ary a?e ???????????????ogogng??????????????????/>/>??????? e????ilyil?y iy ???????oraor??????????ma???????odsods ?yo?u u?????t ont o??n a n a??????ularula????asi?????????ia ?", "output": "ts, especially for vegetarians/vegans!\",\"Chia seeds are a versatile and amazing food. These seeds from Navitas Naturals:

1) Provide a very easy way get omega fatty acids -- your body cannot make Omega 3 fatty acids on its own and they are essential to cognitive health.

2) Provide an easy way to get fiber -- not only does fiber help you feel fuller it can promote digestive regularity.

3) Are easily incorporated into many foods you eat on a regular basis -- Chia s"} {"input": "e???????n n??????????????oao????????andan? s ????????????BeB??????????y y?????e ae ???????????????asa??????ouo????????????????he?m m a as a?s ss ???????eses es o ??????es??serse??. ?????????? a a a??????????????????udu?????????????????????????????????tot???????????BeBecBe???????hi???????s ????????????????????????geg?l l il ?f f l ?lefle?????????????d ????r ar ????erier??d ????tit???, ??????canca?n u?????the????o ????????????viv?iesie???brb?????????????rer???ege????????????re?foforfo???????ta???an???---??FiF?shs??????owow w?????? in ind in????dud?????????orpor??oraor?ateat???????????tyt???????????????r ??????. . ???????????????re ?????????????? / ???????", "output": "eeds can be placed in oatmeal and smoothies. Because they have a rather mild taste, you can even use them as sprinkles on a dessert. I've made a vanilla tapioca pudding with them. I also add them to salads. Because chia seeds eventually turn into a gel if left in a liquid for a period of time, you can use them to thicken gravies.

4)Are Vegan (and therefore vegetarian) -- Fish is how most individuals incorporate omega fatty acids in their diet. These seeds are fish free.

"} {"input": "??) )??????ded??????????????????e ae ???????????????????tot? t ??????befbe????????enensen?e ?????ouo??? o ????????ysy?s ws ?heh?en en??????????eee?lil????????????? ???????heshesese se?????????ak?????????????????????????????????????? m ?ililkl??????????????ic?ioi????to????????????el el????ou tou tht?????????????????f f???????dayda??????/>/><>??????6)6)C)????????? b???g tg ??????s s rs re?????aba?le????????dod??'t'??hah?????????rur???le???????????ththeth??e bae b???? it i??????????????????? cl clo????????????????silsi???????????000?????????????????M7M???????hr???????????????,5,1,5,??????????????????,\",?????ulu?d ???????iai??SeS?????????CosCo???????st????", "output": "5) Provide energy -- Can be a great supplement to take before intense workouts or on days when you are feeling sluggish. Let these seeds soak in some juice or low calorie coconut milk (like So Delicious)to help propel you through the rest of your day.

6)Come in a bag that is resealable. You don't have to struggle to close the bag; it opens easily and closes just as easily.\"\n9918,B001CGTN1I,A155GOXIM7BWDO,Christy Son,5,5,5,1335916800,AWESOME,\"I would buy Chia Seeds at Costco instead."} {"input": "???t't?s s??????ndn???fof?????999????????ususes????????????ooo???????????r ???????????????tet?????I I????????m ???????????ocococ??lat?????????nd Mnd ?ili?k k?fo???ama?????? p????ining? i?????ho??rsr????????????99????B0B???CGC??????A1A1R1?UWU??????9Q9QDQ?????????????????????????404??00????kek?????mmm????????????I ??coucoulu???'t'? w??it???? g geg????? p pa p?????ge ge??????es?????ittit??le le????edsed??beb???????????? the the? he heae???????nen??????theth??y py ?ror????????and and???us??? I a I ?? t??yiy????to? l???se se???????????t.t?????ve ve??nln?? t???iedie??th??????????????the??y my ???? a?? lo?????ly ply ?ud?????.<.????/>/???????????coconco??? m??????r ???2 ?????????? s????????????? ta t???", "output": " It's 2 pounds for 7.99 and I use them in smoothies, over salads, and lately, I mix them in with Chocolate Almond Milk for amazing pudding in 3 hours chilled!\"\n9919,B001CGTN1I,A1RUWKVC5W9QDB,ilove_tofu,5,5,5,1306540800,makes yummy pudding,\"I couldn't wait to get my package of these little seeds because of the health benefit they provide and plus I am trying to lose some weight. I've only tried them once but they made a lovely pudding.
1/2 cup coconut milk
2 tsbp chia seeds
1 table"} {"input": "?sps????????coc??coaco?????????(i(?????d d???????g g??rarasa?????oc??????? po powo????????????iti????ala??????????brb????1 1??aba???spsposp?????????????????????ab??lesle??????????????????????????????? i ?????????taita??er???????????????????????????e ?????????po?ra???? th t?e ?????? p???????????????????anandnd ???lacla?e e oe ??on aon ???????????????boboubo????????????????????????????? t????????? /?><>??
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon honey

mix well in a container or small bowl, making sure to incorporate the cocoa powder.
Cover and place on a counter for about 30 minutes, stirring a few times.

It will turn into a wonderful gelatin-esque yummy dessert!\"\n9920,B001CGTN1I,AKHGQMX2912T0,\"Robert Ridder \"\"bob\"\"\",4,4,5,1332115200,Great supplement,\"I've been consuming about 1 tabl"} {"input": "e???????twt??cece e???????????oao????????r ar ?????????151???ini????es,es???folfolll?owowew???byb???n ????ala????????????waw???????????hehelhe??? me m????ele?l ml ???e e f??ll????????hoh??t ???? d da d????????????I I???????le le??o o?????????????????or????. ??TheTh??ada??????????????????????fif?????isis ???????????on????\"\"??????????CGC?TNT????A2A????????B5B??????????????4,4??????292???????00,00????????????????????????????tedte?????????????????dsd???????y dy ???t ??boboubo?ut ut?????????s ???????????????????ed ved ????iouious????????????????? t??e ???aviav????????????s ????ndnd nd???? b???t ?t oft of ?th?e ?4 4?????5 b5 ?brabr?????I I hI ?????????d.d????????sursu?????????", "output": "espoon twice per day, soaked for at least 15 minutes, followed by an equal amount of water. They help me feel more full throughout the day and thus I am able to consume less calories. The additional protein and fiber is an added bonus.\"\n9921,B001CGTN1I,A22XNJATFB5LOC,L. Campo,4,4,5,1296777600,Pleased Subscriber,\"I started adding chia seeds to my diet about 18 months ago. I have tried various brands and like the Navitas Naturals brand the best of the 4 or 5 brands I have tried. Not sure if the "} {"input": "???oro????ici????????????????????rovro????????????olo????lyl??????? b bub??????????nsn?umu???????????????NaN??????????uru?????pr?odo?????s Is ???????ininlnly??????e se ????????????????????????????????ingin?? so som??e oe of???he? b bu?????????se???s ??? ha h????fof???? a??t lt lol???????????????? l ???tlt???????????????????????????re????????ed??????allal????????????.<.???????????>I>?In In?????????????????a s????ds ds????theth??????te???sss??????he ????????????????????, i?????therthe???is? a??y,y??, is, i???in ????????tu???re /re ???????????????pro????????SoS?????????????nd?????d ??????? a????me?????? fo f?ore?????????terte????????????de de?? the?????", "output": "\"\"organic\"\" promises they provide are absolutely true, but as a consumer of several Navitas Naturals products I certainly hope so. In any event, it beats buying some of the bulk chia seeds I have found at local stores with little or no explanation of where the seeds really come from.

In all, I find chia seeds rather tasteless. The joy in eating them, if there is any, is in the texture / crunch they provide. Some other brands had what I assume was foreign matter, which made the text"} {"input": "??????neneve??? o oro???wow?????????????????????g g????????ror??ksk????????????????????????/>M/>????oto???ata???n n fn ??? a ada???????theth????? m??????t t???????o io in????as???e mye m??OmO?????3 3??ntn???ke ke???romro????????????????an???ad???????????????as as???llll.l???????havehave ???????d d id ?mpm???ve?me???????mym????????????????? si s?inc?????ti???????????????????'t'???aya?????r sr ????e ie ????hih????plapl??????????rolrole????????????????????????????????????in??????y o????????????ndn?????reatreatl??y iy in??re??se???d myd m????????utut ut????????????JuJ???t tt ??? be b??sasafsa???????m gm ????ing ing???? co c???????e ee eae e???????????ev???????????????and and??dd???ing ?????s ??????", "output": "ure uneven or, worse, hard like having little rocks in the mix.

My motivation for adding them to my diet was to increase my Omega 3 intake from plant sources and add more fiber as well. I have noticed improvement in my overall health since eating them, but I can't say for sure if chia played any role in that because I changed my diet in many other ways and greatly increased my work out schedule. Just to be safe, I'm going to continue eating chia every morning and adding it as often "} {"input": "????????ibi?lel?????????erer ?mem?ala??s ts ??????hoh???????e de ?ayay.y?<>?
As a very happy customer, I plan on continuing my subscription to Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds for a long time.\"\n9922,B001CGTN1I,A1EPP56A17R62Q,\"Tommie \"\"An expert is a former drip under pres...\",6,7,5,1260835200,Ch-ch-ch CHIA!,\"These are much better quality than the cheaper seeds I bought on another site. Originally, I had them on a six month subscription (a pound twice a year) but I've changed it to monthly.\"\n9923,B001CGTN1I,A1XCCS7VLCB"} {"input": "????,P,????????????????????????eaeala???????????rsr????????????e e???????????y ??iri??????????thth th?????ucu???????????ere????????????tot?o ko knk?????????????? r re????????????????? pe peoe???????????????????? th t??????????????thestheses????????????????????ed? t?o ????? o?????e ??????????d bd ??????gogongo????? o??????upu????????/???????????HeaHeal????????????????????????xtx???????y hy ???? c ?ononcn?????atatiat??on on? of o??????a-a?????????(m(????e te ??????????n)n???
?????mp??letle?????otote??in!in! !???ha?hat hat???????ha????meamean?????????????lol??????t ut ?up up????. ????????????????????????????????????????????sense????al al???minmi??", "output": "L9I,Pokin,3,3,5,1342483200,Healthy and versatile,\"There are so many miracle health products out there it's hard to know what's for real. But enough people have said good things about these seeds that I decided to jump on the chia seed bandwagon and order up a bag.

***Health Benefits***
- extremely high concentration of omega-3 acids (more than salmon)
- complete protein! What does that mean? I had to look it up too. :) It means chia seeds contain all the essential amino "} {"input": "??????????????dydy y n ?????????o o???????oulou??????????????????????t t ct chc??a a?ses??ds????????????e.e????oso?? v ve??????????'t'???ava??????????ea??????yo??????????o mo mim??? an a????????? va v????????????t st ??ourou???es es?? to to???????verve??????????????e e???????s ys ????r br ????????'t? s?yny????????????iti?????????? se s??vivinvi??????g ?????????) )?????g pg ??ot??????????ghg???????n n? mo m????ot?heher?? gr grar????????????????????????plapl???????????s ws ????????pl???e ?????????????ininoin?a,a?, s, ???????????ckc??he???????????seese?ed->?????od od?????cece ce?ofo? f ?ibi???????ot???????????????um??r /??????ththe?? ir i?????tha??????inain???????/>?????ow ow?", "output": "acids your body needs. So you could just eat nothing but chia seeds and survive. Most veggies don't have that, meaning you need to mix and match various plant sources to get everything all the things your body can't synthesize on its own. 1 serving (10g / 1 tbsp) = 2g protein -- higher than most other grains and seeds. Other plant sources with complete protein = quinoa, soybean, buckwheat & hempseed
- good source of fibre & potassium & calcium
- 3x the iron than spinach
- low i"} {"input": "n???hoh??ese?tet?????? s sos?????/>->???????????????????bab???s s???????????????????????????iningn??????axaax??ivi??????????????? ha h??????trt??????li??? e ??fef????C/>??iaia ?????s ???astaste???????y y??????????????????????????????ono??? ta t??asteast???the????????????????s,s???so so??????usu?st st h? hav ha?????????f f??????ncnch??y ty ???tuturu????????????? t?????????????? a t a ???????? je j?lll????ik????exe???????if if?????????????m m im ???????er ?????a ?????????????<>?I
?????s fs ???????????????????, ??ddd??d ?tot?o so ??????????, i, ????a ba br??????ast? g?ra?no???????????urturt,t?????????meame?al,al, ??use?", "output": "n cholesterol & sodium
- doesn't have drawbacks like flaxseed does with being a laxative and doesn't have estrogen-like effects

***Uses & Taste***
Chia seeds taste pretty good! Rather, there's no strong taste the way sesame does, so you just have more of a crunchy texture if you eat them dry, or a thicker jelly-like texture if you soak them in water for a little bit.

Ideas for use: In a salad, added to smoothies, in a breakfast granola or yogurt, in oatmeal, used"} {"input": " ???????????????aca?eme?????ini?n bn ???ede? g gog??dsd??????sus??hih?, ?tot?????? i is i????????chc??a a???resre???? - ?? a???????????ra ra??????? d ?????, ????juj???t st sts???igi??????????e e ae ??sps???????????????cence?ntlnt???ma?ded??pap??????????????????????????????????oo????s ans a????????????d od ououtut ?????????r ????????????????????????tete te???? th t??esees????ed?????????????????ou???????????????e s????? to to ????????????mim????????ec?????????????ing??? the th??. ?????????*/>***?**T**?hihishi??br??????*<*
One thing to note is these seeds can stick in your teeth, so be sure to do a quick mirror check after eating them. :)

***This brand***
I haven't bought any other brand of chia seeds, but this one works so why switch? Seeds tasted fresh when I o"} {"input": "?????????e e?papaca????e ???????aya????frf???????????????????????s s?itit t t??oko?????????????????h ??????????BaB?ag ag??s ?????????????????????????zoz?on ???????????????an an????????????????????????????/>/><>??????????al?? I ???? fe f???in??g pg prpre????????????????????????hih?a ????edsed???insin?stest???????????aka??es es? al altl??????? th?????????? t??in??ininging.ing?????????????????xpxpe?ri??en??????????????????????????????????ye pye ????y ??????!\"!????242??????CGC???????2O2????SGS???BFBFLF????MaM??????_R_???????s \"s ????????????,3,?????,1,??121????404??,\"??ovo?ve ve??????????????????whw?????i'i??????ara???? b???????of of???????th??????????", "output": "pened the package and stayed fresh during the 2 months it took me to go through my bag. Bag is resealable, price on Amazon was better than in stores = a good buy.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good about eating chia seeds instead of cupcakes although that has me thinking...next kitchen experiment - lemon chia cupcakes! Bye bye poppy seeds!\"\n9924,B001CGTN1I,A2OZ2TSGVBBFLW,\"Malcoln_Rodgers \"\"scrolls\"\"\",3,3,5,1312070400,\"love it, don't ask me why\",\"i've heard a bunch of great things about"} {"input": "?????? s ?????. .?i i????????????????????????????????????????ono??????????venven'n?t ?fef???t mt ?ucu??????nefne??????????????g g???? s???????? t???????? s???renre???th,th????dud???????, e, ???? bu b?t ?it??hah?????????? in i????????????ut??mymy ????te?????????????ing ing?????????n n mn ????????. ,. ?, b, ????????ve????e ???ituit???? of o???????????????hinhi?? h he??altalth?y ?????????????in??????juijuic?es??????? l???e ??????texte???ureur???????????????TNT?1I1??A1A??????????8X8?G,G,B?????????????838??????,S,????ririsri?????????odo?,\",?WhW???n an ???????????????ne ne r ???????????ed Ied ????iei?ed ?????????????????ugughg????he ??????????, ??????? t?????????ChiCh?? S ???????", "output": " chia seeds. i love the texture it adds to juices. I honestly haven't felt much benefit form eating the seeds in terms of strength, endurance, etc but it has helped in cleaning out my system and keeping health on my mind. , but i love the ritual of mixing something healthy and natural in my juices and i love the texture.\"\n9925,B001CGTN1I,A1YXY2JGDLO8XG,Bre,3,3,5,1308355200,Surprisingly good,\"When a friend of mine recommended I tried Chia Seeds I though she was crazy, I mean they're Chia Seeds..."} {"input": " ????ugu?? s ??????AnAnyn??aya???????????????????????? I' I???? tr t???????????????ny?????????????eoe??e ???????me?? it i?????ooo?d ????? me m???????????liliki??????????????????????s os ou??? it????s bs ???? o ???????? t???ingin????ThThe?????litli??lele ?????s ????????utu?t tt ????????????????????????????????????????e s?ma????????????????? v ??????????????????????????y y cy ??n n???e a????????????ust ust???bou????????hinhi???????????????????it?????ege????????????????and???????????????teitein?. ????????????t ft ????? bu b?????t ????? ba b???????chc???ri?eses es a??????eee????ur??????????, t, ??? g go goo??????????????????bo????????????????", "output": " enough said. Anyway, I tried them because I'll try just about anything if someone tells me it's good for me and I'll like it, and as it turns out it is both of those things. These little seeds are about the size of sesame seeds, maybe a little smaller, and have a very mild nutty taste. They can be added to just about anything and are packed with omega fats, fiber and a little protein. They've got fat, but not the bad french fries and cheeseburger kind, the good kind that your body uses to keep "} {"input": "?yoy?????????????????ryr??hih???????e e??????thythy.y????? b byb?????????? t??heshese?????????????????????ou????oro????hewhe???????(l(????????x)x???? o ???????or?????? b?odo?y y ty tot???ete?t at ??? t???e ge goe g???iei??? fr f????? the???, y, ????cac?????sts???????????????????y thy t??????e.e?????262??B0B?010???TNT??I,I?????CRC??????ZKZ??????????,3?????????03?????????erser?s fs ?????hi????????????or?????in??????ioi????li????????in??????????????????? c??????????????to???????chchich?a a????????d ad ??? t?????????cec?? t???s ???and and??momooootoo?????---????the tthe ????????ki???nd o???????????????????????????????????d sd sos?ourourcr?????f of ???gag?????????nen???umu?m, m,???nd ????", "output": "your heart and everything else healthy. And by the way, these don't have to be ground or chewed up (like flax) in order for your body to get all the goodies from them, you can just eat them the way they are.\"\n9926,B001CGTN1I,A2T4CRPRK5WZKL,Annie,3,3,5,1303603200,cheers for chia!,\"Great for making tapioca-like pudding with none of the carbs! I like to make chia gel and add that to iced teas and smoothies--the texture kind of reminds me of boba. It is a good source of omega-3s, magnesium, and calc"} {"input": "????????????????cocomo???????????f f??ibi?????ndnd d??at?????????igi??????on on? an a?????????????????ugu?????????es.es???????????????in????????in????lkl????????I rI ??? o ou outut t = ?)\")???????????????????????????????????an???,5,??6,6?,5,,5,1,??????28?00??????ththyth???????????????ood ood???ici?????????????????in????????eee??? to t?ut????? th??e be bee b???????????????a sa ??eedee???????????????so so?I I fI fifinfi?????????????d td ????????????? a a??????????ea?????????????????r ????????>I>I ??????????ri?riedrie?????ining??tat?????????? pu p?????g ??????????????????????r ???viv???????????; ;??in??stest?????I ???????lly lly?? tos tosss????ta??????oo??????to to??y ???", "output": "ium. Also, the combination of fiber and fat slows digestion and blunts blood sugar spikes. I will be buying this in bulk when I run out =)\"\n9927,B001CGTN1I,A2V5R832QCSOMX,Leanne,5,6,5,1285372800,Healthy food at a good price,\"A friend of mine has been touting the benefits of chia seeds for years, so I finally decided to give them a try. I really like them.

I haven't tried making tapioca or pudding like some of the other reviewers have; instead, I usually toss a tablespoon into my pro"} {"input": "????????????????oro????tot??mymy y?????????GrG???? y ?ogo?ururtr????????ere?????ixi???ureur???????????????s ?????????ava????????ono???, ,??theth?y y dy ???????? u upu??????????????????????in in?????????????????e,e?????????e ???????????????????????? d ???inkin????? sm s??ot???ie ie??iti?????1010 0???????es es?????????? ma m??????????????s fs ????e.???????????e ?ada??in???????????????????????????? a????????????ithit?????nt?o ???????????sts???????????veve ve nve ?notnoti?????????t mt myt m??sks????ses???s ??bribr?????? a??d ?sm??ootoo????????????ha?????mormo?????er??y.y???????????1C1??TNT?????????DMD??????TFT???????????t,t?2,2?,2,,2???????474727??????el????", "output": "tein smoothies or into my granola/Greek yogurt/goji berry mixture.

As others have mentioned, they do swell up after they've been in liquid for awhile, but I've found that as long as I drink my smoothie within 10 minutes or so of making it, it's fine.

Since adding chia seeds, goji berries, and soy lecithin into my diet last month, I've noticed that my skin seems brighter and smoother, and I have more energy.\"\n9928,B001CGTN1I,A24PGDMY8R6MTF,Seabiscuit,2,2,5,1337472000,Delicio"} {"input": "??????????\"I\"I I??????y y????oyo?y ay ?????g g?tht??????eeeedee?????????????????es.es. .???????????a a n ??cec????????re,re? j ??ustust t???he he??igi???t at ???????ofo?????????, a, ??????????????????asa??????????????? see se????. . I?????????????re? h???ltl????y toy too??\"\"???????????????I,I??????ZGZ???????B,B??????????,2?????????????????????omo??????dndnenes??????GRG???????????????????????????????S S?AT???????????????!! !!? I ?????THT?ES???LIL????? S ??EDE??????EVE?????THITH???????????????????XCXCE?????T ?SHS???????????????????AS?AS PAS ????????????IRIR IR????????T IT ?IN IN?? A R A ????ALA???????????????SUS?RE?? FR F?RES?????S!S?!!\"!!??99??????001001C?????????????Y5Y???", "output": "us seeds,\"I really enjoy adding these seeds to my smoothies. They add a nice texture, just the right amount of crunch, and I think they taste like kiwi seeds. I hear they are healthy too!\"\n9929,B001CGTN1I,A31JTZG6IM9B6B,Crystal,2,2,5,1334966400,Wholesome Goodness!!,\"GREAT TASTING, WHOLESOME GOODNESS AT A FAIR PRICE!! I PUT THESE LITTLE SEEDS ON EVERYTHING! CHIA HAS A N EXCELLENT SHELF LIFE AND NAVITAS PACKAGES THEIR PRODUCT IN A RESEALABLE BAG TO ENSURE FRESHNESS!!\"\n9930,B001CGTN1I,A1RXLZY53ZQ"} {"input": "???T,T?\"S\"???ana???????????????????131????????0,0???????ChC????SeS???????ili??????vev?????m!m!,!???????e ???????ee?????????????????????ror??????????? D Dr D???OzO?????? t??????????????????????????? a??????????t tt ?o ?????????th???r.?????lovlove?????????in jin ??ustus????????eve?verve??????????I uI ??e ?????m i?????y oy ???????????? m ?? f??uiu??????ada?????????????me?????m m mm ??ch???????er er a?????????????????Se???????????????ava???????e ee ???????????to??????e e i????I rI ????????eeeeleeli?????ul????uc?? l???????. I????so?????e ????te???bo?????mo?ve??menme???????????????wiw??????? m?ededied?????????????????en en??on on??????????????", "output": "6UT,\"Susan \"\"Susan\"\"\",2,2,5,1333756800,I Use Chia Seeds Daily..Love them!,\"I love Chia Seeds. I got the info from watching Dr. Oz, and thought I would try them in an attempt to eat healthier. I love them in just about everything. I use them in my oatmeal, and my fruit salad at lunch time. I'm much fuller after using Chia Seeds and also have more energy. Bottom line is I remain feeling full much longer. I also have better bowel movements..important with the medications I've been on for 15yrs. It "} {"input": "??ouo?????? \" ???????n n?????in?????? bu b??????eee???????ere??????????????????heh??ChC?????????????'d'd ????a ?grg?eae???????er???????????????????????????? j ???????????? g ?ete?????????n an ????ggg?gerge?????e!e??????9999??????????????,A,A1A?????L1L????????????????atoat????????w ??e!?\"\"????????????????404?00,00?????at!at!,!??????se se??in?y ?????????????????????OtO?the???????n gn ??????ing ing??tutucu??????????????? t???y ??ee????????????????r ????????????????r,r, ??????havha?e ????tlt??????non?????stest????????I ???ceceice???????????????upupep?er ?????! ??Gr???????????t ??????????er!er??????2,?B0?01???TN?1I???242????WSW????????,\"C,\"?????l Bl ", "output": "could be \"\"all in my mind,\"\" but I feel better since starting the Chia Seeds...I'd be a great commercial for these folks! Now I just need to get them in a bigger size! :-)\"\n9931,B001CGTN1I,A13JGUL1BTQ8P5,\"Judy Latour \"\"New Me!\"\"\",2,2,5,1296518400,Great!,\"These tiny seeds really work! Other than getting stuck in my teeth, they keep me full, offer additional fiber, and have little to no taste! And I received my order super fast! Great product and dealer!\"\n9932,B001CGTN1I,A24KSTWSN87X6Z,\"Carol B"} {"input": "o?????n n??????????????????????????????????????????om????????I I?????lyl???iki???????? p ??????t t??andan?d ad ??????d td ?thath????????????ete????????????bsb?????????????vev?e a?????rere.re. .?WhWhyh?????????????,B,?00????????????????????????????????. C. CoC?????1,11,1,??????686??????????????? a?ma??iningn????????nen??????????????bo???s ?????????re.????is??????????is ??????????????????????????????e one o?lyly ?dod??n ??????is?????????????????????????????????on.on??. Ch. C??hia hia???????????????????in in????????rocro?cerce????????????in tin ????????????????r ?????nd? $ ??.5.?????????????????????????did??ululoul?????999???????1C??????", "output": "oldman \"\"cboldwoman\"\"\",1,1,4,1347408000,Please come back,I really liked this product and am sad that I can't get it with Subscribe and Save anymore. Why not? (\n9933,B001CGTN1I,A1QXIB5SJG07XP,Bryan A. Cook,1,1,5,1346889600,They are amazing,Read one of the chia books out there. This really is a super food.

The only down side is the price gouging here on Amazon. Chia can now be found in many grocery stores in the bulk bins for around $9.50/lb. $20/bag here is ridiculous.\n9934,B001CGTN1I,"} {"input": "??????8787P7PCP?EOEOUO????ggg???????????343???????0,0,C,ChC?????????!!!?!!!!!!,!,\",??????????????ede????????? mo m????ngn?????????????????????????????? i in??lol????????????????he????????e ge ???????????? l????????????????????????terte??. T. ????????????lal????????????????????????coc???idi?ere??ingin?????conco????? t? the th??????????????????????sos??????????????????st ???????????????????????? thi th?????odo???????????????????N1N????YQY?????????????olo??????????ele???????????????757??????????t!t????????eve??????rieri??????????eed??s bs ?befbe????????? I ??????????? to t?????? mor more?????altal??-c-??consconscs???usu??????I I oI ?????redre?????is is wis ?witwith?", "output": "A2LQ487PCEOUVE,ggee,1,1,5,1346284800,Chia seeds!!!!,\"I add chia seeds to my morning shake for breakfast and I am in love with them. They taste great almost like tiny bobas but better. This particular bag last a long time considering I consume them daily. They are also cheaper than most stores, def recommend this product.\"\n9935,B001CGTN1I,AYQFLZT3LYP9F,Colleen M. Kelley,1,1,5,1340755200,Great!,\"I'd never tried chia seeds before, but I'm trying to be more health-conscious, so I ordered this with "} {"input": "????????ene???????????????????? o ?????????t ot ???????????heyhe???e e ge ???????A A????tlt???e goe g???????????????ng ng?waw????I I???????o po ?????lemle?????ithit????????ingin???????y ty ????????????notno???????????????? pa paca?? a?????rir??????? w wa w??????. I???????incin?????????d thd t??hem hem??????in????????coc?usu?co???, ?, an, a??????????????d ??recre?????I'I????lal???ninning?????????????????????????????????????????????????,B,????CGC??N1N??,A,?????????????L,L??. ???????en???????,1????????????????????????ut??????ous????? and and ??a Ga Gr??eateat t Bt ?????,\",\"I,\"??????in in?????????ve???????av??????en en???????ing ing????????Ch??ia ia?????????????????ou?????????rsr", "output": "the intent to put them in my overnight oatmeal. They're great! A little goes a long, long way. I had no problems with bloating, they taste like nothing, and they pack a nutritional wallop. I've since added them to quinoa and couscous, and have a bread recipe I'm planning to try. Great value. I'll buy them again.\"\n9936,B001CGTN1I,A3N7PXM9QB59HL,j. kathleen,1,1,5,1340236800,\"Delicious, Nutritious, and a Great Buy!\",\"I am in Chia heaven. I have been wanting to try Chia since reading about its vers"} {"input": "?ata?ili?iti?? a ????????????????????????????????? p ??????f f??y ???????????, i, ????ara?????, p, ??ici??????? ????it?asa?s Ns ??tut??al??????? S ????????????as???????a Aa ?mamazma??n,n????e ?hahalha???????????? o?????????-s-????????odo??ctc?????? wa w?as as?????rieri???????????w w????????t wt ????d ?ta?????or??????? to t?????????????????????outout ?????????????theythe?y wy ?wouwoulu?????????ce??ses????s cs cacan??????????? b????mem???ranrancn??????????pr??????????????ed ped ?pro??plplt???????????? m ??????g g dg ???????? w??????ese?????d ??eleli????ousous.s. ??????ve?????????????usu?????????n ??mom?????es??? in in????????of of? fl f??????eedeed,eed, ???????rereare???????ere???nun????????", "output": "atility and health benefits but I waited, put off by the steep, in-market, price tag. Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds, purchased via Amazon, are half the price of the in-store product. I was worried about how long it would take for them to arrive and also about how fresh they would be since seeds can spoil and become rancid. The product arrived promplty, within 2 mailing days and was fresh and delicious. I have since been using it in smoothies in place of flax seed, and creating very nutritious"} {"input": "?????????????dsd????heh????ava??????exe???????????ara? t??????????a (a ?????t st sms?????????????mi??????????????????I I????????n ???????????en??ou????????????????? ar a?????te???????????sus????????????? yo y???? di d????????????iai???seese???????????????????????ono?n ln ?linli???????????rir?????. ??????????????et et???ookoo??????????????ghg?? a??nd nd s ??????????????? ma m?????????? he h????????oodood ????????or?????ia ia????????????????k-k??????s hs ???????PuP????hasha?se se N ????????????raralra??s Cs ?????????? o??li?????????7,7???????TNT?????????WGW????????????????????????????303????202??????ke?s ?????????????????????nan???turatur?", "output": " desert blends. They have a texture similar to tapioca ( but smaller) when mixed with liquid. I am a fan and would encourage you if you are interested in supplementing your diet with Chia seeds to look up recipes on line and experiment. Do your pocket book a favor though, and skip the super market, or health food store for Chia Seeds. The mark-up is high. Purchase Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds online.\"\n9937,B001CGTN1I,A1Z3XWG2W5GOHP,Nite Runner,1,1,5,1309392000,Makes you feel full and a natural"} {"input": " ?????????????????????bob?utu????????????? s ?upu????????, ,? so s???????????????isi?????gog???????????ot?????y y???????????????ou?????????????????????gegerer,er??it???????sos???????ur????????ckeck???????WhW?????y ?????????loolo??kedke??? b ????rur??????I I jI ??????ddd?ede?d sd so??e ?????a ta ?????it ait ?ndnd ?itit it tit ????ke??????? r ???allally???????????????000??????1I1I,I,A,???TET??????5G5???,\"??????_p_p p??????ena???????????,13,1??696959??????,\"G,\"??????uau?alial???? t to t?????pe????????\"I????ougoughg??????iv???????????ch?????seese?????efe??re????????????????4 4 o??uncun???????? - ??????2424 ??itithit????x,x??????s b????????????e 1e ??-o-??????????????????. ??????quaqu", "output": " thickener,\"I'm all about the natural superfoods, so it's no surprise I got this. Not only does it make you feel fuller for longer, it is also a natural thickener. When my hummus looked a bit runny, I just added some chia to it and it thickened up really well.\"\n9938,B001CGTN1I,A1XTE3IHX65GTZ,\"Olena_p \"\"Olena\"\"\",3,4,1,1336953600,\"Good quality, too expensive\",\"I bought Nutiva organic chia seeds before, two pouches 14 ounces each - $16.24 with tax, this brand in one 16-ounce pouch $14.83. The qua"} {"input": "??iti?y y???d d?????????????????e ?????? b ?????he???????r r??nen??????AYAY Y?mum?????????exe?pep????????BuB??y Ny ?ut??????????????????????????oto????viv????????? te t??????????e ???astas?????????ala?????????????????nd nd?????th???? ev e?????????????er???????????????????????????????asteast????????????????ll ll???????er?.\".????393???????????I,I?A1A??????G9AG9??????,S,??????????????,5,??????????00????ce???enenten?t pt ??odo????t,\"t,????sese se??re??gr?ea??????ly??????????????ririeied??? the????earearlrlilieli??er. er.???I h???????????????????? off of????????asias????? the thes these???thith?inkin?????????????????useus?e t???m,m?, b, bu???????as as w wr w?????? I????? t??????????????", "output": "lity and the taste are the same, but the latter one is WAY much more expensive. Buy Nutiva Organic Chia seeds, not Navitas. In terms of the taste, I usually toast mine and add them everywhere - cereal, yogurt, oatmeal, etc. Tastes great and full of fiber.\"\n9939,B001CGTN1I,A1G90KG9AP0CAL,Supermommy,3,4,5,1286323200,Excellent product,\"These are great, only wish I had tried them earlier. I had originally put off purchasing these thinking I wouldn't use them, but I was wrong. I use these daily, in"} {"input": "?????mem?????????????onon n????? of o???????????????????????????ThT???????tet?????e ???at???????????????????wiw??h h?????????lyl??he??p ???? f ???????????????????????????recrecoc???menme??!\"!????404?????1C1????????1010B0?????5P5??????LaL??ureur?????,3,??4,4,5,??121???10310??40????ewe????????aya?y fy ??????????? a?????????iaia a?????s s??o o m??????tmetm???? or or ?????rt???????????????????od?????????ll??????????oeo???????fff??ctc?????vov?or.or???????,B0,B00??????????????0O0?C4C4N4???C,???????????????,5,???????????????!,!??ovo?????????stust??????????e e me ????????????la????????d ????????????????????????????aga???in.in????????,B00,B0???CGTCG???1I,1I??", "output": " oatmeal, yogurt, on top of salad, mixed into soup. They taste like whatever you mix them with and really help you feel full longer! Highly recommend!\"\n9940,B001CGTN1I,A10B7W4I5PM0SR,LaurenNYC,3,4,5,1271030400,New everyday food,I love adding chia seeds to my oatmeal or yogurt. It makes the food more filling and doesn't affect flavor.\n9941,B001CGTN1I,AQINS0OC4NQZC,R. Newton,5,7,5,1257724800,WOW!,Love this stuff! I make my own granola and add it in. Will definitely buy again.\n9942,B001CGTN1I,A2"} {"input": "?CBC?6F6F0F???????2,2??????????,7,????????????????????????????????????,\",??????????? h ???? l ?????????? i ????yuy?????????????????????e ???????????vev????????????????it? i in i???????hi?????r ?/>??r ?mimixix x??????ithit??????rtr?????????????CGC????I,I???848?????????5252,?G.G. ????????3,53,???,127,12?????????GrGrereare????ee??s!s?,\"?LeLeae??ni???????t ???????????ansan????????????????????????????????. . o. omo?????, ????as???????tot???in????som?eteth?????to???????????thethe ???????ancan?ce ???????????????? i???????mum???h eh ??fof?ortor???? Chi Chia? d ??????t ?t tat t????????????????????JuJ??st st l??????????? mi min???????sas?????????????????????????", "output": "CB6F0TPMCCL2,J. L. Luu,7,10,4,1264032000,Cha Cha Cha Chia!~,\"I got this here last week, its yummy.
I soak some in juice overnight and put it in smoothies
or mix it with yogurt.\"\n9943,B001CGTN1I,A1848UWPEEB752,G. Lee,2,3,5,1273536000,Great seeds!,\"Learning that we Americans have an imbalance of omega3 vs. omega6, I was glad to find something to correct the imbalance without putting in too much effort. Chia doesn't taste like anything. Just looks like mini dinosaur eggs! I use two tables"} {"input": "?????? o ?? c ?????inin n?????rgr?e e??upu???f ????????????mam?atcat????????????????e be ???? of???????????????????'s'?s fs ????tot??????????????????????????????? l??????tomtoma??to to????ds?????949??????1C1?????I,I???3E3EHE????????6,6???gtg?????????,5,????505????00????seese???,I,??????????????ChC???a Sa SeS?eed???anandand ???????????????lll??ngn??I I I p ??t ????m m?????????????l ?eve??????y.y?. T. ????y hy ?????me???????mymy my????????ve?? sy s?????????????????????1I,1I???2A2???DID??????????eze????????ez??????????????494???4444044?????upeup?er er??heaheal??????),)??eoeopo?le?????at ??????????????????dud??t t kt ???wsw???????isi???????d tod t??????????uru?r cr ??????????ol ol???? i", "output": "poons of chia in a large cup of water with matcha and a little bit of crystal light. It's fun to drink it when the seeds bloat like tomato seeds!\"\n9944,B001CGTN1I,AZ3EHLAKPMUU6,bigtiger,0,0,5,1350864000,seeds,I love eating Chia Seeds and they are so filling I put them in my oatmeal everyday. They help me with my digestive system!\n9945,B001CGTN1I,A22A19DIHY5L0G,\"Jezy L \"\"Jezy\"\"\",0,0,5,1349654400,Super healthy :),People that research this product knows that is good to lower your cholesterol and i"} {"input": "????????ata? f ???d d f????????????plp?e e??hah?????n n h ????e je ?us??????????????????faf?sts?. .??????????????????trt??a na ????????????????????? m ?e ????????????????e e ge ??t ???st? i ????theth???aia??? an andn?????????in???????????t ???????/>/?????????uyu???!!?????6,6,B,?????GTG????????????????????????ppp??r,r????,5,?,1,??????565606?00,00??ada?d t?hihisi???canca???no no?????????????tit??at???????????as Nas ??????????????????????????coc???????????it???????wa?s ????????????????????????????????????????to to??????y ty ????se se??????????see???. ??? am a???????????????????mom?????????m fm ?????????????????????rogro?gragr???. I???????co??ti????e t", "output": "s a great food for busy people that can have just juice for breakfast. The seller was extra nice and took care of me cause my package got lost in the mail and now I finally got it :)
Thanks guys!!!\n9946,B001CGTN1I,A3FHDB2HHW2B1D,Scrapper,0,0,5,1348185600,Sad this can no longer be autimatic,Navitas Naturals Chia seed have become a favorite. It was easy to set up the next delivery date to enjoy these healthy seeds. I am sad Amazon has removed them from the auto-ship program. I will continue t"} {"input": "o???????heh??????????????? as a????????rer????????blb??e fe ?forfo?????iri???????????????tsts.s?9999??????????????,A,??GOG????????0Z0???????????????????232??????GrG???? v vev?????????????I I l?????????????e ????????tuturu?????verve???????????????it??????????????al al?????????ornor???????? f fa f???????he??????????it'it??????????d ??o ?????, ,????????t st ????re yre ??t.t??????????????????? s sts???????????stest??????? se s????me me???????????? a???????t pt ??????????er?????\"\"???94894?,B?????????I,I,AI,?????????????T,T??????ining???????????????????00,C00,????,\"?????????????ye????????????s ps ????????did???whw?at? i???t sat s?aidai??d itd i?t wt ??ululdl????thith??", "output": "o buy them for as long as they are available for their health benefits.\n9947,B001CGTN1I,ASGO1LZTLC10Z,AmicMD,0,0,4,1347235200,Great versatility!,\"I like the taste and texture over all. I'd put it in my oatmeal every morning. as far as the energy it's supposed to give, I'm not sure yet. I also used it in stir-fry instead of sesame seeds. It's a great product overall.\"\n9948,B001CGTN1I,A2QF4LU98Q6WLT,Fingsingh,0,0,3,1346630400,Chia,\"This simple yet tasteless product did what it said it would, thick"} {"input": "????????? a ?????????. .??????????????????y ??pip??????shs????d d bd ??????d ??in in???????????????fofor??e we ???k k??or or p?????e ???????e ?????ininging ing??????????tst???????hiahia a???????yoy????????????.\".??????????????N1N???A1A??ZLZ??TZTZKZ??????,s,????e1e??????,0,,0??,1,????????????????????chc???????????????us?????????????????????seese??????????????????????????th????????????????????la???t t??hemhe??. T. ????????s ??????rorowro??ing????ke?????eedseed???????????????covco??reredre?d td ththath?? t??heyhe???????????????????????s a????????????bab???d p????t th???? in i??????????????uceuce ???? th???????iti?? I??????a ????spspop???fufulul l????my???er???l,l?, a, ?", "output": "en gravy and soups. This product in my opinion should be used in the morning before work or people who are studing late nights as Chia makes you energized.\"\n9949,B001CGTN1I,A11ZL2TZKNWD5T,salee100,0,0,5,1346371200,Love the chia seeds!,\"I just found about chia seeds and I actually bought this bag so I could plant them. The seeds are growing like weeds and I've discovered that they are great in my foods also! My husband put them in a tomato sauce to thicken it, I add a teaspoonful to my cereal, an"} {"input": "??????abablb????????????y y?????????? T ?????????unu???????? a???d td ??????on on? th t?????ava?????f f???at??????????? ma m??ini?g!g????959?????????TNTN1N???????FCF??JSJ?????S,S???????t,t???????????????????oo?????????,\",??ama??e qe quq?????????????????ala??????or or t?????????????????????????resre???? and an??????????t ???al??????? w wo w???????rdr??r ????????aia???\"???????00??????????2E2??8E8???????UAU????????iei???,0,,0?????1313413?46046????00????ey??'re'r?e ce ?????ses????????...????f ???? p ???t tt ?wow????easea?????s ????????????????????bob??????????????????????mim??k k????? le l?t ??????it ????????????? o??????????????ak??????? s??eed???????? be b", "output": "d a tablespoon to my lemonade. They're fun to eat and take on the flavor of what ever I'm making!\"\n9950,B001CGTN1I,A3SWFCWJSLXYBS,AlexFit,0,0,5,1346112000,Good price.,\"Came quickly and good value for the price. Product was fresh and of decent quality, I would order this again.\"\n9951,B001CGTN1I,A2E48EJKZTCAUA,copengie4,0,0,5,1346025600,They're chia seeds......,\"If you put two teaspoons of chia seeds in a bowl of vanilla almond milk and let it sit for a couple of hours, it makes the seeds more be"} {"input": "??????e e???????.\".???959?????????????????9C9????????01?????????????????????,0???????????32032???????t t??????ici???/w/waw???? m mim??????????????e ge ??reare?? i????????????????????? u ?sus??lll??????????ix??? t????lesle???????r ???????n an ?????????????????-w-?????????????tet???????iri????onton??????uslus?? f ?????he??????????nutnu?????????????is???????????? t th????eeeedee???sepse???????d s????theth????dondo??????????????ththe????????al?l l???unu??????????????ndn???the???????????atat ????th??????????????, t, ????????ll ????th???????s ???????ou????????????????? of o???????????? org or??????? jui ju?????gugua???, ?????e,e, ?co??conco???, ?et?", "output": "arable to eat.\"\n9952,B001CGTN1I,A1Q9CXFIO32C01,\"Y. Xiong \"\"YX\"\"\",0,0,5,1344643200,Great in juices/water mix!,\"These are great in juice mix. What I usually do is mix a tablespoon or two in a glass with half-way filled water. Stir continuously for the next minute or two (this is to keep the seed separated so they don't stick together in small chunks, do this and they will float in the drink mix), then fill up the glass with your prefer choice of juice or organic juice (guava, prune, coconut, etc"} {"input": ")??????? i ???????nyn??????????????????\"h\"???p:p?///?????????????????????odo?ucu????????4J4??????>K>?ALA??- -????re re??teteve??a ???trt??ct? P?????????????????????a>a>.>????????????rir??????? f ????ata?????st? 1 ????????????????mbm?er?? to t? s???r ?it??ev??????????e ???????? t th t??????????????????????????????????????????????ndn????????ili???????at)at?????????????a ca ???? o or o??????????????he??n rn ???????????rvr???????ouou'u????????amaam???ed!ed!\"!??999?535????010?????1I1?,A,?????????HEH????????kik?e,e???,0,,0??????454??686????????????D D?????????he???hih???????????????resreshs??????????????leleale??. ????t it ?????????????? t????? an and?", "output": "), stir in a tiny bit of KAL - Pure Stevia Extract Powder, 3 oz powder. Let the drink sit for at least 15 minutes (remember to stir it every minute so that the gel coat on those seeds are formed evenly and they will float). Drop in a cube or two of ice when ready to serve....you'll be amazed!\"\n9953,B001CGTN1I,A1LH367Y6HEEQ7,cookie,0,0,5,1344556800,FRESH AND CLEAN,\"The chia seeds are fresh, shiny and clean. It is easy to use them and "} {"input": "??????? v ????ouo?? r ??????s ??????????ou??hahar??????????????????????. .? Y ???ou jou ??ustus???non???????????????????o ?????????? he heae?????ere???9???4,4??000????????,A,???????????MRM?C,C?????he????????aya?ya,ya?????????????????????t ??????mazma?????????????????gog??t tt ??????????????????????????????????y cy ?????????r ??? K ??reare??io???????, ,???d ?d thd t?hey?????l l???e e be ?????????????????????hihishi????ttt??e ????g cg ???????ke ????????? c c c???????d ???? th???e ?e boe b????lesle?, ??????????????ororeore.e????at???????????????g!g? I? m?ak??????botbo???le le???????o)o??????chich??????????????ag??????yry??p p?? and an?d sd ????????to ????t ant and????ow????", "output": "add to various recipes because you hardly see or taste them. You just know they are there to make you healthier!\"\n9954,B001CGTN1I,A3S3VSXEFXBMRC,N. Chernyavskaya,0,0,5,1344470400,What an amazing product!,\"I got this product because I used to buy chia water in Kreation cafe, and they sell one bottle for like $6. This little bag can make at least c hundred of these bottles, if not much more. What a great saving! I make a bottle (or two) of chia water, add agave syrup and stevia to it and slowly d"} {"input": "???nkn? t ??ror???????? th t????????ThT?heshe????????????????????y y????efe?ititst??????????OVOVEV?????e s???????se??????????? t th???? on o??mymy ??????e.e?. I. ?????a a???????ateat???????d Id ????m bm ????????oro?????or????w w??? ha h???????? u usu?????????????bob????2 2??????, ?anand?? my my ???????????lll?????????????????????B0B????????????P5P??????LFL????ElEll????????????????????????\"N\"????????ousous,??EaE?????????????????????????????????????veve ve?? the??? N NaN??ititait????atatuat?rar?????hih??a Sa ??eedee????????????bee?????????ththethemem ???????????????????????s ?fof??or oor ???? a?????????????????I nI ??w ??relre???????the???????????? tha th?? I I ?fifinfi?al???ly dly ????", "output": "rink throughout the day. These seeds have so many benefits! And I LOVE the smooth sensation of them on my tongue. It's a fun water, and I am buying more. For now I have been using it for about 2 weeks, and my bag is still almost fool.\"\n9955,B001CGTN1I,ANP5MZSPCLF8S,ElleAnne,0,0,5,1343692800,\"Nutritious, Easy and Convenient!\",\"I absolutely love these Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds. I have been using them in and on various meals for over a year now, and I now rely on them so much that I finally decid"} {"input": "?????? s ???????????o ????????? t???m m???????????????????????????????????????????????????????, ,???se se????????on on??????asa??????? me m?ealea????er er?dad?y y?(h(he?lpl?s s??????????on aon ??????rovro??de??s ks kek??y ny ????????????r ??????ge??ara??an??????!)!?????d Id ??ususuus???????????????????g ??ve????????? m???thth.th???????????e je ?????????? po p????????????n n????tut???????????????????????d ???em? p? per perfr??????for??????rinkrin??????????al??dsd?, ????ps??????????? d????????BuB?????????????????????exexcex?el????????? an??????g g fg ??????????d ted t???turtu??re are ???and nand ??????enten????9???????????TNTN1N????HKHKIK?656?????FYF??,E,??ua?????????pop??????", "output": "ed to subscribe to ordering them through amazon. I cook for myself and one other person, use these on at least one meal per day (helps digestion and provides key nutrients for my vegetarian diet!) and I usually need a new bag every other month. These are just like poppy seeds in texture and size, and I find them perfect for sprinkling on salads, soups and pasta dishes. But honestly, they're excellent in anything for added texture and nutrients!\"\n9956,B001CGTN1I,AHKI65OYQJFYM,Eduardo Crespo,0,0,5"} {"input": ",?????????000???xcx???????????y y?????????dud?ctc???????ciciei????????????aqaquq????? f ?ana?nt&nt???cuc?tete;e??????. .?AdAde???????uteute;???de??????????????????????os qos qu?e ????????????????????????.<.??? / ??LoL????????????????lil?????????????????od od??ro???????999959575??B0B????GTG???I,I,A,???RIRIDI?????X3X????????????????????ltl?hyh????????????????34???????????st??????? th t??e de ???????????????????y sy ?????e ?e doe d?ct????did?idnid???????????????ses?e be ???????reare?? a?????????????? t???iri????ene?fi?????????lovlo????addad???? t???m m t??????????????????ThT?he he????????????e ?????????????????ini?iti?teltelyl????????????? w???? b?? o ??????inging ?", "output": ",1343433600,Excellent,\"Muy buen producto, el cierre del empaque es fantástico. Además de todos los beneficios que tiene como antioxidante.
Lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Good product\"\n9957,B001CGTN1I,A2CRIDCB1PX3TG,\"Shawna H. \"\"Healthy Mom\"\"\",0,0,5,1342915200,Just what the doctor ordered,Okay so the doctor didn't 'order' these but I read about a lot of their benefits and love adding them to smoothies etc. The product came fresh and is definitely a good buy- will be ordering a"} {"input": "????????959?????????????????????????4S4?????????????ppp??????,0,,0??????242?????????????y y???????ioiono????????????????????????????RER???L:L: :???EYE?????????????????????????????????s ???????????????o bo ?uyu??tht?isi?????duducu???lo???ll???? p ???ha???????????????????????????? I I I????????ese?????????????????ede????????????? t??????????????omeom???extex??a a na nun????itiit??????d ?????????????????? t?? to m to ?my my???????ieieses es???th??????e ?????????? + ??????? o ??????? I????????ckc??th??m m??????????????thinthi????totooto???????????????????????ps????f f???????d ????????????hi?ngng ng? we w?????us???????e te ???????????", "output": "gain!\n9958,B001CGTN1I,A3KURTMF4YP4S2,NomadicShopper,0,0,4,1342483200,\"Met my expections, hard to find locally (CAREFUL: THEY STICK IN TEETH!)\",\"It was always hard for me to buy this product locally - perhaps because it's so popular! I find these little chia seeds a good way to sneak in some extra nutrition and add some \"\"fill\"\" to my smoothies (otherwise all fruit + water or OJ). I've snuck them into other things too - oatmeal, salad, soups. If you add it to something wet, just note that the tin"} {"input": "?????ede???(t(?hihininkn???opoppp????seese?????wiwililll? \" ????elell????????tut??n n?? b ?????umu?????ThThi???isi???t ?????g g?????, ,? bu butu?????chc???geg???????????e ????????bsb????????avavovoro??iteit???souso?p.p??? s?o o??????????thith???k Ik ????????????inin in? th??????????????????????????????? m??y s?????thi??s ?????????? I?????d td ??es?????s ts th????asastas??????????????????????????????y hy ?????mum???? ti t?????o ???????????????ds?? th?????????s as ????prpre???????????es?????o mo ????????? li l?????????????????????NIN?NGN????HEH???????????????? Y ???? T?EEE???! ! S???????????????????? a??n \"n ?\"\"a\"\"at???????\"\" ???????????- -??he?n ?????an an???us?? m??????????", "output": "y seeds (think poppy seeds) will \"\"swell\"\" and turn a bit gummy. This isn't a big deal, but it changed the taste of my absolute favorite soup... so I don't think I'll try it in that one again (lentil). I drink my smoothies quick, so I add these as the last step, and I don't think they have much time to swell. The seeds themselves are pretty tasteless to me, just little black dots. WARNING: THEY WILL STICK IN YOUR TEETH! Seriously. These are an \"\"at home\"\" item only - when I can brush my teeth or"} {"input": "? s sws???? w ?????afa?????????'t'?????????????t wt wow??????or or????or??????????eee??????, e, ????. O. ?????????????on'on??? th???k k t???????????ha????? m???woworwo????..? b bu b??t at a a g ???d ??????e ??????lemle????/b/????t,t, , a, ???d Ad ??????????????????sysy ???? ge get??????????rer?????????e ce ???????????????????? m ma m???????I ?totooto???????? a s a ??????ece???ses???of of????? to t???th th?????cercernr???.....?. b. ??ut ut?????????????????????????????????ic????he??????t mt ????expex???????on???????ca??? f ????????d ???????????????\"\"???????????GTG?N1N??,A,?????1C01C?????1I????ar????M.M???????,1,?343?020232?????,\",\"E\"ExE????llell????QuQ?????y,y, ??ExcEx????lenle?nt ?????ic?????TiT???? s sa s??", "output": " swish well after. Don't try them at work, or before a big meeting, etc. Overall, I don't think they have changed my world... but a good little supplement/boost, and Amazon had them easy to get, and a great price compared to my local market. I took off a star because of the tooth concerns... but otherwise I wasn't expecting magic. They met my expectations and came fresh and well packaged.\"\n9959,B001CGTN1I,A3JK1C09AKE1I0,Aaron M.,0,0,5,1340236800,\"Excellent Quality, Excellent Service\",\"Title says"} {"input": "???????????????????ntn????????y y??ror???ctc???????xcxcexc??lel???????viv??ce ce??t ????aia???????e.e????????ct ct????e e?????????????????? a??????????????999?606??????????????3O3????????????,J,?????0,???????????99299?0000,00???????????uctuc???????????????ir??t t tt ti??????????ereer??????????andan???he????????nd rnd ????????????????????????????????????????????al????????????????nt nt?????????????,B0,B?00100??GT?N1?I,?????6T6?6C6??MGMGCG??????????????KeK???????????????353???????0,N0,??????????????????????????se se???????seese????????my my????????h h o oa o????al?????trt?ritri??ouo???an??and yand ??????<>?????????????????????eneneener???? ????es es", "output": " it all, a Excellent quality product and Excellent service at a fair price. Product came ahead of time and as expected.\"\n9960,B001CGTN1I,A3OH1R8S5YR639,Jess,0,0,5,1337299200,Good product,This is the first time I ordered these and they blend right into my smoothies! They seem a good quality and a decent price!\n9961,B001CGTN1I,A22U6T6C9MGCZ3,Robert K. Kennedy,0,0,5,1335571200,Natural Energy!,I add these Chia seeds to my Scottish oatmeal. Nutritious and yummy.

