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Dataset Card for quoteli3

Dataset Summary

This dataset is based on the quoteli3 dataset by Muzny et al. (2017). It contains annotated quotes for three pieces of literature: Chekhov\\\\\\'s The Steppe, Austen\\\\\\'s Emma and Pride and Prejudice.


The text in the dataset is English.

Dataset Structure

Training data: -Quotes (1575, 11) -Characters (32, 6)

Test data: -Quotes (1513, 11) -Characters (145, 6)

Data Splits


  • train:
    • features: ['mention', 'oid', 'speaker', 'connection', 'id', 'answer', 'answer_mention {'answer', 'answer_start', 'answer_end', 'answer_in_context'}, 'question', 'context', 'large_context', 'book_title'],
    • num_rows: 1575
  • test:
    • features: ['mention', 'oid', 'speaker', 'connection', 'id', 'answer', 'answer_mention {'answer', 'answer_start', 'answer_end', 'answer_in_context'}, 'question', 'context', 'large_context', 'book_title'],
    • num_rows: 1513 -Characters:
  • train:
    • features: ['aliases', 'description', 'gender', 'name', 'id', 'book_title'],
    • num_rows: 32
  • test:
    • features: ['aliases', 'description', 'gender', 'name', 'id', 'book_title'],
    • num_rows: 146
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