What is the guardian mātṛkā for the guardian whose consort is Svāhā?
SELECT guardian_mātṛkā FROM table_100518_1 WHERE consort = "Svāhā"
CREATE TABLE table_100518_1 (guardian_mātṛkā VARCHAR, consort VARCHAR)
what is the race when the jockey is frankie dettori, the margin is more than 3 and the course is yarmouth?
SELECT race FROM table_name_48 WHERE jockey = "frankie dettori" AND margin > 3 AND course = "yarmouth"
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (race VARCHAR, course VARCHAR, jockey VARCHAR, margin VARCHAR)
Who is the incumbent of district pa-8?
SELECT incumbent FROM table_28188239_1 WHERE district = "PA-8"
CREATE TABLE table_28188239_1 (incumbent VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
When has a Tie no of 15?
SELECT date FROM table_name_17 WHERE tie_no = "15"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (date VARCHAR, tie_no VARCHAR)
What is the value in 1987 when it is A in 1999, 1989, and 1997?
SELECT 1987 FROM table_name_47 WHERE 1999 = "a" AND 1989 = "a" AND 1997 = "a"
CREATE TABLE table_name_47 (Id VARCHAR)
What was the 2011 gross revenue for the venue that had a gross revenue of $156,315 in 1982?
SELECT gross_revenue__2011_ FROM table_name_78 WHERE gross_revenue__1982_ = "$156,315"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (gross_revenue__2011_ VARCHAR, gross_revenue__1982_ VARCHAR)
what is the mountain range when the region is british columbia and mountain pea is mount edziza?
SELECT mountain_range FROM table_name_90 WHERE region = "british columbia" AND mountain_peak = "mount edziza"
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (mountain_range VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, mountain_peak VARCHAR)
Name the clas AAAA of school year 2000-01
SELECT class_aAAA FROM table_name_76 WHERE school_year = "2000-01"
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (class_aAAA VARCHAR, school_year VARCHAR)
what is the minimum storeys on 325 5th ave n
SELECT MIN(storeys) FROM table_13397394_1 WHERE address = "325 5th Ave N"
CREATE TABLE table_13397394_1 (storeys INTEGER, address VARCHAR)
What are the games behind for the Oklahoma City Thunder division?
SELECT games_behind__gb_ FROM table_name_49 WHERE division__div_ = "oklahoma city thunder"
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (games_behind__gb_ VARCHAR, division__div_ VARCHAR)
what's the fcc info with call sign being w221aw
SELECT fcc_info FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE call_sign = "W221AW"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (fcc_info VARCHAR, call_sign VARCHAR)
What is the issue price of a Year 2000 coin by artist John Mardon of the Included in Steam Buggy mintage.
SELECT issue_price FROM table_name_46 WHERE artist = "john mardon" AND year = 2000 AND mintage = "included in steam buggy"
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (issue_price VARCHAR, mintage VARCHAR, artist VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What are the details of the lots which are not used in any transactions?
SELECT lot_details FROM Lots EXCEPT SELECT T1.lot_details FROM Lots AS T1 JOIN transactions_lots AS T2 ON T1.lot_id = T2.lot_id
CREATE TABLE Lots (lot_details VARCHAR, lot_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Lots (lot_details VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE transactions_lots (lot_id VARCHAR)
What is the Battle with Bulgarian Commander Ivan Asen II?
SELECT battle FROM table_name_21 WHERE bulgarian_commander = "ivan asen ii"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (battle VARCHAR, bulgarian_commander VARCHAR)
Name the opponents for outcome of runner-up and date of august 7, 2011
SELECT opponents_in_the_final FROM table_name_19 WHERE outcome = "runner-up" AND date = "august 7, 2011"
CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (opponents_in_the_final VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
In Ca/Nv, what are all of the regional page #s?
SELECT regional_page__number FROM table_287659_2 WHERE state_name = "CA/NV"
CREATE TABLE table_287659_2 (regional_page__number VARCHAR, state_name VARCHAR)
What is the reunion weight of the contestant that lost 52 lbs at the reunion?