Do I have more energy? Yes "} {"input": "???d d?I I?ama? a????????????????o o???e e C ChChih?????????????2,2??000010??GTG?N1N?????????????5P5?????vav???0,0??,4,???????????????pep?????????????????tritr????? the th??????????????????se??????????ldld d td ??????????a ga ?re????sos?????????????????? h ????e a??????????????????? the them the??I ??am am???ryr????????ed ed wed wiw????? the the ?prp???????an??????? g gig?????me me e ???eryery.y????????????????????????nd tnd ???????????????.9.??636?,B??????GTNGT????A1A?????????????????????0,40,???????????????od??????????????????ici????????????????h ?????????????????isis,s????????aviav?ingin??so????????????thathat????????????????????????? ta t??? c ca???????????ot", "output": "and I am attributing it to the Chia seeds.\n9962,B001CGTN1I,A3AJ7XT2II5POC,kvan,0,0,4,1334880000,Super Chia Seeds,I tried the chia seeds because I was told they are a great source of fiber and have all the omegas in them.I am very pleased with the product and they give me enery. Would highly recommend them to anyone.\n9963,B001CGTN1I,A1IFG7PTBWO9MF,joe,0,0,4,1329609600,Good item at great price,\"I am not much on stuff like this, but having some issued that I think this item will take care of, I got"} {"input": "??????????e ?? l ???ala? s?hoh??????d d??oto? c ??rrr?????????????s as ???flf?????????????????ooo???????????ereer???????t ???????????he??????? f ???????mazma???? wa w???????y gy ???d.d???????I I???o lo ??ngn????????????d ???????????eme????bub??????????coc?????????re???????????? wi w?????????????????4,4??000?????N1N??????THT???KOK???????????????????????????????878????????????????y ?????icoic??????od?????????hi?gh?ly???????me??nd nd????????????sas????fyf?????????????????????????????????????l,l????ackac??????ithit? p pr pro??????????fif???????I ?????n ??dddd ???????waw???????????????r ??????????9999????????CG???????101????", "output": " some here - local shops did not carry it, prices at flea markets and food shops were - just to high. The price from Amazon was very good.
I no longer have need of this item - but if the condition returns - so will I, HERE!\"\n9964,B001CGTN1I,A1ZTHMKKOG0H6Z,J. A. Hartmann,0,0,5,1328745600,Absolutely delicous product!,\"I highly recommend the hearty satisfying Chia seeds, for a snack or a meal, packed with protein and fiber - I often add it to waffles and other recipes!\"\n9965,B001CGTN1I,A10S8ND"} {"input": "???????????????e,e??????????????????GrG??ata????????? t ???? t??????????iningng g????????????????ana???????????omo???????it?????in?????????????e ie ???re????????????andand d Id ???alsal??????????????in min ????????ana ana B???? m???????????pep????oo oo??????????00100??????I,I????7U7?????M7M???7,7,M,MaM?????????ll???????????5,15,???????????????????????????????e ???????????????????hi??es,es?? pa p?????es?es, es,???????????? e ??????????????an ban bub?????????attiattie????????????????????e ??????????????????d ?????????????????ncn??y a?nd??????ur?e ?????????????????????????????ingin??????t ???in pin plp?aca?ce ce??? e???s.??9???7,??B00B0?1C?GTGTNGT???", "output": "SGZR6NA,S. love,0,0,5,1322438400,Great !,I add this to my morning steel cut oats and its awesome! A little in my smoothie is really good and I also put this in my Banana Bran muffin recipe too !\n9966,B001CGTN1I,A107U6AA8M7DP7,Matthew Holloway,0,0,5,1312588800,A real Super Food,\"We use these in smoothies, pancakes, waffles and even our vegan burger patties. You don't notice them, but they add a great consistency and texture and it also helps as a binding agent in place of eggs.\"\n9967,B001CGTN1I,"} {"input": "??????5Z5?TRT?7B7?????DoDolo??rer?? Z ??pap?????????????????\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\",\"????,5,???????????0,????????bub????????????????????????????????y wy ??????????????ucu??? I ??????????s ???pep?nsn??????????th????????y y ly ????????ol?e ?FoF??????andan?????ini???????hahasha????ototh??????????as as?it???s,s???????????y ty ?tha???it????s qs quq??ckc?lyl??beb???mim??g ????av?????? b??????????686??????????????????B8B???SNS????????????,0?????????09309???606???gog????????s,??I aI ?ddd?d ad ??tet?????????o o??????rotrote??????????????????????????nun????tit?????????????????heh????????non???????? t th?????oco??????? ta t?astas????? n????????????d pd ??????????????????????", "output": "AH3DO5ZTR7BU6,\"Dolores Zapata \"\"Dollie Bird\"\"\",0,0,5,1309478400,\"Great buy, great brand\",\"I'm very happy with this product. It was less expensive here than at my local Whole Foods and having purchased other Navitas items, I can say that it is quickly becoming a favorite brand.\"\n9968,B001CGTN1I,A3B3IB8CRSNCG0,warrior,0,0,5,1309305600,good carbs,I add a teaspoon to my protein powder for additional nutrition and because they have no flavor the chocolate taste is not affected plus Chia seeds thicken"} {"input": "?????????????????999?696????????TNT?1I1?????MLM?3N3?4E4??????N.N?????rsr????????????????????????????M M S ???ONO??????E,E,\",????????????????????????????????eme?????conco?????????nd????e ???????????????n.n??ThT???y gy ???????????stest?????????????????? f ??????????????????????????????????? the th??e ?ini????????isi???????? am a??ve????????????????lel?????????????????????ctsct??...??????????he he??uau?alial?ityit??of????isis is??????uctuc?!\"!???????,B0,B????GT?N1???A2A???FUF????ON???????m ?????????????,5,,5,1,12,1?93?323?161???0,G0,?rereare??,\"???re????y ????e ????????I a?ddd?d td ?the????? m my m????????????????????????d ???????????????????????llill??g g", "output": " my concoction.\n9969,B001CGTN1I,AP6ML3N4E8D55,N. Rierson,1,2,5,1334793600,GOT THEM SECOND TIME,\"I just love these seeds, got them second time and use them more often. They gel way faster and better than flax seeds and you can substitute these in many dishes (i am vegan and I am allergic to dairy products)... Love the quality of this product!\"\n9970,B001CGTN1I,A2CGFURX0ON5EO,tim coghlan,1,2,5,1293321600,Great,\"I really like them, I add them to my smoothies for lunch and it makes them more filling "} {"input": "???d d?I I???????????lal?????\"\"??????????CGC??N1N??????KBK????????????J.J? K ?rur?????\"\"\"????????anian??????????????828??76760600???WoW????? th t????uyu??,\"W,\"?he???????sts??????????????????????e ????tlt????????????????????????????li????fof????t ???????th?rereere???on???s s bs ?????????????????y by ???????????. ??I aI ??? a a????ganga????d ??takta?????????????????verve????????????????? t??e e he ?ypy???????????hatha?????sus???????????hih????????????????????re??d t???????????st????he he nhe ??????????? thin thi?????????d sd sos???????sease??ch?????oko??????? th the???nutnu????????al al??en??????s as anandand and??????????? fi f??urureur?? i???? h ha??ed?????????????????????", "output": "and I like the flavor!\"\n9971,B001CGTN1I,A3VKBFC5K2INR4,\"J. Kruger \"\"veganmania\"\"\",1,2,5,1282176000,Worth the buy,\"Where to start on this one. These little seeds had been on my wishlist for at least three months before i actually bought them. I am a vegan and take my nutrition very seriously. All the hype about what a 'superfood' chia seeds were i figured this was just the next new thing. I did some research, looked at the nutritional benefits and facts and figured if i hated them it wouldn't be "} {"input": "?????????????????????????? t ???????chc?. .?? m ??kek??crcrer??? o ?f f w ??heahe?? i?????he ???????ng ng? wi w????? t?abablb?ese??poopo?????f ff flf???seseee??????????????????mo?????????, o, ??????up up w wa w??ere???????4 4????????????? of???a na ???????????????????of??????????mondmon??s, s, c?????????waw?????s,??????????ueu?????????, c, ??ananban?????riesries ?an???gog????n ????isiis?????????urpur??????????????t lt ????????o io i ?fef??????????????geg????????????a sa ???????etet ???e ke ke??p ??????????e ?e ofe o??????akfak??????it?hoh???t at ???????to??o mo ?manma?y ???aloal????s.?????w mw ???y cry c??????????ea???is?????????????p lp ??ke???andand and??? h ?as?????ra??????ber ber?????eie???????th???go?????????", "output": "too long until i finished the pouch. I make cream of wheat in the morning with a tablespoon of flaxseeds, one cup of almond milk, one cup water, and 4 tablespoons of a nut mixture i made of raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, dried blueberries, cranberries and golden raisins. I purposely make it loose so i feel fuller longer. The chia seeds let me keep the volume of breakfast without adding too many calories. Now my cream of wheat is not so soup like and it has extra fiber protein and the good fats. "} {"input": "II I?????lel???????iti??????? p????????????am?????????????????nen??????se??????9???????010??????I,I,A,??????????????,\",???????????????020202???\"\"\"\"\"???????????????????,H,HOH?LYL??????????????????????ooo????uchuc???? o ????me?????????ovo?????e ?NaN??tivti???????nd,nd, ,?hoh???veverve????theth?? a?????s ?se?????? l ?leale?????????ververyver??im???????t ???????s ?on???????????kak??iningin??/????r /r ??????ara???sos???????????iseis??????ut? h ho h???????h bh bebet????????????a ????dsd???rer?????an an F FlF????????s.s.<.??
I heard so many praises about how much better the Chia seeds are than Flax seeds.

Upon arrival I opted to use these in my salad as opposed to the flax seeds I've been using.

>T>?heh????????eee?????aua???? t ????????????????e ???????????????????ingin? I ????ere???xpx?er??enencn??????rar????????????d ud ???????e fe ?fulfu?l ???????????zez????????in?????he?????lol???ereered? t???????unu????andan????????????????????????????????r or ???????????????? l le?????????t tt ?????lo?????????r ??????????????????????????????????????? th???FlF??????????????? d???n'n?t ?????????????????y y??????stist??????????.The Chia seeds caused the most horrible and painful bloating I ever experienced. Granted, I did use the full serving size, but since then I lowered the amount and STILL with even just a quarter of a teaspoon or less I get the bloating.

I have since switched back to the Flax seeds which didn't wreak havoc on my intestinal tract.

I am hoping I can find some way to use these seeds in the future because I hate seeing anything go to waste.

My advice if you are set on"} {"input": "??????ngn? t?heh???????ses????????????tat?????????iti????????ry ry l ????????????!! !!???? s st?ici????????? tha th???lolowlo??????nt??????? y ??ourou??? sto st?mam?chc?h bh bub??ildil????p p?????????????fof??????se? s???ds?.\".\"\"????3,3??????GTG????????????????1X1????????????,13,1??838??848????????????e ????????????bob?ougou???????????????t ???????????????????????????andan??lo??vedve????????????????er???uyu????????is ?brbrar??and and b??cac????????????blebl?ed ed?????????? I ????ugu??t ??it it fit ?forfo???1010 0 o????in??llllyl??????????????ot?????br????????????????????????????????J2J282?????ublub???????,1,??3,13,????????????tsts ???? see se?ed,ed?? b??????????????? p????????????", "output": " trying the Chia seeds is to start out with a very low amount!!! And stick with that low amount until your stomach builds up a tolerance for these seeds.\"\n9973,B001CGTN1I,A11KA4VK0OQ1X8,SA,0,1,1,1348358400,The price doubled!,I bought this product not that many months ago and loved it BUT no longer buying this brand because it doubled in price! I bought it for $10 originally. Will buy another brand.\n9974,B001CGTN1I,A1MXA7BT95J28Z,Sublime,0,1,3,1341100800,Its a seed,I bought these to put in smooth"} {"input": "??????ndn????????????t t? to t?????y ????nd?????????he?????nd???????? am a???????????????????grigr?????theth????y ???andand ??efe??????? ad addd??d tod t??th??????????r. r.? It I?t at ???????en?????? y ?????????????????????cece.e????? do d??????????????????ror?m ?fr??????????????se se??????? m ?????????????????????????CAC???Q0Q0H0????????RRR??????????????13?????,G,??????pr????????TrT???ed ??????????????????outou???nd??lil????????????ou???? to??or????? th thr thre??????????agsag????I ??????????????spsp?p?? u????? c ?hih????waw?????????????me me j ?????? an a???????sos????vev??e bee bee??????tit?????the???????to hto ???em?ada??????anuan?utbut??????er aer ??and and oand oao?atmat??????????", "output": "ies and they do not totally grind up in the blender. I am going to try to grind them by hand before i add to the blender. It all depends on your texture preference. I do not mind seeds from fruits but these bugged me!\n9975,B001CGTN1I,A13ZCCAADQ0HVS,JAHARRIS,0,1,5,1335139200,Great product,\"Tried one bag to test out and liked them enough to order three more bags. I make eskate (sp?) using chia, water, and lime juice and I also have been putting them into homemade peanutbutter and oatmeal energy"} {"input": "???ara??????ana??t t??pep??k k?????????????d d??s ???????????andsand??????thith??????????ono???????ndn?????ava????rir???. ???I cI ?an?????????????waw?????????????ouo?ghgh h??????ici???wiw????????????????????????e-e??ordor?????????6,6??????????????QJQJQJ????KFK??7B7BJB????????????? G GmGmam????,0,??1,1??,1?272????????????reare????????? w ??lll?? pa p??????????ThT??se????y ?????t ft fo???????????????ver????ay???? m my m???or?????? sh s?????????? I???????iningin?g tg tr????????in????ing ing??????????????th??????ysy???o ???????thesthe?se se sse ?seese?????bubutu????theythe?y wy ???? k ke????(i(?in in?????ealea?????plapl????????????inein???????????,B0,B????????I,????VMV??27R27RIR????G,G?????y,y,2,???0,??2,12,", "output": " bars. Can't speak to this brand vs other brands as this is the only brand I have tried. I can say that I was pleased enough to stick with this brand for the re-order.\"\n9976,B001CGTN1I,A3QJQQZTKFV7BJ,\"Sandy \"\"WR Gma\"\"\",0,1,5,1276300800,\"Great price, well packaged\",\"These may last forever at 1T every day in my morning shake since I'm having trouble finding recipes for other ways to use these seeds, but they will keep (in a sealed plastic container).\"\n9977,B001CGTN1I,A9DVM27RICA7G,Jimmy,2,10,2,1"} {"input": "?313??242???000????? W ???lel?????? S ?eee????\"T\"???????s ????e fe fif??stst t?titimi????????ed? p ????hahas??????a fa ???????????t ???ere? t?hehe he???????ete?????d ?????????ed ed Ied ???waswa???ene??t st ?????thith?ingin?????er? t?????????????????ctuct???ed.ed.<.?????????????ThiTh????aca????????????insin?????ia ia??ee????OWO??ERE???whw???????as???me?? is is ?grg???nd?????????????r tr th????remremamai??ndend????????????kagka????????????seeseedsee???????t ???u u????ve ve??????? o ?f f?????ti?????????????r ??????? h???as aas ?ddddid?????????ili?????????/>/>?????????????????????????????????????a $a $7$? p?????ct????????usu????disdi??ppp??oinoint??????????????pagpa?? a????????sesse???????? se s??eedseed?????????", "output": "312243200,NOT Whole Chia Seeds,\"This was the first time I tried purchasing a food product over the internet, and as feared I was sent something other than what was pictured.

This package contains Chia Seed POWDER, which I assume is ground up seed (or the remainder from packaging whole seeds) that you have no way of identifying whether or not has additional filler.

Not going to bother returning a $7 product, but just disappointed when the page advertises whole seeds.\"\n9978,B"} {"input": "?????????????3E3???????MMRMM?909??R.R?????????ana???3,3???????????????????????? b ?iri????I I??????????????? by b???he???????r ???????????????????of??? thi this??????ucu??. . I. ????a a? ti t??????????????ed ed????? g ???ts ts???uc?? i ??????eryer????ornor??????????ur ur??ou??? a ?andan??ththeth???tasta?tet??is????kek?e ne ???thith????. K. ??indin?d od ???li?keke ke p?opo?pyp????ed?????????thth ??????????as?te?????fif???lll???????????lfl??????????????????? thi?????nonoyno?????????????? pu p??????????????????th?????irdird ????????????ortor????ateat??? t???y ?????????seemsee???? l ??likelike ???t mt ??uchuch h????he????999??????????K9K??????????M5M?9K9????,R,Re,R????????????herher,her,0,0,???????050515?????????", "output": "001CGTN1I,A33EEIG3MMMR90,R. Sturdivant,3,32,2,1301184000,For the birds,I was surprised by the number of 5 star reviews of this product. Its a tiny gritty seed that gets stuck in every corner of your mouth and the taste is like nothing. Kind of like poppy seeds but with out the taste. I finally ask myself why am I eating this annoying seed and put it out back in the bird feeder unfortunately they don't seem to like it much either.\n9979,B0050IK99O,AOUE7RM59K3YL,Rebecca Melcher,0,0,5,1305158400,Uni"} {"input": "?quq?? p ????????????????lol?vev?e Be ?BQB??OyO??????????????? t?heh?e oe ??????????????cocoao?????BBQBB????uc????????r r 3 ????????????????????????e e ae ???????o bo ?uyu?????is ???tst??ded?????????eye???????????????????RERE,E??JIJ??HXHXAX?AJIAJ??1U1?9,9???vnv????artar?1,1??0,00,?????323?212171797???00,00??rer?????,\"I,\"??????hth???????????????????es es???????????BrB????????????? f fof?????co?ra?tit???????e ?bab??lsl?????nd nd? it i????as as? a a????????I cI cac??????aia?????????????ono??????????????????. . ????????????B0????AMA?????,A1,A???????????????in???,1??,1,?4,4????333?????????imi????????lil??????ete?te??????????th??????????arthart?????a a?????????????????????ea?????rnr?", "output": "que product,\"If you love BBQ Oysters, this is the original west coast BBQ sauce! After 30 years, it's nice to be able to buy this outside of Pt Reyes.\"\n9980,B001PKUXRE,AJI0HXAJIH1U9,ravnheart1,0,0,5,1322179200,Great!,\"I bought the Wilton Cookies and Cream Brownie Crunch for decorating cake balls, and it was a hit. I can't wait to try it on top of brownies. YUM!\"\n9981,B0032AM8H8,A1FNVXNEPWBZRR,Vinya,1,1,4,1323302400,\"Limited Relief, Better Than Nothing\",\"Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Heartburn "} {"input": "???????? n ??t t??uru????? h ?eaearea?????n.n???InI?????t,t?? I' I?????????tlt???????????????regre?nan????, a, ???????????????(w(???h h??y ?????oro?????????vav???????????????id id?(f(fa???otiotid????????????????????s,????th??????????blb???and and??????an?and and land lol??????f f??vanvanin???????e ?crc??ama?, ?????no??????????????ingling??ha?ndn?ed???????????????????????urn.urn.<.?brb?????
However, this tea does help, depending on the type and severity of the heartburn. Marshmallow, the useful ingredient, works by helping to coat your stomach and digestive tract. When one of my friends recommended this "} {"input": "?tet????????, ,??heh? e exe???????????\"I\"ItI????????ststotopto??????????????? b ????? p ?ro?dud?cec?ed,ed???????????????????????ing ing??????utu???? w???l l??????????whwhoh?lel??ex????ieiene??ce ce????????????l ?ana??????????\"\" \"\"?????ouo???n'?t ????????????????????????????it?'s'???????s ????????????or???????ti?ngn??????I-I-s-???????'t?????????????????-s-sa-s?lsl?????????f f???????????????????????????se??????????????-a-ama????in??-i-???????????????gr?av?it???????ele??????p-??????dod??n-???????????????????????????????? h???rt????????????????, p, papai???r thr t??he Ehe ??artar??????????????????????in??????????????????????????2 2? am a?", "output": "tea to me, she explained, \"\"It won't stop the acid from being produced, or stop it from coming up, but it will make the whole experience less painful and nasty.\"\" I couldn't agree more. Subsequently, it's not as effective for combating the I-shouldn't-have-eaten-that-salsa type of heartburn, but is pretty useful for the 2-am-lying-in-bed-without-gravity-to-help-keep-food-down-it-just-won't-stay-down type of heartburn. In fact, pair the Earth Mama tea with sleeping in a recliner, and the 2 am "} {"input": "??ururnr???s s?non???ono???????????????????????.<.??????????????e ???????ofof ???????????????? o of??????sys?????? a ?????????mim????? I ????on'on????????????????bitbi??????? d dr d?in?k k?????????a ??????tente??er.er??????bebese?????????or or??????????he he the ????????k wk ?welwe???????????ara????????????????befbe?forfo?????????????burburn???????es????????????????ususus??????y bry b??????????? c???p tp ??to hto ????????? m?????????, ,????????????ve ve?????????????ulu????????h ??? t?????????to ???ip ip d???????th?e ??????????????????e ue ????. T. ??e ?????te te i?? is f is ???ne ne?????? th?? the t the ??????? co colo?????ndn???I fI ???d ????????es???efe??????????brbr br?/>???

The taste of the tea is sort of grassy with a bit of mint. I don't find it too bitter to drink without a sweetener. My best tip for making the tea work well is to start drinking it before the heartburn becomes a problem. I usually brew a large cup to have with my dinner, then reserve a few mouthfuls' worth of the tea to sip during the night when I wake up. The taste is fine when the tea is cold, and I find it no less effective.

Over"} {"input": "??lll?, ,?? r ????????d d???????MaM??? A ?????????? O ?rgr????????ar??????????????????B0B??????8H8????????CDC??KEK?????????ni?fef??,0,???,5,???313?747???????????oro???????????ono??y ??? w ?eee??ks ks??re?????t ????????????????????asa???????ea?rt????????ndind?ge???????????as???ic???????????ll ll??????????mom?????????th??? t????anand? t????????st st????y Iy ??????k ??????????and ????????????????????s ?s a s a???it,it, , b, ????t cot c??????ede???usius?????it.it?. D. DaD??????..N..????eaear??tbutb?urnur??/in/i???????????????????????????????4 4???????stilsti?????in?? s st s?????????and fand ??????ing ?????????????evevev???????????odod ?fo?r r?mo????s ans a?????????????\"9\"???????????", "output": "all, I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Heartburn Tea.\"\n9982,B0032AM8H8,A26SICDPKE4N6P,Jennifer,0,0,5,1317427200,It Works!,\"I am only 12 weeks pregnant and had the worst case of heartburn/indigestion. I was sick dawn till dusk. My mom found this tea and the first day I drank 3 cups and it eased my symptoms a bit, but continued using it. Day 2...No heartburn/indigestion at all! I am on day 4 and still going strong and feeling better than ever! Thank God for moms and this tea!\"\n9983,B0032AM"} {"input": "8???,A,???????WEW??W6W6P6??,\",????sis?opo???????\"CJ\"C???????????????696???000?????????????????iti??????????oro?????rtr?bub?rnr?\",?????? i ?????????????? te t????itit it??????s s ms ??ststltlyly ????????mommo????????nfn??rtrturt??ata??ly????????, ??????????t ?????ooo?????ch ch?????????????????????. ???????owo??363????eke?s ?????g g a???????e e????????earteartb?ur????????????? w????????????? and and ??? wa wasas as? ho hopopiop??ng ng?????????ldl?d h?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????a ???st?st ast ??????????bebeveve????e,???but?????anan'an?'t 't?????????nd nd?????????re??na?????????ateat????d head he???tbutburtbu?rn.???999????????2A2??????A2A??????????YY???,\"A,\"??", "output": "8H8,A312MFKWEGW6PV,\"Cassiopeia \"\"CJ\"\"\",0,0,3,1296691200,\"Tasty tea, limited help for heartburn\",\"This is a pleasant tea, it tastes mostly of chamomile. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't do too much to squelch heartburn. I'm now 36 weeks along and have had heartburn almost the whole time, and I was hoping this would help out but it really hasn't had an effect. I do like the tea just as a mild beverage, but I can't recommend it for pregnancy related heartburn.\"\n9984,B0032AM8H8,A27J0Z5FN2YYYI,\"Ang"} {"input": "???? M ??????????????????\",\"?????????959??????0,?????????c!c?????rer??????????nan?????????tbt?????\"W\"???????????????????????hah??????s s?????d ????? l ?lasla?????????????????????????ha????????????st cst ??aseas???? h ????????n n????????eee??s ???????????d ad ???????????eie???? ab a?lel?e te tot?????at dat di??????????? t tut????, i, ??????????ge?????ng ?????????erer.er???????????????????????????????e ??????ar?????????An??????????????sas??????????????herhe?r dr dad???an??????????????hthtbht?????mom?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ur??ed ed?????as?? wo??rthrt??????????non?ot ot??????????tetente?????ne?r ??", "output": "ela M Tadey \"\"Angela\"\"\",0,0,5,1295308800,Fantastic! Cured My Pregnancy Heartburn,\"WOW! I didn't expect that this would work last night, but it did! I had the worst case of heartburn at 10 weeks along, and after not being able to eat dinner and 4 tums, it wasn't getting any better. My best friend just bought me the Earth Mama Angel Baby tea sampler the other day and I had a lightbulb moment, remembering the heartburn tea was in there. I figured it was worth a shot, not having eaten dinner an"} {"input": "?????????g g??auausu?????????????serse?aba??????WiW??hih???????????? h??ourou????????eae?? he h?????????????letle?????????????????????????rpr???????th???????bu??????????????sesedsed.d?? I ??? n no n????????allyall??sos???xcx????? a?bobou?????mem?th????????????????????????? a ?rer????????butbu?t a?????????????????????????? so s???? ot oth????????????????????eedee????????????? a????????ing????in ain ?? o or o????????geg??????????re????????????????. ??????????googo??????????????boxbo???????nd?????t hot hom????nd?nd and atnd a????orkor?. ?. T. ?hehe he???astas???e ise i?s vs ?????ninici?e ???oo,oo??????????? bey be??nd???????????9?????B0B????????????S9S9I9???2ED2E???343?????????????????", "output": "d feeling nauseous and miserable. Within a half an hour, the tea helped me to let out a couple of good burps and the hearburn finally eased. I'm not usually so excited about something to go out and write a review, but am hoping this might help some other mamas 2 be in need as well. I am putting in an order to get some more of this today. Will be good to have a box on hand at home and at work. The taste is very nice too, so I am beyond pleased!\"\n9985,B004NE2E9O,A1S9IN2ED2534Y,Mary Dieter,0,0"} {"input": "????????636??606??,W,???ded??????!,!??????irirsr?????? t ???????????????????t.t????????????, ,?RuR????????nd nd???????????th??????????????????????? h??????verver r t???????. . ???rer?????????????an???????????????d ??????ha?d ????????????????????????ur ur?lo?????mam??kek?et.et?. ???????xtx????me??I ????????????????????????????????????????SoS???????okeok???????????????????????them them? th?ror????????zoz?? a?? T ????lorlo??????arkeark????sos?????? t???????n n??et????thesthe?se se?????????????????FiF?innin???????????????????s ??in ??? P Pe Pet????????, ?bu????????? u ??aba????e toe t??ge??????m ??in ????the Uthe ???te??????te????????y oy ?ordor???????l l el ??", "output": ",5,1332633600,Wonderful!!,\"We first had these sardines in St. Petersburg, Russia and they were the very best sardines I had ever tasted. I returned home and lo and behold they had the same sardines at our local market. The next time I looked the didn't carry them anymore. So I looked online and found them through Amazon at Taylors Market (somehow they can get these sardines at the Finnish store Stockmens in St Petersburg, but we are unable to get them in the United States). My order will exp"} {"input": "??rer?????MaM?rcr?h h??????ana?????????? d dod??????ava?e ????e se ????ini?????????????????????????????????h ???????????t ???pppplp???????t at ?????ch ch?grg????????oso?????????????e e Ie ???ece?eie???????? t???s s t????? ?????????e Ye ???MYM?!\"!??????,B,?????414??????????????7I7??VAV?????????iai???????????????????oko?????,3,??8,48,484?8,18,????????????????????papat?????? S ??????????????th??ankan????????ou ou?? thi thin thi?k k y ????????????????ete??in?? g???????????????idi?d wd ???n ???? i ?????st st???????lel?????????? ge g?et et?????orgor??anian?? f ?forformr??????????lyl???????????????????asa??????????ThThiTh??????????????icicaic?ll??????nstnstitipti???????????mul??????", "output": "ire on March 27th and I still don't have the sardines, but I reordered today through a different supplier at a much greater cost, but I hope I receive them this time. They are YUMMY!\"\n9986,B000P41A28,A2OOCPLJM7I4VA,\"Victoria Compton \"\"Hyakamooks\"\"\",38,48,1,1222646400,\"Constipation + Sucrose = No, thanks!\",\"You think you're doing something good for your kid when you invest a little more to get an organic formula. Sadly, that's not the case here. This is a horrifically constipating formula...lo"} {"input": "?tst????????n n??????????nin?????????ranrantn???d.d????ava??ing??????????memeae????ese??????re??????????s (s ?of??ere??ing?ing jing ??????????te??????????? j ?????nonoto? a???????blblel??apa???oao????????????r ?????????????mam???????ur????????e se ?sucsucrc??sese se??nsn??ea????? l ??????????to sto ???????????, a, an??????????????LOL??? of o???????????????????? s??????????????ouo???????????le??on????, ??????lacla????gag????????suc????????????????????????????????t yt ????r cr ch?????upu???????utu???? d ?iai??????????????? th?? N NYN??????????????? f??????????????????thith??????????br?????ot?totomto??????? p??????ul ul??????????tioti?? i in??? the?????????ermer", "output": "ts of pain and straining, guaranteed. Having to take measures to prevent this (offering juices, water, etc) is just not a sensible approach.

Also, the manufacturers use sucrose instead of lactose to save money, and they use a LOT of it. With the same sweetness as country time lemonade, Similac Organic's sucrose-based formula may also set your child up for future diabetes. Check the NY Times article for more info on this.

Bottom line: painful constipation in the near term"} {"input": "?? p ????ibi?????????????ana?????rtr??ini???? a a?sws?????????????? th t??????uru????????, t, th???ksk??????????????????????Z9Z????????535?????????y,y????242???????9999499????????????thith???ara?????? f ?????????0 0???ut ut????????tarta?rs rs R Re???? th?is????rti????e fe fie f???st,st, , A, ???????????????<>???
By Pregbaby (Florida) - See all my reviews
I thought I was doing the right thing by buying organic and thought Similac was a brand I could trust to be good for baby. That is, until I came across this NY Times article about the sugar they use... [...]

From th"} {"input": "?????????????????????arear???????????e be ?????????????????????????????????????????????????t t?????????????????thithie???????????????ma???ha??ve ve???rer?asa??? o????theth??????????? p ?????rrr?????????????Or??ganga??????t ???????ni????????????eee???? t?hahanha????the????forfo?????s.s. .??????s ts ???????? m ma m????????????? o??????????????? t? tha th?????????????ede?????th th???ne???ugu??????? s?????????????? i?? m mu mucuchc????????????????????????ed?????????ther ther f???mu??????????>
Parents may be buying [Similac Organic] because they believe that organic is healthier, but babies may have a reason of their own for preferring Similac Organic: it is significantly sweeter than other formulas. It is the only major brand of organic formula that is sweetened with cane sugar, or sucrose, which is much sweeter than sugars used in other formulas.

No health problems in babies have been associated with Similac Organic. But to pediatricians, there are r"} {"input": "??????????????? b ??bib?????ana?e e????????SuS??????e ce ?canca???ararmarm m t ???????nan???? f faf??tet??????n ???????????arsar?; ;??????????es?? ge g?? u ususe??? to t??????????eteet???????te,te??? the th?????ghghth???es???????????????????????? o???sos?lil?d ??oo????????????? s?????????????????????????y my mi?gh????vever?????, l, ???di????to????pip???????????aia???????????iri????????, ????chc?????????n ??????????ic??????redre???to????f f??????????????esi??????999???,B,??00???????????J1J161???????YWY?,D,??vi?d ????????re,re?????5,5????585??202????OuO?r ??????is?????????????r ????????s vs ???????ppp?y ??????????SiS??milmi??c c????ganga??ic ic???????to?????????????", "output": "isks in giving babies cane sugar: Sucrose can harm tooth enamel faster than other sugars; once babies get used to its sweeter taste, they might resist less sweet formulas or solid foods; and some studies suggest that they might overeat, leading to rapid weight gain in the first year, which is often a statistical predictor of childhood obesity.\"\n9988,B000P41A28,A25J168NSTHMYW,David A. Sifre,2,2,5,1315872000,Our baby is perfect,\"Our baby is very happy with his Similac organic ready to drink formul"} {"input": "a????r r???HeH??isis s????o o??????????????tht??th???????lal????????????????????ueu???????e,e??whwhihici??????fef???????????????the the?????nin??????non???????????????br br??><>???????? d did?????????????????????the ???????ula ula?????n wn ????????o ?????????????????er???.r />H??e ie ??? te t?????????s os ??d ???????d ??he he???????????itsit???p,p???alwal??ysy??sms?????s as ??d ???????????????????t t bt bab??y y ay ????????????eve????ses?eenee????? /??????? />I />????????utute??????????????somso???????nt????? an and an?d n???????th??????mu???????989?9,9??000???????8,8???FXF???3J3???????9,\"9,\"M\"??? o???????s ???????ly ?O\"O???,2,2,2??,5,????141????????ExE?????????????le?me????", "output": "a.
He is also very happy with the regular formula in the blue bottle, which we feed him when the organic is not available.

He did not really like the formula when we had to mix it from powder.
He is ten months old now and he rarely spits up, always smiles and is the most content baby anybody has ever seen.

I attribute that to awesome parenting and not to the formula.\"\n9989,B000P41A28,A2FXAA3JHM0MY9,\"Mom of Twins \"\"Molly O\"\"\",2,2,5,1314921600,Excellent supplemental"} {"input": "? f ??????a,a,\",\"I\"???asas s??????ngng g??or? a ? f?????????o o?????????ntn????????????ili??? fo?????y ty ?????????hah???????verver r???????enoen???h)h??????waswas ?????????????? A ??vav?????????????hoh??pip??????n n tn ???e le ??ittit??? t???o oo ou?nc???????????????????tarta?tet??????re??????n ??e ??anan an????t ot ofo???????????sas??????, ????????????????tct?????o to th???????????d Sd ?????aca????????????????av????????????????ribri???????????????'t'??????????????t tt ????????mi???t ????di????????????????e ?wewenwe???????????????mi??? to to to? tr???y toy t??????????????????????????????ughug?h ah ????oupou?ple????f bf bobotbo??le????of of??????????????to to tto ???????. ??? fe fele??", "output": " formula,\"I was looking for a formula to supplement my breastmilk for my twins (I have never made enough). I was given Similac Advanced in the hospital in the little two ounce bottles, so I started there. When we ran out of the free samples, we tried to switch to the powdered Similac Advanced, it gave my girls horrible gas. I didn't realize that the two might be different. When we went back to pre-mix to try to resolve the gas issue, I bough a couple of bottles of the organic to try out. I felt "} {"input": "??????????ulu??????????????????????????????ana????????redre?iei?ententst?????????nvn????????? o??ese?????????????e we ?asa???????. .??????????okoke?d ????????????????????ga???????????????????????????isi???????irirsr???????red??ienie??????? n ???????????????ltl???????t tht t??? or o??????????k k??????edied?ien????????e ce clc??se??st st?????he???????di?en???????brbre?????????????????????????????t ot ofo???? fe f??di?????????????????I wI ????????????????????????????????????????????ththoth?????gas?. ???or ?????????ordor?, ??????ve????????????????????????? co??st??????????????????????to fto ?????????ul?? ( (w(wh(whi???????????unaun?ateatel", "output": "like I would rather feed my children organic ingredients over conventional ones if all else was equal. I also looked at the Similac for gas and fussiness and sugar is the first ingredient. Um, no thanks. I felt that the organic milk ingredients were closest to the ingredients in breastmilk (what they get 3 out of 5 feedings a day), so I was happy when they took to it easily and without gas. For the record, we have had ZERO problems with constipation. If I have to feed formula (which unfortunatel"} {"input": "y??I I d dod? f ??????????? t ??????fef?????gsg????????????? th t???????havha???th????????ulula??????????????????99??????00P00????????A26A2????????????,\",?L.L???wew???s \"s ????????????\"\"\"\"\"?????????303????121??????????????????????e fe ??rmr???la ???????? a a a???odo??????????,\"I,\"??ama????t ?a a??rer??????????????????????ha? e ???????o o so ???plp??????????????t 4t ????????renre?????thth th?????????adead?????????????th ????e ne ????t It I I uI ?useus???? the th?e pe ?owo??ere?????t ????????????e m??y sy ???????aba???I ???antan??ed ???????????????k ?an????as??y by ??t t a???? o?rgr??????. . I????have?????????????wi??????????o ????????I dI ????????????usiusiningin??? for fo???ulaul??????????", "output": "y I do for some of their feedings), I'm glad that I have this formula as an option!\"\n9990,B000P41A28,A26293B9Q9GXWR,\"L. owens \"\"L.S.Owens\"\"\",4,5,5,1309651200,If you have to use formula this is a good choice!,\"I am not a great milk producer and ha e had to supplement my last 4 children, with two I made my own, with the next I used the powder, not that I have my sixth baby I wanted something quick and easy but also organic. I have been happy with this so far. I don't like using formula but I dec"} {"input": "?????????waw???????????hah?????lll??ngng g?????????????coc?nsn???????????????andan?d sd ???????ing?????????did?id id???????veve e????ugu??????????ririci??e we ??s ????????? tha th????????????, ,????????????????????e ie it???on on????scs??????an???????????????\"\"?????,B,????P4P????????????????SJS???CaC?rlrl l N ?otothot??aga?????,8,8,?????????28?????????????vesve?, ??????o ????wew???????ata???ror???????ou??????????r ??lov???????????????s s bs bes b?en? g gag????????????????????????e te ?ryr??????????? m????????????????????????????lel?????????????????????????????hih??????????????????????ptp??ononson????????????vav?????le???????????mimixi???. W. ", "output": "ided it was better than killing myself with constant pumping and stressing that I did not have enough!
Price was better than the store, I would love to see it on subscribe and save though.\"\n9991,B000P41A28,A82CL6H9NWSJC,Carl Nothnagel,6,8,5,1302652800,\"Baby loves, and so do we\",\"Great product, our daughter loves this and has been gaining weight great. We try to get as many organic foods as possible for us and our daughter. This is one of the few options that are available in ready mix. W"} {"input": "?e e???????????????h h t ??mem????????e m?????inging g??or or????????????????????ksks ??rer????fof???????????????e ????re re??ixi???? b ????????ililkl??ana?? s ????ilail?c c???vav??????????????????????ing ???ea?t.t?????henhen ????? wan wa?teted?????????o ??orgor?????????????vedve?d td ????????????????e ???????????ing bing ????h bh br?????????lk lk????? th??????????ic???????e pe ????ed?????????????????????????ing????and ?????????????????????6 6?????rs.rs??????? sh s??????? d?ririn????? thi? this ?fo?????a a? an????????s as ???????timti??s ?????y ?????is??gr?owowiowin????re???? ? We W?e se ?stast?artar?????herhe?r or ????? this??at?? ab a??????.5.????nt???s a?????????ce??????????so??metme???es?? mi????", "output": "e don't have much time in the morning or evening so this works great for us. First we were mixing breast milk and similac advanced and she was doing great. Then we wanted to go to organic and moved to this. When we were doing both breast milk and this we noticed she pooped far less, not a bad thing and never farther than 36 hours. Now she only drinks this formula and poops a few times a day and is growing great. We started her on this at about 1.5 months a few ounces a day (sometimes mixed "} {"input": "???????????? m ?????? a ??????????????????????????d ????????ini??? ab a???????????cec?s ?? d ??? ( ????????????????????????????
On a side note if you ever tasted breast milk, this tastes as close to that as any formula we tried. Some formulas are so nasty smelling and tasting its a wonder any baby eats them...

Cheers!\"\n9992,B000P41A28,A181WVPZSOKTVV,GRIZZLY,12,17,5,1312675200,Good product and highest quality - I'll elaborate...,\"This is a good product and very high-quality. The majority of p"} {"input": "?eoe???? w ??o o???????????????????d d???????tetere????????e ?????????????????idi???? a an a????re??no?????????asa??????t it ??clc???????in in???????????????iei???ese??oro??????????????itiit????????re?????a la ???????????? o of?????????????io??????????hereher????????? m mi m???????ormaorm???????????????????????????at????????????????????revrevivievi???????????is is fis ??formfor?????????????????????????????ci????al??????????lacla? O ????ninic??? i??t i??????????? ec e???????????uau??it??????h h??regrega?rdr??to??????sissi??en???y ay ??????????????????alual??????????????grg????? su s?????s ????th th??? this thi???????ct? a???????????????ea?ses????????all????", "output": "eople who post on Amazon (and the internet) are not medical providers and are not the least bit inclined in the area of sciences or infant nutrition. There's a large amount of misinformation out there and the misinformation is evident and propagated throughout the reviews for this formula. As for this product specifically (Similac Organic), it is the top echelon of quality with regard to consistency and nutritional value. We've had great success with this product and are very pleased overall as "} {"input": "?????djd???????o o?brbrereae???mim?lkl?????????????s s?????????????ere???isi?s as a a???eryery y??????????????????????t ???aboab?rar??torto??????????????????????????????????????ava????erery???igi?????s ?quq??alial?????ono?????s ??????lacla?e,e, ,??????ishis?????????????????????????sos??????????????????s ts ????? the the????????fif????????????co?????it???(e(?xax????????tat???????????????????????wow?????????????????linlinen?????o to trt??????????????? the ????????mamalma?l ??makma??????of of????mu?????????ot??????rg??????????ducdu?????uguggg??????ed aed asas as??\"b\"????er????????????????????s -s ?????ece????????the?? re?????encen??????????????me ome ????anianicani??????????", "output": "an adjunct to breastmilk. Abbott labs (product maker) is a very large research reagent laboratory for the medical sciences and they have very rigorous quality controls in-place, published research, and they also provide reagents to the scientific research community (exacting standards). That said, I would be less inclined to trust some of the other small makers of formula (ie. other organic products suggested as \"\"better\"\" in these reviews - especially the referenced small-name organic powders)."} {"input": " ????????d d?????dod???????e e???????????????????ofo????he he??imi???aca???rorododud???ts ts?????th????igi????? q ????iti????????????oro???d wd ?itithit? a ad a????????????????????????co???????????????ll-ll?????????????? p????????????udu??????????trt???? t th?isi????an???- -???imiim???ac,ac??????????????allal?????non???????????laila??in ain ?????????????eee??? in i???????it????????t bt ????????????????????????????th th??????ent???????????? G ??? tr t???ctsct????LL???????? w wi w??????pep??????????omeom?e de ?degde?????of??????????didisdi???????????????????????th????????lala la o or o????????ioi???? s???????????en en?????????lkl????ItIt't??????d t?o o s se s????eoe????? in?", "output": " All said and done, the components in ALL of the Similac products are the highest quality and monitored with advanced scientific protocols and are well-researched in published studies. I'd trust this brand - Similac, over the smaller, no-names. Plain and simple. Keep in mind it's what best suits your baby and with nascent/developing GI tracts, ALL babies will experience some degree of gas and discomfort regardless of the formula or nutritional source (even breastmilk). It's sad to see people in "} {"input": "?????????????s s??????gag??????mim?sisin??oro??at??????????eye??????????the?????????????iania?s/s??????????ns.ns? D ????????owo?n ??????rcr??????????? t ?????????????se se w wiw????ulu?????or?????tivti????????????????????????????ma?????????????s as ???????terternr?netne?????gsg???hahat? a????????lyly ??????tedte???or or bor ?????d.d???????????????????A3A3H3????????1S1?KAK??????????????,1,,1?????262?????00??????om?????????c c????ganga????????ul????????as as???????????ng ng??o ????? m????chich?????????????????????ter???????rsr????chi????????bob??????????non?? p pr p?rodro??????no??????mil????????????o ?sus??????en??????e ?????????ll ll d ??fff?er?enent?? ty t??es", "output": "these reviews propagating misinformation as they are neither pediatricians/physicians. Do your own research and best to avoid those with ulterior motives, as well as the misinformative reviews and internet blogs that are overly slanted or biased.\"\n9993,B000P41A28,A3HINZRNCW1SKA,Happy Mom,1,1,5,1326240000,Awesome Similac Organic Formula,\"I was NEVER going to give my children formula... after my first child was born I did not produce enough milk and had to supplement. We tried all different types"} {"input": "?????????ulu???????????????meme e????andandsds.s???UnU??????na??ele???heh?e he ????????rsrses????aca?tit???s s t ????ve??????ngn????????ede?, ,??????????g sg ?????????ct?s.??????????????????? O ?????ici???????lacla??????hishi???????????? t????????????ene???ve???????e ??????????iti??? th??????????????????sta?yey???dod?????????????'t'???????????????????????????????hivhi??????????winwi?ng ng?????ete?c)c).)??????????????uplup???????????????????ganga?????ittit???????????it???le le p ????????sus??st???????gug???????????????mi??????ll ll???????).?? W?e ?e the t?henhe??tr??iedie?????????mi??ed?????milmi??? O???????c. c.?????ilail?! !????????????????adv???????????", "output": " of formula from many name brands. Unfortunately he had adverse reactions to everything we tried, including soy products. We finally tried Organic Similac. This was by far the most expensive, so we started with the powder. This stayed down & he didn't have any reactions (rashes, hives, throwing up, etc). After a couple of months he began spitting up a little powdery substance (guess we didn't mix well enough). We then tried the Premixed Similac Organic. Voila! Perfect. No adverse reacti"} {"input": "o??????e e?????????? & ???????hyh????? / ?????r /r ?????????ada????mom?rer?e ce ????????? & &??ototh??????????o o??????????????ixi??????????? S SiS??????? ??eie????r ??f f???themthe??????e h??????????blb??????ithit?? th the???orormor?????????????iningn????o to ??????ctc????????????????????y ????altal???????????????ToT???????ata?????whw?hatha??????sts???impim????an???????????4,4??000??P4P???????V3V??MDM?????????is???????,1,,1?5,5????????????ItI?t'st'?????utu????????\"A\"????????????????????, ????is is???s ts ??the ??onlon????orgor???????\"r\"?????????????????or???ulaul? o onon on??????S S???????t (t ?????????????????? c??????inin in p ????????????. ?. I. ?????????? t ti t???????", "output": "ons, he was happy & healthy.

We've had 2 more children & both have also used the Premixed Organic Similac. Neither of them have had an problem with the formula & according to the Doctor they are all very healthy children. To me that is what's most important. :)\"\n9994,B000P41A28,AV3IMDC3C0F8,Miss K,1,1,5,1202256000,It's about time!,\"As far as I can tell, this is the only organic \"\"ready to feed\"\" formula on the US market (Earth's Best only comes in powder form). It's about time!!!! "} {"input": " ???????????????????aza?on???hahanan ??ror????heh??????????????????tot?rer??\"\"?????????00P00??1A1????????OLO??????????HeH????n An ??rar????kok?????????252??535?929?????re??????????t,t??? s ?wiw????hedhe????om????imiim???????vav???????? O ??gag????c wc ?????????????tet?r r????????on???? ol oldl??? Sh S???isi?s as ??mo?????????onthont??????, ,?????ro???????????????? She Sh???????????????969???????P41P4?1A21A????3A3?????CXCXRX???????????????????????ddddod??????,1,????????????5050250?????????stist?????????e ????????????????????????ce??????????????the? o?????anicanic ??propr?????????inkin??????t t wt ??????beb???betbe??terte???as as w??????fef?? o or org or?ganga?????????s os ou?????ve???????", "output": " It's CHEAPER on Amazon than from the Similac online store.\"\n9995,B000P41A28,A350OL4V8DV5YK,Helen Avramenko,3,4,5,1259539200,great product,\"I switched from Similac Advanced to Organic when my daughter was 1 month old. She is almost 5 months now, no problems at all! She loves it!\"\n9996,B000P41A28,A3A63RACXR1XIL,\"A. Boodhoo \"\"deaddodo\"\"\",10,15,1,1204502400,constipation,we switched from the advance similac to the organic product thinking it would be better as we prefer organic foods ourselves. it w"} {"input": "??????????astas???????h h?ouo????????????ldl?????? g ???tit?????????????tedte?????????grgrerese????ele????????nin?????erer er???tat??e e t ?tilti???????????????????????y by ??????he?r r cr ???????????????????????????????d td ?????propr??????????in????iveiv?????s ????????????????????? t th t????????????si??????? an a?nd nd??he???? f???e ??ow??????????????????????????????????????????????????alal??????????P4P????????VVV?????JAJ??????????,3,????????????????on????tipatip???????oto??? P ???blblel????????????ke???????????revre??ewe????ay????????rgr??anianic?????mum???? co c?????????ted ted? ou o??? da d????????????????????? al a?te????atiatinati???????????he?", "output": "as a disaster with our 2 month old baby getting constipated and progressively worsening her intake till she fell drastically below her calorie intake. we discontinued the product within five days and switched back to the previous similac and she is fine now. her feeding and calorie intake is back to normal\n9997,B000P41A28,A5VVRGL8JA7R,Adam,2,3,5,1306368000,Constipation Not A Problem if...,\"Like the bad reviews say, the organic formula constipated our daughter. However, by alternating every other"} {"input": "? f ???did???????h h???????????ono????????c)c???????????????roroboblb???????????olo????. .???????????eve????????????e e oe ?????????????????????an an?????org????ic.ic???????????????is?????thoth?? f???????on????????d od ??r ??????te????is ???ullul???????y,y, ???and and????wi??????????????????r /??? w?ou???????omo???ndn???????????ou? a ?arear?e le lol??????g fg ?????? o??rgarg????????????? wi w???h mh mim??????????????????????????????????????????????e ??in in??????????the??????????????99899????00???1A1??8,?A2?????J8J??????D,D????????????,5,??131343???????????????????fo?formfor?????,\",\"I\"??????tedted ??? s? sol so????????????feefe?ed ????????s us ????blebl????????", "output": " feeding with regular (non-organic) formula the problem was resolved. I'm a believer that some organic is better than no organic. We've used this method for 2 months and our daughter is full, happy, and growing well.

I would recommend this if you are looking for an organic formula with milk as the first ingredient (as opposed to rice in some of the others).\"\n9998,B000P41A28,A2TGDTJ8YCU6PD,geena77,0,0,5,1347494400,Love this formula!,\"I wanted to solely breastfeed but was unable to keep"} {"input": "???????? h ??????????plp?eme?????fof????lal?? ?????oso?? S ???ili?????ece???se??tht???? ar a?????????????????????omo?????y ay ?andand d Id ??????????n n??f f???????????????????????????????????d ???th??????????????????????????????nd nd hnd ???lil?kek?????????. H. HeH?????????litli???????????????????t tt th??e be ?????????? bu b?????s ????????????????????????onton?thsth????????o po prp??bl?????. ????????sos???????????revre???????????ut sut su?????se.se???????? s????????isis s js ??ustus?t st ?sugsu?ara? a???????? fo??rmurm?????hasha????sugasug??? in i?????. ?????r ???????????????? la l???????t dt ????????????y any a??nd snd ????e ??ths??????e ise is ????????????ha???????conco?????????????", "output": " up and had to supplement formula. I chose Similac because they are a very reputable company and I had a ton of it from the hospital. We have used both the powder and ready made and he likes both. He got a little constipated at the beginning but has been on it now for 5 months and no problems. I read some other reviews about sucrose...well, sucrose is just sugar and ALL formula has sugar in it. Other companies just label it differently and since ths one is organic it has to contain a pure s"} {"input": "?????. .??????arar ar???s ts ?heh??he?????e ge ????, ,????idi? m ???reres??ar???, ???????rmr????as as?????ptpt t?????????????????????e te ??????hexahex?????????????????s ?????????tat?ininsn??brb???????????yry???????????as ????????????????????????????velve??s os ?????????????h,h, h,???o to ???????????????imi????c c? ha??s b?????????ede???andand d fd ?ouo?????? h??ve???????hexa?ne?ne pne ?????????????he he??proprod??????????????????bab?????s ?he?????????????????????????????y hy ?????y wy ????????is is?? for fo???ulaul????????????00P00???A2A??????4G4GIG????696????\"S\"???an? C ?????????ysysiys?is\"is\"\"????,2,??5,5?????636383??????ver???co??ve?????t,t????????th?? f?acact? t??????i ci cac???????????", "output": "ugar. As far as the hexane goes, I did my research, ALL formulas except one (Babys Only) use the hexane method. Babys Only contains brown rice syrup that has been shown to have high levels of arsenic..uh, no thanks. Also Similac has been tested and found to have no hexane present in the product. Overall my baby is healthy and smart so I am very happy with this formula.\"\n9999,B000P41A28,AUV4GIZZE693O,\"Susan Coe \"\"sueysis\"\"\",1,2,5,1203638400,very convenient,i love the fact that i can get this "} {"input": "??????????????? h ?ouo????????????de??lieli???y cy chc????e.e????isi???o ????d ????????????????? fo f????lal????000????????P4P??A2A?????????????VLVLIL??????????????????,1,???????????????????????e ?trt??????? f?ar??????????????????? o ????????????????s s as an???cocono?st????tit??? p ?????????fof???????????st st 5 5 5? we wee?ksk??????????????o ?o dio d?????ene??????????????????c ??incin????in??? fo??? fu f???????????nd nd?????????nen????????????????????k.k??We????witwi???eded ??????e e oe ????????a ?fe?????????????an?????????icickic???????ve????????? wi wisishis?????couco?????????????ed????t t It ??????aba?blebl???????o ??????????thith????eee???s ts th??????", "output": "delieved to my house with no delievy charge.it is so hard to find organic formular\n10000,B000P41A28,A82WIMR4RSVLI,Emrose mom,0,1,4,1337472000,The best weve tried so far,\"We have a 7 week old... He had gas and constipation problems for the first 5 weeks. We tried two different kinds of similac including for fussiness and gas and neither seemed to work. We switched to the organic a few weeks ago and saw quick improvement. I wish I could breast feed but I'm unable to, so for now this seems the best"} {"input": "?????????ese????iai????????cec? i iti???????ec????????? w??e se ???????it???? r??adadyd???????????????fo?????e ??as??????????.<.????/>/?IvI?e e re ???????????ofof f???? r???????????????k ?in??o o?????????ata??on???????????????tiontio??????????crc??????I I???????????????? t? to to???? p???ia?trt????????????????dwd??????????????????? i??fo?????????????????????rtr?????????ttt?en????????????????eciecia??llyll?????????thath?????????? 2 ???????I rI ?????zeze e t?he??co??????n a???????m ??????????????h ????????????????n ?????ululaul?????I ??non?? e??????????????????????????????itsit???????icic,ic???????????? m ?????????????????", "output": " option especially since it was recommended we stick with a ready made formula for the gas problems.
Ive read a lot of the reviews and took into consideration the information about sucrose. I plan on talking to the pediatrician and my midwife for additional information beyond the article written about it, especially since that is from 2008. I realize the concern and I am doing research on making my own formula so I know exactly whats in it and that its organic, but in the mean time baby L e"} {"input": "???????eae???wiw??? t ????????????????????d d????s fs ????????omo??chc?????????s.s??ItIt't?s ?????le???????? r ???????????t t??om???????? - ?????????h ???mazma??????ono??? of o?f tf ??e ??????????nsnsis?????lalac????????????????????????????priprici?????o o???????w w? it????orkorksk???????? re rece??????d ?????\"\"?????1,1????????A2A?????????ZWZWUWUYUYXY??UTU????. B. ????????????????696?767?????????ou'ou??re ??????ede??aba???????ns????????on.on?????\"I\"?????ch?????? th????fo??????????t wt ?????worwo???ed????teter????ad??????????????ntn???????????at ????? m mo?nt?????d ???????????d sd ??fff?????????? con co??tit???ti??????HeH???id??. . ???oweow??????????realrea?????????d ??", "output": "ats great with this, is healthy, and has fewer stomach problems. It's middle of the road when it comes to $ - although Amazn is one of the more expensive places!!! Target has the best price. So for now it works and I recommend it!!\"\n10001,B000P41A28,A3K3GNZWUYXRUT,L. Bream,3,6,5,1214697600,If you're worried about consitpation....,\"I purchased this formula but was worried after reading the comments here that my 5 month old baby would suffer from constipation. He did. However, I really wanted to"} {"input": "???????rgrgag??????or???lal??sos??I I???????????? t ?eaeasa??????????????ese?s ts ?????s ?cec????? a????????hinhi??????????s -s - -????blb???????vev??? ?NoN??coc?onson?tit?pap????on on????????????????as as????n ????????? fo f?orm????a fa foforfo?? ab a?????????????. I. ???ivi????????somso?e ??????????????????? 4 ????ysys.s. s.???f ?yoy?ourour r br ?aba??y iy ?????????????on son so?lil???????????????????????gi???????????a la ???????????????????????ic???????? w ????? wa w?ateat??. ?????????????????????trt????? al a????????????le??????????????????????sus???scscac?????you??????\"\"1???00200??????P4P??????????????????1,1????????????????????????? I????????????ICI?????????", "output": " use organic formula so I added a few teaspoons of prunes to his cereal and within 12 hours - problem solved. No constipation since and he has been on this formula for about 2 weeks. I give him some prune/cereal every 4 days. If your baby is not yet on solids you might consider giving him a little apple or pear juice mixed with water. This should do the trick also. Don't let the constipation issue scare you off.\"\n10002,B000P41A28,AFAWC4ZJ29YV1,AG,1,3,1,1334102400,THIS IS NOT ORGANIC!!! TOXIC"} {"input": "? h heh????? s ????l l??????????????????R R??HIH????????LAL?????r r??????????????????????isi???????is is?fof????lala a???n tn ?????????????????????????/>\"/>???ltl?thoth?????????ek?? to t????????????????????????wow?oulould???????onton???????the??????????? the the?co????ovo????siasiala???????????????????? n n-n?????????oror or????/A/???????cec??????????????diddi?d nd ???????????????at????????????he??ticti???????nt?????ul???bebe ???????tut????????????? o??????????an????????propr???bib???? the???????f ?al?l ?????nthenth?????????roc??hemhemim???????lvl???????????????
Martek advertises this formula on their website!

\"\"Although Martek told the board that they would discontinue the use of the controversial neurotoxic solvent n-hexane for DHA/ARA processing, they did not disclose what other synthetic solvents would be substituted. Federal organic standards prohibit the use of all synthetic/petrochemical solvents\"\".

Martek Biosciences was able to dodge the ban on hexane-extraction by"} {"input": "? c ???imi???g g????????ese? n ??? c?????????????a-a????????????????????????? \" ???????????????????????????\"\"??ThT????????? t tht??????????????????????????????????????????????????no??t at ?????????he ???????helhe??ed? t??eme?? ou o?t ?????????sifsi??????????????????????????????y y vy ??tat?????????????????s,s???????????????xex??????????? the????????? ba?????ut????????????tratr???????????????????????????? the the i the ?iceic?be?????????????????ion??blblel??????fa?ct??uriur??ing ??ra???????s a?????????ada?????st???????ts? b????ar?????????????????r /r ???????????????os???????????????????di?????s, s,????hi???????foforfo?", "output": " claiming USDA does not consider omega-3 and omega-6 fats to be \"\"agricultural ingredients.\"\" Therefore, they argue, the ban against hexane extraction does not apply. The USDA helped them out by classifying those oils as \"\"necessary vitamins and minerals,\"\" which are exempt from the hexane ban. But hexane-extraction is just the tip of the iceberg. Other questionable manufacturing practices and misleading statements by Martek included:

Undisclosed synthetic ingredients, prohibited for "} {"input": "?usu?????????????? ( (i(?incin?????inging g???e ???????????hoh????????????? mo modo??????????rcr?????lu??????????????oliol??????andan?????th????\"\" \"\"????disdi????????in???ed???ntn??)<)Microencapsulation of the powder and nanotechnology, which are prohibited under organic laws
Use of volatile synthetic solvents, besides hexane (such as isopropyl alcohol)
Recombinant DNA techniques and other forms of genetic modification of organisms; mutagenesis; use of GMO corn as a fermentation medium
Heavily processed ingredients that are f"} {"input": "a??????????????????\"\"<\"\"????????r ????uou?????????????????????????????????d d??tu??????????????????????ntntst???????????????olaol????????LEL???MOM?????unu????? M?ar????????????????/>T/>?????????theth????????????ava??????????????A A?????rgrgarg???ic ic aic ???d nd ?on???rg?????????????????? for fo??ulu?la:la????

??????????????nt?????? L???????DHADHA DHA???????: ????????ded?????????????gan?is??ms\"ms??????? \"\" \"????????????ant oant ??ga????????? ( ?????????", "output": "ar from \"\"natural\"\"

quote from: Why is this Organic Food Stuffed With Toxic Solvents? by Dr. Mercola - GOOGLE GMOs found in Martek.

This is the latest I have found on DHA in organic and non organic baby food/ formula:
AT LEAST READ THIS ONE*** GOOGLE- False Claims That DHA in Organic and Non-Organic Infant Formula Is Safe. AND OrganicconsumersDOTorg

Martek's patents for Life'sDHA states: \"\"includes mutant organisms\"\" and \"\"recombinant organisms\"\", (a.k.a. GM"} {"input": "????) )????????????????lal??????????????????????????????? r ?????????itith??anan ???????ivi????mom??????f f?sos??????????? a a p???fe?????d sd ????????????????????T/>??????????????????fe'fe?sAs??A A?????????????eneen?tit?????y-y?en??in??????????????????????s ts ????????????incin?????????????????f f af ???????ono????????????????\"\"e\"\"?????????on on????????olvolve???? s???h ??????????????????MaMarartar????????????y oy ????? p?????????forfo????????d ?????????????????? in i?????e ?????. ????? a? and an???ol??atiat????????????????????nts??lil???????????????'t'??????wew???????SDS???OrO?????c c pc prp????????an??? in?grg?red?????", "output": "Os!) The patents explain that the oil is \"\"extracted readily with an effective amount of solvent ... a preferred solvent is hexane.\"\"

The patent for Life'sARA states: \"\"genetically-engineering microorganisms to produce increased amounts of arachidonic acid\"\" and \"\"extraction with solvents such as ... hexane.\"\" Martek has many other patents for DHA and ARA. All of them include GMOs. GMOs and volatile synthetic solvents like hexane aren't allowed in USDA Organic products and ingredients"} {"input": "??????????????????????lyl?? M ?ara??eke??? L LiL?????????????????????n n???ndn???????f f?prp??dud??????????y oy ?????????????ifiif?????????????anian?????????e e??????????????he????atiat???al? O Or????????tat?and???????????????ece??????te?????????ti??on,on?????????at at????????????????????????????????????nfn???????e ???mpmpap??y ???thatthat t tt ??????????l l????? a ???propr??al?al ial ??????????dedde??an????tha???????r ??????????aneane-e?????????ed ed?????e'se'???????and and Land ???????????????? l ???geg??????owo????in?????????????????????????>B/>BUB?T T?? w ?wenwe????o o to ???????ifesifesds??? w???????????????????? NO N??????????? H ???????????KEK????THEITHE??", "output": ".

Tragically, Martek's Life'sDHA is already in hundreds of products, many of them certified USDA Organic. Please demand that the National Organic Standards Board reject Martek's petition, and that the USDA National Organic Program inform the company that the illegal 2006 approval is rescinded and that their GMO, hexane-extracted Life'sDHA and Life'sARA are no longer allowed in organic products.

BUT I went to the lifesdha website and THEY DO NOT DISCLOSE HOW THEY MAKE THEIR "} {"input": "L?????DHD????????hah????????aca???? t ???e ce ????ana????o o??eee?????t t??????sas??????????????/>A/>??sos??????????e e te ???? co c??pop????te te???????????????ar??tekte???whiwhic???ar?e ???????ngng g??? t?????????????enten?t at ?? w??lll????????????sts?t lt ?as???????????? at a?????????????sDOsD??co?? /??br?? /> />T />???????????t ??s ???????? a????d ??the????????? a????????????????mym?????iniin????????co??rporp???tete ????ri???????aresare?????????????th??the athe ??mim??hth??y $y $ $???????ouourou??????th??????????B0B????414???????UVU?2T2?E9E?????????????????????4,4?10????????????????hihipi?????????????????reare????aba????lol???????????????????????8/8???????????", "output": "LifesDHA!!! I have contacted the company to see what they say.

Also these are the corporate practices of Martek which are damaging to the environment as well written just last Dec 2011 at NaturalnewsDOTcom

The best bet is to just avoid the lifeDHA at this time in my opinion b/c corporate america cares more about the almighty $ than your health.\"\n10003,B000P41A28,AVUV2TE9UKTPU,asianprincess,4,10,1,1285545600,shipping time is unreasonably long,\"i ordered this on 8/29/10, and "} {"input": "??????dnd???????????t ?????l l???????????? h ??????eeeekee????????????'s'??????????? an a??? i i??ti???l hl ?????n'tn'????ceceie??????????????exe??t tt ???????????????? or o?ded?er er f ???m m????merme?chc??nt?????????? fu f?lf????l il it???n n an a a??reare??ono?????????efe??????
as far as the product is concerned, i do like that the similac liquid formula in the 32oz size doesn't contain BPA. i was really upset when i researched and discovered that the single-use ready-made liquid containers and large powdered containers both contain BPA. i would expect more diligence"} {"input": "??????????ili???????beb?????-f-?frefr????? a ????ofof f? th t?????????aga???g.g???????4,4???????1A1????????GBG?NJN?RJR?????,O,???????c Mc ????y,y?1,1,5,?????28????????,H,HoH??????????nsn?????????,M,MyM??chc?il????????xcx??usu??????? br b??????ede????or or 4 ???????????s ?an?d d Id ???????????ly ily in???rodro???ed? S SiS??il????Or???????????ulula?????sus???????ntn???my???????stmstmi???? st s????????????????).). .???he??????????????????????ch?????????to?to eto ??????????veve ve??up up??n ???? by b?????????????hs.hs??? By B???????timti???I ??om?????telte??????ppppepp??????????????he whe ?was? s???coconco???????ed?????? t????fo????lala ????t ????wiwiti???ed????ShS???????????and? c ?????ed aed ???????", "output": " from similac to be BPA-free in all of their packaging.\"\n10004,B000P41A28,A2MWGBNJRJN57M,Organic Mommy,1,5,1,1282953600,Horribly Constipating,My child was exclusively breastfed for 4 1/2 months and I gradually introduced Similac Organic formula to supplement (my breastmilk started to dry up). She found this was so much easier to eat she gave up on me by 5 1/2 months. By the time I completely stopped nursing she was so constipated from the formula that I switched. She winced and cried and work"} {"input": "??? s ????ono?????????????odo???ed????????d bd ???? t????????e oe ofo?? pi p?????????????? ??????? h?oro???blblel??????rer?al?????????????he???oneone ??????????herhe??????wiw??? n ??????????d d td ???? s??????????????????????he??????he whe ??entent ????????ormor?ul???? I?????????????????????????????1A1??????A6A??????????????ada?imi??????????202?,1,??,12,1????????0,0,C0,????????????!!!?!!!!!??????????????eeeed??????????????d ????, ,??utu?????ce??????bi????????n ln ???elel ?wa??????ll???igi????dodoco?to??????coc????enden???ed ted ???????????????rmr?mulmula????for for??? h?????. . W. We??????????????????il?????dvd?????e (e ??hi??eldel?????us)us?? wh whi?????we we??????l hl ha??d fd ?", "output": "ed so long to just produced a hard ball the size of ping pong ball. It was horrible! I realized I was the one helping her poo with nursing and then she lost all ability when she went full-formula. I say switch....\n10005,B000P41A28,A3A6QXIC8XCOJG,Vladimir Dyo,9,20,1,1231804800,Constipation!!!!!,\"We breastfeed our month old boy, but since his bilirubin level was still high, doctors recommended to switch to formula for 48 hours. We started with Similac Advance (Shield Plus) which we still had fr"} {"input": "??? h ??sps??tat?????iri??? 2 ?? h???rs?????e e?????er??????n n??er??? o ofo????????????????wewe we d de???????????????? t to? S ?imi???aca???????ici??????????????????????utut ???uriur?ingin???????ir??st st??????ncn???????lel???????????????????????????s ??????????????????????????, a, ??d ?????tut????y y??????????????oio?ing???????al???y hy ????????ce????wowo ??????-b-??????ikikek???????????and and h????????????????e foe foror or??no???herhe???? h???ursur??????????mi????? and an??Si?????ac ac a?dvd???????ese??????????????? sw s????, ??ut?????????c Oc ??ga?????????mum??ch ch??mucmu??ch lch ????????????I ??????????ses???ch??on???????????????anand???I fI ??????d thd t????????", "output": "om hospital. First 24 hours were wonderful in terms of pooping, then we decided to switch to Similac Organic for known reasons, but during the first 32-Ounce Bottle I began to notice that his stool was getting harder, and eventually he stopped pooing (actually he produced two stone-ball like poops) and had a hard time for another 24 hours. Breast milk and Similac advance tested similarly sweet, but Similac Organic was much much less sweet. I made a research on the internet and I found the follow"} {"input": "iini???????????????? y ?????? u ??ded??????????? c ???????f f??ono?????atatiat???? ( ??????????????huhulu??????/E/?ncn????st??er/er/C/?/c/co?????????on???infin????.h.??mlm?)<)??? / ????????CoC?onson??????????????s s???????????????rdrd d?????lsl???ItI?????s ???t ??????????ti??????r sr st?rar??iniin????, a, ??th??ougou????ou????aba??y my ???????????lyl???????????theth??????ha?viv?????????????in???????????????????????????????????quequ?????n ????asaskas?? is i????????????hihilhi??????????????????tet????????? /> /????????????? co?????derde????????rueru???con??????ati????????????sivsi??????harhard???????????olsol?????????s.?????he nhe nonorno??????????tio????????????lol????", "output": "ing that may help you to understand the cause of constipation: (http://www.drhull.com/EncyMaster/C/constipation_infant.html)

Constipation means infrequent, hard stools. It does not mean grunting or straining, although your baby may certainly exhibit these behaviors when having a bowel movement. So the first question to ask is, \"\"Is my child really constipated?\"\"

Next, consider why true constipation - excessively hard, dry stools - arises. The normal function of the colon is"} {"input": "??????????????tet??????????e e se ??????????herhe??????????????????????????ydy???????ndn???????ThT???????????se???????????he????????angan???????- -? th?e ?????l l?????movmo????????????? th??????ono??????????g ????????d ??????? the??????y sy ???????? t?????????????imi????????????lyly ly??????sorso???????????????ate?????????ntn??????e be blb?????strst????????r /r />/??????>C>?????????ly,ly????? th? the ???????????????????????s is ???? the??co???n ???????????th??????terte????remorem???al al???????s ??????????ctc??????????h oh ???th?the ??????????ter? a?????ea?????? the ? the st the s???tool tool????????????ivi???ly ???????????????????is ????????????????le.le.<", "output": " to remove water from the stool. Otherwise we would rapidly dehydrate and die. That is why severe diarrhea is dangerous - the stool is moving through the colon and being expelled from the body so fast, there is no time to properly reabsorb the stool water back into the bloodstream.

Conversely, if the fecal material remains in the colon too long, the water removal process may extract too much of the fecal water and leave the stool mass excessively dry and hard. It is just that simple.<"} {"input": "b????><>???? /> />S>???coc??????????? a ????ese? w ???n n??ece?es????mamaia???????he????????tot?????ngn???????????

?????????????? ne n????????c c???? the??lo??????????? a???????us us???????t pt ?????erlerly?????laxla?? to t?????????", "output": "br />
So constipation arises when feces remain in the colon too long because:

* the colon is naturally sluggish (has decreased \"\"motility,\"\" we say)
* a low residue diet produces insufficient stimulation to the colon to trigger its normal propulsive activity and clear out the feces
* a combination of the above two factors
* there is obstruction of the lower GI tract
o functional neurologic - the lower rectum and anus cannot properly relax to allow ev"} {"input": "???uau???????????????rur??g g??????se? >??? f ?ununcun????????????????????na??-r-???????????????ini?? d?????????llllol????easeasys?? ev e?ac???ti????????/> />??o ?mem?????icicaical??????????????ysy??cac??????????????ooo??l pl ???????? o functional anatomic - anal-rectal positioning doesn't allow easy evacuation
o mechanical - a tumor physically blocks stool passage

Breast fed babies are essentially never truly constipated. This is because breast milk is such a low residue diet. Almost all of the milk is absorbed by the baby and used. The stools consist of a small amount of unabsorbed protein curds and a large amount of bowel secretions, chiefly mucus. And of course a lot"} {"input": "????????sysy y g gagasa??????????????nfn???quq???????oooolo????????t ???did????e ??ono??????????????usust? i?nf?rereqre????????????????????????/>L/>???????????????????????????? inf in???????????????????, t, ??eye?????hnh????????ca?n ?????mem?e c?on?????patpa?????????????????????al al?? in in???y ey ?xpx?????????. I. ?????????????????he??ch?????????????????chch ch??????oli??? a ???????pecpe?iai???????????????ed ed????wh?????e co?w w????? t? tha that????ons??????????isis is? mu m?uchuc??????an an???susue?. ???y t?????????????????????scscuc???in???????????????????????????reasrea??st fst ????????nt??? do d???????????????????ftf??????????rsr????????????????????????", "output": " of noisy gas. But these infrequent stools do not indicate constipation - just infrequent stools.

Later, when breast feeding infants start solids, they technically can become constipated, but it is unusual in my experience. It is not until the child is pretty much on solids and especially when weaned to whole cow milk that constipation is much of an issue. By then we are really discussing toddlers.

Breast fed infants do tend to save up after the first few months and poop le"} {"input": "?????????. .?????????rir?ese????mem????????????????te? r ??asa?????????????????????rararra???????me me?fof??????usu????ava?e e te ???????a a p???????verve?????????????????????????da?????g g??????e he ??????an?? f????????????????gugur??????eye?y fy ??rgr?????????st?????cac????tat????n n?????????on on?????a a va ????????very????ongon????me????? i?????????????????an?yty????????????????r />r /??????th???st??ol???????????br??asastas??????????????fi?????????????????????o,o, ?an?????r ???????? c??memesme???????????re?: : g ???nt???ing ing aing an??????????????Wh??????????????????????fo?????in???te??ro,ro??????????????stast??????????????????????", "output": "ss often. This worries some parents. Despite reassurances to the contrary, some folks just have to see a poop every day from their little darling to be happy and fulfilled. Go figure. They forget that stool can stay in the colon for a very, very long time and it will not hurt anything.

When the stool hoarding breast feeder does finally get ready to go, another problem comes to the fore: grunting and straining. When the baby's rectum forms in utero, it is in a state of permanent contra"} {"input": "c??ioi????oror r?nin???????????nen?????onthont?s.s?????????????eses s???????????hehe he???coc???????fef???? s ?????) )?????????????????er?????????hth???????????????????????????????????????? du d??rinri????????????????????????ntint?????????byby by?????????????????s ?ol?????????????paspa??ede?d ad ?????beebe????trt??????????y qy ??????????? b????????????enten???, t, ?the?the rthe ?????????nd ??parpa????ulu??rlrlyl??????an?????????be be??quiqu?????????? an???reresre????????y y dy ???????????????????????????????????? B ??ecaec?us???????????????????????????????????inain???mum????la??????(t(???? i is??????y hiy h????????e ???ummummym?y iy ?is ??????????????????????", "output": "ction for nigh onto nine months. The baby does not pass the meconium (fetal stool) in utero until perhaps right at the end of gestation right before, during or after delivery. Until the baby is several months old, and has passed and been stretched by quite a few bowel movements, the rectum and particularly the anus may be quite tight and resist easy dilation to allow the stool to pass. Because the baby has weak, flabby abdominal musculature (that is why his little tummy is so poochy), he must pu"} {"input": "???????ini??????isi????ghg????????sps????tet???????????????????????JuJ???????????????????uru??ingin?? de dele?ivi?????????d wd ??thth ???????inglinglyl??????al al????coc??fof????. H. ?ene??? t?????rur????????????????????????raira????ing.ing???
The other major problem of both breast or bottle fed newborns which creates this sort of straining is dyschezia, or uncoordinated stooling.

The cure for the problem of a tight anus is pretty simple: a gentle rectal exam with a well-lubricated pinky finger by the doctor (which should be done on all babi"} {"input": "??s s??????????lilini??????ubu?????????????? r ???le le?ou??????????????????????????????????????? d ????non?st??? a????cucuru??????????? on o???????h gh ????????dildilal???ionio?????esnesn'n?????????e te ????????????????? b?????g tg ?the?????y ???????in in? a ?????k ak ???d rd ?epe???? t?heh??prp???ede?urureure.??ThT?????al?? sp s???????? is i???????ch?eded,ed?????? pr p??????????, ??????????????bl??????????ing????r ?????????????????/>B/>????????????nfn?an???s as ara??????????????????therthe????????\"\"?? In I???????????ulaul??????????????????????????????????ed aed ?????ea???? mi m??k,??????le??aveav????????????? m mo mor??e re ???sidsi?????????????????. (. ??????xcx?cepce?titioti???", "output": "es with stooling troubles anyway to rule out a physical obstruction) will be both diagnostic and curative. If one such gentle dilation doesn't do the trick, I have Mom bring the baby back in a week and repeat the procedure. The anal spincter is stretched, and pretty soon, no more terrible straining.

Bottle fed infants are \"\"a whole 'nother story.\"\" Infant formulas are not nearly as well digested as breast milk, and leave quite a bit more residue in the colon. (The exception t"} {"input": "?o o?????????e e?????????indin???????e ????????????????????????y ????????emem m? to t????????????sts?ooo????????????????????????????cyc????s bs ?????st st m??????????trt?????????ipi??atiat????????botbo?????????in???ntn?s ???????? m mo m??????mmm?????????feefe?????????? tha th?? s?oyo??y foy f????????????????????????? than than ???????????asaseas??????????????n tn ?thithis??re????d.d???? / ????r r? /> /??heh?????????inf?????????lol??????????????oto??ded?esies??ne??????? al a?????????????e ???d ????ooloo?? bu b??k.????e ???esi?du?????????????? is is ?????????o ?????, ????? be b?????????????pepebe?????????????????is nis ??????????did???????t ?????unu??????rtr???????", "output": "o this rule in my mind is the new Similac\u00ae that really does seem to leave the stools about the same consistency as breast milk.) So true constipation in bottle fed infants is much more common; my feeling is that soy formulas are even worse than cow milk based formulas in this regard.

The young infant's colon is simply not designed for all the residue and stool bulk. The residue builds up, is dried too much, and becomes hard, pebbly stool. It is naturally difficult and uncomfortable fo"} {"input": "?????????????? p ??sss??????/>/????r /?>T>??he he???????onon n??????rer?ala? t?????????????nlnlyl?????????dsd??????????????blb?????al??????????????????????????? = ??????re??te.te??????????n ?ththeth??fof??????? bo b??????ses??emsem??tot?????????????ly?? ba b????????????????aua??????????s ???????????????????t ht ?????ucu???????alal al??????????????????????????/>T/>ToT?????????????/>T????????????????????patpa?????????????invin??????????mom??????nsens?e de ??????modmo????ca?ti??????????????imi?mesmes s ms ??di????io????????/>???