SELECT reunion_weight FROM table_28654454_5 WHERE lbs_lost_reunion = 52
CREATE TABLE table_28654454_5 (reunion_weight VARCHAR, lbs_lost_reunion VARCHAR)
Which Years in Orlando has a Nationality of united states, a Position of center, and a Player of jawann oldham?
SELECT years_in_orlando FROM table_name_10 WHERE nationality = "united states" AND position = "center" AND player = "jawann oldham"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (years_in_orlando VARCHAR, player VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
List the names of editors who are older than 25.
SELECT Name FROM editor WHERE Age > 25
What is the Attendance of the game against Jacksonville Jaguars?
SELECT attendance FROM table_name_53 WHERE opponent = "jacksonville jaguars"
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (attendance VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
Who was the winning team at Zandvoort?
SELECT winning_team FROM table_name_6 WHERE circuit = "zandvoort"
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (winning_team VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
What is the id of the event with the most participants?
SELECT Event_ID FROM Participants_in_Events GROUP BY Event_ID ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE Participants_in_Events (Event_ID VARCHAR)
What is the Song with an Issue Date(s) that is 19 june?
SELECT song FROM table_name_70 WHERE issue_date_s_ = "19 june"
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (song VARCHAR, issue_date_s_ VARCHAR)
What is the Total with a Player named robbie winters?
SELECT total FROM table_name_95 WHERE player = "robbie winters"
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (total VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What is the percentage of total area in the ecozone that the percentage of land area is 2.2?
SELECT percentage_of_total_area FROM table_15555661_2 WHERE percentage_of_land_area = "2.2"
CREATE TABLE table_15555661_2 (percentage_of_total_area VARCHAR, percentage_of_land_area VARCHAR)
What was the fastest lap for Grand Prix dutch tt?
SELECT fastest_lap FROM table_name_56 WHERE grand_prix = "dutch tt"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (fastest_lap VARCHAR, grand_prix VARCHAR)
Which language do 706 females speak?
SELECT females FROM table_name_10 WHERE number = "706"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (females VARCHAR, number VARCHAR)
What is the score of the game on June 25 at the mohegan sun arena?
SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE location = "mohegan sun arena" AND date = "june 25"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Which was the lowest gold when silver was smaller than 0?
SELECT MIN(gold) FROM table_name_94 WHERE silver < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (gold INTEGER, silver INTEGER)
Which regular season contains playoffs in division finals?
SELECT regular_season FROM table_1241987_1 WHERE playoffs = "division Finals"
CREATE TABLE table_1241987_1 (regular_season VARCHAR, playoffs VARCHAR)
What is the GDP at constant prices for a current account balance of 12.8?
SELECT gdp_at_constant_prices__thb_trillions_ FROM table_30133_1 WHERE current_account_balance__percent_of_gdp_ = "12.8"
CREATE TABLE table_30133_1 (gdp_at_constant_prices__thb_trillions_ VARCHAR, current_account_balance__percent_of_gdp_ VARCHAR)
which was k. annamalai´s party a?
SELECT party AS a FROM table_22757733_4 WHERE runner_up_a = "K. Annamalai"
CREATE TABLE table_22757733_4 (party VARCHAR, runner_up_a VARCHAR)
What time/retired for grid 18?
SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_49 WHERE grid = 18
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 (time_retired VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR)
If the RR Rate is less than 0.75 with a result of RR:08,09, what is the average appeared?
SELECT AVG(appeared) FROM table_name_56 WHERE rr_w_rate < 0.75 AND result = "rr:08,09"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (appeared INTEGER, rr_w_rate VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
Find distinct cities of addresses of people?
SELECT DISTINCT FROM addresses AS T1 JOIN people_addresses AS T2 ON T1.address_id = T2.address_id
CREATE TABLE addresses (city VARCHAR, address_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE people_addresses (address_id VARCHAR)
what college has nhl team chicago black hawks?
SELECT college_junior_club_team FROM table_1213511_5 WHERE nhl_team = "Chicago Black Hawks"
CREATE TABLE table_1213511_5 (college_junior_club_team VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR)
When cristina peña garzon is the contestant what is the geographical region?