The addition of cereal to the diet only compounds whatever problems already exist. Cereal + milk = concrete. Cereal in the formula bottle seems to be especially bad, probably because parents don't realise just how much cereal the baby is getting.

Treatment of constipation mainly involves common sense diet modifications and sometimes medication:

* Again, as with breast fed babies, a search for the cause of the constipation and gentle"} {"input": "?????tat?? e ????????????? w??ndn??rsr???????? ???? u ????a a???? o ????????? co c???n sn ????? f ????bob????e ??????rs???iti????????????????? It I??isi???y y? fi f???t ?chc???cece ??????ene?????????????lml?????????????worwo?????????ed???ro?????y.y?????forfo??????????? ma m?anyan??????????an????uru????s ds ????t ?us??? it it ???????ly??????t p????????????????? d ???????ec???me????????s ???????????????????????I ???????????????? me m???????? t??????oonoo???????vev?????????????????e,e????????le??????f sf sis?????????ada?????????? do d?????????r dr ??wnw????pe?????????????????ing?????????oinoi?ng.ng?????????????????byby y cy ?cancan ?????????ed ed oed ???", "output": " rectal exam can work wonders.
* I use a lot of Karo\u00ae corn syrup for bottle feeders with constipation. It is my first choice recomendation; it almost always works if used properly. Unfortunately, many doctors and nurses don't use it properly, get poor results, and don't recommend it as often as they should. I start with two measuring teaspoons in every formula bottle, regardless of size, and adjust the dose up or down depending on how things are going. Usually, the baby can be weaned off "} {"input": "?????????????????????????t t??aya??nen??? t tot?????? o ????t ????????????????r r?????fif?rsr???????????????? l ????????t it ?s ???eryer????????tanta??t tt ??? pu p?????????ornor???????????th?e ???????a a????d nd ?????????????n ??et??????????????. ?ThT?????cec????????????????oeo???????t get g?et et? di d??????d ?ve????we???????? the the?????????????adadydy ?????????? a????????????ar ar??????????????????????????. Th. T?he ??????s ?sus????ar par ???????????????????cocolco?on????????????cesce??? s????????ar?rhr?????im???????to ????bib??????as???????, ??prupr??nesne?, ??????e je ????e)e???????><>???????????????scsco?????g ??????????????????????????otuot???", "output": "the Karo pretty soon, but may need to stay on it periodically for the first few months of life. It is very important to put the corn syrup in the formula and not give it in between in water. The excess corn syrup does not get digested very well - the baby is already digesting all the sugar he can from the formula. The excess sugar passes down to the colon and produces a sugar diarrhea similar to sorbitol (as below, prunes, apple juice).

Before scolding me about \"\"the risk of botulis"} {"input": "?????frf???????n n??????????eae?ses????????? / ????????????ini???????ededid?????? E EmE???geg?ncn?? M ???ic??????VoV????me me?4,4,N,?????? 3 ????ptp??????????????????????????eue????ogo?ic???????ur????????????????????????? /> ?FoF???? the the ?co????ete?te te??????????f sf ?????????, ????????sesense??????SwS?ererder???w w???. ??????? of of? in??fanfa??????????m ?fr??om om???rn???yr?????In?? re????. ?????iatiatr???????", "output": "m\"\" from corn syrup, please see:

Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Volume 4,Number 3,September 2003: \"\"Pediatric neurologic potpourri: cases to remember\"\"

\"\"In the past, C. botulinum was also found in corn syrup, but this is no longer a risk factor for infant botulism because of a recent change in the processing formula.\"\"

For the complete source of statement, see: Olsen SJ, Swerdlow DL. Risk of infant botulism from corn syrup. In reply. Pediatr Infect"} {"input": "??DiD????????00;00??9:9?????????r r?/>/????r /r ??? * ?????tat???????iti?????d d?juj??cec????????????????????????????????????????????ts???????????? i ?? s ?????itoit???, a?????????????lele le s??????tht?ata? p????????????ughugh ???????????o o?????cocol??on on??nd?????se?????????????e ??ete????ede??????????n in in??o ???? s????????????????y cy ??????????re????????????????et et?????????n ?????ststo???????d rd ??lil???e ??or or por ???ve??????????????????????????* L* ??????loslo??????????????????ab??le ????ar?????????????????????ce???ed??????????????tet????????????????????????? o ??????????????????????????????????????it it??", "output": " Dis J 2000;19:584-5.

* Certain fruits and juices - for example prunes, apple juice, apricots - are rich in sorbitol, a nondigestible sugar that passes through the body to the colon and causes water to be retained or drawn into the stool mass. They can be increased in the diet to loosen the stool and relieve or prevent constipation.
* Lactulose is a non-absorbable sugar product that is processed by colon bacteria to produce an inflow of water into the stool mass. We use it a "} {"input": "?????- - i iti????????????????faf?????iteit?e oe ???????????? p ?ede????ri?????????????????????s.s??ThT?e ???se???s ?ada????stest?????????????? ac a???ordor?dindi????????sps????????????????tst??s ars a?re re? us u???allallyl??????se????ousou??????????ini?????? c ??????ingin?????di??rrrrhr??????????????ly,ly???to???tht????????????ana??? ca c????yoy??????????????????????????????????* *???lycly????ine????uppup??????orior?????????????????to to?????????yo????????????????????is is s???me me??????????? t???????st????n'n't'?????????????????. ???e ??????????ryr??memelme??ts ts????????????????? the th?????ctuct????????????icaic????????the sthe ??stoosto?????GlyGl?????????lsl???ha????? mi m???", "output": "lot - it seems to be a favorite of our local pediatric gastroenterologists. The dose is adjusted up or down according to respose. Side effects are usually not serious but can include cramping or diarrhea - obviously, stop the medicine and call your doctor if these occur.
* Glycerine suppositories are helpful to relieve your child if there is some hard stool that just won't come out easily. The suppository melts in the heat of the rectum and lubricates the stool. Glycerine also has a mild "} {"input": "?????ctc?????ata??????????????r r i ??????????????? w??ici?? s??????????????? a?????????seser????????????????????????mumulu??ateate ate?????rer?????? an a????????????iniin??????ate tate ???e de ????????????refre?lel????????????????????????????? sa s???????????????ooo???????????????????, n, ???????rur??.).????r /r ?? ???????er er??????in??????????????????????????????derde?????????? a???????????, b, ??????????t ?????????? m ??????????n ???the the???????en???of???????????????co????ipi??????????????ete?tarta??????????: :???bibie????????dod??'t'????????lol?? o? of of??ibibeib?er.er???????????????oyo????ac\u00aeac???whw?????wa???? h??ghg??????r ??????", "output": "effect of attracting water into the stool, which softens it. The act of insertion also serves to stimulate the rectum and anus to initiate the defecation reflex. (Glycerine is completely safe - it is a food, found in candy, not a drug.)
* Fiber containing foods are helpful for older children and adults, but are not really of much use in the treatment of young infant constipation, for dietary reasons: babies just don't eat a lot of fiber. (I believe ISoyalac\u00ae, which was a high fiber soy fo"} {"input": "????lala,a??hah???beb??????scscocono????ueuede???ItI??wawas????veverer r??????????????e e?????????e ????rar??????????nynywny????????r /r ??????????????????????/>M/>????????????iscis??ncnce?ptpti???s s cs ??????nin??? i ??faf??t ???conscon????ata?tio??:<:???

???hehe he???ririti?????", "output": "rmula, has been discontinued. It was never very available any place I practiced, anyway.)


Myths and misconceptions concerning infant constipation:

* Iron in the formula causes constipation. No way. I can understand lay people thinking this to be the case because when adults take iron preparations (in large doses) they may become constipated. But the tiny amount present in infant formula is not nearly enough to cause any problems.

The irritating"} {"input": "?????????o o??? i ???????eae???????oro??????????rsers??????o so ?ho?ulu???knknon????????????????????????????????e ?????????????ng ng???????faf????s ts ???? the th?e le ??????????????ow?- -??or or n??-i-???? f ??ormor??????
* Increasing water in the diet is commonly recommended; it makes very little sense and demonstrates a failure to reflect on the basic physiologic cause of the overdry stool. The problem is too little water retention in the stool, not too little water in the body! Unless there is increased fiber or some chemical substance su"} {"input": "????asa?????ugu???????aroar???????tut?????????????aia?? t??????tet????????????????????????????r ????l l??????y y?????????????????????????????????????><>???r /??????????00600??B0B?????????,A,??????????YNY???????y ?????????y,y?????,1,,1?,12,1??????????\"G\"???at???????????bubutu???ri?????ouougugeug?????????????rtr?tagtageg?????hih???????????????propr?oduod???????????????lolovlo?es???????????pecpe?????????????theth?????????????idi????ormor?ul???veverversrsu?s ??the? p?????er er ser ??????????????????????? se s???s ????????ol?ve????????ly???????????????I aI ???????eveveev??????atiat??????????lowlow w?????????????????ELE???R.R?.....????5 5????????????USU?! ! T ", "output": "ch as a sugar (Karo\u00ae, lactulose) to retain the water in the stool, excess water will simply wind up in the diaper as urine.

Top\"\n10006,B000P41A28,AFXG53DH7OYN7,Saucy and Bossy,1,9,1,1291161600,\"Great product, but price-gouged b/c of shortage\",\"This is a great product... my baby loves it. I especially like the smooth liquid formula versus the powder since the powder never seems to dissolve properly.

I am, however, rating this low because of the SELLER... $55 is RIDICULOUS! T"} {"input": "???????odo?????non?????lyl????????fof?or or???5-5-$-?????????ththeh???????jaj????????????e ???????beb??????????????? a ????????????????????quq??????rm?????du?????????????dederer r??recre?????????/>/?????????? S ???OULOU?????????AMA??D ?????????!!!!!????hishi?s is ?????od????????????????kek?s ?????????1????7,7?????P4P??????????????????????????????????0,0??,1?30???????????arbar?agageag???,\",??o ?????????????is pis ???oduoduc???. . ???u u?wiwil???????t bet b??????g g yg yoy????in?faf????an????????s.s??. I. ????t ???? p???sis??????????????????be be??brebr???????????. ???? k ?no???????s ns ??not not??lwl????s es ????y oy ????ono????????????????ou????n'n't'???????????y ?y opy o", "output": "his product normally sells for $25-$32. But they are jacking up the price because there is a shortage of the liquid formula due to the powder recall.

YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED AMAZON!!!! This is food for a BABY! Makes me ill.\"\n10007,B000P41A28,A3B0VFV8ULTSA5,GOORGANIC,2,30,1,1306886400,Garbage!!,\"Do not buy this product. You will not be doing your infant any favors. If at all possible, you should be breastfeeding. (I know it's not always easy or convenient.) If you can't then in my op"} {"input": "?ini??????heh? b ????????mum?????? E EaE???th'th??s Bs ??????ndn???vev??n tn ???t ??????????????????? B BaB????????? t???? d???????????????????rerememom??????????????????al al???trt????tst????????????rtirt?????????th th????????ticti????????????min?????s.s?. . ????hehethe?tic???????? b?uyuy ?????e ??orgorgag?????????????w w? if i???pospo??sibsi?le?????????? ar are????????????????e te ?????kek???????????????huhumu?????rereare?astas?t mt ???????????ry ry??????e se sos?o mo ????????f ????????????????ngn?????????????????? t???????vi?l ??????raratra???onson????????????ing????????? \"\" \"?????en\"en??\"\" m\"\" ????memen?????OHO? a????????thethe the w??????????coconco???in???redredi??????n ????????rbrbab??????", "output": "inion the best formula is Earth's Best and even that is disappointing. Basically, they dry cow's milk and remove all the natural nutrients then \"\"fortify\"\" with synthetic vitamins/minerals. Pathetic. Just buy whole organic milk, raw if possible. There are recipes online to make it closer to human breast milk. Sorry to be so matter of fact. I'm losing patience for all these evil corporations capitalizing on the \"\"green\"\" movement. OH and by the way the second ingredient in this garbage is "} {"input": "????????!! !!???????aya???o o???ar?????????????????be??????whw?????????'r'rer??yoy???g!g???101000????????DJD?323?????????????????????????????????????505?????????????????,I,?????????ene????ararcar?hihinhingng ng?fof???a a??ata????????mom?nanadna??????????????????????????????????????e ge ?oo?d.d. .???hi?????????????e oe ?? t????. ???????????iki??e t??he he?????????terte????tasttas????? t????? dr d????? mi m?????????? ma m??ke ke?????wnw????????????ezezez????lem???ada?? b?????ter ter??? than tha?????????ufu??. ????n t??he he mhe ??????????????????????????ansan??OwO?????????????de lde ???lemonlemo????????????????????? th? the ??im????o ??makma?ke ?????wn????????????????9,9???????WXWXAXA6A?", "output": "sugar!!! Good way to start the diabetes/obesity while they're young!\"\n10008,B007DJ32XI,A1JPHHY7C5RIOZ,panther13,0,0,2,1350172800,No thanks,I have been searching for a natural lemonade drink mix that would actually taste good. This is not one of them. Did not like the the bitter taste of this drink mix. I can make my own fresh squeezed lemonade better than this stuff. In the mean time I purchase Newmans Own ready made lemonade if I don't have the time to make my own lemonade.\n10009,B0048HWXA6,"} {"input": "A??????????????????????g g???m m??? 3 ???,5?,4,??131??????404??,F,?????????? g grg??????\"T\"???ses???????????????????gregr???????????ar??????????ty???tht???????????PoP???ere?????????? g ga g?????????Th?????ar????-6-? d ?????????t ct ????orsor??????????? be??????EaE?????colco????co?????????nen???of ?twt?o o???????????ndnd ??????????????w w??????h uh ????l l???????iteit?e ie in??????. . O. ?ne? f??????r ir ???????????????????, ?????th??e o??????????????? d?isisgis????tinti??????ikeik?e ve ????it.??YeY?????vom??it.?it. Sit. ????e oe ot???r r gr ?????s fs ??flavfla?????in????????enencn??l ??????ingin????????????el???????ttett???????? (t (??the the????????????????????????????hph???steste.e. ", "output": "A1DANQVK2XS51T,Shopping Mom of 3,5,5,4,1309478400,Fun... but gross!,\"These jelly beans are great for a party activity (think Harry Potter) or as a gag gift. There are 5-6 different colors of jelly beans. Each color could be one of two flavors, and you won't know which until you bite into it. One flavor is good, like peach, and the other flavor is disgusting, like vomit. Yes, vomit. Some other gross flavors include pencil shavings, skunk smell, rotten eggs (the worst in my opinion) & toothpaste. "} {"input": "?GRG??ATA?????????????????????????y 1y ?0 0????ar ar?olo??????rir??ndn?? l ???????t.t???????nln??????sos?on on????????itit it???????s s? in i?ststest??????????????ata? t th?e e be bab?????av?????????so?? gr gror??????hatha???????e ???ntn?s ?s tos t?????????m m????d td ??theythe?y gy ????????????? S ?????????????? j jej??lyly ly?beb??ns???o ????aiaigi?????????th?????rasrashs???BuB??????????????????????ve????????????kek????? f fu f?n!n?\"\"??????????484??????,A,???????VVV????O,O??????????,1,???????????????ealea??WiW??????????th?????ol?????????????????kidki???ha?????????? h ???????of aof ????ostos????????????laula??????r ar ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????", "output": "GREAT party game for kids, my 10 year old & friends loved it. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is that the bad flavors are so gross that no one wants to eat them and they get spit out. So half of the jelly beans go straight into the trash. But I guess it's the novelty that makes it fun!\"\n10010,B0048HWXA6,AHRORJOVVNLVO,JLK,3,3,5,1306627200,A Real Winner for the Whole Family!,\"The kids had a solid hour of almost constant laughter and fun, and the grown-ups had fun as well. This woul"} {"input": "????????????fof??????rorouo?p p?ofo? c ?????re??. .????or or?ea????????or ?of? j ???lyl??????????????? o?????????l l???ava?????????nene ne??????d fd ????????????yoy??????????????????ch ch och ??????u'u'v'??e ge ??ttt??n ????????????totooo???latla?te.te???SoS???????th????weiwe???????????????kek???oo???pap???????d ?PeP??cic??il Sil ??????????????????????unuunusu???al.al????????????????????enten???????????????EgE??????????????????????ly Vly VIV???? ?ThT???????????re????????lplpe????the?????????????hishi??as??????meme,me??????d thd the?????ve??????????????? t??????bob?????it.it???101????,B,?????HWH??A6A??????????????020????????. R????????N,N???????????646?00????HiH????", "output": "d be great for a group of children. For each color of jelly bean there is one normal flavor and one weird flavor, and you can't tell which one you've gotten until it's too late. Some of the weird flavors, like Toothpaste and Pencil Shavings, are simply unusual. Others, such as Centipede, Rotten Egg and Skunk are truly VILE! The spinner really helped the kids use this as a game, and they loved it and still talk about it.\"\n10011,B0048HWXA6,A27I8ETYT41602,Mr. R. R. HERMAN,3,3,5,1304640000,Hillar"} {"input": "???usus s??eae?????nsn??,\",???eye? a ?rer????????????????????????????????????????????????????et,et, ,???d d???? g ?????????????????????????????????? 7 7 7??????????????lol?vevede?????ses??frf?romro????? E ??sts??r r??unu??????????????????????the athe ???ltl??s ts ?thath?????????advadve?ntn?uru?????ene?????? to???????the??????????????oreor?????????th th t???m.m???YoY?????????????????????ou ou gou ???????????t ?????mem?????????????????youyo????iteit????ntont?o to ???? d ?????????????? the the???ut?????????y ??????????????? y??????are are????? t???????????f ????ingin?????000010??,B,??00400?????A6A??????????????????anannan?? P ??????????????????303??888?646????FuF?????me??", "output": "ious Reactions!,\"They are what they claim to be. The sweet flavors are sweet, and the gross flavors are GROSS!!! My 5 & 7 yr. old boys loved these from the Easter Bunny, but I thought the adults that were adventurous enough to try them had even more fun with them. You can't tell what you get by sight or smell - not until you bite into them do you know the truth! Highly recommended if you are into this sort of thing!\"\n10012,B0048HWXA6,A1MSMQ2NE6CY6X,Danna Pendergast,2,2,5,1306886400,Fun Game f"} {"input": "??????????dsd????????????????????????????????t t s ????????????????lolovo????iti????????an??????????ve?????????omome? t?????????????????????ithit? h he h????????ndsnds ?????faf???lyl??. I. ??????rer?????? fu f?n n g??????????????????e ?????????????? t??????????????asa??ini????ele??????ansan???????????,B,???484???XAXA6A6,6????????????0V0V1V1,1,F,????k k???. O. OrOri??????????5,5,1????????????ntn?????in?iningin?????????????????????ti??ng ng?le?ve????????s ??? t??????????ri???????????ve?ve fve ????????????isis ?en??????in??????? fun fu?n fn ?????ed,ed????????????? ga?meme.me????????????ly ?be??n ?????? the ??am?????????s hs ???ve ????o fo ????or???, o, ????????", "output": "or the kids,My daughter played this game at school and just loved it. She wanted to have it at home to be able to play with her friends and family. Its a really fun game until you have to eat one of the terrible tasting jellybeans !!!\n10013,B0048HWXA6,A1Q9AH39L6G0V1,Frank C. Orifici,1,1,5,1327708800,Entertaining at it's most disgusting level!,\"This is the best price that I've found for this entertaining, fun filled, disgusting game. Each jelly bean of the same colors have two flavors, one as it"} {"input": "???????d d??? a ?????nen???????isi???????y y???????stist???????????????rcrchc????e t??????????sti?????mem???????sh?????????? p??urcur?chach?se? a?????????????????????rerepeplp??????ntn??????????an???????ld ???????ateat???.\".???000??4,4????????XAX???A2A?4W4????????767????????,2,2,2???5,5????10710??????,R,ReR???llyll?y Cy ???l ????e!e?????hishis ?????? pur pu?rchrchahas??????????????foforor r????????????-y-??????oldold ??????te????????ryr???????????????? ge getet-t???????????? c ????????????????????????? th?e ?????al al???????. . T ???e je ?jelje??????????????????????????????er??cac???????????d fd ?????????wew??l ?????????????me????:):?\"????01501??????48H48???????????", "output": " should be and one that is mostly disgusting. If you purchase this sadistic game, you should also purchase an additional box of replacement jelly beans, sold separately.\"\n10014,B0048HWXA6,A24WJISKUVB76V,LVMom,2,3,5,1310774400,Really Cool Game!,\"This was purchased as a game for my thirteen-year-old daughter's Harry Potter themed get-together to celebrate the release of the final movie. The jelly bean game is loads of hysterical fun, and fit very well with our theme. :)\"\n10015,B0048HWXA6,A1P0GB"} {"input": "O????ECE?JKJ?????????,0?????????44???0,???ana????????,T,???? p ??????? a ??????????????????an???????ece????y ny nen??????????idi?s s hs ??d ???????? f?unun n? pl p???????ththeh?????e.e????????????iri??????? pa p?artar?????eye???????ne???????????????????????48H48????6,6,A6,?292??414?????????,a,?????????????,0,0,0,?????????84184?1601600?,\",???? g ?????????????????ofo??????????????????????y py ????\",\"????????????as as??????????????????????????It'It?????????????t ?pep?????e t??o to ?????????reare????????????????????????????y ?????????fo?rt?un???????, i, ????????????????????. I. ??????????????????ndn????????, ?alall?????????ckc?????s ???????", "output": "OBUUECJK,Cgull,0,0,5,1348444800,BeanBoozled,This product arrived very fast and perfectly new. The kids had so much fun playing the game. It is a birthday party they will never forget!\n10016,B0048HWXA6,A29U4102KKI5U9,aka Shortie,0,0,3,1340841600,\"Fun game, not enough of each color to really play\",\"Got this as a gift for the office. It's nice to get people to take a break from work to see what they get. Unfortunately, its not well mixed. It's almost gone and so far, all the black ones are not"} {"input": "??????lil?coc?????????? t th t????isi?? th????????????????????rer?d ???? th???oto???r r??????????),)?????e ????s ??to to??????????????????????? t th the??? w ?asa????lyl???????????????? the ??????toto ????e ple p????ed ed??????????????????????A3A??????UOU????CLC???????????????????????????????60600??????????n n???or ?????yoy???e,\"e,????ouo????????????????????ththe?????????ftf??????????DaD????hteht?er er??and??????????????????astas???r tr ??me???ThT?heyhe??wew?ereer?e te the t?????t ?????er?????????????????? fa f??amil???????frf???enden???????????, t, th???????????????????????????nd nd?????????utu??th?????lavla?????????????? w????????????????!!!?????????", "output": " the licorice (and that is the good flavor compared to the other one, ick!), same goes to the white ones and the there was only one pair of the blue to be played :(\"\n10017,B0048HWXA6,A346YRPUO0OCCL,Robert Benjamin,0,0,5,1338681600,Great fun for everyone,\"I bought a few boxes of these as gifts for my Daughter and her family at Easter time. They were the hit of her household, when family and friends came by, they all enjoyed spinning and trying out the flavor beans they won. Awesome fun!!!\"\n10018,"} {"input": "?????8H8HWH???????C4C4X4????????????????0,0???????????888808???0,I0,???????????BoB???lel?????I gI ??t t a ???ala????ror????y y???????-i-????????????????????anankan??ingin??????oro????????????????????ntn???I oI ??ded?????????????he he t ??an??ed????????????he she ?uru?prpripr???? an a?????????????????ommom??????????terterrr??blb??? th???y ty ?????ed.ed??Sh??e ae ??kek??ed m??e ie ?????t wt ??as as????????????????e a e a j ???? o ?????r.r????????????????fe?????ad?????????????ldl??la??????te te??om???ba?????????????????????????r />r /??????????????????????????

Won't buy again,

Steve Baker\"\n10019,B003BXOAW2,A27KI0N409G8UN,\"Mark Elliott Smith \"\"Tahoe Mark\"\"\",0,0,4,134"} {"input": "1????????\"M\"????????lol?????????? ????e ??n n??????? w ???chc???ororrr???? m ????,B,??????????????????se? t?????????????????????????th??y cy ????ononen????. ???he????lyly ??????? I I I?????????insin?tet?????f f?????????????????????????????????????????anandand ?????????????s ms ??????00200??0,B0,?????????????BKBKXK??MCM?????????L.L?. T. ?????s ?????ti????????????0,???131???00600???????? C Co C?????????pcpco??n,n????astastete te??????stst st?????a a????????reasrea?y ????????????????fafat?????e ?e mie m????????tlt???????????????? ( ?pupuru???asaseas?????re????????te???????.).???????ut???????or or? is????????????conutconu???????s ????avoavoravo??ngn????????NoN????? go g?odo??", "output": "1705600,\"My dogs love these. Made in China, which worries me.\",Both dogs love these treats and they have healthy components. The only reason I gave 4 instead of 5 stars is that these are made in China and that worries me.\n10020,B007TXUN3A,A1BKX9MC3YAKF8,\"L. Torres \"\"titililly\"\"\",0,0,3,1340064000,Ok Coconut popcorn,\"Taste is just Ok, a bit greasy compare to 94% fat free micro kettle pop corn bags (purchases here at better cost.) Coconut flavor is like coconut flakes flavoring.
Not a good v"} {"input": "???????ini?cec????? g ??????????? f fof???$3$????????hahasa?ede? i ????ece??usu?se se??????????ed ed???ououtou??????inincin???? l lol???????on??????r ??>W>???'t'?????????in? b???au????????hehe ????as??y fy ?????????????igi??????????????1,1?B0B?00200???????????MMM??????JUJ???????????????????????????n\"n????????,5,,5?131??2121721?????????? o ?????lgl???'s'?????ve ve????????????????f f tf ththethe ???????????FLFLAL????S S? of? F???ge?ger'ger???? t??hishi???????? b? bes be??st -st ??????ol?????an???????? It I?????????????????p p???????????eveve???????e.e..?101????,B???0029002????36?????????404??????,\"M,\"??. H. ??????????AZA?????????????????5,????30?????????E E O ???????????? ! ????I fI ??unu", "output": "alue since you get 18 bags for $30. Purchased it because I wondered about it since I love Coconut.
Won't buy again because of the greasy feeling and high cost.\"\n10021,B0029K5536,A3TMMILDR7JUVS,\"C. Murphree \"\"jazrobean\"\"\",4,5,5,1322179200,best of Folger's,I've tried several of the different FLAVORS of Folger's - this is the best - the old stand-by! It makes a good cup of coffee every time.\n10022,B0029K5536,AO09RWV40IX78,\"M. Hyatt \"\"AMAZON BUYER\"\"\",1,1,5,1343001600,THE OLD STAND BY !,\"I foun"} {"input": "?d d???isi? i ?????e e?????heh??eae?????? w waw??s ????shs??????r r??????e.e? T ????????????????????????????m m???aveav?es es????????????andan??yo??????????????upu???to to??? e eme?????????. F. ????ERE??????????GrG?rouro???? Cl C??assas???????astas??????9-9?????e ??aca??aga??es ?(P(Pa????? of of 2 ????is???pripr????d wd ??lll????d ?????????????????????????????????????anan an???e ???ancan????????????????brb????s.s??????????therthe???????we???????????????? as a?????he ohe ??d ???????bub?????/???????????????o ?????????ini?????t ????????????????????? w???ho??????????????????????rivri??ve tve ??to Wto ?????????????, p, ??????????????t tt th???????????????????????", "output": "d this is one of the easiest ways to shop for coffee. The Subsribe and Save program saves you money and you never wake up to an empty can. FOLGERS Coffee Ground Classic Roast, 33.9-Ounce Packages (Pack of 2), is priced well and I prefer the CLASSIC ROAST better than the fancy coffee house brands. As another reviewer stated it \"\" as the old stand buy.\"\"

I love to shop online. It is often cheaper and without hassle. I could drive to Wallet World, park and fight the crowds, hopefully fin"} {"input": "?d d??y y s ??ece?ifi????????d,d, ,????andan?????lil?????????????fof??????????????????????????? t???iri?r cr ?????onson??????????????CCC????eclecli??eded,????????a a????ckck,k??ete??? O ?? I ?? co cou????????? t????mam??????nd?? cl c?????on???????????????????????o ?dad???? fo f?????y ny ???????????????????dedelde?livlive????????dud???????????e d??on'on???geg??????wrw??????I ?????????o sho s??p p ap ????????igig g?????????es?????henhen ?????????imi????????usu?uau????????ho?????lilin?e.e???? / ?>T>?????????????????to?re???????????? c???????????????fff?????????????? ta t????????hasha?????. H. ??????????????ereer??????????ithitho?????????forfo????????it???outou??????????", "output": "d my specific brand, stand in line and wait for the person ahead to clip their coupons, have their CC declined, write a check, etc. OR I could login to Amazon and click one button, then wait two days for my no sales tax, free delivered product. Please don't get me wrong, I like to shop at the big box stores, when I have time, but usually I shop online.
Trip to grocery store, $10 , two canisters of coffee $16, plus tax and hassle. Have is delivered free without tax for $18. Without the hassl"} {"input": "????????????r /r ????????????? /?????????????A+A?++?????/>????TET?E: E:????????????????????,A,?????????PGPG0G??N,N??????????????,0,??,0,,0????????????00,00?????????fff?ee????????????s ?gogooo?? c ?????e,e?????oro?????????????????? P ??????????e me ?????????umu??????????. C. ????ee????????aya???????????????????googo?? t???????la??? c??p!p? E ???????tet??????ti?????or??? t????? it it ????????????st???bib????????et???ana?? c??????of of????offe???????????is is???????????????00?????5535536????????????EPE????????,0?,0,0,0,???5,15,??????????????ffeff?ee ?????????? t????? F ????????is???????cec?????????????????ici???. I. ?I hI ??????????drdrir?ink?", "output": "e.

TASTE: A\"\n10023,B0029K5536,A28ETU4J2PG09N,Judee Anthony,0,0,5,1344556800,Great Coffee,\"Folgers is good coffee, we order it regularly. Prefer the mild-medium flavors. Coffee is always fresh tasting, good to the last cup! Even after setting for a time it does not taste bitter. Get many cups of coffee from this size.\"\n10024,B0029K5536,A3M5PXJAZEEPYY,wowo,0,0,5,1342915200,Coffee review,\"I think Folgers is an excellent coffee choice. I have been drinki"} {"input": "n?? i ???????????????????????????????iningin?g cg ??fff?????????t ??0 0????????????s s???????t ?tht?????gig??nin?inging ing??? t ???e pe ????ana?????????????????????????nd nd???????????.\".??101???????????555?????1F1????????????,\",???. E. ?????????elell?is???????,0,,0,5,5,???????36836???????????ff??ee,????????????????????????????od??y ?????d pd ???????ysy??????nd??it? m???eses es?????ryr??????????upu??? of of??of????????sos????ar ar??????ono??y ??use???????????????????witwi?th ??????????? a an and and ??????o ??????n ???????????????? the the? en end en??re?????t i???s sos s????????????????????B00B0??787??8F8?????????PGP?????6,????????L. L.????ing ??????thetherthe??????gelgelsls\"s???", "output": "ng it ever since I have been drinking coffee, about 30 years. It is good at the beginning of the pot and just as good at the end of the pot.\"\n10025,B0029K5536,A1F5004VYZ3AXH,\"L. Ellis \"\"lellis\"\"\",0,0,5,1340236800,good coffee,I use this coffee with my toddy cold press system and it makes a very smooth cup of coffee. I so far have only used Folgers coffee with the system and see no reason to change as the end result is so very good.\n10026,B00478L8FC,AHDTF0PGLWNH6,\"Jami L. King \"\"motherofangels\"\"\","} {"input": "??????,1,???202?????00,00???ndn?????l!l?!!???????t t??hih?? t????????frfrir???dsd??????heh?lpl??? m ?????t ??whewh?? I I ?????????????? It I??cac?????nd?????s bs ???????????AlAlll?? of of f t?????tet????????????ll????ooo??????????ppp???????as as?????. ?????????????????1010000200????00?0026002?HHH??LYL???1J1JXJX3X????LZL??P3P??????nanahahJh?aya??????????????20????????????hishi????iaiaba????????????s es eas e???? fo f?? a ??????????usu????MyM????n n i????????????s fs ?????ng?????? thi th??????????????rferf????t cat c???????????HeH???????????!1!?????,B??????TZTZZZ????????????T3T?4G4?,\",\"S\"SFS????ay? \" \"\"\"??????????\",\"??,1????????383??80????????????????????????????oduod?ct?. ???????????????", "output": "0,0,5,1302048000,Wonderful!!!,I sent this to some friends who helped me out when I had surgery. It came and was beautiful. All of the items were really good and shipping was fast. VERY PLEASED!!!\n10027,B0026HHXLY,A1JX3BMYLZ9P3U,HannahJaye,0,0,5,1302220800,Easy,This ediable image is easy for anyone to use. My man is into bass fishing so this was the perfect cake decor. He LOVED it!\n10028,B002FJTZZU,ANB8BGTHET34G,\"SFinlay \"\"Sfinlay\"\"\",1,1,5,1250380800,Excellent!,\"Excellent product. This is the fir"} {"input": "??t t??????mym??????? y ???r r?olo?????? h??????n in ????????m m c ??nene ????????????ar??. .????en en I ????????????eme???omo?me,me?? I I??????ht? s??????????in????? j ?umu?p p??????? h????sks??in!in? A AfA????????e he hahadha???????????????????????????????an???????en uen ?pop???????ivi???????????,\",??????????????????????????????????????he??????????101???????????TZT??????????1F1??626??U1U???fifisi???hoohooko??????obo??er?????????shhoshh?ok???????bb????????????1,???838???202??0,?DoDon???t bt bub??????????????ll?????????????co???te??????????ulu???????ou ou?????????????colacol??e ????llerlle?gyg??. . ???he he lhe ?????bo?????????ha???????????????????????????????", "output": "st time my seven year old has had an ice cream cone in three years. When I brought them home, I thought she was going to jump out of her skin! After she had her cone, she asked for more and even upon receiving a \"\"no,\"\" she still had the biggest smile on her face.\"\n10029,B002FJTZZU,A2A6JD1FM62PU1,\"fishhooksandbobbers \"\"fishhooksandbobbers\"\"\",0,0,1,1283472000,Don't buy if you're allergic to chocolate,Be careful if you have a chocolate allergy. The last box I purchased has cocoa powder as the ing"} {"input": "r????????anandn????????nen????re?????????????????????ioi????????????????t ??????????????????ded?? a????wew?ereer?????????? c????? co?????? T ???????trt??bub????????oulou???????????????????????colco?????co?conecon??es aes ??????????????? pa p??????themthe? o ??????????????ingin???????????oteot????????????????????????????e e te ??????????????esesnes???????????????????????????????????????????BHB??????CDC???????????????????????????606???????s ?????????e he ????e t?????larla???????????hosho?????rinri??????????????????wn.wn?????????????hemhe???the???????me????????????????th th t??????????????????????????????????tlt??? st s??", "output": "redient and the cones are brown. I know previous boxes did not contain cocoa powder and were a normal cone color. The distributor should market these as chocolate cones and not try to pass them off as something else. Note: Be especially leary since this seller doesn't list ingredients.\n10030,B001F2ATYY,A1NHBHQR4T2CDW,Momma of B,0,0,5,1308441600,Works great,We have two large dogs whose urine yellows our lawn. We give them the recommended dosage with their dinner and it has significantly stop"} {"input": "?????????????????????? th t??????????????????????brb????????/>/>B/>?oto?tot??????e-e- -?????????????1,1?B0B???????1S1???????????????????????????????????????929?00????1 1 s ?????????,\",??ututrt?????????????fif???? of o???hih????????s as ?rer?????ziz?????????????e a? f ??? t to t??????????
* />??????????? to to to???ududi???????ia? p ??????se????????????????er??????????????????lyl???????ra??ed???????????dsds(s??linli??lel?enien?????????linolinol??????????ll???????? C??hiahi?????edseds eds? co c?????? 6 ??????ege???? f? fat fattttytt?y a???ds??????/>/>????????he???rorotro????????tetente????????ChiaChia ???????he??r tr th??at at??th??r ???????io?????????????????keke ", "output": "ped the yellowing of the grass. Good call.

Bottom line- buy it.\n10031,B001CGTN1S,A1ZWM7T7R6MO02,JoshuaRM,12,13,5,1298592000,#1 superfood,\"Nutritional benefits of Chia seeds are amazing. Here are a few to start:

*According to studies, Chia possesses the highest percentage of the polyunsaturated fatty acids(linolenic and linoleic) of all crops. Chia seeds contain 60% omega 3 fatty acids.

*The protein content of Chia is higher that other nutritional grains. Unlike "} {"input": "???????????????????? a ? c ??????????????????????in???????t it ?it it????????????propr??????e ?????????ofo? a???????????????mimin?????idi?????bob??????????232?? o ??????ia ia???????wew?????t i??????te?????????????r /???ChC???????ds????e e he ??????n n f ??beb??, , a, ???????? se ser????????f cf ????????????????????????????????????of fof fi?????. O. ?uru?????? r ????iri??????????????????????????? a????????o so ????????????????????
*Chia seeds are high in fiber, a 15 gm serving of chia seeds will provide 4 to 5 gm of fiber. Our body requires at least 35 gm of fiber a day to stay healthy.

*Chia seeds contain boron which is essential for bone health.

*Chia seeds are rich in calcium, about 2 oz of chia seeds contains 600 mg of Calciu"} {"input": "?m,m, ,??????????????o o???? m ?? f fof????? cu cupu? o ?? m????????? /> /??Ch?????ee???s h???e ?3 3??????????ore ore?????????????????? b?????ere????????

*Chia seeds have 2 times more potassium than banana.

*Chia seeds have 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries

Regardless of the astonishing nutritional values of Chia, it also tastes very good. My girlfriend and I make a big pot of \"\"steel cut\"\" oatmeal at night (the quick way is throw a cup of oats in 4 cups of boiling water and just let it sit overnight), put in a good helping of chia powder, and the next morning y"} {"input": "?????ava???????????fufulu????????????tht???t ct ??????lal?????????eeeekek k??depde?ene???ngn??on? h?owo???????pepeopeopo????????????????t.t? F ???l ??????????????a la ???????????????????eaneanunutu????uttut??er,er, ?????????????????ownow?????????l f??avoav????e ????it??on????????><>????/>/>T/>??????e are a???ma??????????????pepespe????? e???????ChC???, ?bu?????????al al?????????rsr?on??????????te??? I I I??stast??????ea????????????????????????terte????????????the the??? T ????????st?????????BoB???????RuRunu?' '?????t ??????????????f f M ????cacan??s ts ??at?????t Ct ?????wiw?????ri?????beebe????????????????????????thethenthe??rur?????????????????? i?????fo????????????", "output": "ou have a wonderful breakfast that could last all week depending on how many people are eating it. Feel free to add a little cinnamon, peanut butter, fruit, or your own oatmeal favorite additions.

There are many other recipes for eating Chia, but oatmeal is my personal favorite. I started eating Chia last year after reading the NY Times Bestseller 'Born to Run' about how a tribe of Mexicans that eat Chia will drink beer, smoke tobacco, and then run up to 500 miles in a footrace the f"} {"input": "?????wiw????????????????f f??heh???rir????y y??????ribri?utu???s s??? t??????rib???????ici?ana????ses????????????ere?????????????ic?????????tyt????s ts ?????????????ete???? f ?ulull??????????ut?ri????-r-?ricri???????????????I I???????????ut ut i?? 5 505??????????????????????????????????il???????? fi f?????????????????????????wi?????????????????y dy ????????ada???d d?????????????????????mym???????????ow??ed ed? me m??????in????h mh mymy my f fi????????-mi-m???e m????athathoh?on!on? ????ldld ???????hia???av?????????? ????I tI ?????? so s??? I??cec????????ly hly ????d mod m?????eneen???y ????????joj???tst???????beb??????my???secse??????????ptp????at aat a a ma mamar????????", "output": "ollowing days. One of the primary contributors to the tribal Mexicans' seemingly supernatural physical ability is that their diet is full of the nutrient-rich Chia seeds. I haven't put in 500 miles. But after previously failing to finish a 26-mile marathon without chia in my diet, I added chia to my diet and my knees allowed me to finish my first 26-mile marathon! Could the Chia have helped? I think so. I certainly had more energy and my joints felt better my second attempt at a marathon wh"} {"input": "e???\"\"\"\"o\"?n\"n???????ChC????????/>/?/>I/>????????????????????????ar????andand-d???lel?g ?ata??WhW???le le F ??odo?????????ia?? po p????r,r?????????e ??in?cec?????rt??ed ed??????????????????????????? a a f?????ioi???????????rir???????????????io????????????????????ChiaChia a???d ?????e ae ?a da ???????????ow??? of o???????????forfo????????? th??????????es???????kfk?????s ps ?ososss????le.le.\".\"\"1????2,2??00??CGC??????????454??????????\"C\"???????????????????????\",\"????????????282????,T,??????????f Tf ??astaste??????ttt???????????th???ghg????ea????????????frfrur??????????I ???????o o ao ????????????????????????? a \" a ????????e\"e\"\"??????????oosoo??????", "output": "en \"\"on\"\" the Chia.

I started out paying an arm-and-a-leg at Whole Foods for Chia powder, but have since started buying them on Amazon for a fraction of the price. My suggestion is to get some Chia and make a delicious bowl of oatmeal for one of the healthiest breakfasts possible.\"\n10032,B001CGTN1S,A33K45IE4XIWH6,\"Camperkat \"\"Camperkat\"\"\",7,7,5,1321228800,This Stuff Tastes Pretty Good,\"Although I eat a ton of fruits/veg, I have to admit I was looking for a \"\"quickie\"\" fiber boost, and"} {"input": "??? w ??ntn?????? a ????d d pd ?sysylylll???? b ????usu?e e??f f???e ?phphyh??????????????ere??tieti??????t t??????????????tiotiono?????????aia?n ?????icaic????????andan??sus?????????s ????????e me ?an??????? the the ?????terte?????? / ????r ??????????ngn???????????????? a ac?????????????recre??mmm????????y ??????in???????ut?????tiontio????????????es es?fof?? \" ??????lyl??\"\" \"\"???repre????ng???????ala?, ?bab???????ete??.<.S???I ????t tt ????????ut????NaN?????????anand?????? p?????????owownow?n hn ?????????????WhW???le le??ooo?dsd???????????to?? sa s?y.y??..t..?thith??? st s???f ?is?is tis ???ri???ic.ic?????puput?????????? s??erver???g)g??in??ababob????1/1?????up up???????????????ed?????????", "output": " I wanted to avoid psyllium because of the phytic acid properties that block absorption of certain medications and supplements (I take many of the latter).

Sprouting reduces phytic acid, and is recommended by many in the nutrition communities for \"\"safely\"\" preparing oatmeal, barley, etc.

So I got the sprouted Navitas brand chia powder shown here, but at Whole Foods. I have to say...this stuff is terrific. I put 3 TBs (1 serving) in about 1/4 cup of warm filtered water, a"} {"input": "??? s ??????d d id ??, ,?????waw??????????????????????????????...????st????????.a.???d yd ??u u????? w?????? I ?? k???d d od of??ta??ste??????? o ?atatmat??ala?????bab???eye?. .? I ???ntn????????o o a?ddd???hihisi??sls??rr???? int in??????????en en s???????????????????kedke???he?????y iy ??????????sos????ch?, ??????? a??? i?t ?wiw???????pop??n.n?????/>/???r ???MyM???recre??????????ono?????to??ada??????litli?tlt?? w???????????to?to tto ?theth???????????and???ti??r ir ????up up???fof??? m mi m?????????????o wo ???????????????????????---?????jusju?st ??????????????????as as???did????br??????? /???'m'??gog???????????????????an?and ?inin in???????? A ??aza???????????????????????????", "output": "nd stirred it, and watched as it kind of puffed up...tasted it...and you know what? It kind of tasted like oatmeal or barley. I intended to add this slurry into my green smoothie, but I liked the way it tasted so much, I just ate it with a spoon.

My recommendation is to add a little warm water to the powder, and stir it up before mixing it into whatever you are eating--or just eat it straight as I did.

I'm going to buy this brand in bulk at Amazon--and I'll make sure it i"} {"input": "?????????ror??????????ere???ndn????????he he s???????brb??/>/??
By the way, I read on a review posted about the Navitas chia SEEDS that they make a kind of \"\"tapioca\"\" by adding coconut or almond milk and stevia to the chia seeds...so I tried doing that with the powder...it created a kind of soft, puffy pudding texture, and it was definitely in the \"\"treat\"\" category.\"\n10033,B001CGTN1S,A2LPAQPXOSKXGF,Jim Wittebols,9,10,5,1284249600,Chia--great for cholesteroal,\"I have had persistently high cholesterol for y"} {"input": "??ara?s.s??????????????????????????ti???mamada??????sis???---???tht??????????????????p p????????rkr????????????I I??am am?? w wo wor wo?????????????ndnd nd??halha?f f??????ar????????MyM???ot?ala????olo??st????ol ol w?????lwlwaw????????or???highi????????????? on o????????th oth ofo????????????r,r????? wa was was ????????????earea?lyl?y my ???????????\"\"?????????????TNT??S,S???????K0K0303Q03???????????????????????????enOPenO???arlar???????????,1,???272717????00,00???t ???????s ???? th t????aga??????ordor?????????????????dsd???????????, g, ???t at a ?????????????????erereer????? g ??????????? I ????????????? or o????? th??e s??????tedte??????????????wd??????????????. :. ???????", "output": "ears. Allergic to statins, zetia made me sick--nothing pharma came up with worked for me (I am a workout fiend and half vegetarian). My total cholesterol was always 220 or higher. After one month of chia powder, it was at 187. Nearly miraculous!\"\n10034,B001CGTN1S,A1BIPJK03QKFQA,\"QueenOPearls \"\"QueenOPearls\"\"\",5,7,2,1292716800,not what is in the bag,\"I ordered and got seeds. Called, got a refund and reordered... got seeds. I'll have to order the sprouted chia seed powder elsewhere. :)\"\n1003"} {"input": "??????1C1???N1N?????????MEMEPEPUP?CBCBYB????????????DaD??isi??????uzauz????\"\"????????????????????tat????? y yuy???????????????y y????ghg???????????????it it??????cic?????bub?????????tedte???to to?????it????????otoththih??es.es????????st????????????????..??????????1C??????????4B4B6B606??EOE??????PeP?teter?????k,????????????61561????????ug?????????e,e????????hi????????????????????????r mr meme me? bu b?ut ut i?t't's's ???? a ??????????. . ?????????????????????????????????????????d ?it??????????????at at?????????????????????????? di d?dnd????????????????????????????????????????????ed??????\"\"?????7,7??????????????????????????", "output": "5,B001CGTN1S,A331T1MEPUCBYV,\"Suzanna Davis \"\"suzanna\"\"\",0,2,3,1315612800,tasted yuk,Gave it to my daughter who uses it in recipes but I wanted to use it in smoothies. It tasted to bad to me.\n10036,B001CGTN1S,A3G4B602EO1XYX,Peter Buck,2,10,2,1286150400,tough to take,\"Ugh, this stuff may be good for me but it's not appealing. I mixed it in my oatmeal for a while, and it was fine that way (but sticky). But I didn't notice any obvious effect and I've slacked off.\"\n10037,B000F4D4HW,ABGH6P1RC1UDS,S"} {"input": "?hah??y,y???????????????000?,G,GoG?odo???isi???????????????gog???????so so????????????e e???????mis????????????ad????g g???????????ede???????????ala????nsn????????, e, ????????????????????t bt bub???iti?????????on??????pop???????iei??????????mi?????prp??????????????????????I dI ??did.did. ?????????????1????8,8???????D4D???,A,??????????4E4??????????????M.M?????????\"M\"????ly????\"\"\"\"\"\",\"?????????????00800?????????PrP????uctuc?????????????????????? va val?ue?. . . ???????????? p ??????? ma?nyn?y Ay AsA?siasi???re?????s ???ststest????????????kenke????????et??blb??????????. T. ??????sus??????????????????henhe?tit???As?iai????????? to t?o mo ?y ?????ipeip?????", "output": "hady,3,3,5,1167091200,Good miso!,\"This is a good miso base. I make true miso soup, by adding nori seaweed, cutup scallions, tofu, etc. I almost didn't buy it, based on the poor review on a similar product, but I'm glad I did. It's tasty!\"\n10038,B000F4D4HW,A1Y1ODQM9H4EYC,\"Marilynn M. Slade \"\"Marilynn\"\"\",1,1,4,1168300800,Good Product,This is a very good value. I use it to put in many Asian recipes instead of chicken or vegetable broth. The result is a more authentic Asian taste to my recipes.\n10"} {"input": "?030??????????4H4????141???V7V??????NNN??S.S. .?KaK???ene????????121??464???60600?????????????????????????isi???????ctc??????? c ???????????????????????????ndn? o ????????????omo???????erer er a ????cac????????????eae?ltl??????????????. ??is???? g??ingin?gerge????????wiwit??? cl c??ggg??????tet???iesie???& g& gog??od od?????rar???????????????es?????????????????????????????up?.\".????????,B0,B??0F0???D4HD4???????EFE?????????ne?????nep???????????????????40?0,?????lthlt?y y Fy ?????????????????????????lo??????soso so???? s????? ?????????????? fl f?????????????menme???????????uchuch h hh ??alaltal???ierie??anand?????ti??????????he???sus??al ????????????????", "output": "039,B000F4D4HW,A14RPV7RGRE9NN,S. Kaymen,2,3,5,1284681600,Quick & Easy,\"I love this product, very convient serving packages and only needs some ginger and cayenne for healthful benefits. Miso & ginger helps with clogged arteries & good general tonic, Besides being a very yummy cup a soup.\"\n10040,B000F4D4HW,ABDBEFQZ9WWOG,neptunepaese,0,0,5,1337126400,Healthy Flavoring Alternative,We love Miso Cup soup! We use it to flavor our ramen. It is much healthier and tastier than the usual salt and MSG! Th"} {"input": "e???????????????on?????????????????ese?????????halha?? t??e ???iciceic????e w????? pa p????? i?????lol???l l?he???????oo????to????????hanha??s s As ?????????????,B,????F4F??????A1A????????R0R?????G.G?????nin?????1,21,????????????000?,D,??on'on??t Bt ??? - ---????????????\"I\"? l li l??????pap???esees???ouo???????????st st???veve ?????e sie s?????????????tst?s fs ?ro????????????????????aba????????????zo????? g??t ??????????eyey'y??????????!)!????r ?/>/><>?????>T>?ThiThis?????????????an?????s t????ribri???. ?I ??cancan'n?????????ouou ou??oro??????????????is ?????????????????ishish h???????????????????????rar??in?????
This Miso-cup brand is terrible. I can't tell you more than this is just yicky. I wish there was a zero-star rating!

I didn't finish the first cup e"} {"input": "?vev????????I'I????????dyd?????ede??????re??????????oto???r r?????-c-??p p???????r ar ???????????????????????e,e? I?????????ed?????????????e ?????re?????????????????????t.t??????????did?????st??ay??????????-J-?? ?????????????????ugughg????it it?????t ??be be?wowor??????yiy??????????up??????????????fl????????o o???d d vd ?ara??ete?????????afa??????on???????th eth ??????????????????????????????, ?????ar?tit?cu?la??r, r,? th t?hatha?????????????????tereter????????in tin ?trytryi?????????varva??????. B. ?ut? n ??????????????????L L?????????????????and????re ???ua??ly????reare???????????????????/>I/>?I gI ?????????? a??nd nd? th?????????Mi?????????", "output": "ven (but I'd already tried and re-tried another Miso-cup flavor and hated it). Therefore, I only used one envelope before giving away the rest. Oh, why did I stray from San-J? Actually, I thought it might be worth trying Miso-cup's different flavors to add variety to my afternoon broth experience. It was this flavor, in particular, that I was most interested in trying for variety. But now I know that ALL the Miso-cup brand are equally dreadful!!!

I gave these and the other Miso-cup bo"} {"input": "??????? a ???????PaP???ryr? B BUB???I I????d d td ???????rsr?? w ??y ???? wa w?????????? i ??t mt ??ghg??t nt ????sus??? t??????GeG?????the the??an??J J?????????????????????????HWHW,W????????5555Q5????????. ?????????\"Ma\"M????a\"a???,1,?????????242???00????????????????d ??????????y t????? so s???; ;???????? tr tryry ry?? d ????????????????nen?????????????434??,B0,B00000?7Z7????????????8M8???????????????ece?????,18,18,8??0,0???????212???????????????ff??e e??????,\"?????????????is???????th th??????is is nis ???????tet?er er?????????????????????????????????????????a ra ????? fl f???oro??. I???????????lly lly? bo b???ghtgh???he????an??? in i?????maima?icaic?a ba ????t itt i????????????12?? fo for", "output": "xes to a Food Pantry BUT I told them first why to warn others it might not suit them. Get the San-J brand!!!\"\n10042,B000F4D4HW,A3V6O5J55QTYSC,\"M. Davis \"\"Marika\"\"\",1,2,2,1172448000,bad soup,I did not enjoy this soup; I will try a different brand next time.\n10043,B0007ZLRUU,A1UR1B8MLEX5LF,Tina Goeckel,18,20,5,1128211200,Jablum coffee beans,\"This coffee is smooth and is not bitter at all. It is wonderfully aromatic and a rich flavor. I personally bought the beans in Jamaica but it was only $12 for"} {"input": "???2 2?ouo?ncn?????I I??????ses????????????lal??eded d p ??????????????????rnr??? f ?oro???thithisi??????????????trt?ulu????t ?????oto????????? it. it.\".????040???????7Z7??RUR?????????SRSRHR???????????????lel?y-y?VeVere???t ??????????????ttt?\"\"\"\"\"\"\"???,5??,5,??????141??00?,T,??he he???estes???????? e ??????????e e i???????asasos??????????rvr??????????????????????????????????????????e ??????he????, b, be??????coffcof??????????????????????????????smsmosm?????????????moumo?th?????? i it? h?????????????in??oxo??????????????. ???or??h ???the the???????.\".\"?10100???????00700????????2222G2?????1U1????????????????????1,1,11,??1,131,1?????16?????isisaisapappp????????????????", "output": " 12 ounces, I have seen such inflated prices on the internet for this product and truly it is not worth it.\"\n10044,B0007ZLRUU,A1IFOESRHYQ4AH,\"A. Bradley-Verett \"\"Amanda Verett\"\"\",5,5,5,1168214400,The best coffee ever,\"There is a reason they serve this coffee at the White House. Its the smoothest, best coffee ever produced. Low acid, smooth in the mouth, and it has the most intoxicating aroma. Worth the price.\"\n10045,B0007ZLRUU,A22GUSJY1URK32,nanccasares,1,1,1,1306281600,Disappointed,I was ver"} {"input": "yy y???sas????????d d w ???h h??theth????ala??????f f?????coc????????????????rcr?????ed ed??lulueu???????aia???co??fe????????e ?frfroromo????the????lal??ese???????????s ??????s ??rereare???????????? w????tot???????ununsun??????????????ItI???hadha?d ad ??mimili?ded?wew????la??????o o??????????it it hit ????????????toretor???ed foed f????????????????n n an ????re???ousou???????????? da d??p p???r mr ?????y. y.??oror or tor ththe????oneon??y Iy ????????????it ??????s qs ququiqu??e e de ?disdi????as??????d ???lll???????????????? t th??m ?aga?ai????101?040464???????????U,U??3H3?HWH???????????\"B\"?. ?????????????????????\"\"\"\"\"??1,1???????747??323???????blb???????????uy uy? it it,t?????sos?? h???d td th?????ab??lum???roaro?astas???????", "output": "y disappointed with the quality of the coffee. I have purchased Blue Mountain coffee before from other places and it was always great. But this was totally unsatisfactory. It had a mildewed flavor to it like it had been stored for a long time in a warehouse that was damp or moldy. For the money I paid for it I was quite displeased and will NEVER buy from them again.\n10046,B0007ZLRUU,A3HHWS1VTP5VSD,\"B. Ellis \"\"phone totty\"\"\",1,1,1,1274832000,jablum dont buy it,\"My son had this Jablum roasted and "} {"input": "????????coc?????????????? ba b???????m m J ???????????????d ?a ???t ????????????????????????lul????ou?????????????ara?s s???enen ???????????????s ws wawasa?????ck??ngn??. . ????????ede?????????????????????????theth?e be ??g g? an a???eve???n wn ????????henhe??????????k ?????. I. ??????s ds ??????iteit??y y????. ??????????t t 5t ???????????????y y oy ono?????e te ??????wawas??????????????? wo wou????????????y ?an???he????????ha??????????? ano an???er??????? i??n an a ???? f?????????aicai?ca ca?????????????????????????????????????????????????t at ????????ru?bbb??????????????????????st????in???JamJama??icaic????????????ontont ?knk?????????esest????????", "output": "ground coffee brought back from Jamaica and paid a lot for it. I have drunk blue mountain for years when I can but this was shocking. It tasted stale when you opened the bag and even worse when you drank it. It was definitely off. He bought 5 bags and every one we tried was the same. I would never buy another. We had bought another brand in a tin from Jamaica which was fine. I think this is a con. You get all the rubbish about it being tested in Jamaica, well I dont know who tests it but"} {"input": "???????????? n ????sos????nen??????????????odo? c ???fef??. .??? j ?ususts?t dt dod???????????????ho???pep?????????????s as ????????????????hah????? p??idid ?soso so????????? i it?????????? t ?heh???????????????w cw ?lolotothot?????1???4747,7???00000?7Z7ZLZ??????????47?????????JoJ???????it?? \" ???????joj??\"\"???1,1?,1,,1????232?181??121????????be?st??????asa?????,W,?????ara?????????th??s ?co????ee ee?????oreor???????ing???????????????o ???????? u ?????????????????????? in i???ovove????????????????????t wt ???????????d yd ?yetye???????th th?????ou?????????it??terte?r ar afa???????astas?????????? o ????????coffcof?????e have have??????484?,B????7Z???UUUU,UU???SRS???626??????6,6???????", "output": " definitely not someone who likes good coffee. I just dont understand how people say its any good. Maybe having paid so much for it its like the emperor's new clothes.\"\n10047,B0007ZLRUU,ACC3V47CSZC43,\"Joy Schmitz \"\"toddnjoy\"\"\",1,1,5,1231891200,The best we has yet,We heard about this coffee before leaving for Jamaica so we pick up some and have fell in love with it. The best we have had yet smooth without that bitter after taste so many other coffee have.\n10048,B0007ZLRUU,A2SRT262WG2WH6,Dave,3,"} {"input": "?????????020??202??????cecele??enentn????fff???, ,???????ll ll?????????otiot?c,c, , t, ??ouo???????????lol????mym?? co cof????? a ????beb????????? t?ha??????ha?????????d ld lo???? an a?? l??????????????ie??????tho?????I ????an? a?s ?s a s a s ????????????rsr??faf????????????????????????????BlB?????of????????s bs be?en????outou?eded ed???????????????????th??????????????????eeeesee????????therthe??????susucu???hih????????????????????????????????????et????? a????????kik???????????????WhWhihithi?? H ????se.se??????????????????oundoun???????????????ityit?????????? cof co??????????re???resre?????????? t?????????es????????????oao???st hst ha???????????weweded ?????t ?", "output": "4,3,1177027200,\"Excellent coffee, not all that exotic, though...\",\"I love my coffee, and because of that, I have tried lots and lots of varieties although I began as a simple Folgers fantatic. Jamaican Mountain Blue Coffee has been touted to be the best of the best world coffees out there by such highly esteemed sources as the Food Network and the kitchens of the White House.

I found the low acidity of the coffee very refreshing, but the darkness of this roast has not allowed a lot o"} {"input": "????????????s s??????? f ??ava?oror r?tot???????????????o mo ??? t???s ???????????e ????????????iti???????????? n ??th?????mom???e te ?thath?n n?????????rereae?????? e ????ydydad?y y??????????, b?????????it it????sms?????????????????????????????????????d \"d \"\"\"?????.\".?\"\" \"\"?????????lll???????????????????ede?????a a?????eeee ??????????????????? s?ub????? fl f???vorvo????????????BlB??e ?????ta?in??ki??????or???ing.ing??????????????????????????????????ith?? ex e????????????he??????? co?????????imimpm?orortorta???????????????????????????????????? l?ik?e ??xoxot?ici??????????????????n'n?????????ButBu?????yo????ou?ldl???likli?? t??o ho ???? c??", "output": "f subtleness of the flavor to come out. To me, this tastes like Folgers at its best, but nothing more than that. Great for everyday drinking, because it is smooth and rich and leaves little acid \"\"bite.\"\" But still, after having tried Kona coffee with its myriad of subtle flavors, I found Blue Mountain kinda boring.

I guess I disagree with experts, but hey, my coffee is important and taste is everything! If you like exotic flavors, this isn't it. But it you would like to have con"} {"input": "s??????????????????????????nen??? c ?????e,e, ??thith?? i ???????on????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,1??12712???????????????unu??????????????????? a ?? a??????????ovo?er???????nyn??yey?ararsrs s a??? a????????????lwl??ysys ?in??????????????inindin??????oo???????????????isis ????s ms ?y ???????tit??e e te ????????????????????????????????si??g ????????? a ?gig??t ???????????????lo???d ??????o bo ???????it it? mo m?????xtx?????????????????????????????????????e be ??en?.<.??? / ???
While the coffee is good, I don't find it to be superior to other coffees I have ordered "} {"input": "?whwhih?????rer? c ???????????? l ?ese?? e ??pepene??????????????????????????????0S0???EHE?5U5?????????????????????????????292??00???y ?faf????iti????????????????????????e oe ????????avoav??it???e bee b?eanea?????????pup??????ede??ththi??s bs ???ndn???????be?????? ti t??mesme???????????????????, ,???nd nd?????e ne ??????????????apa?????tetedte?????hethe??????????useus????themthem m??????????????ch ch???resre?ss,ss??????????re????????????? y?????co?????ti???????????e ??potpo???so?me???????? b ????????????? co???????you????an an??????ing?????mes??????? of of t?????????/?D/>????iniin??itelitely????????menme???ed.ed????????,B,B0,B00???7ZL7Z???????ZKZ??????????????. D. ????", "output": "which are considerably less expensive.\"\n10050,B0007ZLRUU,A38KK0SZYEH5UD,Busy Executive,0,0,5,1301529600,My favorite beans,\"These are some of my favorite beans. I've purchased this brand a number of times in various roasts, and I've never been disappointed. Whether you use them in your French press, your espresso maker or your conventional coffee pot, some of the best tasting coffee you can imaging comes out of this bag.

Definitely recommended.\"\n10051,B0007ZLRUU,A1ZKUYOQCYGZFF,M. Duell"} {"input": ",,0,?,0,0,,0?????????????,\",????????????ouo?????n n??????e,e, ,????e e Je ??BLB??????????e ????????aicai????????????????????????????????????n n Cn Co????????????????an???lol???????? ?????????wew??????n an ?????????ourou??of??????Bl???????untun????????????????????????????????????t ??????????a pa plp?????????????????? b ba b??????????e c??????????????????????? of o? t??????as????????????yey???????? co c???????????????r /r />r /?????????RiR??s,???? b???????so??????agsag??of?of Jof ?JABJA??????????? ca c??????????????????????????????????????????? y ????ca??n sn ????ll ll??????? b???la???? bag ba???????????????eneened??it? u ???????????", "output": ",0,0,1,1281312000,\"Love Blue Mountain Coffee, Hate JABLUM\",\"While in Jamaica, my wife and I drank Blue Mountain Coffer every day and loved it. We even went on a bike tour of the Blue Mountains, and purchased some coffee. It came in a plain clear plastic bag, and we could see the darkness of the roast. We enjoyed that coffee.

In Ocho Rios, we bought some bags of JABLUM. You can't see the darkness of the roast, and all you can smell is the burlap bag. When we opened it up, it was a"} {"input": " ?vev??y y?lil??????oaoasa??, ,????????h h????grg??????????????e e??????????????????????????????????iki??????t.t???????????????y dy ?????????????????050????????????U,U,A,???TGT?????747?????KeKeveviv??,1,??????,11,1?74????202????????d cd ?cofco???ee,ee?, b, ?????????????\",\"???????????th?????????????????aia????????????????b b b ba b???. ?? Wh W?ili??e Ie ?????????andan??????yey???iti??????re?????????????????????fr????????oco?calca????opo???????????t t?????samsa???????????????????????at iat ?????????ve????eenee???????? th t?he he $he ??5/5??????????? m mo mor????????????lyl?????????????????????????????3,B3,???????LRULRUU????????????BZBZTZ?O,O,W,?. . T. ?????????4,4?", "output": " very light roast, not much fragrance, and once brewed, the coffee tasted a lot like dirt. We were very disappointed.\"\n10052,B0007ZLRUU,A2VTGXADJ74J3D,Kevin,1,2,3,1174867200,\"Good coffee, but not great\",\"I bought this coffee in Jamaica ($15 for 1 lb bag). While I liked and enjoyed it, I prefer several coffees from my local shops at about the same price. I think that it may have been worth the $15/lb, but no more. Certainly not at these prices.\"\n10053,B0007ZLRUU,A3R71YQ3WXBZTO,W. Taylor,2,4,1"} {"input": ",,1,?????494??000?,O,???? 2 ???? 3 3 3??????? r ?ececec????d d????????memenentn?,\",?I I??????tlt???????????tht????6 ????? 3??????. ?????n n mn ?y ?????????de???????iveiv???????ec??????????, 2, ??008008 8?????????????????twt????????????????ono???????ed ied ??????? ord orde ord?er.er?. ????wouwo???d ld lil??e ??my ??isi??????????oz.oz??????????? s se s?????? m????????????sts?????????????d 1d 1/1/3/??of??????????????geg?????????\"\"??10010??4,4??????????????E8E???????K4K????D.D???????,1,,1????,1?????030???0,???on'on??t b??li???? t?he????????????????toto ??????????as?t t Mt ??y y ay ???????????t at ?bob?outout t 6t ????ounou???????ththithis? a an a???th?the the??al??dende????????BlB??e ?MtMtnt??????????????????boubo???", "output": ",1230249600,Only 2 of 3 16 oz. received in shipment,\"I recently ordered the 16 oz., 3 Pack. When my FedEx order arrived on December 26, 2008 there were only two 16 oz. bags contained in my order. I would like my missing 16 oz. bag to be sent to me or at least be refunded 1/3 of my $105 charged price.\"\n10054,B0007ZLRUU,A2E84QMV8QK4R4,D. Hall,1,3,3,1238803200,Don't believe the hype...,\"Went to Jamaica last May and brought about 6 pounds of this and the Waldenford's Blue Mtn back with me. About h"} {"input": "????????????????????yiy??????rere,re??????????????t ???????????????????????????????fff??e.e??????????ioi???. B. ??ut ut???on'on??????ieieve???alallal?l tl ??the the? hy h???? I???m m?????sus???? co c?????????????????d sd ???????e te ???at at??aka??s s cs ????ee???mormore??????????y y m??ghg???geg???mo????????????frf???????????ff???????????, n, no?????the ?cac???????????er ?????eeeetee??????????n n????ha? J ?ava??? on o???????or? a?????????/l/??????????is????????????????ititeite ?co??fe????1???5555,5??00????????????1T1??DQDQ3Q?NFN????????aviav?d ?????us???an??????arkar???kyk??????????????999??888?00?????????do???'t 't???? a??????????????ve?? t??????cof?coffecoff????. No. N?ot ot??ucu?????", "output": "alf what you are paying here, but still not worth the money. It is good coffee. No question. But don't believe all the hype. I am a casual coffee drinker and someone that takes coffee more seriously might get more benefit from this coffee. To me, not the case. I order my Peet's Arabian Mocha Java online for about $14/lb and it is still my favorite coffee.\"\n10055,B0007ZLRUU,A331TXDQ3NFCHG,\"David J. Sussman \"\"Dark Sky\"\"\",3,7,1,1249948800,P.U.,I don't get all the hype over this coffee. Not much of "} {"input": "????eae???????????????????asa??????ata??????t.???????????????g g w ?hoh???????????B0B00???A3A??????????MPM???????T,T????????on???\"j\"jej????fefere?????\"\"\"\"\"???????,1??747??898??????????????es??????fff???vever??,\"???lol????????????????????ta????es es??????ici???????m,m??????????????????SeSer?????lyl?, , i, ?????ou ou h??????t ????eded ???is?????? h? hav ha??ve tve ????????????,B0,B?00100???????,A?????1P1POP?Q1Q????T,?????y y??chc???sks?? \"?????ononionic?a\"a?\"\"\"????,0,???121????616161??????????????????in`in????????? B ???es??????????at at I???xpxpep???????at ?????????ereer?e i?????????ch????????????????????????????????t tht t????? wo w???????. ?????????y ???? ho h??ot bot ?", "output": "a head on it. Doesn't taste that great. What's the big whoop?\n10056,B000GA32XG,A1SHLMPWR0FOVT,\"J. Karon \"\"jennifergwl\"\"\",0,1,5,1174089600,the greatest stuff ever!,\"I love this stuff! It tastes like ice cream, just not cold. Seriously, if you haven't tried this, you have to!!\"\n10057,B001HTIES8,A38KP1POQ191WT,\"Judy Schinske \"\"Veronica\"\"\",0,0,1,1280361600,Garden of Eatin` Red Hot Blues,\"Not what I expected at all, there is no punch to these chips like I thought there would be. Not spicy or hot bu"} {"input": "??????hehere??jujususts????????tit?ngn??????????????????????ndn? t ??e e?????????????isis is gis ?odo?????ulu???????te te o?????or????????????????????I ????d nd non???????e fe ???????m m??????????????th??????????toto ???? t???????vo??r or ?? p ?????ouo?t t ot ????? m ?ou??????ec??????e the t?at? i is?is wis ????t tt ??thesthe???????????????????, ?????? c?????????????te?????thesethes???????????????????????t t bt ????uyu???? t??????ch??ps????????? at at??ll?????TheTh????blb??e ??ororn?? ch?ipips????????ala?llyll?????????????? the?????o cao c?????d rd re??????????????????ut out ???????these these??????????????ff.ff.\".\"\"?????????00100???????????OUO?QEQ?????2F2?2,2,\",???asoas?on on????????????\"T\"??????????", "output": "t rather just disgusting. The flavor is off and the after taste is god awful. I ate one corn chip and decided I did not care for them so I ate something else to get the flavor of poop out of my mouth, because that is what these chips taste like, and I can still taste these poo chips. I will not be buying these chips again at all. There blue corn chips are really great, but the so called red powder they put on these is just so off.\"\n10058,B001HTIES8,A18OUQEK7IZ2F2,\"Jason Kirkfield \"\"The Pride a"} {"input": "???????ror????????ili???????????????????404?0,????ses?????????????????????????ada?d md ???haha.a?????YoY??????????????????th!th???r ??????r /???imi?plp????????????????????ththith???????????e ee ????r er ????????eaealea??????????????????cocorornor??????????????asa??????????????s as ?? pu p??ch???????????????I wI ?on????wa????????????????rearead????????out??????????????you? c?????????joj??in??????? i ??st?????. J. ?usu????????e the t?????????????????????????ve ve??????e ??en?????? a al a???otmot??????????yey???????????????the the??????alal l???ngrng??did????????????????????he?????d d H??? B??????frf???m tm ??????an?dad?????????ChC??????????pe????", "output": "nd Sorrow of chil...\",0,0,5,1264982400,Those Red Hot Blues are one bad mutha...,\"You watch your mouth!

Simply, one of the best things I have ever eaten. Healthy organic blue corn chips with taste that packs a punch.

I won't waste your time reading about these when you can be enjoying them instead. Just note that some bags seem to have a more generous allotment of cayenne pepper (the special ingredient that distinguishes Red Hot Blues from the standard Blue Chips). Or perhap"} {"input": "??????tat???????????????????????rir????????mem????????????h h???????????????ofo??????? cay ca?en???e de due d??????s ts ????????unu?d d???t tt ?????????? o????????????????????ala??aya???s scs s?????????the???????????????????????prp????le???????????ipipsip????? a an????foofo??? L ????????????????????????????????P.P?S.S???mam???????ede?????o fo fif?????e oe ?????????o ????re???????????????s ??propr???ctc??????n tn thn t???s cs ???????forfo???????????????????e ???????astas????????ifi?????enten?????????????????? H ??? B ?????s. s. T ?????onlon???di?????erenere??? i?? t???e se ??????f ????????g og ????the???uau??????y oy ?of of???gs??????at aat ??? b???????????????r.r????", "output": "s certain bags settle more during shipment, in which case the bulk of the cayenne dust is to be found at the bottom of the bag. You can always scoop up the loose seasoning and sprinkle on the chips (or any food! LOL) as you see fit.

P.S. Amazon needs to figure out how to share reviews across products. In this case, for example, there are at least four different listings for Red Hot Blues. The only difference is the size of the bag or the quantity of bags that are bundled together. I a"} {"input": "m? p ???tit??? t ???? r ??????????????? a ?????lll? b ??????????theth??????? o ??????????????on??????????????????ava?????????????s.s???opo??????y ??????wiw??ll ll?????e of e of??????????? to t???us??om????, ???????oio??t t??????to????????????in?????stist???g (g ????????????th th?????????????? a?????????did????tlt?????????ma?????????r ?????????>
Garden of Eatin'\u00ae Tortilla Chips Red Hot Blues, 9-Ounce Bags (Pack of 12)\"\n10059,B001FSISXC,A26N3GLFUNS4NL,\"Mr. William A. Dispoto \"\"gorilla-bill\"\"\",5,6,4,1269993600,\"..."} {"input": "????itit t???????????????????sas???lel??????????????a ea ???????????????????????odo???t.t???wow??????expex????????????in?????oso???????????$3$? p?????????? pr???????????????in? t??????????ara?kek????bub?????t it ??????veverve?rsarsatatiat?ileil???..c..?an?? be b?????d ???in ain ??????????????????llllsl??????????sese.se??brb?r /r ?????????y ??avavov?orior??e ???? i????to to???PEP??????ESE????oto??? st s????? br b?an?d d ad ??and and e????n Kn ???ftf?????ede???????????esesees?e..??????ti???????????????le le?????ketke???? c????eseese ese????ded?er ????t ????esnes??????iveiv????? th??e ce ???cheeschee??????????I ????????????ft????????ing???????????-c-ch-c????????coc??????????????di???????ns???????????", "output": "a bit pricey, but SO versatile...!!\",\"Kinda expensive for cheese product...would expect ssomething closer to the $3 per pound price I can get in the supermarket, but it is so versatile...can be used in any recipe that calls for cheese.

My favorite use is to SUPER-CHEESE both store brand and even Kraft boxed mac-n-cheese...sometimes that little packet of cheese powder just doesn't give me the cheese-i-ness I want...so after mixing the mac-n-cheese according to the directions on the box"} {"input": ",?????utu?????ewew w?sls?ici???????????????????????????????t ft ???????????????es?????????t it ??, ?????????????! !???????, , y, ?ouo????????verve????????? e ????mam?????????????outou??????????oxo????aia??????000?????????????????????????????,B?rur?????????nnn??????????5,15,?282???565??00??THT?? A ??ere??????coc?mfm???t ?ch??ees?e,e???ea?t ??he??????????ke?????????wiw??????el?????o ????????????????wow?ondon??erfer????flf???oror.or??ThT???s is ?is is t? the th???????matma?? i???ama?merme??????co??mfomf?????????????????????001F001??IS????????Q6Q???????????????????????\"\"\"???????ks?!\"!???,5,??????????757???????????????????????for? t??????????????enenten?t c???", "output": ", I put a few slices of Velveeta on top, nuke it for a few minutes, mix it in, and VIOLA..!! Try it, you'll never want to eat mac-n-cheese out of the box again.\"\n10060,B001FSISXC,A1NZYGNZ5SVZI5,Bruce W. Bennett,0,0,5,1288656000,THE American comfort cheese,Great chesse to make snacks with. Melts so easy and has a wonderful flavor. This is the ultimate in american comfort cheese.\n10061,B001FSISXC,A4VMQ6ZTSXSSL,\"kiwanissandy \"\"Go Bucks!\"\"\",5,9,2,1279756800,Way over priced for the size,\"I spent clos"} {"input": "?? t ?????.0.?????? e ??????ubu???????????rnrnen?? o ??????o bo ?????e ???ozoz z???zez???????non?????????s s t th????????? fu f???he???rer??iei???bub?ut ut??????????????? i????waswa?s ts ???e 3e ???? si s??e ??????ses??????? si siz si?ze ze i?s ?$3$??999????at tat ????grg?????????AnA?d ??I jI ???????????????samsa??e t??????????????????????????????me me o??n yn yoy?ou ou??????on.on?. ?OrO?r br ??ttt???????????????????. ?. T. ?????????at??????????isi??????????????????g tg ??o ?soso ???? n ??t ??eveevene?????re re????? u ???e te th???? u up u?? in i???????th????I I wI ?was? v vev?????is????poipo?????????? the the the??pripr??e ?asas as?????????s ths t????????atati?on???at?ate.ate?????????????sa??????susuesu??e wie w???????????????oweow??er ser ?seese??", "output": "e to $4.00 for each cube which turned out to be the 16oz size. I know it says that upon further review but I was assuming it was the 3lb size because that size is $3.99 at the grocery. And I just paid the same thing for the 1lb size?! Shame on you Amazon. Or better yet shame on me. The expiration date is fast approaching too so I'm not even sure I'll use these up in a month. I was very disappointed in the price as well as the expiration date. I had the same issue with some sunflower seeds"} {"input": "??I I??????????????????????????iri????????????asa?ebe?????sesease???????enen en??tat????????????veverver,r?, I, ???????ete?????t ??I pI ???? f fo????????? j ?????mym??????aka?????????t ?re?al????????????????waw??? no n?????????????ougou???t I? w??????????????WhW????????d pd ?????thathat????for for????e 1e ?????????\"?????????B0B?????????????525??????WSW?U0U?????????????????? m ??akiak??ing ing?????thithir??styst???????2,12,??????????????ug?????????s ?? g ?ooo??d id ???a,a??????????in????the??se ??????stastarsta??s bs ???aua?????????????ta?????????????oodoo????at fat fiat f???????BuB??????ke ke?? the? o ??he???re???????????d d td thd t???????o smo s??????????????????????????????????????n ", "output": " I bought recently, they expired before baseball season even started. However, I did get what I paid for...it's just my mistake for not realizing the size was not what I thought I was getting. Who would pay that for the 1lb size?\"\n10062,B003EML8PM,A1J52MX2YDWSU0,these pretzels r making me thirsty,2,3,2,1224115200,Thought it was a good idea,\"I am giving these two stars because they did taste sorta good at first. But like the other reviewer said they do smell funny and they left a bad taste in "} {"input": "?mym?????tht??????????eye???rer? v ???????????????????y cy ????ede???the?????? 9 ?? s ?ece?conco????????e be ????????????l l?exe?????????whw??n n????????????????ut ut?????? sm s???????????t ??whewh??n tn ththe?y ???????????????????????????????nt?????????????????pa????????ut???thath????gog???nen??s ?I ?did?????t dt ?do do?? tha th?????????e e ie ??eae?? bu??t It ????on'on????????k Ik ????illil???????????????????1?????,B,?????????M,M????ERE??????5S5??????athat???0,0?????131353???????00,00?????????????????,I,???ovo???????????????. I. ???is?????????????????it it i????he?? st sto????s. s. ??al???????ar?rir???d td th????? ite it??? in in in?LoL?ouiou??iai????????????????????????????????l tl ?", "output": "my mouth. And they are very salty. I only cooked them for 90 seconds, the bag was still expanding when I stopped it but they smelled burnt when they were done (they said to cook until it stopped expanding but thank goodness I didn't do that). Nice idea but I don't think I will buy these again.\"\n10063,B003EML8PM,A3VERUHFCZ5S51,kathy,0,0,5,1351123200,Ms. Mac's Review,I loved this item. I wish I could find it in the stores. Walmart carried this item in Louisiana for some time. When I travel to"} {"input": "???????iai???????omo?????????????????????????????????'s'?. . ??????????t ???????????? it i?temte?????? the th???????????????? E EaE??????????????? an a??nd and ??grg?rea???????????atiat???? pi p???e.e?????????e he ??????????eee?n ??????bebefe??????????ururcrchc???ed?????????????????aza???..???????????????PMP???????GVG????GV1GV???????????,0,,0?5,5?131??090?50?404???????eryer??????owo???e ?????????????OuOur? W ???-M-MaMar????????????????????????? r ri r???????utu??th????ha???????t fot f?or or??ro?bab?????? y ??ar?s.? I??????tedte??????????????????ce?? fo f??or tor ????? u ??????????nanalna?llyll?????????the?????????????????oveov??s ts ????????????????o ???rdr??????????ed", "output": " Louisiana I sometime can find this item at Fred's. I have not found this item in the Houston area. Easy to prepare and a great conversation piece. No one here has seen this before. I purchased this item at Amazon.\n10064,B003EML8PM,AE96EGVPMGV1T,Tammy,0,0,5,1350950400,Lowery Microwave pork rinds,\"Our Wal-Mart use to sell these pork rinds, but they haven't for probably 5 years. I hunted all over the place for them, until I finally found them. My husband loves them, he works so hard, I figured"} {"input": " ???? g ????hih???sos??????????? l ??????????????????????????????????????G,G??obo???????????????,5,????????50450??00,00???????t ct ??????? b ????t tt tat??steste e ee eve???? be b??tet????????????.\",.\",\"?? l???e ??ot????????ala?????d sd ??????flf?ava???????grg??????????????????????????or or???????? F ?re??????d ??ar???????rea??t tt tht t?????? u ??uau?????????????ili??blb???????????????????????lavla?????choch??iceic?es.es?.\".\"??00????????????PM??????5I5???????S5S?5,m5,??ofo???,0,?????5,135,1??????????ve?????????????y g???? i ?????? w????t tt tot t??be????n an ????le?ololiol????c c? di diei????????? ta t???y ???enen en?? war wa???????????????t. ???????????as?ast ast s????k.k???10010????????????", "output": " I'd get him something he loves.\"\n10065,B003EML8PM,A11VIBM32L7BHG,Robert Parker,0,0,5,1350950400,\"Great crunch, best taste even better when hot.\",\"I love both orignal and spicy flavored, great any time during day or night. Fresh and warm a treat that is usually only available cold and with two flavor choices.\"\n10066,B003EML8PM,A1NL5IFNOQM4S5,mgoff,0,0,5,1350432000,very good,Very good if you want to be on a Paleolithic diet. Very tasty when warm. Cooks great. A great fast snack.\n10067,B003EML8P"} {"input": "??,A,??P0P?????Y5Y???????AlA??y y???????y ???????????????????????????00,00???????????odo??????e,e??????????????tht?????viv???s,s??????????d ??????????menme?????????????oxo? w ???????hth?. .????????????????ho?ldl?? a ??????? t??????????????ds? a ar a?re re???ompom?aca????? the th?y ?????nd???????????????so???? ther the????????????????????? the the b???????????????????liklikeke.ke???? / ?????????s ???ac?????go,go, ???thesthe??? ar??????? i?????????????d ???w w????????????rar?tet????? / /> /?>

As snacks go, these are high in protein and low in carbohydrate.

I think this is a really good value, and these are very flavorful - I especially enjoy them with bean dip.