SELECT geographical_regions FROM table_18618707_1 WHERE contestant = "Cristina Peña Garzon"
CREATE TABLE table_18618707_1 (geographical_regions VARCHAR, contestant VARCHAR)
What circuit was the Clipsal 500 on?
SELECT circuit FROM table_25531112_2 WHERE event = "Clipsal 500"
CREATE TABLE table_25531112_2 (circuit VARCHAR, event VARCHAR)
How many airports haven't the pilot 'Thompson' driven an aircraft?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM airport WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT airport_id FROM flight WHERE pilot = 'Thompson')
CREATE TABLE airport (id VARCHAR, airport_id VARCHAR, pilot VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE flight (id VARCHAR, airport_id VARCHAR, pilot VARCHAR)
What is the highest up:down ratio with 4 mbit/s upstream?
SELECT MAX(up) AS :down_ratio FROM table_name_72 WHERE upstream = "4 mbit/s"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (up INTEGER, upstream VARCHAR)
what is the grid when the time/retired is +27.112?
SELECT grid FROM table_name_79 WHERE time_retired = "+27.112"
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (grid VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR)
What is the top grid that is driven by martin brundle?
SELECT MAX(grid) FROM table_name_78 WHERE driver = "martin brundle"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (grid INTEGER, driver VARCHAR)
What was Nolan Henke's To par when he placed in t3?
SELECT to_par FROM table_name_96 WHERE place = "t3" AND player = "nolan henke"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (to_par VARCHAR, place VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
On the date of April 22, which city was a visitor?
SELECT visitor FROM table_name_5 WHERE date = "april 22"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (visitor VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Where was the fight located that lasted 1 round against luiz claudio das dores?
SELECT location FROM table_name_77 WHERE round = "1" AND opponent = "luiz claudio das dores"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (location VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What is the highest Season, when Super G is 19?
SELECT MAX(season) FROM table_name_63 WHERE super_g = 19
CREATE TABLE table_name_63 (season INTEGER, super_g VARCHAR)
What district is incumbent sid simpson from?
SELECT district FROM table_1342233_13 WHERE incumbent = "Sid Simpson"
CREATE TABLE table_1342233_13 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What average year has international meeting & national championships as the tournament?
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_64 WHERE tournament = "international meeting & national championships"
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (year INTEGER, tournament VARCHAR)
What is the ethernet ports of the u150 appliance?
SELECT ethernet_ports FROM table_name_86 WHERE name = "u150"
CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (ethernet_ports VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What is the pos for the New York Knicks?
SELECT pos FROM table_name_2 WHERE team = "new york knicks"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (pos VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
what is the competition when the result is 2-1?
SELECT competition FROM table_name_58 WHERE result = "2-1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (competition VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
how many times is the player jim furyk?
SELECT COUNT(total) FROM table_name_55 WHERE player = "jim furyk"
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 (total VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What's Babson College's enrollment?
SELECT MAX(enrollment) FROM table_1974782_1 WHERE institution = "Babson College"
CREATE TABLE table_1974782_1 (enrollment INTEGER, institution VARCHAR)
What are the distinct nominees of the musicals with the award that is not "Tony Award"?
SELECT DISTINCT Nominee FROM musical WHERE Award <> "Tony Award"
What is the smallest amount of freight carried on the road that closed on March 31 and reached super B capacity on February 17 after 2011?
SELECT MIN(freight_carried_s_tonne) FROM table_name_80 WHERE road_closed = "march 31" AND super_b_capacity_reached_[_citation_needed_] = "february 17" AND year > 2011
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (freight_carried_s_tonne INTEGER, year VARCHAR, road_closed VARCHAR, super_b_capacity_reached_ VARCHAR, _citation_needed_ VARCHAR)
How many decile has a roll less than 20?
SELECT AVG(decile) FROM table_name_6 WHERE roll < 20
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (decile INTEGER, roll INTEGER)
Name the license for e-on vue
SELECT license FROM table_19495707_1 WHERE application = "E-on Vue"
CREATE TABLE table_19495707_1 (license VARCHAR, application VARCHAR)
What team is located in brooklyn?