The onl"} {"input": "???ththih???? th t??????????hanha?????s,s???'d? l ???e ?a a????????????????????????????????t at ????ysy? w ?????????????????????1????8,8?????EME?????????AMA?????????,Z,??????????????131???303080888??00,00?lel????s bs beb???er?????????????mym??????????????s is ?????e.e?? a ?wew?sos?mem?????????pup????ed ed??????????? lig ligh?????????ff??????theth????did?dnd????????????????uc?? a??????????ch??mom???? cr c????chych????????????li???????????? be b??th???????t pt ????????dsd???'v'??????????????e ???f cf ????????????ricri?????rereere?????????1????????003????????,A3,A???????OAO????????????????5,????49349????00?00,G00,?????????????t prt p??????, ???nen?veverve? c??oko?????", "output": "y thing that I'd change is, I'd like a lightly salted version; I don't always want that much salt.\"\n10068,B003EML8PM,AEMAM7W0R155A,Z. Kurz,0,0,5,1349308800,let's be serious,eating my first bag as i type. awesome. some puffed up to be light and puffy; others didn't puff up as much and are much more crunchy. Which i like! might be the best pork rinds i've had (outside of central america street carts)\n10069,B003EML8PM,A3TN9R4YOAQQ89,Avoir,0,0,5,1349308800,Great,\"Great product, I never cook this"} {"input": "? i ????heh????????ava?????cac?????????tit?me????????????????ere?????????????? mi m?????wavwa???????????e s??????????????ada????????e re re???ewe?s ???????????aiaidi???the?????er???e sme s?al???????????????? th??????????????????t t mt ?meame????????y wy ????????????ke???????????ugu?????????????t wt wat w???toto o???????????????e t???????????did???????e ??????????????????? i??toto to??????????????ha??ke ke???? ar a?????nd and ??????akeak?????m ????????ovo?????????????rereere?es ???????? m???????, , k, ke?????? cl c??????????????????????useuse use t?? they they ???????????. . B. ?????? it i it ????or??????????co?????t ???????the othe ??????????y hy ???????????????????", "output": " in the microwave because sometimes it takes longer and not all microwaves are the same. I've read people reviews and they said there were small brown pieces that were hard, that means they were not cooked long enough. The best way to cook these are to use a medium size pan, pour the pack into the pan and shake it around and bake them in the oven @ 400 degrees for 4-6 minutes, keep a close eye on them because they burn easy. But it is worth it to cook it in the oven, very hot and fresh and no"} {"input": "?????ooo??ede? c ????s.s???ThT??? w ???? a ???????????? b br b??wnw?? at at t?????t ?????????y \"y ?????f\"f??? up up p i ?n ????e oe ?????????e te ???????e he he???ed????????????sasayay ????non?t ?mim??????ve??????????????aga??? us u?? a a ??????????????????th??????ay ay y yoy?? c???n an ????ala?llyll??se???e the t??? p ????????????????????p mp ?micmi?crocr?owaow???? c?????aka?ke ke???? m ??nun???? t?????????????707??B0B??????????A1A???8N8NQN????8Y8?????ar????????0,0,50,?????????00??????????????????????? m???ch ch???????????????? p???-p-pap??????ed ed???????. N. ??????o ??ananyan?????????????????????????fof???? m??????d ?202???????ndsnd????????????y smy s???? m? mic mi??????????????????????L8PL8PM", "output": " uncooked curls. They will appear to be brown at first but they \"\"poof\"\" up in the oven once they're heated. I would say do not microwave these in a bag, use a oven safe plate, that way you can actually see them puff up, older/cheap microwaves can take 4-6 minutes to cook.\"\n10070,B003EML8PM,A1VH8NQ5ZD8Y2A,Mary H.,0,0,5,1349136000,so good,These are so much better than the pre-packaged ones. Not too many calories. I cook mine for 2 min and 20 seconds in a very small microwave.\n10071,B003EML8PM"} {"input": "??????????????Q,Q?????e,e?????5,5,1,????444??????????????????????????\"I\"??lil?????in in??heh??KaK????????tyt?????? a an???????????????indin?d td ????? an a??????re.re?????hah?d ????ghg??t tt ?the????????????t t?he???????ssssos???y iy ?in ??eae????????? b ???t ct ??ul??n'n????finfi?????????????. . ??om?????????????????d cd chc??ckc????? Am A????????????d ????as????rir??????????in???? the th???????????ThT?????????????????fixfi??????????ou???iki?????????rinri????? yo y??????n'tn'??gog???aca????????? b????ed????ese???1??00700???????????????2K2?????UOU??????,w,?????????0,0,40,4,4???????????????????Ta???ty,?????????????go????. B. ?????e ???it?e ???? c?on????????????", "output": ",A6MLMO94JV3RQ,bogie,0,0,5,1348444800,Lowrey's Pork Rinds,\"I live in the Kansas City Area and could not find them anywhere. I had bought them before at the Commissory in Leavenworth but couldn't find them here. Someone recommended checking Amazon.com and I was thrilled to find them there. They are easy to fix and if you like pork rinds, you won't go back to the bagged ones.\"\n10072,B003EML8PM,A2K5ETAUO9DZUV,wambam,0,0,4,1348444800,Tasty,\"Tasty, spicy, and good. Became quite the conversation pi"} {"input": "?ece????? w ???????????????vev?e ee ?????????????????crc???????pop????????????????. ??????????ede??????? an a?? l ???????hem???OnO???????? b??ckc?k dk ???????????? t??????? m?ic?????ve?ve ave as?????????? the th??????????oko???????????0000300?????PMP?,A,????CKC????OJO??????????ugug4g?????????131????????????cr??owaow?????????????s,s????as??????????????????????ve ???e ??rorodro?????I ??????iai????????????? a a???g.g????????????????poipoin???????????????????e oe ??????? po por?? s??????wa??s ts ??therthe?re re??utu??????????burbu????ed bed ??y sy ???????ic????????????????t et en???????????ulu????'t 't????is?? t?? the the?????????????g wg ??????dn'tdn'?????? th??m ???????", "output": "ece at work. No one have ever heard of microwave pork rinds before. They tasted them and love them. Only draw back depending on type of microwave as to how they will cook.\"\n10073,B003EML8PM,A1SGCKAJBOJ3PJ,ladybug42,0,0,2,1347494400,microwave pork skins,I was so excited to receive the product I immediately cooked a bag. What a disappointment!! The taste of the pork skins was there but it was buried by some spice that I didn't enjoy.. I couldn't finish the bag! My dog wouldn't eat them either "} {"input": "??????heh??eae????evevev?ryryty?hih???????????????g bg ?????lll????????ts!ts? ?I I h hah???? ha h?? m ???ro??av?????????kik???s ts ???at at w ????e ge ???????????????????mem????????????anandand ?sos????????usustus???????????do do???????????????B0B???????????????????UBU????????????E,E??,0?????????????00,00,L,LoL????????MiM?????av?aba?lel??PoPor????????,\",?????????????????????uiu?ickic???nan??????????????????aia?????????oo?d ????????levle?????????ou????oulou????????klk??? a a???ariar?ete???????ea????ns ns? to t?????r ?????????refrefef?ere?????? ????????, ,?????oso??se tse ????useus???????ut?o ??shish?????????????????? h???ltl?????sus???, ??I aI ?????nabna?blebl????????????se????????", "output": "ans she eats everything - including brusell sprouts! I have had microwave pork skins that were good but I don't remember the brand so I'll just have to do without\n10074,B003EML8PM,A3OBGS44YUBJ2U,WIBREEZE,0,0,4,1347494400,Lowrey's Microwavable Pork Rinds,\"These were a great quick snack that did not raise my blood sugar level and you could sprinkle a variety of seasons to your taste preferences. However, I chose to use the auto ship. Because of new health issues, I am unable to eat these anymore"} {"input": "?? ??owo?eve??? b ??cacaua???????????????????????????yoy?u u???y y????ioionon n? or o????????????on on??n ?hoh?ow ow??o o?????????n n on ?????? I ????????????????asa????mom????? bu b??????????e e ae ?andan???ava????? to????sss????????? I I??????????rir??te ???????herhe??, ??utu???????????? the th?ey ?????d id ?it,it???????lll???????the??????aca???in????mamatma?????. ????nkn? y??ou.ou???101?????????????PMP?,A,??VYV???????????????????????\"Da\"Dan?????0,0???????474??????0,0,N0,??????????????el????????th???????????????d had h???????????????????????om????????????n in ???OkO??????????lo???????????o,o, ??and??????ou???????theythe??????? aw a???????. B. ?????????????t ?liliv?e ?????", "output": ". However because Lowrey's does not give you any option or information on how to cancel an order, I am forced to waste money buying these and having to toss them. I hate to write this here, but maybe if they read it, they'll add the contact information. Thank you.\"\n10075,B003EML8PM,A3VYIPLGEUGLCW,\"D. Rens \"\"Dan\"\"\",0,0,5,1347408000,Nom,\"I absolutely love these. A friend had found them in a random store down in Oklahoma a long time ago, and I thought they were awesome. But as I don't live in Ok"} {"input": "???????, ,?ana?? c ???????inindnd nd????ses? a??ywy????e e ie ?????????? ar arereare??????zoz????????????eme???????????e.e? T ?????????????ara????????asasts??????ttttyt?????????????7676,6??????????M,M????C4C?NFN?????????????o,o???????????????????ic????PoP??? R ?in??s,s???????????????l l??eie???????????????????? the? p ?????????njnjoj????????????????vev??????? f????h,h???hotho????????????s ss ???????????the?m m wm ???th th? th????????verve????????1010000700??????????L8PL8??,A???????AOA????VXV?,R,?. . W. ??????0,30,??13???????00???????????ooo?????????? am a?m nm ????sus???????at at????????????ag????\",\",\"?ItI???????uiu????????mmm????????fofor??me????????????is is??????it?", "output": "lahoma, and can't find these anywhere in the MN area, Amazon having them is awesome. They're low carb and taste pretty great.\"\n10076,B003EML8PM,A24C4NFIDI5KKS,Chico,0,0,3,1346716800,Micro Pork Rinds,\"We own a small neighborhood bar and the patrons enjoy having the novelty of fresh, hot pork rinds served to them with their beverages.\"\n10077,B003EML8PM,A33NMF6AOO2GVX,R. W.,0,0,3,1345939200,\"Pretty good, but I am not sure that I will buy again\",\"It was quite a commitment for me to buy this quantity"} {"input": "?????pop????????? f ?roromo?????zoz?????? I ? d ?ece????? t ????t It ???ouo?????????????????o\"o?? s ????e e Ie ??????????e pe ????????ds?? th t????????????????grgro????????or?ese???????????????????? t??es???coc?????on?????????ttttet???????????????????????????whw????mim?crc???????. .????heyhe???asa???? gr gre?at?????????thith????????????y ????? t? the?? pe p???????t amt a???????? sp s???e.e??????EVE???????? t???????????the????????????????????????????they? c ?comcome????????????the mthe ?micmicr?owo????????ege?arardrdld???s ???????the tthe ??st??, ????????????????????t ut ????d td tod t? t th?? the s the ??melme?ll.ll???????????????whenwhe???it it??om??? t?????????n,n??, I , I?????????????????????", "output": " of pork rinds from Amazon but I decided that I would \"\"give it a go\"\" since I like the pork rinds that are sold in grocery stores and I figured that these could only be better since they'd be fresher when microwaved. They taste great and I think that they have the perfect amout of spice. HOWEVER, two things....the smell is \"\"funky\"\" when they come out of the microwave. Regardless of the taste, I can't seem to get used to the smell. Secondly, when it comes to popcorn, I have to pop popcorn l"} {"input": "???s s????n n??????????tit?ono?????? th?????ckckak??????????mim?crc???ava????r r?iti??????????????? f fof??????t t tt ????????????????????witwi?????????e poe p??????indin????????hadha?d td to????oko??ththe?????t t rt ri?nd????????R R t?????????????ectec???onson?????????????pa?ck?ag???????????se??? the????????n'n???beb???e pope po?ppepp???????lyl??????????????????he???????o o io ifi???????????? tha??t yt yo?u u? co c????????????and and?? the? they they???????seseese????ri???????ouougou???, c, co????????m im ?????????????????????ge????????????????ct????????????????????1101??????00???????????????????YEYEZEZ,Z????????????????????????646???????????ER??????????ara?re ????????????", "output": "ess than the directions on the package in my microwave or it will burn. I found it to be the opposite with these pork rinds. I had to cook the port rinds LONGER than the directions say on the package, otherwise they wouldn't be popped nicely and were a bit chewy. So if you find that you cook these and they don't seem crispy enough, cook them in your microwave longer than the directions say to do so.\"\n10078,B003EML8PM,AS5RIZFJA7YEZ,Beach Girl,0,0,5,1345766400,Best EVER!,\"These are the best por"} {"input": "?k k???????ara?????????ar?????????. . ?????????????????d d????????????????????????. ?? Th Thih????????????ere??us???ddd?ici???ono??????????beb??? w?ar???d!d! ! ???\"\"1?000????????????????1P1??????????D9D9,9,B9,???????????????5,5,1,??????????,s,sps??????pop??????????????sos???!!!! ? I ? l ???ve ve??????????????????ofo???theth??mim???rowro?????!!!!!! ?Th????????????????so so?????????????????? f??or or???? a??s, s, c ??hiphi??s os ????????????ackac???????????????????8PM8P??A2A????????????2,2??????????????????,0,0,0,????????????20020????reare??????em,em?,\"I,\"????????????????? f??an an? of o?f pf ????????????BuB??t st ???????????????????ingin???????s,???????????????", "output": "k rinds around, near and far. They are warm and just melt in your mouth. This is a dangerous addiction, you've been warned! ;)\"\n10079,B003EML8PM,A1P9EWKQ1SJ6D9,Brad Bruce,0,0,5,1345420800,spicey pork rinds,\"Awesome!! I love 'em cracklin out of the microwave!!! This snack is also not nearly as bad for you as, chips or other snack!!\"\n10080,B003EML8PM,A2QMNYDC8IAYD2,Arthur F. Shunk,0,0,5,1345075200,Great item,\"I was never a big fan of pork rinds. But since I started doing Atkins, I was buying t"} {"input": "?heh??????ete?imi??s s???????? t?????????rer? f??????????chc???????tyt??????k.k. .??I I??ndn?dedde??upu???nln????uyuyiy?ngng g t th?e ??oto??vav?????y ????????t ???em????????????r tr ???????????f f??? the the?????????ettet???r tr thr t?????????????????. . ????????eae???ingin?g tg ?????revre??????????????????ded ded?????????? the????????????????????????ha???nen???????????yty??in??? ot o?the?r ????n ?????bab?ggg??ed ed???????? o??????? r????s.s???????????s ????????ntn?????????????th?thesthese?????e fe ??ar ar???upeup????????? an??????ing ???????????finfi???in??????????WaW???? wa w?ay ay????etteett?????an??? any?? ba b?aggag?gedge?d vd ???ie?ty?? I I???ve????mpm?plepl????. P. ??????????aka????thi??????at????????", "output": "hem sometimes to fill that desire for a crunchy, salty snack. I ended up only buying the hot variety since it seemed to cover the taste of the rinds better than plain or bbq. After reading the reviews here, decided to give these a try.

I had never had anything other than the bagged variety of pork rinds. As others have mentioned here, these are far superior to anything you will find in a bag. Way, way better than any bagged variety I have sampled. Plus the make this great popping"} {"input": "?????????ini????oio??????????ouo??tat????tht??? o ????fof???????????????sos???????I I??rer???lyl??????????r ????e ????so???/?????r />r />D>??o mo mi???? th?????????g g ig ???trt??????nsn?. .???????????????????th???????? e?nd???????????? c cl clol??serse???????the the?????????tasta??e ?yo??u au arare????????? to to ?????d.d?? S ????ll ll??ete?????????n bn ????eded ed?????ghg??????????????fff?????????me?? i ???????????????????????????t ???st????? wa w???h h a?nd??ta????? the??m om ??out out??s ?so?????????? b ba b?? s????s ???isiis???????ou?ou wou ???ll ll sll ???????????havha??????????????diddi????t ?????nd???????????????thethesthe???????????????????????ave ave?????trytr?????????????", "output": ", crackling noise when you take them out for a minute or so that I greatly enjoy for some reason.

Do mind the cooking instructions. If you overcook, they will end up tasting closer to the bagged taste you are trying to avoid. Still better than bagged though. I tried different times in my microwave but found it best to watch and take them out as soon as the bag stops rising. You will sometimes have some that did not expand(you can pop these back in the microwave to try and revive t"} {"input": "????) )?????iti?????non????oro???? bu b?rnrnin??? s ????????th??em em?????ryr? t? to to e ??sus????????????????ana????.\".?????818?????????????????0R0?FTF?????BYB????lil??g ??f \"f ?????????????????909020???????????,\"W,\"WhW????m m???????????rn?????????ut ut?????????????????????????????????><>?L/>??w w????????ow ow f faf????????????????????????????????re?coc????????????????r /???ili????????????oror ????????101???????????????????????????UZU??????????????hnh???????0,?????????????????????AwA???????????!!!!!!!??\"I\"???am am o??n an ? l lo low??????????????o ????", "output": "hem) but it is not worth burning some of them to try to ensure all have expanded.\"\n10081,B003EML8PM,A28G0RFT2IXHBY,\"sling f \"\".\"\"\",0,0,5,1344902400,YUM!!,\"Why am I just learning about these? They are delicious.

Enough in each individual bag for 2 people to share.

Low cal, low fat, but not low flavor. Highly recommend.

Will be back for more.\"\n10082,B003EML8PM,A3L8YQKD03KUZ2,Glenn C. Johnson,0,0,5,1344816000,Simply Awesome !!!!!!,\"I am on a low carb diet, so pork"} {"input": " r ??ndn????ere???a a??????ala???????ugu?hth??????HoH???????????????ThT??????????rereare??? t????????tete ????????? tha th???????????rsr??????????ava??????ede?????????????oro?resre?????????aca??????????????????hanha?????????pep????serse?????????????e are a???3.3??? se ser?vi???s ????????5 ??ununcn????????ge?).)??. I. ???ou?ldl????????o o k ???? h?ow????????????????? a ??????????????, b, ????????????????????????????han han o ????????in??????ivi????? thes the???????y,y???the?????e ?e awe a?????????101????,B,?00??????????2Y2?????????E7E????????????0,???5,5????414?????00,00????????indin??ma?gigic????????se a???re mre ???ic?al??????????????????? mi m??????????nd?????", "output": " rinds were a natural. I bought the Hot and Spicy. These are great, they taste better than any others that I have tried from the stores. The package says less than a carb per serving (there are 3.5 servings per 1.75 Ounce package). I would like to know how many carbs for a full package, because I often eat more than one serving. Give these a try, they are awesome.\"\n10083,B003EML8PM,A2YV6E02HAZE70,EmpressK,0,0,5,1344124800,Pork rind magic!,These are magical. Put them in the microwave and they"} {"input": "? l liliti?????????opo?????o o?a a?frf???h h??oto?????ckc?????agag g??? p????????dsd???ThT?????re re???????????????he he?sas???????ded???????o ?????e se ????????mo???t ot ???????po?rk??????s s??????????????????torto????????h bh ?bagba??????s ??p p ap ??????????????????l.l?. G. ???????? a a ?li???tletle ????????????????nen???d id ?????????????????waw?????????????101?080?4,4??????MLM???M,M???????ZNZ?RXR?N6N?????. C. ??rafra?to?n,n????????343??????00???? f? for fo????????????????t dt ????n an ??e ????????????????????,\"I,\"????????????ititeit??????sesee? t?????? A AnA?????? p?riricri?? i??s gs ?????
First, it takes a little learning to figure out how to coo"} {"input": "k??tht??ses?????? i ??ststrt?????ono?????? n ?oto????uchuc????lplp.p???\"S\"?????????????????????he bhe ?????????????anandn?????\"\".\"\"???????? m????t ????????????????rfr?oro???????????? mi???????? w???th th???e ???????in?dsd????????? w???????????????ononeon???????????????t tt th????bagba??????????io???-o-?????ot-ot?????????????e te ???dodo do? wi wit wi?th ????th??r r? th?????????dondo??e. e. Ie. ????veve ???????????????crc????ve?????????????s ??perpe??????????? a an?????????????????????????2:2???????d Id ????????harha??????????????????I h??????? sa s??????iceic???????plp?? o ?? p??????usu?s bs ???s ?s tos t??fi?gug??????????outou??.?????r />r /?????????nd ??ex?tut?????WeWel??l tl ?", "output": "k these. The instructions are not much help. \"\"Stop cooking when the bag stops expanding\"\"....they might as well say, perform a Vulcan mind meld with the pork rinds to know when they are done. I found that the bag's expansion--or not---has little to do with whether they are done. I have a 1200 watt microwave and 1:30 was perfect. 1:00 and they were not cooked, 2:00 and I had charcoal bits.
I had to sacrifice a couple of precious bags to figure this out.

Taste and texture? Well th"} {"input": "???????????????ele???beb??te??????????gsg??ofo??pop?????????s fs ???????e ???or?????????????????????????oooodo??????e te tat?st???????m ?in???? w waw??y sy ??????????tyt?????d,d, , l ??ve??mem?e s?om?e ???altal?????????ese??e we ??????????erler????????? mu m??????r r mr ????????d d???????lel???e some so?me me??????momono?n an ?????????????th???????????e t????????????????? st s??lll??????? h???d ???????????? t?????????huhusu???????iki??d ????????isi?s ws ????????ghg????????????r />r /??????????????d bd ???????????????ro??? s???????????????I wI wow???????????heshe?se se????in???AsA???????????m ???in?????????e t???????????e ???w-w????????ch?????. I . I???on'on???be? r???", "output": "ey are infinitely better than bags of pork rinds from the store. The texture is very good. The taste? I am in no way shy of salty food, love me some salt! But these were borderline too much for me. I did sprinkle some cinnamon and Ideal on them to make them sweet and I still had a hard time eating them. My husband liked them this way though.

If they could back off the strong salty flavor, I would buy these again. As it is, I'm going to use them to make low-carb nachos. I won't be reor"} {"input": "??ere???????????hoh?ugu?h.h?????? t????????????exe???rer??????????'t'????hokho??????????????er????????g ???ltl???????????????????EME?L8L???????????????????????y By ?irirdrd,d?0,0???5,???????80800??????? t???????????ur????I I l ?????? the?????????????????r r??????ri???????????e ????? t? the??. ?????? s ?so so?hah????????fif??????? them them???aia????EaE???????????ou???s ans and????gh?? pr p?????in in?????????-- --??????t tt ?????????????ighig??t wt wa?tct?????????????????????????th??? d???n'n'tn'????????????lll?????????LOL????????????????10010?08608????????L8???????353???????????JoJ?????hanha???????????????40400?????d d id ????tst?s a?ll????? c??? g ?????,\"t,\"tat", "output": "dering them though. Love the crispy texture! But can't choke down the overpowering saltiness.\"\n10085,B003EML8PM,AL86D2RNG1LGF,Mikey Bird,0,0,5,1343088000,Love the bacon curl,\"I love these bacon curls or pork rinds as some call them. I was so happy to find them again. Easy, delicious and high protein snack --- I eat them every night watchng tv. Never had a bag that didn't perform well........LOVE THEM!!!!!\"\n10086,B003EML8PM,A3E350XYEFPZ44,Jonathan,0,0,3,1342310400,Good if its all you can get.,\"ta"} {"input": "??????????? l ??????????????k k????????????????s ??notno??????????d.d???whw??????? m ????owo??????????????e b??g g????? p?????upup p?????????lflf f? wa w???. ???ene????s ???????poppo????g ?ana?????ou ou???????????mmmmem??iai????ly,ly, ?th???????e p??????????? an and????eme? t??? me m?????in in???????ou?outhout??. ????????????h h???????????????usu??ining?????????????????s ???????? t???????????f ????ur ur?????outh outh a???????????. . I. ?????????the? i??????????ret??ty ty???????bubutbu????? p?ro??uc?t ?t dit didi??no???????n on ??????? t????????????????????????ioi??.\".????080??,B,??00300??MLM???????????????GQG???????????????5,5?????969??????????????us!us??MyM?y h?????", "output": "ste is not like other pork rinds. but does not taste bad. when you microwave them, the bag only pops up about half way. when its done popping and you eat them immediately, they are pretty hot and seem to melt in your mouth. needing much water and a brushing to get the rinds and the taste out of your mouth afterwards. I think the idea is pretty good, but the product did not turn out how they expected in my opinion.\"\n10087,B003EML8PM,A2SW1HY8XWGQQ6,Gracie,0,0,5,1341964800,Delicious!,My husban"} {"input": "??????????oro?k k?rir??????????????e e?????????!!!! !???????????ctc? f fafatatht????s ds ????gig??????????????????LoL?wew?????po???????ds??1??????B0B00??EME????M,M??292?????????????LiL?? P ??????????????????00??,Be,B??t ?????k ??veverve??????????ndind??g g?????????????????t ?an???lil????s us ?up up???????????????????w ?????????oo???nenete??????????st??????????????u u???????th????????reare?lll??????????fof???e me ???ror?????ing?????ll? i ??????????????????898????003?EM???PM????????8F8????OZO??????????????????\"v\"???????????ereer??estsest???????????????????00???????????e ?e rie r??indsind?,\"??an???????ind ind????????????t ????whw?her??e ee ???epe??t ot ????linli??", "output": "d loves pork rinds...a little too much!! The perfect fathers day gift was a case of Lowerys pork rinds!\n10088,B003EML8PM,A295QA0ZC28T1K,Lil Pip,0,0,5,1341532800,Best snack ever,\"Outstanding snack, super fast and lives up to the review I saw on the food network. Just make sure you shake the pkg really good before microwaving. All in all SUPER!\"\n10089,B003EML8PM,A35GZC8FLLHOZ6,\"G. Schmelzer \"\"varied interests\"\"\",0,0,5,1341014400,love those rinds,\"Can't find this product anywhere except on-line."} {"input": " ?????????non???nene e????oyo???tht??m m?????e ??o.o?????????????f f???ckc?s ???????????t lt ????????????pep???????????????????waw???????????t it ????????????? an a????waswa??shs??ppp??????romro??tlt?????opo???????on?titin????bub????????????hihishi??????????????????00??EME???PMP??????????????????DaD??idi?????chch h???IBI????????????0,??,1,??????161???????????? ea eas?? n??????? s ??????????????????????to to??????????andand ?ve??y ???mmm??? W ???th th??my my???icricro?????????????????????????????????????????? o???????rferf??ct.ct?????m,m??crc??????????????????????wiw?????ut ut tut ??????arbar?s,s, ????y y dy ????? i????????????????od od???gag????????? is i??", "output": " I guess no-one enjoys them as we do. Same kind of hicks that don't like boiled peanuts I guess. Anyway, product is wonderful and was shipped promptly. Hope to continue buying from this seller.\"\n10090,B003EML8PM,A2AEBH3O9EKFV4,\"David Dosch \"\"IB Dave\"\"\",0,0,5,1338681600,\"Tasty, easy no carb snack.\",\"Really easy to prepare and very yummy. With my microwave I put them in for 1:40 and they turn out perfect. Warm, crunchy and tasty. And without the carbs, they don't impact your blood sugar which is a"} {"input": " r ?eae?????????oro?????????????s.s.\".?1??????B0B?????L8L8P8?????KZK??5Z5????????,\",??????????????343?????????p p? sa s????y y????????????????????0,0??????????494?606????????????????????????ctc??????????e ae ???????????????????????????????ufu??? up u?????e ??????????????ds ds I ?I hI ?havha??????????????papasa??. ????????????y y oy ofo??rir??indsind??in????????? s??????????????. T?????????? u??????al al???astas??????s ifs i?????????pepe pe??of of s????ononion???? ad a????d td ????????an??'t 't???gug??e ????????f yf ??? w ?????????????????????????????arbarbsb?????y ?????????? I??????????????lll?????t bt ??????????gag????????? s???ck???witwi??? th the??????lalarla??", "output": " real boon for us diabetics.\"\n10091,B003EML8PM,A2KZS5Z28SN012,\"J. Stack \"\""We sleep safely in our beds be...\",0,0,3,1338249600,Not quite what I expected,\"These are an okay snack. They don't puff up like the Pork Rinds I have had in the past. The quantity of rinds in the bag seems lacking. There is a unusual taste as if some type of seasoning added that I can't figure out. If you want a salty snack with no carbs they are okay, I, however, will not buy them again. I'll stick with the regular p"} {"input": "???????upu?????? o?r r????ckc??????????es???dod?on'on?t t?fif????????????????????????ititeit???he??????? e?????????????????????????PMP???????ZPZ?TMT?????V,V?\"K\"????????????isi???on,on???????on\"on???,0??5,5??333??161??20200?,P,???? r ??indin?????????????????????bab?????????miminmi????????????????????????????? t??he ??oto??sps??????or???????s ???????????I s???? th??ese??mi??crocr??wavwa?aba?lel??on????????d ???????en?t ???????oko?e,e????????? h ???????????y ????re re???reare????andan???????? j???? l ??????? the the????s ??????????. ???????????????003??????????????I4I?????SXS?,\"?????????????????????????????5,15,??????686??????????????m!m?,\"????", "output": "uffed up ones or cracklings. These don't fit in either category quite the way I expected.\"\n10092,B003EML8PM,A3IHHZPTMJCSHV,\"Kevin - Hermiston, Oregon\",0,0,5,1338163200,Pork rinds,\"I saw these in a bar in wyoming somewhere. My buddy loves the hotnspicy pork rinds and when I saw these microwavable ones I had them sent as a joke, however he said they were great and tasted just like the ones in a bag. Nice\"\n10093,B003EML8PM,A2GSNTI4CQ4MSX,\"M. A. Love \"\"malove\"\"\",0,0,5,1338076800,I love them!,\"I've"} {"input": " ??????ororkr???ini?????? t ??????????nd nd a??l,l????????????????usu???ll??????aleal???????non? f ?????or.or?? S SiS??????the??????? c ???????frfre??????thetheythe?????????? n?????? and an?d wd ?ar????????y ?????e ae a e a?sls?????????????la??vorvo???????????????reare?????????????????????????. . ??????????sas??tyt????ut??????y gy ????. ????????'t 't???????thethemthem m???????y oy ?? t th t????????????????it?he?????????????ppp??????????ha????t ht ???m.\"m.\"\"???????????????????1O1?????????7K7?6,6?MyM?st??????????,5,????????????????? A ????iri????BiB?????????Lowrey's Bacon Curls Microwave"} {"input": "??PoP??? R ??????????????????????????????? Pa P???aga??????ac???????????a>a??InI????????????ppp??ece??????tht????????? of o??? \" ?????????? Po P????????????????????MeMeae?at at?MaM???????thath?????????hemhe???????????????????pap??isisois????to to?????????????\"\",\"\"?????? t???e \"e ?\"\"t\"\"??????ioi??ala????????????????n.n???????d)d? ??????????????ow??ve????rk?????ds????mem?????ongon? a an and????reare????????????fefec???ana???????????????????perpe?????????? t?rur???Po???????Rind Rind?????!!!??????????????????? w ??????????????? to???? L ???ge????????????d ???omeome ?sms????er?er ber ???es?. ? T?he????????????????????????????me?????????????????????", "output": " Pork Rinds, Hot & Spicy, 1.75-Ounce Packages (Pack of 18) In order to appreciate the taste of a \"\"fresh\"\" Pork Rind, head to a Meat Market that has them. There is no comparison to that \"\"Rind\"\", with the \"\"traditional\"\" store version.(Bagged) Lowrey's Microwave Pork Rinds came along and created the perfect answer and a new experience for true Pork Rind Fans!! Usually, each bag will create 11 to 15 Large pieces, and some smaller bites. The best way to eat them is immediately after removin"} {"input": "??????m m????m ????????ro?waw?????????????????????? a??d d??????. .??????????ese??VaV????????????????ece?????????) )?AiAiri???????pap?ckc???????ene????????????, ?????????ot?????????icyicy ???????????NoN????ChiCh????????????????????ereere ????????? st s??????upu?? un untn?????????rsrs rs???????????aya???????????t ?AmA??zoz??? is i???the????lyl??????e ????no??? th tha th???????s ths t??????whenwhe????u u??an?????themthe????????y ??ag??? is is?????????????????????????????????likli?e e pe ?opo???ornor??????????eee?????????????????????? a???????g,g??????????????????????prp????ctc?t wt ??????re?akak ???the ?????????????????????gag???????g.g?????????????090", "output": "g them from the Microwave, when they are Hot and Chewy. (Cook Times Vary: 2:15 min./sec. for me) Airtight package when it arrives, and is not too spicy for those Non-Chili eaters. They were sold in stores up until 2 years ago, and may still, but Amazon is the only place I know that has them when you want them. Every bag is seal wrapped and can be stored like popcorn, so no need to keep the box! If anything, the novelty of this product will break the ice of any party or gathering. Enjoy.\"\n1009"} {"input": "??,B,????????PMP?,A,???B7B?PKP?????BTB????. .??????????zoz?????????\"\"??????,5,?????777???20200????????????lel??????????????oro?????ndndsnd?????w w???in?gsg? a ????????????abablble? i ?????fef??????????lyl??????eded ????????????. . ??????????chc???????y hy hah?????????? u ???????ror?????????????totomto??????????ck ck??ooo??s ??in in ain ???????????????erser?????????????????re??leglegag????????mom???e t?????the the l??????????????s ????po??????coc???. ?. P. ????k rk ??nd?? a?????????ltl?????????an an??????s. s.????y ?sisimsi?????? to t??mi??????????d pod p??co??rn,rn?????? ju j?ustus??????????????????? p??????????????????crocrowcro???? f?????????t 2t ????????d ?vov????, ??????frefr", "output": "5,B003EML8PM,AWAB7PKBO3BBT,\"H. Lee \"\"Amazon junkie\"\"\",0,0,5,1337731200,Snap crackle and pop of pork rinds,\"Few things are as enjoyable in life as freshly popped pork rinds. Modern technology has enabled us to produce the epitome of snack foods in a hot, fresh version. I will be relegated no more to the listless depths of popped corn. Pork rinds are the ultimate man chips. Very similar to microwaved popcorn, you just shake the bag and put em in your microwave for about 2 min and voila, hot fre"} {"input": "sshs??pop?????????????heh??????? po p???ththe?????ou ou????e e t????ete??????ststot?memede????????????????????????????????????????kek???pop????n ????????????????????e ae ? b bib???????o io it??isi?? a a? bi b???ha??????????? w ?he????theth?????e e de ?dondo??e a????us??alall?????????????????????????r r?? you you ??ili??????????????fef?ctc???imi??? de d????did????????n t?he?he the ?????ofo??mim???????e ???????????????????e ???????? a??d d t??ke????jusju????????????inin.in??? c ???plp??????pip?????s ws ??????????????????r ar ???? a?fff??????????????refre?ferfe????to ato ??? ch c?har?????he ???????willwil?l il ?????ateate ate????????????????? th??y ???re re d??oneon?, ???????penpen ?????up up?????????????", "output": "sh pork rinds. When you pop them you have to get accustomed to the fact that they don't \"\"pop\"\" like popcorn - they just crackle a bit. So it is a bit hard to tell when they are done and usually through trial and error you will get the perfect time depending upon the type of microwave oven you use. Mine is 900W and takes just under 2 min. A couple of pieces will get burnt, or as I affectionately refer to as char. The bag will inflate slightly. When they are done, you open it up and you are g"} {"input": "??????? w ???h h a ???????? t th??????????ono????????????utu??on??? in i?n yn yoy??? m ?ou?th???igi??????????????? w???? s ??ici???????????????ueue ??iki?e ??a la ???? o ????????? T ????y ay ???????it??sas?ltl????o ??theth???????????????fef?ct???ccc???pap?anian???????to to?? a n a ?ic????????????. ?????idi??????????????? to?o ????icyic??????t ??enoen????. ???f f?????????t t????????????????????????????? e ?? i???? a b a ?owo????rigri?????ftf??????????re??dodon?one one?????????? and an???thrth??row row????????????veverve???e oe ????anyan????the??r kr ????????????????????aveav????????wi??ll ll b??e ge ???????????th ?a ???or?us???????ondon?derderf?ulu??????????ke?ke gke ?et???ng??????li?ng??????e s???????", "output": "reeted with an aroma that is bacon heaven. Put one in your mouth right away and it will stick to your tongue like a live octopus. They are a bit salty so they make the perfect accompaniment to a nice cold beer. I didn't find them too spicy, just enough. If you want to be creative, you can throw em in a bowl right after they are done popping and throw some salsa verde or any other kind of salsa you have. You will be greeted with a chorus of wonderful snaps like getting sizzling rice soup at "} {"input": "????hih?nenese?e e???????????. .???hrh?????? s ???????????ed?????es???an?? t ???? re res???t t i ????\"m\"mam????????????????????e ??thith?inkinksks ?th??t ???t i??s us ?????????is????????????ene????ouo??h h t??atat at?????????????eded ???r r??ro????at???????eme??????????????????y ay ?????delde??cic??????????????? l lel?t t et ????it?????? lo l??? o?????theythe????????ggg??.\".????090???????EMEMLM???????????????????,m,???????????,0,,0???????????????????linlingn???oo??????????????and and????????he????? so so????ch ch???????????an?tst????o ro ???n on ??????'v'????lwl?????????????pop??????????????di????????ing,ing????ut ??he???he???popoppo???? a a b ???????????????????????the the s?????", "output": "a Chinese restaurant. Throw on some shredded cheese and the result is \"\"man nachos\"\". My wife thinks that it is utterly disgusting, even though that hasn't stopped her from eating them. Trust me, they are delicious, but don't let em sit too long or they get soggy.\"\n10096,B003EML8PM,A1NTXIAS5VD1ZI,marschin,0,0,5,1337644800,sizzling good!,\"My husband loves these so much he never wants to run out. I've always thought pork rinds are disgusting, but when he 'pops' a bag in the microwave the smell "} {"input": "???d d???? s ???????????????????rmr???????? th t????rur???h h?????I I?hahava????? a?dmd????? the th?????????????y gy ?????????090???????EME???PMP?????2Q2????IVI???????pep???????0,0,0????????????????PrPrar?ctc?ici??al al?? and an???????????. .????????????s s??????erver????????!\",!\"???????????ichic??rrrror????s as ???????lic???us?????????? p?ac?????????s ?ve???????ve????ntn??? J ???????keke ?????ow??aveav??pop???????????????????indin?????mem???in in???????wiwit?h ??el???????????????nd ind ?it.it?????ou ou?????????? the b the ?bagba?????did????????????????rkrk rk?????????????it it???? th?????micrmicro????ve,ve????nd ??????the????????? t???????? / ?????r /r />?Th????optopti???al ???????oror or m mym??mimic", "output": "and the sizzling and the warmth and the crunch ... I have to admit they are really good!\"\n10097,B003EML8PM,AJV2QY96IVPVM,SuperFids,0,0,4,1337558400,\"Practical and delicious. However, has preservatives!\",\"These chicharrones are delicious, and the packaging is very convenient. Just like microwave popcorn, the pork rinds come in a bag with cellophane around it. You shake the bag to distribute the pork rinds, pop it in the microwave, and set the cooking time.

The optimal time for my mic"} {"input": "?ror?waw??e e?isi??ono?e ???nunutu?e ?4545 5?ses????????????????????e we ????????????????????ro?m m???????crc??????? to t????oto?????????/>/?/>???? /> /??????ou'ou?re? o?? a????ow-ow???arbar?? di d??????is????is ais ???????t ct ??oio????fof???????????? or o?r er ??????????re??lal???me?ntnt.nt?????090?????00300??MLM??PMP??????????292?H4H????carca??diodi?bob???0,0????,1,?????727??00000?????????????s,\"s,????re?y'y??????????????????????aveave ?PoP?????????????? & ??", "output": "rowave is one minute 45 seconds, but the time will likely differ from one microwave to another.

The only reason I'm not giving this product five starts is due to the MSG listed as an ingredient. While I don't react badly to MSG it still makes me a little nervous.

If you're on a low-carb diet this is a great choice for snacking or even meal replacement.\"\n10098,B003EML8PM,A5NCBB4129H4E,cardiobob,0,0,5,1337472000,bacon curls,\"Lowrey's Bacon Curls Microwave Pork Rinds, Hot & S"} {"input": "????y,y?????tht?????????hih?ngn??sisinincin?e ???????ava?????????rnr?? e ??????ala??y y???or or???????ic?????????????????e e ie ??????????icroicr?owaow??????????anqan????h h t???????????g g fg ???????????????nan????\"\"??????????????????A2A???????VEV?1I1???????????????????747????????????????heshe?????????????????????????is????sys???o o?bub????????dsd? c cl c??????????????????le? c??oko?in????????lowlo?? th? the the?????????????????nln????????? t??????? t? the?se????for for????e m?????te te??n n???????????????????????B00B0??3EM3E?????????8A8?HWH???RQRQ0Q??????????eBe?????????????????SmiSm????????,0,0,0,???????707?????0,0,P0,??????ed ???d ??????????????????????", "output": "picy,are the best thing since microwave pop corn. especially for diabetics(0 carbs)pop one in the microwave and vanquish that craving for a crunchy snack.\"\n10099,B003EML8PM,A26ERUB0VE1IO4,carol,0,0,4,1337472000,great,\"These r great, only problem is easy to burn. Needs close attention while cooking. Follow the directions!! I only needed to cook these for one minute in my microwave.\"\n10100,B003EML8PM,A208AHWXVRQ0LG,\"LaurieBSmith \"\"LaurieBSmith\"\"\",0,0,4,1337040000,Pleased and Satisfied!,\"I am doing"} {"input": "? t ????????????ror??rar????oro??weweie???? l ??????????I I? wa w??s ms ?????????rur?????, , c, ??is??? t????ingsings.s??CeCele???????sts????esesns????geg???iti????uru???????????oreor????dondo????????????y ???????????????dsd????o o?????????eleliel?ing???????tltle??????????t ot ?utu???????????????ut?????????????s ?????????????????am am???????ar?????h h???? s????????????????????????ntn????????????????thethemthe??????y y dy ??don'don?'t 't?? pop po???????????or?????????????????????'t????ke?ke mke ??????????e ae ??????????n n?????y ay ?arear????????????'v'???fofoufo?undun?????at at???? m ????uteut????ortor???????t ???????s ??seese?????o ???e te the t?? b???????mem???o ??getge??????mom?ostos??????le?le rle ", "output": " the Atkins program for weight loss, and I was missing crunchy, crispy things. Celery just doesn't get it. Our local stores don't regularly carry pork rinds, so I was feeling a little bit left out.

But, the Lowry's brand is one I am familiar with and so, I was pretty confident I would like them. They don't pop like popcorn; in fact, they don't make much noise at all when they are cooking. I've found that one minute forty eight seconds seems to be the best time to get the most edible r"} {"input": "?????? B ?UTU?????????cac?n n???sos???ehe????????????????d d?????ds ds???nd nd????????f f??????????? th?????ufu???????????????r /r />???????...??theth?????re re????????t.t.\".?????????????????M,M????WTWTJT??A9A?????,K,?. ???????????5,5??333?????????????e te ????e,e?????????cec??tit??????????rsr????????????r Ir ??????ed ed???????irsir????aga????I wI ????hoh?????????????????????????????????????owo????? th????????? a ????????anandan??????????????????????e oe ouo?ut ut p ???????t. t.??????????nd snd ????y.?????resre?????th??? t??????????????????? b?????at?at tat th?? s?????? ???????????t ????? i??????????????r t??????o ????l.l????01???????3E????8PM8P????", "output": "inds. BUT....one can also reheat the unpopped rinds and a lot of them will then puff up.