SELECT team FROM table_name_5 WHERE city = "brooklyn"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (team VARCHAR, city VARCHAR)
What district is the parish who had the South Cambridgeshire rural district as the former local authority?
SELECT district FROM table_name_71 WHERE former_local_authority = "south cambridgeshire rural district"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (district VARCHAR, former_local_authority VARCHAR)
Which Venue has a Date of january 9, 2011?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_51 WHERE date = "january 9, 2011"
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (venue VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
When 2005 is the season how many drivers are there?
SELECT COUNT(driver) FROM table_1771753_3 WHERE season = "2005"
CREATE TABLE table_1771753_3 (driver VARCHAR, season VARCHAR)
What is Primary Language(s), when Director is "Ilgar Safat Category:Articles With hCards"?
SELECT primary_language_s_ FROM table_name_59 WHERE director = "ilgar safat category:articles with hcards"
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (primary_language_s_ VARCHAR, director VARCHAR)
What was the tie number when peterborough united was the away team?
SELECT tie_no FROM table_name_35 WHERE away_team = "peterborough united"
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (tie_no VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
Which Player had a Date of 31 jan. 2008, and a Transfer fee of £3.87m?
SELECT player FROM table_name_44 WHERE date = "31 jan. 2008" AND transfer_fee = "£3.87m"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (player VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, transfer_fee VARCHAR)
Which Circuit has a Winning driver of scott pruett?
SELECT circuit FROM table_name_15 WHERE winning_driver = "scott pruett"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (circuit VARCHAR, winning_driver VARCHAR)
What was the average crowd at Western Oval?
SELECT AVG(crowd) FROM table_name_9 WHERE venue = "western oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (crowd INTEGER, venue VARCHAR)
What is the total pick number from round 2?
SELECT COUNT(pick) FROM table_name_60 WHERE round = "2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (pick VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
Which is the Outcome on 13 november 2006?
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_44 WHERE date = "13 november 2006"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (outcome VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What is the party for first elected 1948 for william t. granahan
SELECT party FROM table_1342198_38 WHERE first_elected = 1948 AND incumbent = "William T. Granahan"
CREATE TABLE table_1342198_38 (party VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What was the record for the Orangemen when they played against Army?
SELECT record FROM table_23346983_1 WHERE opponent = "Army"
CREATE TABLE table_23346983_1 (record VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What is the week 3 with addison miller in week 2?
SELECT week_3 FROM table_name_17 WHERE week_2 = "addison miller"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (week_3 VARCHAR, week_2 VARCHAR)
What is the number of the game that was played on January 19?
SELECT MAX(game) FROM table_17288845_7 WHERE date = "January 19"
CREATE TABLE table_17288845_7 (game INTEGER, date VARCHAR)
Which route has a terminus of pine Forest?
SELECT name FROM table_name_57 WHERE terminus = "pine forest"
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (name VARCHAR, terminus VARCHAR)
What is the Date of the match with a Score of 0–6, 2–6 with Partner Marcella Mesker?
SELECT date FROM table_name_57 WHERE partner = "marcella mesker" AND score = "0–6, 2–6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (date VARCHAR, partner VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Which grid has less than 11 laps, and a Time/Retired of accident?
SELECT AVG(grid) FROM table_name_99 WHERE laps < 11 AND time_retired = "accident"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (grid INTEGER, laps VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR)
What is the total number of Gold, when Silver is 2, and when Total is less than 7?
SELECT COUNT(gold) FROM table_name_34 WHERE silver = 2 AND total < 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (gold VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
What is the Record when Evangelista Cyborg was the opponent?
SELECT record FROM table_name_40 WHERE opponent = "evangelista cyborg"
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (record VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
On which date is high assists Dupree (6)?
SELECT date FROM table_17118657_10 WHERE high_assists = "Dupree (6)"
CREATE TABLE table_17118657_10 (date VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR)
What tournament took place on October 11, 2013?
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_23 WHERE date = "october 11, 2013"
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (tournament VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Which score has a Record of 44-49?
SELECT score FROM table_name_96 WHERE record = "44-49"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (score VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
What was Jeff's finish in 2011?
SELECT SUM(finish) FROM table_name_35 WHERE year = 2011
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (finish INTEGER, year VARCHAR)
What was the manner of depature of the manager with a date of appointment on 23 November 2008?
SELECT manner_of_departure FROM table_name_9 WHERE date_of_appointment = "23 november 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (manner_of_departure VARCHAR, date_of_appointment VARCHAR)
What's the city of license having a D ERP of 100kw?
SELECT city_of_license FROM table_name_21 WHERE d_erp = "100kw"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (city_of_license VARCHAR, d_erp VARCHAR)
What city has the museum that holds the Sue specimen?
SELECT museum AS city FROM table_name_48 WHERE name = "sue"
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (museum VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What College/junior/club had a player of United States nationality drafted by the Toronto Maple Leafs?
SELECT college_junior_club_team FROM table_name_12 WHERE nhl_team = "toronto maple leafs" AND nationality = "united states"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (college_junior_club_team VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR)
What is the Athlete of the race with a Time of 9.78?
SELECT athlete FROM table_name_14 WHERE time = 9.78
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (athlete VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
What circuit had 16 rounds?
SELECT circuit FROM table_name_79 WHERE round = 16
CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (circuit VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
What Time elapsed has 14 February 2011 as the Closest approach?
SELECT time_elapsed FROM table_name_11 WHERE closest_approach = "14 february 2011"
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (time_elapsed VARCHAR, closest_approach VARCHAR)
What methos did Keith Wisniewski use in the ufc fight night: teixeira vs. bader?
SELECT method FROM table_name_99 WHERE event = "ufc fight night: teixeira vs. bader"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (method VARCHAR, event VARCHAR)
What is the lowest GEO ID for the longitude of -102.158045 and the water in square miles larger than 0.979?
SELECT MIN(geo_id) FROM table_name_29 WHERE longitude = -102.158045 AND water__sqmi_ > 0.979
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (geo_id INTEGER, longitude VARCHAR, water__sqmi_ VARCHAR)
What platform has a year of 2007?
SELECT platform_s_ FROM table_name_8 WHERE year = 2007
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (platform_s_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What game had the date was it with the final score of 7-23
SELECT date FROM table_name_35 WHERE final_score = "7-23"
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (date VARCHAR, final_score VARCHAR)
What is the series record for the game on April 24?
SELECT series FROM table_name_41 WHERE date = "april 24"
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (series VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(overall) FROM table_name_27 WHERE position = "db" AND round > 8
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (overall VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
Tell me the Hindu with Jewish of source: uk 2001 census
SELECT hindu FROM table_name_87 WHERE jewish = "source: uk 2001 census"
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (hindu VARCHAR, jewish VARCHAR)
Which episodes have Chris Addison as Rufus's guest?
SELECT episode FROM table_19930660_3 WHERE rufus_guest = "Chris Addison"
CREATE TABLE table_19930660_3 (episode VARCHAR, rufus_guest VARCHAR)
what is the surface when the championship is rome and the opponent is sergi bruguera?
SELECT surface FROM table_name_23 WHERE championship = "rome" AND opponent = "sergi bruguera"
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (surface VARCHAR, championship VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
Name the total number of date for l 85–86 (ot)
SELECT COUNT(date) FROM table_22654073_6 WHERE score = "L 85–86 (OT)"
CREATE TABLE table_22654073_6 (date VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Who directed 414?
SELECT directed_by FROM table_23483182_1 WHERE production_code = 414
CREATE TABLE table_23483182_1 (directed_by VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR)
Find all airlines that have flights from both airports 'APG' and 'CVO'.
SELECT T1.Airline FROM AIRLINES AS T1 JOIN FLIGHTS AS T2 ON T1.uid = T2.Airline WHERE T2.SourceAirport = "APG" INTERSECT SELECT T1.Airline FROM AIRLINES AS T1 JOIN FLIGHTS AS T2 ON T1.uid = T2.Airline WHERE T2.SourceAirport = "CVO"