Enjoy...they are worth it.\"\n10101,B003EML8PM,A5NWTJKA90U3B,K. Smith,0,0,5,1336608000,Love these,\"I was sceptical at first but after I tried the first bag, I was hooked. Very easy to prepare. I microwave these for a minute and a half and they come out perfect. Nice and salty. Fresher than the ones you get in bags at the store. The hardest part is waiting for them to cool.\"\n10102,B003EML8PM,AQ7"} {"input": "?????SES?????,D,??????0,0???????363??62????0,T0,??????????????????????????????av????oro?k k??ini?dsd????????????prp??????????mem???????????????? aw awew?????????uyu?????????artar?????????????? / ??????????????ded?????nd????????av?? f faf?????esses???????nd???ararbar?s ????????????1????3,3???00300?EME?????,A,?????UCUCSC???????????anan ?M.M? B ????????lil?lll??\"\"?????????????????40040??CrC?????????veve ?????e tae tas?????????? a g a ?googo??????????????ve???????uncun?chychy!chy??DiD?????renre???t tht t?????ouo?ur ur??????????orkor??????????umu???!
was a good deal and they have far less fat and carbs than chips\"\n10103,B003EML8PM,AXSQJUCS5NP0W,\"Susan M. Burke \"\"lilly\"\"\",0,0,5,1335830400,Crunchy,Love the taste! Has a good flavor and very crunchy! Different then your normal pork rinds! Yummy!
I would definately buy again! Great buy also!\n10104,B003EML8PM,A23NWDV9UVDRA6,E. Cady"} {"input": "????,0,,0???????656???000??WoW??????????????????lol?w w???????????????????????????????ini??????????????????e ??nd?????????? c????pyp?????????aca???????hav??????th th?????sa sa???????ca??olo??? G ?????? fo f?????ow ow?????????oror ????ses?e w??o o wo ??????o o ao ???????hih??????ese?????an??? c??????????????????????aga?. . T. ????????????????????????????sos??????????????utu??I ?????????????icyic?????????????esees???1101???????????L8L???????????????????????? l lo?pepezez,z????0,10,???????939?????????owowa???ve pve ?or????inindin??????????????????uc???wew??????????thethe ?????????????????did?????????????????the ??????????s.????e ????", "output": ",0,0,5,1335657600,Wonderful for that low carb crunch!,\"Wonderful! Two mins in the microwave and I have a crispy, hot snack to have with salsa and Gucamole. Great for low carbers or those who want to avoid chips. Less than 4 carbs for the entire bag. The non flavored ones are also very good, but I like the spicy kick to these.\"\n10105,B003EML8PM,AFCLSSR41J11B,abel lopez,0,0,1,1334793600,microwave pork rinds,A terrible product we follow the intructions and did not get the the pork rinds. We only"} {"input": " ??oto????????????????????nn??????????3E3???8P8????1J1????????3F3FGF????????ere????????????lal?????\"K??immim????\",\"??????????474?????00,00??rer??????? l ????cacarca?????????????????in????? t ???iedie??????e ?????????an?????????????? i in?? ch c??ckc?kenke??????????and ????????????????????????EvE????ononen??lil?ke???d th?eme?m am ????????ene?ntent????????????asa?????? e ???????rar????n nn ?noono???????????? I ??go??t pt ?????????????y ?????ll ll??in???????he???? w ???s hs ???????????????????????????7,7?,B0,B?003003E?????????????????????,L,???T,T??????5,15,?13313?34634??????????ea??, ,????-f-???????ststi????????or ????nc?h ?fr???????????????verve??????????????", "output": " got pieces of pork skin\n10106,B003EML8PM,A1JFW99VBY3FG0,\"Kimberly D. Scantland \"\"Kimmy\"\"\",0,0,5,1334793600,Great for low carb life style,I finally tried these noodles and cooked them in chicken broth and added to my stir fry. Everyone liked them and commented that it was like eating ramen noodles. Once I got past the fishy smell rinsing them I was happy with the result.\n10107,B003EML8PM,A210VNYAFP8ISN,LowT,0,0,5,1334620800,\"Great, low-fat substitute for french fries\",\"I discovered you can use"} {"input": " ??ete??????????????????r cr ??ndn?imi??????????????????mam????????tat????, e, ???. .?????????eae?t t at ??????at??????? f?????? f?????.\".???????????3E3????PMP???2O2???????NON??565?,S,S.S?????????????????????????00?????? f??eseshes? c ?????hih??es??????he he??????ienienc??????????????????????n,n?????ararbar?? an a????igi?hth????????y,y?, w, ??????????one????ooo????sss?????????? n ?????????e ?ea??????? fres fre???po??? s????s,???he?????????? mu m?????1?????,B?????ML??8PM8P???????0V0???QOQOIO??????utu????????????????\"M\"??????\",\"??????5,15,????929??60?0,????????,g,gog????\",????es??e a????????????????? th????????????us??cricr?????to??? the th?m.m??????????????", "output": " ketchup or any other condiment - bbq sauce, mayo, mustard, etc. for a great alternative to french fries.\"\n10108,B003EML8PM,A2OV90G6ENO156,S. K. Jones,0,0,5,1334361600,Warm fresh crunchiness,\"The convience of micorwave popcorn, 1 carb and lightly salty, well seasoned goodness. If you never have eaten fresh pork skins, these are a must.\"\n10109,B003EML8PM,A2RUR0VA9QOIHS,\"Muttimus Maximus \"\"Mutt\"\"\",0,0,5,1333929600,\"Mmmmmm,good!\",\"these are so addicting that i have suscribed to them. cannot get t"} {"input": "??ese????? t ??he he?????ereryry y????rer?? a????????herhe????????? a???it????or or??????????????????????usu????????? a s a sns???k.k?????ve?????? t??????101???10,10?B0B???EME????????????????KUK??????. Y. YeY??????????,3,3,3????????40400??????????d ?TaT?st?????????????????????????d ??oto????????he?????????? b ????nyn?????????? i??vivitvi?????????armarm m???orkor???in???s is ??????ono?????t tt ??????as????????????????fofoufo????????tat?astas?e e te toe to ??? v ?ververy?????????? h???????prp??blb????????????e e ce ????????? a?????????aga?????d n??????lll???????on on????????dud??????????????????????t t it ?????????the?re?????as jas ?????to???mum???????????01????????3EM3E??", "output": "hese at the grocery stores around here. it's a hit for movies, parties, or just even a snack. give it a try!\"\n10110,B003EML8PM,A11LIEOD0VKUDQ,H. Yeldell,0,0,3,1333670400,Very Good Taste but TOO MUCH SALT,I did not find the smell to be anything but inviting. Warm pork rinds is a concept that was new to me. I found the taste to be very good. I had no problems with the cook time and the bag did not collapse on the product. My only complaint is that there was just too much salt.\n10111,B003EML8"} {"input": "????A2A???????????????yny??????????,0,????5,5??33??????00???????????ono???rfr?????f f??ot??ovo???coc?oko??????nln????????????ve????pcp???????????????????ara???theth?????k k???ini??????????????? on o????????rir?????????errer???????????????????????????r mr ?mic?????ve?????ll ll??????no???hoh????on?????o co co?ok?????????????ed??????????ro??er?????minmi????th?????????????lul??????????????????????th.th???5 5 s??????s ???oo oo??????????????????e ??????????unu????????????????????????t it ?????me??????g tg ?thath??????????t t tt ????. I. I I? co??????????e f???????????????5 s5 ?????????and????????????????al???dod??e.??????? no n???kn???", "output": "PM,A2KZNUJKINCV33,Lynn P Smith,0,0,5,1333584000,Totally wonderful if not overcooked,\"Unlike microwave popcorn, you cannot hear the pork skins cooking, so only by trial and error and the wattage of your microwave will you know how long to cook these. Cooked to the proper timing, they will be fluffy, melt in you mouth. 15 seconds too long you will have a stinky unedible product.
It is something that you must try. I cooked mine for 1 minute 45 seconds and they were not all done. I do not know "} {"input": "ttht??????tat??e e oe ofo?????????????????? / />/??? t ?????????????yoy?????ele??????????aia??? t?he???ara????ifi????????????????????, ?bub????????? the th???????reresre?ulu????????????totooo????ngn? i ?n ???????????????sts??inkin??????010?????????????????????????FHFHLHL,L,T,???????????2,??????????????????????d ?????fif???st st??????ag??????\"B\"??? t? the???????e ge ??t ??ic???nin?????uiu?te????????????????mam???????re?????y wy ?????????????????????????????????????????ing?? it i??. S?omo???timti???s i???wow???d ?????????????????????????????in???it?. ?????????all???????????????re???????? the??m am ?wa?y ????????y ??rdr???????. It. I????????", "output": "the wattage of my microwave.
So try them for your self. As I said, they are different than popcorn, but have the same results if left too long in the micowave, stinky.\"\n10112,B003EML8PM,AWG67630UAFHL,T. Siu,0,0,2,1332115200,Tasted good the first few bags...,\"But the taste got sickening quite fast. It also makes a really weird stench/smell when you are microwaving it. Sometimes it would hurt my tongue when I am eating it. All in all, I threw the rest of them away after my 3rd bag. It might j"} {"input": "????????mem??????? c ????t ??ayay y?????????????????????????????????me me??????theth??????? I I c???????ece???????????????????o ????????\"\"????131???????????????434323??LML????????dhd???coco,co,0,0,0??????13313????242?00??SnS????s,s?I ?????e se spe s??cyc????????????d t?????prp???ucu?????lll?????? b?????????lyl?????????? no n??t bt bu?y ???????her her b???????m ???the ????re?re are ?ftf??? t????????ththe??e.??A A m????uteute ?????????ec??ondon????in in???????crc????vev?????????y ??rere ??on???????? m? my my s ??????geg?????????????????uyu??ingin???or?e.??????4,4???????????????STS????????9A9?,r,rhr?honho?ni4ni4,?0,??????????565??????????????????????????s a????????????rnr?natna???", "output": "ust be me but I can't say I would let the guests of my home try these so I can't recommend them here to anyone.\"\n10113,B003EML8PM,A3432KLMRWMLQE,dholco,0,0,5,1331942400,Snacks,I like spicy snacks and this product fills the bill nicely. I will not buy another bag from the store after tasting these. A minute twenty seconds in the microwave and they are done. When my stash gets low I'll be buying more.\n10114,B003EML8PM,A3MSTGLORHV59A,rhoni4,0,0,5,1331856000,Love these!!!,This is a great alternative"} {"input": " ??????crc?owo???????????n.n?????s s????a a????ickic? a?????asa?????????????????? a??????????ic????????or.or..1????5,5???????????,A,??????????????,M,?ot?o,o?????????????????,N,????whw????????????????????,\",????????????easea?t ???re?e ??minmi??tet??? in in n?????ic??ro,ro????????mem??ara??? si s?????????le?????????re re sre ????l l????????dsd????????????avoravo????????stst st???????????ala?????or????. . I?????non?????co???menmend??\"\"?101???????????????????????8B8??????C,AC,??. D. ?emembmbeb???l,l???????????474?363???00,D00,???????in??.,.???????????????????atat ?????????????n tn ?????or??st ??f f???????????msm???ItIt It??as??????????????uru?re ????????????? p??erfer", "output": " to microwave popcorn. This is a quick and easy snack. It's got a great spicy flavor.\n10115,B003EML8PM,A26JYIPTHH25VC,Moto,0,0,3,1331510400,Not what I was hoping for,\"Takes at least three minutes in my Micro, and some are singed while some are still old maids. Good flavor but just a little salty for me. I do not recommend.\"\n10116,B003EML8PM,A3B4NME8BM42KC,A. Demberel,0,0,1,1330473600,Disgusting.,\"Too salty. But that was not even the worst of the problems. It has a weird texture (I cooked it perf"} {"input": "??????) )??ndn????ststet????????blblel???IfI???ouo???????'t'? e ??te?? p ???????????????????????aseas????????????????????????????????or????as??????????r.r???????7,7????????8P8??,A,?????????????8,8??. ????JoJ??es????????????474????00,00?\"N\"???t Bt ?????, , b, ?????????? a a?????t ???ac?k\"k?,\",\"I,\"I I????????eadea??ngn?? re???ewe??s as ???????theth????????. . ?HaHav???????????llyll??????ghg? t????s ts ???????????????? t???????????k rk ???????ellel??????an??d md ???ro??????ng ng?? the th?????????????????and??????'s's ?frf?????ly ly?????????? the they the????on'on?'t 't??me?????worworsr??e. e.??????????????????????co??????????? ( ?????h ?????????mi????byby ????? wa w??????????????ckc?", "output": "ectly) and tastes horrible. If you haven't eaten pork rinds before, please stay away. Even the worst popcorn tastes better.\"\n10117,B003EML8PM,A2I3KPQFFD7GR8,P. B. Jones,0,0,5,1330473600,\"Not Bacon, but still a great snack\",\"I love reading reviews about the smell. Have you really though this through. We are taking pork rind pellets, and microwaving them till they expand. It's frankly amazing they don't smell worse. Beyond the smell of cooking rind (which I don't mind by the way), these snacks"} {"input": "????e e g ?????. .??????ooo?k k????????? b ??gsg??????igi??????utu????e ????k ??????. . ??o ???ttt??????d d?????dod???t ???t ?fuf?????xpxpapanansan??onon,on???o ?????? an a?nd nd? th the????????????, I, ?????? r ????l hl ???d.d???????????it it?????????????303??????nd????????????ti??????????????. ??I ?re??reallreal??y ly ???e ?????????on??ingin????s ws ????????????????in?????????????ve???????r ????????r ??chech????ala????. . B. ????icaic????????is?? a ?si??plp????????????????,B,??????????,A,ALA?ZPZ?RPR??7D7??????SaS???????,0,0,,0?????????9609600??0,g0,?gregr????????????????LoL????????Ba??????????s Ms ??icric???????PoPor??????????????? S ??????, 1, ?.7.??????cece ????????s ???PacPa????? 1 ", "output": " are great. It took us a two bags to figure out the cook time. To little and you don't get full expansion, to much and they get hard, I mean real hard. For us it is 1 minute 30 seconds to perfection every time. I really like the seasoning as well. I don't find it offensively over board or chemically. Basically it is a simple snack.\"\n10118,B003EML8PM,ALZPRP27D6Z3C,Sancho,0,0,5,1329696000,great with beer!,\"Lowrey's Bacon Curls Microwave Pork Rinds, Hot & Spicy, 1.75-Ounce Packages (Pack of 1"} {"input": "?8)8??/??????RiR????????????ata????????????????e ?it???????191???000???MLM????,A,????????????RKR????bbb?a_a??arargar?usu?????????323??????00?,N,?oto??????????y.y??????????????????????????????\"\"\"\" \"\"???s as ???????f f????trt???????????????? ar a?re re????????????????????rir???ds.ds??I I a?? f ?faifa???????erter?????????????conco???ana?n bn be?? ba b???????????????03?EM?L8????????6K6????????????MOM??DSD???,0,0,0,?0,50,?????787???????????? RI R????????or?ded???d d???? p ???????????????????????asas as??ifi?t ?fof?or or??y ???????r ir ??in lin ???. ?????e ise is ??oneon????????s ???verve??????ing,ing???????if if?yoy?? b? buy bu??hihimi?m am ?????hinhi?????he ????ll ll???????????)T)??????I o?rdr?????d sd ??", "output": "8).
Pork Rinds are great with beer. Love it!\"\n10119,B003EML8PM,A1ALAPVEGIT2RK,Babba_Targus,0,0,4,1329436800,Not to shabby.,\"Calling these \"\"Bacon Curls\"\" is a bit of a stretch, but they are in fact tasty pork rinds. I am fairly certain only bacon can be bacon.\"\n10120,B003EML8PM,A7JK6KSJIQI6G,BEDMONDS,0,0,5,1327881600,PORK RINDS,\"I ordered the pork rinds as a Christmas gift for my father in law. (He is one who has everything, and if you buy him anything, he will put it up.)Then I ordered som"} {"input": "?e e???r r?mym????????????eee????????o o?????I I??????????e te ?? w ??orkor?k wk ??????????????????????????n n??????????it??h th ?????????in????????tit??me,me???I hI ???e ???????????????????????sts??????nd?? th??????????????????????????the?????????????r ????????????o po ?????hasha?????? e ???????????212???????MLML8L?????????9V9?FDF????I7I?????urburb,b??,0??????????????????????? Wh W????????????????????????SnS???????heshe????????e ge gre g??????andan?????????dod????t ct ????? th??? a ?????? the the? wa w????? the the t the ??nyn??bib?????f ?popor?????ndndsnd????ay????unu?chchych?y ay ???? ha???????hichi????????ve!ve?)<)?brb?r /r ????????????????iniin??ce?????of of???orcor????ta?????in.in?It's very reminiscent of porchetta skin.
I/>?????p p????asa?e e??f f??hehese????t t???????ndn???????t ?????????at????? I ???havha??????uiu?ckc????aca???? at at????? of o??????e ane a???? n ??ice??????????tete ?????pop??coc?????? at h at ??me?????ne???????theth?????asastas?????????r tr ???????????pc??????'v'?? e eve??r ???????f ?yoy??? ar a?e ????????????ni????????????????????mumusust???hav??????????B0B000030??????????B6B??????WFW?????KeK?????D.D. . G. ?????on,on????,5,???????727????0,G0,????at at Sat ??????????????????????????s s???orkork ????????????????enenten???pip??y ?????or?????????re????? w?????????!
I keep a case of these at work and one at home. That way I have a quick snack at the office and a nice substitute for popcorn at home. Honestly these taste better than any popcorn I've ever had. If you are on a ketogenic diet these are a must have.\n10122,B003EML8PM,A2B6QDHAHWFOI7,Kelly D. Gibson,0,0,5,1326672000,Great Snacks,For anyone who likes pork rinds and a decent spicy flavor these are the way to go!
Super easy to cook in the microwave and less cost than buying regular ones.Great taste! Easy and not bad on carbs and fat as well!\n10123,B003EML8PM,A3NPHTHUM8SS61,Fatman,0,0,5,1325376000,Best Pork Rinds Available,\"These microwave pork rinds are absolutely the BEST available. Any bag of pork rinds you buy in a store are not as good. The only place I've seen their equal is the ones that are cooked fresh at fall festivals and such places. They are EXCELLENT. Do not overcook them or they will burn and be lousy. If done properly, they are the best.\"\n10124,B003EML8PM,ADQ"} {"input": "??????XJX??????????nen?????????????,0,,0????????????0,??heh????????????PoP???????????????????????????????????,\"?? h ???e ???????d d???orkork ????indsind???? m ???e ???????0 0????rsr????????ouo??hth???thath??t t??is??wow??ldl???????n ?tot??trt???????????dnd?????????????gh gh e ???????????s.s?????????ave???????ornor??is?is pis ?perpe?????ve??an?? a ????rovro???n sn sus??cec?sss???HoH??????? I I ?????ne???ver ver h???rdr???f f??ic??rowrowa?????porpo??????????????t ????????? t?????agagig??????hathat ?it?????????ea???????ork?????wewele?ll ll? as?? po??pcopc????????????t ????es.es???I I d?on??t ?ha??????uchuc?????h ????????? c co c???ar???????????e ????????????s ags a??????????ver???th????", "output": "GF68CXJOTX,\"Maxine \"\"Max\"\"\",0,0,5,1325116800,The Microwave Pork Rinds Are Surpisingly Fantastic,\"I have not had pork rinds in more than 20 years and thought that this would be fun to try but I didn'nt have high expectations. Microwave popcorn is pervasive and a proven success. However, I had never heard of microwave pork rinds and it was hard to imagine that it could really work as well as popcorn. Well it does. I don't have much with which to compare the taste (20+ years ago), however, the te"} {"input": "?????????? c crc?????nen??? i ?is is????????????????????d.d??I ??iki??e se ??ici?????aca?????andan???s ??non?ththeh????eve?????er ???tet??, ,????????????not? e es?????ala????sp???? b ??t t It ????????????????????ofo???aya????ne ne?????perper r????????t ???d d td ????????I>???????????imimpm?oro???????o o? sh sha sh?akeak?????the bthe ?????????ded??er ter ????????????ststrst?bu??? t??e ??rinri?ndsnd??????????outou???????????????e e pe ?ut??????????ntn?????????icric??waw???????????ve ve?????o fo ??????th?????????s ??0 0???????????s ts ths t??he bhe ???????imeim???????????crocr?wa??ve ??ve?????o po ?poppo? a???????????????on on?????????br br?????

It is very important to shake the bag in order to evenly distrbute the rinds throughout the bag before putting it into the microwave. I have also found that 2 mins 30 seconds is the best time in my microwave oven to pop all of the bacon rinds.

I have eaten 9 bags of the pork rinds and"} {"input": "?????ovo???tht??????ThT??? a ?rer?????hth?? an a???crc?????y ???????t it ??????exe???rir???????thath?????????????????????anan an?po?????n.n?? A ????????????????????y 1y ???????\"\"??????????3E3????????????????????????juj?unmun??an,an????,5,5,??323?25125111??????gog??d ????????\"i\"????n n a a a?????????th???? pr p?????t,t?????????????? the th???????????????????is ais ?????????odod od s ????er??. k. ?????????????er ?at??????????fof???????ksk???lul??? pu p????sos???????ng ng????th?????????ac?????r ????????????.\".\"??????,B???????????????????JAJ?0H0?7L7????k,k???????????????00000?????y by ?betbett??????????????cooco?ke????????,\"I,\"I ????????????????? l????? car ca??????????I pI ", "output": " I love them. They are light and crunchy and it is my experience that they pop better than popcorn. And each bag is only 1 carb.\"\n10125,B003EML8PM,A3VZ94PGPVBQFF,cajunman,0,0,5,1325116800,good seller,\"i own a bar and this product, along with the regular rinds, is a very good seller. keeps customer at the bar for snacks plus puts something in their stomach for the liquor.\"\n10126,B003EML8PM,A1DUSP1JJA0H7L,agk,0,0,4,1324944000,Way better than pre-cooked kind,\"I got these for my low carb diet. I p"} {"input": "?lal?????????????????????unu?a a?sas??????????r r??????mom?????????????????????????igi?????????????????owow w i ??? wo w?????. T. ThTheheyhe??????????????gog????????n,n??bub????????oo?????????waw?rdr???????yiy??????em??????????.\".??????7,7????????????????????????????????n,n,0n,???????323???070727?????ow???ar???? tr??????????????or?ork ork?????s s????????? ti tici????????????????Once you master eye-balling the rise of the bag and when to stop those microwaves, you will be soooo delighted!
All the rind pieces have been puffing up nicely for me and when dipped in Blu"} {"input": "????heh????e de ?????????????????????????????????????isi??pap??????? th t??????d d?lil???e ge ??ysy????/??????r ar ????vev???????????????????????????? tr t?ana??????????????? b ???ba?ckc??????r mr mom????????????????EME????M,M?A3A?????????EDE???,H,?eae??he?r,r???????131323???????????????\"T\"ThT?????????????reat.reat????????li???e pe ??????????s os ?????f ??theth????g,g????ut ut???resre????andan?????????nen?????yoy????an?t ?th???????????????????????y ?????ho???an??? sp s??cyc??????? l??????? the the h ?????????ke? s??re?????re??d ??and??????owow w?????????????????????re ???????ava???g!g?!\"!\"????????????ML???M,???????????????,M,?ur?dod?????,0?????????", "output": "e Cheese dressing with tabasco sauce, oh that is part of the good life guys !!
Order arrived in great shape flawless transaction - will be back for more!\"\n10128,B003EML8PM,A3CF7UNYUNEDX4,Heather,0,0,5,1322611200,Great,\"These are great. Just like pork rinds out of the bag, but fresh and hot whenever you want them. Beware they really are hot and spicy but I love the heat. Make sure to read and follow the directions before microwaving!\"\n10129,B003EML8PM,A1PQ1G5PROUTR2,Murdoc829,0,0,5,1322"} {"input": "??060646404????I I?LoL??e e S ???????? I I ???ve??????e\"e\",\"???kak????????? o ?? a ?allal?? I I??ccc????????allyall? o??????????????xexeses es????????????o ????????w w??????????d od ???ere??? of of w ???????re re p???????????? tha th??? an a??ono????????????veve ve ive in???????houho???????????????????arare??????tyt????arnar??????lil??cioci???. ???????rowro??ve??d md ???????or or a al a????????????????es ??beb??????????????row?????isisns?'t'??th???????st pst ???er??ulu????????????t ?????????????whw???????????????ereer?e h??????cricr???y,?????????porpo?k ?????????????????e le ??kek??????????oulouldoul?????????????e ??forfo????u u?? tha?????????????????????????????no????????????????, ?bub?ut ut???mem", "output": "006400,\"I Love Salt, So I Love These\",\"Okay, first of all I accidentally ordered two boxes of these, so I am now the proud owner of way more pork rinds than anyone should have in the house. Luckily, they are pretty darned delicious. I microwaved mine for almost two minutes (because my microwave isn't the most powerful machine out there), and what resulted were hot, crispy, puffy pork rinds that taste like they should be way worse for you than they are (I mean, they're not great for you, but come"} {"input": "???????heh????e e???????inindn???? T ???? a ??? q ????e ?????y,y?, b, ??? I ??? a?????lt lt f ?ana????????????at??s s a???kak???????????ok???????ay??, I, ? r???omo??????????????on'on't'???ordor??r r???????xex????????ouo?????????tut???k wk wowonwo?ndender??????? m??????wavwa?????????????? ar a????an an????epe??aba?????hrh???stmst?asa??gig??????????????????????????????????????VCV?????????hth????????????????929???00??GrG?reare???????????rodro?uc??t ft ???????????,\",?????????e'e???l bl be????ackac?? ???????????????? I?????????ar?????????ryr???lowlo?????b b??iei??t at ????wewerwe??re sre ????ch????? fo f???????????. . ??????ow??????????????????????????????????? th?e ??????????", "output": " on, they're pork rinds). They are quite salty, but I'm a salt fanatic, so that's a-okay in my book. Anyway, I recommend. Just don't order two boxes, or you'll be stuck wondering if microwave pork rinds are an acceptable Christmas gift. . . .\"\n10130,B003EML8PM,A1F44E6NGVC40R,beachtaylo,0,0,5,1321920000,Great snack product from Amazon,\"Amazon,we'll be back! My daughter and I just started a very low carb diet and were searching for a snack. The Lowrey's Micro Pork Rinds really fit the bill. We "} {"input": "????????joj?? t th????????????? o ???????????vev???????????1??131?1,1,B,????????PMPM,M??????????OHO?????LuL??????????0,0,0?????13213?03????800800,??????ioi?????????esees????????????s as ?rer?e de ?el????iouio?s!????TheTh??????????????resreshs?? p??umu?? u upup ????????, a, ?????ava?ve ve t??????????????????? s??????? P PlPlu?s,s???????ingin??????????????????owowaw??e,e??jujus??t lt ?????????rowro??vav??????poppopcpco???, ??is is????????e.e?????????? t???m m im ???th???????????, a?????g wg ?????????????corncorn,? t??????p p tp ????m fm ??fresfre???????????is??ono??y y 1y ?????????????g,g??whwhih????h mah maka???????????????snasnac??k fk ??? m??????abeab?????????????le.le?\"??10110?????00???????????????????", "output": "both enjoy this snack and our diet loves it too!\"\n10131,B003EML8PM,A1DK80EH4OHUVY,LucyLocket,0,0,5,1320364800,Delicious!,\"These pork rinds are delicious! They taste so fresh, plump up nicely, and have the right amount of spice. Plus, cooking them in the microwave, just like microwavable popcorn, is a breeze. I store them in the freezer, along with my popcorn, to keep them fresh. There is only 1 carb per bag, which makes a perfect snack for my diabetic lifestyle.\"\n10132,B003EML8PM,A2ZX2OEW7WL"} {"input": "??G4G????iai?????ThT???????????,4,???323202??646?????PoP?????ini???????? d ????ete??c c?an??????aga?e e? my m????igi?????nd??blb?????sus?gagara??lel????s s??ededi?cic?inein???rer????iti???????w w?cac?arbar?????et.et?? T????????'t'???elellel?????????????????I'????se?enen n ln ?????????????in in???????sos??????????ououlou?????in???th??y y wy ???ouldoul?????????????????'r'??????????prp?od????????????w ???aya????????re???????????????or?????nd??s as ?????????????????????????????????????????ll???????d t?????indin?????rur???????nan????????ththethesthe????fitfi????? b?????????????????????orfor?ulu???????????r ????et cet ???????????mbm?????????010??3,3?????EMEMLM????,A,?????????TIT", "output": "6G4,Brian K Thornton,0,0,4,1320364800,Pork Rinds,\"I'm diabetic and manage my weight and blood sugar levels medicine free with a low carb diet. They don't sell these anywhere I've seen locally but in the \"\"south\"\" I would think they would be a hit! They're a good product and blow away any already prepared pork rinds and if you're on a low carb diet it's really hard to find a crunchy snack and these fit the bill! They are flavorful and tender yet crisp. Thumbs up.\"\n10133,B003EML8PM,A3LLTR1Q8TI"} {"input": "?????????????????????????,0,0,,0????????????0,???O O G ?OOOODOO? T ?TO TO????????????????????????1,1,0,00,0????????????????ve-ve???????????????s s b???????????t ?????????????yoy????????????????t ???????????pup???????????rdrd ??????????hyh??????? m ??n n??????????o o?? har ha??????blb??????????li???ht ht?? f?lul??????anandand and???????????????youyo??????????ll ll?????????????mi???????an??and yand ????????ll tll ??????????????????????????????????IPI???????????KiK?m,m?????4,??13113??50500?????????????s ms ???????aveav??????????ndsnd???GrG????????stest?????????, m, ????????pip?icyic??, c, ????????????y ?toto ?????????????ldl??be???? li lit?tlt??????s ??xpx??nsn", "output": "5U5,robert floyd jones,0,0,5,1320019200,TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE,\"I have a G.E. 1,000 watt microwave-i cooked 6 bags before i got it right-if you like them soft and light-puffy-not hard and crunchy-try 2 min 30 secs-no hard pebbles -just light , fluffy, and totally what you want-full power 2 1/2 minutes and you will thank me....\"\n10134,B003EML8PM,A1AIPZDLIEL61Q,Kim,0,0,4,1319500800,Lowery's microwave pork rinds,\"Great taste/flavor, medium spicy, crunchy, easy to prepare! Could be a little less expens"} {"input": "?ivi??? a apa?prp?oxo??coc?????????.0.??????????? S SeS?????? s ????????????????????,B,?????????????3L3????????????????????????????????13113181?292?121??????????????wawavave???oro???????s,s?I I???ugu????ses???rar?? b?????? o ??????????ve????orkor???????s as ????LoL??rereye????????????besbe????brb?????heh????re re??ver???????k ???????????penpe??in?g ?mi???row????? a?????????????????????yThey're very quick to heat (pending microwave) and the rinds actually
take shape. Available in original and hot & spicy. Good deal through
Amazon.com\n10136,B003EML8PM,A7J5U99VRM86Q,prosdokaobasilea,0,0,5,1317513600,Best thing since sliced bread!!!,\"If you love Por"} {"input": "?k k???????????????sese e a ???????e t????g g?????etet.t?????????????????????? th????ig??ht ht??momouo?????f f??heaheata??anand??sps????in????????????? al a???????????in???????????th ??????th????ararear?????ightight ?t out o?? o??????? mi m?crc??????! !???????e ae ???asa????ut??mamat?????lyl??shs???????? to to???????????????????nthnt??????????????re re Ire ?????????un??????????????????mm?????????????????,B,???????????????HYHYQY???????????bo?????????????????????oto?t pt ?ig????kinki????rocro?k,k?????they they???????????o ??????areare,are, , g, ?????????????????????ucu????et??ere?????t a???so so a??????hot hot????uceuc??fof?r ?ada??ede??????????????,B??00300?????????1A1?????????EGE?,b??bbb", "output": "k Rinds then these are the thing to get. They are light with the right amount of heat and speaking of which, almost melt in your mouth when they are right out of the microwave! I have a case automatically shipped to me every three months to make sure I don't run out! MMMMMMMM mmmmmmmmm!!!!\"\n10137,B003EML8PM,AE1PHYQ32E63P,booboo,0,0,5,1317254400,hot pig skins rock,\"they are easy to prepare, great to eat and so much better hot also add hot sauce for added spice\"\n10138,B003EML8PM,A1A9CR9ZHUOEG,bubb"} {"input": "????????????????252?????????????s s?BaB???? C CuC????????s ?prp?odo????????s vs ?er??????????????papara???????????????????????????astas????????????e ?gug?ysy????????oro????????allal?????????????lolov?????he?m!m????????????00?????????A3A????????????????????,0,???4,?13??????00??0,\"0,?LoLovLo?ve ve??????????????????waywa????oo oo m ???????????.T.???????????????t ft ???r dr ???teter?????auausu????????????????????????t tt ?????highi???sas??????????nt nt???fsf???????at????????at?.T??hey?? ta t??????????????????? s???????concontcon??????????????????????????????????hoh?ow ow????y ??????s Is ? e????????m.m.?101????,B?????????PM,PM????ADA????ZLZ???????on??", "output": "a288,0,0,4,1317254400,Lowery's Bacon Curls,This product was very easy to prepare and was actually good tasting. Had the guys over for football party they loved them!!!!\n10139,B003EML8PM,A3JVUWZVRWNS9M,epona,0,0,4,1317168000,\"Love these,but.....\",way too much sodium.These are great for dieters 'cause they are low carb but the high salt content offsets that somewhat.They taste great and I'll still continue to buy them but cut back on how many times I eat them.\n10140,B003EML8PM,A39ADUS0ZLOOC7,Mona "} {"input": "??????sts?ror??????????????767???0,??nan????????hah?vev???????eee????????????inindnd d?ththeh?????????? g ????ere??????????????ono?tat????????????rere re??? gr g???????????????no??on on?????????????????????????t ??????? o ?? k ?ici?????????????????w w? th the th???????????s s? on o??th?e e pe pap?????????????????????????????????iceic????????1,1??????MLM???????????????GCGCUC??,\"??????. M. MiM???????????????ivi??\"\"\"\"\"\"\"?????0,50,?????16116????????????????????k k r????????????????flf???or??????????????prp??pa?????????pa??????r r????rar??e.e. ?????enden?????idi????????????lly lly????????????????????antan???????re.re. re.?? c ????????nd?????????????calcal l??", "output": "L. Nystrom,0,0,5,1316476800,Snacks,\"I have not been able to find these in any grocery stores in Montana. They are a great late afternoon snack with just the right amount of kick! If you follow the directions on the package, they really do puff up nice!\"\n10141,B003EML8PM,A2LB1HWWVSGCUU,\"M. J. Michalski \"\"Massive\"\"\",0,0,5,1316131200,Microwave pork rinds,Very good flavor and easy to prepare. Compact for storage. Friends said they really enjoyed them and wanted more. I can't find them in local fo"} {"input": "????sts????????010?424?????3E3EME??8P8PMP?????383????????M9M??????????????? \" \"\"\"\"P\"????????????\"\"\"\"\"???????????14914???????????erfer??????irirtrtht???? G ??ftf????????esees??????eaeasa???to??mamaka?e ??????uru???isi????????ooo?od.od. ?????did?????theth?e be ???????istis?t tt ??llllsl????u u?????y ay ?arear??lol???inin in????????ow ow??? c ???????????h h?he?ala???????????????? co c???n on ????hih??s.?????????re???????or dor ??????? i??????r r???????????????priprin??????wiw??????????????????????. . ???ot ot?????ththe?????-s????????etset????????????><>??????????????asease.???at??????????????????ca???gig??ve ve?? f?????????????e ??er?erfeerf????????hd??ay ay? Gi G???????or yor ??urur ur??????drd??nkn?in???", "output": "od stores.\n10142,B003EML8PM,A3I38VP7ZNCKM9,\"T. JORGENSON \"\"Pamphleteer\"\"\",0,0,5,1314921600,A Perfect Birthday Gift !,\"These are easy to make and surprisingly good. Reading the back list tells you they are low in fat, low in carbs...much healthier than pop corn or chips. Just great for dipping in your fave dip or sprinkled with hot-sauce and lime. Not for the low-salt diets, tho.

Try a case...at these rates you can give a few away. The perfect Birthday Gift for your Beer drinking B"} {"input": "???????????434????0303E3EME????M,M??242??????????????????????,0,,0,5,???313??050???00??FoF?unu??????????y y???sbs????nd hnd ???????????oko?ini?????????isis ??ror?????????? the th????or??????? it i?t it ?? n non???????toto to?????????. .?????is ??? ha hapa?pyp?y cy ?????r.r?????444????00300?????????????????????????????UsUshs????????????????848???00,I00,????????'t'?t ft ???d ??theth?????????????ele??????umu????th?????rere re????lll?? cr c????????????n n????? ta t???????? f??romro????????????????????????????ou??????ghgh h? in in ??????inin!in???BeB?e se ??re???notno?t tt ?to ???????????? them the?.\"???????5,B5,???????L8PL8PM?,A??DBD??B9B???UQU???????rocro????????????3,13,13???24124????????????????????????nsns ?", "output": "uddy.\"\n10143,B003EML8PM,A247HLQZIHEO37,Glenda,0,0,5,1314057600,Found them!,My husband has been looking for this product in the store and it is nowhere to be found. He is a happy camper.\n10144,B003EML8PM,A2QCIILEMV7RE4,Scott Usher,0,0,4,1313798400,I couldn't find these anywhere else,\"Yummy-they are still crackling when you take them from the bag! Fresh and delicious, high in protein! Be sure not to overcook them.\"\n10145,B003EML8PM,ARDBQB9AIUQWL,bdrochelle,0,0,3,1312416000,Delicious for Adkins D"} {"input": "???????????'v'vev??beb????????cac????????ini?????? I ??????e pe ????????dsd????? I I c ??ulu????? w waw?????????y y?????????he????e ?????????????????cyc??\"\",\"\", ,???hey?????????e le ?????e mie mili???in???????????n.n????eye?y ay ar?e ???????????? ta t??????????????????????k ????ndsnd????ata????ou ou????y ay aty at ??????????????t ?\"\"\"\"b\"\"????n-n??y\"\"y\"??????????????? T????????????????e ????????????? h ?ou??? w?????sms???? l li? like lik?e he hohotho????rk?? ri r?????????s ??????y y by ???????dod?on'on?'t 't??norno???????????????thith??gsg?????ke ??????bub??t it it?????prepr??ty???????????????rdr????????? ri???ofo?????010??????030??????????????VVVVGV????????sks?ada?a,a??????????????808?00,00??", "output": "ieters!,\"I've been low-carb dieting and I like pork rinds so I couldn't wait to try these. They're not really \"\"spicy\"\", they're more like mild in my opinion. They are good, they taste just like the pork rinds that you buy at the store, not \"\"bacon-y\"\" at all to me. The only downside is that your house will smell like hot pork rinds. It's pretty bad, I don't normally notice things like that but it's pretty smelly and hard to get rid of.\"\n10146,B003EML8PM,A1KO39VVGSN0L9,cskada,0,0,5,1312156800,po"} {"input": "???????????y y???sbs???nd nd?& &?I I????????rer?d d????? i ???? w ???lel??shs??ppp?in????? wh w????e be ba??k ????????l l??????oveov?e we ???? t th t??em.em????????ararere re? so s? f ????? w?????????????????em em???t t?????? the the????ror???ve??. . ??????????????????s s????th??????????juj??t ?hah??e ?e toe t?????em???? t???????????????????????????crocr????????s ss sos????asa??th?????????ses?es.es?????????000??EME?????,A,?1A1?????SFS????????er????GlG?lorlo??????,0,,0????313???????00,00??????????????ThT??????oro????????? fr f????????????rere ???????k ??nan????????????y y ey eae?????o ?????????????????????????????y any a????????????? t??????aia?????????to???????? in in??to??????????", "output": "rk rinds,My husband & I discovered this item while shopping a while back and fell in love with them. they are so fresh when you take them out of the microwave. We like the spices on them. You just have to remember to take them out of the microwave as soon as the bag rises.\n10147,B003EML8PM,A1ARIEZSFBAOBZ,Leroy Gloria,0,0,4,1310947200,QUICK SNACK,\"These pork rinds from Lowery are a quick snack, but very easy to over-cook. I like the spicy and wife likes the plain. Hard to find in stores, so I "} {"input": "o????r r??ror???AmAmam??????om?\"\"??????????????????????????9M9??????JdJ??CrCrer???hthtot??????e,e?????????10??15152?00????????tat???????????????????e e????rsr?????????????marmartr?????????????ene????heyhe??????pep???cac???????????m.m????????????rcrchc??????????intin????????????ou?ndnd ?????m am ???????????????????????a a??????????????? I I l ?????th?????icicyc???????y ?????anand?and land ?likli????th??????????. ?. A. ? l????nin????prp???????wiw???????a ?????? th thi th?????????? yo y??? fi f?????????????????y ?mim?inuin????? fo?????????????wa?????????? a?????re????t ant a????????????? them the?????01401?????????????????WDW????HHH???7D7??????,0???????1311310????", "output": "order from Amazon.com\"\n10148,B003EML8PM,A2XY8G529M2UWL,Jd Creighton-lane,0,0,5,1310515200,Great taste!,I bought these years ago at Walmart
and then they stopped carrying them. I was searching the internet and found them at Amazon. We ordered a box of each. I like the spicy and my husband likes the orginal. A learning process will be a sure thing until you figure out how many minutes for your microwave. They are great and we love them.\n10149,B003EML8PM,A3RWDBG3HH4B7D,Char,0,0,5,13104288"} {"input": "????????????I I????????iei?? e ???ryr????ndn???? p ???k k???????ono???????????t t??nd???owo??????????????????????????????e ????????????????ve??????????I'vI'?ve ???vevenve?n fn ?????nds????????o o???ry ry???????eyey ey t to toto???lyl??aga???e ?????????????he ????? p??robro??eme???????????the???????? har ha??????fifin??. . ??????? w ????????ded????????asa?????????ma????????151????00????????????????IDI??????,M,????,0,??0,??????????00000000,???stst st???odo??????I ?????????????? thi th??????????? at a??WaW????????????????????????at at w??isdis??????????to?????? ca cararrar??iningin????????????ve tve ???is ??ro????????? it? i??s ls ?????????????? t????????t.\"t.\"\"???????", "output": "00,AWESOME,I have tried every kind of pork rinds on the market and Lowrey's microwave pork rinds are the best I've ever had. I've given friends some to try and they totally agree with me. The only problem is that they are hard to find. That's why I ordered a case from Amazon.\n10150,B003EML8PM,A2OXLXBIDAF6QF,Mary,0,0,5,1309824000,best product,\"I used to get this product at Walmart but in there great wisdom they stopped carrying it. I love this product as it is light, easy on the diet.\"\n10151,B"} {"input": "0???????PMP????555525?????OJO???,K,??tht???0,??0,20,?,1,????13????00,00?????apa??????????,w,?????eae?llllyl?????ssass?????????????????ucu???..??????????????d ??poopooro????????????????????encen???????????mam?kekese??????uc?????ortor???????hahasha??????f f????????? p???????indin???...???010??2,2,B2,?00???????M,M,AM,A3A3R3????????80?616?,b,???as?a,a????,0,1,0,?????????????LoL?????????chach???ed????eie????????????LoLowLo????y'sy'?s hs ???????ngn???d id itit't?? m???ro?wawavwa??? po????????s.??? u ?ses?????????ve ?????? T ?he??????t ot ???erer ??I rI ???ceice??vedve????????????? in i? a ? g ?genge?er??????????????aia???????ithit???????????imi??????????????? wr w??????????????????????wriwr??????????????", "output": "003EML8PM,A15529AXIOJC0,Kathy,0,0,2,1309132800,dissappointment,was really dissappointed in product... too salty and poor flavor....Convenience is what makes product worth purchasing if you like pork rinds...\n10152,B003EML8PM,A3R0YRT9OC8061,bonasa,0,0,1,1307145600,Lowrey's changed their product,\"Lowrey's has changed it's microwave pork rinds. I used to love them. The last order I received was put up in a generic paper container with really flimsy cellophane wrapping. There is no writing on the pa"} {"input": "????????????atatst?oeo?vev??????? t ?asasts???????ubu??????asas as??is is???he he a ?mom???t t??????????????I I??aia??, ,???usu?ede? t?? l lol?ve?? th??????dud???????wiw??? b ??? n non??mo??????wrw???????????waw???????????nd???????????????????????3A3??GUG??????YFY??,\",????huh?????????????????m7m???????????????????606???????e le ?iki????th?emem.m??????o no ????,\"????????????? a?? st s?tartar ???cac??????????????????????????????the?? de d??il????nd? t????te te????milmi?ar????otot ????ke ke? po por????in??????ene?????. T. ThTheTh?????asoas?????????????they???????????? m ????????, ?I I cI ?canca?nt nt???iti?te ???in in i???????????r /r ???
But my wife enjoys them. So they get a goo"} {"input": "?? r ??viv?ewe???????????????MLM???M,M??????????????????oro?vav?????,0??????????????,G,GhGhah??tlt?????????? t ??e e o ??????171????????????ese????o o?????lol?cacal???????shs??????????????????o ??????????????r tr ?? t?????? th???????y.y??????????r /r />r /?????????????????????oodoo?d td ?????????ini????????????epe????????e the t???????????????. .??he?y'y?????oo? s???????????e ae ?? hi h?ded???us us???avavov?or,or, ?????? n ?????????ikike???????????????????? don do???t et ev?????????????????????????????????????s. s. T???????????? l ????dedde????????????ca???????????toto ??avoavoio????prp????????????t o????the????????? of? t??? h???????????????.\"????", "output": "d review.\"\n10154,B003EML8PM,A1ZOIGQHW7FPT2,thorvald,0,0,1,1306800000,Ghastly,\"Giving the other 17 bags of these to the local food shelf just seems too cruel, better to throw them away.

I don't know what good the 'popping' does except make them sort of hot. They're too salty, have a hideous flavor, taste nothing like pork rinds. They don't even taste as good as _bad_ pork rinds. They're also loaded with chemicals I want to avoid (probably part of the source of the hideous flavor).\"\n101"} {"input": "?????????MLML8L?????979???7C7?????U3U???????? D ????\"B?????????????5,????????606??,Y,YuY????y!y???????????e ????gog???????pep??iai???? w ?????????????e s????ll ll?hoh???. . I I I?lolovovev????e ??aya????????????????????ana?????????il?e ??????????SoSomo???timti?mesme? I???????klk?????????hotho? s???????n ???inein??????????t ft frfror?? t?hehe he?????rowro???ve ve??? a a a??itittt?le????????anan an???heehees???????penpend???? o??????mom?oodoo??. ???????r ?I ????t tt ????????????re??????ly?????ood.ood?????????????????????????????ll ???????????tet?e o???????????re???????ing ing??????????????gsg????????? pu p?????p ??s ?mum??h h? as as ????????ve???????ornor????????????exe??????????? to t", "output": "55,B003EML8PM,A97WE7CU7N0U3,\"Bobbi D. \"\"Bobbi\"\"\",0,0,5,1306713600,Yummmy!,\"These are so good, especially when they are still hot. I love the way they still sizzle and pop while eating. Sometimes I sprinkle some hot sauce on mine straight from the microwave or a little parmesan cheese, depending on my mood. However I eat them, they are really good. Remember to shake them well for a minute or two before nuking them. The bags do not puff up as much as microwave popcorn, so don't expect them to"} {"input": "??????lyly y??????????tht?e e???????tet???????????????????????151???B0B?030????8P8PMPM,M?A1A????W6W??6C6?????????titi,i?????5,5????555???????????????ngn? s?????????????????????????????ded????d ad ????t ????oxo?es? t?????te?????ha??ve ve o ????? ha h?????????????? t??????????????medme???????????ththith??????????hakha???g ????? the the the??ag? h???psps ?????? on o????thisthi?????????sos?o ho ?????tot????????yoy?ourou?r or ?????????owaow??????s ts ?to to? th??????????eedee??????????????????t ??????????????????????y ?????????n ?????????me?????rd.rd???I lI lilikli????o ???????????ege?????????????ftf????r cor c??????.(.(Y(Yo?????????????????CRC?ACA??????????omo??me lme ??????????", "output": ". Only cook for the suggested time on the bag.\"\n10156,B003EML8PM,A1FC0W6D6CDQ67,Cacti,0,0,5,1305504000,Best thing since sliced bread,\"I have ordered about 6 boxes to date, I have only had a few times that they seemed salty, I think the shaking of the bag helps much on this. You also have to watch your own Microwave as to the time needed to cook, do not over cook them or they will burn and become hard. I like to dip in Vineger as well after cooking.(You hear the SNAP CRACKLE POP)Some like hot sa"} {"input": "u????????????????????I I?????? t??ese??e ie ??????oo?d ?sts???????????rsrst????mem????nd nd??I bI ?????????emem m?????????????????ftf??????? f fi??rstrs??????? w ?as? h ?oo????? I?????????AmA???on? h?as???????????????????????????????anyan??lol?ca???????resre??????t st se??????them??????????????????????????????er er????????gig???????lavla????????????s is ??????? o?????pep???on???????????????n ann a?????inging ???se????manma????? m???????????lil?????????SpS??????????? hav ha?e ????????????????m ????????1??????B0B???????????????????????C,C,\",\"M\"???????t ?\"\"\"??????????????????????????????00?0,?????my,my?????????????????I lI ?lovlove???????", "output": "uce on it too.
I found these in a food store the first time and I bought them as a joke, but after the first bag I was hooked! I'm glad Amazon has them because I can not find any local stores that sell them anymore.
I myself prefer the original flavor but this is more of a personal taste then anything else, many of my friends liked the Spicy. you have to love the warm Rinds.\"\n10157,B003EML8PM,A1374EM56KHEVC,\"M. Audet \"\"gizmo junkie\"\"\",0,0,5,1305072000,yummy,My husband and I love these."} {"input": "? T ????????????ooo? g ????????????ror???????mim?crc?????e.e? I ??wawaswa????eae????????ses???????se se?????????????????????ana????lyly ???ndn??? p????????? my m?y ly ?????? gr g????ryr?????????nd?????? a??re ???t ???????no????cal??1????????????????????CGC?????????????????????????????????????????????????,B?RIR?????????????!,!,\"??????????????????????, , s????? e ????y ty ?????kek???????oeo??????????????intin???????soesoeveve???????????avoav????? t to t???lllly?? th? ther the???, t, ?????????????t pt ??rfrfef?ectec??????????????????????t a???nd snd ????????es???th??????ououtou????? w???k.k???f ????? ar????in in? th??? mo mooood?????????metme????????????????????", "output": " They taste soo good fresh from the microwave. I was pleased to see these as a pack of 18. I can only find 3 packs at my local grocery store and they are not as economical.\n10158,B003EML8PM,A28CGE4EOFSSDE,\"NYCGIRL \"\"NYCGIRL\"\"\",0,0,5,1304985600,BRILLIANT SNACK!,\"What an awesome snack, super easy to make and doesn't disappoint whatsoever. The flavor is totally there, they come out perfectly hot, crispy, light and stays fresh throughout the week..if you are in the mood for something salty, its the "} {"input": "??ded?????nan??k!k???LoLovo???????e,e?????????e ??ddd?????????1101??595????????????????GOGOCO?IWI????????GeG???????. .????????????4,4??????????????? a an a???FrF???h h?????????????joj???pop?????ini??? y?ou???re??gog???g g?????ov?????????????ct?????????nd nd f ????h ?????k rk ????????????theth???oco???s os ?fff??????????????bab?????????ff???????? the th??grg?rocro???????????e the t??????st?????????tet??ro???ama???????????????tst?. . T. ????????ttt?????????????????????????????????????ghtgh?t ft ??????the??mim???????????????ha???? a a???????y sy spy s??icyic??????????? that tha????ilildil?s s us ?? a?????????????????????????????er???????ut??? the??????at nat ???verve????", "output": "ideal snack! Love these, they are addictive!\"\n10159,B003EML8PM,A23GOCIWAOKQ9W,George E. Cavros,0,0,4,1304553600,Hot and Fresh !,\"If you enjoy pork rinds you are going to love this product. Hot and fresh pork rinds beat the socks off any of that bagged stuff from the grocery store that taste like steyrofoam packing peanuts. These little gems cook up light and crispy right from the microwave. They have a mildly spicy flavor that builds up as you make way through the serving but the heat never get"} {"input": "s? t ??? p ?owowew??????????????????geg???ini?? t??he he????? y ?????????to??????ke ke???e ????????oro???????in????Th????wiw?????is???ibi??????he?????lel??s ????????????????????????????????theth???????????????? f?????????????????????e ??????????303? s????whw???? l leleale???????????????????????????co??????????????? o ono?????????e twe t???mi?no?????????????: :????????seser??????????????????ittit?le???mam??ll ll?????????????????mi?????????s a??????bib???????????????r r mr me????????wiwiswi??????????? thi th?ing??s a?????topto????????????????????PMP????3838D8??????????????????st?? fa f??????0,??????454????????or???ri??????I aI ??", "output": "s too powerful. The key to getting the best yield is to shake the bag before cooking. That will distribute the pellets evenly. Then you have to find the \"\"sweet spot\"\" for cooking time. Mine is 2 min 30 sec which leaves me with no burnt or uncooked pieces. I only have two minor criticisms: 1) The serving size is a little small and 2)the spice mixture is a tad bit too salty for me. Otherwise, these things are tops !\"\n10160,B003EML8PM,A338DYDNUPBXWJ,Wild west farm,0,0,5,1304553600,Pork rinds,I am "} {"input": "???????d d??????????t t????????ror???AmA????n!n! !???r r????ili???lol?veves???heheshe???????rowro??????????????? a ?andan?d wd ??? ca c?? n ????lonlo?geg????????????fr????????????rocro??eryer????or?????????????????????????ds????ou ou? lo???ve tve ??????frfrefres?????ppppep??d od ??????101010?????000?3E3?MLM??PMPM,M,A,????JHJ???DED??6363V3????an???????0,0?????131????????????????UMUMMM?????MM?????? w???t ??he?????verve???????ThT???s is ??????nan??????????????????????????????th?? d ???? ???????????????????re??????? a ??frifr?en???? I??????anan ???????????????k thk tha????? ca can ca????????? a an??????????????????t ???az??on.on??????????????? s?????????y thy t??? i ?it it?????????????", "output": "so glad we can get these from Amazon! Our family loves these microwave pork rinds and we can no longer get them from local grocery stores. If you like pork rinds you love these fresh popped ones.\n10161,B003EML8PM,A30MJHYGDEE63V,ShannonGH,0,0,5,1303689600,UUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM and want them everyday!,This is a snack that is great any time of the day! Just enough to share with a friend! It is an unusual snack that I cannot find anywhere else except amazon.com.
I am so happy that it is available!"} {"input": "??????2,2???030??MLM????????4X4?IDIDCD???????,\",??????????t t?\"\"\"??rr??eveever????\"\"???????3,3????202????646?00???ono??????l l?ifi??????cac????????e e?????,\"????????????hth???????????blb?le le t???oro??derde?????ses???????e ??ococa??????re???????????er er? ca c?????????????????aga?s ??????inin in??hahatha?????eae?????????????s ???????? s????????hat hat???ere? p ???????ledle???in ?????? wa w???r,r????en??????te????????erer ???gh???????uru????????su?re???????hakha??????m m????ounou?nd nd?????????ibibubutu????????th??????ou?t ????? ba?? b??fof????e coe c????????????y ????????co????de????lyl?????in thin t???bab???????????????? to ??????of???uku??????????nd???ing ing???n tn ??????tttta??", "output": "\n10162,B003EML8PM,A294XIDCE087BB,\"Irreverent \"\"irreverent\"\"\",31,33,5,1207526400,Wonderful if you can handle salt,\"I was delighted to be able to order these, since local stores no longer carry them. The bags contain what appear to be chips of pork skin that were parboiled in salt water, then flattened under high pressure. Be sure to shake them around to distribute them throughout the bag before cooking. They expand considerably in the bag during 1:00 to 2:00 of nuking, depending on the wattage"} {"input": ",? e ????????t t???????a a s ???????pap????ono?, ?????????heh??????ror??s ????????????cocor??????lsl??????e ???????????? exp ex???????????t ht ????????????? as a??????????????? W ???? r rer?ada???????ses?????semsembm??????????????vav?ililal???le le?????elellllo???????????s ts ?thath????erere??ded?????ririei??????ut ut t?he???e ae ??????????????r,r???frefr?esheshe??????D D???????OWO????????ATA??????????RIR?ESE????????????ba?????????? ca c??????????aboab??? 5 ??0 c0 ????ri????????? fa f?????????is iis ?????sss????????????lowlo?????????????vev??po?????????us????????????, ??howho???????????????????the????????????t lt ?????????? an an ????????????????????????ece?????", "output": ", etc., but it is a slow expansion, unlike the vigorous popping of corn. Also, the bag only expands about half as much as with popcorn. When ready, these resemble the ones available in cellophane bags that were deep-fried, but these are far tastier, fresher, AND MUCH LOWER IN FAT AND CALORIES. A whole bag is 210 calories, about 50 calories from fat. This is less than the low-fat microwave popcorn I use. One bag, however, has 50% of the daily salt limit for an adult.

I especially"} {"input": "???????????????ririni??lelede?????? g ?ara?????popowo?????ana?????rieri????ar???????????ete?theth?????????????????? an and??sp???es???rer????????estes?????????atati???????ucuchc????????ge ge o ????????? or o?????ateat??erer er?????? mi m????? ap a?pep??? t???yoy???????????????????????393?????????????????lbl???????????lb????????,2,?????????????????00,00???????, , f, frf????????k k??rinri?ndsnd??????????ve ve?????????s ts th?????wow??mi?nun????s is ?in ?th??? mi????????ve ave ????????????????, ????????? and an?d fd ???eshes???ke??y hy ?her????..s..??????? t????????????????????oneon????in ???ororeor?es ???????al??? c????????????, ?????????ri???????????????th??????????????????foofo?", "output": " like these sprinkled with garlic powder and dried marjoram (together). Other herbs and spices are interesting variations, such as sage or cumin or whatever else might appeal to you.\"\n10163,B003EML8PM,A39FP3XLBS5WDA,\"Jillbeast \"\"jillbeast\"\"\",28,31,5,1204156800,\"Yummy, fresh pork rinds!\",\"I love it, less than two minutes in the microwave and you have hot, crispy and fresh (key here...some of the already puffed ones in stores are stale) chicharrones, or pork rinds. I found these on a health food"} {"input": "???iti?????d d????????t t???????e ????????? o oro???????????????????? ar a???rereare??lyl??????????d ?d asd a????????????? d ???????????????gege,e, ????????oulould?????oyo??????? ev e????????e ????????e se ses???????????th?ining????????????????????????? lo l??????????????????????????????????????????JUJ?????????igi???eroer????7,7??????????464?????????????ly???ooo????????do do????????????re-re????????????????dsd?????t ????????????????? in i???????????????????cec??iai???????????byb??li??ese??th?themthe?, ???????ececiec??????o ?????????????????
I was shocked to find that they were light, airy and crispy. Som"} {"input": "??????? w ????????????????????thether???????????????ooooko???????????ut ut?????????? an a????the????????tyt????renre?'t't ?ovo???lyl???salsa??y.y?????????????AnA??????er rer ?????????????????ed ed???????????he???????????????????w w?????g tg th??the cthe ????????????????ulu????????????????????????????????????????ndsnd???eee?msm??????be be j ?????ri???t.t???? / ????????ThT??????????s tos to ????? t????? ou?t t tt ?????????? t??? b?ag??????fuf?ullully?????lalat????. L. ????? t???????????????ng ng?? and an????????????? wi wit?????????????????notno???enoen???gh gh t ti t???????l l???????????gugumgummm??y.S/>???????? fo f????? a???aia?????lo??????b b????????????? he h?", "output": "e bags were saltier than others, but we've cooked up about 5 so far and the majority aren't overly salty.

Another reviewer mentioned watching them to figure out how long the cooking time should be. In our 1100 watt oven 40-43 seconds seems to be just right.

The key is to take them out the moment the bag has fully inflated. Leave them in too long and you end up with charcoal and not enough time will make them gummy.

Since I follow a fairly low carb regimen for hea"} {"input": "???????????igighg?????????s,s, ,??????e e??????aca???????????sese ???????????????ct? v ??hih???e e f???????????????nd???ala???????thoth?utu???t thet th?????bsb??????? st s????????ini????????????? w?????????????????easea???hah??????ll ll?????welwe????????th?the the??lal?vov???????????????????I wI ?wiswi??????????pup?????????ve?rsr?????? tha th?????????????? s??????????salsa?????????? li l???????????th?????????saltsalt ??????????????????010???,B,?000?????????????IGI????????L,L?????????at??????????????202?858565636?????GrG??????nan?????ThT??se??????????????es?ti??????????????????rnr??????ve tve ???????owo?????popopo????????wel?l ??????th tth ?ry?????. T. ThTheTh????", "output": "lth and weight reasons, I like the fact that these can be a perfect vehicle for guacamole and salsa without the carbs. I'm still trying to come up with more dip ideas that will go well with the flavoring.

I wish they'd put out a version that didn't have seasoned salt as I'd like them with just salt and/or garlic.\"\n10165,B003EML8PM,A377IGU7KZH80L,Roy W. Latham,14,15,4,1208563200,Great snack,\"These are an interesting and tasty alternative to microwave popcorn, well worth trying. The spi"} {"input": "??y y v ?????ono?????????????????????????hah??????????e e????k.k???e e ce ?ara????l l???????????ut ut t???e c?on????tst??????????aga????efoef?????????wawava??ngn?????????????e se ???re ?????????ro????testes s fs ???elelyl???? m mi m??icroicr??av????wiw??????tut?urnur??aba?le????icicr?????? t????????shshoh?????ab?ou?t t 9t ?0 0 s????ondon??????heyhe??cocomcome???out???????????????????????????ec??? a??????lal??????ly ly??????????ou??????????h sh ?ququau??????he??? ha h????? l???s ?????nsn?????orkor????lavla??????anan ?????e bee b??t ??????ririn?????????????????? them them m h????????????compcom???sas??????ma?????ly??????????ind???s ars a?????ecoec??minmi????\"d\"?????fof?odo?.\".?\"\" \"\" T ???y ????ve ??no no?ca???s,s??????re re ire ", "output": "cy version is not very spicy, but has a little kick. Be careful to even out the contents of the bag before microwaving and to make sure the bag rotates freely in microwaves with a turntable. Microwave time is short, about 90 seconds. They come out hot and fresh tasting. Pieces are relatively small, about an inch square. They have a less intense pork flavor than the best pork rinds, but having them hot helps compensate. Amazingly, pork rinds are becoming \"\"diet food.\"\" They have no carbs, there i"} {"input": "????????????????ini??????? th t???????imi????????e e?cac???rir?es??????ththe???????????ndnd d?????atiativi??elyel???????????????tieti?????? s sa sat???fyf????????ywy??????????????ooo?d ?sts???y ?toto to???????????????????????????????????????PMP??????????WGW?????,A?????at?????????????????????OVO???THT??SES?????? R ?????,\",??????WAW????????????????????????IS??????UCUCTC???? SO S????IMI??S ?ON???BAB?? C ?????????LIL????E ?????????UTU? I ?????NEN????, ??????????????????EMEM.EM???????????????N ????????????VE???????????UT????????????????????????????????????RINRI??NDS.NDS??. B. ????WA???, ???THEYTHE???? N ??????KIK???????????ING?????????", "output": "s a lot of air in them that minimizes the calories for the volume, and relatively small quantities are satisfying. Anyway, it is a good story to go with a tasty snack.\"\n10166,B003EML8PM,A2SPXPNDWGW4LC,A. Abate,8,8,5,1264982400,LOVE THESE PORK RINDS,\"THIS WAS MY SECOND ORDER OF THIS PRODUCT. SOMETIMES ONE BAG CAN BE A LITTLE SALTY, BUT IN GENERAL, WE REALLY LIKE THEM. I PUT THEM IN OUR MICROWAVE FOR 2 MINUTES AND PRESTO, YOU HAVE WARM PORK RINDS. BE AWARE, THEY DO NOT MAKING A POPPING SOUND LI"} {"input": "?KEK?????????? M ???KE KE?????OWO??VEV???????RNR??????DODONO?????????. .?????T ???KE?????E ????????????????????UCU??IOION? A ???????AKEAK?????HE BHE ??????LL?????????????????????. ???????AN????????M TM ?????????THETH???????????????, ??SO SO????????????TH????????ON?ON CON ??????S ??????????THETHEITHE???????????????ES??S T?????? D?????????BA????????HA?VE???WARWA???????????RKR?????NDSND?.\".?1?????,B,??030????????????????BJB???PNP???StS???????? M. M???????????????SteStef??anian??Pa?????\",\",7,??????????????????aca???? Fl F??vov???d d??ele??cic????????!,!??? b ?????t t????????????y y???d ???d ??????andand,and?, w, ??o o ao ?rere re????ingin? t??he he??????'s's s????t.t??ThT???????", "output": "KE WHEN YOU MAKE MICROWAVE POPCORN, SO DON'T WORRY. JUST MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION AND SHAKE THE BAG WELL TO MOVE THEM AROUND. YOU CAN'T SEEM TO FIND THEM IN THE STORE, SO IT'S GREAT THAT AMAZON CARRIES THEM ON THEIR SITE. FOR LESS THAN A DOLLAR A BAG, YOU HAVE WARM FRESH PORK RINDS.\"\n10167,B003EML8PM,A2CA8JNOBJA2PN,\"Stefanie M. Paglinco \"\"@StefaniePags\"\"\",7,7,5,1249862400,Bacon Flavored Deliciousness!,\"I bought these for my dad and husband, who are doing the Atkin's diet. They love"} {"input": "????eme?? I ???????inin n?NeNewe? J ????eyey,y???o o????????????ararer?????????t ???pup????. .???????????????em em????pep??????asa?s Fs FuF??yuy???????tut?re??????????????????or.or?. T. ThT???????re vre ?????tatas??y,???????ala????????????????geg????aloal????f f b?????fof?????????ucu?k.k?????????????it???sas???ty,ty?????????, ?????h h???s ns ??t ??????nsnsis??de de???????????????\"\"??010?686??B0B??3E3?????????LPL?Q9Q???????KVK????be??t ?V.V??????????,1,?10,10???????????????ar??????CoC????\"I\"???????t kt knk?????f ????ot??????d ????????? s????????????utut ?I ?co??????????t t tt th???? t?????ookoo?k rk ???hth????I fI ????lowlo??d ????????????????????d ?????r r ar ?????t t???????????", "output": " them! I live in New Jersey, so pork rinds are not that popular. I describe them to people as Funyuns texture with bacon flavor. They are very tasty, and calorie-wise, you get alot of bang for your buck. They are quite salty, however, which is not a downside for my family.\"\n10168,B003EML8PM,A1LPQ97WUIAIKV,Robert V. Boston,9,10,1,1235779200,Hard To Cook,\"I don't know if I got a bad batch or something, but I could'nt get these to cook right. I followed the instructions and after about two minutes,"} {"input": "???hehe e???g g??totopo?????xpx???????????????ed????????d fd ?????? ev evev??????????????????ntn?. ???????????bagba????wawaia??eded ??bob??????????????????????utu??s.s. ?????openope??????????????nd?????lf lf???he he c ????s s u ??coc??????. I???nevne??r r? co c???????indin???a ta ???????????????????????omo???????????ed oed ?????me?????????(I(?I sI ????????????????????cacat??????????? ch c???? i??sisidi??????????llll l????or???????????in??????ch ch???????????696?????3E3??L8L8P8PMP??AUA??????DKD??????RaRal??????????efeef???????????????????505?????????re????s Bs ?????????????MiM???ow?????????????indsind?????? c??an an??or??? be????d?d? T ????????????nin?icaic??????????????. ", "output": " the bag stoped expanding. I opened it and found everything badly burnt. the next bag I waited about one and a half minutes. I opened it and found half the chips uncooked. I never could find a time that either left some uncooked or some burnt. (I shook the bags and scattered the chips inside them well before microwaving each time)\"\n10169,B003EML8PM,AUQ485IDKWQGP,Ralph S. Hoefelmeyer,6,6,5,1253750400,\"Lowrey's Bacon Curls, Microwave pork rinds\",How can pork be bad? Truly a technical food marvel. "} {"input": "???opo?lel????????????? a???d ad ?mamaza?ed???????crc?????e ???????????? D ??????????????707??????????PMP??A1A??A19A1?????222??????obo?ere????????????????????????????utu?st??????????????plepl???s s???????\"1\"????????2 2??in?ututeutese?s as an?????e ????ellel?????????????????un??????????????ri??????????? th t?e e be ??g g?????????????inin in b ba???????????nerne?vov????. ?AlA?bib??e ????itit it??????????????????????????????th???ing ing??????e bee b??????e te ???????????????re ??????elleell?????????s..s.?.. ..??f f?????rar??ed??th?thes???????s ts ???? 4 ???????s ys ?you???idi???t ??????? t?????iri?recre??io?????? tha th???s ??ll? t th???re ??s ??o o????????????ut???????aterate??????th???", "output": "People are stunned and amazed at microwave pork rinds. Delicious!\n10170,B003EML8PM,A1A19IR8T22GXN,Robert Weaver,5,5,5,1255392000,Outstanding...simple as that.,\"1 and 1/2 minutes and the smell will make you run for a cold drink. Open the bag and you are in bacon rind nervona. Albite a bit salty...just cut down on something else because these things are excellent as is... If you rated these less than 4 stars you didn't follow the directions, that's all there is to it. 10 minutes later and they "} {"input": "?????????????ppp??????????????????????????cac????????????????lal???t tt ???t ??????? P ???????E E?????????AGA???????????????3E3EME???????????????0F0???W,W???ltl??????????oppop?ere????SaS??sas????????\"\"??????,5,????080?????????oto??????????heshe?se se a ????re???lyl??????y ty ?? c????? in i????e ????????vev??ana????re?????shs?????? wa w?????????????????he?? a? are ar??????????mym??????????????t ??????????????????reatrea?t pt prprir????????727?,B,B0,B???3EM3E?ML8ML??M,???????SUS?????9N9???as??h Ch CaC??pbp?ele?ll,ll?0,0??????????252565?00????rea?? P???????????????????e ?e poe p???????ndsnd??????????u u au ??????tet?????????t trt t????????. ?????????re?re pre ???????rindrinds??????", "output": "are STILL popping in the bag...in most cases they won't last that long. PUT MORE IN THE BAG...\"\n10171,B003EML8PM,A136RPDUN0FDDW,\"Ultimate Shopper \"\"Sausage King\"\"\",7,8,5,1208131200,Hot Rinds,These are really easy to cook in the microwave and are fresh and warm every time. They are part of my low carb diet and this is a great price.\n10172,B003EML8PM,A2PN2CSU2WA49N,Nash Campbell,0,0,5,1302825600,Great Product,\"If you like pork rinds, then you absolutely must try these. These are pork rinds that "} {"input": "?????????????p p????e e??op?????? i inin ???e ???????????????????????oto????g g???ititet?????ke ke????re??????d d????? po??? r ?????????????????al????????? is i?????????????? i? is is?????sps?????????t tt ??the the?????????????????litli?????ho??. ???????? n?????? bu b???prp?remre??????porpo????in?indsind?s as ????????ca?????????he??????????????????????????GXG????SGS????????zjz????????5,5?131?020?????????????????????wa?????? pork por???nd?s,s,\",????? i???a ?de?li???????????????????ststat?????????????????????? h ha h??d ???????????????rinrindrin???yoy?? m ??????avaveav????themthe???or??th?the ???????inuin??ese?s is ?????tatta???????? po?????????????????????????????", "output": "basically pop like pop corn in the microwave. There is nothing quite like a fresh and hot pork rind. The original flavor is great and so is the spicy, but the spicy can be a little hot. I will never buy premade pork rinds again because of these.\"\n10173,B003EML8PM,AIFGXQ3RSGT1Q,vrnzjwl,0,0,5,1302480000,Lowerys microwave porkrinds,\"This is a delicious product. It starts out as little dry hard bits of pork rind, you microwave them for the few minutes it states and poof they turn into light tasty"} {"input": "? f frfrer?????????rir????????ala???????? h ??w w i ?t t?dod??? i?????????ththeh?????1???747????????L8L8P8PMP???????EYE???G3G3S3??????eveve?? D ???????r,r????,5,????????????????????t ??nonot???r r p??retre?tyt???????t,t,\",????????ve???or?k ??????? ? ??igi???????????s s??jusju???a a??aga???? t????????tyty ty?????sus???????heathea????upu???? a ad a?d d td tatas???????ea???? S ??o Io ??? pop po??ede?????????????????mim????wa???????d sd ?sursu??ri???? ?????????????????bacba??????????ene????????????lil???????il???????????bac???????????????ll?????? i in i???lesle???th??an an?????????????????><>??r r /??????????????the the l?????le le tle ???atatsat?????????geg???rar???anand? f fr f?reere????????????and ??", "output": " fresh pork rinds. really cool how it does it. love them!!\"\n10174,B003EML8PM,A1XQEEYNUG3SYX,Steven D. Faber,0,0,5,1301616000,Not just another pretty reheat,\"Microwave pork rinds? Figured it was just a bag of the guilty pleasures heated up to add taste appeal. So I popped a bag into the microwave and surprise! The bag popped back! It even puffed up like Orville Reddenbacher's best. All that in less than 90 seconds.

Turns out the little treats are bagged raw and freeze-dried and th"} {"input": "eeye????????lyl??????? an a?? p ?????????n n?tht?????????????????he he????ffeffere?ene????????????????e ???????????????????????????????????????difdi??fferffe??nc???e bee b??we???????gegede????????????ly ly???????? po??p cp ???????????sis?????? the????????ok?????iti??ouo?? f??yiyin??????oio????? they????????????????????????he??altal?thyth????????? m?????????t rt rarawa????arrar???????ut??? t? thi th?????????????????al al?????????? c????orior??????d ?? g ???????of ???????????
Not so guilty a pleasure after all.\"\n10175,B003EML8PM,A3JNSCHJX2FALY,nisallik,0,0,5,1301356800,Delicious!,\"I normally eat one of these every"} {"input": "???????????????eye???????er???????????? a an a?????????????? a?????f f???????rkr??????????ou ou?cac?????y ??? t? the??????sts???????????he??whw????e fe ???????lol??vesve?s ts ???????101??767??????????PMP??AZA????3636X6???C6C??????????????????131??01301??686???????????????ic????avave????rk????indin????ha??d ???????ind ind??t ?th?? s ?stostor??s\"s?,\"??????wawav?????orkor???rinri??????ar??????fi?????? t? the the ?????????adadede de??????????????????as??????????????????d to d to???uru???????t dt ????????????ettet???????????\"1\"???????????ML?????????????????????????nnn???,0,0,0,???5,15,???01101??404??0,0,T0,???esees????????????mem?,I,? h ????????cence???ly ly????? ga gas???ric?????????????", "output": " other day, they are very delicious and better than any of the pork rinds you can buy at the gas stations. The whole family loves them!\"\n10176,B003EML8PM,AZK8U36XG7C6P,JStefano,0,0,5,1301356800,\"Lowrey's Microwave pork rinds, hard to find at the stores\",\"Microwave pork rinds. Hard to find at the store, made easy on Amazon. Fast and delivered to your front door at a better price.\"\n10177,B003EML8PM,A3QRW2SUL6KRTD,Sue Ann,0,0,5,1301184000,These were awesome,I have recently had gastric bypass surge"} {"input": "??????? t ?heh?sese e???e ????????????????? p prp???eie??????????????????????????????????????????B0B?030????????????????SYS??????????awa?lil?ingin??????,5,??131????????????????????ttt??????????????opo???????????????re??? a???????atiat?vev???????????ulu?l l????????? ????????d ????????????????????SaSala????????crc??sps?????ReR?????????to ?????????arear????????????????????wavwaveve,ve???? the the?????dod????????? pop pop p??p p sp ?? i ??s s????????????riari?????????????he he??iri?????????????????. Y. YoY???llll ll???????????????re?? do d??e ???????????????????????? and??????rybry?????lol????????ffffy??\"\"1101???????????ML8ML??M,M,AM,A2A????4Z4????8R8???", "output": "ry and these are a good source of protein that are quick and easy to make.\n10178,B003EML8PM,A3K3PUYCSY1665,C. Rawlings,0,0,5,1300838400,So much better than pre-popped kind!,\"A great alternative to Carb full popcorn! Warm and satisfying snack. Salty and crispy. Remember to watch carefully in the microwave, the bag does not pop up so its a little trial & error the first time or two. You'll know when theyre done when you open the bag and everybody looks fluffy.\"\n10179,B003EML8PM,A2WBH4ZM4J8RDK,"} {"input": "?????? J ???cec????ChC??rlr????????????,0??3,3??303???????00,00??????????pep??????\"I\"??????hth????????outou????????ioi????????????????????????? th t????ooo??????woworo???????????s ???????????????ou? d ????????tot?????????????????????????rer????????????????aga???. T. ???s ?????n'n??t wt ??????????amamem?e ae ?? m ?ici????ava??????coc??????????\"\"?????????imime??????????e se ?hoh?????????????????????????ri?nd?s ????n'???????ty????????????????????? th??????? th????????????f ????anantn???????????????????????????????????????????????????h h???f mf ??y uy ???????????????th??? to t???te????????foforfo???????plp??????????????", "output": "\"Mike Joyce \"\"CharlyCigar\"\"\",0,0,3,1300665600,Nothing special,\"I bought this out of curiosity after seeing it on the Food Network. It does taste good. You do have to carefully follow the directions on the bag. This doesn't work the same as microwave popcorn. The \"\"bake\"\" time is quite short, and overcooked pork rinds aren't pretty or tasty. I think that in the future, if I want warm pork rinds, I'll try warming up a small batch of my usual brand in the toaster oven for a couple of minutes.\""} {"input": "?1?????????????8P8PMPM,M,A,A3A???????D4D?????????vev?,0,0,0,00,?0,20,??????????????gog?odo?????? g grg????????hah???????????mom????????????????? g????g g???? th t???????? me meee??t wt ?iti????????re????s gs ??ettet???g ?th?????ggg??????????? p?????????????????hadha????? p??????????? mu m???????? sa s?????on?????em em???s ys ???????ldl?d hd ??????. .?NoN?w w t????? po?rkr??????s s cs cacan? b ?e ??????ideid?????d a d a????????????????bob???hth?t tt ththith?????x x???in??????????ulu???????e ae a ??????nt nt s??ac???ev?er??y dy ??y.y?. W. ??????????????????????????? l ????????ou?oughoug??????ow??????????is?????????? the the s se s???on?????????????s ?????????wa??way tway ??o o mo ???????lt???????????????", "output": "\n10180,B003EML8PM,A34NVQTFD4QYJ0,Steve,0,0,2,1300147200,\"good, not great\",I have fond memories as a kid of going to the swap meet with my parents getting the biggest bag of pork rinds they had and pouring as much hot sauce on them as you could handle. Now that pork rinds can be considered a health snack I bought this box thinking I could have a decent snack every day. Well they pop up great in a large enough microwave. The issue is the seasoning. There is way way way too much salt in the seasoni"} {"input": "n???ana????????????di??????????t t??aua????????s s???e ???pep??iei???????????ucuchuc???????????????????/???????I I??????ava????theth????whw?????I aI ?????retre??????????y ay ?????an????? b ?????????pap?????????? to t???? pl p?ac?e ???herhe?re re????????th?????wiw???????a ??????owaow??e e be ?utu??I I wI ??????????????ded??in???? the th?????gag?in??????????????????fif??is??????brbr br / /> /??br???????anand???? they the???rerenre?????????norno???pip?icyic?????????????????????????????PMP?,A,??????????JVJ?JYJ??ZeZen?tat???????,2,???292999??151???????????????to???sa????,\",\"T\"??heyhe?'r'???oko???????esses?s bs ?????????????hahasha???????? a a??ou?????? s??????n n in ?????ou?'l'll??fi????????", "output": "ng and adding additional hot sauce makes the experience that much more unenjoyable.

I now have these when I am pretty hungry and want to bring compact snack to a place where I know there will be a microwave but I will not be ordering these again once the box is finished.

Oh and they aren't hot nor spicy. Just salty.\n10181,B003EML8PM,A3UQAI3GUDJVJY,Zentaki,0,0,2,1299715200,Wayyyyyyy too salty,\"They're ok I guess but each bag has about a pound of salt in it. You'll find yours"} {"input": "??lfl??????hih?????waw??????? f ??????????pip?????jujus?????????t tt ???????e ?????whw?????ec????????so?????????te?r ??????????????????tit??ere??ono????he he?mimici??????e,e?????u wu ???????????????e ??????????????? pi pie??????????????e ??????????????????????olo????????????f ???e e b?????1????????030?EME????????????XUXU0U?U4U4L4???,b,????????wbwbe?rrr??????????????????0,??????????t st ??????!!??\"T\"?he????ara?? h??ardar?d td ?? f????d id in???????to?????ndn???????????????????????? t th???????????????????????????????t t??????????er????an??????????ereer????????????????????on on?????????????????????sps???? cr c??ncn??y,?????", "output": "elf brushing away salt from each piece just for it to taste somewhat decent. Also, no matter what you set the timer on the microwave, you will have little burn/hardened pieces. So you're not even getting a whole lot out of one bag.\"\n10182,B003EML8PM,A1HJ8MXU0U4LNN,betty newberry,0,0,5,1299456000,Excellent snack!!!,\"These are hard to find in the store and my hubby totally loves them. Bought by the case you get them cheaper than else where. Great for those on low carb. diets. Crispy, crunchy, spic"} {"input": "y????????ltl????? c ????oto?????plp??????????????????????? p ?????ctc??????????????EME?????,A,???????????????????shs??allal???ar??????\"O\"????????????? F ????nd nd????????????????????????????????????atat ?????? a????????ivi???????art???????????????wiwit???????.,.??????? a ar a????????????????rnarn??????????ou???????????paparpa??????th??????????????????????????????trt???it???????, b, ????????????????????I hI ?hadha?????? sa s?????issis???? w????? so s???????????????????????ve ve??ou????t t?he?? i ?in in??????????in????????????????to??mim???????ve ??????wi????????????arti?????????????wavwa???is??????iai?????nd ????rorror ", "output": "y and salty. I cannot complain about this quality product.\"\n10183,B003EML8PM,A2VJJ2POCLMED7,\"Marshall Carter \"\"Ornery Gamer, Fiend Club Member\"\"\",0,0,4,1299369600,Great snack alternative...particularly good with beer.,\"These are a great alternative to your usual \"\"par-for-the-course\"\" snacks as well as traditional, bagged pork rinds. I had the same issues with some of the others who've bought them in that finding out how long to microwave them with your particular microwave is a trial and error "} {"input": "?????????????heh???????????????????????????ir???????????????????\"f\"??????d-d-u-??\"\"\"\" \"\"???nen?, ?bubutu??????????up??mim?????????g ??theth?em em??oooo o??on???ana???????e oe ?? t??em??????tetedte??????????????eae??????? b?????????t st sms????, ?th??ugu???????quq?????????badba?????????????????n tn ??????me????????hahapa?????????????did??????????????????????????g ??efe???????????????tot????????????????????????????????????nglngle??????st ist ??????????????ng ng??youyo? c ????dod?? I ????????itittit???le tle ????????????yo?????????????????to to?????????????????? w?it?????nin?????????????????????usu?st ????????? the ??????????????????av", "output": "process on the first bag or two. On my first attempt, they \"\"fluffed-up\"\" fine, but I ended up microwaving them too long and some of them started to scorch (leaving a bad burnt smell, though not quite as bad as popcorn when the same thing happens). Spreading them out inside the bag before you start to microwave them is probably the single most important thing you can do. It's a little tricky, but you can get them to move around a bit with minimal effort. If you just throw the bag in the microwav"} {"input": "???????f f?????s ps ??pcp????????u u w ??????????a a???????y y??ror?????????????? yo y?ou ou????????????????o o s ?pr????????m m???t ????????tet?d ??????e ????) )????d td ????? wa wata???? th the????g g??????? it???????????ana??ini??????aia??????????? on o?????????),)???thetheythe??rer??qu??????ooo?od.od??????><>??????????ge????????????????it,it???he?????conco??????????re re???????????licli?ioi??s,s????spesp????????pa??????????????eee???or? t????????????ingin????lel?????????inkinkak?blble???????????\"y\"?ar??????k\"k?????????f ???er???o ?????methmet???????????????????ThT????????/r/?????s a??re ????hth??t ant a?nd nd??lul???????ut????????rur??ch???(s(su(s?????????ly?? so s????", "output": "e as if it's popcorn, you won't get a quality product, but if you take the time to spread them out (as stated on the bag) and then watch the bag until it stops expanding (again, stated on the bag), they're quite good.

Once you get the hang of it, the Bacon Curls are pretty delicious, especially paired with a beer or two (something pale and drinkable, from a \"\"yard work\"\" kind of beer to something like an IPA). The curls/rinds are light and fluffy, but very crunchy (surprisingly so, I "} {"input": "?????hah????????????titini??????rer???o o??????????in????? g ???as????????????????t t???????isi????).)?????y'y???????? the th??????????????bub???????in,in???????? the??????????????????ooo?????????. I. ????kek????? t th???y cy ?????ouo????????? the p the pap??????????zlz?linli?????????????ing ing????????, wa, w??????oto???hothot)??????????cicioi???????f yf ???????????????????rkrk k??in?indsind????????th???????? alm al??????????????????????????? is i?s t??he he????me me t?????????????????????re???, ?????, ????ici?????? an?????????????????).\").???????,B,????EME?????????TST?????I4I?????CjC???,0???????919191969??????????????LoL????y'????acoac??????lsl???ThThiTh???????n ??", "output": "was halfway expecting there to be some kind of greasy sogginess, but there isn't). They're on the salty side, but again, with the beer, that's a good thing. I like how they come out of the package sizzling and popping a bit, warm (not hot) and delicious. If you already like pork rinds, then this is almost a no brainer, as this is the same thing, only better (fresh, warm, delicious and with less fat).\"\n10184,B003EML8PM,A18TSFDZ2I4W7T,Cj,0,0,5,1299196800,Amazon's Lowrey' bacon curls,\"This is an ex"} {"input": "??????????????????oror r????bib?????heh???ppp???????wiw?????????e ???unu????ce? o ?????????????????????????, , f ?reresre?????????????????????? S ??incin?ce ?? s ?????tedte?????????????e ?pop??????nd???????????ede???omo??????????sasar??????????\"\"??????????3E3??????,A,????R5R?????ESE?UPU????????????????????uyu?????eme??n\"n\"\"????????????????12012??,Y,?????????????????????salsa??????delde????????y cy ?????????ork???????iciic???????? i ?in in????ininuinut????nd??? h ??lflf.f????????????t ??????wi?th???????ickic??????????????3EM3E?ML8ML?8PM8P??????????5C5????3,3,G,?????????????????12912?98398??????????TET? O ????????????????????? my m?????pmp???????????", "output": "cellent product for curbing the appetite without the abundance of carbs. They are crisp, fresh and great tasting. Since I started eating these pork rinds, I dropped some unnecessary pounds.\"\n10185,B003EML8PM,A1X4R5O5LNESUP,\"K. W. Carrell \"\"guy_dudemen\"\"\",0,0,5,1298851200,Yum!!!,\"Hot, fresh, salty, delicately crisp, porky deliciousness in a minute and a half. Can't beat that with a stick!\"\n10186,B003EML8PM,A2VOO1ZX5CF6U3,G. Barbee,0,0,1,1298332800,WASTE OF MONEY,\"I received my shipment today, "} {"input": "????????????????????????fof??r r b ?aga?????iningn??didifi?fef???????????ses??tit?????????y y???????r tr twt???????ofo? e ???? b???????ro???ve? c ?or?re????ly.ly. ??? ev e?venve?????t tt ???e ue ???????????????????e ae ????omo?????????geg?sts???d ad ????????????. I????????????????????????rec?ti?on??????????????g.g?????????ul??????????thisthi?, ,??????o ???????????101?????????EME?????,A,????PJP????????,j,????????????,0,0,,0??????????404???LoL???????????icroicr??????PoP?????????s Cs ??????????s ????dud????????????es???????????oko??upu????n a?bob??out out???????????????????????ic?????????????nd ????ackacklk??????????????????????????th??????????10???", "output": "and tried to microwave four bags using different time settings. Only one or two out of each bag microwave correctly. I even put the unpopped on a plate as someone suggested and nothing. I carefully followed directions for each bag. If I could rate this, a zero I would.\"\n10187,B003EML8PM,ABLMPJ1XKU74Z,joeypete23,0,0,5,1298246400,Lowrey's Microwave Pork Rinds Curls,\"This product is the best! They cook up in about a minute and a half, nice and hot and crackling! Plenty of flavor to them! :o)\"\n10188"} {"input": "??????????????3E??EKE??VPV????????????????????????0,0??????292979757?????00,00??????tatasa???????ckc????\"I\"???awa??????????dud??? d ??????strstrarata??d d od ??????????????ana????????????????ha??????????? i iti??as????LOL?????or????????????t tt ????????ed????nesnes s as ??????uaual?????ld? a an a????????ofo????????????ro???????????????????ol???????RER???LLL??????e de ?iri????????????h h?? the thes the?????or ?? s?pip???????????an???????????nac?k ???ereryer????mem??. Y. ?UMUM!M!!??1????????00300????8P?M,??2X2????????????????TIT???????,0,0,0,0,???????55????0,????????????? E EV???????,I,?????? b??????an an? of of ????ining???ic????ava??????????????????????????in????", "output": ",B003EML8PM,A3EZEKEVP88BKV,Ronald T. DeFord,0,0,5,1297555200,Very tasty snack!!,\"I saw this product demonstrated on The Food Channel and knew I had to order it as I LOVE pork rinds but the bagged ones are usually old and sort of stale or processed tasting. Follow CAREFULLY the directions with these for a spicy, fresh and tasty snack every time. YUM!!\"\n10189,B003EML8PM,A2XERD1TRIV7V4,PATTICAKE,0,0,5,1297555200,BEST SNACK I EVER ATE,I am a big fan of eating microwave popcorn. A friend of mine su"} {"input": "????ststet??????k k?rir???????????ghg?????????s s?crc??zyz???????tlt??e de ???d Id ?????? t???????????????????mim??????????????k tk ???????hahavha?ve ve?eve????????? i ??????ono?? t???????NoN???????n n???hosho???????????????????ve ve pve ??????n ????d pd ???? r??????1??191????????????????????????Y4Y4I4????ennen????seeseeIe????????,0,???????????686????,P,??orkork ???????????????????\"T\"ThT???????rowro????????????????????ar????the?????????????no no???reare??????????lll?????????e ??????awaw,w, ???o to ?????????e to??????????ackac??????????????????????y iy ???????????? st s?ala?????? n???...?????..???????utu?????????????setset ??????????????ththe?????? y yoy???", "output": "ggested pork rines I thought she was crazy. Little did I know that they are best microwave snack that I have ever eatin in a long time . Now i can chose between microwave popcorn and pork rinds.\n10190,B003EML8PM,AYBKACFS61Y4I,TennesseeIrishman,0,0,5,1297468800,Pork rinds from heaven,\"The microwaveable pork rinds are the shizzazz no grease no smell, no time to thaw, go to store to buy a package, no time to worry if they are stale or not........just put in a bag, set timer and by the time your "} {"input": "?????ririti????????aga???????? t ??e ??aba???? t???????????????????????e toe tooo?, ??ll??cocoo?kek??????????.<.?????????????????SUS???????????LOL????????????Y Y???????????? I ?????UCU???????..?..?????????1919191,1?B0B??????8P8?????HIH?PPP?????WVW?GAGA,A?\"R\"?? T?????????????????????????????????????0000,00???antanta??titici???nan?????????? T??????????grg???????? ha h?????eme????? t???????????owowlowl ??arartar??????????????????????ene?? n ????????????????ror?????????????????? a??????????????????t st ?na?????????????????????????????????, F, ????OW???HE????RE?CT?IO?????EvE??n ?ththoth??gh? e ???????????? co c????? w????????????lyl?y py ???", "output": "favorite beverage is on the table, the pork rinds will be too, all cooked and hot.

BE SURE AND FOLLOW THE SAFETY AND COOKING INSTRUCTIONS.........\"\n10191,B003EML8PM,A2HIPP3F1KWVGA,\"R. Thompson \"\"Tool Nut\"\"\",0,0,5,1297382400,Fantastic Snack!,\"Wow! These are great! I had them for the Super Bowl Party and everyone just went nuts over this product. Great taste and just the right snacking size. One word of caution, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! Even though every bag I cooked was absolutely perf"} {"input": "??ctc?? i itit t?????eve????????????????t ?did????????????heh????????bub??? r ????????????????????, ?, th, thih???????ucu????? N ??????????????? t ??er?e e??s ????sos???? t??????????????????nownow w? it i???dod?nen?????aiaini??, F, ????OWO??THT???????CTC??????????????????????????????????????????????????NCN????????RhR?????????,0?????292?727??606??0,???ese?????????????????t ?????e e ae ?ftf??er er??????g g?a ?shs???w cw ?al?????unu???rapra????, ???we hwe ?????????? h ????????????ro??????le? p???k k r ri r?indin?????e ???????????????????hemhem!m???????or?????????????????ly????10?????????????8PM8P?????????CMC??????????????0,50,?????97197?????00,00?HoH???????ic?", "output": "ect, it was evident if you get distracted, they will burn real quick. Remember, this product IS NOT POPCORN. So there is no sound to help let you know its done. Again, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! They are fabulous!\"\n10192,B003EML8PM,A2MUX6NC8PCELI,Rhonda A,0,0,5,1297296000,Awesome!!!,\"we bought these after seeing a show called unwrapped, we have never heard of microwavable pork rinds, we absalutely love them!! and order them regularly.\"\n10193,B003EML8PM,A1W3SM2CMLJQYY,Rod,0,0,5,1297123200,How to Micr"} {"input": "oo o??????,T,??es????rer???ooo???????????? m ????e s??????ouo?????????????aga?? an a?d ????nln?????????d td ????pip????????t ???th??????? b??????????crcror??fof????bob??? 7 707?-9-?0 0?????????????????g ?on?? y??????ic??????????lwl?????ke????????yey?e oe onon ?th????????????it????????????????????lll?????rea rea????'T'???????????????????y ly ??????????an an??0 ?se????????or or??he????????????????d wd ???????e ??oto??anand???????????????itcit??henhe?n a???nd ynd ????r er ??????????????????????????ve?? be b?????????r ?????????????tlt?? m?????????????????????????????s ?wow???th ??it.it??EnE???yy??????,B,?????MLM???M,M?????????IFI??QQQ??,R,??????????,0,?", "output": "o These,These are soooo good but make sure you shake the bag and evenly spread the pieces out within the bag and micro for about 70-90 seconds depending on your microwave. Always keep an eye on the bag once it blows up to its full area DON'T let it go for any longer than 20 seconds or they will burn and with the hot and spicy your kitchen and your eyes will feel like you have been pepper sprayed. Little more difficult to cook but its worth it. Enjoy\n10194,B003EML8PM,A3I7MZQ1IFGQQH,R. Brennan,0,"} {"input": "?0,0??????666????0000,????????xwx??rtr??y y?????????????htht t?????????nenece?????.....???????hah??????????????????o o?????pep????to to?????? ho h????????ut????????t ct ?????????????? th t?????lol??????????aca??s ????????y ay ?avaav???aba????isi???re????- ????????esnes?????????t mt ???in??ulu?????????. .??he????ar????oto?t yt yoyouyo??r fr ??th?????????k r???ds?????????meme ???ot ot??????????? s??ackac??101????????3E3EME?????????C6C????8Z8ZSZ?????????????l,l,0,??????1212912????????????mm?????mmm?????FoFouFo?nd?nd tnd ?thith????tet????? t?????????????to????????w ??eae???s bs ????????nd t??henhe??iti??????????????????disdi???????????ou?????? h?er???????????????????????????", "output": "0,5,1296604800,Jeff Foxworthy says you might be a redneck if....,You have pork rinds auto shipped to your house - but I dont care - having these low carb snacks readily available is great - and doesnt impact my insulin usage. These are not your fathers pork rinds - awesome hot out of the sack\n10195,B003EML8PM,AWVC687J8ZS1B,kimtindall,0,0,5,1296086400,Yummmmmmmmmmmm,Found this item in the grocery store a few years back and then it seemed to just disappear...found it here and sooooooo happy that I"}